DWCC 2021 Media Guide

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DWCC 2021 Media Guide DUBAI WORLD CUP CARNIVAL 2021 Media Guide #MeydanRacing DubaiRacingClub MeydanRacing ' ' 2021!"!#$% DUBAI&'()$ W*ORLD+,-%$ C.UP&/$ C.ARNIVAL(,0)1(-$ M2EDIA3%)($ G4UIDE&)%3$ (TRAINERS)*&+,)-' #'(- THOROUGHBREDS./)/01.2),3-' ' ' ' Jockey & Trainer Records - Thoroughbreds Overview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