[email protected] 2021 Q1 INTRODUCTION This publication by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) brings together heat networks investment opportunities in England and Wales. The opportunities present a wide range of projects supported through the development stages by the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) and projects seeking capital support from the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP). The publication includes a list of one-page summaries for each of the heat network projects supported by BEIS, which set out details of HNDU and HNIP projects, where projects have provided enough detail in time for publication. For HNIP, this represents projects which have submitted at least a pre-application to the Delivery Partner, Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management (https://tp-heatnetworks.org), since the scheme opened in February 2019. As a number of the projects are at different stages of development some of the costs aren’t currently available or will be subject to project consent1 and change as they progress through the project lifecycle. The following chart shows the 2021 Q1 Capex pipeline of HNDU and HNIP projects from early stage development through to construction. For questions relating to the HNIP pipeline or scheme enquiries, please direct these to enquiries@tp- heatnetworks.org. For questions relating to the HNDU pipeline opportunities please direct these to
[email protected] FAO: FAO HNDU 1 Projects seeking HNIP funding can choose between three consent levels for the purpose of this application, full consent, limited consent and aggregated data only: - “full consent” level will include all project information listed in the “Heat Networks Project Pipeline Summary” one- pager, - “limited consent” keeps commercially sensitive data, such as financial information, confidential, and - “aggregated data only” will only include projects in the Pipeline chart and applies to all projects as part of the application process.