Red Deer County Definitions Public Event: Concert or Special Event: Concert and Extended Dance/ Any music concert, performance, Any public or private event, Music Event: amusement, dance, exhibition, gathering, celebration, festival, Any gathering held indoors, entertainment, parade, assembly, competition, contest, exposition, outdoors, or a combination of game, athletic or sports contest or similar type of activity, held both, which has an expected and any event or function which is indoors, outdoors, or a attendance of more than 250 held at a public place and to combination of both, which has people. which members of the general an expected attendance of more public are invited or admitted for than 500 people, including a fee or free of charge, but does promoters, staff personnel, and not include a private gathering or entertainers. Includes music event to which members of the festivals, concerts, dances, dance public are not invited or admitted. parties, rodeos, circuses, trade shows, expositions, exhibitions, Music Concert: athletic or sports events. Any music festival, dance festival, “rave”, rock festival, “rock concert”, etc. likely to attract 100 or more people at any one time in a 24-hour period. Exceptions Event sponsored and conducted Event hosted or sponsored by Community or family events such by a public, registered Community Strathcona County. as wedding dances, holiday Assoc. Already permitted under LUB. parties, community dances, Already permitted under LUB. CAO feels event is in public school dances, etc. Scouts, cubs, brownies, girl interest. CAO feels event is in public guides, cadets, etc. Family reunions interest. 4-H clubs Weddings Recurring events that have Recognized Ag Society Non-profit private parties/events previously been approved (at School or school board sponsored Non-commercial events in public CAO’s discretion). event facilities. Recognized sporting org or club Strathcona County Yellowhead County Exceptions (con’t) Family reunions Recurring events that have Staff parties previously been approved (at Farm auctions, garage sales, etc. CAO’s discretion). Approving Authority Council for some events CAO CAO CAO for other events Special Conditions $$ or bond for fire protection, Proof that applicant has adequate Proof that applicant has adequate police, security, health, and financial means to carry out financial means to carry out medical services costs. concert or special event concert and extended dance/ Must provide dust control. music event Must enter into Road Use Agm. No music between 2 am and 6:30 am. Application Fee Public Event = $100 Yes Yes Music Festival = $1000 License Fee Set by Council Penalties As set by General Penalty Bylaw Failing to obtain license = $5000 Failing to obtain license = $1500 Contravening conditions = $300