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a boy, eight years my senior. About tural class of Sharyland high a month we had a ago quarrel and JUST AMONG US GIRLS school. They returned Sunday. i fOMUBUMHHHHBHBHBBBHHHHVHHHHHHiHHHMHBHMHMHHiHIIHHaWHWIV GLOOM GIVES WAY TO don’t speak now. He has my ring Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Smith and will not return it to me. r... and Mr. Kapeller of North Mis- Would it be proper for him to 1 .r sion and Mr. Trhue of McAllen MUSIC AND LAUGHTER keep it and not even speak to me? motored to Point Isabel Sunday. BOB. Mrs. O. A. Parks is spending a Bob: If you have asked the Valley Society few days with her cousin, Mrs. |i young man to return your ring, he Phone 7 Comes Hattie Gamer of McAllen. Up the Windows, Out Goes Stuffiness and the Old certainly should do so. However, if jj George Allen of Alamo was in Place Takes on a he refuses, why not ask an older Joyous Air When Young Peo- North Mission brother or to Monday. ple Are Left to Care for the Home your parents request that he return it And A. J. Barga made a business trip _ immediately. » games Mrs. J. A. Cham] don’t let anyone take such valuable to Pharr Monday. El Jardin Bridge ion won the award, a lovely fa WINIFRED BLACK things unless you are engaged. By Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Perkins, Mr. were used for if decorations* Well, you could see the old house this minute you’d never know it. and Mrs. Ernest Bleifus and Mrs. Is Entertained * • * Poor quiet, dignified, lonesome old house! That’s what it was, a little Murphy motored to Harlingen Fri- Mrs. L. A. Boory was hostess to while ago. But the mistress it has of gone away, she and her diet and day evening to hear Rev. Richey. club her WESLACO El Jardin bridge on Thurs- Legion Auxiliary nurse, and her “cheerful books,” and her “courageous outlook,” and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Yates of she’s left day afternoon. Mooreland Terrace, her young daughter in the house, and what VALLEY BAPTIST North Sharyland were Sunday Meets Tuesday do on El Jardin boulevard, formed a you think daughter did? WOMEN MEET guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Law- The American legion auxlliai She discharged the cock the very first minute, The members of the Valley Bap- rence. charming setting for the party. held a regular meeting on Tuesdf then she sent and three friends of her own got tist Women’s association met here Mrs. of Mission called on The large living room, in which evening at the legion hall. Rci to come Papke and have a in ■ picnic the old house on Thursday and Friday for the an- Mrs. E. C. Alsmyeer Tuesday. three tables of bridge were arrang- tine business was discussed. T1 of the hill. top nual mission study institute and with roses meeting took place on Tuesday ii Merle Polhemus accompanied ed, as gay and fragrant Before they'd been in the house a day, windows quarterly conference. The program stead of in accordant friends to San Antonio to in varying shades. Mrs. A. E. Har- Thursday opened that had been and doors flew followed the institute held Friday with a always shut, closely per drew lucky number for first change from the second ar back and attend the “Passion Play.” forth, and rang, and ligth feet scur- recently at Fort Worth at which prize, and Mrs. Nelle T. Kee for fourth Thursdays to the first ar ried and down W. D. Lamar of Norman, Okla., up the stairs and all at once the many from the Valley attended. second. Mrs. R. A. Caldwell, the third Tuesdays of each month. was full of songs, about The Thursday morning services was arrived last week to inspect his * ¥ * ridiculous, silly songs only guest, also received a gift. A ancholy Babies” and “The Best in Life opened with a song and devotional large citrus orchard west of the Things Are dainty refreshment course was en- Free.” What an absurd to service led by Mrs. V/. O. Brown oi P. C. Longwell farm. Mr. Long- thing say when every joyed by the players during the Just-Sew With knows that San Benito. Mrs. James Hicks then well will have of this or- body bootleg booze costs a lot of money, charge afternoon. and do and gave a report cn the state-wide mis- chard this season. Mrs. B. C. Clark furs, emeralds and real pearls. Free— Mrs. Belle Crossfield, honorary oh, well of sion study institute at Fort Worth. The Just Sew club met this w«c course, there’s the sunshine, and there's Curtis Echols was a Harlingen member who has been playing with the rain, and there's Mrs. F. S. Robertson and Mrs. T. P. with Mrs. Ben C. Clark. The onl youth and friendship and love— visitor Sunday. the club during th® winter months, you can get all these for Cocke gave talks cn missions and guest lor the afternoon was Mr things nothing—but what are Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neal and two presented each member with a they world peace. An hour of classes E. W. Marshall. Vari-colored flow anyhow, compared to diets, and diagnosis, and WIN1PRED BLACK sons were Sunday guests of Mr. pretty imported handkerchief in wise preceded lunch which was served at < ers were used in wit doctors and neat nurses? and Mrs. Roy Baker. token of decorating, the church. A business session fol- her esteem. Mrs. Cross- Somehow the old house lavender and gold the predom has a different opinion. The windows shine Mrs. Elmer Bentsen and mother field has gone to Kansas for the like lowed during which there was the nating harmony. A luncheo , the stairs have forgotten to creak, the rugs—pshaw— Mrs. Nessen of Alton called at the summer. light reading of the minutes, reports oi course they re up in a minute. What’s the radio home of Mrs. Rachel was served by the hostess for, with all the new tunes? committees. An hour of mission Mortensen The next meeting of the club And Johnny s coming to dinner, and last week. • * * Billy and Tom are dropping in for study classes folowed. A demon- will be held May 2 with Mrs. J. H. me evening, ana mere s me new: If---1 a rich Mr. and Mrs. Corpstein and Mr. Downs. 1 stration of the Sunbeam class was dance step to learn—and who and Mrs. John Bauworth were * * • Comings, Goings, Who put on by Mrs. Grant Morrison. makes the best in town— beat up and baked that man's fudge The Friday session was opened by daughter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Of Local and hew about a chocolate layer cake? Ten o’clock, oub Mrs. E. De La Garza People Spanish omelette, son with Mrs. S. York of \s turned Jake Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. wh eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock— M. Alamo McLeod, or some Spanish beans and a great the devotion. Mrs. O. F. into the Mrs. Henry Wamock and have been the guests of Mr. an lights out. rugs back in place, the leading GOLD, Has Brisca big bowl of salad? Tom and Billy Jones gave a report of the annual daughter Betty Jane of Mission Party# Mrs. B. M. Freudenstein, have ju: radio hushed, the moon sailing COLD world, / Mrs. E. de la Garza entertained certainly do love to eat. district meeting held recently at and Mrs. Nicholson and daughter left for Houston. They to vis high in the sky and flooding the several of her friends Wednesday plan Did make those biscuits Kingsville. Mrs. Robertson and she packs up of McAllen called on Mrs. Ernest there and at points in east Text Agnes old house with the old. old magic afternoon at her home on St. Mrs. Cocke continued the talks on Dorset Friday. before returning to their home i of the greatest magician in his- the, SOUTH' Charles with luncheon and brisca. missions and world peace. Lunch for El Paso. tory. Quiet? Oh, yes. compara- A delicious menu of chicken a la followed an hour of class work. Aft- , i Mrs. E. E. Essey, who has bee Soft water tively. but hark, wasn't that a SAN PER LIT A l , saltines, fruit salad, iced tea keeps er the opening song. Mrs. Grant visiting at the home of her daugl smothered giggle? Who threw and ice cream was served. In the Morrison and Mrs. C. H. Winters m ter, Mrs. K. left c that Who’s George Aziz, pillow? drawing lots a demonstration on PERSONALS clothes white gave poster i Monday evening for her home 1 for the first chance at the second Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Parker and making. After an hour of class mito. Miss Geneva left Wednes- Calif. Mrs. bathroom in Hollywood, Essey ha Hard water the morning? work Mrs. Winters a class Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fox motored to always clothes gave day for that place. been here for several months, an Sleep? What’s sleep, compared demonstration cf R. A. and Pasa Real Sunday, where they en- gray, no matter how much wash junior Byron Moore w’as a business vis- made a number of friends durin you to youth and and a lunch. laughter silly G. A. work. joyed picnic itor in Raymondville her and rinse. Hard water has old Mr. Saturday. stay. something jokes and stories half whis- There was a good attendance at and Mrs. Garrett Barnhill in it with which the soap combines. pered, half guessed? The old this institute and much interest had as'their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Chandler and Scum forms at once. This scum gets house fairly rocks in ecstasy. shown. daughter What a lot it’s been all * * * cf Raymondville, Mr. and Mrs. W. into clothes. You never can rinse it missing this time, with the stairs A. Murphy and son Joe. Mr. and all out. crowded BFIDGE HOSTESSES How Weak Nervous with old fogies, and people making Mrs. D. K. Henry and Mrs. E. F. Mrs. Kncx of Santa Margarita. Mr. Soften hard and Mrs. water with Melo and up their minds to “make the best Pepper were joint hosteses Wednes- McNeil, Mrs. William By MBS. ALEXANDER and Marie of Women Grow you have a very fine cleaner, with of it.” whatever “it” happened to day afternoon at the home of the GEORGE Killing Murphy daughter Stronger Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs. or without be, and everybody bored, and ev- former with bridge. Mrs. T. H. G. One-half cup sugar. 4 tablespoons Grady soap. Scum doesn’t form Menus For Sunday Barnhill and Mr. Feel Better, LookYounger and a little tired Cook won first Mrs. J. H. flour, 1-8 2 Frank Wheeler. in this water. erybody and every- score. teaspoon salt, egg yolks, Clothes washed in it 1 Messrs. Choate, Kennedy, Mc- Have Steadier Nerves body more than a little suspicious. Neely received second high anri Breakfast 1-2 cups milk, 1-2 teaspoon va- are as as Cord and several white snow. Melo gives The old Mrs. R. D. mackintosh held low. A nilla, 1-3 cup cocoanut. other Missouri house—why. it’s taken a Fresh Strawberries — Pacific railroad officials of Hous- If you only knew you rundown, more effect on clothes. Get a I color scheme of and Mix the flour, sugar and salt. aoap new lease of life! pink, yellow Powdered — It’ll last fifty Sugar ton were here on anemic women who are green was used. Lovelv salad and Add the egg yolks and milk and Tuesday an in- dragging can Poached — of Melo today at your grocer s. \ears longer because of the Eggs on Euttdred Toast around on “nerve” For gay,! cook in a spection tour. yourself your -—-- sweet courses were served. Nas- double boiler until thick < light-hearted youth that is Popovers Coffee Mr. and what a wonderful increase in being turtium and fern tied with and creamy. Mrs. C. W. Weathersby strength into it pink Dinner Beautiful Hair poured day and night. Cut and daughter Tollie of and health Tanlac will give you, you ribbon made pretty nlate favors. Roast Beef off the tons of the baked Edinburg And Agnes is a teacher, and were visiting relatives here Sunday. wouldn’t hesitate a moment about and j En toying the afternoon were: Brown Gravy and Mashed Potatoes pudding and remove part of the healthy scalp Mary is a kindergartner, and crabs. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. of going to your druggist and getting a Mesdames P. F. Cummings and Buttered Add the filling and replace Fitzgerald Jane is an and Spinach bottle of this medicine. Use Valley Flowers Hair Oil artist, Finifred, oh. John of W. W. the Cover with the Raymondville were here' Tuesday big splendid Richardson Donna. Bread Grape Conserve tops. meringue. and she’s trying to be a newspaper morning. Mrs. A. M. Brilliantine. DeCel! and George Harren of Mer- Fruit Gelatin Salad Owens,of 1716 Taylor St., woman—the tales she tells when Mr. Walter Eads of Rt. Box Keg. U. S. Pat. Off cedes. R. E. Clark, J. L. Comoere, Cocoanut Filled Meringue Harlingen 5, 34, Little Rock, Ark., says: Well beautiful hair she Puddings Coffee was a kept, is a coves home to dinner! And Jr.. H. A. Two egg 4 business visitor here Monday. ‘‘I was so weak I couldn’t walk across Manley. B. S Graham, Supper whites, tablespoonsful personal attraction and a the dinners they get, and the Mr. and Mrs. Knox and the floor. I had a T. W. Frances. T. H. G. Cook. Gil- Minced Eccf and Piakle Sandwiches sugar. baby spent fortune trying personal satisfaction. dishes wash—and don’t wash spent the week-end with relatives they bert Ramsey, D. E. Kirgan, W. A. Tea Brat the egg whites until very to get well and would be in my grave —and the ice-box runs stiff. in Santa Margarita. pan that Schueler. H. I.. Bonnvcastle, R. D. Cookies Add the sugar and beat until if it weren’t for Tanlac. Now I eat and If you need a good scalp food Sugar Sliced Oranges Little Newdon over every day. and drips down the creamy. frost the and Klemann returned fine and have 22 lbs.” VALLEY JPater softened with melo Mackintosh. Harold Tobin, V. R. Carefuly top sleep gained, try FLOWERS stairs till the almost sides of the filled to Sebastian Sunday, after a visit curly dog goes Myers. J. K. Neely, P. C. Spencer. puddings. Place Tanlac is as free from HAIR OIL. It not only is a 15 A REMARKABLE CLEANER Cocoanut Filled Fudding here with his harmful drugs crazy with t. W. on a pan and bake in a oven grandparents. food but anxiety. Barnett, George Buchanan. quick as the water you Nature’s keeps the hair in (Delicious for a luncheon) •for Garrett Barnhill, drink—only 10 cents Well, well, who would have V. C. Thomuson, Everett Ballard 5 minutes or until the meringue accompanied place. his own medicinal tonic herbs. Druggists thought it! Just one little week! One and a half cups flour, 1-2 is well browned. Chil. by Ezra, and daughter Miss ind Miss Katheryn Schueler. know this and for the 10 years Valley Flowers Brillianti- * * 1 was a visitor in past THE HYGIENIC I kind of envy the old house on * cup sugar. teaspoon lemon ex- Mnnced Breg and Pickle for Ava, Weslaco Mon- Filing have recommended it to men and in paste and liquid form and the don’t tract, 1-C teaspoon salt. 3 teaspoons Six Sandwiches day. PRODUCTS CO. hill, you. ALATHEAN CLASS women a is excellent to * who need keep the hair * * baking powder. 1 egg, 1-2 1-3 Mrs. William Murphy and little quick “pick up” Canton, Ohio The Alathe.an school class cup milk, cup finely cut roast beef, well Sunday 3 Marie that will put them on their feet and looking dressed. DEAR ANNIE LAURIE: the tablespoons fat, melted. 1-4 cup chopped sw’eet 1 daughter returned to their .i. ■**». Baptist church met Wednes- pickles, them a new interest in life. Manufacturers of Mix the and beat for home in Kingsville Tuesday, after a give Both products I am a girl in my early teens. day afternoon at the home cf Mrs. ingredients tablespoon finely chopped onion delightfully Sam-Hush 3 minutes. visit here at the home of Mrs. So confident are the makers of Tan- perfumed. About a year ago I fell in love with Arbuckle for the Half fill well greased 1-4 teaspoon salt, 3 Mur- regular business tablespoons lac that if you are not muffin pans and bake in a mod- salad dresing. phy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- helped by it, All leading druggists. Barber erate rett Barnhill. you get your money back on request oven for 15 minutes. Cool Mix the ingredients and spread Shops and Beauty Parlors. and add the filling. upon buttered slices of white bread. J. R. Chaney returned Tuesday from Alphine, where he has been Valley Flowers for his health. He expects to re- and social meeting. After the busi- Mrs. C. E. Alsmeyer. On his re- turn there soon for a longer stay. Brilliantine, 50e ness session the hostess served turn home he wras accompanied by Miss Geneva Chaney visited rel- Flowers dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. who Tanlac Valley Alsmeyer spent atives here this week. Her * * * parents, Hair 25c and 50c the week end at San Benito. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Chaney, re- 52 MltllON BOTTLES USEE Oil, DINNER PARTY Miss Zeda Dorsett, who has been cently moved from Houston to Ol- Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Spencer enter- at the Girl Reserve camp at Rio tained Tuesday evening with dinner Hondo, returned Sunday. r ^—^mmmm a 1 lMimumoi—mh»——wifliig—aiiii»’r?«i)Tiiiiinu«niio'>rTWwimi‘m*iHimirt'iKiirTmr»ri I'^fWWirTmmuaraiwmiaMBMBBHprBtocMUMMa for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neely and Mrs. Stoffer of Donna has been family who are returning to Gren- spending a week with her daugh- is ada. Miss., after spending the win- ter. Mrs. Don Gay. 3 | ter here, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs. J. L. Polhemus Is a taking I Tobin and baby. business trip to San Antonio, Dal- I las and Fort Worth. 3 Sgt. Curling, wife and family NORTH MISSION and Sgt. Eolding and wife and Mr. 9 and Mrs. Ralph Gray of McAllen I PERSONALS were Sunday guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tisdale and of Mr. and Mrs. James Ragland. family motored from Sarasota. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel of A most Fla., to visit their parents, Mr. and Tonkawa, Okla., were dinner guests Mrs. Joe Tisdale. They arrived of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lawrence , Saturday week and may make Tuesday. their home in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark and attractive Joe Huffman, who made a bus- Miss O'Grady have moved from price iness trip to Corpus Christ 1 and Sharyland to Mission. Kingsville returned Friday. Supt. Dewald and P. C. Longwell, Henry, Jr., spent the past week motored to Kingsville Saturday, | plus: with his grandparents, Mr. and taking their boys of the agricul-

Ton can't make a better start on a busy day than to eat a heaping bowlful of crisp, golden-brown Post Toasties. need no longer do without an Electric Per- j In cool, fresh milk with a handful of \70U A colator on your breakfast table! The new plump berries to top off!, there's an ap- Corona Electric is a in and — beauty polished ebony petizing delight for yon and lots nickel • • . works as well as it of energy. Post Toasties gets its rich gleaming looks, and I energy from ripe, sun-mellowed corn j has the most attractive price of $11.50, PLUS: A j and we toast the deli cions flakes till regular three-dollar, heavy metal bread and cake are to f they exceptionally easy digest. box, finished in a beautiful green, It's called the Vako-Up Food because absolutely free during the month it wakes up new energy so quickly. of April only! Give the family the daily benefit of this A rare offer is this indeed! You quick-energy cereal. Ask your grocer for the genuine Post Toasties in the receive exactly $14.50 worth for red and yellow package. your regular expenditure of $11.50 POSTUM COMFAIfT, INC., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. for this splendid percolator. Come into our office today and see this bargain! I N ! |

« "Ele&ricityo Your Cheapeci Servant“ j

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