VOL. 115 - NO. 1 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, JANUARY 7, 2011 $.30 A COPY Boston Celebrates 2011 Scenes from New Year’s Eve Activities in Boston

The famous L Street Brownies from South Boston performed the annual dip in the frosty waters of South Boston’s beach on January 1, 2011. The unusually warm New Year’s Day brought out many more dippers who joined the original “Brownies.” First Night Boston drew a large crowd of revelers who (Photos by Rosario Scabin, Ross Photography) participated in the many activities. The kick off parade (More photos on 3) was on Boylston Street, Boston, which included many Boston community groups, military and gorgeous floats. (Photos by Rosario Scabin, Ross Photography) Il messaggio di fine anno dell’ambasciatore d’Italia a Washington, Giulio Terzi (More photos on 8) Soddisfazioni e speranze News Briefs Cari Connazionali, by Sal Giarratani desidero le materie dell’Advanced Placement Pro- form-ulare a gram, per le quali sono previsti crediti voi e ai vostri universitari. E’ stata un’”impresa” non fac- The Root Causes of the cari gli auguri ile, fortemente voluta dal Governo italiano Financial Meltdown di un sereno e resa possibile grazie al sostegno delle If you listen to the Democrats on Capitol Hill, Natale e di un principali associazioni italo-americane e di the root cause of the financial meltdown are to felice e pro- importanti società italiane. be found in the greed of Wall Street and bad Re- spero 2011. E’ Il 2010 dell’Italia negli Stati Uniti è stato publican responses to it all. However, in reality it un messaggio ricco di soddisfazioni per molti altri motivi. was both the Bush and Obama administrations augurale des- Vorrei anzitutto ricordare l’accoglienza che that caused the downfall of the economy. When it tinato a tutta le massime Autorità americane hanno came to bad government policies, it was quite a l’Italia che riservato al Presidente della Repubblica, ai bi-partisan effort that led to the groundwork for vive, lavora e numerosi membri di Governo e Parlamento the crisis to be born. Democrats mostly but some studia negli che si sono recati negli Stati Uniti in visita Republican know-it-alls also decided to expand Stati Uniti. ufficiale o di lavoro. In ognuna di queste U.S. homeownership through private lenders and Ambassador Insieme agli occasioni è stata riaffermata la forte both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Giulio Terzi italiani alleanza e la grande amicizia tra i nostri To this day, most Americans still don’t know d’America, al due Paesi. Un patrimonio comune che il that government was the buyer of two-thirds of Presidente e ai Consiglieri del COMITES e Presidente Obama, nel proclama per il Co- the subprime and other bad loans that set-off the ai parlamentari italiani eletti nella nostra lumbus Day, ha definite “l’incalcolabile financial crisis. The Feds through Fannie Mae, circoscrizione, i miei auguri vanno anche contributo degli italo-americani, la cui Freddie Mac, the FHA and the Community Re- a tutti gli americani di origine italiana e a determinazione, il cui duro lavoro e leader- investment Act that subsidized and forced the ex- chi conosce il nostro Paese, apprezza la ship hanno fatto tanto per costruire la forza tension of credit to risky borrowers and gave birth nostra cultura e condivide quei valori che della nostra nazione”. Si tratta di un to the high risks that ultimately caused the melt- l’Italia rappresenta nel mondo e che rapporto rafforzato da una ricca storia down. Housing and Urban Development officials tradizionalmente ci legano agli Stati Uniti comune e da valori ideali come quelli reportedly directed investments into “affordable” d’America. trasmessi, prima ancora che l’Italia fosse mortgages and applied pressure forcing the low- Un anno fa avevo espresso un auspicio, unita, da illuministi come Gaetano ering of credit standards. ed un impegno: che l’insegnamento Filangeri e Filippo Mazzei, e riflessi nella This all was done in the name of the American dell’italiano si diffondesse ancora di più nelle Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d’America. Dream of Homeownership. Washington, D.C. aule scolastiche americane. Il 2010 è stato Da questi valori comuni sono motivati (Continued on Page 8) un anno eccezionale per la nostra lingua: 4.000 uomini e donne italiane in uniforme in crescita nelle scuole e nelle università, l’italiano tornerà da settembre prossimo tra (Continued on Page 10)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011

Res Publica

by David Trumbull

Republican Reps Stand up for the THE INSATIABLE AUGUSTUS Citizens of the Commonwealth The Republicans domi- lent offenders would be kept During the past six weeks to his hasty marriage to the It is said that some of the nated the coverage by the where they belong — behind we have been examining pregnant Livia, and to the maidens were even selected State House News Service of bars. the early career of the grand- fact that his second wife by his wife Livia. the new members sworn in In the wake of the tragic nephew of Julius Caesar Scribonia was divorced Another charge of Marc to the House of Representa- shooting death of a Woburn named Octavian, who be- because she voiced strong Antony that could not be re- tives on January 5th. End- Police Officer John Maguire came the first emperor of the resentment to the excessive futed was that Augustus took ing a 20-year decline, the by a career criminal, the Roman Empire. He ascended introduction of a rival. the wife of an ex-consul from House Republican Caucus Republican Caucus is hop- the throne after the death of Others implied that the ri- her husband’s dining room will number 32. In the No- ing there will be an appetite Caesar, took the name of val was Livia. right before his eyes and vember elections, 12 Demo- to pass this critical piece of Augustus and reigned for Antony also claimed that brought her into a bed cham- crat House members lost re- legislation early in the new about 41 years. Continuing friends of Augustus acted as ber. It is said that when they election, while all Republi- legislative session. You may with this ten part series we panders, that they stripped eventually returned, her hair can incumbents won. recall that Democratic Gov- find that not unlike all pub- and inspected matrons and was in disorder “tutto sciatto” Even before they were ernor Deval Patrick’s reac- lic figures he received his well grown girls as one would and her ears were glowing. sworn in the new Republi- tion when asked whether share of criticism. It was the slaves on the block, be- Wealth, power, and adul- can representatives started Maguire’s murderer, who Marc Antony who claimed fore presenting them to the tery seem to be “kissing work on behalf of Bay was serving three life sen- that as a seducer and adul- emperor. The charges of cousins” with all emperors, State citizens, announcing tences for violent crimes terer, Augustus walked in unnatural voice by Marc and with Augustus it appears plans to file the “Live Free should have been release the footsteps of his grand- Antony were denied by offer- to have been his way of keep- and Buy” to offer shoppers was to say that he was “up- uncle Julius, a fact that even ing evidence as to the purity ing track of his adversaries. tax relief on the first $4,800 set” but could not respond his friends did not deny. of Augustus’ character, but This was done through the of purchases made in until he read a report from They excused it by claiming the charge of lustfulness women of their household. I Massachusetts. one of his undersecretaries. that these acts were com- could not be disputed as it guess you’ve got to hand it to Republican lawmakers, led Republican in the State mitted as a matter of policy became common knowledge those old Romans, they cer- by Minority Whip Brad Hill House had no need to con- and not out of passion. Marc among his inner circle of tainly knew how to take care have also called on their sult reports in order to know Antony made numerous friends that he was fond of of their enemies. colleagues to join with them what should be done with other accusations about the deflowering maidens. These in making “Melissa’s Bill” a violent offenders: “A priority moral conduct of Augustus. were selected by friends from NEXT ISSUE: 2011 legislative priority. of the Legislature should be References were often made throughout the Empire. The Brutal Augustus ”Melissa’s Bill” was filed to ensure the safety of all the in the memory of Melissa citizens of the Common- SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT K-9 UNIT Gosule, a then-27-year-old wealth from dangerous, ha- teacher who was murdered bitual offenders and this leg- in 1999 by a repeat offender islation would do just that,” “Helping Paws for the Holidays” who had served less than two said Representative Hill, the sachusetts State Police, years in jail for a combined sponsor of “Melissa’s Bill.” Transit Police (Massachu- 27 criminal convictions. David Trumbull is the setts Bay Transportation ”Melissa’s Bill” was refiled chairman of the Boston Ward Authority), U.S. Air Force- for multiple sessions, most Three Republican Committee. Hanscom, and U.S. Coast recently in January of 2009 Boston’s Ward Three includes Guard-Gloucester. and has been stuck in the the North End, West End, part Initiated to raise funds to Judiciary Committee since of Beacon Hill, downtown, support the organization’s March of the same year. waterfront, Chinatown, and goal of providing vests for If passed into law, repeat vio- part of the South End. each of the 20 Massachu- setts Police dogs awaiting a bullet protective vest, the Letter to the Editor ... event began on November 27th and was held on each Thank You for Your Support successive weekend through Dear Editor, th Sunday, December 19 . Your coverage and pre-event articles and ads for the As one of the main attrac- 40th North End Christmas Parade was outstanding and well tions for the event each appreciated. weekend, several area law As you reported, this was the best ever holiday event enforcement agencies pro- held to date and in part the Post-Gazette helped make the vided representatives from seasonal event the success it was. their respective K-9 Units to Hundreds of people attended the arrival of Santa Claus perform demonstrations of and participated in the parade through the community the work that officers and streets. their dogs undertake on a In addition, thank you for the year round coverage you daily basis. Attending on be- give to the North End Athletic Association. half of the Suffolk County Sincerely, Sergeant Corey Lewis of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Sheriff’s Department for one NEAA Christmas Parade Committee Department with his K-9 partner Kam. of the weekend events, Ser- geant Corey Lewis show- The Suffolk County Vested Interest in K-9s, cased his K-9 partner Kam’s The Board of Governors of the Sheriff’s Department re- Inc. is a 501c(3) non-profit abilities as both a locator and cently participated in “Help- charitable organization dedi- apprehender as Corporal Tim DANTE ALIGHIERI SOCIETY ing Paws for the Holidays,” cated to providing bullet pro- Frates — clad in a protective an event held in Lakeville, tective vests to Massachu- 41 Hampshire Street “bite suit” — acted as the tar- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 MA and sponsored by the or- setts police dogs, including get. Sgt. Lewis was also pre- ganization “Vested Interest local police departments, sented with a bullet protec- Wish You a In K-9s of Massachusetts.” county sheriff’s offices, Mas- tive vest for his partner Kam by the organization on behalf of AVON of Plymouth, MA, Happy New Year which donated the funds to Spencer DiScala, President Wedding Gowns purchase the vest. Stephen F. Maio, Interim Chairman Cleaned & Sergeant Brian Stack of Pasquale Luisi, President-Elect the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Preserved Elvira Federico, Treasurer SpotlessSpotless Department also attended Luisa Marino, VP Cultural Affairs the day’s events and later Achille Chiuccariello, VP Building & Grounds COMMITTED TO QUALITY spoke about his appreciation Lucia Clark, Historian DRY CLEANING SERVICE WITHIN of Vested Interest In K-9s CleanersCleaners efforts. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD “The main reason that we Shirts Laundered • Leather & Suede perform these K-9 demon- strations is to teach the gen- The Federal Trade Commission Expert Tailoring by Nina & Mario eral public about what police works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. EAST BOSTON NORTH END dogs are capable of doing to 24 Porter Street 306 Hanover Street help law enforcement,” said Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) Sgt. Stack. “Most people Tel. 617.567.9850 Tel. 617.742.0800 or log on to www.ftc.gov. (Continued on Page 12) POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 3

Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor Remembering ... 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 OFFICER JOHN MAGUIRE e-mail: [email protected] 1950-2010 Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com by Sal Giarratani

Subscriptions in the United States $30.00 yearly One guy stood lookout added, “The City of Published weekly by and the other, a lifelong Woburn is deeply sad- Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, career criminal report- dened by the loss of one Boston, MA 02113 edly armed, decided to of its own.” USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA rob the jewelry of the As a police officer my- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Kohl’s in Woburn on Sun- self since 1985 for the POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 day night, December 26 Department of Mental during a snowstorm. Health in Boston, I take James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma They fled the store run- the death of a police of- 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 ning with the loot. Police ficer gunned down doing Vol. 115 - No. 1 Friday, January 7, 2011 arrived. A chase ensued his job personally offen- and a shoot-out took sive. Too often, many place in the parking lot. never take the time to GUEST EDITORIAL When it was over, one of see the man or woman the robbers was dead and behind the badge. These I Was Prescient in 2010, a Woburn police officer of 34 years whose are people who sacrifice their lives, who father once served as Woburn police miss out on holiday gatherings, who So Let’s Have More Predictions for 2011! chief became the first Woburn officer in work too much, earn too little and take by Herman Cain the city’s history to die in the line of duty. big risks. As a society, we have forgot- The annual predictions derby has started again. I Officer John Maguire, 60, a husband ten to honor and respect those who pro- wanted to resist getting into that race this year, but when and father of three was nearing his re- tect us. We take their presence for I went back to see how I did at the beginning of 2010, I tirement, but it would never arrive for granted. We expect them to be there was pleasantly surprised. Here are the predictions I made him or his family. whenever we call upon them. for 2010 in my January 3, 2010 commentary: Police Chief Phil Mahoney said, “this The City of Woburn buried one of their • The economy will not improve in 2010. Check! officer responded and gave his life for own. It is a sad job. He will be missed by • The unemployment rate will remain above 9%. Check! this city and this community ... We do those he worked with. He gave over 34 • Businesses will remain in a state of “stop.” Check! not have shootings in Woburn; it’s not years of his 60 years of life to the citi- On a roll! that type of community. Officer Maguire zens of Woburn. It wasn’t supposed to end • The $787 billion stimulus will just grow government. lost his life defending it right in the like this for him. He should have been Check! middle of Washington Street. We can’t able to enjoy his retirement with his fam- • Republicans will regain control of the House. Check! believe Jack is not with us. We’re all in ily and friends but now he has been taken • The Senate will be split 50/50 (It’s 51D/47R/2Ind). mourning.” Woburn Mayor Scott Galvin from all of us much too soon. Close! Since some people will think I just got lucky last year, so I decided to make some predictions for 2011: The overall economy will get no better or no worse. • L Street Brownies (Continued from Page 1) Even though President Obama believes he made a huge compromise by agreeing to extend the current tax rates for two years, that time period does not remove enough uncertainty from the business environment to stimu- late robust investments. Businesses will continue to be cautious with their cash, because they usually make big investments based on at least a five- to 10-year time frame to insure they get an adequate return on their investments. The two-year extension of tax rates, plus the two-per- centage-point payroll tax holiday for employees, will help, but it will not generate the robust economic growth we need to substantially reduce the unemployment rate, and stay ahead of the rapidly growing Chinese economy. We cannot tickle our economy into robust growth. We need bold economic stimuli and that does not mean more government spending. The $787 billion stimulus bill and the billions more in failed pop tart programs have shown that in spades! Namely, we cannot spend our way to pros- perity. We must grow our way back to economic prosper- ity. The newly elected House will “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. They must do so because the same voters that gave Republicans control of the House overwhelm- ingly want it repealed and replaced. Secondly, soon-to-be Speaker of the House John Boehner has publicly stated many times that they will do so. If any of Boehner’s Re- publican colleagues do not support him in that endeavor, they will be political dead meat in 2012. (Continued on Page 13)

Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113

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FinanciallySpeaking with Ben Doherty THINKING OUT LOUD THE STOCK MARKET ENDURED A BUMPY RIDE FOR A YEAR, by Sal Giarratani BUT ENDED UP WHERE IT BEGAN AT YEAR-END I WAS HOME FOR CHRISTMAS BUT The stocks Dow Jones get justice, but through the 1. Shop for a no fee check- gained nearly 11% and the media, the parliament or the ing account. New regulations ONLY IN MY DREAMS NASDAQ did better, yet it courts. This ensures that have rained in banks penalty Well, another Christmas I remember when my didn’t feel like a winning Putin will remain in power fees. You may have to find a holiday has come and gone. parents and little brother year amidst stumbles and through the 2012 elections new bank. There are free No more, “Ho, ho, hos” were still alive. We would scares. US stocks clambered and in control of the coun- checking offers at some from Santa Claus. No more go to Midnight Mass at the to a second straight year of try. Mr. Khordorkowsky will new banks, or your bank may presents to buy. No more pre- Immaculate Conception and gains in which the Dow not be able to challenge require you to have $2,500 sents to get. No more lights hopefully stay awake through reached levels not seen Putin again as he was the on deposit to qualify. to light. No more Christmas most of it. If it had snowed a since the fall of Leahman most powerful oil tycoon in 2. Save your raise or your trees or nativity sets to dis- bit, we could really get the Brothers in September 2008. the country. The judge found bonus. Put it in a 529 Plan play. Everything has been “feeling” of Christmas as we It was like a rollercoaster, him guilty of embezzling or a Roth IRA where it will unwrapped. The cardboard walked home to bed await- certainly nothing like a billions of dollars . He was the grow tax-free. boxes are standing by to be ing the gifts to unwrap at the straight line. The Dow has country’s richest man and 3. Get a new health plan refilled again with all that crack of dawn. gained 1141 points or 11%, they isolated him from soci- or one that has a health Christmas stuff. Tucked My brother believed in and stands at 1160. The ety for 14 years. family plan. This can save away for the next 12 months Santa a little longer than S&P500 has risen 12.4% to The bank, formally known hundreds of dollars a year. when we’ll do the ritual all me. My disbelief came about 1258. The NASDAQ has as the Institute for religious 4. Use your credit card to over again. at age six living on Saluta- risen 393 points to 1262. works is one of several pay for incidentals. The I am still humming all tion Street in the North End. Unemployment fell to the Vatican holdings, which was rewards are good and they those Christmas songs and I was too analytical. With lowest levels in over two adopted along with the Euro- are offering 50 dollars for hymns. From “I’ll be Home for no chimney to climb, how did years, on an index of home pean Union rules. This use. Of course you must pay Christmas” to “Silent Night, Santa enter the apartment. sales was up 3.5% from No- agency controls the Pope’s on time and use your bank Holy Night.” We now move I knew my parents always vember 25th, home sales vast real estate holdings visa debit card. forward into the next yearly locked the door but I rose 3.5%. and the TV stations, the Holy 5. Use your vacation days chapter of our lives. We leave pretended a few more years Mortgage rates rose on 30 See, museums, are covered or get paid for them and use behind more dreams and just to keep getting those year maturity to 4.86%. as well. The bank was cre- the money for a contribution welcome more goals to reach. presents marked “from Rates on 15 year fixed rate ated to manage assets to your IRA plan. What’s done is done. Santa.” mortgages interest to 4.2% placed in its care that are 6. Diet – eat green veg- Elvis Presley sang about I did recover my Christmas from 4.15%. destined to be part of the etables, salads – skip des- “Blue Christmas” and for spirit this year. There was Russian justice was evi- Pope’s charitable works. It serts. many of us out there, no “Blue Christmas” in 2010. dent in court this week, as also manages the ATMs and 7. Stop smoking. Christmas has sadly turned I had family and friends to a judge sentenced Putin’s the pension (for 40,000 work- 8. Moderate drinking — blue. Because we are with- share old memories and opponent Khodorkowsky to ers). Pope Benedict XVI wrote one beer or a glass of wine out those we loved so much create new ones. Most of us six more years of prison. a missal directing all daily. once long ago. As a Catho- aren’t Jimmy Stewart from He was sentenced in 2005 Vatican compliance deci- 9. Exercise — 3-4 times a lic, I know Christmas is “It’s a Wonderful Life” or and six more years were sions with their norms and week. about the re-birthing of life Maureen O’Hara from added to his sentence. 2005 new laws. The agency will 10. Use steps rather than and hope and meaning but “Miracle on 34th Street.” Most and these were for politi- share information with in- an elevator if possible (one as a human being, I know all of us try and hold on to cal reasons not judicial. ternational customers, a or two levels). that has been lost too. all those good memories Khordorkowsky expected a shift from the financial sys- Happy New Year! Back in the day growing up that made us happy because guilty verdict, but not an tems. It’s time to call your in the fifties as a little kid the longer we live, the more additional six years in RESOLUTIONS FOR THE financial advisor or call me in Roxbury and the South we appreciate the simpler prison. He thought he could NEW YEAR 2011 at 617-261-7777. End, Christmas was about gifts of life. We also learn toys, lots of toys. We didn’t the value of all those gifts we know what a metaphor was are given every day, such as Free Course Offered to Help Families of Mentally Ill and it didn’t sound like fun the people we surround The National Alliance on course, which has been nication techniques, problem either. None of us truly un- our lives with and share the Mental Illness (NAMI) of given nationwide to over solving and limit setting derstand how important joys and sorrows of our Massachusetts with help 100,000 family members, is techniques, empathy and the Christmas is to us until we humanly bonds. In the end, from the Massachusetts De- intended to help family family caregiver’s need for get too big to appreciate it we are all Santa Clauses to partment of Mental Health caregivers cope with a close self-care. correctly. one another. and the Metro Boston Recov- relative’s mental illness. The course is not open to ery Learning Community is The course is taught by two individuals who themselves sponsoring a free educa- family member volunteers. suffer from a serious men- The Agency for all your Insurance Coverages tional course in a downtown The Family to Family tal illness, unless their con- Boston location for family course will cover information dition is stable and they members and significant about schizophrenia, bipolar wish to attend as a caregiver Richard Settipane others of individuals with a disorder, major depression, for a close relative who has serious mental illness. obsessive-compulsive disor- a mental illness. The class Insurance Services There will be twelve weekly der, anxiety disorders and size is limited to 30 partici- AUTO HOMEOWNERS TENANTS Wednesday evening classes borderline personality disor- pants and advance registra- from 6:30-9:00, beginning der. The classes also cover tion is required. COMMERCIAL Wednesday, February 16, topics such as coping skills, For further information or 2011 and ending on Wednes- crisis and relapse manage- to register, please call Experience makes the difference day, May 4th, 2011. The NAMI ment, listening and commu- 508-693-5872 or log onto SPECIALIST in RESTAURANT and BUSINESS POLICIES www.namimass.org. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR QUOTE 617-523-3456 - Fax 617-723-9212 NORTH END Rapino Memorial 1 Longfellow - Place Suite 2322 - Boston, MA 02114 Home Conveniently located with Free Parking PRINTING 9 Chelsea St., East Boston 617-567-1380 5 PRINCE STREET • NORTH END • BOSTON, MA 02113 Owned and operated by Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher, Post-Gazette INCOME TAX PREPARATION • Financial Services Quality Printing • Professional Tax Consultant Kirby-Rapino • Personal & Business for all your Memorial Home • Year Round Service Commercial and Personal Needs 917 Bennington St. East Boston M.P. & CO. TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES Stationery • Business Cards • Menus • Flyers 617-569-0305 Program Books • Wedding and Party Invitations GRACE PREVITE MAGOON, EA Announcements • Business Forms and Documents Dino C. Manca Funeral Director 617-569-0175 — COMPETITIVE PRICES — A Family Service Affiliate of AFFS/Service Corp. Int’l 146 Maverick Street, East Boston, MA 02128 206 Winter St. • Fall River, MA 02720 617-227-8929617-227-8929 508-676-2454 ESTABLISHED IN 1938 e-mail: [email protected] POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 5

If You Open a Trust Bank Account in Your Name and in Your Granddaughter’s Name, Whose Money is it?

LISA MICHAUD vs. MARY FORCIER and ANOTHER 78 Mass. Appeals Court 11, No. 09-P-392 Decided October 5, 2010 A grandmother (Marianna and is not intended to con- the judge properly ordered Forcier) opened a Rockland stitute a completed gift, the Michaud to repay the Trust account naming her- contents of the account be- amount she withdrew from self and her granddaughter long to the estate of the de- the joint account.” (Lisa Michaud) in the ac- ceased joint tenant. The trial Many parents, aunts and count. After the grand- judge did not err in finding uncles open trust bank ac- mother died the grand- that the funds in the counts naming a relative as daughter withdrew the Rockland Trust account be- co-owners. If you are named money from the bank ac- longed to Marianna that as a co-owner there could a count. The other beneficia- Marianna added Michaud’s problem after the death of a ries claimed the money be- name to her account as a parent. Another member of longed to the estate. The matter of convenience, and the family will claim it’s not court said: “When a joint Marianna did not make the your money. If the parent in- bank account is established contents of the account a a tends that after death it is as a matter of convenience gift to Michaud. Accordingly, for you, get it in writing. Recent Events at the North End Branch Library

Dante Alighieri Society Upcoming Events Emigratio 2011: Freedom for Women in Love sched- uled to be presented on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 4:00 pm has been rescheduled to Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 4.00 pm. Festa della Befana 2011 A fundraiser for the C.D.L.C.I – Centro Diffusione Lingua Some of the “Friends” selling raffle tickets e Cultura Italiana (Italian Saturday Morning Children’s at the Annual Open House. The Al Natale Jazz Combo at the Friends Program). Sunday, January 9, 2011 from 1:00-5:00PM. Come of the North End Branch Library’s Annual join the students, families and friends celebrate the leg- Recently, the Friends of the North End Open House. end of La Befana!! Highlights include: Italian music, danc- Branch Library sponsored two programs ing, dinner, student presentations and a visit from La that were held at the North End Branch, Ray Barron from the Post-Gazette. Refresh- Befana. E-mail [email protected] for more 25 Parmenter Street, Boston, MA. ments were courtesy of The Il Panino Group. information. On Wednesday, December 4th the Friends The program finished off with prizes being Carnevale – Ballo 2011 held their Annual Holiday Open House at raffled off, including a Gingerbread House Dinner, dancing, costume parade with a full course din- the Branch. The Al Natale Jazz Combo pro- created by “Friend” member, Cynthia ner by Maria’s Catering. Music by Music Paradise Produc- vided the musical entertainment with jazz Stillinger. To learn more about upcoming tions. Carnevale will be held on Saturday, January, 29, renditions of holiday tunes, there were also events at the North End Branch or for any 2011. For more information call 617-876-5160. “sing-a-longs” and comedy was provided by other information, please call 617-227-8135. Author Michele McPhee’s Book All the glory that was Rome ..... Pompei “Date with Death” Premieres on Lifetime On Monday January 3, 2011, Jerry Remy’s Restaurant in the Fenway hosted a viewing party of Lifetime’s premiere of “The Craigslist Killer” adapted from local author Michele McPhee’s book “A Date With Death”. A large crowd turned out for the premiere including local notables such as United States Senator Scott Brown, Media personalities, Emily Rooney, Dave Andelman, Joe Ligotti, Todd Feinburg, Novelist William Martin, Comedians John Pizzi and Patty Ross, Film Producer Bistro • Beer • Wine Dorothy Aufiero and legendary wrestler Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake.

Left to Right: Michele McPhee with TV and LUCIA radio talkshow host Emily Rooney. R I S T O R A N T E & B A R Traditional Italian Cuisine

Donato Frattaroli 415 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 617.367.2353 — Open for Lunch and Dinner Daily — Private dining rooms for any occasion Novelist William Martin with Brutus [email protected] “The Barber” Beefcake Left to Right: Maria Capogreco, Senator www.luciaboston.com (Photos by John Harrison) Scott Brown and Lisa Cappuccio. Page 6 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011

Befana Knows You Don’t Need to be Pretty to be Sweet Barbara Coppola Donates by Nicola Orichuia Before Santa Claus became where booths selling candy or little Befana to St. John School’s everyone’s favorite gift-giver, tum- puppets are set up. On the night of bling down chimney shoots to stack January 5, just hours before the “Window Legacy” Project gifts under lit-up trees, Italian Befana goes from door to door to drop children would receive gifts ex- off her treats, the square is so crowded clusively from “la Befana.” Ev- it would probably take all night to ery year, on the eve of January . Everyone wants to catch 6, the old hunchbacked lady a glimpse of the old lady, who would quietly go from door to is probably staring at the crowd from door to bring gifts, candy and a roof somewhere around the square. Little chocolates to all children who had been good. kids jump up and down in excitement, and The other kids, the naughty ones, would re- some even swear they heard her cackling ceive a lump of coal. All of it, candy or coal, laugh in the chilly winter breeze. would be stuffed in a stocking and left next Every region pays its respects to the to the children’s beds. Talk about a sweet Befana, who despite the age never misses awakening. her appointment with children. Perhaps the Nowadays, the Befana tradition is still best place to catch a glimpse of Italians’ love strong in Italy, where she is celebrated for the Befana is Urbania, a small medieval Barbara Coppola and Sister Eileen every year on January 6, which in Chris- town in the central Marche region. An St. John School on Moon Street in the North End tian tradition is the day of Epiphany, when annual five-day festival takes place here, began its “Window Legacy” Project with a generous the three kings found the barn in which with live music, parades and never-ending donation from Barbara Coppola, local resident and Baby Jesus was born. The old lady has streams of candy. The Befana puts on a per- long time supporter of St. John’s. All 101 windows become a little less popular, given Old Saint sonal show each day of the festival, flying were replaced after 60 years with brand new energy Nick’s rise to fame, but children still adore 120 feet down a bell tower (with the aid of a efficient windows. The Legacy Project enables donors her for bringing some sweetness to the last rope), until she lands right in the middle of to contribute in one of three levels, $1,000, $500, day of the Italian holiday season. the town’s central square. and $250, a plaque with designation of choice will be The Befana tradition dates back centuries There are also a few sayings tied to this placed on a window in the school. What a great way and its origin is still veiled in mystery, just tradition. The most famous one comes in to commemorate a society, business, family name like her whereabouts. But everyone knows the form of a rhyming song: “La Befana vien or loved one. The official kickoff was December 5th what she looks like: old, grumpy-faced, her di notte, con le scarpe tutte rotte, con le toppe and if interested you can contact St. John School at hair never combed and tucked underneath alla sottana. Viva, viva la Befana!” (The 617-227-3143. a scarf tied around her head. She wears a Befana comes at night, with her shoes wide black gown, pointy boots and her clothes all broken, with patches all over her are covered with patches. She never smiles, gown. Hurray, hurray for the Befana!) THE T206 COLLECTION: but if she did, she’d probably have very few Then there is the saying that officially teeth to show off. Her nose is big, long, pointy marks the end of the holidays: “L’Epifania THE PLAYERS & THEIR STORIES and rugged. In other words, she most likely tutte le feste si porta via.” (The Epiphany wouldn’t win a beauty pageant. Despite all takes with it all the holidays.) This year, Named Best Book by New Book Festival this, kids in Italy love her. like every year, the Befana came and went All across the country there are festivals once again, and Italian children are bustling The T206 Collection: The Players & Their celebrating her magical gift-giving powers. back to school, happily chomping on the Stories has been named one of the best Families in Rome head down to Piazza candy she so kindly left at their bedside the books of the season by the prestigious New Navona, in the capital’s historic center, day before. England Book Festival. Authors Tom & Ellen Zappala of Massachusetts will receive the award in the General Non-Fiction category on January 15, 2011 at the Omni Parker Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton House Hotel in Boston, MA. by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari This beautiful coffee table book has been accepted into the archives of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, Saint Elizabeth, founder Sulpician Fathers. Dubourg and first superior of the had envisioned a religious NY and was featured in a week-long exhibit at the New England Sports Museum in Boston. It celebrates the lives Sisters of Charity in the school to meet the educa- of the players featured in T206 baseball card collection United States was born in tional needs of Catholics. In New York City, August 28, 1809, after some trying which includes the famous Honus Wagner card, now val- ued at $2.8 million. 1774. Elizabeth was raised and difficult years, Elizabeth The book was released in June 2010 to national acclaim, in a wealthy and distin- accepted the invitation of guished Episcopalian family. support the Sulpicians and is also the recipient of the Independent Publishers Award for Excellence. Her father, Dr. Richard made to her and moved to The Zappalas, who reside in Merrimac, MA, have recently Bayley was the first profes- Emmitsburg, Maryland. sor of anatomy at Columbia Eventually, Elizabeth was returned from an East Coast book tour. They are currently partnering with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Founda- College and distinguished able to establish a religious tion to help find a cure for Diabetes. for his work as health officer community in Emmitsburg, of the Port of New York. dedicated to the care of the Finding a cure is close to the Zappala’s hearts as two chil- dren in the family have Type 1 Diabetes. Because of this, Her mother, Catherine children of the poor. It was the Zappalas will be donating $10.00 from each purchase of Charlton, was the daughter the first religious commu- of a Staten Island, minister, nity of non-cloistered Reli- their personally signed, first edition book that is purchased from the author’s website www.t206players.com before she died when Elizabeth was gious Sisters to be founded baseball’s opening day 2011. three years old, leaving in the United States, and its two other young daughters. school, Saint Joseph’s Acad- Her father re- married, Eliza- In 1803, business troubles emy and Free school was the beth was very close to her and the deteriorating health first free Catholic school in stepmother, and her step- of Mr. Seton required a sea America. The order was brothers and sisters. She voyage; he travelled with his called the Sisters of Charity was chiefly educated by her wife and eldest daughter to of St. Joseph. The remain- father, who was a brilliant Livorno, Italy where William der of Elizabeth’s life was man. As a young girl, she died. While in Italy, Eliza- spent in leading and devel- exhibited a deep interest in beth became interested in oping the new congregation. religion and history, and Catholicism and made her Dedicated to following the took great pleasure in read- Profession of Faith in the will of God, Elizabeth Ann ing the Scriptures, espe- Catholic Church on Ash had a deep devotion to the cially the Psalms, particu- Wednesday, March 14, 1805 Eucharist, Sacred Scripture larly Psalm 23, a practice she upon her return to New and the Virgin Mary. She retained until her death. York. died of tuberculosis at the AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING In 1794, at the age of nine- By chance, Elizabeth met age of 46 on January 4, 1821 Constitution Cooperative Apartments, where residents teen, Elizabeth married a visiting priest, the Abbé in Emmitsburg, Maryland. have a voice in the management of their building, is William Magee Seton and Louis Dubourg, S.S., who Mother Seton saw her currently accepting applications for studio and one gave birth to five children. was a member of the small community of teach- bedroom apartments. ing sisters grow and expand from Emmitsburg (1809) to Located in the heart of City Square in Charlestown, this LEARN – TO – SKATE CLASSES New York (1814), Cincinnati, active senior housing co-op is within walking distance to RECREATIONAL • FIGURE • HOCKEY SKATING SKILLS Ohio (1829), Halifax, Nova shopping, banks, churches and is on an MBTA bus line. Scotia (1849), New Jersey BAY STATE SKATING SCHOOL Cambridge (1859), Greensburg, Penn- Rent is based on 30% of income (income limits apply) to CHILDREN (41/2 up) & ADULTS Larz Ander./Brookline As Featured on “Chronicle” Clev. Circle/Brookline sylvania (1870 and Saint qualified seniors 62 and older and to younger persons who Hyde Park/Dedham Louis, Missouri, (1909). are mobility impaired requiring the special design features Over Medford Winter 40 Years! Newton/Brighton Elizabeth Ann Seton of accessible units. Classes! Quincy was beatified in 1963 and Somerville Call 1-800-225-3151 for leasing information. South Boston canonized on September 14, Waltham 781-890-8480 West Roxbury 1975. Saint Elizabeth Ann www.BayStateSkatingSchool.org Weymouth Seton’s feast is celebrated EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY on January 4th. POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 7 Mrs. Murphy . . . As I See It THE EAST BOSTON ADULT ED. Two thousand of Boston has announced ... Illegals are certainly CENTER CELEBRATED ITS and ten went homeowners and businesses keeping the economy go- TH out with a bliz- have six hour after a storm ing. They have wads of 38 WINTER GRADUATIONS zard, dropping to clear their walkways or money in their pockets, no 18 inches of be fined $50.00 ... Our best social security numbers, snow in East Boston, and wishes go to Mayor Tom and pay no taxes. Who lives the northeast ... Taste of Menino who was hospital- better than that! ... The East Eastie is coming on Thurs- ized recently. We wish him Boston Neighborhood Health day, January 13th. The event a speedy recovery, after Center announced recently will be held at the Boston working from home, he’s they will be expanding to Logan Airport Hilton Hotel. probably back at his desk at Winthrop. Plans for a new This is one of the hottest City Hall. His wife Angela 9,000 sq. ft. Health Center events of the winter and is graciously attended tree sited prominently in the always sold out. Be sure to lightings and holiday fes- heart of Winthrop Center. buy your tickets now, if you tivities during the holidays The new site will be lo- want to share in the delight- ... No one speaks English cated on Somerset Avenue, ful “Taste of Eastie” ... More anymore. Americans are the right off the center of town. snow on the way! With the ones who need to be walk- The Health Center will add holidays over, people want ing around with interpret- to Winthrop’s economy by giv- to relax; instead they’ll ers, not the foreigners, there be shoveling snow. The City are more of them than us!!! (Continued on Page 13) Pirandello Lyceum ITALIAN OPERA ARIA CONCERT Rosario Cascio, president of the Pirandello payable to the Pirandello Lyceum). Patrons Lyceum, has announced that the Pirandello who join the Pirandello the afternoon of the Left to Right: Carolina Linares (Valedictorian), Ms. Jude annual gala Italian opera aria concert concert will be admitted free. Parking is Goldman and Antonia Alen (teacher). will be presented on Sunday afternoon, available at the Dante for “early birds”. Over- January 23, 2011, 2:30 PM, at the Dante flow parking is available nearby at the On December 18 and 24, Alighieri Cultural Center, 41 Hampshire St., Kendall Theater Garage at a reduced rate 2010 the Community Ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts (617) 876-5160. with validation from the Dante. Follow signs Center (E. Boston Adult Ed. The renowned Boston Bel Canto Opera to the Kendall Theater. Center) held two gradua- Company, artistically directed by Bradley Members and friends are asked to tions. Over 250 youths and Pennington, will present arias and make plans early to be present and enjoy adults received diplomas and ensembles from 13 Italian operas. eternally beautiful Italian music accompa- awards in English, U.S. Citi- Mr. Pennington will also present artistic nied by the dynamic, lovely and professional zenship Preparation, GED piano arrangements. Bel Canto voices. This concert is always well Preparation in English and This exciting Boston Bel Canto Opera attended. in Spanish, Computer I and event is free to all Pirandello members in For further information, please call II and A+, ATB Vocational good standing. The fee for non-members is (781) 245-6536; (781) 640 3637; or e-mail: School Exams and more. $18. ($15 for seniors and students; check [email protected]. The December 18, 2010 graduation was officiated by founder, expressed his Ms. Jude Goldman, Director deep gratitude to the staff, MAKE QUITTING SMOKING YOUR of the Lenny Fund Founda- alumni and the many bene- tion and the December 23, factors tor making 2010 a 2010 graduation was offici- truly successful year. A year NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION ated by Mr. Wilson Pena (La that saw over 3,000 individu- FREE Nicotine Patches Help Residents Quit Smoking This New Year Semana Newspaper reporter). als receive not only assis- Ms. Jude Goldman re- tance in the above men- Boston residents thinking Commission (BPHC). East Health, is teaming up with minded the graduates that tioned classes and training of quitting have a reason to Boston Neighborhood Against the BPHC to get the word “... through a good education but also with public notary celebrate this New Year — Substance Abuse (EBNASA), out as part of a major everyone can become suc- service, translations of docu- FREE nicotine patches from a member of the Boston cessful by obtaining a good ments in four different lan- the Boston Public Health Alliance for Community (Continued on Page 13) job, a good apartment, a car, guages, tutoring for young- a happier family and a bet- sters in all five academic ter community to live in.” subjects, ATB tests, college Mr. Wilson Pena informed placement scholarship ser- East Boston Main Streets the students of the impor- vices, job placement, etc ... tance of being good citizens, Anyone interested in any Proudly Presents good parents, and good pro- of the above services should th viders and to learn English, call Mr. Avellani at (617) pass the GED and attend a 567-7873 or come in person Our 15 Annual college. at: 119 London Street, East

Mr. Dominic Avellani, the Boston, MA (next to the

program director and Sumner Tunnel).

A Taste of Eastie TASTES FROM EAST BOSTON’S Newly DELICIOUS FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS ... Specializing in the art of celebration Featuring ... American, Colombian, Chinese, Italian, RenovatedWedding, Anniversary, Quinceañera, Reunion, Latin American, Mexican and more! Birthday, Social and Corporate Events. Convenient location and valet parking makes THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th, 2011 Spinelli’s East Boston the perfect location. We are dedicated to the highest level of service and Hilton Boston Logan Airport professionalism to ensure the success of your special occasion. 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Entertainment BY DJ JOHN DUDLEY Tickets are $35.00 and are available by calling (617) 561-1044 or emailing us at [email protected] or on line at www.ebmainstreets.com RAFFLE AND LIVE AUCTION - VALIDATED PARKING Sponsored by: Massport Y MP & CO Y Restaurant Depot Y Cappuccio Construction East Boston Savings Bank Y L. Manuel Macias Y The Lombardo Companies Ruggiero Memorial Home Y Star Service Corporation 280 Bennington Street, East Boston, MA Please Call 617-567-4499 spinellis.com Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011

• News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) sought more and more so- It all sounds pretty leaky to care. For the past 25 years, Anyone who wishes to mary challenger will force called underserved folks to me. I have been a special state serve their country has a Brown to spend money and become homeowners. Ac- Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell police officer and I have right to do so. Being gay or take his focus off the Demo- cording to many, the finan- Gets Repealed worked with close to 80 or so straight, man or woman, tall crats. Also, all that Tea Party cial meltdown was the cre- On December 22, 2010, police officers in that time. I or short, black or white money and volunteers out ation of bad social policies the 17-year-old “Don’t Ask, knew several gay officers shouldn’t even enter the there in the grassroots might rather than bad financial de- Don’t Tell” policy for the U.S. and I suspected several mix. dry up on him. cisions on Wall Street. Wash- military was repealed. As a more. But I didn’t care be- We still have a Military Christen Varley from the ington created a risk and de- former member of the U.S. cause the only thing that Code of Action. It will still be Greater Boston Tea Party serves much of the blame for Air Force, I can remember mattered was being backed enforced. Most fears seem says, “I think there will be a getting our nation into a big back in the sixties when I up when I was in trouble. groundless. Change is often primary challenge” and Matt hole. was down at Lackland AFB, I Like in the military, police good. Clemente from Freedom- Wikileaks Founder Upset didn’t give a hoot about depend upon one another Tea Partiers Works said, “We’re going to Over Leak? who was or wasn’t straight. and survive together. Worry About Brown watch very closely ... and see Apparently, Julian Assange Most of us knew who they I watched President Obama US Sen. Scott Brown’s re- if he’s going to be the ally that is upset that somebody were but we held to our own sign the repeal into law and cent decisions to buck the everyone had hoped it was leaked a Swedish police re- policy of “Don’t Know and really didn’t think it de- GOP Party line on “Don’t Ask, going to be ... He’s definitely port to the media on his al- Don’t Care.” The only thing served all the hoopla. Don’t Tell,” “START” and the turned off some voters.” leged sexual offenses. He ac- that mattered was whether The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Obama-GOP “compromise” Kris Mineau, president of cused the newspaper which someone was a jerk or not. law wasn’t evil when Presi- has angered many of his Tea the Massachusetts Family did the leaking gaining “un- I know many folks weren’t dent Bill Clinton signed it Party supporters and there’s Institute said Brown’s re- authorized access” and “se- ready for the repeal but it’s into law back 17 years ago. talk of a GOP primary US cent votes especially the lectively publishing” only bits not really going to change However, it seems we have Senate fight in 2012. one on gay military policy, of the police report. Isn’t anything except the pretend now gone back to the future While no credible primary “threatens key support from there a saying about what game on both sides of this of the 1960s when who knew opponent from the right goes around, comes around? issue. Gay or straight, I don’t and who cared. might take him on, any pri- (Continued on Page 14) POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 9 The Socially Set by Hilda M. Morrill

Enjoying MassHort’s Honorary Medals Dinner at Elm Bank in Wellesley are, left to right, Sonja Johanson Katherine K. Macdonald is of the Massachusetts Master Gardeners Association; the new executive director Nancy Fiske and Honoree David Fiske; with Honoree Neal of the Massachusetts Sanders and Betty Sanders. (Photo by Sue Rorke) Smiling for the camera at the Honorary Medals Dinner Horticultural Society. are, left to right, MHS Board of Overseers member John (Photo courtesy of Garden in Lee, N.H.; and Cronin and Maritta Manning Cronin, Honoree Warren MassHort) Ellen Wells, editor-at-large Leach, and past Honoree Kevin Doyle, owner of Cairn for Green Profit Magazine. Croft Sculpture Garden in Dover. Eliot Wadsworth, owner of (Photo by Hilda M. Morrill) White Flower Farm, received the Thomas Roland Medal. She also helped develop an Ms. Macdonald. “The Incidentally, in exciting environmental program that Society’s trustees and staff, news and after a very combined Outward Bound’s Master Gardeners, donors, long search, MassHort an- philosophy with environ- and its many volunteers nounced this week that it mental studies, to encour- have seen the organization has named Katherine K. age teambuilding and envi- through a difficult period. I Macdonald as the organ- ronmental stewardship. see my job as delivering on ization’s new executive Her business career spans the promise of Mass Hort on director. more than twenty five years, their behalf.” Ms. Macdonald brings a and includes entrepreneur- Ms. Macdonald holds an wealth of experience to her ship, technology start ups, MBA from Olin Graduate new position, including both the Xerox Corporation, the School of Business at Babson public company and not-for- hospitality industry, and non College and a bachelor’s Honoree Ellen Wells, left, profit management experi- profits. Most recently, she degree from Central Con- is congratulated by a very ence. Macdonald was Presi- was president of KMAC Mar- necticut State University. keting, which provides stra- Long active in civic affairs Honoree Stanley Kozak proud Jennifer Piemme. dent of KMAC Marketing tegic planning and market- in Wellesley, Macdonald has and his daughter Rebecca. (Photo by Hilda M. Morrill) and, prior to that, was Vice ing assistance to profit- and been an elected Town Meet- (Photo by Hilda M. Morrill) President of Marketing for ner and the awards presen- Thompson Island Outward not-for-profit organizations. ing member for 24 years. Congratulations are in or- tations. The keynote ad- Bound, a non-profit focused “I see an extraordinary She has served on multiple der to the winners of the dress was given by the on experiential education. opportunity to leverage the committees, including the Massachusetts Horticultural University of Rhode Island’s “We are thrilled. Kathy is turnaround that is already Advisory/Finance Commit- Society’s Honorary Medals, Albert P. Kausch, the winner a talented strategist with underway at Mass Hort as a tee, the Wellesley Housing which were recently pre- of the Jackson Dawson experience in both the non- launching pad for the organ- Development Corporation, sented at a festive “Honor- Memorial Award. profit and for- profit sectors. ization’s renaissance,” Ms. and the Community Preser- ary Medals Dinner” held in Receiving MHS Gold Med- She has a proven track Macdonald said. “MassHort vation Committee. She has the Hunnewell Building at als were Warren Leach, co- record of being able to trans- has been part of the environ- managed several initiative MassHort’s Elm Bank Reser- owner of Tranquil Lake form mission and vision into mental movement since campaigns including one, in vation headquarters in Nursery; Stanley Kozak, head actions,” said Betsy Ridge 1829, and now is the time to 2002, for the Massachusetts Wellesley. gardener at the Isabella Madsen, President of the make its voice heard in the League of Women Voters With the prestigious pre- Stewart Gardner Museum; Board of Trustees. “Mass contemporary conversation. that focused on campaign sentations, MassHort con- Elizabeth Russell of Russell’s Hort has moved through My goal for MassHort is television advertising. tinues its almost century- Nursery; and Neal Sanders some challenging times to straightforward: to use the Macdonald and her husband long tradition of honoring of Medfield, Board of Trust- achieve institutional stabil- organization’s considerable Kevin have lived in superior achievements in ees member and a devoted ity. Because of her combina- resources to meet society’s Wellesley for more than 30 horticulture. Proceeds from longtime MassHort volun- tion of business acumen and changing needs. To that end, years. They have two adult the event will be used for the teer. non-profit spirit, we are con- I believe MassHort must children, Brian and Bridget. maintenance and improve- MHS Silver Medals were fident that Kathy’s leader- sharpen its focus on sus- Founded in 1829, the Mas- ment of the gardens at Elm presented to Roberta Clark, ship will successfully drive tainability, protecting natu- sachusetts Horticultural Bank. of UMass Extension, Barn- and expand the organiza- ral resources, health, and Society is dedicated to en- The celebration began with stable; David Fiske, gardens tion’s educational mission.” environmental steward- couraging the science and wine-and-cheese reception, curator at MassHort; Jill Ms. Macdonald spent six ship.” practice of horticulture followed by a delicious din- Nooney, creator of Bedrock years as Vice President of “Mass Hort is here today and developing the public’s Marketing for Thompson Is- because of the hard work, enjoyment, appreciation, land Outward Bound, an or- perseverance and tenacity ganization focused on provid- of many people,” added (Continued on Page 13) Mattéo Gallo ing experiential education to Boston-area youth. She was responsible for generating o $3 million of annual rev- o Appraisals enue that supported Thomp- Sales & Rentals son Island’s core mission.

• JUSTINE YANDLE Real Estate DIAMONDS ROLEX HOTOGRAPHY ESTATE JEWELRY P 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 Bought & Sold 781.589.7347 [email protected] (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 Jewelers Exch. Bldg. WWW.JUSTINEYANDLEPHOTOGRAPHY.COM Jim (617) 263-7766 Page 10 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011

• Soddisfazioni e speranze (Continued from Page 1) che operano oggi fianco a fianco con i che secondo la National Science Founda- militari americani in Afghanistan. Come tion operano negli USA e i 70 fisici delle in Afghanistan, su tutti i molteplici e più università italiane impiegati nel Fermilab, impegnativi aspetti della situazione inter- il più grande acceleratore di particelle degli nazionale (che toccano la vita di ognuno di USA. noi) vi è totale sintonia tra Italia e Stati Dicembre non è solo tempo di bilanci. E’ Uniti, nel quadro di un rapporto atlantico un’occasione per guardare al futuro con SHINEDOWN — “Mr. Bojangles” (Joe Nichols), che mantiene un’assoluta centralità. fiducia e impegno. Vorrei perciò formulare THE SOUND OF MADNESS a Grascals medley of “Born to Le relazioni economiche hanno ripreso, quest’anno un augurio speciale per la Atlantic Boogie/All My Rowdy Friends dopo la flessione determinata dalla crisi ricorrenza che unisce tutti gli italiani: nel Shinedown has released a Are Comin’ Over Tonight,” an finanziaria, la loro consueta dinamicità. Vi 2011, il 17 marzo, ricorre il 150mo anni- Deluxe Edition CD/DVD two- instrumental slice titled è sempre più “tricolore” nella presenza versario dell’Unità d’Italia. Gli italiani che disc set of their platinum “Cracker Barrel ,” and imprenditoriale straniera negli Stati Uniti: vivono negli Stati Uniti onoreranno questa third album, The Sound of the moving finale is a bonus l’accordo Fiat-Chrysler e lo sbarco della “500” data insieme agli americani che conoscono Madness. Packaged neatly track of “I Am Strong,” with sul mercato americano sono uno dei tanti e apprezzano il nostro Paese, la sua formid- with a host of bonus tracks, Parton, Worley, Oak Ridge aspetti più visibili della nostra presenza abile cultura, il patrimonio ricchissimo di limited edition b-sides, alter- Boys, Daniels, Terri Clark, negli USA, che è capillare in moltissimi valori, il suo esempio di libertà e la sua native version, including an Randy Owen, Steven Seagal, settori, della produzione industriali, dei ser- storia risorgimentale e repubblicana. Il acoustic version of Shine- Hall, Nichols, and Ansley vizi e della ricerca. Finmeccanica impiega Presidente Obama ha ricordato questo down’s double-platinum McLaurin. Outstanding CD! 12.500 dipendenti negli USA; Fincantieri è anniversario nel suo proclama del 12 ottobre smash single, “Second TANGLED — presente con un importante complesso in scorso per il Columbus Day. Con ITALY @ Chance,” in addition to tracks ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Wisconsin; Eni ha un’affermata presenza 150 stiamo attuando un denso programma featured on motion picture Walt Disney produttiva e di ricerca; Enel è conosciuta di celebrazioni in tutte le principali città soundtracks. One of the many Tangled, has the unique dis- dal pubblico americano per la sua leader- americane sotto l’Alto Patronato del Pres- highlights is their new single tinction of being Walt Disney ship nella produzione di energie rinnovabili; idente della Repubblica: grandi mostre nei “Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Pictures’ 50th full-length ani- Italcementi ha inaugurato un grande cem- più importanti musei americani; rassegne Boom-Lay Boom),” already mated feature, and will be pre- entificio in West Virginia; Nerviano ha sotto- cinematografiche; convegni sul pensiero e impacting Rock and Alterna- sented in Disney Digital 3D. scritto un accordo di sviluppo industriale con l’opera di grandi personalità italiane e tive radio outlets nationwide. Boasting a score created by il colosso farmaceutico Pfizer. americane. Siamo consapevoli che la nostra DVD offerings include the award winning composer/ Queste e tantissime altre sono le “eccel- storia ci permette di guardare al futuro con videos for the album’s #1 hits songwriter Alan Menken, and lenze italiane” di cui possono essere orgog- la forza di un grande popolo e di un Paese — including “Devour,” “The is joined by Glenn Slater, who liosi gli Italiani d’America, compresi i 15.000 apprezzato e influente a livello globale. Crow and The Butterfly,” and contributed the lyrics for ricercatori -italiani o di origine italiana - Auguri a tutti voi e alle vostre famiglie! “If You Only Knew” — along- the songs. The 20-song col- side live performances filmed lection shines with vocal per- last year at Atlanta’s Taber- formances by Mandy Moore nacle. Considered one of hard as “Rapunzel” and Donna The end-of-year message of the Ambassador of Italy in Washington D.C., Giulio Terzi rock’s most dynamic live acts, Murphy as “Mother Gothel.” Shinedown’s lineup is Brent Moore glows on cuts as, Smith (vocals), Barry Kerch “When Will My Life Begin?” Satisfactions and Expectations (drums), Zach Myers (guitars), joining with Zachary Levi as and Eric Bass (bass). “Flynn Rider” on “I See the Dear Compatriots, Economic relations have regained their BARRY WHITE — ICON 2 Light,” plus “Healing Incanta- I wish to express to you and your loved ones usual dynamism after the decline deter- Hip-O tion,” and “The Tear Heals,” a happy and prosperous 2011. It is a good- mined by the financial crisis. There is al- R&B legend Barry White while Murphy delivers on will message to all of Italy that lives, works ways more “tricolore” in foreign business is the focus of Hip-O Record’s “Mother Knows Best” and “Pro- and studies in the United States. Together presence in the United States: the Fiat- ICON series, with the re- logue.” Brad Garrett with sev- with the Italians of America, the President Chrysler deal and the landing of the lease of his Greatest Hits eral cast members does a and Board of COMITES and Italian parlia- “Cinquecento” on the American market is album containing over two- fine job on “I’ve Got a Dream,” mentarians elected in our district, my best one of the many aspects of our more visible dozen romantic love songs. and the end-credit song wishes also go out to all Americans of Ital- presence in the United States, which is Fall in love again by tuning “Something That I Want” is ian descent and to those who know our coun- widespread in many areas of industrial pro- in to Disc 1 “winners” that written and performed by try, appreciate our culture and share the duction, services and research. Finmec- include, “I’m Gonna Love You, Hollywood Records recording values that represent and traditionally con- canica (Italy’s second largest industrial Just a Little More Baby,” artist Grace Potter. Menken’s nect Italy to the United States of America. group) employs 12,500 employees in the “Never, Never Gonna Give Ya original score fills out the A year ago I expressed a hope, and a com- U.S.; Fincantieri (shipbuilding company) is Up,” “Can’t Get Enough of remaining tracks on this mitment that the teaching of the Italian present with an important unit in Wiscon- Your Love, Babe,” and “You’re spirited album! language would spread even further in sin; Eni (oil and gas company)has an estab- the First, the Last, My Every- WAITING FOR SUPERMAN American classrooms. The year 2010 was lished manufacturing and research pres- thing. Disc 2 continues the — MUSIC BY an exceptional year for our language: in- ence; Enel is known to American audiences mood via, “Love’s Theme CHRISTOPHER BECK creasing in schools and universities, the for its leadership in the production of re- (Love Unlimited Orchestra),” Lakeshore Italian language will return starting next newable energy; Italcementi has launched “Oh What a Night for Danc- Christopher Beck is an September between the subject matters of a large cement plant in West Virginia; ing,” “Just the Way You Are,” award-winning composer the Advanced Placement Program, which Nerviano has signed an industrial develop- “Love Is Good With You,” put- whose moody and introspec- provides for college credit. It was not an easy ment agreement with the pharmaceutical ting the wraps on his super tive score to the Paramount “task,” but it was strongly supported by the giant Pfizer. collection with “Come On” Vantage documentary, Wait- Italian government and made possible These and many others are the “Italian and the enduring “Staying ing for Superman, has brought through the support of the main Italian- excellencies” that Italians in America can Power.” Excellent! him instant, additional ac- American associations and major Italian be proud of, including 15,000 researchers— THE GRASCALS & claim. The documentary is a societies. Italian or of Italian origin—who, according FRIENDS: deeply personal exploration of The year 2010 has been very satisfying to the National Science Foundation, oper- COUNTRY CLASSICS WITH the current state of public for Italy in the United States for many other ate in the United States and the 70 physi- A BLUEGRASS SPIN education in the U.S., and reasons. First of all I would like to thank cists from Italian universities employed in BluGrascal how it has affected our chil- the highest U.S. authorities for the warm [Chicago’s] Fermilab, the largest particle ac- With a portion of the pro- dren. Already announced as welcome displayed for the President of the celerator in the country. ceeds from the sales of one of 15 contenders for “Best Republic Giorgio Napolitano and several December is not only time to take stock. this album going to St. Jude Documentary Feature” at members of Parliament who visited the It is an opportunity to look ahead with con- Children’s Research Hospital, next year’s Academy Awards, United States on an official visit. The strong fidence and commitment. I would therefore The Grascals join with the film recently opened to alliance and great friendship between our like to send out a special greeting for the eight of their country music major markets in October. two countries was reaffirmed in each of event that unites all the Italians this year: friends, to put together a Beck used whimsical instru- these occasions. A common heritage that March 17, 2011, which marks the 150th an- “baker’s dozen” of songs. mentation such as pizzicato President Obama, in the proclamation of niversary of the Unification of Italy. Italians Steeped in bluegrass tradi- strings, bouncy percussion Columbus Day, has called “the incalculable living in the United States will honor this tion, The Grascals bring both and a slightly-too-optimistic contribution of Italian-Americans, whose date with Americans who know and appre- their bluegrass spin and a feeling to complement the determination, whose hard work and lead- ciate our country, it’s amazing culture, rich new freshness to the songs. film’s animations, while con- ership have done so much to build the heritage of values, its example of freedom Brad Paisley is first up, veying some fairly disturb- strength of our nation.” It is a relationship through the history of Risorgimento and the joining The Grascals on ing facts. It’s not the title strengthened by a rich history and common Republic. President Obama spoke of the “Tiger by the Tail,” followed of the 21 tracks that make valued ideals such as the ones passed on, anniversary in his October 12 proclamation by “Folsom Prison Blues” this album compelling, it is even before Italy was united, by enlightened for Columbus Day. With ITALY @ 150 we are (Dierks Bentley), “Pain of how Beck’s music controls figures such as Gaetano Filangieri and implementing, under the patronage of the Lovin’ You” and the moving “I the mindset of the viewer, Filippo Mazzei, and reflected in the Consti- President of the Republic, a rich program of Am Strong” (Dolly Parton), as it pertains to each given tution of the United States of America. celebrations in all major American cities: Grascals solo “Louisiana situation, and tells the story. It is these shared values that motivate major exhibitions in the most important Saturday Night,” “The Year Beck’s prolific film scoring 4,000 Italian men and women in uniform American museums; film festivals; confer- That Clayton Delaney Died” career was launched in 2000 who today work alongside American troops ences on the thought and work of major Ital- (Tom T. Hall), “White Light- with the cheerleading com- in Afghanistan. As in Afghanistan, there is ian and American personalities. We under- ning” (Darryl Worley), and edy “Bring It On,” with cred- total harmony between Italy and the United stand that our history allows us to look to “The Devil Went Down to its that include “Under the States on all the many and challenging as- the future with the force of a great nation Georgia” (Charlie Daniels). Tuscan Sun,” “Saved,” “We pects of the international situation (which and of a country that is popular and influ- The Oak Ridge Boys help Are Marshall,” “Red,” “The touches the lives of each one of us), as part ential at a global level. with flip side favorites, Hangover,” and the recently of an Atlantic relationship that maintains Happy New Year to you all and your “Leavin’ Louisiana in Broad released musical drama its absolute centrality. families! Daylight,” the memorable “Burlesque.” POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 11

triarch Simon Powers downloads LONGWOOD SYMPHONY himself into The System, his entire ORCHESTRA’S SEASON house comes to life around his family New England Conservatory’s Special Events and friends. A groundbreaking new Jordan Hall NOW production developed by the MIT 30 Gainsborough St., Boston, MA MUSEUM OF SCIENCE Media Lab in partnership with the IMAGERY & INSPIRATION: Science Park, Boston, MA PLAYING A.R.T., Death and the Powers explores KECHLEY & VAUGHAN WILLIAMS FRIDAY EVENING STARGAZING what we leave behind for the world - March 19, 2011 at 8:00pm. Join Mae- AT THE GILLILAND OBSERVA- and our loved ones, using specially stro Jonathan McPhee and Longwood TORY – Every Friday from 8:30 – 10:00 designed technology and an expres- Symphony Orchestra for this Boston PM – FREE – Enjoy the Museum’s roof- UPTOWN & DOWNTOWN sively animated stage, including a premiere by David Kechley and top observatory equipped with a com- chorus of robots and a musical chan- Vaughan Williams’ Symphony No. 2 puter-controlled 12-inch Meade LX200 delier. Machover, called “America’s in an evening of Imagery and Inspira- telescope – you’ll be amazed and as- tion. What inspires the composer’s most wired composer” by the L.A. tounded by it all. Call: 617-723-2500 vision? What sparks the listener’s Times, distinctively blends tech- for more information, or visit: imagination? In David Kechley’s Wake- nological and artistic finesse to www.mos.org. ful Visions/Moonless Dreams (2009), create a score that is passionately WEATHER-WISE – This new per- Kechley found inspiration in four inventive, yet filled with arching me- manent 2,800 square foot interactive pieces of literature: the Bible, Japa- lodic lines. Death and the Powers, exhibit takes you through the scales nese haiku, Shakespeare and Proust. which receives its world premiere in of weather. It features the CBS4 Ralph Vaughan Williams was in- Monaco in the fall of 2010, is sup- Weather Team as video guides, help- trigued by the sights and sounds of ported by Futurum Association ing people to understand the science his beloved city, from its Hansom cabs (Monaco), and will be presented in and technology behind weather pre- to the chimes of Westminster Cathe- collaboration with Chicago Opera dictions. Some of the features are: dral, and depicts these in his London Theater, in association with Opera Storm Watch Living Room, where visi- Symphony. For further information Boston. Composed by Tod Machover, tors experience simulated severe libretto by poet-laureate Robert please visit longwoodssymphony.org or call 617-667-1527. weather conditions as if they were Pinsky from a story by Robert Pinsky looking out a window of their home; and Randy Weiner, directed by Diane BOSTON EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL Fog Tornado, where a simulated 3-D Paulus. For further information please tornado shows how a real tornado can call 617-547-8300. 161 First Street, Suite 202, Cambridge, MA form; Walk-through Weather Front, SYMPHONIE DES DRAGONS - where visitors can walk down a corri- Friday, January 14, 2011 at 8pm. One dor in front of a canopy of clouds and MUSIC of the world’s finest Baroque oboists, experience temperature changes, Gonzalo X. Ruiz brings his new ten- wind gusts and rain sounds; and much member ensemble Symphonie des more. The Museum of Science has THE WILBUR more than 600 permanent hands-on 246 Tremont St., Boston, MA Dragons to Boston for their world début. Join this exceptional assort- exhibits, frequent traveling exhibi- LYLE LOVETT and JOHN HIATT tions and a staff of science interpret- - Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 7:00pm ment of oboes, recorders, and bas- soons, plus harpsichord, as they ex- ers. For more information about other John Hiatt with fellow singer- aspects of the MOS, please visit songwriter extrodinare Lyle Lovett. plore beautiful and varied music by Lully, Philidor, Purcell, Handel, and www.mos.org or call 617-723-2500 or The legendary troubadors will play (TTY) 617-589-0417. acoustic, on stage together, display- Marais, and trace the development of ing their uncompromising versitility the oboe band from the Court at alternating songs. “Lovett’s grace and Versailles to the stages of London. controlled demanor contrasted beau- IL GIARDINO ARMONICO - Sat- ARTS tifully with Hiatt’s darker hues urday, February 19, 2011 at 8pm. and louder tone” The Patriot-News Founded in Milan in 1985, the leg- THE PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM said of the two performing on the same endary ensemble Il Giardino Armonico 161 Essex Street, Salem, MA bill. “…it was simply two masters celebrates its 25th anniversary sea- THE EMPEROR’S PRIVATE at work sharing the spotlight son by making its début with the PARADISE: TREASURES FROM and showing all the craft and skill Boston Early Music Festival. Ac- that have made them stars.” To claimed around the globe for their THE FORBIDDEN CITY - Now The Boston Landmarks Orchestra presents its annual purchase tickets log on to performances and recordings, these through January 9, 2011. Never winter concert with guest conductor Ronald Feldman www.thewilburtheatre.com or call eight extraordinary musicians will before seen by the public, the con- bring their talents to an evening of tents of an Emperor’s private retreat featuring “From the Top” star soloist, thirteen year-old Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000. HERB ALPERT AND LANI HALL - sonatas and concerti by Venetian deep within the Forbidden City pianist Kadar Qian. An annual tradition for the Boston Thursday, February 17, 2011 at Baroque masters. For tickets call will be revealed for the first time. Landmarks Orchestra to perform in January at Sanders 7:30PM. For more than fifty years, 617-661-1812 or visit www.bemf.org. An 18th-century compound in a Theatre. Although the orchestra is recognized for its Herb Alpert has come to mean hidden quadrant of the immense SANDERS THEATRE, HARVARD imperial complex, the Qianlong summer performances at the DCR’s Hatch Shell on the many things to many people. To generations of music fans, Alpert is UNIVERSITY Garden (also known as the Tranquil- Esplanade, this beloved mid-winter event brings people the dark-haired, trumpet-playing 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA ity and Longevity Palace Garden), is together to experience the thrill of live music. The songmaker whose name instantly BOSTON LANDMARKS OR- part of a decade-long, multimillion- Landmarks Orchestra is grateful for the help of “From brings to mind memorable songs like CHESTRA ANNOUNCES ANNUAL dollar conservation initiative under- “The Lonely Bull,” “A Taste of Honey,” WINTER CONCERT - January 28, taken by the World Monuments the Top” in making this concert possible. Check out Music 2011 at 8 p.m. The Boston Landmarks Fund in partnership with the Palace Section for more details. and “Rise.” These are but a few of the tunes Alpert recorded either as Orchestra presents its annual winter Museum, Beijing. The Emperor’s Spaceship Earth with the Leonardo leader of the legendary Tijuana concert with guest conductor Ronald Private Paradise: Treasures from the da Vinci of the twentieth century as Brass. You may purchase tickets by Feldman featuring “From the Top” star Forbidden City. Ninety objects of THEATER your guide. Futurist, environmental- calling 1-800-745-3000 or log onto soloist, thirteen year-old pianist Kadar ceremony and — murals, paintings, ist, and geodesic dome designer Bucky www.thewilbur.com. Qian. The program consists of wall coverings, furniture, architectural THE LYRIC STAGE COMPANY Fuller takes us on an adventure Rossini’s Overture from The Barber elements, jades and cloisonné — OF BOSTON through his life and times — from HOUSE OF BLUES of Seville, Chopin’s Piano Concert No. unveil the private realm of the 140 Claredon St., Boston, MA his childhood in Massachusetts, to 15 Lansdowne Street, Boston 2 in F minor, Op. 21, Mozart’s Sym- Qianlong Emperor. A connoisseur, MY NAME IS ASHER LEV – his meeting with Albert Einstein, to LOUIS PRIMA, JR. AND THE phony No. 36 in C major, K.425 “Linz”. scholar and devout Buddhist, he February 11 – March 12, 2011. My his breakthrough moments of inven- WITNESSES FEATURING SARAH Free and open to the general public. created a luxurious garden compound Name is Asher Lev follows the jour- tion. A visionary who anticipated many SPIEGEL - Monday, January 10, 2011 Tickets will only be available the to serve throughout his retirement as ney of a controversial young Jewish of the challenges the world faces at 8PM. JUMP JIVE AN' WAIL! day of the concert, first come first a secluded place of contemplation, painter torn between his Hasidic up- today, Fuller shows us how to save Commemorating the 100th birthday serve, beginning at 5 p.m. at Sanders repose and entertainment. For more bringing and his desire to paint. His humanity and the planet by doing of LOUIS PRIMA! Carrying on the Theatre. info call visit www.pem.org. artistic gift threatens to estrange him more with less. Written and directed legacy of his father, who was known from his sheltered religious commu- by D.W. Jacobs from the life, work as the original “King of Swing”, LOUIS nity in postwar Brooklyn and the par- and writings of R. Buckminster PRIMA, JR. brings his famous father's ents he loves. While his mother is Fuller. music to life, with an energetic ITALIAN EVENTS & PROGRAMS torn between her son and her hus- AJAX – February 2011. As the great performance and the unique, first band, Asher must choose between warrior Ajax recovers from a bout of hand perspective of being the son his art and his faith. For more infor- madness, he struggles to live with the of a music legend. It is an exciting ITALIAN RADIO sul General of Italy, Boston for this mation visit www.lyricstage.com or call consequences of his crazed violence stage show, in which you will fall in “The Sicilian Corner” 11:00AM to fantastic performance featuring the 617-585-5678. and with the trauma of war. A poi- love all over again with the amazing 1:00PM every Friday with host Tom Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra. gnant examination of how combat af- music, as well as discover some gems Zappala and Mike Lomazzo and “The Thanks to this exciting collaboration, CITI PERFORMING ARTS fects the mind of a soldier, Sophocles’ that you may not have heard before. Italian Show” w/Nunzio DiMarca the Boston Youth Symphony Orches- CENTER WANG THEATER tragedy speaks directly to our times. A Benefiting Boston Police Athletic every Sunday from 10AM to 1PM tras (BYSO) has set aside 100 priority 270 Tremont St., Boston, MA world premiere translation of this League, National Italian American www.1110wccmam.com. seating tickets for the Italian Com- SHEN YUN - Friday, February 11, classic work, under the direction of Foundation and International “Italia Oggi” Sundays 1PM to 2PM munity. Tickets can be purchased 2011 - 7:30pm, Saturday, Febru- Obie Award-winning director and House of Blues Foundation.For tick- with host Andrea Urdi 1460 AM through the BYSO Box Office. For any ary 12, 2011 - 2:00pm , Saturday, Artistic Director of Soho Rep, Sarah ets, log onto www.hob.com/boston or www.1460WXBR.com. additional questions please contact February 12, 2011 - 7:30pm, Sunday, Benson. By Sophocles, in a new trans- www.livenation.com. You may also “Dolce Vita Radio” DJ Rocco BYSO Ticket Hotline before Decem- February 13, 2011 - 2:00pm. This is lation by Charles Connaghan, directed purchase tickets at the Orpheum Mesiti 11AM-1PM Sundays 90.7 FM ber 16th at 617-353-5353. an authentic, high end Chinese clas- by Sarah Benson. Theater Box Office, One Hamilton or online www.djrocco.com. sic show. Rediscover the beauty of PROMETHEUS BOUND – March Place, Boston 617-482-0106. “The Nick Franciosa Show” Every APPIAN CLUB OF STONEHAM Chinese traditional culture with 2011. An outcry against tyranny, the GEORGE CLINTON & PARLIA- Sunday at 12 Noon to 3PM on radio 10 Magnolia Terrace Stoneham, MA SHEN YUN Performing Arts’ Chinese bold new musical Prometheus Bound MENT/FUNKADELIC - February 18, stations WLYN 1360 AM and WAZN ADULT ITALIAN CLASSES Spectacular. A culture 5,000 years illustrates one man’s struggle against 2011. The funkmaster himself is back 1470 AM. ITALIAN CLASSES - January begin in the making comes to life on stage the brute force of a ruthless dictator. in action. George Clinton continues “Guido Oliva Italian Hour” date for adults will be offered by through nearly 20 classical Chinese Written by Tony Award and Grammy to entertain with his soul and funk 8AM - 9AM every Sunday on the Appian Club of Stoneham. This dances, songs, and drama based Award-winning lyricist and playwright style with hits like “Flashlight”, “One WSRO 650 AM in Framingham beginners course will teach the on ancient legends, heroic stories Steven Sater (Spring Awakening) with Nation Under a Groove” and “Atomic and online at www.wsro.com. basics of the Italian language. Instruc- and courageous tales. A collabora- music composed by System of a Down Dog” Don’t miss out on this fantastic “Don Giovanni Show” Saturday tor is Tiffany Bistocchi, a graduate of tion of more than 80 classically lead singer and Grammy Award-win- performance. For tickets log onto mornings from 6AM-8AM and Sunday Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA trained dancers, choreographers, ning composer Serj Tankian, this bold www.ticketmaster.com evenings 5PM-7PM on 950 AM WROL. (2003) with a major in Italian and a musicians, and vocalists. New York- new musical is inspired by Aeschylus’s www.dongiovannishow.com. Master’s in Italian from Middlebury based SHEN YUN Performing Arts ancient Greek tragedy about the suf- KING’S CHAPEL College in Middlebury, Vermont (2006). presents the best of China’s culture fering of Western civilization’s first pris- Corner of Tremont and School RISTORANTE VENEZIA She has lived in Italy for three like you’ve never experienced be- oner of conscience. A.R.T. Artistic Di- Streets, Downtown Boston 20 Ericson Street, Boston years and has traveled the country fore. This show is a feast for rector Diane Paulus stages this world KING’S CHAPEL CHOIR & FESTA DEL TRICOLORE - Janu- extensively. Classes will be con- your body and soul. For information premiere production in OBERON, im- SOLOISTS: “OUR HISTORY, OUR ary 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Join the Con- ducted on Tuesday evenings and run call 1-800-954-4606 or log onto mersing the audience in an environ- FUTURE,” - January 23 in Boston sul General in celebration for the for eight weeks, beginning on Janu- www.shenyunperformingarts.org. ment that has the Dionysian energy at 5PM. A cappella choral music from 150th anniversary of Italy. For more ary 11th from 6 - 7:30 pm. Class size is and rebelliousness of a rock concert. the 17th to the 21st century, based information please call 781-862-1633. small and informal and the experi- AMERICAN REPERTORY THEATER Text and lyrics by Steven Sater (from on texts related to King’s Chapel’s ence will be enjoyable. Please join 64 Brattle St., Cambridge, MA the play by Aeschylus), music com- history works by William Billings, SANDERS THEATER, HARVARD us. For registration and further R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER: posed by Serj Tankian, directed by Heinrich Christense, David Carney, UNIVERSITY details, please contact coordinator THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF Diane Paulus. James Woodman and Carson Cooman. Cambridge, MA John Nocella at 781-438-5687, THE UNIVERSE – January 2011. DEATH AND THE POWERS – For more information call 617-227- VERDI’S MACBETH - January 16, or you may email John at Journey through the universe on March 2011. When the eccentric pa- 2155 or visit www.kings-chapel.org. 2011, at 3:00 p.m. Please join the Con- [email protected]. Page 12 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011

Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli

How to calm down men! Researchers at memorating COPYRIGHT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED McGill University found that images of Prince Wil- PASTA CON BROCCOLI cooked meat made men calmer and less liam’s mar- aggressive. “You would’ve already used your riage to Kate 10 ounces cut-up broccoli — 1 cup cut up spaghetti aggression to acquire meat,” explained re- Middleton, frozen or fresh *or short pasta of choice searcher Fran Kachanoff. said the Lon- 6 cups water 2 small minced garlic cloves Teaching hazard! A public school teacher don Sun. The towels are part of an informal 2 tablespoons olive, canola, (optional) is suing New York City, claiming his prin- tradition celebrating royal events, but the or vegetable oil Salt to taste cipal aggravated his heart condition by as- palace said they are “not in good taste.” Bis- 2 tablespoons butter or signing him unruly students. Monte Kuhr, cuit tins, jars, and china bearing the margarine (optional) 46, says the principal ignored a doctor’s note couple’s image are allowed to be sold. “We *Break up spaghetti or thin spaghetti into two-inch por- requesting that Kuhr teach only older stu- want items that are permanent and signifi- tions. dents, and assigned him to freshman cant,” said a palace representative. Bring six cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Add cut-up classes, where “high-intensity interactions The astute and charming Mona-Lisa broccoli to saucepan, cover and cook at a slow boil for about with misbehaving students” led to a six- Cappuccio of East Boston thinks there’s five minutes. Add cut up spaghetti or pasta of choice to month medical leave. nothing like a little exercise to change a Broccoli. Stir and cook until pasta is to your liking. *Add Scornato! A letter carrier has been ar- man’s life — especially if it’s a walk down a oil, butter or margarine, and salt to taste. Stir and con- rested and suspended from his job after he church aisle. tinue to cook for a few seconds before removing from burner. delivered mail in the nude to a woman he Giuseppina, cosce storte, claims a wed- *Variation: Place oil in a small bowl. Add two small minced said was in need of a good laugh. David ding cake is the only cake that can give you garlic cloves to oil. Stir and add to broccoli/pasta mixture. Goodman, known as “Mailman Dave,” was indigestion for the rest of your life. Place saucepan on burner, Bring to a boil and then remove arrested after police received a complaint An Italian hospital director has sent out a from burner. Salt to taste from a woman working alone in an office. memo requesting that doctors and nurses Serves two. “He burst into the door with mail, except this stop snorting cocaine while on duty. Direc- NOTE: When Mama was needed in the bakery, she prepared time he’s completely nude,” said the tor Giuseppe DiMaria said he’d received tips this simple meal on a two-burner gas unit that Papa had in- woman, who asked not to be identified. “I that his staff was using cocaine while at stalled in a back room of the bakery. Those evenings, we ate yelled at him and told him to leave, with my the hospital, but government officials said on a makeshift table created by turning over one of the 3' x 6' eyes half-closed.” Goodman, 52, told police he made “an error” in sending out a memo. wooden bread boxes that my brother Peter or Papa rested on a he was trying to cheer up the woman, who “The alleged consumption of cocaine in a few milk crates or wooden horses. We had family discussions he said seemed “stressed out.” The U.S. hospital environment should certainly not during the meal just as we did in our apartment. Papa insisted Postal Service has suspended him pending be dealt with in this way,” said an official. on the family having our meals together. an investigation. In a discovery that seems straight out of Meat did not have to be served for supper when Mama pre- Which reminds me, the only clothing per- The Da Vinci Code, Italian art experts have pared pasta with broccoli because our family preferred having mitted in a nudist camp is a coat — of tan. found mysterious letters and numbers a second helping of pasta in place of meat. And one thing about nudists — you can’t pin inscribed in the Mona Lisa’s eyes, appar- anything on them. ently placed there by Leonardo da Vinci him- News from Bedford, New Hampshire. Par- self. New high-magnification techniques Vita can be reached at [email protected] ents of a local high school student have revealed the tiny symbols, which apparently pulled their child out of school because of include the number “72” and the letters their objections to a book assigned in a per- “CE” and “B” as well as “LV”-the artist’s ini- • K-9 Unit (Continued from Page 2) sonal-finance course. Aimee and Dennis tials. “We also know that da Vinci was very think they just bite the bad gerous situation. They de- Taylor removed their son Jordan, from esoteric and used symbols in his work to guy. But, they are also locat- serve the same protection as Bedford High School after Barbara give out messages,” says Silvano Vincenti, ing tools — whether it be lo- the officers get because Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Get- president of Italy’s national Committee for cating narcotics, explosives, they’re protecting the offic- ting By in America was included in the National Heritage. missing children or sus- ers and they are protecting course’s reading list. The book, an account “We are confident they were a message pects. The bite of the canine us.” of living on the minimum wage, refers to from him.” only comes into play when Expressing her thanks to Jesus as “a wine-guzzling vagrant and pre- Some interesting useless information for the suspect refuses to sur- the Suffolk County Sheriff’s cocious socialist.” School superintendent dummies! The Academy Award statue is render and poses a threat to Department for their contin- Tim Mayes says the book will stay on the named after a librarian’s uncle. One day the public.” ued support, Marcal was op- reading list but offered an alternative as- Margaret Herrick, librarian for the Academy “I am thrilled that Boz, my timistic about achieving her signment. That didn’t mollify Dennis Tay- of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, made K-9 partner, will soon have goal of outfitting all of the lor, who called Ehrenreich’s book “un-Ameri- the remark that the statue looked like her a properly fitted vest,” Sgt. remaining law enforcement can” and said, “I don’t think we need it in uncle Oscar, and the name stuck. Alfred Stack continued. K-9s on her current list. Bedford.” Jordan Taylor is currently being Hitchcock never won an Academy Award for As the President of Vested “It was a pleasure to re- home-schooled. directing. Tom Sawyer was the first novel Interest In K-9s, Sandy cently present K-9 Kam with Berlusconi again survives. Rome erupted written on a typewriter. The oldest known Marcal is a lifelong propo- his new bullet protective in the most violent street protests in years vegetable is the pea. Onions are low in calo- nent of animal rescue and vest during our Holiday after Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi nar- ries and good source of vitamin C, calcium, protection with more than event and we have also or- rowly survived a parliamentary vote of con- potassium, and fiber. They also help circu- nine years of commitment to dered a vest for K-9 Boz as fidence. More than 100,000 — many of them lation. Ketchup is excellent for cleaning the cause of providing bullet well,” said Marcal. “It’s been students angry at Berlusconi’s overhaul of brass, especially tarnished or corroded brass protective vests for K-9s a great holiday season for the university system — protested, and hun- Kleenex tissues were originally used as fil- within the Massachusetts our organization and folks dreds torched cars and threw paint and ters in gas masks. Celebrating Christmas law enforcement commu- have been so generous smoke bombs at the parliament building, was once illegal in England. Impotence is nity. about donating. I am hope- as riot police responded with tear gas. The legal grounds for divorce in twenty-four “These dogs are in the line ful that we’ll meet our goal confidence vote had been initiated by American states. Nova Scotia is Latin for of fire,” said Marcal. of outfitting all Massachu- Berlusconi opponents who said his numer- “New .” And worldwide, there are “They’re the front line for our setts police dogs with new ous sex scandals, alleged attempts to quash more statues of Joan of Arc than of anyone officers and they’re the first vests and replacing their fraud investigation into his media empire, else. France alone has about forty thousand ones into a potentially dan- expired vests.” and the sputtering economy all compelled of them. him to step down. Berlusconi’s slim margin Time to do some show business reminisc- of victory — just three votes — means he ing with the noted musicologist Albert 1st Generation will likely have problems passing legislation. Natale. Cole Porter was so charmed by Ah, Italian wine! It all began some 4,000 Jimmy Stewart’s croaking of the song “Easy Italian-American years to when prehistoric people pressed To Love” that he asked MGM to use Stewart’s wild grapes into juice that, as if by magic, voice on the movie sound track, rather than Vita Orlando Sinopoli fermented into wine. Despite the reduction dub in a professional singer in the 1936 film Shares with us through this century, Italy still has more “Born To Dance.” Both Buddy Holly and Elvis types of vines planted than any other coun- Presley flunked auditions for Arthur a delightful recollection try. This heritage of vines permits Italy to Godfrey’s Talent Scouts during TVs early of her memories as a child produce a greater range of distinctive wines days. By the time Frank Sinatra left the than any other nation. Tommy Dorsey band in late 1942 to launch growing up in Without staking claims to supremacy, it his own career, he had won the Downbeat Boston’s “Little Italy” seems fair to submit that many Italian Magazine poll as the number one male vo- wines stand with the international elite. But calist two years in a row. Glenn Miller’s and a collection of what is perhaps most encouraging in an era “Chattanooga Choo Choo” was the first Gold Italian family recipes of crisis for wine the world over is that Italy’s Record. It sold a million, 250-thousand cop- from the homeland. premium production continues to improve. ies, a lot of records in those days. The origi- Producers and consumers alike have come nal title of Irving Berlin’s “Easter Parade” to realize that these days in wine it is char- was “Smile and Show Your Dimple.”: The Great as Gifts acter that counts and quality that pays, and songs “Smile” and “Limelight” were written FROM MY BAKERY PERCH available on AMAZON.COM Italians have become increasingly commit- by comedian/actor/director Charlie and in local bookstores — ask for ted to delivering both. Chaplin. Hard cover #1-4010-9805-3 ISBN Britons were in an uproar as Buckingham Soft Cover #1-4010-9804-5 ISBN Palace banned souvenir tea towels com- AMERICA IS A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN NAME POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 13

• The Socially Set (Continued from Page 9) and understanding of plants diversity, and honor the and the environment. Wellesley METCO Family Be sure to visit Friends Program with the www.MassHort.org to learn World of Wellesley Advancing more about its mission and Race Relations Award. educational programs. The breakfast takes place ……. On Monday, Jan- from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at uary 17 the “11th Annual One Sun Life Executive The holidays are finally in and brought something, reminisce about playing Ital- World of Wellesley Martin Park, Building 3, 1st Floor, over, thank God. I hope appetizers, main courses, ian music in the old days. Luther King, Jr. Breakfast,” Wellesley Hills. everyone enjoyed them side dishes, salads. Put it Several of my mother’s cous- hosted by Sun Life Financial, For tickets and more infor- as much as my family did. this way, “It was a feast.” ins often dropped by, usually will feature a keynote ad- mation, call 781-235-2739 As part of their Christmas The crowd was smaller this the children of Zi’Antonio dress by Carole Simpson, or 781-237-5202; or visit present, Loretta and I took year than in the past. The and Zia Mariuccia. They renowned news anchor, www.world-of-wellesley.org. John, Michael, and John’s distance, weather and bouts were the closest relatives in three-time Emmy Award Enjoy! girlfriend, Beth, to a ski re- with the flu prevented some the family. By ten o’clock, winner, workplace activist (Be sure to visit Hilda sort in New Hampshire. The of our regulars from attend- everyone would begin to in broadcast journalism, and Morrill’s gardening Web site, resort was once part of the ing. The crowd consisted of leave, but not without Nanna author of the just-released www.bostongardens.com. Bigelow Estate, of Bigelow Dean and Margie, Colonel having put together doggie autobiography, “Newslady.” In addition to events covered carpets from years past. It John Silva, his lady friend, bags of leftovers for everyone Simpson will recount her and reported by the columnist, resembles an old New En- Stephanie DeRosa, General to enjoy the next day. Just inspiring relationship with “The Socially Set” is compiled gland Victorian home with Bill Hurley and his wife the goodbyes alone would Dr. King and reflect on his from various other sources modern conveniences. Liv- Sandy, Colonel Richard take a half hour or more … legacy. The breakfast will such as news and press re- ing in Switzerland for three Matlak, General Bob Daven- handshakes, kisses on both also showcase cultural per- leases, PRNewswire services, years, John has become port, Loretta and I. Sandy cheeks and an assortment formances that celebrate etc.) quite capable at winter Hurley brought her electric of hugs were natural for my sports especially snow- piano and I brought my bass family (a couple of genera- boarding. Beth brought her guitar to entertain the rest tions later, they still are). skis, John and Michael of the folks. Sandy plays I don’t know if it’s still like • Editorial (Continued from Page 3) their snow boards my wife music from the American this for many families with That’s not a threat on be- increasing number of eli- and I warm winter clothing, songbook (the oldies) and we both relatives and friends half of the voters. It’s obvious. gible baby boomers. But I am and off we went. played and sang before and living in distant towns or All one has to do is look at hopeful that deficit hawk I was still recovering from after dinner. With a large states, many having inter- what happened last Novem- Paul Ryan (R-WI), the incom- the snow storm of December screen TV logged into the married with other ethnic ber at the polls. The sleeping ing Budget Committee chair- 26th. Dean Saluti and festivities that were hap- groups that don’t celebrate giant that changed the politi- man, will be able to fight off Margie Cahn usually hold pening in Times Square, we the way we do. Back then, cal landscape is not going the spending vultures. the annual Renaissance anticipated the New Year most of the family lived in back to sleep. If the House is able to pass Lodge Christmas party on and all wished each other a either East Boston or the But it’s not expected that reduced federal budgets for the night after Christmas, happy new year once the North End. The ones that the Democrat-controlled Sen- FY 2011 and FY 2012 as and in spite of the weather, clock displayed midnight. moved out lived in cities and ate would pass the “repeal Speaker Boehner has sug- we had dinner at the First Within a minute or two, towns like Revere, Medford and replace” health care leg- gested, then the electorate Corps of Cadets museum Loretta had our sons on the or Everett. The rich ones islation, or that the presi- would greatly reward the Re- and then headed to listen to phone. As I mentioned, they went home to Saugus and dent would sign it. So be it! publicans with more seats in Keith Lockhart conduct the were in New York for the maybe Lynnfield. We’ve The awakened giant will deal 2012. That’s not a prediction, Boston Pops at Symphony holiday events. They were come a long way since then, with them in 2012. that’s just optimism. Hall. When it was time to go having a good time and we but I miss those days. The House will pass a If Congress and the admin- home, there was a lot of wished them a happy new For my family, it was back 2011 FY budget no bigger istration exceed my predic- snow on the ground. From year with lots of love. All in to business as usual the day than the 2010 FY budget. tions, then it would be good downtown Boston to where all, it was a fairly quiet night, after January 1. Dad and my Now this prediction is very for the country. In that case, we live it usually takes 20 but a memorable and com- uncles would get together at risky and could severely I would be happy to be wrong minutes without traffic, but fortable one. On the way the musicians’ union and damage my batting average this time next year. I had to take it easy on the home I said to Loretta, “I’ve book in whatever was avail- when we look back next snow covered roads. Storrow either played publicly or able for the next couple of year, because of the inertia Reprinted with Permission Drive wasn’t bad. It had privately each New Year’s months until Lent would of social programs and the by North Star National been plowed and there was Eve since 1958. This makes begin. Lent season would almost no traffic. After we it 53 years in a row, ouch!” slow music down as there passed Fresh Pond Circle, I Years ago, my father, would not be any Catholic • Mrs. Murphy (Continued from Page 7) headed up big Belmont Hill uncles and I would play New weddings, and other than (Rte 2) and the going was Year’s Day dinner parties at Valentine’s Day dances, the ing a big boost to Winthrop of applause for being slow but uneventful due to various country clubs in the only musicians working Center businesses. ... Con- selected “Woman of the Year” the road having been treated area. By late afternoon, ev- would be the ones who played grats to “Man of the Year” as Executive Director of chemically and the constant erything would have ended the theaters, supper clubs, Tony DiCenso, chef at Rino’s the YMCA she kept the movement of the snow and we would head to Nanna night clubs, bars and res- Place on Saratoga Street. YMCA on its toes with a tight plows. The hardest part was and Babbononno’s for an- taurants that used live mu- His recipes and no skimping budget and raised money trying to get up my own other holiday dinner. The sic. Today, the supper clubs on ingredients have put contributing to the YMCA’s driveway. That took a half menu would be the same or are gone, most night clubs Rino’s on the map. Joey continuing success! ... Till hour. By the next day, the similar to what we had ex- and bars use DJs and res- Cuzzi also deserves a round next time! roads were clear and we perienced on Christmas. taurants seldom have any- were on our way to New Appetizers spread out on the thing except sporting events Hampshire. kitchen table with a bottle or on multiple TV sets strate- • Quit Smoking (Continued from Page 7) We came home in time for two of Zi’Antonio’s home- gically located on the walls. drive to help smokers easy, using nicotine re- New Year’s Eve. John, made red wine. Once we sat Back then, a musician quit. placement therapy such as Michael and Beth headed down at the dinner table, out could make a living just Boston residents who are the patch can significantly back to New York, where came the escarole soup with playing music. Today, the 18 and older can call 1-800- increase one’s chances of Beth is from and where tiny meatballs, then the money a musician makes is QUIT-NOW to receive a success and January is the John and Michael now live. homemade ravioli, meat- often from weekend jobs two-week supply of patches most popular time of year to They had plans and were balls, sausages, chunks of and might only supplement valued at $50.00. The try and quit. biting at the bit to get back gravy meat, stuffed arti- a salary from a day job. In patches work by gradually “Tobacco is one of the there. Since Dean Saluti chokes, vegetables sautéed spite of these changes, and releasing nicotine into the leading causes of death in and Margie Cahn were mar- in oil and garlic, stuffed the changes in life styles, bloodstream without the the United States and can- ried on New Year’s Day, mushrooms, and then the the one thing I am happy cancer-causing substances cer among Boston resi- 2000, we have been celebrat- salad at the end. Dessert about is that my kids like to found in cigarettes. Studies dents”, said EBNASA’s ing New Year’s Eve and Day would consist of fruit, come home and hang around have shown that nicotine Andrew Kenneally. “This re- with them ever since. From unshelled nuts and hot with their parents whenever replacement therapies, like source will allow smokers to 1958 through 2000, I played chestnuts accompanied by they can. This alone keeps the patch, increase a begin their journey to a every December 31 with dessert wines. Later, after it the old ways alive. What do person’s ability to quit by healthier lifestyle for them- either my own band or what- was dark, the “real” desserts you think? GOD BLESS 50% to 70%. selves and their family. ever band I was working would be served. This course AMERICA Finding reasons to quit If you, a family member with. From the point in time consisted of Italian pastry are easy. Not only does or a friend smoke and you Loretta and I were married, accompanied by both Ameri- PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN: quitting smoking add years live in Boston, please call 1- we had never spent a New can coffee and espresso. Of (never known to fail) O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of to your life but it will also 800-QUIT-NOW to learn how Year’s Eve together, and af- course, homemade anis- Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, save you a significant you can quit smoking for ter 2000, I figured it was ette, brandy and after dinner Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my neces- amount of money. The aver- good.” time. Since then we have liqueurs were available to sity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me here You are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother age smoker spends $3,000 a For more information, call joined in with Dean, Margie, “sweeten-up” the coffee. of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly year on cigarettes. While Andrew Kenneally or Pat and the rest of our close New Year’s night was often beseech You from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity (make request). quitting smoking is never Milano at 617-635-5114. friends to celebrate. when extended family and There are none who can withstand your power. Last Friday night, we all paesani would drop by for O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us met at the First Corps of dessert. Babbononno’s long who have recourse to Thee (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 VISIT US ONLINE AT Cadets Museum on Com- retired band members would times). Say this prayer 3 consecutive days monwealth Ave in Boston’s ring the bell, come in, and and then publish, and it will be granted to you. WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM Back Bay. Everyone pitched after a couple of drinks, E.M.V. Page 14 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011

The time has come, the walrus said, The Bilingual TO TALK OF MANY THINGS Corner of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings by Sal Giarratani by Orazio Buttafuoco BEST CHRISTMAS TREE any new permits until the who were united just in time IN EASTIE? school does something with for the Christmas holiday. LO SAPEVATE CHE … Poteva essere tragico, ma sembra Where is the best Christ- the 5-acre, 50-foot hole In RIDING ON UNCLE quasi comico! Un conducente di autobus, positivo al mas tree this year in public Allston that s not completed. NEALY’S TROLLEY narcotest, precisamente la cannabis, ed un automobilista view in the East Boston The Beacon Hill delegation The Charlestown Trivia ubriaco, positivo all’alcol test, si sono scontrati in una via neighborhood? If you asked and district councilor re- Question this past week in di Roma, in pieno giorno. E’ stato un incidente spettacolare me, I would say the best cently sent a joint letter to the Patriot-Bridge about when che ha prodotto solo due feriti, i due autisti di cui sopra, Christmas tree in public the B.RA opposing any new streetcar service to Charles- ma poteva avere conseguenze gravi se l’autobus, della ATAC view was over in the park- construction until Harvard town terminated brought di Roma, non fosse stato fuori servizio, quindi vuoto (senza ing lot of the Sacred Heart makes good on its promises back memories of my uncle passeggeri). Alla ATAC hanno detto che altri incidenti Church. Am I right? If you to fill vacant properties it Neal Harrington, whose first stradali hanno coinvolto autisti dell’agenzia, come lo scorso saw better trees elsewhere, owns in the neighborhood. real job in life was as a 20 dicembre 2009 quando lo stesso autista dell’incidente let me know ... By the way, EASTIE’S WINTER conductor for the old Boston (odierno) travolse un anziano autista, a Roma, ed era the congregation at the 4pm WONDERLAND PARTY Elevated Railway Company. anch’egli ubriaco, anche allora. Quest’autista, di 33 anni, Christmas vigil Mass was Sacred Heart Parish in He drove one of those old era stato sospeso dal servizio dopo due simili incidenti nel the sharing of cultures. East Boston will be holding orange colored streetcars mese di dicembre del 2009. Members of East Boston’s a Winter Wonderland Party out of North Station across La dinamica dell’incidente investigato dalla polizia di Vietnamese Catholic com- on Saturday, January 22. the High Bridge and into Roma, ha evidenziato che l’autobus, senza passeggeri, stava munity helped celebrate the Cocktail hour at 6pm. Din- Charlestown, where he had percorrendo la corsia preferenziale al centro della birth of Christ with Viet- ner at 7pm. Entertainment been born and raised. carreggiata, quando un’auto, sembra sorpassando col namese song and dance and provided by East Coast I always knew when those sermaforo rosso, ha impattato contro il mezzo pubblico, cioe’ Father Wayne even deliv- Acappella. Food by Meridian streetcars turned into buses l’autobus. I due autisti erano rimasti feriti in modo non ered a prayer in Vietnam- Market. For tickets, call because it happened just grave, ma portati in un vicino ospedale da due (diverse) ese. He didn’t sound bad at Lucy Ryan at 617-567-5776 around the time I was being ambulanze. Per evitare l’impatto, il conducente dell’autobus all but then again, I don’t or Maria Pizzicannella at born. Even up to the 1960s ha cercato di evitare lo scontro ma ha finito la corsa urtando understand Vietnamese. 617-567-1785. All proceeds you could still see those contro un albero, che e’ finito contro una vettura in sosta, MENINO TO HARVARD: to benefit the Sacred Heart trolley tracks heading out ed abbattendo un semaforo. Dopo avere scoperto che GO AHEAD BUILD? Youth Group. from North Station onto l’autista dell’autobus era sotto l’influsso della droga, l’ ATAC Harvard University on De- THEY WERE HOME FOR Causeway Street. I could ha deciso di sospenderlo dal servizio per un periodo cember 14 found itself with CHRISTMAS AND IT imagine my uncle taking incerto, da determinare presto. Non ci resta che esortare i an important ally in its WASN’T JUST A DREAM his streetcar out for a nostri lettori a rispettare la vecchia regola: se bevi, non plans for a $120 million ex- Members of the Massa- Charlestown journey. guidare! pansion of the Harvard Busi- chusetts National Guard’s This year I couldn’t jour- ness School. Mayor Thomas 164th Transportation Battal- ney myself over to Charles- DID YOU KNOW THAT … A bus driver, who tested positive M. Menlno says he now sup- ion returned home on De- town to help with the to narcotics, marijuana, and a driver who was drunk, as ports Harvard’s proposal for cember 24 to the Dorchester Townie Santa deliveries as later ascertained with a test, crashed against each other a new facility on Northeast- Armory and were greeted by I usually try do. I’m one of on a Rome street, in day time! The crash, which left two ern Avenue. Said Menino, the families and friends who those public employees individuals wounded individuals — the two drivers — could We would be irresponsible long awaited end of their who had to work Christmas have resulted in a more serious outcome, were it not for not to allow construction of one-year mission In Iraq. A Day. I am one of those the fact that the bus, of the city transportation authority the building on Harvard’s few miles to the south at the folks that Howie Carr never (ATAC) had been out of service, hence without passengers. property in Allston. Hingham Armory the same seems to remember in his An ATAC spokesperson stated that other car-bus acci- However, critics want to scene took place as mem- columns. th dents, involving drunk bus drivers working for the author- know about the giant hole in bers of the 1058 Transpor- Charlestown is about yes- ity, had occurred in the past, especially last December, the ground on the site of an- tation Unit were also terday, today and tomorrow. 2009 when the very same driver of this last accident killed other Harvard project (a greeted by loved ones. It was I remain proud of my an elderly driver. This driver, 33, was suspended by the stalled $1 billion science the best present to receive Charlestown family roots authority. The dynamics of the accident, investigated by project) also on Western Av- for all of these men and and still see Charlestown as the City of Rome Police, showed that the bus, without pas- enue. Critics are opposed to women and their families just this side of heaven. sengers, was moving along the specially assigned lane, when a car, that crossed a red light, hit the bus. The two • News Briefs (Continued from Page 8) drivers were hurt, albeit not seriously, but were sent to the the energized voters who pushing for a federal law federal constitution. hospital on two ambulances. While trying to avoid the colli- worked to get him” elected. that “clearly and unequivo- However, other constitu- sion, the bus driver tried to move away but it hit a tree Meanwhile, conservative cally states that we’re not tional experts think the which crushed on top of a parked car, but ended up on top of US Senator Lindsay Gra- going to tolerate any im- Oklahoma law will stand any a traffic light! After ascertaining that the bus driver was ham, R-S.C. says, “Scott ported law.” constitution challenge. under the influence of a drug, the ATAC decided to sus- Brown needs to be Scott For those not aware, There is nothing unconsti- pend him from duty for an indefinite period, to be finalized Brown. Be independent and Islamic law or Sharia is a tutional about upholding soon. We can only urge our readers by reminding them the let the chips fall where they code of conduct governing all American law in U.S. Courts. old axiom: if you drink, don’t drive! may.” aspects of Muslim life, in- GOP to Fight What Would cluding family issues, busi- Immigrant Law Overhaul Judge Roy Bean Say ness dealings and religious In January, the Republi- Fully Insured About Sharia Law? obligations. It is based on the cans take control of the U.S. Lic #017936 Muneer Awad is challeng- Quran and the teachings of House and pronounced the ing an Oklahoma constitu- Mohammed. Awad says the president’s immigration tional amendment that bars new state law would bar overhaul proposal as D.O.A. courts from considering in- judges from probating wills In his year-end news confer- ternational law in state written in compliance with ence, President Obama said Heating & Air Conditioning cases saying he’s trying to Islamic principles or adjudi- he regretted the defeat of the Sales, Service & Installation defend the First Amend- cating domestic matters Dream Act which would have ment. His opponents call him such as divorce and child offered amnesty to illegal Ken Shallow a “foreigner” trying to change custody disputes between immigrants brought into this 617.593.6211 [email protected] Oklahoma law. Muslims. country as children. Said the Awad is a recent graduate Earlier this year in New president, “It is heartbreak- of a Georgia law school who Jersey, a state judge used ing ... They didn’t break the was born in Michigan and Islamic law in his refusal to law — they were kids.” now heads the Oklahoma issue a restraining order Republicans in both the  chapter of the Council on against a Muslim man. House and Senate have American-Islamic Relations. When the case went before vowed to fight any attempt to He contends an amendment the New Jersey Court of Ap- legalize any of the upwards    to the state constitution peals, that judge’s decision of 11 million illegals in this   that was overwhelmingly was overturned and the court country before our borders passed on Election Day that said that in using Islamic are secure. The incoming     bars judges from considering law, “the judge was mis- House Judiciary chairman Islamic or international law taken.” Lamar Smith, R-Texas   in the state courts. He sued Barry Lynn, executive di- stated, “It is pointless to talk and in early December a rector of Americans United about any new immigration federal judge temporarily for Separation of Church and bills that grant amnesty un-   blocked the new law from State, says there’s no reason til we secure the border,   taking effect while the judge for Americans to fear sharia since such bills will only en-     determines if the new law law in America. He says, “It’s courage more illegal immi- violated the U.S. Constitu- just fear-mongering tinged gration.” Adding in on the    tion which prohibits the with anti-Islamic senti- debate was US Rep. Steve establishment of a state ment.” Some constitutional King, R-Iowa who accused  religion. experts say the Oklahoma the White House of playing      ! Former US House Speaker law discriminates against politics and toying with Newt Gingrich is, himself, one religion and violates the Latino voters. BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011 Page 15

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts EXTRA Innings The Trial Court The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court by Sal Giarratani 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI10D5279DR Docket No. MI11P0004EA Shaughnessy’s fense. He was a new kind of ever he went, whether DIVORCE SUMMONS BY In the Estate of Spin on Target manager. He wasn’t about crooning country tunes in PUBLICATION AND MAILING RICHARD OWEN BUNN Sports writer Dan Shaugh- bunting, hit and run or steal- the huddle as quarterback of ELIZABETH MWERU MWANGI Late of WOBURN, MA 01801 nessy is one of Boston’s best ing bases. Pitching kept the Dallas Cowboys as or jaw- vs. Date of Death October 28, 2010 scribes when it comes to you in the game along with ing with Howard Cosell in the MICHAEL TAHIR EVANS NOTICE OF PETITION FOR baseball. His latest piece in defense. He truly believed broadcast booth as analyst on To the Defendant: PROBATE OF WILL The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for To all persons interested in the the Boston Globe was super. that. He also had those big the groundbreaking “Monday Divorce requesting that the Court grant a above captioned estate, a petition has The Hall of Fame ballots guns like Brooks Robinson, Night Football.” divorce for Irretrievable Breakdown. been presented requesting that a document went into the mail on De- Frank Robinson, Boog Powell His irreverent personality The Complaint is on file at the Court. purporting to be the last will of said dece- An Automatic Restraining Order has been dent be proved and allowed and that cember 23 and Shaughnessy and Paul Blair who hit to made him a beloved sports entered in this matter preventing you from MICHELLE E MEARLS of Hudson, NH be said he was checkmarking win. and TV figure in the 70s and taking any action which would negatively appointed executor/trix, named in the will to impact the current financial status of either serve Without Surety. the names of Jack Morris, Weaver won four pennants 80s. “Dandy Dan” as he was party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, Roberto Alomar and Bert and one World Series in 17 called passed away on Sun- Rule 411. YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE Blyeven. The winners won’t seasons at Baltimore. He day, December 5. He was only You are hereby summoned and required A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT to serve upon: Alicia Rinaldi, Esq., Rinaldi AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN be known until January. Last posted a .583 winning per- 72 years old. & Sparks, LLP, Ten Post Office Square, O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON year Andre Dawson made it centage and entered the Hall Meredith played for the 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109, your answer, FEBRUARY 1, 2011. into Cooperstown. I ques- of Fame in 1996. In 1971, he Cowboys from 1960-68. He if any, on or before February 22, 2011. If In addition, you must file a written affidavit you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the of objections to the petition, stating specific tioned that vote. Dawson was managed four 20 game win- was only 31 when he retired hearing and adjudication of this action. You facts and grounds upon which the objection good, but not Hall of Fame ners and only Jim Palmer in 1969 and one year later are also required to file a copy of your answer, is based, within (30) days after the return day good. However, when the had a real fastball. The other found himself sitting next to if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. (or such other time as the court, on WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, motion with notice to the petitioner, may likes of Mark McGwire and three pitchers just put balls Howard Cosell on Monday First Justice of this Court. allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. Rafael Palmeiro are also on into play leaving the infield nights. From 1970 through Date: December 31, 2010 WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, the ballot, Dawson looked a defense to a scoop up the 1984, he was on ABC’s Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate First Justice of this Court. Date: January 4, 2011 tad better, but just a tad. grounders. “Monday Night Football.” For Run date: 1/7/11 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Last year Red Sox slugger Weaver put the right three TV seasons he played Run date: 1/7/11 Jimmy Rice finally got players in the right posi- a cop on NBC’s “Police Story.” himself elected to the Hall. tions, taught baseball funda- Meredith also showed up in It shouldn’t have taken 15 mentals. The minor league many made for TV movies LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE tries. Bert Blyleven is an- teams did likewise. When- and became famous as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts other hard-luck guy. Like ever a new guy came up, pitchman for Lipton Tea. The Trial Court The Trial Court Shaughnessy, I’m a Blyl- he was already Orioles His wife and daughter were Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court even guy too. This guy is fifth trained. Guys like Eddie at his side when he died as 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Cambridge, MA 02141 on the all-time strikeout list. Murray, Carl Ripken Jr. and was all America. He was a Docket No. MI10P6092EA Docket No. MI10P6142EA He pitched for the Minnesota Doug DeCinces could step dandy of a guy. Not a phony. In the Estate of In the Estate of Twins for years and a num- right in and pick up where He laughed. He cried. He PAUL SONNABEND JANE MONTGOMERY ber of other bad teams too. the other guy left off. lived. He died. He made us Late of WESTON, MA 02493 Late of WALTHAM, MA 02451 Date of Death October 29, 2010 Date of Death November 29, 2010 He won 287 games and had Over the years back in the happy along the way too. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR NOTICE OF PETITION FOR a lifetime 3.31 ERA. He threw sixties and seventies, the Nolasco Signs with Marlins PROBATE OF WILL PROBATE OF WILL 60 shutouts and pitched at team’s shortstop was The Florida Marlins just To all persons interested in the To all persons interested in the least 200 innings in 16 of his Mark Belanger who batted signed right hander Ricky above captioned estate, a petition has above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document been presented requesting that a document seasons. Hopefully, after 13 .228 lifetime but won eight Nolasco to a 3-year, $26.5 purporting to be the last will of said dece- purporting to be the last will of said dece- failed attempts, he will en- Golden Gloves at short. The million contract extension. dent be proved and allowed and that dent be proved and allowed and that ter the Hall on his 14th try. best defensive shortstop in Last year, he went 14-9 with GLORIA A SONNABEND of Weston, MA be SANDRA J LINNELL of Sandwich, MA be appointed executor/trix, named in the will to appointed executor/trix, named in the will to The other two guys, Alomar baseball next to the likes of a 4.51 ERA. Lifetime, he is serve Without Surety. serve Without Surety. and Jack Morris, probably Luis Aparico of the White 54-39 with a 4.45 ERA in 5 IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, won’t make it this time Sox, Dick Groat from the Pi- seasons with the Marlins. YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT around too. rates or Tony Kubek from the Bill Wilhelm AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN The Tigers’ Jack Morris NY Yankees. He might have Clemson College Coach Dies O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON was a really good pitcher but been the best of this group of Down in South Carolina, JANUARY 26, 2011. JANUARY 31, 2011. In addition, you must file a written affidavit In addition, you must file a written affidavit his 3.90 ERA doesn’t look four. The only better short- Bill Wilhelm was a college of objections to the petition, stating specific of objections to the petition, stating specific Cooperstownish to me. He stop in baseball was slugger baseball legend. He built facts and grounds upon which the objection facts and grounds upon which the objection reminds me of another great Eddie Banks of the Chicago Clemson into a national col- is based, within (30) days after the return day is based, within (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the court, on (or such other time as the court, on Tigers starter from 40 years Cubs. Weaver thought highly lege baseball power. He died motion with notice to the petitioner, may motion with notice to the petitioner, may ago named Mickey Lolich. of Belanger’s role at short. He on Christmas Eve at 81 allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. Sometimes you can be real wasn’t out there to hit, he years of age. He coached the WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. good but still fall short of was out there preventing hits Clemson Tigers from 1958 to Date: December 29, 2010 Date: January 3, 2011 Cooperstown. Luis Tiant had from happening. Weaver was 1993 and never had a losing Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate a great career with the Indi- the real magician out there season. Lifetime, he was Run date: 1/7/11 Run date: 1/7/11 ans, Red Sox and Yankees at the old Memorial Stadium. 1,161-536-10. Winner of 11 but he ran through his 15 He had plenty of rabbits in Atlantic Coast Conference LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE votes without a win. Tiant his cap who could hit, pitch titles and appeared in the should be in the Hall but he and win games, lots of them. College World Series six Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts didn’t pitch long enough or Rhodes on the Road times. The Trial Court The Trial Court win enough games. Another to Texas Wilhelm’s 1991 team set Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street 40 wins, he might have Left-handed reliever Arthur the school record with 60 Cambridge, MA 02141 Cambridge, MA 02141 made it. Here’s hoping Bert Rhodes who was a first-time victories. His last team in Docket No. MI10P5586EA2 Docket No. MI10P6011EA makes it this time around. All-Star this past season for 1993 won the ACC title. In the Estate of In the Estate of Q & A the Cincinnati Reds at age However, Wilhelm always DORIS B BLOOM ROBERT E SMITH Late of WESTON, MA 02493 a/k/a ROBERT SMITH Who was the first major 41 has agreed to a contract said his first team in 1958 Date of Death October 15, 2010 Late of WAYLAND, MA 01778 league baseball player to en- with the Texas Rangers. was his favorite. That team NOTICE OF PETITION FOR Date of Death November 13, 2010 list following the attack on Rockies Pick Up Lindstrom won the ACC title and also PROBATE OF WILL NOTICE OF PETITION FOR Pearl Harbor? The answer. It The Colorado Rockies have made a great run in the To all persons interested in the PROBATE OF WILL was Cleveland Indians great added right-hander Matt College World Series. They above captioned estate, a petition has To all persons interested in the been presented requesting that a document above captioned estate, a petition has Bob Feller who enlisted into Lindstrom to its bullpen from beat Florida twice in one day. purporting to be the last will of said dece- been presented requesting that a document the U.S. Navy on Monday Houston. Last year with the First, the Tigers scored a 15- dent be proved and allowed and that purporting to be the last will of said dece- morning December 8, 1941. Astros, he had a team high 14 comeback victory which BERNARD J BLOOM of Weston, MA be dent be proved and allowed and that appointed executor/trix, named in the will to RICHARD KESHIAN of Arlington, MA be When Baseball 23 saves, going 2-5 with a was followed by a 3-2 win. serve Without Surety. appointed executor/trix, named in the will to was Baseball 4.39 ERA. As Clemson’s current IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, serve Without Surety. Back in the sixties and Don Meredith baseball coach Jack Leggett YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE seventies, the Baltimore Quarterbacked Life Well said, “He was what Clemson AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT Orioles were at the top of According to obituary is all about. He was tough, he O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN their game. They shutdown writer Jaime Aron, “Don was honest, he was competi- JANUARY 26, 2011. O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON In addition, you must file a written affidavit JANUARY 26, 2011. the powerful LA Dodgers of Meredith was the happiest, tive and he took pride in of objections to the petition, stating specific In addition, you must file a written affidavit Sandy Koufax-Don Drysdale most fun-loving guy wher- everything he did.” facts and grounds upon which the objection of objections to the petition, stating specific is based, within (30) days after the return day facts and grounds upon which the objection fame in the 1966 World Se- (or such other time as the court, on is based, within (30) days after the return day ries by beating the Dodgers motion with notice to the petitioner, may (or such other time as the court, on in a four-game sweep with LAW OFFICES OF allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. motion with notice to the petitioner, may four straight shutouts. First, WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. . First Justice of this Court. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, the O’s had Hank Bauer as FRANK J CIANO Date: December 29, 2010 First Justice of this Court. their manager, a very good GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Date: December 29, 2010 skipper who was also once Run date: 1/7/11 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate DIVORCE • WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • TRUSTS Run date: 1/7/11 part of the NY Yankees dy- nasty. Then, in 1968, the CRIMINAL • PERSONAL INJURY • WORKERS COMP. Orioles hired Earl Weaver who became one of the all- 617-354-9400 WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM time greatest managers in Si Parla Italiano professional baseball. His 230 MSGR. O’BRIEN HIGHWAY • CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02141 style was pitching and de- Page 16 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 7, 2011


CORNER TALK by Reinaldo Oliveira, Jr. by Richard Preiss Boston’s North End Remembers Dom Dimarzo! and Celebrates the Birthday of World Champion Tony DeMarco on January 14. It’s just a week into the thirds — are at home on the South Boston Remembers Richard Torsney and Celebrates the Birthday of Danny Long on January 7. New Year and already you parquet, the most for any “Happy “2011!” It’s a “Happy New Year!” Have Some “!” with the Fight Family. can hear the wailing and month in this season’s Another Year for “Fighting!” gnashing of teeth as the in- schedule. Please Remember “No Man is an Island!” You Can’t Do it Alone? jury depleted Celtics face yet “We’ve got a good stretch of another opponent they would games at home so we are Success in Boxing “Comes by Working Together” as it Does in Everything. easily defeat with a full-squad going to take advantage of “Happy Boxer Family New team. it,” said Captain Paul Pierce, Year’s!” It’s “2011” As we Sure, the injuries have who preferred to look at the celebrate with “Punch!” I’ll mounted for the C’s of late. bright side of the schedule. drink to that. And depending on any given “Especially with the injuries,” Dom DiMarzo, of East Bos- evening The Green may he continued. “When you ton was a very good fighter. lose to a team far down in have injuries you need to be We fought on the same fight the standings or survive in playing in a place where you card several times. We another close call — as was are comfortable. What better trained together, at the New the case on January 3 when way to do it than at home? Garden Gym, North End the C’s came on in the We’ve got to face some tough Boston, late 1970’s, when I last couple of minutes to teams which means these trained in Boston. His first defeat the lowly Minnesota wins are not guaranteed. professional fight was May Timberwolves 96-93 at the We’re at home and we need 21, 1977. Winning, via a Garden. to take care of business.” first round Kayo over Rod- Part of the team Dennis But you know what? None Added Shaquille O’Neal: ney Black in Boston. Al Marrese and Tommy of this really matters. The “We’ve just got to take care Sacramone trained Dominic, Martini. Celtics banked enough of our home court. We’ve got a very good fighter. It shows victories before the injuries to keep playing hard, playing here, that in his first 11 another’s “back!” No one can got way bad that it would together and we should be fights he was undefeated do it on their own. No one take a near total collapse fine.” with an 11-0, 7 KO record. I can or does. Individual tal- World Champion Vito for them to sink down into That said, the entire do not have at this time the ent is a major ingredient to Antuofermo. the depths of the NBA stand- month appears to be a ques- record he retired from Box- success. Realize this, it’s ings where Minnesota, New tion mark, heavily depending ing with. It was an outstand- not the only ingredient to “fight family!” Let’s all work Jersey, Washington, Cleve- on who is able to take the ing record. Also. Happy Birth- success. Other key factors and do it together. Thank land, Memphis and Sacra- floor on any given evening. day to World Champion Tony are working together. It is you. “It can’t be done with- mento swim in the everlast- Should recuperating players DeMarco on January 14th. an important ingredient to out “YOU!” P.S. I’ve never ing darkness. — especially someone like Richard Torsney of South success. Everything working saw a manager themselves, Remember, it was our very Kevin Garnett — return Boston was an outstanding together to its highest de- win a world title without first own Celtics that lost to the early, the chances for more fighter himself. Richard won gree of efficiency. Similar to having a world-class fighter Nets — the worst team in the victories increase. Should the New having a well-tuned racing to win it. “Ding!” NBA last year and vying for they remain on the sidelines, Title in 1974. He fought World vehicle. Think! You race in At Joe Angelo’s in that unofficial title once and perhaps unthinkably be Champion Marvelous Marvin a major motor vehicle Brockton, we got together. again — back last February. joined by additional team- Hagler twice. This good friend event? All factors of your Joe Angelo, Ring Announcer Fast forward to June mates, the more additional and confidant of World Cham- engine should be at its high- Bill Carpenter and John and it was the Celtics that questions come to the fore. pion Paul Pender, is a good est peak of performance “Skip” Sergio. We talked and were playing in Game 7 of “Injuries are going to hap- man. He’s a devoted family level. If not it’s difficult to had a great time. Again at the NBA Finals, leading pen,” offered head coach Doc man and a successful busi- win. If not at its highest per- Joe Angelo’s. Joe Angelo, with just over six minutes Rivers.”Regardless of the nessman. Happy birthday formance level you’ll prob- Tommy Martini, Tony remaining in the contest, injuries we’ve still got to Danny Long, on January 7th, ably lose. Which one of these Petronelli. Spoke with Den- before things went south and show up and play. There are his son Ryan Long cele- auto parts can you race with- nis Marrese by phone. We the Lakers emerged with the no moral victories. The guys brates his birthday on Janu- out, or having this vehicle talked again. Tonight we’re championship. that we put out there have ary 11th. part, performing at an infe- together at Vels. Talking The point is that these win- got to be ready. We’re on the Balancing Power, in Box- rior level? The engine? No are: Iron Mike Pusateri, ter setbacks (or near set- home court with guys who ing. Experience is one of the tires? No spark plugs? Car- Tommy Martini, Tony backs) won’t even be remem- know how to play the game. best training mechanisms buretor? Fuel, steering wheel Petronelli. Again at Vels is bered by the vast majority of We can’t look back and say in life. Stroking is a chief and no transmission? I am Iron Mike Pusateri, Tom Celtics Nation come the “if such and such was out factor in acquiring the re- not a mechanic. I just be- Martini, Tony Petronelli. spring. What really matters there maybe the game would sults of this theoretical con- lieve that all of these parts Again we spoke. We also is that every member of the have been different.” The re- clusion. It’s a term Psycholo- are necessary to compete spoke by telephone, with roster is standing and ready sponsibility is on the guys gist Eric Berne uses in his and win with, all performing Austin Killeen. What are we to go when the playoffs open out there on the floor. Right theory of Transactional at their highest of efficiency. talking about? in mid-April. now with all the guys out, Analysis. Stroking is a word All are just as important as Ring 8 New York recently Last year the Celtics had a we’ve got so many different I believe relates to condi- the other. Similar to fight- held its 24th Annual Holiday couple of goals for the regu- combinations on the floor. tioning for a reward one ers. I’ve never seen or heard Event and Awards Cer- lar season. One was to win Our starters have to be solid wishes to receive. After the of a fighter training them- emony. More than 400 box- enough games so that they every night throughout the completion of a desired ex- selves, sparring with them- ing family members were in could rest as many of the star stretch.” pression. Using behavior selves (shadow boxing), man- attendance. World champion players as possible in the That, of course, a silver lin- that has worked before. Do aging themselves, working guest: Emile Griffith, Vito closing weeks in order to ing in all of this. With so you respond to negative and their own corner and all Antuofermo, Leon Spinks, have them in tip-top shape many members of the second or positive behavior for posi- other factors of boxing, win- Iran Barkley and Junior for the playoffs. The other unit getting the opportunity tive or negative results? ning a World Title. That is Jones. “Smokin” Joe was to finish in the top four to play significant minutes, Last week in this article, why all listed are needed to Frazier and his son Marvis of the Eastern Conference it only enhances the depth reference was made to “big do their function, to the best Frazier received the Fa- so they could start the play- on the roster that the Celtics mouth” individuals that talk of their ability. Managers, ther/Son Award. The Un- offs with the home court will bring to the playoffs. loud and rely on talking loud sponsors, trainers, promot- crowned Champion Award advantage. If the Celtics exit January and “acting tough” as mak- ers, officials, home life, went to “Sonny” Lou Volpe The C’s accomplished with a .500 or better record ing them “appear tough.” fans, sparring partners, and and Lenny Mangiapane. both those goals. They didn’t for the month, then you That’s why I love “real fight- other key factors of the fight Trainer of the Year is win the regular season can write that the Celtics ers.” We don’t act tough. world, all working together Tommy Gallagher. conference title — that went Express to the playoffs is right Real fighters can be tough. in the fight business. Do it UPCOMING FIGHTS: to LeBron James and the on track. By early March You can’t act tough in a ring right. No one can do it alone. Battling in 2011 on Cleveland Cavaliers. But resting time will begin as or cage. Exposure occurs “The fighter” as a body, January: the Celtics were victorious the Celtics get ready for the very quickly, acting tough, needs a head, appendages, 7 th on ESPN2 Demetrius when it mattered most — second season — the Playoff in life. Appearing to be the a heart, a backbone and a Andrade, dukes it out with defeating Cleveland 4-2 in Season — the only season illusion one wants another brain to achieve success. A Alberto Herrera. the second round of the play- that really matters. to believe they are. Real head to guide the body. Ap- 14th ESPN2 Florida. Peter offs and sending the favored The last game of the regu- fighters understand that act- pendages to perform tasks. Manfredo Jr. battles Daniel Cavaliers home to an early lar season is at home against ing tough does not make you A heart to feed nutrition to Edouard, & Edwin “La summer on the shores of the rejuvenated New York tough and win a fight. Be the body. A back like Atlas Bomba” Rodriquez 17-0, 13 Lake Erie. Knicks on Wednesday, April who you “ARE” a real “to carry the weight of the KO’s fights top fighter Aaron Make no mistake about it. 13. The playoffs begin the fighter. Fighters in a ring or world when needed. Con- Pryor Jr. January is a very active weekend of April 16-17. If cage. Fighters in fife. That’s sciousness to guide the hu- 22nd from Virginia, month for the Celtics with a the Celtics are healthy and the “real deal!” We have a man soul to inner tranquil- Evander Holyfield, and total of 16 games in a 29-day well-rested then fans can great crew of individuals in ity and communication Sherman Williams, mix it span — there wasn’t a game look forward to a long run in the fight world. amongst one another to help up. Heavyweights. on New Year’s Day and there the playoffs and the strong Another reason why, guide those working “to- May 7th Manny Pacquiao isn’t one scheduled on the possibility that Banner 18 will fighters succeed? “Back- gether to succeed!” Fighting and Shane Mosley duke it 31st. The good news is that be waving over Causeway ing!” You cover one for what is right! I say to the out, in a WBO Title fight. 11 of them — more than two Street in the middle of June.