MAY 2019 F E R N A N D E Z A N D Z E G R E 1079

Seasonal Changes in Water and Energy Balances over the Appalachian and Beyond throughout the Twenty-First Century

RODRIGO FERNANDEZ AND NICOLAS ZEGRE University, Morgantown, West Virginia

(Manuscript received 4 April 2018, in final form 25 January 2019)


The Appalachian serve as a water source for important population centers in the eastern and midwestern . Despite this, the effects of change on the hydroclimatology of the region have not been thoroughly assessed, and its effects for water resources remain uncertain. In this study, we analyze the effects of climate change in a holistic approach to consider differential changes between atmo- spheric water supply () and atmospheric water demand (potential evapotranspiration). We an- alyze the absolute and relative changes in both variables, as well as their relation (aridity index) and future projected shifts in their seasonality. Our findings show that precipitation is projected to increase in the northeastern part of the region and decrease in the southwest with a transition zone in the central Appala- chians. Potential evapotranspiration increases consistently throughout the twenty-first century at a higher rate than precipitation, increasing the aridity of the region except for some small localized pockets at high ele- vations. The seasonality of precipitation indicates different shifts across the region related to changes in the dominant synoptic drivers of the region and changes in the seasonal characteristics of the land surface. All changes are exacerbated in the most extreme future climate scenario, highlighting the importance of local to global policies toward a more sustainable water resources development. In addition, we perform a basin-scale assessment on 20 major rivers with headwaters within the ‘‘Appalachian Region.’’ Our basin-scale results enforce the gridded regional results and indicate that, as temperatures continue to increase, lowland areas will rely more heavily on higher-elevation forested headwater catchments for water supply.

1. Introduction Schewe et al. 2014). Understanding the hydroclimatology of this region is paramount for addressing water needs The , as with many across the region east of the . In this around the world, receive more precipitation P study, we characterize the seasonal hydroclimatology than their surrounding lowland areas (Viviroli et al. that drives land surface hydrology and assess potential 2007; Marston and Marston 2016). Large in the changes across the region. such as , D.C.; New Water availability is closely linked to the amount of York, ; Charlotte, North Carolina; and , water in the land surface, either as storage components Georgia, as well as central U.S. cities such as , (soil moisture, groundwater, surface water, or snow), or Pennsylvania; , ; Louisville, ; as runoff (surface and subsurface flows) (Vörösmarty Memphis, ; and New Orleans, (Brooks et al. 2000; Doll et al. 2003; Hanasaki et al. 2008). The et al. 2018), are located in areas drained from the Ap- water balance describes the process by which water is palachian Mountains (Pires 2004; Missimer et al. 2014; partitioned across the . According to water Acharya et al. 2017). Climate change as a result of global balance, the input volume from P is partitioned into warming, together with population growth and land-cover evapotranspiration, runoff, and storage (Black 1997; changes, can jeopardize regional water supplies on which Milly 1994). From the concept of water balance, water downstream ecosystems, economies, and communities are available is the remnant of precipitation in the land dependent (Vörösmarty et al. 2000; Haddeland et al. 2014; surface after evapotranspiration has taken place. Evapotranspiration is dependent on the availability of Corresponding author: Rodrigo Fernandez, rodrigofernrey@ water and the atmospheric water demand (Budyko 1974; Roderick and Farquhar 2011). The atmospheric water

DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0093.1 Ó 2019 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy ( Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 11:26 AM UTC 1080 JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY VOLUME 58 demand is mainly driven by solar radiation that supplies The balance between P and EP will likely change in the the energy required to vaporize liquid water (Guo et al. future as well as their intra-annual relationships (Arora 2017). Other atmospheric variables such as air 2002; Roderick and Farquhar 2011; Fu and Feng 2014). and speed are also important for regulating the In this paper, we explore the absolute changes in atmospheric water demand (Guo et al. 2017). Potential P and EP throughout the twenty-first century using a evapotranspiration EP describes atmospheric water de- downscaled and bias-corrected dataset (Abatzoglou and mand as a function of the aforementioned variables in Brown 2012) using an ensemble of 17 different climate units that are comparable to P. models. The main objectives of the study are 1) to The balance between available water supply and at- quantify the absolute changes of precipitation and po- mospheric water demand is calculated by the ratio be- tential evapotranspiration and their spatial distribution, tween EP and P, known as the aridity index (AI) (Arora 2) to quantify the changes in the relation between P and 2002; Roderick and Farquhar 2011; Milly and Dunne EP to identify regions where it is likely to become drier 2016; Gudmundsson et al. 2016). The AI is a first-order or wetter, and 3) to analyze the seasonal changes of hydroclimatological driver since it describes the abso- P and EP by introducing a new seasonality index that lute amount of water that can be lost to evaporation. quantifies not only the intensity of seasonality but also Ratios between 0 and 1 are particular to regions where the timing of the year in which different variables peak. precipitation exceeds potential evapotranspiration (en- These assessments are performed at a gridded scale ergy limited), and values greater than 1 occur when throughout the region, and for 20 basins the headwaters

EP exceeds P (water limited) (Donohue et al. 2012; of which are located within the region. Roderick and Farquhar 2011; Wang and Hejazi 2011). In the midlatitudes of the temperate region where the 2. The Appalachian Region ‘‘Appalachian Region’’ (see section 2) is located, P and

EP are of comparable magnitudes (Weiss and Menzel This paper focuses on the Appalachian Region of the 2008; Fernandez and Sayama 2015). However, EP is di- United States and basins draining from it. The Appala- rectly linked to solar radiation and temperature, which chian Region is defined by the Appalachian Region are concentrated in the summer months (Coopersmith Commission (ARC) as 420 counties from 13 states et al. 2012). Precipitation P, on the other hand, is mostly that share cultural and socioeconomic characteristics distributed uniformly, throughout the year, with some (Appalachian Regional Commission 2009). The region is months having higher amounts (Coopersmith et al. 2012; rich in natural resources and had prevalent extraction Sayemuzzaman and Jha 2014). Since there is less energy economy. The region is dominated by lagged economic available for evapotranspiration during the winter months, development, high unemployment (Appalachian Regional most of the precipitation during this becomes Commission 2015c), low education (Appalachian Regional available in the land surface as storage or flows through Commission 2015a), and low income (Appalachian the network of the region. During the summer Regional Commission 2015b), when compared with months, there is more energy available and hence, other regions within the United States. more of the precipitation is partitioned into evapo- The region is mostly settled in the complex topogra- transpiration and returned back into the atmosphere phy of the Appalachian Mountains, and its geological (Coopersmith et al. 2012). that are formed by a series of ridgelines and Precipitation patterns in are driven by valleys that extend from northern and Georgia external large-scale atmospheric phenomena such as up to the eastern provinces of , although the tropical and extratropical cyclones, high pressure systems, cultural region reaches only to the southwestern counties and convective storms (Leathers et al. 1991; Leathers and of New York (Appalachian Regional Commission 2009). Palecki 1992; Pielke and Landsea 1999; Wood et al. 2002) As most mountain egions in the world, the Appalachians that regulate the timing at which P occurs in the region receive disproportionate amounts of P in comparison (Wise et al. 2015; Ning and Bradley 2016). As a result of with its underlying lowlands of the eastern Atlantic global warming, some of these drivers will be affected coast and Mississippi River valley (Viviroli et al. 2007; and change over time, further changing the amount and Marston and Marston 2016). The Appalachians serve timing of precipitation throughout the year (Holland as a water tower (Viviroli et al. 2007) to lowlands and and Bruyère 2014; Cai et al. 2015; Steinman et al. 2015; contain the headwaters of large river systems, namely Zhang and Delworth 2016). Global warming will most the Potomac, the Delaware, the Savannah, and the likely enhance EP, by increasing the duration of active Chattahoochee–Apalachicola that supply large cities in EP into the of spring and autumn (Reyes-Fox the eastern coast areas (Pires 2004; Missimer et al. 2014; et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2015; Kutta and Hubbart 2016). Acharya et al. 2017). To the west the Appalachians

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FIG. 1. (top) The Appalachian Region as defined by the Appalachian Region Commission Delineation (Appalachian Regional Commission 2009), and (bottom) major rivers with headwaters within the Appala- chian Region. supply water through many tributaries of the Mississippi areas vulnerable to the effects that climate change River (Brooks et al. 2018), one of the largest river sys- brings upon them including but not limited to changes tems of the world. The water tower effect of the Appa- in spatial and temporal patterns of precipitation, in- lachians is highlighted by supplying the , creases in evaporative energy and changes in extreme which is the main branch of the Mississippi River by events. To assess climatic changes in the Appalachian volume, while containing a smaller drainage area than Region and their potential effects on water re- other main branches by length or drainage area (Brooks sources of dependent lowland areas, this research in- et al. 2018). cludes every that has counties within the ARC The water supply of large population centers in the definition (Fig. 1, top panel). In addition, we also East and Midwest are inherently dependent of water perform basin-scale assessments in 20 major basins from the Appalachians Mountains (Viviroli et al. 2007; with headwaters within the Appalachian Region (Fig. 1, Marston and Marston 2016). This makes downstream bottom panel).

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3. Data and methods TABLE 1. Climatic variables provided as part of the MACAv2- METDATA dataset (Abatzoglou 2013) and used in this study of a. Climate dataset: MACAv2-METDATA the Appalachian Region and its downstream areas.

The ‘‘MACAv2-METDATA’’ (Abatzoglou 2013)isa Variable Description Units database of downscaled and bias-corrected general circu- P Daily precipitation mm lation model (GCM) outputs from phase 5 of the Coupled RHmax Max daily relative humidity % Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5; Taylor et al. RHmin Min daily relative humidity % 22 21 2012) for the continental United States and provides data Rn Net incoming solar radiation MJ m day 8 for two representative concentration pathways (RCPs): Tmax Max daily temperature C Tmin Min daily relative humidity 8C RCP4.5, which supposes a shift toward alternate sources 21 uas Surface eastward wind m s 21 of energy by 2050, and RCP8.5, which supposes business yas Surface northward wind m s as usual. The bias correction and downscaling were performed using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed aerodynamic resistance (Allen et al. 1998). For this Analogs (MACA) method (Abatzoglou and Brown study, we use the FAO-56 Penman–Monteith (Allen 2012). The method consists of six steps that correct et al. 1998): biases at different spatial scales and uses temporal an- alogs to adjust variable patterns to historical analogs. All 900 GCMs are interpolated to a common grid size of 18 and 0:408D(R 2 G) 1 g w (y ) n T 1 273 as2 pd seasonal and yearly trends are removed before doing a E 5 a , (1) P D1g(1 1 0:34w ) coarse-scale bias correction. The constructed analog as2 component involves finding the 100 best fitted spatial 2 where D is the slope of vapor pressure curve (kPa 8C 1); patterns that fit the spatial distribution of a target day 22 21 Rn is the net incoming solar radiation (MJ m day ); on a GCM with the historical data within a 45-day time 22 21 G is the ground heat flux (MJ m day ), which is window. A linear model is then developed using super- negligible at a daily time step (Guo et al. 2017); g is position of the best fitted spatial patterns and matrix in- the psychrometric constant, which relates the partial version. The coefficients of the linear model are then pressure of water to air temperature; T is the average applied to the fine-resolution observations and superposed a daily temperature calculated as the average of T and to downscale the GCM patterns. In the final steps of the max Tmin; was2 is the daily average wind speed measured at method, trends are reintroduced to the datasets and biases 2 2 m (m s 1); and y is the vapor pressure deficit (kPa). are corrected again at the fine resolution (1/248). pd The formula can be used almost directly with the vari- The training dataset for the MACAv2-METDATA ables provided by MACA except for some minor ad- is the METDATA dataset from Northwestern Univer- justments described in the following equations. Wind sity (Abatzoglou 2013). The dataset was generated by3 speed w wasobtainedasthevectorsumofu and y of bias correcting hourly reanalysis data from the North as2 as as MACAv2-METDATA using the Pythagorean theorem. American Data Assimilation System (NLDAS; Cosgrove However, this wind speed is provided at 10 m above the et al. 2003) and assimilating them to monthly temperature, land surface. A correction factor is used to estimate wind precipitation, and humidity from the Parameter–Elevation speed at a height of 2 m above land surface as required Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM; by the FAO-56 equation: Daly et al. 1994). These data have been validated against ground-based weather monitoring networks across the 4:87 w 5 w 5 0:75w . (2) United States (Abatzoglou 2013). The variables pro- as2 asln(67:8z 2 5:42) as vided by the MACAv2-METDATA and used in this study are summarized in Table 1. In addition to the main Penman–Monteith equation, T is also used to calculate the slope of vapor pressure b. Estimating potential evapotranspiration from a curve, which relates the saturation specific humidity to climate model downscaled variables the average daily temperature, given by Potential evaporation EP summarizes the conditions 17:27T in the atmosphere that result in demand of water transfer 4098 0:6108 exp a from the land surface to the atmosphere. One of the more T 1 273:3 D5 a ; (3) complex models used to estimate this atmospheric water 1 : 2 (Ta 237 3) demand is the Penman–Monteith equation, which com- bines components of energy balance and mass transfer g also requires additional information in order to be while accounting for the effects of wind, vegetation and calculated by

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5 : g 0 001 63(Patm/l), (4) changes across the region. The first characteristic is represented by the aridity index, simply relating the where Patm is pressure at z meters of elevation and l is amount of atmospheric water demand (EP) to atmo- 21 the latent heat of vaporization estimated at 2.45 MJ kg spheric water supply (P)(Arora 2002): at 208. Although atmospheric pressure may vary ac- cording to different atmospheric drivers, the effects on 5 AI EP/P. (9) the psychrometric function are small and the average value for a given location is a good estimation (Allen The critical value of AI is where EP and P are equivalent et al. 1998). The elevation for the 4-km grids is acquired to each other (AI 5 1). An AI , 1 represents humid from the DEM that is part of the PRISM dataset (Daly areas, and an AI . 1 represents areas. et al. 1994): The second characteristic represents the distribution of either variable (P or EP) during the year. The Appalachian 5:26 293 2 0:0065z Region has a precipitation regime that is relatively P 5 101:3 . (5) atm 293 uniformly distributed throughout year, but characteris- tic of the midlatitudes (Weiss and Menzel 2008) the energy Vapor pressure deficit is the difference between the is concentrated in the summer months (Coopersmith et al. atmospheric saturation vapor pressure ypd* and the ac- 2012). As a result of this concentration of energy during tual vapor pressure y , which depends on temperature. a summer, the timing of P in relation to EP will have an Both of these vapor pressures can be calculated with the influence on the way that water is partitioned. If P takes RH variables provided by MACA: place while EP is at its peak, more of the supplied water will be partitioned toward evapotranspiration. On the y 5 y* 2 y . (6) pd pd a other hand, if more of the P falls during winter, then it is likely that P will be partitioned into runoff or stored in The saturation vapor pressure as a function of tem- the land surface. The concentration of energy in summer perature is calculated by is mostly related to higher solar energy during summer 17:27T due to the oscillation of ’s axial tilt. This is in- y* (T ) 5 0:6108 exp a . (7) pd a T 1 237:3 dependent of anthropogenic global warming and it is not a likely to change in the future. However, with global To calculate the daily average vapor pressure deficit, warming, it is likely that there will be more energy available during longer portions of the year (Fig. 2a), Eq. (7) is solved using average daily temperature Ta. The actual vapor pressure is a function of temperature and astheperiodwithactiveEP extends to earlier in relative humidity and is calculated as spring and later in autumn (Westerling et al. 2006; Xu et al. 2014). In addition, changes in precipitation, re- 5 6 ya ypd* (RH), (8) gardless of their direction ( ), might not be equally distributed throughout the year. The intra-annual where RH is the percentage of moisture in a unit pattern of precipitation might shift toward or away volume of air. As with saturation vapor pressure, the from periods with active EP (Figs. 2b,c), increasing or daily average actual vapor pressure is calculated decreasing P in certain parts of the year (Figs. 2d,e). using averaged daily RH from the original MACA The schema shown in Fig. 2 are simplified examples of dataset. possible changes in P and EP; however, it is most likely be a combination of all these changes. The importance c. Aridity and seasonality index of identifying how the patterns of precipitation and The water and energy balances in the temperate re- potential evapotranspiration occur throughout the gions of the midlatitudes have certain peculiarities that year is of interest to water resources because it will relate to their relative magnitude and timing throughout influence how the partition of precipitation also changes in the year (Weiss and Menzel 2008). Changes in the the future. amount and distribution of energy and water directly Most seasonality indices account for intra-annual affect the partition of precipitation between evapo- variability by comparing the difference between monthly transpiration and runoff, affecting water availability or daily departures from the average or total yearly (Arora 2002; Roderick and Farquhar 2011; Wang and value, and they relate quantitative thresholds to quali- Hejazi 2011). In this study, we use two main character- tative distributions of rainfall (Walsh and Lawler 1981; istics, represented by two indices, of the water and en- Woods 2009; Coopersmith et al. 2012). The index of ergy balance, to assess the characteristics and projected Walsh and Lawler (1981) has been the basis for other

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FIG. 2. Schemes of possible changes in P and EP in the temperate midlatitudes: (a) Changes in EP, likely increasing and widening its seasonal cycle, (b) changes of P shifting away from summer, (c) changes in P shifting toward summer, (d) changes of P concentrated in summer, and (e) changes in P concentrated in winter. indices. This index mainly represents the intra-annual will be centered in case of no seasonality. The - relative seasonality basically referring to the degree of sonality index itself is later calculated based on the within year variability of monthly rainfall. Walsh and geometric center of the monthly plots, with the in- Lawler’s index basically quantifies the sum of de- tensity being quantified as the distance from origin viations of mean monthly precipitation from the and the resulting angle being the direction. Contrary overall monthly mean divided by the mean annual to the calculation of a geometric centroid of a finite set precipitation: of points, we do not normalize the summation by the number of points (i.e., 12 for months) in order to 12 P 5 1 å 2 y maintain an interval from 0 to 1. In this case, if all the SIWL abs Pm , (10) Py m51 12 precipitation or potential evapotranspiration were concentrated in only one month, the index would where the subindices m and y represent monthly or have a magnitude of 1, and if the precipitation is yearly precipitation. equally distributed throughout the year the magni- In the current paper, we develop an index based on tude will be 0. The angle is later converted from a scale polar coordinates with the aim of equating a magni- of 0–360 to a scale of 0–12 to describe the month, that tude of seasonality between the interval of 0 to 1, is, 6.5 5 middle of June. Figure 3a schematically shows and a directional angle to describe its distribution the ‘‘climatology’’ of three hypothetical cases of sea- throughout the year. The procedure to calculate the sonality. The uniform case presents a situation in seasonality index is schematically shown in Fig. 3 which the same amount of a given variable takes place for three hypothetical cases and is described below. at each month and therefore is centered when plotted This index can be applied to any variable with the in polar coordinates (Fig. 3b). The cases for higher proper normalization but in this study, we use it to and lower seasonality, for example, show polygons of calculate the seasonality of P and EP by dividing different geometry skewed toward the month of June each monthly average by the total P or EP.Monthly astheirpeakishigherduringthismonth.Thesign proportions are later plotted in polar coordinates, convention for the coordinates is selected by setting with each month representing intervals of 308 the months of March in the positive x axis, June in the (January 5 308, February 5 608,March5 908, ... , negative y axis, September in the negative x axis, December 5 3608). The choice of polar coordinates and December in the positive y axis. Therefore, shifts allows for the monthly averages to be plotted as a in seasonality in the x axis represent changes in closed polygon that will be skewed toward the month equinox, and shifts in the y axis represent changes in in which a variable reaches its maximum value, or it solstice. The components of intensity SI and direction

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FIG. 3. Scheme exemplifying three dif- ferent cases of seasonality: uniform, low seasonality, and high seasonality: (a) the climatology of each case, and (b) the corresponding polar plot after normali- zation (as explained in the text).

a of the seasonality index are numerically calculated inspect the changes projected throughout the twenty-first as follows: century. For comparison, we also calculate seasonality (" # using Walsh and Lawler (1981), which has been ex- 2 12 P tensively used (Coopersmith et al. 2012). 5 å m 3 SI sin(m 30) m51 P " y # ) 2 1/2 d. Twenty-first century change analysis 12 P 1 å m cos(m 3 30) and (11) Although the sources of moisture, predominant wind 5 P m 1 y currents, local effects of , and shadows can be enhanced or weakened in the future, it is not 12 P å m sin(m 3 30) likely that they cease to be the predominant factors for 5 2 m 1 Py precipitation across the region (O’Gorman 2015). For tan 1 12 P this reason, the results focus extensively in the mag- å m cos(m 3 30) nitude and relative changes in P and EP of four, ap- m51 Py a 5 . (12) proximately 25–yr, periods throughout the twenty-first 30 century—Q1: 2006–25, Q2: 2026–50, Q3: 2051–75, and Q4: 2076–99—that are compared with the historical With this index, the seasonal distributions of water period (1950–2005). The same periods are used to and energy across the region are explored and later we quantify different states of aridity and seasonality, which

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FIG. 4. Spatial distribution of long-term (1950–2005) mean annual (a) precipitation, (b) potential evapotranspiration, (c) aridity index, (d) seasonal intensity of precipitation, (e) seasonal intensity of potential evapotranspiration, (f) seasonal direction of precipitation, and (g) seasonal direction of potential evapotranspiration.

is useful to understand their possible implications for the another defining factor for EP in the region, as well- hydrological cycle and water resources across the re- defined patterns of lower EP are apparent along the Ap- gion. From the gridded analysis, we determine that the palachian Mountains. The southern limits of the region periods with largest changes for each scenario are Q3 for have higher amounts of EP due to lower elevation and RCP4.5 and Q4 for RCP8.5 and hence we used these (Fig. 4b). extreme changes to assess future conditions at basin In comparing the amount of P in the future with the scale throughout the region. These results are used to historic period of 1950–2005, it is apparent that the RCP discuss the possible implications of climate change to scenario has a large influence on projected changes water resources. (Fig. 5). The RCP4.5 shows an opposite pattern of what the RCP8.5 (Fig. 5b). In the RCP4.5, the P changes 4. Results show a slight wetting during Q1 in all areas. The pro- gression into Q2 shows reductions in P across most of a. Absolute changes in hydroclimatic variables the southern states that is exacerbated into Q3. During Q3 in the RCP4.5 only certain portions in northeastern Patterns of P and EP across the Appalachian region are mainly driven by topography, latitudinal position Pennsylvania and the counties in New York, experi- and dominant climatic patterns (Figs. 4a,b). The domi- ence slight wetting. Toward the end of the century, the nant westerly collect moisture through the Great RCP4.5 displays wetting similar to that in Q1 for most Plains region of the United States and the Gulf of of the region. The RCP8.5 scenario shows drying dur- that are transported into the region. Effects of ing P1 on the southeastern portion. Most of the western orographic precipitation and are apparent part of the region shows slight wetting. A slight wetting in the western and eastern slopes of the Appalachian during Q2 is seen for most of the region. Into Q3, most Mountains respectively (Fig. 4a). The highest amounts of the region continues to wet, except for a small area in of precipitation in the region is observed in the Southern the border of Tennessee and South Carolina. At the Appalachians close to the borders of North Carolina, end of the twenty-first century, a marked drying region South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, also known as appears, being larger toward the south portions of the the Blue Ridge. region, and expands north well into parts of West

Potential evapotranspiration EP has a spatial distribu- Virginia. tion related to latitude, which describes the dependence Potential evapotranspiration EP shows a different of EP on the amount of sunshine hours and there- progression than P throughout the twenty-first century. fore, radiation and temperature (Fig. 4b). Elevation is Regardless of the scenario, EP is projected to increase

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FIG. 5. Precipitation changes in the Appalachian Region throughout the twenty-first century: (a) mean annual precipitation, and (b) relative changes with respect to the historic period.

(Fig. 6). Increases in EP are exacerbated under the most resolution of each individual model that we quantify extreme RCP8.5 scenario (Fig. 6). The relative changes with the standard deviation of each model’s mean of EP display that for both scenarios, places where EP is annual values for each period (Fig. 7). Precipitation P lower are projected to have greater percentage increases exhibits higher uncertainty than EP, and the models (Fig. 6b). These changes are more exaggerated and there- present a wider range toward the southern part of the fore more apparent in the most extreme scenario at the end region in both scenarios. The largest uncertainties in of the twenty-first century. Higher experience P take place in Q3 for RCP4.5 and Q4 for RCP8.5, pe- higher relative changes as well as high elevations through- riods that exhibit the largest changes for each scenario. out the Appalachians. By the end of the twenty-first cen- Regionally, the largest uncertainty in precipitation do tury, in some cases, the changes are as high as 35% (Fig. 6c). not necessarily take place where precipitation is higher

The projections of both hydroclimatic variables rep- but where there is larger changes. The case of EP is resent some level of uncertainty linked to the physics different as there is larger uncertainty in portions of the

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FIG.6.AsinFig. 5, but for potential evapotranspiration.

region where EP is larger and the uncertainty is smaller be affected in the future. Parameters P and EP showed where there are larger changes. Although, the uncertainty different relative and absolute changes (Figs. 5, 6) but in EP maintains the pattern of being higher in the south, it these assessments only provide limited information. We is more homogeneously distributed throughout the region. also examine changes in aridity index across the region

The lower uncertainty of EP with respect to P can be at- to determine places where the balance between water tributed to its higher dependency on temperature and solar and energy supplies might change, further affecting hy- radiation (Guo et al. 2017), which also have lower un- drological changes on the land surface. Places with certainty in GCM’s projections, as opposed to other less higher elevations and the western parts of the region are influential variables such as relative humidity and wind, much more humid than low-lying regions (Fig. 4c). The which have higher uncertainty in GCMs. aridity throughout the twenty-first century as projected by the RCP4.5 shows increasing dry regions (AI . 1) b. Changes in aridity (Fig. 8). Regions that are already water limited seem to The changes in atmospheric water demand and be becoming drier. At the same time, regions that are supply provide insight into how water resources might water limited seem to be decreasing in area. The humid

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FIG. 7. Standard deviation of model’s mean annual (a) precipitation, (b) potential evapotranspiration, and (c) aridity index as an indication of model uncertainty in future projections.

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FIG.8.AsinFig. 5, but for aridity index. regions are constrained to portions of New York, central southwest of the region. The valleys between the Pennsylvania, and West Virginia following the Appala- Appalachian Mountains also exhibit some of the largest chians onto eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, and western increases in aridity. Humid places such as the ridges of North and South Carolina. These regions were projected the Appalachians experience the least changes although to shrink throughout the twenty-first century in both sce- they become less humid. narios, but most markedly in the RCP8.5. The wettest The AI, being a derived variable of P and EP, areas of the Appalachians appear to be disappearing in the exhibits a similar regional pattern in its uncertainty. southern Appalachians and central West Virginia. On the However, this uncertainty is higher in low-lying areas RCP4.5 scenario, the aridity of the region seems to recover and lower at higher elevations. to earlier states toward the end of the century. c. Changes in seasonality Changes in aridity generally show drying under both scenarios, but more accentuated under the RCP8.5 Figure 9 shows seasonality of P and EP across the scenario (Fig. 8). The largest changes in aridity are in the region calculated with Walsh and Lawler (1981) index

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FIG. 9. Comparison of the Walsh and Lawler (1981) seasonality index with the two components of the index introduced in this study in the Appalachian Region. and our newly introduced seasonality index. Both in- peaks. This is included in our developed index as the dices perform similarly for both variables, highlighting direction a. At the latitudes of this region, EP is highly the capacity of our index to quantify the intensity as the seasonal and it peaks around the summer solstice and Walsh and Lawler’s index. It is worth noting that both having a direction of around 6–7 (June–July). Since the indices have different ranges so Fig. 9 serves only as a seasonality of EP is related to the oscillation of Earth’s comparison to show that both indices display high/ axis, a geophysical feature that is independent of at- low values in the same regions. However, Walsh and mospheric forces, this is unlikely to change throughout Lawler’s index does not reflect any information about the twenty-first century and projections reflect it. the timing of the year when a variable is more concen- The timing of peak in P varies throughout the region trated, whereas our new index does (discussed below). (Fig. 9). A small portion in New York, namely the coast Additionally, our index provides relative information of of Erie, has peak precipitation during winter. On seasonality in an interval from 0 to 1, which is an easier the western side of the Appalachian Mountains, the concept to transfer to practitioners and policy makers. The timing of precipitation gradually shifts from summer seasonality of P is generally low, reaching maximum in- months in and northern Ohio, to tensities of 0.2–0.25 in the northern portions of Ohio and spring months in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York. Areas with western Georgia. The area between the border between less seasonality in P include southern portions of Georgia the and Georgia, where the southern tip of the and South and North Carolina eastoftheAppalachians. Blue Ridge geological region of the Appalachians is

Potential evapotranspiration EP is much more sea- located, has a complex distribution of P peak, attributed sonal than P, mostly because of its dependency on sun- to the complex topography and high altitude in the region. shine hours, which is related to Earth’s axis oscillation. However, an apparent pattern of winter-dominated P on

Hence, the seasonality of EP is directly related to lati- the western side and summer P on the eastern side can be tude. It is worth highlighting that at same latitudes, EP observed (Fig. 9). The southern portion of the region is seems to be more seasonal farther inland in continental dominated by winter precipitation. areas, such as in western Ohio. An important aspect of Climate change related to global warming is likely to seasonality is the timing of the year at which a variable alter large-scale phenomena that drives P intra-annual

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FIG. 10. Seasonality changes in the Appalachian Region throughout the twenty-first century: seasonal intensity and seasonal intensity changes. temporal distribution. Depending on the scenario, dif- The southeast of the region becomes progressively less ferent changes can be observed (Fig. 10). In the RCP4.5 seasonal with end-of-century values close to 0. The scenario, the first apparent change is that areas with southwestern part of the region becomes more and more higher seasonality become more seasonal at the begin- seasonal as the century progresses, expanding north- ning of the twenty-first century. As the century prog- ward. Areas of central Appalachia such as Kentucky, resses, most of the region returns to similar states after West Virginia, and Ohio seem to become slightly more Q3. On the western side of the Appalachians, the sea- seasonal at the beginning of the century, although they sonality of P increases, especially in the southwestern once again loose seasonality in periods Q2, Q3, and Q4. part of the region. The northern part of the region, be- By the end of the century, it is apparent that the sea- comes more seasonal at the beginning of the century, but sonality of this region returns to the averages of the 20C by the end of the century, it becomes less seasonal. The pattern (Figs. 9 and 10). The northern part of the region RCP8.5 shows a different progression of seasonality. becomes progressively less seasonal. This decrease in

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FIG. 11. Changes in the direction of seasonality in the Appalachian Region throughout the twenty-first century: seasonal direction and seasonal direction changes. seasonality is marked in the states of Pennsylvania and the central portion and toward winter months toward New York. the south of the region (Fig. 11). Changes in the timing of precipitation (a) during the Changes in the timing of P (a) across the region occur year are important in the midlatitudes because of the in spatial patterns that are similar in both projected high concentration of atmospheric water demand in scenarios (Fig. 11). In Ohio and West Virginia, a in- the summer months (Fig. 2). Partition of precipitation dicates at changes in seasonality of P to earlier in the between evapotranspiration and runoff is directly de- year, to the months of May and April in Q1 and Q2, for pendent on the energy to evaporate water from land both scenarios. During Q3, a indicates a seasonality in P surface. Hence, changes in a during the year will affect back in summer, similar to that of the historic period. By its partitioning. There is a notable regionalization of the end of the century, a in Ohio has relatively small a across the region being concentrated in the summer changes when compared with the historic period, months in the north, gradually shifting toward spring in whereas the rest of Ohio and West Virginia have a slight

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FIG. 12. Basin-scale historical precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, aridity index, seasonal intensity, and seasonal direction and their changes for RCP4.5 Q3 and RCP8.5 Q4. change of a toward earlier in the year, into May and rivers that drain to the east coast at similar latitudes. April. The northern part of the region, including the This is due to the rain shadow formed by the Appala- states of , Pennsylvania and New York exhibit chian Mountains and the west to east predominant changes in a shifting to later in the year progressively onto winds. Changes in the twentieth century are similar in Q3. By Q4 the pattern returns to earlier in the year except both scenarios but they are exacerbated in RCP8.5. In for the coastal area of . The last regional pattern both scenarios there are drying trends in the southern includes the south of the region, which progressively basins and higher changes in the north with a transition transitions from late winter into early winter. in basins along the central Appalachians. Changes range between 212% and 12%. d. Basin-scale assessment Potential evapotranspiration EP shows a pattern in- Figure 12 displays the results of a basin-scale assess- versely proportional to latitude being lower toward the ment. These assessment was performed with the spatial north. In basins at similar latitudes EP is lower in inland average of P and EP for all the grids within each basin continental basins that drain toward the Ohio and presented in the bottom panel of Fig. 1. These spatial Mississippi Rivers, and its higher in basins draining di- averages are calculated for all the grids within a basin rectly in the Atlantic . Similar to the gridded including the downstream areas that are outside of the analysis EP has larger relative changes where it is lower, counties within the region. The aridity and both com- that is, in the north. Relative changes in EP are much ponents of seasonality were calculated from these spa- larger than changes in P and consistently increase tial averages. For simplicity only the results for the most throughout the region. These changes range from 10% extreme changes are presented (Q3 for RCP4.5 and Q4 to 15% in the RCP4.5 and from 15% to 30% in RCP8.5. for RCP8.5). The basin-scale results reaffirm most of the These changes are also larger inland as opposed to results that were presented in the gridded portion of this coastal basins in similar latitudes. analysis. Historically, precipitation is larger in basins in the The aridity of the basins indicates the balance be- south and decreases progressively toward the north. Ad- tween atmospheric water supply and demand and its ditionally, basins that drain to the west, toward the Ohio or change given the differential changes between P and EP. the Mississippi Rivers receive more precipitation than In the historical period, there is higher aridity in the

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 11:26 AM UTC MAY 2019 F E R N A N D E Z A N D Z E G R E 1095 eastern coast basins as compared to basins inland. For basins draining to the aridity increases toward the south of the region. This balance is a com- posite of higher coastal EP and lower P due to the rain shadow of the Appalachian Mountains (explained above). For the future projections, aridity generally in- creases most markedly in the south. This is a result of increasing EP and decreasing P in this portion. Addi- tionally, even basins in the north undertake increases in aridity resulting from much lower increases in P than in EP. An important characteristic of aridity that was described in the gridded analysis is its dependence on elevation. Figure 13 shows the correlation between aridity and elevation for each basin. The negative cor- relation indicates an inverse relation as elevation in- creases, aridity decreases. Most of the basins have a significant correlation except for the Roanoke basin. Table 2 shows some additional information of the re- lation between elevation and aridity and its changes FIG. 13. Correlation between aridity and elevation for basins with throughout the twenty-first century. Columns 2–4 of the headwaters within the Appalachian Region. table show the minimum aridity for the grids within each basin. All of the basins except for the Yadkin–Pee Dee, the Licking (KY), and the Licking (OH) rivers have at 5. Discussion least one grid below the critical value of 1. In the RCP4.5 a. Water and energy balance changes throughout Q3 the James, the Roanoke, the Kinetucky, and the the region Genesee cease to have a humid portion, and in the RCP8.5 Q4 the Potomac and the Allegheny loose their There has been a consistent trend of increasing tem- humid portions in addition to the aforementioned basins. perature since the 1970s in the eastern United States Columns 5–7 show the areas of the humid regions for each that has been closely linked to global warming induced basin and it can be seen that these areas decrease sub- climatic change (Hayhoe et al. 2007). Our results agree stantially in the twenty-first century. Moreover, columns with findings of other studies at the regional (Hayhoe 8–10 show the average elevation of the grids with AI et al. 2007; Kang and Sridhar 2018), national (Sagarika below 1 for each basin. For all the basins, this elevation et al. 2014; Wobus et al. 2017; Duan et al. 2017), and becomes higher in the future projections except for the global scales (Zhao and Dai 2015, 2017). In particular, , Kanawha, Monongahela, and Oswego, for which there is an agreement that a more severe emission sce- the elevation is lower in RCP8.5 than in RCP4.5, although nario or representative concentration pathway leads to the RCP8.5 elevations are substantially higher than the exacerbated changes when compared with a scenario historical elevation except for the Santee River basin. or pathway with lower emissions (Hayhoe et al. 2008). For the basin assessment, the seasonality of each basin Previous studies have used coarser-resolution data is observed higher in the northern basins and lower to- constrained mainly by the scale at which the study was ward the south with a few exceptions. Similar to the designed (Zhao and Dai 2015, 2017), or by the state- gridded results, the projections show an increase in of-the-art of climate models and downscaling tech- seasonality in the southern basins and a decrease in the niques at the time of publication (Hayhoe et al. 2007). north and central eastern basins. The direction of the Hayhoe et al. (2008) highlighted that higher resolu- seasonality is spread throughout the region being in tions allow for better representations of topographical winter in the south, and progressively shifting into spring assets and geographical characteristics but can also in- and summer toward the north. In general, the direction crease uncertainty given the downscaling technique. of the seasonality shifts to earlier in the year throughout The MACAv2-METDATA dataset (Abatzoglou 2013) the basins. The direction of the seasonality in the provides a new tool that allows for higher-resolution southern basins shifts to earlier in winter, shifts from analysis, with a robust downscaling and bias-correction summer to late spring throughout the central and most technique that takes advantage of the high availability of the northern basins and shifts from early autumn or of data in the continental United States. MACAv2- late summer toward summer in the northernmost basins. METDATA also presents the necessary climatic variables

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TABLE 2. Characteristics of aridity by basins throughout the Appalachian Region. Minimum values in italics show basins where the minimum aridity value is higher than the critical value of 1.00.

Min AI Humid area (km) Humid area’s mean elev (m) Basin Present RCP4.5 Q3 RCP8.5 Q4 Present RCP4.5 Q3 RCP8.5 Q4 Present RCP4.5 Q3 RCP8.5 Q4 Delaware 0.68 0.78 0.81 6928 912 528 528 671 731 Susquehanna 0.84 0.96 0.99 5920 160 48 490 604 647 Potomac 0.84 0.99 1.06 544 32 0 664 898 — James 0.94 1.08 1.17 128 0 0 658 — — Roanoke 0.95 1.11 1.19 16 0 0 957 — — Yadkin–Pee Dee 1.13 1.29 1.35 00 0—— — Santee 0.77 0.90 0.96 336 64 16 686 628 589 Savannah 0.67 0.80 0.87 960 224 144 822 992 1034 Apalachicola 0.85 1.02 1.11 400 0 0 675 — — Mobile 0.68 0.83 0.91 1152 208 80 586 661 674 Tennessee 0.59 0.72 0.77 17232 4400 2208 739 980 1030 Cumberland 0.77 0.93 0.99 4992 128 16 515 638 706 Kentucky 0.97 1.19 1.27 32 0 0 525 — — Licking_KY 1.11 1.36 1.42 00 0—— — Kanawha 0.71 0.85 0.92 5248 976 272 819 898 896 Licking_OH 1.14 1.35 1.40 00 0—— — Monongahela 0.66 0.79 0.86 7760 1024 320 708 861 831 Allegheny 0.82 0.99 1.04 10560 32 0 514 541 — Genesee 0.96 1.12 1.13 80 0 0 571 — — Oswego 0.68 0.79 0.80 1408 560 544 341 409 409 that allow the estimation of derived measures such as precipitation takes place in a given location has impli-

EP, with which more detailed analysis can be performed cations for how P will be partitioned (Naz et al. 2018). on water balance than just with temperature. With this Regionally, the contrasting changes in the northern and dataset we have found that geographical features such as southern part of the region have been previously iden- orographic rainfall, rain shadow effect and lake effect tified (Sagarika et al. 2014). However, increasing P does snow are better represented. These data are also able to not necessarily result in increased runoff and therefore, better represent the aridity index and link it to head- does not necessarily result in either increased water water regions located across Appalachia. These results supply or flood risk (Mahat et al. 2017). The seasonality display detailed regionalization in the seasonality of of P and its synchronicity with EP (Pourmokhtarian P and possible changes in the future. The results of et al. 2017), an important characteristic that affects the changes in EP also agree well with what other studies have partition of P into evaporation or runoff, seems to shift found when analyzing changes in temperature. The highest onto winter across the northeast (Huntington et al. 2009). increases in P and E the northeast portion of the region is P b. Potential mechanisms driving hydroclimatic consistent with increases in temperature found in previous changes studies in nearby areas (Burns et al. 2007)andwithmore generalized studies that have found greater increasing The main drivers of atmospheric water supply in the temperature and EP in colder regions (Wuebbles et al. form of precipitation and its seasonal patterns are 2014; Liu et al. 2017; Wobus et al. 2017) including largely driven by synoptic factors that are external to the colder catchments across the northeastern United States. region (Leathers et al. 1991; Roller et al. 2016; Doubler (Pourmokhtarian et al. 2017). Our results are congruent et al. 2015). Cold fronts (Bosart et al. 1973), tropical and with projections for this region in global assessments of extratropical cyclones (Atallah et al. 2007; Kam et al. aridity and EP (Zhao and Dai 2015, 2017)thatareusedin 2013), the polar jet stream (Belmecheri et al. 2017), and different drought indices (Touma et al. 2015), establishing convections systems over the continental United States the foundation of this study for future drought assessments are the main drivers of moisture flows to the Appala- across the region. It is important to highlight that GCMs chian Region (Higgins et al. 1997; Basara and Christian generally underestimate winter warming (Hayhoe et al. 2017). These moisture fluxes, combined with physical

2007)makingitpossiblethatEP might even increase more features such as the ridges and valleys of the Appalachian than what has been reported here. Mountains (Barros and Kuligowski 1998) and the Great An important contribution of our study is the in- (Niziol et al. 1995), generate the different patterns clusion of a seasonal timing a. The timing at which that are observed across the region. Additionally, other

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 11:26 AM UTC MAY 2019 F E R N A N D E Z A N D Z E G R E 1097 phenomena such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation Kam et al. 2013). Decreases of P and changes to its (Ropelewski and Halpert 1986), the Pacific decadal os- seasonality could be related to fewer cyclones and cillation, and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation pressure systems. The shift in P seasonality from the produce different P patterns across the region (Sagarika summer months to the autumn months could also be et al. 2015). As shown in this study, the spatial distri- related to an extension of the tropical cyclone season bution of precipitation does not change drastically into into autumn months (Walsh et al. 2016). the future. Predominance of P in the western side of the Another large-scale driver that will be affected by Appalachians and rain shadows on the eastern side climate change is the polar jet stream, which mediates highlight that the driving forces of climate across the the flow of moisture from the and from region do not change in the future. However, differential convection systems in the U.S. central changes in the magnitudes of P and EP, aridity, and (Seidel et al. 2008; Francis and Vavrus 2015). Projections seasonality across the region emphasize that these cli- for the twenty-first century have the jet stream weak- mate drivers can be enhanced or weakened under ex- ening and maintaining at lower latitudes (Cohen et al. pected future climate. There is a notable separation 2014). This would block moisture inflows from the Gulf between increasing P in the northern extent of the re- of Mexico into the southwestern part of the region, pro- gion (P is enhanced closer to the ) viding an explanation for P decreases in the region. A and decreasing P in the southwestern extent with a lower jet stream also prevents the formation of tropical transition across central Appalachia (Kentucky, West cyclones in the Gulf of Mexico and drives low pressure Virginia, and North Carolina). One of the main drivers systems out of the southwest (Seidel et al. 2008). This of P in the north region is the lake effect, which results condition would decrease precipitation in the months of from high-pressure systems carrying strong dry winds October and early November, resulting in enhanced from the North Pole that pick up moisture from the seasonality and a shift in the peak of precipitation lakes’ surface, which precipitates over land into the toward winter. Appalachian Mountains (Bosart et al. 1973; Niziol et al. c. Potential implications of water balance and energy 1995). This pattern is historically observed during au- changes in the region tutmn and spring, when weather is cold but the lakes are not frozen. When the lakes freeze, available moisture The balance between atmospheric water demand and becomes limited. Under global warming, it is likely that supply is responsible for the amount of water avail- the lakes will be frozen for less time, allowing for longer able at the land surface, mostly as a remnant of evapo- periods with increasing lake effect snow (Notaro et al. transpiration (Vörösmarty et al. 2000; Doll et al. 2003; 2015). This is further supported by how the seasonality Hanasaki et al. 2008). Atmospheric water demand is index shifts, as seasonality intensity decreases and shifts driven by geophysical processes that are predominantly toward winter. dependent on solar radiation (Arora 2002). Although

Northeasters also play an important role in the P we observed changes in the magnitude of EP, there is no patterns of the eastern part of the region (Zielinski significant changes in its seasonal distribution. The in-

2002). Northeasters usually provide moisture flows to creases in EP are largely driven by increases in tem- the coast from the Carolinas to and even perature that result from global warming and dependent into Canada in the months of November–March. Under on elevation and latitude. The absolute changes in EP climate scenarios, northeasters are not only increasing in overwhelm the quantitative changes in P in most of the intensity but also shifting farther north (Frumhoff et al. region, implying that evapotranspiration could be en- 2007; Wuebbles et al. 2014). This could also be re- hanced, leaving less water for society and ecosystems. sponsible for enhancing P in north counties but de- However, the changes in seasonality of P, or changes in creasing P in the southern portion of the region. just some months, can buffer the loss of water parti- Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean are also ex- tioned to evapotranspiration. pected to be affected by global warming (Walsh et al. Because of the comparable magnitudes of precipitation 2016). According to most projections, hurricanes are ex- and potential evapotranspiration, a substantial proportion pected to increase in intensity but decrease in frequency. of the water falling as precipitation returns to the at- The marked seasonality of precipitation toward the mosphere through evaporation. Precipitation changes summer months in the Atlantic coast and regions of that occur in summer are likely to be partitioned to Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina is largely evapotranspiration due to the availability of energy driven by precipitation related to tropical cyclones during this season (Coopersmith et al. 2012, 2014). For and low pressure systems that make landfall or meander instance, in the southeastern part of the region, pre- around off of the eastern coast (Atallah et al. 2007; cipitation is projected to decline in the summer months.

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This would potentially result in decreases in runoff Last, there are substantial differences between the and evapotranspiration, but a larger portion of the de- results in both scenarios. The RCP8.5 shows much crease in P would be absorbed by evapotranspiration larger increases in EP and larger changes in P than the than by runoff, given the available energy. However, the RCP4.5. More importantly, the RCP4.5 scenario, which southwestern part of the region has P decreases in the supposes a change in the world’s economy into a more autumn and winter months. During this period, there is sustainable system with less carbon emissions around less energy for evapotranspiration, partitioning water the year 2040 (van Vuuren et al. 2011), shows a smaller mostly toward land surface storage or direct runoff. increase rate in EP toward the end of the twenty-first Decreases during this season will likely affect that water century, and similar P conditions to those of the twentieth availability. Additionally, increase in the number of months century, suggesting that policies toward lower carbon when precipitation is active is also likely to enhance emissions may have a significant impact on future cli- evapotranspiration into the autumn months. In Ohio, and matic patterns. portions of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, P is shifting from late spring well into summer. These increases are 6. Conclusions also likely to be partitioned toward evapotranspiration. In the northeastern part, precipitation that now peaks in Although the effects of climate change driven by summer is likely to increase in magnitude and peak at global warming have been extensively assessed in many different parts of the year outside the period during regions of the United States, changes in the Appalachian which EP is active. This additional water is likely to be Region are poorly understood. In this study we analyze partitioned toward runoff. changes in atmospheric water supply and demand in the The fact that the wettest places across the region are forms of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration located at higher elevations highlights a ‘‘water tower in all the states that include Appalachian Region des- effect’’ (Viviroli et al. 2007) from the Appalachian ignated counties and downstream areas to quantify Mountains to adjacent low-lying areas where a vast changes in their balance and seasonality that could majority of urban systems in the east coast are settled. If affect future water availability. We do this by analyzing the majority of the precipitation takes place in the their relation through AI and a newly introduced mountains, this means that the availability of water in seasonality index. the adjacent lowlands depends directly on the climatic We find that both, P and EP are differentially chang- changes impacts upstream. This also highlights the im- ing across the region and throughout the twenty-first portance of conservation and management of highland century. In general, the changes in P show the north and headwater catchments. These is enhanced by wetting up and the south drying, with differential tran- the results showed in Table 2 that project a marked sition zones in the central Appalachians throughout decrease in humid areas throughout the region and a the twenty-first century. Potential evapotranspiration, higher concentration of these areas at higher elevations. which is mainly dependent on temperature, shows con- The implications of atmospheric changes to the water sistent increases, although these increases are inversely cycle, and its effect on water availability for society, related to latitude and elevation (higher elevation and needs to be further expanded by hydrological modeling. higher latitude generally have larger increases). Despite

Hydrological modeling would allow for a detailed these changes, P and EP still maintain the same spatial mechanistic assessment on how P is partitioned between patterns across the region, highlighting that geographical evapotranspiration, runoff and storage. A spatially features still dominate regional climatology. An im- distributed parameterization of a hydrological model portant feature of the changes is that EP is increasing at a allows for a more comprehensive assessment on how higher rate than P except for some small pockets at high the changes in aridity and seasonality of P and EP are elevations, highlighting the importance of mountainous translated into changes in evapotranspiration, runoff to supply to adjacent lowlands with water. and storage. Additional analysis of the changes in We introduce a new seasonality index that performs climate at finer temporal and spatial scales should be similarly to previous well established indices (Walsh and performed to further understand long-term changes in Lawler 1981) but with the added value of a timing evapotranspiration and runoff. For instance, the current component that identifies the month in which a variable analysis is limited to explaining changes in average has its highest values. This index can be transferred to

P and EP in certain periods to infer how the average other variables aside of P and EP, such as streamflow, partition of P will change in the future. Changes in storage components, or other atmospheric variables with P events (intensity and duration) can result in different the proper normalization. This region, in general, has changes in P partitioning than average changes. low seasonality in precipitation although the seasonality

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 11:26 AM UTC MAY 2019 F E R N A N D E Z A N D Z E G R E 1099 is expected to shift in the future. The changes in seasonality ——, and T. J. Brown, 2012: A comparison of statistical down- across the region might be a reflection of changes in larger scaling methods suited for wildfire applications. Int. J. Cli- synoptic patterns such as cold fronts, tropical cyclones and matol., 32, 772–780, Acharya, N., A. Frei, J. Chen, L. DeCristofaro, and E. M. Owens, the polar jet stream, as well as changes in seasonal char- 2017: Evaluating stochastic precipitation generators for cli- acteristics of the land surface, for example, reduced frozen mate change impact studies of New York ’s primary water periods of the Great Lakes, enhancing winter precipitation supply. J. Hydrometeor., 18, 879–896, related to the lake effect phenomenon. JHM-D-16-0169.1. This study spatially describes regions with different Allen, R. G., L. S. Pereira, D. Raes, and M. 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However, hydrological modeling may be neces- sary to mechanistically understand how the changes in P ——, 2015b: Relative per capita income rates in Appalachia, 2015. and EP relate to surface water availability, under un- Appalachian Regional Commission, 5 certain future climate. In conclusion, our research research/MapsofAppalachia.asp?MAP_ID 130. ——, 2015c: Relative unemployment rates in Appalachia, 2015. highlights the importance of precipitation at higher el- Appalachian Regional Commission, evations for supplying adjacent lowlands with water, research/MapsofAppalachia.asp?MAP_ID524. highlighting the dependency of large cities in the eastern Arora, V. K., 2002: The use of the aridity index to assess climate coast and the Mississippi Valley to the Appalachian change effect on annual runoff. J. Hydrol., 265, 164–177, Mountains and the need for adequate conservation measures. Atallah, E., L. F. Bosart, and A. R. 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