Medical Experts Say Fire Captain Costello Was Given Poison CLOSING STOCKS Generally Fair Tonight and On Saturday CmmiIh# Wcxlhrr ttrpnn I'an a Individual—Fastest Growing and Moat Popular Newspaper in Waterbary and the Naugatuck Valley—Progressive IWtNIY rAUbS rKlUE. ini\cx. ESTABLISHED 1881 VOL U. NO. 176 “MBeU^T%SEAU °r WATERBURY EVENING t « RAT. FRIDAY. JULY 28/1933 WON MATCH Fire Captain First Family Greetings At Woodring Wedding Clean Sweep Made Costello Died To-day In Contest Team Of Potassium With French f Two Medical Experts From DRIVER OF THE England Can Scarcely Be Stopped From Harvard Confirmed the COUZENS MAY the Davis Champion- Claim Made By the BE SELECTED FATAL CAR IS Winning Cup State, That Jessie Cos- ship, For She Only Needs Another tello of Peabody Kill- FOR CABINET UNDER ARREST ed Her Husband With Victory Mrs Irene Cyanide — No Doubt Senator May Be Named Bertram, 22, Street Was About Poison Killing Secretary of Treasury of Cherry FOUGHT in Ac- COCHET AND PERRY Him Said Experts to Succeed Wm Woodin Killed Last Night Near DAY Who / cident Wallingford THE HARDEST BATTLE OF OTHER May Resign PHYSICAL Wallingford police to-day stated DID NOT By LYLE C. WILSON they have in custody Arnold La- AILMENTS — Washington. July 27—(UP) Orange of 22 Cherry atrcct, alleged By WALLACE CARROLL Return of Benator Couzsns, repub- driver of the car that overturned I’rm BUS Correspondent) By MARTIN KANE the mile north of Wal- (United lican. Michigan, from twice about a 28— (United Press Btaff Correspondent) economic conference revived rc- lingford at 11 o'clock laat evening, Roland Garros Stadium, Auteuil, , July Preeldent Roose- the death of Mra Irene Courthouse, Salem, Mass., July porte to-day that cauatng tennis forces scored a clean sweep in to- 2»—(UP)—Cyanide of potassium velt may conalder hlrp aa aucceaaor Bertram, 29, of 22 Cherry atroet, (UP)—England’s Mra de- —"the moat rapid poison we know" to Secretary of Treaaury Woodin. and severely Injuring Margaret for the when Obnvlnccd that Woodin will re- 35, of 34 North Elm day’s opening play —unquestionably was responsible McGregor. 6—1, after for the death of Fire Captain Wil- algn before congress re-convenea street, all of Waterbury. feated , 8—10, 6—4, 8—6, 3—6, liam J. Costello, a second state next January, political observers Let;range, police aald, escaped of the accident and Austin had trounced Andre Merlin, medical expert testified today at profeaaod to aco significance In from the scene Henry W. (Buiyiy) Couzen'a vlalt to the was not arrested until about 5:30 the murder trial of the attractive prolonged 6_3, 6_1, 6—0. England’s success to-day virtually guar- widow, Jessie. White Houae early to-day. o'clock" this morning l>y Walling- aaw aa ford He Is being held need but Ip declaring without reservation The experta who Couzena police. anteed their winning the cup, for now they gain who has a cabinet poaalblllty dlacounted without bonds at Wallingford, that Captain Costello, N or one of rumora that Prealdent In the above to a bride who the Investigation being in the doubles to-morrow in Sunday’s nine separate ailments when given other of men who I* a »on are being extended photo perldlng one victory Greeting* a be»t prealdent'. conducted Deputy Coroner 8. a examination 22 months Kooaevelt Intended to appoint by to the necessary three points. physical Bachs of New Haven. two singles matches gain he succumbed to Governor Herbert Lehman of New to a former atate governor. Left to right. Jamc* T. before died, poi- a eenntor’a on the oceaalon of her marrlnge aa of ia daughter Louis L. Lnurenccllo, 33. of 194 shocked the of 14,000 son, tall, white-haired Dr. William York secretary treaaury, England’s sweep to-day gallery Thoae cloao bride Oak street, Waterbury Is being F. veteran Harvard puthol- ahould Woodin rcalgn. amlatant aoerctary of war. The amlllng sun to watch the France had floo*. Booffcvclt, the former Helen CooUdgc. and Harr, Woodring, held at as a material that braved scorching play. oglot, concurred with his colleague, to Prealdent Rooaevelt called the Wallingford hot witness. He was the fourth oc- for he is a unskilled in inter- Ur. J. Htewart Rooney, the pre- Lehman roport “another tho bridegroom wa* governor of Kama*. expected Merlin to lose, youth, of Senator Mareu* Coolldge. of MaaaachnaeUa. and the car Involved In tho vious witness. (Continued on Page 4) I* a daughter cupant of national play, but it had counted on Henri Cochet, once the Mrs. Costello, who earlier In the fatality. According to police the car got them to turn back Perry. Cochet fought trim mid uatened imenuy to me greatest of all, of LaUrange's control and leatlmony of her clandestine lov- FALLS qut for four sets, but in the fifth his age began to tell, WELFARE LIST MOTHER turned over twice. LaGrange Is valiantly er, yawned frequently today at the shots to RACKETEER IS AND described as a boarder In the Ber- and he was an easy mark for Perry’s blistering (Continued on Page a.) tram home. court. 4.1 all corners of the IK THIS STATE BEFORE SHOTS (Continued on Page tA.dsv's nlav oxnortM con* ceded France tittle or no hope, tor MOYIESTRKE KID NAPE RS GIVEN while Cochet might poenlbty defeat. OF DAUGHTER Auetln Sunday, It Is Inconceivable The Woman Robbed that Merlin will be able to hold AT HOLLYWOOD Perry In check. STERN CHALLENGE Offen s 1 v e I School Teacher Tomorrow’! play calla for the Everywhere ?0rmer double*, with and IS NOT SETTLED Believed Dehiented Rid- Of Love Arrives Tacquea Brugnon meeting Perry Authorities of United Against Unemployment ind George Patrick Hughee. FACES Good Re- dles of Victim ahd Cochet took the flret eet from DRIVER States to Blast Is Showing Body The Five Unions That Are Mobilize Hides the Remains At Perry, 10-*. NEW CHAR6E Out the and Pests sults Safely Attacking the net with all hie Are to Gangs >ld-tlmo brilliance, Cochet par- Interested Going 28—(UP) — (By United Press) Orange. Muss., July tially nullified Perry’* deep, flowing That on Society— former school teacher Ask for Federal Inter- LIVES Prey in attractive Aimee McPherson ihot* from the backcourt. Tlmo IF HE The government'* comprehenelve the bullet-rid- Semple j oday led police to O'CONNELL HAS md again the Frenchman met Pat Roche of Chicago offensive against u nemployment of her mother, deep In vention 2B— J led body Hutton Talks Some Perry’* atlnglng ahota In* East Lyme, Conn, July results, a wood*, where eho of It I* showing concrete t he Warwick nldcourt and deftly whipped them (UP) —Harry Babe, 2#, Tells Way to Do a* the older of welfard relief rolls made i low her late yesterday About David—Relative BEEN MISSING jack for volley placcmenta. Hollywood, July 2*.—(UP)Fed- Jackson Heights, N. Y., who survey to wlld- 'and roman bent over pick eral Interyentlon in the atrike of nan given a summons yester- ort American authorities challenged towns revealed. The confessed "layer. Mr#. Kuth of was acrlouely TIME film It wa« thla weak- aought to-day by repreeentatlvea driving charge!, and racketeer* on a from the cities to ] C. told authorltlea ehe “The of FORLONG repeatedly. watkod out lie kidnaper* Everywhere, Compton, She Said, Way a act In tho five uniona which Injured today when the cur alao to kill her hua- iea« which co*t him point broad ffont t'o-day, seeking out men are going iad Intended laat Saturday. was fnlleil to negotiate the small towns, of the tenth game und three aet drlvfhg bordor line case* of petty estortlon j >and, Warren W. Compton Was Falling to aecurc promleea of ar- a on the near and lessening the Transgressor In the fourteenth game. turn highway buNlne**. back to work J Vatertown, a etate engineer, and Three Weeks Have Passed point* bitration from the producera, la- here and turned over. ugulnst legitimate burden have wrestled evened the »coro by win- In New York assistants of Attor- municipalities lerielf, but that her plane went Hard” Perry bor heude announced they would (Stephen tlomlleau of New with In tho three and a half years and Is No Nearer ding the iccond *et, 8-4. ney (Jencral Homer H. Cummings i»kew. Family mark time until the film Induetrv York elty, riding with Bultc, they have hud to provide food, fuel Mra. Cochet atarted bravely In the evidence for a foderul Victim of the killing ,wa» I’rwtM Ktnff Corrcapondent) goea under the NRA code July 11. suffered a fractured skull and prepared and shelter for tho thousand* out of (United the Solution of the iccond *et. running up a 4-2 lead. Jury Investigation of racke- .label A. Urogun, 6», principal July Z8—(UP)—A Under term* of the code, accept- died shortly after the acci- grand of work. In South Chicago, Hut thl* advantage quickly faded on the waterfronts. Busi- j ho Cyrua Alger achool Almeo ed thla week on behalf of the In- teering fur the Improvement has ! tired, tremulou* Hemple on Page t.) dent. loaders Thus Joaton. She und her daughter had Kidnaping (Continued federal to a ness accused : McPhcrwon Hutton, came to Chica- duetry by Will H. Hayee, Pellet;, who took ilabe organisation* been noted where local factories alnce at the of Intimidation to force >een vacationing June In a new role—that of arbitration of wage dlfflcultlea la New London hospital, found practicing and manufacturing plants hove go to-day 28. — business house* Jrogan aummer cottugo In Hast love. Albany, N. Y., July (UP) It waa out by summons hi Ills their services upon back to their th« woman robbed of provided, pointed the police culled old employes a few miles, from here. of that lie that wished to use their own em- works 4orthfteld, 8ho npoke of her hu*bnnd. The John J. O'Connell, Jr, kidnap- Kichard J. Ureen, vlce-preaident iiocket and a notice Jobs. When the public pro- believed that Mra. lit loudlng their trucks at Authorltlea David Hutton, a* a winner unaolved to-day, FALLRIVERMAN the International Alliance of The- had been released on bond. ploye* gram gets underway welfare agency unbalanced. plump ing cane remained He the yOmpton w’aa mentally hecauee ho In u*lng hie voice atrical and Htago Employee. Police sahl Bahc evidently wus pier*. heads expect their problem* to be obaorva- three week* after the 24-yenr-old Attorney ;,ast April ahe waa under acrvlco of Clod" anld a federal arbitrator had been at when lie In Chicago. Mate’* reduced even more. Federal aid "dedicated to the Influen- driving high sliced lon In an for 20 daya. She nephew of the politically here. (Continued nn 4.) aeylum to on the »tngo but who had KILLS WIFE AND with oflldala a curve. Pago on 4.) conferring tried to take (Continued Page reaaon for her »lng tial O'Connell brother* wai ab- cave no slaying mind lde. On the road between North- nell family retained hope he would Brothera. Warner Baxter, Wallace leld Forms and Wendell depot be liberated soon, unharmed. Put Three Bullets Into Berry and Nancy Carroll had an- Flashes THE ,hey turned off on a lino whlht District Attorney John T. De- reaume News FOR USING OF would not Final BLUE EAGLE nounced they vent 200 yards Into the and Police Chief David Woman and Fired Three until union workera re- perhaps laney production voods. Mmurl reported their Inveatlgatlon turned to their poeta. John M They alighted from the cur and Into the kidnaping ha* baen un«uc~ Shots at Himself—Last Stahl and W. 8. Van Dyke were NIRA SYMBOL RECOVERY BILL AT DAWN (Continued on rage 4.) ceaiful *o fir. John J. O'Connell. ao Inclined, he aald. BALBO STARTS two dlreotorer vlalted the *ummer home of hi* Was Fatal The Marx Brother^, holder* of 8r, Shoal 28.—(UP)—Gen. brother, Daniel. In the Melderberg In trnde Nfd.,'July ~~ honorary memberahlpa Harbor, Govt Issued Them Fall Man, 2t bualneaa To-day T0S00N SCREAM mountain* la*t night. No algnl- River, July unlena, had Informed to take off — Italo Balbo decided today DAVID L HUTTON flcance to thl* wa« attached by (UP) Climaxing, police aald, of the uniona of their In. definitely Be Du- re- agenet Cannot friend* of the »n allnight quarrel over money tanMan to refrain from work, on hie to —They United I'reM) family. at daylight tomorrow daring attempt (By in m ri>iHv deal. Hurry Green added. Nor Used With- American bu»lne»* rallied to U\e hi* wife, on a over the Atlantic. plicated DODGE EGGS MANY BANDITS KlliLKI) Stone, 56, shop and killed lead 24 seaplanes flight CAN ■Ign of the Hlue lluglo to-day. In their home hore early corner* of the Op»»le, 47, in the suc- out Official Permission From tho four then reloaded the re- Officers and men confidence of hualnee* Mukden. Manchuria, July 28— today, and expressed country camo report* volver and killed himself. re- thouwand* (UP)—Klghty-four "bandit*’’ were MADE the Crews will — LIKE AN EXPERT men by lh«? elgnlng eeveral bullet* fired ARRESTS cess of the Some of Jje Washington! July 28 —(UP) killed by Japaneao troop* who u*ed One of the flight. pledge* to Prceldcnt Roosevelt, wall and nar- be The Nit A to-- company and hoisted the flag any hus- bo authorized to make and offer Tho 250-pound estranged Stamford McPherson- Wlth the arraat or two, ren Greek islands. for eale hanger*, card*, and stick- band of Aimes Semple for carnlvn Zones Washington, July 2«—(UP)—The men, police to-day claimed ers (A) he agree* to con- Hutton qualified any To-day Conn, provided Producing treasury net huIn nee for July ZO to the when he dodged five very ripe oggi have reached a rapid aolutiot form to regulation* prevent was 1840.246,186.06. to vaudeville own®. WORK emblem coming Into hande of em- it his opening appear- Worthington, July 28—(UP)— acre* of n 1(9 aore farm ho of the murder myetery tnvolvlnj KILLED ON FIRST DAY’S men here. h* re- ployer* not authorised to u*e It; Prouldcnt ltooaovelt *tnrteil a flow In addition to his check, E. Warren waa'thy don the who married Blstei on 23 bales of Dr Bylta. (B) he himself hoe signed Hutton, of more than $100,000,000 Into tho ceived an option Lawrence, Mas*, July 28.—(UP)--Octave t» Auth- Mmce and additional pub- cotton at six tlit whoao trusaed and etran«te< president * agreement and gained cotton producing nectlona of the government held the her for divorce, gav< at body waa found In working for orized to u»e the eptblcm; and (C) Iclty by suing aouth to-day when ho handed a cents a pound which prenent ye_apartmen Lemieux, 73-year-ola painter his exhibition at a loca three daye ago. Edward he will noil at a Seasonable price. dodging check for $517 to William K. prices represent! tho profit already was theater Inst bale. Moran, a aboa aaleeman, and Jo first time in several months, fatally injured Information regarding manufac- night. MorrI*, »tocky farmer of Neucoa Of approximately $25 per after a week's success- the an toema n. wer< floor (Continued on Page 4.) Confident Tcxa*. Following tho ceremonies at aeph TeraaoWlch. in a fall from a on the second ful run In Beach, and Immn county, ad- arreated In Sthroferd. and broufh today staging Long MorrlN received hla check In the White House, the agricultural sulate In white flannels, blue coat that Its to" New" Tork "for gueatlonlna. The: street house. He suffered a skull flare of camera flnahllghta and'the ministration announced of a Haverhill AMERICAN YAWL white shoes, and a carnation Ir at high are booked7 on homlcde charfei clicking of nowareela before offi- machinery was geared i taken to a his lapel, he stepped Into the spot- checks as and are aald to have Involved fracture and died shortly after being ciate of the agricultural adjuet- speed to send out. IS THE WINNER light and made a deep bow. certificates friend of the dentlat'e named Jo mant admlnletratlon, Secretary of quickly as It receives unldentl “I'm very happy to be hack Ir aejflt Kelly and a fourth hospital. Agriculture Wallace. Senator Bill- of performance. * the or said the for- land ,, / Clly Angels,” 700.000 offers of Ned Min. Ciftves, I*le of Wight, Kngland. eon U. Smith and Hep Jonea More than mer chorus singer. "You know hero. It was Kate played a dramatic part li Amerloan chairman of the aenate and houae have been received j town July 28—(UP)—Dorado. [ married an angel.” basis of those the bunt for Sytla'e murderer*, lepers terrorize owned by Roderick end Olin commltteea. said, which on tho the wall yawl A stethoscope might have picket agricultural would indiculo woman, walked aloof aide was apparent to- MorrlN achieved hla dlatlnctlon ilready ubutitad, Htephen*. .winner up the applause but Hutton tool been offered In front of hla apartment, eaufb Bucharest Rumania, July 28.—(UP)—The of the annual Brttlsh-Ameri- being the flrat cotton farmer 9,1 2(,(t 3 acres have day mother bow. straightened up hy farmers. an envelope that fluttered dowi race from Cowes to to a cotton re- for destruction by cotton of a town seven lepers can yacht oleared his throat to sing, ant In hla county algn frem ebove. *h* put It In he terrorizin by escaped Ireland, and return. and the flrat It was estimated offers ultimate- ig Psstnet Rock. on 4) duction contract, end later turned If ovo Isoccea. »t 1l:» »• «• (Continued Page to will reach 950.900 thus awiur- handhaf was revealedrevea in today from Dorado arrived farmer In the country begin ly to the police. H waa » note fror dispatches British cutter elimination of acreage, which C. B. NlchoUon’e DEAD OF INJimiKN plowing up hla green eotton flelda. lng men Inalda the denflat e room from the at Tichilesti arrived first, *t 8:15. but would have yielded about 3.(00.- tha The lepers away colony I'leme Conn July 11—(UP Morrlii arrived In the capital thin got handicap waa New Haven, 000 bales this fall. was Uirsde’e 2fi, died In morning by' airplane accompanied .. and reached Isoccea. The panic- ehWad of Blame end other -Mn. Bertha Abner, will call for 2.2(3,019 public put "her last front Injurlei by Itop Kleberg, democrat, Teaaa. Options a watch cnee, and com not so far. hospital night of cotton virtu- yoM their doors and yacht* reported a mo In hla he carried a certlfl- bales government etulon from tb stricken. shut left here last Batur- received early yesterday In packet available. lleW ololhlnf, Shopkeepers The yachts cutu allowing be bad plowed uo 47 ally tbeentlrs amount dAv far tba ISO KlU* race. tor oar aooldent In Orange.

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