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Bryn St Peter’s C of E Primary School

School Prospectus 2019/20

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Thank you for your interest in Bryn St Peter’s Church of Primary School.

On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you!

We are very proud of our school and aim to ensure that we offer a secure, inclusive and caring environment where everyone is valued and respected.

Our children are encouraged to build independence, resilience and confidence, through exploration and questioning via a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum where individual interests and talents can be spotted and nurtured so that all children experience success.

Close links with church support the ethos of our school and Christian values are at the core of everything we do.

We value the relationship we have with our parents/carers to ensure the success of our children, and believe that children learn best when there are strong links between home and school.

Please contact school if you require any further information which is not on the website or if you would like to visit us.

Visits are warmly welcome.

Julie Alcock Headteacher

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Our School Page 4

Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities Page 15

Home / School / Community Links Page 17

Results Page 21

General Page 25

Mission Statement

Our Church school is committed to the provision and celebration of excellent education in a Christian context. In a caring, respectful and disciplined community, where Christian values are at the core of everything we do, we encourage pupils to excel and develop their full potential. All children are welcomed into a secure and safe environment where they are valued as unique and are included, accepted as individuals and where achievements are celebrated. Together with God we are building our future.


 To ensure children are challenged and achieve their highest potential and their successes are celebrated.  To provide an innovative and creative curriculum, embracing new technologies to enhance children’s learning, preparing them to be ‘life-long’ learners.  To avoid all aspects of direct and indirect discrimination.  To provide personalised learning enabling all children to enjoy and achieve.  To develop self-confidence and self-esteem of all pupils, encouraging them to embrace challenge and change.  To actively encourage involvement in initiatives within school, the Church and the community.  To provide a curriculum that develops the skills and understanding required to achieve personal, sustainable economic well-being, whilst mindful of the needs and demands of others.  To teach children the importance of maintaining all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.  To appreciate and know how to care for the world that they live in.

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 Meet the Staff

Teachers Reception Class teacher Mrs L Rimmer Year 1 teacher +TLR Mrs Cath Boswell Year 2 Teacher +TLR Miss Sam Swann Year 3 Teacher Mrs Jane Leigh Year 4 Teacher Mr Martyn Greaves Year 5 Teacher NQT Miss Holly Hilton Year 6 Teacher Mrs Julie Litton TAs Amanda Riley L2 Gemma Eden L2 Wendy McClements L2 Rebecca Bardsley L2 Helen Cater L2 Jenny Mychalczuk L2 Paula Hurst L3 Claire Barton L3 Laura Otty L3 Alison Miller L3 Rebekah Hobson L3 Laura Pritchard L3 Welfare assistants Mrs Causey L1 Mrs Bardsley L1 Mrs Sudworth L1 Mrs McClements L2 Mrs Cater L2 Cleaning and Maintenance Mr Andrew Clark Caretaker Mr John Ashcroft Cleaner Administrative Staff Mrs Sandra Minshull Administrator Mrs Jill Clark Business Manager Kitchen and Lunchtime Welfare Staff (Metrofresh) Mrs Sue Pennington Cook Mrs W Parkinson Kitchen Assistant Mrs L Ward Kitchen Assistant

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School Day

The staff are ready to greet your children into school from 8.50 am to allow time to order lunch on our LIVE kitchen system.

Morning session 8.50 am 1st bell to order lunch 8.55 – 11.50 (YR) 8:55 – 12:00 (Key Stage 1) 8.55 – 12.10 (Key Stage 2) Afternoon session 1:00 – 3:15 (KS1 & 2)

Mrs Hilton, Learning Mentor is on duty on the playground for 10 minutes at the beginning and end of the school day. She is also available to parents who wish to discuss anything before school begins.

When the weather is wet, all the children come straight into school.


The Local Authority is responsible for admissions and places are offered in accordance with the admissions criteria, should the school be over-subscribed. You will apply for a place at Bryn St Peter’s via ’s admissions.

A maximum of 30 pupils are admitted per year group.

The following criteria, in order of priority, will be adhered to when the school is over- subscribed:

 Children with a statement of Educational Needs which names the school.  Children in public care.  Children who have a brother or sister at the school.  Children who live closest to the school. Distance will be measured as the crow flies. However, account will also be taken of ease of access to and distance from alternatives.

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School Uniform School uniform helps to give the children a sense of belonging and pride in themselves and their school. We hope parents will support us in maintaining uniform to a high standard. We do not allow jewellery of any sort except for ear studs. Ear-rings are a health and safety hazard and are not allowed to be worn in school. Haircuts and styles must be suitable for every day in school. Nail varnish, or makeup is not permitted.

Red polo shirt Black, navy blue or brown shoes Alternative Dark blue sweatshirt or cardigan summer wear - red and white check dress (Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan for Y6) Grey skirt or pinafore. or mid-grey trousers (short or long) White socks or suitable coloured tights

P.E. and Games kit

Navy shorts Red, crew neck T-shirt Black slip-on or velcro pumps (not trainers) Trainers for outdoor games only



We ask that rucksack are not brought to school, on a day to day basis, as we do not have the space to house them. Instead a small reading book back, which will fit in a school tray is adequate.

If specialist equipment or extra PE uniform is required permission can be given to bring in a larger bag.

Details and prices of school uniform are available from: Sportsline. 26 Gerard St, Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wn4 9AA. Tel: 01942 722071 and in the school office.

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Our Philosophy of Teaching We educate the whole child. We want all children to realise their potential and to achieve excellence. We have a strong commitment to develop their personal skills and qualities that will enable them to live successful lives within society. We do our best at all times to nurture the children in our care, developing self- esteem and confidence in their abilities so that they fulfil potential and are proud of their achievements.

The School Curriculum At St Peter’s School all children follow a broad, balanced and vibrant curriculum that is matched to the individual needs of each child, aims to maximise their ability and potential and fulfils the objectives set out in the 2014 national curriculum.

Literacy We use English to communicate in both written and spoken form. We use language to build our view and opinion of the world and our community. We continue to learn, develop and enhance our knowledge and understanding of English throughout our lives. English is taught daily with work appropriately differentiated to match all abilities. With parental support, we want our children to:

 speak clearly and confidently in any situation.

 listen actively and respond appropriately, developing knowledge and opinion.

 read fluently for both pleasure and information.

 write clearly and with confidence in any given genre.

 use spelling rules, phonics and grammar accurately.

 be able to proof-read their own work and make amendments and improvements. Most importantly, we aim to nurture in the children a love of literature and language, and the confidence to continue reading and writing throughout their lives. Read, Write Inc. forms the foundation for early reading and spelling strategies. Children will have the opportunity to investigate patterns in words and learn how to spell them. We use a cursive handwriting style, which leads easily to joined-up writing. You will be given more information about cursive writing when your child starts school.

Numeracy Maths is used every day whether we realise it or not! For example, we check our change when out shopping, estimate the cost of a new carpet or decide what time we need to leave home to get to the station. We aim to provide our children with a wide mathematical education taught in an enjoyable, relevant and creative way. We use ‘real life’ experiences so children begin to understand the importance of applying maths skills in order to solve problems and engage them for future learning.

Children are given a wide range of opportunities to develop mathematical skills; practically, through investigations, problem solving and in the development of mental strategies. Pupils explore shape and space and develop their measuring skills in a range of contexts.

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They are given lots of opportunity to discuss their methods and encouraged to use the appropriate mathematical vocabulary. We want our children to know and understand mathematical concepts, skills, facts, relationships and strategies and be able to apply and communicate these in a confident way.

Science Through Science we hope to develop a child’s curiosity of the world around them. We provide opportunities to observe and explore in a scientific way and to understand how things work. By engaging in practical, hands-on investigations, children develop enquiring minds, ask questions, suggest reasons and go on to devise their own experiments.

Tackling scientific problems encourages children to learn skills, attitudes and concepts which form valuable connections with other areas of the curriculum.

Information Technology and Computing You can email through your TV, surf the internet on your mobile phone, even do the weekly shop from the comfort of your own home via your PC; modern technology is changing the way we live and work. Our children need to learn how to manage it all – to get hold of information, evaluate its suitability, store it, share it with others and tailor it to meet their own needs. Mini laptop computers and I pads are available for the children to use during lesson time. Computing involves children in understanding how programs achieve specific goals. They work towards understanding logical sequences, inputs, variables and outputs in programs. They learn how to detect errors in programs and correct them and understand how to use networks for collaboration and communication.

Religious Education The school has a distinctly Anglican character. We take part in regular worship and religious instruction. Religious Education is taught weekly through a scheme which is recommended by the Liverpool Anglican Diocese. Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from lessons in RE, but no specific arrangements for withdrawal are set up, we must be advised in writing if desired. Children are taught the fundamental truths of the Christian faith as set out in the Bible. There are regular lessons to facilitate this as well as providing the opportunity for children to investigate a range of world faiths and compare them to the Christian faith.

Collective Worship The school has a close relationship with St. Peter’s Church. Parents are welcomed to our celebration assemblies on Friday afternoons at 2:30. We hold daily acts of worship that are planned around a range of Christian Values. Throughout the year, parents are encouraged to share in class assemblies and other special celebrations.

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History and Geography We attempt to develop an awareness of past, present and future. We aim to enable children to recognise that people affect places, places affect people and the two are inextricably linked. Children learn to compare and contrast aspects of the past with the present day and go onto develop the skills needed to engage in independent research. A range of environments and issues are investigated, ranging from the study of our own locality to the Amazon Rainforest.

Design Technology Design technology helps children to become problem solvers through practical tasks, using creativity and imagination. Children take familiar objects and investigate how they work. Working with a variety of materials and through the new skills they learn, children get to design, make and evaluate a range of products from picture frames to moving toys, to musical instruments. Design technology is a subject all children can enjoy individually or as part of a team and gives them the opportunity to become young innovators.

Creative Arts The term Creative Arts covers dance, drama, music arts and crafts. They are all strongly linked because they are involved in expression of feelings.

Art, craft and design stimulates creativity and imagination. We provide a rich environment in which we encourage our children to communicate through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and materials.

Throughout the school our main approach to children’s learning is through interest and experience. Co-operative ventures are encouraged. Drama and musical form are widely promoted at St Peter’s encouraging children to take part in events both inside and outside of school. Year 5 currently access the Wider Opportunities Brass lessons. Other music lessons, including drum, piano, guitar and violin, are available for a fee, provided by members of the local authority peripatetic staff.

Modern Foreign Languages Learning a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience in preparation for future life. French is taught at St. Peter’s.

Physical Education A healthy lifestyle is vital for a child’s well-being and keeping fit is an important part of this. In P.E. children come to understand the importance of warm-up and cool down before and after exercise. All children receive a range of PE and Games activities to develop appropriate skills, techniques and rules. School offers a range of clubs for the children to join utilising staff strengths and the skills of external sporting coaches.

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We encourage and participate in inter-school matches and tournaments. We promote sports that are more unusual and the children may not have experienced before and invite a wide range of specialists into school to work with the children as appropriate.

Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship We aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community and we believe that ‘Every Child Matters’. Our children are given opportunities in PSHE+C. lessons to develop confidence, self-motivation and an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our diverse society.

Sex and Relationship Education The governing body support the headteacher and staff in their statutory responsibilities in relation to Sex Education. SRE lessons will be delivered to Year 5 pupils by the School Nurse or similar professional; a parents meeting will be held in advance of these lessons to inform parents of the content.

Parents are the key figures in helping their children to come to terms with the physical and emotional aspects of growing up and preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities which sexual maturity brings.

Homework Homework is set on a weekly basis in support of on-going work in the classroom. Tasks may include memorising multiplication tables, learning spellings, and occasionally additional Literacy, Numeracy or topic related activities, such as learning information from their ‘knowledge Organisers’. Children will also be expected to read regularly, preferably each evening and at least 4 times per week. Parents are asked to comment on the reading they have completed with their child in the home-school diary. Guidelines are sent home to explain when homework is to be done.

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Additional Educational Needs All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 recognises that there are four broad areas: Communication and interaction (language and autism spectrum disorder); Cognition and learning (general learning and specific learning difficulties); Physical and sensory and Behavioural, emotional and social. Our procedure for identifying and assessing the special needs of individual children involves pupils, parents, teaching staff and external agencies.

We do our best to identify additional needs and offer appropriate support as soon as possible. Children with severe need that is continuing may have an Education Health Care Plan written in conjunction with appropriate professionals from a range of external agencies.

Safeguarding and Keeping Children Safe In Education 2019  The Governors and staff take their responsibilities very seriously to promote the safeguarding and welfare of all children entrusted to our care. Our main concern, at all times, is the welfare, well- being and safeguarding of pupils. Policies to ensure that your child’s safety and well-being whilst in school include: Child Protection /Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018), Bullying, Attendance, Behaviour, Disability and Equality and Health and Safety. Policies are reviewed annually and all staff fully understand the need to be familiar with and vigilant in abiding by their contents. Parents are encouraged to discuss ANY concerns regarding health, safety, protection and development of their child with a relevant member of staff. Mrs Alcock, the Head teacher is the Designated Senior Person for child protection and Keeping Children Safe in Education. All our staff have had training in Prevent strategies against radicalisation. As part of the ethos of the school we are committed to

 providing an environment in which children feel safe, secure, valued and respected, confident to talk openly and sure of being listened to.

 providing suitable support and guidance, so that children feel confident to approach appropriate adults.

 using the curriculum to provide opportunities for increasing self-awareness, self-esteem, assertiveness and decision making.

 working with parents to ensure the welfare of all children which may involve other agencies.

 Ensuring all staff are familiar with the Department for Education procedures for Child Protection. The school has a named person with responsibility for Child Protection and a link officer.

Pastoral Care The wellbeing of all our children is paramount. Most problems can be dealt with by the class teacher. Anything more significant will be referred to our Learning Mentor, who will liaise with our SENDCO and outside agencies as appropriate.

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Equal opportunities All children are treated equally and given the same opportunities. Difference is celebrated and diversity is explored.

Behaviour and Discipline Good behaviour is actively encouraged and positive reinforcement is used by all. Each class has a reward system and awards are presented regularly in school assemblies to highlight good citizenship. Self-discipline is our ultimate aim and it is hoped that children will learn to respect each other and show tolerance to all within our school community. However, if children have to be sanctioned, they are dealt with by the class teacher or, if necessary, by a senior member of staff, or the Headteacher. If a child persistently offends, we will contact the parents and arrange a meeting to discuss the behaviour and work together to help the child.

Lunch Lunch time is a time children enjoy together. Children can have a school meal or bring a packed lunch from home.

All children in KS1 are entitled to receive a free school meal.

It is important that families who have an entitlement to free meals through family circumstance continue to apply to the local authority as this provides pupil premium funding to the school. You can do this by filling in a form from the school office.

School dinners are cooked daily on site in our school kitchen. All our meals meet new Government standards and are nutritionally balanced. We now operate LIVE kitchen, a computerised system that allows families to view menus and order lunches from home, or each day, by children in their classroom. Children late into school order their lunch at the school office. Children can alternate between school dinner and packed lunch as they wish. Only lunches taken are charged and dinner money is collected retrospectively. It is now possible to pay for dinners by direct debit mandate. Details can be obtained from the office. Any dinner money brought into school should be in a sealed envelope or container with the child’s name and class marked clearly.

If you choose packed lunches for your child – glass containers are not suitable for school! A named packed lunch box is extremely helpful. Packed lunches should be healthy and nutritionally well-balanced. Advice can be provided.

Links with other schools We ensure that all transfers between schools are planned, monitored and supported to enable successful outcomes. We collaborate with children, parents / carers and other support services where appropriate to make joint planning arrangements.

Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities School Clubs

We provide a wide range of activities that our children can participate in both at lunchtime and after- school. Children who attend afterschool clubs need to obtain written permission from parents. Many of our clubs are led by staff within school including football, choir, ICT, art and gardening. We also have the expertise of outside providers who run a variety of sports clubs. The school library is open for parents and children to share and borrow books. Please ask for the timetable.

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Residential Visits Residential trips are a great way of building self-confidence and increasing independence as well as allowing children to develop teamwork skills and friendships. We aim to provide our children with a residential experience at Robinwood Activity Centre, in Year 5 and 6 this year, where they will experience orienteering, canoeing and many other outdoor pursuits,

Educational Day Visits First-hand experience and real life scenarios are also hugely beneficial to creating exciting, quality learning and we value the role they play in school life. Visits have included, Dewa-Roman Experience in Chester, Liverpool Cathedral, Farmer Teds and Liverpool Museum,

Enrichment Weeks We also offer special weeks that have a very distinct focus. Outside providers and members of the community are employed to develop appropriate skills.

Home, School and Community Links

Home / School Relationships Positive home / school relationships are encouraged in order that we can work together for your child to fully benefit from all school has to offer.

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An ‘open door’ policy ensures that parents may see the headteacher at any time but, for your convenience, it is helpful if you phone in advance to check availability. Parents may also see teachers before or after school with prior arrangement. For reasons of security, it is important that all parents enter school via the school office. We ask that all children and their parents agree to and sign our ‘home / school agreement’, so that we are all working in partnership to improve standards within an environment of trust.

Attendance and Punctuality Children cannot learn if they are not at school. It is important that children attend school every day if they are fit and well. Children should be brought to school punctually; a child who arrives late can often be unsettled all day. If your child arrives after register (8:55), please bring them to the office to sign in. Children arriving after this time will receive a late mark in the register. We do not encourage families to take holidays during term time. Requests for holidays will only be authorised in the most exceptional circumstances.

Illness and Absence Please do not send your child to school if he/she is unwell. If your child is absent from school please telephone before 8:55 on the day of absence and then send a note when he/she returns. If your child needs to attend an appointment during the school day please send a note to say where they are going and what time you will be picking him/her up. When you come to school to collect your child please call at the office. If your child is taken ill at school we will contact you. It is essential that you complete your child’s data sheet and include an emergency contact number, which needs to be updated when if there is any change.

First Aid All staff are trained in emergency first aid and there are 3 staff members with specific training and qualifications. Lotions or creams will not be administered to any injuries. Minor cuts and bruises, grazes and scrapes will be cleaned using water or antiseptic wipes. Hypoallergenic plasters will be applied as appropriate. All head injuries will be reported to parents as soon as possible If a child is particularly distressed, parents will be contacted by telephone. Injury slips with details of the accident will be sent home with the child. It is essential that parents keep contact details up to date.

Medicines School will administer medicines to children in cases of:  Chronic illness or long term complaint e.g. asthma or diabetes etc.  Medicine that is prescribed 4 times a day and has to be given at lunch time, and is prescribed by a doctor.  Medicine must be clearly labelled, prescribed by a doctor, brought into school by an adult, discussed, stored safely and written instructions and consent received  Exact details of dosage and times must be provided  Medicine is collected by an adult from the school office at the end of the day.

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Emergency Contacts Emergency contact forms are completed and signed when children start at school. It is vital that these are kept completely up to date/. Any changes in circumstances should be notified to school immediately.

Parent Consultations and Open Evenings In order to provide parents with information on pupil progress and development, we hold two parent consultation evenings throughout the year. The first is held in Autumn and the second evening is held in Spring. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress, identify strengths and ‘next step’ development areas. A written report is sent home towards the end of the year to summarise achievement and attainment. The children in Years 2 and 6 will, in addition, receive the results of the Teacher Assessment combined with the results of the Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) in reading, writing, maths and science. Spelling and grammar is also reported at year 6. This will indicate if your child is working at the expected level for their year group.

Before and After School Club – Kool Kidz This service is provided by Happy Hours. For full details contact Happy Hours on 01942 766400.

St Peter’s P.T.A

Social and fund raising events are organised by the P.T.A Committee to provide extra funds for much needed facilities and resources for the children. Where possible, activities are designed to be ‘family events’ and these provide not only the opportunity to raise monies for the benefit of the children, but also allow families to socialise and have fun with one another. The school is indebted to the work of the P.T.A and all the parents who support our school.

Parent Helpers In School Parents are welcomed into school as helpers. Don’t be shy! If you have a particular talent or area of expertise, please let your child’s class teacher know. Art, music, sewing, reading or design technology are all areas where support would be welcome. All regular volunteers require a DBS check. Please ask at the office for more details.

Community and Business Links At Bryn St. Peter’s C.E. School we are developing a programme aimed at extending the existing links with the community. Some projects we are involved in include:-.  Liaison with local schools in the area.  Developing links with industry.  Presenting our Harvest Hampers to the The Brick Homeless Project (Wigan Area).  Family Fun Day.  Annual Key Stage One and Key Stage Two productions involving all children.  We are always looking at building links with local firms and industry and keen to explore any opportunity or offer of help! If you think you, or your company, would be able to help us in any way, please contact us with details – you will be warmly welcomed!

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College Links The school is in partnership with both John Moores University and Edge Hill University supporting Student Teachers during their teaching practice. We also regularly provide training and work experience to students from Wigan and Leigh, Winstanley and John Rigby Colleges and to Project Trident Students from local High Schools.

Ofsted School Inspection Findings February 2017 “This continues to be a good school.”

“Pupils enjoy school and parents are overwhelmingly appreciative of the individual attention pupils receive.”

“Teaching is good because thorough lesson planning and well-targeted support from teaching assistants provide a wide range of learning activities.”

“Pupils, throughout the school, make good progress in their personal development. Relationships are very positive and pupils feel safe in an atmosphere that is pleasant and calm.”

“The quality of care the school provides for pupils is exemplary.”

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“Staff are extremely vigilant and identify the needs of every pupil very carefully. They provide highly effective support and guidance for all aspects of pupils' welfare, safety, academic and personal development.”

SIAS Inspection February 2017: Outstanding

“The school has a distinctive Christian ethos.”

“Christian values and attitudes form the foundation of school life.”

“Excellent caring relationships demonstrate Christian values very well.”

“High quality RE teaching also helps to promote the school’s Christian character.”

“One parent said, ‘Coming here is like being part of a big family’.”

General Information

Health and Safety We consider the safety of our children of paramount importance and ensure that the school does everything possible to keep everybody, children and adults alike, safe. Please do not drive your car onto the school premises. Try to park away from the school and walk the short distance into school. If you need to use the car to drop off or collect, please park considerately following the Highway Code.

Please note that, in line with national policy, Bryn St Peter’s is a non-smoking site.

Dogs should not be brought on to the school premises.

Camera devices on mobile devices should not be used on the school premises. School matters should not be reported on any social media sites. School does not encourage children to make use of social media sites.

Healthy School Award: We are proud to have met the criteria of the National Healthy Schools Programme and to have been awarded ‘National Healthy School Status’. Healthy children achieve well at school. It is our aim to support healthy lifestyle decisions and to educate our children so that these decisions are informed by an awareness, knowledge and understanding of health and wellbeing.

School Mental Health Awards: Our school has achieved bronze, silver and gold, in recognition of our work in nurturing children in our school. Much of this work is completed by Mrs Hilton, learning Mentor.

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Christian Leadership: As a Church school this award supports us in ensuring that our school has a distinctively Anglican nature. Children of all faiths are welcomed to our school.

Valuables Children are discouraged from bringing valuables into school, including mobile phones. The school office will be able to contact parents if needed as well as relay any messages from home to school.

Consideration of Complaints Should a problem or difficulty arise concerning your child, in the first instance, please contact the school – the class teacher or headteacher. In the unlikely event that the situation is not resolved, parents should follow our complaints procedure. Copies of this are available on the website and from the school office.

Policies All our policies are available from the school Office. Many are also available on-line.

Charging and Remissions The policy of the school is to encourage all parents to contribute towards the cost of educational visits, or school trips and also on the occasions when visiting speakers and theatrical groups come into school. We always try to offer the best prices and most of our activities are subsidised through school funds for all our pupils.


Governors along with staff members who regularly attend meetings of the governing body and its committees must declare any business or personal interest that might influence any decision they may make especially in financial matters. Any governor with such an interest must declare it annually and notify the school of any changes that occur. Where there is a conflict of interest the governor must withdraw from the meeting and take no part in the discussions or vote. The agenda of each meeting requires governors and non-governors present to declare any interest they may have in any of the items to be discussed.



Information Requirements The content of this document represents the information required by the 1988 Education Reform Act and relates to the school year 2017-2018. Changes affecting details described in the document are possible before the start of, or during the school year in question, or in relation to subsequent school years

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Home School Agreement

Mission Statement

Our school is committed to the provision and celebration of excellent education in a Christian context. In a caring, respectful and disciplined community, where Christian values are at the core of everything we do, we encourage pupils to excel and develop their full potential. All children are welcomed into a secure and safe environment where they are valued as unique and are included, accepted as individuals and where achievements are celebrated. “Together with God, building our future”

The School will:  Encourage children to do their best at all times  Provide a broad and balanced curriculum and to meet your child’s individual needs  Operate a code of good behaviour and discipline to ensure a safe and caring environment  Regularly communicate with the family on all aspects of their child’s welfare and education  Set homework in line with the school’s homework policy

Headteacher’s signature………………………………………………………(for school)

The Family will:  Make sure the child attends regularly, punctually and properly equipped  Provide an explanation on the first morning of an absence and confirm his in writing on the child’s return to school  Support the school’s code of good behaviour and discipline  Inform the school of any concerns about health, education, behaviour and general welfare  Support the school’s homework policy

Signature………………………………………………………….(for the family)

The Child I will:  Do all my classwork and homework as best as I can  Keep the school rules  Bring the equipment I need every day  Take school letters home and give them to my family

Signature………………………………………..(pupil) Name of child………………………………………………

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C/O Bryn St Peter’s CE Primary School Downall Green Road Ashton in Makerfield Wigan WN4 0DL Dear Parent/Carer St. Peter’s P.T.A are the Fund Raising Committee for Bryn St. Peter’s C.E. Primary School.

We are a very friendly group of people who all have the same aim in mind – to raise money for school in order to help our children develop and learn.

The P.T.A annually organise a Christmas Fair, a Summer Fun Day. We have also organised Children’s Discos, Bingo Nights, Quiz Evenings, Cinema Nights and Tea with Santa, all of which are very successful events.

The P.T.A welcome everybody, be it parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, and in whatever capacity. Ideas for fund raising are always welcome and help of any kind is always needed.

Please feel free to come along to our next get together and make yourself known. We look forward to meeting you.

Could anyone who is interested in joining FOSPS, or would be available for helping at peak times, please complete and return the pro-forma below. Yours sincerely,

Members of The P.T.A

I ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Parent/Guardian of

Name of Child ………………………………………………………………………………….. am interested in joining the P.T.A/in helping at P.T.A events. Please send me more information.

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel: ………………………………………