ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF PAKISTANI-DESCENT OF NORTH AMERICA SIUT Sindh Institute Of SINDH INSTITUTE OF UROLOGY AND Urology & Transplantation TRANSPLANTATION Karachi, Pakistan A Name in Dedicated service A Name That Deserves Your Support "Poverty should not limit one's right to live" Prof. Dr. Syed Adibul Hasan Rizvi, Chairman SIUT. • An institute where all medical care is FREE SIUT: • An institute serving patients from all over Pakistan. • An institute whose driving force is the philanthropy of conscientious Pakistanis like you. • An institute where the first successful liver transplant, in Pakistani history was carried out in Nov. 2003. • An institute where over 270,000 patients receive medical care annually, with over 120 renal transplants, 68,000 dialyses and 3,400 lithotripsies. • An institute where the medical facilities are at par with international standards at no cost to patients. BE A FRIEND OF SIUT Help save a life in your homeland by donating generously for this noble cause. Donations may be sent to: For further information please contact: SIUT North America Inc. Dr. Fatima Sayeed 7415, Starbridge Dr., Tel: 281-855-0939 & 713-446-0379 Houston, TX 77095, USA E-mail:
[email protected] or Credit cards accepted. visit our website: Donations may be tax deductible. Tax Exempt ID No. 31469A 501 ( c ) (3) Corporation EIN No. 76-0656947 -Paid Advertisement - APPNA TIME Furrukh Sayyer Malik APPNA JOURNAL PUBLISHER Flppna Qissa The Association of Physicians of Pakistani-Descent ecember 1985, centennial silver of North America jubilee of KEMC - In traditional crim- D President son college jacket on a beautiful mid morn- Omar Atiq, MD ing of December in Lahore, I was an active Publication Chair Furrukh Sayyer Malik, MD participant to an event which was singular in the history of my medical college.