VOLUME 1______NUMBER 5 Traditional Infallibility By Lewis Willis, Macon, Missouri There are many fields of evidence us- settled. But we see that the infallibility ed by the Roman Catholic Church in of tradition is contingent upon the in- her attempt to prove that the church is fallibility of the church. We wage a infallible. One of these is the traditions protest against such "circular reason- of the "Church Fath- ing." If tradition is going to be used to ers" that have been prove the church infallible, one should verbally transmitted not argue for the correctness of that tra- throughout the cen- dition on the basis of the infallibility of turies. We want to the church. briefly examine some Also, if apostolic tradition, as sup- points in connection posedly handed down through the with tradition. "Church Fathers," is to be accepted, it First of all, Catho- must be accepted in its entirety. The lics make a definite church cannot accept part and reject distinction between human and divine the rest. We notice an example of this tradition—human being that which is later. handed down by fallible humans subject Again, if tradition is necessary to to change and error, while divine is a godly living, the apostles, in their writ- part of the infallible teaching of the ings, must have left out something that church. It is contended, and correctly Christians should know and do. Who so, that only a part of the teachings of could reasonably suppose that inspired Jesus and the apostles has been com- men would write a book, by which men mitted to writing, this making up the will be judged, and include things NOT New Testament. This is proved by John necessary for salvation, yet leave out 20:30,31. The rest, Catholics maintain, things that ARE essential for salvation? has been infallibly preserved by the in- Paul speaks contrarily to this when he fallible church. says that the written word is complete. Canon Smith says in The Teachings (2 Tim. 3:16, 17.) of the Catholic Church, Vol. 1, p. 28, The traditions of the Roman Church Christ "instituted a visible society to are too much like those condemned by the rulers of which he gave power to Paul when he says, "Beware lest any teach infallibly; in other words, he man spoil you through philosophy and FOUNDED A LIVING TEACHING vain deceit, AFTER THE TRADI- AUTHORITY." (Emphasis mine, L. TION OF MEN (My emphasis, L. W.) If Christ did this, the question is W.), after the rudiments of the world, Heaven By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri All our lives many of us have heard 7:21.) Jesus taught the disciples to people speak of heaven. We have sung live so as to glorify "your Father which such songs as "How Beautiful Heaven is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16.) The eter- Must Be," "When We All Get to nal abode of the Father is in heaven. Heaven," and "No Tears in Heaven." Jesus' Dwelling Place What is this place When Jesus entered into the world called heaven? He came down from heaven. "And What can we say nomanhathascendeduptoheaven,but with certainty he that came down from heaven, even about it? the Son of man which is in heaven." No one can (John 3:13.) Our Master declared, speak of heaven "For I came down from heaven, not from the view- to do mine own will, but the will of point of his own him that sent me." (John 6:38.) He personal experi- came from heaven and has since return- ence. One woman ed to heaven. "Seeing then that we have claimed she went a great high priest, that is passed into to heaven and was told that the Sab- the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let bath was not nailed to the cross. This us hold fast our profession." (Heb. is the exact opposite of what the apostle 4:14.) "For Christ is not entered into Paul taught in Col. 2:14-16. Surely the holy places made with hands, which God would not teach someone in heaven arethefiguresofthetrue;butinto that he should contradict what an apos- heaven itself, now to appear in the tle was divinely inspired to teach on presence of God for us." (Heb. 9:24.) earth. And that same woman was un- Peter wrote that Jesus is "gone into able to produce a single witness to heaven, and is on the right hand of verify her story! God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him." All we know about heaven is what (1 Pet. 3:22.) God has revealed in the Bible. Many curious questions must go unanswered Place From Which Spirit Came Down for the time, but some facts are clearly As Jesus neared the end of His min- stated. istry on earth and made plans for re- turning to heaven, the apostles were God's Dwelling Place promised the Holy Spirit to guide, com- While there is a sense in which God fort, and bear witness unto them. They is everywhere present, His personal were told that they would be endued dwelling is always pictured as in heav- with power "from on high." (Lk. 24: en. Jesus taught the disciples to pray, 49.) On the day of Pentecost the Holy "Our Father which art in heaven." Spirit came upon them. Peter connected (Matt. 6:9.) Again He said, "Not this with Christ's "being by the right every one that saith unto me, Lord, hand of God exalted." (Acts 2:33.) Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of The same apostle later said the Holy heaven; but he that doeth the will of Spirit was "sent down from heaven." my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. (1 Pet. 1:12.) (2) Abode of Angels EN. Why would the reservation be We look to heaven as the dwelling there if we expect to stay somewhere not only of the Father, Son, and Holy else eternally? Jesus said, "I go to pre- Spirit but also of the angelic beings. pare a place for you, and if I go and Jesus spoke of the angels of God as prepare a place for you, I will come "in heaven." (Matt. 22:30.) When He again, and receive you unto myself; prayed in great agony, "There appear- that where I am, there ye may be also." ed an angel unto him from heaven, (John 14:2,3.) strengthening him." (Lk. 22:43.) When New Jerusalem the apostle John had a vision of the throne of God in heaven, he heard the In the last two chapters of Revela- voice of many angels round about the tion the glorified state of the righteous throne, "and the number of them was is described in highly symbolic lan- ten thousand times ten thousand, and guage. The heavenly realm is pictured as "the holy city, the new Jerusalem." thousands of thousands." (Rev. 5:11.) John visualized it as coming down from It is in heaven that the angelic hosts God as a bride adorned for her husband. dwell. This does not mean that the saints Place From Which Jesus Will Descend will dwell in a literal city, nor that the The Bible teaches that just as surely new Jerusalem will be let down liter- as Christ is now in heaven He will come ally from heaven. It rather portrays again. "For the Lord himself shall the beauty and sacredness of the eter- descend from heaven with a shout, with nal dwelling of the saints. The old the voice of the archangel, and with the Jerusalem was sacred to the memory of trump of God . . ." (1 Thess. 4:16.) fleshly Israel; heaven is sacred to the He will "be revealed from heaven with minds of Christians, hence called the his mighty angels . . ." (2 Thess. 1:7.) "new" Jerusalem. At His ascension the angels announced, "This same Jesus, which is taken up No Tears, No Pain from you into heaven, shall so come in "And God shall wipe away all tears like manner as ye have seen him go from their eyes; and there shall be no into heaven." (Acts 1:11.) more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: Eternal Dwelling of the Saints for the former things are passed away." Despite the teaching of some that the (Rev. 21:4.) If there were any place saints will dwell eternally upon this on earth where we could go and be earth, the Bible points to heaven as the assured of freedom from suffering, pain, eternal habitation of the faithful. "For sorrow,andagony,nodoubtweall we know that if our earthly house of would be anxious to go there. No such this tabernacle were dissolved, we have place can be found on earth, but heaven a building of God, an house not made offers more than that — no tears, no with hands, eternal in the heavens." dying, no pain, no sighing, no crying! (2 Cor. 5:1.) Peter spoke of the in- What bliss! heritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in No Temple in It heaven for you." (1 Pet. 1:4.) When John wrote, "And I saw no temple one makes reservations in preparation therein: for the Lord God Almighty and for a trip, he expects to stay where he the Lamb are the temple of it." (Rev. has his place reserved. Our eternal in- 21:22.) Old Jerusalem had a temple heritance is RESERVED IN HEAV- where the Jews worshiped and where (3) God's presence was manifested. New Volume Five Jerusalem will have no temple in it, for it is all temple. There will be no Anotheryearhasslippedpast.It need for a manifestation of God's pres- seems only yesterday that I wrote an ence; "God himself shall be with them, introduction to volume four. and shall be their God." (Verse 2.) As we look to our fifth year in the The whole heavenly abode will be filled publication of APOSTOLIC DOC- with the glory and presence of God and TRINE, we appeal to our friends to the Lamb. help us double our circulation during the next twelve months. The financial No Sun, No Moon burden of publishing a paper is great "And the city had no need of the unless there is a constant flow of sub- sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: scriptions. for the glory of God did lighten it, and There are many papers devoted to the Lamb is the light thereof." (Rev. religious matters. Some of these are 21:23.) "And the gates of it shall not scarcely worth the price of the ink used be shut at all by day: for there shall in printing them; others are excellent. be no night there." (Verse 25.) "And We leave it to our readers to decide there shall be no night there; and they upon the merits of this work. need no candle, neither light of the sun . . ." (22:5.) Think of it! The The world has no greater need than brightness of God's glory is such as to to hear the simple gospel of Jesus eliminate any need for such light as Christ. We are convinced that some can we have in this present world. These be reached by means of the printed page are just a few of the glories of heaven who cannot be reached with the oral set forth in the closing chapters of the message. Our sole aim in this publica- Bible. tion is to provide a medium by which people who wish to make use of written A Practical Question lessons may have access to the same. Reader, what preparation are you making toward going to heaven? Noth- ing that defiles will be allowed to enter that place. (Rev. 21:27.) Since sin defiles, we must be cleansed of sin before we can enter. The blood of Jesus was shed that we might be puri- fied.Itisuptoustocomeincon- tact with that cleansing blood. It is in baptism, an act of submission and obedience, an act of faith, that we reach the benefits of His blood. "And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, cal- ling on the name of the Lord." (Acts 22:16.) After being baptized into Christ, we must live as becometh the gospel (Phil. 1:27), keep ourselves pure and serve the Lord with fidelity. Doyouwanttogotoheaven? (4) Do you have friends who are not Christians? Are you able to reason with them about the Bible? Perhaps short gospel messages in written form would be read and considered by them. Why not send in a list of subscriptions and have the paper mailed directly to your friends for the next year? Or, if you prefer to hand the material to them in person, order a bundle each month. We would like to urge congregations to consider APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE for use in the tract rack. Some churches Roman Catholics insist that the Bible order bundles every month and use alone is not the final authority for them in the same manner they use Christians in matters religious. They tracts and pamphlets. This provides attempt to prove the weakness of the fresh material for the rack each month "Bible only" position by pointing to and gives interested persons access to divisions among those professing to be studies on a wide variety of subjects. governed by the Bible. Our price is in line with what tracts of comparable size cost. The Division Argument A "Knights of Columbus" ad puts it Also, the paper is being mailed to like this: "But if the Bible were intend- several public and college libraries ed to be our sole guide, how could so through the generosity of interested many sincere, Christ-seeking people friends. You might like to have it sent draw such different and conflicting to your neighborhood library. Many li- meaningsfromit?...Whyshould brarians would be glad to put our there be differing 'schools of thought' bound volumes on their shelves if some- ranging from the literal to the liberal? one cared to donate them. Most li- ...IfallofChristendomwastobe braries open to the public have all sorts united in 'one flock' with 'one shepherd' of papers and books teaching atheism, ... as the Bible itself says, why are communism, Catholicism, denomina- we so tragically disunited?" tionalism, etc., but it is not often that This is the same sort of argument one finds literature devoted to pure which infidels make against Christ. Christianity. They say if Christ is the Son of God, We can think of dozens of good uses why are Christians not agreed? They to make of publications devoted to the ask if Christ is not capable of keeping gospel of Christ, but we have our hands His followers together. They conclude full in trying to produce such a work. that there is no Christ since men pro- We need the help of others in circulat- fessing to follow him are disunited. ing the product. We could use the same argument against the authority of the Pope of And don't forget that your book Rome. Since many Catholics do not ac- orders help us to meet our publication cept the authority of the Bishop of costs. Write us for any religious books Rome as being any greater that that of you want to buy. any other bishop, Catholics are divided. May the year of 1964 be a prosper- If the Pope has authority, why should ?us one for you. May it find you serv- there be different "schools of thought" »ig the Lord with faithfulness. among Catholics? Even among the

(5) Roman Catholics some prelates are Catholic Bible Says Bible Is Enough classified as "conservative" and others As translated in the Catholic Bible, as "liberal" in their views. Paul wrote to Timothy, "All Scripture is Bible Not Cause of Division inspired by God and useful for teaching, Disagreement does not disprove fi- for reproving, for correcting, for in- nality of authority, dignity of position, structing in justice; that the man of nor completion and sufficiency. There God may be perfect, equipped for every are many schools of thought about God. good work." (2 Tim. 3:16, 17.) WHAT People who believe in God hold to con- MORE COULD BE NEEDED? IF flicting doctrines, worship in different THIS IS NOT ENOUGH, WHAT ways, and entertain contradictory views MORE DOES IT TAKE? of his divinity. Shall we ask, "If God Scripture (Bible) came by inspira- were intended to be supreme, how could tion from God. It is useful. For what? so many sincere, God-fearing people Teaching, reproving, correcting, and draw such different and conflicting con- instructing "THAT THE MAN OF cepts from him?" Obviously, our dis- GOD MAY BE PERFECT." What agreements do not change the sovereign- could make him better than PER- ty of God! FECT? "EQUIPPED FOR EVERY There are many schools of thought GOOD WORK." What could equip about Christ. Some believe he speaks him better than that? If a work is to people directly, others deny it; some good, the Scripture equips man for it; think he is real, others only a perfect if the Scripture does not equip him for image; some hold to the view that he it, it must not be a good work! Cathol- is eternal, others think he was created icism proposes to equip man for more by the Father. Shall we ask, "If Christ than the Scripture does, hence Cathol- were intended to be our sole Savior, icism must equip man for works that how could so many sincere, heaven- are not good! seeking people draw such different and —I. H. conflicting beliefs from him?" Our differences over Christ do not change thefactthatChristisouronlySavior! Renew Your Subscription Promptly In like manner, while it is true that people may read the same Bible and still differ in religion, THE FAULT DOES NOT LIE WITH THE BIBLE. Our disagreements do not destroy the completion of revelation made in the Bible. Our conflicting beliefs do not keep the Bible from being man's sole guide from earth to heaven. Men disagree over God, not because he is not the only heavenly Father, but because of their own faults; men dis- agree over Christ, not because he is not thesoleSavior,butbecauseoftheir own weaknesses; and, men disagree over the Bible, not because it is not our sole authority in religion, but because of their own sinfulness. (6) Aspects of God's Kingdom By Arvid K. McGuire, Huntsville, Alabama The Hebrew prophets spoke of the stated in several ways in the New Christ and of his kingdom to be es- Testament. "For every house is build- tablished in this world. Specifically, ed by someone; but he that built all Daniel foretold aspects of the kingdom things is God. . . Christ is a son over of God. These rev- his house." (Heb. 3:4-6.) The kingdom elations were of God is the true tabernacle which the made to him in Lord pitched, not man. (Heb. 8:2.) the form of dreams and im- The Sovereignty of God's Kingdom ages. The dream The king over God's kingdom is of Nebuchadnez- Jesus Christ. He is eternal and his zar and its mean- authority is absolute. (Matt. 28:18.) ing were made The sovereignty of the kingdom will not known to Daniel. be left to another people. As long as The dream was of God's kingdom continues in this world, acompositeimage Jesus Christ is and will be the sole having a head of ruler. God made no provision for a gold, breast and transfer of authority in his kingdom. arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, What power Roman Catholicism and its legs of iron and its feet part of Satan have has been usurped. God does iron and part of clay. This beast rep- not recognize the presumption of man! resented four world empires: Baby- The sovereignty cannot be transferred. lon, Medo-Persia, , and the Roman. In the days of the Roman God's Kingdom Is Eternal Empire, Jehovah established his king- Daniel declared that God's kingdom dom by his anointed Son, Jesus Christ. would stand forever. The dominion of Christ is everlasting, which shall not The Kingdom Is God's pass away, and his kingdom that which The kingdoms represented by the shall not be destroyed. (Dan. 7:13, 14.) composite image were of man—of this The kingdom is not measured by the world. The kingdom of God is repre- lifetime of mortals. It shall stand for- sented by a stone cut out of the moun- ever, and at the last day Jesus Christ tain without hands which smote the will deliver up the kingdom to God, image on its feet and brake in pieces the Father. the iron and clay, brass, silver and gold. God's Kingdom Is Indestructible The kingdom is of God; human wis- dom did not conceive it and human The kingdoms of earth pass away hands did not fashion it. Only God one by one but the kingdom of heaven knew the plan for the establishment of remains. It is built upon a solid-rock the kingdom. The prophets searched foundation and that foundation is and sought diligently and the angels Christ. God's kingdom cannot be moved desired to look into it. None of the or shaken. (Heb. 12:28.) fillers of the world knew God's strategy God's Kingdom Is International in the establishment of the kingdom. The kingdom is spiritual in nature It was a mystery to them. and dwells within the hearts of re- That the kingdom belongs to God is generated men. God designed the king-

(7) dom to be universal—all peoples, na- walk in his paths. When a man hears tions and languages must serve him in and learns the truth, he comes in obe- the kingdom. (Dan. 7:13,14.) The dience to the gospel of Christ. kingdom shows no social, racial or na- tional boundaries. It exceeds national God's Kingdom Is Peaceful boundariesjustasitpenetratesthe The citizens are peaceful, being led color of the skin. In fulfillment of this by the Prince of Peace. Their swords aspect of the kingdom, Jesus command- are beaten into plow-shares and their edhisservantstogointoalltheworld spears into pruning hooks. The wolf and to make disciples of all the nations. and the lamb dwell together and the God's Kingdom Is Educational leopard shall lie down with the kid. It is written in the prophets that all (Isa. 2:4; 11:6.) Jesus of Nazareth, will be taught of God. Men have the who is the Christ, is our peace, having responsibility of hearing and learning. made peace by the blood of his cross The prophets declared that he would and reconciled us unto God in the one teach us his ways and that we would body, the New Testament church. How to Identify Christ's Church By Paid K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana Occasionally Iamasked for identifi- But the importance of the identity of cation — usually when I wish to cash a Christ's church is far greater than the check — and I cheerfully furnish it. I importance of my identity or the iden- understand that my identity is impor- tity of someone's body. Yet people show tant, and that it is important to the great carelessness when confronted by one cashing my a church which claims to be Christ's check to know church. If they showed the same care- that I am who I lessness in cashing checks, they would represent myself soon be bankrupt from cashing forger- ies. Most people have no idea how to to be. The identi- go about establishing the identity of fication I furnish Christ's church. They are willing to is such that all can take some man's word for it without findoutifIam examining any documents from Him Paul K. Williams who only can establish the identity of or not — standard the church. As a result, many people documents recog- are members of counterfeit churches. nized by most ev- Williams eryone. Only One Church The Bible teaches that Christ built When a dead person's body is found, only one church. Paul wrote in Ephe- identification of it is important. Some- sians4:4,"Thereisonebody."Then times, in cases where identification is in Col. 1:18 he wrote, "He is the head difficult, the dental work will be ex- of the body, the church." Since there amined by a dentist and fingerprints is one body and the body is the church, will be compared. Many hours of labor then Jesus Christ has but one church. and investigation may be put in until He never promised to build more than the law is satisfied as to the identity one (Matt. 16:18), and He never gave of the body. himself for any other. (Eph. 5:25.) (8) Salvation is in Christ. (2 Tim. 2:10.) elimination process. By the time he ButtobeinChrististobeinHis finished with the present ones, he would spiritual body which is the church of find an entirely new crop awaiting his Christ. There is no salvation outside of investigation, anyway. Christ — outside of His church. Even But there is one quick and sure way. though Christ built one church and Go to your New Testament, study the endowed but one with His Spirit, we various phases of the church as it is find about 300 different churches in revealed; learn what the church looked this land of ours and new ones being like in New Testament times, then find born every day. It should be painfully the one today that is exactly like that obvious to any sober thinking person, one in the Bible. If you can not find even without Bible knowledge, that 300 one that looks exactly like that one in churches could not differ and all be the New Testament, then reject them right. They might all differ and all be all, for they are but counterfeits! wrong, but they cannot differ and all By way of further warning, let me be right. Even two could not differ say that the more like the genuine a and both be right, much less 300! Since counterfeit becomes, the more danger- Christ is responsible for but one, then ous it is. The more like the Lord's men must be responsible for all the church a man-made church becomes, others, and there cannot be any salva- yetisn'ttheLord's,themoredangerous tion in them. it is, for people will more likely be fooled by it. This means that our How Can We Know Which One? investigation of the Scriptures concern- When confronted by several men, all ing the church should be thorough, that claiming to be the same man and all man's doctrines and man's churches wanting to cash checks, we start to do cannot fool us into belonging to a coun- some investigating. We want to find terfeit religion. out which one, if either of them, is the "The Seed Is the Word of God" real person and which ones are fakes. In making application of the parable We demand proof, and we accept for of the sower, Jesus said in Luke 8:11 proof only those things which really that the "seed is the word of God." show the identity of the person beyond God's unchangeable law of reproduc- doubt. tion is that everything shall bring forth The honest inquirer who wants to be after its kind. If we want to produce intheLord'schurchbecausehewants cotton, we must plant cotton seed. We to be saved is faced with a problem could never produce corn from cotton similar to this. And the solution to it seed. The same principle is true in canbehadinthesameway.Whichone regard to the seed of the kingdom which belongs to the Lord? Not all 300. How is the word of God. The word of God can we know? Asking the different planted in the hearts of men will pro- preachers of the different churches duce exactly what it produced 1900 would be a waste of time, for each, no years ago. It will produce nothing doubt, would say his church was the more, nothing less, and nothing else. Lord's. Furthermore, one would not Whatever church it produced then, it have time to wade through all the maze will produce exactly the same now. If of theology of each church. He would the seed of the kingdom produced the not live long enough to attend them all various denominations we have now in and study the doctrine of each and New Testament days, then it will pro- determine which one was right by am ice them now. But if it did not pro- (9) uce them then, it will not produce church which wears these names, in them now! But you know that the which the individuals are called Chris- modern denominations of the world are tians? It is not enough to say, "We not mentioned in the Bible. We know, claim to be this, in addition to what then, that the seed of the kingdom, else we call ourselves," for Acts 4:11-12 the word of God, did not grow them, says,"thereisnoneothernameunder something produced them, but the word heaven given among men by which you of God did not. Somebody planted a can be saved." You can't be saved and different seed. call yourself by some other name. (3) Third, the New Testament gives Six Marks of Identification a divine creed for the New Testament I want to give you six marks of church. The New Testament church identification by which we can know had only Christ and His word as its the church of the Lord. creed. (Matt. 28:18; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; (1) The first mark is the builder and 2 John 9.) Are you a member of a foundation. Jesus Christ is the builder church that has formulated its own of His church and also its foundation. man-made creed? Does it have a man- [Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 3:11.) If you are ual, or a discipline, or a confession of a member of a church built by Martin faith, or a prayer book, or catechism? Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, The New Testament church had no MaryBakerEddy,oranyotherthan such creeds. Jesus Christ, then you are not a mem- (4) The fourth mark of identity is ber of the Lord's Church. Psalms 127:1 its terms of admission. The New Testa- says, "Except the Lord build the house, ment church had for its terms of ad- they labor in vain that build it." Jesus mission (a) hearing and believing the said, "Every plant which my heavenly gospel (Mark 16:15,16); (b) repent- Father hath not planted, shall be root- ing of sins (Acts 2:38); (c) confessing ed up." (Matt. 15:13.) faith in Christ as the Son of God (2) The second mark of identity is (Acts 8:37); (d) and being baptized the divine name. Isaiah prophesied in (buried—Rom. 6:4) in water for remis- Isaiah 62:1-2 that the people of God sion of sins. (Acts 2:38.) This baptism, would be called by a new name given they knew, had something to do with by the mouth of the Lord when the saving them. (1 Pet. 3:21.) Are you a Gentiles saw the righteousness of God. member of a church which teaches sal- In Acts 11:26, following the conver- vation by faith only and then tells you sion of the first Gentiles, we read of to "join" some church of your choice, the first combination Jew and Gentile for one is as good as another, If so, membership in the church of the Lord. you are not a member of the church "And the disciples were called Chris- of the Lord. The seed of the kingdom tians first in Antioch." They were not never produced such as that. called different kinds of Christians, just Christians. This was their name (5) The fifth identifying mark of as individuals. As a church they were Christ's church is its form of worship. called "church of God" (1 Cor. 1:2); New Testament Christians met upon "church of the Lord" (Acts 20:28); the first day of the week to break "churches of Christ" (Rom. 16:16); bread (Acts 20:7); to give as they and "My (Christ's) church." (Matt. were prospered (1 Cor. 16:2); to sing 16:18.) Are you a member of the (Eph. 5:19); to pray (1 Thess. 5:17); (10) to teach and to be taught. (Heb. 10: with its ownelderstooversee, deacons 25; Acts 20:7.) Are you a member of to assist, evangelist to proclaim the the church that does these things every word, and other members working with first day of the week? Do you break them. There were no National Coun- bread (eat the Lord's Supper) every cils, Synods, missionary societies, or first day of the week? Are you taught other organizations. to give according to your prosperity, These six marks of identity found in or has man attempted to bind upon you the New Testament will help you very a certain percent of your income? much in your task of finding the New (6) Finally, the sixth mark of iden- Testament church. Look up the scrip- tity for us to consider at this time is tures referred to. Check others on the the organization of the church. It was same subject. Soon you will have a very simple in New Testament times. clear conception of what the church of Each congregation was independent Christ is.

Christ and His Church By Bettie Morton Lipscombe, Jacksonville, Florida Christ, Lord of lords and King of Kings! we are told what was in that ark: He is the sure foundation, "There was nothing in the ark save The Rock on which his church is built the two tables of stone which Moses For every tribe and nation. put there at Horeb, when Jehovah made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of God planned the church, Christ died Egypt." The Hebrew writer says this for her, covenant was ready to "vanish away" She is his new creation, because the new covenant had come. By water and by precious blood (4) THE MINISTRATION OF For every tribe and nation. DEATH: 2 CORINTHIANS 3. That which was written on tables of stone was the ten commandments. (Ex. 34: And when Christ comes to takeher 28.) Paul refers to these as the "min- home istration of death" and "ministration of Oh, wondrous revelation! condemnation." (Verses 7 and 9.) Then she will be his joyous bride These laws (the ten commandments Redeemed from every nation,. were "to be done away" and "abol- ished." (Verses 7, 11, 13.) Verse 14 explains that they were done away "in (SABBATH...... Continued) Christ." to lead them forth out of the land of Each of these four points is con- Egypt." (Quoted from Jeremiah 31:31 cerned with the ten commandments ff.) What was the covenant that was specifically while including the remain- to be replaced? In 1 Kings we are told der of the law also. Memorize or jot the covenant God made with the fathers these scriptures down on a small card when they left Egypt was within the to keep with you. May you find them ark. (8:21.) In verse 9 of that chapter useful. (11) Pretended Love Can Never Save By Carl Vernon, San Antonio, Texas Anyone caring enough for spiritual senses: (1) the genuineness of man's considerations to be reading these lines love in becoming a child of God, and will certainly have some understanding (2) the genuineness of his love as he of the importance of love. Love is vital continues in God's service. in human relation- ships; it is vital In Becoming a Child of God in man's relation- Sinful individuals cannot possibly ship with God. be converted "unto righteousness" a- "To love," accord- part from love. Whereas man in sin ingtoM.R.Vin- loves and pursues worldly things, he cent's Word Stud- must come to love the Lord in becom- ies in the New ing His servant. It is inconceivable that Testament, "indi- man would be allowed of God to con- cates a reasoning, tinue in sin while serving him. Re- discriminating at- pentance is definitely involved in be- tachment, founded ginning to love the God who provides in the conviction our salvation. All too often, however, that its object is profession of love for God is seen to worthy of esteem, or entitled to it on be little more than adherence to the account of benefits bestowed." (Vol. 2. teachings and tradition of men. It is p. 135.) Still another use of the word indeed sad that many well-meaning represents a warmer, more instinctive individuals start out with the thought sentiment, more closely allied to feel- of loving and serving God. but end up ing, and implying more passion." with the emptiness of the creeds that (Ibid.) have been imposed upon them. On the part of the candidates, this might bet- Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the ter be called delusion—rather than Lord thy God with all thy heart, and pretention. On the other hand, when with all thy soul, and with all thy people "become religious" simply "be- mind." (Matt. 22:37.) John records: cause it seems to be the thing to do," "He that loveth not knoweth not God; or because it puts them in good favor or God is love." (1 John 4:8.) "We in business circles, or because it will love him, because he first loved us." satisfy some loved one—this has to be (Verse 19.) The "benefits bestowed" pretense. are beyond description. Paul tells us that "God commendeth his love toward When a person proceeds, being us, in that, while we were yet sinners, prompted by the love of the Lord that Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8.) Every- comes by the teaching of the New thing involved in this statement is Testament, he will know something of prompted by the love of God. God's the right motive. He will also know that love for sinful man was, and is, gen- the commands of men cannot be sub- uine; there is no such thing as pre- stituted for the "doctrine of Christ." tended love with God. (2 John 9.) He will seek membership Butwhataboutman?Isn'tthelove in the "one church" (Eph. 4:4); he that man reciprocates to God to be will submit to baptism "for the remis- without hypocrisy? To be sure. And sion of sins" (Acts 2:38); he will not this might well be considered in two have any idea of the inability of apos- (12) tasy—for he will know that the New is exhorting the brethren to abide in Testament enjoins faithfulness. (Heb. love and to express themselves accord- 3:12.) ingly. God and Christ have loved man in Love and Continuance sin. As man is taught this great truth, To Christians, Paul said, "Let love he comes to love in return. "For this is be without dissimulation." (Rom. the love of God, that we keep his com- 12:9) Dissimulation is equal to hy- mandments." (1 John 5:3.) When the pocrisy, or pretense. He is saying "Let sinner is born again (1 Pet. 1:22, 23), your professions of love be real." (Par- it is certainly not without, and apart aphrase by James Macknight.) Chris- from,LOVE.Ashegrows"ingrace, tians must never forget that genuine and in the knowledge of our Lord and love must continually characterize their Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18), lives. Concerning the non-pretentious the Christian learns the significance of love of Rom. 12:9, Mr. Albeit Barnes love. For emphasis, let us repeat: there has commented, "Let it be sincere and is no spiritual birth where only pre- unfeigned. Let it not consist in words tended love is in evidence; neither does or professions only, but let it be mani- hypocritical love enhance the spiritual fested in acts of kindness and in deeds service of the children of God. To the of charity." (Vol. 4, p. 274.) Paul contrary, it makes it impossible.

The Weapons of Our Warfare By Dwight Robarts, Jacksonville, Florida Recently wehadtheprivilege to visit have our loins girt about with truth the USS North Carolina. In 1941 when and to have the breastplate of right- this ship was completed and commis- eousness and our feet shod with the sioned by the U. S. Navy, it was one preparation of the gospel. This in- of the first-line battleships of the navy. dicates that soldiers of the Lord have One could not help being impressed by aggressive weapons and are to carry the armor of this ship, both offensive the fight to the enemy. When the and defensive. Even though it had a soldier meets the enemy (verse 16), he brilliant career in World War II, twen- has defensive armor, the shield of faith, ty-two years later it is obsolete by the helmet of salvation. (Verse 17.) changing modes of warfare brought Verse 17 gives the offensive weapons, the sword of the Spirit which is the about by the atomic and missile age. word of God. It is now relegated to the role of a museum piece. It seems strange today that some soldiers of the Lord say there is no use Some 1900 years ago the Lord gave in fighting because it does no good. I his people the weapons they would need believe the Lord intended for us to in their warfare. They are still as mod- fight the battle wherever it is necessary ern and effective today as they were or we will not win the victory. The when given. Unlike the changing carnal apostle Paul did not have this passive warfare and weapons used by men, they attitude because in 2 Tim. 4:7 he said, are good for all time both for offensive "I have fought a good fight, I have and defensive warfare. finished my course, I have kept the Take a look at these weapons in Eph. faith." And in the next verse he gives 6:11-18. Verses 14 and 15 tell us to the reward for being a good soldier. (13) Catholicism (Roman—Greek) Not APOSTOLIC, But APOSTATE By Luther W. Martin, Rolla, Missouri (1) CHRIST promised to build HIS The ROMAN CHURCH had not ma- church. (Matt. 16:18.) It is HIS body. terialized ! (Col. 1: 18,24.) CHRIST'S church is (5) The title "Pope" or "Universal to be HIS bride. (Eph. 5:23-29.) Bishop" was first assumed by the It wears HIS "Patriarch of Constantinople" who was name. (Rom. 16: a rival of the Bishop of Rome. There- 16.) Christians fore, the Roman Bishop, Gregory "the are m a r r i e d to Great," spoke out against the use of CHRIST. (Rom. such a title, saying that "Whoever 7:4.) Thus, they adopts or effects the title of Universal wear HIS name. Bishop has the pride and character of (Acts 4:10-12.) Antichrist, and is in some manner his "Catholicism" Not forerunner." Emperor Phocas gave the Once Mentioned title to John the Faster of Constanti- in Bible! nople in 588 A. D. In 606 A. D., the (2) The first re- Bishop of Rome began using it also. corded use of the (6) In 787 A. D., the Second Council word catholic in of Nice sanctioned the worship or ven- reference to religion took place in 110 eration of images. In this council, there A. D., and was by Ignatius of Antioch. were 370 and only 7 Romans. It is a GREEK word which means To this day, the Catholic Catechism "universal." THEREFORE THE leaves out of its list of the TEN COM- NAME OF THE CATHOLIC MANDMENTS: "Thou shalt not make CHURCH IS NOT APOSTOLIC! unto thee a graven image . . ." Thus, (3) The first "ecumenical" council the CATHOLIC P R A C T I C E of (world-wide) convened in 325 A, D., at IMAGE WORSHIP is NOT APOS- the command of the emperor of the TOLIC, but APOSTATE! Roman Empire. It was known as the (7) The College of Cardinals was set Council of Nice, inasmuch as it was up by Pope Nicholas II, in 1059 A. D. held at the city of Nice. This was the The Bible contains NOTHING about birthplace of the Nicean or Nicene such an organization. Creed. A total of 318 bishops met upon (8) Compulsory celibacy of the this occasion; 315 of them were Greek, "Clergy" was enjoined by the First 3 were Latin or Roman. Actually, this Lateran Council in the year 1123 A. D. council established the APOSTASY of Yet, the Apostle Peter was a married the GREEK Church. The ROMAN man! Read Mark 1:30 and 1 Tim. CATHOLIC CHURCH, as such, did 4:1-3. NOT yet exist! (9) The Fourth Lateran Council, (4) In the year 553 A. D., the Sec- 1215 A. D., added more stones to this ond Council of Constantinople met. apostate structure, by officially declar- This was the first instance of a Council ingtheRomanCatholicteachingon teaching and authorizing prayers to Auricular Confession (privately telling "saints" and to Mary. There were 159 all your sins to a priest, rather than Greeks present and only 6 Romans. praying to God yourself); and also the (14) doctrine of Transubstantiation (the as- dogma of Papal Infallibility.Simply sertion that the communion bread and still another myth which the Catholic wine become the ACTUAL FLESH and Church forces her sincere but misguided BLOOD of CHRIST, after the priest followers to blindly accept. prays over it). These are but a FEW reasons why (10) As late as 1870 A. D., the Vati- the CATHOLIC CHURCH is NOT can Council voted upon and passed the APOSTOLIC.

The Danger of Deferred Obedience (From THE VINDICATOR, Jan., 1947) In New Testament times, obedience of His grace until it is most convenient to the Gospel differed from the "obedi- to him to make the change. What if ence" usually seen today, although to- the man should die before accepting? day the same steps are taken, outward- His having heard, but refused to obey ly. In those times men whose conver- at the time, greatly increases his re- sions are recorded were obedient at the sponsibility because of rejected light. first knowledge of what the Gospel I do not say that a person cannot be demanded. Today most people who saved under such circumstances; all I "obey" are such as have heard the claimisthatherunsafearfulriskin Gospel most of their lives, speaking in putting off the most important act of general terms. When a man has heard, his earth-life. It shows a calloused con- over and over again, how that Christ dition of the heart; not completely died for his sins and today invites him calloused, to be sure, but so hardened to the salvation offered by virtue of that the hearing of the Story of the that sacrifice, but puts off obedience, Cross is allowed to go from him as sometimes for years, it is a question though it were an article of news in the in my mind whether his "obedience" morning paper. That man's heart is is out of a sincere heart. Every case not fully involved in his act. of conversion in the New Testament The main reason why people today shows that the convert accepted Christ have to hear so long before obeying is at the very first opportunity offered. It because of the confusion due to Sec- is possible that some, after hearing the tarian divisions and contradictions. He invitation, required time to make sure hesitates because he is solemnly told of the correctness of the preaching, and different things to do by those who at a later period became fully con- profess to seek his salvation. He feels vinced and obeyed. It could be that he must be careful. But when an hon- way today and the obedience be gen- est man is by that confusion made to uine. But it is nevertheless a fact that hesitate too long, death is possible be- all conversions given us, deal with cases fore the final step is taken; and in that where the convert obeyed at the very case the Denominational contradic- first understanding of the Gospel re- tions will be responsible for his soul. quirements. That is placing a "stumblingblock" in It is a bad commentary on our de- his path; and there is a fearful woe pravity, when man must hear over pronounced against those who cause and over again, that Christ gave His stumbling. (Luke 17:1-4.) But that is life's blood for our sins, and offers the chief reason why people put off us remission upon our obedience to the obedience so long after hearing the Gospel invitation, but will not accept Gospel. Every division and hobby that (15) serves to cast doubt or raises confusion produce only church members, and in the heart of any man, will be sent church membership is not essential to to Perdition at last. "It is impossible salvation, there can be no serious reason but that occasions of stumbling should why people should "join" the churches. come; but woe unto him, through That alone creates indifference to the whom they come." true Gospel call. What is that call, That is the chief reason why Christ whenallitdoesistoaddmembersto prayed the Father "that there be no non-essential churches? They reason divisions" among His professed disci- correctly. ples. (John 17:21.) He said there that "He that heareth, let him say, such divisions would create unbelievers, Come." (Rev. 22:17.) Not "Go," by so confusing men that they would but "Come." The hearer is represented turn away from Christianity because of as eagerly, hastily, accepting, and as the uncertainty of "which body might he runs to obtain his own salvation, he be right, and which wrong." Divisions, calls to his neighbor, "Come, and run therefore, make unbelievers. They are with me." Salvation from Hell is not productive of no good. a matter in which to take merely a Another thing that creates hesitation careless, hesitant interest. It is life and when the Gospel is heard: The De- death in its importance. Eternity is at nominations have taught the people the end of this short, fleeting life, and that "the church don't save," and yet it is to be spent in either the abode of their only motive in conversion is to God in Heaven, or in the "lake of fire" make church members. If all the energy with the Devil and his angels. Think and pathos employed by evangelists, of this.

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Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo. VOLUME 5______NUMBER 2 The Power of God's Word By Jimmy Tuten, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri In the great commission, wherein lies force in the world and it cannot be the command to "preach the gospel to weakened by man. There is absolutely every creature," is the recognition of no substitute for it. Hence, this power the power of God to save the human does not rest in the words of men. God race. God in His put His power to lead men to Christ in wisdom chose the the gospel, and no man can take it out. foolishness of (Isa. 55:11.) If men are not saved by preaching to save the gospel, they are not saved at all. It them that believe. is no wonder then that the writer says, (1 Cor. 1:21.) "the word of God is quick, and power- The preaching of ful, and sharper than any two-edged the gospel is the sword . . ." (Heb. 4:12.) preaching of the Word. (2 Tim. 4: This Power Is Unleashed 2.) "But the word Through Faith endureth forever. The gospel is not only to be preached, Andthisisthe it is to be embraced and owned by all! word which by the The power of God operates by a method gospel is preached unto you." (1 Pet. universally available to all men. It is 1:25.) While the power of God is made to be preached to all men so that they known through other means, the power might believe. Faith comes from hear- to bring about the salvation of all man- ing the Word. (Rom. 10:17.) God kind lies in the gospel of Christ. "For I knows the deepest needs of men. and am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: He has given that which is able to touch for it is the power of God unto salva- the plague-spot of sin, regardless of dif- tion to everyone that believeth: to the ference in language, custom or race. The Jew first, and also to the Greek." (Rom. power of God has taken on a form 1:16.) The Word is, therefore, that in which is in reach of all, regardless of which God's saving power shows its ef- how learned, how rich, or how civilized ficacy. The gospel is mighty and they may be. The use of our ability to powerful, breaking into pieces the gran- believe is the use of a common facility ite-like hearts of unbelievers, and pul- with which all have been endowed. It verizing them into rich soil in which is within the power of all human beings the seed of the kingdom can germinate to know of God's desire to reconcile all and bear fruit. It is the most powerful unto Him through the suffering, the death and the resurrection of our Lord. and pride stumble at the good news, The gospel is the power of God to God places the responsibility upon everyone that BELIEVETH! To be- manifbyunbelieftheybarthem- lieve is not merely to give mental ac- selves from Truth. It is a known fact quiescence to the position of the exalted that men are called to salvation by the Son of God. A man of faith is one who gospel of Christ. (Col. 3:15; 2 Tim. lays hold on the salvation offered to 1:9; 2 Thess. 2:14.) When men be- men. Salvation in this life and in the lieve the things that pertain to the cross world to come is obtained by faith! of Christ and obey the commands there- Butitmustbeaworkingfaith.To of, they are said to be saved by God's the alien sinner, faith saves only when power. To believe is to be saved, and that one has been baptized into Christ. Paul says to those that are saved, the (Gal. 3:26,27.) The child of God is preaching of Christ is the power of God. saved by faith, only when he walks in (1 Cor. 1:18, 24.) It is obvious that the the faith of his father Abraham. disobedient are the unbelievers, and the (Rom. 5:1; 4:24, 25.) Those who latter stumble at the Word in their dis- have thus tasted of the power of obedience. (1 Pet. 2:8.) To the believ- God are said to be kept by the same er, the gospel is the power of God to power of God, "through faith unto sal- save; to the unbeliever, the power of vation ready to be revealed in the last God is a stumbling block. time." (1 Pet. 1:5.) Those who are Conclusion faithful to His Word can be confident Have you tasted the power "of the that "he which hath begun a good work good word of God?" Or, have you in you will perform it until the day of stumbled at it in unbelief? God intend- Jesus Christ." (Phil. 1:6.) ed that you know its power, for He has Some Stumble at This Power commanded that the gospel be preached While the good news of the gospel of to all. But man must believe its facts Christ is sometimes slow in traveling and obey its commands. The gospel is from Golgotha, while intellectualism for all. The Bible By Bettie Morton Lipscombe, Jacksonville, Florida A volume precious, transcendent! Its promises, oh, how precious! It's wonderful through and through! Kind commands by Christ the Light. It tells of marvelous events; Those who faithfully obey him And every statement is true. Are well pleasing in God's sight. It says, "In the beginning, God OneGod,oneChrist,oneSpirit, Created the heavens and earth." One church of Christ divine! And in the days of creation, Each member is a branch in Christ; He made wondrous things of worth. And Christ himself the Vine. "God created man in his image," It tells of the wondrous city Gave him an immortal soul, Jesus has gone to prepare, Has given laws that are perfect Where all who obey the Saviour To guide him to heaven, his goal. His eternal joy will share. It tells the love of the Father, Truth is one name of this message The priceless gift of his Son, Sent by Jehovah, the Lord Of how Christ died to redeem us Unto us erring mortals And how this redeeming is done. That we may return to God. (18) "A Time to Dance" By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri It is written in Eccl. 3:4 that there things I find it best to do early in the is "A time to weep, and a time to morning; should I arise at 5:00 A.M. laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to and begin to dance? Or would it be dance." Friends of the dance, though preferable to dance at high noon? they may be quite Should I dance with my meals? Should unfamiliar with I wait until evening and dance before the Bible, hesitate retiring? Should I seek a time when I not to use this am alone to dance? Or should I wait passage in support until company arrives? I am sure I of t h e i r amuse- should not attempt to dance at the ment. They urge time I am driving my automobile. us preachers to admit that danc- Another thing puzzles me. Is the ing is innocent. statement of Eccl. 3:4 to be taken as a As I reflect on command, or is it just permission? If this Biblical state- it is a command, must we all seek out ment, my mind is the proper time and do our share of puzzled on certain dancing? Must old men, young men, points. Granting that there is a time old women and maidens, the poor and to dance, I admit difficulty in determin- the rich, the lame and the sick, the ing that time. The text says "there is blind and the dumb; plumbers, clerks, a time to dance," but the time is not preachers, farmers, doctors, housewives, specified. If dancing is a scriptural act, school children, nurses, and all others it should not be neglected; notwith- dance to obey God? If the text is per- standing, since there is a time for the mission, not commandment, will it al- act, it would seem dreadful to me for low permission to refrain from dancing onetoengageinitatthewrongtime. if one is disposed to leave off the prac- Now I presume that the Lord's day tice? Since verse 2 says there is "a would scarcely be the proper time for time to die," is this just permission dancing. I cannot conceive of one danc- also? Can one leave off dying if he ing at a funeral, during an earthquake prefers? And since verse 3 says there or tornado, or in the hospital. If a man is "a time to kill," is this likewise per- is condemned to die, I cannot imagine mission? Verse 5 mentions "a time to any desire to dance as he awaits his embrace;" does this give me permission execution. I doubt that a group of to embrace your wife anytime I choose? people gathered for prayer and Bible Or is this whole section of scripture study would consider that the appropri- a declaration of what men do, without ate time for dancing. regard to the right or wrong, in the course of life? Is it not a mere state- If I bring myself to think that a par- ment of fact that God's providence al- ticular day is the time to dance, I am lots to mankind a time and season, and still puzzled as to how much of the day that all human events, be they right or should be devoted to the exercise. wrong, come within that allotment? If Should I give the whole day to dancing this is only a declaration of the order of or only a part thereof? If a part of the human events but neither a command- day should be used, which part? Some ment nor permission, why should it (19) even be introduced in connection with when Moses came down from the the guilt or innocence of dancing? mount after receiving the law. The But assuming that dancing is not in people had made a golden calf to wor- itself evil, what kind of dancing is best? ship. They had stripped off their If I decide to dance since there is "a clothes and in nakedness were dancing time to dance," it seems to me that I as a part of their idolatry. Moses said, should give thought to the manner as "Ye have sinned a great sin." well as the time for the act. Should I Judg. 11:34—"And Jephthah came to dance alone, with other men, or with Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his women? Is it best to dance with or daughter came out to meet him with withoutmusic? Isitbesttodanceat timbrels and with dances . . ." Jephthah home, at a night club, in a church house, was one of Israel's judges. He had just in the street, in the park, or in a regular gained a victory over the Ammonites. dance hall? Should I dance fully dres- His daughter came to meet him in a sedorshouldIwearascantycostume? manner indicating joy for victory. The Should one talk while dancing, or is it case is similar to that of Ex. 15:20. best to give the mind wholly to the act? Judg. 21:21—"And see, and, behold, I am puzzled as to the manner in which if the daughters of Shiloh come out to a Christian should dance. danceindances,thencomeyeoutof Dancing in the Scriptures the vineyards, and catch you every To clear our minds on the subject let man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin." This us see what the Bible has to say. was a yearly feast unto the Lord in Ex. 15:20—"And Miriam the proph- Shiloh. The women danced but not etess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel with men. The dancing was part of in her hand; and all the women went their religious devotion. The men of out after her with timbrels and with Benjamin were allowed to take wives dances." This occurred immediately af- on this occasion. ter the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. They were singing a song of victory and deliverance. The women followed Mir- iam with dances. Nothing is said about the men dancing. Nothing indicates that women and men danced together. Whatever took place was definitely a religious exercise. They were praising God for their deliverance. This affair was not one of entertainment or amuse- ment, but one of thanksgiving and joyful gratitude to the Lord. (Some scholars think the "dances" here were musical instruments.) Ex. 32:19—"And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: andMoses'angerwaxedhot,andhe cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount." Here we have a description of what happened (20) 1 Sam. 18:6—"And it came to pass Job 21:11—"They send forth their as they came, when David was return- little ones like a flock, and their chil- ed from the slaughter of the Philistines, dren dance." The wicked ones under that the women came out of all cities consideration here are represented as of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet saying unto God, "Depart from us; for king Saul, with tabrets, with joy, and we desire not the knowledge of thy with instruments of musick." This ways." The dancing here is far from dancingoccurredafterDavidslewthe commendatory. giant and Israel gained victory over the Psa. 30:11—"Thou hast turned for Philistines. The women alone danced. me my mourning into dancing: thou The example follows the pattern of hast put off my sackcloth, and girded Ex. 15:20 and Judg. 11:34. me with gladness." This is part of 1 Sam. 21:11—". . . Is not this David's prayer to God. His dancing David the king of the land? did they was an expression of gladness and not sing one to another of him in thanksgiving unto God. dances, saying, Saul hath slain his Psa. 149:3—-"Let them praise his thousands, and David his ten thou- name in the dance: let them sing praises sands?" This refers to the same oc- unto him with the timbrel and harp." casion. Here again reference is made to danc- 1 Sam. 29:5—"Is not this David, of ing as a religious act. whom they sang one to another in Psa. 150:4—"Praise him with the dances, saying, Saul slew his thousands, timbrel and dance: praise him with and David his ten thousands?" stringed instruments and organs." Once 1 Sam.30:16—"...Theywere again the "dance," whether it be a spread abroad upon all the earth, eat- musical instrument, as some think, or ing and drinking, and dancing, because an exercise, is used solely for praise to of all the great spoil that they had God. It is not for amusement. taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah." Those Isa. 13:21—"But wild beasts of the who danced here were the Amalekites, desert shall lie there; and their houses enemies of God's people. They were shall be full of doleful creatures; and smitten by David in retribution for owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall their evils. dance there." This pictures the destruc- 2 Sam. 6:14, 16 — "And D a v i d tion of Babylon. Wild animals would danced before the Lord with all his dance where Babylon once stood. might; and David was girded with a Jer. 31:4, 13—"Again I will build linen ephod . . . And as the ark of the thee, and thou shalt be built, 0 virgin Lord came into the city of David, of Israel: thou shalt again be adorned Michal Saul's daughter looked through with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in a window, and saw king David leaping the dances of them that make merry . . . and dancing before the Lord; and she Then shall the virgin rejoice in the despised him in her heart." This took dance, both young men and old to- place when the ark was brought back. gether, for I will turn their mourning The dancing was during daylight and into joy, and will comfort them, and it was in the street. No one danced but make them rejoice for their sorrow." David, and it was "before the Lord," These verses foretold the return of hence a religious exercise. Israel from captivity, the restoration 1 Chron. 15:29—This states the of God's favor, and the consequent ex- same as the above. pression of religious joy. (21) Lam. 5:15—"The joy of our heart and dancing." This dancing was a part is ceased; our dance is turned into of the merrymaking occasioned by the mourning." Instead of having occasion return of the prodigal son. This was to dance before the Lord in expression a time of joy and thanksgiving. How- of joy as they once did, the Israelites ever, it is mentioned as one of several now mourn for their calamities. details in a parable to make the story Matt. 11:16 17 — "But whereunto complete. This mention of dancing shall I liken this generation? Is it like does not necessarily mean that our unto children sitting in the markets, and Lord approved it; all that can be calling unto their fellows, And saying, proved here is that dancing was a cus- We have piped unto you, and ye have tom with the Jews on occasions of joy not danced; we have mourned unto you, and victory. and ye have not lamented." Here Jesus Plain Facts is illustrating the attitude of the Jews This is all I am able to find in the toward Him and toward John the Bap- Bible on the subject of dancing. Here tist. They were like children who were is a summation: dissatisfied with every game proposed. In play the children use instruments of (1) The Israelites sometimes danced music and encourage the others to on very sacred and joyous occasions dance with them (possibly in imitation as a means of expressing praise to of what they have seen grown-ups do), God. but the others refuse to join with them; (2) Dancing is sometimes associated then they try mourning (possibly in with idolatrous worship. imitation of grown-ups at a funeral), (3) One time it is mentioned that but the others still refuse to play with children tried to get other children to them. Though John and Jesus used dif- dance while playing in the market- ferent approaches, the Jews spoken of place. here refused them both. The dancing (4) Dancing for amusement is men- here was merely a game played by tioned in company with a man who children. had another man's wife, a rash vow, Matt. 14:6 — "But when Herod's and the slaying of one of God's birthday was kept, the daughter of prophets. Herodias danced before them, and (5) There is no record in the Bible of pleased Herod." The dancing here was people of opposite sexes dancing to- no religious exercise nor act of praise gether, either in religious exercise or and thanksgiving, but purely for enter- amusement. tainment, pleasure, and show. It con- (6) Christ and the apostles never tributed to the foul deed of John's are said to have danced, neither did having his head sliced off. It is in they teach others to dance for any company with adultery, a rash vow, purpose. and the slaying of a righteous man. (7) Dancing is never mentioned af- Mk. 6:22—This states the same as ter the giving of the New Covenant. the above. Since we are given "all things that Lk. 7:32—This states the same as pertain unto life and godliness" (2 Pet. Matt. 11:16, 17. 1:3) through the knowledge of Christ as Lk. 15:25—"Now his elder son was' revealed in the New Testament, I con- in the field: and as he came and drew clude that dancing pertains to neither nigh to the house, he heard musick life nor godliness in this present age. (22) The Modern Dance The kind of dancing which is com- monly practiced in modern times is morally and spiritually detrimental. It includes unchaste handling of males and females, indecent and suggestive bodily movements, and a familiarity that often leads to lust and fornication — not to mention the company it generally keeps. I doubt that any normal man can hold a woman in close embrace as is done in modern dancing and avoid impure At Jerusalem a man born blind was thoughts and unholy desires. "Can a healed when Jesus had him to wash in man take fire in his bosom, and his the pool of Siloam. Afterward the man clothes not be burned?" (Prov. 6:27.) was cast out by unbelieving Jews. (John That which produces, or tends to pro- 9:34.) The Jews had agreed that any duce, lust is called "lasciviousness." man confessing that Jesus was Christ The New Testament lists "lascivious- should be put out of the synagogue. In ness" as a work of the flesh which will contrast to this cold and heartless ac- keep one from entering the kingdom of tion, Jesus proceeds to illustrate his heaven. (Gal. 5:19-21.) The popular- care for humanity. Like the prophets ity of the modern dance is not in its of old, he pictures God's people as a physical exercise nor its entertainment flock. However, he looks beyond that value but in its sex appeal. Arthur day to the time of the establishment of Murray, the noted dancing teacher, was the church when Jews and Gentiles once quoted by Reader's Digest as say- would be united in the same relation- ing, "The difference between wrestling ship to God. "And other sheep I have, and dancing is that, in wrestling, some which are not of this fold . . ." Jesus holds are barred." knew that many Gentiles who were not The time for this sort of dancing is any part of the Jewish fold would when one decides to go after the works follow him. ". . . Them also I must of the flesh and end up in hell! bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (John 10:16.) When the "other sheep (Gentiles) were brought Baptism Commanded together with those of "this fold" (Jews),therewouldbe"onefold"(the "Go ye therefore, and teach all na- church) and "one shepherd (Christ). tions, baptizing them in the name of the Read Eph. 2:11-22 in this connection. Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost . . ." (Matt. 28:19.) Roman Catholics would have us be- lieve that Christ was here looking for- ". . . Repent, and be baptized every ward to the coming of the Roman oneofyouinthenameofJesusChrist Catholic Church under the headship of 'or the remission of sins, and ye shall the pope. James Cardinal Gibbons ex- receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." pressed their line of reasoning as fol- (Acts 2:38.) lows: "Our Savior calls His Church a And he commanded them to be sheepfold. 'And there shall be one fold baptized in the name of the Lord . . ." and one shepherd.' What more beauti- (Acts 10:48.) ful or fitting illustration of unity can (23) we have than that which is suggested the Catholic Church." (Ibid., p. 9.) by a sheep fold? All the sheep of a The Vatican Council of 1870 defined flock cling together. If they are mo- as an article of faith that Christ "con- mentarily separated, they are impa- ferred upon Peter alone the jurisdiction tient till reunited. They follow in the of Chief Pastor and Ruler over all the same path. They feed on the same flock." (Conway, The Question Box, p. pastures. They obey the same shepherd, 147.) and fly from the voice of strangers. So In view of the Roman Catholic posi- did our Lord intend that all the sheep tion that the "one fold" is the Roman of His fold should be nourished by the Catholic Church and the "one shep- same sacraments and the same bread herd" is the pope, only the sleepy- of life; that they should follow the headed and dull-minded can fail to see same rule of faith as their guide to the real aim of the modern ecumenical heaven; that they should listen to the overtures coming from Rome. Roman voice of one Chief Pastor, and that they Catholics are interested in only one should carefully shun false teachers." kind of unity — the kind that will (The Faith of Our Fathers, pp. 5, 6.) bring the whole world into the ROMAN "Where, then, shall we find this es- CATHOLIC FOLD and under the sential unity of faith and government? PAPAL SHEPHERD. The Romans are I answer, confidently, nowhere save in putting up a new front. They want the the Catholic Church." (Ibid., p. 8.) world to think they are willing to ne- gotiate and come to terms with non- Catholics. But when you read the newspaper accounts of their "unity" meetings, observe one thing: Their con- cept of unity always implies acceptance of the pope as the Chief Pastor. Re- gardless of how subtly it may be stated, and no matter how much attention may be focused on other matters, and despite the pretense of exalting Christ, the Roman Catholics hold that the "one fold and one shepherd" means the Roman Catholic Church under the pope! Jesus Christ did not establish the Roman Catholic Church. It came as a result of an apostasy from the faith established by our Lord. The church built by Christ had no ecclesiastical hierarchy. The Roman Catholic hierarchy was patterned after "The faithful of each Parish are subject the organization of the Roman Empire. to their immediate Pastor. Each Pastor Jesus did not make Peter the pope is subordinate to his Bishop, and each and visible head of the church. Read Bishop of Christendom acknowledges the history of the early church in the the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome, New Testament and see for yourself- the successor of St. Peter, and Head of (See ONE FOLD...... Page 32) (24) Jeremiah By Dudley R. Spears, Blytheville, Arkansas The book I am to summarize was reign of Mannasah. Young Josiah written by a man some people thought takes the throne at an early age with a our Saviour resembled. (Matt. 16:13- message of hope and reform. God's 18.) To adequately understand his people in the subsequent years become book we must be acquainted with him torn between the evil of apostasy and and by getting acquainted with him, we the challenge of reform. To assist, God know a little more about Jesus. There calls a young prophet to "blow the is no chronological sequence to the trumpet" rallying the faithful few to a book as we study it chapter after chap- righteous cause. Jeremiah came from ter. Some things written in the seventh the small "country" town of Anathoth chapter were concerned with events dur- to the great city of Jerusalem as a very ing the reign of Jehoikim, king of young man, to cry out against perver- Judah, and the things written in the sions of God's will. God called him in eleventh chapter concerned events dur- the 13th year of Josiah and the ref- ing the reign of Josiah, a king who ormation began in the 18th year of preceded Jehoikim. this young king. The book was not so much an effort God's man is hesitant to speak out, to give events in Judah in sequence as having at times the urge to run and it appears to be God's man revealing hide in fear and indignation (20:9), God's message to a rebellious and apos- but the word God gives him to speak tate people. One is quite vividly re- is "a fire in his bones." He is compelled minded of our time and the apostasy to speak. He made reference to himself present as he reads the utterances of as a "man of contention and strife." stern condemnation delivered to God's Hesays,"Woeuntomemymother, people of that era. Some of the treat- that thou hast born me a man of strife ment of Jeremiah, even by his own andamanofcontentiontothewhole kinsmen, reminds us of the treatment earth!" (15:10.) His mission is set the liberals give those who oppose them forth in the first chapter. He is com- today in their digression. missioned to "root out, and to pull Some of the background for the book down, and to destroy, and to throw includes the condition of the Jewish down, to build and to plant." (1:10.) nation at that time. Judah is given her Hiswreckingworkmustprecedehis last chance by Jehovah. A series of construction. He must remove the kings, from Hezekiah to Amon, see the idols from the hearts of his people be- condition of Judah as vile and repro- fore he can assist them in returning to bate, reaching the depths of sin in the the living God. An almond tree and a (25) seething pot are revealed to him in a istry there were times of despair and vision, assuring him of God's ability to confusion. Our hearts must reach out stand by his word and warning him of in sympathy to this ancient prophet as the impending doom of the Chaldean we hear him cry, "Why doth the wick- destruction soon to come. (1:12, 13.) ed prosper?" (12:1), "Everyone doth curse me" (15:10), and then to hear His life could be summarized under God forbid him to marry, confining the kings under which he served. (1) him to a solitary life. (16:8,9.) We 22 years under Josiah. (2) Jehoahaz see him as he becomes aware of the allowed him to preach but paid little deceitfulness of the heart saying, "take attention. (3) During the reign of ye heed everyone his neighbor and Jehoikim his life is endangered and the trust ye not in any brother." (17:9; 9: word he preached utterly rejected. (4) 4.)Wecrywithhimaswereadthe Jehoikin only served three months. (5) book, "Is there no balm in Gilead?" Zedekiah imprisoned him (37:11), and (8:22.) we are told by tradition that he fell martyr to his own countrymen in His prophecies during the siege of Egypt. Five kings and only one could Jerusalem show the fate of God's people see in Jeremiah a noble assistant in and of Zedekiah, the king. (39:1-14.) the great work of reforming God's If one could picture him in words, dur- apostate people. ing the latter period of his ministry he would see God's children rushing head- His temperament has been errone- long toward the cliff of their own de- ously described as a weeping, despond- struction, being urged and led by mer- entsortofman,whereasIseehimasa cenary minded prophets and priests who man who is fundamentally a patriot. In were basically infidels. Jeremiah brave- his younger days, he seems too sensitive ly stands in the path to futilly warn to maltreatment, which is a natural them, holding out his hands to protest, trait with younger people. His years then in sadness stepping aside and in seem to mellow him into a heroic pa- remorse watching them be destroyed. triot whose one desire is to stop the What man today who claims to be a onrushing Jews from apostasy and de- preacher cannot take courage in the struction. face of apostasy and digression and His message is forthright and simple. like the great prophet stand to the last possible moment in preventing He was necessarily opposed to false God's people from their own destruc- prophets who were leading God's peo- tion? ple. (5:31.) He gave the remedy to the people (4:5,7) and demonstrated Perhaps no other prophet in the Old it to be their only hope. (4:8.) His Testament could be said to more deeply conflict with false teachers shows his appreciate or anticipate the New Testa- true conviction and bravery. He calls ment and the Messiah. The section them some rather uncomplimentary from chapter 31:31-34 contains his an- names which I imagine people of today ticipation of the "new covenant" as he would call "untactful." He used the realizes that all is not in vain or loss. term "liars" and "prophesying lies" One day, a "new day," the time will rather frequently in his attack on the come when truly a renovation or re- error and its proponents of the time. generation will occur, and he "searches (14:13-16.) He protests a violation of what or in what manner of time, the God's will. (11:6-8.) During his min- Spirit of Christ which was in him did (26) signify, when it testified beforehand the man who wrote it. I pray that they will sufferings of Christ and the glory that serve you as a guide in study and that should follow." This was probably giv- you may receive much benefit from en during the time of the fall of Jeru- your study of the great prophecy. It salem and the destruction of the temple. can give you strength, courage, and In conclusion, I trust the reader will hope in trying times. It was written understand that these words simply are that "we through patience and comfort my impressions of the book and the of the scriptures might have hope."

A Better Bible The Bible is either the word of God the tomb. They gave us a diagram of or the work of man. Those who regard man's existence from the cradle to the it as a man-made book should be chal- grave, and set up warning signs at every lenged to put their theory to the test. dangerous point. If man made the Bible, he is, unless he Let the atheists and the materialists has degenerated, able to make as good produce a better Bible than ours, if a book today. they can. Let them collect the best of Judged by human standards, man is their school to be found among the far better prepared to write a Bible now graduates of universities, as many as than he was when our Bible was writ- they please and from every land. Let ten. The characters whose words and the members of this selected group deeds are recorded in the Bible were travel where they will, consult such members of a single race. They lived libraries as they like, and employ every among the hills of Palestine in a terri- modern means of swift communication. tory scarcely larger than one of our Let them glean in the fields of geology, counties. They did not have printing botany, astronomy, biology, and zool- presses, and they lacked the learning ogy, and then roam at will wherever of the schools; they had no great librar- science has opened a way. Let them ies to consult, no steamships to carry take advantage of all the progress in them around the world and make them art and in literature, in oratory and in acquainted with the various centers of history — let them use to the full every ancient civilization; they had no tele- instrumentality that is employed in graph wires to bring them the news civilization; and when they have ex- from the ends of the earth, and no news- hausted every source, let them embody papers to spread before them each the results of their best intelligence in morning the doings of the day before. a book and offer it to the world as a Science had not unlocked nature's door substitute for this Bible of ours. Have and revealed the secrets of rocks below they the confidence that the prophets and stars above. From what a scantily- of Baal had in their god? If not, what supplied storehouse of knowledge they excuse will they give? Has man so had to draw, compared with the un- fallen from his high estate that we can- limited wealth of information at man's not rightfully expect as much of him command today! And yet these Bible now as nineteen centuries ago? Or does characters grappled with every problem the Bible come to us from a source that that confronts mankind, from the crea- is higher than man? tion of the world to eternal life beyond —William Jennings Bryan (27) What Is The Church of Christ?------Scriptures Only Guide By Paul K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana First of all, it is important to empha- What About the Old Testament? size that the scriptures are our only I have said that the NEW Testament rule of faith and practice. The church is the only rule of faith and practice of that Jesus built must adhere to His the church of Christ. The question word without naturally arises, "What about the OLD change. There is Testament?" The Old Testament is no more needed God's word, inspired by the Holy Spirit message for today just like the New. It is valuable for than the necessity study today to give us an understand- for a complete re- ing of our beginnings, of the nature of turn to Bible au- man and of God, and to give us faith thority. Jesus sent in Christ as the Son of God. But it is the Holy Spirit to NOT the rule of faith and practice for the apostles and Christians. It never was, and never was prophets to guide intended to be. It was the rule of faith them into all the and practice for the Jews until Christ truth. By the in- died on the cross. The Ten Command- spiration of the ments together with the hundreds of Holy Spirit they wrote the books of the other laws contained in the Old Testa- New Testament for the purpose of giv- ment were binding upon the Jews. ing God's will to the world in under- Read Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 standable form for all time to come. and you will see that the Law of Moses Jude calls it "the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude was given only to the Jews. It was 3.) This faith, in written form, has never meant for all people, and certain- been preserved by the power of God's ly was not given for Christians. hand. He intends for us to believe it Jesus came to fulfill the law of Moses and follow it. And that word warns and take it out of the way. Col. 2:14- against the teaching of men, showing 17 tells us that it was nailed to the that any departure from it will imperil cross. It served its purpose — which our salvation. was to prepare for Christ and the church. In its place, Jesus sent His The reason the church of Christ is revealed will which we call the New different — and it IS different — is Testament. This is God's law for us that the members of the church are today. (See also Rom. 7:1-7; 2 Cor. individually and collectively striving to 3:7-11; Gal. 3:19-25; Eph. 2:13-18.) follow God's revealed word without Priests, Robes, Sabbath alteration. Having no creed book but Consequently, members of Christ's the New Testament, every question of church do not use the Old Testament faith and practice is settled by God's to justify their religious practices. If word. This is in sharp contrast to de- authority cannot be found in the New Testament for a religious practice, the nominations which subscribe to human practice is rejected. This explains why creeds and disciplines. preachers are not called "priests" in (28) the church of God. Every Christian is That it is God's word every Christian a priest, not just the preacher. (1 Pet. must believe. 2:5 9; Rev. 1:6.) The Old Testament Modernism in all its unbelieving had a special order of priests, but not forms must be rejected. Members of the New. the church of Christ, since they are It explains why preachers in Christ's simply Christians, believe God's word. church wear no special robes. The They believe the Bible is that word. Old Testament priests did, but the New That is why we are so concerned about Testament gives no authority for setting following it. It is not merely good ad- any group 0I people apart by special vice, nor the accumulation of man's religious garments. wisdom down through the centuries of This also explains why we meet on time. It is God's revealed will to us. Consequently, when it speaks, we must the first day of the week to worship in- listen and obey. steadofkeepingSaturday,whichisthe Sabbath. The Sabbath was binding Won't you consider the claims of the upon the Jews in the Old Testament, Bible? Won't you turn to it and study but it was nailed to the cross together it to see what it says for YOU to do? with the rest of the Law of Moses. Don't look for what your preacher says, Col. 2:14-17 tells us that we are not to or what you have believed in the past. be judged in regard of a sabbath day. Look for what God's word says. Then Acts 20:7, on the other hand, gives us resolve to obey it without addition or authority by approved example for subtraction. When you have obeyed meeting upon the first day of the week it, you will be a Christian, a member to eat the Lord's supper. This day is of the church of Christ. called the "Lord's day" in Rev. 1:10. So Christians meet together in the "For ever,0Lord,thy word is set- Lord's supper each first day of the tled in heaven." (Psa. 119:89.) week, the Lord's day. Bible Inspired COMMENT CORNER Secondly, let me emphasize that the Searching the Scriptures is an excellent monthly pub- lication issued from Tampa, Fla., and edited by H. E. New Testament church must believe Phillips and James P. Miller. Now in its fifth year, the what the Bible says about itself. The paper carries well-balanced material written in the proper tone. Subscription price is $2.50 per year. Ad- Bible claims to be inspired of God. It dress: P. 0. Box 17244, Tampa 12, Fla. claims inspiration for the very words *** in which it is written. (1 Cor. 3:12-13; Bound volumes of APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE are now Eph. 3: 3-4.) Without realizing the available for $3.00. Some buy these at the end of each year instead of subscribing; others subscribe, receiving seriousness of what they are doing, the paper monthly, then purchase the bound volumes for many who believe in Jesus Christ do future reference. Be sure to state which year you want when ordering. not believe that the entire Bible is in- *** spired by God. But friend, if the Bible "I enjoy the paper very much." is not completely inspired of God, we —John A. Humphries, Annapolis, Maryland have no assurance that any of it is *** true. We have no basis for faith in "We are now studying Rev. 13 & 14, and Bro. Tuten's last two articles brought both chapters out very plain Jesus Christ, nor any assurance of to us in our Bible study. Bro. Paul Williams is a fine accurate information concerning Him or writer ... I know it takes long hours of carefully study- His doctrine. But a careful examination ing the scriptures to explain so thoroughly what you do in Apostolic Doctrine, and we are glad that such of the Bible will convince you that it a book can be published." is either God's word or a terrible fraud! —Margaret Graven, Cleveland, Ohio (29) The Bible — ATable of Contents Old Testament 2 Chronicles. Highlights of Solomon's reign and history of Southern kingdom. Books of Law: Ezra. The return of the Jews from Genesis. The beginning of things; captivity and the restoration of worship. history of man from the beginning until the Israelites are brought into Egypt; Nehemiah. History of the rebuilding background for the law of Moses. of Jerusalem in period of restoration. Exodus. Detailed account of Israel's Esther. How the Jews were preserved exodus from Egypt and the giving of from extermination; background for the law of Moses at Sinai. Israel's restoration history. Leviticus. Ordinances and ceremonies Books of Poetry: of the law of Moses with emphasis on the Levitical priesthood. Job. Devoted to the problem of Numbers. Traces Israel's journey human suffering. from Sinai to Plains of Moab and re- Psalms. A book of poems of praise; cords divers laws and ordinances; Israel Israel's hymn book. numbered at Sinai and Plains of Moab. Proverbs. An inspired collection of Deuteronomy. Discourses of Moses sayings of divine wisdom. in Plains of Moab and a review of the Ecclesiastes. The vanity of earthly law; preparation for entering Canaan. life without God. Song of Solomon. Demonstrates the History of Jewish Nation: beauty, strength, and triumph of wed- Joshua. Israel's conquest of Canaan ded love. under the leadership of Joshua. The Major Prophets: Judges. The Israelites in the time of the judges; a young nation alternating Isaiah. The words of the Messianic between oppressions and deliverances. prophet; God's punishments; Israel's deliverance from captivity and future Ruth. Narrative of love and devotion deliverance by the Messiah. in David's ancestry; a warm picture Jeremiah. God's final effort to save of domestic life in time of judges. Jerusalem from captivity; prophecies 1 Samuel. Samuel as judge and about Judah and Babylon. prophet; history of Israel under Saul, Lamentations. Jeremiah sorrows over the first king. the desolation of Jerusalem. 2 Samuel. The reign of David as Ezekiel. A prophet explains to the king of Israel. Jews in exile God's action in permitting 1 Kings. The reign of Solomon; the their captivity. division of the kingdom and early years Daniel. In Babylon the statesman- of Northern and Southern kingdoms. prophet exalts God's kingdom over 2 Kings. Continues history of those of men. Northern and Southern kingdoms to The Minor Prophets: their captivity. 1 Chronicles. Genealogical history Hosea. God reveals His love for the from Adam to the death of David, giv- rebellious Northern kingdom. ing summary of reign of David. Joel. Warnings against Judah; the (30) coming day of God; foretells the Spirit's Epistles of Paul: being poured out. Romans. We are justified through Amos. A prophet from Southern king- obedience to the gospel of Christ, not dom warns the Northern kingdom of by the law of Moses. its doom. 1 Corinthians. A correction of ir- Obadiah. The doom of Edom fore- regularities in the church at Corinth. told. 2 Corinthians. Paul defends his min- Jonah. AHebrewprophetsentto istry as he writes more to the church at Nineveh. Corinth. Micah. Judgments against Israel and Galatians. Paul vindicates his apos- Judah; prophecy of Christ's being born tolic authority and shows that justifica- at Bethlehem. tion is not by the law of Moses. Nahum. The doom of Nineveh fore- Ephesians. The church chosen and told. united in Christ; the church is the rev- Habakkuk. A prophet's complaint elation of God's wisdom. that a nation should be punished by Philippians. From Roman imprison- another more wicked, and Jehovah's ment Paul writes to the Philippian reply. saints about a variety of matters. Zephaniak. Through Zephaniah, God Colossians. A letter similar to the warns of His wrath. Ephesian epistle but emphasizing the Haggai. A prophet tells of the re- all-sufficiency of Christ. building of the temple and the future 1 Thessalonians. The church at Thes- glory of God's house. salonica receives instruction about the Zechariah. A contemporary of Hag- coming of the Lord. gai speaks to Judah; visions of the com- 2 Thessalonians. Paul writes more ing Messiah. about the coming of Christ and the Malachi. Final message to God's dis- great falling away to precede His com- obedient people; prophecy of Elijah's ing. coming. 1 Timothy. A letter of instructions to a younger evangelist. New Testament 2 Timothy. Paul writes a second let- The Life of Christ: ter to Timothy to encourage him. Matthew. An apostle shows that Titus. Paul writes to Titus, another Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the gospel preacher, instructing him in his Old Testament. duties. Mark. Jesus is portrayed as the Philemon. A brief message to Phile- Power of God. mononbehalfofhisrunawayslave, Luke. A biography of Jesus stressing Onesimus. the human side of His life. Hebrews. Judaism contrasted with John. A biography of Jesus stressing Christianity; the Hebrew Christians the divine side of His life. are encouraged to persevere in view of the superiority of the New Testament. History: Acts. Account of the establishment General Epistles: and early growth of the church of James. A letter to Christians dealing Christ; a book of conversions. with practical duties of pure religion. (31) 1 Peter. Encouragement to Chris- "one shepherd" over his church. :ians in time of fiery trial. The unity of Roman Catholicism is 2 Peter. Anotherletterofencourage- unity of error. When men unite in ment from Peter in which he warns of error they sever themselves from the false teachers. truth. Separation from truth results in separation from God. 1 John. An epistle of love from the Supreme authority belongs to Christ, apostle of love; how the children of not any man or group of men. Christ God are distinguished from the children never gave Peter authority to be Prince of the wicked one. of the apostles, nor did He appoint that 2 John. A short letter to a lady and Peter have a successor. her children warning them of false The "one fold" is the church of teachers. Christ, not Roman Catholicism, not 3 John. A brief letter of commenda- Eastern Orthodoxy, not Protestant De- tion to Gaius from John. nominationalism — but the ancient and Jude. An epistle from the brother of pure faith revealed in the New Testa- James warning Christians about false ment. teachers and exhorting to contend for Many people are either uninformed the faith. or misinformed about Christ's church, and would want to be simple Christians, Prophecy: neither "Catholics" nor "Protestants," Revelation. In signs and symbols the if they knew the scriptures. So we urge ultimate victory of Christ and the you to learn for yourself what the church over the devil and all the forces Lord's church is by reading and study- of evil is set forth. ing the Bible. You don't need to send for a pamphlet; get out your Bible and (ONE FOLD...... Continued) begin reading it. Set yourself up a Christ is the only "Chief Pastor" or systematic and regular plan of careful "Chief Shepherd." ( 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4; Bible study. Read carefully with an Heb. 13:20.) He and he alone is the open heart.

Second Class postage paid of St. Louis, Mo. VOLUME 5______NUMBER 3 What a Baptist Preacher Will Not Do By Paul K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana Recently I was discussing the Scrip- answer to another question. I explained tures with a Baptist preacher in Indian- that, though I believe I am saved by apolis. He was trying to defend the the grace of God through faith., I be- classic Baptist doctrine that a person lieve sincerely that the Bible teaches is saved when he that I must obey the Lord by perform- "surrenders" to ing works of obedience. I believe that Christ — that is, I must be baptized to be saved and when he believes must continue obeying the Lord in or- in Christ and re- der to reach heaven. I asked, then, pents of his sins. whether he believes that I am saved. He vigorously de- He replied that he believes that I nied that obedi- am not saved! He explained that this ence to the Lord is because I believe that I am justified in baptism has byworks(asJamessayswearein any part in salva- James 2:24). Thus, according to Bap- tion. tist doctrine, anyone who believes bap- I therefore ask- tism is necessary to salvation cannot be ed him, "If a per- saved! son should come to you saying that he believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God Denies Scriptures and that he has repented of his sins ana In the course of the discussion, the asks you to baptize him for the remis- Baptist preacher was forced to deny sion of sins (as Peter commanded in several passages of Scripture. He stat- Acts 2:38), and to have his sins washed ed that Acts 2:38 is translated wrong, away (as Ananias commanded in Acts but could not produce any translation 22:16), would you do it?" which agreed with his interpretation. He asserted that Saul was saved before The preacher replied emphatically he was baptized, in spite of the fact that he would not. He stated that he that Ananias told Saul to "be baptized refuses to baptize anyone until that and wash away thy sins." (Acts 22:16.) person understands that he is already He said that 1 Pet. 3:21 does not say "saved"! Thus the Baptist preacher that baptism saves, even though he had refuses to do what Peter and Ananias just finished reading to us the words, commanded to be done. "The like figure whereunto even bap- He made his position even clearer in (See BAPTIST...... Page 47) "Why Tarriest Thou?" By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri Saul of Tarsus was on the road to law from Jehovah. Although the peo- Damascus when the Lord appeared to ple became impatient and decided that him and said, "Saul, Saul, why perse- something must have happened to cutest thou me?" Saul replied, "Who Moses, thus setting the stage for the art thou, Lord?" idolatrous worship in which he found Jesus responded, them engaged when he came down from "I am Jesus whom the mount, they did remain there as thou persecutest." he had instructed. Saul then asked, 2. THE APOSTLES. Before His "What wilt thou death, Christ promised the apostles have me to do?" they would be given the Holy Spirit to Jesus said, "Arise, guide them into all truth. (John 16:13.) andgointothe After His resurrection, Jesus said to city, and it shall them, "And, behold, I send the prom- be told thee what ise of my Father upon you: but tarry thou must do." ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be (Acts 9:6.) endued with power from on high." Adiscipleby(Lk. 24:49.) "And, being assembled the name of Ananias was sent to Saul. together with them, commanded them In blindness, without food and drink, that they should not depart from Saul had waited three days. Ananias Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of was told by the Lord that he would find the Father, which, saith he, ye have Saul praying. Ananias put his hands heard of me." (Acts 1:4.) After the on Saul that his sight might be restored, ascension of Jesus, they returned to announced the purpose of his coming, Jerusalem from the mount of Olives. then said, "And now why tarriest thou? (Acts 1:12.) It was ten days later arise, and be baptized, and wash away when the great outpouring of the Spirit thy sins, calling on the name of the recorded in Acts 2 took place. Christ Lord." (Acts 22:16.) I invite your at- had been publicly and shamefully put tention to some thoughts on the ques- to death on the day of the Jewish tion, "Why tarriest thou?" Passover; it was fitting that He be vindicated and publicly honored on the Instances When Proper to Tarry next Jewish feast day, Pentecost, by The Bible records a number of in- the marvelous manifestation of the over- stances in which we find men being powering influence of the Holy Spirit encouraged to tarry. Sometimes it is on the apostles. Therefore the apostles proper to tarry. had to wait until the time for the ful- 1. THE ISRAELITES ON MT. fillment of that which had been prom- SINAI. When Moses and his servant, ised. Joshua, were about to ascend the mount 3. THE CORINTHIANS. In 1 Cor. ofGod,Mosessaidtotheeldersof 11 Paul discussed gross irregularities in Israel, "Tarry ye here for us, until we the church at Corinth pertaining to the come again unto you." (Ex. 24:14.) Lord's supper. It appears that some of Aaron and Hur were left in charge of the Corinthians were turning the supper the people. A cloud hid Moses from into a feast for the gratification of their view while he was receiving the physical hunger. It had ceased to be (34) the Lord's supper. Some were bringing three years. (Acts 20:31.) Gospel their own and eating and drinking to preachers sometimes make the mistake excess, even before the arrival of others. of leaving new converts before they are Paul shamed them for this, saying, fully taught in their duties to the Lord. "What? have ye not houses to eat and Some men have object to "located" to drink in?" After reminding them preachers. "Located" preachers are that this is a memorial supper, he merely "tarrying" preachers. How long added, "Wherefore, my brethren, when a preacher tarries at a certain location ye come together to eat, tarry one for depends on the circumstances. It might another. And if any man hunger, let be a few days, a few weeks, many him eat at home . . ." (Verses 33,34.) months, a number of years, or a life- The word here translated "tarry" time. (ekdechomai) is rendered "looked for" in Heb. 11:10. Christians are to "look Instances When Not Proper to Tarry for," "except," or "await" one another In contrast to the foregoing, the in eating the Lord's supper. Instead of Bible records instances in which men eating the supper as soon as we arrive are encouraged not to tarry. Some- at the place of meeting, thereby having times it is dangerous to tarry. some run ahead of others, we should 1. LOT AND FAMILY. God sent look for others and wait until all can messengers to the city of Sodom to warn sit down together to partake. This does Lot and his family to flee for their not imply that we should tarry until lives. The city was about to be over- every person in the church comes. We thrown with fire and brimstone from could tarry all day long and some would heaven. For some reason Lot seemed never get there, especially if it is good disposed to hesitate. "And while he fishing weather! The passage does lingered, the men laid hold upon his teach orderliness in partaking of the hand, and upon the hand of his wife, communion. and upon the hand of his two daugh- 4. GOSPEL PREACHERS. When ters; the Lord being merciful unto Peter preached to Cornelius and his him: and they brought him forth, and house, the first Gentiles to hear the set him without the city." Lot was gospel, they "prayed him to tarry cer- told, "Escape for thy life; look not tain days." (Acts 10:48.) Though he behind thee, neither stay thou in all the had taught them the way into Christ, plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou they no doubt had many questions that be consumed." (Gen. 19:16,17.) The would have required much time for messengers might well have asked Lot, answering. Paul went to Corinth, "And "Why tarriest thou?" he continued there a year and six 2. CHRISTIANS. The New Testa- months, teaching the word of God ment makes it clear that the Lord's among them." (Acts 18:11.) The word disciples should not delay their service translated "continued" ("sat" in the to God. Jesus said, "I must work the margin) is the same for "tarry" in works of him that sent me, while it is Lk. 24:49. It means "settle." He set- day: for the night cometh, when no tled there to teach for that period of mancanwork."(John9:4.)TheMas- time. When the same apostle wrote to ter's sentiment expressed here should the Corinthians from Ephesus at a later be the attitude of the disciples. "But date, he remarked, "But I will tarry at exhort one another daily, while it is Ephesus until Pentecost." (1 Cor. 16: calledToday;lestanyofyoube 8.) He stayed at Ephesus for about hardened through the deceitfulness of (35) sin." "To day if ye will hear his voice, crastinate in returning. "Why tarriest harden not your hearts . . ." (Heb. 3: thou?" 13, IS.) "Therefore let us not sleep, as 3. SINNERS. The lost should not do others; but let us watch and be wait to obey the gospel. But we find sober." (1 Thess. 5:6.) sinners tarrying. Why? Some Christians put off serious Bible a. For an experience? Some have study. They intend some day to buckle been led to think that one cannot be down and really try to learn. To such baptized unless he has had some kind we say, "Why tarriest thou?" Some of special experience — appearance of hesitate to correct their bad habits. an angel, God speaking in a dream or They engage in some things that are a vision, a mysterious voice. The Bible detrimental to health, some that are requires no such experience. The not conducive to spiritual development, eunuch from Ethiopia asked, "What and some that lend a bad influence. doth hinder me to be baptized?" Philip They keep telling themselves that they said, "If thou believest with all thine must make corrections. "Why tarriest heart, thou mayest." (Acts 8:36,37.) thou?" Some postpone their efforts to Some go through life waiting for an speak to friends and relatives about experience, then die without ever getting obeying the gospel. Others have drifted it. If you are tarrying in hope of get- away from serving the Lord and pro- ting an experience, tarry no longer. b. For saving power? Sometimes COMMENT CORNER sinners are told by certain preachers to wait for God's power to come down "I enjoy your Apostolic Doctrine greatly ... I hope you will continue in the future as you have in the past." and save them. God's power to save is —Wayne E. Owen, Detroit, Michigan exerted through the gospel. Read Rom. **** 1:16; Heb. 4:12; James 1:21. This "We appreciate the very fine articles in the paper." being true, you need only to obey the —James Nicholson, Vineland, Ontario, Canada **** gospel. To wait for something else is "I would like to compliment the Apostolic Doctrine. I have read each edition I have received and found it very worth while and interesting." —Mrs. Allen Alsobrook, Richmond, Virginia **** Many of our readers may be interested in other publi- cations. An excellent work is Truth Magazine, a28page monthly capably edited by Cecil Willis. Truth is printed on glossy paper with attractive pictures on the front cover. It carries a good balance of reading material for Christians. Subscription rate is $3.00 per year. Address: Boy 7245, Akron 6, Ohio. (Both Truth Magazine and Apostolic Doctrine are printed at Rolla, Missouri, by MayPrintingCo.) **** Any reader affiliated with a religious organization whose doctrines are attacked in this paper is cordially invited to reply. We promise fair treatment. Make your replies brief and to the point. We have no intention of publishing mud-slinging articles, personal tirades, and slanderous remarks. But our pages are open to those who will make a decent defense of the doctrines and practices we oppose, or who may desire to oppose what we advocate. In this issue, for example, we carry articles directed against doctrines held sacred by Baptists and Catholics. Gentlemen among the Baptists and Catholics, step right up if you care to defend your position. (36) to wait in vain. "Why tarriest thou?" to the gospel. But many who would c. On account of someone else? Oc- not risk the loss of house or automobile casionally someone who knows what to without some kind of protection, risk do to be saved will tarry in the hope the eternal loss of their souls by delay- that a companion will obey the gospel ing submission to Jesus. Why do you with him. It is fine to try to win others wait? What can possibly be gained by to the Lord, but not by delaying one's delay? "Why tarriest thou?" own obedience. The companion might even be waiting for you. On the other hand, he may never become a Chris- tian. "Why tarriest thou?" d. Until repentance is easier? Some know they cannot be saved until they break loose from worldly attachments buttheyhavedifficultyinbringing A "Knights of Columbus" ad directs themselves to repent. They tarry, this question to non-Catholics. We thinking that it will be easier to repent reply by putting the same question to later. This is a satanic deception. The people in the Catholic Church. longer repentance is delayed, the hard- er it is. "Why tarriest thou?" 1. Have you been baptized? No one is a Christian unless he is a child of e. Praying over the matter? Some- God. To become a child of God one one may say, "I want to pray over the must show faith in Christ by being matter a while longer." Friend, if you baptized. "For all you who have been should pray another ten years the need baptized into Christ, have put on for obedience to the gospel will in no Christ." (Gal. 3:26, 27.) This baptism way be lessened. Saul was praying is a burial. "For we are buried with him when Ananias came in. He was told to by means of Baptism into death, in or- "Arise, and be baptized, and wash away der that, just as Christ has arisen from thy sins, calling on the name of the the dead through the glory of the Lord." Prayer cannot take the place Father, so we also may walk in newness of obedience. You cannot pray around of life. For if we have been united with baptism. "Why tarriest thou?" him in the likeness of his death, we f. Or just plain neglect? Many are shall be so in the likeness of his resur- tarrying merely because they are not rection also." (Rom. 6:4,5.) A foot- interested enough in their own salva- note on this verse in the New Catholic tion. They have insured the house, the Edition of the Bible says, "The descent car, their health, and everything of into the water is suggestive of the value, except the most valuable posses- descent of the body into the grave, sion of all — the soul. They would not and the ascent is suggestive of the be without life insurance, mortgage resurrection to a new life." "For you insurance, etc., for the risk is too great. were buried together with him in Bap- Heaven's insurance program is the tism, and in him also rose again through greatest ever introduced in the world. faith in the working of God who raised Christ offers protection against eternal him from the dead." (Col. 2:12.) One loss. This eternal insurance cannot be has not been baptized, according to the purchased with money. Christ paid for Scriptures, unless he has been buried — it on the cross. It is available to all immersed — dipped. You Catholics, who will submit to Christ in obedience would Christ call you Christians since (37) you have substituted pouring for a it was in Antioch that the disciples burial? were first called 'Christians.'" (Acts 2. Do you worship according to 11:26.) "But if he suffer as a Chris- Christ's testament? Jesus said, "God is tian, let him not be ashamed, but let spirit, and they who worship him must him glorify God under this name." (1 worship in spirit and in truth." (John Pet. 4:16.) Ask a member of the Ro- 4:24.) God's word is truth. (John 17: man Catholic Church what he is re- 17.) One item of worship set forth in ligiously and invariably he replies, "I that word of truth is the Lord's supper. am a Catholic." Though he professes The supper is a memorial of Christ's to be a Christian, he places that name sacrifice. Jesus said of the eating of in the background and identifies him- the bread, "This is my body which self by a human name — the name shall be given up for you; do this in "Catholic." Yet Peter said of the name "Christian," GLORIFY GOD UNDER remembrance of me." And of the drink- THIS NAME. You Catholics, why ing of the cup, "This cup is the new should Christ call you Christians when covenant in my blood; do this as often youseektoglorifyGodunderanother as you drink it, in remembrance of me." name? Catholics have changed this memorial into the "sacrifice of the Mass." Now Catholic friend, WOULD CHRIST you Catholics, would Christ call you CALL YOU A CHRISTIAN? I think Christians since you have made a sac- not. He would doubtless call you by rifice out of that which He instituted the name you have chosen for your- in remembrance of the sacrifice He self — CATHOLIC. And as long as made nearly 2000 years ago? Do true you continue to follow the bishop of Christians change and pervert the Rome rather than the New Testament, Lord's teaching? you have no real right to the name 3. Do you add another head? The CHRISTIAN. You may call me a bigot Scriptures teach that "Christ is head of if you choose, but I write these things the Church." (Eph. 5:25.) "Again, he as a friend. is the head of his body, the Church." (All Biblical quotations in this arti- (Col. 1:18.) God has shown the work- cle are from the New Catholic Edition, ing of his mighty power in the exalta- published under the imprimatur of tion of Christ. "And all things he made Francis Cardinal Spellman.) subject under his feet, and him he gave —I. H. as head over all the church, which in- deed is his body, the completion of him who fills all with all." (Eph. 1:22, 23.) "Let us hear the conclusion of the The New Testament recognizes no other whole matter: Fear God, and keep his head. Catholics tell us the pope is the commandments: For this is the whole "visible head," "the vicar of Christ," duty of man. For God shall bring "the personal representative of Christ." every work into judgment, with every You Catholics, since you have added a secret thing, whether it be good, or human head to represent and speak for whether it be evil." (Eccl. 12:13,14.) the divine head, would Christ call you Christians? Do not true Christians recognize the supreme and exclusive You have friends who need to read headship of Christ? this material. Why not subscribe for them? Two dollars will bring the next 4. Do you wear another name? "And twelve issues their way. (38) Weighed in the Balance By Joe Neil Clayton, Huntsville, Alabama The book of Daniel has the account sage were for the kingdom. They meant of an event in the life of Belshazzar, that the time for its existence was king of Babylon, son of the famous numbered, and that it would be divided Nebuchadnezzar, who carried Judah between the Medes and the Persians. away into captiv- However,themiddlewordwasames- ity. Belshazzar sage for Belshazzar. Daniel said, could have profit- "TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the ed much from the balances, and art found wanting." experience of his (Dan. 5:27.) father. Nebuchad- This proclamation to the wicked nezzar had come king of Babylon referred to the an- to appreciate the cient method of taking weights. A power of the Most balance similar to the modern labora- High God through tory scales was used for these purposes. aseriesofevents The object to be weighed was placed involving Daniel on one side of the balance and a cor- and his fellow responding weight was placed on the captives. The re- other side. sult of his haughtiness was a temporary insanity visited upon him by God. In the reference above, a different (Dan. 4:31-32.) Belshazzar observed method of weighing was used. Instead this, but was not impressed. Instead, of trying to determine Belshazzar's he took the road of indifference to God. "weight," God put his expectations on At the end of his reign, Belshazzar one side of the scale, and found that gave a great feast. Under the influence the king did not carry enough "weight" of wine, he called for the sacred vessels to balance the scales. This indicates oftheJewishtempletobebrought that God has a standard measure which from storage, so that he and his guests he uses on his side of the scale to mea- could drink wine from them. During sure the spiritual attainments of men. the orgy of excess, he praised the gods Most modern religionists want to be of gold, of wood and stone. Then God judged by their own standards rather broke up the party. than God's. If this were the standard of judgment all men would be saved, There appeared to the assembly the for Paul says, "I am conscious of noth- form of a man's fingers, and the form ing against myself." However, he goes wrote MENE, MENE, TEKEL, U- ontosay,"...yetIamnotbythis PHARSIN. None of the soothsayers of acquitted; but the one who examines Babylon were able to interpret, or even me is the Lord." (1 Cor. 4:4, New read, the inscription. Daniel's former American Standard Bible.) The thing good services to Nebuchadnezzar were that we need to be concerned about is remembered by Belshazzar's wife, and God's standard of judgment. Awareness she urged the king to call him. When of our own faults is sometimes faulty, he appeared, Daniel knew immediately for we often see the mote in the broth- the import of the handwriting on the er'seyewithmoreeasethanwebehold wall. the beam in our own. However, it is The first and last words of the mes- not difficult to make ourselves aware (39) of God's standard, for "the grace of (Matt. 7:21-23, New American Stand- God has appeared, bringing salvation to ard Bible.) all men, instructing us, that, denying This rude awakening will come too ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should late for any change of course. The live soberly, righteously and godly in seriousness of our life must be recog- this present world . . ." (Titus 2:11- nized first, then men must answer the 12.) challenge of God to "do his will," for Christ says, "the words that I spake, Many who are not aware of God's the same shall judge you in the last standard of judgment will be shocked day." (John 12:48.) into reality in the Judgment itself. Jesus Paul warns, "When they shall say, taught, "Not everyone who says to Me. Peace and safety; then sudden destruc- 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of tion cometh upon them, as travail up- heaven; but he who does the will of on a woman with child; and they shall My Father who is in heaven. Many not escape." (1 Thess. 5:3.) It is not will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, necessary for men to be destroyed, but Lord, did we not prophesy in Your it is true that complacency and indif- name, and in Your name cast out de- ference about our spiritual condition mons, and in Your name perform many can do more to cause us to be lost than miracles?' And then I will declare to any other attitudes. Let us examine them, 'I never knew you; depart from our spiritual status by the standard Me, you who practice lawlessness.'" measure, the Word of God.

Sectarianism People often are led to think that in party is treated as if opposition to the contending for the peculiarities of their risen Redeemer. denomination, they are contending for Thentherearethenoblesoulswho Christ and His gospel; and in opposing come forth with the desire to end all all who differ from the views of their religious sects. They form a new party sect, they think they are opposing the in the hope that it will absorb all exist- enemies of Jesus. We need to learn the ing parties. Poor fellows. They would difference between Christ and denomi- build a denomination to end all denom- nationalism, the gospel and sectarian inations. They are like the preacher doctrines. whowantedtodebatethatitiswrong to have debates. Jesus is not a sectarian Savior. The Let us abandon all denominational doctrine of our Lord is not denomina- ties — names, creeds, practices, and ex- tional dogma. The church of Christ is pressions. Let us return to the original not a schismatic society. Truth is not ground of the one faith of Jesus Christ. partisan. Christians are not bound by Let us unite in His body, the church. human creeds. Let us be Christians, no more and no Some men display considerably more less. zeal in behalf of man-made institutions —I. H. than what God has instituted. Each pet project is projected into a plank "For rebellion is as the sin of witch- in a partisan platform. Any opposition Craft, and stubbornness is as iniquity to either the project, the plank, or the and idolatry." (1 Sam. 15:23.) (40) Lamentations By Jerry R. Phillips, St. James, Missouri Perhaps one of the most neglected ferent letters of the alphabet, and those objects of study by Christians today is in order. The fact that the author of that of the Lamentations of Jeremiah. these lamentations is truly a poet in the Until relatively recent times even the fullest sense and not just one partial to prophetic book of Jeremiah had not re- the use of the poetic forms is surely a ceived the consideration among Bible warranted conclusion. students that it merits. Increasing em- phasis, however, is being placed on both The Message the man and his message. Chapter One: The prophet begins Thetruepersonalityofamanisof- by presenting the dismal picture of ten manifested in his time of agony and his people, comparing them to one who grief. Jeremiah, the man of God fre- is rejected by all, one who finds no quently referred to as the "weeping rest or consolation. Yet her condition prophet" or the "prophet of failure," is not without reason, for in verse five here opens his heart for all to see his Jeremiah states, "For Jehovah hath concern and to feel his anguish and afflicted her for the multitude of her anxiety for the chosen people of God in transgressions." Her suffering was the their time of judgment. No greater in- just consequence of her own sins ad- sight into his character can be had ministered by the righteous hand of than that which results from a study of Jehovah. his lamentations. Jerusalem is then placed in the fore- ground as "an unclean thing." She has The Structure taken the position of one who is now The book is divided into five chap- appreciating the reality of grief and ters, each representing a distinct and rejection. She seeks consolation and complete thought, yet all related by pity from those who pass by and ob- one central idea. Jeremiah sets forth serve her sorrow, but she gains no com- his feelings in poetic form thought to be fort. Jeremiah writes, "For these excelled by none and compared only to things I weep." A petition to Jehovah the writings of Hosea. Two remark- includes the hope that her enemies able aspects of the book are (1) each might also undergo such justified chapter contains twenty-two stanzas, tribulation. the same number of letters in the He- Chapter Two: Jeremiah now de- brew alphabet, and (2) in chapters one scribes the extreme results of Jehovah's through four the beginning initials of anger, claiming that He has "become as the words in each stanza represent dif- an enemy" in bringing about such com- plete destruction. The prophet laments Once again the prophets, together with her sunken condition in three areas: the priests, receive the blame for such political, social, and religious. In a destruction because of their sins and verses eleven through thirteen we sense iniquities. In verses seventeen through the distress of Jeremiah over the condi- twenty, Jeremiah again turns to deep tion of the children of the city; they lament over the tragedies of the con- "swoon in the streets . . ." Much of flict. The chapter, however, is con- this is a result of the teachings of false cluded on a note of hope, for the prom- prophets. The city is told to cry out ise is made, "He will no longer carry for mercy of Jehovah for the young thee away into captivity." children if for no other motive. Chapter Five: This chapter differs In verse twenty a catastrophic con- somewhat from the others in that it dition which the Jewish historian Jo- seems to be both a petition to Jehovah sephus describes is now brought to the as well as a recapitulation of the first mind of the prophet: that of starving four chapters. The prophet asks Je- mothers eating their children. This is hovah to remember their calamity and a part of the terrible judgment Jere- to see their reproach. Yet in all of miah foretold in Jer. 19:9: "And I will this suffering and agony one fact cause them to eat the flesh of their is still brought forth: the judgment is sons and the flesh of their daughters." one of just recompense for the im- Chapter Three: It should be noted moral state of the nation. For Jere- here that there is some recent criticism miah states in verse sixteen, "Woe un- of Jeremiah's being the author of this to us, for we have sinned." little book, but it is often discarded in The last four verses of the chapter the face of this third chapter. The range from praise to sorrow and sub- personal agony of the chapter is in missive petition. "Turn thou us unto tune with the character of Jeremiah thee 0 Jehovah, and we shall be turned; and was undoubtedly written by one renew our days as of old." who personally felt the full effect of such sufferings. None other than the The Application sensitive heart of Jeremiah can be so Much can be learned from the study labeled. of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, but The prophet describes himself as a perhaps the greatest value one can re- man made old by the chastisement of ceive from such a study is that of con- Jehovah."Hehath...pulledmein solation. Jeremiah's sorrow was pro- pieces." His own people used him for duced through a love for the word of derision and ridicule. In the words of God. Even though his people did not the prophet, "My soul ... is bowed hearken to that word his life was cer- down within me." tainly not one of failure; for in the words of Paul, "Wherefore my beloved The rest of the chapter finds the brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, prophet turning from his own suffering always abounding in the work of the to the praising of Jehovah. He exhorts Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your the people to examine themselves, to labor is not vain in the Lord." repent, and to look to Jehovah for com- fort and pardon. Let us look to the prophet to learn a great lesson of obedience. The La- Chapter Four: A contrast is now mentations of Jeremiah are a standing made between the sorrowful state of the country and its ancient prosperity. (See LAMENTATIONS . . . Page 47) (42) ship with the world." (Jas. 4:4.) These three, though separately stated, find common grounds in one state, SIN. Each man joins that battle against God when he first sins, whether he be Jew or Gentile. Thus the cause of this enmity is transgression of God's law L and the outcome is defeat or death. Ifpeaceistobemadeitisonlylogi- Reconciliation cal for the one causing the enmity to In our last study (Oct., 1963, issue) take the first steps but by the nature Redemption was shown to be a word of sin it was not that easy. In fact, it God has used to give us a picture of was impossible because man did not our salvation in Christ. In it is por- possess the terms upon which peace trayed the world mightbemade.Alonehewasfighting as a slave market a hopeless and losing battle. If there in which all are in were ever to be terms of peace they bondage to sin. would have to be provided by God Man is shown in against whom the enmity existed. hopeless servitude Though under no obligation to help, since neither he would He? nor any other pos- sessed the means "For if, while we were enemies, we to free him. Then were reconciled to God through the God appears with death of his Son, much more, being the offer of free- reconciled shall we be saved by his dom through the life . . ."(Rom. 5:10.) "For it was blood of His Son the good pleasure of the Father that in to all who desire and will accept it. him should all the fulness dwell; and This term, Reconciliation, presents through him to reconcile all things un- another view of this same great work to himself, having made peace through ofGod'sgrace.AsitappearsinEnglish the blood of his cross . . ." (Col. 1:19- it is from Latin and means "to unite 20.) These verses emphasize the means again." (Webster.) In the original by which this peace was made avail- language the noun katallage and the able: it was through the death — the verb katallasso are defined, "adjust- blood — of Jesus. ment of a difference, reconciliation, res- Ephesians 2:14-18 shows also where toration to favor." (Thayer.) This God intended reconciliation to be made restoration became necessary because available. Speaking of the Jew and of enmity which existed and separated the Gentile, Paul said, "...andmight God from man. It is a war picture with reconcile them both in one body unto man both the cause and the loser. God through the cross, having slain the But the question arises, "How did enmity thereby." (Verse 16.) In chap- such enmity begin in the first place?" ter 1, verse 22, the body is defined as The Holy Spirit attributes it to three the Church. There is no more recon- things: (1) the Law which separated ciliation in the wrong place than there Jew and Gentile, and man from God is by the wrong means. Both are of (Eph. 2:15), (2) the "mind of the equal importance, which is clearly seen flesh" (Rom. 8:7), and (3) "friend- from Acts 20:28. The elders are to. (43) "...feedthechurchoftheLordwhich God." May we ask, "What hinders he purchased with his own blood." you?" Today we have committed to us, "the Through God's choice of the word ministry of reconciliation" and the Reconciliation He has painted the great- "word of reconciliation." (2 Cor. 5:18, est battle scene of all time. Since men 19.) It came to the apostles first, as have been upon the earth it has con- verse 20 shows, and today that same tinued and will continue until the end message is ours to proclaim. They of time. But for all of those who will taught that men must have faith in now come out of it the great calm of a Christ and the cleansing power of his lasting armistice has fallen, and no blood (Rom. 3:24,25), and having re- longer are you enemies of God, but on pented they were to be "baptized into His side now fighting the good fight his death." (Rom. 6:3.) This same of faith trying to save the lives of baptism was into the one body. (1 others from certain destruction. His Cor. 12:13.) Paul admonishes in 2 term for all is an unconditional sur- Cor. 5:20, ". . . be ye reconciled to render.

The Push of Roman Catholicism By R. L. Burns, Grand Prairie, Texas Roman Catholicism is a minority in pense of others. this country, and yet through every The parochial schools have long conceivable medium we and our off- sought federal and/or state aid for the spring are subjected to propaganda of advancement of their work. During the this politico-relig- week of February 2 one of the broad- ious institution. casting networks presented a program Probably in the on federal aid to education with the history of our na- greater emphasis upon the parochial tion there has nev- schools and the curriculum. Evidently er been an attempt most of the push for the federal gov- so shrewdly con- ernment to subsidize the schools is gen- ceived or craftily erated by the Roman Catholic hierarchy executed to under- and their lobbyists in Washington. mine our Ameri- With a daily course in religion (Roman can way of life Catholic style) and the nuns teaching in and destroy the their habits and the crucifix hanging constitution of the in the background, a fine picture for United States as federal-aid-to-education and the the present and untiring efforts of the UNION of church and state is pre- Romish Church. It becomes increas- sented. Our tax dollars are sought to ingly difficult to watch television or advance this picture. read newspapers without seeing the Ro- As if this were not enough, we are man Catholic Church presented as the hearing of repeated instances of Roman "national religion," the priests as the Catholic lies in the public school's text benefactors of the poor and oppressed. books. It has been known for years Like other politicians, they are simply that the parochial schools of the Roman exploiting the ignorant, the poor and Catholics perverted history and slanted parasites who seek to live at the ex- it in their direction. We could tolerate (44) that, but to affront honesty and free- dom by subverting our schools and our text books seems to me to be the "straw that broke the camel's back." As an example, a history book used in Texas schools is being revised because of complaints by non-Catholics that it con- tained Roman Catholic doctrine. The book is Men and Nations. One of the statements objected to was: "St. Peter, leader of the apostles and first bishop of the church at Rome. In this picture he is shown holding the Gospel and the keys to heaven." (This accompanied an illustration.) Another objectionable statement said, "The church at Rome had been founded by both Peter and Paul, and Peter had been its first bishop." The revision will say that the Pope in Rome "could and did claim to be head of all the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church" for the original state- ment that the Pope "by the doctrine of apostolicsuccession...wasthesuc- cessor to Peter, head of the apostles." A story in The Dallas Morning News A Puzzle recently gave this additional informa- A "skeptic" is one who is given to tion: "There are also revisions in refer- doubting. He doubts, on the one hand, ence to church sacraments and organi- that there is sufficient proof for be- zation, which were questioned by critics lieving in God; he doubts, on the other of the history book." hand, that it can be proved that there What can we do about these innova- is no God. I wonder if he ever doubts tions? We can write letters to editors the propriety of doubting? Does he of the newspapers laying bare any in- ever doubt his own doubt? formation we can PROVE to be true Similarly, the "agnostic" suspends about the Roman Catholic Church. We judgment. He affirms that all knowl- can express displeasure toward all of edge is relative, therefore such things the free space in our newspapers and on as the character of God and the origin our television screens given to the of the universe are neither known nor Romish Church. We can study our knowable. Does he ever suspend judg- Bibles for our own edification and to ment on his own suspension of judg- teach our neighbors as best we can by ment? Is he ever agnostic toward his word and manner of life. Finally, we own agnosticism? canpraytoGodforguidancetoknow Why does the skeptic stop his doubt- and courage to do right. This is no ing before he doubts the propriety of ordinary enemy and fighting it will de- doubting? Why does the agnostic sus- mand the best of the best. pend judgment on God, the Bible, and the hereafter, but not on his own sus- Renew Your Subscription Promptly pension of judgment? (45) "Every House Is Builded by Someone" By Arvid K. McGuire, Huntsville, Alabama Every building is first conceived in Constituency the mind of man. These structural The church is composed of saints. ideas are then recorded and become the Paul referred to this constituency by design for proposed construction. The calling it "the churches of the saints." design of the ar- (1 Cor. 14:33.) The word saint is de- chitect is clearly fined as "set apart," "dedicated," "con- seen in the fin- secrated"; it does not indicate sinless- ished product. In ness. Christians are admonished to aspiritualsense "sanctify Christ in their hearts as God is the archi- Lord," which means that he is set apart tect of the New in our hearts and our lives are dedicat- Testament church. ed and consecrated in his service. (1 The marks of de- Pet. 3:15.) sign demonstrate the divine origin Relationship of the church. The The expression "the church of God Hebrew writer in Christ" emphasizes this relationship. states, "For every (1 Thess. 2:14.) "In God" declares house is builded by someone but he this relationship to be universal — the that built all things is God." (Heb. one body. "In Christ" is an all-encom- 3:4.) This article is a brief presenta- passing sphere in which all spiritual tion of these marks of design. It is by blessings are received and enjoyed. no means exhaustive, but rather it is (Eph. 1:3; 3:14-17.) suggestive. We shall confine our study of design to the names by which the Heirship church is called in scripture. The church "of the firstborn" (ones) Authorship emphasizes the inheritance of the saints as heirs of God. (Heb. 12:22; Rom. This relates to the architecture and 8:16,17.) According to God's will or design of the church. He that built all purpose we are begotten by the living, things is God. The expression "church incorruptible word of God that we of God" emphasizes the authorship of might be a kind of firstfruits of his the church. The church is the family creatures. (James 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:22, or house of God. (1 Tim. 3:15.) In 23.) "Kind" means that all Christians this relationship God is our Father and are of the same class or order. "First- his children are sons and daughters. (2 fruits" means the choice ones. God's Cor. 6:16.) purpose is that his heirs be thus char- Ownership acterized. The church "of Christ" expresses the fact that Christ is the builder of his Unity church; that he purchased it with his The unity of the church is presented own blood. (Matt. 16:18; Acts 20:28.) as the "one body." There are many His ministry is in the true tabernacle members but one body. Not all mem- which the Lord pitched and not man. bers have the same office or function He loved the church and gave himself buteachmustfunctioninorderforthe up for it. (Eph. 5:25.) body to increase and build itself up in (46) love (1 Cor. 12:12-26; Eph. 4:1-3; (BAPTIST...... Continued) Rom. 12:4,5.) tism doth also now save us." Spiritual Government Allofthisdenyingandtwistingwas The expression "the kingdom of necessary because of the unscriptural Christ and God" emphasizes the divine doctrine of the Baptist Church. Man is rule over the church. (Eph. 5:5.) The not saved when he believes and repents. kingdom is an absolute monarchy. God The Bible clearly teaches that the re- rules over all by inherent power. (Eph. pentant believer must be baptized "for 4:6.) Christ is the Monarch and rules the remission of sins" (Acts 2:38), to by God's appointment. (Matt. 28:18- have his sins washed away (Acts 22: 20; Eph. 1:22,23.) The reign of 16),tobesaved.(1Pet.3:21.)No- Christ began on the first Pentecost after where does the Bible teach that man his resurrection (Acts 2) and he shall can be saved apart from baptism. The reign on the throne of God until all fact that the Baptist Church so teaches enemies are put under his feet. The puts it in direct conflict with the word last enemy to be destroyed is death. of God. Denying and twisting plain passages of Scripture is the inevitable Corporate result. The church is a spiritual society. Members of the church are no longer strangers and sojourners but are fellow- citizens with the saints, and of the (LAMENTATIONS . . . Continued) household of God, being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, testimony of the sorrow and calamity Christ Jesus himself being the chief which is produced when the violation cornerstone. (Eph. 2:19, 20.) of God's divine statutes results in His inevitable judgment. Fellowship The "churches of Christ salute you" is a salutation to those within the body of Christ, not to those outside the body. APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE We cannot salute false religion for this would make us partakers of their evil Bound Volumes deeds. (2 John 9-11.) We cannot sa- lute the world for we have no fellow- ship with it. (Eph. 5:11.) Saluting em- Now Available phasizes fellowship one with another as spiritual partners. Saluting is confined Vol. 1 -- 1960 to those in the same realm. Only a per- son in the military services salutes an Vol. 2- - 1961 officer. These are nine marks of design dem- Vol. 3- - 1962 onstrating the divine origin of the church. God designed and planned the Vol. 4- - 1963 church. (Eph. 3:10, 11.) Christ built it according to the divine pattern. $3.00 Each (Matt. 16:18; Heb. 8:1-5.) Let each Christian recognize this and follow the word of God in all things. (47) Send in a club of subscriptions today! 5 or more subs., $1.50 each; save 50c — New or Renewal

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Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo VOLUME 5______NUMBER 4 Misunderstandings About Christ, and His Church By Frank Jamerson, Louisville, Kentucky Misunderstandings are common in human beings since Adam and Eve the secular and religious realms. Some- were created by God. Although Jesus times people misunderstand because was born of a virgin, was "manifested they are ignorant of the facts and some- in the flesh" (1 Tim. 3:16), or "made times they have in the likeness of men" (Phil. 2:6-8), the opportunity to He existed eternally with God. "In the know the facts but beginning was the Word, and the Word are too prejudiced was with God. and the Word was God." to consider and (Jno. 1:1.) accept them. Jesus The origin of the Lord's church is wasmisunder- often misunderstood. Many think it is stood by many another denomination; one that orig- during His life on inated in what is called the "Restora- earth because they tion Movement." It is true that many had preconceived left the denominations of men to re- ideas about how turn to the pattern set forth in God's the M e s s i a h word during the "Restoration Move- should act and ment" but that was not the ORIGIN when Jesus did not do like they thought of the church. The church of the Lord He should, they rejected Him. We was in the eternal purpose of God (Eph. should try always to consider the facts 3:10,11), and it was built by Christ. about any matter and not close our (Matt. 16:18.) It is the product of minds to the truth. In this article, we the "seed of the kingdom." (Matt. intend to show three areas in which 13:19: Lk. 8:11.) When the gospel Christ and His church are misunder- was preached by the inspired apostles stood by many. on the day of Pentecost (A. D. 33), in the city of Jerusalem, the church of Origin the Lord was established. (Acts 2.) While Christ was on earth, some When the same gospel (recorded in the thought he was one of the prophets. New Testament) is preached today, we (Matt. 16:13-20.) Others thought of get the same results — a church of the him as simply "the carpenter's son." Lord. Seed always produces after its (Matt. 13:54-57.) These ideas make kind. A church of the Lord is built by Christ HUMAN in origin. They would planting the "seed of the kingdom." have him originating like all other the word of God. It cannot be built by teaching the opinions and theories of who made me a judge or a divider over men. The church was and is a product you?" (Lk. 12:13,14.) The Son of of Divine wisdom — not human wis- God did not come to this world to re- dom! lieve the material and temporal needs of man nor did he come as a social Nature reformer. Even the miracles which Jesus was a good man, but He was He performed that benefited man not just a good man — He was God physically, were primarily for the pur- in the flesh. He went about doing good pose of producing faith in Him as the and not one could convict Him of sin. Son of God. (Jno 5:36; 20:30,31.) (Jno. 8:46.) He became hungry, The mission of Jesus is stated plainly thirsty and weary. He went to sleep in these words: "For the Son of man is on one occasion while a storm was rag- come toseekandtosavethatwhich ing and the disciples were afraid for was lost." (Lk. 19:10.) their lives and awoke Him. These are There is much misunderstanding human characteristics. But He rebuked about the mission of the church. Some the storm and it ceased, He fed five think that the church should provide thousand with five loaves and two recreation and entertainment as part fishes, He raised the dead and per- of its work. Such is not the mission of formed many other miracles which the church and the church cannot manifested, at least, that God was scripturally use its funds to provide for with Him. Jesus claimed to be the such things. Nor is it the mission of Son of God and these miracles that He the church to provide for the material performed confirmed His claim. He was needs of men — although it is to pro- indeed, "Emmanuel, which being inter- vide the material needs of its own who preted is, God with us." (Matt. 1:23; have no one to care for them. That see also Jno. 1:14.) could be called a secondary mission of The nature of the Lord's church is the church, but the primary work of the misunderstood by many. The idea is church is to teach the gospel. (1 Tim. prevalent that the church should be a 3:15; 1 Thess. 1:8.) The Lord's church social club — and many churches have is composed of all the saved. Local taken on a "social club nature." Christ churches are composed of the saved in did not die to establish nor to save a a locality who meet and work together. social club! The Lord's church is a This is the only organization through spiritual institution. It is entered by a which the church can scripturally func- spiritual birth. (Jno. 3:3-5; 2 Cor. 5: tion. The organization which God 17; Gal. 3:27.) Christians are to wor- authorized through which Christians ship in "spirit and in truth." (Jno 4: could function to accomplish the mis- 24.) The "fruit of the Spirit" is to sion of the church is the local congre- be borne (Gal. 5:22-26), and we are gation. (Phil. 1:1; Acts 14:23.) to fight a spiritual battle. (Eph. 6:10- 20.) When churches take on a social- When churches are faithful to God's club nature they have departed from word, they are able to accomplish their God's will and cannot be a tower of God-given mission. When men have spiritual strength. misconceptions about the origin, na- ture or mission of Christ, they cannot Mission properly serve Him, and need to study Once, a man asked Jesus to speak to the truth in order to have the correct his brother "that he divide the inheri- understanding of Christ. When men do tance" with him. Jesus said, "Man, not understand the origin, nature and (50) mission of the church, they are apt to its primary mission is to save souls. corrupt its nature and pervert its mis- Let us be content with, and insist on, sion. The church of the Lord originated the church being what God intended in the mind of God and was built by- for it to be. Christ; it is a spiritual institution and

Saints in Caesar's Household By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri From his Roman imprisonment Paul after in 44 B. C. For the next fourteen wrote to the church at , "Sa- yearstherewascivilstrife. lute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you. The Caesars. All the saints sa- 1. AUGUSTUS (OCTAVIAN) . . . lute you, chiefly 30 B. C. to A. D. 14. Octavian, a they that are of grand-nephew and the adopted heir of Caesar's house- Julius Caesar, gained control of the hold." (Phil. 4:21, government through military and po- 22.) There is a litical maneuvers in about 30 B.C. finelessoninthis The old forms of republican govern- text. The more ment were retained, but one-man rule one learns about became a practical reality. In 27 B.C. Caesar, the more thesenategavehimthenameAugustus, he will appreciate meaning "majestic." He was called Paul's statement princeps (first citizen). As supreme here — a passage leader of the army he was called which is frequent- imperator (emperor). ly read without noticing anything of Most ancient empires deified their practical application. rulers. Patriotism itself was religion. Heroes who protected the state were Historical Background gods. In 12 B.C. Augustus became The rise of the Roman Empire. Be- Pontifex Maximus, the head of the Ro- tween the fifth and first centuries B.C., man state religion. Many of his sub- Rome pushed itself forward from a jects regarded him as a divine hero. city-state to a vast republic. All the After his death he was deified. countries around the Mediterranean Augustus is mentioned in Lk. 2:1 as Sea were made subject to Rome. Pal- "Caesar Augustus." He was reigning estine, following many years of dom- when Jesus was born. Under him ination by Babylonians, Persians, and Herod the Great ruled over the Jews Greeks, then a brief period of inde- in Palestine. He divided the Roman pendence, was conquered by the Ro- provinces into two classes: (1) Im- mans in 63 B.C. The old Roman Re- perial; (2) Senatorial. The New Tes- public was successful in conquering tament designates the rulers over im- and expanding but not in ruling. A perial provinces as governors and leader by the name of Julius Caesar those over senatorial provinces as pro- made himself virtual dictator and was consuls. the first real head of the new empire, 2. TIBERIUS ... 14 to 37. During but he was assassinated shortly there- his lifetime Augustus selected Tiberius, (51) his stepson and son-in-law, to be his of the Caesars was a descendant of successor. All traces of government by Augustus on both sides of his house. the people perished during Tiberius' He was a stepson of Claudius by his reign. He was vindicative, self-indul- fourth wife who managed to push aside gent, and suspicious. Claudius' own son and have her son He is mentioned in Lk. 3:1 as made the heir when she poisoned "Tiberius Caesar." It was in the fif- Claudius. Nero was seventeen years teenth year of his reign that John the old when he became emperor. He soon Baptist began preaching. (This was had Claudius' son poisoned. Later he likely A. D. 27, since Tiberius had had his mother murdered. He had his reigned two years with Augustus.) wife put to death. He was a blood- When Jesus discussed paying tribute thirsty playboy. Romans were con- to Caesar (Matt. 22:15-22), it is prob- demned to die for the slightest provoca- able that the image of Tiberius was on tions. He had Christians persecuted and the coin. During his reign Jesus was killed in the most violent ways con- crucified and the church established. ceivable. The longer he reigned the 3. GAIUS (CALIGULA) ... 37 to more cruel, ruthless, and vicious he 41. A great-grandson of Augustus, became. In the year 64 the city of. Caligula was thought to be half crazy Rome burned; many believed that during his brief reign. He had people Nero had the fire started, but he put to death for no reason. Despite blamed the Christians as an excuse for his immorality and inhuman acts, he slaughtering more of them. Finally, demanded that he be treated as a god the Romans began a revolt and he com- during his lifetime. A storm of protest mitted suicide at the age of thirty-two. arose from the Jews when he ordered ItwasduringthereignofNerothat his statue placed in their temple at Paul went to Rome as a prisoner. In Jerusalem. His assassination by an about the year 64 Paul wrote to the army officer abruptly ended his mad Ephesians, the Philippians, the Colos- reign as emperor. sians, and Philemon. In all these letters Caligula is not mentioned in the Bible. His reign ended about the time the gospel began to be preached among the Gentiles. 4. CLAUDIUS ... 41 to 54. A neph- ew of Tiberius and uncle of Caligula, Claudius had long been regarded by his family as a physical and mental weakling. Although he proved himself to be mentally stronger than Caligula, he was morally weak like his predeces- sors. The campaign which he conducted in Britain resulted in its being made a province. His vices were many. It was in his time that the famine of Acts 11:28 occurred. He is mentioned again in Acts 18:2 as having expelled the Jews from Rome. 5. NERO ... 54 to 68. The fifth (52) he refers to his bonds. (Eph. 6:20; brethren will ever learn of this, any- Phil. 1:12, 13; Col. 4:18; Phile. 10.) way." But not Joseph! He said, "How The remarkable thing is that there can I do this great wickedness, and sin were saints in Caesar's household. Not- against God?" When the evil woman withstanding Nero's cruel tyranny, laid hold of his garment he left the gross immorality, and love of murder, garment in her hand and fled. and despite the grave danger that Joseph was sent to prison because he hovered over the Christians in Rome, dared to be a saint. But God brought right in Caesar's own household there him out and made him governor over were saints! Whether these were mem- all the land of Egypt. The Lord had a bers of his guard, his servants, or his purpose in bringing Joseph into what own relations, they dared to be saints might be called "Caesar's household." in a situation that was far from con- If you find yourself in a similar situa- ducive to sainthood. tion today, don't give up godly living. You may have been brought into that Bible Examples situation for a good purpose. The Old Testament furnishes some splendid illustrations of how men were 2. THE ISRAELITE MAIDEN IN true saints although they were in SYRIA. (2 Ki. 5.) In one of their hit "Caesar's household," so to speak. and run raids on the Israelites, the Syrians had taken this little maiden 1. JOSEPH IN EGYPT. (Gen. 39.) captive. She found herself in "Caesar's As a young man Joseph was sold by his household." It is always bad for a brothers to a band of Midianites (al- young girl to be a victim of such cir- so called Ishmaelites) as a slave. They cumstances. As a slave among foreign- took him to Egypt and sold him to ers she could have allowed herself to Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh's guard. lose faith in God. She might have rea- Joseph was now surrounded by idol- soned, "How can I believe in God when aters. I doubt that there was another he allows a terrible thing like this to maninallEgyptwhobelievedinthe befall me?" People sometimes turn to true and living God. In this environ- infidelity when the going is rough. ment Joseph dared to remain faithful to Jehovah. This fine young lady remained a Potiphar elevated Joseph to a posi- saint in time of adversity. When she tion of having charge of all his house. saw that Naaman, captain of Syria's One day Potiphar's wife cast her eyes army, had leprosy, she wished that he upon young Joseph and attempted to could be with God's prophet in Samaria seduce him to commit fornication with that he might be cured. Her faith in her.Dayafterdayshepersistedin God eventually resulted in Naaman's her efforts to persuade him to lie with healing. Read the whole narrative her. In these circumstances he could which is packed with interest. easily have lost his sainthood. He could 3. THE THREE HEBREWS IN have reasoned that she was the wife of NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S COURT. his master and he would be endanger- (Dan. 3.) In the days when the Jews ing his life to resist her wishes. He were captives in Babylon, the king set might have given in to the committing up a colossal image of gold and de- of an immoral act and then endeavored manded that all his officers worship it. to excuse himself because of the peculiar Anyone who refused to bow before the situation. Many others in his place image was to be cast into a furnace of would have reasoned, "None of my fire. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed- (53) nego, three HebrewsinNebuchadnez- is an antagonistic fellow who does zar's court, found themselves in a everything he can to discourage her tough spot. Here was a situation that work for the Lord. It may be a young many would have found "expedient" person whose parents would sooner dis- for idolatry. The three Hebrews did inherit him than see him be a member not see it that way. Even though of the church. If one's home environ- Nebuchadnezzar commanded that the ment is like Caesar's household, he can furnace be made seven times hotter still be a saint if the desire is strong when he learned that these men did not enough. intend to worship his golden idol, they 2. THOSE WHO HAVE UNGOD- were not afraid. LY BUSINESS ASSOCIATES. In the God stands by those who remain business world Christians frequently faithful to him. The courageous He- find themselves surrounded by men brews were cast into the furnace but who have no regard for honesty and God miraculously protected them. They decency. A man may be trying to get came out without even so much as the a promotion in the factory, the office, small of fire on their garments. Those or the plant, but he finds that the who dare to be saints in "Caesar's promotions go to those who can give household" are victorious in the end. the wildest parties with the most wine, 4. DANIEL IN BABYLON. (Dan. women, and song. He is disgusted with 6.) After the fall of the Babylonian the whole setup. He sees fraud and Empire and when Darius was ruling, cheating. He may change jobs only to Daniel was in a position of high author- find himself in "Caesar's household" ity. The other rulers envied him and again. What can he do? If he cannot sought occasion against him. They get out of Caesar's household he can could find it only in his religion. They still be a saint. With the help of God persuaded Darius to decree that it he can remain faithful. would be unlawful for thirty days for 3. YOUNG PEOPLE IN SCHOOLS anyone to make any petition of any OF ANTI-CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE. man or God except the king himself. Occasionally some young Christian is Any violator was to be thrown into the trying to get an education in a college den of lions. or university where immoral acts are Daniel dared to be a saint when considered thrills and where professors threatened with a violent death. He hold the Bible up for ridicule. I would feared God more than the den of lions. not recommend this environment, and He kept right on praying to God three I am sure Paul would not have recom- times each day as he customarily did. mended that one try to join Caesar's Like his three friends mentioned above, household, but those who find them- he was protected from harm. We thrill selves in such circumstances should in reading of the courage of such saints resolve to be saints even when they in "Caesar's household." know it is going to be a rugged battle. Modern Examples A Final Thought 1. CHRISTIANS WHO HAVE The lesson is simple. No right-think- STERN OPPOSITION AT HOME. ing person would want to be in "Cae- We often find some saint who has a sar's household," but if he is there he home life that is all but conducive to can still be a saint. The power of godliness. It may be a case in which choice is greater than either heredity the wife is a Christian and her husband or environment. The people in Caesar's (54) household who were saints became such Christ. He may have a host of friends by choice. who are Christians and who are in- But what of those who live in an en- terested in his spiritual welfare. He vironment which is most conducive to may be able to attend church services godliness yet do not become saints? and hear the truth taught. Many good The saints in Nero's palace will rise in influences may surround him, but he judgment and condemn them. Some does not obey the gospel. No one is today have wonderful advantages. A threatening to feed him to the lions if person may have a godly companion he becomes a saint. He stands without who is doing everything he can to set excuse. Woe be unto that man! How- a good example and lead that one to heavy his judgment!

Old Testament Use The Jewish conception of propitia- tion, prior to the coming of Christ, was summed up in the covering of the Ark of the Covenant. Here is a mention of this covering in Hebrews 9:5: ". . . and above it cherubim of glory overshadow- ing the mercy-seat: of which things we cannot now speak severally." The Propitiation "mercy-seat" is translated from HILA- In two previous studies we have con- STERION, a form of propitiation, bet- sidered redemption and reconciliation as ter translated "propitiatory." On the words used by God to paint for us a annual day of atonement blood was partial portrait of our salvation in sprinkled on this covering for the sins of the people and by this sacrifice, they ______His Son. The would appease God another year for present word, pro- their sins. This continued at the time pitation (HILAS- of Christ. MOS), will con- clude this brief Application to Christ series. However, with the death of Christ, Redemption pic- HILASMOS takes on a different appli- tures the world re- cation though it may be defined with ceiving its free- similar words, "an appeasing, propitia- domfromslavery ting." (Thayer.) It is evident from the through the blood definition that propitiation does not of Christ. In re- treat of a new relationship between conciliation, the God and man. It, rather, is a term ex- battle of enmity plaining how the friendship of redemp- is ended on the part of man and tion was made possible. Since the through the sacrifice of the Lamb atonement and propitiation of the past friendship is restored with God. But had involved sacrifices, we might ex- propitiation and its related words, pect this to be true of the New Testa- propitiate and propitiatory, according ment usage. to Trench, "... goes nearer the inner- In Hebrews 2:17 we are informed. most heart of the matter." (Synonyms "Wherefore it behooved him in all of the New Testament, pp. 294, 295.) things to be made like unto his breth- (55) ren, that he might become a merci- his blood, to show his righteousness be- ful and faithful high priest in things cause of the passing over of the sins pertaining to God, to make propitiation done aforetime, in the forbearance of for the sins of the people." But, it God; for the showing, I say, of his reads somewhat differently in 1 John righteousness at this present season; 4:10. "Herein is love, not that we that he might himself be just, and the loved God, but that he loved us, and justifier of him that hath faith in sent his Son to be the propitiation for Jesus." (Rom. 3: 2 5, 26 . ) This was the our sins." The same is expressed in 1 only way for God to remain faithful John 2:2. There is no contradiction and just to his promises of atonement here — only two different thoughts for the Jews in the past and to all from presented which make the propitiation that day to the end of time. He could of Christ unique in contrast with form- in this way be just and justify us. er Jewish practice. God teaches us In this third picture of our salvation through His use of this word that only two beings are present, a loving Christ not only came to make propitia- Father and a willing Son. It portrays tion for our sins but to be that very the touching scene of a father looking covering for the sins of men, Himself. upon the slain and lifeless body of his This brings to mind the words in He- brews 7:27 and 9:14, "he offered up only son. Yet there is the realization himself." Thus in one great and final on the father's face that there was no act the Son of God became both priest other way. This is God's way of sav- in "making the propitiation" and sac- ing us and covering our sins from His rifice in "being the propitiation." sight. He has told us about it through this word propitiation. Trench gives the following contrast By these words, redemption, reconcil- between reconciliation (KATALLAGE) iation and propitiation God has ap- and propitiation to support his claim proached the central truth of our total that the latter word gets nearer to the salvation from three different positions. heart of the salvation in Christ. "If Together, they show our darkened con- we had only katallage andthegroupof dition before our restoration to God's words and images which cluster round favor, the means through which this it, to set forth the benefits of the death restoration was accomplished, and our of Christ, these would indeed set forth quickened, peaceful, glorified state that we were enemies, and by that afterwards. death were made friends; but how Won't you be a Christian through made friends katallage would not de- contact with the blood of Christ and scribe at all. It would not of itself complete faith and obedience to His necessarily imply satisfaction, propitia- will for you? Be "baptized into his tion, the Daysman, the Mediator, the death" (Rom. 6:3), for it is there that High Priest; all of which in hilasmos you "put on Christ." (Gal. 3:27.) are involved." Thus our portrait could not be complete without consideration of this word. Why As to the necessity of this great and terrible sacrifice. Paul expresses it in these words: "... whom God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith, in (56) Ezekiel By Bill Echols, East Orange, New Jersey The book of Ezekiel ranksafter Isa- This we know from the last mentioned iah and Jeremiah both in the canon, and date in the book. (29:17.) The indi- in volume. It contains many visions, cations are that he was thirty years parables and proverbs. It is allegorical old when he began his work. (1:1-3.) and abounds in figures and symbolic For a time he was contemporary with actions. It is obscure in some of its Jeremiah and Daniel. He knew of the expressions; and therefore more diffi- work of Daniel who was likewise a cult to understand than most other captive. (14:14,20; 28:3.) Late tra- portions of prophecy. No other prophet dition says he was murdered in Baby- used such imaginative language. Nev- lon and buried in the tomb of Shem. ertheless a major part of the prophecy is very intelligible and highly edifying. Purpose These sections do not present more dif- The principle design of the prophet ficulties than can be found in other was to comfort his companions in trib- books of prophecy. ulation during their captivity and to deliver positive promises of their res- Author toration to their own land, the rebuild- The author is identified as Ezekiel, ing of the temple and the re-establish- the priest, the son of Buzi. (1:3.) No ment of the worship. Ezekiel also was mention is made of the prophet outside to save from complete apostasy and to his own book which is autobiographical. help preserve a remnant for the return He was among the captives carried to Jerusalem. The Jews in captivity away by Nebuchadnezzar before Jeru- with him were still rebellious and idol- salem was destroyed. (1:1-3; 2 Ki. atrous. (2:1-7; 20:33-39.) They still 24:8-16.) He was a member of a com- hearkened to false prophets. (13:1-19.) munity of exiles who settled by the A faithful few must be kept from whom River Chebar. Cuneiform records indi- the Messiah is to come. Ezekiel was to cate that this was actually a canal in encourage the people to follow the coun- central Babylon running from Babylon sel given by Jeremiah. (Jer. 29.) to Nippur, sixty miles to the southeast. It was Ezekiel's task to impress up- Ezekiel was married, but the day the on the exiles the fact that their calam- siege of Jerusalem began, his wife died. ity had come because of their own (24:1, 15-18.) This was one of the sinfulness. "The soul that sinneth, it symbolic actions in the book. He be- shall die." (18:4.) Thus he teaches the gan to prophesy in the fifth year of great doctrine of individual responsibil- Jehoiachin's captivity (1:2) and con- ity. The righteous can only save him- tinued his work for at least 22 years. self, not others. (14:14.) Even the na- '(57) lionmustcometoanendif the chosen 25-32) was delivered during the in- people persist in sin. God, however, vasion of Judah and contains denuncia- does not delight in the death of the tions of the nations of Ammon, Moab, wicked; He freely and sincerely offers Edom, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon, and deliverance to all. "Turn ye, turn ye Egypt. The third division (Ch. 33-48) from your evil ways; for why will ye wasmadeafterthedestructionofJeru- die?" (33:11.) salem by Nebuchadnezzar. It foretells the return of the people from captivity, It is interesting to compare Ezekiel's their final glory in a renovated land. visions with those of John in Revela- and a new Jerusalem. tion. John has traces of the language and ideas of the Old Testament prophet. In the last division the prophet's Both were exiles and lived in times work is much different from that of the when the pagan powers seemed trium- first. He is no longer preparing the phant. Both found it necessary to re- people for the fall of Jerusalem, but buke the unbelief and deadness of the for the restoration. They must be kept professed people of God. Both spoke free from sin and despair. One day of the final victory of righteousness. Israel will be regathered to her own. In addition, many of the symbols and land, and will have one king. There will actions of the two are similar. be true worship of the Lord, and then the city will be called Jehovah sham- Outline mah (the Lord is there). (48:35.) The sinful nation was destroyed, but God The book is divided into three parts. will not forget His own. The first division (Chapters 1-24) con- tains predictions made before the con- This last division contains many quest of Jerusalem, and is descriptive precious promises to the people of God. of that event. The second part (Ch. The prophecies in this division have a double significance. The temple would be rebuilt and the worship of God restored at Jerusalem. Also the spiri- APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE tual temple of God would be built and redemption through Christ would be provided. The ultimate end of the Bound Volumes material temple is the church of Jesus Christ. Now Available "There are many things in Ezekiel which give him a high place amongst Vol. 1-1960 the heralds of Christ in the Old Testa- ment. His clear assertion of the value Vol. 2-1961 of the individual soul and of the ef- ficacy of repentance, his profound sense Vol. 3-1962 of sin as ingratitude, and of the need of a new heart in order to fulfill the law of God, his impassioned vindica- Vol. 4-1963 tion of the character of God as merci- ful and eager to forgive, are among the $3.00 Each brightest gems of spiritual truth to be found in the pages of prophecy." (Hastings' Diet. Bible, art. "Ezekiel.") (58) Five Essentials of Forgiveness The Bible teaches that we are saved the word of the gospel, and believe." by a system of things, not by any one (Acts 15:7.) thing to the exclusion of all else. Re- Men are in no position to "call upon ligionists commonly make the mistake the name for the Lord" to obtain sal- of preaching for- vation until they have heard. "How- giveness on the then shall they call on him in whom basis of one item, they have not believed? and how shall ignoring other es- they believe in him of whom they have sentials. A given not heard? and how shall they hear passage may set without a preacher?" (Rom. 10:14.) forthonething "So then faith cometh by hearing, and upon which remis- hearing by the word of God." (Verse sion of sins is con- 17.) ditioned, but that passage must not 2. Belief be taken as the The gospel is designed to produce whole of God's faith. There is no profit in hearing if plan of salvation one does not believe. "For unto us was since other passages set forth other re- the gospel preached, as well as unto quirements. them: But the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith 1. Hearing of the Gospel in them that heard it." (Heb. 4:2.) Our very first step in the direction The whole design of gospel preaching of obtaining forgiveness is the hearing is to turn men from unbelief to faith, of the gospel. Jesus said, "No man can from darkness to light, from Satan to come to me, except the Father which God. hath sent me draw him: and I will Apart from faith there is no forgive- raise him up at the last day. It is ness. "... He that believeth not shall written in the prophets, And they shall be damned." (Mk. 16:16.) ". . . For be all taught of God. Every man there- if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall fore that hath heard, and hath learned die in your sins." (John 8:24.) "But of the Father, cometh unto me." (John without faith it is impossible to please 6:44,45.) God draws men by the him: for he that cometh to God must teaching process. The gospel is His believe that he is, and that he is a drawing power. (Rom. 1:16.) rewarder of them that diligently seek In all the cases of conversion record- him." (Heb. 11:6.) ed in the book of Acts, forgiveness came The belief that results in forgiveness as a result of gospel preaching. Peter is more than intellectual — more than said to the Jews on Pentecost, "Ye men assent of the mind. Being convinced of Israel, hear these words . . ." (Acts that the gospel is true, that Jesus is 2:22.) After hearing, these Jews asked. the Son of God, and that justification "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" can be reached, we must allow our be- (Verse 37.) The apostle Peter later lief to express itself in trusting and brought the gospel to Cornelius and his obeying the Lord. All who believe have house, Gentiles. He afterward testified. the "power to become the sons of God." ". . . . God made choice among us, that (John 1:12.) Howbeit, some never use the Gentiles by my mouth should hear that power. (59) 3. Repentance shalt believe in thine heart that God One may be convinced in his mind hath raised him from the dead, thou that Jesus is God's Son, but unless he shalt be saved. For with the heart man believes to the point that he repents believeth unto righteousness; and with of his sins, his faith is dead and in the mouth confession is made unto vain. "Repent ye therefore, and be salvation." (Rom. 10:9, 10.) converted, that your sins may be blot- The Bible does not teach us to con- ted out . . ." (Acts 3:19.) ". . . But fess faith in a human creed or certain now God commandeth all men every- articles of religion. It does not tell us where to repent." (Acts 17:30.) "The to confess our sins before some man Lord is not slack concerning- his prom- called a "priest." It does not reveal ise, as some men count slackness; but that we are to confess an "experience." is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing That which we are to confess with the that any should perish, but that all mouth is Jesus Christ. This good con- should come to repentance." (2 Pet. fession is "unto salvation." 3:9.) 5. Baptism True repentance is more than being sorry.Itismorethanmakinganapol- After one hears the gospel, believes, ogy. It is being sorry to the point that and repents of his sins, and confesses one quits his sinning and turns to God. his faith in Jesus Christ, he is ready The word "repent" is sometimes used in to be baptized into Christ. Notice that the sense of remorse or regret, but the baptism stands between man and salva- repentance that results in forgiveness tion: "He that believeth and is bap- implies a turning in one's action. One tized shall be saved . . ." (Mk. 16:16.) mayexpresssorrowthatheisathief, "And now why tarriest thou? arise, and but he has not repented until he quits be baptized, and wash away thy sins, stealing. calling on the name of the Lord." (Acts 22:16.) Baptism is not for Jews only. Jesus commanded "that repentance At the house of Cornelius, Peter "com- and remission of sins should be manded" Gentiles to be baptized "in preached in his name among all na- the name of the Lord." (Acts 10:48.) tions, beginning at Jerusalem." (Lk. 24:47.) Peter taught the Jews to re- The eunuch from Ethiopia heard the pent in Acts 2:38. After the same gospel from Philip the evangelist. He apostle had been instrumental in remarked, "See, here is water; what converting Gentiles, it was said that doth hinder me to be baptized." Philip God had also granted to the Gentiles replied, "If thou believest with all thine "repentance unto life." (Acts 11:18.) heart, thou mayest." The eunuch an- swered, "I believe that Jesus Christ 4. Confession of Faith is the Son of God." Following this, When Paul wrote to the saints at both Philip and the eunuch went down Rome he reviewed the grounds of their into the water, Philip baptized him. justification. In the letter we find the then they came up out of the water, following: "That if thou shalt confess and the eunuch "went on his way re- with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and joicing." (Acts 8:36-39.) This is one

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(60) of the clearest examples in the Bible. soul. (Col. 2:12.) This is the final When one is baptized "for the remis- step enabling one to be forgiven of his sion of sins" (Acts 2:38), he puts on sins. God's plan of forgiveness is plain Christ. (Gal. 3:26,27.) It is in bap- and simple. The question is. Have you tism that God performs His "opera- submitted to His requirements? tion" of cleansing and purifying the —T. H.

Federal Aid to Catholic Schools By Lewis Willis, Kirkwood, Missouri President Johnson, a member of the Hence, "if opposition develops, it will liberal Christian Church, is in the pro- come from Protestant and Jewish cess of doing that which we all feared groups ..." Something seems wrong our late President Kennedy, a devout with this entire scheme. Why were Catholic, would Catholic educators privately consulted? do — specifically, Why were not all religious educators urge Federal aid included in the consultation? Could to p a r o c h i a l it be that Catholics stand to gain the schools such as most? They have "cried" enough about those operated by persecution and bigotry to have public the Catholic opinion swayed their way, so what Church. would be more opportune than at this To my person- time to "sell the public a bill of goods" al knowledge, this and especially since they have every- proposal for aid thing to win and nothing to lose? has not yet been Some might contend that nothing was confirmed. How- said that could be relied upon. 1 sup- ever, the Wash- pose we all know how the big news ington Daily News, in late January, services get most of their information — 1964, carried an article headlined: from someone who knows but doesn't PRESIDENT WILL URGE PARO- want his name attached to the state- CHIAL SCHOOL AID. In this article, ment. Still, a group called PROTES- U n i t e d Press International (UPI) TANTS AND OTHER AMERICANS quotes "informed sources" as saying UNITED (POAU) sent Mr. Johnson that $379 million will go into the Pres- a telegram asking that he deny the ident's plan. This is to be a part of the report and got no reply. You might much publicized "War on Poverty" still contend that this does not say campaign. President Johnson said his exactly that Catholics are to be includ- plan would include "project grants to ed in this plan. But note, the grants meet special educational needs" but he were to meet "special educational was no more specific than that. needs" so Catholic "educators" were consulted. Obviously, there is a def- Catholics Consulted inite connection between the two, UPI says, "Catholic educators have wouldn't you say? been privately consulted about the Johnson proposals, and are prepared to Mistreated Catholics support them on the understanding The Catholic people have the feel- parochial schools will participate." ing that they are being mistreated. (61) After all, they pay their school taxes "The Catholic Church is opposed just as everyone else. A Catholic told chiefly by three enemies; the civil me in the office this week that they power . . . Bible Reading Protestant- comprise 20% of the total population ism, and infidelity." Now note, the and pay "millions" of dollars in school civil power is her enemy, but she will taxes. But, none of this is returned un- gladly accept, yea, even solicit that der the present constitutional arrange- power's support. Too, what would be ment. Catholics must provide their own a greater enemy than "Bible reading school buildings, pay their own teachers, Protestantism?" Bible reading would and even pay transportation costs for tear the heart out of Catholicism. their children, in addition to the taxes They realize this and have made state- they pay. They cry, "Is this fair?" ments which should amply show their Certainly it is! The public school contempt for the Bible. The Catholic system has been set up at great ex- Council of Trent, in its statement on pense to provide the youth of our na- Forbidden Books, section number 4, tion with free educational benefits. says, "Since it is clear from experience Catholics did not like this for they that if the Sacred Books are permitted could not teach their doctrines there, everywhere without discrimination so they built schools of their own. If ...... there will by reason of the they want to do this, fine and dandy. boldness of men arise therefrom more Only let them, not the rest of us, as- harm than good . . ." Therefore, only sume the financial obligations for the certain people can get "permission" to same. If I am going to refuse the pub- read the Bible, and this "permission lic school system (which is provided by they must have in writing." If a book- taxes) and send my children to a pri- vate school, I fully expect the expense seller sells a Bible to one who does to lie with me, not someone else. not have this permission, Catholic law says he "shall lose the price of the book" and "in keeping with the nature Government Control of the crime, shall be subject to other Our public schools are controlled by penalties . . ." (From the Decrees of certain regulations imposed by consti- Trent, in the book Canons and Decrees tutional law. Will Catholic schools of the Council of Trent, pp. 273-278.) give up their control to the Federal These statements clearly show Catholic government in order to get this sub- attitude toward the Bible. Do you sidy? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! Would want your tax dollars spent on a re- it then, be fair for the government to ligion that would undermine and de- turn over our money to Catholics, no stroy the divine truth which Christ died questions asked, when it will not do to institute? Catholics say, don't read the same to public school officials? the Bible. Paul says, "when ye read; The answer is obvious. ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ." (Eph. 3:3,4.) Catholic Attitude Toward Bible Catholics say, no, it will do you more I think you should know what your harm than good, and one who sells a tax dollars will support if this plan is copy of the Bible without their permis- adopted. Whatever attitudes Catholics sion is guilty of a "crime." How bold have toward the Bible will be taught in are the enemies of truth! They do not their government-financed s c h o o l s . want people to read and understand Richard Brennan, in his book, History the Bible and no wonder! of the Catholic Church, p. 242, says, Your Congressman will vote on this (62) measure one of these dayssowhy not stitutions with tax money. Heisyour let him know how you feel. Write him representative but he cannot represent saying the other 80% of us are op- you unless he knows how you feel about posed to supporting such ungodly in- all of these issues.

AreWetooNarrow-Minded? Members of the church of Christ are 7:21.) There are many who claim to be sometimes accused of being "narrow- members of the Lord's church who will minded." This label is not intended as not be saved, because they are not do- a compliment by those who use it. We ing the will of God. But, to get to the would like to ask two questions of real issue — CAN ONE DO THE those who make this accusation. First, WILL OF THE LORD IN A DE- is it narrow to believe what God said, NOMINATION? This is what should and to be willing to discuss with an concern us. Can one "abide in the open mind these matters? Second, is teaching of Christ" without addition it narrow to hold an opinion which can- or subtraction and remain in a denom- not be upheld by Scripture and refuse ination? We must conclude from a to discuss the matter? We believe it is study of the Bible that this is impos- proper for people to have convictions sible. If the Bible is true, and it is, about things that concern the soul. the doctrines of men cannot be followed Anyone should be willing to state if we would please God. what he believes and why, and he A denominational preacher once should be willing to listen to what others asked me the pointed question, "Do you have to say and give honest considera- believe I am a saved man?" We had tion to it. If this is what you mean by been talking about baptism and I had "narrow-minded" we plead guilty. Our said that baptism is for the remission minds should be narrow enough to con- of sins. (Acts 2:38; 22:16.) Now, his form to truth, and broad enough to con- question tested my faith in God's sider things that others may have to word! My reply was that I could not say.Ifyouholdanopinionwhichcan- believe what the Bible says about bap- not be sustained by God's word, and tism for the remission of sins, and at you refuse to consider your position in the same time say that he is saved if the light of truth, IS THIS NOT he has not been baptized for the re- NARROW? It seems to me that "nar- missionofsins.Todosowouldmake row-minded"shouldbeappliedtothis me inconsistent! He agreed. kind of person. It is impossible to believe the word Sometimes people ask, "Do you of God and say that it makes no differ- think that just members of the church ence what man believes. "Not every of Christ are going to be saved?" These one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, people usually have in mind a denom- shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; inational concept of the Lord's church but he that doeth the will of my Father and they hope to get a "yes" or "no" which is in heaven." (Matt. 7:21.) If answer, then they can get angry and it is "narrow" to believe that we must refuse to consider God's word. The do the will of God to be saved, then Bible teaches that the person who does give us more "narrow-minded" people! the will of God will be saved. (Matt. —Frank Jamerson (63) Wheat and Tares By Bettie Morton Lipscomb, Jacksonville, Florida

That grows into golden wheat. The deadly tares! Beware of the tares! The word of God is the precious seed There is poison for souls there; God's children are precious wheat. For Satan has spread his doctrines false, So beware, beware, beware! But Satan came in his stealthy way And sowed tares among the wheat. Refuse to partake of doctrines false "Don't root them up," said the Set forth by Satan or man. loving Lord, But live by God's word, eternal word "Lest with them you root up wheat." And humbly follow his plan. O precious wheat! O children of God! Freely and ever partake A wondrous reward God will give you Of the milk and the meat of God's In heaven so lovely and fair: own word. A home in the beautiful mansions Oh,partake,partake,partake! Eternal, transcendent, rare!


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Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo. VOLUME 5______NUMBER 5 Soka Gakkai By Robert P. Nichols, Osaka, Japan 'TO H— WITH CHRIST." Religions comments, "Soka Gakkai does One of my friends, an American lady, not respect the rights of others. It was approached on the street in Osaka threatens reprisals to all who oppose it. recently by a Japanese woman who in- Followers are obliged to engage in quired if she was forced conversions and in doing so. they a Christian. When force their way into private homes and the A m e r i c a n refuse to leave when asked. They dis- woman answered rupt public meetings and threaten non- in the affirmative believers. Leaders encourage violence. her questioner re- •'Soka Gakkai has developed in such plied with the a- a sinister manner that most people in bove denunciation. positions of public responsibility are This was not an afraid to take objective stands against isolated incident it. They are literally afraid: they nev- provoked by a er know what form reprisal will take." lone fanatic but is While commenting on Soka Gakkai. typical of ten mil- sister Hettie Lee Ewing, long time lion fanatical fol- Japan worker, stated that present at- lowers of a new religious-political move- titudes toward church attendance by ment. non-Christians are reminiscent of those A few years ago the name Soka in the late 1930s. From 1936 to 1941 Gakkai (Value Creating Society) would non-Christians were more and more have meant little to the Japanese man afraid to attend Christian worship. in the street or to a visiting foreigner. Today people may not be afraid to Those who did know of it would have attend but they are less than enthusi- dismissed it as a terrorist religion. astic. Today it is the most talked about, most Soka Gakkai was started in 1930 by closely studied movement in Japan. school teacher Tsunesaburo Makiguchi Japanese newspapers feature it as the as a "lay" movement of a centuries old "Number-three political party." It re- Buddhist sect. Before the war it num- gards itself as not only the one true bered less than sixty persons. Many of Buddhist religion, but the one true re- these were imprisoned during the war, ligion on earth. and founder Makiguchi died behind Dr. William P. Woodard of Tokyo's bars. They were not imprisoned for International Institute for the Study of (See SOKA GAKKAI...... Page 75) Response to the Johnson Proposal By Lewis Willis, Kirkwood, Missouri In last month's APOSTOLIC DOC- scuttled. They understand that sub- TRINE, an article of mine appeared sidies to parochial schools under any entitled "Federal Aid to Ca t h ol i c pretext are subsidies to the churches Schools." In that article I called your which own and control them. Such a attention to Presi- proposal would demolish religious amity dent Johnson's in- in this country, pitting church against tention to attach church, and brother against brother. a clause to his "In 1960 the late President John F. "War on Poverty" Kennedy pledged his unalterable oppo- program w h i c h sition to federal aid to parochial schools. would grant feder- We cannot believe that this pledge al f u n d s for would be so quickly forgotten by his church - operated party and his successor. schools. The schools that would "Wewouldnothavetroubledyou receive this a i d with this communication except we un- would be Parochi- derstand you have been bombarded with al schools, and the letters from the Roman Catholic Church Catholics probably operate a larger and we felt the Protestant position number of these schools than, all of needed expression. Protestantism combined. Therefore, the (Signed) Glenn L. Archer Catholic church was strongly in favor Executive Director of the move. Catholic educators were (POAU) even "privately" consulted prior to any public announcement of Johnson's pro- In addition to this communication to posal. Having their support (and why the President, POAU urged its members would he not have it?), he very vaguely to write to Johnson expressing their announced his plan to see what those opposition to any such move as this on who would read between the lines would the government's part. The response do. was apparently very great. In the March, 1964, issue of CHURCH AND Immediately, an organization that is STATE (the publication of POAU), dedicated to Church-State Separation there appears an article which states took up the inference and called upon that the Johnson proposal has appar- the public to respond in opposition to ently been "shelved" for the time being the proposal. The organization is called due to the large amount of expressed Protestants and Other A m e r i c a n s opposition. This is certainly welcome United (POAU). POAU immediately news if the correspondents of POAU sent the following telegram to Presi- are correct. But wait, don't rejoice yet! dent Johnson: Political Maneuvers "We respectfully urge you to deny Since my move to St. Louis County, the press reports that you intend ask- a vote has been taken on 12 bond issues ing Congress for federal aid to parochial for the improvement of the county. All schools. The American people will not 12 issues were defeated, but do you permit this country's long-standing tra- think county residents have voted on dition of church-state separation to be them for the last time? Maybe Mis- (66) souri politicians are different from those Already wehave 99 Congressmen who in other states, but where I came from, are Catholics (that is almost 1/4 of the if a bond issue was defeated, it came up total vote of the 88th Congress). The for a vote again. Politicians are shrewd Catholic Church can certainly count fellows. If a tax levy is sought and on their support and if it does not it is defeated, you can expect to sec it come willingly, they will get it another cropping up again and again until it is way. Too, the complacent, week-kneed passed. My point is, politically, we and comprising attitude that is preva- have not heard the last of the "paro- lent in almost all Protestant bodies to- chial school aid" bill. We will hear ward Catholicism today, is to be found much more about it. embodied in the representatives elected I do not consider myself a good from among them to Congress. Why critic of politics, but we all know that should we expect these men to take a before one of these fellows "sticks his strong stand against Catholicism when neck out" he is reasonably certain that their preachers will not? These Pro- he will have one to pull back in. That (See RESPONSE...... Page 70) is the reason President Johnson sent this "Trial Balloon" up. GROUP SUBSCRIPTION PLAN This plan is designed for churches "Consider the Voters" that want to send the paper to all This is the first rule in being a good their members or a list of prospects, politician. Look at the effect that the and for individuals who desire to recently passed tax-cut bill will have have the paper sent to a list of friends on the voting public. President Ken- and relatives. nedy had promised a tax-cut during his Here is how the plan works: You administration, but when was it passed? send us a list of names and we mail In the next election year, no less! the paper to everyone on your list President Johnson would love to have and bill you for the cost each month. the Catholic vote this year and what Send us 25 names and the cost to you better way to get it than to "pat their is $2.75 per month; 50 names, $5.50 backs." If he could do this without per month; 100 names, $11.00 per arousing Protestant indignation, my month; etc. This is a most effective guess is he would. Still, Johnson will way of getting APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE not commit "Political Suicide" to give into the hands of those who really Catholics their wish. He knows he can- need to read this kind of material. not be elected with only 20% of the If someone on your list moves and total vote. He knows that Catholics leaves no forwarding address, you have been waiting for this levy for years are notified and can send another and will wait still longer until it can name. be passed easily, maybe even having the Try our group plan for a year. If best wishes and support of Protestant- you subscribe to the paper for 50 ism. To do this, they are appealing for people at club rate, that amounts to public sympathy with cries of bigotry $75.00. By using the group plan you and unfair practices on the part of the can send it to 50 people for a year government against them, and unfor- for only $66.00, and you pay a little tunately, they seem to be getting this at a time. This is our most economical sympathy. The ground work is being subscription plan. The minimum laid to get their schools into the federal number of names for this plan is 25. budget. Send us your list today. (67) Why Be Baptized? By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri Nothing is taught in the Bible with show that he is saved. If this be true, more plainness than the design of bap- Jesus should have said, "He that be- tism. The apostles clearly stated why lieveth shall be saved, and he that is people were to be baptized in the first baptized was already saved." Woe be century. God's to anyone who would thus revise our word is the same Lord's teaching! on the subject now "For the Remission of Sins" as it was then. Yet, many people The apostles understood the words of have not been Jesus, but to safeguard against any baptized for the misunderstanding, the Holy Spirit guid- purpose set before ed them in their preaching. Speaking us in Holy Writ. as the Spirit gave utterance (Acts 2:4), Some who have Peter preached to sinners, "Repent, and been baptized are be baptized every one of you in the not clear on their name of Jesus Christ for the remission reason for doing of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of so. Others have the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38.) Baptism not been baptized due to their not un- stands in the same relation to the remis- derstanding the purpose. sion of sins that repentance stands in this verse. Men need to repent; why? "Shall Be Saved" "For the remission of sins." Men to Jesus commanded that the gospel be be baptized; why? "for the remission preached to every creature, and added, of sins." Note the conjunction AND. "He that believeth and is baptized shall "Repent, AND be baptized ... for the be saved; but he that believeth not remission of sins . . ." Note also that shall be damned." (Mk. 16:15,16.) Here baptism is made to stand between man and salvation. Like belief, it is a condition of salvation. If we say one must eat food and digest it to grow, no one would take this to mean eating without digesting would enable one to grow. Suppose we word it like this: "He that eateth food and digesteth it shall grow; but he that eateth not shall die." Both eating and digesting are essentials of growth, but to die one needs only to leave off eating. In like manner, both belief and baptism are essential to salvation, but to be dam- ned one needs only to leave off belief. As some teach the purpose of bap- tism, our Lord's statement needs to be rewritten. Many preachers say man is saved by belief, then he is baptized to (68) the giftof the Holy Spirit followsre- ask, shall we rewrite the Bible to con- pentance and baptism for the remission form to man's opinions. Shall we revise of sins. Acts 22:16 to read, "And now why All agree that repentance is essential tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, to forgiveness, yet some continue to and symbolically wash away thy sins, maintain that baptism is not essential. calling on the name of the Lord?" If Are we ready to rewrite the words of we can add the word symbolically once, Peter? Shall we revise the statement to why not add it four times? How would read, "Repent for the remission of sins this sound? "And now why tarriest and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy thou? symbolically arise, and symboli- Ghost, then be baptized?" Who would cally be baptized, and symbolically dare to rearrange the words of the Spirit wash away thy sins, calling symbolically to fit a human theory? onthenameoftheLord."Ifmanis blessedinaddingthiswordonce,why "Wash Away Thy Sins" not be four times blessed by adding In harmony with the foregoing verses it four times? If man is cursed by ad- of scripture, Acts 22:16 records that ding to God's word, why not avoid that Saul of Tarsus was told, "And now why curse by letting it stand as it is? tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the "Newness of Life" name of the Lord." Please observe that "Know ye not, that so many of us as baptism stood between Saul and the were baptized into Jesus Christ were washing away of his sins. Some will tell baptized into his death? Therefore we you that Saul's sins had already been are buried with him by baptism into washed away, but that is more than death: that like as Christ was raised Ananias knew, and more than the writer up from the dead by the glory of the of the book of Acts knew. I am skep- Father, even so we also should walk in tical of any man who is smarter than newness of life." (Rom. 6:3,4.) Here the Bible! Paul explains that in baptism there is a But it is urged sometimes that this burial followed by a resurrection. After was only a symbolic washing. Again I that resurrection comes "newness of (69) life." Verse 5 adds, "For if wehave tized into Christ you put Him on and been planted together in the likeness of enter that new and holy life. Is your his death, we shall be also in the like- faith in Christ strong enough to obey ness of his resurrection." As Christ died Him in baptism? Do you trust Him and arose to a new life, so men die to to the point that you will accept His sin, are buried in baptism and raised to teaching on this subject? Which do "newness of life." One enters a new you believe, what Christ teaches on bap- lifewhenheissavedfromsins,orhas tism or what men teach, his sins remitted—washed away by the blood of Christ. Now if one is saved before baptism, (RESPONSE...... Continued) he walks in "newness of life" before he is buried and raised. According to this testant preachers are so busy establish- view, Paul's statements need to be re- ing fellowship with Catholicism that arranged? Shall we rewrite Rom. 6:4? they cannot see what is happening. Shall we put the "newness of life" be- Everything seems to be in Catholicism's fore the death, burial, and resurrection? favor, and unless the "Protestant" world stands up for its rights, it will "Put on Christ" get something pushed on itself that it Let us notice one other passage on the does not want. design of baptism. "For ye are all the Conclusion children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been You have voted for representatives baptized into Christ have put on to the Congress. These men are affect- Christ." (Gal. 3:26,27.) Here it is ed in their decisions by the public shown that baptism has a part in our voice; they like to please the voter. being made children of God by faith. Why not speak your opposition to Fed- Those who are God's children by faith eral Aid to Parochial Schools by writ- are the ones who have been baptized ing to them today. Only in this way into Christ. As many as have been bap- can they represent you. If possible, tized into Christ have "put on Christ." make this matter a campaign issue in This language is too plain to be mis- the next election. Your representative understood. may not vote on the issue this session of Congress, but you can be certain But in the face of it, some preachers that the time is not far off when he continue to argue that one can enter will. "into" Christ and "put on" Christ be- fore and without baptism. Shall we (EDITOR'S NOTE: The foregoing rewrite Gal. 3:26,27? How would this article is being published for one rea- sound? "For ye are all the children of son only — to kelp people see the trend God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as toward using government funds to aid many of you as have been baptized had religion. The Bible teaches separation already entered into Christ and had of church and state. We are set to de- previously put on Christ." Who but an fend that proposition. We stand op- infidel would thus pervert God's word? posed to anything that violates that Friend, you must believe and be Biblical principal. We are not entering baptized to be saved. Without repent- the field of politics. But since politics ance and baptism you cannot expect has begun to enter the field of religion, remission of sins, that is, the washing we are within our rights to speak away of your sins. When you are bap- against such.) (70) What Is the Church of Christ?------Mission of the Church By Paid K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana Fundamental to the proper concep- One did not have to be dead or lead tion of the New Testament church is an an extra holy life to be called a New understanding of the mission of the Testament saint. (See 1 Cor. 1:1-2; church. Why did Jesus put it here? Phil. 1:1; Col. 1: 1-2.) Therefore the What is it to ac- first work of the church is to teach complish? And the word of God to Christians to what can NOT be strengthen them. To this end the classified as the twenty-one epistles of the New Testa- work of His ment were written. It is for this purpose church? that the church meets to study the Many modern Bible, to hear sermons preached, and denominational to sing hymns of praise and teaching. churches are little Ministering more than social clubs or welfare The second work of the church is the agencies. Some of work of ministering. The word minister simply means "to serve," and it was them are actually formidable busi- usually used to refer to what we would ness enterprises, some having gambling call benevolence — helping the unfortu- halls, barrooms, or dance halls. Such nate. In Acts 6 we read of the arrange- churches have no regard for God's word ment made by the church in Jerusalem for caring for the poor Christian widows because His word, which tells the in Jerusalem. In other New Testament church what it is to do, authorizes none books we have command and example of these things. In Eph. 4:11-12 the for the church to care for the poor who work of the church is given in a nut- are its members, and to help other con- shell. "And he gave some to be apos- gregations take care of their poor when tles; and some, prophets; and some, they are not able to do so by them- evangelists; and some, pastors and selves. (See Acts 11:27-30; 1 Cor. teachers; for the perfecting of the 16:1-4; 2 Cor. 8 & 9.) saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Evangelism Christ." The work of the church is, The third mission of the church, and therefore, three-fold: First, the per- perhaps this should come first in im- fecting of the saints; second, the work portance, is the building up of the body of ministering; third, the building up of of Christ. This is done by converting the body of Christ. sinners. The gospel is to be preached to every creature. "He that believeth Perfecting the Saints and is baptized shall be saved." (Mk. Perfecting the saints means strength- 16:15-16.) The gospel is God's power ening Christians. Whenever the word unto salvation, and by preaching it at saint is used in the New Testament, it every opportunity, we may lead honest simply means a person who has been souls to an obedience to Christ's word. cleansed from his sins and is following When they obey Christ by repenting the Lord. It is used of all Christians. of their sins and being buried in bap- (71) tism for the remission of their sins, in other practices. The church is not a they become free from sins and are political party or a political pressure added by the Lord to the church. (See group. The individuals in the church Acts 2:38,47.) This is how the church of God are charged with the obligation is built up. of living by Christian principles and standing for them always; but the Worship church is not a political group to pass Thechurchhasoneotherdutynot resolutions on political themes. mentioned in Eph. 4:12, the duty to Nor is it the business of the church assemble regularly to worship God. to buy and sell stocks, own railroads Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake and radio stations, or to sell hot dogs our own assembling together. We are and pancakes. The church is a spiritual given instructions as to how to worship institution for a spiritual purpose. It God in the assembly, instructions which is not a business institution. we will consider next month. It is not a recreational organization. Entire Mission Parties, fun and frolic are fine, but they These four things — evangelism, edi- are no part of the work of the church. fication, benevolence, and worship — The church's mission is to save souls, are the only things given in the New not to entertain. Testament for the church to do. The "Whosoever Goeth Onward" church won't have time for much else if we do what God has commanded in The church of Christ is governed by these areas. When the church strives to the New Testament in its mission. It the limit of its ability to preach the tries to fulfill the mission given it by gospel to every creature, when it care- Christ, and it does not presume to go fully teaches each member of the church beyond His word by engaging in that the gospel of Christ more fully, when not authorized by Him. it is careful to take care of each case The Apostle John wrote in the creed of needy among its members, and when book of the church, "Whosoever goeth it assembles regularly to worship God, onward and abideth not in the teach- it has plenty to do. ing of Christ, hath not God: he that Notice, too, that these four things abideth in the teaching, the same hath are primarily spiritual. The whole pur- both the Father and the Son." (2 John poseofthechurchistosavesouls. 9.) The church that Jesus built will not This is why the local church of Christ depart from His word. preaches the gospel to the lost at its every opportunity. Thus it is that Bible Renew Your Subscription Promptly classes are arranged for all ages, that Christians may be edified by a more thorough knowledge of the Bible. This is the reason why an effort is made not to overlook any case of need among the members. And thus it is that we meet NEW! together at appointed times to worship ABIDING HYMNS God. Edited by Robert C. Welch What Is NOT the Church's Mission 457 Songs $1.50 The scriptures being our only guide. Order From Apostolic Doctrine the church has no authority to engage (72)

I Daniel By Tom Gaunter, Vienna, West Virginia The purpose of the book of Daniel lived to see its fall, even as he and the "is to show how by His providential other prophets had predicted it. Thus guidance, His miraculous intervention, his period of prophetic activity was a His foreknowledge and almighty power, long one, extending from the third year the God of heaven controls and directs of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah the forces of Nature and the history (1:1), to the third year of the reign of of nations, the lives of Hebrew captives Cyrus king of Persia (6:28; 10:1), a and of the mightiest of the kings of period of seventy-two years (606-534 the earth, for the accomplishment of B.C.). The book of prophecy which His Divine and beneficient plans for resulted from this lengthy period of His servants and people." (Wilson.) service divides itself naturally into two The setting in which God, so worked in distinct parts. The first embraces chap- the days of Daniel was the glorious ters 1-6 and is primarily historical in city of Babylon. Daniel and his three content, while the second embraces friends were among the first captives chapters 7-12 and is primarily apoca- to be taken by Nebuchadnezzar to this lyptical in content. More particularly, wonder city of the ancient world as a the book may be viewed in the follow- result of the siege of Jerusalem in 606 ing manner: B. C. It was during his stay of ap- INTRODUCTION. This is the pur- proximately seventy-two years in and pose of the first chapter which relates around the palaces and temples of how Daniel and his three friends were Babylon that Daniel witnessed that in- taken captive to Babylon after Nebuch- deed "the Most High God ruleth in the adnezzar had besieged Jerusalem in 606 kingdoms of men." B. C. It relates how they were trained That the book of Daniel is named for service at the court, and yet proved after its principal character, and that their faithfulness by refusing to eat it was written by him some time dur- the king's food. Verse twenty describes ing the sixth century, B. C, is attested them thus: "And in every matter of by both Jewish and Christian tradition. wisdom and understanding, concerning Jesus recognized that Daniel was the which the king inquired of them, he author of the prophecy which bears his found them ten times better than all the name when He refers in Matthew 24: IS magicians and enchanters that were in to "the abomination of desolation all his realm." which was spoken of through Daniel the NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S DREAM. prophet." Chapter two tells of the failure of the Daniel was perhaps twenty years old wise men of Babylon to interpret the when he first came to Babylon, and he dream of the king. The meaning is re- (73) vealedtoDanielinavision and he the king is slain and the kingdom is interprets it to Nebuchadnezzar. The received by Darius the Mede. image represents four temporal king- DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. doms which would succeed one another. This familiar story is related in the In the days of the last kingdom, God sixth chapter. Daniel, who has just would "set up a kingdom which shall been elevated to a high position by never be destroyed." The four tem- Darius, is caught violating one of the poral kingdoms represented in the ruler's decrees as a result of the plot- dream are Babylon, Medo-Persia, ting of other officers who are envious and Rome respectively. The of Daniel. Reluctantly, Darius has kingdom to be established by God is Daniel cast into a den of lions, but of a spiritual nature, to which Daniel through the miraculous intervention of calls attention repeatedly, and which God he is able to escape from harm, and obviously refers to the Kingdom of his enemies receive his intended fate. Christ. (Lk. 1:32,33.) A wonderful The result of this episode is that Darius picture of God working out his pur- issues a decree favoring the God of poses as he rules in the kingdoms of Daniel. men! THE VISION OF THE FOUR THE FAITHFULNESS OF DAN- BEASTS. Chapter seven marks the IEL'S THREE COMPANIONS. Neb- beginning of the second division of the uchadnezzar erects a golden image on book. It too, discloses that four king- the plain of Dura, and all are to wor- doms would exist before the coming of ship it. The refusal of Daniel's three the Kingdom of Christ as the second friends to bow down before the image chapter does, but does so under the results in their frightful experience in figure of four great beasts. The nature the fiery furnace. Their miraculous de- of the fourth beast is discussed more liverance elicits the admiration of the fully than in the second chapter under king for their God, and the three He- the figure of the ten horns and the brews are promoted in the province of little horn. The fourth beast is finally Babylon. destroyed in connection with the re- ceiving of a kingdom by one like unto NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S INSANI- the Son of Man. This kingdom in turn TY AND RECOVERY. Like chapters is given to the saints of the Most High. two and three, this chapter tells of an event which is designed to gain the THE VISION OF THE RAM AND respect of the king for the God of THE HE-GOAT. Under this symbolism heaven. Another dream, this time of a Daniel sees the destruction of the Medo- mighty tree, and again the wise men of Persian empire by Alexander the Great. Babylon are unable to interpret. Daniel Four horns represent the four-fold di- discloses the meaning to the king who vision of the empire of Greece after fulfills it by losing his sanity for a sea- Alexander's death. Another horn com- son, and upon regaining it, praises the ing from these represents Antiochus God of heaven, realizing that "those Epiphanes who oppresses the people of that walk in pride he is able to abase." God, but he is finally destroyed. BELSHAZZAR'S FEAST. Belshaz- THE PRAYER OF DANIEL. This zar makes a great feast during which event recorded in chapter nine comes a miraculous handwriting appears on as a result of Daniel's study of the the wall. Daniel interprets the writing prophecy of Jeremiah which indicated as a warning of the doom of Belshazzar, that the time of restoration was near a prophecy which is soon fulfilled when for the people of God. Daniel confesses (74) the sins of the people and praysearn- and Greece, of Egypt(theking of the estly for forgiveness and restoration. South) and Syria (the king of the Gabriel appears to him and assures him North), and of the wickedness of that his prayer will be answered, and Antiochus Epiphanes. (Verses 30-44.) then discusses "the anointed one" in With the destruction of this terrible connection with the restoration. THE LAST VISION OF DANIEL. figure comes the resurrection of Israel. This is found in chapters 10 thru 12. The last chapter obviously carries into Chapter 10 introduces the vision. The the Messianic Age and seems to picture vision foretells the struggles of Persia the time of the end. WeThank Thee By Bettie Morton Lipscomb, Jacksonville, Florida We thank thee, Lord, for happy days For all the good things thou hast given, Which tune our hearts to sing thy For present time and hope of heaven, praise, Also for trials long and sore For home and friends, all those so dear Who fill our lives with joy and cheer, Which train our spirits to endure. We thank thee, Lord, wesingthy praise. For Christ who died that we might live, For eternal life that he doth give, Our hallelujahs gladly raise! For thine own word to guide us home, We sound thy praise from sea to sea, Lest from thy holy way we roam, For time and for eternity! That PorkCommandment Gakkai soon regained its former strength. By 1951 five thousand mem- The Adventists make a distinction be- bers were blindly following a new presi- tween the "moral" and "ceremonial" dent. In one year the membership in- law. They say the "ceremonial" law has creased from 5,000 to more than been done away, but that the "moral" 33,000. Today Soka Gakkai claims law (the ten commandments) is still more than ten million members making binding. The Bible does not make such it the fastest growing religion in the distinction, but if a Seventh-Day Ad- world, with a monthly increase of close ventist makes that argument to you, ask to 100,000 members. him which of the ten commandments Soka Gakkai has powerful literature, requires us to abstain from EATING propaganda, education, and finance de- PORK! They say that the "eating of partments. At the foot of Mt. Fuji, meats" was part of the ceremonial law, Soka Gakkai has built three large con- yet they command not to eat pork! crete buildings already, and recently —Frank Jamerson completed a campaign, raising ten mil- lion dollars but more than three times (SOKA GAKKAI...... Continued) that amount was subscribed in a few lack of nationalism but on the contrary weeks. (And some people tell me that the Shinto leaders of war-time Japan only Americans can afford to build did not appreciate Soka Gakkai's Bud- church buildings.) dhistic brand of nationalism. (Next month Nichols writes on the When American soldiers brought re- challenge of this Buddhist sect. Don't ligious freedom to Japan the Soka miss the next article. — Editor.) (75) The End of the World, the Destruction of the Earthly Globe By Jimmy Tuten, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri "Jehovah's Witnesses," it has been hovah's Witness doctrine. Consequent- said, "are the deadliest and most fierce ly, nine years after the book was first enemies of the Christian religion extant published, it became necessary to re- today." (J. K. van Baalen, The Chaos of vise and republish this work. Thus, in the Cults, p. 231.) 1886, the same work again appeared, This conclusion this time bearing the title, The Divine was drawn from Plan of the Ages. The latest edition is the fact that the assailed by Witnesses today as showing Jehovah's Witnes- "consideration for the original Greek" ses seem unlimit- (The Watchtower, January 15, 1964), ed in their zeal and consequently, they cannot escape whichisinkeep- the conclusion that their founder ing with their hat- blundered in his scholarly (?) ability tred for b a s i c when he published his first edition. fundamentals of New Testament What Witnesses Say About the Christianity. All End of the World outside of their The position of these people with ref- circle of activity are denounced as erence to "the end of the world," is an enemies of God, and are charged with erroneous position bolstered by perver- being a part of the organization of sion of Scripture. They say that "the Satan. The teachings of these people end of the world" does not involve the show utter disregard and contempt for established facts of the Scriptures. destruction of our earthly globe. (Let Among the subjects abused by these God Be True, p. 249.) Commenting on bunglers of Holy Writ, their treatment Matthew 13, and the two Greek terms of "the destruction of the world" is a KOSMOS (world) and AION (age), classic example of people riding rough- the January 1964 issue of The Watch- shod over plain teaching of the Bible. tower states: "in the original Greek Even within the framework of their text of the Bible the word for the own writings one can find not only con- 'world' symbolized by the 'field' is clusions that are ill founded, but many KOSMOS, but the word for 'world' the examples of self contradiction. end of which comes at the harvest time is AION. Never in the Christian Greek By way of illustration, the founder Scriptures do we read of the end, con- of the Jehovah's Witness sect, C. T. clusion or consummation of KOSMOS; Russell, published a book with a co- but the end, conclusion or consumma- editor named N. H. Barbour, which tion is what befalls AION. We read, came off the press in 1877. It was en- in so many words, of only the end of titled Three Worlds, and the Harvest the AION." The Witnesses then con- of This World, based upon a study of clude that "the LITERAL HEAVENS 2 Peter 3:6-7. It was found that this AND EARTH WILL NOT BE DE- book did not harmonize with the con- STROYED" (Ibid., p. 56, emphasis text of Scripture used as a basis for mine,J.T.),butwillmerelybecleansed study, and that it contradicted other with the passing of this present system features of the rapidly growing Je- or age. This position is absolutely es- (76) sential to their doctrine that the "meek" "all words are to be understood in of Matthew 5:5 will literally inherit the their literal sense, unless the evident earth at the end of the so-called thou- meaning of the context forbids." sand year reign of Christ. They must, (Textbook on Hermeneutics, by D. R. therefore, of necessity argue that the Dungan.) There is nothing in the con- earthly globe will remain forever — text to indicate that "the earth" of will never be destroyed or burned up, verse 7 is anything but literal. Further- for according to these people God will more, "the harmony of figurative de- restore paradisaic conditions by a "new scription must be preserved throughout earth" of a righteously governed human its interpretation." (Biblical Hermen- society under the "new heavens" of the eutics, by I. B. Grubbs.) An utter dis- Lord's rule. In taking this position, regard for the harmony of the so-called they contradict the Bible, for it teaches figure is manifested in their taking the the destruction of more than just word "world" and "earth" of verses Satan's system of human society." 5-6 literally, while insisting that the "earth" of verses 7, 10, and 12 (ele- What the Bible Says About the ments) are figurative. I also charge End of the World the Witnesses with violating the Law Someone said, "I was reared on the of Harmony, i e., failing to interpret farm and always taught, when I went and apply a given passage in a way to 'slop the hogs' never to give them that is consistent with "other undoubted more than they could eat." In this Scripture teaching." (Ibid., p. 6.) Ob- article our discussion will center around serve the context of 2 Pet. 3 and you 2 Peter 3:6-10 for the simple fact that will discover what it teaches. I do not want to give the Jehovah's Witnesses any more than they can take! Observe first of all that the Ante- Frankly, I believe that the passage it- diluvian world, "being overflowed with self cannot be answered by these people, water, perished." (2 Pet. 3:6.) The for it completely destroys their position verb "perished" does not refer to ex- on the destruction of the earth. Their tinction or annihilation, but simply de- treatment of 2 Peter 3 indicates the notes the idea of putting "out of the difficulty they encounter. It is inter- way entirely, abolish, put an end to, esting to observe that when the Wit- ruin." (Thayer's Greek-English Lexi- nessesattempttoapplythecontextof con, p. 64.) What took place was not their system they take a literal view to- the loss "of being, but of well being." ward the passage (especially verse six), (An Expository Dictionary of New but then turn around and deny that por- Testament Words, by W. E. Vine, D. tions which do not harmonize with 302.) Hence, the ancient world, i.e., their systems are literal. Their treat- the globe and the sinful inhabitants ment runs something like this: "in the thereof, simply perished! Now by the remainder of his letter, in connection "same word" that brought the world with the 'heavens and the earth that into existence (v. 5), and later caused are now,' and the 'new heavens and a it to be destroyed by the flood (v 6; new earth,' . . . Peter now uses the ex- Gen. 6:7), the world that now exists pressions ... IN A FIGURATIVE OR has been infallibly decreed to be re- SYMBOLIC SENSE, NOT APPLY- served for destruction by fire. (vv. 6-7. ING TO THE LITERAL HEAVENS 10-11.) Jehovah's Witnesses are very AND EARTH." (The Watchtower, hard pressed when dealing with ex- January 15, 1964.) Here is a violation pressions such as "the heavens that of several rules of hermeneutics, namely, are now, AND THE EARTH," and (77) giveevidence of such difficulty by ar- cataclysmic destruction. These facts, guing that Peter uses KOSMOS once in along with that of the heavens passing thirteen verses, and therefore could not away with a "great noise" i. e., with a be talking about the destruction of the loud roaring noise, does away with the globe under our feet. (Cf. The Watch- idea that the "heavens and earth" that tower, January 15, 1964, p. 43.) They are now will become a "new society of overlook the fact that the word "world" righteousness in the midst of paradise in verse 6 denotes the sum total of what conditions." 2 Pet. 3 teaches the de- God has created, i. e., the "heavens struction of the entire universe. The were of old, and the earth standing out center of man's activity, the earth it- of the water and in the water." (v. 5.) self, will share in that destruction. It was not necessary that Peter uses KOSMOS (world) again, for he speci- Conclusion fied what he meant when he said, "but Jehovah's Witnesses show disrespect the heaven and the earth, WHICH for what the Bible teaches about the ARE NOW." (v. 7, emphasis mine, judgment, shrugging off with ridicule J. T.) Even the Emphatic Diaglott certain features thereof, such as that (Watchtower publication) shows that discussed in this writing, seeking to "earth" of verses 5 and 7 are the same, propagate their own doctrine in the being translated from the Greek "ge", place of plain Bible teaching. In the meaning land, ground, for the planet words of Peter, "seeing then that all as a whole. (Cf. Thayer and Vine.) It these things shall be dissolved, what is THIS EARTH that is reserved for manner of persons ought ye to be in conflagrations AT THE TIME OF all holy conversation and godliness ... THE "judgment and perdition of un- seeing that ye look for such things, be godly men." (v. 7.) Not only are the diligent that ye may be found of him ungodly inhabitants affected by the in peace, without spot, and blameless." judgment, but "the earth also, and the (2 Pet. 3:11, 14.) This cannot be done works that are therein shall be burned without obeying the gospel (2 Thess. up." (v. 10.) The word translated 1:7-9; Mk. 16:15-16) and living faith- "burned up," means to consume by fully unto death. (Rev. 2:10.) Respect fire. (Thayer, Op. cit., p. 331.) It has for the Bible will cause one to fear the the same meaning as that found in Acts Lord, and labor for an entrance into 19:19, where books were rendered use- heaven itself in the judgment. ( Matt. less by burning. The earth will become 25:46.) useless, consumed by fire, fulfilling the Lord's statement, "heaven and earth will pass away." (Mk. 13:31; Matt. CRUDEN'S 24:35.) Popular Concordance Not only is the earth "kept in store, reserved unto fire" (2 Pet. 3:9), to be 563 Pages $2.95 "burned up" (2 Pet. 3:10), but the very elements thereof are to "melt with Order From fervent heat." (2 Pet. 3:12, 13.) "Shall melt" (KJV) or "be dissolved" (ASV) APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE means literally to "loosen, unbind," or simply "dissolved." (Vine, Op. cit., p. 900 Smithshire 59, Vol. 3.) God, who compacted the St. Louis, Mo. 63135 earth will some day pull it apart in (78) Errors of Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield In 1909 the Oxford University Press 7. THE DISPENSATION OF THE issued a Bible with numerous footnotes, KINGDOM —- the future personal outlines, and brief comments edited by reign of Christ on earth. C. I. Scofield. The Scofield Reference Bible has since enjoyed a wide circula- This dispensational outline is an ar- tion. bitrary one. Other men have extended it by dividing the period of grace into The "helps" in this Bible are more different dispensations. Some contend "hindrances" than anything else. Sco- that Peter worked under one dispensa- field advocates a form of the theory of tion and Paul under another. It is some- Dispensationalism, the theory of Pre- times argued that baptism for the re- millennialism, and other unscriptural notions. mission of sins was preached under Peter's dispensation but not by Paul. Dispensationalism Getting back to Scofield, let us look Scofield uses the word "dispensation" at his "Dispensation of Conscience." in the sense of a period of time and no Did man cease to have an awakened more than that. The Bible uses the conscience after the flood? If not, why word in the sense of an arrangement by end that dispensation with the flood? which God dispenses or distributes His Scofield defines "dispensation" as "a blessings to man, hence an "administra- period of time during which man is tion." tested in respect of obedience to some In the Scofield Reference Bible we specific revelation of the will of God." are informed that there are seven dis- Since God tested Abraham by specifi- pensations. Five of these are past, we cally revealing that he was to offer are living in the sixth, and the sev- Isaac, why not list the "Dispensation of enth is yet to come. Briefly, they are Sacrifice?" stated as follows: 1. THE DISPENSATION OF IN- Scofield says Israel was under grace NOCENCE—man in Eden. before they accepted the law on Mt. 2. THE DISPENSATION OF CON- Sinai. He says they "rashly accepted SCIENCE—man with an awakened the law." (Note on Gen. 12:1.) To act conscience; from Eden to the flood. "rashly ' is to do something in a reck- less, indiscreet manner. In other words, 3. THE DISPENSATION OF HU- the Israelites recklessly and foolishly MAN GOVERNMENT—man govern- swapped God's grace for a system of ed by man: from the flood to Abraham. works when they accepted Moses' law. 4. THE DISPENSATION OF Poor Israelites! If Scofield had been PROMISE—a period of grace begin- there with them they would have known ning with the promise to Abraham and better than to let Moses give them the ending when "Israel rashly accepted law!Godpromisedthatiftheykept the law." this covenant they would be a peculiar 5. THE DISPENSATION OF THE treasure above all people, a kingdom of LAW—Israel under the Mosaic Cove- priests, and an holy nation. If Scofield nant; continued to the Cross. had been there he would have discour- 6. THE DISPENSATION OF aged "rash" acceptance of the law which GRACE—the period in which salvation offered such promises. This amounts to is conditioned on one thing only, faith saying it was rash to accept what God in Christ. proposed! (79) Kingdom Postponed Old Testament prophecies of the king- Like other Premillennialists, Sco- dom by projecting them to a future field's outline teaches that the church date. Jesus said in Mk. 9:1, "That there was not prophesied in the Old Testa- be some of them that stand here, which ment. We are supposed to believe that shall not taste of death, till they have the kingdom was prophesied, planned, seen the kingdom of God come with and prepared for, but the Jews rejected power." Compare this with Matt. 16: Jesus as King, therefore He postponed 28 and note that it was after He had the establishment of the kingdom un- promised to build the church in verse til some future date and set up the 18. And notice further that the terms church to fill the gap. church and kingdom are used inter- changeably in verses 18 and 19. Jesus Scofield says in his notes on 1 Cor, said the kingdom would come during 15:24 (a passage which bothers all the the lifetime of the people in His audi- Premillennialists) that the promise of ence; Scofield makes it yet future. I the kingdom to David and his seed, and believe Jesus! described by the prophets, enters the New Testament unchanged; the King Paul told the Colossians they had was born in Bethlehem, the kingdom been translated "into the kingdom." announced as "at hand," but the Jews (Col. 1:13.) The Hebrews were re- rejected the King, first morally then of- ceiving a "kingdom which cannot be ficially, after which He announced that moved." (Heb. 12:28.) John was a He would build the church; when the brother and companion "in the king- .King returns from glory He will reign dom." (Rev. 1:9.) These passages are onearthinperson. splendid "helps" for those who might be misled by Scofield's errors. The Such teaching denies that the king- church IS the kingdom prophesied in dom has been established, makes the the Old Testament. Christ is now church an after-thought in the mind of reigning as king in heaven. God, and denies the fulfillment of the —I. H.

Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo. 3LUME 5______NUMBER 6 The Challenge of Soka Gakkai By Robert P. Nichols, Osaka, Japan The potential strength of Soka Gak- had to disregard the election laws. But kai has been more clearly demonstrated we could not have committed anything in the political field than in any other. wrong, for all we have done is only for In April, 1959, all 76 candidates spon- the good of our Gakkai!" sored by the Soka The main question in the light of the Gakkai in the lo- political success of Soka Gokkai is. what cal elections of is the ultimate objective towards which Tokyo were elec- this power will be directed? Ultra- ted, while through- nationalism and the establishment of out the nation, 261 Soka Gakkai as the national religion are of 287 Soka Gak- two of the more unpalatable possibil- kai candidates ities. Soka Gakkai openly avows its were successful. In political intention to win the majority of June of the same seatsinbothhouses(andthusselectthe year, Soka Gakkai premier and have complete political put all six of her power) within the next ten years. The candidates into Scikyo Shim bun, the weekly newspaper the H o u s e of of Soka Gakkai, is already calling for Councillors (Senate). By the elections the erection of a national tabernacle at of 1962, Soka Gakkai was able to elect the foot of Mt. Fuji and the turning of all fifteen candidates which it sponsored Soka Gakkai into the state religion. for the Upper House, and 99 percent Ultra-nationalism, which led Japan into of its candidates for local elections were total defeat in World War II in the successful. These elections made Soka garb of Shintoism, could return in the Gakkai the number three political power new robes of Soka Gakkai. in Japan and are an unmistakable dem- onstration of what Soka Gakkai may Soka Gakkai has a pyramid organiza- develop into. tion in which 15 families constitute a squad, six squads a company, ten com- Election campaigns are sometimes panies a local district, and thirty dis- carried out by Soka Gakkai with little tricts a regional chapter. The regional regard for election laws. After the 1956 chapters are directly responsible to election many members were arrested Tokyo headquarters and headquarters but one of them explained: "To win we chief of staff are responsible only to had to carry out the most effective the president (35 year old Daisaku election possible. We therefore simply (See CHALLENGE...... Page 96) The Ecumenical Church By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri For nearly two thousand years the Jesus." (Gal. 3:28.) following words of Jesus have been re- The church that Jesus established has corded in the scriptures: "... Upon always been ecumenical, that is, general, this rock I will build my church; and world-wide in scope, universal or catho- the gates of hell lic. It has never been our Lord's desire shall not prevail that His church be viewed as national, against it." (Matt. sectional, nor sectarian,. The church is 16:18.) N o t i c e the body of the saved, the called out that Jesus used the of the Lord, the kingdom of the re- singular church, deemed, the family or house of God. not churches; it, There are no headquarters save in not them. The heaven where Christ reigns as king. His Lord's intention testament is the law adapted to the was to build one needs of Christians everywhere. Where- church, and that is ever that law is followed — Africa, all He ever estab- America, China, Russia, or any place lished. else — congregations will be organized The apostle Paul and work and worship performed with- wrote, after the church had been set up, out denominations, human federations, "There is one body" (Eph. 4:4), and hierarchical systems, and institutional identified that body as the church over combines. which Christ is head. (Eph. 1:22,23.) The apostles were not affiliated with Man-Made Churches different denominations. The nearest If the Lord established but one church thing to denominationalism in the first and designed it to serve men's needs all century was the party spirit manifested over the world, how are we to explain at Corinth. Paul rebuked such faction- the many conflicting religions claiming alism by writing, "Now I beseech you, connection with Him? The explanation brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus is really quite simple: They all origi- Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, nated with men after the Lord built His and that there be no divisions among church. you; but that ye be perfectly joined to- Catholicism developed gradually in gether in the same mind and in the same consequence of a general apostasy from judgment." (1 Cor. 1:10.) the Lord's church. Eastern (Orthodox) Christ established His church with and Roman Catholics divided over the a view of men of all races being includ- papacy and other matters. Protestant ed. The apostles were told to "teach all denominationalism originated in unsuc- nations." (Matt. 28:19.) Those who cessful attempts to reform Catholicism. gladly received the gospel were bap- The Lutheran, Reformed, Congrega- tized into one body," whether Jews or tional, Presbyterian, Baptist, and other Gentiles, bond or free. (1 Cor. 12:13.) churches have close connection with As we think about the New Testament what historians call the "Protestant church, we may say with Paul, "There Reformation." They had no existence is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neith- before the Reformation. The Church er bond nor free, there is neither male of England (Anglican) originated when nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Henry VIII broke with the Roman (82) Catholic Church. The Protestant Epis- United Church of Christ, the United copal Church represents the planting of Presbyterian Church, the Protestant the Anglican beliefs in this country. Episcopal Church, and the Disciples The Methodist Church grew out of an Church, may lead to the merging of attempt to put vitality and spirituality all these bodies. The Protestant ecu- into the Anglican Church. The Holiness menical movement is much publicized. Churches sprang from a movement which had its origin in the ranks of God's Plan Methodism. Several modern cults have originated because someone claimed new How long will it be before men come revelation from God — Latter Day to realize that the Lord's church is the Saints, Adventism, Christian Science, only one that can ever be truly ecumen- and Jehovah's Witnesses. ical or universal? Catholicism is not the answer to our present problems. The One Church or Many? merging of Protestant denominations Every gospel preacher who has spok- into a super-church is not the answer. en against denominationalism and in de- The answer lies in our going back to fense of the one church revealed in the the original ground of Christianity, back beyond the Protestant Reformation and Bible has experienced criticism for his beyond the rise of Catholicism. True "narrowness." People in denomination- unity must be based on a "thus saith al organizations frequently charge that the Lord." Read Ephesians 4:1-6. True we are "uncharitable" and "unkind" be- unity requires oneness in belief, oneness cause we preach one church. in worship, oneness in authority, one- Notwithstanding, the one-church con- ness in desire, and oneness in life. cept is gaining acceptance with religious leaders daily. The Roman Catholics The church Christ built is ecumenical. have their "ecumenical" movement un- What man dares to think he can put der way. They have leaders among up a better structure? "Except the Lord Orthodox Churches, the Anglicans, and build the house, they labour in vain that some Protestants looking in their di- build it . . ." (Psa. 127:1.) rection. They like to view their "sepa- rated brethren" as only a few steps from the "one fold" under the papal shepherd. You can be sure that in any merger involving Roman Catholicism, Angels in the Head the pope will remain in the driver's In her book, Science and Health With seat. Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Some have dreams of a "one-world" Eddy taught that angels are thoughts. church. In 1946 the United Brethren "Angels are pure thoughts from God, in Christ merged with the Evangelical winged with Truth and Love, no mat- Church to form the Evangelical United ter what their individualism may be." Brethren. In 1957 the Evangelical and (298:27-30.) "My angels are exalted Reformed Church merged with the thoughts, appearing at the door of some Congregational Christian Church to sepulchre, in which human belief has form the United Church of Christ. The buried its fondest earthly hopes. With Methodist Church seems well on its way white fingers they point upward to a to merging with the Evangelical United new and glorious trust, to higher ideals Brethren, and consultations by repre- of life and its joys ... By giving heed sentatives of these two groups, the to these spiritual guides they tarry (83) with us, and we entertain 'angels una- in everlasting chains under darkness wares.' " (299:6-15.) into the judgment of the great day." If angels are indeed exalted thoughts, Heb. 1:5-7—"For unto which of the as the founder of Christian Science exalted thoughts said he at any time, taught, we may substitute "exalted Thou art my son, this day have I be- thoughts" wherever we read of angels gotten thee? And again, I will be to in the Bible. Let's try a few passages. him a Father, and he shall be to me Matt. 4:11—"Then the devil leaveth i son? And again, when he bringeth in him, and behold, exalted thoughts came the firstbegotten into the world, he and ministered unto him." saith, And let all the exalted thoughts of God worship him. And of the exalted Acts 12:7-11—"And, behold, the thoughts he saith, Who maketh his exalted thought of the Lord came upon exalted thoughts spirits, and his min- him, and a light shined in the prison: isters a flame of fire." and the thought smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up Heb. 2:9—"But we see Jesus, who quickly. And his chains fell off from was made a little lower than the exalted his hands. And the exalted thought thoughts for the suffering of death, said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind crowned with glory and honour; that he on thy sandals. And so he did. And he by the grace of God should taste death saith unto him, Cast thy garment about for every man." thee, and follow me. And he went out Heb. 2:16—"For verily he took not and followed him; and wist not that it on him the nature of exalted thoughts; was true which was done by the but he took on him the seed of Abra- exalted thought; butthoughthesawa ham." vision. When they were past the first Matt. 27:53—"Thinkest thou that I and second ward, they came unto the cannot now pray to my Father, and he iron gate that leadeth unto the city; shall presently give me more than which opened to them of the thought's own accord: and they went out, and (See ANGELS...... Page 95) passed on through one street; and forthwith the exalted thought departed from him. And when Peter was come APOSTOLIC to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his DOCTRINE exalted thought, and hath delivered me Published Monthly by out of the hand of Herod, and from all BIBLE INFORMATION PUBLISHERS the expectation of the people of the 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo., 63135 Jews." Second Class postage paid at St. Louis. Mo. John 20:11-12—"But Mary stood EDITOR, Irvin Himmel without at the sepulchre weeping: and ASSOCIATE EDITORS as she wept, she stooped down, and Frank Jamerson Ferrell Jenkins looked into the sepulchre, And seeth two SUBSCRIPTIONS: Single—$2.00 Per Year exalted thoughts in white sitting, the Five or More, Each—$1.50 Per Tear one at the head, and the other at the Group of Fifty—$5.50 Per Month feet, where the body of Jesus had lain." BUNDLE RATE: Ten Copies for $1.00 Address All Communications to Jude 6—"And the exalted thoughts APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE which kept not their first estate, but 900 Smithshire St. Louis. Mo. 63135 left their habitation, he hath reserved (84) The Trial of Jesus (No. 1) By Roy E. Cogdill, Canoga Park, California (EDITOR'S NOTE: This splendid while here. He antagonized the Jews series of articles appeared in THE not only by refusing to yield to their GOSPEL GUARDIAN in 1958. About social standards, but by violating their three years ago I obtained the author's traditional religious prejudices as well. permission to give our readers this fine He based every stand that he took and material, so here is the first of five every lesson that he taught on the will installments.) of God — not on the authority of men. There has been more recorded in the God's will was his governor and his writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and guide in all things. We hear him say, John concerning the trial of Christ than "For I am come down from heaven, has been recorded of any other event not to do mine own will, but the will of even including his crucifixion. Two full him that sent me." (John 6:38.) This chapters in each book are given to this the Jews could not stand. They hated story. It had been predicted by the and despised him because he steadfast- prophets, and foretold by the Lord ly refused to yield himself to their himself that he should be tried and political plans, establishing an earthly rejected of men. The predictions and kingdom and throwing off the yoke of the prophecies concerning his trial and Rome. rejection by the rulers of the Jews be- They were perfectly willing to make came reality. The gospel records pre- him king if only he would liberate them serve for us the inspired account of that from the hated Romans. But instead of event. submitting to their plans, adapting him- From a legal point of view this trial self to their program of political en- represented the greatest miscarriage of deavor, he steadfastly adhered to the justice and the greatest hoax that has plan God had made — that he might ever been perpetrated against any per- come into the world and die for the son in all history. It was fraudulent redemption of humanity, that he might from start to finish, illegal at almost make possible the salvation of the souls every point and on every possible count. of men and women. It was anything but a trial in which This was why they crucified him. It justice was in view in the desire of had become fully obvious to them that those conducting it. Jesus had incurred he was adamant in his refusal to be- the enmity of the Jews for many dif- come their political leader. When he ferent reasons. He had openly and pos- refused the crown (John 6:15), they itively condemned their sins. They did were filled with rage. From that time not like that any more than people like forward they tried repeatedly to de- it today. They wanted to get him out stroy him. They tried once to take him of the way because of his exposure of out and cast him off the cliff that he their hypocrisy and ungodliness. He might fall to the rocks below and be refused to adapt himself to their social killed. But Jesus had delivered him- conventions and religious traditions. self from them. On various other occa- Rather than recognize the class system sions they had sought him for the pur- of narrow bigotry which had been pose of doing him harm or injury, or erected by the Jews, Jesus came into disposing of him completely. But Jesus' the world to seek and save the sinner; time had not yet come; and he pa- he associated freely with sinful people tiently continued his ministry until (85) the hour was fulfilled. When finally the governor and obtaining his authority hour came, he meekly submitted him- and permission. The Jewish courts self to their arrest in the Garden of could try a man and impose sentence, Gethsemane, commanding Peter to put but were powerless to execute the sent- up his sword. He knew the hour was ence assessed. near in which he should die for the re- Annas was the High Priest of the demption of the race, according to the Jews at the time Jesus was tried; but determinate counsel and foreknowledge he had been deposed from his office of God. for the very reason that he had tried to After submitting to the motley throng impose the death penalty on another oc- of palace guards and fanatical Jews who casion, and the Romans had appointed had sought him out, he marched with his son-in-law, Caiaphas, to be High the howling mob to the judgment hall Priest in his stead. From this incident of the High Priest and the Sanhedrin it seems clear that the Romans had Council,theSupremecourtoftheJews. pretty well deprived the Jews of any There he was tried in every way that real authority or power. They had a a man should not be tried, in utter form of legally constituted authority, violation and disregard of their law, but it was a form with little power. condemned to death illegally, and fin- In the Jewish system of courts which ally executed. It is of some of the par- remained, however, there were three ticular illegalities of that trial that we kinds of tribunals. There was a three- want to study, and then will see what judge court, which was the lowest and spiritual application such things ought most elementary form of government; to have to the life and heart of every this corresponded roughly to our local man. Justice of the Peace courts, or to our Jewish Government municipal courts today. Next above No one can understand what took this lowest court, there existed in many place during Jesus' trial without some of the cities, and wherever the people knowledge of the background of Jewish desired and approved it, a Junior San- law and government against which the hedrin Council which consisted of trial occurred. In Palestine at that time twenty-three judges. Then over and a two-fold government was in opera- above these courts was the senior or tion — a Jewish government and a major Sanhedrin Council, consisting of Roman government. They had a vest- 71 judges. Qualifications for men of ige of the old Jewish theocracy still in the senior Sanhedrin were exactly pre- existence. Most of its power, however, scribed by law. Jewish law provided had been stripped from it by the con- for these three separate kinds of courts, quering Romans. The conquerors had and they existed and commonly tried set up the land of Judaea as a protec- cases within their respective jurisdic- torate, or as a . Pilate, tions. the Roman governor, had received his In any study of the trial of Jesus it office from Tiberius Caesar, and was must be remembered that it had two the chief authority in the land. Cer- parts or two phases — a Jewish part tain rights and privileges the Jews were and a Roman part. In the Jewish phase allowed to retain. They could go of his trial, Jesus was first arrested and through the form of a trial on a capital taken to Annas; then he was tried be- offense, for example, but having found fore Caiaphas, and then by the San- the prisoner guilty, could not execute hedrin Council of the Jews in two ses- him without first going to the Roman sions, a night session and a morning (86) session. This consummated the trial that particular case. of the Son of God at the hands of the The Roman practice, however, was to Jews. Being sentenced to death, he codify their law; and everything had to then began the Roman phase of his be provided for in statute. While the trial. He was taken first to Pilate. State of Louisiana is the principal Pilate examined him, and sent him to statutory state in the nation, the State Herod. He was tried by Herod, and of Tennessee is recognized as the prin- returned to Pilate. Again Pilate exam- cipal common law state among us. ined him, and then turned him over to Texas is a combination of both statutory a the mob, weakly trying to exonerate himself of blame by the symbolic act of washing his hands. So, while there Just as we receive our laws today were two phases or parts to the trial, from these various sources, the laws in there were in reality six separate trials: the time of Christ, both Jewish and before Annas, Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin; Roman, were likewise gathered over the and before Pilate, Herod, and Pilate centuries from various sources. Par- again. ticularly was this true of Jewish law. Among the Jews, they first of all went Jewish Law back to the statutes that had been given in the law of Moses, and in the prophets There were a number of sources from and the Psalms. The law that had been which law came then, just as a number thus delivered was recognized as the of sources fix our law today. If one primary source of authority. But to were to examine the source of law in that original and primary statutory our generation, he would find that in law there had been added the traditions many states law is statutory primarily. of the elders, and a vast bulk of oral For example, Louisiana is recognized in law, delivered by word of mouth from our nation as being the state in which one generation to the next. From gen- we find the most complete example of eration to generation these traditions statutory law. But according to the had been handed down, and had re- old English common law, not every ceived such respect and honor from the statute had to be enacted by a legis- Jews that many Jews thought that lative body. Much of the body of the Moses, in addition to the written law, English law, in contrast with Roman had actually delivered by word of law, was derived from the decision of mouth a great body of oral law! the courts, rather than from legislative enactments. And when a decision of When, therefore, we study the trial the courts had not been made to guide of Jesus, we must remember that not in the trial of a given case, then custom- all the "law" that was violated by his ary practice was given authority. Cus- persecutors is to be found in the statutory l tomary practice ran according to this tions of the elders and in the common rule: In the absence of a statute, and in practice established by the courts. It is the absence of the decision of a court, this great bulk of law, from all sources, if a thing had been customarily prac- that we find the Jews so ruthlessly ig- ticed over such a long period of time noring and overriding in their frenzied that the memory of man ran not to the effort to destroy their prisoner. In contrary (nobody could remember when three or four articles to follow, we want such was not the practice), then this to point out some of the most obvious customary practice became the rule and of these illegal procedures and actions. the law to govern in the decision of

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(88) Hosea By Hollis Creel, Paragould, Arkansas Little is known of the prophet's ori- many years in Egyptian bondage. While gin. His father's name "Beeri" is men- in Egypt they became a mighty people. tioned, but nothing definite can be de- But because of Pharaoh's oppression termined about him. Hosea's home is they cried to God for deliverance. God not mentioned, although it seems safe heard their cry and sent Moses to de- to suppose that it was in the region of liver them. With the help of Jehovah his labors, namely, the kingdom of they were freed from Egyptian bond- Israel. While he does mention Judah age. Because of sin they were not per- several times, his message was, in the mitted to go immediately into the land main, to apostate Israel. His message of promise, but for forty years they was the announcement of ruin and de- wandered in the wilderness. Finally, struction. Yet in all this there was the under the gallant leadership of Joshua, plea for her to return, and this was in they entered the "land flowing with view of the final deliverance of the milkandhoney."Godgavethem people of God. judges and for many years they judged ThedateofHoseacannotbeexactly them. determined. He began his reign under Becoming dissatisfied with God's ar- Jeroboam the II, while Israel was at rangement, and desiring to be like the the peak of her power. According to other nations, they asked for a king to Hosea 1:1 he prophesied in the days judge them. God, through the prophet of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Samuel, warned of the imposition of kings of Judah. As best as I can deter- taxes and other disadvantages of this mine. Uzziah began to reign about 787 order. The people insisted and God and Hezekiah began to reign in 726 and gave them kings, first Saul, then David, reigned until 697. But the fall of Sa- and then Solomon. maria in 721 ended the kingdom of At first Solomon was a good king, Israel, so it seems that Hosea could but he married many foreign women, have prophesied any length of time be- and they turned away his heart from tween 787 and 721. These dates are God to serve idols. Solomon imposed only approximate. heavy taxes and other burdens upon According to Angus, this book may the people in order to finance his ex- be divided into two parts: (1) A sym- travagant desires. As punishment, God bolical narrative — chapters 1-3; (2) told Solomon he would rend most of Prophetic discourses — chapters 4-14. the kingdom from his son. After the death of Solomon the peo- The Condition of Israel at the Time ple made Rehoboam king. They re- The descendants of Jacob were for quested relief from the heavy burdens (89) of his father, but instead he rejected the restoration. This is emphasized in the advice of the elders and heeded the meaning of the names. advice of the young men and made the Hosea means "deliverance or salva- burdens heavier. The people rebelled tion," signifying their need for deliv- against Rehoboam and rejected the erance. As a result of their idolatry and house of David. As a result the king- sin, Hosea was told by God to name dom was divided. The two southern his first child Jezreel, meaning, "God tribes were called Judah, and Reho- will scatter." This seems to have ref- boam ruled as king over them. The erence to the time of their captivity. ten northern tribes were called Israel. The name of the second child Loru- They crowned Jeroboam their king. hama, meaning "no mercy for Israel," LestthepeopleshouldgotoJerusalem shows God's longsuffering with them to worship God, and turn again to was drawing to a close. Lo-ammi, the Rehoboam and to the house of David, name of the third child, means "no Jeroboam set up false worship in his longer my people." This announces to kingdom. He made two calves of gold, Israel that God, because of their sinful saying that it was too much for them condition, would no longer recognize to go to Jerusalem to worship. He put them as His people. one in Bethel and the other in Dan. But in spite of all their wickedness. Jeroboam changed: (1) the object of God expresses His willingness to accept their worship from Jehovah to that of them again as His people, if they would idols, (2) the priesthood from Levi to repent. In 2:1 Hosea shows this by re- the lowest of men, (3) the place of wor- ship from Jerusalem to Bethel and Dan, peating the last two names without the (4) the time from the seventh month "Lo" (not) to signify the time when and fifteenth day to the eighth month God would again accept them as His and fifteenth day. people. In Romans 9:25 the apostle Paul makes reference to 1:10 and ap- From this time until Hosea came, plies it to prove that God calls the Gen- Israel grew increasingly worse. Israel tiles as well as the Jews. was the "bride" of Jehovah. (Ezek. 16: These facts are further shown in the 8-15.) She had forsaken Jehovah God, marriage of Hosea to the "wife of and had given herself to the worship of whoredom." Some take the marriage false Gods. The nation as a whole was to be only figurative. But it seems to in spiritual adultery. Thus the name me that God actually commanded the "whoredom" rightly applies to her. prophet to marry an unchaste woman, Other prophets had been sent, but to or at least a woman who became un- no avail. The more they warned, the faithful, as a symbol of Israel's unfaith- farther away they went. The moral fulness to Him. Because of Hosea's and civil conditions of Israel at this love for her, he was willing to buy her time were exceedingly corrupt. This is back, even though she was unfaithful. beyond doubt the darkest period in the (3:1-2.) This expresses or demonstrates history of the nation. It was to this God's love for apostate and backslidden sinful, idolatrous, adulterous and back- Israel. Even though she had gone whor- slidden people that Hosea was sent. ing after other Gods, He was willing, upon her repentance, to receive her The Book back. As Hosea denied his wife conjugal The book deals with four things: privileges for many days upon her re- (1) Israel's idolatry, (2) her wicked- turn, so would the children of Israel be ness, (3) her captivity, and (4) her many days "without king, and without (90) prince, and without sacrifice, and with- did not hearken unto him; and they out pillar, and without ephod or tera- shall be wanderers among the nations." phim." But in the latter days (days of How true this is. After the ten tribes New Testament dispensation) she were carried into captivity they lost would fear Jehovah and seek Him. their identity as a nation forever. In chapter four the prophet begins Israel as a luxuriant vine, built altars a series of verbal pictures in an effort according to the abundance of her fruit, to enable Israel to see themselves as but the prophet warns that the enemy God saw them. Let us briefly mention would smite their altars, and that the some of these. "Ephraim is joined to golden calf would be carried to Assyria idols." (4:17.) Ephraim is used to as a present to the king. Hence, all that show that Israel had left Jehovah and was dear to them would be taken away. was joined to another. He then shows In chapter eleven, God recalls the time that the wind hath wrapped her up in when as a young nation He led them its wings" to be borne away to another out of Egypt. He then describes their land. leaving Him, saying, "And my people All the people including the priests are bent on backsliding from me . . ." andkingwereengrossedinsinand Jehovah loved Israel even though she seemed to be proud of it. As a result of had turned from Him. In His com- her corruption the prophet fore-warned, passion for them he said, "How shall I "Ephraim shall become a desolation." give thee up, Ephraim? How shall I (5:9,) She would be carried off and cast thee off, Israel?" none could deliver her "till they ac- The prophet shows in chapter twelve knowledge their offence and seek my that their covenants with Assyria and face." Egypt would bring disaster. He points In chapter six the prophet earnestly out that Jacob, the father of the twelve exhorts them to repentance, pointing tribes, "Found God at Bethel . . ." The out that even the priests murder and same spot where their father had dedi- commit lewdness. He then pictures God cated his life to God (Gen. 28:13-15), as tenderly remonstrating against the was the center of their abominable idol- backsliding of Israel and Judah. atry. It was by a prophet that He "They are all adulterers." "Ephraim brought Israel out of Egypt and by a is a cake not turned." How repulsive prophet Israel was preserved. Yet they must have been in the eyes of Jeho- Israel had called God's prophets fools. vah! "Woe unto them! for they have (9:7.) wandered from me; destruction unto Hosea closes the book with one last them! for they have trespassed against plea for their return. God was willing me: though I would redeem them, yet to receive them back upon their return, they have spoken lies against me." and "heal their backsliding" and re- In chapter eight God through Hosea store them again. But it ends as a sad says, "They have transgressed my law." story — They returned not. "They have set up kings but not by me," and they counted his law as strange things. Because of this He says You have friends who need to read of them, "For they sow to the wind, this material. Why not subscribe for and they shall reap the whirlwind." them? Two dollars will bring the next Continuing His remonstrations in chap- twelve issues their way. ter nine, He concludes by saying, "My God will cast them away because they Renew Your Subscription Promptly

(91) "What Is the Church of Christ? Worship of the Church By Paul K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana One of the first things strangers no- him not to buy ice cream and candy, tice when they assemble with a church The fact that I tell him to buy milk of Christ is the absence of man-made only is enough to exclude all other kinds musical instruments. The second thing of food. When the Lord gives us au- is that every thority to perform certain things in Lord's day the worship to Him, the fact that He left Lord's supper is out other practices is enough to tell us served. And the that these other practices are not ac- third is that ex- ceptable to Him. We cannot perform cept on the Lord's things not authorized and do them in day there are no the name of Jesus Christ. And what- collections taken. soever we do in word or in deed, we These three must do all in His name. things distinguish the worship of the Singing Lord's church The New Testament contains com- from the worship mands and examples teaching the of most denomina- church of God to sing praises to God tions. They are not things devised by and to teach and admonish one another men for the purpose of making the in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. church different, however. They are (Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19.) However, the result of following what Christ has there is no authority for playing on a given the church to do. musical instrument to God. God com- manded instrumental music in the Old Must Have Authority Testament, but not in the New. Though An important Bible principle is that there is no specific prohibition of the we are to do only those things in re- use of musical instruments in the New ligion for which we can find authority Testament, the fact that singing is in the New Testament. The apostle the only kind of music authorized in the Paul wrote in Col. 3:17, "Whatsoever New Testament is enough. To worship ye do, in word or in deed, do all in the God in song in the name of Jesus Christ, name of the Lord Jesus." To do some- we have no choice but to sing — and thing in the name of a person we must to sing only. Consequently, when you first have that person's permission. attend the worship of a church of Christ Therefore, we must have the authority you will find all singing praises to God, of Christ through His word in the New teaching and admonishing one another Testament before we can practice any- in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual thing in religion and be acceptable to songs. You will find no piano or organ Him. because there is no authority for these It is not enough that a particular in the New Testament. practice not be specifically condemned. If I send my child to the store for milk, The Lord's Supper he knows that he is not to buy any- It is for this same reason that we thing but milk. I do not have to tell partake of the Lord's supper each first (92) day of the week.TheLord'ssupper are the ones to give for the support of was given by Christ to be observed by the work of the church. Christians are Christians in the assembly. (1 Cor. to give — not to beg others to give in 11:23,24.) In Acts 20:7 there is the their place. example of the church at Troas meeting upon the first day of the week to break Prayer bread — that is, to eat the Lord's sup- There are two other items which also per. If you will read the passage care- can be classified as worship. One is fully, you will see that the church was prayer. Christians are to pray in faith, in the habit of meeting every first day nothing doubting, in the name of Jesus of the week for that purpose. Christ according to His will. Public This apostolic example shows that and private prayers are to be offered — God is pleased with weekly observance not to any "saint" or any woman, but of the Lord's supper. There is not one to God through His Son, Jesus Christ. shred of authority for eating of it on any other day of the week, or for eating Teaching of it once a month, once a quarter, or The other is teaching and studying twice a year. Therefore, in keeping the word of God. It is often observed with the creed-book of the church, the that preachers in the church of Christ New Testament, the Lord's church are easier to understand than some cheerfully and obediently eats the others. The reason is that the preach- Lord's supper each first day of the ers stick to the things revealed in the week. word of God, as God tells us to do, and leave off politics and speculative doc- Giving trines. A careful attempt to explain the Taking up a public collection for scriptures is made. We invite you to the work of the church is commanded attend and find out for yourself. in 1 Cor. 16:1,2. In this passage it is stated, "Upon the first day of the week The worship of churches of Christ is let each one of you lay by him in determined by what God has shown He store." Consequently, churches of desires from His people. We do not pre- Christ give an opportunity for the mem- sume that we can please Him by offer- bers of the church to give upon the ing worship which He has not com- first day of the week. manded. God rejected worship in Old Testament times when it was not of- When there are services on other fered in the way He commanded. (See days of the week, no collections are Lev. 10:1,2.) We do not want Him taken on those days. Only upon the to reject our worship. Lord's day are we to lay by in store. And only Christians are asked to We invite you to attend where God is give. Churches of Christ do not beg the honored by obedience. You will find a businessmen of the city or the listeners friendly welcome when you come. to a radio broadcast to support their (In the July Issue read "Government work. The New Testament plainly of the Church" by Paul K. Williams — teaches that the members of the church Ed.)

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(93) Catholicism Taught in Public Schools By Tom Baker, Jr., Phoenix, Arizona The public schools belong to the pub- Another example is found in a fresh- lic! The public is you and I and our man World History book used at Al- neighbors. Some of our neighbors be- hambra High School which states that lieve and teach certain religious doc- the first Christians believed in seven trines which we cannot accept, nor are sacraments. Only Catholicism teaches we willing to donate our money to the this sectarian doctrine. It is contrary propagation of what they believe and to history, the Bible, and to the teach- teach. ings of just about every Protestant de- We respect their civil right to hold nomination, and yet, it is taught in our their doctrine and to use all legal means tax supported public schools from tax to propagate what they believe. How- purchased textbooks. I personally re- ever, we resent any effort on their part sent having to support any such sec- to obtain sanction and support of their tarian doctrine with tax money! It peculiar sectarian doctrines from us. ought to be stopped! Our constitution is supposed to guar- antee our religious freedom and to pro- hibit any state support of any religion Oddities or religious organization. In fact, it is illegal for any sectarian doctrine to be Human beings do and say strange taught in our public schools. But this things. The religious pretender some- law is not respected nor enforced as it times allows his hypocrisy to show in should be! Proof of this can be found ways that turn out quite humorous. in many textbooks now used in our The contrast between truth and error public schools. is often so obvious that a man with one eye and half-sense cannot fail to see it. Here is an example: "Once, the peo- ple of England, Scotland, and Wales TheHumbleSoul belonged to the Catholic church, just A man was once commenting on his as all Christians did. Ireland was own humility. Said he, "There's one Catholic, too. The English, the Scots, thing I always try to be even if I can- and the Welsh broke away and became not be anything else. I always try to Protestant, but the Irish did not. They be humble. Every man ought to be remained loyal to the Catholic church." humble. No man ought to think more (Jones, Stephen B. and Murphy, Mar- highly of himself than he really is. Of ion Fisher, Geography and World Af- course, there are times when it is rather fairs, New York: Rand McNally & Co., difficult for a great man like me to be p. 104.) humble." The statement that ALL CHRIS- TIANS DID belong to the Catholic The Unworthy Man church is false Roman Catholic doctrine There is a story about a man who which I deny and challenge any man. stood up at a religious gathering to Roman Catholic or otherwise, to prove. testify about his conversion. After re- Nevertheless, this religious error is lating how the Lord had saved him from taught in the public schools of Arizona. the approaching fires of hell, he spoke The above quotation is taken from an of his own unworthiness. "There is no eighth grade text used in classes in man alive more unworthy of God's grace Cartwright School District No. 83. than am I. I am a wretch. Like the (94) apostle Paul said of himself,'Iam He told a lie and they took him in; chief of sinners.' I merit nothing be- he told the truth and they kicked him fore God. I am like a filthy rag and a out! vile raiment." One Mistake The next man up to testify said he Then there is the story about the just wanted to confirm the preceding man who admitted that he had made a testimony. "Friends, I'd just like to mistake. He elaborated on the idea say that what this man has just told that every one is subject to mistakes. you is true. I can vouch that he is "Even the best of men are sometimes indeed a wretch, a scoundrel, and one wrong. Yes, sir! I was mistaken once ofthemeanestmenonearth." myself — I thought I was wrong when At) that point the first man to testify all the time I was right." jumped from his chair and was ready to fight. The meeting was broken up A Sick Wife in the midst of the confusion. It was Two men went out fishing bright and all right for the man to talk about his early one Lord's day. The gentle breeze own unworthiness, but he really didn't blew across the lake as they halted their want anyone to believe it! boat and dropped their lines into the In on a Lie and Out on the Truth water. The far-away sound of a church bell broke the silence. One remarked to A poor country man attended the the other, "You know we should have Baptist Church in. his, community and gone to church; after all, this is Sun- watched people relate their experiences. day." In all earnestness and without In those days no one could get into the the slightest pause, the other replied, Baptist Church unless he had received "Well, I couldn't have gone today any- some special "experience." For weeks way — my wife is sick." he attended the meetings and listened with interest as people related their dreams, visions, and mysterious opera- tions of the Spirit. But, alas! he could- (ANGELS...... Continued) n't seem to get the Spirit to speak to twelve legions of exalted thoughts?" him. Gen. 19:1-3—"And there came two One day he decided to make up an exalted thoughts to Sodom at even; and experience and relate it before the sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot see- church. The Baptists listened with ing them rose up to meet them; and he wide-eyed joy as he told a long tale. bowed himself with his face toward the Afterward, a vote was taken and it ground; And he said, Behold now, my was agreed that he had been saved and lords, turn in, I pray you, into your should be received into the church. A servant's house, and tarry all night, few days later he was baptized into the and wash your feet, and ye shall rise Baptist Church. upearly,andgoyourways.Andthe After several months the poor man's exalted thoughts said, Nay; but we will conscience kept bothering him until he abide in the street all night. And he decided to confess. He stood before the pressed upon them greatly; and they congregation and acknowledged that he turned in unto him, and entered into had lied. Never had he received an his house; and he made them a feast, "experience." The church quickly and did bake unleavened bread, and agreed to dismiss him from their mem- they did eat." bership. Rev. 22:8—"And I John saw these (95) things, and heard them. And when I Letmefallunderthisflag had heard and seen, I fell down to You'll lose your life one way or worship before the feet of the exalted another thought which shewed me these things." Butamangoesdowninglory. Do we need to give other examples? A man never shows his tears, they I believe a child can see the foolishness say, of Mary Baker Eddy's concept of But we cry when our spirits meet. angels. It is much easier to believe the We exchange a look across the wine Bible than Science and Health. "Chris- cups tian Science" is neither Christian nor And red blood fills our veins. scientific. Though a pistol's pressed against my heart —I. H. Not one step back I'd make. There is only one road for a man (CHALLENGE...... Continued) to travel Eyes up, East, to the dawn!" Ikeda), whose word is absolute. This military structure makes a strong ap- These are today's Japanese Buddhists peal to the youth of Japan. with whom we deal. Buddhists who have abandoned the isolation of the Soka Gakkai claims to be a religion cloister and are challenging the man but the songs they sing are unlike our on the street and the church of Christ. hymns, on the contrary, they indicate "Ten years for Japan, and then the Soka Gakkai's strong nationalistic ap- world..." peal to the youth of Japan. Their words appeal to valor, patriotism, sacrifice — manly traits. They actually came out SOUND DOCTRINE by C. R. Nichol of the war. Here is the Soka Gakkai and R. L. Whiteside. Lesson outlines theme song: suitable for classes or personal study. "As the blossom falls in a night 5 volumes. Complete set, $10.00

Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo. VOLUME 5______NUMBER Christianity Without Denominational Churches By Grover Stevens, Louisville, Kentucky To what denomination did Peter, should do this and no more, would they Paul, James, John, the 3000, Cornelius, not be just a number of Christians? the Eunuch, Lydia, the Corinthians and Should this number come together on the Jailer belong? They were members the first day of the week for worship of the body of (Acts 20:7), call themselves by the Christ, which is same name as did the apostles and early the Lord's church. Christians, accept and teach the Bible (Eph. 1:22, 23: as their only rule of faith and practice, Col. 1:18, 24.) select such servants as the Bible author- Yet, they were not izes, and observe the same commands members of any in the same way as the apostles and denomination. All early Christians did, and as are set who were saved forth in the Bible — they would be became members s i m p l e New Testament Christians, of this body, the members of the body of Christ, or New church, by virtue Testament church, assembling for wor- of the fact that ship, without being members of any God added them denomination on earth. to it. (Acts 2:47.) Yet, they belonged to no denomination. They had been This is exactly what the church of "called out" of the "power of darkness" Christ is. and contends for. If you want or the world, and translated into the to be a simple New Testament Chris- "kingdom of God's dear Son" which is tian — no more and no less — then the church (Col. 1:13, 14, 18), but still investigate and be a member of the they were not members of any denomi- church of Christ. If you want to follow national church. the Bible strictly — without addition or subtraction — then come to the Just so, today, if a sinner believes in church of Christ. Remember, too — if Christ, and is baptized, just as the you were baptized to get into some de- 3,000, the Eunuch. Lydia, Cornelius, nomination, then your baptism was not the Jailer, etc.. such would make him a scriptural (Acts 18:24 thru Acts 19:5). Christian, but nothing more. (Mk. 16: and you need to be baptized yet. 16: Acts 8:36-39; Acts 16:14, 15: Acts 16:30-34: Rom. 6:3-4: Gal. 3:26-27.) This would not make him a member of Trying to teach a friend? Subscribe any denomination. If a great number to APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE for him. The Purpose Makes a Difference By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri When God commands that we do a stand. Their study benefits them little thing for a definite purpose, to perform due to their having the wrong objective that act for some other purpose is to before them. miss the mark. I believe we would Prayer do well to give Now consider the subject of prayer. thought to this All Christians are taught to pray. To proposition. Faith put it simply, prayer is communication in God motivates with God. We are to pray for the pur- us to obey His pose of expressing thanks to God, con- commands, but fessing our sins before Him, invoking where is our faith His blessings, praising Him for His when we lose sight mercies, and offering our supplications. of the real design (1 Tim. 2:1-4.) The meaning of the of the thing com- act reveals the purpose. manded? Yet, some pray to make a display be- Study fore men. Jesus rebuked the hypocrites Let us b e g i n who prayed in public places to be seen with the command of men, and who made long prayers in to study. (2 Tim. 2:15.) For what an effort to impress others with their purpose should one study the Bible? much speaking. (Matt. 6:5-8.) Some Everyone should study to show himself pray for the purpose of trying to avoid "approved unto God." I should study obedience to certain commands. No to learn my duty. The "perfect law of amount of praying can get us around liberty" is compared to a mirror. plain commands upon which our salva- (James 1:23-25.) By looking into that tion is conditioned. mirror I am able to see my soul's needs, Baptism my weaknesses, my imperfections, my Turning now to baptism, the Bible sins and shortcomings. I see God's pro- clearly states its purpose to be "the re- visions to supply what I need. As I mission of sins." (Acts 2:38.) The studyIammadetorealizethatI,asa people on Pentecost were told to repent servant of the Lord, am expected to be and be baptized for the same purpose. "apt to teach." (2 Tim. 2:24.) This Since we are baptized "into Christ," requires more study. Hence, I have a baptism is designed to enable us to "put twofold purpose in searching the scrip- on Christ." (Gal. 3:27,28.) Everyone tures: (1) to show myself approved who is capable of being taught the will before God; (2) to be equipped to lead of Christ should be baptized for the others to Christ. forgiveness of sins and to put on Christ Some study the Bible to be able to by entering a new life. (Rom. 6:3-5.) argue. To them it is a disgrace not to But some argue that baptism is a know enough about the Bible to argue declaration that sins are already for- over it. Many study for self-justifica- given. Many are baptized, not "for tion. They have already decided to be- (unto) the remission of sins," but lieve and practice certain traditions, so rather in the persuasion that they are they go to the scriptures in the hope already forgiven. They make baptism of finding something to uphold that an outward symbol of what has already (98) taken place in the heart. This is not wedonotpartakeof the communion in the divine purpose of the act. Others a worthy manner. Some make a mere are baptized, not to get into and put on ritual out of the breaking of bread. The Christ, but to enter a denomination. In Lord's table was never intended to be the New Testament, no one was ever an empty ceremony. baptized for such a purpose. To eat the Lord's supper for the wrong purpose is sinful, even as omit- Lord's Supper ting the supper is sinful. To be bap- Note the communion as a final illus- tized for the wrong purpose is to miss tration. We are to eat the bread and the mark in that act. To do anything drink the cup in remembrance of Christ. that God has commanded for some pur- Furthermore, in the partaking of the pose other than that which He has Lord's supper we proclaim His death stated is disobedience. What point is until He comes. (1 Cor. 11:23-26.) there in one's performing an act divine- Surely, everyone will recognize the pur- ly authorized if he ignores the stated pose of the Lord's supper. purpose of the act? True obedience is Notwithstanding, the Corinthians from the heart (Rom. 6:17, 18), not in made a common meal out of it. They outward action only. No act is truly an lost sight of its true design and were act of faith unless we take God at His rebukedforeatinganddrinkingdam- word. Faith prompts us to do God's nation to themselves. We are likewise commands for the purposes He has re- bringing condemnation to ourselves if vealed. AreYouFearful? By Carrol R. Sutton, Albertville, Alabama The word fear is used in different God? If not, you should believe, repent, senses in the Scripture. Sometimes it confess faith, and be baptized in order suggests "reverential fear" or "holy to be saved. (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; fear" that would cause one to obey the Rom. 10:9,10; 1 Pet. 3:21.) Are you Lord's will. This kind of fear is com- a member of the Lord's church? Are manded in the Word of God. Solomon youfearfulandfaithful?Doyoure- said, "Fear God, and keep his com- spect God's Word enough to accept mandments: for this is the whole duty what it teaches about the organization of man." (Eccl. 12:13.) In Luke 12:5 and work of the church? (See Phil. 1:1; Jesus said, "Fear him, which after he 1 Pet. 5:1-3; Eph. 4:12-16.) Are you hath killed hath power to cast into willing to accept what it teaches about hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him." how to live as a Christian? (Titus 2:11- Peter said, "Fear God." (1 Pet. 2:17.) 12; 2 Cor. 7:1; Matt. 6:33.) The author of Hebrews suggests that we Another use of the word fear is found should "serve God with reverence and in 2 Tim. 1:7, where Paul said, "For godly fear." (Heb. 12:28.) We should God hath not given us the spirit of fear; be characterized by the kind of fear but of power, and of love, and of a which leads to obedience because we sound mind." In this passage the word realize the greatness of the power of fear denotes timidity and cowardice. In Godaswellashiswonderfullovefor view of the fact that God has not given humanity. us the spirit of fear (cowardice and Do you fear God? Have you obeyed timidity), we should not be ashamed of the first principles of the oracles of the Lord's Word, but we should be will- m) ing to partake of the "afflictions of the to seek first the kingdom of God? Are gospel." In Rev. 21:8 John classifies youafraidtocontendforthefaith "the fearful" with unbelievers, liars, which was once delivered unto the sorcerers, idolaters, whoremongers, mur- saints? Are you too timid or too much derers and those who work abomina- of a coward to stand up for the truth? tions. He further says that they "shall have their part in the lake which burn- Remember it was the Lord who said. eth with fire and brimstone." Are you "Butthefearful...shallhavetheir a coward when it comes to obeying part in the lake which burneth with God's Word? Are you afraid to obey fire and brimstone: which is the second the gospel of Christ? Are you afraid death." Discrepancies Between Jehovah's Word and Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah is one of several names ap- right hand of God exalted." (Acts 2: plied to God in the scriptures. (Ex. 33.) In Rev. 3:1 He is described as 3:3.) Since God has revealed His will having the "key" (a symbol of author- through the scriptures, to speak of ity) of David. To the Laodiceans, 'Jehovah's Word" is to refer to the Christ said, "To him that overcometh Bible. will I grant to sit with me in my throne. even as I also overcame, and am set Since 1931, the name "Jehovah's down with my Father in his throne." Witnesses" has been worn by a group (Rev. 3:21.) Our Lord claimed to be of people who follow the teachings of on the throne in heaven in the first Charles T. Russell and J. F. Ruther- century, the apostles recognized this as ford. These people were formerly a fact, and the Christians expected Him known as "International Bible Stu- to continue His reign until His return. dents," or the nickname "Russellites." They are under the influence of a (1 Cor. 15:22-24.) The first-century powerful central organization called the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society." APOSTOLIC Millions of books and papers published by this organization with its home base DOCTRINE at Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., have been Published Monthly by distributed throughout the world. BIBLE INFORMATION PUBLISHERS We are here calling attention to a 500 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo., 63135 few of the discrepancies between Je- Second Class postage paid at St. Louis. Mo. hovah's own testimony given in the scriptures and the testimony of these EDITOR, Irvin Himmel men and women claiming to be His ASSOCIATE EDITORS witnesses. Frank Jamerson Ferrell Jenkins SUBSCRIPTIONS: Single—$2.00 Per Year Christ Enthroned Five or More, Each—$1.50 Per Year Group of Fifty—$5.50 Per Month JEHOVAH'S WORD: Christ was BUNDLE RATE: Ten Copies for $1.00 raised up from the dead "to sit" on the Address All Communications to throne of David in heaven. (Acts 2:30, APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE 31.) Peter acknowledged on the day of 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo. 63135 Pentecost that Christ was then "by the (100) Christians were citizens in Christ's king- and is baptized shall be saved; but he dom. (Col. 1:13; Heb. 12:28; Rev. that believeth not shall be damned." 1:9.) They looked to Jesus as the then (Mk. 16:15.16.) Christ commanded enthronedkingwhowouldoneday that all nations be taught and baptized. come to receive them and crown them (Matt. 28:18-20.) Baptism is "for the with eternal life. remission of sins." (Acts 2:38.) We JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: When are baptized into Christ's body. (1 Cor. Jesus ascended into heaven the Father 12:13.) There is "one baptism." (Eph. did not at once command Him to rule. 4:5.) Water is the element in which Jehovah told David's Son and Lord "to baptism takes place. (Acts 10:47,48.) wait." "Obediently David's Son and JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Bap- Lord sat there as High Priest after the tism is a public confession that one has likeness of Melchizedek until those already dedicated himself to God. "On times did end in 1914 ... In that year the basis of believing we will be accept- Jesus Christ was installed to reign as ed through Jesus' righteousness and be king and began ruling with authority in cleansed from sin by the purifying the midst of all his enemies." (Quoted power of his blood. Each one so dedi- from You May Survive Armageddon cating himself to God to do his will into God's New World, p. 206.) "When must start to do that divine will as it Jehovah God enthroned Jesus Christ as is revealed by Jesus Christ ... To King on the heavenly Mount Zion A. D. make a public confession of having ded- 1914 and sent out the scepter of his icated himself to God to follow in Jesus' might, he said to the new King: 'Rule steps, one must be baptized in water as in the midst of thine enemies.' " (Ibid., Jesus was and in obedience to Jesus' p. 245.) "When the resurrected King own parting commandment." (New finally ascended to heaven into the Heavens and a New Earth," p. 164.) presence of God to present the merit or "Repentance Must Precede, but Sins redemptive value of his human sacrifice, Not Washed Away by Baptism." did he then set up the Kingdom and ("Make Sure of All Things," p. 30.) begin its active operation? No; it was "A believer may be baptized in water not Jehovah's due time. The glorified in symbol of his unconditional dedica- Jesus must wait until the end of the tion to Jehovah God, yet if he does not 'times of the Gentiles,' in A. D. 1914." get the baptism with the holy spirit ("The Kingdom Is at Hand," p. 262.) from God and through Christ, he will THE DISCREPANCY: God's word never enter the kingdom of the heavens teaches that Christ was enthroned and to reign with Christ ... If a believer the kingdom established in the first does not receive baptism with the holy century. (Read Mk. 9:1.) The Witnes- spirit he is not a member and does not ses deny that Christ was enthroned until become a member of the 'body of 1914. They have Christ sitting there in Christ,' of which Jesus is the Head." heaven waiting for about 1800 years ("New Heavens and a New Earth," p. after His ascension before He is en- 306.) "Those who are baptized with throned and begins an active reign. Jehovah's spirit and thus baptized into Which do you believe, Biblical testi- Christ's body number finally only mony or the Brooklyn testimony? 144,000 faithful believers." (Ibid., p. 308.) Baptism THE DISCREPANCY: God's word JEHOVAH'S WORD: Wherever the teaches that there is one baptism. The gospel is preached, "He that believeth Watchtower followers teach two bap- (101) tisms — water baptism and for the elect er spiritual or physical, means separa- 144,000 Spirit baptism. They make tion. "And you hath he quickened, who water baptism a mere sign of dedication, were dead in trespasses and sins." (Eph. but the Bible makes it essential to the 3:1.) "But she that liveth in pleasure washing away of sins. (Read Acts 22: is dead while she liveth." (1 Tim. 5:6.) 16.) Do not be misled by the false Death comes when there is a separation testimony of "Jehovah's Witnesses." of the spirit from the body. (James 2:24.) Jesus told about a beggar who Soul died, but that did not end his existence. JEHOVAH'S WORD: The soul is in He spoke of a rich man who died, but the midst of the body, formed there by in hades he lifted up his eyes in tor- God. (Dan. 7:15; Zech. 12:1.) The ments. (Lk. 16:22, 23.) body without the soul or spirit is dead. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Death (James 2:24.) Thus, it is that soul that is "Loss of life: termination of exist- gives life to the body. While the word ence: utter cessation of conscious, in- soul is used in different ways, Jesus tellectual or physical activity, celestial, used it to refer to the part of man that human or otherwise." ("Make Sure of is the opposite of the perishable, physi- All Things," p. 86.) "The Scriptures, cal being. "And fear not them which without contradiction, show that the' kill the body, but are not able to kill dead are unconscious, out of existence." the soul: but rather fear him which is (Religion, p. 100.) able to destroy both soul and body in THE DISCREPANCY: The Bible hell." (Matt. 10:28.) speaks of death as separation; Witnes- JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: "An ses make it annihilation. Which do you earthly soul is a living, breathing, sen- accept? tient creature, animal or human." "A Human Is a Soul. He Does Not Possess Salvation a Soul Separate and Distinct from the JEHOVAH'S WORD: ". . . Behold, Body." ("Make Sure of All Things," p. now is the accepted time; behold, now 349.) "The Creature Soul (Including is the day of salvation." (2 Cor. 6:2.) Human Soul) Is Mortal, Destructible, "While it is said, To day if ye will hear Corruptible." (Ibid., p. 352.) The doc- his voice, harden not your hearts, as in trine of immortality of human souls is the provocation." (Heb. 3:15.) It is "devil-religion" and "false doctrine." appointed unto men once to die, "but (Religion, p. 23.) after this the judgment." (Heb. 9:27.) THE DISCREPANCY: God's word JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Some pictures the soul or spirit as the invis- will be given another opportunity. ible, immaterial, imperishable part of Those who "practiced vile things" will man that returns to God when the body come forth to a "resurrection of judg- dies. (Read Eccl. 12:7.) The Watch- ment," having opportunity to become tower students make the soul as perish- "other sheep." "In that way their sins able as the body. They say man IS a may be forgiven and canceled and they soul, but does not possess a soul. Please may be cured of their imperfections and read Matt. 16:26. Whose testimony brought to the image and likeness of will you accept — the Lord's or the self- GodbytheendofChrist'sthousand- styled "Witnesses"? year reign . . ." (You May Survive Armageddon Into God's New World, p. Death 356.) JEHOVAH'S WORD: Death, wheth- THEDISCREPANCY: Either the (102) Bible is wrong or the Jehovah's Witnes- tions between those who are falsely ses are wrong. The Bible never upholds called "Jehovah's" Witnesses, and the a second chance for salvation after testimony that Jehovah has left in His death. Read about the ten virgins in infallible word. Do not be deceived by Matt. 25. Re-read the case of the rich the smooth talk of the Watchtower man and Lazarus in Lk. 16. But the agents. Read your Bible and take your Watchtower Witnesses boldly affirm instructions from it. The next time a that many of the wicked will have op- Witness tries to sell you some literature, portunity to obey Christ and be saved GIVE him this copy of APOSTOLIC after the resurrection. DOCTRINE and urge that he read it. These are but a few of the contradic- —I.H. Saved LiketheThief By Jimmy Tuten, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri Among the many sins committed by stood more about the nature of the king- sectarians today, the sin of failing to dom than did the apostles of the Lord. rightly divide the word of truth is prom- The apostles understood the kingdom to inent. (2 Tim. 2:15.) That this sin be an earthly kingdom. (Acts 1:6.) expresses itself in Another answer that is often given to many forms is the "thief on the cross" is that one abundantly clear. "cannot prove that he was not bap- Those who deny tized." All of Judea and Jerusalem were that it is essential baptized of John and those who were for the believer to not, rejected the counsel of God against be baptized for themselves. (Lk. 3:21; 7:29-30.) The the remission of thief could very well have been among sins fail to con- the ones who were baptized of John. sider the setting or These answers are well taken, but I'm background of the convinced that they do not get to the Scriptures they heart of the matter. To me it makes use to justify their little difference whether the thief was "faith only" doc- saved or baptized, for regardless of what trine. Their popular argument, "the happened, he is not a New Testament thief on the cross," is a glaring example example of one being converted to the of one type of abuse of the Scriptures. Saviour! What took place between the They take the position that "the thief thief and the Lord as they hung on was saved without baptism and if the their crosses is of no more value to us Lord was willing to save him that way, than the example of the penitent wom- He can and will save people today in an, or any who received forgiveness of the same manner." sins while Jesus lived. Jesus lived under Generally speaking, those who seek the law and it was not until His death to answer this inconsistent argument, that His new will and testament be- begin by pointing out the fact that one came effective. (Heb. 9:15-18.) Until "cannot prove that the thief was saved." the testament of Christ became binding, After all, he only asked to be remem- Christ could remit sins in any way he bered. It is also doubtful that the man saw fit. (Lk. 7:47.) The promise re- understood what constituted the king- ceived by the thief was given under the dom. (Lk. 23:42.) If he did, he under- law. The thief died about forty days (103) before the great commission was given the New Testament Scriptures, but he —a commission that bound faith and lived and died before the New Testa- baptism. (Mk. 16:15,16.) What hap- ment was given. —Editor) penedtohimdoesnotmakevoidthe need of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:19.) We are not sub- ject to the law of Moses, but to the law of Christ. (Eph. 2:13-16.) If the thief is an example of conversion, it is an Old Testament example! Why not fol- lowsomeoftheNewTestamentex- amples, such as Saul (Acts 9:1-18; 22: 12-16), Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9- 13), or some other mentioned in Acts? These are truly New Testament ex- amples of conversion! Instead of going back to. the law of Moses and desiring to be saved like the thief, be saved like those of Samaria who believed, after having heard the gospel, and were bap- tized. (Acts 8:5,12.) Follow in their footsteps! (The first four books classified as New Testament Scriptures are histori- cal, recording Christ's life on earth COMMENT CORNER which was the closing phase of the Old Testament era. The activities of John "Your article on 'Dancing' in the February issue the Baptist, Christ and the twelve apos- is one of the best I have ever read. We like your paper very much." tles recorded in these books belong to —Elizabeth G. Nosker, Richmond, Virginia the Mosaic age. Although the history *** covered belongs to the closing part of "You have a fine little publication here that I the Old Testament period, the books feel will do much in teaching the alien sinner the themselves belong to the New Testa- truth. Keep up the good work." —Gene Lyles, Lancaster, Texas ment Scriptures for two reasons: (1) *** They are biographies of Christ, the "Enclosed is check, $2.00, for another year of author of the New Covenant; (2) They Apostolic Doctrine, the best of its kind. I bind were written after the giving of Christ's each year in book form for ready reference." law or testament and are properly —W. H. Elliott, Oblong, Illinois Christian Scriptures, not Jewish. Just "I continue to enjoy the Apostolic Doctrine. Please renew my subscription and keep up the as the book of Genesis belongs to the good work." Jewish Scriptures, yet it covers the his- —Mrs. Lois W. Powell, Irvine, Kentucky tory of the Patriarchal age, so Matthew, *** Mark, Luke, and John belong to the Such comments as the above encourage us in Christian Scriptures, yet cover history this work. We appreciate our friends who are in- terested enough to help us get new subscribers. that pertains to the Mosaic age. We Our only financial backing is in the sale of sub- read of Noah in the Old Testament scriptions and the books we advertise. Scriptures, but he lived before the giv- *** ing of the Old Testament. In like man- Once again we offer space to those who may wish to write in reply to any article in this paper. Our ner, we read of the thief on the cross in pages are open for free and frank discussion of Bible subjects (104) Joel By George P. Estes, Clayton, Missouri Background they were large. They flew in count- Following the reign of Jehosaphat, less numbers occupying a space of two Judah fell away from the king's refor- or three miles in length by a mile to a mation into the apostasy of his son mile and a half in width. Such large who married Athaliah, the daughter of clouds of locusts would obscure the sun Ahab and Jezebel of Israel. Their idol- and bring temporary darkness upon the atry and iniquity continued until Heze- land. They moved forward regardless kiah. It was in this condition that Joel of obstacles, mounting the walls of the lived and to a people hardened by sin. cities and towns and entering into he spoke the judgments of God. Joel houses. They devoured every green wasthesonofPethuel.Thisisallthat herb and stripped the bark off every is known about his personal life. The tree, leaving a desolate wilderness as if date of the book he wrote is 770 B. C. it had been laid waste by fire. (See Joel 2.) It was given a place in Scripture and regarded as a writing which came from During the season when the locusts God. did not scourge the land, the droughts came. During these rainless times the The Historical Setting crops could not grow and the rivers To understand the prophecy we must dried up so that even the beasts of the know the historical setting. The mes- field suffered. (Joel 1:20.) sage was delivered in the time in which TheDayoftheLord he lived and thereby related to the peo- The expression "the day of the Lord" ple to whom it was spoken. However in Scripture means a time when God there are predictions concerning future reckons with His people or a time of times. judgment. (Joel 1:15; 2:1,2,11,31.) During Joel's life the land of Judah The frightful plague of locusts and the was devastated by warms of locusts famine in the land are caused by God which stripped the land of vegetation. and are to be understood as the present In addition to this there were droughts judgment of God. The prophet brought which brought the people to the point home to them by means of their afflic- of starvation. The conditions resulting tion the lesson that God was not pleased from these are vividly set forth by the with His people. There is then a deeper prophet. significance to the pestilence and famine The country was laid waste by vast in that it was laid before Judah's con- bodies of migrating locusts whose de- sciousness as the act of God and of His predations are most terrible. In size judgment because of their sinfulness. (105) The Call to Repentance of the Spirit was a sign of work of God. The purpose of God in speaking Butitwasmorethanthis.Itinspired through the prophets was to bring the the apostles in proclaiming the gospel people to repentance. The exhortation upon this occasion and thereafter dur- therefore is to turn to God "with all ing most of the first century. It em- your heart, and with fasting, and with powered men to work miracles as testi- weeping, and with mourning. And rend mony that the gospel message came your heart, and your garments, and turn from God. The fulfillment of Joel's to the Lord your God." (Joel 2:12, 13.) prophecy began on Pentecost and con- This was the only way to avert the tinued until spiritual operations ceased judgment of God. The penalty for their when the perfect revelation of God was sin was punishment which would be given in writing known as Scripture. inflicted by God in the future of the (References: Keil: Commentary on time the prophet spoke. The interven- Joel, and Home: Introduction to the ing time was their opportunity to re- Bible, Vols. II, III.) turn to God because He is "gracious and merciful." (2:13.) GROUP SUBSCRIPTION PLAN God's Blessings This plan is designed for churches If they turned to God, He would bless that want to send the paper to all them in many ways. Turning to God their members or a list of prospects, meant repentance, the gathering of the and for individuals who desire to people and prayer by the priests to God have the paper sent to a list of friends for the deliverance of Israel. (2:16, 17., and relatives. In response God would give material Here is how the plan works: You blessings — rain and harvests. (2:18- send us a list of names and we mail 27.) God would also deliver His people the paper to everyone on your list from the heathen who were their op- and bill you for the cost each month. pressors. The heathen, instead of the Send us 25 names and the cost to you Israelites, would be under His judg- is $2.75 per month; 50 names, $5.50 ment. (3:1-8.) Indeed all nations per month; 100 names, $11.00 per would come under the judgment of month; etc. This is a most effective God. (3:9-14.) way of getting APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE into the hands of those who really The Last Days need to read this kind of material. In the setting of doom hanging over If someone on your list moves and the nation of Israel there are promises leaves no forwarding address, you of a higher spiritual nature which refer are notified and can send another to the work of the Messiah. The out- name. pouring of the Spirit predicted in Joel Try our group plan for a year. If 2:28-31 was fulfilled on the Pentecost you subscribe to the paper for 50 following the ascension of Christ. Upon people at club rate, that amounts to this day the people of God of the New $75.00. By using the group plan you Covenant came into existence. The in- can send it to 50 people for a year spired Peter in delivering the gospel for only $66.00, and you pay a little message quoted the Scripture found in at a time. This is our most economical Joel 2 and related it to the "last days" subscription plan. The minimum num- or the Christian era which began on ber of names for this plan is 25. Send that day of Pentecost. The outpouring us your list today. (106) The Trial of Jesus (No. 2) By Roy E. Cogdill, Canoga Park, California The Arrest last three and a half years, to betray Clear evidence that Jesus Christ was Jesus into their hands, and to identify the victim of illegal procedures in every him by a kiss on the cheek. They want- phase of his arrest and trial is abund- ed to make no mistake as to the ident- antly found in the writings of the men ity of the prisoner. Jesus had delivered who have recorded for us the story of himself upon so many different occa- that trial. To begin with, his arrest sions that they were carefully guarding was in violation of Jewish law. Their against any false move this time. So the law prohibited all proceedings at night. bargain was made with Judas, and the On a religious charge, especially, their price of thirty pieces of silver was paid; law provided that a man could not be the signal was agreed upon, a kiss ap- deprived of his liberty, and could not parently of love and friendship. This be taken from his home and loved ones, arrangement was entered into by the at any hour between sunset and sunrise. Sanhedrin on the one side and Judas on But Jesus was arrested, as best as we the other — Judas, an accomplice and can determine, sometime after mid- a co-worker in every single thing they night; and was actually put on trial were going to charge against Jesus. between two and three o'clock in the Yet their own law clearly said that no morning. man's life, nor his liberty, nor his repu- tation should ever be endangered by A second provision of Jewish law so themaliceofonewhohadconfessed clearly violated in these proceedings was himself to be a criminal. their specific prohibition of a man's A third violation of their own law in turning "state's evidence." In our law the arrest of Jesus was in the fact that any man who is an accomplice of the they arrested him without a proper accused, or who has been guilty in the warrant. Their law provided, as does perpetration of a crime, may decide to ours, that no arrest can be made with- testify for the state, and may turn out proper court authorization. Yet in against his colleague or partner. But this case there was no warrant, no the Jewish law permitted nothing of the authorization issued by any court at kind. It clearly forbade such. No ac- all. It was simply an understanding on cused man could have any accomplice the part of the Jewish mob who went or co-worker appear against him either out after him that the Sanhedrin desired in the charge in the court as a witness, his arrest. They seized him, deprived nor yet for the purpose of identifying him of his liberty, and rushed him to him at the arrest. Neither by word trial without any kind of court author- nor by deed or act was such a man per- ity at all. mitted to accuse his former associate. A fourth violation was the fact that Any man who had taken part in a crime no duly authorized officer of the court was barred from the Jewish courts as was present to effect the arrest. Christ a witness against anybody else involved was not arrested by a soldier or any in the same crime. officer sent out by the court; rather, Yet the Jewish court itself, the San- he was seized by a mob, a motley gang hedrin, made arrangements with Judas, who came out with sticks and stones who had been a partaker in all that and clubs for the purpose of taking Jesus and his disciples had done for the him in charge and bringing him to trial. (107) So instead of an orderly and legal pro- which Jesus was tried, both in his Jew- cedure according to their own law, the ishtrialandinhisRomantrial,were arrest of Jesus Christ was illegal, unlaw- charges that originated with the judges ful, and disorderly from every point of of the Jewish court. They were the view. We would describe it in our day ones who had charged him with sedition as mob violence, pure and simple. under the Jewish law, with attempting to destroy, and with promising and The Indictment prophesying the destruction of the seat But the gospel writers record for us of Jewish government. They said that facts that not only show the illegality when Jesus taught that all of these of the arrest, but equally reveal the things would be destroyed, and that illegality of the indictment. Indeed, the when he had said, "Destroy this temple, examining trial that preceded the indict- and in three days I will raise it up," he ment was itself illegal. was actually seeking to overthrow the The very lowest court among the Jewish court and its authority, and de- Jews was a three judge court. They did sired the destruction of the Jewish not, in those days, have a jury system nation. Thus he was guilty of sedition. such as we have today; and in order They charged him likewise with blas- to insure that justice would be admin- phemy. They charged him with saying istered, they provided that no man that he was God; that he was Christ, should be tried before less than three theMessiah.Insuchaclaimasthat judges. Instead of twelve jurors, as is he is a blasphemer. Of course, they did our custom, they had three judges. not believe that he was the Messiah. Even the smallest crime or misdemeanor and they rejected all the evidence that must be tried not before one judge, but substantiated that claim. But the before three. They made no exceptions charges of sedition and blasphemy orig- to this. inated with the judges themselves; they Yet, looking at the record of Jesus' came right out of the Sanhedrin Coun- trials, we see that he was actually cil. examined privately. In fact, Jesus ap- When they took him before Pilate, peared in five different stages of his they charged him with treason against trial before a court of a single judge; Rome. They accused him of desiring to before Annas he appeared privately. be a king himself, and of raising an Before Caiaphas he was privately armed rebellion against Caesar; there- examined. Before Pilate there was a fore being guilty of treason, he ought private hearing. Before Herod he was to be put to death. This charge came tried by a single judge; and finally be- from the Jewish judges. They had wit- fore Pilate again he appeared before one nesses to try to substantiate the judge. Five of the six stages of his charges; but the charges were made, trial, therefore, were in violation of this and the accusation came, from the fundamental provision of Jewish law. judges themselves — a clear violation Not only was the court procedure il- not only of Jewish law, but of all rec- legal, but the indictment itself was ognized procedures in every civilized illegal. The Sanhedrin did not, and, by nation on earth. Jewish law, could not, originate charges. There is further violation of legal This Council existed only for the pur- procedure in that the accus at ion pose of investigating charges made by brought against Jesus was vague, du- others — not for the purpose of making licitious, and uncertain. One of the re- charges itself. Yet the very charges on quirements of Jewish law was that a (108) charge must be certain, specific, partic- God; that if they should destroy the plicitious and uncertain. One of the re- temple, in three days he could raise it definite would be considered. Yet when up; and that all these things are to be they brought Jesus before the Sanhed- destroyed, meaning Jerusalem and the rin, they had the most uncertain, indef- whole Jewish nation. They did not inite, and generalized charges that could specify; they gave no clear and definite be imagined. accusation. Today if a man should be charged No court today would accept such an with half a dozen crimes, he would be indictment. It was so clearly in viola- indicted upon only one count at a time. tion of all accepted principles of legal Each separate violation must be con- procedure that a motion to quash would sidered independently of all others. But be immediately granted; Jewish law in the case of Jesus they did not so clearly provided that no such vague, separate the matter. They just lumped uncertain accusation could be the basis it all together in every vague accusation for any kind of trial. And even in this they could think about — that he instance, the major charge was drop- claimed to be the Christ, that he was ped right in the middle of the trial the bread come down from heaven; and another was substituted in its place. that he claimed existence before Abra- But we will consider that in the next ham; that he said he was divine, was article.

What Is the Church of Christ? Government of the Church By Paul K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana One of the identifying characteristics But the government Christ gave to of churches of Christ is their govern- His church is different from that. It is ment. People often ask me where the a simple, workable government, care- headquarters of the church of Christ fully spelled out in the New Testament. are. When I ex- Christ's church on earth follows that plain that the order and governs itself in accordance head of the church with His instructions. is Jesus Christ and that the headquar- Christ the Head ters are where He The book of Ephesians has as its is, they find it subject the church of Christ. In it the hard to under- gloriousness of the church is shown in stand. We are all its splendor. In Eph. 1:22 Paul used to thinking in writes, "He put all things in subjection terms of denomi- under his feet, and gave him to be head nations, w h e r e over all things to the church." Christ, there are earthly then, is the head of the church. headquarters, men This ought to put to shame those who who are "President," "Pope," "Bishop," contend for a head upon the earth. It or "Chief Prophet" of the church on is a religious monstrosity to insist that earth. If one man isn't the head, then a thechurchhavetwoheads—onein council will make the decisions for the heaven and one on earth. It is unknown denomination. There is almost always to the New Testament, and would be a some central governing person or body. freak if it were so. The church is the (109) body of Christ and He is the head. He cons, which we shall consider later. admits of no other being head. No All of these men have functions which President, Bishop, Pope, or Council can are strictly congregational in nature. claim to be the head of the church upon There is no machinery set up by Christ earth and be pleasing to Christ. His whereby any man or group is to have church has only one head — Christ. oversight of anything other than one Himself. congregation. Let me repeat this in a When He ascended back into heaven different way — The only unit of or- after being raised from the dead, He ganization in the New Testament sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles and church is the local congregation. The prophets that they might be instructed only tie which congregations had was in His word. This word was penned by the tie of a common faith. Each tended them, and we have it in the New Testa- to its own business, carrying out its ment. Jesus Christ governs us today mission to the best of its ability. When through that word, and we honor our any congregation had a pressing need head only in so far as we obey His which it was not able to care for by it- commands in His word. self, other congregations assisted it. But there was no directing agency over the' Officers of the Church various congregations. Each congrega- In the fourth chapter of Ephesians, tion was separate and independent, di- the apostle Paul has something to say recting its own affairs. about the officers placed in the church. Evangelists "And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; The evangelist is charged with and some, pastors and teachers." preaching the word of God. He may be (4:11.) a traveling man, or he may be settled. Philip was an evangelist when he had The apostles and prophets were tem- a house in Caesarea. (Acts 21:8.) A porary officers. That is, their work was man may be an evangelist and live in to reveal the word of God. This was one city all his life. The evangelist is done in the first century of the church. not the overseer of the church — he is We have their completed work in the simply the preacher. New Testament. Numerous passages in the New Testament plainly show that Pastors inspiration was to cease with the death The pastors are called elders, presby- of the apostles, and the miraculous gifts ters, bishops, overseers, and shepherds. accompanying this inspiration also were (Acts 20:17, 28.) All six of these terms to cease. We do not have space to deal refer to the same men. Nowadays de- with this subject here. Suffice it to say, nominational people think of a settled however, that the church does not have preacher as a pastor and a traveling living apostles and prophets today. preacher as an evangelist. Such is not Their work was confined to the founda- New Testament usage, however. Any tion. (Eph. 2:20.) We build upon the preacher is an evangelist, and a pastor foundation they laid — the Word of doesnothavetobeapreacheratall! God. Pastors, or elders, are the overseers of the congregation. In Acts 14:23 and Congregation Only Organization other passages we find that there were The others mentioned in Eph. 4:11 more than one elder in each church. are evangelists, pastors and teachers. To They must meet the qualifications given these we may add one other group, dea- in 1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1. These are (110) stringent qualifications and apply today Today churches of Christ function as well as then. Only men possessing exactly as God has directed. Each con- these qualifications can be appointed gregation is separate and independent in elders in the New Testament church. government, but tied to each other by Elders are to watch in behalf of the the strong bond of a common faith and souls of the flock (Heb. 13:17), oversee love. The affairs of each congregation the affairs of the congregation (1 Pet. are settled by the congregation under 5:1-3), guard against false teachers the direction of its own elders. Evange- (Titus 1:9-11), and teach the members lists are sent to preach the gospel to of the church. (1 Pet. 5:2.) Their the whole world, supported by congre- oversight is restricted to the congrega- gations sending to them. The needy are tion of which they are members. cared for. And all the work is carried THESE ARE THE ONLY OFFICERS out without extra organizations the wis- IN THE NEW TESTAMENT dom of men says are needed. C H U R C H GIVEN OVERSIGHT, The word of God furnishes a man AND IT IS ONLY OF THE ONE "completely unto every good work." CONGREGATION OF W H I C H (2 Tim. 3:16,17.) The word of God THEY ARE MEMBERS. furnishes Christ's church with its organ- Let me repeat: There was no distinc- ization. This is a complete organization, tion between pastors, elders, bishops, pleasing to God. We cannot improve on and presbyters. They were all one and it, and to try is to reflect on the wisdom the same. The modern distinction made of God. between them and the usage of these We invite you to investigate the titles for different men is a misuse of church of Christ — the church which is the New Testament. following the Lord's pattern in all things, including its organization. Teachers and Deacons Teachers, of course, are just what the word says. Their job is to teach the ASTUDY IN METHODIST DISCI- word of God. Deacons are mentioned in PLINEbyC.R.Nichol. 64pages. Phil. 1:1. That they were a special 50 cents. class of officers is seen from the fact that their qualifications are given in 1 Tim. 3 right after the qualifications for .... and don't forget to renew elders. The word deacon means "serv- your subscription TODAY! ant," and deacons are, then, servants of the church. Since the elders are the overseers, they function as the elders direct. Interesting Biographies Entire Organization J. D. TANT, TEXAS PREACHER. 479 This is the entire government of the pages. $4.00 New Testament church. In one genera- C. R. NICHOL, A PREACHER OF tion this simple organization, imbued RIGHTEOUSNESS. 320 pages. $3.00 with the zeal of God, evangelized the entireknownworld.Therewereno ALEXANDER CAMPBELL AS A missionary societies or any other kind PREACHER. 46 pages. $1.00 of societies. The congregation was the only organization known. (111)

VOLUME 5______NUMBER 8 He Died Without Baptism By Donald P. Ames, Aurora, Illinois How many times have you ap- bear to a lost world, can we be in a proached someone to inquire about the position to act properly for the good of state of a friend or relative who may all concerned. have passed away before having an The word of God quite plainly points opportunity to be out that baptism, just like belief, re- baptized? Perhaps pentance, etc.. is essential to our salva- someone who tion. (Mk. 16:16: Acts 2:38: 22:16: loved the Lord but Rom. 6:4-7: 1 Pet. 3:21.) Until we never fully learned have taken the essential steps of obedi- the truth, or some- ence, we are still lost in our sins — one who had good not because we never obeyed, but be- intentions but cause we are guilty of sin and hence waited too long. are lost. Obedience is our only hope of Then, to your sur- salvation. (Heb. 5:9.) It would there- prise, rather than fore be an unescapable conclusion that the usual forth- one not having fulfilled all these steps right answer you would still be lost in sin — hence not were expecting — part of those saved throughout eternity and may have been accustomed to re- with Christ. ceiving, he commences to tell you he cannot say what God in His mercy will Although this may at first seem provide after death for such, but that harsh, let us bear in mind the fact that we that are alive have the Bible and it is not God's fault that anyone should certainly we must not wait till then wait until it is too late to obey the to see what God's providence will pro- gospel. He has already done His share vide. in providing us both with the word of salvation and the many warnings there- Perhapsthisanswerisgiveninan in of what is essential — and the con- attempt to avoid bitter feelings or ad- sequences of disobedience (or failure to ditional grief, perhaps as a stalling obey.) To blame God unjustly for our measure, or possibly even due to ignor- own negligence is to say that we pre- ance. But whatever the reasons may be, ferred to do what we wanted until we it is time we quit kidding ourselves and got ready to obey Him. or until we got come face-to-face with the facts. Only ready to tell others His vital message, when we fully comprehend the truth and that He is very unfair for not let- and the importance of the message we (See BAPTISM ...... Page 125) More About Soka Gakkai By Robert Nichols, Osaka, Japan It is not difficult to sell a man some- prone to think of this religion as il- thing he wants. This is what the Soka logical, but Professor Tetsutaro Ariga Gakkai does. Shakubuku (a term used has characterized a typical Japanese as by the Soka Gakkai for their conver- one who "is not bothered by the in- sion methods — consistency of ideas and thoughts that meaning literally are in his mind. In other words, his to break and sub- mind works intuitively rather than ra- due) promises tionally." physical healing and even resurrec- Shakafuku does not consist of prom- tion of the dead— ises alone, it also contains a mixture of not to mention pseudo-scientific "proofs" and veno- business success mous attacks against all other religions, and anything else coupled with fanatic self-assurance and you desire. Popu- belief in the doctrines of the sect. lar religions, like All members of the Soka Gakkai are politicians at elec- expected to practice shakufuku among tion time, promise their family, friends, and neighbors. whatever the supporters think they Sometimes this propaganda is accom- want. panied by physical violence. Here is A monthly Soka Gakkai pictorial. an example as it appeared in the news- The Seikyo Graphic, carries many cases paper: of conversion such as the following: "Omisawa, Aomori Prefecture, June "Gyoun Kurabayashi, master callig- 20. A few fanatics of the Soka Gakkai rapher, suffered from acute pneumonia group stormed into a local Christian and his wife from an unknown disease, Church, turning it into a shambles in a which made him join this religion." mad attempt to solicit membership from Many American service men in Japan the church minister. They woke up the are being attracted by the Soka Gakkai. minister, Murakami Suekichi, and his Their reasons for being converted are wife and urged them to become Soka typical. "I found Soka Gakkai is what Gakkai members, asking Murakami to IWANTTOBELIEVE."Here is an- become leader of their local organiza- other case. "Allen's wife and her Jap- tion. When the minister turned down anese friends persisted in shakubuku, their request the fanatics suddenly be- 'finally,' 'to shut them up and make came wild and began hurling about them stop badgering me to join, I chairs, tables, and a few volumes of the agreed.' Asked if this was the only Bible. Local Police today launched an reason for joining, Allen nodded." investigation. According to police in- Would-be-converts are told that be- vestigations there are about five hun- lief and understanding of all powers of dred members of the Soka Gakkai in Soka Gakkai will follow conversion. Omisawa town. It is said to be an open They are promised that rewards will secret that the members, including descend upon them immediately after street toughs, racketeers, and even pros- oath-taking: health, wealth, happiness. titutes, frequently give trouble to house- "Try it and see!" Christians may be holds in the locality by soliciting mem- (114) bership through extortion and black- petus of the SokaGakkai will be weak- mail." ened considerably, but if these strong Individual Christians are frequently personalities continue to cooperate, subjected to shakufuku and this in- Soka Gakkai seems destined to play an cludes Americans living in Japan. Al- ever increasing role in Japanese and though no members of the church have world affairs. suffered physically, a few years ago one If the Soka Gakkai continues at its Gospel Meeting was broken up by the current fantastic rate of growth and Soka Gakkai who marched in, fifteen pursues its present policy of one world or twenty strong, and continued to under one religion by forced conversion, march over the seats and heads of the the days of gospel preachers in Japan worshippers while the sermon was in are numbered and all Japanese Chris- progress. tians are in a very precarious position. In March of 1953 a debate was con- ducted in Tokyo between brother Joe Cannon and Mr. T. Ishida of the Soka Quotes From Spurgeon Gakkai, and was subsequently printed. "I am not particularly anxious about Last week when a Soka Gakkai propa- my own name, whether that shall en- gandist called at his home, brother Sato dure forever or not, provided it is of the Osaka church, offered the man a recorded in my Master's book. George copy of this debate but he was already Whitefield, when asked whether he familiar with it and so are many other would found a denomination, said, 'No; members of the Soka Gakkai. Brother John Wesley may do as he Shakufuku is the cry of Soka Gakkai. pleases, but let my name perish; let Its principal aims are the propagation of Christ's name last forever.' Amen to its gospel throughout the world, by that! Let my name perish; but let forced conversion if necessary. With Christ's name last forever ... for I say ten million fanatical adherents in Japan of the Baptist name, let it perish, but it has begun world wide propagation. let Christ's name last forever. I look This year South Eastern Asia, Europe forward with pleasure to the day when and South America, heard the cry of there will not be a Baptist living. I Shakufuku "break and subdue." In the hope they will soon be gone . . . But, I United States there are groups in Los say, let even England's name perish; Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Chi- let her be merged in one great brother- cago, New York, Washington, Miami hood . . . Perhaps there is only one and other places. thing on earth that I love better than the last I have mentioned, and that is As to the future of the Soka Gakkai, the pure doctrine of unadulterated no one is in a position to make an in- Calvinism. But if that be wrong — if fallible prophecy. However in other there be anything in that which is false religious movements the concentration — I, for one, say, let that perish too, of many strong personalities has been and let Christ's name last forever. the signal for a series of secessions, a Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! 'Crown him Lord splintering-off process that spelled the of all!'" end for a once strong group. In the Soka Gakkai today is found a larger group *** of strong personalities than in any other "Remember, dear friends, the promise religion in Japan. If a secession by of the gospel runs thus: — 'He that discontented members happens, the im- with his heart believeth, and with his (115) mouth maketh confession of him, shall mand in order to throw half of it behind be saved.' Do not, I charge you, neglect your back, but both believe and avow one half of the command! The gospel your belief, and be added to the commission which we have received is church." this:—"Go ye into all the world and *** preach the gospel to every creature. The foregoing statements are copied He that believeth and is baptized shall from Spur peon's Memorial Library, Vol. be saved.' That is the message as we 1, pp. 167-169; Vol. 10, pp. 52-53. find it, we did not insert the clause con- Charles H. Spurgeon was one of the cerning baptism, neither dare we leave greatest Baptist preachers England it out, or advise you to neglect it. I give ever produced. We wonder how the you the very words of the Saviour. Do above statements sound to modern not, therefore, divide the gospel com- Baptists?

The Church of the Nazarene Does Not Follow the Bible By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri It is probable that some who read nomination to open your Bibles and these lines will think I find joy in study carefully. "knocking" other people's r el i g i on . Frankly, I have never found it exactly Wrong Origin pleasant to dis- The church that Jesus promised to agree with others, build (Matt. 16:18) was established in yetIhaveare- Jerusalem on the first Pentecost follow- sponsibility before ingtheresurrectioninaboutA.D.30. God to teach the (Read Acts 2.) The Church of the truth and expose error. I have no grudge against people with whom I differ, and I do APOSTOLIC not i n t e n d to DOCTRINE "knock" in the Published Monthly by sense of speaking BIBLE INFORMATION PUBLISHERS with animosity or 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo., 63135 questioning anyone's integrity or sin- cerity. However, if a calm effort to Second Class postage paid at St. Louis. Mo. show people that they are not following EDITOR, Irvin Himmel the Bible constitutes "knocking," then I plead guilty. All that does not harmon- ASSOCIATE EDITORS ize with the Bible needs to be "knocked Frank Jamerson Ferrell Jenkins out." SUBSCRIPTIONS: Single—$2.00 Per Year Five or More, Each—$1.50 Per Year Group of Fifty—$5.50 Per Month I now call attention to a few of the BUNDLE RATE: Ten Copies for $1.00 ways in which the Church of the Naz- Address All Communications to arene deviates from the scriptures. I APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE plead with all who may read this article 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo. 63135 and be members of the Nazarene de- (116) Nazarene began near the close of the (Manual, p. 31.) The Bible defines nineteenth century in the United States. baptism as a "burial." (Rom. 6:3-5; It began in a movement of men "inter- Col. 2:12.) The Greek word rendered ested in promoting the Wesleyan doc- "baptized" means to "immerse, dip, trine and experience of entire sanctifi- submerge." God's word does not give cation." (Manual of the Church of the us the choice of substituting sprinkling Nazarene, p. 15.) Christ built his or pouring for a burial. The Church of church to promote his doctrine, not the the Nazarene gives a wider choice than Wesleyan doctrine. the scriptures. "In October, 1895, a number of per- Two Baptisms sons, under the leadership of Rev. Phineas F. Bresee, D. D., and Rev. J. P. In Eph. 4:5 the apostle Paul wrote Widney, LL. D., formed the First that there is "one baptism." The Church of the Nazarene, at Los Angeles, Church of the Nazarene teaches two California ..." (Manual, p. 17.) baptisms — water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism. The first of these is Wrong Plan of Salvation "to be administered to believers as The apostles of Christ taught people declarative of their faith in Jesus Christ to repent and be baptized for the re- as their Saviour" (Manual, p. 31); the mission of sins. (Acts 2:38.) Nazarene second is designed to produce "entire preachers do not teach the plan that sanctification." (Manual, p. 30.) Ac- way. They preach the mourners' bench cording to Nazarene doctrine, one bap- system. They call upon sinners to come tism is a "sacrament," the other an to the mourners' bench and pray "experience." The Bible uses neither through. They insist that one's sins are term to describe baptism. forgiven before and without baptism. Baby Baptism Instead of repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, they change the The Bible stipulates that baptism is plan to repent and pray for the remis- for those who are taught (Matt. 28:18- sion of sins. 20), who believe (Mk. 16:15, 16), and Strangely, they exhort folks to be- who repent. (Acts 2:38.) Little infants lieve that God is willing and ready to cannot be taught the gospel, they neith- save them, then they get them to the er believe nor disbelieve, and they can- mourners' bench and urge them to beg not repent, therefore are not proper and plead with God to save them! If subjects of baptism. Notwithstanding, God is willing and anxious, why must the Church of the Nazarene upholds the He be begged and persuaded? baptism of babies. (Manual, p. 238.) There is no example in the Bible of an More Choice Than the Bible infant being baptized. While Nazarenes do not teach that Wrong About Sanctification baptism is essential to salvation, they practice what they call "baptism" as The Church of the Nazarene teaches a "sacrament signifying acceptance of three distinct errors on the subject of the benefits of the atonement." (Man- sanctification: (1) when people are ual, p. 31.) They offer a choice of sanctified; (2) how they are sanctified; sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. and (3) what sanctification is. "Baptism may be administered by "We believe that entire sanctification sprinkling, pouring, or immersion, ac- is that act of God, subsequent to regen- cording to the choice of the applicant." eration, by which believers are made (117) free from original sin, or depravity,and one is sinlessly perfect. Read1Cor. brought into a state of entire devote- 1:2 and observe that the Corinthians ment to God, and the holy obedience of were sanctified, then read the rest of love made perfect." (Manual, p. 29.) thebooktoseehowfartheywerefrom Note that this sanctification is SUBSE- perfection! QUENT TO regeneration. In other words, Nazarenes believe one is saved Disregard for 1 Tim. 2:12 or regenerated in one act or experience, The Church of the Nazarene has but sanctification comes later. Read 1 women preachers. The apostle Paul Cor. 6:11 and note that WASHING, wrote. "But I suffer not a woman to SANCTIFICATION, and JUSTIFI- teach, nor to usurp authority over the CATION are all mentioned together. man, but to be in silence." And again. Nazarenes teach that entire sanctifi- "Let your women keep silence in the cation comes by Holy Spirit baptism. churches: for it is not permitted unto Read Acts 2 and 10, 11 and note that them to speak ..." (1 Cor. 14:34.) those who received Spirit baptism did Women may teach (Titus 2:4), and NOT receive it for such a purpose. they may even teach men (Acts 18:26), The Bible does not define sanctifica- but they are not permitted to teach in . tion as the "second blessing." Naza- the assembly of the church. There is renes say sanctification is the "cleans- no example in the Bible of women ing of the heart from sin." (Manual, p. preaching in public. In doing such they 30.) Since they have one saved before exercise dominion over the men. The sanctified, that means one is saved but Church of the Nazarene does not follow his heart is still not cleansed from sin! the Bible in this matter. How can one be saved and his heart Now, should one give moral and not cleansed? financial support to any religion which Sanctification comes through obedi- does not adhere to the scriptures? Is ence to the truth. (John 17:17.) It is it right to do wrong? Is it right to made possible by the blood of Christ. abandontheBibleonsuchpointsas (Heb. 10:14.) It does not mean that these? Things Which Save By Howard See, Woodbury, Tennessee Salvation is the central theme of the "And she shall bring forth a son, and Bible. God eternally planned and pur- thou shalt call his name JESUS: for posed salvation through Christ. The he shall save his people from their sins." conditions of that salvation are set (Matt. 1:21.) "For the Son of Man is forth in the New Testament. The come to save that which was lost." following are some of the things to (Matt. 18:11; Rom. 5:8-9; 1 Tim. which salvation is attributed. 1:15.) 1. Salvation is attributed to God. 3. Salvation is attributed to the Holy "For this is good and acceptable in the Spirit. "And such were some of you: sight of God our Saviour; Who will but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, have all men to be saved, and to come but ye are justified in the name of the unto the knowledge of the truth." (1 Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our Tim. 2:3-4; 1 Tim. 1:1; 1 Cor. 1:21.) God. (1 Cor. 6:11; Titus 3:5.) 2. Salvation is attributed to Christ. 4. Salvation is attributed to love. (118) ''Herein is love, not that weloved God, lieveth not shall be damned." (Mk. butthathelovedus,andsenthisSon 16:16; Jas. chapter 2.) to be the propitiation for our sins." 10. Salvation is attributed to repent- (1 John 4:10; John 3:16: 2 Pet. 3:9.) ance. "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye 5. Salvation is attributed to mercy. repent, ye shall all likewise perish." "Not by works of righteousness which (Lk. 13:3.) "And the times of this we have done, but according to his ignorance God winked at; but now mercyhesavedus,by the washing of commandeth all men every where to regeneration, and renewing of the Holy repent." (Acts 17:30; Acts 2:38; 3:19; Ghost" (Titus 3:5.) 11:18; 2 Cor. 7:8-10.) 6. Salvation is attributed to grace. 11. Salvation is attributed to confes- "(by grace ye are saved.)" "For by sion. "That if thou shalt confess with grace are ye saved through faith." thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt (Eph. 2:5, 8-9.) "For the grace of God believe in thine heart that God hath that bringeth salvation hath appeared raised him from the dead, thou shalt be to all men, teaching us that, denying saved. For with the heart man believeth ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should unto righteousness; and with the mouth live soberly, righteously, and godly, in confession is made unto salvation." this present world." (Titus 2:11-12.) (Rom. 10:9-10; Mt. 10:32-33; Acts 8:35-39.) 7. Salvation is attributed to the blood 12. Salvation is attributed to baptism. of Christ. "Much more then, being now "The like figure whereunto even bap- justified by his blood, we shall be saved tism doth also now save us." (I Pet. from wrath through him." (Rom. 5:9.) 3:21.) "He that believeth and is bap- "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were tized shall be saved." (Mk. 16:16; Acts not redeemed with corruptible things, 2:38; Acts 22:16.) as silver and gold, from your vain con- 13. Salvation is attributed to works. versation received by tradition from "Ye see then how that by works a man your fathers: But with the precious is justified, and not by faith only." blood of Christ, as of a lamb without (Jas. 2:24.) "Wherefore, my beloved, blemish and without spot." (1 Pet. as ye have always obeyed, not as in my 1:18-19; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; Mt. 26: presence only, but now much more in 28; Heb. 9:22.) my absence, work out your own salva- 8. Salvation is attributed to the gos- tion with fear and trembling." (Phil. pel. "For I am not ashamed of the 2:12: Eph. 2:10.) gospel of Christ: For it is the power of In Matt. 4:4 Jesus said, "Man shall God unto salvation to every one that not live by bread alone, but by every believeth; to the Jew first, and also to word that proceedeth out of the mouth the Greek." (Rom. 1:16.) "In whom of God." We are not at liberty then to ye also trusted, after that ye heard the accept only a part of the things listed word of truth, the gospel of your salva- above which pertain to salvation and tion." (Eph. 1:13; 1 Cor' 4:15; 2 reject the others, but must accept them Thess. 2:14; Jas. 1:18, 21; 1 Pet. all. Those who teach salvation by 1:22.) "faith only" are guilty of not taking all 9. Salvation is attributed to faith. that God has said on the subject of "...forifyebelievenotthatIam salvation. To fail to abide by all that he, ye shall die in your sins" (John God has said on the subject is to fail 8:24.) "He that believeth and is bap- to do God's will and thus displease God. tised shall be saved; but he that be- (Mt. 7:21-23: Heb. 5:8-9; 2 John 9.) (119) Instrumental Music Lord's body and blood. Putting butter on the bread to make it more palatable By F. E. Sewell, St. Louis, Missouri or adding orange juice to the grape juice Sometimes one hears the expression to increase the vitamin content would that instrumental music is not author- be adding elements for which there is ized by the Scriptures in worship to no authority. God. This is a loose statement, as In the Greek text, from which the what is usually meant is that mechani- King James and American Standard cal instruments of music are not auth- versions (the two versions most com- orized. As will be shown shortly, monly used in America) were translat- instruments are essential in proper ed, there are three words from which worship in song. the verb sing or one of its forms is translated — humneo found four times, There are several ways of showing ado found five times, and psallo found that only vocal music is authorized by five times, making a total of fourteen. the Bible in worship, but just two will be used in this brief article. The first The following is from the English- is under the general principle of when man's Greek concordance of the New an act or an element is scriptural, and Testament for the King James Version: the second is by the English transla- a. Humneo—(4) "had sung a hymn" tions. (Matt. 26:30; Mk. 14:26), "sang From the time that man began to praises" (Acts 16:25), "sing praise." worship God, acceptable worship has (Heb. 2:12.) been based on faith, on doing that for b. Ado — (5) "singing" (Eph. 5:19; which he has the word of God, from Col. 3:16), "sung" (Rev. 5:19; 14:3), which comes faith. (Rom. 10:17.) As "sing." (Rev. 15:3.) there is no command, example, or im- c. Psallo— (5) "sing" (Rom. 15:9), plication, that mechanical music was "will sing" twice (1 Cor. 14:15), "mak- used in worship in the churches as found ing melody" (Eph. 5:19), "sing in the New Testament record, it cannot psalms." (Jas. 5:13.) be of faith without which it is impos- The American Standard is practically sible to please God. (Heb. 11:6.) the same, in places with a different A common plea is that mechanical tense or form of the verb "sing," and instruments are not innovations but using "hymn" and "praise" interchange- merely aids or helps — that there is as ably. much authority for their use as for Advocates of mechanical instruments songbooks. A songbook is truly only have made much of the meaning of the an aid to the one singing by giving the word "psallo." Boswell, in the Boswell- words and melody. He is still only sing- Hardeman Discussion, said, "It is to ing, while mechanical music is another touch, to pluck: it may be a pulling kind of music, co-ordinate with vocal, out of the hair; it may be the pulling therefore cannot be merely an aid. For of a bow, the string of a bow; it may example, in the Lord's supper, the table be the striking of the strings of a harp; on which to place the plates for the it may be the plucking of the string the bread and the containers for the fruit carpenter uses in his work .... It of the vine are only aids in carrying finally comes to mean to play upon a out the memorial. The worshippers are musical instrument." He argued further still just eating the bread and drinking that the basic meaning always inhered, the fruit of the vine in memory of our (See MUSIC...... Page 127) (120) Amos By Robert H. West, North Las Vegas, Nevada Not far south from the city of Beth- time, Jehu was elevated to the throne of lehem, at the edge of a vast wilderness. Israel. This man and his successors stand the ruins of the ancient city of proved to be exceedingly wicked in the Tekoa. The principal Biblical signifi- sight of God. As a result, God allowed cance of this site is that it was once the the Assyrians to smite the people. (2 residence of Amos, the inspired author Kings 10:32,33.) This disastrous sit- of the book which bears his name. uation continued under Jehoahaz, the The man Amos stands in a rather son and successor of Jehu. (2 Kings unique position among the other proph- 13:3, 7.) But under Joash, Israel began ets. From what we can learn of him. to improve her lot. (2 Kings 13:25.) he was a "common man," one who had This success continued and reached its no prophetic background or special apex under the rule of Jeroboam II, who qualifications. He was a simple shep- recovered all of Israel's lost territory, herd and gatherer of sycamore fruit (7: revived the land's economy, and so de- 14-15), no doubt hardened to the rigors veloped its resources as to usher in a of this wilderness environment. "Upon period of prosperity and power virtually this wilderness, where life is full of unknown before. In the wake of this poverty, and danger — where nature new-found wealth and power came starves the imagination, but excites the greed and cruelty which found expres- faculties of perception and curiosity: sion in violence and robbery (3:10); with the mountain tops and sunrise in selling the poor into slavery ( 2 : 6 , 7 ) ; his face, and with Jerusalem so near — begrudging the Lord His holy days in Amos did the work which made him a ordertodobusiness,andthatindis- man, heard the voice of God calling honesty. (8:4-6.) Those days of plenty him to be a prophet, and gathered those also saw a decline in the moral sense of symbols and figures in which his proph- the people in that immorality was prac- et's message still reaches us with so ticed without shame (2:7); justice was fresh and so austere an air." (G. A. hardly known in the land. (5:7; 6:12.) Smith, The Book of the Twelve Proph- Thewickedwereinpowerandthe ets, Vol. 1, p. 74.) righteous were despised. (5:10.) While the people seemed to maintain an out- The words of this book were penned ward form of religion, it was bereft of in about the middle of the eighth cen- any sincerity and genuine love of Je- tury, B. C, "in the days of Uzziah king hovah and thus became unacceptable. of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam (5:21-23.) In the midst of these cor- thesonofJoashkingofIsrael...." rupted times, Amos, the "Burden- (1:1.) Almost a century before this bearer," declares: "The Lord will roar (121) from Zion, and utter his voice from traysadestroying plague of locusts Jerusalem; and the habitations of the whose destructive power is suspended shepherds shall mourn and the top of by the mercy of Jehovah. The second Carmel shall wither" (1:2); and ". . . vision (7:4-6 is that of devouring fire, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel." which is averted again by God's mercy. (4:12.) The third vision is that of Jehovah with The book of Amos seems to divide a plumb-line in his hand, signifying the naturally into four sections. In the first overthrow of the wicked people of section (chapters 1 and 2). Amos an- Israel. At this point (7:11-17), Amos nounces God's judgments upon Damas- interjects the account of his encounter cus. Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, with Amaziah, a priest of Bethel, in Moab, then upon Judah and finally, which the prophet was ordered to leave Israel. Notice that the judgments were the land and prophesy against Israel no first pronounced upon out-right heathen more. Amos replied by citing his calling nations, then upon those who sustained from God and pronouncing condemna- some blood-relationship with Isr ael. tion upon Amaziah. The fourth vision After setting the stage, the prophet (8:1-14) is that of a basket of summer "lowers the boom" on the sins of Israel, fruit, signifying the ripeness of the time announcing impending doom. for judgment of Israel. The fifth vision. (9:1-10) is that of the Lord standing In the second section (chapters 3-6), on the altar, decreeing the judgment of the sins of Israel and their consequent destruction upon the sinful nation. judgment are delineated. In chapter 3, Amos points out the peculiar relation- The fourth and final section (9:11- ship which Israel sustains toward Je- 15) of this book is in sharp contrast to hovah and, therefore, their obligation the thundering tones of judgment con- to hear and heed His word. Then the veyed throughout the previous sections. writer pronounces God's judgments Here is forecast in glowing terms a upon the wealthy ruling classes for their bright and prosperous future. The most evil works. In chapter 4, he hints at important statement in these verses con- their future exile and exposes their vain cerns the promise to "raise up the taber- worship, (vv. 1-5.) Amos emphasizes nacle of David." This promise was re- that in spite of past chastisements. ferred to by James in Acts 15:16-18 as Israel has not returned to Jehovah, thus corroborative of the salvation of the underscoring the just nature of their Gentiles. Thus, the book of Amos closes coming condemnation. In chapter 5, with a note of encouragement to the God laments "the virgin of Israel" in original readers, as well as furnishing her fall and coming desolation. Never- us an example of prophetic foresight of theless, pleas are made to turn from her the coming Messianic era. wickedness, (vv. 4-6, 14-15.) The en- The message of the book of Amos tire 6th chapter contains a series of serves to remind us of the love of our "woes" upon "them that are at ease in Heavenly Father who could have justly Zion, and trust in the mountain of destroyed Israel with the fire of His Samaria."Heclosesthischapterby wrath because of their indifference and pointing out the futility of their con- extreme wickedness. But, instead, He fidence in worldly power. sends Amos to warn the people of God The third section (chapters 7-9:10), of the consequences of their iniquity. contains, for the most part, five visions This book might also serve to warn the which illustrate and amplify the coming children of God today against reliance judgment. The first vision (7:1-3) por- upon outward forms of religion to the (122) exclusion of real dedication and sincer- the same time, let us see the motiva- ity. It impresses upon us the fact that tion of infinite love which is behind in spite of covenant relationship with such warnings. Let us take courage in God, He will cast off all who refuse to the fact that the promised "tabernacle submit to His will. of David" has indeed been raised up, As we study this book, therefore, let into which all nations may now enter usstandinfearandawebeforethe and have fellowship with a loving and rumblings of Divine judgment. But at just God. The Trial of Jesus (No. 3) By Roy E. Cogdill, Canoga Park, California One of the most amazing things con- were not agreeing among themselves, he nected with the trial of Jesus was the took the role of accuser. So we find manner in which his accusers, right in one of the judges, in fact, the high the midst of the trial, changed their priest himself, the chief justice, so to chargeagainst speak, of the Jewish court, acting as him. They had both accuser and judge, as well as wit- brought him into ness, in the case on trial. court on the charge that he had The Procedure threatened the Consider now the illegal aspects of destruction of the procedure of Jesus' trial. First, it Jerusalem. This was contrary to law because it took amounted to sedi- place at night. A capital offense, even tion against the after the arrest of the party, could be J e w i s h govern- tried only by the light of the sun. Jew- ment; but when ish law specifically provided that if a the witnesses did trial involving a capital offense were in not agree among progress when the evening hour came, themselves, and it became obvious to the court should be recessed until the all that no case could be made against next morning. This was done that the him on this ground, they dropped this witnesses might have due time to think accusation and substituted in its place about their testimony, and the judges —the charge of blasphemy. might have due time for consideration. Furthermore, this switch in charges But this provision was ignored and dis- was done by the very man who was sit- regarded when they tried Jesus. His ting in judgment upon him, Caiaphas examination began somewhere between himself! It is well to remember that two and three o'clock in the morning, in no civilized nation on earth, and and was carried right on without inter- under no known law, can a man file a ruption through the rest of the night complaint against the prisoner at the and into the day, and he was crucified bar and at the same time sit in judg- on the very day of the trial. ment at the trial of his case. You can In the second place, the procedure readily see why such would not be per- was illegal because the court convened missible. Caiaphas, however, was the before the offering of morning sacri- one who filed the accusation against fices. Here, again, the Jewish law was Jesus. When he saw that the trial was extremely detailed and specific: no not going well, and that the witnesses court could convene to hear any kind (123) of case before the offering of the morn- knowninhistory was the provision of ing sacrifice. But so eager were his ac- Jewish law that in case of a unanimous cusers to condemn and destroy Jesus verdict of guilty — the prisoner must go and to put him out of the way, that they free! There were seventy-one judges in convened immediately upon his arrest, the senior Sanhedrin council. The Jew- ignoring their written law, disregarding ish philosophy was on this wise: In the time honored practices of their case all seventy-one of those men agreed courts. Their hatred for him was so in- as to the guilt of a prisoner, this was tense that they were blind to all else, prima facie evidence that no one had A third illegal procedure was in the taken the prisoner's part, and no de- fact that the entire trial was conducted fense had been made in his behalf. within a single day, with sentence pas- Human nature was such that regardless sed, and execution completed. In less of how strong a case might be presented, than twenty-four hours Jesus was ar- there would be at least one in any rested, tried, condemned, and actually group of seventy-one men who differ executed. Yet the Jewish law provided from the rest. If no such divergence appeared in the verdict, then the pris- that no case involving a capital offense oner had not been given a fair trial, and could be concluded in a single day. must be released. The gospel writers After all the testimony was in and all have recorded for us the fact that all the evidence had been heard, the judges the judges did agree; two of them say had to pass over at least one night the high priest "with the whole coun- before rendering their verdict. This was cil" concurred in the verdict. It was to give them time to reflect and medi- unanimous. Thus, legally, Christ was tate and weigh all the testimony. The free, and should have been released Roman law was even more considerate immediately. But this safeguard for a of a prisoner than the Jewish law, for condemned man was ignored. it provided that there must be at least ten days between the beginning of a In the second place, the verdict was trial involving the death penalty and rendered without any defense having the execution of any man adjudged been made by, or for, the accused. If guilty. Yet both Jewish law and Roman they had called upon Jesus Christ to law were ruthlessly ignored in the trial offer evidence that he was not guilty of Jesus. of what they had charged him with, A fourth illegality in the procedure don't you know he could have done it! of this trial is found is that it was con- If they had wanted to know why he ducted on a day preceding a Jewish claimed that he was the Messiah, he Sabbath, also on the first day of the could have given them passages from feast of the unleavened bread and on their own prophets, hundreds of them. the eve of the Passover. This was pro- and could have shown them that he hibited and forbidden; yet the provi- had fulfilled these prophecies in fact sion was ignored. and in reality. If they had asked him for proof of his divinity by miraculous The Conviction powers, he could have given them con- We have considered illegalities in the clusive demonstration. But they were arrest of Jesus, in the indictment, and not interested in a defense of any sort; in the procedures of his trial. Let us and they utterly forgot the right of the look now at the verdict. prisoner to offer a defense. There were One of the strangest and most pe- many who could have been called upon culiar provisions of any criminal law to testify. Although Peter had for- (124) saken him, John was still present. He ing obligations. So the law excuses a could have testified; gladly he would man and does not require him to testi- have done so, for he was loyal right to fy in his own trial. the end. But the Jewish court gave him But Jesus was not excused. All the no chance to offer testimony. They testimony they could find was not suf- refused to admit evidence in favor of ficient to convict him or to establish the accused. their charges. So as a final desperate A third illegality in the verdict was measure Caiaphas tries to force him to that it was based upon an uncorrobor- testify against himself. We will con- ated confession. Our own American sider that in the next article. law today provides that no man can be executed or sentenced upon his own (BAPTISM...... Continued) confession in the absence of corroborat- ing evidence. We have instances in the ting us have our own way first and His papers every day which show why the when it became convenient. Certainly law makes that provision. Some man if we know some in such a condition, it who wants to dispose of himself, or per- is essential that we speak both plainly haps attract attention to himself, or who and yet pleadingly for them to act is demented, will confess to a crime of before it is too late — both for them which he is not guilty. Evidence may and ourselves. (Matt. 7:21-23; Ezek. show that he was many miles from the 3:18-21; Acts 20:26-27.) scene of the crime, and could not pos- But, peradventure some will not yet sibly have committed it. If an uncor- accept the positive put in a negative roborated confession were accepted as approach, let us go on to still other the only requirement for sentencing or arguments. execution, thousands of innocent people (1) God cannot even if He so desired. would have been imprisoned or ex- At first glance this may sound as if I ecuted. But the Jews DID accept the am questioning the ability of God, but uncorroborated confession of Jesus letusgototheWordandnotesome Christ and condemned him to die upon points. When Christ died upon the his own testimony. cross, he left behind him a will (the When Caiaphas saw that the trial was New Testament) as a guide. (Heb. about to collapse into a farce, and that 9:15-17.) This will is now "of force" the hired witnesses were hopelessly con- — it is a binding system which cannot tradicting each other, he took charge be altered. The Jews could no longer himself, and demanded of the prisoner, return to the Law of Moses for salva- "I adjure thee by the living God, art tion. Angels could no longer provide thou the Christ?" Jesus could have any other plan of salvation. (Gal. 1:8.) held his peace: there wasn't any law In fact, there just simply isn't any other that could have forced him to testify. way provided. Christ has received all A man cannot be forced to testify at authority. (Matt. 28:18.) He is to his own trial. The reason for that pro- reign until the end of time. (1 Cor. vision is that a man on trial will have 15:24-25), and then cometh the judg- conflicting demands upon him. He is ment. While we readily recognize that being required to tell the truth on the this does not elevate him above God one hand, and has taken an oath to that (1 Cor. 15:27), yet God cannot set effect; but on the other hand, the truth aside this will without destroying it and might be damaging to him. Hence he the doctrine it teaches. When Christ has conflicting emotions and conflict- died, his will was made binding, and (125) no provisions were made therein for for enjoying the pleasures of this life exceptions. If part of this will can be too long. He does not punish willingly set aside for one person, then why not (2 Pet. 3:9: Lam. 3:33), but He DOES set it all aside and grant unto all sal- require obedience. He has warned both vation without the will? Then, wherein the ignorant and the disobedient. (2 was the death of Christ necessary — Thess. 1:8-9.) He has warned the or even his having ever given a will? worldly. (1 John 2:16-17; 2 Cor. 6:2.) God cannot and be just! God cannot set it aside and be fair — (2) Godwillnotsetitaside.The He cannot without being a respecter of message preached by Christ was not persons! Hence, He will not. something he concocted by himself, but Let us not content ourselves with rather the will of the Father also. saying if they are lost I wish to be lost (John 4:34.) God is not a respecter of too. No greater grief can we heap persons, as this doctrine of a possible upon them. (Lk. 16:27-28.) But, rather second chance would have us believe. If let us vow that we will carry their He has established a system of salva- message to others before it is too late, tion, based upon the blood of Christ, it that we will obey ourselves before it is will be maintained on all alike. (Rom. too late, and that we too might be 3:21-30.) He will not require one to "free of the blood of all men." (Ezek. render obedience and excuse another 3:18-21: Acts 20:26-27.)

Remission of Sins By Connie W. Adams, Orlando, Florida Sin separates man from God. Unless that he accepted the blood offering of God had provided some means whereby Abel, offered "by faith," and rejected sins might be passed by, forgiven, for- the sacrifice of Cain which had no blood gotten and blotted out, and the penalty in it. 1 John 3:12 informs us that what for them thus re- Cain offered was evil while Abel's offer- moved, no flesh ing was righteous. When Noah and his could be saved. own came forth from the ark, sacrifice Since man was the was offered. Under the law, specific transgressor, God instructions were given concerning sac- was under no obli- rifice. The high priest, once a year, was gation to save to enter the Holy of Holies with the man. Any such blood of animals which he offered as provision would an atonement for his own sins as well have to be of as the sins of the people. Yet, we are mercy and grace, toldthat"itwasnotpossiblethatthe not of debt. While blood of bulls and goats should take divine mercy was away sins." (Heb. 10:4.) Why then, willing to pardon, were they required, and what did they divine justice required that sin be pun- accomplish? ished. This entailed sacrifice. Heb. 9:15 tells us that Christ is the In every age God has required blood mediator of the new testament that by as an atonement for sin. "Without the means of death, "for the redemption of shedding of blood is no remission." the transgressions that were under the (Heb. 9:22.) God showed this early in first testament" they that are called (126) might receivethepromise of eternal "washed us from our sins in his own inheritance. All the rivers of animal blood." (Rev. 1:5.) There is a "wash- blood shed through the ages past could ing of water by the word" involved in not atone for one single sin, and would cleansing and sanctifying the church, have accomplished nothing had not hence, it is purchased with his blood. Jesus shed his blood on Calvary. Those (Eph. 5:26; Acts 20:28.) Paul wrote animal sacrifices were typical of the concerning the "washing of regenera- one permanent, all-sufficient atonement tion" which has reference to baptism. effected in the shedding of the blood of Hearken, sinners! "There is a foun- Christ. Those who offered animal blood tain filled with blood, drawn from simply postponed the answering for Immanuel's veins; and sinners plunged [their sins. Christ is presented as the beneath that flood, lose all their guilty "lamb slain from the foundation of the stains." Has God forgiven you? If not, world." Here was a sacrifice which was then why not obey his blessed gospel perfect. Here divine mercy and justice and he will. Do not compound your embraced each other. On the merits of sins by turning away from mercy's ex- such sacrifice, God could pardon man tended hands. "And the Spirit and the and remove the penalty for his sins. bride say, Come. And let him that Before ascending to his Father, Jesus heareth say, Come. And let him that is gathered the apostles and gave unto athirst come. And whosoever will, let them the terms whereby man could re- him take the water of life freely." ceive the remission of sins. They were (Rev. 22:17.) to tarry in Jerusalem until clothed with power from on high. Then, repentance and remission of sins s h o u l d be (MUSIC...... Continued) preached in his name among all nations, even when used metaphorically. From beginning at Jerusalem. (Lk. 24:47.) this the conclusion is drawn that where He said, "Whose sins ye remit, they the word "psallo" is found, playing on are remitted." (John 20:23.) A few a mechanical instrument must accom- days later in Jerusalem, the Spirit- pany the singing. The force of this filled apostles preached to a vast as- argument is that when one sings, he sembly and convicted them of sin. In must always have a mechanical stringed deep concern, they cried out, "Men and instrument to play on, so every individ- brethren, what shall we do?" They had ual in the congregation must have his believed the message presented. Now own instrument with mechanical strings. for the first time, God's plan to forgive We do believe that the basic meaning man on the merits of the blood of inheres in the word, but that the in- Christ, was announced. "Repent and be strument which is plucked or twanged baptized, every one of you, in the name is the heart of the worshipper. "Mak- of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, ing melody (Psalloing) with your and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy heart." (Eph. 5:19.) Fleshly instru- Ghost." (Acts 2:38.) Dare any man ments are used in making the sounds, preach that we may have remission of but the real psalloing is on the strings sins upon any other basis than this? of the heart, sweet melody arising from In repentance we turn in our minds the heart as the lips speak the words. about sins, resolve not to repeat them. Unless this melody is made in the heart, Is baptism, we "wash away our sins" the most melodious singing is but empty (Acts 22:16) in that there, we contact and vain and does not ascend to the the cleansing blood of Christ. He throne of grace. (127) Need A New Bible?

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Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, M VOLUME 5______NUMBER 9 Christ Is Now on David's Throne By Oaks Gowen, Jacksonville, Florida Premillennialists maintain that Christ the Father made unto David in 2 Sam. is not now on the throne of David, but 7:12-17: "And when thy days be ful- that he will reign on David's throne filled and thou shalt sleep with thy in a millennial reign after his second fathers, I will set up thy seed after advent, when he will establish the seat thee, which shall proceed out of thy of government in the city of Jerusalem bowels, and I will establish his king- and live and reign over his kingdom dom." (v. 12.) Now read this: "Men on earth for a thousand years. and brethren, let me freely speak unto If we can establish from the scrip- you of the patriarch David, that he is tures that Christ is now on the throne both dead and buried, and his sepulchre of his father David, the fulfillment of is with us unto this day. Therefore the prophecies concerning his reign can- being a prophet, and knowing that God not be in some future reign. An analy- had sworn with an oath to him, that sis of Acts 2:25-36 will prove all that I of the fruit of his loins, according to the am now contending for with respect flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit to Christ now being on David's throne. on his throne: He seeing this before Please read this text: "Therefore being spake of the resurrection of Christ, that by the right hand of God exalted, and his soul was not left in hell, neither his having received of the Father the flesh did see corruption." (Acts 2:29- promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed 31.) David was a prophet and spoke forth this, which ye now see and hear." by the Spirit: "The Spirit of the Lord (Acts 2:33.) spake by me, and his word was in my tongue." (2 Sam. 23:2.) When God The affirmation is made by the apos- raised up Jesus from the dead it was tle Peter that Christ is NOW (at this inorderthatthepromisehemadeto time) exalted at God's right hand. To D°"id might be fulfilled. The promise be at God's right hand is to occupy to "raise up Christ to sit on his the place of highest authority. Christ (David's) throne," has been fulfilled. now has this authority according to Christ has received of the Father this Matt. 28:18-20. Peter says since Christ promise made to David by the Holy is exalted at God's right hand he has Ghost. And proof of this is further received the "promise of the Holy seen in the fact that Christ was able on Ghost." To what did Peter refer by the the day of Pentecost to shed forth the statement, "and having received of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and to make father the promise of the Holy Ghost?" He had reference to the promise that (See THRONE...... Page 142) "coming." Notice some illustrations. (1) HE COMES IN HIS KING- DOM. The Jews failed to grasp the idea, nevertheless Jesus plainly said, "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36.) His kingdom is His spiritual reign in the church. Since the kingdom is not temporal, His coming—. Was Christ's Teaching approaching or manifesting Himself — Defective? in that kingdom is not a personal ap- pearance. In a lecture entitled, "Why I Am Not Matthew records that He said, "Ver- a Christian," Bertrand Russell makes ily I say unto you, There be some stand- an attack on the character of Christ. In ing here, which shall not taste of death, denying that Christ was the best and the till they see the Son of man coming in wisest of men, Russell asserts that there his kingdom." (16:28.) were "defects in Christ's teaching." Mark records it, "Verily I say unto In this connection the following state- you.Thattherebesomeofthemthat ments are made: "I am concerned with stand here, which shall not taste of Christ as he appears in the Gospels, death, till they have seen the kingdom taking the Gospel narrative as it stands, of God come with power." (9:1.) and there one does find some things Luke puts it in these words: "But I that do not seem to be very wise. For tell you of a truth, there be some stand- one thing, he certainly thought that ing here, which shall not taste of death, his second coming would occur in till they see the kingdom of God." clouds of glory before the death of all (9:27.) the people who were living at that time ... He says, for instance: 'Ye shall The passages in Mark and Luke ex- not have gone over the cities of Israel plain the meaning of Matthew's state- till the Son of Man be come.' Then he ment. "The Son of man coming in says. 'There are some standing here his kingdom" is equivalent to the king- which shall not taste death till the dom of God coming with power or their Son of Man come into his kingdom'; seeing the kingdom of God. These and there are a lot of places where it is statements were fulfilled on Pentecost quite clear that he believed that his when the kingdom was established. The second coming would happen during Son of Man came on that day, not in the lifetime of many then living." person as He will at His second ad- vent, but in His kingdom. He gave evi- Let us examine this alleged "defect" dence that His reign was commencing. in the teaching of Christ. Did our Lord (See the article elsewhere in this issue think and teach that His second coming on "Christ Is Now on David's would occur during the lifetime of the Throne.") people then living? Or has Bertrand Russell exposed his ignorance of the (2) HE COMES IN EVENTS OF teaching of Christ by misapplying some JUDGMENT AND DESTRUCTION. of His statements? In Zech. 14:1,2 the prophet wrote, "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh. Ways in Which Christ Comes and thy spoil shall be divided in the There are several different senses in midst of thee. For I will gather all na- which the Bible speaks of Christ as tions against Jerusalem to battle; and (130) the city shall be taken, and the houses Elijah. (Mai. 4:5,6.) Many of the rifled, and the women ravished; and Jews took this to refer to a personal half of the city shall go forth into cap- return of Elijah. Jesus explained that tivity," etc. Here the coming of the it was fulfilled in John the Baptist. Lord was not a personal coming, but an (Matt. 11:13,14; 17:10-13.) John had action of judgment against Jerusalem. the spirit and power of Elijah (Lk. Similarly, in Rev. 2:5 Christ threat- 1:17), therefore his appearance was enstocomeagainstthechurchat described in terms of Elijah. Ephesus in an act of judgment. "Re- Mr. Russell and his atheistic friends member therefore from whence thou art make a strikingly similar mistake when fallen, and repent, and do the first they view statements about Christ's works; or else I will come unto thee coming in His kingdom as if referring quickly, and will remove thy candle- to His coming in His second advent. stick out of his place, except thou And their cause is not bolstered when repent." they argue that many of the early dis- ciples took these same statements to (3) HE COMES IN BLESSING mean that Christ would personally re- AND COMMUNION. "Behold, I stand turn in their lifetime. Is it logical to at the door, and knock: if any man hear charge that the teaching of Christ was my voice, and open the door, I will come defective because there were defects in in to him, and will sup with him, and the thinking of some of His followers? he with me." (Rev. 3:20.) Here is a sense in which Christ comes to men that Christ's character stands holy, pure, is very real, yet it is not His personal and without guile. When men resort coming at the end of the world. to a misapplication of His words in order to assail the purity of His teach- (4) HE COMES IN PERSON. "And ing, the perfection of His doctrine is as it is appointed unto men once to die, all the more manifest. but after this the judgment: So Christ —I. H. was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." (Heb. 9:27,28.) This is the second coming or appearing of our Lord, that is, the second personal coming. This is the coming that will be in glory with the holy angels (Matt. 25:31), with clouds (Rev. 1:7), and for the resurrection of the dead and the final, universal judgment. (1 Cor. 15:23 -26; John 5:28,29; 2 Cor. 5:10.) Russell's Teaching Defective The verses which Bertrand Russell applies to the second coming do not apply to that at all. The alleged "de- fect" is not in Christ's teaching; it is rather in Mr. Russell's application of Christ's words. The Old Testament closed with a prophecy pertaining to the coming of (131) When Did Christ Establish His Church? By Irvin Himmel. St. Louis, Missouri Baptists sometimes contend that the that Christ meant by "will build" the Lord's church was set up during the same as "enlarge," "build up," "ex- days of the earthly ministry of Jesus, pand," or "add to." Mr. Holder wants not on the day of Pentecost following it to appear that the church had already His ascension. been set up at that time, and that This position is Jesus was saying, in effect, "I will advocated and de- expand my church." fended by J. D. It is true that the verb "build" may Holder, a preacher mean (1) "construct"; (2) "develop"; of the "Primitive or (3) "increase" or "enhance." How Baptist" persua- did Jesus use the term here? Did He sion, in his book, mean to imply that in the future He Principles and would "construct" or "set up" the Practices of the church, or did He mean to say He would Church. "increase" and "expand" it? Elder Holder The context gives the answer. Jesus says, "There is not spoke of building from the foundation. one word said Peter had just confessed Jesus to be about the Church being set up on the the Christ, the Son of God. "Upon this day of Pentecost in the second chapter rock" — the Deity of Jesus — "I will of the Acts, nor elsewhere in the Scrip- build my church." Since our Lord spoke tures . . . The Church was set up, es- of building from the foundation up, tablished, set up in the days of Christ and there is no hint of "increasing," or in the last days of the old dispensa- "enhancing," or "remodeling" some- tion of law service." (p. 186.) thing already in existence, we conclude that the "setting up" of the church is "Will Build" In Matt. 16:18 Jesus promised, "upon this rock I will build my church." APOSTOLIC Elder Holder insists that this passage does not mean the church was not at DOCTRINE that time established. He reasons that Published Monthly by as long as people are being born into the BIBLE INFORMATION PUBLISHERS family of God, "it can be said as Christ 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo., 63135 did say: 'I will build My Church.' As long as we see believers yielding in the Second Class postage paid at St. Louis. Mo. services as instruments of righteousness, EDITOR, Irvin Himmel and as those who are alive unto God ASSOCIATE EDITORS through Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:15); Frank Jamerson Ferrell Jenkins taking up their cross and following SUBSCRIPTIONS: Single—$2.00 Per Tear Christ, there will be those added to the Five or More, Each—$1.50 Per Year Group of Fifty—$5.50 Per Month Church. 'I will build My Church,' is BUNDLE RATE: Ten Copies for $1.00 as true as it was when spoken to Peter nearly two thousand years ago." Address All Communications to APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE (p. 183.) 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo. 63135 This argument amounts to saying (132) under consideration. Thayer's Greek- one may bespoken of as "king." Christ English Lexicon says the word rendered was born king. (Matt. 2:2.) Was He "build" is used metaphorically and actually reigning on His throne when means "to found." Christ is the found- he was born? Peter said in Acts 2:30 er, His Deity the foundation, and the that Christ was raised up "to sit" on time for the "founding" future in Matt. David's throne. Was He king in act 16:18. and fact before He was enthroned? "Last Days" Zechariah prophesied that Christ Isaiah prophesied that the mountain would "sit and rule upon his throne; of the Lord's house would be established andheshallbeapriestuponhis in "the last days." (Isa. 2:2-4.) Elder throne." (Zech. 6:13.) This makes his Holder tries to make this mean the kingship and priesthood simultaneous. closing days of the Mosaical Age. He But Heb. 8:4 points out that Christ reasons that if it means "on this side could not be a priest on earth under the of the Cross, then it should have said: law. He was of the wrong tribe. (Heb. It shall come to pass in the first days 7:14.) Since Zechariah said He would of the new dispensation, etc." (p. 184.) be a "priest upon his throne," yet He could not be a priest on earth under The apostle Peter is a good man to the law, it follows that both His priest- set Mr. Holder straight on this point. hood and His kingship began after His On the day of Pentecost, Acts 2, Peter return to heaven. quoted from Joel who said certain things would come to pass in "the last Christ was called "king" while on days." Peter added, "this is that which earth, not because His kingdom, the was spoken by the prophet Joel." church, was already set up, but because (Verses 16-21.) The outpouring of the He was God's anointed. David was Spirit on Pentecost was it. Was what? anointed a long time before he became "That which was spoken by the prophet king in fact. (1 Sam. 16:12, 13; 2 Sam. Joel." When did he say it would be? 1:1-5.) "In the last days." Therefore, accord- "Kingdom Suffereth Violence" ing to Peter, the events of Pentecost belong to the "last days." This leads It is further argued by Elder Holder to the conclusion that the expression that the kingdom "was preached from "last days" refers to the Christian Age. the days of John the Baptist, and suf- Since the new dispensation was called fered violence, before Pentecost." This 'the last days" (last dispensation), the is taken to mean that the kingdom or firstdaysofitcouldbe,andwere,re- church was set up before Pentecost. ferredtoas"thelastdays." We find no fault with the statement that the kingdom "was preached from "King" the days of John the Baptist." How- Another argument made by Elder ever, John did not preach that the king- Holder goes like this: "Christ was said dom was then set up. Read Matt. 3:2 to be King before Pentecost, and there- and notice that he preached, "the king- fore had a Kingdom. Luke 19:37-40." dom of heaven is at hand." This is Since the kingdom over which Christ precisely what Jesus and the apostles reigns is the church, Holder thinks that later preached. (Matt. 4:17; 10:7.) I proof of the church's being in exist- The seventy preached that it is "come ence before Pentecost. nigh unto you." (Lk. 10:9.) The fallacy in this argument is in Now notice Matt. 11:11, "Among overlooking the different senses in which them that are born of women there hath (133) not risen a greater than John the Bap- when were teachers "set in the church?" tist: notwithstanding he that is least Some worked miracles before Pentecost, in the kingdom of heaven is greater but when was the gift of miracles "set than he." There was "not a greater in the church?" The apostle Paul gives prophet than John the Baptist" (Lk. the answer in Eph. 4:8-11. It was when 7:28), due to his close connection with, Christ "ascended up on high" that He and knowledge of, the Messiah. Yet, "gavegiftsuntomen...some,apos- the least in the kingdom is greater than tles, prophets," etc. Therefore, the "set- John. Why? The answer: John was ting in the church" took place after the not in the kingdom. In the kingdom we ascension of Christ, not during his have a closer connection with the Mes- ministry on earth. siah than John had, that is, membership If Before Pentecost, Then What? in His body. The kingdom was not set Let us assume that the church was up when John preached it as being "at established during the last days of the hand." old dispensation. Notice what would But the kingdom was in its prepara- follow. tory stage in the days of John. In this 1. IT WAS HEADLESS. Christ is stage it "suffereth violence, and the the head of the church. (Eph. 5:23.) violent take it by force." (Matt. 11:12.) But He became head when He arose This refers to men attempting to force from the dead and was exalted to the the kingdom to be set up according to their materialistic conceptions and force right hand of God. (Eph. 1:20-23.) If their way into it. For example, we read the church existed before that time, it in John 6:15, "When Jesus therefore had no head. perceived that they would come and 2. IT WAS BLOODLESS. Christ take him by force, to make him a king, shed His blood in His death. (John he departed again into a mountain him- 19:34.) Without the shedding of blood self alone." His kingdom is not "of there is no remission. (Heb. 9:22.) this world." (John 18:36.) Christ's church is His body (Col. 1:18), but was a bloodless body if it existed "Set in Church" before the cross. Let us notice one other argument 3. IT WAS OWNERLESS. Christ which is typical of Elder Holder's rea- purchased the church with His blood. soning. "God hath set some in the (Acts 20:28.) Until His blood was Church, first apostles, secondarily shed the purchase price had not been prophets, thirdly teachers, after that paid. If the church was set up under miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, the old law, Christ was not its owner. governments, diversities of tongues. 4. IT WAS LAWLESS. The will and Please notice what things were set in testament of Christ did not become of the Church before the diversities of force until after His death. (Heb. 9:16, tongues. At Pentecost was the first ac- 17.) The law of Moses was in force count of speaking in tongues. These untilHisdeath,butitwasgiventothe gifts were set in the Church before the nation of Israel, not the church. If the speaking with tongues, so the Church church existed before the cross, it had was before Pentecost." (p. 186.) no law. We readily grant that the apostles 5. IT WAS FOUNDATIONLESS. It were chosen before Pentecost, but when was foretold in the Old Testament that were they "set in the church?" There the stone which the builders refused were teachers before Pentecost, but would become the chief cornerstone. (134) (Psa. 118:22.) This refers, according to laid it had to be rejected. The rejection the apostle Peter, to Christ whom the consummated in Christ's death, there- Jews rejected. (Acts 4:10,11.) The fore the church could not have been church could not be built until the cor- built before His death — unless it was nerstone was laid, and before it was without that foundation stone.

The Trial of Jesus (No. 4) By Roy E. Cogdill, Canoga Park, California When Caiaphas saw that the trial in were concerned this was blasphemy. The the Jewish court was going badly, and Jewish court so held. that the witnesses were not in agree- ment with one another, he took charge But look at the Roman trial in com- himself, becoming parison with this. In the Roman trial both judge and the charge was not blasphemy, but prosecuting wit- treason against Rome. The Jewish ness, and said, "I leaders, having now decided in their own adjure thee by the courts that Jesus was guilty of blas- living God, Art phemy and worthy of death, next took thou the Christ?" him before the Roman governor, and Jesus could have with consummate hypocrisy and insin- refused to testify cerity, informed the Roman official here. The law ex- that Jesus was trying to foment a re- empts a man from bellion against Rome, claiming that he giving testimony was a king! They accused him of do- in his own trial. ing the very thing they had tried to Jesus exercised persuade him to do, and which he had this right when he was before the im- refused. (John 6:15.) poster Herod and Herod sought to ques- It would be difficult to imagine an tion him. He uttered not a word; and act of more blatant hypocrisy and cyni- was within his legal rights to remain cal dishonesty than this. They had silent. He could have done the same tried to persuade Jesus to become their here, but he did not. In response to the king; indeed, had tried to force him into question of Caiphas, he replied, "This such a role. He refused. Then in anger thou sayest because I am." In other they had turned against him because words, he is telling his inquisitor that of his refusal, had condemned him to if he were not the Christ, if he were an death; and are now trying to persuade impostor and a deceiver, he could easily the Roman governor to confirm their have been exposed; but the very fact death sentence by charging Jesus with that they have to resort to asking him doing that which they knew he had not to testify himself is evidence that they done, but which they themselves had have no case against him, and that he tried to get him to do. Only the Roman is indeed the Christ. That is the import court could give the final sentence of of the statement; hence, from the Jew- death. These hypocritical Jews well ish point of view Jesus has now ac- knew that Pilate would look with con- knowledged the very thing wherein they tempt upon their charges of blasphemy; hadaccusedhim;hehasclaimedtobe sotheyhadtotrumpupsomeother the Christ, God's Son. So far as they charge, even a patently false one, to (135) trick the Romans into agreeing to their and a byword down through the annals wishes. of time for all that is cowardly and But Pilate, much to their chagrin and dishonorable. And the reputation is a discomfort, acquitted the prisoner. He just and deserved one. The Roman trial declared, "I find no crime in him." was a farce from every point of view, Thus, legally, Jesus should have gone as was also the Jewish trial. free. The Sanhedrin, by its unanimous Yet there is a very real sense in which verdict of guilty, had legally freed him; every one of us this day is actually pas- now the Roman governor has likewise sing judgment upon the Son of God. acquitted him. When the Jewish judges The measure of faith we have in our of the Sanhedrin came into the quarters hearts, the way we live, the readiness of the Roman governor, bringing Jesus with which we submit to Christ's au- as a prisoner from the Jewish court, thority and will are all a very real indi- they made their charges against him cation of our judgment. We are either before Pilate. Then, according to the saying that he is worthy of our faith, record, Pilate took him apart from our obedience, our sacrifice and service, them and tried him. The result of that or else we are saying that we count examination is seen when Pilate came him unworthy of such. Every day that back to the Jewish leaders and said, we live, Jesus is on trial before us. "I find no fault in him." No man can go through a single day of his life without actually passing judg- That is the verdict. That is the de- ment, by what he does, on Jesus of cree and judgment of the court, the Nazareth. There is no way to avoid Roman court this time. Had Jesus re- this. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at ceived his legal rights, he would have the door and knock; if any man will walked forth from Pilate's judgment open the door, I will come in and sup hall a free man. Any further trial with him." The Son of God is begging would have violated the principle of for admission into our hearts and lives; being tried again on a charge of which he is asking for our respect, our con- he was already acquitted; in legal fidence, our trust, that he may, in terms, he would then be undergoing righteousness, redeem our souls and save "double jeopardy." Having rendered us from eternal ruin. When men refuse a decision, the Roman court had ful- to do the will of the Lord, they pass filled its obligation. By every principle judgment on Jesus and reject the Son of law and justice, Jesus was now free. of God as much in fact as did Pilate But the howling mob put up such a and the Jewish court so many cen- furious clamor that Pilate weakened, turies ago. and yielded his consent to a further trial of Jesus. He sent the prisoner to Every person who reads these lines is Herod, hoping to shift responsibility to actually in the same position as was that source. Herod was unable to do Pilate — called upon to render a de- anything about the case, however, and cision concerning Jesus Christ. Whether sent the prisoner back to Pilate. Then we accept his word or reject it is the Pilate, to his everlasting shame, sold issue for us to determine. Jesus says his birthright for the sake of popularity that when we reject his word we re- as the governor of the Jews, and actual- ject him; when we accept his word we ly delivered over to the hands of a mob accept him. He told the apostles that a prisoner whom he, as judge, had pro- whosoever received them also received nounced innocent of any crime. Thus him; whosoever rejected them also re- Pilate's name has become a synonym (See TRIAL...... Page 142)

(136) Obadiah By Tom Baker, Jr., Phoenix, Arizona Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament, is a prophecy of the utter destruction of the the nation of Edom. Edom was inhabited by the descend- ants of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob. Esau was the firstborn son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. While the descendants of Jacob spent years in servitude in Egypt, the Edom- ites prospered in their well-watered plains south of the Dead Sea. Their land, about one hundred miles long and fifty miles wide, was protected by the mountains of Seir on the west which afforded them several impregnable strongholds, the most famous being "the rock" (Sela, v. 3). The sense of secur- ity which this flat-topped mountain fortress gave the Edomites contributed to their practice of constantly harassing neighboring nations and trade caravans passing through their territory on "the king's highway." They would go out Petra in Edom on raiding expeditions and retreat to it a 'wonder of the desert.' One enters their well-protected mountain citadels. the weird but attractive city enclosure The principal cities were Bozrah in by a narrow gorge, over a mile long the north, Teman, the capital and ... A tiny stream flows under one's southernmost city, and Sela, "the rock," feet much of the way ... On emerging also in the south. Situated near "the from it into the great hollow basin, rock" was the city of Petra, one of the (which is over a mile long and two- wonders of the world. "To describe it thirds of a mile broad), the explorer is adequately is well-nigh an impossi- confronted by rock-hewn dwellings, bility. Its location, deep down among tombs, temples, and other cuttings on the mountains of Seir, surrounded on all every side . . just the ideal of beauty sides with richly colored rocks of simply and protection for a fortress of trade matchless beauty and grandeur, renders and commerce to satisfy an oriental (137) nomad. But, alas! desolation now Jehoram. Some, however, place him reigns within and about it on every after the destruction of Jerusalem in hand, and Obadiah's warnings and pre- 586 B. C. Perhaps he is the prophet of dictions have been woefully verified."1 2 Chron. 17:7 sent out by Jehosha- All would be overthrown. (Amos 1: phat, father of Jehoram, to teach the 11-12; 9:11-12; Isa. 34:5-15; Jer. 49: people of Judah. This makes him the 7-22; Ezek. 25:12-14; 35 : 1 - 15.) earliest of the "writing prophets." Edom's downfall and punishment stem- "We know from the temper of his med from her attitude and actions book that he was a pious, patriotic, sen- toward her kinsmen, the Israelites. sitive resident of Judah who dared put From the time that Jacob obtained by into words something of the flaming craftiness the birthright of Esau, there indignation of his soul. He was hurt had been conflicts and animosities. The by the serious lack of ordinary decency Edomites, like Esau, were fleshly-mind- displayed by his neighbors. In biting ed people who lived for food, spoil, and words he denounced these proud sinners vengeance, with no religious morals who deserved all the punishment that 3 or ideals, while the Israelites had in- God was about to heap upon them." herited the more gentle characteristics A brief analysis of the prophecy indi- of Jacob. cates the following: (1) The nations When Israel came out of Egypt, the are to be summoned by the unidenti- Edomites refused to allow them passage fied ambassador of God to overthrow through their territory (Num. 20:13- proud Esau. Their lofty strongholds 21), so Israel marched north along the shall not protect them. "I will bring eastern border of Edom, doing them no thee down . . . saith Jehovah." (vv. harm. Saul won battles against them 1-4.) (2) Their destruction is to be (1 Sam. 14:47), and David subdued complete. Thieves and robbers would them. (2 Sam. 8:13-14.) However, stealonlytilltheyhadalltheywanted, under Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, but Edom's every hidden treasure will Edom revolted. Jehoram defeated them be taken! (vv. 5-6.) (3) Their allies at Zair, but was unable to quell the shall deceive them and turn against rebellion (2 Ki. 8:20-22.) Later they them (v. 7); the wise men of Teman aided Judah's enemies in their attacks and Sela cannot save them (v. 8); on Jerusalem. their mighty warriors shall fall in battle, This wicked and heartless action of (v. 9.) Why? Their fall was inevitable: Edom toward Jerusalem, while maraud- "Pride goeth before destruction, and a ers sacked the city, plundered the pal- haughty spirit before a fall." (Prov. 16:18.) "Be not deceived: God is not ace, and carried away captives, pre- mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, cipitated this bitter denunciation of that shall be also reap." (Gal. 6:7.) Obadiah. "They helped catch fleeing Israelites, treated them cruelly, sold In commenting on this prophecy them as slaves, and shared in the loot Hailey says, "The cause of Edom's de- obtained after the capture of the city."2 struction was his pride (vv. 3-4) and The identity of Obadiah, whose name the cruelty and perpetual enmity means "servant or worshiper of Jeho- against his kinsman, Jacob, (v. 10.) In vah," is uncertain. There were over a the day of Israel's calamity, and of dozen by this name mentioned in the Jerusalem's being plundered by enemies, Old Testament. Most conservative Edom had rejoiced he had been as one scholars place the time of his prophecy of those plundering — he had stood on at about 845 B. C. during the reign of the other side. (v. 11; This is prob- (138) ably the occasion of 2 Chron. 21:8-10, ite. John Hyrcanus, ruler of Judea 16-17.) Edom had shown a most un- during the Maccabean period, subdued brotherly attitude, and now stands con- Idumaea in 126 B.C. and forced the demned for his behaviour, as the people to be circumcised and accept the prophet declares that which he should Jews' religion.6 Herod the Great, ruler and should not do. (vv. 12-14.)4 Dur- of Judea at the birth of Jesus, was an ing Nebuchadnezzar's attack on Jeru- Idumaean. After the destruction of salem, Edom rejoiced over the final Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A. D., destruction of the city and encouraged the Edomites disappeared from history, the destroyers to blot out the holy city: fulfilling Obadiah's prophecy that they "Remember, 0 Jehovah, against the "shall be as though they had not been." children of Edom the day of Jerusalem; (v. 16.) Who said, Rase it, rase it, Even to the foundation thereof." (Ps. 137:7.) Amos In spite of its brevity, there are many also cried out against Edom's sin and lessons to be learned from this book. prophesied of their fall. (Amos 1:11- Obadiah teaches that when we ridicule 12.) others in their calamities, we reveal a spirit of haughty pride that betrays a For all their sins, they shall reap lack of brotherly love. "Obadiah taught what they have sown. God's judgment with special emphasis the indestruct- against them, "the day of Jehovah," ible character of eternal justice."7 was upon the evil nations. Their de- "Human defenses are utterly useless struction shall be complete. They "shall when the power of God comes against be as though they had not been." (vv. them . . . God can be depended upon 15-16.) to reveal His righteous purpose in His "The second section of this book own good time . . . Eternal justice will presents the exaltation of Israel: the prevail."8 Let us learn that God's judg- kingdom of Jehovah is to be established ment is coming for all men. (Heb. 9:27; on Mount Zion, while Mount Seir is to 2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 25:31-46.) be abased, (vv. 17-21.) Mount Zion represents Jehovah's stronghold and The final victory will be God's vic- dwelling-place among his people, in tory—"...thekingdomshallbeJe- which there shall be those that escape. hovah's." Obadiah's prophecy foretells Over against this is 'the Mount of Esau' the Messianic conquest, fullfilled in the (Seir), which shall be taken, and the establishment of the church. There house of Esau consumed. Edom, from shall be salvation in Zion. Compare the very beginning, stands as a symbol Isaiah 2:2-4 and Daniel 2:36-45. Even of the worldly, profane mind."5 those of Edom might find refuge in Mount Zion. ". . . Ye are come unto After Jerusalem had been destroyed mount Zion . . ." (Heb. 12:22-34.) by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B. C, the Edomites were subjugated by the same 1. George L. Robinson, The Twelve Minor Proph- Babylonians whom they had aided ets, pp. 66-67. 2. Kyle M. Yates, Preaching From the Prophets, against Judah. Later they were driven p. 171. out of their land (about 300 B. C.) by 3. Yates, pp. 170-171. Arabian tribes called Nabataeans. The 4. Homer Hailey, The Minor Prophets, p. 12. Edomites then migrated west into the 5. Hailey, p. 12. southern part of Palestine, which came 6. Joseph P. Free, Archaeology and Bible History, to be known as Idumaea, and in the p. 276. days of Christ the people were known 7. Robinson, p. 68. as Idumaeans. a Greek word for Edom- 8. Yates, p. 174. (139) What Must I Do to Be Saved? By Dudley R. Spears, Blytheville, Arkansas The question which serves as title to obedience to Christ as "optional" and this article is the most serious of ques- "unnecessary." tions and is one that has been answered "WhatmustIDO . . .?" means some- by as many religionists in as many dif- thing must be done by one asking the ferent ways as any other of the great question. The modern idea is that there questions relative to revealed religion. is nothing to do concerning salvation. It is due to the various answers that It is "What must I do," versus "do have been given to it that there are nothing." If it is true that there is many who are completely unconcerned nothing one can do to be saved, why on over their own salvation. They are con- earthdidpeopleaskwhattodotobe fused as to what the proper and scrip- saved and why did the apostles not tural answer is. It shall be the purpose tell them they could do nothing? The of this article to give what we honestly answer seems to be that such a doctrine believe is THE BIBLE ANSWER. If is false. (Read Matt. 7:21; James 1: you find our answer inadequate or out 22.) These passages show that "doing" of harmony with things you find in the is essential. Those on Pentecost were Bible, please point it out to me. told to "repent and be baptized unto the remission of sins" in order to be saved. Analyzing the Question ThepenitentSaulwastoldtoariseand "What must I do...?"TheHoly be baptized and wash away thy sins." Spirit recorded the question asked by (Acts 22:16.) The Philippian Jailor people at various times who were in- was told to "believe on Jesus." (Acts terested in their OWN PERSONAL 16:30.) And he and his were baptized salvation. (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30.) the same hour of the night, "having In every instance they were interested believed on the Lord." (Acts 16:34.) in what was required of THEM, not In each case baptism was obeyed. their mother, father, or God, the Holy Hence, they were to believe, repent and Spirit or Jesus. In talking to people be baptized in order to do the things today we often hear them say that their God requires of sinners who want to be salvation depends completely on God, saved. Could it be any plainer? It is not on works or anything else. Preach- plain until men inject their opinions ers are quite frequently heard to state into it. something like this: "Salvation is wholly But someone asks, why were there by grace and Jesus worked out all of different answers given to the question? salvationwhenHediedonthecross." If three men were to ask how to get I hear Mr. Paul Kirkindall of Baptist to Memphis from Blytheville from dif- persuasion make the statement often ferent places on the road to Memphis, over KLCN. Such removes any and all they would be answered in respect to PERSONAL effort and makes the ques- where they were at the time they asked tion nonsensical. Friend, are you in- the question. If they were in Blythe- terested in what is required of YOU? ville, the answer would be follow 61 to "What MUST . . .?" implies some- interstate 55 and go 70 miles south. If things mandatory. A "must" is essen- asked in Osceola, a different answer tial. What they "were interested in was would be given just as an answer dif- what was absolutely and positively re- ferent from these would be given to quired. Men nowadays talk about one asking the same question in West (140) Memphis. The Jailor did not believe, penitent believer, was told to be bap- hence he was told to believe. The tized. These answers make up the com- Pentecostians believed, hence were told plete answer. Do you want to do what to repent and be baptized. Saul, a the Bible says?

Evolution — Fact or Fancy? The hypothesis of evolution is not from a horse. It used to be argued actually new or modern. Earliest that the comparative anatomy proved thoughts along this line can be traced thatmandescendedfromanape,but back to Greek philosophers and other it isn't any more. Mr. DeVries says, ancients before the time of Christ. Most men have humbly admitted that evolu- tion is but a hypothesis, however of late some have somewhat arrogantly as- serted it to be a fact and have classified those who question their assertions as either deluded ignoramuses or super- stitious dolts. In the Dec. 27, 1963, Arizona Repub- lic, the medical editor, Julian DeVries, stated boldly and with infallible cer- tainty that "the electro-chemical origin "Man did not descend from the apes. of all life is a solid, established, in- He is a separate branch . . ." Now, controvertible, scientific fact." This comparative anatomy just proves that statement takes evolution completely we came from the sea and are kin to outoftherealmofhypothesisand the apes! If gills prove fish ancestry, places it along side such known and perhaps the umbilical cord through ascertainable facts as the freezing tem- whichtheunbornmammalisnurtured perature of water, the chemical compo- (similar to a tap-root of a tree) proves sition of printer's ink, and the history that man descended from a tree! Per- of such well known individuals as haps an egg shell proves that a chicken George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, descended from an oyster! "Careful etc. — matters about which high school chemical analyses" of each will show a teachers and college professors can "marked similarity." speak with much more certainty than The fact that man's body fluids con- they can about the age of the earth or tain salt no more proves that man came the origin of life. from the sea than the minerals in his Would Mr. DeVries please present body solids prove that he came from an proof of the statement that before birth iron or phosphorus mine. Salt may be the human fetus "breaths through gills, found in places other than the sea. The like a fish." If he has no proof of such, evolutionists' conclusions are really, at how can he speak with such finality? the most, just educated (?) guesses. And suppose the assertion is true. What Such unfounded conclusions would does it prove? Could not this just be not occur if men believed in an omnis- the natural process of birth given by cient, omnipotent, and omnipresent the Creator? We had just as well argue God. The theory of evolution is the that since man drinks water through product of unbelief. Atheism assumes his mouth like a horse, he descended no God, therefore no Creator, therefore (141) the theory of evolution. Evolution ac- into the hands of the Communists by cepts the idea of no creation, therefore gleefully exulting at the spread of evo- no Creator. If this universe and life lution. Some have written letters to as we know it "just happened," then the editor of the Arizona Republic where is the need for a Creator? And praising Mr. DeVries' article. The if there is no Creator, no God, then atheist is so desirous of denying God there is no higher moral governor than andconvertingtheworldtothisharm- man himself, and therefore whatever is ful and useless doctrine of evolution judged to be right or wrong, moral or that he must preach it everywhere; immoral, in the eyes of man, whether witness the atheistic Russian astronaut he is right or wrong, is the highest law who after returning from orbit said, to which man can be accountable, thus "While I was in orbit I looked for God we have the double standards of, for but was unable to find him out there." example, Communism or Nazi law. There is still another side and it de- It is evolution which "is an assump- serves to be heard! If it cannot be tion without foundation." It is your heard, then the evolutionist should not "privilege" to assume the origin of life expect to be supported by your tax from non-life (a miracle of miracles), dollars to spread his doctrine as fact spontaneous generation from dead mat- in public schools! ter, and the transmutation of species, "In the beginning God created the and call such assumptions and theories heavens and the earth." (Gen. 1:1.) "solid, established, incontrovertible, "AndGodcreatedmaninhisown scientific facts," if you wish. However, image...maleandfemalecreatedhe it is too big a pill for some to swallow. them." (Gen. 1:27.) Evolution denies this! Do you? —Tom Baker Mr. DeVries mentioned other facts known to the "scientific community" which have not been revealed by the (TRIAL...... Continued) scientists lest "they and their work jected him. No man can refuse to do be halted and destroyed." What, we the will of the Lord without rejecting might ask, have they not revealed? Christ. The issue is clear and simple. Just any Junior High School science or There is no way to evade it or avoid it. history book will give you the basic If it be true that Pilate was in a sense ideas behind the hypothesis of evolu- on trial, then it is equally true that tion. everyone of us is in the same sense In conclusion, let us hasten to say on trial. In all our study of the that it is certainly true that not all trial of Jesus, let it never be forgotten evolutionists are atheists, and not all that we are also studying our own trial atheists are Communists; however, we — and our own destiny. have never heard of an atheist in our (To be continued) day who was not an evolutionist, nor have we ever heard of an indoctrinated (THRONE...... Continued) Communist who was not both an atheist them his newly appointed ambassadors. and an evolutionist. And all Commun- When the multitude saw cloven tongues ists are zealous to propagate both athe- like as of fire sitting upon the apostles ism and evolution since only when and heard them speak in other tongues, people's hearts have been voided of as the Spirit gave them utterance, they faith in God is it possible to instill faith had the positive proof that Christ was in Marxism. And some who are trying THEN on the "THRONE OF to be good Americans are playing right DAVID!" (142) APresbyterian Tells the Truth The following was written by anoted world." (Albert Barnes, commenting on scholar in the Presbyterian Church and Acts 11:26.) tells the truth about the name How strange it is that one would Christian: allow himself to be called Presbyterian "It suggests at once to a Christian after acknowledging the truth about the the name of his great Redeemer; the name Christian. Indeed, the name idea of our intimate relation to him; Christian embraces all that ought to be and the thought that we receive him as included and excludes all that ought our chosen Leader, the source of our to be omitted. Men wear religious blessings, the author of our salvation, names of human origin to designate that the fountain of our joys. It is the which they teach and practice that is distinguishing name of all the redeemed. not really Christian, and to distinguish It is not that we belong to this or that themselves from others who have pe- denomination; it is not that our names culiarities that are not really Christian. are connected with high and illustrious ancestors; it is not that they are re- True Christianity is not hyphenated. corded in the books of heraldry; it is We should all be Christians and Chris- not that they stand high in courts, and tians only, not Baptist-Christians, among the gay, the fashionable, and the Presbyterian-Christians, Lutheran- rich, that true honour is conferred on Christians, Methodist-Christians, etc. men. These are not the things that The name Baptist covers what is pe- give distinction and peculiarity to the culiarly Baptist; the name Presbyter- followers of the Redeemer. It is that ian covers what is distinctly Presbyter- they are Christians. This is their pe- ian; the name Mormon covers what is culiar name; by this they are known; exclusively Mormon. Since the name this at once suggests their character, Christian covers all that is genuinely their feelings, their doctrines, their Christian, the wearing of human names joys. This binds them all together — indicates that one has accepted more a name which rises above every other than what is "of Christ." appellation; which unites in one the inhabitants of distant nations and Let the Mormon lay aside his Mor- tribes of men; which connects the ex- monism, the Lutheran his Lutheranism, tremes of society, and places them in the Catholic his Catholicism, the Ad- most important respects on a common ventist his Adventism, the Methodist his level; and which is a bond to unite in Methodism, the Congregationalist his one family all those who love the Lord Congregationalism, etc., and let us all Jesus, though dwelling in different take up what is manifestly "of Christ" climes, speaking different languages, en- and no more, then the name Christian gaged in different pursuits of life, and will mean to us what it meant in apos- occupying distant graves at death. He tolic times. wholivesaccordingtotheimportof this name is the most blessed and You have friends who need to read eminent of mortals. This name shall this material. Why not subscribe for be had in remembrance when the names them? Two dollars will bring the next of royalty shall be remembered no more, twelve issues their way. and when the appellations of nobility shall cease to amuse or dazzle the Renew Your Subscription Promptly (143) Need A New Bible?

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Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, M VOLUME 5______.NUMBER 10 Christ Is Risen By Tom Bunting, Miami, Florida The person. Jesus of Nazareth, lived church on the resurrection. He said, here on earth, among men, at a definite "Destroy this temple and in three days. time, in a definite place among histori- I will raise it up." And the resurrec- cal characters, speaking man to man, tion was one of the primary subjects of and going about the preaching of the apostles. (1 Cor. doing good. 15:12-20.) This man, Jesus The two primary testimonies of the of Nazareth, also resurrection are the empty tomb and died. We know His personal appearances. The tomb more about the de- was empty. The Jewish authorities tails of the hours never questioned the guards' report: immediately be- they knew the tomb was empty. The fore and after the guards' own lives were at stake. They actual d ea t h of would never have returned with such Jesus, in and near a story unless it was undisputable. The Jerusalem, than body was not stolen from the tomb for we know about the the disciples could not, and the enemies death of any other would not. The enemies had stationed man in all the ancient world. the guards to make certain that it was not stolen. Besides, if they had taken We know more about the burial of it. why didn't they produce it on Pente- the Lord Jesus than we know of any cost? single character in all of ancient history. There is the grave clothing folded All that we know about the burial of and in order in the empty sepulchre. Jesus we know from our New Testa- If Jesus wasn't dead but just swooned, ment. We cannot know anything ad- this necessitates his leaving the tomb ditional, or contrary to these records, of his own strength, removing the stone because there is no contemporary state- from the door. Who can believe this? ment concerning this event. If we be- How would he have freed himself from lieve the Gospels are valid, we receive the wrappings of the body? As he theevidenceastrue.Ifwedon't would come staggering or maybe crawl- believe the Gospels, then we can't say ing from the tomb, weak from the loss anything because we don't know any- of blood and hours of painful suffering, thing about the burial of Jesus. could one in this condition convince the Jesus staked the future and the disciples he conquered death? Didthewomengotothewrong 26-28; 21:1-23), to five hundred breth- tomb? If a loved one was buried in a ren (1 Cor. 15:6), to James (1 Cor. strange town and we return ten or fif- 15:7), to the apostles at Jerusalem teen years later we may have difficulty (Lk. 24:50-52.) in finding the place. It may be neces- His appearances were varied — some- sary for us to ask directions. These times at one place then another, both women had watched the burial of Jesus, to men and women, to individuals and carried out by Joseph and Nicodemus, groups. They saw him eat. Sometimes and in less than seventy-two hours he spoke, and again he was silent, some later they return. Would we or any touched him and some did not. The rational person make a mistake? If variety of appearances makes hallucina- the women were wrong, Peter and John tions impossible. madethesamemistakefortheywent The kind of evidence desired by mod- to the tomb, also. Did the angel make ern science is what we have. Empirical thesamemistake?Hesaid,"Come evidence — seen with the human eye, seetheplacewheretheLordlay." touched by human hands, and heard by The second testimony is his appear- human ear — is what we have. The ances. There were several — to certain identity is based upon physical appear- women (Matt. 28:1-10), to Mary Mag- ance and also character and personality. dalene (John 20:11-18), to Peter (Lk. "Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which 24:34), to the two disciples (Mk. 16: was crucified: he is risen; he is not 12,13; Lk. 24:13-35), to the disciples here: behold the place where they laid on three occasions (John 20:19-23, him." (Mk. 16:6.)

Wisdom From Above By Rolland W. Fritz, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan A card handed me some time back must be first, never in second place, for carries the following comment. "God he will not accept left overs. grant me the serenity to accept the In a Christian college a few years things I cannot change, courage to ago hung a sign on the door of one of change the things the boys. It read, "I'm striving to be Ican,andwisdom third!" When asked what it meant. to know the dif- the boy answered, "My Mother always ference." taught me to put God first, my fellow- It would be wise man second, and myself third." It is for us to examine universally recognized that this is a ourselves at this central principle found in God's word. time to see if we The love which is from above enables are so living that us to accept in calmness or "serenity,' this vital sentence the things which are impossible for us is a part of our to change. We need to realize our place daily life. Notice in this great universe. We need to the first t h r e e words, "God grant realize that God who made all things me." They show dependence upon God and put them into motion made also and the place God must always hold in certain immutable laws which govern our lives if we are to please him. He His creation. These reach down into the very minute elements of life. Let (146) us acceptthesewith the calmness and are afforded the opportunity to know serenity which causes us to look upward the difference between the things we in full assurance that there is a place can and can not change. This wisdom for each one of us, and that with the is found indelibly written upon each power of God, we can find it. loving page and phrase God has re- We must have the courage to change vealed to man. "The wisdom that is those things we can. It is the weakling, from above is first pure, then peaceable, the moral degenerate, who cannot gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of change. To be pleasing to God, we mercy and good fruits, without partial- must be constantly seeking to change ity, and without hypocrisy." (James into that person He wishes us to be. 3:13-18.) We can neither stand still, nor go back, "God grant me the serenity to ac- and still be pleasing to God. Remem- cept the things I cannot change, cour- ber Lot's wife! age to change the things I can, and It is only through wisdom that we wisdom to know the difference."

God's Wisdom By Delton Porter, Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee In Eph. 3:10 Paul says, "to the cution came. (Acts 8:4.) These were intent that now unto the principalities also Jews who had the oracles of God and powers in heavenly places might committed unto them. (Rom. 3:2.) be made known through the church the For 1500 years the Jews had been manifold wisdom of God." We find in trained from God's oracles and not by Eph. 1:7,8 that we "have redemption nature to believe in the true and living through his blood, the forgiveness of God. The Gentiles had also proven our trespasses" — also that his grace that God could not be known without abounded toward us in all wisdom and revelation. We would have said, "The prudence. Not only do we find this time is not now; the people are angry; according to his wisdom, but also ac- you can't teach them." But God said cording to his will. (Eph. 1:5,9,11.) now was the time — Jerusalem was These are the stated facts of his wis- the place. This demonstrates that God's dom. wisdom is far above ours. The wisdom is demonstrated in Acts God's wisdom is still demonstrated 2 with the beginning of the church. in the church. The New Testament The time is fulfilled and they are in tells what God has given the church to the right place — Jerusalem. (Lk. 24: do in work, worship, and organization. 47.) Now, a question: How did the It has been sufficient for almost 2,000 beginning of the church here on Pente- years. The man doesn't live who can cost and following years manifest or improve on God's way for his church show the many-sided wisdom of God? to function. When we behold the First, we find there were "Jews, devout church and its work, to teach the lost, men out of every nation under heaven." edify the saints, and aid the needy (Acts 2:5.) These were not the gen- saints, God's wisdom is demonstrated. eral run-of-the-mill people, but devout. To try to improve on this is to reflect They would later carry the gospel to upon the manifold wisdom of God. Let the nations where they lived. These us be content to observe and to heed were the same ones who would go every- this wisdom, and not to think we can where preaching the word when perse- improve on it with our limited wisdom. (147) "I Would Not Have You to Be Ignorant" By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri Ignorance is a curse to humanity. It made like to corruptible man, and to separates men from God. It hinders birds, and four-footed beasts, and creep- righteousness and exalts folly. It is one ing things." of Satan's most effective devices. It The Athenians had erected an altar crucified Christ with the inscription, TO THE UN- and makes void KNOWN GOD. The God unknown to the zeal of many them was Jehovah, thus Paul said, of His followers. "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, It manifests itself him declare I unto you." (Acts 17:23.) among the rich and the poor, the To be ignorant of God is to be with- low and the out understanding of how things came mighty, the small into existence, the purpose of life, the and the great, and real responsibility of man, and the des- even those called tiny before us. God is. (Gen. 1:1.) learned. Some God has spoken. (Heb. 1:1.) God re- boast of their ig- quires faith. (Heb. 11:6.) God is norance; some Spirit. (John 4:24.) God is omnipo- hide behind it; some would like to con- tent. (Rev. 19:6.) "It is a fearful ceal it; others are indifferent to it. The thing to fall into the hands of the liv- one most to be pitied is the man ig- ing God." (Heb. 10:31.) norant of his own ignorance. David said, "The heavens declare I have borrowed one of Paul's ex- the glory of God; and the firmament pressions as the title of this essay. sheweth his handywork." (Psa. 19:1.) Reader, I would not have you to be The whole materia] universe cries out ignorant concerning things fundamental. that GOD IS. Some men are too con- Of God In , the apostle to the Gen- APOSTOLIC tiles found men worshiping all sorts of gods and goddesses. They were with- DOCTRINE out a knowledge of the true and living Published Monthly by BIBLE INFORMATION PUBLISHERS God. Despite the fact that "the invis- 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo., 63135 ible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being under- Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo. stood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead," EDITOR, Irvin Himmel the Gentiles, "when they knew God, ASSOCIATE EDITORS they glorified him not as God, neither Frank Jamerson Ferrell Jenkins were thankful"; consequently, because SUBSCRIPTIONS: Single—$2.00 Per Year "they did not like to retain God in Five or More, Each—$1.50 Per Year Group of Fifty—$5.50 Per Month their knowledge, God gave them over BUNDLE RATE: Ten Copies for $1.00 to a reprobate mind." (Rom. 1:18-32.) Address All Communications to "Professing themselves to be wise, they APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE became fools, and changed the glory of 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo. 63135 the uncorruptible God into an image (148) ceited to admit a higher power. Never- Of Christ theless, the Lord God Almighty "was," I would not have you to be ignorant and "is," and "is to come." (Rev. 4:8.) concerning Jesus who is the Christ, the It is the fool who hath said in his heart, Son of the living God. The Old Testa- 'There is no God." (Psa. 14:1.) ment foretold the advent of the Christ. Read books like Isaiah and notice the Of the Holy Scriptures numerous prophecies pertaining to the God has made it possible for man to Messiah. The New Testament records know all that is presently needed. The the fulfillment of those prophetical ut- Scriptures are God's revelation of His terances. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, mind to man. Through the Scriptures and John, observing that Jesus of Gali- we learn of the true character and lee fulfilled every single prophecy of nature of God, man's origin and fall, the Messiah on earth; read the rest of the wretchedness of fallen man, the the New Testament and note the ful- promise of redemption and the fulfill- fillment of the prophecies about His ment of that promise, our duty to God, glorious and peaceful reign. and the eventual reward of righteous- Jesus proved His Messiahship by His ness. One may have a string of degrees holy life, His miracles, His teaching, His after his name and be looked to as a infinite knowledge, His death, burial, man of attainments, but he is ignorant resurrection, and ascension, the out- if he knows not the Scriptures. pouring of the Spirit on Pentecost, and All who search the Scriptures with the power of His gospel. Those who honest and good hearts are to be com- reject Jesus are without hope. They mended. (Acts 17:11.) The Scriptures reject the only Christ there will ever be. are designed to make men wise unto Peter was a close associate of Jesus salvation. (2 Tim. 3:15.) Jesus used and confessed, "Thou art the Christ, the the Scriptures ("it is written") to re- Son of the living God." (Matt. 16:16.) sist the tempter. (Matt. 4:1-11.) Paul The Roman governor who sentenced reasoned with men out of the Scriptures. Him to die acknowledged, "I find no (Acts 17:2.) The Scriptures were giv- fault in this man." (Lk. 23:4.) The en by inspiration of God. (2 Tim. 3:16.) centurion in charge of the crucifixion Designed for doctrine, reproof, correc- said, "Certainly this was a righteous tion, and instruction in righteousness, man." (Lk. 23:47.) It is very signifi- the Scriptures equip us unto all good cant that the heathen centurion and works. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17.) those with him were moved to say, All that does not derive authority "Truly this was the Son of God." from the Scriptures should be discarded. (Matt. 27:54.) Many Jews who clam- Much that is practiced in the name of ored for the death of Jesus later be- religion is foreign to the Scriptures. It came His followers. (Acts 2-4.) is not enough to profess respect for God's will; the Scriptures must be our Of the Plan of Salvation daily guide, our book of discipline, our The Scriptures make known the plan pattern, our chart and compass, our that God perfected in Christ for our standard manual, our lamp and light. salvation. No one is promised salva- Before any practice is adopted — be- tion from sin except in conformity to fore any dogma is believed — before the covenant of Christ. Those who any doctrine is preached, let us examine reject the terms of Christ's gospel reject and test it by the Scriptures. Let God's Christ, and those who reject Christ word be the final word. reject God. We are powerless to remit (149) our own sins. We are doomed if wedo churches of Christ (Rom. 16:16) are not obey the gospel. (2 Thess. 1:7-9.) congregations of the saved in specific God's plan requires that all men localities. When any local church be- everywhere repent of their sins. (Acts comes sectarian, it ceases to be what 17:30.) In repentance there is a turn- the Lord desires. In organization, work, ing from sin and a resulting change of worship, and membership each local course. With the mouth confession of church takes directions from Christ, Christ is made unto salvation. (Rom. the supreme and only head of the body, 10:9, 10.) We are commanded to be by following His testament, and seeks baptized in the name of Christ. (Acts to glorify God. 10:48.) Baptism is a burial. (Col. Every person who becomes a child 2:12.) Raised from that burial, one of God, a Christian, is a member of enters a new life. (Rom. 6:3-5.) There- the church. All the members have not fore, men both repent and are baptized the same function, for the body is not unto the remission of sins. (Acts 2:38.) one member but many. (1 Cor. 12:14.) Being baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:27), All are builded together for an habita- we become Abraham's spiritual seed tion of God through the Spirit. (Eph. and heirs according to God's promise. 2:32.) The great church of God moves Thus being saved, we put on the spiri- like a mighty army. Each soldier must tual garments of a new life. (Col. 3:12- put on the whole armor (Eph. 6:11) 17.) And we are warned not to turn and fight the good fight of faith. back to the old life, lest we be like the Christ is coming again and will re- sow that was washed and returned to ceive the church as His bride. In the her wallowing in the mire. (2 Pet. meantime, He wants the church kept 2:20-22.) without spot, or blemish, that He might There is only one plan of salvation. eventually present it to himself a glor- Human schemes are offered as substi- ious church. (Eph. 5:27.) Members of tutes, and multitudes of men and women the church must separate themselves are led into deception by these man- from all that contaminates. Through made schemes, but all who are saved the blood of Christ we can keep our- will be saved by submission to God's selves pure. plan. Those who do His command- Of Heaven ments are the ones who have the right In conclusion, I would not have you to the tree of life and will enter in to be ignorant of the eternal joys await- through the gates into the eternal city. ing the faithful. The inheritance that (Rev. 22:14.) never fades is reserved in heaven. (1 Of the Church Pet. 1:4.) A crown of righteousness is I would not have you to be ignorant laid up for all who love the Lord. (2 that the church of Christ is the body Tim. 4:8.) Present afflictions are light of the saved. All who obey the gospel when compared to the eternal weight are added by the Lord to the church. of glory. (2 Cor. 4:17.) We long for (Acts 2:47.) This church is not a de- the building of God, an house not made nomination, that is, a segment or divi- with hands, eternal in the heavens. sion of something larger than itself. (2 Cor. 5:1.) God's gift is eternal life Christ's church is His body (Eph. 1:22, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom. 23), the whole body, not a portion. It 3:23.) is His kingdom (Matt. 16:18, 19), not Let the scoffers pass. They mock a fraction of the kingdom. It is the God'spromisesassomuch"pieinthe "called out" of the Lord. Local sky by and by." But alas! when they (150) die they sigh for having lived a lie! "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: These are among the "unbelieving" for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall whose destiny is the lake which burn- he also reap. For he that soweth to etii with fire and brimstone: which is his flesh shall of the flesh reap cor- the second death. (Rev. 21:8.) ruption ; but he that soweth to the Spirit In the words of Paul to the Galatians, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." The Trial of Jesus (No. 5) By Roy E. Cogdill, Canoga Park, California One significant aspect of the trial of everywhere repent: inasmuch as he Jesus, often overlooked, is the fact that hath appointed a day in which he will the very ones who judged him are des- judge the world in righteousness, by tined, in time, to be judged by him. the man whom he hath ordained; where- No doubt it would of he hath given assurance unto all men, have helped both in that he hath raised him from the the Roman and dead." (Acts 17:30,31.) This is the the Jewish courts very "man" who stood a helpless and considerably in defenseless prisoner before Annas and reaching their ver- Caiaphas and Pilate, and who was dict if they had illegally tried and condemned by the been aware that Sanhedrin, with Nicodemus and Joseph, the prisoner before and all the other officers of that high them would one tribunal participating. day sit in eternal The Bible teaches that Jesus is the judgment over the "advocate" now of all who are obed- whole race of men. ient to him, and that he can plead their For those judges case in heaven. But there is coming a to have recognized who their prisoner time when Christ will sit in judgment. was would certainly have had a tre- He cannot be both priest and judge, mendous bearing on the kind of treat- both an advocate and a judge at the ment they gave him. Not only so, but same time. When he comes again, in if they could have understood that the glory, then shall he sit on the throne, very conduct of the trial they were now and before him shall be gathered all carrying through would itself be a part the nations of the earth; and he shall oftheevidencetobeusedbytheir separate the righteous from the un- prisoner when he came to sit in judg- righteous as a shepherd separates the ment on them, it would have caused sheep from the goats. them to be indeed more honest and fair and just in their conduct of his exam- The very decision that men make ination. now concerning Jesus will itself deter- mine the decision that Jesus then, as ThereiscomingatimeinwhichJesus judge, will make concerning men. An- will judge the world. The Bible teaches nas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod, and all that Jesus, who was judged by men, others who had a part in the great will one day be the judge of every man. fraudulent trial, the illegal and unjust To the idol-worshipping Athenians Paul verdict and execution, will stand in the declared that "The times of ignorance final great day, that day toward which therefore God over-looked; but now he all other days are pointing, and will commandeth men that they should all themselves be judged on the very con- (151) duct of the trial in which they took this life with their sham, their pro- part. But as this fact holds true for fessed and pretended piety, with their all those men who had part in that hypocritical attitudes, their lives being illegal procedure so many centuries ago, filled meanwhile with ungodliness and it is equally true for all men today. unrighteousness; but they deceive God The judgment that men today render not for a moment. And in that final concerning Christ, and the verdict which judgment every bit of sham and hypoc- they reach, will become the basis for risy shall be stripped away, and all the judgment Christ renders, and the shall stand before Christ for the verdict. verdict he reaches, concerning these The eternal destiny of our souls will men. depend upon our attitude toward Christ, Nothing is more definitely taught in and the judgment we now render about the Bible than that men shall be judged him. This was something that those who according to their works. There are tried him in Jerusalem so long ago many preachers and many creeds teach- never understood or believed. Had they ing that works have nothing to do with believed it, how different their verdict a man's salvation. But these creeds and would have been! We today are in a these preachers are mistaken. Paul de- position of great advantage over him. clared, "For we must all be made mani- They tried Christ without comprehend- fest before the judgment-seat of Christ; ing at all the enormity of what they that each one may receive the things were doing. But you and I, every day done in the body, according to what that we live, can be sure with an ab- he hath done, whether it be good or solute certainty that we are now trying bad." (2 Cor. 5:10.) In that final day Christ — and that Christ will one day every man shall be judged and reward- try us. What are the verdicts men are ed according to his works. "To them giving today? Some, like Peter, are that patiently continue in well-doing following "afar off"; others have even seek for glory and honor and incorrup- gone all the way with Peter and have tion, eternal life; but unto them that denied the Lord completely when the are factious, and obey not the truth, opportunitycameto"standupandbe but obey unrighteousness, shall be counted." Some have secretly believed wrath and indignation, tribulation and in him, but have held their peace, wish- anguish, upon every soul of man that ing his cause will, to be sure, but not worketh evil, of the Jew first, and also willing themselves to suffer for him nor of the Greek." (Rom. 2:7.) to get into the work and make the sac- rifices necessary. The Apostle John gives a vivid pic- What would Annas and Caiaphas and ture of that final judgment scene in Pilate and Herod have given to have Revelation, chapter 20: "And I saw a known, as we know, the identity of their great white throne, and him that sat prisoner? If they had known, as you upon it, from whose face the earth and and I know, that the prisoner at the the heaven fled away; and there was bar was God's only Son, what do you found no place for them. And I saw the think their verdict would have been? dead, the great and the small, standing And, having that knowledge, what is before the throne; and books were your verdict? Every day that you live opened: and another book was opened, you are writing down a line of the which is the book of life: and the dead final decision. What sort of judgment were judged out of the things which are you rendering? were written in the books, according to their works." Men may go through Renew Your Subscription Promptly (152) Jonah By Luther W. Martin, Rolla, Missouri The book of Jonah records the epi- strong wind that endangered their ves- sodes in the life of Jonah, the son of sel with its cargo and passengers, and Amittai, who was instructed of God to the mariners were frightened and each journey to a Gentile city, Nineveh, and one cried out to his particular God. speak against the evil conduct of its They threw over-board their cargo, but people. their plight remained serious. Finally, That Jonah was an historical charac- they sought out Jonah who in the mean- ter and that the miraculous happenings while had gone down into the hold of which befell him were literal and true, the ship and was sleeping, asking him cannot be questioned in view of Christ's to call upon his God. Ultimately, they reference to the "sign of the prophet cast lots to determine the cause of Jonas" in Matt. 12:39-41. Jonah was their plight, and the lot fell upon Jonah. just as real a person as was the "queen At their insistence, he confessed that of the south" who visited Solomon to he was a Hebrew who had disobeyed whom Christ also made reference in his God. Upon further questioning, Matt. 12:42. Jonah told them to cast him into the sea in order that their ship might resume As far as I have been able to deter- smooth sailing. As soon as Jonah had mine, the dispatching of Jonah, who been cast overboard, the sea became was an Israelite, to preach to a Gentile calm and the mariners offered sacrifices or heathen people, is the only instance unto the Lord and made vows. of its kind recorded in the Old Testa- The Lord miraculously prepared a ment. At the time, it is thought that great fish to swallow Jonah, and he re- Nineveh was the capital city of the mained in the monster for three days Assyrian empire: a city that was truly and three nights. In chapter 2, verses "great" in population, the area con- 2-9, is recorded a most touching and tained within it, and also "great" in its soul searching prayer that Jonah uttered position and stature among the nations unto God, while imprisoned within the of its time. great fish. The Lord commanded the The fact that Jonah had been in- fish and it vomited Jonah upon the structed to go preach to a Gentile city, shore. may have been the major factor in his The third chapter of the book con- rebelling against God's instruction, and tinues with instructions of the Lord instead, going to what was most likely coming to Jonah for a second time, the nearest seaport, Joppa, and booking telling him to go to Nineveh (as he had passage on a ship bound for Tarshish. first been told) and warn them of the After they set sail, the Lord sent a consequences of their wickedness. This, (153) Jonah did, journeying into Nineveh a tion, God caused a strong east wind to day's journey. The inhabitants of the blow, and the sun now beat upon the city believed Jonah's message from God, head of Jonah, so that he fainted from and they began to clothe themselves in the extreme heat and again wished that sackcloth, and fasted. Even the king of he might die. Jonah was angry because Nineveh obeyed God's bidding through the gourd had perished, yet previously, the preaching of Jonah, and therefore he had not cared if the entire city of Godsparedthecity. Nineveh had perished. God reasoned with Jonah, pointing out that Jonah had The fourth and last chapter of the had no part in either the growth or de- book of Jonah begins with a most sur- struction of the gourd, yet he had be- prising reaction recorded on the part of come angry when the vine dried up .... Jonah. He became quite angry because surely he had some concern now, for God spared the city after its people re- the people of Nineveh. Thus, God's pented of their wickedness, and the concluding statement: "And should not punishment that Jonah had said would I spare Nineveh, that great city, where- come upon the city, did not come to in are more than six-score thousand pass. It seems that Jonah's ego was persons that cannot discern between deflated when God showed mercy to the their right hand, and their left hand; Gentile city, thus causing Jon a h 's and also much cattle?" prophecy to fail to come to pass. Jonah, in his distraught state, petitioned God Many scholars conclude that the ref- to take his life. erence to the 120,000 refers to that many infants and young children who God questioned Jonah concerning his had not attained the knowledge of the extreme anger, and Jonah went outside difference between their right and left the city, constructing himself a shelter, hands . . . thus, there was ample reason in the shade of which he might sit and for God to spare Nineveh ... a great observe the possible punishment that Gentile city. God might (so Jonah hoped) visit upon Nineveh. Conclusion In spite of Jonah's foolish and unwise We do not particularly admire the speech and actions, God caused a huge useage in the King James Version, of gourd vine to grow and cast a shadow the expression the "whale's belly" over his head as a protection for Jonah. (Matt. 12:40) in reference to the great Remember, that Jonah had only recent- fish or sea monster that God prepared ly spent three days and three nights in for Jonah. The Greek language liter- the total darkness of the sea monster's ally speaks of a huge fish, thus for belly, and to what extent the digestive translators to arbitrarily classify it as juices may have contributed to his be- a certain species is to go beyond the ing extremely sensitive to the sun's rays, original text, and do a disservice to the we do not know, but God's causing the accuracy and scholarship involved in great gourd to grow so rapidly to pro- the translation. tect Jonah, serves as an outstanding demonstration of God's concern for his own. Then, just as miraculously, God Send us the names and addresses also caused a worm to sever the root of fifty of your friends; we mail structure of the gourd from the vine, APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE to them each thus causing the protective plant growth month; you will be billed for the cost to rapidly wither and dry up. In addi- which is $5.50 per month. (154) The Gift of the Spirit By Jimmy Tuten, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri At the conclusion of the preaching of sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of the gospel on Pentecost, Peter showed his Son into your hearts, crying, abba, that not only were there facts of the Father." (Rom. 8:15.) The reception gospel to be believed, but there were of the Spirit as a gift is the result of commands to be sonship, it is co-extensive with sonship, obeyed. The be- andissharedwith,oriscommonto, liever (Acts 2:37) all who are in the family of God. is enjoined to "re- The Holy Spirit does not come into pent and be bap- the person before or after the point of tized ... in the sonship, but at the very time individ- name of Jesus uals through faith are baptized into Christ for the re- Christ. (Gal. 3:26-27: Acts 2:38). If mission of sins, it is argued that the Spirit comes into and ye shall re- or dwells in the Christian sometime ceive the gift of after he becomes a child of God, then the Holy Ghost." the necessary conclusion would be that (Acts 2:38.) The such a person was not a child of God remission of sins at all until he received the Spirit. Those and the gift of the Spirit are blessings who do not have the indwelling of the received by those who are obedient to Spirit do not belong to God. The apos- the gospel. Many do not understand tle Paul says, "now if any man have that there are many gifts of the Spirit, not the Spirit, he is NONE OF HIS." but only one Spirit as a gift. The bur- (Rom.8:9,emphasismine,JT.)The den of this article is to clearly demon- fact that the Holy Spirit is received at strate that along with the remission of the point of obedience can be seen, in sins, the Spirit as a gift is given to that eight verses above the place where the obedient believer. This will be sub- Paul affirmed that sons of God re- stantiated in the light of the New Testa- ceived the Spirit (Gal. 4:6), he states ment, for the New Testament alone can that we become sons of God by believ- clarify and classify the Spirit's func- ing and being baptized. (Gal. 3:26-27.) tion and work in the church today. Hence, when the believer is baptized into Christ, he becomes a child of God, The Holy Spirit Dwells in the Christian and then receives the indwelling of the The Spirit dwells in Christians and Spirit. This is further attested by Acts is therefore an "indwelling Spirit," often 2:38, where it is said, "repent, and be referred to as a "common gift of the baptized everyone of you in the name Spirit." By "common" I mean that of Jesus Christ for the remission of which is equal to, or shared by, all who sins, and ye shall receive the gift of obey the gospel. It is a general gift the Holy Spirit." The gift of the Spirit received by all penitent believers at the is as sure as the reception of the remis- point of their obedience. All who have sion of sins, and both come at the point received the Holy Spirit are the chil- of obedience. (Acts 5:32.) When one dren of God. Likewise, they have re- meets the conditions necessary for the ceived the Holy Spirit as a natural remission of sins, one receives the Holy consequence of becoming His children. Spirit, for the conditions of each are Galatians 4:6 says, "because ye are the same.

(155) The Holy Spirit As a GiftIs Christ, hath not God. Hethatabideth Not Miraculous in the doctrine of Christ, HE HATH BOTH THE FATHER AND THE Unlike the other aspects of the gifts SON."(2Jon.9,emphasismine,JT.) of the Spirit, this common or ordinary Hence, by faith the Father and Son gift is not miraculous, i. e., it is not ac- dwell in the Christian. So it is with companied by miraculous manifesta- the Spirit. (Gal. 3:2.5.) The indwelling tions. There is a difference in the Holy of the Spirit involves specifically and Spirit as a gift (not miraculous) and unexceptionally the mind of man and the gifts of the Spirit (always miracu- it cannot eliminate the element of hu- lous). The former is in natural conse- man understanding. The Spirit dwells quence of entering into fellowship with in us by faith, and to the extent of our God; the latter is the result of either walking by faith. (1 Cor. 2:14-16.) the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2 & 10), or the laying on of an apostle's What the Spirit Does hands. (Acts 6:6; 8:17-18, etc.) The conditions of life faced by man To illustrate the fact that there is a demand that he have assurances. With- difference in the "gift of the Holy out fellowship with God, man is helpless Ghost" and "spiritual gifts," observe and is in constant need of protection. that in 1 Cor. 12:29-30, the writer asks, Being ignorant, man needs a teacher; "Are all apostles? are all prophets? are being sinful, he needs an intercessor; all teachers? are all workers of mir- and being swayed by passions, he needs acles? Have all the gifts of healing? power to overcome and subdue the ele- Do all speak with tongues? Do all ments that seek to destroy him. The interpret?" The answer is NO! There child of God, through the Spirit has are diversities of gifts given unto man. these things and more. Notice: (1) The (Eph. 4:8; 1 Cor. 12:1.) Some re- Spirit gives us access unto God. (Eph. ceived one miraculous gift, while others 2:18.) (2) He seals us unto God. (2 received gifts of another kind. But the Cor. 1:21-22; Eph. 1:13-14; 4:3) (3) gift of the Spirit promised in Acts 2:38, He works mightily in us. (Eph. 3:14- is to all who are willing to repent and 19.) (4) He assists us in our good be baptized. They cannot be the same, fight of faith. (Eph. 6:17.) (5) The for in addition to the above mentioned Spirit intercedes with persistent inter- facts, the gift of Acts 2:38 was accom- est on our behalf. (Rom. 8:26-27; Eph. panied by fruits (moral characteristics, 6; 18.) (6) He helps us to mortify Gal. 5:22-24) while spiritual gifts were the deeds of the body. (Rom. 8:13; accompanied by miraculous manifesta- Gal. 5:16-18.) (7) He sanctifies us, tions. (2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:1-2.) (8) In the judgment day he will quicken our How Does the Spirit Dwell in Us? mortal bodies. (Rom. 8:11; 2 Cor. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy 3:18; Phil. 3:20-21.) Ghost. (1 Cor. 6:19-20.) But how does the Spirit dwell in us? Perhaps this Conclusion question can be best answered by ob- There is great consolation in know- serving that God dwells in us (1 Jno. ing that the Spirit dwells in those who 4:12-17) and Christ Jesus his Son like- are the children of God. That He is wise dwells in us. (Eph. 3:16-17.) leading and directing us in the paths This indwelling of the Father and the of righteousness is demonstrated in the Son is by faith. "Whosoever transgres- Scriptures. As we drift upon the sea seth, and abideth not in the doctrine of of restlessness and malignity, we can (156) fix our eyes on the distant goal, be- of the Spirit. (1 Thess. 5:19.) Believe lieving that everlasting life will be an and be baptized today and the Spirit actuality some day. Heed the teaching will dwell in you.

The Gospel of Christ (No. 1) By Lewis Willis, Kirk-wood, Missouri On this subject there are as many- that we will not carefully study any ideas as on any other one subject which point raised in opposition to what we would enter into a religious discussion. teach. Nor will we hesitate to question One man contends that what he teaches prominent doctrines of our day. is the "gospel," while another says Characteristics of the Gospel thesamething In analyzing the GOSPEL, we notice about his teaching, three different characteristics and we even though each wish to notice them in this article. doctrine would be 1. There are some facts about the in conflict with GOSPELthatwemustbelieve.They the other as well are the (a) death, (b) burial, and (c) as the Word of resurrection of Christ. "Moreover, God. The preach- brethren, I declare unto you the GOS- er in whom you PEL which I preached unto you, which have the greatest also ye have received, and wherein ye confidence may be stand; By which also ye are saved, if the one who leads ye keep in memory what I preached you astray. He may be teaching some- unto you, unless ye have believed in thing, calling it the GOSPEL, which he vain. For I delivered unto you first of could not, with many years, prove to be all, that which I also received, how that true from the Bible. CHRIST DIED for our sins according I think one of the remarkable things to the Scriptures; and that HE WAS about Jesus was his readiness to answer BURIED, and that HE ROSE AGAIN the questions asked him (those which the third day according to the Scrip- were worthy of answers (for the benefit tures." (1 Cor. 15:1-4.) These facts of his followers. Therefore, it is quite preached by Paul are basic facts which difficult to understand a man who does every honest person must accept in ac- not welcome questions which pertain to cepting the GOSPEL. the doctrine he believes and teaches. 2. In addition to facts, there are cer- In this article, we wish to examine the tain commands which must be obeyed. GOSPEL, to note the different charac- Acceptance of the GOSPEL is more teristics of it. If you read this honestly, than mental assent; it involves some you will see the amazing difference in definite action, particularly that of the GOSPEL OF CHRIST and the ascertaining responsibility and fulfilling varied creeds of men. Too, let it be it. Below we list the commands, cit- noted that your questions are welcomed ing passages that prove their validity regarding this article. We are only and also that God, of a certainty, in- looking for the truth and we are trying tended them to be included in the to teach what we believe to be the truth. GOSPEL OF CHRIST. We urge you. However, we are not so spiritually blind dear reader, to refer to the scriptures (157) cited to see that we are not leading we mention is remission of sins. (Acts you astray. 2:38.) a. One must believe in Christ. (Jno. b. This same passage teaches us that 8:24.) one shall receive the gift of the Holy b. One must repent of sins. (Lk. Spirit. While this may be difficult to 13:3.) define, one who believes the Bible will not doubt its being given to the obedi- c. One must confess Christ as God's ent. (Acts 2:38.) Son. (Acts 8:37.) c. Finally, we mention the promise of d. One must be baptized that sins be eternal life. (1 Jno. 5:11.) After all, washed away. (Acts 22:16.) is not this the ultimate end we are all e. One must continue to live faithfully seeking? before God. (Rev. 2:10.) This is the GOSPEL! Anything else is a perversion of it. Next month we 3. The GOSPEL makes certain pro- intend to begin a study of some per- visions for the person who has be- versions that are taught by men as lieved its facts and obeyed its com- they preach their doctrines or "gospels." mands. These are called promises. This examination will be a comparison a. The first of these promises that between creeds and the Bible. The Epistle of Joy By Paul K. Williams, Indianapolis, Indiana From Rome, where he had been im- membrance of you." "Now I would prisoned because of the unjust accusa- have you know, brethren, that the tions of influential Jews, and where he things which happened unto me have remained imprisoned because of self- fallen out rather unto the progress of serving politicians, the gospel." "Christ is proclaimed; and and where he, the therein I rejoice." "For to me to live vigorous and rest- is Christ, and to die is gain." "Make less apostle to the full my joy." "I joy, and rejoice with Gentiles, was be- you all." "Receive him therefore in ing forced to idle the Lord with all joy." "Finally, my away v a l u a b l e brethren, rejoice in the Lord." "My years when he joy and crown." "Rejoice in the Lord might have been always." "But I rejoice in the Lord preaching in Spain greatly." as he so greatly These beautiful words speak peace desired, the apos- and well-being to the troubled soul. tle Paul wrote the most joyful and They cause one to wonder how the contented letter in all the New Testa- apostle could obtain serenity and joy ment. To the church at Philippi, which in the face of his many persecutions. had recently sent to Paul to relieve some But the fact that he did has given of his needs, the aged apostle wrote courage to millions facing trials and what is to me the most beautiful epistle discouraging circumstances. of all. The apostle Paul was not insensitive to his trials and to the frustrations of "I thank my God upon all my re- his desire to preach to others who had not yet heard the Good Newsof the man thinketh to haveconfidence in the Christ.ButtherewasOnewhowas flesh, I yet more . . . Howbeit what higher and wiser than he. Paul knew things were gain to me, these have I that God was guiding all circumstances, counted loss for Christ." "Stretching and he looked for His hand. In his forward to the things which are before, own persecution he was able to see the I press on toward the goal unto the good coming from it. Even in attempts prize of the high calling of God in Christ of some of his false brethren to increase Jesus." He concludes with a beautiful his trials, he saw the furtherance of the chapter telling us to cling to and think gospel. So instead of wallowing in self- on those things which matter — which pity and chafing under the restraints lead to joy. 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Second Class postage paid at St. Louis, Mo. VOLUME 5______NUMBER 11 The Foolish Rich Man By Earl Kimbrough, Dothan, Alabama "Take heed, and beware of covetous- not reveal whether this man had a just ness: for a man's life consisteth not claim, but evidently the Lord knew I in the abundance of the things which that his request had its roots in covet- he possesseth." (Lk. 12:15.) Covetous- ousness. In reply Jesus said, "Man, ness has been de- whomademeajudgeoradividerover fined as the you?" It was not the mission of Jesus "greedy desire to to settle such matters of dispute. This have more." One was a matter for the civil administrators may be covetous under the law. The mission of Jesus whether he actual- was to save the lost. (Lk. 19:10.) It ly possesses the was not his mission to improve man's object of his greed lot materially in this life. While such or whether he a concept is involved in the social merely desires to gospel of modern denominationalism, possess it. It is the it is no part of New Testament Chris- evil desire of the tianity. Jesus said. "My kingdom is heart toward ma- not of this world." terial things that After informing the man that it was constitutes the sin of covetousness. not His place to be a judge in civil af- Paul described the covetous man as an fairs. Jesus then dealt with the man's idolater. Idolatry is the worship of problem. He said, "Take heed, and idols or false gods. The covetous man beware of covetousness." An idolater is an idolater because the object of is a slave to the depraved ideas his his greed becomes an idol or god to idols represent. If his god is material him. possessions, then he becomes a slave of Covetousness has always been among materialism and subject to all kinds of the more common sins of which men evil. "For the love of money is the are guilty. The Bible frequently warns root of all (kinds) of evil." (1 Tim. against it. The above warning from 6:10.) The reason men should beware the lips of Jesus was occasioned by a of covetousness is because "a man's request that a certain man made re- life consisteth not in the abundance of garding an inheritance. "And one of the things he possesseth." Yet, the the company said unto him. Master, world holds the view that material pros- speak to my brother, that he divide the perity is the goal of life. But the plea- inheritance with me." The record does sures it brings are temporary and de- ceptive. Possessions can neither pro- as thankful for what he received, we long life nor make it happy. Some of do not know about it. Such a man is the most wretched creatures on earth seldom thankful. He looked upon his possess vast amounts of the world's riches as if they were accumulated by goods. Riches cannot free one from his own strength completely without pain and suffering, and they certainly God. cannot save the soul from sin. Themotivethatcausedhimtodecide Jesus reinforces His teaching on cov- to build greater barns was selfish and etousness with a parable. "And he therefore sinful. He said, "And I will spake a parable unto them, saying, The say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much ground of a certain rich man brought goods laid up for many years: take forth plentifully: And he thought with- thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry." in himself, saying, What shall I do, This was the doctrine of the Epicurean because I have no room where to be- philosophers. It is the doctrine of athe- stow my fruits?" (Lk. 12:16.) Jesus ists. It is the doctrine of all who live did not condemn this man for having for self and give no thought to death possessions. His abundance was a re- and the judgment to come. To the sult of God's goodness. It was his rich man all that was worth while in attitude toward his possessions that life were leisure, feasting and merri- got him into trouble. He had more ment. This doctrine has many disciples than he needed or could use for himself. today. There are many today who This posed the problem, "What shall I labor only for that which today is and do?" Of course, he could easily have tomorrow is not. solved the problem his wealth created In the eyes of the Lord one who if he had been interested in pleasing reasons as this man did is a fool. "But God. There were other "barns" where God said unto him, Thou fool." He his surplus goods could have been had all that the world considers essen- "stored." There were widows, orphans, tial to success, but in the sight of God andothersinneedwhocouldhavemade he was a fool. There are five reasons good use of his overflow. And by prop- why "fool" is an apt title for this man. erly using his abundance to help others, (1) He left God out of his plans. Jere- hecouldhavelaiduphisgoodsinbarns miah warned that it is not in man to that never fail. He could have laid up direct his own steps, but this is exactly treasure in heaven. what the rich man tried to do. (2) He But because he was moved by greed forgot his duty to his fellowman. "But rather than love, he solved his prob- whoso hath this world's good, and lems selfishly. "And he said, This will seeth his brother have need, and shut- Ido:Iwillpulldownmybarns,and teth up his bowels of compassion from build greater; and there will I bestow him, how dwelleth the love of God in all my fruits and my goods." His him?" (1 Jno. 3:17.) (3) He thought language abounds with selfish terms. his riches would satisfy all his needs God does not require us to share with for years to come. How wrong he was! the needy all that we have. The word (4) He missed the whole purpose of of God, for example, teaches the wisdom life. "Let us hear the conclusion of the of preparing for our children. But the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his richmanintheparableintendedto commandments: for this is the whole use "all" his fruits for himself. Not duty of man." (Eccl. 12:13.) (5) He one whit would he share with the des- failed to reckon with death. He plan- titute. If the man was even so much ned for many years and didn't even (162) have tomorrow.Any man who thinks To which some thoughtful person is he has control over his own lifespan is reported to have replied, "Why, he left a fool. it all." God said, "This night is thy soul The rich man in the parable was required of thee: then whose shall careful to provide for that which was those things be which thou hast pro- nottobe,andfailedtoprovidefor vided?" This shows the futility of that which was certain. His concern amassing a fortune for selfish use. "For was only for his life upon earth. He we brought nothing into this world, stands in the word of God as testimony and it is certain we can carry nothing to all who would follow his example. out. And having food and raiment let He illustrates the Lord's teaching on us be therewith content." (1 Tim. covetousness. "Take heed, and beware 6:7,8.) When the great financier, of covetousness: for a man's life con- J. P. Morgan, died, someone asked the sisted not in the abundance of the question, "How much did he leave?" things which he possesseth."


For the past thirteen years The Preceptor has been coming my way each month. Founded at The January, 1965, issue of Tampa, Fla., in 1951 and edited at that time by a group of gospel preachers, the periodical is now APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE will published at Beaumont, Tex., and capably edited by Stanley J. Lovett. I have in my possession a beaspecialon copy of every issue of this good paper to date. These back issues preserved in bound volumes are excellent reference material. We congratulate The Preceptor on becoming a twice-a-month publication as it enters its fourteenth SEVENTH-DAY year. We hope some of our readers will be interest- ed in subscribing. Send S3.00 for each yearly sub- scription to The Preceptor, Box 187, Beaumont, Tex. You will get 24 issues of 12 pages each, a ADVENTISM total of 288 pages of good material. * * * "Could I suggest some thoughts as to future articles? Would you write concerning the organi- Feature Article: "Why I Left the zational structure of the various 'sects' such as the 'Jehovah's Witnesses' so called? These people Seventh-Day Adventist Church" object to the pope (one man) and turn right around and place in their chain of command a president by Leo Rogol. (one man)!!! They continually harp about the unscripturalness of the Roman church and all of 'Christendom' but I wonder what would happen if their own chain of command beginning with the 'pioneers,' 'publishers,' etc. on up to the 'president' were put down on paper and Bible authority de- manded for each step. Such a study could be made of all of the rest also. "I wish you continued success in your much- PlaceyourorderNOWforextra needed publication." —John A. Humphries, Harrisburg, Pa. copies. Use this issue as a tract. * * * "I enjoy the messages written by the brethren Price, 10 copies for $1.00. in the paper and they are useful to me in teaching the Word." —Clinton Patrick, Cob Hill, Ky. (163) God's Commandments By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri God is the Creator, man the creature. would be excluded. If it necessitated a This puts God in the position to make high degree of social rank, many of us whatever laws and rules He may choose. could never be baptized. Its prerequi- This, apart from other considerations, sites, faith and a repentant heart, are is sufficient rea- within the reach of responsible people son for man's be- everywhere. The necessary element, ing subject to water, is available wherever men dwell. God's will. Jeho- The action, immersion in water, re- vah has the inher- quires no special skill. ent right to is- 2. God's commandments must be sue command- obeyed. Jesus said, "Not every one ments and expect that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall obedience from enter into the kingdom of heaven; but His creature, man. he that doeth the will of my Father We of the hu- which is in heaven." (Matt. 7:21.) man family must Christ is "the author of eternal salva- learn the proper tion unto all them that obey him." attitude toward (Heb. 5:9.) God has given certain the commandments of the Lord. Notice commandments which we must obey to the following four facts which God re- become His children. As members of vealed in this connection: His family, we continue in obedience. 1. God's commandments are not John wrote, "And hereby we do know grievous. (1 John 5:3.) The word that we know him, if we keep his com- grievous means "heavy," "burdensome," mandments. He that saith, I know or "violent." Nothing which God ex- him, and keepeth not his command- pects of us is unreasonable. Nothing is required that is beyond our ability. A man whose heart is right will never complain of the duties imposed on him by heaven. It is the man who loves sin and desires carnal pleasure who will complain that God expects too much of us. He is like a child rebelling against a loving parent. Men frequently refuse to comply with the commandment of baptism. They scoff at baptism and pronounce it contrary to reason. But I ask, what is unreasonable about it? The action required is simple, clear, and not be- yond our ability to perform. Baptism can be obeyed by the poor and rich alike, by males and females, by young men and old men, by the learned and unlearned, and by people of all races. If the act required wealth, many of us (164) ments, is a liar, and the truth is not in for God, haveapious countenance, and him." (1 John 2:3,4.) do many wonderful works, but if God would not be just in holding us he does not love his brother, he dis- responsible for keeping His command- obeys God and makes his boast of love ments if they were out of our reach. To a lie. "If a man say, I love God, and say that the commandments are unrea- hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he sonable is equivalent to charging that that loveth not his brother whom he God is harsh and unfair. Woe unto the hath seen, how can he love God whom man who dares to look up and say unto he hath not seen?" (1 John 4:20.) the loving, merciful Father, "Thou art 4. Doing the commandments of God unjust and unfair!" Our Maker's in- is our badge of admission to heaven. finite justice finds expression in the Have you ever tried to enter the re- commandments given and in the pun- stricted area of a plant, factory, or ishment to be inflicted on those who military base where only persons with disobey. proper identification were admitted? An individual with the proper badge 3. Obedience to God's commandments could walk right in; others were turned proves our love. Jesus said, "If ye love away at the gate. me, keep my commandments." (John The last chapter of the Bible reveals, 14:15.) "He that hath my command- "Blessed are they that do his command- ments, and keepeth them, he it is that ments, that they may have right to the loveth me: and he that loveth me shall tree of life, and may enter in through be loved of my Father . . ." (John the gates into the city." (Rev. 22:14.) 14:21.) The apostle John wrote. "For DOING THE COMMANDMENTS is this is the love of God, that we keep our right to partake of the fruit of the his commandments . . ." (1 John 5:3.) tree of life. DOING THE COM- We may shout long and loud about how MANDMENTS is our right, our badge, much we love God, but the proof of allowing us to pass through the gates love is in keeping His will. into that heavenly city. This truth Let us use one of John's illustrations. within itself stresses the essentiality of God has commanded that we love one obedience to God's will if we desire another. A man May boast of his love heaven.

Following Christ By B. M. Lipscomb, Jacksonville, Florida We must follow where Christ leads us. Who study earnestly his word We must walk where he has trod. And in "what is written" stay. Not the rocky paths of Judaea: But commandments of our God. Oh. Christian, study well his word You may gladly thereby grow, No, not the path by Jordan's tide And work and pray, love and obey: Nor through rich and fertile plain: For our God would have it so. But walk with Christ, obeying him: Thus salvation to attain. Eternally with him you'll live, Joy and peace forever share. God loves, protects, and cares for those, And live forever with your God; All who gladly him obey; In joy beyond compare! (165) compose the church of God. (1 Cor. 4: 15; 1:2.) Now, what does the scripture teach I on this subject? Paul wrote to Timothy that "All scripture is inspired by God ..."(2Tim.3:16),notinspiredby The above caption is from an adver- the Catholic Church. Again we read, tisement put out by the Supreme Coun- "God ... last of all in these days HAS cil, KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS, Re- spoken to us by his Son . . ." (Heb. ligious Information Bureau, of St. 1:1,2), not through or by the Catholic Louis, Mo. The advertisement is to get Church. Peter wrote, "And we have people to send for a free pamphlet thewordofprophecy...thatno entitled: "The Bible is NOT our Sole prophecy or Scripture is MADE by- private interpretation. For not by Guide." WILL of man was prophecy I would like to consider some of the BROUGHT at any time; but holy men things in the advertisement in the light of God SPOKE as they were MOVED of the Bible. I will quote from the by the Holy Spirit" (2 Pet. 1:19-21), Catholic version of the Bible using not GIVEN by the Catholic Church. "The DUOAY VERSION of THE Then Peter wrote to the Ephesians, OLD TESTAMENT," and "THE "that mystery which in other ages was CONFRATERNITY EDITION of not known to the sons of men, as now THE NEW TESTAMENT," with the it has been REVEALED to his holy "IMPRIMATUR" of Francis Cardinal apostles and prophets in the Spirit Spellman, Archbishop of New York, (Eph. 3:5), not through the Catholic April 10, 1950. Church. So Jude writes, "exhorting First, the article begins by saying, you to contend earnestly for the faith "Catholics have a genuine love and re- ONCE for all delivered to the saints" spect for the Bible. It could not be (Jude 3), not delivered to the Catholic otherwise, for the Catholic Church is Church in the 4th Century. Thus, the the Mother of the Bible." Bible used by the Catholic Church proves that she is not the "Mother of Both of the above statements are the Bible." untrue as we will see. The statement that "Catholics have a genuine love and Next, the article states: "we do not respect for the Bible" is foolish and agree with the modern theory that the absurd since they do not accept it as Bible is the one and only source of their sole guide in religious teaching religious truth." Now, where did they for the man of God. (See 2 Tim. 3:16, get that idea? Not from the Bible, for 17.) Next, the statement that "The it teaches: "All Scripture is inspired by Catholic Church is the Mother of the God and USEFUL for teaching, for re- Bible" is also absurd, ridiculous, non- proving, for correcting, for instructing sensical and utterly false. The Bible is in justice; that the man of God may the word of God (Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4: be PERFECT, equipped for "EVERY 12), and the word is the SEED of the GOOD WORK" (2 Tim. 3: 16-17), kingdom or church. (Lk. 8:11.) If the "his divine power HAS granted us ALL Catholic statement were true, then the THINGS pertaining to life and piety Church or kingdom begat SEED, rather . . ." (2 Pet. 1:3.) Hence, the scrip- than the SEED (God's Word) beget- tures claim to be all-sufficient, self- ting children of God (Jas. 1:18) who sufficient to make the man of God (166) PERFECT, equipped for "EVERY equipped for every good work.(2Tim. GOOD WORK." 3:16, 17; Eph. 3:3-5.) Next, they argue, "Christianity be- Trying to sustain their argument they ganwiththecomingofChrist—not quote the following: "The Gospel of with the writing of the Bible. And St.John,forexample,says:'...there Christ had established His church . . . are many other things which Jesus did which St. Paul called 'the pillar and which are not written in this book.' " mainstay of the truth,' long before any Now, why did they fail to quote the of the books of the New Testament rest of the passage and leave the wrong had been written. The Saviour did not impression? Was it to deceive? The command us to read anything, but He passage teaches that the things written did command us to hear His Church." were "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that Again, they quote a Scripture and believing you may have life in his twist and wrest it to teach something name." (John 20:30,31.) that the Scriptures do not teach, i. e. "The Saviour did not command us to Also, they argue, "And St. Paul said: read anything, but He did command 'Stand fast and hold the traditions us to hear His Church." It is true that which you have learned, whether by the church is "the pillar and mainstay word, or by our epistle' " (2 Thess. of the truth." (1 Tim. 3:15), but it is 2:15), trying to prove that we must NOT true that we are not commanded accept the "traditions" of the Catholic to READ anything but to HEAR His Church. Now, does Paul's statement Church, as if the Catholic Church is prove that we are bound by the tradi- Christ's Church with power to bind and tions of the Catholic Church and that loose on earth things not WRITTEN they can bind things not written in the in the Scriptures. In Matt. 21:42, Jesus Scriptures? Certainly not! But the asked the chief priests and elders, "Did statementofPauldoesshowthatthe you never READ in the Scriptures . . ." members of the church in Thessalonica Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "For we were to "hold the teachings that YOU WRITE nothing to you that you do have learned, whether by word or by not READ and understand." (2 Cor. letter of ours." (2 Thess. 2:15.) Jesus 1:13.) To the Ephesians he said, "As Christ, the head of the church (Eph. I have WRITTEN above in brief; and 1:22,23) chose apostles and made so by READING you can perceive . . ." them His ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) (Eph. 3:3,4.) Then to the Colossians with power to bind and loose on earth he wrote, "And when this letter has what had been bound and loosed in been READ among you, see that it be heaven. (Mt. 16:19; 16:18.) Hence, READ in the church of the Laodiceans what they spoke and wrote was in- also; and that you yourselves READ spired of God (1 Cor. 2:10-13; Eph. the letter from Laodicea." (Col. 4:16.) 3:1-7), and those who heard them To the Thessalonians he wrote, "I were required to "hold the traditions CHARGE you by the LORD that this (or teachings) which YOU have learned epistle be READ to all the holy breth- . . ." But the voices of the apostles — ren." (1 Thess. 5:27.) He charged inspired men — have been stilled for Timothy, "Until I come be diligent in nearly nineteen centuries. No one now READING ..." (1 Tim. 4:13.) Then can HEAR their voice, but we can in Revelation or the Apocalypse we READ what they WROTE, which can read, "Blessed is he who READS and make the man of God PERFECT, those who hear the words of this proph-

(167) ecy,andkeep the things that are taught by Christ was brought to the WRITTEN" therein, for the time is at Apostles' memory by the Spirit and it hand." (Apoc. 1:3.) Thus, contrary, was WRITTEN to make the man of to Catholic teaching, the Saviour does God PERFECT — complete — equip- want us to READ the holy Scriptures. ped for every good work. Thus, con- As to WHOM we should HEAR, the trary to Catholic teaching, the Scrip- Scriptures teach: "This is my beloved tures do contain ALL TRUTH needed Son . . . HEAR HIM." (Matt. 17:5.) to make the man of God perfect or Again, "the Lord your God shall raise complete. up to you a prophet ... to him you We are warned not to go beyond shall HEARKEN in ALL THINGS (transgress) the things written nor add . . ." (Acts 3:22,23.) Thus, we see to or take away from the things written that the Scriptures teach us to HEAR lest we suffer condemnation. (1 Cor. CHRIST — not the voice of the Roman 4:6; Rev. 22:18, 19.) Catholic Church. Thus, we see that the Bible is the Their concluding argument is that REVELATION of God's will to man "while the Bible is the inspired Word and is all-sufficient, the supreme au- of God, there are certain truths taught thority in religious teaching, the last and exemplified by Christ which it court of appeal, and we need no other doesnotrecord...whichwillbefound teaching to equip us for "EVERY in the life, practice and teaching of GOOD WORK." Christ's Church — traditions dating The Catholic Church pretends to back to the days of the Apostles and have a genuine love and respect for the ante-dating the printing of the Bible." Bible, yet Catholics reject its teachings Can you name any truths taught by and set up the voice of the Church to Christ that are not recorded? The bind and loose on man things not found Bible teaches that "the Advocate, the WRITTEN in the Bible. Thus, you see holy spirit, whom the Father will send they do not really love and respect the in my name, he will teach you ALL Bible for they do not accept it as their THINGS, and BRING to your mind sole and all-sufficient guide in religious whatever I have SAID to you" (John teaching. 14:16), and "when he, the Spirit of We have written these things to truth, has come, he will TEACH YOU prove that the Bible is the one and ALL OF THE TRUTH." (John 16: only source of religious truth to man 13.) Paul wrote that by "revelation today and to help you not to be be- was made known to me the mystery, as guiled by the false teachings of the I have WRITTEN above in brief; and Catholic Church concerning the author- so by READING you can perceive . . ." ity of the Scriptures. If we cannot (Eph. 3:3,4), and to Timothy he depend upon the inspired Scriptures wrote, "thou hast known the SACRED to serve as our guide, then how can we WRITINGS, which are ABLE to in- be certain of human traditions taught struct thee unto SALVATION by the by any church or men? Jesus con- faith which is in Christ Jesus. All demned the human traditions added to Scripture is inspired by God and useful the law of Moses in Matthew 15. When for teaching, for reproving, for correct- the law was given, the people were ing, for instructing in justice: that the warned not to add to, nor to take from, man of God may be PERFECT, equip- the law (Deut. 4:2; 12:32), but when ped for every good work." (2 Tim. Christ came, he found they had trans- 3:15-17.) Hence, ALL the TRUTH gressed the law by their human tradi- (168) tions. Likewise, the Catholic Church You have friends who need to read transgresses the law of Christ by their this material. Why not subscribe for human traditions. Beware! them? Two dollars will bring the next —Glenn L. Shaver twelve issues their way.

Art, Immorality, and National Security By Dale Smelser, Mount Olive, Alabama While the social gospel is not the selves." (Isa. 3:8-9.) gospel of Christ and thus is not the Contrary to the opinion of many, in work of his church, Christians do have the eyes of Jehovah there is a worse social responsibilities. We do good to state than hypocrisy — being so in- others (Gal. 6:10), we obey civil ordi- different toward God and so brazen nances (1 Pet. 2:13), we are good with sin that no need to hide it is felt. workers, serving well our employers Admittedly, this is the posture of this (1 Pet. 2:18-20), and we pray for men nation to a greater degree than ever in high places in our country. (1 Tim. before. It was the posture of Judah and 2:1-2.) We are, if true disciples of numerous other nations before their Christ, the salt of the earth. We should consummate corruption and consequent make our country and our communities destruction by divine judgment. better places to live by our godly in- But when protests are brought fluence. We may be the very preserva- against lewd books, libidinous movies, tive that will cause a nation to stand licentious magazines, and lascivious rather than be destroyed, as just a few paintings and sculpture, the counter righteous souls might have saved battle cry is, "Censorship and persecu- Sodom. tion of artists." It is argued that the We should all be alarmed at the leadership of the uninhibited artists of moral, or perhaps immoral, climate in ancient Greece helped that nation to this nation. While there is ample evi- achieve such democratic freedom. (I dence that degeneration has set in, our wonder what contributed to the soften- society still has its apologists who say ing and decay of her people and ulti- that we are really no worse than before, mate fall!) It may be answered that it is just that we are not as hypocritical this nation has achieved greatness not and do not hide our activities as before. by any efforts of artists as conceived I will grant that things the Bible con- today, but more to the efforts of the demns as sin are now practiced more puritan ancestors and the foundation openly without shame than previously, they laid. butthisisnotcommendable;itis We have no quarrel with art as such. prima-facie evidence of wor s en i n g But today even our courts, in the name morals. Judah's fall was so predicated: of freedom of art. will justify the dirt- "For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is iest of books, movies, and magazines. fallen; because their tongue and their "Ifitisart,itisgood,"isthejudgment. doings are against Jehovah, to provoke This proposition needs challenging. the eyes of glory. The show of their Even if we take the pragmatic view, countenance doth witness against them: which views anything as good that is and they declare their sin as Sodom, beneficial, is all art good? Was art in they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! movies that took immoral excesses and fortheyhavedoneeviluntothem- made them appear normal and preva- (169) lent, thus encouraging the immature to Why should artists be "holy cows," and commit fornication and contributing to people of higher morals be placed at a the result that now one in six brides disadvantage in the assumed name of has already conceived a child before freedom? The realm of beauty, imagi- her wedding day, many being forced nation and interpretation can exist with- into marriages that soon end in heart- out corrupting. ache and tragedy — was that art good? What I am trying to say is that a Does it justify continued existence? thing is not good just because it can be Now it is the turn of the libertine to labeled "Art." The mass-media and cry, "An artist should be free to inter- our courts are working under the delu- pret life as he. sees it," the implication sion that it is. Christians need to exer- being that society is behind the times cise their influence for good and raise and should unquestionably admire and their voices in the land. accept any artistic production. Why? Should the interpretations of life of a By doing such, Christians are not few, as often as not well-off beatniks, goingtomaketheworldconformto be forced upon society without society the gospel. But there are countless having the right to object? Does not souls that can be made to live better the public have any protection from the lives by our influence and example. disseminators of depravity? When an Each individual so affected improves artist, whether writer, painter, or actor this nation that much and will help is rebuffed, let him take his medicine sustain it. (Prov. 14:34.) While you without cry-babying, "Censorship!" Let save your soul, you can help insure a the public have the right to say a thing modicum of tranquility (1 Tim. 2:2) is evil, or at least unwholesome and for your children. The land of promise damaging in influence, and ought not to was not given to Abraham immediately have free circulation to be paraded be- because, for one reason, "the iniquity of fore the impressionable eyes of its the Amorite is not yet full." Let us children. Other corrupting influences of pray that the iniquity of this nation is society such as narcotics are curtailed, not yet full, and that a change of why not the baser works of "art?" direction takes place.

Our Parents Are Not Our God My parents, in their early life, trav- most of the food they ate. Canning eled on foot or by horse and buggy or vegetables, killing hogs, curing meat, by wagon. The train offered the fast- raising chickens, gathering eggs — these est transportation in the event of an were essential tasks that required a emergency trip across country. I have good portion of time. And there were no remembrance of ever riding a buggy losses — the spoiling of canned goods, and only once in my life have I ridden dogs sucking eggs, thieves breaking a train. I go from place to place in a into the smoke house. My wife and I modern automobile with such conven- haveamuchbetterway.Wegotothe iences as a radio and a heater. Hurried super market and select food items cross-country trips are made by plane. from a broad variety of fruits, vege- Ihavenodesirewhatevertoreturnto tables, meats, frozen goods and canned the kinds of transportation used in goods. More and more we buy foods former generations. that require only a few minutes prepa- My parents and grandparents grew ration. A balanced diet is no problem- (170) The thought has never occurred to us would be rather foolish to say, "No; that we should give up these advantages whatever was good enough for my because our parents followed a differ- parents is good enough for me." But ent procedure thirty or forty years ago. in religion this is exactly how some When I was a child the only lighting folks reason. They may learn some system at our house was a kerosene Bible truth which their parents were lamp. We ate supper with the lamp never taught, yet they reject it because in the center of the table while shadows their parents knew nothing of it. The danced on the walls. All the family parents were members of a denomina- left the kitchen at the same time and tional organization; the children grow the lamp was moved to a living room up and find something much better — table. Today I enjoy bright electric the undenominational, blood-bought lights in every room of the house, and church of our Lord. But, you see, they if some one appealed to me to quit cleave to the religion of mother and using electricity and go back to a father. They learn that baptism is im- "coal oil" lamp, I would think the mersion, but since their parents were idea quite silly. sprinkled they refuse to comply with what they have learned from the Bible. Why should I be deprived of some- What blindness! How foolish to ad- thing valuable and useful because my vance beyond our parents in other parents or grandparents did not have it? things but to pledge that we shall never They lived in the best manner they rise above them in spiritual matters! could, but if I find something better I —I. H. The Baptismal Gift of the Spirit By Jimmy Tuten, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri The factthattherearediversities of In some quarters the baptism of the gifts but the same spirit (1 Cor. 12: Holy Spirit receives attention in the 4), indicates that there are different classrooms and pulpits, but not enough gifts. Some of these are miraculous and teaching is done on the subject. Each another ordinary. of us could stand further enlightenment The ordinary gift, along these lines. The broadening of called the "gift of our understanding about this subject the Spirit" (Acts brings about appreciation of the two 2:38) was the instances of Holy Ghost baptism (Acts subject of our first 2:10), and clears away misunderstand- article. In this ing. With this in mind, I offer humbly writing I am cal- the following material on this subject. ling attention to the "baptism of Holy Spirit Baptism Is a Bible Subject the Holy Spirit." Contrary to the thinking of some, This gift of the churches of Christ do not deny that the Spirit, as com- baptism of the Spirit is a Bible subject. pared with the Indeed, it would be superfluous to argue other gifts, is an extraordinary gift, otherwise. The two instances recorded poured out only twice in the New Test- in the book of Acts are outstandingly ament dispensation. It is therefore a significant, revealing much that the supremely miraculous gift of the Spirit. average person overlooks. While we do (171) not deny that baptism of the Spirit has with water but ye shall be baptized with occurred, we do deny that people today the Holy Ghost not many days hence." receive the Holy Spirit in a baptismal (Acts 1:2-5; italics mine, J.T.) Since measure. In view of the nature of the this promise was limited to the twelve, outpourings of the Spirit, we today do the reception of that which was prom- not look for, nor desire, the baptism of ised was likewise limited to the twelve, the Spirit, since God at no time prom- The reception in this instance could be ised such a gift to all people for all no broader than the promise. (Jno. times. This special gift of the Spirit 14:16-18. 26; 16:7-15.) The fulfill- was the result of a promise, and other ment of this promise took place on the than the fact that the Spirit worked first Pentecost following the ascension through the apostles, revealing the of Jesus. On this occasion the Apostles "great salvation," the baptism of the were "all together in one place." (Acts Spirit was not essential to the salvation 2:1.) They of this verse grammatically of those who received it. Nor is it connects this verse or section with the essential to our salvation. It did not last verse of chapter one. Since they of accompany nor provide the remission chapter 2:1 were the Apostles of chap- of sins. It was not a part of salvation ter 1:26. it is apparent that the Apostles as was the ordinary gift. (Acts 2:38; alone received the baptism of the Holy 5:32.) In each instance, the baptism Spirit. of the Holy Ghost was given for a That the one hundred and twenty specific purpose. were not included in this baptism is The Object of the Occurrences further seen in the fact that Peter The recognition of the historicalness stood up "with the eleven" (Acts 2:14), of the accounts of Holy Spirit baptism and these constituted the only "Gali- compels us to seek an understanding of leans" who spoke as the Spirit gave the purpose of their occurrences. If them utterance. (Acts 2:4, 7; 1:2-11.) this is understood, then many questions Does it not seem strange that in speak- relative to the subject are cleared up. ing of those who did speak with the Therefore the proper approach to the power of the Spirit, they were referred subject before us would be to center to as "men full of new wine?" (Acts 2: our attention upon the instances of 13.) Since the 120 included women, it Holy Spirit baptism as recorded in the is obvious that if they had received the New Testament, giving special atten- baptism of the Spirit, they all would tion to the purpose and result of these have been speaking. Peter stood up baptisms. with the eleven because they alone received the outpouring of the Spirit Beginning with the first example of on Pentecost. this supremely significant gift of the Spirit, as recorded in Acts, the second 2. The Purpose of the Baptism on chapter, we notice: Pentecost Shows That There Has Never 1. The Apostles Alone Received the Been Another Case Exactly Like It Holy Spirit in Baptismal Form on Since That Time. This supreme gift to Pentecost. They alone were promised the Apostles was for the sole purpose this measure by Christ. Before his of qualifying and inspiring them for ascension to heaven, Jesus commanded the task of making known by revelation the Apostles to tarry in the city of the Will of God, and the placing in Jerusalem, and await the "promise of writing of that which was received by the Father, which, said He, ye have revelation. This was a promise to the heard of me. For John truly baptized Apostles for the purpose of teaching (172)

II them "all things," and to enable them a miracle to accomplish this end. The to remember all that Jesus had taught baptism of the Holy Spirit did not save them. (Jno. 14:26; 16:13.) The pour- the household of Cornelius, for its ing forth of the Spirit upon the Apos- inmates were told "words" whereby tles on Pentecost enabled them to they could be saved. (Acts 11:14.) proclaim with power God's unsearch- The Spirit did not fall upon the house- able riches by inspiration. (Gal. 1:12.) hold to purify hearts, for the hearts of Do not construe this to mean that those around Cornelius were purified by unless one was baptized with the Holy faith. (Acts 15:9.) After being bap- Ghost, no inspiration was given. Inspi- tized with the Holy Spirit, Cornelius ration was given apart from the baptis- and his family were commanded to be mal gift of the Spirit, as can be seen baptized in water for the remission of sins. (Acts 10:47-48: 2:38.) This from the fact that among the gifts given demonstrates that the Spirit's sudden by the laying of Apostles' hands, there and unexpected appearance did not was the gift of "revelation" (inspiration, accompany salvation. We conclude cf. 1 Cor. 12). But the fact still re- therefore, that what occurred in Acts mains, the purpose for the outpouring of 10 was for the sole purpose of convinc- the Spirit on Pentecost was to inspire ing all people that the Gentiles could the Apostles, and to give them power to be saved on the same basis (i. e., at work miracles and thus confirm that obedience to the gospel) as the Jews. which was spoken. (Heb. 2:1-3.) The The fact that God decreed that by the Apostles were therefore the supreme mouth of Peter, Gentiles should "hear witnesses of Christ, in Jerusalem and the word of the gospel, and believe" unto the uttermost parts of the earth. (Acts 15:7), points out the need of (Acts 1:5-8.) The power to do this was obedience apart from the outpouring of given to the apostles when the Holy the Spirit. The one baptism that saves Spirit came upon them. This occurred all is baptism in water for the remission on Pentecost. of sins. (Acts 2:38; 10:47.) In addition to this, the only other account of Holy Spirit baptism is re- Is Holy Spirit Baptism Needed Today? corded in Acts 10. Concerning this The answer to the above question is account, please observe: "no." It is not needed today. All reve- The Purpose for This Baptism Was lation finds its embodiment in the New to Eliminate Jewish Prejudice. Al- Testament and is completely confirmed. though this baptism was not the result (Heb. 2:1-4; Jno. 20:31.) With the of a direct promise, as was the case of aid of the Spirit, the apostles completed the Apostles, the Spirit was poured out their commission of revealing "the upon the household of Cornelius. Its faith," a system of revelation designed outpouring was for a different purpose. for the salvation of all mankind. (Jude This baptism was for the sole purpose 3; 2 Cor. 4:7.) The mystery of God of bearing testimony to the fact that has been revealed and can be under- Gentiles who obeyed God were accept- stood by all who read its record. (Eph. able to Him as were the Jews. Peter 3:1-5.) There is no need for more Eater used this incident as a defense of revelation by the Spirit and there is lis having gone into the household of no promise of further revelation. (Jude Cornelius, and his use of it shows that 3.) Where there is no response of a this was the only purpose for the out- baptismal measure of the Spirit for the pouring. (Acts 15:7-11.) Jewish preju- making known of God's will, there can dice had to be eliminated, and it took be no expectation. In addition to this. (173) we do not need the baptism of the miraculous gift of the Spirit, given to Spirit to remove prejudice between the Cornelius, independent of human hands Jew and Greek for no such prejudice served its purpose for all times. Repe- exists today. By reading the New Test- tition is not necessary. The purpose ament one can learn that there is neither of each baptismal measure was fulfilled "bond" nor "free," "Jew" nor "Greek," Why look for additional outpourings? for all have been made to "drink into Conclusion one Spirit." (1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28.) Seeing that the outpouring of the It does not take a miracle to teach us Spirit accomplished its goal, let us this outstanding fact. Just as the testi- center our attention upon the mission of mony of those who accompanied Peter the Apostles regarding truth. We have was sufficient to convince the Jews in this sublime truth and it is free from Peter's day without the need of repeat- the corruptions of men. Will we give ing the act. so our understanding of heed to what inspired men have taught? this fact is likewise based upon testi- They teach us to obey the gospel in mony of witnesses. (Acts 11:18.) order to become children of God. (2 They believed when the word was Thess. 1:1-9: Gal. 3:26-27; Mk. 16: spoken unto them: we believe that 15-16.) Will you do this that you which was written. The supremely might enjoy eternity with God? The Gospel of Christ (No. 2) By Lewis Willis, Kirkwood, Missouri Having noticed the specifics of the But though we, or an angel from GOSPEL last month, we are now ready heaven, preach any other GOSPEL to continue with our study on this sub- unto you than that which we have ject. With the coming, death, burial, preached unto you, let him be accursed. and resurrection As we said before, so say I now again, of Christ, t h e r e if any man preach any other GOSPEL was made possible unto you than that ye have received, certain b l es si n g s let him be accursed." (Gal. 1:6-9.) which exceed any There are many points of great value other blessings of to be gleaned from these verses, and all time. We are for our purposes just here, notice that recipients of these some were turning away from the blessings. It is, GOSPEL OF CHRIST and were turn- therefore, a great ing to another GOSPEL. Paul said question in the that this was not actually another minds of faithful GOSPEL, but some were PERVERT- men as to why ING THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. some people seek Some were changing the GOSPEL that to change the GOSPEL. was delivered to the world by the Spirit Hear this warning from the apostle of God. Paul further said that he had Paul:"Imarvelthatyearesosoon PREACHED THE GOSPEL and that removed from him that called you into the Galatians had RECEIVED it. If the grace of Christ unto another GOS- there came any man or angel, preaching PEL: Which is not another; but there any perverted GOSPEL, that man stood be some that trouble you, and would condemned; he was destined to receive pervert the GOSPEL OF CHRIST. the eternal curse of God. (174) The problem referred to by Paul is confess Him. They loved the praise of one which we face today. There are menmorethanthepraiseofGod. many men who are actively teaching a James 2:19 tells of demons that be- PERVERTED GOSPEL. In many re- lieved and trembled. Is there anyone spects, the truthfulness of their teach- who believes that these were justified? ing is not so much as challenged, and Without obeying the commands of the thus, many honest men believe the gospel as outlined in last month's corrupt doctrine. The purpose now is article, no man's faith will save him. to show the existence of some perver- One's faith must show itself in working sions of the GOSPEL that all may ever obedience to God's commands. "Ye see be on guard lest they become the then how that by works a man is justi- victims of these false teachers. fied, and NOT BY FAITH ONLY." (Jas. 2:24.) It is a simple denial and Justification of Man rejection of truth to teach the doctrine Let us notice the teaching of one of "faith only" when inspiration records prominent denomination on the justifi- such a forthright refutation of it in cation of man. "We are accounted James 2. righteous before God, only for the Therefore, this doctrine is a perver- merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus sion of the GOSPEL OF CHRIST for Christ, by faith, and not for our own it alters the commandments. No man works or deservings; wherefore, THAT will ever be justified until he obeys, WE ARE JUSTIFIED BY FAITH not part, but all of the commands of ONLY, IS A MOST WHOLESOME God. Hence, we can easily see that DOCTRINE, AND VERY FULL OF the doctrine of justification by faith COMFORT." (My emphasis, L. W.; only is not nearly as "full of comfort" Articles of Religion, Discipline of the as some preachers would have you Methodist Episcopal Church, 1914; believe. Methodist Discipline, I960.) The doc- trine is that man is justified before Next month we will examine the God, and that by FAITH ONLY. teaching of the Baptist Church on the subject of church membership, or how Illustration a man gains entrance into the Lord's How many times have you ever seen body. checks marked "only 50 cents?" I doubt that anyone misunderstands this Renew Your Subscription Promptly statement. We would not expect to receive 59 cents; ONLY 50 cents. In regard to this Methodist doctrine, we CRUDEN'S notice that Methodists teach that man is justified by "faith only." It would Popular Concordance be a misinterpretation of their doctrine to include repentance or confession, 563 Pages $2.95 for "faith only" excludes everything else. Order From There are examples in the New Test- ament of men who believed, but those APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE who teach the afore-mentioned doctrine 900 Smithshire will not agree that they were justified. St. Louis, Mo. 63135 John 12:42 tells of rulers of the syna- gogue that believed but would not (175)

VOLUME 5______NUMBER 12 The Mayor Looks at Dancing By Tom Baker, Jr., Phoenix, Arizona In the Oct. 30, 1964 issue of the gestive dancing prompts people to do, Arizona Republic the front page head- but is there a man who will deny that line read "MAYOR HITS TEEN dancing does excite passions and lusts DANCES." Under this, the column of people?) heading read, "Says Illicit Sex Starts "Hechargedthemajorcauseofthis at Halls." This front page article be- illicit activity is a breakdown in par- gan, "Mayor Graham said yesterday ental responsibility." If this is true, illicit sexual activity among Phoenix and surely it is. then the parents are teen-agers inspired at dance halls has the ones who can put a sudden stop become one of the city's major prob- to this problem by refusing to permit lems." their children to even be present where "The mayor said he personally visit- dancing takes place! (See 1 Thess. ed two teen-age halls last weekend and 5:22.) 'saw the most vulgar thing I've ever The mayor learned a lot of things seen in my life.' " that all of us would learn if we were He said he found: to visit some of the dances of the "—Girls wearing short shorts 'so young people of this city. But would tight that I don't see how the material parents see what the mayor saw? They doesn't tear off.' " (If the mayor thinks would if they just open their eyes! The that is something, he should visit some mayor's discoveries and remarks are of the city swimming pools and see not news to gospel preachers. They what the young girls are wearing in have had to deal with tins problem be- these public places. And while he is fore. Young people in the church have at it let him take a look at what some become involved in this sin. Parents of the mothers are wearing to the gro- have permitted their children to par- cery store!) ticipate in this lasciviousness when they "—Teen-agers smoking. This is a- have known better. Some parents have gainst the law. actually "pushed" their children into "—Youngsters out after midnight in these activities because they wanted violation of the city curfew. their children to be popular and to "—Suggestive dancing that prompt- have a good time. Others have permit- ed couples to leave the dance hall for ted the children to dance because they immoral purposes." (The mayor did did not have the backbone or the con- not elaborate on this statement. He did trol over the child to say no. not explain how he knows what sug- (See DANCING...... Page 167) Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts By Jimmy Tuten, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri The Holy Spirit, as given to certain of the Spirit received at the point of individuals, is described as a "gift." obedience. However, whether or not To be specific, there are three distinct one received a spiritual gift in no way gifts of the Spirit. One is given at affected the salvation of the Christian. baptism and is re- One could be a faithful child of God ceived by all con- and still not have one of these spiritual verts to C h r i s t . gifts. But it should be observed that (Acts 2:38.) This non-Christians never received a single gift is common to gift under discussion in this writing. all who are bap- There Are Nine Spiritual Gifts tized into Christ, In 1 Corinthians 12-14, the Apostle and constitutes a Paul describes in detail the spiritual mark of identity gifts, showing their manner of operation for the child of and duration. These diversities of gifts God. (Rom. 8:15- with their difference of administrations 17.) This gift is and operations were given for the spe- never miraculous. cific purpose of profiting man. (1 Cor. There is another 12:1, 4-7.) The first spiritual gift the gift of the Spirit spoken of in the New writer calls our attention to is the gift Testament, which does not accompany known as the "word of wisdom." (1 obedience to the gospel. This is a su- Cor. 12:8.) This expression is a trans- premely miraculous measure referred to lation of logos sophias, meaning "a commonly as the "baptismal measure knowledge of the divine plan, previous- of the Spirit." The baptismal measure ly hidden, of providing salvation for of the Spirit was a special gift, poured men by the expiatory death of Christ out to fulfill a promise and to eliminate . . . The ability to discourse eloquently racial distinction between Jew and Gen- of this wisdom." It is apparent that tile with reference to the Gospel of this is wisdom received by inspiration. Christ. (Acts 2:15.) There are only (1 Cor. 2:2, 6-8, 10, 12.) The second two instances of this type of outpour- giftlistedin1Corinthians12isthe ing recorded in the New Testament. gift known as "the word of knowledge." There is no indication in the New Tes- This is also a gift of inspiration and tament that such a measure will ever refers to "the deeper, more perfect and be poured out upon mankind in the enlarged knowledge of this wisdom, such future. These "baptismal" measures as belongs to the more advanced." were for specific purposes and involved (All definitions are from Thayer's special instances, and are not essential Greek-English Lexicon.) When sophias to man's salvation. (wisdom) and gnoseos (knowledge) are In this writing, let us center our used together, as is the case in 1 Cor- minds upon the third phase of our inthians 12:8, the former means wisdom study, the "spiritual gifts." While there as exhibited in action, while the latter are "diversities of gifts" (1 Cor. 12:7), refers to knowledge by itself. The next no one person received all the gifts. The gift is "faith." (1 Cor. 12:9.) This is "spiritual gifts" are distinct from the conviction received by inspiration: baptismal measure, and were always something held in good faith without given in addition to the ordinary gift necessary reference to its proof. Paul (178) then mentions the "gifts of healing" and "giftof the Spirit" and was said to be "working of miracles." (1 Cor. 12:9- "full of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38; 10.) These were signs for the purpose 6:3.) The apostles laid their hands of producing proof that those who per- upon the seven that were selected, and formed them were sent from God, and as indicated by the context, Philip re- that their message was authentic; hence, ceived the power to work miracles. supernatural acts performed a divine (Acts 6:6, 8:6-7.) Since nothing is purpose, with a divine cause behind said about Philip from the time hands them. Another spiritual gift is "proph- were laid on him until he worked mir- ecy" (1 Cor. 12:10), translated from acles, we conclude that such was given propheteia. This word is closely akin by the laying on of the hands of the to "wisdom" and "knowledge," with the apostles. This gift was not the result exception that in addition to speaking of the Spirit working directly upon him, by inspiration, this has reference to nor was it sent in answer to prayer. speaking "under sudden impulse." A second aspect in the case of Philip, Then, there is the "discerning of is the fact that a second party (person spirits." (1 Cor. 12:10.) This refers to receiving the gift) could not pass this the ability to separate and discriminate gift on to others (third party). In Acts the spirits, discerning which spirits 8 we notice that Philip is in Samaria were false and which were true. The preaching Christ, and that he uses his last two gifts are "tongues" and "inter- spiritual gift received by the laying on pretation of tongues." The tongues of hands to confirm the word which he refer to languages and not to unintel- preached. (Acts 8:5-6, Heb. 2:3-4.) A ligible utterances. large number of the people of Samaria were obedient to the faith, and being How Were Spiritual Gifts Given? baptized, they received the remission of The fact that there were different sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. gifts and different manifestations of (Acts 2:38; 8:12.) Yet, they did not those gifts, should make it clear that receive the miraculous gift of the Spirit, all Christians did not receive the same for this was given in addition to the gift. (1 Cor. 12:8-10, 29-30.) The common gift and there was no apostle "One and selfsame Spirit" divided to present to impart this to them. Hence, each man "severally" as he willed to do Peter and John, being sent by the apos- so. (1 Cor. 12:11.) The text says, "to tles, went down from Jerusalem for the one is given" wisdom, "to another" express purpose of bestowing this gift knowledge, etc. Different gifts were upon the new converts. (Acts 8:14-17.) therefore given to different men. Now This is further emphasized by the fact how were each of these gifts given? that Simon "saw that THROUGH THE LAYING ON OF THE APOSTLE'S The New Testament teaches that in HANDS the Holy Ghost was given each instance, this gift was given by . . ." (Acts 8:18-19, emphasis mine, thelayingonofanapostle'shands.At J. T.) The desire of Simon to have the no time was it ever given in any other "power" to convey the gift by the lay- way. (Acts 6:6; 8:14-19; 19:5-8; 2 ingonofhandsshowsthatthisgiftwas Tim. 1:1.) To illustrate this, let us in addition to the ordinary gift of Acts notice the case of Philip. Philip was 2:38 and differed from the baptismal one of the seven selected by the church gift of Acts 2:1-6. at Jerusalem to look after the "daily ministration." (Acts 6:1-6.) Since he Some, in view of Acts 8:16, question was a baptized believer, he had the (See GIFTS...... Page 182) (179) On Joining- the Methodist Church By Irvin Himmel, St. Louis, Missouri The latest piece of literature to be England, and Methodism to all intents sent our way with the request that it be and purposes had become an independ- given some attention is a small tract ent church." entitled, "HOW TO JOIN THE When a group of people go out and METHODIST start their own religious society, what CHURCH." Hav- is to prevent their organizing to suit ing carefully read their tastes, their conducting services as the tract, I offer it pleases them, their writing their own our readers some rules, and their prescribing whatever observations on it. terms of admission into their sect that The tract de- they may wish? Surely, the Baptists clares that there have no right to tell the Methodists how are four ways to one is to get into the Methodist Church, become a member and the Catholics have no right to tell of The Methodist the Presbyterians how one is to get into Church: "(1) their denomination, and the Adventists from a prepara- have no right to tell the Lutherans how tory membership one may enter their society. training class, (2) upon profession of faith, (3) upon renewal of faith, or But remember, good friends, Jesus (4) by transfer of membership from Christ established His church long, long some other church." Ifindnofault before these man-made religious bodies with these statements. The Methodists sprang up. And no man on earth has can make whatever rules they please for the right to tell the Son of God how admission into their denomination. If people are to be admitted to His church. they want to add a fifth way by an- Christ's church is neither Methodist, nouncing that one can become a Meth- Baptist, Presbyterian, Adventist, Rom- odist by jumping a fence, I shall not object. APOSTOLIC The Methodist Church is a denomina- tion founded by John Wesley. The DOCTRINE Discipline informsusthatTheMethod- Published Monthly by BIBLE INFORMATION PUBLISHERS ist Church "had its origin within the 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo., 63135 Church of England. Its founder was John Wesley, a clergyman of that Second Class postage paid at St. Louis. Mo. church, as was his father before him." It is further explained in the Discipline, EDITOR, Irvin Himmel "In the beginning Wesley had thought ASSOCIATE EDITORS of his fellows not as constituting a Frank Jamerson Ferrell Jenkins church but simply as forming so many SUBSCRIPTIONS: Single—$2.00 Per Year societies. The preachers were not or- Five or More, Each—$1.50 Per Year Group of Fifty—$5.50 Per Month dained, and the members were supposed BUNDLE RATE: Ten Copies for $1.00 to receive the Sacraments in the Angli- Address All Communications to can Church. But the Anglican clergy in APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE America were few and far between. The 900 Smithshire St. Louis, Mo. 63135 Revolution had severed America from (180) an Catholic, nor any other similar if he comes from the Roman Catholic brand. In the holy scriptures the plan Church, the , of admission into that divine body is or some Protestant denomination other revealed. If you are interested in join- than Methodist. In other words, any ing The Methodist Church, you need sort of baptism is valid. According to to get a copy of the little tract I am Methodism, the important thing is that discussing. If you want one, write to a person profess faith in Christ and Methodist Evangelistic Materials. 1908 submit to some form of so-called "Chris- Grand Ave., Nashville 5, Tenn. If you tian" baptism. want to join some other denomination, The Discipline elaborates on this contact someone in that society and he point as follows: "A member in good can tell you the rules. But if you are standing in any Christian denomination interested in becoming a member of who has been baptized and who desires Christ's church, get out your Bible and to unite with The Methodist Church read it. Give particular attention to the may be received into membership by a book of Acts, since that book deals proper certificate of transfer from his especially with how people are convert- former church, or by his own declara- ed to Christ and united with Him in His tion of Christian faith, and upon affirm- body, the church that He purchased ing his willingness to be loyal to The with His blood. Read about how 3,000 Methodist Church, and after he and were added to Christ's church on Pente- the members of the church have en- cost in Acts 2. Read about the conver- tered into solemn covenant with one sion of the Samaritans and the man another as provided in the Ritual." from Ethiopia in Acts 8. Read other cases in chapters 9, 10, 16, and 18. Of course, Methodists give people Read the letter from Paul to the Ephe- "the choice of sprinkling, pouring, or sians to learn more about the relation- immersion," I have often wondered ship of Christ and the church and how what their attitude would be if some the church fits into God's eternal plan. church started "dry cleaning" people. What if some denomination authorized Now, quite naturally, people who join its preachers to lay a dry towel on the a denominational group are expected to candidate's head and say, "I baptize be loyal to that group. The tract upon thee;" would they accept that as bap- which I am commenting reveals that tism? If they decided upon it, the persons joining The Methodist Church Methodists could do like the Quakers are asked to make this pledge: "Will and eliminate baptism altogether — you be loyal to The Methodist Church, even what they erroneously call "bap- and uphold it by your prayers, your tism." Since they revise their "Discip- presence, your gifts, and your service?" line" from time to time, what would Obviously, one who wants to unite with stop them from changing anything? the church of our Lord would not be In Biblical usage the word "baptize" expected to make such a pledge. Go has a specific meaning — to dip, im- back to the Bible and see for yourself. merse, or submerge. It no more means People confessed faith in Christ (Acts "sprinkle" or "pour" than it means 8:36,37; Rom. 10:9,10), but there was "dry clean." Therefore the apostle Paul no promise of allegiance to a human wrote that "we are buried with him by society. baptism." (Rom. 6: 6; Col. 2:12.) Men The tract under consideration states and women who respect the will of that one who wants to join The Method- Christ would not think of either elimi- ist Church need not be baptized again nating baptism from God's plan or sub- (181) stituting another action. Again I say,a Church" when they could be occupied human religious organization can make in telling people how to become mem- whatever rules it pleases, but the Lord bers of the church of the living God! prescribes the rules for His church. Thereis"onebaptism."(Eph.4:5.)It is by that one baptism that we enter (GIFTS...... Continued) the body, His church. (1 Cor. 12:13.) whether the Samaritans had received the According to the little tract, some Holy Spirit before Peter and John laid think they are not good enough to join their hands upon them. The verse says The Methodist Church. The writer of "for as yet he was fallen upon none of the tract replies, "Who is? The church them: only they were baptized in the is not a gallery of saints." Iamnot name of the Lord Jesus." To take this sure what he means by "gallery." Per- conclusion, one would have to deny the haps he means an exhibition room. apostolic promise of Acts 2:38 and Whatever kind of "gallery" we might Paul's instruction of the indwelling Spir- think about, The Methodist Church is it as a characteristic of the Christian. not one "OF SAINTS." Rather, "It (Rom. 8:9-11.) If the verse teaches is a school for sinners . . ." Your Meth- anything, it teaches that there is no odists, don't turn up your noses at me! connection between baptism and the One of your own writers has declared laying on of hands. The latter certainly against your sainthood and has labeled was not common to all disciples, but your denomination a "school for sin- constituted a special gift which only an ners." I take it that no one knows apostle could convey. This conclusion Methodists any better than one of their alone accords with the action of the own number. apostles in sending Peter and John downtoSamaria.Letitbestressed In contrast, the Bible teaches that again, that the special gifts of the Spirit, Christ's church is composed of saints. known as "spiritual gifts," were given A "saint" in the Bible is a "sanctified" in addition to that received in Acts (set apart, consecrated) person. All who 2:38, and could only be given by the obey the gospel are sanctified. When laying on of an apostle's hand. If Philip one obeys the gospel he becomes a could have conveyed such a gift, it Christian — a member of the Lord's would have been useless for the apostles church. I wouldn't call the Lord's to send Peter and John to Samaria. housea"gallery,"butitismadeupof saints — saved ones. (Read Rom. 1:7; The Purpose and Duration of the Gifts 16:15; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 1:1; Eph. During its infancy, the church de- 2:19; 1 Cor. 6:11.) "Sanctification" pended upon oral instructions. (Acts does not mean sinless perfection, as 20:20-27; 2 Pet. 3:1-2.) Until inspired some suppose, but if it be proper to call teaching was placed in writing, the oral our Lord's church a "school," it is not instruction constituted that which was a school of sinners. Sinners are to be described by inspired writers as being schooled or disciplied or taught before "in part." (1 Cor. 13:8-10.) "In Part" they are baptized (Matt. 28:18,19), means "one of the constituent parts of then as SAINTS we are schooled or a whole; in part, partially, i. e., imper- taught the observance of all things fectly ... Is a contrasted term in ex- Christ has commanded. Matt. 28:20.) press opposition to the idea of a com- It is sad to think that intelligent men plete whole." (Thayer's Greek-English would waste time and material writing Lexicon, p. 401.) This revealed will of on "How to Join The Methodist God existed in this manner until "that (182) which is perfect" was come. (1 Cor. the Biblical world (Col. 1:23), it be- 13:10.) By referring to pages 618-619 came difficult for the apostles to be of Thayer's Lexicon, one will note that present with all converts. The New "perfect" denotes the finished product, Testament had not been written and the idea of completeness, and is the op- some means of teaching was necessary. posite to "in part" of verse nine. Just Through the spiritual gifts given to new as the miraculous was needed in the converts the unerring revelation of material creation to bring all things God's will was made known, though into being, but was not needed there- the apostles were laboring in other after because all things functioned fields.Thegiftsalsoservedtocon- according to God's natural laws, so it firm the word since Christianity was a is with the spiritual realm. Miracles new thing in the days of the apostles. were involved in the establishment There were two objects in mind then: of the church arid were necessary to (1) conversion of sinners, (2) building its early existence, but thereafter the up of saints. As the apostles went forth perfect seed of the kingdom perpetuat- and preached everywhere, the Lord ed its existence. This miraculous in- worked with them, and confirmed the volved inspiring the apostles (Jno. 14- word by the signs that followed. (Mk. 16), and confirming that which they 16:20; Heb. 2: 1-3.) spake. (Heb. 2:3-4.) These spiritual gifts were therefore provisional, and the means of revealing the will of God. This KEY TO SALVATION:"Repent, explains why they were never intended and be baptized every one of you in to be lasting in: actual expression. Now the name of Jesus Christ for the re- that all things have been fully revealed mission of sins, and ye shall receive (Jude 3), and all things pertaining to the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts our salvation rest upon a sound histori- 2:38.) cal basis, there is no need for spiritual gifts. Instead of our faith resting upon SPECIAL ON ADVENTISM those things which are "in part," it. APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE begins its rests upon that which is "perfect." sixth year of publication with a (James 1:25; 2 Pet. 1:3.) Those who special on Seventh-Day Adventism. demand the performance of the spiritual Read Leo Rogol's interesting and in- gifts today deny the divine purpose for formative article on "Why I Left the their existence in apostolic days, and Seventh-Day Adventist Church." Place they set aside the inauguration of the your order now for extra copies of the gospel. Now that the church is a per- Jan., 1965, issue. The bundle rate is fected body (Eph. 4:13), it no longer ten copies for $1.00. needs signs, wonders and miracles to sustain it. (1 Cor. 13:9-12.) Now Our two previous special numbers abides the more excellent way, faith, were well received. One of these was hope and love. (1 Cor. 13.) a debate on baptism; the other was devoted to Catholicism. We have a fewcopies(perhapstwoorthree Conclusion dozen) of each of these remaining. It is obvious that these spiritual gifts They may be obtained while they last were not for the sole benefit of the re- at regular bundle rate. cipients. God intended that they exist for the advantage of all. As churches ....and don't forget to renew began to come into existence throughout your subscription TODAY! (183) The Model Church

Well, wife, I found a MODEL CHURCH,Iworshipped there today. It made me think of good old times before my hair was grey. The meetin' house was all dressed up, more than in years ago And yet, I felt when I went in, it wasn't done for show. The usher never seated me, way back by the door. He knew that I was old and deaf, as well as old and poor. He must have been a Christian man, for he led me boldly through The long isle of that crowded church, to find a pleasant pew. You should have heard that singing, it had an old time ring. The preacher said in trumpet voice, "Let all the people sing." The tune was Coronation, and as the music upward rolled I thought I heard the Angels striking on their harps of gold. My deafness seemed to melt away, my spirit caught the fire, I joined my feeble, trembling voice to that melodious choir And I sang as in my youthful days, "Let Angels prostrate fall, Bring forth the royal diadem, and Crown Him Lord of all." I'll tell you, wife, it did me good to sing that hymn once more. I felt like some lost mariner that gets a glimpse of shore. I almost wanted to lay down this weather beaten form And enter safely in that port, forever from all harm. "The sermon?" Well, I don't recall just what the preacher said, But I know it wasn't written and I know it wasn't read. He hadn't time to read it, for the lightning of his eye Went flashing long from pew to pew, nor passed a sinner by. The sermon wasn't flowery, 'twas simple gospel truth. It fitted poor old men like me and it fitted hopeful youth. 'Twas full of consolation for weary hearts that bleed 'Twas full of invitation to CHRIST and not to human creed. The preacher made sin hideous in Gentile or in Jew, And he shot those golden sentences down to the finest pew. And although I don't see so very well, I saw a falling tear Which told me Hell was some ways off, and Heaven very near. I want to meet that preacher, that congregation too, In that dear home up in the sky, way up in heaven's blue. And I doubt not, I'll remember, beyond life's evening grey That happy hour of worship in that MODEL church today. —John Doyle (For a free copy of this poem, please send name and address of any old person to J. N. Florea, Route 3, Alton, Missouri 65432.) (184) Micah By J. Wiley Adams, Newport, North Carolina CHAPTER 1. Israel's downfall was borrowed from The prophet Micah prophesied in the Egypt, shall Judah recover herself by time of the divided kingdom during the borrowing from Israel? Not so. They days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah both shall be brought low. who were kings over Judah. His is a message of warning, repentance, im- CHAPTER 2. pending punishment from God, the Woe is pronounced upon them that preservation of a remnant of God's "devise iniquity, and work evil upon people, the foretelling of the establish- their beds!" The people are full of ment of the church and the arrival of covetousness and the oppression of the ruler over Israel described as he their fellowman is the end result. If a "Whose goings forth have been from prophet dared to cry out against the of old, from everlasting." (5:2.) evil he would be told immediately to His words are directed primarily to "prophesy ye not." As a result, the those of Samaria and Jerusalem. Theirs prophets are seeking to please the is a most deplorable condition. Idolatry people. The false prophet is honored runs rampant in the land. God there- because his message does not offend fore is going to come down from His norcausethepeopletoconsidertheir place and destroy their high places and sins. He seeks favor and prophesies of beat their graven images into pieces. "wine and strong drink." Through all Their spiritual harlotry, described so of this Micah sees a better day when vividly, will be brought to nought. God shall "gather the remnant of Micah will mourn over God's people Israel." because their "wound is incurable." He feels they are too far gone to be re- CHAPTER 3. covered. There will be no refuge for The prophet now turns to corrup- them. The swift beast and the chariot tion in high places. He turns to the will not suffice for an escape. He re- priest, the prophet and the prince. The minds that these were the "beginning leaders of the people are said to "hate of the sin to the daughter of Zion: for the good, and love the evil." The blind the transgressions of Israel were found are leading the blind. Both shall fall in thee." The horse and chariot were into the ditch. God will not hear the the downfall of Israel earlier as she cries of people oppressed by their rulers sought to put her strength in other than unless those people will turn from their the Lord. Just as Israel sought to make own sins. God will not save them when unholy treaties and compromises with their ways are evil. the heathen, so Judah does likewise. If Nothing is more disgusting than a (185) man of God who strives only for ma- dom prophecy, wenow are given a terial consideration. But such was the prophecy concerning the king over this case in Judah. They are lovers of kingdom. Bethlehem is to be the place money, the bribe, and a feathered nest. from which this ruler is to come forth Because the prophets prophesy for (v.2.)"....Outoftheeshallhe money. God will not give them any- come forth unto me that is to be the thing to reveal. He will not speak ruler in Israel." The remnant of Israel through them anymore. Then shall the is again emphasized and this ruler shall prophets be confounded because ''there rule over it and "shall be great unto the is no answer from God." ends of the earth." God's providential Though others may prophesy a lie care and guidance through the years . . . though others may not receive a shall guide the remnant until the days revelation as a result, not so with of the "ruler" and the wrath of God Micah. His prophesying is not silenced. upon those of the heathen and those He is full of power, judgment and who are sinful in Judah and Israel is might by the spirit of the Lord. He definite and certain. Concerning this speaks the truth. He tells them of their "ruler" prophecy, in Matthew 2:6 it is sins. Alas, if we only had more of applied to Jesus Christ. "And thou Micah's fiber today! Fearlessly he re- Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art bukes the judge who takes the bribe, not the least among the princes of the mercenary prophets, and priests. Judah: for out of thee shall come a It is further to their shame that they Governor, that shall rule my people hypocritically pretend to trust in God Israel." In Gal. 6:15,16 Paul said, and falsely declare that he is in their "For in Christ Jesus Neither circum- midst. What will be their punishment? cision availeth any thing, nor uncir- God will level them in complete de- cumcision, but a new creature. And as struction. many as walk according to this rule, peace be upon them, and mercy, and CHAPTER 4. upon the Israel of God." Concerning Here we have a prophecy concerning the Israel of God, Romans 2:28, 29 de- the "last days" in which the "house of clares, "For he is not a Jew, which is the Lord shall be established in the top one outwardly: neither is that circum- ofthemountains..."(SeeIsa.2:1-4.) cision, which is outward in the flesh: In 1 Tim. 3:15, Paul, speaking in the Butheisa.Jew,whichisoneinwardly; last days, said that the house of the and circumcision is that of the heart, Lord is the "church of the living God, in the spirit, and not in the letter; the pillar and ground of the truth." whose praise is not of men, but of God." Then it will be that a "remnant" will "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye be saved, the Gentiles will be joint heirs Abraham's seed, and heirs according to of salvation and the everlasting reign of the promise." (Gal. 3:29.) Thus the Lord over His people will begin. Micah's prophesy points to better days But before this they shall go into Baby- when with respect to the Jew and Gen- lon (captivity). Deliverance is definite- tile it can be said that "ye. are all one ly promised, however, and they shall in Christ Jesus." (Gal. 3:28.) Con- be redeemed from their enemies. This cerning Israel of his day, "a remnant is a promise and God keeps his prom- shall be saved." ises. (2 Pet. 3:9.) CHAPTER 6. CHAPTER 5. The Lord through Micah has some- Whereas chapter 4 presents a king- thing to say to the people, so now it is (186) "Hear ye what the Lord saith . . ." he must be patient, trust and wait for The reason for this admonition is "that the God of my salvation: my God will the Lord hath a controversy with his hear me." In view of this he warns his people, and he will plead with Israel." enemies not to gloat. Their victory is He wishes them to remember the days not yet nor shall it be complete. Though of Egyptian deliverance through the God will punish their sins. Micah relies leadership of Moses, Aaron and Miriam on God's promise to Abraham and . . . the case of Balaam, the prophet Jacob to preserve a remnant. In those of God, who prophesied for the reward days will God blot out their sins. Here, of Balak, king of Moab . . . also his prophetically, Micah projects us to the punishment...andhowGod'sright- days of Christ, the church and salvation eousness was made known ultimately. through Christ Jesus our Lord. Hebrews Because of the sins of the people 8:10-12, "For this is the covenant that God will not accept their sacrifices I will make with the house of Israel though they be many and often repeat- after those days, saith the Lord: I will ed (thousands of rams ... ten thou- put my laws into their mind, and write sands of rivers of oil). Instead they them into their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a must learn again "to do justly, and to people: And they shall not teach every lovemercy,andtowalkhumblywith man his neighbor, and every man his thy God." brother, saying, Know the Lord: for Again their sins are enumerated — all shall know me, from the least to the immorality, false measures (extortion), greatest. For I will be merciful to their violence, lying, deceit. God will punish unrighteousness, and their sins and their them until they are sick. His blessings iniquities will I remember no more." will be withheld and they shall not prosper. They shall become desolate for walk- (DANCING...... Continued) ing in the statutes of Omri and his son, Now, a man who is not even a mem- Ahab, who did worse than all the kings ber of the Lord's church tells us what of Israel in making the people to sin. the preachers have been saying for For this they shall be laid bare and years: Illicit sex starts in the dance become a hissing. hall! Some try to tell us that dances su- CHAPTER 7. pervised by the schools are different. At this point Micah finds himself How are they different? Can the teacher in an attitude of gloom concerning the supervise the thoughts, lusts, and inten- condition of Israel. He again reviews tions of a young man tightly embracing the iniquities of the people. He can a comely young maiden as they sway seenohopeforthem.Hetriestofind to and fro to the tune of a suggestive some good in them but "the best of song in a darkened and crowded dance them is as a briar, the most upright is half? Can the teacher help the poor sharper than a thorn hedge." He knows girl, sometimes not over twelve years none who is trustworthy. A man can- old according to the mayor, maintain not even trust his wife. "Keep the her purity when she is taken from the doors of thy mouth from her that dance by a young man who has been lieth in thy bosom." enticed by the liberties permitted on Finding no man to turn to, Micah the dance floor to try the same caresses turns to God for comfort. He decides and even more as they park some place to "look unto the Lord." He realizes in the family car? Such a night of fun (187) and pleasure can be the beginning of will build them up. a life of sadness and sorrow, ending in The mayor is to be commended for eternal damnation. Christians must not his not so popular stand against this do it! vice so prevalent today. He is showing Surely, Christians will be more con- greater care and concern for the young cerned about this problem than the people than a lot of parents are! This men of the world. We should encourage amounts to much more than whether parents to provide wholesome recrea- or not one will be happy, socially ad- tion and spiritual guidance for our justed and accepted in this life. Paul young people and keep them from these says, "... they who practise such things places of sin. Parents should set the shall not inherit the kingdom of God " kind of example for the children that (Gal. 5:19-21.) Greatness in Service By Delton Porter, Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee The greatest servant of all said, "If cause wehave been bought with a price. any man desire to be first, the same That price is the blood of Christ. We shall be last of all, and servant of all." are to look to Christ for the reward; TheLordthussummeduponeofthe therefore we serve Him. (Col. 3:24.) greatest features of his kingdom. There is one thing we are not to In the history of social development serve. We are not to be the servants there have been three attitudes found: of sin. (John 8:24.) The old man is First, that of might makes right; Sec- to be crucified, "that the body of sin ond, that knowledge makes power; might be destroyed, that henceforth Third, goodness and service is great- we should not serve sin." (Rom 6:6.) ness. Our use of the talents God has given When we look at the first, there were us with which to serve Him and our the governments where monarchy ruled. fellowmen will determine our greatness This had been, and was, the kind of in eternity. Christ's greatness was government into which Christ came and shown by His service. The kingdom set up his kingdom. Daniel said this would be greater today if we had more kingdom would never be destroyed. servants who were willing to serve with (Dan. 2:44.) What is so different hands and heart. There are too many about this kingdom? All governments who want to be great by assignment— of earth had arisen, then perished. Un- to be assigned the right hand or left der these governments the warrior had hand instead of earning their places been king—many had been slaves. The by humble service. "Whosoever will be mighty ruled and fell when might failed. chief among you, let him be your serv- In the new kingdom the servant will be ant." (Matt. 10:7.) the master. The greatness of a man is judged by his ability to serve. Though the greatest is servant of all, he shall NEW TESTAMENT MUSIC: "Let not be great in the sense that he shall the word of Christ dwell in you richly rule over others, for they shall all be in all wisdom; teaching and admonish- fellow-workers. ing one another in psalms and hymns We are described as bondservants, and spiritual songs, singing with grace yet freemen, in Paul's letter to Corinth. in your hearts to the Lord." K°'- (1 Cor. 7:21-22.) We are servants be- 3:16.) (188) The Gospel of Christ (No. 3) By Lewis Willis, Kirkwood, Missouri To further illustrate the different prove upon the Word of God, there are perversions of the GOSPEL, we direct many different and conflicting denom- your attention to one doctrine on the inations, some of which, would have us subject of church membership. to believe that somewhere down through the years, Christ altered the laws gov- Church erning the church and its membership. Membership This is, by no means, the only differ- "It is most like- ence present among the religious minds ly that in the ap- of the day, but it does serve to illus- ostolic age when trate our point. Here is a perversion, there was but 'one A CHANGE, in the GOSPEL that was Lord, one faith, presented to mankind by an AL- and one baptism,' MIGHTY GOD. The Baptist creed and no differing leaves positive evidence of this in say- denominations ex- ing:"Now,itisdifferent..." isted, the baptism I think it meet that we notice what of a convert by the Bible says about this most impor- that very act con- tant subject. There were 12 disciples stituted him a of the Lord, divinely appointed, who member of the church, and at once en- began on the day of Pentecost, the dowed him with all the rights and priv- great task of spreading the Kingdom ileges of full membership. In that sense, over the world. These apostles spoke to 'baptism was a door into the church.' a great multitude of Jews, speaking the NOW IT IS DIFFERENT . . ." (My GOSPEL, and these Jews were the first emphasis,L.W.;Standard Manual jot- to hear it. Hear Luke's account of the Baptist Churches by Edward T. His- events of that clay. "Then they that cox, D. D., 1890, p. 22. This statement gladly received his word were baptized: is found in the 1951 issue of the man- and the same day there were added ual.) Here, in regard to church mem- unto them about three thousand souls." bership, we see that some would change (Acts. 2:41.) Here were some who the manner practiced in the early were baptized and added to the disci- church. At that time, one who was ples back when "no differing denomina- obedient to the Lord in baptism, was tions existed." These people were ex- immediately granted the blessings that tremely happy over the fact that they accompany membership in the Lord's now enjoyed salvation; so much so body. However, according to the creed that they were "praising God, and hav- of the Baptist Church, now it is differ- ing favor with all the people. And the ent. WHO SAYS IT IS DIFFERENT Lord added to the church daily such as NOW? With Christ and the apostles, should be saved." (Acts 2:47.) one situation prevailed; with this mod- ern-day denomination, another. Christ What was the manner of becoming a and the apostles accomplished their member of that church of the New work and there were no denominations, Testament? It was: hearing the GOS- only the unique body of Christ. Now, PEL (the death, burial and resurrec- after the mind of man has become so tion) proclaimed; obeying it; and be- corrupted that he thinks he can im- ing added, by the Lord, to the church. This addition was day by day as others (189) were being saved. Are we going to ad- direct his steps." (Jer. 10:23.) Thus here to the teachings of fallible man we see that man does not have the and say that now the manner of en- ability or authority to alter, in any trance into the church is different? respect, the law of God. WE MUST The honest man will not. He will be BE CONCERNED WITH OBEYING content to simply obey the GOSPEL as THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, nothing it is recorded. more or nothing less. This GOSPEL is found only in the New Testament Man's Greatest Mistake Sinner friend, forget your creed, man- One of man's greatest failings is the ual, confession of faith, etc. STUDY attitude of heart that leads him to THE BIBLE; obey it. You will find think that he has the wisdom to im- life beautiful, and after this life, eter- prove upon God's law. "O Lord, I nity that is beyond description by man know that the way of man is not in YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MUST himself: it is not in man that walketh to DECIDE.

Catholic Gains Are Alarming By Frank Reeder, Abilene, Texas In spite of warnings given and evi- holding the Gospels and the keys dence given to substantiate the cause to heaven." for concern, some are not concerned On page 133 under the heading, about Catholicism. The Catholics did Organization of the Christian Church, not get what they we have the following: wanted in Federal "The sacraments were mysteries aidtotheirschools or miracles through which men but they had a could achieve salvation. There more subtle way were seven sacraments: Baptism, of teaching their Holy Eucharist, confirmation, pen- doctrines at our ance, ordination, marriage, and ex- expense. We have treme unction. Only a bishop heard that they could administer the sacraments of believe in separa- confirmation, which confirmed the tionofchurchand recipient in the Christian faith, and state (of course ordination, which admitted mem- some of — yea bers to the priesthood." many of us, knew On page 134 under Papal Supremacy better), but now we are paying with tax money for their doctrine being is the following: taught in public school. In MEN AND "The belief developed that the NATIONS, A WORLD HISTORY, churches founded by the Apostles, by Anatole G. Mazour and John M. especially at Rome, Antioch, and Peoules, a text book used in Abilene, Alexandria, were the most impor- Texas, public school (tenth grade) over tant. The Church at Constantin- a picture on page 131 is the following: ople had not been founded by an apostle. The Church at Rome, "St. Peter, leader of the Apostles however, had been founded by both and first bishop of the Church at Peter and Paul, and Peter had been Rome. In this picture he is shown its first bishop. Since Peter had (190) been head of the Apostles, his suc- given as a fact of history. What can cessor,theBishopofRomecame we do? We can protest loudly against to be recognized as. head of all it. A small protest might backfire bishops, the supreme authority of against us and give the Catholics some- the Christian Church. The Bishop thing to gloat about. We can protest of Rome came to be called the to local school officials, we can write to Pope, from the Latin word father." our Congressmen, and some brethren No, the book did not give that as a can stop patronizing Catholic institu- statement of Catholic doctrine; it was tions, including their hospitals. Index, Apostolic Doctrine, Vol. 5 (1964)

Author and Title Page Author and Title Page ADAMS, CONNIE W. HIMMEL, I R V I N Remission of Sins ...... -...... -..... -...... 126 Angels in .the Head ...... 83 A Presbyterian Tells the Truth...... ----- ...... 143 ADAMS, J. WILEY A Puzzle...... 45 Micah .....- -...... -...... 185 "A Time to Dance"...... 19 Catholic Ads Answered AMES, DONALD P. But...WouldChristCallYouAChristian? 37 He Died Without Baptism _____ ...... 113 "There Shall Be ONE Fold and ONE BAKER, TOM, JR. Shepherd"...... 23 Why The Bible Is Not Enough...... 5 Catholicism Taught in Public Schools —...... 94 Comment Corner...... 29. 36. 104. 163 Evolution — Fact or Fancy?...... _____ 141 Discrepancies Between Jehovah's Word and Obadiah...... 137 Jehovah's Witnesses ...... 100 The Mayor Looks at Dancing _____ ...... -..... -...... 177 Errors of Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield...... 79 BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNINGS Five Essentials of Forgiveness...... 59 A Better Bible ...... ____ ...... 27 God's Commandments...... 164 Heaven...... 2 BUNTING, TOM "I Would Not Have You to Be Ignorant" ...... 148 Christ Is Risen ...... ___ ...... ___ ...... ___ ...... 145 Oddities ...... 94 On Joining the Methodist Church ...... 180 BURNS, R. L. Our Parents Are Not Our God...... 170 The Push of Catholicism...... 44 Quotes From Spurgeon...... 115 CLAYTON, JOE NEIL Saints in Caesar's Household ...... 51 Weighed in the Balance ...... ______...... 39 Sectarianism...... 40 The Bible — A Table of Contents 30 COGDILL, ROY E. The Church of the Nazarene Does Not The Trial of Jesus (No. 1)...... 85 Follow the Bible ...-...... 116 The Trial of Jesus (No. 2)...... 107 The Ecumenical Church...... 82 The Trial of Jesus (No. 3)...... 123 The Purpose Makes a Difference...... 98 The Trial of Jesus (No. 4)...... 135 Volume Five...... 4 The Trial of Jesus (No. 5)...... 151 Was Christ's Teaching Defective? ...... 130 CREEL, HOLLIS When Did Christ Establish His Church?...... 132 Why Be Baptized? ...... 68 Hosea...... 89 "Why Tarriest Thou?" ...... 34 DOYLE, JOHN JAMERSON, FRANK The Model Church ...... 184 Are We too Narrow-Minded? ...... __ 63 ECHOLS, BILL Misunderstandings About Christ and Ezekiel 57 His Church...... 49 ESTES, GEORGE P. That Pork Commandment...... 75 Joel...... 105 KIMBROUGH, EARL FRITZ, ROLLAND W. The Foolish Rich Man ...... 161 Wisdom From Above ...... __ ...... 146 LIPSCOMB, BETTIE MORTON GAUMER, TOM Christ and His Church...... 11 Daniel...... 73 Following Christ...... 165 The Bible...... 18 GOWEN, OAKS We Thank Thee...... 75 Christ Is Now on David's Throne ...... 129 Wheat and Tares ...... __ ...... 64

(191) Index, Apostolic Doctrine, Vol. 5 (1964)

Author and Title Page Author and Title Page MARTIN, LUTHER W. SMELSER, DALE Catholicism (Roman—Creek) Not APOSTOLIC, Art. Immorality, and National Security ...... 169 Hut APOSTATE ...... 14 SPEARS, DUDLEY R. Jonah ...... 153 Jeremiah ...... 25 What Must I Do to Be Saved? ...... 140 McGUIRE, ARVID STEVENS, GROVER Aspects of Cod's Kingdom ...... 7 Christianity Without Denominational Churches 07 "Every House Is Builded by Someone" ...... 46 SUTTON, CARROL R. MIDGETTE, NORMAN Are You Fearful? ...... 99 Apostolic Terms TUTEN, JIMMY, JR. Propitiation ...... 55 Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts ...... 178 Reconciliation...... 43 Saved Like the Thief ...... 103 The Sabbath ...... 1 The Baptismal Gift of the Spirit ...... 171 The End of the World, the Destruction of NICHOLS, ROBERT P. the Earthly Globe ...... 76 More About Soka Gakkai ...... 114 The Gift of the Spirit ...... 155 Soka Gakkai...... 65 The Power of God's Word ...... 17 The Challenge of Soka Gakkai ...... 81 VERNON, CARL PHILLIPS, JERRY R. Pretended Love Can Never Save ...... 12 Lamentations...... 41 WEST, ROBERT H. PORTER, DELTON Amos ...... 121 God's Wisdom ...... 147 WIILIAMS, PAUL K. Greatness in Service ...... 188 How to Identify Christ's Church...... 8 The Epistle of Joy...... 158 REEDER, FRANK What a Baptist' Preacher Will Not Do...... 33 Catholic Gains Are Alarming ...... 190 What Is the Church of Christ? ROBARTS, DWIGHT Government of the Church ...... 109 The Weapons of Our Warfare ...... 13 Mission of the Church ...... 71 Worship of the Church ...... 92 SEE, HOWARD Scriptures Only Guide ...... 28 Things Which Save ...... 118 WILLIS, LEWIS SEWELL, F. E. Federal Aid to Catholic Schools ...... 61 Instrumental Music ...... 120 Response to the Johnson Proposal ...... 66 The Gospel of Christ (No. 1) ...... 157 SHAVER, GLENN L. The Gospel of Christ (No. 2) ...... 174 No ... The Bible Is NOT Our Sole Guide! .... 166 The Gospel of Christ (No. 3) ...... 189

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