Research Bulletin Issue 9

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Research Bulletin Issue 9 College of Arts and Humanities RESEARCH BULLETIN ISSUE 9 NEWS Professor Andrew Edwards Jones, Gareth Evans Jones, Dr Inside this issue: Eurig Davies, Harvard University, - Dean of CAH and School Professor Peredur Lynch and of History Professor Catherine McKenna, News 1 - 3 Chair of Celtic Languages and Professor Andrew Edwards and Cultures, Harvard University. New Staff Profiles 3 Professor Peredur Lynch and two PhD students from the College, Sam Invited Talks 4 Jones and Gareth Evans Jones, The Art of the Possible presented papers to the 35th A festschrift in memory of the late Conferences 5 - 6 Harvard Celtic Colloquium in Professor Duncan Tanner, The Art Organized October. While in Harvard, of the Possible: Politics and Governance in Modern British Conference 6 - 7 Professors Edwards and Lynch Papers hosted a Bangor University alumni History: Essays in memory of event at the Harvard Faculty Club. Duncan Tanner (Manchester External Offices & 7 The event was attended by over University Press) was launched at Appointments thirty alumni, including many an event at the People’s History former CAH students. Museum in Manchester in Impact-Generating 8 - 9 Pictured at the Colloquium from left September. The event was Activities to right - attended by Duncan’s family, friends and colleagues. Pictured at Cross-Disciplinary 10 Professor Andrew Edwards, Sam Activities the book launch are the volume’s editors, Professor Andrew Grant Capture 11 Edwards and Professor Chris Williams (Cardiff University). Publications 12 - 13 Contributors’ 14 Schools Dr Andrew McStay Mr Andrew Smith – School ways to connect with the content artists and studios all tracking the and meaning of another artwork. process of making new art from School of Creative of Creative Studies and Re-take, Re-invent has been taking the past. Re-take, Re-invent will Studies and Media Media place over two years allowing an create an exhibition in three AIL-WNEUD / AIL-DDYFEISIO RE- extended time to focus on the venues concurrently across the Invited to be editor board of TAKE/RE-INVENT process of making and will highlight region, to be reported on in a later New Media & Society The Working Process and Studio sketches, studies and workbooks as CAH bulletin. The project is a Book contract with Sage for Practice: New Art from Past Art well as finished art works. The National Museum of Wales Empathic Media: the Surveil- Re-take, Re-invent is a group project has included studio visits, partnership project and is lance of Emotional Life. research project featuring 16 schools projects and contributions supported by the Arts Council of Deliver of Digital Advertising artists responding to the art to a group journal with Wales. manuscript for Palgrave- collection at the National Museum commissioned photographs of the MacMillan. of Wales, Cardiff. The artists, all Secured Special Issue on connected with North Wales and the Fine Art programme in the Veillance and Transparency School of Creative Studies and with Sage journal Big Data Media, have been interpreting their and Society. Guest Editors: chosen art work from the critical Vian Bakir (SCSM), Andrew standpoint of current McStay (SCSM) and Martina studio practice making connections Feilzer (Social Sciences). For and creating new journeys of 2017 delivery. discovery as each finds different Page 2 PAGE 2 NEWS Dr Guto Pryderi Puw - opera ond roedd y wobr hon yn gyfle bosibiliadau thematig, cerddorol ac Cerddoriaeth gwych i ddechrau’r broses. Wrth offerynnol.” gydweithio’n agos gyda Theatr Gerdd Bu Dr Guto Pryderi Puw yn rhan o Cymru a Gwyneth Glyn dros gyfnod hir o weithdy cyfansoddi gyda Theatr Gerdd amser mae’r opera wedi tyfu i fod yn Cymru mewn perfformiad ddarn 3 Act ac oddeutu 120 munud o o’i opera newydd Y Tŵr. Seiliwyd y gwaith hyd. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen i drefnu’r sgôr ar ddrama adnabyddus Gwenlyn Parry fer ar gyfer ensemble cyn dechrau ar yr gyda’r libretto gan Gwyneth Glyn a ymarferion ar gyfer y cynhyrchiad llawn pherfformiwyd y gwaith gan y soprano yn Hydref 2016. Bydd ei berfformio Elin Prichard a’r baswr Paul Carey Jones. mewn gwahanol leoliadau ar draws y Troir y gwaith yn gomisiwn llawn ar gyfer wlad yn hynod o gyffrous. dau lais ac ensemble mawr i’w berfformio Roeddwn gyda’m golygon ar osod y yn ystod Gŵyl Bro Morgannwg yn 2017, ddrama i opera ers tro gan fod y themâu gyda pherformiadau eraill ym Mangor, sydd ohonni yn fyd eang sy’n ymwneud Aberystwyth, Clwyd Theatr Cymru a gyda pherthynas dau gymeriad mewn tri Llundain. chyfnod gwahanol o’u bywydau, lle mae Dechreuodd yr opera wedi i Guto Pryderi modd i bawb (o bob oedran) uniaethu Puw ennill Gwobr Gymru Creadigol gan gyda hwy. Yn ogystal mae hi’n ddrama Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn 2009 i mor adnabyddus sydd o ran strwythur yn ddatblygu yr ochr operatig a theatrig o’i gymharol syml ond wrth edrych yn gyfansoddiadau. Dywedodd: “nid bob ddyfnach i’r testun yn cynnig gymaint o dydd y caiff cyfansoddwr y cyfle i greu Dr Helena Miguélez-Carballeira – Dr Jonathan Ervine – Modern August 2015: Guest artist at European Modern Languages and Cultures Languages and Cultures Aerial Dance Festival in Brighton As the major research output of the Interview on Good Morning Wales (BBC August/September 2015: Guest artist in AHRC-funded Research Network Radio Wales) about diversity and Vancouver and featured performer in “Translation in Non-State Cultures: community relations in France following Trees are Portals with Aeriosa dance Persepctives from Wales” (2012), Dr the 13th November 2015 attacks (17th society in WAI funded professional exchange. Helena Miguélez-Carballeira , in November 2015). conjunction with Prof Angharad Price and Research trip to conduct archival September 2015: Performance of new Dr Judith Kaufmann as guest co-editors, research at France’s Musée National du vertical dance work Hints to Lady has submitted all materials for the Special Sport (National Museum of Sport in Nice Travellers commissioned by Venue Cymru Issue “Translation In Wales: (January 2016). for Llawn 03 festival, Llandudno. History,Theory and Approaches” of the October 2015: Chosen choreographer for leading journal Translation Studies. The Ms Kate Lawrence - Creative Creu Cymru’s Solo Filter, Dance Buddy Special Issue will be the first English- event at Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff. Studies and Media language publication to focus specifically July 2015: 3 public performances of new on the interplay between Translation vertical dance Porth commissioned by Studies and Welsh cultural history. Pontio with 3d projection by Guildhall Publication of the Special Issue is London on the exterior walls of the new expected in April 2016. Pontio building. Dr Helena Miguelez-Carballeira has been invited to speak at Galicia´s foremost July 2015: 4 performances of vertical event on philosophy and critical theory: dance work Gwymon at Galeri the Aula Castelao Philosophy Week. Past Caernarfon and Venue Cymru, speakers at this lecture series include Llandudno. Terry Eagleton, Éric Touissant and Samir Amin. Page 3 PAGE 3 NEWS Dr Raluca Radulescu - English Dr Vian Bakir - Creative Studies and Sociology. Guest Editors: Vian Bakir Literature Media (SCSM), D. Miller (Bath Univ), P. Robinson Raluca secured a book contract for a - Secured Special Issue on Veillance and (Manchester Univ), C. Simpson (American major new book titled ‘Editing a Transparency with Sage journal Big Data Univ). For 2016 delivery. Also secured Middle English Texts’, co-edited with and Society. Guest Editors: Vian Bakir book contract (Brill) for edited book on Margaret Connolly, University of St. (SCSM), Andrew McStay (SCSM) and same subject. Andrews, with Brepols. Martina Feilzer (Social Sciences). For 2017 delivery. - Secured Special Issue on Propaganda, Coercion and Deception for Critical NEW STAFF PROFILES Richard Craig – Music and is a member of the Spanish ensemble release in 2015. This will include new works SMASH. by Esaias Järnegard, Richard Barrett, John Richard Craig was appointed as Head of Croft, Brice Pauset, Evan Johnson and Since 2011, he has been engaged in an arts Performance in September 2015. Fabrice Fitch with support from the funding practice which is across disciplines, showing agency, Creative Scotland. Richard Craig studied at flute at RSAMD an increasing resistance to be restricted to (now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) either visual or sonic arts and drawing upon As a lecturer he has given masterclasses with Sheena Gordon and later with Richard both as resources in his work. and seminars in the University Maryland Blake. After graduating with honours, he Baltimore, Huddersfield University, St His research takes an auto-ethnographic continued his studies at the Conservatoire Andrews University, Aberdeen University, approach that examines the role of the de Strasbourg, France, with Mario Caroli. the Royal Northern College of Music and performer/composer in contemporary Richard has performed with groups such as the Royal Scottish Conservatoire, and was music, to which his responses are ELISION, Musikfabrik, Klangforum Wien and appointed as Visiting Fellow in Performance articulated in his compositions, recordings, Das Experimentalstudio ensemble, which at Aberdeen University 2009-11. From 2012 has taken him to international festivals such writings and artwork. -2014 he was a visiting lecturer on the Post- as Maerzmusik Berlin, Wittener Tage für As a performer/composer, he is currently Graduate performance course at Neue Musik, the Venice Biennale, working with amplification and feedback. Huddersfield University. Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, These initial experiments led to the CD Since 2014, Richard is an Honorary the Festival D’Automne in Paris and the collaboration Amp/Al with musician Rodrigo Research Fellow at the University of Lincoln Center Festival New York. Equally Constanzo and artist Angela Guyton in Huddersfield. active as a soloist, Richard has given recitals 2013. As a recording artist, Richard throughout the world performing new work has recorded for the BBC, WDR Cologne, and presenting his collaborations.
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