Public Document Pack


Meeting to be held in Civic Hall, , LS1 1UR on Tuesday, 17th June, 2014 at 1.30 pm



M Coulson C Campbell B Anderson T Leadley K Groves P Gruen J Lewis K Mitchell N Walshaw Vacancy

Agenda compiled by: Angela Bloor Governance Services Civic Hall Tel: 0113 24 74754

Produced on Recycled Paper


Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No


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RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:

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(The special circumstance shall be specified in the minutes).


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To consider a report of the Director of City Development summarising the 2014 Update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and seeking endorsement of Development Plan Panel to publish the main report and full report

(report attached)

7 FIVE YEAR SUPPLY UPD ATE MARCH 2014 87 - 96 To consider a report of the Director of City Development summarising the 2014 5 Year Supply (5YS) assessment and seeking endorsement of Development Plan Panel to publish the 5YS

(report attached)

Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No


Tuesday 15 th July 2014 at 1.30pm


a) b)

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Agenda Item 6

Report author: Robin Coghlan Tel: 0113 247 8131

Report of Head of City Development

Report to Development Plan Panel

Date: 17 th June 2014

Subject: SHLAA Update 2014

Are specific electoral Wards affected? Yes No If relevant, name(s) of Ward(s):

Are there implications for equality and diversity and cohesion and Yes No integration?

Is the decision eligible for Call-In? Yes No

Does the report contain confidential or exempt information? Yes No

Summary of main issues

1. This update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) has utilised a methodology to place greater emphasis upon the need for evidence to inform expectations about site dwelling deliveries.

2. Greater optimism has fed through into the delivery conclusions of this update based on the upturn in the economy and increasing strength of the housing market.

3. The results are set out in two reports, the Main Report and the Full Report provided as appendices 1 and 2.


4. Development Plan Panel is asked to endorse the publication of the SHLAA Update 2014 reports as detailed in paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11

Page 1

1 Purpose of this report

1.1 This report summarises the 2014 Update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and seeks endorsement of Development Plan Panel to publish the Main Report and the Full Report as set out in Appendices 1 and 2.

2 Background information

Requirement to prepare a SHLAA

2.1 Preparation of a SHLAA and regular updates is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The SHLAA provides essential evidence to inform the local plan making process. It should be noted that SHLAAs only identify potential land; it is the role of local plans to decide which land is actually made available for development.

2.2 It is considered that this SHLAA Update accords with both the NPPF and the latest NPPG.

Base Date

2.3 The previous SHLAA – the 2012 SHLAA Update – works to a base date of 1/4/2012. This Update was originally intended to work to a base date of 1/4/2013, but due to production timescales the base date of 1/4/2014 has been used.

SHLAA Partnership

2.4 In accordance with national guidance, this SHLAA Update was prepared with involvement of a Partnership of people representing different interests in the Leeds housing market. Compared with previous updates, this SHLAA Partnership had a broader membership involving the following:

Volume house builders 4 Urban developer 1 Re’new 1 Civic Trust 1 Homes and Communities Agency 1 City Councillors (including Chair) 4 CPRE 1 Leeds Property Forum 1 LCC supporting officers 7

Project Methodology

2.5 Consensus on the methodology was sought early on with members of the SHLAA Partnership being sent a draft methodology in the summer 2013. The methodology was subsequently agreed at the first meeting in December 2013. Further details are set out in the SHLAA Reports (Appendices 1 and 2).

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3 Main issues

3.1 The main purpose of a SHLAA is to collate a list of sites that could potentially be used for new housing development. Leeds’ SHLAA contains an array of different types and sizes of site in all parts of Leeds, mainly akin to the pattern of delivery experienced in the past. Whilst this also includes many Green Belt sites and similar land in sensitive locations, it should be emphasised that decisions on whether such land should be used for housing are not taken by the SHLAA; these decisions are taken by the Allocation Plans which are subject to Member approval, public consultation and independent examination.

3.2 The main change in the approach to this update of the SHLAA was the greater depth and robustness of the evidence to justify conclusions on likely site delivery. In this SHLAA Update, Leeds has not simply accepted at face value the comments of the house builder representatives that brownfield urban sites will not deliver; the house builder representatives have been challenged to provide evidence to support such comments. At the same time, LCC officers have endeavoured to assess the likely “achievability” of development with evidence of planning application interest, regeneration programme interest and consideration of measures taken to prepare a site for development (clearance, demolition, marketing etc). The City Council has also had regard to evidence of market conditions (and the improving market) and research / discussion with representatives of the house building and letting markets in Leeds.

Achievability and Viability of Sites

3.3 Members will be aware that the Core Strategy housing requirement is set at an optimistic and challenging level and that its derivation precluded consideration of achievability factors, such the state of the economy. The Council’s approach to the SHLAA has been that a similar level of optimism is necessary. In a recovering housing market it is important to ensure that a broad range of sites is brought forward; including those in low market areas, more difficult brownfield sites and the city centre, which have been hit hardest by the recession.

3.4 The Leeds economy is growing as the recovery gathers pace. We have already seen the replacement of 15,000 (out of 30,000) jobs lost during the recession during 2010 to 2012 and there is nothing to suggest that this growth will not continue. The major development schemes of Trinity Leeds, the First Direct Arena and Victoria Gate demonstrate confidence and momentum in the City Centre.

3.5 The Leeds economy is forecast to perform strongly in GVA terms over the next five years. Information from the Leeds City Region reveals that Leeds will be one of the strongest economies in the region as the recovery becomes established.

3.6 House builders on the SHLAA partnership were much more cautious about the prospects of economic growth and its effect on the achievability of sites within Leeds, especially those in the city centre and inner area.

3.7 As part of the Core Strategy and Community Infrastructure Levy Examinations the Council has strategic evidence to suggest that all parts of Leeds are now viable

Page 3

for residential development. When initially assessed in September 2012 it was considered that the city centre and inner area were generally not viable. An update in May 2014 reveals that this position has been reversed.

3.8 As part of the SHLAA more detailed viability assessments were sought on a range of 15 specific sites in the inner area and city centre. This revealed that the city centre sites assessed were viable. 3 inner area sites were considered to be unviable because of abnormal costs and/or low market values. However, members will be aware of a range of interventions being rolled out in the inner area (including a Housing Investment Land Strategy and Council House Building programme) which will not only directly provide new homes, but also act as a catalyst for developers. A further site in the inner area was considered to be unviable for housing as it was in a current productive use. Given that the situation on viability has changed significantly in the space of 18 months there is every reason to assume that viability will continue to improve in these areas.


3.9 The SHLAA now contains 1071 sites; 170 new sites were added and a number of sites that were in the previous version of the SHLAA dropped out because they had been completed prior to the base date of 31/3/14. The conclusions of the SHLAA Update 2014 are proposed to be set out in two reports that will be made available on-line.

3.10 The Main Report explains the methodology undertaken to produce the update; it sets out the overall numbers of dwellings expected to be delivered in different time periods; it provides a list of all the sites assessed with brief details of suitability for housing development and numbers of dwellings expected to be delivered over the short, medium and long periods; the dwelling delivery forecasts of the Home Builder Federation representative of the SHLAA Partnership are shown separately. This report also provides maps of Leeds indicating the location of sites by SHLAA reference number.

3.11 The Full Report sets out the background details for all of the sites assessed. This includes a written description of the site plus OS Map and aerial view. It assembles an array of site attributes, and where available, details of who submitted the site and any relevant planning permissions; it also lists and summarises known site constraints. Finally, it sets out the conclusions reached on dwelling delivery, suitability, availability, achievability and delivery prospects. Because of the large number of sites involved, the report runs to several thousand pages in length. For this reason, the report appended only includes the details of one site as an example; the complete report is only available electronically. Compact discs are provided for Members and the report will be made available on the Leeds Website.

4 Corporate Considerations

4.1 Consultation and Engagement

4.1.1 Evidence reports such as the SHLAA are not subject to the need for public consultation like development plans. Evidence reports are informed largely by

Page 4

factual investigation and may have limited involvement of particular specialist interests. In the case of the SHLAA, it has been prepared with involvement of the SHLAA Partnership of local housing interests (as recommended by national planning guidance). LCC’s website also contains help and advice for anybody who would like to submit a site for inclusion in a SHLAA update.

4.2 Equality and Diversity / Cohesion and Integration

4.2.1 An EIA has been completed and is attached as an appendix 3. It is not considered that the publication of the SHLAA Update raises any issues about equality.

4.3 Council policies and City Priorities

4.3.1 Keeping the SHLAA up-to-date accords with objectives of Leeds City Priority Plan 2011-15 and Vision for Leeds 2011 – 2030.

4.3.2 Leeds City Priority Plan 2011-15 . Under the section “Best City for Business” there is an objective: Support the sustainable growth of the Leeds’ economy: Hectares of brownfield land under redevelopment. Under the section “Best City to Live” there are objectives: Maximise regeneration investment to increase housing choice and affordability within sustainable neighbourhoods: Increase the number of new homes built per year.

4.3.3 Vison for Leeds 2011 – 2030. This sets the aim that by 2030 Leeds’ economy will be prosperous and sustainable: Leeds will be a city that has sufficient housing, including affordable housing, that meets the need of the community. Under the section “Best City to Live” it has objectives that the housing growth of the city is sustainable; and, houses to rent and buy will meet the needs of people at different stages of their lives.

4.4 Resources and value for money

4.4.1 The exercise of preparing the SHLAA Update 2014 has been achieved within the City Council’s budget for the Local Development Framework.

4.5 Legal Implications, Access to Information and Call In

4.5.1 Preparation and upkeep of a SHLAA is a requirement of national government planning policy.

4.6 Risk Management

4.6.1 The evidence of the SHLAA is likely to be subject to challenge from the development industry seeking to overturn decisions to refuse planning permission for housing development at appeal, and objecting to development plan policies and proposals concerning the quantity and distribution of housing in Leeds. It will be prudent for the SHLAA to be updated approximately every 6 months in order keep the evidence as up-to-date as possible.

Page 5

5 Conclusions

5.1 The two appended reports set out how the SHLAA Update 2014 was undertaken and provide overall results and individual conclusions for each site.

6 Recommendations

6.1 Development Plan Panel is asked to endorse the publication of the SHLAA Update 2014 reports as detailed in paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11

7 Background documents 1

7.1 None

1 The background documents listed in this section are available to download from the Council’s website, unless they contain confidential or exempt information. The list of background documents does not include published works.

Page 6

Equality, Diversity, Cohesion and Integration Screening

As a public authority we need to ensure that all our strategies, policies, service and functions, both current and proposed have given proper consideration to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration.

A screening process can help judge relevance and provides a record of both the process and decision. Screening should be a short, sharp exercise that determines relevance for all new and revised strategies, policies, services and functions. Completed at the earliest opportunity it will help to determine: • the relevance of proposals and decisions to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration. • whether or not equality, diversity, cohesion and integration is being/has already been considered, and • whether or not it is necessary to carry out an impact assessment.

Directorate: City Development Service area: Forward Planning & Implementation Lead person: Robin Coghlan Contact number: 0113 247 8131

1. Title: Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update 2014

Is this a:

Strategy / Policy Service / Function X Other

The SHLAA Update is a piece of evidence to inform Development Plans such as the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan. It assesses what land may be available for housing development.

2. Please pro vide a brief description of what you are screening

The SHLAA Update process and results are being screened. The SHLAA assesses what land may be available for housing development in Leeds, and how many dwellings may be completed over which years. It is prepared by planning officers with information and conclusions about sites being circulated to a Partnership made up of representative of various housing interests in Leeds. Members of the Partnership are invited to use their own knowledge and evidence to suggest dwelling delivery forecasts.

EDCI Screening Template updated October 2012 1

Page 7

3. Relevance to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration All the council’s strategies/policies, services/functions affect service users, employees or the wider community – city wide or more local. These will also have a greater/lesser relevance to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration.

The following questions will help you to identify how relevant your proposals are.

When considering these questions think about age, carers, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation and any other relevant characteristics (for example socio-economic status, social class, income, unemployment, residential location or family background and education or skills levels).

Questions Yes No Is there an existing or likely differential impact for the different x equality characteristics? Have there been or likely to be any public concerns about the x policy or proposal? Could the proposal affect how our services, commissioning or x procurement activities are organised, provided, located and by whom? Could the proposal affect our workforce or employment x practices? Does the proposal involve or will it have an impact on x • Eliminating unlawful discrimination, victimisation and harassment • Advancing equality of opportunity • Fostering good relations

If you have answered no to the questions above please complete sections 6 and 7

If you have answered yes to any of the above and; • Believe you have already considered the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and integration within your proposal please go to section 4. • Are not already considering the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and integration within your proposal please go to section 5.

EDCI Screening Template updated October 2012 2

Page 8

4. Considering the impact on equality, diversity , cohesion and integration

If you can demonstrate you have considered how your proposals impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and integration you have carried out an impact assessment.

Please provide specific details for all three areas below (use the prompts for guidance). • How have you considered equality, diversity, cohesion and integration? (think about the scope of the proposal, who is likely to be affected, equality related information, gaps in information and plans to address, consultation and engagement activities (taken place or planned) with those likely to be affected)

Equality considerations have been given consideration as part of this process. This report assesses what land may be available for housing development before it can be put forward for the Site Allocations process. At this stage it is an information gathering process and the sites may or may not be allocated; it will be the site allocations process that makes the decisions. The site allocations process will need to undertake EIA/screenings to ensure that all equality characteristics are given due regard.

• Key findings (think about any potential positive and negative impact on different equality characteristics, potential to promote strong and positive relationships between groups, potential to bring groups/communities into increased contact with each other, perception that the proposal could benefit one group at the expense of another)

Given that this report does not allocate sites, and is an evidence base, there are no particular impacts identified at this stage on the various equality characteristics. However the allocation of sites as part the LDF process, will require an EIA/ screening at appropriate stages.

• Actions (think about how you will promote positive impact and remove/ reduce negative impact)

The site allocations process will need to undertake EIA/screenings to ensure that all equality characteristics are given due regard, however this SHLAA update has not identified any action at this stage.

EDCI Screening Template updated October 2012 3

Page 9

5. If you are not already considering the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and integration you will need to carry out an impact assessment .

Date to scope and plan your impact assessment:

Date to complete your impact assessment

Lead person for your impact assessment (Include name and job title)

6. Governance, ownership and approval Please state here who has approved the actions and outcomes of the screening Name Job title Date Nasreen Yunis Principal Planning Officer 9/6/14

7. Publishing This screening document will act as evidence that due regard to equality and diversity has been given. If you are not carrying out an independent impact assessment the screening document will need to be published.

If this screening relates to a Key Delegated Decision , Executive Board , full Council or a Significant Operational Decision a copy should be emailed to Corporate Governance and will be published along with the relevant report.

A copy of all other screening’s should be sent to [email protected] . For record keeping purposes it will be kept on file (but not published).

Date screening completed 9/6/14

If relates to a Key Decision - date sent to Corporate Governance Any other decision – date sent to Equality Team 9/6/14 ([email protected])

EDCI Screening Template updated October 2012 4

Page 10

Leeds Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update 2014

Main Report


Page 11 1. Background

1.1. Preparation of a SHLAA and regular updates is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The SHLAA provides essential evidence to inform the local plan making process. It should be noted that SHLAAs only identify potential land; it is the job of local plans to decide which land is actually made available for development.

1.2. The first non-draft version of the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) was published during preparation of this SHLAA Update. As set out in the methodology section below, it is considered that this SHLAA Update accords with both the NPPF and the latest NPPG.

1.3. The previous SHLAA – the 2012 SHLAA Update – works to a base date of 1/4/2012. This Update was originally intended to work to a base date of 1/4/2013, but due to the time taken to prepare, it now works to a base date of 1/4/2014.

2. National Guidance

2.1. One of the changes to the national guidance introduced by the NPPG was the expectation for SHLAAs to include sites as small as 5 dwellings (Methodology Stage I). Leeds’ previous SHLAA used the following size threshold: 0.4ha with the exception of sites with planning permission (down to 0.2ha) and sites in the city centre (any size). Even with this approach, Leeds’ SHLAA had more than 1000 sites identified. It is considered that to lower the threshold down to 5 dwellings would make Leeds’ SHLAA unmanageable. The sheer scale of Leeds and the number of sites involved provides good reason to depart from this aspect of national guidance. It should be noted that the NPPG also states:

“Plan makers should have regard to the guidance in preparing their assessments. Where they depart from the guidance, plan makers will have to set out reasons for doing so. The assessment should be thorough but proportionate, building where possible on existing information sources outlined within the guidance.”

2.2. In the section “Who should plan makers work with” the NPPG expects SHLAA to be prepared, from the outset, with involvement of a range of interest groups, housebuilders etc. As can be seen below, LCC has sought to involve a broad range of relevant stakeholders, including in the methodology, terms of reference and overall approach.


Page 12 2.3. Leeds’ SHLAA is broad enough to cover the full range of types of site listed in the NPPG. There are sites with planning permission, allocated sites, urban brownfield sites, surplus land, green field and Green Belt sites.

2.4. In accordance with the NPPG, Leeds’ SHLAA seeks to understand the Suitability, Availability and Achievability of sites and to understand where constraints exist and need to be overcome to help boost housing supply. In particular, this Update focuses on the deliverability of urban brownfield sites that may have been in the SHLAA since 2009 without being re-assessed.

3. Preparation

SHLAA Partnership and Terms of Reference

3.1. In spring 2013 LCC set about re-assembling the SHLAA partnership. The three previous housebuilder representatives were unable to continue, so the HBF was invited to suggest new members. LCC specifically sought involvement of a developer with knowledge of urban brownfield development and involvement of Leeds Civic Trust. Organisations previously involved – Re’new, CPRE and the Leeds Property Forum – fielded new representatives. The Homes and Communities representative continued to be engaged. LCC also sought to improve the representation of communities by replacing the single Parish Councillor with three City Councillors representing each of the three main political parties in Leeds. The partnership continued to be chaired by a city councillor. Hence, the overall balance of the partnership was as follows:

Volume house builders 4 Urban developer 1 Re’new 1 Civic Trust 1 Homes and Communities Agency 1 City Councillors (including Chair) 4 CPRE 1 Leeds Property Forum 1 LCC supporting officers 7

3.2. The first meeting of the partnership agreed new Terms of Reference (appendix 1) setting out the roles, responsibilities and code of conduct for the partnership.


Page 13 Project Methodology

3.3. LCC drew up a draft project methodology (Appendix 2) which was circulated in June 2013 and agreed at the first partnership meeting in December. Having regard to the new context of national policy/guidance, it was agreed that the SHLAA Update should be fairly comprehensive and seek to review deliverability of sites in the 2012 SHLAA as well as consider new sites. A thorough review was necessary to help inform Leeds’ 5 Year Supply position, which was being tested in relation to Section 78 appeals. The methodology sought to “chunk up” to assessment into categories of sites which are summarised below.

3.4. It was agreed that LCC would supply lists of sites to the SHLAA partnership in advance of meetings seeking views. Before looking in detail at individual sites the partnership considered the context for reaching conclusions on deliverability. The conservatism of volume house builders in their build-out- rates was considered. With an exacting housing requirement of 74,000 dwellings up to 2028 LCC needs builders to be more confident about rates of building. The health of the housing market was also considered. The partnership as a whole agreed that the market is moving from recession to more buoyant conditions, aided by Government house buy incentives and an improving economy. House builder representatives talked of “cautious optimism”. LCC felt there is cause to be more optimistic about the housing market delivering sooner on a broad range of sites.

3.5. LCC wanted evidence of achievability to be robust. In particular, LCC wanted partnership members to volunteer their evidence of deliverability up front; LCC sought clarity from house builder representatives on whether their comments on deliverability come direct from one of their members being involved with a site or whether they are providing a general housebuilder opinion.

3.6. A chronology of how the assessment of sites was progressed through the SHLAA Partnership is set out in Appendix 3.

3.7. As a parallel exercise to the SHLAA Update, LCC commissioned independent consultants to appraise the viability of a number of urban sites. The results of this will come too late to inform the initial results of the SHLAA Update, but may be incorporated at a later stage.


Page 14 4. Categories of Sites for Assessment

Stage I

4.1. Stage I sites are those with planning permission and which had been subject to a change in commencement or completion status. An initial list of Stage I sites was generated in June 2013 with a base date of 1/4/2013. However, by the time this was circulated to the SHLAA partnership in December 2013 there was uncertainty over dwelling deliveries and site completions during the 2013/14 year. Hence, it was decided to re-issue the Stage I list refreshed to a 1/4/2014 base date. This also included LCC feedback from landowners/agents for the 22 sites yet to complete where the HBF SHLAA representatives had said they were not directly involved.

4.2. The housebuilder representatives were given the refreshed list shortly before the SHLAA partnership meeting of 7/5/14. Suitability and availability is generally not in doubt on these sites because they have extant planning permission. Achievability is not in doubt either, except for the build-out-rates of one or two very large schemes (in excess of 150 dwellings in the 5 Year period) and for some of the schemes which have yet to commence.

Stage II

4.3. Stage II sites are those which had dwelling delivery in the first 5 years of the 2012 SHLAA, but excluding those sites in Stage I and excluding greenfield allocations, PAS land, Green Belt and similar sites. A table of these sites was circulated to SHLAA partnership in January 2013 with blank fields for members to suggest dwelling delivery and reasons. Site-by-site consideration of dwelling deliveries proved to be too time consuming for Partnership meetings, so LCC officers were instructed to meet HBF representatives separately to reach as much agreement as possible. There is much divergence on these sites between LCC and HBF principally over the level of optimism of urban brownfield sites commencing sooner rather than later. Nevertheless evidence has been assembled to help inform judgements on “Suitability”, “Availability” and “Achievability” including soft market tests: state of the site (cleared, vacant, occupied?), level of recent planning interest (pre-application enquiries, applications submitted etc?), strength of local market area and whether there are any regeneration initiatives. Ultimately, the results of the viability study may inform this further. Conclusions on expected site dwelling delivery are set out to show clearly where there is consensus and HBF delivery conclusions are set separately where they are different from those of LCC.


Page 15 Nb Stage III of the methodology concerns the assessment process of sites in Stages I and II; it does not comprise a separate list of sites.

Stage IV

4.4. Stage IV concerns sites which had dwelling delivery in the medium and long term of the 2012 SHLAA, excluding greenfield allocations, PAS land, Green Belt and similar sites. These were circulated to the HBF members of the SHLAA partnership shortly before the partnership meeting of 7/5/14. There is divergence between LCC and HBF over the extent to which many of these sites warrant being brought forward into the first 5 years.

Stage VI (Aire Valley)

4.5. Stage VI concern sites within the jurisdiction of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan. This area includes part of Leeds city centre around the South Bank, East St, Hunslet Road and stretches out through Richmond Hill, Stourton to the Junction 45 of the M1 motorway. These were circulated to the HBF members of the SHLAA partnership shortly before the partnership meeting of 7/5/14. There is general consensus on delivery of these sites but some divergence.

Remaining sites

4.6. The remainder of sites including UDP Green Field Allocations, Protected Area of Search (PAS), Green Belt and similar sites have not needed to be as extensively investigated. The assumption that green field sites will be “available” now or very soon if released for development is the general starting point. Feedback from SHLAA partnership members on any sites that lack “availability” will help LCC determine appropriate phasing of release through the Site Allocations Plan.

4.7. PAS sites distinguish between those which comply with LCC’s interim PAS release policy which can be developed now and those that do not comply which are considered premature ahead of the Site Allocations Plan.

4.8. There are a large number of Green Belt sites in the SHLAA. In the earlier versions of the SHLAA, Green Belt sites were systematically given a long term delivery. However, many of these sites will not be supported for development by the Site Allocations Plan. The choice of which sites to take out of the Green Belt is a matter for the Site Allocations Plan. Hence, this SHLAA Update does not attempt to apportion Green Belt site dwelling delivery to any time period. Instead, their suitability is concluded “LDF to Determine” and dwellings attributed to a category of “Potential Capacity”


Page 16 without any timing. “Availability” is assumed to be immediate unless specified.


4.9. A list of miscellaneous changes is provided which merely reflects corrections and changes of which LCC has been notified.

New Sites

4.10. Some 180 new sites have been added to the SHLAA Update. There was no formal “Call for Sites” specifically for this Update, but there have been two “Calls for Sites” in the past, and the LCC website has instructions and forms permanently available for anyone who wants to submit a site. Also, the Issues and Options consultation on the Site Allocations Plan (summer 2013) helped to identify a lot of new sites that now need to be included in the SHLAA.

4.11. LCC produced two tables of new sites. The first circulated in March 2013 with blank fields for partnership members to suggest dwelling delivery and reasons. With no responses received, LCC then circulated a second table with LCC’s conclusions on Suitability, Availability and Achievability and summaries of evidence gathered regarding planning interest. This was circulated shortly before the partnership meeting of 7/5/14. Of particular importance are the categories of Availability of the sites. Their level of Availability is discernible from the source of identification: those stemming from active planning interest, from owners submissions, from LCC asset management service and from LCC’s regeneration service can be assumed to be Available. The Availability of those from other sources is more questionable, including residents who made site suggestions through their comments on the Site Allocations Plan Issues and Options consultation.

4.12. A number of new Green Belt sites have been suggested. As the SHLAA Update does not attempt to apportion Green Belt site dwelling delivery to any time period, their suitability is concluded “LDF to Determine” and dwellings attributed to a category of “Potential Capacity” without any timing. “Availability” is assumed to be immediate unless specified.


Page 17 5. Results

5.1. The headline results of the Update are set out here.

Leeds City Council Totals Period Years Dwellings Short (5 Years) 2014/15 – 2018/19 22625 Medium 2019/20 – 2023/24 51547 Long 2024/25+ 57610 Green Belt Potential LDF to Determine 37250 Total 169032

House Builder Totals Period Years Dwellings Short (5 Years) 2014/15 – 2018/19 5815 Medium 2019/20 – 2023/24 3139 Long 2024/25+ 7154 Green Belt Potential LDF to Determine 234 Total 16342

5.2. Lists of the sites making up the dwelling delivery are set out after Appendix 3.


Page 18 Appendix 1




Role and Functions of the Partnership

- to agree and endorse the methodology for the work needed to undertake a SHLAA in Leeds

- to agree a work programme and timetable for production of the SHLAA

- to provide expertise and knowledge to come to a view on the deliverability and developability of sites, and how market viability may be affected by market conditions

- to agree an annual review process and be involved in the reviews

Governance Arrangements

- Membership – o Membership to include those listed on membership of Partnership list (attached). Continuity is important; members should endeavour to attend all meetings and are discouraged from sending substitutes. o Membership expects representation of sector rather than individual, personal or company interests o Membership means the representative will be actively involved in the role and functions of the Partnership as listed below. o Members can call on additional people to assist them in Partnership work outside of meetings, e.g. checking site information etc o Observers at the meetings will not be allowed

- Results and conclusions o The Partnership will endeavour to reach conclusions on site delivery and on the final results of the SHLAA by consensus of all members, but where this is not possible will clearly record alternative conclusions


Page 19 o The Partnership should seek to rely upon evidence that is independent, impartial and objective o Members are expected to stand by the SHLAA results and conclusions

- Servicing the meetings – o Minutes (including actions and responsibilities as appropriate) to be taken by staff and agreed by the Partnership, o All papers to be sent to members in advance of meetings. Where views on sites are sought sufficient time has to be allowed for adequate consideration of information supplied o A forward plan of meeting dates to be agreed in advance

Membership of Leeds SHLAA Partnership group list.

• 3 City Councillors (Cllr Taggart, Cllr Procter, Cllr Campbell) • City Council Executive Board Member (Cllr P Gruen) • Planning Officers supporting the SHLAA process • House builder representatives • 1 Urban developer representative (Mark Finch, Rushbond) • 1 Campaign for Protection of Rural (David Cooke) • 1 Renew (Alison Gillespie) • 1 Leeds Property Forum (Prew Lumley) • 1 Homes and Communities Agency (Dilys Jones) • 1 Civic Trust ? • 1 Elderly/Specialist housing provider ?


Page 20 Appendix 2

Leeds SHLAA Annual Update Methodology – November 2013

1. Background 1.1. The SHLAA needs to be updated annually. National Guidance suggests a full re-assessment will only be necessary for preparation of LDF documents or where a 5 year supply cannot be demonstrated. As Leeds’ SHLAA has in excess of 1000 sites, any amendments to it are resource intensive and complex. Therefore, the City Council needs to be clear on the methodology of annual updates so as to produce outputs that are fit for purpose.

1.2. Several factors weigh in favour of a full re-assessment: i. Changes in the national economic context need to be reflected in SHLAA conclusions ii. the SHLAA is being subject to intense scrutiny at housing appeals iii. the outputs of the Site Allocations DPD process – including the sustainability of sites – affect the potential suitability of SHLAA sites iv. a housebuilding consortium has prepared its own evidence on the deliverability of SHLAA sites, which needs to be addressed

2. Components 2.1. The SHLAA Update will comprise: i. A review of existing sites ii. An assessment of new sites

2.2. Reviewing Existing Sites. For the 2013 update, the initial focus is upon the delivery of sites in the first 5 years. A methodology was circulated to the Partnership in June (see Appendix A) which has been followed. Some additional update measures are considered necessary.

2.3. It is proposed that the 2013 Update of existing sites comprise the following elements:

i. Market Testing a. Stage I: sites with planning permission. b. Stage II: other sites with dwellings apportioned in the 2012 SHLAA to deliver during the first 5 years. Delivery to be assessed against a range of market delivery indicators c. Stage III: comparison of conclusions of Stages I and II with site delivery evidence advanced by house builders (at appeals etc). d. Stage IV: review of sites with dwellings apportioned in the 2012 SHLAA to deliver in the medium term (i.e. 2019/20 – 23/24) to see whether any warrant being brought forward into the first 5 years.

ii. Viability Testing. This will apply to sites that are found in Market Testing Stage II to have insufficient indications of market interest for delivery in the first 5 years but are suitable and available for housing development. An external consultant with expertise in development finance in Leeds may need to be appointed to undertake this work.


Page 21 iii. Reassessment of Greenfield supply. This will need to be informed by progress on the Core Strategy (which recognises the contribution that greenfield land makes to the spatial strategy) and the Site Allocations plan preparation.

2.4. New sites will be identified through a variety of sources: submissions will be invited during the year, Neighbourhood planning may identify sites, the Site Allocations Plan preparation process will identify sites. The role of LCC will be to assemble information on suitability, availability and achievability and reach initial conclusions on dwelling delivery which will be assessed and ratified by the Partnership.

2.5. For the 2013 Update over 130 new sites have been processed with initial delivery conclusions reached ready for checking through the SHLAA Partnership.

3. Presentation to the SHLAA Partnership

It is proposed that different components of the update are presented to the SHLAA Partnership as they are completed over more than one meeting. Stages I and II can be discussed at the December meeting. Further meetings will need to be scheduled in January, February and March 2014.


Page 22 Appendix 3

Chronology of SHLAA Partnership Activity

17-12-13 Initial SHLAA Partnership Meeting

Agreed: Terms of Reference and Methodology

That LCC will circulate lists of Stage I and Stage II sites in good time for the next meeting.

Next meetings of 4th February and 25th February

10-01-14 LCC circulates Stage I and II lists for comment. Stage I sites have LCC’s dwelling delivery expectations. Stage II sites have dwelling capacities and planning status for sites but blank annual deliveries for Partnership members to insert their own expectations.

30-01-14 Email and telephone call from HBF Representative explaining that they have not had enough time to assess the SHLAA sites. They expect to be able to comment on the Stage I sites at the 25th February meeting and comment on the Stage II sites shortly after that. LCC emails the SHLAA Partnership cancelling the meeting for 4th February and extending the length of the meeting for 25th February.

03-02-14 LCC receives confirmation letter from HBF Representatives requesting 4-6 weeks extra time to undertake review of Stage I and II sites.

07-02-14 LCC circulates revised Stage I and II lists to the Partnership incorporating planning application and permission details as requested by HBF Representatives

12-02-14 Exchange of emails between HBF Representative and LCC clarifying points i) the addition/removal of sites in the revised Stage II list and ii) the status of the “Pre- 2014” column in the Stage I list of sites. It is considered that pre-2014 deliveries can be confirmed following receipt of the end of year (31/3/14) information. In the meantime, assumptions will be made about whether the pre-2014 dwellings can be incorporated in the first 5 years (2014/15 – 2018/19).

25-02-14 The second meeting of the SHLAA Partnership takes place. Discussion on build-out- rates and confidence in improvement of the housing market. Discussion on Stage I sites with tentative agreement on some deliveries. Agreement that the HBF representatives would circulate considered written comments on Stage I by the end of that week (by 28/2/14) and on Stage II within 2 weeks (11th March). Further SHLAA Partnership meetings are agreed for 28/3/14 and 15/4/14.

28-02-14 LCC receives HBF written comments on all Stage I sites. HBF assume all Pre 2014 dwellings will have been built, so should not feature in the first 5 year supply. Comments are supplied in red text. HBF raise further questions: • Can LCC identify each of the individual stages of the SHLAA process providing their name and timescales for completion;


Page 23 • Why is there no 5 year land supply assessment in the latest AMR; • Can the Council refine the Stage 2 assessment and re-distribute so we know that this is fully up to date; and, • Can all of the spreadsheets/details for the individual stages be in the same excel format as Stage 1 for ease.

07-03-14 LCC re-distributes the Stage II sites to the HBF Representatives, explaining the deletion of c. 30 sites because they are Green Belt, PAS and UDP H3:2 and H3:3 housing allocations which would be better considered in a later stage. It also includes planning histories for all sites.

19-03-14 LCC Email to HBF Representatives reminding them of their commitment to provide comments on Stage II sites by 11/03/14

24-03-14 LCC receive list of Stage II sites with comments and delivery suggestions from HBF Representatives. LCC circulate the Stage I and Stage II conclusions to SHLAA Partnership.

28-03-14 The third SHLAA Partnership meeting takes place. On Stage I sites, the meeting concludes that further LCC officer work is necessary to contact landowners of those sites that the HBF are not involved with and to review the 2013/14 delivery of dwellings to accurately re-assign the pre-2014 dwellings to the first 5 years.

On Stage II sites the consideration of individual sites takes too much time. It is agreed for LCC officers to meet HBF Representatives separately on the 8th and 10th of April.

On New Sites, LCC circulate a list and map of c. 180 new sites with basic details but no delivery suggestions. The sources of site suggestions are explained to understand why some “maverick” cases such as Leeds Bradford Airport are in the list.

02-04-14 LCC circulates to the Partnership i) a list of the new sites with columns for Partnership members to insert delivery suggestions and comments and ii) a map of the site locations/sizes

08-04-14 LCC officers and HBF Representatives meet to consider Stage II site deliverability.

10-04-14 LCC officers and HBF Representatives meet again. Only around 50 of the c.210 sites are concluded upon. Both sides agree the conclusions of a handful of sites; the remainder of the c. 50 are concluded as “agree to disagree”, with the level of optimism in the revival of the housing market being the main point of disagreement.

15-04-14 The fourth SHLAA Partnership meeting takes place. A review of progress concludes that LCC officers will need to meet HBF Representatives separately to try to


Page 24 conclude: Stage I, Stage II, Stage IV (medium/long term 2012 SHLAA sites), Stage VI (Aire Valley) sites, Miscellaneous changes and New Sites.

01-05-14 LCC officers and HBF Representatives meet and agree on some site deliveries, but agree to disagree on most. LCC officers are keen for the SHLAA Update to be concluded in accordance with the methodology, acknowledging that there will be two lists of site deliveries; one advanced by LCC; the other advanced by HBF representatives.

07-05-14 The fifth SHLAA Partnership meeting takes place.


Page 25 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 33 Monk Bridge Road Leeds LS6Suitable 0 36 0 36 900 9 7All Saints Mill Bridge Street Otley LS21 1BQSuitable 48 0 0 48 000 0 8Spenfield House Otley Road Headingley Leeds LS16 51300Suitable 13 0130 13 12 Adjacent To Ivy House Off Larkfield Drive Rawdon LeedsLDF to determine 060 6 ‐‐‐No view 15 Scarcro Lodge Wetherby Road Scarcro LeedsUnsuitable 00060 000 0 16 29 Sandhill Lane Moortown Leeds LS17 6AJSuitable 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 26 Land North Of Morrisons Swinnow Road Swinnow LeedsSuitable 42 0 0 42 25 0 0 25 33 Daytona Works Carlisle Road Pudsey Leeds LS28 8PLSuitable 18 0 0 18 23 0 0 23 34 Riverside Mill Low Hall Road Horsforth Leeds LS19 Suitable 150 0 0 150 ‐‐‐No view 37 Land At Vesper Road Kirkstall Leeds LS5 3NUSuitable 15 0 0 15 050 5 41 Tower Works Moorfield Road Leeds LS12 3RSSuitable 31 0 0 31 003131 52 The Print Factory Whitehall Road Lower WortleySuitable 13 0 0 13 000 0

Page 26 Page 63 Cragg Wood Nurseries Woodlands Drive Rawdon Leeds Unsuitable 000 6 ‐‐‐No view 64 South Park Mills, 15, 15a, 16 and 17, Acrivan Ltd, FulneckLDF to determine 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 65 Woodside Mill Low Lane Horsforth LeedsSuitable 59 0 0 59 0590 59 70 Office Building, Linton Spring, Sicklinghall Road, WetherbySuitable 000 8 800 8 78 120 Blackmoor Lane, Bardsey, Leeds, LS17 9DZLDF to determine 00025 ‐‐‐No view 81 Land Rear High Moor Court, High Moor Avenue, Moor AllertonLDF to determine 0 0 0 0 ‐‐‐No view 82 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Moor Allerton Gardens, Moor AllertonSuitable 0 0 0 0 ‐‐‐No view 84 Braim Wood School, Wetherby Road and land to the north, RoundaySuitable 0 0 0 162 ‐‐‐No view 90 St Vincents School, 27 Church Street, Boston SpaSuitable 13 0 0 13 000 0 94 7‐9 Sandhill Lane, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 6AGSuitable physical 300 3 ‐‐‐No view 97 Meanwood Road Working Mens Club Meanwood Road LeedsSuitable 9 0 0 9 009 9 103 7 ‐ 14 Moor End Boston Spa Wetherby Leeds LS23 6ERSuitable 0 0 10 10 000 0 106 Former Civil Service Sports Associaon Ground Newton GreenSuitable 14 0 0 14 000 0 118 21 And 23 The View Alwoodley Leeds LS17 7NAUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 120 55 Harrogate Road, , Leeds, LS7 3RUSuitable 000 0 004040 124 Beech Lodge, 1 Park Avenue, Roundhay, LeedsSuitable 400 4 ‐‐‐No view 125 Former Buslingthorpe Tannery, Education Road, SheepscarSuitable 222 494 0 716 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 1 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 126 Valley Mills Valley Road Morley Leeds LS27 8AASuitable 0 116 116 232 ‐‐‐No view 129 Main Street And Piield Road Carlton WakefieldLDF to determine 000110 ‐‐‐No view 130 77 ‐ 79 Aberford Road Oulton Leeds LS26 8HSSuitable 50 0 0 50 005050 133 Royds Green Farm Royds Green Oulton Leeds LS26 8EZSuitable 000 7 700 7 135 Lohouse Hall Leeds Road Lohouse Wakefield WF3 Suitable 800 8 500 5 136 Site At Alma Villas, Woodlesford, Leeds, LS26 8PWUnsuitable 0 12 0 12 001212 137 Britannia Road Morley Leeds Suitable 33 0 0 33 007575 141 Tingley Mills Tingley Common Morley LeedsSuitable 0 36 0 36 003636 143 Site Of Glenoit And Minerva Mills Aberford Road OultonSuitable 0900 90 000 0 148 LINGWELL GATE LANE, Thorpe, WF3 3Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 153 Cemetery Road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7HHSuitable 20 0 0 20 12 0 0 12 157 Edroyd House Red Lane Farsley 2153‐3544 Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view Page 27 Page 163 Salvation Army, 139 Broad Lane, Bramley, LeedsSuitable 34 0 0 34 000 0 171 Land Off Elwell Street Thorpe WakefieldLDF to determine 0230 23 ‐‐‐No view 173 Football Ground Rear Of 58 Main Street East ArdsleyLDF to determine 0 29 0 29 ‐‐‐No view 174 University Of Leeds Tetley Hall 40‐42 Moor RoadSuitable 68 0 0 68 50 64 0 114 175 Former Bridge End Cale Market Billams Hill OtleyUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 177 54 And 56 Broomfield, Adel, Leeds, LS16 7ADUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 180 Brookfield Nursing Home, Swaine Hill Terrace, YeadonSuitable 007 7 000 0 181 Management Archives, 20 Sweet Street West, HolbeckSuitable 0 140 0 140 000 0 182 19 Springfield Mount Woodhouse Leeds LS2 9NGSuitable 700 7 070 7 184 M621 Interchange Site, Holbeck, LeedsUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 187 Brotherton House Westgate Leeds LS1 2RSSuitable 63 0 0 63 48 0 0 48 188 St Marks Flats St Marks Walk Woodhouse LeedsSuitable 28 0 0 28 63 0 0 63 197 Land At Bridge Street, Gower Street, Regent StreetSuitable 136 500 0 636 ‐‐‐No view 198 Chemicals Plc ‐ Kirkstall Road And Land Off Wellington RoadSuitable 132 68 0 200 0100100200 200 Quarry Hill Leeds LS2 Suitable 100 103 0 203 0100103203 201 Armley Road Armley Leeds Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 202 Midland Mills, Silver Street, Leeds, LS11 9YWSuitable 15 0 0 15 15 0 0 15

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 2 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 205 Granary Wharf Car Park, Off Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5PSSuitable 68 0 0 68 0640 64 206 Adjacent To Rose Wharf, 78 East Street, Leeds, LS10LDF to determine 0720 72 ‐‐‐No view 207 Lowfold, East Street, Leeds, LS9 8 LDF to determine 111 0 0 111 ‐‐‐No view 208 Land Between Mabgate, Macaulay Street, Argyll RoadSuitable 250 178 0 428 000 0 210 Hill Top Works, Buslingthorpe Lane Suitable 86 0 0 86 008686 211 R/O 338‐374 Meanwood Road Suitable 0500 50 005050 215 79 Clarence Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 1LWSuitable 0 31 0 31 ‐‐‐No view 216 Criterion Place/Sovereign Street LeedsLDF to determine 0 0 0 0 ‐‐‐No view 217 Yorkshire Chemicals Plc, Black Bull Street, LeedsSuitable 53 0 0 53 ‐‐‐No view 219 Former Hydro Works, Clarence Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS1LDF to determine 76 38 0 114 ‐‐‐No view 224 Alton Cars Ltd Saxton Lane Leeds LS9 8HESuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 225 Westbank, Water Lane, Leeds Suitable 01680 168 000 0

Page 28 Page 226 46 Burley Street Burley Leeds LS3 1DHSuitable 55 0 0 55 000 0 228 Evans Halshaw, Hunslet Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 1LDSuitable 0 0 191 191 ‐‐‐No view 229 Grahams Site Kirkstall Road Burley LeedsSuitable 0 0 0 0 000 0 230 Leeds Internaonal Swimming Pool Westgate LeedsSuitable 101 109 0 210 00209209 231 Kirkgate Phase II Kirkgate Leeds Suitable 25 40 0 65 ‐‐‐No view 232 Maxis Restaurant Site Kirkstall Road Burley LeedsLDF to determine 46 61 0 107 ‐‐‐No view 233 Hunslet Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 1ARLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 235 Land At Clarence Road Horsforth Leeds LS18 4LBSuitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view 242 Fairdield Grove (Fairfields), Bramley Suitable 16 0 0 16 800 8 252 Merlyn Rees High School, Belle Isle RoadSuitable 70 0 0 70 70 0 0 70 253 Moorhaven Residential Home, Cranmer Gardens, LS17Suitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 254 Oldfield Lane (Leeds City Boy's pitch) LS12Suitable 58 0 0 58 005858 255 Far Fold, Theaker Lane, LS12 Suitable 110 0 0 110 110 0 0 110 259 Whitebridge Primary School, Cartmell DriveSuitable 44 0 0 44 44 0 0 44 260 Former Osmondthorpe Primary School, Neville Road, LS9Suitable 64 0 0 64 27 0 0 27 261 Fir Tree Primary School, Lingfield DriveSuitable 67 0 0 67 000 0 262 Miles Hill Primary School, Beckhill ApproachSuitable 40 0 0 40 000 0

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 3 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 263 Hill Top Public House, Beckhill GroveSuitable 14 0 0 14 000 0 264 79 Roundhay Road/Barrack Road Area Offices etc.Suitable 107 0 0 107 000 0 265 Ash Tree Primary School, Leeds Road, KippaxSuitable 20 0 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 267 Wykebridge Depot, Killingbeck Bridge, LS14Suitable 20 0 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 268 Towcester Avenue, LS10 Suitable 0300 30 ‐‐‐No view 269 Methley Infants School, Little Church Lane, MethleyLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 270 Carr Manor High School, Stainbeck Lane/Carr Manor RoadLDF to determine 49 0 0 49 ‐‐‐No view 271 Springhead MillsSpringfield RoadGuiseleyLeedsLSuitable 54 0 0 54 54 0 0 54 278 Compton Arms, Compton Road, , Leeds, LS9 7BSuitable 50 0 0 50 005050 279 St Marys Church And Presbytery Church Road RichmondSuitable 57 114 0 171 ‐‐‐No view 281 Radial Park, Phase One Manston Lane Cross GatesSuitable 79 0 0 79 75 0 0 75 282 Manston Lane Suitable 175 0 0 175 177 0 0 177 Page 29 Page 285 Former Garage Site, Macaulay Street, Burmantofts,Suitable 0240 24 ‐‐‐No view 289 Hunts Farm, Main Street, Methley LDF to determine 0350 35 ‐‐‐No view 292 The Grange, The Green, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14 6JRSuitable 38 0 0 38 003838 298 Hollinshurst Depot Queen Street Allerton BywaterSuitable 79 0 0 79 79 0 0 79 301 Upper Accommodation Road, LS9 Suitable 0260 26 ‐‐‐No view 304 Park Farm Industrial Estate, Westand Road, LS11Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 306 Pollard Lane, LS13 LDF to determine 000129 ‐‐‐No view 308 The Manor, Stony Royd, Farsley LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 309 Thorpe Hall, Middleton Lane, ThorpeLDF to determine 0700 70 ‐‐‐No view 310 Barnsdale Road, Allerton Bywater Suitable 90 0 0 90 90 0 0 90 313 Westgate, Otley Suitable 14 0 0 14 26 0 0 26 314 Boyle Hall, Haigh Moor Road, WA Unsuitable 000 0 000 0 317 Wharfedale General Hospital, Newall Carr Road, OtleySuitable 61 0 0 61 38 0 0 38 320 Ashfield Works, Westgate, Otley Suitable 100 0 0 100 005050 331 South Accommodaon Road And Atkinson Street LeedsLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 333 Off Whitehall Road Drighlington BD11 1BXSuitable 24 25 0 49 ‐‐‐No view 334 Land Off Fleet Lane,Oulton,Leeds LDF to determine 80 0 0 80 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 4 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 335 Land Off Royds LaneRothwellLeeds LDF to determine 90 0 0 90 ‐‐‐No view 338 Daisy Hill Churwell Morley Leeds Suitable 92 0 0 92 92 0 0 92 340 Former Motor Dealers Premises Church Street HunsletLDF to determine 0 0 0 0 ‐‐‐No view 341 Jubilee Works, Old Lane, Beeston Suitable 0440 44 002222 343 Off Gelderd Road Gildersome Leeds Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 352 Land On West Side Of Swillington LaneSwillingtonLDF to determine 0 0 0 24 ‐‐‐No view 353 30 ‐ 34 Barrowby Lane Austhorpe Leeds LS15 8QESuitable 100 1 500 5 361 Land At Spofforth Hill Wetherby Leeds LS22 6SFUnsuitable 000 0 000 0 364 Bramwood, 11 Creskeld Crescent, Bramhope, Leeds LS16Suitable 800 8 800 8 370 Land South Of Blenheim Middle School Cambridge RoadSuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 375 The Old Hall Yard Main Street East Ardsley WF3 2APSuitable 600 6 000 0 376 Ring Road West Park, Silk Mill Way And Iveson DriveSuitable 200 285 0 485 0185300485

Page 30 Page 379 Runswick Place, LS11 Suitable 42 0 0 42 42 0 0 42 380 Land to west of Florence Street, HarehillsSuitable 0 0 0 0 ‐‐‐No view 382 Walmer Grove, Pudsey Suitable 31 0 0 31 36 0 0 36 383 Beckhill Garth/Approach Suitable 34 0 0 34 ‐‐‐No view 395 36 THE CALLS LS1 Suitable 14 0 0 14 000 0 398 EAST STREET / ELLERBY ROAD LS9 Suitable 102 0 0 102 ‐‐‐No view 401 41 PARK SQUARE NORTH LS1 Suitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 402 CROPPER GATE LS1 LDF to determine 133 133 0 266 ‐‐‐No view 403 18‐24 NEW STATION STREET LS1 Suitable 060 6 ‐‐‐No view 405 TOWER WORKS, GLOBE ROAD LS10 Suitable 134 0 0 134 00134134 406 16‐18 MANOR ROAD LS11 Suitable 57 0 0 57 004545 407 MANOR ROAD LS11 Suitable 0560188748 ‐‐‐No view 409 BATH ROAD LS11 Suitable 240 0 0 240 00156156 410 REGENT ST / SKINNER LN LS2 Suitable 0670 67 ‐‐‐No view 411 YORK STREET, LS1 Suitable 18 0 0 18 ‐‐‐No view 415 HIGH COURT LS1 Suitable 16 0 0 16 16 0 0 16 419 THE GATEWAY, MARSH LANE LS9 Suitable 110 0 0 110 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 5 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 420 8 PARK ROW LS1 Suitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 421 LEYLANDS ROAD LS2 Suitable 0350 35 003535 423 AIRESIDE WHITHALL ROAD LS1 Suitable 120 300 180 600 00540540 425 LEEDS CLUB ALBION PLACE LS1 Suitable 009 9 000 0 426 49 AIRE STREET LS1 Suitable 060 6 000 0 429 PEARL CHAMBERS THE HEADROW LS1Suitable 0 24 0 24 000 0 431 38 THE CALLS LS2 Suitable 12 0 0 12 000 0 433 GLOBE ROAD (DONCASTERS) LS11 Suitable 280 329 0 609 00200200 435 Ellerby LaneLS9 Suitable 147 0 0 147 ‐‐‐No view 437 SOUTH ACCOMMODATION ROAD LS9Suitable 27 0 0 27 ‐‐‐No view 438 RICHMOND STREET LS9 Suitable 97 98 0 195 000 0 443 JAYCO HO SKINNER LANE LS7 Suitable 45 59 0 104 ‐‐‐No view Page 31 Page 444 THE PARADE & THE DRIVE LS9 Suitable 50 0 0 50 25 0 0 25 445 SWEET STREET/JACK LANE LS10 Suitable 180 116 0 296 00296296 446 57 GREAT GEORGE STREET LS1 Suitable 700 7 000 0 447 DONCASTERS WHITEHALL ROAD LS12Suitable 200 263 0 463 0100300400 449 7 DUNCAN STREET LS1 Suitable 15 0 0 15 ‐‐‐No view 450 GLOBE ROAD/WATER LANE LS11 Suitable 163 100 0 263 0100100200 454 PORTLAND CRESCENT LS1 Suitable 50 0 0 50 ‐‐‐No view 455 LUMIERE WELLINGTON STREET LS1 LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 456 REAR 2‐28 THE CALLS LS2 LDF to determine 77 0 0 77 ‐‐‐No view 458 Land South of Sweet Street West, Holbeck, Leeds, LS11Suitable 155 355 320 830 000 0 462 52 CALL LANE LS1 Suitable 0140 14 000 0 465 WATERLOO SIDINGS LS9 Suitable 0260 26 000 0 467 HUNSLET MILL, GOODMAN STREET LS10Suitable 0 390 309 699 ‐‐‐No view 468 YARN STREET LS10 Suitable 87 0 0 87 98 0 0 98 473 WEST GRANGE ROAD(PH 2) LS 10 LDF to determine 35 0 0 35 ‐‐‐No view 474 URN FARM MIDDLETON ROAD LS10 LDF to determine 50 50 0 100 ‐‐‐No view 476 SHAFTESBURY HOUSE BEESTON ROAD LS11Suitable 100 1 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 6 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 481 BARKLY ROAD LS11 Suitable 25 0 0 25 000 0 493 MILNER LANE, ROBIN HOOD LDF to determine 20 0 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 494 ARDSLEY SIDINGS EAST ARDSLEY Suitable 121 0 0 121 96 0 0 96 495 FALL LANE (WEST) EAST ARDSLEY Suitable 64 0 0 64 64 0 0 64 496 MATTY LANE, ROBIN HOOD LDF to determine 10 15 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 498 POTTERY LANE, WOODLESFORD LDF to determine 41 0 0 41 ‐‐‐No view 499 ABERFORD RD, WOODLESFORD Suitable 41 0 0 41 41 0 0 41 501 SHARP LANE B Suitable 28 0 0 28 82 0 0 82 502 SHARP LANE C Suitable 80 0 0 80 ‐‐‐No view 507 MAIN STREET CARLTON Suitable 0150 15 ‐‐‐No view 509 LINGWELL ROAD, MIDDLETON, LS10Suitable 80 0 0 80 100 0 0 100 515 FORMER BAY HORSE, MAIN ST, METHLEYSuitable 200 2 ‐‐‐No view

Page 32 Page 516 LINGWELL GATE LANE THORPE Suitable 900 9 ‐‐‐No view 519 LANGDALE PS HOLMSLEY LANE, WOODLESFORDSuitable 3 0 0 3 ‐‐‐No view 523 PINFOLD LANE, WMC, METHLEY Suitable 600 6 600 6 527 BRADFORD ROAD, ARDSLEY COMMONSuitable 22 0 0 22 10 0 0 10 533 WHITEHALL RD, DRIGHLINGTON Suitable 14 0 0 14 14 0 0 14 536 WOOLIN CRESCENT WEST ARDSLEY Suitable 28 0 0 28 14 0 0 14 544 BRADFORD ROAD E ARDSLEY Suitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 547 PARK MILLS SOUTH ST MORLEY Suitable 33 0 0 33 33 0 0 33 550 32‐34 REIN ROAD MORLEY Suitable 11 0 0 11 ‐‐‐No view 551 MANOR HOUSE FARM, BAGHILL GREEN WASuitable 600 6 600 6 552 PARKFIELD MILLS, FOUNTAIN ST, MORLEYSuitable 800 8 800 8 559 CHARTISTS WAY MORLEY Suitable 0510 51 ‐‐‐No view 562 E ARDSLEY PS FALL LANE E ARDSLEY Suitable 36 0 0 36 36 0 0 36 563 ALBERT ROAD MORLEY Suitable 40 0 0 40 20 0 0 20 595 CLIFF HOUSE FAWCETT LANE LS12 Suitable 700 7 ‐‐‐No view 602 POLLARD LANE LS13 Suitable 000120 000 0 608 WHITEHALL ROAD (DUNLOP & RANKEN), WORTLEYSuitable 100 1 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 7 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 613 ELDER ROAD/SWINNOW ROAD LS13Suitable 25 0 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 620 214‐244 CARDIGAN ROAD LS4 Unsuitable 65 0 0 65 000 0 625 CANAL WHARF WYTHER LANE LS5 Suitable 0840 84 ‐‐‐No view 626 KIRKSTALL FORGE ABBEY ROAD LS5 Suitable 450 750 185 1385 120 300 300 720 636 WESTFIELD MILL BROAD LANE LS13Suitable 133 0 0 133 000 0 637 ROYDS LANE, WORTLEY, LS12 Suitable 026408434 ‐‐‐No view 638 ASHLEY ROAD LS12 Suitable 71 0 0 71 71 0 0 71 644 BERRY MOUNT WOOD LANE LS12 Suitable 12 0 0 12 ‐‐‐No view 645 BAGLEY LANE FARSLEY Suitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view 646 DELPH END PUDSEY Suitable 35 0 0 35 ‐‐‐No view 648 CHERRY TREE DRIVE, FARSLEY LDF to determine 25 0 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 649 CHARITY FARM, SWINNOW LDF to determine 50 0 0 50 ‐‐‐No view Page 33 Page 650 LANE END, PUDSEY Suitable 15 0 0 15 ‐‐‐No view 652 CHERRY TREE DRIVE FARSLEY LDF to determine 13 0 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 653 ROBIN LANE/LONGFIELD ROAD, PUDSEYSuitable 28 0 0 28 ‐‐‐No view 656 PUDSEY ROAD, BRAMLEY, LS 13 Suitable 0100 10 000 0 659 STATION STREET, PUDSEY Suitable 0200 20 002020 666 OCCUPATION LANE PUDSEY Suitable 26 0 0 26 31 0 0 31 667 BELGRAVE WORKS, TOWN STREET, STANNINGLEY, LS13Suitable 78 0 0 78 000 0 669 MIDPOINT, DICK LANE PUDSEY Suitable 52 0 0 52 46 0 0 46 671 LANE END PUDSEY Suitable 14 0 0 14 000 0 678 83‐105 BRADFORD ROAD STANNINGLEYSuitable 78 0 0 78 000 0 684 CHURCH LANE, ADEL, LS16 Suitable 22 0 0 22 25 0 0 25 685 EASTMOOR TILE LANE, ADEL, LS16 Suitable 40 0 0 40 40 0 0 40 687 Dunstarn Lane, Adel, LS 16 Suitable 28 0 0 28 28 0 0 28 688 SILK MILL DRIVE LS 16 LDF to determine 20 0 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 689 COOKRIDGE HOSPITAL LS16 Suitable 250 193 0 443 127 0 0 127 720 WESTBROOK LANE HORSFORTH Suitable 15 0 0 15 000 0 721 WESTBROOK LANE HORSFORTH LDF to determine 75 0 0 75 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 8 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 731 VICTORIA AVENUE HORSFORTH LDF to determine 600 6 ‐‐‐No view 734 HIGH ROYDS BRADFORD ROAD MENSTONSuitable 000560 201 0 0 201 738 CROMPTONS, NETHERFIELD RD, GUISELEYSuitable 24 0 0 24 000 0 742 NETHERFIELD ROAD GUISELEY Suitable 37 0 0 37 000 0 744 RUMPLECROFT OTLEY LDF to determine 01850 185 ‐‐‐No view 745 EAST OF OTLEY LDF to determine 90 300 160 550 ‐‐‐No view 749 NEWALL CARR ROAD OTLEY Suitable 300 3 300 3 757 Harewood Village Farm Suitable 13 0 0 13 000 0 764 THE MANSION, WOODLEA DRIVE, LS6Suitable 25 0 0 25 000 0 777 CHURCHFIELDS BOSTON SPA Suitable 110 0 0 110 120 0 0 120 778 BRAMHAM HOUSE, BOWCLIFFE ROAD, BRAMHAMSuitable 27 0 0 27 0300 30 780 First Avenue, Bardsey Unsuitable 060 6 ‐‐‐No view

Page 34 Page 783 BOWCLIFFE ROAD BRAMHAM Suitable 14 0 0 14 18 0 0 18 786 BRAMHAM LODGE, ABERFORD RD, BRAMHAMSuitable 11 0 0 11 11 0 0 11 787 LINTON SPRINGS SICKLINGHALL RD, LINTONSuitable 00022 000 0 793 RAINTREE LODGE LINTON RD WETHERBYSuitable 400 4 400 4 795 RED HALL LANE LS17 LDF to determine 100 60 0 160 ‐‐‐No view 796 GRIME'S DYKE YORK ROAD LS14 Suitable 250 122 0 372 240 0 0 240 797 East Leeds Extension Suitable 600 1000 1210 2810 240 400 400 1040 799 WHINMOOR WAY (PFI C) LS14 Suitable 38 0 0 38 39 0 0 39 802 SWARCLIFFE AVENUE (PFI E) LS14 Suitable 25 0 0 25 13 0 0 13 803 Elmete TowersPFI Q) LS14 Suitable 30 0 0 30 000 0 804 MILL GREEN GARTH (PFI L1) LS14 Suitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view 806 EAST PARK ROAD, THE GLENSDALES LS 92500Suitable 25 25 0 0 25 814 OAK TREE MOUNT, GIPTON, LS9 Suitable 63 0 0 63 ‐‐‐No view 815 SOUTH PARKWAY (EASEL) LS 14 Suitable 94 0 0 94 59 0 0 59 816 SOUTH PARKWAY/YORK ROAD DEPOT LS14Suitable 40 0 0 40 01110 111 817 AMBERTON TERRACE, GIPTON, LS8 Suitable 50 0 0 50 000 0 818 STATION ROAD, ALLERTON BYWATERSuitable 152 0 0 152 116 0 0 116

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 9 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 819 QUEEN STREET, (A.K.A. LAND SOUTH OF Leeds ROAD), WOODEND, ALLERTON BYWASuitable 57 0 0 57 82 0 0 82 820 SOUTH OF OLD MICKLEFIELD LDF to determine 01500 150 ‐‐‐No view 822 BARROWBY LANE, GARFORTH Suitable 17 0 0 17 000 0 823 SELBY ROAD GARFORTH Suitable 15 0 0 15 20 0 0 20 825 MANOR FARM BLDGS, MICKLEFIELDSuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 827 CARLTON VIEW, ALLERTON BYWATERSuitable 0 25 0 25 002525 830 OAKLANDS MANOR, THORNER LANE, SCARCROFTSuitable 000 9 900 9 836 BARLEYHILL ROAD GARFORTH Suitable 28 0 0 28 15 0 0 15 841 OAK TREE DRIVE, GIPTON Suitable 25 0 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 842 COLDCOTES THORN WALK LS9 Suitable 0310 31 ‐‐‐No view 845 MANSION HOUSE MANSION GATE DRIVE LS7Suitable 0 37 0 37 003737 846 KILLINGBECK HOSPITAL C LS14 Suitable 122 0 0 122 110 0 0 110 Page 35 Page 1001 Brandon Hall, Tarn Lane, Leeds, LS17 9JQUnsuitable 00086 ‐‐‐No view 1002 Land to rear of 45 Creskeld Lane, BramhopeLDF to determine 0 23 0 23 ‐‐‐No view 1004 Land to north of Kennet Lane/ West of Welland Drive, GarforthSuitable 0650 65 000 0 1005 Wetherby Road, Scarcroft LDF to determine 000412 ‐‐‐No view 1006 Wakefield Road , Rothwell LDF to determine 00059 ‐‐‐No view 1007 Land South of Selby Road, Garforth, LS25 1LDF to determine 000133 ‐‐‐No view 1008 Grove Road, Boston Spa LDF to determine 000116 ‐‐‐No view 1009 1953 Building, Marshall Street,HolbeckSuitable 120 0 0 120 00120120 1010 Baker House, Bridge Street, Leeds, LS2 7QZSuitable 63 0 0 63 006363 1011 11 Oldfield Lane, Leeds, LS12 4DH Suitable 050143193 ‐‐‐No view 1013 Land to the South of Goody Cross Lane, Little Preston.LDF to determine 0 100 0 100 ‐‐‐No view 1014 Land at Fraser Avenue, Horsforth LDF to determine 0450 45 ‐‐‐No view 1015 Land South of Lee Lane West, HorsforthLDF to determine 0 480 311 791 ‐‐‐No view 1016 Land at Broadway and Calverley Lane, HorsforthLDF to determine 0 13 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 1017 Land at Hawksworth Nurseries , Hawksworth Lane , LS20 8LDF to determine 00032 ‐‐‐No view 1018 Land off Topcliffe Lane, Morley and to the North of Capitol Park LeedsLDF to determine 0 600 318 918 ‐‐‐No view 1019 Land of Gledhow Valley Road, Chapel Allerton, LS7 4NDLDF to determine 0 30 0 30 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 10 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1020 Rear of 39 Clarendon Road/ Kendal Lane Leeds LS2Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1023 West of Wesley Road, North of Tong Road, ArmleySuitable 27 0 0 27 27 0 0 27 1026 Cardigan Fields, Kirkstall Road, LS4 Unsuitable 000 0 000 0 1027 Land to west of Wetherby Road, south of BardseyLDF to determine 0 400 165 565 ‐‐‐No view 1028 Land to west of Wetherby Road, north of ScarcroftLDF to determine 0 150 138 288 ‐‐‐No view 1029 Land of Long Thorpe Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield, WF3 3BZLDF to determine 00017 ‐‐‐No view 1030 Green Lane, Lofthouse, Wakefield ‐ Known as Pymont FarmLDF to determine 0700 70 ‐‐‐No view 1031 Land to east of Sandhills, Thorner LDF to determine 00038 ‐‐‐No view 1032 Land off Bradford Road , East Ardsley WF3LDF to determine 000293 ‐‐‐No view 1033 Government Buildings , Otley Road, LS16 5PUSuitable 142 0 0 142 142 0 0 142 1035 Land at Fleet Lane / Eshald Lane, Oulton,LS26 8HTLDF to determine 00040 ‐‐‐No view 1036 Old Lane Bramhope LS16 LDF to determine 00013 ‐‐‐No view

Page 36 Page 1037 West of Moor Road Bramhope LS16 LDF to determine 00020 ‐‐‐No view 1038 7a Waterword Close, Tingley, WF3 1QLSuitable 12 0 0 12 12 0 0 12 1039 Airedale Mills Clarence Road, LS10 1NDLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1040 Carr Lane, Thorner , LS14 Suitable 0130 13 001313 1041 Land to east of Wetherby Road at Castle Mona Lodge , ScarcroftLDF to determine 11 0 0 11 ‐‐‐No view 1043 Pylee House, Thorpe Lower Lane, Robin Hood , Wakefield, WF3 3BQUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1044 Wakefield Road and Barrowby Lane, GarforthLDF to determine 0 300 275 575 ‐‐‐No view 1046 Spofforth Hill, Wetherby, LS22 LDF to determine 325 0 0 325 ‐‐‐No view 1048 North of Main Street, Aberford LS25 LDF to determine 0220 22 ‐‐‐No view 1049 Haighside south of St Georges Hospital, RothwellLDF to determine 0 300 7 307 ‐‐‐No view 1050 Land off Westfield Road, Robin Hood Near Rothwell , WF3LDF to determine 000129 ‐‐‐No view 1051 Newlay Bridge Off Pollard lane , Newlay LS13Unsuitable 00021 ‐‐‐No view 1053 Pollard Lane Newlay LS13 LDF to determine 00068 ‐‐‐No view 1055 Thorpe Arch Estate, Wetherby, LS23 7BJ (extension)Suitable 220 550 1230 2000 ‐‐‐No view 1056 Cricket Field, off Main Street, ShadwellLDF to determine 0490 49 ‐‐‐No view 1057 Scholes Lane, Scholes LDF to determine 0200 20 ‐‐‐No view 1058 Haighside, Rothwell , LS26 LDF to determine 000271 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 11 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1060 Houghside Pudsey, LS28 LDF to determine 00094 ‐‐‐No view 1061 Land off Wood Lane and east of former railway, Scholes, LS15LDF to determine 00059 ‐‐‐No view 1062 The former waste water treatment work, HorsforthLDF to determine 0 0 0 53 ‐‐‐No view 1064 Bruntcliffe Road and Scott lane, Morley Leeds LS27Suitable 11 0 0 11 50 214 0 264 1065 Tetleys Motor Services LTD, 76 Goodman Street Hunslet LS10LDF to determine 0360 36 ‐‐‐No view 1066 Royston Hill Bradford Road & Orchard Close, East Ardsley WF3LDF to determine 0 97 0 97 ‐‐‐No view 1067 Site accessed from Woodhouse Lane and Pilden lane, East Ardsley WF3LDF to determine 0 180 83 263 ‐‐‐No view 1068 Stoney Lane, East Ardsley, Wakefield, WF3LDF to determine 0 21 0 21 ‐‐‐No view 1069 Manor farm East Ardsley WF3 LDF to determine 0870 87 ‐‐‐No view 1070 Cragg Hall Farm , Linton Lane, Wetherby, LS22LDF to determine 0320 32 ‐‐‐No view 1072 Dewsbury Road, Woodkirk, WF12 LDF to determine 00043 ‐‐‐No view 1073 Owlcotes Farm, Pudsey LDF to determine 0920 92 ‐‐‐No view Page 37 Page 1076 Phases 3 & 4 Leeds Valley Park, Savannah Way, Leeds Valley Park, LS10Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1077 Nethertown Pig Farm, Old Lane, Drighlington, Leeds, BD11 1LULDF to determine 00046 ‐‐‐No view 1078 Marsh Lane/ Saxton Lane LS9 Suitable 80 0 0 80 ‐‐‐No view 1079 Long Causeway, Adel, LS16 8DU LDF to determine 0860 86 ‐‐‐No view 1080 Breary Lane East, Bramhope LS16 LDF to determine 000346 ‐‐‐No view 1082 Manor Court , Manor Road, Holbeck, LS11Suitable 39 0 0 39 000 0 1083 Knowsthorpe, Hunslet East, LS9 Suitable 0237188425 ‐‐‐No view 1084 Former Skelton Grange Power Station, Skelton Grange Road,LS10Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1085 Land on the North Side of Coal Hill Lane,RodleyUnsuitable 0 0 138 138 00138138 1087 Land at Ridgeway House, Hill Ridge House & Rosehurst, Grosvenor Road, LS6Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1088 Wainscott Cottage, Whinmoor Lane , Leeds LS17 8LSLDF to determine 00058 ‐‐‐No view 1089 Holmecroft, York Road, Scholes, LS15 4NFUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1091 Haigh Park Road, Stourton,LS10 LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1092 Former Boston Exchange Diner, St Ann's Lane, Leeds LS4 2SESuitable 12 0 0 12 000 0 1094 Between Red Hall Lane and Manston LaneLDF to determine 0 2100 7814 9914 ‐‐‐No view 1095 Land at Old Pool Bank, Pool in Wharfedale, Otley, LS21LDF to determine 0 300 35 335 ‐‐‐No view 1096 Snittles Farm, New Village Way, Churwell, Leeds, LS27LDF to determine 700 7 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 12 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1098 Boothroyd Drive, Meanwood, LS6 LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1099 Land at Hepworth Avenue, Churwell, LS27LDF to determine 150 193 0 343 ‐‐‐No view 1100 Clearview Farm, Wakefield Road, Garforth, LS25LDF to determine 0940 94 ‐‐‐No view 1101 Land Off Weston Lane and Green Lane, OtleyLDF to determine 0 66 0 66 ‐‐‐No view 1103 Harry Ramsdens off Bradford Road, Guiseley, LS20Suitable 400 4 400 4 1104 Greenside Farm, Yeadon, LS19 LDF to determine 00058 ‐‐‐No view 1106 Land West of First Avenue, Bardsey LDF to determine 000315 ‐‐‐No view 1107 Land East of Green Lane, Boston Spa, LS23LDF to determine 0 150 99 249 ‐‐‐No view 1108 Land West of Willow Lane, Clifford, LS23Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1109 Land West of Cinder Lane, Clifford, LS23LDF to determine 0820 82 ‐‐‐No view 1110 Land at Rodley , Leeds LS13 LDF to determine 70 0 0 70 ‐‐‐No view 1112 Land of Asquith Avenue/Geldered Road, Nepshaw Lane, GildersomeUnsuitable 0 0 0 0 000 0

Page 38 Page 1113 Land at Silverdale Avenue, Guiseley LDF to determine 0710 71 ‐‐‐No view 1114 Land at Kirklees Knowl, Bagley Lane, BagleyLDF to determine 000472 ‐‐‐No view 1117 Land East and West of Calverley LDF to determine 000147 ‐‐‐No view 1118 Existing Phase 3 housing allocations at Church Lane and Manor Farm, MicklefieldLDF to determine 200 200 0 400 ‐‐‐No view 1120 Land at Headingley Lane, HeadingleySuitable 36 0 0 36 000 0 1121 Land at Trip Lane, Linton LDF to determine 00035 ‐‐‐No view 1122 Garnetts Paper Mill, Mill Lane , OtleyLDF to determine 236 0 0 236 ‐‐‐No view 1123 Land off Foxhole Lane, Calverley LDF to determine 000260 ‐‐‐No view 1124 Land off Upper Carr Lane, Calverley LDF to determine 0180 18 ‐‐‐No view 1125 Braims Pressings Ltd, Hunslet Road, LS10LDF to determine 0 0 121 121 ‐‐‐No view 1126 Land at Badford Road Drighlington LDF to determine 26 0 0 26 ‐‐‐No view 1127 Land to south of Woodacre Green and Bankfield, BardseySuitable 14 0 0 14 40 0 0 40 1129 Parkside House, Green Lane/Tong Road, Farnley, Leeds,LS12 5HBLDF to determine 00038 ‐‐‐No view 1130 Land of Parlington Lane LDF to determine 0460 46 ‐‐‐No view 1131 South of Field Lane, Aberford LDF to determine 0220 22 ‐‐‐No view 1132 Land South of Lotherton Lane LDF to determine 0110 11 ‐‐‐No view 1134 Aberford Road, Barwick, LS15 LDF to determine 01390 139 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 13 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1135 Former Woodkirk Station, Dewsbury Road, Woodkirk WF3LDF to determine 00050 ‐‐‐No view 1138 Land adjacent to Beechwood, Elmete Lane, Roundhay,LS8LDF to determine 0 0 0 59 ‐‐‐No view 1139 Land adjacent to Morwick Hall, York Road, Whinmoor, LS15LDF to determine 0 225 137 362 ‐‐‐No view 1140 Land west of Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill, LS9Suitable 0 105 27 132 ‐‐‐No view 1142 Land and Property at Oak House, Park Lane Leeds LS3Suitable 0 40 0 40 0400 40 1143 Land of Old Thorpe Lane, Tingley WF3LDF to determine 0 450 748 1198 ‐‐‐No view 1144 St Michaels College St Johns Road LS3Suitable 403 0 0 403 76 0 0 76 1145 Arcadia Hudson Road, Burmantofts, Leeds LS9 71002040Suitable 304 000 0 1146 Land South of York Road, East of Pontefract lane, Richmond Hill,LS9Suitable 100 150 0 250 00250250 1147 Springfield Mill and Craven Mill, Stanningley Road, Bramley,Suitable 72 0 0 72 ‐‐‐No view 1148 Land of Bradford Road Guiseley LDF to determine 000539 ‐‐‐No view 1149 Land off Park Lane and Doctor's Lane, Allerton BywaterLDF to determine 0001000 ‐‐‐No view Page 39 Page 1150 Land off Town Street, Stanningley, LS28Unsuitable 000 0 009595 1151 Cookridge Lane , Cookridge, LS16 LDF to determine 0500 50 ‐‐‐No view 1152 Land to the east of Oakwood Lane, Leeds (Part of St Nicholas church site)Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1153 Land to the North of Keswick Lane, Bardsey Site of The Blessed Sacrament Church LSLDF to determine 0 0 10 10 ‐‐‐No view 1154 Land to the East of Church Street, Boston Spa LS23LDF to determine 0190 19 ‐‐‐No view 1155 Land to the west of Bramham Road and North of Lyndon Road, Bramham LS23LDF to determine 0 210 59 269 ‐‐‐No view 1156 Land to the east of Bramham Road, CliffordLDF to determine 0900 90 ‐‐‐No view 1157 Land to the south of Old Mill Lane, Clifford LS23LDF to determine 00034 ‐‐‐No view 1158 Land to the west of Boston Road, Clifford, LS23LDF to determine 00033 ‐‐‐No view 1161 West of Parlington Drive, Aberford LS25LDF to determine 00061 ‐‐‐No view 1162 East of Parlington Drive, Aberford, LS25LDF to determine 00063 ‐‐‐No view 1163 Beckside ‐ Main Street, Aberford LS25LDF to determine 0240 24 ‐‐‐No view 1164 Land at Richmondfield Lane ‐ Long Lane LS15LDF to determine 000160 ‐‐‐No view 1165 Land North of Garforth, Barwick Road, GarforthLDF to determine 000109 ‐‐‐No view 1166 Land at Horsfall Street, Churwell, morley LS27Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1167 Land to the east of Chapel Lane, Clifford LS23LDF to determine 00050 ‐‐‐No view 1169 Paddock to the rear of Hall Farm Road, Micklefield LS25LDF to determine 0270 27 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 14 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1170 Highbury Cricket Ground, Meanwood, North East Hollins DriveUnsuitable 00031 ‐‐‐No view 1171 Harpers Farm,South of Whitehall Road, Located to the South of employment areaLDF to determine 0 225 220 445 ‐‐‐No view 1172 Former Yorkshire Bank Sports Ground, LS17Suitable 30 0 0 30 29 0 0 29 1173 Land south of Micklefield (adjacent to Honeysuckle Close) LS25LDF to determine 000186 ‐‐‐No view 1174 Land to north of Micklefield Railway Station Car Park, Micklefield, LS25LDF to determine 0250 25 ‐‐‐No view 1175 Land to the east of Brigshaw Lane, KippaxLDF to determine 000104 ‐‐‐No view 1176 Land to the south of Pit Lane, Micklefield, LS25LDF to determine 000100 ‐‐‐No view 1178 Land south of Dunstarn Lane, Adel, LS16LDF to determine 000341 ‐‐‐No view 1179 Land at Low Pasture Farm, off Bradford Road, OtleyUnsuitable 0 0 0 129 ‐‐‐No view 1180 Land off Coach Road, Guiseley LS20 LDF to determine 01020 102 ‐‐‐No view 1181 Land at The Sycamores, Bramhope , LS16LDF to determine 0 150 35 185 ‐‐‐No view 1182 Land at Woodlands Farm, Syke Lane, Scarcroft LS14LDF to determine 0260 26 ‐‐‐No view

Page 40 Page 1183 Land at Turkey Hill, Pudsey LS28 LDF to determine 00060 ‐‐‐No view 1184 Land at Acres Hall Avenue, Pudsey, LS28LDF to determine 0140 14 ‐‐‐No view 1186 Land at Cross Lane off Carlton Lane, Guiseley LS21Unsuitable 00077 ‐‐‐No view 1187 Land at Rodley Fold Farm, Rodley LS13Unsuitable 0001085 ‐‐‐No view 1189 Land at Bramston Lodge, Carlton, Near YeadonLDF to determine 00058 ‐‐‐No view 1190 Land adjoining Wetherby Road/Elmete Lane, Roundhay LS8LDF to determine 000181 ‐‐‐No view 1192 Land adjoining Green Top, Pudsey LS28LDF to determine 0200 20 ‐‐‐No view 1193 Land at Rodley Lane ‐ Calverley Lane, Calverley LS19LDF to determine 000145 ‐‐‐No view 1194 Land at Thorpe Lane ‐ Hawksworth Lane, Guiseley LS20LDF to determine 0580 58 ‐‐‐No view 1195 Land at Waterloo Road, Pudsey LS28 LDF to determine 0350 35 ‐‐‐No view 1196 Land off West Busk Lane, Otley LS21 Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1197 Cross Green Rugby Ground and Allotments, Otley, LS21LDF to determine 0800 80 ‐‐‐No view 1198 Land adjoining Stephen Smith’s Garden Centre, Pool Road, Otley LS21Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1199 Land off Moseley Wood Gardens, Cookridge. LS16LDF to determine 200 0 0 200 ‐‐‐No view 1200 Land of Highfield Drive/Harthill Lane, Gildersome, LS27LDF to determine 000129 ‐‐‐No view 1201 Land adjoining Woodhall Road ‐ Gain Lane, Thornbury BD3LDF to determine 0 150 46 196 ‐‐‐No view 1202 Land off Victoria Avenue, Horsforth LS18LDF to determine 000228 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 15 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1204 Land at Old Manor Farm off Old Lane, Bramhope LS16LDF to determine 0 225 60 285 ‐‐‐No view 1205 Land off Mill Lane, East Ardsley WF3 LDF to determine 00050 ‐‐‐No view 1207 Millshaw Park Industrial Estate, Millshaw Park Lane, Millshaw, LS11LDF to determine 0 225 109 334 ‐‐‐No view 1208 White Rose Shopping , Dewsbury Road, LS11 8015025LDF to determine 175 ‐‐‐No view 1209 Cotton Mill (Site A) and Grove Farm (SiteB) Dewsbury Road LS11LDF to determine 0 360 502 862 ‐‐‐No view 1212 Land at Pollard Lane, Bramley, LS13 LDF to determine 00063 ‐‐‐No view 1213 Pudsey Houghside WWTW, off Tong Road, East Side Court, LS28 9NDLDF to determine 0 120 112 232 ‐‐‐No view 1220 Land to the east of Churwell LS27 LDF to determine 0360393753 ‐‐‐No view 1221 Gill Lane, Yeadon LS19 LDF to determine 000155 ‐‐‐No view 1223 Land north of Watergate, Methley LDF to determine 015018168 ‐‐‐No view 1224 Land south of Church Lane, MickletownUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1225 Land west of Pinfold Lane, MickletownUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view Page 41 Page 1226 Land north of Nanny Goat Lane and adjacent to M1, Garforth LS25LDF to determine 000457 ‐‐‐No view 1229 Land at Churwell, Leeds, North of Ibbetson Oval and adjacent to M621LDF to determine 0610 61 ‐‐‐No view 1230 Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Ambulance Station, Saxton Lane, Leeds, LS9 Suitable 0500 50 ‐‐‐No view 1232 Land at Stourton Grange Farm, Selby Road ‐ Ridge Road, Garforth LS25LDF to determine 0 1260 5040 6300 ‐‐‐No view 1233 Land at York Road ‐ Sandbeck Lane, Wetherby, LS22LDF to determine 0 450 597 1047 ‐‐‐No view 1237 Land to the north and east of Astley Lane, Swillington,LDF to determine 0 137 0 137 ‐‐‐No view 1238 Land to the rear of Oakford terrace, Low Lane, Horsforth, LS18LDF to determine 0150 15 ‐‐‐No view 1239 Land South of Dowkell Lane, Thorp Arch, LS22LDF to determine 0 150 0 150 ‐‐‐No view 1240 Land North of Church Causeway, Thorp ArchLDF to determine 0 128 0 128 ‐‐‐No view 1241 Land at Walton Road, Thorp Arch, LS22LDF to determine 0 150 83 233 ‐‐‐No view 1242 Paddock, Church Lane, Meanwood, LS6LDF to determine 25 0 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 1243 Former Rectory Paddock, Back Church Lane,Adel , LS16LDF to determine 00018 ‐‐‐No view 1244 Land to the North of Garforth Cliffe Park, LS25LDF to determine 0840 84 ‐‐‐No view 1246 Former Rectory Paddock North of Memorial Rec Ground, Back Church Lane,Adel , LS1Unsuitable 00066 ‐‐‐No view 1249 Land off Junction 30 M62, Rothwell and Oulton, LS26LDF to determine 0001886 ‐‐‐No view 1250 Unit 1 , Elmfield Way, Bramley Unsuitable 000 0 000 0 1251 Leeds Road, Collingham, LS22 LDF to determine 0630 63 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 16 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1252 Northgate Lane, Linton, LS22 LDF to determine 0520 52 ‐‐‐No view 1253 Land adjoining Rodley Fold Farm, Rodley, LS13LDF to determine 00067 ‐‐‐No view 1254 Land at Moor Lane, Guiseley LDF to determine 00038 ‐‐‐No view 1255 Land at Shaw Lane, Guiseley and Banksfield Mount, YeadonLDF to determine 0 300 115 415 ‐‐‐No view 1256 Land at Wills Gill off Carlton Lane, Guiseley.LDF to determine 000289 ‐‐‐No view 1258 Land to rear of Westerton Road, tingley, WF3LDF to determine 00034 ‐‐‐No view 1259 Land adjacent to Haigh Farm,Bullough Lane,Rothwell Haigh LS26 0JYLDF to determine 0 300 62 362 ‐‐‐No view 1260 Land to north and south of Batley Road, Tingley, Wakefield, WF3 1HALDF to determine 0 600 682 1282 ‐‐‐No view 1261 Church Farm and surrounding land north of M62, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3SALDF to determine 0 144 0 144 ‐‐‐No view 1262 Site of Sandy Lodge, Roundhay Park Lane, Leeds LS17 8ASLDF to determine 0 32 0 32 ‐‐‐No view 1265 Former Gas Works, Armley Gyratory Suitable 0122122244 ‐‐‐No view 1266 Land at Wakefield Road Drighlington LDF to determine 000146 ‐‐‐No view

Page 42 Page 1267 Former Gas works Site, Kidacre StreetSuitable 0 200 0 200 00300300 1269 Land between Pit Lane and Roman Road , MicklefieldLDF to determine 0 360 261 621 ‐‐‐No view 1270 Land between Pit Lane and the Cresent MicklefieldLDF to determine 0 300 33 333 ‐‐‐No view 1271 Land off Rakehill Road, Scholes, LS15LDF to determine 0 400 2127 2527 ‐‐‐No view 1273 Land north and west of New Farnley,LDF to determine 0 360 47 407 ‐‐‐No view 1274 Land north of East Ardsley, WF3 LDF to determine 024185326 ‐‐‐No view 1275 Land north of Wide Lane, Morley LDF to determine 000255 ‐‐‐No view 1276 Land at Manor House Farm, Manor House Farm, Newfield Lane, LedshamLDF to determine 6 14 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 1277 Hill Top Farm, Claypit Lane, LedshamLDF to determine 0 20 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 1278 Symphony Group ,Gelderd Road, LS12Unsuitable 000 0 000 0 1279 Owlers Farm Extension , Wide Lane, MorleyLDF to determine 0 116 0 116 ‐‐‐No view 1280 Land at Station Road , Morley LDF to determine 0210 21 ‐‐‐No view 1281 Bruntcliffe Road Morley Suitable 150 84 0 234 150 84 0 234 1282 Lane Side Farm PAS Morley LDF to determine 000542 ‐‐‐No view 1283 Lane Side Farm Extension Morley LDF to determine 0450110560 ‐‐‐No view 1284 Low Moor Farm Extension Albert Drive, MorleyLDF to determine 0 150 95 245 ‐‐‐No view 1285 Owlers Farm PAS , Wide Lane, MorleyLDF to determine 125 0 0 125 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 17 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1286 Land off Colliers Lane, Shadwell, LS17LDF to determine 00072 ‐‐‐No view 1287 Land at Blind Lane, Shadwell, LS17 LDF to determine 00061 ‐‐‐No view 1288 Land at Manor Farm Shadwell, LS17 LDF to determine 021084294 ‐‐‐No view 1289 Land north of Dowkell Lane, Thorpe Arch, WetherbyLDF to determine 0 300 17 317 ‐‐‐No view 1290 Land to the rear of the Vicarage, Thorpe Arch, Boston SpaLDF to determine 0 25 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 1291 Land at Lilac Farm, lilac Farm, Collingham, LS22LDF to determine 0 150 32 182 ‐‐‐No view 1292 Paddock at Jewitt Lane, Jewitt Lane, Collingham, LS22LDF to determine 22 0 0 22 ‐‐‐No view 1293 Land at Harewood Road, Collingham LS22LDF to determine 0 104 0 104 ‐‐‐No view 1294 Land at Leeds Road, Collingham, LS22LDF to determine 000122 ‐‐‐No view 1295 Land to the East of the M1 , LS9 LDF to determine 150 810 660 1620 ‐‐‐No view 1296 Land adjacent to Pontefract Lane,Cross Green , LS9Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1297 Former Vickers Tank Factory Site, Manston Lane, Cross GatesSuitable 40 360 95 495 40 360 95 495 Page 43 Page 1299 Bodington Hall, otley Road, Lawnswood,LS16Suitable 196 350 135 681 126 0 0 126 1300 Land opposite the Ridge, Linton Lane,Linton, LS22LDF to determine 050 5 ‐‐‐No view 1301 Wetherby Golf Course house and Car park, Linton lane, Wetherby,LS22LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1304 Land to the West of Larumrise, Off Willow Lane, Clifford, LS23LDF to determine 0560 56 ‐‐‐No view 1308 land to the Rear of Naylor Jennings Mill Of green Lane , YeadonSuitable 179 0 0 179 170 0 0 170 1309 Land to the rear of Linton Lane LS22 LDF to determine 0920 92 ‐‐‐No view 1310 Land at Outwood Lane , Horsforth, LS18LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1311 Land to the South of Coach Road, GuiseleyLDF to determine 0 63 0 63 ‐‐‐No view 1315 Land to east of Holywell Lane / Bridle Path Road, Shadwell, LS17LDF to determine 0500 50 ‐‐‐No view 1316 Land to North of Bridle Path Road, Shadwell, LS17LDF to determine 00033 ‐‐‐No view 1317 House and Garden 105 West Busk Lane Otley LS21 3LXUnsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1319 Land North of Albert Road , Morley LDF to determine 0750 75 ‐‐‐No view 1320 Lower Moor Farm PAS , Albert Drive, MorleyLDF to determine 190 0 0 190 ‐‐‐No view 1321 Moorleigh Drive, South of Pondfields Drive, KippaxLDF to determine 0 13 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 1322 Airedale Mills, Rodley Suitable 69 0 0 69 006969 1324 Stonecroft, Ling Lane, LS17 9JN LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1325 501 Dewsbury Road, LS11 5LL LDF to determine 0280 28 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 18 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 1326 Land at Town End, Carlton, Yeadon LS19LDF to determine 000301 ‐‐‐No view 1328 Land south of Roker Lane, Pudsey , LS28LDF to determine 00035 ‐‐‐No view 1329 Land to the North of Blackmoor Lane, Bardsey, LeedsLDF to determine 00032 ‐‐‐No view 1330 Jude's Pond, Haigh Moor Road, West Ardsley, WF3 1EFLDF to determine 300 3 ‐‐‐No view 1332 Penfields Adwalton Drighlington LDF to determine 037539414 ‐‐‐No view 1334 Pitty Close Farm, Drighlington, BD11 LDF to determine 030021321 ‐‐‐No view 1335 Mill Pit Lane, Rothwell LS26 LDF to determine 000125 ‐‐‐No view 1336 Land at Westerton Road, West ArdsleyLDF to determine 0 75 0 75 ‐‐‐No view 1337 Stylo House, Harrogate Road, Apperley Bridge Bradford BD10Suitable 20 0 0 20 61 0 0 61 1338 Mistress Lane Armley Suitable 41 0 0 41 ‐‐‐No view 1339 Clarient Production UK Limited, Calverley Lane, Horsforth, LS18 4RPSuitable 280 51 0 331 120 0 0 120 1340 Gassey Fields, Oak Road, New WortleySuitable 120 0 0 120 00120120

Page 44 Page 1341 Adjacent to Whingate Primary School, Tong Road, FarnleySuitable 19 0 0 19 ‐‐‐No view 1342 Kilburn Road, Farnley Suitable 0140 14 0100 10 1343 Harper Gate Farm, Tyersal Lane, Bradford BD4 0RDSuitable 309 0 0 309 80 220 151 451 1344 Westfield Farm Drighlington, BD11 LDF to determine 00017 ‐‐‐No view 1355 r/o 26‐32 Wood Lane, Rothwell Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 1357 Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater LDF to determine 0650 65 ‐‐‐No view 1358 Midgley Farm, Otley Unsuitable 000600 ‐‐‐No view 1359 Rothwell Garden Centre, Wood Lane, Rothwell, LS26LDF to determine 0830 83 ‐‐‐No view 1365 Swithens Lane, Rothwell, Leeds LS26 0BSLDF to determine 000259 ‐‐‐No view 1366 Land south of Selby Road, Garforth , LS25 1Suitable 000 0 003838 1367 Land North of Rakehill Road, Barwick in ElmetLDF to determine 0 31 0 31 ‐‐‐No view 1368 Land South of Rakehill Road Barwick in elmetLDF to determine 0710 71 ‐‐‐No view 1369 Land at Old Pool Bank, Pool in Wharfedale, Otley, LS21LDF to determine 000226 ‐‐‐No view 2000 Marsh Lane Goods Yard Suitable 02300 230 ‐‐‐No view 2001 St Peters Square Suitable 49 0 0 49 000 0 2002 Co‐op Funeral Services & St Annes Shelter, Marsh Lane/York StreetSuitable 0 100 0 100 ‐‐‐No view 2003 Dransfield’s Amusements Centre Suitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 19 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 2004 Leeds College Of Building Suitable 158 0 0 158 000 0 2005 Trafalgar Street Unsuitable 000 0 00137137 2006 Caspar Building and Centenary HouseSuitable 157 0 0 157 00157157 2007 Wharf Street Suitable 0140 14 001414 2008 White Cloth Hall Suitable 050 5 ‐‐‐No view 2009 Carlsberg UK LTD Brewery, Black Bull StreetLDF to determine 67 370 293 730 ‐‐‐No view 2010 Hindle Valve / New Lane LDF to determine 009595 ‐‐‐No view 2011 ASDA HQ, Southbank, Great Wilson StLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2012 Apex Business Park / Meadow Lane FrontageSuitable 0 162 136 298 ‐‐‐No view 2013 Pottery Fields, Kidacre Street Suitable 0880 88 ‐‐‐No view 2014 Motorcycle Training Area, Kidacre StreetSuitable 0500 50 00121121 2015 Bath Road West LDF to determine 49 25 0 74 ‐‐‐No view Page 45 Page 2016 Bath Road East LDF to determine 53 43 0 96 ‐‐‐No view 2018 Silver Street/ Midland Mills North LDF to determine 51 35 0 86 ‐‐‐No view 2019 Silver Street/ Midland Mills South LDF to determine 69 110 0 179 ‐‐‐No view 2020 Sweet Street Surface Car Park Suitable 54 0 0 54 005252 2021 Water Inn Car Park Suitable 47 15 0 62 ‐‐‐No view 2022 Clarence Road LDF to determine 088131219 ‐‐‐No view 2023 Yorkshire Evening Post Suitable 108 185 0 293 ‐‐‐No view 2024 Kirkstall Road Car Park Suitable 96 137 0 233 ‐‐‐No view 2025 Adjacent Park ‐ Aireside Suitable 010587192 ‐‐‐No view 2026 RSPCA, Cavendish St Suitable 70 0 0 70 007070 2027 Rear of Round House Suitable 65 90 0 155 ‐‐‐No view 2029 Leeds Metropolitan University Suitable 119 0 0 119 000 0 2030 Brunswick Terrace / Elmwood Suitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2031 Water Lane Railway Triangle Suitable 010566171 ‐‐‐No view 2032 Lotherton Way, Ash Lane, Garforth Suitable 0230 23 000 0 2035 East Chevin Road, Otley Suitable 54 0 0 54 14 0 0 14 2036 Rod Mills Lane, High Street, Morley Suitable 66 0 0 66 000 0

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 20 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 2037 Fall Lane, East Ardsley Suitable 001010 10 0 0 10 2038 Low Mills, Guiseley Suitable 01440 144 000 0 2039 Thorpe Park, undeveloped non‐submitted landSuitable 300 0 0 300 240 173 0 413 2040 Temple Point, Bullerthorpe Lane, ColtonSuitable 13 0 0 13 11 0 0 11 2041 Stourton North LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2044 Green Meadows School, Bradford Road , Guiseley, LS20LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2046 North Ives Farm, Brownberrie Gardens, Horsforth, LS18LDF to determine 0 375 8 383 ‐‐‐No view 2049 West Park Centre, LS16 Suitable 69 0 0 69 006969 2051 King Lane, Alwoodley, LS17 LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2052 Tile Lane, Adel, LS16 LDF to determine 0300151451 ‐‐‐No view 2053 Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley, LS17 LDF to determine 0360147507 ‐‐‐No view 2054 Harrogate Road, Alwoodley, LS17 LDF to determine 000583 ‐‐‐No view

Page 46 Page 2055 Carr Manor, Meanwood, LS6 Suitable 003737 003737 2056 Wigton Moor Primary School, High Ashdrive, Alwoodley, LS17LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2058 Allerton Grange High School, Talbot Avenue, Moor Allerton, LS17LDF to determine 0700 70 ‐‐‐No view 2059 Oakhill Cottage Farm, Shadwell, LS17LDF to determine 000364 ‐‐‐No view 2062 Red Hall Offices & Playing Field, LS17LDF to determine 100 0 0 100 ‐‐‐No view 2063 Cobble Hall, Roundhay, LS8 LDF to determine 0300200500 ‐‐‐No view 2067 Thorp Arch Grange LDF to determine 19 0 0 19 ‐‐‐No view 2068 Waste Tip Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby, LS23LDF to determine 0 170 0 170 ‐‐‐No view 2075 Park Spring Primary School, Swinnow, LS19LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2076 Farnley Hall, Farnley, LS12 LDF to determine 000778 ‐‐‐No view 2077 Meanwood Road, Meanwood, LS6 Unsuitable 000 0 004444 2078 Land to the south of Gelderd Road, Wortley, LS12LDF to determine 0 225 82 307 ‐‐‐No view 2079 Former Matthew Murray High School, Holbeck, LS11Suitable 000 0 00140140 2080 Copperfields College, Cross Green, LS9LDF to determine 100 173 0 273 ‐‐‐No view 2086 Barrowby Lane, Manston, LS15 LDF to determine 000553 ‐‐‐No view 2087 Crawshaw Wood, north of Barrowby Lane, Garforth, LS25LDF to determine 000266 ‐‐‐No view 2090 Bullerthorpe Lane, Colton, LS15 LDF to determine 0 600 1857 2457 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 21 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 2091 Aberford Road, Garforth, LS25 Suitable 0550 55 000 0 2092 East Garforth Primary School, Garforth, LS25Suitable 0 0 29 29 ‐‐‐No view 2095 Stank Hall Barn, Beeston, LS11 LDF to determine 0720 72 ‐‐‐No view 2096 West Wood Road, Middleton, LS10 LDF to determine 000103 ‐‐‐No view 2098 Sissons Farm, Middleton, LS10 LDF to determine 0450469919 ‐‐‐No view 2099 Dunningley Hill, Tingley, WF3 LDF to determine 0820 82 ‐‐‐No view 2100 Playing Fields Throstle Lane, Middleton, LS10LDF to determine 125 0 0 125 ‐‐‐No view 2103 Allotments Copley Lane, Robin Hood, WF3LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2104 Leeds Road Lofthouse, WF3 LDF to determine 022542267 ‐‐‐No view 2105 East Ardsley Adult Training Centre, Tingley, WF3LDF to determine 00049 ‐‐‐No view 2107 Fleet Lane, Woodlesford, LS26 LDF to determine 000342 ‐‐‐No view 2108 Rodillion School, Lofthouse, LS26 LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view Page 47 Page 2110 Rothwell Sports Centre, Oulton, LS26LDF to determine 000208 ‐‐‐No view 2114 Gelderd Road, Wortley, LS12 LDF to determine 0600 60 ‐‐‐No view 2118 Haw Lane, Yeadon LDF to determine 00060 ‐‐‐No view 2119 Canada Road, Rawdon LDF to determine 34 0 0 34 ‐‐‐No view 2120 Hill Foot Farm, Pudsey LDF to determine 81 0 0 81 ‐‐‐No view 2121 Calverley Lane, Farsley LDF to determine 00072 ‐‐‐No view 2123 Low Moor Side, New Farnley LDF to determine 000110 ‐‐‐No view 2124 Spring Gardens Drighlington LDF to determine 000225 ‐‐‐No view 2125 Manor House Farm, Churwell LDF to determine 77 0 0 77 ‐‐‐No view 2127 Tingley Station LDF to determine 0001133 ‐‐‐No view 2128 New Lane East Ardsley LDF to determine 00048 ‐‐‐No view 2129 Mickletown Road Methley LDF to determine 000220 ‐‐‐No view 2130 Church Lane Adel LDF to determine 000186 ‐‐‐No view 2131 Moorgate Kippax LDF to determine 000285 ‐‐‐No view 2132 Selby Road Garforth LDF to determine 000473 ‐‐‐No view 2134 East of Scholes LDF to determine 000843 ‐‐‐No view 2135 Leeds Road Collingham LDF to determine 00097 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 22 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 2136 The Ridge Linton LDF to determine 000109 ‐‐‐No view 2137 West Park Boston Spa LDF to determine 000109 ‐‐‐No view 2138 Abbey Street, Kirkstall Road Suitable 50 0 0 50 000 0 2140 Raincliffe Road, Richmond Hill Suitable 20 0 0 20 000 0 2141 Wykebeck Avenue, Osmondthorpe Suitable 0550 55 000 0 2142 Kendall Drive, Halton Moor Suitable 0150 15 001515 2143 Neville Road, Halton Moor Suitable 000 0 000 0 2144 Cartmell Drive, Halton Moor Suitable 120 120 0 240 62 0 0 62 2145 Former Primrose High School, Lincoln GreenSuitable 100 120 0 220 ‐‐‐No view 2146 Barncroft Close, Seacroft Suitable 27 0 0 27 002727 2147 (A‐D) Askets and Boggarts, Seacroft Suitable 180 300 60 540 180 300 60 540 2148 Baileys Lane East, Seacroft Suitable 000 0 000 0

Page 48 Page 2149 Ramshead Approach, Seacroft LDF to determine 0150 15 ‐‐‐No view 2150 South Parkway and Brooklands, SeacroftSuitable 160 40 0 200 000 0 2154 Rear of Seacroft Hospital LDF to determine 200 520 0 720 ‐‐‐No view 2155 South of Ardsley Common LDF to determine 022521246 ‐‐‐No view 2156 West of Hawks Nest Wood, North of Lotherton Way, GarforthLDF to determine 0 450 504 954 ‐‐‐No view 2157 East of Ridge Road LDF to determine 0 350 2687 3037 ‐‐‐No view 2158 South of Sandbeck wood, Wetherby LDF to determine 01410 141 ‐‐‐No view 2159 Craven Park, Whitehall Road, FarnleyLDF to determine 000570 ‐‐‐No view 2160 Ling Bob, Scotland Lane, Horsforth LDF to determine 0 450 1464 1914 ‐‐‐No view 2161 West of Westfield Mount, Yeadon LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 2162 North of Warm Lane, Yeadon LDF to determine 00072 ‐‐‐No view 2163 Sodhall Hill, South of Park Road, GuiseleyLDF to determine 0 225 192 417 ‐‐‐No view 2164 Broad Oaks Farm, Churwell LDF to determine 0150101251 ‐‐‐No view 3000 Land r/o 1‐24a Street Lane, GildersomeLDF to determine 0 32 0 32 ‐‐‐No view 3001 Whitehall Road, Gildersome, LS12 LDF to determine 0135110245 ‐‐‐No view 3002 St David's Road, Otley, LS21 2AW LDF to determine 00046 ‐‐‐No view 3003 Spring Gardens, Drighlington, Bradford, BD11LDF to determine 48 0 0 48 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 23 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3006 Elland Road, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 8UALDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 3007 Land At M621 Junction 27 And Wakefield Road, Gildersome, Leeds, LS27Unsuitable 000 0 000 0 3009 Land at Gelderd Road/Lowfields Road, Wortley, LS12Unsuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 3010 Holt Park Leisure Centre, Holt Road, AdelSuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 3011 Dick Lane Garage, Dick Lane, Thornbury, Bradford, BD3Suitable 51 0 0 51 005151 3012 Iveridge Hall, Wakefield Road, Oulton, Leeds, LS26 8EULDF to determine 00011 ‐‐‐No view 3013 Former Tradex Cash and Carry Site, Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS8 3QESuitable 0 29 0 29 ‐‐‐No view 3014 Area within Kirkstall Hill, Beecroft Street, Commercial RoadSuitable 109 0 0 109 000 0 3015 Benyon House, Ring Road, Middleton, LS10 4AASuitable 0 0 74 74 ‐‐‐No view 3016 Low Hall Farm, Low Hall Road, Horsforth, LS18 8Suitable 007 7 007 7 3017 St Peters Church and House, Chantrell House, Leeds Parish Church, KirkgateSuitable 35 0 0 35 000 0 3018 4 St Peters Place, Leeds, LS9 8AQ Suitable 18 0 0 18 000 0 Page 49 Page 3019 Whinmoor Lane, Shadwell, Leeds, LS17LDF to determine 00092 ‐‐‐No view 3020 Land either side of Elmete Lane, Shadwell, LS17LDF to determine 00050 ‐‐‐No view 3021 Otley Golf Club, West Busk Lane, Otley, LS21 3NGLDF to determine 000253 ‐‐‐No view 3022 Acrecliffe Farm. Ellar Ghyll, Bradford Road, Otley, LS21 3DNLDF to determine 0 194 0 194 ‐‐‐No view 3025 Land between A660 and Birdcage Walk, Otley, LS21 30410Unsuitable 41 ‐‐‐No view 3026 Land between Mire Beck and Ings LaneLDF to determine 0 150 148 298 ‐‐‐No view 3028 Kelcliffe Mount/West View, Kelcliffe Lane, Guiseley, LS20 9DELDF to determine 0 250 146 396 ‐‐‐No view 3029 Land south of Wills Gill, Guiseley, LS20 9NGLDF to determine 0 185 0 185 ‐‐‐No view 3030 Yeadon Banks, Haw Lane, Yeadon, LS19 701010Unsuitable 101 ‐‐‐No view 3031 Ghyll Mount, Yeadon, LS19 7GA LDF to determine 0410 41 ‐‐‐No view 3033 High Fold Farm, Warm Lane, Rawdon, LS19 7DNLDF to determine 0 179 35 214 ‐‐‐No view 3034 Rawdon Billings, LS19 6AB LDF to determine 0 100 1858 1958 ‐‐‐No view 3037 Priesthorpe School, Priesthorpe Lane, Farlsey, Pudsey, LS28 5SGUnsuitable 00052 ‐‐‐No view 3038 Farsley Fairfield Infants School, Cotefields Avenue, Farsley, Pudsey, LS28 5EELDF to determine 0 15 0 15 ‐‐‐No view 3039 Land behind 115‐127 Waterloo Road, Pudsey, LS28 8LQLDF to determine 0 37 0 37 ‐‐‐No view 3040 Land Adjacent to (Leeds Marble Centre) Gibralter Mills, Gibralter Road, Pudsey, LS28LDF to determine 00091 ‐‐‐No view 3041 Land at Bramley Lane/Gibralter Lane Junction, Pudsey, LS28 80770LDF to determine 77 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 24 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3044 Cookridge Hall Golf Course/Driving Range, Cookridge Lane, Cookridge, LS16 7LQLDF to determine 0 160 114 274 ‐‐‐No view 3048 Land behind 23‐41 Kent Close, Pudsey, LS28 9EYLDF to determine 0 62 0 62 ‐‐‐No view 3050 Troydale Farm, Troydale Lane, Pudsey, LS28 9JTLDF to determine 0 63 22 85 ‐‐‐No view 3056 Wood Lane (land south of), Farnley, LS12 60150125LDF to determine 275 ‐‐‐No view 3057 Cottingley Springs, Gelderd Road, Gildersome, Morley, LS27 701960LDF to determine 196 ‐‐‐No view 3058 Gelderd Road, Gildersome, Morley, LS27 7LDF to determine 000556 ‐‐‐No view 3059 Hill Top Cemetery off Gelderd Road, Wortley, LS12 6DJLDF to determine 0 180 0 180 ‐‐‐No view 3060 Gilead Farm, Bell Royd Farm and Cricket Hill, Gelderd Road, Gildersome, Morley, LS2LDF to determine 0 450 2694 3144 ‐‐‐No view 3061 Cricket Hill Brow, Gelderd Road, Gildersome, Morley, LS27 7LSLDF to determine 00062 ‐‐‐No view 3062 Land rear of 51 Harthill Rise, Harthill Lane, Gildersome, LS27 70300LDF to determine 30 ‐‐‐No view 3063 Land adjacent to 57b Spring View, Gildersome, Morley, LS27 7HGLDF to determine 0 85 0 85 ‐‐‐No view 3064 Land adjacent to Birchfield Primary School, Birchfield Avenue, Gildersome, Morley, L0195206LDF to determine 401 ‐‐‐No view

Page 50 Page 3068 Land north of Valley Mills, Valley Road, Morley, LS27 8AALDF to determine 00058 ‐‐‐No view 3069 Harvester White Rose Pub, Dewsbury Road, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8PLLDF to determine 000124 ‐‐‐No view 3075 Scrap Yard, Thrope Lane, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 4EPUnsuitable 0 178 0 178 ‐‐‐No view 3077 118‐168 Rein Road, Tingley, Wakefield, WF3 1JBLDF to determine 000371 ‐‐‐No view 3078 Land surrounding St Mary's Church/Cemetary/Parish Centre, Dewsbury Road, TingleyLDF to determine 0 238 695 933 ‐‐‐No view 3079 Land adjacent to Bell Hill Industrial Estate, Wood Lane, Rothwell, Leeds, LS26 0RSUnsuitable 0 79 0 79 ‐‐‐No view 3080 Land to rear of units at 251 Wood Lane, Rothwell, Leeds, LS26 0RJUnsuitable 00035 ‐‐‐No view 3081 Glebe Farm/Haigh House Farm, Wakefiled Road, Rothwell, LS26 0RZLDF to determine 0 125 457 582 ‐‐‐No view 3084 Cemetary Lane, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3RUUnsuitable 000156 ‐‐‐No view 3085 The Grange, 308 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3QQLDF to determine 0 149 93 242 ‐‐‐No view 3088 Land east of Shop Lane, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3PDLDF to determine 0 26 0 26 ‐‐‐No view 3093 Eshald Lane, Woodlesford, Leeds, LS26 8LNUnsuitable 0 41 0 41 ‐‐‐No view 3096 Land adjacent to The Bungalow, (4) Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater, Castleford, WF1LDF to determine 0 76 0 76 ‐‐‐No view 3100 Land to rear 23‐67 St Aidans Road, Swillington, Leeds, LS26 8AYLDF to determine 0 79 0 79 ‐‐‐No view 3101 Land at junction of Preston Lane/Wood Lane, Great Preston, Leeds, LS26 8APLDF to determine 0 196 400 596 ‐‐‐No view 3102 Park Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7AP LDF to determine 0480 48 ‐‐‐No view 3103 The Hills, Sandgate Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 70560LDF to determine 56 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 25 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3104 Sandgate Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 701470LDF to determine 147 ‐‐‐No view 3105 Allotment gardens between Sandgate Lane/Gibson Lane, Kippax, LS25 70550LDF to determine 55 ‐‐‐No view 3106 Land adjacent to Selby Road, between junction with M1 and junction with Wakefield LDF to determine 0 345 1571 1916 ‐‐‐No view 3107 Lines Way(Path), Selby Road, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1LWLDF to determine 0 58 0 58 ‐‐‐No view 3108 Lines Way(Path), Selby Road, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1LWLDF to determine 0 18 0 18 ‐‐‐No view 3109 Land south of Selby Road, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 203811655LDF to determine 2036 ‐‐‐No view 3110 Land west of Green Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 2011616LDF to determine 132 ‐‐‐No view 3111 Moorhouse Farm, Wakefield Road, Garforth, LS25 1ASLDF to determine 000132 ‐‐‐No view 3112 Fairview Farm, Wakefield Road, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1ASUnsuitable 0 125 123 248 ‐‐‐No view 3113 Land to rear of Barrowby Lodge, Barrowby Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1NFLDF to determine 00013 ‐‐‐No view 3114 Land adjacent to The Cottage, Nanny Goat Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 2DQLDF to determine 00038 ‐‐‐No view 3115 Land at New Hold, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 2HHLDF to determine 00068 ‐‐‐No view Page 51 Page 3116 Land adjacent to Micklefield C of E Primary School, Great North Road, Micklefield, LSLDF to determine 0 127 0 127 ‐‐‐No view 3117 Land south of Selby Road, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1LFLDF to determine 00040 ‐‐‐No view 3118 Land east of York Road, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14 2ADUnsuitable 0 87 0 87 ‐‐‐No view 3119 Hobberley Cottage/The Wellington(PH), Whin Moor Lane, Shadwell, Leeds, LS17 8LULDF to determine 0 64 0 64 ‐‐‐No view 3120 Topcliffe Grange, Dewsbury Road, Morley, WF3 1SHLDF to determine 0 360 242 602 ‐‐‐No view 3121 Land at rear of 41 Tyresal Avenue, Tyersal, Bradford, BD4 8HJSuitable 14 0 0 14 14 0 0 14 3124 Tyersal Beck East, Bradley Lane/Gibraltar Road, PudseyLDF to determine 0 70 24 94 ‐‐‐No view 3125 Carr Lane, Wetherby LS22 5EB LDF to determine 0590 59 ‐‐‐No view 3126 Syke Lane, Scarcroft, LS14 3BH LDF to determine 0310 31 ‐‐‐No view 3127 Wetherby Road/Hellwood Lane, Scarcroft, Leeds, LS14 3BPLDF to determine 0 90 24 114 ‐‐‐No view 3128 Deepdale Lane/High Street, Boston Spa, LS23 6EPLDF to determine 0 59 0 59 ‐‐‐No view 3129 Moor End/Leys Lane, Boston Spa, LS23 6ERLDF to determine 00065 ‐‐‐No view 3130 Land adj Thorny Croft Stables, Church Street / Primrose Lane, Boston Spa, LS23 6DJLDF to determine 00096 ‐‐‐No view 3131 Land adj Thorny Croft Stables, Church Street / Primrose Lane, Boston Spa, LS23 6DJLDF to determine 0 49 0 49 ‐‐‐No view 3132 Land to rear St Marys Boys Home, Church Street, Boston Spa, LS23 6DWLDF to determine 0 17 0 17 ‐‐‐No view 3133 Land to east of Woodacre Lane, Bardsey, LS17 9DFLDF to determine 0 46 0 46 ‐‐‐No view 3134 Land to east of Woodacre Lane, Bardsey, LS17 9DFLDF to determine 0 85 64 149 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 26 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3135 Land south of Wetherby Race Course (north of dismantled railway)LDF to determine 0 150 300 450 ‐‐‐No view 3136 Land south of Wetherby Racecourse (south of dismantled railway)LDF to determine 0 190 708 898 ‐‐‐No view 3137 Leeds Girls High School, Headingley, LS6 1BNSuitable 96 0 0 96 76 0 0 76 3142 Malvern Rise, LS11 Suitable 006060 ‐‐‐No view 3143 Cambrian Street, LS11 Suitable 21 0 0 21 001010 3144 Fairfax Road, LS11 Suitable 21 0 0 21 21 0 0 21 3145 Bismarck Street, LS11 Suitable 70 0 0 70 58 0 0 58 3146 Holbeck Towers, Holbeck Moor RoadSuitable 108 0 0 108 83 0 0 83 3147 Waverley Garth, LS11 Suitable 55 0 0 55 45 0 0 45 3148 Oatland Lane, LS7 Suitable 0167 23 ‐‐‐No view 3149 Carlton Gate, LS7 Suitable 113 0 0 113 ‐‐‐No view 3150 Leicester Place, LS7 Unsuitable 000 0 31 0 0 31

Page 52 Page 3152 Spen Common Lane, Bramham Suitable 000 9 900 9 3153 Seacroft Crescent, LS14 Suitable 13 0 0 13 001313 3155 Killingbeck Hospital B, LS14 Suitable 60 0 0 60 60 0 0 60 3157 Brandon Road, LS3 Suitable 72 0 0 72 007272 3161 Acre Mount, Middleton Suitable 20 0 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 3164 Haworth Court, Chapel Lane, Yeadon, LeedsSuitable 0 21 0 21 ‐‐‐No view 3182 ROCHEFORD COURT, PEPPER LANE, HUNSLET, LEEDSSuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 3184 THE FORMER DUTTON ARMS, QUEENSWOOD DRIVE, HEADINGLEY, LEEDSSuitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 3186 WETHERBY HEALTH CENTRE Suitable 800 8 000 0 3187 STATION GARAGE HENSHAW LANE YEADONSuitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view 3188 CORPORATION STREET MORLEY Suitable 22 0 0 22 ‐‐‐No view 3189 BRIDGE STREET MORLEY Suitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 3191 MEYNELL HEIGHTS LS11 Suitable 000 0 55 0 0 55 3193 FOLLY LANE LS11 Suitable 18 0 0 18 900 9 3194 MALVERN ROAD LS11 Suitable 21 0 0 21 10 0 0 10 3195 ST LUKE'S GREEN LS11 Suitable 19 0 0 19 900 9 3196 ELDER ROAD LS13 Suitable 22 0 0 22 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 27 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3197 CAMBRIDGE ROAD LS7 Unsuitable 000 0 002222 3198 STONEBRIDGE LANE LS12 Suitable 0200 20 000 0 3199 COTTINGLEY COURT, COTTINGLEY, LS11Suitable 300 3 ‐‐‐No view 3200 WHITE ROSE PH TONG ROAD LS12 Suitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 3202 120‐122 SMALEWELL ROAD PUDSEY Suitable 700 7 000 0 3203 Lumby Lane, Pudsey Suitable 10 0 0 10 ‐‐‐No view 3204 COUPLAND ROAD, Beeston, LS11 Suitable 10 0 0 10 000 0 3205 REAR 64‐80 CROSS GREEN LANE LS15Suitable 090 9 009 9 3206 DIN BUILDINGS, ROUNDHAY ROAD, LS8 3QDUnsuitable 800 8 ‐‐‐No view 3207 REAR 268‐274 SHADWELL LANE LS17Suitable 300 3 000 0 3208 9 MARSH PUDSEY Suitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view 3209 51‐61 MOUNT PLEASANT Suitable 000 0 ‐‐‐No view Page 53 Page 3214 BATLEY ROAD WEST ARDSLEY Suitable 200 2 ‐‐‐No view 3215 THE GROVE NORTH LANE LS8 Suitable 600 6 600 6 3216 WAKEFIELD ROAD DRIGHLINGTON Suitable 500 5 500 5 3217 232 BURLEY ROAD LS4 Suitable 700 7 700 7 3218 18 BRADFORD ROAD GILDERSOME Suitable 400 4 400 4 3219 ASH TREE GROVE, LS14 Suitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 3222 BLACKGATES BRADFORD ROAD TINGLEYSuitable 400 4 400 4 3224 HILLTOP GARAGE, VICTORIA RD, CHURWELLSuitable 300 3 300 3 3300 Former White Hart Hotel, 40 Church Street, Woodlesford, LeedsSuitable 200 2 ‐‐‐No view 3301 128 Wetherby Road, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2JZSuitable 500 5 500 5 3302 Old Road, Farsley, Pudsey, LS28 5DJ Suitable 0100 10 500 5 3304 The Old Vic, 17 Whitecote Hill, Bramley, LeedsSuitable 6 0 0 6 600 6 3307 Civic Quarter, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3DASuitable 74 0 0 74 ‐‐‐No view 3308 Land on Junction of Great North Road and Selby Road, A63, South of MicklefieldLDF to determine 00021 ‐‐‐No view 3309 Adj Ashfield House, Wetherby Road, Scarcroft, LS14 3HJLDF to determine 00012 ‐‐‐No view 3310 Land to rear of Police Station, Boston Road, Wetherby, LS22 5HALDF to determine 0 24 15 39 ‐‐‐No view 3311 Land south of Gascoigne Road, Thorpe, Wakefield WF3 3BPLDF to determine 0 100 90 190 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 28 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3313 Batley Road/Woodhouse Lane, Kirkhamgate, Wakefield, WF3 1LDF to determine 000148 ‐‐‐No view 3315 Land adjacent to Elmete Lane, RoundhayLDF to determine 0 0 0 886 ‐‐‐No view 3317 Scholes Thorner Railtrack, A64, York Road, Scholes, Leeds, LS15 4Unsuitable 004 4 ‐‐‐No view 3318 Victoria Lane Allotments, Rothwell, LS26 0LDF to determine 0 25 23 48 ‐‐‐No view 3319 Land to rear of Manor Court, Main Street, Aberford, LS25 3DALDF to determine 0 18 0 18 ‐‐‐No view 3320 Thorpe Villa (land to north) Middleton Lane, Thorp, LS10 4GYLDF to determine 0 200 424 624 ‐‐‐No view 3321 Berry Lane/Preston Lane, Great Preston, Leeds, LS26 8AULDF to determine 00084 ‐‐‐No view 3322 Grove Farm, Moor End, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6ERLDF to determine 000384 ‐‐‐No view 3323 Brandon Golf Course, Holywell Lane, Shadwell LS17 8EZLDF to determine 000101 ‐‐‐No view 3325 Land east of Thorner Lane (at junction of Thorner Lane & Skeltons Lane) LS15 4LDF to determine 000142 ‐‐‐No view 3326 Land north of Bayton Lane, Rawdon LDF to determine 000200 ‐‐‐No view 3327 Land at Bayton/Layton Road Junction, Rawdon, Leeds, LS18 5ETLDF to determine 00058 ‐‐‐No view

Page 54 Page 3328 Land at Layton Road, Rawdon, LS19 6QTLDF to determine 000133 ‐‐‐No view 3329 Land to rear of 22‐66 Layton Lane, Rawdon, LeedsLDF to determine 0 0 0 93 ‐‐‐No view 3330 Land at West End Lane, Horsforth, LeedsLDF to determine 00047 ‐‐‐No view 3331 Land at Knott Lane/Layton Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6JWLDF to determine 00021 ‐‐‐No view 3332 High Trees Day Nursery, High Trees School, Boston SpaLDF to determine 0 18 4 22 ‐‐‐No view 3333 Land off Ling Lane, Scarcroft LDF to determine 0200 20 ‐‐‐No view 3334 Land south of the A58 Collingham, LS22 5LDF to determine 000141 ‐‐‐No view 3339 University Of Leeds 20 ‐ 28 Hyde Terrace, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2 9LNSuitable 400 4 20 0 0 20 3340 65 Clarendon Road, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2 9NZSuitable 12 0 0 12 600 6 3344 Land Off Waterloo Mount, Pudsey, LS28Suitable 600 6 10 0 0 10 3345 Servia Road, Leeds, LS7 1NJ Suitable 66 0 0 66 66 0 0 66 3350 309 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, WF3 3QDSuitable 100 1 ‐‐‐No view 3351 2 Brigshaw Lane, Allerton Bywater, WF10 2HNSuitable 800 8 800 8 3352 51 Westfield Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7JASuitable 500 5 500 5 3354 New Wortley Labour Club, Oak Road, New Wortley, Leeds, LS12 2HJSuitable 900 9 900 9 3360 Cookridge Hall, Cookridge Lane, LS16 7NLLDF to determine 0 200 1350 1550 ‐‐‐No view 3363 Stone Gap, Mill Lane, Bardsey LDF to determine 00011 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 29 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3365 Westerton Road, Tingley LDF to determine 00083 ‐‐‐No view 3366 White House Lane, Yeadon LDF to determine 000102 ‐‐‐No view 3367 Breary Lane East, Bramhope ‐ Eastern stripLDF to determine 0 100 111 211 ‐‐‐No view 3371 Boston Road, Wetherby LS22 5DZ LDF to determine 000799 ‐‐‐No view 3372 East side of Baghill Road, West Ardsley, WakefieldSuitable 0 40 0 40 ‐‐‐No view 3373 Haigh Wood, West Ardsley LDF to determine 0120389509 ‐‐‐No view 3375 North of Elmet Drive, Barwick In ElmetLDF to determine 00044 ‐‐‐No view 3376 Weetwood Avenue, Leeds, LS16 5NQLDF to determine 0 89 0 89 ‐‐‐No view 3377 South of Hough Side, Pudsey LDF to determine 016034194 ‐‐‐No view 3378 Finning (UK) Ltd, Gelderd Road, Gildersome, LS27 7JSSuitable 100 0 0 100 01000 100 3379 Green Lane, Pudsey, LS28 8JN Suitable 14 0 0 14 18 0 0 18 3381 Brownberrie Farm, Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth, LS18Unsuitable 000 0 003535 Page 55 Page 3383 Land at 95‐123 Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27LDF to determine 00022 ‐‐‐No view 3384 Land at Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth, LS18 50260Suitable 26 002626 3386 Makro store, Royds Lane, Lower Wortley Road, Leeds, LS12 6HUSuitable 0 0 97 97 009797 3387 Gelderd Road, Gildersome, LS27 7LQLDF to determine 50 260 0 310 ‐‐‐No view 3388 Butterbowl Works, Ring Road Lower Wortley, LS12 5AJSuitable physical 30 29 0 59 ‐‐‐No view 3390 Former Arla Site, Kirkstall Road/Washington Street, Leeds, LS3 1Suitable physical 0 60 74 134 ‐‐‐No view 3391 Spen Common Lane, near Bramham, Leeds, LS24 907004300LDF to determine 5000 ‐‐‐No view 3393 67‐81 Kirkstall Road, Leeds, LS3 1LP Suitable physical 06058118 ‐‐‐No view 3394 Sugar Mill, Oakhurst Avenue (just off Dewsbury Road), Leeds, LS11 7DFSuitable 0 66 0 66 006666 3397 116 Old Lane, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 Unsuitable 000 0 000 0 3399 Premises at Roseville, Leeds, LS8 5DRUnsuitable 000 0 008484 3400 Land at Green Acres, Moor Road, Bramhope, LS16 9HJLDF to determine 0 48 0 48 ‐‐‐No view 3402 Ring Road West Park, Clayton Wood Road, Leeds LS16 6NSUnsuitable 000 0 003030 3403 LAND TO THE WEST OF BANKHOUSE LANE, PUDSEYLDF to determine 00030 ‐‐‐No view 3408 New Wortley, WELLINGTON ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, WELLINGTON ROAD, LS12 205000Suitable 500 000 0 3411 Site at Torre Road and Lupton Avenue, LS9 7, LeedsSuitable 58 0 0 58 005858 3412 Site at Waterloo Lane and Waterloo Way, LS13 2, LeedsSuitable 0 39 0 39 000 0

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 30 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 3425 49‐59 Armley Road (former Denso Marston Premises), LS12 2JL, LeedsSuitable 0 100 0 100 000 0 3427 Cliffdale Road, LS7 2JH Suitable 0180 18 001818 3428 Land off Daisy Hill Close, Morley, LeedsSuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 3429 Land at Blackmoor Lane, Bardsey, Leeds, LS17 9DZLDF to determine 00059 ‐‐‐No view 3432 Site at Kirkstall Road, Studio Road and Park RoadSuitable 000 0 00200200 3433 Site at Meanwood Road, Chancellor Street and Cross Chancellor Street, LS6 20490Suitable 49 004949 3434 Land at Green Acres, Moor Road, Bramhope, Leeds, LS16 9HJLDF to determine 000183 ‐‐‐No view 3437 Land at Home Farm, Aberford, Leeds, LS25 3HALDF to determine 00053 ‐‐‐No view 3438 Land at Parkhouse Farm, Aberford, Leeds, LS25LDF to determine 00031 ‐‐‐No view 3440 Reservoir, North of Owlcoates Road, Pudsey LS28LDF to determine 0 20 18 38 ‐‐‐No view 3441 Land at Hall Lane Ledston, WF10 2BBLDF to determine 000100 ‐‐‐No view 3444 Back Haigh Avenue, Rothwell, LS26 00150LDF to determine 15 ‐‐‐No view

Page 56 Page 3445 Leadwell Lane, Robin Hood, near Leeds, West Yorshire, LS26 0060110LDF to determine 170 ‐‐‐No view 3446 Land to the East of Pollard Lane, LeedsLDF to determine 00049 ‐‐‐No view 3448 Land to the South of Trip Lane, Linton, LS22 4JDLDF to determine 00050 ‐‐‐No view 3450 Land to North of Station Road, Kippax / Great PrestonLDF to determine 0 40 286 326 ‐‐‐No view 3452 York Road (A64) and Kiddal Lane, Kiddal lane End, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds 15LDF to determine 000384 ‐‐‐No view 3453 Kiddal Lane, Kiddal Lane End, Barwick in ElmetLDF to determine 00046 ‐‐‐No view 3454 Holdforth Place, New Wortley, LS12 125230Suitable physical 48 ‐‐‐No view 3455 Gamble Lane, Farnley, LS12 5LN LDF to determine 000316 ‐‐‐No view 3456 Ardsley Reservoir (large site), WF3 1 LDF to determine 0100206306 ‐‐‐No view 3457 Land adjacent to Water Treatment Works, Headingley, LS6 34200Suitable 42 ‐‐‐No view 3458 Wood End Farm, Farnley, LS12 6 LDF to determine 000350 ‐‐‐No view 3459 Land adjacent, St Hildas Church, Knowsthorpe Crescent/Cross Green LaneSuitable 86 0 0 86 000 0 3461 Land off Tithe Barn Lane, Bardsey, LS17 9LDF to determine 00030 ‐‐‐No view 3463 North of Brigshaw High School, Allerton BywaterLDF to determine 0 50 75 125 ‐‐‐No view 3464 Land off Tyersal Court, Tyersal BD4 8LDF to determine 00065 ‐‐‐No view 3465 Land off Leadwell Lane, Robin Hood/Rothwell, LS26 0LDF to determine 00033 ‐‐‐No view 3467 Land adjacent to the covered reservoir, Bruntcliffe Road, Morley LS27Unsuitable 000 0 005 5

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 31 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 4002 Park Leeds, St Anthony's Road, BeestonSuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 4004 Thorpe Hill Farm, Lingwell Gate Lane, ThorpeLDF to determine 00052 ‐‐‐No view 4007 Wortley High School and Leeds West City Learning Centre, Swallow Crescent, LS12 4RSuitable 100 0 0 100 ‐‐‐No view 4013 Gate Close, Elmete Lane, Roundhay, LS8 2LJLDF to determine 00052 ‐‐‐No view 4015 Land at 3 Scarcroft View, Brandon Lane, Shadwell, LS17 9JJUnsuitable 00020 ‐‐‐No view 4016 Land to the west of Bay Horse Lane, ScarcroftLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4018 Land to the North of Shadwell Lane, Alwoodley, Leeds, LS17 8FGLDF to determine 000109 ‐‐‐No view 4019 Kirkland House, Queensway, Yeadon, LS19 7RDSuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 4020 Hollins Lane/Hawstone Ave, Guiseley, LS20LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4021 Horsforth Mill, Low Lane. Horsforth, LS18 4ERSuitable 96 0 0 96 ‐‐‐No view 4027 Winrose Drive/Newhall Gate, LS10 3RZLDF to determine 23 0 0 23 ‐‐‐No view 4029 Ravells Works, Gelderd Road, WortleySuitable 0 83 0 83 ‐‐‐No view Page 57 Page 4031 Thorpe Road/ Thorpe Crescent/ Thorpe WaySuitable 25 0 0 25 ‐‐‐No view 4032 Thorpe Square, Middleton, LS10 Suitable 26 0 0 26 ‐‐‐No view 4034 Sissons Drive/Sissons Road, MiddletonSuitable 0140 14 ‐‐‐No view 4035 Throstle Mount, Middleton Suitable 0150 15 ‐‐‐No view 4036 Thornhill Road, Upper Wortley, LS12 4LGSuitable 15 0 0 15 ‐‐‐No view 4038 Land to the rear of Heights Drive, ArmleyLDF to determine 0180 18 ‐‐‐No view 4039 Regina House, Ring Road, Bramley, LS13 4ETSuitable 64 0 0 64 ‐‐‐No view 4041 Wyther Park Hill, Bramley, LS12 2 LDF to determine 0340 34 ‐‐‐No view 4042 Raynville Road, Raynville Crescent, BramleyLDF to determine 0 92 0 92 ‐‐‐No view 4043 Ings Lane, Guiseley LDF to determine 00094 ‐‐‐No view 4044 Dick Lane, Pudsey LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4045 Daleside Road, Pudsey, LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4046 Daleside Road, Pudsey LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4047 Sunnybank Lane, Pudsey Suitable 22 0 0 22 ‐‐‐No view 4048 Bryan Street, Farsley LDF to determine 002323 ‐‐‐No view 4049 Calverley Lane, Calverley LDF to determine 00018 ‐‐‐No view 4051 Hill Top Moor, Armley LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 32 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 4053 Joseph Priestley College, Peel Street, MorleySuitable 0 0 14 14 ‐‐‐No view 4055 Former Police Station, Broadway, HorsforthSuitable 12 0 0 12 ‐‐‐No view 4056 Adult Training Centre, Church Lane, HorsforthSuitable 23 0 0 23 ‐‐‐No view 4057 Former St Josephs Convalescent Home, Outwood Lane, HorsforthSuitable 35 0 0 35 ‐‐‐No view 4058 Cockcroft House, Cardigan Road, HeadingleySuitable 17 0 0 17 ‐‐‐No view 4060 Former Shaftsbury Public House, York Road, HarehillsSuitable 23 0 0 23 ‐‐‐No view 4063 Butterfield Manor & Richmond Court, Walter Crescent, Richmond Hill, LS9 8JLSuitable 48 0 0 48 ‐‐‐No view 4066 Wood Farm, Wetherby Road, Scarcroft, LS14 3HNLDF to determine 00034 ‐‐‐No view 4068 Land adjacent to Belle Vue Road, ScholesSuitable 15 0 0 15 ‐‐‐No view 4069 Land South of Aberford Road, Barwick in Elmet, LS15 4DZLDF to determine 00018 ‐‐‐No view 4070 Black Horse Farm, S Approach, Aberford, LS25 3AULDF to determine 000 5 ‐‐‐No view 4072 White House Farm, Bunkers Hill, Aberford, LS25Suitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view

Page 58 Page 4074 Sandbeck Way, Wetherby Suitable 60 0 0 60 ‐‐‐No view 4075 Mercure Hotel, Leeds Road, WetherbySuitable 67 0 0 67 ‐‐‐No view 4076 Deighton Road, Wetherby Suitable 50 0 0 50 ‐‐‐No view 4079 Site of Prison Social Club, Rudgate Park, Walton Road, WaltonLDF to determine 23 0 0 23 ‐‐‐No view 4082 Windlesford Green Hostel, WoodlesfordSuitable 22 0 0 22 ‐‐‐No view 4083 Grange Court, Church Gardens, GarforthSuitable 11 0 0 11 ‐‐‐No view 4090 Former East Leeds Family Learning Centre, Brooklands Drive, SeacroftSuitable 0 0 100 100 ‐‐‐No view 4092 St Annes Mills, off Commercial Road, KirkstallSuitable 0 0 28 28 ‐‐‐No view 4094 South of Fearnville Place, Seacroft LDF to determine 00150150 ‐‐‐No view 4095 Land west of Knott Lane, Rawdon LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4096 Former Nidd Vale Motors Site, Deighton Road and Sandbeck Lane, WetherbySuitable 0 0 15 15 ‐‐‐No view 4097 Calverley Cutting, Leeds Liverpool Canal, Apperley BridgeLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4098 Land west of Ring Road (North), SeacroftLDF to determine 0 0 43 43 ‐‐‐No view 4099 Land west of Ring Road (south), SeacroftLDF to determine 0 0 82 82 ‐‐‐No view 4100 Land to the north of Lime Pits Wood,LDF to determine 0 0 56 56 ‐‐‐No view 4101 Ramshead Wood, Seacroft LDF to determine 00116116 ‐‐‐No view 4102 Land to the west of Ramshead Drive, SeacroftLDF to determine 0 0 53 53 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 33 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 4107 Land at North Parkway, Seacroft LDF to determine 004949 ‐‐‐No view 4110 Seacroft Green Social Club, Seacroft Suitable 26 0 0 26 ‐‐‐No view 4113 Land to west of former East Leeds Family Learning Centre, SeacroftLDF to determine 0 0 67 67 ‐‐‐No view 4114 Land at Lambrigg Crescent, Seacroft LDF to determine 001818 ‐‐‐No view 4115 Land adjacent to Dennis Healy Centre, Foundry Mill St, SeacroftLDF to determine 0 0 50 50 ‐‐‐No view 4117 Moresdale Avenue, Foundry Mill Street, SeacroftSuitable 0 0 14 14 ‐‐‐No view 4120 Land at Hawkshead Crescent, SeacroftSuitable 0 0 25 25 ‐‐‐No view 4122 Land adjacent to Inglewood Drive, SeacroftLDF to determine 0 0 150 150 ‐‐‐No view 4123 Land at A64 and A63 Junction, Killingbeck Bridge, HaltonSuitable 20 0 0 20 ‐‐‐No view 4124 John Charles Approach, Middleton LDF to determine 00112112 ‐‐‐No view 4125 Winrose Drive greenspace, MiddletonLDF to determine 0 0 13 13 ‐‐‐No view 4150 Land at Farfield House, Great North Road, Bramham, LS23 6LHLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view Page 59 Page 4151 Ferndale House Colliers Lane, Shadwell, LS17 8PLLDF to determine 00031 ‐‐‐No view 4152 Aberford Road, Bramham Suitable 001212 ‐‐‐No view 4154 Land at Wike Ridge Lane, Alwoodly LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4155 Harewood Road, Collingham LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4156 Leeds Road, Kippax 000 ‐‐‐No view 4157 University Land east of Sadler Way, AdelLDF to determine 000122 ‐‐‐No view 4158 Meadow View, Off the Ring Road (to the rear of Woodside Tavern), HorsforthLDF to determine 00026 ‐‐‐No view 4160 Land to the rear of Adel Mill, Eccup Lane, AdelLDF to determine 000285 ‐‐‐No view 4161 Land to the East of Otley Road, Adel LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4162 Land adjancent to Woodlands, Wetherby Road, ScarcroftLDF to determine 00038 ‐‐‐No view 4163 Land adjancent to Woodlands, Wetherby Road, ScarcroftLDF to determine 00012 ‐‐‐No view 4165 Hampson House, Mill Lane, Bardsey, LS17 9ANLDF to determine 00010 ‐‐‐No view 4166 Shadwell Lane, Shadwell, Leeds, LS17 8ESSuitable physical 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4167 Spen Common Lane Infill, Near Bramham, LeedsSuitable physical 00098 ‐‐‐No view 4168 Parlmer Nursery, Caverley Lane, Caverley, LS28 5QQLDF to determine 000126 ‐‐‐No view 4169 Land off Tyersal Road, Pudsey, BD4 8EZLDF to determine 00033 ‐‐‐No view 4170 Land off Whinmoor Lane, Shadwell, Leeds, LS17 8LULDF to determine 00049 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 34 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 4171 Rothwell 4x4 Centre, Wakefield Road, Rothwell (A642), LS26 8EPLDF to determine 000423 ‐‐‐No view 4172 Playing Fields, Otley Road, Lawnswood,LDF to determine 0 0 150 150 ‐‐‐No view 4173 Pool Road, Pool‐in‐Wharfdale, Otley, LS21 1RPLDF to determine 000280 ‐‐‐No view 4174 Sandleas Way, Crossgates, LS15 8AWSuitable 0 93 0 93 ‐‐‐No view 4175 Land off Dewsbury Road, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 8SYSuitable 0 69 0 69 ‐‐‐No view 4176 Land to the North and East 303/305 High Street, Boston SpaLDF to determine 00056 ‐‐‐No view 4178 6 Grosvenor Mount, Leeds, LS6 2DX Suitable 700 7 ‐‐‐No view 4182 65 St Anns Lane, Burley, Leeds, LS4 2SESuitable 13 0 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 4183 74 New Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6NU Suitable 700 7 ‐‐‐No view 4184 Belmont House, 20 Wood Lane, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 2AESuitable 600 6 ‐‐‐No view 4185 Boggart Hill Gardens, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14Suitable 18 0 0 18 ‐‐‐No view 4186 Church Of Nativity, Westerton Road And Waterwood Close, Tingley, WF3 1QASuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view

Page 60 Page 4188 Former Grosvenor Casino, The Corner House, 343 Harrogate Road LS17 6LDSuitable 13 0 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 4189 Former Pudsey Grangefield School, Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey, LS28Suitable 49 0 0 49 ‐‐‐No view 4190 Forsyth House, 5 South Parade, Leeds, LS1 5QXSuitable 13 0 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 4191 Land At Brooksbank Drive, Halton, Leeds, LS15Suitable 13 0 0 13 ‐‐‐No view 4192 Land At Shayfield Lane, Carlton, Wakefield, WF3 3RHSuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view 4193 Land At Waterloo Road and Gibraltar Road, Pudsey, LS28Suitable 29 0 0 29 ‐‐‐No view 4194 Fernlea Public House, Land Off Tong Way, Farnley, Leeds, LS12Suitable 16 0 0 16 ‐‐‐No view 4195 Pennine House, Russell Street, Leeds, LS1 5RNSuitable 12 0 0 12 ‐‐‐No view 4196 Royal Oak, Cross Hills, Kippax, Leeds, LS25Suitable 700 7 ‐‐‐No view 4197 St Lawrence House, Crawshaw Road, Pudsey, LS28 7UBSuitable 11 0 0 11 ‐‐‐No view 4198 St Marys Congregational Church, Commercial Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8HYSuitable 22 0 0 22 ‐‐‐No view 4199 Town End Works, Back Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4ESSuitable 28 0 0 28 ‐‐‐No view 4200 Newtown Farm, Micklefield, LS25 4DDLDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4201 Land to the Rear of 10 Rose Croft, East Keswick, LS17 9HRLDF to determine 00033 ‐‐‐No view 4202 Roker Lane, Pudsey, LS28 9NA LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4203 Crossfield Farm, Woodhall Hills, Calverley, Leeds, LS28 5QXLDF to determine 000290 ‐‐‐No view 4204 Cliff Hill Quarry, Blue Hills Crescent, Leysholme Crescent, WortleyLDF to determine 0 0 74 74 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 35 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 4205 Land at Howley Hall farm, Scotchman Lane, Morley, LS27 0LDF to determine 000228 ‐‐‐No view 4206 Asquith Ave, Morley, LS27 9 LDF to determine 00032 ‐‐‐No view 4207 Garforth Cliffs, Land of A63, Garforth LS25 2AQ. Behind Strikes Garden CentreLDF to determine 00084 ‐‐‐No view 4208 Daisy Hill Avenue, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8LDF to determine 00030 ‐‐‐No view 4209 Land off A650 Drighlington bypass LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4210 Spring Lea Farm, Troydale Lane, Troydale, PudseyLDF to determine 0 0 0 208 ‐‐‐No view 4211 Archbold Holdings, Albert Road, Morley, LS27 860360Suitable 96 ‐‐‐No view 4212 Communisis PL C, Manston Lane, Cross GreenSuitable 0 127 0 127 ‐‐‐No view 4213 Land on North East side of Rodley Lane, RodleyLDF to determine 00017 ‐‐‐No view 4214 Aire Vire Court, Rodley Lane, Rodley, Leeds, LS13 1AASuitable 0 0 16 16 ‐‐‐No view 4215 Land between Holtdale Grove and Holtdale Ave, LS16 70025LDF to determine 25 ‐‐‐No view 4216 Eyrie Public House, Holtdale Approach, Holt Park, LS16 7RXSuitable 14 0 0 14 ‐‐‐No view Page 61 Page 4217 Cookridge Fire Station, Otley Old Road, LS16 7BFSuitable 0 15 0 15 ‐‐‐No view 4218 Thorp Arch & Boston Spa Cricket Ground, LS23 70039Suitable 39 ‐‐‐No view 4219 Land between Century Way and Barrowby Lane, Austhorpe, LS15 81400Suitable 14 ‐‐‐No view 4220 Land off Ouzlewell Green, Lofthouse, WF3 3LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4221 Land off The Boyle, Barwick in Elment, LS15 41300Suitable 13 ‐‐‐No view 4222 Land off Fleet Lane and Methley Lane, Oulton, LS26 8Suitable physical 000573 ‐‐‐No view 4225 Land off Domestic Street (north), Holbeck, LS11 900125LDF to determine 125 ‐‐‐No view 4226 Land of Walsh Lane, New Farnley, LS12 5LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4227 Land to the back of St Benedicts Drive, Bramley, LS13 1LDF to determine 000371 ‐‐‐No view 4229 Land off Leeds Road (and back of Flats Lane), Barwick in Elmet, LS15 4LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4230 Land off Moor Road, Bramhope, LS16 9LDF to determine 00016 ‐‐‐No view 4231 Dixons auto spares site, Wakefield Road, Rothwell, LS26 0LDF to determine 00062 ‐‐‐No view 4232 Lawnswood Arms pub, Adel, LS16 7 Suitable 002828 ‐‐‐No view 4233 Land off Farrar Lane, Holt Park, LS16 73100Suitable 31 ‐‐‐No view 4234 Land south of High Street, Boston Spa, LS23 62900Suitable 29 ‐‐‐No view 4236 Land off Old Lane, Bramhope, LS16 9LDF to determine 00082 ‐‐‐No view 4239 Holly Park Estate extension, Horsforth, LS18 5LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 36 of 37 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update LCC Dwelling numbers HBF Dwelling numbers Reference Location Suitability ShortMed Long Total ShortMed Long Total 4240 South of the A65 from Horsforth RAB to Rawdon Crematorium, LS18 4LDF to determine 000903 ‐‐‐No view 4244 Land enclosed by West End Lane, West End Rise and The Avenue, LS18 40230Suitable 23 ‐‐‐No view 4246 Wood Bottom Mills, Low Hall Road, Horsforth, LS18 46000Suitable 60 ‐‐‐No view 4247 Land off Lee Lane West, Horsforth, LS18 5LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4250 Gibson Lane/Sandygate Terrace, Kippax, LS25 7004747 ‐‐‐No view 4251 Land to the East of Otley Road, Adel, LS16 8LDF to determine 000168 ‐‐‐No view 4252 Land off Leeds Road (A61), WF3 3 Suitable 0400 40 ‐‐‐No view 4254 Land at New York Lane, Rawdon, LS19 6LDF to determine 000127 ‐‐‐No view 4255 Land at Calverley Lane, Horsforth, LS18 4LDF to determine 00095 ‐‐‐No view 4256 Site at Sharpe Farm, Middleton, LS10 4LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4257 UDP T30 Airport Operational Land LDF to determine 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 4258 Land Adjacent Barrowby Lodge, Garforth, LS25 1LDF to determine 000378 ‐‐‐No view

Page 62 Page 4259 Former Inglewood Children's home, Otley, LS21 3Suitable 500 5 ‐‐‐No view 5000 Healey Croft Lane, East Ardsley 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5001 Thorner Lane, Scarcroft 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5002 Green lane, Kippax 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5003 Manston Road, Leeds, LS15 8SX 103 0 0 103 ‐‐‐No view 5004 Calverley Lane, Farsley 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5006 Pool Road 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5007 Former Moorend training Centre, Tulip Street, Hunslet 8 0 0 8 ‐‐‐No view 5008 Westland Road 61 0 0 61 ‐‐‐No view 5009 Horsforth Campus 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5011 St Alban's Place, Leeds City Centre 100 102 0 202 ‐‐‐No view 5012 Fairview Farm , Wakefield Road 000 0 ‐‐‐No view 5013 Land at 25 ‐ 29 high Street, Kippax 0160 16 ‐‐‐No view

09/06/2014 Short term = 2014‐2019 Medium term = 2019‐2024 Long term = 2024‐2036 Page 37 of 37 3002



Page 63 Page 754




7 1197 1198 175 1358

320 1095 313 745 4173

1095 1196 5006 757 4259 2035 3190 3025 1317 1369 3021

3022 1179


Outer North East Outer North West Otley and Yeadon 1002 1204 1186 1036 4236

1326 364

1254 3400 751 1080 4043 734 3434 1189 Adel and Wharfedale 3026 3028 3367 4230 738 1037 1103 1256 1148 742 1181 3029 1255 1181 737

2044 271 Guiseley and Rawdon 4228

740 3030 1194 2118 4019

Aireborough 1113 3366 4153 180 2051 2054 1180 1311 3164 4020 2163 4257 1151 4251 Alwoodley 2038 3044 2053 194 3326 703 4160 4159 2161 3360

1221 4161 118 3031 3187

1308 763 741 1199 4215 2130 4216 2162 1104 684 1243 4232 2160 1246 2056 3033 2119 4000 3010 177 1079 3229 4233 4157 4217 5005 Legend 3034 3207 685

12 2046 3327 3381 2052 SHLAA Sites 2014 3384 261 North Leeds 721 253 3328 720 94 16 3330 728 SHLAA Sites New (2014) 4247 1033 81 689 3329 709 Weetwood 4172 687 1172 63 Horsforth 3151 Housing Market Charateristic Areas 1015 1178 82 4095 4241 688 1299 Roundhay Moortown 3331 4188 4254 Leeds City Council Wards 65 2058 376 Outer West 4056 4177

Calverley and Farsley 3402 4244 764 4240 4239 1238

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.75 1.5 3 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd Page 64 4114 803 4094 816 4094 2150 815 4122

4115 797


Inner Area 4120 Harewood 1094 Outer North East 3155 3438 Killingbeck and Seacroft Cross Gates and Whinmoor 282 4174 4174 5003 4174 846 4174

4212 797 281 1297

1165 2154 3115

2156 2039 2086 1226

3205 2087 3114 2032

3113 2091 1169 822 2092 4248 Page 65 Page 246 353 2157 4191 4258 4219 1044 245

3111 825 1100 5012 2143 Inner Area 820 1118 East Leeds 3112 3116

836 4083 1232

Temple Newsam 2040 1004 1174


4200 2090 1366 3106 829 1270 1366 3110 1366 1269

2132 1244 3107 3108 823 4207 1173 1007

3117 3109

4156 3308


Garforth and Swillington


Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 2131 3103

1295 Outer South East 5002 1321 352 3105 3352 3104 4250 1013 265

5013 4196

3100 3450 3102 1277 Kippax and Methley 1276 1175 1237

136 1259 497 4237 3321 498 3463 3101

499 3300 143 519 4082 3351

3093 4238 827

298 819 130 2107 3441 1357 1357 3096 1149 1035



335 818 310 Rothwell

2110 1365 Outer South Legend 289 515 5021 2129

523 SHLAA Sites 20144171

1224 133 2111 SHLAA Sites New (2014) 269 3012 1225

Housing Market1249 Charateristic Areas 1249 1223 Leeds City Council Wards

Ardsley and Robin Hood

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.75 1.5 3 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd 261 1286 1288 1031 3452 2052 2059 3019 253 94 110 16 3020

Alwoodley 81 Adel and Wharfedale 1088 1172 4170 687 4070 3151 3119 1178 82 3317 2062 797 1048 4188 797

3325 2058 807 4177 795

1089 764 2063 Moortown

1094 3227 3317 2055 1271 4098 762 1271 4013 North Leeds Roundhay 1367 1139 4221 1131 84 3315 1138 1134 3376 1368 3341 124 4100 1242 270 1057 4069 1019 796 Harewood 1170 4099 Outer North East 120 3301 1190 1161 97 3223 3375 262 2146 Weetwood 4101 798 3319 3118 383 1271 1162 3215 2147 1163 4102 1061 2134 1132 174 3 3215 4229 2149 4068 1164 263 845 1130 4185 250 4072 2147 857 2147

2147 802 1094 3437 1098 Chapel Allerton 2148 4184 4107 799 3306 3153 4179 106 4110 292 3219 2077 4116 804 Cross Gates and Whinmoor 817 Killingbeck and Seacroft 797 1087 3427 817 4113 804 1120 4090 211 212 3206 4114 803 3220 813 4178 4094 816 813 813 2150 815 Headingley 5017 4122 698 3137 842 841 4115 3433 210 852 4058 4235 718 125 4117 1094 Gipton and Harehills 814 370 3013 814 4120 188 3345 3197 264 1152 3155 3438 5014 282 4174 4174 Inner Area Hyde Park and Woodhouse 846 5003 4174 3150 380 278 4174 620 3148 3342 Kirkstall 4212 797 2152 3217 281 3149 3399 1297 428 2145 4223 5020 3338 1144 182 404 4224 4181 3307 2154 1165 3115 3347 3339 2029 443 3340 2030 410 414 1145 454 4180 430 2004 416 267 3432 2028 285 4123 2039 2156 5015 4060 2006 208 2086 1226 432 3157 5011 394 2005 1010 1142 203 446 3205 3390 226 4183 1010 197 3411 2087 3114 2032 2026 232 3393 401 429 459 2138 229 4190 187 453 3113 2091 198 822 2092 2157 230 4195 200 2024 420 425 4248 353 3425 418 2025 402 411 2000 2140 2141 4191 2001 1146 246 4258 260 4219 1044 3408 3337 224 1140 259 245 2023 449 2008 2002 423 455 231 442 1340 426 1078 415 1230 3111 400 403 301 1100 1265 201 462 456 395 3017 419 2003 5012 3354 423 444 4063 2142 2143 East Leeds 396 438 465 2027 279 4064 806 Armley 216 4081 1265 447 448 3112 3454 448 412 405 205 City Centre 433 398 836 4083 450 450 5016 2021 2011 2009 1232 2031 2018 225 435 5016 5016 202 409 2010 3460 206 217 2144 Temple Newsam 2040 2019 1004 2016 1082 406 4225 4225 228 2022 215 1011 2015 407 207 2139 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 181 1009 228 219 233 219 2080 458 2020 1267 1125 3459 Farnley and Wortley 1039 437 445 2090 1366 2014 3106 829 3191 1366 3110 184 331 1366 5018 2012 1269 3146 467 2013 2132 1244 3107 5019 3108 379 823 1065 4207 379 City and Hunslet 468 1007 3009 3117 3109 2079 1083 3143 476 3195 3204 3193 3195 Garforth and Swillington 4156 3194 3194 3145 3145 342 3142 3147 3144 832

340 Outer South East 381 3182

Page 66 Page 5007 2131 3006 1084 Beeston and Holbeck 3103 1296

1295 1091 5002 4002 1321 481 352 Kippax and Methley 3352 3105 3104 4250 471 1013 265 341 1325 4124 5013 3397 Legend 4196

3394 2041 5008 1207 3343 4131 473 474 3100 3450 SHLAA Sites 2014 3102 304 Outer South West 1175 1237 4175 SHLAA Sites New (2014) 252 1076 4125 3079 Outer South Middleton Park 136 497 4237 3321 1259 3463 3080 498 Morley North 3101 1220 Housing Market Charateristic Areas 1335 Rothwell 4027 1359 499 1208 3300 143 3444 519 3351 4082 Leeds City Council Wards 492 2164 2095 1049 3318 3093 4238 1149 1209 2107 827 1284 Morley South 1058 130 298 819 3441

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.75 1.5 3 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd 1233 2158

4096 3125 1046 4074


361 3135 3186 793 787 70 3136

1070 1301 3310 4075


2136 3371 4079 1252 1300 71

Page 67 Page 2067

1241 1121 3448


2137 1239 1055 4218 1240 4065 2068 1291 3128 777 1290 1292 103 4234 789 1293 2135 Wetherby 4155 1251 3322 90 1154 3334 1294 3131 3132 3129 3130 757 4176 1095 1008 4201 781 1107 1369 3332 1158

1167 1109 1304 780 3353 1108 1106 788 1156 1157 1153 Outer North West 3133 1127 3134 1155 1002 3363 1204 4150 4165 364 3400 751 1080 3434 3367 4230 1027 783 1329 778 4152 1037 3461 Adel and Wharfedale 786

1181 Outer North East 1181

78 3429 1028

3126 785 1182 1041 3391 5001 4153 3152 4016 2051 2054 3127 Harewood 830 3333 1151 4251 Alwoodley 4163 15 4167 3044 1001 2053 4066 4162 703 4160 3309 3360 4159 4164 4015 4161 118 1040 1005 4154 1316 4215 2130 763 4216 3323 1199 1243 4018 1315 684 4232 1246 2056 1056 4000 3010 177 1079 4166 4233 1262 4157 4217 3207 685 1287 3453 3452 1288 2052 2059 4151 1286 261 1031 253 3019 94 16 110 3020 1033 81 689 709 1088 4172 687 1172 4170 4070 1178 3151 3119 688 1299 82 3317 2062 1048 4188 797 797 3325 65 2058 807 376 North Leeds 4177 795 3402 1089 764 2063 1238 Weetwood Moortown 1094 4158 3227 3317 Horsforth 2055 1271 762 4098 1271 4021 4013 1367 Roundhay 1139 1131 1310 8 3457 3315 4221 2049 3376 84 1138 1134 124 4100 1368 1242 270 1057 4069 1019 796 4099 1170 120 3301 1190 1161 683 97 3223 3375 1062 262 2146 798 3319 4101 3118 1062 383 3215 1271 1162 2147 4102 1163 1132 174 3 3215 1061 2134 4229 37 2149 263 845 4185 4068 1164 1130 626 250 2147 4072 857 2147 2147 802 1094 3437 3184 1098 Chapel Allerton 2148 4184 3306 4107 3153 799 4227 4179 106 4110 292 Kirkstall 3201 2077 4116 817 Killingbeck and Seacroft 804 Cross Gates and Whinmoor 1120 1087 3427 817 4113 4090 804 797 211 3206 6 4114 803 Headingley 3220 813 4178 813 4094 816 Bramley and Stanningley 2150 815 Legend 813 5017 3014 698 3137 3433 842 841 4115 163 587 1092 4182 210 852 4235 718 4122 625 4058 4117 1094 125 Gipton and Harehills 814 3412 4092 370 3305 3013 814 4120 188 3345 3197 SHLAA Sites 2014Inner Area 264 1152 3155 East Leeds 3438 3303 4042 5014 4174 282 Hyde Park and Woodhouse 846 5003 4174 4091 3148 380 278 3342 584 620 3150 4041 4212 797 3217 2152 281 City Centre 3149 3399 1297 1147 SHLAA Sites New (2014) 428 3338 1026 5020 2145 4223 1250 1144 182 3307 404 4224 443 2154 3340 3339 2029 2030 414 1145 1165 3115 Outer South East 2004 267 3432 5015 4180 2028 454 430 416 285 4123 2156 2006 208 4060 2039 2086 Outer West Armley 432 3157 5011 1226 Kippax and Methley Housing Market Charateristic3390 Areas446 2005 3411 3205 1142 4183 197 2087 3114 4039 3393 2138 401 429 2032 2157 4051 5010 229 459 41 453 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 3113 255 597 198 2024 200 2091 2092 1169 Pudsey City and Hunslet 425 353 Garforth and Swillington 4038 588 1338 3425 2025 2141 230 418 411 2000 1146 2140 246 4191 Temple Newsam 4258 4248 1232 1140 260 4219 1044 1118 3408 2023 2002 224 259 245 Leeds City Council Wards 423 455 426 449 231 442 1340 400 301 3111 825 Farnley and Wortley 3354 201 403 462 444 1100 1265 423 456 3017 419 4063 2142 5012 820 238 3454 1265 2027 447 438 465 2143 1341 1023 448 216 396 279 4064 806 3112 3116 4194 448 412 3455 1342 Beeston and Holbeck 205 2011 2009 398 5016 2144 2090 3106 836 4083

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 1.5 3 6 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd 3013

188 3345 3197 Chapel Allerton


Headingley 5014 Gipton and Harehills

380 3150 278 Inner Area 3148 620

Kirkstall Hyde Park and Woodhouse 3217 North Leeds 2152

3149 3399


2145 4223

5020 3338

182 404 1144 4224 3307 4181

3339 443 434 3347 2029 2030 410 1145 3340 414 421 454 2004 430 416 1020 4180 3432 2028 285 5015 2006 208

432 3157 5011

2005 394 1010 446 204 1142 203 4183 1010 3390 226 197 3411

2026 3393 232 2138 401 429 459 4190 229 187 453 198

200 230 4195 2024 425 420

418 3425 411 402 2140 2025 2000 1146

2001 3018 1140 3408 224 2023 3337 2002 449 2008 442 455 423 426 231 1078 1340 City Centre 2007 1230 400 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 403 301 415 201 462 444 456 3017 1265 395 431 2003 3354 City and Hunslet 419 4063 423 396 396 2027 438 279 4064 806 Armley 216 3454 447 4081 1265 448 412 448

205 433 405

450 398 450 450 2021 2011 2009

2031 435 225 2018

409 202 2010 3460 206 217


406 1082 215 4225 4225 228 2022 2015 2016 407 1011 1009 207 Page 68 Page 181 228 2139 219


2080 219 458 3459 2020 1125 1039 437 Farnley and Wortley 1267 445

2014 3191 East Leeds Legend Beeston and Holbeck 184 331

5018 2012 SHLAA Sites 2014 467 3146 2013 SHLAA Sites New (2014) 5019

1065 1083 Housing Market Charateristic Areas 379 379 468

Leeds City Council Wards2079 1278 3009 3143

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.275 0.55 1.1 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd Page 69 4247 1033 709 689 63 3329 Adel and Wharfedale 687 1178 4172 1015 Alwoodley 3151 4241 Adel and Wharfedale 688 1299 4095 Aireborough 3331 4254 65 4056 376

4244 3402 764 4239 1238 Horsforth 4093 4158 Moortown 2055

4240 4246 1014 4021 Weetwood 4055 1337 4097 34 1016 1310 8 3457 2049 3016 4242 3376 4245 4255 1339 1242 270 731 1117 4057 1339 5009 North Leeds 1117 235 1170 120 1202 97 4243 683 262 1062

1062 383 1051 3446 3 174 37 1187 602 626 263 250 674 1124 4049 306 4050 1193 857 1253 Chapel Allerton 1123 1053 3184 1098 662 5004 1212 1110 4184 3306 4168 1322 4179 4227 3201 Kirkstall 2077 1114 1087 1120 3427 645 4203 2121 4214 4213 211 Headingley 6 3220 212 Calverley and Farsley 4178 1085 Bramley and Stanningley 658 3014 3137 4048 698 3304 652 3433 157 163 1092 4182 210 648 587 4058 4235 718 625 308 125 3412 370 3305 4092

188 3345 3197 3038 3303 4042 3302 636 3037 242 Hyde Park and Woodhouse 24 4091 3150 242 3148 242 620 584 242 242 4041 3217 242 3149 667 1147 428 1026 3338 1201 613 1250 5020 678 4199 182 404 649 1150 26 4224 1144 3307 3196 4181 3347 3339 2029 3340 2030 454 430 4047 4180 3432 2028 5015 Armley 432 3157 5011 Outer West 2120 1142 203 446 3390 226 4183 4039 1073 2026 232 459 3209 2075 4051 3393 2138 401 429 41 5010 229 4190 3440 4249 453 198 187 4189 255 597 4046 650 671 230 4195 Inner Area 2024 420 425 459 669 3179 4038 588 1338 3425 402 3039 3226 2025 3344 656 153 3408 2023 City Centre 676 676 449 2008 4045 1195 423 455 426 4044 1340 653 644 400 3124 646 403 248 655 201 462 456 3208 1060 238 3354 1265 4193 3377 423 City and Hunslet 3040 3041 2027 3011 4197 1023 666 1341 216 3048 4194 3454 1265 447 1213 3455 448 448 3121 1342 433 405 205 450 450 2021 3200 2011 3455 3198 2031 2009 4036 2018 225 4169 237 1184 3225 Pudsey 202 409 2010 3460 33 4007 3050 4204 638 4210 2019 1082 406 3202 659 4225 2016 254 4225 2015 3379 1011 181 1009 407 1183 3388 1192 660 239 458 2020 3464 1267 3403 3203 445 382 3191 2014 184 5018 595 2012 3146 1328 2013 1129 2076 5019 1343 4202 379 379 618

3009 1278 2079 3143 593 476 Farnley and Wortley 3195 3204 Page 70 Page 3195 3193 64 1273 3194 3194 3145 52 3145 3142 3147 3144 608 3386

1171 637 381

3056 2159 Beeston and Holbeck 3006 2078 Legend 2123 4029

2114 3458 3057 4226 4002 SHLAA Sites 2014 481

471 341 SHLAA Sites New (2014) Outer South West 3059 1096 1325 4124 3058 3199 3397

3394 3001 Housing Market Charateristic Areas 5008 528 3221 1207 1099 Leeds City Council Wards Morley North 2125 304 Middleton Park 3060 1220 4175 3063 1077 3062 1200 1229 1208

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.75 1.5 3 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd 3379 4210 4007 254 4225 4225 2015 181 407 228 2022 2139 2144 1011 233 219 207 1183 3388 1192 660 239 458 2020 1267 1125 219 3459 3464 1039 437 2080 3403 3203 445 382 3191 2014 184 City Centre 331 5018 595 1328 3146 2012 467 Temple Newsam Pudsey 1129 2013 2076 5019 1343 4202 379 1065 379 618 468

3009 1278 2079 1083 593 3143 476 3195 Outer West 3204 3195 3193 64 1273 3194 3194 3145 52 3145 342 3142 3147 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill Inner Area 3144 1171 608 3386

Farnley and Wortley 637 340 381 3182 3056 2159 5007 3006 City and Hunslet East Leeds 1084 1296 2078 Beeston and Holbeck 2123 4029

2114 1091 3458 3057 4226 4002 1295 481 Garforth and Swillington 471 341

Page 71 Page 3059 1325 1096 4124 3058 3199 3397

3394 3001 2041 5008 528 3343 4131 1207 3221 473 474 1099 2125 304

3060 4175 252 1076 3063 3062 1229 4125 3079 1077 3061 1200 1220 1259 1344 3080

1335 4027 1359 533 307 1208 Morley North 3444 2124 2164 492 4206 1282 3003 1334 2095 1283 1049 3318 1166 3064 3387 Middleton Park 3378 1058 3216 3428 4208 3068 333 4231 1112 1284 3000 1209 1355 338 1006 126 1126 3218 343 3224 3015 1266 4211 1280 1320 Rothwell 1319 563 1332 4209 3007 549 4198 1275 Outer South 3445 3465 500 509 3081 2103 502 4053 505 3445 501 3069 509 3161 503 504 496 542 547 1285 2096 4034 4256 1279 4031 Outer South West 3188 4032 1365 2098 514 4253 268 1050 552 559 2036 4033 3185 3120 1043 3320 2100 3383 236 2098 4035 507 4252 3467 129 493 1064 1281 1018 309 2104 4192 4187 3189 2099 1281 3075 3084 4004 2127 1281 141 148 Morley South 516 137 3350 3085 550 1029 1030 171 494 3212 3311 1143 2108 3162 135 3222 2037 4205 2155 1261 4220

495 Ardsley and Robin Hood 1274 1218 2128 3163 3088 562 1205 544 3077 173 3365 1032 1258 2105 4052 1336 4186 1038 525 375 1330 5000 527 1135 3456 535 1072 3373 3078 3372 1069 1067 551 536 1066 314

3214 1067 1068

1260 Legend

SHLAA Sites 2014 3313 SHLAA Sites New (2014) Housing Market Charateristic Areas Leeds City Council Wards

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.75 1.5 3 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd 1189 3434 1080

4230 3367 1037



78 3429

Outer North West

Otley and Yeadon 3366 4153 4016 2051 2054

Harewood 3333 4257 Outer North East 1151 4251 1001 3044 Adel and Wharfedale Alwoodley 2053 194 703 3326 4160 4159 3360 Aireborough 4015 4161 118

4154 1316 1308 763 1199 4215 2130 4216 3323 4018 1315 684 1243 4232 2160 1246 2056 1056 177 2119 4000 3010 1079 4166 3229 4233 1262 4157 Guiseley and Rawdon 4217

3034 3207 685 1287

12 2046 1288 3327 3381 4151 2052 2059 1286 3384 261

3019 721 253 3328 720 110 94 16 3020 3330 728 4247 1033 81 689 1088 3329 4172 709 687 1172 4170

1015 1178 3151 3119 4241 1299 82 4095 688 2062 4188 797 797 3331 4254 Horsforth 65 2058 4056 795 807 376 4177 North Leeds Cross Gates and Whinmoor 4244 3402 764 2063 4239 Moortown 1238 Weetwood East Leeds 4093 4158 2055 4240 4098 4246 1014 762 4021 4055 4013 34 Roundhay 1016 1310 8 3457 3315 2049 84 3016 3376 1138 4242 4245 3341 124 4100 1339 4255 270 4099 731 1242 1019 4057 1339 5009 235 1170 1202 120 3301 1190 4243 683 97 262 2146 1062 4101

1062 383 1051 3215 2147 4102 3446 3 174 3215 37 2149 1187 602 626 263 845 250 4185 4049 2147 1193 306 857 2147 1253 2147 1053 3184 1098 Chapel Allerton 5004 662 2148 1212 1110 4184 4107 3306 4168 1322 4179 106 4110 4227 3201 Kirkstall 2077 4116 4113 1114 817 1087 817 Killingbeck and Seacroft 1120 3427 645 4090 2121 4214 4213 211 Headingley 3206 4114 6 3220 4178 813 4094 813 813 1085 Bramley and Stanningley 2150 815 Calverley and Farsley 658 5017 3014 698 3137 4048 3304 4115 652 3433 842 841 852 157 163 1092 4182 210

Page 72 Page 648 587 4058 4235 718 4117 308 625 125 Gipton and Harehills 814 814 3412 370 3013 3305 4092 4120 188 3345 3197 264 3155 3038 1152 4122 3303 4042 3302 5014 636 Inner Area Outer West 242 Hyde Park and Woodhouse 24 846 4091 3150 380 278 242 242 3148 3342 584 620 242 242 4041 3217 242 2152 Legend 3149 3399 667 1147 428 2145 4223 613 1026 3338 4199 1250 5020 678 1144 182 404 1150 26 3196 4224 4181 3307 2154 3347 3339 2029 443 SHLAA Sites 2014 3340 2030 410 414 1145 454 2004 Armley 4180 430 416 267 3432 2028 4123 285 4060 5015 2006 208 432 3157 5011 394 2005 1010 3411 1142 203 446 SHLAA Sites New (2014) 3390 226 4183 1010 197 1073 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 4039 East Leeds 2026 232 3209 2075 3393 4051 41 429 4190 459 3440 5010 4249 2138 229 453 198 City and Hunslet 4189 255 597 650 671 230 4195 200 Housing Market Charateristic Areas 2024 420 425 Pudsey 418 Temple Newsam 3179 4038 588 1338 3425 402 411 2141 3226 2025 2000 1146 2140 246 4191 656 2001 260 3344 153 1140 3408 2023 City Centre 3337 2002 224 259 245 676 449 2008 442 Farnley and Wortley 423 455 426 231 1078 Leeds City Council Wards 1340 1230 653 644 400 2007 415 248 403 301 655 1060 3377 1265 201 462 456 395 3017 2003 4193 3208 238 3354 423 419 444 4063 465 396 2142 2143 2027 438 279 4064 4197 3048 1213 3455 1023 806 666 4194 1341 3454 1265 447 448 448 216 412 East Leeds 2144

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.75 1.5 3 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd 1083 1232

1083 4156 342 3109 832 Temple Newsam

3182 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 2131 1084 3103 1296 East Leeds

1295 1091 5002 1321

352 3105 City and Hunslet 3352

4250 3104 1013 265

5013 4196


Page 73 Page 4131 3100 474 3450 3102 Outer South East Garforth and Swillington 1175


252 1076

3079 136 4237 3321 1259 497 3463 3080 498 3101

1359 1335 499

Middleton Park 3300

3444 519 3351 4082 143 492

1049 3318 Inner Area 3093 4238 827 1058 298 819 130

4231 2107

1357 1355 3096 1357 1149 1006 3015 1035 Kippax and Methley 334

4222 3445 3465 500 502 3081 335 Rothwell 818 310 2103 505 3445 504 496 503 4256 Outer South

2110 1365 514

1043 1050 289 3320 5021 515 507 2129 4252 129

493 523 309 2104 4192 4171

1224 Outer South West 3084 133 4004 269 148 2111 Ardsley and Robin Hood 3012 516 1225

3350 3085 1029 1249 1030 1249 1223 3311 2108 494


1261 4220


1205 3088



SHLAA Sites 2014 SHLAA Sites New (2014) Housing Market Charateristic Areas Leeds City Council Wards

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 0 0.5 1 2 Kilometers Crown Copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 10019567

Path: L:\CGM\GIS Projects\SHLAA 2014\SHLAA 2014 report maps\Report Maps.mxd This page is intentionally left blank LEEDS SHLAA 2014 UPDATE

FULL REPORT Introduction

This full report update sets out all the collated information and site conclusions reached for all active sites. At the rear of this explanatory text the sites are mapped on an ordinance survey base at a scale to show the context of the location and the site boundaries. Each mapped site has the SHLAA reference number to enable cross reference to the site details of each site record. These are set out – site by site – in order of the SHLAA reference numbers.

Criteria for inclusion

This report includes all sites with dwelling delivery potential. Where more than one submission has been made on the same land, only one site record is included; duplications are not shown. Sites that have been built out are not included, even though they may have been in previous SHLAAs.

The size threshold for inclusion is 0.4ha except for sites that have planning permission which have a threshold of 0.2ha and sites in the city centre which have no size threshold. Site Details

The “SHLAA Ref No” is unique to each record. They are not consecutive. The site address is a simple description of the location.

General Attributes

Gross Area The figures quoted are calculated from the digitisation of the site areas.

Density Zone: the density zone reflects the location of the site in either City Centre, Edge of City Centre, Other Urban Areas, Edge of Urban Areas and Rural where different density assumptions apply (see section on Dwellings below)

Page 75

Current site state. This concerns how ready the land is for housing development. The choices are “Cleared”, “Substantially Vacant” or “In Active Use”

The Principal Use field records the current or most recent uses of the site in planning terms:

CA COMMUNITY OA OPEN CB Church buildings OB Agriculture CD Education buildings OC Farms/smallholdings/allotments/nurseries CE Social OD Grass/scrub/grazing/woodland CF Mixed social/community OE Playing fields OF Quarries/derelict/filled land IA INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL OG Amenity space IB Industry ID Commercial - retail/warehousing RA RESIDENTIAL IE Transport RB Housing cleared by public action IF Public utility RC Housing cleared by private action IG Offices RD Development in garden/grounds IH Car parks RE Ancillary - lock-up garages etc RF Communal - Hotels, hostels, Res Home etc MA MISCELLANEOUS/NOT KNOWN

Settlement Hierarchy Settlement categories come from the Leeds Core Strategy Preferred Approach.

City Centre Main Urban Area (within) Extension to Main Urban Area Major Settlements (within) Extension to Major Settlement Smaller Settlements (within) Extension to Smaller Settlement Other Rural location

The Brown/Greenfield field simply records whether a site is previously developed or not; in line with the definition in the Glossary of the Core Strategy. For sites with a mix of “greenfield” and “brownfield”, if one category covered more than 80% of the site, that category was assigned; sites that were more evenly split were assigned to “Mixed”.

Market Sector. Postcode sectors were ranked according to average houseprices, to provide an indicator of market strength and “achievability” of site development. Postcode sectors have been grouped into 4 bands plus the city centre as follows:

Low Low to Medium High to Medium High City Centre

Page 76

HM Character Area refers to the 11 zones of Leeds defined in Policy SP7 of the Core Strategy for the distribution of the housing requirement.

Accessibility Zone is to measure accessibility to a range of services. It is based on the “Accession” model which measures accessibility to up to 7 Department for Transport indicators. Leeds is mapped into 4 zones representing the following levels of accessibility. The number represents the level of accessibility:

Poor 1 Minimum 2 Good 3 Very Good 4

Accessibility P.T. This is to measure whether a site is sufficiently accessible by public transport. Table 13.9 of the RSS provides the essential standard of being 5mins walk (400m) of a public transport stop with a frequency of 15 minutes or more. The SHLAA adds an additional category of accessibility which is being within 5 minute’s walk of a town centre. Sites were assessed to see whether they fall within this definition of accessibility. Sites were ticked which at least had a small area within the accessible zone or whose boundaries abut the accessible zone.

Natural Resources and Waste DPD. This records whether sites are suggested as possible opportunities for future waste sites or minerals safeguarding zones in the Natural Resources and Waste DPD

Flood Risk. This records which flood risk zone the sites falls within. Where a site overlaps more than one flood zone the highest flood risk zone is recorded that meets the following criteria:

Sites over 2ha: record highest flood risk zone that covers at least 25% of the site Smaller sites: record highest flood risk zone that covers at least 10% of the site

The zones from Leeds’ Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) of 2007 are as follows:

Zone 1 No flood risk Zone 2 Medium flood risk that does not rule out housing Zone 3ai High flood risk Zone 3aii Very high flood risk Zone 3b Functional flood plain

The zones from most recent Environment Agency six monthly update are as follows:

Zone 1 No flood risk

Page 77 Zone 2 Medium flood risk that does not rule out housing Zone 3 High flood risk

Attributes: UDP

The first 5 fields relate to UDP designations:

UDP Site Allocation – this lists any UDP site allocation. In the very rare cases where more than 1 allocation is overlapped, only the largest is recorded.

The UDP Nature field records the presence of nature designations under Policy N50, which either overlaps or adjoins the site. This is because the natural facets of the designation could be affected by adjoining development.

The Monument field refers to the existence of ancient monument designations on the UDP Proposals Map. It is recorded as a “1” or a “2” if a site overlaps or adjoins an ancient monument symbol depending whether the monument is scheduled grade 1 or grade 2.

The Greenbelt, Greenspace, Special Landscape Area and Urban Green Corridor fields, have a checked the box if any part of the site overlaps with a designation.

Submitter Details

The “Submitter” is the person/organisation behind the promotion of the site, whether it be a landowner, housebuilder or other interest. It should be noted that many sites have not been submitted, which will show as blanks. If “Leeds City Council” is recorded this means that the City Council has a land interest.

The “Site Interest” box offers a drop down menu of:

• Developer contracted to buy land • Developer prospective • Other – fill in details in box • Partial owner • Site owner

Site Owner. If known, all site owners are recorded.

Planning All relevant planning applications and permissions are recorded. Generally, this means proposals for housing or other land uses within the last 5-10 years. The existence of applications/permissions for housing gives a signal that the site is suitable & available for housing. Refusals for housing raise questions

Page 78 as to why housing was not acceptable & whether impediments could be overcome. Applications and permissions for non-housing uses suggest that housing development is not a certainty.


Constraints were recorded to the best of the City Council and Partnership’s knowledge.

Categories of constraints include the following:

Ownership – including multiple-owners (3 or more) or uncertainty over who owns part of the site Tenancies – where there are rights/tenancies/licences etc to occupy land or buildings Access to a highway – including ransom strips or physical barriers Operational requirements – Contamination – where removal or remediation would be required to support housing Utility connections – where a site may be difficult to connect to services because of location or physical barriers Hazardous zones – eg high pressure gas mains. Utility easements – where sewers, water/gas mains, electricity pylons traverse a site making housing development problematic Tree cover – where tree cover is extensive or valued and would prevent or limit development. Topography – where steep slopes would prevent/limit the developable area Conservation Area and/or Listed Buildings – that would prevent/limit development

The Constraint rating field concludes whether the constraint is “resolvable”, “not resolvable” or “unknown”. If a constraint is resolvable by reducing the developable area, this should be accounted for in the Dwellings calculation (see below). The “Res Means” field explains how the constraint would be resolved. If ticked, the “Res Yes/No” indicates that a constraint has already been resolved.

Dwellings and Conclusions

LCC Dwellings

Remaining Capacity: This field records the remaining capacity of the site in number of dwellings. If available, the latest planning application/permission is used to ascertain capacity. Otherwise, a standardised formula is used as set

Page 79 out in the table below. Gross site size is converted to a net size depending upon the overall size of the site. This size is then multiplied by a density figure appropriate to the location of the site:

Density Zone Density Flat Net to Gross Density Ratio by Multiplier Proportion Site Size <0.4 ha 0.4 – 2 ha > 2 Ha City Centre 350 100 100% Edge of CC 65 60 Urban Area 40 20 90% 75% Edge of Urban 35 10 N/A Area Rural 30 0

The net site area may have been further reduced if one or more of the following development constraints were considered to apply to the site, for example: • Steep slopes • Heavy tree cover • Awkward shape Additional reductions to the net site area will have considered whether some or all of the constrained area may be used as amenity greenspace, green corridors etc and thus are already accounted for in the net to gross density calculation above.

Complete: No of dwellings completed (if any) on the site at the base date of the SHLAA.

Under Construction: No of dwellings under construction (if any) on the site at the base date of the SHLAA.

Build-out-rates With the exception of large sites and blocks of apartments, as a general rule a build-out rate of 25 - 50 dwellings per annum is assumed.

LCC Conclusions

The text box sets out the key conclusions about suitability, availability and achievability of a site.

There are also final conclusion boxes for whether sites are considered suitable and available:

Suitability Suitability concerns both PHYSICAL SUITABILITY and PLANNING POLICY SUITABILITY. A straight “Yes” is given where current planning policy would accept housing development in principle and where there are no physical constraints. A “No” is concluded where physical problems exist which could never be overcome. There may also be combinations of exceptional policy

Page 80 reasons to make a site a definite no, for example location on a flood plain, or harm to an SSSI.

Sites where housing development would accord with current UDP policy but have physical problems to overcome are given a “Yes, Physical” conclusion. This means that housing development would be suitable subject to resolution of physical constraints.

Most policies could potentially be modified through the LDF plan making process. In fact the plan making process is the proper place to judge site suitability for all of those sites whose development would conflict with current policy; the need for housing can be evaluated against other planning objectives. It is not the place for the SHLAA to second guess this. Therefore, sites where housing development would conflict with current policy but have no physical constraints are concluded “LDF to Determine”.

Availability and Achievability

Availability concerns whether a site is free from legal or ownership problems which could prevent or delay development and how long it would take to overcome the problems.

Achievability concerns mainly whether and when there is likely to be a market for dwellings in the locality taking account of any cost factors to overcoming physical constraints or standard planning requirements.

Judgements on availability and achievability drew on the following factors, some of which will have been submitted: • Construction progress • Planning status • Developer involvement • Alternative proposals • Site use • Competing sites • Site location • Market area

Availability conclusions are set out as: • Short • Short (early). This means available now • Short (later). This means available by 2017/18 • Short (part). This means part of the site is available now. • Medium. This means available 2019/20 – 23/24 • Long. This means available 2024/25 or later

Achievability is embodied in the forecast likely delivery of dwellings.

Page 81 HBF Conclusions and Dwellings

The HBF Representatives on the SHLAA Partnership provided conclusions and suggestions of likely dwelling delivery for many of the sites that were subject to updating in the 2014 Update.

Page 82 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update Site: 7 All Saints Mill Bridge Street Otley LS21 1BQ General Attributes Site Description Former C of E school and grounds. Parts overlooking river in Otley. Access is available from Bridge Street and Mill Lane. Gross Size ha: 0.473ha Density Zone: Main Urban Area Current Site State: Substantially vacant Principal Use: Education buildings Settlement Hierarchy: Major settlements Greenfield/Brownfield: Brownfield Market Sector: High HM Character Area: Outer North West Accessibility Zone: Zone 3 Accessibility PT: Overlaps NRW DPD site: EA Flood Zone: Outer North West SFRA Flood Zone Zone 3

UDP Attributes UDP Allocation: n/a UDP Greenbelt: UDP Greenspace: n/a UDP Special Landscape: UDP Nature: n/a UDP Monuments: n/a UDP Urb. Green Corr: n/a

Submitters/Agents Submitter: Erkulis Construction Agent: Nieman Architects Interest: Developer prospective

Owners Owner M Erkulis, Erkulis Construction Informed?: % ownership: 100

Planning Application: PREAPP/07/00262 Received date: 31/12/2007 Description: Erection of offices and block of 14 flats. Applicant: Square Feet Limited Agent: n/a Decision: Pre‐app Decision date: n/a

Page 83 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update Site: 7 All Saints Mill Bridge Street Otley LS21 1BQ Planning Application: 09/02422/FU Received date: 03/06/2009 Description: 4 storey block of 12 two bedroom flats and 2 three bedroom flats Applicant: Erkulis Construction ‐ M Erkulis Agent: Nieman Architects Decision: Invalid Decision date: n/a

Constraints Type: Contamination Description: Potential land contamination Ref PCL02191 Resolvable: Resolvable Comment: n/a Resolved:

Type: Conservation/Listed Blgs Description: Otley Conservation Area Resolvable: Resolvable Comment: n/a Resolved:

Type: Tree cover Description: A selection of TPO's across the site ‐ mainly along boundaries. Resolvable: Resolvable Comment: n/a Resolved:

Constraints Summary The TPO's, potential land contamination and Conservation Area status can all be resolved through appropriate masterplanning and landscaping.

LCC Dwellings Current figures Short 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 0 0 14 20 14 Remaining capacity 48 Medium Complete 0 Under construction 0 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 0 0 0 0 0

Long 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 33-34 34-35 35-36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LCC Conclusions A recent appeal decision meant that a C2 nursing home was given permission. These are counted as the plans indicated independent units behind each door. Suitability: Suitable Availability: Short (early) Page 84 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update Site: 7 All Saints Mill Bridge Street Otley LS21 1BQ

HBF Conclusion and Dwellings

No information. Short 0 Medium 0 Long 0

Page 85 Leeds SHLAA 2014 Update Site: 7 All Saints Mill Bridge Street Otley LS21 1BQ

Page 86 Agenda Item 7

Report author: Martin Elliot Tel: 0113 395 1702

Report of Director of City Development

Report to Development Plan Panel

Date: 17 th June 2014

Subject: Five Year Supply Update March 2014

Are specific electoral Wards affected? Yes No If relevant, name(s) of Ward(s):

Are there implications for equality and diversity and cohesion and Yes No integration?

Is the decision eligible for Call-In? Yes No

Does the report contain confidential or exempt information? Yes No

Summary of main issues

1. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that local authorities are required to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing against their requirements. The NPPF also requires the addition of a buffer to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.

2. Known as the 5 Year Supply (5YS), this assessment is a critical test for the Council to pass. Demonstration of a five year supply is a key material consideration when determining housing applications and appeals and the NPPF states that without a 5YS local policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date.

3. The Council uses evidence from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and estimated stocks of windfall housing to devise its 5YS.

4. For the period 2014 to 2019 the Council has demonstrated a supply of 27,980 homes, which is some way in excess of the Core Strategy requirement should the step-up remain in place. It is also in excess of the Core Strategy requirement when spread evenly across the plan-period at a rate of 4,375 per annum.


5. To endorse the Five Year Supply assessment and publish the outcomes.

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1 Purpose of this report

1.1 This report summarises the 2014 5 Year Supply (5YS) assessment, which has been undertaken following the update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (see separate agenda item) and seeks endorsement of Development Plan Panel to publish the 5YS. This information will be subsequently used to update the Authority Monitoring Report).

1.2 The City Council fully recognises the importance of housing growth and delivery and has been proactive across a range of initiatives to stimulate and sustain the housing market, consistent with overall corporate and planning priorities. However, it should be emphasised that the Council has raised a number of concerns with ministers and at a national and regional level regarding the policy issues and implications associated with the identification of a 5YS. Whilst the City Council considers that a 5YS can be demonstrated in Leeds, both members and officers have raised a number of matters regarding the detailed operation of the 5YS, its relationship to the plan making process and the need to give equal weight to other aspects of national planning guidance in the delivery of sustainable development.

2 Background information

National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance

2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that local authorities are required to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing against their requirements. In order to be classed as “deliverable” sites need to be suitable, available and achievable (and in particular viable). These sites are assessed through the SHLAA, which is detailed in a separate report to this Panel.

2.2 The NPPF also requires an additional buffer of 5% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. Where there has been a record of “persistent under delivery” of housing, the NPPF states that local planning authorities should increase the buffer to 20% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to provide a realistic prospect of achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.

2.3 The recently published National Policy Practice Guidance clarifies the 5YS assessment and states that:

• housing requirement figures in up-to-date adopted Local Plans should be used as the starting point for calculating the five year supply but that evidence drawn from revoked regional strategies, may not adequately reflect current needs and information provided in the latest full assessment of housing needs should be considered

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• planning permission or allocation in a development plan is not a prerequisite for a site being deliverable in terms of the five-year supply

• there can be no universally applicable approach to identifying a record of “persistent under delivery” as the factors and implications behind persistent under delivery may vary from place to place

• any undersupply should be dealt with within the first 5 years of the plan period where possible

• empty homes, older persons and student housing can all help to contribute towards meeting housing need

Base Date

2.4 For the purposes of the 5YS the base date of a housing trajectory is 1 st April 2012 (the base date of the Core Strategy). The Council considers that an assessment of delivery prior to 2012, against flawed regional strategy targets, would unsurprisingly reveal a period of under delivery during the recession. However, this does not constitute persistent under delivery because it is before the base date of the Core Strategy and any un-met housing needs prior to 2012 are addressed within the Core Strategy’s overall requirement of 70,000 (net) homes.

2.5 The previous 5YS was for the period April 2013 to March 2018 and had a base date of 1st September 2012. This 5YS assessment covers the period April 2014 to March 2019 and has a base date of 31st March 2014.

3 Main issues

Assessment of Requirement

3.1 The 5YS is assessed against an adopted housing requirement in a local plan or an up to date assessment. For Leeds, this is the requirement progressing through the Core Strategy Examination. At the hearing session on 14 th May 2014, the Council remains of the view that a step-up represents the most appropriate approach to a housing requirement (i.e. 3,660 per annum between 2012 and 2017 rising thereafter to 4,700 per annum). Following the hearing, the Inspector has now written to the Council (6th June), proposing a further schedule of Main Modifications. The Modifications include the reinstatement of 3,660 p.a. as a delivery target, with amended supporting text, which emphasises that it is unrealistic to expected completion rates in the early years of the plan to achieve the annual average of 4,375 p.a (given market conditions and infrastructure requirements). The target figure of “at least” 3,660 p.a. is therefore included. In terms of the overall 5YS position, this Modification is considered to provide a more realistic approach to persistent under delivery and backlog.

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3.2 Reflecting a step-up the 5YS requirement rests at 20,380. When a 5% is applied this provides a requirement of 21,399. Addressing under delivery over a 10 year period is considered to be a reasonable approach given the significant increase in house building that would be required to meet even the basic requirement and the need to secure housing delivery across an economic cycle. This results in a requirement of 22,518 homes. It is on this basis that the Council has submitted evidence to a planning inquiry at Grove Road, Boston Spa where the 5YS is determinative.

3.3 However, in recognition that the assessment of a requirement may be looked at differently depending on the conclusions of the Core Strategy or planning appeal Inspectors, Appendix 1 also highlights the difference between the Council’s approach (scenario A) and two other potential scenarios.

3.4 Scenario B applies the Core Strategy requirement evenly across the plan period at a rate of 4,375 homes per annum and remedies under delivery within 5 years. This results in a requirement of 26,762 homes. Whilst this approach is advocated by the NPPG, the City Council does not consider it to be realistic to remedy any undersupply within 5 years and for the factors set out in para. 3.2 above, for 10 years to be set as the timeframe appropriate for Leeds.

3.5 Scenario C is the approach of the house building industry (stating a persistent under-delivery against RSS targets) and inflates Scenario B by applying a 20% buffer. This results in a requirement of 30,043 homes. Such a level is clearly not only undeliverable but in requiring substantial quantities of land to be brought forward in advance of site allocations, would result in significant harm to the plan- making process in Leeds, including the choices that have to be made locally. Consequently, the City Council does not accept this approach.

Assessment of Supply

3.6 The 5YS is set out at Appendix 2 and largely comprises the sites in the SHLAA which fall within the short term. It consists of 725 sites and has been categorised as follows:

Type 2014-19

Homes with planning permission 9,949 Homes on allocated sites without planning permission 1,098 Homes with expired planning permission 2,448 Homes on sites with no planning permission 6,259 Homes on new SHLAA sites 1,685 TOTAL 21,439

3.7 Over half of the homes identified in the 5YS are from sites with planning permission or existing allocations. In total 11,047 dwellings are expected to be

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delivered from these categories. Members should note that this is not the total stock of permissions and allocations (this rests at approximately 26,000 homes) but is the level that at least can be delivered from such sites within five years. However, both members and officers have pressed representatives of the house building industry through the SHLAA Partnership, to bring forward unimplemented planning permissions, where possible as a priority.

3.8 Sites with expired planning permission make up nearly 2,500 homes and as a result of being assessed as “green” at the issues and options stage of the site allocations plan, are likely to come forward as allocations during the current five year period.

3.9 The remainder of the SHLAA supply is made up of sites with no planning permission, including new sites. Similarly, these are also likely to come forward as allocations because they are largely brownfield sites and do not include greenbelt, greenspace or sites assessed as “red” at the issues and options stage of the site allocations plan.

3.10 Clearly, in advance of choices through the site allocations plan, it is positive that there is such a significant stock of identified deliverable sites. However, these would not on their own be sufficient to meet a 5YS.

3.11 Further supply (as set out in Appendix 2 ) is provided from a number of sources and totals 6,691 homes:

• The SHLAA does not include Protected Areas of Search or Green Belt sites within the short term. However, sites which meet the initial criteria for the interim protected area of search policy 1 i.e. adjacent to the main urban area and less than 10 hectares, remain necessary in order to supplement and diversify the current 5YS. They provide for 947 homes,

• In addition a PAS site which doesn’t meet the initial criteria of the PAS policy at Spofforth Hill, Wetherby with potential for 325 homes during the five year period has also been included as the planning application is being considered positively and the panel position statement is favourable in principle,

• The windfall delivery rate of 500 dwellings per annum (which has been accepted by the Core Strategy Inspector) on small sites below the SHLAA threshold has been projected forward to total 2,500 homes,

• An additional windfall supply is projected on the basis that for the previous 2 years unidentified land continues to come forward as part of new planning approvals. Approvals on unidentified land created 23 new SHLAA sites (413 units) in 2012/13 and 13 new sites in 2013/14 (217 units) at a time when the

1 Approved by Executive Board in March 2013

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SHLAA was at its most comprehensive. The Council considers that projecting a windfall delivery of 600 homes from this type of supply is prudent,

• The bringing back of long term Empty Properties has been estimated at 2,000 over the next five years on the basis that the five year average has been 395 and the Council has in place a number of specific interventions to encourage this level of supply,

• The current level of prior approvals i.e. conversions of offices to homes without the need for planning approval rests at 119. Projected forward at a rate of 100 per annum for the next three years would contribute an additional 319 homes to the overall supply.

3.12 In total the identified supply consists of 27,980 homes between April 2014 and March 2019 and is clearly in excess of the Scenario A requirement of 22,518 homes. It is a healthy position as it is also in excess of the Scenario B requirement of 26,762 homes.

4 Corporate Considerations

4.1 Consultation and Engagement

4.1.1 Technical assessments such as the five year supply are not subject to the need for public consultation like development plans. Evidence reports are informed largely by factual investigation and may have limited involvement of particular specialist interests. In the case of the five year supply, it has been prepared with involvement of officers and Members who sat on the SHLAA Partnership. It has also been considered by an Inspector at a recent planning appeal at Grove Road, Boston Spa. Her decision is not expected until the end of the Summer.

4.2 Equality and Diversity / Cohesion and Integration

4.2.2 This is a technical assessment of SHLAA sites and has no implications for equality and diversity.

4.2.1 Council policies and City Priorities

4.2.1 Leeds City Priority Plan 2011-15. Best City for Business: Support the sustainable growth of the Leeds’ economy: Hectares of brownfield land under redevelopment. Best City to Live: Maximise regeneration investment to increase housing choice and affordability within sustainable neighbourhoods: Increase the number of new homes built per year.

4.2.2 Vison for Leeds 2011 – 2030. Aim by 2030 Leeds’ economy will be prosperous and sustainable: Leeds will be a city that has sufficient housing, including affordable housing, that meets the need of the community. Best City to Live: the

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housing growth of the city is sustainable; houses to rent and buy will meet the needs of people at different stages of their lives;

4.3 Resources and value for money

4.3.1 This is an in-house technical assessment conducted by the Council’s Data and GIS Mapping Team. It therefore represents an effective use of resources and value for money.

4.4 Legal Implications, Access to Information and Call In

4.4.1 None.

4.5 Risk Management

4.5.1 Demonstration of a five year supply is a key material consideration when determining housing applications and appeals and the NPPF states that without a 5YS local policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date.


4.5.1 The five year supply assessment is critical to the implementation of the Core Strategy’s housing policies and the ambitions of the Council to supply the homes which are needed in Leeds.

4.5.2 The Council can demonstrate that it has a 6.2 year housing supply of deliverable sites sufficient to meet the Submission Core Strategy housing requirements and it’s step-up. Should the Core Strategy Inspector seek to modify the plan to remove the step-up the Council remains in a position of demonstrating a 5.2 year supply. The approach of the Government is that a supply is either demonstrated or it isn’t marginality is not considered to be material.

4.5.3 This represents a healthy position in advance of the progression of the site allocations plan and provides house builders with a wide choice of deliverable sites, 23% of which are greenfield, across all housing markets in Leeds.

5 Recommendations

5.5.1 To endorse the Five Year Supply assessment and publish the outcomes.

6 Background documents 2

6.1 None

2 The background documents listed in this section are available to download from the Council’s website, unless they contain confidential or exempt information. The list of background documents does not include published works.

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Appendix 1: Scenarios for the assessment of housing requirement

Scenario A: LCC approach - Housing requirement with the Core Strategy step-up, 5% buffer and remedied under delivery within 10 years

Elements Requirement Tot al A Core Strategy 3,660 * 3 = 10,980 20,380 requirement 4,700 * 2 = 9,400 B NPPF buffer at 5% 1,019 C NPPG under- Completions 2012/13 = 2,093 1,182 delivery spread Completions 2013/14 = 2,864 over 10 years Under delivery against 3,660*2 = 2,363 2,363 divided by two = 1,182 Total 22,581

Scenario B: Illustrative Approach without the step-up, 5% buffer and remedied under delivery within 5 years

Elements Requirement A Core Strategy 4,375 * 5 = 21,875 21,875 requirement B NPPF buffer at 5% 1,094 C NPPG Under- Completions 2012/13 = 2,093 3,793 delivery spread Completions 2013/14 = 2,864 over 5 years Under delivery against 4,375 = 3,793 Total 26,762

Scenario C: Illustrative Approach without the step-up, 20% buffer and remedied under delivery within 5 years

Elements Requirement A Core Strategy 4,375 * 5 = 21,875 21,875 requirement B NPPF buffer at 20% 4,375 C NPPG Under- Completions 2012/13 = 2,093 3,793 delivery spread Completions 2013/14 = 2,864 over 5 years Under delivery against 4,375 = 3,793 Total 30,043

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Appendix 2: Breakdown of the Five Year Supply 2014-2019

Site Schedules Type 2014-19 Medium term Long term TOTAL Key A Sites with planning permission 9,949 5,556 2,190 17,695 B Allocated sites without planning permission 1,098 2,190 769 4,057 C Sites with expired planning permission 2,448 1,339 98 3,885 D Sites with no planning permission 6,259 24,411 28,857 59,527 E New 2013 SHLAA sites 1,685 777 1,694 4,156

TOTAL SHLAA SITES 21,439 34,273 33,608 89,320

PAS which meets the interim policy 947

Additional PAS 325

Windfall Delivery (<5 units) 2,500 Page 95 Page Windfall Supply (>5 units (3 years)) 600

Long Term Empty Properties 2,000

Current and Anticipated Prior Approvals (3 years) 319



MINUS DEMOLITIONS (30 per annum) 150


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