Lab Exercises: Skeletal System

Question #1: Skull

A. Temporal E. Parietal bone

B. Lacrimal bone F. Nasal bone

C. Zygomatic bone G. Maxilla

D. Frontal bone H. Mandible

Question #2: Skull (Lat) I

A. Parietal bone E. Coronal suture

B. Squamosal suture F. Frontal bone

C. Lambdoid suture G. Nasal bone

D. Occipital bone H. Zygomatic bone

Question # 3: Skull (Lat) II

A. External acoustic meatus E. Mandibular

B. Sutural bone F. Maxilla

C. Mastoid process G. Mandible

D. Shpenoid bone

Copyright © 2011 A.D.A.M., Inc. All rights reserved. Lab Exercises: Skeletal System

Question # 4: Cervical vertebrae

A. Dens of C2 vertebra C. Posterior arch of C1 vertebra

B. Spinous process of C7 vertebra D. 1st rib

Question # 5: Isolated Vertebrae

A. Transverse process of vertebra D. Body of vertebra

B. Pedicle E. Superior articular process of vertebra

C. Spinous process of vertebra F. Inferior articular process of vertebra

Question # 6: Scapulae (Post)

A. Superior angle of E.

B. Supraspinous fossa of scapula F. process of scapula

C. Infraspinous fossa of scapula G.

D. Medial border of scapula H. Lateral border of scapula

Copyright © 2011 A.D.A.M., Inc. All rights reserved. Lab Exercises: Skeletal System

Question # 7: of

A. Acromion process of scapula E. Clavicle

B. Head of F. of scapula

C. Capitulum of humerus G. Trochlea of humerus

D. H.

Question # 8: Bones of

A. E. Coronoid process of ulna

B. Tuberosity of radius F. Tuberosity of ulna

C. Body of radius G. Body of ulna

D. Styloid process of radius H. Head of ulna

Question # 9: Bones of I

A. Scaphoid E. Lunate

B. Capitate F. Triquetral

C. G. Pisiform

D. Trapezoid H. Hamate

Copyright © 2011 A.D.A.M., Inc. All rights reserved. Lab Exercises: Skeletal System

Question # 10: Bones of Hand II

A. 5th metacarpal E. 1st metacarpal

B. 2nd metacarpal F. Proximal phalynx of thumb

C. Proximal phalynx of finger G. Distal phalynx of thumb

D. Middle phalynx of finger H. Distal phalynx of finger

Question # 11: Pelvis (Lat)

A. Posterior superior iliac spine E. Crest of ilium

B. Posterior inferior iliac spine F. Anterior superior iliac spine

C. Spine of ischium G. Anterior inferior iliac spine

D. Tuberosity of ischium

Question # 12: Pelvis and Lower Limb

A. Crest of ilium E. Head of

B. Greater of femur F. Sacrum

C. Neck of femur G. Superior ramus of pubis

D. of femur H. Ischium

Copyright © 2011 A.D.A.M., Inc. All rights reserved. Lab Exercises: Skeletal System

Question # 13: Bones of Lower Limb

A. Body of femur E.

B. F. Intercondylar eminence of

C. G.

D. Head of H. Tuberosity of tibia

Question # 14: Bones of I

A. Fifth metatarsal E. Second metatarsal

B. Fourth metatarsal F. First metarsal

C. Proximal phalanx G. Proximal phalanx of great toe

D. Middle phalanx H. Distal phalanx

Question # 15: Bones of Foot II

A. E. Navicular

B. Cuboid F. Medial cuneiform

C. Lateral cuneiform G. Intermediate cuneiform

D. Talus

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