1886-09-04, [P ]

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1886-09-04, [P ] VOLUME II. MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1886. NUMBER 18. troubled themselves to ascertain the ®i submit to a government not their own. York, wbere an Irishman in a fat office mil— The question of an autonomous govern­ OLD-TIME IRISH PATRIOTS. is a rule and not an exception, is earn­ INFALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. facts connected with it before pro­ TWO ELOQUENT SPEECHES. nouncing judgment on the Church? ment will always be fixed iu the hearts ing a bare living as a clerk in the de­ Mr. Proctor does not accept the or the Irish people." Bight Hon. Devoy's Undying Devotion to the partment of public works. The Sensible Acknowledgment of Mr. Gladstone and Parnell Declare that John doctrine of the Infallibility of David Plunkett, first commissioner of Last week I spent an hour with a Sichard A. Proctor, the Eminent Ireland Must Be Legislatively Land That G-ave Him the Pope, but he deals with the facts re­ works, denied that the judicial rents third Irish patriot—florid-faced, light Scientist and Author. Independent. were too high. He said that they were Birth, haired and hearted, as upright as an lating to it as he would deal with other facts, and the result, of course, is fixed during a period of, and on the iron pillar, and as genialas a May morn SOME HERETIC ABSURDITIES. that the everlasting Galileo difficulty PARNELL'S POWERFUL SPEECH. basis of, falling prices. The tendency GEN, THOMAS FRANCIS BOURKE, in Mallow. He was John Breslin, the of the past eighteen months had been man who rescued the Fenian prisoners is disposed of at once. It seems odd that such a treatment of such a subject in the direction of a decrease in the from Van Diemen's Land. To look at The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility is Al­ Mr. Gladstone Heads tlie Tories a Lesson on number of evictions. The policy of the John Breslin, the Man Who Eescued the his face you would hardly think that he should be rare, but it is unfortunately most a Corollary on the . Doctrine the fact that in hardly any case will a Parliamentary Usage and Criticises government was to extend the act of Fenian Prisoners from Van : had not only the patiotism of a Nathan of Divine Inspiration. Protestant condescend to inform him­ Their Irish Policy. 1881, and its success largely depended Dieman's Land. Hale but the grim determination of a upon the restoration of social order. Baron Trenck. Of all the Irish exiles self a3 to what Catholics really do be­ lieve, or to weigh the facts or test the He concluded by sayiug that the re­ iu New York Breslin is the most natty Mr. Richard A. Proctor, the eminent Mr Parnell made a forcible speech in BY AMOS J. CUMMINOS, ".STEW YORK. statements on which he does not hesi­ the House of Commons on Thursday sponsibility taken upon himself by Mr. The echoes of the Land League con­ in dress and suave in manner. In ur­ English scientist, comes foward in his Parnell to-night was an awful and ter­ banity he excels the renowned Maj. P. tate to convict the Catholic Church, not •night of last week. He was loudly vention are rolling over the country. magazine, Knowledge, with an argu­ M. Haverty, aud in attire he throws merely of falsehood, but of inconceiv­ cheered on rising to resume the debate rible one. The names of Irish patriots are em­ ment to prove that from the Catholic Attt. GLr'. OSTOXJH the noted Bryan G. McSwyny in the able folly. on the address in reply to the Queen's blazoned on it3 records. Most of them standpoint there is nothing illogical or r shade. But Breslin, like nearly every speech. He said he believed t$at if the followed. His rising w as the signal are new men. Let me recall some of absurd in the doctrine of the infallibility Irishmen in Canada. other Irish patriot who has braved an country had been given three more for loud and prolonged applause. He the old ones who are still living. The of the Pope. As a rule Protestants are Bishop Cleary, of Kingston, Onfe., in ignominious death, is stranded on the weeks to consider the home rule bill began by accusing the government of new ones ail seem to be rich in this apparently incapable of grasping the a letter to Archbishop Croke of Dublin bench of poverty. He holds a small the Tories would not now be seen in­ having taken an unusual course m go­ world's goods. The old ones are the idea of Papal infallibility. It is at conveying a draft of $1,700 from Outa- place in the street cleaning department. stalled on the treasury bench. The ing so far outside of the speech from reverse. On entering the rooms of the first sight so impossible to there method rio Irish Canadiaus as a contribution to Yet, like Bourke and Devoy, he would Irish Party have every reason to be sat­ the throne. He did not remember an press club not long ago I saw a plainly of thinking that they cannot even be the Irish Parliamentary Fund, writes: undoubtedly throw away his last chance isfied with the present position. A occasion in fifty years when the gov­ dressed gentleman seated at a table persuaded to consider the evidences. of a living to accept a dangerous mis­ "The contributors of the sums are majorty ol' the Liberal party has de­ ernment thought it politic to use the writing. He had black hair and mous­ For tbi3 reason the candid acknowledg­ sion for the good of Ireland if it were not exclusively Irish or Catholic ; clared m favor of Irish autonomy. address as an opportudity for explain­ tache and a close-cropped black beard ment of a sensible Protestant author, winged with a probability of success. Scotch, French and English, Presbyte­ The Tories have only profited from ing its policy beyond the compass of streaked with gray. His eyes w;ere hazel who has a world-wide reputation as an exact and well-informed writer on mat­ rians, Methodists and Anglicans, have temporary Liberal hesitation. After the speech. He thought the govern­ in color, aud his nose was neither Bo- Yesterday I spoke with the most united with us in paying thi ^tribute of the present government had exhibited ment should have reserved the main man nor Grecian. It was a genuine Celt­ rabid of all Irish patriots, O'Donovan ters connectedwith astronomical science is well worth notice. sympathy and sustainment t*our long themselves for a year or so, a spectacle lines of their measures until the mea­ ic nose. His hands were strong and Rossa. lie was moving over the City oppressed country and her parliament­ for God and man, in an attempt to sures themselves could be presented. knotty, and he wrote with great rapid­ Hall Park, wearing a linen coat and a Mr. Proctor writes: "The doctrine of ary champions in the supreme effort govern Ireland, Liberal hesitation But he was unwilling to complain of ity. His physique was slight, but sin­ dun felt hat. His face had the ruddy Papal infallibility, as commonly under­ now made to vindicate, by peaceful and would vanish. The Irish have every the action of the government. He inti­ ewy. He returned all salutations in a glow of health, and his yellow goatee stood, is, of course, preposterous on the strictly legal methods, her imprescript­ reason to have patience. Theirs was mated that he would take no part in low tone of voice, and he looked like a was nearly as pointed as the Venetian face of it. But the common mistakes ible right of self-legislation. All have « /i the winning cause. If the goverment the division on Mr. Parnell's amend­ man who thought much more than he beard of Roscoe Conkiing. Rossa looked about the d'jptrine are themselves prepo­ .been moved by a conviction that the • :A speeches were intended to exasperate ment, because he deprecated any at­ talked. The man was the Irish patriot, rusty, but his brain was as full of fire sterous. One hears an ignorant but most system of latv-making which has ren­ Ireland, they would fail to have that tempt to force a definite premature ex­ John Devoy. He is the only Irishman as ever, and his tongue reeked with zealous Protestant talk such nonsense l dered Canadaorignally loyal.prosperous effect;. At the same time there would pression of opinion on the policy which who has suffered imprisonment in both hatred of England. He is as mild as this: IIow can the Pope be infallible and united, despite the adversity and be considerable difficulty with the rent the government foreshadowed for their England and .America for his devotion mannered, however, as a Quaker. He when such and such a Pope was notori­ old-world rivalry of its constituent peo­ Question. lis regretted that the gov­ future guidance. Their policy, how­ to the cause of his countay. I am sure has an eye as full and as serene as the ously unwise, and such another man of ples, casually, as it were, thrown to­ ernment had not appreciated the grav­ ever, was open to remarks. It bore that he is to-day not worth a penny. eve of an ox. When rising in a con­ evil life?' It would be iust as unreason- gether, and has converted the Irish' set­ ity of the situation. The royal com­ upon five diffeient joints, namely: The He barely feeds and clothes his family vention he is deliberate and unpretenti­ bie to say, how can we believe David to tlers, whe were naturally discontented mission would be unable to report until issue of royal commissions, questions by writing for the daily newspapers.
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