, 2021/ 15 de AGOSTO, 2021

WELCOME PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday -Thursday 9:00 AM -4:00 PM closed for lunch 12 -1:00 PM MASSES TIMES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 & 11:00 AM Spanish Mass at 1:00 PM DAILY MASS 9:00 AM Monday -Saturday MISSION The Mission of St. Joan of Arc Parish is to put Jesus first in our lives by seeking to know Him in Scripture, Encountering Him in Prayer, Celebrating His Presence among us in praise and worship and uniting with one another in loving service . NOTE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY.


13485 Spring Hill Drive | Spring Hill, FL 34609 | (352) 688 -0663 | sjoa [email protected] FROM OUR PASTOR, FR, PATRICK REBEL

In the first reading from last week, Elijah won a victory on Mt. Carmel. He just defeated the 400 prophets of the false god Baal. Elijah invoked the Lord God. With the help of the Lord, Elijah defeated his opponents. God sent down fire and consumed the sacrificed bulls, wood, stone and dust and lapped up the water. In this contest between the true God of Israel and the false god Baal, the false god was unable to make the fire. The God or Israel was the clear victor. When Queen Jezebel heard of Elijah’s victory over her false god Baal and his 400 prophets, she threatened to kill Elijah. Elijah then becomes afraid and flees for his life. He hides in the wilderness. He tells the Lord to take his life. Up to this point, Elijah was listening to God but now Elijah is now acting on his own. The prophet decides that his service to God has come to an end. After praying that God should take his life, Elijah lies down to sleep under the shade of a tree. Then an angel from God touches him. The angel orders Elijah to get up and eat the food and drink what is prepared for him. Elijah then follows directions by eating and drinking what the angel gives him. Elijah then waits for God to answer his prayer for death. He then lies down anticipating God’s response. God’s angel returns and once again orders Elijah to eat and drink. The angel tells him that he will need the strength for the long journey that lies ahead. Nourished by the food from heaven, Elijah walks 40 days and 40 nights to the mountain where Moses encountered God in the days of the Exodus. God did in fact answer Elijah’s prayer, but that response was “no”. That answer was different than what the prophet had anticipated. Elijah’s life is not over; he will not die at the time he asked God to take him. God has other plans for Elijah. In the Gospel from last week, the Jewish people complain against Jesus because Our Lord stated that He is the bread from heaven. This bread that Jesus gives them is superior than the Manna, or bread falling from heaven that their ancestors ate when they were in the desert. The people ask, how can this be; we know his father and mother? Jesus is one of us. Jesus then tells them to stop murmuring among themselves as He moves to the issue at a deeper level. Jesus then talks about the intimate relationship He has with His Heavenly Father. He also tells them that access to the Father can only come through Him. There is also a reference to the divine mutuality seen in the Prologue of John 1:1 -18. In that Prologue, it is written that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh; Jesus dwells among us. Jesus then states “amen, amen , I say to you”. Biblical scholars state that these are truly the Words of Jesus. When Jesus states “amen, amen , I say to you”, He is telling us to listen to what He says. He is the bread of life. Whoever eats this bread will live forever and never die spiritually. This is because He has come down from heaven. Jesus’ Body is the bread of life for the entire world. This bread from heaven satisfies all our spiritual needs. This bread is the Eucharist. Hunger can be pervasive and life -threatening when food is scarce. But for most of us, it is usually an inconvenience. We are truly blessed. For some it can be a daily struggle to find food. For many of us hunger sneaks up on us because we were too busy to eat a meal. Once again we are reminded of the power of the Eucharist. It is our spiritual food and nourishment. It is the gift that leads to eternal life. It is our daily and heavenly bread. It is the hope and promise to us In the Second Reading to the Ephesians, St Paul also tells us that salvation can be found in The Sacrament of Baptism. In Baptism, we are “sealed for the day of redemption.” We must not give into the darkness of sin and ignorance. At the same time we must live as Children of God. We must imitate the selfless love of the Lord.

Let us end with a prayer: God our Father You have given us so much. Forgive us if we are asking you for anything more. Give us faith to recognize the presence of your Son in the heart of our brothers and sisters in this Church right now. Give us the faith to recognize the voice of your Son in the Sacred Scripture. Above all, give us the faith to recognize the Body of your Son in the bread that we now prepare to bless, break, and share

Ignatian Contemplative Prayer Group Thursday evenings from 6 -7, except on First Thursdays. We will meet in the Church and all are welcome.

“… a time to die …” To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under Heaven. Please pray for all of the deceased of our parish, - especially for those who recently passed away: Ecclesiastes 3:1 Irma Nidia Morales


Thanks Mom! María no fue la única persona que el ángel Gabriel visitó. Seis meses antes este ángel fue enviado a Just before I started writing this article, I was Zacarías, el esposo de Isabel, para anunciarle que ella driving home from an errand and there were two of the most stunning and colorful rainbows rising to the concebiría pronto un hijo. Zacarías no le creyó al ángel heavens. I couldn’t help but think how beautiful God’s y como consecuencia quedó mudó hasta que la promise is. In the midst of dark clouds the beauty of promesa de Dios a él y a Isabel se cumplió. María, por His promise shattered the darkness. el contrario, creyó y dio su consentimiento a una How beautiful Mary is. How beautiful is the proposición inusual y preocupante. Todos los días, woman who carried the promise of God, our aunque no de forma tan dramática, nosotros decidimos Theotokos -the God -bearer. Amid the darkness of the acatar o no la voluntad de Dios. passion and death of her Son, the light of Christ No sabemos cómo hubiese reaccionado Zacarías a shattered the darkness. The sword that pierced her heart la visita de María si hubiera podido hablar, pero sí turned to joy at the resurrection of her Son. Death ruled sabemos lo que dijo una vez que su hijo nació y no more. She who witnessed the death of her Son would not taste death again. Her Son called to her and recuperó el habla: “irás delante del Señor a preparar sus she was assumed into heaven. Can we imagine the caminos” (Lucas 1, 76). Se necesitaron nueve meses, escort she had as she returned to her Son? The hosts of pero él también sintió la conmoción del Espíritu Santo heaven, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, all of the y por eso llegó a consentir gustosa y libremente a la Cherubim and Seraphim must have escorted her, our voluntad de Dios. Todos estamos agradecidos por Queen and Mother, from this world into heaven. segundas oportunidades. Para cualquiera de las dos Imagine... Cristo ha vencido el pecado y la muerte. Por el Many of us have experienced our mother’s Bautismo hemos recibido la promesa de compartir la passing from this world. Some at a very early age. The victoria de Cristo, una victoria que está más allá de sacrifices they made for us and the love they gave to us nuestras propias posibilidades. Esta fiesta celebra la are never forgotten, but cherished. It is with loving hearts we look upon the times with our moms, which asunción al cielo, en cuerpo y alma, de la gave us strength, knowing that their love for us Bienaventurada Virgen María. María nos ha mostrado continues even to this day. el camino. Ella confió en Dios desde el principio, So much more does our Blessed Mother look consintió a la voluntad de Dios, fue la primera down upon us, her children, with a loving Immaculate discípula de su Hijo y lo lloró al pie de la cruz. Que su heart. Her assumption into heaven has not separated us recompensa del cielo sea también nuestra. En la from her. She reminds us just how much she and her asunción de María atisbamos algo de la recompensa Son love us by visiting us here on earth. Just as a eterna que Dios ha reservado para todos los que tienen mother would, she also reminds us to live the right way, a Cristo en su corazón. the way of her Son, and admonishes us with a compassionate heart. She knows the pain and joy we feel as we struggle through life. She experienced pain Pregunta del Día and joy in her life as well. She encourages and prays ¿Qué incluiría en mi propio Magníficat? ¿Cuáles son for us all the time. las grandes cosas por las que alabaría a Dios? And like the loving children we are, we want to make her proud of us. Thanks Mom for the Son you gave us. Congratulations to

LECTORS NEEDED AT ALL MASSES Diana Socha Baptized on 31, 2021 We are in need of Lectors for all the Masses celebrated in English. If you would like to be a Lector, Welcome to our Roman Catholic please contact Mary Jo Waggoner at the parish office on Church Family! Mondays and Tuesdays. You can choose the Mass you normally attend or open your schedule to Lector at any of the Masses. Training will be available.


We are happy to announce that we will be moving the Spanish Mass from Sunday at 1:00 in the afternoon to 9:30 in the morning. This change will be effective starting 5, 2021. By making this change we will minimize the disturbance to the other masses as well as minimizing the financial impact of having four masses on a Sunday. Thank you and God Bless our St. Joan Of Arc parish community. Nos alegramos anunciar que, comenzando septiembre 5, 2021, la misa Hispana de la una de la tarde va hacer cambiada a las nueve y media (9:30) de la mañana. Al hacer este cambio, minimizaremos disturbar a las otras misas y minimizaremos el impacto financiero de tener cuatro misas en un domingo. Gracias y que Dios bendiga a nuestra comunidad parroquial de St. Joan of Arc.


Baptism classes will be held now 6:00 pm on the Third Tuesdays of every . Our next class will be on August 17th in the Kitchen/Nursery. Parents MUST pre -register with the parish office by the Monday prior. If you do not pre -register, we will assume no one is coming and there will be no class.

SING UNTO THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART! Would you like to join our choir and bring a message to the people through song? We have rehearsals every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Church beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 22. Our singing schedule rotates, so we sing the 1st Saturday of each month at the 4:00 pm Mass, 2nd Sunday and 4th Sundays at the 11:00 AM Mass and 3rd and 5th Sundays at the 8:00 AM Mass. We have not been able to be together as a choir since 15, 2020 so we are very excited to begin choir music again in our Masses. Come try us out, and I pray you’ll like us and join us in raising our voices up to God! Contact Joyce Thorpe in the parish office if you have any questions.


Please visit our Diocese of St. Petersburg website: www.DOSP.org, . The Diocesan Office is just that, an office. People employed there are helping the homeless with homes, education, guiding Youth Ministry and Faith Formation, training Deacons and future Priests, Prison Ministry and the list goes on. They are not a church where tithes come in weekly to pay for all this plus salaries. This is where our APA money comes in. This is why we have an obligation to support APA, so our Diocese can do the Ministry of Christ. Please donate to APA.


If you would like to learn about our Catholic Faith as an adult, classes will be taught on the Adult Catholic Catechism beginning Saturday, , following the morning Mass, (9:30 -11:30). You can also attend by ZOOM. You do not need to purchase the book, although it would be helpful; you will receive notes for every class. Please email the Faith Formation Office to let us know if you will be attending: [email protected]. As of today, I have but one student. Please come and learn about the book the Bishops wrote for you!

PLEASE CONSIDER Stewardship for Sunday August 1st, 2021 ONLINE GIVING

Did you know that only 2% of parishioners pay for all the Our parish is grateful for your

bills of our parish? continued support at this time. Go to our

You cannot outdo the generosity of God. website: www.StJoanofarcfl.com and Try tithing 10% for three and see how God blesses your life. click on Online Giving. Thank you. Attendance: 552 Offertory: $8316.00 Online Giving for July: $3272.00

AUGUST 15, 2021/ 15 de AGOSTO, 2021 4 Readings for the week of August 15, 2021 Sunday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3 -4, 15 -16; 16:1 -2/Ps 132:6 -7, 9 -10, 13 -14 [8]/ 1 Cor 15:54b -57/Lk 11:27 -28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1 -6a, 10ab/ Ps 45:10, 11, 12, 16 [10bc]/1 Cor 15:20 -27/Lk 1:39 -56 Monday: Jgs 2:11 -19/Ps 106:34 -35, 36 -37, 39 -40, 43ab and 44 [4a]/Mt 19:16 -22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11 -24a/Ps 85:9, 11 -12, 13 -14 [cf. 9b]/Mt 19:23 -30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6 -15/Ps 21:2 -3, 4 -5, 6 -7 [2a]/Mt 20:1 -16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29 -39a/Ps 40:5, 7 -8a, 8b -9, 10 [8a and 9a]/Mt 22:1 -14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3 -6, 14b -16, 22/Ps 146:5 -6ab, 6c -7, 8 -9a, 9bc -10 [1b]/Mt 22:34 -40 Saturday: Ru 2:1 -3, 8 -11; 4:13 -17/Ps 128:1b -2, 3, 4, 5 [4]/Mt 23:1 -12

Observances for the week of August 15, 2021 Sunday: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday: St. Stephen of Hungary Thursday: St. John Eudes, Priest Friday: St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church Saturday: St. Pius X, Pope MASS INTENTIONS

SATURDAY, THURSDAY, 9:00 AM † Remedios Jovellanos req by 9:00 AM In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony req by Mary Babino Carol D’aquisto 4:00 PM † Kenneth O’Keefe req by Marjorie O’Keefe FRIDAY, 9:00 AM † Daniel Dey req by Betty SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 8:00 AM † Joan M. Guensch req by Carol D’Aquisto SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 11:00 AM Pete and Linda McMahon req by 9:00 AM † Remedios Jovellanos req by Loving Mom DeMarco Marian White

1:00 PM For our Parish Community. 4:00 PM † Frances Lopez req by Marilin Lopez

MONDAY, 9:00 AM † NO INTENTION SUNDAY, 8:00 AM † For our Parish Community. TUESDAY, 11:00 AM Bob Skipper req by 9:00 AM † Joe Page req by TJ and Janet Marshal

Linda and Frank Mezzacapo 1:00 PM Victor Javier Lasanta req by Maria Fernandez WEDNESDAY, 9:00 AM † NO INTENTION

MASS INTENTION REQUESTS Offering Mass for a special intention has been a long standing tradition in the . It is usually considered that special graces are received by the person who the intention is for. Masses are said for many reasons; for a deceased person, for a living person, in honor of someone’s birthday, in honor of someone's anniversary, etc. The name of the person or persons we are praying for is mentioned in the general intercessions, by the priest at Mass and in our weekly bulletin. If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, living or deceased, please go to the Parish Office. A Mass Card will be given to you as a reminder of the time and date you requested.

Request a Mass for your loved ones, living or deceased, at the parish office.


The St. Joan of Arc Widows’ Group is a group of ladies who have lost their husbands and gather together once a month to have a presentation and luncheon. They will be meeting starting 1st Fridays of the month beginning on September 3rd, 10::00AM through lunch. Plans are to have a picnic at Anderson Snow Park on Friday, 1st, after the meeting. This is not a bereavement group. This is a chance for women in like circumstances to enjoy each others’ company, learn and lunch together. All widows of the parish are welcome.


God reminds us that He sends prophets into our midst for our benefit. The question is: Are we open -minded enough to listen to new ideas and insights, to allow our attention to be re -directed to things we have ignored or taken for granted? For instance: how have we listened to, implemented Pope Francis' invitation to care for all of creation, human and non -human? Normally, papal documents are addressed to the bishops of the Church to disseminate and promote through their diocese. But, Pope Francis addresses his message directly to us, his friends, the people of God. You’ve heard the expression: “You can’t tell a book by its cover.” All too often we judge the “cover.” We get so bogged down in appearances, in the humanity of the proclaimer, that we refuse to listen to the proclamation. Who does she/he think she/he is? You have seen episodes of “America’s Got Talent” when you knew by the judges’ interaction with the performers that they were writing off this act before the contestant got started. Like the time when the three fellows looking like they’d just rolled out of bed came on stage. When they opened their mouths, spell -binding tenor music poured forth into the auditorium where hundreds, along with the judges, sat in stunned silence, open -mouthed, on the edges of their seats realizing what a terrible presumptive judgment they’d made. Perhaps what is even worse is when we view ourselves in such a negative way that we say: “Who am I to tell anyone what to do or not do, when I know that often I do things far worse?” The reality is that every one of us, simply because of our baptism, has been called to be a prophet. There are some things over which we cannot compromise. There are times when silence is the best response we can muster; when words would not improve the silence. But there are many times when we cannot keep silent. We cannot be dissuaded by our own shortcomings. God will stand by us and give us what we need when we need it. Relax, draw a deep breath, and remind yourself: “I don’t have to act today with yesterday’s grace.” But we do need to remember if we fail to share the prophetic message of the Gospel, other louder voices will be happy to impose their godless vision on all of us. It never has been easy to be a prophet and it never will be. The message of the Gospel is challenging and sometimes controversial, but it's a message that people (we) need to hear whether or not we want to hear it. And God promises a prophet's reward for fidelity to our mission. On the other hand, if we prefer not to rock the boat, as Aristotle said "To avoid criticism...say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing." One day in the life of Jesus, we learn that his trip to Nazareth was not a private family visit. He came for public ministry. Usually when the people heard Jesus speak, they were amazed. But, a lot of what He said confused His enemies. They couldn’t explain Him, so they rejected His message. They thought they knew everything about Him. They knew Him as a “just” common craftsman, just another boy from Nazareth. They voiced their thoughts: “You are no better than we are! Why should we listen to you?” These people did what most people do when they cannot understand someone. They resorted to rejection, ridicule and the last refuge of a small mind: a tie -breaking put down! They did what was never done in that society! They insulted His mother calling him “Son of Mary.” A male was always referred to as the son of his father, even if his father was dead. To call a boy, the son of his mother, was to imply that his mother had been a harlot. Jesus was amazed that these people lacked faith. They had heard the truth, seen the truth and they still turned a deaf ear and a blind eye. As a result, He left Nazareth, and there is no record that He ever returned there. We may sum this up in the words of William Barclay, a Biblical Scholar (1907 -1978): “There can be no preaching in the wrong atmosphere. The listeners are responsible for at least half of every homily. In an atmosphere of expectancy, the least effort will catch fire. In an atmosphere of coldness or indifference, the most spirit -filled of sermons will fall flat.”

~Reflection by Sister Roberta Bailey, OSB


Pastor Rev. Patrick Rebel OFFICE EMAIL Asst. Priests ...... Rev. Edward Reiter Sjoa [email protected] Rev. Michael Kouts Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Rev. Dennis Kaelin (352) 686 -7864 Msgr. Joe Sobiesiak Deacons ...... Deacon Fred LaPiana RCIA/RCIC Deacon Jose Cruz Rite Initiation into the Catholic Faith Deacon Mike Ruffner Parish Business Manager ...... Anne Cofone “IN HIS FOOTSTEPS” SOUP & SANDWICH LUNCH Director of Faith Formation ...... Mary Jo Waggoner Served in our Parish Family Hall the 2nd Thursday of each - [email protected] month from Noon 2:00 pm & for our homebound, the 4th

Director of Junior High and Youth Ministry .... Nancy Lovelock Thursday of each month. Sjoa [email protected] MARY & MARTHA’S GIFT SHOP (NOT OPEN AT THIS Director of Music…………………………...…...Joyce Thorpe TIME) [email protected] Saturday……………………………………...3:30 pm -5:30 pm Sunday……………………………………….7:00 am -1:00 pm Wednesdays………………………………….9:30 am -10:30 am SACRAMENTS Closed during all Masses. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 10:00 am -11:00 am & by appointment. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (352) 556 -3670 BAPTISM FOR CHILDREN Please call the Parish Office to pre -register. (352) 688 -0663 NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC SCHOOL (352) 683 -0755 MATRIMONY I www.ndcsfl.org S. J A C,
