Congressional Record—House H12134
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H12134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2007 Upton Watson Wilson (NM) On rollcall No. 1010—‘‘nay’’—H.R. 3224, CONDEMNING THE ATTACKS ON Van Hollen Watt Wilson (SC) Vela´ zquez Weiner Wolf Dam Rehabilitation and Repair Act of 2007. AFRICAN UNION PEACEKEEPERS Visclosky Welch (VT) Woolsey On rollcall No. 1011—‘‘yea’’—H. Res. 573, IN HASKANITA, DARFUR, SUDAN Walden (OR) Westmoreland Wu Recognizing and commending the efforts of Walsh (NY) Wexler Wynn (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked the United States public and advocacy groups and was given permission to address Walz (MN) Whitfield Yarmuth to raise awareness about and help end the Waters Wicker Young (FL) the House for 1 minute and to revise worsening humanitarian crisis and genocide in and extend her remarks.) ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—8 Darfur, Sudan, and for other purposes. Akin Goode Sali On rollcall No. 1012—‘‘yea’’—H. Res. 747, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Madam Forbes King (IA) Walberg Recognizing the religious and historical signifi- Speaker, today on the floor of the Franks (AZ) Musgrave cance of the festival of Diwali. House, I was very pleased to have de- NOT VOTING—66 bated H. Res. 740 that I authored with f Boehner Hastert Pryce (OH) Congressman CHABOT from Ohio and Brady (PA) Hastings (FL) Rohrabacher PERSONAL EXPLANATION joined by 55 of my colleagues. Brown, Corrine Hulshof Schmidt This resolution denounced the attack Butterfield Hunter Shays Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I took a on African Union peacekeepers. And it Buyer Jefferson Shea-Porter leave of absence on October 29, 2007; unfor- was a result of the codel led by myself, Carney Jindal Shuster tunately my airline flight was delayed. The fol- Carson Johnson (IL) joined by Congressman CHABOT and Simpson lowing list describes how I would have voted Chabot Kilpatrick Smith (WA) Congressman SMITH from Nebraska, Conaway Klein (FL) had I been in attendance today. Souder the first codel to go into Darfur since Costello Kucinich ‘‘Yea’’ on H.R. 3224—Dam Rehabilitation Spratt the signing of the agreement dealing Cubin LaHood and Repair Act of 2007, Representative Davis (KY) Lampson Tancredo with the peacekeepers. Taylor Salazar—Transportation and Infrastructure. Deal (GA) Marchant It is time now for our eyes to focus Dicks Meek (FL) Udall (CO) ‘‘Yea’’ on H.R. 573—Recognizing and com- English (PA) Myrick Wamp mending the efforts of the United States public on a safe return of those who have suf- Ferguson Nadler Wasserman and advocacy groups to raise awareness fered to their homeland, 2.4 million dis- Schultz Flake Neal (MA) about and help end the worsening humani- placed Sudanese, Darfurians, who live Frelinghuysen Paul Waxman in a state of flux and fear. Gohmert Payne Weldon (FL) tarian crisis and genocide in Darfur, Sudan, Granger Pence Weller and for other purposes, Representative Moran It is an outrage that these peace- Green, Gene Peterson (PA) Wilson (OH) (VA)—Foreign Affairs. keepers would be attacked. It is an out- Grijalva Pickering Young (AK) rage that, as the African Union has Gutierrez Pitts ‘‘Yea’’ on H.R. 747—Recognizing the reli- gious and historical significance of the festival stood up to be counted and provided ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE of Diwali, Representative Wilson (SC)—For- soldiers on the field to protect those The SPEAKER pro tempore (during eign Affairs. refugees, it is an outrage that they are the vote). Members are advised there being attacked. f are 2 minutes to record your vote. We ask the U.N. to intervene to pro- b 1913 REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER vide more peacekeepers. We ask that Mr. GOODE changed his vote from AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 2074 the genocide stop. And we ask that ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘present.’’ Mr. MCCAUL of Texas. Madam Khartoum recognize that they have an So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that obligation to the people of Sudan. Stop tive) the rules were suspended and the my name be removed as a cosponsor of the genocide. resolution was agreed to. H.R. 2074. The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there f as above recorded. objection to the request of the gen- A motion to reconsider was laid on tleman from Texas? IN MEMORY OF SERGEANT the table. There was no objection. EDWARD PHILPOT f f (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina PERSONAL EXPLANATION asked and was given permission to ad- b 1915 Ms. KILPATRICK. Madam Speaker, due to dress the House for 1 minute and to re- official business in the 13th Congressional SUPPORT OUR VETERANS vise and extend his remarks.) District of Michigan, I was unable to make (Mrs. DRAKE asked and was given Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. several votes today. Had I been present, I permission to address the House for 1 Madam Speaker, I rise today, with would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on final passage of minute and to revise and extend her re- great sympathy, in honor of the mem- H.R. 3224, the Dam Rehabilitation and Repair marks.) ory of Sergeant Edward Philpot of Act of 2007; ‘‘yea’’ on final passage of H. Res. Mrs. DRAKE. Madam Speaker, this is South Carolina National Guard’s 218th 573—Recognizing and commending the ef- day 29. That is 29 days so far that our Brigade Combat Team. Sergeant forts of the United States public and advocacy veterans have not had the use of the in- Philpot and his fellow soldiers were groups to raise awareness about and help end creased funding for their benefits and traveling as a convoy near Kandahar the worsening humanitarian crisis and geno- health care. That is $18.5 million dol- Airfield, Afghanistan, last Tuesday cide in Darfur, Sudan, and for other purposes; lars a day not able to be used. And when his Humvee accidentally went off and ‘‘yea’’ on final passage of H. Res. 747— why? Because the Democratic leader- the road. Recognizing the religious and historical signifi- ship has decided to not complete this Sergeant Philpot is the first member cance of the festival of Diwali. bill and send it to the President who of the 218th, my former National Guard f has agreed to sign it. Brigade, to lose his life while serving in PERSONAL EXPLANATION In June this House passed this appro- Afghanistan. His sacrifice is a reminder priation bill with a $6 billion increase of the courage and dedication to duty Mr. SHAYS. Madam Speaker, on October shared by so many of our fellow Ameri- 29, 2007, I missed 3 recorded votes. in a bipartisan manner. We are proud of our work and grateful to our vet- cans. We must never forget the im- I take my voting responsibility very seriously mense sacrifices these brave men and and would like the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD to erans. On September 6, the Senate com- women are making to defend freedom reflect that, had I been present, I would have and to protect American families. voted ‘‘yea’’ on recorded vote No. 1010, ‘‘yea’’ pleted their bill. This work is done. Our veterans are not pawns in a political My thoughts and prayers are with on recorded vote 1011 and ‘‘yea’’ on recorded Sergeant Philpot’s wife, Stephanie; vote 1012. game. They are heroes. America expects us to get the job their three daughters; his parents, f done. America expects us to provide Ottas and Willa; and his entire family, PERSONAL EXPLANATION the best care to our veterans. friends, and fellow soldiers who con- Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, Please join me in calling upon the tinue to defend our country overseas. on Monday, October 29, 2007, I was absent Democratic leadership to put our vet- His sacrifice is a testament to the love from the House due to travel complications. erans first and send this bill to the for his country, his family, and his fel- Had I been present I would have voted: President now. low soldiers. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:19 Oct 30, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.043 H29OCPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with HOUSE October 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H12135 In conclusion, God bless our troops, In high school, Lieutenant Murphy with eight additional SEALs and eight and we will never forget September the life-guarded at the Brookhaven town Army Night Stalkers aboard, was sent. 11th. beach in Lake Ronkonkoma, a job he As the Chinook drew near, a rocket- f returned to each summer through his propelled grenade hit the helicopter, college years. He graduated from causing it to crash, killing all 16 men THE DRIVE ACT Patchogue-Medford High School in aboard. (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given 1994. On the ground and nearly out of am- permission to address the House for 1 Lieutenant Murphy attended Penn munition, the four SEALs continued to minute and to revise and extend his re- State University, where he was an ex- fight. After 2 hours Lieutenant Mur- marks.) ceptional all-around athlete and stu- phy, Matthew Axelson, and Daniel Mr. KINGSTON. Madam Speaker, dent. He excelled at ice hockey, grad- Dietz had fallen. Over 30 Taliban were last week the Capitol hosted a display uated with honors, and was accepted to also killed. of electric cars, hybrids like the Toy- several law schools, but instead wanted The fourth SEAL, Petty Officer ota Prius and various generations. to serve his country as part of the Marcus Luttrell, was knocked uncon- And there was one car that got my world’s most elite fighting force: the scious and over a ridge by the blast of attention.