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12. CHAPTER 12: PROPOSED PHASE III EARLY RESTORATION PROJECTS: FLORIDA (Continued) 12. CHAPTER 12: PROPOSED PHASE III EARLY RESTORATION PROJECTS: FLORIDA (continued) CHAPTER 12: PROPOSED PHASE III EARLY RESTORATION PROJECTS: FLORIDA (continued) ........................ i 12.70. Navarre Beach Park Coastal Access and Dune Restoration: Project Description ............................ 1 12.70.1. Project Summary ........................................................................................................... 1 12.70.2. Background and Project Description............................................................................. 1 12.70.3. Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................................................... 1 12.70.4. Performance Criteria, Monitoring and Maintenance ................................................... 3 12.70.5. Offsets ........................................................................................................................... 4 12.70.6. Costs .............................................................................................................................. 4 12.71. Navarre Beach Park Gulfside Walkover Complex: Project Description .......................................... 5 12.71.1. Project Summary ........................................................................................................... 5 12.71.2. Background and Project Description............................................................................. 5 12.71.3. Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................................................... 6 12.71.4. Performance Criteria, Monitoring and Maintenance ................................................... 6 12.71.5. Offsets ........................................................................................................................... 7 12.71.6. Costs .............................................................................................................................. 7 12.72. Navarre Beach Park Gulfside Walkover Complex, Coastal Access and Dune Restoration: Environmental Review ..................................................................................................................... 8 12.72.1. Introduction and Background ....................................................................................... 8 12.72.2. Project Location ............................................................................................................ 9 12.72.3. Construction and Installation ...................................................................................... 13 12.72.4. Operations and Maintenance ..................................................................................... 17 12.72.5. Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences ......................................... 18 12.72.6. Noise ........................................................................................................................... 25 12.72.7. Summary and Next Steps ............................................................................................ 43 12.72.8. References................................................................................................................... 44 12.73. Gulf Breeze Wayside Park Boat Ramp: Project Description .......................................................... 48 12.73.1. Project Summary ......................................................................................................... 48 12.73.2. Background and Project Description........................................................................... 48 i 12.73.3. Evaluation Criteria ....................................................................................................... 49 12.73.4. Performance Criteria, Monitoring and Maintenance ................................................. 49 12.73.5. Offsets ......................................................................................................................... 50 12.73.6. Costs ............................................................................................................................ 50 12.74. Gulf Breeze Wayside Park Boat Ramp: Environmental Review ..................................................... 51 12.74.1. Introduction and Background ..................................................................................... 51 12.74.2. Project Location .......................................................................................................... 51 12.74.3. Construction and Installation ...................................................................................... 54 12.74.4. Operations and Maintenance ..................................................................................... 56 12.74.5. Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences ......................................... 56 12.74.6. Summary and Next Steps ............................................................................................ 75 12.74.7. References................................................................................................................... 75 12.75. Developing Enhanced Recreational Opportunities on the Escribano Point Portion of the Yellow River Wildlife Management Area: Project Description ...................................................... 79 12.75.1. Project Summary ......................................................................................................... 79 12.75.2. Background and Project Description........................................................................... 79 12.75.3. Evaluation Criteria ....................................................................................................... 80 12.75.4. Performance Criteria, Monitoring and Maintenance ................................................. 81 12.75.5. Offsets ......................................................................................................................... 81 12.75.6. Costs ............................................................................................................................ 82 12.76. Developing Enhanced Recreational Opportunities on the Escribano Point Portion of the Yellow River Wildlife Management Area: Environmental Review ................................................. 83 12.76.1. Introduction and Background ..................................................................................... 83 12.76.2. Project Location .......................................................................................................... 84 12.76.3. Construction and Installation ...................................................................................... 85 12.76.4. Operations and Maintenance ..................................................................................... 90 12.76.5. Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences ......................................... 90 12.76.6. Public Health and Safety and Shoreline Protection5 ................................................ 101 12.76.7. Summary and Next Steps .......................................................................................... 103 12.76.8. References................................................................................................................. 104 12.77. Norriego Point Restoration and Recreation Project: Project Description .................................. 105 12.77.1. Project Summary ....................................................................................................... 105 12.77.2. Background and Project Description......................................................................... 105 ii 12.77.3. Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................................... 105 12.77.4. Performance Criteria, Monitoring and Maintenance ............................................... 107 12.77.5. Offsets ....................................................................................................................... 107 12.77.6. Costs .......................................................................................................................... 107 12.78. Norriego Point Restoration and Recreation Project: Environmental Review .............................. 108 12.78.1. Introduction and Background ................................................................................... 108 12.78.2. Project Location ........................................................................................................ 109 12.78.3. Construction and Installation .................................................................................... 109 12.78.4. Operations and Maintenance ................................................................................... 114 12.78.5. Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences ....................................... 114 12.78.6. Summary and Next Steps .......................................................................................... 134 12.78.7. References................................................................................................................. 134 12.79. Deer Lake State Park Development: Project Description ............................................................ 138 12.79.1. Project Summary ....................................................................................................... 138 12.79.2. Background and Project Description........................................................................
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