Pigmented Precancerous and Cancerous Changes in the Skin

V. R. Khanolkar, M.D. (From lke Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay, India) (Received for publication May 20, 1947)

The changes to be described here concern pig- The present study is based on tumors from 15 mented Bowen's , squamous-cell patients seen by us during the last 5 years at the and basal-cell carcinoma of skin. They do not in- Tata Memorial Hospital. Four of them showed clude the group of melanoma, melano-epithelioma multiple lesions, and will be considered separately or melano-carcinoma, nor the pigmentation in from the rest. The following table summarises in- conditions sometimes leading to , such as, formation regarding age, sex, location etc. in the senile keratosis, keratosis resulting from arsenic, remaining 7 out of the first group of 11 cases. tar or radiation and xeroderma pigmentosum. These tumors were all deeply pigmented and The changes described in this paper have not at- histologically presented the structure of a basal- tracted enough attention of dermatologists, and cell or a basal-squamous type of carcinoma. They Eller and Anderson (8) have stated that pig- were similar in so many features, that only 4 out of mented basal cell were "quite un- 11 have been described as illustrating their prob- common." At a recent symposium on "Malignant able mode of evolution.

Case No. Nationality Age Sex Site Duration Diagnosis 1 Muslim 45 M Chin 1 year Basal sq. cell ca 2 Parsee 60 M Scalp 5 years Basal cell ca 3 Hindu 38 M Leg Mole since childhood, recent Basal cell ca (Deccani) growth 3 weeks 4 Hindu 54 M Forehead 8 years Basal cell ca (Gujarati) 5 Parsee 73 M Nasolabial fold 4 years Basal sq. cell ca 6 Parsee 59 F Arm 6 months pigmented mole start- Basal cell ca ed bleeding 7 European 50 F Forehead 2 years Basal sq. cell ca

Melanomata" in Leeds, England (4) the opinion REPORT OF CASES was expressed that, "It was surprising but true, Case 8. 4# 13052.--A 64 year old lean Parsee saw that these (pigmented tumors of epidermal origin) a skin specialist for a fungus infection of his feet are not recognised by the majority of pathologists, and one finger. He also casually referred to an and there is very little in the literature about them. "eruption" on the chest which was diagnosed as a But it is very important that they should be recog- "precancerous condition." The patient was there- nised, for the prognosis and treatment in these fore referred to the Tata Memorial Hospital. On cases is exactly similar to that of the non-pig- examination a roughly oval skin lesion was seen mented tumors of the same series and quite dif- over the right lower ribs in the nipple line. It had ferent from that of the melanomata. The im- started as a small dark spot several years back and portant point is for the pathologists to recognise had gradually increased in a circular spreading that pigment formation is a function of a group of manner. There was neither pain nor itching but a tumors other than the true melanomata". It has slight oozing of clear fluid from the surface. The been suggested that many melanotic tumors re- lesion was about 5 cm. in diameter. Its edge was ported to have been cured by local excision or raised, about 1 ram. wide, wavy and dark purple radiation were probably tumors belonging to this in color. It was clearly demarcated from the ad- group. It is known that some of these tumors jacent normal skin. The central portion was originate from pigmented nevi and without a smooth, glazed and pale pink. A cluster of few histological examination are not easily distin- raised pigmented spots was seen in the center. A guished from true melanomas. biopsy from the edge showed the characters de-


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FIG. 1.--Case 8.: A camera lucida drawing of a section dendritic processes of proliferated melanoblasts in epi- of the entire tissue removed by biopsy. The oval bud in the thelial buds. Silver impregnation. Mag. X 100. center is over the spreading edge of the lesion; and the FIG. 3.--Case 9.: Photomicrograph showing cords of healed atrophic skin is seen towards its right. Masson's proliferating epithelial cells pushing into the dermis. The trichrome stain. Mag. X 65. central bud shows an area of degeneration and necrosis in FI6. 2.--Case 8.: Photomicrograph showing a net- the middle with a debris of pigment granules and des- work of fine argentophil fibers formed by the numerous quamated cells. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Mag. X 100. scribed below. The lesion regressed rapidly and chromatin material. There was a minute area of completely with four exposures of 600 r units daily surface ulceration over the epithelial bud. The (85 kv; 1 A1; T. S. D. 15 cms. and a total radia- epidermis of the normal skin showed widely sep- tion of 2400 r). arated short rete cones. The basal layer of cells Histological examination.--The biopsy piece was darkly pigmented with fine brown particles. (Fig. 1) consisted of stratified squamous epithelium In the healed area, towards the center of the clothing a fibrovascular layer of dermis. The lesion, there was a complete obliteration of rete epidermis was thinner than the normal for that cones and the epithelium was flat and thin. The region and showed towards the middle of the basal cells were without pigment. In this area the section a small oval bud of proliferated basal cells pars papillaris of the dermis showed a loose, ir- pushing downwards in the dermis. The peripheral regular texture of collagen fibrils, interspersed cells were columnar, contained large oval nuclei with arcades of newly formed capillaries and and a small amount of pale basophilic cytoplasm. foci of mononuclear cellular exudate. The pilo- These cells were arranged in a palisade. The more sebaceous structures were distorted and atrophic. loosely arranged central cells were smaller with The downgrowing bud was lying in a bed of con- round or oval nuclei containing sparse granules of centrically arranged lax, edematous collagen

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fibrils. Focal accumulations of lymphocytes and gradually involved in the degenerative process of histiocytes were lying outside this zone. In sec- the cells towards the center. The proliferating tions impregnated with silver the epithelial bud buds of epidermal tissue lay in a broad sheath of showed the proliferating basal cells interwoven loosely arranged collagen fibrils. Subjacent to the with a large number of melanoblasts connected superficially ulcerated epithelium, there was a with a meshwork of fine argentophile fibers (Fig. rich cellular exudate of lymphocytes, eosinophiles 2) formed by the numerous dendritic processes of and histiocytes, between richly sprouting blood these cells. The elastic tissue net was absent in capillaries. the superficial zone of the dermis except along the Case 10. #E788.--An olive-complexioned 63 few hair sheaths and ducts of sweat glands. There year old Anglo-Indian physician had a small hair- were few macrophage cells loaded with coarse less mole on his right forearm lateral to the flexor brown pigment in the dermis. The section gave tendons, about 6 cms. above the wrist for "many, an impression of healing at the center and a spread- many years." The color of the mole was uniformly ing neoplastic edge at the periphery, consisting of black and it was smooth on the surface. About proliferated basal cells and melanoblasts. In the two months back he noticed that the mole had healed area the epidermis and the surface zone of begun to increase in size and to itch. The physician the dermis were morphologically' altered, but no attributed this to long hours spent every day in trace had been left of the neoplastic epidermal filling a multitude of army forms. He remembered cells. that the itching sensation began one night and the Case 9. # 14275.- A fair complexioned Parsee, next morning there was a slight erythematous 47 years old, had two small pigmented moles on area round the mole. The surface became rough his body "ever since he could remember." One and raised with a couple of weeping points exuding was situated over the middle of the right clavicle a clear pinkish fluid. No scabs were formed. As and the other in front of the upper third of the the mole rapidly doubled its size, the physician right arm. The latter was slightly' raised above consulted a surgeon who excised the mole and gave the surface, about the size of a lentil (5 ram.) and him a rather gloomy prognosis about his condition. surrounded by an areola of brownish skin roughly He saw us with his excised tissue. 2.5 cm. broad. About eight years back the mole on A naked-eye examination of the tissue showed a the arm began to grow in size and the surface superficially ulcerated, small (6 ram.) brown "broke into scab covered black fragments" Re- raised about 3 mm. above the surface. On cently the fragments began to itch and weep. He cut section an ovoid, dark brown, firm mass clearly consulted a surgeon who excised the two moles stood out from the dermis. It was darker near its and sent the one from the arm to us for histological outer edges. The microscopic examination re- investigation. vealed a sharply circumscribed nodule of neo- Microscopic examination showed a picture plastic cells (Fig. 4), composed of lobules separated similar to that of the advancing edge in Case 1, by filamentous processes of fibrovascular con- except that there were several separate buds of nective tissue. The cords and lobes presented the proliferating basal cells growing deeper clown into characters of a baso-squamous epithelioma (Fig. the dermis. The bigger buds showed a central 5) with round or oval spaces in the center filled area of degeneration and necrosis, with a clear with fine concentrically arranged lamellae of space containing a debris of pigment granules and keratinized material. An area of surface ulceration desquamated flakes (Fig. 3). The basal cells was dipping into dilated follicles, crypts and fis- tended to flatten as they approached the core. sures burrowing into the tumor mass. The tumor There was no evidence of healing. The melano- cells in the peripheral cords were unevenly laden blasts appeared to proliferate and migrate away with dark brownish pigment. The silver prepara- from the periphery of the buds. They were tion (Fig. 6) showed a proliferation of melano-

I)ESCRIPTION OF FIGURES 4 TO 7 Fro. 4.--Case 10. : A camera lucida drawing of a section FIG. 6.--Case 10.: Low power photomicrograph of a of the nodule removed by operation. Faintly stained with portion of the area marked in Fig. 4 above, showing a hematoxylin. Mag. X 25. proliferation of melanoblasts, with a network composed of Fit;. 5.--Case 10.: Low po~ver photomicrograph of the their branching protoplasmic processes. Silver impregna- area marked in Fig. 4 above, showing the characters of a tion. Mag. M 200. baso-squamous epithelioma. Itematoxylin and eosin stain. FIG. 7.--Case 11.: Photograph showing a superficially Mag. X 150. ulcerated dark nodule on the face.

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Fios. 4-7

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FIGS. 8-10

Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 26, 2021. © 1947 American Association for Cancer Research. Khanolkar--Pigmented Tumors o] the Skin 697 blasts and their branching twigs creeping between fold appeared favorite sites. The histological find- tumor cells, as well as coarse grains of pigment in ings in these tumors presented several characteris- groups of melanophores in the dermis. tics in common, and the differences were mainly Case 11. #5220.--A medium colored, 40 year quantitative as regards (a) the size of the lesion old Mahar woman, mother of two children, was and its encroachment on the dermis (b) the rela- admitted for a small circular superficially ulcerat- tive participation of polygonal prickle cells in the ing black growth on the face (Fig. 7). She had cords of basal cell carcinoma and (c) the amount noticed the growth for nearly two years. It had of pigment visible or demonstrable in the tumor started as a tiny sore spot, which did not cause any mass. In none of these tumors true nevus-cell discomfort except that it occasionally irritated her. accumulations (cell nests, theques) were seen in the She accidently injured it two months back and it dermis and there was nothing to suggest an affilia- began to grow rapidly. On examination, a flat tion of these tumors with the group of benign or black round nodule about 0.5 cm. in diameter was malignant melanomas. These tumors appeared discovered filling the left nasogonial fold. It was to be satisfactorily eradicated by adequate ex- slightly raised above the surface (4 ram.) and was cision or contact . not adherent to the subcutaneous structures. There were a couple of spots of surface ulceration. MULTIPLE BASAL-CELL PIGMENTED TUMORS At its periphery the nodule showed a peculiar Case 12. # 14612.--A tall, thin, nervous, wheat- smooth, translucent appearance which is often coloured, 51-year old Eurasian married woman noticed in basal cell tumors of the skin. was admitted for ulcerated black nodules on the Microscopic examination of the excised nodule skin. When she was about 30 years old a group of showed a slightly more advanced stage of basal "pigmented moles" reappeared on her body. Some cell carcinoma, dotted with small cystic spaces of these had begun to spread into black patches containing pigment granules and remains of dead during the last 7 to 8 years. She had developed a tumor cells. The cells inside the tumor cords were "boil" above the pubes which burst and formed a elongated and fusiform. Many of them contained red tumor about 3~ inches in diameter. It was a fine dust of brown pigment in their cytoplasm. excised and treated by a surgeon who examined Golden brownish pigment was also seen in the it microscopically and had called it a "rodent bodies and branches of the many ramifying cells ulcer". She was referred for her black patches to a between the characteristic columnar and fusiform specialist whom she saw after 5 years. The der- cells. The dendritic cells were easily discernible in matologist found some areas with scabs on the unstained sections. There were also groups of surface. "One old one looked melanotic. This she melanophores loaded with clumps of pigment in had for 15 years. The others have been there for 6 the dermis. years." As he was of opinion that "the appearance COMMENT of some lesions was like a precancerous condition" All the tumors belonging to this group were and others like that of a "basal cell carcinoma," characterized by an insidious onset, and a slow the patient was referred to the Tara Memorial clinical course. Many of them were stated to have Hospital. On examination the woman (Figs. 8 and originated in a pigmented mole which had been 9) was found to have numerous (over 200) pig- present for a very long time. The tumor had mented moles on the neck, the trunk and the sometimes attracted the attention of the patient thighs. There were no pigmented spots on the after a negligible injury. There was no infiltration face. There were several flat black patches on the of deeper structures nor was there an involvement trunk which were roughly circular and clearly of regional lymph nodes or distant viscera in any demarcated from the neighboring healthy skin. of the cases. There was no preponderance of oc- The central portions of these patches were super- currence in either sex. Their location was not ficially ulcerated and were covered with brownish restricted to any particular part of the skin, scales of dried secretion. There was also an in- although the face and particularly the nasogonial tensely black nodule on the back, at the waist line

DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES 8 TO 10 FIGS. 8 and 9.--Case 12.: Front and back views of the FIG. 10.--Case 12.: Low power photomicrograph from trunk showing numerous pigmented moles, two super- a section from the flat patch behind the right thigh, show- ficially ulcerated areas, and three intense black nodules on ing superficial ulceration and thin branching cords of tumor the skin. cells infiltrating into the dermis. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Mag. X 150.

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(2 X 1.5 X 1 cm.) and a flat, superficially ulcerated, 15 years, during which time he had developed slightly pigmented patch on the back of the right similar lesions over other parts of the body. The thigh (1.5 cm. in diameter). These last two were latest of these was about three years old. The excised, and a biopsy taken from the edge of the ulcer or the lumps did not pain him but he felt an patch on the right loin. itching sensation over them. On examination a Microscopic examination.--The material ob- black, firm, flattened mass (3 X 2 X 0.5 cms.) was tained after excision was available for study and felt in the skin over the body of the left mandible showed a great variety of structure of basal cell just in front of its angle. The mass was ovoid, carcinoma type. Curiously enough the fiat patch raised above the surface and ulcerated in the cen- behind the right thigh showed greater ter. The surface of the ulcer was covered with

FIG. 11.--Case 13. : Photograph showing the pigmented FIG. 12.--Case 13.: Photograph showing pigmented ulcerating nodule on the left lower jaw. nodules in the two groins and the rhomboid dry scaly area in the left hypogastric region. and deeper infiltration by tumor cells (Fig. 10), dried black scabs. It was freely movable over the which were arranged in long thin branching subjacent structures. There were three other strands, or scattered in small groups of cells in the similar nodules on the trunk. These stood dermis. The pigmentation was associated with a out more prominantly and were less pigmented proliferation of melanoblasts and other changes than the lump on the jaw. They were located over that have already been described. the tip of the left costal cartilage in the right groin Case 13. #3377.--A dark-skinned 76 year old and on the left thigh near the attachment of the Indian Christian, father of 12 children, was admitted scrotum. On careful examination, a rhomboid, for an ulcerated black nodule over the left lower rough, dry, scaly area on the skin of the left lower jaw. He had had a "boil" in the same place when abdomen (Fig. 12) was seen that had not at- he was 20 years old which had healed after being tracted the attention of the patient. The area incised to let the pus out. He developed a was 4 cm. long at its widest extent and was clearly small lump (Fig. 11) on the same spot forty years defined by a black, uneven margin. All these later which had burst and left an ulcer. This ulcer lesions were excised with about 1 cm. of normal had steadily increased in the course of the previous skin beyond them and were available for histo-

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logical study. A full-thickness skin graft was ultraviolet rays which seemed to arrest the growth placed on the raw area left on the face after the of the nodule. It started growing again after 2 excision of the mass. The patient made an un- years. He was treated by "application of radium." eventful recovery and has not reported since with The condition improved under this treatment. any recurrence of his disease. The lesion became active again after an interval of Miscroscopic examination.--All the lesions in- two years. He was treated with deep x-rays in cluding the dry, scaly area showed the structure of 1937 and 1940. He denied having had any medi- a basal cell carcinoma, with slight variations in cines containing arsenic. He was unable to supply type in the different nodules. These lesions af- exact information regarding the dosage of the forded excellent material for a study of the pro- x-ray and radium therapy. On examination a liferative changes in melanoblasts, by dopa re- firm ulcerating growth about 5 cm. in diameter action and silver impregnation. These changes was seen in front of the wrist spreading on to the will be referred to later while considering the palm of the hand (Fig. 13). The growth was sur- nature of pigmentation in these tumors. rounded by a broad zone of depigmented skin and a darkly pigmented ring outside it. The growth COMMENT was partly fixed to the tendons of the flexor Multiple tumors of this type are very rare in muscles. There was a black rough patch with published reports. The cases reported by Nomland uneven fissured surface on the right wrist. This (16), Pautrier and Archambaut (17), and by was excised and showed closely packed black Nisbet (15) probably belong in this category. In papillary proliferations of the skin moulded on view of the discussion following the case reported thin strands of connective tissue. A similar lighter by Nomland (19), it is necessary to point out that patch was present on the palmar surface of the the areas of predilection for epithelioma adenoides right middle finger. Both palms showed numerous cysticum, viz. the lower eyelids, nose and portions minute discrete translucent nodules in the skin. of the cheek, were exempt from disease in both the A small node was felt in the left axilla. The patients described above. Case 13 was a male and physical examination revealed no other abnor- there was no evidence of a familial tendency to mality except a number of large and small cafe disease in either case. Further it was found that au lair spots on the back, chest, abdomen and even though the lesions in both patients were scalp. The face was free from any blemishes. present for a long period the onset of disease x-ray examination showed marked decalcification was not in early life, nor was an accelerated growth of the bones subjacent to the ulcer but there was associated with the time of puberty. The similar- no destruction or evidence of involvement of ity between these cases and those reported in the bone structures. literature consisted in the following features: The lesion was treated with deep x-radiation. 1. A clinical resemblance to pigmented nevi A total dose of 4000 r units was administered to without the presence of nevus cells arranged in him during the course of 10 days (85 kv. 1 A1, cell nests (theques), or strands in the dermis. T. S. D. 15 cm. circular field 6 cm. diameter). The 2. A slow evolution with probable origin in a ulcer rapidly healed and the wrist movements im- preexisting pigmented mole. An absence of re- proved under treatment. At a follow-up 2 months gional or distant metastases even after many later it was noticed that he had residual disease years' existence. and he was given a further total dose of 1500 r 3. Variation in form, color and histological de- units over a period of 1 week (200 kv. 0.5 cu + A1, tails in different lesions in the same person. T. S. D. 50 cms. circular field 5 cms. in diameter). The lesion on the palm became cleaner, but some MULTIPLE SQUAMOUS CELL PIGMENTED TUMORS disease still persisted. One month later the patient Case 14. # 5608.--A fair-skinned Hindu bania, appeared with a raised pigmented lesion on the owner of an electrical appliances shop, was ad- scalp, 2 cm. in diameter which bled easily on touch- mitted to the hospital on Nov. 16, 1943 with an ing. This lesion and those on the right hand re- ulcerated growth at the base of the left palm. He gressed completely with x-ray therapy, but the gave the following history about his complaint. lesion on the palm persisted. It was therefore A few small dark spots had suddenly appeared decided to amputate the limb at the middle of at the root of the palm just below the middle the forearm. of the right wrist 10 years previously. These spots The patient returned after six months with a increased slowly in size and had fused to form a small pigmented papillary lesion on the scrotum firm, dark nodule causing itching and some dis- and again four months later with similar small comfort. He was treated by his physician with lesions on the right thumb and the fingers of the

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FIG. 13.--Case 14.: Photograph of the palms showing disorganisation of the normal arrangement and stratifica- the malignant lesion on the left hand, the darkly pigmented tion of cells, and individual cell keratinisation. Hematoxy- patches on the right, and the minute translucent whitish lin and eosin stain. Mag. X 200. nodules in the skin covering the palmar surface of the FIG. 15.--Case 14.: A higher power photomicrograph fingers on both hands. of a nodule similar to that shown in Fig. 14 presenting the FIG. 14.--Case 14.: High power photomicrograph from clumping of nuclei, corps ronds and monstrous ceils. He- one of the minute discrete nodules showing hyperkeratosis, matoxylin and eosin stain. Mag. ;< 375.

Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 26, 2021. © 1947 American Association for Cancer Research. Khanolkar--Pigmented Tumors o] the Skin 701 right hand. All these lesions rapidly regressed Case 15. #2936.--An elderly emaciated Hindu with contact x-ray treatment for 10 days giving a beggar woman, 60 years old, was admitted for a total dose of 4800 r units (50 kv. 1 A1 and 4 black warty growth on her abdomen. She stated cm. T. S. D.) that the growth had started as an intense black Microscopic examination.--The left hand and the spot 7 years earlier and that she was sure that it excised lesion from the right hand (b) were avail- was not there before that time. The spot had able for histological study. The growth on the slowly increased in size and had became rough on left palm showed the characteristics of a squamous the surface. Black warty excrescences had slowly carcinoma grade III. The pigmented piece ex- grown out of it. She complained of much itching, cised from the right hand was made up of dermal and occasional bleeding after scratching. On ex- papillae extended into long branched processes amination, a verrucous mass, roughly lozenge- covered with altered stratified squamous epi- shaped (17 X 12 cm.) was seen covering most of thelium. There was hyperkeratosis, a disorderly the left lower abdominal wall (Fig. 16). The edges arrangement of the cells in the stratified malpigh- were serpigenous and stood out clearly from the Jan layer and large monstrous cells with two or adjacent normal skin by their deeply pigmented three hyperchromatic nuclei. Some cells showed color and elevated contour. The main mass was hydropic vacuolation of cells with small pyknotic deep black except towards the middle where it was nuclei. The basal layer of cells was regular, intact, depigmented and atrophic in places. A second sharply demarcated from the subjacent fibrovas- smaller pigmented patch composed of bunches of cular connective tissue. The small greyish nodules large and small papillae was discovered in the on the palm of the left hand showed the following right loin. The patient did not remember when it interesting features. had started. The larger growth emitted a faint The surface was covered with several layers of fetid odor and the warty projections could be fine lamellae of keratinized material. The epi- pealed off with little trouble and slight bleeding. thelium indented the dermis unevenly due to Clinical examination and skiagraphic studies did elongation broadening and fusion of rete cones. not reveal any morbid condition in the gastro- The minute discrete nodules which were visible intestinal tract. Both lesions were excised along to the naked eye were composed of broad epi- with a narrow margin of normal skin beyond the thelial buds pushing into the dermis (Figs. 14 pigmented border. Skin from the thigh was grafted and 15). The cells in the nodule showed a dis- on the raw excised surface of the bigger lesion. organization of the normal arrangement and The patient made an uneventful recovery. She stratification of cells. There was a wide variation has not reported a recurrence of the lesion nor of in the size of adjoining cells, with some monstrous any fresh outcrops of pigmented spots for the cells, and others with several nuclei clumped to- last four years. gether, interspersed between normal polygonal Microscopic examination.--(a) The fiat heavily cells. Some of the cells showed a characteristic pigmented peripheral portion of the tumor mass intracellular vacuolation with a preservation of showed a thickening of the epidermis with intercellular bridges. In the substance of the neo- broadening, elongation and fusion of rete cones. plastic mass "individual cell keratinisation" (13) There was hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis of the and "corps ronds and grains" (7) were seen. epithelial layers. In the thickened epidermis there These features suggested the change to be Bow- was a loss of normal stratification of cell layers. enoid in character. It seemed probable that Many cells in the malpighian layer were swollen, arsenic might have been administered during the edematous and vacuolated. The nuclei of several course of the varied treatments received by the cells were large, hyperchromatic and clumped in patient. The skin from the amputated forearm groups of three or four. There were numerous and the hand was therefore analyzed. It gave the dyskeratotic cells with pyknotic nuclei and mark- following interesting data: edly acidophilic cytoplasm. These cells were

AI~SENIC CONTENT OF THE TISSUES always surrounded by a clear space. The basal Arsenic (as As2 03) mgm. per layer of the stratum germinativum was heavily pig- Tissue 100 gm. mented. There were numerous diffusely pig- Healthy skin in Indians* 0:150 (0.125 minimum) mented branching cells scattered between the epi- (0.175 maximum) Normal-looking skin from the dermal cells. In the superficial layers of the dermis forearm of the patientt 0.198 there were several melanophores stuffed with pig- Cancer tissue from the wrist'f 0.924 ment, besides numerous clumps of free pigment Skin containing hyperkeratotic scattered between connective tissue fibers. The nodules from the palmer 3.036 transition between the normal and the affected *From data published by Bagchi and Ganguly (1). tTechnic employed by Maechling and Flinn (10). skin was sharp and sudden.

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FIG. 16.--Case 15.: Photograph showing the lozenge- FIG. 18.--Case 15.: A higher power photomicrograph shaped verrucous pigmented mass on the left lower ab- showing the thickened walls of a sweat gland duct and the domen. adjacent epithelium presenting the characters of an intra- FIG. 17.--Case 15. : Low power photomicrograph show- epithelial carcinoma. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Mag. ing cords and strands of proliferated epithelial cells with • 200. central areas of keratinisation infiltrating the subjacent tissue. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Mag. X 80.

(b) The intermediate zone showed several mented whereas the more centrally placed filaments branched filamentous epidermal processes which of epithelial cells were completely devoid of pig- were covered with several layers of closely applied ment. keratinized lamellae. The epithelium was thicken- (c) The central portion of the lesion shows a ed by an increase in the cell layers and a more relative thinning of the epidermis accompanied by pronounced Bowenoid alteration in the character an invasive proliferation of epithelial cells (Fig. of cells. The peripheral processes were deeply pig- 17) into the subjacent dermis. The proliferating

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cells were arranged as cords or' strands in the GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS dermis with the development of characteristic I. DEPOSITION OF PIGMENT IN TUMORS epithelial pearls. In some areas the cells of the OF THE EPIDERMIS stratum malpighi showed hyperplastic prickle cells without any of the Bowenoid changes described (a) Nature of the pigment.--The pigment gives above. There was a well developed stroma re- the usual chemical reactions of melanin. It is in- action in the dermis mainly consisting of lympho- soluble in all the ordinary solvents except strong cytes, with few histiocytes and newly formed solutions of alkalies, in which it dissolves with some blood capillaries. The remarkable feature of this difficulty. It could be slowly bleached by the area was a complete lack of pigment in epithelial action of strong sunlight. It does not give the cells and an absence of the branching melano- Prussian blue reaction for iron, but is easily im- blasts. There were no melanophores or free pig- pregnated with silver solutions. ment clumps in the dermis. (b) Distribution of the pigment in tumor tissue.-- The ducts of the sweat glands (Fig. 18) and the A naked-eye examination of unstained sections hair follicles in all these sections were involved in shows that the pigment is unevenly distributed in the neoplastic process without being altered. The lobes of tumor tissue (Fig. 4). It is more densely lining of some ducts in the central area however deposited in the peripheral cords and is scantier showed the characters of an intra-epithelial car- in the central areas. It occurs as, (I) a fine dust cinoma. The elastic tissue was pushed deeper in of golden or dark brown particles in the cyto- all these sections by the inflammatory exudate and plasm of cells in stratum germinativum and some the newly formed connective tissue stroma under- tumor cells; (II) as diffuse homogenous brown lying the altered epithelium. The dopa reagent coloring material in the cell body and dendrites of evinced an intense positive reaction in the pro- degenerating melanoblasts; (III) as coarse dark liferated and migrating dendritic cells in the pe- brown grains in the dermis or as clumps in the ripheral pigmented regions of the tumor mass. bodies of melanophores, and (IV) as large amorph- The histological study of the tumor tissue sug- ous masses in cystic spaces in the center of tumor gests that it belongs to a type of Bowenoid der- lobules. In the cells of the stratum germina- matosis, beginning as a deeply pigmented patch tivum it tends to be more closely aggregated in the which becomes depigmented in the central older zone immediately outside the nuclear membrane. area. The depigmented area is characterized by (c) Pigment-forming cells (Melanoblasts).--The the development of a slowly invading carcinoma most interesting feature of these tumors is a of the prickle-cell variety. proliferation of dendritic cells. The change in the epithelial cells, as one approaches the tumor mass, COMMENT is accompanied by an alteration in appearance The last two cases show the development of a and an increase in number of the dendritic cells Bowenoid change in the epidermis antecedent to (Fig. 19). In this zone the melanoblasts become an invasive cell proliferation and the formation of more numerous and send out a rich brush of long a typical squamous-cell carcinoma. The interesting thin processes between the epidermal cells, while feature of these cases is the melanotic pigmenta- still retaining their place in the basal layer of the tion of the tumor tissue. Bloch (3) had suggested stratum germinativum abutting against the that in the basal cell tumor described by him the dermis. These dendritic cells are not easily recog- pigmentation was the essential feature and that nizable by the usual staining methods. They are, the rest of the structure was secondary. Sub- however, clearly depicted owing to the presence sequent pigmentation in patches of Bowen's dis- of a dopa-oxidase in their cell cytoplasm and the ease of the skin has often been described, but in fine protoplasmic ramifications, and by their both the patients referred to here, the lesions ability to reduce silver salts from solutions. As started as black patches and the growing pe- the expanding epithelial cones fuse and assume ripheral areas of the fully developed tumor were the shape of a growing bud the proliferated den- deeply pigmented as a result of the proliferation dritic cells form a rich protoplasmic network on and activity of dendritic melanoblasts. This ac- its dermal surface (Figs. 20 and 21). The den- tivity and proliferation did not keep pace with the dritic cells move away from the periphery as the neoplastic growth of epithelial cells. The older, epithelial bud grows in mass. They however re- central, fully developed portions of the tumor tain contact with the dermis by a thick process therefore remained unprovided with pigment- which usually ends in a globular or mushroomed elaborating cells, and became colorless. terminal (Figs. 22 and 23). The dendritic cells

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Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 26, 2021. © 1947 American Association for Cancer Research. Khanolkar--Pigmented Tumors o/the Skin 705 assume an elongated spindle shape on receding of amboceptric differentiation, to the detriment of from the basal layer. The dendrites become malpighian differentiation." Caudi6re has also ex- fewer, longer and more filiform as the cells migrate pressed the opinion that No part of them [pigmen- away from the periphery and are caught up in the tary cells] shows signs of proliferation. The tumors mass of neoplastic epithelial cells. This migration that do present these characteristics are symbiotic, of dendritic cells has been elegantly described by pigmentary cell epitheliomas." (5). These views Masson (11) and by Caudi6re (5). These cells deserve most careful consideration, although it appear to be unable to transfer the precursor of the must be admitted that the appearances observed pigment to the adjacent tumor cells, or alter- in the tumors described above are very suggestive natively the tumor cells lose the capacity of ac- of a true in the spreading zone of the cepting and elaborating the pigment. The pig- tumor tissue. It is also difficult to accept the opin- ment, therefore, begins to accumulate in the cell ion of Caudi6re that "They are not pigmentary tu- body and branches of the dendritic cells. After mors, they are pigmented tumors" (5), as in several their being bereft of their dermal associations, the cases the lesions start as a deeply pigmented patch, dendrites thicken and coarsen. Gradually the which may later grow discolored towards the cen- cells become shrunken and are shorn of most of tral part of the lesion. The pigment-producing their branches (Fig. 24). A thick short stump cells are actively associated with the growth of may remain attached to the shrunken, degenerat- neoplastic tissue, although they fail to keep pace ing cells, before they are sloughed off into the with the increase in number of other epithelial amorphous debris. Similar degenerative changes cells and are later completely choked by them. in melanoblasts have been described by Schneider (d) Accumulation of pigment in tumor tissue.- (20) in luetic infiltrations of the epidermis with The dark color of these tumors is due not only to Trep. pallidum and observed by us in a case of a the presence of pigment particles in the melano- fungus granuloma of the nipple in a 55 year old blasts and some tumor cells, but also to a lack of male. normal elimination of dead epithelial cells. To- It is necessary, however, to determine whether wards the center of the tumor lobes the keratinized the evident increase in the number of dendritic bodies of epithelial cells and the degenerated cells at the growing edges of these tumors is bodies of melanoblasts are cast off in the debris of genuine or spurious. Rous (18) and Beard (2) necrotic material. The pigment, however, re- have observed that Shope in rabbits is mains unaltered and is retained in cystic spaces frequently grey, brown or black with melanin. and fissures or in the widened follicles involved in They noticed (2) that pigmented tumors developed the neoplastic process. There appear also groups "only where the hair was pigmented... When the or circumscribed masses of bulky ovoid or fusiform first epithelial thickening took place, melanoblasts cells in the superficial layers of the dermis heavily similar to those nearby the unaffected epidermis loaded with coarse granules of brown pigment proliferated in the basal part of the papillomatous (Fig. 25). They often lie in close proximity to the epidermis and often became extraordinarily abun- lobes and cords of tumor tissue and are evidently dant, and black with pigment." They were of the macrophages which have engorged themselves opinion that "pigmented growths arise because with pigment. The exact source of pigment in these cells (melanoblasts) become involved in the these cells is not very clear. These macrophage pathological process though not themselves af- cells are never encountered in the body of the fected by the virus." Masson (12) while discussing neoplastic cords. They are only seen in the con- the appearances in macular pigmented nevi has nective tissue stroma separating the lobes. These expressed the following view. "At first it was at- appearances suggest that the macrophages take tempted to show this excess of branching cells to be up formed pigment which is "spilled over" in the the result of their hyperplasia. I do not believe dermis and which is not retained by tumor cells. this to be true." He attributes the apparent in- These macrophages have, therefore, been correctly crease in number of these cells "to an exaggeration termed melanophores and are distinct in origin

DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES 19 TO 21 FIG. 19.--A composite picture of camera lucida drawings FIGS. 20 and 21.--A rich protoplasmic network of the of seven fields, from a biopsy of tissue in case 13. It shows processes of dendritic cells on the surface of epithelial buds an increase in the number and the alteration in the morpho- from case 13. Dopa reaction. Fig. 20, Mag. X 200; Fig. 21, logical characters of the melanoblasts in the peripheral Mag. M 375. zone of the tumor mass. Dopa reaction.

Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 26, 2021. © 1947 American Association for Cancer Research. 706 Cancer Research and evolution from the melanoblasts described this character fails in the altered dermis, a true above or the nevus cells encountered in benign carcinoma results. or malignant melanomas IV. SPREAD OF TUMORS II. REGRESSION OF NEOPLASTIC CHANGES The spread of these tumors presents certain The central area of the lesion in Case 8 showed interesting features. In basal cell carcinomas one a tendency towards healing and a replacement of is struck with multiple microscopic loci of epi- the neoplastic cells by epithelium without evi- thelial proliferation, and the spread along the sur- dent proliferative activity. Similarly in several face and in depth of the lesion is to a certain centrally located areas in Case 15 there was a extent due to a fusion of these foci and to a growth disappearance of the Bowenoid change and its in mass which results from continued cell division. replacement by a normal looking stratified squa- In the case of the Bowenoid changes in the skin mous epithelium. Such retrogression of experi- there are two possible methods of lateral spread: mental tar cancer has been reported. Rous and (I) an intra-epidermal migration of neoplastic Kidd (18) observed a raised ulcerated disc after 5 cells as in Paget's disease of the nipple [Muir (14)], months tarring in one of their rabbits. The or (II) a progressive Bowenoid transformation of growth took on an invasive character during the normal epithelium in response to an inducing next 4 months. Later it began to grow smaller and agent continuously being elaborated by active or disappeared completely in another 4 weeks. A degenerating neoplastic cells. The latter possi- similar carcinoma with metastases was described bility appears more likely in view of the fact that by Yamagiwa and Ichikawa, which retrogressed the line of demarcation between the normal and after 630 days of growth. The suggestion therefore altered skin is usually very sharp and also because that proliferating epithelial buds or Bowenoid of the arrest of disease after surgical extirpation of changes should be interpreted as a carcinoma could affected area of skin. A careful study of the epi- not be accepted without reservations. These con- dermis at the border zone shows few swollen ditions should be looked upon as precancerous prickle cells just above the normal cells of the changes which have the potentiality of developing basal layer, but no frank neoplastic cells could be into a carcinoma with the introduction of other detected between normal cells of the malphigian factors which are not so well understood at present. layer as in Paget's disease of the breast. The ma- terial at our disposal is inadequate for a solution III. DEVELOPMENT OF CANCER IN THE of this problem, and its elucidation would probably ALTERED EPIDERMIS follow the experimental studies now in progress The invasive character of cell proliferation in under Cowdry at St. Louis (6). the central portions of the lesions in Cases 11 and 15 reemphasize the importance of a distinction SUMMARY between tumor inception and tumor formation. 1. Fifteen cases of pigmented lesions of the skin The latter condition ensues only when appropriate which were not melanomas have been reported. conditions exist in a area for an infiltrative growth Four cases of single pigmented epitheliomas of the of tumor tissue. This question has been fully dis- skin and four others with multiple lesions have cussed previously (9) and need not be entered into been described. again. The importance of a precocious stroma 2. The necessity of a histological diagnosis in reaction some distance away from the proliferating all these cases has been emphasized and their epithelial buds has been stressed as an influential relatively benign course has been stressed. factor in the limitation of invasive characters in 3. The biological nature of these lesions and the some of the skin by Masson (12) (stroma role of melanoblasts in their evolution has been reaction pr~coce) and it is likely that only when discussed.

DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES 22 TO 25 FIGS. 22 and 23.--Case 13.: Photomicrographs showing FIG. 25.--Case 13.: A higher power photomicrograph the migration of melanoblasts and the thick processes showing the three types of accumulation of pigment in the abutting against the dermis. Dopa reaction. Fig. 22, Mag. growing tumor buds, (1) in the debris of necrotic material X 375; Fig. 23, Mag. X 80. at the center of tumor lobes (2) in the bodies and process FIG. 24.--Case 12.: Photomicrograph showing the de- of melanoblasts (3) in groups of melanophores in the dermis. generative changes in the migrated melanoblasts, with a Dopa reaction. Mag. X 150. shrinkage of cells and loss of dendrites. Silver impregna- tion. Mag. )4 80.

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F~Gs. 22-25

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V. R. Khanolkar

Cancer Res 1947;7:692-708.

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