Izzeldin Abuelaish | 9780802779496 | | | | | I Shall Not Hate A Gaza Doctors Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity 1st edition PDF Book Maybe some of the wounded can still be saved. What was repeated was his conviction and belief that hatred is a choice and a self-destructive one. Hauser, The Dallas Morning News "Because Abuelaish has this sort of deeply nuanced approach to the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict, precisely because he yearns to point out the good in those who are supposed to be his enemy, we cannot ignore or deny his damning portrayal of life under occupation. I had no idea how incredibly difficult just daily survival is for the Palestinians. He came from an established land-owning family based in the south of the country. Abuelaish has yet still finds it in his heart to forgive and communicate with the other side, then what excuse do we have? About this product Product Information By turns inspiring and heart-breaking, hopeful and horrifying, I Shall Not Hate is Izzeldin Abuelaish's account of an extraordinary life. Abuelaish, a Palestinian doctor who lost 3 daughters and a niece in a bombing on his home in the . First U S Edition. I am sat here tears streaming down my face. His family escaped to Gaza from the battle between and Israel more about that war, here and then found it was unable to return. But not this man. Far from it he was a peace loving fertility doctor who treated both Israeli and Palestinian patients with equal care and professionalism. He graduated in in obstetrics and gynecology, and then practiced in Gaza, saving lives and treating infertility. Most of all, I pray for peace. Today that same site is occupied by the Israeli town of Sderoth. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator. Your Rating:. It looks like you are located in Australia or New Zealand Close. Visit the Australia site Continue on UK site. Life in Gaza has always been a struggle especially after the second intifada. Stock photo. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. And, most recently, as the father whose daughters were killed by Israeli soldiers on January 16, , during Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip. His story is important not only for its message of peace, but for the fact that it personalizes the Palestinian experience. What I think is horrible in regards to bad things going in my life, I need to keep in perspective for there are others who have had to survive much bigger losses, such as the loss of 3 beautiful daughters, in there own. A way that could extract what is good, special, and humane in both of them. We all know what to do, so who is stopping us? Apr 29, Cat rated it it was amazing. I Shall Not Hate A Gaza Doctors Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity 1st edition Writer

Most have been excellent.. He gave a TED talk in which he says that his aim in establishing the Foundation was to give other young women the opportunity to fulfill his daughters' dreams for an educated future as agents of change in the journey towards peace. He received a scholarship to study medicine in Cairo, Egypt, and then received a diploma from the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, . Refresh and try again. Your Rating:. And, most recently, as the father whose daughters were killed by Israeli soldiers on January 16, , during Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip. Izzedin was born in in the refugee camp, six miles from the site of the village of Houge or Huj where his family once was a leading clan. The book and the actions of Dr. Although this was a very difficult story to read-painful, gut-wrenching and heartbreaking-I am so glad I read it. It is so rare, I thought, in this debilitating and devastating area we inhabit, to meet a person like him, a man who despite his own losses, continues his belief in humanity and its potential for good, despite all Abuelaish just a few days after the loss of his three daughters. This book reveals the realities of the Palestinian crises, but it is not a tirade against the Israelis. Quotes from I Shall Not Hate. His live interview on Israeli television just hours after their deaths captured world attention not just on the plight of the Palestinians living in the Gaza but also astonished by the absence of calls for revenge, a call which many would have expected. His deepest hope is that his daughters will be "the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestinians and Israelis. I was reading this one the subway and I had to put it down a couple of times to compose myself because I felt the familiar prick of tears starting to well up. The book is dedicated to those girls. I pray with all my heart that one day their suffering will end. It was very difficult and sad to read. If a man who has been through as much as Dr. He was born in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip into grinding poverty that to the average person is just inconceivable. Abuelaish just a few days after the loss of his three daughters. But he keeps the hope alive and now works for supporting young women to grow and educate themselves A difficult book to read but well worth it. We were about to do an interview with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and the introduction had already begun when I saw his name come up on my mobile again and I made the decision to take the call live on air. My mind is still buzzing. One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson. I normally don't like giving books 5 stars unless they've resonated with me months after I've finished them, or if the ending is particularly impressive. There was no electricity, no running water; there were no toilets in the house. A Harvard-trained Palestinian doctor who was born and raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip and "who has devoted his life to medicine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians" New York Times , Abuelaish has been crossing the lines in the sand that divide Israelis and Palestinians for most of his life - as a physician who treats patients on both sides of the line, as a humanitarian who sees the need for improved health and education for women as the way forward in the Middle East. Essential reading. He said it was this moment that he started to question why Palestinians were treated differently and why they were not afforded the same living conditions as the Israelis over the border. Ghada badwan Three of his daughter was killed by Israeli army,they bombed his house directly. Jun 07, Raheleh Abbasinejad rated it liked it. I urge everybody to read this wonderful book. Want to Read saving…. I Shall Not Hate A Gaza Doctors Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity 1st edition Reviews

His deepest hope is that his daughters will be "the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestinians and Israelis. Against the odds, Abuelaish stubbornly lifted himself above the widespread misery of Gaza. Ghada badwan Trying to document what happened to his family when Israeli army bombed his house and killed three of his daughters,but he decided not to hate! Yet despite everything he went through, he never let hatred take over his life. Abuelaish has yet still finds it in his heart to forgive and communicate with the other side, then what excuse do we have? He is an inspiration and shares his message with the world. He determined early on to study medicine. There is rubble and destroyed building everywhere. I am a well-educated professional woman and it was like a bucket of cold water being poured over my head to realize how ignorant I was concerning the Palestinians, their history, and their living conditions. He kept crying "Oh God, they killed my daughters, Shlomi, I wanted to save them, but they are dead. Well written with great attention given to details. I had no idea how incredibly difficult just daily survival is for the Palestinians. Mayar, Aya and Bessan Despite the hardships and losses he and his family have gone through, he keeps believing in peace and rejects violence, hatr This is a very powerful memoir from a man who's life was affected in every single detail, by living in Gaza. His determination and the mentoring by some teachers allowed him to do well enough to earn scholarships to the University of Cairo to study medicine. It's definitely an eye opener to what life in Gaza is like. He received a scholarship to study medicine in Cairo, Egypt, and then received a diploma from the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of London. Date completed is approximate. World War I Hardcover Books. The world needs more people like Izzeldin Abuelaish - a truly amazing man. Mayar, Aya and Bessan Despite the hardships and losses he and his family have gone through, he keeps believing in peace and rejects violence, hatred and revenge. Abuelaish is! However, this man's character was so strong and inspiring, I wanted to read more. Hauser, The Dallas Morning News "Because Abuelaish has this sort of deeply nuanced approach to the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict, precisely because he yearns to point out the good in those who are supposed to be his enemy, we cannot ignore or deny his damning portrayal of life under occupation. Caballo de Fuego: Gaza by Florencia Bonelli. Izzeldin worked selling eggs and other good in order to make money for his family to survive. Overall, I am looking forward to reading more on this matter and hope to find reliable resources. This book puts human faces and lives in perspective and shows how the people on both sides can cooperate and be friends and live in peace. Izzeldin was incredibly distraught and repeated what I heard later on my voice mail: "They shelled my house. I really have no idea how lucky I am. It sometimes seems moderates are an endangered species. I didn't think I would get anything out of this book, since I started it thinking I knew exactly what it would be about, but I was wrong.

I Shall Not Hate A Gaza Doctors Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity 1st edition Read Online

This story, unfortunately, does not end happily. Shlomi Eldar could not hang up the fun and excused himself from the newscast. What I think is horrible in regards to bad things going in my life, I need to keep in perspective for there are others who have had to survive much bigger losses, such as the loss of 3 beautiful daughters, in there own. He picks up his mobile phone, and there is Abuelaish live on Israeli TV. This is definitely a book that needs to be read in every school in both Israel and within the Gaza Strip. Oh Shlomi, oh God, oh Allah, my daughters are dead. Abuelaish are truly inspirational. Aug 07, Sarah rated it it was amazing. As neighbors pitched in to carry the wounded to a hospital, Abuelaish used his cell phone to call a friend at Israel's TV, Shlomi Eldar. The negatives were about the politics in the book, some thought it had an agenda and was a bit of propaganda, more pro Lebanese and anti Israeli or that the book was too violent and full of abuse of power and said they had a preference for more pleasant books to read in their leisure time before sleeping. Somewhere in the middle of the fight an Israeli tank fired a shell into the Abuelaish home, hitting the floor where Izzeldin's family was sheltered. This should be required reading in every high school, college and for all members Congress. I wish I had read it sooner. By him simply describing the trouble he has to go through to carry out the job - helping people on both sides of the "wall"- it gives you a very good idea of the situation for regular people. He was born in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip into grinding poverty that to the average pe I Shall not Hate by Izzeldin Abuelaish This is a difficult book to read, to think about, and to write about. Abuelish describes his experience crossing over Israeli checkpoints and the degrading experience that many Palestinians receive at the hands of Israeli soldiers. In fact, I had to take breaks in order to pull myself together. For one to say that this memoir is powerful, is entirely an understatement. No words can describe the horrific events this man had to endure and witness. If there is to be peace in the Middle East, it will come though men and women of his giant moral stature and epic capacity for forgiveness. Before the first intifada broke out he held jobs working on Israeli Moshavs and farms building Chicken coops. There were sections of this book I simply couldn't read yet: descriptions of his dead daughters' personalities that were just too raw. His deepest hope is that his daughters will be "the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestinians and Israelis. Essential reading.

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