V O tv. X X I V. PHILLIPS, , FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901. N O . 3

SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSM EN’S S U P P L I E S ! SPO R T S M E N’S SUPPLIED S P O R T S M E N ’S SUPPLIES h o t e l s a n d c a m p s ./h o t els AND CAMPS. Order U.M.C. Ammunition Golf, Tennis, Boating, INCHESTER Bathing, Fishing' ^ REPEATING SHOT GUNS And the best of Spring Water are cheap in price, but in price only. “ Take Down ” guns list at $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but may be enjoyed at V? ^ ^ they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable House, and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made T h is F a l l Rangeley Lakes, Rangeley, Me. of the very best materials that can be procured, a Sportsmen have learned that it is dangerous to simply order “ A good thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting twelve gauge shot shell” or, a “ box of 30-30 cartridges.” So they call for them to be sold at buyable prices. & & & Send for 1901 Illustrated BooK, free, to- U . M C. and get the best at the same cost as other makes. Catalogues free. FREE—Send name and address on a postal cart' tor 164 page illustrated catalogue. J. B. MARBLE, President, THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT. Agency 313 Broadway, H. Y. Factory, Bridgeport, Conn. Depot, 425 Market St., San Francisco Rangeley Lakes Hotel Co., V9 Rangeley, Maine.

He THE RANGELEY He FAVORITE RIFLE. & The only Narrow % LAKES * % Gauge Parlor Car * No Other Make of Rifle at the Price Are the most Popular * COMPARES WITH OUR FAVORITE. Are $ in America. Unsurpassed Fishing Grounds With open sights, *6. With target sights, $8.50. for their * Numerous AlLdealers in sporting goods handle onr complete line. Onr.Complete Catalogue fnll of valuable information upon request. SUMMER in JVIaine. * Farmington to Rangeley Lakes. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, & No. 155 Broadway, - Chicopee Falls, Mass. i .In number and size, m * * m% D I T ]\J\ P A O n % tJie *rout an<* s a *mon HE * I v U i T l F U l v L l taken each year from * For Book and Map, free, address, ^ HOTELS AND CAMPS HOTELS AND CAMPS I ^ these lakes are unsur- On Ra n g e l e y La k e . i passed in the State. F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Phillips, M«. ^ Mingo Spring Camps. Via R a n g e l e y . He Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake The Seven Ponds. Runs Direct to the Supt. S. R. R. R. Qen. Man’g’r. P. & R. R. R. ife Best of salmon and trout fishing; cosy cot­ * e All points quickly and tages; open tires; the famous Mingo Spring a . M .V 0 SE, Kiagfield, Me., Supt. F. & It. R y . ^ water; pine and balsam groves. Everything Heart of the Rangeley*/ easily reached via #E for the comfort and convenience of Sportsmen ifc and summer boarders. Send for circular. Region. k steamer from Ch a s . E. Be l c h e r , Rangeley, Me. ONLY 4i HOURS’ RIDE FROM PORTLAND. « . . B E M I S . R a n g e l e y La k e s . Camp Bemis and Birches. Write for free cir­ cular. Ca p t . F. C. Ba r k e r , P rop’r, Bemis. Through Pullman Parlor Cars ^ CoodHo" , ; . ndCamp. Via Ra n g e l e y o r Be m is . EACH WAY DAILY, BETWEEN POFtlcM u ftflfl BfiffliS throug hout the Lakes Mountain View House. DURINC THE TOURIST SEASON. for the accommoda- T I C K E T S to all parts of the RANGELEY REGION via the tion Of RUMFORD FALLS LINE on sale at all principal ticket offices in c n A n « u e u New England and New York. Buy your Tickets via this line. ( Z S P O R T S M E N It furnishes the It makes the J* and SHORTEST ROUTE. QUICKEST TIME. * H U U. Oaly Lla. ranging Through Can, wittrat thiati, Mwm PortUnd u i tit Saagdey Lakes. ® TOURIST3. These ponds are situated twenty seven Wa mall, free of charge, a book showing half-tone cuts of the hotels at ® *** miles from Rangeley and are reached by all Rangeley Lake points. Folders mailed on application. ■ buckboard to Ivennebago lake, thence by Pertlaad * B»jnford Falls Railway. B. C. BRADFORD. Traffic Manager, Portland, Me. , SEASON OF 1901. steamer across the lake and again by buck- ooard to our camps at Beaver Pond the cen­ tre of the Seven Ponds region. The new buckboard road is not new enough to be dangerous, and constant work upon it is rapidly reducing the number of deaths re­ Pickfords’ Camps Best Shooting ported to us daily. From our Camps upon Here is situated a hotel of rare attractive­ Beaver pond excellent trails afford easy ac­ On the shore of Rangeley Lake. Modem ness in beautiful location for summer board­ cess to a number of ponds where splendid Log Camps. 1 >£ miles from Rangeley village. Welokennebacook Lake, ers and at the same time in close proximity trout Ashing is an unfailing certainty and Open flreplac s. On best fishing grounds. and Fishing to the best places for Ashing on Rangeley the capture of an occasional Ash quite a com No mosquitoes or black flies No Hay Fever. lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty mon occurrence. No expense lia3 been spare< High altitude Air cool and invigorating. is just the p ace for fishermen. Here they always find the best of fishing and of deer, partridge and woodcock near the in securing tlie grandest mountain and lake For terms and circulars, address in Maine it also holds the record of the largest trout taken in the Rangeley*. Five neat hotel. Tne cuisine here is such as to hold scenery for the exclusive use of our guests, H. E. & S. S. PICKFORD, patrons year after year, the rooms are what Rangeley Lakes, - Rangeley, Maine little Log Cottages adjoin the main house, thus parties can be by themselves for which no charge is made. Trout rise or they can have rooms in the house. Main house contains office, parlor and people from the cities like, large, well lighted freely to the Ay during the entire season and Is to be found on line of ai.d pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, “ tales” of 10-pounders are constantly heard Via Bingham, Me. dining room, which seats seventy-five people. Pure spring water, cuisine un­ fish and game at appropriate times in the dapping in the guides’ quarters. Game of all Washington County R. R. surpassed. Boats and guides furnished at short notice. My steamers connect year and the table is always, suppli* - d , with kinds is so abundant as to be a positive nui- excellent fresh milk andd cream. PPi re varer | sallCe and the following may be bunted in Rowe Pond Camps. with all boats, trains and stages. runs to the house from a spring above. inis I the open season: Minges, Moose, Caribou, Railroad opened 3 years ago. For For circulars, address, is a particularly good place fortor sare andana i natownmitscatamounts, Bears, Deer;Ht-pr “ Dniw-Poker.’Draw-Poker,’ Parties and families desirious of getting the pleasant boating and the drives and walks j Hedgehogs, “ Hearts,” House Flies, Part- best fishing for square tailed trout and land­ full particulars address, are unsurpassed«r. Croquet and lawn tennis ridges, Ducks, Drakes, “ Seven up,” Weasles, locked salmon, clean, comfortable cabins, CAPT. E. F. COBURN, grounds adjoin thele house. W rite for a free J yyarcien3 and other small game. good boats, and good fare, should write for WASHINGTON COUNTY R. R., circular to While Black Hies and Mosquitoes are very descriptive booklet giving full particulars, to L. E. BOWLEY, Mountain View House, W1THAM & MAXFIELD, Prop’rs, rare, tar ointment is served at every meal CALAIS, MAINE. Middledam, - Rangeley Lakes, Maine. Mountain View. Rangeley Lakes, Me and is deservedly popular. An excellent Bingham, Maine. table is kept, upon which more or less food is Eu s t is , Me ., served, most of which is consumed by our Round Mountain Lake Camps. guests without abusive language. Good beds Fishing and Hunting—Trout rise to the fly are not unknown; vhile every luxury' to be The Finest Fishing FOR SPORT everv day In the season. 2800 ft. elevation, j found in any modern hotel, may be called Preserve of 2310 acres. No hay fever Send for. Anything that a third-class camp trying On Moosehead Lake. bring rod and gun to Kineo, the for circular. Ch a s . L. Bl y . Successor to to pass ilself off as a comfortable well kept is found at the famous eastern outlet, within heart of Maine’s best game region, E d g a r Sm it h & CO. I one, Ands it necessary' to promise, we do, to a stone’s throw of the Moosehead House. It is and stop at ------—------I any extent. We seek patronage from any'one here that the record strings, both In size and At F l a g s t a f f . j who desires to visit tne real backwoods and numbers, are taken Comfortable cabins for Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from : who is not afraid to take desperate chances. family parties. Extensive territory. Write flT. KINEO HOUSE, Greatest Pleasure is Catching hotel by boat, Great hunting. Moose and’ 1 Board ~ and . boats. . furnishea at reasonable for circular, to deer seen daily. S. C. D u r r e l l . Flagstaff, Me. rates. Guides furnished on application. CHARLES E. WILSON, Hoosehead, Me. C. A. JUDKINS, Manager, Kineo, He, Parties wishing to visit this place will please No hay fever there. Everything Sportsman’s Genuine Brook Trout, In D j u > R iv e r R e g io n . write in advance so that we can have camps Hotel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. in readiness. Tlia railroads will sell excur­ Knapsacks for Sportsmen for comfort—electric lights, steam From 1 to 7 Pounds. D u r r e l l , Proprietor, Stratton, Me. sion tickets at reduced rates from Boston to heat, baths, telegraph and post Rangeley. and Guides. office, unsurpassed cuisine. Send R a n g e l e y l a k e s , Ask anyone about Beaver Pond Camps and Bald Mountain Camps are near the Middle if they don’t speak well of us, then address Snowshoes made to order and repaired. for handsome new Kineo booklet. Grounds, Shark Grounds and Stony Batter us direct for any desired information. Guns repaired. Boots and shoes repaired. It’s free. and as convenient as other public camps, for Ed. Grant & Son, Beaver Pond, Me. Harness repaired. Chairs repaired and Little Mud pond, Big Mud pond, Kennebago bottomed. Also harness supplies. river. Steamboat accommodations O. K. W. E. Twombly, Rangeley, Me. Telephone at the camps. Two mails daily. OR RES You’ll get a reply right back, if you write lor F’orks, Me. free circular to A mos E l l is , Prop’r, Moxie Pond, 23 miles from Bingham. Good road. Largest trout in the Kennebec waters. Haines Landing, Maine. Moose and deer plenty. Excellent accommo­ dations for ladies. Write for circulars. B e l g r a d e L a k e s , Me . C. M. JoNES, The Forks, Me. The Belgrade. The best sportsman’s hotel in New England. The best black bass Ashing in the world. Ch a s . A. Hill, M’g’r. On P h il l ip s & R a n g e l e y R a il r o a d . H a n o v e r , Ma in e , Redington House. Squaretail trout taken with Indian Rock Camps offer exceptional advan­ the Ay every day in the season. Unsurpassed tages to summer visiters, anglers and bird hear,‘deer, partridge and woodcock shooting. shooters. I have just Issued a little book W. E. M il l e t t , Post Office, Phillips, Me. with full particulars. Free for the asking. W C. Holt. Prop’r. also Prop’r of the Hano­ ver House, Hanover, Maine.

n o r c r o s s .m e . — ON TH E LINES OF— . -V ' vsf N : . Sourdmahunk Camps are pleasantly situated ’ ' - . "g in the Mt. Katahdin region. Nineteen splen­ did trout ponds within three miles of Kidney The Maine Central Pond Camps. New trail from camps to Mt. . . AND . . Katahdin three miles, to Sourdnalmnk Mts. one and one-lialf miles. This region has re­ cently been opened up and is a big Ash and Grand . Trunk ■ R y - BILLY SOULES CAMPS game country. For particulars. Address. On one of the most com­ I. O. Hu n t , Prop., Noreross, Me. are right where trout of this size can be caught in abundance and the manding and beautiful emi­ old man tells the truth Black flies, mosquitoes and minges are scarce; V ia Bin g h a m . nences in the east is cool nights are not. Open fireplaces in every camp. Carry Ponds Camps. WRITE TO - BILLY SOULE FOR ILLUSTRATEp PAriPHLET. If you are looking for a place to go fishing, THE POUND SPRING HOUSE. or to spend the hot months of summer, or a P. 0. Address, Haines Landing, Maine. hunting trip next fall, write to Henry J. Lane the most successful aud Bingham, Me,, for descriptive circular of his w i resort at Carry Ponds. Good accommoda- widely famous resort in _____ iens for ladies. America. Send for prospectus or P h il l ip s Ma in e Comfort Cottage affords the pleasures of any information to country life with some of the city conven­ Greene’s Farm House and Cottages. BLAKESLEE LAKE CAMPS, iences. I furnish well cooked food, vege­ One of the most popular resorts of the Dead River region, plenty of brook trout fishing tables in their season, the best of milk, HIRAfl RICKER & SONS, near the house and three ponds on the farm stocked with trout and salmon. All kinds o Joseph H. White, - = Eustis, He. cream and butter, and pure water. There is INCOBPORATED. game in near vicinity. Deer seen near the house. Several cottages well furnished and here the best brook fishing and the carnage drives are remarkable for mountain scenery'. POLAND SPRING. SO. POLAND, ME. pleasantly located furnish accommodations for guests. Cuisine equal to any hotel in Maine Genuine Sport, Rest and Recreation. Prices, $2.00 a day; $10 a week; $7.00 a week Elevation 1,000 feet. Hay fever unknown. Excellent teams connected with house for the summer. M r s . W . E. M il l e t t . A Famous Resort for Anglers and Hunters Phillips, Me. (Continued on page 2.) I. W. GREENE. Prop’r., Coolin, Me. 1901.


At Farmington. V ia Colebrook, n . h . Steamer Christine Much In De­ Stoddard House . , Most central location. Electric lights and Manadnock House, A modern, up-to-date Shot Shells Loaded to Order. — » electric bells. Heated in the summer by hot house, situated in the midst of unsurpassed mand For Sails Around Lake. air and in the winter by hot water. mountain scenery and near excellent trout Repeaters Will H. McDonald, Prop’r. fishing. Pure spring water. Hay fever un­ Du Pont’s known. Parties met at Errol boat upon no ara the original solid At Farmington. tice in advance. Write for circulars to top and side ejectors. Children Have Very Pretty Ger­ This feature forms a Hotel Willows. Pleasantly located for hunt­ T. G. ROYVAN & Co., solid shield of metal ing and fishing parties. Guides furnished at Colebrook, N. H. between the shooter s Gunpowder man In the Casino. short notice. Delightful scenery and drives. head and the cartridge Clean Camps. Good beds. Inquire of at all times, throws the AND [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] C. A. Mahoney'. Prop’r. empties aw;ay from him RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE, On . instead of into his face, RANGELEY, ME., Bangor, Maine. prevents smoke and Aug. 28, 1901. Windsor Hotel. Headquarters for sportsmen Mooselookmeguntic House, gases from entering his S m o k e le s s Table first-class. Free carriages. F. W. situated in the heart of the best fishing eyes and lungs, and Tlie weather continues flue and the steamer Durgin, Prop’r. Moody' Bros., Clerks. district of the Rangeley lakes. The hotel is keeps the line of sight unobstructed. 1 h e Christine is in great demand. Sunday after­ 2,000 feet above sea level and liay fever i MARLIN, action noon Mr. and Mrs. Walsh entertained a num­ Norton, Me. , guaranteed to be absolutely unknown. works easily and Powder Norton Farms. Finest trout fishing. Ad­ Address, from November until May, Thko smoothly, making very ber of friends on board; Monday evening dress, C. C. Norton & Co., Norton, Me. L, PAGE, Proprietor Senate Cafe, Washington, little noise. Our new Mrs. Boody invited a large party to enjoy a D.C. After May 1. Haines’ Landing, Me. automatic recoil-oper­ For Shot Guns and Rifles. Convenient from rangeley. ating locking device .moonlight sail. A very pleasant time was makes the Marlin the Camp Among The Clouds. Excellent hunting For sale by spent. and fishing. Good accommodations. Take safest breech-loading A veranda whist party was given Thursday Via Dead River. gun ever built. 120- your OYvn cook. Inquire of Dead River Dam Camps. Boats and Canoes, page catalogue, 300 il­ afternoon by Mrs. Dill, which was enjoyed by C. H. Neal. Rangeley, Me. also Camps at Long Falls. THE place for lustrations, cover in J. C. Corn n , Wilton, Me. a party of sixteen. The first prize, a silver trouting. Write for particulars to nine colors, mailed tor candlestick, was won by Mrs. Camp; the sec­ W. L. Parsons & Co., Dead River, Me. three stamps. ond, a pearl and turquoise clover pin, fell to The Marlin Fire Anns Co. E I DUPONT dc NEMOURS & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. New Haven, Conn. Miss Stockweather and the third, a cut ______------— ■ '■» glass tootlipowder bottle, was won by Mrs. Lewiston, Maine. Via Rangeley. Grand. Refreshments were served. Hotel Atwood, opposite Lower Maine Central Kennebago Lake House, on the shore of Ken­ nebago lake. The beat fly fishing in the Goin’ Campin’ this Summer? One of the prettiest events of the season R. R. station. Thoroughly renovated, re­ was the children’s German in the casino Sat- country every day In the year. High altitude. BALD MOUNTAIN CAMPS. Do You Ever Get Tired? *0 urday ©vcniug. Eighteen couples took part. furnished, new proprietor. All modern No hay fever. Pure water. Game in abun­ During intermission refreshments were conveniences. First-class table, cosy rooms. dance. Richardson Bros., Proprietors. served in the billiard room. Disappointed Because He Lost “ Stored Energy" is a Concentrated Food, quickly allays latigue, in F The usual euchre party took place Friday When in Lewiston give us a call. evening and was enjoyed by all who took box, fits the pocket,'by mail to cents. “Coflee Jell” 30 cups In Tube, lit, wart. Mrs. Osterhondt won first ladieC prize, the His Salmon. Miss Brooks, second; Miss Williamson, con­ P. R. Nevens, Proprietor. Via Rangeley. pocket, 30 cents. Write us, solation. Mr. Kimball, first gentleman s; [Special correspondence to the M aine W oods.] Mrs. Boody, second. Lewiston, Maine. York’s Camps. Peloubet Manufacturing Co,, Messrs. Pemberton, Ejliott, Ash and Harvey Loon Lake, within 5 miles of Rangeley vil­ returned from Kennebago Sunday. lage. There are ten ponds within two miles; Ba l d Mo u n t a in Ca m p s , | 69 Barclay Street, “ New York. Date arrivals are: _ „ .. . „ good fishing in all and for hunting it can’t lie H a in e s L a n d in g , Aug. 26, 1901. j Tuesday, Aug. 20. hdw. C. North, A. L. beat. Camps neat and each party lias a camp Perry, J.JE. Short, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. W . This has been a good week at Bald 31. Richards, S. J. Stearns, W. T. Daggett and Via Eustis. by themselves. Those Yvitli families who Save Your Fish and Tackle. Use a “Harrimac- landing Net. son, New York; W. M. Stephenson, W. M. King and Bartlett. wish to spend the summer months in the Mountain and we have a new Hntst or Whitten, A. S. Hinds, Pn-tland; Mrs. W. D. Maine woods can find no better place than in the person of Mr. E. B. Newton. H e Bronze metal for Trout, Bass or Salmon. Grand, Kathleen Grand, Warren Grand, Also tlie “ Amateur,” “ Expert,” “ Feather Happie Williamson, Mrs. A. A. Boyer, Master York’s Camps. For further particulars, ad­ has to his credit one salmon, 8 pounds; light” and “ Allright” Reels. All dealers Deslie Boyer, Master Morris noyer, Miss dress sell these. Send for catalogue. Kathryn Boyer and maid, Fast Orange; Mr. R. S. York, Prop’r, Rangeley Me. one of 2 ^ pounds; two trout, 3| pounds and Mrs. G. P. Farley, Wiseasset; C. 1. Dud­ and several small ones, and yet with all A. F. M EISSELBACH & BRO.,riffe ley, Whitinsville. Prospect Street, - NEWARK,N.J Wednesday, Aug. 21. B. C Stewart M. F. that he came in bewailing his luck as he ,5 Secrist, Boston; R. Tilton, G. M. Hossack, To Summer Tourists. told the admiring crowd with that truth­ New York : Mrs. A. P. Howe, Miss Leonore Howe, Cambridge; C. W. Lasseli, Whitins­ I opened my cottage, known as Lake ful, sincere face that he had hooked a i seii the Best m e e n i n ^ C a ta lo g lor a Stamp. ville; A. T. Donliam, E. T. Hatch, N. J. Hamil­ Grove, situated on the shore of , on the Market O lC C p iU f c ton, Portland; L. W. Foote, T. M. Durfee, in the town of Weld, Maine, on July 1, to salmon that would not weigh less than Notwithstanding its price, which is ^ T. C. PHELPS, Middletown, Conn.; Maul y Townsend, wife remain open until October 1. Plenty of pure i Yvater at the cottage, beautiful scenery and 15 pounds, but he got away taking his much below others. L£- 11 Central St , and daughter, Dixfield; W.T. Daggett, W ater- bracing mountain air. Excellent boating Also “ PHELPS” TENTS. 1 BOSTON, - MASS. ville. and splendid fishing in Webb lake. Twenty leader and all. Of course he oilght to and other 1 ^ — Thursday, Aug. 21. Alplieus T. Buckley. minutes walk to church. Free mail delivery. know and we believed him, but Mr. Albany; A. P. Palmer, East Orange; Wm. K. The Dixfield-Weld stage passes the door C I \ I NOTICES E. M. WHITE, OLD TOWN, ME Deicht, Jersey City; Miss Cousland, Miss every day. Address, Mrs. E. S. Taixter, George, the defeated champion, was S P E Selieli, Miss J. Schell, Henry B. Smith, W. Dixfield, Maine. heard to mutter: ‘ If that fish is there 1 Stevenson Smith. Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Kestor, Brooklyn; B. G. barker. will catch him.” We await results. Cottage to Rent. F IN E CAN VA S CANOES, Arlington Heights; Geo. P. Bissell, Wilming­ Eustis, Me . ton; F. G. Crosby, C. E. Beedy. Lewiston; Mr. Lewis A. Wallen and wife and Board furnished at farmhouse at r*-ason- j maj e with cedar ribs and lining*, free from alt m Tim Pond Camps. able rates, good hunting n e a r by, also nsi fc pcrfectl0ns and second to none ia the market. AJ F. N. Beal, H. W. True, Phillips. In the Dead River region. Fly fishing and Miss Wallen dropped in on Wednesday to spend the night on their way and through September, Address J. YV. m a i. --, j t,uilt to order and those not in stock, wilt be Friday, Aug. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. For spring and early summer trout fishing square tailed trout guaranteed every cla\[av In Rangeley, Me. | at short notice. Also manufactures poles, pjddfet, Allen, Miss Dorothy Allen, Thomas L. Allen, ! the King and Bartlett and Spencer Stream the season. Game plenty. 2000 feet above the were more than surprised to find their Boston; J. E. Davis. L. R. Loritig, Portland; region lias proved its supremacy. The large sea level. Send for circular. _ujj.;ga=g—— -__ - !—-—*— - ' I chairs, etc. Walker C. Carr and wife. New York; Miss : size, tlie great numbers, tlie gameness and Julian K. Viles, Eustis, Me. old friends, the Newtons. It is needless Ellen Mason, St. Louis, Mo. j the eating qualities of these clear water, to say that the Wallens did not leave LOST THE TROUT. i spotted trout are worthy of special mention. the next day. H. M. BARRETT, Weld, Me. and daughter, Miss E. B. Stone, ------infield; ! Landlocked salmon are coming to the fly at Pleasant Drives and may be enjoyed Mrs. M. C. Allen, Chicago; Mrs. J. D. Hardy King and Bartlett nowadays. This is the The impromptu concert was held in Builder of FINE CEDAR BOATS. dace to catch a big lake trout. Address A. F. Gammon, Mrs. G. H. Knapp, Mrs. F. P. I Excellent Brook Fishing XtPtollipHotel the ladies’ parlor on Wednesday. Miss Clasped Hands Over Boat to Keep f y Writ r price list and descriptive] Adams, Farmington; Mrs. J. M. Crane, Bos­ Harry M. Pierce, Eustis, Me., for particulars Electric lights, bath, one minute’s walk from Catalogue. ton; Miss Flora Mitchell, Atlanta, Miss and circulars. Boston correspondent, F. H. i station. E. B. Whorff, Prop’r., Phillips, Me. Wallen presided at the piano. Solos, Maude Shottuek, Norwood, Ga.; Farnk F. Lathrop, 72 Rutland St. duets and glee songs were enjoyed by Heads Out of Drink. Morrill, Jr.. Geo. Hutchins, N-w Ybrk; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jenkins, Rochester, N. H.; Mr. the guests. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods his usual good judgment the score E. S. T W A D D L E , and Mrs. H. S. Gross Steeiion, Pa.; A. P. Miss Emma Price of Stamford, Conn., Hebard and wife, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. MOOSELOOKMEGUNTIC HOUSE would no doubt have been 9 to 0. R e d in g t o n , Aug. 27, 1901. BOATS AND CANOES, WELD, MAINE. H. F. Marlin, Harrisburg, Pa.; H. H. Field, arrived on Tuesday and will spend sev- Phillips; Rob’t F. Noyes and wife, Provi­ The fishing at Haines Landing is still j eral Y veek s here. Fishing at Redington for the past dence; John Hennings, Portland; Eugene good. Mr. Lafayette Lentz, the son of Ativood aim wife, Miss Nellie Wilkinson, Rounds of Pleasure Enjoyed by Mis. Smith and her daughter. Mrs. j month has been the real thing. In fact Hand Made Miss J. B. Dennison, Miss F. C. Colter. Miss Mr* Wm. O. Lentz, of Mauchchunk, Pa., Annie Atwood. Stonlngton, Conn.; F. W. who landed a beautiful 5-pound trout ; Ricuardson are the industrious people j the fishing here has been the “ real Trout and Stone, Waltham. the Young People. last week, is having the same mouuted I of the camp and are always on the go; i thing” for a number of years past but it Salmon Flies. Sunday, Aug. 25. R. Tilton, G. M. Hossack. by Nash of Maine. He is still proving i that is, around the piazza and they eu- d Double Snell and He- k Hew York; Alfred S. Elliott, Wilmington; | hadn't got “out around” until lately. himself an expert with the rod. During ! joy the fish as much as if they caught Best wearing FLY made H. W. Ambrose, C. A. Ambrose, H. T. Am- Birthday Parties, Euchre, Fish­ There were a few dozen of the regular ibrose. Miss Ambrose, Orange; Clias. M. the week he has made several good | them. n » s . h . H. DILL, Rangeley, Tain*. Bellows and wile. Brooklyn; W. D. Grand; catches which run from 1^ to 3 pounds j visitors to this region who annually in- Arthur A. Boyer, East Orange. ing and Next Cake Walk. Mrs. F. P. Stearns after a run of hard each. luck, is making some good catches, i eluded this resort in their trip but this _ _ Monday, Aug. 26. Mrs. Frotliing- [Special correspondence to M a in e W o o d s.] h;un, Huntingdon Fro)hingliam, Frank Pat­ Miss Bessie of Greenwich, among the fish being a 51 pound salmon*. season the patronage ol the place has j terson Walsh. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Graham, Mooselookmeguntic H ouse. ) Boston Sportsmen, Remember! Conn , has touched a tenner spot in the increased materially and there have I t P. Hill and wife, L. W. Humphrey, Phila­ H a in e s L a n d in g , Me .. Dr. Godding and wife are out every Registered Maine Guides, S|N*rting i udjm delphia; Win. M. McGill, Thus. D. Chantler, Aug. 26. 1901. ) hearfs of some of the noted anglers of day. Mrs. Godding beats the Doctor j been no disappointments among those and Hotel Accommodations in any part Pittsburgh, Pa.; Geo. B. Seyms, Rob’t, W. the Mooselookmeguntic House by the of Maine can be engaged In advance by Seyrus. " Miss Katherine N. Seyrus, G. F. out. She has a 34 pound salmon and I who are looking for fly fishing. There Kuebler, J. E. Craig, Hartford; Miss Edna A. If the week just closed could be re- landing of a beautiful 64-pound salmon. several trout to her credit. The Doctor applying to the Young, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. W. Fox, W. H. called and again enjoyed as it has al- This is the largest fish ever landed by takes it with his usual good nature and ; is no trouble about getting plenty of Wright, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Benj. N. John­ son, R. Johnson, Lynn; H. H. Brown, Miss E. ! ready been enjoyed, I am sure not one Miss Boswell, but no one would think says to the guests: “ I showed her how brook trout on the fly at any time. Sportsman s Information Bureau, Cowan, Dr. J. E. McMlcliael, New York; Mr. it yvIio saw her lauding the fish. to do it.” of the guests of the crowded Mooselook- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole of Boston Maine Guide* Agent, Washington!! and Mrs W. K. W. Whitney. Miss M. B. Whit- 9 Boston. ne.y. Providence; L. S. Brush, New York; A. me^untic or vicinity would for a mo Tuesday, Aug. 27, Mr. Wilder An­ Every Sunday evening is devoted to a have been here for a few days enjoying S. Hinds, W. B. Adie, N. P. Noble, E. L. IDur- thony of Brookline made a catch of a song service which is thoroughly en­ Information fri •e of cl gan, Pori land. ! ment object, but would gladly hasten few fish, the largest a 44-pound salmon. joyed by all, Mrs. Richardson presiding j the fishing and they have had excellent | its return. Mr Howard Bartlett landed on the same at the organ. sport catching as many trout as they One of the most enjoyable features of date and from the same boat a nice 3- New arrivals are: - wanted at any time of day. They also •ml Dodging PRIZE WINNERS i f EUCHRE. Smoke the week was a grand birthday party pound salmon. A. 8 . Hinds, Portland; A. E, Forbes, Paris; Stop Cutting Wood B. K. Carr, Melrose; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rich, had a little experience the other day Delightful Guests He turn Prom given Friday evening, August 23, by The above date was a record breaker Masters Shepard G. and Gellert J. Rich, New that was a novelty in more ways than as the following catches were made; York City. CamDi Mrs. A. D Vanderbilt of East Orange, one. “One” was a tip over, The canoe Their Summer’s Outing. Mrs. Leffert Strebeigh of New York, N. J., in honor of her son, Mr. O. Gray’s, Yvho is spending her vacation here with reversed and of course Mr. aud Mrs. take a [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] seventeenth birthday. The party was her husband, lauded a nice 4-pouud Cole had to get out. It happened in M o u n t a in V ie w , Aug. 27, idol MINGO SPRING HOUSE. the most nicely arranged affair that I salmon Dear the hotel. A few days this way: They were out fishing and TAL STOVE Undoubtedly no family who visits the previously Mr. Strebeigh made a catch WITH VOU. ever saw. It was kept a secret to the landed a big trout, one of the largest Mountain View House will be missed more of a 3-pound salmon. Miss Annie F. BURNS KER0SIII ! young man until the last moment. All Experts at Croquet and Whist than the Jaspers o: New York City. Here for Crane of New York, one salmon from ever taken from Redington pond. When W’lTHOUT WICK the first time last season they soon found the day long Friday the young people of near the middle grounds which weighed he was pulled in the hook dropped from SMOKE OR SOOT. warm fri-nds on every side. Match Their Skill. | the hotel weie kept busy preparing for 3 pounds. Mr. A. Va derbilt of East his mouth; Mr. aim Mrs. Cole got nerv­ Miss Jasper was always very generous with Regulated to Any Deiired Temperature. the surprise. A table with a seating Orange, one salmon, 4 pounds. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] ous for fear they would lose the trout Her canoe and gave many of the people nuni crons enjoyable canoe rides. On Aug. 18, I capacity of twenty was engaged, beauti­ Mr. C. Wilmer Middleton of German­ Rangedey, Aug. 28,1801. and they both made a dive for him at the PRICE S3.75. same time. They made connect tions in With Bert Herrick as guide, they Yveut up fully decorated with ferns, pansies, town, Pa., has been making some good As the time draws near to end our summer’s catches since his arrival. Even though the middle of the canoe, their heads SIZE, 8^x844—WEIGHT, 4*4 lbs. Kennebago stream for the day Bert took sweet peas and other flowers, which outing and return to the city the attractions his largest fish was a 3-poundjsalmon he bunting in a very uncomfortable manner Miss Jasper down the Rangeley outlet stream caused it to look like a wedding table. of this place seem to grow* upon us, ami as is Semi for Descriptive Catalogue Ne. t ia her canoe. She was charmed Yvitli the has caught a good number of them. usual in summer resorts the fan waxes and over they went. The “ door” closed ride and was sorry It lasted so short a time. ! There was a cake in the center, lighted warmer as the days grow shorter. over their heads, they “ landed,” one on t h e hydrocarbon b u r n e r CO., Oue of the prettiest catches during j each side of the boat, and about as soon Mr. Jasper was an expert amateur billiard with seventeen small candles of differ the week Yvas made by Mr. Paul Coburn The guests here when not out on the lake player and alth ugh li- could by no means do as you can say it, they both came up i07]Fulton St., New York. ent colors. The greatest task was to of Lawrence and Miss Bartlett of Mal­ or driving or tramping have good sport play­ himself justice on the table here, yet he was j spurting water and grabbing for tlio BOSTON—1 he Globe Gaslight Co . 77 & 7e not easi y defeated. Everyone was sorry to den. During the forenoon their catch ing croquet on tlie lawn. We have not pro­ avoid suspicion on the part of the canoe. They finally clasped hands over Union Street have them leave and hope their acquaint- ! was six trout and salmon that ran from gressed far enough as yet to have golf links, young man. A quiet walk was planned the boat’s bottom and as they weigh ...... aaceship Yvill be renewed here next season. 2-J to 5| pounds each. although the fields back of tlie grove could We were informed that the Jaspers expect and carried out, but at a signal the re­ easily be put in shape for tills game. over 200 pounds each, it may be imag- j to take a round-about route home. Going I It is exDected that the first cake walk ined the up side down canoe had a con- ...... —— out through the lakes to Errol Dam, they 1 turn was begun and the young man was Our two guests from Putnam, Conn , Messrs. of the season Yvill.be given Thursdayeveu- then pass tli ougli Dixvillc Notch tlience to conducted to the diniug room, where Herbert J. Smith and Henry A. Wheelock tire j tract to keep their heads above the ! * Colebrook, where they take the train for ing, Aug. 29, by the employees of the drink. Mr. M. J. Manchester, who was ! wood and Bamboo Rods . After making a tour up the Sague­ his arrival was greeted with ioud quite expert croquet players and they found nay they will go to tlie Pan-American and cheers. Near the close of the dinner Mooselookmeguntic House, uuder the sturdy opponents in Master Hart Farleo and fishing near by gathered the party into ; ma6 © to order and repaired. then home. Mr. Vanderbilt was presented with a usual direction of J. S. Jones, who has John Philbrick anti in the tandem matches bis boat and took them to the shore. Call and see my ii Rangeley Wood beautiful English brier pipe. Mr. F. M. conducted similar affairs in past years. the games Yvere exceedingly close. The tlnnl 1 But they lost the trout. Rod and Spilt Kami* match of the season was won \-erv handily We were also sorry to see Colonel Benson Sawtelle made the presentation speech Late arrivals are: Mr. M. J. Manchester, agent for the, o E - T - HOAR Gild his mother leave last Saturday. The by Messrs. Wheelock and Smith Monday af­ in behalf of the young people. Mr. ternoon, just previous to their departure for Northwestern Railroad company at Rangeley, Maine. Colonel was always a most interesting- talker Miss Marguerite Foss, Haverhill; Miss home. and highly entertained many groups on the Vanderbilt feelingly responded. The Helen C. Osgood, Lowell; F. A. Goolme, L. C. I’lainview, Minn., who has been here piazza during his stay here. Goohue, Andover, Mass.; Miss C. T. Crosby, Whist was the popular evening amusement fishing, in company with Mr. J. Ham-I remainder of the evening was enjoyed Phillips; Miss Helen B. Whitney, Ne%\' York; and the 1 utnam contingent had quite a A euchre party Yvas held in the parlor last by a grand ball in the parlor of the Miss Elsie T. Cheney, Edward O. Black, Mrs. struggle with John and Frank l’hllhrick mond Richardson of Strong, reports the ' Saturday evening. Miss Young carried off hotel. Russell, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Black, South Man­ honors being quite evenly divided unlil Mon fishing all that could be desired. A. J. HALEY, irlze ” " *’ chester, Conn.; F. V. Botinafon and Yvife, day evening, when the men from the Wooden There was a second birthday party GermantoYvn, Pa.; Mrs. Wm. H. Oakford, Nutmeg state defeated the representatives of Chas. Mahoney of Farmington, John j Contractor and Builder. given the following evening in honor of Philadelphia; Mrs. J. C. Bradley, New York ; the guides’ association by the remarkable II. Barry, James P. Donahue, Joseph | John L. Clauson, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Score of 32 to 15 . played as a gentleman, took the second and Messrs. J. II. Boswell of Greenwich, H. Butler, Mauchchunk, Pa. Tlie occupants of tlie different cottages Farrell, W . II. Conners of Lowell and C. | Y ears of experience Rob. Seyms the consolation. Conn., and A. J. Wormelsdorf of Potts- have given afternoon teas, candy and card I). Farrar and D. \V. Earrar of Troy, N. in the Rangeley Lake There have been some very good catches ville, Pa., whose birthdays are causing parties which have been greatly enjoyed bv the Y'isitors. ‘ J II., spent a short time here aud found the construc­ made lately by the fishermen of the hotel. so much comment about the hotel, on the fish “ all right.” region in iMr. Young brought In a string of six the other Since the announcement of tlie change of cabins, cottages evening that averaged 1] pounds account of their being in the same year, MOOSE INCREASING. ownership of this place conjecture lias been Recent arrivals are: tion of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour, who liaY'e been month, day and hour. These gentlemen rile as to the future course of tlie manage­ and hotels, which I spending the month of August at tlie Kineo enjoyed their birthday party with a few ment, but nothing definite has been an­ House, Moosehead lake, are expected here nounced. Many of the guests who have en­ lo^‘&an.w®k?‘",W’TOP*1'8m: W- H take pleasure in referring to as the next Friday night, for the month of Septem­ present. Dead River Valley lo be a Favor­ joyed the great natural beauties of this place TTtn^F'-v v han w it)u, ‘7> Daniel C. Adams, best class of work that has been ber Mr. Seymour enjoyes the September W hist parties and six-hand euchre are are already planning for next Year’s outing 11 1 nailing of Rangeley lake Hilly as much as anv and are anxious that this resort shall be 1 yymLN' ' ’’ kasell, Whitinsville; John done in this region. Camps and occupying prominent places in the ite Home For the Moose. opened to the public. We should think it J. Wilbur, guide; J. 8. Brackett, Phlilln.4 other disciple of lzaak Walton. alVd u rsi'.°' Fj,ckcn, Boston: (’has. Si! cabins a specialty. For further in­ Mr. A R. Montgomery and family of Brook­ pleasure line at Haines Landing. Every would be good policy for the new owners to Abbott Berlin; H. G. Hamilton, Boston; C [Special correspondence to Maine Woods.] declare their intentions even if they have formation apply to lyn are booked lier£ also for the month of evening during the week there has been not yet selected their manager. Toothaker, guide; Vid Hlnkley, guide; cfias September. They are expected to a rive an increased amount of interest shown St r a t t o n , Aug. 26, 1901. McCraokin,Phillips. ^naa* next Saturday night. Mr. Montgomery shot Recent arrivals are; Reuben W. Wilber a, very fine buck lest September on Kenne­ in the above. A prominent whist player Moose are certainly on the increase. guide to W C Care; Chas. II. Wlltstie, Mrs! Aug. 10. K. A. Russell, Farmington; Wm t A . J. H aley, Rangeley, Me. bago stream with Dan Heywood as guide and has come to light in the person of Dr. J. M. Wiltstle, Rochester, N. Y .; Frank Johnson, South Carolina; H. W. True .Tim also made some good trout catches. Bert Chas. K. Briddon, the well known chief I have not been into the sporting camps Jacobs, Rangeley. w i ) h li ; H,,M,ry frarmihar ami wife Herrick guides him this year. Mr. Mont­ Washington: Maurice B. Millett, Lunette surgeon of the Presbyterian hospital of yet, but I have been around through the Staples Ruth Millett. Phillips; Kilo K W«Jt gomery is a thorough sportsman and a “ big Boston; K. K. Richards, Farmington ’ one is not an unusual occupant of his boat New \ ork City. He has made an inter­ woods a great deal and have seen a lot KUItOPEAN PLAN. Special Breakfast as It conies in from tlie day’s fishing. esting addition and it is well known of them. Many of the farmers around Taking Hears ami Rees. at 40 e.ts. and table d’hote dinner BO rta. The arrivals are: H. W. Caldwell and wife, that Dr. Briddon is one of the best an Electric Light*. Steam Heating. D. G. Caldwell, R. B. Caldwell, Boston; W J alytical whist players in the United here have seen them also. Moose signs [Special Correspondence to the Maine Woods] CENTRALLY LOCATED. Sherwood and Yvife, Brooklyn; C. H. McKen­ are very plenty through the entire Dead Aug. 19. James A. Morse, Worcester- q tj zie, Rumford Falls; E. D. Rice, Miss Rice, States. Be r r y M il l s , Aug. 28, 1901. Knowlton, Farmington; Warden Whn'tcn' fepringlield; E. G. Gilmore, Farmington; W. River valley. Worcester; Hugh Hughes, Utica L. Junes, Strong; G. W. Butters, Concord, The baseball game which was played I think that the most that are now Daniel Barrett leads the local bear Mass.; A. L. Stinson, E, II. Holt-. Sliaron, Saturday at Redington was to have been Mass ; John Hennings, C. Skolfield. Portland here are born in this vicinity and stay hunters in this place thus far. lie shot Rangeley vs. Phillips but instead it was around here. There are moose enough Stephen Lee, Lewiston; John Chadwick two bears in his back pasture last Tues­ Upper Dam; J. D. Sturnford, Portland. Haines Landing vs. Phillips. Some of here so that if they are protected this * HANOVER St., BOSTON. the ball players of Haines Landing were will be a great moose country in a few day, while the third made good her invited to join the Rangeley team but years. escape. Eustis Notes. upon arrival at Rangeley the hoys from Some find fault Yvith the fish and game The bee hunters are getting in good Carrie, Otho and Carl White and Elsie Tults Haines Landing had to make a team Aug. 2L 8. R. Morse,, Atlantic City; Mell R laws, but we in the fish and game re­ work. John Swett, Green Coburn and Morse, May’s Landing, N. J • iV,rw , fished Tim brook, Saturday, with good sue among themselves as there was only one One Person, £1.00 per day and upward, gion can see that they are wise and that Eilan Staples are among the lucky ones Morseorse, Trenton; K. D. Murphy, New N* two Persona, $ 1.50 per dav and upward, cess. man from Rangeley ready to play. Many they were put into effect none too soon. who have secured swarms of wild bees. Aug. 23. C. E. Cald Reed’s Mill; m j . from South Terminal.—Take North Sta­ Carl Durrell of Skowhegan and Harl White of them have had very little experience. Mancne■stcr, I’lainview, tion Gars to Elm St. Our fish and game commissioners de­ brook** 9*xt,y onc n*ce brook trout in Tim The score was 9 to 4, in favor of P h il-, D. C. Brown is on a trip to New Richardson' Strong- M M . *Gifl dn from North Station,—Take Hub wav Cara serve great credit for their foresight and Hampshire, fishing and hunting with R. Gillain, Now Ycudt. 1Ilaln, M1h* Iva to Hcollay Sqor surface ears to Elm Bt. lips. If Mr. Paul Coburn had not used 1 ('. A. JONES, Prop. good work. F r ie n d . the camera. W in c h e s t e r . Aug. 24. Miriam E. Brackett J \v , ett, J. Scott Brackett, Phillips’, ’ ,ira°k- MAINE WOODS, AUCUST 30, 1901

SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. HOTELS AND CAMPS.lHOTELS ANDCA M ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< Still Leading. Ammunition That Has Excelled. Jackman’s New Hote! Mr. F red Henderson wishes to announce to friends, patrons ai. tnie sportsmen that lie will open a new hotel in Jackman, Maine, for Laflin &. Rand Smokeless Powder Won the Indoor Championship U. S. accommodation of sportsmen and summer boarders. This hotel willj Adds another to the list. for 1900. first-class in every respect. The Grand Military The first floor will consist of Office, Private Office, Reading Rc Contests at Sea Girt, 1901. etc. The second floor will comprise Ladies’ Parlor, Bath Room and Sk The Revolver Matches ing Rooms. ALABAMA STATE SHOOT, at Sea Girt, 1900, and A good livery will be connected with the house. Excellent spl August 6 and 7, 1901, , Ala., by Dr. F. C. Wilson many other great Contests. LOADED WITH water will be furnished the guests, in fact, everything will be combine! ♦ KENTUCKY STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, King’s Semi-Smokeless Powder make this an ideal spot for casting the fly or for repose during the v> ♦ July 4, 1901, Austerlitz, Ky., by T. II. Clay, Jr. summer months. I shall be prepared to furnish sportsmen with all nt The Great sities for camping either fer hunting or fishing. This hotel is located i WEST VIRGINIA STATE SHOOT, in Rifle, Revolver and Pistol. Shooting Records the center of a vast hunting and fishing region and anyone desiring tl June 11 and 13, 1901, St. Mary’s, W . Va., by L. B. Fleming of America Were Made For Target Shooting and Hunting; fishing will do well to visit Jackman. From the hotel one can canol W ith This PENNSYLVANIA STATE SHOOT, miles thiough lakes and rivers where the scenery is unsurpassed in Man They are Immeasurably Superior. Ammunition. May 14 and 17, 1901, Allentown, Pa., by L. B. Fleming. This house will be open from M ay ist to Dec. 15th and will be run^ Loaded With . . . connection with the Heald Pond Camps. KING'S SMOKELESS POWDER Up-to-Date Ammunition. For further information, address, To be a WINNER, use L. & R. SMOKELESS. The Ideal Is Perfection for the Shotgun. THE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. FRED HENDERSON, LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO., Eastern Department 80 CHAMBERS ST., NEW YORK, T. H. Keller, Manager. Jackman. = Maim 99 CEDAR STREET, - - NEW YORK CITY ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I S T H E BRAND, rot/ft vtsir t u b

OF TAXIDERMISTS TAXIDERMIST S PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION M il NOT BE COMPLETE UNLESS YOU ARE THE S. L. CROSBY CO., TAXIDERMISTS. We will this year have the best line of souvenir goods we have ever shown. Under the AMMUNITION ABIE TO SAY YOU HAVE BEEN A CUESTAT new management we will guarantee goods and will fill orders at precisely the time agreed upon. Our work will be kept up to the high standard of excellence for which the company WKicK lists attained Popularity v|J has always been noted. In addition to our business, Mr. W. L. Stewart will be with us at Rangeley. Mr. Stewart is the leading painter in Maine of flsli, game, etc. He will make a specialty of souvenir decorated paddles, fish and game scenes, etc. His work is all painted BECAUSE OF SUPERIORITY. by hand and in oil. The S. L. CROSBY CO , Bangor, He. STAMPS,HOTEL C. S. Winch, Manager; K. H. Cobb, Manager of Rangeley Store. We also have branch stores at Greenville and Northeast Carry in the Moosehead Region. h t 'm m i s n u m M e M. ABBOTT FRAZAR, Manufactured by Taxidermist and dealer in mounted specimens of all kinds, Heads UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO., Rugs, Birds, Game Panels, also Fishing Tackle, Golf goods and Sporting goods in general, as well as a large variety ot high class Souvenirs. LOWELL, MASS., \J. S. A . Call and see me at my new store, the largest and finest of its class in Am erica. BOUND MOUNTAIN LAKE. F L Y R O D ’ S N O T E BO O K M. ABBOTT FRAZAR, Rangeley, Me. Partridges Are a Great Tempta­ Children Enjoy Romping Over TAXIDERMIST. Trout Hezzo the only ar R a v e s & 2 Q P a run & 2 5-P P e r .Da y F o R ^ f r D FISH IN PLENTY. tistic method of mounting fish by which the Student’s Island. PROP r natural color is preserved. Work of every tion to the Sportsmen. Lod gin g Breakfast^ dEveni ng D in n e r ,*tA*w\jt*** description done in the highest style of the Rooms w i i i i Bat h E x t r a . E* am C 1 A * statilrs art.. J. Waldo Nash, Haines Landing, Me EUSTIS, Aug. 26,1901. Warden Esty Narrowly Escapes Man and His Wife Capture Salm­ Em. I f i . S m IIIBS R[H, To the Editor of the Maine JFoods: Poacher’s Bullet. D. E. HEYWOOD. Once again I find myself at Round Moun­ on of Equal Weight. pot are not missing from the load they take, j tain Lake, one of the most beautiful spots in i ’or they often land at “ Lurch island” or go; PADDLED UP TO MOOSE, [Special Correspondence to the Maine W oods.] Have Your Work Done Early tl>e state of Maine. Having visited many St u d e n t ’s Is l a n d , B ir c h e s , Aug. 27,1901. up the Cupsuptic and take dinner out of I shall be prepared after October 1, to take doors. Bk a v e r P ond, Aug. 27, 1901. charge ot all specimens, such as heads, hides camps of I his kind during the jiast twenty- This is now the time when here every camp Lady Broke Salmon Record atL five years, I am free to confess this an ideal is taken, and tents are put up to shelter those Recently Mr. H. C. Kennedy was out with a The register shows a good number of and feet of game animals, also all other taxi­ party in the Cricket. It was h s birthday dermy work, and am prepared when espe spot, where I am sure to find rest, quiet and who declare, when Captain Barker tells and when someone remarked they wished he Pleasant Island. those who have made this a stopping health, as well as all the appointments of a them, “ There is not a cabin on the island but would please go over by Lunch island he was daily requested to have deer beads done and most happily surprised to find a party of | [Special correspondence to the Maine W oods/} place for a few days while traveling shipped to the owner six weeks from the well kept camp. what is taken, I am 3orry there is no room friends were there before him and dinner P l e a s a n t I s l a n d Ca m p s , ^ time I receive them. In this way I will be I have always come in to Eustis by the way vacant.” “ V\ liy, just put up a tent and let us nearly ready, which his charming wife, who , through the country. More people are H a in e s La n d in g , •able to meet the demand of those who want of Dead River station, but having heard so stay until someone goes home.” is always doing so much to give liappine s to expected in September and it is be­ others, had arranged for. Congra'uh tions ' Aug. 28, 1901. ? to receive their specimens before Chris; mas. favorably of the new line to Bigelow via Tliis seems to be a perfect paradise for the followed all wishing Mr. Kennedy many lieved there will be good sport at that I shall make a specialty of turning heads to the Franklin & Megantic railroad, I decided children, and there are some lorty here, avho happy returns of the day. Fly Rod. Lawrence Wetherell and John S. Rey- the right or left, or giving the neck any de­ to try that route and was well repaid, as the time. sired crook that the owner may prefer. Sat­ are as happy as the little ones they read of in ntlds, with Pete Lufkin as guide, made There seems to be no lack of fish in isfaction guaranteed in all work and charges. scenery is fine, the stage very comfortable, fairy lands. Correspondence on all matters pertaining to the ride being some seven miles shorter than STILL FISHING NO HARM. a trip into Seven Ponds and Kennebago the nearby ponds, and a visit to Long or the trade solicited. the old line. The owner and driver, Mr. Geo. Several new camps have been built this ------last week. While there they had some D. E. HEYWOOD, Rangeley, Me. year, among them “ The Mayflower,” as Mr. Little Island pond for an hour or two, is Fassett, is a genial, attentive, accommodat­ and Mrs. Hugh G. Brown of Boston have Hotel Proprietor Who Believes excellent fishing and saw numbers o f ing fellow and has a good four horse team, rewarded with enough trout for the named theirs. Just now while Mr. and Mrs. deer. which brought us in to the Shaw House, Eus­ table. SPRING LIKE. Brown are home for two or three weeks their In It For Rangeley Lake. tis before 9.30 p. m., where we were met by Several good catches of fish have been camp is taken by Mr. A. T. Waite of the Bos­ There are four beaver living in Beaver Host Lambert and seated at the table for the Mr. E. B. Wborff, proprietor of the made by the guests during the past ton Herald, who is accompanied by his fam­ pond this summer aud some of them People Enjoying Pure Air, Pure welcome nie.il in waiting. We discussed, at Phillips Hote), who was for several ily- week. may be seen at any night diving about once, the supper and the delightful drive by years proprietor of the Mooselookme- Water and the Fishing. There are other Be stonians here, Mr. W. C. Mr. Wellman aud son of Cleveland, within sight of the wharf. ' moonlight. guntie House and Bald Mountain Camps [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] The next morning we found the Round Huston and family, who have a new little have just returned from a trip up tho Two parties recently went in through Mountain Lake buckboard, with Dexter Bu- launch which takes them to all parts of the on Mooselookmeguntic lake, has taken . ^ F l a g s t a f f , Aug. 27, 1901. lakes. Kennebago to Beaver pond, around bier as driver, waiting for us and at 8 o’clock some interest in the expressions of opin­ Mr. F. J. Wetherell and family of through Whitecap and Parmachenee, re­ On Saturday the Gay party arrived, we made the start. I was mu h surprised to Mr. C. W. Gardner and family of Boston ion in regard to plug fishing in Range- Newtonville, Mass., have returned home find the road so greatly improved since last are also here. Mr. Gardner is connected turning to Rangeley by way of Magallo- consisting of Messrs. Geo. M. Gay, F. J. year. Mr Bly has made great use of time ley lake and other questions that are after a stay of several weeks. (and dynamite) to gain tins end He tells me with the International Paper company and way. Lyons and E. J. Flanagan. Later in that a few days since Mr Blanchard of Strat­ spends part of his time at Rumford Falls. taken up in the petition which the fish Mrs. Wellman of Cleveland broke tbo salmon record of the island by bring­ Proprietor W . D. Grant is looking the week they were joined by Mr. Gay’s ton drove in with a top buggy with rubber Judge Fuller of Tau- ton, Mass., is tills year and game commissioners will take into tires ing in a fine 8-pound salmon Tuesday. forward with contentment to the advent friend, W . E. Pickett. Last year Mr. accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss consideration at the hearing which is l also find a number of improvements about It has been sent to the taxidermist to be A of the railroad line that will pass quite the camps, a new wharf and walk, a new Mary C. Fuller. appointed for August 30. Gay was $o fortunate as to catch in one cabin, new roofs on several of the camps, mounted. near Beaver pond, thus placing it with Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Welts of New York City “ I know of no reason,” said Mr. j day a take trout weighing 104 pounds also quite a change In kitchen and storeroom, A number of guests, invited by Mrs, in easy reacii of everyone. So gratified running water in the camps,etc. occupy the same camp they have had for a Whorif, “ why the summer visitors Soule, enjoyed a moonlight excursion is he with the prospect that bis weight and a salmon that tipped the scales at 5 The fishing is still up to the standard for number of seasons. It is easy to find them should not have an opportunity to catch which Round Mountain lake is noted and we Monday night. They went down to has reached 200 pounds, which indicates pounds. for they have made it beautiful with many a few fish for table use. I do not be­ have little time to repine or complain, for Bald Mountain Camps, where ice cream a peaceful mind and clear conscience. the trout are always waiting to be caught. handsome flowers. The doctor, who is a very lieve in prohibiting still fishing but A party of nine took a trip from Dead fine physician retired from the U. S. N., is was served and then slowly steamed back Some difficulties have occurred be­ The salmon which have been put in are now would favor any reasonable regulation River dam to Spring lake on Monday, showing themselves quite frequently and often called to attend someone who is ill. I to Pleasant Island. tween the lumbermen camping at Little heard one remark, “ We all feel so safe as limiting the number or the pounds to be getting here in season for dinner, re­ before long will be a drawing card to this Kennebago and Warden Geo. M. Esty. lake. We only go a few rods from camp to long as Dr. Wells is with us.” He goes when 'taken by one person or by the occupants j The other afternoon C. A. Hobbs of see deer and fawn every day and as for birds needed, from the kindness of a nqble, gener­ Bridgeport, Conn., and his guide, John It was found that they were doing con­ turning in the afternoon. They were ous heart, for these days should bring him of one rowboat. Perhaps it would be —“Well, these partridges are an awful temp­ Thibedeau, paddled within thirty feet siderable bait fishing in the lake and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Richardson, Mr, and tation," says more than one who is waiting only rest. well to make the number of pounds of a large cow moose. The moose did stream,' in violation of the State laws, Mrs. B. E. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan- lor the law to he off. They are very abun­ Next to the doctor are Mr. and Mrs. Henry smaller than at present. Plug fishing and J. B. Dill, who is campiDg at No. 2 dant surely. C. Kennedy and two daughters of Brooklyn, from Hunter Cove bridge after June 1, 1 not seem at ail alarmed aud stood still us Roncho, Miss Effie Roucho, Mr. and We have done the falls, a beautiful cas­ who have made a host of friends during ihe for several minutes, but unfortunately on Kennebago. took several photo­ cade on “ Big Alder,” fished the small stream eight or ten summers they nave been here. is prohibited now, and that regulation graphs of them while fishing. Warden Mrs. W . B. Clark. with equal success, (a full creel) With such Their launch, “ Cricket.” is always taking a n av be all right, but I do not believe it it was so dark that Mr. Hobbs was un­ Esty got information of what was going lovely walks, the scenery from camp and happy party out lor a sail. would be wise to carry it farther than able to take a picture of it. S. B. Carville, G. M. Gay, W. E. lake and all the old friends whom we meet on and came up to learn the particulars. The “Twin cottages” are taken by Mr. and this for the reason that the summer Recent arrivals are: Pickett, with L. B. Longley, guide, here, as well as many new ones, we can but Mis. W. R. Kissam and five sons of Brooklyn, When entering Little Kennebago in a went to Speucer stream on a fishing be more than content, and wonder that the fishermen take but few anyway and too Geo. Heyward, Gardner; H. A. Whee'ock, N. Y., who are here for iheir first season, but I H. G. Smith, Putnam; S. Ranland, Montclair; canoe, a shot was fired across the pond trip. They caught some nice trout aud wheel may not continue to turn out our good so much pleased are they with the place, it is many restrictions have a tendency to fortune in as delightful a summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen, Miss Dorothy Allen, by some unseen party and came rather got a snapshot at a bull moose. Messrs. safe to predict it wilt not be their last sum­ hurt the business.” Tlios. I.. Allen, Boston; Edgar L. Morton, Geo. S i l v e r d o c t o r , mer here. close to his canoe. Esty visited the Howe and Irwin also had a most excel­ I A. Brown, Manchester, N. H.; Mr. and Mrs. From the same city come Mrs. F. T. Morrell | Geo. S. Pay sen, Master Eddie Payson, Port- camps and talked with the bosses but lent string brought from the same and family. ! land; Mrs James M. Stewart. Patterson; Mr. found no one who knew who fired the place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cooley, have been Anglers’ Retreat. I and Mrs. J. Parker Whitney, Miss H. B. Whit- shot or who had done any fishing. Of Bear Killed at Kennebago. most “ lucky” fishing this past week. At one I ney, Richardson lake; Rev. N. C. Halsted, St. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin of New York time they both had great sport witli a salmon [Special correspondence to the MAI> E WOODS.1 Johnland, N. Y.; Miss Cheney, South Man- , course they were very penitent and City arrived Wednesday uoou of last ! Chester, Conn.; Mrs. A. Greenwood, Gardner; [Special correspondence to Ma in e W oods.] and when the pair were landed, they each M i d d l e d a .m , Aug. 28, 1901. promised to cause no further disturb­ week. In the afternoon Mrs. Irwin weighed 4% pounds. Mr. Cooley also caught Miss Cornelia T. t. rosby, Phillips; Alexander ance. a 6>4-pouno salmon. Pope, Boston; Charles George, Bangor; D. J. landed a salmon that weighed pounds. K ennebago La k e , Aug. 26, 1901. Recent arrivals at Middledam are as MacDougall. Lowell; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Recent arrivals are as follows: This is the largest salmon that has been Boulder Lodge has for a month been taken follows: Buckman, Miss Hastings, F. H. Gaee, Boston; For several days past Mr. Cecil de by the Lea party six in number of Philadel­ A. II. Ganett, Wilmington; W. I>. Grand, Ar­ Aug. 15. Mr. an

! TRANSPORTATION | TRANSPORTATION Long Pond Notes. TO FISH OR NOT TO FISH JUNE WOODS. Messrs. Geo. and Arthur Bonney, Mr TIME - TABLE. Montgomery and Harry Kimball made a Sportsman Hives Views on Ques- j trip to Beaver pond last Thursday and brought home seventy handsome trout. Sreene’s Stage LineSANDY RIVER R R shed Weekly at Phillips, He lions Now Discussed. Monday, June 24,1901. The high water there shows evidence of Dead River to Eustis. B a t h , Me ., Aug. 24, 1901. work being bone by the beaver, which seem to have returned in goodly num­ T he only Stage Line in the Dead Tr’n 1 Tr’n 3! Tr’n 5 of the North Haine W oods To the Editor of the Maine Woods: North. A. M. A. M. P. M. bers. upon River region that connects with the and Country. Please pardon me if I encroach Monday afternoon Prescott Lowell lv 6 60 4 50 your valuable space. I have read with shot a grey eagle measuring 5 feet, 7 early train for Boston. W ill make Farmington,...... 11 55 no little interest the articles in your ii dies from tip to tip. connections with trains on and after So. Strong,...... Advance Subscription Rates ar §1.00 paper about fishing in Rangeley lakes; Deer are quite thick around the pond M ay i i , 1901. Strong...... 7 40 P. M. ear,...... lv 7 50 12 28 5 20 ...... 50 still, trolling and fly and the restrica- and if they are left alone by reckless a n g e l e y a k e s Phillips...... • ar 8 20 12 45 5 40 onths,...... 25 R L , law breakers, shooting will be very good I. W. GREENE, Prop’r, M onths,...... tions about to be asked of the commis­ Upper Dam House, Mooselookmeguntie ana ...... 3c . Big trout and Land­ this fall. Copies,...... • • sioners. locked salmon. J o h n ( h a d w ic k a Co., Mr. Winship and family of Lewiston, Coplin, Maine. ;ription price when not paid within Upper Dam. Maine. Tr’n 2 Tr’n 4 Tr’n 6 For one I do not like the restrictions who have been spending a few weeks at nonths, $1.50 a year. South. A. M. P.M. P.M. for the following reasons: If I am living Camp Burnside, have returned to their Delightful Reception at Upper home. at the Rangeley Lake House I like to Phillips,...... 7 20 1 25 4 30 it for remittance on subacrtptlons is Mrs. A. S. Beedy with friends have Portland & M o r i Falls fij. hn yellow sii^on p a ^ If take my little children over to Haley Dam House. been staying at Mrs. Pratt’s cottage. Strong,...... 7 40 1 40 6 20 Wn fin not pond and troll or still fish for their good D ir e c t Lin e to Ra n g e l e y La k e s . [Special correspondence to the Mains W oods.] Through Time-table, In Effect June 24, 19(1. So. Strong,...... oceipta. time and as I can rent Mr. Eugene Her­ U pper Da m , Aug. 20, 1901. htattstf W oods is glad to receive com- rick’s camp on Gull pond, I also like to h r o u g h /"* om m odiouiS C PLEND1D Sportsman’s Favorite Dog. O KRVICJC. Farmington,...... 8 10 2 15 6 00 Tuesday evening, August 20, Mr. T RAINS. OACHEB. there, too. If I am living at the John, the dog that rides on Captain GOING SOUTH. A. M. A. M. P. V Mountain View House I am already re Douglas B. Stewart gave the first full j Parker’s boat, the Florence Barker, on Leave Bemis, 7.45 1 25 WESTON LEWIS Pres. p. n . BEAL, Supt. guarantee of good faith. dress party that was held in Upper Dam i “ Rumford Palls, 9.00 2.40 stricted from hiring a team of Mr. Bow- Mooselookmeguntic lake has many win­ “ Mechanic Palls, 6.55 10.16 4.07 m * txtt WOODS does not hold itself re- ley and driving to Quimby pond to fish House. He was assisted by the Clive j Arrive, Lewiston,M, C. Upper dble'for, noT does it necessarily endorse ning ways and he is a general favorite. Station, 7.40 11.10 4.50 lews of its correspondents for the day and now it is proposed to boys, sens of Dr. Clive of Indianapolis, j But once in a great while he gets sea “ Portland, Union Time-Table. 1, piease.glve the old as well as new stop still fishing on the clay banks. These same young men furnished the J sick, when the water is a little rough, Station, 8.35 12.18 5.46 bsb. * . . and he does the whole thing to perfec­ P. M. P. M. Understand me I am not advocating fish music from behind beautiful screens, ar- | W. Dlv. 12.45 4.10 9.15 PHILLIPS * RANGELEY R. R. member that the tion, with the exception that he can’ t Boston, E. Dlv. 12.30 4.00 9.00 The only all-rail route to Rangeley Lake. bv letter when a subscriber wisi t? ing for the market or “ making a fish l'anged on the main floor. Fortunately The quickest and easiest route to the Dead oaperVtopped. All arrearages must be lean over the rail. GOING NORTH. P. M. A. M. P. M tfie Clive boys possessed their instru­ River Region via Dead River Station. Stage hawk of myself” but do advocate just ( W Div «.30 1.16 connection with every through train tor e price of 81.00 per year for the MAINE exactly what Mr. L. E. Bowley said, ments for the music was something new Leave Boston, j E n(v 9 00 12.30 Stratton, Eustis and all points inland. published in your issue of the 9th, and <» T>orMand M. C R. R., M, P M. On and a fter Jure 24. 1901, trains on tne Phil­ to this section of Maine and to Upper Union Station. 8 30 12.55 5.16 asfflassasssssffl^^ what Mr. J. B. Marble said to the Lew­ Teams of All lips «Jk Rangeley railroad will run as follows jl.50 a year. Do not expect any deviation Dam House, and as such attracted the “ Lewiston M. C. R. R., until further notice: m this rule. iston Journal reporter. Upper Station, 9 .’0 1.56 6.06 j. W. BRACKETT, Publisher. I enclose you a clipping from the Bos­ patrons, and by them and invited guests, Arrive Mechanic Palls, 10 06 2.44 6.46 EAST. A M P M P M 4.10 ton Herald of the 10th which I wish you Descriptions. “ Rumford Palls. 11 35 Phillips, Lv * . • , , 8.46 1.25 5.40 was loudly applauded. “ Bemis 12 45 5.20 ♦Madrid, 9 05 1.40 6.55 would publish. This man makes a drive Mr. Douglas Stewart, in evening dress, Additional trains. L^ave Rumford Falls ♦Reed’s Mill, . 9 15 1.50 6.05 at the Oquossoc Angling association. I Parties desiring teams of any kind ♦Sanders’ Mill, . . 9 35 2.00 6 15 © Edition of Maine Woods bo- uy, don’ t think any member of this associa­ received the guests who brought termedla'e stations. Leave Mechanic Falls Redington Mills, . ar 10.00 2 25 6.40 quets of flowers to Mr. Stewart, The *to any P °int ' n this region can be ac­ 0.47 p. m., Saturdays only, for Rumford Falls cie 10.05 2.26 6.40 This Week is 4,080. tion has anything to do with pushing and Intermediate stations. ♦Log Track No. 2. 10.20 2.35 6.50 % this petition. It certainly looks as if it invited guests were Miss Elizabeth commodated by notifying Trains run daily except Sundays, except a? Dead River, . . • 10 40 2.45 t7.00 otherwise noteo. Rangeley, ar . . 11.30 3.00 7.15 originated with the town people of Allen, who with another sister and her HUNTOON & OAKES, Rangeley and if it did they are certainly Through Pullman Parlor Cars between | WEST. A M A M P M FRIDAY, AUUUST 30, 1901. father from Portland are stopping at the PROPRIETORS. Portland and Bemis. Rangeley, Lv . • standing in their own ligLu. This is the only standard gauge all rail line 6.00 11.30 1.35 Upper Dam. She appeared in a white Dead River, . 6 12 11.42 1.50 Mr. J. B. Marble and his most estim­ Stable next to Oquossoc Plouse. direct to the heart of the Rangeley Lakes. ♦Log Track No. 2, 6.24 11.54 2 06 IiATE reports indicate that many who able wife and Mr. L. E. Bowley and his satin cream costume, with flowers E. I,. T.ovejoy, Supt., Rumford Falls, Me. Redington Mills, . l ar 6.35 P M 2.25 R <\ Bradford. Traffic Mgr..Portland, Me. 1 de 6.35 12 05 2.40 ent to the Klondike for gold found most estimable wife give us value re­ and shoes to match. Her sister, Miss Rangeley, - - Maine. ceived while under their roofs and I 12.23 3.10 arvation, but that won’t lessen the Marjorie Allen, also from Portland, ap­ ♦Reed’s Mill, . . - 12.30 3.25 sincerely hope the good people of Range peared in a pink costume that made her ♦Madrid, .... 12 35 3.35 aber of gold hunters. Phillips, ar . • ■ 7.20 12 50 4.00 ley and the commissioners will continue captivating to all her friends. Miss to let us have value received while under The Maine Woods Offers a ♦Trains stop on 1 d or n otice to con- Alfred Barber, who with her father and ductor. the sky. mother are from South Framingham, i' he churches of the borough of Man- Ycurs respectfully, Fl e t c h e r Po p e , Gen. Man’g’r. Mass., and one of the most popular H. FIELD. P. a t . A. .ttan, New York City, will send about H. G. T h o s J. Dil l o n . youm ladies here, looked charming in a First-Class Canoe A. L. Robertson, Superintendent. ,000 boys and girls and mothers to the [The paragraph referred to follows: brown costume of the latest fashion. mntry this summer. Miss Edith Lee, who with her mother To Registered Guides Many anglers in and about Boston will hails from Auburn, Me , and for whose be interested in the fate of a petition coming the patrons look forward every On Monday, Sept. 3 0 , the M a i n e W o o d s will give away a first-class ChE Maine Historical society sent out recently presented to the fish and game FRANKLIN NIEGANTIC RY. year, for without her cottage life would Canoe absolutely free of charge. The Canoe will be disposed o f through a t week an appeal for help in the commissioners of Maine, asking that be very dull, appeared in a beautiful Shortest and easiest route to Eustis ard Dead trolling be prohibited in Rangeley lake voting contest and will be g’ven to the Registered Maine Guide who re­ ' it has undertaken of preserving costume. These young ladies were River region. after July 1. Naturally, fiv fishermen, gfellow’s house. The home of chaperoned by Mrs. Clive and Mrs. Lee. ceives the largest number of votes. Any registered guide in Maine may those who look upoD trolling as sport fit The gentlemen invited were Mr. A. J. gfellow ought not to be pulled only for a tyro, favor the petition, but McCabe of New York, Mr. Elmer Clive compete and the one having the largest number of votes at the close of the In Effect June 24, 1901. )wn, The society is ready to receive there are others. and his brother, Archer, from Indian­ contest will be the winner. A Boston man who goes to Rrngeley SOUTH. a m; aA m M p m apolis, and Mr. Allen from Portland. intributions, and tiusts the admirers each s ,r ng, and who is a member of Bigelow, lv II11 00 00 7 00 ! the poet everywhere will assist in the Following Mr. Stewart, who escorted Cairabassett, 11 20 20 7 that aristocratic fishing trust, the Miss Barber, the party sat down to re­ (ar 11 5050 7 7 50 uty of saving his home from destruu Oquossoc Angling asso iation, has this kingfleld, { P M freshments served by Miss Lizzie Chad­ ( lv 6 50 12 45 ion. to say about it: wick. ♦No. Freeman, lv “ I don’t know what I had rather do 6 55 12 55 The success of the affair was pro­ Salem, 7 10 1 05 than fish, but I will be blessed if I can *W. Freeman, iv nounced, everyone had an enjoyable 7 25 1 15 A d m i r a l De w e y declined the invita- cast a fly, and when you come right Strong, ar 7 35 1 30 time and Mr. Stewart is to be congratu­ down to it, very few who visit the NORTH. A M P M lOn to be a guest of the Maine Demo- lated for an entertainment which was a Rangeley region are what might be Strong, lv 8 15 5 25 ratic club at their meeting at Merry- welcome surprise to the patrons and cot­ *W. Freeman, lv termed expert fly fishermen. When I 8 25 5 35 leeting park last Saturday. He re- tage people at Upper Dam House, G. Salem, 8 40 5 50 fish I troll, as do most of my acquain­ ♦No. Freeman, lv 8 50 5 55 retted his inability to be present but tances. I use a rod, and, when fortu­ Kingfleld, j 9 00 6 10 ave no further reason for his declina- nate enough to hook a trout or salmon, 9 15 6 10 PARMAUHENEE CLUB. Carrabassett, 9 45 6 35 .«?n. play him the same as do those who con I Bigelow, ar 10 15 6 55 nect by a cast. I fail to see why trolling j *Flag stations. Trains _Stop on notice with a rod is less sportsmanlike than Tourists l ake a Trip Here and j conductor. tMixed trains. T h er e is a movement on foot to form fishing with a fly. 1 do object to rowing ! tfiose connection is made at Strong with trains to and from Phllltpg, Farmington, Port- a salt mackerel trust. Gloucester is the about the lake with a half-dozen hand Find Tame Deer. j land and Boston. lines out. No true sportsman will do connect ions at Carrabasset for point where the combination has its [Special correspondence to the Maine WoUds] Stage Eustis this, which is as bad as plug fishing.” ] and D*ad River Region. head. Sp id e r *La k e , P. Q., Aug. 26, 1901. GEO. M. VOSE, superintendent. On a recent trip through Beaver pond ' T he population of Canada grows An Old Beaver Dam. and Parmachenee the writer and party father slowly, the increase for the last Boston, Aug. 24, 1901. consisting of Dr. A . A. Boyer and ten years being 9.7 per cent. This is To the Editor of the Maine I Foods: W . D. Grand of East Orange, N. J., not due to the low birth rate, blit to the Under notes from Bigelow by “ W . A. spent a day at the Parmachenee club. Rules of the Contest. T ^ a u - r o a d i fact that so many Canadians when they It is essential to the contest that the names of not less than two contestants appear and G . ,” I was visibly carried back, by his W e found the place remarkably quiet ;et old enough to know where they remain actively engaged until the close. In the event of the withdrawal of all aci ive can­ reference to the beaver dam near Eustis, there, having but twenty-five guests didates hut one, there can be no contest, and the prize will be withdrawn. ARR«N6Im i«T of TRAINS. ivant to live come to the United States. to the dam we so frequently visited, registered at the club house this sum­ A coupon will be printed in each and every issue of the Maine Woods until and includ- In Effect, Monday, June 24, 1901. l* ing Friday, September 27, 1901, which will contain the last coupon. The contest will cl< se at Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars between Cart- when mere lads, on our fishing, hunting mer. The fishing could not be estij. i this paper’s business office at 6 o’clock p m. the following Monday, September 30, when the bon and Bangor on train leaving Caribou at It is estimated that it has cost Great votes will he counted by a committee representing the leading contestants. 6-35 a. m. and Bangor at 3.25 p m. and trapping trips to , N. mated as no one had tried it for a long 1. For every yearly new subscriber to this pape- at $1 two hundred votes will be given. 6.00 A. M.—For and arriving at Lagrange at britain $15,000 for every Boer she has H. time. Deer were in abundance every­ A new subscriber may pay as many years in advance as he wishes and receive votes at the 7.13 a. m., Milo 7.38 a. m., Brownville 7.50 a. m., killed, captured or seriously wounded. rate of 200 for each $1 per year paid; but all these payments must be made in advance at Katahdin Iron Works 10.00a. m.. Norcros«8.42 This is a beautiful sheet of water where and so tame that we got very one time. a. m „ Millinocket 8.67 a m, Sherman 9.48 am, some two miles in length and one and close to many of them. The water was 2. For every $1 paid by present subscribers, either arrearages of accounts or in advance Patten 10.15 a m, IslandFalls 10.15 a m, Smyrna on present subscription, one hundred votes will be given. Mil's 10.45 a m.Weeksboro 11.08 a m, Masardls, ,? T h e goldenrod is beautiful, but with one-half in width, surrounded by grand very high, otherwise we should have 11.52a m, Ashland 12.16 p ni, Houlton 11.10 a m, 3- Changes in subscriptions from one member to another of the same family, etc., made Presque Isle 12.55 p. Caribou 1.20 p. m., its suggestion of autumn is altogether and picturesque scenery—the foothills seen many more. As it was we saw for the obvious purpose of securing the increased number of votes urivengiven to new shaeriherssbscribers, cannot be permitted. New Sweden 1.50 p. m., Van Buren 2.40 p. m., too conspicuous. descending to the very shore— gradually nine while out in the afternoon. Fort Fairfield 1.15 p. m..Limestone 2.15 p m, . „4. Each , issue , of the Maine Woods will contain one coupcoupon, which, when filled out and Dover, 8 03 a. m., Guilford 8.22 a. m., Monaon rising from the southeast shore and Looking over the record of fish taken delivered at the Maine Woods office, will count as one vote. Junction 8.37 a. 4n.,Greenville 9J0a. m., Kineo Officers are still chasing after which is kept very carefully in detail, There will be no single votes tor sale; votes can only be obtained as above set forth, or 11.30 a. m upper end of the pond to the Goose-eye by clipping from the paper the votes that appear below. 3.25 P M.—For and arriving at Brownville Blondin, who “ bobs up serenely’ ’' first we found that the largest trout taken 4.50 p. m., Norcross 5.43 p.m , Millinocket 5.66 range of mountains in Maine. The west Votes will be counted each Thursday during the contest and the figures of such counting in one section and then in another, but this far was a 5^-pounder, taken by printed in the following Issue of the paper. P m, Sherman 6.3^ p m, Patten 7.00 p m, shore is protected by “ Pond hill,” the G. W. Chauncy of Brooklyn, N. Y. Smyrna Mills 7.22 d. m., Weeks boro 7 44 p. m., none thus far have proved to be the All communications should be addressed to Voting Contest, this office. Masardls 8.27 p. in., Ashland 8.50 p. m. north shore by low land extending about This was really a fine one but there were Island Falls, 6.58 p. m. Houlton 7.45 p. m., genuine article. one mile to the foot of Black mountain, few others worth mentioning. A few Mars Hill and Blaine 8 47 p. m.. Presque salmon were recorded, the largest | of a Isle 9.15 p. m.. Caribou 9.40 p. m., Fort Fair- with Bald mountain to the left, around field 9.35 p. m. - A t r a v e l l e r has to stay but a few which the outlet flows. Evidently this pound, all the others from i to pound. 5.00 P M —For and arriving at Lagrange minutes at The Aborn in Magnolia, low land at one time was part of the W e were cordially welcomed and given 6 07 p. m., Milo 6.35 p. xn , Brovtnville 6.45 p. the freedom of the place while we m., Katahdin Iron Works 7.25 p. m., Mass., to realize that the house is a gem pond but now separated from the main Norcross 7.40 p m, Millinocket, 7 50 p m, Dover body of water by a heaver dam, approx­ remained. ind the management satisfactory. Mr. and Foxcroft 6 57 p. m , Guilford < 12 p m., imately one-half mile in length, three Another party only a day ahead of us Monson Junction 7 30 p. m., Greenville 8.20 p. John Gould Aborn is the proprietor and rods in width and six feet in height, on the same journey was Mr. and Mrs. m.,Quebec 9.00 a. m„ Montreal 8.36 a. m. 3 ably assisted by Mr. Harrie Haskell, running from a narrow outlet near the Geo. P. Robbins of Pelham, Mass., with a r r iv a l s . north end of Pond hill to the foothills 9.10 A. M.—Leaving Montreal 8.20 p. m., Que­ is nephew.— Boston Home Journal. Emery Haley and Ernest Bennett, bec 7.30 p. m., Greenville at 6.30 a. m., on the east shore, where we usually guides. They spent the night at Rump Monson Junction 6.20 a m..Guilford 6.36 a. m., camped. pond five miles down the lake where Dover 6.53 a. m., Katahdin Ironworks 6.10 a Our curiosity, as hoys, and deep in­ they enjoyed excellent fishing, bringing m., Millinocket 6.00 a. m., Norcross 6.13 a. m. Stoddard House Arrivals. Brownville 7.07 a. m., Milo 7.17 a. m , La­ terest in such a gigantic piece of work, out one 3-pound trout that was mounted grange 7.48 a. m. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] planned and executed with such human by S. L. Crosby & Co. at Rangeley. 1.05 P. M.—Leave Caribou 6.35 a. m. Presque intelligence, led to various methods of D. E. He y w o o d . i Isle 7.00 a. m., Fort Fairfield 6.40 a. m.. Houl- Farm im gton, Aug. 26, 1901. ! ton 8 35 a. m., Ashland 7 25 a. m., Masardls investigating its construction. W e un­ 7.47 a. m., Weeksboro 8.33 a. m , Smyrna Mills Among the recent arrivals at the Stod­ covered logs some two feet in diameter 8.55 a. m., Island Falls 9.26 a. m., Patten 8.50 a. dard House are the following: so decayed, however, we were unable to Sporting Notes From Imliaii m., Sherman 9.48 a. m., Millinocket 10.33 a. determine their specie. The dam must ni., Norcross 10 44 a. ni., Brownville 11.36 a. H. T. Boynton, Portland; J. E. Short, Ban­ Bock Camps. m., Milo 1145 a. m. gor; C. H. Hall, Mrs. W. F. Baldwin, Miss Lil­ have been constructed more than one 7.20 P. M.—Leaving Kineo 1.55 pm,Greenville lian Baldwin, Boston; S. J. Stearns, Mrs. G. A. hundred and fifty years ago by the ap­ [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] 3.55 n m, Monson Junction 4.45 pm,Guilford 5.00 parent age of the trees now completely Maine Woods Canoe Voting Contest. pm Dover 5.15p m, Limestone 10.50 a m, Van Bu­ Walker, H. H. Brown, Miss E. Cowan, New H a n o v e r , Aug. 27, 1901. ren 10.30 a m. New Sweden 11.20 a. m Caribou York; Mrs. Thos. Wallace, S. B. Wallace, covering it. P u b l is h e r s Ma in e W oods : 12.01 p.,m ., Presque Isle 12.28 p. ni. Fort Fair- Philadelphia; E. C. Worth, Julian Ellis, J. H. In addition to the main dam, there is Watching deer and boat racing on the field 11.30' a. • m.^ •_? *WU1WIHoulton 2.10 p. m., Island a second one, near the brook, some few Herewith find 8 ...... for which credit...... year’s subscription to Falls 3.07 P. m., Patten 3.00 n m Sherman 3.30 Treadway, S. R. Perkins, G. H. Moore, G. W- lake are the order of the day. p. m. Millinocket, 4.20 p m, Norcross 4.33 p m, Parker, Boston; I. W. Greene, Coplin; W. F. rods below about the same height and (Name)...... Katahdin Iron Works 3 Of Phinney, Lewis Pierce, Portland; G. H. Boyn­ width, but not more than eight or ten Late arrivals at camp are: J. H. .30 p m, Milo 5.40 p m. LagTange 6.07 p m. ton, East Berlin; F. S Stanwood, Rumford rods in length. I can only connect from Jennie, Roxbury; A. G. Howe, G. H. (Address) GEO. M. HOUGHTfTON,___ Falls; C. T. Canton and wife, John Canton, Gen’l Passenger and Ticket Agent. Chelsea; C. H. Newcomb, Winchester Mass.; a human standpoint such an endless Virgin and wife, Hanover; Susan G. — AND ALSO — W. M. BROWN, Superintendent. D. W. Weld, Ethel P. Weld, Windon, Minn.; piece of work, with a playground. L. O. Dyer, Augusta; W. C. Cleveland, E. C. Kimball, Wilder R. Kimball, Pearl Kim ­ - HUNDRED VOTES. Bangor, Me.. June 20, 1900. Lovett. S. T. Waterman, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Many were the exciting experiences R. Loch, J. F. Robinson, New York; Mrs. I. J. with large trout and wild animals we ball, Maria Kimball, Nancy J. Colby, For. Woodman, Paw Paw, Mich.; L. H. Call, Grove- had, as it was a wild, primeval country, Dorothy Kimball, George Kimball, Isa­ ton, N. H.; W. M. Rhodes, Coldwater. Mich.; Of. H. T. Emmons and wife, Mansfield; S. W. uninhabited except here and there a bella J. Lufkin, Rumford; Ross Hutch­ Humphrey, Philadelphia; A. G. Dunham, hunter’s camp along the trail that fol­ RANGELEY LAKES STEAMBOAT CO. ins, Lowell, Mass.; C. M. Burditt, Rum­ . Subscription. Please Indicate whether this Is an New Subscription or Portland; F. G. Crosby, Chicago; A. G. Mc- ” lowed the stream six miles to civiliza­ renewal. tihe - t a b l e . Gowan, St. Louis; F. S. Langley, Boston. ford; W . V. Brad een, Mattapan; Bessie tion. w. W. Bl a ir . June a4 , 1 901. A. Williams, C. M. Richardson, Mr. and DOWN TRIP. Arrivals at Birches. Mrs. C. B. Richardson, D. C. Thornton, W i ■ J hn i ? T n° e 1S t? bT? °en e ^regular patterns put out by E. M. Dally except Sun. Sun only Hearing by the Commissioners of White, Old Town, or by E. S. Twaddle of W eld, whose advertisements [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] Ethel M. G. Jordan, Mrs. F. C. Chap­ AM PM PM PM AM PM appear m another column The winter in the contest may go to the cata­ Rangeley lv 7.55 2 00 3 46 7.25 8.25 2 00 Fish ami dame. man, Mrs. D. C. Thornton, Dorchester. R L. H. Birches, Aug. 25,1901. lv A Portland newspaper man with his log or to the factory of either of these manufacturers and takl his pick of wharf 8.00 2 05 3.50 7.30 8.30 2.05 The following are the recent arrivals at the The commissioners of inland fisheries the regular makes. F Mt. View lv 8.40 2 45 4.30 8.10 9 10 2.45 family will be at camp this week, also a Birches: and game will have a hearing at Fur- Rangeley party from Rumford Falls. Outlet 8.45 2 50 4.35 9.15 2.50 A. T. Waite and family, Brookline; T. D. bish’s hall, Rangeley, August 30, at 7 COnte8,ant8 will be published in the Ma oNE Wallace Morse and Art Holt were at W oods every week till the close, UP TRIP. Chan tier and son, W. M. McGill, Pittsburgh; o’clock p. m., on the proposition to set E. A. Grozier, W. H. Gordan, Boston; P. E their camp Sunday. Daily except Sun. Sun only apart, for a term not exceeding ten a m p m p M p M AM PM Madeira, Philadelphia; Miss Maud Sattler’ years, the waters of Sandy river above H. H. Trimm, who has been stopping 5 2 HsiNoyjf* Dead R iver,...... 9 111 Rangeley Cincinnati, Ohio; E. G. Langman, F. R Baker at H olt’s camp, has bought a fine camp Mr. E. H. Grose, S tratton,...... ' 4 JL'J and wife, Brooklyn; F. W. Stearns, Newton, Redington Mills, for the use of the com­ Outlet lv 10.00 2 50 500 10 30 4.30 Mass.; Chas. George, Bangor; W. L. Saunders lot and will build next season. Billy McLintook, Jackm an,...... Mt. View lv 10.05 2 55 5J15 8.15 10.35 4.35 missioners in the prosecution of the Rangeley ar 10.50 3 35 5 P 9.00 11.20 5 20 Miss Murphy, Plainfield, N. J.; N. C. Crosbv Ross Hutchins of Lowell, Mass., with Augustus B. Douelass, Eustis,...... v m and family, Manchester, N. H.; Salley E. Hal- work of fish culture and of scientific re­ Mrs, Jim Harlow, Dead River, ...... The above time-table shows lime boats letf, Newton, Mass. search relative to fishes. his guide, W. C. Holt, took twenty-four may be expected to arrive and depart from fine trout recently. J..F. Adams, Bigelow ...... the several points, but is not guaranteed. Dion Blackwell, Stratton,...... ,|qq H. H. FIELD, Gen’l Man*g*r. On Wednesday, Aug. 14, Mr. and Mrs ^foresting and Instructive Ser­ A. II, Jones witnessed the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Lottie G. Iron and Wood Wo/ vices During the Week. Jones to Mr. W . H. S. Ellingwood of Island Pond, Vt. "Am ong the other I am now prepared to do all k [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. C. Taking of carriage, iron and wood worl St r o n g , A u g . 20, 190L. F. Chandler of Phillips. SALE painting. All kinds of hard 1 The cumpmeeting was opened Monday The seventeenth annual reunion of lumber, and all kinds of re the Wilton academy Alumni association kept on hand. Heavy farm wa evening, August 19. It was under the was held on Wednesday, Aug. 14, after­ built to order. Horseshoeing management of Rev. C. A . Southard, pre­ noon and evening. The services df the job work a specialty. siding elder of Augusta district. Tues­ afternoon at Bartlett’s grove consisted ^ ^ ^ It For of a picnic dinner after which short I am now able to attend the work mys day forenoon W . E. Purinton of Rum- talks were given by different members T. R. WINO, fo’.d Centre preached a helpful sermon. of the association. At 7.45 the services Tn the, afterr oon Rev. T. N. Kewley began at the academy hall where an in­ Phillips, - - - Mai /preached. The audience was small, but teresting program was carried out. The following officers were chosen for next Ladies’ Ready = to = wear Suits, the sermon was appreciated. Rev. Granted year: N. E. Adams, president; D. T. Sewall Leech of Madison preached to a Ilatkorne, vice president; Edna F. Das- limited congregation. Usually the con­ comb, secretary and treasurer. After Marked to $3-99 and $4.99 gregations are small the beginning of the officers had been chosen the subject You are in dead earnest of raising a fund was presented with a G. E. RICE01 the campmeeting. Brother Leech result that $500 was raised. about this matter of fit­ preached a fervent and evangelistic ser­ Leslie Pliinney and wife, Carol Whit- ting up and fixing up mon. Black Dress Skirts for temore and lady and Ernest Whitte- $1.49 the interior ofyour home, Rev. W ilm ot P. Lord, the pastor at more and lady returned from Weld Sat urday night, where they have been we offer you something Blacksmith, Farmington, was the preacher Wednes­ camping for the last two weeks. invigorating here in day morning. llis discourse received Rev, F. M. Preble of Auburn preached Gray Storm Skirts for $1.99 warm commendation from those who a very interesting sermon at the Congre­ prices on New Fall Car­ heard him. In the afternoon Rev. Wil­ gational church Sunday, Aug. 18. pets. Phillips, - Main bur F. Berry presented the work of the Mr. George L Hosmer died at his These is art in the selec­ Christian Civic league. In the evening home in Wilton August 15, aged 62 years. He was a member of Company * m y* * tion of every shade and he delivered a thoughtful, earnest ser G, Seventeenth Maine Regiment. He the placing of every mon from the words ‘ ‘Submit yourselves leaves a wife and two sons. figure. therefore to G od,” James iv, 7. The The hobos are causing much trouble H. I. SPINNEY thought of the speaker was that charac­ in town, as several persons have been A studio of economy, held up. J a c k . j t D E A L E R IN j b ter would become like the force that G. B. SEDGELEY too, as the prices and moulded it. qualities will indicate. Rev. C. A. Terkune, of Clark Memor­ No Appetite. ial, Portland, preached Thursday morn­ Best, 5-Frame Body Brussels, Mill Engineer ing. He took for his theme, “ Love,” Want of appetite means bad digestion, (Y ou r choice as to make) and selected for his text Paul’s memor­ biliousness, jaundice, foul stomach, sick able words, “ Now abidetk faith, hope GOOD MORNING! $i.io per yard headache, constipation and a general Supplies and chanty, but the greatest of these is Ordinary, Good Wearing Brus­ charity.” It was a strong sermon and breaking down of the system. Do you use a Quaker Range!? the pathetic story of the redemption of Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters are guar­ sels, (N ew DesignsandHand­ Of all Descriptions. Ik Marvel was as a nail fastened in a some) sure place. anteed by every druggist in the United States to cure these disorders or money $i.oo per yard. W rite me lor prices when in need Rev. W. S. Bovard of Congress street, refunded. A Few Patterns Brussells, Portland, one of the strong preachers of of anything in that line, you will find Why take the risk of ill health when the Maine conference, preached a per­ (Very Great Value) it to your advantage. suasive sermon from the text, “ The Son a sure remedy is so easily procured. 85 c per yard. of Man is come to seek and to save that Sold everywhere, in liquid or tablets, at which was lost,” Luke xix, 10. He Lots To Close Out, (25 yards Dirigo and Eastern Telephones. 25 cents per bottle or box. again preached in the evening from the and less, each piece we close words, “ How shall we escape if we ne­ Farmington, Maine. glect so great salvation,” Heb. ii, 3. Uaug Plantation. at) Both of these sermons were lucid anti John R and Will Viles of Flagstaff 75c per yard. tender. were in town Saturday of last week, to Call and See My Friday morning Rev. J. E. Clancy run out the lot for the new schoolhouse TAPESTRY CARPETS* preached from Isa. xxxii, 24: “ The peo­ in district No. 2 Line of Harness, W e offer in two grades, ple that dwell therein shall be forgiven Edwin Cushman lost a good work their iniquity.” This sermon was help­ horse recently. new pattesns, all of them From $8.00 U ful and favorably received. Mrs. J. S Taylor visited relatives and just as attractive designs Summer and fall lap robes from 25 cents t, Rev. D. N. Onstot, the new pastor at friends in Kingfield and vicinity last $4 f 0. Finest line ot dress suit cases anc Skowbegan, delivered an excellent dis as our buyers could find hand satchels ever In town. Hammocks ali week. styles and prices. Goods sold at great bar­ course in the afternoon. His theme was Owing to poor weather a few of the and they looked the gains for cash. “The Attractive Power of the Cross.” farmers are still haying, but most of His text was John x i, 32. In the even­ market over carefully. J. W. CARLTON, them have finished. ing he preached on the “ Historical and Just two grades 85c and Upper Village, Phillips. Living Christ.” taking his text from Mrs. Bertha Boston of Phillips and Rev. i, IS. Rev. D. N. Onstot has sev­ Miss Uda Huutoon of Rangeley visited 75c per yard. eral fine lectures which have received at Mrs. J. S. Taylor’s Thursday of last A ll discontinued pat­ favorable press comments. He may be week. terns and short lengths heard the coming autumn in Franklin Mr. S. H. Dyar had the misfortune to We have too «$*> county. lose a horse recently. of Tapestry Carpets Saturday morning Rev. B. V. Davis • Mrs. Emeline Eustis has been serious down to 50c per yard. of Kingtield preached a sermon from ly ill, but at this writing is much better the book of Jonah. It set the brethren Dr. Peabody of Rangeley attended her Slim pocketbooks grow un­ much to thinking and in their exhortations Mrs. Anna Jones of Waterville, ac- many helpful thoughts were expressed. usually stout and little incomes companied by her daughter, Lida, In the afternoon Rev. E S. J. Mc­ re- cently visited her sister, Mrs. J. seem quite generous when Allister of Pine street, Portland, S. j* SOLD BY j* j* Taylor. preached. He is a ready and gauged by such low prices as forcible speaker. He is an ardent sup­ WILFRED McLEARY, Farmington, Me. these. FLOUR porter of Sheriff Pearson. Rev. T. N. flew Vineyard. Qualities that are depend­ Kewley preached Saturday evening to a Mrs. Scott Maxwell and two daugh­ fair sized audience. ters of West Point, Ga., and Mrs. R. E. able, prices that have no com­ Sunday, the great day of the camp- Gilkey and daughter of Dover, N. II., petition always found in this meeting, dawned fair and warm. All are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Deborah in Stock, and will day people were arriving in all kinds of Lambert. store. vehicles. In the afternoon the number Misses Violet Fellows and Florence of people estimated on the ground was Look of Farmington called in town, 900. In the morning the presiding elder Tuesday. preached. Everyone on the ground We Pay Freight. sell at reduced could hear him. He was bubbling over Mrs. Mary Sweet of Farmington was with enthusiasm. The sermon was en­ in town Friday, calling on friends. G l e n w o o d joyed oy the people. In the afternoon Fred Bowman of Mattapan, Mass., is Dr. McAllister preached an able ser­ visiting J. P. Look. prices, mon from Jer i, 11-16. Many pointed Mrs. Fred Hough and son of Reding- Have Made Gonant & Co., trutns were uttered with great force. ton are visiting friends in town. The closing service in the evening was T h e The Sunday school had a picnic in a prayer meeting. It was a fitting cli­ Warren Look’s grove Friday afternoon. max to a week of consecrated Christian R a n g e s Standard 199-203 Lisbon St., work. What are the results? The im­ Donald Beaton of Bangor is in town, mediate results may be meagre, but the the guest of Miss Belle Pratt. faithful, intelligent presentation of Rev. H. II. Brown and friend from Christ and his truth will not be in vain. New York are visiting at S. B. Luce’s. Bake- “A Glenwood Bake” Lewiston, Me. The weather was all that could be The Look reunion was held the 24th S. G. HALEY, desired. This may account for the $136 inst with Warren Look’s family. gate receipts. The association was Eighty-three were present. A good P. S. —Find our “ A d ” about Upper Village, PHILLIPS HD WE CO., PHILLIPS, ME. much pleased with Rev. C. A. Southard’s time was enjoyed by all. other carpets in this paper next businesslike management of the en­ The Blanche Harrington company week. Mnafe. campment. This year the campmeeting gave a concert here Saturday evening. Phillips, did not run off on a tangent. Now a It was a fine entertainment. precedent has been established and the Mrs. Mary A. Dolbier of New Port­ association has passed a resolution pro­ land is caring for Mrs. Alton Howard. NOTICE. hibiting outsiders to monopolize the time. Let the resolution and the pre­ PHOTOGRAPHS. Dr. J.R. Kittridge, Dentist, Their Secret Is Out. cedent be followed in the future. The of Farmington, Maine. pastors’ wives present were Mrs. Sewall Films Developed All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to Our Most Successful students are those who combine the Regular Business WILL BE AT Leech, Mrs. J. E. Clancy, Mrs. W . P. learn the cause of the vast improvement Course with the special branches, Shorthand and T pewriting, or Telegraphy Hotel Franklin, Strong, July 27. Lord, Mrs. W. B. Berry and Mrs. W. S. in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker, and Finished. Sam Parson’s, Dead River, July 30. Bovard. who had for a long time, endured un­ One rate of tuition pays for all. Write for our ‘20th Century Illustrated Catalogue. Lake House, Flagstaff, July 31. Shaw House, Eustis, Aug 1. told suffering from a chronic bronchial F. L. SHAW, President, A. S. McKEEN, Rangeley. Hotel Blanchard, Stratton, Aug 2. trouble. “ It’s all due to Dr. King’s Portland, Augusta and Bangor. Portland, Maine Oquossoc House, Rangeley, Aug. 5 and 6. Mile Square, Avon. New Discovery,” writes her husband. Lewis Reed’s, Reed’s Mill, Aug. 8, a. m. It completely cured her and also cured John Trask’s, Weld, Aug. 17. Mr. Fred Ellsworth attended the BUSINESS CARDS For Fresh Hade p C. McLain’s, Berry Mills, Aug. 19 a m. our little granddaughter of a severe at­ W. D. Kilgore, North Newry, Aug. 20 p.l.m, State grange at Farmington, Thursday legal Notices. tack of Whooping Gough. It positively Aug. 21 a. m. • Mrs. D. M. Oldham killed a coon re M. P.Llnrell’s, Megalloway, Aug. 22 p .jn . cures Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron­ E. B. CURRIER, M. D. Estate of* CYRUS WASHBURN. and Aug. 23 a. m. ^ oently with a stone. chitis, all Throat and Lung troubles. RANKLIN, SS: At a Court of Probate liold- Hotel Abbott. Upton. Aug. 26 and 27. en at Farmington, within and for the Candies, Office closed from July 27 to Aug. 12, and Mr. Joe Gleason is ill. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial F bottles free at W. A. D. Cragin’s drug PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, P killijP .lft County of Franklin, on the third Tuesday of from Aug. 16, 2 p n.., to Sept. 4. Mr. Andrew Wilbur is laid up by hav­ August, A. D. 1901. All operations pertaining to dentistry care­ store. OFFICE HOURS, 1 to 2, and 7 to 8, P M. Whereas a petition has been duly presented fully performed Special attention given to ing trouble with his leg. Office at residence. Telephone couuectioi- by Mary E. Waite of Avon, praying that a ICE CREAM preserving the natural teeth. Teeth extracted Mr. George Wilbur attended the copy of the will of Cyras Washburn, late of without pain a specialty. Artificial work of Wellesley, Mass., may be allowed, filed and all kinds promptly and carefully done grange meeting in Farmington Thurs- Franklin County Heal Estate. C. L. TOOTHAKER, M. 1) recorded*in the Probate Court of said County and SODA Teeth extracted free when plates are made day. H a e o l d . of Franklin and that Letters Testamentary All work warranted. Satisfaction guar­ The following are the latest real es­ issue to Elizabeth Washburn and Weston W. With Fruit Flavor, call at anteed. _ J . „ „ Me. Osborne the executors named in said w ill: Entrance 64 Main St., next door to C, E. tate transfers as recorded in the Frank­ Pifsiclaii & Surgeon, Phillips, Office at residence. Telephone connectlm Or d e r e d , That said petitioner give notice Marr’s drug store. lin County Registry of Deeds: to all persons interested, by causing this Telephone connections by the Dirigo. order to be published three weeks succes­ HARLOW’S Cliesterville— Hattie M. Fuller of Jay to HARRY F. BEEDY, sively’ in the Ma in e W oods, published a BEST FOR THE Orrin R. Walker of Madrid, land and build­ Phillips, that they may appear at a Pro­ Branch Store, Rangeley, ings, $800 (war.); Louisa S. Maddacks of Fox- ATTORNEY AT LAW, bate Court to he held at Farmington, in said boro, Mass., to Leonard Atwood of Philadel­ County, on the third Tuesday of September Large assortment o f Candies alway phia, land, $200 (war.); Mary 15. Whittemore OFFICE, BEAI BLOCK, PHILLIPS, ME. next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and on hand, Cigars, fruit and Nuts. BOWELS to Almyra B. Morse, undivided sixth part of Telephone Connections. show cause, if any they have, why the same tf you haven't a regular, heathy movement of the land, $137.50 (private sale). should not be allowed. Iwwelg every day, you re ill o t jJ i h i R'hai>eoV5vio- Avon—George M. Hackett to Lizzie S. Vin- J. H THOMPSON, Judge. When in Farmington go bowels open, and be well, 1 °rce,J " eThL smooth- F. E. TIMBERLAKE. N. P. N0BLI Attest, F r a n k W . Bu t l e r , Register lent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. bowel, j ing of Strong, undivided half of land, $1, val. est,easiest, most perfect way of keeping the boweia eon. (war.) to HAR LOW ’S. The doctor said consumption dear and dean is to take Wilton—Emma T. Ranger of Foxcroft to TIMBERLAKE & NORLE, Estate of b k n .i. c . v v e b s t e r . Fast was killing Uncle Dan; CANDY Clia -. K. Hardy, real estate, $700 (war.) ATTORNEYS, At a Court of Probate, held at Farmington, CATHARTIC R angeley—Emma P. Bonney of Cambridge, Office, Beal Block, within and for the County of Franklin, on Mass., to H. A. Furbish of Rangeley, land, $1, tlie third Tuesday of August, in the year of our BOSTON STORE, We gave our Uncle Ripans— val. con. (war.); Isaac E. Nile to Sarah E. Phillips, Mi Lord nineteen hundred and one. Partridge of Medford, Mass., lot of land,! $1, General Law Practice and Fire Insurance. Eunice Webster, executrix of the last will If you want nice, fresh fruit and He’s today a healthy man. val. con. (war.); same to same, land, $1, val. Collections will receive prompt attentior and testament of Benjamin C. Webster, late confectionary, go to the Boston deal­ con. (war.); John J. Toothaker to George W. of Kingfield, in said county, deceased, hav­ Young, land, $40 (war.) B. EMERY PRATT, ing presented her petition for license to sell ers for they guarantee their goods (O for 5 cents. Kingfield—Chester B. Hutchins, Jr., et. als. and convey certain real estate of said de­ fresh. A new stock received every to Nellie M. Tufts, land, val. con. (war.) A ttorn ey at Law andgoHcitor in Equity ceased, as described in said petition. All Drug Stores Practices in state and U. S. courts. Wil. It WAS Or d e r e d , That the said executrix day. On confectionary I have a P h illip s—Mason Parker et. als. to Daniel G. give notice to all persons interested, by caus­ gives personal attention to cases in supreme special sale and give lowest Boston Graffam, land, $700. judicial, superior, probate, or municipal ing notice to be published three weeks succes­ Iron and Steel. Sandy River Plantation—Will Berry of courts in Franklin,Oxford and Androscoggii sively in the Ma in e W oods, printed at prices. H ot and cold lunch. A ll T ’EM LIKE CANDY Madrid to Amos F. True of Strong, undivided counties, and to any bankruptcy cases. Phillips, that they may appear at a Probate I have the test line of blacksmiths’ and Potable Potent a t e l part of land, $1, val. eon. (quit). Dirigo Telephone. Livermore Falls, Maine Court to be held at said Farmington, kinds of temperance drinks. Good carriage makers’ supplies ever kept in on the third Tuesday of September next, at Rangeley. Have secured an experienced safe booklet™ Salem—John Cunningham to R. H. Cunning­ line of cigars. ham of New Portland, land, val. con. (quit). ten of the clock in the forenoon, and show blacksmith and am prepared to do all kinds tKHEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW TOBK. Matthieu & Stevenson, cause, if any they have, why the same should Special price on Cigars Saturday. 5c cigars of blacksmith and carriage work. Farmington—Leonard Atwood to Wiscasset not be granted. ___ , 7 for 25c; 10c cigars, 7c each. Waterville & Farmington Railroad company RUMFORD FALLS, MAINE, J. H. THOMPSON, Judge. A. E. BLODGETT, Rangeley Me. YOUR BLOOD GLEAN lan d, $225 (war.) ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Attest Fr a n k W . B u t l e r , Register. C. Marchetti & Co., - Rangeley. Telephone Connection. MAINE WOODS, AUGUST 30, 1901.

FOR TH E OF NORTH FRANKLIN. TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. IN KINGFIELD TOWN. Closing Mrs. Diana Aldrich has returned r. Mason Parker is teaching in the Alleged Forger Rrought Before STATE FAIR from her vacation. Souse, Avon. — Rev. J. E. Clancy will preach at Trial Justice Dolbier. rs. C. L. Toothaker has been vis- AT Out. West Phillips Sunday afternoon at 3. *1 Portland for a few days. h,dvs Dutton of Rumford Falls is __The organ that has been in the Special Session of Grand Lodge. LEWISTON, Our entire stock of cloth­ g Mr. and Mrs. Ed Greenwood. Union church on trial was returned this Crowds Present. ?S8 Mamie Thomas has returned week. ing and gloves to go at —Mr. T. R. WiDg, the blacksmith, is September 3 = 7* l9°l* iennebago and is at work at Phil- Fales Commits Suicide by Hang­ cost for cash. otel. moviDg his shop, setting it back about 18 feet. $3 oo iss Alice Prescott of Roxbury, ing, Tuesday Horning. THE SANDY RIVER R. R. Pants that sold lor $ 3. 75 now is visiting her friend, Miss Chris- — The Woman’ s Free Baptist Mission­ [Special correspondence to the Maine W oods.] k 2.60 Iragin. ary circle meets September 4, with Mrs. will sell round trip tickets from Phil­ ■25 J. W . Carlton. K in g f ie l d , Aug. 27,1901. 44 r. Lewis Prescott went to Peak’s lips and Strong for one fare to those •5 ° Wednesday to attend the reunion — Mrs. A. W . Bean has returned from Last Friday morning occurred the hearing going to attend State Fair and wi l 44 Auburn accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. in the case of Samuel F. Fales of Freeman, ■~5 i -75 25 regiment. run Special Train returning at night charged with forgery. The hearing was in Frocks that were 50c now 39c. ',ss Georgia Cleveland of Rockland, S. F. Mosher. the selectmen’s office before Tiial Justice C to cornect with Maine Central train , is visiting Miss Cora Wheeler and — State Insurance Commissioner Carr Gloves that were 50c now 39c. A. Dolbier. Fales was arrested by Deputy Thursday and Friday. relatives in town, passed through Phillips for Redington l ist Wednesday afternoon. Sheriff W. B. Small Thursday and brought to F . N . B e a l , Supt. Underwear that was 50c now 40c iss Ruth Rollin of Providence has Kingfield and put into the lockup over night. — Mr. Irvin Hutchinson of Weld was Underwear that was 25c now 19c. dsiting her uncle, Dr. J. H . Rollin. Falos was collector of taxes In Freeman in in town Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Scho­ >68 to Weld this week. 1900. He refused to plead when the warrant Examine our goods. 4 ie new canoe which was referred field returned with him. was read. The story as told bv J. W. Bur­ ;Tr week as the property of E. H. — Bert Haley of Rangeley, who has bank, chairman of the board of selectmen, is ou:d belongs to the Bonneys. been visiting at Postmaster S. G. ITaley’ s to the effect that late in that year he received Maine State Fair, D S. AUSTIN, tor a few days, returned Tuesday. PER ■Vanie of ball has been arranged a bill from Lorlng, Short & Harmon for $13.20, een the Weld and Phillips teams — The ladies of the Social union are ordered by Chas. O. Kllkenney and to be LEWISTON, LARRABEE BLOCK, hxt Saturday afternoon, Aug. 81, at requested to meet with Mrs. Everett charged to the town of Freeman. In July Holt Tuesday afternoon from 2.30 to bill for books to the value of $8 was received KINGFIELD, - - MAINE. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W . Hammond 4.30. from Geo. D. Lorlng of Portland. Suspicion Sept. 3,4,5,6, aid 7. intbrop Centre are visiting Mrs. — Mr. Carl Cragin started Wednesday was then directed to Fales and the matter nmond’s sister, Mrs. H. W. Gold- morning for Portland where he will was put into the hands of Mr. Small. The R, D. SI HONS, M. I)., books referred to had been found in Fales’s fch. visit a few days. He will then visit in NOVELTY ATTRACTION. Physician and Surgeon. Jackson, N. H. house. Mrs. Hattie Vose of Fayette will Justice Dolbier found probable cause and KINGFIELD, — Children’s day will be observed at the winter months with her bound him over to await the action of the the Union church Sunday. A sermon Telephone. MAINE CENT lghter, Mrs. Nettie M. Kerney of grand .jury. It is understood that Fales se­ Pan American Women Pnsli Polo Players to the children will be delivered in the utli Framingham, Mass. cured bonds Saturday. An exciting contest, played by 10' morning and a concert will be held in \.Mr. I. A. Smith has completed work Beautiful and Powerful Women di- j rakeman on the Sandy River ra:l- the evening. News Counter, The event of the season was the special ses­ rect from the Pan American E xp o­ 1 and is taking a vacation before — Frank Haley received a painful sion of the Grand lodge of Maine, F. and A. sition, Buffalo, N. V. The largest) lg to his school in Norridgewock. wound on his hand the other day. lie M., for the purpose of constituting Mt. Abram Fishing Tackle, -Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Winship and and Herman Beal were trying to catch Lodge, No. 204. Of the grand officers who rubber ball ever used in any game, j children left Saturday for home a sheep, when the latter tried to head it were present there were G. M., Alfred S. Kim­ being over seven ieer high, is used j DISCOUNT _ir one of the happiest vacations they off with a lath. The lath hit Frank on ball of Norway; D. D. G. M., Dr. C. F. Rowell to play the gam e. This will be the Stationery, the finger and a nail that happened to 'e ever had. Miss Evelyn remained of Wilton; S. G. W., Archie L. Talbot of Lew­ first and only place in Maine where j |ier grandparents’ another week. be in it entered the knuckle. iston; J. G. W., Enoch O. Greenleaf of Farm­ this game can be seen this year. _ -The Sandy River railroad has ar- — At a very early hour on Thursday ington; grand treasurer, J. M. S. Hunter of China, etc. nged another Saturday excursion from morning of this week Mrs". Lizzie Par­ Farmington; grand secretary, F. I. Day of Positively the greatest of attrac­ ker of Phillips, widow of the late Harri­ Lewiston; S. G. 8., Granville C. Perkins of tions, also the greatest Fireworks D is­ GREAT BARGAINS. On all men’s summer suits, Farmington and Phillips to Rangeley. Madison: J. G. S.. Alfred Moore of Madison; These excursions are proving very pop­ son Parker of Avon, passed away at the grand tyler, W. H. Carney of Portland; grand play ever seen at any Fair in N ew home of her son-in-law, Mr. Fred B. J. A. L1NSCOTL ular. A large number went up last marshal, D. A. Gates of Dixfield, and Messrs. England. ""vturday. Davenport. Mrs. Parker was only 56 H. D. Smith of Norway and Arthur A. Calla­ excepting blacks and blues, years of age, but she had been affiicted han of Oxford, the latter acting as grand This year starts the Century with —The next regular meeting of the W . chaplain. Kingfield, - Maine. with a form of paralysis which gradual­ a Fair that will eclipse anything ever R. C. will be at 2 p. m. Sept. 5. Every The names of the officers installed are as ly grew worse. have already been given in the columns of offered in this line in the history of commencing August 31, and ember is requested to be present and the Ma in e W o ods. About 206 visitors came ing a picnic supper for members of G. from tlie surrounding towns to witness the fairs. A BIG . R. and corps only. Supper at 6 work. What a Tale It Tells. Afte i the installation of the officers a ban­ Admission to Day and Evening Shows continuing two weeks in Sep­ clock. If that mirror of yours shows a quet was served. The post prandial exer­ 7 5 C ents, —An interesting game of ball was cises were in charge of W. M., "Ward S. Dol­ wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun­ bier. with 25c coupon or evening admission re­ \ved at Redington Saturday between diced look, moth patches and blotches deemable at booth outside the gate between Marked tember, including the week pps from Phillips and Rangeley. The on the skin, it’s liver trouble; but Dr. the hours of 4 30 and 6.00 p m , ior a 1 such as The Kingfield Water company is making do not wish to remain at the evening show. jeley team was made up mostly of King’s New Life Pills regulate the liver, improvements on their dam, blasting and More Cat le. More Horses, ai d a go d va­ les Landing boys. The game was purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy clearing out the basin and making the dam riety of Maine’s best products at this fair. of the Fair. This will be a Hine and resulted in a score of 9 to cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c at larger. They are also clearing up around it. The company has had a large crew at work Down Sale 1 favor of the Phillips team. W. A. D. Cragin’s drug store. for more than a month. An extension of the <—Wednesday, Mr. M. W. Harden’s system of over 800 feet has been made on The Biggest Show Yet. ON good opportunity to get the Riverside street, three new families being pother, Mrs. Lovina Harden, who for Kan gel ey Telephone Hearing. furnished in this distance. This year over any years has shared their happy 3000 feet of small pipe has been used. best goods low. (ime, celebrated her 86th birthday, At Furbish hall in Rangeley last Tuesday, The town has been under the necessity of The Fiftieth Annual SHIRT W AISTS, [er friend and neighbor tor nearly sev- Selectmen H. A. Furbish and L. E. Bowley putting in a wing dam on the Salem road gave a hearing to the New England Telephone about two miles to prevent the South branch aty years, Mrs. T. C. Crosby, 82 years from cutting into the road. Drift wood has Our offer is for cash only. i age, took dinner with her. and Telegraph company upon their petition formerly lodged here and caused the current At Prices that Sell. for a right to erect poles, etc., in the streets to cut into the bank so that now the river is SHOW and FAIR, — The switchboard of the Eastern but a few feet from the. road. “Tephone company has been removed of Rangeley and do a general telephone busi­ OF THE ness in the town. The New England was The six-years-old son of Herbert Hood tell Note what 25 per cent om A. M. Greenwood’s store and the from a load of grain Friday and broke both Best Trades of the Season. hillips subscribers are now on the represented by Hon Geo. D. Bisbee, attorney bones of the forearm. He was attended by Norm Franklin Agncnltoral Society, armington wiie. The ring in nearly of Rumford Falls and Mr. Stanford, their Dr. Simons. WILL BE HELD AT means. very case is the same as before. One state of Maine manager. Miss Blanche and Master Raymond Stan­ R. L. BUTLER, pgs Farmington and Mr. Greenwood’s Prof. J. M. Muiijon of Philadelphia and ley, Miss Minnie Tryhie and Mr. Hallett of Toothaker Park, Phillips, Newton have been here for a few days. K. of P. Block, j two, as formerly. There was an in- Mr. H. M. Burrows, treasurer of the Range- Thev have had rooms at Mr. Doyen’s. Mr. Tues,, Wed. and Thurs , It makes $12.00 Suits •’•"uption of only about five minutes ley Lakes Hotel company urged that the town and Mrs. S'anlev are expected any day with Kingfield, - - Maine. be at least allowed the luxury of pay stations their automobile. Mr. Stanley’s carriage y Je ti e change was being made. this year is an improvement on the one lie Sept. 10, 11 and 12, 1901. I —Mrs. Triphenia B. Moulton, wife of and Hon. Waldo Pettingill of Rumford Falls, had last year. The young people sent up cost $9.00. Daniel W . Mnutfon, died very suddenly who is interested in the introduction of the some balloons Monday. New England at Rangeley, answered a num­ An illustrated lecture on Japan is to be On Saturday aft=>r an illness of only a given at the Universe list church for the ben­ few days with bowel trouble. She was ber of questions in regard to the matter. efit of Mr. Peabody who is blind. $1,500 in Parses and P ram s. p l u m b i n g . It makes $10.00 Suits For the Dirigo Telephone and Telegraph a native of Farmington. Me., where she The excursion of the Universalist Sunday New and novel attractions each ; company Hon. N. P. Noble of Phillips and was born over 72 years ago and came to school was postponed till Friday. It will be day. The merry-go-round will be 1 Massachusetts in 1869, and had been a the general manager, Mr. Goudy, appeared. _ to Birch point on Tufts’ pond. If you are going to have your there all three days. The N ew Y ork cost $7.50. -resident of Natick for 24 years. Beside They urged the selectmen to deny the Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Doyen started Monday prayer of the petitioners, stating that the for Byron and vicinity, to visit Mrs. Doyen’s a husband she leaves two sons, Harry relatives. Specialty Co. will give exhibitions | house plumbed, call up business of the Dirigo, which is already at W. Moulton of Natick and H Mr. Frank Cross of Lowell arrived Saturday on platform opposite Grand Stand I It makes $8.00 Suits cost Moulton of Cleveland, Ohio. Funeral Rangeley, would be injured if another line night for a visit. between heats, etc. in five d'fferent j should come to Rangeley. Services were held on Monday, Rev. Dr. Simons made a professional call to acts. A ll first class. Alexander Dight officiating, and the in­ The selectmen reserved their decision. Flagstaff Friday. A. R. Thurston, $ 6.00. terment was in Dell park. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Young of Missouri are TROTTINC. here for a few days They were accompa­ JTew A dvertisements . nied from New Sharon by Mrs. Chapman, Wednesday, Sept. 11. 2.50 Class 1 Town Votes to Accept New Road. Mrs. Young’s sister. Mr. Young used to be It makes $5.00 Suits cost here when a boy. purse $ 5 0 ; 2.28 Class, purse $100 . Kingfield, Maine. Announcement of Maine State fair. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] Excursion on Sandy River railroad to State The schools commence next week. Thursday, Sept. 12. 2 33 Class,) jair. Ra n g e l e y , Me., Aug. 28,1901. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wyman and Mr. and Mrs. purse $75; 2 18 Class, purse $300.- $3.75. A. R. 1 hurston have been spending a few H e is in position to do your w’ork I D. F. Hoyt & Oo. are giving large discounts At a special town meeting called for the Conditions. Trot and Fase. bn suits. purpose the town teday voted to accept the days at Tufts’ pond. road as laid out by the selectmen from the Races to be hel 1 in accordance with Ihe j ' School supplies at the Corner store. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. National rules excepting as printed on entry I for y o u ; he has a good stock of 4 Trades in carpets, Bradford, Conant & Co. county road to Professor Munyon’s. They C. R. Vose camped between Bigelow and Of the suits which we have appropriated $100 for the purpose. Carrabassett over Sunday. blanks. All entries to be made to the Secre- \ I Ripans ad changed. tary on or before Sept. 2 as entries for speed j S U P F L IE S on hand, and you can Bargains in wall paper at Mitchell’s, King- Mr. W. H. Potter, who lias been spending a close on that day- Write to the Secretary) field. week here, has returned to Wakefield, Mass. ior premium lists and entry blanks left, a large part are the There is more Catarrh in this section of the Miss Jennie Potter will return this week. Address aU communications to get just what you want. -JEHS^lisConiit on summer goods at Miss Bana country than all other diseases put together, Messrs. Win. H. Kepliart of New York, M. S KELLEY, Secretary, Phillips, Me. _ 'SaTs. and uni il tne last few years was supposed to Frank Spaulding of Norridgewock. W. P. New fall goods at A. C. Norton’s, Farming- be incurable. For a great many years doc­ Watson and J. A. Linscott of Kingfield took a better grades—many of them ton. tors pronounced it a local disease, and pre­ scribed local remedies, and by constantly trip to Black brook last week. It was very “ Sometimes her narrow kitchen walls New chocolates at Stanley’s, King field. failing to cure with local treatment, pro­ successful as a fishing trip. Trout took the T R Y ------— r Shoes for ladies and gentlemen at S. J. Wy­ nounced it incurable. Science has proven fly well. Stretched away into stately’ halls.” worsteds man’s, Kingfield. catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and The Blanche M. Harrington Harringt Concert com­ Announcement of news counter, etc., at J. therefore, requires constitutional treatment. pany_ will „givea concert.this___ tni Friday evening This happened to Maud Muller but E. C. STANLEY’S A. Linscott’s, Ktngfield. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J in French’s hall. They will surely have Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con­ good house. my prices on New line of Chocolates. Be sure and call on us. Glenwood range is advertised this week. stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tea­ spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and KINCFIELD, - . MAINE. mucous surfaces ot the system. They offer Fales Commits Suicide. Wall Paper We can save you money on BLOOD, one hundred dollars for any case it fails to Samuel F. Fales, who was bound over to make it possible for it to happen to every BAD cure. Send for circulars and testimonials body. Wall paper that used to cost so much the grand jury last week for forgery, com­ that it c< uld • nly be hung in stately balls Is F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. mitted suicide early Wednesday morning by now so cheap that the kitchen can: be made these goods. JEf^Sold by Druggists, 76c. hanging. He was found hanging in the shtd very attractive. IBAD COMPLEXION. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. about 10.30. Coroner Fred Adams of Farm­ Call and see samples. SHOES The skin is the seat of an almost end­ ington was notified and went up at noon. An less variety of diseases. They are known inquest was deemed unnecessary. L. L. ITITCHELL, Druggist, NORMAL OPENS. Funeral services will be held Thursday at , by various names, but are all due to the 11 o’clock. He will be buried at Farmington. Isame cause, acid and other poisons in Fales was 30 years of age. Kingfield, Maine. Ithe blood that irritate and interfere with Man Takes Overdose o f Aconite the proper action of the skin. D. F. HOYT To have a smooth, soft skin, free from and Wants to Die. Freeman Centre. For Ladies, •H eruptions, the blood must be kept pure [Special correspondence to the MAINE WOODS.] Mrs. May Gilbert of Cambridge, Mass., is end healthy. The many preparations of Public Sale visiting her mother, Mrs. Carrie Pennel. Farm in g ton , Aug. 28, 1901. arsenic and potash and the large number Mis. Gilbert is in rather poor health. -----O F------The Radcliff, $2.5o of face powders and lotions generally The Normal opened this week with nsed in this class of diseases cover up Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch visited in New for a short time, but cannot remove per­ the largest entering class, with one ex­ Portland last Sunday. Real and Personal Property manently the ugly blotches and the red, ception, since the foundation of the Rev. Mr. Saunders preached to a small disfiguring pimples. CO., school. About eighty are expected in audience last Sunday as most of tlie people -----AT------For Gentlemen, & Ctornal vigilance la the prion attended campmeeting at Strong. His next the entering class. The boys seem to appointment will be September 22, 3 p. m. of a beautiful complexion be very much in the minority. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eustis visited relatives New P ortW , Me., SeptemDerl4,1901. at Coplin last week. The Olympia, $3 .5 0 j when such remedies are relied on. Monday evening Albert Gilbert took Mr. H. T. Shobe, *704 Lucas Avenue, 8t- Louis, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Compton of Fairbanks On the above date I will sell at Mo., says: "Mv daughter was afflicted for year* an overdose of aconite which be found visited in town a few days recently. with a disfiguring eruption on her lace, which in the stable where lie was working. Mr. and Mrs U. G. Allen of Livermore Falls my residence ihe following described No. 5 Beal Block, She resisted all treatment. was taken to two Dr. Staples succeeded in bringing him relumed home Monday, after a few davs’ property : celebrated health springs, but received no bene­ visit in town. fit. Many m< ** to, but as soon as be could talk lie an­ The home place in New Portland out: result, uniuntil we decided ry 8. 8. S., and____ by nounced that he would kill himself at The warm weather of late is just what is I am closing out what the> time the £first bottle w aft fi nishedsh< the eruption bringing the sweet corn forward rapidly It village containing 40 acres of tillage, the first opportunity. He was closely will soon be ready to market. be gran to disappear.Pp< A dozen bottles______cured her pasture and woodland, having about completely andid left her skin perfectly smooth. watched through the night but made no A large portion of the grain is already ready made shirt waists and Bhe la now seventeen ycarft old, and not a sign of further effort to take his life. secured. J 50 young apple trees, house, large the embarrassing disease has ever returned?’ Phillips, Maine. Lionel and Harry Allen of Strong were in convenient barn, sheds, two good S. 8. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for The residents of the hill are congratu­ town one day last week and fished the Gilkey skirts I have on hand at a the worst forms of skin troubles. It is lating themselves on their success in brook with good success, carrying home 38 of wells of water, etc. Land runs to the speckled beauties. the greatest of all blood purifiers, and tha securing a good piece of road. Not shore of village pond ; altogether a Agency for the Universal long ago Main street from Broadway Mrs. Chas. Eustis attended the Gramre low price. only one guaranteed purely vegetable. very pleasant site for a home. down to the crest of the hill was meeting in Farmington last week. Bad blood makes bad complexions, One farm, tillage, pasture, wood, ^feh purifies a n d invigo* ploughed and harrowed and then cov­ Steam Laundry. i t ^ rates th e o ld a n d ered with gravel. Then tlie part on the Births. about one-half mile from home place makes new, rich blood other side of Broadway was treated in on Freeman road, containing about Avon, Aug. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. H F. Pease t h a t nourishes th e the same way. The result is that there 60 acres, an orchard of 200 young s . j. WYMAN, are two strips of excellent road. of Red Bank, N. J., a daughter. body and keeps the apple trees and a sugar berth—-a fine skin active and healthy and in proper piece of farming property. Hay in Kinefield, • " M aine. condition to p e r fo r m its part towards Deaths. carrying off the impurities from the body. Eustis. barn, plows, harrows, chains, bars, Phillips, Aug. 29. Mrs. Lizzie Parker, eced 56 If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Allen Durrell sold his mare and colt years, 1 month, 23 days. b hoes, forks, drills, hammers, wagons, Prince Norman. Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough lately to John Sterry of Stratton. Jay (Bean’s Corner) Aug. 14, J. W. Bean. sleigh, rack and wheels, etc., etc. and pimply, send for our book on Blood 5 S S T S ' '.Vi . Point#, Laura Ricker visited her sister, Mis. Wilton, Aug. 15, George Leonard' Hosmer of Shall be pleased to show this prop­ pounds, r> V hands high, weighs 1350 and Skin Diseases and write our physi­ J . W . Whittier, and Mrs. O. White this Farmington, aged 62 years. man Clvl I rinee Norman was sired bv N or­ cians about your case. No charge whaV erty at any time before sale. man Chief, dam was Fercheron mare. This week. Natick, Mass., Aug. 10, Mrs. Triphenia B horse_ is ,. owned in Dallas Plantation ahnut ever for this service. JAS. J. GOULD. one mile fr from Rangeley village. Terms, $5 Mrs. Benj. Durrell is on the sick list. 720years.’ formerly of Farmington, aged about '"'IP7 SPECIFIC C0MPAKY. ATLANTA, ftA. to warrant. a l fh k d Uk a c k e tt, A . V . IlrNDS, Auctioneer. Rangeley,Me. MAINE WOODS, AUCUST 30, 1901 7

Strong. Poem Head at West Phillips lie - Deed’s Mill. Mrs. Arthur Tucker, who has been here for uiiioii by I). F. Hodges. Mrs. Cora Stinchfleld has returned home a few days, returned to Norway, Monday. from Rangeley, where she has been caring Mr. Alton Tucker is at Camp Crazy this i. for Mrs. E. F. Lamb. Mrs. Lamb and Master 1 want a subject, an uncommon want; week. At least so Byron thought until Don Juan Dwight Walker Lamb are doing finely. NEW Mr. It. S. Johnson, Miss Taylor, Mr. Clias. forsook his mother’s arms—this Is no taunt_ Miss Anna Sargent visited her friend, Mrs. Cunningham and Miss Miles have been at And sought his way In life but not the true Zernie Webber, one day last week. Camp Echo, Day pond, for a few days. Yet a poor farmer here in o’ertaxed Maine Mr. George Stinchfleld and Miss Mima The Misses Leona and Freda Fogg. Mattie Some kinds oi subj ects need not want In spent a l'ew days at Strong last week. liell, Maud Porter and Mr. Hitchcock havo vain Mr. Claude Webber visited his brothers II. Bonney and Jesse Webber, a Jew d.«ys Iasi’ FALL been spending a few days at Camp Crazy. But which among them must I seize aud week. Mrs. Scott Kingsley, Miss Claire Knowlton wrinwring Mrs. O. A. Dunham is quite ill. and Miss llena Walker go this week to Port­ Its pachydermoid neck, until it strangles, land and Boston for a few days. In vain attempt to make It sweetly sing The Ladies’ circle will have a lawn party The grange had a supper in their hall Tues­ In dulcet tones, all free from party wrangles? at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Whitt-e- day eve. Taxes—Maine Law—Game—Fish—or Oron i? more Saturday evening, Aug. 31. All are cor­ Imagine them all marshalled in a row ! dially invited. Ice cream and cake will be GOODS. Mr. M. A. Will is rushing his work along so served. that he may go to the Pan-American. HI. Monday evening, the Misses Nellie and Lila I might try this to help me In my need— Allen gave a whist party in the Grange hall. I might try this—some rhyme about the C. YV. BELL, M. D N ew line of Outings, very pretty A pleasant time was enjoyed. Grangers; The dance given by Mr. P. W. Mason, Tues­ But politicians made the Granger’s creed— Physician and Surgeon. designs and colors, 8 and io cts. a day night, was well attended and much en­ 1 dare not try such theme of many dangers; joyed. For politicians with their crafty views (Office at residence of J. H, Bell.) Shut out all things t heir own plans cannot yard. At the Methodist church an excellent con­ use. STRONG, MAINE, cert was given by Mr. and Mrs. Lederman as IV. New Cotton French Flannels for violinist and whistling soloist, Miss Miles as Telephone connection pianist and Mrs. Flora Carr as reader. The Ball farmer’s mine! come down from Saddle concert was under the auspices of the Ep- back shirt waists for fall wear, only 12c a worih league. Or ‘Gospel Hill,” (thy home is no great mat­ ter) yard, all colors. And help me while my tired brain I rack I Cheap Prices in Fall and Winter In vain attempt my feeble hopes t > flatter Biggest line of all Linen Damasks Obituary. Thai 1 for brief some kind attention gain— I S ty le s of The only guerdm for my minstrel pain. in Franklin county. MRS. DOSCAS A. BODGE. V. Mrs. Dorcas A. Dodge died at the home of ‘Tis said ‘ a little nonsense now and then” J Wall Paper Liner. Damasks for table cloths, Benj. Dodge in West Freeman, July 28th, at (I know not who ’twas said so, and don’t care) ’ — ANT) — the age of 75 years, 5 months, 18 days. For ‘•Is olten relished by the wisest men,” 29c, 42c, 50c, 69c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, the last twelve years she has been in poor And also one may hope by ladies fair; I health, and the last two or three years were But let me add what now my sport doth rob Curtains $1.25 and $ 1.50 a yard. years of suffering. Is trying to write jingles by the jo b ! I Crashes, Towels, etc. At the death of her husband, twenty-six VI. I C. E. DYERS years ago, she was left with a family of eight Per diem I might have called it but ‘twould spoil the rhyme; Drug Store, New Prints, 4c, 5c and 6c a yard. children, and with motherly affection she A half a dozen times I’ve spoiled the meas­ I cheerfully applied her energies to the task of ure— | Stron g, flaine. Give me a call when you go to fur fishing a comfortable living for them and But that’s been done by others ere my time, nobly succeeded in her efforts. So here, as lawyers say, ‘‘we rest,” lease your Farmington. In her early years she became personalty displeasure interested In Christ as her savior, and soon Should send my grass-seed strain down oecame connected with the M. E. church. Lethe’s tide. She has ever since been comtorted and sup­ And thus no poet’s laurels with me bide! Why Don’t You ported in possession ofjtliis hope in Christ, as VII. go to your dealer and get a wire washboard Arbo C. Norton, her savior, and at the close died full in this Just now I called this jingle grass-seed and save LABOR, TIME and SOAP, in wash­ faith. rhyme, ing those dirty clothes? Why not try one? For the past eight years she has lived a There’s no such word as ‘‘hayseed,” “ Do you If not satisfactory your money will be paid 12 Broadway, good part of the time with her two daughters see?” back. Please read tlie following testi­ in 8trong and with her brother, Abner W. That’s only used by city chaps sublime monials : Mayo of Freeman, and for near,}- one year When t hey refer to us—to you and me. Strong, Me , May 3, 1901. before sbe died she was with her two daugh­ So having combed the Alsisre from my hair After having used Mr. U. M. Hunt's wash­ Farmington, = Maine. ters in Strong or until about ten days before I hope in> coming verse will be more fair. her death. For the past six months of her board, 1 can say it proved very satisfactory. life she had been a great sufferer and often ‘Hall t > the land----- whereon H i------we----- tread!” Mrs. J. L. Vallier.’ longed lor that better home, where suffering ; Thus sung a poet long since lied Strong, Me., April 27, 1901. would end. ! To that fair realm beyond life’s sea; Mr. Hunt: lam very much pleased with v\ bile in Strong her daughters, with j Safe with the gr -at, majority; your washboard. It does not take as much 8LUE FLAME. BLUE FLAME. friends, ministered to her every' want to alle- And we almost his words repeat— strength to vash on them as on the other viate her suffe lugs. She was taken to her Bali to the land where an we meet! kind, because you do not have to rub your son Beniamin’s ab..ut. ten days before she ! Ball to our mountains, streams aud flowers, clothes as hard, i would say to everybody, J» CALL ON THE j* died. She leaves to mourn their loss seven j our wood crowned hills, our s immer hours, try one. Mrs. M. Lewis. children, four sons and three daughters; also Bail August, mon'li of promise too, two brothers, Abner W. Mayo of Freeman and All hail the old—ail hail the new. U. M. HUNT, M ’f’r., I .Stephen Mayo of Skowhegau, one sister, Mrs. Strong, - Maine. Phillips Hardware Co. | Ladora Butterfield of Cheaterville, and many Here, where your fathers led the way, j friends who will greatly miss her helping Here, where your mothers knelt to pray, | hand in every case of want. Here, where once roamed your youthful feet, ! The funeral was at the home of Benj. Hail to the laud whereon we meet. AND GET A Dodge, July 30, and was conducted by Rev. L. Back through the portals of past years Now Is the Time to do Hutchins of East New Portland . B( autiful To boyhood, girlhood, smiles and tears, Keep the skinlin a healthy condition and there w ill flowers and wreaths were furnished by lier On memory’s wings von speed vour wav Blue Flame he less need of doctors and physic.—MIJNYON. | daughters from Strong, with many other , And bring the past to the to day; beautiful flowers and pond lilies by’ loving Once more relumed these long dim joys I want every person who desires a blood carries these ingredients to every friends. She was laid by tlie side of her hus­ Change gray heads into gills and boys; band in the cemetery near the old home in Fancy Work. part of the body. Soap either benefits Old hearts forget some hours of pain, Oil Stove. perfect toilet soap or suffers with rough East Phillips. G. And here to-day grow young again. skiu or any skin irritation to try my or injures the human system. There­ fore all soaps made from fats The old road wind? its former way, We have just received a new It is economical, cooks Witch Hazel Soap. I know that it will The stream sings its old roundelay, cure chapped hands and lips in a night. aud dangerous aikal es should be avoid­ A lame shoulder is usually caused by Tho old hills guard Its grass-fri ged shore the food but not the cook. I knotV it will soften the roughest skiu. ed. My Witch Hazel soap is absolutely rheumatism of the muscles,- and may be j Just as they did in days of yore; lot of Point and Battenberg lace I want every person who has a , pure enough to eat. It is a skin food j cured by a few applications of Chamber- And it sometimes these should seem strange Sizes and prices to suit all. With us, not these, has been the change. patterns with materials for work­ a wound or a sore of any kind to use and Vitalizer, and is superior to any Iain’s Pain Balm. For sale by W . A. On the steep hillsides bend the trees this soap and notice how quickly it French toilet soap ever placed upon the D. Cragin, Phil ips; E. H. Whitney, And borne by the pure western breeze, market. To all persons who are afflict Rangeley; Dyer’s Drug Store, Strong, The white clouds sails across the sky; ing, also H em Stitched Linens Phillips Hardware Co., soothes, heals and cures. People who While bosky glens in shadows lie are troubled with pimples, blackheads ed with pimples, eruptions, Hver spots and Lester L, Mitchell, Kingfield. Where fluti >g throstle pipes his joys, and Stamped Doilevs. o ^ cze m a will find this soap a blessing. or facial blemishes, or who have a sal­ Just as of old when y >u were hoys! NO. 7 BEAL BLOCK. low complexion, I most strongly advise The lassies swing their dinner pails I want every lady —no matter how deli­ On way to school; and on the gales cate or sensitive her skin may be —to taking my Dyspepsia Cu e and my A FESTAL DAY. Come laugh and song in mingled swirls try it, for I guarantee that it will im­ B ood Cure in alternation until the blood As in thus - days when you were girls. M. C. BANOS & CO., HARDWARE prove any complexion, no matter how is thoroughly purified and the stomach O d Saddleback sleeps in the sun, fair. To those who suffer with dandruff is put into a healthy condition. m . Bigelow Lodge Dedicates And oftimes when the day is done Most women have coarse, sallow and Is rudely ’wakened from his rest No. 6 Beal Block. or any scalp disease I most urgently ad Beautiful New Hall. By heaven’s arii ler> from the west; AND vise the use of this soap. It will not rough skins, because they do not digest And from his si .es where waters pour only strengthen the growth of the hair, their food properly. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] Come bellowing thund rs. roar o;i roar PHILLIPS, - - MAINE. but will positively cure daudruff and all Ac os, tl.e intervening hills, Munyon’s Dyspepsia Cure tones up F l a g s t a f f , Aug. 27,1901. And many a soul with rev’rence fills. BICYCLE scalp diseases. It removes disagreeable the stomach and gives new life and vi­ On Friday .evening Mt. Bigelow Lodge, I'. & odors from the body, and keeps the skin Ah, happy days of trusting youth tality to the whole system. It enables A. M., dedicated their new ball with elabor­ Vt hen ail seems fair, when all seems truth! ALL 25 CENT in a healthy condition. To every moth­ one to eat what they like and all they ate ceivmony. The grand lodgp, which met Tlie b>st of life untouched by pain er in the land I most conscientiously like. It corrects constipation. It Alas! ye nevei come again; REPAIRING. at Kingfield the night before, was present. Unless in some sweet reverie v recommend this article for her baby. If makes the blood rich. It gives life and This was a gathering which Flagstaff will Ye come, a loving memory. Summer the little one is suffering with prickly glow' to the skin and makes the com­ never forget. The village was taxed to its heat, hives, chafing or rash of any sort, Ah, human life, how swift tliv flight, E. c . LU FK IN , plexion look fresh aud youthful. If you utmost to provide accommodations f- r the From cradle’s daw.i to age’s dark night don’t fail to bathe it in this soap. It are nervous aud can’t sleep, asx your visitors who flocked there in large numbers. Thou art incarnate mystery Underwear Phillips, - . Maine. will give almost immediate relief. In chemist for a vial of Munyon’s Dyspep­ Landlord Durrell of the Lake House was As deep as death’s from which we flee. fact I have never known it to fail. 1 re­ W e seek of some things for their source sia Cure. equal to the occasion and made everybody And learn that thought is the soul’s force. FOR 19 CENTS. peat, I want the public to give this soap Your nervousness will disappear, and liappy by securing for them all that was Sometimes we think we live a dream_ a test, and I am positive they will agree you will not only sleep well, but rise in necessary for their full enjoyment. The mem’ry of some past life’s gleam; with me that it is the best toilet soap And oft repeated o’er and o’er FANCY HOSE WOOD WORKING the morning strong and vigorous and The hall is in a pretty little two and a half The new seems something known before! ever made. I wish to emphasize the ready for a hearty breakfast. story building situated at the lower end of Our thoughts fly s.rangely off afar statement I have so often made, that Beyond the sunsets’ flame-lit bar; II Cents a Pair. If you wish your skin to be soft as the street. The lodge room is on the second In all its branches done SOAP IS A MEDICINE. That more or And when in Silence’s realm we dwell velvet and free from pimples and all floor, is a large, commodious ro^m,utn, nicely O’er us Is thrown th * ’wildering spell less of the ingredients get into the sys­ facial blemishes use Munyon’s Witch carpeted and furnished. Masomc decora- \ Of subtle thoughts whose fores would teach WHITE DUCK SKIRTS tem through the pores and that the Hazel Soap. -M U N Y 0 N . tions upon the walls are many. These, with j Some truths too high for words to reach; at a low price for Cash. the beautiful cypress doors and tlie hard ; We hear, forgetting earth and time, For 69 Cents. pine finish, make a beautiful room. The The music of another clime, banquet ball overhead is large and con- ! And see, if we but see aright, veniently seats a hundred. j The shining of transcexulant light. Don’t fail to see these H . E. BELL, To mfort Cottaep Arrivals. Obituary. Inthe evening a short session was held for ! Again we pause—and list within bargains. Among the recent arrivals at Comfort Cottage are; Lyman Littlefield Jones was born in gathering gloom Upper Village, A. F. Gammon, A. TV. Norton, Farmington; Weld, Me , July 1, 1850. He was the Grant Fuller, anti the g-ani lodge which was i Writ bya'wife’s hand truean! brave’ -— MISS BANA BEAL Willard Lufkin, Frank lleed, Madrid; Percy eldest of four children born to Benja iu waiting, was duly introduced and their I “ is there no me.-t n ' past tlie grave0”' Phillips. - - Maine. D. Little, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hanary, Philip session opened in due form. G. M., Alfred S. Hark to the answer of the soul Phillips, Maine. R. Hanary.New York; James Wilcox, Range- ] min and Roxanna (Littlefield) Jones, Kimball of Norway, pres ding. From depths where thoughts deen secrets ley; D. TV. Wliitehouse, Augusta; H. B. Aus-i -c . . • , After tae dedicatory services, G. M. Kim- ro ll:- b ep secrels tin, Phillips; C. F. Ghomos, Boston; Wallace ! For twenty nine years he was a mem- ball complimented Mt. Bigelow lodge on Emery, Jno. H. Emery, Baltimore; J H Nor- j ber of Mystic Tie Lodge, No. 154, F. & their success and upon their having such a If after death there be no life, ton, Strong; L. A. Thomas, Archie McMullen, J ° ’ ’ fine home. Short addresses were made by P ! With joy for pain, with paace for strife, Kingfield; Ernest It. Barker, New Vineyard; A . M , during which time he Las served G. M., F. I. Day Of Lewiston; D. D. G. M., ! If we go to oblivion’s shade— Mrs. Warren W. Cole, H. S. Boror, L. G. Blunt, Archie L. Talbot of Lewiston; acting grand j We of God’s great works noblest made_ E. R. Files, Geo. Fogg, Willie B. Adie, Miss as W. M. and D. D. G. M. For the past grand marshal, H. D. Sini li of Norway and And rest as nothing in the wrack Clavnplin, Miss Clamplin, Portland; Mrs. few years he has held the position of Augustus Simmons, Esq., of North Anson. Of countless worlds in ruin’s sack, The Orders Julius Blanchard, Oscar Aldrich, W. A. D. Tlie ladies of Somerset Chapter, O E. S., Then this conclusion we must m ake- secretary until his death, Aug. 6, 1901. WATCHES Cragin, Tena A. D. Cragin, Carl E. Cragin, then took a hand and invited the assembled ! The Cosmos is one huge mistake, Cliristyne C. Cragin, Ralph Cragin, Montieze For twenty-one years he worked in brethren to repast in the new banquet hall. ! V. RoSs, Lee Ross, Will Lufkin, Geo. E. Sands, Here ample justice was done and the ladies !;s, sw7el >.nercy waits For Rifles are coming in but C. Hammons, Charles McCrackin, Phillips; A. Austin & Co.’ s spool mill and when of Flagstaff will now always be remembered i p,„ J1 :uu‘ 1'rison gates, Austin & Co. moved to Phillips, was Scribner and wife, C. A. Gould, wife and by those who partook of their excellent cook- ir®; Y I'lYf 1° .. a*lrt J0eP this is the Last Call. child, Cora S. Churchill, E. S. Johnson, Farm­ one of the first to propose starting a ing. A sociial hour was then enjoyed in the .M6 la,ul) &a,®eP> lodge room. Here, we forget, forgive, and love, ington; S. Vose, Albert McMullen, Blanche cream route in Weld. For a number of la spite of wrongs that once did move GOOD, McMullen, Harry A. Tufts, Willie Hewey, years he has served on the local board Our souls to wrath. Is not The Cause— You can save money by leav­ Kingfield; Rosie Lambert, J. G. Popy, Miss The Causeless and His perfect laws Dancroft, Alice Sully, Alice Prescott,’ E. lv. of health and also on the school board More kind, more wise, more just than we West, Boston; L. Frank Adams, Baltimore; Letter to W . E. Mlllett, ing your order N O W '. A. G. Woodman, Mechanic Falls; Mrs. J. B. of which he was chairman, He died Offspring of His infinity? Aug. 6 of tuberculosis, after an illness Phillips, Maine. So run my thoughts; and once again— of six months. Some other thoughts—but I refrain MEDIUM Dear Sir: One coat of Devoe is better Half .coward-like, least here they would A’ v h 1 III IV , H . U , tl UUI l (IH U B i l l , ft Xj . H J CIV _ “ We know not what it is, dear, this sleep so Be out of place—misunderstood; * ^ * off and wife, Holyoke, Mass.; W. A. Burrows, deep and still; than two of mixed paint. For time and place may tell us why Middleton. Tlie folded hands, the awful calm, the cheek The American House, at Tannersville Dame Prudence ne’er should shut her eye; . . AND . . so pale and chill; (Catskill Mts.j, N. Y ., Clias. L. Wiltse, Things great—grand—mean—all man e’re saw The lids that will not lift again, though we Ne’er go by luck—all goes by law. Willows Hotel. may call and call; had two coats of Mixed Paint five years Fremont Scamman, The strange, white solitude of peace that set­ ago; last spring had two more coats of Of all the members of the soul [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] tles over all. None Is so subject to control the same. By little things we hear and see Farm ington, Aug. 27, 1901. We know not what It means, dear, this deso­ PHILLIPS, MAINE. late heart pain; Owner was going to use Devoe but As loving, ling’ring memory. Low Priced Recent arrivals at the Willows Hotel This dread to take our daily way and walk in got his Mixed Paint a few cents less. A rose, a stream, some well-known tree, it again. A song, a voice, all, each may be are: Right across the street, Charles Ilaner The little power forgot until A. J. Bryant, New Vineyard; P. F. Goodwin, We know not to what other joys the loved painted one coat of Devoe at the same who leave us go, It captures mem’ry at its will! J. Henry Smith, Boston: F. W. Butler, C. B. Nor why we’re left to wander still, nor why time — last spring. Some loving eyes our dreams bend o’er. Cothren, Farmington: Norman Butler, Phil­ we do not know.” Some faithful hands, which work no more, lips; C. W. Field, Belfast: F S. Oltley, Ithaca, The Haner house is the better job; Are seen with eyes o’er which a mist N] V.; J. E Klpley, Rockland ; M. L. Shiner, but wait five years. Comes unawares like Angel’s tryst! WATCHES Portland; F. 1. Day, Lewiston; C. N. Hamblin, The point of the story is that Wiltse Some smiles—some prayers—some joys—some Rangeley; John H. Berry, Wm. H. Comers, tears Joseph Farrell, Lowell; F. H. Lothrop, A. S. Mexico at tlie Bxpoeltloa. is sorry already. He has learned some­ Come back again from long past years, Tripp, C. II. Ripley, A. T. Ames, N. Y. Larry, Among the interesting features of thing that not one man in a thousand And then—we turn our sighs, from earth John Eckstown, M. J. Holt, Boston; F. lil. knows -that a gallon of one kind of Wondering we never knew their worth. . . AT . . Kirkpatrick, New York; G. W. Ranger,Farm­ the Mexican exhibit at the Pan-Amer­ ington: E. S. J. McAllister, Annie E. Watson, ican Exposition will be the Mexican paint can contain twice as much paint The rose was never half so sweet W. L. Tasker, F. S. Hovey, Portland; J. P. as a gallon of another kind of paint. ’Till it lay withered at our feet; Government Mounted Band and Mount­ Hutchinson,Auburn; F. S. Stan wood, Rum- You can’t afford to put on another The song that thrills us o’er and o’er ford Falls; E. C. Boyd, A. E. Dwelley, New ed “Rurales,” the personnel of which Is the lost sons?; and we deplore York. paint even if you have it given to you. More deeply than all lost to-day GREENWOOD’S. will be as follows: At the same time, you see, that Mixed The things long lost, and far away. » Honduras Building. A chief, with an adjutant officer. Paint appears to have worn five years — But here one word e’er you and 1 Correct Prices on all Fifty musicians, with a commanding give the devil his due. Shall clasp the hand and say good-bye; Th* Honduras building at the Pan- officer. Yours truly, Though Emersonian, It may be Grades. American Exposition Is located in the To some, a new philosophy:— Twenty mounted “rurales,” with a F. W . D evoe & Co. For every single thing we’ve gained western part of the Court of State and mounted commanding officer. P. S. W . A. D. Cragin sells our paint We’ve something lost for all obtained! Foreign Buildings. It faces the ap­ in your section. For every single thing we’ve lost A corporal and four Infantry soldiers, We ve something gained.—“Of equal cost?” S. L. Savage. proach and overlooks a portion of Del­ 24, ' a corporal and four mounted soldiers, I said not so. Yet this is true Carriage work and wood work of every aware Park and the Lake. The build­ Of each—of all—both old, and new: Send your Laundry to the FRANKLIN a corporal and four artillery soldiers This truth which Epictetus saw STEAM LAUNDRY, Farmington, Me. All description done in a workmanlike manner. ing is designed with an octagonal ro­ and a corporal and four engineers. Is compensation’s changeless law. work guaranteed. Lower floor connecting with Rideout’s new tunda surrounded with wide porches on For Next Week. This group will be commanded by a Hark to our souls’ best words once more HENRY W. TRUE, Agent,Phillips, Me blacksmith shop. three sides and with pavilions on four Repeated to us o’er and o’er; second class captain. Next week will appear a story of the side In pleasure’s shine, in sorrow’s night ■ Ides, the remaining being occu­ The total force will be as follows: A exposition at Buffalo from the stand­ In everything—Trust God, do right; A well painted W agon or Sleigh pied by the kitchen and toilet rooms. And o er and o’er repeat the word FIRE. chief, 4 officers, 90 soldiers and 20 point of Grand Trunk railroad system. Are you a business man? Are you a house­ gives pleasure to the rider. I can The central rotunda and two of the pa­ Try to do right, and then—Trust God. holder? Are you afraid of fire? Your anx- horses. They will be quartered in the An account of the annual reunion of vilions are Intended for exhibits of the We meet and part in joy, or pain ety will be relieved If you carry fire insur paint them to please you. “Streets of Mexico.” the Walker family reached us too late We hope that we may' meet again. ance in The Home, Aetna, German-America* country’s products. There are a cafe There will be separate departments Fond memory shall linger here or Niagara Fire Insurance companies. *nd offices for the commissioners In the for publication and will be printed next And make each friendsliip doubly dear, GEORGE STAPLES, for the chief, for the cavalry and for And weave o’er all her magic spell; HARRY F. BEEDY, Agent, week. PHILLIPS, MAINE. two pavilions. the rest of the force. We meet and part—Hail and Farewell. Phillips, riaine MAINE WOODS, AUGUST 30, 1901

DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PROBATE COURT. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. Additional Business Transacted —Mr. and Mis. J. F. Toothaker are — Mr. Carl Cragin was in Rangeley MUNYON’S In Judge Thompson’s Court. taking a carriage drive through Kenne­ th e first of the week. bec county. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] __Geo. Winslow attended the Masonic meeting at Kingfield Thursday night. - Mr. A. J. Chick of Madrid has just F a r m i n g t o n , Aug. 23, 1901. accepted a position as principal of Mon­ — Mrs. Myrtie Pratt Myers of Everett, mouth academy. RHEUMATISM Business in addition to the amount Mass., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. C. — Mrs. W . E. Hinkley aud three chil­ given last week was transacted in the Ross. dren are visiting relatives and friends Probate court and is given below: __Mr. Ed Keniston fished near Sluice in Brunswick. hill, below Redington, Friday and took Warrants and inventories returned about 12 pounds of trout. — Master Norman Butler has been CURE into court: Charles F. Locklin late of spending a few days with his uncle, — Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Clancy and When Prof. Munyon says his R heum atism Temple, with Carl A . W eston as admis- F. W . Butler, Esq., in Farmington. C ure will cure rheumatism there isn’ t any guess­ daughter have returned from their vaca­ work about it—there isn’t any false statement about istrator and Charles B. Russell of Farm­ Just Before.The tion. Mr. Clancy occupied his pulpit — Mrs. Mary Wellman has returned to It. It cures without leaving any ill effects. It is a her daughter’s, Mrs. F. W . Atwood, ington, Henry Mitchell of Temple and Sunday. splendid stomach and nerve tonic, as well as a posi­ after a visit to Bryant Pond and Wilton. tive cure for rheumatism. D. C. Averill of Wilton as appraisers; —Mrs. L. S. Goodwin, Mrs. N. S. All the Munyon remedies are just as reliable, 25c. Rice and Miss Barbara Rice returned to — Misses Cbristyne Cragin and Alice rial. The Guide to Health is free. Munyon, New M. Dow of Farmington, with York and Philadelphia. Boston last week after a visit at M rs.. J. Prescott were at Marsquamosy Lodge Albert F. Gammon as guardian aud and Mountain View House the last of MUNYO.Vh I MI ALE U CUBES CATAUUiL M. Wheeler’s of several weeks. George W. Wheeler, J. W. Fairbanks the week. Fair — Ezra McKeen had a cancer drawn —Mrs. Alfred Taylor, Master Henry aud A . L. Feuderson all of Farmington out last week. There is still another Stevens Reunion. one which should come out. Dr. J. H. Taylor and Mr. Will Holden from Marl­ as appraisers. boro, Mass., are visiting at Mrs. W. V. Rollin was on the street with a paper The Stevens reunion, by invitation, Accounts presented as follows: First 91 Larrabee’s. after substantial sympathy for the was held at the home of M. J. Stevens, account of F. E. Ham executor of the Paint your buggy and farm wagon $ sufferer the other day. — Miss Ella V . Toothaker has gone to last will and testament of Frank H. Stratton, Saturday, August 24, in honor — Mrs. Chas. E. Baker and two daugh­ Danvers, Mass., after spending her va­ Folsom late of Farmington; second ac­ of the aged father,1 0 . D. Stevens, who with Devoe’s Paint. Covers more jl ters, the Misses Jessie and Edith, of cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs' count of Josephine A. Shepard, admin­ J. F. Toothaker. is now eighty years age. Mr. Stevens istratrix of the estate of Luther M. Melrose Highlands, came to H. M. But­ surface and wears longer than other terfield’s last week for a three weeks’ — Chas. McCrackin finished work as has seven children and twenty-two Shepard, late of Tem ple; second account vacation. Miss Edith will go back to brakeman on the Phillips & Rangeley of A. W . Dutton, executor of. the last grandchildren now living, four of whom will and testament of John C. Whitmore paint. Try it once and you will use : Wellesley in September and Miss Jessie railroad Tuesday aud went to Rumford live in the Dead River region, one sou, will resume her duties in the Boston Falls aud vicinity visiting. late of [New Sharon; third account of I B. P. Stevens, now in trade at King- D. W. Berry, administrator of the estate Kindergarten. — Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole of Boston, it alw ays. . field, Mrs. E. D. Treell of Philadelphia. of J. L. Pratt late of Carthage; first ac­ — The great Maine State Agricultural who are spending a few weeks at Red­ Pa., and Mrs. Lee B. Jones of Water- count of Hattie M. Carter, guardian of society holds its annual exhibit at Lew­ ington, were in town over Sunday, the ville. Charles G. Carter, minor child and heir iston, Sept. 3, 4, 5 and 6, and is undoubt guests of Chas. McCrackin at Comfort Mr. Stevens Pves with his son, his of James G. Carter late of Wilton. ly the greatest strictly agricultural fair Cottage. wife having died about ten years ago. in New England. The various indus­ Accour.ts proved and allowed: C. E. — Some of the small boys around town All but two children and six grandchil tries of the great commonwealth are Parker, administrator of the estate of are likely to get into trouble for break­ dreu were present at the reunion. The there brought together and placed on oldest daughter, Mrs. Lee B. Jones, A. G. Turner late of Phillips; L. G. exhibition for premiums or purses. No ing glass. Quite a number of panes Keyes, administrator of the estate of have been knocked out of Mr. H . P. with her daughter, was present aud is lover of stock, admirer of horses or per making her first visit here for five years. R. D. Walker late of W ilton; Albert F. son interested in the agriculture of the Dill’s henhouse and it is understood Gammon, administrator of the estate of One guest who seemed to enjoy her­ Just Before School state should miss the opportunity to that Postmaster S. G. Haley, who has Daniel Clark, late of Farmington; Al­ self and was enjoyed by all was Mrs. visit this great fair. The great fire­ charge of the property, knows who the bert F. Gammon, executor of the last Lois Smith, a lady eighty-two years of works display, entitled “ The Last Days guilty boys are. will and testament of Eliza Perham late age, who is now in good health, memory of Pompeii,” is well worth the adinis — Last Saturday afternoon 7-years-old of Farmington; Anna B Smith, execu­ as good as at the age of twenty-two and Get your school supplies of all kinds a sion of the entire fair. The day admis Donald Hodges w h s playing in the door- trix of the last will and testament of as spry as most people of the age of fifty sion tickets will be 75 cents, with an yard with his 2-years-old brother. No Elijah B. Smith late of New Vineyard; years. evening coupon attached, which will be one was at home with the children ex­ Fred W. Stanley, administrator of the Pads, Blocks, Pencils, Erasers, About thirty-five partook of the boun­ redeemed at a booth outside the gate in cept their grandmother, Mrs. D. F. estate of George W. Stanley late of tiful feast of hulled corn, cake and case the purchaser does not wish to at­ Hodges. Donald was stung on the back Farmington; Lillian H. Perkins, trustee Scholars’ Companions, Pens, Ink, fruit. The rest of the day was spent in tend the fair in the evening. of the head by a wasp; in a few minutes of certain estate left in trust under the busy chatting by the older people, the poison seemed to have gone through will of Merchant Holley late of Farm — Perhaps the most thoroughly “ prac­ while the children passed the day in Slates, Paper, Compasses, etc., etc. the child’s entire body. He was swollen ington; Jabez T. Gay, guardian of Mil­ tical” joke of the season was played on playing game, aft having a general good in places as far down as the groin, there dred S. Gay, minor of Farmington; Charles McCrackin, brakeman on the time. A t about 4 p. m. all returned to B u y them at the v were cramps in the bottom of his feet, Orren Brackley, guardian of A. T. Tay­ Phillips & Rangeley mixed train, Thurs­ their homes feeling well paid for the day afternoon of last week. When he and the face and lips were badly swol­ lor of Freeman. len, the nostrils to such an extent that visit and hoping to meet a larger num­ made his trip down his vest hung up in ber next vear. Petitions to sell real estate presented the baggage car and in it was his watch. be could not breathe through them. The by: Eunice Webster, executrix of the T o “ get at him” a little, Bob McMullen, other little boy was terribly frightened last will and testament of Benjamin C. who is brakeman on the Sandy River and perhaps the grandmother most Webster late of Kingfield; Minna L. line from Phillips to Farmington, re­ frightened of all. Donald was stripped West Freeman. Lake, trustee of certain estate of Ethel and his body bathed in a strong solution moved the watch and passed it over M. Lake and Dorris F. Lake under the of ammonia and a little quinine given Raymond Whitney aud friend have to Bert Millett to keet until McCrackin will of Stephen Lake late of Farmington; him. He was all rigbi Sunday morning been visiting at Mrs. Julia Whitney’s $ Corner Store, No. I Beal Block, jp- had worried enough. But Mc­ Leon W. Stockbridge, guardian o^f Mary except some sore spots.” for a short time. Crackin was very prompt to take V. Rollins of Weld; John A. Coughlin, action and before he advertised the loss William Walker from Woodsville, guardian of Leroy A. Brackley, minor very much he found two young men Among the Churches. N. H ., has been visiting his father, child and heir of Mary Brackley and who were passengers on the train down O. P. Walker, and family. William Brackley late of New Vineyard. Main Street. Phillips, Maine, ^ from Rangeley and had them taken to At the Union church Rev. Mr. Ranger Earle Brackley visited his friend, License to sell real estate granted to: Beedy’s law office and there searched. preached from Matthew, xxvi, 58, ‘‘But Peter Laforest Pease, of Livermore recently. H. A . Furbish, guardian ot Leona V . This feature of the case didn’t develop followed him atar off. Mrs. £. L. Dunton and daughter, Miss Hinkley of Rangeley, minor; Albert F. until it was too late for Millett to turn Of all fhe forces that contribute to the Ethel, of Lewiston visited her sister, Gammon, administrator of tlie estate of over the watch in season to prevent it. strengthening of evil in the world, none is Mrs. S. F. Brackley, the past wreek. Daniel Clark late of Fa;miDgton; L. D | W. A. D. CRAGIN. | — The Dorothea Dix Memorial asso­ more potent than that of pretense. Evil un­ Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen and two Lawrence, administrator of the estate of ciation hold their third anuual fair at masked, standing for what it is, lias compar­ children attended the Walker reunion Eliza A . McLaughlin late of Weld. Hampden, Me., the birthplace of Miss atively few followers. It wins its servants by at O. P. W alker’ s the 22d. D ix, Oct. 23 and 24. The object of claims of justice or happiness secured, by Widow’s allowance: Esther A. Lock­ lin, widow of Charles F. Locklin late of these fairs is to raise funds for purchas­ clothing itself in the robe of seeming right­ Clinton Harnden has been at work for ing- the home farm. It is hoped at this eousness. Among the dramas enacted in the A. R. Sedgeley the past two weeks. Temple; Cora B. Emery, widow of Win­ time to complete the amount. All history of the world, none other is so full of Mrs. S. F. Brackley has been in Port­ field S. Emery late of Eustis. friends of the cause and all who would j tragedy, so weighted with suffering and land recently. Change of name granted to Phebe j 1 pathos, as the story of the world’s Redeemer, preserve to future generations the birth­ Mrs. Della Sampson of Portland is Belle McPherson of Phillips to Phebe I i The pages of Shakespeare contain dramas Belle Staples. place of the great philanthropist, are j visiting in the family of O. P. Walker. invited to contribute. Inexpensive, I that touch the heart. There is to he found Petitiou for commissioners on dis­ useful articles are most desired, such as i! many a record of anguish and woe, but not puted claims of Bartholomew T. Parker j aprons, handkerchiefs, b;>g*, household | one among them all is so tragic and sorrow­ dismissed on settlement of claims by | articles, bits of hand made lace, etc. j ful as his history of the life of the Son of God It Saved His Baby. agreement of parties. j upon earth, leaving his heavenly home, com. Wins hip District, Phillips. Madrid. Sous and daughters of Maine living in j “ My baby was terribly sick with the Petition for guardian of Orren Soper, I other states are particularly invited to ing to years of poverty and labor, closing j Mr. Garfield Blodgett is spending a j diarrhoea, we were unable to cure him dismissed; petition to reinvest certain! Most farmers are done haying and tb contribute. A small piece of netting with the death upon t he cross. I do not j with the doctor’ s assistance, and as a personal estate of Matilda M. Dow S few days in this place. from a Maine woman living in Ohio, !1 mean that there has not been physical pain j grain is now to be harvested. last resort we tried Chamberlain’s Colic, granted to Albert F. Gammon, guardian; i Mrs M. V . B. Perkins and children made in her hundredth year, has recent­ | as great as that suffered by t hrist. The j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says petition for distribution granted to Al- j The infant child of Mr. and Mn ly been received. It will be sold to the I! spikes which pierced his hands, nailing them I started for their home in Lowell, Mass., Mr. J. E. Doak of Williams, Ore. “ [ belt F. Gammon, executor of the last | J Marshall Douglass has been quite sle| •highest bidder. All articles may be jI to the wood, caused no pang rnoie severe | Thursday. than that inflicted upon many hands so | am happy to say it gave immediate re­ will and testament to Eliza Perham late i sent to the treasurer, Mrs. Jane H. j Fred Fairbanks arrived home Friday Harrison Moores is doing carpente: pierced. The cross brought to the Savior no j lief and a complete cure.” For sale by of Farmington. Spofford, Hampden Corner, or to the work for the Brackett Bros, of Dallas 1 greater agony than it brought to thousands jI W- A. D. Cragin, Phi Hips; E. H. Whit- from Rangeley. president, Mrs. Helen Coffin Beedy, 208 I ney, Rangeley; Dyer’s Drug Store, who are building a bouse. who hung upon it in the city of Nero. In the Miss Mabel Parker, who has been Essex St., Bangor, Me. Strong, and Lester L. Mitchell, King- 1 endurance of mere physical pain, lie is not spending a week in Rangeley with her J. C. Wells is doing mason work foi field. Astounded the Editor. alone. But we do ill if wc make the bodily aunt, Mrs. Charles F. Quimby, has re­ the Brackett brothers. anguish of Christ appear as ills chief suffer­ Editor fc. A. Brown of Beunettsville, ing for us. We would in no wise forget or be­ turned home. A A . A . A 8 . C., was once immensely surprised. Mrs. Frank Cole and Mrs. Georgii little it. We preach “ Christ and Him cruci­ W e are all glad that Miss Rosie Dill fied.’’ Yet far beyond this was the mental, Stony Brook, Stratton. “ Through long suffering from Dyspep­ Berry of the Oquossoc House, Rangeley lias come back to teach the fall school. CRAY spiritual torture, the agony of rejection, of sia,” he writes, “ my wife was greatly attended the reception given by Mr. and desertion. Knowing no sin. he yet bore on- L. P. Dudley of Freeman and Frank Why let run down. She had no strength or A party of six started from Broad Mrs. Volentine Berry, August 20th. sin. His most trusted intimate earthly Savage are running lines on No. 4 this all your friends forsook lilm and fled. Afierward vigor and suffered great distress from View farm one day last week for Kenue- Peter followed him afar off. It is noticeable week. her stomach, but she tried Electric Bit­ ! bago, a walk of four miles. Those that neigh- that of the evangelists, three relate Peter’s were in the party are Mrs. Perkins, Hat- return in the same words, “ Follovfed afar Frank C. Burrell was in South Gard­ ters which helped her at once, aud, after off.” They do not say, that afterward he using four bottles, she is entirely well, [ tie and Paul Perkins from Lowell, bors and iner last week. He bought a pair of went to him, or that he went to the place of can eat anything.- It’s a grand tonic, Mass., Mrs. C. F. Quimby and Bon, friends trial, or with Jesus to the palace, but as if they would make plain the cause of his weak­ nice horses while he was gone. and its .gentle laxative qualities are Alton, aud Miss Mabel Parker. The | party came back the same day, walking think you ness and denial, they say that lie was “ afar L. T. Hinds attended the Masonicsplendid for torpid liver.” For Indi­ off.” Many a one since that day lias found gestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach aud 1 both ways. ______must be himself yielding to temptation, failing in the meeting at Kingfield last week. hour of trial because he, too, was “ afar off.” Liver troubles it’s a positive, guaran­ What are some of the things that prevent Miss Eula Hinds visited at Orrin teed cure. Only 50c at W. A. D. one from coming near? One tiling is this, East Madrid. the habit ot questioning over known duty, of Tufts’s, Kingfield, last week. Cragin’s. S T H t A H w ; ; : I asking in wliat way it will affect one’s ease older than you are? i or comfort, of giving one’s own desire or sel- Mr aud Mrs. Eben Reed and daughter Mrs. Orren McKeen has just returned I flsh interests preference before undoubted are visiting relatives aud friends in and from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Yet it’s impossible to right. around Stratton. They were former j Again, Peter stood, among those who Salem. Wallace Virgin, in Rumford Falls. look young with the 1 doubted his Master, fearing to identify him- residents of Eustis, but now of Aroos­ I self wiili the disciples of that master, lest the took county. Miss Gertrude Hay ford has returned Mr. Fred Cross is visiting his brother home. color of 70 years in treatment accorded him should also be given Mrs. Grace Savage has gone to Port­ and family, Mr. C. E. Cross. his servants. Think you that if he had gone Miss Dunton of Lewiston has been the hair. It’s sad to boldly in as did John, he would have failed land for a few weeks. in his allegiance to Jesus, he would have de­ visiting here. Mrs. Samuel Masterman and see young persons nied him at the word of a servant girl? Hav­ Blake, the seven-years-old son of A. Flossie Mtsterraau of Weld visited ing once failed to acknowledge his Lord, lie M. Jones, had the misfortune to break Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith are moving look prematurely old would the more easily succumb to subsequent his leg just above the knee. Dr. Brimi- into the rent with his mother. and Mrs. N. D. Wing recently, temptations to like denials. evening during their visit Mr. and in this way. Sad be­ Let there be no evading duty under the pre­ gion set the bone and he is doing as Mrs. Frank Wilder and children of tense that some other interest demands the well as could be expected. Fairbanks visited here recently. Wing invited in a few friends and a cause it’s all unneces­ social evening was passed. Mrs. Mas­ evasion. Let there be no omitting nor post­ L. T. Hinds and Mrs. J. C. Danico Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ellsworth and poning the witnessing for our Lord and Mas terman favoring the company with some A little light work should not make sary; for gray hair Harold Harris have been spending some ter. For myself I am sure that the testi­ each lost a nice cow recently by getting- fine selections on the violin. a woman’s back ache— monies given in the prayer meetings have poisoned. & 6 time at Dead River. may always be re­ been the means of much help and strengtli- Mr. Solon Meacham is moving back And it wouldn’t if the kidneys were Mrs. L. P. Dudley and little son, Mr. Eben Reed and family of Aroos­ right. ening. Had I not determined at the begin­ onto his Russell place for a short time. stored ning of my Christian experience to give some Llewllyn, of Freeman are visiting at J. took county have been visiting relatives word of testimony wherever it appeared my Sick kidneys are to blame for three- P. Dudley’s. . 6 here. Messrs. Blanchard of Wilton and Mor­ fourths of the pain and misery in this duty to do so, and the question of that duty ton of Avon were in the place last week has not been a perplexing one, 1 am confi­ The young people of Stratton played Mr. Gene’Heatfl of Lowell, Mass., is world. looking after stock. I haven’ t learned dent that I should not today be in the minis- spending his vacation at his old home. If all the kidneys in the world could try, I doubt my having continued in the the drama, “ A Family Affair,” Satur­ of their buying any. Christian life. day evening for the benefit of the band. Misses Belle Sampson and Lulie Heath be made strong and healthful, back­ The Ladies’ circle will meet Sept. 5 1 do not expect miraculous exemptions Mrs. Anna Stevens Jones and children took a bicycle trip to Farmington and ache would disappear like magic. fri°?i temptations, or from the results of with Mrs. F. H. Thorpe. yielding to temptation. For me, alcohol will are visiting relatives and friends. Wilton recently. not lose its intoxicating power, nor sin its Mrs. Emma Dodge and little daughter Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Littlehale of degradation; but I do expect, when near the Doan’s Kidney Pills Christ, to be able to resist temptation. Evil are visiting friends and relatives about | Newry visited at Ira Wing’s the first of is all about us, yet town. • the week. Are making well kidneys just as fa9t Chesterville. ns people let them. They never fail. Rev. Mr. Pillsbury will speak at the “ Satan trembles when he sees, Mrs. C. W . Keyes of Farmington, who Messrs. Daniel Plaisted, G. W. Mills Have cured thousands of men and For over half a cen­ Tlie weakest saint upon his knees.” and Ira Adley have been reshingling I schoolhouso in this place next Sunday. has been stopping with her sister, Miss women. tury this has been the What win be the condition of those who their buildings. Conference on Saturday. H. follow afar off? A certain evangelist was Eva O, Park, for a few days, had the Read this testimony of their merit. standard hair prepara­ once asked by the parents of a young girl to Mr. Downer Harris passed away quiie Mrs. J. F. Jencks, of 532 Bank converse with her upon the subject of her misfortune to fall out of a hammock suddenly Thursday, evening. The re­ street, wife of the foreman at the tion. It is an elegant need of religion. Opportunity coming for while she was here and fracture her mains were taken to Gray, his former New Sharon. brown Carriage Co., New London, Ct., such conversation, the preacher said, ‘The dressing; stops fall­ peopleP‘e of tllethe famllyfamil trouble you very much collar bone. Dr. Head set the fracture home, fo r burial. R o sc o e. says: about " Mrs. Sarah Frederick is very ill. ut this matter of religion, do they not?” dud sli0 is doing ns well us could bo ex- T.i'nIt.,ook ,f!ve,r r six of Doan’S Kidnev ing of the hair; makes HmeSvinuee