Investigating Redundancy in Use: Study on a Based Corpus

Giulia Donato Patrizia Paggio University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen [email protected] University of Malta [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract tic relation they have with the surrounding text, in particular whether emoji add independent mean- In this paper we present an annotated cor- ing, is an important step in any approach attempt- pus created with the aim of analyzing the ing to process their contribution to the overall con- informative behaviour of emoji – an issue tent of a given message, both for the purposes of of importance for sentiment analysis and sentiment analysis and natural language process- natural language processing. The corpus ing. consists of 2475 tweets all containing at We are interested in investigating to what extent least one emoji, which has been annotated it is possible for a human annotator, and subse- using one of the three possible classes: Re- quently for an automatic classifier, to determine dundant, Non Redundant, and Non Redun- if emoji in tweets are used to emphasize or add dant + POS. We explain how the corpus information, which may well be emotional infor- was collected, describe the annotation pro- mation, but could also have a different semantic cedure and the interface developed for the flavour. If emoji do add meaning, we also ask how task. We provide an analysis of the cor- easy it is to understand if they are being used as pus, considering also possible predictive syntactic substitutes for words. In this paper, we features, discuss the problematic aspects focus on the corpus of English tweets that was col- of the annotation, and suggest future im- lected and annotated to provide training data for a provements. number of classifiers aiming at predicting whether emoji in microblogs are used in a redundant or a 1 Introduction non-redundant way. Nowadays emoji are widespread throughout mo- The classification experiments achieved bile and web communication both in private con- promising results (F-score of 0.7) for the best versations and public contexts such as blog entries performing model, which combined LSA with or comments. In 2015, the Oxford Dictionary de- handcrafted features and employed a linear SVM clared the emoji Face with tears of joy ”Word of in a One vs. All fashion. The process and results the year”, and since then the academic interest to- of the experiments will be described in a future wards the topic, as well as the development of rel- paper (in preparation). evant resources, have grown substantially. Emoji In Section (2) we review related research, then are best known to be markers for emotions, and in Section (3) we describe how the tweets were in this sense they can be considered an evolution extracted and collected to create the corpus, and of emoticons. However, these pictographs can be give counts of the various represented categories. used to represent a much wider range of concepts In Section (4) the annotation process is described, than emoticons, including objects, ideas and ac- Section (5) presents and discusses the results, and tions in addition to emotions, and thus they inter- finally in Section (6) we provide a conclusion. act with the content expressed in the surrounding text in more complex ways. Furthermore, emoji 2 Related research are used not only at the end of a message, e.g. a tweet, but can occur anywhere and possibly in Several studies trace parallels between emoticons sequences. Therefore, understanding the seman- and emoji, sometimes using both terms inter-

118 Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, pages 118–126 Copenhagen, Denmark, September 7–11, 2017. c 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics changeably, with the purpose of dealing with emo- standard, and representations are thus obtained for tion expression or automatic emotion detection, all represented emoji including those that appear and thus only considering those pictographs that infrequently in online text. In spite of the model resemble facial features. Boia et al.(2013) focus being trained on much less data, the authors claim on emoticons and their use in tweets. The authors to outperform Barbieri et al.(2016) on the task of attempted to determine the reliability of emoti- Twitter sentiment analysis. These results point to con labels in sentiment classification by means of the fact that the emoji descriptions in the Unicode a user study and generated a sentiment lexicon standard are a valid source from which to model from a corpus of 2.1 million tweets. They found their semantics. that agreement between the sentiment expressed The issue whether emoji add content to the text by emoticons and the sentiment expressed by the they occur in, particularly in tweets, or whether surrounding words is only slightly higher than ran- they are largely redundant, as well as how their dom, showing that emoticons are likely to be used specific use in this respect can be predicted, is as a means to add emotion to an otherwise neu- not investigated directly in any of the studies men- tral text. The experiment based on the sentiment tioned so far. lexicon proved that emoticons are good indicators The paper by Zanzotto et al.(2011) addresses of sentiment in the tweet, but are less effective in the problem of linguistic redundancy within the retrieving related sentiment words, thus confirm- realm of microblogs. Although this study does not ing that emoticons complement the text rather than specifically target emoji, it is of particular inter- stressing what is already expressed by the words. est for our work given the formal definitions pro- The paper by Hallsmar and Palm(2016) is in- vided for both redundancy and non redundancy as stead focused on the effectiveness of using emoji well as the methodology employed. The authors to automatically annotate training data for mul- performed a classification experiment on 1242 ticlass emotion classification. The researchers pairs of tweets related to news, previously anno- employed a training corpus of 400,000 tweets, tated considering four possible relations, i.e. en- 100,000 for each of four classes (sadness, anger, tailment (redundant), paraphrase (redundant), re- fear and happiness), then tested against 80 in- lated/unrelated (non-redundant), and contradiction stances, manually collected and labeled accord- (non-redundant). They used the annotated corpus ing to their textual content. The results show to test different models in a classification exper- that emoji can be effectively used to automati- iment, and obtained the best results with a com- cally annotate the emotion class in large sets of bination of syntactic and similarity features com- tweets, thus suggesting that emoji, in contrast with puted across the word vectors of each pair. emoticons, may co-occur with semantically re- The methodology adopted in our work builds on lated words. the Zanzotto et al.(2011) study, both as concerns the fundamental question we ask, and the way we Other works have analyzed the semantics of have collected and annotated our training corpus. emoji, mostly by means of distributional seman- A crucial difference is, however, that our analysis tics. In Barbieri et al.(2016), the authors used focuses on the use of emoji. the skip-gram model paired with different dataset sizes and different filtering methods to generate emoji embeddings. These were evaluated against 3 Corpus Preparation a set of 50 emoji pairs manually annotated for To answer our research questions we set up a similarity and relatedness scores. The similarity corpus of English tweets automatically extracted scores obtained by the models were strongly cor- from Twitter with the aid of specific emoji key- related with those in the gold standard, particularly words. The corpus was then annotated by four hu- if stop words and punctuation are removed from man coders to be further used in a machine learn- the dataset. This indicates that surrounding words ing experiment. The annotated corpus consists of and other emoji are useful for inferring the mean- tweets containing emoji paired with their counter- ing of a given emoji, possibly indicating that the parts where the emoji has been removed, for a total emoji is being used in a redundant way. of 2475 pairs. In Eisner et al.(2016), emoji embeddings were The purpose of the corpus collection and anno- learnt from their description in the Unicode emoji tation was twofold. Our primary goal was to pro-

119 Category Emoji Names Traveling/Commuting car, airplane, sailboat Events party popper, jack-o-lantern, graduation cap Places school, european castle, home + garden Other Activities artist palette, books, television Feelings smiling face with heart eyes, unamused face, crying face People man and woman holding hands, person walking, person raising one hand Eating & Drinking pizza, doughnut, hot beverage Nature & Animals dog, snowflake, maple leaf Music microphone, guitar, musical notes Sport trophy, swimmer, basketball and hoop

Table 1: List of the emoji used to extract tweets for the corpus collection vide training data to develop classifiers that could Objects, Symbols, Flags. categorizes predict the relation of emoji in unseen tweets. A the pictographs considering their graphical prop- secondary goal was to investigate how easy it is erties, while the MSCOCO categories are modeled for human coders to distinguish different uses of for object recognition, thus they discriminate more emoji with respect to their semantic contribution. precisely among inanimate objects. In order to clarify this aspect, we run an inter- Barbieri et al.(2016) used word embeddings, annotator agreement test on part of the annotated dimensionality reduction and clustering, to iden- material. tify 11 clusters labeled as: Sports & Animals, Na- ture, Body gestures & Positive, Free Time, Un- 3.1 Emoji Selection clear, Love & Parties, Letters, Barber & Symbols, Eating & Drinking, Music, Sad & Tears. These To select a set of meaningful emoji to use for the labels reflect the graphical and conceptual similar- data extraction, we start by defining a categoriza- ity of the data points included in a specific cluster. tion of the whole emoji set. The Unicode con- Nevertheless, some of the labels are claimed to be sortium website provides the full emoji dataset, in inconsistent since the relevant clusters include few which every emoji is annotated with a code, four- and apparently unrelated pictographs. teen different graphic renderings, the emoji name, the date of addition to the Unicode standard, and a Vidal et al.(2016) used a categorization based set of keywords that identify the content of each on Emojipedia which includes six categories: pictograph. Unicode separates groups of emoji Food & Drinks, Non-food objects, Celebrations, according to similar renderings and, possibly, se- Activity, Travel & Places, Nature. mantic relatedness, but does not provide an official After having considered the categorizations ontology. mentioned above we developed our own including Previous studies interested in emoji semantics the following labels: Nature & Animals, Places, use different categorizations for their purposes. Traveling/Commuting, Sport, Events, Other Activ- Cappallo et al.(2015) relied on the categories ities, Music, Eating & Drinking, People, Feelings. listed in the MSCOCO (Lin et al., 2014) dataset: Our intent was to select a small number of rel- Person & Accessory, Animal, Vehicle, Outdoor atively broad and easily recognizable categories. Object, Indoor Object, Sport, Kitchenware, Food, Furthermore, we chose to keep events and activ- Furniture, Appliance, Electronics. These cate- ities separate from entities, as is done in many gories partially overlap the ones in Emojipedia linguistically-oriented ontologies. (Burge, 2013): Smileys & People, Animals & Na- From each category in our list we have se- ture, Food & Drink, Activity, Travel & Places, lected three emoji; in order to get clearly distin-

120 guishable pictographs we have considered both word repeated multiple times. The final collection their frequency of use given by the Emojitracker, contained 8985 pairs; from this corpus we ran- thus favouring the most frequent tokens, and their domly sampled 4100 pairs for the annotation. The graphical features. The full list of emoji is shown size was chosen considering the corpus size in the in table1. Zanzotto et al.(2011) paper, which we used as a methodological model for our work. 3.2 Data Collection 4 Annotation All the data were collected between the 1st and 2nd of November 2016 by means of the Twitter The annotation of the 4100 tweet pairs took place Streaming API and the Python Tweepy wrapper. remotely between the 21st and the 31st of Decem- To extract the data we added to the script a filter ber 2016 and was performed by four annotators, for the English language and passed the list of the three located in Greece and one in the Netherlands. selected emoji as the keywords parameter. Both All the annotators were fluent English speakers. the possibilities of filtering data by language and For the annotation we developed an ad-hoc user keywords are provided as features by the API. interface. The raw data included 501,342 tweets, subse- We chose a multiclass setup with three classes quently reduced to 196,434 after removing all du- of interest: Redundant, Non-redundant, and Non- plicate entries. A series of common preprocessing redundant + POS; we will further define these steps were applied before the annotation: in par- classes and explain them with examples shortly ticular all the mentions of other users and all the below. The annotators were asked to assign a class links were replaced with placeholders. to each pair in the corpus. The accepted character length on Twitter is 140; in the cleaned corpus the average length of the 4.1 Classes Definition tweets was of 50 characters, 555 tweets were The general definition of redundancy is repetition longer than 140 characters with a maximum length of already expressed information; to describe the of 196 characters. Thus, as an additional step, all classes for the annotation we relied on Zanzotto the tweets below a threshold length of 10 charac- et al.(2011), who define as redundant tweet pairs ters and above a threshold length of 140 characters which are in a relation of paraphrase or entailment, were discarded. We checked again for the pres- while pairs in a relation of contradiction or related- ence of duplicates after replacing mentions and ness are considered non-redundant. We expect an links, since tweets may have the same content and emoji to be considered redundant if it represents differ only for these elements; this lead to a result- an object or an action also expressed by words in ing collection of 180,958 instances. In this cleaned the text (the emoji is a synonym of another word) version of the corpus the average tweet length is of or if it represents an object or action whose pres- 52 characters with a standard deviation of 32. ence is directly implied by the text (the emoji is The best represented category is, unsurpris- entailed by the words). ingly, Feelings with a total of 99,050 instances. The final set of classes includes three labels: Re- Within Feelings the most frequent emoji is Smil- dundant, Non-Redundant, Non-Redundant + POS. ing face with heart shaped eyes with 60,479 ex- The Redundant class indicates that the emoji of in- tracted tweets. The least represented category is terest repeats the information present in the text or Places with a total of 900 instances. Within this that its meaning is implied by the text. category the least frequent emoji is School with 47 On the contrary, we expect the Non-Redundant extracted tweets. class to be assigned when the emoji adds informa- From these data we created a balanced cor- tion not already present or implied in the text. pus by sampling 900 instances from each cate- Lastly the Non-Redundant + POS class, which gory, since this is the size of the least populated can be considered as a subset of the Non Redun- one. From the resulting corpus of 9000 instances dant class, indicates the case where the emoji is we further removed all the tweets containing only used with a syntactic function (and can be labeled the emoji used for the data extraction since this with its POS), thus replacing a word. We provided would have resulted in pairs containing one empty a set of examples to the annotators and clarified tweet and one tweet consisting in an emoji key- possible edge cases. An extract from the examples

121 is listed here: Before the annotation started, we tested the in- terface on the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox 1. Redundant and Chrome. Since browsers do not al- ”We’ll always have Beer. I’ll see to it. I ways render emoji automatically we provided our • got your back on that one. ” interface with a link to the Symbola Font, one of the richest in emoji renderings. ”@USER I need u in Paris girls ” • On the first page of the interface each annotator 2. Non-Redundant had a welcoming message and a briefer version of the instructions already provided in the guidelines. ”I wish you were here ” • After the instructions and three examples of tweet ”Hopin for the best ” pairs with the correspondent class checked, the • annotators could move on to the annotation page 3. Non-Redundant + POS which presented the pairs, a forced choice form ”Thank you so so so so much ily Here’s to select the class and a submit button. The pairs • were updated dynamically after each submission a as a thank you gift x” and the checked value was stored together with the ”Good morning ” index of the pair and the annotator id. The default • value of the form was set to blank; we gave the An edge case could be represented by: annotators the possibility to submit a blank value whenever they were undecided about the class to ”Reading is always a good idea . Thank pick; the blank submissions were recorded as un- • you for your sincere support @USER. Happy defined. reading.” In this case the emoji represents books which are related to the verb ”reading”, however the act of reading does not necessarily imply the presence of books (it is not an entailment) since it is possible to read newspapers, blogs, comments, emails; the emoji is narrowing down the meaning of the verb, therefore it is adding information and we should consider it non-redundant. Emotions also represent a challenge since we need to rely on symbols or simplifications to de- pict complex expressions. While a case such as: Figure 1: Screen capture of the annotation interface ”i’m so proud of myself *pats my back*” • is clearly non-redundant (here the emoji is used The first 100 pairs were annotated by all the an- ironically), a tweet like: notators to measure the inter-annotator agreement; after this set of common pairs the annotators had ”My forever love @URL” • random access to further 1,000 pairs each among represents redundant use. the remaining 4000. On completion of the task the annotators were redirected to a thanksgiving 4.2 Interface page. Furthermore, we gave them the option to in- To annotate the tweets we set up a dynamic inter- terrupt and restart the annotation process in order face accessible online and hosted - until the com- to complete the task in multiple sessions. Their pletion of the task - on a server at the Demokri- work was automatically saved to a csv (comma tos Institute of Research in Athens (http:// separated value) file after each session’s interrup-; we provided detailed tion. guidelines explaining how to access and use the Due to the random access, after the first 100 interface and describing the annotation criteria and pairs, some of the 1,000 pairs left were presented the classes with the aid of examples. and annotated more than once, hence they were

122 discarded from the final corpus. Additionally, one 5 Analysis and Discussion of the annotators reported problems with the inter- face when saving the last part of her work. There- 5.1 Corpus Analysis fore, and also considering the fact that we ex- Our gold standard contains a total of 2475 anno- cluded the 100 pairs used to calculate the agree- tated pairs, as stated in the previous section. ment, our final corpus consists of 2475 annotated pairs in total. End Not End Total R 452 382 834 4.3 Annotation Reliability (0.357) (0.316) (0.337) To assess the inter-annotator agreement we adopt Non-R 768 660 1428 Cohen’s kappa coefficient (Cohen, 1960). (0.607) (0.546) (0.577) Coehn’s κ is used to assess agreement between Non-R+POS 37 139 176 two annotators and it is considered more robust (0.029) (0.115) (0.071) than simple percentage agreement since it corrects Undefined 9 (0.007) 28 37 for chance agreement. Moreover, this choice al- (0.023) (0.015) lows us to compare our results with those obtained Total 1266 (1) 1155 (1) 2475 (1) by Zanzotto et al.(2011) for a similar, although Table 4: Conditional frequency of the emoji class given the more complex, task. emoji position: absolute counts and proportions. The largest Considering the agreement results described in proportion for each class in each condition is in boldface. Zanzotto et al.(2011) we expected to get a κ of 0.6, which is generally considered moderate agreement (Landis and Koch, 1977). CD NN Other Total R 362 328 144 834 A1 A2 A3 A4 (0.348) (0.336) (0.314) (0.337) A1 - 0.76 0.78 0.7 Non-R 583 565 280 1428 A2 0.76 - 0.81 0.8 (0.560) (0.580) (0.610) (0.577) A3 0.78 0.81 - 0.71 Non-R+POS 73 79 24 176 A4 0.7 0.8 0.71 - (0.070) (0.081) (0.052) (0.071) Undefined 23 3 11 37 Table 2: Observed agreement (0.022) (0.003) (0.024) (0.015) Total 1041 975 459 2475 (1) (1) (1) (1) A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 - 0.57 0.62 0.48 Table 5: Conditional frequency of the emoji class given A2 0.57 - 0.66 0.64 the emoji POS tag: counts and proportions. The largest A3 0.62 0.66 - 0.5 proportion for each class in each condition is in boldface. A4 0.48 0.64 0.5 - The distribution of the classes is as follows: the Table 3: Cohen’s κ agreement Redundant class has 834 instances (33.7%), the Non-Redundant class has 1428 instances (57.7%), In tables2 and3 we report the results for the Non-Redundant + POS class has 176 instances the percentage and Cohen’s κ agreement between (7.1%). Additionally, 37 instances are annotated each pair of annotators. The average percentage as undefined (1.5%). κ agreement is 76%, while the average Cohen’s is Table4 details how the classes are distributed 0.576, a value only slightly lower than what we given the position of the emoji as either close to were aiming for. A discussion of the difficulties the end of the tweet or not1: 35.7% of the in- encountered by the annotators is provided in the stances are annotated as Redundant (R in the ta- next section. To comply with the suggestion given bles), 60.7% as Non-Redundant (Non-R), 2.9% as by one of the anonymous reviewers, we also cal- 1 culated agreement using Fleiss’ kappa and Krip- The emoji position was computed by dividing the index of the emoji in the tokenized tweet by the number of tokens pendorff’s alfa. The values we obtained, however, in the tweet. We considered close to the end those emoji with are very similar (0.575 and 0.576, respectively.) a value equal or above 0.7

123 Non-Redundant + POS (Non-R+POS), and 0.7% From the numbers in the table, and again leav- are undefined. In the opposite condition (when ing out the undefined instances, it would appear the position of the emoji is not close to the end of that NN might be used as a predictor of the two the tweet) 31.6% instances are Redundant, 54.6% Non Redundant classes, while CD seems more are Non-Redundant, 11.5% are Non-Redundant predictive of Redundant use. The differences are + POS, and 2.3% are undefined. Interestingly, significant on a χ-squared test of independence although not surprisingly, the Non-Redundant + (χ-squared = 21.385, df = 6, p-value < 0.01). An POS class is the only one (leaving the undefined analysis of the residuals showed that, if we ignored instances out) to show a higher probability of oc- the undefined instances, the largest contributions currence in the ”not close to the end” than the to the differences are found in the negative effect ”close to the end” condition. of CD on the Non-Redundant class, the negative From the distribution we can see that, at least in effect of Other on Non-Redundant + POS and the a corpus the size of ours, the distinction between positive effect of NN on that same class. close or non close to the end is not a strong in- To sum up, the analysis shows that position dicator of whether the emoji is used to repeat or (close to the end or not) and part-of-speech class add information, with the exception of the case might be useful features to consider when training in which the emoji not only adds information but a classifier to predict whether emoji in tweets are also replaces a word. The differences in the dis- being used in a redundant or additive way. tribution are significant, as demonstrated by a χ- 5.2 Annotation difficulties squared test of independence (χ-squared = 81.644, df = 3, p-value < 0.001). An analysis of the resid- We saw earlier that the inter-annotator results are uals confirmed that the effect of position is highest slightly lower than expected. Some annotators in the case of the Non-Redundant + POS class. reported difficulty in assigning a class when the tweet content was not meaningful, thus a possi- We had an intuition that the part-of-speech cat- ble way to improve the annotation design and in- egory of the emoji might be an interesting feature crease the agreement would be to filter out all the to look for the purposes of training classifiers to spam and advertisement tweets that contain little predict the relation of the emoji with the content or non-informative text and keep only tweets from of the rest of the text. Therefore, the corpus was individual (possibly verified) users, avoiding cor- run through the Stanford Tagger. We decided to porate accounts and bots. use the standard Stanford POS Tagger from the To gain a better understanding of the difficulties Python NLTK wrapper since traditional POS tag- of the annotation process we considered a small gers have been reported to achieve satisfactory re- sample of pairs where two annotators assigned the sults when compared with domain specific taggers Non-Redundant class and the other two assigned (Derczynski et al., 2013), and also since Twitter- the Non-Redundant + POS class, some examples specific POS taggers do not seem to provide tags are listed here: for emoji. In table5 we report the frequencies for the ” Legia Warsaw” • most frequent tags, which are CD or NN (cardi- ” - like who comments ’ifb’” nal number and noun, respectively). The column • Other sums the frequencies of the remaining cat- From these examples it can be seen that disagree- egories. The Stanford POS Tagger considers sev- ment emerges when the tweet content is very short eral features prior to assigning a tag to unknown and unstructured and the function of the emoji is words. This set of features includes capitaliza- ambiguous, given also the lack of syntactic cues in tion, context (n-grams), hyphens, numbers, and the text. Such cases include occurrences where the allcaps (Toutanova et al., 2003). Tokens contain- text of the tweet consists of hashtags only. ing allcaps, a slash or a dash as well as numbers We also noted disagreement (mostly among a are tagged with NN (since they might be company single annotator and the three others) in cases names). Thus the POS-tag assigned to an emoji where the emoji is strongly related to other words may either be the result of these specific features in the text. E.g.: or may be based on the n-gram sequence in which the emoji is embedded. ”I wish I was a pet so I could just stay home, •

124 lounge all day and have no responsibilities There are several aspects we have discussed in ” this work that may constitute a limitation and are, therefore, open to improvements and changes. The ”@USER mom, my birthday is coming ” most important is perhaps the fact that the three • classes of interest are far from being equally rep- In such cases it is possible that one or more annota- resented. Thus, more data should be collected. tor identified a relation of synonymy or entailment Doing so could also reduce the effect of noisy ex- (thus, label the instance as ”Redundant”) while the amples, such as those of tweets only consisting of others consider it as relatedness or similarity (thus, emoji. label the instance as ”Non Redundant”). This sug- Regarding this aspect we could also consider gests that identifying entailment at token level in- the possibility of using a binary setup, thus merg- stead than from pairs of sentences, especially in ing Non Redundant and Non Redundant + POS unstructured and short text, is a hard task. We must into the same class and balancing the amount of also note that even though we balanced the amount instances related to each case within it. Improve- of tweets per category in our corpus, we did not ments to the annotation interface should also be further balance the tweets in each category accord- considered if more data is annotated. ing to the emoji used to retrieve them. Therefore, Considering the confusion sometimes made by we cannot exclude a possible effect derived from the annotators between similarity and entailment, the most common of these emoji and we should more examples should be provided to train them consider to improve this aspect in future research. more extensively to categorize such cases cor- Lastly, we cannot exclude that difficulties rectly. may have arisen due to renderings of other co- occurring emoji that were missing from the Sym- Furthermore, the agreement can be improved bola font we adopted. by including additional annotators and removing from the corpus those tweets that result to be par- 6 Conclusion ticularly problematic As future work it will be interesting to evaluate We have presented an annotated corpus of tweets emoji’s behaviour in the context of specific NLP that was developed with the purpose of training tasks such as threads summarization. Moreover, models to classify the informative behaviour of it would be important to verify if the redundancy emoji in tweets. between emoji and words is equivalent or differs We have described the entire process of retriev- from the redundancy among the words alone in the ing, cleaning, and presenting the data to the anno- context of the same tweet. tators through the graphical user interface specifi- cally developed for the task. The interface source code is available at Acknowledgments giuliadnt/Annotation_gui; the corpus We would like to express our gratitude to can be provided by the main author on request. George Giannakopoulos, the Institute of Informat- The reliability of the annotation was measured ics and Telecommunications at NSCR Demokri- and, although the average κ score was slightly tos (Athens, GR) and everybody at Sci.FY for the lower than expected, it still showed close to mod- help and support throughout the whole data col- erate agreement among the annotators, an accept- lection and annotation process. We would also able result given the difficulty of the task. like to thank Daniela Schneevogt and Michael We have also provided an analysis of the cor- Schlichtkrull for all their suggestions and the re- pus in terms of the distribution of three classes viewers for the feedback provided. of emoji behaviour (Redundant, Non-Redundant, and Non-Redundant + POS) given the position of the emoji in the tweet, as well as their part-of- References speech category. Both dimensions seem to pro- vide at least some predictive power, and have in Francesco Barbieri, Francesco Ronzano, and Horacio Saggion. 2016. What does this emoji mean? a fact been used as features to develop classifiers vector space skip-gram model for twitter . of emoji informative behaviour in tweets (paper in In Language Resources and Evaluation conference, preparation), LREC. Portoroz, Slovenia.

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