Number 523 June 2020 35p

Dear Reader, Welcome to the June edition of the Tilston & Shocklach Reporter.

Due to the continuing restrictions, we are again publishing this edition of The Reporter online via the Tilston Parish Council web site http://www.tilstonparishcouncil.co.uk/tilston-shocklach-reporter/. I would like to thank the Parish Council for their continuing support in making the Reporter available to all via their web site. I would also like to thank all those who have sent in contributions for this month’s issue - it is much appreciated.

We are very fortunate to live in such a caring community and I know many people have been supporting others in our villages who have not been able to be out and about as they normally would. Thank you to all those who have so willingly given their time to help others since the restrictions were put in place. We also have a group of our residents who are doing a fantastic job supporting the NHS - read about the amazing work they are carrying out in this issue.

During the lockdown I have explored a number of the walks we have around us and realise how lucky we are to be surrounded by such beautiful countryside. Like many, I usually drive in and out of the village but during these challenging times, have had the time to investigate the walks available to us. I have included some pictures taken on these walks (although I am no photographer, so the pictures don’t really do the views justice) but it hopefully gives you a flavour of what's out there to be discovered and enjoyed. The Tilston Landscape & Wildlife Group have also produced leaflets on two walks from Tilston - they not only give you the route but are full of information as to what to look out for on the walk (see the TLWG page in this issue for more details). The leaflets are free and available from Tilston Village Store, so go and pick one up, get out there and enjoy the beauty around us whilst getting some exercise at the same time.

Also included are some pictures on how the village marked the VE Day 75th anniversary during lockdown while still observing the social distancing rules. It was wonderful to share a sunshine-filled day with neighbours and for everyone to enjoy the celebrations together.

I am hoping that as lockdown restrictions ease, we will be able to be back printing and delivering the Tilston & Shocklach Reporter, but in the interim, enjoy the electronic copy and spread the word it is available on-line. I will continue to do my very best to produce another edition of The Reporter next month.

In the meantime, please stay safe and stay well.

Chris Blazdell - Editor

2 News from St. Mary's & St Edith’s

The Reporter June 2020 St. Mary’s and St. Edith’s have continued to worship via an online service every Sunday at 11.00am.

The service lasts about 30 minutes and starts and ends with the opportunity to chat with other participants. At the end of the service the congregation breaks up into chat rooms of approximately 5 or 6 for more intimate conversation. It has been great to speak with other people, some of whom are from outside the St. Mary’s and St. Edith’s church communities. (We even have a participant from the U.S.A., who gets up every Sunday before 6.00am. so he can join us!).

On Sunday 17th. May we had our annual Rogation Service of blessing of pets and animals, but obviously from a distance!

To join us for the online service send an email to the church website – [email protected] – and you will be given an email invite with a link to click onto just before the service starts. You must have downloaded the Zoom App on to your computer, iPad, or phone in advance; this is free.

It also gives us great pleasure to announce that the next Bishop of has been appointed. The Revd. Mark Tanner is currently Bishop of Berwick in Northumberland, and was formerly Warden of Cranmer Hall, Durham University, where Tim did his theological training. Mark has a strong connection, and trained as a Curate at St. Mary’s, Upton on the Wirral.

As we write this article, we still do not know when our churches will be open again for worship. However, by the time you read the article we may know more details!

Please check the church website for updates.

God bless,

Tim and Norma Robinson



As the country braced itself for “lockdown “ in an attempt to Protect the NHS and save lives, we heard of countless acts of kindness, volunteering and of communities coming together as never before.

Hearing of the National call to arms for sewing Volunteers to help produce the urgent shortage of certain elements of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment ), Penny Hearn with her many years experience as a textile teacher immediately set up “Tilston Stitch and Sew “. Generous local donations enabled her to purchase the specialist materials needed and soon supported by fellow volunteers, Lyn Thompson, Norma Robinson and Tess Gilbert, Penny began the urgent production of specialist medical scrubs. This is an ongoing project with urgent requests from Shrewsbury Production HQ at Penny Hearn’s Royal Hospital and Primary Care . Soon the group was joined by Lisa Williams, Sally Hogg, Freda and Nicola Huxley, Julie Malling, Lesley Blakebrough, Kate Buckeridge, Hilary Davies and Janet Gregory, who, with the amazing donations of cotton material donated by the villages of Tilston, Horton Green, Carden, Threapwood, Stretton Hall and Overton were able to produce numerous scrub bags, (scrub set laundry bags) and scrub hats. Due to the group’s generous volunteering of their time and skills, these items Scrub Hats were gratefully received by local hospitals and several Chester GP surgeries who had also put out urgent requests..

Selection of Scrub Bags made from Donated Cotton Material Scrub Hats and Cloth Masks Cloth Masks


Donations of hand cream and lip balms were so thoughtful and much appreciated gifts, passed to frontline health workers, and gratefully received. Thanks also to the Phoenix family from Stretton for also providing essential PPE items. On a personal note as parents of a newly qualified GP working in Primary care in Chester, we are very aware of how important PPE is in the daily protection of NHS staff and those under their care.

For all your generous donations of money for materials, the incredible efforts of “ Tilston Stitch and Sew “


Alison Sargeant

Completed Scrubs

Completed PPE Kit in Use Completed Scrubs


Bringing out the Best in Everyone. ‘Encourage one another and build each other up.’ Thessalonians 5:11

School Closures It has now been 8 weeks since we closed our doors, as an educational setting, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. School has remained open throughout this time, including Bank Holidays and school holidays and it has been a real privilege to provide childcare for our critical keyworkers and offer support to our families.

Our main aim has been to provide a safe and stable environment for our children to learn and have fun. They are currently experiencing life in a way they have never experienced it before. We are extremely proud of how the children have coped and supported each other, and we are confident this level of support will continue and enable us all the strength to pull through this together.

I would like to say a special thank you to our Tilston Team for providing this vital childcare and the team of staff, working safely from their own homes, setting online learning activities daily. Teaching staff communicate throughout the ‘school day’ to offer support, both academically and emotionally. We have sent regular messages, sent little video clips, and we created a ‘Special Message’ video showing our families just how much we were missing them!

We are very impressed how our families have embraced the home learning.

We are here to help. We are in regular contact with our families to check they are coping during these challenging times. We are working closely with Rev Tim and Rev Norma and urge all families in need of a little support to please let us know. We can organise Foodbank parcels and access support for those in need.


Bringing out the Best in Everyone. ‘Encourage one another and build each other up.’ Thessalonians 5:11

Exciting Times Ahead… April was an exciting time for many parents as the local authority allocate school places for September 2020. This year we had over 55 applications for re- ception in September, and were overwhelmed at the level of interest.

Due to the current circumstances, we were unable to see our families and children and decided on a safe way of welcoming our new starters. This year we had personalised Tilston Teddy Bears made and we hand delivered the bears, at a safe distance and said a special welcome to our new reception children. I believe the bears have been showered in love and affection since moving to their new homes!

Community Tilston is a very special community and over the past few weeks it has been very apparent just how much love and support we have in the village. Mrs Amanda Barr (Ruby’s Mum) set up a fundraising project to raise money to support our keyworkers. With a little (or lot) of help from Lynsey, Tilston Village Stores, Phil at Plumage Catering, and everyone who donated, our keyworker families received a beautiful gift. Thank you to everyone who helped to provide these gifts.


Bringing out the Best in Everyone. ‘Encourage one another and build each other up.’ Thessalonians 5:11 Childcare Our keyworker children have been very keen to say thank you to the keyworkers in our community. Over the past couple of days, the children have made special scrub bags. They each made a special bag for their parents and donated them to the Whitchurch care homes.

Nursery Places Available We do have places available in our nursery from September 2020. Our Nursery is staffed by experienced Early Years Foundation Stage Manager, Mrs Pam Edwards, Mrs Jo Hewitt, an experienced Early Years Teaching Assistant, with a specialist in speech and language, Mrs Carol Toan, an experienced Teaching Assistant with an interest in Religious Education and Miss Fiona Pountney. Our Early Years learning environment is of an exceptionally high standard with quality indoor and outdoor provision. Please telephone 01829 250 204 to express an interest and we will organise a viewing when it is safe to do so. We hope you are all safe and well.

Stay safe Best wishes

Kelsey Mort Headteacher


Tilston Brownies

Tilston Brownies have been going for 50 years this year and the current Snowy Owl needs your help.

Do you or anyone you know have any history on the Tilston Brownies - photos, memorabilia, stories and the exact date the pack was formed.

The idea is to have a coffee and cake evening to celebrate once everything is back to normal and Snowy Owl would like to invite anyone involved in the packs history either as a Brownie, leader or helper - so if you can help with a bit of history, then please contact Snowy Owl or send her their details for her to contact them.

Looking forward to finding out more about the pack.


Snowy Owl, Helen Roberts

Contact details: 01829 250427 or [email protected]

Congratulations Freda Happy belated 80th Birthday to Freda Huxley, from all your family and friends sent with much love and Best Wishes

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Tilston Playing Field Association

Keep this deadly virus out of Tilston. Don’t help spread it.

• Do not meet more than 1 person outside your immediate family.

• Stay 2m away from that person.

• Stay away from the children’s equipment & adult gym.

• Do not touch footballs, bikes etc if they do not belong to you. Please help keep us all safe! Thank you, TPFA.

11 Tilston Playing Field Association Summer Sports Week, 3 – 7th August Regretfully we are cancelling the sports week this year. For the following reasons we feel we would be putting the health of children, young leaders and volunteer adults at risk of catching the Covid 19 deadly virus:-

❖ We have only 1 toilet and washbasin to use so frequent handwashing would be impossible.

❖ Due to the nature of the activities we provide social distancing of 2m would be impossible.

❖ The play equipment, zip wire & adult gym are out of bounds and with large numbers of children present we would struggle to keep them off everything.

❖ We could not sanitise all the small equipment we use, so would be in danger of passing the virus around.

❖ We could not provide snacks and drinks. We hope you can all understand our reasoning. Remember you can use the field, but not the equipment You can use the field as a family, but should NOT meet more than 1 person outside of your family and MUST keep 2m distance. Thank you for helping keep us all safe! TPFA Committee

12 VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations Around Tilston

I walked around the village on VE Day and here are some of the results of the efforts people had made to remember and celebrate this occasion in the current circumstances.

Tilston Parochial Primary School Tilston War Memorial Hall

Dressed for the occasion!

Inveresk Road


The Stream opposite Stretton Water Mill

A Field Off Carden Lane

14 Stretton Mill

The Carden Park Golf Course is in perfect condition.

Unfortunately we were unable to play when this picture was taken

15 A Different View of St Mary’s

The Field Next to the Church

16 Some curious spectators !

Happy Ewes with their lambs

Playtime! 17 18 19 20 21 22