Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Technology. Love it when it works - hate it when it doesn’t. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

The Game Plan. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Our Tech Discography

For each tech tool we will:

1. Discuss it. 2. Demo it. 3. Connect it.

All in just 5 to 7 minutes each.

This will be a “get your feet wet” approach. Each tool has TONS of resources to help you learn more about it online. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Twitter Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss:

➔ Social networking site that users interact using “Tweets” which are 140 character long pieces of information. Started in 2006.

➔ The definition of twitter is “a short burst of inconsequential information” and “a series of chirps from birds”. ➔ So how did Twitter get its name? Supposedly, the name was inspired by the photo-sharing site, , and other considerations were FriendStalker and Dodgeball. ➔ School counselors are very active on Twitter. We connect using #scchat.

◆ A “#” (hashtag) is a sorting and searching tool in Twitter (and other social media sites).

◆ Adding a hashtag allows tweets to be searched for (we can ignore Kim K’s tweets this way). Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Twitter Stop!

Demo Time. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Twitter

➔ Professional Development

◆ This is my #1 pro-d tool. I turn to Twitter first when I have a question.

◆ Monthly organized real-time chat (#scchat) about various topics related to school counseling.

◆ Constantly learn about new tools, issues in school counseling, connect with colleagues and more. ➔ Stakeholder Communication

◆ Always check your district policies, but I suggest starting a Twitter account for your school counseling department.

◆ Not as popular anymore with students (especially with you Elem students) but you can capture tech savvy parents. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Google Slides Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss: Google Slides

➔ Google’s answer to Microsoft Powerpoint (and a good one at that) ➔ Create and deliver presentations from anywhere (on the Google Drive platform) ➔ FREE! A big reason why it has really taken off. ➔ Share and collaborate in real time with co-presenters.

◆ Developed and held “in the cloud” so even if you don’t have your computer - you can present your well worked materials. ➔ Allows you to embed a presentation online or send in an email for follow up. ➔ Powerful presenter tools (let’s check that out now!). ➔ All of my presentations today have been using Google Slides. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Google Slides

But wait…. there’s more!

Demo Time! Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Google Slides

➔ All of my presentations that I give to parents and students are in Google Slides.

◆ I love the ability to record my presentations (more on this later) and share the slides easily through a link on a recording or in a follow up email. ➔ No special software needed.

◆ Presenting and you built your Powerpoint in PP 2016 and the school’s computer has PP 2003 (or Open Office)? You are out of luck Chuck.

◆ Google Slides maintains all formatting, images, and is portable.

◆ No internet? Make your file available offline on your device (mobile included) or export to PDF or Powerpoint file. ➔ Connects seamlessly with your other Google Drive tools. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Dropbox Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss:

➔ Somewhat similar to Google Drive - host files in the cloud ➔ Mirrors your file system on your computer ➔ Cross-platform and mobile ready ➔ FREE! Limited storage for free (perfect for most people) ◆ Upgrade to 1TB with Pro ➔ Simple and easy to use Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Dropbox Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Dropbox

➔ Create shared resource folders that can be added to your website and shared with students and parents. ➔ Access frequently used work or home files from any location. ➔ Files are also backed up online. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

ScheduleOnce Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss: ScheduleOnce

➔ One of my favorite tools ➔ Allows parents and students to request or directly book appointments with you. ➔ Links to your live Google or Outlook calendars. ➔ Confirmation and reminder emails sent to your appointments. ➔ Must use your calendar consistently and accurately. ➔ Don’t play scheduling phone tag any longer! Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: ScheduleOnce Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: ScheduleOnce

➔ Students and parents use it and actually tell me they really appreciate it ➔ Lets me spend more time doing what I need to instead of playing secretary. ➔ You can also use it to find common times for things like SSTs and IEPs between lots of attendees. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

YouTube Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss: YouTube

➔ Not just for cat videos. ➔ YouTube was launched on Valentine's Day 2005. ➔ Over 1 BILLION users. ➔ 4 billion views per day and every minute over 300 hours of video is uploaded. ➔ Allows for free, long-length recording with a verified account. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: YouTube Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: YouTube

➔ Post student and parent videos online

◆ Record parent events (I use my phone!), video tutorials and walkthroughs (stay tuned for how

to do this) and more! ➔ Parents and students love this because, even if they cannot come to a meeting, they can still get the info. ➔ Extension opportunity is the Hangouts on Air feature that feeds and records live to YouTube. ◆ Host live meetings Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Canva Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss: Canva

➔ Started in 2012 and has over 7 million members. ➔ Allows non-graphic design inclined people to make professional looking posters, flyers, social media posts, and more. ➔ Customize free templates or make your own. ➔ Has a pro feature which unlocks additional features and designs. Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Canva Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Canva

➔ Most frequent use for me is making posters, flyers, social media posts, etc. ➔ Promote your events around town in paper and online. ➔ Use it with pre-made templates or create your own from scratch. ➔ Gives your programs, posters and websites a professional look. ➔ Less is typically more! Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Remind Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss: Remind

➔ Used to be Remind101 ➔ Over 10 million users and 65 million messages a month sent ➔ Started in 2011 and sends short reminders (hence the name) in text message format. ➔ Messages can be scheduled and specific classes can be set up ◆ I use a grade level group with 1 for students and 1 for parents ➔ Allows for optional 2-way dialogue during “office hours” Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Remind Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Remind

➔ Remind is an easy way to provide parent and student reminders in short, digestible snippets. ➔ The two way communication is good for when someone has a point of clarification or needs things like directions. ➔ I find people are more willing to check a text message and read the entire message than answer a robo-call or listen to it’s voicemail ➔ Cons: takes active sign ups - not an import option for all contacts, not for in-depth information Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

LucidChart Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss:

➔ Started in 2008 by a college student who was tired of updating other peoples’ revisions. ➔ Free (get the .edu license) tool to build flowcharts and diagrams. ➔ Get creative! ➔ Also check out its sister tool LucidPress - similar to Canva Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: LucidChart Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: LucidChart

➔ This is an awesome tool for things like course of study, process diagrams and step by step explanations ◆ Used for 504 process, SST flow, HS graduation requirements, scheduling steps, etc. ➔ LucidChart may seem a little overwhelming at first - don’t try to do too much ➔ Be sure to use colors and shapes with your flow charts! Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Screencast-O-Matic Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss: Screencast-O-Matic

➔ A free tool to record screencasts (if the title wasn’t descriptive enough) ➔ Allows for 15 minutes at a time and can post directly to YouTube ➔ You can add video from your webcam and different screen options ➔ Somewhat barebones, but easy to use (difficult to mess it up!) ➔ A key tool to “Flip” your classroom or counseling office. ➔ New version lives in your browser -- I prefer the older, downloadable version (check CNET for download)

Additional alternatives: YouTube Live (free), Camtasia (1x fee) Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Screencast-O-Matic Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Screencast-O-Matic

➔ Easy and quick way to record tutorials, demos or other info you may want to get out to parents or students. ➔ Record your quick lesson and send to teachers or students to view prior and then do the “work” when you are doing guidance lessons. ➔ Usually great for how-to, highly asked about process work - signing up for classes, requesting transcripts Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Facebook Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Discuss:

➔ Not just the family photo and long lost friend tool - there are professional uses ➔ 4.5 BILLION Likes a day, 1.13 Billion people login every day, highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1PM-3PM ➔ Like Twitter, a way to share instant info and stay up to date ➔ Host invites to events and connect with other counselors for support and help Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Demo: Facebook Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Connect: Facebook

➔ Join one of the large school counselor groups organized by level: ◆ High School Counselors’ Network & High School Counselor Connection, Caught In the Middle School Counselors, and Elementary School Counselor Exchange ◆ Bonus: College Admissions Counselors & On the Road To RAMP ➔ Make a departmental Facebook Page (not group) ➔ Host your school counseling event invites on YouTube (or bonus - Eventbrite) ➔ Do NOT use your personal accounts for work profiles - create a new account ➔ DO run all social media projects through the appropriate channels ➔ DO NOT follow students - this is where the page comes into play Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016

Questions Please email or Tweet any questions to me.

[email protected] Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Jeff Ream - MSCA 2016 Links and Goodies

Twitter: Canva:

#scchat - school counselor chat Remind:

Google Slides: LucidChart: Dropbox: ScheduleOnce: embering-why-i-love-lucidchart.html Screencast-O-Matic: ool-counselor-appointment-management.html

YouTube: Facebook: ube-to-the-next-level.html