The Magazine for Bamber Bridge and Father, Forgive them, for they know notTrinity, what Gregson they do.Lane Methodist Churches SPHERE What`s in this issue of Contacts Sphere ?

Page 2 Contents Page 3 Minister`s message Page 4 Holy Week worship Page 5 Lent courses/events Eric Chatburn Tel : 01772337495 Page 6 My time in Sierra Leone Email: Page 7 Fundraising events [email protected] Page 8 Community matters ======Page 9 Annual Church Meeting Page 10 NET School news Page 11 An e-mail from India Page 12/13/14 Eunice Byers story Page 15 Foster Care Fortnight Gordon Whittle Page 16 Up the Baggies Page 17 A Word-search Tel : 01254853144 Email: Page 18 A page to colour [email protected] Page 19 Special Birthdays Page 20 Wedding Anniversaries ======Page 21 Happy Birthday Kids Items for the next Page 22 Local services adverts issue to be sent to Eric or Gordon Page 23 Useful contact numbers no later than Page 24 Local services adverts Sunday 7th May 2017

Next issue of Sphere will be available from Sunday 4th June

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 2 Minister`s Message Dear all During my lifetime, I have lived in 14 different homes which has meant that I have had my share of moving. I have to say that while moving can be a challenging experience it has always been an opportunity to have a clear out, getting rid of things no longer needed and holding onto the things that are of value. I have also been glad of the changes that have come with moving and the new opportunities that have arisen.

In our Methodist Circuit, we are undergoing a time of change. If we are to be able to continue to serve God and his mission, then we need to be willing to move forward. The last 10 years have brought many changes in the circuit churches. 6 have closed and one opened, of the current 14 churches most have seen decline in membership and Sunday attendance. Alongside this, however, midweek services and messy church congregations show significant growth in numbers. The circuit is also engaged in some exciting mission work like the School worker project and the One to One Listening space.

The Strategy and Resources review which was set up to look at these issues has been working hard over the last months to gather information and listen to the churches. They will be coming up with some recommendations which will come to the Circuit meeting in June. A key issue that needs to be addressed is the shortage of ordained ministers nationally and a need to offer both lay and ordained ministry in different and creative ways.

There is no doubt that we are going to have to make changes. We are going to need to move into a different way of being church and Circuit. We will need to let go of some of the things we no longer need and we will take with us the things that are of value. This will be a challenging process as change is not always easy. Hopefully however as we are open to God’s spirit moving us forward we will find new and exciting ways of serving him.

As we journey through lent this year I would encourage us all to spend time praying for our church and circuit. Praying for grace and wisdom to be able to move forward in God’s ways. Praying that we can all seek not what suits us, but what best serves God.

Grace and peace, Andrew

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 3 Maundy Thursday - 13th April 7.30pm at Trinity, Gregson Lane Simple meal with communion

Good Friday 14th April 10 am worship at Bamber Bridge Methodist church 11am Ecumenical Open air service (outside Olde Withy Trees)

EASTER SUNDAY (16th April) BAMBER BRIDGE METHODIST CHURCH 8.00 am—Communion Breakfast 10.30 am Celebration service with communion 5-30pm Life & Soul Party - food, fun, crafts & worship

TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH, GREGSON LANE 10.30 am Celebration service with communion

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 4 Lent Events in the area

“Finding a Voice”

A Lent course based on ‘The King’s Speech’

Monday evenings, 7-30pm at Trinity, Gregson Lane

Dates are : March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th & April 3rd

Each evening there will be clips from the film and discussion.

Preston Passion Play Good Friday, 14th April at 11-30am With music composed by Graham Hickey of Concert Band, the play will take place against the backdrops of , the Harris Library and other city landmarks

Sunday 16th April at 6.00am Preston Ribble Circuit “Sonrise” Service at Beacon Fell

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 5 My time in Sierra Leone 9 people returned from Sierra Leone on the 12th February, very tired, very cold, but having had a fulfilling and prayerful time in Segbwema, where Nixon Memorial hospital is based, and Kailahun, where the Red Rose Skills training centre is. It wasn't about us going to change lives, but rather us going to learn, see if we could help out in any way, and the people of this country changing our lives. Having only spent two days in Kailahun, I can mainly give the experiences of being at Nixon memorial hospital, where the day begins with God. Over 200 student nurses go to a large classroom, where they sing loudly, dance with big smiles on their faces, all to a single drum. It is really something to see and hear, they listen to a bible reading, and have some guidance on that. Their prayers begin with singing prayer, to open themselves up. They then go into individual classes, where they sing and then stand and pray for the learning that they are about to have as a group. God and prayer feature all through their daily lives, for example, if they say that they have slept well, they then say "thanks be to God". It really encouraged us all, and knowing that we had support through prayer from home really made us know that it was a God led mission. The people of the area of segbwema and the staff at the hospital have been through three major, devastating times. Lassa Fever and Ebola resulted in deaths of staff and the constant fear of acquiring one of these diseases, and the rebels taking over the hospital as their headquarters during the civil war resulted in lots of heartache, and a complete restart of the whole hospital from scratch. Still, the resilience of this nation shows through, they have been through these things, live with nothing, have very little income if any, yet they are happy, concerned about other people's welfare, and would give you anything that you needed if they had it. We helped each evening on the children's ward, and some children had never coloured in before, they simply didn't know what to do, they then tried to give the picture back, as they are just not used to having things of their own. Overall, it was a humbling experience, with lots of ups and downs, and lots of time to spend being closer to God. Judith Laycock

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 6 Fundraising events at BBMC FAMILY FILM NIGHT Saturday 18th March at 7pm

Refreshments available at reasonable prices

Saturday 8th April 10 am to 12 noon

Bacon Butties & Refreshments available

These are available as a fundraising activity. Take a card and peel back the sticky felt border and place your spare coins around the edge, then return them. If you are a tax payer, fill in a gift aid envelope when it is returned and a further 25% can be claimed back from HMRC.

The next Fundraising Group Meeting is on Monday 27th March at 7.30 in the Bridge Suite

Maurice Perry is retiring from the Fundraising Group after the Annual Church Meeting in May. This leaves an opportunity for someone to pick up the baton and be a part of a team, to take Fundraising through 2017 and beyond. Do you have any desire, talents, fundraising ideas? Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 7 Thursday Coffee Mornings This year we have raised almost £1700.

£600 went to the church and the rest was divided be- tween Bible Socety, the Leprosy Mission, St Catherine's, Derian House, Macmillan, Mercy Ships, Christian Blind Mission, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Matthew Rusike Children's Home, the World Mission Fund, the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Farming Community Network. The latter was raised when Ladies Fellowship had an enhanced coffee morning for the MWiB President's project, but as it was done on Thursday, it has been included in the figures.

As ever, we thank our customers for their continued support.

The Kitchen Team The Leprosy Mission

On the 29th January 2017, our World leprosy day service led by Sue Davies, drew our attention to the valuable work by 2 doctors in the Out-patients departments of Purulia Hospital in West Bengal, India, where the are expected to see 3000 patients daily. A short DVD showed patients waiting for hours in the heat with few seats to sit on, no canteen for refreshments and only 2 toilets for all the people. The incredibly dedicated staff at the hospital will not turn anyone away and their kindness and compassion is a reflection of to all. THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who have generously given and gift-aided donations towards the updating of facilities for a new Out-patients department. Together with ongoing box donations, £800 has been raised which will make a great difference to leprosy sufferers attending the hospital. You have admirably responded to Sue`s message about showing kindness and compassion. Anyone who wasn`t able to be at the service who would like more information about this project or would like a Leprosy Mission Box or Prayer leaflet to support the work, please see Sally or John Wilson or phone [01772] 322458.

God bless you for Transforming Lives.

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 8 Annual Church Meeting

The Annual Church Meeting is open to all members of the congregation. The agenda can be quite varied, but the most significant item is that there is a “conversation about the work of God within the local church” This is your chance to have your say about what has happened, what is happening and what you would like to see happening within the local church. Below is the date for the Annual Church Meetings for Bamber Bridge. Note the date, try to come, be a part of the Meeting, make your voice heard and help seek the Will of God for this part of the Circuit.

Monday 8th of May at 7-30pm.

The Annual Church Meeting also provides the means and opportunity for new Church Stewards and Representatives from the meeting to the Church Council to be appointed. If you are interested in either of the appointments, please have a chat to Rev. Webb about what is involved. Keep an eye on the Notice Boards and Weekly Notices for more information over the coming weeks.

● Please note : the date for the Annual Church Meeting at Trinity has yet to be arranged.

Thanks to Tony Bonser for sending in this cartoon which he found on Twitter Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 9 Net School News

We are still in regular contact with Christopher Vijayan, he occasionally emails and also telephones us quite regularly. He is a very busy man with a really demanding post in the Christian community. He was Director of mission and Evangelism for the church of South India, he has now taken up a new post as General Secretary of the Missionary society of India, but he still devotes a lot of time to the school. Things are moving quite slowly with regard to the building of the upstairs rooms as funds are very tight. The children are doing very well and the teachers do a sterling job with only a few resources. The staff are very dedicated. In a way the school is a victim of it's own success, more children want to go to the school every year which means more teachers have been taken on, increasing the monthly salary bill which isn't always available. Amazingly, the staff still come and teach the children. Lesley and myself haven't had any teaching engagement for over a year but we do have a small number of people who have made a commitment to donate regularly. This is enabling us to send funds a few times a year. I thank these people from the bottom of my heart, we also receive donations from the Craft Group, the Bible study Group at Trinity and Cuerden Church School. These are always gratefully received. I am sharing the latest email from Christopher, it will give you an idea of how difficult it is but he always finds a way., God always answers our prayers but in his time, not ours. Thank you to everyone who has supported the school in prayers, good wishes and by donating. The funds we have raised have Definitely made a difference. We remain committed to supporting NET School, so please hold us close in your prayers..

With Christian love, Eileen, Ian, Sarah, Andrew and Lesley.

Here is an idea of what the Indian rupees are worth in pounds sterling.

● 1000 rupees - approx. £12.00 ● 70,000 rupees - approx. £836.00 ● 2 lakhs and 10,000 rupees - approx. £2,505.47

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 10 An E-mail from India

Dear Ian and Eileen!

Greetings from NET Matriculation School! As I informed you earlier I have completed my two terms of mission and ministry in the Church of South India Synod as Director in the department of Mission and Evangelism. Now I have taken over my duties at the National Missionary Society of India as a General Secretary. This is very next door to CSI office. But I have to work for the mainline Churches in India like Church of South India, Church of North India, Marthoma Church, Methodist Church and Lutheran Churches. It’s a privilege for me to work for the suffering communities in a wider perspective. As you know the Net School is progressing well by your sincere and dedicated supports. We are celebrating the school day on Feb 27th Monday. We are inviting all the villagers to come and see the talents of our little kids studying in our school. We will share evening tea with them as a mark of our village unity. Our Children are preparing for the cultural programs. Children will be given some gifts. We need nearly 1, 00,000/ for the gifts and celebration. We are trying to support our teachers and other staff with little salary. We are trying to pay them regularly. Every month we need 70.000/ thousand rupees to pay the salary. It’s a big task for us kindly uphold us in your prayers and supports. Jan 17 to March 17 we need Rs. 2, 10,000/ for teachers salary which should be paid before 25th of March this year. (Two lakhs and Ten thousand only) We are in an urgent need of some computers to tech computer lessons to our students. The education board has emphasized to install computers for teaching the lessons. We are taking some efforts to buy some computers which are also additional burden at this moment which can’t be avoided. We need two more class rooms this year. One is for computer and another for staff. We have to finish some part of the first floor and make it possible for the above said purpose. Our present vehicle has served lot in the life of the school particularly in the life of the children. Now as years are passing we need to replace the vehicle. I am taking efforts for that also. I requesting you to pray about this concerns and share with your friends who can pray for us and support us. I need to finish all these works before April 17. Our children are blessed only by your generosity and prayers. Continue to uphold us. Kindly send our regards to all our friends in the Church and family.

With regards, Christopher and Seline

Rev. S. Christopher Vijayan 23/A 10-5, Scott Nagar, Nagercoil - 629003 Kanyakumari District, TamilNadu- South India

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 11 Extracts from “Auntie – the story of Eunice Byers” Family background On the 12 February 1917, a baby girl, Eunice Mary (Mary being the name of her two grandmothers) was born at 345 Station Road, Bamber Bridge. She grew up to spend her life in the village. Here is her story. I am the eldest child of Charles Lorenzo and Una Byers. My father was a master baker, having succeeded to the business of grocery, provisions and confectionary, at this address, established by my grandfather, William Byers, in 1870. Father was the eldest surviving son in a family of 11 children. The three older children were two daughters, Sarah Jane and Lavina, who died in their twenties and a son, Charles Thomas who died very young. Those who lived were Adeline Pricilla, Eva Truda, Amelia Fancetta, William Osbert, Frank Norman, Florentina Maud. Euphemia and, of course, my father, Charles Lorenzo. Grandad Kenyon was also very much involved in the Methodist Church at Lostock Hall, which the family attended, the United Methodist Church as it was in those days, and it was in that Church my parents were married on 24 April 1916. Grandma Kenyon, nee Bailey prior to her marriage, was a cook at the “big house”, Watkin Lane, Lostock Hall (now demolished) and was very proud of her cooking skills. A small, petite, person she was always smartly dressed. I remember very well both Grandad and Grandma Kenyon but not Grandad and Grandma Byers, both of whom had died before my father married. I am so sorry not to have known Grandad Byers. He was very much involved with our Church and Sunday School. He was a trustee when the Church was built in 1878. He was also a member of the building committee, treasurer for the Sunday School and a manager at the opening of the Day School. As a class leader his members presented him with a copy of the “The Methodist Hymn Book” on 13 December 1906 on his retirement. I still have that hymn book in my possession. Most Sundays after attending afternoon Sunday School we were taken by my mother to Lostock Hall for tea. Of course we had to walk and Lostock Lane seemed a very long lane, especially on the return journey when it was dark, no lights along the way in those days. Sunday was a quiet day given over to Church and Sunday School attendance. The three denominations were Roman Catholic at St Mary’s Church, Brownedge Road with priests and nuns living on the site; Anglican at St Aidan’s, Station Road and St Saviour’s, Church Road and of course our own Methodist Church. St Mary’s and St Saviour’s had graveyards where loved ones were laid to rest. Each Church had a Day School. >>>>>>>>>

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 12 Extracts from “Auntie – the story of Eunice Byers” The Roman Catholic scholars were divided into the Girls School on Duddle Lane and the Boys School on Brownedge Lane. St Mary’s had a hall and St Saviour’s built a hall in 1933. Schools had children from 3 or 4 to 14 years. There were no High Schools. We went to evening classes after leaving school. Access to Grammar Schools was either by fee-paying, if your dad had a fat cheque book, or 11 plus scholarship. Entrance to the Technical in Corporation Street, Preston (the fore-runner of the present University of Central Lancashire) at 13 for boys and the Commercial Department at the same age for girls, was by examination, but as the intake was limited to about 50, in each section, it was quite competitive.

Sunday School I attended Sunday School from about the age of four, and it has been a life-long commitment. I had been christened in Church as a baby by Rev T. Jasper Shovel C.F., (who, unfortunately was killed serving as a chaplain in the war) but we didn’t have a crèche. Miss Roston was the Primary Superintendent, a lovely person, and with her sisters she kept a shop in Station Road, near St Aidan’s Church, selling wool and needlework items etc, it was a happy department. The highlight of the year was the Sunday School Anniversary, always the third Sunday in June. The preacher was often a former minister of the Church – a day of reunion. Morning school as usual, when, we counted up the pennies we had brought every Sunday afternoon throughout the year, and we were happy if we improved our collection on the previous year. The Sunday School had its own financial budget and paid a rent of £30 per year to the Church. The money collected at the Anniversary had to sustain the school for a year. Tom Eccles was the treasurer for a number of years. Morning service followed but normally the scholars took part in a special musical service in the afternoon, and to a lesser degree in the evening service. It was when Miss Connie Bateman took charge of the musical service of songs, solos, recitations etc. that the children’s choir became really something special. At one time it Sunday School Anniversary Choir numbered over a 100 children and young people; filling a large tiered platform and Minister – Rev T Lloyd Turney the choir stalls. Leader – Miss Connie Bateman >>>>>>>>>>>> Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 13 Extracts from “Auntie – the story of Eunice Byers”

Sunday School [continued] All the words had to be memorised – no papers allowed. The platform was draped with white cloths and flowers arranged thereon for the morning service. I must mention that all the girls in the choir wore white dresses; the boys wore grey/black trousers, white shirts and red ties. It was a real “red letter” day in our otherwise fairly day-to-day living.

Church membership Teenage years came along and the Rev. T. Lloyd Turney came to Bamber Bridge as our minister. He also had charge of Higher Walton and, yes, you won’t believe it when I write Kirkham! How he coped, I don’t know, with no car, but he did. He gathered us young people around him and started a children’s service at 6.30pm on Tuesday evening. Dorothy Hartley, Dorothy Wignal, Gladys Salisbury and myself, along with Arnold and Bertha Stirrup, a young married couple, formed a small committee to run the service, with Mr Turney guiding us along. Apart from Arnold and Bertha, we were only teenagers. This service, following the pattern of hymns, prayer, bible reading and talk, ran for a few years and was very successful. On his leaving Bamber Bridge, Mr Turney brought quite a number of young people into membership, myself included though I was barely 14 at the time. This service of Recognition of Membership was the first time I took the Sacrament, the term used then. Regular Church attendance followed and then on to Sunday School teaching. A few years later, during the war, the Rev. G H Flemington was the minister and he persuaded me to study for the Sunday School Teachers’ Diploma, by a correspondence course, through the Methodist Study Centre. This I obtained and continued on to gain the Advanced Diploma. The subjects studied included Bible Study, Child Study, Sunday School methods and some Church history, which I found interesting.

Around 6 months old At 21 At 80 At 100 Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 14 Community matters

Foster Care Fortnight …….. 8th to 21st May 2017 is an annual campaign developed to raise the profile of fostering across the UK. The campaign aims to encourage more people to contact their local fostering service to start their journey to becoming a foster carer.

There is no 'typical' foster carer for Lancashire's Fostering Service. You must, however, be at least 21 and have a spare bedroom. Whatever your ethnicity, gender, sexuality, living arrangements, age or employment status; becoming a foster carer for your Local Authority could be a real option for you.

We are looking for good role models who are warm, nurturing, energetic, keen to learn and appreciating each child's personality and needs and determined to give our children the best start in life.

To find out about Lancashire's Information evenings which are held each month please visit our website: Alternatively call our friendly fostering recruitment team on the free phone telephone number 0800 195 1183.

The statistics below from the Fostering Network website provide a picture of the care system on just one day of the year in England. ● 51,850 children were living with foster families on 31 March 2016. ● This is nearly four-fifths (79%) of the 66,630 children in care looked after away from home. ● There are around 44,625 foster families in England. [Source :]

Remember in your prayers the work and dedication of all Foster Carers across the U.K. ; the children in their care and the agencies who oversee and support them. Remember in your prayers the Foster Carers in our Church - Margaret & Eric Chatburn, Eunice & David Evans and Karen & Michael Barwise Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page15 Up the Baggies Recently, my son Martyn, who is an avid and very knowledgeable football follower told me that he had been watching West Bromwich Albion on TV. During the match he noticed the words of the first line of the “23rd Psalm – the Lord is my shepherd”, written on the boarding round the edge of the stadium. He went on to tell me that the 23rd psalm is in fact West Bromwich Albion`s official club anthem.

I asked him if he knew how it came to be adopted by the club. He said he wasn`t sure. So, Eric sent an email to West Brom football club to find out how they came to adopt the hymn as their club anthem. So far, no reply.

Undeterred, Eric “surfed the net” and found some fans websites where the same information has been sought.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that some fans began singing it at an FA Cup 5th Round match against Everton at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Sunday the 27th of January 1974. It was unusual at the time to play matches on a Sunday. The fans sang the hymn in view of the occasion, and apparently it just caught on. [See for more information]

Irrespective of it`s origins, what a fantastic way to present the word of God to an average attendance of over 23000 for a home match. [And how many more if they sing it at away games as well]

West Brom won the replay three days later.

Unfortunately, they lost to Newcastle in the next round and Liverpool won the FA Cup Final that year.

The Lord is my shepherd!!


Margaret Chatburn

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 16 A Word-search See if you can find the Palindromic words below in the puzzle table. Be careful, because some are printed diagonally.

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 17 A Page to Colour

At Your service Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 18 Special Birthdays

Joshua Sumner on the 18th of March

Mary Ryan on the 21st of March

Anna Gillies on the 7th of April

Daniella McCall on the 14th of April

Maxine Chatburn on the 22nd of April

Elinor Carruthers on the 22nd of May

If you would like a special birthday or anniversary or “thank you” message including in Sphere - please forward the details to Eric Chatburn [email: [email protected] ] or Gordon Whittle [ email: [email protected] ]

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 19 Wedding Anniversaries

Congratulations and Congratulations and Best Wishes to Best Wishes to

who celebrate their who celebrate their th 45th Wedding Anniversary 25 Wedding Anniversary th on the 17th of March. on the 6 of June

Sue and Terry Livesey - 19th March

Wendy and Lynton Yates - 23rd March

Pat and Jack Wilde - 28th March

Freda and Derek Patchell - 1st April

Rebecca and Martin Roscoe - 5th April

Vicki and John Shepherd - 14th April

Eva and Donald Porter - 15th May

Jennifer and Robert Cawley - 25th May

Carol and Graham Poole - 3rd June

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 20 To the children connected to Bamber Bridge Methodist Church

Oliver Stanley who will be 4 on the 7th of March Albie Powell who will be 2 on the 12th of March Isabelle Quigan who will be 11 on the 18th of March

Samantha Arnold who will be 13 on the 15th of April Nancy Strong who will be 3 on the 29th of April

Patrick Edwards who will be 15 on the 1st of May Charlie McMullan who will be 4 on the 31st of May

Michael Shone who will be 5 on the 4th of June Alannah Strong who will be 7 on the 4th of June Heather Crawley who will be 13 on the 10th of June

Each day is a gift from God. May your birthday be wrapped with beautiful gifts and exciting memories for you and your family. Happy Birthday !!!

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 21 Local Services B.J.WATSON Complete Independent T CORNALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS & SON NURSERYMAN AND FLORIST The trained and caring staff ● Bouquets and arrangements offer a Personal, Professional for special occasions and friendly service. ● Funeral arrangements For help, advice and assistance and wreathes ● Selection of fresh cut flowers Please phone .. and pot plants Day and Night Service ● Bedding plants and Tel: 01772 626800 hanging baskets Fax: 01772 338383 85 Todd Lane North, Lostock Hall Darwenside Nurseries (opposite Wallis Cycles) PRESTON PR5 5UR Higher Walton Road Higher Walton Preston PR5 4HT

Tele : 01772 335643 Open 7 days a week

Martin Perry Richard Bargh Plumbing & Heating Time Served Carpenter & Joiner All aspects of domestic plumbing undertaken by qualified local All types of joinery work undertaken Corgi/Gas Safe plumber. n Full Kitchen & Bedroom fitting service Bathrooms & Kitchens n Laminate & Hardwood flooring Central heating n Windows & Doors fitted Power flushing n Decking, Fencing & Gates Installation/servicing and breakdowns Free estimates Gas Safety certificates Competitive-prices All work guaranteed Friendly, reliable service. All jobs considered, large or small. Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6ZG Phone for free estimate Tele:07811 189945 01772 336758 Or 01772 495098 or Mobile 07762 606557 Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 22 Contacts at Bamber Bridge

Minister: Rev. Andrew Webb Tel: 01772 323818 Email: [email protected] BBMC Church office 01772 379954 Web site

Church Officers Office holder Telephone Church Council Secretary Dr. Tony Andrews 697480 Church Treasurer Mr. David Evans 337644 First Contact Steward Mr Don Roscoe 498774 Organist Miss Audrey Bibby 313501 Kurios Superintendent Mrs Nicola Quegan 613652 Worship Leaders : Mrs Kath Roscoe [498774] and Mrs Sarah Webb [323818]

Regular Church Activities Kurios meets every Sunday at 10.30am except for one Sunday of each month when it is replaced by All Age Worship (see Plan for details) Rainbows Mondays 6-15pm to 7-15pm - During term time Contact: Liz Sumner Tel: 311140 Brownies Mondays 6-30pm to 8-00pm - During term time Contact: Doreen Flannery Tel: 498762 Coffee Morning + Thursday 10am/11.30am Saturday 10 am/12 noon Women`s Fellowship + 3rd Thursday in the month at 2.00 pm + Contact: Mrs Lesley Ross Tel: 334127 Youth /Music Group * * Each Friday 7-30 pm to 9-00pm Youth Group * Contact : Rev Andrew Webb Tel:323818 Music Group * Contact : Mrs Kath Roscoe Tel: 498774 Lighthouse - Junior Alternate Thursdays Tel : 323818 Youth group 6pm /7-30pm Contact : Mrs Sarah Webb

Cuerden Church School Tel : 335033

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 23 Local Services

Peter Wignall Painter and Decorator

Contact: 01772 719595 Or 07762234987

Domestic & Commercial. Highly competitive rates. 23 years experience.

Sphere March 2017 to May 2017 Page 24