▼ 900 -Socata TBM TEST FLIGHT 030 FLYER MAY 2014 MAY become thecompany’ssolemodel 850. 900issetto Thesuccessful TBM newTBM T business jet, and had recruited Christophe Robin, business jet,andhad recruitedChristopheRobin, evaluating theprototypeGrobSPncomposite working onacompletelydifferentaircraft. Itwas kept. EveryonethoughtthatDaher-Socata was thesecretwaswell the foothillsofPyrenees, might makeyouthinkotherwise,aswe shallsee. 850 incomparisonwiththeTBM performance develops900hp, its doesn’t meanthattheengine 900.Andwhilethename result isthenewTBM and whichcontinuestoenjoyhealthysales.The aeroplane whichislovedbyitspilotsandowners, when youalreadyhaveahigh-performance Despite regularvisitstothefactoryinTarbes, in TBM 850. No need to start from scratch fromscratch 850. Noneedtostart TBM challenge: lookathowtoimproveonthe a Daher-Socata gaveitsdesignoffice hree yearsago,intheutmostsecrecy, aerodynamic makeover of the already aerodynamic makeoverofthealready manufacturer’s secretproject:acomplete ontheTarbes-based JacquesCalliesreports its predecessor. The sameistrueinspadesforthe than burns lessfuel,pollutesandfliesfurther A320neo Option),which (NewEngine carbon footprint. handling,noiseand levels, namelyperformance, more efficientandspectacularaircraft on several 850 tomakeita project: improvingtheTBM 125 peoplehadworkedonaverydifferent were quitetakenabacktodiscoverthatateamof down, butthatwasaboutit.Soon6Marchwe only toconfirmthatitwasnotthepathgo lighter aircraft. he haddemonstratedwhenmanufacturing talent andmasteryofcompositematerials,which the founderofDynAero,knownforhiscreative It’s tempting to make a comparison with the It’s temptingtomakeacomparisonwith the We knewthatthejetevaluationhadserved Daher-Socata TBM 900 Daher-Socata TBM 2014 MAY FLIGHT TEST FLIGHT FLYER


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FLYER FLYER FLIGHT FLIGHT TEST 2014 MAY MAY 2014 Daher-Socata TBM Daher-Socata 900 drag-reduction programme result of the comprehensive Two-part gear doors are oneTwo-part The cockpit has also been improved. The bottom cockpit has also been improved. The The When I learnt of the tremendous work done, I was I learnt of the tremendous work done, When very interested even before seeing the new machine… and a little ashamed at having missed so hindsight, this change was somany clues. With predictable, especially when you know that Nicolas Chabbert, Director of Daher’s Aircraft Division, worked at Mooney when the small Texan manufacturer developed its Ovation2 from the M20. As I am known by the factory to be a long-standing admirer of the TBM, I was privileged to be invited to a confidential presentation of the new aircraft a week before its official unveiling. How can I not be an admirer when I have engraved in my mind the engine control. The G1000 software hasengine control. The been reprogrammed in order to simplify engine management, and all controls , buttons and switches have been redesigned and modernised, from the landing-gear selector to the LED landing-light switch and the circuit breaker panel. And as the devil is in the detail, two USB ports have been added to Note to all aircraftconnect the indispensable iPads. designers from microlights up: it’s time to include USB charging ports! simplicity and Speed of the panel has been redesigned giving more knee room for larger pilots, there are new controls on the yokes and the centre console now has just one find out what they would like corrected, starting from the principle that the simpler the aircraft , engine and avionics are to use, the better it will be for everyone. is particularlyThis true for the TBM, which is generally flown by its instrument-rated private pilot owner work focusedrather than a hired professional. The on all aircraft systems and some improvements are Pressurisation is now totally truly spectacular. automatic, there is auto-start for the PT6 and a torque limiter to prevent inadvertent damage from a amp generatormoment’s inattention. A 300 and if it fails amp predecessor, replaces its 200 amp standby alternator that keeps all there’s a 100 the aircraft systems running – including de-icing. Winglets add dihedral and allow full power toWinglets be used on take-off, unlike the TBM which 850 to 700shp was physically limited APRIL 2014 APRIL To sum up over three years work in a few lines, sum up over three years To At the same time, Daher has reviewed the The TBM yearsThe than 30 design dates back more FLYER FLYER and could certainly be improved. Today, 3D CAD and could certainly be improved. Today, modelling and computational fluid dynamics programs have largely taken the guesswork out of on the computers were let loose aircraft design. The TBM to check the aerodynamic choices of the past. New parts were created from composite materials, with complex and precise shapes, and finally the results were checked by extensive flight testing, using five synchronised GoPro cameras to film tufts of wool, which make the aerodynamic flows visible. the changes have focused on anything that could be result is an aeroplane The improved aerodynamically. that even non-experts can see is different from the a modern Hartzell There’s five-blade propeller, 850. and everything from the propeller back to the firewall has been redesigned to optimise the efficiency of a new inertialthe air intake and cooling. There’s straighter exhaust outlets, double separator, main-gear doors, winglets whose profile is copied in the filet that blends the fuselage to the tail, and a all the exception of the exhausts, new tail cone. With of the new parts are made from carbon fibre. ergonomics of the aeroplane, interviewing owners to TBM 900, but where Airbus used new engines, PT6A-66D andDaher-Socata kept the same 850hp concentrated on the aerodynamics.

038 038 ▼ FLIGHT FLIGHT TEST future? - Our electric eSpyder Fly the happier passengers! cabin than the 850 mean mean cabin than the 850 Better seats and a quieter seats and a quieter Better Single lever power and automatic pressurisation make operating the new TBM simpler MAY 2014 FLYER FLYER

032 032 ▼ FLIGHT FLIGHT TEST TBM Daher-Socata 900 ▼ 900 Daher-Socata TBM TEST FLIGHT 034 take the controls of the 900. He placed me in the take thecontrolsof900.Heplacedmein 4,616nm withfourstopsinless than24 hours? aircraftcouldfly in America.What othersingle-engine and withtheinevitabledelaysforCustomsclearance preparation,withoutferrytanks Without anyparticular 700, TBM andanarrivalinDallasthesamenight! memory ofatake-offat7amfromLeBourgetin FLYER you can fly further andfaster you canflyfurther Clever aerodynamicsmeanthat Now, hadarrangedformeto NicolasChabbert MAY 2014 MAY The aircrafthasalwayslookedsuperb,butnow 850, thedrag-reducingmodificationsstoodout. 900, andastheaeroplanewasparkednexttoan military testpilot.We beganbywalkingaroundthe asafighterpilotand impressive background nocluetohis friendly andmodestmanwhogives hands ofChiefTest Pilot,StéphaneJacques,a even more so with its new winglets. According to even moresowithitsnewwinglets.Accordingto

the other when you are slipping. With flaps down, this the otherwhenyouareslipping.With flapsdown,this crosswind thepropwashaffectsonewingmorethan improve handling. Inadditionthey climb andcruiseperformance. measurable effectonstallspeedbutimprove drag withoutincreasingthewingspan,haveno Stéphane, thewinglets,whichreduceinduced On a (or any powerful single) in a single)ina On aturboprop(oranypowerful

▼ forums.flyer.co.uk the Editorial Extrassectionof of iPad andAndroidedition from thisfeatureonthe You canseemorephotos Daher-Socata TBM 900 Daher-Socata TBM YER E LY F YER E LY F 2014 MAY andonthe forumat FLIGHT TEST FLIGHT


035 ▼ ▼ 900 Daher-Socata TBM TEST FLIGHT 036 particularly light. particularly 1,086 litrecapacity, italsomeantthatwewerenot 226usg offuelonboard,or856 litresoutofthe Irecordedapeakof734°C.warm engine, With monitor ITT, whichshouldnotexceed870°. With a levertoturnonthefuelat13% engine Ngand usethesingle enough electricpowerforthestart, generator. The pilotnowjusthastocheckthereis which cutsoutautomaticallyandbecomesa control unit. control incaseofanunlikelyfailurethePT6’sfuel fully. There is,ofcourse,amanualfueloverride know touseit;bythethird,youwillhaveadoptedit you’ll besceptical:onthesecond,youknow According toStéphaneJacques,onthefirstflight combined powerandpropellerpitchcontrol. it toactasboththefuelconditionleveranda three. It’sprettyclever, enabling withanH-shapedgrill controlinplaceoftheprevious now justoneengine power-limiting controlhasgone.Evenbetter, thereis and oncesettledintheowner’sseatInoticethat torque limiteractivethroughouttheflightenvelope, for take-off. Inthe900,fullpowercanbeused,witha of powerlimiter. 850 The couldonlyuse700hp TBM to 850 withflapsdown. because ofthiseffect.The wingletsallowtheincrease approach. The limitationto700hp inthe850 was down andtamingthebehaviourinaslipping powertobeusedwiththeflaps allowing greater altitude. The wingletsincreasethedihedraleffect, has variousotherdrawbacks,notably, Dutchrollat countered byincreaseddihedral,butregulardihedral afairlystrongrollingeffect.This canbe gives FLYER closely tospotthem it wasn’tforthewingletsyou’dhavetolook There havebeenlotsofdetailchanges,butif Engine starting is simplified thanks to a starter, issimplifiedthankstoastarter, starting Engine noveltyisthedisappearance Another important MAY 2014 MAY pilot no longer needs to think about pressurisation. pilot nolongerneedstothinkaboutpressurisation. he said! and holding.With thesespeeds,youcandoanything, final approach,and 120 KIASfortheclimb,bestglide speeds tokeepinmind:85KIASforrotationand recommended power setting of 85% torque, we recommended powersettingof85%torque,we of 58.3usg. 850. That’s Atthe 7%fasterthanaTBM the rameffect),Irecorded325 KTAS withafuelflow torque set(yougainalittlepowerwithspeedfrom FL310. ceilingof speed atthecertified With 91% altitude was9,800ftatFL310. flight hour. With a6psipressuredifferential,ourcabin 16% improvement. Fuel burnaverages60usgper +20°,21min whichisasignificant 45secinISA 850, and improvement comparedtotheTBM 18min 45sectoFL310 temperatures,a4% inISA atime weight,thePOHgives from sealevelatgross attake-off.we cheatedabitwithheadstart Starting torque of89%.This wasaremarkableresult,evenif reached FL310 in15min 45secwithamaximum andwefinally todeclinegradually power started 9min 15sec, stillwith100% torque. From FL220, minute-and-a-half later, after andreachedFL200 passed FL70 afterthreeminutes,thenFL100 a fromTarbes,all times.Starting which isat1,260ft, we KIAS, monitoringpowertomaintain100% torqueat FL310Our flightbeganwithaclimbto at Vy or 124 andprice Performance Simplicity itself! flightplan. of thedestinationsetinFMS The systemsetsitselfbasedonthefieldelevation Next, I wanted to check the maximum cruise cruise Next, Iwantedtocheckthemaximum There’s alsoanotherreasonnottoworry. The Stéphane Jacquesthenremindedmeoftwo

asked Stéphane Jacques to put on his emergency asked StéphaneJacquestoputonhisemergency failure orafire. I To checkthechancesofsurvival, would benecessaryintheeventofapressurisation little heavierthanStéphane! a put theinsignificantdifferencedowntomebeing had toldmeexcitedlyaboutgetting331 KTAS. Iwill Stéphane Mayer, PresidentandCEO ofDaher-Socata, Unusually, theweatherconditionswerepreciselyISA. torqueof96%,Igot328the maximum KTAS. the over-torquewarningindescents.Oncelevel,with to thetorquelimiter, younolongerneedtomonitor level togetthepromisedspeedof330 KTAS. Thanks be Socata’sonlymodel. 900will choice; bythetimeyoureadthis,TBM $3.5m forthe850. Andthe850 isnolongera 900costs$3.71mincrease. The TBM comparedto increaseismatchedbya6%price performance opens upsomeinterestingpossibilities! non-stop, andlandwitha1:20 fuelreserve.That fly fromReykjavikinIcelandtoGooseBayCanada running outoffuel.Instillairyoucanthereforenow this setting,wecouldhaveflownforfivehoursbefore and sawaspeedof260 KTAS for38usg perhour. At 56usg perhour, still7%betterthanthe850. saw 316 KTAS foraconsumptionofjustunder back inbreathableairwithintwominutes. are we and result isanimpressive8,000fpmdescent, until thespeedreachesVmo of266 KIAS.The back, rollsharplytoonesideandletthenosedrop the masksareon,justpullpowerleverallway oxygen mask:ittookhimlessthan10 seconds.Once We then carried out an emergency descent, which We thencarriedoutanemergencydescent,which We thebest descendedgentlydowntoFL290, Whether it’sacoincidenceornot,the Finally, Isetlongrangepowerof50% torque,

▼ FLIGHT TEST Daher-Socata TBM 900

Hot-and-high performance has been dramatically increased, expect a 23% improvement if you are lucky enough to visit Aspen in the summer

On a previous flight with Nicolas Chabbert in an effort to be more precise, you will end up chasing TBM 850 Elite, he showed me how this very fast the airspeed indicator. The first landing was a little TECH SPEC aircraft could fly comfortably at just 80 KIAS, even in firm as I flared slightly high, but not too bad. The 30° turns. I was happy with slow flight, but Stéphane go-around was easy, despite the torque effect one TBM 900 Jacques suggested we try some stalls. At climb might expect from the 850hp. power, pulling the nose up to 25° and working a little Waiting for us on the ramp at were Nicolas with the rudder and ailerons to keep the wings level Chabbert and my German friend Dr Birgit Hutz, the and the ball centred, we stalled at just 61 KIAS – President of the European Mooney Pilots and helped by the slipstream effect of the engine. At idle Owners Association (EMPOA). Nicolas had wanted power, clean, the came at 78 KIAS. In landing her to be part of this very special day. It took quite a configuration, once again the stall came at 61 KIAS. while to come down to earth after the flight, and There was no drama to the stalls, and the aircraft there was so much to talk about. As we chatted, resumes normal flight if you release the controls. Stéphane Jacques explained the philosophy behind I also wanted to check the efficiency of the the project: “Every irritant that could be removed… ■ DIMENSIONS torque limiter, gradually pushing the power lever well, we’ve removed it!” Wingspan...... 42ft 1in (12.83m)) Length...... forward at low altitude. Power rose to 108%, and I was already a TBM enthusiast, so to be objective 35ft 2in (10.74m) Height...... 14ft 3in (4.36m) no further. Power above 100% might seem I will leave the last words to Birgit, the pilot-owner of a surprising, but it is allowed because this powerful Mooney Ovation2 who sent me this email once she ■ WEIGHTS & LOADING turboprop is de-rated from 1,825hp down to just arrived back in Germany mtow...... 7,394lb (3354kg) Empty weight...... 4,623lb (2097kg) 850hp, and the special alloys used in its turbine ‘Thursday was a great day for me, I am so happy I blades will withstand high temperatures. could fly this fantastic aeroplane. It was the first ■ PERFORMANCE Before returning to Tarbes we flew some lazy turbine I’ve flown, as well as being the fastest and Max cruise speed (28,000ft)...... 330kt (mph) eights, just for fun! On this fine winter’s day there was highest I’ve ever flown. You can feel its power and Time to climb to 31,000ft (at mauw)18min. 45sec Max range (45min reserve)...... 1,730nm a strong contrast between the welcoming immensity performance. I was astonished how easy and how of the deep blue sky and the sharp white teeth of the much fun it is to fly. It combines both a fast ■ ENGINE Pyrenees, each alternately filling the screen as we aeroplane to get from A to B, and an aeroplane that Pratt & Whitney PT6A-66D 850shp played. Finally, I carried out a couple of reasonable you can have fun with, and because it is ‘handy’ so ■ SEATING landings with go-arounds. That allowed me to you can play with it in the air. It also has such an 6 confirm that the approach was simple if you set ergonomic design. And besides its performance, it’s power to 18% torque and leave it there, without fun, it handles beautifully and it looks great inside and ■ PRICE $3.71m worrying too much about the speed, which varies out. I wish this TBM a lot of success!’ between 85 and 90 KIAS. If you touch the power in What can you add to that? ■ ■ CONTACT DETAILS www.tbm.aero

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