Wbt Creation JOSEPH HAVT>N

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Wbt Creation JOSEPH HAVT>N UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SO'. IETY CHARLES A. SINK, PRV 17 EARL V. MOORE, llUV-CAL DIRECTOR Second Concert 1937-1938 Com;)L Series 2482 Faculty Concert Serie Wbt Creation JOSEPH HAVT>N Soloists: THELMA LEWIS, Soprano t~ ARTHUR H / .ETT, Tenor HARDIN VAN DEURSEN, Baritone ALICE MANDERBACF, Harpsichord UNIVERSITY CHORAL T *ION ROBERT CAMPBELL, Organist UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA EARL V. MOORE, Conductor WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1937, AT 8:30 HILL AUDITORIUM, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN S.^W PROGRAM Cast of Characters GABRIEL Thelma Lewis RAPHAEL . Hardin Van Deursen URIEL Arthur Hackett FIRST PART INTRODUCTION.—REPRESENTATION OF CHAOS RECIT. (RAPHAEL) And God said, Let the RECIT. (RAPHAEL) In the beginning waters under the heaven CHORUS And the Spirit of God Ant (RAPHAEL) Rolling in foaming billows RECIT. ( URIEL) And God saw the light RECIT. (GABRLSL) And God said, Let the earth AIR (URIEL) Now vanish AIR (GADRIEL) With verdure clad CHORUS Despairing, cursing rage RECIT. (URDIL) And the heavenly host RECIT. (RAPHAEL) And God made CHORUS Awake the harp SOLO (GADRDZL) RECIT. (URIEL) A nd God said AND CHORUS The marv'lous work RECIT. (URIEL) In splendour bright CHO. WITH TRIO The heavens are telling INTERMISSION SECOND PAST RECIT. (RAPHAEL) And God created great whales RECIT. (RAPHAEL) Straight opening her fertile RECIT. (RAPHAEL) And the angels struck their womb immortal harps AIR (RAPHAEL) Now heav'n in fullest glory TERZETTO (GABRIEL, RECIT. (UKTEL) And God created man RAPHAEL, URDSL) Most beautiful appear AIR (URIEL) In native worth TRIO AND CHO. The Lord is great RECIT. (RAPHAEL) And God saw every thing RECIT. (RAPHAEL) And God said, Let the earth TRIO On thee wA living soul bring forth awaits CHORUS Achieved is the glorious work The Steinway Piano and the Skinner Organ are the official concert instruments of the University Musical Society. A R S L 0 N G A VITA B R E V I S "THE CREATION" FIRST PART INRTODUCTION (Orchestra) SOLO. Gabriel The marv'lous work behold amaz'd REPRESENTATION OF CHAOS The glorious hierarchy of heaven; RECITATIVE. Raphael And to th' e*ereal vaults resound In the beginning God created the The praise of^od, and of the second heaven and the earth; and the earth day. was without form, and void; and CHORUS darkness was upon the face of the d deep. ^^ And to th' ethereal vaults resound The praise of God, and of the second CHORUS day. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God RECITATIVE. Raphael said, Let there be light: and there And God said, Let the waters under was light. the heaven be gathered together to RECITATIVE. Uriel one place, and let the dry land ap­ And God saw the light, that it was pear: and it was so. And God good: and God divided the light called the dry land Earth, and the gathering of waters called He Seas: from the darkness. and God saw that it was good. AIR. Uriel Now vanish before the holy beams AIR. Raphael The gloomy shade of ancient night; Rolling in foaming billows, The first of days appears. Uplifted, roars the boisterous sea. Now chaos^eniK and order fair pre­ Mountains andtocks now emerge, vails. Their tops among the clouds ascend. Affrighted fly hell's spirits black in Through th' open plains, outstretch­ throngs: ing wide, Down they sink in the deep abyss In serpent error rivers flow. To endless night. Softly purling, glides on Through silent vales the limpid brook. CHORUS Despairing, cursing rage attends their RECITATIVE. Raphael rapid fall. A new-created world springs up at And God said, Let the earth bring God's command. forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree yielding fruit RECITATIVE, Raphael after his kind, whose seed is in And God made the firmament, and itself, upon the earth: and it was divided the waters which were so. under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: AIR. Gabriel and it was so. With verdure clad the fields appear, Now furious storms tempestuous rage, Delightful to the ravish'd sense; Like chaff, by the winds impelled are By flowers sweet and gay the clouds, Enhanced is the charming sight. By sudden fire the sky is inflamed, Here fragrant herbs their odours shed; And awful thunders are rolling on Here shoots the healing plant. high. With copious fruit th' expanded Now from the floods in steam ascend boughs are hung; reviving showers of rain, In leafy arches twine the shady The dreary, wasteful hail, the light groves; and flaky snow. O'er lofty hills majestic forests wave. RECITATIVE. Uriel TRIO And the heavenly host proclaimed In all the lands resounds the word, the third day, praising God, and Never unperceived, ever understood. saying: CHORUS CHORUS The heavens are telling the glory of Awake the harp, thn lyre awake, God, And let your joyful song resound. The wonder of His work displays the Rejoice in the Lord, the mighty God; firmament. For He both heaven and earth Hath clothed in stately dress. SECOND PART RECITATIVE. Uriel RECITATIVE. Raphael And God said, Let there be lights in And God created great whales, and the firmament of heaven, to divide every living creature that moveth; the day from the night, and to give and God blessed them, saying, light upon the earth; and let them Be fruitful all, and multiply, be for signs, and for seasons, and Ye winged tribes, be multiplied, for days, and for years. He made And sing on every tree; the stars also. Multiply, ye finny tribes, And fill each wat'ry deep; RECITATIVE. Uriel Be fruitful, grow, and multiply, In splendour bright is rising now the And in your God and Lord rejoice. sun, RECITATIVE. Raphael And darts his rays; a joyful, happy And the angels struck their immortal spouse, harps, and the wonders of the fifth A giant proud and glad day sung. To run his measured course. With softer beams, and milder light, TERZETTO Steps on the silver moon through si­ Gabriel lent night; The space immense of th' azure sky Most beautiful appear, with verdure A countless host of radiant orbs young adorn'd, adorns. The gently sloping hills; their nar­ And the sons of God announced the row, sinuous veins fourth day Distil, in crystal drops, the fountain In song divine, proclaiming thus His fresh and bright. power: Uriel In lofty circles play, and hover, in the CHORUS air, The heavens are telling the glory of The cheerful host of birds; and as God, they flying whirl, The wonder of His work displays the Their glitt'ring plumes are dy'd as firmament; rainbows by the sun. TRIO. Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael Raphael To day that is coming speaks it the See flashing through the deep in day, thronging swarms The night that is gone to following The fish a thousand ways around. night. Upheaved from the deep, th1 immense Leviathan CHORUS Sports on the foaming wave. The heavens are telling the glory of God, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael The wonder of His work displays the How many are Thy works, 0 Godl firmament. Who may their number tell? TRIO AND CHORUS He breathed into his nostrils the The Lord is great, and great His breath of life, and Man became a might, living soul. His glory lasts for ever and for ever­ more. AIR. Uriel RECITATIVE. Raphael In native worth and honour clad, And God said, Let the earth bring With beauty, courage, strength, forth the living creature after his adorn'd, kind, cattle, and creeping thing, Erect, with front serene, he stands and beast of the earth, after his A man, the lord and king of nature kind. all. His large and arched brow sublime RECITATIVE. Raphael Of wisdom deep declares the seat; Straight opening her fertile womb, And in his eyes with brightness shines The earth obey'd the word, The soul, the breath and image of his And teem'd creatures numberless, God. In perfect forms, and fully grown. With fondness leans upon his breast Cheerful, roaring, stands the tawny The partner for him form'd, lion. With sudden leap A woman, fair and graceful spouse. The flexible tiger appears. The nimble Her softly smiling, virgin looks, stag Of flow'ry spring the mirror, Bears up his branching head. With Bespeak him love, and joy, and bliss. flying mane, And fiery look, impatient neighs the RECITATIVE. Raphael noble steed. And God saw every thing that He had The cattle, in herds, already seek their made, and behold, it was very good. food And the heavenly choir, in song On fields and meadows green. divine, thus closed the sixth day: And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread TRIO. Gabriel and Uriel. The fleecy, meek, and bleating flocks. On Thee each living soul awaits; Unnumber'd as the sands, in swarms From Thee, O Lord, all seek then- arose food; The host of insects. In long dimension Thou openest Thy hand, Creeps, with sinuous trace, the worm And fillest all with good. AIR. Raphael Now heaven in fullest glory shone; Raphael Earth smil'd in all her rich attire; But when Thy face, O Lord, is hid, The room of air with fowl is filled; With sudden terror they are struck; The water swell'd by shoals of fish; Thou tak'st their breath away, By heavy beasts the ground is trod: They vanish into dust. But all the work was not complete; There wanted yet that wondrous Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael being, Thou sendest forth Thy breath again, That, grateful, should God's power And life with vigour fresh returns; admire, Revived earth unfolds new strength With heart and voice His goodness And new delights.
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