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The content of this service document is the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV). The user accepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV and/or its licensees to offer and/or perform classification, certification and/or verification services, including the issuance of certificates and/or declarations of conformity, wholly or partly, on the basis of and/or pursuant to this document whether free of charge or chargeable, without DNV's prior written consent. DNV is not responsible for the consequences arising from any use of this document by others.

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS FOREWORD DNV is a global provider of knowledge for managing risk. Today, safe and responsible business conduct is both a license to operate and a competitive advantage. Our core competence is to identify, assess, and advise on risk management. From our leading position in certification, classification, verification, and training, we develop and apply standards and best practices. This helps our customers safely and responsibly improve their business performance. DNV is an independent organisation with dedicated risk professionals in more than 100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment. The Rules lay down technical and procedural requirements related to obtaining and retaining a Class Certificate. It is used as a contractual document and includes both requirements and acceptance criteria.

© Det Norske Veritas AS July 2016

Any comments may be sent by e-mail to [email protected]

If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision “Det Norske Veritas” shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas. Rules for Ships, July 2016 Pt.1 Ch.2 CHANGES – CURRENT – Page 3

CHANGES – CURRENT General This document supersedes the January 2016 edition.

Text affected by the main changes in this edition is highlighted in red colour. However, if the changes involve a whole chapter, section or sub-section, normally only the title will be in red colour. Det Norske Veritas AS, company registration number 945 748 931, has on 27th November 2013 changed its name to DNV GL AS. For further information, see Any reference in this document to “Det Norske Veritas AS” or “DNV” shall therefore also be a reference to “DNV GL AS”.

Main changes July 2016, entering into force 1 January 2017 • Sec.1 Class notations — The class notation REGAS has been made mandatory, hence moved from Table C2 to Table B6.

Editorial corrections In addition to the above stated main changes, editorial corrections may have been made.

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS Rules for Ships, July 2016 Pt.1 Ch.2 Contents – Page 4


CHANGES – CURRENT ...... 3 Sec. 1 Class notations...... 5 A. General...... 5 A 100 Class notations ...... 5 B. Mandatory class notations...... 6 B 100 General...... 6 B 200 Construction symbols ...... 6 B 300 Main character of class ...... 6 B 400 Service restrictions...... 6 B 500 Modified rule requirements related to size and general arrangement...... 6 B 600 Main ship types...... 7 B 700 Class notations - main ship types - passenger ships ...... 7 B 800 Class notations - main ship types - cargo ships ...... 8 B 900 Class notations - mandatory survey scheme ...... 9 B 1000 Additional mandatory class notations - for main ship types...... 9 C. Optional class notations...... 11 C 100 Class notations - optional ship types...... 11 C 200 Optional class notations - general...... 13 C 300 Optional class notations related to cargo ...... 14 C 400 Optional class notations related to service area ...... 15 C 500 Optional class notations related to survey and management schemes...... 16 C 600 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems...... 17 C 700 Optional class notations related to design features ...... 26 C800The NAUTICUS notation ...... 28 C 900 Optional class notations found in other DNV rule books...... 29 Sec. 2 Class notations not covered by this edition of Sec.1...... 30 A. Class notations currently in use...... 30 A 100 Validity of class notations and corresponding requirements ...... 30 A 200 List of class notations currently in use...... 30


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A. General A 100 Class notations 101 Class notations are assigned in order to determine applicable rule requirements for assignment and retention of class. Class notations cover mandatory and optional requirements (see Table A1). 102 Applicable class notations are given in Tables B3 to B6 (mandatory notations) and Tables C1 to C7 (optional class notations). 103 Class notations may be given one or more qualifiers which are supplementary symbols used to identify variants of the class notation or a design parameter. Qualifiers typically denote differences in levels of complexity and/or special requirements or limitations, and may be assigned additional requirements. 104 The presentation of class notations in certificates and documents issued by the Society, in the Register of Vessels and in electronic customer portals and user interfaces may differ from the presentation in the rules. Reference is made to DNV GL rules for classification DNVGL-RU-0050 Sec.3[1.5]. 105 Examples of typical class notations as defined in these rules are shown in Table A2. 106 Class notations with no specific survey requirements are marked with N/A in Tables B3 to B6 and Tables C1 to C7.

Table A1 Class notations structure Construction symbol, see B200 Main character of class, see B300 Mandatory class notations Service area restriction, see B400 Main ship types, survey scheme and class notations for additional strengthening, see Table B3, B4, B5 and B6 Related to ship types, see Table C1 Related to cargo, see Table C2 Related to service area, see Table C3 Optional class Related to survey scheme, see Table C4 notations Related to equipment and systems, see Table C5 Related to design features, see Table C6 NAUTICUS notations, see Table C7

Table A2 Typical class notations Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Construction symbol, see B200 @ @ @ Main character of class, see B300 1A1 1A1 1A1 Tanker for Oil Main ship types, see Table B4 ESP ESP Mandatory class Mandatory survey scheme related to a notations survey scheme for bulk and ore carriers ESP ESP and tankers, see Table B5 Additional class notations for main ship CSR BC-A types, see Table B6 Holds 2,4,6 may CSR be empty Related to ship types, see Table C1 Offshore Service Vessel Related to cargo, see Table C2 LFL Related to service area, see Table C3 ICE-1A Optional Related to Survey scheme, see Table C4 TMON TMON CLEAN class Related to equipment and systems, see E0 E0 VCS-2 DEICE E0 F-AM RPS notations Table C5 NAUT-AW HELDK-SH Related to design features, see PLUS SF Table C6 NAUTICUS notations, see Table C7*) NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) *) For certain types of ships, the NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) notation is mandatory and part of main class.

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B. Mandatory class notations B 100 General 101 All ships being assigned class with the Society will be given a class notation consisting of a construction symbol, a main character of class, service area restriction notations and main ship type notations, as applicable. B 200 Construction symbols 201 The construction symbol @ will be assigned to ships built under the supervision of the Society. 202 The construction symbol @· will be assigned to ships built under the supervision of a recognized classification society and later assigned class with the Society. For such ships the class notations which the Society considers to have the equivalent intent will be assigned. 203 Ships other than those described in 201 and 202, will not be assigned construction symbol when classed with the Society. B 300 Main character of class 301 The notation 1A1 will be assigned to ships with hull, machinery, systems and equipment found to be in compliance with applicable rule requirements as given in Pt.2, Pt.3 and Pt.4. 302 The notation 1A1 will also be assigned to ships designed and constructed in accordance with the rules of another classification society, and later assigned class with the Society. B 400 Service restrictions 401 The service area notation R followed by a number or a letter will be assigned to ships with certain modifications to arrangement, equipment or scantlings, in relation to ships built for unrestricted trade. The service area restrictions, given in nautical miles and representing the maximum distance from nearest port or safe anchorage, are given in Table B1. For the various service area notations the restrictions are related to the zones, areas and seasonal periods as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, Annex II. The service area notation RE is limited to enclosed waters such as fjords, ports, rivers and lakes. The service area restrictions as related to the assigned service area notation will be included in the “Appendix to the Class Certificate”.

Table B1 Service area restrictions Service area Seasonal zones (nautical miles) notations Winter Summer Tropical R0 250 No restrictions No restrictions R1 100 200 300 R2 50 100 200 R3 20 50 100 R4 51020 RE Enclosed waters 402 Modified requirements related to the various service area notations are given in the relevant sections of the rules. The modifications will affect: — design hull girder loads — design pressures on shell, weather decks, superstructures and deckhouses — anchoring and mooring equipment — arrangement — stability. 403 The flag authority whose domestic requirements are being applied under the provision of Ch.1 Sec.2 A307 (local trade), shall be indicated in parentheses after the service area notation, by using lower-case country codes in accordance with ISO 3166, (e.g. R2 (nor), should the flag authority be Norway or R2 (usa) should the flag authority be U.S.A. etc.). 404 Other service restrictions or operational limits included in the design assumptions for a ship will be stated in the “Appendix to the Class Certificate”, and/or on special signboards. B 500 Modified rule requirements related to size and general arrangement 501 Modified rule requirements related to the size of the ship and its general arrangement are given in Table B2.

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Table B2 Modified rule requirements Rule set Size and arrangement Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1 Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.1 regarding definition of length (barge/push-tug) Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 regarding subdivision Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.3 Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.5 regarding hull section modulus Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 regarding connection barge and push-tug Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.3 regarding anchoring and mooring equipment Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.4 regarding bilge pumping for ships less than 100 gross tonnage Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.3 regarding electrical installations (outside tropical waters) Pt.4 Ch.10 Sec.2 regarding fire safety measures on cargo ships of less than 500 gross tonnage B 600 Main ship types 601 Ships that comply with additional requirements given in Pt.5 will be given a ship type class notation. A passenger ship is a ship which carries more than twelve passengers. A cargo ship is any ship which is not a passenger ship. 602 A passenger ship will be given the main class notation Passenger Ship or a main ship type class notation given in Table B3. 603 A cargo ship of the types shown in Table B4 will be given the corresponding main ship type class notation. 604 Cargo ships with class notations shown in Table B4 will be amended with a mandatory survey scheme class notation as given in Table B5. 605 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship types arranged and/or strengthened for a special service are given in Table B6. 606 The class notation for main ship types given in Table B3 and B4, may be replaced by alternative ship type class notations as shown in Table C1. B 700 Class notations - main ship types - passenger ships 701 Table B3 gives mandatory main ship type class notations for passenger ships.

Table B3 Main ship type class notations - passenger ships Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Passenger ships, Passenger Ship Ship designed primarily for carriage of mandatory as of Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, passengers July 1995 3 and 4 Ro/Ro ship designed for regular transport A of passengers and vehicles. Vehicles on enclosed decks Car and Car and train Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Train Ferry Ro/Ro ship designed for regular transport ferries Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3 3 and 4 B of passengers and vehicles. Vehicles on weather decks only. Requires operating restriction R2 or stricter Ro/Ro ship designed for regular transport A of passengers and cars. Cars on enclosed decks Car Ferry Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Ro/Ro ship designed for regular transport Car ferries Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3 3 and 4 B of passengers and cars. Cars on open decks only. Requires operating restriction R2 or stricter Ro/Ro ship designed for regular transport A of passengers and trains. Trains on enclosed decks Train Ferry Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Ro/Ro ship designed for regular transport Train ferries Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3 3 and 4 B of passengers and trains. Trains on open decks only. Requires operating restriction R2 or stricter

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B 800 Class notations - main ship types - cargo ships 801 Table B4 gives mandatory main ship type class notations for cargo ships.

Table B4 Main ship type class notations - cargo ships Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Bulk Carrier Ships designed for carriage Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, of solid bulk cargoes Bulk carriers and Sec.8 3 and 4 Bulk Carrier or Ships intended for separate Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1, Tanker for Oil carriage of oil and dry Combination carriers Pt.5 Ch.3 cargoes in bulk 2, 3 and 4 Ships exclusively intended Container Carrier for the carriage of Container carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 containers A and B Ships designed for carriage Ore Carrier of ore cargoes in centre Ore carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, holds Sec.12 3 and 4 Ore Carrier or Ships intended for separate Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1, Tanker for Oil carriage of oil and/ore in Combination carriers Pt.5 Ch.3 bulk 2, 3 and 4 Semi-Submersible Specially intended for Heavy Transport loading and unloading Vessel cargo by submerging the Pt.5 Ch.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, freeboard deck through Sec.21 3 and 4 ballast operations Chemical carriers. Cargoes not requiring full Specific types of liquid compliance with Pt.5 Ch.4 C chemicals. C denotes the type of cargo for which the Sec.1 to 14. ship is classed Chemical carriers according to the IBC or Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, BHC code 3 and 4 Chemical carriers. Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.1 Cargoes listed in IBC Chemicals All types of liquid Code Ch. 17 and 18 with chemicals additions given in IMO MEPC.2/Circ.xx List 1. Chemicals Ships intended for transport Tanker for with FP of liquid chemicals with a above 60°C flashpoint (FP) above 60°C Compressed Ships intended for Compressed natural gas Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Natural Gas transportation of Pt.5 Ch.15 compressed natural gas carriers 3 and 4 Liquefied Ships intended for Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Gas transportation of liquefied Liquefied gas carriers Pt.5 Ch.5 gas 3 and 4 Oil Ships intended for transport Oil carriers of oil in bulk Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1, Oil 2, 3 and 4 All types of oil products Oil product carriers Products except crude oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Oil Ships intended for transport products of oil products with a with FP flashpoint above 60°C above 60°C

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B 900 Class notations - mandatory survey scheme 901 Table B5 gives a mandatory class notation related to a survey scheme for bulk and ore carriers and tankers.

Table B5 Mandatory survey scheme class notation Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Mandatory for ships with class notations: Bulk Carrier, Bulk carrier: Bulk Carrier or Tanker for Oil, Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 Ore Carrier, A103 Ore Carrier or Tanker for Oil, Tanker for oil ESP Enhanced survey Tanker for Chemicals, Tanker for C, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, programme products: Tanker for Oil, Pt.5 Ch.3 3 and 4 Tanker for Oil Products, Tanker for Tanker for oil products with FP above chemicals: 60°C, Pt.5 Ch.4 Tanker for chemicals with FP above 60°C

B 1000 Additional mandatory class notations - for main ship types 1001 Ships arranged and/or strengthened for a special service and found to be in accordance with relevant requirements in Pt.5 or CSR Pt.1 and Pt.2 will be assigned corresponding additional class notations for main ship types. Additional mandatory class notations applicable for main ship types are given in Table B6.

Table B6 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship types Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Mandatory for vessels having Battery Power Battery Powered Vessels battery power as source for main Pt.6 Ch.28 N/A functions Strengthened to carry dry bulk Mandatory for ships with class cargoes with cargoes of cargo 3 notation Bulk Carrier ESP with A density 1.0 t/m and above with ≥ BC-B BC-C specified holds empty, at L 150 m unless or maximum draught. is assigned. Strengthened to carry dry bulk Mandatory for ships with class BC- Bulk Carrier ESP Pt.5 Ch.2 B cargoes with cargoes of cargo notation with Sec.5 N/A density 1.0 t/m3 and above with L ≥ 150 m unless BC-A or BC-C all cargo holds loaded. is assigned. Strengthened to carry dry bulk Mandatory for ships with class C notation Bulk Carrier ESP with cargoes with cargoes of cargo ≥ BC-A BC-B density less than 1.0 t/m3 L 150 m unless or is assigned. Mandatory for Pt.7 Ch.1 BOW LOADING Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.2 Bow loading arrangement Sec.14 A202, B105, when installed B110, C204 Hull structure is based on IACS common structural rules for CSR Double Hull Oil Tankers with Tanker for Oil and CSR Pt.1 and CSR Pt.1 length ≥ 150 m and Bulk Bulk Carrier CSR Pt.2 Ch.13 Carriers with length ≥ 90 m VR xxx vapour recovery with capacity Vessels built in compliance with xxx kW Pt.5 Ch.5 Liquefied Gas Carriers EPC enhanced positioning control and barges specifically intended Pt.5 Ch.5 Gas bunker for carriage of liquefied gas built Pt.5 Ch.7 N/A in compliance with Pt.5 Ch.7 Pt.6 Ch.37 TC enhanced transfer control system Offshore Service Vessels, Tugs and Special Ships when they are equipped for bunkering services.

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Table B6 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship types (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Strengthened to carry dry bulk Bulk Carrier cargoes with cargoes of density Mandatory for A 3 without ESP, unless either HC-B, 1.0 t/m and above with HC-B* HC-C HC-M specified holds empty, at , or is maximum draught. assigned Strengthened to carry dry bulk Mandatory for Bulk Carrier ESP HC-A B cargoes with cargoes of density without , unless either , 1.0 t/m3 and above with all holds HC-B*, HC-C or HC-M is loaded. assigned Strengthened to carry dry bulk Mandatory for Bulk Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 HC- B* cargoes with cargoes of density without ESP, unless either HC-A, N/A 1.0 t/m3 and above with any hold HC-B, HC-C, or HC-M is Sec.5 A empty at maximum draught. assigned Bulk Carrier Strengthened to carry dry bulk Mandatory for C without ESP, unless either HC-A, cargoes with cargoes of density HC-B HC-B* HC-M less than 1.0 t/m3 , , or is . assigned Designed to carry dry bulk Mandatory for Bulk Carrier M cargoes, applicable for vessels without ESP, unless either HC-A, not in compliance with HC-A, HC-B, HC-B*, or HC-C is HC-B, HC-B*, or HC-C. assigned Holds may be empty at full Holds n may be draught where n is the Mandatory for ships with class Pt.5 Ch.2 empty identification number for each notation BC-A or HC-A Sec.5 N/A hold that may be empty INERT Systems for inerting of tanks and Mandatory if installed on Tanker Pt.5 Ch.3 void spaces within the cargo area for Oil with DWT < 20 000 ton Sec.11 N/A Mandatory for Bulk Carrier BC- Maximum Cargo 3 Designed for a maximum cargo A or BC-B designed for a Pt.5 Ch.2 Density x.y t/m density x.y in t/m3 maximum cargo density less than Sec.5 N/A 3.0 t/m3 No MP Ships not designed for loading Pt.5 Ch.2 and unloading in multiple ports Bulk Carrier Sec.5 N/A REGAS For vessels with regasification Pt.7 Ch.1 plant Liquefied natural gas carriers Pt.6 Ch.30 Sec.6 Mandatory for SPM Single point mooring Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 N/A when installed Sec.15 Mandatory for STL Submerged turret loading Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 N/A when installed Sec.14

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C. Optional class notations C 100 Class notations - optional ship types 101 Ships arranged and/or strengthened for a special service, other than those given in B1000, and found to be in accordance with relevant rule requirements may in stead of the main ship class notation given in Table B3 and B4, be assigned a corresponding optional ship type class notation as given in Table C1.

Table C1 Optional ship type class notations Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Barge or pontoons without Barge sufficient means for self Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 propulsion for their service area and 4 for Deck Cargo Intended for deck load only for Liquefied Intended for storage and carriage of liquefied gas Barge or pontoons Gas without sufficient means Barge for self propulsion for Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 for Oil Intended for storage and carriage and 4 of oil their service area for “C” Intended for storage and carriage of chemical liquids, where “C” denotes the type of cargo for which the barge is classified Concrete Barge Barge or pontoons with hull Pt5 Ch.7 Sec.14 constructed from concrete and without sufficient means for self propulsion for their service area Pipe Laying Specially intended for laying Barge or pontoons Barge pipelines on the sea bottom without sufficient means Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 for self propulsion for Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.20 and 4 their service area Cable Laying Specially intended for laying Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Barge cables on the sea bottom Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19 and 4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 G Pipe Laying Specially intended for laying Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Vessel pipelines on the sea bottom Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.20 and 4 Cable Laying Specially intended for laying Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Vessel Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19 and 4 cables on the sea bottom Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 G Car Carrier Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Intended for carriage of cars Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.7 and 4 Barge or pontoons Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Crane Barge Specially intended for lifting without sufficient means Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.17 operations for self propulsion for and Sec.14 and 4 their service area Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 F Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Crane Vessel Specially intended for lifting Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.17 and 4 operations Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 F Dredger Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Specially intended for dredging Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.18 and 4 Especially intended for escort service where Fs is the steering (F ,t,v) force acting on the assisted ship Escort s for speed V, and t the manoeuvre Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.13 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 test time. If tested at both 8 and and 4 10 knots, the escort rating will read (FS,t,8 FS,t,10) Fishing Vessel Arranged for fishing as main Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 purpose Pt.5 Ch.6 and 4 Mandatory when the ship General Cargo Arranged for lift on/lift off cargo is also designed for Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Carrier handling and intended for carriage of solid bulk Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4 and 4 carriage of general dry cargoes cargoes Bulk carrier designed to operate Great Lakes within the limits of the Great Bulk Carrier Lakes and St. Lawrence river to Bulk Carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.11 the seaward limits defined by the Anticosti Island.

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Table C1 Optional ship type class notations (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Flying a naval flag and administered by a national naval Pt.5 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A administration. Naval In case of deviations from the Also applicable for the [navdist] rules and given class notation and class notation Naval Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.1 N/A or service restriction. Support E Flying a naval flag and administered by a national naval May be used in any hull administration with additional Pt.5 Ch.14 naval requirements to combination with the Sec.2, 3 and 4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A arrangement, loads and hull other supplements strength. Flying a naval flag and May be used in any stab administered by a national naval administration with naval combination with the Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A requirements to stability. other supplements Flying a naval flag and administered by a national naval administration with additional May be used in any Pt.5 Ch.14 system naval requirements to piping combination with the Sec.6, 7, 8 and 9 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A systems, electrical systems and other supplements control and monitoring systems. Flying a naval flag and May be used in any fire administered by a national naval Pt.5 Ch.14 administration with additional combination with the Sec.10 or 11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A Naval Support naval requirements to fir safety. other supplements (...;...;...;....) Flying a naval flag and May be used in any evac administered by a national naval Pt.5 Ch.14 administration with naval combination with the Sec.12 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A requirements to safe evacuation. other supplements Flying a naval flag and administered by a national naval May be used in any radhaz administration with naval combination with the Pt.5 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A requirements to radiation other supplements Sec.13 hazards. Flying a naval flag and administered by a national naval May be used in any emc administration with naval combination with the Pt.5 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A requirements to electromagnetic other supplements Sec.14 compatibility. Flying a naval flag and administered by a national naval May be used in any sam administration with naval combination with the Pt.5 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A requirements to storage rooms other supplements Sec.15 for ammunition. Pusher Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Specially intended for pushing Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.15 and 4 Barge or pontoons Pusher/Barge without sufficient means Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Unit Specially intended for pushing for self propulsion for Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.16 and 4 their service area Built mainly for the carriage of refrigerated dry cargo. Lowest Reefer (…°C/…°C Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 sea) chamber temperature in °C and Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.10 maximum sea water temperature and 4 in °C Refrigerated Built for transport of fruit juices Fruit Juice and similar cargoes in Pt.5 Ch.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Carrier refrigerated tanks and 4 Sealer Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Designed for catching seals Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.5 and 4 Designed for seismographic Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.24 N/A Seismic research Vessel (A) Advanced design for Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.24 seismographic research N/A Slop Reception Serving as floating facilities for and Processing reception and processing of oily Pt.5 Ch.8 Sec.1 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 facility water and oil residue and 4

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Table C1 Optional ship type class notations (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Ships carrying special personnel SPS who are neither crew members Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 nor passengers Especially designed to carry out rescue and standby services to Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 offshore installations and 4 Standby Vessel Designed specially to operate in (S) harsh weather conditions, e.g. the Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 North Sea. and 4 Stern Trawler Arranged for fishing as main Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 purpose Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.2 and 4 Designed specially for services to Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 offshore installations. Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.2 and 4 Designed specially for services to + offshore installations in harsh Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 weather conditions, e.g. the Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.2 and 4 North Sea. Designed specially for towing of Anchor floating objects in open waters Handling and objects on sea bed in addition Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 I to subsurface deployment and Offshore lifting of anchoring equipment Service Vessel Towing Designed specially for towing of floating objects in open waters Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 I Designed specially for towing of Compliance with floating objects in open waters notation Anchor AHTS and objects on sea bed, Handling and Supply Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 I subsurface deployment and qualifies for notation and 4 lifting of anchoring equipment AHTS and platform supply services. Supply Designed specially for supply Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 services to offshore installations Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.4 and 4 Apply to ships intended to carry Tanker for Asphalt at a temperature higher Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Asphalt than 80°C at atmospheric Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.14 and 4 pressure. Tanker for Intended for transport of potable Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 B Potable Water water in bulk Pt.5 Ch.13 and C Tug Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Specially intended for towing Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.12 3, 4 and 7 J Vessel Vessel purpose - wind turbine Pt.5 Ch.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Wind Turbine installation Sec.22 3, 4 and 6 F Installation Barge Barge purpose - wind turbine Pt.5 Ch.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, installation Sec.22 3, 4 and 6 F Windfarm Intended for maintenance and Maintenance service of offshore wind farms Offshore service vessels Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.23 N/A Well Arranged and equipped for Barge or pontoons Stimulation stimulation of wells for without sufficient means Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.9 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Barge for self propulsion for and 4 production of oil and/or gas their service area Well Arranged and equipped for Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Stimulation stimulation of wells for Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.9 and 4 Vessel production of oil and/or gas Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 B Bulk Carrier specialised for the carriage of a single type of dry X Carrier bulk cargo. X denotes the type of Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 bulk cargo to be carried, e.g. Bulk Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.9 and 4 Alumina Carrier, Cement Carrier, Sugar Carrier etc. C 200 Optional class notations - general 201 Optional class notations related to service area, cargo, loading flexibility, design features, survey scheme, equipment or system may be assigned to ships meeting corresponding rule requirements. Optional class notations are given in Table C2 to Table C7.

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C 300 Optional class notations related to cargo 301 Ships arranged, strengthened and/or equipped for carriage of specific cargoes (and/or cargoes with certain properties) in addition to main cargo type specified by the ship type notations, and found to be in accordance with relevant rule requirements may be assigned a corresponding optional class notation. Optional class notations related to cargo are given in Table C2.

Table C2 Optional class notations related to cargo Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Arranged for carriage of fish Fishing Vessel and (S) in bulk, with shifting boards Stern Trawler Pt.5 Ch.6 N/A in cargo holds Number of twenty-foot [...] TEU equivalent container units Container carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 N/A (TEU) that may be carried Permanently equipped for CA carriage of fruit needing Ships with class notation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 controlled atmosphere in Reefer Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.5 D cargo chambers. Permanently equipped for carriage of fruit needing Ships with class notation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 CA (port.) controlled atmosphere in Reefer Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.5 cargo chambers with partly D portable equipment All ships except CONTAINER Arranged for carriage of Container Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 N/A containers (implicit) COW Fitted with crude oil washing Oil carriers less than 20 000 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.3 system dwt Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.13 B and Sec.4 B Arranged for carriage of B dangerous in solid bulk Pt.5 Ch.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 cargoes E DG- Arranged for carriage of P dangerous goods in packaged Pt.5 Ch.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 form E EC Ships built for easy cleaning Cargo ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 of cargo holds Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 D EL-2 Ships built for easy loading of Special feature notation cargo holds, loading each intended for Ore Carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.12 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 cargo hold in one step D Structures designed for carriage of liquid cargoes at HOT (…°C cargo temperatures higher than tank no …) 80°C. Maximum cargo Tankers Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.14 N/A temperature in °C, applicable for cargo tank no n Designed for carriage of liquid with flashpoint lower All ships except Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 LFL than 60°C Tanker for Oil and Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.8 A and C, Sec.4 Tanker for Chemicals B and C * Flashpoint lower than 43°C

Complying with MARPOL NLS Annex II requirements for NLS certificate (Noxious Oil carriers Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.1 N/A Liquid Substances) Arranged for carriage of Mandatory for ships SOLAS Ch.II-2/ PET vehicles with fuel in their arranged for lift on/off Reg.20 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 tanks cargo handling Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4 A and C Equipped with a refrigeration (…°C/…°C plant where the lowest Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 RM sea) chamber temperature is given Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.10 in °C and maximum sea water B and C temperature in °C Equipped for carriage of RM CONTAINER refrigerated containers, where Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 cooling is supplied from ships Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.10 B and C refrigeration plant

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Table C2 Optional class notations related to cargo (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Intended to increase the level of safety for crew members and stevedores engaged in the SafeLash handling and securing of Container Carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 N/A containers. Market adaptation to future IMO ship design requirements C 400 Optional class notations related to service area 401 Ships designed or strengthened for operation within particular geographical or environmental areas found to be in accordance with relevant rule requirements may be assigned a corresponding optional class notation. Optional class notations related to service area are given in Table C3.

Table C3 Optional class notations related to service area Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Ships with ice strengthening E for light localised drift ice in mouths of rivers and coastal All ships areas. C Ships with basic ice strengthening All ships Ships constructed according 1C to Baltic ice rules. Ice All ships thickness 0.4 m Ships constructed according 1B to Baltic ice rules. Ice All ships thickness 0.6 m Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.3 N/A Ships constructed according 1A to Baltic ice rules. Ice All ships thickness 0.8 m Ships constructed according 1A* to Baltic ice rules. Ice All ships thickness 1.0 m ICE- Ships constructed according 1A*F to Baltic ice rules. High powered ships for regular All ships traffic in heavy Baltic ice. Ships constructed according 05 to arctic ice rules. Ice thickness 0.5 m, no ramming anticipated Ships constructed according to 10 arctic ice rules. Ice thickness All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.4 N/A 1.0 m, no ramming anticipated Ships constructed according 15 to arctic ice rules. Ice thickness 1.5 m, no ramming anticipated (for max Designed for a maximum For class notation ICE- draught draught x.x metres in ice when maximum draught in Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.1 N/A x.x m) ice is less than summer load line in fresh water Designed for icebreaking as Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 main purpose Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.4 and 4 Ships constructed according 10 to arctic ice rules with ice thickness 1.0 m, accidental ramming Ships constructed according POLAR- 20 to arctic ice rules with ice thickness 2.0 m, accidental All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.4 N/A ramming Ships constructed according 30 to arctic ice rules with ice thickness 3.0 m, accidental ramming

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Table C3 Optional class notations related to service area (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference 1 Year-round operation in all Polar waters Year-round operation in 2 moderate multi-year ice conditions Year-round operation in Ships designed for ice 3 second-year ice which may breaking for the purpose of include multi-year ice escort and ice management, inclusions and which are assigned a Year-round operation in thick polar class notation PC-1 – PC- 4 first-year ice which may PC-6, may be given the Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.8 N/A include old ice inclusions additional notation Icebreaker Year-round operation in 5 medium first-year ice which may include old ice inclusions Summer/autumn operation in 6 medium first-year ice which may include old ice inclusions Summer/autumn operation in 7 thin first-year ice which may All ships include old ice inclusions Basic Operation occasionally in cold climate for short periods Operation in cold climate regularly or for an extended Cold period of time, though not necessarily in ice-infested waters Winterized Operation in extreme cold All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 X Polar climate of the polar regions year-round, in ice-infested waters

(td) Design temperature (Enhanced) Additional requirements of a higher level of winterization C 500 Optional class notations related to survey and management schemes 501 Ships arranged or equipped for alternative means of Survey during operation found to be in accordance with relevant rule requirements may be assigned a corresponding optional class notation. Optional class notations related to survey and management schemes are given in Table C4.

Table C4 Optional class notations related to survey and management schemes Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Ships built for in-water survey of BIS the ship's bottom and related All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1 D N/A items Boiler monitoring arrangement which substitutes internal inspections of boilers by DNV during alternate surveys through BMON increased focus on boiler water All ships Pt.6 Ch.34 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Z management, monitoring, maintenance regimes and internal inspections documented by the Chief Engineer. ESP Ships subject to an enhanced Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 survey programme Bulk and oil carriers N/A and 4

TMON Tailshaft condition monitoring arrangement All ships Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.1 E Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Q

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C 600 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems 601 Ships having special equipment or systems found to satisfy relevant rule requirements in Pt.5 and Pt.6 may be assigned a corresponding optional class notation. Optional class notations related to equipment and systems are given in Table C5.

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Ballast water management system complying with the Ballast Water E(...) Convention (BWM/CONF/36). Ballast water exchange method. (...) All ships denotes exchange of ballast method, s, f or d. Ballast water management system complying with the Ballast Water Convention (BWM/CONF/36). Pt.6 Ch.18 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 V EP(...) Ballast water enhanced exchange- All ships BWM- performance. Ballast water exchange method. (...) denotes exchange of ballast method, s, f or d. s Exchange by sequential method. All ships with class f Exchange by flow through method. notation BWM-E and BMW-EP d Exchange by dilution method. Ballast water management system T complying with the Ballast Water Convention (BWM/CONF/36). All ships Pt.6 Ch.18 Sec.4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 V Ballast water treatment method. CCO Centralised operation of cargo and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 ballast handling systems All ships Pt.6 Ch.6 C204 Requirements for controlling and limiting operational emissions and All ships Pt.6 Ch.12 Sec.1, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 P discharges. 2 and 3 Specifies additional design -DESIGN requirements for protection against Pt.6 Ch.12 Sec.1, CLEAN accidents and for limiting their All ships 2 and 3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 P consequences. -DESIGN CLEAN DESIGN and compliance Tier III with the NOx emission requirements Pt.6 Ch.12 Sec.1, of Tier III according to MARPOL All ships 2 and 3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 P Annex VI, Regulation 13. All ships except for CRANE Certification of crane Crane Vessel Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 F (implicit) De-icing or anti-icing systems All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 J DEICE -C Including cargo deck area All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 J Diving systems designed to support SAT diving operations with no operating restrictions. Pt.5 Ch.16 Sec.9 Diving DNV-DSS-105 system- Diving systems designed to support DNV-OS-E402 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 I SURFACE diving operations with operating DNV-DS-E403 restrictions to maximum depth of 60 m and operating time 8 hr. Vessels arranged to support diving SAT operations with no operating restrictions. Pt.5 Ch.16 DSV- DNV-DSS-105 Vessels arranged to support diving DNV-OS-E402 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 I SURFACE operations with operating restrictions DNV-DS-E403 to maximum depth of 60 m and operating time 8 hr.

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference system with an independent joystick system back-up AUT and a position reference back-up. Additional requirements to achieve higher availability and robustness as compared to DPS-1 will apply. Dynamic positioning system with redundancy in technical design and with an independent joystick system AUTR back-up. Additional requirements to achieve higher availability and robustness as compared to DPS-2 will apply. Dynamic positioning system with redundancy in technical design and All ships with an independent joystick system back-up. Plus a back-up dynamic positioning control system in an Pt.6 Ch.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 L AUTRO emergency dynamic positioning control centre, designed with physical separation for components that provide redundancy. Additional requirements to achieve higher availability and robustness as compared to DPS-3 will apply. Dynamic positioning system without redundancy. Additional requirements AUTS to achieve higher availability and robustness as compared to DPS-0 will apply. (A) Annual survey to be carried out All vessels with class according to scope for complete notation DYNPOS- survey. AUTR and DYNPOS-AUTRO Environmental regularity number, DYNPOS- All vessels with class ern* (a,b,c); indicates probable DYNPOS- Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 L regularity for keeping position notation Dynamic Positioning System with the following properties: — Redundancy in technical design — Redundant main DP-control —system E — Independent single alternative — DP-control system — Flexibility and increased availability of power and thrust by use of connected power systems, standby start and change-over Dynamic Positioning System with the following properties: — Redundancy in technical design — A60 separation in high fire risk All ships Pt.6 Ch.26 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 K area — A0 separation in other areas — Watertight separation below damage — Redundant main DP-control system ER — Independent single alternative DP-control system — Operator stations for main and alternative DP-control systems placed in the same space (e.g. the bridge) — Flexibility and increased availability of power and thrust by use of connected power systems, standby start and change-over

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Instrumentation and automation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 E0 installed to allow for unattended All ships Pt.6 Ch.3 Y, Sec.2 C107, machinery space Sec.4 C110 Instrumentation and automation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 ECO installed to allow for centralised All ships Pt.6 Ch.3 Y, Sec.2 C107, operated machinery Sec.4 C110 Main and emergency propulsion is provided by a common propulsion system (one propeller) with propulsion machinery redundancy, e.g.: — two prime movers with clutch, where one of the prime movers may be of power take in type, connected to a common gear, one 1(a%)(+) shaft line and one rudder — double wound electrical motor (armature and excitation), and partly separate auxiliary systems for each prime mover or winding, where two prime movers or two windings in operation constitute the main propulsion system and one in operation constitute the emergency propulsion system. All ships Pt.6 Ch.19 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Main and emergency propulsion is W provided by separate systems (two AP- propellers), e.g.: — one prime mover, one shaft line and one rudder providing the 2(a%)(+) main propulsion system and one separate azimuth or pod-thruster providing the emergency propulsion system, and redundant auxiliary systems for each of the propulsion systems. Main and emergency propulsion is provided by separate systems as for AP-2(a%)(+), in addition the prime 3(a%)(+) mover and thruster and their auxiliaries are separated by watertight A-60 bulkheads (two propellers separated). (a%) the ratio between emergency All ships with class Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 propulsion power and main AP Pt.6 Ch.19 propulsion power in %. notation W (+) All ships with class Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 proven position holding capacity. notation AP Pt.6 Ch.19 W

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Vessels having undergone enhanced DP[...] verification of dynamic positioning (DP) systems (Pt.6 Ch.7) Vessels having undergone enhanced verification of thruster assisted TAM[...] mooring or automatic thruster assisted mooring (TAM) systems (DNV-OS- E301) Vessels having undergone enhanced PMS[…] verification of Power Management System (Pt.4 Ch.8) Vessels having undergone enhanced SPT[…] verification of Steering, Propulsion and Thruster System (Pt.4 Ch.5 and Ch.14) Vessels having undergone enhanced ICS[…] verification of Integrated Control and Monitoring System (Pt.4 Ch.9) Vessels having undergone enhanced DRILL[…] verification of Drilling Control System (DNV-OS-E101) ESV- Vessels having undergone enhanced All ships Pt.6 Ch.22 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7G BOP[…] verification of Blow Out Prevention System (DNV-OS-E101) Vessels having undergone enhanced CRANE[…] verification of Crane Control System (Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.17/SfC 2.22) [....] Contains the qualifier signifying the method of verification HIL-IS “Hardware-In-the-Loop” Testing where HIL test package is provided by independent HIL supplier HIL-DS “Hardware-In-the-Loop” Testing where HIL test program package and HIL test package report are provided by independent HIL supplier and HIL test simulator package is provided by the organization delivering the HIL target system. A In the accommodation spaces. Can be assigned in combination with C and M F- C In the cargo area. Can be assigned in combination with A and M All ships Pt.6 Ch.4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 K M In the machinery spaces. Can be assigned in combination with A and C

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Vessels with special fire fighting Vessels not fully in capabilities compliance with Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.5 or not specifically built for the services intended Capability to be covered by this section but which have special fire fighting capabilities in addition to their regular service. Active protection, giving it the I capability to withstand higher heat radiation loads from external fires. I+ Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 Fire Fighter Active and passive protection, giving it the capability to withstand the Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.7 and 4 higher heat radiation loads also when Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 A the active protection fails. In addition, the vessel incorporates a longer throw length. All ships intended for fighting fires on Continuous fighting of large fires and board ships and on II cooling of structures. Can be assigned offshore and onshore in combination with Fire Fighter I structures Continues fighting of large fires and cooling of structures with larger water pumping capacity and more III comprehensive fire fighting equipment than for II. Can be assigned in combination with Fire Fighter I FIRENAV Pt.5 Ch.14 Additional fire protection Naval ships Sec.11 I N/A Fuel treatment and conditioning system, where the fuel oil maximum (…cSt, kinematic viscosity at 50°C in is given FUEL …kg/m3, in cSt and the fuel oil maximum All ships Pt.6 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 R …°C) density at 15°C is given in kg/m3 and the minimum outside air temperature is given in °C Notation for ships with fuel cell FC-POWER installations, mandatory where the Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 fuel cell power is used for essential, All ships Pt.6 Ch.23 and 4 important or emergency services Notation for fuel cell installations where the fuel cell power is not used FC-SAFETY for essential, important or emergency Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 users. This notation is mandatory if All ships Pt.6 Ch.23 and 3 the fuel used is a gas or a liquid fuel with flash point below 60°C Mandatory when GAS installed, except for Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 FUELLED Gas engine installations steam driven Pt.6 Ch.13 and 4 LNG Carrier

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Design for the ship with LNG as fuel is in compliance with the GAS D FUELLED notation. This qualifier is Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A mandatory to achieve any Gas ready class notation Structural reinforcements to support S the future LNG containment system are installed, and materials to support Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A the relevant temperatures are used T Tank(s) for LNG fuel are installed Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A P Preparations for future gas fuel piping systems Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A Main engine(s) installed can be converted to dual fuel. This qualifier is MEc mandatory to achieve any Gas ready Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A class notation. MEi can be used as an Gas ready alternative All ships MEi Main engine(s) installed can be operated on gas fuel Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A Auxiliary engines installed can be converted to dual fuel. The auxiliary AEc engine capacity after conversion shall Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A be sufficient for the ship power balance AEi Auxiliary engines installed can be operated on gas fuel Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A B Boilers installed are capable of burning gas fuel Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A Additional systems and equipment are installed on board from new building Misc stage. Based on agreement between Pt.6 Ch.35 N/A owner and yard, and detailed list provided to Society for acceptance Helicopter landing area or erected platform covering basic strength All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 H requirements Additional requirements to ship -S safety. Can be assigned in combination with H and F Additional requirements to helicopter -H safety Can be assigned in combination with S and F Additional requirements to helicopter HELDK -F facilities Can be assigned in combination with S and H -SH (CAA-N) means that the helicopter All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 H (CAA-N) facility has been evaluated for -SHF additional requirements specified by (CAA-N) the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authorities, in “CAA-N BSL D 5-1, Regulation 26 October 2007, no. 1181” governing commercial air traffic to and from helicopter decks on vessels and offshore installations operating on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Instrumentation system for monitoring of hull behaviour where HMON- (...) (...) denotes additional supplements denote amount and type of monitoring All ships Pt.6 Ch.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 N equipment: A, C, D, E, G, H, L, M, N, O, P, S, T, W Loading computer systems for damage control, apply to integrated LCS- DC systems developed to assist the master All ships Pt.6 Ch.9 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 S as a decision aid under damage conditions LFL FUELLED For vessels with low flashpoint liquids as fuel All ships Pt.6 Ch.32 N/A

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference MCDK Vessels arranged with movable car Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 decks All ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.7 B121 Requirements to bridge design, instrumentation, location of equipment and bridge procedures with extended requirements to bridge AW design and instrumentation as well as automatic grounding avoidance system and information on the manoeuvring characteristics of the ship Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Requirements to bridge design, All ships Pt.6 Ch.8 M OC instrumentation, location of equipment and bridge procedures with basic requirements. Requirements to bridge design, instrumentation, location of Q equipment and bridge procedures with requirements to navigator qualifications Requirements to bridge design, instrumentation, location of equipment and bridge procedures with NAVY requirements and guidelines on safety of navigation to demonstrate Naval ships Pt.6 Ch.17 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A compliance with SOLAS Ch. V and the HSC Code Ch. 13 and Ch. 15 as amended Denotes that the bridge has been NAUT- designed in accordance with established functional requirements and principles of ergonomics for reduced workload and improved operational conditions in All Waters OSV(A) (A), including areas with harsh operational and environmental conditions such as the North Sea. Furthermore, that the bridge arrangement provides the information and equipment required for safe performance of the functions to be carried out at dedicated workstations. Denotes that the bridge has been Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 designed in accordance with All ships Pt.6 Ch.20 M established functional requirements and principles of ergonomics for reduced workload and improved operational conditions. Furthermore, that the bridge arrangement provides the information and equipment OSV(T) required for safe performance of the functions to be carried out at dedicated workstations. The extent of the class notation addresses normal operation in areas other than the North Sea, and waters with similar harsh conditions. In the class notation the abbreviation (T) stands for “Tropic”. Requirements to bridge design, instrumentation, location of equipment and bridge procedures with bridge design and bridge control NAV- O console. This notation applies to ships All ships Pt.6 Ch.16 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 constructed to the class of a M recognized classification society before 1st July 2000 with an equivalent notation, and later transferred to the society

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference 0 Dynamic position system without redundancy Dynamic positioning system with an 1 independent joystick system back-up and a position reference back-up. Dynamic positioning system with 2 redundancy in technical design and All ships with an independent joystick system DPS- back-up. Pt.6 Ch.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 L Dynamic positioning system with redundancy in technical design and 3 with an independent joystick system back-up, plus a back-up dynamic positioning control system. (A) Annual survey to be carried out All vessels with class according to scope for complete notation survey. DPS-2 and DPS-3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Position mooring systems Support vessel DNV-OS-E301 X200 Position mooring systems with -ATA thruster assisted mooring system dependent on automatic remote thrust control system. POSMOOR Position mooring systems with -TA thruster assisted mooring system Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 dependent on manual remote thrust Support vessel DNV-OS-E301 X200 control system Position mooring systems with -V mooring system which is designed for positioning of a vessel in vicinity of other structures Ships equipped for carriage of refrigerated containers, with self 1 (X/Y) contained refrigeration systems requiring electrical power supply; 80-100% chilled cargo Ships equipped for carriage of refrigerated containers, with self RC- 2 (X/Y) contained refrigeration systems Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 T requiring electrical power supply; 50-80% chilled cargo Ships equipped for carriage of refrigerated containers, with self 3 (X/Y) contained refrigeration systems requiring electrical power supply; less than 50% chilled cargo (X) number of forty-foot equivalent refrigerated units that may be carried on deck. Dry cargo ships with Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 T (Y) number of forty-foot equivalent class notation RC- refrigerated units that may be carried in holds. Redundant propulsion systems applicable to vessels where the propulsion system is of a redundant design such that at least 50% of the propulsion power can be restored after All ships Pt.6 Ch.2 N/A any single failure in the propulsion RP system, before the vessel has lost steering speed. Qualifier (+) may be assigned to RP notation when it is verified that the (+) vessel’s propulsion and steering All ships Pt.6 Ch.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 system will be maintained without disruption upon any single failure.

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Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Redundant propulsion that in addition to RP cover failures, which are caused by fire and flooding incidents, before All ships Pt.6 Ch.2 N/A the vessel has lost steering speed. RPS Qualifier (+) may be assigned to RPS notation when it is verified that the (+) vessel’s propulsion and steering All ships Pt.6 Ch.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 system will be maintained without disruption upon any single failure. Shore Power The ship meets requirements to All ships Pt.6 Ch.29 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 design, installation, and verification of and 4 electrical shore connections intended for regular use in harbour. Systems for control of vapour 1 emission from cargo tanks and in compliance with IMO MSC/Circ. 585 Systems for control of vapour Tanker for Oil, 2 emission from cargo tanks and in VCS- Tanker for Oil compliance with IMO MSC/Circ. 585 Products, Tanker for Pt.6 Ch.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 O and USCG CFR 46 Part 39 Chemicals Systems for onboard vapour 3 processing with a minimum recovery rate of 78% of NMVOC (Non Methane VOC) Ships with class B Additional requirements to vapour notation VCS-1 or Pt.6 Ch.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 O balancing VCS-2 Ship meet specified vibration level VIBR criteria measured at pre-defined positions for machinery, components, All ships Pt.6 Ch.15 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 U equipment and structure Inventory of Hazardous Materials Part 1, which addresses prohibited and restricted materials used, and Recyclable quantifies and locates hazardous All ships Pt.6 Ch.27 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 J materials onboard ships which are known to represent a potential hazard to people and the environment.

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C 700 Optional class notations related to design features 701 Optional class notations, related to design features, provide information regarding special design assumptions, arrangements or equipment which are not covered by main class or other optional class notations. Optional class notations related to design features are given in Table C6.

Table C6 Optional class notations related to design features Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Ship also complying with the requirements of the Fishing Vessel (NMD), (N) Norwegian Maritime Stern Trawler (NMD), Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.7 Directorate (NMD) or the Drilling Vessel (NPD) Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.20 N/A Norwegian Petroleum CRANE (NPD) Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.6 Directorate (NPD) In case of deviations from requirements given in Pt.5 Ch.14, the class notation on Naval Vessels, (navdist) the certificate shall have the Naval Support Vessels Pt.5 Ch.14 N/A following letters assigned in brackets: (navdist) - meaning naval distinction. Additional requirements for corrosion prevention of tanks and spaces/areas for newbuildings. The notation provides compliance with SOLAS Ch.II-1 Pt.A-1, Reg. 3-2 and IMO Res. MSC.215(82), SOLAS Ch. II-1, Reg. 3-11 and IMO Res. MSC.288(87). The ‘X’ in the parentheses will denote corrosion prevention of different tanks and spaces/areas, as follows: COAT- PSPC(X) (B) - IMO PSPC All ships Pt.6 Ch.31 N/A requirements for dedicated seawater ballast tanks of all types of vessels (C) - IMO PSPC requirements for cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers (D) - IMO PSPC requirements for double side-skin spaces of bulk carriers (V) - IMO PSPC requirements for void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers Comfort class covering All ships, can be used in C(crn) requirements for indoor V(crn) climate. combination with COMF- Comfort class covering All ships, can be used in V(crn) requirements for noise and C(crn) vibration. combination with Pt.6 Ch.33 Pt.6 Ch.33 Comfort rating number. crn Values 1, 2 and 3 denote the All ships with class notation level of comfort, where 1 is COMF- the highest level.

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Table C6 Optional class notations related to design features (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Fatigue strength control in accordance with CSA-FLS1 1 and ultimate strength check based on direct load Calculations. Fatigue strength control in accordance with CSA-FLS2 2 and ultimate strength check based on direct load CSA- Calculations. All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A Fatigue strength control FLS1 based on direct load calculations. Additional fatigue strength control based on direct load FLS2 calculations with increased scope compared to CSA- FLS1 Design ambient air temperature for structural DAT (-X°C) material properties where (- X°C) designates the lowest All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.7 N/A design ambient temperature in °C DK(+) Decks strengthened for Pt.3 Ch.1 heavy cargo Dry cargo ships Sec.4 C N/A Ships designed to operate all machinery components e.g. main propulsion plant, (SOx-A) power generation plant, steam/thermal oil plant, incinerator etc. on marine ECA distillate fuel All ships Pt.6 Ch.25 N/A Ships designed to operate machinery components used (SOx-P) in port e.g. power generation plant, steam/thermal oil plant, incinerator etc. on marine distillate fuel Tanker for Oil, ETC Arranged for effective tank Tanker for Oil Products, Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.1 N/A cleaning Tanker for Chemicals Inner bottom strengthened for grab loading and GRAB [X] discharging with grab mass CSR Pt.1 Ch.1 equal to or greater than 20 t Bulk Carriers Sec.1 [3.2.2] N/A where X gives the grab mass in t. HA (+) Hatches strengthened for Pt.3 Ch.1 heavy cargo Dry cargo ships Sec.4 C N/A HL(ρ) Tanks or holds strengthened Tanker for Oil, for heavy liquid, where (ρ) Tanker for Oil Products, denotes the maximum Tanker for Chemicals, Pt.3 Ch.1 N/A density in t/m3 in any of the Offshore Service Sec.4 C cargo tanks Vessel Inner bottom strengthened for grab loading and IB(+) IB -X discharging where X denotes Bulk Carrier, replaced Pt.3 Ch.1 N/A which areas (area 1, 2, or 3) in July 2007 Sec.6 H are to be strengthened

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Table C6 Optional class notations related to design features (Continued) Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference (BT) Increased corrosion margin in ballast tanks Increased corrosion margin (BTs) in ballast tanks, strength deck of the ship and 1.5 m below (BTu) Ballast tanks, upper part of the ship (above D/2) (CH) Increased corrosion margin in cargo holds (CHs) Increased corrosion margin in cargo holds, strength deck ICM of the ship and 1.5 m below Pt.3 Ch.1 All ships Sec.2 D N/A Increased corrosion margin (CHu) in cargo holds, upper part of the ship (above D/2) (CT) Increased corrosion margin in cargo oil tanks Increased corrosion margin (CTs) in cargo oil tanks, strength deck of the ship and 1.5 m below (CTu) Increased corrosion margin in cargo oil tanks, upper part of the ship (above D/2) Recovered oil reception and OILREC transportation after a spill of All ships except Tanker for Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 oil in emergency situations. Oil (implicit) Sec.6 C Additional oil pollution OPP- F prevention measures for the All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 fuel oil system Additional requirements for PLUS the fatigue life of hull All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A structural details PWDK Decks strengthened for wheel loading Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4 N/A RO/RO Arranged for roll-on roll-off cargo handling General cargo carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4 N/A SF Compliance to damage N/A stability requirements Offshore Service Vessels Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.5 A Vessels using acoustical equipment S Vessels conducting seismic Vessels complying with surveys SILENT- F Fishing vessels Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 specified maximum Pt.6 Ch. 24 H R underwater noise emission Research vessels Vessels demonstrating a E controlled environmental noise emission Extended assessment of the hull girder ultimate strength WIV and fatigue strength Pt.5 Ch.2 considering the effect of Container carrier Sec.6 K wave induced hull girder vibration. C 800 The NAUTICUS notation 801 NAUTICUS is a notation describing a standard for information and information availability based on access to the Society’s product model software technology. 802 The NAUTICUS notation will be assigned in combination with additional notations describing specific features relating to specific documentation standards. Applicable notations are given in Table C7 and described in separate sections under Pt.3 and Pt.7. 803 Ships assigned the NAUTICUS notation with additional notations will be given the notation NAUTICUS (notation 1, notation 2, etc.).

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804 New ships may be ordered with the NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) notation, see Pt.3 Ch.1. Upon delivery from the yard, the NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) notation is retained and relevant parts of the newbuilding product model are transferred to a ships in operation product model.

Table C7 Class notations Nauticus Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Standard for information and Mandatory for Tanker for Oil information availability with L > 190 m, Bulk Carrier based on access to the HC-B or HC-C with L > 190 m, (Newbuilding) Society's product model Bulk Carrier HC-B* or HC-A Pt.3 Ch.1 software technology. with L > 170 m, Ore Carrier Sec.15 N/A Describes an extended ESP with L > 190 m and calculation procedure for the Container Carrier with verification of hull structures L > 190 m NAUTICUS Standard for information and information availability based on access to the Society's product model (Operation) software technology. All ships N/A Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 Enhanced exchange of C information between the owner and the Society in the operational phase

C 900 Optional class notations found in other DNV rule books 901 In accordance with Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 B303 optional class notations from other rule books of the Society may upon special consideration be assigned to a vessel complying with these rules. 902 Optional class notations as found in Table C8, are considered generically available, taking into consideration any adaptations found necessary to comply with the intention of the mentioned rules.

Table C8 Optional class notations found in other DNV rule books Design Survey Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements, rule reference rule reference Yacht HSLC Pt.5 Ch.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Patrol HSLC Pt.5 Ch.6 Pt.7 Ch.1

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A. Class notations currently in use A 100 Validity of class notations and corresponding requirements 101 Class notations listed in Sec.1 may be assigned to all ships. 102 Class notations not listed in Sec.1, but in earlier editions of Ch.1 may be: — assigned to newbuildings following the corresponding rule editions — retained by ships in operation already assigned the notation. 103 For class notations not covered by this edition of Sec.1: — design requirements are given by the rule edition that applies to the ship — operational survey requirements are given by the removal rule edition, unless the requirements have been maintained in the current Pt.7 Ch.1. A 200 List of class notations currently in use 201 Table A1 provides a list of class notations and qualifiers currently in use that are not covered by this edition of Sec.1. The table applies to the combination of class notation and qualifiers, except as stated by footnotes. Where no qualifier is listed, the table applies to the class notation. 202 Table A1 provides:

Class notation / Name : the name of the class notation Class notation / Description : a description of the class notation’s coverage Qualifier / Name : the name of the qualifier Qualifier / Description : a description of the qualifier’s coverage Published in rule edition / First : the first rule edition where the class notation or the class notation / qualifier combination were included Published in rule edition / Last : the last rule edition where the class notation or the class notation / qualifier combination were included Rule reference / Design : a reference to the rule chapter, section and/or sub-section providing design requirements, as given by the removal rule edition.

Table A1 Class notations currently in use which are not covered by this edition of Sec.1 Class notation Qualifier Published in rule edition Rule reference Name Description Name Description First Last Design Vessel without sufficient means of Oil self-propulsion for products Oil products with transit. Assistance Barge with FP flashpoint > 60°C < 2001-01 < 2001-01 from another vessel above carriage. during transit or 60°C transportation service is assumed. Bulk Carrier Vessel purposes dry Double side skin bulk cargo carriage Pt.5 Ch.2 or Tanker for ES(D) with enhanced 1998-01 2011-01 Oil alternating with oil strength Sec.8 carriage Double side skin ES(D) with enhanced Vessel purpose dry strength Bulk Carrier 1998-01 2011-01 Pt.5 Ch.2 bulk cargo carriage Single side skin Sec.8 ES(S) with enhanced strength

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Table A1 Class notations currently in use which are not covered by this edition of Sec.1 (Continued) Class notation Qualifier Published in rule edition Rule reference Name Description Name Description First Last Design Additional requirements for corrosion prevention of 1 tanks and holds for newbuildings and with coating system specification 1 Pt.3 Ch.1 COAT 1999-07 2012-07 Additional Sec.15 requirements for corrosion prevention of 2 tanks and holds for newbuildings and with coating system specification 2 (25) Design lifetime 25 years Ultimate strength calculations of: yield and buckling, hull Computational CSA girder capacity 1994-01 1999-07 Pt.3 Ch.1 structural analyses Sec.15 1 Fatigue strength calculations of: panel knuckles, discontinuous plating structures, vessel type specific details Maximum operating depth <= 125 m, Vessel purpose diving I Pt.6 Ch.1 DSV Maximum < 1983-01 2004-07 support operating time <= Sec.4 12 h III No restrictions Environmental regularity number, DYNPOS- ern(a,b,c) ern(a,b,c); 2013-07 2014-01 Pt.6 Ch.7 indicates probable Sec.7 regularity for keeping position

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Table A1 Class notations currently in use which are not covered by this edition of Sec.1 (Continued) Class notation Qualifier Published in rule edition Rule reference Name Description Name Description First Last Design Emergency and main propulsion with common 1 passive and accepted common active components Emergency and main propulsion with common 2 passive and without common active components Emergency and main propulsion Emergency EP 1) with passive and 2006-01 2010-01 Pt.6 Ch.19 Propulsion active 3 components separated by watertight A-60 bulkheads Propulsion power emergency versus a% propulsion power main ratio Given to vessels able to remain in position in wind + and significant wave height as specified in the rules Electric propulsion EPR redundant 1990-01 1996-07 Vessel purpose Floating accommodation, at Hotel stationary locations in < 1983-01 1998-01 protected waters GRAIN 1) Grain Loading 1992-01 2003-01 U Untrimmed ends Empty holds E permitted on full < 1983-01 draught HC Strengthened for 2002-07 Pt.5 Ch.2 heavy cargo Any hold Sec.5 EA permitted empty 1992-01 at full draught Hull monitoring 1 Basic HMON 1995-01 2004-07 Pt.6 Ch.11 system 2 Comprehensive Inner bottom IB strengthened for grab (+) Pt.3 Ch.1 loading and < 1983-01 2007-01 Sec.6H discharging A ICE Navigation in ice A* < 1983-01 1969-01 B ICS Integrated computer system 1985-07 2007-07 Pt.6 Ch.5 Equipped with KMC refrigeration < 1983-01 1990-01 machinery/system

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Table A1 Class notations currently in use which are not covered by this edition of Sec.1 (Continued) Class notation Qualifier Published in rule edition Rule reference Name Description Name Description First Last Design D Damage stability Loading computer G Grain loading LCS 1994-01 2001-01 Pt.6 Ch.9 system I Intact stability S Hull strength Bridge procedures, A navigation 1992-07 equipment and standard of bridge design NAUT Nautical safety 1985-01 Pt.6 Ch.8 Navigation equipment and B standard of bridge 1992-07 design Standard of bridge C design 2000-07 OCS Onboard computer for stability control 1991-01 1994-01 Vessel purpose ore Ore Carrier ES(O) Enhanced strength 1998-01 2011-01 Pt.5 Ch.2 carriage Sec.5 Planned inspection PIMS 1) and maintenance HULL Hull 2007-01 2009-01 NA system Structural scantlings Design life 30 1 and design of critical years PLUS details in cargo area 1999-07 2009-01 Pt.3 Ch.1 based on enhanced Design life 40 Sec.15 2 procedures for fatigue years calculations Pontoon Pontoon < 1983-01 1991-07 Combinations of protective tank 2 arrangements, double bottom and side tanks for ballast only Hull designed to Double bottom PP 1) reduce risk of marine and double side 1991-01 1996-01 pollution protecting/ covering the 3 complete cargo area (possible forward bunker tanks included in cargo area) PST Protected slop tank < 1983-01 1999-01 Service area Maximum R (…) allowed distance < 1983-01 1991-01 Pt.1 Ch.1 restriction from safe harbour Regasification plant Mainly intended REGAS for liquefied natural 2 for continuous 2008-01 2011-01 Pt.5 Ch.5 gas operation Survival capability SC feature in terms of increased damage 1986-01 1998-07 stability Subdivision and damage stability SSC requirements in 2006-07 2008-07 Pt.5 Ch.2 accordance with Sec.11 SOLAS Ch. II-1 (IMO MSC194(80))

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Table A1 Class notations currently in use which are not covered by this edition of Sec.1 (Continued) Class notation Qualifier Published in rule edition Rule reference Name Description Name Description First Last Design Designed especially for supply services to offshore < 1983-01 installations in the North Sea Supply Vessel purpose Not strengthened 2010-01 Pt.5 Ch.7 Vessel 1) offshore supply to regularly Sec.3 operate in the Basic North Sea but 2001-07 primarily operate in less severe offshore environments Chemicals with flashpoint below Liquid 60°C, boiling Vessel purpose point below Tanker for C* Cargo < 1983-01 < 1983-01 Pt.5 Ch.4 chemicals carriage X-3, H-2 37.8°C, health dangerous even in moderate concentrations Vessel purpose fishing Trawler 1) Shifting boards in < 1983-01 1990-07 by use of trawl (S) cargo holds W1 1) 1991-07 2001-01 Pt.6 Ch.8 OC Vessel purpose Whaler < 1968-01 1968-01 whaling Ships operating in cold climate environments for longer periods, where t1 = material design temp. in °C, t2 = extreme design WINTERIZED temp. in °C. (t , t ) 2006-01 2013-01 ARCTIC 1 2 Additional requirements for ice strengthening, propulsion, oil pollution prevention, helicopter landing Operation in cold facilities and ice Pt.5 Ch.1 climate surveillance radar. Sec.6 Ships operating in cold climate WINTERIZED environments for BASIC shorter periods, 2008-01 2013-01 not necessarily including ice covered waters Ships operating in cold climate environments for longer periods, WINTERIZED COLD (t1, t2) where t1 = 2008-01 2013-01 material design temp. in °C, t2 = extreme design temp. in °C 1) Applies also to class notation

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CHANGES – HISTORIC Note that historic changes older than the editions shown below have not been included. Older historic changes (if any) may be retrieved through

January 2016 edition

Main changes January 2016, entering into force 1 July 2016 • Sec.1 Class notations — References to IACS Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (CSR) have been updated in B1001 and C701 Table C6.

July 2015 edition

Main changes July 2015, entering into force 1 January 2016 • Sec.1 Class notations — A103 has been amended. — A new item A104 has been added. — A105 has been amended. — In Tables B4 and B5 the new class notations Tanker for oil products with flashpoint (FP) above 60°C and Tanker for chemicals with FP above 60°C have been added. — In Table B6 the new class notation Gas bunker has been added. — In Table C6 the new class notation wave induced vibration (WIV) has been added.

January 2015 edition

Main changes January 2015, entering into force 1 July 2015 • Sec.1 Class notations — In Table B6 the rule reference for the CSR-notation has been updated. — In Table C5 the class notation Gas ready has been added.

July 2014 edition

Main changes July 2014, entering into force 1 January 2015 • Sec.1 Class notations — Table C4: Class notation SBM with reference to Ship Rules Pt.7 Ch.3 has been deleted. — Table C5: Class notation DYNPOS-ern* has been introduced with more specific requirements than previous class notation DYNPOS-ern. • Sec.2 Class notations not covered by this edition of Sec.1 — Table A1: DYNPOS-ern has been added.

January 2014 edition

Main changes January 2014, entering into force 1 July 2014 • Sec.1 Class notations — In Table B6, references to coming IACS Harmonized Common Structural Rules (CSR-H), which will be implemented later in line with ongoing IACS processes, have been updated. — In Table C4 under BMON, the design requirement reference now points to the new Pt.6 Ch.34. — Table C5 has been updated to reflect changes in the use of qualifiers for the class notation CLEAN. — In Table C6 under COMF, the reference now points to the new Pt.6 Ch.33.

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July 2013 edition

Main changes coming into force 1 January 2014 • Sec.1 Class Notations — Table C3 has been amended with new class notation Winterized. — The following changes have been made in Table C5: — New notation DYNPOS-E and amended DYNPOS-ER — ESV notation amended with several new qualifiers — New notation LFL FUELLED. • Sec.2 Class Notations Not Covered by this Edition of Sec.1 — Notations WINTERIZED BASIC, WINTERIZED COLD and WINTERIZED ARCTIC moved from Sec.1 Table C3 to Table A1.

January 2013 edition

Main changes coming into force 1 July 2013 • Sec.1 Class Notations — Table B4 has been amended. — Table B5 has been amended. — The class notation Safelash has been moved from Table C1 to Table C2. — In Table C2, the class notation REGAS has been amended. — The class notation PC has been moved from Table C1 to Table C3. — In Table C6 the class notation IB has been amended and the class notation COAT with qualifiers 1 and 2 has been removed and can be found in Sec.2, Table A1 “Class notations currently in use which are not covered by this edition of Sec.1”.