From: Conor Burns MP [email protected] Subject: News Bulletin from Conor Burns MP #129 Date: 1 March 2015 20:37 To: [email protected]

! In this edition: Issue 129 - Sunday 1st March 2015

Conor Burns MP’s Diary Since the past edition, Conor has:

Photo news: Kingsleigh Primary School Spoken to local radio station Hope FM about the Navitus Bay wind farm. Conor in Parliament: Conor celebrates Appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Politics South. 's status as Met with & Christchurch Bays Association members fastest growing digital economy in the UK at to speak to them about Navitus Bay. PMQs Sent a written submission concerning the Navitus Bay

Photo news: mitigation proposals to the Planning Inspectorate. West Howe Community Signed the Holocaust Memorial Day Book of Commitment. Cinema Attended a service at St Peter’s Church and a second at Poole Bournemouth West MP Lighthouse to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and stands up to prejudice by th signing Holocaust Memorial the 70 anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Day Book of Commitment Met with the newly-elected President of Westbourne Traders’

Photo news: Association, Steve Taylor, to discuss the issues facing small Secretary of State for businesses in the town. Culture visits Bournemouth University Paid a visit to St Michael’s CE Primary School. Visited the Oak Academy to meet with apprentices studying Conor in the papers: Bournemouth praised for there. digital contribution as Participated in a ‘Does Your Vote Count?’ event at culture minister visits town Bournemouth University to encourage students to vote. Photo news: Met with the Student Council at Talbot Heath Preparatory Conor lobbies Schools Minister School. Been updated by the National Coastal Tourism Academy on Conor in the papers: What makes Bournemouth the work that are doing to boost Bournemouth’s tourism fastest-growing digital industry. economy? Universities, th says MP Attended a reception in Westminster to celebrate the 800 anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta. Photo news: St Michael's CofE Primay Joined pupils and staff to open the new building at Kingsleigh School Primary School.

Conor in the papers: Celebrated the Bournemouth Echo’s website receiving 1 Bournemouth Echo website million unique views in January by joining the newspaper’s staff reaches milestone with one million unique browsers and other guests on the roof of the Echo building for a recorded in January 2015 commemorative photo.

Conor in the papers: Why I, Spoke with sixth form students at the LeAF Academy. a true Thatcherite, admit I Updated parents and answered questions about the situation at like Ed Miliband St. Aldhelm’s Academy at a meeting organised by the Photo news: Bourne Valley Action Group. Westbourne Fire Station Welcomed Culture Secretary Sajid Javid to Bournemouth How to contact University on a visit to highlight the town and university’s Conor Burns MP contribution to the UK’s digital economy. Met with Schools Minister Lord Nash and South West Regional School Commissioner Sir David Carter to discuss the situation facing St. Aldhelm’s Academy. Attended the Talbot & Branksome Woods Residents’ Assocation AGM. Raised the recent BAFTA successes of BU at Prime Minister’s Questions. Visited the Gala Coral bookmaker on Wimborne Road to discuss their work in the area and the steps taken to protect users of their services. Spoken to students at Bournemouth & Poole College about the forthcoming General Election and his work as MP for Bournemouth West. Held a surgery for local residents at the Triangle. Met with the leader of Bournemouth Council, John Beesley, and Bournemouth East MP to discuss issues facing the town. Attended the opening of West Howe Community Cinema. Discussed pension reforms with firefighters at Westbourne Fire Station. Visited Base, a local digital business, to discuss their work in the town.

Photo news: Kingsleigh Primary School

Conor Burns MP opening the new building at Kingsleigh Primary School with Headteacher Mr Richard Gower. !

! Conor in Parliament: Conor celebrates Bournemouth's status as fastest growing digital economy in the UK at PMQs

Wednesday 11th February 2015

Click on the above image to watch Conor and the Prime Minister in the House of Commons.

The full text was as follows:

Conor Burns (Bournemouth West, Conservative): At the weekend, graduates of Bournemouth university and the Arts university, Bournemouth, enjoyed yet another year of success at the BAFTAs. Last week, Bournemouth was named as having the fastest growing digital economy in the United Kingdom. Does my right hon. Friend agree that Britain remains a world leader in the creative industries because of the talent of our people combined with our long-term economic plan?

David Cameron, The Prime Minister: My hon. Friend is absolutely right. Our creative industries are a vital part of our economy and our country. When we look at the great results at the BAFTAs and the high hopes that we have for the Oscars, it is clear that British television and British film are conquering the world. Bournemouth university plays a very important part in that, because its training of some of our digital effects specialists and of many of our creative people is a key part of this vital and growing industry. !

Photo news: West Howe Communty Cinema

Conor Burns MP at the opening of the West Howe Community Cinema. !

! Bournemouth West MP stands up to prejudice by signing Holocaust Memorial Day Book of Commitment

Last month Conor Burns MP signed a Book of Commitment in the House of Commons, in doing so pledging his commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who died during the Holocaust.

Tuesday January 27th marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz- Birkenau, the Nazi concentration and extermination camp which is the site of the largest mass murder in history. In the weeks running up to the day, the Holocaust Educational Trust placed a Book of Commitment in the House of Commons, giving MPs the chance to honour those who were persecuted and killed during the Holocaust and encouraging constituents to work together to combat prejudice and racism today.

In signing the Book of Commitment, Conor Burns paid tribute to those who perished during the Holocaust and honoured the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people about what they endured, through the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Outreach programme.

In the weeks leading up to and after Holocaust Memorial Day, thousands of commemorative events were be arranged by schools, faith groups and community organisations across the country, remembering all the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. This year, people were also encouraged to honour those communities that have been destroyed by genocide and reflect on the importance of coming together to oppose prejudice and hatred.

Commenting, Conor Burns said: “Holocaust Memorial Day is an important opportunity to remember the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. I encourage all constituents to reflect on the day’s meaning and to join members of the community in the fight against prejudice and intolerance.”

Karen Pollock MBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: “We are proud that Conor Burns supported Holocaust Memorial Day this year. It is vitally important that we both remember and learn from the appalling events of the Holocaust – as well as ensuring that we continue to challenge all forms of hatred and bigotry.”

Photo news: Secretary of State for Culture visits Bournemouth University

Conor Burns MP and Culture Secretary Sajid Javid MP speaking with Bournemouth University students.

Conor Burns MP and Sajid Javid MP with BU Students’ Union President Chloe Schendel-Wilson, Vice-Chancellor Professor John Vinney and Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor John Fletcher.

Conor in the papers: Bournemouth praised for digital contribution as culture minister visits town

Toby Wadey, Bournemouth Echo Tuesday 10th February 2015

Bournemouth was praised by the culture secretary for its contribution to the world of digital media during a visit to the town yesterday.

Sajid Javid, secretary of state for culture, media and sport, toured Bournemouth University in the wake of its graduates winning BAFTAs on Sunday and the area being named as the country’s fastest growing digital economy.

After being grilled in a mock television studio by undergraduates and shown award-winning film clips produced by students, Mr Javid told the Daily Echo that both BU and Arts University Bournemouth can be credited with recent successes in British filmmaking.

He was invited to the University by Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns. “It is really well known, not just to me but worldwide, and I wanted to see a bit more of it for myself,” he said.

“It has been fantastic to see them here at the university today, but also as Britain is doing much better in both filmmaking, especially digital film and digital skills.

“One of the reasons it is happening is because of Bournemouth University and the skills it is producing.

“I had an opportunity to speak to a lot of students. It was like being in the Newsnight studio with Jeremy Paxman or someone.

“It was really well done – I was very impressed with the students.

“There was a good mixture of students from both home and abroad and it was really good to see firsthand how they learn their skills and how well they do – not just the ones that interviewed me but also the ones behind the camera because that’s a really important part of the process too.”

Mr Javid also acknowledged the Daily Echo’s historic milestone for web hits in January, adding: “You have just crossed the landmark of one million unique users so it just shows you how that digital infrastructure can make a big difference.”

Photo news: Conor lobbies Schools Minister

Conor Burns MP with Schools Minister Lord Nash and South West Regional Schools Commissioner Sir David Carter.

Conor in the papers: What makes Bournemouth fastest-growing digital economy? Universities, says MP

Darren Slade, Bournemouth Echo Friday 6 February 2015

Bournemouth has the fastest- growing digital economy in the country, new figures show.

The number of digital start-up businesses in the area grew 212 per cent between 2010 and 2013.

The figures come from the project Tech Nation, looking at how the technology industry is growing across the UK.

It found the sector would outperform all other industries for job creation by 2020.

Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns said the figures were “really good news”.

“It’s not driven by central government, massive investment, Prime Ministers’ champions and tsars – this is a spontaneous pooling together of incredible talent that we have in Bournemouth, particularly across our two universities,” he said.

David Ford, chairman of Silicon South – a non-profit organisation promoting job growth in the sector – said: “The report is fantastic news for Bournemouth and proves that the Silicon South is the place to be for cutting edge digital innovation of all scales and sizes. “It is inspiring to hear that all the hard work by the industry together with the tremendous support of the public sector, the councils and universities and the LEP is starting to pay off.”

Professor John Fletcher, pro-vice-chancellor for research and innovation at Bournemouth University, said the university had been instrumental in the success.

“I think the university is fundamental to it because we have the international recognition in terms of our creative and digital expertise,” he said.

“We have the research and the expertise to pass on the knowledge to our students.

“We attract a really good group of students and they’re exposed to world-leading research and we’re doing our best now to retain the best of those as they get across their graduation stage,” he said.

Gary Seneviratne, founder and director of Bournemouth-based digital agency Adido, said: “We have some really good agencies down here. They’re working with brands like M&S, the British Heart Foundation and Transport for London.

“It means the top end of the market in the corporate world are working with people in this area for their core digital competencies.”

The research was carried out by Tech City, the government-backed organisation in east London that serves as a nest for technology start- ups.

Cllr Mike Greene, Bournemouth council cabinet member for corporate policy and strategy, said: “Supported by two business-focused universities nurturing future world class talent, the creative and digital sector in Bournemouth is going from strength to strength.”

Photo news: St Michael's CofE Primary School

Conor Burns with pupils from St. Michael’s CoE Primary School. !

Conor in the papers: Bournemouth Echo website reaches milestone with one million unique browsers recorded in January 2015

Darren Slade, Bournemouth Echo Saturday 7 February 2015

Conor Burns and other guests celebrate the Daily Echo’s millionth online view.

The Daily Echo has a million reasons to celebrate after our website reached a historic milestone.

Our site attracted visits from more than a million unique browsers in January alone.

The total number of page views at reached an astonishing 9.7 million and to celebrate, local VIPs joined staff on the roof to take an historic photograph using the latest technology - a drone.

Vincent Boni, Managing Director of Newsquest Dorset, said: “I hope that our readers and businesses are staggered by the one million unique visitors and almost 10 million page impressions that the Bournemouth Echo delivered in just one month.

“This is a historic milestone in our publishing history and we are all grateful for the continued support of the local audience.”

Toby Granville, group editor at the Daily Echo, said: “Thanks a million to all 1,088,066 visitors to the Bournemouth Echo website in January who made it a record month.

"Our combined readership is now the highest it's been for nearly 20 years so clearly, thanks to our hard-working team of journalists, we are providing our army of readers with exactly the news and information they want.

“And our coverage is only going to get even better so keep reading and here's to our next million!”

A gathering of VIPs saluted the achievement yesterday at the Echo's Richmond Hill HQ.

The mayor of Poole, Cllr Peter Adams, said: “It's good to see our local paper takes digital communication so seriously, which is the future of communications.”

Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns said: “For the Echo to get over a million unique browsers in January is an amazing start to the year.

“That's first and foremost a major vote of confidence in the Bournemouth Echo by its readers, both online and in hard copy.”

Andrew Diprose, joint managing director of Bournemouth-based Deep South Media, said: “It's a brilliant achievement. I think the Echo leads the way in terms of its website presence.”

Ian Girling, chief executive of Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: “I think the success of the paper online is absolutely tremendous. What a great story.”

Andrew Wickham, managing director of Morebus - whose buses are equipped with free wifi and charging points - said: “The next million will be a lot quicker than the first one.”

Conor in the papers: Why I, a true Thatcherite, admit I like Ed Miliband

Conor Burns, The Mail on Sunday Sunday 8 February 2015

Let me make a confession: I like and admire Ed Miliband. This is not a view widely shared by my fellow Conservative MPss on the Government benches in the House of Commons.

Many will tell you he is the worst Labour leader since Michael Foot, and that the only likely outcome after the May 7 Election is that the man standing on the steps of No 10 with his arms raised in victory will be David Cameron.

So why do I, a Member of Parliament who proudly still classes himself as a Thatcherite, the very opposite of everything that Marxist academic’s son Ed Miliband stands for, leap to his defence?

Of course, it is easy to mock his as a Mr. Bean-type figure when he struggles to eat a bacon sandwich without looking silly.

But if that disqualifies him from being Prime Minister, then it disqualifies most people elected to Parliament.

And there is another, more private, side to Mr. Miliband. It is not uncommon for a leader to send a handwritten note, text or word of congratulation for a particular speech or question in Westminster to a colleague. Such gestures can turn alliances into affection on your own side.

Certainly, it is much less common for them to do so to a member of another party.

I know that Mr. Miliband has done this on a number of occasions. I have spoken to him a number of times, and while the difference in our political views is as wide as a chasm, I have always found him open- minded, polite, engaging and eager to exchange views.

As I speak, Conservative knives are being sharpened ready to slice Mr. Miliband’s personal reputation to shreds in the Election campaign in the belief that he is Labour’s weakest link.

I hope this does not happen. Regardless of his political flaws, he is a good and decent man.

Mr. Miliband deserves attack – but for his political views, not his personal foibles.

This brings me to the second reason I admire the Labour leader. We are often told moder political leaders have no real beliefs and are merely the products of public relations snake oil merchants and spin doctors.

But no one can accuse Mr. Miiband of lacking conviction.

Although I respect him personally and for his sincerely held views, it does not mean I agree with them. Far from it.

There is a real danger that by focusing all our fire on Mr. Miliband as a joke, we take our eyes off the genuine threat he poses.

Mr. Miliband in No. 10 would be anything but a laughing matter.

His political outlook was forged on the knee of his intellectually socialist father, and many of his policy positions remain infused by that world view.

Not long ago he was asked by a man if he was going to ‘bring back socialism’/ He replied: ‘That is what we are doing, sire.’

It isn’t just rhetoric. Look at his policy.

A company owns land and feels it is not the right time to develop it. Mr. Miliband thinks that the state should have the right to take that land off the company.

In the energy market, Mr. Miliband thinks the State should step in and fix prices.

Who would have thought after Thatcher and then Blair, Labour could have a leader talking in terms that those who advocated a 1970s style prices and incomes policy would recognise?

Yet far too many people white him off as somehow not serious, as the political equivalent of the character Wallace from Wallace and Gromit.

Surely the country won’t elect him. Just look at the opinion polls where his ratings lag way behind David Cameron as a potential PM.

But we’ve been here before.

Mrs. Thatcher’s own ratings in 1979 were way behind those of Labour Prime Minister ‘Sunny Jim’ Callaghan and we all know how that ended. Nor does the parallel end there. In addition to her political convictions, Lady T was renowned for her personal touch – she never forgot a name or a birthday.

And behind Mr. Miliband’s courtesy is his ruthlessness and his determination, a desire to win at any price.

I believe if he does become Prime Minister, he would lead a quietly determined and rather dogmatic government.

I also firmly believe it would be a disaster for Britain.

So while liking and admiring him, I also want to stop him.

My party has three months to do that. We shouldn’t underestimate the size of the challenge we face. If we fail, Britain and her people will pay a heavy price.

There is no doubt Ed Miliband poses a serious threat to Britain. But to defeat him, we must take him seriously.

Photo news: Westbourne Fire Station

Conor Burns speaks to firefighters about the government’s pensions reforms at Westbourne Fire Station. !

Three ways to contact Conor Burns MP:

By Phone: 020 7219 7021 By email: [email protected] By post: Conor Burns MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA

More news from Conor Burns MP, Conservative Member of Parliament for Bournemouth West, coming soon…

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