VOL. 125 - NO. 22 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 28, 2021 $.35 A COPY Virtual Public Meeting for Bus Network Redesign The Bus Network Redesign project will host a tool will also be available soon to gather rider input virtual public meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, on where riders need to go and the factors that at 6:00 p.m. make bus service competitive with driving. This At the meeting, MassDOT and the MBTA will input will directly inform the design and evalua- present an overview and will provide an oppor- tion of the new bus network. tunity for the public to ask questions about the A proposal for the redesigned bus network will project. be released for extensive public feedback in fall The meeting will be held via Zoom. Members 2021. of the public may register at: https://zoom.us/ The new network will be implemented in several meeting/register/tJIsd-mvqjIiGNw-dx6bbtLcx- phases, starting with the rollout of new routes as MYYNGKrLG0w. The meeting will be recorded and early as the summer 2022. posted online for those who cannot attend. Public information efforts during this time will An initiative of the Better Bus Project, the MBTA be more extensive than any ever launched for a and MassDOT’s Bus Network Redesign project is a route change — we want to ensure that riders can complete re-imagining of the MBTA’s bus network learn and understand the new system before its to reflect the travel needs of the region and create implemented. a better experience for current and future riders. These meetings are accessible to people with The redesign reflects rider feedback collected disabilities and those with limited English pro- during one of the early phases of the Better Bus ficiency. Accessibility accommodations and Project. It builds on the work already accom- language services will be provided free of charge, plished through the 2019 route changes, and upon request, as available. Such services include guides recommendations for changes that address documents in alternate formats, translated mate- route design, frequency of service, hours of service, rials, assistive listening devices, and interpreters and coverage area. (including American Sign Language). In the last year, we examined travel data and For more information or to request a reasonable analyzed rider feedback to determine the most accommodation and/or language services, please News Briefs important changes. Those changes include: email [email protected]. by Sal Giarratani • More high-frequency corridors For more information about Bus Network • More midday, evening, and weekend service Redesign and to sign up for project updates, • Better access to key destinations visit https://www.mbta.com/projects/bus- Reagan Foundation Just Says No • New bus routes (rolling out in 2022) network-redesign, or connect with the T on The Reagan Foundation has had it with the “Trump In the coming months, additional meetings on @MBTA, Facebook /TheMBTA, or Instagram Train” bus roaming the nation’s highways with the the project will be hosted. An online engagement @theMBTA. image of the Gipper in a MAGA hat on the side of the bus and has demanded its removal. Bus owner Buddy Hall said he got the image a few years back and thought it was in the public domain. He says the new exterior on the bus now sports the Old Ironsides Sets Sail likeness of Sean Hannity, My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell, and Ted Cruz. Ronald Reagan and that MAGA hat have gotten off the bus. BLM Backs Palestinian Black Lives Matter has thrown its support behind the Palestinians in the current Israeli-Hamas con- flict. “Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians,” the group declared on its official Twitter page. “We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation ... And always will,” adding #freepalestine. Is “Progressive” Racism Still Racism? Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s latest decision, many say, is racist and, to them, there is no other way to describe it. Lightfoot has reportedly decided to discriminate against white reporters, according to the Washington Examiner. She will only offer one-on- one interviews to reporters of color on the two-year anniversary in office. Her justification is the Chicago media outlets are all too white and, so “In order to progress, we must change.” To many who heard this, it sounded like racism, which is all the “woke” nonsense about “equity.” Lightfoot should know better, many of her critics say. (Photo by Gerri Palladino) Meanwhile on the Streets of Chicago On Friday, May 21st, the USS Constitution (Castle Island) where she fired off a 21-gun The Chicago Sun Times stated that 185 black and (Old Ironsides) the world’s oldest commissioned salute. 23 Latino victims have been killed so far in 2021. warship still afloat set sail for the first time since Visitors can tour Old Ironsides and the The Chicago Tribune says 596 black people were October 2019 from the Charlestown Navy Yard ­Constitution Museum in the Charlestown Navy killed in Chicago in the last 365 days, also 66 Latino to the inner harbor just off of Fort Independence Yard on a daily basis beginning this weekend. victims. I guess these people of color had lives that didn’t matter. End Quote THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFIC “Public sentiment is everything ... With public 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON sentiment nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.” — Abe Lincoln Tuesdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM and Thursdays 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari

who was Christian, criticized the king for his immoral acts and for murdering a group of missionaries, the king had him STAINED GLASS beheaded. On the same night colored glass were then laid over Mukasa was martyred, Charles, the cartoon in overlapping fash- a catechumen, was baptized. ion, and then adjusted for size, Charles replaced Mukasa as color, and position. The individ- head of the pages and contin- ual pieces were then cut to size ued to encourage the young with a red-hot iron, and held men to refuse to take part in firmly in position by pouring the pagan customs of the hot lead into the joints. These country. leaded glass sections were then Charles requested and joined into vast compositions, received baptism from Peter which were secured within an Giraud on November 15, 1885. iron or stone framework, called Imprisoned with his , a tracery. Charles’s courage and belief in The period of highest perfec- God inspired them to remain tion in French stained glass One of twenty-two Ugandan chaste and faithful. is reflected in the Abbey of martyrs, Charles was a mem- For his own unwillingness St. Denis, near Paris, and in the ber of the Baganda tribe. He to submit to the immoral acts Sainte Chapelle in Paris. Both was born in the Kingdom of and his efforts to safeguard the date back to about 1200 A.D. Buganda, modern Uganda, faith of his friends, Charles was on January 1, 1850. Charles burned to death at Namugongo served as chief of the royal NEXT WEEK: on June 3, 1886, by Mwanga’s More Stained Glass pages and later major-domo in order. the court of king Mwanga II Twelve Catholic boys and men Charles Lwanga is the patron and nine Anglicans were then LEGAL NOTICE of youth and Catholic action in burnt alive. Another Catholic, Commonwealth of Massachusetts most of tropical Africa. He pro- Mbaga Tuzinde, was clubbed to Basilica of Saint Denis, North Transept Rose Window, Paris, The Trial Court tected his fellow pages, aged 13 death for refusing to renounce France Probate and Family Court to 30, from the erotic demands Christianity, and his body was Middlesex Probate and Family Court of the Bagandan ruler, Mwanga, thrown into the furnace to be The age of every historical the blue color was obtained by 10-U Commerce Way style of architecture, in pursuit grinding down sapphires, and Woburn, MA 01801 and encouraged and instructed burned along with those of (781) 865-4000 of its own particular brand of that deep reds were obtained by them in the Catholic faith dur- Lwanga and the others. expression, found the material adding pure gold to the mix. The Docket No. MI321623 ing their imprisonment for Charles Lwanga was which best suited its wishes, actual secrets came from an old CITATION ON PETITION FOR refusing the ruler’s demands. Canonized by Pope Paul VI on ALLOWANCE OF ACCOUNT Charles first learned of October 18, 1964. The Feast therefore, an appropriate archi- manuscript, which was written In the matter of tecture will immediately arise by a monk named Theophilus. Christ’s teachings from two Day of Saint Charles Lwanga SIMEON BURT WOLBACH retainers in the court of King is June 3rd. when use is made of the means The formula called for one part Date of Death: January 01, 1900 which the new industrial tech- river sand, two parts beech wood Mawulugungu. While a cat- After their deaths, many other To all interested persons: echumen, he entered the royal Christians were persecuted and niques offer. These are the ash, plus a coarse fern called A Petition has been filed by BNY Mellon words of the master architects “bracken.” A little salt was added N.A. of Boston, MA requesting allowance­ of household as assistant to killed. The example of these the 62nd and 63rd account(s) as Trustee and of our day. Reduce all of this as a flux, and the mixture was Joseph Mukaso, head of the teenagers and men inspired any other relief as requested in the Petition. court pages. other people, and in Africa, the to terms which we can easily kept hot for several hours. Glass You have the right to obtain a copy of understand, it simply states from this simple mixture was the Petition from the Petitioner or at the King Mwanga II succeeded faith grew and spread. It has Court. You have a right to object to this King Mawulugungn. Mukasa refused to die. that when technology develops light green in color. Prolonged proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney a new product, architects and fusion changed the color slightly, must file a written appearance and objec- builders will bust their britches but red was obtained by adding tion at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on June 11, 2021. to use that product in any way, copper, and cobalt provided vari- This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline shape or form. ous shades of blue. The intensity by which you must file a written appearance During the development of of the colors varied with the and objection if you object to this proceed- ing. If you fail to file a timely written appear- the Gothic system, the use of thickness of the pieces of glass, ance and objection followed by an Affidavit Postal Employees Will rib vaulting concentrated the and air bubbles or sand grains of Objections within thirty (30) days of the weight and thrusts from the roof produced sparkling refractions return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. Celebrate Memorial Day to the piers. The need for coun- of light. Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, terthrust, therefore, was only at Glassmakers usually worked First Justice of this Court. the piers. Exterior walls between near the edge of the forests, but Date: May 14, 2021 National Holiday Honors Those the piers no longer carried any the window fabricators always Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate appreciable weight and could worked in the vicinity of the Run date: 05/28/2021 Who Paid the Ultimate Price therefore be opened up. The next structure in order to avoid the question was, of course, exactly transportation difficulties asso- Post Offices across the what to put into that space. Just ciated with the huge finished LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth will be st about this time in history, it product. Windows in these Commonwealth of Massachusetts closed Monday, May 31 , became more widely known that medieval churches and cathe- The Trial Court as our ­employees pause the districts in France traversed drals were never standardized Probate and Family Court to celebrate Memorial Middlesex Division by the Loire River contained in size. Each window was tailor- Day. Street delivery on Middlesex Probate and Family Court a particularly fine river sand, made to fit the masonry open- 10-U Commerce Way Monday will be limited to suitable for making an excellent ing; therefore working at the job Woburn, MA 01801 guaranteed overnight parcels and there will be no collection of mail. grade of stained glass. This glass site facilitated the fabrication (781) 865-4000 Full retail and delivery operations will resume on Tuesday, was, of course, the ideal solution and installation. Docket No. MI21P2330EA June 1st. to the problem of occupying the Stained glass windows were Estate of The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses space in question. fabricated by first sketching DAVID W. LAITURI and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its There were many fables about the desired design on a heavy Date of Death: December 30, 2020 operations. stained glass. It was said that wooden workbench. Pieces of INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above cap- tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner ­Calvin Itali-Echo Laituri of Framingham, MA, a Will has been ­admitted to informal probate. Italwi-itEh cho Calvin Laituri of Framingham, MA has with been informally ­appointed as the Personal Itali-Echo Representative of the estate to serve without Itali-Echo Viviana wDithr agani surety on the bond. with Itali-Echo The estate is being administered under Viviana Dragani ­informal procedure by the Personal Represen- Itali-Echo with tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- VViivviiaannaa DDrraaggaannii bate Code without supervision by the Court. WNTN1w5it5h 0 AM RADIO Inventory and accounts are not ­required to be ItaliW-EcNhToN I1t5al5i-0VEi cAvhiMoa n RaA DDrIaOgani filed with the Court, but interested parties are with Itali-Echo with Streaming entitled to notice regarding the ­administration VWivNiaTnNa1 5D5r0a gAaMn iRADIO with from the Personal Representative and can WNTVNivS1ia5tnr5ea0a D mArMaing g aRnAi DIO Funeral and Cremation Service petition the Court in any matter­ relating to the WNTN1550 AM RADIO Viviana Dragani estate, ­including ­distribution of assets and Vivianwaw Dwra.wgSnattnrnie1a5m50inagm.com ­expenses of administration.­ Interested parties www.wStnrtena1m55in0gam.com WNTN1550 AM RADIO are entitled to petition the Court to institute WNTWNN15T5N015 A50M A MRS tA RrDeAaIDOmIOing ­formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- www.wntn1550am.com Streaming minating or restricting the powers of PersonalW NTN155w0w AMwMO.wN RnDAtAnDY15I-OF5R0IaDmA.Yco m Funeral Directors Representatives appointed under informal pro- StreSatmreianmging www.wntn1550am.com Dino C. Manca Jonathan E. Raymond cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, M O NwDwAwY -.wF RnItDn1A5Y5 0am.com . can be obtained from the Petitioner. Streaming www w1.w2wM:nw0Ot.w0nN1n DP5tAn5M1Y05--a5 F2m0Ra:.0ImcD0o.cAm oPYmM M O N D A Y - F R I D A Y A Service Family Affiliate of AFFS and Service Corporation International, 206 Winter Street, Fall River, MA 02720. 508-676-2454 Run date: 05/28/2021 1M2 O: 0N0D AP YM- -F R2I: D0 A0 Y P M www.wntn1550am.coMm O N D A Y - F R I D A Y 1 2 : 0 0 P M - 2 : 0 0 P M 1 2 : 0 0 P M - 2 : 0 0 P M 1 2 M: 0O0N DPAMY --F R2I:D0A0Y P M M O N D A Y - F R I D A Y

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POST-GAZETTE An excerpt from Born Before Plastic: Stories from Boston’s Most Enduring Neighborhoods PAMELAPamelaDONNARUMA, Donnaruma, PublisherPublish ander and EditorEditor 5P5rince PrinceStreet Street,,P P.O..O.B Boxox 130135130135, ,BBoston,oston MA,M A0211302113 (The Memoir Project) by City of Boston 617-227-8929 617-227-8929 617-227-8928617-227-8928 FAX FAX 617-227-5307 617-227-5307 Subscriptione-mail:sint [email protected] States $25.00 yearly Hawaii,Alaskaand foreigncountries $35.00 In Loving Memory of Louise Taglieri Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com Publishedweekly by DEATH WAS A PART of my life sons died of illness within a Post-GazetteSubscriptions ,5Pin therince UnitedSt., StatesP.O. Box$35.00130135, yearly from an early age, but to me, few months of each other and Boston,MA 02113 it was not morbid. Growing up were buried in their own plots, Published weekly by USPS1538 -Second-Class PostagepaidatBoston,MA in the North End, death was close to each other. It was a Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, POSTMASTER: Send addresschanges to thePOST-GAZETTE considered much more a part Boston, MA 02113 double grief and my mother P.O. Box130135,Boston, MA 02113 of life than it seems to be now. and grandmother consoled each JameUSPSsV.D onnaruma1538 – Second-ClassCaesarL.D Postageonnaruma paid Phyllisat Boston,F. Donnaruma MA 1896 toPOSTMASTER:1953 Send1953 toaddress1971 changes to1971 theto 1990 When someone passed away, other for having lost their sons POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 the wake was held at home. to Sister Death. You’d know there was a wake But God had other plans to James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma in the neighborhood when you ease the pain of their sorrow. 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 saw a huge black wreath hung Mom became pregnant again in the doorway. As children, and had a baby girl she named Vol. 125 - No. 22 Friday, May 28, 2021 we’d go to these wakes even after my Grandma Jenny. And though we didn’t always know lo and behold, Grandma was OUR POLICY: To help preserve the ideals and sacred traditions who’d died. We’d hear that a pregnant and had a baby boy. of this our adopted country the United States of America: person was forty or fifty, and Miracle of miracles! To revere its laws and inspire others to respect and obey as children we’d think that was Anyway, back at the cemetery, them: To strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense so old. while the adults tended the flowers on the of civic duty: In all ways to aid in making this country The wakes were held in the parlor. You’d take graves, we children were assigned a play area greater and better than we found it. out all the furniture and wake the body for three away from the gravesites where we could days. Because the body could never be left alone, play to our hearts’ delight. Close by, the card- someone was always on watch: the women during board boxes that had held the flowers were the day and the men at night. discarded in a designated area. We would I remember one neighbor’s passing; she lived take the boxes and use them as sleds to slide Teresa (DiPrizio) on the third floor. They had to carry the casket down the mounds of dirt. We had at least up three flights of stairs and back down. There twelve or fifteen children playing together. Colarusso used to be a tradition of opening the casket Oh, what a time we had. While our parents were at the cemetery for the family to have a final grieving, we called it a picnic! Our memories September 6, 1928 – May 19, 2021 look, but since the body could get jostled badly were not of sorrow, just an important part of our with all the stairs, they stopped that tradition. culture. Teresa (DiPrizio) Colarusso, Not only were the wakes held at home, but As an adult, to this day I have never missed going that’s where the undertaker came as well. As a to the cemetery at least three or four times a year. 92, of Boston’s North End, child, I was witness to a body being prepared for Now it is Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, and passed away peacefully, May burial. We lived on the third floor, and had a fire Christmas. We change the flowers as the seasons 19, 2021, with her loving and escape from which we could see what went on come and go. I also encourage my children to visit devoted family by her side. in the building across from ours. One of the men the cemetery, but I fear that this tradition is dying Teresea was born in Boston, in that building had died, and I was on the fire out. Just as the wake is now not in the home but a daughter of the late Luigi escape when the undertaker came. I watched, at a funeral parlor, and for one day not three, and mesmerized, as they washed the body, drained and Giovanna (Ciampa) DiPrizio. the reception is usually a catered affair at a hall the fluids into a basin, and embalmed the body, or restaurant rather than at home. There are also She was a com-municant of St. then finally dressed it. I wasn’t scared at all, just more cremations now. Sometimes I wonder why Leonard Church and a devoted fascinated. we do not adopt the Roman ways of burying the wife, mother, grandmother, great- The wake and the trip to the cemetery were deceased. In Italy, there are catacombs where grandmother, sister, and friend. honored traditions in our community. It is an for two thousand years the same procedure is She was predeceased by important part of our culture to be surrounded observed: After a period of ten years post-burial, by friends and relatives while grieving. From her beloved husband Anthony the oldest male in the family “cleans the bones” Funeral services were held on the age of two and continuing throughout my of the deceased member and stacks them in the th Colarusso in 1968. She is Monday, May 24 , in St. Leonard life, Memorial Day has been a special day of wall of the crypt. This tradition has solved the survived by her daughters Joyce Church, Boston, MA. Visiting remembrance of my loved ones, a holy day for problem of space, while in the U.S. and other parts Pedi and her husband Gary of hour were held prior to the deceased family members. I remember what of Europe, we always need more land to establish Harwich and Jeana Limone and Mass at St. Leonard Church. a great time we’ had during these trips to the another cemetery. her husband Peter of Melrose, Burial was private. cemetery, even as two- and three-year-old To end on a humorous note, here’s a story of her sons Joseph Colarusso and children. my mother accusing me of dancing on my father’s Donation’s in Teresa’s memory Our funeral director would hire a bus to take grave. Mom loved to “take a ride” and visit the his wife Caroline of Stoneham may be made to: St. Jude us to Saint Michael’s Cemetery in Roslindale, and cemetery. Our family gravesite is adjacent to the and Steven Colarusso and his Children’s Research Hospital, pick us up about five hours later for our return road. On our last visit, I parked in the “middle of wife Rita of Lynnfield, her sister 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, home. My mother, grandmother, dad, grandpa, the road,” according to her. Mom was angry with Louise “Chickie” Finocchiaro TN 38105, or Development and all the members of the family would make the me. She accused me of parking too far from the of Saugus, her sister-in-law Office, Shriners Hospitals trip. When I was two, they had a special reason site. I stamped my feet and said, “Do you want me to grieve. My mother, then nineteen, gave birth to park on the grave?!” Upon seeing this, Mom Christine DiPrizio of Harwich, for Children-Boston, to my baby brother, and a few months later, my accused me of “dancing on my father’s grave.” To ten grandchildren, six great- 51 Blossom Street, Boston, MA grandmother at forty-eight had a “change-of- her dying day, she never asked me again to “go grandchildren and several nieces 02114. life baby” and my uncle was born. These two for a ride to the cemetery.” and nephews. In addition to her J.S. Waterman-Langone parents and husband, she was Chapel, 580 Commercial Street, predeceased by her brother Boston, MA was entrusted with Joseph DiPrizio and his wife her arrangements. Palmie, her brother Gerry For more information, or to DiPrizio and her brother-in-law leave an online condolence, please Joseph “Bobo” Finocchiaro. visit www.watermanboston.com It is always difficult saying Family and friends can light goodbye to someone we a candle as a loving gesture love and cherish. Family and for their loved one. Leave a friends must say goodbye to sympathy message to the their beloved Sarah Falese family in the guestbook on (Watertown, MA), who passed www.devitofuneralhomes.com. away at the age of 98, on Visitation was held on Friday, May 18, 2021. May 21, 2021 at the Devito Beloved wife of the late Funeral Home in Watertown, John J. Falese. Mother of John MA followed by a Funeral Mass of Watertown and Ann Tufts at the Sacred Heart Church in and her husband Robert of Watertown, MA and burial at Stoneham. Grandmother of the Cambridge Cemetery in Patrick and Andrew Tufts. Sister Watertown, MA. of the late Caroline, Thomas, Donations can be made in Josephine, Michael, Patrick, memory of Sarah to St. Jude and Lucy. Also survived by many Children’s Hospital stjude.org/ loving nieces, nephews, and donate or 501 St. Jude Place, cousins. Memphis, TN 38105. PAGE 4 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 L’Anno Bello: A Year in Italian Folklore Greeting Summer by Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz THINKING picnic. This Wedding of the OUTLOUD Trees, or Sposalizio dell’Albero, by Sal Giarratani recalls holidays like May Day, which revel in the rebirth and fertility of nature. Meanwhile, Should Republicans Challenge in the Ligurian fishing village of Camogli, citizens honor the Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia Primary? sixth-century Italian bishop Down in Georgia there appears worse than Republicans playing Fortunato di Todi with a sea- to be a sentiment that is growing division while Democrats stick food banquet held on the sec- within the Republican Party to together like glue. I find this ond Sunday of the month. The challenge Governor Brian Kemp a prescription for Republican festival begins the night before in the 2022 gubernatorial pri- defeat in Georgia as we saw with a fireworks display and mary election. By now, we know earlier this year in those run-off bonfires. The next day, people that Kemp has not been one of elections for the U.S. Senate. feast on fried fish. As summer former President Donald Trump Despite what the national approaches, I think of days by favorite Republican governors print and broadcast media says, the beach enjoying a clam bake because Kemp is not sufficiently Georgia is still a Red State but or seafood platters as the smell “Trump” enough for GOP lead- Republicans imperil themselves I can feel hope and freedom blueberry pies sitting on check- of ocean water and the gentle ers in the Peach State. However, by using some kind of purity crackling through the air, waft- ered tablecloths, flags gently rush of waves overwhelms me, I question such thinking. test that could easily bring a ing through the bright green waving in the breeze, the curl a feeling encapsulated in this Back in 2018, the Democrats Democrat victory in Georgia in leaves that wave in the trees. I of smoke rising above a bar- maritime holiday. Finally, flow- with Stacey Abrams really 2022 sending a Democrat to the can taste the succulent flavors becue grill, umbrellas dotting ers rule at the Infiorata di Noto believed she could beat Kemp State House. of a summer day whenever I the bright-blue ocean shore. festival in Sicily, which occurs but when the results were Republicans have to cease bite into a tart strawberry or the The long weekend of Memorial on the third weekend of May. counted, Kemp won handily. their fighting ways, work creamy piece of a rhubarb cake, Day has long been considered Artists receive allotted portions Then, Abrams wouldn’t con- together and elect good candi- leaping like sunshine in my the unofficial start of summer, of the Via Nicolaci Street to cede and said she was basi- dates. It is called Politics 101. mouth. An electric sort of antici- when people emerge to take create elaborate mosaics made cally defeated by Republican The U.S. Senate lost to the pation runs through my body as their vacations and a relaxed from flower petals. The result chicanery. I don’t know if she Democrats down in Georgia on warm air drifts in through the sense of joy permeates the air. is a burst of bright colors and ever conceded. She might even January 5th this year because window of my classroom and I However, it is also important intricate artwork that bring a run again next year for a second this political party was blown eagerly count how many days to remember the true mean- sense of joviality and springtime time or the Democrats might away by the Democrats who are left until the school year ing of Memorial Day: that all of freshness to the city. When put up another Abrams clone. got an A for doing Politics 101. ends. Summer feels especially these summer joys we take for the festival is over, children I am an unenrolled voter. I Time for the GOP to get seri- palpable this week because granted would not be possible are allowed to run through switched over to that status in ous! This country, Mio Dio, is Monday is Memorial Day — without the brave sacrifice of the mosaics, scattering petals 2020 when I simply couldn’t in serious trouble and it is time perhaps there are no more the men and women who died everywhere. This colorful end to take all the ongoing Democratic for Republicans to get their act relaxing words in the English for our country. I remember the feast reminds us that things craziness. I consider myself together or the Democrats will language than “long weekend.” spending a quiet Memorial Day sometimes become more beau- more of a center-right political keep running things. Memorial Day is a holiday that weekend evening years ago tiful precisely because they do activist, which I think Kemp is. reminds me of many wonderful watching incandescent green- not last forever — all the more Moving forward toward the sensations simultaneously: the gold fireflies blink in and out of reason to enjoy spring and sum- all-important mid-terms in sticky-sweet smell of barbe- the dark trees in my backyard, mer while they are here! 2022, the Republican Party LEGAL NOTICE cue, evening sunlight peeking while the melodious notes of Memorial Day and folkloric in my estimation, needs to Commonwealth of Massachusetts through green trees, the laugh- an Eagles song played from Italian May holidays both pro- move forward and united as The Trial Court ter of family and neighbors at some far-off barbecue. This vide ample opportunities to Democrats always find a way Probate and Family Court cookouts, an American flag moment epitomized both the revel in the summer weather. to do. The GOP needs to focus Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way waving in the breeze. Besides simple summer pleasures and Enjoy a cookout or stroll by the on its brand, principles with Woburn, MA 01801 Memorial Day, May also hosts the nostalgic sense of memory cool waters of the ocean, pack a candidates strong enough to (781) 865-4000 myriad traditional Italian holi- that typify this holiday. This picnic to eat under the shade, or win elections. Docket No. MI21C0294CA days honoring everything from Memorial Day, I plan to spend bite into a juicy ripe strawberry. On May 22nd, a large fund- In the Matter of trees to fish. Collectively, these time with my family, eating No matter how you choose raiser was held in Andover at CAROLINE DeCARVALHO SEDOR holidays introduce the bright, my corn pudding and summer to celebrate, remember that CITATION ON the residence of MassGOP Chair PETITION TO CHANGE NAME long days of summer with com- fruit crisp. As I experience the summer is a season character- Jim Lyons supporting Vernon A Petition to Change Name of Adult has munal gatherings and friendly delights of the season, I will ized by vibrant life. Similarly, Jones, a former Democrat state been filed by Caroline DeCarvalho Sedor of traditions. remember to be grateful to approach all your days with pepresentative who became a Malden,­ MA requesting that the court enter Memorial Day arrives on those whose courage paved the the same gusto and optimism Republican earlier this year. He a Decree­ changing their name to Caroline st DeCarvalho Domingos. May 31 this year. A patriotic way for the very freedoms I am as you would a long weekend. was one of the speakers who IMPORTANT NOTICE holiday, Memorial Day differs enjoying. If it is one thing that summer headlined the RNC last summer. Any person may appear for purposes from height-of-summer fanfare The desire to congregate out- teaches us, with its shimmering Jones is definitely a Trump of objecting to the petition by filing an ­appearance at: Middlesex Probate and that characterizes the Fourth doors to revel in the pleasures sunlight and crowns of vegeta- Republican and appears to ­Family Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return of July. Instead, it focuses of food, family and community tion waving gaily through the pass the litmus test of Georgia’s day of June 14, 2021. This is NOT a hearing more on reflection and the extends even to Italy, where a trees, it is that there is always date, but a deadline by which you must file Republican activist base. a written appearance if you object to this intimate gatherings of family plethora of May holidays offer room in life for joy, nature and However, I do believe that Kemp proceeding. and friends. There is a sense of some of the same summertime love. is conservative just to the right Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, hope and renewed expectation delights as Memorial Day. On of center, which makes him First Justice of this Court on Memorial Day, as people step May 8th, in the town of Vetralla, Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz surely a strong statewide candi- Date: May 17, 2021 out into the summer for the first located in the central province is a high school history teacher. date against the Democrat Party Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate time, shedding away their cares of Lazio, people decorate two She appreciates any comments of Stacey Abrams. Nothing is Run Date: 05/28/2021 as they enjoy the warm breezes oak trees with garlands and rib- and suggestions about Italian that ruffle the leaves and the bons, and offer them bouquets holidays and folklore at WAUGB28D4XA053409glowing sunshine. Memorial of fresh spring flowers. Later, [email protected]. 2012 MAZDA MAZDA3Day always reminds me of the citizens plant new trees, Vin # JM1BL1L89C1662634images of vintage Americana: and everyone enjoys an outdoor NORTH END 2007 CHEVROLET COBALT 11 Vin # 1G1AK55F277409412 LEGAL NOTICE 2016 LEXUS NX NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Vin # JTBARBZ4G2058100 PRINTING Richard Settipane Notice is hereby given by Todisco 2011 MAZDA MAZDA6 Services, Inc., of 171 Boston Street, 5PRINCE STREET •NORTH END•BOSTON, MA 02113 Vin # 1YVHZ8CH0B5M21550 Insurance Services Salem, MA pursuant to the provisions 2005 FORD FREESTYLE of Mass G.L. c. 255, Section 39A, that Ownedand operatedbyPamelaDonnaruma,Publisher, Post-Gazette Vin # 1FMZK04135GA36246 they will sell the following vehicles on Public Insurance Adjuster or after June 05, 2021 beginning at 9:00 a.m. by public or private sale to AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • TENANTS • COMMERCIAL satisfy their garage keepers lien for QualityPrinting towing, storage, and notices of sale. FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 2016 HYUNDAI ACCENT forall your Since 1969 Vin # KMHCU4AE9GU139626 1996 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER Commercial andPersonalNeeds Experience makes the difference Vin # JT3HN87R2T0026146 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA Stationery •Business Cards •Menus •Flyers LOW RATES Vin # 1N4BA41EX4C869626 ProgramBooks•Wedding andParty Invitations 2001 TOYOTA CAMRY 207A SQUIRE ROAD, REVERE, MA 02151 Vin # JT2BF28KX10294770 Announcements•Business Formsand Documents Near Market Basket Vehicles are being stored at multiple Todisco Services, Inc. locations, and may be viewed —COMPETITIVEPRICES— Tel. 781.284.1100 Fax 781.284.2200 by appointment only. Signed — Se habla español — Todisco Services, Inc. 617-227-8929 Run dates: 05/21, 05/28, 06/04/2021 5-21-28-June 4-21_todisco.indd comp2_pgnew_legal_towing legal POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 PAGE 5

Introducing a new book by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari, lifelong residents of the North End, entitled: Four Women “Quattro Donne” subtitle, A North End Love Story In the next few weeks this column will feature excerpts from this book. CHAPTER 48 her, Ernesto urged, “Carmela, Setting up for a Feast sit down and finish your spa- (continued) ghetti.” “No, Ernesto, I told you Mom knew all the guys at I had enough.” Ernesto trying to the table. She walked over to appease Mom, extended to her a see what they were eating. special invitation and privilege “Why were you talking about of the Society. “Carmela, why Jane Russell?” “Who was talk- don’t you bring your entire ing about Jane Russell?” Vito family, including Pietro, to the replied. “We were saying, she’s feast Sunday night. You will be a good cook.” Mom began to guests of the Society, sit inside laugh. “Yeah, yeah, she’s a the Shrine with the statue of good cook. I’m going to tell your the Saint and have a front wives. All you do is sit around row seat.” “Ernesto, first you eating spaghetti and talking give me poison with your talk, about Jane Russell.” “Carmela, now you’re offering this spe- grab a seat and have a plate of cial honor. What’s wrong with spaghetti.” Vito pulled out a you?” “No, Carmela, I mean it. chair and Mom took her seat You can be our guests. We will at the table. it is down here, everyone knows reserve seats for you and the As soon as Mom sat down, everyone’s business.” family in the Shrine.” Ernesto emerged from the base- Mom, still smarting from Mom responded, “Alright ment carrying a steamy plate of Vito’s remark, quickly replied, Ernesto, I will mention it to Mom spaghetti with calamari sauce. “It’s just an infatuation. It will and my sisters, and I will speak “Carmela, would you like a glass fade away once Pietro enters the with Pietro.” Mom began walk- of wine?” “No thanks Ernesto, seminary. Stop making more of ing away, turned on her heels, a glass of water with lemon it than you should.” “Carmela, with a grin, shouted out, “Yeah will be fine.” Quickly, he made your cousin better be careful. Ernesto, Jane Russell does up a glass, brought it up from You know how the Ricci broth- have a good set of knock- the basement, and took a seat ers are with their sister. You ers! I have half a mind to tell at the table. “Carmela, how’s remember what they did to your wives what you guys talk the family?” Vito asked. “We’re Jerry Lombardo. They fright- about.” “Carmela, is this the fine. We just came back from ened the crap out of him.” “Vito, way to talk after we offered you Daniel Durgin Kingston. We took my cousin I told you, it’s just a summer such an honor?” responded Pietro Petruzelli with us.” When infatuation. Once he gets back Ernesto. “Yeah, yeah,” Mom Mom mentioned Pietro’s name, to Italy, it will all settle down.” responded. “You’re all afraid Receives Good Neighbor Award it caught Vito’s attention. “I Vito knew he struck a nerve, of your wives.” Mom continued heard about your cousin. He’s so he rubbed it in all the more. down the street, then turned the one who wants to become “Carmela, that Carla is quite a a second time. The guys were a priest, so what is he doing dish. She’s enough to turn any still watching her, she repeated, chasing after Carla Ricci?” “How guy’s head.” Mom stood up. “I “She does have good knockers.” do you know about that?” Mom had enough of this crap. You She began to laugh, shouted asked angrily. “Carmela, calm guys are like a bunch of old out, “I never heard a thing!” down. The whole North End ladies!” Mom said angrily, as she and continued on her way to knows about it. You know how readied to leave. Trying to calm Grandma’s house.

Four Women “Quattro Donne” A North End Love Story, is available at R. Del Gaudio Gift Shop, 17 North Square North End (617-227-5915), adjoining Paul Revere House; Post-Gazette; Saint Francis Book Store and Gift Shop at Saint Leonard Peace Garden; lulu.com; molinaridesign.net; Amazon.com; and Barnes and Noble.com. Bookshop.org; Barbara’s Bestsellers, South Station (857-263-8737); Greetings from Boston, Faneuil Hall.

A Month of Celebrating Mom at the ABCD North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center “A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” —Washington Irving Due to the ongoing pandemic, the ABCD North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center (NE/WE NSC) celebrated the month of May with meal and food deliveries as well as fun giveaways for seniors. A special thank you goes to Artu for cater- ing a meal purchased with an Enhancement Grant from the Age Strong Commission; Mary DiMasi, Benevolence Chair of the Boston Host Lions Club; Sami Almadi, Administrator/ Executive Director; Edmond Cormier, Admissions Director; and Karen Halloran, Marketing Director of the North End Rehabilitation and Health Care Daniel Durgin receiving the Good Neighbor Award from Janet Center for providing a meal Gilardi from Spinelli’s in East Boston; Matt, Rich, and the team at Good Neighbor Award presented to Daniel Durgin — a resident of Pizzeria Regina’s for the regu- All meal and grocery distribu- priority is for existing and new Fulton Street in the North End of Boston — originally from South lar monthly pizza donation; tions take place on a staggered ABCD members. Call 617- Boston, is married to an infamous North Ender, Shirley Esposito. Adam Castiglione for regular rotation in the North End and 523-8125 if you would like to He took to the North End like a TROOPER!! Dan has helped and donations of fresh food and pro- West End low-income housing apply for a no-cost member- cared for more people than anyone could imagine and does this duce; Stephanie Gullbrants for buildings with contactless drop ship, and a staff member will with all the love that his heart could hold. Dan well deserves this making delightful and cheerful off by NE/WE NSC staff wear- explain the benefits, process, Award! cookies; and more! ing gloves and masks. First and qualifications. Thank You from us all! PAGE 6 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 2021 Mayor’s Garden Contest Mrs. Murphy . . . As I See It Don’t miss out the mine to clear bat guano. processed “our tax money”! Now Open on all the 2021 Three of the six died! There’s a Some people “only those that Memorial Day chance COVID-19 didn’t start know how to work the system” Events in East in the Chinese lab, but rather is may be eligible for a “plus-up” Boston. There coming from a closed down old payment to receive more money will be veteran ceremonies mine ... ONE HAS TO WONDER! … Enjoy Memorial Day! ... Till by placing flags on graves of ... The latest statistics show: next time stay healthy! deceased veterans. There will The city’s crime rate has plum- be Memorial Day parades, booze meted by 23 percent in almost LEGAL NOTICE cruise services, private parties, every category from homicides barbecues, concerts … Lots of to rape, robberies and break- ­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court confusion on wearing masks. ins ... There was a STOP ASIAN Probate and Family Court New Hampshire did away with HATE rally in Boston on May Middlesex Probate and Family Court them, and many other states. 13th … City Mayor 10-U Commerce Way Massachusetts restrictions will Bill de Blasio is promising a Woburn, MA 01801 be lifted over the Memorial Day full reopening of the nation’s (781) 865-4000 weekend. So, till then masks largest public school system Docket No. MI21P2152EA are required … A couple heard in September. That means in- Estate of CLARK F. GRAIN, SR. a burglar in their house recently person, five days a week, with Date of Death: November 09, 2020 and called 911. But before the no remote option for students to CITATION ON PETITION FOR 911 call could be completed attend school exclusively online. FORMAL ADJUDICATION the couple needed to answer He made the announcement th To all interested persons: COVID-19 questions. By this on May 24 … U.S. citizens are A Petition for Formal Adjudication of time and before police finally warned not to travel to Japan as ­Intestacy and Appointment of Personal arrived the burglar, who was the Tokyo Olympics grow closer. Representative has been filed by David A. Grain of ­Cheverly, MD and Robert C. Grain a homeless man was helping The latest sign came Monday of Olney, MD requesting that the Court enter himself to many items plus when the State Department a formal Decree and Order and for such other Porch, Balcony or Container Garden — 2020 Third Place food. The incident could have advised U.S. citizens against relief as ­requested in the Petition. The Petitioner requests that David A. winner Al Ku’ahi Wong, North End turned ugly if the burglar was traveling to Japan because of Grain of ­Cheverly, MD and Robert C. Grain vicious, had a gun or some a sharp increase in COVID-19 of Olney, MD be appointed­ as Personal Mayor Kim Janey and the Boston Parks and Recreation weapon because police didn’t cases … The third stimulus Representative(s) of said estate to serve With- Department announced that the 25th annual Mayor’s Garden out Surety on the bond in unsupervised respond until every COVID-19 check could be eligible for a Contest is now open, following COVID-19 public health guidelines. administration. question was answered by the bonus payment. After the many The competition provides the opportunity to recognize the gar- IMPORTANT NOTICE couple … This COVID-19 epi- 2020 tax returns have been You have the right to obtain a copy of the dening skills of Boston residents who contribute to the beauty demic has hurt a lot of people. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. of the city’s landscape. Participants have until 11:59 p.m. on You have a right to object to this proceeding. Besides people dying from the Thursday, July 8th, to register. LEGAL NOTICE To do so, you or your attorney must file a virus, there are a percentage written appearance and objection at this The contest recognizes gardeners who have landscaped, planted of people vaccinated that have NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of flowers, trees, shrubs, and, in the process, helped beautify Boston’s Notice is hereby given by D & G Towing and July 01, 2021. died. So where does this end. neighborhoods. Auto Repair Services, Inc. 2 Emery Road, This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- Pharmaceutical companies are line by which you must file a written The grand prize of two round-trip tickets on JetBlue for non-stop Allston, MA, pursuant to the provisions of cleaning up administering the Mass General Laws, Chapter 255, Section 39A, appearance and objection if you object to travel from Boston is provided by JetBlue. Additional support will this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely vaccine to the public. People that they will sell the following vehicles on or be provided by Mahoney’s Garden Centers. written appearance and objection followed holding stock in these com- after June 12, 2021 beginning at 10:00 AM by an affidavit of objections within thirty by public or private sale to satisfy their garage (30) days of the return day, action may be panies are jumping for joy … keepers lien for towing, storage, and notices taken without further notice to you. of sale: Dr. Fauci wants this to continue UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION Friends of the to keep his job, but this mania 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM has to stop. The public is sick VIN # 4T1BF1FK0DU206659 PROBATE CODE (MUPC) Save A Personal Representative appointed and tired of it. Fingers need to 2003 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER North End VIN # JTEHF21AX30134938 under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- be pointed to Dr. Fauci and the istration is not required to file an inventory the Date 2007 HYUNDAI ELANTRA th Obama administration that sent or annual accounts with the Court. Persons 49 Annual VIN # KMHDU46DX7U132172 interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice 10.9.21 millions of dollars to a Wuhan 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA regarding the ­administration directly from lab in China to work on a virus, VIN # 1N4BA41E14C881163 the Personal Representative and may peti- Reunion that oops accidently got loose. 2007 DODGE RAM 150 tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the Now Americans and countries VIN # 1D7HU18N97S120767 estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets The Friends of the North End will celebrate its 49th annual and ­expenses of ­administration. all over the world are paying a 2002 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER reunion on Saturday, October 9th at the Sons of Italy Hall VIN # 1GNDT13S022512058 Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, hefty price … There’s another First Justice of this Court. in Winchester from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. Dinner will be catered 2007 TOYOTA AVALON theory about where COVID- Date: May 04, 2021 by Spinelli’s of East Boston. VIN # 4T1BK36B87U248301 19 may have started its jour- Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Many North End boyhood friends have been gathering all 2005 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA ney towards medical destruc- VIN # 3VWSF71K35M634369 Run date: 05/28/2021 these years to dine together and reminisce about growing tion. On the outskirts of a vil- up in a beloved neighborhood. 2001 HONDA CIVIC lage deep in the mountains of VIN # 2HGES16551H500582 ST. JUDE NOVENA Anyone interested in attending that is currently southwest China, a surveillance 2016 FORD FOCUS May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be not on our mailing list can email Sam Viscione at: VIN # 1FADP3E20GL244786 camera is taping an unused adored, glorified, loved and preserved [email protected] or call Arthur “Sonny’’ Lauretano copper mine smothered in lay- 2005 DODGE NEON throughout the world now and for- at 617-293-6173. VIN # 1B3ES66S15D146601 ever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. ers of bamboo. Bats fly over- 2003 PONTIAC VIBE St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray Long Live Our North End, head as the sky darkens. This VIN # 5Y2SL62883Z439694 for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, Victor Passacantilli is the subterranean home of Vehicles are being stored at D & G Towing pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a the closest known virus to the and Auto Repair Services, Inc., and may be day, by the 8th day your prayer will one that causes COVID-19. It viewed by appointment only. be answered. It has never been known was suspected in April 2012 Signed to fail. Publication must be promised. after six miners fell ill with a D & G Towing My prayers have been answered. Run dates: 05/28, 06/04, 06/11/2021 S.P. & J.S. Virtual Public Meeting mysterious illness after entering Central Artery Parcel 2 Park Design

Wednesday, June 2 Zoom Link: bit.ly/Parcel2ParkDesign 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 820 2047

Project Description: The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA), in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Greenway Conservancy, invites community members to the final public meeting for the Parcel 2 Park Design process. Through four previous community meetings, the design team finalized the Parcel 2 Park design in 2020. Construction of the Parcel 2 Park will begin in late-Spring of 2021. This meeting aims to provide community members with an overview of the construction process and schedule. The team will also be available to answer questions and hear concerns about the construction process.

mail to: Kennan Rhyne Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.446.3412 email: [email protected]

BostonPlans.org @BostonPlans

Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary ST. ROCCO July 17 Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 1 pm Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 17, 2002

ST. ROCCO JULY July 20 ProcessionITALIA Only UNITA – Hanover 13TH ANNUAL - Prince Sts. 1 pm ITALIAN FESTIVAL POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 PAGE 7 July 20-22 Central Square, East Boston North End Church Hosts Vaccine Clinic 2021 NORTH END by Jacqueline Tetrault, Pilot Staff FESTIVAL DIRECTORY (Reprinted with permission from the Pilot) 2016 NORTH END JUNE

SANTA MARIA DiANZANO June 6 FESTIVAL DIRECTORY Mass St. Leonard Church 10:30 am Sponsored by ST. ANTHONY’S of PADULA June 20 Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 1 pm PADRE PIO PROCESSION (Tentative) June 27 Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 2 pm JULY MADONNA DEL GRAZIE (Tentative) July 11 Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 2 pm ST. ROCCO (Tentative) July 18 The people lining up outside Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 1 pm the hall attached to St. Leonard ST. JOSEPH (Tentative) July 25 of Port Maurice Church on May Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 1 pm 13th were not waiting to attend ST. AGRIPPINA July 29, 30, 31 & August 1 Mass or parish function. The Hanover & Battery Sts. sign outside the door revealed their purpose: this was a place Sunday Procession 12 noon where they could receive their ST. LUCY August 23 coronavirus vaccine. AUGUST Since the end of March, Feast & Procession - NEW Health has been holding Thacher, Endicott & N. Margin Streets 5 pm MADONNA DELLA CAVA August 6, 7, 8 COVID-19 vaccine clinics three Hanover & Battery Sts. days a week in the hall, which ST. ANTHONY August 24, 25, 26 is managed by the St. Joseph Thacher, Endicott & N. Margin Streets Sunday Procession 1 pm SANTA MARIA DiANZANO June 2 Society. NEW Health had previ- Sunday Procession 12 pm MADONNA del SOCCORSO August 12, 13, 14, 15 ously used Old North Church Procession Only – Hanover & Prince Sts. 1 pm as a clinic site but had to look North, Fleet & Lewis Sts. (Fisherman’s) for a new location when the AUGUST Sunday Procession 1 pm historic church reopened to The pastor of St. Leonard’s Parish, Father Michael Della Penna, the public. receives his second dose of the COVID vaccine on May 13. SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 (Pilot photos/Jacqueline Tetrault) Jim Luisi, the CEO of NEW September 11 NOON - CENTENNIAL MASS IN HONOR OF Health, thoughtST. ROSALIA of St. Leonard SANTA LUCIA Church as anProcession alternative. Only Its - North Square 1 pm 2:00 pm CENTENNIAL PROCESSION OF location was convenient since SANTA LUCIA the back door of the church is opposite the back door of 2:00 pm SPECIAL STREET CELEBRATION OF the health center, and the two SANTA LUCIA (Endicott St) entities had a good relation- SEPTEMBER CENTENNIAL FEAST of SANTA LUCIA August 26 ship. Before the pandemic, the priests of St. Leonard’s would Thursday, Feast & Procession come to NEW Health to give Thacher & Endicott Sts. 5 pm blessings and even administer ashes on Ash Wednesday. 102nd ST. ANTHONY FEAST August 27, 28, 29 When Luisi called theMORE pastor ITALIAN FESTIVALS Endicott & Thacher, N. Margin Sts. to ask about using the hall, Sunday Procession 12 pm Father Michael Della Penna immediately said, “Of course.” “He said, ‘That’s why we’re SEPTEMBER here. We’re here to help the community,’” Luisi recalled. ST. ROSALIA di PALERMO September 12 Father Della Penna put Luisi Procession Only - North Square 1 pm in touch with the St. Joseph Anne Tagliaferro receiving Society, which agreed to allow 116th SANTA MARIA DiANZANO September 19 a blessing from Father Della NEW Health to use the space. Penna Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts. 1 pm “It’s theLawrence, biggest space MA we’ve had so far,FEAST and it’s OFreally THE worked THREE Luisi SAINTS said he September was happy to 2, see 3, 4felt “very apprehensive” about MORE ITALIAN FESTIVALS out the best,”Saints Luisi Alfio, said. FiladelfoFather and DellaCirino Penna get vacci- getting her vaccine but felt that Inside the Common hall, tables & Union and St.,nated Lawrence as soon as he was eligible. she should get it anyway. Father chairs have been arranged into “He sets a good example to Della Penna gave her a blessing Malden, MA Sunday Procession 3 pm SAINT ROCCO FESTIVAL August 6, 7, 8 different sections for each step his congregation and the com- before she received her dose. of the process.Cambridge After Festivalcheck- munity,” Luisi said. Kathy Kelly, who also came Pearl Street ing in, patients fill out their In the beginning, Luisi said, that day for her second dose, Sunday Procession 1 pm paperworkSS at COSMASdesignated tables,AND DAMIAN the clinic Septemberwas fully booked, 9, 10, 11said she chose the clinic at then go to aWarren cubicle andwhere Cambridge they and St.,they Cambridge had to turn people St. Leonard’s because she lives Cambridge Festival receive the Sundayvaccine. ProcessionThen they away due to a lack of vaccines1 pm just a street away. SS COSMAS AND DAMIAN September 10, 11, 12 go to another area with chairs from the state. They were able “It was so easy to come here,” Sunday Procession 1 pm spaced out, where they wait to increase vaccinations after she said. Warren and Cambridge St., Cambridge for 15 minutes while they are receiving more from the federal Before the pandemic, Kelly Info: Call 617-354-7992 monitored for adverse reactions government. had cancer and had just fin- or complications. Luisi said that they went to all ished chemotherapy. Having “It’s big enough that we’re the restaurants in the area to been at home for the past two able to do a great workflow,” tell employees about the clinic years, she said, she is looking Luisi said. and offer them the vaccine, forward to returning to work in Father Della Penna spoke knowing that some do not speak an office after being vaccinated. similarly about the health pro- English and so would have dif- “I’ll be looking forward to just vider’s use of the St. Leonard’s ficulty learning about it through getting on and having a good Mattéo Gallo hall. the media. life,” she said. “I think it’s a good utilization Father Della Penna, who Clinics are being held at St. of space because it makes (the came in for his second dose of Leonard Church on Thursdays o th o Appraisals vaccine) available to a large the vaccine on May 13 , said from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., on number of people in a short Luisi has been “a blessing for Fridays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Sales & Rentals amount of time,” he said. the North End.” and on Saturdays from 9:00 “I’m glad to be able to help uti- a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Patients • DIAMONDS lize this facility for the greater must be registered with Mass Real Estate ROLEX good. It’s the right thing to do; General Brigham in order to ESTATE JEWELRY that’s how I feel,” Father Della schedule an appointment. 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 Bought & Sold Penna said. More information about NEW St. Leonard’s parishioner Health’s vaccination clinics is Jewelers Exch. Bldg. (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 Anne Tagliaferro also came to available at newhealthcenter. Jim (617) 263-7766 the clinic May 13th. She said she org/covid-vaccination-info. PAGE 8 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021

The time has come, the walrus said, TO TALK OF MANY THINGS of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings by Sal Giarratani STARBUCKS WELCOMES now targets of vandalism? Is Pub say they couldn’t be more CSI NY: THE COMPLETE series in almost 50 years, Star MASKLESS CUSTOMERS anything sacred anymore? excited to launch the so-called SERIES (55-DVD) Trek: Lover Decks Season One As far as Starbucks goes, as SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA BE “sobar” — short for sober bar CBS Home Ent./ focuses on the support crew on long as you have been vacci- SHORT AND SWEET scheduled to open in a few more Paramount Home Ent. one of Starfleet’s least impor- nated against COVID, you can If I asked anyone out there months. Follow the evidence to New tant ships, the U.S.S. Cerritos, enter the establishment mask- if they remembered The The owners also have a booze York City’s top crime lab in in 2380. The crew has to keep free once COVID restrictions are Greenwood Archer Pine Street less bar in Dublin, too. CSI NY: The Complete Series. up with their duties and their lifted, but only as long as you’ve Band, I would get a response Shadow lead detective Mac social lives, while the ship is been vaccinated. However, they like “Say that name again.” Way LEGAL NOTICE Taylor () as he being rocked by a multitude of aren’t going to ask anyone to too long to fit on the big bass guides his renowned team sci-fi anomalies. Featured are prove anything, but will only drum. While that’s what band Commonwealth of Massachusetts of criminalists on the brutal nearly two hours of exclusive take your word that you’ve had members thought too before The Trial Court Probate and Family Court relentless hunt for the truth. special features. the jab. They don’t want to be they shortened it all down to Middlesex Division the Vaccination Police. They The Gap Band. This 197-episode, 55-disc col- LAST DAYS (DVD) Middlesex Probate and Family Court lection includes over 9 hours of IndiPix Films will be using the Honor System. LAW & ORDER: 10-U Commerce Way special features and combines Grace Ikedia, a woman of Whatever you say goes. ORGANIZED CRIME Woburn, MA 01801 all nine years of every mind bog- faith, and a beloved shop owner, I had a feeling that was how RETURNS FOR (781) 865-4000 gling game twisting case tackled fondly called “Mama Peace,” a the woke establishments would SECOND SEASON Docket No. MI21P1272EA by Taylor’s dedicated squad, devoted single mother to her go when mask mandates ended As a fan of all those Law & Estate of IRENE ETTA CAIRNS including children, Peace and Nathan. for those vaccinated. They Order TV shows over the years, Also Known As (Melanie Kanakaredes), Don Not long after being widowed couldn’t possibly ask you for I am pretty much over them IRENE E. CAIRNS Flack (), Aidan by her alcoholic husband, she’s proof of vaccination. Hey, if now. Really, how long can Law Date of Death: January 17, 2021 Burn (), Danny diagnosed with breast cancer they support no IDs to vote, & Order SVU stay on the air and INFORMAL PROBATE Messer (), and struggles to make ends how could that ask you for fresh? Sometimes a show just PUBLICATION NOTICE Sheldon Hawkes (), meet and raise funds for can- your vaccination card to buy has to come to a merciful end, To all persons interested in the above cap- a vanilla latte? There’ll be no but this one won’t go away. The tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner ­Jill Milne and (Anna cer treatments. But with help of Brookline, MA, a Will has been admitted­ to Belknap), Sid Hammerback from her local church, she armed baristas at the entrance longer it stays on the air, the informal probate. (Robert Joy), Adam Ross (A.J. gets the money for the initial checking your papers. sillier it gets. Time for it to go Jill Milne of Brookline, MA has been infor- mally appointed­ as the Personal Representa- Buckley), and Jo Danville (Sela lumpectomy. And though her JOE BIDEN AND into the archives or join all the tive of the estate to serve without surety on Ward). Under this crew’s steady life is anchored by a devout- THOSE ELECTRIC F-150s other Law & Orders still on the the bond. watch, getting away with mur- ness to God, she questions Last week, Joe Biden was air on some cable network. The estate is being administered under ­informal procedure by the Personal Represen- der is not an option. Along with her Christian faith when she seen on the fake news media As for the newest one, star- tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- over 9 hours of special features, experiences a re-occurrence driving one of those brand-new ring actor Chris Meloni play- bate Code without supervision by the Court. including behind the scenes of the cancer, and her family’s electric-powered Ford F-150s ing an aging Elliot Stabler, I Inventory and accounts are not ­required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are featurette, crossover episodes survival is threatened. Set in around a testing site. Reporters don’t even know why this one entitled to notice regarding the ­administration with CSI and CSI Miami, deleted modern day Lagos, Nigeria, Last started interviewing him on how ever went on the air. After the from the Personal Representative and can scenes, gag reels, plus audio Days addresses class divides, good the ride was. Everyone first two episodes, I no longer petition the Court in any matter­ relating to the estate, ­including ­distribution of assets and commentaries and more. disparities in modern medicine was in a state of giggles. Hard watch it. ­expenses of administration.­ Interested parties SUPERNATURAL: and conversations with God, as news this was not, looking more WHAT NEXT? are entitled to petition the Court to institute THE FIFTEENTH AND viewed through a trial of faith. like a great photo-op for Biden FOOD-FREE RESTAURANTS? ­formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- minating or restricting the powers of Personal FINAL SEASON (Blu-ray) THE FINAL COUNTDOWN and a great free commercial for Over in Abu Dhabi, they will Representatives appointed under informal pro- Warner Bros. Home Ent. (3-Blu-ray) the Ford Motor Company. Will soon be opening an “alcohol- cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, After fifteen incredible Blue Underground Biden now be seen on the TV free” Irish pub complete with can be obtained from the Petitioner. Run date: 05/28/2021 seasons, Supernatural: The The time is now. The place broadcast news driving new virgin cocktails, beer, and spir- Fifteenth and Final Season is aboard the U.S.S. Nimitz, electric Chevys and Dodges, its. Owners of The Virgin Mary marks the end of an era for this America’s mightiest nuclear- too? landmark series. Contained are powered aircraft carrier on By the way, did you know the LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE the final 20 epic episodes from maneuvers in the Pacific Ocean. battery inside this new electric Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts 21 the final season, as well as a Suddenly, a freak electrical F-150 weighs 1,800-pounds or The Trial Court The Trial Court Probate and Family Court bonus disc loaded with over two storm engulfs the ship and that the cost of going electric Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court hours of special features includ- triggers the impossible. The over fossil fuel would raise the Middlesex Probate and Family Court Lowell Justice Center ing the special retrospective Nimitz is hurtled back in time sticker price by 50 percent. 10-U Commerce Way 370 Jackson Street, 5th Floor Woburn, MA 01801 Lowell, MA 01852 episode Supernatural: The Long to December 6, 1941, mere Electric vehicles as you can see (781) 865-4000 Road Home. Also on the Blu-ray hours before the Japanese are not cheap. (978) 656-7700 Docket No. MI21P2647EA Docket No. MI21P1974EA disc are two all new featurettes, attack on Pearl Harbor. As the TWO LOCAL CHURCHES Estate of VANDALIZED IN MAY Estate of deleted scenes and a gag reel. enemy fleet speeds towards PATRICIA A. WATERMAN FAITH H. THOMPSON Sam (Jared Padelecki) and Hawaii, the warship’s Captain Reportedly, a stained glass Also Known As Also Known As Dean (Jensen Ackles), along (Kirk Douglas), a Defense window was broken when neigh- PATRICIA ANNE WATERMAN, FAITH THOMPSON PATRICIA ANNE SEABOYER with the help of fallen angel Department expert (Martin borhood youths threw rocks at Date of Death: July 08, 2020 Date of Death: May 17, 2004 Castiel (Misha Collins), have Sheen), a maverick Air Wing Our Lady of Grace Church in CITATION ON PETITION FOR CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION battled gods, demons, mysti- Commander (James Farentino), Chelsea. Also, hit by vandals FORMAL ADJUDICATION cal creatures and monsters in and a desperate Senator in was Zion Baptist Ministries on To all interested persons: To all interested persons: A Petition for S/A - Formal Probate of Will a seemingly unending quest to the Roosevelt administration Broadway in Everett. What is A Petition for Formal Adjudication of with Appointment of Personal Representa- save the world, as they discover (Charles Dunning) must choose happening when churches are Intestacy and Appointment of Personal tive has been filed by Nancy E. Gouveia of Representative has been filed by Cheryl that every threat they vanquish between the unthinkable. Do Burlington, MA requesting that the Court enter Leblanc of Bethlehem, PA requesting that the a formal Decree and Order and for such other opened a new door for evil to they allow the Japanese to com- Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for relief as requested in the Petition. such other relief as requested in the Petition. LEGAL NOTICE The Petitioner requests that Nancy E. enter. But in the Apocalyptic plete their murderous invasion, The Petitioner requests that Cheryl ­Gouveia of Burlington, MA be appointed final battle, they face off against or launch a massive counter- Leblanc of Bethlehem, PA be appointed as Commonwealth of Massachusetts as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to Personal Representative(s) of said estate to God Himself, triggering God’s strike that will forever change The Trial Court serve Without Surety on the bond in unsuper- serve Without Surety bond in unsupervised Probate and Family Court vised administration. decision to end this reality for- the course of history? Katharine administration. Middlesex Probate and Family Court South IMPORTANT NOTICE ever. Over 20 extraordinary epi- Ross and Ron O’Neal co-star in IMPORTANT NOTICE sodes, the legendary Winchester this spellbinding sci-fi action 10-U Commerce Way You have the right to obtain a copy of the Woburn, MA 01801 You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. brothers reach the end of their hit filmed on location aboard (781) 865-4000 You have a right to object to this proceeding. You have a right to object to this proceeding. long, wayward road trip after a the U.S.S. Nimitz, with the full To do so, you or your attorney must file a Docket No. MI21D1323DR To do so, you or your attorney must file a lifetime of hunting things and participation of the U.S. Navy written appearance and objection at this written appearance and objection at this DIVORCE SUMMONS BY Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day saving people, in other words… and the ship’s crew. PUBLICATION AND MAILING Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of Comp2_pgnew_legal June 23, 2021. of June 18, 2021. the family business. SNOOPY COLLECTION SHANNON CAMPOY This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline STAR TREK:LOWER DECKS (Blu-ray) vs. line by which you must file a written by which you must file a written appearance HECTOR CAMPOY-SOLTERO appearance and objection if you object to and objection if you object to this proceed- SEASON ONE (DVD) Paramount Home Ent. To the Defendant: this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely ing. If you fail to file a timely written appear- CBS Home Ent./ Come hang out with Charlie The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce written appearance and objection followed ance and objection followed by an affidavit Paramount Home Ent. Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy, requesting that the Court grant a divorce for by an affidavit of objections within thirty of objections within thirty (30) days of the Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage 1B. (30) days of the return day, action may be return day, action may be taken without Series creator Mike McMahan, and the rest of the Peanuts gang The Complaint is on file at the Court. taken without further notice to you. further notice to you. writer and executive producer of in the four, original feature- An Automatic Restraining Order has been UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION Rick and Morty, takes you where length movies, for the first time entered in this matter preventing you from tak- UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS no Star Trek series has gone in one Blu-ray collection. First, ing any action which would negatively impact PROBATE CODE (MUPC) UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) the current financial status of either party. SEE A Personal Representative appointed A Personal Representative appointed before – to the lower decks! Join sound out L-a-u-g-h-s at the Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- rule-breaker Beckett Mariner National Spelling Bee with the You are hereby summoned and required to istration is not required to file an inventory istration is not required to file an inventory (Tawny Newsome), aspiring cap- very first Peanuts movie,A Boy serve upon Shannon Campoy, 121 Pleasant or annual accounts with the Court. Persons or annual accounts with the Court. Persons St., C, Melrose, MA 02176 your answer,­ if any, interested in the estate are entitled to notice interested in the estate are entitled to ­notice tain Brad Boimier (Jack Quaid), Named Charlie Brown. Next, go on or before July­ 01, 2021. If you fail to do so, regarding the administration directly from regarding the administration directly from rookie D’Vana Tendi (Noel searching for Snoopy’s secret the court will proceed to the hearing and adju- the Personal Representative and may peti- the Personal Representative and may peti- Wells) and part-Cyborg Sam past in the hysterical Snoopy dication of this action. You are also required to Woburn.indd EA MI Adjudication Formal Waterman 5-28-21 tion the Court in any matter relating to the tion the Court in any matter relating to the file a copy of your­answer, if any, in the office of estate, including the distribution of assets estate, including the distribution of assets Rutherford (Eugene Cordero) Comes Home. Then Blu-ray the ­Register of this Court. and expenses of administration. and expenses of administration. as they attempt to navigate the debuts — Race For Your Life, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, most mysterious corners of our Charlie Brown, full of camp- First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. universe with very little experi- style fun, and Bon Voyage Date: May 20, 2021 Date: May 26, 2021 Date: May 21, 2021 ence – and even less authority. Charlie Brown, jetting the gang Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate The first animated Star Trek off to the French countryside. Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 PAGE 9

by Marianna Bisignano

My work ethic started when my efforts. So I began washing I was teaching in the Boston I was a kid, mainly through and waxing cars in the neigh- schools, a profession I would In Italy, as well as here in America, Cottelette di Pollo or Chicken observation. Babbononno got borhood, and do to my market- continue with for 42 years. As Cutlets are a delicious second course that are easy to prepare and up at dawn, headed out to work ing skills and hard work, did time progressed, I would obtain loved by adults and children alike. If you were raised in an Italian with a lunchbox filled with rather well financially, for a kid. a masters degree, make con- American family, you are most likely familiar with the Milanese whatever Nanna put in there At the age of 13, two of my tacts within the jazz circles in style cottelette. Those which are prepared by dredging them in for him. He returned home late neighborhood friends, who New York and concentrate on eggs, rolling in seasoned breadcrumbs, and then pan-frying the in the afternoon, had dinner, were 16, went to work as ush- teaching and playing music. cutlet to a crisp golden brown. If you enjoyed these, I encourage relaxed and then dressed with ers at both the Central and Dad, whose philosophy was, you to try the lighter, but just as delicious Palermo-style cutlets a suit and tie and left the house Seville Theaters. As a result “Been there, done that,” guided or Cotteletta alla Palermitano! with a guitar case carried in of my friendship with them, me along the way. By this point In my family, chicken and veal cutlets were made frequently the same hand that carried the I began hanging around the in his life, all Babbononno could and in a variety of different ways. My Nonna fried cottelette di pollo lunchbox earlier in the day. Seville early in the summer of do was just sit back and smile, Milanese style, rolled them for Saltimbocca, and at other times, Babbononno was a furniture 1952. By August, I went on the while at times saying, “E un she’d bake them like the Cotteletta alla Palermitano. maker/finisher during the day payroll. Mr. James F. Ray was chip al vecchio.” (He’s a chip off Typically, Palermo-style cutlets are made by coating the meat and a musician at night. the manager of the Seville and the old block) with olive oil, not eggs, then rolling it in homemade breadcrumbs Beginning at the onset of liked me. He had an assistant By 1964, I had a Masters seasoned with cheese and parsley or mint, placing it on an oil WWII, Dad began teaching manager, a Mr. Wall who didn’t Degree, and in the late ’60s brushed baking sheet, drizzling more oil over the top and finally machine shop at East Boston like my looks and I wound up headed to Harvard to begin grilling or baking until nicely crusted. The recipe I am sharing High School during the day, and with a schedule that no one work on another, finishing “Lemon Garlic Sicilian Style Cutlets” are a version of Palermo in the fall, was the J.V. coach else wanted. Considering the up by late 1969. A few years cutlets or Cotteletta alla Palermitano that I am positive you and for Eastie’s football team. work ethic I had developed, I later, I would meet Dean Saluti your family will love! After school, he would come gave each chore 110 percent who was at Boston University home, nap, have dinner, dress … It was just my way. After a working on a doctorate and he LEMON GARLIC SICILIAN STYLE CUTLETS in a tuxedo and head out to year or so at the Seville, I sold convinced me that I should be Cotolette alla Siciliana al Limone e Aglio play with whichever band he my car cleaning business to one in a similar program at B.U. was affiliated with. Back then, of the kids I had as a helper. I By 1981, I had a new title, everything stopped at midnight, had a long list of clients and the Dr. John Christoforo. Nanna and he could juggle the sched- helper was eager to take over. and Babbononno were long ule with a minimum of sleep. One day, Mr. Wall was gone. gone by then, but Mom and Dad Uncle Paul, Mom’s oldest I don’t know if he was trans- were a set of proud parents at brother and his family lived ferred, fired, or dropped dead. the 1981 B.U. commencement on the top floor and was in the I didn’t care, he was just gone. exercises. My wife, Loretta, printing business from the time The only problem was that I couldn’t attend. She had just he graduated high school. When needed working papers and given birth to our first son, he came home in the afternoon, wasn’t old enough to obtain John. he too, relaxed, ate and then them. You had to be 16 to get With Dean Saluti, I later dressed to play with the band them back then. I thought became involved with an edu- he was part of. I was conning Mr. Ray for 3 cation program that I helped to My godfather, Uncle Nick years until I was old enough to design for the Massachusetts (Mom’s middle brother) and present the paperwork to him, National Guard, and when it his first wife, Ada, moved to but found out years later that came to an end years later, I Allston after they were married Mr. Ray knew how old I was stayed with the colleges that and he played music mornings, all along and let things slide, facilitated the program. After afternoons, and evenings with because of my work ethic and my retirement from the Boston a variety of bands, and until he the fact that he knew Dad, and schools, I became a professor 6 whole chicken cutlets, butterflied /split and pounded thin was elected as vice president of also could depend on me. at those same colleges and as the musicians’ union after the At age 16, he called me into I headed toward the finish line, Egg Mixture: war and a stint in the Navy, did the office, slammed the door taught for B.U., Cambridge 4 eggs, beaten not do anything else. and told me that he had just College, and North Shore 1 ½ tablespoon grated parmesan or pecorino Romano cheese Uncle Gino, Mom’s youngest fired all of the ushers and most Community College. Breadcrumbs: brother went to work at the of the candy girls as he discov- As you know, I joined the staff 4 cups plain breadcrumbs, made from stale/hard bread Chelsea Navy Yard after high ered that they were skimming of the Post-Gazette 30 years ago 2 tablespoons flour school and played drums at money off the candy sales and this May 15th. And now, at the ¼ cup freshly grated parmesan or pecorino Romano cheese night. After the war and 3 years pilfering candy to sell on the age of @%, I rehearse with a jazz 2 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley flying with the th5 Air Corps in side. He then added that he trio once a week and write a Salt and freshly ground cracked black pepper, to taste the Pacific, he gave up music knew I wasn’t involved (I wasn’t) story for you each week. Not bad and concentrated on a career and he was promoting me to for a kid from the streets of East Lemon-Garlic Dressing: in sales. So this is the group head usher. He then kicked me Boston with, not a Yankee work 4 lemons, juiced of relatives that were my role out of the office with an order, ethic, but something beyond ¾ cup olive oil models from the time of my “Get me a new crew and train that, an Italian work ethic. (I childhood. them to be good ushers.” I found still don’t know what I want to Preheat oven to 400º. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment When I turned 10, Babbononno six teenagers who began their be when I grow up.) paper. Take about 4 to 6 tablespoons of olive oil and generously spread/brush evenly over parchment paper. Repeat for the second made me a shoeshine box and working careers as Seville ush- GOD BLESS AMERICA attached a leather strap to ers, and I was the boss. sheet and set both baking sheets aside. it so I could sling it over my I had studied music with In a medium bowl, beat eggs with 1 ½ tablespoons of grated shoulder to carry it around Babbononno and later took parmesan or pecorino Romano cheese. and shine shoes to make some bass violin lessons from Dad. In a deep flat dish, mix the plain breadcrumbs with the flour, ¼ money. The only problem was By the time I turned 18; I was Remember cup freshly grated parmesan or pecorino Romano cheese, parsley that Dad wouldn’t let me shine a sophomore in college and and salt and pepper, to taste. shoes nor sell newspapers. He turned professional as a bass Take chicken one piece at a time and dip in the egg mixture, felt that these two options were player. I began working with Your then dredge in the breadcrumbs making sure to evenly coat all undignified and unsafe, and I local East Boston musicians sides. Place bread crumbed cutlet on the prepared baking sheet, had to seek other alternatives until I became more proficient side by side. Repeat until all cutlets are coated in breadcrumbs because, I didn’t receive an at my new craft and then played Loved Ones and placed on the baking sheets. allowance either. On a given for whichever bandleader called. Take about ½ cup olive oil and drizzle evenly over the tops of day, a neighbor asked if I would I stayed at the Seville for 10 all the cutlets, using more if needed, and bake uncovered until wash and wax her car. I obliged years, leaving not longer after golden brown and/or internal temperature of cutlets reaches 165º. and received a few dollars for Mr. Ray left in 1962. By then, While chicken is baking, in a small mixing bowl or bottle add all the ingredients for the lemon-garlic dressing. Whisk until com- pletely blended and set aside. When the chicken is done baking, remove from the oven and —FOR YOUWHO APPRECIATE THEFINEST — place side by side in a large casserole dish or a deep flat serving THE platter. Pour dressing evenly over all cutlets and serve immediately. Can be refrigerated, reheated, and eaten the next day. Marianna Bisignano is a psychologist for the Boston Public Johnny Christy The Post-Gazette Schools and can be reached at [email protected] accepts memorials throughout the year. The Federal Trade Commission Orchestra works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. MUSICFOR ALL Please call Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 617-227-8929 or log on to www.ftc.gov. PAGE 10 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021

Garden-Fresh Vegetables Help Fight Cancer LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE by Melinda Myers ­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court The Trial Court vegetable (a powerful anti- Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court oxidant) will help in the fight Middlesex Probate and Family Court Suffolk Probate and Family Court 24 New Chardon Street against cancer. 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 Boston, MA 02114 To grow tomatoes, all you (781) 865-4000 (617) 788-8300 need is a container of potting Docket No. MI21P2573EA Docket No. SU21P0376EA mix or a sunny spot in your Estate of Estate of landscape. Save space and STELLA V. GREEN JANE ANNE VIEIRA Also Known As reduce pest problems by grow- Date of Death: April 06, 2021 JANE A. VIEIRA, JANE VIEIRA ing these vines on a stake, in CITATION ON PETITION FOR Date of Death: June 10, 2018 a tomato cage or supported FORMAL ADJUDICATION CITATION ON PETITION FOR To all interested persons: by any decorative structure. FORMAL ADJUDICATION A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with Compact varieties like Patio Appointment of Personal Representative To all interested persons: Choice Yellow Cherry, Early Girl has been filed byDouglas F. Green of ­Keene, A Petition for Formal Probate of Will Bush, Window Box Roma, and NH requesting that the Court enter a formal with Appointment of Personal Representa- ­Decree and Order and for such other relief as tive has been filed by Stephen M. Vieira of Red Robin are just a few you ­requested in the Petition. Boston, MA requesting that the Court enter a may want to try. The Petitioner requests that Douglas F. formal Decree and Order and for such other Always select a tomato variety Green of ­Keene, NH be ­appointed as Per- relief as requested in the Petition. sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve The Petitioner requests that Stephen M. suited to your growing condi- Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised Vieira of Boston,­ MA be appointed as Per- tions. Check the plant tag to administration. sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve make sure you have enough IMPORTANT NOTICE Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration. warm frost-free days for the You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. IMPORTANT NOTICE plant to grow and produce in You have a right to object to this proceeding. You have the right to obtain a copy of the your area. To do so, you or your attorney must file a Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Include fiber rich beans in written appearance and objection at this You have a right to object to this proceeding. Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of To do so, you or your attorney must file a your garden and meals. Regular June 18, 2021. written appearance and objection at this consumption of this natural This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day source of antioxidants and line by which you must file a written of June 25, 2021. appearance and objection if you object to This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline phytochemicals can help reduce this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely by which you must file a written appearance the risk of certain cancers. Go written appearance and objection followed and objection if you object to this proceed- vertical, growing pole beans on by an affidavit of objections within thirty ing. If you fail to file a timely written appear- (30) days of the return day, action may be ance and objection followed by an affidavit a support if space is limited and taken without further notice to you. of objections within thirty (30) days of the for making harvesting much UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION return day, action may be taken without easier. UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM further notice to you. Save a bit of room for red PROBATE CODE (MUPC) UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION A Personal Representative appointed UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS onions. Research at the under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) University of Guelph found red istration is not required to file an inventory A Personal Representative appointed onions had high levels of quer- or annual accounts with the Court. Persons under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant with many interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice istration is not required to file an inventory cetin and anthocyanins that regarding the ­administration directly from or annual accounts with the Court. Persons health benefits, including lowering the risk of certain types help fight cancer. Start onions the Personal Representative and may peti- interested in the estate are entitled to ­notice of cancer. (Photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com) from sets or plants and harvest tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the regarding the administration directly from estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets the Personal Representative and may peti- when the bulbs are full-size, Cancer prevention starts on If your space is limited, these and ­expenses of ­administration. tion the Court in any matter relating to the and the tops begin to yellow estate, including the distribution of assets your dinner plate; actually, it plants can easily blend into Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, and topple. First Justice of this Court. and expenses of administration. starts in the garden. Growing your current garden space. The Not only will you improve Date: May 21, 2021 WITNESS, HON. BRIAN J. DUNN, your own nutrient-rich cancer bold texture and form of red First Justice of this Court. your health by growing your Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate fighting vegetables allows you to cabbage makes an eye-catching Date: May 24, 2021 own nutrient-rich vegetables Run date: 05/28/2021 grow pesticide-free vegetables, focal point. Turnips can eas- Felix D. Arroyo, Register of Probate you will also improve your well- harvest them at their peak, and ily be mixed with flowers or Run date: 05/28/2021 being. Tending a garden can use them right away, ensuring planted between longer season help improve your mood and LEGAL NOTICE the highest nutrient value and vegetables like tomatoes, pep- reduce stress. LEGAL NOTICE best flavor. pers, and eggplant. Or mix some Commonwealth of Massachusetts Be sure to include some kale in with your flowers; the The Trial Court ­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Melinda Myers has writ- Probate and Family Court broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels color and upright growth habit The Trial Court ten more than 20 gardening Middlesex Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court sprouts, cabbage, kale, and tur- creates a nice vertical accent in books, including The Midwest 10-U Commerce Way Middlesex Probate and Family Court nip greens. These cruciferous the garden or containers. Woburn, MA 01801 Gardener’s Handbook and Small 10-U Commerce Way vegetables release cancer fight- Another popular vegetable (781) 865-4000 Woburn, MA 01801 Space Gardening. She hosts The ing substances that help fend that is a cancer-fighter, the Docket No. MI21P2288PM (781) 865-4000 Great Courses How to Grow off lung, breast, liver, colon, and tomato, can easily be grown CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION Docket No. MI21P2574EA Anything DVD series and the FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSERVATOR prostate cancer. Three weekly on any size balcony or land- Estate of nationally-syndicated Melinda’s OR OTHER PROTECTIVE ORDER servings of these vegetables can scape. And nothing beats the ROBERT EDWIN BROWNE Garden Moment TV & radio pro- PURSUANT TO Also Known As greatly reduce your cancer risk. flavor of fresh-from-the-garden G. L. c. 190B, § 5-304 & § 5-405 gram. Myers is a columnist and ROBERT E. BROWNE Include these vegetables in your tomatoes. Whether eaten fresh, In the matter of contributing editor for Birds & Date of Death: April 14, 2021 stir fries, as a side dish, as an juiced, sauced, or added to your LOGAN K. STEELE Blooms magazine. Her web site of Framingham, MA CITATION ON PETITION FOR appetizer or eat them fresh as favorite dish, this lycopene FORMAL ADJUDICATION is: www.melindamyers.com. RESPONDENT a snack. (Person to be Protected/Minor) To all interested persons: A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with To the named Respondent and all other LEGAL NOTICE Appointment of Personal Representative interested persons, a petition has been filed LEGAL NOTICE has been filed by Craig R. Browne of ­Tampa, Commonwealth of Massachusetts by Linda M. Steele of Framingham, MA in the FL requesting that the Court enter a formal The Trial Court LEGAL NOTICE above captioned matter alleging that Commonwealth of Massachusetts Logan Decree and Order and for such other relief as Probate and Family Court is in need of a Conservator or other The Trial Court K. Steele ­requested in the Petition. Commonwealth of Massachusetts protective order and requesting that Linda M. Probate and Family Court Suffolk Probate and Family Court The Petitioner requests that Craig R. The Trial Court Steele of Framingham, MA (or some other suit- 24 New Chardon Street Browne of Tampa, FL be appointed as Per- Middlesex Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court able person) be ­appointed as Conservator to Boston, MA 02114 sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve 10-U Commerce Way Middlesex Division serve Without Surety on the bond. (617) 788-8300 Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised Woburn, MA 01801 Middlesex Probate and Family Court The petition asks the court to determine administration. (781) 865-4000 Docket No. SU20P2032EA 10-U Commerce Way that the Respondent is disabled, that a protec- Docket No. MI99P3428 Estate of Woburn, MA 01801 tive order or appointment of a Conservator is IMPORTANT NOTICE EVON BENSON (781) 865-4000 necessary, and that the proposed conservator You have the right to obtain a copy of the In the Interests of Also Known As is appropriate. The petition is on file with this Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. JOHN TRIKOLIDIS Docket No. MI21P2169EA PAULINE EVON DAVIDSON BENSON, court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. CITATION ON PETITION PAULINE EVON BENSON Estate of You have the right to object to this pro- To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this FOR ORDER OF Date of Death: August 13, 2020 NANCY M. TAVERNA ceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your COMPLETE SETTLEMENT Date of Death: November 16, 2020 ­attorney must file a written appearance at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of INFORMAL PROBATE June 18, 2021. To all interested person: court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date PUBLICATION NOTICE INFORMAL PROBATE This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- A Petition has been filed by of June 08, 2021. This day is NOT a hearing Harriet ­Holzman PUBLICATION NOTICE line by which you must file a written of requesting that an To all persons interested in the above cap- date, but a deadline date by which you have Onello Wayland, MA appearance and objection if you object to ­Order of Complete Settlement of the estate tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Donald­ To all persons interested in the above cap- to file the written appearance if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely issue approve an accounting, approve a distri- R. Benson of Brooklyn, NY, a Will has been tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Michael­ the petition. If you fail to file the written appear- written appearance and objection followed bution, adjudicate a final settlement and other ­admitted to informal probate. J. Taverna of Framingham, MA. ance by the return date, action may be taken by an affidavit of objections within thirty such relief as may be requested in the Petition. Donald R. Benson of Brooklyn, NY has Michael J. Taverna of Framingham, MA in this matter without further notice to you. In been informally appointed as the Personal has been informally ­appointed as the Personal addition to filing the written appearance, you or (30) days of the return day, action may be IMPORTANT NOTICE taken without further notice to you. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Representative of the estate to serve without Representative of the estate to serve without your attorney must file a written affidavit stating Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. surety on the bond. surety on the bond. the specific facts and grounds of your objection UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION You have a right to object to this proceeding. The estate is being administered under The estate is being administered under within 30 days after the return date. UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM To do so, you or your attorney must file ­informal procedure by the Personal Representa- ­informal procedure by the Personal Represen- IMPORTANT NOTICE PROBATE CODE (MUPC) a written appearance and objection at this tive under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- The outcome of this proceeding may A Personal Representative appointed Court before 10:00 a.m. on June 18, 2021. Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory bate Code without supervision by the Court. limit or completely take away the above- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline and accounts are not ­required to be filed with Inventory and accounts are not ­required to be named person’s right to make decisions istration is not required to file an inventory by which you must file a written appearance the Court, but interested parties are entitled filed with the Court, but interested parties are about ­personal affairs or financial affairs or annual accounts with the Court. Persons and objection if you object to this proceed- to notice regarding the administration­ from entitled to notice regarding the ­administration or both. The above-named person has the interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice ing. If you fail to file a timely written appear- the Personal Representative and can petition from the Personal Representative and can right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make regarding the ­administration directly from ance and objection followed by an Affidavit the Court in any ­matter relating to the estate, petition the Court in any matter­ relating to the this request on behalf of the above-named the Personal Representative and may peti- of Objections within thirty (30) days of the ­including ­distribution of assets and ­expenses of estate, ­including ­distribution of assets and person. If the above-named person cannot tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the return date, action may be taken without ­administration. Interested parties are entitled to ­expenses of administration.­ Interested parties afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets ­further notice to you. petition the Court to institute formal­ proceedings are entitled to petition the Court to institute State expense. and ­expenses of ­administration. ­formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- and to obtain orders terminating or restrict- Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, ing the powers of Personal Representatives minating or restricting the powers of Personal First Justice of this Court. Representatives appointed under informal pro- First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. appointed under informal procedure. A copy Date: May 11, 2021 Date: May 21, 2021 Date: May 18, 2021 of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate from the Petitioner. can be obtained from the Petitioner. Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021 PAGE 11

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE EXTRA Commonwealth of Massachusetts ­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Innings The Trial Court The Trial Court Notice is hereby given by Todisco Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court by Sal Giarratani Services, Inc., of 171 Boston Street, Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court Salem, MA pursuant to the provisions 10-U Commerce Way 10-U Commerce Way of Mass G.L. c. 255, Section 39A, that Baseball fuming over 28-year-old rookie Woburn, MA 01801 Woburn, MA 01801 they will sell the following vehicles on (781) 865-4000 (781) 865-4000 or after May 29, 2021 beginning at Last Week Yermin Mercedes who decided Docket No. MI21P2593EA Docket No. MI21P2453EA 9:00 a.m. by public or private sale to There were two more no- to swing at a 3-0 count pitch satisfy their garage keepers lien for hitters and two big blowout and slammed a homer, which Estate of Estate of towing, storage, and notices of sale. VERONICA J. MORSE ANN E. ROSENBERG games. When Corey Kluber threw angered La Russa to no end. 2020 SURE-TRAC Sure-Trac Trailers Date of Death: February 09, 2021 Date of Death: April 13, 2021 his no-hitter for the Yankees on La Russa now manages the Vin # 5JW2D142XL4285957 th CITATION ON PETITION FOR CITATION ON PETITION FOR Vehicles are being stored at multiple Todisco Wednesday, May 19 , it was the White Sox who are doing FORMAL ADJUDICATION FORMAL ADJUDICATION Services, Inc. locations, and may be viewed sixth of the season, one short of quite well this year and with To all interested persons: To all interested persons: by appointment only. a single season record and it is the ChiSox up 15-4 wanted A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with Signed still May. Mercedes not to swing at the Appointment of Personal Representative Appointment of Personal Representative Todisco Services, Inc. has been filed by Bonnie J. Morse of ­Clinton, has been filed by Kristin W. Shirahama of Even more good news to me next pitch with the count 3-0, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Framingham,­ MA requesting that the Court Run dates: 05/14, 05/21, 05/28/2021 was there were two big blow- but Mercedes did anyway. Decree and Order and for such other relief as enter a formal Decree and Order and for such ­requested in the Petition. other relief as ­requested in the Petition. out games last week also. The Yeah, he even hit a homerun The Petitioner requests that Bonnie J. The Petitioner requests that Kristin W. LEGAL NOTICE Padres beat the Mariners, 16-1 to pile on to the White Sox Morse of Clinton,­ MA be appointed as Per- ­Shirahama of ­Framingham, MA be ­appointed and the Braves slammed the lead. sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised serve Without Surety on the bond in unsuper- NOTICE OF SALE Pirates, 20-1. I say good news However, La Russa isn’t happy administration. vised administration. Notice is hereby given by Stephens Automotive­ because fans want great action and I wouldn’t be either. There’s Transport, 60 Union Street, Medford, MA IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE at a baseball game and you only something to this respect thing 02155, pursuant to the provisions of G.L.c.255 You have the right to obtain a copy of the You have the right to obtain a copy of the 539A, that on May 29, 2021 at 10AM, at said get that when there are lots of in baseball and in life in general. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. address, the following motor vehicle(s) will be You have a right to object to this proceeding. You have a right to object to this proceeding. runs and hits galore. No-hitters Players are supposed to do what sold, in as is condition, no keys, at public sale To do so, you or your attorney must file a To do so, you or your attorney must file a are historic but fans seem to be managers say and Mercedes to satisfy our garage keeper’s lien thereon for written appearance and objection at this written appearance and objection at this towing, storage, and expenses of notice and demanding more action today. was gonna do what Mercedes Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of sale: June 18, 2021. June 17, 2021. Give me more blowouts and less was gonna do. This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- 2014 MERCEDES BENZ G63, WHITE no-hitters! I enjoy reading Peter line by which you must file a written line by which you must file a written Vin: # WDCYC7DF9EX216021 Many ins and outs of baseball Abraham’s Sunday full-page appearance and objection if you object to appearance and objection if you object to Xinxin Zhang and most fans think pitchers baseball column in the Boston this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely 205 Revere Beach Pkwy., Unit 534 written appearance and objection followed written appearance and objection followed have too much control over the Globe, and this past Sunday, he Revere, MA 02151 by an affidavit of objections within thirty by an affidavit of objections within thirty flow of the game. I look back sided with Mercedes hitting on (30) days of the return day, action may be (30) days of the return day, action may be 2016 DODGE CHARGER, BLUE taken without further notice to you. taken without further notice to you. at 1968 when they raised the a 3-0 count against his man- Vin: # 2C3CDXBGXGH110178 mound because MLB was trying ager’s wishes. When it comes UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION Yujian Li UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM to help pitchers, but that year to this situation, I side with La 75 Peterborough St. PROBATE CODE (MUPC) PROBATE CODE (MUPC) they helped them too much and Russa over Abraham. I guess A Personal Representative appointed A Personal Representative appointed Boston, MA 02215 under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- in 1969, the mound was low- I’m an old baseball guy like La istration is not required to file an inventory istration is not required to file an inventory 2013 MERCEDES BENZ C300, WHITE ered again. Two big stories out Russa. I see his point and agree or annual accounts with the Court. Persons or annual accounts with the Court. Persons Vin: # WDDGF81X09F208189 of 1968: Bob Gibson finished with him. interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice Enio E Morataya regarding the ­administration directly from regarding the ­administration directly from 103 Endicott St., Apt. 2R with a 1.12 ERA and our very Has the game really changed the Personal Representative and may peti- the Personal Representative and may peti- Worcester, MA 01610 own Captain Carl Yastrzemski that much in the last nine years tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the or who had won the Triple Crown that La Russa has been out of estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets and ­expenses of ­administration. and ­expenses of administration.­ Jennylee Reyes in 1967 reached another bat- uniform? When it comes to the 125 Rockland St. Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, ting crown again, but this time relationship between player and First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. Dedham, MA 02026 barely over .300 only hitting manager that shouldn’t have Date: May 21, 2021 Date: May 20, 2021 2019 KIA FORTE, GRAY .301. There was a chance that changed. As La Russa quipped, Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Vin: # 3KPF24AD0KE134868 year for the batting crown to he has an office and Mercedes Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Mohamad Elchaabi be won with an under .300 has a locker. If a player wants 405 Manchester St., #3 average. the respect of his manager, he Manchester, NH 03103 I do believe, as many say, must show respect. Run dates: 05/14, 05/21, 05/28/2021 that MLB may have deadened Happy Birthday LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE the ball this season, which Reggie Cleveland might be adding to so many no- Happy birthday to Reggie Commonwealth of Massachusetts ­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts LEGAL NOTICE The Trial Court The Trial Court hitters and very dismal batting Cleveland. Like me, he was born Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court ­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts averages. It appears too many in May 1948, meaning we both Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court The Trial Court hitters are striking out a lot are now 73 years young. He was 10-U Commerce Way 10-U Commerce Way Probate and Family Court more as many are aiming for the right-hander pitched for Woburn, MA 01801 Woburn, MA 01801 Middlesex Probate and Family Court (781) 865-4000 (781) 865-4000 10-U Commerce Way the stands. It’s a home run or Red Sox Nation from 1974-78, Docket No. MI21P2577EA Docket No. MI21P2576EA Woburn, MA 01801 strikeout and there are always appearing in 150 games. We got (781) 865-4000 Estate of Estate of more strikeouts him from the Cardinals. He was LAURIE E. PROFIT JANE M. WILLIAMS Docket No. MI21P2597EA I Am Siding With both a starter and a reliever for Also Known As Date of Death: February 17, 2021 Estate of Tony La Russa us, and in his first four seasons LAURIE PROFIT PHYLLIS H. SMITH CITATION ON PETITION FOR Seventy-six-year-old Hall of in Boston, posted an average of Date of Death: November 18, 2020 FORMAL ADJUDICATION Date of Death: February 11, 2021 Fame Manager Tony La Russa is 188 innings. CITATION ON PETITION FOR To all interested persons: CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with FORMAL ADJUDICATION To all interested persons: Appointment of Personal Representative To all interested persons: A Petition for Formal Adjudication of has been filed by Maura Williams of ­Natick, A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ­Intestacy and Appointment of Personal MA and Gavin P. Williams of Natick, MA Appointment of Personal Representative Commonwealth of Massachusetts requesting that the Court enter a formal Representative has been filed by Randy A. has been filed by Andrea Edwards Smith of Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court ­Decree and Order and for such other relief as Profit of Wayland,­ MA requesting that the Lexington,­ MA requesting that the Court enter The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for ­requested in the Petition. a formal Decree and Order and for such other Probate and Family Court such other relief as ­requested in the Petition. The Petitioner requests that Maura Williams­ relief as ­requested in the Petition. Middlesex Division Suffolk Probate and Family Court of Natick,­ MA and Gavin P. Williams­ of 24 New Chardon Street The Petitioner requests that Randy A. The Petitioner requests that Andrea Middlesex Probate and Family Court Profit of Wayland,­ MA be ­appointed as Per- Natick, MA be ­appointed as ­Personal Repre- Boston, MA 02114 ­Edwards Smith of Lexington,­ MA be 10-U Commerce Way sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve sentative(s) of said estate to serve With- ­appointed as Personal Representative(s) of (617) 788-8300 Woburn, MA 01801 Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised out Surety on the bond in unsupervised said estate to serve Without Surety on the (781) 865-4000 Docket No. SU21P0829EA administration. administration. bond in unsupervised administration. Docket No. MI21P2016EA Estate of IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE ROBERT CHARLES WRIGHT You have the right to obtain a copy of the You have the right to obtain a copy of the You have the right to obtain a copy of the Estate of Also Known As Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. GERSHON MORTON GOLDBERG ROBERT C. WRIGHT You have a right to object to this proceeding. You have a right to object to this proceeding. You have a right to object to this proceeding. Also Known As To do so, you or your attorney must file a To do so, you or your attorney must file a To do so, you or your attorney must file a GERSHON M. GOLDBERG Date of Death: January 07, 2021 written appearance and objection at this written appearance and objection at this written appearance and objection at this Date of Death: January 02, 2021 INFORMAL PROBATE Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of PUBLICATION NOTICE June 18, 2021. June 18, 2021. June 18, 2021. INFORMAL PROBATE To all persons interested in the above This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- PUBLICATION NOTICE captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Joy­ line by which you must file a written line by which you must file a written line by which you must file a written To all persons interested in the above cap- Wright-McCarthy of South Boston, MA, appearance and objection if you object to appearance and objection if you object to appearance and objection if you object to tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner ­Richard Petitioner ­Sandra Vaughn of Randolph, MA, this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely Goldberg of Arlington, MA, a Will has been a Will has been ­admitted to informal probate. written appearance and objection followed written appearance and objection followed written appearance and objection followed ­admitted to informal probate. Joy Wright-McCarthy of South Boston, by an affidavit of objections within thirty by an affidavit of objections within thirty by an affidavit of objections within thirty Richard Goldberg of Arlington, MA has MA, Sandra Vaughn of Randolph, MA has (30) days of the return day, action may be (30) days of the return day, action may be (30) days of the return day, action may be been informally ­appointed as the Personal been informally appointed as the Personal taken without further notice to you. taken without further notice to you. taken without further notice to you. Representative of the estate to serve without Representative of the estate to serve without UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION surety on the bond. surety on the bond. UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM The estate is being administered under The estate is being administered under PROBATE CODE (MUPC) PROBATE CODE (MUPC) PROBATE CODE (MUPC) ­informal procedure by the Personal Represen- ­informal procedure by the Personal Representa- A Personal Representative appointed A Personal Representative appointed A Personal Representative appointed tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- tive under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- bate Code without supervision by the Court. Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory istration is not required to file an inventory istration is not required to file an inventory istration is not required to file an inventory Inventory and accounts are not ­required to be and accounts are not ­required to be filed with or annual accounts with the Court. Persons or annual accounts with the Court. Persons or annual accounts with the Court. Persons filed with the Court, but interested parties are the Court, but interested parties are entitled interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice interested in the estate are ­entitled to ­notice entitled to notice regarding the ­administration to notice regarding the administration­ from regarding the ­administration directly from regarding the ­administration directly from regarding the ­administration directly from from the Personal Representative and can the Personal Representative and can petition the Personal Representative and may peti- the Personal Representative and may peti- the Personal Representative and may peti- petition the Court in any matter­ relating to the the Court in any ­matter relating to the estate, tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the tion the Court in any matter­ relating to the estate, ­including ­distribution of assets and ­including ­distribution of assets and ­expenses of estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets estate, including­ the­ distribution of assets ­expenses of administration.­ Interested parties ­administration. Interested parties are entitled to and ­expenses of ­administration. and ­expenses of ­administration. and ­expenses of ­administration. are entitled to petition the Court to institute petition the Court to institute formal­ proceedings ­formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, and to obtain orders terminating or restrict- Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS, minating or restricting the powers of Personal First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. ing the powers of Personal Representatives First Justice of this Court. Representatives appointed under informal pro- Date: May 21, 2021 Date: May 21, 2021 Date: May 21, 2021 appointed under informal procedure. A copy cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate can be obtained from the Petitioner. from the Petitioner. Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 Run date: 05/28/2021 PAGE 12 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, MAY 28, 2021

Boxing Ringside HOOPS and HOCKEY in the HUB by Richard Preiss WITH BOBBY FRANKLIN

It was the last stand of the core players. And although it was Joe Louis Got to Know the Score in Boston: halted just short of the summit, it was quite a run for a group that won two Stanley Cup Championships and went nearly to the Johnny Shkor that Is wire battling for a third. The Greater Boston area Shkor was a hard punching 6'4" We speak of those 1973-1974 Boston Bruins, who found success has been home to two World battler who weighed in at around in the early 1970s by winning two Cups within three years (1970 Heavyweight Champions: John 220 lbs. for many of his fights. and 1972) and then just missed out on a third in the spring of 1974. L. Sullivan and Rocky Marciano, He was originally from Baltimore By any measure, this was a team that was the hallmark of the neither of whom ever defended but fought out of Boston where very definition of success. Just taking a look up and down the the title there. In fact, even he was managed by Johnny lineup shows the sheer power of the scoring machine that made though boxing has always been Buckley. He had a career final its mark night in and night out across the 78-game regular season popular in Boston, there has record of 52 bouts with 31 wins, and on into the playoffs. There was always the very real possibility only been one Heavyweight Title 19 losses, and 2 draws. Twenty- of a scoring threat no matter which group was on the ice. fight held in Beantown. That was two of his wins came via knock Start with center Phil Esposito who scored 68 goals and added the 1940 match between the out. His biggest victory was a 77 assists for a whopping total of 145 points across 68 of those 78 great Joe Louis and Al McCoy. 1947 stoppage on cuts of Tami games. For his sterling performance he won the Art Ross Trophy Interestingly, McCoy was a Mauriello, which took place at (top scorer, regular season) as well as the Hart Memorial Trophy native of Maine and resided in the Boston Arena. Shkor would (most valuable player, regular season). Waterville though he fought also go on to face two future Add in Bobby Orr, four years removed from his famous tally often in Boston. champs, Jersey Joe Walcott and that brought the 1970 title to Boston. He scored 32 goals and When it was decided Louis Rocky Marciano. added 90 assists for 122 points. And remember, Orr was officially would travel to Boston to defend Their first encounter took a defenseman. For his efforts, Orr was awarded the Norris Trophy the championship, two New place at the Boston Arena (league’s best defenseman). Those 90 assists made him the league England fighters stood out as on November 8, 1948 before leader in that category. the prime challengers to take Joe Louis at the Boston 5,518 fans. According to Boston Need additional top-flight point producers? How about Ken on the Brown Bomber. One was Garden before the Al McCoy Globe sports writer Clif Keane it Hodge, a right winger, who found the range for 50 markers McCoy and the other was Tony Fight was a very spirited affair. And and assisted on 55 more for 105 points. Then there was Wayne Shucco. I’m not sure why McCoy even though they fought with Cashman, also a left winger, who scored 30 times and had 59 was picked, but many old-timers 14-ounce gloves Keane wrote “ … assists for an 89-point season. told me they believe, because of there was more action in the four What kind of quadruple threat did they present? Those four his style, Shucco would have rounds than in Louis’ two titular players — Esposito, Orr, Hodge and Cashman weren’t just the been the better choice for the fights with Jersey Joe Walcott … leading scorers on the Bruins. They were the top four scorers — in challenge. ” Late in the fourth round Louis that above order — in the entire . Wow! The fight took place on received a gash over his right eye But there’s more. Johnny Bucyk, a stalwart veteran on left wing, December 16, 1940 at the Boston from a clash of heads as Shkor pumped in 31 goals and got credit for an assist on 44 others for a Garden. A crowd of 13,334 waded into him. Former Champ 75-point campaign. He also won the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy showed up to watch as Louis Jack Sharkey worked Shkor’s (for sportsmanship and gentlemanly play). Don Marcotte, another handed out a one-sided drub- corner and former Welterweight performer on the left side, went 24-26-50 to round out the group bing to the very game McCoy. Champion Jack Britton was the on the roster who put up half a hundred points or better. The fight ended when the New third man in the ring. It should be no surprise then that the B’s led the league in goals England fighter was unable to A year and a week later, the scored with 349 and topped the standings with a 52-17-9 mark come out for the fifth round. two would go at it again, this to give them a total of 113 points on the campaign. But right The Louis of 1940 was pretty time at the Boston Garden. At behind were the Philadelphia Flyers, their eventual opponents in much at his peak and is still this point Joe had announced the Stanley Cup Final, with 112. thought by many experts to his retirement and, though he The Presidents’ Trophy (highest team point total in the regular have been the greatest heavy- denied it, was testing the waters season) was not awarded until 1986. Thus, the B’s had to be weight champion to have ever for a title match against the new satisfied with the Prince of Wales Trophy, which at that time was lived. While McCoy was never Champion Ezzard Charles. awarded to the East Division regular season champions. a threat, Boston fans did get to Their “rematch” was sched- But while the offense soared, the defense was stingy. Leading the see the Champ in action. Nobody uled for ten rounds, and again league in goals scored was terrific. But that was combined with complained as the outcome was they wore 14-ounce gloves. a strong defense that ranked first in fewest goals allowed in the a forgone conclusion. Before 8,471 fans, they picked East Division — 221. As we’ve indicated here on numerous occa- So, that was the only time Joe up where they had left off. Louis sions those two statistics are strong indicators of a team’s success. Louis would be seen in a Boston came out strong and dropped The man who patrolled the crease was Gilles Gilbert, who was boxing ring, or was it? Well, Shkor three times in the first in his first of six seasons with the B’s after coming over from the no. Joe never again defended three rounds, once in the sec- Minnesota North Stars. The 34-12-8 record that he compiled would the title in Boston, but he did ond, and twice in the third. It be the best of his career. Ross Brooks, who went 16-3-0, was the return for a couple of exciting appeared the fight wouldn’t go principal backup. appearances a few years later. Johnny Shkor further than the four round the The Bruins opened the playoffs by sweeping Toronto 4-0 and His second and third visits two went the year before, but then downing Chicago 4-2 to advance to the Stanley Cup Final turned out to be more Shkor proved tough against Philadelphia. Even though Philadelphia is only about 300 exciting than his fight and durable while Louis miles from Boston, it had been placed in the West Division because against Al McCoy. Even was not in top condi- it was an expansion team. though these bouts were tion. The former champ The first two games were played in Boston and went to the wire labeled as exhibitions, coasted a bit but still in exciting fashion. In the series opener Orr blocked a shot with they were in fact hard had to keep Johnny in just over a minute remaining in the third period and then went the fought battles. The sec- his place as the former length of the ice to put a slapshot past Philly’s standout goaltender ond bout in particular. sailor was not giving up. Bernie Parent and secure a 3-2 victory. In June of 1948, Again, the fans got more Game 2 saw the B’s take a 2-1 lead late into the third before Joe Louis had his than their money’s Parent was pulled for an extra attacker — resulting in a last fight as cham- worth. Louis had noth- Philadelphia score with less than a minute left to knot things at pion when he kayoed ing but praise for Shkor 2-2. Bobby Clarke then won it for the Flyers in OT. Jersey Joe Walcott in after the fight, telling Hot goalies can make all the difference in world — especially the 11th round. Seven reporters Johnny had during the playoffs. And thus it was that Parent, who posted a months earlier Walcott improved since their superb 1.89 goals against average in the regular season, was able had given Louis all he first encounter and to shut down the Boston scoring machine in three of the final four could handle for 15 should be taken seri- games of the series. rounds while losing a ously as a contender. The powerful Boston point producers fell silent, scoring only a decision many believed While Joe kept deny- single goal in one of the last four games and just two in another. he deserved to win. Joe ing he was heading for As a capstone, Parent registered a 1-0 shutout over the B’s in what wanted to prove he was a comeback, 10 months proved to be a decisive Game 6. Only in Game 5 did the Black and the better fighter and later he was in the ring Gold appear to be in regular season form, carving out a 5-1 victory did. Most thought he Johnny Shkor with Manager Johnny Buckley with Champion Ezzard at the Garden. For his outstanding performance Parent was named would retire after the Charles in what was a the winner of the Conn Smyth Trophy — the MVP of the playoffs. fight, and Joe wanted to but he was facing brutal fifteen round battle won by the Cincinnati Thus the 1973-1974 Bruins, undeniably one of the best teams financial problems stemming from tax problems Cobra. Louis continued to fight after that but ever to compete on Causeway Street, were denied hockey’s high- he was having with the IRS. Instead of calling it never fought for the title again. Nine fights later, est honor. The season proved to be the last stand in the Hub for quits, he went on a barnstorming tour of “exhibi- he would be kayoed by Rocky Marciano in a fight several core players that had won the Cup in both 1970 and 1972. tions” where he figured he could pick up some that is still painful to watch. The great champion By the time the B’s next made it to the Stanley Cup Final in easy money. Still being champion made him more stayed on too long. 1977, Esposito, Orr and Hodge were gone as was Derek Sanderson, marketable. Boston fans were lucky in 1948 and 1949 to the man who passed the puck to Orr for his famous goal in 1970. On two occasions, Louis stopped in Boston on see the great Joe Louis in action, especially since Bucyk was in the next-to-last season of his career before retiring in his tour. His opponent in both matches was tough he was in with a guy like Johnny Shkor who gave 1978 while Cashman and Marcotte would play until 1982. Gilbert contender Johnny Shkor (pronounced “score”). it his all. shared regular season goaltending duties with Gerry Cheevers. The 1973-1974 campaign — a memorable playoff run for a remarkable (I want to thank my friend Dan Cuoco for providing me with news clippings from the bouts.) Boston core in an exceptional era.