"tbaho baho uy;" uy;" baho "tbaho sunv kfl do "cguko eyi - zv vtso": tmk fk tjs habo )mrhfu, kvhu,( fk v,fubu, vt- v,fubu, fk kvhu,( )mrhfu, habo tjs fk tmk vtso": zv - eyi "cguko do kfl sunv nuru,: v,ue; uvgumnv ak "tbaho"' vzni uvfuju, aku vnxudkho umrhfho kvbvhd ukvaphg kvbvhd umrhfho vnxudkho aku uvfuju, vzni "tbaho"' ak uvgumnv v,ue; nuru,: ukvthr nxchcu' cvbvd, vguko' ufi - ak "baho" - cvbvd, vch,' uhjs go zv do mrhl kvhu, mrhl do zv go uhjs vch,' ëîåúå cvbvd, - àãí "baho" ùì ak - ufi vguko' ùìåçå cvbvd, nxchcu' ukvthr äàçøéåú äâãåìä åäæëåú äðôìàä tso"' nfk åäæëåú vkuns jfo- äâãåìä "thzvu jz"k: fkaui äàçøéåú unjubl' ,knhs do udo cfl nkns, nmu, "vevk" t, fk hjhs' c"guko eyi" aku' avut bsra "kvevhk" t, fk t, "kvevhk" bsra avut aku' eyi" c"guko hjhs' fk t, "vevk" nmu, nkns, cfl udo ,fubu,hu vaubu,' ak "tbaho' baho uy;"' ukvfbhx tu,o c"ch, vnesa" vpbhnh aku' vpbhnh vnesa" c"ch, tu,o ukvfbhx uy;"' baho "tbaho' ak vaubu,' ,fubu,hu cv,nxru, nujky, kscr vnkl' zv vec"v' gs ahvhu fuko jsurho fkhk c"khrtv t, vao"/ vao"/ t, c"khrtv fkhk jsurho fuko ahvhu gs vec"v' zv vnkl' kscr nujky, cv,nxru, uhv"r afk tjs utj,' fukk hksho eybho' hbmku t, vtparuhu, uvfuju, vck,h rdhkho' aabv rdhkho' vck,h uvfuju, vtparuhu, t, hbmku eybho' hksho fukk utj,' tjs afk uhv"r zu' aabv zu "ab, vevk" nchtv t,v' cfk gbhbho vtnurho' ctupi ahcutu khsh ngav cpugk/ cpugk/ ngav khsh ahcutu ctupi vtnurho' gbhbho cfk t,v' nchtv vevk" "ab, zu aabv zu' )nnf,c uw ,arh ,an"j( ,arh uw )nnf,c

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SHLUCHIM 21~26 Cheshvan, 5769 | November 19~24, 2008 LUBAVITCH WORLD HEADQUARTERS , Crown Heights, New York

would allow every participating Shliach to find it a meaningful WELCOME experience that would translate into tangible gains, both To the International Conference of Shluchim programmatically and inspirationally. 5769/2008 At the same time, we’ve worked hard to enrich the general here could hardly be a better way to honor this Hakhel program so that it identifies and addresses targeted areas of year than with the Kinus Hashluchim 5769. As is well concern to Shluchim. known, the Rebbe gWhz was emphatic about marking the T We encourage you to take some time to review the schedule. year of Hakhel by seizing every chance for Jews to congregate There is a broad menu to choose from with programs, in an atmosphere of kedusha, “And gather them for the purpose sessions and workshops that will be of specific interest to which was the very essence of the Mitzvah of Hakhel, as stated you in your Shlichus. in the Torah: “ ...in order that they should listen and should learn, and should fear G-d, your G-d, and observe to do all the CDs of each session will be available for purchase after the words of the Torah (Devarim 31:12)“. Kinus at www.kinus.com. The CD number for each session can be found together with that session’s description in the program. In planning this year’s Kinus, we sought to imbue every session, workshop and with the kind of content and This program guide has been designed to give you maximum inspiration that would exemplify the concept of Hakhel, and benefit from the Kinus. Here you will find the daily schedule, 1 topics and speakers for sessions and workshops, with all times night and Motzoei Shabbos, and will identify you to your and locations. Registration and all general sessions are at fellow Shluchim, which is why we recommend wearing it , 667 Eastern Parkway. throughout the Kinus. This year, we’ve moved the Melave Malka to George Wingate As a result of our prior successful day-long in-depth seminars, High School on 600 Kingston Avenue, to facilitate a more we have once again scheduled them into the program. These organized event. will take place all day Thursday and Sunday. Please review the topics in this program and choose your seminar and its location. The Banquet will IY”H take place, as last year’s, at Pier 94, on 55th Street and the West Side Highway in New York City. Buses Please make every effort to come on time to all sessions and to the Banquet will be leaving from Oholei Torah on Sunday, at workshops. Simultaneous translation into Hebrew will be 3:30 p.m. Please be prompt as they will be leaving on time. available for all of the General Sessions - Thursday night, Motzoei Shabbos, and the Banquet. New, improved radios can For those who choose to take their cars, driving directions are be picked up in the Oholei Torah lobby and the Exhibition also included in this guide. Center before the start of each General Session. When you register, you will receive your ID credentials plus a All Shluchim are requested to sign the Pidyon Nefesh Klolli in special wristband. The wristband is required for your admission the Oholei Torah lobby by Thursday night. to the Banquet. Your credentials will be needed to gain entrance to all meals and to the general sessions on Thursday The Rebbe’s room will be open on Wednesday from 8:00-10:00

p.m., on Friday night from 4:25 p.m. until after Maariv, for all revealed with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu. the Shabbos Tefilos, and on Motzoei Shabbos from 6:30-7:30 The Board of Directors of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch p.m. The Rebbe’s library will also be open for the Shluchim on Wednesday from 8:00-10:00 p.m., and Motzoei Shabbos from 6:30-7:30 p.m. , Chairman Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman The members of the Vaad HaKinus, listed in the back of this program all volunteered their time and expertise to ensure the Rabbi Moshe Feller success of this Kinus. Long days and weeks, countless faxes, Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum e-mails and conference calls over the past five months have Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan been exchanged in order to present this program to you. Rabbi Zev Katz On behalf of the entire Kinus body, the Hanholas HaKinus Rabbi Sholom B. Levitin expresses its gratitude to each and every member of the Vaad. Rabbi We pray and hope that this year’s Kinus will prove to be a Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov rewarding experience for you, one that offers you the necessary Rabbi Nachman Sudak spiritual sustenance to allow you to return to your Shlichus with renewed energy and enthusiasm, so that indeed, that last neshoma is drawn in, and the brocho of “ogv ,t kvev,” will be 3 WednesdayWednesday 7:00–10:007:00-10:00PM PM WEDNESDAY 8:00 - 10:00 pm ThursdayThursday November 19, 2008 THE REBBE’S ROOM 8:00–11:008:00-10:30AM AM yWxa,wv iuaj tWf hghcr ouh The Rebbe’s gWhz room will be open for the Shluchim.

Thursday It will be open again on Erev Shabbos from 4:25 pm until after Maariv and 11:00AM-1:00PM again Motzoei Shabbos between 6:30-7:30 pm 7:00 -10:00 pm Thursday 2:30-3:50PM REGISTRATION Thursday INNER & D 8:00 - 10:00 pm 4:00-5:30PM Location: Oholei Torah, 667 Eastern Parkway Thursday LIBRARY Night Visit the Library of Agudas Chassidei "ab, vevk" vevk" "ab, fi h"k' sfk vabv fukv bert, g"a ehuo nmu, vevk cjd vevk nmu, ehuo g"a bert, fukv vabv sfk h"k' fi Friday The Library will be open to the Shluchim again vxufu,' g"s vkaui "ab, vhuck" )cvr fv' hd/ ucf"n(' afk ucf"n(' hd/ fv' )cvr vhuck" "ab, vkaui g"s vxufu,' 7:00AM-12:00PM Motzoei Shabbos at 6:30-7:30. vabv bew "gk ao ,ehg, aupr" )ra"h cvr ao' h( shuvf"p h( ao' cvr )ra"h aupr" ,ehg, ao "gk bew vabv )cvr ao' y(/ y(/ ao' )cvr Location: 766 Eastern Parkway Friday 12:45-2:15pm vevk( ab, s"v vgrv ,an"j ,arh uw )nnf,c

Friday Night THURSDAY 10:00 am Shabbos STUDY SESSION November 20, 2008 gWhz ubhcr ,ru,c sunhk rsx Day yWxa,wv iuaj cWf hahnj ouh

Motzoei Presenter: Rabbi Yoel Kahan, Brooklyn, New York Shabbos Location: Oholei Torah, Main Ballroom 8:00 am Sunday 7:30-10:00AM SHACHARIS – 770 Sunday vnafh gbhi vevk: 11:15AM-3:15PM cerht, nx,hho thbu zv avrh vnafh' gbhi vut vevk nmu, gbhi hu,r ugus vprahu, tkt tsrcv gher v,fkh, vut kngi hangu uknsu' kehho fk vnmuu, fk kehho uknsu' hangu kngi vut v,fkh, gher tsrcv tkt vprahu, Sunday aktj"f/ vzni c,eup, 4:30PM 8:45 am x"h( ,af"z crtah, a"p )nahj, ,ufbu vrujbh bmjh, vrujbh ,ufbu knru, antz jurci ch, vnesa - gs kcbhbu cnvrv chnhbu - thi buvdu, nmu, buvdu, thi - chnhbu cnvrv kcbhbu gs - vnesa ch, jurci antz knru, Monday BREAKFAST vch, czni re vbuvdu, vnmuu, tu,i do bmjhho/ vo uvnmuu, v,urv vrh vevk' 10:30AM-3:00PM - ,ufbi vrujbh uvpbhnh vut cgk nangu, )cnugs vecug ak vhuo tu vabv( tu vhuo ak vecug )cnugs nangu, cgk vut uvpbhnh vrujbh ,ufbi - kfk vznbho ukfk vneunu,' uvscr mrhl kv,cmg fn,tho/ kv,cmg mrhl uvscr vneunu,' ukfk vznbho kfk Location: Oholei Torah, 667 Eastern Parkway 5 ,af"u( vxkhju, hnh )nnf,c Wednesday cgrc: 03:5 - cmvrho 51:2 7:00-10:00PM uhzutkh, unshv uhshtu gcrh,-vpeu,

Thursday vwnghhiw t, kvcht vakhju, cahru, 8:00-11:00AM cmvrho: 00:1 - ccuer 00:11 kwjumvw nna kwjumvw tv"e jc"s' fpr tbsr' )nubh( nrsfh vrc nbjv: Thursday 11:00AM–12:30PM ~ vcr jhho vrc rtah: nrmv tv"e jc"s' fpr uhumr' ajei – uhhdk nhftk rw rtahho: nrmho Thursday tv"e acg' ctr vpravw' wcxus gurl rjucu ucnth' nphe – vuahtr hdtk rw neuo: vtuko vnrfzh nuzhtuo vhksho vhvusho - eunv cw eunv - vhvusho vhksho nuzhtuo vnrfzh vtuko neuo: ThursdayFull Day Seminar ekhpurbhv prbmhxeu' xw kbst' nbjo vrc : una,,pho nrmho 2:30-3:5011:00AM-1:00PM PM tv"e frnhtk' tkhach.' ngbsk nbjo vrc 2:30-3:50PM tv"e jc"s' fpr ernr' ngbsk nbjo vrc nechkv xsbv Thursday4:00-5:30 PM 4:00-5:30PM thah, cv,tnv guknh,' rnv akl: vt,r KHW2A-B kns ao? bnmt t,v vto nhsg/ unjpaho cthbyrby dukaho cghrl ,uacho tkph neuo: vtuko vnrfzh nuzhtuo vhksho vhvusho - eunv cw eunv - vhvusho vhksho nuzhtuo vnrfzh vtuko neuo: Thursday tl naufkk, bhvuk ngrf, ctnmgu, thah, nu,to t,r ukp,j kp,uj fhms Night ehhnho/ t,rho go kakujho do n,tho pauyv/ Friday 1:00 pm: Boxed lunches will be tv"e jhho' erh, tuhrfni' kuh vrc unrmv: nbjv unrmv: nbjv 7:00AM-12:00PM delivered to your workshop location. b/h/ cruekhi' enhber' ngbsk nbjo vrc neuo: vtuko vnrfzh nuzhtuo vhksho vhvusho - eunv cw eunv - vhvusho vhksho nuzhtuo vnrfzh vtuko neuo: Friday Time provided to meet and greet KHW1A-B 12:45-2:15pm fellow Shluchim

Friday Night PASTORAL COUNSELING with Dr. David Pelcovitz Location: Lecture Room 6, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor Shabbos Day 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:30 - 3:50 pm 4:00 -5:30 pm Motzoei Part 1: The ABCs Part 2: Real Hazards Part 3: Additional Topics Shabbos

Sunday In this concluding counseling session, 7:30-10:00AM Discover how to be an effective This session will focus focus on counselor. First in a three-part series on confidentiality, practical aspects of Dr Pelcovitz will focus on recognizing Sunday counseling, this session will focus on Hilchos Yichud, professional insurance, depression and how to counsel those 11:15AM-3:15PM active listening skills, using counseling and how to react in the case of a crisis. with it, as well as counseling the as a tool to influence and inspire. Learn Moderator: Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, bereaved and the drug or alcohol- Sunday when it’s appropriate to share your Chicago, Illinois dependent. 4:30PM opinion and when to refer to other Moderator: Rabbi Pinchas Herman, Monday professionals. Raleigh, North Carolina 10:30AM–3:00PM Moderator: Rabbi Ben Tzion Chanowitz, Monticello, New York KHW3B 7 KHW3A KHW3C Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM MOSHIACH U’GEULAH

Thursday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm 2:30 - 3:50 pm 8:00-11:00AM Part 1: kbmj vnu, ckg s"v ntnr Part 2: fcrtaubv aupyhl uvahcv Part 3: vrnc"o sg, chtur Thursday uthkl/ 087 gw c jke ,ba"t vahju, xpr buvd" fnbvdu "guko kcut akg,hs AM PM ukfi urg' yuc ,gruc, bgav vsg, g. jyt g"h 11:00Thursday–12:30 - kcut ukg,hs uauyrho" "aupyho vzv czni bgav gh"z nh,v cguko' fsh akt hvhw ehuo hvhw akt fsh cguko' nh,v gh"z bgav uthkl/ 191 gw fz jke keu"a Full Day Seminar csurbu ubcutv' ,urv gbhi uhugmhhl"' "aupyhhl ThursdayAM PM )nu, vrg fah,cyk kcut kg,hs ukfi kvrg/ 11:00 -12:00 vurtu,hu' kehho amrhl vsur' baht bcht' ha akg,hs vrnc"o sg, chtur vrnc"o' gk vsri 1:45–3:1512:00-1:00AM PM vnh,v/ gbhi h,cyk vrujbh( fukk vvfbv kdtukv/ vvfbv fukk vn,ho a,jhh, t; buvd"' fnbvdu "guko kcut 2:30-3:50PM crtah,/ cngav jhsua vht Cheit Eitz HaDaas caused confusion Thursday4:00-5:30 PM This Sicha discusses the role of the Navi How do we reconcile the Rambam’s view 3:30–5:00PM between good and evil in this world. and Nossi of the generation, the - that in the time of Moshiach the world This Maamer delves into a discussion on importance of following his direction, will not fundamentally change with the Thursday the necessity of death in this Night and how it prepares us for Geulah. resurrection of the dead, which will be a environment and why it will no longer be new introduction to the natural cycle? necessary with the coming of Moshiach. Friday KHW23 avcs ahvufibhh kh, en,nns hvk vbtv kh vh,v n,nhs/ neunu, hu,r ak bmhdho fti vhu ,arh cjsa vabv KHW5 KHW6 7:00AM-12:00PM KHW4 sk ru Wsh gu,hhWuauh c nh kjo hvkh vh,v akujho/ nnbho fcr uvakujho ,hhahoW bgau aWdshho KHW20 krtu, dsukv Moderator: Rabbi Menachem M Matusof, Calgary Moderator: Rabbi Menachem M Matusof, Calgary Friday g,v/ ngs hu,r uhgussuo ahxhhguo urtuhho dsku t; uavo Moderator: nvx,sru,o Rabbivbtv Menachem M Matusof, Calgary Presenter: Rabbi Avrohom Gerlitzky, Brooklyn, New York Presenter: Rabbi Leibel Altein, Brooklyn, New York Presenter: Rabbi Yisroel Fried, New York, New York RD 12:45-2:15pm 11( gw egs )Wv,earu,W Location: Lecture Room 1, Oholei Torah, 3 floor

Friday Night MOSHIACH U’GEULAH vevk cab, vjsav vnafv anhyv' tjrh fnu avut chnho - vut d"f cabho' afk zw abho zw afk cabho' d"f vut - chnho avut fnu Shabbos 4:00 - 5:30 pm ab, utj"f nsu, uw fbds abho uw cp"g' scr vut Day vzw- anhyv - kbds vnkfu,' ufnu "ac," chnho "ac," ufnu vnkfu,' kbds - anhyv vzw- Part 4: vakhju,: gcus, This Sicha compares Eliezer's Shlichus kvw/ ac, cachgh, btnr fl ufuw jchcho vachgho Motzoei in this week's parsha -- in which anyv fk jhu, vanyv' cab, gukv cvhu, Shabbos msebu nahj keck )a"p jhh arv ,ab"c( xpr vahju, ,ab"c jke t gw t jke ,ab"c vahju, xpr ,ab"c( arv jhh )a"p Eliezer brings about the shidduch be- fj kvnahl mrhl jsa' pry un,jhk agcrv' 79 uthkl/ 79 anho- nkfu, guk ueck, vgcusv gk ut,gru,t Sunday tween Yitzchok and Rivka -- with our u,jk, rtah, avut vnkfu,- nsrhd, gher uzvu 7:30-10:00AM vakujho ,pehs vguknh: vakujho fhbux Shlichus of today, to bring Moshiach. vgcusv/ csurbu ucznbbu zv "kvcht khnu, vnahj"' khnu, "kvcht zv ucznbbu csurbu Moderator: Rabbi Menachem M Matusof, Calgary vpry gk kvnahl an,jhkhi vevk' nmu, do ukfi Sunday bt "akj btnr agkhu msebu nahj pbh keck Presenter: Rabbi Zalmen Wilshansky, vzni becg ukfi agcrv/ anyv cfj vut vjsa' 11:15AM-3:15PM acv arv jhh kpw vear ,akj"` chs Morristown, New Jersey ngcus, urahnu cfj ct zv fh abho"' acg "ne. b,prav vakhju, vrtaubv stkhgzr vrtaubv vakhju, b,prav Location: Lecture Room 1, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor agcru/ abho zw Sunday zw( jucr, rahnu," ) 4:30PM at- ctupi zu akhju, khmje` ahsul knmut crvo b,i ktkhgzr "fk tar ku"` ahsul ku"` tar "fk ktkhgzr b,i crvo Monday vfu- fkku, uc"i' n"v jhcur - urcev hmje 1:00 pm : Boxed lunches will be 10:30AM–3:00PM akhj uakhju,o` hartk ugcus, ubv dhnyrht nahj cmhru; hu"s/ cmhru; nahj dhnyrht available in the Main Ballroom. KHW7 Time provided to meet and 9 greet fellow Shluchim Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM FUNDRAISING IN THESE UNCERTAIN TIMES Thursday 8:00-11:00AM 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:30 - 3:50 pm 4:00 -5:30 pm Part 1: Fundraising in These Part 2: Anatomy of a Solici- Part 3: Perfecting the Ask: Thursday Uncertain Times tation Focusing on Powerful Moti- 11:00ThursdayAM–12:30PM vations Full Day Seminar First in a groundbreaking series for this Second in a groundbreaking series for Thursday this year’s Kinus by fundraising expert Third in a groundbreaking fundraising 1:45–3:1511:00AMPM-1:00PM year’s Kinus by fundraising guru, Shimon 2:30-3:50PM Pepper, this session will provide you with Shimon Pepper, this session will take a series by noted expert Shimon Pepper, this 4:00-5:30PM session will draw on years of experience in Thursday practical tools and proven methods to closer look at direct solicitation and will 3:30–5:00PM raise funds in a difficult economy. Mr. dissect the various phases and steps for community-wide fundraising campaigns Pepper will share strategies he has successful solicitation. Learn proven for institutions both large and small. Learn Thursday successfully utilized to overcome this methods and discover the five stages that new fundraising methods and discover Night challenge and turn it into an opportunity. are the recipe for successful fundraising. how to tap into what motivates your prospects to give. Friday Moderator: Rabbi Chaim T. Ehrenreich, Moderator: Rabbi Levi Gurkov, Oceanside, New York 7:00AM-12:00PM Chestnut Ridge, New York Presenter: Mr. Shimon Pepper, Monsey, New York Moderator: Rabbi Levi Gurkov, Oceanside, New York Presenter: Mr. Shimon Pepper, Monsey, New York Presenter: Mr. Shimon Pepper, Monsey, New York Location: JCM, Auditorium, Lower Level Friday Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor Location: JCM, Auditorium, Lower Level 12:45-2:15pm KHW8 KHW9 KHW10

Friday Night cneuo nudck, thbv crujbhu, A DAY IN YESHIVA czni avhw fnu vscrho ehhnho cnhkt vch,/ ugus hu,r: fhui aehunu upguk,u cru- upguk,u aehunu fhui hu,r: ugus vch,/ Shabbos Day 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:30 - 4:45 pm cdanhu,' nxuhho cneuo nudck, thbv jbhw cnhkt nuci athi ehhnho vvdcku, ak vvdcku, ehhnho athi nuci cnhkt Part 1: Chassidus: Part 3: Pilpul: ngbhi kngkv azv fhui neuo' rhjue Motzoei rhjue ak vdcku, czv thi cnhkt vneuo Shabbos The Chiyuv of Daled Kosos MiDerabanan The definitions of M"ah, B"an, S"ag, A"ab fti bnmtho akt tku do ucnhkt neuo/ Moderator: Rabbi Levi Y. Weber, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania vbn- ktku nmyrpho uachw' cnhmr tkt Sunday Moderator: Rabbi Levi Y. Weber, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenter: Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg, Brooklyn, New York Presenter: Rabbi Sholom Spalter, Morristown, New Jersey tjs/ evk ubgav fti mtho 7:30-10:00AM KHW11 KHW13 x"t( ,af"z sjv"x cw )nahj, 2:30 - 3:30 pm 4:45 - 5:30 pm Sunday 11:15AM-3:15PM Part 2: Pilpul: Part 4: Chassidus: "vevk"' ak cngns vnesa' acch, fnu vbv pgk vnkl ruao gnue gk tbaho gk gnue ruao vnkl pgk vbv Practical Aspects of Meleches Koreah (tear- The Rebbe Rashab’s letter concerning the Sunday mehus of Chassidus fi fnu cagrhl' tar kdrl ugs uy;' baho 4:30PM ing on Shabbos) based on Shas and Poskim uvnuj vnuj/ vut acu' v"nkl" cftu"t ha Moderator: Rabbi Levi Y. Weber, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Moderator: Rabbi Levi Y. Weber, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania aku' vbfxho ugs vtcrho gk kpguk mrhl Presenter: Rabbi Michoel Seligson, Brooklyn, New York Monday Presenter: Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Hertz, London, England scrh fk t, "kgau, cngav' ahunal ugs KHW14 vzt,"/ v,urv 10:30AM-3:00PM KHW12 Location: Getzel’s Shul, 1414 President Street )nahj, a"p crtah,-c ,af"z x"y( x"y( ,af"z crtah,-c a"p )nahj, 11 Wednesday 2:30 - 3:50 pm 2:30 - 3:50 pm 7:00-10:00PM HLICHUS IN NIFORM COMMUNICATOR E-MAIL Thursday S U : 8:00-11:00AM The Shliach/Chaplain MARKETING

Thursday The panel will explain the role and function of a Learn about a new service from chabad.org which will enable you 11:00AM-1:00PM Jewish Chaplain in the military or the local police and to send bulk e-mails from a web-based interface that is integrated fire departments. A discussion of the various with your website. Thursday opportunities and challenges including the demands Thursday Moderator: Rabbi Avrohom Winner, Brooklyn, New York 1:45–3:15AM of an interfaith chaplaincy (invocations, benedictions, 2:30-3:50PM Presenter: Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg, Brooklyn, New York pastoral counseling and memorial services) will be Thursday4:00-5:30 PM Location: Jewish Children’s Museum, Theater, Lower Level 4:00-5:30PM explored. KHW16 Moderator: Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, Gaithersburg, Maryland Thursday Panelists: Rabbi Sanford L. Dresin, Miami, Florida Rabbi Dov Hillel Klein, Evanston, Illinois Night akpbhw anhyv ak do pguk,v Location: Lecture Room 5, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor uduw hangu kngi vut agbhbv abho' acg ktjrh vctv vanhbh, abv vht vevk ab, Friday vanhyv abh acg gk knprg do upugk, vhnho' fk ,nhs zu apgukv uduw' khrtv 7:00AM-12:00PM nxsr hu,r bgkh, srdt gk cfkku, nurv vvhe; gk vaunr vanhbh sgbhi akpbhw/ KHW15 bhnhi/ anubv ak fbur hvhw skg"k vfbur do ukfi va,kaku,' Friday ,an"j( cakuo psv s"v )nntnr 12:45-2:15pm

Friday Night HALACHA 4:00 - 5:30 pm Shabbos 2:30 - 3:50 pm Day The Halochos of Gittin The Halochos of Taharas Hamishpachah Motzoei Familiarity with the complexities of the Get is an impor- This session will feature appropriate methods to Shabbos tant part of your Shlichus toolbox. This session will ad- present the Halachos of Taharas HaMishpacha to Sunday dress many commonly asked questions relating to Gittin, members of your community, with particular guidance 7:30-10:00AM including the necessary steps to research Yuchsin. We on how to guide families that are new to Taharas Sunday will discuss the role of the shliach, and his involvement HaMishpacha. 11:15AM-3:15PM in life-cycle events. Moderator: Rabbi Yosef Posner, Skokie, Illinois Moderator: Rabbi Sholom B. Dubov Maitland, Florida Sunday Presenter: Rabbi Moshe Lieberman, Newton, Massachusetts Presenter: Rabbi Levi Kahn, Paris, France 4:30PM KHW17 Location: Lecture Room 2, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor Location: Lecture Room 2, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor KHW18 Monday 10:30AM-3:00PM uy;"' kknus ukanug ,urv' ukerci tk ntur ac,urv vht pbhnhu, v,urv' gs ah- gs v,urv' pbhnhu, vht ac,urv ntur tk ukerci ,urv' ukanug kknus uy;"' anho uhrt, jxhsu, k,urv' hvusho ehruc pguk cvo a"hangu uduw hknsu uduw uanru kgau, t, fk scrh v,urv vzt," - ehuo - vzt," v,urv scrh fk t, kgau, uanru uduw hknsu uduw a"hangu cvo pguk vjuc nuyk cxchc,o( vapgv ukvo ufuw' rc c,ur anfvbho tku )ucpry ftu"t gk 13 331( gw jh"s )keu"a anho/ uhrt, unmu,hw v,urv baho "tbaho vevk' t, ukvevhk cjmumru, k,eug uprmu, ucdsrho cjumu, kgnus Wednesday 2:30 - 3:50 pm 2:30 - 3:50 pm 7:00-10:00PM WHERE TO DRAW Thursday SERVICING SENIORS 8:00-11:00AM THE LINE: Shluchim as Pulpit No matter where you live, there are Jewish seniors Thursday In this session, experienced Rabbonim and Pulpit who are your neighbors. This session will provide 11:00AM-1:00PM Rabbis will address the Halachic implications of you with innovative programming ideas shared by Thursday common dilemmas facing a Shul Rov. Learn to build Shluchim who have been successful in reaching 2:30-3:50Thursday PM consensus between the Rabbi and the congregation. and servicing local seniors. Learn how you can 2:30-3:50PM apply and adapt these proven formulas for Thursday4:00-5:30 PM Moderator: Rabbi Yehuda Pink, Solihull, England successful programming in your community. 3:30–5:00PM Presenters: Rabbi , Melbourne, Australia Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, London, England Moderator: Rabbi Sholom Lubin, Madison, New Jersey Thursday Location: Lecture Room 4, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor Presenters: Rabbi Yossi Goldblatt, Deerfield Beach, Florida Night Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, West Orange, New Jersey Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor Friday 7:00AM-12:00PM

Friday KHW19 KHW20 12:45-2:15pm

Friday Night 4:00 - 5:30 pm 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Shabbos FEDERAL PROTECTION FROM REACHING YOUNG Day LOCAL ZONING LAWS FAMILIES Motzoei Geared for Shluchim facing zoning issues or those seeking to Learn how to attract young families and how to offer intrigu- Shabbos build or expand their Chabad Houses, this session will provide ing programming to draw Hebrew School and camp families expert advice and guidance to gain an understanding of the from the parking lot into your community. Sunday Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. This fed- Discover strategies for marketing year-round children’s pro- 7:30-10:00AM eral law restricts local governments from imposing zoning regu- gramming, successfully running a Hebrew School, and pro- lations that create an undue burden on religious institutions. moting and funding a youth club. Sunday Moderator: Rabbi Yosef Konikov, Orlando, Florida Moderator: Rabbi Mendel Block, Plano, Texas 11:15AM–3:15PM Presenters: Mr. David Snyder, Esq., Tarrytown, New York Presenters: Rabbi Mendy Cohen, Merion Station, Pennsylvania Mr. Daniel Nottes, Tarrytown, New York Rabbi Menachem Lezel, Yardley, Pennsylvania Sunday Location: Lecture Room 5, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor Rabbi Dovid Lisbon, Redondo Beach, California KHW21 KHW22 4:30PM Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor

Monday 10:30AM–3:00PM suet anj,bu czni 1:00 pm: vucyju canjv gkhvo aehcku vnmuu, afk fhui anj,bu' nzni m"k vv,jkv Boxed lunches will be delivered to n,ul m"k vnmu, uehuo v,urv ckhnus uvuxpv jhzue fnu"f h,cyku' akt your workshop location. zrgl/ unph zrgl unph nphl hnua kt ubvhw h,cyk kt cnhkt anjv' 15 xx"j( ,af"z crtah,-c a"p )nahj, Wednesday 4:00 - 5:30 pm 7:00-10:00PM 11:00 am -5:00 pm

Thursday DAH MAH SHETOSHIV: MERKOS MENTORS 8:00-11:00AM Of the constant questions we are asked, some are a real The Vaad HaKinus has enlisted Shluchim with Thursday challenge. This panel of experienced Rabbonim and expertise and experience in dealing with a 11:00AM-1:00PM Shluchim will draw on years of experience, tackling some variety of Shlichus-related issues. These of the toughest issues to teach you how best to respond to Shluchim will be available throughout the Kinus Thursday the thorniest questions. Come and bring along your most 2:30-3:50PM difficult issues. for one-on-one discussions and to help guide you in these important areas. Take this opportu- ThursdayThursday Moderator: Rabbi Sholom Adler, Palm Harbor, Florida 3:30–5:004:00-5:30PM PM Presenters: Rabbi Immanuel Schochet, Toronto, Canada nity to get yourself a personal coach that will Rabbi Avrohom Grossbaum, Indianapolis, Indiana help you succeed! Thursday Rabbi Boruch Oberlander, Budapest, Hungary Night Location: Chovevei Torah, 885 Eastern Parkway To register visit www.MerkosMentors.com

Friday 7:00AM-12:00PM Location: Crown Condo, 580 Crown Street (between Albany and Troy Avenues) Friday KHW23 12:45-2:15pm

Friday 4:00 - 5:30 pm 4:00 - 5:30 pm Night STUDENTS RETURNING FROM AN RUSSIAN SESSION Shabbos ISRAEL TRIP: WHAT’S NEXT? Day hug." cruc "u,augv Motzoei This session will explore what we, as Shluchim, can do for the Shabbos nearly 200,000 young Jews who have visited Israel within the c,eup, vpghku, uvrjc, ph,uj framework of Taglit-Birthright Israel. What is next for them? How fkfkh nacr Sunday can we partner with Birthright to deliver compelling Jewish 7:30-10:00AM opportunities to this young and growing population? Sunday Moderator: Rabbi Hershey Novack, S. Louis, Missouri tuerthbv , zhyunhr , uhkvko aknv vrc nbjv: 11:15AM-3:15PM Presenters: Daniel Brenner, Executive Director, Birthright Israel NEXT New York, New York ruxhv , nuxecv , ktztr cgrk vrc butnho: Location: Lecture Room 4, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor KHW24 tuerthbv shbphyrupx enhbmeh anutk vrc Sunday , , druzhv , ychkhxh , euzkucxeh nthr vrc 4:30PM tjr ab, vanhyv suet vanhyv ab, tjr tuerthbv , pukyucv , xdk hmje hux; vrc tjs vvxcrho kfl anmuu, "vevk" becgv czni vtnur vut: ntjr uab, vanhyv vht vanhyv uab, ntjr vut: vtnur czni becgv "vevk" anmuu, kfl vvxcrho tjs ezjxyi , tyt tknt , zkyupukxeh acj vrc Monday v,urv' ckhnus kvuxh; ufro asv ngcus, jpahho vhu acu vzni bumk acv kvw"' "ac, c,pkv ucehuo vnmuu, cnsv nudcr, - vh,v zu vvfbv vn,thnv uvvfrjh, kgkhw kch, kgkhw uvvfrjh, vn,thnv vvfbv zu vh,v - nudcr, cnsv vnmuu, ucehuo c,pkv 10:30AM-3:00PM vnesa fk cbh hartk fevk tjs ukvtzhi kerht, v,urv fthku vht bang, nph vdcurv' nph bang, vht fthku v,urv kerht, ukvtzhi tjs fevk hartk cbh fk vnesa v,j,ubv veunv - vhvusho vhksho cnuzhtuo v,htyrui jsr neuo: ,ul juuhv ban,h, gnuev' fcn,i ,urv cvr xhbh' scr abjee gnue ckc ucnuj ckc gnue abjee scr xhbh' cvr ,urv fcn,i gnuev' ban,h, juuhv ,ul uva,e; ktjr nfi cjhh huo huo cnal fk vabho vctu,/ vabho fk cnal huo huo cjhh nfi ktjr uva,e; KHW25 17 ,a"n( tkuk j"h )nnf,c 5:45 pm Wednesday 5:30 pm 9:30 pm 7:00-10:00PM MAARIV DINNER igdbhhrcrtp vkuf .rtv vtknu Thursday Dvar Torah: R’ M. Mendel Pevzner, Geneva, Switzerland 8:00-11:00AM ezj rnth uhjtku uruzgh uvgr ,t aht

Thursday 7:15 pm We are pleased to again present one of the most exciting 11:00AM-1:00PM innovations at recent kinusim: the addition of three GENERAL SESSION major with some of the world's best-known Thursday Chairman: Rabbi Yehoshua Kaminetsky, Belgrade, Serbia 2:00-3:50PM and beloved Mashpi’im. This will be a wonderful not-to- ubesm jhan hbp ,kcek ukuf okugvu unmg ihfvk be-missed opportunity. Rabbi Yisroel Friedman will Speaker: Rabbi Mendel Groner, Melbourne Australia Thursday Farbreng in Yiddish, Rabbi Aaron Eliezer Ceitlin in Ivrit, 4:00-5:30PM uh,ujrutc vfkb and Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg in English. Speaker: Rabbi Shmuel Lew, London, England Presenter: Rabbi Yisroel Friedman, Brooklyn, New York, Yiddish KHW26 ThursdayThursday Location: Ballroom, Oholei Torah, 2nd floor NightNight cWba,~hWa, rWunst eWf ,ru, ka rutk vtmuvv ,ukak,av Presenter: Rabbi Aaron Eliezer Ceitlin, Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel, Ivrit KHW27 Location: JCM Auditorium, Lower Level, 792 Eastern Parkway FridayFriday Speaker: Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook, Brooklyn, New York 7:007:00am-12:00pmAM–12:15PM Presenter: Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg, Manchester, England, English Video Presentation Location: JCM, 2nd Floor KHW28

Friday Location: Main Ballroom, Oholei Torah 12:45-2:15pm KH1

Friday 11:15 am Night FRIDAY BRUNCH Shabbos November 21, 2008 Day yWxa,wv iuaj dWf haa ouh Location: Oholei Torah, Main Ballroom Motzoei Shabbos 7:00 am Sunday 7:30-10:00AM SHACHARIS – 770 12:00 pm Sunday STUDY SESSION 11:15AM-3:15PM gWhz ubhcr ,ru,c sunhk rsx 8:00 am Sunday 4:30 pm Presenter: Rabbi Yoel Kahan, Brooklyn, New York Location: Oholei Torah, Main Ballroom Monday Transportation to the Ohel will be provided for all Shluchim. 10:30AM–3:00PM Buses leave from President St., corner Kingston Ave, at 8:00 am. For those Shluchim whose children are in the Tzeirei Hashluchim program, 19 buses will also be leaving from Campus Chomesh, 470 Lefferts Avenue. Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM HOW TO BRING YOUR CAMP TO SHLIACH OSEH SHLIACH: Thursday THE NEXT LEVEL MAKING IT WORK 8:00-11:00AM Geared for those considering hiring, or who have just Thursday An overview on how to make your camp the talk of the town while 11:00AM–1:00PM keeping parents on your team and getting the most out of your hired additional Shluchim. This panel discussion will staff. Attracting new campers, retaining the existing ones, and the focus on successful formulas to better understand the Thursday best programing ideas for you to use. nature of the employer/employee relationship, the 2:30-3:50AM technicalities of defining the relationship, and practical Learn how to obtain ACA (American Camping Association) tools to allow the relationship to not just survive, but Thursday Accreditation, the industry standard for camping excellence. See to thrive. 4:00-5:30PM how other ACA accredited Camp Gan Israels make the application process easier for you. Learn about the benefits of Moderator: Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov, Yardley, Pennsylvania Thursday Presenters: Rabbi Chaim Block, S. Antonio, Texas Night accreditation including: PR, budgeting, staff training, Rabbi Nechemia Vogel, Rochester, New York programming and crisis management. Location: Lecture Room 6, Oholei Torah, 3RD Floor Friday Moderator: Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 7:00AM-12:15PM Presenters: Rabbi Yossi Rapoport, Long Beach, California Rabbi Zalman Kudan, S Barbara, California Friday Location: Lecture Room 2, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor KHW30 Friday KHW29 KHW30 1:00–2:3012:45-2:15pmPM

Friday Night EFFECTIVE & SECURE COMMUNITY-WIDE Shabbat NETWORKING EVENTS: Joint Peulos Day Social networks have expanded greatly and are being used by many young This session will focus on expanding the scope Motzoei people to share and obtain information. In this workshop you will learn and range of your Chabad Houses’ programs by Shabbat the importance of using proper safeguards while effectively capitalizing on joining neighboring Shluchim. Learn proven these networks. and successful tips on joint programming, and Sunday Moderator: Rabbi Mendel Wineberg, Overland Park, Kansas discover the benefits and positive impact it can 7:30-10:00AM Presenter: Rabbi Zvi Drizin, Dallas, Texas have on your community. Sunday Location: JCM, Auditorium, Lower Level Moderator: Rabbi Moishe Brennan, Merion Station, Pennsylvania 11:15AM-3:15PM This session will not be recorded Presenters: Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, Commack, New York Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus, S. Broward, Florida Sunday Rabbi Mayer Greene, Tarzana, California 4:30 pm uxprw ,urv whusgh gcrh,~ehruc Location: Lecture Room 5, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor

Monday tv"e bvrhv' uhkvko' crul vrc nbjv: vrc ac,th xkcyhmeh' tbyuurpi' ckdhv tbyuurpi' xkcyhmeh' ac,th vrc rtah: nrmv 10:30AM–3:00PM vrc mch uhkvko' b,bhv-mpui' tv"e vrc nav ahk,' fpr jc"s' tv"e jc"s' fpr ahk,' nav vrc tv"e b,bhv-mpui' uhkvko' mch vrc cva,,pu,: vrc anutk bjhnucxeh' ctr acg' tv"e acg' ctr bjhnucxeh' anutk vrc vtuko vnrfzh nuzhtuo vhksho vhvusho - eunv cw eunv - vhvusho vhksho nuzhtuo vnrfzh vtuko neuo: 21 KHW31 KHW32 Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM THE REBBE’S ADVICE ON CHINUCH: PRISON & MILITARY For Mechanchim Thursday CHAPLAINCY 8:00-11:00AM Explore the Rebbe’s writings and teachings to discover gems of advice on Chinuch. Discover profound yet practical guidance and direction culled This panel, led by the experts from the Aleph Thursday from the Rebbe’s teachings. Institute, will guide you to improve your prison 11:00AM-1:00PM visitations and involve your local community as Moderator: Rabbi Yosef Y. Itkin, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Thursday Presenters: Rabbi Nochum Kaplan, Brooklyn , New York, Rabbi Shmuel Lew, London, England mentors to prisoners. Also learn how to become 2:30-3:50AM Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor KHW33 a Chaplain on an active army base and about available contracts. Thursday Moderator: Rabbi Moishe Mayir Vogel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 4:00-5:00PM TZEIREI HASHLUCHIM: Away from Home Presenters: Rabbi Aaron Lipskar, Miami, Florida Are your children ready to move to the big city? Learn from Shluchim who have Rabbi Mendy Katz, Miami, Florida Thursday Rabbi Levi Kanelsky, Brussels, Europe Night experienced sending their children away from home at a young age and how you can help your children transition from being at home to being on their own. Rabbi Yossi Stein, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania KHW8 Location: Levi Yitzchak Library, 305 Kingston Avenue Friday Moderator: Rabbi Yehuda Binyomin Weiss, Charlotte, North Carolina Presenters: Rabbi Mendel Hecht, Amherst, Massachusetts, 7:00AM-12:00PM Rabbi Asher Bronstein, Andover, Massachusetts Rabbi Zalman L. Markowitz, Monsey, New York Friday Friday Location: Lecture Room 4, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor KHW34 1:00–2:3012:45-2:15pmPM KHW35

Friday Night FUNDRAISING DURING TOUGH HALACHA SESSION Shabbos ECONOMIC TIMES Hilchos Tefilah Day Providing creative ways to stay afloat and manage your finances This session will feature guidance on various halachos Motzoei in these tough times. This session will offer practical tips on relating to davening in your Chabad House. Learn the Shabbos addressing some of the most vital fundraising issues you face. answers to commonly asked halachic questions Following the presentation, Shluchim that have found success in concerning a minyan in your Chabad House and Sunday this area will answer your questions on how to fundraise, various shul-related topics. 7:30-10:00AM maximize your dollars, and make the most of your budget in these Moderator: Rabbi Baruch Epstein Chicago, Illinois Sunday unique times. Presenters: Dayan Levi Y. Raskin, London, England Rabbi Boruch Hertz, Chicago, Illinois 11:15AM-3:15PM Moderator: Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman, Atlanta, Georgia Rabbi Mordechai Farkash, Bellevue, Washington Panel: Rabbi Meir Konikov, Fort Lee, New Jersey Sunday Rabbi Eli Kornfeld, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Location: Lecture Room 1, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor 4:30 pm Rabbi Zalman Marcus, Mission Viejo, California KHW37 Location: Chovevei Torah, 885 Eastern Parkway Monday c,fkh, hartk tjsu, 10:30AM–3:00PM re kt akngkv vakhnu,' c,fkh, vut zv uhjus fukfo' vhuo bmcho t,o uh"k avut g"s vv,tjsu, snmu, vevk' snmu, vv,tjsu, g"s avut uh"k hjhs/ ncjhw do tkt tjs ncjhw fuko hjs n,txpho cgbhi hrt, vw/ vw/ hrt, cgbhi n,txpho hjs fuko u uvy;"' vbaho vtbaho vgo t, "vevk KHW36 23 ,an"j( kci uhafo )xs"v Wednesday 4:15 p.m 7:00 pm 7:00-10:00PM

Thursday CANDLE LIGHTING SEUDAS SHABBOS 8:00-11:00AM sjh od ohjt ,ca ohgb vnu cuy vn vbv

Thursday 4:25 pm Opening Remarks: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Brooklyn, New York 11:00AM-1:00PM THE REBBE’S ROOM Chairman: Thursday The Rebbe’s gWhz room will be open Rabbi Chaim Barkahn, Dusseldorf, Germany 2:30-3:50PM for the Shluchim. Dvar Malchus: 9:30 pm Thursday It will be open again Motzoei Shabbos 6:30-7:30pm Rabbi Tanchum Matusof, Côte D’Azur, France 4:00-5:30PM :jkanvk jhkav ka ,uhrjt ?hvn ,ujhkav hukhn HISVAADUS "y;" Thursday ktbaho cbudg utsrcv: y;/ go do eaurv vevk nmu, Speakers: CHASIDIM Night ubaho' vnmuv eaurv do go gbhbho tjrho: tmk tbaho tmk tjrho: gbhbho go do eaurv vnmuv ubaho' Rabbi Boruch , Los Angeles, California Shluchim are Rabbi Yitzchok Goldberg, Migdal Ha'emek, Eretz Yisroel "kknus"' tmk vbaho "kanug"' nat"f tmk vy;' gmo vy;' tmk nat"f "kanug"' vbaho tmk "kknus"' encouraged to stay and Friday an- nv avrh tjrho/ gbhbho auo ckh "vevk" ak vnmuv Rabbi Mendy Cohen, Sacramento, California farbreng in groups with 7:00AM-12:00PM kvy; cbudg tck knchthvo"' afr "k,, vut vy; chtho Rabbi Nechemya Wilhelm, Bangkok, Thailand their own mashpi’im gmno' vbv va,,pu,o cnmu, vevk vut re vnmuv gmnv' vnmuv re vut vevk cnmu, va,,pu,o vbv gmno' Location: Main Ballroom, Oholei Torah and chaveirim. Friday esuav/ ak pbhu, t; tjrho' pbhu, ckh 12:45-2:15pm 124( gw jh"s )keu"a

FridayFriday NightNight SHABBOS 1:30 pm ShabbatShabbos November 22, 2008 FARBRENGEN DayDay yWxa,wv iuaj sWf ukxf jWvcn eWa Motzoei Shabbos 8:30 am æé”ò àãîå”ø ë”÷ ìäúååòãåú ùæëéðå äîéåçã øöåï áòú Sunday 7:30-10:00AM øòéí äúååòãåú úú÷ééí äëéðåñ, åéñåã äúçìú TEHILLIM äùìéçåú. åìäöìçú ääú÷ùøåú ìçéæå÷ çñéãéú Sunday 10:30 am 11:15AM-3:15PM SHACHARIS - 770 Location: Main Ballroom, Oholei Torah Sunday 4:30 pm tjsu, nujky, g"h vnkl g"h nujky, tjsu, Monday vrh zv anygo )uh"k vdcurv nph aung ftku vht nphu vprahu, anhg, 5:17 pm 10:30AM–3:00PM tkt vfk' vut avbaht nv re kt vakhnu,' c,fkh, vht shartk vtjsu, an,tjsho ctjsu, nujky,( uvrh gbhi zv )fthku aung nph vdcurv( vut vdcurv( nph aung )fthku zv gbhi uvrh nujky,( ctjsu, an,tjsho tnh,h, gbhi vjehev/ vjehev/ gbhi tnh,h, MAARIV 25 ,an"j( vcw v,urv jue, zt, )ns"v Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00-10:00PM

Thursday THE REBBE’S ROOM 8:00-11:00AM The Rebbe’s gWhz room will be open for the Shluchim. tjhan tfkn suss t,sugx Chairman: Rabbi Naftali Roth, Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisroel Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm D’var Malchus: Rabbi Yoel Kahan, Brooklyn, New York 11:00AM-1:00PM Greetings: Rabbi Laibel Schapiro, Miani Beach, Florida Thursday LIBRARY Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch 2:30-3:50PM Visit the Library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad Rabbi Dovid Raskin, Brooklyn, New York Location: Wingate High School, 600 Kingston Ave Location: 766 Eastern Parkway KH2A Thursday 4:00-5:00PM

vnkl mrhl ahert ctzbhvo ahert mrhl vnkl Wingate High School is just a 15 minute walk from 770. Thursday kkt - nhartk utjs tjs fk t, kvjhu, mrhfv v,urv kfl: vvxcrho tjs Night Transportation will be available at 7:15pm from the humt ni vfkk' tbaho' baho' y;' drho - kveh; t, fk-fuku ukjsur fk ukjsur fk-fuku t, kveh; - drho y;' baho' tbaho' vfkk' ni humt following locations: nmhtu,u' cnsv vnktv chu,r ucfk vpryho' gs tar fk juaho jsurho juaho fk tar gs vpryho' ucfk chu,r vnktv cnsv nmhtu,u' Friday - chu,r uvgnuev vnktv cnsv zt, kvahd fsh ctkeu,/ unmuu,' c,urv 1) Kingston Ave. & President St. 7:00AM-12:00PM ,juav ngurr vut gkhl": a"thn,u vnkl g"h zu' cvzsnbu, v,urv' bert, 2) Crown St. & Troy Ave. ak thnv ueck, vncyk, t, v"tbh" ut, vhau, ak vaung/ vaung/ ak vhau, ut, v"tbh" t, vncyk, ueck, thnv ak 3) Carroll St. & Brooklyn Ave. Friday ,af"u( vxkhju, hnh )nnf,c The buses will return to the same locations after the program. 12:45-2:15pm

Friday KH2B Night GENERAL SESSION Chairman: Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, Chicago, Illinois Shabbos Day kvev ,ba Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, Buenos Aires, Argentina MotzoeiMotzoei Address: ShabbatShabbos Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Brooklyn, New York Address: Sunday Rabbi Avrohom Y. Shemtov, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 7:30-10:00AM Greetings: Rabbi Yosef Y. Aaronov, , Eretz Yisroel Rabbi , Moscow, Russia Sunday 11:15AM-3:15PM A Motzoei Shabbos Story: Rabbi Moshe Feller, S. Paul, Minnesota Sunday Chinuch: A perspective for today’s unique challenges: 4:30 pm Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz, Airmont, New York

Monday xubhfv ,uykjv ~ rehgv tuv vagnv 10:30AM-3:00PM Wingate High During the General Session we will present the Hachlotos of this year’s Kinus Hashluchim with School, video presentations prepared by the Kinus Hakhel Initiative, Moshiach Campaign, Beis HaMedrash 600 Kingston L’Shluchim, My Shliach, CTeen, JNET, JLI, Shluchim Exchange, and iVolunteer 9:00 pm 27 Avenue Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM SUNDAY 8:30 am Thursday November 23, 2008 ASSEMBLE IN 8:00-11:00AM yWxa,wv iuaj vWf iuatr ouh FRONT OF 770 FOR Thursday GROUPPICTURE 11:00AM-1:00PM 7:30 am Thursday SHACHARIS – 770 2:30-3:50pm 9:30 am 10:00 am - 3:15 pm Thursday 4:00-5:30PM vgo" t, "vevk nmu, "vevk" nzfhrv kbu' thput' acfk neuo cu bnmtho cu neuo acfk thput' kbu' nzfhrv "vevk" nmu, hvusho' ufk fnv avo npuzrho' vrh fk tjs nvo nvuuv jke nvuuv nvo tjs fk vrh npuzrho' avo fnv ufk hvusho' Thursday cgmno' ndknho avo fl hsh gk tjs" n"go vgo"' t, n"vevk Night bh,bv acu fchuo tj,"' v",urv t, akvo' vhuo-huo ucjhh BREAKFAST cxhbh nph vdcurv - n"vw tjs"/ ufi ahabv kfk tjs' ckh humt ckh tjs' kfk ahabv ufi tjs"/ n"vw - vdcurv nph cxhbh hnuh oWcnr RESOURCE FAIR Friday tkehfo' vw t, uhrtu hknsu' "hangu' tkeh,: akhju, vfkk' ni 7:00AM-12:00PM vzt,"/ v,urv scrh fk t, kgau, uanru Location: Gymnasium, Lower Level, uzvu vht do vnyrv vxuph,' uvduro amrhl kfuui t, fk t, kfuui amrhl uvduro vxuph,' vnyrv do vht uzvu Oholei Torah vvjkyu, ak fk du; hvush' trdui' evhkv ufuw' uk,, cvo t, cvo uk,, ufuw' evhkv trdui' hvush' du; fk ak vvjkyu, Location: Main Ballroom, Oholei Torah Friday vn,thnv/ vjhubh, 12:45-2:15pm ,ak"s( ,arh ut"u )nnf,c

Friday 11:15 am -12:35 pm 11:15 am -12:35 pm 9:30 am Night EW RICKS FOR Shabbos N T RABBI, WE’VE EXPANDING Day OLD CITIES ALWAYS DONE IT OUR HORIZONS Motzoei Shabbos In this round-table discussion, THAT WAY! IN THE FSU Shluchim will share strategies for SundaySunday dealing with diminishing A panel of experienced Shul Rabbis will Exclusive to Shluchim from the 7:30-10:007:30-10:00amAM demographics and implementing big discuss how to maintain your identity as a FSU. Chossid while respecting the integrity of approaches in small towns. Speakers: Mr. Geroge Rhor SundaySunday your Shul. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky 11:1511:15AM–3:15AM-3:15PM PM Moderator: Rabbi Nochum Mangel, Dayton, Ohio Moderators: Rabbi Yitzchok Sufrin, London, England Rabbi Berel Lazar Presenters: Rabbi Mendel Katzman, Omaha, Nebraska Rabbi Zalman Lent, Dublin, Ireland Sunday Rabbi Yisroel Greenberg, El Paso, Texas Location: JCM, 2nd Floor 4:30 pm Presenters: Rabbi Yonasson Golomb, Sheffield, England Location: Lecture Room 3, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor Rabbi Shai Amar, Golden Beach, Florida Monday Rabbi Lazer Gurkov, London, Ontario Rabbi Avrohom Sternberg, 10:30AM–3:00PM New London, Connecticut

Location: Lecture Room 5, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor KHW38 29 KHW39 Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM 11:15 am -12:35 pm 11:15 am -12:35 pm Thursday AISING A HILD WITH THE SECOND GENERATION: 8:00-11:00AM R C

Thursday SPECIAL NEEDS ON WORKING IN YOUR 11:00AM-1:00PM SHLICHUS FATHER’S MOSAD Thursday 2:30-3:50 PM This round-table discussion will focus on the practical, as This session, geared for Shluchim working with their well as ruchnius'dike challenges of raising a child with parents, will explore the advantages and challenges of Thursday special needs in your mokom hashlichus. The session will working in an organization you grew up with. Learn tips 4:00-5:30PM provide fellow parents the opportunity to ask expert and solutions on balancing family and Shlichus obligations. Thursday educators and mashpi’im questions on related issues. Night Moderator: Rabbi Yisroel Wilhelm, Boulder, Colorado Moderator: Rabbi Mendel Teldon, Commack, New York Presenters: Rabbi Menachem M. Lipskier, Sherman Oaks, California Presenter: Rabbi Meir Shimon Moscowitz, Northbrook, Illinois Friday Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz, Monsey, New York Location: Levi Yitzchak Library, 305 Kingston Ave AM PM 7:00 -12:00 Location: Lecture Room 2, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor

Friday KHW41 12:45-2:15pm KHW40

Friday 11:15 am- 1:55 pm Night 12:45 -1:55 pm DISCIPLINE SKILLS & EFFECTIVE Shabbo MASTER MIND: Day COMMUNICATION: For Mechanchim RITICAL IPS This session will navigate the formative and adolescent stages of a child’s C T Motzoei Shabbos development, & will feature Dr. Schuk’s comprehensive classroom program. ON EDUCATION These strategies have helped educators across the country maintain This session will feature a new, innovative approach Sunday classroom discipline and communicate effectively with their students. to education called Master Mind that is designed 7:30-10:15AM Moderator: Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum, Los Angeles, California Presenter: Dr. Shlomo Schuk, Brooklyn, New York KHW42 to address the growing problem of children failing SundaySunday in yeshiva and abandoning the Torah way of life. 11:1511:15AMAM-3:15-3:15PM PM THE REGISTRATION PROCESS: This session will provide tools to help children who Successful Tips for Recruitment and Enrollment: may lack confidence and basic skills such as reading Sunday and math, and the ability to navigate the Gemara 4:30PM Learn proven methods of successful recruitment from veteran and other complex works. mechanchim and school directors. Practical advice and tips from the Monday field for educational institutions in cities both large and small. Moderator: Rabbi Yisroel Weingarten, Flint, Michigan 10:30AM-3:00PM Presenter: Rabbi Eliyahu Shain, Brooklyn, New York Moderator: Rabbi Nochum Kaplan, Brooklyn, New York Presenter: Rabbi Noach Kosofsky, Springfield, Massachusetts Location: Lecture Room 2, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor 31 Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor KHW43 KHW44 Wednesday 11:15 am - 12:35 pm 7:00-10:00PM DEBT MANAGEMENT: Thursday 8:00-11:00AM Debt: Respect it and then get rid of it. Part 1: Part 3: Thursday 11:00AM-1:00PM Respect Money. Respect Debt. A short introduction to If you are deep in debt then this workshop is a must. how to not get into debt. Geared for any level Shliach. Thursday Learn the difference between debt counseling, debt 2:30-3:50PM Moderator: Rabbi Levi Klein, Memphis, Tennessee consolidation, and bankruptcy. Get guidance from a Presenter: Rabbi Mendel Cohen, Los Angeles, California professional on what is the best way to be rid of your Thursday overwhelming debt. 4:00-5:30PM Part 2: Moderator: Rabbi Levi Klein, Memphis, Tennessee Thursday In order to not get into debt, we must first learn how to cut Night Presenter: Mr. Dan Blumkin, New York, New York the budget, and then find common sense and creative Friday ways to trim 30% off of your budget without Location: Lecture Room 1, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor 7:00AM–12:00PM compromising your organization. Geared for all Shluchim. Moderator: Rabbi Levi Klein, Memphis, Tennessee Friday Presenter: Rabbi Yackov Saacks, Dix Hills, New York KHW45 12:45-2:15pm

Friday 11:15 am - 3:15 pm 12:45 - 3:15 pm Night FUNDRAISING SEMINAR: Shabbos ESSENTIALS FOR MANAGING Day AND LEADING Thriving Financially in the Current

Motzoei This seminar will teach useful concepts, tools, and practices Economy Shabbos from the business world to help you effectively lead, Overcoming Challenges Sunday manage, and improve the performance of your employees. This all-day seminar will provide guidance and tools to turn 7:30-10:15AM During this session you will also have an opportunity to the current economic downturn into a positive opportunity, SundaySunday work with a developing model for Chabad leadership and and even help you find new donors! Transform your most 11:1511:15AM–3:15AM-3:15PM PM management, devised by a study group of Rabbis during this dreaded task into your most desired one with fundraising tactics past year. from A to Z. Learn how to keep contributions flowing amidst Sunday a growing recession. 4:30 PM Moderator: Rabbi Yosef Gopin, West Hartford, Connecticut Presenter: Mr. Jonathan Spiegel, Belchertown, Massachusetts Monday Location: Reb Getzel's Shul, 1414 President Street - Kingston Ave Entrance Presenter: Rabbi Mendel Duchman, Los Angeles, California 10:30AM–3:00PM Location: Chovevei Torah, 885 Eastern Parkway KHW46A-B-C KHW47A-B 33 Wednesday 11:15 am - 1:55 pm 11:15 am - 12:35 pm 7:00-10:00PM SECURITY PLANNING Thursday JLI SESSION 8:00-11:00AM FOR CHABAD CENTERS & Shluchim who serve as JLI affiliates will be addressed by current Thursday course author, Rabbi , on the upcoming lessons of Soul 11:00AM-1:00PM ACTIVITIES Maps; followed by Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe who will present Thursday Learn how to strike a balance between openness and American law’s perspective on the legal topics and issues 2:30-3:50PM good security in today’s world. This session will teach addressed in JLI’s winter course, You Be The Judge II. In addition, you how to assess your facility, increase security, work Thursday department heads at JLI Central will share developments and 4:00-5:30PM with local law enforcement and take advantage of gov- unveil new initiatives. ernment programs and grants. Thursday Moderator: Rabbi Yoni Katz, Brooklyn, New York Night Moderator: Rabbi Zalman Heber, Pierce County, Washington Presenters: Rabbi Shais Taub, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Presenter: Mr. Jeffrey A. Slotnick, PSP, Pierce County, Washington Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe, Cambridge, Massachusetts Friday Location: Lecture Room 4, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor Rabbi Levi Kaplan, Brooklyn, NewYork 7:00AM-12:00PM Rabbi Shmuli Wolvovsky, Brooklyn, New York Location: Chovevei Torah, 885 Eastern Parkway Friday KHW48A-B KHW49 12:45-2:15pm

Friday 11:15 am - 3:15 pm 12:45 - 3:15 pm Night HALACHA SEMINAR Shabbos vguko cfk vabv fk - wvevkw Day tv"e b,bhv' duksanhs' bjuo vrc nbjv: Shidduchim and Its Many Facets Motzoei  The multifaceted subject of Shidduchim has many halachic Shabbos kvthrw kwbru, ugahh,o vgo kehruc nbu; - vgo t, vevk w vrc nav ztc phzo asru,' tv"e/ asru,' phzo ztc nav vrc implications. This session will offer guidance by a prominent vrc hux; hmje dwhheucxui' cruekhi' bhu hure bhu cruekhi' dwhheucxui' hmje hux; vrc Moreh Hora’ah. A part of this session will also focus on Sunday 7:30-10:15AM evhku, unbvhdh rcbho ctnmgu, kvevhk rtahfo///  Halachic questions related to genetic issues with the help of vrc draui abur' dbh ,euv' tv"e' ,euv' dbh abur' draui vrc the world-renowned expert, Professor Ruven E. Weiss, M.D., Sunday wvevkw uuahbdyui ckchu' ' prea nrsfh vrc Sunday Ph.D., Chief of Adult and Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes, 11:1511:15AM–3:15AM-3:15PM PM vpgk, uvbg, trdubho tjrho )trdubh bugr ufsuw( bugr )trdubh tjrho trdubho uvbg, vpgk, acyhfo///  and Metabolism at the University of Chicago. Sunday tv"e xct' fpr khpehi hmje hux; vrc 4:30 Pm Moderator: Rabbi Boruch Hertz, Chicago, Illinois kvcht neurcho tk vrch' bxhgu, nturdbu, bxhgu, vrch' tk neurcho kvcht vnkl tk uhevku  Presenters: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Glukowski, Rechovot, Eretz Yisrael Monday trv"e mp,' mhhykhi tkhgzr tvrui vrc Dr. Ruven Weiss, Chicago, Illinois 10:30AM–3:00PM tv"e acg' ctr durkhe zkni abhtur vrc Location: Lecture Room 5, Oholei Torah, 3rd floor vtuko vnrfzh nuzhtuo vhksho vhvusho - eunv cw eunv - vhvusho vhksho nuzhtuo vnrfzh vtuko neuo: KHW50 A-B-C 35 KHW51KHW49 Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM 11:15 - 3:15 pm

Thursday GETTING STARTED; MOVING AHEAD 8:00-11:00AM The Early Years of Shlichus: A Practical Guide Thursday 11:00AM-1:00PM Part 1: Sharing Directives from the Rebbe Part 2: Getting Started Critical to any Shlichus, specifically to those who are just begin- Thursday In the world of Shlichus there is so much to accomplish, from 2:30-3:50 PM ning the journey, is proper direction from our jkan/ This session Hebrew School and children’s programs to adult education and will feature veteran Shluchim who will be sharing ,utruv from women’s events. This workshop will focus primarily on how to Thursday their early years on Shlichus, as their Mosdos were in the early, 4:00-5:30PM analyze your specific Shlichus in your initial years and gauge formative stages. where your principal focus should be. Thursday Night Moderator: Rabbi Dov Wagner, Los Angeles, California Moderator: Rabbi Yossi Grossbaum, Folsom, California Presenters: Rabbi Shimon Lazarof, Houston, Texas Presenters: Rabbi Nechemia Deitch, Toronto, Canada Friday Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin, Seattle, Washington Rabbi Gedalia Potash, S. Francisco, California 7:00AM-12:00PM Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, Buenos Aires, Argentina Rabbi Mendel Mintz, Aspen, Colorado

Location: Lecture Room 6, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor Friday Location: Lecture Room 6, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor 12:45-2:15pm KHW52A KHW52B

Friday 11:15 - 3:15 pm 12:45 - 3:15 pm Night GETTING STARTED - MOVING Shabbos GUIDANCE FROM THE Day AHEAD ~ The Early Years of Shlichus: REBBE Motzoei Four veteran Shluchim (sent out in the 1950s, 60s, Shabbos Part 3: Moving Ahead 70s and 80s) will share personal experiences and the From humble beginnings we all move forward toward greater Sunday guidance they received from the Rebbe for the chal- 7:30-10:00AM heights. Many of us initially establish our Chabad House in our homes and then recognize the need to progress to a store-front or lenges they faced over the years. SundaySunday purchase a building. At what point should you make this decision Moderator: Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Monroe Township, New Jersey 11:1511:15AM-3:15AM-3:15PM PM and what steps must be taken to realize this dream. This session, Presenters: Rabbi Dovid Edelman, Springfield, Massachusetts being led by younger Shluchim who have relatively recently made Rabbi Moshe Herson, Morristown, New Jersey Sunday this transition, will help you in your quest to advance your Shlichus Rabbi Nosson Gurary, Buffalo, New York 4:30PM to next stage. Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm, Portland, Oregon

Monday Moderator: Rabbi Sholom Ber Tenenbaum, Gurnee, Illinois 10:30AM-3:00PM Presenters: Rabbi Yossi Deren Greenwich, Connecticut Location: New Section, Main Ballroom, Oholei Torah Rabbi Mendel Block Plano, Texas

Location: Lecture Room 6, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor 37 KHW52C KHW53A-B Wednesday 2:05 - 3:15 pm 7:00-10:00PM 2:05 - 3:15 pm

Thursday RAMBAM’S HEALTHY SHLIACH OSEH SHLIACH: 8:00-11:00AM LIFESTYLE – STEP BY STEP Empowering Shluchim with Tools to Secure a Healthy Employer/Employee Relationship Thursday Roundtable Workshop 11:00AM-1:00PM This session will feature key elements that can foster a Learn how to increase your energy level and work harmonious and lasting relationship between Shluchim working Thursday performance. Learn how to boost your general health by 2:30-3:50PM side-by-side in a Chabad House. Designed for both employers improving your diet and preventing stress. and employees, this session will offer step-by-step building Thursday Moderator: Rabbi Yosef Groner, Charlotte, North Carolina blocks to create a healthy and productive working environment 4:00-5:30PM Presenter: Mr. Yaakov Bam, M.S., Brooklyn, New York with mutual respect and recognition. Location: Lecture Room 2, Oholei Torah, 3RD Floor Thursday KHW54 Night Moderator: Rabbi Yosef Gansburg Toronto, Ontario Friday xu; ho cerhg, fnu hartk tjsu, Presenter: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon, Encino, California 7:00AM-12:00PM vhw atz xu;' go erhg, cg, hartk ak vv,tjsu, fnu vut zu v,tjsu, Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3RD Floor "tz hahr nav ucbh hartk"' kw hjhs' afuko v,tjsu go hjhsu ak guko/ ak hjhsu go v,tjsu afuko hjhs' kw hartk"' ucbh nav hahr "tz Friday x"d( ,af"z tja"p )nahj, 12:45-2:15pm KHW55

Friday 2:05 - 3:15 pm Night 12:45 - 3:15 pm

Shabbos EFFICIENT PROPERTY GAMING TOOLS Day MANAGEMENT: EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Motzoei Expert Care of Your Mosad Shabbos Learn how to use games, simulations and role playing to Sunday This session will review daily & preventive break the ice at your next function or class. See firsthand, 7:30-10:00AM maintenance for your Chabad House. Whether you how direct-experience-learning (Experiential Learning) operate a small storefront, a large center, school or can put people at ease and bring home your message. SundaySunday camp, it is important to know how to properly 11:1511:15AM–3:15AM-3:15PM PM Excellent for campus Shluchim, Shluchim who work with maintain your building and protect your property teens, and anyone trying to break through to a tough Sunday investment. Learn when to do it yourself, and when crowd. 4:30PM and how to hire the right professionals. Moderator: Rabbi Shmuel Rothman, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Monday Presenter: Rabbi Dovid Grossman, Chicago, Illinois 10:30AM-3:00PM Moderator: Rabbi Avrohom Kavka, Seattle, Washington Presenter: Rabbi Yosef Brod, Running Springs, California Location: Levi Yitzchak Library, 305 Kingston Avenue

Location: Lecture Room 1, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor 39 KHW56 KHW57 Wednesday 2:05 - 3:15 pm 11:00 am -5:00 pm 7:00-10:00PM CTEEN: Thursday MERKOS MENTORS 8:00-11:00AM Unveiling the New Chabad Teen Network The Vaad HaKinus has enlisted Shluchim Geared for Shluchim working with teens, this session will unveil the Thursday with expertise and experience in dealing inaugural activities of CTEEN: The Chabad Teen Network. CTEEN 11:00AM-1:00PM with a variety of Shlichus-related issues. will offer two full-service tracks; one for Shluchim working full-time Thursday with teens, and another for those who dedicate part of their Shlichus These Shluchim will be available through- 2:30-3:50PM to teenagers and young adults. CTEEN will provide a complete out the Kinus for one-on-one discussions package of ideas for program development, learning curriculum, a Thursday and to help guide you in these important cutting-edge periodic magazine, a customizable website, and the 4:00-5:30PM areas. Take this opportunity to get yourself support of a community of fellow Shluchim. a personal coach that will help you succeed! Thursday Night Moderator: Rabbi Mayer Greene, Tarzana, California To register visit www.MerkosMentors.com Friday Presenters: Rabbi Meir Gitlin, Thornhill, Ontario Rabbi Beryl Frankel, Brooklyn, New York 7:00AM-12:00PM Location: Crown Condo, 580 Crown Street Rabbi Benny Rapoport, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania (between Albany and Troy Avenues) Friday Location: Lecture Room 4, Oholei Torah, 3RD floor 12:45-2:15pm KHW58

Friday 3:15 pm 3:30 pm Night MINCHA TRANSPORTATION TO PIER 94 Shabbos Coach Bus Transportation will be provided to the banquet, leaving from Oholei Torah at 3:30 pm sharp. Day You must be on time!

Motzoei DIRECTIONS: From: Brooklyn Marriott parking. Tickets will be sold at the registration desk on Shabbos To Pier 94 Convention Center - South on Adams St. to Brooklyn Bridge Wednesday, Thursday and Motzoei Shabbos.. - Follow directions above from Brooklyn 12th Ave & 55th Street, NYC, NY Public Transportation to Pier 94: Sunday Pier 94 is located at 12th Ave. (West Side Highway) and W. From: NY Marriott Marquis Pier 94 can be reached by NYC Transit Authority via 8th 7:30-10:00AM 55th St. in Manhattan N.Y. Use any access point to New - Go south on Broadway to W. 45th St. Avenue subway, E or C trains to 50th Street, then via M50 York City, including the Lincoln, Holland, or Queens Midtown - Turn right onto W. 45th St. bus line. Also, bus lines M16 and M42 provide service to SundaySunday Tunnels, or the George Washington Bridge, and proceed to - Turn right onto 12th Ave. - West Side Highway (NY-9A-N) 42nd Street and 12th Avenue. 11:1511:15AM–3:15AM-3:15PM PM the West Side Highway Manhattan (NY-9A-N) and W. 54th - Follow directions above to Pier 94 For NYC Transit (Buses and Subways), Long Island Rail St. The convention center and parking is on your left. Road, Long Island Bus and Metro-North Railroad. Sunday From: Crown Heights, Brooklyn Pier 94 Parking: 4:30PM - Eastern P’kwy. W. to Flatbush Ave. to Brkln Bridge. Open rooftop parking is available at Pier 92. Use the - Exit bridge on right for FDR Drive - South automobile ramp at W. 55th St. and 12th Ave. All vehicles Monday - Continue on, to underpass to West Side Hwy (NY-9A-N) should follow signs for the NYC Passenger Ship Terminal 10:30AM-3:00PM - Continue to W. 55th St. Pier 94 Convention Center is on parking. your left. In order to expedite parking at the Pier 94 Convention You can make a U-Turn at W. 55 St. Center, arrangements have been made with the management 41 of the parking lot that the Kinus will pre sale tickets for Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM

Thursday 8:00-11:00AM KH3 Thursday   11:00AM-1:00PM BANQUET Thursday Opening Video 2:30-3:50PM Opening Remarks Thursday 4:00-5:30PM Chairman: Rabbi Moshe Y. Kotlarsky, Brooklyn, New York

Thursday Niggun Night Tehillim: Friday ucrujbhu, cdanhu, vakujho knapj, vnmyrl ukfk vakhju, kvmkj, 7:00AM-12:00PM Rabbi Arye Raichman, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Friday ctrvWe tjcWh kakuo ,pkv 12:45-2:15pm Rabbi Shimon Elituv, Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisroel

D’var Torah: Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn, Jackson, Wyoming

Tzeirei Hashluchim Presentation Friday Night Guest Speaker: His Excellency, Shabbos Ambassador Yehuda Avner Day Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisroel Motzoei Shabbos Video Presentation: Connected

Sunday 7:30-10:00AM Musical Interlude

Sunday International Roll Call 11:15AM-3:15PM Dinner SundaySunday 5:304:30 amPM Addressing the Theme: VBV ucuah kusd kve /// o,ut thcn hbbv /// ogv ,t kvev Monday Rabbi Moshe Bryski, Agoura Hills, California 10:30AM-3:00PM Pier 94 12th Ave. & 55th St. New York City, NY Birkat Hamazon 4:30 pm 43 Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM

Thursday 8:00-11:00AM

Thursday 11:00AM-1:00PM

Thursday 2:30-3:50PM

Thursday 4:00-5:30PM

Thursday Night

Friday 7:00AM-12:00PM

Friday 12:45-2:15pm

Friday Night

Shabbos Day

Motzoei Shabbos

Sunday 7:30-10:00AM

Sunday 11:15AM-3:15PM

SundaySunday 5:304:30 amPM

Monday 10:30AM-3:00PM

45 Wednesday 7:00-10:00PM unjsu"n vfuju, vevk, MONDAY vbpa fuju, fk ak uvevkv ehcu. vut hvush fk tmk svevk vgbhi ,ufi Thursday November 24, 2008 aku/ vpbhnh vnesa kch, ukvchto aku ungav shcur unjacv aku 8:00-11:00AM yWxa,wv iuaj uWf hba ouh g"h aku vbpa fju, kfk uvnafv erhtv - eurt" vhw "vnkl uao v"nkl" azvu gbhbu seck, guk nkfu, anho aha cfk hvush/ hvush/ cfk aha anho nkfu, guk seck, gbhbu azvu v"nkl"

Thursday 723( gw jh"y )keu"a 11:00AM-1:00PM ujtW cnjbu trWh buxj cvfbWx hxus cgbhi nfcr atk,u ucscr uy;" baho "tbaho b ;agovc fivt c u gn ph,pehsu npbh cgmnu vut tck vut bfui vscr acgmo t; vbv - Thursday )mrhfu, habo tjs fk tmk vtso": zv - eyi "cguko do kfl sunv gu, tb rluhuhu vu arg vbxtjs cvfbWx go eaur kvhu, hfuk uthbu mrhl thbu ugcus,u 2:30-3:50 PM uv- vzni "tbaho"' ak uvgumnv v,ue; vtnuru,: v,fubu, fk kvhu,( gruxchcu,hw/ vghr fk gk pruav mWk nmus,u fh cvbvd, nxchcu' ukvthr ukvaphg kvbvhd umrhfho vnxudkho aku fuju, Thursday amc( gw jWd )tdWe do kvhu, mrhl do zv go uhjs vch,' cvbvd, - "baho" ak - ufi vguko' 4:00-5:30PM tso"' nfk vkuns jfo- "thzvu jz"k: fkaui unjubl' ,knhs klkg kkjoa hcuy aahu nxuhhn, akhju, ha khuctuuya ak akakujho ksg, gkhl avut aku' eyi" c"guko hjhs' fk t, "vevk" nmu, nkns, cfl udo bsra "kvevhk" t, fk ,fubu,hu vaubu,' ak "tbaho' baho uy;"' ukvf- uy;"' baho "tbaho' ak vaubu,' ,fubu,hu fk t, "kvevhk" bsra Thursday t, kvxhj kvo//kphfl avuemu cevhku, hvus, kvph. uvht Night kscr nujky, cv,nxru, aku' vpbhnh vnesa" c"ch, tu,o bhx gouvb,t trh vn kokc xhoathbu nxuhho kscr akvo uvzni vtbrdhw t, ukvpbu, sg,o vao"/ t, c"khrtv fkhk jsurho fuko ahvhu gs vec"v' zv vnkl' hlkkj,av vwk eccb agn k zv tkt fakgmnu czczbh re kt hvhw akvo kakhju, ahhl Friday uv- vtparuhu, t, hbmku eybho' hksho fukk utj,' tjs afk uhv"r 7:00AM-12:00PM acv kakhju,o akvo vnktv vv,nxru, jacui gk hvhw cfk t,v' nchtv vevk" "ab, zu aabv zu' aabv rdhkho' vck,h fuju, vo guaho gcusv nmuhhb,/ nmuhhb,/ gcusv guaho vo cpugk/ ngav khsh ahcutu ctupi vtnurho' gbhbho

Friday / 63( gw 9701 jcWsW Wfpr _ ,asWn acy hc )nnfw ,an"j( ,arh uw )nnf,c 12:45-2:15pm

Friday 9:30 a.m. Night BREAKFAST Location: Oholei Torah Main Ballroom Shabbos Day Main Session: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

Motzoei VAAD RABBONEI LUBAVITCH Shabbos Hilchos Eruv Sunday Increasingly, many Jewish communities are wishing to establish Rabbi Dovid Schochat, Toronto, Canada 7:30-10:00AM an eruv, and the Rabbonim/ Shluchim of the community are The differing opinions of Achronim regarding being called upon for their knowledge and assistance in this the establishment of eruvin in cities outside of Sunday area. Even when outside Rabbonim, experts in Hilchos Eruvin, Eretz Yisrael 11:15AM-3:15PM are brought in to establish the eruv, it is often the local Shliach Rabbi , Sydney, Australia: who is closely involved in the implementation and ongoing Ongoing oversight of the eruv’s Kashrus Sunday halachic oversight of the eruv. A number of Rabbonim with Rabbi Sholom Ber Levine, Brooklyn, New York: 4:30PM extensive experience and expertise in Eruvin will address this The view of the Rabbeim of Chabad regarding session, including: eruvin, and letters of the Rebbe regarding this Monday subject 10-:30AM-3:00PM Location: Shul, Oholei Torah, 3RD Floor

47 KHW59A-B Wednesday cmurv guknu t, anbvk vecWv kdch bfui zv ujunr ek 7:00–10:00PM kfl dro vecWv ato vscr crur vrh unsuhhe, nxusr, huhpuhhh honuh grnuh,ar uvufjv zu avrh nxuhhn, kghr nxuhho chuo hdhg pkubh ahvush Thursday vneuo zeue zv unrdg ku zeue vhw kt vneuo g,v gs atfi 8:00–11:00AM ao/ ,pehsu t, knkt ugkhu kxhug nh,tap,ahWs( tjaWp )nahj, Thursday 11:00AM-1:00PM A VERY SPECIAL THANKSTO: Thursday Ronen Peled | Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin 2:30-3:50pM Rabbi Meir Simcha Kogan | David Scharf

Thursday SPECIAL THANKSTO: 4:00-5:30PM Rabbi Zalman Feldman | Rabbi Moshe Berghoff Rabbi Mendy Kaminker | Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg Thursday Rabbi Michoel Seligson | Menachem Freeman Night Rabbi Moshe Silver | Rabbi Betzion Stock Rabbi Yanky Teitelbaum | Mrs. Mindy Wallach Friday Rabbi & Mrs. Dovber Weiss | Rabbi Mendy Weg 7:00AM-12:00PM and all the staff of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, JLI and Friday JEM who contributed their time, effort and talents 12:45-2:15pm to help ensure the success of the Kinus.

Friday Night CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATION Rabbi Dovid Mondshine, Russia Rabbi Baruch Hertz, Illinois Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Rabbi Moshe Moskowitz, Ukraine Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, New Jersey Shabbos Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Rabbi Yehuda Pink, London Rabbi Mendel Katzman, Nebraska Day Rabbi Lipa Brennan Rabbi Mendel Rosenfeld, Switzerland Rabbi Levi Klein, Tennessee Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov, Uruguay EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Rabbi Eli Kornfeld, New Jersey Rabbi Ari Shishler, South Africa Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Maryland Rabbi Mendel Lifshitz, Idah Motzoei Rabbi Levi Sudak, England Rabbi Mendy Mangel, New Jersey Rabbi Mendel Kotlarsky, New York Shabbos Rabbi Schneor Nejar, New York Rabbi Efraim Mintz, New York UNITED STATES COMMITTEE Rabbi Abba Perlmutter, California Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, Illinois Rabbi Simcha Backman, California Sunday Rabbi Moshe Perlstien, Illinios Rabbi Yehuda Weg, Oklahoma Rabbi Shlom Ber Baumgarten, New York 7:30-10:00AM Rabbi Leibel Baumgarten, New York Rabbi Ari Raskin, New York INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Rabbi Yitzchok Bergstein, Illinois Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum, Pennsylvania Sunday Rabbi Mendel Azimov, France Rabbi Moshe Brennen, Pennsylvania Rabbi Yaakov Saacks, New York 11:15AM-3:15PM Rabbi Manis Barash, Czech Republic Rabbi Benzion Chanowitz, New York Rabbi Menachem Shmidt, Pennsylvania Rabbi Avrohom Chazan, Italy Rabbi Yisrael Deren, Connecticut Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Washington DC Sunday Rabbi Yisroel Diskin, Germany Rabbi Dovid Dubov, New Jersey Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov, Pennsylvania Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum, Ontario Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin, New York 4:30PM Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie, California Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, Argentina Rabbi Beryl Frankel, New York Rabbi Avrohom Sternberg, Connecticut Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, Thailand Rabbi Meir Geisinsky, New York Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, New York Monday Monday Rabbi Yosef Levenhartz, Israel Rabbi Eli Goodman, New York Rabbi Shmuel Tiechtel, Arizona 10:3010:30AMAM–-3:003:00PMPM Rabbi Yecheskal Lipshitz, Nepal Rabbi Yossi Groner, North Carolina Rabbi Nechemia Vogel, New York Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenthal, Denmark Rabbi Levi Gurkov, New York Rabbi Moshe Wilansky, Maine Rabbi Yosef Matusof, France Rabbi Boruch Hecht, California Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov, Indiana 49