Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Winter 2017 Vol.39 No.2 Your free copy STEPPING INTO THE SPOTLIGHT APO Principal Percussionist Eric Renick moves to the front of the stage COMRADES IN ARMS Brett Dean and Piers Lane OUT FROM UNDER Stalin vs Shostakovich SILKS AND SNARE DRUMS Music meets circus Over 60% of you read the news on your phone. So we redesigned the Herald site with mobile in mind – with dynamic content, larger imagery, and bite-size summaries to keep you up-to-date while you’re on the move. DISCOVER MORE WITH YOUR NEW CONTENTS FRONT DESK Upfront with Barbara Glaser 3 APO News 5 FEATURES Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra PO Box 7083 Wellesley St Beating his own Drum 8 Out of the Shadows 12 Auckland 1141 Phone (09) 638 6266 The APO’s own Eric Renick gets ready to Shostakovich’s Tenth Symphony in the APO Ticketing (09) 623 1052 take centre stage wake of Stalin’s death Email
[email protected] Website Facebook Twitter @aporchestra Instagram aporchestra Phil News Winter 2017 Editor Tabatha McFadyen Cover Eric Renick by Adrian Malloch Design Head and Shoulders Above 11 Dynamic Duo 16 Printing Teddy Tahu Rhodes brings his talents to Brett Dean and Piers Lane on a lifetime the best of Broadway of music and friendship Paper Sponsor Phil News printed on Tauro Offset 100gsm; New Kid on the Block 15 Me & My 21 cover 300gsm Meet Thomas Hamill, the APO’s new Harp – Rebecca Harris Patrons Director of Connecting Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, ONZ, DBE My Great Listen 23 Dame Catherine Tizard, ONZ Running Away with the Circus 18 Rising operatic star Siobhan Stagg Sir James Wallace, KNZM APO Principal Timpanist Steven Logan Dame Rosanne Meo, DNZM gets shown the ropes Offstage 24 Vice Patron Dame Jenny Gibbs, DNZM Emma Eden offers a refuge in music Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Board CODA Geraint A.