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PERPUSTAKAAN UMP 1 1111 Iffl IM Iffi 1111111111 Hifi 11111111 II 0000103230 MAL WARE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON TARGET LOCATION NASUHA BINTI NOOR BAHA A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of the Bachelor of Computer Science (Computer Systems & Networking) with Honours FACULTY OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG DECEMBER 2014 ABSTRACT The combination of Malicious and Software have contribute a phrase call as Malware. Malware are software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. Maiware is software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. In addition maiware will interrupt user on activities by using computer. The processes of classification show that maiware need to classify detected objects with antivirus program. The antivirus industry used simple classification methods, comprising a unique name and the size of the detected file. However, a single antivirus could end up being called different names bydifferent antivirus solutions, which can lead confusion. Now days, malicious programs are rapidly increases as well as the advent of new platforms of antivirus. The specific problem that maiware has create, now a days there are various type of malware that become difficulty to antivirus to confirm or differentiate what type of malware attack the computer based on their characteristics. There are consists many different type or different characteristics of malware have been created. The goal of this project is to classify maiware based on target class. To achieve this goal three objectives need to finish up which are to investigate system directory in window based on platform, to design maiware classification system based on identified targeted class and to develop system for classifying maiware based on target location. In this paper, problem had been identified and reviewed the existing malware detection. From analysis, other way had been proposed for maiware classification based on target location. Output from this framework can be used by system administrator to plan and implement prevention mechanism in order to minimize future maiware threat. Vi ABSTRAK Gabungan perkataan virus dan perisian telah menerbitkan frasa barn iaitu Maiware. Maiware adalah perisian yang bertujuan untuk merosakkan atau menggangu komputer dan sistem komputer .Malware merupakan perisian yang digunakan untuk mengganggu operasi komputer, mengumpul makiumat sensitif,atau mendapat akses kepada sistem komputer peribadi. Selain maiware akan mengganggu pengguna mengenai aktjviti dengan menggunakan komputer. Proses pengelasan menunjukkan bahawa maiware perlu mengklasifikasikan objek dikesan dengan program antivirus. Industri antivirus digunakan kaedah kiasifikasi mudah, terdiri daripada nama yang unik dan saiz fail yang dikesan. Walaubagaimanapun, satu antivirus menunjukkan boleh mengklasifikasikan maiware yang sama tetapi memberi keputusan analisis yang berbeza, yang boleh membawa kekeliruan. Sehingga hari ini, maiware jahat semakin pesat meningkat serta kemunculan platform barn antivirus. Masalah kepesatan jenis maiware baru muncul, telah menjadi kesukaran kepada antivirus untuk mengesahkan atau membezakan jenis serangan maiware komputer berdasarkan ciri-ciri mereka. Ada diantara maiware barn terdiri daripada jenis yang berbeza atau ciri-ciri yang berbeza daripada maiware sedia ada. Matlamat projek mi adalah untuk mengelaskan maiware berdasarkan kelas sasaran di system direktori Windows. Untuk mencapai matlamat mi tiga objektif perlu selesaikan pertama mengkaji system direktori berdasakan platform Windows, kedua membentuk sistem kiasifikasi maiware berdasarkan kelas sasaran yang dikenal pasti dan akhir sekali untuk membangunkan sistem untuk mengklasifikasikan maiware berdasarkan lokasi sasaran. Dalam kertas kerja mi, masalah telah dikenal pasti dan dikaji pengesanan maiware yang sedia ada. Dari analisis, cara lain telah dicadangkan untuk pengelasan maiware berdasarkan lokasi sasaran. Output daripada rangka kerja mi boleh digunakan oleh pentadbir sistem untuk merancang dan melaksanakan mekanisme pencegahan untuk mengurangkan ancaman maiware masa hadapan. VII TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUPERVISOR'S DECLARATION ii STUDENT'S DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACTS v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENT vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Goal and Objectives 3 1.4 Scope Project 4 1.4.1 Functionality 4 1.4.2 Type of System 4 1.5 Methodology 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Overview 7 2.2 Malware 8 2.3 Maiware Types 11 2.4 Maiware Target 18 2.5 Comparison of Other Research About Maiware 21 2.5.1 Automated Classification and Analysis of Internet Malware2l 2.5.2 Framework for Malware Detection Using Combination 21 Viii Technique and Signature Generation 2.5.3 An Approach for Maiware Behavior Identification and 22 Classification 2.5.4 Optimizing Decision Tree Malware Classification System 22 by Using Genetic Algorithm 2.6 Discussion 25 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 26 3.1 Overview 26 3.2 Research Methodology 27 3.3 Overview of Research Methodology 27 3.3.1 Information Gathering 29 3.3.2 Create Class Windows System Directory 29 3.3.3 Design Maiware Classification System 30. 3.3.4 Identify Hardware and Software Tools 30 3.3.5 Implementation System 30 3.3.6 Testing and Evaluating The Complete System 30 3.4 Gantt Chart 31 3.5 Design and Framework 32 3.6 Design Phase of The System 33 3.6.1 1st Form 33 3.6.2 2nd Form 34 3.6.3 3rd Form 36 3.6.4 4th Form 37 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION 38 4.1 Overview 38 4.2 Framework 39 4.2.1 Malware 39 4.2.2 Classification 40 4.2.3 Design Framework 41 4.2.4 Sample File 42 4.2.5 Classifiation Process 42 4.3 System Architecture 42 ix 4.3.1 Resources Monitoring Process 43 4.3.2 Analysis and Filtering Data 44 4.3.3 Classification Data 44 4.3.4 Maiware Profile 44 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 45 5.1 Overview 45 5.2 Result Analysis and Discussion 46 5.2.1 Result of Malware Classification Based on Target Location 46 5.3 Maiware Sample Result 48 5.4 Conclusion 51 REFERENCES 55 APPENDIX A 57 APPENDIX B 58 APPENDIX C 59 APPENDIX D 60 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page 2.1 Types of maiware distribute and way it attack to computer 23 2.2 Summary comparison of the research in maiware detection 5.1 Result of Resources Monitoring 46 5.2 Sample of Maiware from ThreatExpert 50 5.3 Selected Maiware Sample from ThreatExpert 52 A LIST OF FIGURES Figures No. Page 1.1 Methodology of project 5 2.1 Show Maiware Evolution from 2003 to 2010 10 2.2 Types of malware attack network and computer 10 2.3 System directories in Windows 20 3.1 Main phase of the methodology 28 3.2 Research activities 31 3.3 Cont. Research activities 32 3.4 Process of Classification Malware 33 3.5 Main page of Malware Classification System 34 nd 3.6 21 page of the Maiware Classification System 35 3rd page Malware Classification System 36 3.8 4th page Malware Classification System 37 4.1 Results of malware detection using different brand of antivirus 39 4.2 Design Framework Malware Classification 41 4.3 Process of Classification Maiware 43 5.1 Result from ThreatExpert 48 5.2 Maiware Behavior in System Directory 52 5.3 System Directory Ranking for Maiware Target Location 54 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The combination of Malicious and Software have contribute a phrase call as Maiware. Maiware are software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. Maiware is software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. In addition malware will interrupt user on activities by using computer (Wikipedia). User also will feel unsecured because of maiware even though an antivirus on computer or laptop. According to Mayer (2011), some computer consultants say the global malware threat has gotten so bad that conventional security measures, such as anti-virus software, are no longer adequate to fight them. It is because antivirus cannot prevent the malware 100%. Mohammad (2010) stated that "If use anti-virus, user might even be vulnerable to malWare for some extent". 2 Computer Antivirus Researcher's Organization (CARO) (1990) had attempts to regulate the classification process of maiware. The processes of classification show that maiware need to classify detected objects with antivirus program. The antivirus industry used simple classification methods, comprising a unique name and the size of the detected file. However, a single antivirus could end up being called different names by different antivirus solutions, which can lead confusion. Now days, malicious programs are rapidly increases as well as the advent of new platforms of antivirus. There are several types of malware that being classified based on their type. There are Pishing, Spyware, Trojan Horse, Virus, Worm, Adware, Crimeware, Keyloggers, Hijackers, Rogue Security Software and etc. Statistic shows that maiware attack window platform 84.3 % of all virus infections can be traced back to the drive-by attacks from malicious or compromised websites according to Jonas(2013). All of these malware have different characteristics and different ways to attack computer. 1.2 Problem Statement Hybrid maiware is malicious code that combines characteristics of different types of maiware (Margeret, 2008). Typically different maiware have different characteristics. It is very difficult to find out exactly what types of maiware have attack our computer even though with the latest antivirus. Maiware give a bad threat to computer's user. The intelligence of maiware now days should not be underestimated by computer's user. It should be a main reason why user should secure their computer from the maiware. It is because the maiware are created with different characteristic to create a problem to computer's user. 3 The specific problem that maiware has create, now a days there are various type of maiware that become difficulty to antivirus to confirm or differentiate what type of maiware attack the computer based on their characteristics.