Congressional Record—Senate S1141

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Congressional Record—Senate S1141 February 8, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1141 Adam Ford, Casime Harris, Josh Haymore, formed into an effective and transparent leg- changing their identities, changing jobs, and Marcus Haywood, Tahir Hinds, Raymond islative institution; obtaining protection orders; Hines, Ryan Holston, Ryan Horn, David Whereas in November 2001, Speaker Whereas stalking is a crime that cuts Ingraldi, Chris Iorio, Mike Jenkins, Bruce Zhvania resigned his position in protest across race, culture, gender, age, sexual ori- Johnson, Shelton Johnson, Akeem Jordan, when government authorities attempted to entation, physical and mental ability, and Jacob Kahle, Clint Kent, Andrew Kern, Tim suppress the leading independent television economic status; Kibler, Joe Kluesner, Rodney Landers, Scott station in the Republic of Georgia; Whereas stalking is a crime under Federal Lemn, Matt LeZotte, Matt Magerko, Dexter Whereas Zurab Zhvania formed the United law and under the laws of all 50 States and Manley, Franklin Martin, Justin Mathias, Democrats, a party that blossomed into one the District of Columbia; Frank McArdle, Rodney McCarter, Craig of the major forces that brought about the Whereas rapid advancements in technology McSherry, Andrew Michael, Bryce Miller, Rose Revolution in the Republic of Georgia have made cyber-surveillance the new fron- Leon Mizelle, Mike Mozby, William Nowell, in November 2003; tier in stalking; Tom O’Connor, Will Patrick, David Rabil, Whereas in the most dangerous hours of Whereas there are national organizations, Justin Rascati, Tom Ridley, Demetrius the Rose Revolution, when it appeared that local victim service organizations, prosecu- Shambley, Khary Sharpe, Andre Shuler, armed force could be used against the peace- tors’ offices, and police departments that Bryan Smith, Leon Steinfeld, Chuck Suppon, ful protestors, Zurab Zhvania dismissed his stand ready to assist stalking victims and Cortez Thompson, Nic Tolley, Trey Town- bodyguards and led a march to Parliament who are working diligently to craft com- send, Brian Vaccarino, Kwynn Walton, Paul accompanied only by his young children; petent, thorough, and innovative responses Wantuck, Mike Wilkerson, Kevin Winston, Whereas Zurab Zhvania was named Prime to stalking; Stephen Wyatt, Kyle Zehr, and Jake Minister of the Republic of Georgia in No- Whereas there is a need to enhance the Zielinski) contributed to the success of the vember 2003, and led governmental efforts to criminal justice system’s response to stalk- team in this impressive championship sea- develop and implement far-reaching eco- ing and stalking victims, including aggres- son; nomic, judicial, military, and social reforms sive investigation and prosecution; and Whereas the Dukes became the first team thereby turning the promise of the Rose Rev- Whereas Congress urges the establishment in Division I–AA history to win the national olution into real results that have dramati- of January, 2006 as National Stalking Aware- title without playing a single playoff game cally improved life in the Republic of Geor- ness Month: Now, therefore, be it at home, battling for 3 consecutive playoff gia; Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- road victories; Whereas the strong commitment of Zurab resentatives concurring), That— Whereas the Dukes football team Head Zhvania to the peaceful restoration of the (1) it is the sense of Congress that— Coach Mickey Matthews has won 40 games in territorial integrity of Georgia was most re- (A) National Stalking Awareness Month his 6 years at James Madison University and cently displayed in the central role he played provides an opportunity to educate the peo- has taken the Dukes to the playoffs twice in in the development of the unprecedented and ple of the United States about stalking; his tenure; generous proposal of the Republic of Georgia (B) all Americans should applaud the ef- Whereas Coach Matthews has been named for resolving the status of South Ossetia forts of the many victim service providers, the 2004 Division I–AA National Coach of the peacefully and justly; and police, prosecutors, national and community Year by the American Football Coaches As- Whereas Zurab Zhvania’s vision of the his- organizations, and private sector supporters sociation, for his performance in the Dukes torical destiny of Georgia was eloquently ex- for their efforts in promoting awareness championship season; and pressed before the Council of Europe on April about stalking; and Whereas Assistant Coaches Curt Newsome, 27, 1999, when he said, ‘‘I am Georgian and (C) policymakers, criminal justice offi- Jeff Durden, George Barlow, Kyle Gillen- therefore, I am European’’: cials, victim service and human service water, Phil Ratliff, Chip West, Ulrick Ed- Now, therefore, be it agencies, nonprofits, and others should rec- monds, J.C. Price, Tony Tallent, and Jim Resolved, That the Senate— ognize the need to increase awareness of Durning deserve high recommendation for (1) expresses its deepest condolences to the stalking and availability of services for their strong leadership of, and superb coach- family of Zurab Zhvania for their tragic loss stalking victims; and ing support to, the James Madison Univer- of a son, husband, and father; (2) Congress urges national and community sity Dukes football team: Now, therefore, be (2) commends the courage, energy, polit- organizations, businesses in the private sec- it ical imagination, and leadership of Zurab tor, and the media to promote, through Na- Resolved, That the Senate— Zhvania that were so critical to the develop- tional Stalking Awareness Month, awareness (1) congratulates James Madison Univer- ment of a democratic Republic of Georgia; of the crime of stalking. sity Dukes football team for winning the 2004 and Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I rise NCAA Division I–AA National Champion- (3) recognizes that the integration of the today to submit a resolution calling for ship; and Republic of Georgia into Euro-Atlantic insti- the establishment of a National Stalk- (2) recognizes the achievements of all the tutions will be the completion of the vision ing Awareness Month. Each year, ap- players, coaches, and support staff of the of Zurab Zhvania and his most lasting leg- team. acy. proximately 1.4 million Americans— over 1 million women and about 400,000 f f men—are stalked. This statistic is SENATE RESOLUTION 46—COM- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- truly staggering. Despite the preva- MEMORATING THE LIFE OF THE TION 10—RAISING AWARENESS lence of stalking and its recognition as LATE ZURAB ZHVANIA, FORMER AND ENCOURAGING PREVENTION a crime in all 50 States, this crime is PRIME MINISTER OF THE RE- OF STALKING BY ESTABLISHING often ignored. PUBLIC OF GEORGIA JANUARY 2006 AS ‘‘NATIONAL Stalking is an issue that affects 1 in STALKING AWARENESS MONTH’’ 12 women and 1 in 45 men during their Mr. LUGAR (for himself, Mr. BIDEN, lifetime. It cuts across all lines of race, Mr. HAGEL, and Mr. REID) submitted Mr. DEWINE (for himself and Mr. age, and gender. Women and men the following resolution; which was BIDEN) submitted the following concur- across the United States have strug- considered and agreed to: rent resolution; which was referred to gled emotionally and financially to re- S. RES. 46 the Committee on the Judiciary: build their lives after being victimized Whereas on the night of February 3, 2005, S. CON. RES. 10 by a stalker. the Prime Minister of the Republic of Geor- Whereas an estimated 1,006,970 women and With rapidly advancing technology, I gia, Zurab Zhvania, died, apparently due to 370,990 men are stalked annually in the fear that stalking will become even carbon monoxide poisoning caused by a mal- United States and, in the majority of such more common and that the perpetra- functioning heater; cases, the person is stalked by someone who Whereas the death of Prime Minister is not a stranger; tors will become even harder to catch. Zhvania at the age of 41 is a tragic loss for Whereas 81 percent of women who are Increasingly, smaller cameras now the Republic of Georgia; stalked by an intimate partner are also allow perpetrators to stalk their vic- Whereas Zurab Zhvania was a dedicated re- physically assaulted by that partner, and 76 tims from afar, often without even former whose visionary leadership inspired a percent of women who are killed by an inti- being detected. Video voyeurism is the new generation of political leaders in the Re- mate partner were also stalked by that inti- next frontier in stalking and more public of Georgia; mate partner; must be done to combat this problem. Whereas Zurab Zhvania founded the Citi- Whereas 26 percent of stalking victims lose This resolution applauds the efforts zen’s Union Party, which won elections in time from work as a result of their victim- 1995, making him the Speaker of the Geor- ization and 7 percent never return to work; of policymakers, law enforcement offi- gian Parliament; Whereas stalking victims are forced to cers, victim service agencies, and other Whereas under the leadership of Speaker take drastic measures to protect themselves, groups that currently promote aware- Zhvania, the Georgian Parliament was trans- such as relocating, changing their addresses, ness of stalking. This resolution also VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:34 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S08FE5.REC S08FE5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S1142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 8, 2005 encourages these groups to examine and Mr. FEINGOLD) submitted an AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES
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