Scene January 2017 Hull Thursday rc Photos courtesy of Jim Sampson Jim (AKA Rich G)’s Training: th Session 1: 7 January 2017 Cold but good conditions. Approximately 46 riders. Email articles for Scene to
[email protected] For club information visit: Page 1 of 28 Club Scene January 2017 Hull Thursday rc Letter from the editor This month we have a lot, I hope you all enjoy it: Photos from the first of Jim’s training sessions Club Scene: dates for your diary, minutes from the meeting, annual subscription request, AGM invite, sadly an obituary and results from the Christmas lunch survey Social Scene: Mike’s Hull to Rotterdam, two for one – good read, great photos Racing Scene: promoting racing in the club with help to find local races TT Scene: George Ely TT, Paul’s list of Open TTs in Yorkshire and Jim’s 2016 round up. Muddy Scene: Dave’s off road races list and Fin’s amazing BC National CX Series Odds & Sods: Jim’s Library, Pit Stop and Blast from the Past February Scene is going to be tricky as I am in Majorca from 15th. PLEASE could you send in articles, photos, adverts etc. very early and I can make a start before I leave. February Scene will be published early March. Thank you to Jim Sampson, Dave Millson, Paul Campbell, Neil Dean, Mike McAllister, Lee Coulson, Mike Kilgour, Paul Kilvington, Kyle Butler, Jim Trevor, Simon Pickering, Andy Cawley, Geoff Rawson, Les Barratt and me for contributing to this month’s newsletter.