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Sanquhar II Community Wind Farm - Additional Information Report Section 6 – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Section 6 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Table 6.11: Other wind farms considered within CLVIA Table 6.12: Summary of Combined Cumulative Visual Effects by Viewpoint Location Contents 6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 6.2 Assessment methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Appendices 6.3 Landscape planning policies and designations ...................................................................................................... 7 Appendix 6.1: LVIA Methodology Assessment Criteria 6.4 Baseline landscape conditions ............................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix 6.2: Information to be read in conjunction with visualisations 6.5 Baseline visual conditions .................................................................................................................................... 12 Table 6.5b – Additional Wireframe and Photomontage Visualisations also now provided with the LVIA ..................... 16 Appendix 6.3: Preliminary Analysis of Landscape Character Areas within 35km 6.6 Project description .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Appendix 6.4: Viewpoint Assessment 6.7 Assessment of Landscape Effects ........................................................................................................................ 16 Appendix 6.5: Night-time Lighting Assessment 6.8 Assessment of Visual Effects ............................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix 6.6: Residential Visual Amenity Study 6.9 Cumulative Landscape and Visual Effects ........................................................................................................... 43 6.10 Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................................................................... 51 Appendix 6.7: Effects upon Landscape Designations 6.11 Residual Effects.................................................................................................................................................... 52 Appendix 6.8: Additional Supporting Wireframe Visualisations 6.12 Summary of Landscape and Visual Effects .......................................................................................................... 52 Appendix 6.9: Enlarged Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) Plans - Scaur Water Valley and Shinnel Water Valley 6.13 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix 6.10: Wireframe Route Analysis – ‘Southern Upland Way - between Benbrack and Conrig shoulder’ and ‘Scaur Water Valley - minor road between Carlistane Bridge and Polskeoch’ Tables Appendix 6.11: Letter from Pegasus to the Energy Consents Unit, dated 31.03.20, concerning the consultation response of Dumfries and Galloway Council, dated 18.02.20 Table 6.1: Production of Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) Maps Appendix 6.12 Additional Photomontage Visualisations from Scaur Water Valley and Shinnel Water Valley Table 6.2: Wireframe Visualisations (prepared using photography collected during pre-Covid restrictions) Table 6.3: Generation of Photomontages Appendix 6.13 360-degree Wireframe Visualisations from the summit of Blackcraig Hill Table 6.4: Character Types and Areas/Units Assessed Table 6.5a: Assessment Viewpoints Supporting Volumes Table 6.5b: Additional Wireframe and Photomontage Visualisations also now provided with the LVIA Additional Information, June 2020 - LVIA Volume 2: Figures Table 6.6 Summary of Landscape Sensitivity Ratings attributed to each Character Type/Unit in this LVIA Additional Information, June 2020 - LVIA Volume 3: Viewpoint visualisations Table 6.7: Summary of Effects on above assessed Landscape Character Units/Types (Operational Phase) Table 6.8: Landscape Character Assessment of other relevant Landscape Character Units/Types (Operational Phase) Table 6.9: Summary of Viewpoint Sensitivity, Magnitude of Change and Level of Effect during Operational Phase Table 6.10: Other Wind Farms within 35km of the Site Section 6 – Page 1 Section 6 – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Sanquhar II Community Wind Farm – Additional Information Report Section 6: Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment • to identify, evaluate and describe the baseline visual context of the site and its surroundings with a focus on both specific views and the more general visual amenity experienced by people who have views of the site; 6.1 Introduction • to determine the nature of the visual receptor (i.e. the sensitivity of the viewpoint or person whose visual amenity is affected) through a consideration of the susceptibility of the viewpoint/person to the 6.1.1 This chapter presents a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) of the revised proposals for the type of development proposed and any values associated with either the viewpoint or visual amenity proposed Sanquhar II Community Wind Farm development. A full description of the revision to the proposals experienced; is provided in Chapter 2, however in summary this comprises the removal from the scheme of T11, T12, T13, • to identify and describe any impacts of the development in so far as they affect a viewpoint or views T14, T47 and T48 and an adjustment to the location of T10 (163m to the east). The chapter has been prepared experienced; by Landscape Architects from Pegasus Group who are Chartered Members of the Landscape Institute and who • to evaluate the nature of the visual effects (i.e. the magnitude, duration and reversibility of the effect); are experienced in the EIA of wind energy developments, including production of the original LVIA for the • to identify and describe mitigation measures that have been adopted to avoid, reduce and compensate proposals. The chapter replaces in full the previous Section 6 of the EIA Report and its accompanying, Figures, for visual effects; Visualisations and Appendices. This chapter includes the additional and updated figures and visualisations that • to evaluate the relative significance of residual visual effects; and have been requested by the local authorities following review of the original submission. This additional • information supplements the original information, which is also included in this chapter. to determine which visual effects, if any, are significant. 6.1.7 The LVIA also considers any cumulative landscape and visual effects which may arise as a result of constructing 6.1.2 The purpose of an LVIA when undertaken in the context of an EIA is to identify any likely significant landscape and visual effects arising as a result of the proposals. An LVIA must consider both: the Sanquhar II Community Wind Farm in conjunction with other developments. 6.1.8 It is acknowledged that wind turbines give rise to a wide spectrum of opinions, ranging from strongly adverse • effects on the landscape as a resource in its own right (the landscape effects); and to strongly positive, with a wide range of opinions lying somewhere between these two positions. Some people • effects on specific views and visual amenity more generally (the visual effects). view wind turbines as incongruous or industrial structures whilst others view them as aesthetically pleasing, 6.1.3 Therefore, this LVIA considers the potential effects of the Sanquhar II Community Wind Farm upon: elegant structures and a positive response to climate change. • individual landscape features and elements; 6.1.9 In considering the landscape and visual effects of the proposed Sanquhar II Community Wind Farm, a • landscape character; precautionary approach to the assessment has been adopted whereby it is assumed that the effects of the • specific views; and proposal would be adverse in nature even though it is acknowledged that, for some people, the impacts could • the visual amenity of people who view the landscape. be considered to be positive. 6.1.4 In this chapter, landscape and visual effects are assessed separately although the procedure for assessing each 6.1.10 All LVIA figures referenced in this chapter are bound within Volume 2 of this EIAR Additional Information, June of these is closely linked. 2020. The visualisations which accompany this report are presented in Volume 3 Additional Information, June 2020. Relevant appendices can be found at the end of this section. 6.1.5 The main objectives of the landscape assessment can be summarised as follows: Summary of Landscape and Visual Consultation Responses to Original Application scheme and Requests for • to identify, evaluate and describe the baseline landscape character of the site and its surroundings and Additional Information any notable individual landscape features within the site; • to determine the nature of the landscape receptor (i.e. the sensitivity of the landscape) through a LPA Response consideration of its susceptibility to the type of development proposed and any values associated with East Ayrshire Council