
HOUSE No. 90.

€ommcmu)caltl) of ilTassacljusctts.

House of Representatives January 22, 1866. Ordered, That the Committee on Military Affaii’s inquire and report what expenditures have been made at, or articles purchased or ordered for the State Arsenal at Cambridge ; by whom made and by what authority; with a statement of the sum paid and the amount now due on account of the same. And also to inquire whether property has been sold from the arsenal; and if so, the cost of the articles and the price received therefor, the authority for such disposal and the disposition made of the proceeds.

Sent up for concurrence. IV. S. Robinson, Clerk.

Senate, Jan. 23, 1866.

Concurred. S. N. Gifford, Clerk. 0 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Commomucaltl) of iltassarljusetts.

House op Representatives, February 16, 1866.

The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Order, introduced on the 22d January by Mr. Kimball, of Boston, instituting inquiries in reference to expenditures, Ac., at the State Arsenal, having received from the Quartermaster- General specific answers to the several questions contemplated by said Order, beg leave to submit as their Report the accom- panying communication from the Quartermaster-General, which answers in detail the several inquiries therein contained.

Per order,

N. A. THOMPSON, 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 3

Contntflnteltlj of |ltassatj}ttsetts.

Quartermaster-General’s Department, Boston, \ February 14, 1866. )

Hon. Joseph Tucker, Chairman Committee on Military Affairs

Sir,—I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your com- munication of 2d inst., and in reply to submit the following:—

Interrogatory, No. 1. “ What expenditures have been made at, or articles purchased or ordered for the State Arsenal, at Cambridge; by whom made, and by what authority, with a statement of the sum paid, and the amount now due on account of the same.”

Answer. Schedule A (annexed) gives a detailed statement of articles ordered and purchased for State Arsenal ; by approval of Brig. General R. A. Peirce, Acting Chiefof Ordnance, with the cost of each article. These have all been paid for out of the appropriation for expenses of Ordnance Department for 1865. Chapter 39, Acts and Resolves. Approved, Feb. 27th, 1865. Schedule B.—Statement of expenditures in construction of Workshop for which an appropriation was granted by the legislature. Chapter 282. Approved, May 17th, 1865. Schedule C.—Statement of expenditures in purchase of Machinery, for which an appropriation was granted. Chapter 282, &c. Schedule D.—Statement of expenditures for Iron Shutters, for which an appropriation was granted. Chapter 282, &c.

Schedule E.—Statement of expenditures for grading “ New Lot,” and repairing Driveways, for which an appropriation was granted. Chapter 282, &c. 4 STATE' ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Schedule F. —Statement of expenditures rendered necessary for com- pletion of "Workshop and Machinery for same, and which are in excess of appropriations. These bills were contracted by order, or under the authority of General Peirce. Schedule G.—Statement of expenditures in building fire-proof vault, for preservation of Quartermaster’s and Ordnance documents, by order of General R. A. Peirce.

Schedule H.—Statement of expenditures for sundry improvements at arsenal, which wr ere considered necessary for the welfare of the property, and with the expectation that the same would be paid for, from the sale, of condemned military property. Schedule I.—Recapitulation, showing amount of each appropriation, amount bills paid, and amount bills now due.

INTERROGATORY, No. 2. “ Whether property has been sold from the arsenal, and if so, the cost of the articles and the price received therefor: the authority for such disposal, and the disposition made of the funds.”

Answer. Property has been sold from the State Arsenal. The original cost of the articles it is impossible to ascertain, as there is no way of determining when they were purchased, the material sold being mostly very old, and in an unserviceable condition. The price received for each article is appended in Schedule marked K. i The sale of the property was made under orders from the governor and council, copies of which are annexed, marked L. and M.

The funds received from sale of the property amounted to . $6,509 32 Deduct commissions, &c., .....•• 404 89 §6,104 43

Dec. 30, 1865.—By amount deposited in 2d National Bank, $6,104 43 to my credit as Quartermaster-General,

Feb. 14, 1866.—Amount paid by order of the governor for extra clerical services rendered at the Readville Camp, .... §lBO 00 remaining to my credit,.... 5,924 4o Amount 56,104 43 » 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90, 5

Before closing this reply to your communication the under- signed begs leave to state that with the exception of the sale of unserviceable property, and the custody of the funds received from the sale he has had no personal knowledge of the matters inquired into; they having been performed by General Peirce, as Acting Quartermaster-General and Master of Ordnance, of whose honor and zeal for the welfare of the public service, I have the highest regard. General Peirce is now absent from the State on account of ill-health, otherwise ho would have the pleasure ofreplying to your inquiries in person.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

JOHN H. REED, Quartermaster- General.



SCHEDULE A. Detailed Statement of Articles ordered and purchased for the Slate Arsenal, ly approval of Brigadier-General R. A. Peirce, Acting Chief of Ordnance, with the Cost of each Article. [Acts and Resolves, Chap. 39. Approved Feb. 27,18G5.

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 568,)—

January, 1865.—January Ist to January 31st, inclusive, . . §590 00

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 569,)—

Jan. 4, 1865.—20 lbs. emery, at 12Jc., . . . 82 50 “ 4, 10 lbs. glue, at 22c., .... 2 20 4, “ 1 gross hooks, 4 00

“ 4, 1 feather duster, .... 400

“ 6, 10 lbs. clinch nails, at 15c., . . 1 50

“ 7, Exchange on wrought nails, . . 120 10, “ 1 , 1 00 10, “ 1 doz. buttons, 62

“ “ 10, 1 staples, 50 and 30, . . . 80 10, “ 1 “ knobs, 25

“ 10, “ 1 butts, 70 10, “ 1 desk lock, 58 10, “ 1 175

“ 10, 1 doz. brass hooks, .... 175

“ 11, 1 carpet sweeper, .... 375

“ 21, Repairing blower, .... 150

“ 31, 100 lbs. nails, assorted, at 10Jc., . 10 50 “ “ “ 31, 24 at 18c., . . 432

“ . 31, 30 lbs. buck shot, at 25c.,. . 7 50 5O 42

Sewell, Day & Co., (Voucher, 571,)

Jan. 11, 1865.—16| lbs. manllla rope, at 26c., . . §4 29 “ 75 11, Splicing, g

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 575^,)— Feb., 1865.—February Ist to February 28th, inclusive, . 592 Amount carried forward, |1,237 96 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 7

. . Amount brought forward, .... $1,237 96

Moses Pond & Co., (Voucher, 577,)-

— Feb. 17,1865. 1 No. 3 portable grate stove,* . . $25 00

“ 17, 19 lbs. Russia iron funnel, ... 9 50 “ 17, 1 No. 2 galvanized iron coal hod, . 2 50 17, “ 1 shovel, 38c.; 1 poker, 25c.; lbs. zinc, $1.49, 2 12 39 12

M. Anderson, (Voucher, 581,)— Feb., 1865.— work at Arsenal, from January

30th to February 23d, inclusive, . . . 327 07

Loyal Lovejoy, (Voucher, 583,)— Feb. 2,1865.—1,957 feet Canada extra P. & M. boards,

at $75, . . . v . . $146 70 3, “ 853 feet Canada extra P. &M. boards, at $75, 03 98 210 74

Charles F. Pease, (Voucher, 585,)—

March 18, 1865.—4 shades green holland, . . . $23 50

“ “ “ 18, 4 $7.75, . • 31 00 18, “ Fares, 40 54 90

D. N. Skillings & Co., (Voucher, 582,)— Jan. 30, 1865.—13 ps. 200 ft. 1 in. Mich, boards, at $7O, $l4 00 30, “ 75 ps. 600 ft. 6 in. Mich, pine strips, at $7O, 42 00 30, “ 200 ft. boards, 2 sides, $2.50, 50 30, “ “ 600 ft. boards, 1 side and R. m’d., at 4c., 2 40 Carting to mill, 75 Feb. 1, “ 198 ps. 1,504 ft. 6 in. Mich, pine strips, at $7O, 105 28 1, “ 89 ps. 706 ft. 0 in. Mich, pine strips, at

$7O, ...... 49 42

Carting to Ellis Mill, at 75c., . . 165 1, “ Planing 1,504 ft. boards, P. 2, S. and M., at 6c., 9 02 1, “ Planing 700 ft. boards, P. 1, S. and J., at 4c., 2 82 Carting both lots from mill to Cam-

bridge Arsenal, .... 300 230 84

Amount carried forward, ...... $2,100 63 8 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb

.... Amount brought forward, . , $2,100 63

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 581,)—

Feb. 1, 1865. 1 door lock, *• §1 50 1, “ 1 auger bitt, 30, 37,... 67

“ 1, 2 doz. pencils, at $l, ... 2 00

“ “ 1, | T hinges, at $6.40, . . 320 “ 2, 2 lbs. pumice stone, at 15c., . . 30 3, “ 1 steel 2 00

. . 3, 1 feather duster, . 850

3, 1 small feather duster, ... 162 3, “ 1 floor brush, 2 00

“ 3, 2 extra dust brushes, at 800., . . 1 60

“ 4, 1 cask 6 if. nails, .... 10 50 4, “ 1 soapstone, 2 00

“ 6, 50 lbs. lOd. floor at lie . . nails, , 5 50 I. “ “ 6,* 54 dry paper, at ... 302

“ 6, 2 prs. loose butts, at 33c., . . 66

“ sets at '. 6, 2 glass knobs, 75c.,. . 150

“ 6, 4 sash fasts, at 50c., . . . . 2 00 6, “ 1 mort. lock, 1 12

“ “ “ 6, 1 and 2 keys, ... 2 75 6, “ Screws, 25

“ 11, 1 lb. copper nails, .... 1 00

“ 13, 136 lbs. weights, at 4£c., ... 612 16, “ 24 “ 8 oz. cut tacks, (sweeds,) 15, at 4ic., 3 60 63 41

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 586,)—

March, 1865.—March Ist to March 31st, inclusive, . . . 819 00

Benjamin Noyes, (Voucher, 590,) — 1865.—Amount paid out for car fares to and from Cambridge Arsenal, from January Ist to

March 31st, . 15 90

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 596,)—

April, 1865.—April Ist to April 30th, inclusive, .... 1,047 50

J. L. Fairbanks, (Voucher, 597,)—

Jan. 1,1865.—1 bottle carmine ink, . . . . $0 40 1, “ 1 time book, 1 00

“ 3, 2 blank books, at 05c., . . . 1 30

“ 5, 8 shipmen’s files, .... 3 00 10, “ 1 waste basket, 1 50 10, “ 1 pen rack, 65 Amount carried $4,046 forward, 44

fi 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90 9

Amount brought forward, ...... $4,046 44

J. L. Fairbanks, (Voucher, 597,)— $0 50 Jan. 10, 1865.—1 inkstand,L ) 10, “ 1 gross pens, $2.25,6 penholders, 25c., 250 10, “ 1 ruler, 50o,; 100 3 cent stamps, . 350 12, “ 1 waste basket, 150

“ 12, \ ream en. letter and note, . . 500 13, “ 1 bottle carmine ink,.... 40 16, “ 1 gross pens, $2.25 ; 100 3c. stamps, 525 16, “ 1 blank book, 375 18, “ 2 reams letter paper, printed in Lig.,. 27 00

“ 21, 1 qr. treas. blotting, .... 200

“ 21, 1 sheet 3 cent stamps, ... 3 00 28, “ 1 gross pens, $2.25; 1pen rack, 65c., 290 28. 1 envelope case, $1.75; 6 pencils, 75c., 2 50

“ 28, 1 box quill pens, .... 75

“ 28, 8 penholders, 450.; 1 penwiper, $l, . 145

“ 28,18, 3 doz. blotting pads, .... 4 50 28, “ 1 blank book to order, ordnance stores

in Foss’, 3 pack’s tags, . . 19 55 Feb. 21, “ 6 sheets best board, $l.BO ; 1 copying

book, $4.50, .... 6 30

“ 21, Copying press table, $lB ; cup, brush,

and oil paper, $3.10, . . . 21 10

“ Mar. 14, 1 copying book, .... 4 50 16, “ 1 qt. mucilage, 1 qt. ink, 1 rm. letter

paper and margin, ... 950 16, “ 1 broom brush, 50c.; 500 envelopes,

$2.75 ; 1 rm. note paper, $4.50, . 7 75 16, “ 500 off. envelopes, printed, $7.50; J

rm. letter paper, $3.25, . . 10 75 16, “ 1 thermometer, 2 50

Jan. 28, 2 documents and boxes, ... 300

“ 30, 1 paper folder, ... . 1 35 Feb. 2, “ 1 document box, $1.50; 1 copying

book, $4.50, .... 6 00 14, “ 2 erasers, $1.70; 2 sheets F. Stamps, $6, 770 18, “ 1bill case, to order, 375

“ March 4, 1 letter file, $1 ; 1 sheet 3 cent stamps, $3, 4 00 182 10

D. W. Skillings & Co., (Voucher, 599,) — April 20,1865.—68 pieces, 1,008feet, 3x4 ’scantling, at $25, 25 20

Oriental Powder Co., (Voucher, 600,)— April 18, 1865.—10 kegs mortar powder, at $9, 90 00 Amount carried forward, ...... $4,343 74 2 10 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward, $4)343 74

Martha Farrell, (Voucher, 001,)—

April 29, 1865.—Making 1,000 cartridge bags, . . $l5 00 29, Sewing black cambric on State flag, . 2 00 17 00 & P. Nutting Co., (Voucher, 602,)— Jan. 2, 1865.—6 braces, $2 50

“ 2, Making 2 braces, .... 25 “ 2, Sharpening 4 rimmers and 2 , . 50

“ “ “ Feb. “ 2, . 75

2, Mending press and painting, . . 200

“ 7, Piercing bitt, ..... 37 7, “ 3 pieces chain and sharpening 2 , 62 “

13, Sharpening 3 picks, .... 75 13, “ Steeling pick, 100 “ 13, 3 rivets, and work on shovel, . . 37

“ 13, Work on 2 , .... 67 13, “ 50J lbs. shafts, 12 50 24, “ 13 shafts, 650 Mar. 15, “ 2 beetle rings 1

“ 20, 12 centres for lathe, .... 400 25, “ 25 drills, 625 25, “ 6 rimmers, 150 25, “ Making scraper, 300

“ 25, Work on pole shackle, ... 87 45 65 James Patterson, (Voucher, 603,)

March 9, 1865.—T0 desk and chair, ...... 71 00

M. J. Farrell, (Voucher, 604,)—

Feb. 1, 1865.—Tickets Union Railway Co., . . . $lO 00

1, Repairing lock and key, . . . 175 1, “ 1 tree, 700

“ 1, 16 yds. cambric, $2.40 ; 2 spools, at 20c., 260 21 35 W. J. & G. H. Keefe, (Voucher, 607. )- April 5, 1865.—2 tons coal, at $l4, 28 00

Wm. Reed & Sons, (Voucher, 608,) April 18, 1865.—1 M. friction primers, 30 00

Russell & Phelps, (Voucher, 609,)

Mar. 10, 1865.—1 Walnut lined sink, .... $2O 00 “ “ .' 10, 6 arm chairs, . . . 21 00

“ “ 10, 1 20x12 glass, ... 450

“ “ 10, 1 clothes rack, . . . 100 10, “ 1 bowl, pitcher, soap, dish and pail, . 313 49 63

Amount carried forward, $4,606 87 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90 11

87 Amount brought forward., ...... $4,606

E. & F. King & Co., (Voucher, 605,) —

Jan. 5, 1865. •100 lbs. English lead, in pails, . . $lB 00

“ “ 5, 60 whiting,[at 3Jc. ... 2 10 5, 5 gals. carh. spirits and can, at 67c., 4 25

14, 100 lbs. English lead, in pail, . . 18. 00

“ “ 30, 100 Union lead, . . . . 18 00

“ 30, 5 gals. carb. spirits, at 700., . . 350

“ 30, 2 lbs. bt. umber oil, at 25c., . . 50

“ 30, “ 2 “ raw “ at 20c., 50

“ 30, lb. Prus. blue at 90c., . . 45

“ Feb. 3, 2 lbs. lump Pum. stone, at 10c., . 20

“ . 10, 1-J doz. O. K. brushes, . 31 00 “ “ * 10, 1 4 Lyon’s sash , ■ . . 2 25

“ 10, 1“ ' marking brushes, . . . 125

“ “ 10, 1 Assd. C. H. brushes, . . 70

“ 13, , 5 gals, benzine, at 68c., . . . 3 40

“ “ 13, 2 spirits turpentine, at $2.25, . 4 50

“ “ 18, 4 linseed oil, at $1.62, . . 648

“ 20, 100 lbs. Union lead, . . . . 18 00

' “ “ “ “

U . 24, 100 . . . 18 00 24, “ \ bbl. fn. yellow, 131 lbs., at 6c.,6c, . 816

“ 25, 113 lbs. putty’, at 7c., .... 7 91

“ Jan. 31, 100 “K. C. English lead, . . 18 00

“ 31, 1 lb. lump pum. stone, ... 10 Mar. 3, “ 1 bbl. fr. yellow, 294 lbs., at . 16 47 3, 1 “ linseed oil, 43J| gals., at $1.60, 70 19

3, 200 lbs. white lead, at 18c.,. . . 36 00

“ 6, 5 gals. carb. spirits, at 68c., . . 340

6, 4 Nap. Japan, at $2, . . 8 00

6, . 4 lbs. pumice stone, at 10c., . 40

“ 13, 6 Drop, black oil, at 25c., . . 1 50

“ 13, 1 lb. Pruss. blue oil, . . . 1 10

21, 1 doz. camel’s hair stripers, . . 25

$322 56 Cr. by cans returned, 1864, 1 13 321 43

Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 610,)—

March 23, 1865. 1 keg litharge, 162, at 190., . . $25 08

“ 23, 1 bb. benzine, .... 1 50

“ “ 23, 40 gals., at 65c., . . . 26 00

“ 23, 200 lbs. brown lead, at . . 35 00 “ 23, 1 palette rest, .... 75

“ 31, 12 lbs. pea green in oil, 35c., . . 420

.... Amount carried forward, . $4,927 80 12 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward, §4,927 -SO

& Folsom Dearborn, (Voucher, 610,)— March 1865.— 31, 1 gal. alcohol, $4.75, can 38c., . . §5 13

“ 31) “ tur. 1 spirits var., $5, can 38, . 5 38 “ “ 31) 6 best Pruss. blue in oil, . . 600 109 04 Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 606,) March 0, 1865. 1 funnel iron, 80 38

bronze . . 13, 1 pr. brackets, . 120 “

14) 3 sets at . . castors, 840., . 252

“ 14, 1 doz. screw eyes, . 10

“ “ 14, 1 brass-headed nails, . . 25 “ 50 feet at . 16, hose, 1 inch, 60c., . 30 00

“ j 16, 1pipe and sprinkler, . . . 700 i/? it n i i__i • . /» i i „ 16, “ 2 buckskins for emery wheels, 82.50, 5 00

“ '

. 16, . . . 1 tin tunnel, . 1 12 “ 16, 12prs. overshoes, rubber, at $1.75, . 21 00 16, “ Clock, 10 00

“ 16, Fitting and repairing lock, . . 37 18, “ 1 floor brush, 2 00

“ 20, Fitting couplins to hose, . . . 1 50 20, “ 1J sets “ “ 3 00 “ 20, 129 lbs. cotton waste, 30c., . . 38 70

“ 20, 3 large tin cans, at §l3, . . 39 00

“ 20, 2 doz. tin cups, 1 pt., at §1.25, '. 250

“ 25, 1 brass pump nozzle, . . . 175

“ 31, 4 reams sand paper, at §5.50, . 22 00 31, “ 1 pr. shears, 2 50

. 31, 3 rubber spittoons, at §2.50, . 7 50

§199 39 March 16, 1865.—Cr. by two buckskins, returned, 5 00 194 39

Samuel Leonard & Son, (Voucher, 613,) March 18, 1865. gals, winter sperm oil, at §2.48,. §99 40 18, “ Carting, 75 100 15

S. A. Smart, (Voucher, 614,)—

April 25, 1860.—45 ft. pine , at 8c.,. . . §3 60

“ 25, Making 40 emery wheels, . . . 14 75

“ 25, 2 small emery wheels, ... 50

“ 25, Work for rollers, . . . . 21 10

“ 25, Stock and work on 3 rollers, . . 800 47 95

Amount carried forward, §5,379 33 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 13

• • 33 Amount brought forward, .... 15,379

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 615,)—

April 12, 1865. 1 garden syringe, .... $6 00

“ “ 12, 1 reel and line, . . 275

“ 12, 1 whetstone, .... 10

“ 12, 1 spading fork, .... 300

“ 14, 2 shoe knives, .... 30

“ 25, 2 gross school hooks, at $4.50, . 900

“ “ 25, 4 screws, at 66c., . . . 264

“ 27, 1 bush, redtop grass-seed, . . 150 27, “ 57 ft. , 4 75

“ 29, 180 ft. 6xlo spruce, at 35c., . . 630 36 34 Jones & Co., express, (Voucher, 616,) 1865.—Sundry expressage from Jan. 3d to March 31st, inclusive, . 157 36

Jones & Co., express, (Voucher, 617,)—

1865:—Sundry expressage, from April Ist to April 28th, inclusive, . 86 52

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 618,)—

1865.—From May Ist, to May 31st, inclusive, .... 1,141 50 •n. American Telegraph Co., (Voucher, 619,)—

March 30, 1865.—R. A. Peirce, to New York, . . $0 70

“ 31, Hayden, to New York, ... 60 1 30

Mr. Anderson, (Voucher, 623,)—

April 20, 1865.—Blinds for window complete, . . . 20 00

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 624,)—

May 1, 1865.—20 lbs. alum, at 7c., .... $1 40

“ “ 1, 2 mutton tallow, at 200., . . 40

1 , ..... 162 5, “ 1 saw, 1 50

* 5, “ 5, 1 , ...... 2 00

“ 5, 1 grooving plane, .... 257 5, “ 1 bead plane, 1.00 5, “ 1 doz. file handle at 60c. and 75c., 1 35 5, “ 1 . 1 75

“ 5, 1 and reel, ... 50

“ 5, 1 ark slip, at $l.BB and $2.50, . . 438 “ 6 5, 1 oil stone, ..... 00

“ 5, IJ-doz. Stubbs files, 300, 300, 325, . ,3 08 “ “ “ “ 5, | 500, 372, 525, . 433

“ \ bast, 390 450 5, r’d. files, 4. , 5. C2 7. 6, 3 41

Amount carried forward, ...... $6,822 35 14 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward, g2O gg

& Brooks Darling, (Voucher, 624,)— May 5, 1865. \ doz. r’d. bast, 8. 639 94 °, files, , 10. 12,188 9 , $7 42 5, “ doz. bast, 8. 732 I hand files, , 3 gg 5, “ 2d cut . i files, at $8.64, . 432 “ 5, “ hand 1484 files, 12 . i in. , 732 “

12 1 . . . barrel lime, . . 175 12, “ 5 doz. at . . oilers, $1.50, . 750 12, “ 1 oiler, 37 “ 19, Recutting files, 12 00

& Folsom Dearborn, (Voucher, 626,)—

1865.—1 . April 24, . glazier’s diamond,. . $5 00

“ f 24, \ doz. paint dusters, at $ll, . . 367 8 67 & Gale, Dudley Co., (Voucher, 628,)—

April 5, 1865.—244 ft. spruce plank, ... $5 60 18, “ 1 cask lime, 1 50 7 10 Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 627,) —

May 2, 1865.—459 lbs. Brooks lead, at 16c., . . $73 44

“ “ 2, 20 bt. umber in oil, at 25c., . 500

“ “ 2, 10 Ver. red in oil, at 200., . 2 00 “ 2, J bbl. lins. oil, .... 125 “

2, 221, 35, 24| gls. at $1.25, ... 31 00 “ 80 9, 3 bbls. Sand, at 9c., ... 5 40 15, “ 3 gals, spirits turpentine, at $3.25,. 9 75

“ “ 15, 2 Japan, at $2.00, ... 4 00

30, 100 lbs. Brooks lead, . . . 15 50

“ 30, 50 ft. 10 xl5 glass, ... 5 00 152 34

Gale, Dudley & Co., (Voucher, 629,)—

. . Jan. 2, 1865.—548 ft. pine bds., at 58c., . $2O 82 2, “ planing do. 1 side and matching, at 30., 164

“ 2, carting 548 ft., at 75c., ... 41

“ 23, 452 ft. pine bds., at 60c., . . . 27 12 23, “ planing, matching and drying do., 2 94 23, “ carting 37

“ 23, Sawing 452 ft., 6 in. 2c., ... 90

“ 24, 403 ft. sheathing, 60c., . . . 24 18

“ 24, drying 403 ft., at 30., . . . . 120

“ 24, 32 ft. white , 10c., ... 320

“ 24, planing 32 ft., 2 sides, ... 10 24, “ carting, 37 24, “ 1 pine board, 50 1 83 76

Amount carried forward, ...... $7,154 65 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 15

• • Amount brought forward, .... $7,154 65

James Martin & Son, (Voucher, 634,)—

March 23, 1865.—Rep. 2 flags, bunting, . . . |2 50 23, “ “ 1 flag, 550

“ 23, 15 yds. bunting, at 500.,. . . 750

“ June 7, repairing 2 flags, bunting, . . 550 21 00

William Black, (Voucher, 635,) — June 1, 186^.—400 ft. sods, at 2c.,...... 800

J. E. Buerk, (Voucher, 636,)—

June 15, 1865.—1 watch clock, ...... 75 00

J. L. Fairbanks, (Voucher, 639,) — 1865.Stationery from March 31, to May 12, inclusive, 190 72

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 640,)—

. . 1865.—June 1, to June 30, inclusive, .... 730 00

J. E. Maynard, (Voucher, 641,)— April 10, 1865.—Carriage, $6 00

“ May 24, Carryall and Pair, .... 10 00 l6 00 Jones & Co., express, (Voucher, 644,) —

1865.—Sundry expressage, from May Ito May 31, inclusive, . 145 74

Jones & Co., express, (Voucher, 645,)—

1865.—Sundry expressage, from June 2 toto June 30, inclusive, . 70 50

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 646,)— Jan. 9, 1865.—1 rule, $1 25 9, “ 1 brass padlock, 2 00 9, “ 1 box soap, 9 00 9, “ 1 furnace and kettle,.... 12 00

9, 2 bbls. lime, $1.75, .... 350 9, “ 1 “ sand, 1 00

“ 14, 8 ft. funnel and elbow, ... 4 50

“ 15, 1 pr. butts and screws, ... 42

29, 1 doz. hand brushes, .... 7 50 29, “ 1 floor brush, 1 50 “ drivers, 29, 1 doz. screw .... 3 00

“ 29, 1 screw driver, ..... 25 29, “ 1rivet hammer, 1 60 29, “ 1 gro. hooks, 4 50

“ 29, 6 lbs. copper nails, at 75c., . . 450

“ 29, 24 papers tacks, at 16c., ... 384

“ . 29, 3 doz. gimlets, at $3.60, . . 10 80

“ 29, 1 wire gauge, ..... 500

Amount carried forward, ...... $8,411 61 16 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount ...... brought forward, §8,411 61

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 641,)

Jan. 29, 1865.—1 cask lOd nails, .... $5 50 29, “ 1 shoe brush, 75

“ 29, 1 bottle blacking, .... 75

“ 29, 1 towel rack, . . . .- 250

“ 29, 2 match safes, at 37-Jc., ... 75

“ 29, 2 doz. stove blacking, 75c., . . 150 30, “ 1 water pot, 2 'OO 89.91

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher,^647,) —

July 13, 1865.—1 doz. tin cups to order, ... $1 50

“ 22, shoe pegs, 200., 1 lock, 75c., . . 95 22, “ 1 pointing trowel, at 600., 2 pr. meta

shears, at $3.00, .... 6 60

“ 22, 1 metal saw, $2.00, 1 brick hammer, . 3 12 22, “ 1 reammer, 20 24, “ 51 ft. boards, at 7c.; paving

hammer, at $2.50, ... 607 24, “ hammer, at $1.75, 2 looks, at 50c, 2 scrapers, at 75c., 4 25 26, “ 100 lbs. cotton waste,.... 31 00 53 69 Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 618,) 1865.—July Ist to July 31st, inclusive, 134 62

J. Warren Tuck & Co., (Voucher, 649,)—

at . . $175 00 July 28, 1865.—Hinge hooks for 25 windows, $7, ~

J. Martin & Son, (Voucher, 650,)— Aug. 7, 1865.—1 hoisting wheel, .... $65 00 “ “ 20 68 7,i Rope for

“ . . ■ 7, Labor and express, . 3 - 99O Ooo Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 651,) 65 August, 1865.—August Ist to August 31st inclusive, . . . 1,003

William F. Durfee, (Voucher, 656,)

• . • 29 August 30, 1865.—Travelling expenses to date,

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 657,)

. • • 00 July 27, 1865.—4 oast iron wheels, . $ll 620 5, “ cask Bd. nails, Auo-. ’ 1

9“ 5, “ 1 hammer,

- • . 03 “ • 1 5, Of lbs. iron wire, at 16c.,

. , , ~ . $10,588 39 Amount carried forward, . 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 17

Amount brought forward , ...... $10,588 39

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 657,)—

Aug. 5, 1865.—1 watchman’s rattle, . . . . $0 87 “ 11, 1 pr. edge shears, . . . 2 25

“ 11, 3 handled picks, at $2.25, . . . 675

“ 11, 1 guillotine, ..... 3 00

“ 11, 1 pruning knife, ..... 75 22, “ 1 chest lock, 2 25

“ 22, 1 pr. chest handles, .... 75 22, “ 1 door lock, 3 00

“ 22, 1 filterer and fitting, . . . . 150 “

. . 25, 10 lb. clinch nails, at 12c., . 120 31, “ 1 gross screws, 32

“ • 31, 2 pr. chest handles, at $1.25, and 1

gross screws, at 33c., . . . 1 58

“ 31, 4 keys for locks, at 12£c., ... 50

“ * 31, 2 draw locks, at 20c., . . . . 40 31, “ 1 cupboard 10ck,..... 60

“ 31, 1 store door lock, 3 levers, . . . 3 50

“ 31, 1 plane, ...’.. 1 18

“ 31, 1 plough and bitts, . . . . 11 50

“ 31, 2 iron clamps, at $1,62, . . . 3 25 31, “ 4 small knobs, 10

“ 31, 4 pr. br. butts, at . . . 3 50 “ 31, 2p. br. bolts, at 62c., . . . . 1 25 31, “ 1 hand , 1 10

“ 31, \ doz. horse brushes, at $3O, . . 15 00 “

31, 1 piece of English -cloth, ... 25

“ 31, 200 ft. chestnut boards, at 10c., . . 20 00 107 18

L. Cummings, (Voucher, 659,) — August 8, 1865.—Services rendered and expenses incurred in inspecting Artillery harness, at Cambridge

Arsenal, 2 days service, at $5, . . . 10 00

J. W. B. Wright, (Voucher, 660,)— August 8, 1865.—Services rendered and expenses incurred in inspecting Artillery harness, at Cambridge

Arsenal, 2 days’ service, at $5, . . . 10 00

P. Nutting & Co., (Voucher, 663,)— May, 1865.—Labor and blacksmithing done at State Arsenal, from May 8 to May 23, 47 46

Amount carried forward, $10,763 03 3 18 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward, 110,763 03 John Blevins, (Voucher, 664,) June 16, 1865.—Repairing roof of magazine, 69 ft. of at tun slate, 15c., .... $lO 35

16, 7 lbs. zinc, at 17c., .... 119

“ “ 16, 4 nails, at 14c., .... 56 16, “ Carting, 1 50 “ 16, days work, at $3, . . . . 750 21 10

John Blevins, (Voucher, 665,)— June 15,1865.—Repairing roof of Arsenal, Cambridge,

139 ft. slate, at 12c., .... $l6 68

“ 15, 37 ft. slate, 10x16, at 10c., . . 3 70

“ 15, 27 lbs. zinc, at 17c., . . . . 4 59. “ “ 15, SJ nails, at 14c., .... 1 19 “ 15, 2 tubs mortar, at 50c., . . . 100 15, “ Carting, 200

“ 15, 6J days work, at $3, . . . . 20 25 49 41

Jones & Co’s Express, (Voucher, 668,) — July, 1865.—Sundry expressage from July 1 to July 31, inclusive, 30 58

Jones & Co’s Express, (Voucher, 669,)— August, 1865.—Sundry expressage from August 1 to August 29, inclusive, 26 78

Oriental Powder Co., (Voucher, 670,) —

May 31, 1865.—20 kegs mortar powder, at $8.50, . . . 170 00

Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 671.)—

June 16, 1865.—9 lbs. bt. umber, at 25c., . . . $2 25 24, “ 2 tubes Vermillion, at 3740.... 75 3 00

Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 672.) July 3, 1865. 1 bbl. benzine, $1 50 3, “ 40 gals., at 55c., 22 00

“ 17, 50 lbs. potash, at 12J0., . . . 6 25* “ 17, 2 chamois, at 50c., .... 100

“ 21, 1 bbl. boiled oil, 328, 62, 266, S5 T\

gals., at $1.30, . . . . 46 11

“ 21, 100 lbs. Brook lead, . . . . 15 00 9l 86

Folsom and Dearborn, (Voucher, 673,)—

Aug. 8, 1865.—6 tubes vermillion, at 30c., ... . $1 80

“ “ 8, 3 i yen. blue, at 50c., . . . 150 “ 8, 1 tub putty, 110 lbs., at sfc., . . 632 Amount carried forward, $11,155 t6 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 19

Amount brought forward, ...... $11,155 76

Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 673,)—

. . Aug. 8, 1861.—4 bbl. whiting, at 30c.,. . $0 30 8, “ 120 lbs., at 3Jc. 4 20 “ 8, 3 tubes orange chrome, at 18c., . . 54

“ 19, 1 empty 2 gallon can, ... 50 19, “ 2 gals, neatsfoot oil, can, 50c., at $1.75, 4 00

“ 18, 2 bars castile soap, at 5Jc., 18 lbs., . 99

“ 18, 4 doz. glazier’s points, at 150., . . 90 2l 05

Gale, Dudley & Co., (Voucher, 674,)—

Jan. 10, 1865.—642 ft. spruce, at 22c., . . . $l4 12

“ 10, Planing do., 1 side, at 30., . . . 1 93

. . . |lO, t 222 ft. whitewood, at 50e., 11 10

“ 10, Planing do., 2 sides, at 5c., . . . 1 11 10, “ Carting 864 ft., at 1c.,.... 88

“ July 8, 829 ft spruce P. M., at 29c., . . 16 58

“ 8, Planing do., 1 side, at 3c., . . . 2 49

“ . 8, 247 ft. pine P. M., at 40c., . . 9 88

“ 8, Planing do., 2 sides, at 3c., ... 74

“ 8, Carting 1,076 ft., at Ic., . . . 108

“ Aug. 1, 160 ft. cl. spruce skn., at 25c., . . 400

. 5, 40 ft. ash plank, at 7c., . . 280

“ 28, 516 ft. spruce floor boards, at 40c., . 20 64 B7 33

Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 675,)—

. . 1865.—September Ist to September 30th, inclusive, . 317 50

Tuttle, Gafßeld & Co., (Voucher, 679,)— Sept. 11, 1865.—48 I’ts 12 by 9, German, 3; 342 I’ts 14 by 11, German, 3; 24 I’ts 23 by 11, German, 3; 78 I’ts 14 by 11, Ger- man, 3, 54 00

D. A. Buckley, (Voucher, 683,)—

Oct. 2, 1865.—Repairing pump in workshop, . . $0 00

“ “J2, Blacksmith’s bill on iron work, . . 125 2, “ New pump rod, 50

“ 2, To re-clapper and re-leather boxes, . 100

“ 2, Repairing garden engine, . . . 125 9 Tin iron sink and attach pipe, and labor

solder, ...... 2 40 6 40

T. P. Lerned, (Voucher, 686,)— Sept. 30, 1865.—30,000 lbs. egg coal, at $12.50 per ton, $lB7 50

“ “ 30, 30,000 stove “ “ “ 187 50 375 00

Amount carried forward $12,017 04 20 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward, 112,017 04

& Brooks Darling, (Voucher, 682,)— 1865.—26 feet Sept. 1, chestnut bds., at 100., . . $2 60 “

. 2, repairing gunlock, . 150 “

7, 5 casks . . nails, at §7.25, . 36 35

7, 50 at . lbs. clinch nails, 12c., . 600

“ “ 7, 25 nails, at 7sc., .... 181 “ store 7, 4 latches, at 75c., . 300 7, “ 1 spring bolt, 75

“ 7, 1 lever “ 75

“ “ 7, 3 wro’t 10 in., at 11.00, . . 300 “ “

lbs. . 7, 4 5 in., at 25c., . 100 “ 7, 4 handles, at 375c., .... 1 50 “ 5 loose 7, prs. bolts, at 500., ... 2 50 “ “ “ “ 7, 11$ at 37c., . . . 4' 26

“ ‘

7, . . . . 1 mort. look, . 200 7, “ 1 store look, 3 50

. 7, 2 gross 1$ 12 screws, at 910., . 182 “ “ 7 7, 1 11, 10 , |, 1063, ... 123 11, “ 2$ doz. rings and staples to order, $3.00, 700 “ lbs. 12, 20 clinch nails,’at 120., ... 240 “ 15, 1 set glass knobs, .... 1 00

. 27, 1 arbor, . . . 150 27, “ 1 mort. lock, 2 25 “

28, stone . 4 54.00,. . 16 00 lO3 62 Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 691,)— Oct. Ist to Oct. 31st, inclusive, 292 50

& Jones Go’s Express, (Voucher, 692,)— Sundry expressage from Sept. Ist to Sept. 30th, inclusive, 56 38

J. A. Smart, (Voucher, 693,)—

Oct. 2, 1865.—Stock and sawing circles, . . . $l9 12

“ 2, planing and sawing, . . . . 28 75 2, “ carting, 100 4B 87 Arsenal Pay-Roll, (Voucher, 700,)— Nov. Ist to Nov. 30th, inclusive, 356 25

City of Cambridge, (Voucher, 702,) — Nov. ,1, 1865.—75 ft. covering stone, 12c., 9 00

Daniel H. Jacobs, (Voucher, 705,) — Nov. , 1865.—T0 use of pump on well, 22 00

Charles Kernan, (Voucher, 707,) —

. . ■Oct. 18, 1865.—T0 boring well on Arsenal ground, . 20 00 Amount carried forward, $12,925 66 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 21

...... $12,925 66 Amount brought forward,

& Jones Co.’s Express, (Voucher, 710,)—

. Sundry expressage from Oct. 3d to Oct. 27th, inclusive, . 53 59

Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 68-1,) —

. Sept. 1, 1865.—4 gals, neatsfoot oil, at $1.75, . $7 00

“ “ “ 7, 4 at $1.75, ... 7 00

“ 7, 6 lights, 10 xl6 double glass, . . 150

“ 26, 1 lot Varn. brown in dis., ... 28

“ “ 26, 1 blue black, .... "25

“ 26, 1 oz. gold bronze, .... 75

“ . 26, 2 chamois skin, at 6240., . . 125 lB 03

Gale, Dudley & Co., (Voucher, 708,)—

Oct. 12, 1865.'—500 ft. pine bds. at 50e., . . . $25 00

“ . 12, planing 250 ft. 1 side, at 2c., . 50 12, “ “ “ 2 sides, at 30., . . 75

“ 12, carting 500 ft., at Ic., .... 50 26 75

P. Nutting & Co., (Voucher, 714,)—

. Blacksmithing for arsenal from Sept. 9to Nov. 23, . . 123 97

Adams Express Co., (Voucher, 715,)— June 17, 1865.—Freight on 5 boxes from Washington (said to contain shells), 25 40

Wright & Potter, (Voucher, 716,)— April 23, 1865.—Printing for Ord. Dept 23, “ 1 copy General Statutes, 2 50

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 718,)—

...... j. sledge . . Oct. 4, 1865.—1 hammer to v.uw,order, $l2V-.- vv00 6, " 1 level, 3 50

“ 10, 1 stock and drills, . . . . 11 00

“ “ “ “ 10, 1 ' .... 800

“ 14, 10 lbs. glue, at 250., .... 250 14, “ 1 , 1 25 38 25

Martha M. Farrell, (Voucher, 719,)—

Oct. 16, 1865.—Making 100 cartridge cylinders, .... 1 50

Benjamin Noyes, (Voucher, 728,)— Dec. 29, 1865.—Expense incurred in moving guns from Charles-

town, purchasing material for arsenal, &0., . 500

Benjamin Noyes, (Voucher, 729,) — Dec. 29, 1865.—Expenses incurred on the 22d in issuing and

receiving flags, pitching tents, &c., ... 8 00 Amount carried forward, $13,828 65 22 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward $43 228 65

Brooks & Darling, (Voucher, 732,) —- Nov. 1865.—1 11, box roofing tin, .... |l7 50 11, “ 2| lbs. solder, 103 18, “ 1 pail, 40

. 886 lbs. . 22, weights, at 3|c.,. . 32 48

“ “

24, 2| soft solder, at 40c., ... 95 52 36

& Folsom Dearborn, (Voucher, 733,) —

Nov. 3, 1865. 6 lights, 11by 19, glass, at 250., . 81 50

“ 3, 14 lbs. putty, at 6J0., .... 741 “ “ 3, 100 pure lead, . . . . 15 50 “ 20 “ 3, ven. red, at 5£0., ... 110 6, “ 25 lights, 11 by 15, glass, 3d, at 20c., 500

“ « “ 6, 12 11 by 14, at 15c., . 180

“ “ 6, 8 by 35, thick, at $4.23, . 34 00 23, “ \ gal. alcohol, 2402 40 6B 71

W. Strong, (Voucher, 735,) — Nov. 13, 1865.—6 and 2 trees, 20 00

P. Nutting & Co., (Voucher, 736,) — Nov. 13, 1865.—Blacksmithing for Arsenal from Nov. 29 to Dec. 26, inclusive, 40 36

J. L. Fairbanks, (Voucher, 737,) —

Nov. 13, 1865.—Stationery, &c., from June 29 to Nov. 15, . . 122 70

Cambridge Gas Light Co., (Voucher, 738,)— Dec. 1, 1865.—Gas consumed to this date, 4,300 cubic

ft., at 40c. per hundred, . . . §l7 20

“ 1, Excise duty, at 24c. per hundred,. . 103 18 23

Arsenal Pay-8011, (Voucher, 739,)

. 25 Dec. 1, 1865.—Dec. Ist to Dee. 31st, inclusive, . . • 654

Isabella Wilson, (Voucher, 740,) 5 00 Dec. 29, 1865.—£ cord manure,

Jones & Co’s Express, (Voucher, 742,) to Deo. Dec °9 1865.—Sundry expressago, from Nov. 29th 29th, 52 35 inclusive, $14,26- 61 Amount carried forward, 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 23

■ • . . 61 . $14,202 Amount brought fonoard,

& Brooks Darling, (Voucher, 743,) — Dec. 6, 1865.—1 , $2 50 9, “ 1 thumb latch, 15 9, “ 1 night latch, 225

“ 9, 2 packages matches, .... 1 30

“ 15, 1 anvil, 165 lbs., at 23c., . . . 37 95

“ 15, 1 portable grate, No. 3, . . 2 50

“ 15, 4£ prs. loose butts, at 58c., . . . 2 61 15, “ 1 lever lock, 2 50 15, “ 1 gross screws, 1 15

“ 18, • 1 striking hammer, .... 400

“ 20, 200 lbs. cut nails, assorted,, at Bc., . 16 00 20, “ 1 stove, 50 00

“ 22, • lbs. stove funnel, at 20c., . . 10 65 22, “ 2 elbows, 50 134 06

J. P. Estes, (Voucher, 744,)— Dec. 2, 1865.—83 lbs. E. S. pipe, at $16.60 ; 1 zinc

collar, at 50c., .... $l7 10 2, “ 1 damper, at 25c.; 1 funnel iron,Jat 350., 60

“ 2, Putting up pipe, ..... 100 lB 70

J. P. Estes, (Voucher, 745,) — Dec. 11, 1865. 8 lbs. S. lead, at $1.28; work on pipe and gutters, $5 78 13, “ 40 lbs. E. P. pipe, at $8; 1 damper, at 75c., 8 75

“ 18, Putting up pipe,. . . . . 1 00 28, “ 1 soap stone, 2 00

“ 30, 10 lbs. E. P. pipe, at $2 ; 3 lb. extra at 60c., 2 60 20 13

William Reed & Son, (Voucher, 749,)—

Sept. 5, 1865. 30 cartridges for howitzer, at 55c., . $l6 50

“ 5, Box, ...... 75

“ 5, 20 cartridges, 2 lbs., at $l, . . . 20 00

“ “ “ 5, 10 1 at 55c., . . 5 50 5, “ 100 primers, 3 00 5, “ Carting, 75 46 50

S. B. Iron Company, (Voucher, 746.) — Nov. 8,1864.—24 lbs. 12-pdr. canister with loaded cartridges, at$2.10, 50 40

T. P. Lerned & Son, (Voucher, 751,)—

Dec. 18, 1865.—2,320 lbs. Cumberland coal, at $l3, . $l4 95

“ 30, 2,510 lbs. Cumberland coal, at $l3, . 16 25 81 20

Amount carried forward $14,563 60 24 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward, $14,563 60

D. N. Skillings & Co., (Voucher, 752,) Nov. 29, 1865.—52 ps., 826 ft., 1 in. Canada boards, S,

& . F. S., at 40c., . . . $33 04 29, “ Carting, 2 00 35 04

D. N. Skillings & Co., (Voucher, 753,) — Deo. 28, 1865.—100 ps., 3,618 ft., 3x9 spruce plank, at 28c., $lOl 30 28, “ 25 ps., 209 ft., 1 in. spruce boards, at 26c., 5 43 28, “ 15 ps., 576 ft., 2 in. oak plank, at 65c., 37.44 28, “ 17 ps., 320 ft., 1 in. oak boards, at 65c., 20 80

“ 28, Mill work on spruce, . . . . 32 25 28, “ Carting 3,827 ft. spruce to and from mill, at 2c., 7 65 28, “ Carting 896 ft. spruce to and from mill, 3 14 203 01 Folsom & Dearborn, (Voucher, 750,) —

Dec. 30, 1865.—250lbs. pure lead, at .... 41 50 $14,848 15

SCHEDULE B. Statement of expenditures in construction of Workshop, paid for out of appro- priation for the same. [Chap. 282. Approved, May 17th, 1865.] §921 03 D. N. Skillings & Co., lumber,

R. &R. W. Lamson, brick and mason work, .... 3,182 00 “ “ “ R. &R. W. Lamson, .... 42 50 $4,145 53

SCHEDULE C. Statement of expenditures in purchase of Machinery, paid for out of appropri- ation for the same. [Chap. 282. Approved, May 17,1865.]

• • $l-9 00 American and Machine Co., lathe and shaft, .

. . engine, lathe and pulleys, . . 811 00 Putnamx iui ft Machine Co.,7 OR7 on ...... ULiiam , xPutnam Machine Co., uprightr g - 00 & • mayMay ot Co.,w., portable forge, **oi 00™ American Tool and Machine Co., counter-shafts, .... &c., . 2,630 00 Campbell, Whittier & Co,, engine, boiler, polishing wheels, Putnam Machine Co., $3,600 00 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 25

SCHEDULE D Statement of expendituresfor Iron Shutters, paid for out of appropriation for the same. [Chap. 282. Approved, May 17,1865.]

& J. Warren Tuck Co., iron shutters, new building, . . . $995 60

“ “ “ & Co., J. Warren Tuck old ... 609 57

$1,605 17

SCHEDULE E. Statement of expenditures for grading “ New Lot ” and repairing driveways, paid for out ofappropriation for the same. [Chap. 282. Approved, May 17,1865.]

John Wilson, stone, gravel and teaming, ..... $392 00 Isabella Wilson, stone and teaming, 216 60 City of Cambridge, stone and teaming, 232 75 M. Powers, teaming 62 30 Mrs. Mary Field, gravel, 72 00

J. &H. Bird, gravel, ...... 22 67

$998 32

SCHEDULE E. Statement of expenditures rendered necessary for completion of Workshop and Machineryfor same, in excess of appropriation.

& C. S. Parker Sons, slating roof, ...... $486 00

S. H. L. Peirce, window frames and sashes, ..... 462 34 Herman Strater & Co., copper gutters, 176 00 & Campbell, Whittier Co., fitting machinery, .... 113 45

Putnam Machine Co., machinery,...... 178 62

$1,416 41

SCHEDULE G. Statement of expenditures in building fire-proof Vault for preservation of Quar- termaster’s and Ordnance documents.

K. &E. AV. Lamson, brick and mason work, .... $376 36 G. W. & F.,Smith, iron doors, 129 76 $506 12 i 26 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb,

SCHEDULE H. Statement of expenditures for sundry improvements at Arsenal.

A. Parker, edgestone around flagstaff, |l7g gg J. L. Sands, brick around flagstaff, 78 00 R. & R. W. Lamson, labor around flagstaff, 07 gl Lockwood & Lumb, material for water-closet, .... 312 68 « & « Brooks . Darling, drain . . 9 pipe . 6 22 Gale, & “ “ Dudley Co., lumber .... 51 °2 R. &R. W. Lamson, labor on for . drain, &c., water-closet, . 45 24 D. Osborn, for lumber flag room, ...... 127 75 Pay-Roll, labor on flag room, 174 gy

Arcbimedian Co., ventilator for addition to old building, . . 55 00 Brooks & Darling, rubber hose, . 263 60 Wm. F. Durfee, supt. of improvements, 51 10

51,468 85

SCHEDULE I. Recapitulation.

Feb. 27, 1865.—Appropriation for expenses Ordnance Depart- ment, §15,000 00

Dec. 30, 1863.—Amount paid sundry, bills as per Schedule A, §14,848 15

Balance on hand, .... 151 85 515,000 00

May 17, 1865.—Appropriation for building workshop, . . $4,300 00 Feb. 14, 1866.—Amount paid sundry bills, as per Schedule B, §4,145 53

Balance on hand, .... 154 47 $4,300 00

May 17, 1805.—Appropriation for machinery, ....$3,000 00

Feb. 14, 1866.—Amount paid sundry bills, as per Schedule C, . $3,600 00

. . 00 May 17, 1805.—Appropriation for iron shutters, . $2,100

Dec. 30, 1865.—Amount paid J. W. Tuck & Co., as

per Schedule D, . . . . §1,605 17

Balance on hand, .... 494 83 52,100 00 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 27

May 17, 1865.—Appropriation for grading “ New Lot,’ $l,OOO 00 Deo. 30, 1865.—Amount paid sundry bills, as per Schedule E, §998 32

Balance .on hand, .... 168 sl,ooo 00 Feb. 14, 1866.—Amount bills rendered for completion of workshop and machinery in excess of appropriation, as per Schedule F, $1,416 41 Amount bills for fire proof vaults, as

per Schedule G, . . . 506 12 Amount bills sundry improvements at

. Arsenal, as per Schedule H, . 1,468 85

Total amount in excess, ..... $3,391 38


Sale at Slate Arsenal, by order General J. H. Heed, December 6th, 1865.

Lot 1. 102 rifles, at $2.75, $2BO 50 2. 100 muskets, at $1.72-|, 172 50 2. 961 “ at $1.50, 1,441 50

3. 150 drill muskets, at $l, ...... 150 00

4. 42 musket barrels, 175 lbs., at 15c., .... 26 25 5. 101 sabre bayonet scabbards, 325 6. 907 cartridge boxes, at 13c., 117 91

“ 7. 1,277 belts, at 11c., . . . . 140 47 8. 752 waist belts, 10 00 9. 560 cap pouches, 525

10. 453 bayonet scabbards, ...... 625

11. 1,759 gun slings, ...... 26 00

12&13. 81 cartridge box tins and box sundries, ... 275

14. Lot sundries, ...... 5 00

15. 4,775 bayonet scabbards, at each,. . . . 119 37

16. 55 powder kegs, ;...... 425 17. 5 standard belts, 25

“ 18. 5 boxes, ...... 150

19. 4 snare drums, at ..... 9 50 20. 145 sabre belts, at 10c., 14 50 21. 70 sabres, at $l, 79 00

22. 261 caps, . 75

Amount carried forward, $2,616 75 28 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

Amount brought forward 12,616 75

Lot 23. 18 quill tubes, 75 25. 8 haversacks, 5 00 26. 3 tube pouches, 50 3 vent covers, 27...... 25 28. 175 lbs. rope, at 8 97 29. 10 tar buckets, 1 00 30. 2 leg guards, 62 31. 11l lbs. iron axle, at 2 78 32. 55 “ brass fuses, at 8 52 33. 290 “ scrap iron, at 4 35 “ 34. 115 wrought iron, at Ifo., ..... 2 02 35. 78 “ shutter hooks, at 2|c., 1 66 36. 145 “ “ “ at Ic., 145

“ 37. 337 parts muskets,'at .... 35 39

“ 38. 6 sheep skin, ...... 75 39. 66 “ gunny bags, at 2 31 40. 16 “ bunting, at 6|c., 1 08

“ 41. 9 brass belt plates, at .... 2 21 43. 1 roller for hoisting, 1 00 44. 60 cement casks, 4 50 45. 42 prs. shutters, 20 00 16. 13,861 lbs. shell, at 2Jc., 294 55 122 musket stock, 12 50 98 sword belts, 12 00

“ 53 “ 700

43 boxes, at $2, ...... 86 00 10 “ at 75c., 750 Boxes, ...... 5 00 2 00 l2 00

170 knapsacks, at ...... 5 95

49 haversacks, ...... 2 25 25 canteens, 94 3 pole clasps, 15 shackles, 8 tras. bolts, 9 swingle- trees, 75 lbs. at 2|c., 2 06

93 lbs. axle nuts, at 3c., ...... 279 172 “ iron axle, at 4c., 6 88 27 felloes, 1 25 28 hame straps, 2 50 95 1 whip, ...... 4 wagon poles 9 50 35 swingletrees, 12 50 27 whiffletrees 10 00 7o 27 spreaders, ..... • 2

$3,216 oi> Amount carried forward , 1866.] HOUSE—No. 90. 29

Amount brought forward, ...... $3,216 33 3 bridles, at $1.30, 3 90 6,463 lbs. bed sacks, at 180., 983 34

Total, $4,203 57

Commission, 5 per cent., $2lO 20 Handbills, 5 00 Slips, 75 Advertising, 39 37 U. S. tax, 10 51 265 83

$3,937 74 Boston, Dec. 16, 1865.

' E. E. (Signed,) N. A. THOMPSON & Co. A true copy. Attest: Chas. C. Dunbar, Major and A. Q. M. G.

Sale by N. A. Thompson, by order of General J. H. Heed. 49 target rifles, at $2.75, $134 75

128 Savage pistols, at $4, ...... 512 00 24,548 lbs. cannon powder, at 5c., 1,227 40

...... 40,000 blank cartridge, . 20 00 20,000 conical ball cartridge, at $2.50, 50 00 40,000 ball and buck cartridge, at $2.75, 110 00

9,225 elongated ball cartridge, ...... 19 87 310 spherical cartridges, 1 25 41,104 pistol cartridge, at $3.75,...... 154 13 284,450 musket caps, at 25c., 71 10

3,250 pistol caps, at $l, . 325 2 boxes, at $l, 2 00 $2,305 75

. . . $ll5 Commission,...... 30

Advertising, 4 papers, ...... 18 00

11. S. tax, ...... 576 139 00

12,166 69 Boston, December 30th, 1865.

E. E. (Signed,) N. A. THOMPSON & Co.

A true copy. Attest Chas. C. Dunp.ar, Major and A. Q. M. G. 30 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb.

SCHEDULE L. Quaßterjiaster-General’s Office, Boston,] November 11, 1865. J

His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor, and the Honorable Council

I have the honor to report the following Quartermaster’s stores, Ord- nance, and Ordnance stores, as having been inspected, and it is decided that they are not required for, nor adapted to the use of the militia. I therefore recommend their immediate sale at public auction.

Quarter^a ter’s Stores. 1 ambulance whip, new. 27 fellies, new. 28 Lame straps, new. 72 axle nuts, new. 4 polos for baggage wagon, new. 9 swingletree bolts. 35 swingletrees, new. 3 pole clasps. 27 whiffletrees, new. 15 shackles. 37 spreaders, new. 8 transom bolts, 4 iron axles, new. 3 watering bridles.

Also the following from “ Camps.” 1,805 bedsacks. 49 haversacks, infantry. 170 knapsacks. 25 canteens.

Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. 102 Windsor rifles altered to breech- 4,558 bayonet scabbards, English. loaders, Sundry pt., large ones. 50 empty powder kegs. 1,061 muskets and bayonets used at 2 standard belts. camps &c., for drill. 11 “ boxes. 150 muskets, no bayonets, used at 4 snare drums. camps &0., for drill. 178 sabre belts. 122 musket stocks for alt’d muskets. 79 cav. sabres, old pattern. 44 musket barrels “ “ 244 fuses for 12 pdr. shells. 101 sabre bayonet scabbards. 261*peroussion caps for cannon. 814 cartridge boxes. 18 quill percussion tubes. 1,282 “ box belt. 8 gunner’s haversacks.

“ 81 “ tins. 2 tube pouches. 669 waist belts. 2 vent covers. 468 cap pouches. 8 prolongs. 367 bayonet scabbards. 4 drag-ropes. 1 “ scabbard frog. 10 tar buckets, old pattern. 1,670 gun slings, 2 leg guards. 53 sword belts (shoulder black buff.) 1 iron axle.

“ 9 “ “ “ white 34 prs. shutters, wood. 1806.] HOUSE—No. 90 31

24 prs. shutter hooks, w. iron, 63 lbs. 97 lbs. oldVope. 12 11 “ u c, tc 200 “ 290 “ scrap iron, cast. 50 empty cement casks. 115 “ “ “ wrought. 1 large wheel, wood, for hoisting 55 brass time fuses for 8 in. shell. app’s. 6 lbs. sheep skin, scraps. 1 box of old stocks, parts of unser. 58 “ gunny bags. equipments. 16 “ bunting. 279 eight inch shell, condm’d by U.S. 9 lanterns, old. Sundry sorts of alt’d drill mus- kets, surplus.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant.

(Signed,) E. A. PEIRCE, Brig. Gen. and Acting Quartermaster- General of Mass.


Executive Department, Boston, I * November 22, 1865. ) Upon the foregoing report it is

Ordered author- , That the Quartermaster-General is hereby ized and instructed to sell at public auction at such time and place as he may direct, the Quartermaster’s stores, ordnance and ordnance stores enumerated in the accompanying commu- nications.

Order adopted November 22, 1865


Secretary’s Department, ) November 22, 1865. ) A true copy Attest: Charles W. Lovett, Dep. Secretary. 32 STATE ARSENAL, CAMBRIDGE. [Feb. ’6O.


Executive Department, Boston, | December 26, 1865. j Ordered, That the Quartermaster-General be authorized to sell at public auction the ordnance and ordnance stores enu- merated in his communication to governor and council of the 25th hist.

Order adopted December 26, 1865. OLIVER WARNER, Secretary.

Secretary’s Department, Boston,! December 26, 1865. j A true copy. Attest Oliver Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth.