Hawaii /Pacific Basin Area Health Education Center 651 Ilalo Street, MEB, Room 224, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.ahec.hawaii.edu Instructions for Students and Residents Interested in Hawaii Preceptorships/Rotations: AHEC supports rural and interprofessional experiences for APRN, Nursing, Social Work, Public Health, Physician Assistant and Medical Students, however space is limited due to high local demand. UH Students: Educational travel is supported for clinical experiences and the VA Rural Health Training Initiative. Have your faculty contact Dr. Kelley Withy at
[email protected] or 808-692-1060. Non-UH Students: PA/APRN/RN/Allied Health and Public Health Students: There are limited opportunities for student rotations. Students should contact local providers, particularly those on islands other than Oahu and find a provider willing to provide supervision. AHEC allocates $250 a year per student for travel to Hawaii for rotations. Travel paperwork and original receipts for travel or lodging must be submitted. If you have a site already picked out and the preceptor has agreed, please complete the forms www. and contact Dr. Kelley Withy at
[email protected]. Medical Students: For University of Hawaii credit bearing experiences, the Hawaii/ Pacific Basin AHEC works closely with the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine office of Medical Education and Department of Family Medicine and Community Health (DFMCH) to provide clinical training for MD and DO students. If your school requires that UH provide credit, you will have to go through a department such as DFMCH. There are currently no third year medical experiences available in Hawaii due to high demand.