No.F.9-46/20O4-U.3 Government of Ministry of Human Rcsourcc Dcvclopmcnt (Dcpartment of I Iigher liducation) ICR Division Shastri Ilhawan, New Delhi-1, Datcd thc /d A Decembex 2019 NOTIFICATION

Whcreas, thc Ccntral Govcrnmcnt is cmpowcrcd undcr Scction 3 of the Univcrsity Grants Commission ([IGC) Ac! 1956 to dcclarc, on thc advicc ofthe UGC, an Institution of higher lcarning as decmcd to bc Univcrsity.

2. And whereas, in cxercisc of thc powcrs confcrrcd by Scction 3 of the UGC Act 1956, thc Central Govcrnmcnt, vidc its Notification No. 9-46/2004-U.3 dated 17s January, 2007, on thc advicc of UGC, had declared Sumandcep Vidyapecth, Village Piparia, Taluka Waghodia, I)istrict fGujarat) consisting of thc following four Institutions as an Institution Dccmcd to bc Univcrsity undcr Scction 3 of the UGC Act, L956 subject to a rcvicw aftcr five ycars:

i. K. M. shah Dental College and Ilospital, Villagc Piparia, Taluka Waghodia, District Vadodara (),

ii. K. J. Pandya Collcgc of Physiothcrapy, Village Piparia, Taluka Waghodia, District Vadodara (Gujarat), iii. S.ll.K.S. Mcdical Institutc and Rcscarch Ccntre, Village Piparia, Taluka Waghodia, District Vadodara (Gujarat), and iv. Sumandccp Nursing Collcgc, Villagc Piparia, Taluka Waghodia, District Vadodara (Gujarat).

3. And whcrcas, the UGC constitutcd an Iixpcrt Committee to examinc thc performancc and acadcmic outcomcs of thc Sumandccp Vidyapceth, Vadodara fGujarat). 'l'he Committee, in its rcport, gavc the very good gradc to Sumandeep Vidyapceth, Vadodara (Gujarat) on acadcmic pcrformancc of thc Institution and rccommcndcd for continuation of thcir Dccmcd to bc Univcrsity status. The report of the UGC Committce was considcred by thc Commission in its 544s meeting (ltem No.2.12) hcld on 16.10.2019 in which thc following rcsolution was passcd:

"'l'he Commission considered the report of the UGC Expert Standing Committee and resolved to cont:inue/extend Deemed to be UniversiQ status for those lnstitutions who were rated l,)xcellent, Very Good & Good for academic performance by the lixpert Committee. Ilowever, those Deemed to be Universities which were rated poor and averoge for academic performance will not be granted continuation / extension."

Page 1of 2 4. Now, therefore, in cxcrcisc ofthc powers confcrrcd by Scction 3 ofthe UGC Act, 1956, the Central Govcrnmcnt, on the advicc of UGC, hereby cxtcnds thc Deemed to be University status of Sumandcep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara (Gujarat) from 17.0L.20L2 onwards.

5. The all othcr conditions mcntioned in the earlier Notification[s) of this Ministry as well as the Ilulcs / llcgulations ofIIGC and other Statutory Councils, issucd from time to time, shall continue to bc adhcrcd by Sumandccp Vidyapccth, Vadodara (Gujarat). ,/r^(* (V.L.V.S.S. SubEa RaoJ Scnior Iiconomic Advisor 'lcl: 011-23073687 The Manager, Government of India Prcss, Minto Road, New Dclhi - 110002.

7. The Sccrctary, llnivcrsity Grants Commission, Ncw Dclhi. 2. The Vicc-Chancellor, Sumandecp Vidyapccth, Villagc Piparia, Taluka Waghodia, District Vadodara (Gujarat). 3. The Secretary, Mcdical Council of India, Pockct - 14, Scctor - B, I)warka Phase - 1, New Delhi - 1L0077. 4. The Sccrctary, Indian Nursing Council, Combincd Council lluilding, Kotla Road, Templc Lanc, Ncw Dclhi. 5. The Secretary, Dental Council of India [DCI), Aiwan-li-Galib Marg, Kotla Road, Temple Lanc, New Dclhi-110002. 6. The Principal Sccrctary (llighcr & Tcchnical liducation), Govcrnmcnt of Gujarat, 5s Illock, 8th Floor, Sachivalaya, . Gujarat. 7. Press Information Ilurcau, Shastri Ilhawan, New Dclhi. B. The Secrctary Gencral, Association of Indian Univcrsities, AIU Ilouse, 16, Kotla Marg, New Delhi-2. 9. Web Master, Departmcnt of Iligher Uducation, Shastri llhavan, New Delhi. It is requested that CMIS Unit may kindly bc instructcd to display thc Notification on the website (llomc sitc) of the I)epartment. 10. Guard file / Notification file. Jil" /. (V.l,.V.S.S. Subba Rao) Senior Economic Advisor 'lel: 071-23073687

Page 2 of 2 (ffGr t rroqr *' sm't, rig-t * ro,nrdrf) {'.ru. 9-46/2004-$3 sntiT s*rR qrrE:dgnra Fdrs frTrdrq FrcR FItTI EsTrrr $r€ffisrr ss{ra rr€fr grea, ;r$ friiffi-ol, ftaim':/6 frr

oirfr, *;E sr+rt *) F*lEfucqrrq ry 3n+rr qdf$ 3{Eftqq, 1956 fiI tTRr 3 *'il6d, {df$ fi rsr6 w frifrgaftrt 3l0?rq *ilFn +} $a-fautrT-qffiq dfrd *.rA fir eTFd srq Fr

2. str il{fu, q.drff 3rfrBqq, 1956 *I qrr 3 *mr nffiT qrFildl ar rqbr firi gn, t6 s{iF'R t q.trI 6r rsro w 3rrff frHi+, 17 rfr{t, 2007 fr 3{fuWar i. g- 46/2004-{.3 t'qr;m t ffifua sR dend sfda gfrf,dtc ffi6, aJrq ffiqr, ry drqlBqr, Bdr rslfir (g-*ra1 eil sqBaqk{_+trq dfrd f+-qr qr d {trI 3rfrfrqfr, 1956 fir qrfi 3 t rra ciq Efr 4;y ffimr t'3ll*frf, drrn: i. +'. (rq. en6 lca +Yils 3ik Fr$fffi, enq ffiqr, q+r ErdBqr, Bdr rdrfir (g-*ray ii. *.$. ciFs+r mY-ils strw fufuftaltfr, arq ffir, aq31 Erq}ffrr, Bdr q-dfq-{r (5wa1 iii.

3. Sr Errfu, {dIS i gffifrc ffi6;, il+6{r (1_*ra1 * Eqca 3lk tlqnBm, qnrun4t ur htqnur +,.{e t fr(' ('fi' h*s-fr +rafr rhT er-&r G;qr qrt rrBfr fr sqfr frdrt fr grd{tc ffi6, Tdrflr (g-utray dI &nFro r6atn fr'cga 3rdI ttur dr S sfu fueEzgroru *'wr+a q-S d rqnr rsi *r rryisr fir frr q-fiS sFfr fr nqft rrt 16.10.2019 s't 3{rdGa 3Trmrr fit s++fi t6fi (16 :iwr 2.12; fr ffrR fr'qr arqr ffi frqftfua:da-cq qtfra fri(r rrcr:

"Jttztttr f qdfr # hdcr Rtfr afuA fr Mt w fuztr fuqr arqr tllr sd 6spn ffi p77* €Afr qam elwfra odfuia * Rr Jqq, ardv Jrz6r qd 3qar ldzr saw fr rd t or aqfreafraruq or adf atfi wilrerf or ffiq fuqr tt dqln t aqfr?dfraawq ffi €ffid otdfuraa E w rik 3llTn lfur sata * ?6 t, rd frwrrfr'tawr *aw afr fr aflnfrt" 4. fi, fsfrc, Aq {f6R, {-JtS $fra-{{, 1956 6I trRr 3 +'d-6a nairT erfud $r qrrmt qrqra qsIff rqt{ +,G So, fgr$ * *' g4-d€tc @6, (gil{O h sqErEffflrfrq * r$ m 17.01.2012 t srn ftFR 6'rfr tr

q-dl-flr 5. gm€lc ffiqrqr6, (Tflrd) EERr Fs darilq 6r {6 Jfuq.fir 1afug+duit) * sFilfd safr sril rraf * snr-snr {fl$ 3lk r;q siEfu+ vffs-Ct r-onr Frrq-Frrq w qrt f6('dri Eril M/trfut 6r Jgcrfr{ B-qr qr'rnt t4 (fr.r'4. F {rs) sft6 3flffi-6 sf,r6firr tfr.011-23073687 edtr+,, srlcT sGfiR Tflnffi, R-

1 sfuq, fuqff-cqrfi rgcra srmar, {6r5nn6 aq-* qr4, a$ E;dr 2 g-dcfr, gr{dlc ffi6, ara Fqtql, ar"o-+r adtf*+, 51dr u-+.-{r (Fr", 3 {fu{, s{rrfrq Eff,trr fird, cr*e-14, t€r-8, 6dffir Srs-l, n$ effi- 110077 4 gffi (fiR-fiq afitrr cnr4, sgm cfts{ r+a, mtcor rtg, }iff{ ild r$ ftledI 5 str{ s{rrfiq }-d cfrs6 Br$fir$, tcta-(r-artr{ art, +I-dr rt5, dfr{ f{ a* frd-11ooo2 6 cqrd flfu{ lrac< q?i @Frfr maj, yrra s{fiR, 5Ei Ed'6, &ri ild, gfusmq airi-drr, ,M{rd 7. q{ qq-dr orqta-q, erFfr r+a, a$ frd 8. {6r-sfrltr, umfu faratr--r+raa dq, ('$r5{ 6rrs, 16, 6t-dr ardt, rS Ed- 110002 I t{ ars, Frd{ FIHT ften4, ltr€:fr arrn, a$ frdtr rgtu t la Sqffirg(q t.*-+ 5t fde{r4 6r tfiFe (6tfi srSc) q{ rsfttd 6tr 10. an* qrfolsfrq{f,r sEtrr

Edlz?a- @va.dr.{v.vr. gqr {rq) Efts 3rrFlo' sen6-6r tfr.011-23073687