Green infrastructure for better living

Project newsletter No.4 09/2019

EN Project newsletter No.4 - 09/2019

With the RegioStars Award the EU Commission Last chance to vote for honours new and innovative approaches in regional development throughout Europe. A jury will your favourite project! evaluate all projects regarding their approaches but additionally there is the Public Choice Award that honors the project with the most votes. LOS_DAMA! applied for the RegioStars Award 2019, next to 198 other projects Europewide. That is why we need your vote until 9th And guess what: we are among the finalists! September 2019!

SPOTLIGHT ON: the local level

The general value of urban open spaces, Munich especially marshlands, was highlighted and the common goal to protect this cultural and natural heritage was defined more clearly. On 8th October 2018 the Verein Dachauer Moos e. V. (Association for the Dachau Marshland) and the City of Munich together with the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection invited to the intercommunal conference “Let´s do Moor” on landscape development in the Dachau Marshland. The conference opened with personal statements on the Dachauer Moos by people who work and live there. The political representatives focused on gaining a common perspective to improve green infrastructure. A market of possibilities showed successful approaches of integrated landscape development from nearby and abroad. The Bavarian Ministry concluded the day with a retrospect on ten years climate protection program and a scientific look on marshlands in the local and global climate Managing Director Robert Rossa, ©STMUV protection context. The conference offered an exchange on multiple governance levels “The conference definitely was a and connected decision makers with nature milestone for us, but you need partners conservationists and citizens. like the LOS_DAMA! team to support it.”

2 Project newsletter No.4 - 09/2019

Ljubljana Vienna

During the summer months of 2018, the Urban The City of Vienna and the rather small Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia neighbouring town of ‘Gerasdorf bei Wien’ carried out structured observations in two focus are putting their heads together elaborating a sites of the Slovenian pilot area, namely at “Regional Park DreiAnger” as a crucial element Podpeč Lake and in Iški Vintgar. Both are popular of the Viennese Green Belt. The territorial destinations for recreation for visitors from boundary running through the Regional Park is Ljubljana and other urban settlements. The high both provincial and municipal - seperating different level of pressure due to the numbers of visitors planning laws and procedures. We are working and activities, which they follow on the sites on the development and implementation of the causes disapproval from local communities and Local Action Plan for the newly founded Regional concerns about overuse and consequent spatial Park “DreiAnger”. We discussed further steps and and natural degradation. In effect these are nature measures for the implementation during steering areas with relatively few recreation facilities not group meetings with important stakeholders. suited for accommodating the present intensity A strong focus was on shared awareness of of use. During observations the characteristics of uses and conflicts of use and the development of activities visitors were involved in were recorded, inter-community actions and awareness-raising e.g. what activities, for how long, how many measures. In addition, talks were held with people, who (age, gender), where. Other influential landowners and farmers in the regional park to find circumstances such as weather conditions were possible synergies. Parallel to the first implemented noted as well. The collected data were entered on-site measures such as the construction of new into a GIS database and will be used, together pedestrian and cycle paths, implementation teams with substantial information, to analyse and gain are dealing with the preparation of the next concrete an understanding of how the sites are used by the measures on site, such as a system for orientation visitors. Conflicts with other functions, e.g. nature in the regional park. protection as well as interests and uses by the local population will furthermore be identified.

Renate Zuckerstätter-Semela “EU-funding within Alpine Space Programm provided us the key incentive to give Regional Governance a try in order to establish cross-border

Iški Vintgar, Daily observation map for a representative (provincial and municipal) development area, 19.8.2018 green infrastructure.”

3 Project newsletter No.4 - 09/2019

Regione Piemonte

The team of Regione Piemonte developed a multi- The Salzburg Institute for Spatial Planning and scale approach, which aims to recognize the value Housing is working together with the City of of benefits that Green and Blue Infrastructure Salzburg, the Salzburg Regional Association, the provide to urban and peri-urban territories and its State of Salzburg, and the Salzburg Regional inhabitants. Authority on the implementation of a pilot project The metropolitan region of Turin has grown involving agriculture. We aim to develop an inter- disorderly in the last decades. At a political and municipal ecopool. The project area comprises technical level, the realisation that the territorial the area of the regional association Salzburg City order needs to be better governed, instigated the and surrounding municipalities: Anif, , pilot project. Bergheim, , , , Together with an external office, we addressed 3 Grödig, Großgmain, , Wals-Siezenheim scales: the metropolitan scale of Corona Verde, and the City of Salzburg. A first big step in the which includes 90 municipalities; the scale of implementation phase was the forum event the hydrographic basin Stura di Lanzo; and the in Grödig on 4th December 2018: we invited local scale with a focus on a specific area in the all mayors and chairmen of agriculture of the municipalities of Settimo Torinese, San Mauro, and municipalities as well as a large number of Mappano. stakeholders. After the initial introduction and the During 2018 we conducted an analysis to identify presentation of the first results, two guest speakers the most important factors of vulnerability and presented examplary projects. We were especially resilience for the area of Corona Verde. We pleased about the German farmer Lorenz Köppl, divided the area into landscape-environmental who talked about his experiences of cooperating units (LEU). with landscape conservation associations. We Through the application of spatial indicators, closed the evening with a discussion and an we are able to identify the characteristic factors outlook on the further development of the project. for landscapes of Corona Verde and the LEUs. The result of our local activity will be a planning document with a set of territorial planning missions.

Farmer Lorenz Köppl “By cooperating with landscape associations, I had the chance to How to integrate GBI in the Corona Verde plan upgrade my activity as a farmer. Now I feel like a service provider for nature conservation.”

4 Project newsletter No.4 - 09/2019


LOS_DAMA! at the 7th LOS_DAMA! at the 10th EUGEO Congress on the IALE World Congress Geographies of Europe LOS_DAMA! has been well (re-)presented at the 10th IALE World Congress - Nature and Four representatives of the LOS_DAMA! society facing the Anthropocene: challenges and universities attended the 7th EUGEO Congress perspectives for Landscape Ecology in Milan, on the Geographies of Europe from 15 to 18 May . In total 5 contributions introduced topics and 2019 in Galway, Ireland. We jointly organized results related to the LOS_DAMA! Project. a session adressing “Periurban landscapes: challenges for better living in [Alpine] metropolitan Alessandro Betta (City of Trento) explored peri- areas». This session welcomed about twenty urban landscapes of the LOS_DAMA! pilot projects participants. Emmanuel Roux as chairman of and discussed how peri-urban agriculture could Université Grenoble-Alpes recalled issues of support green infrastructures in these landscapes. periurban landscapes to serve as carriers for Collaborative governance within the peri-urban plural dynamics and as prospects for a better life. landscapes of the LOS_DAMA! pilot projects Alexandro Betta (University of Trento) proposed has been further studied by Aurore Meyfroidt an analysis of agricultural strategies for green (Universitè Grenoble-Alpes). infrastructure enhancement in peri-urban areas. Maria Quarta, Sarah Braccio and Francesca La Martina Van Lierop (Technical University Munich) Greca (Piedmont Region) contributed to a paper used the example of periurban alpine metropolitan presented by Maddalena Gioia Gibelli (Studio areas to explain potentials and barriers of Gioia Gibelli) on the multi-scale method. green infrastructure implementation in local Stephan Pauleit (TUM), Martina van Lierop and planning processes. Aurore Meyfroidt (Université Sergeja Praper (UIRS) explored similarities and Grenoble-Alpes) proposed perspectives to differences between the European Landscape translate green infrastructures for place-based Convention and the Green Infrastructure strategy. planning concerning periurban landscapes. All our As part of the theoretical framework of the contributions addressed the objectives of EUGEO LOS_DAMA! project, Martina van Lierop (TUM) Congress to present and valorize the scientific presented a comparison between landscape work at the interface of the planning management approaches and the green infrastructure that LOS_DAMA aspires. approach.

5 Project newsletter No.4 - 09/2019

See you at the LOS_ DAMA! final Conference?!

It´s hard to believe, but the LOS_DAMA! project will come to its end in December 2019. We would like to share our experiences and results with you at our final conference on:

10th of October, Munich, Germany

We will interview the people of LOS_DAMA! about the Job Shadowings; take part in an interesting discussion on how to better implement green infrastructure and the Expo Of Experiences, which shows all of our local pilot activities!

11th of October, Freising, Germany

We will be hearing different talks about: green infrastructure and landscape benefits when developing city regions. Our local partners will shed light on the advantages of EU-projects for the regional level and we will discuss with politicians about the importance the landscapes!

The registration is open: php?sid=52399&lang=en

6 Publisher/Editor City of Munich - Department of Urban Planning Blumenstrasse 28a - 80331 Munich [email protected]

Piedmont Region Division of Strategic Planning and Green Economy corso Bolzano, 44 - 10121 Torino [email protected] in collaboration with Division of External relations and communication

Design ERICA s.a.s. - Pinerolo [TO]

Photo credits LOS_DAMA!, STMUV

September 2018

European Regional Development Fund