PENNSYLVANIA-NEW JERSEY INTERCONNECTION BUSHKILL HAER NJ-149 TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER NJ-149 (PSE&G Roseland-Bushkill 230kV Transmission Line) From Roseland Borough, Essex County, through Morris County and Sussex County to Hardwick Township, Warren County Roseland vicinity Essex County New Jersey





HAER No. NJ-149

Location: This documentation encompasses the line from Roseland Borough, Essex County, through Morris County and Sussex County to Hardwick Township, Warren County. The entire Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line extends from Roseland Borough, Essex County, New Jersey, from Roseland Switching Station at 7 Eisenhower Parkway, Roseland Borough through East Hanover Township, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, Montville Township, Boonton Township, Kinnelon Borough, Rockaway Township, and Jefferson Township in Morris County; Sparta Township, Hopatcong Borough, Byram Township, Andover Township, Newton Town, Fredon Township, and Stillwater Township in Sussex County; Hardwick Township, Warren County; across the Delaware River to the Bushkill Substation in Middle Smithfield Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Western Terminus: Bushkill Substation is located at latitude 41.078559, longitude -75.024210 Eastern Terminus: Roseland Switching Station is located at latitude 40.820029, longitude -74.330530. Dates of Construction: The Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line was constructed from 1927 to 1932. The Roseland Switching Station was completed in 1928. Architect/Engineer: Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G)

Builder/Contractor: PSE&G and Riter-Conley Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Original Owner and Use: PSE&G and Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PP&L ); electrical transmission

Present Owner: PSE&G and PP&L

Significance: The creation of the 210-mile-long transmission line known as the Pennsylvania-New Jersey Interconnection (PNJ) was a significant step in the extension of efficient and reliable electrical supply to Pennsylvania and New Jersey and balanced the service needs of the region's rural, industrial, urban, and suburban areas. The contractual interconnection of the electric systems of three major PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 2)

utility companies- Electric Company (PECO), PSE&G, and PP&L-benefited all three by supplying sufficient electricity during peak periods. During the early twentieth century, electrical demand from both domestic and industrial users was increasing. The PNJ enabled the three utilities to adapt to market changes, including shifting consumer populations.

In 1929 the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line, one segment of the PNJ in northern New Jersey, received the industry's top award, the General Electric Company's Charles A. Coffin Award, for innovative design and technical achievements. The PNJ's construction resulted in advances in the standard design of transmission lines and towers to improve resistance to environmental stresses. A system of standardization was also implemented whereby the transmission towers could be more efficiently customized for each location. Challenges posed by the terrain, which included swamps, mountains, rocks, ravines, and fields, required innovative construction techniques and solutions.

PROJECT INFORMATION: The Pennsylvania-New Jersey Interconnection Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line was recorded in July and August 2012 by The Louis Berger Group, Inc., Morristown, New Jersey, for PSE&G as part of measures to mitigate adverse effects to the National Register of Historic Places eligible Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line by the proposed Susquehanna to Roseland 500kV Transmission Project (Project), which will involve the replacement of the existing towers of the current 230kV transmission line. HAER recordation was required by the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office (NJHPO) in a letter dated September 9, 2011, and pursuant to mitigation of adverse effects stipulations provided in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Freshwater Wetlands and Flood Hazard Area Permit issued for the Project on October 2, 2012. Recordation was performed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (Federal Register 48[190]:44730-44734; Federal Register 68[139]:43159-43162). This report is consistent with Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) guidelines for historical reports. Project personnel included Kristofer Beadenkopf, Project Manager; Deborah Van Steen, Abbie Hurlbut, and Debra Mcclane, Architectural Historians; and Rob Tucher, Photographer. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 3)

BACKGROUND AND HISTORICAL CONTEXT Built in the northern portion of the state ofNew Jersey, the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission line was constructed to serve the PSE&G territory, which stretched diagonally across the central portion of the state reaching from Bergen County on the Hudson River adjacent to New York City, to Gloucester County on the Delaware River adjacent to Philadelphia. This area was historically and continues to be a densely populated area, largely consisting of commuters to the nearby cities ofNew York and Philadelphia. The state of New Jersey had seen a steady growth in population from 1860 to the early 1920s and had become the third most densely populated state in the country. 1 As a result of this rapid growth, the use of and demand for public utilities increased, including public transportation, gas, and electricity production.

The significance of the PNJ stems from its formation of the largest pool of high-voltage power in the nation at the time of its construction in the late 1920s. This unprecedented system received power in part from the Conowingo Hydroelectric Station located on the Susquehanna River in Harford and Cecil counties, Maryland, the second largest producing plant in the United States (behind Niagara Falls). The collaboration of the three participating companies-PECO, PSE&G, and PP&L-established a precedent for corporate relations between companies and facilitated important scientific and technological advancements.2 In 1927 PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G formed a three-member ring that established the PNJ to coordinate the electrical power needs of their customers. Although various patterns of interconnection had been developed and technological advancements had been introduced prior to the PNJ, the original PNJ interconnection provided innovative approaches to social, governmental, and technological issues of the period.

Early History of the Electric Industry in United States The American electrical utility industry can trace its beginnings to September 1882, when Thomas A. Edison's Pearl Street Station in New York City first supplied electricity (110 volts of direct current) to eighty-five customers. Edison envisioned central power stations in cities that would distribute power to city residents via a single wire: "The same wire that brings the light will also bring power and heat-with the power you can run an elevator, a sewin~ machine, or any mechanical contrivance, and by means of the heat you may cook your food." Unfortunately, for several decades after the tum of the century, electricity remained an expensive commodity for the average customer. At that time many industries, institutions, and larger businesses generated their own power from small plants;4 however, no backup systems for emergency

1 Thomas N. McCarter, "Charles A. Coffin Medal 1924 Application of Public Service Electric and Gas Company," on file, Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Libraries & Information Services, 1924. 2 Table 2 provides a timeline for significant events associated with the Pennsylvania-New Jersey Interconnection. 3 Leonard S. Hyman, Andrew S. Hyman, and Robert C. Hyman, America's Electric Utilities: Past, Present and Future (Vienna, Virginia: Public Utilities Reports, Inc., 2005), 118. 4 James C.G. Conniff and Richard Conniff, The Energy People, A History ofPSE&G (Newark, New Jersey: Public Service Electric & Gas Company), 132. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 4)

situations were provided when blackouts occurred. 5 More men were required to operate the machines, and customer demand did not coincide efficiently with the locations of the individual plants.

By the early 1900s electrical utilities had constructed integrated systems for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. The hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls represents the first large-scale distribution of electric power in the United States. The plant opened in August 1895 and primarily supplied local manufacturing. The following year a portion of the electricity generated was "stepped up" by transformers from 2,000 to 10,000 volts, was transmitted over copper wires supported by wooden poles twenty miles to Buffalo, New York, and was reduced to 2,000 volts at the Buffalo substation. The electricity powered lights and street cars. 6 It wasn't until after World War I that the development of high-voltage interconnections provided the instrument through which electrical power could be transmitted from its point of origin to the market served (area of consumption) in "the most efficient, economical, and reliable manner."7

The Three Companies of the PNJ (PSE&G, PECO, and PP&L) Through the end of the nineteenth century, power was mostly supplied by small electric utility companies that were established mostly in heavily populated regions and served relatively small portions of those regions. At first the utilities primarily served industries, stores, factories, and public buildings. Although the electrical industry was a risky investment at the time, a few entrepreneurial companies and individuals financed the industry and facilitated its expansion. This was often accomplished through mergers and the consolidation of the small private utility companies that were purchased by larger holding companies. As Electrical World, an industry publication, observed, consolidations of small utilities would provide better service "by dealing with operative problems as a whole instead of in dissociated fragments, and by giving the whole system a financial stability and relieving it from the hand-to-mouth existence that has been the fate of many a small company."8 The trade magazine also pointed out that the linking of formerly independent stations would more greatly enable the provision of continuous service to customers. This arrangement of a consolidated "holding company" followed a national trend of consolidation and merger seen in many of the country's larger utility companies.9 The three

5 Hyman et al., 118-119; Conniff and Conniff, 123-125. 6 Richard Munson, From Edison to Enron (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2005), 40. 7 Bayla Schlossberg Singer, Power to the People: the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland interconnection, 1925- 1970 (J'echnological and Social Institutions), January 1, 1983, dissertations available at ProQuest, Paper AAI8316087,, 1. 8 Electrical World, January 1906, as quoted in Conniff and Conniff, 125. 9 PSE&G, "Our Company History," PSEG Company Website, history.jsp (accessed May 27, 2010); Bernard A. Block, "Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated" in International Directory of Company Histories (Detroit: St. James Press, 1992), 701-702. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 5) companies that eventually formed the PNJ Interconnection-PSE&G, PECO, and PP&L-were all established by larger holding companies.

PSE&G: In 1903 Thomas N. McCarter, a businessman and politician, founded the Public Service Corporation ofNew Jersey (Public Service), which became a holding company for public utilities throughout New Jersey, including electric companies, gas companies, and transportation companies like those running the street cars. At its inception in 1903, the electrical interests of Public Service included twenty central power plants, each of which was independent with no interconnection to one another; its largest generator produced only 1,800 kilowatts. 10 Eventually Public Service would acquire more than 500 gas, electric, and transportation businesses. 11 Initially the electrical profits of the company were primarily obtained from street lighting as opposed to domestic consumers. As a result the company, like other utility firms, sought to broaden its customer base by increased infrastructure and by the creation of a unified distribution system. In 1906 Public Service built its first steam power plant at the Marion (Hackensack River) Generating Station near Jersey City, which operated at 13,000 kilowatts but was designed for an ultimate capacity of 64,000 kilowatts. The Marion Generating Station was intended both to relieve the demand placed upon Public Service's other central generating plants and to provide a backup for emergencies. 12

Under McCarter's leadership, Public Service, and later PSE&G, steadily developed its electrical distribution to a 13,200-volt transmission system that was efficiently linked to a network of generating lines and substations. Inefficient plants were replaced with homogeneous facilities to create a higher degree of efficiency and reliability, to unify the system, and to broaden the scale and distribution of power. The resulting network could produce more electricity at a reduced cost. All of the plants, with the exception of Morris, Boonton, and Hoboken, were interconnected by 1906, with most plants producing a maximum of 6,660 volts. 13 By 1927 Public Service's generating capacity stood at 575,000 kilowatts. 14 In 1924, because of political and financial pressures, Public Service split its various interests and established Public Service Electric & Gas

1°Conniff and Conniff, 68, 123, 125. According to Robert I. Smith, former CEO of PSE&G, when the company was first organized, the electric properties included 14 generating stations with a total capacity of 40,075 kilowatts. The company held nine substations and 47 miles of transmission lines. Robert I. Smith, "A Cycle of Service: The Story of Public Service Electric and Gas Company," address given before the Newcomen Society in North America, New York City, December 6, 1979 (New York: Newcomen Society in North America, 1980), 10, 15-17. 11 Block, 70 I. 12 Smith, 10; Marian Calabro, We Make Things Work: PSE&G's First Century (Lyme, Connecticut: Greenwich Publishing Group, 203), 27; "The Marion (Hackensack River) Station of the Public Service Corporation ofNew Jersey," Electrical World 47 (No. 1, January 6, 1906), 17; G.U.G. Holman, "The Electrical Distribution System of the Public Service Corporation ofNew Jersey-I," Electrical World 47 (No. 2, January 13, 1906):104. N.B.: This article is the first of a three-part series on the subject published in subsequent volumes of this industry magazine. 13 Conniff and Conniff, 126. 14 "Biggest Power Pool to Serve 2 States," New York Times, September 17, 1927:7, col. 5. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 6)

(PSE&G). By the 1930s PSE&G serviced approximately 95 percent of the population ofNew Jersey. 15

PSE&G's electric utility development continued in the 1920s through the addition of substations and expansion of existing plants. In the early part of the decade, PSE&G entered into an agreement with PECO to connect the southern portion of PSE&G's system, which was still independent of the rest of PSE&G's systems, to PECO's system in Philadelphia. This was the first interconnection of power that crossed state lines in New Jersey. The interconnection occurred via an underground cable beneath the Delaware River and initially ran only one way, utilizing excess power from PECO to power PSE&G's southern system. 16

PECO: Similar to Thomas N. Mccarter, Martin Maloney, also a wealthy investor and businessman, became interested in public utilities in Philadelphia. In 1899 Maloney formed PECO, a holding company of several power, gas, and transportation businesses in Philadelphia. 17 By 1921 PECO was the nation's seventh largest utility. In 1923 PECO owned 12 generators with a total capacity of over 300,000 kilowatts. The company undertook the construction of its first hydroelectric plant in 1926 on the Susquehanna River in northeastern Maryland. With a generating capacity of252,000 kilowatts, the Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant ranked second in terms of generating capacity in the United States, surpassed only by the plant at Niagara Falls. 18

The Conowingo plant was designed by the engineering firm of Stone & Webster of Boston, and its associated transmission lines were installed by the firm of Day & Zimmerman. The concrete dam across the Susquehanna River associated with the plant was constructed by the Arundel Corporation of Baltimore. Construction began in 1926, and two years later power was transmitted from Conowingo to PECO's Plymouth Meeting Substation northwest of Philadelphia. 19 The construction of the Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant proved to be a motivating factor for the interconnection that eventually became the Pennsylvania-Jersey­ Maryland Interconnection (PJM). In 1927 PECO's generating capacity was at 570,000 kilowatts; by the time the Conowingo Plant was brought online, PECO's generating capacity had increased to 820,000 kilowatts. 20

15 "To Develop the State of New Jersey ... and to Make it a Better Place in Which to Live," Fortune Magazine, November 1934, 103. 16 Conniff and Conniff, 305. 17Nicholas B. Wainwright, History ofthe Philadelphia Electric Company: 1881-1961 (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Electric Company, 1961), 62. The merger combined the assets of the national Electric Company and the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Light and Power Company. 18Exelon Corporation, "The History of PECO," Funding Universe Website, (accessed June 21, 2010). 19Thomas Parke Hughes, Networks ofPower: Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, repr. 1993), 328-329. 20 New York Times September 17, 1927. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 7)

PP&L: PP&L developed in a similar manner to PSE&G and PECO, but not until well into the early twentieth century. In June 1920 eight utilities in central-eastern Pennsylvania merged into a single corporate entity-the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L). During the early twentieth century PP&L held more than 70 electric companies. In 1920 the Allentown-based PP&L encompassed not only the eight electric lighting companies in eastern Pennsylvania (with 62 generating plants) but also the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Sunbury, Pennsylvania. As a holding company, and backed by Lehigh Power Securities Corporation, PP&L continued to acquire other small utilities throughout the 1920s and into the 1930s. 21

Centered in the within a predominantly rural region, PP&L serviced a coal mining and heavy industrial sector that extended north into the anthracite mining region of northeastern Pennsylvania. In 1925 PP&L reported servicing 152,000 electric consumers, a 20 percent increase in its consumer base from the previous two years. The company held "over 1,064 miles of transmission line of more than 11,000 volts in operation or under construction." Distribution experienced a similar growth during the same period with PP&L operating distribution lines of over 3,000 miles. 22

PP&L's aggressive program of high-voltage transmission line extension, along with its merger and acquisition activities throughout the late 1920s, ultimately replaced unreliable, low-voltage transmission systems and tied the smaller existing utility providers into a more reliable, high­ voltage grid.23 PP&L's quick expansion and growth during this period were in part a response to the increasing industrial development in its service area. By the 1930s industrial customers, nearly half of whom were coal-mining operations, comprised 70 percent of PP&L's client base. Pennsylvania's industrial output ranked second in the nation, and PP&L supplied one-third to one-half of the electricity used by that industry (mining). 24

The decades between 1920 and 1940 were a peak period of hydroelectric development in the United States. Suitable sites for development were centered along waterways that had historically been dammed to supply power to mills. The Wallenpaupack Creek, on the border between Wayne and Pike counties in Pennsylvania, was harnessed for water power as early as

21 Bill Beck, PP&L: 75 Years ofPowering the Future: An Illustrated History ofPennsylvania Power & Light Co. (Eden Prairie, Minnesota: The Viking Press, 1995), 1-2, 148. 22 Beck 1995, 148. 23 Beck 1995, 147, 153-154, 157-158. Some of the companies acquired by PPL included the Excelsior Electric Light & Power Co, the Lycoming Edison Co, and the Jersey Shore Electric Co, in 1923. Late 1920s acquisitions included the Jamestown Electric Co, the Middlesex Electric & Light, Heat & Power Co., and the Harrisburg Light & Power Co. The latter, which served the state capital, was one of the larger properties acquired by PP&L during the late 1920s. PP&L acquired stock of other companies in the late 1920s but did not integrate these into the company's larger system until the 1930s. 24 Thomas Parke Hughes, Networks ofPower: Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983), 429. The statistics are based on number of wage earners and payroll dollars. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 8) the late eighteenth century. 25 From 1924 to 1926, PP&L undertook construction of the Wallenpaupack Dam and Hydroelectric Plant, which, at its completion, generated 44,000 kilowatts and increased PP&L's carrying capacity by 25 percent. In addition to offsetting the weight of the company's peak demand loads, the new plant provided more efficient and more economic power generation to the PP&L system. In 1927 PP&L's generating capacity stood at 292,000 kilowatts. 26

Post-World War I Ideology The early twentieth-century advances in the electric industry progressed further after World War I alongside postwar shifts in political and social movements, Changes involving social and economic instability were followed by the boom years of the 1920s,27 and as uses and demand for electricity increased, utilities sought to improve their ability to meet this demand and solicit new customers. According to technology historian Thomas Hughes, two primary concepts central to the expansion of the electric industry resulted from World War I-the ideas of "Giant Power" (large pools of power as the sources of supply) and "Superpower" (interchange of power between public utility systems). The differences between these two concepts centered on methods of generation and distribution of power, i.e., public versus private ownership and economic versus social needs. 28

One month after the end of World War I, Congress approved a survey of energy resources between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C., in preparation of a proposal for the creation of a regional grid of pooled power. 29 The report detailed a plan that would supplement existing utilities and their systems with large generating plants, both thermal and hydroelectric, that would transmit through high-voltage (approximately 110 to 220kV) transmission lines by which the power plants could feed into a power pool that could be tapped at load centers for distribution to consumers by the individual utilities. 30 This plan was referred to as the Superpower plan. Under the Superpower system, power could be sold to existing utilities from the system to serve their customers to cover their "base loads," and their smaller, less efficient plants could then be utilized for peak loads only, when more power was needed.

In October 1923 Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, under President Calvin Coolidge, took up the cause of Superpower and held a Superpower conference in New York City. The

25 Norman Lehde, A History ofPike County (Milford, Pennsylvania: Pike County Book Committee, 1989), 502; Hawley-Lake Wallenpaupack Chamber of Commerce, PPL Corporation, Wallenpaupack Historical Society, Wallenpaupack (Hawley, Pennsylvania: Hawley-Lake Wallenpaupack Chamber of Commerce, 2001 ), 12.

" 6 New York Times September 17, 1927; Hughes, 440.

27 Wainwright, 143; Hughes, 324. 28 Hughes, 296. 29 Hughes, 296-297. 30 Hughes, 297. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 9) conference included the state public service commissioners of the Atlantic and New England states, who met for a preliminary discussion of possible cooperative steps between federal and state authorities. The committee concluded that to provide economical and adequate power supply for the Eastern Seaboard Zone, the following would be required.

1. Extension of interconnections between systems. 2. The building oflarge centralized steam-electric plants located at strategic points. 3. The development oflarge hydroelectric projects. 31

The economic values identified by the committee included:

1. An estimated reduction ofcoal consumption by over 50,000,000 tons annually. 2. More economic production ofpower. 3. Security in power supplies against interruption with its losses through disrupted production and unemployment. 4. Large reserves ofpower through which other industrial development need not lag, awaiting power construction. 5. Electrification oftransportation to increase its efficiency. 6. Extension ofpower uses to the farm. 7. Decrease in human labor. 32

One month after the Superpower conference was held, the three power companies that would eventually form the PNJ connection-PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G-initiated their own study of the potential benefits of pooling power among their systems, similar to the ideas of the Superpower plan. This study was completed in 1924 utilizing projection data for 1925, and concluded that the power companies could save approximately $2.8 million through pooling power and interconnection. 33

The concept of pooling power was universally accepted as a cost-saving solution to the production and provision of power. The controversy ensued in the way in which to pool the power and the way in which to regulate the pooling of power. The Superpower plan essentially proposed the expansion of the existing electric power grid, in which individual utilities would construct, own, and operate generating stations and then undertake joint ventures to construct transmission lines to create the power pool. 34 This plan was viewed by some as overly favorable to utility companies and requiring more regulation to prevent the utilities from taking advantage of the consumer.

31 Wilmer S. Kleinback, PJM· America's Pioneer Power Pool (Norristown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, ca. 1983, first published 1969), 17. 32 Kleinback, 17-18. 33 Kleinback, 18. 34 Beck 1995, 225. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 10)

One proponent of more government regulation of power pooling was Governor Gifford Pinchot of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pinchot developed a different plan, known as Giant Power, in response to the Superpower idea. One of the primary goals of Giant Power was social: to provide Pennsylvania-supplied coal-fired power to rural agricultural areas at a reasonable cost:

Giant Power is a plan to bring cheaper and better electric service to all those who have it now, and to bring good and cheap electric service to those who are still without it. It is a plan by which most of the drudgery of human life can be taken from [the] shoulders of men and women who toil, and replaced by the power of electricity. 35

Similar to Hoover, Pinchot also established a Giant Power Survey Board, which submitted its report in February 1925. The Giant Power Survey Board included the following points that outline the cheap and abundant power ideals of the governor, specifically for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

I. Mass Production, with opportunity for by-product recovery-to be secured by generating stations of300,000 kw or more in or near the coal fields supplying transmission lines of 111,000 volts or more connecting with all other major transmission lines in the state. 2. The creation ofa common pool ofpower into which current from all sources will be poured, and out ofwhich current for all uses may be taken-to be secured by organizing giant power companies to purchase surplus power from all generating stations in the state and sell to all distributing systems in the state. 3. Free access by every water-power and steam generating station to every distributing system in the state which supplies the consumer-to be secured by making all major transmission lines common carriers ofcurrent from the giant power companies and other generating stations to any and all distribution systems in the state. 4. Complete, prompt, and effective regulation ofrates, service, and security issues-to be secured by fundamental changes in the Public-Service-Company Law. 5. Rescue ofthe regulation ofelectrical service from the destruction now threatened by its conversion into interstate commerce, which will be beyond the control ofthe states and has not been regulated by Congress-to be secured by compacts among the states consented to by Congress, as allowed by the Constitution ofthe United States, or failing that, by Congressional legislation. 6. Systematic extension ofservice lines throughout the rural areas ofthe state. 36

Technologically, the two plans were very similar. The idea of constructing coal-powered generating stations to generate power and then transmitting power through high-voltage

35 Report ofthe Giant Power Survey Board to the General Assembly ofthe Commonwealth ofPennsylvania ( 1925), quoted in Hughes, 298. 36 Kleinback, 18. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page I 1) transmission lines was at the core of each plan. Giant Power differed from Superpower in its narrow focus and increased regulations. Pinchot was particularly interested in the electrification of rural areas, whereas the Superpower plan focused on the more efficient electrification of industries and large businesses, consumers that would utilize a large amount of power. Pinchot's Giant Power plan specified that the large state-owned generating plants would be mine-mouth generating plants, plants located in the coalfields to be close to the power source and cut down on transportation of coal to the generating station, mostly in western Pennsylvania. The power would then be transmitted to the populated centers in eastern Pennsylvania via state-owned high­ voltage transmission lines. 37 Pinchot was skeptical of big utility companies and thus advocated for their heavy regulation-so much so that under the Giant Power plan the existing investor­ owned power companies would be reduced to distribution companies. All generation and transmission decisions would be made by a state board. 38 The Superpower plan, on the other hand, was created through collaboration of government officials, engineers, and representatives of existing utility companies. As such, the Superpower plan advocated minimal government regulation to preserve the profit-making ability of existing and future investments in the power companies. The debate in these two plans was one of social mandates versus free-market principles.

Neither the Giant Power nor the Superpower plans was successful; nevertheless, the electric industry continued to pursue the establishment of a more efficient transmission and distribution system while simultaneously increasing its customer base. One of the first interconnections occurred in 1922 between utilities in Connecticut and Massachusetts, known as the Connecticut Valley Power Exchange (CONVEX). According to historian Bill Beck, the three utilities in Connecticut and Massachusetts agreed to share the cost of the construction of a 66kV transmission line that would connect their systems. Each utility would then purchase electricity from the generating unit and split the savings from the interconnection at the end of each month. This agreement was the first example of separate electric utilities voluntarily cooperating and sharing revenue for a transmission project.39 During that same period other collaborative systems for the distribution of power developed. For example, in the western United States such "pool" systems were necessary given the vast distances between the power sources ( often water-power generators high in the Sierras) and the local distribution systems. 40

During the 1920s there was an increase in the number of investor-owned utilities in the United States and an expansion in the construction of power generation plants and transmission and distribution lines. Mergers and acquisitions of utilities also proliferated during that time. One

37 Beck, 1995, 220. 38 Beck, 1995, 222. 39Bill Beck, "25 Year History ofMPPA (Michigan Public Power Agency)," MPPA Website, 2003, (accessed 5 September 2012). 40 Richard Munson, The Power Makers: The Inside Story ofAmerica's Biggest Business and Its Struggle to Control Tomorrow's Electricity (Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1985), 62-63; Calabro, 44. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 12) estimate is that 560 companies were involved in mergers during 1925, 153 of which were acquiring utilities. 41 By 1925 most towns in the United States with populations of greater than 5,000 people had access to a central electric generation service; this accounted for most of the urban areas in the country; however, the majority of the country's population continued to reside in towns of less than 5,000 people or in rural areas and did not have access to an electrical system. In the mid-1930s only 11 percent of the farms in the United States had access to electricity; in Pennsylvania 94 percent of the state's rural households were without electricity.42 Subsequent developments within the electric industry would lead to small, isolated central generation plants becoming part of larger, more diverse distribution systems that would provide dependable power, greater efficiency, and a reduction in operation costs. These networks also enabled an extension of the electrical system into areas formerly under-served or not served by an ex1stmg. . e lectr1c . company. 43

ThePNJ In contrast to the national trends of merging and consolidating, PSE&G, PECO, and PP&L sought to pool their resources while maintaining their independent company status. As noted above, in 1923 the three companies initiated a survey to determine the potential benefits of interconnecting their systems. The results of this survey and their solution to providing dependable, cheaper electricity to more customers included a previously untested attempt at generating and distributing power among three separate companies over thousands of miles. This unprecedented venture, known as the PNJ, resulted in the first fully integrated high-voltage electrical power pool in North America. The interconnection would be supplied by a 220kV transmission ring that was a "state-of-the-art" network in the late 1920s.44 The project would involve the construction of the nation's second largest hydroelectric project, the Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant, second only to Niagara Falls. The tri-company agreement provided for the "largest pool of electric power in the world-3,000,000 horsepower. No interconnection had ever before been attempted for the transmission of such large blocks of energy by independently operated companies."45

In 1927 PSE&G, PP&L, and PECO entered into an agreement to pool their electric output. This agreement (the PNJ agreement) was created as a result of years of analyzing load demands and efficiencies of production by the three utility companies. In 1922 Public Service established a load forecasting committee to predict where increasing demand would require additional

41 Bill Beck, PP&L: 75 Years ofPowering the Future: An Illustrated History ofPennsylvania Power & Light Co. (Eden Prairie, Minnesota: The Viking Press, Inc., 1995), 150. 42 David DeKok and Peny Stambaugh, "Power Struggle," Penn Lines 38 (No. 2, February 2003), 3. Creation of the federal Rural Electrification Administration by executive order by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on May 11, 1935, further spurred electrical development in rural areas. 43 Beck 1995, 151-153. 44 Beck 1995, 191. 45 Wainwright, 200. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 13)

construction. The findings of this committee led Public Service to realize the benefits of interconnection with the electric systems of other utilities, which would result in less capital outlay for construction of new generating stations. 46 Professor Malcolm MacLaren of Princeton University's Electrical Engineering Department was hired by the three utilities to study the load diversity in the various areas served by the companies. Following MacLaren's 1923 report, the companies formed a committee to study the possibility of interconnection; this committee presented reports in 1925 and in 1927. During the construction of the Conowingo plant, the three companies signed the agreement to collaborate.47 The New York Times announced the interconnection agreement on its front page with the headline: "Biggest Power Pool to Serve 2 States." The article observed that the new "superpower system" would cover "the industrial districts and main cities of New Jersey and, with the exception of Pittsburgh, most of the important cities in Pennsylvania." The article also predicted that the new interconnection would make possible "diversification, dependability and concentration of power on an enormous scale."48

Different in structure from other interconnections, the PNJ was innovative with respect to the integrated nature of its resulting system, which linked generation, transmission, and distribution lines, the large area supplied by the lines, and the high-voltage capacity of trunk lines. Development of effective system controls was an integral part of the evolution of the interconnected transmission system.49 The PNJ was also innovative in its establishment of a committee to maintain central control, which included one member from each of the participant utility companies. The PNJ allowed each utility to maintain its independent status (rather than merge), and there was no resulting larger corporate entity. Although it may have appeared as a single public corporate entity, the management of PNJ was undertaken by an operating committee, which, while it may have created certain operational problems, also enabled innovative and constructive collaboration resulting in efficient and reliable service.

Through regional cooperation, the resulting interconnection electrical network (or electrical "grid") provided more reliable electricity to customers at a lower rate than the companies could offer individually. The interconnection enabled companies to draw on other systems at peak times (maximum usage periods that varied for different systems, also known as load diversity), provided a diversity of fuel sources (hydro, coal, natural gas, oil, etc.) that could be used, and

46 Calabro, 44; Conniff and Conniff, 293-295. 47 Hughes, 331. The Philadelphia Electric Company served that city and the surrounding suburbs. Pennsylvania Power & Light served Allentown, Bethlehem, Hazelton, and Sunbury. Public Service served Newark, Jersey City, Paterson, Trenton, Camden, and 200 other municipalities from the Hudson to Delaware. "Biggest Power Pool to Serve 2 States," New York Times September 17, 1927:7, col. 5. The Memorandum of Agreement establishing the PNJ was signed on September 16, 1927. 48 "Biggest Power Pool to Serve 2 States," New York Times September 17, 1927: 1, col. 2; Beck 1995, 195-196. A follow-up study, known as the Osgood Report, extended MacLaren's report and estimated that over a six-year period the interconnection would result in a gross savings of $45 million. 49 Beck 1995, 195. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 14) ensured that high reserves of electricity were available. 50 In providing access to a large available energy supply, the interconnection enabled the member companies to meet their ever-increasing service demands without having to invest capital in the construction of additional generating plants. The new system, which is currently known as the Pennsylvania-Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM), served as a model for later regional grids. 51

The pool system created by the PNJ interconnection provided diverse loads and increased efficiency to its interconnected members. PP&L's large industrial clientele resulted in peak demand times during the mornings and daytime, whereas PSE&G and PECO's large domestic clientele created peak demand times in the evenings when individuals returned home from work via municipal transportation and began operating household appliances. 52 By pooling their resources, these companies could share power during diverse demand times without increasing capital outlay for new generation plants. The arrangement required complex contracts that equitably allocated benefits of the interconnection among the member utility companies, as well as allocated the amount of power each company would provide.

The utilities could also efficiently share diverse generating facilities. Philadelphia Electric's large hydroelectric project on the Susquehanna River at Conowingo, Maryland, [the second largest in the nation and an impetus for the power pool], would supply most of the power pool's base load during times of high river flow, while the other utilities' coal or oil plants would carry the fluctuating peak demand. The division would reverse during times of low water. 53

The three companies of the PNJ were linked through a series of220,000-volt trunk lines that ran in an approximately 210-mile ring; two transmission lines from each company's system attached to transmission lines from the other two companies. 54 Such expansions and interconnections required significant capital investment in stations and towers along the line. As a result of the interconnection, substations or switching stations were established at the following locations: Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania (which was fed by the Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant and was built by PECO); Roseland, New Jersey (near Newark; built by PSE&G); and Siegfried, Pennsylvania (north of Allentown). The assembled transmission lines joined an electric pool of 2,250,000 kilowatts of power that was distributed among the three companies.

5° Calabro, 44-45. 51 The name change occurred in 1956 when the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and General Public Utilities (MD) joined the interconnection. Other utilities joined the system in 1965 and 1981. PJM LLC, "PJM Heritage," PJM LLC Web site, (accessed June 2, 2010). 52 Munson 1985, 64-65. 53 Munson 1985, 65. Also see Hughes, 325-326. 54 For the diagram of the PNJ, see Hughes, 325; also see image in Powering a Generation of Change: Transmitting Electricity (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 2013) (accessed at PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 15)

Each partner agreed to build two transmission lines to the other two partners, splitting the costs three ways. 55 PSE&G was also responsible for constructing the transmission line from Roseland to the border between Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where the line connected to PECO's Plymouth Meeting Substation. The interconnection would thus bring power from the Conowingo plant to the border of New York City; power would also be supplied from Pennsylvania to the industrial section of New Jersey. Ultimately, the PNJ ring would be formed by an 82-mile connection between Siegfried, Pennsylvania, and Roseland, New Jersey; a 77-mile connection between Roseland and Philadelphia; and a 49-mile connection between Philadelphia and S1eg. d . 56

Bushkill to Roseland The existing transmission line providing the interconnection of power among the three utility companies is the physical manifestation of the innovative PNJ agreement. As part of the PNJ interconnection, PSE&G was responsible for the construction of a 44-mile-long 220kV transmission line from Roseland, New Jersey, to Bushkill, Pennsylvania, which extended through a highly diverse environment of swamp, mountain, rock, and ravine. At Bushkill (Middle Smithfield Township) the PSE&G transmission line intersected with the PP&L line that extended from the Wallenpaupack Hydroelectric Plant to the Siegfried Substation.57

Based on the original 1927 agreement, each utility was responsible for the construction of the interconnection elements within their own service territory; however, a few specifications were detailed to ensure continuity in connecting each portion of the system. For instance, the design of the individual towers was left to the utility that built them, but they had to be steel towers supporting three conductors suitable to operate at 220kV and 60 cycles. 58 As such, different engineers were commissioned for different parts of the interconnection, and the towers appeared slightly different in different portions of the interconnection ring. The preferred tower design for PECO was a wasp-waisted tower design, and PP&L and PSE&G preferred a straight-sided design for their towers. 59 In Pennsylvania the firm of Phoenix Utilities Company was commissioned for the construction of the towers between Wallenpaupack and Siegfried. In New Jersey the individual towers for the Bushkill to Roseland portion of the transmission line were fabricated by the Riter-Conley Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Riter-Conley Company was a prominent steel manufacturer in Pittsburgh known for its work throughout the world, including blast furnaces, steel works, mills, gas and power plants, water towers, bridges, and factories in the United States and overseas in Scotland, Canada, and China.

55 Beck 1995, 197. 56 New York Times, September 17, 1927:1, col. 2. 57 Hughes, 331; Conniff and Conniff, 306-307. The line was increased to 230,000 volts in 1965. 58 Singer, 137. 59 Nevin E. Funk, "The Economic Value of Major System Interconnections," Journal ofthe Franklin Institute 212 (Issue 2, August 1931), 191. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 16)

The company was established by Thomas B. Riter and William H. Conley. Riter was born in Pennsylvania in 1840 and began his business career early in life as a clerk at the age of 17 at a local hat store. Shortly thereafter, Riter worked for a manufacturer of shovels and axes up until 1860. In 1860 he went into business with his brother James Riter, who manufactured sheet iron. It was in this business that Riter met William H. Conley, who was the bookkeeper for James Riter's business. During the Civil War the company repaired river boats. Eventually the business grew into a general boiler shop and tank manufacturer. In 1873 James Riter died and Thomas B. Riter and William H. Conley took over the business and established the firm Riter & Conley.60 The company continued to design bridges and steel towers for transmission lines well into the early to mid-twentieth century.

The PSE&G transmission line from Bushkill to Roseland was not the first transmission line for which Riter-Conley had been commissioned. Riter-Conley had been commissioned to fabricate 2,000 steel towers in 1914 for a transmission line that would be constructed for the Southern Power Company.61 The Southern Power Company operated primarily in North and South Carolina and changed its name to the Duke Power Company in 1924.62

Once the tower design was approved for the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line, the Riter­ Conley Company sent a tower to the American Bridge Company in Ontario for testing. Large water tanks were suspended from various supports on the tower to test its strength and durability. 63 After the towers were constructed on site, the tower would go through additional vibration testing.

Complications/Solutions: The Bushkill to Roseland segment of the PNJ was the last section of the interconnection to be constructed and placed into operation. Complications with respect to obtaining right-of-way permissions, easements, and property access issues delayed completion of the line. The terrain of northwestern New Jersey proved to be the most challenging obstacle to workers building the 44-mile Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line. Nearly 220 towers were planned at approximately 1,100' intervals across the swamps, mountains, rocks, and ravines of Warren, Sussex, Morris, and Essex counties. At points where the terrain was impassable to trucks that typically hauled the components of the 100'-tall, 12-ton steel towers to each construction site, PSE&G hired wagon teams of horses, mules, and oxen from local farmers. When swamps were impassable, the team built plank roads and even a narrow-gauge railway to carry supplies. When all other attempts failed, workers hauled the steel themselves. The difficult landscape of Sussex County in particular was reflected by the fact that workers referred to that

60 John W. Jordan, Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), 38-39. 61 "Industrial and Financial News," Electrical World 63 (19, May 9, 1914) 1072. 62 Wiley J. Williams, "Southern Power Company," NCpedia, 2006, (accessed September 6, 2012). 63 "High Tension Tower Undergoing Test," Public Service News (September 1, 1928), 3. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 17) part of the line as "the cussed Sussex link."64 In 1932 the completion of the line from Bushkill to Roseland effectively closed the PNJ ring and put the full system into service. 65

According to the PSE&G As-Built Plans, PSE&G preferred to keep the right-of-way cleared of buildings and structures. Just east of tower 55/2-A in Andover, the corridor crossed over the road between Sparta and Andover (present-day Andover Sparta Road); a farm was located on the east side of this road. The house and a barn associated with this farm were located outside the corridor; however, another barn associated with the farm was located near the center of the corridor. The As-Built Plans indicate that the owner of the farm was given notice to remove the building within forty days. 66 A dwelling was situated in the right-of-way in Fredon Township between towers 48/4-B and 49/1-D that has remained within the right-of-way to the present day. Given the safety requirements associated with the project, this dwelling, known as the historic Roy Mansion, could no longer function as a full-time residential dwelling at its historical location on the transmission line. Therefore PSE&G purchased the building and relocated the previous landowner and resident. In light of the ":fragile nature of some of the original masonry and the way the house was built into the knoll on which it sits," it was believed that the building could not be moved. 67

While PSE&G placed restrictions on portions of its right-of-way with regard to buildings and structures, other developments and landowners placed restrictions on PSE&G. One example includes the restrictions placed on PSE&G regarding the right-of-way crossing Lake Mohawk. Lake Mohawk is a manmade lake created by landowner Arthur D. Crane and his development company in the mid-1920s. The lake was created by damming the Wallkill River, which became the lake's northern terminus. The private resort community at Lake Mohawk opened in 1927; development of the resort continued into the 1930s. The As-Built Plans describe the obligations of PSE&G at Lake Mohawk:

P.S.E.&G. Co. to keep R/W in a sightly condition at all times. P.S.E.&G. Co. will allow trees, shrubs and bushes to remain standing to a height of 15' on R/W excepting on a strip of land 60' in width thru the center of the R/W, where they may cut level with the ground. R/W is to be used only for the erection of transmission line towers, until after the lapse of three years, telephone poles may be erected, such poles not to interfere with the existing or proposed roads crossing the R/W. No Poles or towers are to be erected in the bed of Lake Mohawk, and the grant does not carry with it any rights, recreational or otherwise in the waters of Lake Mohawk. P.S.E.&G. Co. must repair any damages done to roads during the construction or operation of the transmission line. 68

64 Calabro 2003:, 44; Conniff and Conniff, 1978:307. 65 Beck 1995, 198. 66 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3398-R. 67 Bruce A. Scruton, "Fredon House Bought for Power Line Project," Daily Record (December 16, 2009). 68 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3377-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 18)

Likewise, at Meadow Terrace, which is situated in the Lake Mohawk community, the transmission line consisted of an "aerial grant for conductors only; no poles, towers or other structures to be erected on the R/W." To accomplish the agreed parameters at these locations, towers 57/1-B and 57/2-B have a span of2,160' and towers 56/4-A and 57/1-B span 1,390', thus maintaining an aesthetically and physically appropriate distance from the lake and roadways. 69

To construct each tower, more than a dozen men were needed. It could take a crew anywhere from a day to two days to build a tower or, under the worst conditions, up to a week. According to Conniff and Conniff, to raise the heaviest pieces of metal, a wood gin pole would be placed in the tower foundation and a block and tackle would be attached to the top. From there, dray teams or a truck would supply the lifting power. Once the tower was constructed, the wires would be laid out and hoisted up, and the "clipping-in" crews would install insulators and fasten the wire to the tower. 70

According to an article in Public Service News, another one of the greatest challenges was housing the men who were to build the transmission line in a place that would be easily accessible to where they were constructing the towers. As a solution Public Service built two camps-the larger of the two was situated near Stillwater, in Sussex County, and the smaller of the two was situated in Millbrook, currently located within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DEWA), in Warren County, New Jersey. The men called these camps "Rag Cities."71 The camps consisted of Army tents erected on wooden floors. The tents included a coal stove, a table, and four cots, and they were sided with wood siding. In addition to the individual tents, each camp had mess tents and a kitchen.72

Roseland Switching Station As part of the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line, a major component of the PNJ Interconnection, the Roseland Switching Station and Substation was designed to receive electricity from PP&L's Siegfried, Pennsylvania, Station, located eighty-two miles to the west. Completing the ring of the 1928 PNJ, the Roseland Switching Station and Substation was also connected to PECO's Plymouth Meeting Substation (near Philadelphia), located seventy-seven miles to the southwest. PSE&G transmitted power from its Roseland Switching Station and Substation to its West Orange Switching Station, which, at the time of the PNJ completion, represented the newest point of electrical supply for Essex County. 73

69 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3377-R. 7°Conniff and Conniff, 306-312. 71 "Men Live in Camps While Constructing Electric Tower Line over Rugged Jersey Hills," Public Service News (December 15, 1928), 3. 72 Conniff and Conniff, 311. 73 "To Open 2 Power Plants," New York Times, October 2, 1928:43, col. 2. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 19)

Roseland Switching Station was referred to as the "great center of interconnection."74 Switching stations usually include transformers for stepping down the voltage from the transmission lines as well as oil switches and synchronous condensers for the regulation of voltage and power factor. 75 The four largest transformers in the world at that time were installed at Roseland Switching Station, each with a capacity of approximately 30,000 kilowatts. 76 The Station also served as the main switching center of the high-voltage transmission lines of Public Service and served as the point of contact for the interchange of energy through interconnection with the two other power companies. Roseland Switching Station featured outdoor switching equipment that provided for six high-voltage transmission lines of the Public Service System and a 90,000- kilowatt transformer bank for the Pennsylvania interconnection. The building featured a control room, a shop and oil handling facilities, and space for a 30,000-kilowatt synchronous condenser. 77

PNJ Innovations All three of the companies participating in the PNJ provided innovative solutions for the high­ voltage system. PECO was instrumental in regulating the power along the high-voltage system. After Conowingo was placed online in 1928, a master clock was used to maintain average frequency and time error accumulations. 78 PECO also "urged the development of an open-scale frequency recorder with a graphic record of instantaneous frequency with deviations from 60 Hz, more readable and with a higher accuracy" than was available from the vibrating reed type of frequency indicators in use at the time. To meet the request, Leeds & Northrup Company of Philadelphia manufactured the "initial impedance bridge frequency recorder" first installed in the PECO system operations center in 1923. As a result "the instrument became the standard for monitoring power system frequency throughout the world." PECO is credited as "the first company to display before its system operators' graphic recorders of the output of its four generating stations, total system generation and system frequency." The standards set by PECO were not exceeded for many years. Within PECO's system the signals were carried by telephone circuits from the generating stations to the operations center.79

Another innovative system that served as a model for the entire PNJ came in the form of PP&L's 220,000-volt transmission line constructed by the Phoenix Utilities Company from 1925 to 1926, connecting its Wallenpaupack plant to the Siegfried Substation, as well as an upgrade made to

74 Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, Twenty Second Annual Report ofPublic Service Corporation ofNew Jersey,for Year Ending December 31, 1930 (Newark: Public Service Corporation ofNew Jersey, 1930), 24. 75 Alexander E. Bauhan, "Interconnection Brings Benefits by Pooling of Electric Output in New Jersey and Pennsylvania," Public Service News, September 1, 1928, 5. 76 "Largest Transformers in World for Roseland Switching Station," Public Service News (August 1, 1929), 2. 77 "Roseland and West Orange Switching Stations 'Energized,"' Public Service News (October 15, 1928), 3. 78 Kleinback, 11. The master clock used by PECO was manufactured by Warren Telchron Company of Ashland, Massachusetts. 79 Kleinback, 11. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 20) the Siegfried Substation from 66,000 volts to 220,000 volts. This transmission line extended sixty-five miles through the Poconos to the Siegfried Substation, located ten miles north of Allentown on the east side of the Lehigh River. A number of technological advancements made the transmission line and link at Siegfried viable. Prior to that time, high-voltage transmission lines were not able to withstand the ice storms common in the northeastern United States. The added weight resulting from ice accumulation regularly toppled transmission structures and brought down lines. 80 Engineers realized that they would need to overcome problems caused by significant winter storms. Engineers at the Electric Bond and Share Company, a holding company affiliated with various energy companies throughout the United States, found "an elegant solution" to the sleet and ice problem. This solution involved the modification of the clamps normally used to hold the conductors firmly to the steel towers so that "under the line loading and line breakage conditions experienced in sleet storms, the clamps in the suspension anchor would slip and give the line slack, thereby keeping the tower from being toppled." Company engineers Silver and Clogher explained that:

It was recognized that repair of tower failure is far more serious than repair of a conductor failure and that a high-strength conductor of the order required, if firmly attached to the supporting towers of sufficient strength to withstand the unbalanced pull of one or more broken conductors, would cause these towers to be excessively heavy and expensive. The conductor attachment therefore incorporates a clamp designed with a grip adequate for any differential in tension in the conductor while intact, but which will slip and relieve the tower at an unbalance of tension well under that which would occur with the conductor broken. 81

The next milestone in high-voltage transmission line operation came through a landmark study on lightning undertaken between 1926 and 1930 by PP&L, Electric Bond and Share Company, and General Electric (GE). The study used the Wallenpaupack to Siegfried 220,000-volt line as one of its "major facilities for investigation." In a paper presented by PP&L engineers Edgar Bell and F.W. Pack in 1942 before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), the engineers explained why "overhead ground wires tower-footing grounding" was determined to be either cost prohibitive or not considered at all. The Wallenpaupack to Siegfried line was not constructed with grounding and the "line operated very poorly." The line experienced 27 lightning trip-outs in 18 months and caused two transformer failures within four months. In 1927 overhead ground wires were added to a 24-mile section of the Wallenpaupack to Siegfried line, which reduced the trip-outs. By the 1930 storm season buried tower footing grounding cables were also being added. According to Beck, insulator flashovers, a common problem, were reduced from seventy-four per year to twenty on the improved Wallenpaupack to Siegfried line. PP&L's involvement in the lightning study and its innovative solutions to environmental

80 Image reproduced from Beck 1995, 168. According to the caption, "Prior to construction of the Wallenpaupack to Siegfried line, high-voltage transmission lines were not designed well enough to withstand the sheets of ice. The photo shows a tower along the Harwood-Hauto line, December 1914." 81 Silver and Clogher, quoted in Beck 1995, 168. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 21) problems helped to advance the "theory and science of high-voltage transmission networks in the United States."82

PJM-The End of PNJ By the end of the 1940s, the operating partners of the PNJ line considered making revisions to their interconnection agreement. In the twenty years that had passed since the original interconnection agreement, new interconnects between operating partners and other utility companies, as well as upgrades to and expansion of the partners' own generating plants and transmission systems, necessitated revisions to bring the operating agreement up to date. On September 26, 1956, a five-party agreement was signed that added the Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. and General Public Utilities (four companies operating in the Mid-Atlantic region) to the original three partners of the PNJ. This revision resulted in renaming the interconnection the Pennsylvania-Jersey-Maryland (PJM) transmission network. 83 The new arrangement provided customers with further assurance that their power supply would be uninterrupted and provided through as efficient a network as possible. The PJM interconnection grew into one of the world's largest power pools, including several other electric utilities in a 48, 700-square-mile area serving a population of 18.4 million people. 84

DESIGN/STRUCTURAL INFORMATION A major accomplishment of the PNJ was advancement in the design of the transmission lines and towers to improve resistance to stresses imposed by sleeting and other weather conditions. Within the PNJ system the clamp-conductor attachments and the corner or dead-end structures were modified to withstand environmental stresses. Within the interconnection the transmission towers were standardized so that they could be built efficiently and easily customized for each location. The end result was that the towers were better designed to resist the unbalanced forces created by weather conditions, making them less likely to topple and disrupt service.

During construction and extension, the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line was acknowledged as an important accomplishment. In 1929 PSE&G was awarded the industry's highest honor, GE's prestigious Charles A. Coffin A ward, for the "difficult and often innovative work" required for the construction of the Bushkill to Roseland 220kV Line:

for outstanding achievement in creating a system comprehensive enough to meet present conditions, elastic enough to care for the future, plastic enough to assure high service reliability, economical enough to provide such service under rate schedules that

82 Beck 1995, 169. 83 Beck 1995, 334-335. 84 PPL Corporation, "Company History: Industry and Company Origins in the Early 20th Century," Funding Universe web site (accessed October 13, 2010). PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 22)

stimulate use and provide reasonable and fair charges to all classes of customers­ operated with full recognition to public, employees, and stockholders. 85

In addition to the technical advancements, the creation of the PNJ was a significant step in the extension ofreliable electrical supply to Pennsylvania and New Jersey, balancing the service needs of the region's rural, industrial, urban, and suburban areas. The contractual and physical interconnection of the electric systems of these three major utility companies-PECO, PSE&G, and PP&L-resulted in an efficient means of electrical supply and distribution that benefited all three companies. During the early decades of the twentieth century, electrical demand for both domestic and industrial users was increasing, and the PNJ enabled the three participating utility companies to adapt to market changes, including increasing demand and shifting consumer populations. It ensured that sufficient electrical supply was available during peak load times.

The PNJ served as a model for future similar agreements made by other utilities. Unlike the holding company models, which constituted the majority of previous utility collaborations in the industry, the companies in the PNJ system maintained their corporate structure and ownership. The interconnection provided a uniquely integrated and centrally controlled pool of energy that could be reliably distributed on demand to supply energy over hundreds of miles in response to varying peak usage periods. 86 Members of the PNJ Interconnection were free to develop relationships with adjacent utilities as long as such relationships did not affect that company's ability to fulfill its contractual obligation to the interconnection. Most importantly, the trend­ setting model developed to create the interconnection resolved many issues related to transactions among utilities in different states and acquisition of power for multiple states.

In simplest terms, the utility corridors that form the PNJ Interconnection consist of a system of transmission lines and structures, anchored by substations at Plymouth Meeting, Siegfried, and Roseland, with connections to generating stations, that at one time formed the largest pool of power in the country. 87 The Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line represents a significant effort in terms of manpower, capital outlay, and innovative adaptation by PSE&G. The terrain through which this right-of-way was extended necessitated clearing woodlands as well as maneuvering across a variety of topographic settings, including mountains, swamps, and plains. Innovative design and construction methods were employed across the transmission line, and over 200 towers were erected and installed along the forty-seven-mile right-of-way of the Bushkill to Roseland segment of the PNJ Interconnection. The original PNJ Interconnection continues to function in its historical capacity as a high-voltage network.

85 Quoted in Conniff and Conniff, 1978, 318. The Coffin Award, established in 1922 in honor of GE's founder, was presented to companies, students, and others in the electric utility field to honor meritorious service. "Creates Prize for Electric Work," New York Times (December 4, 1922), 19. 86 Hughes, 332, 333, 440. 87 The facility at Bushkill was initially a junction between the PSE&G and PPL lines; the substation most likely dates to the expansion of the interconnection ca. 1959. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 23)

The PNJ interconnection, which was noted at the time as "one of the largest electric power pools in the world," resulted in a more reliable and efficient system of power distribution in its service area. This was accomplished through diverse power generation sources (hydroelectric, coal, steam) that provided a pool of electricity from which each company could draw during its peak demand load periods, thus coordinating the different peak times of each company. The PNJ, with its ability to successfully manage load diversity and overcome environmental obstacles, was "the most technologically innovative project" of its time, integrating "the 220,000-volt interconnection of the PP&L's plants with those of the PECO and PSE&G."88 Bill Beck succinctly stated the historical importance of this system in his 1995 history of the PP&L:

The formation of PNJ and the completion of the 220,000-volt transmission ring in Pennsylvania and New Jersey was a landmark accomplishment in American electric utility history. For the first time on the North American continent, integration oflarge­ scale electric utility systems under separate ownership proved feasible in both theory and practice. 89

The structures developed for the Bushkill to Roseland Line are representative of industry standards and innovations of the interwar period. As-Built Plans for the line indicate that towers were generally 80' to 100' in height and were spaced at intervals of 600' to 1,300' (1,150' on average), depending on topography and other factors. 90

PP&L and PSE&G used a variety of transmission structure configurations in completing the Wallenpaupack to Siegfried and the Bushkill to Roseland transmission lines. In particular, they utilized variations of lattice towers of the flat-top variety with three line conductors in a horizontal plane, a commonly used structure of the period. 91 Tower types included guyed towers, suspension or tangent towers, angle towers, and dead-end or terminal towers. The type of structure used for any given tower depended on its position along the line, the topography, the route (i.e., straight-run or angled-run) of the line, and company preference.

Although the PNJ does not represent the first interconnection in the United States, this interconnection was nevertheless significant for the high voltage used for transmission as well as the innovative arrangement for the operation of a line that linked three independent utility companies. Within a ten-year period, and as a direct result of the PNJ, PSE&G's transmission capability jumped from 26kV to 230kV.

88 Hughes, 332, 333, 440. 89 Beck 1995, 198; also see Hughes. 90 AIEE Lightning and Insulator Subcommittee, "Lightning Performance of220-Kv Lines," Transactions ofthe American Institute ofElectrical Engineers 53 (No. 11, November 1934), 1443-1447. 91 AIEE Lightning and Insulator Subcommittee, "Lightning Performance of220-Kv Lines," Transactions ofthe American Institute ofElectrical Engineers 53 (No. 11, November 1934), 1443-1447. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 24)

The engineering calculations required to develop such a system of high-voltage transmission were considered "a pioneer achievement" as was the coordination required for the construction of the line. 92

Description The Pennsylvania-New Jersey Interconnection (PNJ) was formed by linking the transmission lines of three utility companies: Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PP&L, subsequently PPL Electric Utilities Corporation [PPL]), Public Service Corporation of New Jersey (Public Service, subsequently Public Service, Electric & Gas Company [PSE&G]), and Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO). The interconnection consisted of a 210-mile-long, diamond-shaped ring, anchored by the Plymouth Meeting Substation in the south (near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), the Siegfried Substation in the west (near Allentown, Pennsylvania), the Bushkill Junction (later Bushkill Substation) in the north (in Middle Smithfield Township, Pennsylvania), and the Roseland Switching Station in the east (in Roseland Borough, New Jersey). In addition to the substations, the system included hydro- and coal-powered generation plants. PECO's Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant, which spans the Susquehanna River in Maryland, provided a major source of power to the system. Northwest of the present-day Bushkill Substation, which was added to the Bushkill to Roseland Line ca. 1959, the transmission lines extend from PP&L's Wallenpaupack Hydroelectric Power Station near the border of Wayne and Pike counties to the Siegfried Substation in Northampton County, Pennsylvania.93 PP&L also controlled power in the coal regions of Northeastern Pennsylvania and had a number of widely distributed coal-fired plants that contributed to the power supply.

The portion of the PNJ Interconnection discussed in this report is the segment of the system that resulted from the agreement to pool power among PP&L, PSE&G, and PECO in 1927, and in particular that portion of the line that extends from the Bushkill Substation to the Roseland Switching Station (Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line), which extends west from the Roseland Switching Station in Roseland Borough, Essex County, New Jersey, across the Delaware River, and on to the Bushkill Substation in Pike County, Pennsylvania. This segment comprises the present-day Bushkill to Roseland 230kV Transmission Line.

General Description of Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line The existing Bushkill to Roseland 230kV Transmission Line constitutes a highly visible linear feature on the landscape. In the western section of the transmission corridor, the transmission line is typically located away from dense development and is usually edged by a heavy deciduous woodland border. Surface conditions of the corridor include wetlands, rock outcroppings, and mountainous terrain; vegetation in the corridor varies from thick brush and

92 Conniff and Conniff, 306. 93 Because the current PPL Electric Utilities Corporation (PPL) was known as the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L) during the time of the PNJ Interconnection, the historical discussion of the PNJ uses the historical name of the utility. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 25) short grass and shrub growth to cultivated agricultural fields. The southern extent of the corridor, beginning in Montville Township, extends through a more urbanized area.

The western terminus for this segment of the transmission line is west of the Delaware River in Middle Smithfield Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, at the Bushkill Substation. When the PNJ Interconnection was initially constructed, the intersection of the PSE&G Bushkill to Roseland Line and the PP&L Wallenpaupack to Siegfried Line was the Bushkill Junction, which consisted of nothing more than a turning point for the line to connect the segment running south from Wallenpaupack, as well as the segment running southwest to Siegfried. Aerial images suggest that the Bushkill Junction was updated and the Bushkill Substation was installed ca. 1959, following the dissolution of the PNJ and the establishment of the PJM Interconnection.

Generally, the line consists of a corridor 150' wide with a "wire zone" located between the conductors affixed to the transmission structures; however, the width of the corridor varies in places over the length of the Bushkill to Roseland Line. "Border zones," located parallel to either side of the central wire zone, extend between the conductors and the edge of the transmission line. The wire zone is kept free of tall vegetation; vegetative species that grow over 20' in height are generally removed from both the wire zone and the border zones. This management plan for surrounding vegetation insures that falling trees do not interfere with the operation of the transmission lines.

Transmission Line: Conductors, Towers, and Insulators High-voltage electricity cannot be stored but rather is produced and distributed according to service area demand. The fundamental purpose of the transmission line is to carry high-voltage electric power from one location to another-from the generation plant to substations and switching stations for distribution.

Transmission lines are composed of conductors (the system's current-carrying wires that are hung in groups of three), transmission structures (poles or towers that support the conductors and separate the wires), and insulators (from which the wires are hung from the poles). The conductors are insulated from each other as well as from the transmission structures that support them. A primary concern in the design of transmission lines is the need to maintain high voltage throughout the line and to minimize any loss of voltage over long distances. The higher the carrying voltage capacity, the greater the distance needed between conductors.

Insulators typically consist of porcelain, glass, or a synthetic material and are attached directly to the cross arm of a given structure. The insulators are used to maintain the necessary distance between the conductors (wires) and the transmission structure. The electric power is transformed (i.e., voltage is lowered) at the substation to supply the distribution lines. 94 Transmission line structures are typically steel structures, including lattice towers or poles. Lattice towers are

94Denise Warkentin, Electric Power Industry in NonTechnical Language (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Penn Well, 1998), 15- 16, 18. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 26) constructed of cross-braced metal lattice, commonly with four legs at a wide-set base that tapers up to a broad, horizontal cross member.

Tower Types As-Built Plans created during the design and construction of the existing Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line (PSE&G As Built Plans) provide some descriptive information relating to the elements and features of the line.95' The structures erected in the New Jersey portion of the transmission line, which vary in height, are self-supporting steel lattice towers with four legs splayed at the foundation, a central trunk composed of steel lattice framing with diagonal bracing or struts (e.g., K pieces and X braces), and a broad cross beam at the top that carries the conductors of the transmission line. Where modifications have been made to towers or where new towers have been erected (e.g., towers 77/3 and 77/3a), the new elements closely resemble the profile and construction of the original structures. The tower's height and bracing elements contribute to the structure's character; the horizontal profile of the towers is generally narrow and the tower touches the ground only at the base of the foundation legs. In constructing the transmission line, lattice towers were typically favored for their adaptability in shape and height configuration. The divisible construction sections of the lattice towers also simplified their transportation and contributed to the overall appeal of using this particular form of tower. The lattice structures also tend to be very durable, and repairs and extensions to these structures can be made with relative ease.

Four types of towers were specified on the PSE&G As-Built Plans: a suspension or tangent tower (type A); a light angle tower (type B); a medium angle tower (type C); and a dead-end or terminal tower (type D). A fifth type, denoted as "special" on the plans, was also used in specific instances where the line intersected another transmission line, at major crossings ( e.g., mountains or rivers), or where later modifications were made along the line (e.g., towers 42/1, 52/5, 77/3, and 77/3a ).

Type A: About two-thirds of the structures along the transmission line were suspension or tangent towers (denoted as "A" on the plans). Such towers were used for straight runs along the line and in areas of low grade changes. On the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line these tower types ranged in height from 65' at the shortest to 120' at the tallest. The majority, however, were either 70' or 80' in height.

95 PPL, Bushkill-Peckville 220 kV Line, Plan and Profile [As-Built Plans]. On file, PPL, Allentown, Pennsylvania. These are the As-Built Plans of the Bushkill-Peckville Transmission Line, 220kV, that have been updated periodically with modifications and notes on the transmission line. PSE&G, Section 4-Western, Section 3- Western ReRoute Revision, Section 3-Central, Section 2-Eastern, and Section I-Rockaway Right of Way Maps for Roseland-Bushkill Transmission Line 220kV[As-Built Plans], 1928-1980. On file, PSE&G, Newark, New Jersey. These are the As-Built Plans of the Roseland-Bushkill Transmission Line, 220kV, that have been updated periodically with modifications and notes on the transmission line. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 27)

Types Band C: The light and medium angle towers (denoted as "B" and "C" on the plans) were used in areas of line deviations or small angle changes in the direction of the corridor. The angle towers were generally of heavier construction. Approximately 22 percent of the towers in the transmission line were angle towers of type B or C. Like the type A towers, the type Band C towers were constructed in a wide range of heights, varying from 65' to 130'. The most common type B towers were 90' and 100' in height, and the most common type C towers were approximately 70' in height. No type B or C towers are situated in the townships of Parsippany­ Troy Hills and East Hanover, likely because of the relatively flat and even terrain and design of the line.

Type D: Terminal towers or dead-end towers (denoted as "D" on the plans) were used to start and to end certain sections of the transmission line. These towers tended to be shorter and heavier in construction with a wider base to compensate for the varying stresses on the tower. The engineers also modified these structures by substituting "strong, simple, straight steel girders" that were placed vertically and held in position by strong guy wires, similar to today's telecommunications towers. A ball-and-socket support was incorporated at the base to "avoid all bending stresses." The girders were standardized and made in sections and could be assembled to any length in increments of approximately 5'. 96 Type D towers in the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line range in height from 55' to 95'. The most common type D tower in the line is 80' in height. Approximately eleven percent of the towers in the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line were type D towers.

The transmission structures (towers) along the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line were numbered in groups of four to six per mile. The structures were assigned a number first reflecting their mile placement along the line followed by their respective structure number in the group (e.g., 44/1, 44/2, 44/3, 44/4, 44/5). For the purposes of this report, the towers will be denoted with their type following the tower number; for example, 44/1 is a type "A" tower and will be denoted as 44/1-A, and tower 44/5 is a type B tower and will be denoted as 44/5-B. The four "special" tower types, noted above (located at 42/1, 52/5, 77/3, and 77/3a), are denoted with a "T" on the PSE&G As-Built Plans and will appear in this report as 42/1-T; 52/5-T; etc. Table 1 gives a detailed accounting of each tower in the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line, indicating each tower type and height and grouped by their township location.

In general, the structures were centrally located in the corridor, which was also marked by a series of surveyor "monuments" of concrete or iron. The shortest tower noted on the PSE&G As­ Built Plans was 55' in height (tower 67/3-D, Rockaway Township, Morris County) and the tallest towers were 130' in height (towers 66/3-B and 66/4-B in Rockaway Township over the Lake Denmark Swamp, tower 69/3-B at the southern end of Split Rock Pond in Rockaway Township, and tower 74/1-B at the foot of Turkey Mountain in Montville Township, Morris County). The majority of towers in the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line range in height

96 Beck 1995, 169. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 28) from 80' to 100'. The corridor generally measures 15 0' in width, although portions of the corridor measure from 195' up to 225' in width for short distances.

The structures carried two high-voltage trunk lines between them and three shield wires that protected the line from lightning strikes. The transmission line consisted of main conductors with a 795-kcmil cross section with 30/19 aluminum conductor-steel reinforced (ACSR) cable. The two ground wires were rated to 203 kcmil in a 16/10 ACSR configuration. 97 The spans, which varied between 600' and 1,300' in length, were dependent upon topography and other existing conditions. One of the longest spans in the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line is located at the western extent of the line where it crosses the Delaware River from New Jersey and connects to the Pennsylvania portion of the corridor on the western side of the Delaware. This span is approximately 2,184' in length. Likewise, the line at Lake Mohawk in Sussex County, New Jersey, was built with a span of2,160'. The PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that the length of the line from the middle of the Delaware River (which serves as the boundary between New Jersey and Pennsylvania) to the meter frame at the Roseland Switching Station and Substation (Roseland Substation) is 45.8 miles.

The PSE&G As-Built Plans are marked with ruling spans between the transmission line structures and the degree of sag in the north and south lines. For instance, between towers 39/1-D and 42/1-T, the ruling span was 1,500'. The ruling span governs the extreme lengths (longest and shortest) of the spans for that section of the transmission line. The sag of the north line was 120 degrees and the sag of the south line was 257 degrees. Sags are determined through an equation accounting for tension of the wires, the distance of the span to be crossed, the weight of the line itself, and environmental conditions such as wind and ice. The sag represents a measurement from the highest point along the line where it hangs from the conductor (on the structure) to the lowest point on the line. The sag is known to vary depending on environmental conditions, particularly differing temperatures. The lines must also maintain a minimum overhead clearance (from the ground to the line).

Detailed Description of the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line Within the corridor, the Delaware River forms the boundary between Pennsylvania and New Jersey. On the Pennsylvania side, from the Delaware River to the Bushkill Junction (approximately four miles), PP&L was responsible for the construction of the transmission towers. Approximately seven towers were constructed between the Delaware River and the Bushkill Junction. Because PP&L constructed these towers, the designs are slightly different from those in New Jersey.

97 H. Leedom Lefferts, Jr. and David R. Peifer, Northwest New Jersey An Inventory and History ofHistoric Engineering and Industry, prepared for Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, 1979. The measurement ofkcmil is 1,000 circular mils (I mil=0.00 I") and refers to the area of the cross section of a wire or cable with a circular cross section. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 29)

Warren County, New Jersey

Hardwick Township (formerly Pahaquarry Township) The westernmost section in New Jersey, which was constructed by PSE&G, extends through Warren County, New Jersey, immediately east of the Delaware River. The Warren County section of the transmission line extends through the former Pahaquarry Township, which is now part of Hardwick Township. Approximately 4.13 miles of the corridor is located in Warren County, with approximately 1.4 7 miles of the line located immediately east of DEWA.

The PSE&G As-Built Plans created during the original installation of the Bushkill to Roseland 220kV Transmission Line indicate that PSE&G installed the sections of the line through Pahaquarry Township between July 1928 and March 1930.98 The original line entered Warren County through the former Pahaquarry Township in an area that is now part ofDEWA.99 Thirteen towers, including towers located within the current boundaries of DEWA, were located in the former Pahaquarry Township segment of the line, towers 39/1-D through 41/3-B. The majority of the towers built in this township consisted of type A towers that were 70' and 80' in height. The last tower at the eastern border of the township was an 85'-high type B tower, which supported a span of approximately 2,665' over Sand Pond and connected to another type B tower 11 O' in height situated in Hardwick Township. 100 The former Pahaquarry section of the corridor traversed fields, woods, a small swampy area near tower 40/3-A, and rock ledges at the eastern extent of the township.

In the 1930s a section of the Appalachian Trail was established crossing the transmission line between towers 41/2-A and 41/3-B. The Appalachian Trail extends across the corridor in a north-to-south direction. In the former Pahaquarry Township the corridor also crossed several roads (including the road between Dunnfield and Millbrook and the road between Blairstown and Millbrook), as well as several small streams and creeks. This section of the corridor was mountainous with minimal development. The former Pahaquarry Township section of the transmission line, presently located within the boundaries of DEWA, retains its rural character. Currently, this segment of the corridor traverses areas of heavy, undeveloped woods.

In Hardwick Township the PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that portions of the line were installed in 1928; the plans were revised in 1930 and 1934 to reflect alterations to the line and the changes in the surrounding property ownership. 101 The transmission line entered Hardwick

98 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 4483-R. The feny road connected to the road between Dunnfield and Haukens, which today appears to be the route of the Hamilton Trail in DEWA. 99 Because oflow population, Pahaquarry Township was dissolved in 1997 and the area became part of Hardwick Township. In the late 1960s the land in this area was purchased by the U.S. government for a planned dam project that was never completed. 100 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3390-R. 101 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3390-R, 10161-R, and 3389-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 30)

Township at tower 41/4-B and descended into the Kittatinny Valley. The first tower in the township was located on the eastern side of Sand Pond with a crossing span of 2,665'. Sand Pond was located on property owned by the Trustees of the North Bergen County Council Camp Fund, which in 1927 purchased 940 acres to establish Camp NoBeBoSco-a camp for Bergen County Boy Scout troops. 102 The line crossed the southern end of Sand Pond.

In addition to crossing the span of Sand Pond, the six towers in Hardwick Township (towers 41/4-B through 42/5-A) traversed areas of woods, small fields, swamps, and marshes. Four of the six towers in the township were type A towers varying in height from 70' to 11 O'. A perpendicular transmission corridor, the Kittatinny branch line, also extended toward the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line from the south and terminated at tower 42/1-T. The Kittatinny branch line was connected to the Bushkill to Roseland line in 1965. At tower 42/1-T the Yards Creek Pumped Storage Electric Generating Station connected to the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line by "constructing towers with #3 conductors in a vertical configuration on each side with power running to and from the loop." 103

Currently, the majority ofland adjacent to the Hardwick Township section of the transmission corridor remains heavily wooded. The eastern portion of the transmission corridor runs through undulating, undeveloped mountainous woodlands; the western portion of the corridor extends through the Boy Scout camp over the southern end of Sand Pond. The area remains predominantly rural in character with only a few parcels developed for residential use.

Sussex County, New Jersey From Warren County the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line extends into the southern section of Sussex County, the northernmost county in New Jersey. The line crosses from the western section of the state into the central portion and crosses five townships in Sussex County (Stillwater, Fredon, Andover, Byram, and Sparta) and two other municipalities (Town of Newton and Hopatcong Borough) on its eighteen-mile route southeast toward Morris County.

Stillwater Township The PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that PSE&G installed the Stillwater portion of the corridor in July 1928. 104 At tower 43/1-A the original Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line crossed into Stillwater Township; the line exited the township at tower 47/1-C. A total of nineteen transmission towers were constructed in Stillwater Township, consisting of thirteen type A towers, five type B towers, and one type C tower. Four of the type B towers were constructed in a row through this portion of the corridor. As the type B towers are slight angle towers, it is unusual to have more than two of that type in a row along the corridor; however, this portion of

102 Newton Woodruff, "Camp No-Be-Bo-Seo History, 1967," (accessed June 28, 2010). 103 Lefferts and Peifer, 1979. 104 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3389-R, 3388-R, 3387-R, 3386-R. and 3385-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 31)

the corridor in Stillwater Township spans a mountainous area with significant changes in elevation between each tower, which could not be served by a simple type A tower. Tower 47/1- C connects to another C tower located in Fredon Township over the former New York Susquehanna and Western Railroad (NYS&WRR) right-of-way. As with other portions of the corridor, this segment of the line crossed areas of swamp, fields, and woods. In Stillwater Township the transmission line also extended through cultivated areas and maintained meadows. 105

Today, the land adjacent to the Stillwater Township section of the transmission corridor appears much as it did when the line was first established. The corridor passes through heavily wooded areas as well as open pastures and cultivated fields. Areas of wetlands also exist in the corridor, and it passes through undulating areas of sparse rural development and undisturbed deciduous woodlands. Areas ofresidential development are sparsely located on tracts adjacent to the corridor. East of the Paulinskill Crossing (tower 46/2-A), some moderate residential development along Potters Road is located north of the corridor.

Fredon Township In Fredon Township the As-Built Plans indicate that PSE&G installed that portion of the line between 1928 and 1930. 106 The corridor entered Fredon Township at tower 4 7/2-C and continued eastward to tower 51/5-D. A total of twenty-three transmission towers were constructed in Fredon Township, consisting of sixteen type A towers, three type B towers, one type C tower, and three type D towers.

Tower 47/2-C, located east of the NYS&WRR line, was an atypical construction, with concrete placed around the anchors of the tower at the request of the railroad company. 107 This request may reflect the fact that the railroad wanted additional protection to prevent the tower from falling onto its active tracks. In Fredon Township the corridor crossed an area dominated by either cultivated fields or woods. The terrain in this area was relatively level with intermittent rolling hills and was rural in character. To the east of tower 49/1-D and at the crossing of the Stillwater to Springdale Road, the transmission corridor turned to the northeast. From the Delaware River up to this turning point, the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line traveled in a slightly southeast direction with no sharp angles or turns. After the 2-mile northeast extension, the transmission corridor turned sharply east at tower 51/1-D. The line continued east for another mile (towers 51/1-D through 51/5-D) before turning sharply to the southeast where it entered the Town of Newton.

Currently, the Fredon Township section of the transmission corridor appears much as it did when it was established. The corridor extends through a rural area that is heavily wooded and includes

105 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3385-R. 106 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3385-R, 3384-R, 3383-R, 3409-R, 3410-R, and 3407-R. 107 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3385-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 32) areas of high knolls and foothills. The corridor also crosses areas of open fields with small parcels ofresidential development located north and south of the line.

Town of Newton The PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that PSE&G installed the Newton portions of the line in 1929. 108 Three transmission towers, towers 52/1-A, 52/2-C, and 52/3-C, were erected in the Town of Newton. This portion of the corridor crossed woods and cultivated fields and the Newton-Springdale Road (present-day U.S. Route 206/Woodside Avenue). A branch line of the New Jersey Power & Light (NJP&L) Co. and an AT&T telephone line also crossed the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line in a north-to-south direction between towers 52/1-A and 52/2-C. The two type C towers are referred to as "transposition" towers on the As-Built Plans and are stipulated to be built off the centerline of the corridor. The western tower (52/2-C) was to be built approximately 7'-6" north of the centerline of the corridor, and the eastern tower (52/3-C) was to be built approximately 7'-6" south of the centerline. The construction drawings for the type C transposition towers are also slightly different from those for the other type C towers in the corridor. The transmission line was located southwest of the developed area of the Town of Newton. From tower 52/1-A the corridor turned to the southeast, extending into Andover Township.

Currently, the three towers located in the Town of Newton extend across the southern part of the town. This area has been developed for residential use since the 1920s. The area immediately to the east remains largely rural in character.

Andover Township In Andover Township the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line extended into an area of rolling topography with periodic steep areas. The land use was predominantly rural, and the line passed through areas of heavy woods, cultivated fields, and across several small bodies of water. The As-Built Plans indicate that PSE&G installed the Andover Township portions of the corridor between 1928 and 1929. 109

Transmission towers 52/4-A through 56/4-A were located in Andover Township. A total of twenty-one towers were constructed in the township. Of those towers, thirteen were type A towers, one was a type B tower, four were type C towers, two were type D towers, and there was one special tower (52/5-T) where the Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) right-of-way connected to the Bushkill to Roseland transmission line.

At tower 55/3-D the corridor turned to follow an east-southeast course. The line passed over the road to Andover (present-day Kilroy Road) and continued to the southeast through fields and

108 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3407-R. 109 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3407-R, 3408-R, 3397-R, 3398-R, 3378-R, and 3377-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 33) woods over the road between Sparta and Andover (present-day Perona Road) to the eastern boundary of the township, east of tower 56/4-A.

The Andover Township section of the transmission line extends through the property of St. Paul's Abbey, which retains a rural character and is heavily wooded. The corridor continues to traverse heavily wooded areas through the township. Scattered residential developed is located north and south of this section of the corridor.

Byram Township As constructed, the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line extended for two miles through Byram Township. Eight towers, from tower 57/1-B through 59/1-D, were located in the township, consisting of three type A towers, four type B towers, and one type D tower. As-Built Plans of the corridor indicate that PSE&G installed the Byram portion of the line in 1928. 110 Upon entering the township, the corridor extended over several small roadways and across the southern extent of Lake Mohawk.

The Byram Township section of the transmission corridor remains predominantly edged on the north and south by deciduous wooded areas, although most of the shoreline around Lake Mohawk has been densely developed for residential use. The topography in the corridor consists of an undulating landscape with a gradual and then steep uphill incline to its east and a steeper downhill incline to its west. In 1988 the White Deer Plaza and Boardwalk Historic District at Lake Mohawk was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The commercial and social center of the resort community, the district is noted for its Tudor Revival-style architecture. This area of Lake Mohawk is located at the north end of the lake (Colonial Village on the Upper Shores) and north of the transmission line corridor. 111 After World War II, Lake Mohawk became a year-round community rather than a summertime resort.

East of the lake and through to the end of this section of the corridor, there has been significant residential development to either side of the corridor, although large areas of heavy woods are still extant. Stoneledge Road, which runs north-to-south between towers 57/4 and 58/1, was developed after the transmission line was established and serves a suburban residential community in that area. The eastern end of the transmission line also crosses over Tomahawk Lake Park, which is a water park established in 1952 on a twenty-acre lake along with a golf course and picnic area. Tomahawk Lake is located south of the corridor, and Seneca Lake is located north of the corridor. Because of the large number oflakes located within its boundaries, Byram is known as the "Township of Lakes."

110 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3377-R, 3376-R, and 3375-R. 111 Kathy Ptacek, "Lake Mohawk," New Jersey's Great Northwest Sky lands Website, (accessed June 30, 2010). PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 34)

Hopatcong Borough The transmission line extends approximately 4,596' through Hopatcong Borough near its northern boundary with Sparta Township. The PSE&G As-Built Plans for the original construction of the Bushkill to Roseland Line depict three transmission towers-locations 59/2- B, 59/3-A, and 59/4-A-built between 1928 and 1930 in Hopatcong Borough. Tower 59/4-A was close to the boundary with Sparta Township at its intersection with the corridor. The Hopatcong Borough portion of the line consisted of east-leaning, wooded rolling hills that reached an elevation of 1,200' above sea level (asl). Between tower 59/1-D (in Byram Township) and tower 59/2-B (in Hopatcong Borough), the transmission line right-of-way expanded from a width of 150' to 225'. Subsequently, as it extended to the east, the width of the right-of-way was reduced to 150'. The width of the line was further adjusted in several locations in Hopatcong Borough, including an expansion to 160' at tower 59/3-A and an expansion to 190' at tower 59/4-A. 112

As-Built plans dating to this section of the transmission line installation indicate that portions of the corridor that are currently located in Sparta Township may have previously been located in Hopatcong Borough. 113 Although historical records indicate that Hopatcong Borough had acquired its current boundaries by 1922, the As-Built plans place the northern boundary of the borough farther north than its present location. 114 This suggests that either the As-Built plans were incorrect with respect to their mapping of the boundary between Sparta Township and Hopatcong Borough or the borough's boundaries were revised sometime after 1930. Presently, the Bushkill-Roseland corridor runs north of the Hopatcong Borough border, and therefore no transmission structures are located in this municipality.

Sparta Township The southern boundary of Sparta Township cuts diagonally across the corridor between towers 59/4-A and 60/1-A. 115 As the transmission corridor historically entered Sparta Township from the west, the line expanded and contracted from a width of 21 O' to 150'. At the time of its original construction, four towers (60/1-A, 60/2-A, 60/3-A, and 60/4-B) associated with the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line were located in the township. During construction of the corridor, the township's steep rolling terrain was heavily wooded along the corridor. East of tower 60/4-B, the corridor crossed the Sparta-to-Dover Road (Route 181/Woodport Road) and then extended into Morris County to another type B tower supporting a span of 2,277'. The As­ Built Plans indicate that the portions of the line in Sparta Township were installed between 1928 and 1930. 116

112 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3374-R. 113 James P. Snell, ed., History ofSussex and Warren Counties (Everts & Peck, Philadelphia, 1881). 114 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3375-R and 3374-R. 115 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing 3373-R. 116 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawings 3375-R, 3374-R, and 3373-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 35)

This stretch of the PSE&G corridor remains edged by heavy woods with suburban residential development located north of the line. The existing towers remain situated in undulating terrain, with some towers situated atop bedrock crests and others located in low-lying valleys. The township experienced significant residential development in the late twentieth century as expansions of major highways made the area attractive for commuter residents.

Morris County, New Jersey The Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line entered Morris County through Jefferson Township and extended eastward for approximately 25.7 miles through Rockaway, Kinnelon, Boonton, Montville, Parsippany-Troy Hills, and East Hanover townships. The transmission line extended primarily through a rural, mountainous, and largely undeveloped portion of Morris County. The route of the corridor turned dramatically to the south in Montville Township as it extended toward Essex County. The southern extent of the Morris County portion of the transmission line extended through a more densely populated area than those along the western extent of the line. Currently, conditions along the corridor remain relatively unchanged from the original installation of the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line.

Jefferson Township Between 1928 and 1931, PSE&G installed portions of its Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line across Jefferson Township. 117 This linear corridor of eighteen transmission towers (towers 61/1-B through 65/2-A) stretched across Jefferson Township to the east and southeast and continued east into Rockaway Township. There were ten type A towers, three type B towers, two type C towers, and three type D towers.

As the corridor extended eastward, it crossed the tracks of the Ogden Mine Railroad (Central Railroad of New Jersey) and the road between Hurd and Weldon (present-day Weldon Road), both of which were located east of tower 62/1-C. Between towers 63/2-A and 64/4-D, the transmission line crossed several minor roadways in addition to the Petersburg-to-Upper Longwood Road. The topography of the line gradually gained elevation to the east. At tower 64/4-D the transmission corridor took a sharp southeast tum, and between towers 64/5-A and 65/1-D, the corridor crossed the Petersburg-to-Berkshire Valley Road (present-day Berkshire Valley Road). At this location the transmission line crossed another NJP&L Co. power line that was located on the western side of the roadway. The spans between towers 64/5-A, 65/1-D, and 65/2-A extended across Upper Longwood Lake (now Longwood Lake), which was formed in 1898 by the damming of the Rockaway River. As the transmission line extended across the western slope of Green Pond Mountain (tower 65/2-A), it entered Rockaway Township. Green Pond Mountain rises to over 1,200' and marks the border between Jefferson and Rockaway townships.

117 Calabro, 44-45; Conniff and Conniff, 305ff. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 36)

Currently, residential development in Jefferson Township is still centered on Lake Hopatcong. Residents now inhabit the area year round, with easy access to Interstate 80, a major transportation corridor in the area. The majority of the transmission corridor, however, extends through an undulating, undeveloped mountainous area with steep slopes and bedrock outcroppings. Deciduous woodlands border the majority of the corridor to the north and south. Some residential development is located north of the corridor along Berkshire Valley Road, near the location where the transmission line crossed Upper Lakewood Lake.

Rockaway Township The PSE&G As-Built Plans for the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line indicate that the line was extended through Rockaway Township between 1928 and 1931. 118 The plans also show that a total of twenty-six towers, towers 65/3-D through 71/1-D, were erected within the township boundaries. These towers consisted of twelve type A towers, three type B towers, six type C towers, and five type D towers. The corridor extended east through the township. The corridor also crossed two power lines of the NJP&L Co. as well as the main line of the Wharton and Northern Railroad (W&NRR) and the abandoned tracks of the Hibernia Branch of the W&NRR. The corridor intersected several roadways; stone walls and brooks (including Green Pond Brook, the Burnt Meadow Brook, and the Hibernia Brook) are both depicted as located in and crossing the corridor.

As the transmission line crossed into Rockaway Township, it descended from Green Pond Mountain and continued across the lower elevation of the Copperas Mountain, spanning towers 65/3-D through 66/2-A. At the eastern slope of Copperas Mountain (tower 66/3-B), the corridor extends across Lake Denmark Swamp, located north of Lake Denmark, and territory which currently falls within the boundaries of the Picatinny Arsenal Military Reservation (Picatinny Arsenal). In this area, between towers 66/4-B and 67/1-D, a 4.5'-wide, 25'-long boardwalk was constructed on the corridor to facilitate access to the transmission line. Between tower 67 /1-D (on the east side of the Lake Denmark Swamp) and 67/2-C, the corridor crossed the W&NRR, which connected Picatinny and Charlotteburg; on the east side of tower 67/2-C, the corridor also crossed an abandoned spur line of the Hibernia Branch of the W&NRR. The road between Marcella and Denmark (now Lake Denmark Road) also intersected the line at this location.

The corridor continued southeast through a heavily wooded, undulating area. East of tower 67/5- A, the corridor passed over a NJP&L Co. pole line, which extended north-to-south across the line. An abandoned line of the W&NRR was also located on the western side of tower 68/5-C.

Continuing eastward, the transmission line intersected the route of the Marcella-to-Charlotteburg Road in several locations between towers 69/2-C and 70/3-A. A fork in this road also led south to the village ofLyonsville. The corridor extended south of Spilt Rock Pond (present-day Split Rock Reservoir) and crossed a few small creeks and woods roads through rolling terrain. At

118 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 4781-R, 4780-R, 4779-R, 4778-R, 3367-R, 4850-R3365-R, and 4786-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 37)

tower 71 /1-D the corridor turned to the northeast; at its crossing into the Borough of Kinnelon, the line altered its course, turning again to the southeast.

Currently, the PSE&G transmission line corridor continues to cross Rockaway Township through a mostly undeveloped area consisting of mountainous, undulating terrain and edged by heavily wooded borders. Some wetlands are present in the corridor. From tower 66/2-A to 67/1- D, the transmission line now lies within the expanded boundaries of the Picatinny Arsenal military reservation. This section of the corridor traverses the Lake Denmark Swamp and then enters a wooded area on the west end. As the line extends southeast, it crosses Lake Denmark Road just southeast of tower 67/2-C. Although some small-parcel residential development is located along the roadway, the transmission line passes through a heavily wooded area with no buildings within the corridor. Similar residential development is located along Green Pond Road, which extends north-to-south on the east side of tower 67/5-A. On the east side of Split Rock Road (east of tower 70/3-A), the line crosses an open area of open fields and residential development. This quickly gives way, once again, to a heavily wooded area.

Kinnelon Borough The As-Built Plans for the Bushkill to Roseland 220 kV Transmission Line indicate that the section of the corridor in the Borough of Kinnelon was completed during the summer of 1931. 119 The five towers located in Kinnelon, towers 71/2-B through 72/2-B, were located in a wooded area with little development. The towers consisted of one type A tower, two type B towers, one type C tower, and one type D tower. Tower 71/2-B is the westernmost tower in the Borough of Kinnelon. This portion of the line consisted of undulating topography and intersects small creeks and several rural woodland roads. Such roads were located immediately adjacent to towers 71/4- A and 72/1-C, and Decker's Pond Road extended north-to-south between these two structures. 120

Established in 1922, the Borough of Kinnelon remained a largely undeveloped area into the late nineteenth century. Although some large estates were constructed in the area during the early twentieth century, the section through which the PSE&G corridor extended was generally a wooded, rolling natural landscape with only a few roadways though it. The landscape remains much the same today and is edged by wooded areas to the north and south. Some residential development has occurred adjacent to the corridor near the eastern end of this section. The Lake Rickabear Girl Scout Camp was established in the late twentieth century and is located north of the transmission line near tower 72/2-8. The corridor crosses the northern end of the Rockaway Valley, north of the majority of development in that area, and just south of Lake Juliet. The Stony Brook Mountains are located to the east.

119 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 4786-R and 4785-R. 120 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 4786-R and 4785-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 38)

Boonton Township The PSE&G As-Built Plans for the transmission corridor indicate that two towers (72/3-A and 72/4-A) were erected within the boundaries of Boonton Township during the summer of 1931. 121 In that short distance, approximately 1,290', the corridor was crossed by several woodland roads, a creek, and a fence line. This segment of the line consisted primarily of woods with a few cleared sections.

Currently, the PSE&G transmission line corridor through Boonton Township is edged by heavy woodlands to the north and south. Fallen stone walls are located along the edges of the corridor. Small-parcel residential development lies north and south of the corridor, but the area remains rural in character.

Montville Township The PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that towers 73/1-A through 79/5-A were built in Montville Township between 1928 and 1931. 122 A total of thirty-five towers were installed in Montville, consisting of twenty-four type A towers, two type B towers, three type C towers, four type D towers, and two special tower types where the Bushkill to Roseland line connects to JCP&L's Montville Substation. Towers 77 /3-T and 77 /3a-T have been modified since the original construction of the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line and include a connection to the JCP&L (now First Energy Corporation) Montville Substation, which is located within the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line. Notations on the PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that this substation was added in 1966 with an easement agreement recorded in 1979.

The corridor continued its east-southeast route through the township to tower 75/2-D; from this tower the line turned sharply south and continued to tower 81/2-A in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township. In the Montville section of the corridor, the surroundings transitioned from a primarily natural landscape along the western extent of the line to more highly urbanized areas along its eastern extent.

As the transmission line extended into Montville Township at tower 73/1-A, it continued to run through undisturbed and undeveloped mountainous terrain. Between towers 73/4-A, 73/5-A, and 73/6-D, woodland roads appear to have been used as access roads to both the corridor and to the tower sites. These towers were located immediately adjacent to the southwestern and southern edges of Pyramid Mountain. From this point the line, which turned slightly eastward, extended across the southern slopes of Turkey Mountain. As the corridor descended along the eastern side of Turkey Mountain, it intersected several minor roadways, a pond, and the road between Brook Valley and Montville. At tower 75/2-D, along the southwestern edge ofWaughaw Mountain, the corridor turned sharply to the south.

121 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 4785-R. 122 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 4785-R, 4784-R, 3361-R, 3360-R, 3359-R, 3358-R, 3357-R, and 3356-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 39)

The Texas Eastern Pipeline, which paralleled the eastern border of the transmission line, extended from tower 77 /5-A to the Parsippany-Troy Hills boundary. As the line exited Montville Township, it extended over Lake Hiawatha and the Rockaway River.

The western extent of the Montville Township corridor traverses an area of rural settlement and wooded parkland near Turkey Mountain. From Turkey Mountain, the corridor extends to the northwest following undulating mountainous topography, which includes primarily undeveloped rock outcrops and forestland, along with periodic and infrequent rural residential development. Vegetation in the line varies from landscaped lawns with ornamental plants to cleared areas with shrub grass growth, rock outcroppings, tree falls, and small drainages. The southern extent of the corridor in the township is located in an area of wetland vegetation with standing water, shrub and stalk grass growth, and includes an existing right-of-way for a natural gas pipe line. The southern section of the transmission line also intersects the routes of several major roads that are lined with commercial and residential development.

At tower 75/2-D the corridor turns sharply to the south and extends through an area of light residential development to both the east and west of the transmission line. At tower 76/5-A the corridor crosses over Interstate-287, which was constructed in the 1950s and serves as a bypass route around New York City.

From tower 78/3-A the transmission line continues southward through residential and commercial developed areas. In many of these areas, the line is edged by woods. Between towers 79/2-A and 79/5-A, the corridor extends through a natural preserve and crosses the Rockaway River, entering Parsippany-Troy Hills Township.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Township According to the As-Built Plans, PSE&G constructed the portions of the line in Parsippany-Troy Hills between 1928 and 1929. 123 Towers 79/6-A through 82/4-A were located in the corridor as it extended southward through the township; a total of sixteen towers were installed in Parsippany-Troy Hills and consisted of fifteen type A towers and one type D tower. A boardwalk was also constructed along part of the corridor to facilitate access to towers in swampy areas. The topography in this area was mostly flat and the terrain consisted of woods, fields, and swamp land.

At tower 81/2-D the transmission line turned back to the southeast. Beginning at this location, a boardwalk was built along the northeastern side of the corridor and extended through the remainder of the corridor in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township and into East Hanover Township. The line continued to the southeast, crossing the Parsippany River/Troy Brook; tower 82/4-A was the southernmost tower in the township.

123 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3356-R, 3355-R, 3354-R, and 3353-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 40)

Nearly one-half of the transmission line in the Parsippany-Troy Hills Township is located within the swampy Troy Meadows Natural Area; this includes towers 81/3-A through 82/4-A. Much of the remaining area in the corridor is in wetlands; however, tower 79/6-A is currently located in a paved parking lot that is associated with adjacent development for Lake Hiawatha Park. Park elements located east and west of the corridor include a large swimming pool, tennis courts, and a softball field. Lakeshore Drive crosses the corridor from east to west, and Rockaway Boulevard and River Road intersect along the west side of the line.

Towers 80/2-A and 80/3-A are currently located within the boundaries of Kentland Park, which is a twenty-acre municipal park lying on the north side of Vail Road and east of Old Chester Drive. Although designated as a park, the land is undeveloped. The transmission line corridor passes along the west side of the park property, and residential development is located on the east and west sides of the park.

The transmission line continues south over Vail Road and crosses through the commercial development of Arlington Park Shopping Plaza. Towers 80/5-A and 81/1-A are located in this section, with tower 81/1-A located prominently at the southern entrance to the shopping center parking lot at Bloomfield Avenue. The line continues south across Bloomfield Avenue (U.S. Route 46) through a commercially developed area and crosses the intersection of Interstates 80 and 280. At tower 81/3-A the corridor turns southeast and enters the undeveloped land of Troy Meadows.

East Hanover Township The PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that towers 82/5-A through 84/4-D were located in East Hanover Township and were installed between 1928 and 1929. 124 A total often transmission towers were constructed in the township, consisting of eight type A towers and two type D towers. The transmission line entered East Hanover Township from the northwest and crossed the Whippany River. The northernmost tower, 82/5-A, was located southeast of the river. The boardwalk that was constructed along the eastern side of the transmission line in Parsippany­ Troy Hills Township extended through a portion of the corridor in East Hanover Township, terminating north of tower 83/2-A. At tower 84/3-D the line turned to the east, heading across the Passaic River lying east of tower 84/4-D.

Currently, the northwestern section of the transmission corridor through East Hanover Township is located in the Troy Meadows Natural Area, although some residential development has occurred on the southwest side of the corridor. As the transmission line crosses Ridgefield Avenue (southeast of tower 83/3-A), it enters a dense residential area on the southwest side that abuts the corridor and in some areas extends into it. A wooded border generally follows the west side of the corridor, and the east side of the corridor is largely undeveloped land. The corridor passes over River Road and then turns eastward toward the Passaic River.

124 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing Nos. 3353-R, 3352-R, and 3351-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 41)

Essex County, New Jersey

Roseland Borough The Bushkill to Roseland 220kV Transmission Line terminates in Essex County at the Roseland Substation located in Roseland Borough, on the central western edge of the county. The PSE&G As-Built Plans indicate that the Roseland Substation was constructed in March 1929. 125 From the Roseland Substation PSE&G directed power to its West Orange Switching Station and to other transmission lines.

From tower 84/4-D the transmission line extended across the 529' span of the Passaic River and connected to the 230kV meter frame located on the western side of the Roseland Substation facility. PSE&G's Roseland to Lambertville Transmission Line, which connected to PECO's Plymouth Meeting Substation, extended from the southern end of the Roseland Substation and crossed the Morristown and Erie Railroad. The Athena to Roseland Transmission Line extended northward from the North "A" Frame at the northeastern comer of the Roseland Substation. The PSE&G As-Built Plans also depict a South "A" Frame at the southeastern comer of the property, from which the Roseland to Metuchen Line extended to the south. PSE&G's West Orange Line also extended from the North "A" Frame. The PSE&G As-Built Plans depict two rows of steel frames (meter frame and substation) oriented roughly north-to-south and the brick power house. Beaufort Avenue (present-day Eisenhower Parkway) extended along the eastern side of the property, intersecting the Morristown and Erie Railroad near the southeastern comer of the substation parcel. The Beaufort Railroad station was located on the southeastern side of the intersection.

Roseland Switching Station and Substation The Roseland Substation facility is located on the western side of Eisenhower Parkway on a 19.4-acre parcel that is largely paved and enclosed with high chain-link and barbed-wire fencing. The parcel is bordered by the Passaic River to the west, wooded areas to the north and south, and a grassy area and the Eisenhower Parkway to the east. The facility consists of several rows of tall steel structures and steel frames (the meter frame) that connect to the transmission lines; this facility transfers power from the Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line to PSE&G's other transmission lines. An industrial brick building located on the property is clad with brick laid in a Flemish-bond pattern with tooled joints and cast stone accents and is set on a high concrete foundation. The building is composed of a tall, multi-storied control house and a smaller, two­ story wing on the north end, both of which are covered by flat roofs with concrete coping. The east elevation of the control house is detailed with inset brick panels with soldier-course surrounds and soldier-course string courses between the pilaster caps. Steel industrial windows with alternating rows of awning windows are present on the side elevations of the control house, and there are two rows of twelve-light steel windows separated by brick panels on the two-story section of the building. The north and south sides of the building hold large openings with rolling steel doors and a round, cast stone emblem above the opening; a one-story wing on the south side

125 PSE&G, As-Built Plans, Drawing No. 3351-R. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 42) of the control house holds an entrance door. An exterior staircase on the north end of the two­ story wing leads to an upper-level entrance. 126

The verticality of the building sections is emphasized by the use of comer pilasters that extend near the top of the exterior wall and are topped by cast stone stepped caps. Such vertical emphasis reflects the influence of the nationally popular Art Deco style, which was commonly used in public and commercial buildings during the 1920s and 1930s. Construction of the station was begun in the fall of 1927 and was completed in April 1928. 127 The station was designed and constructed by PSE&G and cost $6 million to complete. Since its original construction, little to no alteration has occurred to the exterior of this building. 128

Commercial development has taken place to the north, east, and south of the substation property, although large wooded areas are located to the immediate north and south. Historic railroad tracks are still intact, and a small station is present in the area. The roadway in front of the substation has been widened into a divided highway.

Alterations to the Line In 1956 the original interconnection agreement among PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G was superseded by a new agreement that expanded the number of companies participating in the interconnection. The addition of Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. and the General Public Utilities (four companies operating in the Mid-Atlantic region) effectively dissolved the original PNJ interconnection and established the PJM Interconnection. The PJM agreement was signed on September 26, 1956. By 1950 nearly all of the companies involved in the expanded agreement were already participating in the energy pool even though the official agreement would not be signed until 1956. From the start of the original PNJ Interconnection, relationships with neighboring electric companies were still maintained and power was transferred or sold as needed. Provided that each participating company could meet its obligations to the interconnection, relationships with outside, non-participant utility affiliations could also be maintained. 129

At the time of the Bushkill to Peckville upgrade, the junction between the PP&L Wallenpaupack to Siegfried Line and the PSE&G Bushkill to Roseland Line at Bushkill was also upgraded. In 1959 the previous junction formed by a cluster of towers at this location in Bushkill, Pennsylvania, was replaced by the present-day Bushkill Substation.

126 PSE&G, Drawings for "Roseland Switching Station, Transformer Repair and Control House," 1928. 127 New York Times, September 17, 1927: 1, col. 2; October 2, 1928:43, col. 2. 128 Deborah Van Steen and Abbie Hurlbut, "New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Historic Preservation Office, Base Form: Roseland Switching Station," on file, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office, Newark, 2010. 129 Kleinback, 20, 25. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 43)

By the time PSE&G completed its line from Bushkill to Roseland in 1932 and "closed the ring" of the PNJ Interconnection, consumer demand for electricity had increased to such an extent that 230kV lines were becoming increasingly popular and quickly bypassing 220kV service. The Depression lessened the impacts of projected increases in electrical demand and usage; however, the years after World War II provided a clear indication of the potential increases in demand to be faced by service providers. Postwar system upgrades included a general increase from 220kV to 230kV transmission capacity in 1965. 130 In 1972 the PSE&G Bushkill to Roseland Transmission Line was re-conducted to 1,590 kcmil with 54/19 ACSR cable. Around the same time, the ground wire was replaced with 7-strand #5 wire gauge of alumoweld-a strong, corrosion-resistant, highly conductive, aluminum-clad steel wire. 131

Information provided by PSE&G linemen and in-the-field observations indicate that many currently extant transmission structures (i.e., metal lattice towers) are original and date to the 1928 to 1931 construction period. Although some maintenance and upgrades may have required small modifications to tower elements over time, the overall structures have remained intact.

13°Kleinback, 47. 131 Lefferts and Peifer 1979; PSE&G, As-Built Plans. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 44)


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Smithsonian Institution. Powering a Generation of Change: Transmitting Electricity (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 2013). Accessed at

Snell, James P., ed. History ofSussex and Warren Counties. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1881.

Van Steen, Deborah, and Abbie Hurlbut. "New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Historic Preservation Office, Base Form: Roseland Switching Station." On file, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office, Newark, New Jersey, 2010.

Wainwright, Nicholas B. History ofthe Philadelphia Electric Company: 1881-1961. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Electric Company, 1961.

Warkentin, Denise. Electric Power Industry in NonTechnical Language. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell, 1998.

Williams, Wiley J. "Southern Power Company." NCpedia, 2006. Accessed September 6, 2012, at

Woodruff, Newton. Camp No-Be-Bo-Seo History, 1967. Camp NoBeBoSco Website, accessed June 28, 2010, at PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 (Page 48)

C. Likely Sources Not Yet Investigated

Edison Electric Institute (EEi)

Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE)

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

PJM Interconnection, Norristown, Pennsylvania

Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History, Division oflnformation Technology and Society Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

~.... c;c C 00 ~ ? r'

a:;.; 0 00 tTl r' >­z 0 ~ ~ .§ > ::. ::i:: z om~n ;i:.. oo 0 :;.; 00 gz~ '."""-"" " ' ~ ~ S ? 0 Figure la: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ ~ ~ ~ .__2012] __, .j::. :t. - Z ______-:9 g ~ tTl Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

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• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

._~ c:i e r:/1 l: ?::: ? r' d ;:c 0 r:/1 tT1 r' z> 0 Q ~ ~ > g: l: z (") > rfJ ; tT1 ; 0 ;:c rfJ gz~ .,,,, ,;a3!=10 Figure le: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ i ~ ~ 2012] U'o ct. - 2 ------' -::::§~tT'l Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

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• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

.....~ c:c c::: :r:[JJ ;;,,: r -r d :;,;; 0 [JJ tTlr z> 0 Q ~ .g; > 2'. :r: z n > rJJ om ~ 0 :;,;; [JJ -=-500 gz~ -3!=>0 ""C n Z Figure le: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ ~ ~ r 2012] ~ g• :; 2 '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---'- ~ ~ tTl Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

-c, z..... c;c C: :c:c,J ~ ? r d ;;i::, 0 c,J tTlr ~ 0 Q ~ {l > 2'. :c: z n > CFJ ; tTl ; 0 ;;i::, c,J g z :!; ~ 1 •• -_,f/_.,f'1ff'(" ,, : -~ -.;:;:_J ~ 3 ? 0 Figure If: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ i ~ ~ 2012) ~ §'·; Z ._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--''-' ~ ~m Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

...... ~ 0:, C en::c: ;ii:: ? r"' -J 0 ~ 0 en tT:I r"' >­z Cj ~ ~ .§ > =-::c:Z om~n :> en o ~ en - . .. . £z~ <~_ _,. ~ ~\ ~ ~~-1 <' ,,_,fl.,--rJ?, '"'· ~..,: -;a a? o Figure lg: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ ! ~ ~ 2012] Vl ::t. - Z '------' ~ g ~t'Tl Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

"'C ._z al C: CZl ~ ? at""' ::.:i 0 CZl rr:I t""' >z 0 G;l ~ ,§ > e: :I: z ~ > CZl c:,rr:1; 0 :;.:i CZl - £z~ ~------~~---~~~~~1~~L~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~m~~~~c ~a~o Figure lh: Topographic Map (l:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ i ~ ~ 2012] v, ::t. ..- Z ~------' ~ g ~rr:I Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

._~ to c::: ::r:IZl ;;,::: F t""' d ~ 0 IZl tTl t""' z> CJ Q ~ .§ > =- ::r: z ()om; > IZl 0 ~ IZl £z~ ---"'C 3 •0 0z Figure ti: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ ~ ~ t""' 2012] v, =-· - Z ~------~ ,::j g ~ tTl Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

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• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

"'C ....z t::tl c::: :r::r:n ;;ii::: ? r d ~ 0 r:n t'Tir ~ 0 Q ~ .§ > 2'. :r:: z ~ > r:n 0 t'Ti 3:: 0 ~ 00 8z~ ,;:a3~0 ll' g z z Figure lk: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps 2012] UI :::t. - z'"""' '° 0 ~ ...------=-~==::::::_J~S''i"'r '-'::3\0t'Ti Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline



tl~ Q ~ .§ > e: :c z om;n > r.n 0 :;ti rJl -=-500 2z~ - • ~ 1" - • I - - I" ':a 3? 0 Figure 11: Topographic Map (1:24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ ~ ~ ~ 2012] °' o ...... Z "'"------' s§~m Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

'"C ._z c:l C: en :r: ;ii:::: r -r d ;:o 0 r.r, tTlr ~ 0 Q ~ ~ > 2'. :r: z n > en om ; -=- o :::0 en ~ ~·· .- .... ~ _ -- , 500 8 ~ . . ,... ti~~ · : '' ';a 3 ?z 0 Figure lm: Topographic Map (l :24,000) Showing a Portion of the Transmission Line from Bushkill to Roseland. [ESRI USA Topo Maps ~ ~ ~ ~ 2012] °' ::t. - Z ------~ .::; g ~ tTl Legend

• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

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• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

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• HAER Photo Location

• Existing Tower

Project Centerline

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Appendix A: Length of Roseland-Bushkill Line by County and Municipality

County Municipality Linear Feet Roseland Borough 150 Essex Essex County, NJ, Total 150

East Hanover Township 10,400 Parsippany-Troy Hills Township 15,250 Montville Township 38,250 Boonton Township 2,050 Morris Kinnelon Borough 5,450 Rockaway Township 29,100 Jefferson Township 24,650 Morris County, NJ, Total 125,150

Sparta Township 11,500 Hopatcong Borough 9,555 Byram Township 11,000 Andover Township 23,650 Sussex Newton Town 2,400 Fredon Township 24,750 Stillwater Township 21,350 Sussex County, NJ, Total 104,205

Hardwick Township 21,350 Warren Warren County, NJ, Total 21,350

Middle Smithfield Township 7,103 Monroe Monroe County PA Total 7,103

Total Lenl[th in New Jerse_v (47.5 miles) 250,855 Total Lenl[th in Pennsvlvania (1.35 miles) 7,103 Total Length Roseland to Bushkill Transmission 257,958 Line (48.85 miles) PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 66)

Appendix B: Distribution of Towers by Type and Height

TOWNSHIP/ TYPE A TYPEB TYPEC TYPED SPECIAL COUNTY TOWER# (hei2:ht in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) 39/1 80 39/2 120 39/3 80 39/4 70 Former Pahaquarry 39/5 70 Township 40/1 70 (present-day 40/2 70 Hardwick Township)/ 40/3 80 Warren County 40/4 70 40/5 90 41/1 70 41/2 80 41/3 85 41/4 110 42/1 65 Hardwick 42/2 90 Township/ 42/3 70 Warren County 42/4 110 42/5 90 43/1 90 43/2 80 43/3 70 43/4 70 44/1 70 44/2 65 44/3 70 44/4 70 Stillwater 44/5 90 Township/ Sussex 45/1 105 County 45/2 105 45/3 110 45/4 100 46/1 65 46/2 70 46/3 70 46/4 70 46/5 70 47/1 70 47/2 80 47/3 70 Fredon Township/ 47/4 65 Sussex County 47/5 70 47/6 70 48/1 80 PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 67)

TOWNSHIP/ TYPE A TYPEB TYPEC TYPED SPECIAL COUNTY TOWER# (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) 48/2 90 48/3 80 48/4 100 49/1 90 49/2 105 49/3 80 49/4 80 Fredon Township/ 49/5 80 Sussex County 50/1 80 50/2 90 50/3 90 50/4 105 51/1 90 51/2 100 51/3 80 51/4 70 51/5 80 52/1 80 Town ofNewton/ 52/2 95 Sussex County 52/3 70 52/4 115 52/5 125 53/1 100 53/2 80 53/3 70 53/4 75 53/5 70 53/6 95 54/1 70 54/2 70 Andover Township/ 54/3 70 Sussex County 54/4 100 55/1 85 55/2 85 55/3 90 55/4 100 55/5 70 56/1 70 5612 70 56/3 90 56/4 80 57/1 100 57/2 100 Byram Township/ 57/3 90 Sussex County 57/4 80 58/1 90 PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 68)

TOWNSffiP/ TYPE A TYPEB TYPEC TYPED SPECIAL COUNTY TOWER# (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) 58/2 90 Byram Township/ 58/3 80 Sussex County 59/1 80 Hopatcong 59/2 85 Borough/ 59/3 95 Sussex County 59/4 70 60/1 70 Sparta Township/ 60/2 70 Sussex County 60/3 70 60/4 90 61/1 100 61/2 110 61/3 105 61/4 70 62/1 100 62/2 85 62/3 100 62/4 90 Jefferson Township/ 63/1 65 Morris County 63/2 95 63/3 100 64/1 85 64/2 85 64/3 90 64/4 60 64/5 105 65/1 80 65/2 1 I 5 65/3 75 66/1 125 66/2 80 66/3 130 66/4 130 67/1 75 Rockaway 67/2 100 Township/ 67/3 55 Morris County 67/4 80 67/5 80 68/1 100 68/2 90 68/3 105 68/4 70 68/5 70 68/6 90 69/1 65 PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 69)

TOWNSHIP/ TYPE A TYPEB TYPEC TYPED SPECIAL COUNTY TOWER# (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) 69/2 115 69/3 130 69/4 60 Rockaway 70/1 115 Township/ 70/2 70 Morris County 70/3 80 70/4 70 70/5 100 71/1 65 71/2 90 71/3 60 Kinnelon Borough/ 71/4 110 Morris County 72/1 90 72/2 75 Boonton Township/ 72/3 105 Morris County 72/4 115 Montville 73/1 70 Township/ 73/2 105 Morris County 73/3 60 73/4 85 73/5 90 73/6 85 74/1 130 74/2 85 74/3 75 74/4 95 75/1 70 75/2 75 75/3 90 75/4 85 76/1 80 76/2 90 76/3 105 76/4 100 76/5 100 77/1 90 77/2 90 77/3 125 77/3a 120 77/4 110 7715 90 78/1 70 78/2 70 78/3 90 78/4 80 78/5 80 PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 70)

TOWNSHIP/ TYPE A TYPEB TYPEC TYPED SPECIAL COUNTY TOWER# (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) (height in ft) 79/1 80 79/2 80 79/3 80 79/4 80 79/5 100 79/6 95 80/1 80 80/2 80 80/3 80 80/4 80 80/5 70 81/1 80 Parsippany-Troy 81/2 70 Hills Township/ 81/3 120 Morris County 81/4 80 81/5 80 81/6 80 82/1 80 82/2 80 82/3 80 82/4 80 82/5 80 83/1 80 83/2 80 83/3 90 East Hanover 83/4 80 Township/ 83/5 90 Morris County 84/1 70 84/2 70 84/3 80 84/4 75 PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 71)

Appendix C: Chronology

1878 Edison Light Company is established. 1878 John Wanamaker, "merchant prince" of Philadelphia, illuminates his Grand Depot store with power supplied by his own generating station. 1879 First "practical light bulb" developed by Thomas Edison. 1882 Thomas A. Edison's Pearl Street Station in New York City first supplied 85 customers with electricity (110 volts of direct current). 1882 The Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) is chartered. 1890 Thomas Edison forms Edison General Electric Company. 1892 General Electric Company established through the merger between the Edison General Electric Company (Schenectady, New York) and Thomson-Houston Electric Company (Lynn, Massachusetts). 1895 Niagara power station goes into service in August. 1903 Public Service Corporation (Public Service; predecessor to PSE&G) is established. 1905 Electric Bond & Share Company formally established. 1917 United States Army and Alabama Power Company agreement for the construction of a generating station, substations, and transmission lines, and for supply of electrical energy to United States nitrate plants at Muscle Shoals and Sheffield, Alabama. 1918 World WarJ (1914-1918) ends. Congress approves survey of energy resources between Boston and Washington, D.C. 1920 Eight utility companies merge to form Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L) (predecessor to PPL). 1923 Superpower Conference with state public service commissioners of the Atlantic States and New England meet in New York City with President Coolidge's Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 72)

1923 Malcolm MacLaren at the Electrical Engineering Department at Princeton University submits report on the load diversity in the area supplied by PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G. 1923 Committee organized by PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G to study interconnection. 1923 Plans developed for construction of a dam at Wallenpaupack Creek and a hydroelectric plant. 1924 PP&L begins construction of the first 220kV line in the east from Wallenpaupack (near Hawley) to Siegfried (near Allentown). 1925 Report of Pennsylvania Governor Gifford Pinchot's Giant Power Survey Board submitted. 1925 Phoenix Utilities Co. begins construction of a high-voltage transmission line from Wallenpaupack to Siegfried Substation (near Allentown, PA) for PP&L. 1926 The PP&L Wallenpaupack Hydroelectric system, constructed 1924-1926, is finished. 1926 The PPP&L Siegfried Substation is upgraded and a 220kV line constructed between the Wallenpaupack Hydro Electric Plant and the Siegfried Substation. 1926 Construction of PECO' s Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant begins. 1926 PPP&L, Electric Bond and Share Co., and GE conduct a landmark study on lightning using the Wallenpaupack-Siegfried 220,000-volt line as one of the major facilities for the investigation. 1927 Memorandum of Agreement signed between PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G. 1928 Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant, the nation's second largest plant, begins transmission of power to the Plymouth Meeting Substation outside Philadelphia. 1932 PSE&G transmission line from Roseland, New Jersey, to Bushkill, Pennsylvania, is brought online, completing the PNJ Interconnection loop. 1935 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 imposes rules on the investor­ owned utilities, limits the pyramid structure associated with holding companies, PNJ BUSHKILL TO ROSELAND TRANSMISSION LINE HAER No. NJ-149 Appendices (Page 73)

and establishes requirements for registration with the newly created Securities and Exchange Commission ( 1935) and for financial reporting and issuance of stocks. 1952 Initial 25-year agreement among PECO, PP&L, and PSE&G expires. 1956 Interconnection expanded from a three-company agreement to a five-party agreement with the formation of the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM). 1965 Sections PJM upgraded from 220kV to 230kV transmission. 1972 Wallenpaupack Hydroelectric Plant tie to the Wallenpaupack to Siegfried Line removed; lines re-conducted and ground wires replaced. 1976 PJM Interconnection consists of 11 utility companies.