J2P and P2J Ver 1
3 `- General News Labels, RIAA Protest Total LP Airings 'VFW YORK - lo oirrualts Un- Ing ffte rimas tu enable fans tu set Up lease *kohl, and ',sea schedule the. stones of radio', inn programming l hryatt. Records; Ahnw4 Erregun, pnvaskrrad show cd sotidarits, the their taping aquipmenl. programs free of c erclal Utter and ahllils to attract audiences and Allantic Records; Gil Friesen, A &M heads of all the mar. branch and in Lottko SUIS Indlsklual record rupi lens, cunmurcial adse1114et . Record.; Kenneth (;amble, Phila- dependent record .companies hate is- companies hale contacted radio +la- -Some gib a step further will, paid ' 1 hl+ Is an alhwal f record es- delphia inlarnallonal Records; Stun. sued a tatement condemning nwarm Iluns dhol the praclke, but he sass newspaper ads listing all lilies e11111 es lo radl l eseculives lu stop ley Gurlikos, RIAA; BS. !towel! Jr., practice to radio Malins in Mooed hsowl this ..peal, RIAA Is retsina and falladea l hours, again with the fostering the h taping of record- Navhb ro Records; Alan Livingston, casting complete I Ps without inter on the radio stations lu teary 11 Is In promise of ram cnnllnarcials. ings ... In hall the eonnlerelal free 211th Century-Fos Records: Bruce ruplla.l which allows Im ea.) Mom their own Interest 10 discourage broadcasting of new release records I.undrrll, CBS Records, lapina. home lapina. Ile sass his Irganita RKO Stops- See p,6 as ball for hume -toper Ilsteni- r.IIlp. Also: JYrrell McCracken. Word The statement, released Ihr gh tiny at this Ilnw has no plans to fol.
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