Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1951-06-16
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, . • On the Inside ~ Th.Weath.r PhyalC:1 CoUoqulwa 'WInner M..or elnu with leal ••• Paq. 2 &eM ""ti..... Ut ..• C.,.~al Pally M.ebq ll4!ntar..... IUlds, partI, ••• Paqa 3 rioud,. Rlth Wa,. '5- Loula Wina by ~.O. t; low, U·U. IDCh FloI· oman by. 78; 1.111', 5% • .. • Paqa 4 al Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday. June 16. 1951 - Vol. 85, No. 214 You're Not Draft-Free Unless You're 35 West Nations u.s. Reports Walke WASHTNGTON 111'1 - The new drart law now awaiting Presl· I'Ma'c' Invited To Re-Appear dent Tr'umnn's signaturc will extend automatically thc dr'aCt liability Hit Mine off Korea of more than 2 million registrants until their 35th birthdays. Make New Bid The provisi on was writ ~ en into the bill by the hOLlse armed June 12; 26 Die services committee and approved by congress. While the action was B0 4 M no secret, only a thorough study of the act revealed its full im- For Ig eet TOKYO (SATURDAY) IUI - plicatlons. Vice Admiral C. Turner Joy. Before 'Inquiring' Committee commander o( Far East naval , Under the present law the draft limits are 19 through 25. The forces, announced today that the (fwo teen-age Iowa City "rothers new act lowers the minimum to 18 ~ years. Heretofore anyone WASHINGTON (IP) - The destroyer U.S.S. Walke was struck tlmhted to police Ftiday that they reaching his 26th birthday before induction, could forget about being Western powers made a new bid by 8 mine Tuesday while oper- ~ , broken into sev,en Iowa City drafted. to Russin Friday for a Big Four ating In Korean waters with task .Iness firms June 2 and at- But the new law provides that any registrant deferred at the foreign ministers mee~ing to case force 77. To Answer Acheson's Charge~ l.mpted to break into at )east six time it is signed, or who may win a defermcnt later, shall remnin tensions In Europe. Joy's statement was the ofllclal , ,tilers during the past five weeks. liable for inducti on until his 35th birthday. They assured the Russians they pronouncement on the nature of .. a Iltned ltatetpent to of- will get a chance to denounce the the underwater explosion that " * * * /lien, the youths -..alca"'. an North Atlantic de(ense pact and I killed 20 and possibly 27 erew- Johnson Says '~ 110, as rlnatea4er of tbe Sh · Wk ' American bases abroad even men. Survivors bad speculated MacArthur Declare~ I f!v:~ Police "Id FrI'a, the otber 5 0 I 0. 0 0 IP 0 r er S though those subjects are not on that the blast was caused by a b.. not be.,. taken Into the agenda. torpedo. Truman Avoiding J yet. S M ·d · h S k This being true, the West told fte Walke, cemmande4 br Russia Can be Etective Harland Sprinkle said ' tag e I n I 9 t tr,· e Moscow in carefully worded notes, Cmc1r. M. F. TIlO"""D. 11mpe. ~e boys admitted breaking into the ministers should be nble to Into the _them Japan ped of the following places: meet promptly - that is, July 23 SalNlbo 'I1IlUIIday wbere It 11 1IOW War Responsibility fiXeD, ,Farm EIl... .it eem· NEW YORK (UP) - The CIO national maritime union gave in Washington. In "".ock. DALLAS tIP) _ Gen. Douglas Beaten 'Now' ~" no E. Pr'" it.; Blue the go.ahead early today for a hvo.coast shipping strike. Secretary of State Dean Acheson A Far East . naval forces an- MacArthur dechned Friday that &aider lteak sbop. 329 S, Gllberi Sh I f th N 1u .. and the British and French foreign nouncement sard the Walke, op- the Truman admlnls:ratlon is try· WASHINGTON (.4") - Chairman ~: J[atzenmeyer BI'Oi. feed store, ort yater e ~ contract expll'ed at mrdnight, NMU ministers made the bid in separate eraUng:lO mile of! Wonsan, was Ing to avoid the J'espon ibibty of Richard B. Russell (D.Ga.) Fri- ,1118. Ollllli!rt lit.; Irlah Po~to Oblp President Joseph C~lrran telegraphed the 50,000 NMU workers 'n but identical messages to SOlliet scrC()nlng thc Essex cl~ss carrier war in Koren. d y 4!Xl ndtd an open invlt lion to ..-paDY, 509 S. Lil)a .t.; Del 23 east and gulf coast ports that' Foreign Minister Andrei Vishin· U.S.S. Bon Hommc Richard nt He said: "Some, with me, Gen. Oou,la MacArthur to r - ~ Recliter eire........ fflce. u • • ff .. I th G t L k NMU sky. the time of the explosion. It said 0 Id a hiA e ""n th "h a turn tor (urther t4!5timony before jlr E. Barrleon ,t.: .. IS Malter no contract IS m e ect. n ~ r~a a es. .seamen the mine hit the destroyer on the W u c ... v ...... ce rou. the senate 'Committee lnve Utatin, _ltd, tOl S, GlIberi It, and line with his '''no contract, no wrll sail on vessels carrymg war . ~he whole argument. super- port side. flooding the Uving com- prompt and decisive victory at a the five-sUiI' general's ouster. iii, 'b.lI. " work" instructions, this was a cargoes, Curran said. tlclally at least. now revolves pa\'tments in the after portion of saving of human Iifc, o' hers I I.L. ta·t· I f k to Curran wire. NMV local,; "Ad. around the queslion whether the ' the ship. through appeasement and com· Ru. el I Id MacArthur will get ,, :lhe told police they obtained a CI signa or awol' s ppage. vise that no contract I. In effect A~l~tic treaty and Ameri~an The dcstroyer Hubbard raced to promise of moral principle, with cnance to tcstlfy ngaln, If he to al of $4.60 in eha1\le from a T,he union did not call it a strik e. with Atlantic and culf coalt op. I mrhtary. bnses abroad shoul? be m· the scene and two helicopters less regord for human life." desir6, because all the other wlt- dr.wer at the Kelly comf:any $30 Federal mediators held eom- eluded n the lists of subJect for neSS6 h d a chance to rend his m Katzenmeyer'" and ", cart' ons pany and. union officials for con- erators on dellP sea passencer . I seorched the area tor casualties In effect, MacArthur said that "'.. ~ t th I hand frel"hter vessels. Companies diSCUSSion. and other mines. A few minutes he hns more concern lor savini testimony belorc oft rlnll th Ir trr cigarettes from the Big B .erences In 0 e morn ng ours • G M cA th own. ' ' ket. in an eUort to settle the dispute have failed to budre from orlclnal Russia, in preliminary negotia. alter the blast the destroyer lives in Korea than does the ad- en. a r ur t' '_L ",:,.' , over a new contract. pOSition and left no alternative. ~ion among deputy for~ign min- Brndford sighted and sank an- ministration. \\Tiff Appear Again {In Dallas, Tex., wbere be poke pr ..... le laid the .... ,. denied The union deman.e. a 40 hour Call continuous me m be r s hill Isters In Paris, has inSisted thnt other mine in the Immediate vi- He said the American people .'rlda,. n1cbt. GeDuaJ MacArthur ~ pari In 12 break-I... Jane '7 week, 25 per cent pa, Increase, a meetlnl8 your port lor ruBnlnl' the treaty nnd bases are principal clnity. have shown him that tney wiU - bId no COIlUlU!Dt on 1luue1l'. 1D- aI .!be (owa State B&Ilk 'uUdlnc vlcstlon plan and adjustment of reports on developments." causes of world tensions and there. Thom]l8&n Ilnrled out IICveral not be "misled by propaeonda er· 160 Men to Begin vliatJon.> ,.. the Savinp aDIl Loa. build· eontraet Inequities. A union spokesman, asked what fore must be listed. experieneed erewmen who dla· lorts to obscure the main issue." , 0 f t T t T d Ru I made the nnouncement ... , Curran assured President Tru- he would call the wOl'k stoppnge tiD&'1llahed themselvH In control. , And he added: "It offers assur- e ermen el 0 ay a ~ (orm r secI' tnry or d tense He .added, however, .that the man t.hat the work stoppage in lieu of the word "strike," sug- Pol"Ice Cholef Orders IInl' the dama" and a Istinc in nnce that the people will not b Students lakin, draft deter- John on, concl\ldin, hls ~ tlmony, break-lOS on the two occasions would not aUect defense shipping gested labeling it "a protest Jltay- reseue ......tI~n.. misled by those who, while de- ment tests today should report to told the .!nQuiry committee 1>e ~re carried out In a 'similar mari· and th ~ .President l!jte Friday re- home." One was prpefitter. 2/ c Donnld tendine the existln, policy vacuum room t14, University hAil, at 8:30 ~elieve5 "we could lick RusaJa ~r . fused a company request that he N P k' B . ColUns, Oakland, Calif., who was as the best means to preserve B.m. tor assignment to teslln, : Ight now it the Sovlc decided The boys told pOIJce tney gainep forbid the ~ trike under the Taft- ew ar Ing an near the shipfitters shop when the peace decry, liS the advocacy of a rooms. About L60 men tudents 11 pick a flint. ~lrance to most of the buildings Hortley law. ' CANCER GOAL SHORT explosion occurred. It knocked policy which leads to war, the will toke the exams. But Joh ....n ...et he woulet not 1!1 breaking out (l wiridbw or a However, the walkout will af- The Johnson county cancer On Dubuque Street him over his .workbench, but he mIlitary measures which have Students must present their advocate aD), bold new trakcr iIoOr ,lass.