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About the Author

Rev. William M. Becker is a priest of the Diocese of Winona- Rochester (Minnesota, USA). After undergraduate studies at St. Mary’s Uni- versity of Minnesota, he studied theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, completing a doctorate (S.T.D.) in 1994. Ordained in 1988, he has served in , chancery, seminary, and academic roles. He is currently a pastor in Plainview, Minnesota. Flags have interested him since boyhood; he joined NAVA in 1977. He specializes in flags of his native Minnesota, as well as the papacy, having lived in Rome for eight years. His vexillological work has appeared in the Flag Bulletin, NAVA News, Minnesota History, Flagmaster, and now Raven. Vatican Flags Appendices 163


This issue ofRaven: A Journal of Vexillology was typeset in Adobe Garamond Pro using Adobe InDesign CS3. Typesetting and image processing was per- formed by Jeanne E. Galick Graphic Design, Portland, Oregon. The cover design was based on concepts developed by Douglas Lynch. The text generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style, except to adopt the more-logical British conventions regarding punctuating around quoted material.

This journal is printed on 70-pound matte coated text paper. Printing and binding was done by Signature Book Printing, Gaithersburg, Maryland. 164 Vatican Flags ISBN: 978-0-9747728-7-5 ISSN: 1071-0043 $20.00 USA/Canada

Flag lovers will be intrigued by the story that Father Becker tells and by the striking images in this book. But Vatican Flags is not for flag lovers alone. The story it tells is full of important reminders that there are different forms of power in the world, and that the human condition cannot be reduced to politics alone, or economics alone, or some combination of politics-and- economics alone. The realm of the spirit still counts, and soulcraft shapes the future at least as much as statecraft. George Weigel Distinguished Senior Fellow and William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, D.C.

North American Vexillological Association

ISBN 9780974772875 52000 > Volume 25 2018

Scott D. Mainwaring, Editor 9 780974 772875