APPENDIX A 63 : An : air carrier certificated in accordance with WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM landing strips, a control tower, hangars and accommodations for landing and A area ; 4) regularly used by aircraft or cargo. passengers for receiving discharging All-Cargo Carrier scheduled provide to 121 Part (FAR) Regulations Federal air freight, express, and mail transportation over specifiedroutes, as well as to conduct nonscheduled operations that may include passengers. : Transportation Alternative Any mode of other than single-occupant a motorized . Methods modes of travel such include as , and similar such modes. walking, bicycling, -riding, Corporation rail, Railroad National the by Operated , : of Washington, D.C. This rail system corporation is that a government-owned was organized States. passenger service in the United in 1971 to provide Arterial : (See also Freeway, Minor Arterial, Principal Arterial) serve major traffic movements or major trafficcorridors. While they may provide access to abutting through the area. function is to serve traffic moving land, their primary through for primarily used thoroughfare, major A Arterial, Major: traffic rather than for access to adjacent land, that is characterized of movement. by high vehicular capacity and continuity Minor: Arterial, A roadway that carries a mixture of local and through traffic.

for persons with disabilities. The Easily approached, as in a barrier-free environment, environment, barrier-free a in as approached, Easily Americans with Civil Act: 1990 Federal Disabilities

Airport Improvement Program: Provides Program: funding from Improvement the

US Department of Housing and Urban Development, for either home Affordable Housing: Housing that is according affordable, to the either for Development, Urban and Housing of Department US for marketed or reserved, occupied, is that and rental, or ownership does that income household gross a with households by occupancy not exceed 50 percent of the median gross household for a local Also called “low income housing”. jurisdiction. An area of Airport: land 1) or water that is used or intended to be its includes and aircraft, of takeoff and landing the for used and facilities, if any; 2) Facility used primarily by conventional, fixed-wing aircraft; 3) A facility, either on landor water, where aircraft can take off and land. Usually consists of hard-surfaced Average Daily Traffic Daily Average ADT: Airport and Airway Trust Fund for airport development, airport planning, noise compatibility planning, and to compatibility programs. carry out noise Rights legislation which prohibits equal discrimination opportunity and and access ensures Administration works to ensure nondiscriminatory Transit Federal ADA. transportation in support of the AIP ADA Accessibility: as in availability of services. or easily attained, The Access Rights: element identifies who has acquired a segment. access rights over legal Average Annual Daily Traffic Annual Daily Average AADT: Glossary of Transportation Terms Glossary Transportation of A: APPENDIX Any road, , or way which in some manner is A A tool Architecture: Information Flow Border based on : Railroad Fe Santa Burlington Northern In 1995, Lane): (Bike Lane Bicycle A portion of a roadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for use of bicyclists. or exclusive the preferential (Bike Path): Path Bicycle A bikeway physically separated from within either barrier or space open an by traffic vehicular motorized right-of-way. or within and independent the highway right-of-way segment of Route): A Route (Bike Bicycle a system of bikeways designated by the jurisdiction having authority, with appropriate bicycle specific a without or with markers, information directional route number. BIFA existing U.S. and Canadian National Systems Intelligent Transportation (ITS) Architectures, ensure to Canada and developed (FHWA) Administration Highway by the U.S. that Federal deployed at border crossings interact efficiently with one another. of Lading: Bill A document issued by a common shipper that carrier serves as: 1) A receipt to for the goods a delivered to the carrier for shipment; definitionA 2) of the of therein; to the goods described Title of Document A the goods; 3) Bikeway: specifically designated as being open to bicycle travel regardless of whether such facilities are designated for the exclusive use of other transportation modes. bicycles or are to be shared with required program level State A : BMS Bridge Management System by ISTEA. Compiles, analyzes and summarizes information on bridge conditions for effective management and maintenance and as input to the transportation process. BNSF the former Burlington Northern Railway in systems railway largest the of one forming and merged, Corporation Santa Fe Pacific the . The application Key performance indicators for which quantifiable A water area that is an opening of the sea/ocean into the into sea/ocean the of opening an is that area water A A vehicle having two tandem wheels, propelled by by propelled wheels, tandem two having vehicle A WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM A crossing of highways, railroad tracks, other tracks, railroad highways, of crossing A Crossing: At Grade grade. or level same the at walkways pedestrian and/or guideways, System: The Information application Traveler Advanced ATIS of advanced to provide real time travel information to travelers. Management System: Advanced Traffic ATMS of advanced telecommunications technology to the surveillance and management of traffic flow, to improve efficiency. system information traffic data, and other traffic Automobile: A wheeled motor motor. also carries its own or passengers, which vehicle used for transporting Systems: The Control application Vehicle Automatic of AVCS advanced technology to traffic control, includingdata management, acquisition, message systems, radio other systems to improve efficiency. and : Lightweight freight Balloon Freight : A non-motorized water vessel, usually flat-bottomed and for transporting freight. towed or pushed by other craft, used Bay/Inlet: lake or river into its shore. land, or of an estuary, Benchmark: may be set. or directional targets specific segment of wharf where aA tiesup alongside Berth: at a pier, wharf, quay, or other structure that provides a breasting surface for the vessel. Typically, this extension structure of is an a improved stationary shore or passengers. transfer of cargo and intended to facilitate the Affairs BIA: Bureau of Indian Bicycle: power, upon which any person or persons may ride. power,

APPENDIX A 64 APPENDIX A 65 hold, it is a measure Rules established to protect Federal legislation that establishes standards standards establishes that legislation Federal Costs of long term physical assets, such as WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM An arrangement in which two to six people share the use the share people six to two which in arrangement An : The complete enumeration of a population or groups at Critical Areas Areas Critical Ordinance: Canada Border Services Agency: The Services Canada Border Canadian Agency Act: Clean Air CAA critical areas. Capital Costs: equipment, rights of investments. with public transportation traditionally identified way, stations, buildings and Carbon A Footprint: measure of the , amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels. In the case on based is measure the enterprise, or business, organization, an of routine operations. For an individual or ­ related to day-to-day living. Often expressed as basis. carbon emitted, usually on a yearly dioxide or tons of tons of carbon Cargo Vessel: 1) Any vessel other than a passenger any ferry vessel; being operated under authority 2) of a change of character certificate issued by a Coast Inspection. Officer-inGuard Charge, Marine Carpool: between automobile owned privately a in traveling of costs, or and See also ridesharing and vanpool. fixed points on a regular basis. CBD Central Business District: The downtown trade and commerce area of a or an area of very high valuation, traffic flow, and concentration of retail business , theaters, hotels and services. CBSA responsible for monitoring 119 international . land border crossings and 9 Census a point in time with respect to example, population, production, traffic on particular . well-defined characteristics: for for air quality in the United States. in the United for air quality CAO

Agency having authority to review A A facility used primarily for the handling and Authority: Certifying CA plans for that agency and Authority others. is granted by the state. : Exclusive freeway lane for and . Busway: Exclusive freeway lane for buses : A lane restricted to buses, generally up used public to transport speed that would be otherwise congestion. Local held traffic laws up may allow by car traffic pools, motorcycles and bicycles access to the lane. Bulk Terminal: Bulk Terminal: Bus: Includes intercity buses, mass transit systems, buses and that are available shuttle to the general Also public. includes Dial- A-Bus and Senior Citizen buses. As part of the USDOT, USDOT, the of part As Statistics: Transportation of BTS Bureau the BTS compiles, analyzes, and makes accessible on information the nation’s transportation systems; collects improves and needed; as areas other and transportation intermodal information on the quality and through effectiveness research, development of of guidelines, and DOT’s promotion and use. improvements in data acquisition of statistical programs : Cargo not packaged or broken into smaller is either dry (grain) or liquid (). Bulk cargo units. storage of commodities barrels 50,000 of capacity such storage bulk total a has which as chemicals, petroleum products, grain or or more. Packaged Packaged Cargo: Breakbulk products that can be utilized into larger parcels and assembled together, boards for bound by example, wire, or on gathered up in pallet rope a vessel. on and off means of lifting cargo slings as a : Break-Bulk Packages that are handled individually, palletized, or unitized for purposes of transportation as opposed to bulk and freight. containerized In rural areas, routes serving rather intra-county, than A A Carbon Dioxide: colorless, odorless non-poisonous gas 2 under under an itinerary either specifiedin advance the place of origin. having left or modified after Change: Climate Refers to the variation in climate (or in regional climates) over time. It describes changes in the earth’s global state of the atmosphere. or average the variability A CO Carbon Monoxide: colorless, odorless, highly toxic gas that is a normal by-product of incomplete combustion. harmful in small air pollutants, which can be It is one of the major over a certain period of time. amounts if breathed CO that is a normal part of the ambient air. It is a product of fossil fuel fossil of product a is It air. ambient the of part normal a is that combustion. All United Coastal Zone: States waters subject to the tide, waters and specified Champlain, Lake and Lakes Great the of the of waters other zone, contiguous the of waters rivers, inland on high seas subject to the National Contingency Plan, and the land proximal air ambient and waters, ground substrate, land or surface to those waters. The term “coastal zone” federal responsibility delineates for response an action. area Precise boundaries of are determined by agreements between the and EPA the USCG, and are identified in Federal Regional Contingency Contingency Plans. Plans and Area Collectors: statewide travel. In urban areas, streets providing direct access to to arterials. neighborhoods as well as direct access Combination Vessels - A type of ship that accommodates both container and break-bulk cargo. It can be either self-sustaining or non-self-sustaining. Airport: Commercial A public airport which is determined enplane to annually 2,500 or more passengers and receive scheduled passenger service of aircraft. Formal process by which the Whatcom Council of Capital Facilities Plan: Capital Facilities A required element of the WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM A Division: Census A geographic area consisting of several Census. the States of Bureau Commerce, of Department US the by defined and four regions. nine divisions are grouped into The states Certification: Governments recognizes the consistency of local transportation- related planning provisions with the Metropolitan Transportation with state planning mandates. Plan and conformity CFP Comprehensive Plan designed to form a development better match and between provision inventory of of existing facilities, forecast of future needs and a six- services. It year financing plan. must include an compilation of the general A Regulations: CFR Code of Federal and permanent rules of the executive departments and agencies of the federal Government as published in the Federal The Register. code is divided into 50 titles that represent broad area subject to Federal regulation. Station: Freight CFS Container facility for loading and unloading containerized cargo to container terminal. and from , also called Channel Bottom: Project depth or grade elevation. : Channel Width The upstream channel width not the plain). dimensions of the defined channel, (bank to bank bus transporting a group of persons who pursuant A Bus: Charter to a common purpose, and under a single contract at a fixed price, have acquired the exclusive use of a bus to travel together under an itinerary. of Passengers: Transportation Transportation, Charter using a common a to pursuant who persons of group a of vessel, or vehicle purpose, under a single contract, at a fixed charge for the vehicle, have acquired the exclusive use of the vehicle to travel together

APPENDIX A 66 APPENDIX A 67 tions WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Shipment: A method of shipping whereby an A A condition characterized by unstable traffic flows commute trips by the employee. by the trips commute state planning requirement to ensure A that needed Concurrency: services and facilities are in place by completed and to be occupied or that funding has been committed the time development is within six years. such services to provide Congestion: that prohibits the movement on a transportation facility at optimal legal speeds. Recurrent congestion is caused by constant excess volume compared with capacity. incidents. such as special events and/or traffic caused by actions Nonrecurring congestion shipper or seller is a whom to company, or individual The Consignee: sends merchandise purpose and the for owner merchandise the as who, recognized is documents, upon presentation of duties. of declaring and paying customs necessary Consignor: A term used to describe any goods to person himself or to who another party in a consigns bill of lading equivalent document. A consignor might be the owner of on behalf of his principle. who consigns goods the goods, or a Consistency: The among degree planning of provisions. addresses consistency in The compatibility three ways: (1) internal Growth consistency or of comprehensive plans, Management (2) consistency agreement of Act zoning and regula­ with the comprehensive plan, and jurisdictions. (3) consistency with other Consolidated agent (freight forwarder or consignments from consolidator) various shippers into one shipment made combines to a individual of preferential rates. destination agent, for the benefit Consolidator - An agent shipments for one destination to qualify for preferential rates. who brings together a number of features and amenities. 2) The

An alternative work schedule, in Fixed route bus service, characterized A business who, through a contract of carriage, carriage, of contract a through who, business A Compressed Work Week: Week: Work Compressed A Plan: A Comprehensive land use document that identifies and for a local jurisdiction. guides growth and development National Complete Streets our in streets and roads the of function and feel look, the transform Coalition seeks designed, planned, are to roads most way the changing by community fundamentally and constructed. accordance with employer policy that regularly allows a full time employee to eliminate at least one work day every two weeks by fewer in resulting days, remaining the during hours longer working Complete Streets: 1) Streets that are designed transit-riders, and cyclists, pedestrians, – users all operated for travel safe ensure to and motorists. Typically, complete crosswalks, bike streets lanes, and other include sidewalks, Commuter Bus Service: Bus Service: Commuter city a between service transport rail passenger A Rail: Commuter center, and outer and commuter towns or other locations numbers of commuters. that draw large : Carrier: Common Commuter: A person who regularly between home and work or school. by service predominantly in one direction during peak limiting stops, periods, use of multi-ride tickets, and routes length, of usually between extended the central business district and outlying suburbs. Commuter bus service may also include other characterized service, by a limited route structure, mode of transportation. coordinated relationship to another limited stops, and a : Regular travel between home and a fixed location (e.g., location fixed a and home between travel Regular : Commute work, school). undertakes undertakes to perform or procure the performance of carriage by modes. of combination a by or waterway, inland air, sea, road, rail, A A finding of no . ; duties realized on realized duties import duty; export duty Any funds raised specifically for transit A person with a disability is an individual with a with individual an is disability a with person A A condition that does not meet adopted policy criteria. policy adopted meet not does that condition A An authority or agency in a country responsible for Demand Response (Dial-a-Ride): Non-fixed-routeDemand Response (Dial-a-Ride): service utilizing vans or buses with passenger and alighting at within the system service area. pre-arranged times at any location damages liquidated represents that cost ancillary An - Demurrage for delays. It occurs when the shipping vessel is prevented from time. within the stipulated lay cargo loading or discharging Another name for “Demand Response.” Dial-A-Ride: Disabled Person: Dedicated Funds: Dedicated Funds: purposes and which are dedicated at their source (e.g. sales , gasoline tax, and property tax), rather than through an allocation from the pool of general funds. Deficiency: more or one limits substantially that impairment mental or physical of the major life activities such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, learning and working. seeing hearing, speaking, breathing, DNS Determination of Non significant environmental impact. Significance: Customs: collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the of a country. goods in and out flow of : A person Customs Broker licensed by the Treasury Department to transact business at a customhouse on behalf of importers and exporters. kind A Customs Duty: of indirect tax which is realized on goods of international trade. Duties levied by the government in relation as to referred are items imported to are called export consignments A A series of figures is expressed in constant WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM dollars when the effect of change in the purchasing power of of terms in the expressed are data the Usually removed. been has dollar a set of years. or the average of a selected year dollars of containers. shipped in Cargo: Cargo Containerized Lanes Way) of Right also (See Access : Controlled Rights-of-Way vehicles transit by use for day the of portion a least at for restricted and other HOV’s. Use of controlled access permitted for lanes vehicles preparing may to turn. also The restriction be must be sufficiently enforced so that 95 percent of the vehicles using the to use them. restricted period are authorized lanes during the State): Administrative Board (Washington CRAB County Road Provides accountability through standards of good professional and practice, technical and programs, fair funding of administration State County Road Departments. Washington assistance to the 39 As definedCritical Areas: by each jurisdiction, including at least the following areas and ecosystems: (a) wetlands; (b) areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water; (c) fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas; (d) frequently flooded areas; and (e) geologically hazardous. Group Advisory Transportation Citizens CTAG: Reduction: Washington State Trip CTR Commute Legislation requiring major employers in the nine most populated counties to take measures to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles (SOV) trips. of terms in service or good a of value dollar Dollars: The Current contrasts This sold. is service or good the time the at current prices dollars. constant in measured service or good the of value the with Custom House: The government where duties and/or tolls vessels or vehicles on paid are and exports or imports on placed are entered or cleared. Constant Dollars: Dollars: Constant

APPENDIX A 68 APPENDIX A 69 A A program of the DOT, designated plant, fish, and animal The managerial and administrative In reference to transportation, the inverse of WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Federal Aviation Administration: Aviation Federal An area that is vulnerable Area: Sensitive Environmentally Established in 1970, the 1970, in Agency: Established Protection Environmental habitat. Board (WCOG): Executive Locations having a concentration of jobs or or jobs of concentration a having Locations Center: Employment employment. Centers, which vary in size and density, serve sub- or local markets. regional benefits, and costs of distribution fair The Justice: Environmental based on a concern for social concerned with equity. the right Environmental of all people justice to enjoy a is safe, clean, and healthy environment, and with fairness and across racial income, groups in ethnic, the landfills. or plants power sitting as such uses, land large and other or facilities, operation of , agencies federal directs (1994) 12898 Order Executive Presidential — and those receiving federal funds — to make justice environmental part of their missions by identifying effects and of addressing all the programs, policies, and activities on low-income populations. minority and Energy Efficiency: energy intensiveness: the ration of outputs from a process to the per gall of fuel (mpg). inputs; for example, miles traveled energy EPA environment the and health human protect to is EPA the of mission research, science, environmental nation’s the leading by and assessment efforts. ESA to negative environmental impacts, such as wetland, may a also be floodan EPA plain or a body of the Whatcom Council the Executive of Board are appointed Governments. by Full Members Council Members to of represent the member governments. FAA is responsible for civil aviation safety. the FAA The sum of hourly delay values (for 24 (for values delay hourly of sum The Standards for the levels of pollutants emitted from automobiles and . Emissions Standards: EIS: Environmental Impact Statement hours) for all vehicles traveling on a typical day for both directions directions both for day typical a on traveling vehicles all for hours) in one mile of roadway. Daily Vehicle Delay: Vehicle DVD Daily An artificial basin fitted with gate or caisson intoDrydock: which a vessel may be floated and from which the water may be pumped out to expose the bottom of the vessel. Dry-Bulk Container: A container constructed to powder and other free-flowing solids in bulk. Used in conjunction carry grain, with a tilt chassis or platform. Dry Bulk Cargo: Cargo which bulk may in shipped is and ore, and , be grain, as such solid, or flowing loose, granular, free- rather than in package form. Dry bulk is cargo usually handled by specialized mechanical handling equipment at specially designed dry bulk terminals. To clean, deepen or widen harbors and waterways. clean, deepen or widen harbors To : A shipping lane that has been dug out to out dug been has that lane shipping A Shipping Lane: Dredged depth of water for navigation. provide an adequate DOH: Department of Health Department of Ecology, also abbreviated as Ecology. also abbreviated as Ecology. DOE: Department of Ecology, : Dockage (See also Wharfage) Charge assessed against a vessel for berthing at a wharf, pier, bulkhead structure, or so berthed. mooring to a vessel bank or for : Dock (See also Marina, Wharf) Pier, For ships, a cargo handling area parallel to the shoreline; for land transportation, a loading or or carrier terminal. industrial location platform at an unloading Any commodity or good in the process of being : The FTA : Administration Federal was The Transit established FTA Fiscal : Trade Foreign The exchange movements (imports and exports) between the United of States and and foreign countries. waterborne its territory, commodity where authority, port a by operated area, An Zone: Trade Foreign foreign merchandise may be stored or manipulated pending sale or reshipment without limitation as to time and without customs tariffs. Fossil Fuel: Any naturally occurring and natural gas. petroleum, coal, organic fuel, such as restricted A Port: Free area at a seaport for the handling of duty- goods. exempted import Freight: transported. Container: Freight A reusable container having a volume of 64 lifted being permit to constructed and designed more, or feet cubic from or to container ships, trucks and intact. with its contents FTA as mass a improved of development the component in assist to 1) of are Administration the DOT in planning the encourage to 2) methods, and facilities transportation 1968. The missions of and establishment of area wide urban mass transportation systems the 3) to provide assistance to State and local governments and their financial provide to 4) systems, such financing in instrumentalities assistance to State and local national goals relating to mobility. governments to help implement A Regional District: Valley FVRD Fraser division of ’s government which oversees the planning, strategies within its district boundaries. and policies of the communities FY: Federal Highway Administration: A component of The required payment for a ride on a public transportation : Program Aid Safety discretionary STP funds Federal for Federal Fiscal Year: October 1 to September 30. Year: Federal Fiscal WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM : Fare: statewide System: A Transportation and Goods FGTS Freight roads, county highways, state of system classification and network tonnages by classified are Routes freight. carry that streets city and of freight carried per year. FHWA vehicle. It may be paid by any acceptable or pass. voucher, fare-card, , transfer, cash, token, means, for example, FASP highway and street improvement projects that reduce or eliminate locations. hazards at specific : Replacement Program FBR Federal Bridge Funds for the replacement or rehabilitation of deficient bridges due to structural deterioration or functional obsolescence. problems, physical : Highways Federal-Aid Those highways eligible for assistance under Title 23 U.S.C. except those functionally classifiedas local or rural minor collectors. Federal Functional Classification: The process by which public streets and classifications The highways provide. are to intended grouped are into they service classes of character according to the are: principal and minor arterials, major and minor collectors, and local streets or road. FFY the Department of Transportation Transportation administering Programs the of Highway the provisions of law. under pertinent legislation and the Department of Transportation Route: Fixed Transit service pick to stopping vehicles provided with route specific a along basis schedule on a repetitive up and deliver passengers to specific locations. fixed Forecast Projection of population or future year. employment for a given

APPENDIX A 70 APPENDIX A 71 : Passenger vehicles carrying two : A motorized vehicle that is owned, leased, WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM High Occupancy Vehicle High Occupancy Lane: Exclusive road or traffic lane limited to buses, A public transit system, such as rail, as such system, transit public A Transit: High Capacity House Bill House HB: HCT passengers. many able to accommodate Program HEP: Hazard Elimination The Hours of Delay: aggregate time lost by all travelers in the region on all facilities due to congestion, as measured by the time to reach destinations at posted speed limits versus traveling at a speed. slower congested Household Vehicle rented or company owned and available to be used regularly by household members. HOV or more persons. Examples of high occupancy vehicles are a bus, vanpool, and carpool. HOV vehicles. , carpools, and emergency physical System: The HPMS Highway Performance Monitoring system and extent the on information provide to FHWA the by used and performance, use, its system, highway nation’s the of condition needs. The system includes an inventory of highways the nation’s including traffic volumes. Fund Tax HUTF: Highway Users IM Intestate Maintenance: STP funding allocations directed to maintain the existing interstate system. Funding is provided for resurfacing, restoring, rehabilitating and reconstructing interstate highways. Impact Fees: Costs imposed on new development to fund public fiscal ease and development new by required improvements facility burdens of providing services on localities. includes agricultural A system of hardware, system of A All aircraft which are not commercial or Within the Within planning process, a goal identifies a desired end Adopted Act: by Congress Management Growth in 1990, Greenbelts/Greenways: An open space, natural area that is Goal: structures other and bridges , of use Separated: The Grade to separate levels on which roadways, railroad tracks, guideways and walkways intersect. the GMA sought to create a method for comprehensive land use planning involving citizens, communities, counties, , and the private sector that would prevent uncoordinated and growth. unplanned state. protected from development and construction, GMA software, and date about areas of the Earth. disseminating information for collecting, storing, analyzing, and Geographical Information Systems: GIS Geographical Information General Cargo: Those General products or commodities such as timber, structural , rolled newsprint, or unitization. to packaging that are not conductive equipment concrete forms, agricultural military aircraft. military General Aviation: Aviation: General Greater Vancouver Regional District: Vancouver GVRD Greater A division of British Columbia’s government which strategies oversees and the policies planning, of boundaries. the communities within its district : One Tonnage Gross method of expressing an amount of freight or vessel. that includes the container, Components of the atmosphere which contribute contribute which atmosphere the of Gas: Components Greenhouse to global warming, including carbon dioxide, oxide, and methane, fluorinated gases. nitrous Human activities have added to the occurring gases. levels of most of these naturally lands, parks, wetlands, wildlife corridors and other similar uses. lands, parks, wetlands, wildlife corridors Typically Typically used in three contexts: 1) most facility facility for transfer to truck then on container movement, generally ship. refers For to freight a trip including transfer ground. marine and between Intermodalism: narrowly, it refers to other technologies , that provide piggyback a seamless service, movement and of people by or more than goods one . 2) more broadly, intermodalism refers to the provision modes, different such as adequate highways to ports or bus feeder of connections between services as adequate highways to ports or bus feeder to refers services intermodalism interpretation, broadest to its In 3) transit. rail a holistic view of transportation in which modes work together or most or costly least the user the provide to niches own their within timely service. International Airport: 1) Any Contracting State in whose territory it airport is situated as an airport of designated entry and departure by for international air traffic. the 2) An airportentry of which has been designated by the Secretary of Treasury or Commissioner of Customs as an international airport for customs service. 3) A landing rights airport at which specific permission to land must be obtained from customs authorities in advance of contemplated use. Airport 4) designated under the Convention on International Civil Organization Aviation as an airport for use by international commercial air transport and/or international general aviation. State lines. Interstate: Movement of people or goods across Limited Expressway): or Interstate Highway (Freeway access divided highway of at least four lanes divided designated A by System. the Interstate the Federal of part as Administration Highway arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and grade separations at major intersections. within the same state. Travel Intrastate: such as rooftops, sidewalks, roads, sidewalks, rooftops, as such A A location where links between different Surfaces 1) In transit systems, all the fixed components of WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM and parking lots — covered by impenetrable materials, including asphalt, concrete, , and stone. These materials seal surfaces, repel water and prevent precipitation and runoff from infiltrating into soils. System: A IMS Intermodal Management systematic process of identifying key linkages transportation, identifying between where the one performance or use or of overall the enhance to strategies defining one another, affect will mode more modes of transportation system. performance of the Corridor Project Trade and IMTC: International Mobility Inclusionary Zoning: Zoning that requires developers to provide a portion of housing units in a specific project or area to meet the people. needs of low and moderate income of development the requiring or encouraging of practice The In-fill: developed or (UGA), area growth urban city, a within lies that land area outside resource lands, farther where or out farther land services of favor in parcels are such over passing available than rather from available services. Infrastructure: equipment, signal tracks, rights-of-way, as such system, transit the stations, lots, bus stops and maintenance facilities. 2) In transportation planning, all system operates. environment in which a transportation the relevant elements of the Rail: Intercity Rail transportation between cities, generally over speeds. long distances and at relatively high Terminal: Intermodal transportation modes and networks connect, using more than one persons and goods. mode of transportation in moving Intermodal Transportation: Use of more transportation; e.g., transporting consumer goods to an intermodal than one type of Impervious Surface: Surface: Impervious

APPENDIX A 72 APPENDIX A 73 affordable housing”. housing”. “affordable A designated area of a port, which may include may which port, a of area designated A WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Another name for public transportation. Another name for public transportation. The ability of any individual to move about A facility for accommodating boats and providing a range a providing and boats accommodating for facility A A truck shipment wherein cargo in the in cargo wherein shipment truck A Truckload: Less than income income that does called Also not jurisdiction. local a exceed for household 50 percent of the median gross LTL more than one shipment. van consists of trailer or Area Boundary MAB: Metropolitan conveyance, individual an on people or freight the of list A Manifest: carrier. or marine being transported by a rail, air highway, Marina: boat repair. such as cleaning and incidental of other services Handling: Marine Cargo Processes directly related to moving cargo to or from a vessel at dock, pier, terminal, staging area, or in-transit area until loaded or unloaded. Loading may include the pipelines, , trucks, , and ship between cargo of transfer or wharfs, and may include operation and maintenance of piers, facilities. docks, and associated buildings and Marine Terminal: wharves, , storage spaces, cold storage plants, grain , cargo convenience and care, loading, , the for Used stations. receiving unloading structures, land between same of landings, interchange the in passengers and/or cargo of and water carriers. and water carriers or between two Mass Transit: Mobility: geographically. Mode: A form of transport, for either people or bicycle. marine, bus and goods air, General categories include ground, or both. Mode Split: A term that describes the relative number of people using carious forms, or modes, of transportation. Frequently used to describe the percentage of people using private automobiles as opposed to the percentage using transit. Or, in the case of freight, use. highway of percentage the versus marine using percentage the

Includes counties and cities, the term may also The 1991 act that gave significant authority to MPOs Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Low Income Housing: Housing that is affordable, to the according US Department of Housing and Urban Development, either for home ownership or rental, and that is occupied, reserved, or marketed for occupancy by households with a gross household LID: Local Improvement District determine to used mechanism A : Standard LOS Level of Service in if a given facility or service is operating efficiently. level-of-service for transportation now take into account overall people-moving performance, rather than focusing on traditional and capacity. assessments of vehicular volume LCL: Less than container load. operate can that system transit rail powered electric : An on a variety of rights of ranging way, from mixed traffic on street station narrow by characterized Generally separated. grade fully to spacing, slower average operating speeds and shorter train units than heavy rail. Land Conservation and Development Commission LCDC: Land Conservation and Development include federal and state agencies and federally recognized tribes. include federal and state agencies Jurisdiction: Intelligent Vehicle Highway System Vehicle IVHS: Intelligent Intelligent Transportation Systems: Transportation ITS Intelligent A category transportation-related technologies that include most of any system that relies on the integration and application Generally refers of to real-time the data. application of advanced computer technology electronics to enable safer and and more efficient vehicular traffic flow. ISTEA 1991: of by mandating a collaborative and transit planning funding, and requiring approach inclusion of consideration to for modes. multiple highway Failure to comply with a standard or regulation National Administration: The Highway Safety Traffic Nation Environmental Policy Act: Policy Nation Environmental The 1969 act that Natural Resource Lands: Resource Natural Natural Resource agricultural, Lands , and include mineral resource already characterized lands by that urban growth are and that not have significance long-term for the commercial products. agricultural production of food or other Highway Research Program NCHRP: National Cooperative NEPA required agencies to integrate process. decision making environmental values into single a of the units of entirely consisting Shipments Neo-bulk Cargo: metal. or scrap cars, lumber, such as commodity, Institute NHI: National Highway The NHS National Highway System: National Highway System was created by Congress to important deemed been have that roadway US of miles 160,000 in 1995. It includes and mobility”. defense economy, “the nation’s approximately NHTSA 1970 of Act Safety Highway the by established was Administration Administration was established to carry (23 The U.S.C. 401 note). out a congressional mandate to reduce the mounting number deaths, injuries, and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle of highways. crashes on the Nation’s Noncompliance: statutes. the of section a with or 43, Chapter U.S.C. 46 under issued Non-Motorist: Any person who is not an occupant vehicle in of transport and includes the a following: 1) Pedestrians, 2) motor Pedalcyclists, 3) Occupants of parked motor vehicles, 4) Others such as joggers, skateboard riders, people riding on animals, and persons riding in animal-drawn conveyances.

: Maximum A A federally- A A two or three wheeled motor vehicle designed to Multipliers account for the direct and indirect economic indirect and direct the for account Multipliers Metropolitan Planning Organization: Planning Metropolitan Metropolitan Transportation Plan: Transportation Metropolitan Plan Required of : The geographic area in which in area geographic The : Area Planning Metropolitan WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM mandated and representatives of up made is that federally-funded States United the in organization transportation authorities. transportation governmental and policy-making government local from MTP MPOs. Addressing Multimodal Concurrency: transportation system performance by taking transportation solutions that provide into alternatives to driving alone. account land Moves beyond the assessment of vehicle development travel to focus more on and system. the people-moving capacity of the Transportation: Multimodal Also referred but contract single a under goods to of transportation the is transport, as combined of transport. means performed with at least two different Multiplier: tax services, and goods of purchases earnings, employees of effects payments, and payments of principal and interest for a particular business sector of the economy. The impact of these overall employment in the regional economy are referred to as the effects on of a particular employment sector. ‘multiplier’ Standards Quality Air Ambient NAAQS National EPA. the by determined emissions pollution air of levels allowable Agreement Trade American Free North NAFTA: Motorcycle: Motorcycle: the metropolitan transportation planning process app. U.S.C. required (49 Act by Transit Federal the of 23 8 section and 134 U.S.C. out. 1607) must be carried MPO transport transport one or two people, including motor-scooters, mini-bikes and mopeds. MPA

APPENDIX A 74 APPENDIX A 75 dency on A A continuous way designated WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Any person not in or upon a motor vehicle or other Preliminary Engineering: Preliminary Analysis and design work to for pedestrians and separated from the through lanes vehicles by space or barrier. for motor automobile travel. Walkway): (or Pedestrian Walk support fixed-route service. fixed-route support Ride: and Park A facility that allows commuters to leave their system, rail bus, a to transfer and lot parking a in vehicles personal their trip. for the rest of or carpool A Matter: Particulate pollutant consisting of matter Particulate smoke. liquid and dust, soot, as and such air, the in solid particles pollution includes inhalable coarse particles of 10 micrometers or less in diameter (PM10), and fine particles of 2.5micrometers or less in diameter (PM2.5). These particles may pose serious health environmental as well as ailments, lung and heart as such problems, particularly Automobiles, visibility. reduced as such consequences, those fueled with diesel, are a significantmatter. source of particulate PE produce construction plans, specifications and cost estimates. PE brings plans to 30 percent complete. The next step, Final Design, brings plans to 100 percent completion. Peak Period: The period of the day during which the maximum amount of travel occurs. It may be specified as the morning (AM) or afternoon or evening (PM) peak. Generally from 6AM-9AM, 4PM-7PM. Pedestrian: vehicle. The Pedestrian Oriented Development: development and siting of housing, commercial space, services, and job opportunities in a intended is development Such walking. accommodates that manner to create more vibrant urban areas and to reduce depen­ State agency responsible responsible agency State A A cargo policy that is an open contract; An agency responsible for providing a service or Office of Financial Management: Management: Financial of Office : Transit service that upon demand, is providing “point-to-point” scheduled travel. Normally used or in specialized dispatched applications with user eligibility limitations (e.g., elderly and/or handicapped) or where demand is not sufficient to An Ozone: air pollutant that is a toxic, nitrogen colorless gas of which is oxides the and (HC) hydrocarbons of reaction the of product (NOx) in the presence of sunlight in the atmosphere. Automobile of ozone. emissions are the primary source WSDOT Office of Urban Mobility OUM: WSDOT Operator: operating a facility (e.g. Whatcom is a transit operator). : A Road: A Travel Open to Public road must be available, except during scheduled periods, extreme weather or other conditions, and emergency open to the general public for use by four-wheel, signs, prohibitive gates, restrictive without cars passenger standard or regulation other than restrictions based on size, weight, or class considered not are facilities toll public of plazas Toll registration. of restrictive gates. e.g., it provides protection for all shipments specified in geographic transit within trade a area for a limitedis referred to periodas “open” of because time. It it does requirements not reporting grouped require or Summary shipments. reporting individual of policies. vary with different Open Policy: for preparing population forecasts used by counties and their cities cities their and counties by used forecasts population preparing for local comprehensive plans. in development of OFM A Study: A Origin-Destination O-D study of where person vehicle or trips begin and end. May also include trip purposes and frequency. A A municipal Major streets or highways, many with multi- Water and/or sewer service owned and Water operated A A strategy for charging users of transportation systems. Public Transportation BenefitArea: corporation of the State of which Washington may be created transportation by public provide to county a of authority legislative the is PTBA a of body governing The area. the of residents to services benefit area authority. referred to as a “public transportation PTMS: Public Management System Transportation Facilities Authority: Public A Federal, State, and instrumentality or county, government town local other or or municipal tribe, township, Indian Equipment thereof, with authority to finance, toll- free highway facilities. highway facilities, either as toll or build, operate, or maintain Entity: Public (See also Private Entity) 1) government; 2) Any Any department, agency, special purpose state district, or local governments; local or state more or one of instrumentality other or and (Amtrak) Corporation Passenger Railroad National The 3) and any commuter authority. A port at which foreign goods are admitted into the into admitted are goods foreign which at port A of Entry: Port country. receiving port A where : Loading of Port cargo is loaded aboard the vessel, stowed lashed, and set A : of rules and Port Tariff regulations governing a port along facilities. for using a port’s fees and charges with the published Pricing: and/or costs, cover facility, the for demand manage to used be May objectives. achieve other policy Arterial: Principle lane or freeway design, connect major generators of travel. movements that serving high-volume traffic corridor Utilities: Private by an entity other than a political subdivision of the federal, state or tribal governments. PTBA A A process of comparing actual : A measure A of : person travel. When A trip made by a person from one location to another, another, to location one from person a by made trip A : A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, control and valves pumps, with conduit, closed A : A A Pavement Management System: state-level program Person Miles of Travel Person Miles of WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM one person travels one mile, the result is one person mile of travel. of mile person one is result the mile, one travels person one Where two or more persons travel together in the vehicle the as miles same person of number same the vehicle, makes person each miles. Therefore, four persons traveling five miles vehicle results in 20 person miles. in the same area in which are located marine terminal facilities A Port: transportation. between ships and land for transferring cargo An Port Authority: entity of state or local government or private sector that owns, operates, or otherwise provides wharf, dock and other marine terminal investments at ports. performance against policies procedures, calculation and collection set data the conducting includes by the planning ongoing basis. results on a specified regular and and reporting the process. It Trip: Person divided solids. for conveying fluids, gases, or finely PMS required by and management effective for conditions pavement on information ISTEA. Compiles, planning process. maintenance and as input to the transportation analyzes and summarizes PMT Performance Indicator: The Indicator: Performance set of progress toward, movement away evidence from, or static state that in implementation policy or shows policy achievement. A quantitative of measure how well an activity, task measure a or relating by function computed usually is is it being systems, transportation performed. In to a measure of service input/cost. of service output/use Monitoring: Performance passenger or pedestrian. whether as a driver, Petroleum Refinery: An installation that manufactures finished petroleum products from crude oil, unfinished oils, alcohol. liquids, other hydrocarbons, and natural gas Pipeline

APPENDIX A 76 APPENDIX A 77 : Establishments primarily engaged : A business or that has a direct a has that industry or business A : A A process by which people who are interested in WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM A A form of transportation in which more than one The addition of a layer or layers of paving material Way: Right of The land (usually a strip) acquired for or Administration: Programs and Special Research Rural Improvement District: Local District: Rural Improvement tax district formed to The intermodal transportation transportation intermodal Plan: The Transportation Regional RefinedPetroleum Pipelines in the pipeline transportation of refined products oil. and fuel such as gasoline petroleum, of Industry Based Resource relationship to natural resources such forestry as and fishing. This agriculture, type of industry minerals, is generally located in to the resource or resource land. close proximity Resurfacing: to provide additional structural integrity, improved serviceability, and rideability. RID in rural areas. provide local improvements Ridership: The number of rides taken by people using a public time period. transportation system in a given Ridematching: origin the on based others with linked are vanpooling or carpooling and destination of their commutes. Ridesharing: train, or bus car, van, a as such vehicle, the of use the shares person Also known as “carpooling” or “vanpooling.” to make a trip. ROW purposes. devoted to highway transportation RSPA Established in 1977 under the for DOT, the RSPA hazardous is multimodal training, safety responsible preparedness, emergency materials transportation transportation and transportation research and development activities, and collection pipeline safety, data. and dissemination of air carrier economic RTP the region. for plan developed by the RTPO Transportation Transportation by bus, rail, or other Local option tax traditionally used traditionally tax option Local Tax: Real Estate Excise Revised Code of Washington: The Washington: Revised Code of codified version of : A road A : Program Arterial and Rural bridge reconstruction REET RDP: Revenue Development Plans in part for transportation improvements. current Washington State law. Washington current RCW Ramp Metering: Traffic signal control on an entry freeway for regulating vehicle access. ramp to a funding program of CRAB that counties compete for every two years within their respective regions. RAP : An airport which is publicly owned and owned publicly is which airport An Publicly Owned Airport: under control of a public agency. Water and/or sewer services owned and operated Water Utilities: Public by a political subdivision of federal, state or tribal governments and districts). (includes water and sewer districts Public Transportation: Public Transportation: conveyance, either publicly or privately owned, which provides continuing and regular a on service special or general public the to basis. Also known as “mass transportation,” “mass transit” “transit.” and Public Transit Agencies: Public Transit A public administering and managing transit activities and services. Public entity responsible transit agencies can directly operate transit service for or contract out the total transit service provided. for all or part of : Transit Public Passenger transportation services, usually local in scope, that is available to any person who fare. It operates pays on established a schedules along prescribed designated routes large relatively move to designed is and stops specific with lines or time. of people at one numbers nities, the A motor vehicle occupied by the by occupied vehicle motor A Taking Taking responsibility for actions affecting the - Cargo manifested but not loaded manifested - Cargo State Transportation Improvement Program: A Program: Improvement Transportation State Vehicle: Single-Occupancy - Term used to describe an exporter (usually the seller). (usually exporter an to describe used Term - Shipper Short-Shipped driver alone. any or rail, bus, by Transportation : Transportation Public Specific other conveyance (other than aircraft) provided by a private entity to the general public, with general or special service continuing basis. charter service) on a regular and (including Agency: State Transportation The State highway department, transportation department, or other State transportation agency to are apportioned. which Federal-aid highway funds Stewardship: acceptance demonstrates Stewardship environment. built or natural of this responsibility through environmental the continuous performance improvement by of and governmental agencies. private sector, individuals, commu­ STIP document containing federally funded and regionally significant transportation projects, identifying the projects with the greatest priority. Short Term boundaries are Boundaries: Short Term Term Short-Term/Long used as a tool for facilitating provision of urban levels of services short the includes boundary Term Long The sprawl. preventing and term boundary and areas that have unresolved issues within the Urban Growth Boundary. identified 20 year Small : Places of 5,000 to 49,999 urban populations (except in the case of Maine urbanized and areas. New As Hampshire) a outside minimum of the any small place urban containing area an includes urban population of U.S. Bureau of the Census. designated by the 5,000 or more as SOV ests, . Outside the urban growth area, rural lands contain a State Environmental Policy Act: The Policy State Environmental purpose of the State Fiscal Year: July 1 – June 30. Year: State Fiscal WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM mix of low-density residential development, agriculture, for­ An An Organization: Planning Transportation Regional RTPO coordinate to Act Management Growth the by created organization regional transportation efforts and to foster cooperation local jurisdictions. state and among Rural Area: open space and natural areas, as well as recreation uses. Counties and adjacent small towns provide residents. services to rural a limited number of public SAFETEA-LU of Users: The federal Legacy A Act- Safe, Equity Transportation Accountable, surface transportation program Flexible, for and transit. highways, The core highway Efficient provisions of safety the equity, innovative program finance, congestion address relief, safety, mobility, efficiency, environmental streamlining environmental stewardship, and SB: Senate Bill SEPA Washington State Environmental Policy Act is to: (1) To declare a state policy which will efforts promote to (2) environment; his and man between harmony encourage productive and enjoyable which will prevent or eliminate damage to the (4) environment and man; of welfare and and health the stimulate and (3) biosphere; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural nation. resources important to the state and SFY Roadway: Any roadway upon Shared which a bicycle lane is not designated and which may be legally used by bicycles regardless designated as a bikeway. of whether such facility is specifically Shipment: Freight tendered to a carrier by one consignor at one one on place one at consignee one to for time one at place bill of lading.


Century: Century: st An urbanized area with area urbanized An A process by which a number of number a which by process A Individual(s) dependent on public transit WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Any location where freight either originates, terminates, terminates, originates, either freight where location Any Transportation Management Area: Transportation : The Program multiyear Improvement Transportation Transportation Equity Act for the 21 the for Act Equity Transportation TEA-21 Assured funding for surface transportation through 2003, extended 2003, through transportation surface for funding Assured the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise safety program, programs throughout the strengthened DOT, continued the proven and effective program application structure its established and research for in highways invested and and legislation, transit ISTEA under system. performance of the transportation to maximize the Terminal: or is handled in the transportation process; or commercial motor operating facilities. carriers maintain units. foot equivalent Unit: Twenty Equivalent Trailer TEU Account Improvement Transportation TIA: Improvement Board Transportation TIB: TIP program of transportation projects for highways, transit, and other modes to be implemented over several required as a years. condition for a locality to This receive federal transit and program is highway grants. TMA to create efficient progression. traffic signals are synchronized Transit-Dependent: to meet personal mobility needs (e.g., unable to drive, not a not licensed to drive). owner, car a population over 200,000 (or other area when TMA designation is designation TMA when area other (or 200,000 over population a designated officially and MPO) the and Governor the by requested by the FHWA and the FTA. TMAs are programs to is reduce congestion. The Bellingham-Ferndale MPA required to implement TMA. not a Synchronization: Signal Traffic Geographical area defined for Commonly defined as “meeting the needs of the Traffic Analysis Zone: A function of SATETEA- of function A Program: Transportation Surface Travel Demand Management: Programs, regulations, and Travel TDM land uses designed to minimize the use of SOV. Transportation Control Measures Control TCM: Transportation transportation modeling purposes. transportation modeling purposes. TAZ System Management: Increasing travel facilities flow through improvements on such as ramp synchronization, existing and removal of metering, on-street parking. Improvements signal typically have a low capital cost, require little major construction, short time frame. and can be implemented in a relatively Sustainability: present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Encompasses environmental, economic, social, and institutional factors. Surface Rights: Fee ownership in surface areas of land, also used to describe a lessee’s right to use as much of the land as may be reasonably necessary for the conduct of operations surface of the under the lease. Surface Transportation Program Regional: Program Regional: Program of Transportation STP-R Surface with region benefit. RTPOs funds allocated to Surface Transportation Program Enhancements: Program Transportation STP-E Surface Program of funds allocated typical road for projects. May include pedestrian or bicycle facilities, projects that are and other features. beautification, signage ancillary to LU providing funding for highway based projects and maintenance. and projects based highway for funding providing LU subsections. Consists of many STP An An infrastructure system that System: Management Stormwater collects runoff from storms and redirects it from streets and other into back usually — it release and store that facilities into surfaces natural waterways The minimum level of urban facilities Any area that includes a municipality or other built Area: Urban Growth An area designated within which Transportation Technical Advisory Advisory A Committee: Technical Transportation TTAC committee composed of local planners and engineers, who meet monthly to discuss regional transportation Policy Whatcom planning the to recommendations and make and issues, project funding Boards. Board Arterial UAB: Urban UGA can growth which of outside and encouraged be will growth urban not urban in nature. occur only if it is Whatcom Council Workof Program: UPWP: Unified Planning transportation work plan. Governments annual Urban Area: up place which is appropriate, in the judgment of of the Secretary Transportation, for a public commuters or transportation others in the system locality taking into to consideration the serve growth. local partners and trends of urban Urban Highway: Any highway, road, boundaries of an urban or area. An urban area is street an area including and adjacent to within a municipality or urban place with 5,000 or the more population. The boundaries of urban areas are fixed by the states, for Administration, Highway Federal the of approval the to subject program. purposes of the Federal-Aid highway of Service: Urban Level and services, including sanitary protection, fire protection and emergency sewer, medical services, parks water service, electric management, service, waste solid programs, recreation and police land use controls, facilities and public schools, to would services of range full A development. of levels urban support add urban public transit, natural gas, street lighting, libraries, local storm parks, local recreation facilities and drainage facilities, services, and health services. A A concept designed to : Pipelines (mains) installed for the portation. portation. Such development is intended to reduce WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM The Development: Transit-Oriented development proximity of close in housing, opportunities job and services, space, commercial to public trans­ dependency on automobiles, as well as to improve mobility and jobs, and services. residences, access between Pipeline Transmission purpose of transmitting gas from a source or sources of supply to one or more distribution centers, or to one or more large-volume supply. of sources interconnect to installed pipeline a or customers, In typical cases, transmission lines differ from gas mains in that they operate at higher pressures, is greater. between connections are longer, and the distance The Canada: Transport department within the government of Canada which is responsible for developing regulations, policies Canada. and services of transportation in Demand: The Transportation quantity of transportation desired by users. Demand Management: Transportation reduce or eliminate vehicle trips, including a variety of programs and strategies, such as carpool/vanpool, flextime, working from home, and ride matching. Sector: Transportation The transportation sector private consists and public of vehicles that move and railroads people motorcycles, buses, trucks, and automobiles, are Included commodities. railways (including streetcars), aircraft, ships, barges, and natural gas pipelines. comparison A Rate Index: of Travel the TRI time needed to get from one point to another with and without congestion. If TRI the equals 1.0, then the vehicle is traveling at the posted speed limit and If not TRI the experiencing equals delay. 2.0, then congestion is making the trip twice as long.

APPENDIX A 80 APPENDIX A 81 One vehicle traveling the distance WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Vehicle Miles Traveled: Traveled: Miles Vehicle of one mile. Total vehicle miles, thus, of is one the Total mile. total mileage traveled by all vehicles. freight in engaged establishments Includes : Transportation Water or passenger transportation on the open seas or inland waters, and establishments that provide incidental services such as lighterage, Also towing, includes and excursion, sightseeing, operation. handling cargo water taxis, and Water Transportation of Freight (Not Elsewhere : Classified) Establishments primarily engaged in transporting freight on inland all waterways, including the intracoastal waterways Atlantic and Gulf coasts. on the Classified): Elsewhere (Not Passengers of Transportation Water transportation water furnishing in engaged primarily Establishments of passengers, not elsewhere classified, such as airboats (swamp and sightseeing boats. buggy rides), excursion boat operations, Watershed: An area of land surface defineddivide that collects precipitation into Sometimes a stream or river. by a topographic referred to as a drainage basin. Waterway: River, canal, lake or other stretch of suitable for navigation. natural or man-made features is water that by named was WCOG Whatcom Council of Governments: WCOG in 1981, by the State Washington Governor, as the MPO region’s under the GMA. and in 1990 as the RTPO landing A place Wharf: where vessels may tie up for loading and unloading of cargo. publicly publicly owned, employer owned, individually owned, leased, or owned by Expenses a are third shared party. and there is usually a See also ridesharing. driver. regular volunteer VMT

The United States Department of Transportation: Transportation: of United States Department United States Citizen & Immigration Services: United States Citizen & Immigration USDOT An organized Vanpool: ridesharing arrangement in which 7 – 15 people travel together on a regular basis in a The van. van may be USCIS is responsible for the administration of immigration and immigration establishing and functions adjudication naturalization services policies and priorities. Establishes the nation’s overall transportation highway include jurisdiction policy. which administration Under ten are umbrella its planning, development and construction; railroads; aviation; and the safety of waterways, urban ports, highways, mass transit; in 1966. was established The DOT and oil and gas pipelines. USCIS United States Coast Guard: USCG United States Established in 1915 the USCG became a component of Security the in Department 2003. of The Coast Homeland Guard Forces of is the United States a at all times. branch Responsibilities include: of the Armed search and rescue, maritime law enforcement, marine inspection, marine licensing, Great Lakes to aids management, waterways pilotage, security, and safety port response, marine environmental ports, water deep operations, ice administration, bridge navigation, boating safety, Coast Guard auxiliary, military readiness, reserve training and Marine Safety Council. USCBP United States Customs and Border Protection: One of the Department of Homeland Security’s largest components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing and facilitating trade including regulations, U.S. of hundreds enforcing while travel and drug laws. immigration and State Code: U.S.C. United Contains a laws of the U.S. and permanent of all general codification consolidation and : Area Urbanized A census designated per area. population area with a specific Port of Whatcom Whatcom Smart Trips is an ongoing Whatcom International Shipping Terminal: Whatcom International Terminal: Shipping Authority: Whatcom Transportation The public WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2012 TRANSPORTATION WHATCOM Whatcom Smart Trips: Whatcom Trips: Smart Whatcom County. for transportation provider partnership between local government, public agencies, employers, employers, agencies, public government, local between partnership and schools to promote the bus. and riding sharing rides, transportation by walking, bicycling, WIST Bellingham marine facility for berthing vessels. large and loading/unloading Transportation. State Department of Washington WSDOT: WTA