Partners meeting on May 02-06, 2020 in Rusne Villa, Pakalnes str. 82, Rusne,

Association “ L a m a t o s ž e m ė ”

Local action group of S i l u t e

Šilutė, Lithuania, 2020 m. ABOUT LAG

Why, "Lamata Land?“ - Association was registered on 22th of July in 2004. The word "lamata" means a low, swampy area. Lamata land, as the - The group of LAG founder consisted of 17 persons. land of Lithuanian seaside, was mentioned in the 13th century in the first half. It covered the lower reaches of , Veivirzo, - LAG activities territory – area of Silute district Tenenys and the Sysa rivers (about 500 square kilometers). The . municipality territory of Šilutė district also belonged to this territory. A separate ethnocultural group lived in Lamata land, which was a mediator between the scalpels and the Curonians (5-13 century). Šilutė District Municipality - administrative-territorial unit in western Lithuania, near the . In spring and autumn, the Nemunas waters cover large areas in Šilutė District Municipality, removing land transport connections to Rusnė (until May 2019) and other settlements or homesteads. Your Great Subtitle Here The main facts – Region of Silute

Teritory of Silute Inhabitants - 44 596 Caught territory - Šilutė District district munilcipality– Municipality consists of 1714 km² regional park is located 1 city, 7 towns, 288 in western Lithuania, villages on the southeast coast of the Curonian Lagoon. Area is 288.7 km² Members of association „Lamtos žemė“

Non-profit organizations 34 members

Local entrepreneurs 13 members

Members from local government 1 member Periods of local development strategy implementation

2007-2013 period - Local development strategy „Improving the quality of life and work in rural areas of Šilutė District Municipality“ - 2 867 238,18 Eur. (58 implemented projects)

2013-2020 period - Local development strategy „High added-value work for a conscious future village“ – 2 485 808,00 Eur. Local development strategy for 2013-2020 „High added value work for a conscious future village“

PRIORITY I: Business promotion, job creation, diversification of economic activities in rural areas 1.1. Measure: "Economic and Business Development" 1.2. Measure: "Creation and Development of NGOs and Social Business" 1.3. Measure: "Increasing the supply of regional services and products through partnership and cooperation." 1.4. Measure: "Development and establishment of Agriculture and Related Businesses" PRIORITY II: Building an attractive living environment and smart community 2.1. Measure: "Improving Rural Services and Related Infrastructure" 2.2. Measure: "Training of local project applicants and promoters, acquisition of skills." Implemented P r o j e c t s 2007- 2013 IMPLEMENTED PROCECT IN 2018

Kamilės Tamavičiutės

Local project "Establishment of a young veterinary surgeon in Šilutė district." Nr. ŠILU-LEADER-6A-D-2-2-2018.

During the project, innovative equipment such as the microscope, blood test, ultrasound apparatus, tail-cutting tool, calving tool, cow rider were acquired, which will allow 25 instantaneous responses to the test factors and the correct treatment to minimize the risk of error. IMPLEMENTED PROCECT IN 2019

UAB „Centas plius“

Local project „UAB „Centas plius“ development of activities“ Nr. ŠILU-LEADER-6A-D-3-1-2018. Yf4unm9k0


LAG Association „Lamatos zeme“ Chairman - Vygantas Kamarauskas, Adress: Lietuvininku g. 17, LT-99134 Silute, LITHUANIA Contact telephone: +37044175573 E-mail: [email protected]