Interim report and unaudited financial statements iShares IV PLC

For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES IV PLC



General information 2 Background 4


Investment manager’s report 8

Financial Statements

Condensed income statement 12 Condensed statement of changes in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 28 Condensed balance sheet 44 Notes to the financial statements 60 Schedule of investments 127

Additional information and regulatory disclosures

Schedules of material purchases and sales 496

Calendar year performance 569

Transactions with connected persons 571

Soft commissions 572

Cross investments 572

Efficient portfolio management and securities financing transactions 573

Disclaimers 620

This interim report and unaudited financial statements (the “Report and Accounts”) may be translated into other languages. Any such translation shall only contain the same information and have the same meaning as the English language Report and Accounts. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between the English language Report and Accounts and the Report and Accounts in another language, the English language Report and Accounts will prevail, except to the extent (and only to the extent) that it is required by law of any jurisdiction where the shares are sold, that in an action based upon disclosure in a Report and Accounts in a language other than English, the language of the Report and Accounts on which such action is based shall prevail. Any disputes as to the terms of the Report and Accounts, regardless of the language of the Report and Accounts, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland.



Board of Directors1 Depositary Paul McNaughton (Chairman) (Irish) State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited Jessica Irschick (British) 78 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay Paul McGowan (Irish) Dublin 2 Barry O’Dwyer (Irish) Ireland Teresa O’Flynn (Irish) Ros O’Shea (Irish) Secretary of the Manager Deirdre Somers (Irish) Sanne Corporate Administration Services (Ireland) Limited 1All Directors are non-executive. 4th Floor 76 Baggot Street Lower Audit Committee Members Dublin 2 Paul McGowan (Chairman) Ireland Ros O’Shea Deirdre Somers Entity’s registered office J.P. Morgan Nomination Committee Members 200 Capital Dock Paul McNaughton (Chairman) 79 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay Paul McGowan Dublin 2 Barry O’Dwyer D02 RK57 Ros O’Shea Ireland Deirdre Somers Promoter, Investment Manager and Securities Lending Agent Manager BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited 12 Throgmorton Avenue 1st Floor EC2N 2DL 2 Ballsbridge Park Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Sub-Investment Managers3 D04 YW83 BlackRock Financial Management Inc. Ireland 40 East 52nd Street New York Currency Hedging Manager2 NY 10022 State Street Global Markets Currency Manager United States 5th Floor One Lincoln Street BlackRock (Singapore) Limited Boston 20 Anson Road MA 02111-2900 #18-01 United States Singapore 079912 Singapore Administrator and Registrar State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited 78 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay 16/F Champion Tower Dublin 2 Three Garden Road Ireland Central Hong Kong



Sub-Investment Managers3 (continued) Paying Agent in Switzerland BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG State Street Bank International GmbH Lenbachplatz 1 1st Floor Munich Munich 80333-MN3 Zurich Branch Germany Beethovenstrasse 19 CH-8027 Zurich Independent Auditor Switzerland Deloitte Ireland LLP Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditors Information Agent in Germany Deloitte & Touche House State Street Bank International GmbH Earlsfort Terrace Briennerstrasse 59 Dublin 2 80333 Munich Ireland Germany

Irish Legal Advisers Paying and Information Agent in Austria William Fry UniCredit Bank Austria AG 2 Grand Canal Square Attn: 8398/Custody Dublin 2 Julius Tandler Platz 3 Ireland 1090 Vienna Austria Paying Agent Citibank N.A., London Branch Representative in Switzerland Citigroup Centre BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG 25 Canada Square Bahnhofstrasse 39 Canary Wharf 8001 Zurich London E14 5LB Switzerland England

2In respect of the currency hedged share classes of certain Funds only. 3In respect of certain Funds only.

Entity registration number: 472684

For Swiss investors: The prospectus of the Entity, the Key Investor Information Documents (“KIID”), the latest annual report and audited financial statements and interim report and unaudited financial statements as applicable and a detailed list of investments purchased and sold for each Fund during the financial period may be obtained on request and free of charge from the representative in Switzerland.

Please note that no notification for the distribution of shares according to section 310 of the German Capital Investment Code (Kapitalanlagege- setzbuch) has been made for the following Fund: iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF.Therefore, shares of this Fund may not be distributed in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Entity is duly registered with the Comisión Nacional de Mercado de Valores in Spain under number 1042.



BlackRock iShares IV public limited company (the “Entity”) is an open-ended investment company with variable capital. The Entity was incorporated in Ireland on 3 July 2009 with limited liability between its funds and is organised under the laws of Ireland and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) as a public limited company (“PLC”) pursuant to the Companies Act 2014 (as amended) and the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011 (as amended) (the “UCITS Regulations”).

The Entity is structured as an umbrella fund and will comprise separate funds (“Fund”) of the Entity. The shares of each Fund may be grouped into different classes of shares (each a “share class”). Each Fund will represent a separate portfolio of assets and may consist of one or more share classes. Each share class may apply different subscription and redemption provisions, charges, fees or brokerage arrangements. The creation of an additional class of shares will be notified to the CBI in advance. The portfolio of assets maintained for each Fund will be invested in accordance with the investment objectives and policies applicable to each Fund as set out in the prospectus.

While assets and liabilities that are specific to a share class within a Fund would be attributable to (and should be borne by) only that share class, there is no segregation of liabilities between share classes as a matter of Irish law. Due to the lack of segregation of liabilities as a matter of law, there is a risk that the creditors of a share class may bring a claim against the assets of the Fund notionally allocated to other share classes.

The term “Fund” shall be deemed to mean either a Fund or Funds of the Entity, or if the context so requires, the Manager or its delegate acting for the accounts of the relevant Fund. The term “BlackRock” and “Investment Manager” are used to represent BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited as appropriate. All references to “redeemable shares” shall be deemed to mean redeemable participating shares when Fund shares are classified as financial liabilities. The term “Directors” means the directors of the Entity.

Further details, including the investment objectives and minimum subscription requirements, are set out in the Fund’s prospectus.

Changes to the Entity during the financial period On 19 June 2019, iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF was launched.

On 3 July 2019, a new prospectus was issued by the Entity to reflect the launch of iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF and iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF.

On 22 July 2019, iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF was launched.

On 31 August 2019, Paul McNaughton resigned as a member of the audit committee.

On 25 September 2019, Ros O’Shea and Deirdre Somers were appointed as members of the nomination committee.

On 4 October 2019, Teresa O’Flynn was appointed as a non-executive Director.

On 21 October 2019, iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF was launched.

On 26 November 2019, a new prospectus was issued by the Entity to reflect the launch of iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF.

On 27 November 2019, iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF changed benchmark index from MSCI EM SRI Index to MSCI EM SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index.

On 27 November 2019, iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF changed benchmark index from MSCI Japan SRI Index to MSCI Japan SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index.

On 27 November 2019, iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF changed benchmark index from MSCI USA SRI Index to MSCI USA SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index.


BACKGROUND (continued)

Changes to the Entity during the financial period (continued) On 27 November 2019, iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF changed benchmark index from MSCI World SRI Select Index to MSCI World SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index.

The following share classes were launched during the financial period:

Fund name Share class Launch Date iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF GBP Hedged (Dist) 19 November 2019 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) 22 July 2019 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD Hedged (Dist) 31 October 2019 iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 19 June 2019 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 21 October 2019 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist) 21 October 2019 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) 19 November 2019

United Kingdom exit from the European Union Following the June 2016 vote to exit the European Union (“EU”), the (“UK”) served notice under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union on 29 March 2017 to initiate the process of exiting from the EU, commonly referred to as "Brexit". At the Emergency EU Summit held on 10 April 2019, an agreement was reached to extend the deadline by which the UK is required to exit the EU to 31 October 2019. The deadline was further extended to 31 January 2020 at the European Council on 29 October 2019.

Following the outcome of the 2019 General Election, which saw the Conservative Party return a clear majority, the uncertainty around a no-deal Brexit on 31 January 2020 has now been significantly reduced. Substantial uncertainty remains surrounding the terms upon which the UK will ultimately exit the EU. The impact of Brexit may depend in part on any arrangements that are put in place between the UK and the EU and, to the extent they are, whether the UK continues to apply laws that are based on EU legislation. As a result, the UK’s relationship with the EU remains unclear and the passage of time without a resolution in place has become a source of economic, political and regulatory instability.

BlackRock is implementing a number of steps to prepare for various outcomes, including effecting organisational, governance and operational changes, applying for and receiving licenses and permissions in the EU, and engaging in client communications. These steps, many of which have been time-consuming and costly, are expected to add complexity to BlackRock’s European operations. In addition, depending on the terms of the future relationship between the UK and the EU, BlackRock may experience organisational and operational challenges and incur additional costs in connection with its European operations post-Brexit, which may impede the Entity’s growth or impact its financial performance.


BACKGROUND (continued)

Fund details The Entity had 61 Funds in operation as at 30 November 2019. Investment management Fund name Benchmark index approach1

iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF Markit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade 0-5 Index Non-replicating iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF Markit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield 0-5 Capped Index Non-replicating iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Years Bond Index Non-replicating iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF Markit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort Index Non-replicating iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF Markit iBoxx GBP Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort Index Non-replicating iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Eurozone 20yr Target Duration Index Non-replicating iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort Index Non-replicating iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF iSTOXX® FactSet Ageing Population Index Non-replicating iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF iSTOXX® FactSet Automation & Robotics Index Non-replicating iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF2 Bloomberg China Treasury & Policy Bank Index Non-replicating iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF STOXX Global Digital Security Index Non-replicating iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF iSTOXX® FactSet Digitalisation Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF MSCI EM Select Value Factor Focus Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF MSCI EMU Diversified Multiple-Factor Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF MSCI Europe Momentum Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF MSCI Europe Diversified Multiple-Factor Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF MSCI Europe Sector Neutral Quality Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF MSCI Europe Mid-Cap Equal Weighted Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF MSCI Europe Enhanced Value Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF MSCI USA Momentum Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF MSCI USA Diversified Multiple-Factor Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF MSCI USA Sector Neutral Quality Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF MSCI USA Mid-Cap Equal Weighted Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF MSCI USA Enhanced Value Index Replicating iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF MSCI World Momentum Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF MSCI World Diversified Multiple-Factor Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF MSCI World Sector Neutral Quality Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF MSCI World Mid-Cap Equal Weighted Index Non-replicating iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF MSCI World Enhanced Value Index Non-replicating iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF STOXX Global Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology Non-replicating Index iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF Bloomberg Barclays Global Corporate ex EM Fallen Angels Non-replicating 3% Issuer Capped Index iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF iSTOXX® FactSet Breakthrough Healthcare Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF3 MSCI China Index Replicating iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF MSCI China A Inclusion Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF4 MSCI EM ESG Enhanced Focus Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF MSCI EM SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index Replicating


BACKGROUND (continued)

Fund details (continued) Investment management Fund name Benchmark index approach1

iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced Focus Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF MSCI EMU ESG Screened Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF MSCI EMU Large Cap Index Replicating iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF MSCI EMU Mid Cap Index Replicating iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced Focus Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF MSCI Europe ESG Screened Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF MSCI France Index Replicating iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF MSCI India Index Net USD Replicating iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced Focus Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF MSCI Japan ESG Screened Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) MSCI Japan SRI 100% Hedged to EUR Index Replicating iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF MSCI Japan SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index Replicating iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF MSCI USA ESG Enhanced Focus Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF MSCI USA ESG Screened Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF MSCI USA SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index Replicating iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF MSCI World ESG Enhanced Focus Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF MSCI World ESG Screened Index Non-replicating iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF MSCI World SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuel Index Non-replicating iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF NASDAQ Biotechnology Index Replicating iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF OMX Stockholm Benchmark CapTM Replicating iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF TA-35 Net USD Index Replicating iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF Thomson Reuters Global Large/Mid Diversity & Inclusion ex Replicating Controversial Weapons Equal Weight Index iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF NASDAQ US Buyback AchieversTM Select Index Non-replicating iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF Bloomberg Barclays US Mortgage Backed Securities Index Non-replicating

1 Please refer to the Investment Manager’s Report for further information on the meaning of a replicating / non-replicating Fund. 2 The Fund launched on 22 July 2019. 3 The Fund launched on 19 June 2019. 4 The Fund launched on 21 October 2019.

These Funds are Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”), which provide the flexibility of a share with the diversification of a Fund. They can be bought and sold like any other share listed on a stock exchange, but provide instant exposure to many companies or various financial instruments relevant to the Fund and its benchmark index.

Stock exchange listings The Entity maintained a primary listing on the (“LSE”).



Investment objective The investment objective of the Funds is to provide investors with a total return, taking into account both capital and income returns, which reflect the total returns of the respective benchmark listed in Fund details in the Background section.

Fund performance and tracking error The Fund performance figures are based on the NAV calculated in accordance with the prospectus for the financial period under review with any dividends reinvested. Due to Financial Reporting Standard ("FRS") 104 requirements which apply to the financial statements, there may be differences between the NAV per share as recorded in the financial statements and the NAV per share calculated in accordance with the prospectus.

Realised tracking error is the annualised standard deviation of the difference in monthly returns between a fund and its benchmark index. Tracking error shows the consistency of the returns relative to the benchmark index over a defined period of time.

Anticipated tracking error is based on the expected volatility of differences between the returns of a Fund and the returns of its benchmark index.

For a physically replicating fund, the investment management approach is to buy a portfolio of securities that as far as practicable consist of the securities that make up the benchmark index, in similar proportion to the weights represented in the benchmark index over a defined period of time.

For a non-replicating fund, the investment management approach aims to match the main risk characteristics of the benchmark index by investing in a portfolio that is primarily made up of securities that represent the benchmark index. The objective is to generate a return which is as close as practicable to the total return of the index net of transaction costs and gross of fees and other costs.

Cash management, efficient portfolio management techniques including securities lending, transaction costs from rebalancing and currency hedging can have an impact on tracking difference. Importantly, these impacts can be either positive or negative depending on the underlying circumstances.

In addition to the above, the Funds may also have a tracking error due to withholding tax suffered by the Funds on any income received from its investments. The level and quantum of tracking error arising due to withholding taxes depends on various factors such as any reclaims filed on behalf of the Funds with various tax authorities, any benefits obtained by the Funds under a tax treaty or any securities lending activities carried out by the Funds.

The following table compares the realised Fund performance against the performance of the relevant benchmark index during the financial period ended 30 November 2019. It also discloses the anticipated tracking error of the Fund (disclosed in the prospectus on an ex-ante basis) against the actual realised tracking error of the Fund as at 30 November 2019. The realised tracking error is annualised and calculated using data from the preceding 36 month observation period. Where a Fund has not been trading for 36 months, the annualised tracking error since inception has been presented.

The returns disclosed are the performance returns for the primary share class for each Fund, net of fees, which has been selected as a representative share class. The primary share class represents the class of share invested in by the majority of investors in the Fund and also takes into account other relevant factors such as the Fund’s base currency. Performance returns for any other share class can be made available on request. Anticipated Realised Fund Benchmark index tracking tracking return return error error Fund name % % % %

iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF 2.35 2.45 Up to 0.200 0.06 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF 2.92 3.35 Up to 0.300 0.14 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF 7.97 8.01 Up to 0.100 0.04 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF 1.33 1.37 Up to 0.090 0.05 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF 0.52 0.53 Up to 0.090 0.04



Fund performance and tracking error (continued) Anticipated Realised Fund Benchmark index tracking tracking return return error error Fund name % % % %

iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF 8.36 8.39 Up to 0.200 0.04 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF 0.01 0.04 Up to 0.090 0.03 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF 10.18 10.44 Up to 0.450 0.15 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF 17.08 17.37 Up to 0.400 0.18 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF1 (0.71) (0.69) Up to 0.300 0.21^ iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF 12.87 12.89 Up to 0.450 0.17^ iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF 4.70 4.88 Up to 0.500 0.13 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF 5.02 4.98 Up to 0.850 0.26^ iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF 13.46 13.61 Up to 0.300 0.28^ iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF 11.86 12.05 Up to 0.300 0.15 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF 11.44 11.64 Up to 0.300 0.19 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF 12.83 12.86 Up to 0.300 0.13 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF 12.30 12.25 Up to 0.300 0.13 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF 12.26 12.24 Up to 0.300 0.21 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF 11.22 11.22 Up to 0.150 0.07 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF 15.77 15.81 Up to 0.250 0.06 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF 15.75 15.74 Up to 0.150 0.05 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF 12.45 12.46 Up to 0.150 0.07 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF 18.54 18.38 Up to 0.150 0.07 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF 10.61 10.73 Up to 0.200 0.09 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF 12.39 12.57 Up to 0.250 0.11 iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF 13.42 13.50 Up to 0.200 0.05 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF 11.40 11.45 Up to 0.200 0.14 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF 13.16 13.19 Up to 0.200 0.19 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF 16.42 16.55 Up to 0.850 0.11^ iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF 6.30 6.67 Up to 0.250 0.12 iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF 7.94 8.02 Up to 0.600 0.08 iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF1 0.98 1.20 Up to 0.250 0.08^ iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF 5.58 5.95 Up to 2.500 1.39 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 0.41 0.41 Up to 0.500 0.02^ iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF 5.91 5.87 Up to 0.500 0.16^ iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF 5.37 5.68 Up to 0.500 0.27 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF 12.04 11.99 Up to 0.250 0.33^ iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF 11.50 11.41 Up to 0.300 0.24^ iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF 11.56 11.68 Up to 0.250 1.52 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF 13.38 13.48 Up to 0.300 0.37



Fund performance and tracking error (continued) Anticipated Realised Fund Benchmark index tracking tracking return return error error Fund name % % % %

iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF 11.51 11.57 Up to 0.200 0.20^ iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF 11.16 11.13 Up to 0.300 0.15^ iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF 13.62 13.51 Up to 0.500 0.46 iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF (2.21) (1.88) Up to 0.400 1.20^ iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF 13.50 13.74 Up to 0.200 0.18^ iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF 13.02 13.15 Up to 0.150 0.08^ iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) 17.11 17.42 Up to 0.200 0.69 iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF 16.50 16.72 Up to 0.150 0.72^ iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF 15.47 15.36 Up to 0.100 0.06^ iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF 15.22 15.12 Up to 0.150 0.04^ iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF 15.96 16.00 Up to 0.100 0.03 iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF 13.52 13.47 Up to 0.150 0.10^ iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 13.29 13.27 Up to 0.250 0.13^ iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF 14.77 14.84 Up to 0.200 0.09^ iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF 19.71 19.86 Up to 0.100 0.04^ iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF 14.64 14.49 Up to 0.300 0.46^ iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF 14.93 14.84 Up to 1.500 1.80 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF 11.49 11.31 Up to 0.500 0.41^ iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF 17.78 17.93 Up to 0.150 0.07 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF 2.32 2.54 Up to 0.300 0.13

1 The Fund commenced trading during the financial period. Returns are shown from launch date to the end of the financial period. ^ The realised tracking error is normally computed from 36 months of returns. The Fund’s return history is too short to give a statistically significant tracking error.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product. All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of your investment and the income from it will vary and your initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed. The performance figures do not consider charges and fees that may be levied at the time of subscription or redemption of shares. Levels and bases of taxation may change from time to time. Subscriptions may be made only on the basis of the current prospectus, of which the most recent annual report and audited accounts and interim report and unaudited accounts as well as KIIDs form an integral part. Copies of which are available from Investor Services, the Transfer Agent, the Management Company or any of the Representatives or Distributors.



Market review

Global equities, as represented by the MSCI All Country World Index (“ACWI”), posted a return of 12.1% for the six months ended 30 November 2019. Global equities benefited from hopes that the decade-long U.S. economic expansion would continue to drive global growth, as the chief uncertainties - slowing economic growth and strained trade relations in many parts of the world - were quelled by monetary stimulus from the world’s most influential central banks and the resumption of U.S./China trade talks. Intermittent volatility meant developed markets led emerging markets for the reporting period.

In the global bond markets, low inflation, risk avoidance, and demand for yield led to higher bond prices despite yields near historic lows. Long-term interest rates declined sharply due to low inflation in most developed countries, while short-term interest rates decreased due to expectations of additional stimulus by central banks. In October 2019, a portion of the U.S. yield curve (a graphic representation of bond yields at different maturities) temporarily inverted for the first time since 2005. Investors took this as a sign that recession could be imminent, exacerbating concerns about the economy and corporate profits.

Government and corporate bonds advanced throughout the world, as modest corporate profits and slowing growth drove demand for less volatile investments. Demand for higher yielding securities and a generally positive credit environment supported corporate bonds. In Europe and Japan, negative short-term interest rate policy by the European Central Bank (“ECB”) and the Bank of Japan, excess liquidity, and institutional demand for bonds led to negative yields for a large portion of both country’s bond markets. Emerging market bonds generally performed in line with other international bonds.

In the commodities market, gold prices rose amid geopolitical tensions, as central banks and exchange-traded funds increased their gold purchases. Negative yields in the bond market also contributed to rising gold prices, as investors looked to gold as a store of value. In contrast, the price of Brent Crude oil declined slightly amid considerable volatility.

Looking at currencies, the U.S. dollar generally outperformed other currencies due to relatively high interest rates and declining inflation. The stronger U.S. dollar generally helped the performance of international investors in U.S. securities. In Europe, stimulative monetary policy amid slow growth weighed on the euro. The British pound gained against the U.S. dollar, as Brexit legislation progressed ahead of the U.K.’s scheduled departure from the European Union in January 2020. In contrast, the Japanese yen, declined slightly against the U.S. dollar.

In economic news, the U.S. economy continued to grow faster than most developed countries. Growth in Europe remained sluggish at under 1%, with quarterly contractions in Germany and the U.K., the two largest European economies. Despite rising consumer spending, economic growth in Japan was tepid, while China, the world’s second largest economy, saw growth slow to a pace of approximately 6%.

In response to the economic slowdown and benign inflation, central banks dramatically shifted monetary policy toward more accommodative policies. Notably, the U.S. Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) lowered rates three times from July to October 2019. The ECB also reduced interest rates and revived its bond purchase program in September 2019, while the Bank of Japan renewed its commitment to future economic stimulus. The sea change in central bank policy raised investors’ optimism that a deepening downturn could be averted, which generally helped the performance of riskier assets.

BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited December 2019


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares $ Short Duration Corp iShares $ Short Duration High Bond Yield Corp Bond iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr Entity total UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 GBP’000 GBP’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 265,834 171,469 46,466 33,779 26,871 21,875 11,060 5,891 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 1,691,609 (841,225) 35,654 (16,147) 1,342 (14,417) 43,405 (22,305) Total investment income/(loss) 1,957,443 (669,756) 82,120 17,632 28,213 7,458 54,465 (16,414) Operating expenses (31,734) (23,990) (3,278) (2,642) (2,146) (1,696) (318) (389) Negative yield on financial assets (4,293) (2,386) ------Net operating income/(expenses) 1,921,416 (696,132) 78,842 14,990 26,067 5,762 54,147 (16,803)

Finance costs: Other interest expense (200) (197) - (11) (2) (3) - (1) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (58,721) (43,932) (22,031) (19,007) (18,529) (16,284) (7,514) (3,743) Total finance costs (58,921) (44,129) (22,031) (19,018) (18,531) (16,287) (7,514) (3,744)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 1,862,495 (740,261) 56,811 (4,028) 7,536 (10,525) 46,633 (20,547)

Taxation 6 (17,160) (10,318) ------Net profit/(loss) after taxation 1,845,335 (750,579) 56,811 (4,028) 7,536 (10,525) 46,633 (20,547)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 1,845,335 (750,579) 56,811 (4,028) 7,536 (10,525) 46,633 (20,547)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target iShares $ Ultrashort Bond iShares £ Ultrashort Bond Duration iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Operating income 10,411 3,075 5,345 2,382 236 331 4,727 1,202 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 278 (379) (21) (380) 4,184 (344) 1,676 (3,342) Total investment income/(loss) 10,689 2,696 5,324 2,002 4,420 (13) 6,403 (2,140) Operating expenses (352) (108) (430) (241) (47) (40) (1,295) (1,175) Negative yield on financial assets ------(4,836) (2,691) Net operating income/(expenses) 10,337 2,588 4,894 1,761 4,373 (53) 272 (6,006)

Finance costs: Other interest expense ----(1)(2)(28) (36) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (5,678) (1,310) (4,154) (1,431) (212) (336) (618) 458 Total finance costs (5,678) (1,310) (4,154) (1,431) (213) (338) (646) 422

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 4,659 1,278 740 330 4,160 (391) (374) (5,584) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 4,659 1,278 740 330 4,160 (391) (374) (5,584)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 4,659 1,278 740 330 4,160 (391) (374) (5,584)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares iShares Ageing Population Automation & Robotics iShares China CNY Bond iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 2,242 2,389 12,194 18,750 880 544 11 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 23,561 (16,795) 313,099 (355,717) 934 17,339 (292) Total investment income/(loss) 25,803 (14,406) 325,293 (336,967) 1,814 17,883 (281) Operating expenses (523) (484) (4,020) (4,761) (96) (183) (3) Net operating income/(expenses) 25,280 (14,890) 321,273 (341,728) 1,718 17,700 (284)

Finance costs: Other interest expense (2) (2) (71) (54) - (2) - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 - - (378) (256) 466 (15) - Total finance costs (2) (2) (449) (310) 466 (17) -

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 25,278 (14,892) 320,824 (342,038) 2,184 17,683 (284)

Taxation 6 (315) (305) (2,766) (2,847) - (50) (1) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 24,963 (15,197) 318,058 (344,885) 2,184 17,633 (285)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 24,963 (15,197) 318,058 (344,885) 2,184 17,633 (285)

^Fund launched during the financial period. There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value iShares Edge MSCI EMU iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Digitalisation Factor Multifactor Momentum Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Operating income 2,565 2,086 1,700 79 42 1,306 2,281 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 23,912 (32,803) 2,269 1,042 (909) 39,604 (61,796) Total investment income/(loss) 26,477 (30,717) 3,969 1,121 (867) 40,910 (59,515) Operating expenses (1,037) (939) (128) (18) (16) (359) (380) Net operating income/(expenses) 25,440 (31,656) 3,841 1,103 (883) 40,551 (59,895)

Finance costs: Other interest expense (7) (4) (3) - - (13) (4) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 - - - - - (684) (109) Total finance costs (7) (4) (3) - - (697) (113)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 25,433 (31,660) 3,838 1,103 (883) 39,854 (60,008)

Taxation 6 (685) (238) (188) (5) (5) (66) (117) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 24,748 (31,898) 3,650 1,098 (888) 39,788 (60,125)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 24,748 (31,898) 3,650 1,098 (888) 39,788 (60,125)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor Quality Factor Factor Value Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Operating income 3,044 3,536 1,232 422 352 157 9,706 14,106 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 24,901 (43,882) 12,004 (1,894) 3,783 (1,739) 65,608 (98,812) Total investment income/(loss) 27,945 (40,346) 13,236 (1,472) 4,135 (1,582) 75,314 (84,706) Operating expenses (587) (873) (135) (48) (41) (20) (783) (1,519) Net operating income/(expenses) 27,358 (41,219) 13,101 (1,520) 4,094 (1,602) 74,531 (86,225)

Finance costs: Other interest expense (3) (7) (2) (2) (2) - (10) (25) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (32) (603) (8) (98) - - (17) (373) Total finance costs (35) (610) (10) (100) (2) - (27) (398)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 27,323 (41,829) 13,091 (1,620) 4,092 (1,602) 74,504 (86,623)

Taxation 6 (107) (166) (36) (11) (15) (10) (250) (392) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 27,216 (41,995) 13,055 (1,631) 4,077 (1,612) 74,254 (87,015)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 27,216 (41,995) 13,055 (1,631) 4,077 (1,612) 74,254 (87,015)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Momentum Factor Multifactor Quality Factor Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 2,636 551 1,122 1,413 6,786 1,288 692 178 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 30,077 (2,740) 14,474 (4,331) 129,071 (2,943) 8,771 (629) Total investment income/(loss) 32,713 (2,189) 15,596 (2,918) 135,857 (1,655) 9,463 (451) Operating expenses (338) (83) (186) (264) (723) (115) (77) (21) Net operating income/(expenses) 32,375 (2,272) 15,410 (3,182) 135,134 (1,770) 9,386 (472)

Finance costs: Other interest expense 1 ------Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (5) (31) (14) (176) (829) (80) - - Total finance costs (4) (31) (14) (176) (829) (80) - -

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 32,371 (2,303) 15,396 (3,358) 134,305 (1,850) 9,386 (472)

Taxation 6 (384) (80) (151) (187) (974) (186) (99) (25) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 31,987 (2,383) 15,245 (3,545) 133,331 (2,036) 9,287 (497)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 31,987 (2,383) 15,245 (3,545) 133,331 (2,036) 9,287 (497)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World Factor Momentum Factor Multifactor Quality Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 12,972 14,388 8,062 8,062 5,613 6,196 16,123 7,175 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 119,557 24,185 108,570 (41,772) 49,028 (47,878) 184,326 (32,224) Total investment income/(loss) 132,529 38,573 116,632 (33,710) 54,641 (41,682) 200,449 (25,049) Operating expenses (813) (1,209) (1,798) (1,839) (1,200) (1,481) (2,370) (990) Net operating income/(expenses) 131,716 37,364 114,834 (35,549) 53,441 (43,163) 198,079 (26,039)

Finance costs: Other interest expense 1 - (5) (3) 6 (3) (4) (4) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 595 (12) ------Total finance costs 596 (12) (5) (3) 6 (3) (4) (4)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 132,312 37,352 114,829 (35,552) 53,447 (43,166) 198,075 (26,043)

Taxation 6 (1,819) (2,049) (1,090) (1,010) (546) (656) (1,660) (736) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 130,493 35,303 113,739 (36,562) 52,901 (43,822) 196,415 (26,779)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 130,493 35,303 113,739 (36,562) 52,901 (43,822) 196,415 (26,779)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Size iShares Edge MSCI World Value iShares Electric Vehicles and iShares Fallen Angels High Factor Factor Driving Technology Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 6,997 3,088 30,388 19,581 203 19,418 11,664 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 64,814 (26,941) 195,201 (101,596) 3,130 25,628 (20,899) Total investment income/(loss) 71,811 (23,853) 225,589 (82,015) 3,333 45,046 (9,235) Operating expenses (937) (457) (2,798) (2,190) (43) (1,883) (1,149) Net operating income/(expenses) 70,874 (24,310) 222,791 (84,205) 3,290 43,163 (10,384)

Finance costs: Other interest expense (2) (1) (13) (5) - (14) (9) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 - - (243) (8) - (5,026) (8,035) Total finance costs (2) (1) (256) (13) - (5,040) (8,044)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 70,872 (24,311) 222,535 (84,218) 3,290 38,123 (18,428)

Taxation 6 (774) (336) (3,206) (2,099) (24) (15) (4) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 70,098 (24,647) 219,329 (86,317) 3,266 38,108 (18,432)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 70,098 (24,647) 219,329 (86,317) 3,266 38,108 (18,432)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Healthcare Innovation iShares iBonds Sep 2018 $ Corp iShares MSCI China iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF^^ UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 1,216 973 - 58 140 11,241 1,973 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 34,179 (16,486) - 19 15 18,090 (27,727) Total investment income/(loss) 35,395 (15,513) - 77 155 29,331 (25,754) Operating expenses (912) (739) - (3) (22) (1,132) (268) Net operating income/(expenses) 34,483 (16,252) - 74 133 28,199 (26,022)

Finance costs: Other interest expense (4) (10) - (4) - - - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 - - - (83) - - - Total finance costs (4) (10) - (87) - - -

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 34,479 (16,262) - (13) 133 28,199 (26,022)

Taxation 6 (68) (85) - - (11) (1,122) (197) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 34,411 (16,347) - (13) 122 27,077 (26,219)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 34,411 (16,347) - (13) 122 27,077 (26,219)

^Fund terminated on 28 September 2018. ^^Fund launched during the financial period. There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI EM ESG iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced Screened iShares MSCI EM SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 Operating income 15 1,010 15 8,640 2,993 23 Net (losses)/gains on financial instruments (466) 1,251 690 14,332 (8,790) 340 Total investment (loss)/income (451) 2,261 705 22,972 (5,797) 363 Operating expenses (4) (76) (4) (753) (297) (2) Net operating (expenses)/income (455) 2,185 701 22,219 (6,094) 361

Finance costs: Other interest expense - (3) - (23) (3) - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 8 526 - (155) - (70) Total finance costs 8 523 - (178) (3) (70)

Net (loss)/profit before taxation (447) 2,708 701 22,041 (6,097) 291

Taxation 6 (1) (120) (1) (1,124) (414) (1) Net (loss)/profit after taxation (448) 2,588 700 20,917 (6,511) 290

(Decrease)/increase in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders (448) 2,588 700 20,917 (6,511) 290

^Fund launched during the financial period. There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI EMU ESG iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Operating income 2,388 28 701 777 2,078 2,422 98 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 66,338 (298) 10,778 (9,174) 26,158 (33,863) 1,415 Total investment income/(loss) 68,726 (270) 11,479 (8,397) 28,236 (31,441) 1,513 Operating expenses (240) (3) (250) (301) (527) (755) (8) Net operating income/(expenses) 68,486 (273) 11,229 (8,698) 27,709 (32,196) 1,505

Finance costs: Other interest expense (3) - (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (200) -----71 Total finance costs (203) - (1) (2) (3) (4) 70

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 68,283 (273) 11,228 (8,700) 27,706 (32,200) 1,575

Taxation 6 (152) (2) (38) (46) (141) (153) (3) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 68,131 (275) 11,190 (8,746) 27,565 (32,353) 1,572

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 68,131 (275) 11,190 (8,746) 27,565 (32,353) 1,572

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Europe ESG iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened iShares MSCI France iShares MSCI India Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 660 9 447 381 2,374 644 65 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 7,167 (101) 7,019 (4,106) (2,676) (2,613) 893 Total investment income/(loss) 7,827 (92) 7,466 (3,725) (302) (1,969) 958 Operating expenses (43) (1) (74) (71) (810) (237) (7) Net operating income/(expenses) 7,784 (93) 7,392 (3,796) (1,112) (2,206) 951

Finance costs: Other interest expense (1) - (1) (2) (5) (2) - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (93) 2 - - - - (6) Total finance costs (94) 2 (1) (2) (5) (2) (6)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 7,690 (91) 7,391 (3,798) (1,117) (2,208) 945

Taxation 6 (21) - (10) (5) (533) 2 (10) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 7,669 (91) 7,381 (3,803) (1,650) (2,206) 935

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 7,669 (91) 7,381 (3,803) (1,650) (2,206) 935

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Japan ESG iShares MSCI Japan iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened SRI EUR Hedged iShares MSCI Japan SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF (Acc) UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 360 - 448 469 1,426 432 191 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 3,523 (134) 7,400 (2,280) 17,510 (4,142) 3,616 Total investment income/(loss) 3,883 (134) 7,848 (1,811) 18,936 (3,710) 3,807 Operating expenses (23) (1) (79) (89) (186) (64) (9) Net operating income/(expenses) 3,860 (135) 7,769 (1,900) 18,750 (3,774) 3,798

Finance costs: Other interest expense - - (1) (4) (1) - - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (32) - - - (82) - 300 Total finance costs (32) - (1) (4) (83) - 300

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 3,828 (135) 7,768 (1,904) 18,667 (3,774) 4,098

Taxation 6 (54) - (67) (70) (213) (64) (27) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 3,774 (135) 7,701 (1,974) 18,454 (3,838) 4,071

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 3,774 (135) 7,701 (1,974) 18,454 (3,838) 4,071

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI USA ESG iShares MSCI World ESG iShares MSCI World ESG Screened iShares MSCI USA SRI Enhanced Screened UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 485 6 10,268 3,075 163 1,142 27 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 6,435 12 164,210 12,120 1,842 9,154 (50) Total investment income/(loss) 6,920 18 174,478 15,195 2,005 10,296 (23) Operating expenses (17) - (1,723) (475) (16) (115) (3) Net operating income/(expenses) 6,903 18 172,755 14,720 1,989 10,181 (26)

Finance costs: Other interest expense - - (2) - - - - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 120 1 (307) 4 (86) (241) 6 Total finance costs 120 1 (309) 4 (86) (241) 6

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 7,023 19 172,446 14,724 1,903 9,940 (20)

Taxation 6 (69) (1) (1,454) (436) (20) (136) (3) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 6,954 18 170,992 14,288 1,883 9,804 (23)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 6,954 18 170,992 14,288 1,883 9,804 (23)

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares NASDAQ US iShares MSCI World SRI Biotechnology iShares OMX Stockholm Capped iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 5,807 2,447 104 41 19,793 16,148 254 130 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 75,848 (3,101) 7,315 (228) 427,271 (110,815) 2,794 392 Total investment income/(loss) 81,655 (654) 7,419 (187) 447,064 (94,667) 3,048 522 Operating expenses (894) (378) (60) (29) (1,639) (2,035) (63) (54) Net operating income/(expenses) 80,761 (1,032) 7,359 (216) 445,425 (96,702) 2,985 468

Finance costs: Other interest expense (8) (2) - - (93) (295) - - Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 (595) (181) (1) 1 - - - - Total finance costs (603) (183) (1) 1 (93) (295) - -

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 80,158 (1,215) 7,358 (215) 445,332 (96,997) 2,985 468

Taxation 6 (705) (283) (14) (6) (136) (314) (22) (11) Net profit/(loss) after taxation 79,453 (1,498) 7,344 (221) 445,196 (97,311) 2,963 457

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 79,453 (1,498) 7,344 (221) 445,196 (97,311) 2,963 457

There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Thomson Reuters iShares US Equity Buyback iShares US Fallen Angels High iShares US Mortgage Backed Inclusion and Diversity Achievers Yield Corp Bond Securities UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF Note 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Operating income 50 12 111 228 - 3,369 22,665 10,693 Net gains/(losses) on financial instruments 440 (89) 1,441 (298) - (4,936) 9,844 (9,064) Total investment income/(loss) 490 (77) 1,552 (70) - (1,567) 32,509 1,629 Operating expenses (4) (1) (26) (90) - (279) (1,957) (898) Net operating income/(expenses) 486 (78) 1,526 (160) - (1,846) 30,552 731

Finance costs: Other interest expense -----(1)-- Distributions to redeemable shareholders 5 -----(652) (6,539) (4,384) Totalfinancecosts -----(653) (6,539) (4,384)

Net profit/(loss) before taxation 486 (78) 1,526 (160) - (2,499) 24,013 (3,653)

Taxation 6 (6) (2) (16) (37) - - - - Net profit/(loss) after taxation 480 (80) 1,510 (197) - (2,499) 24,013 (3,653)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 480 (80) 1,510 (197) - (2,499) 24,013 (3,653)

^Fund terminated on 21 February 2019. There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the financial period other than those dealt with in the condensed income statement. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares $ Short Duration Corp iShares $ Short Duration High Bond Yield Corp Bond iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr Entity total UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 GBP’000 GBP’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 22,407,038 16,805,923 2,978,755 2,760,302 955,370 702,114 733,499 319,212 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 1,845,335 (750,579) 56,811 (4,028) 7,536 (10,525) 46,633 (20,547)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 10,285,756 5,121,760 1,466,469 526,339 411,305 153,448 563,813 224,271 Redemption of redeemable shares (6,150,032) (3,673,045) (912,902) (707,986) (260,668) (37,640) (366,214) (99,114)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 4,135,724 1,448,715 553,567 (181,647) 150,637 115,808 197,599 125,157 Notional foreign exchange adjustment* (790,429) 566,521 ------

Net assets at the end of the financial period 27,597,668 18,070,580 3,589,133 2,574,627 1,113,543 807,397 977,731 423,822

*The notional foreign exchange adjustment arises from both the retranslation of the net assets at the beginning of the financial period using the exchange rate as at 30 November 2019 and the retranslation of the income statement items and share transactions using the average rate exchange rate to the exchange rate as at 30 November 2019. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target iShares $ Ultrashort Bond iShares £ Ultrashort Bond Duration iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 670,337 202,127 852,517 509,580 57,009 49,502 2,879,408 2,563,932 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 4,659 1,278 740 330 4,160 (391) (374) (5,584)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 461,790 167,911 322,610 99,414 30,575 95,061 408,823 169,936 Redemption of redeemable shares (173,348) (52,945) (146,711) (2,003) (14,867) (102,639) (260,807) (304,025)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 288,442 114,966 175,899 97,411 15,708 (7,578) 148,016 (134,089)

Net assets at the end of the financial period 963,438 318,371 1,029,156 607,321 76,877 41,533 3,027,050 2,424,259

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares iShares Ageing Population Automation & Robotics iShares China CNY Bond iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 263,687 214,565 1,794,898 2,481,900 - 35,107 - Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 24,963 (15,197) 318,058 (344,885) 2,184 17,633 (285)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 8,784 71,881 277,859 156,638 159,537 214,946 4,067 Redemption of redeemable shares (31,362) (12,021) (172,087) (102,929) (16,479) (13,934) (111)

(Decrease)/increase in net assets resulting from share transactions (22,578) 59,860 105,772 53,709 143,058 201,012 3,956

Net assets at the end of the financial period 266,072 259,228 2,218,728 2,190,724 145,242 253,752 3,671

^Fund launched during the financial period. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value iShares Edge MSCI EMU iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Digitalisation Factor Multifactor Momentum Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 465,713 392,732 92,026 11,378 7,623 824,714 119,992 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 24,748 (31,898) 3,650 1,098 (888) 39,788 (60,125)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 148,376 154,781 7,242 - 1,257 30,299 520,163 Redemption of redeemable shares (137,202) (114,141) (34,907) (6,021) - (652,478) (13,495)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 11,174 40,640 (27,665) (6,021) 1,257 (622,179) 506,668

Net assets at the end of the financial period 501,635 401,474 68,011 6,455 7,992 242,323 566,535

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor Quality Factor Factor Value Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 323,489 340,466 93,584 34,054 24,921 16,595 884,221 1,436,462 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 27,216 (41,995) 13,055 (1,631) 4,077 (1,612) 74,254 (87,015)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 16,526 91,801 27,698 24,828 12,840 - 492,709 21,929 Redemption of redeemable shares (135,060) (66,150) (6,887) (20,674) (6,857) - (384,968) (427,951)

(Decrease)/increase in net assets resulting from share transactions (118,534) 25,651 20,811 4,154 5,983 - 107,741 (406,022)

Net assets at the end of the financial period 232,171 324,122 127,450 36,577 34,981 14,983 1,066,216 943,425

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA Size iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor Multifactor Quality Factor Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 280,227 39,302 118,091 138,468 1,122,354 80,400 81,146 15,807 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 31,987 (2,383) 15,245 (3,545) 133,331 (2,036) 9,287 (497)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 337,715 139,637 3,924 23,017 231,956 118,148 13,718 18,908 Redemption of redeemable shares (300,372) (34,317) (35,278) (55,839) (818,721) (15,913) (26,937) -

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 37,343 105,320 (31,354) (32,822) (586,765) 102,235 (13,219) 18,908

Net assets at the end of the financial period 349,557 142,239 101,982 102,101 668,920 180,599 77,214 34,218

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor Momentum Factor Multifactor Quality Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 644,502 1,443,609 1,087,856 1,263,449 455,589 529,752 1,468,699 518,780 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 130,493 35,303 113,739 (36,562) 52,901 (43,822) 196,415 (26,779)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 912,462 244,936 276,465 612,857 120,818 150,789 206,115 673,988 Redemption of redeemable shares (238,994) (922,214) (328,657) (545,309) (106,916) (52,947) (157,549) (27,207)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 673,468 (677,278) (52,192) 67,548 13,902 97,842 48,566 646,781

Net assets at the end of the financial period 1,448,463 801,634 1,149,403 1,294,435 522,392 583,772 1,713,680 1,138,782

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Value iShares Electric Vehicles and iShares Fallen Angels High Yield iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor Factor Driving Technology Corp Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 590,181 307,973 1,651,193 1,613,172 8,887 603,593 430,704 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 70,098 (24,647) 219,329 (86,317) 3,266 38,108 (18,432)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 100,523 107,107 651,841 625,223 34,366 507,374 132,953 Redemption of redeemable shares (50,347) (20,414) (224,770) (500,108) (2,551) (257,998) (97,311)

Increase in net assets resulting from share transactions 50,176 86,693 427,071 125,115 31,815 249,376 35,642

Net assets at the end of the financial period 710,455 370,019 2,297,593 1,651,970 43,968 891,077 447,914

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Healthcare Innovation iShares iBonds Sep 2018 $ Corp iShares MSCI China iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF^^ UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 468,962 291,325 - 11,737 - 552,422 92,375 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 34,411 (16,347) - (13) 122 27,077 (26,219)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 49,481 164,146 - - 12,470 118,297 120,989 Redemption of redeemable shares (72,613) (9,808) - (11,724) - (104,350) (8,021)

(Decrease)/increase in net assets resulting from share transactions (23,132) 154,338 - (11,724) 12,470 13,947 112,968

Net assets at the end of the financial period 480,241 429,316 - - 12,592 593,446 179,124

^Fund terminated on 28 September 2018. ^^Fund launched during the financial period. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced Screened iShares MSCI EM SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period - 25,697 - 360,936 147,909 3,038 (Decrease)/increase in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders (448) 2,588 700 20,917 (6,511) 290

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 41,066 205,265 30,252 168,817 63,198 841 Redemption of redeemable shares (102) (10,858) (5,568) (16,822) (5,919) (838)

Increase in net assets resulting from share transactions 40,964 194,407 24,684 151,995 57,279 3

Net assets at the end of the financial period 40,516 222,692 25,384 533,848 198,677 3,331

^Fund launched during the financial period. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Europe ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 63,441 - 96,768 133,010 217,780 318,538 2,509 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 68,131 (275) 11,190 (8,746) 27,565 (32,353) 1,572

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 657,896 25,794 - - 3,954 8,273 27,042 Redemption of redeemable shares (10,580) (348) - (14,116) (32,149) (19,614) (3,949)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 647,316 25,446 - (14,116) (28,195) (11,341) 23,093

Net assets at the end of the financial period 778,888 25,171 107,958 110,148 217,150 274,844 27,174

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Japan ESG iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened iShares MSCI France iShares MSCI India Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 49,764 - 55,404 52,354 166,926 4,662 9,880 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 7,669 (91) 7,381 (3,803) (1,650) (2,206) 935

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 76,695 7,581 3,715 13,711 171,448 87,480 12,249 Redemption of redeemable shares (6,358) - (11,421) (3,524) - (7,124) (6,407)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 70,337 7,581 (7,706) 10,187 171,448 80,356 5,842

Net assets at the end of the financial period 127,770 7,490 55,079 58,738 336,724 82,812 16,657

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Japan iShares MSCI USA ESG iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened SRI EUR Hedged iShares MSCI Japan SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF (Acc) UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 27,951 - 28,509 65,340 97,776 35,413 2,434 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 3,774 (135) 7,701 (1,974) 18,454 (3,838) 4,071

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 26,356 5,067 54,415 13,998 103,395 21,718 59,026 Redemption of redeemable shares (10,780) (141) - (27,984) (10,124) (8,202) (1,512)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 15,576 4,926 54,415 (13,986) 93,271 13,516 57,514

Net assets at the end of the financial period 47,301 4,791 90,625 49,380 209,501 45,091 64,019

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI World ESG iShares MSCI World ESG iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened iShares MSCI USA SRI Enhanced Screened UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 20,111 - 817,979 196,086 14,925 69,393 - Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 6,954 18 170,992 14,288 1,883 9,804 (23)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 143,462 3,914 769,949 271,017 6,643 271,223 14,923 Redemption of redeemable shares (4,287) (176) (122,608) (23,409) (6,640) (205,151) (192)

Increase in net assets resulting from share transactions 139,175 3,738 647,341 247,608 3 66,072 14,731

Net assets at the end of the financial period 166,240 3,756 1,636,312 457,982 16,811 145,269 14,708

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares NASDAQ US iShares MSCI World SRI Biotechnology iShares OMX Stockholm Capped iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 487,426 215,463 28,015 10,938 3,000,344 3,952,885 19,851 17,060 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 79,453 (1,498) 7,344 (221) 445,196 (97,311) 2,963 457

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 240,283 102,313 18,623 12,652 221,073 204,404 - 5,716 Redemption of redeemable shares (103,596) (17,581) (9,717) (2,569) (306,523) (185,458) - (5,698)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 136,687 84,732 8,906 10,083 (85,450) 18,946 - 18

Net assets at the end of the financial period 703,566 298,697 44,265 20,800 3,360,090 3,874,520 22,814 17,535

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE SHAREHOLDERS (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Thomson Reuters iShares US Equity Buyback iShares US Fallen Angels High iShares US Mortgage Backed Inclusion and Diversity Achievers Yield Corp Bond Securities UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Net assets at the beginning of the financial period 2,419 - 8,922 32,342 - 106,529 1,310,853 623,879 Increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 480 (80) 1,510 (197) - (2,499) 24,013 (3,653)

Share transactions: Issue of redeemable shares 2,495 2,491 3,209 3,162 - 9,727 866,895 154,393 Redemption of redeemable shares - - (3,133) (3,449) - - (426,936) (103,785)

Increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions 2,495 2,491 76 (287) - 9,727 439,959 50,608

Net assets at the end of the financial period 5,394 2,411 10,508 31,858 - 113,757 1,774,825 670,834

^Fund terminated on 21 February 2019. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET As at 30 November 2019 iShares $ Short Duration Corp iShares $ Short Duration High Bond Yield Corp Bond iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr Entity total UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 GBP’000 GBP’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 172,577 71,932 1,871 1,492 342 528 953 385 Cash equivalents 299,347 255,909 18,324 39,622 70,727 31,805 6,122 5,153 Margin cash 1,663 4,782 ------Receivables 198,912 143,512 28,963 24,134 19,621 14,871 4,468 3,846 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 27,315,476 22,151,582 3,545,695 2,916,068 1,026,944 919,878 967,253 724,564 Total current assets 27,987,975 22,627,717 3,594,853 2,981,316 1,117,634 967,082 978,796 733,948

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft (11,328) (21,372) - - (3,455) - - - Margin cash payable (245) (1) ------Payables (373,708) (192,215) (2,690) (508) (636) (11,712) (56) (197) Provision for deferred capital gains tax 6 (1,314) (926) ------Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (3,712) (6,165) (3,030) (2,053) - - (1,009) (252) Total current liabilities (390,307) (220,679) (5,720) (2,561) (4,091) (11,712) (1,065) (449)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 27,597,668 22,407,038 3,589,133 2,978,755 1,113,543 955,370 977,731 733,499

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr iShares $ Ultrashort Bond iShares £ Ultrashort Bond Target Duration iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 446 - 102 80 40 29 408 46 Cash equivalents 9,316 38,562 19,350 974 55 180 43,572 34,513 Receivables 6,186 9,328 9,887 8,365 784 544 20,594 18,593 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 947,557 645,649 1,003,447 843,163 76,007 56,263 2,962,692 2,829,000 Total current assets 963,505 693,539 1,032,786 852,582 76,886 57,016 3,027,266 2,882,152

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft - (4,570) -----(2,531) Payables (67) (18,632) (3,630) (65) (9) (7) (216) (213) Total current liabilities (67) (23,202) (3,630) (65) (9) (7) (216) (2,744)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 963,438 670,337 1,029,156 852,517 76,877 57,009 3,027,050 2,879,408

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares iShares Ageing Population Automation & Robotics iShares China CNY Bond iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 694 1,187 1,908 8,455 1,857 690 128 Cash equivalents - 155 - 40,918 - 7,191 18 Margin cash 40 299 185 755 - 5 11 Receivables 333 740 3,128 16,083 2,438 139 60 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 265,088 261,493 2,214,223 1,788,258 142,931 252,948 34,907 Total current assets 266,155 263,874 2,219,444 1,854,469 147,226 260,973 35,124

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft - - - (54) - (10) - Margin cash payable - - (3) - - (2) - Payables (83) (91) (713) (59,282) (1,956) (7,209) (12) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (96) - (235) (28) - (5) Total current liabilities (83) (187) (716) (59,571) (1,984) (7,221) (17)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 266,072 263,687 2,218,728 1,794,898 145,242 253,752 35,107

^Fund launched during the financial period. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value iShares Edge MSCI EMU iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Digitalisation Factor Multifactor Momentum Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 2,044 1,800 288 5,895 7 247 999 7,982 Cash equivalents - 406 - - 208 - 442 513 Margin cash 11 160 8 52 - 11 23 193 Receivables 2,706 686 217 758 10 66 216 7,360 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 500,574 462,888 67,778 91,501 6,385 11,253 240,982 821,627 Total current assets 505,335 465,940 68,291 98,206 6,610 11,577 242,662 837,675

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft - - (109) (6,059) (153) - (74) (501) Payables (3,700) (161) (171) (98) (2) (197) (265) (12,429) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (66) - (23) - (2) - (31) Total current liabilities (3,700) (227) (280) (6,180) (155) (199) (339) (12,961)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 501,635 465,713 68,011 92,026 6,455 11,378 242,323 824,714

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor Quality Factor Factor Value Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 784 9,529 250 3,546 36 114 3,235 2,662 Cash equivalents 363 - - 59 - 1 - - Margin cash 91 149 15 48 7 13 76 474 Receivables 420 3,972 189 329 41 167 2,380 5,990 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 230,652 321,154 127,023 92,956 34,910 24,680 1,063,024 877,402 Total current assets 232,310 334,804 127,477 96,938 34,994 24,975 1,068,715 886,528

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bankoverdraft ------(1,947) - Payables (139) (11,282) (25) (3,346) (13) (52) (552) (2,205) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (33) (2) (8) - (2) - (102) Total current liabilities (139) (11,315) (27) (3,354) (13) (54) (2,499) (2,307)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 232,171 323,489 127,450 93,584 34,981 24,921 1,066,216 884,221

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Momentum Factor Multifactor Quality Factor Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 698 82 200 94 1,024 1,141 49 123 Cash equivalents 2,086 - 17 - - - 95 - Margin cash 77 37 18 19 28 133 1 - Receivables 325 423 203 240 1,208 2,053 102 113 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 348,817 279,752 101,575 117,781 666,768 1,119,288 76,979 80,924 Total current assets 352,003 280,294 102,013 118,134 669,028 1,122,615 77,226 81,160

CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables (2,446) (47) (31) (36) (108) (195) (12) (14) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (20) - (7) - (66) - - Total current liabilities (2,446) (67) (31) (43) (108) (261) (12) (14)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 349,557 280,227 101,982 118,091 668,920 1,122,354 77,214 81,146

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World Factor Momentum Factor Multifactor Quality Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 2,911 1,441 5,013 3,119 2,198 464 4,979 4,439 Cash equivalents 4,658 1,585 10,451 3,236 - - 531 7,084 Margin cash 194 211 272 225 110 120 30 424 Receivables 7,386 2,234 1,078 2,547 1,137 2,253 2,963 4,812 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1,440,665 641,545 1,134,207 1,084,453 519,977 454,369 1,705,779 1,462,213 Total current assets 1,455,814 647,016 1,151,021 1,093,580 523,422 457,206 1,714,282 1,478,972

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft - - (956) - (438) (345) - - Margin cash payable ----(46) - - - Payables (7,351) (2,399) (662) (5,611) (362) (674) (602) (10,065) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (115) - (113) (184) (598) - (208) Total current liabilities (7,351) (2,514) (1,618) (5,724) (1,030) (1,617) (602) (10,273)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 1,448,463 644,502 1,149,403 1,087,856 522,392 455,589 1,713,680 1,468,699

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Size iShares Edge MSCI World Value iShares Electric Vehicles and iShares Fallen Angels High Factor Factor Driving Technology Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 1,625 893 6,684 6,471 130 67 4,642 5,886 Cash equivalents - - - 12,813 - - 4,358 2,574 Margin cash 132 212 127 1,332 9 9 - - Receivables 2,164 2,577 9,035 10,800 43 61 14,172 10,004 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 706,810 587,115 2,282,481 1,632,851 43,805 8,797 868,330 585,541 Total current assets 710,731 590,797 2,298,327 1,664,267 43,987 8,934 891,502 604,005

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft (24) (1) (63) (10,958) - (42) - - Margin cash payable (51) - (173) - (7) - - - Payables (200) (512) (498) (1,418) (12) (3) (358) (260) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (1) (103) - (698) - (2) (67) (152) Total current liabilities (276) (616) (734) (13,074) (19) (47) (425) (412)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 710,455 590,181 2,297,593 1,651,193 43,968 8,887 891,077 603,593

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares iBonds Sep 2018 $ iShares Healthcare Innovation Corp iShares MSCI China iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF^^ UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 1,407 934 - - 60 1,248 1,680 Cashequivalents 4,091---- 6,270 15,165 Margin cash 19 5 - - 2 11 62 Receivables 205 383 - - 3 48 329 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 479,462 467,907 - - 12,534 592,127 550,891 Total current assets 485,184 469,229 - - 12,599 599,704 568,127

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft (132) (100) - - - (4,802) - Payables (4,811) (166) - - (6) (1,433) (15,701) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (1) - - (1) (23) (4) Total current liabilities (4,943) (267) - - (7) (6,258) (15,705)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 480,241 468,962 - - 12,592 593,446 552,422

^Fund terminated on 28 September 2018. ^^Fund launched during the financial period. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI EM ESG iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced Screened iShares MSCI EM SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 4,525 1,036 165 5,874 2,755 3 7 Cash equivalents - - - - 214 - - Margin cash 16 3 13 81 59 - - Receivables 155 197 71 841 814 3 8 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 40,169 222,445 25,561 530,685 360,003 3,327 3,024 Total current assets 44,865 223,681 25,810 537,481 363,845 3,333 3,039

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft (49) (737) (77) (1,461) (878) - - Payables (4,295) (252) (30) (2,146) (2,026) (2) (1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (5) - (6) (26) (5) - - Total current liabilities (4,349) (989) (113) (3,633) (2,909) (2) (1)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 40,516 222,692 25,697 533,848 360,936 3,331 3,038

^Fund launched during the financial period. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI EMU ESG iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 535 361 131 2,840 106 1,771 42 11 Cashequivalents 335------Margin cash 23 23 11 71 12 124 3 - Receivables 335 190 263 472 336 876 33 15 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 778,022 63,025 107,595 93,443 216,801 215,129 27,103 2,493 Total current assets 779,250 63,599 108,000 96,826 217,255 217,900 27,181 2,519

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bankoverdraft ----(18) - - - Payables (362) (153) (42) (43) (87) (95) (7) (10) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (5) - (15) - (25) - - Total current liabilities (362) (158) (42) (58) (105) (120) (7) (10)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 778,888 63,441 107,958 96,768 217,150 217,780 27,174 2,509

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Europe ESG iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened iShares MSCI France iShares MSCI India Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 229 215 64 304 300 498 33 23 Cash equivalents 18 13 ------Margin cash 6 20 - 27 19 19 2 4 Receivables 134 181 4 162 5 151 36 44 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 127,430 49,458 55,022 54,929 338,282 167,526 16,588 9,821 Total current assets 127,817 49,887 55,090 55,422 338,606 168,194 16,659 9,892

CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables (47) (117) (11) (13) (182) (101) (2) (8) Provisionfordeferredcapitalgainstax6----(1,700) (1,167) - - Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (6) - (5) - - - (4) Total current liabilities (47) (123) (11) (18) (1,882) (1,268) (2) (12)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 127,770 49,764 55,079 55,404 336,724 166,926 16,657 9,880

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI Japan ESG iShares MSCI Japan iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened SRI EUR Hedged iShares MSCI Japan SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF (Acc) UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 122 107 300 586 908 91 61 - Margin cash 8 6 - 27 - 49 - - Receivables 194 84 210 422 758 835 92 4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 47,000 27,809 90,184 29,464 208,057 96,925 63,872 2,430 Total current assets 47,324 28,006 90,694 30,499 209,723 97,900 64,025 2,434

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdraft - (44) - (278) - (50) - - Margin cash payable (18) - (14) ----- Payables (5) (5) (24) (14) (222) (25) (6) - Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (6) (31) (1,698) - (49) - - Total current liabilities (23) (55) (69) (1,990) (222) (124) (6) -

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 47,301 27,951 90,625 28,509 209,501 97,776 64,019 2,434

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares MSCI USA ESG iShares MSCI World ESG iShares MSCI World ESG Screened iShares MSCI USA SRI Enhanced Screened UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 244 22 3,324 381 37 31 266 163 Cash equivalents - - 2,721 - 10 - - - Margin cash - - - 108 2 - 12 9 Receivables 154 28 2,234 1,675 34 5,010 270 132 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 165,848 20,062 1,631,273 816,567 16,731 14,571 144,753 69,204 Total current assets 166,246 20,112 1,639,552 818,731 16,814 19,612 145,301 69,508

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bankoverdraft ------(14) Margin cash payable ------(2)(1) Payables (6) (1) (2,933) (213) (3) (4,687) (30) (98) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - - (307) (539) - - - (2) Total current liabilities (6) (1) (3,240) (752) (3) (4,687) (32) (115)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 166,240 20,111 1,636,312 817,979 16,811 14,925 145,269 69,393

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares NASDAQ US iShares OMX Stockholm iShares MSCI World SRI Biotechnology Capped iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 2,100 209 15 11 30,984 47,614 11 21 Cashequivalents 120------Margin cash 73 65 - - 3,466 2,971 - - Receivables 1,144 1,241 22 17 1,276 9,895 17 14 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 700,414 486,157 44,240 27,995 3,325,445 2,972,183 22,797 19,827 Total current assets 703,851 487,672 44,277 28,023 3,361,171 3,032,663 22,825 19,862

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bankoverdraft -(57)------Payables (285) (162) (12) (8) (281) (30,778) (11) (11) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - (27) - - (800) (1,541) - - Total current liabilities (285) (246) (12) (8) (1,081) (32,319) (11) (11)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 703,566 487,426 44,265 28,015 3,360,090 3,000,344 22,814 19,851

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 30 November 2019 iShares Thomson Reuters iShares US Equity Buyback iShares US Fallen Angels High iShares US Mortgage Backed Inclusion and Diversity Achievers Yield Corp Bond Securities UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF^ UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 13 18 15 8 - - 149,110 644 Cashequivalents -46----165,479 82,652 Margin cash - 2 ------Receivables 13 10 15 12 - - 101,305 5,979 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 5,369 2,344 10,483 8,907 - - 1,789,040 1,291,728 Total current assets 5,395 2,420 10,513 8,927 - - 2,204,934 1,381,003

CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables (1) (1) (5) (5) - - (430,109) (70,150) Total current liabilities (1) (1) (5) (5) - - (430,109) (70,150)

Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders 5,394 2,419 10,508 8,922 - - 1,774,825 1,310,853

^Fund terminated on 21 February 2019. The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.



1. General information The Entity is an open-ended investment company domiciled and incorporated under the laws of Ireland as a public limited company. The Entity is authorised by the CBI and is governed by the provisions of the UCITS Regulations with its registered office at J.P Morgan, 200 Capital Dock, 79 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 RK57, Ireland.

2. Significant accounting policies 2.1 Basis of preparation The financial statements of the Entity are prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 104 Interim Financial Reporting (“FRS 104”) applicable in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. The principal accounting policies and estimation techniques are consistent with those applied to the previous annual financial statements.

All amounts are rounded to the nearest thousand, unless otherwise stated.

3. Fair value hierarchy Each Fund classifies financial instruments measured at fair value using a fair value hierarchy. The fair value hierarchy has the following categories:

Level 1: The unadjusted quoted price in an active market for identical assets or liabilities that the Entity can access at the measurement date.

Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable (i.e. developed using market data) for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. This category includes instruments valued using: quoted prices in active markets for similar instruments; quoted prices for similar instruments in markets that are considered less than active; or other valuation techniques where all significant inputs are directly or indirectly observable from market data.

Level 3: Inputs are unobservable (i.e. for which market data is unavailable) for the asset or liability. This category includes all instruments where the valuation techniques used include inputs not based on market data and these inputs could have a significant impact on the instrument’s valuation. This category also includes instruments that are valued based on quoted prices for similar instruments where significant Entity determined adjustments or assumptions are required to reflect differences between the instruments and instruments for which there is no active market.

Valuation techniques include net present value and discounted cash flow models, comparison with similar instruments for which observable market prices exist and other valuation models. Assumptions and inputs used in valuation techniques include risk-free and benchmark interest rates, credit spreads and other premiums used in estimating discount rates, bond and equity prices, foreign currency exchange rates, equity indices, and expected price volatilities and correlations.

The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. For this purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that measurement is a level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgement, considering factors specific to the asset or liability.

The determination of what constitutes ‘observable’ inputs requires significant judgement. The Directors consider observable inputs to be market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued) The following tables provide an analysis of each Fund’s’ financial assets and financial liabilities measured at fair value as at 30 November 2019 and 31 May 2019:

30 November 2019 Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 3,545,635 - 3,545,635 - Forward currency contracts - 60 - 60 Total - 3,545,695 - 3,545,695 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (3,030) - (3,030) Total - (3,030) - (3,030) iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 1,026,944 - 1,026,944 - Warrants3 ---- Total - 1,026,944 - 1,026,944 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 967,240 - 967,240 - Forward currency contracts - 13 - 13 Total - 967,253 - 967,253 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (1,009) - (1,009) Total - (1,009) - (1,009) iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 947,557 - 947,557 Total - 947,557 - 947,557 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 1,003,447 - 1,003,447 Total - 1,003,447 - 1,003,447



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 76,007 - 76,007 Total - 76,007 - 76,007 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 2,962,692 - 2,962,692 Total - 2,962,692 - 2,962,692 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 265,015 - 57 265,072 - Futures contracts 16 - - 16 Total 265,031 - 57 265,088 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 2,214,082 - - 2,214,082 - Futures contracts 141 - - 141 Total 2,214,223 - - 2,214,223 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 142,834 - 142,834 - Forward currency contracts - 97 - 97 Total - 142,931 - 142,931 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (28) - (28) Total - (28) - (28) iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 252,928 - - 252,928 - Futures contracts 20 - - 20 Total 252,948 - - 252,948



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 500,566 - - 500,566 - Futures contracts 8 - - 8 Total 500,574 - - 500,574 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 67,776 - - 67,776 - Futures contracts 2 - - 2 Total 67,778 - - 67,778 iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 6,385 - - 6,385 - Futures contracts1 ---- Total 6,385 - - 6,385 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 240,942 - - 240,942 - Futures contracts 40 - - 40 Total 240,982 - - 240,982 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 230,626 - - 230,626 - Futures contracts 26 - - 26 Total 230,652 - - 230,652 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 127,019 - - 127,019 - Futures contracts 4 - - 4 Total 127,023 - - 127,023 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (2) - - (2) Total (2) - - (2)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 34,910 - - 34,910 Total 34,910 - - 34,910 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts1 ---- Total ---- iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,062,947 - - 1,062,947 - Futures contracts 77 - - 77 Total 1,063,024 - - 1,063,024 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 348,817 - - 348,817 - Futures contracts1 ---- Total 348,817 - - 348,817 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 101,565 - - 101,565 - Futures contracts 10 - - 10 Total 101,575 - - 101,575 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 666,747 - - 666,747 - Futures contracts 21 - - 21 Total 666,768 - - 666,768 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 76,973 - - 76,973 - Futures contracts 6 - - 6 Total 76,979 - - 76,979



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,440,485 - - 1,440,485 - Rights 2--2 - Futures contracts 178 - - 178 Total 1,440,665 - - 1,440,665 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,134,064 - - 1,134,064 - Futures contracts 143 - - 143 Total 1,134,207 - - 1,134,207 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 519,922 - - 519,922 - Futures contracts 46 - - 46 - Forward currency contracts - 9 - 9 Total 519,968 9 - 519,977 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts1 ---- - Forward currency contracts - (184) - (184) Total - (184) - (184) iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,705,511 - - 1,705,511 - Futures contracts 268 - - 268 Total 1,705,779 - - 1,705,779 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 706,765 - - 706,765 - Futures contracts 45 - - 45 Total 706,810 - - 706,810 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (1) - - (1) Total (1) - - (1)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 2,281,823 - - 2,281,823 - Futures contracts 658 - - 658 Total 2,282,481 - - 2,282,481 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 43,799 - - 43,799 - Futures contracts 6 - - 6 Total 43,805 - - 43,805 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 868,300 - 868,300 - Forward currency contracts - 30 - 30 Total - 868,330 - 868,330 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (67) - (67) Total - (67) - (67) iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 479,184 - 267 479,451 - Futures contracts 11 - - 11 Total 479,195 - 267 479,462 iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 12,533 - 1 12,534 Total 12,533 - 1 12,534 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (1) - - (1) Total (1) - - (1)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 591,431 - 696 592,127 Total 591,431 - 696 592,127 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (23) - - (23) Total (23) - - (23) iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 40,169 - - 40,169 - Rights3 ---- Total 40,169 - - 40,169 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (5) - - (5) Total (5) - - (5) iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 222,419 - 26 222,445 - Rights1/3 ---- - Warrants1 ---- Total 222,419 - 26 222,445 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts1 ---- Total ---- iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 530,685 - - 530,685 - Rights3 ---- Total 530,685 - - 530,685 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (26) - - (26) Total (26) - - (26)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 3,327 - - 3,327 Total 3,327 - - 3,327 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 778,022 - - 778,022 - Futures contracts1 ---- Total 778,022 - - 778,022 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 107,580 - - 107,580 - Futures contracts 15 - - 15 Total 107,595 - - 107,595 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 216,787 - - 216,787 - Futures contracts 14 - - 14 Total 216,801 - - 216,801 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 27,103 - - 27,103 - Futures contracts1 ---- Total 27,103 - - 27,103 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 127,423 - 1 127,424 - Futures contracts 6 - - 6 Total 127,429 - 1 127,430



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 55,022 - - 55,022 Total 55,022 - - 55,022 iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 338,281 - - 338,281 - Futures contracts 1 - - 1 Total 338,282 - - 338,282 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 16,588 - - 16,588 Total 16,588 - - 16,588 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts1 ---- Total ---- iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 46,984 - - 46,984 - Futures contracts 16 - - 16 Total 47,000 - - 47,000 iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 90,000 - - 90,000 - Futures contracts 29 - - 29 - Forward currency contracts - 155 - 155 Total 90,029 155 - 90,184 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (31) - (31) Total - (31) - (31)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 208,016 - - 208,016 - Futures contracts 41 - - 41 Total 208,057 - - 208,057 iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 63,872 - - 63,872 - Rights1 ---- Total 63,872 - - 63,872 iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 165,848 - - 165,848 - Rights1 ---- Total 165,848 - - 165,848 iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,631,056 - - 1,631,056 - Futures contracts 217 - - 217 - Forward currency contracts2 ---- Total 1,631,273 - - 1,631,273 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (307) - (307) Total - (307) - (307) iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 16,730 - - 16,730 - Rights1 ---- - Futures contracts 1 - - 1 Total 16,731 - - 16,731



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 144,745 - - 144,745 - Rights1 ---- - Futures contracts 8 - - 8 Total 144,753 - - 144,753 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 700,328 - - 700,328 - Futures contracts 86 - - 86 Total 700,414 - - 700,414 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 44,240 - - 44,240 Total 44,240 - - 44,240 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 3,325,445 - - 3,325,445 Total 3,325,445 - - 3,325,445 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (800) - - (800) Total (800) - - (800) iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 22,797 - - 22,797 Total 22,797 - - 22,797 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 5,369 - - 5,369 Total 5,369 - - 5,369



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

30 November 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 10,483 - - 10,483 Total 10,483 - - 10,483 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 1,789,040 - 1,789,040 Total - 1,789,040 - 1,789,040 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts2 ---- Total ----

1 Level 1 securities which are less than 500 are rounded to zero. 2 Level 2 securities which are less than 500 are rounded to zero. 3 Level 3 securities which are less than 500 are rounded to zero.

31 May 2019 Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 2,916,018 - 2,916,018 - Futures contracts 50 - - 50 Total 50 2,916,018 - 2,916,068 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (2,053) - (2,053) Total - (2,053) - (2,053) iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds3 - 919,878 - 919,878 - Warrants3 ---- Total - 919,878 - 919,878



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 724,444 - 724,444 - Forward currency contracts - 120 - 120 Total - 724,564 - 724,564 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (252) - (252) Total - (252) - (252) iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 645,649 - 645,649 Total - 645,649 - 645,649 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 837,785 5,378 843,163 Total - 837,785 5,378 843,163 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 56,263 - 56,263 Total - 56,263 - 56,263 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 2,829,000 - 2,829,000 Total - 2,829,000 - 2,829,000 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 260,324 - 1,169 261,493 Total 260,324 - 1,169 261,493 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (96) - - (96) Total (96) - - (96)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,788,258 - - 1,788,258 Total 1,788,258 - - 1,788,258 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (235) - - (235) Total (235) - - (235) iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 34,907 - - 34,907 Total 34,907 - - 34,907 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (5) - - (5) Total (5) - - (5) iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 462,888 - - 462,888 Total 462,888 - - 462,888 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (66) - - (66) Total (66) - - (66) iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 90,080 - - 90,080 -ETF 1,421 - - 1,421 Total 91,501 - - 91,501 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (23) - - (23) Total (23) - - (23)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 11,253 - - 11,253 Total 11,253 - - 11,253 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (2) - - (2) Total (2) - - (2) iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 821,610 - - 821,610 - Futures contracts 17 - - 17 Total 821,627 - - 821,627 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (31) - - (31) Total (31) - - (31) iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 321,092 - - 321,092 - Rights 62 - - 62 Total 321,154 - - 321,154 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (33) - - (33) Total (33) - - (33) iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 92,952 - 4 92,956 Total 92,952 - 4 92,956 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (8) - - (8) Total (8) - - (8)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 24,677 - - 24,677 - Rights 3--3 Total 24,680 - - 24,680 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (2) - - (2) Total (2) - - (2) iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 877,371 - - 877,371 - Rights 31 - - 31 Total 877,402 - - 877,402 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (102) - - (102) Total (102) - - (102) iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 279,752 - - 279,752 Total 279,752 - - 279,752 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (20) - - (20) Total (20) - - (20) iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 117,781 - - 117,781 Total 117,781 - - 117,781 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (7) - - (7) Total (7) - - (7)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,119,288 - - 1,119,288 Total 1,119,288 - - 1,119,288 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (66) - - (66) Total (66) - - (66) iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 80,924 - - 80,924 Total 80,924 - - 80,924 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 641,545 - - 641,545 Total 641,545 - - 641,545 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (115) - - (115) Total (115) - - (115) iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,084,453 - - 1,084,453 Total 1,084,453 - - 1,084,453 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (113) - - (113) Total (113) - - (113) iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 454,164 - - 454,164 - Forward currency contracts - 205 - 205 Total 454,164 205 - 454,369 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (67) - - (67) - Forward currency contracts - (531) - (531) Total (67) (531) - (598)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,462,184 - 29 1,462,213 Total 1,462,184 - 29 1,462,213 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (208) - - (208) Total (208) - - (208) iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 587,096 - - 587,096 - Rights 19 - - 19 Total 587,115 - - 587,115 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (103) - - (103) Total (103) - - (103) iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 1,632,831 - - 1,632,831 - Rights 20 - - 20 Total 1,632,851 - - 1,632,851 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (698) - - (698) Total (698) - - (698) iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 8,797 - - 8,797 Total 8,797 - - 8,797 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (2) - - (2) - Forward currency contracts2 ---- Total (2) - - (2)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 585,520 - 585,520 - Forward currency contracts - 21 - 21 Total - 585,541 - 585,541 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts - (152) - (152) Total - (152) - (152) iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 467,907 - - 467,907 Total 467,907 - - 467,907 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (1) - - (1) Total (1) - - (1) iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 550,847 - 44 550,891 Total 550,847 - 44 550,891 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (4) - - (4) Total (4) - - (4) iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 25,560 - 1 25,561 - Rights1/3 ---- - Warrants1 ---- Total 25,560 - 1 25,561 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (6) - - (6) Total (6) - - (6)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 360,003 - - 360,003 - Warrants1 ---- Total 360,003 - - 360,003 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (5) - - (5) Total (5) - - (5) iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 3,024 - - 3,024 Total 3,024 - - 3,024 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 63,025 - - 63,025 Total 63,025 - - 63,025 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (5) - - (5) Total (5) - - (5) iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 93,443 - - 93,443 Total 93,443 - - 93,443 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (15) - - (15) Total (15) - - (15) iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 215,129 - - 215,129 Total 215,129 - - 215,129 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (25) - - (25) Total (25) - - (25)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 2,493 - - 2,493 - Rights3 ---- Total 2,493 - - 2,493 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 49,456 - 1 49,457 - Rights 1--1 Total 49,457 - 1 49,458 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (6) - - (6) Total (6) - - (6) iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 54,929 - - 54,929 Total 54,929 - - 54,929 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (5) - - (5) Total (5) - - (5) iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 167,519 - - 167,519 - Futures contracts 7 - - 7 Total 167,526 - - 167,526 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 9,821 - - 9,821 Total 9,821 - - 9,821 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (4) - - (4) Total (4) - - (4)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 27,809 - - 27,809 Total 27,809 - - 27,809 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (6) - - (6) Total (6) - - (6) iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 29,142 - - 29,142 - Forward currency contracts - 322 - 322 Total 29,142 322 - 29,464 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (25) - - (25) - Forward currency contracts - (1,673) - (1,673) Total (25) (1,673) - (1,698) iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 96,925 - - 96,925 Total 96,925 - - 96,925 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (49) - - (49) Total (49) - - (49) iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 2,430 - - 2,430 Total 2,430 - - 2,430 iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 20,062 - - 20,062 Total 20,062 - - 20,062



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 816,542 - - 816,542 - Forward currency contracts - 25 - 25 Total 816,542 25 - 816,567 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (52) - - (52) - Forward currency contracts - (487) - (487) Total (52) (487) - (539) iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 14,571 - - 14,571 - Rights1 ---- Total 14,571 - - 14,571 iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities3 69,203 - - 69,203 - Rights1 ---- - Futures contracts 1 - - 1 Total 69,204 - - 69,204 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (2) - - (2) Total (2) - - (2) iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 486,148 - - 486,148 - Rights 9--9 Total 486,157 - - 486,157 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (27) - - (27) Total (27) - - (27)



3. Fair value hierarchy (continued)

31 May 2019 (continued) Fund name Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 27,995 - - 27,995 Total 27,995 - - 27,995 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 2,972,183 - - 2,972,183 Total 2,972,183 - - 2,972,183 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Futures contracts (1,541) - - (1,541) Total (1,541) - - (1,541) iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 19,827 - - 19,827 Total 19,827 - - 19,827 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 2,341 - - 2,341 - Futures contracts 3 - - 3 Total 2,344 - - 2,344 iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Equities 8,907 - - 8,907 Total 8,907 - - 8,907 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Bonds - 1,291,728 - 1,291,728 Total - 1,291,728 - 1,291,728

1 Level 1 securities which are less than 500 are rounded to zero. 2 Level 2 securities which are less than 500 are rounded to zero. 3 Level 3 securities which are less than 500 are rounded to zero.



4. Operating expenses The Entity employs an “all in one” fee structure for its Funds, with each Fund paying all of its fees, operating costs and expenses (and its due proportion of any costs and expenses allocated to it) as a single flat fee (the TER). Where a Fund has multiple share Classes, any fees, operating costs and expenses which are attributable to a particular share Class (rather than the entire Fund) will be deducted from the assets notionally allocated by each Fund to that share Class. The TER is calculated in accordance with the Committee of European Securities Regulators (“CESR”) guidelines on the methodology for calculation of the ongoing charges figure in the Key Investor Information Document ("KIID") or the product page of the website at

The Manager is responsible for discharging all operational expenses, including but not limited to fees and expenses of the Directors, Investment Manager, Depositary, Administrator, Transfer Agent and Registrar from the amounts received by the Manager from the TER. Such operational expenses include regulatory and audit fees but exclude transaction costs and extraordinary legal costs. In the event a Fund’s costs and expenses in connection with the operation of the Fund exceed the stated TER, the Manager will discharge any excess amount out of its own assets.

Management fees (inclusive of investment management fees) The Manager is entitled to an annual fee at rates not exceeding those set out on the following table. These rates are the maximum fee rates as at 30 November 2019:

TER(%) TER(%) Currency hedged Unhedged Fund/share class† Fund/share classes Fund/share classes iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc)* 0.25 - iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.45 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.45 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist)*** - 0.07 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD (Acc)*** - 0.07 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF CHF Hedged (Dist)*/*** 0.10 - iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist)*/*** 0.10 - iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF GBP Hedged (Dist)*/** 0.10 - iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.09 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.09 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF - 0.09 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF - 0.15 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF - 0.09 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF - 0.40 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.40 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.40 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist)** - 0.35 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD Hedged (Dist)*/** 0.40 - iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.40 iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.40



4. Operating expenses (continued) Management fees (inclusive of investment management fees) (continued)

TER(%) TER(%) Currency hedged Unhedged Fund/share class† Fund/share classes Fund/share classes iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF -0.40 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF - 0.40 iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF - 0.40 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.45 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.45 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.25 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.35 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.35 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF - 0.30 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.50 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF CHF Hedged (Acc)* 0.55 - iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc)* 0.55 - iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF - 0.30 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF - 0.30 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.30 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.30 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF - 0.40 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.50 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.50 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist)* 0.55 - iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF GBP Hedged (Dist)* 0.55 -



4. Operating expenses (continued) Management fees (inclusive of investment management fees) (continued)

TER(%) TER(%) Currency hedged Unhedged Fund/share class† Fund/share classes Fund/share classes iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF - 0.40 iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF ** -0.40 iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF -0.40 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist)** - 0.23 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc)** - 0.23 iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.18 iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.18 iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.35 iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.35 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.15 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.15 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.12 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.12 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF - 0.49 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF - 0.49 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.15 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.15 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) - 0.12 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.12 iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF -0.25 iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF -0.65 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist)**** - 0.15 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc)**** - 0.15 iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) 0.35 - iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.30 iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.30 iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.10 iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.10 iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.07 iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.07 iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.30 iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.30



4. Operating expenses (continued) Management fees (inclusive of investment management fees) (continued)

TER(%) TER(%) Currency hedged Unhedged Fund/share class† Fund/share classes Fund/share classes iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist)* 0.33 - iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.20 iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.20 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) - 0.30 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.30 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.35 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.35 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF - 0.10 iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF -0.60 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF - 0.25 iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF - 0.55 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF USD (Dist) - 0.28 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF USD (Acc) - 0.28 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc)*/** 0.30 -

† Where a Fund has multiple share classes, any fees, operating costs and expenses which are attributable to a particular share class (rather than the entire Fund) will be deducted from the assets notionally allocated by the Fund to that share class. * This charge can be up to 1.00%. Any increase in this charge will be subject to prior share holder approval. ** As this Fund/share class launched during the financial period, the fees, operating costs and expenses used to calculate the TER have been annualised. *** The TER of this Fund was amended in the prior financial year. The TER % in the table above is the maximum fee rate at 30 November 2019. The annualised TER for the 12 month period is 0.12%. **** The TER of this Fund was amended in the prior financial year. The TER % in the table above is the maximum fee rate at 30 November 2019. The annualised TER for the 12 month period is 0.16%.

Whilst it is anticipated that the TER borne by a Fund or share class shall not exceed the amounts set out above during the life of each Fund or share class (respectively) such amounts may need to be increased. Any such increase will be subject to the prior shareholder approval of the relevant Fund or share class evidenced either by a majority vote at a meeting of shareholders or by a written resolution of all of the shareholders.

As disclosed, no commissions, discounts, brokerages or other special terms have been granted or are payable by the Entity in connection with the issue or sale of any capital of the Entity.



5. Distribution to redeemable participating shareholders The Entity may declare and pay dividends on any distributing class of shares in the Entity.In accordance with the prospectus, any dividend which has remained unclaimed for twelve years from the date of its declaration shall be forfeited and cease to remain owing by the Entity to investors and become the property of the relevant Fund.

Distributions declared during the financial period were as follows: iShares $ Short Duration Corp iShares $ Short Duration High Bond Yield Corp Bond iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr Entity total UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 GBP’000 GBP’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 59,429 40,793 11,159 9,707 21,404 18,397 7,754 4,829 September 8,339 7,528 10,186 9,688 - - - - Distributions declared 67,768 48,321 21,345 19,395 21,404 18,397 7,754 4,829 Equalisation income (19,469) (8,175) (2,269) (1,623) (4,775) (2,420) (2,767) (1,864) Equalisation expense 10,422 3,786 2,955 1,235 1,900 307 2,527 778 Total 58,721 43,932 22,031 19,007 18,529 16,284 7,514 3,743

iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target iShares $ Ultrashort Bond iShares £ Ultrashort Bond Duration iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 June 6,259 2,029 4,612 1,728 245 273 - - Distributions declared 6,259 2,029 4,612 1,728 245 273 - - Equalisation income (1,686) (1,139) (890) (303) (62) (385) 1,622 367 Equalisation expense 1,105 420 432 6 29 448 (1,004) (825) Total 5,678 1,310 4,154 1,431 212 336 618 (458)



5. Distribution to redeemable participating shareholders (continued)

iShares iShares Edge MSCI Europe Automation & Robotics iShares China CNY Bond iShares Digital Security Momentum Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 June 364 302 - 22 - 109 179 Distributions declared 364 302 - 22 - 109 179 Equalisation income (18) (83) (569) (28) - - (144) Equalisation expense 32 37 103 21 - 575 74 Total 378 256 (466) 15 - 684 109

iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor Quality Factor Value Factor Momentum Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 28 453 8 74 23 244 5 18 Distributions declared 28 453 8 74 23 244 5 18 Equalisation income - (16) - - (6) (3) - (1) Equalisation expense 4 166 - 24 - 132 - 14 Total 32 603 8 98 17 373 5 31



5. Distribution to redeemable participating shareholders (continued)

iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA Value iShares Edge MSCI World Value Multifactor Quality Factor Factor Factor UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 12 75 764 159 207 44 275 10 Distributions declared 12 75 764 159 207 44 275 10 Equalisation income - (3) (66) (84) (823) (80) (50) (23) Equalisation expense 2 104 131 5 21 48 18 21 Total 14 176 829 80 (595) 12 243 8

iShares Fallen Angels High Yield iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Corp Bond iShares iBonds Sep 2018 $ Corp iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced Screened UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 6,893 7,794 - 38 - 51 - September - - - 36 - - - Distributions declared 6,893 7,794 - 74 - 51 - Equalisation income (4,563) (1,091) - - (8) (614) - Equalisation expense 2,696 1,332 - 9 - 37 - Total 5,026 8,035 - 83 (8) (526) -



5. Distribution to redeemable participating shareholders (continued)

iShares MSCI EMU ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG iShares MSCI Europe ESG iShares MSCI EM SRI Enhanced Screened Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 June 339 - 67 304 - 51 Distributions declared 339 - 67 304 - 51 Equalisation income (224) - - (107) - (128) Equalisation expense 40 - 3 3 - 6 Total 155 - 70 200 - (71)

iShares MSCI Europe ESG iShares MSCI Japan ESG iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened Enhanced Screened iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 107 - 48 74 - 89 - Distributions declared 107 - 48 74 - 89 - Equalisation income (28) (2) (98) (60) - (7) - Equalisation expense 14 - 56 18 - - - Total 93 (2) 6 32 - 82 -



5. Distribution to redeemable participating shareholders (continued)

iShares MSCI USA ESG iShares MSCI USA ESG iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced Screened iShares MSCI USA SRI Enhanced UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 1 62 - 381 - 122 Distributions declared 1 62 - 381 - 122 Equalisation income (307) (198) (1) (87) (4) (62) Equalisation expense 6 16 - 13 - 26 Total (300) (120) (1) 307 (4) 86

iShares MSCI World ESG iShares NASDAQ US iShares US Fallen Angels High Screened iShares MSCI World SRI Biotechnology Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 June 308 - 484 225 1 - - 796 September - - 262 98 - - - - Distributions declared 308 - 746 323 1 - - 796 Equalisation income (135) (6) (174) (157) (3) (1) - (144) Equalisation expense 68 - 23 15 3 - - - Total 241 (6) 595 181 1 (1) - 652



5. Distribution to redeemable participating shareholders (continued)

iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 June 10,551 5,134 Distributions declared 10,551 5,134 Equalisation income (5,121) (1,335) Equalisation expense 1,109 585 Total 6,539 4,384

6. Taxation

For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iShares Ageing Population iShares Automation & Robotics iShares Digital Security UCITS Entity total UCITS ETF UCITS ETF ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 GBP’000 GBP’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (15,454) (10,239) (266) (305) (1,779) (2,847) (50) (1) Non-reclaimable overseas capital gains tax (1,281) (78) (49) - (987) - - - Deferred tax Provision for overseas capital gains tax payable (425) (1) ------Total Tax (17,160) (10,318) (315) (305) (2,766) (2,847) (50) (1)



6. Taxation (continued)

iShares Edge MSCI EM Value iShares Edge MSCI EMU iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF Factor UCITS ETF Multifactor UCITS ETF Momentum Factor UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (175) (175) (187) (5) (5) (66) (117) Non-reclaimable overseas capital gains tax (510) (63) (1) - - - - Total Tax (685) (238) (188) (5) (5) (66) (117)

iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Multifactor UCITS ETF Quality Factor UCITS ETF Factor UCITS ETF Factor UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (107) (166) (36) (11) (15) (10) (250) (392) Total Tax (107) (166) (36) (11) (15) (10) (250) (392)

iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Momentum Factor UCITS ETF Multifactor UCITS ETF Factor UCITS ETF Factor UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (384) (80) (151) (187) (974) (186) (99) (25) Total Tax (384) (80) (151) (187) (974) (186) (99) (25)



6. Taxation (continued)

iShares Edge MSCI USA Value iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World iShares Edge MSCI World Factor UCITS ETF Momentum Factor UCITS ETF Multifactor UCITS ETF Quality Factor UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (1,819) (2,049) (1,090) (1,010) (546) (656) (1,660) (735) Non-reclaimable overseas capital gains tax ------(1) Total Tax (1,819) (2,049) (1,090) (1,010) (546) (656) (1,660) (736)

iShares Edge MSCI World Size iShares Edge MSCI World Value iShares Electric Vehicles and iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Factor UCITS ETF Factor UCITS ETF Driving Technology UCITS ETF Corp Bond UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (774) (336) (3,206) (2,099) (24) (15) (4) Total Tax (774) (336) (3,206) (2,099) (24) (15) (4)

iShares Healthcare Innovation iShares MSCI China A UCITS iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF^ ETF UCITS ETF^ 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (60) (47) (11) (1,122) (197) (1) Non-reclaimable overseas capital gains tax (8) (38) - - - - Total Tax (68) (85) (11) (1,122) (197) (1)



6. Taxation (continued)

iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF Enhanced UCITS ETF Screened UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (112) (1) (1,083) (414) (1) (152) (2) Non-reclaimable overseas capital gains tax (8) - (41) - - - - Total Tax (120) (1) (1,124) (414) (1) (152) (2)

iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap iShares MSCI Europe ESG iShares MSCI Europe ESG UCITS ETF UCITS ETF Enhanced UCITS ETF Screened UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (38) (46) (141) (153) (3) (21) - Total Tax (38) (46) (141) (153) (3) (21) -

iShares MSCI Japan ESG iShares MSCI Japan ESG iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF Enhanced UCITS ETF Screened UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (10) (5) - 3 (10) (54) - Deferred tax Provision for overseas capital gains tax payable - - (533) (1) - - - Total Tax (10) (5) (533) 2 (10) (54) -



6. Taxation (continued)

iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS iShares MSCI USA ESG iShares MSCI USA ESG Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) ETF Enhanced UCITS ETF Screened UCITS ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 EUR’000 EUR’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (67) (70) (213) (64) (27) (69) (1) Total Tax (67) (70) (213) (64) (27) (69) (1)

iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS iShares MSCI World ESG iShares MSCI World ESG iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF Enhanced UCITS ETF Screened UCITS ETF ETF 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (1,454) (436) (20) (136) (3) (705) (283) Total Tax (1,454) (436) (20) (136) (3) (705) (283)

iShares Thomson Reuters iShares NASDAQ US iShares OMX Stockholm Capped Inclusion and Diversity UCITS Biotechnology UCITS ETF UCITS ETF iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF ETF 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (14) (6) (136) (314) (22) (11) (5) (2) Non-reclaimable overseas capital gains tax ------(1) - Total Tax (14) (6) (136) (314) (22) (11) (6) (2)



6. Taxation (continued)

iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF 2019 2018 USD’000 USD’000 Current tax Non-reclaimable overseas income withholding tax (16) (37) Total Tax (16) (37)

^Fund launched during the financial period.



6. Taxation (continued) Irish tax Under current law and practice, the Entity qualifies as an investment undertaking as defined in Section 739B of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, as amended. On that basis it is not chargeable to Irish tax on its income or gains. However, Irish tax may arise on the occurrence of a “chargeable event”. A chargeable event includes any distribution payments to shareholders or any encashment, redemption, cancellation or transfer of shares and the holding of shares at the end of each eight year period beginning with the acquisition of such shares.

No Irish tax will arise on the Entity in respect of chargeable events in respect of: a) A shareholder who is neither Irish resident nor ordinarily resident in Ireland for tax purposes, at the time of the chargeable event, provided appropriate valid declarations in accordance with the provisions of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, as amended, are held by the Entity; or the Entity has been authorised by the Irish Revenue to make gross payments in the absence of appropriate declarations; and b) Certain exempted Irish tax resident shareholders who have provided the Entity with the necessary signed annual declarations; and c) Any transaction (which might otherwise be a chargeable event) in relation to shares held in a recognised clearing system as designated by order of the Irish Revenue Commissioners (such as CREST) will not constitute a chargeable event. It is the current intention of the Directors that all the shares in the Entity will be held in CREST or another recognised clearing system.

Overseas tax Dividends, interest and capital gains (if any) received on investments made by the Entity may be subject to withholding taxes imposed by the country from which the investment income/gains are received and such taxes may not be recoverable by the Entity or its shareholders.

For financial reporting purposes, and in accordance with FRS 104, the Entity must recognise a provision for deferred tax payable arising from material timing differences between the taxation of unrealised gains in the financial statements and actual realisable taxable profits.



7. Share capital

Authorised The authorised share capital of the Entity is GBP2 divided into 2 Subscriber Shares of a par value of GBP1.00 each and 500,000,000,000 participating shares of no par value (“NPV”).

Subscriber shares The 2 subscriber shares are currently in issue and are held by the Manager and nominees of the Manager at 30 November 2019 and 31 May 2019. They do not form part of the NAV of the Entity. They are thus disclosed in the financial statements by way of this note only. In the opinion of the Directors this disclosure reflects the nature of the Entity’s investment business.

Voting Rights The holders of the subscriber shares and redeemable shares shall, on a poll, be entitled to one vote per share.

8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders

As at 30 November 2019 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc) Net asset value MXN’000 4,759,177 1,588,031 Shares in issue 8,334,360 2,932,235 Net asset value per share MXN 571.03 541.58 USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,787,560 1,188,789 Shares in issue 331,764,772 225,809,665 Net asset value per share USD 5.39 5.26 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 1,557,582 1,708,992 Shares in issue 15,160,978 16,799,733 Net asset value per share USD 102.74 101.73

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 153,935 153,084 Shares in issue 28,789,923 29,466,771 Net asset value per share USD 5.35 5.20 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 959,608 802,286 Shares in issue 10,305,854 8,634,831 Net asset value per share USD 93.11 92.91



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF CHF Hedged (Dist) Net asset value CHF’000 26,157 13,086 Shares in issue 4,934,528 2,583,510 Net asset value per share CHF 5.30 5.07 EUR Hedged (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 34,067 26,896 Shares in issue 6,422,477 5,326,010 Net asset value per share EUR 5.30 5.05 GBP Hedged (Dist) Net asset value GBP’000 10 - Shares in issue 2,000 - Net asset value per share GBP 5.05 - USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 222,054 118,527 Shares in issue 35,955,365 20,721,871 Net asset value per share USD 6.18 5.72 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 691,928 571,991 Shares in issue 130,907,999 115,332,310 Net asset value per share USD 5.29 4.96

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 462,557 214,971 Shares in issue 88,876,941 41,856,529 Net asset value per share USD 5.20 5.14 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 500,881 455,365 Shares in issue 4,945,887 4,492,400 Net asset value per share USD 101.27 101.36

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP (Dist) Net asset value GBP’000 1,029,156 852,517 Shares in issue 10,216,409 8,462,055 Net asset value per share GBP 100.74 100.75



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 76,877 57,009 Shares in issue 12,500,000 10,000,000 Net asset value per share EUR 6.15 5.70

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 3,027,050 2,879,408 Shares in issue 30,250,424 28,777,717 Net asset value per share EUR 100.07 100.06

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 266,072 263,687 Shares in issue 43,500,000 47,500,000 Net asset value per share USD 6.12 5.55

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 2,167,196 1,736,015 Shares in issue 265,331,953 248,853,306 Net asset value per share USD 8.17 6.98 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 51,532 58,883 Shares in issue 9,186,203 12,218,335 Net asset value per share USD 5.61 4.82

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF^ USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 125,379 - Shares in issue 25,266,935 - Net asset value per share USD 4.96 - USD Hedged (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 19,863 - Shares in issue 3,923,139 - Net asset value per share USD 5.06 -



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 246,050 31,991 Shares in issue 45,106,078 6,619,418 Net asset value per share USD 5.45 4.83 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 7,702 3,116 Shares in issue 1,233,883 559,611 Net asset value per share USD 6.24 5.57

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 501,635 465,713 Shares in issue 71,500,000 69,500,000 Net asset value per share USD 7.02 6.70

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 68,011 92,026 Shares in issue 1,900,000 2,700,000 Net asset value per share USD 35.80 34.08

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 6,455 11,378 Shares in issue 1,250,000 2,500,000 Net asset value per share EUR 5.16 4.55

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 239,354 788,762 Shares in issue 33,329,999 122,864,033 Net asset value per share EUR 7.18 6.42 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 2,969 35,952 Shares in issue 537,114 7,142,550 Net asset value per share EUR 5.53 5.03



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 231,514 322,354 Shares in issue 36,094,635 56,004,635 Net asset value per share EUR 6.41 5.76 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 657 1,134 Shares in issue 127,527 239,509 Net asset value per share EUR 5.15 4.74

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 127,062 93,232 Shares in issue 17,428,804 14,428,804 Net asset value per share EUR 7.29 6.46 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 388 352 Shares in issue 66,570 66,570 Net asset value per share EUR 5.83 5.28

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 34,981 24,921 Shares in issue 5,000,000 4,000,000 Net asset value per share EUR 7.00 6.23

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 1,064,878 883,447 Shares in issue 173,663,792 161,744,351 Net asset value per share EUR 6.13 5.46 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 1,338 774 Shares in issue 270,827 170,827 Net asset value per share EUR 4.94 4.53



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 348,656 279,412 Shares in issue 41,391,180 36,891,180 Net asset value per share USD 8.42 7.57 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 901 815 Shares in issue 157,198 157,198 Net asset value per share USD 5.73 5.18

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 100,406 116,453 Shares in issue 13,014,911 17,474,911 Net asset value per share USD 7.71 6.66 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 1,576 1,639 Shares in issue 292,415 349,224 Net asset value per share USD 5.39 4.69

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 600,509 1,023,423 Shares in issue 77,702,268 153,281,547 Net asset value per share USD 7.73 6.68 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 68,411 98,931 Shares in issue 57,709 95,890 Net asset value per share USD 1,185.44 1,031.72

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 77,214 81,146 Shares in issue 11,000,000 13,000,000 Net asset value per share USD 7.02 6.24



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,343,769 629,095 Shares in issue 186,845,137 103,686,237 Net asset value per share USD 7.19 6.07 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 104,694 15,408 Shares in issue 19,827,096 3,413,981 Net asset value per share USD 5.28 4.51

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,149,403 1,087,856 Shares in issue 25,600,000 26,800,000 Net asset value per share USD 44.90 40.59

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF CHF Hedged (Acc) Net asset value CHF’000 3,691 4,123 Shares in issue 678,433 840,531 Net asset value per share CHF 5.44 4.91 EUR Hedged (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 11,897 44,133 Shares in issue 2,014,341 8,287,753 Net asset value per share EUR 5.91 5.33 USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 505,581 402,310 Shares in issue 69,756,493 62,383,507 Net asset value per share USD 7.25 6.45

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,713,680 1,468,699 Shares in issue 43,000,000 41,800,000 Net asset value per share USD 39.85 35.14



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 710,455 590,181 Shares in issue 20,100,000 18,600,000 Net asset value per share USD 35.35 31.73

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 2,276,367 1,636,240 Shares in issue 71,577,036 58,221,793 Net asset value per share USD 31.80 28.10 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 21,226 14,953 Shares in issue 4,478,478 3,507,126 Net asset value per share USD 4.74 4.26

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 43,968 8,887 Shares in issue 8,500,000 2,000,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.17 4.44

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 10,325 2,143 Shares in issue 2,039,759 435,213 Net asset value per share EUR 5.06 4.93 GBP Hedged (Dist) Net asset value GBP’000 5,122 4,482 Shares in issue 995,135 899,557 Net asset value per share GBP 5.15 4.98 USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 493,347 325,922 Shares in issue 91,912,430 64,545,051 Net asset value per share USD 5.37 5.05 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 379,720 269,633 Shares in issue 69,615,025 51,306,990 Net asset value per share USD 5.45 5.26



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 480,241 468,962 Shares in issue 74,000,000 78,000,000 Net asset value per share USD 6.49 6.01

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF^ USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 12,592 - Shares in issue 2,400,000 - Net asset value per share USD 5.25 -

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 593,446 552,422 Shares in issue 145,750,000 143,250,000 Net asset value per share USD 4.07 3.86

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF^ USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 10,035 - Shares in issue 1,982,000 - Net asset value per share USD 5.06 - USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 30,481 - Shares in issue 6,020,000 - Net asset value per share USD 5.06 -

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 175,368 20,421 Shares in issue 32,229,766 3,974,995 Net asset value per share USD 5.44 5.14 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 47,324 5,276 Shares in issue 8,779,251 1,027,003 Net asset value per share USD 5.39 5.14



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 475,036 321,994 Shares in issue 70,818,586 50,580,129 Net asset value per share USD 6.71 6.37 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 58,812 38,941 Shares in issue 11,178,419 7,732,785 Net asset value per share USD 5.26 5.04

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 924 10 Shares in issue 172,000 2,000 Net asset value per share EUR 5.37 4.80 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 2,407 3,029 Shares in issue 434,940 600,000 Net asset value per share EUR 5.53 5.05

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 746,646 51,621 Shares in issue 129,854,513 10,009,999 Net asset value per share EUR 5.75 5.16 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 32,242 11,820 Shares in issue 5,751,484 2,292,003 Net asset value per share EUR 5.61 5.16

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 107,958 96,768 Shares in issue 2,701,416 2,701,416 Net asset value per share EUR 39.96 35.82



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 217,150 217,780 Shares in issue 5,104,638 5,804,638 Net asset value per share EUR 42.54 37.52

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 6,812 10 Shares in issue 1,271,156 2,000 Net asset value per share EUR 5.36 4.81 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 20,362 2,499 Shares in issue 3,726,404 500,000 Net asset value per share EUR 5.46 5.00

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 119,253 45,227 Shares in issue 20,481,845 8,635,002 Net asset value per share EUR 5.82 5.24 EUR (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 8,517 4,537 Shares in issue 1,499,476 867,587 Net asset value per share EUR 5.68 5.23

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 55,079 55,404 Shares in issue 1,400,000 1,600,000 Net asset value per share EUR 39.34 34.63



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,499 10 Shares in issue 272,000 2,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.51 4.85 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 15,158 9,870 Shares in issue 2,731,916 2,000,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.55 4.94

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 39,848 20,870 Shares in issue 7,570,591 4,481,497 Net asset value per share USD 5.26 4.66 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 7,453 7,081 Shares in issue 1,430,495 1,520,497 Net asset value per share USD 5.21 4.66

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 90,625 28,509 Shares in issue 14,250,000 5,250,000 Net asset value per share EUR 6.36 5.43

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 192,991 88,543 Shares in issue 31,726,574 16,957,894 Net asset value per share USD 6.08 5.22 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 16,510 9,233 Shares in issue 2,969,752 1,916,650 Net asset value per share USD 5.56 4.82



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 3,915 1,021 Shares in issue 715,517 215,368 Net asset value per share USD 5.47 4.74 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 60,104 1,414 Shares in issue 10,534,857 285,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.71 4.96

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 128,708 11,903 Shares in issue 22,207,321 2,366,349 Net asset value per share USD 5.80 5.03 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 37,532 8,208 Shares in issue 6,539,390 1,635,331 Net asset value per share USD 5.74 5.02

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) Net asset value EUR’000 20,092 11,372 Shares in issue 17,910 11,506 Net asset value per share EUR 1,121.85 988.39 USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,551,397 766,168 Shares in issue 186,437,077 106,768,414 Net asset value per share USD 8.32 7.18 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 62,761 39,138 Shares in issue 10,508,908 7,547,632 Net asset value per share USD 5.97 5.19



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 1,623 10 Shares in issue 300,760 2,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.40 4.75 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 15,188 14,916 Shares in issue 2,712,064 3,000,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.60 4.97

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 90,601 40,750 Shares in issue 16,123,781 8,215,678 Net asset value per share USD 5.62 4.96 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 54,668 28,643 Shares in issue 9,857,462 5,785,763 Net asset value per share USD 5.55 4.95

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 546,273 392,206 Shares in issue 82,772,675 68,930,934 Net asset value per share EUR 6.60 5.69 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 101,245 50,371 Shares in issue 17,102,577 9,652,291 Net asset value per share USD 5.92 5.22

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 40,765 26,457 Shares in issue 7,616,164 5,917,637 Net asset value per share USD 5.35 4.47 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 3,500 1,557 Shares in issue 642,585 342,009 Net asset value per share USD 5.45 4.55



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK (Acc) Net asset value SEK’000 3,360,090 3,000,344 Shares in issue 63,500,000 65,000,000 Net asset value per share SEK 52.91 46.16

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 22,814 19,851 Shares in issue 3,500,000 3,500,000 Net asset value per share USD 6.52 5.67

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 5,394 2,419 Shares in issue 1,000,000 500,000 Net asset value per share USD 5.39 4.84

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 10,508 8,922 Shares in issue 1,500,000 1,500,000 Net asset value per share USD 7.01 5.95

30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) Net asset value EUR’000 10 - Shares in issue 2,000 - Net asset value per share EUR 5.00 - USD (Acc) Net asset value USD’000 616,135 620,340 Shares in issue 114,323,920 117,775,513 Net asset value per share USD 5.39 5.27 USD (Dist) Net asset value USD’000 1,158,679 690,513 Shares in issue 234,595,503 140,897,876 Net asset value per share USD 4.94 4.90

^Fund launched during the financial period.



8. Net asset value attributable to redeemable shareholders (continued)

iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF 30 Nov 2019 31 May 2019


Net asset value Net assets attributable to redeemable shareholders in accordance with FRS 104 336,724 166,926 Add: Provision for deferred tax payable 1,700 1,166 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders in accordance with the prospectus 338,424 168,092

No. of Shares Shares in issue 63,000,000 30,600,000

USD Net asset value per share attributable to redeemable shareholders in accordance with FRS 104 5.34 5.45 Net asset value per share attributable to redeemable shareholders in accordance with the prospectus 5.37 5.49

9. Exchange rates

The rates of exchange ruling at 30 November 2019 and 31 May 2019 were:

30 November 31 May 2019 2019

GBP1= EUR 1.1731 1.1311 SEK 12.3816 11.9955 USD 1.2935 1.2604

EUR1= CHF 1.1019 1.1209 DKK 7.4717 7.4675 GBP 0.8524 0.8841 JPY 120.7458 120.9906 NOK 10.1545 9.7547 SEK 10.5543 10.6055 USD 1.1026 1.1144



9. Exchange rates (continued)

30 November 31 May 2019 2019

SEK1= EUR 0.0947 0.0943 GBP 0.0808 0.0834 USD 0.1045 0.1051

USD1= AED 3.6732 3.6731 AUD 1.4784 1.4433 BRL 4.2283 3.9144 CAD 1.3283 1.3519 CHF 0.9994 1.0059 CLP 806.9200 707.0250 CNH 7.0300 6.9332 CNY 7.0265 6.9030 COP 3,524.3600 3,370.3950 CZK 23.1734 23.1817 DKK 6.7764 6.7013 EGP 16.1200 16.7400 EUR 0.9069 0.8974 GBP 0.7731 0.7934 HKD 7.8278 7.8406 HUF 303.2333 291.5512 IDR 14,105.0000 14,272.5000 ILS 3.4701 3.6282 INR 71.7375 69.6913 JPY 109.5100 108.5750 KRW 1,181.1500 1,190.9000 MXN 19.5055 19.6115 MYR 4.1765 4.1905 NOK 9.2096 8.7538 NZD 1.5579 1.5341 PHP 50.8150 52.1610 PKR 155.2450 147.8750 PLN 3.9111 3.8416 QAR 3.6410 3.6410 RUB 64.2700 65.1413 SAR 3.7500 3.7504 SEK 9.5722 9.5172 SGD 1.3675 1.3764 THB 30.2175 31.6475 TRY 5.7435 5.8357 TWD 30.5105 31.6125 ZAR 14.6530 14.5575



9. Exchange rates (continued) The average daily rates of exchange at each financial period end were:

30 November 31 May 2019 2019

GBP1= EUR 1.1264 1.1359 SEK 12.0270 11.8262 USD 1.2528 1.2993

10. Related party transactions Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or is able to exercise significant influence over the other party, in making financial or operational decisions.

The following entities were related parties to the Entity during the financial period ended 30 November 2019.

Board of Directors of the Entity Manager: BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited Investment Manager, Promoter and Securities Lending Agent: BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited Sub-Investment Managers: BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. BlackRock (Singapore) Limited BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG Representative in Switzerland: BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG

The ultimate holding company of the Manager, Investment Manager, Promoter, Sub-Investment Managers, Securities Lending Agent and Representative in Switzerland is BlackRock, Inc. a company incorporated in Delaware USA. PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”) is a substantial shareholder in BlackRock, Inc. PNC did not provide any services to the Entity in the financial periods ended 30 November 2019 and 31 May 2019.



10. Related party transactions (continued) The Investment Manager has sub-delegated certain portfolio management functions to the Sub-Investment Managers presented in table below:

Fund name Sub-Investment Manager iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited



10. Related party transactions (continued)

Fund name Sub-Investment Manager iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF BlackRock Financial Management Inc. and BlackRock (Singapore) Limited iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG



10. Related party transactions (continued)

Fund name Sub-Investment Manager iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG



10. Related party transactions (continued)

Fund name Sub-Investment Manager iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset ETF Management Deutschland AG iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited and BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG

The Investment Manager will arrange for the fees and expenses of any Sub-Investment Manager to be paid out of the Investment Manager’s own fees.

Fees payable to the Manager and Investment Manager during the financial period are paid out of the TER charged to the Funds. The TER forms part of the operating expenses which are included in the income statement.

The non-executive Directors as at 30 November 2019 are presented in the table below:

Director of BlackRock affiliates and/or other Director Employee of the BlackRock Group funds managed by BlackRock Paul McNaughton No Yes Paul McGowan No Yes Barry O’Dwyer Yes Yes Teresa O’Flynn Yes Yes Jessica Irschick Yes Yes Ros O’Shea No Yes Deirdre Somers No Yes

The Directors who are also employees of the BlackRock Group are not entitled to receive Directors’ fees.

Holdings in other funds managed by BlackRock Investments in funds managed by BlackRock, Inc. and BlackRock affiliates are listed below and marked on the relevant Funds’ Schedules of Investments.

The Entity invested in the following funds which are also managed by BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited. For income earned on these related party funds please refer to the operating income. Further information on the fees charged from investing in these underlying funds is presented in the table below. These disclosed fees are the maximum charges capped as per the prospectus of the underlying funds and actual fees charged may be lower:

Investments Fee paid by Fund Investment Company – UCITS authorised in Ireland by CBI Institutional Cash Series Plc – Euro Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund Annual expense capped at 0.03% of NAV1 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional Euro Liquidity Fund Annual expense capped at 0.03% of NAV1 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund Annual expense capped at 0.03% of NAV1



10. Related party transactions (continued) Holdings in other funds managed by BlackRock (continued)

Investments Fee paid by Fund Institutional Cash Series Plc – Sterling Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund Annual expense capped at 0.03% of NAV1 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund Annual expense capped at 0.03% of NAV1

1The Manager of these Funds will be responsible for discharging from its fee the annual expenses of the Funds. Where actual fees and costs incurred exceed the amount paid to the Manager, the excess will be discharged by the Manager from its own assets.

All related party transactions were carried out at arm’s length in the ordinary course of business. The terms and returns received by the related parties in making the investments were no more favourable than those received by other investors investing into the same share classes.

The table above details the maximum fee charges capped as per the prospectus of the underlying funds. The table below discloses the amount of the management fee rebate received during the period on the Funds in the Entity that have invested into funds which are also managed by the Manager or an affiliate of the Manager:

Management fee rebate Management fee rebate for the period ended for the period ended Fund name Currency 30 November 2019 30 November 2018 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 2,934 -

Significant holdings The following investor(s) are: a. funds managed by the BlackRock Group or are affiliates of BlackRock Inc. (“Related BlackRock Funds”) or b. investors (other than those listed in (a) above) who held more than 20% of the voting shares in issue in the Entity and are as a result, considered to be related parties to the Entity (“Significant Investors”).

As at 30 November 2019 Total % of Total % of shares held by Number of Significant shares held Significant Investors who are Investors who are not by Related not affiliates of BlackRock affiliates of BlackRock Group Fund name BlackRock Funds Group or BlackRock, Inc. or BlackRock, Inc. Citibank Europe plc Nil 100.00 1

As at 31 May 2019 Total % of Total % of shares held by Number of Significant shares held Significant Investors who are Investors who are not by Related not affiliates of BlackRock affiliates of BlackRock Group Fund name BlackRock Funds Group or BlackRock, Inc. or BlackRock, Inc. Citibank Europe plc Nil 100.00 1

Securities Lending The total income earned from securities lending transactions is split between the relevant Fund and the Securities Lending Agent. The Funds which undertake securities lending transactions receive at least 62.5%, while the Securities Lending Agent receives up to 37.5% of such income, with all operational costs borne out of the Securities Lending Agent’s share.



10. Related party transactions (continued) Securities Lending (continued) The table below details the securities lending income earned for the financial period ended:

30 November 2019 30 November 2018 Fund name Currency ’000 ’000 iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD 19 14 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD 180 151 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD 3 64 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD 6 4 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP 20 12 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR 1 1 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR 70 79 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD 64 61 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD 520 395 iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD 60 - iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD 267 148 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 5 - iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR 3 - iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR 18 15 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR 65 62 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR 5 3 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR 15 4 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR 211 188 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD 15 3 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD 4 3 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD 28 4 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD 5 1 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 34 43 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD 113 41 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD 34 34 iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD 111 41 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD 147 47 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 320 150 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD 2 - iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD 267 168 iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD 528 384 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR 7 12 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR 81 70 iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR 13 6 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD 7 - iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK 617 1,565 iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD 2 - iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD 4 3 iShares US Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD - 5



10. Related party transactions (continued) Securities Lending (continued) No provisions have been recognised by the Funds against amounts due from related parties at the financial period end date (31 May 2019: Nil).

No amounts have been written off in the financial period in respect of amounts due to or from related parties (31 May 2019: Nil).

No commitments secured or unsecured or guarantees have been entered into with related parties during the financial period (31 May 2019: Nil).

11. Commitments and contingent liabilities There were no significant commitments or contingent liabilities at the financial period ended 30 November 2019 and financial year ended 31 May 2019.



12. Subsequent events The ex-date and pay date for distributions of the below Funds occurred post financial period end to date of signing.

Fund Distribution Amount (’000) iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF $9,859 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF $25,559 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF $9,129 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF $6,338 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF £5,246 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF €234 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF $167 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF $1,452 iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF $29 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF €9 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF €5 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF €4 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF €17 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF $3 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF $11 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF $345 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF $1,192 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF $258 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF $8,994 iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF $17 iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF $697 iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF $937 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF €14 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF €196 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF €168 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF €77 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF $132 iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF $65 iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF $440 iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF $288 iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF $499 iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF $113 iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF $388 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF $367 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF $3 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF $17,274

Other than the above, there have been no events subsequent to the financial period end, which, in the opinion of the Directors of the Entity, may have had an impact on the financial statements for the financial period ended 30 November 2019.

13. Approval date The financial statements were approved by the Directors on 23 January 2020.



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 97.90%) Corporate Bonds USD 1,640,000 Aircastle Ltd 4.125% 05/01/2024 1,720 0.05 Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) USD 1,190,000 Aircastle Ltd 4.400% 25/09/2023 1,252 0.03 Australia (31 May 2019: 2.30%) USD 569,000 Aircastle Ltd 5.000% 04/01/2023 610 0.02 Corporate Bonds USD 268,000 Aircastle Ltd 5.125% 15/03/2021 277 0.01 USD 1,425,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.250% USD 1,790,000 Aircastle Ltd 5.500% 15/02/2022 1,904 0.05 11/09/2020 1,430 0.04 USD 670,000 IHS Markit Ltd 4.125% 08/01/2023 709 0.02 USD 2,245,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.300% 06/01/2021 2,255 0.06 USD 205,000 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 4.200% 22/06/2023 216 0.01 USD 1,300,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.550% Total Bermuda 6,688 0.19 23/11/2021 1,313 0.04 USD 700,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.625% Canada (31 May 2019: 3.89%) 19/05/2022 710 0.02 Corporate Bonds USD 1,450,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.625% USD 2,449,000 Bank of Montreal 1.900% 27/08/2021 2,447 0.07 11/09/2022 1,473 0.04 USD 1,465,000 Bank of Montreal 2.050% 11/01/2022 1,464 0.04 USD 2,356,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.700% 16/11/2020 2,374 0.07 USD 2,542,000 Bank of Montreal 2.100% 15/06/2020 2,543 0.07 USD 1,225,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 3.300% USD 5,205,000 Bank of Montreal 2.350% 09/11/2022 5,266 0.15 17/05/2021 1,248 0.03 USD 1,500,000 Bank of Montreal 2.500% 28/06/2024 1,515 0.04 USD 1,920,000 BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd 2.875% 24/02/2022 1,956 0.05 USD 685,000 Bank of Montreal 2.550% 11/06/2022 695 0.02 USD 555,000 BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd 3.250% 21/11/2021 569 0.02 USD 3,568,000 Bank of Montreal 2.900% 26/03/2022 3,636 0.10 USD 750,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.300% 03/12/2020 751 0.02 USD 458,000 Bank of Montreal 3.100% 13/07/2020 461 0.01 USD 2,380,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.400% 11/02/2020 2,391 0.07 USD 529,000 Bank of Montreal 3.100% 13/04/2021 537 0.01 USD 2,123,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.550% 15/03/2021 2,138 0.06 USD 2,800,000 Bank of Montreal 3.300% 02/05/2024 2,913 0.08 USD 2,550,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 1.875% 07/12/2021 2,545 0.07 USD 2,000,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.000% 15/11/2022 1,995 0.06 USD 2,615,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.125% 22/05/2020 2,617 0.07 USD 900,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.150% 14/07/2020 900 0.02 USD 1,362,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.500% 01/12/2021 1,370 0.04 USD 1,650,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.350% 21/10/2020 1,656 0.05 USD 2,410,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.500% 22/05/2022 2,436 0.07 USD 985,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.375% 18/01/2023 996 0.03 USD 1,970,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.625% 23/07/2020 1,978 0.05 USD 2,419,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.450% 22/03/2021 2,435 0.07 USD 2,750,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.625% 14/01/2021 2,770 0.08 USD 1,580,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.450% 19/09/2022 1,598 0.04 USD 345,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.800% 01/10/2022 350 0.01 USD 980,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.500% 01/08/2021 986 0.03 USD 1,735,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.875% 04/12/2023 1,774 0.05 USD 2,513,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.700% 03/07/2022 2,551 0.07 USD 1,500,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 3.000% 20/01/2023 1,540 0.04 USD 3,200,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.800% 21/07/2021 3,249 0.09 USD 260,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 3.375% 20/09/2021 266 0.01 USD 2,227,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 3.125% 20/04/2021 2,264 0.06 USD 1,428,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 3.625% 20/06/2023 1,502 0.04 USD 2,550,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 3.400% 02/11/2024 2,662 0.07 USD 1,690,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 3.700% 11/04/2021 1,743 0.05 USD 1,556,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.100% USD 2,166,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.000% 19/08/2021 2,164 0.06 10/05/2020 1,558 0.04 USD 3,495,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.100% 13/05/2021 3,498 0.10 USD 1,810,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.550% 16/06/2022 1,835 0.05 USD 3,355,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.150% 03/06/2020 3,357 0.09 USD 1,905,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.606% USD 2,278,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.300% 26/05/2020 2,281 0.06 22/07/2023 1,921 0.05 USD 1,330,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.500% 28/06/2022 1,343 0.04 USD 1,740,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.700% USD 3,590,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.600% 23/11/2020 3,613 0.10 02/02/2021 1,756 0.05 USD 2,426,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.650% 25/01/2021 2,443 0.07 USD 2,200,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 3.100% USD 500,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.750% 01/11/2023 508 0.01 04/02/2024 2,268 0.06 USD 2,260,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.800% 01/11/2022 2,293 0.06 USD 1,280,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 3.500% 13/09/2023 1,347 0.04 USD 30,000 Westpac Banking Corp 3.050% 15/05/2020 30 0.00 USD 3,085,000 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 2.950% 15/01/2023 3,135 0.09 USD 1,925,000 Westpac Banking Corp 3.300% 26/02/2024 2,002 0.06 USD 315,000 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 3.450% 15/11/2021 322 0.01 USD 1,650,000 Westpac Banking Corp 3.650% 15/05/2023 1,726 0.05 USD 175,000 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 3.800% 15/04/2024 184 0.00 Total Australia 64,757 1.80 USD 1,407,000 Cenovus Energy Inc 3.000% 15/08/2022 1,422 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Canada (31 May 2019: 3.89%) (cont) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 506,000 Seagate HDD Cayman 4.250% 03/01/2022 522 0.01 USD 2,010,000 Enbridge Inc 2.900% 15/07/2022 2,040 0.06 USD 1,185,000 Seagate HDD Cayman 4.750% 06/01/2023 1,249 0.04 USD 140,000 Enbridge Inc 3.500% 06/10/2024 146 0.00 USD 775,000 Seagate HDD Cayman 4.875% 03/01/2024 825 0.02 USD 1,025,000 Enbridge Inc 4.000% 10/01/2023 1,083 0.03 Total Cayman Islands 2,596 0.07 USD 150,000 Encana Corp 3.900% 15/11/2021 153 0.00 USD 1,075,000 Fortis Inc 2.100% 10/04/2021 1,075 0.03 France (31 May 2019: 1.18%) USD 300,000 Husky Energy Inc 3.950% 15/04/2022 309 0.01 Corporate Bonds USD 1,000,000 Husky Energy Inc 4.000% 15/04/2024 1,047 0.03 USD 600,000 BNP Paribas SA 2.375% 21/05/2020 601 0.02 USD 550,000 Kinross Gold Corp 5.125% 09/01/2021 571 0.02 USD 1,350,000 BNP Paribas SA 3.250% 03/03/2023 1,402 0.04 USD 850,000 Kinross Gold Corp 5.950% 15/03/2024 940 0.03 USD 2,000,000 BNP Paribas SA 4.250% 15/10/2024 2,111 0.06 USD 1,700,000 Magna International Inc 3.625% 15/06/2024 1,785 0.05 USD 3,745,000 BNP Paribas SA 5.000% 15/01/2021 3,869 0.11 USD 2,535,000 National Bank of Canada 2.150% 06/12/2020 2,533 0.07 USD 1,450,000 BPCE SA 2.250% 27/01/2020 1,450 0.04 USD 1,400,000 National Bank of Canada 2.200% 11/02/2020 1,403 0.04 USD 2,395,000 BPCE SA 2.650% 02/03/2021 2,413 0.07 USD 1,905,000 Rogers Communications Inc 3.000% 15/03/2023 1,942 0.05 USD 2,025,000 BPCE SA 2.750% 12/02/2021 2,054 0.06 USD 1,600,000 Rogers Communications Inc 4.100% 10/01/2023 1,699 0.05 USD 2,200,000 BPCE SA 4.000% 15/04/2024 2,355 0.07 USD 2,300,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.125% 03/02/2020 2,300 0.06 USD 825,000 Orange SA 4.125% 14/09/2021 856 0.02 USD 920,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.150% 03/06/2020 920 0.03 USD 2,951,000 Sanofi 3.375% 19/06/2023 3,091 0.09 USD 3,855,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.150% 26/10/2020 3,859 0.11 USD 4,325,000 Sanofi 4.000% 29/03/2021 4,447 0.12 USD 1,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.250% 11/01/2024 997 0.03 USD 500,000 Total Capital International SA 2.218% 07/12/2021 502 0.01 USD 2,565,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.350% 30/10/2020 2,570 0.07 USD 1,857,000 Total Capital International SA 2.700% 25/01/2023 1,896 0.05 USD 3,909,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.500% 19/01/2021 3,933 0.11 USD 4,068,000 Total Capital International SA 2.750% 19/06/2021 4,125 0.11 USD 1,750,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.550% 16/07/2024 1,770 0.05 USD 820,000 Total Capital International SA 2.875% 17/02/2022 837 0.02 USD 1,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.750% 02/01/2022 1,018 0.03 USD 2,663,000 Total Capital International SA 3.700% 15/01/2024 2,832 0.08 USD 2,380,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.800% 29/04/2022 2,425 0.07 USD 1,100,000 Total Capital International SA 3.750% 04/10/2024 1,175 0.03 USD 2,630,000 Royal Bank of Canada 3.200% 30/04/2021 2,677 0.07 USD 193,000 Total Capital SA 4.125% 28/01/2021 198 0.01 USD 2,880,000 Royal Bank of Canada 3.700% 10/05/2023 3,035 0.08 USD 135,000 Total Capital SA 4.250% 15/12/2021 141 0.00 USD 590,000 Thomson Reuters Corp 4.300% 23/11/2023 630 0.02 USD 4,656,000 Total Capital SA 4.450% 24/06/2020 4,721 0.13 USD 2,281,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.800% 13/07/2021 2,279 0.06 Total France 41,076 1.14 USD 275,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.850% 09/11/2020 275 0.01 USD 500,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.900% 12/01/2022 498 0.01 Germany (31 May 2019: 0.54%) USD 2,376,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.125% 04/07/2021 2,384 0.07 Corporate Bonds USD 1,651,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.500% 14/12/2020 1,660 0.05 USD 2,750,000 Deutsche Bank AG 2.700% 13/07/2020 2,743 0.08 USD 1,850,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.550% 25/01/2021 1,865 0.05 USD 225,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.125% 13/01/2021 225 0.01 USD 1,150,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.650% 06/12/2024 1,174 0.03 USD 3,300,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.150% 22/01/2021 3,306 0.09 USD 825,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.000% 06/11/2020 829 0.02 USD 2,763,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.300% 16/11/2022 2,773 0.08 USD 2,685,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.150% 17/09/2020 2,711 0.08 USD 550,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.375% 05/12/2021 554 0.02 USD 1,495,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.250% 06/11/2021 1,525 0.04 USD 300,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.375% 05/12/2021 302 0.01 USD 3,300,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.250% 03/11/2024 3,446 0.10 USD 1,315,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.700% 30/05/2024 1,322 0.04 USD 3,955,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.500% 19/07/2023 4,159 0.12 USD 1,250,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.700% 30/05/2024 1,254 0.03 USD 600,000 Total Capital Canada Ltd 2.750% 15/07/2023 617 0.02 USD 2,100,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.950% 27/02/2023 2,136 0.06 USD 2,320,000 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd 2.500% 08/01/2022 2,342 0.07 USD 800,000 Deutsche Bank AG 3.961% 26/11/2025 806 0.02 USD 1,705,000 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd 3.750% 16/10/2023 1,793 0.05 USD 2,580,000 Deutsche Bank AG 4.250% 02/04/2021 2,618 0.07 USD 675,000 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd 3.800% 10/01/2020 686 0.02 USD 850,000 Deutsche Bank AG 4.250% 14/10/2021 869 0.02 Total Canada 129,620 3.61 USD 4,565,000 Deutsche Bank AG 5.000% 14/02/2022 4,744 0.13 Total Germany 23,652 0.66



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 2.20%) Guernsey (31 May 2019: 0.49%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds USD 3,875,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2.190% ^ USD 4,625,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd 2.750% 13/09/2021 3,881 0.11 26/03/2020 4,629 0.13 USD 2,250,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2.623% USD 4,334,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd 3.125% 18/07/2022 2,275 0.06 12/10/2020 4,377 0.12 USD 4,424,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2.665% USD 2,028,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd 3.450% 25/07/2022 4,478 0.13 16/04/2021 2,061 0.06 USD 2,600,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2.801% ^ USD 2,950,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd 3.800% 18/07/2024 2,647 0.07 15/09/2022 3,064 0.08 USD 2,819,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2.950% USD 3,300,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd 3.800% 03/01/2021 2,850 0.08 06/09/2023^ 3,447 0.10 USD 830,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 2.998% ^ Total Guernsey 17,578 0.49 22/02/2022 846 0.02 USD 988,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 3.218% 03/07/2022 1,011 0.03 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.22%) USD 2,900,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 3.407% Corporate Bonds 03/07/2024 3,021 0.08 USD 1,500,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 1,925,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 3.455% Trust 2.875% 14/08/2024 1,507 0.04 03/02/2023 1,995 0.06 USD 1,665,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 1,670,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 3.535% ^ Trust 3.300% 23/01/2023 1,705 0.05 26/07/2021 1,709 0.05 USD 665,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 3,350,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 3.761% Trust 3.500% 26/05/2022 683 0.02 26/07/2023 3,518 0.10 USD 2,150,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 2,275,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 2.273% 13/09/2021 2,278 0.06 Trust 3.950% 02/01/2022 2,225 0.06 USD 1,950,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 2.601% 09/11/2022 1,969 0.06 USD 1,275,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust 4.125% 07/03/2023 1,345 0.04 USD 200,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 2.721% 16/07/2023 202 0.01 USD 285,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 3,915,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 2.953% 28/02/2022 3,981 0.11 Trust 4.250% 07/01/2020 289 0.01 USD 745,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 3.549% 03/05/2023 773 0.02 USD 500,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 2,500,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 3.922% 09/11/2024 2,628 0.07 Trust 4.450% 16/12/2021 522 0.01 USD 350,000 Nomura Holdings Inc 6.700% 03/04/2020 354 0.01 USD 4,000,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 1,400,000 ORIX Corp 4.050% 16/01/2024 1,488 0.04 Trust 4.500% 15/05/2021 4,142 0.12 USD 2,250,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.450% 16/01/2020 2,251 0.06 USD 2,150,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust 4.625% 30/10/2020 2,205 0.06 USD 350,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.450% 20/10/2020 351 0.01 USD 650,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 1,750,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.514% 17/01/2020 1,751 0.05 Trust 4.625% 07/01/2022 687 0.02 USD 800,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.650% 23/07/2020 803 0.02 USD 1,500,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 1,000,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 3.400% 07/11/2024 1,046 0.03 Trust 4.875% 16/01/2024 1,625 0.05 USD 300,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 3.950% 01/10/2024 319 0.01 USD 1,115,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 2,781,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.058% Trust 5.000% 10/01/2021 1,172 0.03 14/07/2021 2,781 0.08 USD 9,335,000 GE Capital International Funding Co Unlimited Co USD 1,907,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.442% 2.342% 15/11/2020 9,328 0.26 19/10/2021 1,920 0.05 USD 6,140,000 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.400% USD 2,500,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.448% 23/09/2021 6,166 0.17 27/09/2024 2,499 0.07 USD 2,978,000 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% USD 2,750,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.696% 23/09/2023 3,029 0.08 16/07/2024 2,779 0.08 USD 360,000 Willis Towers Watson Plc 5.750% 15/03/2021 376 0.01 USD 1,730,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.778% Total Ireland 37,006 1.03 18/10/2022 1,757 0.05 USD 3,861,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.784% Italy (31 May 2019: 0.01%) 07/12/2022 3,923 0.11 USD 1,170,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.846% 01/11/2022 1,187 0.03



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.92%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 2.20%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,001,000 LyondellBasell Industries NV 6.000% 15/11/2021 2,127 0.06 USD 2,801,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 2.934% USD 3,350,000 Mylan NV 3.150% 15/06/2021 3,389 0.09 03/09/2021 2,834 0.08 USD 1,258,000 Mylan NV 3.750% 15/12/2020 1,275 0.04 USD 4,322,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 3.102% USD 1,750,000 NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC 4.875% 03/01/2024 1,898 0.05 17/01/2023 4,427 0.12 USD 2,981,000 Shell International Finance BV 1.750% 09/12/2021 2,974 0.08 USD 3,380,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 3.748% 19/07/2023 3,545 0.10 USD 2,870,000 Shell International Finance BV 1.875% 05/10/2021 2,870 0.08 USD 1,750,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 3.936% USD 1,000,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.000% 11/07/2024 994 0.03 16/10/2023^ 1,853 0.05 USD 3,449,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.125% 05/11/2020 3,455 0.10 USD 700,000 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4.000% 26/11/2021 723 0.02 USD 3,755,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.250% 11/10/2020 3,771 0.10 USD 3,000,000 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4.400% 26/11/2023 3,221 0.09 USD 1,275,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.250% 01/06/2023 1,284 0.04 USD 1,415,000 Toyota Motor Corp 2.157% 07/02/2022 1,423 0.04 USD 900,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.375% 21/08/2022 911 0.03 USD 100,000 Toyota Motor Corp 2.358% 07/02/2024 101 0.00 USD 1,085,000 Shell International Finance BV 3.400% 08/12/2023 1,137 0.03 USD 1,389,000 Toyota Motor Corp 3.183% 20/07/2021 1,418 0.04 USD 1,650,000 Shell International Finance BV 3.500% 13/11/2023 1,739 0.05 USD 1,525,000 Toyota Motor Corp 3.419% 20/07/2023 1,599 0.05 USD 1,550,000 Shell International Finance BV 4.375% 25/03/2020 1,562 0.04 Total Japan 86,415 2.41 USD 630,000 Syngenta Finance NV 3.125% 28/03/2022 633 0.02 Total Netherlands 67,693 1.89 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.50%) Corporate Bonds Norway (31 May 2019: 0.22%) USD 5,320,000 Allergan Funding SCS 3.000% 03/12/2020 5,328 0.15 Corporate Bonds USD 4,472,000 Allergan Funding SCS 3.450% 15/03/2022 4,566 0.13 USD 970,000 Equinor ASA 2.450% 17/01/2023 983 0.03 USD 1,650,000 Allergan Funding SCS 3.850% 15/06/2024 1,731 0.05 USD 1,275,000 Equinor ASA 2.650% 15/01/2024 1,308 0.04 USD 1,400,000 ArcelorMittal SA 3.600% 16/07/2024 1,425 0.04 USD 1,071,000 Equinor ASA 2.750% 11/10/2021 1,088 0.03 USD 647,000 ArcelorMittal SA 5.500% 03/01/2021 670 0.02 USD 2,947,000 Equinor ASA 2.900% 11/08/2020 2,977 0.08 USD 1,460,000 ArcelorMittal SA 6.250% 25/02/2022 1,572 0.04 USD 1,415,000 Equinor ASA 3.150% 23/01/2022 1,451 0.04 USD 585,000 Covidien International Finance SA 3.200% 15/06/2022 601 0.02 USD 1,000,000 Equinor ASA 3.700% 03/01/2024 1,066 0.03 USD 2,000,000 DH Europe Finance II Sarl 2.200% 15/11/2024 1,998 0.05 Total Norway 8,873 0.25 USD 3,050,000 Schlumberger Investment SA 3.650% 12/01/2023 3,205 0.09 Total Luxembourg 21,096 0.59 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.04%) Corporate Bonds Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.92%) USD 652,000 Flex Ltd 5.000% 15/02/2023 695 0.02 Corporate Bonds Total Singapore 695 0.02 USD 1,571,000 CNH Industrial NV 4.500% 15/08/2023 1,674 0.05 USD 2,250,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 2.250% 14/01/2020 2,251 0.06 Spain (31 May 2019: 0.45%) USD 4,351,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 2.500% 19/01/2021 4,377 0.12 Corporate Bonds USD 2,430,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 2.750% 01/10/2022 2,463 0.07 USD 1,825,000 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 3.000% USD 2,700,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 2.750% 01/10/2023 2,748 0.08 20/10/2020 1,840 0.05 USD 1,791,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 3.125% 26/04/2021 1,818 0.05 USD 3,200,000 Banco Santander SA 2.706% 27/06/2024 3,232 0.09 USD 3,469,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 3.875% 02/08/2022 3,601 0.10 USD 3,100,000 Banco Santander SA 3.125% 23/02/2023 3,156 0.09 USD 1,750,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 3.950% 11/09/2022 1,822 0.05 USD 1,400,000 Banco Santander SA 3.500% 04/11/2022 1,437 0.04 USD 3,434,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 4.500% 01/11/2021 3,527 0.10 USD 1,200,000 Banco Santander SA 3.848% 04/12/2023 1,251 0.03 USD 2,800,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 4.625% 12/01/2023 3,020 0.08 USD 1,445,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 4.570% 27/04/2023 1,554 0.04 USD 3,862,000 ING Groep NV 3.150% 29/03/2022 3,948 0.11 USD 1,252,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.134% 27/04/2020 1,268 0.04 USD 2,045,000 ING Groep NV 3.550% 04/09/2024 2,131 0.06 USD 3,742,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.462% 16/02/2021 3,893 0.11 USD 1,455,000 ING Groep NV 4.100% 10/02/2023 1,542 0.04 Total Spain 17,631 0.49 USD 2,365,000 LYB International Finance BV 4.000% 15/07/2023 2,498 0.07 USD 225,000 LyondellBasell Industries NV 5.750% 15/04/2024 254 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.60%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.61%) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds USD 1,500,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 3.535% 11/04/2024 1,594 0.04 USD 2,485,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 1.875% USD 3,378,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 3.561% 11/01/2021 3,477 0.10 13/09/2021 2,473 0.07 USD 1,400,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 3.814% 02/10/2024 1,488 0.04 USD 2,100,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.300% USD 475,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 3.994% 26/09/2023 507 0.01 03/11/2020 2,100 0.06 USD 1,200,000 British Telecommunications Plc 4.500% 12/04/2023 1,289 0.04 USD 2,325,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.625% 15/03/2021 2,339 0.07 USD 1,230,000 Capital Plc 2.125% 24/10/2024 1,229 0.03 USD 346,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.800% USD 570,000 Diageo Capital Plc 2.625% 29/04/2023 579 0.02 03/11/2022 350 0.01 USD 1,560,000 Diageo Capital Plc 3.000% 18/05/2020 1,567 0.04 USD 1,050,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 1.875% 09/07/2021 1,049 0.03 USD 500,000 Diageo Capital Plc 3.500% 18/09/2023 524 0.01 USD 2,250,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 1.950% 09/08/2020 2,247 0.06 USD 1,950,000 Diageo Capital Plc 4.828% 15/07/2020 1,984 0.06 USD 1,870,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.400% 10/01/2020 1,877 0.05 USD 3,250,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc 2.850% 05/08/2022 3,317 0.09 USD 4,425,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.450% 30/03/2021 4,452 0.12 USD 715,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc 2.875% 06/01/2022 730 0.02 USD 2,225,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 3.350% 24/05/2021 2,267 0.06 USD 2,575,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc 3.000% 06/01/2024 2,670 0.07 USD 2,000,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 3.900% 20/11/2023 2,130 0.06 USD 3,200,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc 3.125% 14/05/2021 3,255 0.09 Total Sweden 21,284 0.59 USD 5,145,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 2.650% 01/05/2022 5,192 0.14 USD 5,190,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 2.950% 25/05/2021 5,251 0.15 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.34%) USD 1,000,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 3.033% 22/11/2023 1,019 0.03 Corporate Bonds USD 5,230,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 3.262% 13/03/2023 5,329 0.15 USD 3,270,000 Credit Suisse AG 3.000% 29/10/2021 3,329 0.09 USD 6,007,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 3.400% 03/08/2021 6,098 0.17 USD 4,350,000 Credit Suisse AG 3.625% 09/09/2024 4,606 0.13 USD 2,975,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 3.600% 25/05/2023 3,097 0.09 USD 1,075,000 Credit Suisse AG 4.375% 08/05/2020 1,088 0.03 USD 3,500,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 3.950% 18/05/2024 3,658 0.10 USD 514,000 Credit Suisse AG 5.400% 14/01/2020 516 0.01 USD 2,570,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 4.000% 30/03/2022 2,673 0.07 USD 875,000 UBS AG 2.350% 26/03/2020 875 0.03 USD 3,832,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 4.250% 14/03/2024 4,068 0.11 USD 1,300,000 UBS AG 4.875% 08/04/2020 1,325 0.04 USD 3,060,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 5.100% 04/05/2021 3,178 0.09 Total Switzerland 11,739 0.33 USD 1,539,000 Invesco Finance Plc 3.125% 30/11/2022 1,575 0.04 USD 255,000 Invesco Finance Plc 4.000% 30/01/2024 271 0.01 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.60%) USD 1,750,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 2.250% 14/08/2022 1,752 0.05 Corporate Bonds USD 1,100,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 2.700% 17/08/2020 1,103 0.03 USD 1,135,000 Aon Plc 3.500% 14/06/2024 1,189 0.03 USD 3,574,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 3.300% 05/07/2021 3,634 0.10 USD 3,684,000 AstraZeneca Plc 2.375% 16/11/2020 3,699 0.10 USD 811,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 6.375% 21/01/2021 852 0.02 USD 1,701,000 AstraZeneca Plc 2.375% 06/12/2022 1,716 0.05 USD 1,000,000 Plc 2.858% 17/03/2023 1,009 0.03 USD 1,600,000 AstraZeneca Plc 3.500% 17/08/2023 1,671 0.05 USD 3,670,000 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 2.907% 11/07/2023 3,713 0.10 USD 2,388,000 Barclays Bank Plc 2.650% 01/11/2021 2,402 0.07 USD 3,060,000 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 3.000% 01/11/2022 3,101 0.09 USD 200,000 Barclays Bank Plc 3.750% 15/05/2024 212 0.01 USD 2,350,000 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 3.100% 07/06/2021 2,385 0.07 USD 2,305,000 Barclays Bank Plc 5.140% 14/10/2020 2,356 0.07 USD 1,475,000 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 3.900% 03/12/2024 1,552 0.04 USD 1,895,000 Barclays Plc 2.875% 06/08/2020 1,900 0.05 USD 2,500,000 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 4.050% 16/08/2023 2,638 0.07 USD 3,250,000 Barclays Plc 3.200% 08/10/2021 3,294 0.09 USD 1,000,000 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 4.500% 11/04/2024 1,061 0.03 USD 3,905,000 Barclays Plc 3.250% 01/12/2021 3,945 0.11 USD 5,145,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 3.498% 15/05/2023 5,252 0.15 USD 1,580,000 Barclays Plc 3.684% 01/10/2023 1,614 0.05 USD 1,550,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 3.875% 09/12/2023 1,613 0.05 USD 3,103,000 Barclays Plc 4.338% 16/05/2024 3,256 0.09 USD 2,190,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 4.519% ^ USD 2,850,000 Barclays Plc 4.375% 09/11/2024 2,967 0.08 25/06/2024 2,317 0.06 USD 2,695,000 Barclays Plc 4.610% 15/02/2023 2,809 0.08 USD 4,300,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 5.125% 28/05/2024^ 4,623 0.13 USD 1,584,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.315% 13/02/2020 1,586 0.04 USD 4,150,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 6.000% USD 500,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.500% 11/06/2022 507 0.01 19/12/2023^ 4,587 0.13 USD 1,725,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.521% 15/01/2020 1,726 0.05 USD 2,200,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 6.100% 06/10/2023 2,408 0.07 USD 2,306,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 3.062% 17/03/2022 2,363 0.07 USD 1,392,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 6.125% 15/12/2022 1,511 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.60%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,705,000 Aflac Inc 3.625% 15/06/2023 1,793 0.05 USD 550,000 Santander UK Group Holdings Plc 2.875% 16/10/2020 552 0.02 USD 898,000 Agilent Technologies Inc 3.875% 15/07/2023 942 0.03 USD 4,774,000 Santander UK Group Holdings Plc 2.875% USD 688,000 Air Lease Corp 2.500% 03/01/2021^ 691 0.02 ^ 08/05/2021 4,824 0.13 USD 2,353,000 Air Lease Corp 2.625% 07/01/2022 2,370 0.07 USD 1,818,000 Santander UK Group Holdings Plc 3.125% USD 2,065,000 Air Lease Corp 2.750% 15/01/2023 2,083 0.06 01/08/2021^ 1,836 0.05 USD 425,000 Air Lease Corp 3.000% 15/09/2023 434 0.01 USD 2,450,000 Santander UK Group Holdings Plc 3.373% 01/05/2024 2,491 0.07 USD 4,696,000 Air Lease Corp 3.375% 06/01/2021 4,771 0.13 USD 825,000 Santander UK Group Holdings Plc 3.571% 01/10/2023 842 0.02 USD 150,000 Air Lease Corp 3.500% 15/01/2022 154 0.00 USD 1,000,000 Santander UK Group Holdings Plc 4.796% 15/11/2024 1,074 0.03 USD 500,000 Air Lease Corp 3.750% 02/01/2022 514 0.01 USD 250,000 Santander UK Plc 2.125% 11/03/2020 250 0.01 USD 692,000 Air Lease Corp 3.875% 04/01/2021 707 0.02 USD 1,813,000 Santander UK Plc 2.375% 16/03/2020 1,813 0.05 USD 1,965,000 Air Lease Corp 3.875% 07/03/2023 2,059 0.06 USD 550,000 Santander UK Plc 2.500% 01/05/2021 552 0.02 USD 1,050,000 Air Lease Corp 4.250% 02/01/2024 1,123 0.03 USD 1,500,000 Santander UK Plc 2.875% 18/06/2024 1,523 0.04 USD 140,000 Air Lease Corp 4.250% 15/09/2024 150 0.00 USD 2,410,000 Santander UK Plc 3.400% 06/01/2021 2,456 0.07 USD 265,000 Alabama Power Co 2.450% 30/03/2022 268 0.01 USD 2,135,000 Santander UK Plc 3.750% 15/11/2021 2,201 0.06 USD 2,300,000 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 3.900% USD 275,000 Santander UK Plc 4.000% 13/03/2024 292 0.01 15/06/2023 2,416 0.07 USD 4,825,000 Group Plc 3.750% 16/01/2024 5,079 0.14 USD 635,000 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 4.000% USD 339,000 WPP Finance 2010 3.625% 09/07/2022 351 0.01 15/01/2024 679 0.02 USD 1,505,000 WPP Finance 2010 3.750% 19/09/2024 1,580 0.04 USD 4,593,000 Allergan Finance LLC 3.250% 10/01/2022 4,685 0.13 USD 855,000 WPP Finance 2010 4.750% 21/11/2021 895 0.03 USD 285,000 Allstate Corp 3.150% 15/06/2023 296 0.01 Total United Kingdom 178,553 4.97 USD 2,100,000 Ally Financial Inc 3.875% 21/05/2024 2,187 0.06 USD 2,450,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.125% 13/02/2022 2,531 0.07 United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) USD 1,305,000 Alphabet Inc 3.375% 25/02/2024 1,384 0.04 Corporate Bonds USD 1,300,000 Alphabet Inc 3.625% 19/05/2021 1,333 0.04 USD 775,000 3M Co 1.625% 19/09/2021 772 0.02 USD 2,300,000 Altria Group Inc 2.625% 14/01/2020 2,301 0.06 USD 500,000 3M Co 1.750% 14/02/2023 497 0.01 USD 4,570,000 Altria Group Inc 2.850% 08/09/2022 4,630 0.13 USD 1,800,000 3M Co 2.000% 08/07/2020 1,802 0.05 USD 931,000 Altria Group Inc 3.490% 14/02/2022 956 0.03 USD 185,000 3M Co 2.000% 26/06/2022 186 0.01 USD 940,000 Altria Group Inc 3.800% 14/02/2024 987 0.03 USD 470,000 3M Co 2.250% 15/03/2023 474 0.01 USD 3,175,000 Altria Group Inc 4.000% 31/01/2024 3,351 0.09 USD 2,700,000 3M Co 3.250% 14/02/2024 2,829 0.08 USD 1,055,000 Altria Group Inc 4.750% 05/05/2021 1,093 0.03 USD 2,881,000 ABB Finance USA Inc 2.875% 05/08/2022 2,937 0.08 USD 2,435,000 Inc 1.900% 21/08/2020 2,439 0.07 USD 2,192,000 Abbott Laboratories 2.550% 15/03/2022 2,224 0.06 USD 1,805,000 Inc 2.400% 22/02/2023 1,832 0.05 USD 5,686,000 Abbott Laboratories 2.900% 30/11/2021 5,795 0.16 USD 3,095,000 Inc 2.500% 29/11/2022 3,149 0.09 USD 775,000 Abbott Laboratories 3.400% 30/11/2023 814 0.02 USD 3,000,000 Inc 2.800% 22/08/2024 3,101 0.09 USD 900,000 AbbVie Inc 2.150% 19/11/2021 900 0.03 USD 919,000 Inc 3.300% 12/05/2021 943 0.03 USD 3,110,000 AbbVie Inc 2.300% 14/05/2021 3,119 0.09 USD 1,170,000 American Electric Power Co Inc 2.150% 13/11/2020 1,172 0.03 USD 700,000 AbbVie Inc 2.300% 21/11/2022 701 0.02 USD 2,866,000 American Express Co 2.200% 30/10/2020 2,867 0.08 USD 5,432,000 AbbVie Inc 2.500% 14/05/2020 5,440 0.15 USD 3,839,000 American Express Co 2.500% 08/01/2022 3,879 0.11 USD 3,400,000 AbbVie Inc 2.600% 21/11/2024 3,415 0.10 USD 2,565,000 American Express Co 2.500% 30/07/2024 2,585 0.07 USD 1,100,000 AbbVie Inc 2.850% 14/05/2023 1,118 0.03 USD 430,000 American Express Co 2.650% 12/02/2022 437 0.01 USD 5,705,000 AbbVie Inc 2.900% 11/06/2022 5,801 0.16 USD 2,400,000 American Express Co 2.750% 20/05/2022 2,435 0.07 USD 950,000 AbbVie Inc 3.200% 11/06/2022 973 0.03 USD 555,000 American Express Co 3.000% 22/02/2021 562 0.02 USD 1,200,000 AbbVie Inc 3.375% 14/11/2021 1,229 0.03 USD 2,000,000 American Express Co 3.000% 30/10/2024 2,062 0.06 USD 2,685,000 AbbVie Inc 3.750% 14/11/2023 2,820 0.08 USD 520,000 American Express Co 3.375% 17/05/2021 530 0.01 USD 1,935,000 Activision Blizzard Inc 2.300% 15/09/2021 1,943 0.05 USD 3,969,000 American Express Co 3.400% 27/02/2023 4,121 0.11 USD 3,404,000 Aetna Inc 2.750% 15/11/2022 3,454 0.10 USD 2,500,000 American Express Co 3.400% 22/02/2024 2,610 0.07 USD 1,293,000 Aetna Inc 2.800% 15/06/2023 1,312 0.04 USD 250,000 American Express Co 3.700% 11/05/2021 258 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 925,000 Amgen Inc 2.125% 05/01/2020 925 0.03 USD 2,350,000 American Express Co 3.700% 08/03/2023 2,471 0.07 USD 1,337,000 Amgen Inc 2.200% 05/11/2020 1,337 0.04 USD 4,250,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.200% 03/03/2020 4,251 0.12 USD 1,425,000 Amgen Inc 2.250% 19/08/2023 1,429 0.04 USD 4,487,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.250% 05/05/2021 4,507 0.13 USD 4,863,000 Amgen Inc 2.650% 05/11/2022 4,925 0.14 USD 3,589,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.375% 26/05/2020 3,593 0.10 USD 948,000 Amgen Inc 2.700% 05/01/2022 960 0.03 USD 1,575,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.600% 14/09/2020 1,582 0.04 USD 1,165,000 Amgen Inc 3.450% 10/01/2020 1,181 0.03 USD 2,693,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.700% 03/03/2022 2,735 0.08 USD 697,000 Amgen Inc 3.625% 15/05/2022 719 0.02 USD 1,790,000 American Honda Finance Corp 1.650% 07/12/2021 1,783 0.05 USD 1,665,000 Amgen Inc 3.625% 22/05/2024 1,760 0.05 USD 739,000 American Honda Finance Corp 1.700% 09/09/2021 736 0.02 USD 2,271,000 Amgen Inc 3.875% 15/11/2021 2,340 0.07 USD 2,401,000 American Honda Finance Corp 1.950% 20/07/2020 2,405 0.07 USD 1,013,000 Amgen Inc 4.100% 15/06/2021 1,041 0.03 USD 1,091,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.000% 14/02/2020 1,091 0.03 USD 85,000 Analog Devices Inc 2.875% 06/01/2023 87 0.00 USD 546,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.050% 01/10/2023 546 0.02 USD 1,068,000 Analog Devices Inc 3.125% 12/05/2023 1,100 0.03 USD 1,500,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.150% 09/10/2024 1,497 0.04 USD 125,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc 2.625% USD 345,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.200% 27/06/2022 347 0.01 17/01/2023 127 0.00 USD 1,175,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.400% 27/06/2024 1,185 0.03 USD 7,530,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc 3.300% 02/01/2023 7,804 0.22 USD 2,157,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.450% 24/09/2020 2,169 0.06 USD 1,650,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc 3.700% USD 2,305,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.600% 16/11/2022 2,343 0.07 02/01/2024 1,751 0.05 USD 2,340,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.650% 02/12/2021 2,360 0.07 USD 2,045,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc 3.500% USD 675,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.900% 16/02/2024 696 0.02 01/12/2024 2,147 0.06 USD 125,000 American Honda Finance Corp 3.000% 16/06/2020 126 0.00 USD 550,000 Anthem Inc 2.500% 21/11/2020 553 0.02 USD 1,135,000 American Honda Finance Corp 3.150% 01/08/2021 1,150 0.03 USD 2,410,000 Anthem Inc 2.950% 12/01/2022 2,463 0.07 USD 1,035,000 American Honda Finance Corp 3.375% 12/10/2021 1,064 0.03 USD 2,303,000 Anthem Inc 3.125% 15/05/2022 2,354 0.07 USD 1,125,000 American Honda Finance Corp 3.450% 14/07/2023 1,179 0.03 USD 1,500,000 Anthem Inc 3.500% 15/08/2024 1,569 0.04 USD 1,015,000 American Honda Finance Corp 3.550% 01/12/2024 1,071 0.03 USD 1,284,000 Anthem Inc 3.700% 15/08/2021 1,313 0.04 USD 500,000 American Honda Finance Corp 3.625% 10/10/2023 528 0.01 USD 1,915,000 Anthem Inc 4.350% 15/08/2020 1,946 0.05 USD 3,864,000 American International Group Inc 3.300% 03/01/2021 3,919 0.11 USD 100,000 Aon Corp 5.000% 30/09/2020 102 0.00 USD 250,000 American International Group Inc 3.375% 15/08/2020 253 0.01 USD 561,000 Apple Inc 1.550% 02/07/2020 561 0.02 USD 1,325,000 American International Group Inc 4.125% 15/02/2024 1,418 0.04 USD 3,329,000 Apple Inc 1.550% 08/04/2021 3,316 0.09 USD 3,199,000 American International Group Inc 4.875% 06/01/2022 3,421 0.10 USD 405,000 Apple Inc 1.700% 09/11/2022 403 0.01 USD 963,000 American International Group Inc 6.400% 15/12/2020 1,007 0.03 USD 618,000 Apple Inc 1.800% 05/11/2020 618 0.02 USD 3,534,000 American Tower Corp 2.250% 15/01/2022 3,538 0.10 USD 1,285,000 Apple Inc 1.800% 09/11/2024 1,275 0.04 USD 400,000 American Tower Corp 2.800% 06/01/2020 401 0.01 USD 1,700,000 Apple Inc 1.900% 02/07/2020 1,700 0.05 USD 350,000 American Tower Corp 3.000% 15/06/2023 358 0.01 USD 3,668,000 Apple Inc 2.000% 05/06/2020 3,670 0.10 USD 2,375,000 American Tower Corp 3.300% 15/02/2021 2,406 0.07 USD 795,000 Apple Inc 2.000% 13/11/2020 797 0.02 USD 1,100,000 American Tower Corp 3.375% 15/05/2024 1,140 0.03 USD 1,778,000 Apple Inc 2.100% 09/12/2022 1,791 0.05 USD 1,384,000 American Tower Corp 3.450% 15/09/2021 1,415 0.04 USD 1,940,000 Apple Inc 2.150% 02/09/2022 1,953 0.05 USD 2,824,000 American Tower Corp 3.500% 31/01/2023 2,924 0.08 USD 5,625,000 Apple Inc 2.250% 23/02/2021 5,653 0.16 USD 823,000 American Tower Corp 4.700% 15/03/2022 869 0.02 USD 2,918,000 Apple Inc 2.300% 05/11/2022 2,949 0.08 USD 975,000 American Tower Corp 5.000% 15/02/2024 1,072 0.03 USD 1,225,000 Apple Inc 2.400% 13/01/2023 1,242 0.03 USD 200,000 American Tower Corp 5.900% 11/01/2021 214 0.01 USD 6,937,000 Apple Inc 2.400% 05/03/2023 7,040 0.20 USD 2,150,000 Ameriprise Financial Inc 3.000% 22/03/2022 2,192 0.06 USD 3,900,000 Apple Inc 2.500% 02/09/2022 3,953 0.11 USD 1,185,000 Ameriprise Financial Inc 4.000% 15/10/2023 1,261 0.04 USD 1,487,000 Apple Inc 2.700% 13/05/2022 1,518 0.04 USD 303,000 Ameriprise Financial Inc 5.300% 15/03/2020 306 0.01 USD 5,380,000 Apple Inc 2.850% 05/06/2021 5,459 0.15 USD 1,260,000 AmerisourceBergen Corp 3.400% 15/05/2024 1,307 0.04 USD 3,665,000 Apple Inc 2.850% 23/02/2023 3,758 0.10 USD 679,000 AmerisourceBergen Corp 3.500% 15/11/2021 696 0.02 USD 2,375,000 Apple Inc 2.850% 05/11/2024 2,454 0.07 USD 2,100,000 Amgen Inc 1.850% 19/08/2021 2,093 0.06 USD 2,881,000 Apple Inc 3.000% 02/09/2024 2,992 0.08



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,500,000 Bank of America Corp 4.100% 24/07/2023 2,664 0.07 USD 5,500,000 Apple Inc 3.450% 05/06/2024 5,828 0.16 USD 4,950,000 Bank of America Corp 4.125% 22/01/2024 5,305 0.15 USD 396,000 Applied Materials Inc 2.625% 10/01/2020 398 0.01 USD 4,500,000 Bank of America Corp 4.200% 26/08/2024 4,814 0.13 USD 1,395,000 Applied Materials Inc 4.300% 15/06/2021 1,445 0.04 USD 3,265,000 Bank of America Corp 5.000% 13/05/2021 3,401 0.09 USD 1,035,000 Aptiv Corp 4.150% 15/03/2024 1,100 0.03 USD 265,000 Bank of America Corp 5.625% 07/01/2020 270 0.01 USD 2,155,000 Ares Capital Corp 3.500% 02/10/2023 2,185 0.06 USD 433,000 Bank of America Corp 5.700% 24/01/2022 467 0.01 USD 570,000 Ares Capital Corp 3.625% 19/01/2022 579 0.02 USD 1,515,000 Bank of America Corp 5.875% 01/05/2021 1,578 0.04 USD 900,000 Ares Capital Corp 3.875% 15/01/2020 901 0.03 USD 1,005,000 Bank of America NA 3.335% 25/01/2023 1,030 0.03 USD 1,075,000 Ares Capital Corp 4.200% 06/10/2024 1,115 0.03 USD 1,050,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 1.950% 23/08/2022 1,049 0.03 USD 50,000 Arrow Electronics Inc 3.250% 09/08/2024 51 0.00 USD 3,694,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.050% 05/03/2021 3,701 0.10 USD 4,938,000 AT&T Inc 2.450% 30/06/2020 4,946 0.14 USD 500,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.100% 24/10/2024 500 0.01 USD 2,791,000 AT&T Inc 2.625% 12/01/2022 2,827 0.08 USD 942,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.150% 24/02/2020 943 0.03 USD 3,090,000 AT&T Inc 2.800% 17/02/2021 3,117 0.09 USD 1,505,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.200% 16/08/2023 1,512 0.04 USD 550,000 AT&T Inc 3.000% 15/02/2022 561 0.02 USD 1,611,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.450% 27/11/2020 1,617 0.05 USD 4,344,000 AT&T Inc 3.000% 30/06/2022 4,427 0.12 USD 3,697,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.500% 15/04/2021 3,724 0.10 USD 1,800,000 AT&T Inc 3.200% 03/01/2022^ 1,842 0.05 USD 2,823,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.600% 17/08/2020 2,834 0.08 USD 515,000 AT&T Inc 3.550% 06/01/2024 540 0.02 USD 3,450,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.600% 02/07/2022 3,498 0.10 USD 2,075,000 AT&T Inc 3.600% 17/02/2023 2,162 0.06 USD 1,295,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.950% 29/01/2023 1,333 0.04 USD 2,849,000 AT&T Inc 3.800% 15/03/2022 2,956 0.08 USD 2,125,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 3.250% 09/11/2024 2,231 0.06 USD 1,580,000 AT&T Inc 3.800% 03/01/2024 1,670 0.05 USD 960,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 3.400% 15/05/2024 1,009 0.03 USD 700,000 AT&T Inc 3.875% 15/08/2021 722 0.02 USD 675,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 3.450% 08/11/2023 708 0.02 USD 2,000,000 AT&T Inc 3.900% 03/11/2024 2,118 0.06 USD 1,430,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 3.500% 28/04/2023 1,498 0.04 USD 544,000 AT&T Inc 4.450% 15/05/2021 562 0.02 USD 1,191,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 3.550% 23/09/2021 1,224 0.03 USD 1,725,000 AT&T Inc 4.450% 04/01/2024 1,863 0.05 USD 1,000,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 3.650% 02/04/2024 1,060 0.03 USD 2,048,000 AT&T Inc 4.600% 15/02/2021 2,099 0.06 USD 593,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 4.150% 02/01/2021 608 0.02 USD 1,020,000 Automatic Data Processing Inc 2.250% 15/09/2020 1,023 0.03 USD 4,815,000 BAT Capital Corp 2.764% 15/08/2022 4,861 0.14 USD 75,000 AutoZone Inc 3.125% 15/07/2023 77 0.00 USD 1,850,000 BAT Capital Corp 2.789% 09/06/2024 1,850 0.05 USD 1,025,000 AutoZone Inc 3.700% 15/04/2022 1,058 0.03 USD 3,500,000 BAT Capital Corp 3.222% 15/08/2024 3,560 0.10 USD 1,520,000 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 3.900% 20/04/2023 1,592 0.04 USD 2,180,000 BB&T Corp 2.050% 05/10/2021 2,180 0.06 USD 4,000,000 Baker Hughes a GE Co LLC / Baker Hughes USD 1,733,000 BB&T Corp 2.150% 02/01/2021 1,735 0.05 Co-Obligor Inc 2.773% 15/12/2022 4,064 0.11 USD 1,250,000 BB&T Corp 2.200% 16/03/2023 1,252 0.03 USD 2,642,000 Bank of America Corp 2.250% 21/04/2020 2,643 0.07 USD 2,325,000 BB&T Corp 2.450% 15/01/2020 2,325 0.06 USD 5,145,000 Bank of America Corp 2.328% 10/01/2021 5,152 0.14 USD 2,050,000 BB&T Corp 2.500% 08/01/2024 2,066 0.06 USD 795,000 Bank of America Corp 2.503% 21/10/2022 801 0.02 USD 440,000 BB&T Corp 2.625% 29/06/2020 441 0.01 USD 4,175,000 Bank of America Corp 2.625% 19/10/2020 4,195 0.12 USD 1,673,000 BB&T Corp 2.750% 04/01/2022 1,697 0.05 USD 2,925,000 Bank of America Corp 2.625% 19/04/2021 2,949 0.08 USD 500,000 BB&T Corp 2.850% 26/10/2024 513 0.01 USD 4,630,000 Bank of America Corp 2.738% 23/01/2022 4,661 0.13 USD 2,778,000 BB&T Corp 3.050% 20/06/2022 2,843 0.08 USD 2,850,000 Bank of America Corp 2.816% 21/07/2023 2,888 0.08 USD 200,000 BB&T Corp 3.200% 09/03/2021 204 0.01 USD 4,245,000 Bank of America Corp 2.881% 24/04/2023 4,309 0.12 USD 2,015,000 BB&T Corp 3.750% 12/06/2023 2,129 0.06 USD 9,700,000 Bank of America Corp 3.004% 20/12/2023 9,907 0.28 USD 2,560,000 BBVA USA 2.500% 27/08/2024 2,543 0.07 USD 2,485,000 Bank of America Corp 3.124% 20/01/2023 2,534 0.07 USD 725,000 BBVA USA 2.875% 29/06/2022 735 0.02 USD 6,785,000 Bank of America Corp 3.300% 01/11/2023 7,015 0.20 USD 3,050,000 BBVA USA 3.500% 06/11/2021 3,103 0.09 USD 600,000 Bank of America Corp 3.499% 17/05/2022 613 0.02 USD 1,760,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 2.404% 06/05/2020 1,763 0.05 USD 4,650,000 Bank of America Corp 3.550% 03/05/2024 4,821 0.13 USD 914,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 2.675% 15/12/2019 914 0.03 USD 4,045,000 Bank of America Corp 3.864% 23/07/2024 4,259 0.12 USD 5,024,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 2.894% 06/06/2022 5,100 0.14 USD 3,000,000 Bank of America Corp 4.000% 04/01/2024 3,203 0.09 USD 799,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 3.125% 11/08/2021 813 0.02



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 575,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.875% 15/08/2020 579 0.02 USD 371,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 3.250% 11/12/2020 376 0.01 USD 1,252,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.875% 19/02/2021 1,265 0.04 USD 2,245,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 3.363% 06/06/2024 2,334 0.07 USD 5,650,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.900% 26/07/2024 5,824 0.16 USD 75,000 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co 3.750% 15/11/2023 79 0.00 USD 2,350,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3.250% 15/08/2022 2,427 0.07 USD 615,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp 2.900% USD 50,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3.250% 11/01/2023 52 0.00 15/10/2020 621 0.02 USD 2,285,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3.250% 20/02/2023 2,366 0.07 USD 975,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp 3.000% USD 1,810,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3.550% 15/08/2022 1,883 0.05 15/05/2022 1,002 0.03 USD 832,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3.950% 15/10/2020 847 0.02 USD 2,408,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp 4.250% 15/01/2021 2,474 0.07 USD 1,050,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 4.000% 15/08/2023 1,120 0.03 USD 3,006,000 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 2.200% 15/03/2021 3,017 0.08 USD 500,000 Brixmor Operating Partnership LP 3.250% 15/09/2023 517 0.01 USD 3,795,000 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 2.750% 15/03/2023 3,896 0.11 USD 1,000,000 Brixmor Operating Partnership LP 3.650% 15/06/2024 1,041 0.03 USD 663,000 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 3.000% 02/11/2023 687 0.02 USD 300,000 Brixmor Operating Partnership LP 3.875% 15/08/2022 312 0.01 USD 1,060,000 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 3.400% 31/01/2022 1,096 0.03 USD 2,990,000 Broadcom Corp / Broadcom Cayman Finance Ltd 2.200% 15/01/2021 2,986 0.08 USD 281,000 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 3.750% 15/08/2021 290 0.01 USD 3,465,000 Broadcom Corp / Broadcom Cayman Finance Ltd USD 874,000 Best Buy Co Inc 5.500% 15/03/2021 904 0.03 2.375% 15/01/2020 3,468 0.10 USD 4,520,000 Biogen Inc 2.900% 15/09/2020 4,556 0.13 USD 2,798,000 Broadcom Corp / Broadcom Cayman Finance Ltd USD 550,000 Biogen Inc 3.625% 15/09/2022 572 0.02 2.650% 15/01/2023 2,799 0.08 USD 1,357,000 Block Financial LLC 4.125% 10/01/2020 1,376 0.04 USD 4,109,000 Broadcom Corp / Broadcom Cayman Finance Ltd USD 1,617,000 Block Financial LLC 5.500% 11/01/2022 1,726 0.05 3.000% 15/01/2022 4,155 0.12 USD 2,000,000 Boeing Co 2.300% 08/01/2021 2,009 0.06 USD 4,275,000 Broadcom Corp / Broadcom Cayman Finance Ltd 3.625% 15/01/2024 4,395 0.12 USD 1,375,000 Boeing Co 2.700% 05/01/2022 1,394 0.04 USD 1,222,000 Broadcom Inc 3.125% 15/04/2021 1,235 0.03 USD 1,150,000 Boeing Co 4.875% 15/02/2020 1,157 0.03 USD 2,175,000 Broadcom Inc 3.125% 15/10/2022 2,210 0.06 USD 1,646,000 Booking Holdings Inc 2.750% 15/03/2023 1,679 0.05 USD 3,000,000 Broadcom Inc 3.625% 15/10/2024 3,081 0.09 USD 1,017,000 Boston Properties LP 3.125% 09/01/2023 1,048 0.03 USD 570,000 Bunge Ltd Finance Corp 3.500% 24/11/2020 576 0.02 USD 1,900,000 Boston Properties LP 3.800% 02/01/2024 2,005 0.06 USD 455,000 Bunge Ltd Finance Corp 4.350% 15/03/2024 480 0.01 USD 825,000 Boston Properties LP 3.850% 02/01/2023 866 0.02 USD 2,100,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.000% 15/03/2023 2,160 0.06 USD 1,050,000 Boston Properties LP 4.125% 15/05/2021 1,076 0.03 USD 1,350,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.050% 09/01/2022 1,386 0.04 USD 1,405,000 Boston Scientific Corp 3.375% 15/05/2022 1,448 0.04 USD 150,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.050% 15/03/2022 153 0.00 USD 1,855,000 Boston Scientific Corp 3.450% 03/01/2024 1,941 0.05 USD 350,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.750% 04/01/2024 372 0.01 USD 1,150,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 2.112% 16/09/2021 1,153 0.03 USD 2,400,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.850% 09/01/2023 2,547 0.07 USD 2,382,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 2.520% 19/09/2022 2,415 0.07 USD 1,737,000 CA Inc 3.600% 15/08/2022 1,772 0.05 USD 1,400,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 2.750% 05/10/2023 1,428 0.04 USD 1,545,000 Campbell Soup Co 3.300% 15/03/2021 1,567 0.04 USD 300,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 3.216% 28/11/2023 312 0.01 USD 2,320,000 Campbell Soup Co 3.650% 15/03/2023 2,410 0.07 USD 1,000,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 3.224% 14/04/2024 1,040 0.03 USD 83,000 Campbell Soup Co 4.250% 15/04/2021 85 0.00 USD 2,532,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 3.245% 05/06/2022 2,609 0.07 USD 1,850,000 Capital One Bank USA NA 3.375% 15/02/2023^ 1,903 0.05 USD 3,000,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 3.790% 02/06/2024 3,183 0.09 USD 450,000 Capital One Financial Corp 2.400% 30/10/2020 451 0.01 USD 1,416,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 4.500% 10/01/2020 1,446 0.04 USD 1,358,000 Capital One Financial Corp 2.500% 05/12/2020 1,359 0.04 USD 2,226,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 4.742% 03/11/2021 2,307 0.06 USD 2,725,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.050% 03/09/2022 2,776 0.08 USD 2,100,000 Branch Banking & Trust Co 2.100% 15/01/2020 2,100 0.06 USD 2,715,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.200% 30/01/2023 2,787 0.08 USD 859,000 Branch Banking & Trust Co 2.250% 06/01/2020 860 0.02 USD 4,000,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.300% 30/10/2024 4,138 0.12 USD 2,125,000 Branch Banking & Trust Co 2.625% 15/01/2022 2,149 0.06 USD 2,450,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.450% 30/04/2021 2,493 0.07 USD 1,200,000 Branch Banking & Trust Co 2.850% 04/01/2021 1,213 0.03 USD 1,941,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.500% 15/06/2023 2,015 0.06 USD 426,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.000% 08/01/2022 426 0.01 USD 500,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.750% 24/04/2024 526 0.01 USD 467,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.550% 14/05/2021 472 0.01 USD 2,645,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.900% 29/01/2024 2,791 0.08 USD 2,650,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.600% 16/05/2022 2,694 0.08 USD 1,364,000 Capital One Financial Corp 4.750% 15/07/2021 1,420 0.04 USD 500,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.750% 15/02/2023 510 0.01 USD 1,000,000 Capital One NA 2.150% 09/06/2022 998 0.03



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 150,000 Celanese US Holdings LLC 4.625% 15/11/2022 159 0.00 USD 4,303,000 Capital One NA 2.250% 13/09/2021 4,311 0.12 USD 327,000 CenterPoint Energy Inc 2.500% 09/01/2022 329 0.01 USD 1,175,000 Capital One NA 2.350% 31/01/2020 1,175 0.03 USD 1,000,000 CenterPoint Energy Inc 2.500% 09/01/2024 1,001 0.03 USD 1,350,000 Capital One NA 2.650% 08/08/2022 1,365 0.04 USD 830,000 CenterPoint Energy Inc 3.600% 11/01/2021 851 0.02 USD 1,000,000 Capital One NA 2.950% 23/07/2021 1,013 0.03 USD 1,300,000 CenterPoint Energy Inc 3.850% 02/01/2024 1,369 0.04 USD 3,658,000 Cardinal Health Inc 2.616% 15/06/2022 3,698 0.10 USD 144,000 CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp 4.500% USD 1,000,000 Cardinal Health Inc 3.079% 15/06/2024 1,022 0.03 15/01/2021 147 0.00 USD 1,435,000 Cardinal Health Inc 3.200% 15/03/2023 1,473 0.04 USD 1,475,000 Charles Schwab Corp 2.650% 25/01/2023 1,501 0.04 USD 900,000 Cardinal Health Inc 4.625% 15/12/2020 924 0.03 USD 3,096,000 Charles Schwab Corp 3.250% 21/05/2021 3,152 0.09 USD 2,200,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 1.700% USD 250,000 Charles Schwab Corp 3.550% 02/01/2024 263 0.01 08/09/2021 2,190 0.06 USD 1,800,000 Charles Schwab Corp 4.450% 22/07/2020 1,826 0.05 USD 1,490,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 1.850% USD 3,442,000 Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter 09/04/2020 1,488 0.04 Communications Operating Capital 3.579% USD 250,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 1.900% 23/07/2020 3,471 0.10 09/06/2022 249 0.01 USD 5,880,000 Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter USD 150,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.000% Communications Operating Capital 4.464% 03/05/2020 150 0.00 23/07/2022 6,167 0.17 USD 1,891,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.100% USD 1,430,000 Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter 01/10/2020 1,891 0.05 Communications Operating Capital 4.500% 02/01/2024 1,528 0.04 USD 395,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.150% 11/08/2024 395 0.01 USD 1,500,000 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC 7.000% 30/06/2024 1,721 0.05 USD 1,528,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.250% 12/01/2019 1,528 0.04 USD 4,630,000 Chevron Corp 1.961% 03/03/2020 4,631 0.13 USD 931,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.400% USD 2,907,000 Chevron Corp 2.100% 16/05/2021 2,918 0.08 06/06/2022 940 0.03 USD 3,032,000 Chevron Corp 2.355% 12/05/2022 3,069 0.09 USD 3,341,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.550% USD 2,360,000 Chevron Corp 2.411% 03/03/2022 2,386 0.07 29/11/2022 3,394 0.09 USD 1,155,000 Chevron Corp 2.419% 17/11/2020 1,162 0.03 USD 100,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.650% USD 566,000 Chevron Corp 2.427% 24/06/2020 567 0.02 17/05/2021 101 0.00 USD 1,075,000 Chevron Corp 2.498% 03/03/2022 1,090 0.03 USD 100,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.850% 06/01/2022 102 0.00 USD 1,100,000 Chevron Corp 2.566% 16/05/2023 1,123 0.03 USD 750,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.850% USD 1,475,000 Chevron Corp 2.895% 03/03/2024 1,530 0.04 17/05/2024 775 0.02 USD 3,050,000 Chevron Corp 3.191% 24/06/2023 3,175 0.09 USD 2,565,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.950% USD 4,848,000 Chubb INA Holdings Inc 2.300% 11/03/2020 4,862 0.14 26/02/2022 2,619 0.07 USD 1,423,000 Chubb INA Holdings Inc 2.875% 11/03/2022 1,461 0.04 USD 690,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 3.150% USD 1,165,000 Chubb INA Holdings Inc 3.350% 15/05/2024 1,229 0.03 09/07/2021 704 0.02 USD 2,070,000 Cigna Corp 3.000% 15/07/2023 2,104 0.06 USD 505,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 3.450% 15/05/2023 528 0.01 USD 1,075,000 Cigna Corp 3.200% 17/09/2020 1,084 0.03 USD 900,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 3.650% USD 3,030,000 Cigna Corp 3.400% 17/09/2021 3,094 0.09 12/07/2023 953 0.03 USD 730,000 Cigna Corp 3.500% 15/06/2024 758 0.02 USD 1,185,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 3.750% USD 4,120,000 Cigna Corp 3.750% 15/07/2023 4,306 0.12 24/11/2023 1,259 0.04 USD 3,606,000 Cigna Corp 3.900% 15/02/2022 3,729 0.10 USD 1,566,000 Caterpillar Inc 2.600% 26/06/2022 1,588 0.04 USD 928,000 Cigna Corp 4.000% 15/02/2022 957 0.03 USD 1,475,000 Caterpillar Inc 3.400% 15/05/2024 1,559 0.04 USD 1,885,000 Cigna Corp 4.750% 15/11/2021 1,973 0.05 USD 2,044,000 Caterpillar Inc 3.900% 27/05/2021 2,102 0.06 USD 1,480,000 Cimarex Energy Co 4.375% 06/01/2024 1,548 0.04 USD 911,000 CBS Corp 3.375% 03/01/2022 930 0.03 USD 2,935,000 Cintas Corp No 2 2.900% 04/01/2022 2,991 0.08 USD 1,295,000 CBS Corp 3.700% 15/08/2024 1,360 0.04 USD 6,460,000 Cisco Systems Inc 1.850% 20/09/2021 6,457 0.18 USD 2,910,000 CC Holdings GS V LLC / Crown Castle GS III Corp 3.849% 15/04/2023 3,049 0.08 USD 7,045,000 Cisco Systems Inc 2.200% 28/02/2021 7,081 0.20 USD 2,259,000 Celanese US Holdings LLC 3.500% 05/08/2024 2,328 0.06 USD 500,000 Cisco Systems Inc 2.200% 20/09/2023 505 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,700,000 Coca-Cola Co 1.750% 09/06/2024 1,692 0.05 USD 1,922,000 Cisco Systems Inc 2.450% 15/06/2020 1,929 0.05 USD 4,675,000 Coca-Cola Co 1.875% 27/10/2020 4,683 0.13 USD 915,000 Cisco Systems Inc 2.900% 03/04/2021 928 0.03 USD 556,000 Coca-Cola Co 2.200% 25/05/2022 561 0.02 USD 70,000 Cisco Systems Inc 3.000% 15/06/2022 72 0.00 USD 2,120,000 Coca-Cola Co 2.450% 11/01/2020 2,133 0.06 USD 1,150,000 Cisco Systems Inc 3.625% 03/04/2024 1,228 0.03 USD 550,000 Coca-Cola Co 2.500% 04/01/2023 561 0.02 USD 4,725,000 Cisco Systems Inc 4.450% 15/01/2020 4,739 0.13 USD 1,851,000 Coca-Cola Co 3.150% 15/11/2020 1,874 0.05 USD 5,125,000 Citibank NA 2.100% 06/12/2020 5,125 0.14 USD 1,325,000 Coca-Cola Co 3.200% 11/01/2023 1,393 0.04 USD 3,750,000 Citibank NA 2.125% 20/10/2020 3,753 0.10 USD 3,946,000 Coca-Cola Co 3.300% 09/01/2021 4,045 0.11 USD 1,000,000 Citibank NA 2.844% 20/05/2022 1,010 0.03 USD 529,000 Colgate-Palmolive Co 1.950% 02/01/2023 531 0.01 USD 3,615,000 Citibank NA 2.850% 02/12/2021^ 3,650 0.10 USD 255,000 Colgate-Palmolive Co 2.300% 05/03/2022 258 0.01 USD 1,325,000 Citibank NA 3.050% 05/01/2020 1,329 0.04 USD 950,000 Colgate-Palmolive Co 3.250% 15/03/2024 1,006 0.03 USD 4,700,000 Citibank NA 3.165% 19/02/2022 4,759 0.13 USD 1,750,000 Columbia Pipeline Group Inc 3.300% 06/01/2020 1,761 0.05 USD 2,325,000 Citibank NA 3.400% 23/07/2021 2,376 0.07 USD 1,000,000 Comcast Cable Communications Holdings Inc 9.455% USD 4,605,000 Citibank NA 3.650% 23/01/2024 4,879 0.14 15/11/2022 1,212 0.03 USD 3,705,000 Citigroup Inc 2.350% 08/02/2021 3,721 0.10 USD 250,000 Comcast Corp 1.625% 15/01/2022 249 0.01 USD 2,893,000 Citigroup Inc 2.400% 18/02/2020 2,896 0.08 USD 4,200,000 Comcast Corp 2.750% 03/01/2023 4,295 0.12 USD 175,000 Citigroup Inc 2.450% 01/10/2020 175 0.00 USD 1,950,000 Comcast Corp 2.850% 15/01/2023 2,000 0.06 USD 4,579,000 Citigroup Inc 2.650% 26/10/2020 4,606 0.13 USD 680,000 Comcast Corp 3.000% 02/01/2024 704 0.02 USD 3,100,000 Citigroup Inc 2.700% 30/03/2021 3,126 0.09 USD 2,471,000 Comcast Corp 3.125% 15/07/2022 2,547 0.07 USD 3,856,000 Citigroup Inc 2.700% 27/10/2022 3,904 0.11 USD 445,000 Comcast Corp 3.450% 10/01/2021 457 0.01 USD 3,372,000 Citigroup Inc 2.750% 25/04/2022 3,420 0.10 USD 5,770,000 Comcast Corp 3.600% 03/01/2024 6,117 0.17 USD 1,230,000 Citigroup Inc 2.876% 24/07/2023 1,247 0.03 USD 2,300,000 Comcast Corp 3.700% 15/04/2024 2,446 0.07 USD 4,675,000 Citigroup Inc 2.900% 12/08/2021 4,745 0.13 USD 125,000 Comerica Bank 2.500% 06/02/2020 125 0.00 USD 4,025,000 Citigroup Inc 3.142% 24/01/2023 4,092 0.11 USD 2,310,000 Comerica Bank 2.500% 23/07/2024 2,340 0.07 USD 900,000 Citigroup Inc 3.500% 15/05/2023 936 0.03 USD 2,596,000 Comerica Inc 3.700% 31/07/2023 2,732 0.08 USD 1,550,000 Citigroup Inc 3.750% 16/06/2024 1,638 0.05 USD 1,095,000 CommonSpirit Health 2.760% 10/01/2024 1,104 0.03 USD 3,825,000 Citigroup Inc 3.875% 25/10/2023 4,061 0.11 USD 787,000 Commonwealth Edison Co 4.000% 08/01/2020 794 0.02 USD 150,000 Citigroup Inc 4.000% 08/05/2024 160 0.00 USD 605,000 Conagra Brands Inc 3.200% 25/01/2023 622 0.02 USD 2,175,000 Citigroup Inc 4.044% 06/01/2024 2,296 0.06 USD 1,600,000 Conagra Brands Inc 3.800% 22/10/2021 1,647 0.05 USD 1,493,000 Citigroup Inc 4.050% 30/07/2022 1,556 0.04 USD 2,350,000 Conagra Brands Inc 4.300% 05/01/2024 2,519 0.07 USD 4,506,000 Citigroup Inc 4.500% 14/01/2022 4,724 0.13 USD 1,229,000 Consolidated Edison Inc 2.000% 15/05/2021 1,228 0.03 USD 439,000 Citigroup Inc 5.375% 08/09/2020 449 0.01 USD 780,000 Constellation Brands Inc 2.250% 11/06/2020 781 0.02 USD 820,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.200% 26/05/2020 820 0.02 USD 2,073,000 Constellation Brands Inc 2.650% 11/07/2022 2,099 0.06 USD 770,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.250% 03/02/2020 770 0.02 USD 1,258,000 Constellation Brands Inc 2.700% 05/09/2022 1,272 0.04 USD 2,150,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.250% 30/10/2020 2,155 0.06 USD 2,144,000 Constellation Brands Inc 3.200% 15/02/2023 2,202 0.06 USD 1,325,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.450% 12/04/2019 1,325 0.04 USD 2,505,000 Constellation Brands Inc 3.750% 05/01/2021 2,561 0.07 USD 4,520,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.550% 13/05/2021 4,550 0.13 USD 200,000 Constellation Brands Inc 4.250% 05/01/2023 213 0.01 USD 1,445,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.650% 26/05/2022 1,462 0.04 USD 490,000 Continental Resources Inc 3.800% 06/01/2024 502 0.01 USD 1,225,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 3.700% 29/03/2023 1,282 0.04 USD 4,790,000 Continental Resources Inc 4.500% 15/04/2023 4,995 0.14 ^ USD 125,000 Clorox Co 3.050% 15/09/2022 128 0.00 USD 957,000 Continental Resources Inc 5.000% 15/09/2022 963 0.03 USD 525,000 CME Group Inc 3.000% 15/09/2022 540 0.02 USD 250,000 Costco Wholesale Corp 1.700% 15/12/2019 250 0.01 USD 375,000 CNH Industrial Capital LLC 4.200% 15/01/2024 398 0.01 USD 1,000,000 Costco Wholesale Corp 2.150% 18/05/2021 1,004 0.03 USD 66,000 CNH Industrial Capital LLC 4.375% 11/06/2020 67 0.00 USD 1,005,000 Costco Wholesale Corp 2.250% 15/02/2022 1,015 0.03 USD 238,000 CNH Industrial Capital LLC 4.375% 04/05/2022 250 0.01 USD 2,825,000 Costco Wholesale Corp 2.300% 18/05/2022 2,854 0.08 USD 2,033,000 CNH Industrial Capital LLC 4.875% 04/01/2021 2,107 0.06 USD 1,100,000 Costco Wholesale Corp 2.750% 18/05/2024 1,135 0.03 USD 1,550,000 Coca-Cola Co 1.550% 09/01/2021 1,544 0.04 USD 4,600,000 Crown Castle International Corp 2.250% 09/01/2021 4,603 0.13



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,945,000 Dominion Energy Gas Holdings LLC 2.800% USD 1,465,000 Crown Castle International Corp 3.150% 15/07/2023 1,507 0.04 15/11/2020 1,956 0.05 USD 500,000 Crown Castle International Corp 3.200% 09/01/2024 516 0.01 USD 1,900,000 Dominion Energy Inc 2.579% 07/01/2020 1,905 0.05 USD 1,450,000 Crown Castle International Corp 3.400% 15/02/2021 1,469 0.04 USD 745,000 Dominion Energy Inc 2.715% 15/08/2021 750 0.02 USD 326,000 Crown Castle International Corp 4.875% 15/04/2022 345 0.01 USD 1,425,000 Dominion Energy Inc 3.071% 15/08/2024 1,459 0.04 USD 424,000 Crown Castle International Corp 5.250% 15/01/2023 461 0.01 USD 100,000 Dominion Energy Inc 4.104% 04/01/2021 102 0.00 USD 500,000 CSX Corp 3.400% 08/01/2024 527 0.01 USD 2,700,000 Dow Chemical Co 3.000% 15/11/2022 2,760 0.08 USD 275,000 CSX Corp 3.700% 11/01/2023 291 0.01 USD 1,310,000 Dow Chemical Co 3.150% 15/05/2024 1,349 0.04 USD 300,000 Cummins Inc 3.650% 10/01/2023 318 0.01 USD 1,000,000 DR Horton Inc 2.500% 15/10/2024 999 0.03 USD 4,220,000 CVS Health Corp 2.125% 06/01/2021 4,225 0.12 USD 1,000,000 DTE Energy Co 2.529% 10/01/2024 1,001 0.03 USD 2,650,000 CVS Health Corp 2.625% 15/08/2024 2,670 0.07 USD 1,785,000 DTE Energy Co 3.700% 08/01/2023 1,864 0.05 USD 1,630,000 CVS Health Corp 2.750% 12/01/2022 1,654 0.05 USD 560,000 Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 2.500% 15/03/2023 568 0.02 USD 5,235,000 CVS Health Corp 2.800% 20/07/2020 5,255 0.15 USD 2,748,000 Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 3.900% 15/06/2021 2,818 0.08 USD 1,364,000 CVS Health Corp 3.350% 03/09/2021 1,386 0.04 USD 2,255,000 Duke Energy Corp 1.800% 09/01/2021 2,244 0.06 USD 590,000 CVS Health Corp 3.375% 08/12/2024 615 0.02 USD 325,000 Duke Energy Corp 2.400% 15/08/2022 327 0.01 USD 2,750,000 CVS Health Corp 3.500% 20/07/2022 2,839 0.08 USD 1,943,000 Duke Energy Corp 3.050% 15/08/2022 1,985 0.06 USD 10,050,000 CVS Health Corp 3.700% 03/09/2023 10,453 0.29 USD 525,000 Duke Energy Corp 3.550% 15/09/2021 537 0.01 USD 1,225,000 CVS Health Corp 4.000% 12/05/2023 1,297 0.04 USD 1,455,000 Duke Energy Corp 3.750% 15/04/2024 1,539 0.04 USD 245,000 CyrusOne LP / CyrusOne Finance Corp 2.900% USD 270,000 Duke Energy Progress LLC 2.800% 15/05/2022 275 0.01 15/11/2024 245 0.01 USD 100,000 Duke Energy Progress LLC 3.000% 15/09/2021 102 0.00 USD 500,000 Deere & Co 2.600% 06/08/2022 508 0.01 USD 913,000 DuPont de Nemours Inc 3.766% 15/11/2020 928 0.03 USD 2,000,000 Dell International LLC / EMC Corp 4.000% 15/07/2024 2,087 0.06 USD 4,825,000 DuPont de Nemours Inc 4.205% 15/11/2023 5,143 0.14 USD 5,840,000 Dell International LLC / EMC Corp 4.420% 15/06/2021 6,012 0.17 USD 1,060,000 DXC Technology Co 4.250% 15/04/2024 1,112 0.03 USD 5,870,000 Dell International LLC / EMC Corp 5.450% 15/06/2023 6,365 0.18 USD 1,546,000 Eastman Chemical Co 3.600% 15/08/2022 1,594 0.04 USD 130,000 Delta Air Lines Inc 2.875% 13/03/2020 130 0.00 USD 90,000 eBay Inc 2.150% 06/05/2020 90 0.00 USD 845,000 Delta Air Lines Inc 2.900% 28/10/2024 836 0.02 USD 2,568,000 eBay Inc 2.600% 15/07/2022 2,589 0.07 USD 1,428,000 Delta Air Lines Inc 3.400% 19/04/2021 1,446 0.04 USD 1,455,000 eBay Inc 2.750% 30/01/2023 1,474 0.04 USD 2,835,000 Delta Air Lines Inc 3.625% 15/03/2022 2,903 0.08 USD 1,739,000 eBay Inc 2.875% 08/01/2021 1,758 0.05 USD 1,660,000 Delta Air Lines Inc 3.800% 19/04/2023 1,708 0.05 USD 765,000 eBay Inc 3.250% 15/10/2020 771 0.02 USD 1,925,000 Diageo Investment Corp 2.875% 05/11/2022 1,962 0.05 USD 400,000 eBay Inc 3.450% 08/01/2024 416 0.01 USD 875,000 Diamondback Energy Inc 2.875% 12/01/2024 874 0.02 USD 3,675,000 eBay Inc 3.800% 03/09/2022 3,799 0.11 USD 350,000 Digital Realty Trust LP 3.950% 07/01/2022 364 0.01 USD 1,853,000 Ecolab Inc 2.375% 08/10/2022 1,869 0.05 USD 2,700,000 Discover Bank 2.450% 09/12/2024 2,696 0.08 USD 1,477,000 Ecolab Inc 4.350% 12/08/2021 1,546 0.04 USD 2,625,000 Discover Bank 3.100% 06/04/2020 2,632 0.07 USD 1,147,000 Eli Lilly & Co 2.350% 15/05/2022 1,161 0.03 USD 1,271,000 Discover Bank 3.200% 08/09/2021 1,292 0.04 USD 3,045,000 Emera US Finance LP 2.700% 15/06/2021 3,068 0.09 USD 2,425,000 Discover Bank 3.350% 02/06/2023 2,497 0.07 USD 969,000 Emerson Electric Co 2.625% 12/01/2021 979 0.03 USD 700,000 Discover Bank 4.200% 08/08/2023 744 0.02 USD 75,000 Emerson Electric Co 2.625% 15/02/2023 77 0.00 USD 375,000 Discover Bank 7.000% 15/04/2020 381 0.01 USD 1,050,000 Enable Midstream Partners LP 3.900% 15/05/2024 1,058 0.03 USD 785,000 Discover Financial Services 3.850% 21/11/2022 822 0.02 USD 1,350,000 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 4.200% 15/09/2021 1,390 0.04 USD 250,000 Discovery Communications LLC 2.800% 15/06/2020 251 0.01 USD 1,355,000 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 4.375% 15/10/2020 1,380 0.04 USD 2,590,000 Discovery Communications LLC 2.950% 20/03/2023 2,635 0.07 USD 358,000 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 5.200% 15/03/2020 361 0.01 USD 827,000 Discovery Communications LLC 3.300% 15/05/2022 846 0.02 USD 100,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 3.600% 02/01/2023 102 0.00 USD 511,000 Discovery Communications LLC 4.375% 15/06/2021 528 0.01 USD 3,402,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.150% 10/01/2020 3,444 0.10 USD 3,743,000 Dollar General Corp 3.250% 15/04/2023 3,866 0.11 USD 2,975,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.200% 15/09/2023 3,111 0.09 USD 1,390,000 Dollar Tree Inc 3.700% 15/05/2023 1,444 0.04 USD 1,274,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.250% 15/03/2023 1,326 0.04 USD 445,000 Dominion Energy Gas Holdings LLC 2.500% USD 1,175,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.500% 15/04/2024 1,244 0.03 15/11/2024 446 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 915,000 Exelon Corp 5.150% 12/01/2020 935 0.03 USD 287,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.650% 06/01/2021 294 0.01 USD 1,420,000 Exelon Generation Co LLC 2.950% 15/01/2020 1,421 0.04 USD 1,310,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5.200% 02/01/2022 1,373 0.04 USD 2,518,000 Exelon Generation Co LLC 3.400% 15/03/2022 2,579 0.07 USD 2,100,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5.875% 15/01/2024 2,313 0.06 USD 218,000 Exelon Generation Co LLC 4.000% 10/01/2020 220 0.01 USD 450,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 7.500% 15/10/2020 470 0.01 USD 425,000 Exelon Generation Co LLC 4.250% 15/06/2022 443 0.01 USD 1,300,000 Energy Transfer Partners LP / Regency Energy USD 725,000 Expedia Group Inc 4.500% 15/08/2024 782 0.02 Finance Corp 4.500% 11/01/2023 1,368 0.04 USD 182,000 Expedia Group Inc 5.950% 15/08/2020 187 0.01 USD 1,566,000 Energy Transfer Partners LP / Regency Energy USD 1,225,000 Express Scripts Holding Co 2.600% 30/11/2020 1,232 0.03 Finance Corp 5.000% 10/01/2022 1,657 0.05 USD 540,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 1.902% 16/08/2022 541 0.02 USD 1,000,000 Energy Transfer Partners LP / Regency Energy Finance Corp 5.875% 03/01/2022 1,062 0.03 USD 2,700,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 1.912% 03/06/2020 2,701 0.08 USD 607,000 Entergy Corp 4.000% 15/07/2022 633 0.02 USD 2,200,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 2.019% 16/08/2024 2,205 0.06 USD 1,050,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 2.800% USD 7,844,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 2.222% 03/01/2021 7,882 0.22 15/02/2021 1,060 0.03 USD 615,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 2.397% 03/06/2022 623 0.02 USD 1,874,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 2.850% USD 1,563,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 2.726% 03/01/2023 1,601 0.04 15/04/2021 1,893 0.05 USD 1,950,000 FedEx Corp 2.625% 08/01/2022 1,971 0.05 USD 1,251,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 3.350% USD 100,000 FedEx Corp 3.400% 14/01/2022 103 0.00 15/03/2023 1,291 0.04 USD 1,150,000 FedEx Corp 4.000% 15/01/2024 1,225 0.03 USD 1,000,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 3.500% 02/01/2022 1,031 0.03 USD 4,326,000 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 2.250% 15/08/2021 4,340 0.12 USD 2,300,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 3.900% 15/02/2024 2,436 0.07 USD 895,000 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 3.500% 15/04/2023 930 0.03 USD 241,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 4.050% 15/02/2022 251 0.01 USD 896,000 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 3.625% 15/10/2020 907 0.03 USD 1,957,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 5.200% 09/01/2020 2,005 0.06 USD 2,012,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 2.600% 15/06/2022 2,033 0.06 USD 335,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 5.250% USD 1,289,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 2.875% 27/07/2020 1,295 0.04 31/01/2020 337 0.01 USD 1,140,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 3.500% 15/03/2022 1,173 0.03 USD 3,255,000 EOG Resources Inc 2.450% 04/01/2020 3,260 0.09 USD 2,815,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 3.650% 25/01/2024 2,962 0.08 USD 1,300,000 EOG Resources Inc 2.625% 15/03/2023 1,322 0.04 USD 400,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 4.300% 16/01/2024 430 0.01 USD 1,466,000 EOG Resources Inc 4.100% 02/01/2021 1,502 0.04 USD 1,342,000 Fifth Third Bank 2.200% 30/10/2020 1,345 0.04 USD 426,000 EOG Resources Inc 4.400% 06/01/2020 431 0.01 USD 1,590,000 Fifth Third Bank 2.250% 14/06/2021 1,596 0.04 USD 1,250,000 EQM Midstream Partners LP 4.000% 08/01/2024 1,177 0.03 USD 1,435,000 Fifth Third Bank 2.875% 10/01/2021 1,454 0.04 USD 1,590,000 EQM Midstream Partners LP 4.750% 15/07/2023 1,549 0.04 USD 1,100,000 Fifth Third Bank 3.350% 26/07/2021 1,123 0.03 USD 660,000 EQT Corp 2.500% 10/01/2020 659 0.02 USD 1,875,000 FirstEnergy Corp 2.850% 15/07/2022 1,905 0.05 USD 2,265,000 EQT Corp 3.000% 10/01/2022 2,174 0.06 USD 1,015,000 FirstEnergy Corp 4.250% 15/03/2023 1,073 0.03 USD 1,072,000 EQT Corp 4.875% 15/11/2021 1,094 0.03 USD 1,491,000 Fiserv Inc 2.700% 06/01/2020 1,495 0.04 USD 15,000 Equifax Inc 2.300% 06/01/2021 15 0.00 USD 3,700,000 Fiserv Inc 2.750% 07/01/2024 3,757 0.10 USD 500,000 Equifax Inc 2.600% 12/01/2024 501 0.01 USD 237,000 Fiserv Inc 3.500% 10/01/2022 245 0.01 USD 753,000 Equifax Inc 3.300% 15/12/2022 772 0.02 USD 2,045,000 Fiserv Inc 3.800% 10/01/2023 2,157 0.06 USD 1,395,000 Equinix Inc 2.625% 18/11/2024 1,398 0.04 USD 200,000 Florida Power & Light Co 2.750% 06/01/2023 205 0.01 USD 1,125,000 ERP Operating LP 3.000% 15/04/2023 1,156 0.03 USD 450,000 Florida Power & Light Co 3.250% 06/01/2024 471 0.01 USD 1,310,000 ERP Operating LP 4.625% 15/12/2021 1,369 0.04 USD 1,050,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.343% 11/02/2020 1,046 0.03 USD 967,000 ERP Operating LP 4.750% 15/07/2020 978 0.03 USD 715,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.425% 06/12/2020 714 0.02 USD 1,205,000 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 2.000% 12/01/2024 1,206 0.03 USD 1,975,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.459% 27/03/2020 1,975 0.06 USD 2,860,000 Evergy Inc 2.450% 15/09/2024 2,860 0.08 USD 1,250,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.681% 01/09/2020 1,250 0.03 ^ USD 715,000 Eversource Energy 2.750% 15/03/2022 725 0.02 USD 2,415,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.979% 08/03/2022 2,405 0.07 USD 900,000 Exelon Corp 2.850% 15/06/2020 903 0.03 USD 2,485,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.096% 05/04/2023 2,453 0.07 USD 2,300,000 Exelon Corp 3.497% 06/01/2022 2,357 0.07 USD 5,309,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.157% 08/04/2020 5,330 0.15



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,725,000 General Motors Co 4.875% 10/02/2023 2,938 0.08 USD 1,745,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.200% 15/01/2021 1,751 0.05 USD 400,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 2.450% 11/06/2020 401 0.01 USD 1,600,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.219% 01/09/2022 1,604 0.04 USD 1,705,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 2.650% 13/04/2020 1,707 0.05 USD 3,845,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.336% 18/03/2021 3,865 0.11 USD 1,380,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.150% 15/01/2020 1,382 0.04 USD 1,000,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.339% 28/03/2022 1,005 0.03 USD 3,670,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.150% 30/06/2022 3,725 0.10 USD 1,000,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.350% 11/01/2022 1,005 0.03 USD 3,631,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.200% 13/07/2020^ 3,650 0.10 USD 1,030,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.470% 04/05/2021 1,037 0.03 USD 3,655,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.200% 07/06/2021 3,697 0.10 USD 1,500,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.664% 09/08/2024 1,487 0.04 USD 1,644,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.250% 01/05/2023 1,668 0.05 USD 2,000,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.810% 01/09/2024 2,004 0.06 USD 3,057,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.450% 14/01/2022 3,114 0.09 USD 325,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.813% 10/12/2021 330 0.01 USD 1,054,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.450% 04/10/2022 1,074 0.03 USD 2,485,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 4.063% 11/01/2024 2,499 0.07 USD 500,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.500% 11/07/2024 510 0.01 USD 1,400,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 4.140% 15/02/2023 1,428 0.04 USD 400,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.550% 04/09/2021 406 0.01 USD 1,925,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 4.250% 20/09/2022 1,975 0.06 USD 1,970,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.550% 07/08/2022 2,020 0.06 USD 550,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 4.375% 08/06/2023 566 0.02 USD 1,525,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.700% 24/11/2020 1,544 0.04 USD 3,055,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 5.584% 18/03/2024 3,268 0.09 USD 1,250,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.700% 05/09/2023 1,285 0.04 USD 2,250,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 5.596% 01/07/2022 2,364 0.07 USD 2,000,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.950% 13/04/2024 2,067 0.06 USD 300,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 5.750% 02/01/2021 310 0.01 USD 3,275,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 4.150% 19/06/2023 3,413 0.10 USD 2,716,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 5.875% 08/02/2021 2,842 0.08 USD 3,150,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 4.200% 03/01/2021 3,213 0.09 USD 1,713,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 8.125% 15/01/2020 1,724 0.05 USD 50,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 4.200% 11/06/2021 52 0.00 USD 1,815,000 Fortive Corp 2.350% 15/06/2021 1,817 0.05 USD 450,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 4.250% 15/05/2023 471 0.01 USD 1,004,000 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 4.000% USD 532,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 4.375% 25/09/2021 550 0.02 21/09/2023 1,059 0.03 USD 3,035,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 5.100% 17/01/2024 3,272 0.09 USD 1,430,000 Fox Corp 3.666% 25/01/2022 1,476 0.04 USD 564,000 Georgia Power Co 2.000% 09/08/2020 564 0.02 USD 2,010,000 Fox Corp 4.030% 25/01/2024 2,137 0.06 USD 645,000 Georgia Power Co 4.250% 12/01/2019 645 0.02 USD 1,003,000 Gap Inc 5.950% 04/12/2021 1,040 0.03 USD 315,000 Georgia-Pacific LLC 8.000% 15/01/2024 385 0.01 USD 1,494,000 General Dynamics Corp 1.875% 15/08/2023 1,488 0.04 USD 7,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 1.950% 03/01/2022 7 0.00 USD 200,000 General Dynamics Corp 2.250% 15/11/2022 202 0.01 USD 800,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.350% 02/01/2020 800 0.02 USD 1,650,000 General Dynamics Corp 2.875% 05/11/2020 1,657 0.05 USD 1,195,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.500% 09/01/2023 1,209 0.03 USD 4,977,000 General Dynamics Corp 3.000% 05/11/2021 5,058 0.14 USD 3,103,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.550% 09/01/2020 3,117 0.09 USD 2,996,000 General Dynamics Corp 3.375% 15/05/2023 3,130 0.09 USD 2,998,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 3.250% 09/01/2022 3,093 0.09 USD 1,789,000 General Electric Co 2.200% 01/09/2020 1,790 0.05 USD 3,200,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 3.700% 04/01/2024 3,384 0.09 USD 7,713,000 General Electric Co 2.700% 10/09/2022 7,767 0.22 USD 2,235,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 4.400% 12/01/2021 2,328 0.06 USD 560,000 General Electric Co 3.100% 01/09/2023 572 0.02 USD 1,350,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 4.500% 04/01/2021 1,386 0.04 USD 797,000 General Electric Co 3.150% 09/07/2022 812 0.02 USD 3,100,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc 3.375% 15/05/2023 3,238 0.09 USD 1,325,000 General Electric Co 3.375% 03/11/2024 1,367 0.04 USD 1,890,000 Global Payments Inc 3.750% 06/01/2023 1,972 0.05 USD 1,115,000 General Electric Co 3.450% 15/05/2024 1,151 0.03 USD 3,054,000 Global Payments Inc 3.800% 04/01/2021 3,114 0.09 USD 3,127,000 General Electric Co 4.375% 16/09/2020 3,182 0.09 USD 774,000 Global Payments Inc 4.000% 06/01/2023 813 0.02 USD 2,722,000 General Electric Co 4.625% 01/07/2021 2,800 0.08 USD 1,570,000 GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc 5.375% USD 1,600,000 General Electric Co 4.650% 17/10/2021 1,668 0.05 11/01/2023 1,720 0.05 USD 55,000 General Electric Co 5.300% 02/11/2021 57 0.00 USD 4,700,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.350% 15/11/2021 4,717 0.13 USD 2,400,000 General Electric Co 5.500% 01/08/2020 2,408 0.07 USD 3,800,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.600% 23/04/2020 3,804 0.11 USD 250,000 General Electric Co 5.550% 05/04/2020 254 0.01 USD 2,900,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.600% 27/12/2020 2,898 0.08 USD 2,330,000 General Mills Inc 2.600% 10/12/2022 2,359 0.07 USD 2,290,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.625% 25/04/2021 2,307 0.06 USD 609,000 General Mills Inc 3.150% 15/12/2021 621 0.02 USD 2,800,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.750% 15/09/2020 2,815 0.08 USD 349,000 General Mills Inc 3.200% 16/04/2021 355 0.01 USD 2,647,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.875% 25/02/2021 2,672 0.07 USD 1,095,000 General Mills Inc 3.700% 17/10/2023 1,155 0.03 USD 6,265,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.876% 31/10/2022 6,332 0.18



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 200,000 HSBC USA Inc 5.000% 27/09/2020 205 0.01 USD 2,815,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.905% 24/07/2023 2,854 0.08 USD 700,000 Humana Inc 3.150% 12/01/2022 716 0.02 USD 2,531,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.908% 06/05/2023 2,567 0.07 USD 2,265,000 Huntington Bancshares Inc 2.300% 14/01/2022 2,275 0.06 USD 6,745,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 3.000% 26/04/2022 6,819 0.19 USD 650,000 Huntington Bancshares Inc 2.625% 08/06/2024 657 0.02 USD 2,875,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 3.200% 23/02/2023 2,956 0.08 USD 3,956,000 Huntington Bancshares Inc 3.150% 14/03/2021 4,007 0.11 USD 3,650,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 3.625% 22/01/2023 3,802 0.11 USD 305,000 Huntington National Bank 2.375% 03/10/2020 305 0.01 USD 4,118,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 3.625% 20/02/2024 4,313 0.12 USD 650,000 Huntington National Bank 2.875% 20/08/2020 652 0.02 USD 2,150,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 3.850% 07/08/2024 2,275 0.06 USD 1,847,000 Huntington National Bank 3.125% 04/01/2022 1,889 0.05 USD 5,250,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 4.000% 03/03/2024 5,581 0.16 USD 2,346,000 Huntington National Bank 3.250% 14/05/2021 2,385 0.07 USD 4,988,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 5.250% 27/07/2021 5,242 0.15 USD 2,050,000 Huntington National Bank 3.550% 10/06/2023 2,150 0.06 USD 3,686,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 5.375% 15/03/2020 3,719 0.10 USD 5,595,000 IBM Credit LLC 1.800% 20/01/2021 5,587 0.16 USD 4,753,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 5.750% 24/01/2022 5,103 0.14 USD 500,000 IBM Credit LLC 2.200% 09/08/2022 502 0.01 USD 1,096,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 6.000% 15/06/2020 1,118 0.03 USD 1,860,000 IBM Credit LLC 2.650% 02/05/2021 1,875 0.05 USD 1,280,000 Halliburton Co 3.250% 15/11/2021 1,304 0.04 USD 1,650,000 IBM Credit LLC 3.000% 02/06/2023 1,695 0.05 USD 2,050,000 Halliburton Co 3.500% 08/01/2023 2,125 0.06 USD 1,275,000 IBM Credit LLC 3.450% 30/11/2020 1,296 0.04 USD 50,000 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 5.500% USD 600,000 IBM Credit LLC 3.600% 30/11/2021 619 0.02 30/03/2020 51 0.00 USD 100,000 Illinois Tool Works Inc 3.500% 03/01/2024 106 0.00 USD 2,205,000 HCA Inc 4.750% 05/01/2023 2,356 0.07 USD 1,040,000 Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co Ltd 4.250% USD 3,775,000 HCA Inc 5.000% 15/03/2024 4,105 0.11 15/06/2023 1,110 0.03 USD 1,000,000 Healthpeak Properties Inc 3.875% 15/08/2024 1,064 0.03 USD 2,428,000 Intel Corp 1.700% 19/05/2021 2,427 0.07 USD 1,135,000 Healthpeak Properties Inc 4.250% 15/11/2023 1,216 0.03 USD 310,000 Intel Corp 1.850% 05/11/2020 310 0.01 USD 2,733,000 Hershey Co 3.375% 15/05/2023 2,858 0.08 USD 2,075,000 Intel Corp 2.350% 05/11/2022 2,098 0.06 USD 2,770,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 2.250% 04/01/2023 2,764 0.08 USD 1,988,000 Intel Corp 2.450% 29/07/2020 1,997 0.06 USD 1,225,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 3.500% 10/05/2021 1,255 0.03 USD 2,970,000 Intel Corp 2.700% 15/12/2022 3,039 0.08 USD 6,575,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 3.600% 15/10/2020 6,652 0.19 USD 25,000 Intel Corp 2.700% 17/06/2024 26 0.00 USD 1,849,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 4.400% 15/10/2022^ 1,953 0.05 USD 1,140,000 Intel Corp 2.875% 05/11/2024 1,181 0.03 USD 251,000 Home Depot Inc 1.800% 06/05/2020 251 0.01 USD 340,000 Intel Corp 3.100% 29/07/2022 350 0.01 USD 6,174,000 Home Depot Inc 2.000% 04/01/2021 6,185 0.17 USD 4,720,000 Intel Corp 3.300% 10/01/2021 4,848 0.14 USD 1,002,000 Home Depot Inc 2.625% 06/01/2022 1,020 0.03 USD 1,072,000 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 2.350% 15/09/2022 1,081 0.03 USD 2,570,000 Home Depot Inc 2.700% 04/01/2023 2,638 0.07 USD 2,675,000 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 2.750% 12/01/2020 2,694 0.08 USD 445,000 Home Depot Inc 3.250% 03/01/2022 458 0.01 USD 1,195,000 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 4.000% 15/10/2023 1,278 0.04 USD 2,075,000 Home Depot Inc 3.750% 15/02/2024 2,212 0.06 USD 1,002,000 International Business Machines Corp 1.625% USD 418,000 Home Depot Inc 3.950% 15/09/2020 423 0.01 15/05/2020 1,001 0.03 USD 36,000 Home Depot Inc 4.400% 04/01/2021 37 0.00 USD 2,450,000 International Business Machines Corp 1.875% 08/01/2022 2,444 0.07 USD 6,375,000 Honeywell International Inc 1.850% 11/01/2021 6,372 0.18 USD 1,450,000 International Business Machines Corp 1.900% USD 1,000,000 Honeywell International Inc 2.300% 15/08/2024 1,013 0.03 27/01/2020 1,450 0.04 USD 366,000 Honeywell International Inc 4.250% 03/01/2021 377 0.01 USD 175,000 International Business Machines Corp 2.250% USD 1,470,000 HP Inc 3.750% 12/01/2020 1,495 0.04 19/02/2021 176 0.00 USD 1,419,000 HP Inc 4.050% 15/09/2022 1,473 0.04 USD 1,225,000 International Business Machines Corp 2.500% 27/01/2022 1,238 0.03 USD 775,000 HP Inc 4.300% 06/01/2021 799 0.02 USD 370,000 International Business Machines Corp 2.800% USD 801,000 HP Inc 4.375% 15/09/2021 829 0.02 13/05/2021 374 0.01 USD 2,307,000 HP Inc 4.650% 12/09/2021 2,406 0.07 USD 1,000,000 International Business Machines Corp 2.850% USD 2,775,000 HSBC Bank USA NA 4.875% 24/08/2020 2,833 0.08 13/05/2022 1,019 0.03 USD 2,940,000 HSBC USA Inc 2.350% 03/05/2020 2,944 0.08 USD 1,675,000 International Business Machines Corp 2.875% USD 2,101,000 HSBC USA Inc 2.750% 08/07/2020 2,109 0.06 11/09/2022 1,714 0.05 USD 350,000 HSBC USA Inc 3.500% 23/06/2024 369 0.01 USD 5,000,000 International Business Machines Corp 3.000% 15/05/2024 5,175 0.14



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 3,805,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.550% 03/01/2021 3,830 0.11 USD 2,950,000 International Business Machines Corp 3.375% USD 4,875,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.700% 18/05/2023 4,962 0.14 08/01/2023 3,076 0.09 USD 4,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.750% 23/06/2020 4,011 0.11 USD 4,000,000 International Business Machines Corp 3.625% USD 2,850,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.776% 25/04/2023 2,888 0.08 02/12/2024 4,227 0.12 USD 3,196,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.972% 15/01/2023 3,248 0.09 USD 1,161,000 International Lease Finance Corp 4.625% 15/04/2021 1,198 0.03 USD 5,102,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.200% 25/01/2023 5,269 0.15 USD 1,075,000 International Lease Finance Corp 5.875% 15/08/2022 1,172 0.03 USD 3,936,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.207% 04/01/2023 4,027 0.11 USD 664,000 International Lease Finance Corp 8.625% 15/01/2022 749 0.02 USD 5,182,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.250% 23/09/2022 5,347 0.15 USD 1,025,000 International Paper Co 3.650% 15/06/2024 1,076 0.03 USD 2,830,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.375% 05/01/2023 2,934 0.08 USD 512,000 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 3.500% 10/01/2020 519 0.01 USD 600,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.514% 18/06/2022 613 0.02 USD 1,890,000 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 3.750% 10/01/2021 1,943 0.05 USD 3,750,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.559% 23/04/2024 3,905 0.11 USD 611,000 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 3.750% 15/02/2023 637 0.02 USD 2,475,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.625% 13/05/2024 2,621 0.07 USD 2,440,000 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 4.200% 15/04/2024 2,609 0.07 USD 3,250,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.797% 23/07/2024 3,420 0.10 USD 450,000 ITC Holdings Corp 2.700% 15/11/2022 455 0.01 USD 1,650,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.875% 02/01/2024 1,757 0.05 USD 75,000 Jabil Inc 4.700% 15/09/2022 79 0.00 USD 4,900,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.875% 09/10/2024 5,208 0.15 USD 402,000 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 5.500% 18/10/2023 438 0.01 USD 5,415,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.250% 15/10/2020 5,521 0.15 USD 2,712,000 Jefferies Group LLC 5.125% 20/01/2023 2,924 0.08 USD 3,700,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.350% 15/08/2021 3,845 0.11 USD 752,000 Jefferies Group LLC 6.875% 15/04/2021 796 0.02 USD 1,065,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.400% 22/07/2020 1,081 0.03 USD 814,000 JM Smucker Co 3.500% 15/10/2021 836 0.02 USD 6,761,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.500% 24/01/2022 7,094 0.20 USD 1,020,000 John Deere Capital Corp 1.950% 22/06/2020 1,021 0.03 USD 1,750,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.625% 05/10/2021 1,815 0.05 USD 515,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.050% 03/10/2020 516 0.01 USD 900,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.950% 25/03/2020 906 0.03 USD 4,345,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.150% 09/08/2022 4,370 0.12 USD 3,230,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 2.604% 02/01/2021 3,233 0.09 USD 125,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.300% 06/07/2021 126 0.00 USD 2,750,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 3.086% 26/04/2021 2,761 0.08 USD 303,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.350% 01/08/2021 305 0.01 USD 300,000 Juniper Networks Inc 4.500% 15/03/2024 324 0.01 USD 1,120,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.375% 14/07/2020 1,124 0.03 USD 584,000 Kellogg Co 2.650% 12/01/2023 592 0.02 USD 450,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.550% 01/08/2021 453 0.01 USD 1,575,000 Kellogg Co 4.000% 15/12/2020 1,606 0.04 USD 1,060,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.600% 03/07/2024 1,081 0.03 USD 385,000 Keurig Dr Pepper Inc 3.130% 15/12/2023 396 0.01 USD 1,925,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.650% 01/06/2022 1,954 0.05 USD 2,165,000 Keurig Dr Pepper Inc 3.551% 25/05/2021 2,210 0.06 USD 500,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.650% 24/06/2024 512 0.01 USD 5,000,000 Keurig Dr Pepper Inc 4.057% 25/05/2023 5,284 0.15 USD 2,544,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.700% 01/06/2023 2,594 0.07 USD 2,244,000 KeyBank NA 2.300% 14/09/2022 2,258 0.06 USD 1,925,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.800% 03/04/2021 1,947 0.05 USD 1,745,000 KeyBank NA 2.400% 06/09/2022 1,760 0.05 USD 1,703,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.800% 27/01/2023 1,742 0.05 USD 1,410,000 KeyBank NA 2.500% 22/11/2021 1,423 0.04 USD 975,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.800% 03/06/2023 1,002 0.03 USD 300,000 KeyBank NA 3.300% 02/01/2022 308 0.01 USD 1,120,000 John Deere Capital Corp 3.125% 09/10/2021 1,144 0.03 USD 575,000 KeyBank NA 3.350% 15/06/2021 587 0.02 USD 745,000 John Deere Capital Corp 3.150% 15/10/2021 761 0.02 USD 510,000 KeyBank NA 3.375% 03/07/2023 530 0.01 USD 586,000 John Deere Capital Corp 3.200% 01/10/2022 601 0.02 USD 5,611,000 KeyCorp 2.900% 15/09/2020 5,648 0.16 USD 361,000 John Deere Capital Corp 3.900% 07/12/2021 372 0.01 USD 1,014,000 KeyCorp 5.100% 24/03/2021 1,054 0.03 USD 2,906,000 Johnson & Johnson 1.650% 03/01/2021 2,902 0.08 USD 150,000 Keysight Technologies Inc 4.550% 30/10/2024 163 0.00 USD 725,000 Johnson & Johnson 1.875% 12/05/2019 725 0.02 USD 950,000 Kimco Realty Corp 3.400% 11/01/2022 981 0.03 USD 408,000 Johnson & Johnson 1.950% 11/10/2020 409 0.01 USD 2,018,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 3.450% USD 567,000 Johnson & Johnson 2.050% 03/01/2023 571 0.02 15/02/2023 2,076 0.06 USD 2,505,000 Johnson & Johnson 2.250% 03/03/2022 2,530 0.07 USD 1,877,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 3.500% USD 1,200,000 Johnson & Johnson 3.375% 12/05/2023 1,274 0.04 03/01/2021 1,903 0.05 USD 5,860,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.250% 23/01/2020 5,860 0.16 USD 286,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 3.500% USD 5,550,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.295% 15/08/2021 5,561 0.15 09/01/2023 296 0.01 USD 3,030,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.400% 06/07/2021 3,045 0.08 USD 1,163,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 3.950% 09/01/2022 1,208 0.03 USD 5,040,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.550% 29/10/2020 5,063 0.14



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 225,000 Lowe's Cos Inc 3.875% 15/09/2023 238 0.01 USD 979,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 4.150% USD 1,318,000 Lowe's Cos Inc 4.625% 15/04/2020 1,320 0.04 02/01/2024 1,035 0.03 USD 1,832,000 M&T Bank Corp 3.550% 26/07/2023 1,922 0.05 USD 1,175,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 4.250% USD 1,310,000 Macy's Retail Holdings Inc 2.875% 15/02/2023 1,292 0.04 09/01/2024 1,253 0.03 USD 375,000 Macy's Retail Holdings Inc 3.450% 15/01/2021 378 0.01 USD 1,150,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 4.300% ^ 05/01/2024 1,224 0.03 USD 960,000 Macy's Retail Holdings Inc 3.625% 06/01/2024 960 0.03 USD 740,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 5.000% USD 1,310,000 Macy's Retail Holdings Inc 3.875% 15/01/2022 1,332 0.04 10/01/2021 771 0.02 USD 1,175,000 Magellan Midstream Partners LP 4.250% 02/01/2021^ 1,204 0.03 USD 60,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 5.300% USD 670,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co 2.050% 17/08/2020 670 0.02 15/09/2020 62 0.00 USD 825,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co 2.100% 02/06/2020 824 0.02 USD 1,795,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.500% USD 1,250,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co 2.500% 18/05/2022 1,265 0.04 04/01/2020 1,822 0.05 USD 4,465,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co 2.625% 25/01/2021 4,497 0.13 USD 63,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.850% 15/02/2020 64 0.00 USD 1,805,000 Marathon Oil Corp 2.800% 11/01/2022 1,830 0.05 USD 2,400,000 Kinder Morgan Inc 3.050% 12/01/2019 2,400 0.07 USD 439,000 Marathon Petroleum Corp 3.400% 15/12/2020 444 0.01 USD 2,805,000 Kinder Morgan Inc 3.150% 15/01/2023 2,864 0.08 USD 1,500,000 Marathon Petroleum Corp 3.625% 15/09/2024 1,571 0.04 USD 1,995,000 KLA Corp 4.125% 11/01/2021 2,064 0.06 USD 995,000 Marathon Petroleum Corp 4.750% 15/12/2023 1,077 0.03 USD 564,000 Kraft Heinz Foods Co 2.800% 07/02/2020 565 0.02 USD 575,000 Marathon Petroleum Corp 5.125% 03/01/2021 596 0.02 USD 3,325,000 Kraft Heinz Foods Co 4.000% 15/06/2023 3,483 0.10 USD 1,762,000 Marriott International Inc 2.300% 15/01/2022 1,766 0.05 USD 825,000 Kroger Co 2.950% 11/01/2021 838 0.02 USD 1,440,000 Marriott International Inc 3.600% 15/04/2024 1,512 0.04 USD 4,008,000 Kroger Co 3.300% 15/01/2021 4,060 0.11 USD 275,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 2.350% 03/06/2020 275 0.01 USD 1,100,000 Kroger Co 3.400% 15/04/2022 1,129 0.03 USD 1,276,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 2.750% 30/01/2022 1,295 0.04 USD 172,000 Kroger Co 3.850% 08/01/2023 182 0.01 USD 1,240,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 3.500% 29/12/2020 1,260 0.04 USD 775,000 Kroger Co 4.000% 02/01/2024 823 0.02 USD 400,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 3.500% 06/03/2024 419 0.01 USD 875,000 Kroger Co 6.150% 15/01/2020 879 0.02 USD 2,375,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 3.875% 15/03/2024 2,523 0.07 USD 1,892,000 L3Harris Technologies Inc 3.850% 15/06/2023 1,993 0.06 USD 886,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 4.800% 15/07/2021 919 0.03 USD 425,000 L3Harris Technologies Inc 4.950% 15/02/2021 436 0.01 USD 1,000,000 Mastercard Inc 2.000% 21/11/2021 1,003 0.03 USD 1,600,000 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 2.625% USD 1,000,000 Mastercard Inc 2.000% 03/03/2025 999 0.03 02/01/2020 1,601 0.04 USD 170,000 Mastercard Inc 3.375% 04/01/2024 180 0.00 USD 225,000 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 3.200% USD 1,598,000 McCormick & Co Inc 2.700% 15/08/2022 1,621 0.05 02/01/2022 230 0.01 USD 1,300,000 McCormick & Co Inc 3.150% 15/08/2024 1,347 0.04 USD 1,000,000 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 3.250% 09/01/2024 1,037 0.03 USD 2,022,000 McDonald's Corp 2.200% 26/05/2020 2,023 0.06 USD 210,000 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 3.750% USD 2,103,000 McDonald's Corp 2.625% 15/01/2022 2,132 0.06 23/08/2022 218 0.01 USD 2,550,000 McDonald's Corp 2.750% 12/09/2020 2,571 0.07 USD 164,000 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 4.625% USD 3,025,000 McDonald's Corp 3.350% 04/01/2023 3,144 0.09 15/11/2020 167 0.00 USD 1,175,000 McKesson Corp 3.650% 30/11/2020 1,194 0.03 USD 525,000 Lam Research Corp 2.750% 15/03/2020 526 0.01 USD 1,700,000 McKesson Corp 3.796% 15/03/2024 1,789 0.05 USD 4,374,000 Lam Research Corp 2.800% 15/06/2021 4,428 0.12 USD 1,705,000 Mead Johnson Nutrition Co 3.000% 15/11/2020 1,723 0.05 USD 3,225,000 Las Vegas Sands Corp 3.200% 08/08/2024 3,283 0.09 USD 446,000 Medtronic Inc 2.750% 04/01/2023 457 0.01 USD 375,000 Lincoln National Corp 4.000% 09/01/2023 399 0.01 USD 4,876,000 Medtronic Inc 3.150% 15/03/2022 5,013 0.14 USD 6,092,000 Lockheed Martin Corp 2.500% 23/11/2020 6,118 0.17 USD 1,475,000 Merck & Co Inc 1.850% 02/10/2020 1,475 0.04 USD 200,000 Lockheed Martin Corp 3.100% 15/01/2023 206 0.01 USD 4,401,000 Merck & Co Inc 2.350% 02/10/2022 4,447 0.12 USD 625,000 Lockheed Martin Corp 3.350% 15/09/2021 640 0.02 USD 3,385,000 Merck & Co Inc 2.400% 15/09/2022 3,431 0.10 USD 700,000 Loews Corp 2.625% 15/05/2023 709 0.02 USD 2,226,000 Merck & Co Inc 2.800% 18/05/2023 2,296 0.06 USD 2,745,000 Lowe's Cos Inc 3.120% 15/04/2022 2,806 0.08 USD 575,000 Merck & Co Inc 2.900% 03/07/2024 596 0.02 USD 235,000 Lowe's Cos Inc 3.750% 15/04/2021 240 0.01 USD 1,097,000 Merck & Co Inc 3.875% 15/01/2021 1,116 0.03 USD 1,978,000 Lowe's Cos Inc 3.800% 15/11/2021 2,038 0.06 USD 475,000 MetLife Inc 3.048% 15/12/2022 493 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,625,000 Mosaic Co 4.250% 15/11/2023^ 2,796 0.08 USD 1,650,000 MetLife Inc 3.600% 04/10/2024 1,748 0.05 USD 1,865,000 Motorola Solutions Inc 3.500% 03/01/2023 1,924 0.05 USD 2,790,000 MetLife Inc 4.368% 15/09/2023 3,012 0.08 USD 262,000 Motorola Solutions Inc 3.750% 15/05/2022 271 0.01 USD 544,000 Microchip Technology Inc 3.922% 06/01/2021 555 0.02 USD 1,375,000 Motorola Solutions Inc 4.000% 09/01/2024 1,451 0.04 USD 1,620,000 Microchip Technology Inc 4.333% 06/01/2023 1,706 0.05 USD 1,581,000 MPLX LP 3.375% 15/03/2023 1,617 0.05 USD 1,880,000 Micron Technology Inc 4.640% 02/06/2024 2,020 0.06 USD 2,180,000 MPLX LP 4.500% 15/07/2023 2,308 0.06 USD 4,340,000 Microsoft Corp 1.550% 08/08/2021 4,326 0.12 USD 1,550,000 MUFG Union Bank NA 3.150% 04/01/2022 1,588 0.04 USD 2,210,000 Microsoft Corp 1.850% 02/06/2020 2,210 0.06 USD 2,100,000 Mylan Inc 4.200% 29/11/2023 2,208 0.06 USD 1,655,000 Microsoft Corp 1.850% 02/12/2020 1,655 0.05 USD 555,000 Nasdaq Inc 4.250% 06/01/2024 597 0.02 USD 6,275,000 Microsoft Corp 2.000% 11/03/2020 6,288 0.18 USD 934,000 National Fuel Gas Co 3.750% 03/01/2023 960 0.03 USD 1,235,000 Microsoft Corp 2.000% 08/08/2023 1,240 0.03 USD 10,000 National Fuel Gas Co 4.900% 12/01/2021 10 0.00 USD 625,000 Microsoft Corp 2.125% 15/11/2022 631 0.02 USD 1,175,000 National Oilwell Varco Inc 2.600% 12/01/2022 1,187 0.03 USD 1,604,000 Microsoft Corp 2.375% 02/12/2022 1,624 0.05 USD 1,699,000 NBCUniversal Media LLC 2.875% 15/01/2023 1,743 0.05 USD 550,000 Microsoft Corp 2.375% 05/01/2023 559 0.02 USD 3,449,000 NBCUniversal Media LLC 4.375% 04/01/2021 3,559 0.10 USD 5,395,000 Microsoft Corp 2.400% 02/06/2022 5,468 0.15 USD 410,000 Nevada Power Co 2.750% 15/04/2020 411 0.01 USD 3,965,000 Microsoft Corp 2.650% 11/03/2022 4,057 0.11 USD 2,175,000 Newfield Exploration Co 5.625% 07/01/2024^ 2,373 0.07 USD 2,650,000 Microsoft Corp 2.875% 02/06/2024 2,752 0.08 USD 875,000 Newfield Exploration Co 5.750% 30/01/2022 929 0.03 USD 95,000 Microsoft Corp 3.000% 10/01/2020 96 0.00 USD 2,936,000 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 3.500% 15/03/2022 3,015 0.08 USD 2,500,000 Microsoft Corp 3.625% 15/12/2023 2,660 0.07 USD 1,400,000 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 3.700% 15/03/2023 1,454 0.04 USD 100,000 Microsoft Corp 4.000% 02/08/2021 103 0.00 USD 775,000 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc 2.403% USD 2,850,000 Molson Coors Brewing Co 2.100% 15/07/2021 2,846 0.08 09/01/2021 779 0.02 USD 580,000 Molson Coors Brewing Co 3.500% 05/01/2022 595 0.02 USD 100,000 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc 2.800% 15/01/2023 102 0.00 USD 60,000 Mondelez International Inc 3.000% 05/07/2020 60 0.00 USD 460,000 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc 2.900% USD 2,107,000 Mondelez International Inc 3.625% 05/07/2023 2,207 0.06 04/01/2022 468 0.01 USD 1,405,000 Moody's Corp 2.625% 15/01/2023 1,424 0.04 USD 2,300,000 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc 3.150% USD 2,595,000 Moody's Corp 2.750% 15/12/2021 2,629 0.07 04/01/2024 2,377 0.07 USD 299,000 Moody's Corp 4.500% 09/01/2022 317 0.01 USD 413,000 NIKE Inc 2.250% 05/01/2023 419 0.01 USD 250,000 Moody's Corp 4.875% 15/02/2024 275 0.01 USD 510,000 NiSource Inc 2.650% 17/11/2022 516 0.01 USD 793,000 Moody's Corp 5.500% 09/01/2020 812 0.02 USD 640,000 Nordstrom Inc 4.000% 15/10/2021 655 0.02 USD 5,030,000 Morgan Stanley 2.500% 21/04/2021 5,060 0.14 USD 1,850,000 Nordstrom Inc 4.750% 05/01/2020 1,868 0.05 USD 6,075,000 Morgan Stanley 2.625% 17/11/2021 6,140 0.17 USD 1,640,000 Norfolk Southern Corp 2.903% 15/02/2023 1,676 0.05 USD 3,000,000 Morgan Stanley 2.650% 27/01/2020 3,002 0.08 USD 700,000 Norfolk Southern Corp 3.000% 04/01/2022 714 0.02 USD 6,860,000 Morgan Stanley 2.750% 19/05/2022 6,948 0.19 USD 535,000 Norfolk Southern Corp 3.250% 12/01/2021 547 0.02 USD 7,067,000 Morgan Stanley 2.800% 16/06/2020 7,090 0.20 USD 888,000 Northern Trust Corp 2.375% 08/02/2022 897 0.02 USD 4,650,000 Morgan Stanley 3.125% 23/01/2023 4,772 0.13 USD 2,391,000 Northern Trust Corp 3.450% 11/04/2020 2,425 0.07 USD 4,250,000 Morgan Stanley 3.700% 23/10/2024 4,496 0.13 USD 1,253,000 Northrop Grumman Corp 2.080% 15/10/2020 1,255 0.03 USD 5,555,000 Morgan Stanley 3.737% 24/04/2024 5,809 0.16 USD 3,337,000 Northrop Grumman Corp 2.550% 15/10/2022 3,380 0.09 USD 1,156,000 Morgan Stanley 3.750% 25/02/2023 1,210 0.03 USD 1,645,000 Northrop Grumman Corp 3.250% 08/01/2023 1,710 0.05 USD 5,875,000 Morgan Stanley 3.875% 29/04/2024 6,243 0.17 USD 1,085,000 Northrop Grumman Corp 3.500% 15/03/2021 1,105 0.03 USD 2,445,000 Morgan Stanley 4.100% 22/05/2023 2,580 0.07 USD 2,075,000 Novartis Capital Corp 1.800% 14/02/2020 2,075 0.06 USD 2,950,000 Morgan Stanley 4.875% 11/01/2022 3,162 0.09 USD 2,395,000 Novartis Capital Corp 2.400% 17/05/2022 2,422 0.07 USD 2,215,000 Morgan Stanley 5.500% 26/01/2020 2,225 0.06 USD 2,925,000 Novartis Capital Corp 2.400% 21/09/2022 2,964 0.08 USD 2,870,000 Morgan Stanley 5.500% 24/07/2020 2,933 0.08 USD 3,145,000 Novartis Capital Corp 3.400% 05/06/2024 3,327 0.09 USD 3,831,000 Morgan Stanley 5.500% 28/07/2021 4,041 0.11 USD 150,000 Novartis Capital Corp 4.400% 24/04/2020 151 0.00 USD 3,267,000 Morgan Stanley 5.750% 25/01/2021 3,402 0.09 USD 835,000 Nucor Corp 4.000% 08/01/2023 884 0.02 USD 615,000 Mosaic Co 3.250% 15/11/2022 628 0.02 USD 1,600,000 Nucor Corp 4.125% 15/09/2022 1,679 0.05



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 700,000 Pfizer Inc 1.700% 15/12/2019 700 0.02 USD 1,720,000 NVIDIA Corp 2.200% 16/09/2021 1,724 0.05 USD 3,570,000 Pfizer Inc 1.950% 06/03/2021 3,574 0.10 USD 325,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 2.600% 13/08/2021 327 0.01 USD 2,485,000 Pfizer Inc 2.200% 15/12/2021 2,499 0.07 USD 820,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 2.700% 15/08/2022 826 0.02 USD 475,000 Pfizer Inc 2.800% 03/11/2022 484 0.01 USD 2,935,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 2.700% 15/02/2023 2,949 0.08 USD 3,022,000 Pfizer Inc 2.950% 15/03/2024 3,134 0.09 USD 4,000,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 2.900% 15/08/2024 4,021 0.11 USD 305,000 Pfizer Inc 3.000% 15/09/2021 311 0.01 USD 595,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 3.125% 15/02/2022 604 0.02 USD 2,350,000 Pfizer Inc 3.000% 15/06/2023 2,431 0.07 USD 3,638,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 4.100% 02/01/2021 3,699 0.10 USD 1,665,000 Pfizer Inc 3.200% 15/09/2023 1,735 0.05 USD 2,355,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 4.850% 15/03/2021 2,428 0.07 USD 2,265,000 Philip Morris International Inc 1.875% 25/02/2021^ 2,262 0.06 USD 2,050,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 6.950% 07/01/2024 2,400 0.07 USD 1,106,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.000% 21/02/2020 1,106 0.03 USD 500,000 Ohio Power Co 5.375% 10/01/2021 530 0.01 USD 625,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.125% 05/10/2023 624 0.02 USD 360,000 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 4.375% 08/01/2023 383 0.01 USD 3,258,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.375% 17/08/2022 3,281 0.09 USD 1,293,000 Omnicom Group Inc / Omnicom Capital Inc 3.625% USD 913,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.500% 11/02/2022 924 0.03 05/01/2022 1,336 0.04 USD 1,685,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.500% 22/08/2022 1,703 0.05 USD 450,000 Omnicom Group Inc / Omnicom Capital Inc 4.450% USD 1,020,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.625% 18/02/2022 1,033 0.03 15/08/2020^ 458 0.01 USD 1,570,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.625% 03/06/2023 1,593 0.04 USD 1,210,000 Oncor Electric Delivery Co LLC 2.750% 06/01/2024 1,239 0.03 USD 1,300,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.875% 05/01/2024 1,336 0.04 USD 1,645,000 ONEOK Inc 2.750% 09/01/2024 1,649 0.05 USD 550,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.900% 15/11/2021 559 0.02 USD 975,000 ONEOK Inc 4.250% 02/01/2022 1,009 0.03 USD 500,000 Philip Morris International Inc 3.250% 11/10/2024 524 0.01 USD 1,885,000 ONEOK Partners LP 3.375% 10/01/2022 1,932 0.05 USD 280,000 Philip Morris International Inc 3.600% 15/11/2023 295 0.01 USD 6,275,000 Oracle Corp 1.900% 15/09/2021 6,277 0.17 USD 800,000 Philip Morris International Inc 4.500% 26/03/2020 806 0.02 USD 4,319,000 Oracle Corp 2.400% 15/09/2023 4,373 0.12 USD 2,816,000 Phillips 66 4.300% 04/01/2022 2,961 0.08 USD 6,127,000 Oracle Corp 2.500% 15/05/2022 6,207 0.17 USD 1,803,000 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 3.450% 15/01/2021 1,826 0.05 USD 5,084,000 Oracle Corp 2.500% 15/10/2022 5,169 0.14 USD 695,000 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 3.950% 15/07/2022 722 0.02 USD 2,975,000 Oracle Corp 2.625% 15/02/2023 3,031 0.08 USD 1,000,000 Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp USD 2,069,000 Oracle Corp 2.800% 07/08/2021 2,101 0.06 3.600% 11/01/2024 1,019 0.03 USD 1,000,000 Oracle Corp 2.950% 15/11/2024 1,037 0.03 USD 769,000 Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp USD 1,625,000 Oracle Corp 3.400% 07/08/2024 1,717 0.05 3.650% 06/01/2022 786 0.02 USD 1,100,000 Oracle Corp 3.625% 15/07/2023 1,162 0.03 USD 1,622,000 Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp USD 1,061,000 Oracle Corp 3.875% 15/07/2020 1,074 0.03 3.850% 15/10/2023 1,673 0.05 USD 1,375,000 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 4.875% 14/01/2021 1,407 0.04 USD 595,000 Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp 5.000% 02/01/2021 609 0.02 USD 90,000 Packaging Corp of America 2.450% 15/12/2020 90 0.00 USD 2,300,000 PNC Bank NA 2.000% 19/05/2020~ 2,300 0.06 USD 250,000 Packaging Corp of America 4.500% 11/01/2023 269 0.01 USD 3,225,000 PNC Bank NA 2.150% 29/04/2021~ 3,233 0.09 USD 1,155,000 Parker-Hannifin Corp 2.700% 14/06/2024 1,171 0.03 USD 900,000 PNC Bank NA 2.232% 22/07/2022~ 902 0.03 USD 1,060,000 PayPal Holdings Inc 2.200% 26/09/2022 1,064 0.03 USD 1,100,000 PNC Bank NA 2.300% 06/01/2020~ 1,100 0.03 USD 2,245,000 PayPal Holdings Inc 2.400% 10/01/2024 2,249 0.06 USD 2,100,000 PNC Bank NA 2.450% 11/05/2020~ 2,110 0.06 USD 1,405,000 PepsiCo Inc 1.700% 10/06/2021 1,402 0.04 USD 642,000 PNC Bank NA 2.450% 28/07/2022~ 648 0.02 USD 2,885,000 PepsiCo Inc 1.850% 30/04/2020 2,884 0.08 USD 1,100,000 PNC Bank NA 2.500% 22/01/2021~ 1,106 0.03 USD 3,558,000 PepsiCo Inc 2.000% 15/04/2021 3,566 0.10 USD 3,275,000 PNC Bank NA 2.550% 12/09/2021~ 3,314 0.09 USD 2,025,000 PepsiCo Inc 2.150% 14/10/2020 2,031 0.06 USD 2,300,000 PNC Bank NA 2.600% 21/07/2020~ 2,308 0.06 USD 3,300,000 PepsiCo Inc 2.250% 05/02/2022 3,331 0.09 USD 3,604,000 PNC Bank NA 2.625% 17/02/2022~ 3,652 0.10 USD 520,000 PepsiCo Inc 2.750% 03/05/2022 531 0.01 USD 1,650,000 PNC Bank NA 2.700% 11/01/2022~ 1,678 0.05 USD 790,000 PepsiCo Inc 2.750% 03/01/2023 813 0.02 USD 3,300,000 PNC Bank NA 2.950% 30/01/2023~ 3,374 0.09 USD 597,000 PepsiCo Inc 3.000% 25/08/2021 609 0.02 USD 650,000 PNC Bank NA 3.500% 06/08/2023~ 679 0.02 USD 1,295,000 PepsiCo Inc 3.100% 17/07/2022 1,334 0.04 USD 1,010,000 PNC Bank NA 3.800% 25/07/2023~ 1,062 0.03 USD 2,960,000 PepsiCo Inc 3.125% 11/01/2020 2,994 0.08 USD 198,000 PNC Financial Services Group Inc 2.854% USD 1,300,000 PepsiCo Inc 3.600% 03/01/2024 1,384 0.04 11/09/2022~ 202 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 963,000 Regions Financial Corp 3.800% 14/08/2023 1,014 0.03 USD 425,000 PNC Financial Services Group Inc 3.300% USD 1,000,000 RELX Capital Inc 3.125% 15/10/2022 1,020 0.03 ~ 03/08/2022 436 0.01 USD 1,800,000 RELX Capital Inc 3.500% 16/03/2023 1,862 0.05 USD 3,205,000 PNC Financial Services Group Inc 3.500% USD 1,585,000 Republic Services Inc 2.500% 15/08/2024 1,601 0.04 23/01/2024~ 3,376 0.09 USD 303,000 Republic Services Inc 3.550% 06/01/2022 313 0.01 USD 50,000 PNC Financial Services Group Inc 4.375% 08/11/2020~ 51 0.00 USD 350,000 Republic Services Inc 4.750% 15/05/2023 378 0.01 USD 862,000 PPG Industries Inc 3.600% 15/11/2020 875 0.02 USD 2,000,000 Republic Services Inc 5.000% 03/01/2020 2,015 0.06 USD 610,000 PPL Capital Funding Inc 3.400% 06/01/2023 627 0.02 USD 130,000 Republic Services Inc 5.250% 15/11/2021 138 0.00 USD 1,450,000 Praxair Inc 2.200% 15/08/2022 1,458 0.04 USD 2,428,000 Reynolds American Inc 3.250% 06/12/2020 2,441 0.07 USD 2,055,000 Praxair Inc 2.450% 15/02/2022 2,078 0.06 USD 2,399,000 Reynolds American Inc 4.000% 06/12/2022 2,494 0.07 USD 1,750,000 Praxair Inc 2.700% 21/02/2023 1,785 0.05 USD 775,000 Reynolds American Inc 4.850% 15/09/2023 838 0.02 USD 495,000 Praxair Inc 3.000% 09/01/2021 504 0.01 USD 1,860,000 Reynolds American Inc 6.875% 05/01/2020 1,895 0.05 USD 1,150,000 Praxair Inc 4.050% 15/03/2021 1,182 0.03 USD 3,025,000 Rockwell Collins Inc 2.800% 15/03/2022 3,072 0.09 USD 1,800,000 Precision Castparts Corp 2.250% 15/06/2020 1,804 0.05 USD 275,000 Rockwell Collins Inc 3.200% 15/03/2024 286 0.01 USD 935,000 Precision Castparts Corp 2.500% 15/01/2023 949 0.03 USD 425,000 Roper Technologies Inc 2.350% 15/09/2024 426 0.01 USD 1,362,000 Procter & Gamble Co 1.700% 11/03/2021 1,359 0.04 USD 2,301,000 Roper Technologies Inc 2.800% 15/12/2021 2,331 0.06 USD 2,325,000 Procter & Gamble Co 1.850% 02/02/2021 2,327 0.06 USD 1,775,000 Roper Technologies Inc 3.000% 15/12/2020 1,792 0.05 USD 2,476,000 Procter & Gamble Co 1.900% 23/10/2020 2,479 0.07 USD 189,000 Roper Technologies Inc 3.125% 15/11/2022 194 0.01 USD 2,590,000 Procter & Gamble Co 2.150% 08/11/2022 2,617 0.07 USD 2,165,000 Roper Technologies Inc 3.650% 15/09/2023 2,274 0.06 USD 419,000 Procter & Gamble Co 2.300% 02/06/2022 424 0.01 USD 1,145,000 Ryder System Inc 2.500% 09/01/2024 1,147 0.03 ^ USD 1,300,000 Procter & Gamble Co 3.100% 15/08/2023 1,362 0.04 USD 385,000 Ryder System Inc 2.875% 06/01/2022 391 0.01 USD 1,302,000 Progress Energy Inc 4.400% 15/01/2021 1,329 0.04 USD 1,050,000 Ryder System Inc 3.650% 18/03/2024 1,098 0.03 USD 688,000 Progressive Corp 3.750% 23/08/2021 708 0.02 USD 3,535,000 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC 5.625% 02/01/2021 3,637 0.10 USD 1,150,000 Prologis LP 4.250% 15/08/2023 1,234 0.03 USD 2,325,000 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC 5.625% 15/04/2023 2,521 0.07 USD 425,000 Prudential Financial Inc 4.500% 15/11/2020 435 0.01 USD 3,025,000 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC 5.750% 15/05/2024 3,364 0.09 USD 1,327,000 Prudential Financial Inc 5.375% 21/06/2020 1,353 0.04 USD 1,400,000 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC 6.250% 15/03/2022 1,502 0.04 USD 1,800,000 PSEG Power LLC 3.000% 15/06/2021 1,820 0.05 USD 1,855,000 Inc 3.250% 04/11/2023 1,932 0.05 USD 2,390,000 PSEG Power LLC 3.850% 06/01/2023 2,509 0.07 USD 1,562,000 Santander Holdings USA Inc 2.650% 17/04/2020 1,562 0.04 USD 1,502,000 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 2.650% USD 1,230,000 Santander Holdings USA Inc 3.400% 18/01/2023 1,261 0.04 15/11/2022 1,523 0.04 USD 2,025,000 Santander Holdings USA Inc 3.500% 06/07/2024 2,076 0.06 USD 450,000 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 2.875% USD 3,805,000 Santander Holdings USA Inc 3.700% 28/03/2022 3,906 0.11 15/06/2024 460 0.01 USD 1,131,000 Santander Holdings USA Inc 4.450% 12/03/2021 1,174 0.03 USD 1,425,000 Public Storage 2.370% 15/09/2022 1,439 0.04 USD 1,125,000 Sempra Energy 2.400% 02/01/2020 1,126 0.03 USD 765,000 Puget Energy Inc 6.000% 09/01/2021 812 0.02 USD 884,000 Sempra Energy 2.400% 15/03/2020 885 0.02 USD 1,420,000 QUALCOMM Inc 2.250% 20/05/2020 1,422 0.04 USD 2,222,000 Sempra Energy 2.875% 10/01/2022 2,257 0.06 USD 3,925,000 QUALCOMM Inc 2.600% 30/01/2023 3,984 0.11 USD 945,000 Sempra Energy 2.900% 02/01/2023 960 0.03 USD 1,530,000 QUALCOMM Inc 2.900% 20/05/2024 1,574 0.04 USD 50,000 Sempra Energy 3.550% 15/06/2024 52 0.00 USD 3,684,000 QUALCOMM Inc 3.000% 20/05/2022 3,770 0.11 USD 1,031,000 Sempra Energy 4.050% 12/01/2023 1,095 0.03 USD 1,061,000 Quest Diagnostics Inc 4.700% 04/01/2021 1,097 0.03 USD 1,000,000 Service Properties Trust 4.350% 10/01/2024 1,022 0.03 USD 1,753,000 Raytheon Co 2.500% 15/12/2022 1,779 0.05 USD 1,550,000 Service Properties Trust 4.500% 15/06/2023 1,604 0.04 USD 424,000 Raytheon Co 3.125% 15/10/2020 429 0.01 USD 650,000 Service Properties Trust 5.000% 15/08/2022 679 0.02 USD 1,568,000 Realty Income Corp 3.250% 15/10/2022 1,616 0.04 USD 2,103,000 Sherwin-Williams Co 2.750% 06/01/2022 2,134 0.06 USD 950,000 Realty Income Corp 4.650% 08/01/2023 1,031 0.03 USD 1,345,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.000% 13/09/2024 1,337 0.04 USD 325,000 Regions Bank 2.750% 04/01/2021 327 0.01 USD 2,980,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.350% 30/01/2022 3,003 0.08 USD 2,755,000 Regions Bank 3.374% 13/08/2021 2,779 0.08 USD 1,850,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.500% 09/01/2020 1,857 0.05 USD 2,580,000 Regions Financial Corp 2.750% 14/08/2022 2,617 0.07 USD 350,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.500% 15/07/2021 353 0.01 USD 1,660,000 Regions Financial Corp 3.200% 02/08/2021 1,680 0.05



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,372,000 Synchrony Financial 4.375% 19/03/2024 2,515 0.07 USD 1,089,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.625% 15/06/2022 1,106 0.03 USD 1,360,000 Sysco Corp 2.500% 15/07/2021 1,370 0.04 USD 569,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.750% 02/01/2023^ 580 0.02 USD 1,972,000 Sysco Corp 2.600% 10/01/2020 1,984 0.06 USD 1,550,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.750% 06/01/2023 1,585 0.04 USD 441,000 Target Corp 2.900% 15/01/2022 451 0.01 USD 1,425,000 Simon Property Group LP 3.750% 02/01/2024 1,507 0.04 USD 2,580,000 Target Corp 3.500% 07/01/2024 2,757 0.08 USD 600,000 Southern California Edison Co 3.500% 10/01/2023 622 0.02 USD 1,806,000 Target Corp 3.875% 15/07/2020 1,830 0.05 USD 1,835,000 Southern California Edison Co 3.875% 06/01/2021 1,873 0.05 USD 1,795,000 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 2.950% 04/01/2022 1,832 0.05 USD 3,151,000 Southern Co 2.350% 07/01/2021 3,164 0.09 USD 1,652,000 Tech Data Corp 3.700% 15/02/2022 1,679 0.05 USD 2,945,000 Southern Co 2.750% 15/06/2020 2,956 0.08 USD 1,050,000 Texas Instruments Inc 1.850% 15/05/2022 1,048 0.03 USD 2,200,000 Southern Co 2.950% 07/01/2023 2,244 0.06 USD 50,000 Texas Instruments Inc 2.250% 05/01/2023 50 0.00 USD 1,625,000 Spectra Energy Partners LP 4.750% 15/03/2024 1,765 0.05 USD 1,571,000 Texas Instruments Inc 2.750% 03/12/2021 1,588 0.04 USD 750,000 Stanley Black & Decker Inc 2.900% 11/01/2022 768 0.02 USD 2,017,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 3.000% 15/04/2023 2,073 0.06 USD 4,220,000 Starbucks Corp 2.100% 02/04/2021 4,230 0.12 USD 1,150,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 4.150% 02/01/2024 1,233 0.03 USD 1,703,000 Starbucks Corp 2.200% 22/11/2020 1,708 0.05 USD 4,495,000 Time Warner Cable LLC 4.000% 09/01/2021 4,602 0.13 USD 100,000 Starbucks Corp 2.700% 15/06/2022 102 0.00 USD 2,670,000 Time Warner Cable LLC 4.125% 15/02/2021 2,715 0.08 USD 1,600,000 Starbucks Corp 3.100% 03/01/2023 1,651 0.05 USD 2,200,000 Time Warner Cable LLC 5.000% 02/01/2020 2,209 0.06 USD 200,000 Starbucks Corp 3.850% 10/01/2023 212 0.01 USD 400,000 Time Warner Entertainment Co LP 8.375% USD 2,735,000 State Street Corp 1.950% 19/05/2021 2,736 0.08 15/03/2023 474 0.01 USD 1,767,000 State Street Corp 2.550% 18/08/2020 1,773 0.05 USD 995,000 TJX Cos Inc 2.500% 15/05/2023 1,010 0.03 USD 1,680,000 State Street Corp 3.100% 15/05/2023 1,733 0.05 USD 525,000 TJX Cos Inc 2.750% 15/06/2021 531 0.01 USD 1,100,000 State Street Corp 3.700% 20/11/2023 1,171 0.03 USD 2,765,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 1.900% 04/08/2021 2,767 0.08 USD 250,000 Steel Dynamics Inc 5.125% 10/01/2021 251 0.01 USD 2,647,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 1.950% 17/04/2020 2,649 0.07 USD 500,000 Steel Dynamics Inc 5.500% 10/01/2024 515 0.01 USD 50,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.000% 10/07/2024 50 0.00 USD 3,092,000 Stryker Corp 2.625% 15/03/2021 3,112 0.09 USD 1,925,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.150% 03/12/2020 1,927 0.05 USD 400,000 Stryker Corp 3.375% 15/05/2024 419 0.01 USD 3,670,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.150% 09/08/2022 3,687 0.10 USD 505,000 Sunoco Logistics Partners Operations LP 4.250% USD 215,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.250% 18/10/2023 216 0.01 04/01/2024 528 0.01 USD 2,068,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.600% 01/11/2022 2,097 0.06 USD 622,000 Sunoco Logistics Partners Operations LP 4.400% USD 460,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.625% 01/10/2023 468 0.01 04/01/2021 636 0.02 USD 400,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.650% 04/12/2022^ 407 0.01 USD 1,500,000 SunTrust Bank 2.250% 31/01/2020 1,500 0.04 USD 1,025,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.700% 01/11/2023 1,048 0.03 USD 1,546,000 SunTrust Bank 2.450% 08/01/2022 1,558 0.04 USD 1,652,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.750% 17/05/2021 1,673 0.05 USD 1,850,000 SunTrust Bank 2.590% 29/01/2021 1,851 0.05 USD 643,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.800% 13/07/2022 657 0.02 USD 956,000 SunTrust Bank 2.750% 05/01/2023 973 0.03 USD 933,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.950% 13/04/2021 947 0.03 USD 1,200,000 SunTrust Bank 2.800% 17/05/2022 1,219 0.03 USD 879,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 3.050% 01/08/2021 890 0.02 USD 903,000 SunTrust Bank 3.000% 02/02/2023 926 0.03 USD 805,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 3.300% 01/12/2022 829 0.02 USD 1,150,000 SunTrust Bank 3.200% 04/01/2024 1,196 0.03 USD 3,000,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 3.350% 01/08/2024 3,150 0.09 USD 2,318,000 SunTrust Bank 3.502% 08/02/2022 2,366 0.07 USD 881,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 3.400% 15/09/2021 904 0.03 USD 1,590,000 SunTrust Bank 3.525% 26/10/2021 1,611 0.04 USD 1,447,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 3.450% 20/09/2023 1,520 0.04 USD 350,000 SunTrust Bank 3.689% 08/02/2024 366 0.01 USD 1,820,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 4.250% 01/11/2021 1,867 0.05 USD 3,963,000 SunTrust Banks Inc 2.700% 27/01/2022 4,008 0.11 USD 50,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 4.500% 17/06/2020 51 0.00 USD 1,045,000 SunTrust Banks Inc 2.900% 03/03/2021 1,055 0.03 USD 675,000 Travelers Cos Inc 3.900% 11/01/2020 687 0.02 USD 1,785,000 Synchrony Bank 3.000% 15/06/2022 1,808 0.05 USD 2,400,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 1.950% 03/04/2020 2,400 0.07 USD 600,000 Synchrony Bank 3.650% 24/05/2021 611 0.02 USD 1,575,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 2.150% 17/09/2020 1,580 0.04 USD 445,000 Synchrony Financial 2.700% 02/03/2020 445 0.01 USD 1,542,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 2.300% 02/12/2021 1,551 0.04 USD 675,000 Synchrony Financial 2.850% 25/07/2022 681 0.02 USD 525,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 2.350% 12/01/2022 532 0.01 USD 275,000 Synchrony Financial 3.750% 15/08/2021 281 0.01 USD 1,050,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 2.450% 03/04/2022 1,064 0.03 USD 2,045,000 Synchrony Financial 4.250% 15/08/2024 2,154 0.06



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,650,000 US Bancorp 2.350% 29/01/2021 1,659 0.05 USD 555,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 2.750% 16/08/2021 563 0.02 USD 1,200,000 US Bancorp 2.400% 30/07/2024 1,216 0.03 USD 927,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 3.750% 06/01/2021 953 0.03 USD 2,950,000 US Bancorp 2.625% 24/01/2022 2,993 0.08 USD 2,695,000 Tyson Foods Inc 2.250% 23/08/2021 2,706 0.08 USD 2,125,000 US Bancorp 2.950% 15/07/2022 2,176 0.06 USD 1,000,000 Tyson Foods Inc 3.950% 15/08/2024 1,069 0.03 USD 1,012,000 US Bancorp 3.000% 15/03/2022 1,036 0.03 USD 1,222,000 Tyson Foods Inc 4.500% 15/06/2022 1,288 0.04 USD 4,000,000 US Bancorp 3.375% 02/05/2024 4,202 0.12 USD 1,690,000 Capital Corp 1.375% 28/07/2021 1,677 0.05 USD 1,000,000 US Bancorp 3.600% 09/11/2024 1,064 0.03 USD 1,365,000 Unilever Capital Corp 1.800% 05/05/2020 1,364 0.04 USD 25,000 US Bancorp 3.700% 30/01/2024 27 0.00 USD 890,000 Unilever Capital Corp 2.200% 05/05/2022 896 0.02 USD 1,394,000 US Bancorp 4.125% 24/05/2021 1,437 0.04 USD 1,200,000 Unilever Capital Corp 2.600% 05/05/2024 1,224 0.03 USD 1,425,000 US Bank NA 2.000% 24/01/2020 1,425 0.04 USD 1,465,000 Unilever Capital Corp 3.000% 03/07/2022 1,500 0.04 USD 1,203,000 US Bank NA 2.050% 23/10/2020 1,204 0.03 USD 1,725,000 Unilever Capital Corp 3.125% 22/03/2023 1,783 0.05 USD 1,550,000 US Bank NA 2.350% 23/01/2020 1,550 0.04 USD 1,345,000 Unilever Capital Corp 4.250% 02/10/2021 1,382 0.04 USD 1,250,000 US Bank NA 2.650% 23/05/2022 1,272 0.04 USD 155,000 Union Pacific Corp 2.950% 03/01/2022 158 0.00 USD 3,810,000 US Bank NA 2.850% 23/01/2023 3,906 0.11 USD 380,000 Union Pacific Corp 3.150% 03/01/2024 395 0.01 USD 465,000 US Bank NA 3.000% 02/04/2021 470 0.01 USD 1,365,000 Union Pacific Corp 3.200% 06/08/2021 1,391 0.04 USD 650,000 US Bank NA 3.050% 24/07/2020 654 0.02 USD 1,245,000 Union Pacific Corp 3.500% 06/08/2023 1,302 0.04 USD 2,300,000 US Bank NA 3.104% 21/05/2021 2,311 0.06 USD 845,000 Union Pacific Corp 4.000% 02/01/2021 861 0.02 USD 1,260,000 US Bank NA 3.150% 26/04/2021 1,280 0.04 USD 3,200,000 Union Pacific Corp 4.163% 15/07/2022 3,362 0.09 USD 2,375,000 US Bank NA 3.400% 24/07/2023 2,483 0.07 USD 1,611,000 United Parcel Service Inc 2.050% 04/01/2021 1,615 0.04 USD 225,000 US Bank NA 3.450% 16/11/2021 232 0.01 USD 2,287,000 United Parcel Service Inc 2.350% 16/05/2022 2,311 0.06 USD 426,000 Ventas Realty LP / Ventas Capital Corp 3.250% USD 813,000 United Parcel Service Inc 2.450% 10/01/2022 824 0.02 15/08/2022 437 0.01 USD 762,000 United Parcel Service Inc 2.500% 04/01/2023 773 0.02 USD 850,000 VEREIT Operating Partnership LP 4.600% 02/06/2024 916 0.03 USD 1,946,000 United Parcel Service Inc 3.125% 15/01/2021 1,973 0.05 USD 2,245,000 Verizon Communications Inc 2.450% 11/01/2022 2,272 0.06 USD 2,973,000 United Technologies Corp 1.900% 05/04/2020 2,975 0.08 USD 1,705,000 Verizon Communications Inc 2.946% 15/03/2022 1,743 0.05 USD 183,000 United Technologies Corp 1.950% 11/01/2021 183 0.01 USD 3,942,000 Verizon Communications Inc 3.125% 16/03/2022 4,043 0.11 USD 2,376,000 United Technologies Corp 2.300% 05/04/2022 2,391 0.07 USD 1,353,000 Verizon Communications Inc 3.450% 15/03/2021 1,379 0.04 USD 1,675,000 United Technologies Corp 2.800% 05/04/2024 1,720 0.05 USD 1,500,000 Verizon Communications Inc 3.500% 11/01/2024 1,589 0.04 USD 4,746,000 United Technologies Corp 3.100% 06/01/2022 4,869 0.14 USD 1,320,000 Verizon Communications Inc 4.600% 04/01/2021 1,365 0.04 USD 780,000 United Technologies Corp 3.350% 16/08/2021 798 0.02 USD 6,300,000 Verizon Communications Inc 5.150% 15/09/2023 7,004 0.20 USD 3,320,000 United Technologies Corp 3.650% 16/08/2023 3,496 0.10 USD 1,619,000 Viacom Inc 3.875% 15/12/2021 1,675 0.05 USD 1,945,000 United Technologies Corp 4.500% 15/04/2020 1,964 0.05 USD 1,305,000 Viacom Inc 4.250% 09/01/2023 1,385 0.04 USD 1,745,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1.950% 15/10/2020 1,748 0.05 USD 1,350,000 Viacom Inc 4.500% 03/01/2021 1,388 0.04 USD 1,586,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.125% 15/03/2021 1,590 0.04 USD 525,000 Virginia Electric & Power Co 2.750% 15/03/2023 535 0.01 USD 1,047,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.300% 15/12/2019 1,047 0.03 USD 3,232,000 Visa Inc 2.150% 15/09/2022 3,261 0.09 USD 2,825,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.375% 15/10/2022 2,853 0.08 USD 6,006,000 Visa Inc 2.200% 14/12/2020 6,027 0.17 USD 1,450,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.375% 15/08/2024 1,464 0.04 USD 1,902,000 Visa Inc 2.800% 14/12/2022 1,952 0.05 USD 2,550,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.700% 15/07/2020 2,565 0.07 USD 2,344,000 VMware Inc 2.300% 21/08/2020 2,346 0.07 USD 1,440,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.750% 15/02/2023 1,467 0.04 USD 4,337,000 VMware Inc 2.950% 21/08/2022 4,406 0.12 USD 525,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.875% 15/12/2021 534 0.01 USD 1,430,000 Walgreen Co 3.100% 15/09/2022 1,452 0.04 USD 2,175,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.875% 15/03/2022 2,215 0.06 USD 3,446,000 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 3.300% 18/11/2021 3,499 0.10 USD 251,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.875% 15/03/2023 257 0.01 USD 3,887,000 Walmart Inc 1.900% 15/12/2020 3,893 0.11 USD 965,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 3.350% 15/07/2022 998 0.03 USD 1,215,000 Walmart Inc 2.350% 15/12/2022 1,232 0.03 USD 907,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 3.375% 15/11/2021 929 0.03 USD 5,255,000 Walmart Inc 2.550% 04/11/2023 5,352 0.15 USD 865,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 3.500% 15/06/2023 905 0.03 USD 2,575,000 Walmart Inc 2.850% 07/08/2024 2,672 0.07 ^ USD 2,575,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 3.500% 15/02/2024 2,722 0.08 USD 2,075,000 Walmart Inc 3.125% 23/06/2021 2,117 0.06



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.90%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 77.13%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 5,590,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 3.325% 23/07/2021 5,633 0.16 USD 300,000 Walmart Inc 3.250% 25/10/2020 304 0.01 USD 5,350,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 3.550% 14/08/2023 5,603 0.16 USD 50,000 Walmart Inc 3.300% 22/04/2024 53 0.00 USD 2,024,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 3.625% 22/10/2021 2,083 0.06 USD 5,200,000 Walmart Inc 3.400% 26/06/2023 5,464 0.15 USD 1,710,000 Welltower Inc 3.625% 15/03/2024 1,797 0.05 USD 3,000,000 Walmart Inc 3.625% 07/08/2020 3,032 0.08 USD 1,300,000 Welltower Inc 3.750% 15/03/2023 1,357 0.04 USD 658,000 Walmart Inc 4.250% 15/04/2021 679 0.02 USD 450,000 Welltower Inc 3.950% 09/01/2023 476 0.01 USD 630,000 Walt Disney Co 1.650% 09/01/2022 627 0.02 USD 1,250,000 Western Midstream Operating LP 4.000% 07/01/2022 1,270 0.04 USD 4,075,000 Walt Disney Co 1.750% 30/08/2024 4,029 0.11 USD 761,000 Western Midstream Operating LP 5.375% 06/01/2021 783 0.02 USD 2,325,000 Walt Disney Co 3.000% 15/09/2022 2,395 0.07 USD 1,280,000 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp 4.400% USD 200,000 Walt Disney Co 3.700% 15/09/2024 214 0.01 15/03/2024 1,356 0.04 USD 1,115,000 Walt Disney Co 4.500% 15/02/2021 1,149 0.03 USD 44,000 Weyerhaeuser Co 4.625% 15/09/2023 48 0.00 USD 1,543,000 Waste Management Inc 2.400% 15/05/2023 1,557 0.04 USD 2,135,000 Williams Cos Inc 3.350% 15/08/2022 2,183 0.06 USD 500,000 Waste Management Inc 2.900% 15/09/2022 512 0.01 USD 3,256,000 Williams Cos Inc 3.600% 15/03/2022 3,341 0.09 USD 1,641,000 Waste Management Inc 2.950% 15/06/2024 1,692 0.05 USD 1,275,000 Williams Cos Inc 3.700% 15/01/2023 1,316 0.04 USD 680,000 Waste Management Inc 4.750% 30/06/2020 691 0.02 USD 1,270,000 Williams Cos Inc 4.000% 15/11/2021 1,305 0.04 USD 365,000 WEC Energy Group Inc 3.375% 15/06/2021 372 0.01 USD 1,343,000 Williams Cos Inc 4.125% 15/11/2020 1,360 0.04 USD 3,384,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.100% 26/07/2021 3,386 0.09 USD 1,805,000 Williams Cos Inc 4.300% 03/04/2024 1,907 0.05 USD 2,595,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.150% 30/01/2020 2,595 0.07 USD 1,840,000 Williams Cos Inc 4.500% 15/11/2023 1,954 0.05 USD 5,525,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.500% 03/04/2021 5,559 0.15 USD 995,000 Williams Cos Inc 4.550% 24/06/2024 1,065 0.03 USD 2,430,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.550% 12/07/2020 2,444 0.07 USD 625,000 Williams Cos Inc 5.250% 15/03/2020 630 0.02 USD 4,649,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.600% 22/07/2020 4,663 0.13 USD 1,555,000 Willis North America Inc 3.600% 15/05/2024 1,621 0.05 USD 7,645,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.625% 22/07/2022 7,729 0.22 USD 550,000 WRKCo Inc 3.000% 15/09/2024 560 0.02 USD 1,351,000 Wells Fargo & Co 3.000% 22/01/2021 1,366 0.04 USD 549,000 Wyeth LLC 6.450% 02/01/2024 642 0.02 USD 5,100,000 Wells Fargo & Co 3.069% 24/01/2023 5,191 0.14 USD 950,000 Xcel Energy Inc 4.700% 15/05/2020 962 0.03 USD 2,000,000 Wells Fargo & Co 3.300% 09/09/2024 2,084 0.06 USD 1,492,000 Xilinx Inc 2.950% 06/01/2024 1,531 0.04 USD 3,650,000 Wells Fargo & Co 3.450% 13/02/2023 3,771 0.11 USD 655,000 Xilinx Inc 3.000% 15/03/2021 663 0.02 USD 4,093,000 Wells Fargo & Co 3.500% 03/08/2022 4,217 0.12 USD 250,000 Xylem Inc 4.875% 10/01/2021 262 0.01 USD 7,929,000 Wells Fargo & Co 3.750% 24/01/2024 8,352 0.23 USD 4,900,000 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 2.700% 04/01/2020 4,905 0.14 USD 1,684,000 Wells Fargo & Co 4.125% 15/08/2023 1,784 0.05 USD 950,000 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 3.150% 04/01/2022 968 0.03 USD 550,000 Wells Fargo & Co 4.480% 16/01/2024 591 0.02 USD 620,000 Zions Bancorp NA 3.350% 03/04/2022 634 0.02 USD 2,500,000 Wells Fargo & Co 4.600% 04/01/2021 2,583 0.07 USD 629,000 Zions Bancorp NA 3.500% 27/08/2021 642 0.02 USD 1,700,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.082% 09/09/2022 1,697 0.05 USD 1,845,000 Zoetis Inc 3.250% 02/01/2023 1,899 0.05 USD 805,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.150% 12/06/2019 805 0.02 USD 1,050,000 Zoetis Inc 3.450% 13/11/2020 1,063 0.03 USD 2,850,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.400% 15/01/2020 2,851 0.08 Total United States 2,808,683 78.26 USD 3,800,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.600% 15/01/2021 3,827 0.11 Total bonds 3,545,635 98.79 USD 2,850,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.897% 27/05/2022 2,881 0.08

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.07)%) Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.07)%) MXN 4,706,980,420 USD 244,345,843 241,315,548 03/12/2019 (3,030) (0.08) MXN 114,072,140 USD 5,836,034 5,848,204 03/12/2019 12 0.00



Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.07)%) (cont) USD 3,828,942 MXN 73,754,096 3,781,195 03/12/2019 48 0.00 Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 60 0.00 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (3,030) (0.08) Net unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (2,970) (0.08)

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset issued by the European Securities and Market Authority (“ESMA”) and Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) %oftotal Total financial derivative instruments (2,970) (0.08) Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

%ofnet Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 3,322,394 92.42 Fair Value asset Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 40,366 1.12 Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) 182,875 5.09 Total value of investments 3,542,665 98.71 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments 60 0.00 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 18,324 0.51 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 1.33%) Other assets 30,834 0.86 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Total current assets 3,594,853 100.00 Market Funds (31 May 2019: 1.33%)

USD 18,323,700 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 18,324 0.51

Cash† 1,871 0.05

Other net assets 26,273 0.73

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 3,589,133 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to the MXN Hedged (Acc) Class.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the issuer for corporate fixed income.



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Canada (31 May 2019: 2.16%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 96.28%) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 475,000 MDC Partners Inc 6.500% 05/01/2024 433 0.04 Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) USD 550,000 MEG Energy Corp 6.375% 30/01/2023 539 0.05 Australia (31 May 2019: 0.17%) USD 475,000 MEG Energy Corp 7.000% 31/03/2024 466 0.04 Corporate Bonds USD 371,000 New Gold Inc 6.250% 15/11/2022 369 0.03 USD 275,000 Barminco Finance Pty Ltd 6.625% 15/05/2022 283 0.03 USD 700,000 NOVA Chemicals Corp 4.875% 06/01/2024 707 0.06 USD 530,000 FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd 4.750% USD 400,000 NOVA Chemicals Corp 5.250% 08/01/2023 404 0.04 15/05/2022 546 0.05 USD 475,000 Open Text Corp 5.625% 15/01/2023 484 0.04 USD 405,000 FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd 5.125% USD 1,285,000 Precision Drilling Corp 7.750% 15/12/2023 1,216 0.11 15/03/2023 424 0.04 USD 3,107,000 Quebecor Media Inc 5.750% 15/01/2023 3,367 0.30 USD 375,000 FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd 5.125% 15/05/2024 394 0.03 USD 275,000 Rockpoint Gas Storage Canada Ltd 7.000% 31/03/2023 275 0.03 USD 205,000 Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd 7.875% 15/10/2021 211 0.02 USD 325,000 Seven Generations Energy Ltd 6.750% 05/01/2023 333 0.03 USD 225,000 Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd 8.125% 15/11/2024 221 0.02 USD 350,000 Seven Generations Energy Ltd 6.875% 30/06/2023 359 0.03 Total Australia 2,079 0.19 USD 210,000 Teine Energy Ltd 6.875% 30/09/2022 209 0.02 USD 532,000 Tervita Corp 7.625% 12/01/2021 532 0.05 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.08%) USD 1,700,000 TransAlta Corp 4.500% 15/11/2022 1,755 0.16 Corporate Bonds USD 2,775,000 Videotron Ltd 5.000% 15/07/2022 2,925 0.26 USD 1,050,000 JBS Investments GmbH 6.250% 02/05/2023 1,064 0.09 USD 425,000 Videotron Ltd 5.375% 15/06/2024 464 0.04 Total Austria 1,064 0.09 Total Canada 25,518 2.29 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.39%) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.66%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds USD 637,000 NCL Corp Ltd 4.750% 15/12/2021 645 0.06 USD 2,530,000 Global A&T Electronics Ltd 8.500% 01/12/2023 2,339 0.21 Total Bermuda 645 0.06 USD 350,000 Metropolitan Light Co Ltd 5.500% 21/11/2022 360 0.03 Canada (31 May 2019: 2.16%) USD 1,298,000 Noble Holding International Ltd 7.750% 15/01/2024 663 0.06 Corporate Bonds USD 461,000 Transocean Guardian Ltd 5.875% 15/01/2024 414 0.03 ^ USD 825,000 1011778 BC ULC / New Red Finance Inc 4.250% USD 625,000 Transocean Inc 9.000% 15/07/2023 638 0.06 15/05/2024 845 0.08 USD 320,000 Transocean Sentry Ltd 5.375% 15/05/2023 320 0.03 USD 250,000 Air Canada 7.750% 15/04/2021 267 0.02 Total Cayman Islands 4,734 0.42 USD 300,000 Athabasca Oil Corp 9.875% 24/02/2022 263 0.02 USD 311,000 Bausch Health Cos Inc 5.500% 03/01/2023 314 0.03 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.03%) USD 871,000 Bausch Health Cos Inc 5.875% 15/05/2023 884 0.08 Corporate Bonds USD 720,000 Bausch Health Cos Inc 6.500% 15/03/2022 740 0.07 USD 250,000 DKT Finance ApS 9.375% 17/06/2023 266 0.02 USD 1,100,000 Bausch Health Cos Inc 7.000% 15/03/2024 1,154 0.10 Total Denmark 266 0.02 USD 210,000 Baytex Energy Corp 5.125% 06/01/2021 206 0.02 USD 325,000 Baytex Energy Corp 5.625% 06/01/2024 290 0.03 Finland (31 May 2019: 0.15%) USD 470,000 Bombardier Inc 5.750% 15/03/2022 478 0.04 Corporate Bonds USD 750,000 Bombardier Inc 6.000% 15/10/2022 753 0.07 USD 1,834,000 Nokia Oyj 3.375% 06/12/2022 1,854 0.17 USD 750,000 Bombardier Inc 6.125% 15/01/2023 760 0.07 Total Finland 1,854 0.17 USD 575,000 Bombardier Inc 8.750% 12/01/2021 623 0.06 France (31 May 2019: 0.07%) USD 400,000 Brookfield Residential Properties Inc / Brookfield Residential US Corp 6.125% 07/01/2022 407 0.04 USD 364,000 Cascades Inc 5.500% 15/07/2022 370 0.03 Greece (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 402,000 Ensign Drilling Inc 9.250% 15/04/2024 353 0.03 Corporate Bonds USD 275,000 Fairstone Financial Inc 7.875% 15/07/2024 297 0.03 USD 250,000 Navios Maritime Holdings Inc / Navios Maritime Finance II US Inc 7.375% 15/01/2022 145 0.01 USD 270,000 GFL Environmental Inc 5.375% 03/01/2023 272 0.02 Total Greece 145 0.01 USD 315,000 GFL Environmental Inc 5.625% 05/01/2022 319 0.03 USD 355,000 goeasy Ltd 5.375% 12/01/2024 358 0.03 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.23%) USD 350,000 Kissner Holdings LP / Kissner Milling Co Ltd / BSC Holding Inc / Kissner USA 8.375% 12/01/2022 365 0.03 Corporate Bonds USD 350,000 Mattamy Group Corp 6.875% 15/12/2023 363 0.03 USD 600,000 Ardagh Packaging Finance Plc / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc 4.250% 15/09/2022 608 0.06



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 3.09%) (cont) Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.23%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 4,510,000 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 4.500% 15/04/2020 4,540 0.41 USD 748,000 Endo Dac / Endo Finance LLC / Endo Finco Inc USD 6,125,000 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 5.250% 15/04/2023 6,578 0.59 6.000% 15/07/2023 482 0.04 USD 250,000 InterGen NV 7.000% 30/06/2023 243 0.02 Total Ireland 1,090 0.10 USD 200,000 LBC Tank Terminals Holding Netherlands BV 6.875% 15/05/2023 202 0.02 Italy (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 400,000 OCI NV 5.250% 11/01/2024 415 0.04 Corporate Bonds USD 550,000 OCI NV 6.625% 15/04/2023 574 0.05 USD 1,300,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 5.017% 26/06/2024 1,350 0.12 USD 375,000 Sensata Technologies BV 4.875% 15/10/2023 398 0.04 USD 1,000,000 Telecom Italia SpA 5.303% 30/05/2024 1,074 0.10 USD 250,000 Sensata Technologies BV 5.625% 11/01/2024 275 0.02 Total Italy 2,424 0.22 USD 10,550,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 2.200% 21/07/2021^ 10,220 0.92 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.02%) USD 11,625,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 2.800% 21/07/2023^ 10,489 0.94 Corporate Bonds USD 4,600,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV USD 250,000 Aston Martin Capital Holdings Ltd 6.500% 15/04/2022^ 228 0.02 6.000% 15/04/2024 4,525 0.41 Total Jersey 228 0.02 Total Netherlands 38,956 3.50

Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 1.90%) Norway (31 May 2019: 0.03%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds USD 1,250,000 Altice Financing SA 6.625% 15/02/2023 1,279 0.11 USD 300,000 Aker BP ASA 4.750% 15/06/2024 313 0.03 USD 525,000 Altice Finco SA 8.125% 15/01/2024^ 540 0.05 USD 450,000 Aker BP ASA 6.000% 07/01/2022^ 463 0.04 USD 319,000 Avation Capital SA 6.500% 15/05/2021 332 0.03 Total Norway 776 0.07 USD 300,000 Cirsa Finance International Sarl 7.875% 20/12/2023 316 0.03 USD 325,000 INEOS Group Holdings SA 5.625% 08/01/2024 334 0.03 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.02%) USD 905,000 Intelsat Connect Finance SA 9.500% 15/02/2023^ 526 0.05 Corporate Bonds USD 7,400,000 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 5.500% 08/01/2023 5,873 0.53 USD 350,000 Marble II Pte Ltd 5.300% 20/06/2022^ 354 0.03 USD 900,000 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 8.000% 15/02/2024 919 0.08 Total Singapore 354 0.03 USD 1,600,000 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 8.500% 15/10/2024 1,319 0.12 USD 350,000 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 9.500% 30/09/2022 391 0.03 Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.35%) USD 3,425,000 Intelsat Luxembourg SA 8.125% 06/01/2023 1,567 0.14 Corporate Bonds USD 350,000 Mallinckrodt International Finance SA / Mallinckrodt USD 250,000 Stena AB 7.000% 02/01/2024 255 0.02 CB LLC 4.875% 15/04/2020^ 241 0.02 USD 3,675,000 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 4.125% 15/05/2022 3,819 0.35 USD 395,000 Nielsen Co Luxembourg SARL 5.500% 10/01/2021 396 0.04 Total Sweden 4,074 0.37 USD 405,000 Pacific Drilling SA 8.375% 10/01/2023 326 0.03 USD 300,000 Stena International SA 5.750% 03/01/2024 305 0.03 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.48%) Total Luxembourg 14,664 1.32 Corporate Bonds USD 415,000 Algeco Global Finance Plc 8.000% 15/02/2023 408 0.04 Malta (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 675,000 Ardonagh Midco 3 Plc 8.625% 15/07/2023^ 672 0.06 Corporate Bonds USD 295,000 Avon International Capital Plc 6.500% 15/08/2022 307 0.03 USD 275,000 VistaJet Malta Finance Plc / XO Management Holding Inc 10.500% 06/01/2024 265 0.02 USD 225,000 Ferroglobe Plc / Globe Specialty Metals Inc 9.375% 03/01/2022 139 0.01 Total Malta 265 0.02 USD 550,000 Inmarsat Finance Plc 4.875% 15/05/2022 556 0.05 USD 1,075,000 International Game Technology Plc 6.250% Marshall Islands (31 May 2019:Nil) 15/02/2022 1,134 0.10 Corporate Bonds USD 325,000 Ithaca Energy North Sea Plc 9.375% 15/07/2024 334 0.03 USD 325,000 Teekay Offshore Partners LP/Teekay Offshore USD 525,000 Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc 3.500% Finance Corp 8.500% 15/07/2023 325 0.03 15/03/2020 524 0.05 Total Marshall Islands 325 0.03 USD 350,000 Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc 5.625% 02/01/2023 353 0.03 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 3.09%) USD 200,000 KCA Deutag UK Finance Plc 9.625% 04/01/2023 134 0.01 Corporate Bonds USD 400,000 KCA Deutag UK Finance Plc 9.875% 04/01/2022 268 0.03 USD 250,000 Ajecorp BV 6.500% 14/05/2022 240 0.02 USD 250,000 Virgin Media Finance Plc 6.000% 15/10/2024 258 0.02 USD 250,000 Constellium SE 5.750% 15/05/2024 257 0.02 Total United Kingdom 5,087 0.46



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds USD 1,588,000 APX Group Inc 8.750% 12/01/2020 1,554 0.14 USD 2,175,000 Acadia Healthcare Co Inc 5.625% 15/02/2023 2,217 0.20 USD 2,975,000 Aramark Services Inc 5.125% 15/01/2024 3,068 0.28 USD 1,350,000 Acadia Healthcare Co Inc 6.500% 03/01/2024 1,404 0.13 USD 1,375,000 Archrock Partners LP / Archrock Partners Finance USD 755,000 Acrisure LLC / Acrisure Finance Inc 8.125% Corp 6.000% 10/01/2022 1,380 0.12 15/02/2024 804 0.07 USD 4,450,000 Arconic Inc 5.125% 10/01/2024 4,851 0.44 USD 3,525,000 ADT Security Corp 3.500% 15/07/2022 3,578 0.32 USD 4,387,000 Arconic Inc 5.400% 15/04/2021 4,520 0.41 USD 2,991,000 ADT Security Corp 4.125% 15/06/2023 3,071 0.28 USD 2,596,000 Arconic Inc 5.870% 23/02/2022 2,768 0.25 USD 3,025,000 ADT Security Corp 6.250% 15/10/2021 3,206 0.29 USD 3,247,000 Arconic Inc 6.150% 15/08/2020 3,333 0.30 USD 2,900,000 AECOM 5.875% 15/10/2024 3,175 0.29 USD 624,000 Ascent Resources Utica Holdings LLC / ARU Finance USD 1,616,000 AES Corp 4.000% 15/03/2021 1,640 0.15 Corp 10.000% 04/01/2022 597 0.05 USD 1,775,000 AES Corp 4.500% 15/03/2023 1,818 0.16 USD 3,969,000 Ashland LLC 4.750% 15/08/2022 4,171 0.37 USD 2,651,000 AES Corp 4.875% 15/05/2023 2,696 0.24 USD 526,000 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC / Avis Budget Finance Inc 5.500% 04/01/2023^ 535 0.05 USD 365,000 Ahern Rentals Inc 7.375% 15/05/2023 284 0.03 USD 300,000 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC / Avis Budget Finance Inc USD 245,000 Air Medical Group Holdings Inc 6.375% 15/05/2023 215 0.02 6.375% 04/01/2024 313 0.03 USD 1,000,000 AK Steel Corp 7.500% 15/07/2023 1,006 0.09 USD 475,000 Avon International Operations Inc 7.875% 15/08/2022 496 0.04 ^ USD 1,234,000 AK Steel Corp 7.625% 10/01/2021 1,231 0.11 USD 1,767,000 Avon Products Inc 7.000% 15/03/2023 1,907 0.17 USD 4,395,000 Albertsons Cos Inc / Safeway Inc / New Albertsons LP USD 425,000 Axalta Coating Systems LLC 4.875% 15/08/2024 441 0.04 / Albertsons LLC 6.625% 15/06/2024 4,591 0.41 USD 3,800,000 Ball Corp 4.000% 15/11/2023 3,986 0.36 USD 350,000 Aleris International Inc 10.750% 15/07/2023 367 0.03 USD 3,255,000 Ball Corp 4.375% 15/12/2020 3,323 0.30 USD 2,225,000 Allegheny Technologies Inc 5.950% 15/01/2021 2,312 0.21 USD 2,430,000 Ball Corp 5.000% 15/03/2022 2,564 0.23 USD 1,725,000 Allegheny Technologies Inc 7.875% 15/08/2023 1,914 0.17 USD 450,000 BCD Acquisition Inc 9.625% 15/09/2023 457 0.04 USD 2,810,000 Ally Financial Inc 3.875% 21/05/2024 2,927 0.26 USD 2,690,000 Berry Global Inc 5.125% 15/07/2023 2,762 0.25 USD 2,630,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.125% 30/03/2020 2,644 0.24 USD 1,800,000 Berry Global Inc 5.500% 15/05/2022 1,827 0.16 USD 1,075,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.125% 13/02/2022 1,110 0.10 USD 1,040,000 Berry Global Inc 6.000% 15/10/2022 1,059 0.10 USD 1,638,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.250% 15/04/2021 1,680 0.15 USD 2,149,000 Blue Cube Spinco LLC 9.750% 15/10/2023 2,337 0.21 USD 24,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.625% 19/05/2022 25 0.00 USD 825,000 Blue Racer Midstream LLC / Blue Racer Finance Corp USD 2,550,000 Ally Financial Inc 5.125% 30/09/2024 2,805 0.25 6.125% 15/11/2022 749 0.07 USD 1,682,000 Ally Financial Inc 7.500% 15/09/2020 1,750 0.16 USD 100,000 BMC East LLC 5.500% 10/01/2024 104 0.01 USD 2,789,000 Ally Financial Inc 8.000% 15/03/2020 2,830 0.25 USD 160,000 Boise Cascade Co 5.625% 09/01/2024 167 0.01 USD 1,850,000 AMC Networks Inc 4.750% 15/12/2022 1,867 0.17 USD 2,000,000 Boyd Gaming Corp 6.875% 15/05/2023 2,071 0.19 USD 3,900,000 AMC Networks Inc 5.000% 04/01/2024 3,912 0.35 USD 100,000 Brinker International Inc 5.000% 10/01/2024 106 0.01 USD 340,000 American Airlines Group Inc 4.625% 03/01/2020 342 0.03 USD 348,000 Bruin E&P Partners LLC 8.875% 08/01/2023 225 0.02 USD 625,000 American Airlines Group Inc 5.000% 06/01/2022 654 0.06 USD 1,012,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.150% 07/01/2023 1,008 0.09 USD 1,527,000 American Axle & Manufacturing Inc 6.625% USD 1,420,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.875% 02/01/2021 1,441 0.13 15/10/2022 1,549 0.14 USD 225,000 C&S Group Enterprises LLC 5.375% 15/07/2022 228 0.02 USD 265,000 American Builders & Contractors Supply Co Inc 5.750% 15/12/2023 272 0.02 USD 2,325,000 Cablevision Systems Corp 5.875% 15/09/2022 2,508 0.23 USD 350,000 American Energy- Permian Basin LLC 12.000% USD 2,200,000 Callon Petroleum Co 6.125% 10/01/2024 2,096 0.19 10/01/2024 245 0.02 USD 4,150,000 Calpine Corp 5.375% 15/01/2023 4,207 0.38 USD 290,000 American Midstream Partners LP / American USD 2,245,000 Calpine Corp 5.500% 02/01/2024 2,277 0.20 Midstream Finance Corp 9.500% 15/12/2021 273 0.02 USD 400,000 Calpine Corp 5.875% 15/01/2024 407 0.04 USD 2,575,000 AmeriGas Partners LP / AmeriGas Finance Corp USD 445,000 Calpine Corp 6.000% 15/01/2022 446 0.04 5.625% 20/05/2024 2,749 0.25 USD 1,271,000 Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP / Calumet USD 1,350,000 Anixter Inc 5.125% 10/01/2021 1,405 0.13 Finance Corp 7.625% 15/01/2022^ 1,258 0.11 USD 1,175,000 Anixter Inc 5.500% 03/01/2023 1,226 0.11 USD 300,000 Capitol Investment Merger Sub 2 LLC 10.000% USD 2,400,000 Antero Midstream Partners LP / Antero Midstream 08/01/2024 300 0.03 Finance Corp 5.375% 15/09/2024 2,049 0.18 USD 300,000 Carlson Travel Inc 6.750% 15/12/2023 308 0.03 USD 4,275,000 Antero Resources Corp 5.125% 12/01/2022 3,473 0.31 USD 2,375,000 Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc 6.250% 15/04/2023^ 2,292 0.21 USD 3,665,000 Antero Resources Corp 5.375% 11/01/2021 3,372 0.30 USD 413,000 Carvana Co 8.875% 10/01/2023 428 0.04 USD 2,775,000 Antero Resources Corp 5.625% 06/01/2023 1,963 0.18 USD 1,525,000 CBL & Associates LP 5.250% 12/01/2023 1,113 0.10 USD 1,440,000 APX Group Inc 7.625% 09/01/2023^ 1,278 0.11 USD 951,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp USD 3,347,000 APX Group Inc 7.875% 12/01/2022 3,316 0.30 4.000% 03/01/2023 968 0.09



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 372,000 Cleveland-Cliffs Inc 4.875% 15/01/2024 383 0.03 USD 650,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp USD 450,000 Cloud Crane LLC 10.125% 08/01/2024 467 0.04 5.125% 05/01/2023 666 0.06 USD 3,258,000 CNX Resources Corp 5.875% 15/04/2022 3,163 0.28 USD 3,125,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp USD 200,000 Cogent Communications Group Inc 5.375% 5.125% 15/02/2023 3,180 0.29 03/01/2022 209 0.02 USD 3,350,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp USD 365,000 Colfax Corp 6.000% 15/02/2024 387 0.03 5.250% 30/09/2022 3,396 0.30 USD 158,000 CommScope Inc 5.000% 15/06/2021 158 0.01 USD 1,789,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp USD 875,000 CommScope Inc 5.500% 03/01/2024 909 0.08 5.750% 09/01/2023 1,826 0.16 USD 325,000 CommScope Inc 5.500% 15/06/2024 319 0.03 USD 405,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp 5.750% 15/01/2024 414 0.04 USD 1,750,000 Consolidated Communications Inc 6.500% 10/01/2022^ 1,501 0.13 USD 1,025,000 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp 5.875% 04/01/2024 1,068 0.10 USD 300,000 Cornerstone Chemical Co 6.750% 15/08/2024 274 0.02 USD 1,700,000 CDK Global Inc 5.000% 15/10/2024 1,842 0.17 USD 900,000 Covanta Holding Corp 5.875% 03/01/2024 928 0.08 USD 375,000 Cengage Learning Inc 9.500% 15/06/2024 319 0.03 USD 2,612,000 Crestwood Midstream Partners LP / Crestwood Midstream Finance Corp 6.250% 04/01/2023 2,619 0.24 USD 3,514,000 Centene Corp 4.750% 15/05/2022 3,587 0.32 USD 3,413,000 Crown Americas LLC / Crown Americas Capital Corp USD 4,225,000 Centene Corp 6.125% 15/02/2024 4,397 0.39 IV 4.500% 15/01/2023 3,572 0.32 USD 1,200,000 Central Garden & Pet Co 6.125% 15/11/2023 1,241 0.11 USD 2,750,000 CSC Holdings LLC 5.250% 06/01/2024 2,957 0.27 USD 3,475,000 CenturyLink Inc 5.625% 04/01/2020 3,510 0.32 USD 750,000 CSC Holdings LLC 5.375% 15/07/2023 771 0.07 USD 5,700,000 CenturyLink Inc 5.800% 15/03/2022 6,013 0.54 USD 4,359,000 CSC Holdings LLC 6.750% 15/11/2021 4,693 0.42 USD 4,393,000 CenturyLink Inc 6.450% 15/06/2021 4,615 0.41 USD 573,000 CVR Partners LP / CVR Nitrogen Finance Corp USD 2,705,000 CenturyLink Inc 6.750% 12/01/2023 3,016 0.27 9.250% 15/06/2023 599 0.05 USD 3,775,000 CenturyLink Inc 7.500% 04/01/2024 4,252 0.38 USD 1,669,000 CVR Refining LLC / Coffeyville Finance Inc 6.500% USD 2,625,000 CF Industries Inc 3.450% 06/01/2023 2,691 0.24 11/01/2022 1,690 0.15 USD 3,350,000 Chemours Co 6.625% 15/05/2023^ 3,316 0.30 USD 2,199,000 CyrusOne LP / CyrusOne Finance Corp 5.000% USD 1,175,000 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC 7.000% 15/03/2024 2,267 0.20 30/06/2024 1,348 0.12 USD 6,250,000 DaVita Inc 5.125% 15/07/2024 6,416 0.58 USD 3,792,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 5.125% USD 1,775,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 3.875% 15/03/2023 1,796 0.16 08/01/2021 3,779 0.34 USD 550,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.750% 30/09/2021 562 0.05 USD 11,625,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 6.250% USD 1,000,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.950% 04/01/2022 1,033 0.09 31/03/2023 11,509 1.03 USD 720,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 5.350% 15/03/2020 724 0.06 USD 6,428,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 6.875% USD 1,379,000 Dell Inc 4.625% 04/01/2021 1,415 0.13 04/01/2028 3,214 0.29 USD 680,000 Dell International LLC / EMC Corp 5.875% 15/06/2021 691 0.06 USD 2,646,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 8.000% 15/12/2027 2,593 0.23 USD 875,000 Dell International LLC / EMC Corp 7.125% 15/06/2024 925 0.08 USD 750,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 8.125% USD 275,000 Denbury Resources Inc 7.750% 15/02/2024 205 0.02 30/06/2024 586 0.05 USD 400,000 Denbury Resources Inc 9.000% 15/05/2021 351 0.03 USD 575,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 8.625% USD 205,000 Denbury Resources Inc 9.250% 31/03/2022 169 0.02 15/01/2024 592 0.05 USD 350,000 Diamond Resorts International Inc 7.750% 09/01/2023 361 0.03 USD 883,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 9.875% USD 300,000 Diamond Resorts International Inc 10.750% 30/06/2023 743 0.07 09/01/2024 307 0.03 USD 400,000 Cincinnati Bell Inc 7.000% 15/07/2024 375 0.03 USD 1,425,000 Diebold Nixdorf Inc 8.500% 15/04/2024^ 1,219 0.11 USD 2,425,000 Cinemark USA Inc 4.875% 06/01/2023 2,467 0.22 USD 5,598,000 DISH DBS Corp 5.000% 15/03/2023 5,647 0.51 USD 1,150,000 Cinemark USA Inc 5.125% 15/12/2022 1,163 0.10 USD 3,990,000 DISH DBS Corp 5.125% 05/01/2020 4,010 0.36 USD 1,565,000 CIT Group Inc 4.125% 03/09/2021 1,597 0.14 USD 7,625,000 DISH DBS Corp 5.875% 15/07/2022 7,989 0.72 USD 2,150,000 CIT Group Inc 4.750% 16/02/2024 2,294 0.21 USD 7,300,000 DISH DBS Corp 5.875% 15/11/2024 7,297 0.66 USD 3,775,000 CIT Group Inc 5.000% 15/08/2022 4,013 0.36 USD 7,450,000 DISH DBS Corp 6.750% 06/01/2021 7,842 0.70 USD 2,825,000 CIT Group Inc 5.000% 08/01/2023 3,047 0.27 USD 250,000 DriveTime Automotive Group Inc / Bridgecrest USD 700,000 Citgo Holding Inc 9.250% 08/01/2024 735 0.07 Acceptance Corp 8.000% 06/01/2021 255 0.02 USD 250,000 CITGO Petroleum Corp 6.250% 15/08/2022 253 0.02 USD 2,235,000 Edgewell Personal Care Co 4.700% 19/05/2021 2,284 0.21 USD 6,749,000 Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings Inc 9.250% USD 1,900,000 Edgewell Personal Care Co 4.700% 24/05/2022^ 1,962 0.18 ^ 15/02/2024 7,437 0.67 USD 1,275,000 EIG Investors Corp 10.875% 02/01/2024 1,256 0.11 USD 1,100,000 Clearway Energy Operating LLC 5.375% 15/08/2024 1,129 0.10 USD 1,625,000 Elanco Animal Health Inc 3.912% 27/08/2021 1,666 0.15 USD 210,000 Cleaver-Brooks Inc 7.875% 03/01/2023 202 0.02 USD 2,875,000 Elanco Animal Health Inc 4.272% 28/08/2023 3,014 0.27



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,575,000 Group 1 Automotive Inc 5.000% 06/01/2022 1,597 0.14 USD 1,050,000 Eldorado Resorts Inc 7.000% 08/01/2023 1,098 0.10 USD 425,000 Guitar Center Inc 9.500% 15/10/2021 396 0.04 USD 5,928,000 EMC Corp 2.650% 06/01/2020 5,927 0.53 USD 2,400,000 Gulfport Energy Corp 6.000% 15/10/2024 1,653 0.15 USD 3,875,000 EMC Corp 3.375% 06/01/2023 3,891 0.35 USD 1,325,000 Gulfport Energy Corp 6.625% 05/01/2023 1,008 0.09 USD 2,175,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 4.400% 04/01/2024 2,005 0.18 USD 525,000 Hanesbrands Inc 4.625% 15/05/2024 553 0.05 USD 200,000 Entercom Media Corp 7.250% 11/01/2024 211 0.02 USD 467,000 Harland Clarke Holdings Corp 8.375% 15/08/2022 352 0.03 USD 225,000 Enterprise Development Authority 12.000% USD 350,000 Harland Clarke Holdings Corp 9.250% 03/01/2021^ 326 0.03 15/07/2024 256 0.02 USD 235,000 HAT Holdings I LLC / HAT Holdings II LLC 5.250% USD 1,032,000 Enviva Partners LP / Enviva Partners Finance Corp 15/07/2024 248 0.02 8.500% 11/01/2021 1,058 0.09 USD 225,000 HC2 Holdings Inc 11.500% 12/01/2021 208 0.02 USD 2,800,000 Equinix Inc 5.375% 04/01/2023 2,852 0.26 USD 2,961,000 HCA Healthcare Inc 6.250% 15/02/2021 3,101 0.28 USD 1,375,000 Ferrellgas LP / Ferrellgas Finance Corp 6.500% USD 4,825,000 HCA Inc 5.875% 05/01/2023 5,325 0.48 ^ 05/01/2021 1,190 0.11 USD 7,500,000 HCA Inc 7.500% 15/02/2022 8,305 0.75 USD 1,300,000 Ferrellgas LP / Ferrellgas Finance Corp 6.750% USD 1,790,000 Hecla Mining Co 6.875% 05/01/2021 1,770 0.16 15/01/2022 1,110 0.10 USD 450,000 Hertz Corp 5.500% 15/10/2024 457 0.04 USD 1,125,000 Ferrellgas LP / Ferrellgas Finance Corp 6.750% ^ 15/06/2023 958 0.09 USD 1,875,000 Hertz Corp 6.250% 15/10/2022 1,895 0.17 USD 255,000 Forestar Group Inc 8.000% 15/04/2024 276 0.02 USD 253,000 Hertz Corp 7.625% 06/01/2022 263 0.02 ^ USD 640,000 Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC USD 1,200,000 HighPoint Operating Corp 7.000% 15/10/2022 1,095 0.10 6.750% 15/03/2022 666 0.06 USD 1,125,000 Hilton Domestic Operating Co Inc 4.250% 09/01/2024 1,147 0.10 USD 1,475,000 Forum Energy Technologies Inc 6.250% 10/01/2021 1,182 0.11 USD 132,000 Holly Energy Partners LP / Holly Energy Finance Corp USD 141,000 Freedom Mortgage Corp 8.125% 15/11/2024 139 0.01 6.000% 08/01/2024 138 0.01 USD 7,039,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 3.550% 03/01/2022 7,105 0.64 USD 3,069,000 Hughes Satellite Systems Corp 7.625% 15/06/2021 3,298 0.30 USD 7,725,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 3.875% 15/03/2023 7,883 0.71 USD 2,000,000 Icahn Enterprises LP / Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp 4.750% 15/09/2024 2,045 0.18 USD 325,000 FS Energy & Power Fund 7.500% 15/08/2023 330 0.03 USD 3,605,000 Icahn Enterprises LP / Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp USD 1,350,000 FTS International Inc 6.250% 05/01/2022 766 0.07 5.875% 02/01/2022 3,625 0.33 USD 300,000 FXI Holdings Inc 7.875% 11/01/2024 273 0.02 USD 3,785,000 Icahn Enterprises LP / Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp USD 260,000 GameStop Corp 6.750% 15/03/2021^ 260 0.02 6.250% 02/01/2022 3,871 0.35 USD 460,000 Gates Global LLC / Gates Global Co 6.000% USD 1,775,000 Icahn Enterprises LP / Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp 15/07/2022 460 0.04 6.750% 02/01/2024 1,847 0.17 USD 1,250,000 Genesis Energy LP / Genesis Energy Finance Corp USD 225,000 Immucor Inc 11.125% 15/02/2022 224 0.02 5.625% 15/06/2024 1,128 0.10 USD 5,585,000 Infor US Inc 6.500% 15/05/2022 5,690 0.51 USD 1,600,000 Genesis Energy LP / Genesis Energy Finance Corp USD 500,000 Informatica LLC 7.125% 15/07/2023 509 0.05 6.000% 15/05/2023 1,502 0.13 USD 1,900,000 Ingles Markets Inc 5.750% 15/06/2023 1,939 0.17 USD 2,775,000 Genesis Energy LP / Genesis Energy Finance Corp 6.750% 08/01/2022 2,719 0.24 USD 345,000 Iridium Communications Inc 10.250% 15/04/2023 370 0.03 USD 129,000 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories USD 350,000 Iron Mountain Inc 4.375% 06/01/2021 353 0.03 Inc/Greeneden Lux 3 Sarl/Greeneden US Holdings USD 1,221,000 Iron Mountain Inc 5.750% 15/08/2024^ 1,235 0.11 10.000% 30/11/2024 139 0.01 USD 1,800,000 Iron Mountain Inc 6.000% 15/08/2023 1,847 0.17 USD 1,325,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 4.800% 15/02/2024 1,237 0.11 USD 2,525,000 iStar Inc 4.750% 10/01/2024 2,596 0.23 USD 1,300,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 4.900% 15/08/2023 1,227 0.11 USD 1,480,000 iStar Inc 5.250% 15/09/2022 1,517 0.14 USD 1,474,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 7.200% 15/02/2021 1,515 0.14 USD 1,316,000 iStar Inc 6.000% 04/01/2022 1,347 0.12 USD 2,765,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 7.625% 24/09/2021 2,855 0.26 USD 500,000 Jack Ohio Finance LLC / Jack Ohio Finance 1 Corp USD 1,400,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 7.700% 15/06/2020 1,421 0.13 6.750% 15/11/2021 510 0.05 USD 585,000 Gogo Intermediate Holdings LLC / Gogo Finance Co USD 471,000 Jacobs Entertainment Inc 7.875% 02/01/2024 500 0.04 Inc 9.875% 05/01/2024 615 0.06 USD 625,000 Jaguar Holding Co II / Pharmaceutical Product USD 300,000 Golden Nugget Inc 6.750% 15/10/2024 311 0.03 Development LLC 6.375% 08/01/2023 647 0.06 USD 3,175,000 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 5.125% 15/11/2023 3,211 0.29 USD 100,000 JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Finance Inc 5.875% USD 1,265,000 Graphic Packaging International LLC 4.750% 15/07/2024 103 0.01 15/04/2021 1,296 0.12 USD 300,000 JC Penney Corp Inc 5.875% 07/01/2023 255 0.02 USD 300,000 Gray Television Inc 5.125% 15/10/2024 311 0.03 USD 300,000 Jefferies Finance LLC / JFIN Co-Issuer Corp 7.250% USD 3,600,000 Griffon Corp 5.250% 03/01/2022 3,628 0.33 15/08/2024 307 0.03 USD 550,000 Grinding Media Inc / Moly-Cop AltaSteel Ltd 7.375% USD 375,000 Joseph T Ryerson & Son Inc 11.000% 15/05/2022 396 0.04 15/12/2023 549 0.05 USD 215,000 K Hovnanian Enterprises Inc 10.000% 15/07/2022 182 0.02



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 646,000 MEDNAX Inc 5.250% 12/01/2023 661 0.06 USD 150,000 K Hovnanian Enterprises Inc 10.500% 15/07/2024 107 0.01 USD 1,550,000 Meritor Inc 6.250% 15/02/2024 1,596 0.14 USD 1,050,000 Kaiser Aluminum Corp 5.875% 15/05/2024 1,098 0.10 USD 1,250,000 MGIC Investment Corp 5.750% 15/08/2023 1,382 0.12 USD 1,409,000 KB Home 7.000% 15/12/2021 1,515 0.14 USD 4,025,000 MGM Growth Properties Operating Partnership LP / USD 1,250,000 KB Home 7.500% 15/09/2022 1,408 0.13 MGP Finance Co-Issuer Inc 5.625% 05/01/2024 4,397 0.39 USD 1,530,000 KB Home 7.625% 15/05/2023 1,730 0.16 USD 4,820,000 MGM Resorts International 6.000% 15/03/2023 5,299 0.48 USD 250,000 Kenan Advantage Group Inc 7.875% 31/07/2023^ 244 0.02 USD 4,214,000 MGM Resorts International 6.625% 15/12/2021 4,584 0.41 USD 3,850,000 Kennedy-Wilson Inc 5.875% 04/01/2024 3,963 0.36 USD 3,205,000 MGM Resorts International 7.750% 15/03/2022 3,594 0.32 USD 775,000 KFC Holding Co/Pizza Hut Holdings LLC/Taco Bell of USD 192,000 Midas Intermediate Holdco II LLC / Midas America LLC 5.000% 06/01/2024 803 0.07 Intermediate Holdco II Finance Inc 7.875% 10/01/2022 164 0.01 USD 275,000 KGA Escrow LLC 7.500% 15/08/2023 289 0.03 USD 325,000 Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment 7.875% USD 290,000 Kinetic Concepts Inc / KCI USA Inc 12.500% 15/10/2024 315 0.03 11/01/2021 302 0.03 USD 2,525,000 Molina Healthcare Inc 5.375% 15/11/2022 2,673 0.24 USD 441,000 Kronos Acquisition Holdings Inc 9.000% 15/08/2023 396 0.04 USD 1,675,000 Montage Resources Corp 8.875% 15/07/2023 1,384 0.12 USD 3,465,000 L Brands Inc 5.625% 15/02/2022 3,643 0.33 USD 925,000 MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC 7.125% 06/01/2024 835 0.07 USD 1,800,000 L Brands Inc 5.625% 15/10/2023^ 1,914 0.17 USD 1,475,000 MPT Operating Partnership LP / MPT Finance Corp USD 1,362,000 L Brands Inc 6.625% 04/01/2021 1,434 0.13 6.375% 03/01/2024 1,540 0.14 USD 440,000 Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP / Ladder USD 2,200,000 Murphy Oil Corp 4.450% 12/01/2022 2,280 0.20 Capital Finance Corp 5.250% 15/03/2022 458 0.04 USD 2,047,000 Murphy Oil Corp 6.875% 15/08/2024 2,143 0.19 USD 1,519,000 Lamar Media Corp 5.000% 05/01/2023 1,547 0.14 USD 2,250,000 Nabors Industries Inc 4.625% 15/09/2021 2,134 0.19 USD 1,650,000 Laredo Petroleum Inc 5.625% 15/01/2022 1,516 0.14 USD 2,125,000 Nabors Industries Inc 5.500% 15/01/2023 1,857 0.17 USD 1,325,000 Laredo Petroleum Inc 6.250% 15/03/2023^ 1,136 0.10 USD 775,000 Nationstar Mortgage Holdings Inc 8.125% 15/07/2023 829 0.07 USD 450,000 Lee Enterprises Inc 9.500% 15/03/2022 444 0.04 USD 1,228,000 Nationstar Mortgage LLC / Nationstar Capital Corp USD 1,275,000 Leidos Holdings Inc 4.450% 12/01/2020 1,292 0.12 6.500% 07/01/2021 1,233 0.11 USD 2,175,000 Lennar Corp 4.125% 15/01/2022 2,234 0.20 USD 1,885,000 Navient Corp 5.000% 26/10/2020 1,922 0.17 USD 2,540,000 Lennar Corp 4.500% 30/04/2024 2,694 0.24 USD 4,225,000 Navient Corp 5.500% 25/01/2023 4,460 0.40 USD 1,800,000 Lennar Corp 4.750% 04/01/2021 1,844 0.17 USD 2,215,000 Navient Corp 5.875% 25/03/2021 2,299 0.21 USD 2,050,000 Lennar Corp 4.750% 15/11/2022 2,159 0.19 USD 1,875,000 Navient Corp 5.875% 25/10/2024 2,001 0.18 USD 1,450,000 Lennar Corp 4.875% 15/12/2023 1,550 0.14 USD 3,200,000 Navient Corp 6.125% 25/03/2024 3,424 0.31 USD 652,000 Lennar Corp 5.875% 15/11/2024 727 0.07 USD 3,815,000 Navient Corp 6.500% 15/06/2022 4,130 0.37 USD 1,220,000 Lennar Corp 8.375% 15/01/2021 1,298 0.12 USD 2,739,000 Navient Corp 6.625% 26/07/2021 2,907 0.26 USD 2,593,000 Level 3 Financing Inc 5.125% 05/01/2023 2,621 0.24 USD 2,701,000 Navient Corp 7.250% 25/01/2022 2,936 0.26 USD 2,249,000 Level 3 Financing Inc 5.375% 15/08/2022 2,259 0.20 USD 1,850,000 Navient Corp 7.250% 25/09/2023 2,065 0.19 USD 2,825,000 Level 3 Financing Inc 5.375% 15/01/2024 2,873 0.26 USD 1,482,000 Navient Corp 8.000% 25/03/2020 1,507 0.14 USD 1,658,000 Level 3 Financing Inc 5.625% 02/01/2023 1,669 0.15 USD 2,008,000 NCR Corp 5.000% 15/07/2022 2,028 0.18 USD 1,819,000 Level 3 Parent LLC 5.750% 12/01/2022 1,819 0.16 USD 1,100,000 NCR Corp 5.875% 15/12/2021 1,102 0.10 USD 320,000 Lions Gate Capital Holdings LLC 6.375% 02/01/2024 314 0.03 USD 2,445,000 NCR Corp 6.375% 15/12/2023 2,507 0.23 USD 2,143,000 LKQ Corp 4.750% 15/05/2023 2,176 0.20 USD 1,621,000 Netflix Inc 5.375% 02/01/2021 1,675 0.15 USD 250,000 LSB Industries Inc 9.625% 05/01/2023 259 0.02 USD 2,306,000 Netflix Inc 5.500% 15/02/2022 2,441 0.22 USD 250,000 LSC Communications Inc 8.750% 15/10/2023 128 0.01 USD 1,525,000 Netflix Inc 5.750% 03/01/2024 1,685 0.15 USD 280,000 LTF Merger Sub Inc 8.500% 15/06/2023 287 0.03 USD 3,000,000 Newell Brands Inc 3.850% 04/01/2023 3,091 0.28 USD 1,450,000 Magellan Health Inc 4.900% 22/09/2024 1,466 0.13 USD 2,025,000 Newmark Group Inc 6.125% 15/11/2023 2,222 0.20 USD 1,194,000 Martin Midstream Partners LP / Martin Midstream USD 825,000 Nexstar Broadcasting Inc 5.625% 08/01/2024 861 0.08 Finance Corp 7.250% 15/02/2021 1,075 0.10 USD 525,000 NextEra Energy Operating Partners LP 4.250% USD 1,318,000 MasTec Inc 4.875% 15/03/2023 1,335 0.12 15/07/2024 541 0.05 USD 450,000 Match Group Inc 6.375% 06/01/2024 473 0.04 USD 350,000 NextEra Energy Operating Partners LP 4.250% USD 1,270,000 Mattel Inc 2.350% 15/08/2021 1,277 0.11 15/09/2024 359 0.03 USD 925,000 Mauser Packaging Solutions Holding Co 5.500% USD 2,275,000 NGL Energy Partners LP / NGL Energy Finance Corp 15/04/2024 950 0.09 7.500% 11/01/2023 2,175 0.20 USD 250,000 McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings LLC / USD 140,000 NGPL PipeCo LLC 4.375% 15/08/2022 145 0.01 McGraw-Hill Global Education Finance 7.875% USD 2,500,000 Nielsen Finance LLC / Nielsen Finance Co 4.500% 15/05/2024 209 0.02 10/01/2020 2,506 0.22



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,275,000 QVC Inc 4.850% 04/01/2024 2,406 0.22 USD 1,425,000 Nielsen Finance LLC / Nielsen Finance Co 5.000% USD 1,675,000 QVC Inc 5.125% 07/02/2022 1,760 0.16 15/04/2022 1,433 0.13 USD 3,225,000 Qwest Corp 6.750% 12/01/2021 3,459 0.31 USD 260,000 Nine Energy Service Inc 8.750% 11/01/2023 194 0.02 USD 444,000 Rackspace Hosting Inc 8.625% 15/11/2024 427 0.04 USD 1,405,000 NortonLifeLock Inc 3.950% 15/06/2022 1,424 0.13 USD 1,600,000 Radian Group Inc 4.500% 10/01/2024 1,687 0.15 USD 2,980,000 NortonLifeLock Inc 4.200% 15/09/2020 3,005 0.27 USD 1,925,000 Range Resources Corp 5.000% 15/08/2022 1,829 0.16 USD 474,000 Novelis Corp 6.250% 15/08/2024 498 0.04 USD 2,925,000 Range Resources Corp 5.000% 15/03/2023 2,532 0.23 USD 1,650,000 NuStar Logistics LP 4.800% 09/01/2020 1,666 0.15 USD 1,700,000 Range Resources Corp 5.750% 06/01/2021 1,691 0.15 USD 3,382,000 Oasis Petroleum Inc 6.875% 15/03/2022 3,162 0.28 USD 300,000 Rayonier AM Products Inc 5.500% 06/01/2024 210 0.02 USD 1,325,000 Oasis Petroleum Inc 6.875% 15/01/2023 1,214 0.11 USD 370,000 Realogy Group LLC / Realogy Co-Issuer Corp 4.875% USD 340,000 Omnimax International Inc 12.000% 15/08/2020 333 0.03 06/01/2023^ 364 0.03 USD 725,000 Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical USD 225,000 Realogy Group LLC / Realogy Co-Issuer Corp 5.250% Diagnostics SA 6.625% 15/05/2022 716 0.06 12/01/2021 227 0.02 USD 1,250,000 Outfront Media Capital LLC / Outfront Media Capital USD 896,000 RegionalCare Hospital Partners Holdings Inc 8.250% Corp 5.625% 15/02/2024 1,283 0.12 05/01/2023 954 0.09 USD 250,000 Owens-Brockway Glass Container Inc 5.000% USD 100,000 RegionalCare Hospital Partners Holdings Inc 11.500% 15/01/2022 259 0.02 05/01/2024 109 0.01 USD 565,000 Owens-Brockway Glass Container Inc 5.875% USD 1,200,000 Resolute Forest Products Inc 5.875% 15/05/2023^ 1,206 0.11 15/08/2023 599 0.05 USD 1,600,000 Revlon Consumer Products Corp 5.750% 15/02/2021^ 1,298 0.12 USD 400,000 Parsley Energy LLC / Parsley Finance Corp 6.250% USD 950,000 Reynolds Group Issuer Inc / Reynolds Group 06/01/2024 418 0.04 Issuer LLC / Reynolds Group Issuer Lu 5.125% USD 250,000 Party City Holdings Inc 6.125% 15/08/2023^ 191 0.02 15/07/2023 974 0.09 USD 350,000 Pattern Energy Group Inc 5.875% 02/01/2024 361 0.03 USD 9,875,000 Reynolds Group Issuer Inc / Reynolds Group USD 1,900,000 PBF Holding Co LLC / PBF Finance Corp 7.000% Issuer LLC / Reynolds Group Issuer Lu 5.750% 15/11/2023 1,969 0.18 15/10/2020 9,570 0.86 USD 1,775,000 PBF Logistics LP / PBF Logistics Finance Corp USD 625,000 Reynolds Group Issuer Inc / Reynolds Group 6.875% 15/05/2023 1,824 0.16 Issuer LLC / Reynolds Group Issuer Lu 7.000% 15/07/2024 647 0.06 USD 1,350,000 PDC Energy Inc 6.125% 15/09/2024 1,348 0.12 USD 1,395,000 RHP Hotel Properties LP / RHP Finance Corp 5.000% USD 235,000 Peabody Energy Corp 6.000% 31/03/2022 230 0.02 15/04/2023 1,427 0.13 USD 1,425,000 Penske Automotive Group Inc 5.750% 10/01/2022 1,442 0.13 USD 900,000 Rite Aid Corp 6.125% 04/01/2023 745 0.07 USD 100,000 Performance Food Group Inc 5.500% 06/01/2024 103 0.01 USD 2,050,000 Rowan Cos Inc 4.875% 06/01/2022 1,261 0.11 USD 1,125,000 PetSmart Inc 7.125% 15/03/2023 1,014 0.09 USD 675,000 Sabre GLBL Inc 5.250% 15/11/2023 692 0.06 USD 2,250,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 4.125% 10/01/2021 2,274 0.20 USD 325,000 Sabre GLBL Inc 5.375% 15/04/2023 334 0.03 USD 1,475,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 4.375% 15/05/2022 1,494 0.13 USD 2,296,000 SBA Communications Corp 4.000% 10/01/2022 2,342 0.21 USD 1,875,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 4.625% 15/03/2024 1,818 0.16 USD 2,850,000 SBA Communications Corp 4.875% 15/07/2022 2,892 0.26 USD 1,475,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 5.200% 04/01/2023 1,480 0.13 USD 200,000 SBA Communications Corp 4.875% 09/01/2024 208 0.02 USD 450,000 Plantronics Inc 5.500% 31/05/2023 420 0.04 USD 3,683,000 Scientific Games International Inc 10.000% USD 1,931,000 PolyOne Corp 5.250% 15/03/2023 2,079 0.19 12/01/2022 3,783 0.34 USD 250,000 PQ Corp 6.750% 15/11/2022 259 0.02 USD 400,000 Sealed Air Corp 4.875% 12/01/2022 422 0.04 USD 250,000 Prestige Brands Inc 5.375% 15/12/2021 250 0.02 USD 320,000 Sealed Air Corp 5.250% 04/01/2023 341 0.03 USD 450,000 Prestige Brands Inc 6.375% 03/01/2024 468 0.04 USD 1,315,000 SemGroup Corp / Rose Rock Finance Corp 5.625% USD 435,000 Prime Security Services Borrower LLC / Prime 15/07/2022 1,331 0.12 Finance Inc 5.250% 15/04/2024 449 0.04 USD 2,579,000 SESI LLC 7.125% 15/12/2021 1,926 0.17 USD 725,000 Prime Security Services Borrower LLC / Prime USD 475,000 Shea Homes LP / Shea Homes Funding Corp 5.875% Finance Inc 9.250% 15/05/2023 762 0.07 04/01/2023 486 0.04 USD 200,000 PTC Inc 6.000% 15/05/2024 209 0.02 USD 575,000 Sirius XM Radio Inc 3.875% 08/01/2022 587 0.05 USD 1,450,000 PulteGroup Inc 4.250% 03/01/2021 1,481 0.13 USD 300,000 Sirius XM Radio Inc 4.625% 15/05/2023 305 0.03 USD 2,100,000 Pyxus International Inc 9.875% 15/07/2021 1,223 0.11 USD 1,145,000 Sirius XM Radio Inc 4.625% 15/07/2024 1,199 0.11 USD 2,425,000 QEP Resources Inc 5.250% 05/01/2023 2,298 0.21 USD 625,000 Six Flags Entertainment Corp 4.875% 31/07/2024 648 0.06 USD 2,001,000 QEP Resources Inc 5.375% 10/01/2022 1,937 0.17 USD 1,950,000 SM Energy Co 5.000% 15/01/2024 1,795 0.16 USD 1,513,000 QEP Resources Inc 6.875% 03/01/2021 1,536 0.14 USD 1,663,000 SM Energy Co 6.125% 15/11/2022 1,617 0.15 USD 1,425,000 Quorum Health Corp 11.625% 15/04/2023^ 991 0.09 USD 1,350,000 Solera LLC / Solera Finance Inc 10.500% 03/01/2024 1,398 0.13 USD 2,433,000 QVC Inc 4.375% 15/03/2023 2,520 0.23 USD 375,000 Sotera Health Holdings LLC 6.500% 15/05/2023 387 0.03



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,350,000 Titan International Inc 6.500% 30/11/2023 1,118 0.10 USD 3,450,000 Springleaf Finance Corp 5.625% 15/03/2023 3,701 0.33 USD 2,065,000 T-Mobile USA Inc 4.000% 15/04/2022 2,127 0.19 USD 3,941,000 Springleaf Finance Corp 6.125% 15/05/2022 4,251 0.38 USD 4,725,000 T-Mobile USA Inc 6.000% 03/01/2023^ 4,812 0.43 USD 5,030,000 Springleaf Finance Corp 6.125% 15/03/2024 5,504 0.49 USD 3,650,000 T-Mobile USA Inc 6.000% 15/04/2024 3,794 0.34 USD 2,100,000 Springleaf Finance Corp 7.750% 10/01/2021 2,293 0.21 USD 3,800,000 T-Mobile USA Inc 6.500% 15/01/2024 3,937 0.35 USD 2,825,000 Springleaf Finance Corp 8.250% 15/12/2020 2,992 0.27 USD 320,000 TMX Finance LLC / TitleMax Finance Corp 11.125% USD 4,895,000 Sprint Communications Inc 6.000% 15/11/2022 5,159 0.46 04/01/2023 288 0.03 USD 425,000 Sprint Communications Inc 7.000% 03/01/2020 429 0.04 USD 1,444,000 Toll Brothers Finance Corp 4.375% 15/04/2023 1,510 0.14 USD 3,275,000 Sprint Communications Inc 7.000% 15/08/2020 3,362 0.30 USD 1,286,000 Toll Brothers Finance Corp 5.875% 15/02/2022 1,367 0.12 USD 1,967,000 Sprint Communications Inc 11.500% 15/11/2021 2,272 0.20 USD 550,000 TPC Group Inc 10.500% 08/01/2024 552 0.05 USD 5,775,000 Sprint Corp 7.125% 15/06/2024 6,223 0.56 USD 5,100,000 TransDigm Inc 6.500% 15/07/2024 5,263 0.47 USD 4,925,000 Sprint Corp 7.250% 15/09/2021 5,233 0.47 USD 1,175,000 TreeHouse Foods Inc 4.875% 15/03/2022 1,181 0.11 USD 9,200,000 Sprint Corp 7.875% 15/09/2023 10,137 0.91 USD 575,000 TreeHouse Foods Inc 6.000% 15/02/2024 597 0.05 USD 255,000 SSL Robotics LLC 9.750% 31/12/2023 265 0.02 USD 1,775,000 TRI Pointe Group Inc / TRI Pointe Homes Inc 5.875% 15/06/2024 1,915 0.17 USD 600,000 Standard Industries Inc 5.375% 15/11/2024 618 0.06 USD 200,000 Trilogy International Partners LLC / Trilogy USD 375,000 Standard Industries Inc 5.500% 15/02/2023 383 0.03 International Finance Inc 8.875% 05/01/2022 190 0.02 USD 1,815,000 Starwood Property Trust Inc 3.625% 02/01/2021 1,828 0.16 USD 1,425,000 Trinity Industries Inc 4.550% 10/01/2024 1,464 0.13 USD 2,474,000 Starwood Property Trust Inc 5.000% 15/12/2021 2,577 0.23 USD 325,000 Triumph Group Inc 6.250% 15/09/2024 341 0.03 USD 1,656,000 Steel Dynamics Inc 5.125% 10/01/2021 1,663 0.15 USD 150,000 Tupperware Brands Corp 4.750% 06/01/2021 150 0.01 USD 1,450,000 Steel Dynamics Inc 5.250% 15/04/2023 1,481 0.13 USD 375,000 Uber Technologies Inc 7.500% 11/01/2023 386 0.03 USD 325,000 Stericycle Inc 5.375% 15/07/2024 341 0.03 USD 1,730,000 United Airlines Holdings Inc 4.250% 10/01/2022 1,786 0.16 USD 1,875,000 Suburban Propane Partners LP/Suburban Energy USD 350,000 Uniti Group LP / Uniti Group Finance Inc / CSL Finance Corp 5.500% 06/01/2024 1,924 0.17 Capital LLC 6.000% 15/04/2023 331 0.03 USD 1,500,000 Summit Materials LLC / Summit Materials Finance USD 3,225,000 Uniti Group LP / Uniti Group Finance Inc / CSL Corp 6.125% 15/07/2023 1,527 0.14 Capital LLC 8.250% 15/10/2023^ 2,723 0.24 USD 4,000,000 Sunoco LP / Sunoco Finance Corp 4.875% USD 760,000 Univision Communications Inc 5.125% 15/05/2023 750 0.07 15/01/2023 4,101 0.37 USD 125,000 Univision Communications Inc 6.750% 15/09/2022 127 0.01 USD 475,000 Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / Tallgrass Energy Finance Corp 4.750% 10/01/2023 458 0.04 USD 350,000 Urban One Inc 7.375% 15/04/2022 342 0.03 USD 375,000 Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / Tallgrass Energy USD 2,100,000 US Concrete Inc 6.375% 06/01/2024 2,186 0.20 Finance Corp 5.500% 15/09/2024 365 0.03 USD 268,000 US Foods Inc 5.875% 15/06/2024 276 0.02 USD 2,200,000 Targa Resources Partners LP / Targa Resources USD 1,250,000 Valvoline Inc 5.500% 15/07/2024 1,302 0.12 Partners Finance Corp 4.250% 15/11/2023 2,216 0.20 USD 2,425,000 VeriSign Inc 4.625% 05/01/2023 2,463 0.22 USD 2,027,000 Targa Resources Partners LP / Targa Resources USD 440,000 Veritas US Inc / Veritas Bermuda Ltd 7.500% Partners Finance Corp 5.250% 05/01/2023 2,049 0.18 02/01/2023 431 0.04 USD 1,850,000 Targa Resources Partners LP / Targa Resources USD 425,000 Veritas US Inc / Veritas Bermuda Ltd 10.500% Partners Finance Corp 6.750% 15/03/2024 1,922 0.17 02/01/2024^ 392 0.04 USD 225,000 Taylor Morrison Communities Inc / Taylor Morrison USD 400,000 Vertiv Group Corp 9.250% 15/10/2024 394 0.04 Holdings II Inc 5.625% 03/01/2024 242 0.02 USD 75,000 VICI Properties 1 LLC / VICI FC Inc 8.000% USD 180,000 Taylor Morrison Communities Inc / Taylor Morrison 15/10/2023 82 0.01 Holdings II Inc 5.875% 15/04/2023 193 0.02 USD 1,275,000 Vista Outdoor Inc 5.875% 10/01/2023 1,206 0.11 USD 250,000 TEGNA Inc 4.875% 15/09/2021 251 0.02 USD 1,750,000 Vistra Energy Corp 5.875% 06/01/2023 1,789 0.16 USD 844,000 TEGNA Inc 5.125% 15/07/2020 847 0.08 USD 320,000 Voyager Aviation Holdings LLC / Voyager Finance Co USD 1,830,000 TEGNA Inc 6.375% 15/10/2023 1,885 0.17 8.500% 15/08/2021 331 0.03 USD 1,325,000 Tempur Sealy International Inc 5.625% 15/10/2023 1,365 0.12 USD 400,000 W&T Offshore Inc 9.750% 11/01/2023 367 0.03 USD 405,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 4.625% 09/01/2024 419 0.04 USD 2,850,000 Washington Prime Group LP 6.450% 15/08/2024 2,725 0.24 USD 7,000,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 4.625% 15/07/2024 7,213 0.65 USD 275,000 Watco Cos LLC / Watco Finance Corp 6.375% USD 6,867,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 6.750% 15/06/2023 7,442 0.67 04/01/2023 281 0.03 USD 10,875,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 8.125% 04/01/2022 11,906 1.07 USD 1,408,000 WESCO Distribution Inc 5.375% 15/12/2021 1,415 0.13 USD 465,000 TerraForm Power Operating LLC 4.250% 31/01/2023 474 0.04 USD 830,000 WESCO Distribution Inc 5.375% 15/06/2024 861 0.08 USD 2,275,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance IV LLC 2.250% USD 301,000 WEX Inc 4.750% 02/01/2023 304 0.03 18/03/2020 2,262 0.20 USD 3,104,000 Whiting Petroleum Corp 5.750% 15/03/2021 2,832 0.25 USD 820,000 TIBCO Software Inc 11.375% 12/01/2021 848 0.08 USD 1,550,000 Whiting Petroleum Corp 6.250% 04/01/2023 1,067 0.10



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.28%) (cont) Bank overdraft† (3,113) (0.28) United States (31 May 2019: 86.45%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Other net assets 18,985 1.71 USD 1,000,000 William Lyon Homes Inc 6.000% 09/01/2023 1,045 0.09 USD 158,000 William Lyon Homes Inc 7.000% 15/08/2022 158 0.01 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the USD 345,000 Williams Scotsman International Inc 6.875% financial period 1,113,543 100.00 15/08/2023 363 0.03 USD 325,000 Wolverine Escrow LLC 8.500% 15/11/2024 328 0.03 †Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^ USD 2,250,000 WPX Energy Inc 5.250% 15/09/2024 2,301 0.21 These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair USD 1,400,000 WPX Energy Inc 8.250% 08/01/2023 1,571 0.14 valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. ~ USD 435,000 WR Grace & Co-Conn 5.125% 10/01/2021 452 0.04 Investment in related party. USD 1,543,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 3.900% 03/01/2023 1,569 0.14 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 2,330,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 4.250% 03/01/2022 2,393 0.21 USD 550,000 Wynn Las Vegas LLC / Wynn Las Vegas Capital Corp entity in which the Fund holds shares. Fixed income securities are 4.250% 30/05/2023 574 0.05 primarily classified by country of incorporation of the issuer for USD 1,375,000 Xerox Corp 2.750% 09/01/2020 1,374 0.12 corporate fixed income securities. USD 1,075,000 Xerox Corp 3.500% 20/08/2020 1,078 0.10 %oftotal USD 3,850,000 Xerox Corp 4.125% 15/03/2023 3,975 0.36 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 4,248,000 Xerox Corp 4.500% 15/05/2021 4,356 0.39 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 450,000 XPO Logistics Inc 6.125% 09/01/2023 465 0.04 USD 666,000 XPO Logistics Inc 6.500% 15/06/2022 679 0.06 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 853,504 76.37 USD 625,000 XPO Logistics Inc 6.750% 15/08/2024^ 677 0.06 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 116,284 10.40 USD 1,165,000 Yum! Brands Inc 3.750% 11/01/2021 1,203 0.11 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) 57,156 5.11 USD 960,000 Yum! Brands Inc 3.875% 11/01/2020 970 0.09 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 70,727 6.33 USD 4,925,000 Zayo Group LLC / Zayo Capital Inc 6.000% 04/01/2023 5,057 0.45 Other assets 19,963 1.79 Total United States 922,396 82.83 Total current assets 1,117,634 100.00 Total bonds 1,026,944 92.22 Warrants (31 May 2019: 0.00%) United States (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 4,777 Affinion Group Inc - Warrants* - 0.00 Total United States - 0.00 Total warrants - 0.00

%ofnet Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 1,026,944 92.22

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 3.33%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 3.33%) USD 70,726,880 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 70,727 6.35



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 98.77%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.77%) Government Bonds (cont) USD 29,601,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/08/2048 34,587 3.54 Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.77%) USD 31,100,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/02/2049 36,410 3.72 United States (31 May 2019: 98.77%) USD 9,596,900 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/11/2041 11,206 1.15 Government Bonds USD 12,328,700 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2042 14,403 1.47 USD 22,894,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 15/08/2046 23,064 2.36 USD 17,382,600 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2043 20,345 2.08 USD 31,074,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 15/08/2049 31,370 3.21 USD 24,459,600 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% USD 25,590,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 15/02/2045 27,041 2.77 15/08/2044^ 28,773 2.94 USD 24,895,500 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 15/02/2046 26,328 2.69 USD 26,761,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/05/2048 31,967 3.27 USD 23,069,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 15/05/2046 24,405 2.50 USD 24,941,600 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/05/2044 30,509 3.12 USD 12,906,500 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 15/08/2042 14,218 1.45 USD 30,667,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/11/2048 38,371 3.92 USD 17,935,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 15/11/2042 19,757 2.02 USD 21,587,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/08/2043 27,319 2.79 USD 21,936,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% USD 24,223,100 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/02/2044 30,742 3.14 15/08/2047^ 24,397 2.50 USD 9,690,900 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.750% 15/08/2041 12,369 1.27 USD 24,741,900 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 15/11/2047 27,535 2.82 USD 23,057,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.750% 15/11/2043 29,764 3.04 USD 25,250,600 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2043 28,403 2.91 USD 11,803,800 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.875% 15/08/2040 15,279 1.56 USD 25,334,500 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/08/2045 28,664 2.93 USD 9,370,800 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.250% 15/11/2040 12,738 1.30 USD 23,467,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/11/2046 26,671 2.73 USD 3,522,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/11/2039 4,837 0.50 USD 30,905,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2049 35,379 3.62 USD 10,960,800 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2040 15,101 1.54 USD 10,052,500 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/05/2042 11,523 1.18 USD 9,588,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2041 13,275 1.36 USD 26,043,300 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/11/2044 30,042 3.07 USD 13,306,700 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 15/02/2040 18,868 1.93 USD 25,354,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/05/2045 29,306 3.00 USD 12,372,400 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.750% 15/02/2041 17,923 1.83 USD 25,196,200 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/11/2045 29,191 2.99 Total United States 967,240 98.93 USD 23,279,400 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/02/2047 27,103 2.77 Total bonds 967,240 98.93 USD 24,182,900 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/05/2047 28,155 2.88 USD 25,637,300 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 15/02/2048 29,902 3.06

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) CHF 26,247,933 USD 26,647,219 26,265,005 03/12/2019 (383) (0.04) EUR 41,796,650 USD 46,705,795 46,084,996 03/12/2019 (621) (0.06) GBP 10,000 USD 12,934 12,935 03/12/2019 - 0.00 USD 417,934 CHF 413,968 414,237 03/12/2019 4 0.00 USD 6,629,644 EUR 6,017,405 6,634,793 03/12/2019 (5) 0.00 USD 2,399,248 EUR 2,168,276 2,390,742 03/12/2019 9 0.00 Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 13 0.00 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (1,009) (0.10) Net unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (996) (0.10) Total financial derivative instruments (996) (0.10)


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ TREASURY BOND 20+YR UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 966,244 98.83

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.70%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.70%) USD 6,121,628 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 6,122 0.63

Cash† 953 0.10

Other net assets 4,412 0.44

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 977,731 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to the CHF Hedged (Dist) Class, EUR Hedged (Dist) Class and GBP Hedged (Dist) Class. ~Investment in related party.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of issuer for government type fixed income securities.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 857,080 87.57 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 110,160 11.25 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments 13 0.00 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 6,122 0.63 Other assets 5,421 0.55 Total current assets 978,796 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Canada (31 May 2019: 5.67%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 96.32%) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,400,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 15/06/2020 1,403 0.15 Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) USD 1,500,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 26/03/2022 1,507 0.16 Australia (31 May 2019: 5.45%) USD 600,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 27/08/2021 606 0.06 Corporate Bonds USD 50,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 2.150% 14/07/2020 50 0.01 USD 1,000,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.125% USD 375,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 01/08/2021 375 0.04 19/08/2020 1,001 0.10 USD 2,250,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 20/04/2021 2,256 0.23 USD 1,000,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.700% USD 1,000,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 03/07/2022 1,007 0.10 16/11/2020 1,008 0.10 USD 205,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN 02/02/2021 205 0.02 USD 2,600,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 5.100% 13/01/2020 2,609 0.27 USD 1,575,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN 10/05/2020 1,577 0.16 USD 850,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN USD 600,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN 16/06/2022 604 0.06 11/09/2020 851 0.09 USD 700,000 Enbridge Inc FRN 01/10/2020^ 700 0.07 USD 1,350,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN USD 500,000 Enbridge Inc FRN 15/06/2020 501 0.05 17/05/2021 1,355 0.14 USD 760,000 Husky Energy Inc 7.250% 15/12/2019 761 0.08 USD 250,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN USD 1,000,000 Manulife Financial Corp 4.900% 17/09/2020 1,024 0.11 19/05/2022 251 0.03 USD 1,100,000 National Bank of Canada 2.150% 06/12/2020 1,099 0.11 USD 1,500,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.250% 03/10/2020 1,501 0.16 USD 2,000,000 National Bank of Canada FRN 06/12/2020 2,005 0.21 USD 800,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.300% 03/12/2020 801 0.08 USD 2,700,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.125% 03/02/2020 2,700 0.28 USD 3,250,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 5.000% 19/03/2020 3,279 0.34 USD 650,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.150% 03/06/2020 650 0.07 USD 1,000,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia FRN 03/10/2020 1,001 0.10 USD 2,500,000 Royal Bank of Canada 2.150% 26/10/2020^ 2,503 0.26 USD 1,200,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia FRN 09/06/2021 1,212 0.13 USD 4,625,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 26/10/2020 4,630 0.48 USD 1,000,000 Macquarie Bank Ltd 2.850% 29/07/2020 1,004 0.10 USD 1,125,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 22/07/2020 1,127 0.12 USD 500,000 Macquarie Bank Ltd FRN 29/07/2020 503 0.05 USD 1,800,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 03/02/2020 1,801 0.19 USD 2,000,000 Macquarie Group Ltd 6.000% 14/01/2020 2,010 0.21 USD 2,528,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 30/04/2021 2,534 0.26 USD 3,650,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.250% 01/10/2020 3,651 0.38 USD 500,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 29/04/2022 501 0.05 USD 250,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.625% 23/07/2020 251 0.03 USD 400,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 02/01/2022 403 0.04 USD 2,000,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 01/12/2021 2,002 0.21 USD 2,000,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.150% 17/09/2020 2,019 0.21 USD 500,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 22/05/2020 501 0.05 USD 2,100,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 25/01/2021 2,102 0.22 USD 250,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 11/04/2021 252 0.03 USD 1,000,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 17/09/2020 1,001 0.10 USD 1,000,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 22/05/2022 1,008 0.10 USD 3,575,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 17/03/2021 3,580 0.37 USD 1,000,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 07/12/2021 1,012 0.10 USD 1,635,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 06/11/2021 1,641 0.17 USD 250,000 Pacific National Finance Pty Ltd 4.625% 23/09/2020 254 0.03 USD 850,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 04/07/2021 860 0.09 USD 2,750,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.150% 03/06/2020 2,751 0.29 Total Canada 48,997 5.09 USD 2,845,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.300% 26/05/2020 2,849 0.30 USD 2,500,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.600% 23/11/2020 2,516 0.26 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.41%) USD 300,000 Westpac Banking Corp 3.050% 15/05/2020 301 0.03 USD 1,050,000 Westpac Banking Corp FRN 15/05/2020 1,051 0.11 Denmark (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 1,350,000 Westpac Banking Corp FRN 25/01/2021 1,351 0.14 Corporate Bonds USD 1,050,000 Westpac Banking Corp FRN 03/06/2020 1,051 0.11 USD 2,000,000 Danske Bank A/S 2.200% 03/02/2020 1,998 0.21 USD 900,000 Westpac Banking Corp FRN 01/11/2022 908 0.09 USD 1,000,000 Danske Bank A/S 2.750% 17/09/2020 1,004 0.10 Total Australia 40,095 4.16 Total Denmark 3,002 0.31

Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.17%) Finland (31 May 2019: 0.75%) Corporate Bonds Canada (31 May 2019: 5.67%) USD 1,000,000 Nordea Bank Abp 2.125% 29/05/2020 1,000 0.10 Corporate Bonds USD 1,000,000 Nordea Bank Abp 2.500% 17/09/2020 1,003 0.10 USD 1,310,000 Bank of Montreal 2.100% 12/12/2019 1,310 0.14 USD 3,250,000 Nordea Bank Abp 4.875% 27/01/2020 3,265 0.34 USD 1,100,000 Bank of Montreal 2.100% 15/06/2020 1,101 0.11 USD 1,225,000 Nordea Bank Abp FRN 29/05/2020 1,227 0.13 USD 250,000 Bank of Montreal 3.100% 13/07/2020 252 0.03 Total Finland 6,495 0.67 USD 745,701 Bank of Montreal FRN 13/07/2020 747 0.08 USD 1,500,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 22/01/2021 1,504 0.16 USD 350,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 13/04/2021 351 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 3.30%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 1.59%) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds USD 1,950,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc FRN 03/07/2022 1,953 0.20 USD 3,000,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 2.200% USD 1,000,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc FRN 13/09/2021 1,011 0.11 20/07/2020 2,999 0.31 USD 2,100,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc FRN 03/01/2021 2,138 0.22 USD 1,000,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 2.750% USD 1,000,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp 2.650% 15/10/2020 1,005 0.10 19/10/2020 1,005 0.11 USD 3,250,000 BNP Paribas SA 2.375% 21/05/2020 3,253 0.34 USD 1,000,000 Mizuho Bank Ltd 2.700% 20/10/2020 1,006 0.11 USD 1,930,000 BPCE SA 2.250% 27/01/2020 1,931 0.20 USD 1,500,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc FRN 28/02/2022 1,513 0.16 USD 1,000,000 BPCE SA FRN 22/05/2022 1,014 0.11 USD 1,400,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc FRN 09/11/2022 1,410 0.15 USD 1,000,000 Credit Agricole SA 2.750% 06/10/2020 1,003 0.10 USD 1,850,000 Mizuho Financial Group Inc FRN 13/09/2021 1,871 0.19 USD 2,000,000 Electricite de France SA 2.350% 13/10/2020 2,005 0.21 USD 1,000,000 MUFG Bank Ltd 2.300% 03/05/2020 1,001 0.10 USD 1,500,000 Electricite de France SA 4.600% 27/01/2020 1,506 0.16 USD 200,000 MUFG Bank Ltd 2.750% 14/09/2020 201 0.02 USD 2,700,000 Total Capital SA 4.450% 24/06/2020 2,737 0.28 USD 2,200,000 Nomura Holdings Inc 6.700% 03/04/2020 2,226 0.23 Total France 17,453 1.81 USD 3,175,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.450% 16/01/2020 3,177 0.33 USD 1,000,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.514% 17/01/2020 1,000 0.10 Germany (31 May 2019: 0.35%) USD 1,000,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.650% 23/07/2020 1,004 0.10 Corporate Bonds USD 3,455,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp FRN 17/01/2020 3,457 0.36 USD 1,500,000 Deutsche Bank AG 2.700% 13/07/2020 1,496 0.15 USD 600,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp FRN 16/10/2020 601 0.06 USD 950,000 Deutsche Bank AG FRN 22/01/2021 944 0.10 USD 1,000,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc FRN 18/10/2022 1,003 0.10 USD 1,425,000 Deutsche Bank AG FRN 13/07/2020 1,426 0.15 USD 1,100,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc FRN 07/12/2022 1,105 0.12 USD 300,000 Deutsche Bank AG FRN 02/04/2021 300 0.03 USD 1,000,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc FRN 19/10/2021 1,013 0.11 Total Germany 4,166 0.43 USD 600,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc FRN 14/07/2021 607 0.06 Total Japan 30,410 3.16 Guernsey (31 May 2019: 0.58%) Corporate Bonds Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.56%) USD 2,695,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd 2.750% Corporate Bonds 26/03/2020 2,697 0.28 USD 4,575,000 Allergan Funding SCS 3.000% 03/12/2020 4,581 0.47 USD 1,750,000 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd FRN USD 1,040,000 Allergan Funding SCS FRN 03/12/2020 1,043 0.11 16/04/2021 1,796 0.19 Total Luxembourg 5,624 0.58 Total Guernsey 4,493 0.47

Netherlands (31 May 2019: 4.31%) Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.07%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds USD 2,000,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV 2.450% 06/04/2020 2,002 0.21 USD 650,000 AIA Group Ltd FRN 20/09/2021 650 0.07 USD 925,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV FRN 19/01/2021 927 0.10 Total Hong Kong 650 0.07 USD 1,750,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV FRN 27/08/2021 1,757 0.18 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.63%) USD 1,000,000 BMW Finance NV FRN 08/12/2022 1,007 0.11 Corporate Bonds USD 2,100,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 2.250% 14/01/2020 2,101 0.22 USD 2,000,000 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation USD 2,582,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 4.750% 15/01/2020 2,590 0.27 Trust 4.625% 30/10/2020 2,051 0.21 USD 1,350,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA FRN 26/04/2021 1,354 0.14 USD 7,000,000 GE Capital International Funding Co Unlimited Co USD 900,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA FRN 01/10/2022 909 0.09 2.342% 15/11/2020 6,994 0.73 USD 1,000,000 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 2.225% Total Ireland 9,045 0.94 17/01/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 500,000 EDP Finance BV 4.125% 15/01/2020 501 0.05 Italy (31 May 2019: 0.08%) USD 2,460,000 ING Bank NV 2.450% 16/03/2020 2,462 0.26 Corporate Bonds USD 1,000,000 ING Bank NV 2.700% 17/08/2020 1,003 0.10 USD 850,000 UniCredit SpA FRN 14/01/2022 892 0.09 USD 1,266,000 ING Groep NV FRN 29/03/2022 1,281 0.13 Total Italy 892 0.09 USD 3,853,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.125% 05/11/2020 3,860 0.40 USD 1,750,000 Shell International Finance BV 4.375% 25/03/2020 1,763 0.18 Japan (31 May 2019: 3.30%) USD 1,100,000 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 2.150% Corporate Bonds 27/05/2020 1,103 0.11 USD 500,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc FRN 26/07/2021 502 0.05 USD 1,600,000 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 2.200% 16/03/2020 1,603 0.17 USD 1,600,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc FRN 25/07/2022 1,606 0.17


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 1.43%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 4.31%) (cont) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,350,000 Credit Suisse AG 4.375% 08/05/2020 1,366 0.14 USD 1,600,000 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV FRN USD 1,350,000 Credit Suisse AG 5.400% 14/01/2020 1,355 0.14 16/03/2022 1,608 0.17 USD 2,000,000 UBS AG 2.200% 06/08/2020 2,000 0.21 USD 750,000 Syngenta Finance NV 3.698% 24/04/2020 752 0.08 USD 2,300,000 UBS AG 2.350% 26/03/2020 2,301 0.24 USD 1,000,000 Volkswagen International Finance NV 4.000% USD 2,300,000 UBS AG 4.875% 08/04/2020 2,344 0.24 08/12/2020 1,013 0.11 USD 2,000,000 UBS AG FRN 12/01/2020 2,006 0.21 Total Netherlands 30,596 3.18 USD 3,325,000 UBS AG FRN 06/08/2020 3,334 0.35 USD 3,000,000 UBS Group AG 2.950% 24/09/2020 3,022 0.31 New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Total Switzerland 17,728 1.84 Corporate Bonds USD 2,000,000 ANZ New Zealand Int'l Ltd 2.850% 08/06/2020 2,011 0.21 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.28%) USD 250,000 BNZ International Funding Ltd 2.400% 21/02/2020 250 0.02 Corporate Bonds Total New Zealand 2,261 0.23 USD 2,000,000 AstraZeneca Plc 2.375% 16/11/2020 2,008 0.21 USD 200,000 Barclays Bank Plc 5.125% 01/08/2020 201 0.02 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.20%) USD 832,000 Barclays Bank Plc FRN 01/11/2021 834 0.09 Corporate Bonds USD 2,000,000 Barclays Plc 2.875% 06/08/2020 2,005 0.21 USD 3,000,000 DNB Bank ASA 2.125% 10/02/2020 2,996 0.31 USD 1,522,000 Barclays Plc FRN 08/10/2021 1,556 0.16 Total Norway 2,996 0.31 USD 2,000,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.315% 13/02/2020 2,002 0.21 USD 4,750,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.521% 15/01/2020 4,753 0.49 Panama (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 925,000 Diageo Capital Plc 3.000% 18/05/2020 929 0.10 Corporate Bonds USD 1,500,000 Diageo Capital Plc 4.828% 15/07/2020 1,527 0.16 USD 1,000,000 Carnival Corp 3.950% 15/10/2020 1,018 0.11 USD 375,000 Diageo Capital Plc FRN 18/05/2020 375 0.04 Total Panama 1,018 0.11 USD 865,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc FRN 14/05/2021 867 0.09 USD 2,000,000 HSBC Bank Plc 4.125% 08/12/2020 2,031 0.21 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.07%) USD 1,850,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 18/05/2021 1,855 0.19 Corporate Bonds USD 1,550,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 09/11/2021 1,555 0.16 USD 700,000 DBS Group Holdings Ltd FRN 06/08/2020 701 0.07 USD 2,950,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 01/05/2022 3,006 0.31 Total Singapore 701 0.07 USD 1,000,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 25/05/2021 1,018 0.11 USD 1,350,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 03/08/2021 1,382 0.14 Spain (31 May 2019: 0.41%) USD 2,500,000 Finance Plc 2.950% 21/07/2020 2,512 0.26 Corporate Bonds USD 4,700,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 2.700% 17/08/2020 4,711 0.49 USD 2,000,000 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 3.000% 20/10/2020 2,017 0.21 USD 450,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 5.800% 13/01/2020 452 0.05 USD 400,000 Banco Santander SA FRN 04/11/2022 407 0.04 USD 200,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 6.500% 14/09/2020 206 0.02 USD 2,279,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.134% 27/04/2020 2,308 0.24 USD 2,118,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 05/07/2021 2,119 0.22 Total Spain 4,732 0.49 USD 1,088,000 Santander UK Plc 2.375% 16/03/2020 1,088 0.11 USD 1,350,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 06/01/2021 1,352 0.14 Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.17%) USD 750,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 15/11/2021 752 0.08 Corporate Bonds USD 1,000,000 Plc 2.250% 17/04/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 1,330,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.300% 03/11/2020 1,330 0.14 USD 1,200,000 Standard Chartered Plc FRN 09/10/2022 1,212 0.13 USD 1,500,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.450% 27/05/2020 1,502 0.15 Total United Kingdom 43,308 4.50 USD 1,000,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.625% 17/11/2020 1,004 0.10 USD 1,501,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB FRN 17/05/2021 1,505 0.16 United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) USD 350,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 1.950% 09/08/2020 350 0.04 Corporate Bonds USD 1,500,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 5.125% 30/03/2020 1,513 0.16 USD 5,336,000 AbbVie Inc 2.500% 14/05/2020 5,344 0.55 USD 2,275,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB FRN 24/05/2021 2,284 0.24 USD 1,000,000 AbbVie Inc FRN 19/11/2021 1,001 0.10 USD 1,500,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB FRN 09/08/2020 1,503 0.16 USD 1,000,000 AbbVie Inc FRN 21/11/2022 1,004 0.10 USD 1,200,000 Swedbank AB 2.200% 03/04/2020 1,200 0.12 USD 1,200,000 Adobe Inc 4.750% 02/01/2020 1,206 0.13 USD 1,500,000 Swedbank AB FRN 14/03/2022 1,501 0.15 USD 1,100,000 Air Lease Corp 2.125% 15/01/2020 1,100 0.11 Total Sweden 13,692 1.42 USD 1,000,000 Allergan Inc 3.375% 15/09/2020 1,011 0.10 USD 2,380,000 Altria Group Inc 2.625% 14/01/2020 2,381 0.25 USD 1,155,000 Inc 1.900% 21/08/2020 1,157 0.12


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,900,000 Bank of New York Mellon FRN 12/04/2020 1,904 0.20 USD 3,000,000 American Express Co 2.200% 30/10/2020 3,001 0.31 USD 2,600,000 BAT Capital Corp FRN 14/08/2020 2,604 0.27 USD 750,000 American Express Co FRN 30/10/2020 751 0.08 USD 1,100,000 Bayer US Finance II LLC FRN 25/06/2021 1,103 0.11 USD 1,094,000 American Express Co FRN 17/05/2021 1,099 0.11 USD 2,635,000 BB&T Corp 2.450% 15/01/2020 2,635 0.27 USD 2,400,000 American Express Co FRN 11/05/2021 2,412 0.25 USD 2,350,000 BB&T Corp 2.625% 29/06/2020 2,357 0.24 USD 250,000 American Express Co FRN 20/05/2022 251 0.03 USD 1,400,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 2.404% 06/05/2020 1,402 0.15 USD 7,630,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.200% 03/03/2020 7,632 0.79 USD 166,000 Becton Dickinson and Co 2.675% 15/12/2019 166 0.02 USD 350,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.600% 14/09/2020 352 0.04 USD 2,543,000 Becton Dickinson and Co FRN 29/12/2020 2,545 0.26 USD 2,000,000 American Honda Finance Corp 1.950% 20/07/2020 2,003 0.21 USD 2,000,000 Biogen Inc 2.900% 15/09/2020 2,016 0.21 USD 1,280,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.000% 14/02/2020 1,280 0.13 USD 1,000,000 Block Financial LLC 4.125% 10/01/2020 1,014 0.11 USD 2,350,000 American Honda Finance Corp 2.450% 24/09/2020 2,363 0.25 USD 1,000,000 BMW US Capital LLC 2.150% 04/06/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 250,000 American Honda Finance Corp FRN 21/02/2020 250 0.03 USD 1,400,000 BMW US Capital LLC FRN 13/08/2021 1,403 0.15 USD 2,200,000 American Honda Finance Corp FRN 14/02/2020 2,201 0.23 USD 1,400,000 BMW US Capital LLC FRN 04/12/2021 1,401 0.15 USD 2,000,000 American Honda Finance Corp FRN 15/02/2022 2,007 0.21 USD 1,690,000 Boeing Co 4.875% 15/02/2020 1,700 0.18 USD 750,000 American Honda Finance Corp FRN 16/06/2020 750 0.08 USD 2,000,000 BP Capital Markets America Inc 4.500% 10/01/2020 2,042 0.21 USD 935,000 American Honda Finance Corp FRN 06/11/2021 937 0.10 USD 1,000,000 Branch Banking & Trust Co FRN 15/01/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 3,100,000 American International Group Inc 3.375% 15/08/2020 3,136 0.33 USD 1,215,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co FRN 16/05/2022 1,217 0.13 USD 1,000,000 American Tower Corp 2.800% 06/01/2020 1,003 0.10 USD 4,417,000 Broadcom Corp / Broadcom Cayman Finance Ltd USD 1,000,000 Ameriprise Financial Inc 5.300% 15/03/2020 1,009 0.10 2.375% 15/01/2020 4,420 0.46 USD 1,600,000 Amgen Inc 2.200% 05/11/2020 1,600 0.17 USD 450,000 CA Inc 5.375% 12/01/2019 450 0.05 USD 3,000,000 Amgen Inc 3.450% 10/01/2020 3,042 0.32 USD 550,000 Campbell Soup Co FRN 16/03/2020 550 0.06 USD 1,000,000 Anthem Inc 2.500% 21/11/2020 1,006 0.10 USD 1,500,000 Capital One Financial Corp 2.400% 30/10/2020 1,504 0.16 USD 1,000,000 Anthem Inc 4.350% 15/08/2020 1,016 0.11 USD 1,700,000 Capital One Financial Corp 2.500% 05/12/2020 1,702 0.18 USD 2,500,000 Aon Corp 5.000% 30/09/2020 2,562 0.27 USD 1,325,000 Capital One Financial Corp FRN 05/12/2020 1,328 0.14 USD 2,865,000 Apple Inc 1.550% 02/07/2020 2,863 0.30 USD 2,100,000 Capital One NA 2.350% 31/01/2020 2,100 0.22 USD 1,400,000 Apple Inc 1.800% 05/11/2020 1,400 0.15 USD 2,000,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 1.850% 09/04/2020 1,997 0.21 USD 1,650,000 Apple Inc 1.900% 02/07/2020 1,650 0.17 USD 1,250,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.000% 03/05/2020 1,250 0.13 USD 1,875,000 Apple Inc FRN 05/11/2020 1,875 0.19 USD 1,500,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.100% 01/10/2020 1,500 0.16 USD 750,000 Apple Inc FRN 02/07/2020 750 0.08 USD 550,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.250% 12/01/2019 550 0.06 USD 1,500,000 Apple Inc FRN 05/06/2020 1,502 0.16 USD 500,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 2.950% 15/05/2020 502 0.05 USD 3,800,000 Apple Inc FRN 02/09/2022 3,826 0.40 USD 5,150,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp FRN 15/05/2020 5,152 0.53 USD 2,000,000 Applied Materials Inc 2.625% 10/01/2020 2,011 0.21 USD 1,050,000 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp FRN 17/05/2021 1,053 0.11 USD 500,000 Ares Capital Corp 3.875% 15/01/2020 501 0.05 USD 500,000 Charles Schwab Corp 4.450% 22/07/2020 507 0.05 USD 3,600,000 AT&T Inc 2.450% 30/06/2020 3,606 0.37 USD 1,150,000 Charles Schwab Corp FRN 21/05/2021 1,150 0.12 USD 1,475,000 AT&T Inc FRN 15/01/2020 1,476 0.15 USD 3,250,000 Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital 3.579% 23/07/2020 3,277 0.34 USD 2,545,000 AT&T Inc FRN 06/01/2021 2,561 0.27 USD 2,888,000 Chevron Corp 1.961% 03/03/2020 2,889 0.30 USD 2,275,000 AT&T Inc FRN 15/07/2021 2,298 0.24 USD 3,250,000 Cigna Corp 3.200% 17/09/2020 3,278 0.34 USD 675,000 AT&T Inc FRN 30/06/2020 678 0.07 USD 500,000 Cigna Corp FRN 17/03/2020 500 0.05 USD 1,500,000 Athene Global Funding 2.750% 20/04/2020 1,506 0.16 USD 925,000 Cigna Corp FRN 17/09/2021 927 0.10 USD 3,000,000 Automatic Data Processing Inc 2.250% 15/09/2020 3,009 0.31 USD 1,000,000 Cisco Systems Inc 2.450% 15/06/2020 1,004 0.10 USD 1,000,000 AXIS Specialty Finance LLC 5.875% 06/01/2020 1,017 0.11 USD 4,605,000 Cisco Systems Inc 4.450% 15/01/2020 4,618 0.48 USD 4,350,000 Bank of America Corp 2.250% 21/04/2020 4,351 0.45 USD 2,500,000 Citibank NA 2.100% 06/12/2020 2,500 0.26 USD 2,304,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 21/07/2021 2,310 0.24 USD 2,000,000 Citibank NA 2.125% 20/10/2020 2,002 0.21 USD 500,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 10/01/2021 503 0.05 USD 1,600,000 Citibank NA 3.050% 05/01/2020 1,605 0.17 USD 3,250,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 25/06/2022 3,266 0.34 USD 500,000 Citibank NA FRN 05/01/2020 501 0.05 USD 1,753,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 19/04/2021 1,782 0.18 USD 3,050,000 Citibank NA FRN 02/12/2021 3,054 0.32 USD 1,000,000 Bank of America NA FRN 26/07/2021 1,001 0.10 USD 1,450,000 Citibank NA FRN 20/10/2020 1,452 0.15 USD 3,250,000 Bank of America NA FRN 24/05/2021 3,254 0.34 USD 2,000,000 Citibank NA FRN 19/02/2022 2,007 0.21 USD 1,750,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.150% 24/02/2020 1,751 0.18 USD 2,250,000 Citibank NA FRN 20/05/2022 2,259 0.23 USD 2,000,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2.600% 17/08/2020 2,008 0.21 USD 752,000 Citibank NA FRN 23/07/2021 756 0.08 USD 2,500,000 Bank of New York Mellon FRN 06/04/2021 2,503 0.26


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 1,100,000 Duke Energy Indiana LLC 3.750% 15/07/2020 1,113 0.12 USD 750,000 Citibank NA FRN 06/12/2020 752 0.08 USD 2,000,000 DuPont de Nemours Inc 3.766% 15/11/2020 2,033 0.21 USD 2,322,000 Citigroup Inc 2.400% 18/02/2020 2,324 0.24 USD 700,000 DuPont de Nemours Inc FRN 15/11/2020 703 0.07 USD 2,000,000 Citigroup Inc 2.450% 01/10/2020 2,001 0.21 USD 1,000,000 eBay Inc 2.150% 06/05/2020 1,002 0.10 USD 2,000,000 Citigroup Inc 2.650% 26/10/2020 2,012 0.21 USD 2,000,000 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 4.375% 15/10/2020 2,036 0.21 USD 1,100,000 Citigroup Inc 5.375% 08/09/2020 1,124 0.12 USD 3,500,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 7.500% 15/10/2020 3,653 0.38 USD 2,255,000 Citigroup Inc FRN 01/10/2020 2,257 0.23 USD 2,000,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 5.200% 09/01/2020 2,049 0.21 USD 865,000 Citigroup Inc FRN 08/02/2021 877 0.09 USD 1,200,000 EOG Resources Inc 2.450% 04/01/2020 1,202 0.12 USD 500,000 Citigroup Inc FRN 12/08/2021 507 0.05 USD 375,000 EQT Corp FRN 10/01/2020 374 0.04 USD 1,250,000 Citigroup Inc FRN 30/03/2021 1,268 0.13 USD 1,100,000 Exelon Corp 2.850% 15/06/2020 1,104 0.11 USD 1,000,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.200% 26/05/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 1,350,000 Exelon Generation Co LLC 2.950% 15/01/2020 1,351 0.14 USD 1,250,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.250% 03/02/2020 1,250 0.13 USD 2,000,000 Exelon Generation Co LLC 4.000% 10/01/2020 2,022 0.21 USD 2,100,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.450% 12/04/2019 2,100 0.22 USD 450,000 Expedia Group Inc 5.950% 15/08/2020 462 0.05 USD 1,000,000 Coca-Cola Co 1.875% 27/10/2020 1,002 0.10 USD 2,971,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 1.912% 03/06/2020 2,973 0.31 USD 500,000 Columbia Pipeline Group Inc 3.300% 06/01/2020 503 0.05 USD 1,500,000 Exxon Mobil Corp FRN 16/08/2022 1,508 0.16 USD 500,000 Comcast Corp FRN 10/01/2020 501 0.05 USD 350,000 Exxon Mobil Corp FRN 03/06/2022 352 0.04 USD 2,570,000 Comcast Corp FRN 10/01/2021 2,582 0.27 USD 2,000,000 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 3.625% USD 1,100,000 Comerica Bank 2.500% 06/02/2020 1,103 0.11 15/10/2020 2,025 0.21 USD 500,000 Conagra Brands Inc FRN 22/10/2020 502 0.05 USD 1,200,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 2.875% 27/07/2020 1,206 0.13 USD 900,000 ConocoPhillips Co FRN 15/05/2022 914 0.09 USD 2,000,000 Fifth Third Bank 2.200% 30/10/2020 2,004 0.21 USD 1,310,000 Consolidated Edison Co of New York Inc FRN USD 1,546,000 Florida Power & Light Co FRN 05/06/2022 1,546 0.16 25/06/2021 1,314 0.14 USD 2,500,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.425% 06/12/2020 2,496 0.26 USD 760,000 Constellation Brands Inc FRN 15/11/2021 762 0.08 USD 1,400,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.681% 01/09/2020 1,400 0.15 USD 1,000,000 Costco Wholesale Corp 1.750% 15/02/2020 999 0.10 USD 1,050,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 3.157% 08/04/2020 1,054 0.11 USD 4,100,000 CVS Health Corp 2.800% 20/07/2020 4,116 0.43 USD 2,800,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 8.125% 15/01/2020 2,818 0.29 USD 120,000 CVS Health Corp FRN 03/09/2020 120 0.01 USD 250,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 04/05/2021 249 0.03 USD 2,025,000 CVS Health Corp FRN 03/09/2021 2,034 0.21 USD 1,285,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 10/12/2021 1,269 0.13 USD 1,150,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.200% USD 1,000,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 08/03/2022 982 0.10 05/05/2020 1,151 0.12 USD 1,400,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 01/09/2020 1,401 0.15 USD 2,190,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.250% USD 2,700,000 General Dynamics Corp 2.875% 05/11/2020 2,712 0.28 03/02/2020 2,191 0.23 USD 550,000 General Dynamics Corp FRN 05/11/2020 551 0.06 USD 500,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.300% USD 995,000 General Dynamics Corp FRN 05/11/2021 999 0.10 01/06/2020 500 0.05 USD 1,250,000 General Electric Co 4.375% 16/09/2020 1,272 0.13 USD 2,150,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.450% 18/05/2020 2,154 0.22 USD 4,300,000 General Electric Co 5.500% 01/08/2020 4,315 0.45 USD 2,000,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.700% USD 1,405,000 General Mills Inc FRN 16/04/2021 1,409 0.15 08/03/2020 2,009 0.21 USD 1,700,000 General Motors Co FRN 08/07/2020 1,703 0.18 USD 1,000,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC 3.100% USD 1,368,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 2.650% 13/04/2020 1,370 0.14 05/04/2020 1,005 0.10 USD 800,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.150% 15/01/2020 801 0.08 USD 2,150,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC FRN 22/02/2021 2,152 0.22 USD 1,350,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc 3.200% 13/07/2020 1,357 0.14 USD 800,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC FRN 05/05/2020 801 0.08 USD 2,075,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc FRN 04/09/2021 2,076 0.22 USD 650,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC FRN 05/04/2021 650 0.07 USD 1,800,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc FRN 13/04/2020 1,803 0.19 USD 1,050,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC FRN 11/05/2021 1,052 0.11 USD 500,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc FRN 30/06/2022 503 0.05 USD 2,400,000 Daimler Finance North America LLC FRN 15/02/2022 2,416 0.25 USD 480,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc FRN 14/01/2022 483 0.05 USD 1,884,000 Delta Air Lines Inc 2.875% 13/03/2020 1,886 0.20 USD 1,000,000 Georgia Power Co 2.000% 09/08/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 450,000 Discover Bank 3.100% 06/04/2020 451 0.05 USD 1,500,000 Georgia Power Co 4.250% 12/01/2019 1,500 0.16 USD 1,000,000 Discovery Communications LLC 2.800% 15/06/2020 1,004 0.10 USD 1,125,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.350% 02/01/2020 1,125 0.12 USD 1,500,000 Dollar Tree Inc FRN 17/04/2020 1,501 0.16 USD 4,450,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.550% 09/01/2020 4,470 0.46 USD 2,000,000 Dominion Energy Gas Holdings LLC 2.800% USD 2,200,000 Goldman Sachs Bank USA 3.200% 06/05/2020 2,213 0.23 15/11/2020 2,011 0.21 USD 3,500,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.600% 23/04/2020 3,504 0.36 USD 2,500,000 Dominion Energy Inc 2.579% 07/01/2020 2,506 0.26 USD 3,000,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.750% 15/09/2020 3,016 0.31 USD 500,000 Duke Energy Corp FRN 14/05/2021 502 0.05 USD 2,300,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 5.375% 15/03/2020 2,321 0.24


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,750,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA FRN 19/02/2021 2,755 0.29 USD 4,000,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 6.000% 15/06/2020 4,082 0.42 USD 1,500,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA FRN 26/04/2021 1,500 0.16 USD 1,525,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 27/12/2020 1,533 0.16 USD 1,750,000 KeyBank NA 2.250% 16/03/2020 1,750 0.18 USD 1,055,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 13/12/2019 1,055 0.11 USD 600,000 KeyBank NA 2.500% 15/12/2019 600 0.06 USD 1,850,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 26/04/2022 1,870 0.19 USD 1,350,000 KeyCorp 2.900% 15/09/2020 1,359 0.14 USD 640,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 15/11/2021 650 0.07 USD 250,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 5.300% 15/09/2020 256 0.03 USD 1,140,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 23/04/2020 1,145 0.12 USD 600,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.500% 04/01/2020 609 0.06 USD 1,950,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 23/04/2021 1,978 0.21 USD 1,950,000 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.850% 15/02/2020 1,969 0.20 USD 2,575,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 15/09/2020 2,596 0.27 USD 350,000 Kinder Morgan Inc 3.050% 12/01/2019 350 0.04 USD 1,025,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 25/02/2021 1,043 0.11 USD 419,000 Kraft Heinz Foods Co 2.800% 07/02/2020 420 0.04 USD 1,050,000 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc 2.150% USD 1,330,000 Kraft Heinz Foods Co FRN 02/10/2021 1,331 0.14 26/02/2020 1,050 0.11 USD 2,075,000 Kroger Co 6.150% 15/01/2020 2,084 0.22 USD 1,600,000 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 5.500% USD 500,000 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 2.625% 30/03/2020 1,619 0.17 02/01/2020 500 0.05 USD 4,000,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 3.600% 15/10/2020 4,047 0.42 USD 500,000 Lam Research Corp 2.750% 15/03/2020 501 0.05 USD 1,000,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co FRN 03/12/2021 1,002 0.10 USD 1,000,000 Lowe's Cos Inc 4.625% 15/04/2020 1,002 0.10 USD 250,000 Home Depot Inc 3.950% 15/09/2020 253 0.03 USD 500,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co 2.050% 17/08/2020 500 0.05 USD 1,250,000 Home Depot Inc FRN 06/05/2020 1,251 0.13 USD 1,500,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co 2.100% 02/06/2020 1,499 0.16 USD 1,000,000 Honeywell International Inc FRN 08/08/2022 1,003 0.10 USD 965,000 Marriott International Inc FRN 12/01/2020 968 0.10 USD 2,000,000 HSBC Bank USA NA 4.875% 24/08/2020 2,042 0.21 USD 1,700,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 2.350% 03/06/2020 1,701 0.18 USD 2,200,000 HSBC USA Inc 2.350% 03/05/2020 2,203 0.23 USD 500,000 McDonald's Corp 2.200% 26/05/2020 500 0.05 USD 2,000,000 HSBC USA Inc 2.750% 08/07/2020 2,007 0.21 USD 3,000,000 Mead Johnson Nutrition Co 3.000% 15/11/2020 3,032 0.31 USD 2,200,000 HSBC USA Inc 5.000% 27/09/2020 2,253 0.23 USD 825,000 Medtronic Inc FRN 15/03/2020 827 0.09 USD 2,250,000 Huntington National Bank 2.375% 03/10/2020 2,252 0.23 USD 1,250,000 Merck & Co Inc 1.850% 02/10/2020 1,250 0.13 USD 3,915,000 IBM Credit LLC FRN 20/01/2021 3,922 0.41 USD 600,000 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 2.000% 14/04/2020 600 0.06 USD 2,555,000 IBM Credit LLC FRN 30/11/2020 2,564 0.27 USD 2,000,000 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 2.050% 06/12/2020 2,004 0.21 USD 500,000 Intel Corp 1.850% 05/11/2020 500 0.05 USD 2,751,000 Microsoft Corp 1.850% 02/06/2020 2,751 0.29 USD 3,200,000 Intel Corp 2.450% 29/07/2020 3,215 0.33 USD 1,550,000 Morgan Stanley 2.650% 27/01/2020 1,551 0.16 USD 507,000 Intel Corp FRN 05/11/2020 507 0.05 USD 4,000,000 Morgan Stanley 2.800% 16/06/2020 4,013 0.42 USD 1,650,000 Intel Corp FRN 05/11/2022 1,656 0.17 USD 5,350,000 Morgan Stanley 5.500% 26/01/2020 5,375 0.56 USD 500,000 International Business Machines Corp 1.625% USD 550,000 Morgan Stanley 5.500% 24/07/2020 562 0.06 15/05/2020 499 0.05 USD 3,610,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 02/10/2021 3,624 0.38 USD 2,700,000 International Business Machines Corp 1.900% USD 4,250,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 06/10/2022 4,261 0.44 27/01/2020 2,700 0.28 USD 500,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 27/01/2020 501 0.05 USD 1,900,000 International Business Machines Corp FRN 27/01/2020 1,901 0.20 USD 2,350,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 20/01/2022 2,388 0.25 USD 1,450,000 Jackson National Life Global Funding FRN 06/11/2021 1,455 0.15 USD 625,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 21/04/2021 634 0.07 USD 1,325,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.050% 03/10/2020 1,327 0.14 USD 3,080,000 MPLX LP FRN 09/09/2021 3,089 0.32 USD 2,050,000 John Deere Capital Corp 2.375% 14/07/2020 2,058 0.21 USD 1,220,000 MPLX LP FRN 09/09/2022 1,223 0.13 USD 1,100,000 John Deere Capital Corp FRN 03/12/2021 1,101 0.11 USD 500,000 New York Life Global Funding 1.950% 02/11/2020 500 0.05 USD 750,000 John Deere Capital Corp FRN 07/10/2020 751 0.08 USD 1,000,000 New York Life Global Funding 2.000% 04/09/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 1,000,000 Johnson & Johnson 2.950% 09/01/2020 1,007 0.10 USD 2,000,000 New York Life Global Funding FRN 21/01/2022 2,003 0.21 USD 4,650,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.250% 23/01/2020 4,650 0.48 USD 1,000,000 New York Life Global Funding FRN 10/01/2020 1,001 0.10 USD 6,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.550% 29/10/2020 6,027 0.63 USD 1,250,000 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp 2.150% 13/07/2020 1,250 0.13 USD 1,600,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.750% 23/06/2020 1,604 0.17 USD 1,250,000 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp 2.250% 13/01/2020 1,250 0.13 USD 3,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.250% 15/10/2020 3,059 0.32 USD 1,500,000 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp FRN 13/01/2022 1,502 0.16 USD 1,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.400% 22/07/2020 1,015 0.11 USD 500,000 Nordstrom Inc 4.750% 05/01/2020 505 0.05 USD 1,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 06/01/2021 1,006 0.10 USD 2,000,000 Northrop Grumman Corp 2.080% 15/10/2020 2,003 0.21 USD 2,550,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 03/09/2021 2,562 0.27 USD 2,785,000 Novartis Capital Corp 1.800% 14/02/2020 2,785 0.29 USD 1,450,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 18/06/2022 1,455 0.15 USD 1,000,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp FRN 13/08/2021 1,005 0.10 USD 1,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 06/07/2021 1,010 0.10 USD 4,000,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp FRN 15/08/2022 4,023 0.42 USD 1,130,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 03/01/2021 1,148 0.12 USD 2,279,000 Oracle Corp 3.875% 15/07/2020 2,308 0.24 USD 2,250,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA FRN 02/01/2021 2,252 0.23


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 96.32%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 64.73%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,400,000 United Technologies Corp FRN 16/08/2021^ 2,402 0.25 USD 2,000,000 PepsiCo Inc 2.150% 14/10/2020 2,006 0.21 USD 2,000,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1.950% 15/10/2020 2,004 0.21 USD 435,000 Pfizer Inc 1.700% 15/12/2019 435 0.05 USD 4,600,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.700% 15/07/2020 4,628 0.48 USD 1,650,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2.000% 21/02/2020 1,650 0.17 USD 1,997,000 US Bank NA 2.000% 24/01/2020 1,997 0.21 USD 550,000 Philip Morris International Inc 4.500% 26/03/2020 554 0.06 USD 2,000,000 US Bank NA 2.050% 23/10/2020 2,002 0.21 USD 975,000 Phillips 66 FRN 26/02/2021 975 0.10 USD 1,350,000 US Bank NA 3.050% 24/07/2020 1,359 0.14 USD 2,600,000 PNC Bank NA 2.000% 19/05/2020~ 2,600 0.27 USD 1,000,000 US Bank NA FRN 21/05/2021 1,000 0.10 USD 600,000 PNC Bank NA 2.300% 06/01/2020~ 600 0.06 USD 1,918,000 US Bank NA FRN 24/07/2020 1,920 0.20 USD 1,100,000 PNC Bank NA FRN 19/05/2020~ 1,101 0.11 USD 1,510,000 US Bank NA FRN 02/04/2021 1,513 0.16 USD 4,100,000 PNC Bank NA FRN 22/07/2022~ 4,108 0.43 USD 745,913 US Bank NA FRN 26/04/2021 748 0.08 USD 2,000,000 PNC Bank NA FRN 06/10/2021~ 2,002 0.21 USD 3,050,000 Verizon Communications Inc FRN 22/05/2020 3,056 0.32 USD 250,000 PNC Financial Services Group Inc 4.375% 08/11/2020~ 254 0.03 USD 1,165,000 Verizon Communications Inc FRN 16/03/2022^ 1,183 0.12 USD 2,500,000 PNC Financial Services Group Inc 5.125% 02/08/2020~ 2,512 0.26 USD 2,200,000 VMware Inc 2.300% 21/08/2020 2,202 0.23 USD 500,000 Precision Castparts Corp 2.250% 15/06/2020 501 0.05 USD 1,000,000 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC 2.400% USD 1,850,000 Principal Life Global Funding II 2.150% 01/10/2020 1,850 0.19 22/05/2020 1,002 0.10 USD 1,000,000 Principal Life Global Funding II 2.200% 04/08/2020 1,002 0.10 USD 965,000 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC FRN 13/11/2020 969 0.10 USD 4,600,000 QUALCOMM Inc 2.250% 20/05/2020 4,606 0.48 USD 1,950,000 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC FRN USD 1,100,000 Regions Bank FRN 13/08/2021 1,100 0.11 11/12/2021 1,965 0.20 USD 700,000 Republic Services Inc 5.000% 03/01/2020 705 0.07 USD 910,000 Vulcan Materials Co FRN 03/01/2021 912 0.09 USD 2,500,000 Reynolds American Inc 3.250% 06/12/2020 2,513 0.26 USD 2,000,000 Walmart Inc 2.850% 23/06/2020 2,014 0.21 USD 1,200,000 Santander Holdings USA Inc 2.650% 17/04/2020 1,200 0.12 USD 1,445,000 Walmart Inc FRN 23/06/2021^ 1,449 0.15 USD 750,000 Sempra Energy 2.400% 02/01/2020 751 0.08 USD 1,000,000 Walt Disney Co FRN 09/01/2022 1,006 0.10 USD 1,800,000 Sempra Energy 2.400% 15/03/2020 1,802 0.19 USD 2,000,000 WEA Finance LLC / Westfield UK & Europe Finance Plc USD 807,000 Sempra Energy FRN 15/01/2021 806 0.08 3.250% 10/05/2020 2,017 0.21 USD 775,000 Sempra Energy FRN 15/03/2021 774 0.08 USD 2,700,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.150% 30/01/2020 2,700 0.28 USD 1,200,000 Southern Co 2.750% 15/06/2020 1,205 0.12 USD 4,600,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.600% 22/07/2020 4,614 0.48 USD 1,225,000 Southern Power Co FRN 20/12/2020 1,225 0.13 USD 1,310,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 30/01/2020 1,311 0.14 USD 1,950,000 State Street Corp 2.550% 18/08/2020 1,957 0.20 USD 3,250,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 02/11/2022^ 3,273 0.34 USD 2,500,000 SunTrust Bank 2.250% 31/01/2020 2,500 0.26 USD 1,000,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 22/07/2020 1,005 0.10 USD 1,000,000 SunTrust Bank FRN 17/05/2022 1,005 0.10 USD 1,520,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 26/07/2021 1,538 0.16 USD 1,425,000 Synchrony Bank FRN 30/03/2020 1,426 0.15 USD 2,165,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 03/04/2021 2,194 0.23 USD 1,000,000 Synchrony Financial 2.700% 02/03/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 4,250,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.150% 12/06/2019 4,250 0.44 USD 2,200,000 Target Corp 3.875% 15/07/2020 2,229 0.23 USD 1,000,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA 2.400% 15/01/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 652,000 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp FRN 11/01/2021 653 0.07 USD 500,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA FRN 15/01/2020 500 0.05 USD 2,645,000 Time Warner Cable LLC 5.000% 02/01/2020 2,656 0.28 USD 1,000,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA FRN 15/01/2021 1,002 0.10 USD 3,290,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 1.950% 17/04/2020 3,293 0.34 USD 2,750,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA FRN 22/10/2021 2,760 0.29 USD 2,440,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.150% 03/12/2020 2,443 0.25 USD 1,070,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA FRN 12/06/2019 1,070 0.11 USD 1,000,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.200% 01/10/2020 1,000 0.10 USD 750,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA FRN 09/09/2022 755 0.08 USD 3,000,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 4.500% 17/06/2020 3,040 0.32 USD 155,000 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp FRN USD 2,900,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp FRN 10/09/2020 2,901 0.30 15/09/2021 156 0.02 USD 950,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp FRN 17/04/2020 951 0.10 USD 1,500,000 Williams Cos Inc 4.125% 15/11/2020 1,520 0.16 USD 250,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp FRN 13/04/2021 251 0.03 USD 1,385,000 Williams Cos Inc 5.250% 15/03/2020 1,397 0.14 USD 2,250,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp FRN 18/09/2020 2,251 0.23 USD 2,350,000 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 2.700% 04/01/2020 2,352 0.24 USD 2,000,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp FRN 03/12/2020 2,002 0.21 Total United States 659,203 68.42 USD 2,000,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 1.800% 06/05/2020 1,998 0.21 Total bonds 947,557 98.35 USD 2,000,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 2.150% 17/09/2020 2,007 0.21 USD 1,100,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp FRN 06/05/2020 1,101 0.11 USD 1,000,000 Unilever Capital Corp 1.800% 05/05/2020 999 0.10 USD 1,500,000 Unilever Capital Corp 2.100% 30/07/2020 1,502 0.16 USD 500,000 United Technologies Corp 1.900% 05/04/2020 500 0.05 USD 1,350,000 United Technologies Corp 4.500% 15/04/2020 1,363 0.14


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 947,557 98.35

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 5.75%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 5.75%) USD 9,316,201 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 9,316 0.97

Cash† 446 0.05

Other net assets 6,119 0.63

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 963,438 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the issuer for corporate fixed income securities. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 785,492 81.52 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 112,809 11.71 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) 49,256 5.11 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 9,316 0.97 Other assets 6,632 0.69 Total current assets 963,505 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Finland (31 May 2019: 1.34%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.90%) Government Bonds GBP 295,000 Finland Government International Bond 1.625% Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.90%) 15/12/2020 297 0.03 Australia (31 May 2019: 4.17%) Total Finland 297 0.03 Corporate Bonds GBP 5,200,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN France (31 May 2019: 4.30%) 22/03/2021 5,199 0.51 Corporate Bonds GBP 16,000,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN GBP 750,000 AXA SA 7.125% 15/12/2020 794 0.08 24/01/2022 16,084 1.56 GBP 9,200,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 0.875% GBP 5,000,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia FRN 07/12/2021 5,010 0.49 06/08/2020^ 9,188 0.89 GBP 2,150,000 Macquarie Bank Ltd 3.500% 18/12/2020 2,200 0.21 GBP 6,300,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA FRN GBP 10,510,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 0.875% 26/06/2020 10,496 1.02 16/01/2020 6,301 0.61 GBP 6,000,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 1.875% 20/02/2020 6,010 0.58 GBP 13,400,000 Dexia Credit Local SA 2.000% 17/06/2020 13,464 1.31 Total Australia 44,999 4.37 GBP 11,491,000 IXIS Corporate & Investment Bank SA 5.875% 24/02/2020 11,605 1.13 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Government Bonds GBP 6,500,000 Caisse des Depots et Consignations 0.500% 06/12/2020 6,482 0.63 Bermuda (31 May 2019: Nil) GBP 1,000,000 Caisse des Depots et Consignations 1.000% Corporate Bonds 25/01/2021 999 0.09 GBP 1,634,000 Fidelity International Ltd 6.750% 19/10/2020 1,706 0.17 GBP 3,800,000 Caisse des Depots et Consignations 1.500% Total Bermuda 1,706 0.17 23/12/2019 3,801 0.37 Total France 52,634 5.11 Canada (31 May 2019: 13.37%) Corporate Bonds Germany (31 May 2019: 18.72%) GBP 16,400,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 20/07/2020 16,409 1.59 Corporate Bonds GBP 8,900,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 30/09/2021^ 8,916 0.87 GBP 4,036,000 Aareal Bank AG 1.000% 06/04/2020 4,032 0.39 GBP 6,000,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 06/11/2021 6,007 0.58 GBP 14,900,000 Deutsche Bank AG 1.875% 28/02/2020 14,894 1.45 GBP 9,500,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN GBP 7,500,000 Deutsche Hypothekenbank AG FRN 22/03/2021 7,499 0.73 28/10/2022 9,510 0.92 GBP 2,100,000 Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG 1.000% 12/04/2020 2,095 0.20 GBP 14,000,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN GBP 9,500,000 Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG 1.875% 20/12/2019 9,498 0.92 01/10/2022 14,033 1.36 GBP 4,600,000 Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG FRN 13/01/2020 4,602 0.45 GBP 10,076,000 Canada Financial Corp 7.375% 27/05/2020 10,359 1.01 GBP 15,600,000 FMS Wertmanagement 0.625% 03/06/2020 15,589 1.51 GBP 4,350,000 National Bank of Canada FRN 27/09/2021 4,355 0.42 GBP 19,200,000 FMS Wertmanagement 1.125% 13/12/2019 19,201 1.87 GBP 17,500,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 06/08/2021 17,503 1.70 GBP 6,800,000 FMS Wertmanagement FRN 14/01/2022^ 6,806 0.66 GBP 5,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 24/01/2020 5,001 0.49 GBP 5,400,000 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 0.375% 15/12/2020 5,374 0.52 GBP 24,300,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 06/07/2021 24,305 2.36 GBP 30,650,000 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 1.125% 23/12/2019 30,653 2.98 GBP 16,500,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 24/06/2022 16,512 1.61 GBP 7,760,000 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 1.625% 06/05/2020 7,789 0.76 Government Bonds GBP 14,500,000 Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg FRN 18/05/2021 14,500 1.41 GBP 7,990,000 Export Development Canada 1.375% 16/12/2019 7,991 0.78 GBP 10,186,000 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 1.500% 23/12/2019 10,190 0.99 GBP 11,000,000 Export Development Canada FRN 15/11/2021^ 10,997 1.07 Government Bonds GBP 7,600,000 Export Development Canada FRN 13/10/2022 7,594 0.74 GBP 25,100,000 State of North Rhine-Westphalia Germany FRN GBP 14,000,000 Export Development Canada FRN 31/01/2022 14,008 1.36 29/10/2021^ 25,072 2.44 GBP 9,700,000 Province of Ontario Canada FRN 11/10/2020 9,700 0.94 Total Germany 177,794 17.28 Total Canada 183,200 17.80 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.77%) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds GBP 6,047,000 ESB Finance DAC 6.500% 03/05/2020 6,125 0.60 GBP 500,000 Southern Water Services Finance Ltd 5.000% GBP 4,102,000 GE Capital UK Funding Unlimited Co 5.875% 31/03/2021 523 0.05 11/04/2020 4,260 0.41 Total Cayman Islands 523 0.05 Total Ireland 10,385 1.01

Italy (31 May 2019: 1.27%)


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES £ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.90%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 1.80%) Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.15%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds GBP 15,100,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.597% 03/12/2020 15,279 1.48 GBP 675,000 Porterbrook Rail Finance Ltd 6.500% 20/10/2020 704 0.07 Total Spain 15,279 1.48 Total Jersey 704 0.07 Supranational (31 May 2019: 5.71%) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: Nil) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds GBP 9,750,000 Asian Development Bank FRN 02/01/2022^ 9,755 0.95 GBP 10,200,000 Gazprom PJSC Via Gaz Capital SA 5.338% GBP 7,650,000 Council Of Europe Development Bank 1.250% 25/09/2020 10,498 1.02 23/12/2019 7,652 0.74 Total Luxembourg 10,498 1.02 GBP 10,000,000 European Bank for Reconstruction & Development FRN 18/01/2022 10,001 0.97 ^ Netherlands (31 May 2019: 11.37%) GBP 3,750,000 European Investment Bank 0.625% 17/01/2020 3,749 0.36 ^ Corporate Bonds GBP 10,300,000 European Investment Bank 2.250% 03/07/2020 10,337 1.00 ^ GBP 12,800,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV 1.000% 30/06/2020 12,795 1.24 GBP 4,500,000 European Investment Bank FRN 18/02/2022 4,503 0.44 ^ GBP 8,300,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV FRN 29/05/2020 8,302 0.81 GBP 5,500,000 European Investment Bank FRN 01/10/2022 5,509 0.54 ^ GBP 7,310,000 BMW Finance NV 1.875% 29/06/2020^ 7,340 0.71 GBP 5,950,000 European Investment Bank FRN 21/05/2021 5,965 0.58 GBP 12,000,000 BNG Bank NV 1.375% 12/09/2019 12,001 1.17 GBP 11,480,000 European Investment Bank FRN 17/02/2020 11,502 1.12 GBP 1,500,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 4.625% 13/01/2021 1,558 0.15 GBP 5,229,000 Inter-American Development Bank 1.125% 17/12/2019 5,230 0.51 GBP 4,483,000 Daimler International Finance BV 1.000% 20/12/2019 4,483 0.44 GBP 750,000 International Bank for Reconstruction & Development GBP 3,000,000 Daimler International Finance BV 2.750% 12/04/2020 3,042 0.29 1.375% 15/12/2020 753 0.07 GBP 5,011,000 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 7.375% GBP 8,500,000 International Finance Corp FRN 18/01/2022^ 8,504 0.83 12/04/2019 5,012 0.49 Total Supranational 83,460 8.11 GBP 1,900,000 innogy Finance BV 6.500% 20/04/2021 2,032 0.20 GBP 8,377,000 Nederlandse Waterschapsbank NV 1.000% 12/09/2019 8,377 0.81 Sweden (31 May 2019: 2.37%) GBP 9,950,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.000% 20/12/2019 9,953 0.97 Corporate Bonds GBP 1,500,000 Volkswagen Financial Services NV 1.500% GBP 3,000,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 3.000% 04/12/2021 1,498 0.14 18/12/2020 3,058 0.30 GBP 6,144,000 Volkswagen Financial Services NV 1.750% GBP 4,750,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB FRN 22/03/2021 4,750 0.46 17/04/2020 6,153 0.60 GBP 2,950,000 Svensk Exportkredit AB 0.625% 12/07/2020 2,939 0.29 GBP 6,200,000 Volkswagen Financial Services NV 2.750% GBP 5,550,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 3.000% 20/11/2020 5,652 0.55 10/02/2020^ 6,268 0.61 GBP 6,400,000 Swedbank AB FRN 12/02/2019 6,400 0.62 Total Netherlands 88,814 8.63 GBP 6,008,000 Vattenfall AB 6.125% 16/12/2019 6,018 0.58 Total Sweden 28,817 2.80 New Zealand (31 May 2019: 1.15%) Corporate Bonds Switzerland (31 May 2019: Nil) GBP 6,550,000 ASB Finance Ltd 1.000% 09/07/2020 6,540 0.63 Corporate Bonds GBP 1,400,000 ASB Finance Ltd FRN 22/05/2020 1,402 0.14 GBP 2,800,000 UBS AG 1.250% 12/10/2020 2,803 0.27 GBP 5,024,000 Chorus Ltd 6.750% 04/06/2020 5,111 0.50 Total Switzerland 2,803 0.27 GBP 1,020,000 Westpac Securities NZ Ltd 2.500% 13/01/2021 1,034 0.10 Total New Zealand 14,087 1.37 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 25.55%) Corporate Bonds Norway (31 May 2019: 1.90%) GBP 8,398,000 Arqiva Financing Plc 4.040% 30/06/2020 8,513 0.83 Corporate Bonds GBP 800,000 Barclays Bank Plc 10.000% 21/05/2021 894 0.09 GBP 5,700,000 DNB Bank ASA 4.250% 27/01/2020^ 5,727 0.56 GBP 19,425,000 Barclays Bank UK Plc FRN 22/05/2020 19,435 1.89 GBP 10,350,000 DNB Boligkreditt AS FRN 17/02/2020 10,353 1.00 GBP 10,275,000 BAT International Finance Plc 6.375% 12/12/2019^ 10,287 1.00 Government Bonds GBP 6,542,000 British Telecommunications Plc 8.625% 26/03/2020 6,690 0.65 GBP 500,000 Kommunalbanken AS 0.875% 12/08/2020 500 0.05 GBP 6,512,000 Clydesdale Bank Plc 2.250% 21/04/2020 6,534 0.63 Total Norway 16,580 1.61 GBP 7,233,000 Coventry Building Society 1.000% 05/05/2020 7,226 0.70 GBP 11,300,000 Coventry Building Society FRN 17/03/2020 11,306 1.10 GBP 1,000,000 Eversholt Funding Plc 5.831% 12/02/2020 1,042 0.10 GBP 3,350,000 FCE Bank Plc 3.250% 19/11/2020^ 3,391 0.33 GBP 1,400,000 Firstgroup Plc 8.750% 04/08/2021 1,522 0.15


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES £ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.90%) (cont) Cash† 102 0.01 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 25.55%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Other net assets 6,257 0.61 GBP 13,100,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 01/10/2021 13,095 1.27 GBP 10,150,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 16/01/2020 10,153 0.99 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial GBP 8,700,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 13/09/2021 8,711 0.85 period 1,029,156 100.00 GBP 9,600,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 14/01/2022 9,637 0.94 † GBP 7,955,000 Marks & Spencer Plc 6.125% 12/02/2019 7,955 0.77 Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. GBP 4,545,000 Motability Operations Group Plc 6.625% 12/10/2019 4,550 0.44 ~Investment in related party. GBP 24,960,000 National Westminster Bank Plc FRN 15/05/2020 24,975 2.43 GBP 20,550,000 Nationwide Building Society FRN 08/02/2022 20,552 2.00 Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of GBP 15,695,000 Network Rail Infrastructure Finance Plc 4.625% 21/07/2020 16,062 1.56 incorporation of the issuer for corporate fixed income securities and GBP 500,000 Northern Electric Finance Plc 8.875% 16/10/2020 532 0.05 country of issuer for government type fixed income securities. GBP 4,275,000 Santander UK Plc 1.875% 17/02/2020 4,282 0.41 %oftotal GBP 11,650,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 13/04/2021 11,650 1.13 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities GBP'000 assets GBP 14,525,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 05/05/2020 14,536 1.41 GBP 9,450,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 20/09/2021 9,451 0.92 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 1,003,447 97.16 GBP 3,350,000 Sky Ltd 2.875% 24/11/2020 3,403 0.33 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 19,350 1.87 GBP 750,000 Southern Gas Networks Plc 4.875% 21/12/2020 778 0.07 Other assets 9,989 0.97 Total United Kingdom 237,162 23.04 Total current assets 1,032,786 100.00

United States (31 May 2019: 3.79%) Corporate Bonds GBP 8,450,000 Bank of America Corp 5.500% 12/04/2019 8,452 0.82 GBP 1,250,000 Credit Suisse Group Finance US Inc 7.000% 10/05/2020 1,311 0.13 GBP 3,500,000 International Business Machines Corp 2.750% 21/12/2020 3,560 0.35 GBP 13,550,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 1.875% 02/10/2020 13,570 1.32 GBP 3,250,000 Nestle Holdings Inc 1.750% 12/09/2020 3,274 0.32 GBP 3,500,000 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 2.875% 20/11/2020 3,538 0.34 Total United States 33,705 3.28 Total bonds 1,003,447 97.50

%ofnet Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment GBP'000 value

Total value of investments 1,003,447 97.50

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.11%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.11%) GBP 193,491 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Sterling Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 19,350 1.88



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 36.78%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.69%) Government Bonds (cont) EUR 1,550,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.750% Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.69%) 25/06/2039 1,935 2.52 Austria (31 May 2019: 7.24%) EUR 900,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.750% Government Bonds 25/05/2066 1,191 1.55 EUR 550,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 1.500% EUR 2,100,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 2.000% 20/02/2047 694 0.90 25/05/2048 2,816 3.66 EUR 175,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 1.500% EUR 2,775,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 3.250% 11/02/2086 234 0.31 25/05/2045 4,512 5.87 EUR 500,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 2.100% EUR 1,258,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.000% 20/09/2117 863 1.12 25/10/2038 2,092 2.72 EUR 700,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 3.150% EUR 1,167,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.000% 20/06/2044 1,155 1.50 25/10/2038 1,940 2.52 EUR 300,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 3.800% EUR 1,225,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.000% 26/01/2062 651 0.85 25/04/2055 2,440 3.17 EUR 596,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 4.150% EUR 1,050,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.000% 15/03/2037 991 1.29 25/04/2060 2,190 2.85 EUR 579,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 4.150% EUR 2,850,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.500% 15/03/2037 963 1.25 25/04/2041 5,201 6.77 Total Austria 5,551 7.22 EUR 2,275,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.750% 25/04/2035 3,833 4.99 Total France 33,370 43.41 Belgium (31 May 2019: 10.93%) Government Bonds Germany (31 May 2019: 31.95%) EUR 400,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 1.450% 22/06/2037 471 0.61 Government Bonds EUR 875,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 1.600% EUR 325,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 0.000% 22/06/2047 1,080 1.40 15/08/2050 310 0.40 EUR 500,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 1.700% EUR 1,375,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 1.250% 22/06/2050 628 0.82 15/08/2048 1,813 2.36 EUR 2,850,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 2.500% EUR 650,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 1.900% ^ 22/06/2038 819 1.06 07/04/2044 4,559 5.93 EUR 120,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 2.150% EUR 2,325,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 2.500% 22/06/2066 174 0.23 15/08/2046 3,805 4.95 EUR 1,175,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 3.250% EUR 355,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 2.150% ^ 22/06/2066 514 0.67 07/04/2042 2,039 2.65 EUR 400,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 2.250% EUR 1,750,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.000% 22/06/2057 576 0.75 01/04/2037 2,999 3.90 EUR 1,050,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 3.750% EUR 1,200,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.250% 22/06/2045 1,830 2.38 07/04/2039 2,225 2.90 EUR 1,400,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 4.250% EUR 1,425,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.750% 28/03/2041 2,450 3.19 07/04/2040 2,845 3.70 Total Belgium 8,542 11.11 Total Germany 20,595 26.79

Finland (31 May 2019: 1.11%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 10.68%) Government Bonds Government Bonds EUR 250,000 Finland Government Bond 1.375% 15/04/2047 314 0.41 EUR 650,000 Netherlands Government Bond 0.500% 15/01/2040 696 0.91 EUR 350,000 Finland Government Bond 2.625% 07/04/2042 531 0.69 EUR 1,200,000 Netherlands Government Bond 2.750% 15/01/2047 2,018 2.63 Total Finland 845 1.10 EUR 1,275,000 Netherlands Government Bond 3.750% 15/01/2042 2,293 2.98 EUR 515,000 Netherlands Government Bond 4.000% 15/01/2037 864 1.12 France (31 May 2019: 36.78%) EUR 735,000 Netherlands Government Bond 4.000% 15/01/2037 1,233 1.60 Government Bonds Total Netherlands 7,104 9.24 EUR 2,650,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.250% Total bonds 76,007 98.87 25/05/2036 3,045 3.96 EUR 1,800,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.500% 25/05/2050 2,175 2.83



Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 76,007 98.87

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.32%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.32%) EUR 551 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Euro Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 55 0.07

Cash† 40 0.05

Other net assets 775 1.01

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 76,877 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of issuer for government type fixed income securities. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 73,714 95.88 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 2,293 2.98 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 55 0.07 Other assets 824 1.07 Total current assets 76,886 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Canada (31 May 2019: 2.99%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.25%) Corporate Bonds (cont) EUR 12,412,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 08/06/2020 12,443 0.41 Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.25%) EUR 11,700,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 24/07/2020^ 11,732 0.39 Australia (31 May 2019: 2.77%) EUR 2,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 19/01/2021 2,011 0.07 Corporate Bonds EUR 5,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 25/01/2021 5,035 0.17 EUR 5,730,000 AusNet Services Holdings Pty Ltd 2.375% 24/07/2020 5,823 0.19 EUR 10,726,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 09/08/2020 10,757 0.36 EUR 7,880,000 BHP Billiton Finance Ltd 2.250% 25/09/2020 8,032 0.27 EUR 13,113,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 13/07/2020 13,150 0.43 EUR 2,450,000 CNOOC Curtis Funding No 1 Pty Ltd 2.750% EUR 6,700,000 Total Capital Canada Ltd 1.875% 07/09/2020 6,786 0.22 10/03/2020 2,503 0.08 Total Canada 99,206 3.28 EUR 7,846,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 4.375% 25/02/2020^ 7,929 0.26 EUR 9,099,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia FRN 21/01/2020 9,104 0.30 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.12%) EUR 5,475,000 Macquarie Bank Ltd FRN 19/07/2021 5,493 0.18 EUR 4,750,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 2.000% 11/12/2020 4,851 0.16 Denmark (31 May 2019: 1.06%) EUR 9,358,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 4.000% 13/07/2020 9,601 0.32 Corporate Bonds ^ EUR 10,100,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 4.625% 02/10/2020 10,186 0.34 EUR 5,100,000 Danske Bank A/S 0.750% 05/04/2020 5,120 0.17 ^ EUR 6,988,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 19/04/2021 7,032 0.23 EUR 1,400,000 ISS Global A/S 1.125% 01/07/2021 1,412 0.04 EUR 4,200,000 Optus Finance Pty Ltd 3.500% 15/09/2020 4,316 0.14 EUR 6,000,000 Jyske Bank A/S FRN 06/02/2020^ 6,006 0.20 EUR 9,050,000 Origin Energy Finance Ltd 2.500% 23/10/2020 9,262 0.31 EUR 4,430,000 Nykredit Realkredit A/S 0.375% 16/06/2020 4,441 0.15 EUR 3,500,000 Scentre Group Trust 1 1.500% 16/07/2020 3,521 0.12 Total Denmark 16,979 0.56 EUR 7,761,000 Telstra Corp Ltd 4.250% 23/03/2020 7,868 0.26 EUR 4,550,000 Transurban Finance Co Pty Ltd 2.500% 10/08/2020 4,621 0.15 Finland (31 May 2019: 2.14%) EUR 11,295,000 Westpac Banking Corp FRN 12/04/2020 11,340 0.37 Corporate Bonds Total Australia 111,482 3.68 EUR 750,000 Aktia Bank Oyj FRN 10/12/2020 751 0.03 EUR 1,000,000 CRH Finland Services Oyj 2.750% 15/10/2020 1,018 0.03 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.49%) EUR 3,000,000 Elenia Finance Oyj 2.875% 17/12/2020 3,090 0.10 Corporate Bonds EUR 6,700,000 Nordea Bank Abp 2.000% 17/02/2021 6,877 0.23 EUR 5,750,000 OMV AG 4.375% 02/10/2020 5,800 0.19 EUR 11,555,000 Nordea Bank Abp 4.000% 29/06/2020 11,832 0.39 Total Austria 5,800 0.19 EUR 8,948,000 Nordea Bank Abp 4.500% 26/03/2020 9,072 0.30 EUR 5,738,000 Nordea Bank Abp FRN 06/05/2020 5,748 0.19 Belgium (31 May 2019: 1.83%) EUR 9,600,000 Nordea Bank Abp FRN 27/09/2021 9,660 0.32 Corporate Bonds EUR 11,247,000 Nordea Bank Abp FRN 02/07/2022 11,325 0.37 EUR 6,600,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 1.875% 20/01/2020 6,617 0.22 EUR 6,940,000 OP Corporate Bank Plc FRN 03/11/2020^ 6,945 0.23 EUR 2,347,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 2.000% 16/12/2019 2,349 0.08 EUR 6,850,000 OP Corporate Bank Plc FRN 22/05/2021 6,887 0.23 EUR 12,313,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA FRN 17/03/2020 12,334 0.41 EUR 4,800,000 Saastopankkien Keskuspankki Suomi Oyj 1.000% EUR 4,500,000 Brussels Airport Co NV/SA 3.250% 07/01/2020 4,580 0.15 05/06/2020 4,821 0.16 EUR 5,575,000 Euroclear Bank SA FRN 07/10/2020 5,586 0.18 Total Finland 78,026 2.58 EUR 4,700,000 Euroclear Bank SA FRN 03/08/2021 4,714 0.15 Total Belgium 36,180 1.19 France (31 May 2019: 14.89%) Corporate Bonds British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.18%) EUR 2,050,000 Aeroports de Paris 3.886% 05/10/2020 2,087 0.07 Corporate Bonds EUR 2,450,000 Air Liquide Finance SA 3.889% 06/09/2020^ 2,502 0.08 EUR 5,200,000 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2013 Ltd EUR 8,000,000 ALD SA FRN 26/02/2021^ 8,004 0.26 2.625% 17/10/2020 5,316 0.17 EUR 5,900,000 ALD SA FRN 27/11/2020^ 5,912 0.20 EUR 2,920,000 Talent Yield Euro Ltd 1.435% 05/07/2020 2,932 0.10 EUR 3,900,000 ALD SA FRN 16/07/2021 3,917 0.13 Total British Virgin Islands 8,248 0.27 EUR 7,900,000 Alstom SA 4.500% 18/03/2020 8,008 0.26 EUR 2,500,000 APRR SA 1.125% 15/01/2021 2,528 0.08 Canada (31 May 2019: 2.99%) EUR 3,500,000 APRR SA 2.250% 16/01/2020 3,510 0.12 Corporate Bonds EUR 5,000,000 APRR SA FRN 01/03/2020 5,003 0.17 EUR 4,500,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 14/03/2022 4,528 0.15 EUR 7,700,000 Autoroutes du Sud de la France SA 4.125% EUR 9,436,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 28/09/2021 9,495 0.31 13/04/2020 7,819 0.26 EUR 11,300,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 14/01/2020 11,304 0.37 EUR 4,450,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 4.000% EUR 6,500,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 10/05/2022 6,562 0.22 22/10/2020^ 4,604 0.15 EUR 5,400,000 Caisse Centrale Desjardins FRN 20/01/2020 5,403 0.18


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.25%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 14.89%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 14.89%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) EUR 600,000 Societe Generale SA 0.750% 19/02/2021 607 0.02 EUR 14,450,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 4.125% EUR 12,100,000 Societe Generale SA 2.250% 23/01/2020^ 12,144 0.40 20/07/2020 14,839 0.49 EUR 16,900,000 Societe Generale SA FRN 14/01/2021 16,947 0.56 EUR 15,800,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA FRN EUR 13,400,000 Societe Generale SA FRN 09/06/2021 13,506 0.45 28/01/2021 15,849 0.52 EUR 14,700,000 Societe Generale SA FRN 04/01/2022 14,844 0.49 EUR 13,300,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA FRN EUR 5,700,000 Thales SA FRN 19/04/2020 5,705 0.19 06/03/2020 13,325 0.44 EUR 9,400,000 Total Capital International SA FRN 19/03/2020 9,409 0.31 EUR 600,000 BNP Paribas SA 2.250% 13/01/2021 616 0.02 EUR 1,200,000 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield SE 3.875% 11/05/2020 1,244 0.04 EUR 8,300,000 BNP Paribas SA 3.750% 25/11/2020 8,625 0.28 EUR 1,900,000 Veolia Environnement SA 0.000% 23/11/2020 1,902 0.06 EUR 8,938,000 BNP Paribas SA FRN 15/01/2020 8,942 0.30 EUR 6,700,000 Vinci SA 3.375% 30/03/2020 6,776 0.22 EUR 14,970,000 BNP Paribas SA FRN 22/09/2022 15,162 0.50 EUR 4,400,000 Vivendi SA 4.875% 12/02/2019 4,400 0.15 EUR 8,750,000 Bouygues SA 4.250% 22/07/2020^ 8,996 0.30 Total France 462,516 15.28 EUR 9,800,000 BPCE SA 0.625% 20/04/2020 9,841 0.33 EUR 1,700,000 BPCE SA 0.750% 22/01/2020 1,702 0.06 Germany (31 May 2019: 7.38%) EUR 9,500,000 BPCE SA FRN 03/09/2022 9,649 0.32 Corporate Bonds EUR 6,400,000 Capgemini SE 1.750% 07/01/2020^ 6,440 0.21 EUR 400,000 BASF SE 1.875% 02/04/2021 410 0.01 EUR 4,350,000 Carrefour Banque SA FRN 20/03/2020^ 4,352 0.14 EUR 697,000 Bayer AG 1.875% 25/01/2021 709 0.02 EUR 6,000,000 Carrefour Banque SA FRN 20/04/2021^ 6,017 0.20 EUR 1,600,000 BSH Hausgerate GmbH 1.875% 13/11/2020 1,629 0.05 EUR 2,900,000 Cie de Saint-Gobain 0.000% 27/03/2020 2,901 0.10 EUR 9,620,000 Commerzbank AG 4.000% 16/09/2020^ 9,925 0.33 EUR 2,250,000 CNP Assurances 6.000% 14/09/2040 2,350 0.08 EUR 7,600,000 Commerzbank AG FRN 12/04/2020 7,623 0.25 EUR 8,100,000 Credit Agricole SA 2.375% 27/11/2020 8,311 0.27 EUR 5,925,000 Continental AG 3.125% 09/09/2020 6,074 0.20 EUR 15,500,000 Credit Agricole SA FRN 17/01/2022 15,602 0.52 EUR 12,419,000 Daimler AG 0.250% 05/11/2020 12,448 0.41 EUR 9,800,000 Credit Agricole SA FRN 20/04/2022 9,899 0.33 EUR 10,175,000 Daimler AG 0.625% 03/05/2020 10,197 0.34 EUR 4,100,000 Danone SA 0.167% 11/03/2020^ 4,112 0.14 EUR 2,200,000 Daimler AG 0.875% 01/12/2021 2,221 0.07 EUR 1,850,000 Danone SA 3.600% 23/11/2020 1,919 0.06 EUR 6,530,000 Daimler AG 1.750% 21/01/2020 6,548 0.22 EUR 3,700,000 Danone SA FRN 14/01/2020 3,701 0.12 EUR 6,750,000 Daimler AG 2.000% 04/07/2020 6,801 0.22 EUR 9,050,000 Electricite de France SA 5.375% 29/05/2020 9,296 0.31 EUR 2,000,000 Deutsche Bank AG 0.375% 18/01/2021 1,993 0.07 EUR 800,000 Electricite de France SA 6.250% 25/01/2021 859 0.03 EUR 11,800,000 Deutsche Bank AG FRN 12/07/2020^ 11,759 0.39 EUR 13,300,000 Engie SA 1.375% 19/05/2020 13,400 0.44 EUR 13,900,000 Deutsche Bank AG FRN 09/10/2021 13,726 0.45 EUR 4,900,000 Gecina SA FRN 30/06/2022 4,910 0.16 EUR 12,000,000 Deutsche Bank AG FRN 16/05/2022^ 11,811 0.39 EUR 3,300,000 HSBC France SA 0.625% 12/03/2020^ 3,327 0.11 EUR 3,400,000 Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG 0.875% 29/01/2021^ 3,426 0.11 EUR 9,500,000 HSBC France SA 1.875% 16/01/2020 9,525 0.31 EUR 2,600,000 Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG FRN 14/02/2020 2,601 0.09 EUR 9,691,000 Italcementi Finance SA 5.375% 19/03/2020^ 9,841 0.33 EUR 4,600,000 DVB Bank SE 1.250% 22/04/2020 4,629 0.15 EUR 5,224,000 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 0.000% 26/05/2020 5,230 0.17 EUR 400,000 DVB Bank SE 2.375% 12/02/2020 409 0.01 EUR 1,300,000 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 1.750% EUR 7,500,000 DVB Bank SE FRN 02/10/2020 7,507 0.25 13/11/2020 1,324 0.04 EUR 2,800,000 Eurogrid GmbH 3.875% 22/10/2020^ 2,900 0.10 EUR 5,024,000 mFinance France SA 1.398% 26/09/2020 5,075 0.17 EUR 2,219,000 Evonik Industries AG 1.875% 04/08/2020 2,234 0.07 EUR 8,593,000 Orange SA 3.875% 04/09/2020^ 8,716 0.29 EUR 4,710,000 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 2.875% 15/07/2020^ 4,792 0.16 EUR 7,800,000 Pernod Ricard SA 2.000% 22/06/2020 7,894 0.26 EUR 3,045,000 Hella GmbH & Co KGaA 2.375% 24/01/2020^ 3,056 0.10 EUR 4,800,000 PSA Banque France SA 0.500% 17/01/2020^ 4,804 0.16 EUR 6,900,000 HOCHTIEF AG 3.875% 20/03/2020^ 6,978 0.23 EUR 5,039,000 RCI Banque SA 0.625% 03/04/2020 5,049 0.17 EUR 9,500,000 Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen Girozentrale 0.375% EUR 2,497,000 RCI Banque SA 1.375% 17/11/2020 2,531 0.08 03/10/2020 9,512 0.31 EUR 7,513,000 RCI Banque SA FRN 07/08/2020^ 7,516 0.25 EUR 11,670,000 Merck Financial Services GmbH 4.500% 24/03/2020 11,840 0.39 EUR 1,950,000 RCI Banque SA FRN 12/05/2019 1,950 0.06 EUR 3,500,000 SAP SE FRN 04/01/2020 3,503 0.12 EUR 7,365,000 RCI Banque SA FRN 04/12/2021 7,385 0.24 EUR 450,000 SAP SE FRN 04/01/2020 450 0.01 EUR 7,540,000 RCI Banque SA FRN 14/03/2022 7,540 0.25 EUR 4,500,000 SAP SE FRN 12/10/2020 4,511 0.15 EUR 3,500,000 Sanofi 0.000% 13/01/2020 3,501 0.12 EUR 6,800,000 SAP SE FRN 13/03/2021 6,817 0.23 ^ EUR 11,700,000 Sanofi 1.875% 09/04/2020 11,827 0.39 EUR 6,233,000 Vier Gas Transport GmbH 2.000% 06/12/2020 6,305 0.21 EUR 6,100,000 Sanofi FRN 21/03/2020 6,106 0.20 EUR 5,900,000 Volkswagen Bank GmbH FRN 15/06/2021 5,900 0.20 EUR 5,900,000 Schneider Electric SE 3.625% 20/07/2020 6,041 0.20 EUR 6,300,000 Volkswagen Bank GmbH FRN 12/08/2021 6,329 0.21 EUR 4,300,000 Societe Generale SA 0.750% 25/11/2020 4,341 0.14 EUR 5,000,000 Volkswagen Bank GmbH FRN 08/01/2022 5,111 0.17


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.25%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 6.69%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 7.38%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) EUR 8,870,000 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA FRN EUR 9,750,000 Volkswagen Financial Services AG 0.250% 18/05/2022 8,890 0.29 16/10/2020 9,777 0.32 EUR 4,000,000 Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Italia SpA FRN EUR 500,000 Volkswagen Financial Services AG FRN 16/07/2020 500 0.02 22/06/2020 4,004 0.13 ^ EUR 4,500,000 Volkswagen Financial Services AG FRN 15/02/2021 4,522 0.15 EUR 3,800,000 Snam SpA 0.000% 25/10/2020 3,807 0.13 EUR 11,770,000 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH 0.250% 10/05/2020 11,804 0.39 EUR 6,770,000 Snam SpA 3.500% 13/02/2020 6,821 0.23 EUR 9,294,000 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH 0.750% 08/11/2020 9,349 0.31 EUR 4,918,000 Societa Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi SpA 4.500% 26/10/2020 5,108 0.17 EUR 13,500,000 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH FRN 07/06/2021 13,504 0.45 EUR 500,000 UniCredit SpA 2.625% 31/10/2020 513 0.02 EUR 4,500,000 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH FRN 08/02/2021 4,502 0.15 EUR 1,500,000 UniCredit SpA 3.250% 14/01/2021 1,555 0.05 Total Germany 256,642 8.48 EUR 7,280,000 UniCredit SpA 4.375% 29/01/2020^ 7,332 0.24 EUR 9,700,000 UniCredit SpA FRN 19/02/2020 9,713 0.32 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.01%) Total Italy 185,555 6.13 Corporate Bonds EUR 200,000 China Construction Bank Asia Corp Ltd 1.500% 02/11/2020 201 0.01 Japan (31 May 2019: 0.48%) EUR 1,000,000 Shanghai Electric Newage Co Ltd 1.125% 22/05/2020 1,003 0.03 Corporate Bonds Total Hong Kong 1,204 0.04 EUR 1,750,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp 2.250% 16/12/2020 1,793 0.06 EUR 6,440,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc FRN 14/06/2022^ 6,457 0.21 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.65%) EUR 4,550,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd FRN 25/09/2020 4,564 0.15 Corporate Bonds EUR 8,250,000 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 0.375% 21/11/2020 8,285 0.27 EUR 4,800,000 Abbott Ireland Financing DAC 0.000% 27/09/2020 4,806 0.16 EUR 10,796,000 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd FRN 21/11/2020 10,832 0.36 EUR 2,400,000 Allied Irish Banks Plc 1.375% 16/03/2020 2,410 0.08 Total Japan 31,931 1.05 EUR 8,986,000 GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co 2.250% 20/07/2020 9,104 0.30 EUR 14,304,000 GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co 5.375% Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) 23/01/2020 14,409 0.47 Corporate Bonds EUR 7,346,000 GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co FRN EUR 6,950,000 Glencore Finance Europe Ltd 3.375% 30/09/2020 7,146 0.24 21/01/2020^ 7,342 0.24 Total Jersey 7,146 0.24 EUR 8,420,000 GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co FRN ^ 17/05/2021 8,389 0.28 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 2.34%) Total Ireland 46,460 1.53 Corporate Bonds EUR 6,650,000 Allergan Funding SCS FRN 15/11/2020 6,653 0.22 Italy (31 May 2019: 6.69%) EUR 6,050,000 ArcelorMittal SA 2.875% 07/06/2020 6,150 0.20 Corporate Bonds EUR 6,775,000 Bank of China Luxembourg SA FRN 20/04/2020 6,780 0.22 EUR 11,700,000 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 2.875% 14/01/2020 11,738 0.39 EUR 4,000,000 China Construction Bank Europe SA 0.625% EUR 6,950,000 Autostrade per l'Italia SpA 4.375% 16/03/2020 7,015 0.23 17/02/2020 4,006 0.13 EUR 11,000,000 Eni SpA 4.000% 29/06/2020 11,266 0.37 EUR 9,100,000 Gazprom PJSC Via Gaz Capital SA 3.389% EUR 9,318,000 Eni SpA 4.250% 02/03/2020 9,389 0.31 20/03/2020 9,199 0.30 EUR 7,926,000 FCA Bank SpA 0.250% 10/12/2020 7,947 0.26 EUR 2,500,000 HeidelbergCement Finance Luxembourg SA 0.500% EUR 4,770,000 FCA Bank SpA 1.250% 23/09/2020 4,819 0.16 18/01/2021 2,512 0.08 EUR 1,500,000 FCA Bank SpA 1.250% 21/01/2021 1,522 0.05 EUR 300,000 HeidelbergCement Finance Luxembourg SA 3.250% 21/10/2020 309 0.01 EUR 9,000,000 FCA Bank SpA 1.375% 17/04/2020 9,049 0.30 EUR 10,396,000 HeidelbergCement Finance Luxembourg SA 7.500% EUR 8,050,000 FCA Bank SpA FRN 17/06/2021 8,039 0.27 04/03/2020 10,658 0.35 EUR 14,990,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 1.125% 14/01/2020 15,012 0.50 EUR 1,950,000 Holcim US Finance Sarl & Cie SCS 2.625% EUR 7,450,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 2.750% 20/03/2020 7,514 0.25 09/07/2020 1,992 0.07 EUR 10,750,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 4.125% 14/04/2020^ 10,917 0.36 EUR 3,500,000 John Deere Bank SA FRN 10/03/2022 3,502 0.12 EUR 13,363,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA FRN 19/04/2022^ 13,470 0.44 EUR 7,775,000 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA FRN 03/07/2021 7,797 0.26 EUR 11,000,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA FRN 15/06/2020^ 11,044 0.36 EUR 500,000 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA FRN 03/07/2021 501 0.02 EUR 7,025,000 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 0.750% EUR 4,731,000 Nestle Finance International Ltd 1.250% 05/04/2020 4,766 0.16 17/02/2020 7,036 0.23 EUR 4,450,000 SES SA 4.625% 03/09/2020 4,505 0.15 EUR 2,000,000 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 1.625% Total Luxembourg 69,330 2.29 19/01/2021^ 2,035 0.07


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.25%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 12.98%) (cont) Mexico (31 May 2019: 0.28%) Corporate Bonds (cont) EUR 4,340,000 Mylan NV 1.250% 23/11/2020^ 4,381 0.14 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 12.98%) EUR 7,600,000 Mylan NV FRN 24/05/2020 7,598 0.25 Corporate Bonds EUR 8,560,000 Nomura Europe Finance NV 1.125% 06/03/2020^ 8,616 0.28 EUR 9,991,000 ABB Finance BV FRN 10/12/2020 10,014 0.33 EUR 6,749,000 Opel Finance International BV 1.168% 18/05/2020^ 6,779 0.22 EUR 4,200,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV 0.750% 06/09/2020 4,224 0.14 EUR 4,200,000 PACCAR Financial Europe BV 0.125% 19/05/2020 4,206 0.14 EUR 6,454,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV 2.125% 26/11/2020 6,602 0.22 EUR 2,000,000 PACCAR Financial Europe BV FRN 18/05/2021 2,009 0.07 EUR 9,916,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV FRN 15/01/2021 9,943 0.33 EUR 12,300,000 Repsol International Finance BV 2.625% 28/05/2020 12,466 0.41 EUR 8,182,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV FRN 12/03/2021 8,210 0.27 EUR 5,630,000 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 1.500% EUR 4,250,000 Achmea BV 2.500% 19/11/2020 4,358 0.14 03/10/2020 5,657 0.19 EUR 3,500,000 Allianz Finance II BV 0.000% 21/04/2020 3,501 0.12 EUR 750,000 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 1.750% 03/12/2021 769 0.03 EUR 4,700,000 Allianz Finance II BV FRN 12/07/2020 4,720 0.16 EUR 2,000,000 SPP Infrastructure Financing BV 3.750% 18/07/2020 2,045 0.07 EUR 1,400,000 BASF Finance Europe NV 0.000% 11/10/2020 1,402 0.05 EUR 2,513,000 Unilever NV 1.750% 08/05/2020 2,547 0.08 EUR 6,800,000 Bayer Capital Corp BV FRN 26/06/2022^ 6,817 0.22 EUR 9,350,000 Volkswagen International Finance NV 2.000% EUR 5,551,000 BMW Finance NV 0.125% 07/03/2020 5,563 0.18 14/01/2020 9,374 0.31 EUR 6,975,000 BMW Finance NV 0.125% 15/04/2020^ 6,983 0.23 EUR 5,894,000 Wuerth Finance International BV 1.750% 21/05/2020 5,943 0.20 EUR 3,800,000 BMW Finance NV 0.125% 01/12/2021 3,811 0.13 Total Netherlands 408,937 13.51 EUR 9,435,000 BMW Finance NV 0.500% 21/01/2020 9,444 0.31 EUR 9,746,000 BMW Finance NV 0.875% 17/11/2020 9,847 0.33 New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.29%) EUR 7,900,000 BMW Finance NV 2.000% 09/04/2020 8,032 0.27 Corporate Bonds EUR 500,000 BMW Finance NV FRN 21/12/2020 501 0.02 EUR 4,800,000 ASB Finance Ltd 0.500% 17/06/2020 4,817 0.16 EUR 7,100,000 BMW Finance NV FRN 15/01/2021 7,117 0.23 EUR 7,000,000 BNZ International Funding Ltd FRN 12/02/2019 7,000 0.23 EUR 6,300,000 BMW Finance NV FRN 16/08/2021 6,316 0.21 Total New Zealand 11,817 0.39 EUR 300,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 3.750% 11/09/2020 310 0.01 EUR 32,029,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 4.125% 14/01/2020 32,193 1.06 Norway (31 May 2019: 1.23%) EUR 4,300,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 4.125% 01/12/2021 4,506 0.15 Corporate Bonds EUR 14,050,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA FRN 29/05/2020 14,073 0.46 EUR 7,205,000 DNB Bank ASA 3.875% 29/06/2020 7,376 0.24 ^ EUR 4,300,000 Daimler International Finance BV FRN 05/11/2022 4,293 0.14 EUR 1,200,000 DNB Bank ASA 4.375% 24/02/2021 1,267 0.04 EUR 1,000,000 Daimler International Finance BV FRN 04/09/2020 1,001 0.03 EUR 9,800,000 DNB Bank ASA FRN 13/01/2020 9,804 0.33 EUR 3,570,000 de Volksbank NV 0.125% 28/09/2020 3,578 0.12 EUR 5,000,000 DNB Bank ASA FRN 17/08/2020 5,010 0.17 EUR 500,000 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 2.125% EUR 10,300,000 DNB Bank ASA FRN 25/07/2022 10,419 0.35 18/01/2021 512 0.02 EUR 3,650,000 Equinor ASA 2.000% 09/10/2020 3,712 0.12 EUR 5,390,000 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 4.250% EUR 300,000 Equinor ASA 5.625% 03/11/2021 322 0.01 16/03/2020 5,456 0.18 EUR 4,900,000 Santander Consumer Bank AS 0.375% 17/02/2020^ 4,906 0.16 EUR 13,666,000 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV FRN ^ 04/03/2020 13,678 0.45 EUR 1,850,000 SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA 2.125% 02/03/2020 1,857 0.06 EUR 12,388,000 E.ON International Finance BV 5.750% 05/07/2020^ 12,700 0.42 EUR 700,000 Telenor ASA 4.125% 26/03/2020 710 0.02 EUR 5,600,000 ELM BV for RELX Finance BV 2.500% 24/09/2020 5,719 0.19 Total Norway 45,383 1.50 EUR 9,500,000 Heineken NV 2.125% 08/04/2020 9,651 0.32 EUR 2,400,000 Iberdrola International BV 2.875% 11/11/2020 2,469 0.08 Panama (31 May 2019: 0.02%) EUR 13,336,000 ING Bank NV 0.700% 16/04/2020^ 13,387 0.44 EUR 2,800,000 ING Bank NV 0.750% 24/11/2020 2,826 0.09 People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 1.41%) EUR 10,995,000 ING Bank NV 1.250% 13/12/2019 10,999 0.36 Corporate Bonds EUR 18,600,000 ING Bank NV FRN 26/11/2020^ 18,657 0.62 EUR 7,525,000 Bank of China Ltd FRN 22/11/2020 7,521 0.25 EUR 11,000,000 ING Bank NV FRN 26/11/2021 11,056 0.37 EUR 5,800,000 Bank of China Ltd FRN 17/04/2021 5,803 0.19 EUR 9,700,000 ING Bank NV FRN 04/08/2021 9,736 0.32 EUR 5,000,000 China Construction Bank Corp FRN 24/09/2021 5,002 0.16 EUR 6,900,000 ING Bank NV FRN 04/08/2022^ 6,936 0.23 EUR 6,000,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd FRN 14/06/2021 5,993 0.20 EUR 9,490,000 innogy Finance BV 1.875% 30/01/2020 9,520 0.31 EUR 9,628,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd FRN EUR 6,500,000 LeasePlan Corp NV 1.000% 04/08/2020 6,524 0.22 10/12/2020 9,614 0.32 EUR 5,900,000 LeasePlan Corp NV FRN 25/01/2021 5,910 0.19 EUR 4,900,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd FRN EUR 5,700,000 LeasePlan Corp NV FRN 11/04/2020 5,713 0.19 23/05/2020 4,903 0.16 EUR 7,620,000 Linde Finance BV 1.750% 17/09/2020 7,739 0.26 Total People's Republic of China 38,836 1.28


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.25%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.45%) (cont) Singapore (31 May 2019: Nil) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds EUR 15,900,000 UBS Group AG FRN 20/09/2022 15,991 0.53 EUR 3,390,000 Bright Food Singapore Holdings Pte Ltd 1.125% Total Switzerland 75,317 2.49 18/07/2020^ 3,405 0.11 Total Singapore 3,405 0.11 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 8.81%) Corporate Bonds Spain (31 May 2019: 3.68%) EUR 5,347,000 BAT International Finance Plc 4.000% 07/07/2020 5,476 0.18 Corporate Bonds EUR 2,140,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.517% 17/02/2021 2,211 0.07 EUR 6,700,000 Abertis Infraestructuras SA 4.375% 30/03/2020 6,795 0.22 EUR 5,600,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 4.154% 06/01/2020 5,721 0.19 EUR 5,100,000 Amadeus Capital Markets SAU 0.125% 10/06/2020 5,110 0.17 EUR 2,800,000 Coventry Building Society 2.500% 18/11/2020 2,869 0.09 EUR 4,700,000 Amadeus IT Group SA FRN 18/03/2022 4,706 0.15 EUR 5,250,000 Finance Plc 4.750% 02/04/2020 5,295 0.17 EUR 300,000 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 1.000% EUR 4,000,000 FCE Bank Plc 1.114% 13/05/2020^ 4,019 0.13 20/01/2021 304 0.01 EUR 6,000,000 FCE Bank Plc 1.528% 11/09/2020 6,069 0.20 ^ EUR 14,600,000 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA FRN 04/12/2022 14,711 0.49 EUR 11,920,000 FCE Bank Plc FRN 26/08/2020^ 11,889 0.39 EUR 7,600,000 Banco Santander SA 2.000% 02/03/2020 7,628 0.25 EUR 4,400,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc 0.000% 09/12/2020^ 4,406 0.15 EUR 10,700,000 Banco Santander SA 4.000% 24/01/2020 10,765 0.36 EUR 10,105,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc 0.625% 12/02/2019 10,105 0.33 EUR 10,200,000 Banco Santander SA FRN 03/04/2020 10,212 0.34 EUR 10,575,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc FRN 21/05/2020 10,588 0.35 EUR 1,200,000 Banco Santander SA FRN 03/04/2020 1,201 0.04 EUR 8,900,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc FRN 23/09/2021 8,960 0.30 EUR 11,100,000 Iberdrola Finanzas SA 4.125% 23/03/2020 11,247 0.37 EUR 800,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital Plc FRN 23/09/2021 805 0.03 EUR 500,000 Naturgy Capital Markets SA 4.500% 27/01/2020 504 0.02 EUR 15,000,000 HSBC Bank Plc FRN 06/07/2021 15,109 0.50 EUR 5,500,000 Red Electrica Financiaciones SAU 4.875% EUR 11,100,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 27/09/2022 11,157 0.37 29/04/2020 5,612 0.18 EUR 10,413,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 12/04/2021 10,474 0.35 EUR 12,600,000 Santander Consumer Finance SA 0.900% 18/02/2020 12,630 0.42 EUR 6,700,000 Imperial Brands Finance Plc 5.000% 12/02/2019 6,700 0.22 EUR 5,400,000 Santander Consumer Finance SA 1.500% 11/12/2020 5,485 0.18 EUR 8,800,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 0.625% 20/04/2020 8,828 0.29 EUR 9,600,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 0.318% 17/10/2020 9,640 0.32 EUR 13,734,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 6.500% 24/03/2020 14,000 0.46 EUR 12,300,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 4.710% 20/01/2020 12,376 0.41 EUR 3,850,000 Finance Plc 3.375% 28/09/2020 3,954 0.13 Total Spain 118,926 3.93 EUR 1,900,000 National Express Group Plc FRN 15/05/2020 1,897 0.06 EUR 2,903,000 4.375% 03/10/2020 2,938 0.10 Sweden (31 May 2019: 2.68%) EUR 7,810,000 Nationwide Building Society 6.750% 22/07/2020 8,136 0.27 Corporate Bonds EUR 9,780,000 NatWest Markets Plc 5.500% 23/03/2020 9,949 0.33 EUR 5,950,000 Energa Finance AB 3.250% 19/03/2020 6,001 0.20 EUR 8,400,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 06/08/2020 8,406 0.28 EUR 7,550,000 SBAB Bank AB 2.375% 09/04/2020 7,700 0.26 EUR 10,950,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 03/02/2020 10,954 0.36 EUR 8,400,000 Scania CV AB FRN 20/04/2020 8,404 0.28 EUR 5,400,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 03/02/2020 5,402 0.18 EUR 9,650,000 Scania CV AB FRN 19/10/2020 9,656 0.32 EUR 5,900,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 03/01/2021 5,908 0.20 EUR 4,000,000 Scania CV AB FRN 17/03/2021 4,003 0.13 EUR 5,000,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 03/01/2021 5,007 0.17 EUR 7,500,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB FRN 15/09/2020 7,520 0.25 EUR 7,075,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 18/06/2021 7,101 0.23 EUR 9,300,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB FRN 26/05/2020 9,322 0.31 EUR 3,900,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 18/06/2021 3,914 0.13 EUR 700,000 Stadshypotek AB 1.625% 30/10/2020 713 0.02 EUR 13,211,000 NatWest Markets Plc FRN 27/09/2021 13,312 0.44 EUR 11,700,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.250% 27/08/2020^ 11,918 0.39 EUR 8,700,000 Santander UK Plc 0.875% 13/01/2020 8,711 0.29 EUR 4,500,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB FRN 30/07/2020 4,513 0.15 EUR 8,525,000 Santander UK Plc 0.875% 25/11/2020 8,605 0.28 EUR 5,050,000 Swedbank AB 0.625% 01/04/2021 5,089 0.17 EUR 6,400,000 Santander UK Plc 2.625% 16/07/2020 6,511 0.22 EUR 5,200,000 Swedbank AB FRN 18/08/2020 5,212 0.17 EUR 2,000,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 27/02/2020^ 2,001 0.07 EUR 4,000,000 Swedbank AB FRN 01/10/2020 4,003 0.13 EUR 5,000,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 14/08/2020 4,999 0.17 EUR 2,997,000 Telia Co AB 4.250% 18/02/2020 3,025 0.10 EUR 6,500,000 Sky Ltd FRN 04/01/2020 6,513 0.22 Total Sweden 87,079 2.88 EUR 6,950,000 SSE Plc 2.000% 17/06/2020 7,030 0.23 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.45%) EUR 8,450,000 Corporate Treasury Services Plc 2.125% 11/12/2020^ 8,572 0.28 Corporate Bonds EUR 4,917,000 Water Ltd 4.250% 24/01/2020 4,947 0.16 EUR 14,150,000 Credit Suisse AG 1.125% 15/09/2020 14,302 0.47 EUR 3,138,000 Vodafone Group Plc 1.000% 09/11/2020 3,158 0.10 EUR 13,591,000 UBS AG 1.125% 30/06/2020 13,700 0.45 Total United Kingdom 292,606 9.67 EUR 17,608,000 UBS AG FRN 01/10/2020 17,607 0.58 EUR 13,650,000 UBS AG FRN 23/04/2021 13,717 0.46


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 98.25%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 18.40%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 18.40%) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds EUR 4,925,000 Whirlpool Corp 0.625% 03/12/2020^ 4,935 0.16 EUR 5,350,000 3M Co FRN 15/05/2020 5,358 0.18 Total United States 463,681 15.32 EUR 5,040,000 AT&T Inc 1.875% 12/04/2020^ 5,114 0.17 Total bonds 2,962,692 97.87 EUR 20,135,000 AT&T Inc FRN 08/03/2020 20,164 0.67 EUR 14,235,000 Bank of America Corp 2.500% 27/07/2020 14,490 0.48 ^ %ofnet EUR 9,592,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 21/09/2021 9,606 0.32 Fair Value asset EUR 18,994,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 02/07/2022 19,095 0.63 Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value EUR 4,500,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 14/09/2020 4,526 0.15 EUR 9,325,000 BAT Capital Corp FRN 16/08/2021 9,334 0.31 Total value of investments 2,962,692 97.87 EUR 11,230,000 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 0.500% 13/03/2020^ 11,246 0.37 EUR 9,970,000 Citigroup Inc FRN 24/05/2021 10,062 0.33 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 1.20%) EUR 6,350,000 Coca-Cola Co FRN 03/08/2021 6,370 0.21 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market EUR 5,900,000 Fidelity National Information Services Inc FRN Funds (31 May 2019: 1.20%) 21/05/2021 5,905 0.20 EUR 2,000,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 16/12/2019 2,000 0.07 EUR 436,991 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Euro Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 43,572 1.44 EUR 3,550,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 12/01/2021 3,473 0.11 EUR 6,250,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC FRN 14/05/2021 6,194 0.20 Cash† 408 0.01 EUR 7,500,000 General Electric Co FRN 28/05/2020^ 7,489 0.25 ^ EUR 3,500,000 General Mills Inc 2.100% 16/11/2020 3,554 0.12 Other net assets 20,378 0.68 EUR 8,000,000 General Mills Inc FRN 15/01/2020 8,005 0.26 ^ EUR 5,000,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc FRN 26/03/2022 4,961 0.16 Net asset value attributable to redeemable EUR 10,212,000 General Motors Financial Co Inc FRN 05/10/2021^ 10,230 0.34 participating shareholders at the end of the financial EUR 11,917,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.625% 19/08/2020 12,155 0.40 period 3,027,050 100.00

EUR 15,079,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 16/12/2020 15,079 0.50 †Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR 19,200,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 09/09/2022 19,265 0.64 ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~ EUR 16,821,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 29/05/2020 16,864 0.56 Investment in related party. EUR 18,990,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 27/07/2021 19,220 0.63 EUR 9,595,000 Honeywell International Inc 0.650% 21/02/2020 9,611 0.32 Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of EUR 7,859,000 International Business Machines Corp 1.875% incorporation of the issuer for corporate fixed income securities. ^ 11/06/2020 8,011 0.26 %oftotal EUR 2,975,000 Jefferies Group LLC 2.375% 20/05/2020 3,008 0.10 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current EUR 650,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.625% 23/04/2021 676 0.02 gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets EUR 13,900,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.875% 23/09/2020 14,365 0.47 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 2,960,692 97.80 EUR 7,850,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 27/01/2020 7,854 0.26 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), EUR 6,200,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA FRN 18/06/2021 6,259 0.21 (b) and (c) 2,000 0.07 EUR 5,900,000 McDonald's Corp 0.500% 15/01/2021 5,941 0.20 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 43,572 1.44 EUR 14,100,000 Morgan Stanley 5.375% 08/10/2020 14,647 0.48 Other assets 21,002 0.69 EUR 11,904,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 21/05/2021 11,915 0.39 Total current assets 3,027,266 100.00 EUR 17,009,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 11/09/2021 17,028 0.56 EUR 12,491,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 27/01/2022 12,542 0.41 EUR 2,900,000 Oracle Corp 2.250% 01/10/2021 2,980 0.10 EUR 13,180,000 Philip Morris International Inc 1.750% 19/03/2020 13,249 0.44 EUR 1,346,000 Procter & Gamble Co 4.125% 12/07/2020 1,406 0.05 EUR 4,200,000 Simon Property Group LP 2.375% 10/02/2020 2,132 0.07 EUR 6,268,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 1.800% 23/07/2020 6,348 0.21 EUR 5,982,000 United Parcel Service Inc FRN 15/07/2020 5,994 0.20 EUR 9,700,000 United Technologies Corp FRN 18/05/2020 9,710 0.32 EUR 9,778,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.250% 09/03/2020 9,961 0.33 EUR 10,900,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 06/02/2020^ 10,916 0.36 EUR 19,310,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 31/01/2022 19,368 0.64 EUR 14,970,000 Wells Fargo & Co FRN 26/04/2021 15,066 0.50



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Brazil (31 May 2019: 2.54%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.17%) Retail BRL 41,337 Raia Drogasil SA 1,105 0.41 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.17%) Total Brazil 4,229 1.59 Australia (31 May 2019: 6.18%) Commercial services British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) AUD 72,623 InvoCare Ltd^ 647 0.24 Biotechnology Diversified financial services USD 12,612 Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co Ltd^ 723 0.27 AUD 27,439 Perpetual Ltd^ 737 0.28 Internet Healthcare services USD 58,421 Corp 725 0.27 AUD 426,472 Estia Health Ltd 776 0.29 Total British Virgin Islands 1,448 0.54 AUD 352,339 Healius Ltd 732 0.27 AUD 16,014 Ramsay Health Care Ltd 790 0.30 Canada (31 May 2019: 4.16%) AUD 41,385 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 843 0.32 Commercial services Insurance CAD 35,449 Park Lawn Corp^ 805 0.30 AUD 163,385 Challenger Ltd 900 0.34 Healthcare services AUD 333,229 Medibank Pvt Ltd 735 0.27 CAD 81,872 Medical Facilities Corp^ 291 0.11 AUD 156,446 nib holdings Ltd 714 0.27 CAD 54,282 Sienna Senior Living Inc 766 0.29 AUD 333,285 Steadfast Group Ltd 805 0.30 Insurance Internet CAD 35,203 Great-West Lifeco Inc 886 0.33 AUD 77,357 Webjet Ltd^ 657 0.25 CAD 20,122 iA Financial Corp Inc 1,030 0.39 Leisure time CAD 45,170 Manulife Financial Corp 889 0.33 AUD 48,918 Corporate Travel Management Ltd^ 684 0.26 CAD 37,838 Power Corp of Canada 918 0.35 AUD 27,188 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 810 0.30 CAD 35,299 Power Financial Corp 863 0.33 Total Australia 9,830 3.69 CAD 19,934 Sun Life Financial Inc 910 0.34 Leisure time Austria (31 May 2019: 0.39%) CAD 22,803 BRP Inc 1,116 0.42 Real estate investment & services Belgium (31 May 2019: 1.64%) CAD 67,018 Chartwell Retirement Residences^ 735 0.28 Insurance Real estate investment trusts EUR 15,707 Ageas^ 943 0.35 CAD 86,408 NorthWest Healthcare Properties Real Estate Pharmaceuticals Investment Trust^ 808 0.30 EUR 9,948 UCB SA 807 0.30 Total Canada 10,017 3.77 Real estate investment trusts EUR 8,396 Aedifica SA 1,028 0.39 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.28%) Total Belgium 2,778 1.04 Healthcare products HKD 1,112,000 Microport Scientific Corp^ 1,048 0.39 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.90%) Insurance Insurance USD 95,840 FGL Holdings^ 875 0.33 USD 18,192 Athene Holding Ltd 819 0.31 Leisure time Leisure time HKD 3,340,000 Suncity Group Holdings Ltd^ 747 0.28 USD 14,666 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 787 0.29 Total Cayman Islands 2,670 1.00 Total Bermuda 1,606 0.60 Chile (31 May 2019: 0.42%) Brazil (31 May 2019: 2.54%) Commercial services Colombia (31 May 2019: 0.35%) BRL 140,445 Qualicorp Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros SA 1,222 0.46 Investment services Insurance COP 75,610 Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA 695 0.26 BRL 97,476 BB Seguridade Participacoes SA 794 0.30 Total Colombia 695 0.26 Internet BRL 65,045 Smiles Fidelidade SA 535 0.20 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.78%) Leisure time Biotechnology BRL 60,357 CVC Brasil Operadora e Agencia de Viagens SA 573 0.22 DKK 4,339 Genmab A/S 1,012 0.38


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AGEING POPULATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.17%) (cont) Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.74%) Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.78%) (cont) Insurance Biotechnology (cont) USD 4,069 Willis Towers Watson Plc 799 0.30 DKK 20,172 H Lundbeck A/S 773 0.29 Pharmaceuticals Insurance USD 35,255 Alkermes Plc 741 0.28 DKK 14,163 Topdanmark A/S 655 0.25 Total Ireland 1,540 0.58 Total Denmark 2,440 0.92 Israel (31 May 2019: 0.94%) France (31 May 2019: 3.41%) Insurance Diversified financial services ILS 103,881 Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd 878 0.33 EUR 11,669 Amundi SA 884 0.33 ILS 130,117 Phoenix Holdings Ltd 814 0.31 Healthcare products Total Israel 1,692 0.64 EUR 6,664 EssilorLuxottica SA 1,036 0.39 Healthcare services Italy (31 May 2019: 1.40%) EUR 19,710 Korian SA^ 868 0.33 Insurance EUR 6,755 Orpea^ 836 0.31 EUR 42,873 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 876 0.33 Insurance Total Italy 876 0.33 EUR 30,642 AXA SA 834 0.31 EUR 34,818 CNP Assurances 688 0.26 Japan (31 May 2019: 11.34%) EUR 18,200 SCOR SE 783 0.30 Commercial services ^ Leisure time JPY 55,100 NichiiGakkan Co Ltd 821 0.31 EUR 9,615 Trigano SA^ 1,018 0.38 Diversified financial services ^ Pharmaceuticals JPY 82,878 Matsui Securities Co Ltd 677 0.25 ^ EUR 6,036 Ipsen SA 682 0.26 JPY 211,264 Okasan Securities Group Inc 785 0.30 Total France 7,629 2.87 Electronics JPY 10,695 Hoya Corp 976 0.37 Germany (31 May 2019: 1.89%) Food ^ Diversified financial services JPY 34,793 Create SD Holdings Co Ltd 840 0.31 EUR 23,595 DWS Group GmbH & Co KGaA 803 0.30 Healthcare products ^ Healthcare products JPY 31,484 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 917 0.35 EUR 7,753 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 949 0.36 JPY 22,700 Menicon Co Ltd 914 0.34 Healthcare services Healthcare services EUR 10,306 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 756 0.29 JPY 12,497 Ain Holdings Inc 776 0.29 EUR 15,112 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 827 0.31 JPY 26,893 BML Inc 791 0.30 ^ Insurance JPY 30,696 Miraca Holdings Inc 758 0.29 ^ EUR 3,354 Allianz SE 804 0.30 JPY 14,700 PeptiDream Inc 675 0.25 Leisure time Insurance GBP 81,350 TUI AG 1,119 0.42 JPY 52,986 Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 853 0.32 Total Germany 5,258 1.98 JPY 70,886 Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 666 0.25 JPY 42,291 Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd^ 727 0.27 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.78%) JPY 33,484 Sony Financial Holdings Inc^ 777 0.29 Insurance JPY 75,780 T&D Holdings Inc 891 0.34 HKD 81,168 AIA Group Ltd^ 813 0.31 Leisure time HKD 313,903 China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co Ltd 726 0.27 JPY 38,500 Heiwa Corp 792 0.30 Total Hong Kong 1,539 0.58 JPY 30,093 HIS Co Ltd^ 838 0.31 Pharmaceuticals India (31 May 2019: 1.82%) JPY 51,187 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd^ 958 0.36 Healthcare services Retail INR 39,745 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd 799 0.30 JPY 14,996 cocokara fine Inc 878 0.33 Insurance JPY 4,799 Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp^ 967 0.36 INR 150,294 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co Ltd 1,053 0.40 JPY 12,096 Kusuri no Aoki Holdings Co Ltd 920 0.35 INR 78,350 SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd 1,048 0.39 JPY 26,392 Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co Ltd^ 1,007 0.38 Total India 2,900 1.09 JPY 54,000 Qol Holdings Co Ltd 784 0.30


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AGEING POPULATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.17%) (cont) Panama (31 May 2019: 0.19%) Japan (31 May 2019: 11.34%) (cont) Leisure time Retail (cont) USD 7,271 Carnival Corp 328 0.12 JPY 16,696 Sugi Holdings Co Ltd 938 0.35 Total Panama 328 0.12 JPY 30,596 Sundrug Co Ltd 1,073 0.40 JPY 9,698 Tsuruha Holdings Inc^ 1,154 0.43 People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 1.69%) JPY 20,092 Welcia Holdings Co Ltd^ 1,231 0.46 Insurance Total Japan 24,384 9.16 HKD 337,910 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 854 0.32 HKD 212,946 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd^ 754 0.28 Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) HKD 169,246 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd 652 0.25 Healthcare products HKD 70,455 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd^ 798 0.30 USD 13,865 Novocure Ltd^ 1,278 0.48 Total People's Republic of China 3,058 1.15 Total Jersey 1,278 0.48 Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 4.10%) Liberia (31 May 2019: 0.54%) Apparel retailers Leisure time KRW 11,539 Fila Korea Ltd 504 0.19 USD 6,429 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 772 0.29 Biotechnology Total Liberia 772 0.29 KRW 20,179 Green Cross Cell Corp 706 0.27 Distribution & wholesale Malaysia (31 May 2019: 0.40%) KRW 34,091 Hanwha Corp 709 0.27 Healthcare services Healthcare services MYR 580,881 IHH Healthcare Bhd 747 0.28 KRW 58,895 Chabiotech Co Ltd^ 718 0.27 Insurance KRW 16,027 SillaJen Inc 197 0.07 MYR 458,200 Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Bhd 635 0.24 Insurance Total Malaysia 1,382 0.52 KRW 289,416 Hanwha Life Insurance Co Ltd 561 0.21 KRW 27,543 Orange Life Insurance Ltd 666 0.25 Mauritius (31 May 2019: Nil) KRW 10,931 Samsung Life Insurance Co Ltd 663 0.25 Internet Leisure time USD 30,294 MakeMyTrip Ltd 789 0.30 KRW 16,711 Hana Tour Service Inc 687 0.26 Total Mauritius 789 0.30 KRW 69,749 Lotte Tour Development Co Ltd 782 0.29 KRW 45,022 Modetour Network Inc^ 627 0.24 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.15%) Pharmaceuticals Diversified financial services KRW 22,646 Sam Chun Dang Pharm Co Ltd 594 0.22 EUR 40,042 Intertrust NV 753 0.28 Total Republic of South Korea 7,414 2.79 Insurance EUR 166,445 Aegon NV 751 0.28 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.43%) EUR 19,619 ASR Nederland NV 730 0.28 Real estate investment trusts EUR 19,443 NN Group NV^ 747 0.28 SGD 1,039,400 First Real Estate Investment Trust 783 0.29 Pharmaceuticals Total Singapore 783 0.29 USD 11,057 uniQure NV^ 615 0.23 Total Netherlands 3,596 1.35 South Africa (31 May 2019: 2.15%) Diversified financial services New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.73%) GBP 530,973 Old Mutual Ltd^ 675 0.25 Healthcare services Healthcare services NZD 103,531 Ryman Healthcare Ltd^ 1,003 0.38 ZAR 492,708 Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd 831 0.31 Real estate investment & services ZAR 659,104 Netcare Ltd 900 0.34 NZD 215,416 Summerset Group Holdings Ltd^ 1,065 0.40 Insurance Total New Zealand 2,068 0.78 ZAR 78,061 Discovery Ltd 629 0.23 ZAR 108,088 Liberty Holdings Ltd 822 0.31 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.74%) ZAR 611,349 Momentum Metropolitan Holdings 849 0.32 Insurance Retail NOK 104,735 Storebrand ASA 751 0.28 ZAR 458,152 Dis-Chem Pharmacies Ltd^ 811 0.31 Total Norway 751 0.28 Total South Africa 5,517 2.07


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AGEING POPULATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.17%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 6.96%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.17%) Diversified financial services (cont) Diversified financial services GBP 58,786 St James's Place Plc 828 0.31 SEK 104,225 Avanza Bank Holding AB 1,015 0.38 GBP 225,921 Plc 926 0.35 Healthcare products Engineering & construction SEK 58,050 Elekta AB^ 729 0.28 GBP 49,551 HomeServe Plc^ 772 0.29 Healthcare services Healthcare products SEK 143,981 Attendo AB^ 719 0.27 USD 10,901 LivaNova Plc^ 913 0.34 Leisure time GBP 36,440 Smith & Nephew Plc 816 0.31 SEK 80,417 Dometic Group AB 806 0.30 Healthcare services Total Sweden 3,269 1.23 GBP 202,748 Mediclinic International Plc^ 1,014 0.38 GBP 26,431 NMC Health Plc 858 0.32 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 2.92%) Insurance Banks USD 4,132 Aon Plc 841 0.32 CHF 68,337 Credit Suisse Group AG 896 0.34 GBP 1,088,041 Just Group Plc 932 0.35 CHF 65,679 UBS Group AG^ 797 0.30 GBP 229,971 Legal & General Group Plc 836 0.31 Biotechnology GBP 88,834 Holdings Plc 857 0.32 CHF 40,169 Idorsia Ltd 1,075 0.40 GBP 38,091 678 0.26 Diversified financial services Leisure time CHF 18,571 Julius Baer Group Ltd^ 875 0.33 GBP 7,572 Carnival Plc 318 0.12 CHF 14,683 Vontobel Holding AG 944 0.35 GBP 1,550,214 Saga Plc 1,029 0.39 Healthcare products Real estate investment trusts CHF 13,317 Alcon Inc 736 0.28 GBP 977,946 959 0.36 Insurance GBP 449,541 Primary Health Properties Plc^ 856 0.32 CHF 4,518 Baloise Holding AG 786 0.29 Total United Kingdom 16,007 6.02 CHF 6,197 Helvetia Holding AG 846 0.32 CHF 1,647 Swiss Life Holding AG 817 0.31 United States (31 May 2019: 32.51%) Total Switzerland 7,772 2.92 Biotechnology USD 30,497 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,381 0.52 Taiwan (31 May 2019: 1.73%) USD 64,757 Alder Biopharmaceuticals Inc^/* 57 0.02 Diversified financial services USD 29,214 Allogene Therapeutics Inc 823 0.31 TWD 2,667,000 China Development Financial Holding Corp 849 0.32 USD 10,695 AnaptysBio Inc 144 0.05 TWD 1,175,000 CTBC Financial Holding Co Ltd 841 0.32 USD 37,148 Apellis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 999 0.38 TWD 566,838 Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd 832 0.31 USD 123,239 ArQule Inc^ 1,182 0.44 Insurance USD 35,936 Atara Biotherapeutics Inc 511 0.19 TWD 601,536 Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd 822 0.31 USD 3,409 Biogen Inc 1,022 0.38 TWD 996,623 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 828 0.31 USD 6,410 Bluebird Bio Inc 519 0.20 TWD 2,797,410 Shin Kong Financial Holding Co Ltd 922 0.34 USD 8,634 Blueprint Medicines Corp 708 0.27 Total Taiwan 5,094 1.91 USD 41,045 Denali Therapeutics Inc^ 730 0.27 USD 34,691 Editas Medicine Inc 1,050 0.40 Thailand (31 May 2019: 1.80%) USD 65,153 Epizyme Inc 1,076 0.40 Healthcare services USD 39,344 Exelixis Inc 654 0.25 THB 1,468,958 Bangkok Chain Hospital PCL 846 0.32 USD 44,333 Fate Therapeutics Inc 692 0.26 THB 942,323 Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL 767 0.29 USD 12,277 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 785 0.30 THB 141,564 Bumrungrad Hospital PCL 635 0.24 USD 40,199 Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc 918 0.35 THB 10,705,788 Chularat Hospital PCL 935 0.35 USD 51,296 MacroGenics Inc 486 0.18 Total Thailand 3,183 1.20 USD 8,247 Mirati Therapeutics Inc 831 0.31 USD 18,746 PTC Therapeutics Inc^ 880 0.33 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 6.96%) USD 2,563 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 946 0.36 Diversified financial services USD 16,003 REGENXBIO Inc^ 670 0.25 GBP 165,391 AJ Bell Plc^ 862 0.32 USD 4,462 Sage Therapeutics Inc^ 691 0.26 GBP 205,074 Brewin Dolphin Holdings Plc 920 0.35 USD 11,357 Seattle Genetics Inc 1,367 0.51 GBP 32,987 Plc^ 792 0.30 USD 55,990 Stemline Therapeutics Inc 599 0.23


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AGEING POPULATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.17%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 32.51%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 32.51%) (cont) Healthcare services (cont) Biotechnology (cont) USD 7,778 Quest Diagnostics Inc 829 0.31 USD 47,254 Vericel Corp 882 0.33 USD 51,651 Select Medical Holdings Corp 1,142 0.43 USD 149,339 ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc^ 778 0.29 USD 13,183 Teladoc Health Inc 1,104 0.41 Commercial services USD 36,906 Tenet Healthcare Corp^ 1,188 0.45 USD 14,981 AMN Healthcare Services Inc^ 891 0.34 USD 6,297 Universal Health Services Inc 878 0.33 USD 17,047 Service Corp International^ 750 0.28 Home builders Diversified financial services USD 8,659 LCI Industries^ 922 0.35 USD 8,755 Affiliated Managers Group Inc 747 0.28 USD 14,423 Thor Industries Inc^ 919 0.34 USD 18,643 Charles Schwab Corp 923 0.35 USD 21,603 Winnebago Industries Inc 1,027 0.39 USD 17,235 E*TRADE Financial Corp 764 0.29 Hotels USD 19,119 Eaton Vance Corp 902 0.34 USD 26,599 Hilton Grand Vacations Inc 921 0.35 USD 28,129 Focus Financial Partners Inc 791 0.30 USD 18,254 Wyndham Destinations Inc 886 0.33 USD 14,899 Hamilton Lane Inc 864 0.32 Insurance USD 9,275 LPL Financial Holdings Inc 857 0.32 USD 14,429 Aflac Inc 791 0.30 USD 9,401 Raymond James Financial Inc 844 0.32 USD 30,314 American Equity Investment Life Holding Co 901 0.34 USD 14,493 SEI Investments Co 935 0.35 USD 8,998 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 839 0.31 USD 15,355 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 796 0.30 USD 36,792 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 910 0.34 Entertainment USD 20,397 Brighthouse Financial Inc 840 0.32 USD 8,043 Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp 988 0.37 USD 23,936 Brown & Brown Inc 903 0.34 Healthcare products USD 48,604 CNO Financial Group Inc 881 0.33 USD 3,095 ABIOMED Inc 607 0.23 USD 10,848 eHealth Inc^ 1,001 0.38 USD 26,131 AtriCure Inc 777 0.29 USD 12,379 FBL Financial Group Inc 713 0.27 USD 39,123 Axogen Inc^ 678 0.25 USD 255,861 Genworth Financial Inc^ 1,013 0.38 USD 19,335 Boston Scientific Corp 836 0.31 USD 8,852 Globe Life Inc 910 0.34 USD 9,280 CONMED Corp 1,051 0.39 USD 12,361 Lincoln National Corp 730 0.27 USD 2,417 Cooper Cos Inc 757 0.28 USD 16,165 MetLife Inc 807 0.30 USD 4,232 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 1,037 0.39 USD 3,027 National Western Life Group Inc 763 0.29 USD 10,666 Glaukos Corp 684 0.26 USD 6,440 Primerica Inc 862 0.32 USD 18,837 Globus Medical Inc 1,054 0.40 USD 7,895 Prudential Financial Inc 739 0.28 USD 41,140 Hanger Inc^ 1,078 0.40 USD 5,166 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 855 0.32 USD 12,343 Nevro Corp 1,380 0.52 USD 23,677 Unum Group 728 0.27 USD 13,110 NuVasive Inc^ 947 0.36 USD 14,488 Voya Financial Inc 844 0.32 USD 401,343 OPKO Health Inc^ 638 0.24 Internet USD 15,216 Orthofix Medical Inc 691 0.26 USD 432 Booking Holdings Inc 823 0.31 USD 4,788 Penumbra Inc^ 847 0.32 USD 6,269 Expedia Group Inc 637 0.24 USD 29,503 STAAR Surgical Co 1,087 0.41 USD 16,630 TripAdvisor Inc 472 0.18 USD 5,967 Varian Medical Systems Inc 798 0.30 Leisure time USD 6,532 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 949 0.36 USD 29,958 Acushnet Holdings Corp 901 0.34 Healthcare services USD 42,970 Callaway Golf Co^ 893 0.34 USD 23,251 Acadia Healthcare Co Inc^ 748 0.28 USD 65,396 Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings Inc 453 0.17 USD 10,830 Addus HomeCare Corp 1,009 0.38 USD 21,204 Malibu Boats Inc 839 0.31 USD 6,592 Amedisys Inc 1,074 0.40 USD 8,732 Polaris Inc 853 0.32 USD 121,938 Brookdale Senior Living Inc 871 0.33 Pharmaceuticals USD 2,258 Chemed Corp 971 0.37 USD 24,011 Aerie Pharmaceuticals Inc 456 0.17 USD 16,000 DaVita Inc 1,148 0.43 USD 16,071 Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc 625 0.23 USD 12,942 Encompass Health Corp 915 0.34 USD 37,800 Alector Inc 705 0.26 USD 14,227 Ensign Group Inc 618 0.23 USD 202,515 Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 940 0.35 USD 6,169 HCA Healthcare Inc 855 0.32 USD 56,668 Clovis Oncology Inc^ 846 0.32 USD 3,023 Humana Inc 1,032 0.39 USD 14,380 CVS Health Corp 1,082 0.41 USD 4,677 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 806 0.30 USD 15,153 Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 886 0.33 USD 6,722 LHC Group Inc^ 897 0.34 USD 9,302 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc^ 1,085 0.41


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AGEING POPULATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.17%) (cont) Total value of investments 265,088 99.63 United States (31 May 2019: 32.51%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.06%) USD 37,396 Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,747 0.66 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds USD 6,337 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc^ 713 0.27 (31 May 2019: 0.06%) USD 24,514 Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc 573 0.22 Cash† 734 0.28 USD 20,239 Turning Point Therapeutics Inc 1,138 0.43 USD 52,090 Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc 871 0.33 Other net assets 250 0.09 USD 23,948 Xencor Inc^ 944 0.35 USD 19,643 Zogenix Inc 939 0.35 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating Real estate investment trusts shareholders at the end of the financial period 266,072 100.00

USD 5,136 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 835 0.31 †Cash holdings of USD694,412 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD 32,207 CareTrust REIT Inc 672 0.25 USD39,706 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^ USD 20,738 Community Healthcare Trust Inc 987 0.37 These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair USD 24,004 Healthcare Realty Trust Inc 797 0.30 valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. USD 27,246 Healthcare Trust of America Inc 827 0.31 USD 24,454 Healthpeak Properties Inc 853 0.32 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 17,101 LTC Properties Inc 800 0.30 entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 43,416 Medical Properties Trust Inc^ 901 0.34 USD 9,987 National Health Investors Inc 809 0.31 USD 21,502 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 904 0.34 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 43,226 Physicians Realty Trust 830 0.31 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 40,208 Sabra Health Care REIT Inc 896 0.34 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. USD 92,630 Senior Housing Properties Trust 678 0.26 %oftotal USD 9,086 Universal Health Realty Income Trust 1,083 0.41 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 11,989 Ventas Inc 699 0.26 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 9,533 Welltower Inc 806 0.30 Retail Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 265,015 99.57 USD 109,688 Rite Aid Corp 994 0.37 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 57 0.02 USD 7,267 Tractor Supply Co 686 0.26 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 16 0.01 USD 14,821 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 883 0.33 Other assets 1,067 0.40 Total United States 120,480 45.28 Total current assets 266,155 100.00 Total equities 265,072 99.62

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.04)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.04)%) KRW 3 Kospi 200 Index Futures December 2019 169 8 0.01 USD 10 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures December 2019 511 8 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 16 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 16 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Germany (31 May 2019: 6.37%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.63%) Machinery - diversified EUR 407,431 Duerr AG^ 12,551 0.56 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.63%) EUR 515,218 GEA Group AG 16,571 0.75 Australia (31 May 2019: 1.70%) EUR 496,104 Jungheinrich AG^ 12,833 0.58 Software EUR 249,997 KION Group AG 16,599 0.75 AUD 2,888,607 Technology One Ltd^ 17,956 0.81 Software Total Australia 17,956 0.81 EUR 286,600 Nemetschek SE^ 16,954 0.76 EUR 116,528 SAP SE 15,865 0.72 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.80%) Total Germany 105,210 4.74 Machinery - diversified EUR 412,270 ANDRITZ AG^ 16,092 0.72 Israel (31 May 2019: 0.92%) Total Austria 16,092 0.72 Computers USD 522,493 Kornit Digital Ltd^ 17,817 0.80 Brazil (31 May 2019: 1.62%) USD 643,077 Stratasys Ltd^ 11,858 0.54 Software Total Israel 29,675 1.34 BRL 1,301,952 TOTVS SA 19,922 0.90 Total Brazil 19,922 0.90 Japan (31 May 2019: 26.04%) Auto parts & equipment Canada (31 May 2019: 2.36%) JPY 277,600 Toyota Industries Corp^ 16,299 0.74 Machinery - diversified Electrical components & equipment CAD 947,894 ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc 14,037 0.63 JPY 441,111 Mabuchi Motor Co Ltd^ 16,797 0.76 Software Electronics ^ USD 361,144 Open Text Corp 15,739 0.71 JPY 628,956 Azbil Corp 17,804 0.80 Total Canada 29,776 1.34 JPY 313,511 Horiba Ltd^ 20,584 0.93 JPY 813,600 Idec Corp^ 17,266 0.78 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) JPY 114,966 Nidec Corp^ 16,997 0.77 Healthcare services JPY 299,000 Omron Corp^ 17,556 0.79 ^ HKD 3,422,600 Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co Ltd 22,780 1.03 JPY 403,400 Sanyo Denki Co Ltd^ 20,297 0.91 Semiconductors JPY 786,187 Yokogawa Electric Corp 14,380 0.65 ^ USD 354,627 Ambarella Inc 19,412 0.87 Healthcare products Telecommunications JPY 1,232,114 Topcon Corp 16,292 0.73 HKD 47,214,000 Meitu Inc 8,686 0.39 Internet ^ HKD 11,908,000 Xiaomi Corp 13,615 0.62 JPY 532,500 LINE Corp^ 25,042 1.13 Total Cayman Islands 64,493 2.91 Iron & steel JPY 897,100 Japan Steel Works Ltd^ 18,506 0.83 Finland (31 May 2019: 2.94%) Machinery - diversified Hand & machine tools JPY 283,711 Daifuku Co Ltd^ 16,503 0.74 EUR 405,942 Konecranes Oyj 12,935 0.58 JPY 82,654 FANUC Corp^ 15,778 0.71 Machinery - diversified JPY 52,400 Keyence Corp 17,915 0.81 ^ EUR 602,128 Valmet Oyj 13,491 0.61 JPY 1,391,429 Komori Corp 14,599 0.66 Transportation JPY 439,743 Obara Group Inc 15,540 0.70 ^ EUR 404,537 Cargotec Oyj 13,355 0.60 JPY 698,700 Optorun Co Ltd^ 18,535 0.84 Total Finland 39,781 1.79 JPY 521,894 Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd^ 13,153 0.59 JPY 680,040 Toshiba Machine Co Ltd^ 17,326 0.78 France (31 May 2019: 1.17%) JPY 486,375 Yaskawa Electric Corp^ 17,854 0.80 Software Semiconductors EUR 96,306 Dassault Systemes SE 15,185 0.68 JPY 624,500 Advantest Corp^ 30,509 1.38 Total France 15,185 0.68 JPY 412,500 Lasertec Corp^ 35,596 1.60 JPY 1,256,900 Megachips Corp 27,798 1.25 Germany (31 May 2019: 6.37%) JPY 3,184,303 Renesas Electronics Corp^ 20,732 0.94 Computers JPY 234,204 Rohm Co Ltd^ 19,676 0.89 EUR 474,996 Jenoptik AG 13,837 0.62 JPY 734,889 Sanken Electric Co Ltd^ 21,340 0.96


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.63%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 10.31%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 26.04%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Semiconductors (cont) TWD 14,087,000 Via Technologies Inc 14,775 0.67 JPY 349,500 V Technology Co Ltd^ 18,926 0.85 Telecommunications Software TWD 12,818,385 HTC Corp 14,725 0.66 JPY 3,163,700 Gree Inc^ 15,023 0.68 Total Taiwan 169,281 7.63 Total Japan 554,623 25.00 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 5.76%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: Nil) Electronics Software GBP 591,015 16,100 0.72 USD 198,853 Elastic NV 15,791 0.71 GBP 301,771 Renishaw Plc^ 15,465 0.70 EUR 1,555,488 TomTom NV 16,340 0.74 GBP 445,195 Spectris Plc^ 16,142 0.73 Total Netherlands 32,131 1.45 Software GBP 291,524 Group Plc 17,187 0.78 People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 1.38%) GBP 1,532,317 Plc 14,941 0.67 Software Total United Kingdom 79,835 3.60 USD 8,533,518 Shanghai Baosight Software Co Ltd 14,831 0.67 Total People's Republic of China 14,831 0.67 United States (31 May 2019: 31.71%) Computers Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 4.29%) USD 1,814,516 3D Systems Corp^ 15,405 0.69 Machinery - diversified USD 77,042 Apple Inc 20,589 0.93 KRW 427,519 SFA Engineering Corp 15,437 0.69 USD 271,566 MTS Systems Corp^ 12,335 0.56 Semiconductors Electrical components & equipment KRW 418,842 Silicon Works Co Ltd 13,298 0.60 USD 174,205 AMETEK Inc 17,248 0.77 Total Republic of South Korea 28,735 1.29 USD 236,993 Emerson Electric Co 17,504 0.79 Electronics Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.86%) USD 121,873 Coherent Inc 18,386 0.83 Machinery - diversified USD 315,780 FARO Technologies Inc 15,385 0.69 SEK 293,223 Hexagon AB 16,585 0.75 USD 421,555 II-VI Inc^ 12,305 0.56 Total Sweden 16,585 0.75 USD 70,112 Mesa Laboratories Inc^ 16,414 0.74 Hand & machine tools Switzerland (31 May 2019: 1.40%) USD 575,320 Colfax Corp^ 19,388 0.87 Electronics USD 188,716 Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc^ 17,411 0.79 USD 186,506 Garmin Ltd 18,220 0.82 USD 186,731 Regal Beloit Corp^ 15,262 0.69 Machinery - diversified Healthcare products CHF 24,160 Inficon Holding AG 17,515 0.79 USD 29,703 Intuitive Surgical Inc 17,611 0.79 CHF 6,145 Interroll Holding AG^ 13,251 0.60 Home furnishings CHF 85,263 Kardex AG 13,907 0.63 USD 161,179 iRobot Corp 7,021 0.32 CHF 68,434 Komax Holding AG^ 14,901 0.67 Machinery - diversified Total Switzerland 77,794 3.51 USD 193,962 Albany International Corp^ 16,231 0.73 USD 332,955 Cognex Corp^ 16,708 0.75 Taiwan (31 May 2019: 10.31%) USD 165,721 Kadant Inc 16,141 0.73 Electronics USD 93,693 Rockwell Automation Inc 18,349 0.83 TWD 950,448 ASMedia Technology Inc 17,663 0.80 Machinery, construction & mining Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 301,431 Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc 17,854 0.80 TWD 5,879,000 Asia Optical Co Inc 15,107 0.68 Miscellaneous manufacturers TWD 1,386,509 Genius Electronic Optical Co Ltd 18,541 0.84 USD 387,351 Hillenbrand Inc 12,248 0.55 TWD 1,980,937 Hiwin Technologies Corp 16,913 0.76 USD 129,377 John Bean Technologies Corp^ 14,173 0.64 TWD 129,793 Largan Precision Co Ltd 18,867 0.85 USD 140,749 Proto Labs Inc^ 13,637 0.61 Semiconductors Oil & gas services TWD 9,807,000 Faraday Technology Corp 17,839 0.80 USD 627,014 Thermon Group Holdings Inc 16,453 0.74 TWD 2,265,000 Global Unichip Corp 19,784 0.89 Semiconductors TWD 6,780,000 Holtek Semiconductor Inc 15,067 0.68 USD 475,880 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 18,631 0.84


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.63%) (cont) Total value of investments 2,214,223 99.80 United States (31 May 2019: 31.71%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 2.28%) USD 674,260 Cypress Semiconductor Corp 15,811 0.71 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds USD 441,862 Diodes Inc^ 20,387 0.92 (31 May 2019: 2.28%) ^ USD 329,509 Inphi Corp 22,944 1.03 Cash† 2,090 0.09 USD 320,756 Intel Corp 18,620 0.84 USD 109,196 IPG Photonics Corp^ 15,516 0.70 Other net assets 2,415 0.11 USD 1,040,158 Lattice Semiconductor Corp^ 19,649 0.89 USD 680,302 MaxLinear Inc^ 13,518 0.61 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating USD 178,105 Microchip Technology Inc^ 16,838 0.76 shareholders at the end of the financial period 2,218,728 100.00

USD 100,449 NVIDIA Corp 21,771 0.98 †Cash holdings of USD1,907,627 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD 471,364 Onto Innovation Inc 15,819 0.71 USD182,350 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^ USD 214,521 QUALCOMM Inc 17,923 0.81 These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. USD 339,642 Semtech Corp 16,459 0.74 USD 151,089 Silicon Laboratories Inc 16,005 0.72 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 331,189 Teradyne Inc^ 20,729 0.94 entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 138,634 Xilinx Inc 12,862 0.58 Software Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 410,018 Altair Engineering Inc^ 13,600 0.61 USD 146,787 Alteryx Inc 16,665 0.75 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 75,206 ANSYS Inc 19,154 0.86 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. USD 122,810 Aspen Technology Inc 15,400 0.69 %oftotal USD 92,124 Autodesk Inc 16,665 0.75 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 305,343 CDK Global Inc 16,351 0.74 ^ USD 2,781,991 Cloudera Inc 27,486 1.24 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 2,214,082 99.76 ^ USD 494,069 Domo Inc 9,289 0.42 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 141 0.00 USD 112,897 MicroStrategy Inc 16,972 0.77 Other assets 5,221 0.24 ^ USD 210,511 Pegasystems Inc 16,340 0.74 Total current assets 2,219,444 100.00 USD 173,871 PTC Inc^ 13,319 0.60 USD 54,706 ServiceNow Inc 15,484 0.70 USD 126,355 Splunk Inc 18,855 0.85 USD 401,884 Teradata Corp^ 10,674 0.48 USD 736,865 Yext Inc^ 12,718 0.57 USD 982,757 Zuora Inc 15,665 0.71 Total United States 902,177 40.66 Total equities 2,214,082 99.79

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 78 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures December 2019 3,907 141 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 141 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 141 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a People's Republic of China (cont) Regulated Market Government Bonds (cont) CNY 48,400,000 China Government Bond 2.750% 09/01/2023 6,837 4.71 Bonds CNY 25,400,000 China Government Bond 2.790% 17/11/2023 3,602 2.48 People's Republic of China CNY 10,000,000 China Government Bond 2.900% 05/05/2026 1,402 0.97 Government Bonds CNY 7,000,000 China Government Bond 2.950% 16/06/2023 999 0.69 CNY 29,600,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.750% CNY 7,000,000 China Government Bond 2.990% 15/10/2025 990 0.68 25/01/2029 4,214 2.90 CNY 3,500,000 China Government Bond 3.050% 22/10/2022 501 0.35 CNY 3,800,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.850% CNY 15,000,000 China Government Bond 3.130% 13/04/2022 2,150 1.48 01/06/2027 547 0.38 CNY 7,000,000 China Government Bond 3.170% 10/11/2021 1,004 0.69 CNY 700,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.950% 26/02/2031 101 0.07 CNY 25,000,000 China Government Bond 3.170% 19/04/2023 3,589 2.47 CNY 8,200,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.950% CNY 85,200,000 China Government Bond 3.190% 04/11/2024 12,232 8.42 26/02/2036 1,166 0.80 CNY 2,300,000 China Government Bond 3.190% 04/11/2024 330 0.23 CNY 28,300,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 4.000% CNY 2,100,000 China Government Bond 3.220% 12/06/2025 301 0.21 11/12/2025 4,117 2.83 CNY 2,400,000 China Government Bond 3.250% 06/06/2026 344 0.24 CNY 2,900,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 4.370% CNY 25,800,000 China Government Bond 3.290% 18/10/2023 3,723 2.56 25/05/2023 428 0.30 CNY 28,400,000 China Government Bond 3.300% 07/12/2023 4,101 2.82 CNY 8,600,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 4.390% CNY 13,900,000 China Government Bond 3.420% 04/12/2021 2,000 1.38 09/08/2027 1,280 0.88 CNY 11,500,000 China Government Bond 3.510% 16/07/2025 1,674 1.15 CNY 18,200,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 4.650% 05/11/2028 2,758 1.90 CNY 4,100,000 China Government Bond 3.540% 16/08/2028 599 0.41 CNY 20,300,000 China Development Bank 3.050% 25/08/2026 2,795 1.92 CNY 3,000,000 China Government Bond 3.590% 08/03/2027 439 0.30 CNY 3,900,000 China Development Bank 3.180% 04/05/2026 542 0.37 CNY 5,000,000 China Government Bond 3.610% 06/07/2025 732 0.50 CNY 7,500,000 China Development Bank 3.480% 01/08/2029 1,047 0.72 CNY 5,000,000 China Government Bond 3.770% 03/08/2025 737 0.51 CNY 47,900,000 China Development Bank 3.800% 25/01/2036 6,705 4.62 CNY 7,500,000 China Government Bond 3.860% 22/07/2049 1,085 0.75 CNY 11,500,000 China Development Bank 4.040% 04/10/2027 1,675 1.15 CNY 15,000,000 China Government Bond 4.000% 24/06/2069 2,192 1.51 CNY 4,900,000 China Development Bank 4.040% 07/06/2028 712 0.49 CNY 34,800,000 China Government Bond 4.050% 24/07/2047 5,171 3.56 CNY 1,300,000 China Development Bank 4.150% 26/10/2025 191 0.13 CNY 26,900,000 China Government Bond 4.080% 22/10/2048 4,028 2.77 CNY 2,300,000 China Development Bank 4.240% 24/08/2027 339 0.23 CNY 3,600,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.280% 02/11/2024 510 0.35 CNY 10,000,000 China Government Bond 2.390% 20/10/2021 1,414 0.97 CNY 27,200,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.330% 22/02/2026 3,814 2.63 CNY 55,000,000 China Government Bond 2.440% 21/02/2021 7,808 5.38 CNY 10,300,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.860% 20/05/2029 1,478 1.02 CNY 20,000,000 China Government Bond 2.530% 14/01/2021 2,843 1.96 CNY 5,000,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.870% 14/09/2025 723 0.50 CNY 5,200,000 China Government Bond 2.650% 14/07/2021 740 0.51 CNY 5,200,000 Export-Import Bank of China 4.110% 20/03/2027 761 0.52 CNY 106,400,000 China Government Bond 2.690% 03/07/2022 15,120 10.41 CNY 5,400,000 Export-Import Bank of China 4.370% 19/06/2023 798 0.55 CNY 20,800,000 China Government Bond 2.700% 11/03/2026 2,875 1.98 CNY 38,500,000 Export-Import Bank of China 4.890% 26/03/2028 5,925 4.08 CNY 50,400,000 China Government Bond 2.740% 07/11/2021 7,180 4.94 Total People's Republic of China 142,834 98.34 CNY 7,000,000 China Government Bond 2.740% 08/04/2026 969 0.67 Total bonds 142,834 98.34 CNY 3,500,000 China Government Bond 2.750% 08/08/2022 497 0.34

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments Forward currency contractsØ CNY 27,899,785 USD 3,964,164 3,970,652 03/12/2019 6 0.00 USD 18,617,392 CNY 130,175,622 18,526,382 03/12/2019 91 0.07 USD 5,171,493 CNY 36,423,160 5,183,685 03/12/2019 (12) (0.01) USD 19,804,403 CNY 139,421,015 19,820,873 03/01/2020 (16) (0.01) Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 97 0.07 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (28) (0.02) Net unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 69 0.05 Total financial derivative instruments 69 0.05


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES CHINA CNY BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 142,903 98.39

Cash† 1,857 1.28

Other net assets 482 0.33

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 145,242 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to the USD Hedged (Dist) Class.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of issuer for government type fixed income securities.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 2,567 1.74 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 124,351 84.46 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) 15,916 10.81 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments 97 0.07 Other assets 4,295 2.92 Total current assets 147,226 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a India (31 May 2019: 9.10%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.43%) Software INR 409,520 Hexaware Technologies Ltd 1,938 0.76 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.43%) INR 190,963 Tech Mahindra Ltd 2,027 0.80 Australia (31 May 2019: 0.99%) Total India 9,618 3.79 Telecommunications AUD 443,955 NEXTDC Ltd^ 1,985 0.78 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.40%) Total Australia 1,985 0.78 Computers USD 11,057 Accenture Plc 2,224 0.88 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.44%) Total Ireland 2,224 0.88 Computers EUR 86,123 S&T AG 1,981 0.78 Israel (31 May 2019: 1.42%) Semiconductors Computers CHF 58,606 ams AG^ 2,830 1.12 USD 18,098 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 2,134 0.84 Total Austria 4,811 1.90 USD 15,539 CyberArk Software Ltd^ 1,904 0.75 Semiconductors Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.84%) USD 18,482 Mellanox Technologies Ltd 2,123 0.84 Semiconductors Total Israel 6,161 2.43 EUR 28,905 Melexis NV^ 2,110 0.83 Total Belgium 2,110 0.83 Japan (31 May 2019: 19.03%) Commercial services Bermuda (31 May 2019: Nil) JPY 23,600 Secom Co Ltd 2,006 0.79 Distribution & wholesale JPY 41,700 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 2,166 0.85 HKD 3,729,000 Digital China Holdings Ltd 1,853 0.73 Computers Total Bermuda 1,853 0.73 JPY 29,300 Fujitsu Ltd 2,663 1.05 JPY 81,800 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp 2,183 0.86 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.40%) JPY 74,900 NET One Systems Co Ltd^ 2,103 0.83 Internet JPY 50,900 Otsuka Corp 2,038 0.80 HKD 2,393,000 SUNeVision Holdings Ltd 1,605 0.63 Electronics Total Cayman Islands 1,605 0.63 JPY 86,600 Azbil Corp 2,452 0.97 JPY 42,500 Horiba Ltd^ 2,790 1.10 Finland (31 May 2019: 1.01%) JPY 174,600 Optex Group Co Ltd^ 2,573 1.01 Computers Internet ^ EUR 69,139 Tieto Oyj 1,988 0.78 JPY 23,700 Digital Arts Inc^ 1,359 0.53 Total Finland 1,988 0.78 JPY 45,900 Trend Micro Inc^ 2,477 0.98 Machinery - diversified France (31 May 2019: 1.24%) JPY 7,100 Keyence Corp 2,428 0.96 Computers Office & business equipment EUR 23,499 Ingenico Group SA 2,510 0.99 JPY 80,900 Toshiba TEC Corp 3,280 1.29 Total France 2,510 0.99 Software JPY 40,400 TIS Inc 2,398 0.95 Germany (31 May 2019: 3.57%) Total Japan 32,916 12.97 Computers ^ EUR 17,087 Bechtle AG 2,249 0.89 Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) ^ EUR 41,284 CANCOM SE 2,447 0.96 Internet Software USD 46,588 Mimecast Ltd 2,066 0.82 EUR 59,936 Software AG 2,023 0.80 Total Jersey 2,066 0.82 Total Germany 6,719 2.65 Malaysia (31 May 2019: 2.12%) India (31 May 2019: 9.10%) Internet Computers MYR 5,762,100 My EG Services Bhd 1,628 0.64 INR 191,543 Infosys Ltd 1,859 0.73 Total Malaysia 1,628 0.64 INR 106,635 NIIT Technologies Ltd 2,216 0.88 INR 476,113 Wipro Ltd 1,578 0.62


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES DIGITAL SECURITY UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.43%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 6.43%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: Nil) Electronics (cont) Telecommunications GBP 60,477 Spectris Plc^ 2,192 0.86 HKD 744,800 ZTE Corp^ 1,984 0.78 Semiconductors Total People's Republic of China 1,984 0.78 EUR 57,500 Dialog Semiconductor Plc 2,928 1.16 Software Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 4.20%) GBP 80,007 Micro Focus International Plc^ 1,172 0.46 Commercial services Total United Kingdom 15,968 6.29 KRW 424,765 Posco ICT Co Ltd 1,766 0.70 KRW 24,429 S-1 Corp 1,936 0.76 United States (31 May 2019: 37.73%) Internet Commercial services KRW 38,615 Ahnlab Inc 2,063 0.81 USD 31,575 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 2,297 0.91 Total Republic of South Korea 5,765 2.27 USD 24,421 Brink's Co^ 2,271 0.89 Computers Spain (31 May 2019: 1.58%) USD 10,046 CACI International Inc 2,404 0.95 Commercial services USD 39,834 DXC Technology Co 1,487 0.59 EUR 438,773 Prosegur Cia de Seguridad SA 1,809 0.71 USD 62,636 ForeScout Technologies Inc^ 2,244 0.88 Total Spain 1,809 0.71 USD 26,703 Fortinet Inc 2,807 1.11 USD 63,139 NCR Corp^ 2,073 0.82 Sweden (31 May 2019: 3.27%) USD 76,877 NetScout Systems Inc 1,937 0.76 Commercial services USD 88,907 Perspecta Inc 2,452 0.97 SEK 57,515 Loomis AB 2,403 0.95 USD 23,489 Qualys Inc^ 2,056 0.81 Electronics USD 38,851 Rapid7 Inc^ 2,178 0.86 SEK 955,307 Fingerprint Cards AB^ 1,510 0.59 USD 23,485 Science Applications International Corp 2,005 0.79 Machinery - diversified USD 77,153 Tenable Holdings Inc^ 2,095 0.82 SEK 39,898 Hexagon AB 2,257 0.89 USD 33,141 Varonis Systems Inc^ 2,589 1.02 Total Sweden 6,170 2.43 USD 46,284 Virtusa Corp 2,068 0.81 USD 25,687 Zscaler Inc^ 1,339 0.53 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 1.07%) Electrical components & equipment Electronics USD 23,893 AMETEK Inc 2,365 0.93 CHF 2,805 dormakaba Holding AG^ 1,900 0.75 USD 32,385 Emerson Electric Co 2,392 0.95 Machinery - diversified Electronics CHF 3,370 Inficon Holding AG 2,443 0.96 USD 315,849 ADT Inc^ 2,918 1.15 Total Switzerland 4,343 1.71 USD 37,105 Holdings Inc^ 1,619 0.64 USD 43,101 FARO Technologies Inc 2,100 0.83 Taiwan (31 May 2019: 3.59%) USD 18,152 OSI Systems Inc 1,806 0.71 Computers Internet TWD 867,000 Systex Corp 2,123 0.84 USD 14,115 F5 Networks Inc 2,057 0.81 Telecommunications USD 140,187 FireEye Inc^ 2,349 0.93 TWD 519,000 Accton Technology Corp 2,705 1.07 USD 127,047 NIC Inc 2,883 1.14 TWD 763,958 Arcadyan Technology Corp 2,394 0.94 USD 104,007 NortonLifeLock Inc 2,590 1.02 TWD 5,128,000 D-Link Corp 2,134 0.84 USD 15,701 Okta Inc 2,038 0.80 TWD 944,000 Sercomm Corp 2,342 0.92 USD 9,953 Palo Alto Networks Inc 2,261 0.89 Total Taiwan 11,698 4.61 USD 18,720 Proofpoint Inc^ 2,222 0.87 Machinery - diversified United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 6.43%) USD 5,592 Roper Technologies Inc 2,015 0.79 Commercial services Oil & gas services GBP 742,591 G4S Plc 2,009 0.79 USD 85,931 Thermon Group Holdings Inc 2,255 0.89 Computers Semiconductors GBP 124,897 Computacenter Plc 2,441 0.96 USD 19,355 Analog Devices Inc 2,186 0.86 GBP 413,764 Sophos Group Plc 3,024 1.19 USD 49,131 Cirrus Logic Inc 3,523 1.39 Electronics USD 35,351 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 2,003 0.79 GBP 80,824 Halma Plc 2,202 0.87 USD 27,907 Skyworks Solutions Inc 2,743 1.08


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES DIGITAL SECURITY UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.43%) (cont) Cash† 683 0.27 United States (31 May 2019: 37.73%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Other net liabilities (7,070) (2.78) USD 18,421 Texas Instruments Inc 2,215 0.87 Software Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the USD 25,832 Akamai Technologies Inc 2,250 0.89 financial period 253,752 100.00 USD 114,084 Box Inc^ 2,081 0.82 † USD 21,159 Citrix Systems Inc 2,387 0.94 Cash holdings of USD680,222 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD3,060 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. USD 42,390 DocuSign Inc 3,019 1.19 ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. USD 23,968 Everbridge Inc^ 2,108 0.83 ~Investment in related party. USD 31,914 ManTech International Corp 2,476 0.97 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 21,285 New Relic Inc 1,448 0.57 USD 38,020 Oracle Corp 2,134 0.84 entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 111,174 SailPoint Technologies Holding Inc^ 2,783 1.10 USD 112,336 SolarWinds Corp^ 2,172 0.86 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 11,738 VMware Inc^ 1,827 0.72 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent Telecommunications USD 124,723 ADTRAN Inc 1,146 0.45 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. USD 8,445 Arista Networks Inc^ 1,648 0.65 %oftotal ^ Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 48,197 Ciena Corp 1,830 0.72 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 36,447 Cisco Systems Inc 1,651 0.65 USD 344,568 Extreme Networks Inc 2,422 0.95 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 252,928 96.92 USD 627,813 Infinera Corp^ 4,005 1.58 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 20 0.01 USD 31,526 InterDigital Inc^ 1,791 0.71 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 7,191 2.75 USD 76,056 Juniper Networks Inc 1,906 0.75 Other assets 834 0.32 USD 80,115 NETGEAR Inc^ 2,012 0.79 Total current assets 260,973 100.00 USD 15,513 Ubiquiti Inc^ 3,059 1.21 Total United States 126,997 50.05 Total equities 252,928 99.67

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) JPY 3 Mini-Topix Index Futures December 2019 45 2 0.00 USD 3 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December 2019 453 18 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 20 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 20 0.01

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 252,948 99.68

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.05%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.05%) USD 7,190,700 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund~ 7,191 2.83



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.65%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.39%) Internet (cont) HKD 3,932,000 SUNeVision Holdings Ltd 2,637 0.52 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.39%) Total Cayman Islands 14,968 2.98 Australia (31 May 2019: 7.70%) Diversified financial services Denmark (31 May 2019: 1.11%) AUD 216,218 Afterpay Touch Group Ltd 4,621 0.92 Software Internet DKK 34,999 SimCorp A/S 3,750 0.75 AUD 354,078 Ltd^ 3,930 0.78 Total Denmark 3,750 0.75 AUD 1,481,972 Domain Holdings Australia Ltd^ 3,498 0.70 AUD 360,539 IRESS Ltd 3,173 0.63 France (31 May 2019: 2.81%) AUD 231,913 SEEK Ltd^ 3,638 0.73 Commercial services Real estate investment & services EUR 70,132 Edenred 3,484 0.69 AUD 52,682 REA Group Ltd^ 3,719 0.74 Computers Software EUR 41,234 Atos SE 3,504 0.70 AUD 380,176 HUB24 Ltd^ 2,793 0.56 Software Telecommunications EUR 48,958 Worldline SA 3,171 0.63 AUD 724,588 NEXTDC Ltd^ 3,240 0.64 Total France 10,159 2.02 Total Australia 28,612 5.70 Germany (31 May 2019: 3.98%) Austria (31 May 2019: 0.67%) Commercial services Transportation EUR 19,847 Wirecard AG 2,622 0.52 EUR 98,515 Oesterreichische Post AG^ 3,579 0.71 Internet Total Austria 3,579 0.71 EUR 7,966 New Work SE 2,701 0.54 EUR 65,332 Scout24 AG^ 4,048 0.81 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.53%) EUR 27,592 zooplus AG^ 2,735 0.54 Transportation Media EUR 362,430 bpost SA^ 4,290 0.85 EUR 48,046 Axel Springer SE^ 3,372 0.67 Total Belgium 4,290 0.85 Retail EUR 80,803 Zalando SE 3,483 0.70 Brazil (31 May 2019: 3.38%) Transportation Commercial services EUR 109,162 Deutsche Post AG 4,073 0.81 BRL 1,947,233 Cielo SA 3,592 0.72 Total Germany 23,034 4.59 Internet BRL 408,400 B2W Cia Digital 5,442 1.08 India (31 May 2019: 2.30%) Software Commercial services BRL 364,853 Linx SA 2,742 0.55 INR 107,127 Info Edge India Ltd 3,933 0.79 Total Brazil 11,776 2.35 Internet INR 310,171 Just Dial Ltd 2,447 0.49 Canada (31 May 2019: 1.02%) Software Software INR 71,652 Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd 2,928 0.58 CAD 3,797 Constellation Software Inc 4,059 0.81 Total India 9,308 1.86 Total Canada 4,059 0.81 Israel (31 May 2019: 1.05%) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.65%) Computers Commercial services USD 29,836 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 3,517 0.70 USD 118,078 StoneCo Ltd^ 4,839 0.96 Total Israel 3,517 0.70 Diversified financial services USD 91,444 Pagseguro Digital Ltd 3,103 0.62 Japan (31 May 2019: 13.08%) Internet Commercial services USD 155,078 Farfetch Ltd^ 1,545 0.31 JPY 49,888 GMO Payment Gateway Inc^ 3,535 0.71 USD 81,514 SINA Corp^ 2,844 0.57 Internet JPY 135,800 ASKUL Corp^ 3,646 0.73


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES DIGITALISATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.39%) (cont) Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 5.09%) Japan (31 May 2019: 13.08%) (cont) (cont) Internet (cont) Transportation ^ JPY 89,000 CyberAgent Inc^ 3,072 0.61 KRW 91,421 Hanjin Transportation Co Ltd 2,279 0.45 JPY 38,900 Digital Arts Inc^ 2,231 0.44 Total Republic of South Korea 21,066 4.20 JPY 178,081 Inc^ 4,295 0.86 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.62%) JPY 689,063 LIFULL Co Ltd^ 3,750 0.75 Transportation JPY 305,166 Rakuten Inc^ 2,644 0.53 SGD 4,825,379 Singapore Post Ltd^ 3,264 0.65 JPY 140,868 SMS Co Ltd^ 3,813 0.76 Total Singapore 3,264 0.65 JPY 74,389 Trend Micro Inc 4,014 0.80 JPY 1,198,622 Z Holdings Corp 4,126 0.82 South Africa (31 May 2019: 0.27%) JPY 189,600 ZOZO Inc 3,773 0.75 Software Sweden (31 May 2019: Nil) JPY 164,782 DeNA Co Ltd^ 2,651 0.53 Electronics Transportation SEK 1,572,629 Fingerprint Cards AB^ 2,486 0.50 JPY 114,900 SG Holdings Co Ltd^ 2,755 0.55 Total Sweden 2,486 0.50 JPY 165,282 Yamato Holdings Co Ltd 2,826 0.56 Total Japan 47,131 9.40 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 1.10%) Software Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) CHF 19,064 Temenos AG^ 2,894 0.58 Internet Total Switzerland 2,894 0.58 USD 76,908 Mimecast Ltd 3,411 0.68 Total Jersey 3,411 0.68 Taiwan (31 May 2019: 0.75%) Telecommunications Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.71%) TWD 4,491,000 Gemtek Technology Corp 3,695 0.74 Internet Total Taiwan 3,695 0.74 USD 23,362 Spotify Technology SA^ 3,330 0.66 Total Luxembourg 3,330 0.66 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 3.40%) Computers Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.46%) GBP 685,544 Sophos Group Plc 5,010 1.00 Commercial services Internet EUR 4,237 Adyen NV 3,253 0.65 GBP 459,620 Plc 3,341 0.67 Total Netherlands 3,253 0.65 GBP 454,957 Rightmove Plc 3,670 0.73 Media Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.72%) GBP 218,320 Future Plc^ 3,733 0.74 Commercial services Software EUR 1,344,380 CTT-Correios de Portugal SA^ 4,560 0.91 GBP 133,261 Micro Focus International Plc 1,953 0.39 Total Portugal 4,560 0.91 Transportation GBP 1,359,400 Plc^ 3,666 0.73 Puerto Rico (31 May 2019: Nil) Total United Kingdom 21,373 4.26 Commercial services USD 113,043 EVERTEC Inc 3,665 0.73 United States (31 May 2019: 47.99%) Total Puerto Rico 3,665 0.73 Advertising USD 303,436 Quotient Technology Inc^ 3,165 0.63 Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 5.09%) Banks Advertising USD 118,569 Meta Financial Group Inc 4,218 0.84 KRW 100,808 Echo Marketing Inc^ 2,812 0.56 Commercial services Internet USD 21,125 Euronet Worldwide Inc 3,321 0.66 KRW 57,246 AfreecaTV Co Ltd 3,286 0.66 USD 112,659 Evo Payments Inc 3,162 0.63 KRW 63,647 Ahnlab Inc 3,400 0.68 USD 12,359 FleetCor Technologies Inc 3,793 0.76 KRW 31,530 Kakao Corp 4,151 0.83 USD 21,313 Global Payments Inc 3,860 0.77 KRW 35,280 NAVER Corp 5,138 1.02 USD 67,733 Green Dot Corp 1,609 0.32 USD 29,198 PayPal Holdings Inc 3,154 0.63


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES DIGITALISATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.39%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 47.99%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 47.99%) (cont) Leisure time Commercial services (cont) USD 273,344 Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings Inc 1,894 0.38 USD 46,829 Square Inc^ 3,237 0.64 Retail USD 16,413 WEX Inc^ 3,301 0.66 USD 54,562 Carvana Co 5,201 1.04 Computers USD 54,986 Williams-Sonoma Inc 3,816 0.76 USD 43,992 Fortinet Inc 4,624 0.92 Software USD 54,390 NetApp Inc 3,295 0.66 USD 102,654 ACI Worldwide Inc 3,849 0.77 USD 126,593 NetScout Systems Inc^ 3,190 0.64 USD 42,575 Akamai Technologies Inc 3,709 0.74 USD 38,763 Qualys Inc^ 3,392 0.68 USD 56,372 Black Knight Inc 3,552 0.71 USD 127,423 Tenable Holdings Inc^ 3,460 0.69 USD 34,836 Citrix Systems Inc 3,930 0.78 USD 41,927 Zscaler Inc^ 2,186 0.43 USD 69,808 DocuSign Inc^ 4,971 0.99 Diversified financial services USD 140,715 Dropbox Inc^ 2,602 0.52 USD 23,777 Alliance Data Systems Corp 2,542 0.51 USD 62,879 Ebix Inc^ 2,187 0.44 USD 105,447 Blucora Inc 2,482 0.49 USD 39,656 Everbridge Inc^ 3,487 0.70 USD 12,908 Mastercard Inc 3,772 0.75 USD 10,812 Fair Isaac Corp 3,976 0.79 USD 19,904 Visa Inc^ 3,673 0.73 USD 27,940 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 3,860 0.77 Electronics USD 38,007 Fiserv Inc 4,418 0.88 USD 61,352 Holdings Inc 2,676 0.53 USD 34,540 Guidewire Software Inc^ 4,208 0.84 USD 78,442 Trimble Inc 3,179 0.64 USD 38,978 j2 Global Inc^ 3,782 0.75 Internet USD 24,195 Jack Henry & Associates Inc^ 3,676 0.73 USD 167,928 Inc 2,262 0.45 USD 20,343 MongoDB Inc^ 3,025 0.60 USD 1,520 Alphabet Inc 1,982 0.40 USD 34,798 New Relic Inc 2,367 0.47 USD 1,553 Alphabet Inc Class 'C' 2,027 0.40 USD 198,554 Nuance Communications Inc^ 3,560 0.71 USD 1,797 Inc 3,236 0.65 USD 184,994 SolarWinds Corp^ 3,578 0.71 USD 94,702 Cargurus Inc 3,797 0.76 USD 58,901 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 3,537 0.71 USD 157,752 Inc 2,096 0.42 USD 19,373 VMware Inc^ 3,015 0.60 USD 86,401 eBay Inc 3,069 0.61 Telecommunications USD 48,414 Etsy Inc^ 2,101 0.42 USD 13,949 Arista Networks Inc^ 2,722 0.54 USD 23,255 F5 Networks Inc 3,388 0.68 USD 52,134 InterDigital Inc^ 2,961 0.59 USD 19,020 Facebook Inc 3,835 0.76 USD 125,214 Juniper Networks Inc 3,138 0.63 USD 231,017 FireEye Inc^ 3,872 0.77 Transportation USD 47,535 GoDaddy Inc 3,155 0.63 USD 20,348 FedEx Corp 3,257 0.65 USD 925,844 Groupon Inc^ 2,685 0.54 USD 33,034 United Parcel Service Inc 3,955 0.79 USD 14,619 IAC/InterActiveCorp 3,256 0.65 Total United States 263,386 52.51 USD 46,433 Match Group Inc 3,272 0.65 Total equities 500,566 99.79 USD 5,324 MercadoLibre Inc 3,091 0.62 Underlying Fair %ofnet USD 9,804 Netflix Inc 3,085 0.62 No. of exposure Value asset USD 172,094 NortonLifeLock Inc 4,285 0.85 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value USD 16,446 Palo Alto Networks Inc 3,737 0.74 ^ USD 30,809 Proofpoint Inc 3,657 0.73 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) ^ USD 45,893 Q2 Holdings Inc 3,875 0.77 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) ^ USD 201,777 QuinStreet Inc 3,176 0.63 USD 10 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures USD 238,837 Snap Inc 3,642 0.73 December 2019 511 8 0.00 USD 115,342 Stitch Fix Inc^ 2,720 0.54 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 8 0.00 USD 73,060 TripAdvisor Inc 2,075 0.41 Total financial derivative instruments 8 0.00 USD 92,727 Twitter Inc 2,866 0.57 USD 215,506 Upwork Inc^ 2,511 0.50 USD 20,643 Wayfair Inc^ 1,753 0.35 USD 104,431 Yelp Inc 3,622 0.72 USD 74,307 Group Inc^ 2,902 0.58 USD 72,350 Zillow Group Inc Class 'C'^ 2,832 0.56


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES DIGITALISATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 500,574 99.79

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.09%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.09%)

Cash† 2,055 0.41

Other net liabilities (994) (0.20)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 501,635 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD2,043,903 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD10,714 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 500,566 99.06 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 8 0.00 Other assets 4,761 0.94 Total current assets 505,335 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Chile (31 May 2019: 0.88%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.43%) Beverages CLP 17,138 Cia Cervecerias Unidas SA 157 0.23 Equities (31 May 2019: 97.89%) Food Argentina (31 May 2019: 0.37%) CLP 165,992 Cencosud SA 211 0.31 Banks Total Chile 368 0.54 USD 3,060 Banco Macro SA (ADR) 79 0.12 USD 11,933 Grupo Financiero Galicia SA (ADR) 160 0.23 Colombia (31 May 2019: 0.19%) Telecommunications Investment services USD 10,815 Telecom Argentina SA (ADR) 112 0.17 COP 22,624 Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA 208 0.31 Total Argentina 351 0.52 Total Colombia 208 0.31

Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.53%) Egypt (31 May 2019: 0.16%) Pharmaceuticals Agriculture HKD 132,500 Luye Pharma Group Ltd 97 0.14 EGP 99,329 Eastern Co SAE 92 0.14 Total Bermuda 97 0.14 Total Egypt 92 0.14

Brazil (31 May 2019: 8.39%) Greece (31 May 2019: 1.13%) Food Banks USD 64,026 JBS SA (ADR) 854 1.25 EUR 160,811 Alpha Bank AE 339 0.50 Iron & steel EUR 255,726 Eurobank Ergasias SA 269 0.39 USD 159,441 Vale SA (ADR) 1,875 2.76 Total Greece 608 0.89 Telecommunications USD 51,928 Telefonica Brasil SA (ADR)^ 683 1.00 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 6.92%) USD 19,601 TIM Participacoes SA (ADR)^ 316 0.47 Agriculture Total Brazil 3,728 5.48 HKD 275,000 China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd 144 0.21 Banks Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 9.37%) HKD 673,000 CITIC Ltd 842 1.24 Chemicals Diversified financial services HKD 75,500 Kingboard Holdings Ltd 208 0.30 HKD 64,000 China Everbright Ltd^ 103 0.15 HKD 125,000 Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd 141 0.21 Electricity Diversified financial services HKD 222,000 China Resources Power Holdings Co Ltd 289 0.42 USD 17,485 Qudian Inc (ADR) 87 0.13 Gas Electronics HKD 58,500 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd 259 0.38 TWD 63,000 Zhen Ding Technology Holding Ltd 278 0.41 Hotels Healthcare products HKD 296,500 Fosun International Ltd 399 0.59 HKD 159,000 China Medical System Holdings Ltd 226 0.33 Pharmaceuticals Internet HKD 182,000 China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 159 0.24 USD 12,257 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 2,451 3.60 HKD 264,000 China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co Ltd 118 0.17 HKD 33,500 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,420 2.09 Real estate investment & services USD 6,722 YY Inc (ADR) 429 0.63 HKD 57,000 Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd 103 0.15 Mining HKD 806,000 Yuexiu Property Co Ltd 172 0.25 HKD 198,500 China Hongqiao Group Ltd 104 0.16 Telecommunications HKD 190,000 China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd 76 0.11 HKD 243,500 China Mobile Ltd 1,835 2.70 Real estate investment & services HKD 708,000 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd 606 0.89 HKD 140,000 China Aoyuan Group Ltd 200 0.29 Total Hong Kong 5,029 7.39 HKD 207,000 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 848 1.25 HKD 420,000 Shui On Land Ltd 88 0.13 Hungary (31 May 2019: 0.48%) HKD 283,000 Sunac China Holdings Ltd 1,379 2.03 Pharmaceuticals Total Cayman Islands 7,935 11.67 HUF 16,208 Richter Gedeon Nyrt 311 0.46 Total Hungary 311 0.46



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.89%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 19.89%) India (31 May 2019: 2.34%) Agriculture Diversified financial services CNY 17,100 Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co Ltd 36 0.05 INR 10,357 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 261 0.38 Auto manufacturers INR 80,007 REC Ltd 154 0.23 HKD 190,500 BAIC Motor Corp Ltd 107 0.16 Iron & steel HKD 316,000 Dongfeng Motor Group Co Ltd 304 0.45 INR 41,117 Tata Steel Ltd 245 0.36 HKD 342,000 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd^ 365 0.53 Mining Banks INR 135,176 Hindalco Industries Ltd 377 0.55 CNY 140,200 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 72 0.11 USD 53,603 Vedanta Ltd (ADR)^ 432 0.64 HKD 3,381,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 1,369 2.01 Oil & gas CNY 146,800 Bank of Beijing Co Ltd 116 0.17 INR 291,226 Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd 535 0.79 CNY 245,100 Bank of China Ltd 127 0.19 Pharmaceuticals HKD 4,257,000 Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 1,708 2.51 INR 30,519 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd 191 0.28 CNY 272,600 Bank of Communications Co Ltd 214 0.31 INR 1,814 Cipla Ltd 12 0.02 HKD 1,013,000 Bank of Communications Co Ltd Class 'H' 665 0.98 INR 13,262 Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd 539 0.79 HKD 1,034,000 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd 565 0.83 Total India 2,746 4.04 HKD 2,821,000 China Construction Bank Corp 2,245 3.30 HKD 369,000 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd 159 0.23 Indonesia (31 May 2019: 0.67%) CNY 246,300 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 216 0.32 Agriculture HKD 815,000 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd Class 'H'^ 568 0.84 IDR 55,700 Gudang Garam Tbk PT 199 0.29 HKD 278,000 Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd 138 0.20 Food CNY 89,500 Huaxia Bank Co Ltd 95 0.14 IDR 508,200 Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 286 0.42 Beverages Forest products & paper CNY 7,400 Hebei Yangyuan Zhihui Beverage Co Ltd 31 0.05 IDR 317,200 Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Corp Tbk PT 153 0.23 Building materials and fixtures Total Indonesia 638 0.94 HKD 258,000 BBMG Corp 71 0.11 HKD 450,000 China National Building Material Co Ltd 435 0.64 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.44%) CNY 9,500 Huaxin Cement Co Ltd 30 0.04 Investment services Chemicals ZAR 15,142 Reinet Investments SCA 295 0.43 CNY 15,000 Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co Ltd 14 0.02 Total Luxembourg 295 0.43 CNY 14,900 Zhejiang NHU Co Ltd 45 0.07 Coal Malaysia (31 May 2019: 1.69%) HKD 238,000 China Coal Energy Co Ltd 94 0.14 Food Commercial services MYR 65,900 PPB Group Bhd 287 0.42 HKD 166,000 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ltd 145 0.21 Hotels Diversified financial services MYR 246,800 Genting Bhd 345 0.51 CNY 43,200 Bohai Leasing Co Ltd 21 0.03 Total Malaysia 632 0.93 HKD 1,026,000 China Cinda Asset Management Co Ltd 213 0.31 HKD 1,165,000 China Huarong Asset Management Co Ltd^ 170 0.25 Mexico (31 May 2019: 2.24%) Electricity Beverages HKD 188,000 Huadian Power International Corp Ltd 68 0.10 MXN 51,053 Arca Continental SAB de CV 271 0.40 Engineering & construction Building materials and fixtures HKD 515,000 China Communications Construction Co Ltd 401 0.59 MXN 1,752,116 Cemex SAB de CV 642 0.94 CNY 34,400 China National Chemical Engineering Co Ltd 30 0.04 Total Mexico 913 1.34 HKD 229,500 China Railway Construction Corp Ltd 237 0.35 HKD 440,000 China Railway Group Ltd 257 0.38 Pakistan (31 May 2019: Nil) CNY 291,700 China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 212 0.31 Oil & gas HKD 321,000 Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd 67 0.10 PKR 64,137 Oil & Gas Development Co Ltd 54 0.08 Food Total Pakistan 54 0.08 CNY 7,200 Fujian Sunner Development Co Ltd 24 0.04 Internet HKD 1,600,000 China Telecom Corp Ltd 605 0.89



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.89%) (cont) Poland (31 May 2019: 1.67%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 19.89%) Electricity (cont) PLN 97,389 PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA 217 0.32 Investment services Media HKD 44,200 Legend Holdings Corp 91 0.13 PLN 29,610 Cyfrowy Polsat SA 212 0.31 Iron & steel Mining CNY 29,500 Hunan Valin Steel Co Ltd 19 0.03 PLN 16,233 KGHM Polska Miedz SA 373 0.55 CNY 41,600 Maanshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd 16 0.03 Telecommunications CNY 30,900 Nanjing Iron & Steel Co Ltd 15 0.02 PLN 75,951 Orange Polska SA 124 0.18 CNY 17,100 Sansteel Minguang Co Ltd Fujian 21 0.03 Total Poland 926 1.36 CNY 39,700 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co Ltd 22 0.03 CNY 22,200 Xinyu Iron & Steel Co Ltd 15 0.02 Qatar (31 May 2019: 0.27%) Media Telecommunications CNY 9,600 Chinese Universe Publishing and Media Group Co QAR 92,690 Ooredoo QPSC 176 0.26 Ltd 16 0.02 Total Qatar 176 0.26 Oil & gas services HKD 159,500 Sinopec Engineering Group Co Ltd 94 0.14 Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 16.77%) Packaging & containers Auto manufacturers CNY 32,000 Shanying International Holding Co Ltd 15 0.02 KRW 4,993 Hyundai Motor Co 512 0.76 Pharmaceuticals KRW 4,246 Hyundai Motor Co (2nd Preference) 292 0.43 CNY 2,600 China National Accord Medicines Corp Ltd 16 0.02 KRW 2,692 Hyundai Motor Co (Preference) 164 0.24 CNY 5,300 China National Medicines Corp Ltd 18 0.03 KRW 30,513 Kia Motors Corp 1,117 1.64 CNY 7,299 China Resources Double Crane Pharmaceutical Co Banks Ltd 13 0.02 KRW 29,949 Industrial Bank of Korea 298 0.44 CNY 6,800 China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Distribution & wholesale Co Ltd 28 0.04 KRW 4,773 Hanwha Corp 99 0.15 CNY 5,700 Hubei Jumpcan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 18 0.03 Diversified financial services CNY 8,100 Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 18 0.03 KRW 32,070 BNK Financial Group Inc 189 0.28 CNY 13,500 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co Ltd 19 0.03 KRW 34,761 Hana Financial Group Inc 1,052 1.54 CNY 13,000 Jointown Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 25 0.04 Electricity CNY 8,000 Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 24 0.03 KRW 26,796 Korea Electric Power Corp 633 0.93 CNY 8,600 Yifan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 17 0.02 Engineering & construction Real estate investment & services KRW 3,222 Daelim Industrial Co Ltd 245 0.36 CNY 28,400 China Enterprise Co Ltd 18 0.03 Insurance CNY 56,300 Greenland Holdings Corp Ltd 52 0.08 KRW 35,373 Hanwha Life Insurance Co Ltd 69 0.10 CNY 25,800 Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co Ltd 30 0.04 Iron & steel CNY 30,299 RiseSun Real Estate Development Co Ltd 37 0.06 KRW 9,317 Hyundai Steel Co 250 0.37 CNY 57,200 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co Ltd 56 0.08 KRW 8,068 POSCO 1,575 2.31 CNY 28,100 Yango Group Co Ltd 28 0.04 Retail Retail KRW 2,433 E-MART Inc 270 0.40 CNY 56,900 China Grand Automotive Services Group Co Ltd 27 0.04 KRW 378 Hyundai Department Store Co Ltd 27 0.04 CNY 13,400 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 34 0.05 Semiconductors HKD 96,200 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd Class 'H'^ 172 0.25 KRW 25,516 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 1,086 1.60 Transportation KRW 46,728 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Preference) 1,616 2.37 HKD 235,000 Sinotrans Ltd 73 0.11 KRW 24,289 SK Hynix Inc 1,664 2.45 CNY 19,800 XiamenC&DInc 23 0.03 Total Republic of South Korea 11,158 16.41 Total People's Republic of China 13,309 19.57

Russian Federation (31 May 2019: 9.00%) Philippines (31 May 2019: 0.43%) Banks Commercial services RUB 228,957 Sberbank of Russia PJSC 833 1.22 PHP 4,397 Altus San Nicolas Corp* - 0.00 RUB 401,085,115 VTB Bank PJSC 283 0.42 Total Philippines - 0.00 Electricity RUB 4,229,396 Inter RAO UES PJSC 294 0.43



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.89%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 9.16%) (cont) Russian Federation (31 May 2019: 9.00%) (cont) Metal fabricate/ hardware Food TWD 76,000 Catcher Technology Co Ltd 622 0.92 USD 41,386 Magnit PJSC (GDR) 472 0.69 Retail Iron & steel TWD 39,000 Ruentex Industries Ltd 97 0.14 RUB 258,679 Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works PJSC 157 0.23 Semiconductors Oil & gas TWD 25,000 Globalwafers Co Ltd 271 0.40 RUB 470,031 Gazprom PJSC 1,884 2.77 TWD 141,000 Nanya Technology Corp 329 0.48 RUB 827,035 Surgutneftegas PJSC 567 0.84 TWD 86,000 Powertech Technology Inc 265 0.39 RUB 802,335 Surgutneftegas PJSC (Preference) 451 0.66 TWD 150,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 1,499 2.21 Pipelines TWD 1,289,000 United Microelectronics Corp 632 0.93 RUB 58 Transneft PJSC 153 0.23 TWD 346,000 Winbond Electronics Corp 198 0.29 Total Russian Federation 5,094 7.49 Total Taiwan 8,858 13.02

Saudi Arabia (31 May 2019: 0.14%) Thailand (31 May 2019: 1.78%) Real estate investment & services Food SAR 61,253 Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Development Co 189 0.28 THB 448,000 Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL 408 0.60 Total Saudi Arabia 189 0.28 THB 387,300 Thai Union Group PCL 177 0.26 Total Thailand 585 0.86 South Africa (31 May 2019: 1.24%) Chemicals Turkey (31 May 2019: 1.48%) ZAR 28,892 Sasol Ltd 521 0.77 Airlines Coal TRY 63,892 Turk Hava Yollari AO 152 0.22 ZAR 29,063 Exxaro Resources Ltd 265 0.39 Banks Food TRY 182,300 Turkiye Is Bankasi AS 195 0.29 ZAR 18,675 Tiger Brands Ltd 260 0.38 Beverages Mining TRY 25,513 Anadolu Efes Biracilik Ve Malt Sanayii AS 96 0.14 ZAR 92,486 Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd 711 1.05 Holding companies - diversified operations ZAR 18,540 Sibanye Gold Ltd 36 0.05 TRY 106,277 Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS 169 0.25 Pharmaceuticals Iron & steel ZAR 44,987 Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd 360 0.53 TRY 162,046 Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS 226 0.33 Telecommunications Telecommunications ZAR 32,540 Telkom SA SOC Ltd 104 0.15 TRY 94,673 Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS 224 0.33 Total South Africa 2,257 3.32 Total Turkey 1,062 1.56

Taiwan (31 May 2019: 9.16%) United Arab Emirates (31 May 2019: 0.26%) Airlines Real estate investment & services TWD 16,728 Eva Airways Corp 8 0.01 AED 301,805 Emaar Malls PJSC 157 0.23 Apparel retailers Total United Arab Emirates 157 0.23 TWD 159,000 Pou Chen Corp 207 0.30 Total equities 67,776 99.66 Computers ETF (31 May 2019: 1.54%) TWD 82,000 Asustek Computer Inc 620 0.91 TWD 485,000 Compal Electronics Inc 299 0.44 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.54%) TWD 106,000 Foxconn Technology Co Ltd 231 0.34 Underlying Fair %ofnet TWD 979,000 Innolux Corp 253 0.37 No. of exposure Value asset TWD 245,000 Lite-On Technology Corp 389 0.57 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value TWD 329,000 Wistron Corp 299 0.44 Electronics Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.03)%) TWD 605,000 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd 1,755 2.58 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.03)%) TWD 154,000 Synnex Technology International Corp 186 0.27 USD 5 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures TWD 37,000 Walsin Technology Corp 206 0.30 December 2019 258 2 0.00 TWD 135,000 WPG Holdings Ltd 168 0.25 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 2 0.00 TWD 30,000 Yageo Corp 324 0.48 Total financial derivative instruments 2 0.00



Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 67,778 99.66

Cash† 187 0.27

Other net assets 46 0.07

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 68,011 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD179,449 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD7,744 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 67,776 99.25 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 2 0.00 Other assets 513 0.75 Total current assets 68,291 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 29.84%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.90%) Insurance EUR 2,412 SCOR SE 94 1.46 Equities (31 May 2019: 98.90%) Miscellaneous manufacturers Belgium (31 May 2019: 8.23%) EUR 2,921 Alstom SA 116 1.80 Food Oil & gas EUR 867 Colruyt SA^ 41 0.63 EUR 1,059 TOTAL SA 50 0.78 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 2,695 Ageas^ 147 2.28 EUR 570 Ipsen SA 58 0.90 Investment services EUR 337 Sanofi 29 0.45 EUR 1,229 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 113 1.75 Real estate investment trusts Media EUR 734 Covivio 73 1.13 EUR 420 Telenet Group Holding NV 17 0.26 EUR 701 Gecina SA 110 1.71 Pharmaceuticals EUR 3,033 Klepierre SA 99 1.53 EUR 1,937 UCB SA 143 2.22 Telecommunications Telecommunications EUR 2,636 Eutelsat Communications SA 39 0.60 EUR 2,344 Proximus SADP 64 0.99 Water Total Belgium 525 8.13 EUR 5,123 Suez 69 1.07 EUR 6,427 Veolia Environnement SA 149 2.31 Finland (31 May 2019: 5.31%) Total France 2,022 31.33 Auto parts & equipment EUR 1,932 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 48 0.74 Germany (31 May 2019: 21.88%) Pharmaceuticals Airlines EUR 1,600 Orion Oyj 63 0.98 EUR 3,588 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 62 0.96 Telecommunications Apparel retailers EUR 2,164 Elisa Oyj 105 1.63 EUR 1,271 Puma SE 87 1.35 Total Finland 216 3.35 Auto manufacturers EUR 2,104 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 141 2.19 France (31 May 2019: 29.84%) Chemicals Advertising EUR 2,367 Brenntag AG 115 1.78 EUR 3,314 Publicis Groupe SA 132 2.05 EUR 2,642 Covestro AG 112 1.73 Apparel retailers EUR 1,049 FUCHS PETROLUB SE 41 0.64 EUR 108 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 44 0.68 Diversified financial services Auto manufacturers EUR 1,231 Deutsche Boerse AG 171 2.65 EUR 6,339 Peugeot SA 139 2.15 Electricity Auto parts & equipment EUR 3,082 Uniper SE^ 90 1.39 EUR 1,323 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 144 2.23 Engineering & construction EUR 1,146 Faurecia SE 55 0.85 EUR 628 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 49 0.76 Banks EUR 379 HOCHTIEF AG 42 0.65 EUR 2,000 Societe Generale SA 57 0.88 Food Building materials and fixtures EUR 2,719 METRO AG 40 0.62 EUR 3,006 Cie de Saint-Gobain 111 1.72 Healthcare products Computers EUR 617 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 69 1.07 EUR 1,505 Atos SE 116 1.80 Insurance EUR 927 Ingenico Group SA 90 1.39 EUR 56 Allianz SE 12 0.19 Diversified financial services EUR 865 Hannover Rueck SE 146 2.26 EUR 592 Eurazeo SE 37 0.57 EUR 205 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Engineering & construction Muenchen 53 0.82 EUR 3,418 Bouygues SA 127 1.97 Machinery - diversified Food EUR 2,319 GEA Group AG 68 1.05 EUR 828 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA^ 33 0.51 Miscellaneous manufacturers Healthcare services EUR 52 Siemens AG 6 0.09 EUR 626 BioMerieux 51 0.79



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.90%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 13.03%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 21.88%) (cont) Electricity (cont) Software EUR 6,585 Red Electrica Corp SA 117 1.81 EUR 449 SAP SE 55 0.85 Engineering & construction Transportation EUR 3,690 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 130 2.01 EUR 1,970 Deutsche Post AG 67 1.04 Insurance Total Germany 1,426 22.09 EUR 16,276 Mapfre SA 42 0.65 Total Spain 496 7.68 Italy (31 May 2019: 1.56%) Total equities 6,385 98.92 Aerospace & defence Underlying Fair %ofnet EUR 6,233 Leonardo SpA 66 1.02 No. of exposure Value asset Apparel retailers Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value EUR 2,766 Moncler SpA 110 1.71 Total Italy 176 2.73 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.44%) EUR 5 Mini IBEX Index Futures December 2019 46 - 0.00 Media Total unrealised gains on futures contracts - 0.00 EUR 47 RTL Group SA 2 0.03 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00 Total Luxembourg 2 0.03

Netherlands (31 May 2019: 18.61%) Fair %ofnet Auto manufacturers Value asset EUR 10,520 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 141 2.18 Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Beverages Total value of investments 6,385 98.92 EUR 625 Heineken Holding NV 54 0.84 Commercial services Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 1,825 Randstad NV 96 1.49 Cosmetics & personal care UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 104 Unilever NV 6 0.09 Diversified financial services EUR 2,082 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional Euro Liquidity USD 1,883 AerCap Holdings NV^ 106 1.64 Fund~ 208 3.22 Food † EUR 7,174 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 168 2.60 Bank overdraft (146) (2.26) Healthcare products EUR 4,587 Koninklijke Philips NV 193 2.99 Other net assets 8 0.12 Insurance EUR 2,245 NN Group NV 78 1.21 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 6,455 100.00 Investment services EUR 1,651 EXOR NV 115 1.78 †Cash holdings of EUR(146,316) are due to State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR(163) is due as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. Media ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. EUR 2,424 Wolters Kluwer NV 158 2.45 ~Investment in related party. Pipelines EUR 1,062 Koninklijke Vopak NV 51 0.79 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Semiconductors entity in which the Fund holds shares. EUR 125 ASML Holding NV 31 0.48 USD 1,618 NXP Semiconductors NV 170 2.64 EUR 6,956 STMicroelectronics NV 155 2.40 Total Netherlands 1,522 23.58

Spain (31 May 2019: 13.03%) Electricity EUR 5,344 Endesa SA^ 132 2.05 EUR 8,461 Iberdrola SA 75 1.16


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES EDGE MSCI EMU MULTIFACTOR UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 6,385 96.59 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments - 0.00 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 208 3.15 Other assets 17 0.26 Total current assets 6,610 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 19.54%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.62%) Beverages EUR 14,232 Pernod Ricard SA 2,372 0.98 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.62%) Chemicals Austria (31 May 2019: 0.17%) EUR 34,819 Air Liquide SA 4,285 1.77 Electricity Commercial services EUR 4,507 Verbund AG 213 0.09 EUR 19,425 Edenred 875 0.36 Total Austria 213 0.09 Computers EUR 5,393 Ingenico Group SA 522 0.21 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.23%) EUR 5,180 Teleperformance 1,114 0.46 Insurance Cosmetics & personal care EUR 11,574 Ageas 631 0.26 EUR 20,410 L'Oreal SA 5,280 2.18 Pharmaceuticals Electrical components & equipment EUR 5,290 Galapagos NV 946 0.39 EUR 17,305 Legrand SA 1,240 0.51 Telecommunications EUR 39,220 Schneider Electric SE 3,436 1.42 ^ EUR 10,191 Proximus SADP 279 0.12 Electricity Total Belgium 1,856 0.77 EUR 130,167 Engie SA 1,869 0.77 Engineering & construction Denmark (31 May 2019: 3.25%) EUR 14,411 Bouygues SA 534 0.22 Beverages EUR 41,705 Vinci SA 4,128 1.70 DKK 9,534 Carlsberg A/S 1,245 0.51 Food Biotechnology EUR 3,816 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 152 0.06 DKK 6,159 Genmab A/S 1,302 0.54 EUR 34,661 Danone SA 2,590 1.07 Electricity Healthcare products DKK 17,254 Orsted A/S 1,443 0.60 EUR 24,172 EssilorLuxottica SA 3,408 1.41 Healthcare products EUR 1,532 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 221 0.09 DKK 8,798 Coloplast A/S 943 0.39 Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals EUR 47,315 Sanofi 3,999 1.65 DKK 125,377 Novo Nordisk A/S 6,397 2.64 Real estate investment trusts Transportation EUR 3,658 Gecina SA 574 0.24 DKK 12,350 DSV PANALPINA A/S 1,221 0.50 EUR 2,423 ICADE 220 0.09 Total Denmark 12,551 5.18 Software EUR 5,563 Dassault Systemes SE 796 0.33 Finland (31 May 2019: 0.97%) Transportation Electricity EUR 33,291 Getlink SE 510 0.21 EUR 30,325 Fortum Oyj 649 0.27 Water Machinery - diversified EUR 43,903 Veolia Environnement SA 1,020 0.42 EUR 30,604 Kone Oyj 1,739 0.72 Total France 54,602 22.53 Oil & gas EUR 24,841 Neste Oyj 762 0.31 Germany (31 May 2019: 12.03%) Pharmaceuticals Aerospace & defence EUR 8,261 Orion Oyj 326 0.14 EUR 3,813 MTU Aero Engines AG 938 0.39 Telecommunications Apparel retailers EUR 17,128 Elisa Oyj 831 0.34 EUR 14,709 adidas AG 4,159 1.72 Total Finland 4,307 1.78 EUR 7,230 Puma SE 493 0.20 Chemicals France (31 May 2019: 19.54%) EUR 5,829 Symrise AG 513 0.21 Aerospace & defence Diversified financial services EUR 21,595 Safran SA 3,206 1.32 EUR 15,822 Deutsche Boerse AG 2,203 0.91 Apparel retailers Electricity EUR 2,088 Hermes International 1,420 0.59 EUR 49,072 RWE AG 1,320 0.54 EUR 3,334 Kering SA 1,823 0.75 Electronics EUR 22,118 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 9,008 3.72 EUR 2,000 Sartorius AG^ 383 0.16



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.62%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 12.84%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 12.03%) (cont) Chemicals Healthcare products EUR 12,778 Koninklijke DSM NV 1,486 0.61 EUR 2,815 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 312 0.13 Food Insurance EUR 51,135 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 1,196 0.49 EUR 22,001 Allianz SE 4,782 1.97 Investment services EUR 6,276 Hannover Rueck SE 1,058 0.44 EUR 8,076 EXOR NV 561 0.23 EUR 13,531 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Media Muenchen 3,526 1.46 EUR 64,178 Altice Europe NV 347 0.14 Pharmaceuticals EUR 20,782 Wolters Kluwer NV 1,354 0.56 EUR 7,951 Merck KGaA 843 0.35 Pipelines Real estate investment & services EUR 5,891 Koninklijke Vopak NV 285 0.12 EUR 30,373 Vonovia SE 1,436 0.59 Semiconductors Software EUR 42,920 ASML Holding NV 10,601 4.38 EUR 56,017 SAP SE 6,917 2.85 USD 21,012 NXP Semiconductors NV 2,203 0.91 Total Germany 28,883 11.92 EUR 49,079 STMicroelectronics NV 1,094 0.45 Total Netherlands 25,280 10.43 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.77%) Building materials and fixtures Norway (31 May 2019: 0.25%) EUR 6,728 Kingspan Group Plc 329 0.13 Food Entertainment NOK 78,156 Orkla ASA 687 0.28 EUR 5,086 Plc 529 0.22 Insurance Food NOK 12,363 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 211 0.09 EUR 10,596 Kerry Group Plc 1,233 0.51 Media Total Ireland 2,091 0.86 NOK 6,899 Schibsted ASA 162 0.07 Total Norway 1,060 0.44 Italy (31 May 2019: 3.34%) Banks Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.12%) EUR 42,642 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 433 0.18 Food Electricity EUR 16,888 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 245 0.10 EUR 1,059,620 Enel SpA 7,265 3.00 Total Portugal 245 0.10 EUR 116,381 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 678 0.28 Gas Spain (31 May 2019: 5.28%) EUR 117,713 Snam SpA 531 0.22 Electricity Pharmaceuticals EUR 24,257 Endesa SA^ 599 0.25 EUR 5,940 Recordati SpA 226 0.09 EUR 731,918 Iberdrola SA 6,534 2.70 Transportation Engineering & construction EUR 61,877 Poste Italiane SpA 656 0.27 EUR 35,991 Cellnex Telecom SA 1,404 0.58 Total Italy 9,789 4.04 EUR 850 Ferrovial SA 23 0.01 EUR 64,127 Ferrovial SA (voting)^ 1,728 0.71 Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.30%) Total Spain 10,288 4.25 Commercial services GBP 74,264 Experian Plc 2,233 0.92 Sweden (31 May 2019: 5.01%) Distribution & wholesale Cosmetics & personal care GBP 16,396 1,293 0.53 SEK 49,616 Essity AB 1,415 0.58 Total Jersey 3,526 1.45 Electronics SEK 73,613 Assa Abloy AB 1,586 0.66 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 12.84%) Engineering & construction Aerospace & defence SEK 35,584 Skanska AB 713 0.30 EUR 35,530 Airbus SE 4,740 1.96 Food Auto manufacturers SEK 9,439 ICA Gruppen AB^ 374 0.16 EUR 9,213 Ferrari NV 1,413 0.58 Investment services SEK 32,227 Investor AB 1,546 0.64



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.62%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 13.74%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 5.01%) (cont) Healthcare products Investment services (cont) GBP 68,481 Smith & Nephew Plc 1,391 0.57 SEK 5,976 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 215 0.09 Home builders Machinery - diversified GBP 8,339 Plc 449 0.19 SEK 57,344 Atlas Copco AB^ 1,906 0.78 Internet SEK 27,877 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 818 0.34 GBP 49,492 Auto Trader Group Plc 326 0.14 Machinery, construction & mining Pharmaceuticals SEK 45,966 Epiroc AB 487 0.20 GBP 113,442 AstraZeneca Plc 9,925 4.10 SEK 29,195 Epiroc AB Class 'B'^ 298 0.12 Real estate investment trusts Telecommunications GBP 134,400 Plc 1,409 0.58 SEK 33,295 Tele2 AB 446 0.18 Retail Total Sweden 9,804 4.05 GBP 43,545 JD Sports Fashion Plc 388 0.16 Software Switzerland (31 May 2019: 20.78%) GBP 5,635 AVEVA Group Plc 301 0.12 Building materials and fixtures GBP 56,955 Sage Group Plc 504 0.21 CHF 3,498 Geberit AG 1,704 0.71 Total United Kingdom 27,055 11.16 CHF 8,785 Sika AG^ 1,388 0.57 Total equities 240,942 99.43 Chemicals Underlying Fair %ofnet ^ CHF 683 Givaudan SA 1,822 0.75 No. of exposure Value asset CHF 3,927 Lonza Group AG^ 1,210 0.50 Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value Food CHF 125,291 Nestle SA 11,816 4.88 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Healthcare products Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) CHF 4,303 Sonova Holding AG 892 0.37 EUR 10 Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 331 4 0.00 CHF 611 Straumann Holding AG 533 0.22 EUR 37 Stoxx Europe 600 Index Futures December Insurance 2019 717 36 0.02 ^ CHF 3,449 Baloise Holding AG 544 0.23 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 40 0.02 CHF 2,434 Swiss Life Holding AG 1,095 0.45 Total financial derivative instruments 40 0.02 CHF 16,809 Swiss Re AG^ 1,652 0.68 CHF 14,593 Zurich Insurance Group AG 5,196 2.14 Pharmaceuticals Fair %ofnet Value asset CHF 98,373 Novartis AG 8,219 3.39 Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value CHF 44,116 Roche Holding AG 12,339 5.09 Real estate investment & services Total value of investments 240,982 99.45 CHF 10,251 Swiss Prime Site AG 982 0.40 Total Switzerland 49,392 20.38 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.06%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 13.74%) Funds (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Beverages USD 10,791 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 494 0.20 EUR 4,427 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional Euro Liquidity Fund~ 442 0.18 Commercial services GBP 111,103 RELX Plc 2,441 1.01 Cash† 948 0.39 GBP 179,449 Plc 937 0.38 Diversified financial services Other net liabilities (49) (0.02) GBP 57,812 Group Plc 726 0.30 GBP 43,684 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 3,522 1.45 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating Electronics shareholders at the end of the financial period 242,323 100.00 GBP 28,627 Halma Plc 707 0.29 † Food Cash holdings of EUR924,825 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR23,135 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. GBP 19,869 Plc 309 0.13 ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~ Food Service Investment in related party. GBP 145,132 Plc 3,226 1.33


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES EDGE MSCI EUROPE MOMENTUM FACTOR UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 240,942 99.29 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 40 0.02 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 442 0.18 Other assets 1,238 0.51 Total current assets 242,662 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 11.59%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.28%) Healthcare services EUR 11,626 BioMerieux 954 0.41 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.26%) Insurance Belgium (31 May 2019: 4.16%) EUR 45,611 SCOR SE 1,778 0.77 Food Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 16,043 Colruyt SA^ 754 0.32 EUR 53,544 Alstom SA 2,119 0.91 Insurance Real estate investment trusts EUR 50,491 Ageas 2,751 1.19 EUR 10,610 Covivio 1,065 0.46 Investment services EUR 12,928 Gecina SA 2,027 0.87 EUR 22,566 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 2,078 0.90 EUR 52,132 Klepierre SA^ 1,698 0.73 Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications EUR 35,432 UCB SA^ 2,607 1.12 EUR 48,537 Eutelsat Communications SA 723 0.31 Telecommunications Water EUR 42,743 Proximus SADP^ 1,170 0.50 EUR 150,959 Veolia Environnement SA 3,508 1.51 Total Belgium 9,360 4.03 Total France 27,536 11.86

Denmark (31 May 2019: 3.72%) Germany (31 May 2019: 7.87%) Beverages Airlines DKK 20,328 Carlsberg A/S 2,654 1.14 EUR 66,847 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 1,151 0.50 Biotechnology Apparel retailers DKK 19,834 H Lundbeck A/S 690 0.30 EUR 23,244 Puma SE 1,585 0.68 Marine transportation Auto manufacturers DKK 1,052 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 1,240 0.54 EUR 43,003 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 2,889 1.24 Pharmaceuticals Chemicals DKK 65,240 Novo Nordisk A/S 3,328 1.43 EUR 11,466 Brenntag AG 555 0.24 Total Denmark 7,912 3.41 EUR 48,858 Covestro AG 2,077 0.89 Diversified financial services Finland (31 May 2019: 2.74%) EUR 30,617 Deutsche Boerse AG 4,263 1.84 Auto parts & equipment Electricity EUR 35,113 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 863 0.37 EUR 56,892 Uniper SE 1,667 0.72 Pharmaceuticals Engineering & construction EUR 29,348 Orion Oyj 1,159 0.50 EUR 11,646 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide^ 900 0.39 Telecommunications EUR 6,966 HOCHTIEF AG 777 0.33 EUR 40,177 Elisa Oyj 1,949 0.84 Food Total Finland 3,971 1.71 EUR 50,607 METRO AG 740 0.32 Healthcare products France (31 May 2019: 11.59%) EUR 11,303 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 1,255 0.54 Advertising Insurance EUR 40,582 Publicis Groupe SA 1,621 0.70 EUR 16,934 Hannover Rueck SE 2,853 1.23 Auto manufacturers Total Germany 20,712 8.92 EUR 165,008 Peugeot SA 3,617 1.56 Auto parts & equipment Italy (31 May 2019: 0.79%) EUR 21,433 Faurecia SE 1,032 0.44 Aerospace & defence Computers EUR 111,678 Leonardo SpA 1,185 0.51 ^ EUR 27,599 Atos SE 2,127 0.92 Total Italy 1,185 0.51 EUR 16,998 Ingenico Group SA 1,647 0.71 Diversified financial services Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.79%) EUR 11,056 Eurazeo SE 684 0.30 Commercial services Engineering & construction GBP 144,508 Experian Plc 4,345 1.87 EUR 62,663 Bouygues SA 2,324 1.00 Distribution & wholesale Food GBP 64,111 Ferguson Plc 5,056 2.18 EUR 15,321 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 612 0.26 Total Jersey 9,401 4.05



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.26%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 2.48%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 1.03%) Mining Media SEK 77,120 Boliden AB 1,805 0.78 EUR 640 RTL Group SA 28 0.01 Total Sweden 6,835 2.94 Total Luxembourg 28 0.01 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 18.96%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 10.06%) Beverages Auto manufacturers GBP 56,289 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1,703 0.74 EUR 304,829 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 4,091 1.76 Commercial services Commercial services CHF 43,845 Adecco Group AG^ 2,460 1.06 EUR 33,445 Randstad NV 1,768 0.76 CHF 1,498 SGS SA^ 3,537 1.52 Diversified financial services Food USD 34,527 AerCap Holdings NV 1,935 0.83 CHF 35,562 Nestle SA 3,354 1.45 Food Healthcare products EUR 224,550 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 5,251 2.26 CHF 15,561 Sonova Holding AG^ 3,224 1.39 Healthcare products Insurance EUR 139,292 Koninklijke Philips NV 5,870 2.53 CHF 13,679 Baloise Holding AG^ 2,158 0.93 Insurance Investment services EUR 85,820 NN Group NV 2,990 1.29 CHF 10,798 Pargesa Holding SA 773 0.33 Media Pharmaceuticals EUR 78,555 Wolters Kluwer NV 5,119 2.21 CHF 4,090 Novartis AG 342 0.15 Pipelines CHF 36,637 Roche Holding AG 10,247 4.41 EUR 19,980 Koninklijke Vopak NV 967 0.42 Real estate investment & services Semiconductors CHF 21,329 Swiss Prime Site AG 2,044 0.88 USD 20,351 NXP Semiconductors NV 2,133 0.92 Telecommunications EUR 191,510 STMicroelectronics NV 4,271 1.84 CHF 7,268 Swisscom AG^ 3,414 1.47 Total Netherlands 34,395 14.82 Transportation CHF 15,126 Kuehne + Nagel International AG^ 2,232 0.96 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.57%) Total Switzerland 35,488 15.29 Food NOK 208,710 Orkla ASA 1,835 0.79 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 28.75%) Total Norway 1,835 0.79 Aerospace & defence GBP 218,041 Meggitt Plc 1,645 0.71 Spain (31 May 2019: 4.75%) Airlines Electricity GBP 44,956 easyJet Plc^ 706 0.30 EUR 107,945 Endesa SA^ 2,664 1.15 Apparel retailers EUR 120,350 Red Electrica Corp SA 2,136 0.92 GBP 115,586 Group Plc 2,853 1.23 Insurance Diversified financial services EUR 300,779 Mapfre SA 770 0.33 GBP 273,089 3i Group Plc 3,431 1.48 Oil & gas GBP 79,636 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc^ 1,733 0.74 EUR 343,896 Repsol SA 4,914 2.12 Electronics Total Spain 10,484 4.52 GBP 106,832 Halma Plc 2,639 1.14 Food Sweden (31 May 2019: 2.48%) GBP 493,198 J Sainsbury Plc 1,240 0.53 Food GBP 676,596 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc^ 1,574 0.68 SEK 25,209 ICA Gruppen AB^ 998 0.43 Healthcare products Investment services GBP 245,157 Smith & Nephew Plc 4,978 2.14 SEK 67,938 Kinnevik AB 1,412 0.61 Home builders SEK 21,386 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 769 0.33 GBP 286,838 Plc 2,244 0.97 Metal fabricate/ hardware GBP 34,405 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 1,851 0.80 SEK 106,817 SKF AB 1,851 0.79 GBP 915,302 Plc 1,871 0.80 Insurance GBP 387,899 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc^ 1,390 0.60



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.26%) (cont) Cash† 875 0.38 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 28.75%) (cont) Iron & steel Other net assets 281 0.11 GBP 140,651 Plc 611 0.26 Leisure time Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 232,171 100.00 GBP 46,113 Carnival Plc 1,760 0.76 Media †Cash holdings of EUR784,276 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. GBP 219,925 Pearson Plc 1,668 0.72 EUR90,510 is held as security for futures contracts with CitiBank. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. Mining ~Investment in related party. GBP 175,204 4,165 1.80 GBP 292,886 BHP Group Plc 5,876 2.53 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the GBP 127,332 Plc 6,276 2.70 entity in which the Fund holds shares. Real estate investment trusts GBP 197,818 Land Securities Group Plc 2,224 0.96 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines GBP 303,152 Segro Plc^ 3,179 1.37 Retail issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent GBP 122,994 JD Sports Fashion Plc 1,098 0.47 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. GBP 592,601 1,459 0.63 %oftotal GBP 456,567 Marks & Spencer Group Plc^ 1,041 0.45 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets Software GBP 96,862 Micro Focus International Plc 1,287 0.55 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 230,626 99.27 GBP 303,622 Sage Group Plc 2,685 1.16 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 26 0.01 Total United Kingdom 61,484 26.48 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 363 0.16 Total equities 230,626 99.34 Other assets 1,295 0.56 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.02%) Total current assets 232,310 100.00 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.02%)

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) EUR 104 Mini IBEX Index Futures December 2019 966 4 0.00 EUR 16 Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 514 22 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 26 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 26 0.01

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 230,652 99.35

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 3,641 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional Euro Liquidity Fund~ 363 0.16



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 15.37%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.33%) Cosmetics & personal care EUR 9,166 L'Oreal SA 2,371 1.86 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.33%) Diversified financial services Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.41%) EUR 2,834 Amundi SA 195 0.15 Food Healthcare products EUR 2,850 Colruyt SA^ 134 0.10 EUR 979 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 141 0.11 Telecommunications Insurance EUR 11,074 Proximus SADP 303 0.24 EUR 85,027 AXA SA 2,099 1.65 Total Belgium 437 0.34 EUR 6,747 CNP Assurances 121 0.10 EUR 6,023 SCOR SE 235 0.18 Denmark (31 May 2019: 8.66%) Oil & gas Chemicals EUR 147,056 TOTAL SA 7,006 5.50 ^ DKK 17,298 Novozymes A/S 750 0.59 Pharmaceuticals Electricity EUR 1,381 Ipsen SA 141 0.11 DKK 25,067 Orsted A/S 2,097 1.64 Total France 17,964 14.10 Food DKK 7,505 Chr Hansen Holding A/S^ 517 0.41 Germany (31 May 2019: 9.21%) Healthcare products Apparel retailers DKK 7,983 Coloplast A/S^ 856 0.67 EUR 6,541 adidas AG 1,849 1.45 Insurance Chemicals DKK 6,105 Tryg A/S 159 0.12 EUR 9,423 Covestro AG 400 0.32 Pharmaceuticals EUR 4,608 FUCHS PETROLUB SE^ 181 0.14 DKK 104,674 Novo Nordisk A/S 5,341 4.19 Cosmetics & personal care Retail EUR 3,350 Beiersdorf AG 355 0.28 DKK 4,046 Pandora A/S^ 148 0.12 Insurance Transportation EUR 21,344 Allianz SE 4,639 3.64 DKK 8,779 DSV PANALPINA A/S 868 0.68 EUR 3,130 Hannover Rueck SE 528 0.41 Total Denmark 10,736 8.42 Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 2,788 Knorr-Bremse AG 246 0.19 Finland (31 May 2019: 2.33%) Total Germany 8,198 6.43 Auto parts & equipment EUR 3,485 Nokian Renkaat Oyj^ 86 0.07 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Electricity Banks EUR 45,001 Fortum Oyj 963 0.75 EUR 34,119 AIB Group Plc 101 0.08 Insurance Total Ireland 101 0.08 EUR 23,590 Sampo Oyj 866 0.68 Machinery - diversified Italy (31 May 2019: 1.29%) EUR 19,437 Kone Oyj 1,104 0.87 Apparel retailers Pharmaceuticals EUR 7,963 Moncler SpA^ 317 0.25 EUR 4,434 Orion Oyj^ 175 0.14 Banks Telecommunications EUR 27,775 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 313 0.25 EUR 12,728 Elisa Oyj 617 0.48 Insurance Total Finland 3,811 2.99 EUR 45,793 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 848 0.66 Pharmaceuticals France (31 May 2019: 15.37%) EUR 4,888 Recordati SpA 186 0.15 Advertising Total Italy 1,664 1.31 EUR 5,235 JCDecaux SA 136 0.11 EUR 12,763 Publicis Groupe SA 510 0.40 Jersey (31 May 2019: 2.55%) Apparel retailers Advertising EUR 1,148 Hermes International 781 0.61 GBP 77,567 WPP Plc 911 0.71 EUR 2,082 Kering SA 1,138 0.89 Commercial services EUR 7,586 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 3,090 2.43 GBP 32,453 Experian Plc 976 0.77



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.33%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 3.23%) (cont) Jersey (31 May 2019: 2.55%) (cont) Retail Distribution & wholesale EUR 42,337 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 1,196 0.94 GBP 10,047 Ferguson Plc 792 0.62 Total Spain 4,739 3.72 Total Jersey 2,679 2.10 Sweden (31 May 2019: 2.55%) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.48%) Investment services Media SEK 2,890 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 104 0.08 EUR 231 RTL Group SA 10 0.01 Machinery - diversified Real estate investment & services SEK 38,918 Atlas Copco AB 1,294 1.02 EUR 51,363 Aroundtown SA^ 405 0.32 SEK 22,617 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 663 0.52 Total Luxembourg 415 0.33 Machinery, construction & mining SEK 32,684 Epiroc AB 346 0.27 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 7.72%) SEK 19,341 Epiroc AB Class 'B'^ 198 0.16 Aerospace & defence Mining EUR 25,221 Airbus SE 3,364 2.64 SEK 16,543 Boliden AB 387 0.30 Auto manufacturers Retail EUR 4,860 Ferrari NV 746 0.59 SEK 24,946 Hennes & Mauritz AB 437 0.34 Commercial services Total Sweden 3,429 2.69 EUR 487 Adyen NV 339 0.27 Cosmetics & personal care Switzerland (31 May 2019: 13.08%) EUR 85,615 Unilever NV 4,606 3.61 Beverages Media GBP 9,094 Coca-Cola HBC AG 275 0.21 EUR 9,379 Wolters Kluwer NV 611 0.48 Building materials and fixtures Pipelines CHF 2,059 Geberit AG^ 1,003 0.79 EUR 3,933 Koninklijke Vopak NV 190 0.15 Chemicals Semiconductors CHF 688 EMS-Chemie Holding AG^ 388 0.31 EUR 17,983 ASML Holding NV 4,442 3.48 CHF 513 Givaudan SA^ 1,368 1.07 Total Netherlands 14,298 11.22 Commercial services CHF 5,764 Adecco Group AG^ 323 0.25 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.17%) CHF 278 SGS SA^ 657 0.52 Insurance Diversified financial services NOK 13,235 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 226 0.17 CHF 1,529 Partners Group Holding AG^ 1,170 0.92 Oil & gas Hand & machine tools NOK 52,383 Equinor ASA 876 0.69 CHF 923 Schindler Holding AG 200 0.16 Total Norway 1,102 0.86 CHF 1,868 Schindler Holding AG (non-voting) 423 0.33 Insurance Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.59%) CHF 2,239 Baloise Holding AG 353 0.27 Food CHF 1,380 Swiss Life Holding AG 621 0.49 EUR 10,756 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 156 0.12 CHF 7,077 Zurich Insurance Group AG 2,520 1.98 Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals EUR 36,235 Galp Energia SGPS SA^ 535 0.42 CHF 20,148 Roche Holding AG 5,635 4.42 Total Portugal 691 0.54 Real estate investment & services CHF 3,468 Swiss Prime Site AG^ 332 0.26 Spain (31 May 2019: 3.23%) Software Commercial services CHF 2,771 Temenos AG^ 382 0.30 EUR 21,883 Amadeus IT Group SA 1,582 1.24 Telecommunications Electricity CHF 1,820 Swisscom AG^ 855 0.67 EUR 41,560 Endesa SA^ 1,026 0.81 Transportation EUR 45,518 Red Electrica Corp SA 808 0.63 CHF 3,702 Kuehne + Nagel International AG^ 546 0.43 Insurance Total Switzerland 17,051 13.38 EUR 49,592 Mapfre SA 127 0.10



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.33%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 31.58%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 31.58%) Pharmaceuticals Aerospace & defence GBP 55,658 AstraZeneca Plc 4,870 3.82 GBP 130,532 BAE Systems Plc 878 0.69 Real estate investment trusts Agriculture GBP 39,567 Co Plc 267 0.21 GBP 57,224 Imperial Brands Plc 1,143 0.90 GBP 31,991 Land Securities Group Plc 360 0.28 Apparel retailers GBP 49,079 Segro Plc 515 0.41 GBP 13,581 Burberry Group Plc 335 0.26 Retail Beverages GBP 15,741 JD Sports Fashion Plc 140 0.11 GBP 138,649 Diageo Plc 5,148 4.04 GBP 4,285 340 0.27 Chemicals Software GBP 9,870 Plc 577 0.45 GBP 51,924 Sage Group Plc 459 0.36 GBP 10,366 Plc 349 0.28 Telecommunications Commercial services GBP 594,845 BT Group Plc 1,337 1.05 GBP 16,402 Plc 452 0.35 Total United Kingdom 39,704 31.15 GBP 8,254 Group Plc^ 534 0.42 Total equities 127,019 99.66 GBP 75,244 RELX Plc 1,654 1.30 Underlying Fair %ofnet Cosmetics & personal care No. of exposure Value asset GBP 65,976 Unilever Plc 3,543 2.78 Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value Distribution & wholesale GBP 12,549 Plc 313 0.24 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Diversified financial services Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) GBP 51,663 3i Group Plc 649 0.51 EUR 1 FTSE MIB Index Futures December 2019 118 (2) 0.00 GBP 24,548 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 534 0.42 EUR 12 Mini IBEX Index Futures December 2019 112 - 0.00 GBP 17,303 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 1,395 1.09 EUR 4 Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 130 4 0.00 GBP 5,672 Plc 220 0.17 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 4 0.00 GBP 31,515 St James's Place Plc 402 0.32 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (2) 0.00 Electronics Net unrealised gains on futures contracts 2 0.00 GBP 18,100 Halma Plc 447 0.35 Total financial derivative instruments 2 0.00 Food Service GBP 61,319 Compass Group Plc 1,363 1.07 Forest products & paper Fair %ofnet GBP 33,886 Mondi Plc 666 0.52 Value asset EUR'000 value Gas GBP 685,329 Centrica Plc 645 0.51 Total value of investments 127,021 99.66 Home builders GBP 3,832 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 206 0.16 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.06%) GBP 13,399 402 0.32 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds GBP 100,110 Taylor Wimpey Plc 205 0.16 (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Insurance Cash† 265 0.21 GBP 14,802 Plc 372 0.29 GBP 76,199 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 273 0.22 Other net assets 164 0.13 GBP 328,165 Legal & General Group Plc 1,081 0.85 GBP 208,091 M&G Plc 576 0.45 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating GBP 124,010 Prudential Plc 2,003 1.57 shareholders at the end of the financial period 127,450 100.00 Machinery - diversified † GBP 2,847 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc^ 298 0.23 Cash holdings of EUR249,778 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR15,483 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. Media ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. GBP 412,277 ITV Plc 702 0.55 GBP 56,367 Pearson Plc 427 0.33 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Mining entity in which the Fund holds shares. GBP 73,523 Rio Tinto Plc 3,624 2.84


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES EDGE MSCI EUROPE QUALITY FACTOR UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 127,019 99.64 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 4 0.00 Other assets 454 0.36 Total current assets 127,477 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Denmark (31 May 2019: 4.09%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.03%) Transportation DKK 1,438 DSV PANALPINA A/S 142 0.41 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.02%) Total Denmark 1,470 4.20 Austria (31 May 2019: 1.95%) Banks Finland (31 May 2019: 2.81%) EUR 6,408 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 136 0.39 Auto parts & equipment Electricity EUR 5,391 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 132 0.38 EUR 3,153 Verbund AG 149 0.43 Forest products & paper Iron & steel EUR 11,359 Stora Enso Oyj^ 139 0.40 EUR 5,872 voestalpine AG^ 141 0.40 EUR 4,679 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 142 0.40 Machinery - diversified Machinery - diversified EUR 3,436 ANDRITZ AG 122 0.35 EUR 4,148 Metso Oyj 144 0.41 Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals EUR 2,672 OMV AG^ 138 0.39 EUR 3,571 Orion Oyj 141 0.40 Total Austria 686 1.96 Semiconductors EUR 15,190 Wartsila Oyj Abp 139 0.40 Belgium (31 May 2019: 2.44%) Telecommunications Chemicals EUR 2,885 Elisa Oyj^ 140 0.40 EUR 1,354 Solvay SA^ 141 0.40 Total Finland 977 2.79 EUR 3,698 Umicore SA^ 144 0.41 Food France (31 May 2019: 16.66%) EUR 2,956 Colruyt SA^ 139 0.40 Advertising Insurance EUR 5,373 JCDecaux SA^ 140 0.40 EUR 2,711 Ageas 148 0.42 EUR 3,588 Publicis Groupe SA 143 0.41 Media Aerospace & defence EUR 3,296 Telenet Group Holding NV 135 0.39 EUR 114 Dassault Aviation SA 141 0.40 Pharmaceuticals Auto manufacturers EUR 841 Galapagos NV 150 0.43 EUR 6,009 Peugeot SA 132 0.38 Telecommunications Auto parts & equipment EUR 5,265 Proximus SADP 144 0.41 EUR 3,026 Faurecia SE 145 0.41 Total Belgium 1,001 2.86 EUR 4,074 Valeo SA^ 146 0.42 Beverages Denmark (31 May 2019: 4.09%) EUR 1,169 Remy Cointreau SA 137 0.39 Biotechnology Chemicals DKK 718 Genmab A/S 152 0.44 EUR 1,488 Arkema SA 140 0.40 DKK 4,462 H Lundbeck A/S 155 0.44 Commercial services Chemicals EUR 6,165 Bureau Veritas SA 147 0.42 DKK 3,373 Novozymes A/S^ 146 0.42 EUR 3,021 Edenred 136 0.39 Commercial services Computers DKK 6,943 ISS A/S 145 0.41 EUR 1,937 Atos SE 149 0.43 Energy - alternate sources EUR 1,339 Capgemini SE^ 144 0.41 DKK 1,671 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 144 0.41 EUR 1,480 Ingenico Group SA 143 0.41 Food EUR 682 Teleperformance 147 0.42 DKK 2,041 Chr Hansen Holding A/S^ 141 0.40 Diversified financial services Healthcare products EUR 2,088 Amundi SA 143 0.41 DKK 5,668 Demant A/S 157 0.45 EUR 2,307 Eurazeo SE 143 0.41 Insurance Electrical components & equipment DKK 5,728 Tryg A/S 150 0.43 EUR 2,011 Legrand SA 144 0.41 Retail Engineering & construction DKK 3,788 Pandora A/S^ 138 0.39 EUR 826 Aeroports de Paris 147 0.42 EUR 1,429 Eiffage SA 141 0.40



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.02%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 11.41%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 16.66%) (cont) Chemicals (cont) Food EUR 3,492 FUCHS PETROLUB SE^ 137 0.39 EUR 3,095 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA^ 124 0.36 EUR 2,297 LANXESS AG^ 139 0.40 Food Service EUR 1,678 Symrise AG 148 0.42 EUR 1,332 Sodexo SA 141 0.40 Electricity Healthcare products EUR 5,449 RWE AG^ 147 0.42 EUR 1,054 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 152 0.44 EUR 4,968 Uniper SE^ 145 0.42 Healthcare services Electronics EUR 1,896 BioMerieux 156 0.45 EUR 796 Sartorius AG^ 152 0.43 Home furnishings Engineering & construction EUR 1,022 SEB SA^ 144 0.41 EUR 1,912 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 148 0.42 Hotels EUR 1,271 HOCHTIEF AG 142 0.41 EUR 3,701 Accor SA 144 0.41 Food Insurance EUR 9,569 METRO AG 140 0.40 EUR 3,768 SCOR SE 147 0.42 Healthcare products Internet EUR 1,409 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 156 0.45 EUR 1,251 Iliad SA 144 0.41 Insurance Investment services EUR 860 Hannover Rueck SE 145 0.41 EUR 1,151 Wendel SA 141 0.40 Internet Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 3,242 Delivery Hero SE 155 0.44 EUR 3,780 Alstom SA^ 150 0.43 EUR 4,709 United Internet AG^ 145 0.42 Pharmaceuticals Iron & steel EUR 1,453 Ipsen SA 149 0.43 EUR 10,770 thyssenkrupp AG 123 0.35 Real estate investment trusts Leisure time EUR 1,412 Covivio 142 0.41 GBP 11,753 TUI AG 147 0.42 EUR 943 Gecina SA^ 148 0.42 Machinery - diversified EUR 1,662 ICADE^ 151 0.43 EUR 4,939 GEA Group AG 144 0.41 EUR 4,317 Klepierre SA 140 0.40 EUR 2,381 KION Group AG^ 143 0.41 Software Media EUR 2,761 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 152 0.44 EUR 2,272 Axel Springer SE 142 0.41 EUR 2,574 Worldline SA 151 0.43 Real estate investment & services Telecommunications EUR 4,077 Deutsche Wohnen SE 145 0.41 EUR 8,550 Eutelsat Communications SA^ 127 0.36 Retail Transportation EUR 3,712 Zalando SE 145 0.41 EUR 9,438 Getlink SE^ 144 0.41 Telecommunications Water EUR 823 1&1 Drillisch AG 20 0.06 EUR 10,593 Suez^ 142 0.41 EUR 51,069 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 141 0.40 EUR 6,242 Veolia Environnement SA 145 0.41 Total Germany 3,901 11.15 Total France 5,742 16.42 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.81%) Germany (31 May 2019: 11.41%) Banks Aerospace & defence EUR 48,596 AIB Group Plc 144 0.41 EUR 593 MTU Aero Engines AG 146 0.42 EUR 32,532 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 149 0.43 Airlines Building materials and fixtures EUR 8,082 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 139 0.40 EUR 2,972 Kingspan Group Plc 145 0.41 Apparel retailers Entertainment EUR 2,151 Puma SE 147 0.42 EUR 1,482 Flutter Entertainment Plc 154 0.44 Banks Food EUR 27,136 Commerzbank AG 143 0.41 EUR 1,234 Kerry Group Plc 144 0.41 Chemicals Forest products & paper EUR 2,966 Brenntag AG 143 0.41 EUR 4,492 Group Plc 145 0.42 EUR 3,155 Covestro AG 134 0.38



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.02%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 4.41%) Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.81%) (cont) Commercial services Oil & gas EUR 2,766 Randstad NV 146 0.42 GBP 1,820 DCC Plc 141 0.40 Diversified financial services Total Ireland 1,022 2.92 USD 2,627 AerCap Holdings NV 147 0.42 Healthcare products Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.41%) EUR 4,215 QIAGEN NV 164 0.47 Entertainment Insurance GBP 14,817 GVC Holdings Plc 148 0.42 EUR 3,992 NN Group NV 139 0.40 Total Isle of Man 148 0.42 Investment services EUR 1,998 EXOR NV 139 0.40 Italy (31 May 2019: 3.91%) Machinery - diversified Aerospace & defence EUR 14,094 CNH Industrial NV 137 0.39 EUR 11,621 Leonardo SpA 123 0.35 Media Apparel retailers EUR 27,150 Altice Europe NV 147 0.42 EUR 3,896 Moncler SpA 155 0.44 EUR 2,199 Wolters Kluwer NV 143 0.41 Auto parts & equipment Pipelines EUR 26,703 Pirelli&CSpA^ 138 0.39 EUR 2,811 Koninklijke Vopak NV 136 0.39 Banks Semiconductors EUR 12,423 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 140 0.40 EUR 6,468 STMicroelectronics NV 144 0.41 EUR 13,515 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA^ 137 0.39 Telecommunications Beverages EUR 50,444 Koninklijke KPN NV 141 0.40 EUR 17,534 Davide Campari-Milano SpA^ 145 0.42 Total Netherlands 1,583 4.53 Electrical components & equipment EUR 7,433 Prysmian SpA 154 0.44 Norway (31 May 2019: 2.89%) Electricity Chemicals EUR 24,392 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 142 0.41 NOK 4,071 Yara International ASA 139 0.40 Pharmaceuticals Food EUR 3,758 Recordati SpA 143 0.41 NOK 6,284 Mowi ASA 141 0.40 Telecommunications NOK 16,673 Orkla ASA 147 0.42 EUR 159,217 Telecom Italia SpA^ 91 0.26 Insurance EUR 105,663 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 59 0.17 NOK 8,613 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 147 0.42 Transportation Media EUR 12,819 Poste Italiane SpA 136 0.39 NOK 5,926 Schibsted ASA 139 0.40 Total Italy 1,563 4.47 Mining NOK 42,074 Norsk Hydro ASA 135 0.39 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.38%) Oil & gas Distribution & wholesale NOK 5,272 Aker BP ASA 137 0.39 GBP 1,800 Ferguson Plc 142 0.41 Total Norway 985 2.82 Total Jersey 142 0.41 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.83%) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 1.99%) Food Healthcare services EUR 9,322 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 135 0.39 EUR 307 Eurofins Scientific SE 146 0.41 Oil & gas Media EUR 9,300 Galp Energia SGPS SA^ 138 0.39 EUR 167 RTL Group SA 7 0.02 Total Portugal 273 0.78 Real estate investment & services EUR 18,566 Aroundtown SA 146 0.42 Spain (31 May 2019: 3.82%) Telecommunications Banks SEK 3,716 Millicom International Cellular SA^ 151 0.43 EUR 147,818 Banco de Sabadell SA 149 0.43 EUR 10,008 SES SA 121 0.35 EUR 87,003 Bankia SA 153 0.44 Total Luxembourg 571 1.63 EUR 23,296 Bankinter SA 148 0.42



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.02%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 8.69%) Spain (31 May 2019: 3.82%) (cont) Beverages Electricity GBP 4,737 Coca-Cola HBC AG 143 0.41 EUR 8,139 Red Electrica Corp SA 144 0.41 Building materials and fixtures Energy - alternate sources CHF 302 Geberit AG 147 0.42 EUR 10,526 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA^ 153 0.44 CHF 914 Sika AG^ 145 0.41 Engineering & construction Chemicals EUR 4,093 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 145 0.41 CHF 7,502 Clariant AG^ 141 0.40 EUR 3,848 Cellnex Telecom SA^ 150 0.43 CHF 252 EMS-Chemie Holding AG^ 142 0.41 Gas CHF 454 Lonza Group AG^ 140 0.40 EUR 2,847 Enagas SA 64 0.18 Commercial services Insurance CHF 2,536 Adecco Group AG^ 142 0.41 EUR 57,344 Mapfre SA 147 0.42 Diversified financial services Pharmaceuticals CHF 3,325 Julius Baer Group Ltd 142 0.40 EUR 4,816 Grifols SA 149 0.43 CHF 195 Partners Group Holding AG 149 0.43 Total Spain 1,402 4.01 Food CHF 78 Barry Callebaut AG^ 142 0.41 Sweden (31 May 2019: 6.42%) CHF 1 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG 78 0.22 Agriculture CHF 10 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG (non-voting)^ 69 0.20 SEK 3,341 Swedish Match AB 145 0.42 Healthcare products Commercial services CHF 651 Sonova Holding AG 135 0.38 SEK 9,572 Securitas AB 144 0.41 CHF 171 Straumann Holding AG 149 0.43 Engineering & construction Insurance SEK 7,186 Skanska AB 144 0.41 CHF 894 Baloise Holding AG^ 141 0.40 Food CHF 310 Swiss Life Holding AG 140 0.40 SEK 3,597 ICA Gruppen AB 142 0.41 Investment services Home furnishings CHF 1,954 Pargesa Holding SA 140 0.40 SEK 5,989 Electrolux AB 140 0.40 Pharmaceuticals Investment services CHF 991 Vifor Pharma AG^ 160 0.46 SEK 6,749 Industrivarden AB 142 0.41 Real estate investment & services SEK 5,716 Kinnevik AB 119 0.34 CHF 1,505 Swiss Prime Site AG^ 144 0.41 SEK 5,430 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) 30 0.08 Retail SEK 3,994 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 143 0.41 CHF 1,600 Dufry AG^ 142 0.41 Machinery - diversified Software SEK 2,864 Hexagon AB 147 0.42 CHF 1,054 Temenos AG 145 0.41 SEK 19,807 Husqvarna AB 140 0.40 Total Switzerland 2,876 8.22 Machinery, construction & mining SEK 8,939 Epiroc AB 95 0.27 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 23.10%) SEK 5,290 Epiroc AB Class 'B'^ 54 0.16 Aerospace & defence Metal fabricate/ hardware GBP 19,657 Meggitt Plc 148 0.42 SEK 8,396 SKF AB 146 0.42 Airlines Mining GBP 9,354 easyJet Plc 147 0.42 SEK 5,846 Boliden AB 137 0.39 Apparel retailers Miscellaneous manufacturers GBP 5,752 Burberry Group Plc 142 0.41 SEK 6,473 Alfa Laval AB 144 0.41 Chemicals Oil & gas GBP 2,545 Croda International Plc^ 148 0.42 SEK 4,885 Lundin Petroleum AB 137 0.39 GBP 3,821 Johnson Matthey Plc 129 0.37 Telecommunications Commercial services SEK 10,805 Tele2 AB 145 0.41 GBP 5,180 Ashtead Group Plc 143 0.41 Total Sweden 2,294 6.56 GBP 59,560 G4S Plc 146 0.42 GBP 2,299 Intertek Group Plc^ 149 0.42 GBP 27,465 Rentokil Initial Plc 143 0.41



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.02%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 23.10%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 23.10%) (cont) Mining Distribution & wholesale GBP 14,113 144 0.41 GBP 5,968 Bunzl Plc 149 0.43 Miscellaneous manufacturers Diversified financial services GBP 7,443 Plc 145 0.41 GBP 11,279 3i Group Plc 142 0.40 Real estate investment trusts GBP 7,019 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc^ 153 0.44 GBP 21,864 British Land Co Plc 148 0.42 GBP 3,783 Schroders Plc 146 0.42 GBP 13,457 Land Securities Group Plc 151 0.43 GBP 11,593 St James's Place Plc 148 0.42 GBP 14,490 Segro Plc 152 0.44 GBP 39,607 Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 147 0.42 Retail Electronics GBP 16,063 JD Sports Fashion Plc 143 0.41 GBP 6,466 Halma Plc 160 0.46 GBP 58,523 Kingfisher Plc^ 144 0.41 Food GBP 69,810 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 159 0.45 GBP 60,151 J Sainsbury Plc 151 0.43 GBP 1,888 Next Plc 150 0.43 GBP 10,465 Ocado Group Plc 163 0.47 Software GBP 62,286 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc^ 145 0.41 GBP 2,723 AVEVA Group Plc 145 0.41 Forest products & paper GBP 11,532 Micro Focus International Plc^ 153 0.44 GBP 7,343 Mondi Plc 144 0.41 GBP 16,470 Sage Group Plc 146 0.42 Gas Water GBP 164,116 Centrica Plc 154 0.44 GBP 5,325 Plc 140 0.40 Healthcare products GBP 14,164 United Utilities Group Plc 142 0.41 GBP 7,316 Smith & Nephew Plc^ 149 0.43 Total United Kingdom 8,274 23.65 Healthcare services Total equities 34,910 99.80 ^ GBP 5,288 NMC Health Plc 156 0.45 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.01%) Home builders GBP 18,971 Barratt Developments Plc 148 0.42 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.01%) GBP 2,676 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 144 0.41 Underlying Fair %ofnet GBP 5,034 Persimmon Plc 151 0.43 No. of exposure Value asset GBP 71,479 Taylor Wimpey Plc 146 0.42 Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value Hotels GBP 2,545 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 150 0.43 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) GBP 2,894 Plc 156 0.45 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Insurance EUR 8 Mini IBEX Index Futures December 2019 75 - 0.00 GBP 5,904 Admiral Group Plc^ 148 0.42 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts - 0.00 GBP 44,747 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 160 0.46 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00 GBP 53,304 M&G Plc 148 0.42 GBP 22,506 RSA Insurance Group Plc 146 0.42 Internet GBP 22,889 Auto Trader Group Plc 151 0.43 Investment services GBP 55,742 Plc 150 0.43 Iron & steel GBP 33,965 Evraz Plc 148 0.42 Leisure time GBP 3,778 Carnival Plc 144 0.41 Machinery - diversified GBP 1,450 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc 152 0.43 GBP 8,518 Plc^ 139 0.40 Media GBP 15,292 Plc 142 0.41 GBP 90,041 ITV Plc 153 0.44 GBP 17,635 Pearson Plc^ 134 0.38



Fair %ofnet Value asset EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 34,910 99.80

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.00%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.00%)

Cash† 43 0.12

Other net assets 28 0.08

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 34,981 100.00

†Cash holdings of EUR36,027 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR6,864 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 34,910 99.76 Other assets 84 0.24 Total current assets 34,994 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 21.89%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.23%) Auto parts & equipment (cont) EUR 29,687 Faurecia SE 1,429 0.13 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.23%) EUR 71,764 Valeo SA^ 2,566 0.24 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.34%) Banks Banks EUR 374,849 BNP Paribas SA 19,106 1.79 EUR 50,042 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 1,066 0.10 EUR 373,785 Credit Agricole SA^ 4,641 0.44 Iron & steel EUR 419,518 Societe Generale SA 11,981 1.12 EUR 46,890 voestalpine AG^ 1,128 0.10 Building materials and fixtures Oil & gas EUR 339,733 Cie de Saint-Gobain 12,485 1.17 EUR 28,076 OMV AG^ 1,453 0.14 Chemicals Total Austria 3,647 0.34 EUR 17,782 Arkema SA 1,673 0.16 Computers Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.41%) EUR 92,987 Atos SE^ 7,168 0.67 Chemicals EUR 87,322 Capgemini SE 9,374 0.88 ^ EUR 18,623 Solvay SA 1,937 0.18 EUR 27,577 Ingenico Group SA 2,671 0.25 Pharmaceuticals Electrical components & equipment ^ EUR 40,471 UCB SA 2,977 0.28 EUR 183,116 Schneider Electric SE 16,041 1.50 Total Belgium 4,914 0.46 Electricity EUR 346,180 Electricite de France SA 3,228 0.30 Denmark (31 May 2019: 1.72%) EUR 819,055 Engie SA^ 11,761 1.11 Banks Engineering & construction DKK 228,581 Danske Bank A/S 2,801 0.26 EUR 124,064 Bouygues SA^ 4,600 0.43 Beverages EUR 168,884 Vinci SA 16,716 1.57 DKK 48,384 Carlsberg A/S 6,318 0.59 Food Biotechnology EUR 427,957 Carrefour SA 6,411 0.60 DKK 20,202 H Lundbeck A/S 702 0.07 EUR 64,937 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA^ 2,593 0.24 Marine transportation Insurance DKK 2,575 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 3,035 0.29 EUR 416,647 AXA SA 10,289 0.97 Retail EUR 35,761 CNP Assurances 641 0.06 ^ DKK 24,410 Pandora A/S 892 0.08 Oil & gas Transportation EUR 343,512 TOTAL SA 16,365 1.53 ^ DKK 3,681 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 4,669 0.44 Pharmaceuticals Total Denmark 18,417 1.73 EUR 6,138 Ipsen SA 629 0.06 EUR 418,513 Sanofi 35,369 3.32 Finland (31 May 2019: 1.80%) Real estate investment trusts Forest products & paper EUR 143,394 Klepierre SA^ 4,670 0.44 ^ EUR 140,340 Stora Enso Oyj 1,712 0.16 Telecommunications EUR 112,793 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 3,420 0.32 EUR 22,085 Eutelsat Communications SA 329 0.03 Telecommunications EUR 430,818 Orange SA 6,462 0.61 EUR 3,482,323 Nokia Oyj 11,183 1.05 Total France 234,335 21.98 Total Finland 16,315 1.53 Germany (31 May 2019: 15.09%) France (31 May 2019: 21.89%) Airlines Advertising EUR 271,105 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 4,668 0.44 EUR 55,324 Publicis Groupe SA 2,210 0.21 Auto manufacturers Aerospace & defence EUR 125,063 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 9,167 0.86 EUR 1,020 Dassault Aviation SA 1,260 0.12 EUR 25,596 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 1,433 0.14 Auto manufacturers EUR 312,958 Daimler AG 16,024 1.50 ^ EUR 462,510 Peugeot SA 10,138 0.95 EUR 102,488 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 6,885 0.65 ^ EUR 138,235 Renault SA 6,007 0.56 EUR 15,935 Volkswagen AG 2,759 0.26 Auto parts & equipment EUR 90,163 Volkswagen AG (Preference) 15,822 1.48 EUR 50,707 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 5,522 0.52



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.23%) (cont) Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.39%) Germany (31 May 2019: 15.09%) (cont) Advertising Auto parts & equipment GBP 329,821 WPP Plc 3,871 0.36 EUR 18,173 Continental AG 2,155 0.20 Mining Banks GBP 3,757,148 Glencore Plc 10,750 1.01 EUR 521,235 Commerzbank AG^ 2,742 0.25 Total Jersey 14,621 1.37 EUR 1,088,061 Deutsche Bank AG^ 7,121 0.67 Building materials and fixtures Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.55%) EUR 51,997 HeidelbergCement AG 3,489 0.33 Iron & steel ^ Chemicals EUR 459,985 ArcelorMittal SA 7,143 0.67 EUR 65,264 Covestro AG 2,774 0.26 Total Luxembourg 7,143 0.67 EUR 41,637 Evonik Industries AG^ 1,096 0.10 Electricity Netherlands (31 May 2019: 9.94%) EUR 368,869 RWE AG 9,926 0.93 Auto manufacturers EUR 83,774 Uniper SE^ 2,455 0.23 EUR 772,735 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 10,370 0.97 Engineering & construction Banks EUR 8,141 HOCHTIEF AG 908 0.09 EUR 1,002,336 ING Groep NV 10,468 0.98 Food Commercial services EUR 147,887 METRO AG^ 2,163 0.20 EUR 51,228 Randstad NV 2,708 0.26 Healthcare services Diversified financial services EUR 75,321 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 5,013 0.47 USD 131,754 AerCap Holdings NV 7,386 0.69 EUR 151,643 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 7,528 0.71 Food Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 1,143,315 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 26,737 2.51 EUR 293,254 Siemens AG^ 34,346 3.22 Healthcare products Pharmaceuticals EUR 219,147 Koninklijke Philips NV 9,236 0.87 EUR 515,094 Bayer AG 35,387 3.32 Insurance EUR 30,348 Merck KGaA 3,217 0.30 EUR 880,124 Aegon NV 3,601 0.34 Total Germany 177,078 16.61 EUR 127,088 NN Group NV 4,428 0.41 Investment services Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.14%) EUR 22,894 EXOR NV 1,590 0.15 Banks Machinery - diversified EUR 120,262 AIB Group Plc 357 0.03 EUR 189,021 CNH Industrial NV 1,839 0.17 EUR 330,405 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 1,507 0.14 Semiconductors Total Ireland 1,864 0.17 USD 195,316 NXP Semiconductors NV 20,474 1.92 EUR 401,935 STMicroelectronics NV 8,963 0.84 Italy (31 May 2019: 4.59%) Total Netherlands 107,800 10.11 Aerospace & defence EUR 168,205 Leonardo SpA 1,785 0.17 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.53%) Banks Mining ^ EUR 2,859,559 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6,579 0.62 NOK 356,676 Norsk Hydro ASA 1,145 0.11 EUR 909,179 UniCredit SpA 11,421 1.07 Oil & gas Commercial services NOK 106,587 Equinor ASA 1,782 0.16 EUR 145,173 Atlantia SpA 2,921 0.27 Total Norway 2,927 0.27 Electrical components & equipment EUR 101,311 Prysmian SpA^ 2,096 0.20 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.18%) Electricity Electricity ^ EUR 2,120,168 Enel SpA 14,536 1.36 EUR 644,573 EDP - Energias de Portugal SA 2,365 0.22 Oil & gas Total Portugal 2,365 0.22 EUR 512,468 Eni SpA 7,028 0.66 Telecommunications Spain (31 May 2019: 6.39%) EUR 4,759,954 Telecom Italia SpA^ 2,705 0.25 Banks EUR 3,042,143 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 1,700 0.16 EUR 2,032,228 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 9,717 0.91 ^ Total Italy 50,771 4.76 EUR 2,417,095 Banco de Sabadell SA 2,434 0.23



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.23%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 26.56%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 6.39%) (cont) Banks Banks (cont) GBP 7,910,889 Barclays Plc 15,920 1.49 EUR 5,131,931 Banco Santander SA 18,151 1.70 GBP 17,723,356 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 12,714 1.19 EUR 442,791 Bankia SA^ 779 0.07 GBP 1,587,341 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc^ 4,212 0.40 EUR 860,023 CaixaBank SA 2,304 0.22 GBP 785,413 Standard Chartered Plc 6,426 0.60 Energy - alternate sources Diversified financial services EUR 96,220 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA^ 1,394 0.13 GBP 185,186 3i Group Plc^ 2,327 0.22 Engineering & construction Food EUR 141,101 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 4,985 0.47 GBP 2,592,404 J Sainsbury Plc^ 6,517 0.61 Insurance GBP 4,681,907 Tesco Plc^ 12,600 1.18 EUR 228,096 Mapfre SA 584 0.06 GBP 2,159,612 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 5,024 0.47 Oil & gas Gas EUR 359,410 Repsol SA^ 5,136 0.48 GBP 2,112,197 Centrica Plc 1,988 0.19 Telecommunications Home builders EUR 1,185,376 Telefonica SA 8,241 0.77 GBP 332,214 Barratt Developments Plc 2,599 0.24 Total Spain 53,725 5.04 GBP 31,632 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 1,702 0.16 GBP 90,277 Persimmon Plc 2,709 0.26 Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.36%) GBP 1,097,374 Taylor Wimpey Plc 2,243 0.21 Auto manufacturers Insurance SEK 572,545 Volvo AB 8,032 0.75 GBP 799,169 Plc 3,786 0.35 Engineering & construction GBP 728,292 M&G Plc 2,016 0.19 SEK 109,599 Skanska AB 2,197 0.21 Investment services Food GBP 1,571,408 Melrose Industries Plc 4,233 0.40 SEK 29,016 ICA Gruppen AB^ 1,149 0.11 Iron & steel Metal fabricate/ hardware GBP 185,934 Evraz Plc 808 0.08 SEK 133,282 SKF AB 2,310 0.22 Media Mining GBP 157,687 Pearson Plc 1,196 0.11 SEK 84,249 Boliden AB 1,972 0.18 Mining Telecommunications GBP 393,654 Anglo American Plc 9,359 0.88 SEK 430,657 Telia Co AB 1,691 0.16 GBP 465,904 BHP Group Plc 9,346 0.88 Total Sweden 17,351 1.63 GBP 306,101 Rio Tinto Plc 15,087 1.41 Oil & gas Switzerland (31 May 2019: 6.35%) GBP 1,989,982 BP Plc 11,210 1.05 Banks GBP 595,951 Plc 15,458 1.45 CHF 643,650 Credit Suisse Group AG^ 7,655 0.72 GBP 521,585 Royal Dutch Shell Plc Class 'B' 13,397 1.26 Building materials and fixtures Real estate investment trusts CHF 102,439 LafargeHolcim Ltd^ 4,794 0.45 GBP 766,645 British Land Co Plc^ 5,177 0.48 Commercial services GBP 508,211 Land Securities Group Plc 5,714 0.54 CHF 61,870 Adecco Group AG^ 3,471 0.33 Retail Pharmaceuticals GBP 812,754 Kingfisher Plc^ 2,001 0.19 CHF 554,499 Novartis AG 46,327 4.34 GBP 534,948 Marks & Spencer Group Plc^ 1,220 0.11 Total Switzerland 62,247 5.84 Software GBP 357,091 Micro Focus International Plc 4,745 0.45 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 26.56%) Telecommunications Aerospace & defence GBP 2,179,134 BT Group Plc 4,897 0.46 GBP 302,988 Meggitt Plc 2,286 0.21 GBP 8,283,798 Vodafone Group Plc 14,904 1.40 Agriculture Total United Kingdom 287,427 26.96 GBP 1,843,417 Plc^ 66,175 6.21 Total equities 1,062,947 99.69 GBP 791,186 Imperial Brands Plc 15,808 1.48 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Airlines GBP 103,373 easyJet Plc 1,623 0.15 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%)



Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) EUR 1 FTSE MIB Index Futures December 2019 109 7 0.00 EUR 85 Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 2,776 70 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 77 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 77 0.01

%ofnet Fair Value asset EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 1,063,024 99.70

Cash† 1,364 0.13

Other net assets 1,828 0.17

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 1,066,216 100.00

†Cash holdings of EUR1,287,832 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR76,268 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 1,062,947 99.46 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 77 0.01 Other assets 5,691 0.53 Total current assets 1,068,715 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 96.75%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.83%) Commercial services (cont) USD 21,899 Global Payments Inc 3,966 1.13 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.83%) USD 3,419 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 1,381 0.40 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.39%) USD 12,288 Moody's Corp 2,785 0.80 Commercial services USD 19,211 S&P Global Inc 5,084 1.45 USD 31,123 IHS Markit Ltd 2,261 0.65 Cosmetics & personal care Insurance USD 142,725 Procter & Gamble Co 17,421 4.98 USD 41,416 Arch Capital Group Ltd 1,739 0.50 Distribution & wholesale USD 4,360 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 821 0.23 USD 17,892 Copart Inc 1,592 0.46 Total Bermuda 4,821 1.38 Diversified financial services USD 56,779 Mastercard Inc 16,592 4.75 Canada (31 May 2019: 0.50%) USD 95,679 Visa Inc^ 17,654 5.05 USD 39,347 Western Union Co 1,058 0.30 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.31%) Electrical components & equipment Healthcare products USD 12,137 AMETEK Inc 1,202 0.34 USD 93,100 Medtronic Plc 10,370 2.97 Electricity USD 4,370 STERIS Plc 661 0.19 USD 16,116 Alliant Energy Corp 854 0.24 Total Ireland 11,031 3.16 USD 12,346 Ameren Corp 918 0.26 USD 33,685 American Electric Power Co Inc 3,077 0.88 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.21%) USD 22,592 CMS Energy Corp 1,385 0.40 Electronics USD 23,348 Entergy Corp 2,717 0.78 USD 8,766 Garmin Ltd 856 0.24 USD 27,305 Eversource Energy^ 2,256 0.65 Total Switzerland 856 0.24 USD 37,655 FirstEnergy Corp 1,796 0.51 USD 50,596 NextEra Energy Inc 11,830 3.38 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.67%) USD 18,828 Sempra Energy 2,773 0.79 Insurance USD 97,322 Southern Co 6,033 1.73 USD 11,949 Aon Plc 2,433 0.70 USD 30,818 WEC Energy Group Inc 2,732 0.78 Total United Kingdom 2,433 0.70 USD 37,463 Xcel Energy Inc 2,304 0.66 Electronics United States (31 May 2019: 96.75%) USD 15,760 Keysight Technologies Inc 1,687 0.48 Aerospace & defence Entertainment USD 2,880 HEICO Corp 374 0.11 USD 7,156 Live Nation Entertainment Inc^ 500 0.14 USD 3,815 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 383 0.11 Environmental control USD 16,501 L3Harris Technologies Inc 3,318 0.95 USD 10,966 Republic Services Inc 972 0.28 USD 11,375 Northrop Grumman Corp 4,002 1.15 USD 21,473 Waste Management Inc 2,425 0.69 USD 3,293 Teledyne Technologies Inc 1,126 0.32 Food USD 3,473 TransDigm Group Inc 1,970 0.56 USD 11,897 Hershey Co 1,763 0.51 Beverages Food Service USD 25,265 Brown-Forman Corp 1,713 0.49 USD 19,921 Aramark 869 0.25 Biotechnology Healthcare products USD 10,181 Seattle Genetics Inc 1,225 0.35 USD 35,937 Danaher Corp 5,246 1.50 Building materials and fixtures USD 18,130 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 4,441 1.27 USD 4,180 Martin Marietta Materials Inc^ 1,122 0.32 USD 5,642 Insulet Corp 1,048 0.30 USD 21,040 Masco Corp 979 0.28 USD 12,539 ResMed Inc 1,876 0.54 Chemicals USD 3,149 Teleflex Inc 1,113 0.32 USD 13,062 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 3,087 0.88 USD 20,645 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 6,481 1.85 USD 12,699 Ecolab Inc 2,371 0.68 Home builders USD 6,898 Sherwin-Williams Co 4,022 1.15 USD 25,267 DR Horton Inc 1,399 0.40 Commercial services USD 251 NVR Inc 952 0.27 USD 9,613 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 699 0.20 USD 21,697 PulteGroup Inc 860 0.25 USD 7,355 Cintas Corp 1,891 0.54 Home furnishings USD 2,343 CoStar Group Inc 1,436 0.41 USD 10,881 Leggett & Platt Inc 569 0.16



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.83%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 96.75%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 96.75%) (cont) Retail (cont) Household goods & home construction USD 30,223 Costco Wholesale Corp 9,061 2.59 USD 5,593 Avery Dennison Corp 729 0.21 USD 19,695 Dollar General Corp 3,099 0.89 Insurance USD 5,454 Lululemon Athletica Inc 1,231 0.35 USD 35,015 Aflac Inc^ 1,920 0.55 USD 3,975 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 1,758 0.50 USD 1,008 Alleghany Corp 786 0.22 USD 76,749 Starbucks Corp 6,557 1.88 USD 10,610 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 990 0.28 Semiconductors USD 4,934 Assurant Inc 655 0.19 USD 54,232 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 2,123 0.61 USD 10,846 Brown & Brown Inc 409 0.12 USD 64,917 Applied Materials Inc 3,759 1.07 USD 13,289 Cincinnati Financial Corp^ 1,423 0.41 USD 16,265 KLA Corp 2,665 0.76 USD 20,382 Fidelity National Financial Inc 971 0.28 USD 12,132 Lam Research Corp 3,237 0.93 USD 13,059 WR Berkley Corp^ 888 0.25 USD 12,455 Teradyne Inc 780 0.22 Internet Software USD 10,003 CDW Corp 1,351 0.39 USD 6,946 DocuSign Inc 495 0.14 USD 7,649 Okta Inc 993 0.28 USD 40,639 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 5,614 1.61 USD 6,254 RingCentral Inc 1,078 0.31 USD 47,558 Fiserv Inc 5,528 1.58 USD 10,756 Roku Inc^ 1,725 0.49 USD 116,158 Microsoft Corp 17,584 5.03 USD 86,474 Snap Inc 1,319 0.38 USD 5,517 MSCI Inc 1,430 0.41 Media USD 2,599 Paycom Software Inc 719 0.21 USD 13,482 Altice USA Inc 345 0.10 USD 10,697 Synopsys Inc 1,509 0.43 USD 10,681 Charter Communications Inc 5,020 1.44 Telecommunications Packaging & containers USD 441,549 AT&T Inc 16,505 4.72 USD 27,038 Ball Corp^ 1,786 0.51 USD 10,502 Motorola Solutions Inc 1,757 0.51 USD 12,537 Crown Holdings Inc^ 952 0.27 Water Pharmaceuticals USD 14,475 American Water Works Co Inc 1,752 0.50 USD 39,981 Zoetis Inc 4,818 1.38 USD 17,041 Aqua America Inc 754 0.22 Real estate investment trusts Total United States 329,676 94.31 USD 7,446 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 1,210 0.35 Total equities 348,817 99.79 USD 30,925 American Tower Corp^ 6,619 1.89 Underlying Fair %ofnet USD 6,519 Camden Property Trust 727 0.21 No. of exposure Value asset USD 7,625 Equinix Inc 4,322 1.24 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value USD 18,591 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 1,377 0.39 USD 31,507 Equity Residential 2,681 0.77 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 5,083 Essex Property Trust Inc 1,587 0.45 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 40,261 Healthpeak Properties Inc 1,404 0.40 USD 3 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December USD 41,816 Invitation Homes Inc 1,277 0.36 2019 471 - 0.00 USD 13,583 Liberty Property Trust 837 0.24 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts - 0.00 USD 37,644 Medical Properties Trust Inc 781 0.22 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00 USD 11,966 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 1,629 0.47 USD 9,457 National Retail Properties Inc 527 0.15 USD 15,891 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 668 0.19 Fair %ofnet Value asset USD 43,875 Prologis Inc 4,017 1.15 Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD 24,255 Realty Income Corp 1,859 0.53 USD 8,380 SBA Communications Corp 1,982 0.57 Total value of investments 348,817 99.79 USD 11,417 Sun Communities Inc 1,880 0.54 USD 19,617 UDR Inc 943 0.27 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 75,245 Vereit Inc 734 0.21 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money USD 32,622 Welltower Inc 2,759 0.79 Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 14,755 WP Carey Inc 1,231 0.35 Retail USD 2,085,757 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund~ 2,086 0.60 USD 1,706 AutoZone Inc 2,010 0.57 USD 1,488 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 1,211 0.35



Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Cash† 775 0.22

Other net liabilities (2,121) (0.61)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 349,557 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD697,992 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD76,587 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 348,817 99.10 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments - 0.00 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 2,086 0.59 Other assets 1,100 0.31 Total current assets 352,003 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 93.68%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.74%) Auto parts & equipment USD 3,004 Autoliv Inc^ 246 0.24 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) USD 7,563 BorgWarner Inc 318 0.31 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.21%) USD 2,164 Lear Corp 260 0.26 Insurance Biotechnology USD 5,235 Arch Capital Group Ltd 220 0.22 USD 6,826 Biogen Inc 2,047 2.00 USD 4,549 Athene Holding Ltd 205 0.20 USD 823 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 304 0.30 USD 1,545 Everest Re Group Ltd 419 0.41 Building materials and fixtures Total Bermuda 844 0.83 USD 1,304 Lennox International Inc 334 0.33 USD 3,974 Owens Corning 266 0.26 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.20%) Chemicals USD 4,578 Celanese Corp^ 575 0.56 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.14%) USD 5,094 Eastman Chemical Co 399 0.39 Computers Commercial services USD 470 Accenture Plc 94 0.09 USD 322 AMERCO 117 0.11 USD 8,960 Seagate Technology Plc 535 0.52 USD 5,189 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 378 0.37 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 2,214 ManpowerGroup Inc 205 0.20 USD 15,512 Eaton Corp Plc 1,435 1.41 USD 1,425 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 575 0.56 Pharmaceuticals USD 4,353 Robert Half International Inc 253 0.25 USD 2,077 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 314 0.31 USD 5,370 Rollins Inc^ 192 0.19 USD 4,784 Perrigo Co Plc 245 0.24 USD 2,846 United Rentals Inc 436 0.43 Total Ireland 2,623 2.57 Computers USD 9,077 Apple Inc 2,426 2.38 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.91%) USD 2,047 EPAM Systems Inc 434 0.43 Chemicals USD 48,316 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 765 0.75 USD 9,926 LyondellBasell Industries NV 919 0.90 USD 54,398 HP Inc 1,092 1.07 Total Netherlands 919 0.90 Distribution & wholesale USD 6,499 HD Supply Holdings Inc 259 0.25 Panama (31 May 2019: 0.81%) USD 1,736 WW Grainger Inc 550 0.54 Leisure time Diversified financial services USD 14,003 Carnival Corp 631 0.62 USD 14,701 Ally Financial Inc 468 0.46 Total Panama 631 0.62 USD 4,315 Eaton Vance Corp 203 0.20 USD 11,159 Franklin Resources Inc^ 307 0.30 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.19%) USD 2,446 Mastercard Inc 715 0.70 Electronics USD 4,774 SEI Investments Co 308 0.30 USD 19,001 Flex Ltd 226 0.22 USD 8,804 T Rowe Price Group Inc 1,088 1.07 Total Singapore 226 0.22 Electrical components & equipment USD 1,477 Acuity Brands Inc 193 0.19 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 1.60%) Electricity Electronics USD 9,134 Ameren Corp^ 679 0.66 USD 4,755 Garmin Ltd 464 0.46 USD 25,174 Duke Energy Corp 2,220 2.18 USD 12,371 TE Connectivity Ltd 1,147 1.12 USD 35,958 Exelon Corp 1,596 1.56 Total Switzerland 1,611 1.58 USD 9,568 NRG Energy Inc 380 0.37 USD 7,304 OGE Energy Corp^ 307 0.30 United States (31 May 2019: 93.68%) USD 4,084 Pinnacle West Capital Corp 357 0.35 Aerospace & defence USD 26,303 PPL Corp 895 0.88 USD 3,830 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 333 0.33 USD 18,322 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 1,087 1.07 USD 1,346 Teledyne Technologies Inc 460 0.45 Electronics Airlines USD 11,588 Agilent Technologies Inc 936 0.92 USD 6,198 Delta Air Lines Inc 355 0.35 USD 3,081 Arrow Electronics Inc 245 0.24 USD 5,042 Southwest Airlines Co 291 0.28 USD 4,946 FLIR Systems Inc 265 0.26 USD 2,391 United Airlines Holdings Inc 222 0.22 USD 6,844 Keysight Technologies Inc 733 0.72



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.68%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.68%) (cont) Iron & steel Electronics (cont) USD 11,154 Nucor Corp 629 0.62 USD 2,453 Waters Corp^ 545 0.53 USD 8,189 Steel Dynamics Inc 276 0.27 Engineering & construction Machinery - diversified USD 4,935 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 454 0.44 USD 5,450 Cummins Inc 997 0.98 Food Media USD 2,430 Ingredion Inc 202 0.20 USD 5,660 Discovery Inc^ 186 0.18 USD 4,146 JM Smucker Co 436 0.43 USD 13,807 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 421 0.41 USD 29,670 Kroger Co 811 0.79 USD 6,064 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 294 0.29 USD 10,906 Tyson Foods Inc 980 0.96 USD 14,273 News Corp 184 0.18 Gas USD 12,859 Viacom Inc 310 0.31 USD 4,241 Atmos Energy Corp 454 0.45 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 6,344 UGI Corp 276 0.27 USD 8,561 Textron Inc 396 0.39 Hand & machine tools Office & business equipment USD 2,025 Snap-on Inc 325 0.32 USD 7,557 Xerox Holdings Corp 294 0.29 Healthcare products Oil & gas USD 17,951 Baxter International Inc 1,472 1.44 USD 5,921 HollyFrontier Corp 305 0.30 USD 1,799 Cooper Cos Inc 563 0.55 USD 11,798 Phillips 66 1,353 1.33 USD 7,697 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 1,885 1.85 USD 15,224 Valero Energy Corp 1,454 1.42 USD 5,324 ResMed Inc 797 0.78 Packaging & containers USD 3,311 Varian Medical Systems Inc 443 0.44 USD 3,430 Packaging Corp of America 384 0.38 USD 2,729 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 401 0.39 Real estate investment & services Healthcare services USD 11,811 CBRE Group Inc 674 0.66 USD 10,000 HCA Healthcare Inc 1,386 1.36 USD 1,907 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 317 0.31 USD 4,896 Quest Diagnostics Inc 522 0.51 Real estate investment trusts USD 3,047 Universal Health Services Inc 425 0.42 USD 5,169 AvalonBay Communities Inc 1,108 1.09 Home builders USD 3,507 Camden Property Trust 391 0.38 USD 129 NVR Inc 489 0.48 USD 13,119 Duke Realty Corp 462 0.45 USD 9,849 PulteGroup Inc 391 0.38 USD 609 Essex Property Trust Inc 190 0.19 Home furnishings USD 18,176 Healthpeak Properties Inc 634 0.62 USD 2,407 Whirlpool Corp 344 0.34 USD 27,032 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 473 0.46 Insurance USD 15,399 Kimco Realty Corp^ 333 0.33 USD 530 Alleghany Corp 413 0.40 USD 5,385 Liberty Property Trust 332 0.33 USD 15,967 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 395 0.39 USD 19,282 Medical Properties Trust Inc 400 0.39 USD 5,373 Brown & Brown Inc 203 0.20 USD 6,049 National Retail Properties Inc 337 0.33 USD 926 Erie Indemnity Co 157 0.15 USD 5,816 Public Storage 1,225 1.20 USD 10,460 Fidelity National Financial Inc 498 0.49 USD 3,065 SL Green Realty Corp 262 0.26 USD 3,859 Globe Life Inc^ 396 0.39 USD 39,896 Vereit Inc 389 0.38 USD 13,527 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 837 0.82 USD 6,356 Vornado Realty Trust 411 0.40 USD 7,455 Lincoln National Corp 440 0.43 USD 6,042 WP Carey Inc 504 0.50 USD 10,151 Loews Corp 517 0.51 Retail USD 2,282 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 378 0.37 USD 8,839 Best Buy Co Inc 713 0.70 USD 7,811 Unum Group 240 0.24 USD 980 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc^ 798 0.78 USD 5,333 Voya Financial Inc 311 0.30 USD 8,350 Gap Inc 139 0.14 USD 5,639 WR Berkley Corp 383 0.38 USD 6,027 Kohl's Corp^ 283 0.28 Internet USD 4,063 Lululemon Athletica Inc 917 0.90 USD 411 Inc 740 0.73 USD 8,284 Ross Stores Inc 962 0.94 USD 5,360 CDW Corp 724 0.71 USD 18,952 Target Corp 2,369 2.32 USD 2,167 F5 Networks Inc 316 0.31 USD 21,933 Walmart Inc 2,612 2.56 USD 3,890 TripAdvisor Inc 110 0.11 Semiconductors USD 27,179 Twitter Inc 840 0.82 USD 1,517 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc^ 382 0.37 USD 51,145 Intel Corp 2,969 2.91



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Cash† 218 0.21 United States (31 May 2019: 93.68%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Other net assets 172 0.17 USD 40,870 Micron Technology Inc 1,942 1.90 USD 4,359 Qorvo Inc 454 0.45 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 101,982 100.00 USD 6,355 Skyworks Solutions Inc 625 0.61 USD 6,288 Teradyne Inc 393 0.39 †Cash holdings of USD199,855 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. Software USD17,753 is held as security for futures contracts with CitiBank. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. USD 6,091 Akamai Technologies Inc 531 0.52 ~Investment in related party. USD 3,113 ANSYS Inc 793 0.78 USD 5,536 Black Knight Inc 349 0.34 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 10,369 Cadence Design Systems Inc 728 0.72 entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 11,729 Cerner Corp 840 0.82 USD 8,550 Intuit Inc 2,213 2.17 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 2,818 Jack Henry & Associates Inc^ 428 0.42 USD 13,278 Microsoft Corp 2,010 1.97 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 5,582 Synopsys Inc 787 0.77 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Telecommunications %oftotal USD 73,142 AT&T Inc 2,734 2.68 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 12,652 Juniper Networks Inc 317 0.31 USD 5,982 Motorola Solutions Inc 1,001 0.98 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 101,565 99.56 USD 7,403 Verizon Communications Inc 446 0.44 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 10 0.01 Transportation UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 17 0.02 ^ USD 6,256 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 468 0.46 Other assets 421 0.41 USD 3,682 Kansas City Southern 561 0.55 Total current assets 102,013 100.00 USD 2,344 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 449 0.44 Total United States 94,711 92.87 Total equities 101,565 99.59

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 2 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December 2019 304 10 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 10 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 10 0.01

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 101,575 99.60

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 16,568 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund~ 17 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 97.00%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.73%) Commercial services (cont) USD 26,148 Robert Half International Inc 1,522 0.23 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) USD 29,694 Rollins Inc^ 1,065 0.16 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.09%) Computers USD 83,345 Apple Inc 22,274 3.33 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.76%) USD 43,803 International Business Machines Corp 5,890 0.88 Computers USD 14,974 NetApp Inc 907 0.14 USD 40,954 Accenture Plc 8,238 1.23 Cosmetics & personal care Electronics USD 32,826 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 6,416 0.96 USD 18,191 Allegion Plc 2,184 0.33 Distribution & wholesale Total Ireland 10,422 1.56 USD 40,617 Copart Inc 3,615 0.54 USD 106,899 Fastenal Co^ 3,797 0.57 Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) Diversified financial services Packaging & containers USD 30,232 Ameriprise Financial Inc 4,954 0.74 USD 257,330 Amcor Plc 2,640 0.39 USD 25,340 BlackRock Inc~ 12,541 1.87 Total Jersey 2,640 0.39 USD 259,216 Charles Schwab Corp 12,831 1.92 USD 26,613 Eaton Vance Corp 1,255 0.19 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.57%) USD 68,695 Franklin Resources Inc 1,889 0.28 Chemicals USD 71,728 Mastercard Inc 20,961 3.13 USD 34,632 LyondellBasell Industries NV 3,205 0.48 USD 39,057 SEI Investments Co 2,520 0.38 Total Netherlands 3,205 0.48 USD 71,950 T Rowe Price Group Inc 8,890 1.33 USD 66,362 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 3,440 0.51 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.31%) USD 100,396 Visa Inc^ 18,524 2.77 Electronics USD 36,863 Western Union Co 991 0.15 USD 18,494 TE Connectivity Ltd 1,715 0.26 Electricity Total Switzerland 1,715 0.26 USD 133,703 OGE Energy Corp^ 5,624 0.84 USD 73,603 Pinnacle West Capital Corp 6,432 0.96 United States (31 May 2019: 97.00%) Electronics Advertising USD 2,528 Mettler-Toledo International Inc^ 1,819 0.27 USD 20,705 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 464 0.07 USD 8,439 Waters Corp^ 1,874 0.28 USD 16,035 Omnicom Group Inc^ 1,274 0.19 Food Agriculture USD 36,410 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 3,058 0.46 USD 204,965 Altria Group Inc 10,187 1.52 Gas Apparel retailers USD 84,770 Atmos Energy Corp 9,067 1.36 USD 184,834 NIKE Inc 17,280 2.58 Healthcare products USD 36,944 VF Corp 3,271 0.49 USD 3,150 ABIOMED Inc 618 0.09 Banks USD 6,459 Align Technology Inc 1,791 0.27 USD 32,151 East West Bancorp Inc 1,473 0.22 USD 15,579 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 3,816 0.57 Beverages USD 12,984 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 3,267 0.49 USD 47,708 Monster Beverage Corp 2,854 0.43 USD 5,941 Varian Medical Systems Inc 794 0.12 USD 183,988 PepsiCo Inc 24,991 3.73 Home builders Biotechnology USD 445 NVR Inc 1,687 0.25 USD 47,534 Amgen Inc 11,157 1.67 Household goods & home construction USD 16,282 Biogen Inc 4,882 0.73 USD 10,502 Avery Dennison Corp 1,369 0.20 USD 9,142 Illumina Inc 2,932 0.44 Insurance USD 5,433 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 2,005 0.30 USD 161,933 Aflac Inc^ 8,880 1.33 Chemicals USD 7,575 Erie Indemnity Co 1,282 0.19 USD 24,454 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 5,779 0.86 USD 104,354 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 11,278 1.69 USD 14,366 Celanese Corp 1,804 0.27 USD 133,210 Progressive Corp 9,731 1.45 Commercial services Internet USD 29,424 Automatic Data Processing Inc 5,025 0.75 USD 8,470 Alphabet Inc 11,046 1.65 USD 11,439 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 4,619 0.69 USD 8,840 Alphabet Inc Class 'C'^ 11,536 1.73



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 97.00%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 97.00%) (cont) Retail (cont) Internet (cont) USD 20,938 Gap Inc 348 0.05 USD 7,491 Booking Holdings Inc 14,263 2.13 USD 14,246 Lululemon Athletica Inc 3,215 0.48 USD 3,745 F5 Networks Inc 546 0.08 USD 60,200 Ross Stores Inc 6,992 1.04 USD 117,434 Facebook Inc 23,679 3.54 USD 202,332 TJX Cos Inc 12,368 1.85 Iron & steel USD 15,266 Tractor Supply Co 1,442 0.22 USD 30,475 Nucor Corp 1,718 0.26 USD 8,020 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc 1,876 0.28 Machinery - diversified Semiconductors USD 27,424 Cummins Inc 5,015 0.75 USD 56,051 Applied Materials Inc 3,245 0.49 USD 31,289 Rockwell Automation Inc 6,127 0.92 USD 7,512 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 1,891 0.28 Media USD 8,902 KLA Corp 1,459 0.22 USD 12,587 FactSet Research Systems Inc^ 3,268 0.49 USD 7,996 Lam Research Corp 2,134 0.32 USD 19,817 Fox Corp 709 0.10 USD 18,306 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 1,037 0.15 USD 9,187 Fox Corp Class 'B' 321 0.05 USD 9,493 Skyworks Solutions Inc 933 0.14 USD 106,779 Walt Disney Co^ 16,186 2.42 USD 73,779 Texas Instruments Inc 8,869 1.33 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 14,781 Xilinx Inc 1,371 0.20 USD 108,806 3M Co 18,472 2.76 Software USD 24,373 AO Smith Corp 1,179 0.18 USD 43,723 Activision Blizzard Inc 2,397 0.36 USD 67,979 Illinois Tool Works Inc 11,851 1.77 USD 6,025 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 746 0.11 Oil & gas USD 14,951 Cadence Design Systems Inc 1,050 0.16 USD 8,604 Concho Resources Inc 624 0.09 USD 18,235 Electronic Arts Inc 1,842 0.27 USD 7,650 Diamondback Energy Inc^ 592 0.09 USD 18,023 Intuit Inc 4,666 0.70 USD 223,288 Exxon Mobil Corp 15,213 2.27 USD 3,948 Jack Henry & Associates Inc^ 600 0.09 USD 6,121 HollyFrontier Corp 315 0.05 USD 147,403 Microsoft Corp 22,314 3.34 USD 38,754 Occidental Petroleum Corp 1,495 0.22 USD 112,499 Oracle Corp 6,316 0.94 USD 24,787 Phillips 66 2,844 0.43 USD 22,019 Paychex Inc 1,896 0.28 USD 24,426 Valero Energy Corp 2,332 0.35 USD 2,616 Paycom Software Inc 724 0.11 Oil & gas services USD 6,957 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 844 0.13 USD 26,267 Baker Hughes Co^ 589 0.09 Telecommunications Packaging & containers USD 237,773 Cisco Systems Inc 10,773 1.61 USD 10,754 Packaging Corp of America 1,203 0.18 Transportation Pharmaceuticals USD 24,350 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 1,871 0.28 USD 60,912 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3,468 0.52 USD 34,100 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 2,550 0.38 USD 91,726 Eli Lilly & Co 10,764 1.61 Total United States 648,765 96.99 USD 188,617 Johnson & Johnson 25,933 3.88 Total equities 666,747 99.68 USD 181,596 Merck & Co Inc 15,832 2.36 Underlying Fair %ofnet Pipelines No. of exposure Value asset USD 85,595 Kinder Morgan Inc 1,678 0.25 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value USD 21,375 ONEOK Inc 1,519 0.23 Real estate investment & services Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 36,887 CBRE Group Inc 2,104 0.31 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) ^ USD 5,827 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 969 0.15 USD 7 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December Real estate investment trusts 2019 1,079 21 0.00 USD 11,903 AvalonBay Communities Inc 2,552 0.38 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 21 0.00 USD 63,814 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 1,116 0.17 Total financial derivative instruments 21 0.00 USD 13,209 National Retail Properties Inc 736 0.11 USD 57,221 Prologis Inc 5,239 0.78 USD 23,107 Public Storage 4,868 0.73 USD 28,748 Simon Property Group Inc 4,347 0.65 Retail USD 30,917 Best Buy Co Inc^ 2,493 0.37 USD 13,415 Darden Restaurants Inc 1,589 0.24



Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 666,768 99.68

Cash† 1,052 0.16

Other net assets 1,100 0.16

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 668,920 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD1,024,173 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD28,149 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 666,747 99.66 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 21 0.00 Other assets 2,260 0.34 Total current assets 669,028 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Netherlands (31 May 2019: Nil) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.73%) Pharmaceuticals USD 13,150 Mylan NV 247 0.32 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) Total Netherlands 247 0.32 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 2.71%) Agriculture Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.26%) USD 4,127 Bunge Ltd 220 0.29 Electronics Chemicals USD 18,745 Flex Ltd 223 0.29 USD 7,641 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 218 0.28 Total Singapore 223 0.29 Diversified financial services USD 13,179 Invesco Ltd 231 0.30 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.31%) Insurance Electronics USD 5,734 Arch Capital Group Ltd 241 0.31 USD 2,346 Garmin Ltd 229 0.30 USD 5,293 Athene Holding Ltd 238 0.31 Total Switzerland 229 0.30 USD 834 Everest Re Group Ltd 226 0.29 USD 1,205 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 227 0.30 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.86%) Leisure time Commercial services USD 4,328 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 232 0.30 USD 10,875 Nielsen Holdings Plc 213 0.28 Semiconductors Electronics USD 8,292 Marvell Technology Group Ltd^ 219 0.28 USD 4,283 Sensata Technologies Holding Plc^ 220 0.28 Total Bermuda 2,052 2.66 Oil & gas services USD 11,356 TechnipFMC Plc 214 0.28 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.25%) Total United Kingdom 647 0.84 Apparel retailers USD 6,331 Capri Holdings Ltd^ 235 0.30 United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) Total British Virgin Islands 235 0.30 Advertising USD 10,173 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 228 0.30 Canada (31 May 2019: 0.31%) Aerospace & defence Environmental control USD 7,635 Arconic Inc 236 0.31 USD 2,530 Waste Connections Inc 229 0.30 USD 736 HEICO Corp 96 0.12 Total Canada 229 0.30 USD 1,306 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 131 0.17 USD 2,487 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc^ 216 0.28 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.99%) USD 668 Teledyne Technologies Inc 229 0.30 Computers Airlines USD 3,933 Seagate Technology Plc 235 0.30 USD 7,978 American Airlines Group Inc 229 0.30 Electronics Apparel retailers USD 1,910 Allegion Plc 229 0.30 USD 14,894 Hanesbrands Inc^ 225 0.29 Environmental control USD 2,330 PVH Corp 226 0.29 USD 5,268 Pentair Plc 234 0.30 USD 1,996 Ralph Lauren Corp 214 0.28 Healthcare products USD 8,776 Tapestry Inc 236 0.31 USD 1,525 STERIS Plc 230 0.30 USD 6,609 Under Armour Inc^ 125 0.16 Pharmaceuticals USD 6,827 Under Armour Inc (non-voting)^ 118 0.15 USD 1,714 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 259 0.33 Auto parts & equipment USD 4,630 Perrigo Co Plc 237 0.31 USD 2,741 Autoliv Inc^ 224 0.29 Total Ireland 1,424 1.84 USD 5,119 BorgWarner Inc 215 0.28 USD 1,861 Lear Corp 224 0.29 Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 1,689 WABCO Holdings Inc 228 0.29 Packaging & containers Banks USD 22,449 Amcor Plc 231 0.30 USD 5,957 Citizens Financial Group Inc 229 0.30 Total Jersey 231 0.30 USD 3,264 Comerica Inc 230 0.30 USD 5,065 East West Bancorp Inc 232 0.30 USD 7,515 Fifth Third Bancorp 227 0.29 USD 2,043 First Republic Bank^ 224 0.29



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) Computers (cont) Banks (cont) USD 2,485 Leidos Holdings Inc 226 0.29 USD 15,236 Huntington Bancshares Inc^ 227 0.29 USD 3,665 NetApp Inc 222 0.29 USD 13,614 Regions Financial Corp 227 0.29 Cosmetics & personal care USD 1,783 Signature Bank 220 0.29 USD 18,629 Coty Inc^ 215 0.28 USD 960 SVB Financial Group 222 0.29 Distribution & wholesale USD 4,522 Zions Bancorp NA^ 225 0.29 USD 2,668 Copart Inc 237 0.31 Beverages USD 6,183 Fastenal Co^ 220 0.28 USD 4,354 Molson Coors Brewing Co^ 220 0.28 USD 5,638 HD Supply Holdings Inc 224 0.29 Biotechnology USD 6,510 LKQ Corp 230 0.30 USD 2,530 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 296 0.38 USD 704 WW Grainger Inc^ 223 0.29 USD 2,955 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 238 0.31 Diversified financial services USD 630 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 233 0.30 USD 2,114 Alliance Data Systems Corp 226 0.29 USD 2,874 Exact Sciences Corp 233 0.30 USD 7,251 Ally Financial Inc 231 0.30 USD 3,865 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 247 0.32 USD 1,904 Cboe Global Markets Inc 226 0.29 USD 1,968 Seattle Genetics Inc 237 0.31 USD 5,202 E*TRADE Financial Corp 230 0.30 Building materials and fixtures USD 4,786 Eaton Vance Corp 226 0.29 USD 3,559 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 225 0.29 USD 11,646 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 243 0.32 USD 891 Lennox International Inc 228 0.29 USD 7,617 KKR & Co Inc^ 225 0.29 USD 860 Martin Marietta Materials Inc^ 231 0.30 USD 2,167 Nasdaq Inc 227 0.29 USD 4,926 Masco Corp 229 0.30 USD 2,559 Raymond James Financial Inc 230 0.30 USD 3,435 Owens Corning 231 0.30 USD 3,614 SEI Investments Co 233 0.30 USD 1,573 Vulcan Materials Co 223 0.29 USD 8,426 Western Union Co^ 227 0.30 Chemicals Electrical components & equipment USD 3,465 Albemarle Corp^ 226 0.29 USD 1,790 Acuity Brands Inc 234 0.30 USD 1,797 Celanese Corp 226 0.29 USD 2,307 AMETEK Inc 228 0.30 USD 4,828 CF Industries Holdings Inc 223 0.29 Electricity USD 2,804 Eastman Chemical Co 220 0.28 USD 12,157 AES Corp 230 0.30 USD 2,360 FMC Corp 231 0.30 USD 4,218 Alliant Energy Corp 223 0.29 USD 1,693 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc^ 239 0.31 USD 2,998 Ameren Corp^ 223 0.29 USD 11,232 Mosaic Co 214 0.28 USD 8,529 CenterPoint Energy Inc 209 0.27 USD 3,087 RPM International Inc 228 0.30 USD 3,666 CMS Energy Corp 225 0.29 USD 3,085 Westlake Chemical Corp 212 0.27 USD 1,835 DTE Energy Co 229 0.30 Commercial services USD 3,456 Evergy Inc^ 219 0.28 USD 608 AMERCO 220 0.28 USD 5,679 NRG Energy Inc 226 0.29 USD 3,135 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 228 0.30 USD 5,093 OGE Energy Corp^ 214 0.28 USD 393 CoStar Group Inc 241 0.31 USD 2,610 Pinnacle West Capital Corp 228 0.29 USD 1,626 Equifax Inc 227 0.29 USD 8,441 Vistra Energy Corp 224 0.29 USD 759 FleetCor Technologies Inc 233 0.30 Electronics USD 1,440 Gartner Inc^ 231 0.30 USD 2,809 Arrow Electronics Inc 224 0.29 USD 2,427 ManpowerGroup Inc 225 0.29 USD 4,292 FLIR Systems Inc 230 0.30 USD 589 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 238 0.31 USD 2,125 Keysight Technologies Inc 227 0.29 USD 3,924 Robert Half International Inc 228 0.30 USD 318 Mettler-Toledo International Inc^ 229 0.30 USD 5,984 Rollins Inc^ 215 0.28 USD 2,590 PerkinElmer Inc 240 0.31 USD 9,983 Sabre Corp 224 0.29 USD 5,796 Trimble Inc 235 0.30 USD 2,693 TransUnion 232 0.30 USD 1,061 Waters Corp^ 236 0.31 USD 1,469 United Rentals Inc 225 0.29 Engineering & construction USD 1,619 Verisk Analytics Inc 239 0.31 USD 2,402 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 221 0.29 Computers Entertainment USD 6,405 DXC Technology Co 239 0.31 USD 3,481 Live Nation Entertainment Inc^ 243 0.32 USD 1,093 EPAM Systems Inc 232 0.30 USD 934 Vail Resorts Inc 227 0.29 USD 2,267 Fortinet Inc 238 0.31



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) Insurance Food USD 298 Alleghany Corp 232 0.30 USD 4,822 Campbell Soup Co 225 0.29 USD 2,149 American Financial Group Inc 236 0.31 USD 2,754 Ingredion Inc 229 0.30 USD 2,425 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 226 0.29 USD 2,179 JM Smucker Co 229 0.30 USD 1,807 Assurant Inc 240 0.31 USD 2,801 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 235 0.30 USD 9,524 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 236 0.31 USD 1,387 McCormick & Co Inc^ 235 0.30 USD 3,613 Brown & Brown Inc 136 0.18 Food Service USD 2,072 Cincinnati Financial Corp 222 0.29 USD 5,295 Aramark 231 0.30 USD 1,276 Erie Indemnity Co 216 0.28 USD 5,942 Grubhub Inc^ 256 0.33 USD 4,924 Fidelity National Financial Inc 235 0.30 Gas USD 2,328 Globe Life Inc 239 0.31 USD 2,043 Atmos Energy Corp 219 0.28 USD 3,880 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 240 0.31 USD 8,625 NiSource Inc 228 0.30 USD 3,986 Lincoln National Corp 235 0.30 USD 5,352 UGI Corp 233 0.30 USD 197 Markel Corp 224 0.29 Hand & machine tools USD 4,353 Principal Financial Group Inc 240 0.31 USD 1,374 Snap-on Inc 220 0.28 USD 1,406 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 233 0.30 Healthcare products USD 7,614 Unum Group 234 0.30 USD 1,011 ABIOMED Inc^ 198 0.26 USD 3,866 Voya Financial Inc 225 0.29 USD 866 Align Technology Inc^ 240 0.31 USD 3,269 WR Berkley Corp 222 0.29 USD 763 Cooper Cos Inc 239 0.31 Internet USD 4,059 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 230 0.30 USD 1,709 CDW Corp 231 0.30 USD 3,283 Henry Schein Inc 226 0.29 USD 1,548 F5 Networks Inc 226 0.29 USD 4,780 Hologic Inc 245 0.32 USD 3,299 GoDaddy Inc 219 0.28 USD 886 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 223 0.29 USD 1,032 IAC/InterActiveCorp 230 0.30 USD 1,255 Insulet Corp 233 0.30 USD 3,308 Match Group Inc 233 0.30 USD 1,575 ResMed Inc 236 0.31 USD 1,941 Okta Inc^ 252 0.33 USD 654 Teleflex Inc 231 0.30 USD 912 Palo Alto Networks Inc 207 0.27 USD 1,813 Varian Medical Systems Inc 243 0.31 USD 11,753 Pinterest Inc 229 0.30 USD 1,545 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 227 0.29 USD 1,352 RingCentral Inc 233 0.30 Healthcare services USD 1,505 Roku Inc^ 241 0.31 USD 3,234 DaVita Inc^ 232 0.30 USD 15,940 Snap Inc 243 0.31 USD 1,351 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 233 0.30 USD 8,323 TripAdvisor Inc^ 236 0.31 USD 2,177 Quest Diagnostics Inc 232 0.30 USD 1,213 VeriSign Inc 231 0.30 USD 1,592 Universal Health Services Inc 222 0.29 USD 2,669 Wayfair Inc^ 227 0.29 USD 742 WellCare Health Plans Inc 239 0.31 USD 5,894 Zillow Group Inc^ 231 0.30 Home builders Iron & steel USD 4,183 DR Horton Inc 232 0.30 USD 7,113 Steel Dynamics Inc 240 0.31 USD 3,746 Lennar Corp 223 0.29 Leisure time USD 61 NVR Inc 231 0.30 USD 5,941 Harley-Davidson Inc^ 216 0.28 USD 5,768 PulteGroup Inc 229 0.29 USD 2,217 Polaris Inc 217 0.28 Home furnishings Machinery - diversified USD 4,171 Leggett & Platt Inc 218 0.28 USD 4,401 Cognex Corp^ 221 0.29 USD 1,492 Whirlpool Corp 214 0.28 USD 2,059 Dover Corp 229 0.30 Hotels USD 4,667 Flowserve Corp 227 0.29 USD 7,299 MGM Resorts International 233 0.30 USD 1,405 IDEX Corp 229 0.30 USD 1,912 Wynn Resorts Ltd 231 0.30 USD 1,889 Middleby Corp 219 0.28 Household goods & home construction USD 2,850 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp^ 224 0.29 USD 1,737 Avery Dennison Corp 227 0.30 USD 2,924 Xylem Inc^ 227 0.29 USD 3,336 Church & Dwight Co Inc 234 0.30 Media Household products USD 8,367 Altice USA Inc 214 0.28 USD 11,471 Newell Brands Inc^ 220 0.28 USD 2,421 Discovery Inc^ 80 0.10 USD 5,534 Discovery Inc Class 'C'^ 169 0.22



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Media (cont) USD 1,717 Federal Realty Investment Trust 227 0.29 USD 874 FactSet Research Systems Inc^ 227 0.30 USD 6,553 Healthpeak Properties Inc 229 0.30 USD 1,887 Liberty Broadband Corp 226 0.29 USD 13,415 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 235 0.30 USD 5,209 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Formula One 235 0.31 USD 7,491 Invitation Homes Inc 229 0.30 USD 1,641 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 80 0.10 USD 6,804 Iron Mountain Inc^ 219 0.28 USD 3,075 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C' 149 0.19 USD 10,423 Kimco Realty Corp^ 225 0.29 USD 17,336 News Corp 223 0.29 USD 3,781 Liberty Property Trust 233 0.30 USD 10,032 Viacom Inc 241 0.31 USD 11,526 Medical Properties Trust Inc 239 0.31 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 1,660 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 226 0.29 USD 4,344 AO Smith Corp^ 210 0.27 USD 4,026 National Retail Properties Inc 224 0.29 USD 4,899 Textron Inc 227 0.30 USD 5,501 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 231 0.30 Office & business equipment USD 2,898 Realty Income Corp 222 0.29 USD 5,814 Xerox Holdings Corp 226 0.29 USD 3,499 Regency Centers Corp 228 0.30 USD 964 Zebra Technologies Corp 242 0.32 USD 2,642 SL Green Realty Corp 225 0.29 Oil & gas USD 1,451 Sun Communities Inc 239 0.31 USD 9,553 Apache Corp 213 0.27 USD 4,635 UDR Inc 223 0.29 USD 12,628 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 201 0.26 USD 23,659 Vereit Inc 231 0.30 USD 3,202 Concho Resources Inc 232 0.30 USD 9,337 VICI Properties Inc 231 0.30 USD 7,340 Continental Resources Inc^ 227 0.29 USD 3,512 Vornado Realty Trust 227 0.29 USD 10,494 Devon Energy Corp 230 0.30 USD 2,664 WP Carey Inc 222 0.29 USD 4,213 HollyFrontier Corp 217 0.28 Retail USD 18,958 Marathon Oil Corp^ 221 0.29 USD 1,452 Advance Auto Parts Inc^ 228 0.30 USD 10,336 Noble Energy Inc 214 0.28 USD 2,960 Best Buy Co Inc 239 0.31 Oil & gas services USD 1,118 Burlington Stores Inc 251 0.33 USD 10,281 National Oilwell Varco Inc 232 0.30 USD 2,364 CarMax Inc 230 0.30 Packaging & containers USD 305 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 248 0.32 USD 3,442 Ball Corp^ 227 0.29 USD 2,018 Darden Restaurants Inc 239 0.31 USD 3,051 Crown Holdings Inc 232 0.30 USD 804 Domino's Pizza Inc^ 237 0.31 USD 1,982 Packaging Corp of America 222 0.29 USD 13,279 Gap Inc 220 0.28 USD 5,939 Sealed Air Corp 224 0.29 USD 2,156 Genuine Parts Co 225 0.29 USD 5,526 Westrock Co 223 0.29 USD 3,975 Kohl's Corp^ 187 0.24 Pharmaceuticals USD 1,065 Lululemon Athletica Inc 240 0.31 USD 1,099 DexCom Inc 250 0.32 USD 5,995 Nordstrom Inc^ 229 0.30 USD 8,913 Elanco Animal Health Inc 247 0.32 USD 1,845 Tiffany & Co 247 0.32 USD 2,086 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 243 0.32 USD 2,328 Tractor Supply Co 220 0.28 USD 2,314 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc^ 260 0.34 USD 928 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc^ 217 0.28 Pipelines Savings & loans USD 3,713 Cheniere Energy Inc^ 225 0.29 USD 13,794 People's United Financial Inc 228 0.30 USD 5,973 Targa Resources Corp^ 218 0.28 Semiconductors Real estate investment & services USD 889 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc^ 224 0.29 USD 4,028 CBRE Group Inc 230 0.30 USD 1,647 IPG Photonics Corp^ 234 0.30 USD 1,402 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 233 0.30 USD 1,270 KLA Corp 208 0.27 Real estate investment trusts USD 3,855 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 218 0.28 USD 13,295 AGNC Investment Corp 230 0.30 USD 2,391 Microchip Technology Inc^ 226 0.29 USD 1,415 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 230 0.30 USD 10,419 ON Semiconductor Corp^ 224 0.29 USD 25,195 Annaly Capital Management Inc 235 0.30 USD 2,154 Qorvo Inc 225 0.29 USD 2,008 Camden Property Trust 224 0.29 USD 2,251 Skyworks Solutions Inc 221 0.29 USD 6,396 Duke Realty Corp 225 0.29 USD 3,393 Teradyne Inc 212 0.28 USD 3,272 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 242 0.31 Software USD 712 Essex Property Trust Inc 222 0.29 USD 2,613 Akamai Technologies Inc 228 0.29 USD 2,111 Extra Space Storage Inc^ 224 0.29 USD 990 ANSYS Inc 252 0.33



Fair %ofnet Underlying Fair %ofnet Value asset No. of exposure Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.73%) (cont) Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: Nil) United States (31 May 2019: 93.04%) (cont) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: Nil) Software (cont) USD 1 S&P Mid 400 E Mini Index Futures USD 3,854 Black Knight Inc 243 0.31 December 2019 195 6 0.01 ^ USD 1,922 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 238 0.31 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 6 0.01 USD 3,381 Cadence Design Systems Inc 237 0.31 Total financial derivative instruments 6 0.01 USD 4,319 CDK Global Inc 231 0.30 USD 2,009 Citrix Systems Inc 227 0.29 USD 3,382 DocuSign Inc^ 241 0.31 Fair %ofnet USD 11,965 Dropbox Inc 221 0.29 Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD 1,955 Guidewire Software Inc 238 0.31 USD 1,511 Jack Henry & Associates Inc 230 0.30 Total value of investments 76,979 99.70 USD 1,695 MongoDB Inc^ 252 0.33 USD 895 MSCI Inc 232 0.30 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 965 Paycom Software Inc 267 0.34 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market USD 3,093 PTC Inc 237 0.31 Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 1,947 Splunk Inc 291 0.38 USD 3,941 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc^ 237 0.31 USD 95,338 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar ~ USD 1,620 Synopsys Inc 228 0.29 Liquidity Fund 95 0.12 USD 1,830 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 222 0.29 Cash† 50 0.06 USD 2,298 Twilio Inc^ 237 0.31 USD 813 Tyler Technologies Inc 236 0.30 Other net assets 90 0.12 USD 1,543 Veeva Systems Inc 230 0.30 Telecommunications Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating ^ USD 1,183 Arista Networks Inc 231 0.30 shareholders at the end of the financial period 77,214 100.00 USD 14,991 CenturyLink Inc 217 0.28 † USD 8,870 Juniper Networks Inc 222 0.29 Cash holdings of USD48,855 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD1,010 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. USD 6,566 Zayo Group Holdings Inc 225 0.29 ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~ Textile Investment in related party. USD 1,590 Mohawk Industries Inc 222 0.29 Toys Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 2,327 Hasbro Inc^ 237 0.31 entity in which the Fund holds shares. Transportation USD 3,039 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 234 0.30 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 2,948 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 220 0.29 USD 1,942 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc^ 224 0.29 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 1,480 Kansas City Southern 226 0.29 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. USD 6,002 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc^ 222 0.29 %oftotal USD 1,181 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 226 0.29 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 2,649 XPO Logistics Inc^ 219 0.28 Water Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 76,973 99.67 USD 1,938 American Water Works Co Inc^ 235 0.31 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 6 0.01 USD 5,298 Aqua America Inc 234 0.30 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 95 0.12 Total United States 71,456 92.54 Other assets 152 0.20 Total equities 76,973 99.69 Total current assets 77,226 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United Kingdom (31 May 2019: Nil) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.54%) Commercial services USD 64,723 Nielsen Holdings Plc 1,265 0.09 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) Total United Kingdom 1,265 0.09 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.51%) Diversified financial services United States (31 May 2019: 93.10%) USD 102,465 Invesco Ltd 1,799 0.13 Aerospace & defence Insurance USD 30,709 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc^ 2,671 0.18 USD 49,595 Athene Holding Ltd 2,233 0.15 Agriculture Leisure time USD 273,291 Altria Group Inc 13,583 0.94 USD 81,891 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 4,393 0.30 Airlines Total Bermuda 8,425 0.58 USD 96,384 American Airlines Group Inc^ 2,770 0.19 USD 167,217 Delta Air Lines Inc 9,583 0.66 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.14%) USD 117,664 Southwest Airlines Co 6,782 0.47 Apparel retailers USD 76,007 United Airlines Holdings Inc 7,054 0.49 USD 66,523 Capri Holdings Ltd^ 2,471 0.17 Apparel retailers Total British Virgin Islands 2,471 0.17 USD 17,010 PVH Corp 1,649 0.11 USD 15,332 Ralph Lauren Corp 1,646 0.11 Ireland (31 May 2019: 3.73%) USD 46,233 Tapestry Inc 1,243 0.09 Building materials and fixtures Auto manufacturers USD 277,139 Johnson Controls International Plc 11,870 0.82 USD 2,516,637 Ford Motor Co 22,801 1.57 Computers USD 925,076 General Motors Co 33,303 2.30 USD 114,762 Seagate Technology Plc 6,849 0.47 USD 175,548 PACCAR Inc 14,284 0.99 Miscellaneous manufacturers Auto parts & equipment USD 165,613 Eaton Corp Plc 15,319 1.06 USD 86,848 BorgWarner Inc 3,652 0.25 Pharmaceuticals USD 38,587 Lear Corp 4,642 0.32 USD 127,514 Allergan Plc 23,582 1.63 Banks USD 16,411 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 2,480 0.17 USD 1,407,502 Bank of America Corp 46,898 3.24 USD 33,080 Perrigo Co Plc 1,695 0.12 USD 533,359 Citigroup Inc 40,066 2.77 Total Ireland 61,795 4.27 USD 110,236 Citizens Financial Group Inc 4,240 0.29 USD 77,965 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 17,258 1.19 Liberia (31 May 2019: 0.28%) USD 236,126 Morgan Stanley 11,683 0.81 Leisure time USD 152,779 Regions Financial Corp 2,542 0.17 USD 47,672 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 5,721 0.40 Beverages Total Liberia 5,721 0.40 USD 139,060 Molson Coors Brewing Co^ 7,020 0.48 Biotechnology Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.86%) USD 39,984 Biogen Inc 11,988 0.83 Chemicals USD 92,816 Corteva Inc 2,415 0.17 USD 82,399 LyondellBasell Industries NV 7,625 0.53 USD 343,683 Gilead Sciences Inc 23,109 1.59 Pharmaceuticals Building materials and fixtures USD 235,231 Mylan NV 4,418 0.30 USD 77,823 Owens Corning 5,219 0.36 Total Netherlands 12,043 0.83 Chemicals USD 12,242 Albemarle Corp 800 0.06 Panama (31 May 2019: 0.69%) USD 85,191 Dow Inc 4,547 0.32 Leisure time USD 35,507 Eastman Chemical Co 2,783 0.19 USD 187,935 Carnival Corp 8,472 0.58 USD 123,902 Mosaic Co 2,360 0.16 Total Panama 8,472 0.58 USD 10,837 Westlake Chemical Corp^ 744 0.05 Commercial services Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.23%) USD 3,982 AMERCO 1,443 0.10 USD 34,341 ManpowerGroup Inc 3,181 0.22 USD 74,180 United Rentals Inc^ 11,353 0.78 Computers USD 28,505 Dell Technologies Inc 1,382 0.10



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.10%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 93.10%) (cont) Insurance Computers (cont) USD 207,468 American International Group Inc 10,925 0.76 USD 190,256 DXC Technology Co 7,102 0.49 USD 122,279 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 3,025 0.21 USD 1,031,672 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 16,331 1.13 USD 63,594 Lincoln National Corp 3,755 0.26 USD 628,225 HP Inc 12,615 0.87 USD 49,214 Loews Corp^ 2,505 0.17 USD 374,658 International Business Machines Corp 50,373 3.48 USD 189,618 MetLife Inc 9,464 0.65 USD 190,969 Western Digital Corp 9,612 0.66 USD 94,594 Prudential Financial Inc^ 8,856 0.61 Cosmetics & personal care USD 69,186 Unum Group 2,127 0.15 USD 162,863 Coty Inc^ 1,880 0.13 USD 30,077 Voya Financial Inc 1,753 0.12 Diversified financial services Internet USD 28,672 Alliance Data Systems Corp 3,065 0.21 USD 106,760 NortonLifeLock Inc 2,658 0.18 USD 110,113 Ally Financial Inc 3,506 0.24 Iron & steel USD 120,949 Capital One Financial Corp 12,096 0.84 USD 74,419 Nucor Corp 4,194 0.29 USD 69,942 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 1,462 0.10 USD 71,076 Steel Dynamics Inc 2,398 0.17 Electrical components & equipment Machinery - diversified USD 8,164 Acuity Brands Inc 1,068 0.07 USD 79,745 Cummins Inc 14,582 1.00 Electricity USD 52,970 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp 4,162 0.29 USD 133,288 AES Corp 2,520 0.17 Media USD 68,409 CenterPoint Energy Inc 1,680 0.12 USD 62,337 CBS Corp 2,517 0.17 USD 113,530 Duke Energy Corp 10,010 0.69 USD 73,018 Discovery Inc^ 2,405 0.17 USD 81,894 Edison International^ 5,659 0.39 USD 167,122 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 5,101 0.35 USD 33,487 Evergy Inc^ 2,119 0.15 USD 59,375 DISH Network Corp 2,029 0.14 USD 374,498 Exelon Corp 16,628 1.15 USD 22,740 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 1,107 0.08 USD 135,624 PPL Corp 4,615 0.32 USD 43,351 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C'^ 2,103 0.14 USD 117,890 Vistra Energy Corp 3,128 0.21 USD 183,534 News Corp 2,364 0.16 Electronics USD 220,144 Viacom Inc 5,299 0.37 USD 42,946 Arrow Electronics Inc 3,420 0.24 Mining Food USD 308,178 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 3,507 0.24 USD 78,302 Conagra Brands Inc 2,261 0.16 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 31,701 Ingredion Inc 2,637 0.18 USD 49,488 Textron Inc 2,288 0.16 USD 57,497 JM Smucker Co^ 6,042 0.42 Office & business equipment USD 392,018 Kraft Heinz Co 11,956 0.82 USD 130,446 Xerox Holdings Corp 5,078 0.35 USD 439,597 Kroger Co 12,019 0.83 Oil & gas USD 166,307 Tyson Foods Inc 14,949 1.03 USD 76,366 Concho Resources Inc 5,541 0.39 Forest products & paper USD 258,520 Devon Energy Corp 5,659 0.39 USD 83,669 International Paper Co^ 3,877 0.27 USD 101,476 HollyFrontier Corp 5,231 0.36 Gas USD 549,929 Marathon Oil Corp 6,407 0.44 USD 23,072 UGI Corp 1,005 0.07 USD 379,799 Marathon Petroleum Corp 23,031 1.59 Healthcare services Oil & gas services USD 48,835 Anthem Inc 14,097 0.97 USD 598,172 Baker Hughes Co 13,411 0.93 USD 92,265 Centene Corp^ 5,579 0.39 Packaging & containers USD 26,452 DaVita Inc 1,898 0.13 USD 98,522 Westrock Co 3,973 0.27 USD 19,877 Universal Health Services Inc 2,773 0.19 Pharmaceuticals Home builders USD 28,841 AmerisourceBergen Corp 2,535 0.17 USD 81,480 DR Horton Inc 4,510 0.31 USD 90,984 Cardinal Health Inc 5,007 0.35 USD 121,627 Lennar Corp 7,255 0.50 USD 93,159 Cigna Corp 18,624 1.29 USD 101,061 PulteGroup Inc 4,007 0.28 USD 378,686 CVS Health Corp 28,504 1.97 Home furnishings USD 59,285 McKesson Corp 8,575 0.59 USD 24,223 Whirlpool Corp 3,466 0.24 USD 935,923 Pfizer Inc 36,052 2.49 Household products Real estate investment & services USD 162,779 Newell Brands Inc 3,129 0.22 USD 211,023 CBRE Group Inc 12,033 0.83 USD 62,812 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc^ 10,447 0.72



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) (cont) Total value of investments 1,440,665 99.46 United States (31 May 2019: 93.10%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.25%) USD 117,714 AGNC Investment Corp 2,039 0.14 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money USD 310,616 Annaly Capital Management Inc 2,898 0.20 Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.25%) USD 1,318,620 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 23,063 1.59 ^ USD 4,658,180 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar USD 170,288 Kimco Realty Corp 3,681 0.26 Liquidity Fund~ 4,658 0.32 Retail USD 37,964 Best Buy Co Inc 3,061 0.21 Cash† 3,105 0.21 USD 114,455 Gap Inc 1,901 0.13 USD 82,864 Kohl's Corp^ 3,895 0.27 Other net assets 35 0.01 USD 40,760 Nordstrom Inc^ 1,556 0.11 USD 154,625 Target Corp 19,330 1.33 Net asset value attributable to redeemable USD 485,881 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 28,959 2.00 participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 1,448,463 100.00 Semiconductors USD 227,947 Applied Materials Inc 13,198 0.91 †Cash holdings of USD2,911,144 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD 2,037,536 Intel Corp 118,279 8.17 USD193,905 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ^ USD 54,599 Lam Research Corp 14,569 1.00 ~Investment in related party. USD 935,275 Micron Technology Inc 44,435 3.07 USD 200,449 ON Semiconductor Corp 4,303 0.30 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 54,141 Qorvo Inc 5,642 0.39 entity in which the Fund holds shares. Telecommunications USD 3,097,090 AT&T Inc^ 115,769 7.99 USD 500,581 CenturyLink Inc 7,254 0.50 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 320,104 Corning Inc^ 9,296 0.64 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 165,298 Juniper Networks Inc 4,142 0.29 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. USD 321,278 Sprint Corp^ 1,902 0.13 %oftotal Textile Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 20,993 Mohawk Industries Inc 2,926 0.20 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets Transportation USD 113,305 FedEx Corp^ 18,135 1.25 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 1,440,487 98.95 USD 102,334 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc^ 3,785 0.26 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 178 0.01 Total United States 1,340,293 92.53 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 4,658 0.32 Total equities 1,440,485 99.45 Other assets 10,491 0.72 Total current assets 1,455,814 100.00 Rights (31 May 2019: Nil) United States (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 2,979 DISH Network Corp 2 0.00 Total United States 2 0.00 Total rights 2 0.00

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) USD 46 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December 2019 7,053 178 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 178 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 178 0.01



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.40%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.69%) Insurance (cont) USD 6,280 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 1,183 0.10 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) Total Bermuda 7,259 0.63 Australia (31 May 2019: 1.03%) Biotechnology Canada (31 May 2019: 4.30%) AUD 57,791 CSL Ltd 11,081 0.96 Aerospace & defence Commercial services CAD 24,320 CAE Inc 654 0.06 AUD 270,492 Transurban Group 2,809 0.25 Airlines Diversified financial services CAD 19,655 Air Canada 741 0.06 AUD 23,873 ASX Ltd 1,319 0.12 Computers AUD 13,843 Magellan Financial Group Ltd 492 0.04 CAD 21,031 CGI Inc 1,743 0.15 Engineering & construction Diversified financial services AUD 53,173 Lendlease Group 695 0.06 CAD 102,529 Brookfield Asset Management Inc^ 5,932 0.52 AUD 115,511 Sydney Airport 717 0.06 Electricity Food CAD 74,285 Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp 1,042 0.09 AUD 126,473 Coles Group Ltd 1,391 0.12 CAD 10,099 Canadian Utilities Ltd^ 297 0.02 AUD 159,287 Woolworths Group Ltd 4,284 0.37 CAD 27,072 Emera Inc 1,113 0.10 Healthcare services CAD 49,079 Fortis Inc^ 1,923 0.17 AUD 44,043 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 897 0.08 CAD 41,068 Hydro One Ltd 774 0.07 Internet Food AUD 35,078 SEEK Ltd 550 0.05 CAD 15,943 Loblaw Cos Ltd 859 0.07 Iron & steel CAD 30,427 Metro Inc^ 1,333 0.12 AUD 217,189 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd^ 1,429 0.12 Household goods & home construction Mining CAD 30,300 Cronos Group Inc^ 206 0.02 AUD 83,859 Newcrest Mining Ltd 1,745 0.15 Insurance Miscellaneous manufacturers CAD 12,204 iA Financial Corp Inc 625 0.05 AUD 42,042 Orica Ltd 676 0.06 CAD 21,706 Intact Financial Corp 2,238 0.20 Real estate investment & services Internet AUD 7,938 REA Group Ltd 560 0.05 CAD 12,307 Shopify Inc 4,127 0.36 Real estate investment trusts Media AUD 160,974 Goodman Group 1,614 0.14 CAD 21,870 Thomson Reuters Corp^ 1,529 0.13 AUD 479,317 Mirvac Group 1,093 0.10 Mining AUD 318,039 Stockland 1,086 0.09 CAD 35,959 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 2,136 0.19 Transportation CAD 188,495 Barrick Gold Corp 3,148 0.27 AUD 271,722 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 1,062 0.09 CAD 28,250 Franco-Nevada Corp 2,779 0.24 Total Australia 33,500 2.91 CAD 181,783 Kinross Gold Corp 786 0.07 CAD 32,202 Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 1,353 0.12 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.04%) CAD 54,630 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 1,501 0.13 Electricity Pharmaceuticals EUR 8,678 Verbund AG 452 0.04 CAD 46,352 Aurora Cannabis Inc^ 116 0.01 Total Austria 452 0.04 CAD 20,117 Canopy Growth Corp^ 371 0.03 Pipelines Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.05%) CAD 79,675 TC Energy Corp 4,031 0.35 Pharmaceuticals Software EUR 6,585 Galapagos NV 1,299 0.11 CAD 1,874 Constellation Software Inc 2,003 0.17 Total Belgium 1,299 0.11 Telecommunications CAD 12,504 BCE Inc 602 0.05 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.40%) Total Canada 43,962 3.82 Commercial services USD 48,076 IHS Markit Ltd 3,493 0.30 Insurance USD 61,556 Arch Capital Group Ltd 2,583 0.23



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 3.41%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.09%) Transportation Semiconductors EUR 42,611 Getlink SE 719 0.06 HKD 31,500 ASM Pacific Technology Ltd 411 0.04 Water Total Cayman Islands 411 0.04 EUR 54,807 Veolia Environnement SA 1,404 0.12 Total France 46,922 4.08 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.65%) Beverages Germany (31 May 2019: 1.63%) DKK 11,892 Carlsberg A/S 1,712 0.15 Aerospace & defence Biotechnology EUR 4,681 MTU Aero Engines AG 1,269 0.11 DKK 7,680 Genmab A/S 1,791 0.16 Apparel retailers Electricity EUR 18,367 adidas AG 5,726 0.50 DKK 21,518 Orsted A/S 1,985 0.17 EUR 9,020 Puma SE 678 0.06 Healthcare products Diversified financial services DKK 10,985 Coloplast A/S 1,299 0.11 EUR 19,752 Deutsche Boerse AG 3,033 0.26 Transportation Electricity DKK 15,484 DSV PANALPINA A/S 1,687 0.15 EUR 61,242 RWE AG 1,817 0.16 Total Denmark 8,474 0.74 Electronics EUR 2,724 Sartorius AG^ 575 0.05 Finland (31 May 2019: 0.10%) Healthcare products Machinery - diversified EUR 4,211 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 515 0.04 EUR 38,175 Kone Oyj 2,392 0.21 Insurance Oil & gas EUR 7,819 Hannover Rueck SE 1,453 0.13 EUR 30,318 Neste Oyj 1,026 0.09 EUR 16,871 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Pharmaceuticals Muenchen 4,847 0.42 EUR 10,320 Orion Oyj 449 0.04 Software Telecommunications EUR 70,215 SAP SE 9,560 0.83 EUR 21,321 Elisa Oyj 1,140 0.10 Total Germany 29,473 2.56 Total Finland 5,007 0.44 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 1.95%) France (31 May 2019: 3.41%) Hand & machine tools Aerospace & defence HKD 136,500 Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 1,026 0.09 EUR 27,481 Safran SA 4,498 0.39 Total Hong Kong 1,026 0.09 Apparel retailers EUR 2,614 Hermes International 1,960 0.17 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.02%) EUR 27,615 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 12,402 1.08 Building materials and fixtures Beverages AUD 50,627 James Hardie Industries Plc 992 0.08 EUR 17,804 Pernod Ricard SA 3,273 0.28 USD 74,635 Johnson Controls International Plc 3,196 0.28 Commercial services Chemicals EUR 23,344 Edenred 1,160 0.10 USD 40,394 Linde Plc 8,330 0.72 Computers Electronics EUR 6,727 Ingenico Group SA 718 0.06 USD 9,417 Allegion Plc 1,130 0.10 EUR 6,462 Teleperformance 1,532 0.14 Healthcare products Cosmetics & personal care USD 142,894 Medtronic Plc 15,917 1.39 EUR 26,052 L'Oreal SA^ 7,431 0.65 USD 6,865 STERIS Plc 1,038 0.09 Engineering & construction Insurance EUR 52,067 Vinci SA 5,682 0.49 USD 9,096 Willis Towers Watson Plc 1,787 0.16 Healthcare products Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 30,181 EssilorLuxottica SA 4,692 0.41 USD 17,972 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 2,356 0.20 EUR 2,250 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 358 0.03 Total Ireland 34,746 3.02 Real estate investment trusts EUR 4,570 Gecina SA 790 0.07 EUR 3,026 ICADE 303 0.03



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 2.43%) (cont) Israel (31 May 2019: 0.32%) Real estate investment trusts Aerospace & defence JPY 279 Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp 763 0.07 ILS 2,267 Elbit Systems Ltd 376 0.03 JPY 108 Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp 492 0.04 Banks JPY 190 Japan Real Estate Investment Corp 1,293 0.11 ILS 146,087 Israel Discount Bank Ltd 673 0.06 JPY 344 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp 783 0.07 ILS 16,514 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 442 0.04 JPY 165 Nippon Building Fund Inc 1,238 0.11 Real estate investment & services JPY 332 Nippon Prologis REIT Inc 890 0.08 ILS 6,860 Azrieli Group Ltd 536 0.04 JPY 725 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc 1,323 0.11 Telecommunications JPY 490 Orix JREIT Inc 1,077 0.09 ILS 7,412 Nice Ltd 1,126 0.10 JPY 472 United Urban Investment Corp 918 0.08 Total Israel 3,153 0.27 Retail JPY 4,400 Welcia Holdings Co Ltd^ 270 0.02 Italy (31 May 2019: 0.65%) Semiconductors Electricity JPY 33,100 Advantest Corp 1,617 0.14 EUR 1,317,937 Enel SpA 9,963 0.87 Software EUR 145,271 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 934 0.08 JPY 3,900 Oracle Corp Japan 359 0.03 Gas Telecommunications EUR 164,592 Snam SpA 819 0.07 JPY 130,100 NTT DOCOMO Inc 3,568 0.31 Pharmaceuticals Toys EUR 7,753 Recordati SpA 325 0.03 JPY 29,000 Bandai Namco Holdings Inc^ 1,758 0.15 Transportation Transportation EUR 77,032 Poste Italiane SpA 899 0.08 JPY 7,500 Keihan Holdings Co Ltd^ 366 0.03 Total Italy 12,940 1.13 JPY 12,500 Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd 515 0.05 JPY 24,000 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 1,356 0.12 Japan (31 May 2019: 2.43%) JPY 20,100 Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd 640 0.06 Building materials and fixtures JPY 17,600 West Japan Railway Co 1,549 0.13 JPY 25,200 LIXIL Group Corp 426 0.04 Total Japan 50,186 4.37 Chemicals JPY 10,500 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 378 0.03 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.28%) JPY 20,800 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 524 0.05 Commercial services JPY 21,100 Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd^ 1,125 0.10 GBP 97,545 Experian Plc 3,234 0.28 JPY 14,500 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp 322 0.03 Distribution & wholesale Computers GBP 20,477 Ferguson Plc 1,780 0.16 JPY 20,600 Fujitsu Ltd 1,872 0.16 Total Jersey 5,014 0.44 JPY 24,800 NEC Corp 991 0.09 JPY 37,900 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 799 0.07 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.57%) JPY 5,600 Obic Co Ltd 743 0.06 Aerospace & defence Electronics EUR 44,497 Airbus SE 6,545 0.57 JPY 8,800 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 574 0.05 Auto manufacturers JPY 49,500 Hoya Corp 4,515 0.39 EUR 11,510 Ferrari NV 1,947 0.17 Entertainment Chemicals JPY 34,400 Oriental Land Co Ltd^ 4,757 0.42 EUR 16,778 Koninklijke DSM NV 2,152 0.19 Healthcare products Media JPY 123,900 Olympus Corp 1,837 0.16 EUR 80,020 Altice Europe NV 477 0.04 Home builders EUR 25,965 Wolters Kluwer NV 1,865 0.16 JPY 99,000 Sekisui House Ltd 2,138 0.19 Pipelines Internet EUR 7,355 Koninklijke Vopak NV 392 0.03 JPY 46,200 M3 Inc 1,270 0.11 Semiconductors Pharmaceuticals EUR 53,486 ASML Holding NV 14,566 1.27 JPY 27,200 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 2,374 0.20 USD 26,246 NXP Semiconductors NV 3,034 0.26 JPY 69,300 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 4,342 0.38 Total Netherlands 30,978 2.69 JPY 4,700 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 424 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.87%) (cont) New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Machinery - diversified (cont) Electricity SEK 29,420 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 952 0.08 NZD 85,452 Mercury NZ Ltd 264 0.02 Machinery, construction & mining NZD 146,918 Meridian Energy Ltd 444 0.04 SEK 53,124 Epiroc AB 620 0.06 Engineering & construction SEK 34,029 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 383 0.03 NZD 111,115 Auckland International Airport Ltd^ 644 0.06 Total Sweden 10,554 0.92 Healthcare products NZD 60,970 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd 867 0.08 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 6.46%) Telecommunications Building materials and fixtures NZD 171,650 Spark New Zealand Ltd 500 0.04 CHF 4,362 Geberit AG 2,343 0.20 ^ Total New Zealand 2,719 0.24 CHF 10,966 Sika AG 1,910 0.17 Chemicals Norway (31 May 2019: 0.06%) CHF 846 Givaudan SA^ 2,488 0.22 Food Electronics NOK 97,389 Orkla ASA 944 0.08 USD 13,700 Garmin Ltd 1,338 0.12 Insurance Food NOK 22,045 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 415 0.04 CHF 317,249 Nestle SA^ 32,990 2.87 Media Healthcare products NOK 8,312 Schibsted ASA 215 0.02 CHF 4,836 Sonova Holding AG 1,105 0.09 Total Norway 1,574 0.14 Insurance CHF 4,042 Baloise Holding AG 703 0.06 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.07%) CHF 3,042 Swiss Life Holding AG 1,509 0.13 Hotels CHF 18,194 Zurich Insurance Group AG 7,142 0.62 SGD 45,900 City Developments Ltd 347 0.03 Pharmaceuticals Real estate investment trusts CHF 62,790 Roche Holding AG 19,364 1.68 SGD 287,732 Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust 627 0.06 Real estate investment & services SGD 190,300 CapitaLand Mall Trust 351 0.03 CHF 12,753 Swiss Prime Site AG 1,348 0.12 SGD 290,600 Mapletree Commercial Trust^ 501 0.04 Total Switzerland 72,240 6.28 Total Singapore 1,826 0.16 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 2.12%) Spain (31 May 2019: 1.01%) Commercial services Electricity GBP 219,191 Rentokil Initial Plc 1,261 0.11 EUR 22,909 Endesa SA^ 623 0.06 Diversified financial services EUR 910,691 Iberdrola SA 8,965 0.78 GBP 54,324 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 4,829 0.42 Engineering & construction Electronics EUR 46,823 Cellnex Telecom SA 2,014 0.17 GBP 35,752 Halma Plc 974 0.08 EUR 787 Ferrovial SA 23 0.00 Food Service EUR 79,761 Ferrovial SA (voting) 2,370 0.21 GBP 181,012 Compass Group Plc 4,436 0.38 Total Spain 13,995 1.22 Healthcare products GBP 85,526 Smith & Nephew Plc 1,915 0.17 Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.87%) Insurance Cosmetics & personal care USD 18,684 Aon Plc 3,804 0.33 SEK 65,365 Essity AB 2,055 0.18 Internet Engineering & construction GBP 62,076 Auto Trader Group Plc 451 0.04 SEK 44,334 Skanska AB 980 0.09 Pharmaceuticals Food GBP 141,608 AstraZeneca Plc 13,661 1.19 SEK 11,762 ICA Gruppen AB^ 514 0.04 Real estate investment trusts Investment services GBP 167,265 Segro Plc 1,934 0.17 SEK 40,293 Investor AB 2,131 0.18 Retail SEK 7,463 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 296 0.03 GBP 54,256 JD Sports Fashion Plc 534 0.05 Machinery - diversified Software SEK 71,551 Atlas Copco AB 2,623 0.23 GBP 7,031 AVEVA Group Plc 415 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 68.05%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 2.12%) (cont) Electricity (cont) Software (cont) USD 18,686 Ameren Corp^ 1,389 0.12 GBP 71,478 Sage Group Plc^ 697 0.06 USD 51,854 American Electric Power Co Inc 4,737 0.41 Total United Kingdom 34,911 3.04 USD 34,969 CMS Energy Corp 2,144 0.19 USD 35,436 Entergy Corp 4,124 0.36 United States (31 May 2019: 68.05%) USD 42,220 Eversource Energy 3,489 0.30 Aerospace & defence USD 58,460 FirstEnergy Corp 2,788 0.24 USD 4,378 HEICO Corp^ 569 0.05 USD 77,310 NextEra Energy Inc^ 18,077 1.57 USD 6,003 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 603 0.05 USD 28,917 Sempra Energy 4,259 0.37 USD 25,303 L3Harris Technologies Inc 5,088 0.44 USD 149,272 Southern Co 9,253 0.81 USD 17,485 Northrop Grumman Corp 6,151 0.54 USD 46,930 WEC Energy Group Inc^ 4,160 0.36 USD 5,076 Teledyne Technologies Inc 1,736 0.15 USD 57,312 Xcel Energy Inc^ 3,524 0.31 USD 5,529 TransDigm Group Inc 3,135 0.27 Electronics Beverages USD 23,992 Keysight Technologies Inc 2,568 0.22 USD 38,297 Brown-Forman Corp 2,597 0.22 Engineering & construction USD 114,072 PepsiCo Inc 15,495 1.35 USD 11,519 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 1,061 0.09 Biotechnology Entertainment USD 15,710 Seattle Genetics Inc 1,891 0.16 USD 11,254 Live Nation Entertainment Inc^ 786 0.07 Building materials and fixtures Environmental control USD 6,509 Martin Marietta Materials Inc^ 1,747 0.15 USD 17,239 Republic Services Inc 1,528 0.13 USD 32,699 Masco Corp 1,522 0.13 USD 33,320 Waste Management Inc 3,762 0.33 Chemicals Food USD 20,285 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 4,794 0.42 USD 18,426 Hershey Co 2,730 0.24 USD 19,720 Ecolab Inc 3,681 0.32 USD 97,805 Mondelez International Inc 5,139 0.45 USD 10,575 Sherwin-Williams Co 6,167 0.53 Food Service Commercial services USD 30,591 Aramark 1,335 0.12 USD 14,933 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 1,086 0.10 Healthcare products USD 11,375 Cintas Corp 2,924 0.26 USD 93,028 Boston Scientific Corp 4,024 0.35 USD 3,645 CoStar Group Inc 2,234 0.19 USD 56,093 Danaher Corp 8,189 0.72 USD 8,465 FleetCor Technologies Inc 2,598 0.23 USD 17,976 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 1,016 0.09 USD 33,758 Global Payments Inc 6,114 0.53 USD 27,783 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 6,805 0.59 USD 5,148 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 2,079 0.18 USD 8,220 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 2,068 0.18 USD 18,909 Moody's Corp 4,286 0.37 USD 8,665 Insulet Corp 1,609 0.14 USD 29,580 S&P Global Inc 7,828 0.68 USD 19,290 ResMed Inc 2,886 0.25 Computers USD 33,794 Stryker Corp 6,923 0.60 USD 3,767 EPAM Systems Inc 798 0.07 USD 4,894 Teleflex Inc 1,729 0.15 USD 13,448 Leidos Holdings Inc 1,222 0.11 USD 32,188 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 10,105 0.88 Cosmetics & personal care Home builders USD 17,346 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 3,391 0.29 USD 39,250 DR Horton Inc 2,172 0.19 USD 329,347 Procter & Gamble Co 40,200 3.50 USD 391 NVR Inc 1,483 0.13 Distribution & wholesale USD 33,586 PulteGroup Inc 1,332 0.11 USD 27,134 Copart Inc 2,415 0.21 Home furnishings USD 38,960 Fastenal Co^ 1,384 0.12 USD 16,782 Leggett & Platt Inc 878 0.08 Diversified financial services Hotels USD 53,128 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 5,003 0.44 USD 25,383 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 2,665 0.23 USD 88,117 Mastercard Inc 25,750 2.24 Household goods & home construction USD 160,364 Visa Inc^ 29,589 2.57 USD 8,706 Avery Dennison Corp 1,135 0.10 USD 60,573 Western Union Co 1,628 0.14 USD 23,749 Kimberly-Clark Corp^ 3,238 0.28 Electrical components & equipment Insurance USD 19,098 AMETEK Inc 1,891 0.17 USD 1,564 Alleghany Corp 1,220 0.10 Electricity USD 15,556 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 1,451 0.13 USD 25,022 Alliant Energy Corp 1,326 0.12 USD 7,486 Assurant Inc 995 0.09



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 68.05%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 68.05%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Insurance (cont) USD 13,018 SBA Communications Corp 3,078 0.27 USD 18,179 Brown & Brown Inc 686 0.06 USD 16,948 Sun Communities Inc 2,791 0.24 USD 19,694 Cincinnati Financial Corp 2,108 0.18 USD 30,511 UDR Inc 1,466 0.13 USD 1,868 Erie Indemnity Co 316 0.03 USD 116,623 Vereit Inc 1,138 0.10 USD 29,676 Fidelity National Financial Inc 1,413 0.12 USD 49,824 Welltower Inc^ 4,214 0.37 USD 18,831 WR Berkley Corp 1,281 0.11 USD 22,834 WP Carey Inc 1,905 0.17 Internet Retail USD 15,533 CDW Corp 2,098 0.18 USD 2,660 AutoZone Inc 3,133 0.27 USD 3,321 MercadoLibre Inc 1,928 0.17 USD 2,512 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 2,044 0.18 USD 11,971 Okta Inc 1,553 0.13 USD 46,510 Costco Wholesale Corp 13,944 1.21 USD 9,683 RingCentral Inc 1,670 0.15 USD 30,145 Dollar General Corp 4,744 0.41 USD 15,967 Roku Inc 2,561 0.22 USD 109,168 Home Depot Inc 24,073 2.09 USD 133,457 Snap Inc 2,035 0.18 USD 8,560 Lululemon Athletica Inc 1,932 0.17 Machinery - diversified USD 6,039 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 2,671 0.23 USD 11,667 Dover Corp 1,300 0.11 USD 119,117 Starbucks Corp 10,176 0.89 Media USD 50,331 Target Corp 6,292 0.55 USD 15,490 Altice USA Inc 396 0.03 Semiconductors USD 16,456 Charter Communications Inc 7,735 0.67 USD 85,053 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 3,330 0.29 USD 10,239 Liberty Broadband Corp 1,223 0.11 USD 100,043 Applied Materials Inc 5,793 0.51 Mining USD 24,788 KLA Corp 4,062 0.35 USD 80,362 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 3,086 0.27 USD 18,612 Lam Research Corp 4,966 0.43 Office & business equipment USD 19,354 Teradyne Inc 1,211 0.11 USD 4,114 Zebra Technologies Corp 1,032 0.09 Software Packaging & containers USD 8,088 ANSYS Inc 2,060 0.18 USD 40,037 Ball Corp^ 2,645 0.23 USD 14,264 Black Knight Inc 899 0.08 USD 19,393 Crown Holdings Inc^ 1,472 0.13 USD 18,484 Cadence Design Systems Inc 1,298 0.11 Pharmaceuticals USD 9,642 DocuSign Inc^ 687 0.06 USD 180,237 Merck & Co Inc 15,713 1.37 USD 62,713 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 8,664 0.75 USD 61,318 Zoetis Inc 7,390 0.64 USD 72,944 Fiserv Inc 8,479 0.74 Real estate investment & services USD 378,043 Microsoft Corp 57,228 4.98 USD 23,379 CBRE Group Inc 1,333 0.12 USD 2,733 MongoDB Inc^ 406 0.03 Real estate investment trusts USD 8,317 MSCI Inc 2,156 0.19 USD 11,596 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 1,885 0.16 USD 4,093 Paycom Software Inc 1,133 0.10 USD 47,816 American Tower Corp 10,234 0.89 USD 17,848 Synopsys Inc 2,517 0.22 USD 12,531 AvalonBay Communities Inc 2,687 0.23 USD 3,600 Tyler Technologies Inc 1,045 0.09 USD 10,125 Camden Property Trust 1,129 0.10 USD 9,036 Veeva Systems Inc 1,348 0.12 USD 35,398 Duke Realty Corp 1,245 0.11 Telecommunications USD 11,687 Equinix Inc 6,625 0.58 USD 782,321 AT&T Inc 29,243 2.55 USD 28,670 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 2,124 0.18 USD 16,038 Motorola Solutions Inc 2,683 0.23 USD 48,147 Equity Residential 4,097 0.36 Transportation USD 7,704 Essex Property Trust Inc 2,405 0.21 USD 10,018 Kansas City Southern 1,527 0.13 USD 62,147 Healthpeak Properties Inc 2,168 0.19 USD 6,301 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 1,207 0.11 USD 64,561 Invitation Homes Inc 1,971 0.17 Water USD 42,655 Kimco Realty Corp 922 0.08 USD 22,454 American Water Works Co Inc 2,718 0.24 USD 21,000 Liberty Property Trust 1,294 0.11 USD 26,410 Aqua America Inc 1,169 0.10 USD 58,360 Medical Properties Trust Inc 1,212 0.10 Total United States 681,443 59.29 USD 18,022 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 2,453 0.21 Total equities 1,134,064 98.67 USD 14,054 National Retail Properties Inc 783 0.07 USD 24,569 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 1,033 0.09 USD 67,646 Prologis Inc 6,193 0.54 USD 37,600 Realty Income Corp 2,881 0.25



Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 47 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 4,600 47 0.00 USD 35 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December 2019 5,405 96 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 143 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 143 0.01

%ofnet Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 1,134,207 98.68

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.30%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.30%) USD 10,450,965 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund~ 10,451 0.91

Cash† 4,329 0.38

Other net assets 416 0.03

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 1,149,403 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD4,056,966 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD272,220 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 1,134,064 98.53 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 143 0.01 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 10,451 0.91 Other assets 6,363 0.55 Total current assets 1,151,021 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.70%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.69%) Food EUR 6,525 Colruyt SA 338 0.07 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) Insurance Australia (31 May 2019: 4.05%) EUR 22,050 Ageas^ 1,325 0.25 Airlines Pharmaceuticals AUD 87,264 Qantas Airways Ltd 431 0.08 EUR 15,065 UCB SA 1,222 0.23 Beverages Telecommunications AUD 62,385 Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd 480 0.09 EUR 17,594 Proximus SADP^ 531 0.10 Diversified financial services Total Belgium 3,416 0.65 AUD 15,232 Magellan Financial Group Ltd 541 0.10 Electricity Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.55%) AUD 81,932 AGL Energy Ltd^ 1,131 0.22 Apparel retailers AUD 259,868 AusNet Services 306 0.06 HKD 86,000 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd^ 254 0.05 Engineering & construction Insurance AUD 11,906 CIMIC Group Ltd 271 0.05 USD 48,380 Arch Capital Group Ltd 2,031 0.39 AUD 67,391 Lendlease Group 880 0.17 USD 18,149 Athene Holding Ltd 817 0.16 Food USD 4,867 Everest Re Group Ltd 1,320 0.25 AUD 135,449 Coles Group Ltd 1,490 0.29 Real estate investment & services AUD 150,364 Woolworths Group Ltd 4,044 0.77 USD 139,400 Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd 767 0.14 Healthcare products HKD 92,000 Kerry Properties Ltd 297 0.06 AUD 6,892 Cochlear Ltd 1,091 0.21 Total Bermuda 5,486 1.05 Insurance AUD 340,022 Medibank Pvt Ltd^ 750 0.14 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Iron & steel AUD 59,817 BlueScope Steel Ltd 589 0.11 Canada (31 May 2019: 4.50%) AUD 165,034 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd^ 1,086 0.21 Airlines Leisure time CAD 15,576 Air Canada 587 0.11 AUD 6,980 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 208 0.04 Apparel retailers Mining CAD 24,610 Gildan Activewear Inc 723 0.14 AUD 277,139 BHP Group Ltd 7,166 1.37 Auto parts & equipment AUD 91,802 Newcrest Mining Ltd 1,910 0.36 CAD 35,420 Magna International Inc 1,951 0.37 AUD 44,316 Rio Tinto Ltd^ 2,905 0.56 Computers Real estate investment & services CAD 28,656 CGI Inc 2,375 0.46 AUD 6,294 REA Group Ltd 444 0.09 Diversified financial services Real estate investment trusts CAD 27,510 CI Financial Corp^ 433 0.08 AUD 127,786 Dexus 1,057 0.20 Electricity AUD 194,738 Goodman Group 1,952 0.37 CAD 9,363 Atco Ltd 355 0.07 AUD 232,700 GPT Group 968 0.19 CAD 41,751 Hydro One Ltd^ 787 0.15 AUD 469,950 Mirvac Group^ 1,071 0.21 Engineering & construction AUD 634,256 Scentre Group 1,690 0.32 CAD 12,476 WSP Global Inc 805 0.15 AUD 284,683 Stockland^ 973 0.19 Food AUD 382,997 Vicinity Centres 694 0.13 CAD 19,955 Empire Co Ltd 535 0.10 Retail CAD 21,990 Loblaw Cos Ltd 1,185 0.23 AUD 62,463 Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd^ 182 0.03 CAD 30,107 Metro Inc^ 1,319 0.25 Telecommunications CAD 27,796 Saputo Inc 840 0.16 AUD 495,311 Telstra Corp Ltd 1,293 0.25 Insurance Transportation CAD 13,185 iA Financial Corp Inc 675 0.13 AUD 237,741 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 929 0.18 CAD 33,709 Power Financial Corp 824 0.16 Total Australia 36,532 6.99 Media CAD 23,214 Thomson Reuters Corp^ 1,623 0.31 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.08%) Mining CAD 148,743 Kinross Gold Corp 643 0.13



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 0.73%) Canada (31 May 2019: 4.50%) (cont) Airlines Mining (cont) EUR 27,013 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 513 0.10 CAD 23,805 Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 1,000 0.19 Apparel retailers CAD 59,989 Teck Resources Ltd 939 0.18 EUR 8,363 Puma SE 629 0.12 Oil & gas Auto manufacturers CAD 39,281 Husky Energy Inc^ 286 0.06 EUR 18,249 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 1,352 0.26 Real estate investment trusts Chemicals CAD 9,355 Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 391 0.08 EUR 20,703 Covestro AG 970 0.18 CAD 20,725 First Capital Realty Inc^ 337 0.06 Electricity CAD 17,175 H&R Real Estate Investment Trust 279 0.05 EUR 24,045 Uniper SE 777 0.15 CAD 18,761 RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 383 0.07 Healthcare products CAD 8,174 SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust 197 0.04 EUR 4,808 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 588 0.11 Software Total Germany 4,829 0.92 CAD 2,403 Constellation Software Inc 2,569 0.49 CAD 32,139 Open Text Corp 1,399 0.27 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 2.40%) Total Canada 23,440 4.49 Beverages HKD 88,000 Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd^ 338 0.06 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.69%) Holding companies - diversified operations Real estate investment & services HKD 61,000 Swire Pacific Ltd 549 0.11 HKD 309,500 CK Asset Holdings Ltd 2,058 0.40 Real estate investment & services HKD 144,000 Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd 799 0.15 HKD 260,000 Hang Lung Properties Ltd 533 0.10 Total Cayman Islands 2,857 0.55 HKD 376,881 Sino Land Co Ltd 565 0.11 HKD 180,500 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 2,626 0.50 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.16%) HKD 138,400 Swire Properties Ltd^ 431 0.08 Biotechnology HKD 97,000 Wheelock & Co Ltd 603 0.12 DKK 8,393 H Lundbeck A/S 322 0.06 Real estate investment trusts Total Denmark 322 0.06 HKD 253,000 Link REIT 2,586 0.50 Total Hong Kong 8,231 1.58 Finland (31 May 2019: 0.25%) Auto parts & equipment Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.53%) EUR 14,936 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 405 0.08 Computers Pharmaceuticals USD 28,925 Seagate Technology Plc 1,726 0.33 EUR 12,833 Orion Oyj 559 0.11 Environmental control Telecommunications USD 19,071 Pentair Plc 846 0.16 EUR 16,816 Elisa Oyj 899 0.17 Miscellaneous manufacturers Total Finland 1,863 0.36 USD 50,592 Eaton Corp Plc 4,680 0.90 Pharmaceuticals France (31 May 2019: 2.02%) USD 6,796 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 1,027 0.20 Auto manufacturers USD 15,440 Perrigo Co Plc 791 0.15 EUR 70,149 Peugeot SA^ 1,695 0.32 Total Ireland 9,070 1.74 Auto parts & equipment EUR 20,391 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 2,449 0.47 Israel (31 May 2019: 0.09%) EUR 9,069 Faurecia SE 481 0.09 Computers Italy (31 May 2019: 0.17%) EUR 11,740 Atos SE 998 0.19 Healthcare services Japan (31 May 2019: 7.47%) EUR 4,918 BioMerieux 445 0.08 Airlines Insurance JPY 13,000 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 404 0.08 EUR 20,092 SCOR SE 864 0.17 Auto parts & equipment Telecommunications JPY 24,800 JTEKT Corp 308 0.06 ^ EUR 21,460 Eutelsat Communications SA^ 352 0.07 JPY 21,500 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd 273 0.05 Total France 7,284 1.39 JPY 7,800 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 182 0.04



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 7.47%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 7.47%) (cont) Telecommunications (cont) Auto parts & equipment (cont) JPY 149,100 NTT DOCOMO Inc 4,089 0.78 JPY 13,800 Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd^ 284 0.05 Transportation Building materials and fixtures JPY 12,400 Kamigumi Co Ltd 275 0.05 JPY 21,600 AGC Inc 788 0.15 Total Japan 31,254 5.98 Chemicals JPY 28,900 Daicel Corp 284 0.06 Jersey(31 May 2019: Nil) JPY 32,000 Tosoh Corp 476 0.09 Distribution & wholesale Commercial services GBP 24,098 Ferguson Plc 2,095 0.40 JPY 29,000 Toppan Printing Co Ltd 577 0.11 Total Jersey 2,095 0.40 Computers JPY 23,300 Fujitsu Ltd 2,117 0.41 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.04%) JPY 29,300 NEC Corp 1,171 0.22 Media Distribution & wholesale EUR 228 RTL Group SA 11 0.00 JPY 186,100 Marubeni Corp 1,373 0.26 Total Luxembourg 11 0.00 Diversified financial services JPY 50,200 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd 322 0.06 Mauritius (31 May 2019: 0.03%) Electrical components & equipment Netherlands (31 May 2019: 2.10%) JPY 26,100 Brother Industries Ltd 517 0.10 Auto manufacturers Electricity EUR 129,471 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 1,916 0.37 JPY 77,000 Chubu Electric Power Co Inc 1,073 0.21 Chemicals JPY 18,500 Electric Power Development Co Ltd 443 0.08 USD 32,039 LyondellBasell Industries NV 2,965 0.57 JPY 52,800 Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc 523 0.10 Commercial services JPY 182,000 Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc^ 798 0.15 EUR 14,173 Randstad NV 826 0.16 Environmental control Diversified financial services JPY 12,400 Kurita Water Industries Ltd 346 0.07 USD 14,701 AerCap Holdings NV 909 0.17 Food Food JPY 9,600 Calbee Inc 309 0.06 EUR 141,408 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 3,646 0.70 JPY 10,150 NH Foods Ltd 426 0.08 Healthcare products JPY 11,700 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 504 0.10 EUR 108,144 Koninklijke Philips NV 5,025 0.96 JPY 14,800 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 271 0.05 Insurance Gas EUR 35,905 NN Group NV 1,379 0.26 JPY 9,500 Toho Gas Co Ltd^ 359 0.07 Media JPY 46,300 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 1,118 0.21 EUR 33,387 Wolters Kluwer NV 2,399 0.46 Home builders Pipelines JPY 43,200 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 752 0.14 EUR 8,773 Koninklijke Vopak NV 468 0.09 Internet Semiconductors JPY 16,300 Inc^ 393 0.07 EUR 81,582 STMicroelectronics NV 2,006 0.38 Machinery - diversified Total Netherlands 21,539 4.12 JPY 13,400 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 383 0.07 Machinery, construction & mining New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.08%) JPY 115,700 Hitachi Ltd 4,543 0.87 Electricity Office & business equipment NZD 81,370 Mercury NZ Ltd 250 0.05 JPY 56,600 Konica Minolta Inc 371 0.07 NZD 171,660 Meridian Energy Ltd 519 0.10 Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications JPY 20,900 Medipal Holdings Corp 448 0.09 NZD 139,936 Spark New Zealand Ltd 408 0.08 JPY 8,300 Suzuken Co Ltd 363 0.07 Total New Zealand 1,177 0.23 Retail JPY 2,600 Shimamura Co Ltd^ 208 0.04 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.37%) JPY 8,600 Sundrug Co Ltd 302 0.06 Airlines Telecommunications SGD 66,100 Singapore Airlines Ltd^ 444 0.09 JPY 76,900 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 3,881 0.75



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 7.76%) (cont) Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.37%) (cont) Apparel retailers Electronics GBP 49,066 Burberry Group Plc 1,335 0.25 USD 59,207 Flex Ltd 703 0.13 Diversified financial services Real estate investment trusts GBP 116,044 3i Group Plc 1,608 0.31 SGD 240,800 Mapletree Commercial Trust^ 415 0.08 Food Semiconductors GBP 219,959 J Sainsbury Plc 610 0.11 SGD 270,600 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd^ 204 0.04 GBP 280,810 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc^ 720 0.14 Transportation Healthcare products SGD 267,500 ComfortDelGro Corp Ltd 460 0.09 GBP 104,479 Smith & Nephew Plc 2,339 0.45 Total Singapore 2,226 0.43 Home builders GBP 120,238 Barratt Developments Plc 1,037 0.20 Spain (31 May 2019: 1.10%) GBP 14,366 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 852 0.16 Electricity GBP 38,271 Persimmon Plc 1,266 0.24 EUR 39,871 Endesa SA^ 1,085 0.21 GBP 388,030 Taylor Wimpey Plc 875 0.17 EUR 54,118 Red Electrica Corp SA 1,059 0.20 Insurance Insurance USD 28,174 Aon Plc 5,737 1.10 EUR 155,522 Mapfre SA^ 439 0.08 GBP 156,275 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 617 0.12 Total Spain 2,583 0.49 Iron & steel GBP 59,742 Evraz Plc 286 0.05 Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.32%) Leisure time Food GBP 19,580 Carnival Plc 824 0.16 SEK 10,746 ICA Gruppen AB^ 469 0.09 Media Investment services GBP 93,031 Pearson Plc^ 778 0.15 SEK 9,585 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 380 0.07 Mining Mining GBP 1,242 Anglo American Plc 33 0.01 SEK 33,400 Boliden AB 862 0.17 GBP 252,252 BHP Group Plc 5,579 1.07 Total Sweden 1,711 0.33 GBP 134,990 Rio Tinto Plc 7,336 1.40 Real estate investment trusts Switzerland (31 May 2019: 2.10%) GBP 124,669 Segro Plc 1,442 0.28 Beverages Retail GBP 23,006 Coca-Cola HBC AG 768 0.15 GBP 52,318 JD Sports Fashion Plc 515 0.10 Chemicals GBP 245,511 Kingfisher Plc^ 666 0.13 CHF 978 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 607 0.12 Total United Kingdom 35,259 6.75 Commercial services CHF 18,537 Adecco Group AG 1,147 0.22 United States (31 May 2019: 59.27%) Electronics Aerospace & defence USD 15,813 Garmin Ltd 1,545 0.29 USD 12,568 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc^ 1,094 0.21 USD 40,454 TE Connectivity Ltd 3,750 0.72 USD 4,346 Teledyne Technologies Inc 1,486 0.28 Healthcare products Agriculture CHF 6,631 Sonova Holding AG 1,515 0.29 USD 66,867 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 2,871 0.55 Insurance Airlines CHF 5,963 Baloise Holding AG^ 1,037 0.20 USD 20,235 Delta Air Lines Inc 1,160 0.22 Investment services USD 16,455 Southwest Airlines Co 948 0.18 CHF 5,036 Pargesa Holding SA 398 0.07 USD 7,838 United Airlines Holdings Inc 727 0.14 Telecommunications Apparel retailers CHF 3,092 Swisscom AG^ 1,601 0.31 USD 6,272 Ralph Lauren Corp 673 0.13 Total Switzerland 12,368 2.37 Auto parts & equipment USD 9,861 Autoliv Inc^ 806 0.15 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 7.76%) USD 24,738 BorgWarner Inc 1,040 0.20 Aerospace & defence USD 7,069 Lear Corp 850 0.16 GBP 96,603 Meggitt Plc 804 0.15 USD 6,121 WABCO Holdings Inc 825 0.16



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.27%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.27%) (cont) Food Biotechnology USD 7,924 Ingredion Inc 659 0.13 USD 22,034 Biogen Inc 6,606 1.26 USD 13,566 JM Smucker Co 1,426 0.27 USD 2,656 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 981 0.19 USD 95,210 Kroger Co 2,603 0.50 Building materials and fixtures USD 35,202 Tyson Foods Inc 3,164 0.60 USD 4,274 Lennox International Inc 1,093 0.21 Gas USD 34,579 Masco Corp 1,610 0.31 USD 13,773 Atmos Energy Corp 1,473 0.28 USD 13,022 Owens Corning 873 0.16 USD 20,700 UGI Corp 902 0.17 Chemicals Hand & machine tools USD 14,782 Celanese Corp^ 1,856 0.36 USD 6,629 Snap-on Inc 1,064 0.20 Commercial services Healthcare products USD 1,091 AMERCO 395 0.07 USD 58,153 Baxter International Inc 4,767 0.91 USD 16,751 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 1,219 0.23 USD 5,892 Cooper Cos Inc 1,845 0.35 USD 7,180 ManpowerGroup Inc 665 0.13 USD 18,059 Henry Schein Inc 1,244 0.24 USD 4,623 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 1,867 0.36 USD 17,103 ResMed Inc 2,558 0.49 USD 14,173 Robert Half International Inc 825 0.16 USD 10,818 Varian Medical Systems Inc 1,447 0.28 USD 17,943 Rollins Inc^ 643 0.12 USD 8,810 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 1,295 0.25 USD 9,498 United Rentals Inc 1,454 0.28 Healthcare services Computers USD 32,716 HCA Healthcare Inc 4,537 0.87 USD 14,933 Apple Inc^ 3,991 0.77 USD 16,013 Quest Diagnostics Inc 1,706 0.33 USD 6,714 EPAM Systems Inc 1,422 0.27 USD 9,960 Universal Health Services Inc 1,389 0.26 USD 155,968 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 2,469 0.47 USD 5,971 WellCare Health Plans Inc 1,923 0.37 USD 177,030 HP Inc 3,555 0.68 Home builders Distribution & wholesale USD 415 NVR Inc 1,573 0.30 USD 24,509 Copart Inc^ 2,181 0.42 USD 31,120 PulteGroup Inc 1,234 0.24 USD 68,380 Fastenal Co^ 2,429 0.47 Home furnishings USD 21,204 HD Supply Holdings Inc 845 0.16 USD 7,589 Whirlpool Corp 1,086 0.21 USD 5,673 WW Grainger Inc 1,798 0.34 Insurance Diversified financial services USD 89,606 Aflac Inc^ 4,914 0.94 USD 48,027 Ally Financial Inc 1,529 0.29 USD 1,723 Alleghany Corp 1,344 0.26 USD 13,696 Eaton Vance Corp 646 0.13 USD 39,651 Allstate Corp 4,415 0.84 USD 36,405 Franklin Resources Inc^ 1,001 0.19 USD 7,303 Assurant Inc 970 0.19 USD 14,739 SEI Investments Co 951 0.18 USD 50,225 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 1,243 0.24 USD 28,202 T Rowe Price Group Inc 3,485 0.67 USD 17,374 Brown & Brown Inc 656 0.13 USD 50,638 Western Union Co 1,361 0.26 USD 3,021 Erie Indemnity Co 511 0.10 Electrical components & equipment USD 32,838 Fidelity National Financial Inc 1,564 0.30 USD 4,741 Acuity Brands Inc 620 0.12 USD 12,659 Globe Life Inc 1,301 0.25 Electricity USD 42,904 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 2,654 0.51 USD 28,312 Alliant Energy Corp 1,501 0.29 USD 24,356 Lincoln National Corp 1,438 0.27 USD 29,197 Ameren Corp^ 2,170 0.42 USD 32,877 Loews Corp 1,673 0.32 USD 115,822 Exelon Corp 5,142 0.98 USD 7,707 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 1,275 0.24 USD 30,222 NRG Energy Inc 1,201 0.23 USD 25,553 Unum Group 786 0.15 USD 23,797 OGE Energy Corp^ 1,001 0.19 USD 16,488 Voya Financial Inc 961 0.18 USD 13,345 Pinnacle West Capital Corp 1,166 0.22 USD 17,464 WR Berkley Corp 1,188 0.23 Electronics Internet USD 36,969 Agilent Technologies Inc 2,986 0.57 USD 17,564 CDW Corp 2,372 0.45 USD 10,117 Arrow Electronics Inc 806 0.15 USD 7,078 F5 Networks Inc 1,031 0.20 USD 16,130 FLIR Systems Inc 864 0.17 USD 12,643 TripAdvisor Inc 359 0.07 USD 22,415 Keysight Technologies Inc 2,399 0.46 USD 56,635 Twitter Inc 1,751 0.34 USD 7,975 Waters Corp^ 1,771 0.34 Machinery - diversified Engineering & construction USD 17,863 Cummins Inc 3,266 0.63 USD 15,999 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 1,473 0.28 USD 17,290 Dover Corp 1,928 0.37



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.69%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.27%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.27%) (cont) Retail (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) USD 43,567 Ross Stores Inc 5,060 0.97 USD 9,053 IDEX Corp 1,473 0.28 USD 61,036 Target Corp 7,630 1.46 USD 13,978 Rockwell Automation Inc 2,738 0.52 USD 14,465 Tractor Supply Co 1,366 0.26 Media USD 6,726 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc^ 1,573 0.30 USD 18,646 Discovery Inc^ 614 0.12 USD 91,706 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 5,466 1.05 USD 42,891 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 1,309 0.25 USD 102,065 Walmart Inc 12,155 2.33 USD 46,069 News Corp 593 0.11 Semiconductors USD 42,987 Viacom Inc 1,035 0.20 USD 4,956 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc^ 1,247 0.24 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 230,345 Intel Corp 13,371 2.56 USD 27,979 Textron Inc 1,294 0.25 USD 32,621 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 1,849 0.36 Office & business equipment USD 131,861 Micron Technology Inc 6,265 1.20 USD 24,610 Xerox Holdings Corp 958 0.18 USD 14,071 Qorvo Inc 1,466 0.28 Oil & gas USD 20,764 Skyworks Solutions Inc 2,041 0.39 USD 19,357 HollyFrontier Corp 998 0.19 USD 20,302 Teradyne Inc^ 1,271 0.24 Pharmaceuticals Software USD 35,615 Cardinal Health Inc 1,960 0.38 USD 19,453 Akamai Technologies Inc 1,695 0.32 Real estate investment & services USD 9,971 ANSYS Inc 2,539 0.49 USD 6,155 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 1,024 0.20 USD 17,868 Black Knight Inc 1,126 0.22 Real estate investment trusts USD 33,460 Cadence Design Systems Inc 2,351 0.45 USD 11,643 Camden Property Trust 1,299 0.25 USD 38,721 Cerner Corp^ 2,772 0.53 USD 58,668 Healthpeak Properties Inc 2,046 0.39 USD 31,144 Intuit Inc 8,063 1.54 USD 88,292 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 1,544 0.29 USD 9,217 Jack Henry & Associates Inc^ 1,400 0.27 USD 50,206 Kimco Realty Corp^ 1,085 0.21 USD 17,377 Microsoft Corp 2,631 0.50 USD 17,959 Liberty Property Trust 1,107 0.21 USD 38,576 Paychex Inc 3,322 0.64 USD 19,186 National Retail Properties Inc 1,069 0.20 USD 17,870 Synopsys Inc 2,520 0.48 USD 18,756 Public Storage 3,952 0.76 Telecommunications USD 126,077 Vereit Inc 1,231 0.24 USD 41,445 Juniper Networks Inc 1,038 0.20 Retail USD 19,557 Motorola Solutions Inc 3,272 0.63 USD 8,551 Advance Auto Parts Inc^ 1,343 0.26 Transportation USD 2,930 AutoZone Inc^ 3,451 0.66 USD 16,172 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 1,243 0.24 USD 28,894 Best Buy Co Inc 2,330 0.44 USD 20,465 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 1,530 0.29 USD 3,144 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 2,559 0.49 USD 10,372 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 1,199 0.23 USD 30,709 Dollar General Corp 4,833 0.92 USD 11,936 Kansas City Southern 1,819 0.35 USD 27,180 Gap Inc 452 0.09 USD 7,619 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 1,460 0.28 USD 19,701 Kohl's Corp^ 926 0.18 Total United States 306,369 58.65 USD 13,431 Lululemon Athletica Inc 3,031 0.58 Total equities 519,922 99.53 USD 14,410 Nordstrom Inc^ 550 0.10

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.09)%) Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.07)%) AUD 13,389 CHF 8,958 8,964 03/12/2019 - 0.00 AUD 4,493 EUR 2,771 3,056 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CAD 19,106 CHF 14,251 14,260 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CAD 4,778 EUR 3,252 3,586 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 264,478 AUD 390,011 263,803 03/12/2019 1 0.00 CHF 4,232 AUD 6,271 4,242 03/12/2019 - 0.00



Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.07)%) (cont) CHF 177,612 CAD 237,090 178,497 03/12/2019 (1) 0.00 CHF 6,771 DKK 45,966 6,783 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 297,374 EUR 270,266 297,996 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 718 EUR 653 720 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 255,717 GBP 200,510 259,358 03/12/2019 (3) 0.00 CHF 117,467 HKD 934,621 119,398 03/12/2019 (2) 0.00 CHF 2,990 ILS 10,678 3,077 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 291,783 JPY 31,981,687 292,044 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 4,946 NZD 7,709 4,949 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 3,074 NZD 4,867 3,123 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 13,079 SEK 127,768 13,349 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 9,572 SGD 13,226 9,672 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 2,144 SGD 2,931 2,143 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 2,629,268 USD 2,670,074 2,630,979 03/12/2019 (39) (0.01) DKK 30,395 CHF 4,466 4,469 03/12/2019 - 0.00 DKK 97,665 EUR 13,073 14,414 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 840,254 AUD 1,362,740 921,757 03/12/2019 5 0.00 EUR 529,666 CAD 778,029 585,754 03/12/2019 (2) 0.00 EUR 146,140 CHF 160,763 177,257 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 14,801 CHF 16,091 17,742 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 20,473 DKK 152,898 22,563 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 763,047 GBP 658,453 851,711 03/12/2019 (10) (0.01) EUR 355,121 HKD 3,109,251 397,208 03/12/2019 (5) 0.00 EUR 9,029 ILS 35,487 10,227 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 880,021 JPY 106,160,402 969,413 03/12/2019 1 0.00 EUR 15,974 NZD 27,357 17,561 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 9,364 NZD 16,311 10,470 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 39,569 SEK 425,435 44,445 03/12/2019 (1) 0.00 EUR 27,380 SGD 41,637 30,449 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 7,979 SGD 11,985 8,765 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 7,945,932 USD 8,879,377 8,761,187 03/12/2019 (119) (0.02) GBP 20,520 CHF 26,106 26,123 03/12/2019 - 0.00 GBP 19,975 EUR 23,312 25,703 03/12/2019 - 0.00 HKD 237,011 CHF 30,073 30,093 03/12/2019 - 0.00 HKD 385,222 EUR 44,719 49,307 03/12/2019 - 0.00 HKD 249,371 EUR 28,845 31,804 03/12/2019 - 0.00 ILS 10,679 CHF 3,069 3,071 03/12/2019 - 0.00 ILS 33,592 EUR 8,800 9,703 03/12/2019 - 0.00 ILS 1,895 EUR 490 541 03/12/2019 - 0.00 JPY 5,384,706 CHF 49,176 49,208 03/12/2019 - 0.00 JPY 2,061,849 CHF 18,764 18,776 03/12/2019 - 0.00 JPY 19,126,033 EUR 158,967 175,278 03/12/2019 (1) 0.00 NZD 310 CHF 195 195 03/12/2019 - 0.00 NZD 158 EUR 91 100 03/12/2019 - 0.00 SEK 8,165 CHF 830 831 03/12/2019 - 0.00 SEK 1,297 EUR 121 133 03/12/2019 - 0.00 SGD 1,040 CHF 754 754 03/12/2019 - 0.00 USD 262,239 CHF 259,968 260,138 03/12/2019 2 0.00 USD 331,190 EUR 301,030 331,916 03/12/2019 (1) 0.00



Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.07)%) (cont) USD 6,787 EUR 6,072 6,695 03/12/2019 - 0.00 Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 9 0.00 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (184) (0.04) Net unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (175) (0.04)

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) EUR 5 Ibex 35 Index Futures December 2019 512 3 0.00 USD 6 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 593 - 0.00 USD 4 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December 2019 618 10 0.00 JPY 2 Topix Index Futures December 2019 277 33 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 46 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments (129) (0.03)

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 519,793 99.50

Cash† 1,824 0.35

Other net assets 775 0.15

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 522,392 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD1,760,102 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD64,375 is held as security for futures contracts with CitiBank. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to CHF Hedged (Acc) Class and EUR Hedged (Acc) Class.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 519,922 99.33 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 46 0.01 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments 9 0.00 Other assets 3,445 0.66 Total current assets 523,422 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.24%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.56%) Real estate investment & services HKD 171,000 Kerry Properties Ltd 552 0.03 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.56%) Total Bermuda 4,711 0.27 Australia (31 May 2019: 2.55%) Biotechnology British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.05%) AUD 56,889 CSL Ltd^ 10,908 0.64 Diversified financial services Canada (31 May 2019: 1.31%) AUD 53,796 ASX Ltd 2,973 0.17 Diversified financial services AUD 56,055 Magellan Financial Group Ltd 1,990 0.12 CAD 69,792 CI Financial Corp^ 1,099 0.06 Food Insurance AUD 281,404 Coles Group Ltd 3,095 0.18 CAD 68,297 Great-West Lifeco Inc 1,720 0.10 Healthcare products CAD 25,934 iA Financial Corp Inc 1,328 0.08 AUD 8,799 Cochlear Ltd 1,393 0.08 Mining Holding companies - diversified operations CAD 37,309 Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 1,567 0.09 AUD 17,551 Washington H Soul Pattinson & Co Ltd^ 265 0.01 Oil & gas Insurance CAD 16,428 Parkland Fuel Corp 584 0.03 AUD 548,526 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 2,928 0.17 Pipelines AUD 872,590 Medibank Pvt Ltd 1,924 0.11 CAD 51,725 Inter Pipeline Ltd^ 857 0.05 Mining CAD 32,372 Keyera Corp 790 0.05 AUD 85,332 Rio Tinto Ltd^ 5,593 0.33 CAD 64,183 Pembina Pipeline Corp 2,241 0.13 Oil & gas Real estate investment trusts AUD 114,734 Woodside Petroleum Ltd 2,678 0.16 CAD 21,794 Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 910 0.05 Real estate investment & services Software AUD 5,432 REA Group Ltd^ 383 0.02 CAD 1,970 Constellation Software Inc 2,106 0.12 Real estate investment trusts Transportation AUD 256,880 Dexus 2,125 0.12 CAD 117,902 Canadian National Railway Co 10,706 0.63 AUD 496,663 Goodman Group 4,979 0.29 Total Canada 23,908 1.39 AUD 490,432 GPT Group 2,040 0.12 AUD 935,185 Mirvac Group 2,132 0.13 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.14%) Total Australia 45,406 2.65 Hotels HKD 487,600 Sands China Ltd 2,305 0.13 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.05%) Total Cayman Islands 2,305 0.13 Oil & gas EUR 13,806 OMV AG^ 788 0.05 Denmark (31 May 2019: 2.29%) Total Austria 788 0.05 Chemicals DKK 45,348 Novozymes A/S^ 2,168 0.13 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.07%) Electricity Food DKK 75,957 Orsted A/S 7,006 0.41 EUR 10,684 Colruyt SA^ 554 0.03 Food Telecommunications DKK 19,245 Chr Hansen Holding A/S^ 1,463 0.08 EUR 11,745 Proximus SADP^ 354 0.02 Healthcare products Total Belgium 908 0.05 DKK 20,769 Coloplast A/S 2,455 0.14 Insurance Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.24%) DKK 27,239 Tryg A/S 784 0.05 Engineering & construction Pharmaceuticals HKD 283,000 CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd 1,916 0.11 DKK 339,197 Novo Nordisk A/S 19,081 1.11 Food Retail USD 65,200 Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd 381 0.02 DKK 20,155 Pandora A/S^ 812 0.05 Insurance Transportation USD 41,355 Athene Holding Ltd 1,862 0.11 DKK 35,863 DSV PANALPINA A/S 3,908 0.23 Total Denmark 37,677 2.20



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.56%) (cont) Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 4.77%) (cont) Finland (31 May 2019: 0.62%) Real estate investment & services Electricity HKD 352,982 Henderson Land Development Co Ltd 1,698 0.10 EUR 175,691 Fortum Oyj 4,144 0.24 HKD 685,136 Sino Land Co Ltd 1,028 0.06 Forest products & paper HKD 387,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 5,631 0.33 EUR 80,278 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 2,684 0.16 Total Hong Kong 72,409 4.23 Insurance EUR 113,702 Sampo Oyj 4,601 0.27 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.76%) Machinery - diversified Computers EUR 79,218 Kone Oyj 4,963 0.29 USD 62,138 Accenture Plc 12,500 0.73 Pharmaceuticals Electronics EUR 14,743 Orion Oyj 642 0.04 USD 16,237 Allegion Plc 1,949 0.11 Telecommunications Environmental control EUR 14,378 Elisa Oyj 769 0.04 USD 26,575 Pentair Plc 1,178 0.07 Total Finland 17,803 1.04 Total Ireland 15,627 0.91

France (31 May 2019: 2.65%) Israel (31 May 2019: 0.07%) Apparel retailers Computers EUR 6,006 Hermes International 4,503 0.27 USD 9,453 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 1,114 0.06 EUR 10,851 Kering SA 6,541 0.38 Total Israel 1,114 0.06 Oil & gas EUR 326,959 TOTAL SA 17,174 1.00 Italy (31 May 2019: 0.22%) Pharmaceuticals Apparel retailers EUR 4,990 Ipsen SA^ 564 0.03 EUR 39,497 Moncler SpA 1,732 0.10 Total France 28,782 1.68 Banks EUR 132,906 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 1,650 0.10 Germany (31 May 2019: 1.46%) Pharmaceuticals Apparel retailers EUR 11,542 Recordati SpA 485 0.03 EUR 33,068 adidas AG 10,309 0.60 Total Italy 3,867 0.23 Chemicals EUR 23,796 Covestro AG 1,115 0.06 Japan (31 May 2019: 2.46%) EUR 15,284 FUCHS PETROLUB SE^ 661 0.04 Advertising ^ Insurance JPY 20,700 Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc 334 0.02 EUR 15,404 Hannover Rueck SE 2,862 0.17 Chemicals ^ Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 23,300 Nissan Chemical Corp 923 0.05 ^ EUR 10,534 Knorr-Bremse AG 1,025 0.06 JPY 57,300 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 6,127 0.36 Total Germany 15,972 0.93 Cosmetics & personal care JPY 70,100 Kao Corp^ 5,513 0.32 ^ Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 4.77%) JPY 19,400 Pigeon Corp 902 0.05 Banks Diversified financial services ^ HKD 211,900 Hang Seng Bank Ltd^ 4,320 0.25 JPY 145,300 Japan Exchange Group Inc 2,469 0.14 Beverages Electronics HKD 122,000 Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd^ 469 0.03 JPY 42,300 Hoya Corp 3,859 0.23 Diversified financial services Home builders HKD 357,804 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 11,299 0.66 JPY 168,600 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 5,156 0.30 Electricity Insurance HKD 686,000 CLP Holdings Ltd 7,072 0.41 JPY 172,200 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 9,359 0.55 HKD 627,031 Power Assets Holdings Ltd 4,362 0.26 Internet ^ Gas JPY 19,600 Inc 473 0.03 ^ HKD 4,884,767 Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd^ 9,311 0.54 JPY 26,200 MonotaRO Co Ltd 737 0.04 ^ Insurance JPY 23,100 ZOZO Inc 459 0.03 HKD 2,717,659 AIA Group Ltd^ 27,219 1.59 Oil & gas JPY 104,800 Inpex Corp 1,023 0.06



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.56%) (cont) New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.15%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 2.46%) (cont) Telecommunications Pharmaceuticals NZD 171,938 Spark New Zealand Ltd 501 0.03 JPY 28,900 Shionogi & Co Ltd 1,699 0.10 Total New Zealand 3,878 0.23 Real estate investment & services JPY 34,000 Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd^ 4,156 0.24 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.07%) Semiconductors Insurance JPY 13,200 Advantest Corp^ 645 0.04 NOK 65,483 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 1,233 0.07 JPY 12,600 Tokyo Electron Ltd 2,600 0.15 Total Norway 1,233 0.07 Software JPY 1,700 Oracle Corp Japan 156 0.01 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Telecommunications Oil & gas JPY 151,376 KDDI Corp^ 4,339 0.25 EUR 74,128 Galp Energia SGPS SA 1,208 0.07 JPY 118,655 NTT DOCOMO Inc^ 3,254 0.19 Total Portugal 1,208 0.07 JPY 160,800 Softbank Corp 2,182 0.13 Total Japan 56,365 3.29 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.28%) Diversified financial services ^ Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.63%) SGD 325,900 Singapore Exchange Ltd 2,109 0.12 Auto parts & equipment Engineering & construction ^ USD 37,193 Aptiv Plc 3,492 0.21 SGD 260,500 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd 787 0.05 Distribution & wholesale Total Singapore 2,896 0.17 GBP 41,289 Ferguson Plc 3,590 0.21 Packaging & containers Spain (31 May 2019: 0.89%) USD 322,455 Amcor Plc 3,308 0.19 Commercial services Total Jersey 10,390 0.61 EUR 28,125 Amadeus IT Group SA 2,242 0.13 Electricity ^ Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.13%) EUR 146,749 Endesa SA 3,994 0.23 Media EUR 171,121 Red Electrica Corp SA 3,349 0.20 EUR 243 RTL Group SA 11 0.00 Retail Real estate investment & services EUR 221,449 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 6,900 0.40 EUR 235,863 Aroundtown SA 2,050 0.12 Total Spain 16,485 0.96 Total Luxembourg 2,061 0.12 Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.69%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.79%) Machinery - diversified Aerospace & defence SEK 155,501 Atlas Copco AB 5,701 0.33 EUR 100,533 Airbus SE 14,787 0.86 SEK 90,372 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 2,923 0.17 Auto manufacturers Machinery, construction & mining EUR 24,471 Ferrari NV 4,139 0.24 SEK 133,882 Epiroc AB 1,564 0.09 ^ Chemicals SEK 69,579 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 782 0.05 USD 53,790 LyondellBasell Industries NV 4,978 0.29 Mining Cosmetics & personal care SEK 41,591 Boliden AB 1,073 0.06 EUR 247,451 Unilever NV 14,679 0.86 Retail Pipelines SEK 130,666 Hennes & Mauritz AB 2,523 0.15 EUR 9,195 Koninklijke Vopak NV 490 0.03 Total Sweden 14,566 0.85 Total Netherlands 39,073 2.28 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.99%) New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.15%) Building materials and fixtures ^ Electricity CHF 8,272 Geberit AG 4,443 0.26 NZD 291,636 Mercury NZ Ltd 898 0.05 Chemicals ^ NZD 515,625 Meridian Energy Ltd 1,559 0.09 CHF 1,786 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 1,109 0.07 ^ Healthcare products CHF 1,405 Givaudan SA 4,132 0.24 NZD 64,697 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd^ 920 0.06 Commercial services CHF 22,554 Adecco Group AG^ 1,395 0.08



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.56%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 8.30%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.99%) (cont) Insurance (cont) Commercial services (cont) USD 62,326 Aon Plc 12,690 0.74 CHF 1,164 SGS SA^ 3,031 0.18 GBP 365,363 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 1,443 0.09 Diversified financial services GBP 1,559,299 Legal & General Group Plc 5,666 0.33 CHF 7,804 Partners Group Holding AG 6,585 0.38 GBP 1,017,881 M&G Plc 3,107 0.18 Electronics Media USD 28,536 TE Connectivity Ltd 2,645 0.15 GBP 422,129 ITV Plc 792 0.05 Hand & machine tools GBP 65,828 Pearson Plc 551 0.03 CHF 3,725 Schindler Holding AG 892 0.05 Mining CHF 7,901 Schindler Holding AG (non-voting) 1,971 0.12 GBP 194,726 Rio Tinto Plc 10,583 0.62 Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals CHF 117,238 Roche Holding AG 36,156 2.11 GBP 146,580 AstraZeneca Plc 14,140 0.83 Telecommunications Retail CHF 1,993 Swisscom AG^ 1,032 0.06 GBP 79,372 JD Sports Fashion Plc 781 0.05 Transportation GBP 21,929 Next Plc 1,917 0.11 CHF 13,747 Kuehne + Nagel International AG^ 2,237 0.13 Software Total Switzerland 65,628 3.83 GBP 74,002 Sage Group Plc 722 0.04 Telecommunications United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 8.30%) GBP 684,901 BT Group Plc 1,697 0.10 Aerospace & defence Total United Kingdom 137,724 8.04 GBP 540,939 BAE Systems Plc 4,012 0.23 Agriculture United States (31 May 2019: 62.82%) GBP 163,910 Imperial Brands Plc 3,611 0.21 Advertising Apparel retailers USD 28,479 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc^ 638 0.04 GBP 67,649 Burberry Group Plc 1,841 0.11 USD 24,945 Omnicom Group Inc^ 1,983 0.11 Beverages Aerospace & defence GBP 374,436 Diageo Plc 15,329 0.89 USD 47,439 Raytheon Co 10,314 0.60 Chemicals USD 18,713 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc^ 1,628 0.10 GBP 25,960 Croda International Plc 1,672 0.10 Agriculture GBP 28,299 Johnson Matthey Plc 1,052 0.06 USD 361,784 Altria Group Inc 17,981 1.05 Commercial services Apparel retailers GBP 33,479 Intertek Group Plc^ 2,389 0.14 USD 322,871 NIKE Inc 30,185 1.76 GBP 310,562 RELX Plc 7,524 0.44 USD 61,592 VF Corp^ 5,454 0.32 Cosmetics & personal care Auto parts & equipment GBP 189,508 Unilever Plc 11,222 0.65 USD 7,695 WABCO Holdings Inc 1,037 0.06 Diversified financial services Banks GBP 252,397 3i Group Plc 3,497 0.20 USD 36,721 East West Bancorp Inc 1,683 0.10 GBP 134,847 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 3,236 0.19 USD 14,562 SVB Financial Group 3,374 0.20 GBP 82,342 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 7,319 0.43 Beverages GBP 145,139 St James's Place Plc^ 2,043 0.12 USD 52,152 Brown-Forman Corp^ 3,537 0.21 Food Service USD 71,674 Monster Beverage Corp 4,288 0.25 GBP 309,362 Compass Group Plc 7,581 0.44 USD 205,700 PepsiCo Inc 27,940 1.63 Forest products & paper Biotechnology GBP 92,815 Mondi Plc 2,011 0.12 USD 27,611 Biogen Inc 8,278 0.49 Gas USD 8,474 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 3,127 0.18 GBP 2,475,769 Centrica Plc 2,569 0.15 Chemicals Home builders USD 34,560 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 8,167 0.48 GBP 17,322 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 1,028 0.06 USD 24,327 Celanese Corp 3,055 0.18 GBP 68,275 Persimmon Plc 2,259 0.13 USD 32,413 PPG Industries Inc 4,176 0.24 GBP 526,619 Taylor Wimpey Plc 1,187 0.07 Commercial services Insurance USD 47,128 Automatic Data Processing Inc 8,048 0.47 GBP 81,388 Admiral Group Plc 2,253 0.13 USD 13,545 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 5,470 0.32



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.56%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 62.82%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 62.82%) (cont) Insurance Commercial services (cont) USD 193,758 Aflac Inc^ 10,626 0.62 USD 32,094 Robert Half International Inc 1,868 0.11 USD 38,435 Cincinnati Financial Corp 4,115 0.24 USD 31,853 Rollins Inc^ 1,142 0.06 USD 8,960 Erie Indemnity Co 1,517 0.09 Computers USD 68,072 Fidelity National Financial Inc 3,242 0.19 USD 186,212 Apple Inc 49,765 2.90 USD 23,428 Globe Life Inc 2,407 0.14 USD 16,769 NetApp Inc 1,016 0.06 USD 134,747 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 14,562 0.85 Cosmetics & personal care USD 62,640 Principal Financial Group Inc 3,452 0.20 USD 55,758 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 10,899 0.64 USD 174,523 Progressive Corp 12,749 0.74 Distribution & wholesale USD 60,733 Travelers Cos Inc 8,303 0.49 USD 46,148 Copart Inc 4,107 0.24 Internet USD 119,751 Fastenal Co^ 4,253 0.25 USD 21,386 Alphabet Inc 27,889 1.63 USD 9,805 WW Grainger Inc^ 3,108 0.18 USD 22,317 Alphabet Inc Class 'C' 29,123 1.70 Diversified financial services USD 9,738 Booking Holdings Inc 18,541 1.08 USD 39,246 Ameriprise Financial Inc 6,431 0.37 USD 5,674 F5 Networks Inc 827 0.05 USD 29,888 BlackRock Inc~ 14,792 0.86 USD 207,073 Facebook Inc 41,754 2.43 USD 324,600 Charles Schwab Corp 16,068 0.94 Iron & steel USD 58,360 E*TRADE Financial Corp 2,585 0.15 USD 47,122 Nucor Corp 2,656 0.15 USD 35,612 Eaton Vance Corp 1,680 0.10 Machinery - diversified USD 77,534 Franklin Resources Inc^ 2,131 0.12 USD 31,025 Cummins Inc 5,673 0.33 USD 86,623 Mastercard Inc 25,314 1.48 USD 27,680 Rockwell Automation Inc 5,421 0.32 USD 30,685 Raymond James Financial Inc 2,756 0.16 Media USD 44,536 SEI Investments Co 2,874 0.17 USD 15,001 FactSet Research Systems Inc^ 3,895 0.23 USD 84,634 T Rowe Price Group Inc 10,457 0.61 USD 31,133 Fox Corp 1,113 0.06 USD 81,838 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 4,242 0.25 USD 15,315 Fox Corp Class 'B' 536 0.03 USD 157,794 Visa Inc^ 29,115 1.70 USD 141,907 Walt Disney Co 21,510 1.26 USD 46,399 Western Union Co 1,247 0.07 Miscellaneous manufacturers Electricity USD 127,854 3M Co 21,706 1.27 USD 74,583 OGE Energy Corp 3,137 0.18 USD 28,974 AO Smith Corp^ 1,402 0.08 USD 40,640 Pinnacle West Capital Corp 3,551 0.21 USD 59,553 Illinois Tool Works Inc 10,382 0.60 Electronics Oil & gas USD 21,900 Amphenol Corp 2,278 0.13 USD 47,656 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 760 0.05 USD 3,348 Mettler-Toledo International Inc^ 2,408 0.14 USD 16,238 Diamondback Energy Inc^ 1,256 0.07 USD 11,495 Waters Corp^ 2,553 0.15 USD 506,590 Exxon Mobil Corp 34,514 2.01 Food USD 15,607 HollyFrontier Corp 804 0.05 USD 45,794 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 3,846 0.22 USD 62,879 Phillips 66 7,213 0.42 Gas USD 55,259 Valero Energy Corp 5,277 0.31 USD 46,161 Atmos Energy Corp 4,937 0.29 Packaging & containers Hand & machine tools USD 15,584 Packaging Corp of America 1,744 0.10 USD 10,622 Snap-on Inc 1,704 0.10 Pharmaceuticals Healthcare products USD 214,130 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 12,192 0.71 USD 5,343 ABIOMED Inc 1,048 0.06 USD 119,735 Eli Lilly & Co 14,051 0.82 USD 10,877 Align Technology Inc 3,017 0.18 USD 300,995 Johnson & Johnson 41,384 2.42 USD 25,125 Edwards Lifesciences Corp^ 6,154 0.36 USD 313,144 Merck & Co Inc 27,300 1.59 USD 18,427 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 4,636 0.27 Pipelines USD 10,036 Varian Medical Systems Inc 1,342 0.08 USD 51,809 ONEOK Inc 3,681 0.21 Home builders Real estate investment & services USD 770 NVR Inc 2,920 0.17 USD 105,465 CBRE Group Inc 6,013 0.35 Hotels USD 15,906 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc^ 2,646 0.16 USD 54,967 Las Vegas Sands Corp^ 3,449 0.20 Real estate investment trusts Household goods & home construction USD 70,347 Public Storage 14,821 0.86 USD 15,422 Avery Dennison Corp 2,011 0.12



%ofnet Underlying Fair %ofnet Fair Value asset No. of exposure Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.56%) (cont) Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) United States (31 May 2019: 62.82%) (cont) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Retail USD 34 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 3,258 104 0.01 USD 55,564 Best Buy Co Inc 4,481 0.26 USD 25 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December USD 64,139 Costco Wholesale Corp 19,230 1.12 2019 3,765 164 0.01 USD 23,293 Darden Restaurants Inc 2,759 0.16 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 268 0.02 USD 39,091 Dollar General Corp 6,151 0.36 Total financial derivative instruments 268 0.02 USD 42,681 Gap Inc 709 0.04 USD 24,452 Lululemon Athletica Inc 5,519 0.32 USD 100,865 Ross Stores Inc 11,715 0.69 %ofnet USD 308,379 TJX Cos Inc 18,851 1.10 Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD 25,243 Tractor Supply Co 2,384 0.14 ^ USD 13,953 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc 3,263 0.19 Total value of investments 1,705,779 99.54 Semiconductors USD 89,952 Applied Materials Inc 5,208 0.30 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.48%) USD 9,165 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc^ 2,306 0.13 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market USD 315,231 Intel Corp 18,299 1.07 Funds (31 May 2019: 0.48%) USD 14,421 KLA Corp 2,363 0.14 USD 13,238 Lam Research Corp 3,532 0.21 USD 530,546 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar ~ USD 30,896 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 1,751 0.10 Liquidity Fund 531 0.03 USD 14,911 Skyworks Solutions Inc 1,466 0.09 Cash† 5,009 0.29 USD 12,890 Teradyne Inc 807 0.05 USD 99,699 Texas Instruments Inc 11,985 0.70 Other net assets 2,361 0.14 USD 23,083 Xilinx Inc 2,142 0.12 Software Net asset value attributable to redeemable USD 33,485 Adobe Inc 10,365 0.61 participating shareholders at the end of the financial USD 10,287 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc^ 1,272 0.07 period 1,713,680 100.00 USD 22,040 Cadence Design Systems Inc 1,548 0.09 †Cash holdings of USD4,978,721 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD 24,867 Electronic Arts Inc 2,512 0.15 USD30,482 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. USD 28,032 Intuit Inc 7,257 0.42 ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~Investment in related party. USD 5,599 Jack Henry & Associates Inc^ 851 0.05 USD 330,317 Microsoft Corp 50,003 2.92 USD 152,773 Oracle Corp 8,577 0.50 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 34,635 Paychex Inc 2,983 0.17 entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 4,256 Paycom Software Inc 1,178 0.07 USD 9,548 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 1,159 0.07 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Telecommunications issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 4,685 Arista Networks Inc^ 914 0.05 USD 367,310 Cisco Systems Inc 16,643 0.97 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Transportation %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 28,338 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 2,178 0.13 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 38,155 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 2,853 0.17 ^ USD 12,532 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 1,449 0.08 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 1,705,511 99.49 USD 11,360 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 2,176 0.13 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 268 0.01 USD 122,888 Union Pacific Corp 21,627 1.26 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 531 0.03 Total United States 1,082,727 63.18 Other assets 7,972 0.47 Total equities 1,705,511 99.52 Total current assets 1,714,282 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Australia (31 May 2019: 4.40%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.48%) Oil & gas AUD 40,888 Caltex Australia Ltd 956 0.14 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) AUD 144,710 Santos Ltd 797 0.11 Australia (31 May 2019: 4.40%) Pipelines Airlines AUD 98,301 APA Group 731 0.10 AUD 162,821 Qantas Airways Ltd 804 0.11 Real estate investment & services Banks AUD 11,604 REA Group Ltd^ 819 0.12 AUD 107,181 Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd^ 727 0.10 Real estate investment trusts Beverages AUD 95,490 Dexus 790 0.11 AUD 101,039 Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd 777 0.11 AUD 197,809 GPT Group 823 0.12 AUD 58,726 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd^ 743 0.10 AUD 344,401 Mirvac Group 785 0.11 Building materials and fixtures AUD 241,051 Stockland 823 0.11 AUD 226,672 Boral Ltd^ 788 0.11 Retail Chemicals AUD 278,818 Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd^ 811 0.11 AUD 349,669 Incitec Pivot Ltd 764 0.11 Software Commercial services AUD 38,956 WiseTech Global Ltd 719 0.10 AUD 82,984 Worley Ltd^ 842 0.12 Telecommunications Computers AUD 167,367 TPG Telecom Ltd^ 791 0.11 AUD 67,229 Computershare Ltd^ 806 0.11 Transportation Diversified financial services AUD 199,548 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 780 0.11 AUD 14,770 ASX Ltd 816 0.12 Total Australia 30,699 4.32 AUD 22,463 Magellan Financial Group Ltd 798 0.11 Electricity Austria (31 May 2019: 0.52%) AUD 628,261 AusNet Services 739 0.10 Banks Engineering & construction EUR 32,256 Raiffeisen Bank International AG^ 758 0.11 AUD 32,862 CIMIC Group Ltd 748 0.11 Electricity AUD 62,017 Lendlease Group 810 0.11 EUR 15,814 Verbund AG 822 0.11 Entertainment Iron & steel AUD 36,440 Aristocrat Leisure Ltd 836 0.12 EUR 28,498 voestalpine AG^ 756 0.11 AUD 237,319 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd 769 0.11 Machinery - diversified Healthcare products EUR 16,085 ANDRITZ AG 628 0.09 AUD 4,888 Cochlear Ltd 774 0.11 Oil & gas Healthcare services EUR 12,511 OMV AG^ 714 0.10 AUD 39,986 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 815 0.11 Total Austria 3,678 0.52 Holding companies - diversified operations AUD 49,986 Washington H Soul Pattinson & Co Ltd^ 755 0.11 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.67%) Hotels Chemicals AUD 88,729 Crown Resorts Ltd 775 0.11 EUR 6,493 Solvay SA^ 745 0.11 Insurance EUR 18,873 Umicore SA^ 811 0.11 AUD 620,048 AMP Ltd^ 820 0.12 Food AUD 145,433 Challenger Ltd 801 0.11 EUR 14,344 Colruyt SA^ 743 0.11 AUD 344,363 Medibank Pvt Ltd 759 0.11 Insurance Internet EUR 12,691 Ageas^ 763 0.11 AUD 47,917 SEEK Ltd^ 752 0.11 Media Iron & steel EUR 15,994 Telenet Group Holding NV 722 0.10 AUD 74,892 BlueScope Steel Ltd 737 0.10 Pharmaceuticals Leisure time EUR 4,489 Galapagos NV 885 0.12 AUD 28,613 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 852 0.12 Telecommunications Mining EUR 26,567 Proximus SADP 802 0.11 AUD 458,673 Alumina Ltd^ 717 0.10 Total Belgium 5,471 0.77 Miscellaneous manufacturers AUD 46,603 Orica Ltd 750 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) Canada (31 May 2019: 5.12%) (cont) Bermuda (31 May 2019: 1.54%) Engineering & construction Agriculture CAD 12,395 WSP Global Inc 800 0.11 USD 13,601 Bunge Ltd 726 0.10 Entertainment Apparel retailers CAD 36,664 Stars Group Inc 879 0.12 HKD 283,500 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd^ 838 0.12 Environmental control Chemicals USD 8,768 Waste Connections Inc 794 0.11 USD 25,169 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 717 0.10 Food Diversified financial services CAD 30,019 Empire Co Ltd 804 0.11 USD 43,725 Invesco Ltd 768 0.11 CAD 17,619 Metro Inc^ 772 0.11 Engineering & construction Forest products & paper HKD 522,929 NWS Holdings Ltd 701 0.10 CAD 18,447 West Fraser Timber Co Ltd 802 0.11 Food Household goods & home construction USD 131,200 Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd 768 0.11 CAD 44,121 Cronos Group Inc^ 300 0.04 Insurance Insurance USD 19,825 Arch Capital Group Ltd 832 0.11 CAD 15,751 iA Financial Corp Inc 806 0.11 USD 18,689 Athene Holding Ltd 841 0.12 Media USD 2,911 Everest Re Group Ltd 790 0.11 CAD 30,655 Quebecor Inc 760 0.11 USD 4,129 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 778 0.11 Mining Leisure time CAD 87,897 Cameco Corp^ 801 0.11 USD 14,761 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 792 0.11 CAD 88,762 First Quantum Minerals Ltd^ 812 0.11 Real estate investment & services CAD 188,298 Kinross Gold Corp 814 0.12 USD 140,200 Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd 771 0.11 CAD 16,855 Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 708 0.10 HKD 240,000 Kerry Properties Ltd 774 0.11 CAD 143,874 Lundin Mining Corp 779 0.11 Semiconductors CAD 30,366 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 834 0.12 USD 27,314 Marvell Technology Group Ltd^ 720 0.10 Oil & gas Total Bermuda 10,816 1.52 CAD 190,736 Encana Corp^ 748 0.11 CAD 112,451 Husky Energy Inc 819 0.11 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.09%) CAD 22,925 Parkland Fuel Corp 815 0.11 Apparel retailers CAD 81,379 PrairieSky Royalty Ltd^ 839 0.12 USD 21,070 Capri Holdings Ltd^ 783 0.11 Packaging & containers Total British Virgin Islands 783 0.11 CAD 19,713 CCL Industries Inc^ 843 0.12 Pharmaceuticals Canada (31 May 2019: 5.12%) CAD 72,911 Aurora Cannabis Inc^ 182 0.02 Aerospace & defence CAD 26,567 Bausch Health Cos Inc 751 0.11 CAD 516,610 Bombardier Inc 766 0.11 Pipelines CAD 29,443 CAE Inc 791 0.11 CAD 53,674 AltaGas Ltd^ 796 0.11 Airlines CAD 50,637 Inter Pipeline Ltd^ 839 0.12 CAD 19,820 Air Canada 747 0.11 CAD 31,867 Keyera Corp 777 0.11 Apparel retailers Real estate investment trusts CAD 30,179 Gildan Activewear Inc 886 0.13 CAD 20,114 Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 839 0.12 Chemicals CAD 50,167 First Capital Realty Inc^ 815 0.11 CAD 20,616 Methanex Corp 767 0.11 CAD 48,801 H&R Real Estate Investment Trust 793 0.11 Diversified financial services CAD 40,868 RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 835 0.12 CAD 52,123 CI Financial Corp 821 0.12 CAD 32,716 SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust 789 0.11 CAD 24,953 IGM Financial Inc^ 718 0.10 Retail CAD 13,566 Onex Corp^ 808 0.11 CAD 6,301 Canadian Tire Corp Ltd 734 0.10 Electricity CAD 22,689 Dollarama Inc 830 0.12 CAD 59,843 Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp 839 0.12 Software CAD 19,582 Atco Ltd 743 0.10 CAD 153,433 BlackBerry Ltd 847 0.12 CAD 26,267 Canadian Utilities Ltd^ 773 0.11 CAD 18,976 Open Text Corp 826 0.12 CAD 18,973 Emera Inc 780 0.11 Total Canada 36,438 5.13 CAD 43,355 Hydro One Ltd 817 0.12



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 4.48%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.53%) Aerospace & defence Biotechnology EUR 562 Dassault Aviation SA 765 0.11 USD 4,076 BeiGene Ltd (ADR)^ 829 0.12 Auto manufacturers Hotels EUR 28,357 Peugeot SA 685 0.10 USD 36,004 Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd (ADR) 766 0.11 Auto parts & equipment HKD 373,656 Wynn Macau Ltd^ 822 0.11 EUR 14,167 Faurecia SE 752 0.10 Semiconductors EUR 19,074 Valeo SA 752 0.11 HKD 55,139 ASM Pacific Technology Ltd^ 720 0.10 Beverages Total Cayman Islands 3,137 0.44 EUR 5,710 Remy Cointreau SA^ 736 0.10 Chemicals Denmark (31 May 2019: 1.09%) EUR 6,968 Arkema SA 723 0.10 Biotechnology Commercial services DKK 3,665 Genmab A/S 854 0.12 EUR 31,149 Bureau Veritas SA 816 0.12 DKK 23,526 H Lundbeck A/S 902 0.13 EUR 14,921 Edenred 741 0.10 Chemicals Computers DKK 16,810 Novozymes A/S^ 804 0.11 EUR 9,698 Atos SE 824 0.12 Commercial services EUR 6,856 Capgemini SE 812 0.11 DKK 33,695 ISS A/S 774 0.11 EUR 7,582 Ingenico Group SA 810 0.11 Energy - alternate sources EUR 3,194 Teleperformance 757 0.11 DKK 7,823 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 745 0.10 Diversified financial services Food EUR 10,256 Amundi SA 777 0.11 DKK 9,903 Chr Hansen Holding A/S^ 753 0.11 EUR 11,536 Eurazeo SE 787 0.11 Healthcare products Electrical components & equipment DKK 29,881 Demant A/S^ 915 0.13 EUR 9,414 Legrand SA 744 0.11 Insurance Engineering & construction DKK 27,799 Tryg A/S 800 0.11 EUR 4,197 Aeroports de Paris 821 0.11 Retail EUR 6,937 Eiffage SA 758 0.11 DKK 19,152 Pandora A/S^ 771 0.11 Food Transportation EUR 16,109 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA^ 709 0.10 DKK 6,733 DSV PANALPINA A/S 734 0.10 Food Service Total Denmark 8,052 1.13 EUR 6,717 Sodexo SA 784 0.11 Healthcare products Finland (31 May 2019: 0.76%) EUR 5,377 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 854 0.12 Auto parts & equipment Healthcare services EUR 27,424 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 743 0.11 EUR 9,314 BioMerieux 843 0.12 Forest products & paper Home furnishings EUR 53,181 Stora Enso Oyj^ 716 0.10 EUR 4,959 SEB SA^ 771 0.11 EUR 21,905 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 732 0.10 Hotels Machinery - diversified EUR 18,709 Accor SA^ 801 0.11 EUR 20,520 Metso Oyj 787 0.11 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 19,160 SCOR SE 824 0.12 EUR 18,471 Orion Oyj 804 0.11 Internet Semiconductors EUR 5,906 Iliad SA^ 753 0.11 EUR 73,722 Wartsila Oyj Abp 743 0.11 Investment services Telecommunications EUR 5,972 Wendel SA 805 0.11 EUR 15,094 Elisa Oyj 807 0.11 Miscellaneous manufacturers Total Finland 5,332 0.75 EUR 18,344 Alstom SA^ 801 0.11 Pharmaceuticals France (31 May 2019: 4.48%) EUR 7,710 Ipsen SA 871 0.12 Advertising Real estate investment trusts EUR 26,132 JCDecaux SA^ 749 0.10 EUR 6,900 Covivio 764 0.11 EUR 19,200 Publicis Groupe SA 846 0.12 EUR 4,552 Gecina SA 787 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 3.08%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 4.48%) (cont) Machinery - diversified Real estate investment trusts (cont) EUR 23,122 GEA Group AG 744 0.11 EUR 8,237 ICADE 825 0.11 EUR 12,003 KION Group AG^ 797 0.11 EUR 21,342 Klepierre SA 766 0.11 Media Software EUR 11,630 Axel Springer SE 801 0.11 EUR 13,398 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 814 0.12 Real estate investment & services EUR 12,349 Worldline SA 800 0.11 EUR 19,787 Deutsche Wohnen SE 773 0.11 Telecommunications Retail EUR 44,674 Eutelsat Communications SA^ 733 0.10 EUR 18,996 Zalando SE 819 0.11 Transportation Telecommunications EUR 44,494 Getlink SE 751 0.11 EUR 4,064 1&1 Drillisch AG^ 108 0.01 Water EUR 248,492 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 759 0.11 EUR 52,424 Suez^ 776 0.11 Total Germany 21,205 2.98 EUR 29,223 Veolia Environnement SA 749 0.11 Total France 31,236 4.40 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 1.54%) Banks Germany (31 May 2019: 3.08%) HKD 363,765 Bank of East Asia Ltd^ 821 0.12 Aerospace & defence Beverages EUR 2,777 MTU Aero Engines AG 753 0.11 HKD 184,000 Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd 707 0.10 Airlines Electricity EUR 39,442 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 749 0.10 HKD 800,000 HK Electric Investments & HK Electric Investments Ltd^ 784 0.11 Apparel retailers Hand & machine tools EUR 10,069 Puma SE 757 0.11 HKD 106,592 Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 801 0.11 Banks Holding companies - diversified operations EUR 143,925 Commerzbank AG 835 0.12 HKD 87,000 Swire Pacific Ltd 783 0.11 Chemicals Hotels EUR 14,859 Brenntag AG 793 0.11 HKD 719,972 SJM Holdings Ltd^ 734 0.11 EUR 15,858 Covestro AG 743 0.11 Real estate investment & services EUR 17,812 FUCHS PETROLUB SE^ 770 0.11 HKD 379,000 Hang Lung Properties Ltd 777 0.11 EUR 10,752 LANXESS AG 717 0.10 HKD 568,588 New World Development Co Ltd 742 0.10 EUR 8,143 Symrise AG 791 0.11 HKD 522,000 Sino Land Co Ltd 783 0.11 Electricity HKD 124,560 Wheelock & Co Ltd 774 0.11 EUR 25,982 RWE AG 771 0.11 Telecommunications EUR 24,249 Uniper SE 783 0.11 HKD 526,000 HKT Trust & HKT Ltd 772 0.11 Electronics HKD 1,332,000 PCCW Ltd 803 0.11 EUR 3,972 Sartorius AG^ 838 0.12 Total Hong Kong 9,281 1.31 Engineering & construction EUR 9,644 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 822 0.11 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.61%) EUR 6,183 HOCHTIEF AG 760 0.11 Banks Food EUR 235,849 AIB Group Plc 772 0.11 EUR 47,437 METRO AG 765 0.11 EUR 173,201 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 871 0.12 Healthcare products Building materials and fixtures EUR 6,595 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 807 0.11 AUD 37,719 James Hardie Industries Plc 739 0.10 Insurance EUR 14,346 Kingspan Group Plc 774 0.11 EUR 4,401 Hannover Rueck SE 818 0.11 Computers Internet USD 13,830 Seagate Technology Plc 825 0.12 EUR 16,024 Delivery Hero SE^ 848 0.12 Electronics EUR 22,855 United Internet AG^ 775 0.11 USD 6,291 Allegion Plc 755 0.11 Iron & steel Entertainment EUR 54,273 thyssenkrupp AG^ 681 0.09 EUR 7,638 Flutter Entertainment Plc 876 0.12 Leisure time Environmental control GBP 60,196 TUI AG 828 0.12 USD 17,108 Pentair Plc 759 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 1.07%) (cont) Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.61%) (cont) Electricity Food EUR 113,612 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 730 0.10 EUR 6,096 Kerry Group Plc 782 0.11 Pharmaceuticals Forest products & paper EUR 18,789 Recordati SpA 789 0.11 EUR 21,032 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 747 0.10 Telecommunications Healthcare products EUR 748,617 Telecom Italia SpA^ 469 0.07 USD 5,418 STERIS Plc 819 0.12 EUR 588,093 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 362 0.05 Oil & gas Transportation GBP 9,451 DCC Plc 808 0.11 EUR 65,868 Poste Italiane SpA 769 0.11 Pharmaceuticals Total Italy 8,506 1.20 USD 5,677 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 858 0.12 USD 15,932 Perrigo Co Plc 816 0.12 Japan (31 May 2019: 20.71%) Total Ireland 11,201 1.58 Advertising JPY 46,700 Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc^ 754 0.11 Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Aerospace & defence Entertainment JPY 30,700 IHI Corp^ 716 0.10 GBP 76,406 GVC Holdings Plc^ 842 0.12 JPY 32,829 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd^ 737 0.10 Total Isle of Man 842 0.12 Auto manufacturers JPY 75,254 Hino Motors Ltd 736 0.10 Israel (31 May 2019: 0.93%) JPY 83,900 Mazda Motor Corp 743 0.11 Aerospace & defence JPY 164,400 Mitsubishi Motors Corp 736 0.10 ILS 4,490 Elbit Systems Ltd 745 0.10 Auto parts & equipment Banks JPY 56,075 JTEKT Corp 697 0.10 ILS 161,992 Israel Discount Bank Ltd 747 0.11 JPY 44,302 NGK Insulators Ltd 730 0.10 ILS 32,537 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 871 0.12 JPY 35,982 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd^ 720 0.10 Chemicals JPY 26,682 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 738 0.11 ILS 162,444 Israel Chemicals Ltd 763 0.11 JPY 57,490 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd^ 730 0.10 Computers JPY 34,400 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 803 0.11 USD 6,617 CyberArk Software Ltd 811 0.11 JPY 36,836 Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd^ 759 0.11 Internet Banks USD 6,250 Ltd 755 0.11 JPY 50,623 AEON Financial Service Co Ltd^ 765 0.11 Real estate investment & services JPY 28,820 Aozora Bank Ltd^ 734 0.10 ILS 10,518 Azrieli Group Ltd 822 0.11 JPY 18,400 Bank of Kyoto Ltd^ 758 0.11 Telecommunications JPY 131,453 Chiba Bank Ltd^ 749 0.10 ILS 4,969 Nice Ltd 755 0.11 JPY 195,100 Concordia Financial Group Ltd 791 0.11 Total Israel 6,269 0.88 JPY 39,596 Fukuoka Financial Group Inc 754 0.11 JPY 244,744 Seven Bank Ltd^ 758 0.11 Italy (31 May 2019: 1.07%) JPY 46,900 Shinsei Bank Ltd^ 738 0.10 Aerospace & defence JPY 103,100 Shizuoka Bank Ltd^ 784 0.11 EUR 59,565 Leonardo SpA 697 0.10 Beverages Apparel retailers JPY 32,200 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc^ 773 0.11 EUR 19,259 Moncler SpA 845 0.12 Building materials and fixtures Auto parts & equipment JPY 43,300 LIXIL Group Corp^ 732 0.10 EUR 129,730 Pirelli&CSpA^ 737 0.10 JPY 10,200 Rinnai Corp 782 0.11 Banks JPY 24,633 Taiheiyo Cement Corp^ 712 0.10 EUR 61,855 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 768 0.11 JPY 19,000 TOTO Ltd^ 831 0.12 EUR 63,515 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA^ 711 0.10 Chemicals Beverages JPY 42,878 Air Water Inc^ 688 0.10 EUR 91,240 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 833 0.12 JPY 72,000 Daicel Corp 707 0.10 Electrical components & equipment JPY 24,018 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 864 0.12 EUR 34,873 Prysmian SpA^ 796 0.11 JPY 43,900 JSR Corp 777 0.11 JPY 32,284 Kansai Paint Co Ltd^ 813 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 20.71%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 20.71%) (cont) Engineering & construction (cont) Chemicals (cont) JPY 46,907 JGC Holdings Corp^ 681 0.09 JPY 64,134 Kuraray Co Ltd^ 775 0.11 JPY 68,560 Obayashi Corp 726 0.10 JPY 49,532 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc 774 0.11 JPY 79,900 Shimizu Corp 765 0.11 JPY 32,639 Mitsui Chemicals Inc^ 782 0.11 Entertainment JPY 17,383 Nissan Chemical Corp^ 688 0.10 JPY 21,966 Sankyo Co Ltd 742 0.10 JPY 25,800 Showa Denko KK^ 689 0.10 JPY 49,748 Sega Sammy Holdings Inc^ 718 0.10 JPY 33,661 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp^ 749 0.10 JPY 18,900 Toho Co Ltd^ 767 0.11 JPY 53,700 Tosoh Corp 799 0.11 Environmental control Commercial services JPY 26,800 Kurita Water Industries Ltd 749 0.11 JPY 29,189 Benesse Holdings Inc 770 0.11 Food JPY 29,500 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 789 0.11 JPY 22,554 Calbee Inc 726 0.10 JPY 11,900 GMO Payment Gateway Inc^ 843 0.12 JPY 15,329 Kikkoman Corp^ 770 0.11 JPY 34,200 Park24 Co Ltd^ 826 0.12 JPY 17,697 NH Foods Ltd 742 0.11 JPY 42,600 Persol Holdings Co Ltd 783 0.11 JPY 39,449 Nisshin Seifun Group Inc 740 0.10 JPY 14,785 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 768 0.11 JPY 9,600 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd^ 719 0.10 JPY 41,000 Toppan Printing Co Ltd 815 0.11 JPY 16,839 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 726 0.10 Computers JPY 45,801 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 839 0.12 JPY 27,800 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp^ 742 0.10 Forest products & paper JPY 5,900 Obic Co Ltd 783 0.11 JPY 132,200 Oji Holdings Corp 754 0.11 JPY 20,700 Otsuka Corp 829 0.12 Gas Cosmetics & personal care JPY 22,300 Toho Gas Co Ltd^ 842 0.12 JPY 5,120 Kose Corp^ 815 0.12 Hand & machine tools JPY 38,958 Lion Corp 784 0.11 JPY 63,614 Amada Holdings Co Ltd 709 0.10 JPY 15,700 Pigeon Corp^ 730 0.10 JPY 3,700 Disco Corp^ 798 0.11 JPY 32,012 Pola Orbis Holdings Inc 789 0.11 JPY 24,096 Fuji Electric Co Ltd 741 0.11 Diversified financial services Healthcare products JPY 184,832 Acom Co Ltd^ 766 0.11 JPY 26,400 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd^ 769 0.11 JPY 49,394 Credit Saison Co Ltd 816 0.11 JPY 24,784 Shimadzu Corp 746 0.10 JPY 49,100 Japan Exchange Group Inc 834 0.12 Healthcare services JPY 301,668 Mebuki Financial Group Inc 780 0.11 JPY 18,800 PeptiDream Inc^ 863 0.12 JPY 128,280 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd^ 824 0.12 Home builders JPY 35,100 SBI Holdings Inc^ 729 0.10 JPY 48,006 Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd^ 852 0.12 JPY 14,794 Tokyo Century Corp^ 789 0.11 JPY 42,868 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 746 0.11 Electrical components & equipment Home furnishings JPY 35,787 Brother Industries Ltd 709 0.10 JPY 9,200 Hoshizaki Corp^ 804 0.11 JPY 43,768 Casio Computer Co Ltd^ 834 0.12 JPY 49,200 Sharp Corp 743 0.11 Electricity Insurance JPY 59,002 Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc^ 780 0.11 JPY 46,700 Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd^ 803 0.11 JPY 30,988 Electric Power Development Co Ltd 743 0.10 Internet JPY 93,800 Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc^ 826 0.12 JPY 23,300 CyberAgent Inc^ 804 0.11 JPY 75,212 Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc 745 0.11 JPY 31,800 Inc^ 767 0.11 JPY 185,392 Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc^ 812 0.11 JPY 37,600 Mercari Inc 829 0.11 Electronics JPY 29,600 MonotaRO Co Ltd^ 832 0.12 JPY 36,463 Alps Alpine Co Ltd^ 823 0.12 JPY 14,224 Trend Micro Inc 768 0.11 JPY 5,756 Hirose Electric Co Ltd^ 707 0.10 JPY 31,759 ZOZO Inc 632 0.09 JPY 13,006 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 848 0.12 Iron & steel JPY 41,494 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc^ 805 0.11 JPY 56,735 Hitachi Metals Ltd^ 794 0.11 JPY 7,859 TDK Corp 826 0.12 Leisure time JPY 44,391 Yokogawa Electric Corp 812 0.11 JPY 13,830 Yamaha Corp^ 761 0.11 Engineering & construction JPY 34,901 Yamaha Motor Co Ltd 729 0.10 JPY 16,183 Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd^ 841 0.12



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 20.71%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 20.71%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Machinery - diversified JPY 415 United Urban Investment Corp^ 807 0.11 JPY 14,000 Daifuku Co Ltd 814 0.11 Retail JPY 26,320 Nabtesco Corp^ 808 0.11 JPY 10,792 ABC-Mart Inc 718 0.10 JPY 26,451 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 756 0.11 JPY 79,662 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd^ 709 0.10 JPY 29,200 THK Co Ltd^ 820 0.12 JPY 57,002 J Front Retailing Co Ltd^ 749 0.10 JPY 19,427 Yaskawa Electric Corp^ 713 0.10 JPY 13,069 Lawson Inc 711 0.10 Machinery, construction & mining JPY 31,631 Marui Group Co Ltd^ 761 0.11 JPY 28,659 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd^ 755 0.11 JPY 14,800 McDonald's Holdings Co Japan Ltd 731 0.10 Marine transportation JPY 47,648 Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 772 0.11 JPY 26,941 Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd 706 0.10 JPY 35,890 Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd 817 0.11 JPY 40,600 Nippon Yusen KK^ 697 0.10 JPY 9,406 Shimamura Co Ltd^ 754 0.11 Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 22,868 Sundrug Co Ltd 802 0.11 JPY 28,500 Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd^ 820 0.11 JPY 6,900 Tsuruha Holdings Inc^ 821 0.12 JPY 30,812 MISUMI Group Inc^ 762 0.11 JPY 37,500 USS Co Ltd^ 727 0.10 JPY 75,100 NSK Ltd^ 726 0.10 JPY 13,500 Welcia Holdings Co Ltd^ 827 0.12 Mining JPY 140,400 Yamada Denki Co Ltd 700 0.10 JPY 26,200 Mitsubishi Materials Corp 699 0.10 Semiconductors Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 16,300 Advantest Corp^ 796 0.11 JPY 56,181 Nikon Corp 770 0.11 JPY 17,763 Hamamatsu Photonics KK 720 0.10 Office & business equipment JPY 10,211 Rohm Co Ltd 858 0.12 JPY 112,800 Konica Minolta Inc 738 0.10 JPY 50,200 SUMCO Corp^ 775 0.11 JPY 78,100 Ricoh Co Ltd 804 0.11 Software JPY 53,582 Seiko Epson Corp^ 815 0.12 JPY 17,895 Konami Holdings Corp 788 0.11 Oil & gas JPY 16,700 Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd 825 0.12 JPY 26,339 Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd 719 0.10 Telecommunications Packaging & containers JPY 3,700 Hikari Tsushin Inc 862 0.12 JPY 43,400 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd 756 0.11 Textile Pharmaceuticals JPY 37,900 Teijin Ltd^ 713 0.10 JPY 36,140 Alfresa Holdings Corp 746 0.10 Transportation JPY 16,007 Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc^ 785 0.11 JPY 17,509 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 752 0.11 JPY 9,600 Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd^ 787 0.11 JPY 32,600 Kamigumi Co Ltd 722 0.10 JPY 34,573 Medipal Holdings Corp 741 0.10 JPY 16,180 Keihan Holdings Co Ltd^ 791 0.11 JPY 66,500 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 1,217 0.17 JPY 39,727 Keikyu Corp^ 817 0.12 JPY 9,500 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 857 0.12 JPY 12,500 Keio Corp^ 801 0.11 JPY 44,300 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd^ 829 0.12 JPY 17,900 Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd^ 737 0.10 JPY 47,786 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd 902 0.13 JPY 21,200 Kyushu Railway Co^ 721 0.10 JPY 17,254 Suzuken Co Ltd 754 0.11 JPY 24,500 Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd^ 780 0.11 JPY 10,700 Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd 790 0.11 JPY 11,787 Nippon Express Co Ltd 747 0.11 Real estate investment & services JPY 31,800 Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd^ 781 0.11 JPY 48,200 Aeon Mall Co Ltd 774 0.11 JPY 43,099 Seibu Holdings Inc 759 0.11 JPY 69,000 Hulic Co Ltd^ 776 0.11 JPY 30,400 SG Holdings Co Ltd^ 729 0.10 JPY 31,400 Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc 758 0.10 JPY 22,200 Tobu Railway Co Ltd^ 812 0.11 JPY 113,700 Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp^ 780 0.11 JPY 45,700 Yamato Holdings Co Ltd 781 0.11 Real estate investment trusts Total Japan 143,728 20.23 JPY 298 Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp 815 0.11 JPY 167 Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp 760 0.11 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.10%) JPY 115 Japan Real Estate Investment Corp 782 0.11 Distribution & wholesale JPY 344 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp 783 0.11 GBP 9,240 Ferguson Plc 803 0.11 JPY 304 Nippon Prologis REIT Inc 815 0.12 Packaging & containers JPY 419 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc^ 765 0.11 USD 75,937 Amcor Plc 779 0.11 JPY 357 Orix JREIT Inc 785 0.11 Total Jersey 1,582 0.22



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.78%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.54%) Healthcare services Healthcare services NZD 89,879 Ryman Healthcare Ltd 871 0.12 EUR 1,452 Eurofins Scientific SE 763 0.11 Telecommunications Media NZD 261,809 Spark New Zealand Ltd 763 0.11 EUR 824 RTL Group SA 39 0.01 Total New Zealand 6,558 0.92 Real estate investment & services EUR 91,982 Aroundtown SA 800 0.11 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.79%) Telecommunications Chemicals SEK 19,587 Millicom International Cellular SA^ 877 0.12 NOK 20,224 Yara International ASA 763 0.11 EUR 53,712 SES SA 713 0.10 Food Total Luxembourg 3,192 0.45 NOK 30,493 Mowi ASA 757 0.10 NOK 85,703 Orkla ASA 831 0.12 Mauritius (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Insurance NOK 45,559 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 858 0.12 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.18%) Media Commercial services NOK 27,745 Schibsted ASA 716 0.10 EUR 13,360 Randstad NV 779 0.11 Mining Diversified financial services NOK 207,453 Norsk Hydro ASA^ 734 0.10 USD 13,440 AerCap Holdings NV 831 0.12 Oil & gas Healthcare products NOK 25,951 Aker BP ASA 745 0.11 EUR 22,092 QIAGEN NV 947 0.13 Total Norway 5,404 0.76 Insurance EUR 19,374 NN Group NV 744 0.10 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.23%) Investment services Food EUR 9,385 EXOR NV 718 0.10 EUR 46,932 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 750 0.11 Machinery - diversified Oil & gas EUR 66,279 CNH Industrial NV 711 0.10 EUR 47,949 Galp Energia SGPS SA 781 0.11 Media Total Portugal 1,531 0.22 EUR 145,245 Altice Europe NV 865 0.12 EUR 10,867 Wolters Kluwer NV 781 0.11 Singapore (31 May 2019: 1.70%) Pharmaceuticals Airlines USD 44,013 Mylan NV 826 0.12 SGD 122,300 Singapore Airlines Ltd 822 0.12 Pipelines Diversified financial services EUR 13,160 Koninklijke Vopak NV 702 0.10 SGD 113,700 Singapore Exchange Ltd 736 0.10 Semiconductors Electricity ^ EUR 33,761 STMicroelectronics NV 830 0.12 SGD 493,625 Sembcorp Industries Ltd 790 0.11 Telecommunications Electronics EUR 260,427 Koninklijke KPN NV 803 0.11 USD 66,683 Flex Ltd 791 0.11 ^ Total Netherlands 9,537 1.34 SGD 65,900 Venture Corp Ltd 765 0.11 Engineering & construction New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.78%) SGD 154,500 Keppel Corp Ltd^ 759 0.11 Building materials and fixtures SGD 213,067 SATS Ltd 776 0.11 NZD 224,678 Fletcher Building Ltd^ 754 0.10 SGD 248,827 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd^ 752 0.10 Electricity Entertainment NZD 259,035 Mercury NZ Ltd 798 0.11 SGD 1,202,800 Genting Singapore Ltd 814 0.11 NZD 274,909 Meridian Energy Ltd 831 0.12 Hotels Engineering & construction SGD 104,426 City Developments Ltd^ 790 0.11 NZD 130,817 Auckland International Airport Ltd^ 758 0.11 Media Food SGD 199,600 Singapore Press Holdings Ltd^ 321 0.05 NZD 92,878 a2 Milk Co Ltd^ 926 0.13 Real estate investment & services Healthcare products SGD 140,167 UOL Group Ltd 795 0.11 NZD 60,266 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd 857 0.12



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.78%) (cont) Singapore (31 May 2019: 1.70%) (cont) Machinery, construction & mining Real estate investment trusts SEK 41,852 Epiroc AB 489 0.07 SGD 346,503 Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust 755 0.11 SEK 24,766 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 278 0.04 SGD 544,288 CapitaLand Commercial Trust^ 800 0.11 Metal fabricate/ hardware SGD 434,939 CapitaLand Mall Trust 801 0.11 SEK 39,307 SKF AB^ 751 0.11 SGD 451,800 Mapletree Commercial Trust 780 0.11 Mining SGD 601,794 Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust^ 810 0.12 SEK 27,619 Boliden AB 713 0.10 Semiconductors Miscellaneous manufacturers SGD 1,061,845 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd^ 800 0.11 SEK 32,783 Alfa Laval AB 807 0.11 Transportation Oil & gas SGD 455,090 ComfortDelGro Corp Ltd 782 0.11 SEK 24,455 Lundin Petroleum AB 754 0.11 Total Singapore 14,439 2.03 Telecommunications SEK 51,265 Tele2 AB 757 0.11 Spain (31 May 2019: 1.03%) Total Sweden 12,370 1.74 Banks EUR 765,542 Banco de Sabadell SA 850 0.12 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 2.46%) EUR 450,105 Bankia SA^ 873 0.13 Beverages EUR 123,737 Bankinter SA 866 0.12 GBP 23,217 Coca-Cola HBC AG 775 0.11 Electricity Building materials and fixtures EUR 37,641 Red Electrica Corp SA 737 0.10 CHF 1,415 Geberit AG^ 760 0.11 Energy - alternate sources CHF 4,505 Sika AG^ 785 0.11 EUR 56,152 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA^ 897 0.13 Chemicals Engineering & construction CHF 38,084 Clariant AG^ 787 0.11 EUR 21,863 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 851 0.12 CHF 1,248 EMS-Chemie Holding AG^ 775 0.11 EUR 20,065 Cellnex Telecom SA 863 0.12 CHF 2,143 Lonza Group AG^ 728 0.10 Gas Commercial services EUR 11,403 Enagas SA 284 0.04 CHF 12,464 Adecco Group AG^ 771 0.11 Insurance Diversified financial services EUR 280,747 Mapfre SA 792 0.11 CHF 15,585 Julius Baer Group Ltd^ 734 0.10 Pharmaceuticals CHF 914 Partners Group Holding AG^ 771 0.11 EUR 24,856 Grifols SA 850 0.12 Electronics Total Spain 7,863 1.11 USD 7,620 Garmin Ltd 744 0.10 Food Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.78%) CHF 369 Barry Callebaut AG^ 742 0.10 Agriculture CHF 5 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG^ 427 0.06 SEK 16,193 Swedish Match AB 776 0.11 CHF 56 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG (non-voting) 427 0.06 Commercial services Healthcare products SEK 46,457 Securitas AB 771 0.11 CHF 3,381 Sonova Holding AG 772 0.11 Engineering & construction CHF 919 Straumann Holding AG 885 0.12 SEK 36,710 Skanska AB 811 0.11 Insurance Food CHF 4,578 Baloise Holding AG 796 0.11 SEK 16,865 ICA Gruppen AB^ 736 0.10 CHF 1,529 Swiss Life Holding AG 759 0.11 Home furnishings Investment services SEK 28,041 Electrolux AB 721 0.10 CHF 10,256 Pargesa Holding SA 810 0.11 Investment services Pharmaceuticals SEK 34,412 Industrivarden AB 798 0.11 CHF 5,063 Vifor Pharma AG^ 903 0.13 SEK 30,633 Kinnevik AB 702 0.10 Real estate investment & services SEK 27,590 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) 168 0.02 CHF 7,046 Swiss Prime Site AG 745 0.11 SEK 18,699 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 742 0.11 Retail Machinery - diversified CHF 7,678 Dufry AG^ 750 0.11 SEK 14,949 Hexagon AB 845 0.12 SEK 96,127 Husqvarna AB 751 0.10



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 6.58%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 2.46%) (cont) Insurance Software GBP 29,356 Admiral Group Plc 813 0.11 CHF 5,115 Temenos AG 776 0.11 GBP 217,166 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 858 0.12 Total Switzerland 16,422 2.31 GBP 267,106 M&G Plc 815 0.12 GBP 119,312 RSA Insurance Group Plc 851 0.12 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 6.58%) Internet Aerospace & defence GBP 111,476 Auto Trader Group Plc 810 0.11 GBP 92,031 Meggitt Plc 765 0.11 Investment services Airlines GBP 285,646 Melrose Industries Plc 848 0.12 GBP 48,350 easyJet Plc 837 0.12 Iron & steel Apparel retailers GBP 164,839 Evraz Plc 790 0.11 GBP 26,931 Burberry Group Plc 733 0.10 Leisure time Chemicals GBP 18,335 Carnival Plc 772 0.11 GBP 12,351 Croda International Plc^ 796 0.11 Machinery - diversified GBP 19,530 Johnson Matthey Plc 726 0.10 GBP 7,140 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc 825 0.12 Commercial services GBP 41,340 Weir Group Plc^ 746 0.10 GBP 24,254 Ashtead Group Plc 737 0.10 Media GBP 289,057 G4S Plc 782 0.11 GBP 79,085 Informa Plc 810 0.11 GBP 11,306 Intertek Group Plc 807 0.11 GBP 431,581 ITV Plc 810 0.12 USD 36,786 Nielsen Holdings Plc 719 0.10 GBP 94,036 Pearson Plc^ 786 0.11 GBP 128,584 Rentokil Initial Plc^ 740 0.11 Mining Distribution & wholesale GBP 68,603 Antofagasta Plc^ 770 0.11 GBP 30,637 Bunzl Plc 841 0.12 Miscellaneous manufacturers Diversified financial services GBP 35,121 Smiths Group Plc 755 0.11 GBP 55,248 3i Group Plc 765 0.11 Oil & gas services GBP 34,067 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc^ 818 0.11 USD 38,413 TechnipFMC Plc 724 0.10 GBP 19,295 Schroders Plc 823 0.12 Real estate investment trusts GBP 56,262 St James's Place Plc^ 792 0.11 GBP 109,932 British Land Co Plc 818 0.11 GBP 185,432 Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 760 0.11 GBP 67,397 Land Securities Group Plc 836 0.12 Electronics GBP 67,837 Segro Plc 784 0.11 GBP 31,219 Halma Plc 851 0.12 Retail USD 15,290 Sensata Technologies Holding Plc^ 787 0.11 GBP 78,689 JD Sports Fashion Plc 774 0.11 Food GBP 284,027 Kingfisher Plc^ 771 0.11 GBP 303,157 J Sainsbury Plc^ 840 0.12 GBP 338,802 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 852 0.12 GBP 50,791 Ocado Group Plc^ 871 0.12 GBP 8,840 Next Plc 773 0.11 GBP 302,290 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 775 0.11 Software Forest products & paper GBP 13,338 AVEVA Group Plc 786 0.11 GBP 37,432 Mondi Plc 811 0.11 GBP 55,967 Micro Focus International Plc^ 820 0.12 Gas GBP 80,768 Sage Group Plc 788 0.11 GBP 864,133 Centrica Plc 897 0.13 Water Healthcare products GBP 24,929 Severn Trent Plc 723 0.10 GBP 37,843 Smith & Nephew Plc 847 0.12 GBP 71,550 United Utilities Group Plc 790 0.11 Healthcare services Total United Kingdom 47,167 6.64 GBP 27,833 NMC Health Plc 903 0.13 Home builders United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) GBP 96,754 Barratt Developments Plc 835 0.12 Advertising GBP 12,527 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 743 0.10 USD 35,897 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 804 0.11 GBP 23,566 Persimmon Plc 780 0.11 Aerospace & defence GBP 365,362 Taylor Wimpey Plc 823 0.12 USD 26,660 Arconic Inc 825 0.12 Hotels USD 2,803 HEICO Corp^ 364 0.05 GBP 12,445 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 806 0.11 USD 4,964 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 499 0.07 GBP 14,441 Whitbread Plc 859 0.12 USD 8,231 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc^ 716 0.10



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) Chemicals (cont) Aerospace & defence (cont) USD 37,239 Mosaic Co^ 709 0.10 USD 2,202 Teledyne Technologies Inc 753 0.10 USD 10,131 RPM International Inc 747 0.11 Airlines USD 10,163 Westlake Chemical Corp 698 0.10 USD 26,263 American Airlines Group Inc 755 0.11 Commercial services Apparel retailers USD 2,020 AMERCO 732 0.10 USD 49,546 Hanesbrands Inc^ 746 0.10 USD 10,314 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 750 0.11 USD 7,723 PVH Corp 749 0.11 USD 1,349 CoStar Group Inc 827 0.12 USD 7,316 Ralph Lauren Corp 785 0.11 USD 5,355 Equifax Inc^ 748 0.11 USD 28,960 Tapestry Inc 779 0.11 USD 2,587 FleetCor Technologies Inc 794 0.11 USD 22,763 Under Armour Inc^ 430 0.06 USD 4,843 Gartner Inc^ 777 0.11 USD 23,514 Under Armour Inc (non-voting)^ 407 0.06 USD 8,306 ManpowerGroup Inc 769 0.11 Auto parts & equipment USD 2,119 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 856 0.12 USD 8,903 Autoliv Inc^ 728 0.10 USD 13,150 Robert Half International Inc 765 0.11 USD 18,261 BorgWarner Inc 768 0.11 USD 21,563 Rollins Inc^ 773 0.11 USD 6,186 Lear Corp 744 0.11 USD 32,881 Sabre Corp 737 0.10 USD 5,479 WABCO Holdings Inc 738 0.10 USD 9,487 TransUnion 819 0.11 Banks USD 4,840 United Rentals Inc 741 0.10 USD 20,640 Citizens Financial Group Inc 794 0.11 USD 5,592 Verisk Analytics Inc 825 0.12 USD 10,862 Comerica Inc 765 0.11 Computers USD 16,858 East West Bancorp Inc 772 0.11 USD 21,088 DXC Technology Co 787 0.11 USD 26,091 Fifth Third Bancorp 788 0.11 USD 3,550 EPAM Systems Inc 752 0.11 USD 7,212 First Republic Bank 793 0.11 USD 7,363 Fortinet Inc 774 0.11 USD 50,183 Huntington Bancshares Inc^ 747 0.11 USD 8,151 Leidos Holdings Inc 740 0.10 USD 44,841 Regions Financial Corp 746 0.10 USD 12,191 NetApp Inc 739 0.10 USD 6,251 Signature Bank 771 0.11 Cosmetics & personal care USD 3,351 SVB Financial Group 777 0.11 USD 61,882 Coty Inc^ 714 0.10 USD 14,894 Zions Bancorp NA^ 741 0.10 Distribution & wholesale Beverages USD 9,380 Copart Inc 835 0.12 USD 14,729 Molson Coors Brewing Co^ 743 0.10 USD 20,364 Fastenal Co^ 723 0.10 Biotechnology USD 18,749 HD Supply Holdings Inc 747 0.11 USD 8,767 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,027 0.15 USD 22,949 LKQ Corp 810 0.11 USD 10,897 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 879 0.12 USD 2,509 WW Grainger Inc 795 0.11 USD 2,327 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 860 0.12 Diversified financial services USD 10,420 Exact Sciences Corp 844 0.12 USD 7,087 Alliance Data Systems Corp 758 0.11 USD 14,232 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 910 0.13 USD 25,867 Ally Financial Inc 824 0.12 USD 7,080 Seattle Genetics Inc 852 0.12 USD 6,273 Cboe Global Markets Inc 746 0.10 Building materials and fixtures USD 18,979 E*TRADE Financial Corp 841 0.12 USD 11,674 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 739 0.10 USD 16,839 Eaton Vance Corp 794 0.11 USD 2,963 Lennox International Inc 758 0.11 USD 41,702 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 871 0.12 USD 3,089 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 829 0.12 USD 27,100 KKR & Co Inc^ 799 0.11 USD 15,998 Masco Corp 745 0.10 USD 7,139 Nasdaq Inc 748 0.11 USD 12,392 Owens Corning 831 0.12 USD 8,625 Raymond James Financial Inc 775 0.11 USD 5,373 Vulcan Materials Co 762 0.11 USD 12,831 SEI Investments Co 828 0.12 Chemicals USD 30,425 Western Union Co 818 0.11 USD 11,528 Albemarle Corp^ 754 0.11 Electrical components & equipment USD 6,401 Celanese Corp^ 804 0.11 USD 5,957 Acuity Brands Inc 779 0.11 USD 15,901 CF Industries Holdings Inc 735 0.10 USD 8,100 AMETEK Inc 802 0.11 USD 10,048 Eastman Chemical Co 788 0.11 Electricity USD 8,311 FMC Corp 814 0.11 USD 40,043 AES Corp 757 0.11 USD 5,503 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc^ 777 0.11 USD 13,894 Alliant Energy Corp 737 0.10 ILS 414 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc (Israel listed) 58 0.01 USD 10,127 Ameren Corp^ 753 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) Healthcare services Electricity (cont) USD 11,648 DaVita Inc^ 836 0.12 USD 31,156 CenterPoint Energy Inc 765 0.11 USD 4,685 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 807 0.11 USD 12,133 CMS Energy Corp 744 0.11 USD 7,171 Quest Diagnostics Inc 764 0.11 USD 6,446 DTE Energy Co 805 0.11 USD 5,221 Universal Health Services Inc 729 0.10 USD 11,410 Evergy Inc 722 0.10 USD 2,556 WellCare Health Plans Inc 823 0.12 USD 18,706 NRG Energy Inc 743 0.10 Home builders USD 17,815 OGE Energy Corp^ 749 0.11 USD 13,586 DR Horton Inc 752 0.11 USD 9,097 Pinnacle West Capital Corp 795 0.11 USD 13,080 Lennar Corp 780 0.11 USD 27,988 Vistra Energy Corp 743 0.10 USD 209 NVR Inc 792 0.11 Electronics USD 18,734 PulteGroup Inc 743 0.10 USD 9,214 Arrow Electronics Inc 734 0.10 Home furnishings USD 13,857 FLIR Systems Inc 742 0.11 USD 15,187 Leggett & Platt Inc 795 0.11 USD 7,562 Keysight Technologies Inc 809 0.11 USD 5,403 Whirlpool Corp 773 0.11 USD 1,059 Mettler-Toledo International Inc^ 762 0.11 Hotels USD 8,994 PerkinElmer Inc 836 0.12 USD 23,704 MGM Resorts International 757 0.11 USD 19,464 Trimble Inc 789 0.11 USD 6,668 Wynn Resorts Ltd 806 0.11 USD 3,545 Waters Corp 787 0.11 Household goods & home construction Engineering & construction USD 6,119 Avery Dennison Corp 798 0.11 USD 7,801 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 718 0.10 USD 11,108 Church & Dwight Co Inc 780 0.11 Entertainment Household products USD 11,674 Live Nation Entertainment Inc^ 815 0.12 USD 40,547 Newell Brands Inc^ 779 0.11 USD 3,245 Vail Resorts Inc 787 0.11 Insurance Food USD 941 Alleghany Corp 734 0.10 USD 17,154 Campbell Soup Co 799 0.11 USD 7,354 American Financial Group Inc 807 0.11 USD 9,376 Ingredion Inc 780 0.11 USD 7,987 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 745 0.11 USD 7,231 JM Smucker Co 760 0.11 USD 6,111 Assurant Inc 812 0.12 USD 9,941 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 835 0.12 USD 31,370 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 776 0.11 USD 4,759 McCormick & Co Inc^ 805 0.11 USD 12,369 Brown & Brown Inc 467 0.07 Food Service USD 6,826 Cincinnati Financial Corp 731 0.10 USD 18,639 Aramark 814 0.11 USD 4,087 Erie Indemnity Co 692 0.10 USD 19,625 Grubhub Inc 846 0.12 USD 15,471 Fidelity National Financial Inc 737 0.10 Gas USD 7,362 Globe Life Inc 757 0.11 USD 7,115 Atmos Energy Corp 761 0.11 USD 11,964 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 740 0.10 USD 29,761 NiSource Inc 787 0.11 USD 12,838 Lincoln National Corp 758 0.11 USD 17,757 UGI Corp 773 0.11 USD 673 Markel Corp 764 0.11 Hand & machine tools USD 14,366 Principal Financial Group Inc 792 0.11 USD 4,742 Snap-on Inc 761 0.11 USD 4,445 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 735 0.10 Healthcare products USD 25,508 Unum Group 784 0.11 USD 3,795 ABIOMED Inc 744 0.11 USD 13,117 Voya Financial Inc 764 0.11 USD 3,158 Align Technology Inc 876 0.12 USD 10,768 WR Berkley Corp 732 0.10 USD 2,662 Cooper Cos Inc 833 0.12 Internet USD 13,844 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 783 0.11 USD 6,056 CDW Corp 818 0.11 USD 11,811 Henry Schein Inc 814 0.11 USD 5,562 F5 Networks Inc 810 0.11 USD 16,921 Hologic Inc 868 0.12 USD 11,159 GoDaddy Inc 741 0.10 USD 3,048 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 767 0.11 USD 3,433 IAC/InterActiveCorp 764 0.11 USD 4,667 Insulet Corp 867 0.12 USD 10,890 Match Group Inc 767 0.11 USD 5,539 ResMed Inc 829 0.12 USD 6,608 Okta Inc 858 0.12 USD 2,326 Teleflex Inc 822 0.12 USD 3,003 Palo Alto Networks Inc 682 0.10 USD 6,076 Varian Medical Systems Inc 812 0.11 USD 38,550 Pinterest Inc 751 0.11 USD 5,276 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 776 0.11 USD 4,449 RingCentral Inc 767 0.11 USD 4,958 Roku Inc^ 795 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) Packaging & containers (cont) Internet (cont) USD 19,738 Sealed Air Corp 745 0.11 USD 55,853 Snap Inc 852 0.12 USD 19,376 Westrock Co 781 0.11 USD 27,416 TripAdvisor Inc 779 0.11 Pharmaceuticals USD 4,035 VeriSign Inc 770 0.11 USD 3,949 DexCom Inc 898 0.13 USD 9,087 Wayfair Inc^ 772 0.11 USD 32,523 Elanco Animal Health Inc 901 0.13 USD 19,622 Zillow Group Inc^ 768 0.11 USD 7,492 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 874 0.12 Iron & steel USD 8,428 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc^ 948 0.13 USD 25,625 Steel Dynamics Inc 864 0.12 Pipelines Leisure time USD 12,354 Cheniere Energy Inc^ 748 0.11 USD 20,633 Harley-Davidson Inc 751 0.11 USD 19,868 Targa Resources Corp^ 726 0.10 USD 7,301 Polaris Inc^ 713 0.10 Real estate investment & services Machinery - diversified USD 13,266 CBRE Group Inc 756 0.10 USD 14,495 Cognex Corp^ 727 0.10 USD 4,975 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc^ 828 0.12 USD 6,781 Dover Corp 756 0.11 Real estate investment trusts USD 16,461 Flowserve Corp 802 0.11 USD 45,386 AGNC Investment Corp 786 0.11 USD 5,006 IDEX Corp 815 0.12 USD 4,791 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc^ 779 0.11 USD 6,390 Middleby Corp 740 0.10 USD 84,299 Annaly Capital Management Inc 787 0.11 USD 9,386 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp^ 737 0.10 USD 6,614 Camden Property Trust 738 0.10 USD 10,088 Xylem Inc 782 0.11 USD 21,069 Duke Realty Corp 741 0.10 Media USD 10,735 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 795 0.11 USD 27,559 Altice USA Inc 705 0.10 USD 2,346 Essex Property Trust Inc 732 0.10 USD 8,741 Discovery Inc^ 288 0.04 USD 7,443 Extra Space Storage Inc 789 0.11 USD 19,346 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 590 0.08 USD 5,927 Federal Realty Investment Trust 783 0.11 USD 2,906 FactSet Research Systems Inc^ 755 0.11 USD 21,689 Healthpeak Properties Inc 757 0.11 USD 6,769 Liberty Broadband Corp 809 0.11 USD 44,289 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 775 0.11 USD 18,346 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Formula One 827 0.12 USD 24,573 Invitation Homes Inc 750 0.11 USD 6,396 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 312 0.05 USD 23,151 Iron Mountain Inc 744 0.11 USD 10,128 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C' 491 0.07 USD 34,193 Kimco Realty Corp^ 739 0.10 USD 57,102 News Corp 736 0.10 USD 13,420 Liberty Property Trust 827 0.12 USD 33,626 Viacom Inc 809 0.11 USD 37,930 Medical Properties Trust Inc 787 0.11 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 5,392 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 734 0.10 USD 14,309 AO Smith Corp^ 692 0.10 USD 14,247 National Retail Properties Inc 794 0.11 USD 16,305 Textron Inc 754 0.10 USD 18,098 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 761 0.11 Office & business equipment USD 9,544 Realty Income Corp 731 0.10 USD 20,867 Xerox Holdings Corp 812 0.11 USD 12,076 Regency Centers Corp 785 0.11 USD 3,393 Zebra Technologies Corp 852 0.12 USD 9,197 SL Green Realty Corp 785 0.11 Oil & gas USD 5,111 Sun Communities Inc 842 0.12 USD 31,464 Apache Corp 701 0.10 USD 15,342 UDR Inc 737 0.10 USD 42,329 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 675 0.09 USD 83,733 Vereit Inc 817 0.12 USD 10,550 Concho Resources Inc 766 0.11 USD 30,727 VICI Properties Inc 760 0.11 USD 24,604 Continental Resources Inc^ 760 0.11 USD 11,900 Vornado Realty Trust 768 0.11 USD 34,596 Devon Energy Corp 757 0.10 USD 9,517 WP Carey Inc 794 0.11 USD 13,682 HollyFrontier Corp 705 0.10 Retail USD 63,547 Marathon Oil Corp^ 740 0.10 USD 5,040 Advance Auto Parts Inc^ 792 0.11 USD 36,550 Noble Energy Inc 759 0.11 USD 9,751 Best Buy Co Inc 786 0.11 Oil & gas services USD 3,968 Burlington Stores Inc^ 893 0.13 USD 34,204 National Oilwell Varco Inc 771 0.11 USD 8,319 CarMax Inc 809 0.12 Packaging & containers USD 1,081 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 880 0.12 USD 12,259 Ball Corp^ 810 0.11 USD 6,878 Darden Restaurants Inc 815 0.12 USD 9,908 Crown Holdings Inc 752 0.11 USD 2,724 Domino's Pizza Inc^ 802 0.11 USD 6,528 Packaging Corp of America 730 0.10 USD 44,057 Gap Inc 732 0.10



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.48%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 33.95%) (cont) Toys Retail (cont) USD 8,162 Hasbro Inc^ 830 0.12 USD 7,667 Genuine Parts Co 800 0.11 Transportation USD 13,686 Kohl's Corp^ 643 0.09 USD 10,119 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 778 0.11 USD 3,457 Lululemon Athletica Inc 780 0.11 USD 10,584 Expeditors International of Washington Inc^ 791 0.11 USD 21,673 Nordstrom Inc^ 827 0.12 USD 6,308 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 729 0.10 USD 6,536 Tiffany & Co 874 0.12 USD 5,262 Kansas City Southern 802 0.12 USD 7,897 Tractor Supply Co 746 0.11 USD 21,404 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc^ 792 0.11 USD 3,111 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc^ 728 0.10 USD 4,144 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 794 0.11 Savings & loans USD 9,587 XPO Logistics Inc 793 0.11 USD 49,324 People's United Financial Inc^ 814 0.11 Water Semiconductors USD 6,888 American Water Works Co Inc 834 0.12 USD 3,165 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 797 0.11 USD 19,047 Aqua America Inc 843 0.12 USD 5,769 IPG Photonics Corp^ 820 0.12 Total United States 244,026 34.35 USD 4,604 KLA Corp 754 0.11 Total equities 706,765 99.48 USD 12,759 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 723 0.10 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 8,551 Microchip Technology Inc^ 808 0.11 USD 34,320 ON Semiconductor Corp^ 737 0.10 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 7,797 Qorvo Inc 812 0.12 Underlying Fair %ofnet USD 8,185 Skyworks Solutions Inc 805 0.11 No. of exposure Value asset USD 11,523 Teradyne Inc 721 0.10 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value Software USD 9,313 Akamai Technologies Inc 811 0.11 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) USD 3,214 ANSYS Inc 819 0.12 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) USD 12,699 Black Knight Inc 800 0.11 EUR 22 Mini IBEX Index Futures December 2019 227 (1) 0.00 USD 6,508 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc^ 805 0.11 USD 15 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 1,466 16 0.00 USD 11,250 Cadence Design Systems Inc 790 0.11 USD 8 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December USD 15,483 CDK Global Inc 829 0.12 2019 1,229 29 0.01 USD 6,618 Citrix Systems Inc 747 0.11 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 45 0.01 USD 11,873 DocuSign Inc 845 0.12 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (1) 0.00 USD 40,105 Dropbox Inc 742 0.11 Net unrealised gains on futures contracts 44 0.01 USD 6,439 Guidewire Software Inc 784 0.11 Total financial derivative instruments 44 0.01 USD 5,172 Jack Henry & Associates Inc^ 786 0.11 USD 5,733 MongoDB Inc^ 853 0.12 Fair %ofnet USD 2,949 MSCI Inc 764 0.11 Value asset USD 3,419 Paycom Software Inc 946 0.13 USD'000 value USD 10,260 PTC Inc 786 0.11 USD 6,458 Splunk Inc 964 0.14 Total value of investments 706,809 99.49 USD 12,985 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 780 0.11 USD 5,695 Synopsys Inc 803 0.11 Cash† 1,682 0.24 USD 6,028 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 732 0.10 USD 7,701 Twilio Inc^ 795 0.11 Other net assets 1,964 0.27 USD 2,677 Tyler Technologies Inc 777 0.11 USD 5,321 Veeva Systems Inc 794 0.11 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 710,455 100.00 Telecommunications USD 3,965 Arista Networks Inc^ 774 0.11 †Cash holdings of USD1,600,656 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD 54,131 CenturyLink Inc^ 784 0.11 USD81,139 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. USD 30,890 Juniper Networks Inc 774 0.11 USD 23,408 Zayo Group Holdings Inc 802 0.11 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Textile USD 5,676 Mohawk Industries Inc 791 0.11 entity in which the Fund holds shares.


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES EDGE MSCI WORLD SIZE FACTOR UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 706,765 99.44 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 45 0.01 Other assets 3,921 0.55 Total current assets 710,731 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Canada (31 May 2019: 1.47%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.89%) Auto parts & equipment CAD 84,320 Magna International Inc 4,646 0.20 Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) Food Australia (31 May 2019: 0.63%) CAD 51,450 Empire Co Ltd 1,378 0.06 Airlines CAD 19,406 George Weston Ltd 1,578 0.07 AUD 133,476 Qantas Airways Ltd 659 0.03 CAD 45,613 Loblaw Cos Ltd 2,459 0.11 Iron & steel Insurance AUD 195,085 BlueScope Steel Ltd 1,920 0.08 CAD 60,423 Power Corp of Canada 1,467 0.06 AUD 668,634 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd^ 4,401 0.19 Mining Mining CAD 242,371 First Quantum Minerals Ltd^ 2,217 0.10 AUD 1,846,947 South32 Ltd 3,373 0.15 CAD 191,380 Lundin Mining Corp 1,036 0.04 Total Australia 10,353 0.45 CAD 333,045 Teck Resources Ltd 5,215 0.23 Oil & gas Austria (31 May 2019: 0.16%) CAD 137,665 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 3,846 0.17 Banks CAD 124,946 Cenovus Energy Inc 1,105 0.05 EUR 44,383 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 1,043 0.05 CAD 391,779 Encana Corp^ 1,537 0.06 Iron & steel CAD 91,933 Husky Energy Inc^ 669 0.03 ^ EUR 42,141 voestalpine AG 1,118 0.05 Pharmaceuticals Oil & gas CAD 129,545 Bausch Health Cos Inc 3,659 0.16 ^ EUR 29,333 OMV AG 1,673 0.07 Pipelines Total Austria 3,834 0.17 CAD 102,702 AltaGas Ltd^ 1,523 0.07 Total Canada 33,255 1.45 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.08%) Pharmaceuticals Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 1.77%) EUR 22,155 UCB SA 1,797 0.08 Food Total Belgium 1,797 0.08 HKD 3,578,000 WH Group Ltd 3,675 0.16 Holding companies - diversified operations Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.62%) HKD 1,887,740 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd 17,147 0.75 Apparel retailers Real estate investment & services ^ HKD 154,500 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd 457 0.02 HKD 1,968,340 CK Asset Holdings Ltd 13,088 0.57 Diversified financial services Total Cayman Islands 33,910 1.48 USD 57,686 Invesco Ltd 1,013 0.04 Engineering & construction Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.34%) HKD 685,014 NWS Holdings Ltd 919 0.04 Banks Food DKK 193,172 Danske Bank A/S 2,610 0.11 ^ USD 76,000 Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd 2,413 0.11 Marine transportation Holding companies - diversified operations DKK 1,437 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 1,867 0.08 ^ USD 91,200 Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd 5,127 0.22 Retail Insurance DKK 13,985 Pandora A/S^ 564 0.03 USD 42,773 Athene Holding Ltd 1,925 0.08 Transportation Real estate investment & services DKK 2,177 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 3,045 0.13 HKD 708,000 Kerry Properties Ltd 2,284 0.10 Total Denmark 8,086 0.35 Total Bermuda 14,138 0.61 Finland (31 May 2019: Nil) British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) Telecommunications Apparel retailers EUR 1,181,816 Nokia Oyj 4,185 0.18 USD 22,201 Capri Holdings Ltd 824 0.04 Total Finland 4,185 0.18 Total British Virgin Islands 824 0.04 France (31 May 2019: 6.81%) Canada (31 May 2019: 1.47%) Advertising Airlines EUR 53,848 Publicis Groupe SA 2,371 0.10 CAD 24,420 Air Canada 920 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 4.08%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 6.81%) (cont) Building materials and fixtures Auto manufacturers EUR 55,178 HeidelbergCement AG 4,082 0.18 EUR 277,569 Peugeot SA 6,708 0.29 Chemicals EUR 96,478 Renault SA 4,623 0.20 EUR 57,809 Covestro AG 2,709 0.12 Auto parts & equipment Electricity EUR 35,878 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 4,308 0.19 EUR 311,667 RWE AG 9,247 0.40 EUR 21,073 Faurecia SE 1,119 0.05 EUR 113,659 Uniper SE^ 3,672 0.16 EUR 43,276 Valeo SA^ 1,706 0.07 Food Banks EUR 69,790 METRO AG 1,125 0.05 EUR 310,693 BNP Paribas SA 17,461 0.76 Healthcare services EUR 300,192 Credit Agricole SA 4,109 0.18 EUR 25,894 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 1,900 0.08 EUR 322,830 Societe Generale SA 10,166 0.44 EUR 76,817 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 4,205 0.19 Building materials and fixtures Internet EUR 207,464 Cie de Saint-Gobain 8,407 0.37 EUR 16,606 United Internet AG 563 0.03 Computers Leisure time EUR 57,385 Atos SE^ 4,877 0.21 GBP 52,458 TUI AG 722 0.03 Electricity Pharmaceuticals EUR 435,295 Electricite de France SA 4,475 0.19 EUR 280,108 Bayer AG 21,218 0.92 EUR 1,124,998 Engie SA 17,813 0.78 Total Germany 108,013 4.70 Engineering & construction EUR 52,144 Bouygues SA 2,132 0.09 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.30%) Food Banks EUR 227,668 Carrefour SA 3,761 0.16 HKD 167,400 Bank of East Asia Ltd 378 0.02 EUR 29,751 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA^ 1,310 0.06 Holding companies - diversified operations Insurance HKD 256,500 Swire Pacific Ltd 2,308 0.10 EUR 349,075 AXA SA 9,505 0.42 Real estate investment & services EUR 34,469 CNP Assurances 681 0.03 HKD 1,118,000 Hang Lung Properties Ltd 2,291 0.10 Oil & gas HKD 1,324,000 Sino Land Co Ltd 1,986 0.08 EUR 372,953 TOTAL SA 19,590 0.85 Total Hong Kong 6,963 0.30 Pharmaceuticals EUR 261,228 Sanofi^ 24,341 1.06 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.37%) Telecommunications Banks EUR 22,279 Eutelsat Communications SA^ 366 0.02 EUR 110,453 AIB Group Plc 362 0.02 EUR 446,166 Orange SA 7,379 0.32 EUR 279,394 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 1,405 0.06 Total France 157,208 6.84 Computers USD 108,884 Seagate Technology Plc 6,498 0.28 Germany (31 May 2019: 4.08%) Pharmaceuticals Airlines USD 131,334 Allergan Plc 24,289 1.06 EUR 181,943 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 3,455 0.15 USD 16,823 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 2,542 0.11 Auto manufacturers USD 36,419 Perrigo Co Plc 1,866 0.08 EUR 99,721 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 8,059 0.35 Total Ireland 36,962 1.61 EUR 19,204 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 1,186 0.05 EUR 248,272 Daimler AG 14,016 0.61 Israel (31 May 2019: 0.41%) EUR 75,709 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 5,608 0.24 Banks EUR 12,682 Volkswagen AG^ 2,421 0.11 ILS 203,001 Bank Hapoalim BM 1,640 0.07 EUR 70,367 Volkswagen AG (Preference)^ 13,615 0.59 Pharmaceuticals ^ Auto parts & equipment ILS 461,584 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 4,794 0.21 EUR 14,076 Continental AG 1,841 0.08 USD 31,142 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (ADR) 324 0.01 Banks Total Israel 6,758 0.29 EUR 405,840 Commerzbank AG 2,354 0.10 EUR 833,630 Deutsche Bank AG^ 6,015 0.26



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 29.42%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 2.08%) Banks (cont) Aerospace & defence JPY 7,433,500 Mizuho Financial Group Inc^ 11,485 0.50 EUR 107,908 Leonardo SpA 1,263 0.06 JPY 671,700 Resona Holdings Inc 2,847 0.12 Banks JPY 64,800 Shinsei Bank Ltd^ 1,020 0.05 EUR 2,541,212 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6,446 0.28 JPY 125,200 Shizuoka Bank Ltd^ 952 0.04 EUR 748,063 UniCredit SpA 10,361 0.45 JPY 429,881 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc^ 15,659 0.68 Oil & gas JPY 94,700 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 3,621 0.16 EUR 477,482 Eni SpA 7,220 0.31 Beverages Telecommunications JPY 67,000 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd^ 3,222 0.14 EUR 4,756,846 Telecom Italia SpA^ 2,980 0.13 JPY 30,000 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc^ 720 0.03 EUR 3,256,524 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 2,007 0.09 Building materials and fixtures Total Italy 30,277 1.32 JPY 100,600 AGC Inc 3,670 0.16 JPY 81,700 LIXIL Group Corp^ 1,380 0.06 Japan (31 May 2019: 29.42%) JPY 48,400 Taiheiyo Cement Corp^ 1,399 0.06 Aerospace & defence Chemicals JPY 42,100 IHI Corp 982 0.04 JPY 91,800 Daicel Corp^ 902 0.04 JPY 65,200 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd^ 1,463 0.07 JPY 102,100 Kuraray Co Ltd^ 1,233 0.05 Agriculture JPY 631,516 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp 4,681 0.20 JPY 375,500 Japan Tobacco Inc 8,553 0.37 JPY 87,300 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc 1,365 0.06 Airlines JPY 75,700 Mitsui Chemicals Inc^ 1,813 0.08 JPY 49,100 ANA Holdings Inc 1,671 0.07 JPY 81,400 Showa Denko KK^ 2,173 0.10 JPY 58,100 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 1,805 0.08 JPY 681,325 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 3,073 0.14 Auto manufacturers JPY 113,000 Tosoh Corp^ 1,682 0.07 JPY 125,000 Hino Motors Ltd^ 1,222 0.05 Commercial services JPY 580,600 Honda Motor Co Ltd^ 16,261 0.71 JPY 97,700 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 2,611 0.11 JPY 141,600 Isuzu Motors Ltd 1,656 0.07 JPY 151,600 Toppan Printing Co Ltd^ 3,014 0.13 JPY 226,200 Mazda Motor Corp^ 2,004 0.09 Computers JPY 148,700 Mitsubishi Motors Corp^ 665 0.03 JPY 94,200 Fujitsu Ltd 8,560 0.37 JPY 825,800 Nissan Motor Co Ltd^ 5,119 0.22 JPY 123,200 NEC Corp 4,922 0.22 JPY 147,900 Subaru Corp 3,871 0.17 Distribution & wholesale JPY 68,300 Suzuki Motor Corp^ 3,029 0.13 JPY 848,700 ITOCHU Corp^ 18,507 0.81 JPY 603,000 Toyota Motor Corp 42,057 1.83 JPY 1,220,800 Marubeni Corp 9,010 0.39 Auto parts & equipment JPY 884,307 Mitsubishi Corp 23,143 1.01 JPY 45,900 Aisin Seiki Co Ltd 1,735 0.07 JPY 1,101,500 Mitsui & Co Ltd 19,508 0.85 JPY 113,400 Bridgestone Corp^ 4,531 0.20 JPY 816,482 Sumitomo Corp 12,295 0.53 JPY 93,400 Denso Corp 4,169 0.18 JPY 101,400 Toyota Tsusho Corp 3,542 0.15 JPY 103,900 JTEKT Corp 1,290 0.06 Diversified financial services JPY 97,700 NGK Insulators Ltd^ 1,610 0.07 JPY 50,600 Credit Saison Co Ltd^ 836 0.04 JPY 30,800 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd^ 616 0.03 JPY 290,900 Daiwa Securities Group Inc^ 1,474 0.06 JPY 213,477 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 3,185 0.14 JPY 307,000 Mebuki Financial Group Inc 793 0.03 JPY 47,900 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd^ 609 0.03 JPY 98,800 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd^ 634 0.03 JPY 20,300 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd^ 474 0.02 JPY 798,500 Nomura Holdings Inc 4,089 0.18 JPY 36,800 Toyota Industries Corp^ 2,161 0.09 JPY 388,400 ORIX Corp 6,358 0.28 JPY 40,000 Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd^ 824 0.03 Electrical components & equipment Banks JPY 123,470 Brother Industries Ltd 2,447 0.11 JPY 15,900 Aozora Bank Ltd^ 405 0.02 Electricity JPY 15,100 Bank of Kyoto Ltd^ 623 0.03 JPY 558,600 Chubu Electric Power Co Inc 7,784 0.34 JPY 163,300 Chiba Bank Ltd^ 930 0.04 JPY 136,000 Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc^ 1,797 0.08 JPY 358,700 Concordia Financial Group Ltd^ 1,454 0.06 JPY 136,200 Electric Power Development Co Ltd 3,265 0.14 JPY 58,999 Fukuoka Financial Group Inc 1,123 0.05 JPY 600,300 Kansai Electric Power Co Inc^ 6,841 0.30 JPY 118,300 Japan Post Bank Co Ltd^ 1,145 0.05 JPY 265,500 Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc^ 2,337 0.10 JPY 4,219,420 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc^ 22,274 0.97 JPY 318,500 Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc 3,155 0.14



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 29.42%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 29.42%) (cont) Marine transportation Electricity (cont) JPY 68,700 Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd 1,801 0.08 JPY 1,782,200 Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc^ 7,812 0.34 JPY 75,600 Nippon Yusen KK^ 1,297 0.06 Electronics Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 95,400 Alps Alpine Co Ltd^ 2,153 0.09 JPY 145,100 NSK Ltd^ 1,402 0.06 JPY 25,800 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 1,682 0.07 Mining JPY 148,000 Kyocera Corp 10,064 0.44 JPY 48,200 Mitsubishi Materials Corp 1,287 0.06 JPY 101,700 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc^ 1,972 0.09 JPY 64,200 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd^ 1,944 0.08 JPY 59,500 TDK Corp 6,254 0.27 Miscellaneous manufacturers Engineering & construction JPY 68,700 Nikon Corp 942 0.04 JPY 219,100 Kajima Corp 2,887 0.13 Office & business equipment JPY 363,800 Obayashi Corp 3,853 0.17 JPY 482,400 Canon Inc^ 13,347 0.58 JPY 286,900 Shimizu Corp 2,746 0.12 JPY 230,600 FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 10,891 0.47 JPY 83,500 Taisei Corp^ 3,275 0.14 JPY 267,000 Konica Minolta Inc 1,748 0.08 Entertainment JPY 448,900 Ricoh Co Ltd 4,620 0.20 JPY 12,700 Sankyo Co Ltd 429 0.02 JPY 164,500 Seiko Epson Corp^ 2,503 0.11 Food Oil & gas JPY 32,400 NH Foods Ltd 1,358 0.06 JPY 47,400 Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd 1,293 0.06 JPY 248,700 Seven & i Holdings Co Ltd 9,261 0.40 JPY 244,300 Inpex Corp 2,385 0.10 JPY 24,900 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 1,073 0.05 JPY 968,900 JXTG Holdings Inc 4,305 0.19 JPY 19,200 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 352 0.01 Packaging & containers Forest products & paper JPY 54,600 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd 951 0.04 JPY 173,300 Oji Holdings Corp 989 0.04 Pharmaceuticals Gas JPY 53,200 Alfresa Holdings Corp 1,098 0.05 JPY 195,800 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 3,669 0.16 JPY 268,600 Astellas Pharma Inc 4,581 0.20 Hand & machine tools JPY 51,700 Medipal Holdings Corp 1,108 0.05 JPY 126,000 Amada Holdings Co Ltd 1,404 0.06 JPY 65,200 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 1,193 0.05 JPY 37,700 Fuji Electric Co Ltd 1,160 0.05 JPY 64,500 Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd 2,812 0.12 Home builders JPY 27,300 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd 515 0.02 JPY 567,900 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 17,368 0.76 JPY 19,900 Suzuken Co Ltd 870 0.04 JPY 47,200 Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd^ 838 0.04 JPY 4,300 Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd 317 0.01 JPY 73,300 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 1,275 0.05 Real estate investment & services JPY 137,300 Sekisui House Ltd^ 2,965 0.13 JPY 77,300 Aeon Mall Co Ltd 1,241 0.06 Insurance JPY 42,100 Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd^ 5,146 0.22 JPY 184,600 Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 2,972 0.13 JPY 109,900 Hulic Co Ltd^ 1,235 0.05 JPY 537,300 Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 5,048 0.22 JPY 235,500 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 4,315 0.19 JPY 28,600 Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd 492 0.02 JPY 25,000 Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc 604 0.03 Iron & steel Real estate investment trusts JPY 341,100 JFE Holdings Inc 4,345 0.19 JPY 490 Nippon Building Fund Inc 3,678 0.16 JPY 454,600 Nippon Steel Corp 6,665 0.29 Retail Leisure time JPY 40,800 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd^ 363 0.01 JPY 67,600 Yamaha Motor Co Ltd 1,412 0.06 JPY 47,800 J Front Retailing Co Ltd^ 628 0.03 Machinery - diversified JPY 165,800 Yamada Denki Co Ltd^ 827 0.04 JPY 49,800 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 1,423 0.06 Semiconductors JPY 48,500 THK Co Ltd^ 1,362 0.06 JPY 205,500 Renesas Electronics Corp^ 1,338 0.06 Machinery, construction & mining JPY 42,900 Rohm Co Ltd 3,604 0.16 JPY 27,500 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd^ 725 0.03 JPY 98,500 SUMCO Corp^ 1,521 0.06 JPY 705,200 Hitachi Ltd 27,690 1.20 Telecommunications JPY 139,300 Komatsu Ltd 3,265 0.14 JPY 448,835 KDDI Corp^ 12,865 0.56 JPY 560,300 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 7,734 0.34 JPY 213,900 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 10,796 0.47 JPY 135,800 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 5,193 0.23 JPY 262,347 NTT DOCOMO Inc^ 7,194 0.31 JPY 399,300 SoftBank Group Corp^ 15,508 0.68



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) (cont) Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Japan (31 May 2019: 29.42%) (cont) Electricity Textile EUR 972,367 EDP - Energias de Portugal SA^ 3,935 0.17 JPY 67,600 Teijin Ltd^ 1,271 0.06 Total Portugal 3,935 0.17 Transportation JPY 59,800 Central Japan Railway Co 12,065 0.53 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.67%) JPY 93,500 East Japan Railway Co 8,598 0.37 Airlines ^ JPY 45,600 Kamigumi Co Ltd 1,010 0.04 SGD 264,600 Singapore Airlines Ltd 1,778 0.08 JPY 33,900 Kyushu Railway Co^ 1,153 0.05 Electricity ^ JPY 27,800 Nippon Express Co Ltd^ 1,762 0.08 SGD 423,400 Sembcorp Industries Ltd 678 0.03 JPY 48,100 West Japan Railway Co 4,233 0.18 Electronics ^ Total Japan 666,665 29.02 SGD 73,900 Venture Corp Ltd 858 0.04 Engineering & construction Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.69%) SGD 498,984 Keppel Corp Ltd^ 2,452 0.10 Advertising Food GBP 366,638 WPP Plc 4,745 0.21 SGD 911,600 Wilmar International Ltd^ 2,727 0.12 Mining Semiconductors GBP 3,755,070 Glencore Plc 11,846 0.51 SGD 1,341,430 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd^ 1,010 0.04 Total Jersey 16,591 0.72 Total Singapore 9,503 0.41

Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.28%) Spain (31 May 2019: 1.85%) Iron & steel Banks EUR 485,434 ArcelorMittal SA^ 8,311 0.36 EUR 1,640,912 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 8,651 0.38 Total Luxembourg 8,311 0.36 EUR 1,865,174 Banco de Sabadell SA 2,071 0.09 EUR 4,345,579 Banco Santander SA 16,947 0.74 Mauritius (31 May 2019: 0.05%) EUR 359,762 Bankia SA^ 698 0.03 EUR 741,975 CaixaBank SA 2,192 0.09 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 2.78%) Insurance Auto manufacturers EUR 193,423 Mapfre SA 546 0.02 EUR 543,461 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 8,042 0.35 Oil & gas Banks EUR 364,267 Repsol SA 5,739 0.25 EUR 853,789 ING Groep NV 9,832 0.43 Telecommunications Diversified financial services EUR 947,938 Telefonica SA 7,266 0.32 USD 80,411 AerCap Holdings NV 4,970 0.22 Total Spain 44,110 1.92 Food EUR 520,666 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 13,425 0.58 Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Insurance Mining EUR 713,663 Aegon NV 3,220 0.14 SEK 75,896 Boliden AB 1,958 0.08 EUR 106,126 NN Group NV 4,077 0.18 Total Sweden 1,958 0.08 Investment services EUR 21,332 EXOR NV 1,633 0.07 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.29%) Pharmaceuticals Banks USD 251,911 Mylan NV^ 4,731 0.20 CHF 552,931 Credit Suisse Group AG^ 7,251 0.32 Semiconductors Total Switzerland 7,251 0.32 USD 97,796 NXP Semiconductors NV 11,303 0.49 Total Netherlands 61,233 2.66 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 9.51%) Agriculture Norway (31 May 2019: 0.13%) GBP 1,158,650 British American Tobacco Plc 45,861 2.00 Oil & gas GBP 400,162 Imperial Brands Plc 8,816 0.38 NOK 146,783 Equinor ASA 2,706 0.12 Airlines Total Norway 2,706 0.12 GBP 29,139 easyJet Plc 504 0.02 Banks GBP 6,470,743 Barclays Plc^ 14,358 0.63



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 32.86%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 9.51%) (cont) Airlines (cont) Banks (cont) USD 33,786 United Airlines Holdings Inc 3,135 0.14 GBP 15,057,694 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 11,910 0.52 Apparel retailers GBP 1,279,268 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc^ 3,743 0.16 USD 9,671 PVH Corp 938 0.04 GBP 669,287 Standard Chartered Plc^ 6,038 0.26 Auto manufacturers Diversified financial services USD 1,207,305 Ford Motor Co^ 10,938 0.48 GBP 161,323 3i Group Plc 2,235 0.10 USD 437,325 General Motors Co 15,744 0.68 Food Auto parts & equipment GBP 1,151,722 J Sainsbury Plc^ 3,193 0.14 USD 15,559 Lear Corp 1,872 0.08 GBP 2,930,333 Tesco Plc 8,695 0.38 Banks GBP 1,045,430 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 2,681 0.11 USD 444,055 Citigroup Inc 33,357 1.45 Gas USD 50,515 Goldman Sachs Group Inc^ 11,182 0.49 GBP 1,571,379 Centrica Plc 1,631 0.07 Beverages Home builders USD 88,445 Molson Coors Brewing Co^ 4,465 0.19 GBP 270,136 Barratt Developments Plc 2,330 0.10 Biotechnology GBP 22,627 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 1,342 0.06 USD 28,358 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 3,231 0.14 GBP 67,859 Persimmon Plc 2,246 0.10 USD 40,163 Biogen Inc 12,042 0.52 GBP 805,322 Taylor Wimpey Plc 1,815 0.08 USD 344,218 Gilead Sciences Inc 23,145 1.01 Insurance Building materials and fixtures GBP 685,310 Aviva Plc 3,580 0.15 USD 37,713 Owens Corning 2,529 0.11 GBP 578,232 M&G Plc 1,765 0.08 Chemicals Investment services USD 61,397 Mosaic Co 1,170 0.05 GBP 1,098,447 Melrose Industries Plc 3,262 0.14 Commercial services Iron & steel USD 30,147 United Rentals Inc 4,614 0.20 GBP 126,803 Evraz Plc 607 0.03 Computers Leisure time USD 29,781 Dell Technologies Inc 1,444 0.06 GBP 21,678 Carnival Plc 912 0.04 USD 189,530 DXC Technology Co 7,075 0.31 Media USD 947,151 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 14,993 0.65 GBP 182,002 Pearson Plc 1,522 0.07 USD 424,934 HP Inc 8,533 0.37 Mining USD 362,503 International Business Machines Corp 48,739 2.12 GBP 399,284 Anglo American Plc 10,466 0.46 USD 188,571 Western Digital Corp^ 9,491 0.42 Oil & gas Cosmetics & personal care GBP 2,396,594 BP Plc 14,886 0.65 USD 84,839 Coty Inc 979 0.04 GBP 639,758 Royal Dutch Shell Plc 18,297 0.80 Diversified financial services GBP 554,718 Royal Dutch Shell Plc Class 'B' 15,710 0.68 USD 28,981 Alliance Data Systems Corp 3,098 0.14 Retail USD 98,513 Ally Financial Inc 3,137 0.14 GBP 571,768 Kingfisher Plc^ 1,552 0.07 USD 102,171 Capital One Financial Corp 10,218 0.44 GBP 305,269 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 768 0.03 Electronics Software USD 49,794 Arrow Electronics Inc 3,966 0.17 GBP 238,475 Micro Focus International Plc 3,494 0.15 Food Telecommunications USD 66,189 Conagra Brands Inc 1,911 0.08 GBP 2,227,903 BT Group Plc 5,520 0.24 USD 10,576 Ingredion Inc 880 0.04 GBP 8,491,644 Vodafone Group Plc 16,845 0.73 USD 36,217 JM Smucker Co^ 3,806 0.17 Total United Kingdom 216,584 9.43 USD 285,030 Kraft Heinz Co^ 8,693 0.38 USD 263,582 Kroger Co 7,206 0.31 United States (31 May 2019: 32.86%) USD 112,925 Tyson Foods Inc 10,151 0.44 Agriculture Healthcare products USD 236,365 Altria Group Inc 11,747 0.51 USD 37,198 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 5,404 0.24 Airlines Healthcare services USD 53,196 American Airlines Group Inc^ 1,529 0.07 USD 53,159 Anthem Inc 15,345 0.67 USD 75,369 Delta Air Lines Inc 4,319 0.19 USD 78,403 Centene Corp^ 4,741 0.21 USD 29,762 Southwest Airlines Co 1,716 0.07 USD 19,942 DaVita Inc 1,431 0.06



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.89%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 32.86%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 32.86%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Healthcare services (cont) USD 849,243 Micron Technology Inc 40,348 1.75 USD 20,176 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 3,476 0.15 USD 146,632 ON Semiconductor Corp^ 3,148 0.14 USD 19,443 Universal Health Services Inc 2,712 0.12 USD 51,388 Qorvo Inc 5,355 0.23 Home builders Telecommunications USD 62,502 Lennar Corp 3,728 0.16 USD 2,062,692 AT&T Inc 77,103 3.36 USD 46,916 PulteGroup Inc 1,860 0.08 USD 335,249 CenturyLink Inc^ 4,858 0.21 Household products USD 145,874 Juniper Networks Inc 3,656 0.16 USD 83,738 Newell Brands Inc^ 1,609 0.07 Textile Insurance USD 9,547 Mohawk Industries Inc 1,330 0.06 USD 169,369 American International Group Inc 8,919 0.39 Transportation USD 118,789 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 2,939 0.13 USD 36,111 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc^ 1,336 0.06 USD 56,499 Lincoln National Corp 3,336 0.14 Total United States 786,413 34.23 USD 164,613 MetLife Inc 8,216 0.36 Total equities 2,281,823 99.31 ^ USD 85,268 Prudential Financial Inc 7,983 0.35 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 65,485 Unum Group 2,013 0.09 USD 30,270 Voya Financial Inc 1,764 0.07 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Iron & steel Underlying Fair %ofnet USD 48,409 Steel Dynamics Inc 1,633 0.07 No. of exposure Value asset Media Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value USD 58,214 CBS Corp 2,351 0.10 USD 49,266 Discovery Inc^ 1,623 0.07 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.04)%) USD 118,878 Discovery Inc Class 'C'^ 3,628 0.16 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.04)%) USD 82,948 News Corp 1,068 0.05 USD 64 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 6,157 171 0.01 USD 157,040 Viacom Inc 3,780 0.16 USD 49 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December Office & business equipment 2019 7,380 322 0.01 USD 140,320 Xerox Holdings Corp 5,463 0.24 JPY 10 Topix Index Futures December 2019 1,384 165 0.01 Oil & gas Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 658 0.03 USD 15,887 HollyFrontier Corp 819 0.04 Total financial derivative instruments 658 0.03 USD 88,306 Marathon Petroleum Corp 5,355 0.23 Oil & gas services %ofnet USD 125,449 Baker Hughes Co 2,812 0.12 Fair Value asset Packaging & containers USD'000 value USD 67,835 Westrock Co 2,736 0.12 Pharmaceuticals Total value of investments 2,282,481 99.34 USD 81,919 Cardinal Health Inc^ 4,508 0.20 USD 104,056 Cigna Corp 20,803 0.90 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.78%) USD 402,024 CVS Health Corp 30,260 1.32 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds USD 57,809 McKesson Corp 8,362 0.36 (31 May 2019: 0.78%) USD 1,005,404 Pfizer Inc 38,728 1.69 Cash† 6,575 0.29 Real estate investment & services USD 112,198 CBRE Group Inc 6,397 0.28 Other net assets 8,537 0.37 USD 35,458 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc^ 5,898 0.25 Real estate investment trusts Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating USD 108,587 AGNC Investment Corp 1,881 0.08 shareholders at the end of the financial period 2,297,593 100.00 USD 249,440 Annaly Capital Management Inc 2,327 0.10 †Cash holdings of USD6,620,848 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD 478,818 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 8,374 0.37 USD(46,252) is due as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^ Retail These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. USD 30,431 Gap Inc 505 0.02 USD 321,678 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 19,172 0.84 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Semiconductors entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 1,779,962 Intel Corp 103,327 4.50


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES EDGE MSCI WORLD VALUE FACTOR UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 2,281,823 99.28 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 658 0.03 Other assets 15,846 0.69 Total current assets 2,298,327 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a India (31 May 2019: 8.69%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.98%) Auto manufacturers (cont) INR 47,358 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 350 0.80 Equities (31 May 2019: 98.98%) INR 4,475 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 452 1.03 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 3.14%) INR 89,675 Tata Motors Ltd 202 0.46 Electrical components & equipment INR 181,304 Tata Motors Ltd Class 'A' 180 0.41 HKD 215,000 Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd 482 1.09 Auto parts & equipment Semiconductors INR 243,492 Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd 440 1.00 USD 17,966 Marvell Technology Group Ltd^ 474 1.08 Electrical components & equipment Total Bermuda 956 2.17 INR 20,110 ABB India Ltd 406 0.92 INR 48,926 Amara Raja Batteries Ltd 512 1.16 Canada (31 May 2019: 3.31%) INR 146,389 Exide Industries Ltd 398 0.91 Auto parts & equipment Total India 3,319 7.55 CAD 12,664 Linamar Corp 426 0.97 CAD 9,386 Magna International Inc 517 1.18 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.57%) Metal fabricate/ hardware Auto parts & equipment CAD 56,374 Martinrea International Inc 524 1.19 USD 20,706 Adient Plc 453 1.03 Total Canada 1,467 3.34 Total Ireland 453 1.03

Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) Japan (31 May 2019: 29.20%) Semiconductors Auto manufacturers USD 10,351 Ambarella Inc 567 1.29 JPY 17,100 Honda Motor Co Ltd 479 1.09 Total Cayman Islands 567 1.29 JPY 93,400 Mitsubishi Motors Corp^ 418 0.95 JPY 62,700 Nissan Motor Co Ltd 389 0.88 France (31 May 2019: 2.42%) JPY 7,000 Toyota Motor Corp 488 1.11 Auto manufacturers Auto parts & equipment EUR 6,967 Renault SA 334 0.76 JPY 13,400 Aisin Seiki Co Ltd 507 1.15 Auto parts & equipment JPY 56,000 Daikyonishikawa Corp 430 0.98 ^ EUR 18,074 Cie Plastic Omnium SA 491 1.12 JPY 10,500 Denso Corp 469 1.07 EUR 10,713 Faurecia SE 569 1.29 JPY 20,400 FCC Co Ltd 441 1.00 EUR 15,550 Valeo SA 613 1.40 JPY 85,300 Futaba Industrial Co Ltd 646 1.47 Total France 2,007 4.57 JPY 32,100 Keihin Corp 754 1.71 JPY 8,600 Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd 443 1.01 Germany (31 May 2019: 7.58%) JPY 33,900 Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co Ltd^ 471 1.07 Aerospace & defence JPY 24,300 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd^ 486 1.11 EUR 3,706 Rheinmetall AG 395 0.90 JPY 25,300 Piolax Inc 501 1.14 Auto manufacturers JPY 13,500 Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd 451 1.03 EUR 3,059 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 247 0.56 JPY 37,100 Tachi-S Co Ltd 483 1.10 EUR 3,553 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 220 0.50 JPY 27,600 Tokai Rika Co Ltd 538 1.22 EUR 1,337 Volkswagen AG 255 0.58 JPY 23,700 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 553 1.26 EUR 1,343 Volkswagen AG (Preference) 260 0.59 JPY 33,900 Toyota Boshoku Corp 533 1.21 Auto parts & equipment JPY 16,900 TS Tech Co Ltd 525 1.19 EUR 9,533 Hella GmbH & Co KGaA 515 1.17 Electrical components & equipment EUR 59,073 Schaeffler AG 646 1.47 JPY 23,600 GS Yuasa Corp 477 1.09 Machinery - diversified Electronics ^ EUR 5,984 MAN SE 285 0.65 JPY 25,900 Alps Alpine Co Ltd^ 584 1.33 Semiconductors Home furnishings EUR 25,481 Infineon Technologies AG 544 1.24 JPY 55,600 Panasonic Corp 524 1.19 Total Germany 3,367 7.66 Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 23,600 Ryobi Ltd 452 1.03 India (31 May 2019: 8.69%) Total Japan 12,042 27.39 Auto manufacturers INR 343,739 Ashok Leyland Ltd 379 0.86



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.98%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.25%) Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.50%) Electronics Auto parts & equipment USD 5,421 Garmin Ltd 530 1.21 USD 5,732 Aptiv Plc^ 538 1.22 Machinery, construction & mining Total Jersey 538 1.22 CHF 22,573 ABB Ltd 494 1.12 Total Switzerland 1,024 2.33 Malaysia (31 May 2019: 1.20%) Auto manufacturers Taiwan (31 May 2019: Nil) MYR 336,500 UMW Holdings Bhd 352 0.80 Electronics Total Malaysia 352 0.80 TWD 504,800 Pan Jit International Inc 433 0.99 Total Taiwan 433 0.99 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.99%) Auto manufacturers United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 1.33%) EUR 32,536 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 481 1.09 Total Netherlands 481 1.09 United States (31 May 2019: 17.90%) Auto manufacturers People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 1.45%) USD 43,347 Ford Motor Co^ 393 0.89 Auto manufacturers USD 12,090 General Motors Co 435 0.99 HKD 75,500 BYD Co Ltd 358 0.81 USD 2,039 Tesla Inc^ 673 1.53 Total People's Republic of China 358 0.81 Auto parts & equipment USD 6,531 Autoliv Inc^ 534 1.21 Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 11.91%) USD 10,623 BorgWarner Inc 447 1.02 Auto manufacturers USD 11,132 Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc 316 0.72 KRW 1,207 Hyundai Motor Co 124 0.28 USD 26,763 Garrett Motion Inc 310 0.71 KRW 1,953 Hyundai Motor Co (2nd Preference) 134 0.30 USD 11,067 Gentherm Inc^ 463 1.05 KRW 2,140 Hyundai Motor Co (Preference) 131 0.30 USD 3,212 Lear Corp 386 0.88 Auto parts & equipment USD 16,136 Methode Electronics Inc 600 1.36 KRW 41,960 Hanon Systems 384 0.87 USD 9,794 Standard Motor Products Inc 493 1.12 KRW 2,383 Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd 494 1.12 USD 40,811 Tenneco Inc 506 1.15 KRW 11,169 Hyundai Wia Corp 503 1.15 USD 27,183 Veoneer Inc^ 440 1.00 KRW 11,647 S&T Motiv Co Ltd 399 0.91 USD 8,297 Visteon Corp 776 1.77 KRW 21,644 SL Corp 343 0.78 Electronics Electronics USD 18,327 Gentex Corp 521 1.19 KRW 14,081 Iljin Materials Co Ltd 469 1.07 USD 14,841 Stoneridge Inc^ 447 1.02 KRW 5,388 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd 506 1.15 USD 27,506 Vishay Intertechnology Inc 547 1.24 Telecommunications Semiconductors KRW 2,161 Samsung SDI Co Ltd 423 0.96 USD 15,537 CTS Corp 425 0.97 Total Republic of South Korea 3,910 8.89 USD 19,685 Cypress Semiconductor Corp 462 1.05 USD 9,332 Intel Corp 542 1.23 Spain (31 May 2019: 2.09%) USD 7,533 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 427 0.97 Auto parts & equipment USD 5,186 Microchip Technology Inc^ 490 1.11 EUR 16,097 CIE Automotive SA^ 388 0.88 USD 2,939 NVIDIA Corp 637 1.45 EUR 74,835 Gestamp Automocion SA 346 0.79 USD 6,236 QUALCOMM Inc 521 1.19 Total Spain 734 1.67 Total United States 11,791 26.82 Total equities 43,799 99.62 Sweden (31 May 2019: 2.45%)

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Forward currency contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%)



Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) EUR 3 Stoxx Europe 600 Auto Index Futures December 2019 80 6 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 6 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 6 0.01

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 43,805 99.63

Cash† 132 0.30

Other net assets 31 0.07

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 43,968 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD130,250 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD1,574 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 43,799 99.57 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 6 0.02 Other assets 182 0.41 Total current assets 43,987 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Germany (31 May 2019: 4.99%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 97.00%) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 9,600,000 Deutsche Bank AG 4.500% 04/01/2025 9,329 1.05 Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.00%) EUR 450,000 Deutsche Hypothekenbank AG 0.625% 23/07/2020 493 0.05 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.25%) EUR 3,500,000 K+S AG 3.000% 20/06/2022^ 3,986 0.45 Corporate Bonds EUR 3,760,000 METRO AG 1.375% 28/10/2021 4,229 0.47 EUR 3,500,000 Novomatic AG 1.625% 20/09/2023 3,925 0.44 EUR 4,100,000 METRO AG 1.500% 19/03/2025^ 4,693 0.53 EUR 1,250,000 Novomatic AG 3.000% 23/06/2021^ 1,421 0.16 EUR 2,050,000 RWE AG 3.500% 21/04/2075^ 2,475 0.28 Total Austria 5,346 0.60 Total Germany 43,304 4.86

Canada (31 May 2019: 0.40%) Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.24%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds USD 1,800,000 Bombardier Inc 7.450% 05/01/2034 1,758 0.20 USD 1,250,000 Smurfit Kappa Treasury Funding DAC 7.500% USD 675,000 Suncor Energy Ventures Corp 4.500% 04/01/2022 696 0.08 20/11/2025 1,543 0.17 USD 100,000 Suncor Energy Ventures Corp 6.000% 04/01/2042 112 0.01 Total Ireland 1,543 0.17 USD 500,000 Suncor Energy Ventures Corp 9.400% 09/01/2021 554 0.06 USD 2,850,000 TransAlta Corp 4.500% 15/11/2022 2,949 0.33 Italy (31 May 2019: 11.43%) USD 2,200,000 TransAlta Corp 6.500% 15/03/2040 2,204 0.25 Corporate Bonds # USD 2,725,000 WestJet Airlines Ltd 3.500% 16/06/2021 2,753 0.31 EUR 10,075,000 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 4.596% 12,249 1.38 # Total Canada 11,026 1.24 GBP 2,500,000 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 6.269% 3,691 0.41 GBP 1,300,000 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 6.416%# 1,813 0.20 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.87%) EUR 2,500,000 Banca Popolare di Sondrio SCPA 2.375% 04/03/2024 2,794 0.31 Corporate Bonds EUR 1,050,000 Banca Popolare di Sondrio SCPA 2.375% 04/03/2024 1,173 0.13 EUR 4,175,000 TDC A/S 5.000% 03/02/2022 5,042 0.56 EUR 1,950,000 Banco BPM SpA 6.000% 11/05/2020^ 2,236 0.25 GBP 3,200,000 TDC A/S 6.875% 23/02/2023 4,699 0.53 EUR 2,150,000 Banco BPM SpA 6.375% 31/05/2021^ 2,542 0.29 Total Denmark 9,741 1.09 EUR 3,450,000 Banco BPM SpA 7.125% 03/01/2021^ 4,057 0.46 USD 13,825,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 5.017% 26/06/2024^ 14,381 1.61 Finland (31 May 2019: 1.92%) EUR 9,850,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6.625% 13/09/2023 12,967 1.46 Corporate Bonds EUR 5,200,000 Intesa Sanpaolo Vita SpA 4.750%^/# 6,188 0.69 USD 3,565,000 Nokia Oyj 6.625% 15/05/2039 4,047 0.45 EUR 3,600,000 Leonardo SpA 4.875% 24/03/2025 4,759 0.53 EUR 1,150,000 Teollisuuden Voima Oyj 1.125% 03/09/2026 1,253 0.14 EUR 3,850,000 Leonardo SpA 5.250% 21/01/2022 4,692 0.53 EUR 2,400,000 Teollisuuden Voima Oyj 2.000% 05/08/2024 2,771 0.31 EUR 450,000 Telecom Italia SpA 4.875% 25/09/2020 516 0.06 EUR 2,500,000 Teollisuuden Voima Oyj 2.125% 02/04/2025 2,909 0.33 EUR 2,700,000 Telecom Italia SpA 5.250% 02/10/2022 3,297 0.37 EUR 1,925,000 Teollisuuden Voima Oyj 2.500% 17/03/2021 2,186 0.25 EUR 2,000,000 Telecom Italia SpA 5.250% 17/03/2055^ 2,478 0.28 EUR 3,150,000 Teollisuuden Voima Oyj 2.625% 13/01/2023 3,695 0.41 GBP 950,000 Telecom Italia SpA 5.875% 19/05/2023 1,367 0.15 Total Finland 16,861 1.89 Total Italy 81,200 9.11

France (31 May 2019: 3.13%) Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.03%) Corporate Bonds Corporate Bonds EUR 1,600,000 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 3.580% 02/07/2025^ 1,514 0.17 GBP 100,000 HBOS Sterling Finance Jersey LP 7.881%# 201 0.02 EUR 1,400,000 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 3.580% 02/07/2025^ 1,325 0.15 Total Jersey 201 0.02 EUR 3,400,000 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 4.048% 08/05/2026^ 3,174 0.36 EUR 6,000,000 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 4.498% 03/07/2024^ 6,015 0.67 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 1.89%) EUR 4,800,000 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 4.561% 25/01/2023 5,218 0.59 Corporate Bonds EUR 4,900,000 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 5.976% 26/05/2021^ 5,664 0.64 USD 3,100,000 Telecom Italia Capital SA 6.000% 30/09/2034 3,320 0.37 EUR 3,500,000 Solvay Finance SA 5.425%# 4,409 0.49 USD 3,100,000 Telecom Italia Capital SA 6.375% 15/11/2033 3,431 0.39 EUR 3,400,000 Vallourec SA 2.250% 30/09/2024^ 2,570 0.29 USD 3,000,000 Telecom Italia Capital SA 7.200% 18/07/2036 3,511 0.39 Total France 29,889 3.36 USD 3,025,000 Telecom Italia Capital SA 7.721% 06/04/2038 3,717 0.42 EUR 3,200,000 Telecom Italia Finance SA 7.750% 24/01/2033 5,213 0.58 Germany (31 May 2019: 4.99%) Total Luxembourg 19,192 2.15 Corporate Bonds EUR 8,025,000 Deutsche Bank AG 2.750% 17/02/2025^ 9,097 1.02 USD 9,600,000 Deutsche Bank AG 4.296% 24/05/2028 9,002 1.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.00%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.79%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.43%) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds USD 3,475,000 Allegheny Technologies Inc 5.950% 15/01/2021 3,584 0.40 EUR 1,750,000 Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group USD 4,820,000 Allegheny Technologies Inc 7.875% 15/08/2023 5,351 0.60 BV 1.800% 07/06/2024^ 1,860 0.21 USD 8,539,000 Arconic Inc 5.400% 15/04/2021 8,798 0.99 EUR 1,800,000 SRLEV NV 9.000% 15/04/2041^ 2,188 0.25 USD 4,350,000 Arconic Inc 5.870% 23/02/2022 4,647 0.52 Total Netherlands 4,048 0.46 USD 4,475,000 Arconic Inc 5.900% 02/01/2027 5,085 0.57 USD 4,225,000 Arconic Inc 5.950% 02/01/2037 4,600 0.52 Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.54%) USD 2,110,000 Arconic Inc 6.750% 15/01/2028 2,448 0.28 Corporate Bonds USD 3,350,000 Avon Products Inc 7.000% 15/03/2023 3,606 0.41 EUR 3,850,000 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 0.875% 03/01/2021 4,283 0.48 USD 1,750,000 Avon Products Inc 8.950% 15/03/2043^ 2,169 0.24 EUR 3,450,000 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 1.875% 03/01/2024 4,004 0.45 USD 2,148,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc 3.749% 08/01/2024^ 2,127 0.24 USD 7,026,000 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 4.125% 15/05/2022 7,300 0.82 USD 1,990,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc 4.915% 08/01/2034 1,453 0.16 Total Sweden 15,587 1.75 USD 6,000,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc 5.165% 08/01/2044 4,118 0.46 USD 1,700,000 Belo Corp 7.250% 15/09/2027 1,915 0.22 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.13%) USD 1,450,000 Belo Corp 7.750% 06/01/2027 1,670 0.19 Corporate Bonds USD 2,200,000 Brinker International Inc 3.875% 15/05/2023 2,219 0.25 CHF 775,000 Clariant AG 2.125% 17/10/2024 844 0.09 USD 2,432,000 Brinker International Inc 5.000% 10/01/2024 2,568 0.29 CHF 950,000 Clariant AG 3.500% 26/09/2022 1,044 0.12 USD 4,550,000 Buckeye Partners LP 3.950% 12/01/2026 4,235 0.48 Total Switzerland 1,888 0.21 USD 3,200,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.125% 12/01/2027 2,957 0.33 USD 3,500,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.150% 07/01/2023 3,494 0.39 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 9.96%) USD 2,000,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.350% 15/10/2024 1,994 0.22 Corporate Bonds USD 4,900,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.875% 02/01/2021 4,971 0.56 # USD 350,000 Barclays Bank Plc 6.860% 421 0.05 USD 2,250,000 Buckeye Partners LP 5.600% 15/10/2044 1,900 0.21 # GBP 350,000 Barclays Bank Plc 7.125% 472 0.05 USD 2,950,000 Buckeye Partners LP 5.850% 15/11/2043 2,525 0.28 GBP 800,000 Barclays Bank Plc 9.500% 08/07/2021 1,165 0.13 USD 1,806,000 Carpenter Technology Corp 4.450% 03/01/2023 1,868 0.21 ^ EUR 5,300,000 Barclays Plc 2.000% 02/07/2028 5,902 0.66 USD 275,000 Carpenter Technology Corp 5.200% 15/07/2021 282 0.03 EUR 2,100,000 Barclays Plc 2.625% 11/11/2025 2,355 0.27 USD 2,030,000 CBL & Associates LP 4.600% 15/10/2024 1,301 0.15 USD 3,600,000 Barclays Plc 4.375% 09/11/2024 3,754 0.42 USD 3,000,000 CBL & Associates LP 5.250% 12/01/2023 2,189 0.25 USD 5,950,000 Barclays Plc 4.836% 05/09/2028 6,354 0.71 USD 4,150,000 CBL & Associates LP 5.950% 15/12/2026 2,745 0.31 USD 6,150,000 Barclays Plc 5.200% 05/12/2026 6,696 0.75 USD 3,100,000 CDK Global Inc 5.000% 15/10/2024 3,357 0.38 ^ EUR 5,250,000 Centrica Plc 3.000% 04/10/2076 5,890 0.66 USD 4,088,000 CenturyLink Inc 5.800% 15/03/2022 4,309 0.48 GBP 2,950,000 Centrica Plc 5.250% 04/10/2075 4,042 0.45 USD 4,200,000 CenturyLink Inc 6.450% 15/06/2021 4,411 0.50 GBP 2,100,000 Co-operative Group Holdings 2011 Ltd 7.500% USD 1,505,000 CenturyLink Inc 6.875% 15/01/2028 1,630 0.18 07/08/2026 3,100 0.35 USD 1,750,000 CenturyLink Inc 7.600% 15/09/2039 1,803 0.20 GBP 1,400,000 Daily Mail & General Trust Plc 6.375% 21/06/2027 2,114 0.24 USD 1,535,000 CenturyLink Inc 7.650% 15/03/2042 1,579 0.18 GBP 200,000 FCE Bank Plc 3.250% 19/11/2020 262 0.03 USD 5,475,000 CF Industries Inc 3.450% 06/01/2023 5,611 0.63 GBP 2,100,000 GKN Holdings Ltd 4.625% 05/12/2032 2,797 0.31 USD 5,050,000 CF Industries Inc 4.950% 06/01/2043 5,181 0.58 GBP 2,900,000 GKN Holdings Ltd 5.375% 19/09/2022 4,066 0.46 USD 5,103,000 CF Industries Inc 5.150% 15/03/2034 5,585 0.63 GBP 3,910,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 13.000%# 9,174 1.03 USD 5,050,000 CF Industries Inc 5.375% 15/03/2044 5,377 0.60 USD 5,525,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 7.648%# 7,899 0.89 USD 2,150,000 Cleveland-Cliffs Inc 6.250% 10/01/2040 1,832 0.21 USD 5,000,000 Standard Chartered Plc 7.014%^/# 5,919 0.67 USD 2,425,000 Crown Cork & Seal Co Inc 7.375% 15/12/2026 2,884 0.32 EUR 8,850,000 Vodafone Group Plc 3.100% 01/03/2079 10,186 1.14 USD 3,575,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 3.875% 15/03/2023 3,633 0.41 EUR 2,400,000 Vodafone Group Plc 4.200% 10/03/2078 2,957 0.33 USD 3,650,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.750% 30/09/2021 3,735 0.42 GBP 2,200,000 Vodafone Group Plc 4.875% 10/03/2078 3,051 0.34 USD 2,450,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.950% 04/01/2022 2,536 0.29 USD 9,350,000 Vodafone Group Plc 7.000% 04/04/2079^ 10,816 1.21 USD 2,700,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 5.600% 04/01/2044 2,570 0.29 Total United Kingdom 99,392 11.15 USD 2,010,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 6.450% 11/03/2036 2,056 0.23 USD 3,034,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 6.750% 15/09/2037 3,157 0.35 United States (31 May 2019: 59.79%) USD 2,130,000 DCP Midstream Operating LP 8.125% 16/08/2030 2,631 0.30 Corporate Bonds USD 2,725,000 Dell Inc 4.625% 04/01/2021 2,797 0.31 USD 7,359,000 ADT Security Corp 3.500% 15/07/2022 7,474 0.84 USD 1,825,000 Dell Inc 5.400% 09/10/2040 1,837 0.21 USD 5,216,000 ADT Security Corp 4.125% 15/06/2023 5,364 0.60 USD 2,786,000 Dell Inc 6.500% 15/04/2038 2,969 0.33 USD 1,550,000 AECOM Global II LLC / URS Fox US LP 5.000% ^ 04/01/2022 1,598 0.18 USD 1,900,000 Dell Inc 7.100% 15/04/2028 2,238 0.25



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.00%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.79%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.79%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 4,140,000 Murphy Oil Corp 4.450% 12/01/2022 4,282 0.48 USD 7,150,000 Dresdner Funding Trust I 8.151% 30/06/2031 9,579 1.08 USD 2,429,000 Murphy Oil Corp 5.875% 12/01/2042 2,115 0.24 USD 4,325,000 Edgewell Personal Care Co 4.700% 19/05/2021 4,421 0.50 USD 1,800,000 Murphy Oil Corp 7.050% 05/01/2029 1,898 0.21 USD 3,650,000 Edgewell Personal Care Co 4.700% 24/05/2022 3,764 0.42 USD 4,600,000 Nabors Industries Inc 4.625% 15/09/2021 4,370 0.49 USD 4,697,000 Embarq Corp 7.995% 06/01/2036 4,769 0.54 USD 2,448,000 Nabors Industries Inc 5.100% 15/09/2023 1,958 0.22 USD 6,775,000 EMC Corp 3.375% 06/01/2023 6,830 0.77 USD 4,150,000 Nabors Industries Inc 5.500% 15/01/2023 3,652 0.41 USD 2,250,000 Energen Corp 4.625% 09/01/2021 2,312 0.26 USD 7,250,000 Navient Corp 5.500% 25/01/2023 7,663 0.86 USD 5,075,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 4.150% 06/01/2025 4,485 0.50 USD 4,070,000 Navient Corp 5.625% 08/01/2033 3,483 0.39 USD 3,800,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 4.400% 04/01/2024 3,489 0.39 USD 5,050,000 Navient Corp 7.250% 25/01/2022 5,492 0.62 USD 3,400,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 4.850% 15/07/2026 3,000 0.34 USD 2,100,000 Newell Brands Inc 5.375% 04/01/2036 2,202 0.25 USD 3,000,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 5.050% 04/01/2045 2,043 0.23 USD 3,325,000 Newell Brands Inc 5.500% 04/01/2046 3,464 0.39 USD 3,350,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 5.450% 06/01/2047 2,397 0.27 USD 2,700,000 NortonLifeLock Inc 3.950% 15/06/2022 2,744 0.31 USD 2,375,000 EnLink Midstream Partners LP 5.600% 04/01/2044 1,660 0.19 USD 1,591,000 NuStar Logistics LP 4.750% 02/01/2022 1,620 0.18 USD 7,295,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 3.550% 03/01/2022 7,365 0.83 USD 3,575,000 Oceaneering International Inc 4.650% 15/11/2024 3,208 0.36 USD 7,525,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 3.875% 15/03/2023 7,677 0.86 USD 1,850,000 Owens & Minor Inc 3.875% 15/09/2021 1,799 0.20 USD 3,400,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 4.550% 14/11/2024 3,572 0.40 USD 2,001,000 Owens & Minor Inc 4.375% 15/12/2024 1,555 0.17 USD 2,725,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 5.400% 14/11/2034 2,721 0.31 USD 4,325,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 4.125% 10/01/2021 4,374 0.49 USD 6,700,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 5.450% 15/03/2043 6,430 0.72 USD 2,775,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 4.375% 15/05/2022 2,804 0.32 USD 8,100,000 Gap Inc 5.950% 04/12/2021 8,390 0.94 USD 3,500,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 4.625% 15/03/2024 3,399 0.38 USD 2,155,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 6.500% 15/06/2034 1,967 0.22 USD 2,850,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 5.200% 04/01/2023 2,852 0.32 USD 2,675,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 7.200% 15/02/2021 2,738 0.31 USD 1,242,000 Provident Financing Trust I 7.405% 15/03/2038^ 1,452 0.16 USD 5,008,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 7.625% 24/09/2021 5,161 0.58 USD 2,100,000 PulteGroup Inc 6.000% 15/02/2035 2,339 0.26 USD 740,000 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 7.000% 15/03/2028 822 0.09 USD 2,750,000 PulteGroup Inc 6.375% 15/05/2033 3,186 0.36 USD 1,841,000 HB Fuller Co 4.000% 15/02/2027 1,814 0.20 USD 2,110,000 PulteGroup Inc 7.875% 15/06/2032 2,705 0.30 USD 700,000 HCA Inc 7.050% 12/01/2027 819 0.09 USD 3,350,000 Qwest Corp 6.750% 12/01/2021 3,591 0.40 USD 1,425,000 HCA Inc 7.500% 15/11/2095 1,636 0.18 USD 2,950,000 Qwest Corp 6.875% 15/09/2033 2,968 0.33 USD 2,230,000 HCA Inc 7.690% 15/06/2025 2,688 0.30 USD 719,000 Qwest Corp 7.125% 15/11/2043 731 0.08 USD 600,000 HCA Inc 8.360% 15/04/2024 708 0.08 USD 800,000 Qwest Corp 7.250% 15/09/2025 917 0.10 USD 720,000 IFM US Colonial Pipeline 2 LLC 6.450% 05/01/2021 746 0.08 USD 2,195,000 RBS Capital Trust II 6.425%# 3,058 0.34 USD 2,075,000 Ingram Micro Inc 5.000% 08/10/2022 2,116 0.24 USD 1,850,000 Safeway Inc 7.250% 02/01/2031^ 1,904 0.21 USD 3,880,000 Ingram Micro Inc 5.450% 15/12/2024 4,023 0.45 USD 3,203,000 Sealed Air Corp 6.875% 15/07/2033 3,741 0.42 USD 2,425,000 L Brands Inc 6.950% 03/01/2033 1,964 0.22 USD 1,100,000 Senior Housing Properties Trust 4.750% 05/01/2024 1,138 0.13 USD 2,100,000 L Brands Inc 7.600% 15/07/2037 1,818 0.20 USD 3,950,000 Senior Housing Properties Trust 4.750% 15/02/2028 4,008 0.45 USD 1,315,000 Leidos Inc 5.500% 07/01/2033^ 1,353 0.15 USD 5,674,000 SESI LLC 7.125% 15/12/2021 4,219 0.47 USD 825,000 Leidos Inc 7.125% 07/01/2032 959 0.11 USD 1,140,000 Southwestern Energy Co 4.100% 15/03/2022 1,107 0.12 USD 1,250,000 Leonardo US Holdings Inc 6.250% 15/01/2040 1,380 0.16 USD 6,695,000 Southwestern Energy Co 6.200% 23/01/2025 5,846 0.66 USD 880,000 Leonardo US Holdings Inc 7.375% 15/07/2039 1,092 0.12 USD 12,550,000 Sprint Capital Corp 6.875% 15/11/2028 13,377 1.50 USD 3,500,000 Liberty Interactive LLC 8.250% 02/01/2030 3,527 0.40 USD 10,099,000 Sprint Capital Corp 8.750% 15/03/2032 12,053 1.35 USD 2,000,000 Liberty Interactive LLC 8.500% 15/07/2029 2,035 0.23 USD 1,050,000 Sprint Communications Inc 9.250% 15/04/2022 1,206 0.14 USD 1,400,000 Mack-Cali Realty LP 3.150% 15/05/2023 1,377 0.15 USD 3,117,000 Trinity Industries Inc 4.550% 10/01/2024 3,203 0.36 USD 1,300,000 Mack-Cali Realty LP 4.500% 18/04/2022 1,320 0.15 USD 4,725,000 Tupperware Brands Corp 4.750% 06/01/2021 4,720 0.53 USD 3,450,000 Magellan Health Inc 4.900% 22/09/2024 3,494 0.39 USD 2,750,000 UAL 2007-1 Pass Through Trust 6.636% 07/02/2022 1,222 0.14 USD 2,050,000 Mattel Inc 2.350% 15/08/2021 2,065 0.23 USD 4,609,000 Under Armour Inc 3.250% 15/06/2026 4,444 0.50 USD 1,750,000 Mattel Inc 3.150% 15/03/2023 1,716 0.19 USD 3,905,000 United States Cellular Corp 6.700% 15/12/2033 4,269 0.48 USD 2,100,000 Mattel Inc 5.450% 11/01/2041 1,701 0.19 USD 2,455,000 United States Steel Corp 6.650% 06/01/2037 1,903 0.21 USD 1,772,000 Mattel Inc 6.200% 10/01/2040 1,564 0.18 USD 5,300,000 Washington Prime Group LP 6.450% 15/08/2024^ 5,093 0.57 USD 350,000 MBIA Inc 5.700% 12/01/2034 302 0.03 USD 2,800,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 3.900% 03/01/2023 2,835 0.32 USD 513,000 MBIA Inc 6.400% 15/08/2022 513 0.06 USD 5,400,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 4.250% 03/01/2022 5,558 0.62 USD 1,751,000 MDC Holdings Inc 5.500% 15/01/2024 1,911 0.21 USD 2,125,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 5.400% 04/01/2024 2,250 0.25 USD 3,550,000 MDC Holdings Inc 6.000% 15/01/2043 3,615 0.41 USD 1,125,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 5.625% 03/01/2021 1,160 0.13 USD 1,700,000 Midland Cogeneration Venture LP 6.000% 15/03/2025 961 0.11 USD 2,900,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 5.750% 04/01/2027 3,136 0.35



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Bonds (31 May 2019: 97.00%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.79%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 59.79%) (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) Corporate Bonds (cont) USD 2,151,000 XPO CNW Inc 6.700% 05/01/2034 2,178 0.24 USD 2,429,000 Wyndham Destinations Inc 6.350% 10/01/2025 2,694 0.30 USD 2,625,000 Yum! Brands Inc 3.750% 11/01/2021 2,706 0.30 USD 1,933,000 Xerox Corp 3.800% 15/05/2024^ 1,964 0.22 USD 2,225,000 Yum! Brands Inc 3.875% 11/01/2023 2,298 0.26 USD 6,820,000 Xerox Corp 4.125% 15/03/2023 7,028 0.79 USD 1,959,000 Yum! Brands Inc 5.350% 11/01/2043 1,938 0.22 USD 7,275,000 Xerox Corp 4.500% 15/05/2021 7,457 0.84 USD 2,275,000 Yum! Brands Inc 6.875% 15/11/2037 2,594 0.29 USD 1,800,000 Xerox Corp 4.800% 03/01/2035^ 1,622 0.18 Total United States 529,082 59.38 USD 2,435,000 Xerox Corp 6.750% 15/12/2039 2,548 0.29 Total bonds 868,300 97.44

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) CHF 24 EUR 22 24 03/12/2019 - 0.00 CHF 59 GBP 46 60 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 29,269 CHF 32,135 32,156 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 506,511 GBP 436,017 480,752 03/12/2019 (5) 0.00 EUR 18,013 GBP 15,567 17,165 03/12/2019 - 0.00 EUR 4,911,409 USD 5,474,651 5,415,321 03/12/2019 (59) 0.00 EUR 2,603,001 USD 2,870,033 2,870,070 03/12/2019 - 0.00 GBP 14,547 CHF 18,551 23,996 03/12/2019 - 0.00 GBP 1,108,661 EUR 1,288,102 1,420,260 03/12/2019 13 0.00 GBP 14,354 EUR 16,610 18,314 03/12/2019 - 0.00 GBP 1,889,278 USD 2,426,810 2,443,782 03/12/2019 17 0.00 GBP 1,835,495 USD 2,377,269 2,374,214 03/12/2019 (3) 0.00 Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 30 0.00 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (67) 0.00 Net unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (37) 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments (37) 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset Fair %ofnet Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Cash† 4,642 0.52 Total value of investments 868,263 97.44 Other net assets 13,814 1.55 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.43%) Net asset value attributable to redeemable UCITS collective investment schemes - Money participating shareholders at the end of the Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.43%) financial period 891,077 100.00

USD 4,357,598 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid † ~ Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. Environmentally Aware Fund 4,358 0.49 ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. #Perpetual bond. ~Investment in related party. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to GBP Hedged (Dist) and EUR Hedged (Dist) classes.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the issuer for corporate fixed income securities.


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES FALLEN ANGELS HIGH YIELD CORP BOND UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 806,476 90.46 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 15,839 1.78 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) 45,985 5.16 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments 30 0.00 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 4,358 0.49 Other assets 18,814 2.11 Total current assets 891,502 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Ireland (31 May 2019: 5.14%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.77%) Pharmaceuticals USD 172,389 Alkermes Plc 3,623 0.76 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.77%) Total Ireland 8,043 1.68 Belgium (31 May 2019: 2.30%) Pharmaceuticals Italy (31 May 2019: 1.43%) EUR 31,383 Galapagos NV^ 6,189 1.29 Healthcare products EUR 48,872 UCB SA 3,964 0.82 EUR 33,327 DiaSorin SpA^ 4,457 0.93 Total Belgium 10,153 2.11 Total Italy 4,457 0.93

British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) Japan (31 May 2019: 11.21%) Biotechnology Biotechnology USD 61,272 Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co Ltd^ 3,512 0.73 JPY 231,300 Eiken Chemical Co Ltd 4,169 0.87 Total British Virgin Islands 3,512 0.73 JPY 211,300 Takara Bio Inc^ 4,060 0.85 Healthcare products Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 1.61%) JPY 153,152 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd^ 4,462 0.93 Healthcare services JPY 54,142 Sysmex Corp 3,751 0.78 HKD 5,675,000 China Resources Medical Holdings Co Ltd^ 3,139 0.66 Healthcare services Pharmaceuticals JPY 234,200 EPS Holdings Inc 3,022 0.63 HKD 7,456,000 United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd^ 4,572 0.95 JPY 73,400 PeptiDream Inc^ 3,371 0.70 Total Cayman Islands 7,711 1.61 Pharmaceuticals JPY 200,900 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd^ 3,792 0.79 Denmark (31 May 2019: 2.47%) Total Japan 26,627 5.55 Biotechnology DKK 21,389 Genmab A/S 4,987 1.04 Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) DKK 99,223 H Lundbeck A/S 3,804 0.79 Healthcare products Total Denmark 8,791 1.83 USD 67,615 Novocure Ltd^ 6,233 1.30 Total Jersey 6,233 1.30 France (31 May 2019: 2.42%) Healthcare services Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.52%) EUR 45,368 BioMerieux 4,105 0.85 Healthcare products Pharmaceuticals EUR 97,716 QIAGEN NV 4,187 0.87 EUR 29,272 Ipsen SA 3,308 0.69 Pharmaceuticals Total France 7,413 1.54 USD 54,193 uniQure NV^ 3,016 0.63 Total Netherlands 7,203 1.50 Germany (31 May 2019: 3.91%) Healthcare services Norway (31 May 2019: 1.07%) EUR 149,592 Evotec SE 3,317 0.69 Software Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.12%) EUR 49,188 CompuGroup Medical SE 3,365 0.70 Biotechnology Total Germany 6,682 1.39 KRW 99,260 Green Cross Cell Corp 3,475 0.72 KRW 273,404 iNtRON Biotechnology Inc^ 3,067 0.64 India (31 May 2019: 3.37%) KRW 346,743 NKMax Co Ltd^ 3,068 0.64 Biotechnology KRW 14,422 Samsung Biologics Co Ltd^ 4,805 1.00 INR 1,046,343 Biocon Ltd 4,108 0.85 KRW 153,756 Seegene Inc 3,664 0.76 Pharmaceuticals Healthcare services INR 172,928 Divi's Laboratories Ltd 4,306 0.90 KRW 132,944 Medipost Co Ltd^ 3,793 0.79 Total India 8,414 1.75 KRW 80,980 SillaJen Inc^ 994 0.21 Pharmaceuticals Ireland (31 May 2019: 5.14%) KRW 77,731 Celltrion Healthcare Co Ltd 3,241 0.67 Healthcare services KRW 22,076 Celltrion Inc^ 3,252 0.68 GBP 413,914 UDG Healthcare Plc 4,420 0.92 Total Republic of South Korea 29,359 6.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.77%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 43.99%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 3.18%) Biotechnology (cont) Healthcare products USD 272,707 Stemline Therapeutics Inc 2,915 0.61 SEK 285,323 Elekta AB^ 3,583 0.75 USD 138,316 Veracyte Inc^ 3,972 0.83 Healthcare services USD 740,683 ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc^ 3,859 0.80 SEK 201,171 Hansa Biopharma AB^ 2,654 0.55 Commercial services Total Sweden 6,237 1.30 USD 46,847 CorVel Corp 3,865 0.80 USD 126,395 HMS Holdings Corp 3,817 0.80 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 2.94%) USD 334,662 R1 RCM Inc 4,314 0.90 Biotechnology Computers CHF 186,611 Idorsia Ltd^ 4,997 1.04 USD 50,853 MAXIMUS Inc^ 3,796 0.79 Chemicals Electronics CHF 11,529 Lonza Group AG^ 3,918 0.81 USD 313,363 Fluidigm Corp 790 0.17 Pharmaceuticals Healthcare products CHF 10,644 Siegfried Holding AG^ 4,649 0.97 USD 15,193 ABIOMED Inc^ 2,981 0.62 Total Switzerland 13,564 2.82 USD 194,589 Accelerate Diagnostics Inc^ 2,907 0.61 USD 128,828 AtriCure Inc 3,833 0.80 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 1.09%) USD 192,089 Axogen Inc^ 3,329 0.69 Healthcare products USD 18,268 Bio-Techne Corp 3,987 0.83 USD 53,302 LivaNova Plc^ 4,465 0.93 USD 94,901 Boston Scientific Corp 4,105 0.85 Total United Kingdom 4,465 0.93 USD 101,766 CareDx Inc^ 2,088 0.44 USD 20,895 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 5,118 1.07 United States (31 May 2019: 43.99%) USD 7,631 Intuitive Surgical Inc 4,524 0.94 Biotechnology USD 177,824 Luminex Corp 3,757 0.78 USD 150,530 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc 6,818 1.42 USD 151,224 NanoString Technologies Inc^ 4,071 0.85 USD 303,391 Alder Biopharmaceuticals Inc^/* 267 0.05 USD 60,765 Nevro Corp 6,792 1.41 USD 144,198 Allogene Therapeutics Inc^ 4,064 0.85 USD 23,580 Penumbra Inc^ 4,172 0.87 USD 53,938 AnaptysBio Inc^ 728 0.15 USD 68,729 Quidel Corp^ 4,716 0.98 USD 613,414 ArQule Inc^ 5,883 1.22 USD 29,225 Varian Medical Systems Inc 3,908 0.81 USD 174,362 Atara Biotherapeutics Inc^ 2,478 0.52 Healthcare services USD 16,681 Biogen Inc 5,001 1.04 USD 27,351 IQVIA Holdings Inc 3,993 0.83 USD 12,915 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 4,771 0.99 USD 68,436 Medpace Holdings Inc^ 5,247 1.09 USD 30,970 Bluebird Bio Inc^ 2,507 0.52 USD 153,349 Natera Inc^ 5,596 1.16 USD 42,582 Blueprint Medicines Corp^ 3,493 0.73 USD 81,941 Syneos Health Inc^ 4,499 0.94 USD 87,748 Cambrex Corp^ 5,262 1.10 USD 211,192 Tivity Health Inc 4,783 1.00 USD 203,171 Denali Therapeutics Inc^ 3,614 0.75 Pharmaceuticals USD 321,530 Epizyme Inc^ 5,312 1.11 USD 48,874 AbbVie Inc 4,288 0.89 USD 34,505 Exact Sciences Corp 2,795 0.58 USD 77,442 Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc 3,013 0.63 USD 194,476 Exelixis Inc 3,234 0.67 USD 186,882 Alector Inc 3,484 0.73 USD 220,005 Fate Therapeutics Inc^ 3,436 0.71 USD 1,002,218 Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 4,650 0.97 USD 57,626 Gilead Sciences Inc 3,875 0.81 USD 287,943 Clovis Oncology Inc^ 4,299 0.89 USD 42,632 Guardant Health Inc^ 3,311 0.69 USD 26,366 DexCom Inc 5,993 1.25 USD 11,318 Illumina Inc 3,630 0.76 USD 74,662 Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 4,366 0.91 USD 60,486 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 3,869 0.81 USD 317,828 Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc 5,340 1.11 USD 198,997 Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc 4,543 0.95 USD 62,649 Neogen Corp^ 4,171 0.87 USD 251,947 MacroGenics Inc 2,386 0.50 USD 45,889 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc^ 5,351 1.11 USD 40,223 Mirati Therapeutics Inc 4,053 0.84 USD 40,016 PRA Health Sciences Inc 4,354 0.91 USD 148,678 Myriad Genetics Inc^ 3,827 0.80 USD 183,800 Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc 8,589 1.79 USD 575,201 Pacific Biosciences of California Inc 2,957 0.62 USD 31,108 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc^ 3,499 0.73 USD 92,532 PTC Therapeutics Inc^ 4,345 0.90 USD 120,762 Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 2,823 0.59 USD 78,437 REGENXBIO Inc^ 3,283 0.68 USD 98,451 Turning Point Therapeutics Inc 5,535 1.15 USD 22,001 Sage Therapeutics Inc^ 3,405 0.71 USD 256,562 Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,292 0.89 USD 55,944 Seattle Genetics Inc^ 6,733 1.40 USD 118,760 Xencor Inc^ 4,679 0.97


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES HEALTHCARE INNOVATION UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Fair %ofnet Value asset issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Equities (31 May 2019: 99.77%) (cont) %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current United States (31 May 2019: 43.99%) (cont) gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets Pharmaceuticals (cont) USD 97,143 Zogenix Inc 4,642 0.97 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 479,184 98.76 Software Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 267 0.06 USD 371,033 Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc^ 4,000 0.83 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 11 0.00 USD 53,280 Cerner Corp 3,814 0.80 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 4,091 0.84 USD 204,217 NextGen Healthcare Inc 3,762 0.78 Other assets 1,631 0.34 USD 224,713 Nuance Communications Inc^ 4,029 0.84 Total current assets 485,184 100.00 Total United States 320,587 66.76 Total equities 479,451 99.84

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 15 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures December 2019 767 11 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 11 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments 11 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 479,462 99.84

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 4,091,054 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund~ 4,091 0.85

Cash† 1,294 0.27

Other net liabilities (4,606) (0.96)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 480,241 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD1,275,200 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD18,570 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. ~Investment in related party.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Cayman Islands (cont) Regulated Market Commercial services (cont) USD 2,450 TAL Education Group (ADR) 108 0.86 Equities Diversified financial services Bermuda USD 256 Noah Holdings Ltd (ADR) 7 0.05 Auto manufacturers USD 960 Qudian Inc (ADR) 5 0.04 HKD 20,000 Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd 21 0.17 Electronics Commercial services HKD 4,500 AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 32 0.25 HKD 12,000 COSCO SHIPPING Ports Ltd 10 0.08 Energy - alternate sources HKD 6,000 Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd 12 0.09 HKD 22,000 Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd 14 0.11 Entertainment Engineering & construction HKD 100,000 Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd 17 0.13 HKD 14,000 China State Construction International Holdings Ltd 11 0.09 Forest products & paper Environmental control HKD 12,000 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd 12 0.10 HKD 10,500 China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd 41 0.32 Gas Food HKD 11,600 China Gas Holdings Ltd 43 0.34 HKD 18,000 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd 69 0.55 HKD 6,000 China Resources Gas Group Ltd 34 0.27 HKD 12,500 Dali Foods Group Co Ltd 8 0.06 Home furnishings HKD 12,000 Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp 20 0.16 HKD 8,000 Haier Electronics Group Co Ltd 22 0.17 HKD 9,000 Uni-President China Holdings Ltd 9 0.07 Oil & gas HKD 32,000 Want Want China Holdings Ltd 28 0.22 HKD 24,000 Kunlun Energy Co Ltd 20 0.16 HKD 3,000 Yihai International Holding Ltd 19 0.15 Pharmaceuticals Gas HKD 8,000 Luye Pharma Group Ltd 6 0.05 HKD 5,000 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 54 0.43 Retail HKD 7,000 Towngas China Co Ltd 5 0.04 HKD 22,000 Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd 25 0.20 Healthcare products HKD 69,000 GOME Retail Holdings Ltd 6 0.05 HKD 9,000 China Medical System Holdings Ltd 13 0.10 Water HKD 4,500 Hengan International Group Co Ltd 30 0.24 HKD 32,000 Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd 16 0.13 Healthcare services Total Bermuda 244 1.94 HKD 6,000 Genscript Biotech Corp 14 0.11 HKD 1,300 Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co Ltd 9 0.07 Cayman Islands HKD 3,500 Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc 40 0.32 Apparel retailers Hotels HKD 4,800 Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd 63 0.50 USD 842 Huazhu Group Ltd (ADR) 29 0.23 Auto manufacturers Internet HKD 32,000 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 60 0.48 USD 159 51job Inc (ADR) 13 0.10 USD 4,296 NIO Inc (ADR) 10 0.08 USD 601 Inc (ADR) 37 0.29 Auto parts & equipment USD 10,790 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 2,158 17.14 HKD 22,000 China First Capital Group Ltd 1 0.01 USD 376 Autohome Inc (ADR) 26 0.21 HKD 6,000 Nexteer Automotive Group Ltd 5 0.04 USD 1,758 Baidu Inc (ADR) 208 1.65 Biotechnology USD 282 Baozun Inc (ADR) 11 0.09 HKD 8,000 3SBio Inc 12 0.10 HKD 1,800 China Literature Ltd 7 0.06 USD 382 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd (ADR) 9 0.07 USD 829 iQIYI Inc (ADR) 16 0.13 HKD 5,000 Innovent Biologics Inc 17 0.13 USD 4,691 Inc (ADR) 153 1.21 Building materials and fixtures HKD 6,400 Meituan Dianping 84 0.67 HKD 7,000 China Lesso Group Holdings Ltd 7 0.06 USD 1,228 Pinduoduo Inc (ADR) 44 0.35 HKD 16,000 China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd 19 0.15 USD 431 SINA Corp 15 0.12 Chemicals HKD 36,500 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,547 12.28 HKD 4,500 Kingboard Holdings Ltd 12 0.10 USD 650 Tencent Music Entertainment Group (ADR) 8 0.06 HKD 7,500 Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd 9 0.07 USD 2,993 Group Ltd (ADR) 99 0.79 Commercial services USD 2,789 Vipshop Holdings Ltd (ADR) 36 0.29 HKD 3,000 China East Education Holdings Ltd 6 0.05 USD 390 Weibo Corp (ADR) 17 0.13 HKD 4,000 China Education Group Holdings Ltd 5 0.04 USD 391 YY Inc (ADR) 25 0.20 USD 905 New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (ADR) 110 0.87


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Cayman Islands (cont) Cayman Islands (cont) Transportation Machinery - diversified USD 1,249 BEST Inc (ADR) 7 0.06 HKD 4,000 Haitian International Holdings Ltd 9 0.07 USD 2,014 ZTO Express Cayman Inc (ADR) 43 0.34 Mining Total Cayman Islands 6,548 52.00 HKD 10,500 China Hongqiao Group Ltd 5 0.04 HKD 11,600 China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd 5 0.04 Hong Kong Miscellaneous manufacturers Agriculture HKD 4,500 Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd 74 0.59 HKD 17,000 China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd 9 0.07 Packaging & containers Auto manufacturers HKD 9,000 Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd 6 0.05 HKD 4,000 Sinotruk Hong Kong Ltd 7 0.06 Pharmaceuticals Banks HKD 4,000 Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 12 0.10 HKD 37,000 CITIC Ltd 46 0.37 HKD 44,000 Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd 56 0.44 Beverages HKD 10,000 SSY Group Ltd 8 0.06 HKD 10,000 China Resources Beer Holdings Co Ltd 52 0.41 Real estate investment & services Commercial services HKD 8,000 Agile Group Holdings Ltd 11 0.09 HKD 8,000 China Merchants Port Holdings Co Ltd 13 0.10 HKD 8,000 China Aoyuan Group Ltd 11 0.09 Computers HKD 12,000 China Evergrande Group 29 0.23 HKD 46,000 Lenovo Group Ltd 30 0.24 HKD 18,000 China Resources Land Ltd 78 0.62 Diversified financial services HKD 18,000 CIFI Holdings Group Co Ltd 13 0.10 HKD 6,000 China Everbright Ltd 9 0.07 HKD 48,000 Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd 67 0.53 HKD 14,000 Far East Horizon Ltd 13 0.10 HKD 8,000 Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd 26 0.21 Electricity HKD 8,000 Greentown Service Group Co Ltd 9 0.07 HKD 32,000 China Power International Development Ltd 7 0.05 HKD 17,000 Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd 7 0.06 HKD 12,000 China Resources Power Holdings Co Ltd 15 0.12 HKD 7,500 KWG Group Holdings Ltd 8 0.06 Electronics HKD 8,000 Logan Property Holdings Co Ltd 12 0.10 HKD 4,000 BYD Electronic International Co Ltd 7 0.06 HKD 11,500 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 47 0.37 Energy - alternate sources HKD 12,000 Seazen Group Ltd 13 0.10 HKD 23,000 China Everbright International Ltd 17 0.14 HKD 7,500 Shimao Property Holdings Ltd 27 0.21 Gas HKD 26,000 Shui On Land Ltd 5 0.04 HKD 3,500 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd 16 0.13 HKD 15,000 SOHO China Ltd 5 0.04 Hotels HKD 16,000 Sunac China Holdings Ltd 78 0.62 HKD 17,500 Fosun International Ltd 24 0.19 HKD 12,000 Yuzhou Properties Co Ltd 6 0.05 Insurance HKD 10,000 Zhenro Properties Group Ltd 6 0.05 HKD 11,000 China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co Ltd 25 0.20 Retail Oil & gas HKD 7,000 ANTA Sports Products Ltd 66 0.52 HKD 114,000 CNOOC Ltd 165 1.31 HKD 22,000 Bosideng International Holdings Ltd 11 0.09 Pharmaceuticals HKD 2,000 Haidilao International Holding Ltd 8 0.06 HKD 9,500 China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 9 0.07 HKD 12,500 Li Ning Co Ltd 40 0.32 HKD 16,000 China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.06 HKD 4,000 Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd 14 0.11 HKD 30,000 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 68 0.54 Semiconductors Real estate investment & services HKD 20,000 Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp 25 0.20 HKD 34,000 China Jinmao Holdings Group Ltd 23 0.18 Software HKD 24,000 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 81 0.64 USD 385 HUYA Inc (ADR) 8 0.06 HKD 3,000 Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd 5 0.04 HKD 15,000 Kingdee International Software Group Co Ltd 15 0.12 HKD 18,000 Shenzhen Investment Ltd 7 0.06 HKD 5,000 Kingsoft Corp Ltd 11 0.09 HKD 18,500 Sino-Ocean Group Holding Ltd 7 0.06 USD 957 Momo Inc (ADR) 36 0.28 HKD 7,000 Wharf Holdings Ltd 17 0.13 USD 452 NetEase Inc (ADR) 142 1.13 HKD 44,000 Yuexiu Property Co Ltd 9 0.07 Telecommunications Retail USD 393 GDS Holdings Ltd (ADR) 18 0.15 HKD 15,500 Sun Art Retail Group Ltd 18 0.14 HKD 49,600 Xiaomi Corp 57 0.45 Semiconductors HKD 3,000 Hua Hong Semiconductor Ltd 5 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Hong Kong (cont) Auto manufacturers (cont) Telecommunications CNY 2,959 SAIC Motor Corp Ltd 10 0.08 HKD 39,000 China Mobile Ltd 294 2.34 CNY 500 Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 38,000 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd 33 0.26 Auto parts & equipment Water CNY 700 AECC Aero-Engine Control Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 18,000 Guangdong Investment Ltd 37 0.29 CNY 800 Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd 3 0.02 Total Hong Kong 1,075 8.54 HKD 3,600 Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 11 0.08 CNY 1,000 Huayu Automotive Systems Co Ltd 4 0.03 People's Republic of China CNY 597 Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp 1 0.01 Advertising CNY 300 Shandong Linglong Tyre Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 4,800 Focus Media Information Technology Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 600 Wanxiang Qianchao Co Ltd - 0.00 Aerospace & defence CNY 2,100 Weichai Power Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 900 AECC Aviation Power Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 12,000 Weichai Power Co Ltd Class 'H' 20 0.16 CNY 1,200 AVIC Aircraft Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 200 Weifu High-Technology Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,400 AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co Ltd 1 0.01 Banks CNY 200 AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 28,400 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 15 0.12 HKD 18,000 AviChina Industry & Technology Co Ltd 8 0.06 HKD 186,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 75 0.60 CNY 200 AVICOPTER Plc 1 0.01 CNY 8,200 Bank of Beijing Co Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 1,600 China Aerospace Times Electronics Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Bank of Chengdu Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 China Avionics Systems Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 13,400 Bank of China Ltd 7 0.06 CNY 900 Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 505,000 Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 203 1.61 Agriculture CNY 15,000 Bank of Communications Co Ltd 12 0.10 CNY 900 Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 56,000 Bank of Communications Co Ltd Class 'H' 37 0.29 CNY 600 Guangdong Haid Group Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 700 Bank of Guiyang Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,000 Heilongjiang Agriculture Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,200 Bank of Hangzhou Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 900 Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 3,600 Bank of Jiangsu Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 603 Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 2,900 Bank of Nanjing Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,400 New Hope Liuhe Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 2,100 Bank of Ningbo Co Ltd 8 0.06 CNY 1,400 Tongwei Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 5,390 Bank of Shanghai Co Ltd 7 0.06 CNY 2,000 Wens Foodstuffs Group Co Ltd 10 0.08 CNY 1,200 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 700 Yuan Longping High-tech Agriculture Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 57,000 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd Class 'H' 31 0.25 Airlines CNY 3,900 China Construction Bank Corp 4 0.03 CNY 900 Air China Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 614,000 China Construction Bank Corp Class 'H' 489 3.88 HKD 12,000 Air China Ltd Class 'H' 11 0.09 CNY 15,200 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd 9 0.07 CNY 3,800 China Eastern Airlines Corp Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 23,000 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd Class 'H' 10 0.08 HKD 10,000 China Eastern Airlines Corp Ltd Class 'H' 5 0.04 CNY 7,900 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 41 0.33 CNY 3,100 China Southern Airlines Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 25,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class 'H' 118 0.94 HKD 12,000 China Southern Airlines Co Ltd Class 'H' 8 0.06 CNY 13,500 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 12 0.09 CNY 700 Juneyao Airlines Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 45,000 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd Class 'H' 31 0.25 CNY 400 Spring Airlines Co Ltd 2 0.02 HKD 17,000 Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd 8 0.06 Apparel retailers CNY 5,200 Huaxia Bank Co Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 400 Zhejiang Semir Garment Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 20,600 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 17 0.13 Auto manufacturers HKD 414,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 295 2.34 CNY 1,700 BAIC BluePark New Energy Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 7,900 Industrial Bank Co Ltd 21 0.17 HKD 11,500 BAIC Motor Corp Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 1,100 Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 BYD Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 6,600 Ping An Bank Co Ltd 14 0.11 HKD 4,000 BYD Co Ltd Class 'H' 19 0.15 HKD 50,000 Postal Savings Bank of China Co Ltd 32 0.25 CNY 800 Chongqing Changan Automobile Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 11,200 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd 19 0.15 HKD 18,000 Dongfeng Motor Group Co Ltd 17 0.13 Beverages HKD 20,000 Great Wall Motor Co Ltd 16 0.12 CNY 100 Anhui Gujing Distillery Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 500 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Anhui Kouzi Distillery Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 18,000 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 19 0.15 CNY 300 Beijing Shunxin Agriculture Co Ltd 2 0.02


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Coal (cont) Beverages (cont) CNY 1,400 China Shenhua Energy Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,500 Beijing Yanjing Brewery Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 22,500 China Shenhua Energy Co Ltd Class 'H' 44 0.35 CNY 200 Chongqing Brewery Co Ltd 1 0.01 USD 7,600 Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co Ltd 5 0.04 CNY 400 Hebei Yangyuan Zhihui Beverage Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 2,800 Shaanxi Coal Industry Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 500 Jiangsu King's Luck Brewery JSC Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 Shanxi Lu'an Environmental Energy Development Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co Ltd 8 0.06 CNY 700 Shanxi Xishan Coal & Electricity Power Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 500 Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 80 0.63 CNY 500 Yanzhou Coal Mining Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 500 Luzhou Laojiao Co Ltd 6 0.05 HKD 12,000 Yanzhou Coal Mining Co Ltd Class 'H' 11 0.09 CNY 300 Shanxi Xinghuacun Fen Wine Factory Co Ltd 4 0.03 Commercial services CNY 200 Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 700 Centre Testing International Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 4,400 Dalian Port PDA Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 2,000 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd Class 'H' 12 0.09 CNY 350 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,500 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 27 0.21 HKD 8,000 Jiangsu Expressway Co Ltd 11 0.09 Biotechnology CNY 200 Ninestar Corp 1 0.01 CNY 373 Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 2,700 Ningbo Zhoushan Port Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 500 Hualan Biological Engineering Inc 2 0.01 CNY 3,200 Shanghai International Port Group Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 500 Jinyu Bio-Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 4,000 Shenzhen Expressway Co Ltd 5 0.04 CNY 138 Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 3,500 TangShan Port Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 10,000 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ltd 9 0.07 Building materials and fixtures Computers CNY 1,500 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd 10 0.08 CNY 400 Accelink Technologies Co Ltd 2 0.02 HKD 8,000 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd Class 'H' 51 0.40 CNY 800 Aisino Corp 2 0.01 CNY 1,800 BBMG Corp 1 0.01 CNY 13,000 BOE Technology Group Co Ltd 7 0.05 HKD 16,000 BBMG Corp Class 'H' 4 0.03 CNY 600 China TransInfo Technology Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 Beijing New Building Materials Plc 2 0.02 CNY 300 Dawning Information Industry Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 700 DHC Software Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 24,000 China National Building Material Co Ltd 23 0.18 CNY 1,100 GRG Banking Equipment Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Hongfa Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 500 Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 500 Huaxin Cement Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 61 Sangfor Technologies Inc 1 0.01 CNY 100 Oppein Home Group Inc 1 0.01 CNY 600 Unisplendour Corp Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 600 Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Venustech Group Inc 1 0.01 CNY 700 Tangshan Jidong Cement Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 400 Westone Information Industry Inc 1 0.01 Chemicals CNY 500 Wuhan Guide Infrared Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,100 Guangdong HEC Technology Holding Co Ltd 1 0.01 Distribution & wholesale CNY 2,500 Hengli Petrochemical Co Ltd 5 0.04 CNY 1,300 Hengyi Petrochemical Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,800 Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy & Chemical Industry CNY 300 Liaoning Cheng Da Co Ltd 1 0.01 Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 277 Shanghai Jahwa United Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,900 Wuchan Zhongda Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Lomon Billions Group Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 200 Zhongji Innolight Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,400 Rongsheng Petro Chemical Co Ltd 2 0.01 Diversified financial services CNY 600 Shandong Hualu Hengsheng Chemical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,200 Anxin Trust Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 382 Shandong Sinocera Functional Material Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,600 Bohai Leasing Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,300 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Caitong Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 24,000 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd Class 'H' 7 0.05 CNY 2,400 Changjiang Securities Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 Tianqi Lithium Corp 3 0.02 HKD 63,000 China Cinda Asset Management Co Ltd 13 0.10 CNY 1,200 Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd 8 0.06 HKD 22,000 China Galaxy Securities Co Ltd 11 0.09 CNY 1,300 Zhejiang Juhua Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 72,000 China Huarong Asset Management Co Ltd 10 0.08 CNY 1,300 Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 8,000 China International Capital Corp Ltd 14 0.11 CNY 800 Zhejiang NHU Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 2,400 China Merchants Securities Co Ltd 6 0.05 Coal CNY 3,800 CITIC Securities Co Ltd 12 0.09 HKD 15,000 China Coal Energy Co Ltd 6 0.05 HKD 13,500 CITIC Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 25 0.20


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Electricity (cont) Diversified financial services (cont) CNY 1,500 Huadian Power International Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,100 CSC Financial Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 12,000 Huadian Power International Corp Ltd Class 'H' 4 0.03 CNY 600 Dongxing Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,000 Huaneng Power International Inc 1 0.01 CNY 2,800 East Money Information Co Ltd 5 0.04 HKD 26,000 Huaneng Power International Inc Class 'H' 13 0.10 CNY 1,600 Everbright Securities Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 34,000 Huaneng Renewables Corp Ltd 13 0.10 CNY 800 First Capital Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,500 SDIC Power Holdings Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 3,100 Founder Securities Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,300 Shanghai Electric Power Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,000 GF Securities Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 1,000 Shenergy Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 8,600 GF Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 9 0.07 CNY 700 Shenzhen Energy Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,600 Guosen Securities Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,800 Sichuan Chuantou Energy Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 2,900 Guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd 7 0.05 Electronics HKD 5,400 Guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 8 0.06 CNY 400 Chaozhou Three-Circle Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 700 Guoyuan Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,300 GoerTek Inc 4 0.03 CNY 3,200 Haitong Securities Co Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 3,600 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 16 0.13 HKD 19,200 Haitong Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 19 0.15 CNY 2,070 Luxshare Precision Industry Co Ltd 10 0.08 CNY 800 Huaan Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 OFILM Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,800 Huatai Securities Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 900 Shengyi Technology Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 10,600 Huatai Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 16 0.13 CNY 49 Shennan Circuits Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 Huaxi Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 704 Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 2,800 Industrial Securities Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 600 Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,297 Nanjing Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,100 Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,020 Northeast Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 400 Tianma Microelectronics Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,200 Orient Securities Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,200 Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd* 1 0.01 CNY 2,700 Pacific Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 Visionox Technology Inc 1 0.01 CNY 1,900 Sealand Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 700 WUS Printed Circuit Kunshan Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 600 Shanxi Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 900 Zhejiang Chint Electrics Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 8,900 Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co Ltd 6 0.05 Energy - alternate sources CNY 600 Sinolink Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 900 Hubei Energy Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 SooChow Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,200 LONGi Green Energy Technology Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 1,800 Southwest Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 Engineering & construction CNY 800 Western Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 12,000 Beijing Capital International Airport Co Ltd 11 0.09 CNY 1,100 Zheshang Securities Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 China Communications Construction Co Ltd 1 0.01 Electrical components & equipment HKD 28,000 China Communications Construction Co Ltd Class 'H' 22 0.17 CNY 400 AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 16,000 China Communications Services Corp Ltd 11 0.09 CNY 100 Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,000 China Gezhouba Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd 10 0.08 CNY 1,100 China National Chemical Engineering Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 Dongfang Electric Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 4,600 China Railway Construction Corp Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 400 Eve Energy Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 12,500 China Railway Construction Corp Ltd Class 'H' 13 0.10 CNY 596 Fangda Carbon New Material Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 7,400 China Railway Group Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 1,600 Shanxi Meijin Energy Co Ltd 2 0.02 HKD 24,000 China Railway Group Ltd Class 'H' 14 0.11 CNY 800 TBEA Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 900 China Railway Hi-tech Industry Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 16,000 China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 12 0.09 CNY 1,368 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 268,000 China Tower Corp Ltd 55 0.44 HKD 4,400 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd Class 'H' 5 0.04 CNY 800 Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co Ltd 2 0.02 Electricity CNY 6,900 Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 67,000 CGN Power Co Ltd 17 0.14 HKD 21,000 Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd Class 'H' 4 0.03 HKD 23,000 China Longyuan Power Group Corp Ltd 12 0.10 CNY 4,500 Power Construction Corp of China Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 4,400 China National Nuclear Power Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 2,800 Shanghai Construction Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 8,400 China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 22 0.17 CNY 400 Shanghai International Airport Co Ltd 4 0.03 HKD 22,000 Datang International Power Generation Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 700 Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 7,700 GD Power Development Co Ltd 3 0.02


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Household products Entertainment CNY 200 Zhejiang Supor Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,100 Beijing Enlight Media Co Ltd 1 0.01 Insurance CNY 300 China Film Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 900 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 700 Songcheng Performance Development Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 47,000 China Life Insurance Co Ltd (Hong Kong listed) 119 0.95 CNY 800 Wanda Film Holding Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 2,400 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd 12 0.10 Environmental control HKD 16,800 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 59 0.47 CNY 1,200 Beijing Originwater Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 41,000 China Reinsurance Group Corp 6 0.05 CNY 2,100 GEM Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,100 Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 300 Tus Environmental Science And Technology Development CNY 800 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd 5 0.04 Co Ltd 1 0.00 HKD 5,600 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd Class 'H' 22 0.17 Food HKD 53,000 People's Insurance Co Group of China Ltd 21 0.17 CNY 300 Angel Yeast Co Ltd 1 0.00 HKD 44,000 PICC Property & Casualty Co Ltd 51 0.40 CNY 400 Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 4,100 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 49 0.39 CNY 900 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co Ltd 14 0.11 HKD 35,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class 'H' 402 3.19 CNY 400 Fujian Sunner Development Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 2,200 ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co Ltd 8 0.06 CNY 1,000 Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co Ltd 5 0.04 Internet CNY 2,300 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd 10 0.08 CNY 300 360 Security Technology Inc 1 0.01 CNY 200 Juewei Food Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 88,000 China Telecom Corp Ltd 33 0.26 CNY 200 Toly Bread Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Hithink RoyalFlush Information Network Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 2,940 Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 680 Mango Excellent Media Co Ltd 3 0.02 Forest products & paper CNY 881 NanJi E-Commerce Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 975 Shandong Sun Paper Industry JSC Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 500 Wangsu Science & Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 Healthcare products Investment services CNY 100 Autobio Diagnostics Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 2,700 Legend Holdings Corp 6 0.05 CNY 200 Jafron Biomedical Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,500 SDIC Capital Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 500 Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment & Supply Co Ltd 1 0.01 Iron & steel CNY 800 Lepu Medical Technology Beijing Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 1,170 Angang Steel Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 145 Ovctek China Inc 1 0.01 CNY 7,500 Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd 6 0.04 HKD 12,000 Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co Ltd 15 0.12 CNY 2,300 Hesteel Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 100 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 2,000 Hunan Valin Steel Co Ltd 1 0.01 Healthcare services CNY 14,300 Inner Mongolia BaoTou Steel Union Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,200 Aier Eye Hospital Group Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 1,300 Maanshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 BGI Genomics Co Ltd 2 0.02 HKD 6,000 Maanshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd Class 'H' 2 0.01 CNY 200 Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 3,300 Pangang Group Vanadium Titanium & Resources Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,540 Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,100 Sansteel Minguang Co Ltd Fujian 1 0.01 CNY 100 Topchoice Medical Corp 1 0.01 CNY 2,300 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 500 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd 6 0.05 Leisure time HKD 1,000 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd Class 'H' 12 0.09 CNY 700 China International Travel Service Corp Ltd 8 0.06 Holding companies - diversified operations Machinery - diversified CNY 3,700 Avic Capital Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 400 China Shipbuilding Industry Group Power Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,200 Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Hefei Meiya Optoelectronic Technology Inc 2 0.01 Home furnishings CNY 300 Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,100 Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai 9 0.07 CNY 1,895 NARI Technology Co Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 2,400 Haier Smart Home Co Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 700 Siasun Robot & Automation Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co Ltd 1 0.01 Machinery, construction & mining CNY 1,400 Leyard Optoelectronic Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 3,183 Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 1,210 Midea Group Co Ltd 9 0.07 CNY 3,400 Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 5,500 TCL Corp 3 0.02 HKD 20,000 Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 6 0.05 CNY 600 Universal Scientific Industrial Shanghai Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,700 XCMG Construction Machinery Co Ltd 1 0.01 Hotels CNY 200 Zhejiang Dingli Machinery Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 BTG Hotels Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,400 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Oil & gas (cont) Machinery, construction & mining (cont) HKD 162,000 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp Class 'H' 91 0.72 HKD 2,900 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co Ltd CNY 5,100 PetroChina Co Ltd 4 0.03 Class 'H' 2 0.01 HKD 134,000 PetroChina Co Ltd Class 'H' 62 0.49 Marine transportation Oil & gas services CNY 2,300 China Merchants Energy Shipping Co Ltd 2 0.02 HKD 10,000 China Oilfield Services Ltd 13 0.10 CNY 1,700 COSCO SHIPPING Development Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 900 Offshore Oil Engineering Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 8,000 COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 8,000 Sinopec Engineering Group Co Ltd 5 0.04 CNY 1,400 COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 400 Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Group Co Ltd 2 0.02 Media Packaging & containers CNY 400 China South Publishing & Media Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Yunnan Energy New Material Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 300 Chinese Universe Publishing and Media Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 Pharmaceuticals CNY 800 CITIC Guoan Information Industry Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 100 Asymchem Laboratories Tianjin Co Ltd 2 0.02 Metal fabricate/ hardware CNY 300 Beijing Tongrentang Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 200 Betta Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,100 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 By-health Co Ltd 1 0.01 Mining CNY 100 Changchun High & New Technology Industry Group Inc 6 0.05 CNY 5,100 Aluminum Corp of China Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 300 Chengdu Kanghong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 28,000 Aluminum Corp of China Ltd Class 'H' 9 0.07 CNY 200 China National Accord Medicines Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 5,500 China Molybdenum Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 400 China National Medicines Corp Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 27,000 China Molybdenum Co Ltd Class 'H' 9 0.07 CNY 200 China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,600 China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 500 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 200 Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 100 Dong-E-E-Jiao Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,200 Guangdong LY Intelligent Manufacturing Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 600 Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,000 Jiangxi Copper Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 660 Huadong Medicine Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 8,000 Jiangxi Copper Co Ltd Class 'H' 9 0.07 CNY 400 Hubei Jumpcan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,700 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd 21 0.17 CNY 960 Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 600 Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 4,600 Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 900 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 400 Jointown Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,300 Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc 1 0.01 CNY 700 Xiamen Tungsten Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 260 Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Yintai Gold Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 800 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 900 Yunnan Tin Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 3,500 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 10 0.08 HKD 6,500 Zhaojin Mining Industry Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 600 Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 200 Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,600 Zhongjin Gold Corp Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 700 Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 6,052 Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 7,600 Sinopharm Group Co Ltd 25 0.20 HKD 40,000 Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 15 0.12 CNY 300 Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 Miscellaneous manufacturers CNY 900 Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 360 China International Marine Containers Group Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 700 Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 1,300 China Jushi Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 700 Yifan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 11,000 China Railway Signal & Communication Corp Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 516 Yunnan Baiyao Group Co Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 9,300 CRRC Corp Ltd 9 0.07 CNY 249 Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4 0.03 HKD 28,000 CRRC Corp Ltd Class 'H' 18 0.14 CNY 1,400 Zhejiang Conba Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial And Commercial Holding Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 500 Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,400 Lens Technology Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 200 Zhejiang Wolwo Bio-Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Weihai Guangwei Composites Co Ltd 2 0.02 Pipelines CNY 700 Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,500 Guanghui Energy Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 3,600 Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co Ltd 12 0.09 Real estate investment & services Oil & gas HKD 2,500 A-Living Services Co Ltd 8 0.06 CNY 9,800 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp 7 0.06 CNY 1,200 Beijing Capital Development Co Ltd 1 0.01


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Software (cont) Real estate investment & services (cont) CNY 200 China National Software & Service Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,900 China Enterprise Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 Giant Network Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,300 China Fortune Land Development Co Ltd 5 0.04 CNY 334 Glodon Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 3,000 China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co Ltd 8 0.06 CNY 300 Hundsun Technologies Inc 3 0.02 CNY 3,700 China Vanke Co Ltd 15 0.12 CNY 700 Iflytek Co Ltd 3 0.02 HKD 9,500 China Vanke Co Ltd Class 'H' 36 0.29 CNY 700 NavInfo Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 Financial Street Holdings Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 500 Perfect World Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,700 Gemdale Corp 3 0.02 CNY 1,200 Shanghai 2345 Network Holding Group Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 1,300 Grandjoy Holdings Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 218 Shanghai Baosight Software Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 3,000 Greenland Holdings Corp Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 500 Shenzhen Kingdom Sci-Tech Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 6,400 Guangzhou R&F Properties Co Ltd 11 0.09 HKD 6,000 TravelSky Technology Ltd 15 0.12 CNY 1,400 Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 Winning Health Technology Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 2,300 Jinke Properties Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 900 Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network CNY 700 Oceanwide Holdings Co Ltd 1 0.01 Technology Group Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 4,500 Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co Ltd 9 0.07 CNY 1,040 Yonyou Network Technology Co Ltd 4 0.03 CNY 1,900 RiseSun Real Estate Development Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,100 Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 900 Seazen Holdings Co Ltd 4 0.03 Telecommunications CNY 400 Shanghai Lingang Holdings Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 300 China Spacesat Co Ltd 1 0.01 USD 6,800 Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co CNY 11,800 China United Network Communications Ltd 10 0.08 Ltd 6 0.05 CNY 400 Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 700 Shanghai Zhangjiang High-Tech Park Development Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,400 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 3,100 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co Ltd 3 0.02 CNY 500 Guangzhou Haige Communications Group Inc Co 1 0.01 CNY 1,300 Sichuan Languang Development Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 400 Hengtong Optic-electric Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,800 Xinhu Zhongbao Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,000 Hytera Communications Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,500 Yango Group Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 1,200 Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 Retail CNY 400 Shenzhen Sunway Communication Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,800 China Grand Automotive Services Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 200 Yealink Network Technology Corp Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 600 HLA Corp Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,400 ZTE Corp 6 0.05 CNY 200 Laobaixing Pharmacy Chain JSC 2 0.01 HKD 4,800 ZTE Corp Class 'H' 13 0.10 CNY 700 Oriental Pearl Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 Textile CNY 392 Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc 3 0.02 CNY 700 Tongkun Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 400 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 1 0.01 Transportation HKD 5,200 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd Class 'H' 9 0.07 HKD 18,500 COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 1,200 Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Group Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 5,800 Daqin Railway Co Ltd 7 0.05 CNY 3,800 Co Ltd 5 0.04 CNY 1,200 Guangshen Railway Co Ltd - 0.00 CNY 100 Yifeng Pharmacy Chain Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 SF Holding Co Ltd 3 0.02 Semiconductors CNY 980 Shenzhen Airport Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 1,100 China Greatwall Technology Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 2,200 Sinotrans Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 8,800 China Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd 7 0.05 HKD 15,000 Sinotrans Ltd Class 'H' 5 0.04 CNY 1,900 GCL System Integration Technology Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 700 Transfar Zhilian Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 100 Gigadevice Semiconductor Beijing Inc 2 0.02 CNY 600 XiamenC&DInc 1 0.01 CNY 600 Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 456 Yunda Holding Co Ltd 2 0.02 CNY 600 JCET Group Co Ltd 2 0.02 Total People's Republic of China 4,553 36.16 CNY 200 NAURA Technology Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 CNY 1,600 Sanan Optoelectronics Co Ltd 4 0.03 Singapore CNY 200 Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co Ltd 5 0.04 Diversified financial services CNY 200 Unigroup Guoxin Microelectronics Co Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 1,300 BOC Aviation Ltd 12 0.09 CNY 200 Will Semiconductor Ltd 4 0.03 Total Singapore 12 0.09 Software CNY 200 Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co Ltd 1 0.01 CNY 600 Beijing Sinnet Technology Co Ltd 2 0.02


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) United States Retail USD 2,276 Yum China Holdings Inc 102 0.81 Total United States 102 0.81 Total equities 12,534 99.54

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments Futures contracts USD 2 FTSE China 50 Index Futures December 2019 28 (1) (0.01) Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (1) (0.01) Total financial derivative instruments (1) (0.01)

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 12,533 99.53

Cash† 62 0.49

Other net liabilities (3) (0.02)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 12,592 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD59,770 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD1,930 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 12,534 99.48 Other assets 65 0.52 Total current assets 12,599 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Banks Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) CNY 11,428,338 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 5,885 0.99 People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) CNY 3,246,286 Bank of Beijing Co Ltd 2,567 0.43 Advertising CNY 552,962 Bank of Chengdu Co Ltd 672 0.11 CNY 2,253,687 Focus Media Information Technology Co Ltd 1,795 0.30 CNY 5,391,900 Bank of China Ltd 2,784 0.47 Aerospace & defence CNY 6,022,725 Bank of Communications Co Ltd 4,721 0.80 CNY 345,057 AECC Aviation Power Co Ltd 995 0.17 CNY 492,630 Bank of Guiyang Co Ltd 645 0.11 CNY 424,016 AVIC Aircraft Co Ltd 959 0.16 CNY 785,750 Bank of Hangzhou Co Ltd 974 0.16 CNY 552,492 AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co Ltd 502 0.08 CNY 1,770,697 Bank of Jiangsu Co Ltd 1,738 0.29 CNY 142,421 AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Co Ltd 570 0.10 CNY 1,301,371 Bank of Nanjing Co Ltd 1,531 0.26 CNY 90,994 AVICOPTER Plc 589 0.10 CNY 863,085 Bank of Ningbo Co Ltd 3,263 0.55 CNY 416,584 China Aerospace Times Electronics Co Ltd 347 0.06 CNY 2,180,318 Bank of Shanghai Co Ltd 2,850 0.48 CNY 224,969 China Avionics Systems Co Ltd 438 0.07 CNY 870,131 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd 743 0.13 CNY 258,400 Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co Ltd 364 0.06 CNY 1,471,799 China Construction Bank Corp 1,486 0.25 Agriculture CNY 6,110,826 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd 3,590 0.61 CNY 650,200 Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co Ltd 401 0.07 CNY 3,171,379 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 16,254 2.74 CNY 242,098 Guangdong Haid Group Co Ltd 1,057 0.18 CNY 5,441,076 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 4,775 0.80 CNY 273,000 Heilongjiang Agriculture Co Ltd 360 0.06 CNY 1,969,061 Huaxia Bank Co Ltd 2,081 0.35 CNY 374,100 Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co Ltd 778 0.13 CNY 8,328,822 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 6,860 1.16 CNY 267,028 Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd 3,297 0.55 CNY 3,202,973 Industrial Bank Co Ltd 8,607 1.45 CNY 646,147 New Hope Liuhe Co Ltd 1,891 0.32 CNY 419,900 Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd 483 0.08 CNY 177,700 Tech-Bank Food Co Ltd 324 0.05 CNY 2,633,476 Ping An Bank Co Ltd 5,728 0.97 CNY 594,857 Tongwei Co Ltd 1,109 0.19 CNY 248,200 Shanghai AJ Group Co Ltd 305 0.05 CNY 814,553 Wens Foodstuffs Group Co Ltd 4,148 0.70 CNY 4,530,435 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd 7,675 1.29 CNY 201,200 Yuan Longping High-tech Agriculture Co Ltd 365 0.06 Beverages Airlines CNY 58,793 Anhui Gujing Distillery Co Ltd 905 0.15 CNY 610,178 Air China Ltd 733 0.12 CNY 92,599 Anhui Kouzi Distillery Co Ltd 709 0.12 CNY 1,433,315 China Eastern Airlines Corp Ltd 1,044 0.18 CNY 113,800 Beijing Shunxin Agriculture Co Ltd 810 0.14 CNY 1,320,536 China Southern Airlines Co Ltd 1,242 0.21 CNY 431,500 Beijing Yanjing Brewery Co Ltd 376 0.06 CNY 250,700 Juneyao Airlines Co Ltd 498 0.08 CNY 73,789 Chongqing Brewery Co Ltd 511 0.09 CNY 139,881 Spring Airlines Co Ltd 802 0.14 CNY 162,000 Hebei Yangyuan Zhihui Beverage Co Ltd 675 0.11 Apparel retailers CNY 191,900 Jiangsu King's Luck Brewery JSC Ltd 824 0.14 CNY 276,165 Zhejiang Semir Garment Co Ltd 369 0.06 CNY 231,072 Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co Ltd 3,227 0.54 Auto manufacturers CNY 192,969 Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 30,991 5.22 CNY 535,283 BAIC BluePark New Energy Technology Co Ltd 397 0.07 CNY 224,806 Luzhou Laojiao Co Ltd 2,614 0.44 CNY 278,295 BYD Co Ltd 1,718 0.29 CNY 133,142 Shanxi Xinghuacun Fen Wine Factory Co Ltd 1,692 0.29 CNY 597,526 Chongqing Changan Automobile Co Ltd 724 0.12 CNY 74,500 Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd 597 0.10 CNY 364,421 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 612 0.10 CNY 106,912 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd 771 0.13 CNY 1,194,815 SAIC Motor Corp Ltd 3,951 0.67 CNY 597,378 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 10,839 1.83 CNY 339,698 Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co Ltd 678 0.11 Biotechnology Auto parts & equipment CNY 160,600 Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Corp Ltd 603 0.10 CNY 175,590 AECC Aero-Engine Control Co Ltd 320 0.05 CNY 215,600 Hualan Biological Engineering Inc 1,026 0.17 CNY 306,691 Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd 970 0.16 CNY 172,700 Jinyu Bio-Technology Co Ltd 462 0.08 CNY 174,300 Guoxuan High-Tech Co Ltd 298 0.05 CNY 92,400 Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co CNY 482,834 Huayu Automotive Systems Co Ltd 1,780 0.30 Ltd 495 0.09 CNY 198,700 Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp 432 0.07 CNY 99,339 Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd 1,080 0.18 CNY 183,765 Shandong Linglong Tyre Co Ltd 536 0.09 Building materials and fixtures CNY 421,408 Wanxiang Qianchao Co Ltd 305 0.05 CNY 613,888 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd 3,999 0.68 CNY 918,704 Weichai Power Co Ltd 1,724 0.29 CNY 1,279,927 BBMG Corp 595 0.10 CNY 128,930 Weifu High-Technology Group Co Ltd 341 0.06 CNY 258,297 Beijing New Building Materials Plc 820 0.14 CNY 335,600 Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co Ltd 325 0.06 CNY 228,751 Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co Ltd 781 0.13


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) (cont) Computers (cont) Building materials and fixtures (cont) CNY 197,100 Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co Ltd 839 0.14 CNY 114,200 Hongfa Technology Co Ltd 472 0.08 CNY 160,400 Newland Digital Technology Co Ltd 341 0.06 CNY 209,400 Huaxin Cement Co Ltd 657 0.11 CNY 51,700 Sangfor Technologies Inc 836 0.14 CNY 43,316 Oppein Home Group Inc 610 0.10 CNY 260,259 Unisplendour Corp Ltd 1,001 0.17 CNY 410,278 Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co Ltd 470 0.08 CNY 136,895 Venustech Group Inc 600 0.10 CNY 207,292 Tangshan Jidong Cement Co Ltd 438 0.07 CNY 128,200 Westone Information Industry Inc 434 0.07 Chemicals CNY 142,886 Wuhan Guide Infrared Co Ltd 401 0.07 CNY 359,888 Beijing Sanju Environmental Protection and New Distribution & wholesale Material Co Ltd 303 0.05 CNY 164,091 China Meheco Co Ltd 292 0.05 CNY 462,099 Guangdong HEC Technology Holding Co Ltd 581 0.10 CNY 434,886 Hengyi Petrochemical Co Ltd 862 0.15 CNY 898,631 Hengli Petrochemical Co Ltd 1,793 0.30 CNY 234,510 Liaoning Cheng Da Co Ltd 483 0.08 CNY 1,294,700 Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy & Chemical Industry CNY 103,300 Shanghai Jahwa United Co Ltd 441 0.07 Group Co Ltd 556 0.09 CNY 119,300 Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Group Co Ltd 281 0.05 CNY 47,800 Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co Ltd 382 0.06 CNY 414,900 Sinochem International Corp 297 0.05 CNY 311,000 Lomon Billions Group Co Ltd 575 0.10 CNY 775,596 Wuchan Zhongda Group Co Ltd 560 0.09 CNY 224,800 Luxi Chemical Group Co Ltd 294 0.05 CNY 91,796 Zhongji Innolight Co Ltd 575 0.10 CNY 642,918 Rongsheng Petro Chemical Co Ltd 1,111 0.19 Diversified financial services CNY 248,900 Shandong Hualu Hengsheng Chemical Co Ltd 591 0.10 CNY 837,800 Anxin Trust Co Ltd 474 0.08 CNY 148,400 Shandong Sinocera Functional Material Co Ltd 460 0.08 CNY 947,697 Bohai Leasing Co Ltd 461 0.08 CNY 1,355,000 Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co Ltd 279 0.05 CNY 549,572 Caitong Securities Co Ltd 746 0.13 CNY 936,154 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd 521 0.09 CNY 848,368 Changjiang Securities Co Ltd 753 0.13 CNY 175,101 Tianqi Lithium Corp 744 0.12 CNY 876,620 China Merchants Securities Co Ltd 2,055 0.35 CNY 487,800 Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd 3,359 0.56 CNY 1,508,435 CITIC Securities Co Ltd 4,594 0.78 CNY 329,588 Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co Ltd 305 0.05 CNY 423,798 CSC Financial Co Ltd 1,350 0.23 CNY 219,990 Zhejiang Jiahua Energy Chemical Industry Co Ltd 286 0.05 CNY 422,421 Dongxing Securities Co Ltd 651 0.11 CNY 420,499 Zhejiang Juhua Co Ltd 394 0.07 CNY 1,031,500 East Money Information Co Ltd 2,032 0.34 CNY 499,396 Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co Ltd 936 0.16 CNY 598,481 Everbright Securities Co Ltd 954 0.16 CNY 329,896 Zhejiang NHU Co Ltd 999 0.17 CNY 536,580 First Capital Securities Co Ltd 549 0.09 Coal CNY 1,263,968 Founder Securities Co Ltd 1,203 0.20 CNY 674,765 China Shenhua Energy Co Ltd 1,652 0.28 CNY 908,040 GF Securities Co Ltd 1,723 0.29 CNY 1,279,070 Shaanxi Coal Industry Co Ltd 1,543 0.26 CNY 628,805 Guosen Securities Co Ltd 1,016 0.17 CNY 458,772 Shanxi Lu'an Environmental Energy Development Co CNY 1,154,052 Guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd 2,743 0.46 Ltd 451 0.08 CNY 516,179 Guoyuan Securities Co Ltd 614 0.10 CNY 482,686 Shanxi Xishan Coal & Electricity Power Co Ltd 397 0.07 CNY 1,241,574 Haitong Securities Co Ltd 2,427 0.41 CNY 377,421 Yanzhou Coal Mining Co Ltd 504 0.08 CNY 555,803 Huaan Securities Co Ltd 473 0.08 Commercial services CNY 1,128,845 Huatai Securities Co Ltd 2,725 0.46 CNY 253,600 Centre Testing International Group Co Ltd 490 0.08 CNY 402,600 Huaxi Securities Co Ltd 541 0.09 CNY 1,186,900 Dalian Port PDA Co Ltd 338 0.06 CNY 1,028,650 Industrial Securities Co Ltd 906 0.15 CNY 115,100 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co Ltd 1,028 0.17 CNY 506,200 Nanjing Securities Co Ltd 552 0.09 CNY 163,333 Ninestar Corp 657 0.11 CNY 358,600 Northeast Securities Co Ltd 400 0.07 CNY 1,347,600 Ningbo Zhoushan Port Co Ltd 694 0.12 CNY 915,109 Orient Securities Co Ltd 1,265 0.21 CNY 1,303,590 Shanghai International Port Group Co Ltd 1,033 0.17 CNY 1,046,491 Pacific Securities Co Ltd 485 0.08 CNY 909,097 TangShan Port Group Co Ltd 327 0.06 CNY 646,100 Sealand Securities Co Ltd 426 0.07 Computers CNY 432,960 Shanxi Securities Co Ltd 458 0.08 CNY 104,100 Accelink Technologies Co Ltd 413 0.07 CNY 3,458,800 Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co Ltd 2,342 0.40 CNY 285,704 Aisino Corp 839 0.14 CNY 463,718 Sinolink Securities Co Ltd 542 0.09 CNY 5,198,407 BOE Technology Group Co Ltd 2,884 0.49 CNY 460,033 SooChow Securities Co Ltd 558 0.09 CNY 228,000 China TransInfo Technology Co Ltd 544 0.09 CNY 865,600 Southwest Securities Co Ltd 533 0.09 CNY 137,496 Dawning Information Industry Co Ltd 664 0.11 CNY 536,478 Western Securities Co Ltd 673 0.11 CNY 477,271 DHC Software Co Ltd 623 0.11 CNY 425,400 Zheshang Securities Co Ltd 507 0.09 CNY 368,800 GRG Banking Equipment Co Ltd 411 0.07


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) (cont) Engineering & construction (cont) Electrical components & equipment CNY 2,859,999 China Railway Group Ltd 2,299 0.39 CNY 161,097 AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology Co Ltd 883 0.15 CNY 340,784 China Railway Hi-tech Industry Co Ltd 488 0.08 CNY 42,694 Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co CNY 6,441,757 China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 4,682 0.79 Ltd 510 0.09 CNY 316,597 Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co Ltd 752 0.13 CNY 336,747 Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd 4,187 0.70 CNY 154,000 Hubei Kaile Science & Technology Co Ltd 267 0.04 CNY 421,322 Dongfang Electric Corp Ltd 533 0.09 CNY 2,739,798 Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd 1,045 0.18 CNY 149,196 Eve Energy Co Ltd 951 0.16 CNY 1,958,163 Power Construction Corp of China Ltd 1,136 0.19 CNY 416,836 Fangda Carbon New Material Co Ltd 639 0.11 CNY 1,365,900 Shanghai Construction Group Co Ltd 676 0.11 CNY 628,700 Shanxi Meijin Energy Co Ltd 744 0.12 CNY 148,401 Shanghai International Airport Co Ltd 1,586 0.27 CNY 569,788 TBEA Co Ltd 526 0.09 CNY 481,624 Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co Ltd 403 0.07 CNY 134,700 Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd 724 0.12 Entertainment CNY 528,999 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd 872 0.15 CNY 450,097 Beijing Enlight Media Co Ltd 637 0.11 Electricity CNY 238,375 China Film Co Ltd 479 0.08 CNY 1,991,280 China National Nuclear Power Co Ltd 1,376 0.23 CNY 222,956 Songcheng Performance Development Co Ltd 867 0.14 CNY 3,392,733 China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 8,750 1.47 CNY 317,895 Wanda Film Holding Co Ltd 645 0.11 CNY 3,017,300 GD Power Development Co Ltd 970 0.16 Environmental control CNY 1,042,340 Huadian Power International Corp Ltd 550 0.09 CNY 484,597 Beijing Originwater Technology Co Ltd 518 0.09 CNY 731,293 Huaneng Power International Inc 623 0.11 CNY 636,289 GEM Co Ltd 367 0.06 CNY 890,000 Inner Mongolia MengDian HuaNeng Thermal Power CNY 219,649 Tus Environmental Science And Technology Corp Ltd 328 0.06 Development Co Ltd 267 0.04 CNY 1,042,046 SDIC Power Holdings Co Ltd 1,241 0.21 Food CNY 401,400 Shanghai Electric Power Co Ltd 421 0.07 CNY 126,089 Angel Yeast Co Ltd 543 0.09 CNY 753,118 Shenergy Co Ltd 635 0.11 CNY 120,900 Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co Ltd 420 0.07 CNY 506,898 Shenzhen Energy Group Co Ltd 434 0.07 CNY 345,121 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co Ltd 5,252 0.89 CNY 675,509 Sichuan Chuantou Energy Co Ltd 918 0.16 CNY 158,800 Fujian Sunner Development Co Ltd 537 0.09 Electronics CNY 421,118 Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co Ltd 1,856 0.31 CNY 267,836 Chaozhou Three-Circle Group Co Ltd 713 0.12 CNY 934,611 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd 3,867 0.65 CNY 498,140 GoerTek Inc 1,374 0.23 CNY 89,900 Juewei Food Co Ltd 560 0.09 CNY 1,444,227 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 6,453 1.09 CNY 83,495 Toly Bread Co Ltd 515 0.09 CNY 477,400 Holitech Technology Co Ltd 331 0.06 CNY 1,468,390 Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd 1,552 0.26 CNY 819,890 Luxshare Precision Industry Co Ltd 3,969 0.67 Forest products & paper CNY 415,722 OFILM Group Co Ltd 747 0.13 CNY 397,600 Shandong Sun Paper Industry JSC Ltd 511 0.09 CNY 349,000 Shengyi Technology Co Ltd 1,137 0.19 Healthcare products CNY 52,200 Shennan Circuits Co Ltd 1,085 0.18 CNY 43,295 Autobio Diagnostics Co Ltd 631 0.11 CNY 254,176 Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co Ltd 950 0.16 CNY 64,000 Jafron Biomedical Co Ltd 638 0.11 CNY 237,198 Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd 593 0.10 CNY 154,200 Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment & Supply Co Ltd 428 0.07 CNY 426,497 Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co Ltd 613 0.10 CNY 273,571 Lepu Medical Technology Beijing Co Ltd 1,256 0.21 CNY 313,374 Tianma Microelectronics Co Ltd 683 0.11 CNY 61,800 Ovctek China Inc 427 0.07 CNY 1,018,857 Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd* 696 0.12 CNY 61,991 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co Ltd 1,585 0.27 CNY 210,295 Visionox Technology Inc 489 0.08 Healthcare services CNY 265,099 WUS Printed Circuit Kunshan Co Ltd 848 0.14 CNY 474,704 Aier Eye Hospital Group Co Ltd 2,696 0.45 CNY 330,302 Zhejiang Chint Electrics Co Ltd 1,122 0.19 CNY 61,300 BGI Genomics Co Ltd 517 0.09 Energy - alternate sources CNY 69,894 Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group Co Ltd 483 0.08 CNY 664,432 Hubei Energy Group Co Ltd 391 0.06 CNY 574,467 Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co Ltd 1,208 0.20 CNY 556,257 LONGi Green Energy Technology Co Ltd 1,887 0.32 CNY 49,400 Topchoice Medical Corp 728 0.12 Engineering & construction CNY 225,200 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd 2,819 0.48 CNY 419,920 China Communications Construction Co Ltd 538 0.09 Holding companies - diversified operations CNY 705,728 China Gezhouba Group Co Ltd 617 0.10 CNY 1,378,120 Avic Capital Co Ltd 890 0.15 CNY 756,284 China National Chemical Engineering Co Ltd 670 0.11 CNY 833,925 Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co Ltd 452 0.08 CNY 1,764,522 China Railway Construction Corp Ltd 2,427 0.41


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) Home furnishings CNY 634,600 Tian Di Science & Technology Co Ltd 272 0.05 CNY 461,192 Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai 3,786 0.64 Machinery, construction & mining CNY 934,637 Haier Smart Home Co Ltd 2,268 0.38 CNY 1,284,576 Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd 2,646 0.45 CNY 144,735 Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co Ltd 611 0.10 CNY 1,245,716 Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd 829 0.14 CNY 390,300 Leyard Optoelectronic Co Ltd 348 0.06 CNY 1,202,982 XCMG Construction Machinery Co Ltd 784 0.13 CNY 537,653 Midea Group Co Ltd 4,153 0.70 CNY 53,296 Zhejiang Dingli Machinery Co Ltd 492 0.08 CNY 139,300 Suofeiya Home Collection Co Ltd 347 0.06 CNY 958,327 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co CNY 2,080,700 TCL Corp 1,137 0.19 Ltd 811 0.14 CNY 222,700 Universal Scientific Industrial Shanghai Co Ltd 511 0.09 Marine transportation Hotels CNY 930,094 China Merchants Energy Shipping Co Ltd 786 0.13 CNY 152,000 BTG Hotels Group Co Ltd 385 0.06 CNY 1,217,658 COSCO SHIPPING Development Co Ltd 433 0.08 CNY 102,800 Shanghai Jinjiang International Hotels Co Ltd 352 0.06 CNY 419,100 COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co Ltd 343 0.06 Household products CNY 990,700 COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co Ltd 666 0.11 CNY 83,295 Zhejiang Supor Co Ltd 851 0.14 Media Insurance CNY 275,763 China South Publishing & Media Group Co Ltd 454 0.08 CNY 425,172 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 1,984 0.33 CNY 211,842 Chinese Universe Publishing and Media Group Co Ltd 360 0.06 CNY 964,431 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd 4,699 0.79 CNY 718,635 CITIC Guoan Information Industry Co Ltd 340 0.06 CNY 757,372 Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 722 0.12 CNY 107,600 Visual China Group Co Ltd 305 0.05 CNY 318,918 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd 2,020 0.34 Metal fabricate/ hardware CNY 1,664,194 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 19,795 3.34 CNY 245,991 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co Ltd 668 0.11 Internet CNY 611,000 Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co Ltd 346 0.06 CNY 208,049 360 Security Technology Inc 614 0.10 CNY 423,598 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co Ltd 890 0.15 CNY 81,820 Hithink RoyalFlush Information Network Co Ltd 1,062 0.18 Mining CNY 230,476 Mango Excellent Media Co Ltd 999 0.17 CNY 2,007,300 Aluminum Corp of China Ltd 937 0.16 CNY 375,600 NanJi E-Commerce Co Ltd 592 0.10 CNY 2,710,401 China Molybdenum Co Ltd 1,373 0.23 CNY 372,359 Wangsu Science & Technology Co Ltd 468 0.08 CNY 557,602 China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co Ltd 788 0.13 Investment services CNY 167,699 Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd 662 0.11 CNY 539,562 SDIC Capital Co Ltd 917 0.15 CNY 874,700 Guangdong LY Intelligent Manufacturing Co Ltd 1,303 0.22 Iron & steel CNY 317,414 Jiangxi Copper Co Ltd 636 0.11 CNY 816,922 Angang Steel Co Ltd 366 0.06 CNY 412,055 Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co Ltd 421 0.07 CNY 2,848,833 Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd 2,217 0.37 CNY 398,794 Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd 1,707 0.29 CNY 1,629,400 Hesteel Co Ltd 584 0.10 CNY 1,832,800 Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co Ltd 563 0.09 CNY 647,100 Hunan Valin Steel Co Ltd 415 0.07 CNY 269,600 Shenghe Resources Holding Co Ltd 312 0.05 CNY 6,998,800 Inner Mongolia BaoTou Steel Union Co Ltd 1,274 0.22 CNY 654,495 Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co Ltd 371 0.06 CNY 978,545 Maanshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd 383 0.06 CNY 1,615,690 Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co Ltd 490 0.08 CNY 679,400 Nanjing Iron & Steel Co Ltd 319 0.05 CNY 364,900 Western Mining Co Ltd 282 0.05 CNY 1,318,900 Pangang Group Vanadium Titanium & Resources Co CNY 215,994 Xiamen Tungsten Co Ltd 372 0.06 Ltd 524 0.09 CNY 303,700 Yintai Gold Co Ltd 521 0.09 CNY 375,200 Sansteel Minguang Co Ltd Fujian 451 0.08 CNY 255,198 Yunnan Tin Co Ltd 350 0.06 CNY 873,300 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co Ltd 488 0.08 CNY 165,570 Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co Ltd 718 0.12 CNY 488,200 Xinyu Iron & Steel Co Ltd 333 0.06 CNY 522,634 Zhongjin Gold Corp Ltd 583 0.10 Leisure time CNY 3,014,173 Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd 1,526 0.26 CNY 303,171 China International Travel Service Corp Ltd 3,614 0.61 Miscellaneous manufacturers Machinery - diversified CNY 238,919 China International Marine Containers Group Co Ltd 328 0.06 CNY 259,201 China Shipbuilding Industry Group Power Co Ltd 810 0.14 CNY 536,597 China Jushi Co Ltd 689 0.12 CNY 104,000 Hefei Meiya Optoelectronic Technology Inc 552 0.09 CNY 3,733,933 CRRC Corp Ltd 3,702 0.62 CNY 134,700 Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co Ltd 836 0.14 CNY 122,000 Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial And Commercial Holding Co CNY 708,282 NARI Technology Co Ltd 2,313 0.39 Ltd 783 0.13 CNY 123,500 Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co Ltd 266 0.04 CNY 502,259 Lens Technology Co Ltd 917 0.15 CNY 239,000 Siasun Robot & Automation Co Ltd 458 0.08 CNY 78,887 Weihai Guangwei Composites Co Ltd 421 0.07


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Miscellaneous manufacturers (cont) CNY 408,900 Zhejiang Conba Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 362 0.06 CNY 240,888 Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co Ltd 419 0.07 CNY 201,986 Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 540 0.09 Oil & gas CNY 79,700 Zhejiang Wolwo Bio-Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 521 0.09 CNY 3,912,335 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp 2,777 0.47 Pipelines CNY 2,485,853 PetroChina Co Ltd 1,977 0.33 CNY 1,043,159 Guanghui Energy Co Ltd 482 0.08 CNY 1,044,200 Shandong Xinchao Energy Corp Ltd 301 0.05 Real estate investment & services Oil & gas services CNY 395,797 Beijing Capital Development Co Ltd 432 0.07 CNY 678,345 Offshore Oil Engineering Co Ltd 673 0.12 CNY 682,482 China Enterprise Co Ltd 421 0.07 CNY 147,600 Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Group Co Ltd 666 0.11 CNY 460,383 China Fortune Land Development Co Ltd 1,829 0.31 Packaging & containers CNY 1,214,949 China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co CNY 702,700 Shanying International Holding Co Ltd 325 0.06 Ltd 3,130 0.53 CNY 103,199 Yunnan Energy New Material Co Ltd 606 0.10 CNY 1,503,316 China Vanke Co Ltd 5,923 1.00 Pharmaceuticals CNY 458,408 Financial Street Holdings Co Ltd 504 0.08 CNY 36,100 Asymchem Laboratories Tianjin Co Ltd 632 0.11 CNY 692,276 Gemdale Corp 1,172 0.20 CNY 157,890 Beijing SL Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 281 0.05 CNY 502,097 Grandjoy Holdings Group Co Ltd 492 0.08 CNY 210,826 Beijing Tongrentang Co Ltd 798 0.13 CNY 1,244,532 Greenland Holdings Corp Ltd 1,160 0.20 CNY 61,399 Betta Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 584 0.10 CNY 569,100 Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co Ltd 657 0.11 CNY 242,300 By-health Co Ltd 504 0.08 CNY 818,497 Jinke Properties Group Co Ltd 765 0.13 CNY 26,198 Changchun High & New Technology Industry Group CNY 530,861 Oceanwide Holdings Co Ltd 319 0.05 Inc 1,636 0.28 CNY 1,824,751 Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co Ltd 3,746 0.63 CNY 111,998 Chengdu Kanghong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 634 0.11 CNY 665,912 RiseSun Real Estate Development Co Ltd 817 0.14 CNY 57,191 China National Accord Medicines Corp Ltd 355 0.06 CNY 346,096 Seazen Holdings Co Ltd 1,607 0.27 CNY 115,700 China National Medicines Corp Ltd 402 0.07 CNY 137,100 Shanghai Lingang Holdings Corp Ltd 453 0.08 CNY 160,287 China Resources Double Crane Pharmaceutical Co CNY 237,289 Shanghai Zhangjiang High-Tech Park Development Ltd 282 0.05 Co Ltd 480 0.08 CNY 150,692 China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co CNY 1,259,598 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co Ltd 1,235 0.21 Ltd 630 0.11 CNY 461,500 Sichuan Languang Development Co Ltd 435 0.07 CNY 205,108 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd 1,292 0.22 CNY 382,192 Tahoe Group Co Ltd 308 0.05 CNY 100,672 Dong-E-E-Jiao Co Ltd 482 0.08 CNY 1,320,351 Xinhu Zhongbao Co Ltd 699 0.12 CNY 215,938 Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co CNY 621,400 Yango Group Co Ltd 612 0.10 Ltd 1,021 0.17 Retail CNY 216,800 Guizhou Bailing Group Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 256 0.04 CNY 1,251,734 China Grand Automotive Services Group Co Ltd 595 0.10 CNY 268,831 Huadong Medicine Co Ltd 941 0.16 CNY 137,200 China Reform Health Management and Services CNY 124,700 Hubei Jumpcan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 399 0.07 Group Co Ltd 329 0.06 CNY 682,484 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd 8,339 1.40 CNY 452,105 HLA Corp Ltd 494 0.08 CNY 178,200 Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 392 0.07 CNY 44,300 Laobaixing Pharmacy Chain JSC 431 0.07 CNY 297,000 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co Ltd 415 0.07 CNY 526,215 Oriental Pearl Group Co Ltd 660 0.11 CNY 287,976 Jointown Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 553 0.09 CNY 140,400 Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc 917 0.15 CNY 94,800 Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc 421 0.07 CNY 294,661 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 745 0.13 CNY 175,038 Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 513 0.09 CNY 496,500 Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Group Co Ltd 526 0.09 CNY 307,884 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 1,101 0.18 CNY 1,428,007 Co Ltd 2,001 0.34 CNY 159,700 Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 392 0.07 CNY 58,095 Yifeng Pharmacy Chain Co Ltd 632 0.11 CNY 133,190 Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd 352 0.06 Semiconductors CNY 184,678 Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 297 0.05 CNY 449,300 China Greatwall Technology Group Co Ltd 949 0.16 CNY 221,052 Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 730 0.12 CNY 3,511,700 China Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd 2,638 0.44 CNY 231,948 Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 503 0.08 CNY 778,500 GCL System Integration Technology Co Ltd 680 0.12 CNY 311,310 Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 588 0.10 CNY 49,497 Gigadevice Semiconductor Beijing Inc 1,165 0.20 CNY 235,591 Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd 1,012 0.17 CNY 200,500 Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co Ltd 417 0.07 CNY 188,300 Yifan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 372 0.06 CNY 245,400 JCET Group Co Ltd 723 0.12 CNY 198,999 Yunnan Baiyao Group Co Ltd 2,488 0.42 CNY 69,900 NAURA Technology Group Co Ltd 778 0.13 CNY 93,124 Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1,322 0.22 CNY 625,600 Sanan Optoelectronics Co Ltd 1,480 0.25


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) (cont) Water Semiconductors (cont) CNY 457,996 Chengdu Xingrong Environment Co Ltd 294 0.05 CNY 58,200 Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co Ltd 1,607 0.27 Total People's Republic of China 592,127 99.78 CNY 93,600 Unigroup Guoxin Microelectronics Co Ltd 596 0.10 Total equities 592,127 99.78 CNY 89,000 Will Semiconductor Ltd 1,585 0.27 Underlying Fair %ofnet Software No. of exposure Value asset CNY 135,849 Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co Ltd 697 0.12 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value CNY 236,293 Beijing Sinnet Technology Co Ltd 644 0.11 CNY 75,399 China National Software & Service Co Ltd 727 0.12 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: 0.00%) CNY 11,800 G-bits Network Technology Xiamen Co Ltd 492 0.08 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) CNY 207,520 Giant Network Group Co Ltd 522 0.09 USD 84 FTSE China 50 Index Futures December CNY 172,898 Glodon Co Ltd 812 0.14 2019 1,164 (23) (0.01) CNY 122,920 Hundsun Technologies Inc 1,273 0.21 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (23) (0.01) CNY 337,644 Iflytek Co Ltd 1,583 0.27 Total financial derivative instruments (23) (0.01) CNY 300,600 NavInfo Co Ltd 690 0.12 CNY 199,611 Perfect World Co Ltd 980 0.16 CNY 884,366 Shanghai 2345 Network Holding Group Co Ltd 380 0.06 Fair %ofnet Value asset CNY 128,900 Shanghai Baosight Software Co Ltd 633 0.11 Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value CNY 131,500 Shenzhen Kingdom Sci-Tech Co Ltd 345 0.06 CNY 248,597 Winning Health Technology Group Co Ltd 539 0.09 Total value of investments 592,104 99.77 CNY 324,430 Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co Ltd 1,001 0.17 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 2.75%) CNY 381,786 Yonyou Network Technology Co Ltd 1,508 0.25 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money CNY 135,700 Youzu Interactive Co Ltd 302 0.05 Market Funds (31 May 2019: 2.75%) CNY 459,693 Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co Ltd 1,108 0.19 Telecommunications USD 6,269,969 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar ~ CNY 181,128 China Spacesat Co Ltd 522 0.09 Liquidity Fund 6,270 1.06 CNY 4,763,540 China United Network Communications Ltd 3,869 0.65 Bank overdraft† (3,543) (0.60) CNY 179,498 Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies Co Ltd 635 0.11 CNY 607,800 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co Ltd 1,440 0.24 Other net liabilities (1,385) (0.23) CNY 353,278 Guangzhou Haige Communications Group Inc Co 516 0.09 CNY 291,851 Hengtong Optic-electric Co Ltd 643 0.11 Net asset value attributable to redeemable CNY 281,900 Hytera Communications Corp Ltd 356 0.06 participating shareholders at the end of the CNY 469,900 Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co Ltd 542 0.09 financial period 593,446 100.00 CNY 149,200 Shenzhen Sunway Communication Co Ltd 837 0.14 †Cash holdings of USD(3,553,918) are due to State Street Bank and Trust Company. CNY 76,095 Yealink Network Technology Corp Ltd 748 0.12 USD11,415 is held as security for futures contracts with CitiBank. CNY 526,825 ZTE Corp 2,302 0.39 ~Investment in related party. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair Textile valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. CNY 283,491 Tongkun Group Co Ltd 516 0.09 Transportation Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the CNY 2,281,892 Daqin Railway Co Ltd 2,574 0.44 entity in which the Fund holds shares. CNY 866,670 Guangshen Railway Co Ltd 365 0.06 CNY 250,848 SF Holding Co Ltd 1,354 0.23 CNY 313,800 Shenzhen Airport Co Ltd 421 0.07 CNY 672,200 Sinotrans Ltd 393 0.07 CNY 500,079 Transfar Zhilian Co Ltd 490 0.08 CNY 433,899 XiamenC&DInc 494 0.08 CNY 227,700 Yunda Holding Co Ltd 942 0.16


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 592,127 98.74 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 6,270 1.04 Other assets 1,307 0.22 Total current assets 599,704 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Brazil (cont) Regulated Market Banks (cont) BRL 17,963 Itau Unibanco Holding SA 148 0.36 Equities Beverages Argentina BRL 104,038 Ambev SA 444 1.10 Banks Commercial services USD 316 Banco Macro SA (ADR) 8 0.02 BRL 4,773 CCR SA 19 0.05 USD 640 Grupo Financiero Galicia SA (ADR) 9 0.02 BRL 27,211 Cielo SA 50 0.12 Oil & gas BRL 5,636 Cogna Educacao 14 0.03 USD 876 YPF SA (ADR) 9 0.02 BRL 13,236 Localiza Rent a Car SA 141 0.35 Pipelines Cosmetics & personal care USD 53 Transportadora de Gas del Sur SA (ADR) - 0.00 BRL 8,851 Natura Cosmeticos SA 69 0.17 Total Argentina 26 0.06 Diversified financial services BRL 46,063 B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao 520 1.28 Belgium BRL 816 Banco BTG Pactual SA 14 0.04 Building materials and fixtures Electricity EUR 708 Titan Cement International SA 14 0.03 BRL 1,615 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 13 0.03 Total Belgium 14 0.03 BRL 21,253 Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais 66 0.16 BRL 807 Energisa SA 9 0.02 Bermuda BRL 2,365 Equatorial Energia SA 11 0.03 Auto manufacturers Food HKD 10,000 Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd 10 0.03 BRL 2,046 BRF SA 18 0.04 Banks BRL 3,611 Cia Brasileira de Distribuicao 68 0.17 USD 249 Credicorp Ltd 53 0.13 Forest products & paper Commercial services BRL 2,019 Suzano SA 18 0.05 HKD 8,000 COSCO SHIPPING Ports Ltd 7 0.02 Healthcare services HKD 4,000 Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd 8 0.02 BRL 1,231 Notre Dame Intermedica Participacoes SA 17 0.04 Entertainment Insurance HKD 240,000 Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd 40 0.10 BRL 2,803 BB Seguridade Participacoes SA 23 0.05 Forest products & paper BRL 2,799 IRB Brasil Resseguros S/A 24 0.06 HKD 8,000 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd 8 0.02 BRL 842 Sul America SA 11 0.03 Gas Internet HKD 7,200 China Gas Holdings Ltd 27 0.06 BRL 778 B2W Cia Digital 10 0.03 HKD 2,000 China Resources Gas Group Ltd 11 0.03 Investment services Home furnishings BRL 17,177 Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA 54 0.13 HKD 4,000 Haier Electronics Group Co Ltd 11 0.03 Iron & steel Oil & gas BRL 1,984 Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA 6 0.01 HKD 16,000 Kunlun Energy Co Ltd 13 0.03 BRL 3,979 Gerdau SA 16 0.04 Retail Machinery - diversified HKD 16,000 Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd 18 0.04 BRL 3,248 WEG SA 23 0.06 HKD 92,000 GOME Retail Holdings Ltd 8 0.02 Oil & gas Water BRL 3,216 Cosan SA 47 0.12 HKD 24,000 Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd 12 0.03 BRL 3,904 Petrobras Distribuidora SA 26 0.06 Total Bermuda 226 0.56 BRL 15,979 Ultrapar Participacoes SA 83 0.21 Packaging & containers Brazil BRL 2,756 Klabin SA 12 0.03 Aerospace & defence Pharmaceuticals BRL 2,794 Embraer SA 12 0.03 BRL 1,590 Hypera SA 13 0.03 Banks Real estate investment & services BRL 6,831 Banco Bradesco SA 51 0.13 BRL 3,556 BR Malls Participacoes SA 13 0.03 BRL 23,138 Banco Bradesco SA (Preference) 183 0.45 BRL 1,216 Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA 8 0.02 BRL 15,516 Banco do Brasil SA 175 0.43 Retail BRL 9,238 Banco Santander Brasil SA 96 0.24 BRL 9,173 Atacadao SA 41 0.10


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Cayman Islands (cont) Brazil (cont) Healthcare products Retail (cont) HKD 8,000 China Medical System Holdings Ltd 12 0.03 BRL 2,826 Lojas Americanas SA 15 0.04 HKD 2,000 Hengan International Group Co Ltd 13 0.03 BRL 10,030 Lojas Renner SA 123 0.30 Healthcare services BRL 2,397 Magazine Luiza SA 25 0.06 HKD 16,000 Genscript Biotech Corp 39 0.10 BRL 825 Raia Drogasil SA 22 0.06 HKD 12,000 Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc 135 0.33 Telecommunications Hotels BRL 4,796 Telefonica Brasil SA 64 0.16 USD 429 Huazhu Group Ltd (ADR) 15 0.04 BRL 3,562 TIM Participacoes SA 11 0.03 Internet Transportation USD 116 51job Inc (ADR) 9 0.02 BRL 4,378 Rumo SA 25 0.06 USD 384 Inc (ADR) 24 0.06 Water USD 12,384 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 2,477 6.11 BRL 1,239 Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo 17 0.04 USD 240 Autohome Inc (ADR) 16 0.04 Total Brazil 2,868 7.08 USD 1,013 Baidu Inc (ADR) 120 0.30 USD 944 Baozun Inc (ADR) 36 0.09 Cayman Islands USD 536 iQIYI Inc (ADR) 10 0.02 Apparel retailers USD 2,712 Inc (ADR) 88 0.22 HKD 3,200 Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd 42 0.10 HKD 20,400 Meituan Dianping 269 0.66 Auto manufacturers USD 1,637 Pinduoduo Inc (ADR) 59 0.15 HKD 112,000 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 209 0.51 USD 264 SINA Corp 9 0.02 USD 15,264 NIO Inc (ADR) 35 0.09 HKD 43,600 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,848 4.56 Auto parts & equipment USD 1,704 Group Ltd (ADR) 57 0.14 HKD 32,000 China First Capital Group Ltd 2 0.00 USD 3,893 Vipshop Holdings Ltd (ADR) 50 0.12 Biotechnology USD 224 Weibo Corp (ADR) 10 0.03 HKD 26,500 3SBio Inc 38 0.10 USD 240 YY Inc (ADR) 15 0.04 USD 865 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd (ADR) 21 0.05 Machinery - diversified Building materials and fixtures HKD 4,000 Haitian International Holdings Ltd 9 0.02 HKD 8,000 China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd 10 0.02 Miscellaneous manufacturers Chemicals HKD 2,800 Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd 46 0.11 HKD 4,000 Kingboard Holdings Ltd 11 0.03 Packaging & containers HKD 4,500 Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd 5 0.01 HKD 16,000 Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd 11 0.03 Commercial services Pharmaceuticals USD 564 New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (ADR) 69 0.17 HKD 28,000 Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd 36 0.09 USD 1,520 TAL Education Group (ADR) 67 0.17 Real estate investment & services Diversified financial services HKD 2,000 Agile Group Holdings Ltd 3 0.01 TWD 4,000 Chailease Holding Co Ltd 18 0.04 HKD 8,000 China Aoyuan Group Ltd 11 0.03 Electronics HKD 5,000 China Evergrande Group 12 0.03 HKD 14,500 AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 102 0.25 HKD 8,000 China Resources Land Ltd 35 0.09 TWD 1,000 Zhen Ding Technology Holding Ltd 4 0.01 HKD 16,000 CIFI Holdings Group Co Ltd 12 0.03 Energy - alternate sources HKD 28,000 Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd 39 0.10 HKD 56,000 Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd 34 0.08 HKD 25,000 Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd 81 0.20 Environmental control HKD 24,000 Greentown Service Group Co Ltd 26 0.06 HKD 6,000 China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd 23 0.06 HKD 9,000 Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd 4 0.01 Food HKD 2,000 Logan Property Holdings Co Ltd 3 0.01 HKD 9,000 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd 35 0.09 HKD 6,000 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 25 0.06 HKD 8,000 Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp 13 0.03 HKD 8,000 Seazen Group Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 8,000 Uni-President China Holdings Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 4,000 Shimao Property Holdings Ltd 14 0.03 HKD 20,000 Want Want China Holdings Ltd 17 0.04 HKD 90,000 Shui On Land Ltd 19 0.05 HKD 1,000 Yihai International Holding Ltd 6 0.02 HKD 52,000 SOHO China Ltd 18 0.04 Gas HKD 8,000 Sunac China Holdings Ltd 39 0.10 HKD 3,200 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 35 0.09 HKD 40,000 Yuzhou Properties Co Ltd 18 0.04 HKD 24,000 Towngas China Co Ltd 17 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Colombia (cont) Cayman Islands (cont) Electricity Retail COP 1,748 Interconexion Electrica SA ESP 9 0.02 HKD 4,000 ANTA Sports Products Ltd 38 0.09 Investment services HKD 6,000 Bosideng International Holdings Ltd 3 0.01 COP 1,056 Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA 10 0.03 HKD 1,000 Haidilao International Holding Ltd 4 0.01 Oil & gas HKD 8,000 Li Ning Co Ltd 26 0.06 COP 20,861 Ecopetrol SA 19 0.05 HKD 4,000 Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd 14 0.04 Total Colombia 189 0.47 Semiconductors HKD 12,000 Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp 15 0.04 Czech Republic Software Banks HKD 52,000 Kingdee International Software Group Co Ltd 51 0.13 CZK 1,780 Komercni banka as 61 0.15 HKD 4,000 Kingsoft Corp Ltd 9 0.02 CZK 3,265 Moneta Money Bank AS 11 0.03 USD 604 Momo Inc (ADR) 23 0.06 Total Czech Republic 72 0.18 USD 261 NetEase Inc (ADR) 82 0.20 Telecommunications Egypt USD 248 GDS Holdings Ltd (ADR) 11 0.03 Electrical components & equipment HKD 29,600 Xiaomi Corp 34 0.08 EGP 2,632 ElSewedy Electric Co 2 0.01 Transportation Total Egypt 2 0.01 USD 1,148 ZTO Express Cayman Inc (ADR) 24 0.06 Total Cayman Islands 6,935 17.12 Greece Banks Chile EUR 29,343 Alpha Bank AE 62 0.15 Airlines EUR 9,814 Eurobank Ergasias SA 10 0.03 CLP 1,164 Latam Airlines Group SA 12 0.03 EUR 2,609 National Bank of Greece SA 9 0.02 Banks Entertainment CLP 206,548 Banco de Chile 21 0.05 EUR 1,065 OPAP SA 13 0.03 CLP 404 Banco de Credito e Inversiones SA 18 0.05 Oil & gas CLP 399,781 Banco Santander Chile 21 0.05 EUR 340 Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries SA 8 0.02 Beverages Retail CLP 1,896 Cia Cervecerias Unidas SA 17 0.04 EUR 412 JUMBO SA 8 0.02 CLP 8,138 Embotelladora Andina SA 21 0.05 Telecommunications Chemicals EUR 848 Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA 13 0.03 CLP 444 Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA 10 0.03 Total Greece 123 0.30 Electricity CLP 850,918 Enel Americas SA 163 0.40 Hong Kong CLP 118,506 Enel Chile SA 9 0.02 Banks Food HKD 20,000 CITIC Ltd 25 0.06 CLP 5,321 Cencosud SA 7 0.02 Beverages Forest products & paper HKD 2,000 China Resources Beer Holdings Co Ltd 11 0.03 CLP 3,829 Empresas CMPC SA 8 0.02 Commercial services Oil & gas HKD 8,000 China Merchants Port Holdings Co Ltd 12 0.03 CLP 9,150 Empresas COPEC SA 73 0.18 Computers Retail HKD 160,000 Lenovo Group Ltd 106 0.26 CLP 3,645 SACI Falabella 15 0.04 Diversified financial services Total Chile 395 0.98 HKD 2,000 China Everbright Ltd 3 0.01 HKD 12,000 Far East Horizon Ltd 11 0.03 Colombia Electronics Banks HKD 16,000 BYD Electronic International Co Ltd 29 0.07 COP 3,741 Bancolombia SA 44 0.11 Energy - alternate sources COP 5,965 Bancolombia SA (Preference) 74 0.18 HKD 48,000 China Everbright International Ltd 36 0.09 Building materials and fixtures Hotels COP 6,550 Grupo Argos SA 33 0.08 HKD 58,000 Fosun International Ltd 78 0.19


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) India (cont) Hong Kong (cont) Commercial services Insurance INR 2,397 Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd 13 0.03 HKD 5,600 China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co Ltd 13 0.03 INR 172 Info Edge India Ltd 6 0.02 Oil & gas Computers HKD 68,000 CNOOC Ltd 99 0.24 INR 47,319 Infosys Ltd 459 1.13 Pharmaceuticals INR 13,095 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 375 0.93 HKD 10,000 China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 9 0.02 INR 10,163 Wipro Ltd 34 0.08 HKD 16,000 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 36 0.09 Cosmetics & personal care Real estate investment & services INR 12,143 Dabur India Ltd 78 0.19 HKD 16,000 China Jinmao Holdings Group Ltd 11 0.03 Diversified financial services HKD 16,000 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 54 0.13 INR 668 Bajaj Finance Ltd 38 0.09 HKD 12,500 Sino-Ocean Group Holding Ltd 5 0.01 INR 20,565 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 658 1.62 HKD 40,000 Yuexiu Property Co Ltd 8 0.02 INR 1,480 LIC Housing Finance Ltd 10 0.03 Retail INR 1,772 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd 9 0.02 HKD 10,000 Sun Art Retail Group Ltd 11 0.03 INR 280 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 7 0.02 Telecommunications INR 4,325 REC Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 22,500 China Mobile Ltd 170 0.42 INR 640 Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd 10 0.03 HKD 24,000 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd 20 0.05 Electricity Total Hong Kong 747 1.84 INR 12,948 Power Grid Corp of India Ltd 35 0.09 Electronics Hungary INR 1,004 Havells India Ltd 9 0.02 Banks Food HUF 3,473 OTP Bank Nyrt 163 0.40 INR 480 Avenue Supermarts Ltd 12 0.03 Oil & gas INR 224 Britannia Industries Ltd 10 0.02 HUF 9,482 MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Plc 92 0.23 INR 10,239 Marico Ltd 51 0.13 Pharmaceuticals INR 532 Nestle India Ltd 107 0.26 HUF 616 Richter Gedeon Nyrt 12 0.03 Gas Total Hungary 267 0.66 INR 6,134 GAIL India Ltd 11 0.03 Household goods & home construction India INR 1,344 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd 14 0.04 Airlines INR 7,717 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 219 0.54 INR 364 InterGlobe Aviation Ltd 7 0.02 Insurance Apparel retailers INR 148 Bajaj Finserv Ltd 19 0.05 INR 19 Page Industries Ltd 6 0.02 INR 1,540 HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd 12 0.03 Auto manufacturers INR 544 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd 10 0.02 INR 105 Eicher Motors Ltd 33 0.08 Iron & steel INR 17,164 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 127 0.31 INR 3,117 JSW Steel Ltd 11 0.03 INR 408 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 41 0.10 INR 1,584 Tata Steel Ltd 10 0.02 INR 6,473 Tata Motors Ltd 15 0.04 Leisure time Banks INR 332 Bajaj Auto Ltd 15 0.04 INR 9,047 Axis Bank Ltd 93 0.23 INR 1,692 Hero MotoCorp Ltd 57 0.14 INR 1,333 Bandhan Bank Ltd 11 0.02 Media INR 16,922 ICICI Bank Ltd 121 0.30 INR 2,273 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd 9 0.02 INR 6,762 State Bank of India 32 0.08 Mining Beverages INR 4,281 Hindalco Industries Ltd 12 0.03 INR 653 United Spirits Ltd 5 0.01 Miscellaneous manufacturers Building materials and fixtures INR 492 Pidilite Industries Ltd 9 0.02 INR 1,144 Grasim Industries Ltd 13 0.03 Oil & gas INR 372 UltraTech Cement Ltd 22 0.06 INR 2,505 Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd 18 0.04 Chemicals INR 2,341 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd 9 0.02 INR 6,618 Asian Paints Ltd 157 0.39 INR 26,854 Indian Oil Corp Ltd 49 0.12 INR 3,057 UPL Ltd 25 0.06 INR 9,402 Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd 17 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Isle of Man India (cont) Real estate investment & services Oil & gas (cont) ZAR 8,754 NEPI Rockcastle Plc 74 0.18 INR 10,758 Reliance Industries Ltd 233 0.58 Total Isle of Man 74 0.18 Pharmaceuticals INR 1,196 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd 8 0.02 Jersey INR 1,332 Cipla Ltd 9 0.02 Mining INR 328 Divi's Laboratories Ltd 8 0.02 RUB 4,676 Plc 70 0.17 INR 440 Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd 18 0.05 Total Jersey 70 0.17 INR 844 Lupin Ltd 9 0.02 INR 3,257 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 20 0.05 Luxembourg Pipelines Computers INR 2,545 Petronet LNG Ltd 10 0.02 USD 128 Globant SA 14 0.03 Retail Investment services INR 6,526 Titan Co Ltd 105 0.26 ZAR 564 Reinet Investments SCA 11 0.03 Software Total Luxembourg 25 0.06 INR 9,270 HCL Technologies Ltd 146 0.36 INR 1,836 Tech Mahindra Ltd 19 0.05 Malaysia Telecommunications Agriculture INR 7,826 Bharti Airtel Ltd 48 0.12 MYR 8,800 IOI Corp Bhd 9 0.02 INR 2,161 Bharti Infratel Ltd 9 0.02 MYR 2,000 Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd 11 0.03 Transportation MYR 47,200 Sime Darby Plantation Bhd 57 0.14 INR 932 Container Corp Of India Ltd 8 0.02 Banks Total India 3,788 9.35 MYR 21,300 AMMB Holdings Bhd 20 0.05 MYR 19,600 CIMB Group Holdings Bhd 24 0.06 Indonesia MYR 2,800 Hong Leong Bank Bhd 11 0.03 Agriculture MYR 88,800 Malayan Banking Bhd 182 0.45 IDR 28,400 Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk PT 13 0.03 MYR 70,000 Public Bank Bhd 329 0.81 Banks MYR 37,200 RHB Bank Bhd 51 0.12 IDR 180,500 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 402 0.99 Chemicals IDR 72,400 Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT 36 0.09 MYR 10,000 Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd 17 0.04 IDR 112,000 Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 60 0.15 Distribution & wholesale IDR 673,800 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 195 0.48 MYR 63,200 Sime Darby Bhd 34 0.08 Building materials and fixtures Engineering & construction IDR 7,200 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk PT 10 0.03 MYR 9,200 Gamuda Bhd 8 0.02 IDR 12,000 Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 10 0.02 Food Chemicals MYR 1,600 Nestle Malaysia Bhd 55 0.14 IDR 122,400 Barito Pacific Tbk PT 12 0.03 MYR 3,200 PPB Group Bhd 14 0.03 Food Healthcare products IDR 10,400 Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 8 0.02 MYR 8,000 Top Glove Corp Bhd 9 0.02 IDR 17,600 Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 10 0.02 Healthcare services Forest products & paper MYR 8,800 IHH Healthcare Bhd 11 0.03 IDR 16,000 Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Corp Tbk PT 7 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations IDR 5,800 Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk PT 4 0.01 MYR 15,200 IJM Corp Bhd 8 0.02 Gas Hotels IDR 50,000 Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk PT 7 0.02 MYR 9,200 Genting Bhd 13 0.03 Household goods & home construction MYR 12,000 Genting Malaysia Bhd 9 0.03 IDR 7,700 Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT 23 0.06 Marine transportation Pharmaceuticals MYR 4,400 MISC Bhd 8 0.02 IDR 89,200 Kalbe Farma Tbk PT 10 0.03 Mining Telecommunications MYR 7,200 Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd 8 0.02 IDR 194,000 Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 54 0.13 Miscellaneous manufacturers Total Indonesia 861 2.13 MYR 6,400 Hartalega Holdings Bhd 8 0.02


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Netherlands Malaysia (cont) Food Oil & gas RUB 661 X5 Retail Group NV (GDR) 22 0.05 MYR 6,000 Petronas Dagangan Bhd 33 0.08 Total Netherlands 22 0.05 Oil & gas services MYR 14,400 Dialog Group Bhd 11 0.03 People's Republic of China Pipelines Agriculture MYR 2,400 Petronas Gas Bhd 9 0.02 CNY 400 Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd 5 0.01 Telecommunications CNY 1,214 New Hope Liuhe Co Ltd 3 0.01 MYR 60,400 Axiata Group Bhd 60 0.15 CNY 2,100 Tech-Bank Food Co Ltd 4 0.01 MYR 19,300 DiGi.Com Bhd 20 0.05 CNY 1,600 Wens Foodstuffs Group Co Ltd 8 0.02 MYR 54,800 Maxis Bhd 68 0.17 Airlines MYR 25,600 Telekom Malaysia Bhd 23 0.05 HKD 8,000 Air China Ltd 7 0.02 Total Malaysia 1,120 2.76 CNY 16,400 China Eastern Airlines Corp Ltd 12 0.03 HKD 32,000 China Eastern Airlines Corp Ltd Class 'H' 16 0.04 Mexico HKD 8,000 China Southern Airlines Co Ltd 5 0.01 Banks Auto manufacturers MXN 28,014 Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV 148 0.37 HKD 38,000 BAIC Motor Corp Ltd 21 0.05 MXN 8,774 Grupo Financiero Inbursa SAB de CV 10 0.02 CNY 3,300 BYD Co Ltd 20 0.05 Beverages HKD 14,000 BYD Co Ltd Class 'H' 67 0.17 MXN 2,388 Arca Continental SAB de CV 13 0.03 HKD 16,000 Dongfeng Motor Group Co Ltd 15 0.04 MXN 12,002 Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 69 0.17 HKD 12,000 Great Wall Motor Co Ltd 9 0.02 MXN 7,170 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV 65 0.16 HKD 24,000 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 26 0.06 Building materials and fixtures CNY 2,800 SAIC Motor Corp Ltd 9 0.02 MXN 198,003 Cemex SAB de CV 73 0.18 CNY 4,400 Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co Ltd 9 0.02 Chemicals Auto parts & equipment MXN 2,019 Orbia Advance Corp SAB de CV 4 0.01 HKD 3,200 Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd 10 0.03 Commercial services CNY 1,200 Huayu Automotive Systems Co Ltd 4 0.01 MXN 1,060 Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV 10 0.02 HKD 8,000 Weichai Power Co Ltd 14 0.03 Electricity Banks MXN 12,437 Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV 51 0.13 CNY 16,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 8 0.02 Engineering & construction HKD 96,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 39 0.10 MXN 1,558 Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV 16 0.04 HKD 296,000 Bank of China Ltd 119 0.29 MXN 860 Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV 15 0.04 HKD 40,000 Bank of Communications Co Ltd 26 0.06 Food CNY 7,299 Bank of Hangzhou Co Ltd 9 0.02 MXN 819 Gruma SAB de CV 8 0.02 CNY 2,400 Bank of Ningbo Co Ltd 9 0.02 MXN 6,355 Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV 11 0.03 CNY 10,800 Bank of Shanghai Co Ltd 14 0.04 Holding companies - diversified operations CNY 9,600 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd 8 0.02 MXN 10,842 Alfa SAB de CV 8 0.02 HKD 188,000 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd Class 'H' 103 0.25 Household goods & home construction HKD 361,000 China Construction Bank Corp 287 0.71 MXN 7,158 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV 14 0.03 CNY 53,200 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd 31 0.08 Media HKD 72,000 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd Class 'H' 31 0.08 MXN 9,224 Grupo Televisa SAB 20 0.05 CNY 4,400 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 23 0.06 Mining HKD 72,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class 'H' 340 0.84 MXN 682 Industrias Penoles SAB de CV 7 0.02 CNY 44,900 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 40 0.10 Real estate investment trusts HKD 160,000 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd Class 'H' 111 0.27 MXN 12,772 Fibra Uno Administracion SA de CV 20 0.05 HKD 16,000 Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd 8 0.02 Retail CNY 16,000 Huaxia Bank Co Ltd 17 0.04 MXN 9,680 Alsea SAB de CV 26 0.06 CNY 10,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 8 0.02 MXN 76,752 Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV 215 0.53 HKD 240,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 171 0.42 Telecommunications CNY 27,700 Industrial Bank Co Ltd 75 0.19 MXN 129,658 America Movil SAB de CV 100 0.25 CNY 3,600 Ping An Bank Co Ltd 8 0.02 Total Mexico 903 2.23 HKD 32,000 Postal Savings Bank of China Co Ltd 21 0.05


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Electrical components & equipment Banks (cont) CNY 800 AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 12,800 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd 22 0.05 CNY 400 Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd 5 0.01 Beverages CNY 1,300 Eve Energy Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 900 Jiangsu King's Luck Brewery JSC Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 5,200 Fangda Carbon New Material Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 800 Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co Ltd 11 0.03 CNY 2,000 Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd 11 0.03 CNY 400 Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 64 0.16 CNY 9,600 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd 16 0.04 CNY 400 Luzhou Laojiao Co Ltd 5 0.01 HKD 16,000 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd Class CNY 1,200 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd 9 0.02 'H' 18 0.04 CNY 800 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 14 0.03 Electricity Biotechnology HKD 32,000 CGN Power Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 349 Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 4,742 China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 12 0.03 Building materials and fixtures HKD 112,000 Huaneng Renewables Corp Ltd 43 0.11 HKD 4,500 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd 29 0.07 Electronics HKD 29,000 BBMG Corp 8 0.02 CNY 2,000 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 9 0.02 CNY 2,000 Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co Ltd 7 0.02 CNY 2,000 Luxshare Precision Industry Co Ltd 10 0.03 HKD 16,000 China National Building Material Co Ltd 15 0.04 CNY 2,800 Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co Ltd 10 0.02 Chemicals Engineering & construction CNY 3,600 Hengli Petrochemical Co Ltd 7 0.02 HKD 8,000 Beijing Capital International Airport Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 1,800 Rongsheng Petro Chemical Co Ltd 3 0.01 HKD 20,000 China Communications Construction Co Ltd 16 0.04 HKD 16,000 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd 4 0.01 HKD 8,000 China Communications Services Corp Ltd 5 0.01 CNY 800 Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd 6 0.01 HKD 8,000 China Railway Construction Corp Ltd 8 0.02 Commercial services HKD 16,000 China Railway Group Ltd 9 0.02 HKD 8,000 Jiangsu Expressway Co Ltd 11 0.03 CNY 21,700 China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 16 0.04 CNY 5,200 Shanghai International Port Group Co Ltd 4 0.01 HKD 160,000 China Tower Corp Ltd 33 0.08 Computers CNY 390 Shanghai International Airport Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 2,800 Aisino Corp 8 0.02 Environmental control CNY 44,800 BOE Technology Group Co Ltd 25 0.06 CNY 6,800 GEM Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 2,400 China TransInfo Technology Co Ltd 6 0.02 Food CNY 4,000 DHC Software Co Ltd 5 0.01 CNY 800 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co Ltd 12 0.03 CNY 2,000 Unisplendour Corp Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 900 Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 1,600 Westone Information Industry Inc 5 0.01 CNY 2,400 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd 10 0.02 Distribution & wholesale CNY 6,400 Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd 7 0.02 CNY 2,100 China Meheco Co Ltd 4 0.01 Healthcare products Diversified financial services HKD 4,000 Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co Ltd 5 0.01 CNY 6,000 Caitong Securities Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 80 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co Ltd 2 0.01 HKD 40,000 China Cinda Asset Management Co Ltd 8 0.02 Healthcare services HKD 16,000 China Galaxy Securities Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 1,600 Aier Eye Hospital Group Co Ltd 9 0.02 HKD 56,000 China Huarong Asset Management Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 2,000 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd 25 0.06 HKD 27,200 China International Capital Corp Ltd 47 0.12 HKD 3,600 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd Class 'H' 42 0.11 CNY 3,600 China Merchants Securities Co Ltd 9 0.02 Home furnishings CNY 2,000 CITIC Securities Co Ltd 6 0.02 CNY 1,200 Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai 10 0.03 HKD 10,000 CITIC Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 19 0.05 CNY 2,000 Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co Ltd 9 0.02 CNY 5,200 Everbright Securities Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 1,200 Midea Group Co Ltd 9 0.02 CNY 10,941 Founder Securities Co Ltd 10 0.02 CNY 16,800 TCL Corp 9 0.02 HKD 8,000 GF Securities Co Ltd 9 0.02 Insurance HKD 5,600 Guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd 9 0.02 HKD 28,000 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 71 0.18 HKD 14,400 Haitong Securities Co Ltd 14 0.03 CNY 1,600 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 1,700 Huatai Securities Co Ltd 4 0.01 HKD 9,600 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 34 0.08 HKD 6,400 Huatai Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 10 0.02 HKD 3,600 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd 14 0.03 CNY 6,000 Orient Securities Co Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 28,000 People's Insurance Co Group of China Ltd 11 0.03 CNY 8,400 Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co Ltd 6 0.02 HKD 24,000 PICC Property & Casualty Co Ltd 28 0.07


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) People's Republic of China (cont) Pharmaceuticals Insurance (cont) CNY 1,200 China National Medicines Corp Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 6,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 77 0.19 CNY 1,200 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd 7 0.02 HKD 50,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class 'H' 572 1.41 CNY 2,400 Huadong Medicine Co Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 1,300 ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 1,200 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd 15 0.04 Internet HKD 4,000 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 11 0.03 CNY 2,800 360 Security Technology Inc 8 0.02 CNY 2,400 Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4 0.01 HKD 48,000 China Telecom Corp Ltd 18 0.04 HKD 24,400 Sinopharm Group Co Ltd 81 0.20 CNY 6,000 Wangsu Science & Technology Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 800 Yunnan Baiyao Group Co Ltd 10 0.02 Investment services Real estate investment & services HKD 8,800 Legend Holdings Corp 18 0.05 CNY 10,000 China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co Iron & steel Ltd 26 0.06 CNY 5,300 Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 2,400 China Vanke Co Ltd 9 0.02 Leisure time HKD 4,000 China Vanke Co Ltd Class 'H' 15 0.04 CNY 800 China International Travel Service Corp Ltd 10 0.03 HKD 6,400 Guangzhou R&F Properties Co Ltd 11 0.03 Machinery - diversified CNY 4,000 Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 2,800 NARI Technology Co Ltd 9 0.02 CNY 900 Seazen Holdings Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 2,800 Siasun Robot & Automation Co Ltd 6 0.02 Retail Machinery, construction & mining CNY 1,934 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 5 0.01 CNY 4,000 Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 19,600 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd Class 'H' 35 0.09 HKD 32,000 Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd 10 0.02 CNY 12,900 Co Ltd 18 0.04 CNY 4,800 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co Semiconductors Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 10,800 China Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 4,000 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co Software Ltd Class 'H' 3 0.01 CNY 1,600 Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co Ltd 8 0.02 Marine transportation CNY 500 China National Software & Service Co Ltd 5 0.01 CNY 4,900 COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 1,600 Glodon Co Ltd 7 0.02 Media CNY 400 Hundsun Technologies Inc 4 0.01 CNY 8,500 CITIC Guoan Information Industry Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 3,200 Iflytek Co Ltd 15 0.04 Mining HKD 4,000 TravelSky Technology Ltd 10 0.02 HKD 32,000 Aluminum Corp of China Ltd 10 0.03 CNY 2,900 Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network CNY 24,800 China Molybdenum Co Ltd 12 0.03 Technology Group Co Ltd 9 0.02 HKD 84,000 China Molybdenum Co Ltd Class 'H' 29 0.07 CNY 2,000 Yonyou Network Technology Co Ltd 8 0.02 CNY 2,500 Guangdong LY Intelligent Manufacturing Co Ltd 4 0.01 Telecommunications CNY 900 Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 9,600 China United Network Communications Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 4,000 Zhaojin Mining Industry Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 1,700 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 2,400 Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co Ltd 10 0.02 HKD 4,000 ZTE Corp 11 0.03 Miscellaneous manufacturers Transportation CNY 4,500 China Jushi Co Ltd 6 0.02 HKD 22,000 COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 8,000 China Railway Signal & Communication Corp Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 800 SF Holding Co Ltd 4 0.01 CNY 12,400 CRRC Corp Ltd 12 0.03 HKD 25,000 Sinotrans Ltd 8 0.02 HKD 20,000 CRRC Corp Ltd Class 'H' 13 0.03 Total People's Republic of China 4,233 10.45 CNY 2,500 Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co Ltd 5 0.01 HKD 2,400 Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co Ltd 8 0.02 Peru Oil & gas Mining CNY 17,200 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp 12 0.03 USD 948 Cia de Minas Buenaventura SAA (ADR) 15 0.04 HKD 104,000 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp Class 'H' 58 0.14 Total Peru 15 0.04 HKD 88,000 PetroChina Co Ltd 41 0.10 Oil & gas services Philippines HKD 2,000 China Oilfield Services Ltd 3 0.01 Auto manufacturers CNY 10,000 Offshore Oil Engineering Co Ltd 10 0.02 PHP 480 GT Capital Holdings Inc 9 0.02


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Qatar (cont) Philippines (cont) Banks (cont) Banks QAR 19,421 Masraf Al Rayan QSC 20 0.05 PHP 40,490 BDO Unibank Inc 121 0.30 QAR 5,597 Qatar Islamic Bank SAQ 23 0.06 PHP 6,558 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co 9 0.02 QAR 33,044 Qatar National Bank QPSC 174 0.43 PHP 2,080 Security Bank Corp 8 0.02 Chemicals Commercial services QAR 10,463 Industries Qatar QSC 29 0.07 PHP 3,720 International Container Terminal Services Inc 9 0.02 QAR 18,537 Mesaieed Petrochemical Holding Co 13 0.03 Electricity Electricity PHP 1,160 Manila Electric Co 7 0.02 QAR 4,025 Qatar Electricity & Water Co QSC 18 0.04 Food Insurance PHP 10,920 JG Summit Holdings Inc 17 0.04 QAR 10,071 Qatar Insurance Co SAQ 8 0.02 PHP 3,120 Universal Robina Corp 9 0.02 Real estate investment & services Real estate investment & services QAR 16,832 Barwa Real Estate Co 16 0.04 PHP 1,080 Ayala Corp 17 0.04 Telecommunications PHP 27,600 Ayala Land Inc 25 0.06 QAR 4,881 Ooredoo QPSC 9 0.02 PHP 38,800 SM Prime Holdings Inc 30 0.08 Total Qatar 322 0.79 Retail PHP 1,800 Jollibee Foods Corp 7 0.02 Republic of South Korea PHP 1,420 SM Investments Corp 29 0.07 Advertising Telecommunications KRW 380 Cheil Worldwide Inc 8 0.02 PHP 380 PLDT Inc 8 0.02 Apparel retailers Total Philippines 305 0.75 KRW 192 Fila Korea Ltd 8 0.02 Auto manufacturers Poland KRW 593 Hyundai Motor Co 61 0.15 Apparel retailers KRW 140 Hyundai Motor Co (2nd Preference) 9 0.02 PLN 4 LPP SA 9 0.02 KRW 1,036 Kia Motors Corp 38 0.10 Banks Auto parts & equipment PLN 14,003 Bank Millennium SA 20 0.05 KRW 1,732 Hankook Tire & Technology Co Ltd 49 0.12 PLN 772 Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA 20 0.05 KRW 796 Hanon Systems 7 0.02 PLN 3,357 Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA 31 0.08 KRW 260 Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd 54 0.13 PLN 808 Santander Bank Polska SA 57 0.14 Banks Food KRW 892 Industrial Bank of Korea 9 0.02 PLN 137 Dino Polska SA 5 0.01 KRW 10,119 Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 373 0.92 Insurance KRW 1,828 Woori Financial Group Inc 18 0.05 PLN 2,325 Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen SA 23 0.06 Biotechnology Media KRW 21 Medy-Tox Inc 5 0.01 PLN 1,120 Cyfrowy Polsat SA 8 0.02 KRW 68 Samsung Biologics Co Ltd 23 0.06 Mining Chemicals PLN 2,592 KGHM Polska Miedz SA 59 0.15 KRW 261 Hanwha Chemical Corp 4 0.01 Oil & gas KRW 453 LG Chem Ltd 118 0.29 PLN 396 Grupa Lotos SA 9 0.02 KRW 88 LG Chem Ltd (Preference) 12 0.03 PLN 6,446 Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA 153 0.38 KRW 184 Lotte Chemical Corp 34 0.08 PLN 7,426 Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA 9 0.02 Commercial services Retail KRW 100 S-1 Corp 8 0.02 PLN 240 CCC SA 7 0.02 Computers Software KRW 136 Samsung SDS Co Ltd 22 0.05 PLN 264 CD Projekt SA 18 0.04 Cosmetics & personal care Total Poland 428 1.06 KRW 629 Amorepacific Corp 101 0.25 KRW 140 Amorepacific Corp (Preference) 10 0.03 Qatar KRW 672 AMOREPACIFIC Group 46 0.11 Banks KRW 92 LG Household & Health Care Ltd 99 0.24 QAR 10,291 Commercial Bank PSQC 12 0.03 KRW 27 LG Household & Health Care Ltd (Preference) 17 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Republic of South Korea (cont) Republic of South Korea (cont) Pharmaceuticals Distribution & wholesale KRW 204 Celltrion Healthcare Co Ltd 8 0.02 KRW 1,352 LG Corp 81 0.20 KRW 352 Celltrion Inc 52 0.13 Diversified financial services KRW 21 Hanmi Pharm Co Ltd 6 0.02 KRW 3,140 BNK Financial Group Inc 19 0.05 KRW 60 Helixmith Co Ltd 5 0.01 KRW 1,180 Hana Financial Group Inc 36 0.09 KRW 44 Yuhan Corp 8 0.02 KRW 6,557 KB Financial Group Inc 256 0.63 Retail KRW 168 Korea Investment Holdings Co Ltd 10 0.02 KRW 60 CJ ENM Co Ltd 8 0.02 KRW 1,956 Meritz Securities Co Ltd 7 0.02 KRW 25 E-MART Inc 3 0.01 KRW 1,520 Mirae Asset Daewoo Co Ltd 9 0.02 KRW 124 Hotel Shilla Co Ltd 9 0.02 KRW 776 NH Investment & Securities Co Ltd 8 0.02 KRW 27 Shinsegae Inc 6 0.01 KRW 276 Samsung Securities Co Ltd 8 0.02 Semiconductors Electrical components & equipment KRW 121 HLB Inc 12 0.03 KRW 252 LG Innotek Co Ltd 26 0.06 KRW 156 Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co Ltd 16 0.04 Electronics KRW 31,676 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 1,349 3.33 KRW 5,473 LG Display Co Ltd 68 0.17 KRW 6,702 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Preference) 232 0.57 KRW 236 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd 22 0.05 KRW 1,752 Samsung Heavy Industries Co Ltd 10 0.02 Engineering & construction KRW 2,056 SK Hynix Inc 141 0.35 KRW 116 Daelim Industrial Co Ltd 9 0.02 Software KRW 308 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd 11 0.03 KRW 64 Netmarble Corp 5 0.01 KRW 340 Samsung C&T Corp 28 0.07 Telecommunications KRW 672 Samsung Engineering Co Ltd 11 0.03 KRW 220 Samsung SDI Co Ltd 43 0.11 Food KRW 476 SK Telecom Co Ltd 99 0.24 KRW 44 CJ CheilJedang Corp 9 0.02 Transportation KRW 1,232 GS Holdings Corp 50 0.13 KRW 76 Hyundai Glovis Co Ltd 10 0.03 KRW 96 Orion Corp 9 0.02 Total Republic of South Korea 4,693 11.58 Home furnishings KRW 2,441 LG Electronics Inc 144 0.36 Russian Federation KRW 204 Woongjin Coway Co Ltd 16 0.04 Banks Hotels RUB 58,382 Sberbank of Russia PJSC 213 0.53 KRW 508 Kangwon Land Inc 13 0.03 RUB 3,451,473 VTB Bank PJSC 2 0.00 Insurance Diversified financial services KRW 204 DB Insurance Co Ltd 10 0.03 RUB 1,710 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC 3 0.01 KRW 3,997 Hanwha Life Insurance Co Ltd 8 0.02 Food KRW 1,456 Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd 34 0.08 USD 288 Magnit PJSC (GDR) 3 0.01 KRW 344 Orange Life Insurance Ltd 8 0.02 Iron & steel KRW 124 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd 24 0.06 RUB 15,561 Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works PJSC 10 0.02 KRW 292 Samsung Life Insurance Co Ltd 18 0.04 RUB 21,565 Novolipetsk Steel PJSC 43 0.11 Internet Mining KRW 192 Kakao Corp 25 0.06 RUB 10,847 Alrosa PJSC 13 0.03 KRW 1,061 NAVER Corp 154 0.38 RUB 590 Polyus PJSC 63 0.16 KRW 64 NCSoft Corp 27 0.07 Oil & gas Iron & steel RUB 39,963 Gazprom PJSC 160 0.40 KRW 308 Hyundai Steel Co 8 0.02 RUB 1,897 LUKOIL PJSC 181 0.45 KRW 404 POSCO 79 0.20 USD 1,068 Novatek PJSC (GDR) 212 0.52 Mining RUB 2,282 Rosneft Oil Co PJSC 16 0.04 KRW 27 Korea Zinc Co Ltd 9 0.02 RUB 26,826 Surgutneftegas PJSC 18 0.04 Oil & gas RUB 30,385 Surgutneftegas PJSC (Preference) 17 0.04 KRW 27 Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co Ltd 8 0.02 Pipelines KRW 789 SK Holdings Co Ltd 172 0.42 RUB 1 Transneft PJSC 3 0.01 KRW 509 SK Innovation Co Ltd 63 0.16 KRW 545 S-Oil Corp 41 0.10


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) South Africa (cont) Russian Federation (cont) Chemicals Telecommunications ZAR 2,197 Sasol Ltd 40 0.10 USD 1,960 Mobile TeleSystems PJSC (ADR) 18 0.04 Diversified financial services Total Russian Federation 975 2.41 ZAR 192 Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd 18 0.04 ZAR 6,646 Investec Ltd 38 0.09 Saudi Arabia ZAR 111,332 Old Mutual Ltd 141 0.35 Banks ZAR 3,225 RMB Holdings Ltd 18 0.05 SAR 4,857 Al Rajhi Bank 80 0.20 Food SAR 2,473 Alinma Bank 15 0.04 ZAR 1,360 Bid Corp Ltd 30 0.07 SAR 1,436 Bank AlBilad 10 0.03 ZAR 2,025 Remgro Ltd 27 0.07 SAR 9,614 Banque Saudi Fransi 86 0.21 ZAR 1,816 Shoprite Holdings Ltd 16 0.04 SAR 4,625 National Commercial Bank 57 0.14 ZAR 764 SPAR Group Ltd 11 0.03 SAR 4,705 Riyad Bank 27 0.07 ZAR 22,858 Woolworths Holdings Ltd 81 0.20 SAR 3,821 Samba Financial Group 30 0.07 Healthcare services SAR 1,512 Saudi British Bank 14 0.03 ZAR 31,584 Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd 53 0.13 Building materials and fixtures Insurance SAR 448 Saudi Cement Co 8 0.02 ZAR 1,564 Discovery Ltd 13 0.03 Chemicals ZAR 7,862 Sanlam Ltd 41 0.10 SAR 644 Advanced Petrochemical Co 8 0.02 Internet SAR 1,528 Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Co 8 0.02 ZAR 3,068 Naspers Ltd 439 1.08 SAR 660 Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Co 13 0.03 Investment services SAR 1,636 Saudi Arabian Mining Co 19 0.05 ZAR 616 PSG Group Ltd 10 0.03 SAR 6,757 Saudi Basic Industries Corp 164 0.40 Iron & steel SAR 3,029 Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co 8 0.02 ZAR 1,492 Kumba Iron Ore Ltd 38 0.09 SAR 852 Yanbu National Petrochemical Co 11 0.03 Media Electricity ZAR 8,414 MultiChoice Group 70 0.17 SAR 3,445 Saudi Electricity Co 19 0.05 Mining Food ZAR 224 Anglo American Platinum Ltd 19 0.05 SAR 1,048 Almarai Co JSC 14 0.03 ZAR 1,560 AngloGold Ashanti Ltd 29 0.07 SAR 1,140 Savola Group 9 0.02 ZAR 3,097 Gold Fields Ltd 16 0.04 Insurance ZAR 2,736 Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd 21 0.05 SAR 412 Co for Cooperative Insurance 8 0.02 ZAR 993 Northam Platinum Ltd 7 0.02 Investment services ZAR 7,577 Sibanye Gold Ltd 15 0.04 SAR 1,344 Saudi Industrial Investment Group 7 0.02 Pharmaceuticals Retail ZAR 1,532 Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd 12 0.03 SAR 200 Jarir Marketing Co 9 0.02 Real estate investment trusts Telecommunications ZAR 69,277 Growthpoint Properties Ltd 108 0.27 SAR 1,520 Etihad Etisalat Co 9 0.02 ZAR 127,024 Redefine Properties Ltd 71 0.17 SAR 1,580 Saudi Telecom Co 39 0.10 Retail Total Saudi Arabia 672 1.66 ZAR 1,629 Bidvest Group Ltd 22 0.05 ZAR 6,066 Clicks Group Ltd 104 0.26 Singapore ZAR 936 Foschini Group Ltd 10 0.02 Diversified financial services ZAR 1,285 Mr Price Group Ltd 15 0.04 HKD 4,800 BOC Aviation Ltd 45 0.11 Telecommunications Total Singapore 45 0.11 ZAR 6,578 MTN Group Ltd 41 0.10 ZAR 1,736 Telkom SA SOC Ltd 6 0.01 South Africa ZAR 14,948 Vodacom Group Ltd 124 0.31 Banks Total South Africa 2,371 5.85 ZAR 16,440 Absa Group Ltd 165 0.41 ZAR 15,259 FirstRand Ltd 65 0.16 Taiwan ZAR 7,053 Nedbank Group Ltd 105 0.26 Airlines ZAR 29,303 Standard Bank Group Ltd 332 0.82 TWD 60,000 Eva Airways Corp 27 0.07


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Taiwan (cont) Taiwan (cont) Insurance Apparel retailers TWD 176,000 Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd 241 0.60 TWD 12,000 Pou Chen Corp 16 0.04 TWD 12,000 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 10 0.02 Auto parts & equipment TWD 44,000 Shin Kong Financial Holding Co Ltd 14 0.03 TWD 8,000 Cheng Shin Rubber Industry Co Ltd 11 0.03 Iron & steel Banks TWD 48,000 China Steel Corp 37 0.09 TWD 24,000 Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd 18 0.05 Marine transportation TWD 12,000 Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Ltd 20 0.05 TWD 9,266 Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd 4 0.01 TWD 100,000 Taiwan Business Bank 41 0.10 Metal fabricate/ hardware Building materials and fixtures TWD 4,000 Catcher Technology Co Ltd 33 0.08 TWD 8,000 Asia Cement Corp 12 0.03 Oil & gas TWD 20,000 Taiwan Cement Corp 27 0.07 TWD 5,000 Formosa Petrochemical Corp 16 0.04 Chemicals Real estate investment & services TWD 12,000 Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp 34 0.08 TWD 8,000 Highwealth Construction Corp 12 0.03 TWD 17,000 Formosa Plastics Corp 54 0.13 TWD 4,000 Ruentex Development Co Ltd 6 0.01 TWD 20,000 Nan Ya Plastics Corp 47 0.12 Retail Computers TWD 8,000 Hotai Motor Co Ltd 157 0.39 TWD 72,000 Acer Inc 42 0.10 TWD 12,000 President Chain Store Corp 120 0.29 TWD 1,000 Asustek Computer Inc 7 0.02 Semiconductors TWD 4,000 Chicony Electronics Co Ltd 12 0.03 TWD 21,000 ASE Technology Holding Co Ltd 52 0.13 TWD 16,000 Compal Electronics Inc 10 0.03 TWD 5,000 MediaTek Inc 69 0.17 TWD 4,000 Foxconn Technology Co Ltd 9 0.02 TWD 4,000 Nanya Technology Corp 9 0.02 TWD 36,000 Innolux Corp 9 0.02 TWD 1,000 Novatek Microelectronics Corp 7 0.02 TWD 60,000 Inventec Corp 45 0.11 TWD 4,000 Powertech Technology Inc 12 0.03 TWD 48,000 Lite-On Technology Corp 76 0.19 TWD 1,000 Realtek Semiconductor Corp 8 0.02 TWD 8,000 Quanta Computer Inc 16 0.04 TWD 220,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 2,199 5.43 TWD 68,000 Wistron Corp 62 0.15 TWD 44,000 United Microelectronics Corp 22 0.05 Diversified financial services TWD 4,000 Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp 10 0.02 TWD 72,000 China Development Financial Holding Corp 23 0.06 TWD 1,000 Win Semiconductors Corp 10 0.03 TWD 76,000 CTBC Financial Holding Co Ltd 54 0.13 TWD 16,000 Winbond Electronics Corp 9 0.02 TWD 240,000 E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd 213 0.52 Telecommunications TWD 193,000 First Financial Holding Co Ltd 145 0.36 TWD 16,000 Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 59 0.15 TWD 149,000 Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd 219 0.54 TWD 9,000 Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 22 0.05 TWD 36,000 Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co Ltd 26 0.06 TWD 6,000 Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd 22 0.05 TWD 48,000 Mega Financial Holding Co Ltd 48 0.12 Textile TWD 44,000 SinoPac Financial Holdings Co Ltd 19 0.05 TWD 72,000 Far Eastern New Century Corp 70 0.17 TWD 236,000 Taishin Financial Holding Co Ltd 110 0.27 Transportation TWD 40,000 Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co Ltd 27 0.07 TWD 8,000 Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp 9 0.02 TWD 36,000 Yuanta Financial Holding Co Ltd 23 0.06 Total Taiwan 5,119 12.63 Electrical components & equipment TWD 24,000 Delta Electronics Inc 110 0.27 Thailand Electronics Banks TWD 44,000 AU Optronics Corp 13 0.03 THB 2,000 Bangkok Bank PCL 12 0.03 TWD 45,000 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd 130 0.32 THB 26,000 Kasikornbank PCL 133 0.33 TWD 1,000 Micro-Star International Co Ltd 3 0.01 THB 20,400 Kasikornbank PCL (non-voting) 105 0.26 TWD 8,000 Pegatron Corp 18 0.04 THB 30,000 Krung Thai Bank PCL 16 0.04 TWD 8,000 Synnex Technology International Corp 10 0.03 THB 20,000 Siam Commercial Bank PCL 80 0.19 TWD 37,000 Tatung Co Ltd 27 0.07 Chemicals TWD 1,000 Walsin Technology Corp 5 0.01 THB 8,400 Indorama Ventures PCL 10 0.02 TWD 12,000 WPG Holdings Ltd 15 0.04 THB 70,800 IRPC PCL 8 0.02 Food THB 10,800 PTT Global Chemical PCL 19 0.05 TWD 20,000 Uni-President Enterprises Corp 47 0.12


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (cont) Turkey (cont) Thailand (cont) Holding companies - diversified operations Commercial services TRY 5,369 Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS 8 0.02 THB 41,300 Bangkok Expressway & Metro PCL 15 0.04 TRY 2,776 KOC Holding AS 10 0.02 Diversified financial services Home furnishings THB 6,400 Muangthai Capital PCL 13 0.03 TRY 4,777 Arcelik AS 17 0.04 Electricity Oil & gas THB 2,400 Gulf Energy Development PCL 13 0.03 TRY 516 Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS 11 0.03 Energy - alternate sources Telecommunications THB 6,800 Energy Absolute PCL 10 0.02 TRY 22,638 Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS 54 0.13 Engineering & construction Total Turkey 161 0.40 THB 17,600 Airports of Thailand PCL 44 0.11 Food United Arab Emirates THB 4,800 Berli Jucker PCL 7 0.02 Banks THB 18,900 Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL 17 0.04 AED 64,156 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 132 0.32 THB 16,000 Thai Union Group PCL 8 0.02 AED 62,596 First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC 259 0.64 Healthcare services Commercial services THB 38,400 Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL 31 0.08 USD 676 DP World Plc 8 0.02 THB 2,900 Bumrungrad Hospital PCL 13 0.03 Real estate investment & services Holding companies - diversified operations AED 15,008 Aldar Properties PJSC 9 0.02 THB 18,000 Siam Cement PCL 227 0.56 AED 15,324 Emaar Malls PJSC 8 0.02 Home builders AED 13,487 Emaar Properties PJSC 15 0.04 THB 49,700 Land & Houses PCL 16 0.04 Telecommunications Hotels AED 7,202 Emirates Telecommunications Group Co PJSC 32 0.08 THB 62,800 Minor International PCL 80 0.20 Total United Arab Emirates 463 1.14 Oil & gas THB 8,100 PTT Exploration & Production PCL 32 0.08 United States THB 183,600 PTT PCL 263 0.65 Retail THB 8,500 Thai Oil PCL 19 0.05 USD 1,340 Yum China Holdings Inc 60 0.15 Real estate investment & services Total United States 60 0.15 THB 26,000 Central Pattana PCL 54 0.13 Total equities 40,169 99.14 Retail Rights THB 22,800 CP ALL PCL 57 0.14 Slovakia THB 93,600 Home Product Center PCL 51 0.13 KRW 23 Amorepacific Group Inc* - 0.00 Telecommunications Total Slovakia - 0.00 THB 8,000 Advanced Info Service PCL 56 0.14 Total rights - 0.00 THB 18,000 Intouch Holdings PCL 35 0.09 THB 16,000 Total Access Communication PCL 29 0.07 Underlying Fair %ofnet THB 266,500 True Corp PCL 39 0.09 No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value Transportation THB 150,000 BTS Group Holdings PCL 68 0.17 Total Thailand 1,580 3.90 Financial derivative instruments Futures contracts Turkey USD 6 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures Aerospace & defence December 2019 317 (5) (0.01) TRY 2,589 Aselsan Elektronik Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS 8 0.02 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (5) (0.01) Banks Total financial derivative instruments (5) (0.01) TRY 11,279 Akbank T.A.S. 15 0.04 TRY 9,070 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS 16 0.04 TRY 7,586 Turkiye Is Bankasi AS 8 0.02 Food TRY 1,768 BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS 14 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 40,164 99.13

Cash† 4,492 11.09

Other net liabilities (4,140) (10.22)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 40,516 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD4,475,854 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD16,245 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 40,100 89.38 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 69 0.15 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) - 0.00 Other assets 4,696 10.47 Total current assets 44,865 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Bermuda (31 May 2019: 1.15%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.47%) Iron & steel HKD 78,000 China Oriental Group Co Ltd 32 0.01 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) Media Argentina (31 May 2019: 0.23%) CZK 17,731 Central European Media Enterprises Ltd 79 0.04 Banks Oil & gas USD 2,209 Banco Macro SA (ADR) 57 0.02 HKD 108,000 Kunlun Energy Co Ltd 92 0.04 USD 5,972 Grupo Financiero Galicia SA (ADR) 80 0.04 Pharmaceuticals Electricity HKD 120,000 China Grand Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Holdings USD 4,063 Pampa Energia SA (ADR) 55 0.02 Ltd 68 0.03 Oil & gas HKD 41,500 Luye Pharma Group Ltd 30 0.01 USD 10,697 YPF SA (ADR) 103 0.05 HKD 165,000 Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd 19 0.01 Total Argentina 295 0.13 Real estate investment & services HKD 410,000 Gemdale Properties & Investment Corp Ltd 48 0.02 Belgium (31 May 2019: Nil) HKD 78,000 Skyfame Realty Holdings Ltd 10 0.00 Building materials and fixtures HKD 84,000 Zhuguang Holdings Group Co Ltd 11 0.01 EUR 1,114 Titan Cement International SA 23 0.01 Retail Total Belgium 23 0.01 HKD 160,000 Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd 181 0.08 HKD 599,000 GOME Retail Holdings Ltd 53 0.02 Belize (31 May 2019: Nil) Software Banks HKD 332,000 China Youzan Ltd 20 0.01 BRL 4,040 Banco Inter SA 43 0.02 Water Total Belize 43 0.02 HKD 156,000 Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd 77 0.03 Total Bermuda 2,371 1.06 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 1.15%) Auto manufacturers Brazil (31 May 2019: 6.18%) HKD 118,000 Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd 122 0.05 Aerospace & defence Banks BRL 24,692 Embraer SA 105 0.05 USD 2,278 Credicorp Ltd 481 0.22 Agriculture Commercial services BRL 8,006 SLC Agricola SA 36 0.02 HKD 82,000 COSCO SHIPPING Ports Ltd 67 0.03 Airlines HKD 41,000 Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd 87 0.04 BRL 12,215 Azul SA 154 0.07 HKD 78,000 Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Ltd 68 0.03 BRL 4,109 Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA 33 0.01 Computers Apparel retailers HKD 42,000 PAX Global Technology Ltd 18 0.01 BRL 8,396 Alpargatas SA 63 0.03 Energy - alternate sources BRL 32,909 Grendene SA 84 0.04 HKD 390,000 Concord New Energy Group Ltd 18 0.01 Auto parts & equipment Entertainment BRL 4,140 Iochpe Maxion SA 19 0.01 HKD 640,000 Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd 106 0.05 BRL 24,738 Marcopolo SA 21 0.01 Environmental control Banks SGD 123,300 China Everbright Water Ltd 29 0.01 BRL 45,167 Banco Bradesco SA 334 0.15 HKD 4,000 China Water Affairs Group Ltd 3 0.00 BRL 141,010 Banco Bradesco SA (Preference) 1,113 0.50 Forest products & paper BRL 30,593 Banco do Brasil SA 346 0.16 HKD 81,000 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd 83 0.04 BRL 8,164 Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul SA 39 0.02 Gas BRL 11,787 Banco Santander Brasil SA 123 0.05 HKD 656,000 Beijing Gas Blue Sky Holdings Ltd 16 0.01 BRL 168,120 Itau Unibanco Holding SA 1,383 0.62 HKD 65,600 China Gas Holdings Ltd 244 0.11 Beverages HKD 28,000 China Resources Gas Group Ltd 156 0.07 BRL 168,104 Ambev SA 718 0.32 Home furnishings Building materials and fixtures HKD 42,000 Haier Electronics Group Co Ltd 117 0.05 BRL 12,352 Duratex SA 42 0.02 HKD 84,000 Skyworth Group Ltd 22 0.01 Commercial services Internet BRL 45,954 CCR SA 187 0.08 HKD 984,000 HengTen Networks Group Ltd 14 0.01 BRL 15,521 Cia de Locacao das Americas 63 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Brazil (31 May 2019: 6.18%) (cont) Brazil (31 May 2019: 6.18%) (cont) Iron & steel Commercial services (cont) BRL 28,689 Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA 85 0.04 BRL 54,736 Cielo SA 101 0.04 BRL 32,467 Gerdau SA 131 0.06 BRL 61,425 Cogna Educacao 149 0.07 BRL 32,812 Metalurgica Gerdau SA 60 0.02 BRL 12,281 EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logistica SA 42 0.02 Leisure time BRL 20,495 Localiza Rent a Car SA 218 0.10 BRL 4,336 CVC Brasil Operadora e Agencia de Viagens SA 41 0.02 BRL 22,329 Movida Participacoes SA 87 0.04 Machinery - diversified BRL 9,050 Qualicorp Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros SA 79 0.04 BRL 32,793 WEG SA 236 0.11 BRL 12,249 YDUQS Part 123 0.05 Oil & gas Cosmetics & personal care BRL 8,129 Cosan SA 119 0.05 BRL 16,392 Natura Cosmeticos SA 128 0.06 BRL 4,307 Dommo Energia SA 11 0.01 Diversified financial services BRL 21,057 Petrobras Distribuidora SA 142 0.06 BRL 77,959 B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao 880 0.40 BRL 28,522 Ultrapar Participacoes SA 147 0.07 BRL 8,228 Banco BTG Pactual SA 137 0.06 Packaging & containers Electricity BRL 28,640 Klabin SA 120 0.05 BRL 24,938 AES Tiete Energia SA 75 0.03 Pharmaceuticals BRL 8,204 Alupar Investimento SA 50 0.02 BRL 12,344 Hypera SA 97 0.04 BRL 8,225 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 68 0.03 Real estate investment & services BRL 8,298 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (Preference) 70 0.03 BRL 32,874 BR Malls Participacoes SA 121 0.05 BRL 36,818 Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais 114 0.05 BRL 12,281 Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e BRL 8,191 Cia Energetica de Sao Paulo 58 0.03 Participacoes 78 0.04 BRL 4,095 Cia Paranaense de Energia 61 0.03 BRL 3,934 Ez Tec Empreendimentos e Participacoes SA 40 0.02 BRL 27,030 Equatorial Energia SA 132 0.06 BRL 4,096 Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers SA 46 0.02 BRL 8,165 Transmissora Alianca de Energia Eletrica SA 55 0.03 BRL 7,136 Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA 49 0.02 Energy - alternate sources Retail BRL 8,656 Omega Geracao SA 76 0.03 BRL 4,009 Arezzo Industria e Comercio SA 59 0.03 BRL 8,116 Sao Martinho SA 40 0.02 BRL 12,400 Atacadao SA 55 0.02 Food BRL 8,143 BK Brasil Operacao e Assessoria a Restaurantes SA 32 0.01 BRL 20,544 BRF SA 178 0.08 BRL 28,740 Lojas Americanas SA 151 0.07 BRL 4,514 Cia Brasileira de Distribuicao 86 0.04 BRL 29,117 Lojas Renner SA 357 0.16 BRL 4,115 M Dias Branco SA 32 0.01 BRL 24,606 Magazine Luiza SA 262 0.12 Forest products & paper BRL 8,260 Raia Drogasil SA 221 0.10 BRL 20,533 Suzano SA 187 0.08 BRL 24,411 Via Varejo SA 51 0.02 Healthcare services Software BRL 8,189 Fleury SA 55 0.03 BRL 4,174 Linx SA 31 0.01 BRL 6,954 Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos SA 92 0.04 BRL 4,162 TOTVS SA 64 0.03 BRL 12,330 Notre Dame Intermedica Participacoes SA 165 0.07 Telecommunications Home builders BRL 16,424 Telefonica Brasil SA 219 0.10 BRL 12,355 MRV Engenharia e Participacoes SA 51 0.02 BRL 32,800 TIM Participacoes SA 105 0.05 Insurance Textile BRL 24,495 BB Seguridade Participacoes SA 200 0.09 BRL 4,186 Cia Hering 32 0.01 BRL 24,624 IRB Brasil Resseguros S/A 216 0.10 Transportation BRL 12,301 Odontoprev SA 46 0.02 BRL 12,248 Cosan Logistica SA 62 0.03 BRL 4,087 Porto Seguro SA 58 0.02 BRL 45,177 Rumo SA 261 0.12 BRL 8,181 Sul America SA 103 0.05 Water Internet BRL 12,356 Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo 168 0.08 BRL 8,535 B2W Cia Digital 114 0.05 BRL 1,688 Cia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais-COPASA 27 0.01 BRL 4,037 Smiles Fidelidade SA 33 0.02 BRL 2,404 Cia de Saneamento do Parana 52 0.02 Investment services Total Brazil 13,510 6.07 BRL 8,248 Bradespar SA 67 0.03 BRL 155,864 Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA 489 0.22



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 15.52%) (cont) British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.01%) Diversified financial services (cont) Real estate investment & services HKD 20,500 China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Ltd 22 0.01 USD 3,206 Nam Tai Property Inc 29 0.01 USD 1,724 Noah Holdings Ltd (ADR) 50 0.02 Retail USD 8,639 Qudian Inc (ADR) 43 0.02 USD 4,762 Arcos Dorados Holdings Inc 37 0.02 Electrical components & equipment Total British Virgin Islands 66 0.03 HKD 40,000 China High Speed Transmission Equipment Group Co Ltd 23 0.01 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 15.52%) HKD 4,000 Tianneng Power International Ltd 3 0.00 Advertising Electronics HKD 40,000 HC Group Inc 13 0.01 HKD 21,500 AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 151 0.07 Agriculture TWD 8,000 Bizlink Holding Inc 60 0.03 HKD 83,400 China Dili Group 26 0.01 TWD 17,000 General Interface Solution Holding Ltd 59 0.03 Apparel retailers TWD 2,000 Silergy Corp 58 0.02 HKD 28,800 Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd 380 0.17 HKD 20,000 Tongda Group Holdings Ltd 1 0.00 HKD 20,500 Texhong Textile Group Ltd 21 0.01 TWD 2,000 TPK Holding Co Ltd 3 0.00 Auto manufacturers TWD 12,000 Zhen Ding Technology Holding Ltd 53 0.02 HKD 185,000 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 346 0.16 Energy - alternate sources USD 31,116 NIO Inc (ADR) 71 0.03 HKD 82,000 Canvest Environmental Protection Group Co Ltd 35 0.02 Auto parts & equipment HKD 41,000 China Everbright Greentech Ltd 23 0.01 HKD 160,000 China First Capital Group Ltd 9 0.00 HKD 307,500 Fullshare Holdings Ltd 7 0.00 HKD 41,000 Nexteer Automotive Group Ltd 34 0.02 HKD 687,000 GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd 20 0.01 Beverages HKD 160,000 Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd 98 0.04 HKD 14,000 Tibet Water Resources Ltd 1 0.00 Engineering & construction Biotechnology HKD 82,000 China State Construction International Holdings Ltd 65 0.03 HKD 41,500 3SBio Inc 60 0.03 Entertainment USD 2,489 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd (ADR) 60 0.03 HKD 123,000 China Animation Characters Co Ltd 33 0.01 HKD 27,000 Innovent Biologics Inc 95 0.04 Environmental control USD 1,971 Zai Lab Ltd (ADR) 78 0.03 HKD 62,000 China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd 241 0.11 Building materials and fixtures Food HKD 20,500 Asia Cement China Holdings Corp 28 0.01 HKD 107,000 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd 409 0.18 HKD 84,000 China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd 100 0.05 HKD 82,000 Dali Foods Group Co Ltd 56 0.03 Chemicals HKD 82,000 Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp 133 0.06 HKD 6,000 Dongyue Group Ltd 3 0.00 HKD 42,000 Uni-President China Holdings Ltd 43 0.02 HKD 82,000 Fufeng Group Ltd 36 0.02 HKD 205,000 Want Want China Holdings Ltd 176 0.08 HKD 31,500 Kingboard Holdings Ltd 87 0.04 HKD 18,000 Yihai International Holding Ltd 115 0.05 HKD 41,500 Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd 47 0.02 Gas Commercial services HKD 28,700 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 312 0.14 HKD 41,000 CAR Inc 30 0.01 HKD 41,000 Towngas China Co Ltd 29 0.01 HKD 39,000 China Education Group Holdings Ltd 53 0.02 Healthcare products HKD 82,000 China Maple Leaf Educational Systems Ltd 29 0.01 HKD 42,000 China Medical System Holdings Ltd 60 0.03 HKD 78,000 China Yuhua Education Corp Ltd 48 0.02 HKD 21,500 Hengan International Group Co Ltd 142 0.06 HKD 41,000 Fu Shou Yuan International Group Ltd 35 0.02 HKD 84,000 Lifetech Scientific Corp 14 0.01 USD 5,240 New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc Healthcare services (ADR) 634 0.29 HKD 41,000 China Resources Medical Holdings Co Ltd 23 0.01 USD 14,378 TAL Education Group (ADR) 636 0.29 HKD 38,000 Genscript Biotech Corp 92 0.04 HKD 80,000 Tianjin Port Development Holdings Ltd 8 0.00 HKD 8,300 Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co Ltd 55 0.03 Computers HKD 20,500 Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc 231 0.10 HKD 2,000 Camsing International Holding Ltd* - 0.00 Hotels Cosmetics & personal care USD 5,375 Huazhu Group Ltd (ADR) 184 0.08 HKD 1,000 Vinda International Holdings Ltd 2 0.00 Insurance Diversified financial services USD 2,074 Fanhua Inc (ADR) 56 0.02 TWD 41,390 Chailease Holding Co Ltd 185 0.08



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 15.52%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 15.52%) (cont) Real estate investment & services (cont) Internet HKD 54,000 Greentown Service Group Co Ltd 59 0.03 USD 3,590 21Vianet Group Inc (ADR) 24 0.01 HKD 78,000 Jiayuan International Group Ltd 30 0.01 USD 1,335 51job Inc (ADR) 105 0.05 HKD 83,000 Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd 33 0.02 USD 3,704 Inc (ADR) 228 0.10 HKD 61,500 KWG Group Holdings Ltd 68 0.03 USD 60,641 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 12,128 5.45 HKD 60,000 Logan Property Holdings Co Ltd 88 0.04 USD 2,389 Autohome Inc (ADR) 163 0.07 HKD 63,500 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 260 0.12 USD 9,936 Baidu Inc (ADR) 1,178 0.53 HKD 4,000 Redco Properties Group Ltd 2 0.00 USD 1,930 Baozun Inc (ADR) 73 0.03 HKD 20,500 Ronshine China Holdings Ltd 24 0.01 HKD 8,200 China Literature Ltd 32 0.01 HKD 82,000 Seazen Group Ltd 87 0.04 USD 5,726 iQIYI Inc (ADR) 110 0.05 HKD 41,500 Shimao Property Holdings Ltd 150 0.07 USD 26,597 Inc (ADR) 868 0.39 HKD 238,000 Shui On Land Ltd 50 0.02 HKD 37,700 Meituan Dianping 497 0.22 HKD 82,500 SOHO China Ltd 28 0.01 USD 7,123 Pinduoduo Inc (ADR) 256 0.12 HKD 84,000 Sunac China Holdings Ltd 409 0.18 USD 2,857 SINA Corp 100 0.05 HKD 82,000 Yuzhou Properties Co Ltd 38 0.02 USD 2,027 Ltd (ADR) 21 0.01 Retail HKD 206,100 Tencent Holdings Ltd 8,736 3.92 HKD 41,000 ANTA Sports Products Ltd 385 0.17 USD 4,197 Tencent Music Entertainment Group (ADR) 52 0.02 HKD 56,000 Bosideng International Holdings Ltd 27 0.01 USD 15,807 Group Ltd (ADR) 525 0.24 HKD 165,000 China Dongxiang Group Co Ltd 18 0.01 USD 18,112 Vipshop Holdings Ltd (ADR) 232 0.10 HKD 41,500 China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Ltd 12 0.01 USD 2,038 Weibo Corp (ADR) 87 0.04 HKD 14,000 Haidilao International Holding Ltd 59 0.03 USD 2,343 YY Inc (ADR) 149 0.07 HKD 82,000 Li Ning Co Ltd 263 0.12 Machinery - diversified HKD 41,500 Xtep International Holdings Ltd 21 0.01 HKD 39,000 Haitian International Holdings Ltd 87 0.04 HKD 20,500 Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd 73 0.03 Machinery, construction & mining Semiconductors HKD 83,000 Lonking Holdings Ltd 24 0.01 TWD 1,000 Parade Technologies Ltd 20 0.01 Mining HKD 123,500 Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp 157 0.07 HKD 83,000 China Hongqiao Group Ltd 44 0.02 Software HKD 4,000 China Metal Resources Utilization Ltd 1 0.00 USD 1,620 Bitauto Holdings Ltd (ADR) 24 0.01 HKD 82,000 China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd 33 0.01 HKD 84,000 Chinasoft International Ltd 40 0.02 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 2,325 HUYA Inc (ADR) 49 0.02 TWD 2,000 Airtac International Group 29 0.01 HKD 41,000 IGG Inc 30 0.01 HKD 28,200 Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd 462 0.21 HKD 83,000 Kingdee International Software Group Co Ltd 82 0.04 Oil & gas services HKD 41,000 Kingsoft Corp Ltd 91 0.04 HKD 2,000 CIMC Enric Holdings Ltd 1 0.00 USD 6,160 Momo Inc (ADR) 231 0.11 Packaging & containers HKD 20,500 NetDragon Websoft Holdings Ltd 47 0.02 HKD 42,000 Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd 28 0.01 USD 2,617 NetEase Inc (ADR) 825 0.37 Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications HKD 1,000 China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 1 0.00 USD 2,895 GDS Holdings Ltd (ADR) 136 0.06 HKD 14,000 Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 41 0.02 HKD 82,000 Meitu Inc 15 0.01 HKD 258,000 Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd 333 0.15 HKD 310,600 Xiaomi Corp 355 0.16 HKD 82,000 SSY Group Ltd 65 0.03 Transportation Real estate investment & services USD 11,121 ZTO Express Cayman Inc (ADR) 237 0.11 HKD 54,000 Agile Group Holdings Ltd 76 0.03 Total Cayman Islands 38,999 17.51 HKD 42,000 China Aoyuan Group Ltd 60 0.03 HKD 76,000 China Evergrande Group 181 0.08 Chile (31 May 2019: 0.95%) HKD 90,000 China Resources Land Ltd 389 0.17 Airlines HKD 82,000 China SCE Group Holdings Ltd 39 0.02 CLP 11,664 Latam Airlines Group SA 122 0.05 HKD 122,000 CIFI Holdings Group Co Ltd 89 0.04 Banks HKD 288,000 Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd 401 0.18 CLP 1,188,380 Banco de Chile 120 0.05 HKD 42,000 Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd 136 0.06 CLP 2,187 Banco de Credito e Inversiones SA 98 0.04 HKD 100,000 Ever Sunshine Lifestyle Services Group Ltd 59 0.03 CLP 1,960,958 Banco Santander Chile 104 0.05



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Colombia (31 May 2019: 0.42%) (cont) Chile (31 May 2019: 0.95%) (cont) Oil & gas Banks (cont) COP 179,967 Ecopetrol SA 168 0.08 CLP 7,602,562 Itau CorpBanca 38 0.02 Total Colombia 838 0.38 Beverages CLP 4,822 Cia Cervecerias Unidas SA 44 0.02 Czech Republic (31 May 2019: 0.11%) CLP 17,480 Embotelladora Andina SA 45 0.02 Banks CLP 25,774 Vina Concha y Toro SA 46 0.02 CZK 3,500 Komercni banka as 120 0.06 Chemicals CZK 1,771 Moneta Money Bank AS 6 0.00 CLP 4,613 Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA 109 0.05 Total Czech Republic 126 0.06 Computers CLP 23,697 SONDA SA 20 0.01 Egypt (31 May 2019: 0.15%) Electricity Banks CLP 1,350,262 Enel Americas SA 258 0.11 EGP 15,475 Commercial International Bank Egypt SAE 76 0.03 CLP 1,117,630 Enel Chile SA 84 0.04 Diversified financial services Food EGP 72,097 Egyptian Financial Group-Hermes Holding Co 79 0.04 CLP 58,511 Cencosud SA 74 0.03 Electrical components & equipment CLP 88,546 SMU SA 16 0.01 EGP 85,026 ElSewedy Electric Co 63 0.03 Forest products & paper Real estate investment & services CLP 39,750 Empresas CMPC SA 86 0.04 EGP 164,150 Talaat Moustafa Group 90 0.04 Holding companies - diversified operations Telecommunications CLP 1,724 Inversiones La Construccion SA 17 0.01 EGP 35,842 Telecom Egypt Co 23 0.01 Iron & steel Total Egypt 331 0.15 CLP 3,867 CAP SA 25 0.01 Marine transportation Greece (31 May 2019: 0.37%) CLP 1,054,834 Cia Sud Americana de Vapores SA 34 0.02 Banks Oil & gas EUR 63,716 Alpha Bank AE 134 0.06 CLP 13,702 Empresas COPEC SA 109 0.05 EUR 112,935 Eurobank Ergasias SA 119 0.05 Real estate investment & services EUR 26,723 National Bank of Greece SA 91 0.04 CLP 19,858 Parque Arauco SA 43 0.02 Engineering & construction Retail EUR 6,154 Mytilineos SA 68 0.03 CLP 37,170 Ripley Corp SA 15 0.01 Entertainment CLP 11,647 SACI Falabella 47 0.02 EUR 7,270 OPAP SA 89 0.04 Telecommunications Oil & gas CLP 7,386 Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones SA 45 0.02 EUR 2,859 Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries SA 67 0.03 Water Real estate investment & services CLP 86,046 Aguas Andinas SA 35 0.02 EUR 5,720 GEK Terna Holding Real Estate Construction SA 45 0.02 CLP 26,338 Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas SA 25 0.01 Retail Total Chile 1,659 0.75 EUR 4,768 JUMBO SA 96 0.04 Telecommunications Colombia (31 May 2019: 0.42%) EUR 8,162 Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA 123 0.06 Banks Total Greece 832 0.37 COP 10,802 Bancolombia SA 128 0.06 COP 17,297 Bancolombia SA (Preference) 213 0.09 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 3.13%) COP 3,923 Corp Financiera Colombiana SA 33 0.01 Agriculture COP 150,389 Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores SA 60 0.03 HKD 123,000 China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd 65 0.03 Building materials and fixtures Auto manufacturers COP 21,832 Cementos Argos SA 38 0.02 HKD 42,000 Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd 19 0.01 COP 9,807 Grupo Argos SA 49 0.02 HKD 21,000 Sinotruk Hong Kong Ltd 36 0.01 Electricity Banks COP 19,629 Interconexion Electrica SA ESP 106 0.05 HKD 200,000 CITIC Ltd 250 0.11 Investment services Beverages COP 4,682 Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA 43 0.02 HKD 60,000 China Resources Beer Holdings Co Ltd 314 0.14



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 3.13%) (cont) Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 3.13%) (cont) Telecommunications (cont) Coal HKD 234,000 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd 200 0.09 HKD 84,000 Shougang Fushan Resources Group Ltd 18 0.01 Total Hong Kong 5,995 2.69 Commercial services HKD 32,000 China Merchants Port Holdings Co Ltd 50 0.02 Hungary (31 May 2019: 0.31%) Computers Banks HKD 250,000 Lenovo Group Ltd 165 0.07 HUF 8,438 OTP Bank Nyrt 398 0.18 Diversified financial services Oil & gas HKD 24,000 China Everbright Ltd 39 0.02 HUF 15,972 MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Plc 154 0.07 HKD 82,000 Far East Horizon Ltd 74 0.03 Pharmaceuticals HKD 41,500 Genertec Universal Medical Group Co Ltd 29 0.01 HUF 4,743 Richter Gedeon Nyrt 91 0.04 Electricity Telecommunications HKD 82,000 Tianjin Development Holdings Ltd 23 0.01 HUF 22,822 Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Plc 33 0.01 Electronics Total Hungary 676 0.30 HKD 21,000 BYD Electronic International Co Ltd 37 0.02 Energy - alternate sources India (31 May 2019: 10.03%) HKD 124,000 China Everbright International Ltd 94 0.04 Agriculture Gas INR 3,703 Godrej Industries Ltd 23 0.01 HKD 20,500 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd 91 0.04 Airlines Hotels INR 2,653 InterGlobe Aviation Ltd 53 0.02 HKD 103,000 Fosun International Ltd 139 0.06 Apparel retailers Insurance INR 6,105 Arvind Ltd 4 0.00 HKD 65,600 China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co Ltd 152 0.07 INR 1,523 Bata India Ltd 34 0.02 Leisure time INR 246 Page Industries Ltd 76 0.03 HKD 84,000 China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd 13 0.01 Auto manufacturers Mining INR 63,949 Ashok Leyland Ltd 70 0.03 HKD 156,000 MMG Ltd 34 0.02 INR 494 Eicher Motors Ltd 158 0.07 Oil & gas INR 26,109 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 193 0.09 HKD 658,000 CNOOC Ltd 955 0.43 INR 3,719 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 376 0.17 Pharmaceuticals INR 60,195 Tata Motors Ltd 135 0.06 HKD 41,000 Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co Ltd 53 0.02 Auto parts & equipment HKD 62,000 China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 54 0.02 INR 14,360 Apollo Tyres Ltd 34 0.02 HKD 84,000 China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co Ltd 37 0.02 INR 4,107 Balkrishna Industries Ltd 53 0.02 HKD 172,000 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 392 0.18 INR 328 Bosch Ltd 74 0.03 Real estate investment & services INR 2,376 Ceat Ltd 31 0.02 HKD 166,000 China Jinmao Holdings Group Ltd 110 0.05 INR 1,724 Endurance Technologies Ltd 27 0.01 HKD 82,000 China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Ltd 46 0.02 INR 7,964 Mahindra CIE Automotive Ltd 17 0.01 HKD 130,000 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 436 0.20 INR 35,964 Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd 65 0.03 HKD 123,000 Poly Property Group Co Ltd 44 0.02 INR 4,243 Sundram Fasteners Ltd 27 0.01 HKD 166,000 Shenzhen Investment Ltd 65 0.03 INR 287 WABCO India Ltd 25 0.01 HKD 123,500 Sino-Ocean Group Holding Ltd 46 0.02 Banks HKD 16,000 Wharf Holdings Ltd 39 0.02 INR 5,439 AU Small Finance Bank Ltd 62 0.03 HKD 248,000 Yuexiu Property Co Ltd 53 0.02 INR 68,927 Axis Bank Ltd 710 0.32 Real estate investment trusts INR 12,720 Bandhan Bank Ltd 103 0.05 HKD 43,000 Yuexiu Real Estate Investment Trust 28 0.01 INR 11,516 Canara Bank 36 0.01 Retail INR 15,499 City Union Bank Ltd 49 0.02 HKD 102,500 Sun Art Retail Group Ltd 116 0.05 INR 7,392 DCB Bank Ltd 19 0.01 Semiconductors INR 47,276 Federal Bank Ltd 59 0.03 HKD 33,000 Hua Hong Semiconductor Ltd 58 0.03 INR 164,285 ICICI Bank Ltd 1,174 0.53 Telecommunications INR 96,976 IDFC First Bank Ltd 63 0.03 HKD 215,000 China Mobile Ltd 1,621 0.73 INR 13,437 Karnataka Bank Ltd 15 0.01 INR 27,169 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd 24 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) India (31 May 2019: 10.03%) (cont) India (31 May 2019: 10.03%) (cont) Diversified financial services (cont) Banks (cont) INR 10,029 LIC Housing Finance Ltd 65 0.03 INR 10,718 RBL Bank Ltd 56 0.02 INR 10,826 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd 53 0.02 INR 69,988 State Bank of India 333 0.15 INR 16,723 Manappuram Finance Ltd 36 0.02 INR 77,518 Yes Bank Ltd 74 0.03 INR 1,755 Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd 19 0.01 Beverages INR 884 Muthoot Finance Ltd 8 0.00 INR 16,707 Tata Global Beverages Ltd 75 0.03 INR 3,383 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 85 0.04 INR 11,801 United Spirits Ltd 100 0.04 INR 2,297 PNB Housing Finance Ltd 17 0.01 INR 3,672 Varun Beverages Ltd 37 0.02 INR 22,259 Power Finance Corp Ltd 36 0.02 Building materials and fixtures INR 28,255 REC Ltd 54 0.02 INR 29,657 Ambuja Cements Ltd 85 0.04 INR 6,109 Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd 96 0.04 INR 2,531 Dalmia Bharat Ltd 31 0.01 INR 1,619 Sundaram Finance Ltd 37 0.02 INR 13,282 Grasim Industries Ltd 146 0.07 Electrical components & equipment INR 13,568 India Cements Ltd 15 0.01 INR 2,731 Amara Raja Batteries Ltd 29 0.01 INR 10,892 Ramco Cements Ltd 121 0.05 INR 12,687 Exide Industries Ltd 35 0.02 INR 3,738 UltraTech Cement Ltd 222 0.10 INR 5,867 Finolex Cables Ltd 30 0.02 INR 2,950 Voltas Ltd 29 0.01 INR 1,436 Siemens Ltd 29 0.01 Chemicals Electricity INR 1,369 Aarti Industries Ltd 16 0.01 INR 11,964 Adani Transmission Ltd 52 0.02 INR 11 Aarti Surfactants Ltd* - 0.00 INR 4,255 Mahanagar Gas Ltd 62 0.03 INR 10,828 Asian Paints Ltd 257 0.11 INR 67,777 Power Grid Corp of India Ltd 182 0.08 INR 443 Atul Ltd 25 0.01 INR 33,149 PTC India Ltd 26 0.01 INR 3,246 PI Industries Ltd 67 0.03 Electronics INR 1,427 SRF Ltd 64 0.03 INR 2,471 Graphite India Ltd 11 0.01 INR 21,227 UPL Ltd 170 0.08 INR 7,972 Havells India Ltd 74 0.03 Commercial services INR 477 HEG Ltd 8 0.00 INR 18,486 Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd 98 0.04 Engineering & construction INR 14 Care Ratings Ltd - 0.00 INR 25,277 NBCC India Ltd 14 0.00 INR 1,103 CRISIL Ltd 25 0.01 INR 19,583 NCC Ltd 16 0.01 INR 2,768 Info Edge India Ltd 102 0.05 INR 9,204 Sadbhav Engineering Ltd 16 0.01 INR 2,771 Quess Corp Ltd 20 0.01 Entertainment Computers INR 981 PVR Ltd 25 0.01 INR 5,711 Birlasoft Ltd 6 0.00 Food INR 122,093 Infosys Ltd 1,185 0.53 INR 5,035 Avenue Supermarts Ltd 128 0.06 INR 2,212 Mindtree Ltd 22 0.01 INR 2,758 Britannia Industries Ltd 118 0.05 INR 4,441 Mphasis Ltd 54 0.03 INR 21,573 Marico Ltd 108 0.05 INR 121 NIIT Technologies Ltd 3 0.00 INR 861 Nestle India Ltd 173 0.08 INR 32,155 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 920 0.41 Forest products & paper INR 44,089 Wipro Ltd 146 0.07 INR 2,177 Century Textiles & Industries Ltd 14 0.01 Cosmetics & personal care Gas INR 20,468 Dabur India Ltd 131 0.06 INR 56,779 GAIL India Ltd 100 0.05 INR 370 Gillette India Ltd 35 0.01 INR 4,894 Indraprastha Gas Ltd 28 0.01 Diversified financial services Healthcare services INR 6,748 Bajaj Finance Ltd 383 0.17 INR 2,895 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd 58 0.03 INR 3,274 Dewan Housing Finance Corp Ltd 1 0.00 INR 2,895 Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd 63 0.03 INR 26,677 Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd 46 0.02 INR 14,743 Fortis Healthcare Ltd 29 0.01 INR 1,344 HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd 66 0.03 Home furnishings INR 58,634 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 1,878 0.84 INR 19,686 Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd 70 0.03 INR 41,358 IDFC Ltd 21 0.01 Hotels INR 6,095 IIFL Finance Ltd 14 0.01 INR 30,322 Indian Hotels Co Ltd 63 0.03 INR 14,014 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd 57 0.02 Household goods & home construction INR 8,816 Indiabulls Ventures Ltd 21 0.01 INR 13,143 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd 133 0.06



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) India (31 May 2019: 10.03%) (cont) India (31 May 2019: 10.03%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Household goods & home construction (cont) INR 722 Pfizer Ltd 42 0.02 INR 23,627 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 670 0.30 INR 328 Sanofi India Ltd 32 0.01 Insurance INR 4,427 Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co Ltd 10 0.01 INR 1,547 Bajaj Finserv Ltd 196 0.09 INR 29,923 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 188 0.08 INR 15,311 HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd 122 0.06 Pipelines INR 3,817 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd 73 0.03 INR 29,198 Petronet LNG Ltd 111 0.05 INR 7,363 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co Ltd 52 0.02 Real estate investment & services INR 8,945 Max Financial Services Ltd 63 0.03 INR 15,152 DLF Ltd 46 0.02 INR 10,343 SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd 138 0.06 INR 3,790 Godrej Properties Ltd 48 0.02 Iron & steel INR 3,117 Phoenix Mills Ltd 33 0.02 INR 39,680 JSW Steel Ltd 144 0.07 Real estate investment trusts INR 16,408 Tata Steel Ltd 98 0.04 INR 1,521 Hemisphere Properties India Ltd* 3 0.00 Leisure time Retail INR 2,888 Bajaj Auto Ltd 128 0.06 INR 11,578 Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd 36 0.01 INR 3,863 Hero MotoCorp Ltd 131 0.06 INR 3,706 Jubilant Foodworks Ltd 83 0.04 Machinery - diversified INR 4,667 Rajesh Exports Ltd 44 0.02 INR 1,835 Thermax Ltd 26 0.01 INR 12,473 Titan Co Ltd 202 0.09 Media Software INR 58,211 Dish TV India Ltd 10 0.01 INR 21,001 HCL Technologies Ltd 330 0.15 INR 22,419 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd 92 0.04 INR 2,555 Hexaware Technologies Ltd 12 0.01 Metal fabricate/ hardware INR 17,409 Tech Mahindra Ltd 185 0.08 INR 1,134 AIA Engineering Ltd 26 0.01 Telecommunications INR 2,661 Astral Poly Technik Ltd 42 0.02 INR 77,759 Bharti Airtel Ltd 480 0.22 INR 10,618 Bharat Forge Ltd 69 0.03 INR 18,186 Bharti Infratel Ltd 70 0.03 INR 4,396 Cholamandalam Financial Holdings Ltd 30 0.01 INR 589 Sterlite Technologies Ltd 1 0.00 Mining INR 4,540 Tata Communications Ltd 28 0.01 INR 38,770 Hindalco Industries Ltd 108 0.05 INR 349,216 Vodafone Idea Ltd 33 0.01 INR 32,085 National Aluminium Co Ltd 20 0.01 Transportation Miscellaneous manufacturers INR 9,926 Container Corp Of India Ltd 80 0.04 INR 4,064 Escorts Ltd 36 0.02 Total India 21,090 9.47 INR 9,676 Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd 2 0.00 INR 4,743 Pidilite Industries Ltd 86 0.04 Indonesia (31 May 2019: 1.91%) INR 2,219 Supreme Industries Ltd 35 0.01 Agriculture Oil & gas IDR 251,600 Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk PT 120 0.06 INR 24,136 Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd 172 0.08 IDR 248,900 Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk PT 29 0.01 INR 22,056 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd 87 0.04 Banks INR 67,787 Indian Oil Corp Ltd 124 0.05 IDR 342,500 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 763 0.34 INR 85,178 Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd 157 0.07 IDR 631,400 Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT 312 0.14 INR 102,774 Reliance Industries Ltd 2,222 1.00 IDR 268,500 Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 143 0.07 Pharmaceuticals IDR 1,947,100 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 565 0.25 INR 1,944 Ajanta Pharma Ltd 27 0.01 IDR 226,200 Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk PT 34 0.02 INR 12,607 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd 79 0.04 IDR 257,500 Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Syariah Tbk PT 72 0.03 INR 369 Bayer CropScience Ltd 19 0.01 Building materials and fixtures INR 15,219 Cipla Ltd 99 0.05 IDR 65,800 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk PT 90 0.04 INR 3,047 Divi's Laboratories Ltd 76 0.03 IDR 120,700 Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 98 0.05 INR 3,954 Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd 161 0.07 IDR 1,235,900 Waskita Beton Precast Tbk PT 26 0.01 INR 6,869 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd 32 0.01 Chemicals INR 3,848 Ipca Laboratories Ltd 61 0.03 IDR 1,233,300 Barito Pacific Tbk PT 119 0.05 INR 4,062 Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd 29 0.01 Distribution & wholesale INR 7,304 Lupin Ltd 82 0.04 IDR 123,600 AKR Corporindo Tbk PT 30 0.01 INR 2,813 Natco Pharma Ltd 23 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.01%) (cont) Indonesia (31 May 2019: 1.91%) (cont) Mining Engineering & construction RUB 3,607 Polymetal International Plc 54 0.03 IDR 140,900 Jasa Marga Persero Tbk PT 50 0.02 Total Jersey 80 0.04 IDR 291,500 Waskita Karya Persero Tbk PT 25 0.01 Environmental control Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.16%) IDR 4,475,200 Hanson International Tbk PT 16 0.01 Computers Food USD 1,385 Globant SA 148 0.07 IDR 97,200 Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 78 0.04 Investment services IDR 152,300 Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 86 0.04 ZAR 5,541 Reinet Investments SCA 108 0.05 IDR 1,933,200 Inti Agri Resources Tbk PT 7 0.00 Telecommunications Forest products & paper PLN 6,899 PLAY Communications SA 58 0.02 IDR 134,700 Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Corp Tbk PT 65 0.03 Total Luxembourg 314 0.14 IDR 64,000 Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk PT 42 0.02 Gas Malaysia (31 May 2019: 2.27%) IDR 318,700 Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk PT 43 0.02 Agriculture Household goods & home construction MYR 123,300 FGV Holdings Bhd 39 0.02 IDR 43,300 Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT 128 0.06 MYR 8,400 Genting Plantations Bhd 21 0.01 Internet MYR 20,500 HAP Seng Consolidated Bhd 49 0.02 IDR 817,100 Kresna Graha Investama Tbk PT 29 0.01 MYR 72,200 IOI Corp Bhd 75 0.04 Media MYR 3,900 Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd 22 0.01 IDR 76,900 Link Net Tbk PT 23 0.01 MYR 28,800 QL Resources Bhd 50 0.02 Mining MYR 95,900 Sime Darby Plantation Bhd 114 0.05 IDR 595,100 Aneka Tambang Tbk 32 0.01 Airlines Oil & gas MYR 76,300 AirAsia Group Bhd 31 0.01 IDR 439,700 Medco Energi Internasional Tbk PT 22 0.01 Auto manufacturers Pharmaceuticals MYR 24,800 DRB-Hicom Bhd 14 0.01 IDR 629,900 Kalbe Farma Tbk PT 68 0.03 MYR 20,500 UMW Holdings Bhd 21 0.01 Real estate investment & services Banks IDR 507,400 Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk PT 45 0.02 MYR 6,400 Alliance Bank Malaysia Bhd 4 0.00 IDR 568,000 Ciputra Development Tbk PT 40 0.02 MYR 80,900 AMMB Holdings Bhd 77 0.04 IDR 1,204,700 Pakuwon Jati Tbk PT 48 0.02 MYR 167,500 CIMB Group Holdings Bhd 208 0.09 IDR 620,900 Sitara Propertindo Tbk PT 31 0.01 MYR 24,700 Hong Leong Bank Bhd 100 0.05 IDR 615,600 Summarecon Agung Tbk PT 45 0.02 MYR 134,500 Malayan Banking Bhd 275 0.12 Retail MYR 104,300 Public Bank Bhd 490 0.22 IDR 454,000 Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk PT 51 0.02 MYR 51,800 RHB Bank Bhd 70 0.03 IDR 129,000 Matahari Department Store Tbk PT 32 0.02 Beverages IDR 387,800 Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk PT 28 0.01 MYR 8,200 Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd 54 0.02 Telecommunications MYR 4,200 Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd 35 0.02 IDR 1,622,200 Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 452 0.20 Chemicals IDR 552,100 Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk PT 43 0.02 MYR 80,100 Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd 135 0.06 Total Indonesia 3,930 1.76 MYR 12,300 Scientex BHD 28 0.01 Commercial services Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.06%) MYR 36,900 Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd 38 0.02 Real estate investment & services Distribution & wholesale ZAR 12,128 NEPI Rockcastle Plc 103 0.05 MYR 114,600 Sime Darby Bhd 62 0.03 Total Isle of Man 103 0.05 Diversified financial services MYR 28,800 Bursa Malaysia Bhd 42 0.02 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.01%) MYR 8,300 Hong Leong Financial Group Bhd 32 0.02 Building materials and fixtures MYR 135,900 Malaysia Building Society Bhd 27 0.01 HKD 164,000 West China Cement Ltd 26 0.01 Engineering & construction MYR 75,700 Gamuda Bhd 68 0.03 MYR 22,600 Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd 45 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Malaysia (31 May 2019: 2.27%) (cont) Malaysia (31 May 2019: 2.27%) (cont) Telecommunications (cont) Entertainment MYR 72,500 Maxis Bhd 90 0.04 MYR 24,800 Berjaya Sports Toto Bhd 16 0.01 MYR 60,400 Telekom Malaysia Bhd 54 0.02 Food MYR 12,500 TIME dotCom Bhd 27 0.01 MYR 2,700 Nestle Malaysia Bhd 93 0.04 Total Malaysia 4,279 1.92 MYR 24,700 PPB Group Bhd 107 0.05 Healthcare products Malta (31 May 2019: 0.01%) MYR 68,100 Top Glove Corp Bhd 73 0.03 Diversified financial services Healthcare services ZAR 18,484 Brait SE 20 0.01 MYR 84,300 IHH Healthcare Bhd 109 0.05 Total Malta 20 0.01 MYR 153,700 KPJ Healthcare Bhd 33 0.01 Holding companies - diversified operations Marshall Islands (31 May 2019: 0.02%) MYR 157,700 IJM Corp Bhd 79 0.04 Marine transportation MYR 166,800 YTL Corp Bhd 33 0.01 USD 3,673 Seaspan Corp 43 0.02 Hotels Total Marshall Islands 43 0.02 MYR 70,100 Genting Bhd 98 0.04 MYR 113,200 Genting Malaysia Bhd 85 0.04 Mexico (31 May 2019: 2.32%) Internet Airlines MYR 106,500 My EG Services Bhd 30 0.01 MXN 32,719 Controladora Vuela Cia de Aviacion SAB de CV 35 0.02 Marine transportation Banks MYR 38,000 MISC Bhd 74 0.03 MXN 36,939 Banco del Bajio SA 57 0.03 MYR 28,700 Yinson Holdings BHD 45 0.02 MXN 52,265 Gentera SAB de CV 50 0.02 Mining MXN 92,806 Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV 490 0.22 MYR 68,100 Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd 77 0.04 MXN 76,377 Grupo Financiero Inbursa SAB de CV 91 0.04 Miscellaneous manufacturers MXN 12,218 Regional SAB de CV 67 0.03 MYR 60,000 Hartalega Holdings Bhd 75 0.03 Beverages MYR 28,700 Kossan Rubber Industries 29 0.01 MXN 16,155 Arca Continental SAB de CV 86 0.04 MYR 32,800 Supermax Corp Bhd 11 0.01 MXN 16,331 Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 94 0.04 MYR 72,800 VS Industry Bhd 23 0.01 MXN 69,576 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV 633 0.28 Oil & gas Building materials and fixtures MYR 8,300 Petronas Dagangan Bhd 45 0.02 MXN 578,208 Cemex SAB de CV 212 0.09 Oil & gas services MXN 8,158 Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua SAB de CV 43 0.02 MYR 175,600 Dialog Group Bhd 141 0.06 Chemicals Pipelines MXN 46,729 Orbia Advance Corp SAB de CV 102 0.05 MYR 20,700 Petronas Gas Bhd 77 0.04 Commercial services Real estate investment & services MXN 5,894 Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV 56 0.02 MYR 60,500 Matrix Concepts Holdings Bhd 27 0.01 Diversified financial services MYR 157,800 Sime Darby Property Bhd 30 0.02 MXN 20,446 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV 45 0.02 MYR 76,900 SP Setia Bhd Group 24 0.01 Electricity MYR 99,032 Sunway Bhd 42 0.02 MXN 20,550 Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV 84 0.04 Real estate investment trusts Engineering & construction MYR 76,300 IGB Real Estate Investment Trust 35 0.02 MXN 11,857 Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de CV 79 0.03 MYR 28,800 Pavilion Real Estate Investment Trust 12 0.00 MXN 12,378 Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV 126 0.06 MYR 64,000 Sunway Real Estate Investment Trust 29 0.01 MXN 7,722 Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV 132 0.06 Retail MXN 59,837 Telesites SAB de CV 43 0.02 MYR 64,600 Bermaz Auto Bhd 33 0.01 Food MYR 16,400 Padini Holdings Bhd 13 0.01 MXN 10,369 Gruma SAB de CV 105 0.05 Semiconductors MXN 64,461 Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV 111 0.05 MYR 123,600 Inari Amertron Bhd 54 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations Telecommunications MXN 87,798 Alfa SAB de CV 69 0.03 MYR 124,400 Axiata Group Bhd 123 0.06 MXN 12,400 Grupo Carso SAB de CV 42 0.02 MYR 99,600 DiGi.Com Bhd 107 0.05



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 10.01%) Mexico (31 May 2019: 2.32%) (cont) Advertising Household goods & home construction CNY 71,700 Focus Media Information Technology Co Ltd 57 0.03 MXN 58,705 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV 113 0.05 Aerospace & defence Insurance CNY 27,305 AECC Aviation Power Co Ltd 79 0.03 MXN 12,216 Qualitas Controladora SAB de CV 52 0.02 HKD 82,000 AviChina Industry & Technology Co Ltd 37 0.02 Media Agriculture MXN 89,373 Grupo Televisa SAB 195 0.09 CNY 4,000 Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd 49 0.02 Mining CNY 17,600 New Hope Liuhe Co Ltd 51 0.02 MXN 4,964 Industrias Penoles SAB de CV 53 0.02 CNY 11,900 Wens Foodstuffs Group Co Ltd 61 0.03 Pharmaceuticals Airlines MXN 32,797 Genomma Lab Internacional SAB de CV 31 0.01 HKD 82,000 Air China Ltd 74 0.04 Real estate investment & services HKD 82,000 China Eastern Airlines Corp Ltd 42 0.02 MXN 20,511 Corp Inmobiliaria Vesta SAB de CV 35 0.02 HKD 82,000 China Southern Airlines Co Ltd 51 0.02 Real estate investment trusts Auto manufacturers MXN 16,406 Concentradora Fibra Danhos SA de CV 24 0.01 HKD 62,000 BAIC Motor Corp Ltd 35 0.02 MXN 109,390 Fibra Uno Administracion SA de CV 168 0.08 HKD 21,000 BYD Co Ltd 100 0.04 MXN 24,644 Macquarie Mexico Real Estate Management SA de HKD 84,000 Dongfeng Motor Group Co Ltd 81 0.04 CV 34 0.01 HKD 123,500 Great Wall Motor Co Ltd 95 0.04 MXN 36,865 PLA Administradora Industrial S de RL de CV 60 0.03 HKD 92,000 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 98 0.04 Retail CNY 20,900 SAIC Motor Corp Ltd 69 0.03 MXN 20,550 Alsea SAB de CV 56 0.03 Auto parts & equipment MXN 8,156 El Puerto de Liverpool SAB de CV 40 0.02 HKD 16,800 Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd 49 0.02 MXN 16,356 Grupo Comercial Chedraui SA de CV 23 0.01 CNY 19,700 Huayu Automotive Systems Co Ltd 73 0.03 MXN 20,427 La Comer SAB de CV 27 0.01 CNY 67,939 Wanxiang Qianchao Co Ltd 49 0.02 MXN 168,362 Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV 470 0.21 HKD 82,000 Weichai Power Co Ltd 140 0.07 Telecommunications Banks MXN 1,169,296 America Movil SAB de CV 899 0.40 CNY 204,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 105 0.05 MXN 12,136 Megacable Holdings SAB de CV 43 0.02 HKD 922,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 373 0.17 Total Mexico 5,175 2.32 HKD 2,876,000 Bank of China Ltd 1,154 0.52 CNY 48,200 Bank of Communications Co Ltd 38 0.02 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.07%) HKD 329,000 Bank of Communications Co Ltd Class 'H' 216 0.10 Food CNY 68,200 Bank of Guiyang Co Ltd 89 0.04 RUB 5,337 X5 Retail Group NV (GDR) 178 0.08 CNY 56,800 Bank of Hangzhou Co Ltd 70 0.03 Retail CNY 32,800 Bank of Jiangsu Co Ltd 32 0.01 ZAR 190,217 Steinhoff International Holdings NV 13 0.01 CNY 71,300 Bank of Nanjing Co Ltd 84 0.04 Total Netherlands 191 0.09 CNY 13,300 Bank of Ningbo Co Ltd 50 0.02 CNY 24,600 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd 21 0.01 Pakistan (31 May 2019: 0.09%) HKD 329,000 China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd Class 'H' 180 0.08 Banks HKD 3,380,000 China Construction Bank Corp 2,690 1.21 PKR 32,800 Habib Bank Ltd 31 0.02 CNY 88,800 China Everbright Bank Co Ltd 52 0.02 PKR 20,438 MCB Bank Ltd 26 0.01 CNY 48,500 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 249 0.11 PKR 24,600 United Bank Ltd 26 0.01 HKD 144,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class 'H' 681 0.31 Building materials and fixtures CNY 64,000 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 56 0.02 PKR 1,100 Lucky Cement Ltd 3 0.00 HKD 262,500 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd Class 'H' 183 0.08 Chemicals HKD 83,000 Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd 41 0.02 PKR 16,160 Engro Corp Ltd 35 0.01 CNY 109,100 Huaxia Bank Co Ltd 115 0.05 Electricity CNY 110,200 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 91 0.04 PKR 21,362 Hub Power Co Ltd 13 0.01 HKD 2,303,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class 'H' 1,642 0.74 Oil & gas CNY 43,400 Industrial Bank Co Ltd 117 0.05 PKR 28,694 Oil & Gas Development Co Ltd 24 0.01 CNY 37,400 Ping An Bank Co Ltd 81 0.04 PKR 6,178 Pakistan Oilfields Ltd 17 0.01 HKD 244,000 Postal Savings Bank of China Co Ltd 158 0.07 Total Pakistan 175 0.08 CNY 71,100 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd 121 0.05



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 10.01%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 10.01%) (cont) (cont) Electrical components & equipment Beverages CNY 3,400 Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd 42 0.02 CNY 4,000 Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co Ltd 56 0.03 HKD 40,760 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd 46 0.02 CNY 2,700 Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 434 0.20 Electricity CNY 6,100 Shanxi Xinghuacun Fen Wine Factory Co Ltd 77 0.03 HKD 452,000 CGN Power Co Ltd 113 0.05 HKD 14,000 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd 87 0.04 CNY 47,600 China National Nuclear Power Co Ltd 33 0.01 CNY 7,900 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 143 0.06 CNY 30,207 China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 78 0.04 Biotechnology HKD 166,000 Huaneng Renewables Corp Ltd 63 0.03 CNY 13,000 Hualan Biological Engineering Inc 62 0.03 CNY 38,800 Sichuan Chuantou Energy Co Ltd 53 0.02 Building materials and fixtures Electronics CNY 9,200 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd 60 0.03 CNY 17,800 GoerTek Inc 49 0.02 HKD 42,000 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd Class 'H' 269 0.12 CNY 24,300 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 109 0.05 HKD 123,000 BBMG Corp 34 0.01 CNY 12,700 Luxshare Precision Industry Co Ltd 62 0.03 HKD 164,000 China National Building Material Co Ltd 158 0.07 CNY 32,900 Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd* 22 0.01 Chemicals Energy - alternate sources HKD 82,000 China BlueChemical Ltd 20 0.01 CNY 8,000 LONGi Green Energy Technology Co Ltd 27 0.01 CNY 27,700 Hengli Petrochemical Co Ltd 55 0.02 Engineering & construction HKD 164,000 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co Ltd 45 0.02 HKD 58,000 Beijing Capital International Airport Co Ltd 55 0.02 Commercial services HKD 165,000 China Communications Construction Co Ltd 128 0.06 HKD 26,000 Jiangsu Expressway Co Ltd 35 0.02 HKD 82,000 China Communications Services Corp Ltd 55 0.03 HKD 56,000 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ltd 49 0.02 CNY 120,599 China National Chemical Engineering Co Ltd 107 0.05 Computers HKD 82,000 China Railway Construction Corp Ltd 85 0.04 CNY 29,000 Aisino Corp 85 0.04 HKD 124,000 China Railway Group Ltd 73 0.03 CNY 60,400 BOE Technology Group Co Ltd 34 0.02 CNY 75,800 China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 55 0.02 CNY 46,100 Newland Digital Technology Co Ltd 98 0.04 HKD 1,482,000 China Tower Corp Ltd 303 0.14 Distribution & wholesale HKD 124,000 Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd 26 0.01 CNY 149,600 Wuchan Zhongda Group Co Ltd 108 0.05 CNY 51,800 Power Construction Corp of China Ltd 30 0.01 Diversified financial services CNY 6,200 Shanghai International Airport Co Ltd 66 0.03 CNY 32,600 Changjiang Securities Co Ltd 29 0.01 CNY 136,500 Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co Ltd 114 0.05 HKD 328,000 China Cinda Asset Management Co Ltd 68 0.03 Environmental control HKD 164,500 China Galaxy Securities Co Ltd 84 0.04 CNY 144,197 GEM Co Ltd 83 0.04 HKD 514,000 China Huarong Asset Management Co Ltd 75 0.03 Food HKD 33,200 China International Capital Corp Ltd 57 0.03 CNY 3,886 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co Ltd 59 0.03 CNY 54,400 China Merchants Securities Co Ltd 128 0.06 CNY 11,100 Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co Ltd 49 0.02 CNY 12,500 CITIC Securities Co Ltd 38 0.02 CNY 13,930 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd 58 0.03 HKD 82,500 CITIC Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 153 0.07 CNY 12,700 Juewei Food Co Ltd 79 0.03 CNY 33,100 East Money Information Co Ltd 65 0.03 CNY 65,400 Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd 69 0.03 HKD 65,600 GF Securities Co Ltd 70 0.03 Gas CNY 16,480 Guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd 39 0.02 HKD 83,000 China Suntien Green Energy Corp Ltd 23 0.01 HKD 24,400 Guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd Class 'H' 37 0.02 Healthcare products CNY 20,300 Guoyuan Securities Co Ltd 24 0.01 HKD 84,000 Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co Ltd 102 0.05 HKD 115,600 Haitong Securities Co Ltd 115 0.05 CNY 2,200 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co Ltd 56 0.02 HKD 73,800 Huatai Securities Co Ltd 111 0.05 Healthcare services CNY 24,500 Industrial Securities Co Ltd 22 0.01 CNY 8,240 Aier Eye Hospital Group Co Ltd 47 0.02 CNY 86,200 Northeast Securities Co Ltd 96 0.04 CNY 3,800 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd 48 0.02 CNY 28,700 Shanxi Securities Co Ltd 30 0.01 HKD 4,340 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd Class 'H' 50 0.03 CNY 46,300 Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co Ltd 31 0.01 Holding companies - diversified operations CNY 16,400 Sinolink Securities Co Ltd 19 0.01 CNY 152,300 Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co Ltd 83 0.04 CNY 20,300 SooChow Securities Co Ltd 25 0.01 Home furnishings CNY 68,970 Western Securities Co Ltd 87 0.04 CNY 4,000 Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai 33 0.01 CNY 7,300 Midea Group Co Ltd 56 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 10.01%) People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 10.01%) (cont) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Home furnishings (cont) CNY 9,781 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd 120 0.05 CNY 159,200 TCL Corp 87 0.04 HKD 21,000 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd 59 0.03 Household products HKD 49,200 Sinopharm Group Co Ltd 162 0.07 CNY 6,696 Zhejiang Supor Co Ltd 68 0.03 HKD 41,000 Tong Ren Tang Technologies Co Ltd 35 0.02 Insurance CNY 12,300 Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd 53 0.02 HKD 287,000 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 725 0.32 HKD 11,200 YiChang HEC ChangJiang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 59 0.03 CNY 8,200 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd 40 0.02 CNY 4,200 Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 60 0.03 HKD 98,200 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 347 0.16 Real estate investment & services HKD 165,000 China Reinsurance Group Corp 26 0.01 HKD 16,000 A-Living Services Co Ltd 51 0.02 HKD 32,900 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd 127 0.06 HKD 82,000 Beijing Capital Land Ltd 28 0.01 HKD 247,000 People's Insurance Co Group of China Ltd 99 0.04 CNY 18,900 China Fortune Land Development Co Ltd 75 0.03 HKD 248,000 PICC Property & Casualty Co Ltd 287 0.13 CNY 24,000 China Vanke Co Ltd 94 0.04 CNY 20,600 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 245 0.11 HKD 57,200 China Vanke Co Ltd Class 'H' 214 0.10 HKD 202,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class 'H' 2,295 1.03 CNY 94,600 Greenland Holdings Corp Ltd 88 0.04 HKD 12,400 ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co Ltd 43 0.02 HKD 33,200 Guangzhou R&F Properties Co Ltd 56 0.03 Internet CNY 24,200 Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co Ltd 50 0.02 HKD 482,000 China Telecom Corp Ltd 182 0.08 USD 51,080 Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Investment services Development Co Ltd 47 0.02 HKD 16,400 Legend Holdings Corp 34 0.02 CNY 82,400 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co Ltd 81 0.04 Leisure time Retail CNY 3,881 China International Travel Service Corp Ltd 46 0.02 CNY 87,300 Oriental Pearl Group Co Ltd 110 0.05 Machinery - diversified HKD 36,900 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 66 0.03 CNY 47,100 Siasun Robot & Automation Co Ltd 90 0.04 CNY 65,800 Co Ltd 92 0.04 Machinery, construction & mining Semiconductors HKD 84,000 Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd 26 0.01 CNY 75,800 China Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd 57 0.03 CNY 133,800 XCMG Construction Machinery Co Ltd 87 0.04 CNY 2,000 Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co Ltd 55 0.02 Marine transportation CNY 3,000 Will Semiconductor Ltd 54 0.02 CNY 253,300 COSCO SHIPPING Development Co Ltd 90 0.04 Software HKD 78,000 COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co Ltd 32 0.02 CNY 4,152 Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co Ltd 21 0.01 Mining CNY 13,800 Glodon Co Ltd 65 0.03 HKD 164,000 Aluminum Corp of China Ltd 50 0.02 CNY 3,900 Hundsun Technologies Inc 40 0.02 HKD 126,000 China Molybdenum Co Ltd 43 0.02 CNY 4,200 Iflytek Co Ltd 20 0.01 CNY 12,700 Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd 55 0.03 HKD 41,000 TravelSky Technology Ltd 100 0.04 HKD 21,000 Zhaojin Mining Industry Co Ltd 22 0.01 CNY 18,300 Yonyou Network Technology Co Ltd 72 0.03 Miscellaneous manufacturers CNY 26,000 Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co Ltd 63 0.03 HKD 82,000 China Railway Signal & Communication Corp Ltd 44 0.02 Telecommunications CNY 24,600 CRRC Corp Ltd 24 0.01 CNY 32,800 China United Network Communications Ltd 27 0.01 HKD 164,000 CRRC Corp Ltd Class 'H' 108 0.05 CNY 80,600 Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co Ltd 93 0.04 HKD 20,500 Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co Ltd 70 0.03 HKD 32,800 ZTE Corp 87 0.04 Oil & gas Transportation HKD 980,000 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp 550 0.25 HKD 123,000 COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co Ltd 46 0.02 HKD 820,000 PetroChina Co Ltd 378 0.17 CNY 11,700 SF Holding Co Ltd 63 0.03 Oil & gas services HKD 83,000 Sinotrans Ltd 26 0.01 HKD 82,000 China Oilfield Services Ltd 111 0.05 CNY 14,600 Yunda Holding Co Ltd 60 0.03 HKD 41,500 Sinopec Engineering Group Co Ltd 24 0.01 Water Pharmaceuticals CNY 118,600 Chengdu Xingrong Environment Co Ltd 76 0.03 CNY 3,400 Asymchem Laboratories Tianjin Co Ltd 59 0.03 Total People's Republic of China 25,229 11.33 CNY 900 Changchun High & New Technology Industry Group Inc 56 0.02 CNY 8,500 Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd 54 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Poland (31 May 2019: 1.05%) (cont) Peru (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Banks (cont) Mining PLN 5,486 Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA 147 0.07 USD 6,995 Cia de Minas Buenaventura SAA (ADR) 108 0.05 PLN 727 mBank SA 69 0.03 Total Peru 108 0.05 PLN 32,493 Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA 300 0.14 PLN 783 Santander Bank Polska SA 55 0.02 Philippines (31 May 2019: 1.12%) Chemicals Auto manufacturers PLN 4,064 Grupa Azoty SA 33 0.01 PHP 4,421 GT Capital Holdings Inc 78 0.03 Computers Banks PLN 3,946 Asseco Poland SA 57 0.03 PHP 41,150 Bank of the Philippine Islands 70 0.03 Diversified financial services PHP 71,680 BDO Unibank Inc 214 0.10 PLN 983 KRUK SA 38 0.02 PHP 48,630 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co 63 0.03 Food PHP 12,330 Security Bank Corp 50 0.02 PLN 2,634 Dino Polska SA 91 0.04 Commercial services Insurance PHP 618 Altus San Nicolas Corp* - 0.00 PLN 18,857 Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen SA 187 0.08 PHP 30,740 International Container Terminal Services Inc 75 0.03 Media Electricity PLN 6,048 Cyfrowy Polsat SA 43 0.02 PHP 56,400 First Gen Corp 28 0.01 Mining PHP 8,980 Manila Electric Co 56 0.03 PLN 5,421 KGHM Polska Miedz SA 125 0.06 Entertainment Oil & gas PHP 226,200 Bloomberry Resorts Corp 49 0.02 PLN 3,113 Grupa Lotos SA 73 0.03 Food PLN 11,233 Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA 267 0.12 PHP 157,900 D&L Industries Inc 27 0.01 PLN 59,512 Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA 70 0.03 PHP 102,640 JG Summit Holdings Inc 156 0.07 Retail PHP 24,410 Universal Robina Corp 72 0.03 PLN 1,496 CCC SA 43 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations Software PHP 221,800 Alliance Global Group Inc 48 0.02 PLN 2,958 CD Projekt SA 199 0.09 Real estate investment & services Telecommunications PHP 10,570 Ayala Corp 168 0.08 PLN 34,002 Orange Polska SA 56 0.02 PHP 280,920 Ayala Land Inc 252 0.11 Total Poland 2,033 0.91 PHP 1,072,000 Filinvest Land Inc 33 0.02 PHP 567,200 Megaworld Corp 49 0.02 Qatar (31 May 2019: 1.06%) PHP 102,300 Robinsons Land Corp 53 0.02 Banks PHP 349,700 SM Prime Holdings Inc 268 0.12 QAR 94,199 Commercial Bank PSQC 113 0.05 PHP 95,800 Vista Land & Lifescapes Inc 14 0.01 QAR 200,982 Masraf Al Rayan QSC 211 0.09 Retail QAR 50,761 Qatar Islamic Bank SAQ 206 0.09 PHP 13,900 Jollibee Foods Corp 53 0.02 QAR 163,351 Qatar National Bank QPSC 858 0.39 PHP 8,985 SM Investments Corp 187 0.09 Chemicals Telecommunications QAR 63,501 Industries Qatar QSC 175 0.08 PHP 1,235 Globe Telecom Inc 47 0.02 QAR 192,781 Mesaieed Petrochemical Holding Co 137 0.06 PHP 3,610 PLDT Inc 76 0.04 Electricity Water QAR 23,630 Qatar Electricity & Water Co QSC 104 0.05 PHP 52,300 Manila Water Co Inc 19 0.01 Insurance PHP 645,000 Metro Pacific Investments Corp 55 0.02 QAR 70,053 Qatar Insurance Co SAQ 59 0.03 Total Philippines 2,260 1.01 Marine transportation QAR 136,013 Qatar Gas Transport Co Ltd 94 0.04 Poland (31 May 2019: 1.05%) QAR 27,858 Qatar Navigation QSC 46 0.02 Apparel retailers Oil & gas PLN 42 LPP SA 93 0.04 QAR 4,360 Gulf International Services QSC 2 0.00 Banks QAR 2,240 Qatar Fuel QSC 14 0.01 PLN 5,218 Alior Bank SA 39 0.02 Real estate investment & services PLN 33,704 Bank Millennium SA 48 0.02 QAR 56,435 Barwa Real Estate Co 52 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.76%) Qatar (31 May 2019: 1.06%) (cont) (cont) Real estate investment & services (cont) Biotechnology (cont) QAR 168,411 United Development Co QSC 65 0.03 KRW 608 Samsung Biologics Co Ltd 203 0.09 Telecommunications KRW 1,375 Seegene Inc 33 0.01 QAR 36,576 Ooredoo QPSC 69 0.03 Building materials and fixtures QAR 105,297 Vodafone Qatar QSC 35 0.02 KRW 981 IS Dongseo Co Ltd 28 0.01 Total Qatar 2,240 1.01 Chemicals KRW 1,065 Ecopro Co Ltd 18 0.01 Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.76%) KRW 1,946 Foosung Co Ltd 13 0.01 Advertising KRW 370 Hansol Chemical Co Ltd 32 0.01 KRW 3,342 Cheil Worldwide Inc 67 0.03 KRW 4,264 Hanwha Chemical Corp 63 0.03 KRW 290 Innocean Worldwide Inc 16 0.01 KRW 1,147 Huchems Fine Chemical Corp 21 0.01 Agriculture KRW 288 KCC Corp 53 0.02 KRW 1,760 Harim Holdings Co Ltd 12 0.00 KRW 983 Kolon Industries Inc 40 0.02 Airlines KRW 165 Korea Petrochemical Ind Co Ltd 16 0.01 KRW 7,784 Asiana Airlines Inc 35 0.01 KRW 888 Kumho Petrochemical Co Ltd 55 0.02 KRW 1,903 Hanjin Kal Corp 58 0.03 KRW 1,702 LG Chem Ltd 442 0.20 Apparel retailers KRW 246 LG Chem Ltd (Preference) 35 0.02 KRW 288 F&F Co Ltd 27 0.01 KRW 640 Lotte Chemical Corp 119 0.05 KRW 2,324 Fila Korea Ltd 101 0.04 KRW 1,065 LOTTE Fine Chemical Co Ltd 40 0.02 KRW 817 Handsome Co Ltd 22 0.01 KRW 332 Samyang Corp 15 0.01 KRW 1,287 Youngone Corp 39 0.02 KRW 324 SK Chemicals Co Ltd 19 0.01 Auto manufacturers KRW 899 SKCKOLONPI Inc 26 0.01 KRW 5,066 Hyundai Motor Co 519 0.23 KRW 523 Soulbrain Co Ltd 31 0.01 KRW 1,558 Hyundai Motor Co (2nd Preference) 107 0.05 KRW 1 Taekwang Industrial Co Ltd 1 0.00 KRW 1,072 Hyundai Motor Co (Preference) 66 0.03 Commercial services KRW 9,857 Kia Motors Corp 361 0.16 KRW 722 S-1 Corp 57 0.03 Auto parts & equipment Computers KRW 3,270 Hankook Tire & Technology Co Ltd 92 0.04 KRW 1,358 Samsung SDS Co Ltd 225 0.10 KRW 5,820 Hanon Systems 53 0.02 KRW 2,045 Sangsangin Co Ltd 14 0.01 KRW 2,480 Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd 515 0.23 Cosmetics & personal care KRW 538 Hyundai Wia Corp 24 0.01 KRW 1,110 Amorepacific Corp 178 0.08 KRW 5,950 Kumho Tire Co Inc 21 0.01 KRW 329 Amorepacific Corp (Preference) 24 0.01 KRW 1,215 Mando Corp 36 0.02 KRW 946 AMOREPACIFIC Group 65 0.03 Banks KRW 370 Cosmax Inc 25 0.01 KRW 10,793 Industrial Bank of Korea 107 0.05 KRW 817 Kolmar Korea Co Ltd 33 0.02 KRW 15,781 Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 582 0.26 KRW 326 LG Household & Health Care Ltd 349 0.16 KRW 17,673 Woori Financial Group Inc 175 0.08 KRW 82 LG Household & Health Care Ltd (Preference) 52 0.02 Beverages Distribution & wholesale KRW 1,361 Hite Jinro Co Ltd 32 0.02 KRW 769 Halla Holdings Corp 31 0.01 KRW 82 Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co Ltd 9 0.00 KRW 729 LF Corp 11 0.01 KRW 2,570 Naturecell Co Ltd 23 0.01 KRW 3,278 LG Corp 197 0.09 Biotechnology KRW 2,731 Posco International Corp 42 0.02 KRW 807 Amicogen Inc 17 0.01 KRW 5,136 SK Networks Co Ltd 25 0.01 KRW 1,944 CrystalGenomics Inc 22 0.01 Diversified financial services KRW 728 Genexine Co Ltd 32 0.01 KRW 13,412 BNK Financial Group Inc 79 0.03 KRW 2,026 Green Cross Holdings Corp 37 0.02 KRW 8,166 DGB Financial Group Inc 49 0.02 KRW 77 Hugel Inc 25 0.01 KRW 10,861 Hana Financial Group Inc 329 0.15 KRW 1,045 iNtRON Biotechnology Inc 12 0.01 KRW 8,407 JB Financial Group Co Ltd 39 0.02 KRW 165 Medy-Tox Inc 42 0.02 KRW 14,600 KB Financial Group Inc 569 0.26 KRW 2,955 NKMax Co Ltd 26 0.01 KRW 366 KIWOOM Securities Co Ltd 23 0.01 KRW 3,118 Pharmicell Co Ltd 20 0.01 KRW 2,016 Korea Investment Holdings Co Ltd 122 0.05



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.76%) Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.76%) (cont) (cont) Healthcare services Diversified financial services (cont) KRW 858 Medipost Co Ltd 25 0.01 KRW 2,304 Meritz Financial Group Inc 25 0.01 KRW 2,869 SillaJen Inc 35 0.02 KRW 20,523 Mirae Asset Daewoo Co Ltd 126 0.06 Holding companies - diversified operations KRW 5,529 NH Investment & Securities Co Ltd 58 0.03 KRW 722 CJ Corp 56 0.02 KRW 1,410 Samsung Card Co Ltd 44 0.02 Home furnishings KRW 3,310 Samsung Securities Co Ltd 101 0.04 KRW 687 Hanssem Co Ltd 37 0.02 Electrical components & equipment KRW 4,001 LG Electronics Inc 237 0.11 KRW 817 L&F Co Ltd 14 0.00 KRW 482 LOTTE Himart Co Ltd 13 0.00 KRW 681 LG Innotek Co Ltd 70 0.03 KRW 2,018 Woongjin Coway Co Ltd 153 0.07 KRW 983 LS Corp 37 0.02 Hotels KRW 899 LS Industrial Systems Co Ltd 38 0.02 KRW 2,263 Grand Korea Leisure Co Ltd 37 0.02 Electronics KRW 5,271 Kangwon Land Inc 131 0.06 KRW 820 BH Co Ltd 15 0.01 Insurance KRW 1,492 Feelux Co Ltd 11 0.01 KRW 2,189 DB Insurance Co Ltd 103 0.05 KRW 1,147 Iljin Materials Co Ltd 38 0.02 KRW 9,371 Hanwha Life Insurance Co Ltd 18 0.01 KRW 605 Koh Young Technology Inc 51 0.02 KRW 2,817 Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd 67 0.03 KRW 564 LEENO Industrial Inc 28 0.01 KRW 4,586 Korean Reinsurance Co 33 0.01 KRW 7,982 LG Display Co Ltd 99 0.04 KRW 2,530 Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd 39 0.02 KRW 2,166 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd 204 0.09 KRW 1,785 Orange Life Insurance Ltd 43 0.02 Engineering & construction KRW 1,188 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd 234 0.10 KRW 1,309 Daelim Industrial Co Ltd 100 0.04 KRW 1,695 Samsung Life Insurance Co Ltd 103 0.05 KRW 9,551 Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co Ltd 36 0.02 Internet KRW 2,607 GS Engineering & Construction Corp 66 0.03 KRW 247 Cafe24 Corp 10 0.00 KRW 1,785 HDC Holdings Co Ltd 17 0.01 KRW 370 DoubleUGames Co Ltd 15 0.01 KRW 2,909 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd 101 0.05 KRW 1,669 Kakao Corp 220 0.10 KRW 1,410 KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co Ltd 43 0.02 KRW 5,014 NAVER Corp 730 0.33 KRW 3,238 Samsung C&T Corp 271 0.12 KRW 625 NCSoft Corp 261 0.12 KRW 4,917 Samsung Engineering Co Ltd 78 0.03 KRW 646 NHN Corp 37 0.01 Entertainment Investment services KRW 1,537 JYP Entertainment Corp 29 0.01 KRW 1,786 Hankook Technology Group Co Ltd 22 0.01 KRW 2,688 Paradise Co Ltd 43 0.02 Iron & steel KRW 1,106 SM Entertainment Co Ltd 36 0.02 KRW 2,318 Dongkuk Steel Mill Co Ltd 12 0.01 Food KRW 3,067 Hyundai Steel Co 83 0.04 KRW 329 CJ CheilJedang Corp 69 0.03 KRW 2,682 POSCO 523 0.23 KRW 1,359 Daesang Corp 27 0.01 Leisure time KRW 1,402 Dongsuh Cos Inc 20 0.01 KRW 367 Hana Tour Service Inc 15 0.01 KRW 2,361 GS Holdings Corp 96 0.04 Machinery - diversified KRW 771 Lotte Corp 23 0.01 KRW 681 Hyundai Elevator Co Ltd 41 0.02 KRW 164 NongShim Co Ltd 33 0.02 KRW 1,233 SFA Engineering Corp 44 0.02 KRW 1,049 Orion Corp 91 0.04 Machinery, construction & mining KRW 42 Ottogi Corp 20 0.01 KRW 2,171 Doosan Bobcat Inc 58 0.03 Food Service KRW 7,211 Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co Ltd 33 0.01 KRW 2,045 Hyundai Greenfood Co Ltd 20 0.01 KRW 7,700 Doosan Infracore Co Ltd 35 0.02 Gas KRW 92 Hyundai Construction Equipment Co Ltd 2 0.00 KRW 211 SK Discovery Co Ltd 5 0.00 Marine transportation Healthcare products KRW 13,397 Pan Ocean Co Ltd 48 0.02 KRW 496 CMG Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 2 0.00 Mining KRW 370 Dentium Co Ltd 17 0.01 KRW 329 Korea Zinc Co Ltd 113 0.05 KRW 374 Osstem Implant Co Ltd 13 0.00 KRW 35 Young Poong Corp 19 0.01 KRW 3,643 Telcon RF Pharmaceutical Inc 22 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.76%) Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 12.76%) (cont) (cont) Retail (cont) Miscellaneous manufacturers KRW 477 Lotte Shopping Co Ltd 53 0.02 KRW 1,538 Hyundai Rotem Co Ltd 20 0.01 KRW 328 Shinsegae Inc 78 0.04 KRW 1,024 POSCO Chemical Co Ltd 41 0.02 KRW 124 Shinsegae International Inc 22 0.01 KRW 246 SK Materials Co Ltd 36 0.01 Semiconductors KRW 1,188 SKC Co Ltd 48 0.02 KRW 1,185 Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd 26 0.01 Oil & gas KRW 2,471 DB HiTek Co Ltd 40 0.02 KRW 370 Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co Ltd 108 0.05 KRW 502 Eo Technics Co Ltd 38 0.02 KRW 1,343 SK Holdings Co Ltd 293 0.13 KRW 1,192 HLB Inc 116 0.05 KRW 1,934 SK Innovation Co Ltd 240 0.11 KRW 626 Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd 24 0.01 KRW 1,873 S-Oil Corp 141 0.06 KRW 1,491 Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co Ltd 152 0.07 Pharmaceuticals KRW 171,387 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 7,299 3.28 KRW 1,402 Bukwang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 17 0.01 KRW 30,073 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Preference) 1,040 0.47 KRW 2,170 Celltrion Healthcare Co Ltd 90 0.04 KRW 16,615 Samsung Heavy Industries Co Ltd 98 0.04 KRW 3,424 Celltrion Inc 504 0.23 KRW 370 Samwha Capacitor Co Ltd 14 0.01 KRW 728 Celltrion Pharm Inc 22 0.01 KRW 2,262 Seoul Semiconductor Co Ltd 25 0.01 KRW 205 Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corp 16 0.01 KRW 19,858 SK Hynix Inc 1,360 0.61 KRW 247 Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 28 0.01 KRW 1,451 Wonik Holdings Co Ltd 5 0.00 KRW 331 Dong-A Socio Holdings Co Ltd 29 0.01 KRW 1,291 WONIK IPS Co Ltd 33 0.01 KRW 328 Dong-A ST Co Ltd 30 0.01 Software KRW 758 Dongsung Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 10 0.00 KRW 482 Com2uSCorp 41 0.02 KRW 203 Enzychem Lifesciences Corp 10 0.00 KRW 1,023 Douzone Bizon Co Ltd 62 0.03 KRW 287 Green Cross Corp 31 0.01 KRW 585 Netmarble Corp 43 0.02 KRW 672 G-treeBNT Co Ltd 16 0.01 KRW 247 Pearl Abyss Corp 39 0.01 KRW 2,045 Hanall Biopharma Co Ltd 59 0.03 Telecommunications KRW 247 Hanmi Pharm Co Ltd 67 0.03 KRW 328 Hyosung Corp 22 0.01 KRW 812 Helixmith Co Ltd 62 0.03 KRW 4,493 Inscobee Inc 11 0.01 KRW 516 HLB Life Science CO LTD 10 0.00 KRW 1,211 KMW Co Ltd 48 0.02 KRW 929 Ilyang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 17 0.01 KRW 5,000 LG Uplus Corp 57 0.03 KRW 482 JW Pharmaceutical Corp 12 0.01 KRW 2,102 Samsung SDI Co Ltd 411 0.18 KRW 1,622 Komipharm International Co Ltd 19 0.01 KRW 755 SK Telecom Co Ltd 157 0.07 KRW 729 Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4 0.00 Textile KRW 326 LegoChem Biosciences Inc 14 0.01 KRW 124 Hyosung TNC Co Ltd 17 0.01 KRW 123 Mezzion Pharma Co Ltd 15 0.01 Transportation KRW 1,287 Oscotec Inc 25 0.01 KRW 328 CJ Logistics Corp 44 0.02 KRW 728 Sam Chun Dang Pharm Co Ltd 19 0.01 KRW 665 Hyundai Glovis Co Ltd 84 0.04 KRW 332 Samjin Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 7 0.00 Total Republic of South Korea 27,126 12.18 KRW 240 Yuhan Corp 44 0.02 KRW 4,116 Yungjin Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 23 0.01 Russian Federation (31 May 2019: 3.50%) Real estate investment & services Airlines KRW 1,456 HDC Hyundai Development Co-Engineering & RUB 34,314 Aeroflot PJSC 55 0.02 Construction 34 0.01 Banks Retail RUB 359,098 Credit Bank of Moscow PJSC 33 0.01 KRW 329 BGF retail Co Ltd 47 0.02 RUB 364,886 Sberbank of Russia PJSC 1,329 0.60 KRW 517 CJ ENM Co Ltd 67 0.03 USD 3,561 Sberbank of Russia PJSC (ADR) 52 0.02 KRW 496 E-MART Inc 55 0.02 RUB 79,355,510 VTB Bank PJSC 56 0.03 KRW 124 GS Home Shopping Inc 16 0.01 Chemicals KRW 1,287 GS Retail Co Ltd 42 0.02 USD 5,218 PhosAgro PJSC (GDR) 64 0.03 KRW 1,567 Hotel Shilla Co Ltd 112 0.05 Coal KRW 681 Hyundai Department Store Co Ltd 48 0.02 RUB 247 Raspadskaya OJSC - 0.00 KRW 332 Hyundai Home Shopping Network Corp 24 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Saudi Arabia (31 May 2019: 1.43%) (cont) Russian Federation (31 May 2019: 3.50%) (cont) Chemicals (cont) Diversified financial services SAR 28,198 Saudi Basic Industries Corp 684 0.31 RUB 27,289 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC 45 0.02 SAR 31,112 Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co 84 0.04 RUB 2,461 Safmar Financial Investment 19 0.01 SAR 8,261 Yanbu National Petrochemical Co 111 0.05 Food Electricity USD 12,090 Magnit PJSC (GDR) 138 0.06 SAR 38,550 Saudi Electricity Co 208 0.09 Iron & steel Food RUB 133,536 Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works PJSC 81 0.04 SAR 9,537 Almarai Co JSC 125 0.06 RUB 48,664 Novolipetsk Steel PJSC 98 0.04 SAR 10,965 Savola Group 92 0.04 RUB 7,084 Severstal PJSC 100 0.05 Food Service Mining SAR 3,367 Saudi Airlines Catering Co 80 0.04 RUB 96,846 Alrosa PJSC 117 0.05 Healthcare services RUB 575 Polyus PJSC 62 0.03 SAR 4,049 Mouwasat Medical Services Co 90 0.04 Oil & gas Holding companies - diversified operations RUB 385,997 Gazprom PJSC 1,547 0.70 SAR 20,045 National Industrialization Co 63 0.03 RUB 14,478 LUKOIL PJSC 1,383 0.62 Insurance USD 3,363 Novatek PJSC (GDR) 666 0.30 SAR 2,595 Bupa Arabia for Cooperative Insurance Co 70 0.03 RUB 35,187 Rosneft Oil Co PJSC 241 0.11 SAR 3,841 Co for Cooperative Insurance 71 0.03 RUB 273,870 Surgutneftegas PJSC 188 0.08 Investment services RUB 242,510 Surgutneftegas PJSC (Preference) 136 0.06 SAR 6,354 Saudi Industrial Investment Group 34 0.02 Real estate investment & services Real estate investment & services USD 10,870 LSR Group PJSC (GDR) 24 0.01 SAR 27,289 Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Development Co 84 0.04 Retail SAR 22,220 Emaar Economic City 54 0.02 RUB 23,034 Detsky Mir PJSC 34 0.01 Retail RUB 5,576 M.Video PJSC 43 0.02 SAR 1,803 Jarir Marketing Co 76 0.03 Telecommunications Telecommunications USD 19,442 Mobile TeleSystems PJSC (ADR) 184 0.09 SAR 15,684 Etihad Etisalat Co 94 0.04 RUB 40,226 Rostelecom PJSC 50 0.02 SAR 8,717 Mobile Telecommunications Co Saudi Arabia 26 0.01 USD 10,198 Sistema PJSFC (GDR) 48 0.02 SAR 15,295 Saudi Telecom Co 380 0.17 Total Russian Federation 6,793 3.05 Total Saudi Arabia 5,701 2.56

Saudi Arabia (31 May 2019: 1.43%) Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.04%) Banks Diversified financial services SAR 46,893 Al Rajhi Bank 778 0.35 HKD 8,300 BOC Aviation Ltd 78 0.04 SAR 20,161 Alinma Bank 123 0.05 Total Singapore 78 0.04 SAR 3,629 Arab National Bank 25 0.01 SAR 14,701 Bank AlBilad 101 0.05 South Africa (31 May 2019: 5.94%) SAR 29,910 Bank Al-Jazira 109 0.05 Agriculture SAR 22,362 Banque Saudi Fransi 200 0.09 ZAR 2,220 Astral Foods Ltd 30 0.01 SAR 46,659 National Commercial Bank 572 0.26 Banks SAR 47,051 Riyad Bank 276 0.12 ZAR 28,117 Absa Group Ltd 283 0.13 SAR 39,124 Samba Financial Group 304 0.14 ZAR 118,121 FirstRand Ltd 505 0.23 SAR 16,004 Saudi British Bank 145 0.06 ZAR 14,134 Nedbank Group Ltd 211 0.09 Building materials and fixtures ZAR 45,974 Standard Bank Group Ltd 520 0.23 SAR 4,532 Saudi Cement Co 82 0.04 Building materials and fixtures SAR 4,585 Southern Province Cement Co 69 0.03 ZAR 77,630 PPC Ltd 16 0.01 Chemicals Chemicals SAR 3,540 Advanced Petrochemical Co 44 0.02 ZAR 20,522 Sasol Ltd 370 0.17 SAR 15,619 Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Co 80 0.03 Distribution & wholesale SAR 19,554 Sahara International Petrochemical Co 81 0.04 ZAR 7,207 Reunert Ltd 34 0.02 SAR 5,817 Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Co 114 0.05 Diversified financial services SAR 15,033 Saudi Arabian Mining Co 172 0.08 ZAR 1,855 Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd 179 0.08



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) South Africa (31 May 2019: 5.94%) (cont) South Africa (31 May 2019: 5.94%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals Diversified financial services (cont) ZAR 14,774 Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd 118 0.05 ZAR 10,819 Investec Ltd 62 0.03 Real estate investment & services ZAR 3,841 JSE Ltd 32 0.01 ZAR 42,789 Vukile Property Fund Ltd 58 0.03 ZAR 193,659 Old Mutual Ltd 245 0.11 Real estate investment trusts ZAR 16,399 Rand Merchant Investment Holdings Ltd 34 0.02 ZAR 51,407 Fortress REIT Ltd 69 0.03 ZAR 31,351 RMB Holdings Ltd 173 0.08 ZAR 116,475 Growthpoint Properties Ltd 181 0.08 Food ZAR 15,281 Hyprop Investments Ltd 62 0.03 ZAR 11,750 Bid Corp Ltd 259 0.12 ZAR 115,919 Redefine Properties Ltd 65 0.03 ZAR 2,051 Oceana Group Ltd 9 0.00 ZAR 14,661 Resilient REIT Ltd 67 0.03 ZAR 1,577 Pioneer Foods Group Ltd 12 0.01 Retail ZAR 20,743 Remgro Ltd 272 0.12 ZAR 7,578 Barloworld Ltd 59 0.03 ZAR 17,857 Shoprite Holdings Ltd 156 0.07 ZAR 11,132 Bidvest Group Ltd 154 0.07 ZAR 5,290 SPAR Group Ltd 74 0.03 ZAR 8,751 Clicks Group Ltd 150 0.07 ZAR 4,813 Tiger Brands Ltd 67 0.03 ZAR 19,290 Dis-Chem Pharmacies Ltd 34 0.01 ZAR 801 Tongaat Hulett Ltd* 1 0.00 ZAR 3,841 Famous Brands Ltd 21 0.01 ZAR 41,388 Woolworths Holdings Ltd 147 0.07 ZAR 9,356 Foschini Group Ltd 99 0.04 Forest products & paper ZAR 8,464 Motus Holdings Ltd 41 0.02 ZAR 26,931 Sappi Ltd 73 0.03 ZAR 9,157 Mr Price Group Ltd 109 0.05 Healthcare services ZAR 9,271 Pick n Pay Stores Ltd 43 0.02 ZAR 65,897 Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd 111 0.05 ZAR 14,624 Super Group Ltd 28 0.01 ZAR 41,196 Netcare Ltd 56 0.03 ZAR 13,902 Truworths International Ltd 49 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations Telecommunications ZAR 9,630 AVI Ltd 57 0.03 ZAR 60,559 MTN Group Ltd 382 0.17 Hotels ZAR 14,175 Telkom SA SOC Ltd 45 0.02 ZAR 5,867 Sun International Ltd 16 0.01 ZAR 18,405 Vodacom Group Ltd 152 0.07 ZAR 34,284 Tsogo Sun Gaming Ltd 29 0.01 Transportation Insurance ZAR 8,464 Imperial Logistics Ltd 32 0.02 ZAR 17,143 Discovery Ltd 138 0.06 ZAR 92,179 KAP Industrial Holdings Ltd 26 0.01 ZAR 6,493 Liberty Holdings Ltd 49 0.02 Total South Africa 10,527 4.73 ZAR 51,645 Momentum Metropolitan Holdings 72 0.03 ZAR 70,489 Sanlam Ltd 368 0.17 Taiwan (31 May 2019: 12.34%) Internet Agriculture ZAR 15,804 Naspers Ltd 2,259 1.01 TWD 41,700 Great Wall Enterprise Co Ltd 54 0.02 Investment services Airlines ZAR 6,241 PSG Group Ltd 99 0.04 TWD 124,000 China Airlines Ltd 36 0.01 Iron & steel TWD 84,485 Eva Airways Corp 39 0.02 ZAR 3,287 Kumba Iron Ore Ltd 84 0.04 Apparel retailers Media TWD 3,000 Eclat Textile Co Ltd 39 0.02 ZAR 16,502 MultiChoice Group 137 0.06 TWD 4,200 Feng TAY Enterprise Co Ltd 26 0.01 Mining TWD 1,050 Makalot Industrial Co Ltd 5 0.00 ZAR 2,409 Anglo American Platinum Ltd 200 0.09 TWD 82,000 Pou Chen Corp 107 0.05 ZAR 15,081 AngloGold Ashanti Ltd 282 0.13 TWD 42,000 Roo Hsing Co Ltd 17 0.01 ZAR 30,262 Gold Fields Ltd 159 0.07 Auto manufacturers ZAR 21,466 Harmony Gold Mining Co Ltd 66 0.03 TWD 6,000 China Motor Corp 8 0.01 ZAR 30,186 Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd 232 0.10 TWD 41,000 Sanyang Motor Co Ltd 28 0.01 ZAR 12,336 Northam Platinum Ltd 90 0.04 TWD 42,000 Yulon Motor Co Ltd 26 0.01 ZAR 88,380 Sibanye Gold Ltd 174 0.08 Auto parts & equipment Miscellaneous manufacturers TWD 82,000 Cheng Shin Rubber Industry Co Ltd 112 0.05 ZAR 4,195 AECI Ltd 30 0.01 TWD 41,000 Kenda Rubber Industrial Co Ltd 41 0.02 Packaging & containers TWD 41,000 Nan Kang Rubber Tire Co Ltd 64 0.03 ZAR 29,825 Nampak Ltd 11 0.00 TWD 39,000 Tong Yang Industry Co Ltd 58 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 12.34%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 12.34%) (cont) Computers (cont) Banks TWD 42,000 Ritek Corp 10 0.00 TWD 125,794 Bank of Kaohsiung Co Ltd 40 0.02 TWD 1,000 Systex Corp 2 0.00 TWD 207,320 Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd 156 0.07 TWD 123,000 Wistron Corp 112 0.05 TWD 124,113 Far Eastern International Bank 49 0.02 TWD 3,000 Wiwynn Corp 54 0.02 TWD 42,000 King's Town Bank Co Ltd 45 0.02 Distribution & wholesale TWD 126,412 Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Ltd 207 0.09 TWD 123,000 Taiwan TEA Corp 66 0.03 TWD 208,500 Taiwan Business Bank 86 0.04 Diversified financial services Beverages TWD 164,000 Capital Securities Corp 57 0.03 TWD 20,000 Grape King Bio Ltd 126 0.06 TWD 375,000 China Development Financial Holding Corp 119 0.05 Biotechnology TWD 657,000 CTBC Financial Holding Co Ltd 471 0.21 TWD 13,000 TaiMed Biologics Inc 58 0.03 TWD 405,319 E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd 359 0.16 Building materials and fixtures TWD 371,180 First Financial Holding Co Ltd 279 0.13 TWD 82,000 Asia Cement Corp 122 0.06 TWD 246,000 Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd 361 0.16 TWD 168,996 Taiwan Cement Corp 229 0.10 TWD 292,341 Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co Ltd 208 0.09 TWD 42,000 Taiwan Glass Industry Corp 16 0.01 TWD 82,300 IBF Financial Holdings Co Ltd 30 0.01 TWD 3,000 Universal Cement Corp 2 0.00 TWD 419,000 Mega Financial Holding Co Ltd 416 0.19 Chemicals TWD 487,000 SinoPac Financial Holdings Co Ltd 205 0.09 TWD 83,690 China Man-Made Fiber Corp 21 0.01 TWD 372,454 Taishin Financial Holding Co Ltd 174 0.08 TWD 123,900 China Petrochemical Development Corp 40 0.02 TWD 332,390 Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co Ltd 226 0.10 TWD 82,000 Eternal Materials Co Ltd 71 0.03 TWD 369,000 Yuanta Financial Holding Co Ltd 239 0.11 TWD 82,000 Everlight Chemical Industrial Corp 42 0.02 Electrical components & equipment TWD 124,000 Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp 355 0.16 TWD 83,000 AcBel Polytech Inc 64 0.03 TWD 165,000 Formosa Plastics Corp 525 0.23 TWD 69,000 Delta Electronics Inc 317 0.14 TWD 41,000 Grand Pacific Petrochemical 24 0.01 TWD 1,000 Voltronic Power Technology Corp 23 0.01 TWD 42,820 International CSRC Investment Holdings Co 43 0.02 TWD 123,000 Walsin Lihwa Corp 57 0.03 TWD 140,000 Nan Ya Plastics Corp 328 0.15 Electronics TWD 1,000 Oriental Union Chemical Corp 1 0.00 TWD 328,000 AU Optronics Corp 94 0.04 TWD 10,000 Taiwan Fertilizer Co Ltd 16 0.01 TWD 2,060 Career Technology MFG. Co Ltd 2 0.00 TWD 41,000 TSRC Corp 33 0.01 TWD 39,000 Chin-Poon Industrial Co Ltd 40 0.02 TWD 82,000 USI Corp 37 0.02 TWD 6,000 Chroma ATE Inc 27 0.01 Commercial services TWD 42,000 Compeq Manufacturing Co Ltd 67 0.03 TWD 6,000 Taiwan Secom Co Ltd 17 0.01 TWD 2,000 Coretronic Corp 3 0.00 Computers TWD 2,000 Elite Material Co Ltd 8 0.01 TWD 123,000 Acer Inc 72 0.03 TWD 2,000 FLEXium Interconnect Inc 7 0.00 TWD 9,000 Advantech Co Ltd 88 0.04 TWD 164,000 HannStar Display Corp 37 0.02 TWD 42,000 AmTRAN Technology Co Ltd 15 0.01 TWD 1,000 Holy Stone Enterprise Co Ltd 3 0.00 TWD 24,000 Asustek Computer Inc 181 0.08 TWD 447,000 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd 1,297 0.58 TWD 21,000 Chicony Electronics Co Ltd 61 0.03 TWD 14,000 ITEQ Corp 64 0.03 TWD 41,000 Clevo Co 51 0.02 TWD 2,000 Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp 3 0.00 TWD 164,000 Compal Electronics Inc 101 0.05 TWD 8,000 Lotes Co Ltd 80 0.04 TWD 39,000 Flytech Technology Co Ltd 89 0.04 TWD 25,000 Micro-Star International Co Ltd 69 0.03 TWD 41,000 Foxconn Technology Co Ltd 89 0.04 TWD 71,000 Pegatron Corp 158 0.07 TWD 22,000 Gigabyte Technology Co Ltd 36 0.02 TWD 18,000 Radiant Opto-Electronics Corp 69 0.03 TWD 369,000 Innolux Corp 96 0.04 TWD 5,000 Simplo Technology Co Ltd 50 0.02 TWD 83,000 Inventec Corp 62 0.03 TWD 19,000 Sinbon Electronics Co Ltd 73 0.03 TWD 82,000 Lite-On Technology Corp 130 0.06 TWD 42,000 Synnex Technology International Corp 51 0.02 TWD 85,050 Mitac Holdings Corp 79 0.04 TWD 1,000 Taiwan Union Technology Corp 4 0.00 TWD 5,000 Phison Electronics Corp 47 0.02 TWD 82,000 Tatung Co Ltd 59 0.03 TWD 31,000 Primax Electronics Ltd 64 0.03 TWD 2,000 Topco Scientific Co Ltd 7 0.00 TWD 34,000 Qisda Corp 25 0.01 TWD 16,000 Tripod Technology Corp 66 0.03 TWD 84,000 Quanta Computer Inc 166 0.07 TWD 41,000 TXC Corp 55 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 12.34%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 12.34%) (cont) Metal fabricate/ hardware Electronics (cont) TWD 25,000 Catcher Technology Co Ltd 205 0.09 TWD 42,000 Unimicron Technology Corp 64 0.03 TWD 25,000 Shin Zu Shing Co Ltd 102 0.05 TWD 41,000 Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp 48 0.02 TWD 41,000 TA Chen Stainless Pipe 39 0.02 TWD 10,000 Walsin Technology Corp 56 0.03 TWD 83,580 Yieh Phui Enterprise Co Ltd 25 0.01 TWD 42,000 WPG Holdings Ltd 52 0.02 Mining TWD 39,000 WT Microelectronics Co Ltd 55 0.03 TWD 42,000 Ton Yi Industrial Corp 17 0.01 TWD 8,486 Yageo Corp 92 0.04 Miscellaneous manufacturers Energy - alternate sources TWD 25,000 Asia Optical Co Inc 64 0.03 TWD 124,000 United Renewable Energy Co Ltd 29 0.01 TWD 4,120 Hiwin Technologies Corp 35 0.02 Engineering & construction TWD 3,444 Largan Precision Co Ltd 501 0.22 TWD 164,000 BES Engineering Corp 42 0.02 Office & business equipment TWD 41,000 CTCI Corp 50 0.02 TWD 124,000 Kinpo Electronics 48 0.02 TWD 12,800 United Integrated Services Co Ltd 74 0.03 Oil & gas Environmental control TWD 42,000 Formosa Petrochemical Corp 132 0.06 TWD 1,000 Cleanaway Co Ltd 5 0.00 Packaging & containers TWD 8,000 Sunny Friend Environmental Technology Co Ltd 63 0.03 TWD 1,000 Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise Co Ltd 2 0.00 Food Pharmaceuticals TWD 41,700 Lien Hwa Industrial Holdings Corp 49 0.02 TWD 1,149 Center Laboratories Inc 2 0.00 TWD 27,000 Standard Foods Corp 59 0.03 TWD 1,000 PharmaEssentia Corp 4 0.00 TWD 176,000 Uni-President Enterprises Corp 418 0.19 TWD 1,000 TTY Biopharm Co Ltd 3 0.00 Forest products & paper TWD 40,000 YungShin Global Holding Corp 55 0.03 TWD 41,000 Cheng Loong Corp 25 0.01 Real estate investment & services TWD 82,000 YFY Inc 35 0.02 TWD 1,000 Chong Hong Construction Co Ltd 3 0.00 Home furnishings TWD 41,000 Highwealth Construction Corp 63 0.03 TWD 41,000 E Ink Holdings Inc 43 0.02 TWD 31,000 Huaku Development Co Ltd 95 0.04 TWD 3,000 Nien Made Enterprise Co Ltd 28 0.01 TWD 41,000 Hung Sheng Construction Ltd 30 0.01 Hotels TWD 12,000 Ruentex Development Co Ltd 18 0.01 TWD 2,000 Formosa International Hotels Corp 11 0.00 Retail Insurance TWD 42,000 Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd 36 0.02 TWD 290,058 Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd 397 0.18 TWD 10,000 Hotai Motor Co Ltd 196 0.09 TWD 83,987 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 70 0.03 TWD 6,000 Poya International Co Ltd 85 0.04 TWD 82,506 Mercuries Life Insurance Co Ltd 32 0.01 TWD 21,000 President Chain Store Corp 210 0.09 TWD 456,358 Shin Kong Financial Holding Co Ltd 150 0.07 TWD 1,000 Ruentex Industries Ltd 3 0.00 Internet Semiconductors TWD 6,000 King Slide Works Co Ltd 70 0.03 TWD 41,000 Ardentec Corp 37 0.02 Iron & steel TWD 137,000 ASE Technology Holding Co Ltd 339 0.15 TWD 450,000 China Steel Corp 345 0.16 TWD 2,000 ASPEED Technology Inc 56 0.03 TWD 49,000 Feng Hsin Steel Co Ltd 87 0.04 TWD 22,000 Chipbond Technology Corp 45 0.02 TWD 41,000 Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp 30 0.01 TWD 41,000 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc 43 0.02 Leisure time TWD 5,000 eMemory Technology Inc 52 0.02 TWD 14,000 Fusheng Precision Co Ltd 82 0.04 TWD 41,000 Epistar Corp 44 0.02 TWD 3,000 Giant Manufacturing Co Ltd 21 0.01 TWD 41,000 Everlight Electronics Co Ltd 45 0.02 TWD 1,000 Merida Industry Co Ltd 6 0.00 TWD 7,000 Global Unichip Corp 61 0.03 Machinery - diversified TWD 7,000 Globalwafers Co Ltd 76 0.03 TWD 40,750 Syncmold Enterprise Corp 117 0.05 TWD 39,000 Greatek Electronics Inc 59 0.03 TWD 72,000 Teco Electric and Machinery Co Ltd 64 0.03 TWD 41,000 King Yuan Electronics Co Ltd 49 0.02 Marine transportation TWD 8,000 LandMark Optoelectronics Corp 66 0.03 TWD 127,826 Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd 52 0.02 TWD 82,000 Macronix International 89 0.04 TWD 39,000 U-Ming Marine Transport Corp 43 0.02 TWD 53,000 MediaTek Inc 732 0.33 TWD 42,000 Wan Hai Lines Ltd 25 0.01 TWD 41,000 Nanya Technology Corp 96 0.04 TWD 24,000 Novatek Microelectronics Corp 176 0.08



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Thailand (31 May 2019: 3.05%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 12.34%) (cont) Commercial services Semiconductors (cont) THB 275,700 Bangkok Expressway & Metro PCL 99 0.05 TWD 29,000 Powertech Technology Inc 89 0.04 Diversified financial services TWD 20,000 Realtek Semiconductor Corp 151 0.07 THB 28,700 Muangthai Capital PCL 57 0.02 TWD 42,703 Sigurd Microelectronics Corp 49 0.02 THB 28,610 Srisawad Corp PCL 60 0.03 TWD 20,000 Sino-American Silicon Products Inc 57 0.03 THB 6,300 Tisco Financial Group PCL 20 0.01 TWD 11,000 Sitronix Technology Corp 61 0.03 Electricity TWD 884,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 8,837 3.97 THB 20,500 Gulf Energy Development PCL 113 0.05 TWD 14,000 Tong Hsing Electronic Industries Ltd 58 0.03 Electronics TWD 2,000 Transcend Information Inc 5 0.00 THB 28,700 Hana Microelectronics PCL 30 0.01 TWD 404,000 United Microelectronics Corp 198 0.09 THB 28,700 KCE Electronics PCL 18 0.01 TWD 41,000 Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp 96 0.04 Energy - alternate sources TWD 14,000 Visual Photonics Epitaxy Co Ltd 55 0.02 THB 48,200 BCPG PCL 27 0.01 TWD 39,000 Wafer Works Corp 43 0.02 THB 178,600 CK Power PCL 31 0.02 TWD 12,000 Win Semiconductors Corp 119 0.05 THB 60,000 Energy Absolute PCL 85 0.04 TWD 164,000 Winbond Electronics Corp 94 0.04 Engineering & construction Software THB 159,800 Airports of Thailand PCL 399 0.18 TWD 4,000 International Games System Co Ltd 49 0.02 THB 32,800 CH Karnchang PCL 22 0.01 Telecommunications THB 68,100 Sino-Thai Engineering & Construction PCL 33 0.01 TWD 21,000 Accton Technology Corp 109 0.05 Entertainment TWD 124,000 Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 459 0.21 THB 24,600 Major Cineplex Group PCL 20 0.01 TWD 43,000 Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 103 0.05 Food TWD 41,000 HTC Corp 47 0.02 THB 55,600 Berli Jucker PCL 84 0.04 TWD 1,000 Sercomm Corp 3 0.00 THB 162,800 Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL 148 0.06 TWD 42,000 Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd 158 0.07 THB 140,200 Thai Union Group PCL 64 0.03 TWD 1,000 Wistron NeWeb Corp 2 0.00 Healthcare services Textile THB 20,300 Bangkok Chain Hospital PCL 12 0.01 TWD 123,000 Far Eastern New Century Corp 120 0.05 THB 380,400 Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL 310 0.14 TWD 41,000 Formosa Taffeta Co Ltd 46 0.02 THB 12,400 Bumrungrad Hospital PCL 55 0.02 TWD 83,000 Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp 32 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations TWD 82,000 Tainan Spinning Co Ltd 28 0.01 THB 28,800 Siam Cement PCL 363 0.16 TWD 1,000 Taiwan Paiho Ltd 3 0.00 Home builders Transportation THB 106,200 AP Thailand PCL 24 0.01 TWD 82,000 Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp 97 0.04 THB 310,817 Land & Houses PCL 101 0.05 Total Taiwan 29,138 13.08 THB 349,800 Quality Houses PCL 31 0.01 THB 495,100 WHA Corp PCL 69 0.03 Thailand (31 May 2019: 3.05%) Hotels Banks THB 110,900 Minor International PCL 141 0.06 THB 16,600 Bangkok Bank PCL 98 0.04 Oil & gas THB 45,400 Kasikornbank PCL 233 0.10 THB 66,700 Bangchak Corp PCL 55 0.02 THB 32,600 Kasikornbank PCL (non-voting) 167 0.08 THB 56,400 Esso Thailand PCL 14 0.01 THB 20,500 Kiatnakin Bank PCL 47 0.02 THB 50,100 PTT Exploration & Production PCL 199 0.09 THB 153,700 Krung Thai Bank PCL 83 0.04 THB 432,600 PTT PCL 619 0.28 THB 32,300 Siam Commercial Bank PCL 129 0.06 THB 50,700 Thai Oil PCL 116 0.05 THB 10,500 Thanachart Capital PCL 19 0.01 Real estate investment & services THB 810,706 TMB Bank PCL 43 0.02 THB 20,500 Amata Corp PCL 15 0.01 Building materials and fixtures THB 821,200 Bangkok Land PCL 35 0.01 THB 916,200 TPI Polene PCL 39 0.02 THB 89,900 Central Pattana PCL 185 0.08 Chemicals THB 47,600 MBK PCL 35 0.02 THB 80,400 Indorama Ventures PCL 92 0.04 THB 586,700 Sansiri PCL 22 0.01 THB 508,500 IRPC PCL 59 0.03 THB 36,900 Supalai PCL 21 0.01 THB 81,400 PTT Global Chemical PCL 145 0.06



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.47%) (cont) Turkey (31 May 2019: 0.61%) (cont) Thailand (31 May 2019: 3.05%) (cont) Real estate investment & services Retail TRY 122,604 Emlak Konut Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS 31 0.01 THB 118,800 Beauty Community PCL 8 0.00 Telecommunications THB 225,300 CP ALL PCL 567 0.26 TRY 31,607 Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS 75 0.03 THB 253,500 Home Product Center PCL 138 0.06 Total Turkey 1,388 0.62 THB 24,700 Robinson PCL 54 0.02 THB 102,100 Siam Global House PCL 57 0.03 United Arab Emirates (31 May 2019: 0.76%) Telecommunications Airlines THB 44,700 Advanced Info Service PCL 314 0.14 AED 138,327 Air Arabia PJSC 55 0.03 THB 89,700 Intouch Holdings PCL 174 0.08 Banks THB 277,100 Jasmine International PCL 48 0.02 AED 96,673 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 199 0.09 THB 24,600 Total Access Communication PCL 44 0.02 AED 79,768 Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC 115 0.05 THB 534,300 True Corp PCL 78 0.04 AED 103,034 First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC 426 0.19 Transportation Commercial services THB 301,300 BTS Group Holdings PCL 137 0.06 USD 7,738 DP World Plc 97 0.04 Water Engineering & construction THB 118,500 TTW PCL 53 0.02 AED 128,185 Dubai Investments PJSC 44 0.02 Total Thailand 6,558 2.94 Real estate investment & services AED 166,866 Aldar Properties PJSC 98 0.04 Turkey (31 May 2019: 0.61%) AED 3,855 Emaar Development PJSC 4 0.00 Auto manufacturers AED 151,485 Emaar Malls PJSC 79 0.04 TRY 3,061 Ford Otomotiv Sanayi AS 34 0.01 AED 135,460 Emaar Properties PJSC 152 0.07 Banks Telecommunications TRY 102,760 Akbank T.A.S. 139 0.06 AED 59,093 Emirates Telecommunications Group Co PJSC 262 0.12 TRY 83,907 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS 148 0.07 Total United Arab Emirates 1,531 0.69 TRY 39,057 Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS 39 0.02 TRY 81,404 Turkiye Is Bankasi AS 87 0.04 United States (31 May 2019: 0.26%) Beverages Retail TRY 12,278 Anadolu Efes Biracilik Ve Malt Sanayii AS 46 0.02 USD 12,828 Yum China Holdings Inc 571 0.26 TRY 5,311 Coca-Cola Icecek AS 32 0.01 Total United States 571 0.26 Chemicals Total equities 222,445 99.89 TRY 50,720 Petkim Petrokimya Holding AS 32 0.02 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) TRY 25,162 Soda Sanayii AS 25 0.01 Engineering & construction Brazil (31 May 2019: 0.00%) TRY 9,690 Tekfen Holding AS 32 0.01 BRL 1,561 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA - 0.00 Food BRL 1,575 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (Preference) - 0.00 TRY 15,770 BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS 126 0.06 Total Brazil - 0.00 TRY 17,241 Sok Marketler Ticaret AS 30 0.01 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.00%) TRY 10,052 Ulker Biskuvi Sanayi AS 38 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: Nil) TRY 53,538 Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS 85 0.04 HKD 153 Legend Holdings Corp* - 0.00 TRY 30,525 KOC Holding AS 106 0.05 Total People's Republic of China - 0.00 Home furnishings TRY 13,485 Arcelik AS 47 0.02 Slovakia (31 May 2019: Nil) Iron & steel KRW 43 Amorepacific Group Inc* - 0.00 TRY 48,613 Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS 68 0.03 Total Slovakia - 0.00 TRY 44,941 Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 19 0.01 Total rights - 0.00 Mining TRY 2,860 Koza Altin Isletmeleri AS 36 0.02 Oil & gas TRY 5,220 Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS 113 0.05



Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Warrants (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Thailand (31 May 2019: 0.00%) THB 600 Minor International PCL - Warrants - 0.00 Total Thailand - 0.00 Total warrants - 0.00

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) USD 1 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures December 2019 53 - 0.00 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts - 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 222,445 99.89

Cash† 302 0.14

Other net liabilities (55) (0.03)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 222,692 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD298,980 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD2,828 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. *These securities were valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. These securities were fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 222,351 99.41 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 94 0.04 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) - 0.00 Other assets 1,236 0.55 Total current assets 223,681 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 3.43%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.74%) Real estate investment & services HKD 664,000 Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd 2,146 0.41 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) Total Cayman Islands 20,213 3.79 Argentina (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Chile (31 May 2019: 1.19%) Belgium (31 May 2019: Nil) Beverages Building materials and fixtures CLP 201,355 Embotelladora Andina SA 511 0.10 EUR 23,723 Titan Cement International SA 482 0.09 Chemicals Total Belgium 482 0.09 CLP 61,708 Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA 1,461 0.27 Water Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.05%) CLP 1,431,877 Aguas Andinas SA 584 0.11 Total Chile 2,556 0.48 Brazil (31 May 2019: 10.29%) Banks Colombia (31 May 2019: 0.22%) BRL 2,215,754 Banco Bradesco SA 17,487 3.27 Commercial services Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.31%) BRL 659,706 Cielo SA 1,217 0.23 Energy - alternate sources BRL 319,403 Localiza Rent a Car SA 3,402 0.63 HKD 1,988,703 China Everbright International Ltd 1,504 0.28 Cosmetics & personal care Total Hong Kong 1,504 0.28 BRL 210,545 Natura Cosmeticos SA 1,649 0.31 Diversified financial services Hungary (31 May 2019: 0.41%) BRL 1,131,608 B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao 12,771 2.39 Electricity India (31 May 2019: 15.84%) BRL 497,831 Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais 1,537 0.29 Auto manufacturers Food INR 412,279 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 3,049 0.57 BRL 86,166 Cia Brasileira de Distribuicao 1,634 0.31 Chemicals Machinery - diversified INR 159,049 Asian Paints Ltd 3,783 0.71 BRL 463,985 WEG SA 3,338 0.62 Computers Oil & gas INR 1,882,953 Infosys Ltd 18,278 3.43 BRL 106,574 Cosan SA 1,565 0.29 INR 494,913 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 14,165 2.65 BRL 451,662 Ultrapar Participacoes SA 2,330 0.44 Cosmetics & personal care Packaging & containers INR 286,055 Dabur India Ltd 1,831 0.34 BRL 377,788 Klabin SA 1,583 0.30 Diversified financial services Retail INR 780,168 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 24,983 4.68 BRL 214,093 Atacadao SA 952 0.18 Food BRL 439,546 Lojas Renner SA 5,385 1.01 INR 243,811 Marico Ltd 1,223 0.23 Telecommunications INR 12,790 Nestle India Ltd 2,577 0.48 BRL 247,471 Telefonica Brasil SA 3,292 0.62 Household goods & home construction Total Brazil 58,142 10.89 INR 358,956 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 10,184 1.91 Leisure time Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 3.43%) INR 52,809 Hero MotoCorp Ltd 1,792 0.34 Auto manufacturers Retail HKD 2,771,000 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 5,182 0.97 INR 171,743 Titan Co Ltd 2,776 0.52 USD 355,407 NIO Inc (ADR) 807 0.15 Telecommunications Diversified financial services INR 184,015 Bharti Infratel Ltd 709 0.13 TWD 672 Chailease Holding Co Ltd 3 0.00 Total India 85,350 15.99 Healthcare services HKD 502,000 Genscript Biotech Corp 1,212 0.23 Indonesia (31 May 2019: 2.42%) HKD 309,000 Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc 3,492 0.65 Banks Internet IDR 5,419,700 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 12,065 2.26 HKD 559,100 Meituan Dianping 7,371 1.38 IDR 10,317,400 Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT 5,102 0.95 IDR 4,025,200 Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 2,140 0.40


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Mexico (31 May 2019: 3.07%) (cont) Indonesia (31 May 2019: 2.42%) (cont) Household goods & home construction Banks (cont) MXN 822,478 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV 1,579 0.30 IDR 30,678,800 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 8,896 1.67 Retail Household goods & home construction MXN 291,068 Alsea SAB de CV 791 0.15 IDR 843,400 Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT 2,499 0.47 Total Mexico 15,044 2.82 Pharmaceuticals IDR 11,382,400 Kalbe Farma Tbk PT 1,231 0.23 People's Republic of China (31 May 2019: 1.77%) Retail Auto manufacturers IDR 168,800 Astra International Tbk PT 78 0.02 HKD 913,000 BAIC Motor Corp Ltd 512 0.10 Telecommunications CNY 62,981 BYD Co Ltd 389 0.07 IDR 27,188,400 Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 7,575 1.42 HKD 345,500 BYD Co Ltd Class 'H' 1,640 0.31 Total Indonesia 39,586 7.42 CNY 71,500 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd 120 0.02 HKD 1,588,400 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd Class 'H' 1,696 0.32 Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.28%) CNY 52,600 Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co Ltd 105 0.02 Real estate investment & services Banks ZAR 205,480 NEPI Rockcastle Plc 1,739 0.33 HKD 3,908,900 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 2,722 0.51 Total Isle of Man 1,739 0.33 Building materials and fixtures CNY 60,099 Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co Ltd 205 0.04 Jersey (31 May 2019: Nil) Electrical components & equipment Mining CNY 103,698 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd 171 0.03 RUB 53,830 Polymetal International Plc 809 0.15 HKD 438,800 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co Ltd Class Total Jersey 809 0.15 'H' 488 0.09 Electricity Malaysia (31 May 2019: 4.70%) HKD 2,580,000 Huaneng Renewables Corp Ltd 985 0.18 Agriculture Electronics MYR 335,900 HAP Seng Consolidated Bhd 796 0.15 CNY 50,000 Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co Ltd 187 0.04 Banks Healthcare services MYR 2,688,224 CIMB Group Holdings Bhd 3,334 0.63 CNY 47,999 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd 601 0.11 MYR 2,174,600 Malayan Banking Bhd 4,442 0.83 HKD 82,800 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd Class 'H' 961 0.18 MYR 1,705,300 Public Bank Bhd 8,011 1.50 Holding companies - diversified operations MYR 865,500 RHB Bank Bhd 1,173 0.22 CNY 263,000 Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co Ltd 143 0.03 Distribution & wholesale Home furnishings MYR 1,467,900 Sime Darby Bhd 791 0.15 CNY 24,500 Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co Ltd 104 0.02 Food CNY 407,300 TCL Corp 222 0.04 MYR 38,000 Nestle Malaysia Bhd 1,304 0.24 Miscellaneous manufacturers Healthcare products CNY 47,298 Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co Ltd 82 0.02 MYR 829,000 Top Glove Corp Bhd 893 0.17 Pharmaceuticals Oil & gas CNY 37,300 China National Medicines Corp Ltd 130 0.02 MYR 171,800 Petronas Dagangan Bhd 942 0.17 Retail Telecommunications CNY 41,098 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 104 0.02 MYR 1,477,800 Axiata Group Bhd 1,461 0.27 HKD 446,300 Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd Class 'H' 800 0.15 MYR 1,678,200 DiGi.Com Bhd 1,800 0.34 CNY 316,741 Co Ltd 444 0.08 MYR 1,266,000 Maxis Bhd 1,570 0.29 Transportation MYR 565,800 Telekom Malaysia Bhd 510 0.10 HKD 1,222,000 Sinotrans Ltd 381 0.07 Total Malaysia 27,027 5.06 Total People's Republic of China 13,192 2.47

Mexico (31 May 2019: 3.07%) Philippines (31 May 2019: 1.28%) Beverages Real estate investment & services MXN 238,005 Arca Continental SAB de CV 1,263 0.24 PHP 5,586,700 SM Prime Holdings Inc 4,288 0.80 MXN 283,406 Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 1,629 0.30 Total Philippines 4,288 0.80 MXN 1,075,065 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV 9,782 1.83


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) South Africa (31 May 2019: 10.25%) (cont) Poland (31 May 2019: 1.09%) Diversified financial services Banks ZAR 154,875 Investec Ltd 890 0.17 PLN 341,061 Bank Millennium SA 481 0.09 ZAR 2,670,316 Old Mutual Ltd 3,379 0.63 PLN 94,296 Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA 2,527 0.47 ZAR 429,149 RMB Holdings Ltd 2,362 0.44 PLN 19,281 Santander Bank Polska SA 1,356 0.26 Food Total Poland 4,364 0.82 ZAR 103,930 SPAR Group Ltd 1,461 0.27 ZAR 537,472 Woolworths Holdings Ltd 1,914 0.36 Qatar (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Healthcare services Telecommunications ZAR 752,202 Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd 1,269 0.24 QAR 851,588 Ooredoo QPSC 1,613 0.30 Internet Total Qatar 1,613 0.30 ZAR 168,232 Naspers Ltd 24,051 4.50 Iron & steel Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 10.99%) ZAR 34,760 Kumba Iron Ore Ltd 892 0.17 Auto parts & equipment Media KRW 40,106 Hankook Tire & Technology Co Ltd 1,129 0.21 ZAR 236,800 MultiChoice Group 1,959 0.37 Banks Real estate investment trusts KRW 247,541 Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 9,127 1.71 ZAR 1,642,108 Growthpoint Properties Ltd 2,556 0.48 Chemicals Retail KRW 25,361 LG Chem Ltd 6,581 1.23 ZAR 159,302 Bidvest Group Ltd 2,207 0.41 KRW 4,219 LG Chem Ltd (Preference) 596 0.11 ZAR 144,858 Clicks Group Ltd 2,476 0.47 Cosmetics & personal care ZAR 127,756 Foschini Group Ltd 1,353 0.25 KRW 17,771 Amorepacific Corp 2,844 0.53 ZAR 138,704 Mr Price Group Ltd 1,656 0.31 KRW 15,573 AMOREPACIFIC Group 1,070 0.20 Telecommunications KRW 5,179 LG Household & Health Care Ltd 5,547 1.04 ZAR 937,319 MTN Group Ltd 5,909 1.11 KRW 1,135 LG Household & Health Care Ltd (Preference) 715 0.14 ZAR 355,149 Vodacom Group Ltd 2,935 0.55 Distribution & wholesale Total South Africa 80,358 15.05 KRW 52,456 LG Corp 3,153 0.59 Diversified financial services Taiwan (31 May 2019: 23.63%) KRW 149,495 BNK Financial Group Inc 881 0.16 Airlines KRW 219,542 KB Financial Group Inc 8,559 1.60 TWD 1,535,000 China Airlines Ltd 453 0.09 KRW 16,203 Samsung Card Co Ltd 509 0.10 TWD 1,281,761 Eva Airways Corp 588 0.11 Electronics Computers KRW 125,502 LG Display Co Ltd 1,562 0.29 TWD 1,576,000 Acer Inc 927 0.17 Home furnishings TWD 1,533,000 Wistron Corp 1,392 0.26 KRW 58,793 LG Electronics Inc 3,479 0.65 Diversified financial services KRW 27,876 Woongjin Coway Co Ltd 2,115 0.40 TWD 5,780,118 E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd 5,124 0.96 Insurance TWD 5,300,500 Taishin Financial Holding Co Ltd 2,476 0.46 KRW 33,769 Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd 801 0.15 Electronics KRW 17,020 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd 3,350 0.63 TWD 1,010,000 Tatung Co Ltd 730 0.14 Internet Food KRW 76,988 NAVER Corp 11,211 2.10 TWD 232,748 Standard Foods Corp 506 0.09 Total Republic of South Korea 63,229 11.84 TWD 90,000 Uni-President Enterprises Corp 214 0.04 Iron & steel Russian Federation (31 May 2019: 1.87%) TWD 6,523,000 China Steel Corp 5,003 0.94 Retail South Africa (31 May 2019: 10.25%) TWD 166,000 Hotai Motor Co Ltd 3,248 0.61 Banks TWD 316,000 President Chain Store Corp 3,164 0.59 ZAR 398,280 Absa Group Ltd 4,003 0.75 Semiconductors ZAR 1,850,468 FirstRand Ltd 7,908 1.48 TWD 2,432,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 24,312 4.55 ZAR 206,047 Nedbank Group Ltd 3,080 0.58 Telecommunications ZAR 715,981 Standard Bank Group Ltd 8,098 1.51 TWD 2,086,000 Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 7,726 1.45 TWD 862,000 Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 2,065 0.39


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Rights (31 May 2019: Nil) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 23.63%) (cont) Slovakia (31 May 2019: Nil) Telecommunications (cont) KRW 802 Amorepacific Group Inc* - 0.00 TWD 901,000 Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd 3,381 0.63 Total Slovakia - 0.00 Textile Total rights - 0.00 TWD 1,733,000 Far Eastern New Century Corp 1,690 0.32 Warrants (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Total Taiwan 62,999 11.80 Thailand (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Thailand (31 May 2019: 5.62%) Underlying Fair %ofnet Banks No. of exposure Value asset THB 1,200 Kasikornbank PCL 6 0.00 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value THB 649,700 Kasikornbank PCL (Alien Market) 3,333 0.62 THB 463,000 Kasikornbank PCL (non-voting) 2,375 0.45 Financial derivative instruments(31 May 2019: 0.00%) THB 458,100 Siam Commercial Bank PCL 1,834 0.34 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Chemicals USD 31 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures THB 1,246,100 PTT Global Chemical PCL 2,216 0.41 December 2019 1,635 (26) (0.01) Energy - alternate sources Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (26) (0.01) THB 905,700 Energy Absolute PCL 1,281 0.24 Total financial derivative instruments (26) (0.01) Healthcare services THB 5,203,700 Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL 4,236 0.79 Holding companies - diversified operations Fair %ofnet Value asset THB 431,100 Siam Cement PCL 5,436 1.02 USD'000 value Hotels THB 1,495,500 Minor International PCL 1,905 0.36 Total value of investments 530,659 99.40 Real estate investment & services THB 1,240,300 Central Pattana PCL 2,555 0.48 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Retail UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds THB 3,193,400 Home Product Center PCL 1,744 0.33 (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Telecommunications Cash† 4,494 0.84 THB 657,300 Advanced Info Service PCL 4,612 0.87 THB 1,240,600 Intouch Holdings PCL 2,412 0.45 Other net liabilities (1,305) (0.24) THB 384,200 Total Access Communication PCL 680 0.13 THB 6,302,000 True Corp PCL 926 0.17 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating Transportation shareholders at the end of the financial period 533,848 100.00 THB 3,726,600 BTS Group Holdings PCL 1,690 0.32 †Cash holdings of USD4,412,814 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. Total Thailand 37,241 6.98 USD81,252 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair Turkey (31 May 2019: 0.25%) valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. Home furnishings TRY 119,801 Arcelik AS 420 0.08 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Total Turkey 420 0.08 entity in which the Fund holds shares.

United Arab Emirates (31 May 2019: 0.59%) Banks AED 1,538,181 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 3,162 0.59 AED 1,508,914 First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC 6,244 1.17 Commercial services USD 89,575 DP World Plc 1,123 0.21 Total United Arab Emirates 10,529 1.97 Total equities 530,685 99.41


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 529,056 98.43 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 1,629 0.31 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) - 0.00 Other assets 6,796 1.26 Total current assets 537,481 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Finland (31 May 2019: 3.36%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.54%) Machinery - diversified (cont) EUR 195 Metso Oyj 7 0.21 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) Oil & gas Austria (31 May 2019: 0.72%) EUR 495 Neste Oyj 15 0.45 Banks Pharmaceuticals EUR 223 Erste Group Bank AG 7 0.21 EUR 105 Orion Oyj 4 0.12 EUR 79 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 2 0.06 Semiconductors Electricity EUR 701 Wartsila Oyj Abp 6 0.18 EUR 120 Verbund AG 5 0.15 Telecommunications Iron & steel EUR 86 Elisa Oyj 4 0.12 EUR 244 voestalpine AG 6 0.18 EUR 4,665 Nokia Oyj 15 0.45 Machinery - diversified Total Finland 101 3.03 EUR 49 ANDRITZ AG 2 0.06 Oil & gas France (31 May 2019: 34.56%) EUR 79 OMV AG 4 0.12 Advertising Total Austria 26 0.78 EUR 212 JCDecaux SA 6 0.18 EUR 180 Publicis Groupe SA 7 0.21 Belgium (31 May 2019: 3.26%) Apparel retailers Banks EUR 16 Hermes International 11 0.33 EUR 243 KBC Group NV 16 0.48 EUR 63 Kering SA 34 1.02 Beverages EUR 221 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 90 2.71 EUR 620 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 44 1.32 Auto manufacturers Chemicals EUR 614 Peugeot SA 14 0.42 EUR 78 Solvay SA 8 0.24 EUR 215 Renault SA 9 0.27 EUR 221 Umicore SA 9 0.27 Auto parts & equipment Food EUR 157 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 17 0.51 EUR 36 Colruyt SA 2 0.06 EUR 48 Faurecia SE 2 0.06 Insurance EUR 300 Valeo SA 11 0.33 EUR 80 Ageas 4 0.12 Banks Investment services EUR 877 BNP Paribas SA 45 1.36 EUR 36 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 3 0.09 EUR 1,050 Credit Agricole SA 13 0.39 Media EUR 1,425 Natixis SA 5 0.15 EUR 40 Telenet Group Holding NV 2 0.06 EUR 624 Societe Generale SA 18 0.54 Pharmaceuticals Beverages EUR 28 Galapagos NV 5 0.15 EUR 181 Pernod Ricard SA 30 0.90 EUR 121 UCB SA 9 0.27 EUR 14 Remy Cointreau SA 2 0.06 Telecommunications Building materials and fixtures EUR 66 Proximus SADP 2 0.06 EUR 526 Cie de Saint-Gobain 19 0.57 Total Belgium 104 3.12 Chemicals EUR 340 Air Liquide SA 42 1.26 Finland (31 May 2019: 3.36%) EUR 64 Arkema SA 6 0.18 Auto parts & equipment Commercial services EUR 66 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 2 0.06 EUR 244 Bureau Veritas SA 6 0.18 Electricity EUR 234 Edenred 10 0.30 EUR 379 Fortum Oyj 8 0.24 Computers Forest products & paper EUR 131 Atos SE 10 0.30 EUR 470 Stora Enso Oyj 6 0.18 EUR 152 Capgemini SE 16 0.48 EUR 574 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 17 0.51 EUR 63 Ingenico Group SA 6 0.18 Insurance EUR 76 Teleperformance 17 0.51 EUR 191 Sampo Oyj 7 0.21 Cosmetics & personal care Machinery - diversified EUR 238 L'Oreal SA 62 1.86 EUR 172 Kone Oyj 10 0.30


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 34.56%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 34.56%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Diversified financial services EUR 233 Klepierre SA 7 0.21 EUR 104 Amundi SA 7 0.21 EUR 148 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 21 0.63 EUR 86 Eurazeo SE 5 0.15 Software Electrical components & equipment EUR 124 Dassault Systemes SE 18 0.54 EUR 299 Legrand SA 21 0.63 EUR 71 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 4 0.12 EUR 588 Schneider Electric SE 52 1.56 EUR 110 Worldline SA 6 0.18 Electricity Telecommunications EUR 656 Electricite de France SA 6 0.18 EUR 158 Eutelsat Communications SA 3 0.09 EUR 1,608 Engie SA 23 0.69 EUR 2,088 Orange SA 31 0.93 Engineering & construction Transportation EUR 27 Aeroports de Paris 5 0.15 EUR 638 Getlink SE 10 0.30 EUR 269 Bouygues SA 10 0.30 Water EUR 98 Eiffage SA 10 0.30 EUR 443 Suez 6 0.18 EUR 418 Vinci SA 41 1.23 Total France 1,163 34.92 Food EUR 640 Carrefour SA 10 0.30 Germany (31 May 2019: 26.83%) EUR 77 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 3 0.09 Aerospace & defence EUR 610 Danone SA 45 1.35 EUR 90 MTU Aero Engines AG 22 0.66 Food Service Airlines EUR 43 Sodexo SA 5 0.15 EUR 102 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 2 0.06 Healthcare products Apparel retailers EUR 213 EssilorLuxottica SA 30 0.90 EUR 153 adidas AG 43 1.29 EUR 34 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 5 0.15 EUR 99 Puma SE 7 0.21 Healthcare services Auto manufacturers EUR 24 BioMerieux 2 0.06 EUR 369 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 27 0.81 Home furnishings EUR 41 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 2 0.06 EUR 18 SEB SA 3 0.09 EUR 783 Daimler AG 40 1.20 Hotels Auto parts & equipment EUR 176 Accor SA 7 0.21 EUR 100 Continental AG 12 0.36 Insurance Banks EUR 1,916 AXA SA 47 1.41 EUR 752 Commerzbank AG 4 0.12 EUR 439 CNP Assurances 8 0.24 EUR 1,661 Deutsche Bank AG 11 0.33 EUR 70 SCOR SE 3 0.09 Building materials and fixtures Internet EUR 82 HeidelbergCement AG 6 0.18 EUR 13 Iliad SA 1 0.03 Chemicals Investment services EUR 833 BASF SE 57 1.71 EUR 48 Wendel SA 6 0.18 EUR 206 Brenntag AG 10 0.30 Media EUR 133 Covestro AG 6 0.18 EUR 409 Bollore SA 2 0.06 EUR 116 Evonik Industries AG 3 0.09 EUR 729 Vivendi SA 18 0.54 EUR 43 FUCHS PETROLUB SE 2 0.06 Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 41 LANXESS AG 2 0.06 EUR 205 Alstom SA 8 0.24 EUR 104 Symrise AG 9 0.27 Oil & gas Commercial services EUR 1,390 TOTAL SA 66 1.98 EUR 93 Wirecard AG 11 0.33 Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics & personal care EUR 28 Ipsen SA 3 0.09 EUR 79 Beiersdorf AG 8 0.24 EUR 950 Sanofi 80 2.41 Diversified financial services Real estate investment trusts EUR 201 Deutsche Boerse AG 28 0.84 EUR 50 Covivio 5 0.15 Electricity EUR 55 Gecina SA 9 0.27 EUR 1,765 E.ON SE 17 0.51 EUR 35 ICADE 3 0.09 EUR 93 Uniper SE 3 0.09


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 26.83%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 26.83%) (cont) Transportation Electronics EUR 943 Deutsche Post AG 32 0.96 EUR 39 Sartorius AG 8 0.24 Total Germany 888 26.66 Engineering & construction EUR 89 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 7 0.21 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.78%) EUR 34 HOCHTIEF AG 4 0.12 Banks Food EUR 591 AIB Group Plc 2 0.06 EUR 209 METRO AG 3 0.09 EUR 419 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 2 0.06 Healthcare products Building materials and fixtures EUR 24 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 3 0.09 EUR 746 CRH Plc 26 0.78 EUR 65 Siemens Healthineers AG 3 0.09 EUR 100 Kingspan Group Plc 5 0.15 Healthcare services Entertainment EUR 161 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 11 0.33 EUR 62 Flutter Entertainment Plc 6 0.18 EUR 279 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 14 0.42 Food Household goods & home construction EUR 119 Kerry Group Plc 14 0.42 EUR 115 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 10 0.30 Forest products & paper EUR 129 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 13 0.39 EUR 149 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 5 0.15 Insurance Total Ireland 60 1.80 EUR 405 Allianz SE 88 2.65 EUR 26 Hannover Rueck SE 5 0.15 Italy (31 May 2019: 4.87%) EUR 128 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Apparel retailers Muenchen 33 0.99 EUR 77 Moncler SpA 3 0.09 Internet Auto parts & equipment EUR 54 Delivery Hero SE 2 0.06 EUR 649 Pirelli & C SpA 3 0.09 EUR 54 United Internet AG 2 0.06 Banks Iron & steel EUR 272 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 3 0.09 EUR 467 thyssenkrupp AG 5 0.15 EUR 20,004 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 46 1.38 Machinery - diversified EUR 267 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 3 0.09 EUR 119 GEA Group AG 3 0.09 EUR 1,610 UniCredit SpA 20 0.60 EUR 66 KION Group AG 4 0.12 Beverages Media EUR 281 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 2 0.06 EUR 39 Axel Springer SE 2 0.06 Electrical components & equipment Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 190 Prysmian SpA 4 0.12 EUR 27 Knorr-Bremse AG 2 0.06 Electricity EUR 723 Siemens AG 85 2.55 EUR 3,006 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 18 0.54 Pharmaceuticals Gas EUR 198 Merck KGaA 21 0.63 EUR 3,125 Snam SpA 14 0.42 Real estate investment & services Insurance EUR 278 Deutsche Wohnen SE 10 0.30 EUR 1,301 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 24 0.72 EUR 349 Vonovia SE 16 0.48 Oil & gas Retail EUR 1,130 Eni SpA 16 0.48 EUR 106 Zalando SE 4 0.12 Pharmaceuticals Semiconductors EUR 59 Recordati SpA 2 0.06 EUR 1,089 Infineon Technologies AG 21 0.63 Telecommunications Software EUR 5,242 Telecom Italia SpA 3 0.09 EUR 845 SAP SE 104 3.13 EUR 8,612 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 5 0.15 Telecommunications Transportation EUR 7 1&1 Drillisch AG - 0.00 EUR 297 Poste Italiane SpA 3 0.09 EUR 2,428 Deutsche Telekom AG 37 1.11 Total Italy 169 5.07 EUR 1,536 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 4 0.12


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 12.51%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.66%) Pipelines Healthcare services EUR 175 Koninklijke Vopak NV 9 0.27 EUR 8 Eurofins Scientific SE 4 0.12 Semiconductors Iron & steel EUR 362 ASML Holding NV 89 2.68 EUR 283 ArcelorMittal SA 4 0.12 USD 189 NXP Semiconductors NV 20 0.60 Media EUR 585 STMicroelectronics NV 13 0.39 EUR 3 RTL Group SA - 0.00 Telecommunications Metal fabricate/ hardware EUR 3,027 Koninklijke KPN NV 9 0.27 EUR 1,003 Tenaris SA 10 0.30 Total Netherlands 465 13.96 Real estate investment & services EUR 380 Aroundtown SA 3 0.09 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.69%) Telecommunications Food EUR 273 SES SA 3 0.09 EUR 264 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 4 0.12 Total Luxembourg 24 0.72 Oil & gas EUR 1,056 Galp Energia SGPS SA 15 0.45 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 12.51%) Total Portugal 19 0.57 Auto manufacturers EUR 93 Ferrari NV 14 0.42 Spain (31 May 2019: 9.84%) EUR 754 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 10 0.30 Banks Banks EUR 7,236 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 35 1.06 EUR 195 ABN AMRO Bank NV 3 0.09 EUR 3,477 Banco de Sabadell SA 3 0.09 EUR 2,881 ING Groep NV 30 0.90 EUR 9,323 Banco Santander SA 33 0.99 Beverages EUR 1,187 Bankia SA 2 0.06 EUR 60 Heineken Holding NV 5 0.15 EUR 325 Bankinter SA 2 0.06 EUR 195 Heineken NV 19 0.57 EUR 2,062 CaixaBank SA 6 0.18 Chemicals Commercial services EUR 252 Akzo Nobel NV 22 0.66 EUR 351 Amadeus IT Group SA 25 0.75 EUR 187 Koninklijke DSM NV 22 0.66 Electricity Commercial services EUR 6,802 Iberdrola SA 61 1.83 EUR 8 Adyen NV 5 0.15 EUR 784 Red Electrica Corp SA 14 0.42 EUR 106 Randstad NV 6 0.18 Energy - alternate sources Cosmetics & personal care EUR 130 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA 2 0.06 EUR 1,086 Unilever NV 58 1.74 Engineering & construction Diversified financial services EUR 170 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 6 0.18 USD 54 AerCap Holdings NV 3 0.09 EUR 31 Aena SME SA 5 0.15 Food EUR 130 Cellnex Telecom SA 5 0.15 EUR 822 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 19 0.57 EUR 9 Ferrovial SA 1 0.03 Healthcare products EUR 449 Ferrovial SA (voting) 12 0.36 EUR 752 Koninklijke Philips NV 32 0.96 Gas EUR 203 QIAGEN NV 8 0.24 EUR 65 Enagas SA 1 0.03 Insurance EUR 579 Naturgy Energy Group SA 14 0.42 EUR 1,272 Aegon NV 5 0.15 Insurance EUR 132 NN Group NV 5 0.15 EUR 789 Mapfre SA 2 0.06 Internet Oil & gas EUR 327 Prosus NV 20 0.60 EUR 632 Repsol SA 9 0.27 Investment services Pharmaceuticals EUR 141 EXOR NV 10 0.30 EUR 179 Grifols SA 5 0.15 Machinery - diversified Retail EUR 1,321 CNH Industrial NV 13 0.39 EUR 980 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 28 0.84 Media Telecommunications EUR 463 Altice Europe NV 2 0.06 EUR 3,721 Telefonica SA 26 0.78 EUR 214 Wolters Kluwer NV 14 0.42 Total Spain 297 8.92


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.54%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.46%) Beverages USD 249 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 11 0.33 Total United Kingdom 11 0.33 Total equities 3,327 99.88

Fair %ofnet Value asset EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 3,327 99.88

Cash† 3 0.09

Other net assets 1 0.03

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 3,331 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 3,327 99.82 Other assets 6 0.18 Total current assets 3,333 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Finland (31 May 2019: 3.41%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.35%) Machinery - diversified (cont) EUR 20,789 Metso Oyj 723 0.09 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.35%) Oil & gas Austria (31 May 2019: 0.79%) EUR 84,763 Neste Oyj 2,600 0.33 Banks Pharmaceuticals EUR 60,259 Erste Group Bank AG 1,959 0.25 EUR 21,077 Orion Oyj 833 0.11 EUR 29,250 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 623 0.08 Semiconductors Electricity EUR 88,513 Wartsila Oyj Abp 809 0.11 EUR 14,581 Verbund AG 688 0.09 Telecommunications Iron & steel EUR 29,655 Elisa Oyj 1,438 0.18 EUR 22,470 voestalpine AG 540 0.07 EUR 1,136,469 Nokia Oyj 3,650 0.47 Machinery - diversified Total Finland 24,529 3.15 EUR 16,220 ANDRITZ AG 574 0.07 Oil & gas France (31 May 2019: 33.78%) EUR 30,146 OMV AG 1,560 0.20 Advertising Total Austria 5,944 0.76 EUR 14,411 JCDecaux SA 375 0.05 EUR 42,567 Publicis Groupe SA 1,700 0.22 Belgium (31 May 2019: 3.30%) Apparel retailers Banks EUR 6,417 Hermes International 4,364 0.56 EUR 50,026 KBC Group NV 3,309 0.43 EUR 15,346 Kering SA 8,390 1.08 Beverages EUR 56,102 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 22,850 2.93 EUR 154,008 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 11,069 1.42 Auto manufacturers Chemicals EUR 117,862 Peugeot SA 2,583 0.33 EUR 15,307 Solvay SA 1,592 0.20 EUR 39,410 Renault SA 1,713 0.22 EUR 39,419 Umicore SA 1,536 0.20 Auto parts & equipment Food EUR 34,371 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 3,743 0.48 EUR 11,372 Colruyt SA 534 0.07 EUR 16,259 Faurecia SE 783 0.10 Insurance EUR 48,320 Valeo SA 1,728 0.22 EUR 36,273 Ageas 1,976 0.25 Banks Investment services EUR 227,005 BNP Paribas SA 11,570 1.49 EUR 16,010 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 1,474 0.19 EUR 234,705 Credit Agricole SA 2,914 0.37 Media EUR 188,129 Natixis SA 714 0.09 EUR 10,493 Telenet Group Holding NV 430 0.06 EUR 163,613 Societe Generale SA 4,673 0.60 Pharmaceuticals Beverages EUR 8,752 Galapagos NV 1,565 0.20 EUR 42,853 Pernod Ricard SA 7,144 0.92 EUR 25,674 UCB SA 1,889 0.24 EUR 4,520 Remy Cointreau SA 528 0.07 Telecommunications Building materials and fixtures EUR 30,261 Proximus SADP 829 0.11 EUR 98,883 Cie de Saint-Gobain 3,634 0.47 Total Belgium 26,203 3.37 Chemicals EUR 95,197 Air Liquide SA 11,714 1.51 Finland (31 May 2019: 3.41%) EUR 14,395 Arkema SA 1,354 0.17 Auto parts & equipment Commercial services EUR 25,742 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 632 0.08 EUR 57,238 Bureau Veritas SA 1,360 0.18 Electricity EUR 48,664 Edenred 2,192 0.28 EUR 91,944 Fortum Oyj 1,967 0.25 Computers Forest products & paper EUR 19,756 Atos SE 1,523 0.20 EUR 117,171 Stora Enso Oyj 1,429 0.18 EUR 32,050 Capgemini SE 3,441 0.44 EUR 107,149 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 3,249 0.42 EUR 12,167 Ingenico Group SA 1,178 0.15 Insurance EUR 11,745 Teleperformance 2,525 0.32 EUR 89,934 Sampo Oyj 3,301 0.43 Cosmetics & personal care Machinery - diversified EUR 50,998 L'Oreal SA 13,193 1.69 EUR 68,600 Kone Oyj 3,898 0.50


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.35%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 33.78%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 33.78%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Diversified financial services EUR 39,957 Klepierre SA 1,301 0.17 EUR 12,634 Amundi SA 868 0.11 EUR 27,956 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 3,967 0.51 EUR 8,530 Eurazeo SE 527 0.07 Software Electrical components & equipment EUR 26,613 Dassault Systemes SE 3,806 0.49 EUR 53,696 Legrand SA 3,849 0.49 EUR 17,130 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 944 0.12 EUR 111,823 Schneider Electric SE 9,796 1.26 EUR 20,419 Worldline SA 1,199 0.15 Electricity Telecommunications EUR 122,323 Electricite de France SA 1,141 0.15 EUR 34,708 Eutelsat Communications SA 517 0.07 EUR 368,608 Engie SA 5,293 0.68 EUR 402,152 Orange SA 6,032 0.77 Engineering & construction Transportation EUR 5,878 Aeroports de Paris 1,043 0.13 EUR 92,168 Getlink SE 1,411 0.18 EUR 45,660 Bouygues SA 1,693 0.22 Water EUR 15,353 Eiffage SA 1,522 0.20 EUR 72,206 Suez 970 0.12 EUR 103,020 Vinci SA 10,197 1.31 Total France 264,332 33.94 Food EUR 119,150 Carrefour SA 1,785 0.23 Germany (31 May 2019: 26.26%) EUR 10,942 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 437 0.06 Aerospace & defence EUR 124,317 Danone SA 9,289 1.19 EUR 10,384 MTU Aero Engines AG 2,553 0.33 Food Service Airlines EUR 17,629 Sodexo SA 1,865 0.24 EUR 46,598 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 802 0.10 Healthcare products Apparel retailers EUR 57,430 EssilorLuxottica SA 8,098 1.04 EUR 36,366 adidas AG 10,282 1.32 EUR 5,427 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 782 0.10 EUR 17,061 Puma SE 1,164 0.15 Healthcare services Auto manufacturers EUR 8,559 BioMerieux 702 0.09 EUR 66,697 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 4,889 0.63 Home furnishings EUR 10,776 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 604 0.08 EUR 4,520 SEB SA 637 0.08 EUR 183,523 Daimler AG 9,396 1.20 Hotels Auto parts & equipment EUR 35,425 Accor SA 1,376 0.18 EUR 22,058 Continental AG 2,616 0.33 Insurance Banks EUR 389,938 AXA SA 9,629 1.23 EUR 200,287 Commerzbank AG 1,054 0.13 EUR 33,909 CNP Assurances 608 0.08 EUR 401,791 Deutsche Bank AG 2,629 0.34 EUR 32,000 SCOR SE 1,248 0.16 Building materials and fixtures Internet EUR 30,208 HeidelbergCement AG 2,027 0.26 EUR 5,727 Iliad SA 662 0.09 Chemicals Investment services EUR 184,865 BASF SE 12,612 1.62 EUR 5,343 Wendel SA 653 0.08 EUR 30,853 Brenntag AG 1,494 0.19 Media EUR 35,718 Covestro AG 1,518 0.19 EUR 176,388 Bollore SA 684 0.09 EUR 36,958 Evonik Industries AG 973 0.12 EUR 172,351 Vivendi SA 4,295 0.55 EUR 13,507 FUCHS PETROLUB SE 530 0.07 Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 16,766 LANXESS AG 1,014 0.13 EUR 38,748 Alstom SA 1,534 0.20 EUR 26,174 Symrise AG 2,304 0.30 Oil & gas Commercial services EUR 485,503 TOTAL SA 23,129 2.97 EUR 23,914 Wirecard AG 2,865 0.37 Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics & personal care EUR 7,895 Ipsen SA 809 0.10 EUR 20,309 Beiersdorf AG 2,150 0.28 EUR 227,378 Sanofi 19,216 2.47 Diversified financial services Real estate investment trusts EUR 38,326 Deutsche Boerse AG 5,337 0.68 EUR 9,440 Covivio 948 0.12 Electricity EUR 9,018 Gecina SA 1,414 0.18 EUR 452,596 E.ON SE 4,299 0.55 EUR 6,277 ICADE 570 0.07 EUR 42,801 Uniper SE 1,254 0.16


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.35%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 26.26%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 26.26%) (cont) Transportation Electronics EUR 199,493 Deutsche Post AG 6,751 0.87 EUR 7,227 Sartorius AG 1,382 0.18 Total Germany 202,612 26.01 Engineering & construction EUR 8,556 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 662 0.09 Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.85%) EUR 5,069 HOCHTIEF AG 565 0.07 Banks Food EUR 162,423 AIB Group Plc 483 0.06 EUR 36,055 METRO AG 527 0.07 EUR 193,946 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 884 0.11 Healthcare products Building materials and fixtures EUR 8,530 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 947 0.12 EUR 160,858 CRH Plc 5,586 0.72 EUR 30,256 Siemens Healthineers AG 1,332 0.17 EUR 31,718 Kingspan Group Plc 1,552 0.20 Healthcare services Entertainment EUR 42,808 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 2,849 0.37 EUR 16,194 Flutter Entertainment Plc 1,684 0.21 EUR 83,919 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 4,166 0.53 Food Household goods & home construction EUR 32,020 Kerry Group Plc 3,727 0.48 EUR 20,469 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 1,797 0.23 Forest products & paper EUR 35,673 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 3,420 0.44 EUR 45,132 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 1,454 0.19 Insurance Total Ireland 15,370 1.97 EUR 85,662 Allianz SE 18,618 2.39 EUR 12,183 Hannover Rueck SE 2,053 0.27 Italy (31 May 2019: 4.87%) EUR 29,059 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Apparel retailers Muenchen 7,573 0.97 EUR 35,829 Moncler SpA 1,425 0.18 Internet Auto parts & equipment EUR 23,609 Delivery Hero SE 1,133 0.15 EUR 79,317 Pirelli & C SpA 408 0.05 EUR 24,006 United Internet AG 738 0.09 Banks Iron & steel EUR 112,906 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 1,271 0.16 EUR 86,521 thyssenkrupp AG 985 0.13 EUR 3,000,585 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6,903 0.89 Machinery - diversified EUR 124,276 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 1,261 0.16 EUR 30,727 GEA Group AG 896 0.12 EUR 406,288 UniCredit SpA 5,104 0.66 EUR 13,045 KION Group AG 786 0.10 Beverages Media EUR 117,214 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 971 0.12 EUR 9,865 Axel Springer SE 617 0.08 Commercial services Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 101,553 Atlantia SpA 2,043 0.26 EUR 9,451 Knorr-Bremse AG 834 0.11 Electrical components & equipment EUR 154,389 Siemens AG 18,082 2.32 EUR 48,599 Prysmian SpA 1,006 0.13 Pharmaceuticals Electricity EUR 26,149 Merck KGaA 2,772 0.36 EUR 293,794 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 1,713 0.22 Real estate investment & services Gas EUR 72,182 Deutsche Wohnen SE 2,559 0.33 EUR 426,647 Snam SpA 1,925 0.25 EUR 102,755 Vonovia SE 4,859 0.62 Insurance Retail EUR 221,315 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 4,101 0.53 EUR 28,063 Zalando SE 1,097 0.14 Oil & gas Semiconductors EUR 512,317 Eni SpA 7,026 0.90 EUR 254,639 Infineon Technologies AG 4,937 0.63 Pharmaceuticals Software EUR 20,617 Recordati SpA 785 0.10 EUR 198,345 SAP SE 24,492 3.14 Telecommunications Telecommunications EUR 1,910,072 Telecom Italia SpA 1,085 0.14 EUR 2,235 1&1 Drillisch AG 54 0.01 EUR 1,216,703 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 680 0.09 EUR 674,529 Deutsche Telekom AG 10,277 1.32 Transportation EUR 175,446 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 486 0.06 EUR 104,993 Poste Italiane SpA 1,112 0.14 Total Italy 38,819 4.98


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.35%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 13.54%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.89%) Pipelines Healthcare services EUR 13,754 Koninklijke Vopak NV 666 0.09 EUR 2,260 Eurofins Scientific SE 1,077 0.14 Semiconductors Iron & steel EUR 85,905 ASML Holding NV 21,219 2.72 EUR 133,581 ArcelorMittal SA 2,074 0.27 USD 56,257 NXP Semiconductors NV 5,897 0.76 Media EUR 137,824 STMicroelectronics NV 3,073 0.40 EUR 518 RTL Group SA 23 0.00 Telecommunications Metal fabricate/ hardware EUR 717,055 Koninklijke KPN NV 2,005 0.26 EUR 96,967 Tenaris SA 936 0.12 Total Netherlands 116,900 15.01 Real estate investment & services EUR 182,095 Aroundtown SA 1,435 0.19 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.30%) Telecommunications Food EUR 72,611 SES SA 875 0.11 EUR 50,797 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 737 0.09 Total Luxembourg 6,420 0.83 Oil & gas EUR 103,641 Galp Energia SGPS SA 1,531 0.20 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 13.54%) Total Portugal 2,268 0.29 Auto manufacturers EUR 24,322 Ferrari NV 3,731 0.48 Spain (31 May 2019: 10.02%) EUR 220,705 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 2,962 0.38 Banks Banks EUR 1,356,138 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 6,485 0.83 EUR 87,149 ABN AMRO Bank NV 1,350 0.17 EUR 1,233,962 Banco de Sabadell SA 1,243 0.16 EUR 784,619 ING Groep NV 8,194 1.05 EUR 3,353,787 Banco Santander SA 11,862 1.52 Beverages EUR 294,569 Bankia SA 518 0.07 EUR 23,443 Heineken Holding NV 2,039 0.26 EUR 137,399 Bankinter SA 872 0.11 EUR 52,657 Heineken NV 4,952 0.64 EUR 749,571 CaixaBank SA 2,008 0.26 Chemicals Commercial services EUR 46,310 Akzo Nobel NV 4,025 0.52 EUR 87,037 Amadeus IT Group SA 6,293 0.81 EUR 36,516 Koninklijke DSM NV 4,247 0.54 Electricity Commercial services EUR 1,233,902 Iberdrola SA 11,016 1.41 EUR 2,061 Adyen NV 1,435 0.19 EUR 87,956 Red Electrica Corp SA 1,561 0.20 EUR 23,920 Randstad NV 1,264 0.16 Energy - alternate sources Cosmetics & personal care EUR 49,498 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA 717 0.09 EUR 296,018 Unilever NV 15,926 2.04 Engineering & construction Diversified financial services EUR 53,726 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 1,898 0.25 USD 24,814 AerCap Holdings NV 1,391 0.18 EUR 13,621 Aena SME SA 2,271 0.29 Food EUR 50,440 Cellnex Telecom SA 1,967 0.25 EUR 241,367 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 5,644 0.72 EUR 1,548 Ferrovial SA 42 0.01 Healthcare products EUR 99,199 Ferrovial SA (voting) 2,673 0.34 EUR 182,698 Koninklijke Philips NV 7,700 0.99 Gas EUR 46,954 QIAGEN NV 1,824 0.23 EUR 9,522 Enagas SA 215 0.03 Insurance EUR 59,656 Naturgy Energy Group SA 1,408 0.18 EUR 355,551 Aegon NV 1,455 0.19 Insurance EUR 61,311 NN Group NV 2,136 0.27 EUR 230,690 Mapfre SA 590 0.08 Internet Oil & gas EUR 94,632 Prosus NV 5,855 0.75 EUR 290,394 Repsol SA 4,150 0.53 Investment services Pharmaceuticals EUR 21,582 EXOR NV 1,499 0.19 EUR 61,041 Grifols SA 1,893 0.24 Machinery - diversified Retail EUR 205,666 CNH Industrial NV 2,001 0.26 EUR 220,146 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 6,221 0.80 Media Telecommunications EUR 136,178 Altice Europe NV 736 0.10 EUR 949,440 Telefonica SA 6,601 0.85 EUR 56,387 Wolters Kluwer NV 3,674 0.47 Total Spain 72,504 9.31


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Fair %ofnet Value asset issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Equities (31 May 2019: 99.35%) (cont) %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.34%) gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets Beverages USD 46,346 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 2,121 0.27 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 778,022 99.84 Total United Kingdom 2,121 0.27 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments - 0.00 Total equities 778,022 99.89 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 335 0.05 Other assets 893 0.11 Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Total current assets 779,250 100.00 Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) EUR 9 Euro Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 333 - 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts - 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 778,022 99.89

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 3,363 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional Euro Liquidity Fund~ 335 0.04

Cash† 558 0.07

Other net liabilities (27) 0.00

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 778,888 100.00

†Cash holdings of EUR534,928 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR23,460 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ~Investment in related party.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 32.15%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 96.56%) Building materials and fixtures EUR 15,338 Cie de Saint-Gobain 564 0.52 Equities (31 May 2019: 96.56%) Chemicals Austria (31 May 2019: 0.31%) EUR 14,917 Air Liquide SA^ 1,835 1.70 Banks Cosmetics & personal care EUR 9,621 Erste Group Bank AG 313 0.29 EUR 8,040 L'Oreal SA 2,080 1.93 Total Austria 313 0.29 Electrical components & equipment EUR 17,552 Schneider Electric SE 1,537 1.42 Belgium (31 May 2019: 2.73%) Electricity Banks EUR 18,952 Electricite de France SA 177 0.16 EUR 7,895 KBC Group NV 522 0.48 EUR 58,353 Engie SA 838 0.78 Beverages Engineering & construction EUR 24,279 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 1,745 1.61 EUR 7,043 Bouygues SA 261 0.24 Investment services EUR 16,271 Vinci SA 1,611 1.49 EUR 2,558 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 236 0.22 Food Pharmaceuticals EUR 19,221 Carrefour SA 288 0.26 EUR 4,064 UCB SA 299 0.28 EUR 19,456 Danone SA 1,454 1.35 Total Belgium 2,802 2.59 Healthcare products EUR 8,933 EssilorLuxottica SA 1,259 1.17 Finland (31 May 2019: 2.57%) Insurance Electricity EUR 61,132 AXA SA 1,510 1.40 EUR 14,206 Fortum Oyj 304 0.28 EUR 5,584 CNP Assurances 100 0.09 Insurance Media EUR 14,203 Sampo Oyj 521 0.48 EUR 27,404 Bollore SA 106 0.10 Machinery - diversified EUR 27,216 Vivendi SA^ 678 0.63 EUR 10,862 Kone Oyj 617 0.57 Oil & gas Oil & gas EUR 76,192 TOTAL SA 3,630 3.36 EUR 13,425 Neste Oyj 412 0.38 Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications EUR 35,773 Sanofi 3,023 2.80 EUR 176,533 Nokia Oyj 567 0.53 Real estate investment trusts Total Finland 2,421 2.24 EUR 4,429 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 628 0.58 Software France (31 May 2019: 32.15%) EUR 4,210 Dassault Systemes SE 602 0.56 Aerospace & defence Telecommunications EUR 10,321 Safran SA 1,532 1.42 EUR 63,612 Orange SA 954 0.88 EUR 3,405 Thales SA 303 0.28 Total France 35,688 33.06 Apparel retailers EUR 1,014 Hermes International 690 0.64 Germany (31 May 2019: 27.76%) EUR 2,412 Kering SA 1,319 1.22 Apparel retailers EUR 8,825 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 3,594 3.33 EUR 5,691 adidas AG 1,609 1.49 Auto manufacturers Auto manufacturers EUR 6,076 Renault SA 264 0.25 EUR 10,566 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 774 0.71 Auto parts & equipment EUR 1,887 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 106 0.10 EUR 5,473 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 596 0.55 EUR 28,655 Daimler AG 1,467 1.36 Banks EUR 4,847 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 326 0.30 EUR 35,808 BNP Paribas SA 1,825 1.69 EUR 1,050 Volkswagen AG 182 0.17 EUR 36,617 Credit Agricole SA 455 0.42 EUR 5,911 Volkswagen AG (Preference) 1,037 0.96 EUR 29,217 Natixis SA 111 0.11 Auto parts & equipment EUR 25,737 Societe Generale SA 735 0.68 EUR 3,486 Continental AG^ 413 0.38 Beverages Banks EUR 6,772 Pernod Ricard SA 1,129 1.05 EUR 62,041 Deutsche Bank AG^ 406 0.38


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU LARGE CAP UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 96.56%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 5.48%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 27.76%) (cont) Banks (cont) Building materials and fixtures EUR 64,211 UniCredit SpA 806 0.75 EUR 4,754 HeidelbergCement AG 319 0.29 Commercial services Chemicals EUR 15,656 Atlantia SpA 315 0.29 EUR 29,225 BASF SE 1,994 1.85 Electricity EUR 6,182 Evonik Industries AG 163 0.15 EUR 256,752 Enel SpA 1,760 1.63 Commercial services Gas EUR 3,660 Wirecard AG^ 438 0.41 EUR 63,194 Snam SpA 285 0.26 Cosmetics & personal care Insurance EUR 3,224 Beiersdorf AG 341 0.32 EUR 35,086 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 650 0.60 Diversified financial services Oil & gas EUR 5,954 Deutsche Boerse AG 829 0.77 EUR 79,956 Eni SpA 1,097 1.02 Electricity Total Italy 6,004 5.56 EUR 70,349 E.ON SE 668 0.62 Healthcare products Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.43%) EUR 4,836 Siemens Healthineers AG^ 213 0.20 Iron & steel Healthcare services EUR 20,989 ArcelorMittal SA 326 0.30 EUR 6,810 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 454 0.42 Metal fabricate/ hardware EUR 13,341 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 662 0.61 EUR 15,209 Tenaris SA 147 0.14 Household goods & home construction Total Luxembourg 473 0.44 EUR 3,310 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 291 0.27 EUR 5,635 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference)^ 540 0.50 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 14.10%) Insurance Aerospace & defence EUR 13,475 Allianz SE 2,929 2.71 EUR 18,572 Airbus SE 2,478 2.30 EUR 4,598 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Auto manufacturers Muenchen 1,198 1.11 EUR 3,895 Ferrari NV 598 0.55 Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 34,298 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 460 0.43 EUR 1,578 Knorr-Bremse AG 139 0.13 Banks EUR 24,309 Siemens AG 2,847 2.64 EUR 13,366 ABN AMRO Bank NV 207 0.19 Pharmaceuticals EUR 124,030 ING Groep NV 1,295 1.20 EUR 29,439 Bayer AG 2,022 1.87 Beverages EUR 4,084 Merck KGaA 433 0.40 EUR 3,672 Heineken Holding NV 319 0.30 Real estate investment & services EUR 8,271 Heineken NV 778 0.72 EUR 16,196 Vonovia SE 766 0.71 Chemicals Semiconductors EUR 7,104 Akzo Nobel NV 618 0.57 EUR 39,815 Infineon Technologies AG 772 0.71 EUR 5,765 Koninklijke DSM NV 670 0.62 Software Commercial services EUR 31,200 SAP SE 3,853 3.57 EUR 327 Adyen NV 228 0.21 Telecommunications Cosmetics & personal care EUR 106,399 Deutsche Telekom AG 1,621 1.50 EUR 46,587 Unilever NV 2,506 2.32 Transportation Food EUR 31,520 Deutsche Post AG 1,067 0.99 EUR 37,111 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 868 0.81 Total Germany 30,879 28.60 Healthcare products EUR 28,737 Koninklijke Philips NV 1,211 1.12 Ireland (31 May 2019: 0.73%) Insurance Building materials and fixtures EUR 56,220 Aegon NV 230 0.21 EUR 25,395 CRH Plc 882 0.82 Internet Total Ireland 882 0.82 EUR 15,375 Prosus NV 951 0.88 Semiconductors Italy (31 May 2019: 5.48%) EUR 13,513 ASML Holding NV 3,338 3.09 Banks USD 8,875 NXP Semiconductors NV 930 0.86 EUR 474,150 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 1,091 1.01 Total Netherlands 17,685 16.38


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU LARGE CAP UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 96.56%) (cont) Total value of investments 107,595 99.66 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.26%) † Electricity Cash 142 0.13 EUR 81,273 EDP - Energias de Portugal SA^ 298 0.28 Total Portugal 298 0.28 Other net assets 221 0.21

Spain (31 May 2019: 9.66%) Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 107,958 100.00 Banks EUR 209,218 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 1,000 0.93 †Cash holdings of EUR130,572 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR 530,570 Banco Santander SA 1,877 1.74 EUR11,290 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. EUR 113,402 CaixaBank SA 304 0.28 Commercial services Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the EUR 13,754 Amadeus IT Group SA 995 0.92 Electricity entity in which the Fund holds shares. EUR 10,085 Endesa SA^ 249 0.23 EUR 191,872 Iberdrola SA 1,713 1.59 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Engineering & construction issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent EUR 2,149 Aena SME SA^ 358 0.33 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. EUR 245 Ferrovial SA 7 0.01 %oftotal EUR 15,451 Ferrovial SA (voting) 416 0.38 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current Gas gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets EUR 9,608 Naturgy Energy Group SA 227 0.21 Oil & gas Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 107,580 99.61 EUR 45,915 Repsol SA 656 0.61 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 15 0.01 Retail Other assets 405 0.38 EUR 34,785 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 983 0.91 Total current assets 108,000 100.00 Telecommunications EUR 146,613 Telefonica SA^ 1,019 0.94 Total Spain 9,804 9.08

United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.38%) Beverages USD 7,234 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc^ 331 0.31 Total United Kingdom 331 0.31 Total equities 107,580 99.65

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) EUR 10 Euro Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 356 15 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 15 0.01 Total financial derivative instruments 15 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 30.53%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.78%) Aerospace & defence EUR 657 Dassault Aviation SA 811 0.37 Equities (31 May 2019: 98.78%) Auto manufacturers Austria (31 May 2019: 2.36%) EUR 154,673 Peugeot SA 3,390 1.56 Banks Auto parts & equipment EUR 38,408 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 819 0.38 EUR 19,750 Faurecia SE 951 0.44 Electricity EUR 63,637 Valeo SA^ 2,275 1.05 EUR 17,643 Verbund AG 832 0.38 Beverages Iron & steel EUR 5,974 Remy Cointreau SA^ 698 0.32 EUR 31,064 voestalpine AG^ 747 0.35 Chemicals Machinery - diversified EUR 18,102 Arkema SA 1,703 0.78 EUR 19,062 ANDRITZ AG 675 0.31 Commercial services Oil & gas EUR 76,900 Bureau Veritas SA 1,827 0.84 EUR 38,731 OMV AG^ 2,004 0.92 EUR 64,109 Edenred 2,888 1.33 Total Austria 5,077 2.34 Computers EUR 25,845 Atos SE 1,992 0.92 Belgium (31 May 2019: 4.04%) EUR 41,796 Capgemini SE^ 4,487 2.07 Chemicals EUR 15,788 Ingenico Group SA^ 1,529 0.70 ^ EUR 19,491 Solvay SA 2,027 0.93 EUR 15,406 Teleperformance 3,313 1.52 ^ EUR 51,840 Umicore SA 2,021 0.93 Diversified financial services Food EUR 15,819 Amundi SA 1,087 0.50 ^ EUR 14,722 Colruyt SA 692 0.32 EUR 10,324 Eurazeo SE 638 0.29 Insurance Electrical components & equipment EUR 46,953 Ageas 2,558 1.18 EUR 70,167 Legrand SA 5,030 2.32 Media Engineering & construction EUR 12,198 Telenet Group Holding NV 499 0.23 EUR 7,797 Aeroports de Paris 1,384 0.64 Pharmaceuticals EUR 20,618 Eiffage SA 2,043 0.94 EUR 11,405 Galapagos NV 2,040 0.94 Food Telecommunications EUR 14,075 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 562 0.26 EUR 39,742 Proximus SADP 1,088 0.50 Food Service Total Belgium 10,925 5.03 EUR 23,267 Sodexo SA 2,462 1.13 Healthcare products Finland (31 May 2019: 5.21%) EUR 7,205 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 1,038 0.48 Auto parts & equipment Healthcare services EUR 32,244 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 792 0.36 EUR 10,759 BioMerieux^ 883 0.41 Forest products & paper Home furnishings ^ EUR 153,288 Stora Enso Oyj 1,870 0.86 EUR 5,820 SEB SA^ 821 0.38 ^ EUR 140,366 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 4,256 1.96 Hotels Machinery - diversified EUR 46,162 Accor SA 1,793 0.83 EUR 28,149 Metso Oyj 980 0.45 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 41,627 SCOR SE 1,623 0.75 EUR 27,283 Orion Oyj 1,078 0.50 Internet Semiconductors EUR 6,996 Iliad SA 808 0.37 EUR 115,828 Wartsila Oyj Abp 1,058 0.49 Investment services Telecommunications EUR 7,219 Wendel SA^ 883 0.41 EUR 37,646 Elisa Oyj 1,826 0.84 Miscellaneous manufacturers Total Finland 11,860 5.46 EUR 50,141 Alstom SA^ 1,985 0.91 Pharmaceuticals France (31 May 2019: 30.53%) EUR 10,090 Ipsen SA 1,034 0.48 Advertising Real estate investment trusts ^ EUR 22,387 JCDecaux SA 582 0.27 EUR 12,616 Covivio 1,267 0.58 EUR 56,893 Publicis Groupe SA 2,272 1.04 EUR 12,034 Gecina SA 1,887 0.87


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU MID CAP UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.78%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 20.03%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 30.53%) (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) EUR 16,939 KION Group AG^ 1,020 0.47 EUR 7,984 ICADE^ 725 0.34 Media EUR 52,068 Klepierre SA^ 1,696 0.78 EUR 12,625 Axel Springer SE^ 789 0.36 Software Real estate investment & services EUR 22,382 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 1,233 0.57 EUR 94,984 Deutsche Wohnen SE 3,367 1.55 EUR 26,768 Worldline SA 1,573 0.72 Retail Telecommunications EUR 36,906 Zalando SE 1,443 0.66 EUR 46,742 Eutelsat Communications SA^ 696 0.32 Telecommunications Transportation EUR 2,545 1&1 Drillisch AG 61 0.03 EUR 115,714 Getlink SE^ 1,772 0.82 EUR 232,402 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 644 0.29 Water Total Germany 41,934 19.31 EUR 91,408 Suez 1,228 0.57 EUR 141,365 Veolia Environnement SA 3,285 1.51 Ireland (31 May 2019: 5.70%) Total France 68,154 31.39 Banks EUR 214,799 AIB Group Plc 638 0.29 Germany (31 May 2019: 20.03%) EUR 255,950 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 1,167 0.54 Aerospace & defence Building materials and fixtures EUR 13,675 MTU Aero Engines AG 3,363 1.55 EUR 40,422 Kingspan Group Plc 1,977 0.91 Airlines Entertainment EUR 62,293 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 1,073 0.49 EUR 20,684 Flutter Entertainment Plc 2,151 0.99 Apparel retailers Food EUR 21,809 Puma SE 1,487 0.69 EUR 41,770 Kerry Group Plc 4,862 2.24 Banks Forest products & paper EUR 263,157 Commerzbank AG 1,385 0.64 EUR 59,401 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 1,913 0.88 Chemicals Total Ireland 12,708 5.85 EUR 40,632 Brenntag AG 1,967 0.91 EUR 45,457 Covestro AG 1,932 0.89 Italy (31 May 2019: 6.36%) EUR 18,262 FUCHS PETROLUB SE^ 716 0.33 Aerospace & defence EUR 21,848 LANXESS AG 1,321 0.61 EUR 108,796 Leonardo SpA 1,155 0.53 EUR 33,835 Symrise AG 2,979 1.37 Apparel retailers ^ Electricity EUR 47,490 Moncler SpA 1,889 0.87 EUR 153,587 RWE AG 4,133 1.90 Auto parts & equipment ^ EUR 52,934 Uniper SE^ 1,551 0.72 EUR 106,986 Pirelli&CSpA 551 0.25 Electronics Banks EUR 9,354 Sartorius AG^ 1,789 0.82 EUR 162,381 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 1,828 0.84 ^ Engineering & construction EUR 163,329 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 1,658 0.77 EUR 11,132 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide^ 861 0.40 Beverages EUR 6,510 HOCHTIEF AG 726 0.33 EUR 152,117 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 1,260 0.58 Food Electrical components & equipment EUR 46,888 METRO AG 686 0.32 EUR 63,263 Prysmian SpA 1,309 0.60 Healthcare products Electricity EUR 10,522 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 1,168 0.54 EUR 369,180 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 2,152 0.99 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 15,858 Hannover Rueck SE 2,672 1.23 EUR 27,963 Recordati SpA 1,065 0.49 Internet Telecommunications ^ EUR 29,715 Delivery Hero SE^ 1,426 0.66 EUR 2,390,337 Telecom Italia SpA 1,358 0.63 EUR 32,037 United Internet AG^ 985 0.45 EUR 1,612,254 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 901 0.41 Iron & steel Transportation EUR 106,112 thyssenkrupp AG^ 1,208 0.56 EUR 136,810 Poste Italiane SpA 1,449 0.67 Machinery - diversified Total Italy 16,575 7.63 EUR 40,533 GEA Group AG^ 1,182 0.54


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU MID CAP UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 98.78%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 7.47%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 2.35%) Energy - alternate sources Healthcare services EUR 62,082 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA^ 899 0.42 EUR 3,027 Eurofins Scientific SE^ 1,443 0.67 Engineering & construction Media EUR 68,850 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA^ 2,433 1.12 EUR 621 RTL Group SA 27 0.01 EUR 65,878 Cellnex Telecom SA^ 2,569 1.18 Real estate investment & services Gas EUR 243,418 Aroundtown SA 1,918 0.88 EUR 60,778 Enagas SA 1,374 0.63 Telecommunications Insurance EUR 95,397 SES SA 1,149 0.53 EUR 289,076 Mapfre SA 740 0.34 Total Luxembourg 4,537 2.09 Pharmaceuticals EUR 78,447 Grifols SA 2,433 1.12 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 13.35%) Total Spain 15,668 7.21 Commercial services Total equities 216,787 99.83 EUR 31,334 Randstad NV 1,656 0.76 Underlying Fair %ofnet Diversified financial services No. of exposure Value asset USD 32,332 AerCap Holdings NV^ 1,813 0.84 Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value Healthcare products EUR 59,689 QIAGEN NV 2,320 1.07 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Insurance Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) EUR 80,487 NN Group NV 2,804 1.29 EUR 10 Euro Stoxx 50 Index Futures December Investment services 2019 357 14 0.01 EUR 28,385 EXOR NV 1,971 0.91 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 14 0.01 Machinery - diversified Total financial derivative instruments 14 0.01 EUR 265,996 CNH Industrial NV^ 2,588 1.19 Media EUR 177,454 Altice Europe NV 959 0.44 Fair %ofnet Value asset EUR 73,562 Wolters Kluwer NV 4,793 2.21 EUR'000 value Pipelines EUR 18,402 Koninklijke Vopak NV 890 0.41 Total value of investments 216,801 99.84 Semiconductors EUR 179,599 STMicroelectronics NV 4,005 1.84 Cash† 100 0.05 Telecommunications EUR 939,501 Koninklijke KPN NV 2,627 1.21 Other net assets 249 0.11 Total Netherlands 26,426 12.17 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating Portugal (31 May 2019: 1.38%) shareholders at the end of the financial period 217,150 100.00

Banks †Cash holdings of EUR88,012 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR12,360 EUR 757,134 Banco Espirito Santo SA* - 0.00 is held as security for futures contracts with Barclays Bank Plc. ^ Food These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair EUR 67,312 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 975 0.45 valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. Oil & gas EUR 131,825 Galp Energia SGPS SA^ 1,948 0.90 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Total Portugal 2,923 1.35 entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Spain (31 May 2019: 7.47%) Banks EUR 1,479,662 Banco de Sabadell SA 1,490 0.69 EUR 321,613 Bankia SA^ 566 0.26 EUR 176,031 Bankinter SA 1,117 0.51 Electricity EUR 115,340 Red Electrica Corp SA 2,047 0.94


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EMU MID CAP UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 216,787 99.78 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 14 0.01 Other assets 454 0.21 Total current assets 217,255 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Denmark (31 May 2019: 2.87%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.36%) Electricity DKK 980 Orsted A/S 82 0.30 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) Energy - alternate sources Austria (31 May 2019: 0.48%) DKK 705 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 61 0.22 Banks Food EUR 567 Erste Group Bank AG 19 0.07 DKK 357 Chr Hansen Holding A/S 24 0.09 EUR 287 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 6 0.02 Healthcare products Electricity DKK 404 Coloplast A/S 43 0.16 EUR 214 Verbund AG 10 0.04 DKK 210 Demant A/S 6 0.02 Iron & steel Insurance EUR 360 voestalpine AG 9 0.03 DKK 270 Tryg A/S 7 0.03 Machinery - diversified Marine transportation EUR 150 ANDRITZ AG 5 0.02 DKK 15 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 18 0.07 Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals EUR 1,652 OMV AG 85 0.31 DKK 7,231 Novo Nordisk A/S 369 1.36 Total Austria 134 0.49 Retail DKK 461 Pandora A/S 17 0.06 Belgium (31 May 2019: 1.63%) Transportation Banks DKK 10 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 13 0.05 EUR 1,229 KBC Group NV 81 0.30 DKK 497 DSV PANALPINA A/S 49 0.18 Beverages Total Denmark 852 3.14 EUR 2,766 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 199 0.73 Chemicals Finland (31 May 2019: 1.83%) EUR 234 Solvay SA 25 0.09 Auto parts & equipment EUR 904 Umicore SA 35 0.13 EUR 210 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 5 0.02 Food Banks EUR 110 Colruyt SA 5 0.02 SEK 5,795 Nordea Bank Abp 37 0.13 Insurance Electricity EUR 347 Ageas 19 0.07 EUR 844 Fortum Oyj 18 0.06 Investment services Forest products & paper EUR 150 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 14 0.05 EUR 1,127 Stora Enso Oyj 14 0.05 Media EUR 2,756 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 83 0.31 EUR 120 Telenet Group Holding NV 5 0.02 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 827 Sampo Oyj 30 0.11 EUR 82 Galapagos NV 14 0.05 Machinery - diversified EUR 757 UCB SA 56 0.21 EUR 638 Kone Oyj 36 0.13 Telecommunications EUR 757 Metso Oyj 27 0.10 EUR 287 Proximus SADP 8 0.03 Oil & gas Total Belgium 461 1.70 EUR 2,626 Neste Oyj 81 0.30 Pharmaceuticals Denmark (31 May 2019: 2.87%) EUR 527 Orion Oyj 21 0.08 Banks Semiconductors DKK 1,282 Danske Bank A/S 16 0.06 EUR 4,157 Wartsila Oyj Abp 38 0.14 Beverages Telecommunications DKK 427 Carlsberg A/S 56 0.21 EUR 260 Elisa Oyj 13 0.05 Biotechnology EUR 22,239 Nokia Oyj 71 0.26 DKK 172 Genmab A/S 36 0.13 Total Finland 474 1.74 DKK 337 H Lundbeck A/S 12 0.05 Chemicals France (31 May 2019: 17.70%) DKK 729 Novozymes A/S 31 0.11 Advertising Commercial services EUR 967 JCDecaux SA 25 0.09 DKK 573 ISS A/S 12 0.04 EUR 532 Publicis Groupe SA 21 0.08



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 17.70%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 17.70%) (cont) Food (cont) Apparel retailers EUR 3,179 Danone SA 238 0.87 EUR 60 Hermes International 41 0.15 Food Service EUR 270 Kering SA 148 0.55 EUR 160 Sodexo SA 17 0.06 EUR 890 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 362 1.33 Healthcare products Auto manufacturers EUR 777 EssilorLuxottica SA 110 0.41 EUR 2,641 Peugeot SA 58 0.21 EUR 120 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 17 0.06 EUR 1,212 Renault SA 53 0.20 Healthcare services Auto parts & equipment EUR 90 BioMerieux 7 0.03 EUR 587 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 64 0.24 Home furnishings EUR 150 Faurecia SE 7 0.03 EUR 50 SEB SA 7 0.02 EUR 1,482 Valeo SA 53 0.19 Hotels Banks EUR 517 Accor SA 20 0.07 EUR 3,444 BNP Paribas SA 175 0.65 Insurance EUR 4,155 Credit Agricole SA 52 0.19 EUR 9,202 AXA SA 227 0.84 EUR 9,142 Natixis SA 35 0.13 EUR 1,859 CNP Assurances 34 0.12 EUR 2,699 Societe Generale SA 77 0.28 EUR 307 SCOR SE 12 0.04 Beverages Internet EUR 827 Pernod Ricard SA 138 0.51 EUR 70 Iliad SA 8 0.03 EUR 60 Remy Cointreau SA 7 0.02 Investment services Building materials and fixtures EUR 81 Wendel SA 10 0.04 EUR 2,255 Cie de Saint-Gobain 83 0.30 Media Chemicals EUR 1,789 Bollore SA 7 0.03 EUR 893 Air Liquide SA 110 0.41 EUR 2,225 Vivendi SA 55 0.20 EUR 130 Arkema SA 12 0.04 Miscellaneous manufacturers Commercial services EUR 592 Alstom SA 24 0.09 EUR 497 Bureau Veritas SA 12 0.05 Oil & gas EUR 797 Edenred 36 0.13 EUR 9,599 TOTAL SA 457 1.68 Computers Pharmaceuticals EUR 689 Atos SE 53 0.20 EUR 137 Ipsen SA 14 0.05 EUR 638 Capgemini SE 69 0.25 EUR 4,337 Sanofi 367 1.35 EUR 230 Ingenico Group SA 22 0.08 Real estate investment trusts EUR 359 Teleperformance 77 0.28 EUR 90 Covivio 9 0.03 Cosmetics & personal care EUR 148 Gecina SA 23 0.09 EUR 1,114 L'Oreal SA 288 1.06 EUR 90 ICADE 8 0.03 Diversified financial services EUR 717 Klepierre SA 23 0.08 EUR 388 Amundi SA 27 0.10 EUR 785 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 112 0.41 EUR 307 Eurazeo SE 19 0.07 Software Electrical components & equipment EUR 511 Dassault Systemes SE 73 0.27 EUR 999 Legrand SA 71 0.26 EUR 258 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 14 0.05 EUR 2,749 Schneider Electric SE 241 0.89 EUR 407 Worldline SA 24 0.09 Electricity Telecommunications EUR 2,219 Electricite de France SA 21 0.08 EUR 437 Eutelsat Communications SA 7 0.03 EUR 3,459 Engie SA 49 0.18 EUR 8,761 Orange SA 131 0.48 Engineering & construction Transportation EUR 66 Aeroports de Paris 12 0.05 EUR 2,871 Getlink SE 44 0.16 EUR 1,063 Bouygues SA 39 0.14 Water EUR 327 Eiffage SA 32 0.12 EUR 638 Suez 9 0.03 EUR 1,271 Vinci SA 126 0.46 Total France 4,890 17.99 Food EUR 3,411 Carrefour SA 51 0.19 EUR 412 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 16 0.06



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 13.51%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 13.51%) Insurance Aerospace & defence EUR 1,835 Allianz SE 399 1.47 EUR 342 MTU Aero Engines AG 84 0.31 EUR 110 Hannover Rueck SE 18 0.07 Airlines EUR 429 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in EUR 447 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 8 0.03 Muenchen 112 0.41 Apparel retailers Internet EUR 665 adidas AG 188 0.69 EUR 240 Delivery Hero SE 11 0.04 EUR 397 Puma SE 27 0.10 EUR 220 United Internet AG 7 0.03 Auto manufacturers Iron & steel EUR 1,474 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 108 0.40 EUR 1,646 thyssenkrupp AG 19 0.07 EUR 525 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 29 0.11 Leisure time EUR 3,018 Daimler AG 155 0.57 GBP 944 TUI AG 12 0.04 Auto parts & equipment Machinery - diversified EUR 328 Continental AG 39 0.14 EUR 180 GEA Group AG 5 0.02 Banks EUR 174 KION Group AG 11 0.04 EUR 3,342 Commerzbank AG 17 0.06 Media EUR 6,526 Deutsche Bank AG 43 0.16 EUR 120 Axel Springer SE 8 0.03 Building materials and fixtures Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 282 HeidelbergCement AG 19 0.07 EUR 90 Knorr-Bremse AG 8 0.03 Chemicals EUR 3,508 Siemens AG 411 1.51 EUR 3,598 BASF SE 246 0.91 Pharmaceuticals EUR 748 Brenntag AG 36 0.13 EUR 1,292 Merck KGaA 137 0.50 EUR 467 Covestro AG 20 0.07 Real estate investment & services EUR 307 Evonik Industries AG 8 0.03 EUR 1,360 Deutsche Wohnen SE 48 0.17 EUR 160 FUCHS PETROLUB SE 6 0.02 EUR 1,232 Vonovia SE 59 0.22 EUR 170 LANXESS AG 10 0.04 Retail EUR 230 Symrise AG 20 0.07 EUR 367 Zalando SE 14 0.05 Commercial services Semiconductors EUR 347 Wirecard AG 42 0.16 EUR 4,716 Infineon Technologies AG 91 0.34 Cosmetics & personal care Software EUR 190 Beiersdorf AG 20 0.07 EUR 3,751 SAP SE 463 1.70 Diversified financial services Telecommunications EUR 908 Deutsche Boerse AG 126 0.46 EUR 34 1&1 Drillisch AG 1 0.01 Electricity EUR 6,313 Deutsche Telekom AG 96 0.35 EUR 9,300 E.ON SE 88 0.33 EUR 6,065 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 17 0.06 EUR 377 Uniper SE 11 0.04 Transportation Electronics EUR 4,137 Deutsche Post AG 140 0.52 EUR 180 Sartorius AG 34 0.13 Total Germany 3,753 13.81 Engineering & construction Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.00%) EUR 357 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 28 0.10 Banks EUR 210 HOCHTIEF AG 23 0.09 EUR 1,849 AIB Group Plc 6 0.02 Food EUR 1,839 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 8 0.03 EUR 1,144 METRO AG 17 0.06 Building materials and fixtures Healthcare products EUR 3,436 CRH Plc 119 0.44 EUR 90 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 10 0.04 EUR 287 Kingspan Group Plc 14 0.05 EUR 270 Siemens Healthineers AG 12 0.04 Entertainment Healthcare services EUR 240 Flutter Entertainment Plc 25 0.09 EUR 685 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 45 0.16 Food EUR 960 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 48 0.18 EUR 507 Kerry Group Plc 59 0.22 Household goods & home construction Forest products & paper EUR 697 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 61 0.22 EUR 427 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 14 0.05 EUR 391 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 38 0.14



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.36%) Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.00%) (cont) Healthcare services Oil & gas EUR 30 Eurofins Scientific SE 14 0.05 GBP 888 DCC Plc 69 0.26 Iron & steel Total Ireland 314 1.16 EUR 1,252 ArcelorMittal SA 19 0.07 Media Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.08%) EUR 11 RTL Group SA 1 0.00 Entertainment Metal fabricate/ hardware GBP 1,633 GVC Holdings Plc 16 0.06 EUR 1,854 Tenaris SA 18 0.07 Total Isle of Man 16 0.06 Real estate investment & services EUR 1,481 Aroundtown SA 12 0.04 Italy (31 May 2019: 2.35%) Telecommunications Apparel retailers SEK 437 Millicom International Cellular SA 18 0.07 EUR 347 Moncler SpA 14 0.05 EUR 690 SES SA 8 0.03 Auto parts & equipment Total Luxembourg 90 0.33 EUR 2,651 Pirelli & C SpA 14 0.05 Banks Netherlands (31 May 2019: 6.30%) EUR 298 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 3 0.01 Auto manufacturers EUR 111,538 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 257 0.95 EUR 228 Ferrari NV 35 0.13 EUR 1,165 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 12 0.04 EUR 2,376 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 32 0.12 EUR 5,579 UniCredit SpA 70 0.26 Banks Beverages EUR 747 ABN AMRO Bank NV 12 0.05 EUR 914 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 7 0.03 EUR 12,553 ING Groep NV 131 0.48 Electrical components & equipment Beverages EUR 537 Prysmian SpA 11 0.04 EUR 260 Heineken Holding NV 22 0.08 Electricity EUR 934 Heineken NV 88 0.33 EUR 10,284 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 60 0.22 Chemicals Gas EUR 1,269 Akzo Nobel NV 110 0.40 EUR 10,402 Snam SpA 47 0.17 EUR 875 Koninklijke DSM NV 102 0.38 Insurance Commercial services EUR 4,740 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 88 0.33 EUR 20 Adyen NV 14 0.05 Oil & gas EUR 411 Randstad NV 22 0.08 EUR 4,845 Eni SpA 66 0.24 Cosmetics & personal care Pharmaceuticals EUR 4,263 Unilever NV 229 0.84 EUR 210 Recordati SpA 8 0.03 Diversified financial services Telecommunications USD 297 AerCap Holdings NV 17 0.06 EUR 21,495 Telecom Italia SpA 12 0.04 Food EUR 22,515 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 13 0.05 EUR 2,679 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 63 0.23 Transportation Healthcare products EUR 1,064 Poste Italiane SpA 11 0.04 EUR 3,371 Koninklijke Philips NV 142 0.52 Total Italy 693 2.55 EUR 966 QIAGEN NV 38 0.14 Insurance Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.12%) EUR 6,904 Aegon NV 28 0.10 Advertising EUR 577 NN Group NV 20 0.08 GBP 6,526 WPP Plc 77 0.28 Internet Commercial services EUR 1,093 Prosus NV 68 0.25 GBP 2,918 Experian Plc 88 0.32 Investment services Distribution & wholesale EUR 608 EXOR NV 42 0.15 GBP 1,158 Ferguson Plc 91 0.34 Machinery - diversified Mining EUR 6,486 CNH Industrial NV 63 0.23 GBP 20,828 Glencore Plc 59 0.22 Media Total Jersey 315 1.16 EUR 1,458 Altice Europe NV 8 0.03 EUR 587 Wolters Kluwer NV 38 0.14



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 5.06%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 6.30%) (cont) Energy - alternate sources Pipelines EUR 487 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA 7 0.03 EUR 797 Koninklijke Vopak NV 38 0.14 Engineering & construction Semiconductors EUR 507 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 18 0.07 EUR 1,562 ASML Holding NV 386 1.42 EUR 138 Aena SME SA 23 0.08 USD 633 NXP Semiconductors NV 66 0.24 EUR 498 Cellnex Telecom SA 19 0.07 EUR 2,034 STMicroelectronics NV 45 0.17 EUR 37 Ferrovial SA 1 0.00 Telecommunications EUR 852 Ferrovial SA (voting) 23 0.09 EUR 9,260 Koninklijke KPN NV 26 0.10 Gas Total Netherlands 1,885 6.94 EUR 62 Enagas SA 2 0.01 EUR 2,601 Naturgy Energy Group SA 61 0.22 Norway (31 May 2019: 1.63%) Insurance Banks EUR 2,676 Mapfre SA 7 0.03 NOK 1,839 DNB ASA 28 0.10 Oil & gas Chemicals EUR 7,246 Repsol SA 104 0.38 NOK 337 Yara International ASA 12 0.04 Pharmaceuticals Food EUR 567 Grifols SA 18 0.07 NOK 1,004 Mowi ASA 23 0.09 Retail NOK 4,785 Orkla ASA 42 0.15 EUR 4,661 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 132 0.49 Insurance Telecommunications NOK 417 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 7 0.03 EUR 11,786 Telefonica SA 82 0.30 Media Total Spain 1,258 4.63 NOK 250 Schibsted ASA 6 0.02 Mining Sweden (31 May 2019: 4.22%) NOK 11,793 Norsk Hydro ASA 38 0.14 Auto manufacturers Oil & gas SEK 6,077 Volvo AB 85 0.31 NOK 210 Aker BP ASA 5 0.02 Banks NOK 11,238 Equinor ASA 188 0.69 SEK 7,031 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 55 0.21 Telecommunications SEK 5,432 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 49 0.18 NOK 4,115 Telenor ASA 68 0.25 SEK 2,138 Swedbank AB 25 0.09 Total Norway 417 1.53 Commercial services SEK 597 Securitas AB 9 0.03 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.36%) Cosmetics & personal care Food SEK 3,053 Essity AB 87 0.32 EUR 747 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 11 0.04 Electronics Oil & gas SEK 3,147 Assa Abloy AB 68 0.25 EUR 5,629 Galp Energia SGPS SA 83 0.31 Engineering & construction Total Portugal 94 0.35 SEK 2,356 Skanska AB 47 0.17 Food Spain (31 May 2019: 5.06%) SEK 507 ICA Gruppen AB 20 0.07 Banks Home furnishings EUR 41,439 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 198 0.73 SEK 1,154 Electrolux AB 27 0.10 EUR 10,524 Banco de Sabadell SA 10 0.04 Investment services EUR 30,783 Banco Santander SA 109 0.40 SEK 357 Industrivarden AB 8 0.03 EUR 4,432 Bankia SA 8 0.03 SEK 855 Investor AB 41 0.15 EUR 1,272 Bankinter SA 8 0.03 SEK 537 Kinnevik AB 11 0.04 EUR 6,714 CaixaBank SA 18 0.06 SEK 537 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) 3 0.01 Commercial services SEK 230 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 8 0.03 EUR 1,370 Amadeus IT Group SA 99 0.36 Machinery - diversified Electricity SEK 1,871 Atlas Copco AB 62 0.23 EUR 28,380 Iberdrola SA 253 0.93 SEK 1,732 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 51 0.19 EUR 3,251 Red Electrica Corp SA 58 0.21 SEK 487 Hexagon AB 25 0.09



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 14.07%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 4.22%) (cont) Healthcare products Machinery - diversified (cont) CHF 2,257 Alcon Inc 113 0.42 SEK 1,125 Husqvarna AB 8 0.03 CHF 218 Sonova Holding AG 45 0.16 Machinery, construction & mining CHF 33 Straumann Holding AG 29 0.11 SEK 1,185 Epiroc AB 13 0.05 Insurance SEK 807 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 8 0.03 CHF 90 Baloise Holding AG 14 0.05 SEK 5,661 Sandvik AB 93 0.34 CHF 60 Swiss Life Holding AG 27 0.10 Metal fabricate/ hardware CHF 1,799 Swiss Re AG 177 0.65 SEK 1,095 SKF AB 19 0.07 CHF 633 Zurich Insurance Group AG 225 0.83 Mining Investment services SEK 3,073 Boliden AB 72 0.27 CHF 70 Pargesa Holding SA 5 0.02 Miscellaneous manufacturers Machinery, construction & mining SEK 1,135 Alfa Laval AB 25 0.09 CHF 6,650 ABB Ltd 132 0.49 Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals SEK 352 Lundin Petroleum AB 10 0.04 CHF 2,504 Roche Holding AG 700 2.58 Retail CHF 325 Vifor Pharma AG 53 0.19 SEK 3,261 Hennes & Mauritz AB 57 0.21 Real estate investment & services Telecommunications CHF 140 Swiss Prime Site AG 13 0.05 SEK 2,963 Tele2 AB 39 0.14 Retail SEK 9,269 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 76 0.28 CHF 60 Swatch Group AG 15 0.06 SEK 18,039 Telia Co AB 71 0.26 CHF 120 Swatch Group AG (REGD) 6 0.02 Total Sweden 1,172 4.31 Software CHF 219 Temenos AG 30 0.11 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 14.07%) Telecommunications Banks CHF 194 Swisscom AG 91 0.33 CHF 6,377 Credit Suisse Group AG 76 0.28 Transportation CHF 19,610 UBS Group AG 216 0.79 CHF 507 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 75 0.28 Beverages Total Switzerland 3,882 14.29 GBP 1,813 Coca-Cola HBC AG 55 0.20 Building materials and fixtures United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 24.79%) CHF 168 Geberit AG 82 0.30 Aerospace & defence CHF 914 LafargeHolcim Ltd 43 0.16 GBP 8,783 Meggitt Plc 66 0.24 CHF 405 Sika AG 64 0.23 GBP 8,225 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc 69 0.26 Chemicals GBP 340,308 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (Preference)* -0.00 CHF 1,334 Clariant AG 25 0.09 Airlines CHF 16 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 9 0.03 GBP 447 easyJet Plc 7 0.03 CHF 58 Givaudan SA 155 0.57 Apparel retailers CHF 508 Lonza Group AG 156 0.58 GBP 2,018 Burberry Group Plc 50 0.18 Commercial services Banks CHF 914 Adecco Group AG 51 0.19 GBP 50,528 Barclays Plc 102 0.37 CHF 28 SGS SA 66 0.24 GBP 64,217 HSBC Holdings Plc 434 1.60 Diversified financial services GBP 203,718 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 146 0.54 CHF 658 Julius Baer Group Ltd 28 0.10 GBP 12,153 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 32 0.12 CHF 40 Partners Group Holding AG 31 0.12 GBP 12,224 Standard Chartered Plc 100 0.37 Food Beverages CHF 11 Barry Callebaut AG 20 0.08 USD 1,532 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 70 0.26 CHF 7 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG 49 0.18 GBP 10,364 Diageo Plc 385 1.41 CHF 10,380 Nestle SA 979 3.60 Chemicals Hand & machine tools GBP 1,253 Croda International Plc 73 0.27 CHF 40 Schindler Holding AG 9 0.03 GBP 2,092 Johnson Matthey Plc 71 0.26 CHF 80 Schindler Holding AG (non-voting) 18 0.07 Commercial services GBP 1,632 Ashtead Group Plc 45 0.17



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.36%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 24.79%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 24.79%) (cont) Insurance (cont) Commercial services (cont) GBP 8,546 Prudential Plc 138 0.51 GBP 2,923 G4S Plc 7 0.03 GBP 1,929 RSA Insurance Group Plc 13 0.05 GBP 478 Intertek Group Plc 31 0.11 Internet GBP 8,853 RELX Plc 194 0.71 GBP 1,799 Auto Trader Group Plc 12 0.04 GBP 6,825 Rentokil Initial Plc 36 0.13 Investment services Cosmetics & personal care GBP 9,179 Melrose Industries Plc 25 0.09 GBP 3,361 Unilever Plc 180 0.66 Iron & steel Distribution & wholesale GBP 1,810 Evraz Plc 8 0.03 GBP 638 Bunzl Plc 16 0.06 Leisure time Diversified financial services GBP 317 Carnival Plc 12 0.04 GBP 4,715 3i Group Plc 59 0.22 Machinery - diversified GBP 537 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 12 0.04 GBP 317 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc 33 0.12 GBP 1,113 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 90 0.33 GBP 669 Weir Group Plc 11 0.04 GBP 1,324 Schroders Plc 51 0.19 Media GBP 1,004 St James's Place Plc 13 0.05 GBP 5,979 Informa Plc 56 0.21 GBP 8,443 Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 31 0.11 GBP 25,543 ITV Plc 43 0.16 Electricity GBP 3,753 Pearson Plc 28 0.10 GBP 5,959 SSE Plc 91 0.33 Mining Electronics GBP 4,457 Antofagasta Plc 45 0.16 GBP 717 Halma Plc 18 0.07 GBP 5,780 Rio Tinto Plc 285 1.05 Food Miscellaneous manufacturers GBP 1,511 Plc 45 0.16 GBP 2,049 Smiths Group Plc 40 0.15 GBP 20,121 J Sainsbury Plc 51 0.19 Oil & gas GBP 1,179 Ocado Group Plc 18 0.07 GBP 85,704 BP Plc 483 1.78 GBP 20,958 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 49 0.18 Pharmaceuticals Food Service GBP 4,843 AstraZeneca Plc 424 1.56 GBP 4,711 Compass Group Plc 105 0.39 GBP 18,228 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 375 1.38 Forest products & paper Real estate investment trusts GBP 3,694 Mondi Plc 73 0.27 GBP 10,344 British Land Co Plc 70 0.26 Gas GBP 2,637 Land Securities Group Plc 30 0.11 GBP 31,295 Centrica Plc 29 0.11 GBP 8,886 Segro Plc 93 0.34 GBP 18,056 National Grid Plc 189 0.69 Retail Healthcare products GBP 863 JD Sports Fashion Plc 8 0.03 GBP 2,997 Smith & Nephew Plc 61 0.22 GBP 20,975 Kingfisher Plc 52 0.19 Healthcare services GBP 22,135 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 50 0.19 GBP 534 NMC Health Plc 16 0.06 GBP 357 Next Plc 28 0.10 Home builders Software GBP 5,680 Barratt Developments Plc 44 0.16 GBP 146 AVEVA Group Plc 8 0.03 GBP 954 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 51 0.19 GBP 1,785 Micro Focus International Plc 24 0.09 GBP 607 Persimmon Plc 18 0.07 GBP 2,089 Sage Group Plc 18 0.06 GBP 18,817 Taylor Wimpey Plc 39 0.14 Telecommunications Hotels GBP 36,265 BT Group Plc 81 0.30 GBP 665 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 39 0.14 GBP 99,501 Vodafone Group Plc 179 0.66 GBP 727 Whitbread Plc 39 0.15 Water Household goods & home construction GBP 457 Severn Trent Plc 12 0.05 GBP 2,186 Benckiser Group Plc 156 0.57 GBP 2,524 United Utilities Group Plc 25 0.09 Insurance Total United Kingdom 6,403 23.56 GBP 387 Admiral Group Plc 10 0.04 Total equities 27,103 99.74 GBP 18,817 Aviva Plc 89 0.33 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) GBP 2,596 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 9 0.03 GBP 25,854 Legal & General Group Plc 85 0.31 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%)



Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: Nil) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 3 Mini IBEX Index Futures December 2019 28 - 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts - 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 27,103 99.74

Cash† 45 0.17

Other net assets 26 0.09

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 27,174 100.00

†Cash holdings of EUR42,288 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR2,903 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 27,103 99.71 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments - 0.00 Other assets 78 0.29 Total current assets 27,181 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Denmark (31 May 2019: 3.12%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.38%) Electricity DKK 3,333 Orsted A/S 279 0.22 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) Energy - alternate sources Austria (31 May 2019: 0.41%) DKK 3,414 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 295 0.23 Banks Food EUR 5,284 Erste Group Bank AG 172 0.14 DKK 1,874 Chr Hansen Holding A/S 129 0.10 EUR 2,700 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 57 0.04 Healthcare products Electricity DKK 2,081 Coloplast A/S 223 0.18 EUR 1,236 Verbund AG 58 0.04 DKK 1,877 Demant A/S 52 0.04 Iron & steel Insurance EUR 2,100 voestalpine AG 50 0.04 DKK 2,183 Tryg A/S 57 0.05 Machinery - diversified Marine transportation EUR 1,342 ANDRITZ AG 48 0.04 DKK 67 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 79 0.06 Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals EUR 2,607 OMV AG 135 0.11 DKK 31,359 Novo Nordisk A/S 1,600 1.25 Total Austria 520 0.41 Retail DKK 1,963 Pandora A/S 72 0.06 Belgium (31 May 2019: 1.77%) Transportation Banks DKK 125 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 159 0.12 EUR 4,394 KBC Group NV 291 0.23 DKK 3,878 DSV PANALPINA A/S 383 0.30 Beverages Total Denmark 4,227 3.31 EUR 13,465 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 968 0.76 Chemicals Finland (31 May 2019: 2.10%) EUR 1,302 Solvay SA 136 0.11 Auto parts & equipment EUR 3,703 Umicore SA 144 0.11 EUR 2,138 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 53 0.04 Food Banks EUR 1,104 Colruyt SA 52 0.04 SEK 57,294 Nordea Bank Abp 368 0.29 Insurance Electricity EUR 3,223 Ageas 175 0.14 EUR 8,245 Fortum Oyj 176 0.14 Investment services Forest products & paper EUR 1,434 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 132 0.10 EUR 9,779 Stora Enso Oyj 119 0.09 Media EUR 9,313 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 283 0.22 EUR 989 Telenet Group Holding NV 40 0.03 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 7,959 Sampo Oyj 292 0.23 EUR 769 Galapagos NV 137 0.10 Machinery - diversified EUR 2,228 UCB SA 164 0.13 EUR 6,092 Kone Oyj 346 0.27 Telecommunications EUR 1,896 Metso Oyj 66 0.05 EUR 2,766 Proximus SADP 76 0.06 Oil & gas Total Belgium 2,315 1.81 EUR 7,508 Neste Oyj 230 0.18 Pharmaceuticals Denmark (31 May 2019: 3.12%) EUR 1,890 Orion Oyj 75 0.06 Banks Semiconductors DKK 11,470 Danske Bank A/S 141 0.11 EUR 7,932 Wartsila Oyj Abp 73 0.06 Beverages Telecommunications DKK 1,850 Carlsberg A/S 242 0.19 EUR 2,533 Elisa Oyj 123 0.10 Biotechnology EUR 99,824 Nokia Oyj 320 0.25 DKK 1,147 Genmab A/S 242 0.19 Total Finland 2,524 1.98 DKK 1,260 H Lundbeck A/S 44 0.03 Chemicals France (31 May 2019: 17.96%) DKK 3,857 Novozymes A/S 167 0.13 Advertising Commercial services EUR 1,381 JCDecaux SA 36 0.03 DKK 3,041 ISS A/S 63 0.05 EUR 3,671 Publicis Groupe SA 146 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 17.96%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 17.96%) (cont) Food (cont) Apparel retailers EUR 10,948 Danone SA 818 0.64 EUR 572 Hermes International 389 0.30 Food Service EUR 1,350 Kering SA 738 0.58 EUR 1,610 Sodexo SA 170 0.13 EUR 4,918 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 2,003 1.57 Healthcare products Auto manufacturers EUR 4,991 EssilorLuxottica SA 704 0.55 EUR 10,264 Peugeot SA 225 0.18 EUR 486 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 70 0.06 EUR 3,345 Renault SA 145 0.11 Healthcare services Auto parts & equipment EUR 730 BioMerieux 60 0.05 EUR 2,970 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 323 0.25 Home furnishings EUR 1,384 Faurecia SE 67 0.05 EUR 396 SEB SA 56 0.04 EUR 4,240 Valeo SA 152 0.12 Hotels Banks EUR 3,327 Accor SA 129 0.10 EUR 19,943 BNP Paribas SA 1,016 0.80 Insurance EUR 19,943 Credit Agricole SA 248 0.19 EUR 34,055 AXA SA 841 0.66 EUR 17,159 Natixis SA 65 0.05 EUR 3,122 CNP Assurances 56 0.04 EUR 14,381 Societe Generale SA 411 0.32 EUR 2,895 SCOR SE 113 0.09 Beverages Internet EUR 3,733 Pernod Ricard SA 622 0.49 EUR 456 Iliad SA 53 0.04 EUR 396 Remy Cointreau SA 47 0.03 Investment services Building materials and fixtures EUR 487 Wendel SA 59 0.05 EUR 8,667 Cie de Saint-Gobain 318 0.25 Media Chemicals EUR 16,045 Bollore SA 62 0.05 EUR 8,341 Air Liquide SA 1,026 0.80 EUR 15,145 Vivendi SA 378 0.30 EUR 1,214 Arkema SA 114 0.09 Miscellaneous manufacturers Commercial services EUR 3,405 Alstom SA 135 0.11 EUR 4,727 Bureau Veritas SA 112 0.09 Oil & gas EUR 4,412 Edenred 199 0.15 EUR 42,554 TOTAL SA 2,027 1.59 Computers Pharmaceuticals EUR 1,787 Atos SE 138 0.11 EUR 674 Ipsen SA 69 0.06 EUR 2,785 Capgemini SE 299 0.23 EUR 19,956 Sanofi 1,687 1.32 EUR 1,041 Ingenico Group SA 101 0.08 Real estate investment trusts EUR 1,015 Teleperformance 218 0.17 EUR 807 Covivio 81 0.07 Cosmetics & personal care EUR 795 Gecina SA 125 0.10 EUR 4,476 L'Oreal SA 1,158 0.91 EUR 598 ICADE 54 0.04 Diversified financial services EUR 3,616 Klepierre SA 118 0.09 EUR 1,085 Amundi SA 75 0.06 EUR 2,460 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 349 0.27 EUR 860 Eurazeo SE 53 0.04 Software Electrical components & equipment EUR 2,331 Dassault Systemes SE 333 0.26 EUR 4,656 Legrand SA 334 0.26 EUR 1,573 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 87 0.07 EUR 9,743 Schneider Electric SE 853 0.67 EUR 1,472 Worldline SA 86 0.07 Electricity Telecommunications EUR 11,300 Electricite de France SA 105 0.08 EUR 3,228 Eutelsat Communications SA 48 0.04 EUR 32,985 Engie SA 474 0.37 EUR 35,407 Orange SA 531 0.41 Engineering & construction Transportation EUR 528 Aeroports de Paris 94 0.07 EUR 8,311 Getlink SE 127 0.10 EUR 3,877 Bouygues SA 144 0.11 Water EUR 1,390 Eiffage SA 138 0.11 EUR 6,672 Suez 90 0.07 EUR 9,039 Vinci SA 894 0.70 Total France 23,200 18.16 Food EUR 10,840 Carrefour SA 163 0.13 EUR 1,032 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 41 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 14.01%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 14.01%) Insurance Aerospace & defence EUR 7,512 Allianz SE 1,633 1.28 EUR 931 MTU Aero Engines AG 229 0.18 EUR 1,059 Hannover Rueck SE 178 0.14 Airlines EUR 2,552 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in EUR 4,282 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 74 0.06 Muenchen 665 0.52 Apparel retailers Internet EUR 3,197 adidas AG 904 0.71 EUR 2,019 Delivery Hero SE 97 0.08 EUR 1,479 Puma SE 101 0.08 EUR 2,210 United Internet AG 68 0.05 Auto manufacturers Iron & steel EUR 5,872 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 430 0.34 EUR 7,755 thyssenkrupp AG 88 0.07 EUR 1,012 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 57 0.04 Leisure time EUR 16,126 Daimler AG 826 0.65 GBP 7,903 TUI AG 99 0.08 Auto parts & equipment Machinery - diversified EUR 1,996 Continental AG 237 0.19 EUR 2,721 GEA Group AG 79 0.06 Banks EUR 1,115 KION Group AG 67 0.05 EUR 17,844 Commerzbank AG 94 0.07 Media EUR 34,296 Deutsche Bank AG 224 0.18 EUR 862 Axel Springer SE 54 0.04 Building materials and fixtures Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 2,591 HeidelbergCement AG 174 0.14 EUR 865 Knorr-Bremse AG 76 0.06 Chemicals EUR 13,567 Siemens AG 1,589 1.24 EUR 16,274 BASF SE 1,110 0.87 Pharmaceuticals EUR 2,749 Brenntag AG 133 0.10 EUR 2,258 Merck KGaA 239 0.19 EUR 3,083 Covestro AG 131 0.10 Real estate investment & services EUR 3,307 Evonik Industries AG 87 0.07 EUR 6,426 Deutsche Wohnen SE 228 0.18 EUR 1,254 FUCHS PETROLUB SE 49 0.04 EUR 9,026 Vonovia SE 427 0.33 EUR 1,554 LANXESS AG 94 0.07 Retail EUR 2,276 Symrise AG 201 0.16 EUR 2,342 Zalando SE 91 0.07 Commercial services Semiconductors EUR 2,101 Wirecard AG 252 0.20 EUR 22,110 Infineon Technologies AG 429 0.34 Cosmetics & personal care Software EUR 1,773 Beiersdorf AG 188 0.15 EUR 17,414 SAP SE 2,150 1.68 Diversified financial services Telecommunications EUR 3,341 Deutsche Boerse AG 465 0.36 EUR 171 1&1 Drillisch AG 4 0.00 Electricity EUR 59,135 Deutsche Telekom AG 901 0.71 EUR 39,386 E.ON SE 374 0.29 EUR 14,035 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 39 0.03 EUR 3,592 Uniper SE 105 0.08 Transportation Electronics EUR 17,521 Deutsche Post AG 593 0.46 EUR 619 Sartorius AG 118 0.09 Total Germany 17,881 13.99 Engineering & construction Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.11%) EUR 730 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 56 0.04 Banks EUR 438 HOCHTIEF AG 49 0.04 EUR 15,151 AIB Group Plc 45 0.04 Food EUR 17,498 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 80 0.06 EUR 3,349 METRO AG 49 0.04 Building materials and fixtures Healthcare products EUR 14,582 CRH Plc 507 0.40 EUR 718 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 80 0.06 EUR 2,707 Kingspan Group Plc 132 0.10 EUR 2,678 Siemens Healthineers AG 118 0.09 Entertainment Healthcare services EUR 1,356 Flutter Entertainment Plc 141 0.11 EUR 3,777 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 251 0.19 Food EUR 7,424 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 369 0.29 EUR 2,849 Kerry Group Plc 332 0.26 Household goods & home construction Forest products & paper EUR 1,830 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 161 0.13 EUR 3,989 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 128 0.10 EUR 3,103 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 297 0.23



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.27%) (cont) Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.11%) (cont) Mining Oil & gas GBP 192,277 Glencore Plc 550 0.43 GBP 1,745 DCC Plc 135 0.10 Total Jersey 1,619 1.27 Total Ireland 1,500 1.17 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.52%) Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Healthcare services Entertainment EUR 220 Eurofins Scientific SE 105 0.08 GBP 9,878 GVC Holdings Plc 99 0.08 Iron & steel Total Isle of Man 99 0.08 EUR 11,660 ArcelorMittal SA 181 0.14 Media Italy (31 May 2019: 2.62%) EUR 47 RTL Group SA 2 0.00 Apparel retailers Metal fabricate/ hardware EUR 3,173 Moncler SpA 126 0.10 EUR 8,442 Tenaris SA 81 0.07 Auto parts & equipment Real estate investment & services EUR 7,479 Pirelli & C SpA 39 0.03 EUR 16,337 Aroundtown SA 129 0.10 Banks Telecommunications EUR 6,107 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 69 0.05 SEK 1,208 Millicom International Cellular SA 49 0.04 EUR 263,340 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 606 0.48 EUR 6,471 SES SA 78 0.06 EUR 11,094 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 112 0.09 Total Luxembourg 625 0.49 EUR 35,981 UniCredit SpA 452 0.35 Beverages Netherlands (31 May 2019: 7.20%) EUR 10,430 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 86 0.07 Auto manufacturers Commercial services EUR 2,112 Ferrari NV 324 0.25 EUR 8,688 Atlantia SpA 175 0.14 EUR 18,793 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 252 0.20 Electrical components & equipment Banks EUR 4,317 Prysmian SpA 89 0.07 EUR 7,450 ABN AMRO Bank NV 115 0.09 Electricity EUR 68,328 ING Groep NV 714 0.56 EUR 24,873 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 145 0.11 Beverages Gas EUR 1,998 Heineken Holding NV 174 0.14 EUR 37,142 Snam SpA 168 0.13 EUR 4,508 Heineken NV 424 0.33 Insurance Chemicals EUR 20,395 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 378 0.29 EUR 4,036 Akzo Nobel NV 351 0.27 Oil & gas EUR 3,142 Koninklijke DSM NV 365 0.29 EUR 45,582 Eni SpA 625 0.49 Commercial services Pharmaceuticals EUR 178 Adyen NV 124 0.09 EUR 1,883 Recordati SpA 72 0.06 EUR 2,125 Randstad NV 112 0.09 Telecommunications Cosmetics & personal care EUR 164,865 Telecom Italia SpA 94 0.07 EUR 25,842 Unilever NV 1,390 1.09 EUR 111,052 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 62 0.05 Diversified financial services Transportation USD 2,213 AerCap Holdings NV 124 0.10 EUR 9,366 Poste Italiane SpA 99 0.08 Food Total Italy 3,397 2.66 EUR 21,613 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 506 0.40 Healthcare products Jersey (31 May 2019: 1.27%) EUR 16,266 Koninklijke Philips NV 685 0.54 Advertising EUR 4,010 QIAGEN NV 156 0.12 GBP 22,071 WPP Plc 259 0.20 Insurance Commercial services EUR 31,531 Aegon NV 129 0.10 GBP 15,963 Experian Plc 480 0.38 EUR 5,584 NN Group NV 195 0.15 Distribution & wholesale Internet GBP 4,177 Ferguson Plc 330 0.26 EUR 8,166 Prosus NV 505 0.39 Investment services EUR 1,921 EXOR NV 134 0.10



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) Spain (31 May 2019: 5.31%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 7.20%) (cont) Commercial services Machinery - diversified EUR 7,905 Amadeus IT Group SA 572 0.45 EUR 17,902 CNH Industrial NV 174 0.14 Electricity Media EUR 109,730 Iberdrola SA 980 0.77 EUR 11,974 Altice Europe NV 65 0.05 EUR 5,923 Red Electrica Corp SA 105 0.08 EUR 5,049 Wolters Kluwer NV 329 0.26 Energy - alternate sources Pipelines EUR 4,392 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA 64 0.05 EUR 1,247 Koninklijke Vopak NV 60 0.05 Engineering & construction Semiconductors EUR 4,673 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 165 0.13 EUR 7,544 ASML Holding NV 1,863 1.46 EUR 1,187 Aena SME SA 198 0.16 USD 4,943 NXP Semiconductors NV 518 0.40 EUR 4,341 Cellnex Telecom SA 169 0.13 EUR 11,953 STMicroelectronics NV 267 0.21 EUR 103 Ferrovial SA 3 0.00 Telecommunications EUR 8,720 Ferrovial SA (voting) 235 0.18 EUR 63,717 Koninklijke KPN NV 178 0.14 Gas Total Netherlands 10,233 8.01 EUR 851 Enagas SA 19 0.01 EUR 6,449 Naturgy Energy Group SA 152 0.12 Norway (31 May 2019: 1.23%) Insurance Banks EUR 19,915 Mapfre SA 51 0.04 NOK 17,022 DNB ASA 259 0.20 Oil & gas Chemicals EUR 26,395 Repsol SA 377 0.29 NOK 3,161 Yara International ASA 108 0.09 Pharmaceuticals Food EUR 5,270 Grifols SA 163 0.13 NOK 7,882 Mowi ASA 177 0.14 Retail NOK 13,323 Orkla ASA 117 0.09 EUR 19,332 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 546 0.43 Insurance Telecommunications NOK 3,667 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 63 0.05 EUR 82,427 Telefonica SA 573 0.45 Media Total Spain 6,376 4.99 NOK 1,783 Schibsted ASA 42 0.03 Mining Sweden (31 May 2019: 4.17%) NOK 24,223 Norsk Hydro ASA 78 0.06 Auto manufacturers Oil & gas SEK 26,350 Volvo AB 370 0.29 NOK 1,965 Aker BP ASA 51 0.04 Banks NOK 17,749 Equinor ASA 297 0.23 SEK 28,389 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 221 0.17 Telecommunications SEK 26,677 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 238 0.19 NOK 13,136 Telenor ASA 218 0.17 SEK 15,868 Swedbank AB 187 0.15 Total Norway 1,410 1.10 Commercial services SEK 5,651 Securitas AB 85 0.07 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.15%) Cosmetics & personal care Food SEK 10,888 Essity AB 310 0.24 EUR 4,599 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 67 0.05 Electronics Oil & gas SEK 17,885 Assa Abloy AB 385 0.30 EUR 8,882 Galp Energia SGPS SA 131 0.10 Engineering & construction Total Portugal 198 0.15 SEK 6,054 Skanska AB 121 0.09 Food Spain (31 May 2019: 5.31%) SEK 1,478 ICA Gruppen AB 59 0.05 Banks Home furnishings EUR 117,634 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 562 0.44 SEK 4,286 Electrolux AB 100 0.08 EUR 100,772 Banco de Sabadell SA 102 0.08 Investment services EUR 297,716 Banco Santander SA 1,053 0.83 SEK 3,073 Industrivarden AB 65 0.05 EUR 23,085 Bankia SA 41 0.03 SEK 8,121 Investor AB 389 0.30 EUR 12,204 Bankinter SA 77 0.06 SEK 4,727 Kinnevik AB 98 0.08 EUR 63,091 CaixaBank SA 169 0.13 SEK 4,771 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) 26 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 13.64%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 4.17%) (cont) Food (cont) Investment services (cont) CHF 52,769 Nestle SA 4,976 3.90 SEK 1,411 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 51 0.04 Hand & machine tools Machinery - diversified CHF 352 Schindler Holding AG 77 0.06 SEK 11,685 Atlas Copco AB 389 0.31 CHF 704 Schindler Holding AG (non-voting) 159 0.12 SEK 6,818 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 200 0.16 Healthcare products SEK 4,550 Hexagon AB 233 0.18 CHF 7,372 Alcon Inc 369 0.29 SEK 7,653 Husqvarna AB 54 0.04 CHF 968 Sonova Holding AG 201 0.16 Machinery, construction & mining CHF 183 Straumann Holding AG 160 0.12 SEK 11,966 Epiroc AB 127 0.10 Insurance SEK 7,084 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 72 0.06 CHF 839 Baloise Holding AG 132 0.10 SEK 20,348 Sandvik AB 336 0.26 CHF 616 Swiss Life Holding AG 277 0.22 Metal fabricate/ hardware CHF 5,225 Swiss Re AG 514 0.40 SEK 6,742 SKF AB 117 0.09 CHF 2,680 Zurich Insurance Group AG 954 0.75 Mining Investment services SEK 4,855 Boliden AB 114 0.09 CHF 686 Pargesa Holding SA 49 0.04 Miscellaneous manufacturers Machinery, construction & mining SEK 5,233 Alfa Laval AB 117 0.09 CHF 32,541 ABB Ltd 646 0.51 Oil & gas Pharmaceuticals SEK 3,376 Lundin Petroleum AB 94 0.07 CHF 12,453 Roche Holding AG 3,483 2.73 Retail CHF 795 Vifor Pharma AG 129 0.10 SEK 14,316 Hennes & Mauritz AB 251 0.20 Real estate investment & services Telecommunications CHF 1,349 Swiss Prime Site AG 129 0.10 SEK 8,871 Tele2 AB 119 0.09 Retail SEK 54,685 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 447 0.35 CHF 528 Swatch Group AG 134 0.10 SEK 49,351 Telia Co AB 194 0.15 CHF 1,022 Swatch Group AG (REGD) 50 0.04 Total Sweden 5,569 4.36 Software CHF 1,147 Temenos AG 158 0.12 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 13.64%) Telecommunications Banks CHF 475 Swisscom AG 223 0.17 CHF 45,448 Credit Suisse Group AG 540 0.42 Transportation CHF 67,717 UBS Group AG 745 0.59 CHF 927 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 137 0.11 Beverages Total Switzerland 17,582 13.76 GBP 3,590 Coca-Cola HBC AG 109 0.09 Building materials and fixtures United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 22.73%) CHF 660 Geberit AG 322 0.25 Aerospace & defence CHF 8,420 LafargeHolcim Ltd 394 0.31 GBP 13,949 Meggitt Plc 105 0.08 CHF 2,244 Sika AG 354 0.28 GBP 30,143 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc 252 0.20 Chemicals GBP 1,035,414 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (Preference)* 10.00 CHF 3,621 Clariant AG 68 0.05 Airlines CHF 145 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 82 0.06 GBP 2,959 easyJet Plc 46 0.04 CHF 170 Givaudan SA 453 0.36 Apparel retailers CHF 1,317 Lonza Group AG 406 0.32 GBP 7,319 Burberry Group Plc 181 0.14 Commercial services Banks CHF 2,871 Adecco Group AG 161 0.12 GBP 302,363 Barclays Plc 608 0.48 CHF 91 SGS SA 215 0.17 GBP 358,652 HSBC Holdings Plc 2,425 1.90 Diversified financial services GBP 1,243,354 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 892 0.70 CHF 3,948 Julius Baer Group Ltd 169 0.13 GBP 84,178 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 223 0.17 CHF 317 Partners Group Holding AG 242 0.19 GBP 48,358 Standard Chartered Plc 396 0.31 Food Beverages CHF 52 Barry Callebaut AG 95 0.07 USD 4,205 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 192 0.15 CHF 39 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG 270 0.21 GBP 41,957 Diageo Plc 1,558 1.22



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 22.73%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 22.73%) (cont) Insurance Chemicals GBP 3,618 Admiral Group Plc 91 0.07 GBP 2,279 Croda International Plc 133 0.11 GBP 69,669 Aviva Plc 330 0.26 GBP 3,437 Johnson Matthey Plc 116 0.09 GBP 24,730 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 88 0.07 Commercial services GBP 107,621 Legal & General Group Plc 355 0.28 GBP 8,539 Ashtead Group Plc 235 0.18 GBP 45,406 M&G Plc 126 0.10 GBP 28,338 G4S Plc 70 0.06 GBP 45,467 Prudential Plc 734 0.57 GBP 2,811 Intertek Group Plc 182 0.14 GBP 17,474 RSA Insurance Group Plc 113 0.09 GBP 34,725 RELX Plc 763 0.60 Internet GBP 33,021 Rentokil Initial Plc 172 0.13 GBP 16,961 Auto Trader Group Plc 112 0.09 Cosmetics & personal care Investment services GBP 19,675 Unilever Plc 1,057 0.83 GBP 85,064 Melrose Industries Plc 229 0.18 Distribution & wholesale Iron & steel GBP 5,900 Bunzl Plc 147 0.12 GBP 9,383 Evraz Plc 41 0.03 Diversified financial services Leisure time GBP 17,032 3i Group Plc 214 0.17 GBP 2,839 Carnival Plc 108 0.08 GBP 5,093 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 111 0.09 Machinery - diversified GBP 5,583 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 450 0.35 GBP 1,306 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc 137 0.11 GBP 2,250 Schroders Plc 87 0.07 GBP 4,384 Weir Group Plc 72 0.05 GBP 9,424 St James's Place Plc 120 0.09 Media GBP 45,552 Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 170 0.13 GBP 21,931 Informa Plc 204 0.16 Electricity GBP 64,981 ITV Plc 111 0.09 GBP 18,548 SSE Plc 283 0.22 GBP 13,878 Pearson Plc 105 0.08 Electronics Mining GBP 6,774 Halma Plc 167 0.13 GBP 7,133 Antofagasta Plc 73 0.06 Food GBP 20,118 Rio Tinto Plc 991 0.77 GBP 6,234 Associated British Foods Plc 188 0.15 Miscellaneous manufacturers GBP 31,727 J Sainsbury Plc 80 0.06 GBP 6,973 Smiths Group Plc 136 0.11 GBP 8,165 Ocado Group Plc 127 0.10 Oil & gas GBP 40,125 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 93 0.07 GBP 358,577 BP Plc 2,020 1.58 Food Service Pharmaceuticals GBP 27,992 Compass Group Plc 622 0.49 GBP 23,244 AstraZeneca Plc 2,034 1.59 Forest products & paper GBP 88,421 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 1,819 1.43 GBP 8,642 Mondi Plc 170 0.13 Real estate investment trusts Gas GBP 16,672 British Land Co Plc 113 0.09 GBP 108,098 Centrica Plc 102 0.08 GBP 13,121 Land Securities Group Plc 148 0.11 GBP 60,588 National Grid Plc 632 0.49 GBP 19,306 Segro Plc 202 0.16 Healthcare products Retail GBP 15,671 Smith & Nephew Plc 318 0.25 GBP 7,770 JD Sports Fashion Plc 69 0.05 Healthcare services GBP 38,422 Kingfisher Plc 95 0.08 GBP 1,915 NMC Health Plc 56 0.04 GBP 33,350 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 76 0.06 Home builders GBP 2,449 Next Plc 194 0.15 GBP 17,966 Barratt Developments Plc 141 0.11 Software GBP 2,012 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 108 0.09 GBP 1,146 AVEVA Group Plc 61 0.05 GBP 5,892 Persimmon Plc 177 0.14 GBP 6,423 Micro Focus International Plc 85 0.07 GBP 58,412 Taylor Wimpey Plc 119 0.09 GBP 19,071 Sage Group Plc 169 0.13 Hotels Telecommunications GBP 3,003 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 176 0.14 GBP 151,876 BT Group Plc 341 0.26 GBP 2,381 Whitbread Plc 129 0.10 GBP 474,201 Vodafone Group Plc 853 0.67 Household goods & home construction Water GBP 12,466 Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc 887 0.69 GBP 4,223 Severn Trent Plc 111 0.09


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI EUROPE ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Fair %ofnet Value asset issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Equities (31 May 2019: 99.38%) (cont) %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 22.73%) (cont) gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets Water (cont) GBP 12,132 United Utilities Group Plc 122 0.09 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 127,424 99.69 Total United Kingdom 28,149 22.03 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 6 0.01 Total equities 127,424 99.73 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 18 0.01 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Other assets 369 0.29 Total current assets 127,817 100.00 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%)

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) EUR 10 Stoxx Europe 600 Index Futures December 2019 198 6 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 6 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments 6 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 127,430 99.73

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 0.03%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 0.03%) EUR 179 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional Euro Liquidity Fund~ 18 0.01

Cash† 235 0.18

Other net assets 87 0.08

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 127,770 100.00

†Cash holdings of EUR228,740 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR5,990 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ~Investment in related party. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a France (31 May 2019: 92.05%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.14%) Electricity EUR 22,246 Electricite de France SA 208 0.38 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.14%) EUR 67,140 Engie SA 964 1.75 France (31 May 2019: 92.05%) Engineering & construction Advertising EUR 1,083 Aeroports de Paris 192 0.35 EUR 3,130 JCDecaux SA^ 81 0.15 EUR 8,215 Bouygues SA 304 0.55 EUR 7,954 Publicis Groupe SA 318 0.58 EUR 2,893 Eiffage SA 287 0.52 Aerospace & defence EUR 18,758 Vinci SA 1,857 3.37 EUR 91 Dassault Aviation SA 112 0.20 Food EUR 12,034 Safran SA 1,787 3.25 EUR 22,261 Carrefour SA 333 0.60 EUR 3,916 Thales SA 348 0.63 EUR 1,996 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA^ 80 0.15 Apparel retailers EUR 22,705 Danone SA 1,697 3.08 EUR 1,165 Hermes International 792 1.44 Food Service EUR 2,785 Kering SA 1,523 2.76 EUR 3,254 Sodexo SA 344 0.63 EUR 10,221 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 4,163 7.56 Healthcare products Auto manufacturers EUR 10,420 EssilorLuxottica SA 1,469 2.67 EUR 21,620 Peugeot SA 474 0.86 EUR 1,015 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 146 0.26 EUR 7,067 Renault SA 307 0.56 Healthcare services Auto parts & equipment EUR 1,531 BioMerieux 126 0.23 EUR 6,280 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA^ 684 1.24 Home furnishings EUR 2,817 Faurecia SE 135 0.24 EUR 832 SEB SA^ 117 0.21 EUR 8,886 Valeo SA^ 318 0.58 Hotels Banks EUR 6,454 Accor SA 251 0.46 EUR 41,349 BNP Paribas SA 2,108 3.83 Insurance EUR 42,581 Credit Agricole SA 529 0.96 EUR 71,040 AXA SA 1,754 3.18 EUR 34,616 Natixis SA 131 0.24 EUR 6,353 CNP Assurances 114 0.21 EUR 29,807 Societe Generale SA 851 1.54 EUR 5,777 SCOR SE 225 0.41 Beverages Internet EUR 7,805 Pernod Ricard SA 1,301 2.36 EUR 982 Iliad SA 113 0.21 EUR 837 Remy Cointreau SA 98 0.18 Investment services Building materials and fixtures EUR 1,008 Wendel SA^ 123 0.22 EUR 18,082 Cie de Saint-Gobain 665 1.21 Media Chemicals EUR 32,453 Bollore SA 126 0.23 EUR 17,324 Air Liquide SA^ 2,132 3.87 EUR 31,399 Vivendi SA 782 1.42 EUR 2,518 Arkema SA 237 0.43 Miscellaneous manufacturers Commercial services EUR 7,005 Alstom SA^ 277 0.50 EUR 10,849 Bureau Veritas SA 258 0.47 Oil & gas EUR 8,942 Edenred 403 0.73 EUR 88,243 TOTAL SA 4,204 7.63 Computers Pharmaceuticals EUR 3,613 Atos SE^ 279 0.51 EUR 1,380 Ipsen SA 142 0.26 EUR 5,843 Capgemini SE 627 1.14 EUR 41,431 Sanofi 3,501 6.35 EUR 2,241 Ingenico Group SA 217 0.39 Real estate investment trusts EUR 2,153 Teleperformance^ 463 0.84 EUR 1,762 Covivio 177 0.32 Cosmetics & personal care EUR 1,689 Gecina SA 265 0.48 EUR 9,288 L'Oreal SA 2,403 4.36 EUR 1,080 ICADE^ 98 0.18 Diversified financial services EUR 7,260 Klepierre SA^ 236 0.43 EUR 2,225 Amundi SA^ 153 0.28 EUR 5,085 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 722 1.31 EUR 1,458 Eurazeo SE 90 0.16 Software Electrical components & equipment EUR 4,833 Dassault Systemes SE 691 1.26 EUR 9,807 Legrand SA^ 703 1.28 EUR 3,094 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 170 0.31 EUR 20,328 Schneider Electric SE 1,781 3.23 EUR 3,690 Worldline SA 217 0.39


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI FRANCE UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Fair %ofnet Value asset entity in which the Fund holds shares. Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current Equities (31 May 2019: 99.14%) (cont) gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets France (31 May 2019: 92.05%) (cont) Telecommunications Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 55,022 99.88 EUR 6,318 Eutelsat Communications SA 94 0.17 Other assets 68 0.12 EUR 73,338 Orange SA^ 1,100 2.00 Total current assets 55,090 100.00 Transportation EUR 16,295 Getlink SE 249 0.45 Water EUR 12,827 Suez 172 0.31 EUR 19,766 Veolia Environnement SA 460 0.84 Total France 50,858 92.34

Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 1.38%) Healthcare services EUR 425 Eurofins Scientific SE 203 0.37 Iron & steel EUR 24,440 ArcelorMittal SA 379 0.69 Telecommunications EUR 13,314 SES SA 160 0.29 Total Luxembourg 742 1.35

Netherlands (31 May 2019: 5.71%) Aerospace & defence EUR 21,456 Airbus SE 2,862 5.19 Semiconductors EUR 25,104 STMicroelectronics NV 560 1.02 Total Netherlands 3,422 6.21 Total equities 55,022 99.90

Underlying %ofnet No. of exposure Fair Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%)

Fair %ofnet Value asset EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 55,022 99.90

Cash† 64 0.12

Other net liabilities (7) (0.02)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 55,079 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent.



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a India (31 May 2019: 100.36%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 100.36%) Diversified financial services (cont) INR 193,846 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd 951 0.28 Equities (31 May 2019: 100.36%) INR 57,282 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 1,446 0.43 India (31 May 2019: 100.36%) INR 442,491 REC Ltd 851 0.25 Agriculture INR 107,478 Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd 1,689 0.50 INR 2,202,012 ITC Ltd 7,563 2.25 Electrical components & equipment Airlines INR 45,595 Siemens Ltd 934 0.28 INR 59,098 InterGlobe Aviation Ltd 1,190 0.35 Electricity Apparel retailers INR 1,520,179 NTPC Ltd 2,466 0.73 INR 3,499 Page Industries Ltd 1,075 0.32 INR 1,172,165 Power Grid Corp of India Ltd 3,158 0.94 Auto manufacturers INR 746,211 Tata Power Co Ltd 597 0.18 INR 751,680 Ashok Leyland Ltd 829 0.24 Electronics INR 8,560 Eicher Motors Ltd 2,730 0.81 INR 160,245 Havells India Ltd 1,491 0.44 INR 477,504 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 3,532 1.05 Engineering & construction INR 67,683 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 6,836 2.03 INR 305,423 Larsen & Toubro Ltd 5,665 1.68 INR 1,016,597 Tata Motors Ltd 2,289 0.68 Food Auto parts & equipment INR 79,903 Avenue Supermarts Ltd 2,030 0.60 INR 4,531 Bosch Ltd 1,020 0.30 INR 36,922 Britannia Industries Ltd 1,574 0.47 INR 606,438 Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd 1,095 0.33 INR 289,243 Marico Ltd 1,451 0.43 Banks INR 14,813 Nestle India Ltd 2,984 0.89 INR 1,335,410 Axis Bank Ltd 13,757 4.09 Gas INR 247,337 Bandhan Bank Ltd 2,004 0.59 INR 1,010,521 GAIL India Ltd 1,776 0.53 INR 3,058,389 ICICI Bank Ltd 21,854 6.49 Household goods & home construction INR 1,142,632 State Bank of India 5,445 1.62 INR 229,054 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd 2,315 0.69 Beverages INR 415,744 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 11,795 3.50 INR 186,065 United Spirits Ltd 1,572 0.47 Insurance Building materials and fixtures INR 24,449 Bajaj Finserv Ltd 3,105 0.92 INR 381,338 Ambuja Cements Ltd 1,088 0.32 INR 322,904 HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd 2,572 0.76 INR 189,456 Grasim Industries Ltd 2,079 0.62 INR 116,362 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd 2,211 0.66 INR 5,352 Shree Cement Ltd 1,566 0.46 INR 220,599 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co Ltd 1,545 0.46 INR 64,665 UltraTech Cement Ltd 3,839 1.14 INR 224,055 SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd 2,999 0.89 Chemicals Iron & steel INR 184,211 Asian Paints Ltd 4,381 1.30 INR 541,591 JSW Steel Ltd 1,975 0.59 INR 149,202 Berger Paints India Ltd 1,033 0.31 INR 227,402 Tata Steel Ltd 1,355 0.40 INR 342,363 UPL Ltd 2,736 0.81 Leisure time Coal INR 53,720 Bajaj Auto Ltd 2,379 0.71 INR 789,024 Coal India Ltd 2,257 0.67 INR 62,650 Hero MotoCorp Ltd 2,125 0.63 Commercial services Media INR 390,193 Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd 2,078 0.62 INR 461,145 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd 1,884 0.56 INR 39,151 Info Edge India Ltd 1,437 0.42 Metal fabricate/ hardware Computers INR 134,097 Bharat Forge Ltd 868 0.26 INR 2,180,845 Infosys Ltd 21,169 6.29 Mining INR 576,508 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 16,501 4.90 INR 747,613 Hindalco Industries Ltd 2,086 0.62 INR 731,352 Wipro Ltd 2,423 0.72 INR 1,189,796 Vedanta Ltd 2,398 0.71 Cosmetics & personal care Miscellaneous manufacturers INR 41,787 Colgate-Palmolive India Ltd 858 0.25 INR 78,045 Pidilite Industries Ltd 1,418 0.42 INR 339,358 Dabur India Ltd 2,172 0.65 Oil & gas Diversified financial services INR 416,599 Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd 2,971 0.88 INR 111,360 Bajaj Finance Ltd 6,324 1.88 INR 390,195 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd 1,537 0.46 INR 27,221 HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd 1,342 0.40 INR 1,205,310 Indian Oil Corp Ltd 2,208 0.65 INR 1,049,449 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 33,606 9.98 INR 1,610,673 Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd 2,958 0.88 INR 190,608 LIC Housing Finance Ltd 1,233 0.37 INR 1,824,856 Reliance Industries Ltd 39,458 11.72


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI INDIA UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines Fair %ofnet Value asset issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Equities (31 May 2019: 100.36%) (cont) %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current India (31 May 2019: 100.36%) (cont) gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets Pharmaceuticals INR 168,792 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd 1,059 0.31 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 338,281 99.90 INR 221,835 Cipla Ltd 1,443 0.43 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 1 0.00 INR 50,983 Divi's Laboratories Ltd 1,269 0.38 Other assets 324 0.10 INR 73,350 Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd 2,979 0.89 Total current assets 338,606 100.00 INR 141,971 Lupin Ltd 1,585 0.47 INR 537,570 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 3,371 1.00 Pipelines INR 384,095 Petronet LNG Ltd 1,454 0.43 Real estate investment & services INR 380,302 DLF Ltd 1,165 0.35 Retail INR 198,913 Titan Co Ltd 3,216 0.95 Software INR 347,315 HCL Technologies Ltd 5,460 1.62 INR 296,412 Tech Mahindra Ltd 3,146 0.93 Telecommunications INR 1,314,106 Bharti Airtel Ltd 8,105 2.41 INR 213,156 Bharti Infratel Ltd 821 0.24 Transportation INR 132,615 Container Corp Of India Ltd 1,070 0.32 Total India 338,281 100.46 Total equities 338,281 100.46

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 2 MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures December 2019 103 1 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 1 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments 1 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 338,282 100.46

Cash† 319 0.09

Other net liabilities (1,877) (0.55)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 336,724 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD299,813 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD19,169 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.40%) Banks (cont) JPY 3,200 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 122 0.73 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.40%) Beverages Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) JPY 900 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd 43 0.26 Advertising JPY 300 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc 7 0.04 JPY 600 Dentsu Inc 22 0.13 JPY 4,500 Kirin Holdings Co Ltd 100 0.60 JPY 600 Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc 9 0.06 JPY 600 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 26 0.16 Aerospace & defence Building materials and fixtures JPY 800 IHI Corp 19 0.11 JPY 400 AGC Inc 14 0.09 JPY 1,700 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd 38 0.23 JPY 1,300 Daikin Industries Ltd 187 1.12 Airlines JPY 1,000 LIXIL Group Corp 17 0.10 JPY 1,100 ANA Holdings Inc 38 0.23 JPY 100 Rinnai Corp 8 0.05 JPY 300 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 300 Taiheiyo Cement Corp 9 0.05 Auto manufacturers JPY 800 TOTO Ltd 35 0.21 JPY 2,000 Hino Motors Ltd 20 0.12 Chemicals JPY 9,800 Honda Motor Co Ltd 274 1.65 JPY 300 Air Water Inc 5 0.03 JPY 1,800 Isuzu Motors Ltd 21 0.13 JPY 8,900 Asahi Kasei Corp 100 0.60 JPY 3,100 Mazda Motor Corp 27 0.16 JPY 900 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 32 0.19 JPY 1,500 Mitsubishi Motors Corp 7 0.04 JPY 600 JSR Corp 11 0.07 JPY 5,400 Nissan Motor Co Ltd 33 0.20 JPY 1,500 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 38 0.23 JPY 1,500 Subaru Corp 39 0.23 JPY 1,800 Kuraray Co Ltd 22 0.13 JPY 900 Suzuki Motor Corp 40 0.24 JPY 6,300 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp 47 0.28 JPY 9,600 Toyota Motor Corp 670 4.02 JPY 300 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc 5 0.03 Auto parts & equipment JPY 400 Mitsui Chemicals Inc 9 0.05 JPY 300 Aisin Seiki Co Ltd 11 0.07 JPY 400 Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd 21 0.13 JPY 2,700 Bridgestone Corp 108 0.65 JPY 300 Nissan Chemical Corp 12 0.07 JPY 2,800 Denso Corp 125 0.75 JPY 1,500 Nitto Denko Corp 84 0.51 JPY 600 JTEKT Corp 7 0.04 JPY 1,400 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 150 0.90 JPY 300 Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd 15 0.09 JPY 600 Showa Denko KK 16 0.10 JPY 3,900 NGK Insulators Ltd 64 0.38 JPY 21,400 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 96 0.58 JPY 900 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd 18 0.11 JPY 300 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp 7 0.04 JPY 1,900 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 53 0.32 JPY 11,400 Toray Industries Inc 75 0.45 JPY 1,800 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 27 0.16 JPY 600 Tosoh Corp 9 0.05 JPY 600 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd 8 0.05 Commercial services JPY 300 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 7 0.04 JPY 1,000 Benesse Holdings Inc 26 0.16 JPY 300 Toyota Industries Corp 18 0.11 JPY 1,500 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 40 0.24 JPY 300 Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd 6 0.03 JPY 100 GMO Payment Gateway Inc 7 0.04 Banks JPY 700 Park24 Co Ltd 17 0.10 JPY 700 AEON Financial Service Co Ltd 11 0.07 JPY 300 Persol Holdings Co Ltd 6 0.03 JPY 300 Aozora Bank Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 6,700 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 243 1.46 JPY 200 Bank of Kyoto Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 600 Secom Co Ltd 51 0.31 JPY 1,500 Chiba Bank Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 700 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 36 0.22 JPY 2,400 Concordia Financial Group Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 600 Toppan Printing Co Ltd 12 0.07 JPY 300 Fukuoka Financial Group Inc 6 0.03 Computers JPY 900 Japan Post Bank Co Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 1,300 Fujitsu Ltd 118 0.71 JPY 46,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 243 1.46 JPY 300 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp 8 0.05 JPY 131,500 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 203 1.22 JPY 1,300 NEC Corp 52 0.31 JPY 19,100 Resona Holdings Inc 81 0.49 JPY 2,900 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 61 0.37 JPY 2,100 Seven Bank Ltd 6 0.04 JPY 1,500 NTT Data Corp 20 0.12 JPY 600 Shinsei Bank Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 200 Obic Co Ltd 27 0.16 JPY 1,200 Shizuoka Bank Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 500 Otsuka Corp 20 0.12 JPY 6,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 219 1.31



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Entertainment (cont) Cosmetics & personal care JPY 900 Sega Sammy Holdings Inc 13 0.08 JPY 2,700 Kao Corp 212 1.27 JPY 300 Toho Co Ltd 12 0.07 JPY 100 Kose Corp 16 0.10 Environmental control JPY 600 Lion Corp 12 0.07 JPY 800 Kurita Water Industries Ltd 22 0.13 JPY 300 Pigeon Corp 14 0.09 Food JPY 300 Pola Orbis Holdings Inc 8 0.05 JPY 5,400 Aeon Co Ltd 110 0.66 JPY 1,900 Shiseido Co Ltd 137 0.82 JPY 2,400 Ajinomoto Co Inc 40 0.24 JPY 2,300 Unicharm Corp 75 0.45 JPY 300 Calbee Inc 10 0.06 Distribution & wholesale JPY 800 Kikkoman Corp 40 0.24 JPY 5,600 ITOCHU Corp 122 0.73 JPY 300 MEIJI Holdings Co Ltd 20 0.12 JPY 3,900 Marubeni Corp 29 0.17 JPY 200 NH Foods Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 6,300 Mitsubishi Corp 165 0.99 JPY 600 Nisshin Seifun Group Inc 11 0.07 JPY 6,000 Mitsui & Co Ltd 106 0.64 JPY 200 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd 15 0.09 JPY 3,000 Sumitomo Corp 45 0.27 JPY 200 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 1,500 Toyota Tsusho Corp 53 0.32 JPY 400 Yakult Honsha Co Ltd 23 0.14 Diversified financial services JPY 300 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 6 0.03 JPY 1,800 Acom Co Ltd 7 0.04 Forest products & paper JPY 600 Credit Saison Co Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 2,100 Oji Holdings Corp 12 0.07 JPY 6,500 Daiwa Securities Group Inc 33 0.20 Gas JPY 1,200 Japan Exchange Group Inc 20 0.12 JPY 3,900 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 73 0.44 JPY 2,400 Mebuki Financial Group Inc 6 0.03 JPY 200 Toho Gas Co Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 1,200 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 3,900 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 94 0.56 JPY 12,600 Nomura Holdings Inc 65 0.39 Hand & machine tools JPY 7,800 ORIX Corp 128 0.77 JPY 900 Amada Holdings Co Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 600 SBI Holdings Inc 12 0.07 JPY 100 Disco Corp 22 0.13 JPY 200 Tokyo Century Corp 11 0.07 JPY 700 Fuji Electric Co Ltd 21 0.13 Electrical components & equipment JPY 600 Makita Corp 20 0.12 JPY 600 Brother Industries Ltd 12 0.07 Healthcare products JPY 600 Casio Computer Co Ltd 11 0.07 JPY 500 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 15 0.09 Electronics JPY 2,700 Olympus Corp 40 0.24 JPY 500 Alps Alpine Co Ltd 11 0.07 JPY 1,500 Shimadzu Corp 45 0.27 JPY 200 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 25 0.15 JPY 900 Sysmex Corp 62 0.37 JPY 400 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 26 0.16 JPY 2,400 Terumo Corp 84 0.51 JPY 1,600 Hoya Corp 146 0.88 Healthcare services JPY 1,200 Kyocera Corp 82 0.49 JPY 300 PeptiDream Inc 14 0.08 JPY 900 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc 17 0.10 Home builders JPY 3,000 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 174 1.04 JPY 3,600 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 110 0.66 JPY 700 Nidec Corp 104 0.62 JPY 300 Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 2,000 Omron Corp 117 0.70 JPY 5,400 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 94 0.56 JPY 500 TDK Corp 53 0.32 JPY 4,900 Sekisui House Ltd 106 0.64 JPY 2,100 Yokogawa Electric Corp 38 0.23 Home furnishings Engineering & construction JPY 200 Hoshizaki Corp 17 0.10 JPY 100 Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 17,700 Panasonic Corp 167 1.00 JPY 600 JGC Holdings Corp 9 0.05 JPY 900 Sharp Corp 14 0.09 JPY 2,900 Kajima Corp 38 0.23 JPY 6,400 Sony Corp 403 2.42 JPY 5,100 Obayashi Corp 54 0.33 Insurance JPY 5,500 Shimizu Corp 53 0.32 JPY 3,600 Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 58 0.35 JPY 1,200 Taisei Corp 47 0.28 JPY 3,800 Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 36 0.22 Entertainment JPY 500 Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 900 Oriental Land Co Ltd 125 0.75 JPY 3,700 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc 120 0.72 JPY 300 Sankyo Co Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 2,600 Sompo Holdings Inc 102 0.61



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Miscellaneous manufacturers (cont) Insurance (cont) JPY 1,200 Toshiba Corp 43 0.26 JPY 300 Sony Financial Holdings Inc 7 0.04 Office & business equipment JPY 3,300 T&D Holdings Inc 39 0.23 JPY 4,600 Canon Inc 127 0.76 JPY 3,300 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 179 1.08 JPY 1,400 FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 66 0.40 Internet JPY 3,600 Konica Minolta Inc 24 0.15 JPY 600 CyberAgent Inc 21 0.13 JPY 1,600 Ricoh Co Ltd 17 0.10 JPY 300 Inc 7 0.04 JPY 1,600 Seiko Epson Corp 24 0.14 JPY 100 LINE Corp 5 0.03 Oil & gas JPY 1,200 M3 Inc 33 0.20 JPY 3,600 Inpex Corp 35 0.21 JPY 600 Mercari Inc 13 0.08 JPY 20,000 JXTG Holdings Inc 89 0.53 JPY 300 MonotaRO Co Ltd 9 0.05 Packaging & containers JPY 4,500 Rakuten Inc 39 0.23 JPY 300 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 300 Trend Micro Inc 16 0.10 Pharmaceuticals JPY 11,400 Z Holdings Corp 39 0.23 JPY 1,300 Alfresa Holdings Corp 27 0.16 JPY 400 ZOZO Inc 8 0.05 JPY 10,200 Astellas Pharma Inc 174 1.05 Iron & steel JPY 1,100 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 96 0.58 JPY 2,100 Hitachi Metals Ltd 29 0.17 JPY 2,700 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 169 1.02 JPY 3,200 JFE Holdings Inc 41 0.25 JPY 1,400 Eisai Co Ltd 104 0.62 JPY 2,300 Nippon Steel Corp 34 0.20 JPY 200 Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc 10 0.06 Leisure time JPY 100 Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 200 Shimano Inc 32 0.19 JPY 600 Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd 13 0.08 JPY 1,200 Yamaha Corp 66 0.40 JPY 300 Medipal Holdings Corp 6 0.04 JPY 700 Yamaha Motor Co Ltd 15 0.09 JPY 1,900 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 35 0.21 Machinery - diversified JPY 100 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 800 Daifuku Co Ltd 47 0.28 JPY 1,800 Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 40 0.24 JPY 600 FANUC Corp 115 0.69 JPY 1,500 Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd 65 0.39 JPY 800 Keyence Corp 273 1.64 JPY 1,800 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 34 0.20 JPY 6,000 Kubota Corp 93 0.56 JPY 1,800 Shionogi & Co Ltd 106 0.64 JPY 1,200 Nabtesco Corp 37 0.22 JPY 900 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd 17 0.10 JPY 100 SMC Corp 45 0.27 JPY 200 Suzuken Co Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 300 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 9 0.06 JPY 100 Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.04 JPY 300 THK Co Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 7,200 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 293 1.76 JPY 1,700 Yaskawa Electric Corp 62 0.37 Real estate investment & services Machinery, construction & mining JPY 300 Aeon Mall Co Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 900 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd 24 0.14 JPY 200 Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd 24 0.14 JPY 4,200 Hitachi Ltd 165 0.99 JPY 1,800 Hulic Co Ltd 20 0.12 JPY 6,000 Komatsu Ltd 141 0.85 JPY 6,100 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 112 0.67 JPY 8,000 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 110 0.66 JPY 4,000 Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd 100 0.60 JPY 800 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 30 0.18 JPY 1,200 Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc 29 0.18 Marine transportation JPY 800 Sumitomo Realty & Development Co Ltd 28 0.17 JPY 300 Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 1,500 Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp 10 0.06 JPY 2,200 Nippon Yusen KK 38 0.23 Real estate investment trusts Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 4 Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp 11 0.07 JPY 300 Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 2 Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp 9 0.05 JPY 600 MISUMI Group Inc 15 0.09 JPY 3 Japan Real Estate Investment Corp 21 0.13 JPY 3,300 NSK Ltd 32 0.19 JPY 15 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp 34 0.20 Mining JPY 6 Nippon Building Fund Inc 45 0.27 JPY 300 Mitsubishi Materials Corp 8 0.05 JPY 24 Nippon Prologis REIT Inc 64 0.39 JPY 1,500 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 45 0.27 JPY 45 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc 82 0.49 Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 6 Orix JREIT Inc 13 0.08 JPY 2,100 Nikon Corp 29 0.17 JPY 6 United Urban Investment Corp 12 0.07



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.40%) (cont) Transportation (cont) Retail JPY 600 Nippon Express Co Ltd 38 0.23 JPY 100 ABC-Mart Inc 7 0.04 JPY 3,000 Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd 74 0.44 JPY 300 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 183 1.10 JPY 500 Seibu Holdings Inc 9 0.05 JPY 900 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 300 SG Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.04 JPY 600 J Front Retailing Co Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 500 Tobu Railway Co Ltd 18 0.11 JPY 1,200 Marui Group Co Ltd 29 0.17 JPY 4,600 Tokyu Corp 91 0.55 JPY 200 McDonald's Holdings Co Japan Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 1,500 West Japan Railway Co 132 0.79 JPY 300 Nitori Holdings Co Ltd 47 0.28 JPY 600 Yamato Holdings Co Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 1,200 Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 19 0.11 Total Japan 16,588 99.59 JPY 600 Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd 14 0.08 Total equities 16,588 99.59 JPY 100 Shimamura Co Ltd 8 0.05 Underlying Fair %ofnet JPY 300 Sundrug Co Ltd 10 0.06 No. of exposure Value asset JPY 100 Tsuruha Holdings Inc 12 0.07 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value JPY 500 USS Co Ltd 10 0.06 JPY 100 Welcia Holdings Co Ltd 6 0.04 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.04)%) JPY 4,700 Yamada Denki Co Ltd 23 0.14 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.04)%) Semiconductors JPY 4 Mini-Topix Index Futures December 2019 62 - 0.00 JPY 900 Advantest Corp 44 0.27 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts - 0.00 JPY 300 Hamamatsu Photonics KK 12 0.07 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00 JPY 2,100 Renesas Electronics Corp 14 0.08 JPY 400 Rohm Co Ltd 34 0.21 JPY 600 SUMCO Corp 9 0.05 Fair %ofnet JPY 800 Tokyo Electron Ltd 165 0.99 Value asset USD'000 value Software JPY 600 Konami Holdings Corp 27 0.16 Total value of investments 16,588 99.59 JPY 1,200 Nexon Co Ltd 16 0.10 JPY 200 Oracle Corp Japan 18 0.11 Cash† 35 0.21 JPY 200 Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd 10 0.06 Telecommunications Other net assets 34 0.20 JPY 9,900 KDDI Corp 284 1.71 JPY 3,100 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 156 0.94 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating JPY 10,200 NTT DOCOMO Inc 280 1.68 shareholders at the end of the financial period 16,657 100.00 JPY 7,200 Softbank Corp 98 0.59 †Cash holdings of USD33,475 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD1,749 JPY 7,200 SoftBank Group Corp 279 1.67 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. Textile JPY 2,400 Teijin Ltd 45 0.27 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Toys entity in which the Fund holds shares. JPY 500 Bandai Namco Holdings Inc 30 0.18 JPY 600 Nintendo Co Ltd 232 1.39 Transportation Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines JPY 400 Central Japan Railway Co 81 0.49 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent JPY 2,000 East Japan Railway Co 184 1.10 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. JPY 2,700 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 116 0.70 %oftotal JPY 300 Kamigumi Co Ltd 7 0.04 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current JPY 200 Keihan Holdings Co Ltd 10 0.06 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets JPY 600 Keikyu Corp 12 0.07 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 16,588 99.57 JPY 900 Keio Corp 58 0.35 Other assets 71 0.43 JPY 700 Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd 29 0.17 Total current assets 16,659 100.00 JPY 1,000 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 56 0.34 JPY 2,100 Kyushu Railway Co 71 0.43 JPY 900 Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd 28 0.17



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.49%) Banks (cont) JPY 4,500 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 172 0.36 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.49%) Beverages Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) JPY 5,100 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd 245 0.52 Advertising JPY 1,800 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc 43 0.09 JPY 2,900 Dentsu Inc 105 0.22 JPY 11,500 Kirin Holdings Co Ltd 255 0.54 JPY 3,100 Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc 50 0.11 JPY 1,800 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 78 0.16 Aerospace & defence Building materials and fixtures JPY 1,800 IHI Corp 42 0.09 JPY 2,500 AGC Inc 91 0.19 JPY 1,800 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd 40 0.08 JPY 3,400 Daikin Industries Ltd 489 1.04 Airlines JPY 3,600 LIXIL Group Corp 61 0.13 JPY 1,600 ANA Holdings Inc 54 0.11 JPY 400 Rinnai Corp 30 0.06 JPY 1,800 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 56 0.12 JPY 1,800 Taiheiyo Cement Corp 52 0.11 Auto manufacturers JPY 1,800 TOTO Ltd 79 0.17 JPY 3,600 Hino Motors Ltd 35 0.07 Chemicals JPY 22,300 Honda Motor Co Ltd 625 1.32 JPY 1,800 Air Water Inc 29 0.06 JPY 7,200 Isuzu Motors Ltd 84 0.18 JPY 17,400 Asahi Kasei Corp 195 0.41 JPY 8,100 Mazda Motor Corp 72 0.15 JPY 1,500 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 54 0.11 JPY 9,600 Mitsubishi Motors Corp 43 0.09 JPY 2,700 JSR Corp 48 0.10 JPY 30,900 Nissan Motor Co Ltd 192 0.41 JPY 2,700 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 68 0.14 JPY 8,100 Subaru Corp 212 0.45 JPY 4,500 Kuraray Co Ltd 54 0.11 JPY 5,100 Suzuki Motor Corp 226 0.48 JPY 17,100 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp 127 0.27 JPY 31,000 Toyota Motor Corp 2,162 4.57 JPY 1,900 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc 30 0.06 Auto parts & equipment JPY 2,500 Mitsui Chemicals Inc 60 0.13 JPY 2,400 Aisin Seiki Co Ltd 91 0.19 JPY 1,900 Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd 101 0.21 JPY 7,900 Bridgestone Corp 316 0.67 JPY 1,800 Nissan Chemical Corp 71 0.15 JPY 6,000 Denso Corp 268 0.57 JPY 2,000 Nitto Denko Corp 112 0.24 JPY 2,700 JTEKT Corp 33 0.07 JPY 4,900 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 524 1.11 JPY 1,500 Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd 77 0.16 JPY 1,800 Showa Denko KK 48 0.10 JPY 3,600 NGK Insulators Ltd 59 0.12 JPY 19,800 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 89 0.19 JPY 1,800 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd 36 0.08 JPY 1,800 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp 40 0.09 JPY 1,800 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 50 0.11 JPY 18,300 Toray Industries Inc 121 0.26 JPY 10,500 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 157 0.33 JPY 3,600 Tosoh Corp 54 0.12 JPY 2,700 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd 34 0.07 Commercial services JPY 900 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 21 0.04 JPY 900 Benesse Holdings Inc 24 0.05 JPY 1,900 Toyota Industries Corp 112 0.24 JPY 3,300 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 88 0.19 JPY 1,800 Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd 37 0.08 JPY 600 GMO Payment Gateway Inc 42 0.09 Banks JPY 1,800 Park24 Co Ltd 43 0.09 JPY 1,800 AEON Financial Service Co Ltd 27 0.06 JPY 2,700 Persol Holdings Co Ltd 50 0.11 JPY 1,600 Aozora Bank Ltd 41 0.08 JPY 18,300 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 662 1.40 JPY 800 Bank of Kyoto Ltd 33 0.07 JPY 2,800 Secom Co Ltd 238 0.50 JPY 8,100 Chiba Bank Ltd 46 0.10 JPY 900 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 47 0.10 JPY 14,800 Concordia Financial Group Ltd 60 0.13 JPY 3,600 Toppan Printing Co Ltd 72 0.15 JPY 2,500 Fukuoka Financial Group Inc 47 0.10 Computers JPY 5,400 Japan Post Bank Co Ltd 52 0.11 JPY 2,700 Fujitsu Ltd 245 0.52 JPY 166,100 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 877 1.85 JPY 1,500 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp 40 0.08 JPY 323,700 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 500 1.06 JPY 3,500 NEC Corp 140 0.30 JPY 27,800 Resona Holdings Inc 118 0.25 JPY 4,600 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 97 0.20 JPY 8,100 Seven Bank Ltd 25 0.05 JPY 8,500 NTT Data Corp 116 0.25 JPY 2,600 Shinsei Bank Ltd 41 0.09 JPY 900 Obic Co Ltd 120 0.25 JPY 6,300 Shizuoka Bank Ltd 48 0.10 JPY 1,500 Otsuka Corp 60 0.13 JPY 18,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 656 1.39



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Entertainment (cont) Cosmetics & personal care JPY 2,700 Sega Sammy Holdings Inc 39 0.08 JPY 6,500 Kao Corp 511 1.08 JPY 1,600 Toho Co Ltd 65 0.14 JPY 400 Kose Corp 64 0.14 Environmental control JPY 2,700 Lion Corp 54 0.11 JPY 1,300 Kurita Water Industries Ltd 36 0.08 JPY 1,700 Pigeon Corp 79 0.17 Food JPY 1,500 Pola Orbis Holdings Inc 37 0.08 JPY 8,800 Aeon Co Ltd 179 0.38 JPY 5,400 Shiseido Co Ltd 390 0.82 JPY 6,300 Ajinomoto Co Inc 105 0.22 JPY 5,400 Unicharm Corp 177 0.37 JPY 900 Calbee Inc 29 0.06 Distribution & wholesale JPY 1,800 Kikkoman Corp 90 0.19 JPY 18,000 ITOCHU Corp 393 0.83 JPY 1,600 MEIJI Holdings Co Ltd 109 0.23 JPY 20,800 Marubeni Corp 154 0.33 JPY 1,000 NH Foods Ltd 42 0.09 JPY 18,300 Mitsubishi Corp 479 1.01 JPY 2,700 Nisshin Seifun Group Inc 51 0.11 JPY 22,100 Mitsui & Co Ltd 391 0.83 JPY 900 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd 67 0.14 JPY 15,800 Sumitomo Corp 238 0.50 JPY 1,200 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 52 0.11 JPY 2,700 Toyota Tsusho Corp 94 0.20 JPY 1,600 Yakult Honsha Co Ltd 94 0.20 Diversified financial services JPY 1,800 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 33 0.07 JPY 5,400 Acom Co Ltd 23 0.05 Forest products & paper JPY 1,800 Credit Saison Co Ltd 30 0.06 JPY 12,100 Oji Holdings Corp 69 0.15 JPY 20,100 Daiwa Securities Group Inc 102 0.22 Gas JPY 7,200 Japan Exchange Group Inc 122 0.26 JPY 5,400 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 101 0.22 JPY 12,100 Mebuki Financial Group Inc 31 0.07 JPY 900 Toho Gas Co Ltd 34 0.07 JPY 5,400 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd 35 0.07 JPY 5,100 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 123 0.26 JPY 43,800 Nomura Holdings Inc 224 0.47 Hand & machine tools JPY 17,800 ORIX Corp 291 0.61 JPY 4,500 Amada Holdings Co Ltd 50 0.10 JPY 3,300 SBI Holdings Inc 69 0.15 JPY 400 Disco Corp 86 0.18 JPY 700 Tokyo Century Corp 37 0.08 JPY 1,800 Fuji Electric Co Ltd 55 0.12 Electrical components & equipment JPY 2,800 Makita Corp 93 0.20 JPY 2,700 Brother Industries Ltd 54 0.11 Healthcare products JPY 2,700 Casio Computer Co Ltd 51 0.11 JPY 2,600 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 76 0.16 Electronics JPY 15,700 Olympus Corp 233 0.49 JPY 2,700 Alps Alpine Co Ltd 61 0.13 JPY 3,000 Shimadzu Corp 90 0.19 JPY 400 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 49 0.10 JPY 2,200 Sysmex Corp 152 0.32 JPY 900 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 59 0.12 JPY 8,800 Terumo Corp 309 0.66 JPY 5,200 Hoya Corp 474 1.00 Healthcare services JPY 4,400 Kyocera Corp 299 0.63 JPY 1,100 PeptiDream Inc 51 0.11 JPY 4,900 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc 95 0.20 Home builders JPY 7,900 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 458 0.97 JPY 7,800 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 239 0.50 JPY 3,000 Nidec Corp 444 0.94 JPY 1,800 Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd 32 0.07 JPY 2,700 Omron Corp 159 0.34 JPY 4,900 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 85 0.18 JPY 1,800 TDK Corp 189 0.40 JPY 8,100 Sekisui House Ltd 175 0.37 JPY 3,300 Yokogawa Electric Corp 60 0.13 Home furnishings Engineering & construction JPY 800 Hoshizaki Corp 70 0.15 JPY 700 Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd 36 0.08 JPY 29,300 Panasonic Corp 276 0.58 JPY 2,700 JGC Holdings Corp 39 0.08 JPY 2,700 Sharp Corp 41 0.09 JPY 6,300 Kajima Corp 83 0.18 JPY 17,200 Sony Corp 1,084 2.29 JPY 8,700 Obayashi Corp 92 0.20 Insurance JPY 8,000 Shimizu Corp 77 0.16 JPY 14,400 Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 232 0.49 JPY 2,700 Taisei Corp 106 0.22 JPY 21,100 Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 198 0.42 Entertainment JPY 3,000 Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd 52 0.11 JPY 2,700 Oriental Land Co Ltd 373 0.79 JPY 6,300 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc 204 0.43 JPY 700 Sankyo Co Ltd 24 0.05 JPY 4,500 Sompo Holdings Inc 177 0.38



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Miscellaneous manufacturers (cont) Insurance (cont) JPY 6,700 Toshiba Corp 240 0.51 JPY 2,000 Sony Financial Holdings Inc 47 0.10 Office & business equipment JPY 8,100 T&D Holdings Inc 95 0.20 JPY 13,400 Canon Inc 371 0.78 JPY 8,800 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 478 1.01 JPY 4,800 FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 226 0.48 Internet JPY 6,300 Konica Minolta Inc 41 0.09 JPY 1,500 CyberAgent Inc 52 0.11 JPY 9,600 Ricoh Co Ltd 99 0.21 JPY 1,800 Inc 43 0.09 JPY 3,600 Seiko Epson Corp 55 0.11 JPY 800 LINE Corp 37 0.08 Oil & gas JPY 6,100 M3 Inc 168 0.36 JPY 13,500 Inpex Corp 132 0.28 JPY 1,000 Mercari Inc 22 0.05 JPY 42,800 JXTG Holdings Inc 190 0.40 JPY 1,800 MonotaRO Co Ltd 51 0.11 Packaging & containers JPY 12,100 Rakuten Inc 105 0.22 JPY 1,800 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd 31 0.07 JPY 1,700 Trend Micro Inc 92 0.19 Pharmaceuticals JPY 35,000 Z Holdings Corp 120 0.25 JPY 2,700 Alfresa Holdings Corp 56 0.12 JPY 1,500 ZOZO Inc 30 0.06 JPY 25,500 Astellas Pharma Inc 435 0.92 Iron & steel JPY 3,000 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 262 0.55 JPY 2,700 Hitachi Metals Ltd 38 0.08 JPY 7,800 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 489 1.03 JPY 6,300 JFE Holdings Inc 80 0.17 JPY 3,400 Eisai Co Ltd 252 0.53 JPY 10,700 Nippon Steel Corp 157 0.33 JPY 700 Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc 34 0.07 Leisure time JPY 700 Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 57 0.12 JPY 1,000 Shimano Inc 162 0.34 JPY 3,600 Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd 76 0.16 JPY 1,800 Yamaha Corp 99 0.21 JPY 2,600 Medipal Holdings Corp 56 0.12 JPY 3,600 Yamaha Motor Co Ltd 75 0.16 JPY 3,000 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 55 0.12 Machinery - diversified JPY 600 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 54 0.11 JPY 1,500 Daifuku Co Ltd 87 0.18 JPY 5,400 Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 121 0.25 JPY 2,600 FANUC Corp 496 1.05 JPY 5,400 Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd 235 0.50 JPY 2,500 Keyence Corp 855 1.81 JPY 4,700 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 88 0.19 JPY 14,000 Kubota Corp 216 0.46 JPY 3,600 Shionogi & Co Ltd 212 0.45 JPY 1,600 Nabtesco Corp 49 0.10 JPY 1,900 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd 36 0.08 JPY 800 SMC Corp 362 0.77 JPY 900 Suzuken Co Ltd 39 0.08 JPY 1,600 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 46 0.10 JPY 400 Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd 29 0.06 JPY 1,800 THK Co Ltd 51 0.11 JPY 20,200 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 822 1.74 JPY 3,400 Yaskawa Electric Corp 125 0.26 Real estate investment & services Machinery, construction & mining JPY 1,300 Aeon Mall Co Ltd 21 0.04 JPY 1,500 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd 40 0.08 JPY 1,000 Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd 122 0.26 JPY 13,000 Hitachi Ltd 510 1.08 JPY 3,600 Hulic Co Ltd 41 0.09 JPY 12,400 Komatsu Ltd 291 0.62 JPY 16,000 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 293 0.62 JPY 24,700 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 341 0.72 JPY 12,400 Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd 308 0.65 JPY 4,400 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 168 0.35 JPY 1,800 Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc 44 0.09 Marine transportation JPY 4,600 Sumitomo Realty & Development Co Ltd 160 0.34 JPY 1,800 Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd 47 0.10 JPY 7,200 Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp 49 0.10 JPY 1,800 Nippon Yusen KK 31 0.06 Real estate investment trusts Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 27 Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp 74 0.16 JPY 900 Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd 26 0.05 JPY 9 Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp 41 0.09 JPY 3,600 MISUMI Group Inc 89 0.19 JPY 18 Japan Real Estate Investment Corp 122 0.26 JPY 4,500 NSK Ltd 43 0.09 JPY 36 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp 82 0.17 Mining JPY 18 Nippon Building Fund Inc 135 0.28 JPY 1,600 Mitsubishi Materials Corp 43 0.09 JPY 27 Nippon Prologis REIT Inc 72 0.15 JPY 3,300 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 100 0.21 JPY 54 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc 99 0.21 Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 34 Orix JREIT Inc 75 0.16 JPY 4,500 Nikon Corp 62 0.13 JPY 40 United Urban Investment Corp 78 0.16



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 99.49%) (cont) Transportation (cont) Retail JPY 2,500 Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd 79 0.17 JPY 400 ABC-Mart Inc 27 0.06 JPY 1,000 Nippon Express Co Ltd 63 0.13 JPY 800 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 487 1.03 JPY 3,700 Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd 91 0.19 JPY 4,500 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd 40 0.08 JPY 2,700 Seibu Holdings Inc 48 0.10 JPY 2,800 J Front Retailing Co Ltd 37 0.08 JPY 1,900 SG Holdings Co Ltd 46 0.10 JPY 2,700 Marui Group Co Ltd 65 0.14 JPY 2,700 Tobu Railway Co Ltd 99 0.21 JPY 900 McDonald's Holdings Co Japan Ltd 44 0.09 JPY 6,700 Tokyu Corp 132 0.28 JPY 1,100 Nitori Holdings Co Ltd 172 0.36 JPY 2,200 West Japan Railway Co 194 0.41 JPY 6,100 Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 99 0.21 JPY 4,200 Yamato Holdings Co Ltd 72 0.15 JPY 2,900 Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd 66 0.14 Total Japan 46,984 99.33 JPY 300 Shimamura Co Ltd 24 0.05 Total equities 46,984 99.33 JPY 900 Sundrug Co Ltd 32 0.07 Underlying Fair %ofnet JPY 500 Tsuruha Holdings Inc 59 0.13 No. of exposure Value asset JPY 2,900 USS Co Ltd 56 0.12 Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value JPY 700 Welcia Holdings Co Ltd 43 0.09 JPY 9,600 Yamada Denki Co Ltd 48 0.10 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) Semiconductors Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.02)%) JPY 2,700 Advantest Corp 132 0.28 JPY 18 Mini-Topix Index Futures December 2019 263 16 0.03 JPY 1,800 Hamamatsu Photonics KK 73 0.15 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 16 0.03 JPY 9,900 Renesas Electronics Corp 64 0.14 Total financial derivative instruments 16 0.03 JPY 1,200 Rohm Co Ltd 101 0.21 JPY 3,600 SUMCO Corp 56 0.12 JPY 2,100 Tokyo Electron Ltd 433 0.92 Fair %ofnet Software Value asset USD'000 value JPY 1,200 Konami Holdings Corp 53 0.11 JPY 6,300 Nexon Co Ltd 86 0.18 Total value of investments 47,000 99.36 JPY 600 Oracle Corp Japan 55 0.12 JPY 1,200 Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd 59 0.12 Cash† 112 0.24 Telecommunications JPY 300 Hikari Tsushin Inc 70 0.15 Other net assets 189 0.40 JPY 24,000 KDDI Corp 688 1.45 JPY 8,800 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 444 0.94 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating JPY 17,900 NTT DOCOMO Inc 491 1.04 shareholders at the end of the financial period 47,301 100.00 JPY 22,300 Softbank Corp 303 0.64 †Cash holdings of USD121,923 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. JPY 21,200 SoftBank Group Corp 823 1.74 USD(9,568) is due as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. Textile JPY 2,700 Teijin Ltd 51 0.11 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Toys entity in which the Fund holds shares. JPY 2,700 Bandai Namco Holdings Inc 164 0.35 JPY 1,500 Nintendo Co Ltd 580 1.22 Transportation Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines JPY 2,000 Central Japan Railway Co 403 0.85 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent JPY 4,000 East Japan Railway Co 368 0.78 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. JPY 3,300 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 142 0.30 %oftotal JPY 1,800 Kamigumi Co Ltd 40 0.08 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current JPY 1,300 Keihan Holdings Co Ltd 63 0.13 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets JPY 2,700 Keikyu Corp 55 0.12 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 46,984 99.28 JPY 1,500 Keio Corp 96 0.20 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 16 0.04 JPY 1,800 Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd 74 0.16 Other assets 324 0.68 JPY 2,400 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 136 0.29 Total current assets 47,324 100.00 JPY 2,100 Kyushu Railway Co 71 0.15



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value Ccy Holding Investment EUR'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Japan (31 May 2019: 102.22%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 102.22%) Home builders (cont) JPY 42,742 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 674 0.74 Equities (31 May 2019: 102.22%) JPY 72,367 Sekisui House Ltd 1,418 1.57 Japan (31 May 2019: 102.22%) Home furnishings Auto manufacturers JPY 257,570 Panasonic Corp 2,201 2.43 JPY 190,155 Honda Motor Co Ltd 4,830 5.33 JPY 148,353 Sony Corp 8,483 9.36 Auto parts & equipment Insurance JPY 50,570 Denso Corp 2,047 2.26 JPY 39,199 Sompo Holdings Inc 1,401 1.55 JPY 30,831 NGK Insulators Ltd 461 0.51 Internet JPY 15,499 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 389 0.43 JPY 101,300 Rakuten Inc 796 0.88 Banks Iron & steel JPY 38,349 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 1,330 1.47 JPY 25,407 Hitachi Metals Ltd 322 0.36 Beverages Leisure time JPY 15,789 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 621 0.68 JPY 16,700 Yamaha Corp 834 0.92 Building materials and fixtures Machinery - diversified JPY 29,097 Daikin Industries Ltd 3,794 4.19 JPY 11,600 Daifuku Co Ltd 612 0.67 Chemicals JPY 122,087 Kubota Corp 1,707 1.88 JPY 147,500 Asahi Kasei Corp 1,502 1.66 JPY 13,200 Nabtesco Corp 368 0.41 JPY 11,999 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 391 0.43 JPY 27,999 Yaskawa Electric Corp 932 1.03 JPY 21,000 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 480 0.53 Machinery, construction & mining JPY 18,599 Nitto Denko Corp 946 1.04 JPY 107,496 Komatsu Ltd 2,285 2.52 JPY 176,051 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 720 0.79 Mining JPY 162,701 Toray Industries Inc 976 1.08 JPY 27,100 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 744 0.82 Commercial services Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 8,000 Benesse Holdings Inc 191 0.21 JPY 38,100 Nikon Corp 474 0.52 JPY 8,100 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 382 0.42 Office & business equipment Computers JPY 54,500 Konica Minolta Inc 324 0.36 JPY 22,803 Fujitsu Ltd 1,879 2.07 Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics & personal care JPY 219,428 Astellas Pharma Inc 3,394 3.74 JPY 56,100 Kao Corp 4,001 4.41 JPY 29,376 Eisai Co Ltd 1,973 2.18 Electronics Semiconductors JPY 3,800 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 423 0.47 JPY 18,400 Tokyo Electron Ltd 3,444 3.80 JPY 67,012 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 3,521 3.88 Telecommunications JPY 22,440 Omron Corp 1,195 1.32 JPY 206,097 KDDI Corp 5,358 5.91 JPY 27,302 Yokogawa Electric Corp 453 0.50 JPY 155,005 NTT DOCOMO Inc 3,855 4.26 Engineering & construction Textile JPY 76,401 Obayashi Corp 734 0.81 JPY 20,900 Teijin Ltd 356 0.39 JPY 70,000 Shimizu Corp 608 0.67 Toys Food JPY 13,100 Nintendo Co Ltd 4,595 5.07 JPY 76,452 Aeon Co Ltd 1,414 1.56 Transportation JPY 51,635 Ajinomoto Co Inc 780 0.86 JPY 26,500 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 1,031 1.14 JPY 16,900 Kikkoman Corp 770 0.85 JPY 11,956 Keio Corp 695 0.77 JPY 7,400 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd 502 0.55 JPY 18,600 Kyushu Railway Co 574 0.63 JPY 10,087 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 394 0.44 JPY 9,200 Nippon Express Co Ltd 529 0.58 Gas JPY 58,208 Tokyu Corp 1,041 1.15 JPY 44,100 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 750 0.83 Total Japan 90,000 99.31 JPY 9,000 Toho Gas Co Ltd 308 0.34 Total equities 90,000 99.31 JPY 43,800 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 959 1.06 Home builders JPY 65,958 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 1,829 2.02



Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (EUR) date EUR'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (4.83)%) Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (4.74)%) EUR 70,046,055 JPY 8,439,139,915 69,891,815 03/12/2019 155 0.17 EUR 18,626,959 JPY 2,250,437,310 18,637,817 03/12/2019 (11) (0.01) EUR 90,874,861 JPY 10,971,548,949 90,894,008 07/01/2020 (20) (0.02) Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 155 0.17 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (31) (0.03) Net unrealised gains on forward currency contracts 124 0.14

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts EUR’000 EUR’000 value

Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.09)%) JPY 44 Mini-Topix Index Futures December 2019 590 29 0.03 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 29 0.03 Total financial derivative instruments 153 0.17

Fair %ofnet Value asset EUR'000 value

Total value of investments 90,153 99.48

Cash† 286 0.32

Other net assets 186 0.20

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 90,625 100.00

†Cash holdings of EUR299,945 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. EUR(13,958) is due as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities EUR'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 90,000 99.24 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 29 0.03 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments 155 0.17 Other assets 510 0.56 Total current assets 90,694 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Japan (31 May 2019: 99.13%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.13%) Home builders JPY 137,800 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 4,214 2.01 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.13%) JPY 88,200 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 1,534 0.73 Japan (31 May 2019: 99.13%) JPY 151,000 Sekisui House Ltd 3,261 1.56 Auto manufacturers Home furnishings JPY 69,800 Hino Motors Ltd 683 0.33 JPY 536,200 Panasonic Corp 5,053 2.41 JPY 322,600 Honda Motor Co Ltd 9,035 4.31 JPY 151,100 Sony Corp 9,526 4.55 Auto parts & equipment Insurance JPY 63,600 NGK Insulators Ltd 1,048 0.50 JPY 81,600 Sompo Holdings Inc 3,216 1.53 Banks JPY 155,200 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 8,435 4.03 JPY 254,700 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 9,278 4.43 Leisure time JPY 80,600 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 3,081 1.47 JPY 34,900 Yamaha Corp 1,922 0.92 Beverages Machinery - diversified JPY 33,800 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 1,466 0.70 JPY 24,600 Daifuku Co Ltd 1,431 0.69 Building materials and fixtures JPY 254,400 Kubota Corp 3,923 1.87 JPY 60,600 Daikin Industries Ltd 8,713 4.16 JPY 27,400 Nabtesco Corp 841 0.40 Chemicals JPY 58,800 Yaskawa Electric Corp 2,158 1.03 JPY 306,600 Asahi Kasei Corp 3,442 1.64 Machinery, construction & mining JPY 43,000 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 1,083 0.52 JPY 26,100 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd 688 0.33 JPY 38,500 Nitto Denko Corp 2,159 1.03 JPY 224,300 Komatsu Ltd 5,258 2.51 JPY 361,800 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 1,632 0.78 Marine transportation JPY 336,800 Toray Industries Inc 2,227 1.06 JPY 37,200 Nippon Yusen KK 638 0.30 Commercial services Office & business equipment JPY 17,800 Benesse Holdings Inc 469 0.22 JPY 109,900 Konica Minolta Inc 720 0.34 JPY 59,100 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 1,580 0.75 Pharmaceuticals JPY 28,200 Park24 Co Ltd 681 0.33 JPY 458,700 Astellas Pharma Inc 7,823 3.73 JPY 17,300 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 899 0.43 JPY 54,400 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4,748 2.27 Computers JPY 61,400 Eisai Co Ltd 4,547 2.17 JPY 47,800 Fujitsu Ltd 4,343 2.07 JPY 87,400 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1,636 0.78 Cosmetics & personal care Real estate investment & services JPY 117,100 Kao Corp 9,209 4.40 JPY 287,200 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 5,262 2.51 Electronics Semiconductors JPY 7,900 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 971 0.46 JPY 38,200 Tokyo Electron Ltd 7,883 3.76 JPY 139,500 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 8,082 3.86 Telecommunications JPY 46,500 Omron Corp 2,730 1.30 JPY 318,800 KDDI Corp 9,138 4.36 JPY 55,500 Yokogawa Electric Corp 1,015 0.49 JPY 324,000 NTT DOCOMO Inc 8,885 4.24 Engineering & construction Textile JPY 109,100 Kajima Corp 1,438 0.69 JPY 43,200 Teijin Ltd 812 0.39 JPY 157,700 Obayashi Corp 1,670 0.80 Transportation JPY 143,600 Shimizu Corp 1,374 0.65 JPY 55,600 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 2,386 1.14 JPY 49,100 Taisei Corp 1,926 0.92 JPY 24,800 Keio Corp 1,590 0.76 Environmental control JPY 41,700 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 2,357 1.13 JPY 24,000 Kurita Water Industries Ltd 671 0.32 JPY 38,900 Kyushu Railway Co 1,323 0.63 Food JPY 18,900 Nippon Express Co Ltd 1,198 0.57 JPY 158,800 Aeon Co Ltd 3,238 1.55 JPY 46,400 Tobu Railway Co Ltd 1,697 0.81 JPY 107,900 Ajinomoto Co Inc 1,797 0.86 JPY 121,400 Tokyu Corp 2,393 1.14 JPY 15,400 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd 1,153 0.55 Total Japan 208,016 99.29 JPY 21,500 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 927 0.44 Total equities 208,016 99.29 Gas JPY 18,200 Toho Gas Co Ltd 687 0.33 Healthcare products JPY 40,600 Sysmex Corp 2,813 1.34


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI JAPAN SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.05)%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.05)%) JPY 91 Mini-Topix Index Futures December 2019 1,370 41 0.02 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 41 0.02 Total financial derivative instruments 41 0.02

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 208,057 99.31

Cash† 908 0.43

Other net assets 536 0.26

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 209,501 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD908,188 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD39 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 208,016 99.19 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 41 0.02 Other assets 1,666 0.79 Total current assets 209,723 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.96%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.84%) Healthcare products (cont) USD 183 STERIS Plc 27 0.04 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) Insurance Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.70%) USD 152 Willis Towers Watson Plc 30 0.05 Agriculture Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 1,077 Bunge Ltd 58 0.09 USD 540 Eaton Corp Plc 50 0.08 Chemicals USD 1,710 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 224 0.35 USD 1,572 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 45 0.07 Pharmaceuticals Commercial services USD 447 Allergan Plc 83 0.13 USD 2,827 IHS Markit Ltd 205 0.32 USD 234 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 35 0.05 Diversified financial services USD 317 Perrigo Co Plc 16 0.03 USD 3,007 Invesco Ltd 53 0.08 Total Ireland 1,911 2.99 Insurance USD 450 Arch Capital Group Ltd 19 0.03 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.04%) USD 180 Athene Holding Ltd 8 0.01 Auto parts & equipment USD 45 Everest Re Group Ltd 12 0.02 USD 827 Aptiv Plc 78 0.12 USD 45 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 9 0.02 Total Jersey 78 0.12 Leisure time USD 270 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 14 0.02 Liberia (31 May 2019: 0.04%) Semiconductors Leisure time USD 1,417 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 37 0.06 USD 225 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 27 0.04 Total Bermuda 460 0.72 Total Liberia 27 0.04

British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.08%) Apparel retailers Chemicals USD 180 Capri Holdings Ltd 7 0.01 USD 359 LyondellBasell Industries NV 33 0.05 Total British Virgin Islands 7 0.01 Pharmaceuticals USD 585 Mylan NV 11 0.02 Canada (31 May 2019: 0.04%) Total Netherlands 44 0.07 Environmental control USD 315 Waste Connections Inc 28 0.04 Panama (31 May 2019: 0.04%) Total Canada 28 0.04 Leisure time USD 495 Carnival Corp 22 0.03 Curacao (31 May 2019: 0.17%) Total Panama 22 0.03 Oil & gas services USD 2,598 Schlumberger Ltd 94 0.15 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Total Curacao 94 0.15 Electronics USD 852 Flex Ltd 10 0.02 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.96%) Total Singapore 10 0.02 Building materials and fixtures USD 5,971 Johnson Controls International Plc 256 0.40 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.45%) Chemicals Electronics USD 1,168 Linde Plc 241 0.38 USD 270 Garmin Ltd 26 0.04 Computers USD 1,527 TE Connectivity Ltd 142 0.22 USD 3,228 Accenture Plc 649 1.01 Insurance USD 274 Seagate Technology Plc 17 0.03 USD 719 Chubb Ltd 109 0.17 Electronics Total Switzerland 277 0.43 USD 717 Allegion Plc 86 0.13 Environmental control United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.45%) USD 225 Pentair Plc 10 0.02 Commercial services Healthcare products USD 2,670 Nielsen Holdings Plc 52 0.08 USD 1,678 Medtronic Plc 187 0.29


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.45%) (cont) Banks Electronics USD 19,135 Bank of America Corp 638 1.00 USD 225 Sensata Technologies Holding Plc 12 0.02 USD 3,914 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 192 0.30 Insurance USD 1,476 BB&T Corp 81 0.13 USD 289 Aon Plc 59 0.09 USD 4,560 Citigroup Inc 343 0.53 Media USD 560 Citizens Financial Group Inc 21 0.03 USD 270 Liberty Global Plc 6 0.01 USD 1,094 Comerica Inc 77 0.12 USD 2,643 Liberty Global Plc Class 'C' 57 0.09 USD 180 East West Bancorp Inc 8 0.01 Oil & gas services USD 976 Fifth Third Bancorp 29 0.04 USD 3,187 TechnipFMC Plc 60 0.09 USD 225 First Republic Bank 25 0.04 Total United Kingdom 246 0.38 USD 741 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 164 0.26 USD 1,302 Huntington Bancshares Inc 19 0.03 United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) USD 6,069 JPMorgan Chase & Co 800 1.25 Advertising USD 7,530 KeyCorp 146 0.23 USD 450 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 10 0.01 USD 149 M&T Bank Corp 25 0.04 USD 854 Omnicom Group Inc 68 0.11 USD 3,661 Morgan Stanley 181 0.28 Aerospace & defence USD 1,527 Northern Trust Corp 164 0.26 USD 1,442 Arconic Inc 45 0.07 USD 2,033 PNC Financial Services Group Inc~ 311 0.49 USD 45 HEICO Corp 6 0.01 USD 1,257 Regions Financial Corp 21 0.03 USD 459 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 46 0.07 USD 86 Signature Bank 11 0.02 USD 1,269 L3Harris Technologies Inc 255 0.40 USD 2,401 State Street Corp 180 0.28 USD 1,990 Raytheon Co 433 0.68 USD 540 SunTrust Banks Inc 38 0.06 USD 807 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 70 0.11 USD 247 SVB Financial Group 57 0.09 USD 273 Teledyne Technologies Inc 93 0.15 USD 1,845 US Bancorp 111 0.17 USD 141 TransDigm Group Inc 80 0.12 USD 1,290 Zions Bancorp NA 64 0.10 Agriculture Beverages USD 1,975 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 85 0.13 USD 360 Brown-Forman Corp 24 0.04 Airlines USD 11,220 Coca-Cola Co 599 0.94 USD 180 American Airlines Group Inc 5 0.01 USD 224 Constellation Brands Inc 42 0.06 USD 537 Delta Air Lines Inc 31 0.05 USD 1,392 Molson Coors Brewing Co 70 0.11 USD 180 Southwest Airlines Co 11 0.02 USD 495 Monster Beverage Corp 30 0.05 USD 90 United Airlines Holdings Inc 8 0.01 USD 5,423 PepsiCo Inc 737 1.15 Apparel retailers Biotechnology USD 2,560 Hanesbrands Inc 39 0.06 USD 270 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 31 0.05 USD 3,034 NIKE Inc 284 0.44 USD 135 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 16 0.03 USD 540 PVH Corp 52 0.08 USD 1,863 Amgen Inc 437 0.68 USD 45 Ralph Lauren Corp 5 0.01 USD 449 Biogen Inc 135 0.21 USD 360 Tapestry Inc 10 0.02 USD 225 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 18 0.03 USD 315 Under Armour Inc 6 0.01 USD 28 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 10 0.02 USD 315 Under Armour Inc (non-voting) 5 0.01 USD 1,731 Corteva Inc 45 0.07 USD 1,418 VF Corp 125 0.19 USD 180 Exact Sciences Corp 15 0.02 Auto manufacturers USD 5,301 Gilead Sciences Inc 356 0.56 USD 5,161 Ford Motor Co 47 0.07 USD 180 Illumina Inc 58 0.09 USD 1,527 General Motors Co 55 0.09 USD 225 Incyte Corp 21 0.03 USD 405 PACCAR Inc 33 0.05 USD 135 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 9 0.01 USD 360 Tesla Inc 119 0.19 USD 105 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 39 0.06 Auto parts & equipment USD 135 Seattle Genetics Inc 16 0.03 USD 90 Autoliv Inc 8 0.01 USD 762 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 169 0.26 USD 270 BorgWarner Inc 11 0.02 Building materials and fixtures USD 90 Lear Corp 11 0.02 USD 554 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 35 0.05 USD 45 WABCO Holdings Inc 6 0.01 USD 200 Lennox International Inc 51 0.08 USD 89 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 24 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) Computers (cont) Building materials and fixtures (cont) USD 360 Western Digital Corp 18 0.03 USD 340 Masco Corp 16 0.03 Cosmetics & personal care USD 807 Owens Corning 54 0.08 USD 3,772 Colgate-Palmolive Co 256 0.40 USD 180 Vulcan Materials Co 26 0.04 USD 585 Coty Inc 7 0.01 Chemicals USD 314 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 61 0.10 USD 270 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 64 0.10 USD 6,736 Procter & Gamble Co 822 1.28 USD 135 Albemarle Corp 9 0.01 Distribution & wholesale USD 270 CF Industries Holdings Inc 12 0.02 USD 258 Copart Inc 23 0.03 USD 1,703 Dow Inc 91 0.14 USD 1,390 Fastenal Co 49 0.08 USD 1,823 DuPont de Nemours Inc 118 0.18 USD 225 HD Supply Holdings Inc 9 0.01 USD 1,930 Ecolab Inc 360 0.56 USD 347 LKQ Corp 12 0.02 USD 180 FMC Corp 18 0.03 USD 315 WW Grainger Inc 100 0.16 USD 762 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 108 0.17 Diversified financial services USD 2,604 Mosaic Co 50 0.08 USD 45 Alliance Data Systems Corp 5 0.01 USD 1,027 PPG Industries Inc 132 0.21 USD 2,872 Ally Financial Inc 91 0.14 USD 162 RPM International Inc 12 0.02 USD 3,644 American Express Co 438 0.68 USD 147 Sherwin-Williams Co 86 0.13 USD 179 Ameriprise Financial Inc 29 0.05 USD 90 Westlake Chemical Corp 6 0.01 USD 687 BlackRock Inc~ 340 0.53 Commercial services USD 588 Capital One Financial Corp 59 0.09 USD 66 AMERCO 24 0.04 USD 135 Cboe Global Markets Inc 16 0.03 USD 1,245 Automatic Data Processing Inc 213 0.33 USD 1,482 Charles Schwab Corp 73 0.11 USD 175 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 13 0.02 USD 543 CME Group Inc 110 0.17 USD 109 Cintas Corp 28 0.05 USD 405 Discover Financial Services 34 0.05 USD 45 CoStar Group Inc 28 0.04 USD 315 E*TRADE Financial Corp 14 0.02 USD 151 Equifax Inc 21 0.03 USD 135 Eaton Vance Corp 6 0.01 USD 107 FleetCor Technologies Inc 33 0.05 USD 2,244 Franklin Resources Inc 62 0.10 USD 101 Gartner Inc 16 0.03 USD 1,212 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 114 0.18 USD 389 Global Payments Inc 70 0.11 USD 360 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 7 0.01 USD 90 ManpowerGroup Inc 8 0.01 USD 495 KKR & Co Inc 15 0.02 USD 45 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 18 0.03 USD 1,999 Mastercard Inc 584 0.91 USD 587 Moody's Corp 133 0.21 USD 135 Nasdaq Inc 14 0.02 USD 2,424 PayPal Holdings Inc 262 0.41 USD 180 Raymond James Financial Inc 16 0.03 USD 882 Robert Half International Inc 51 0.08 USD 180 SEI Investments Co 12 0.02 USD 180 Rollins Inc 6 0.01 USD 807 Synchrony Financial 30 0.05 USD 796 S&P Global Inc 211 0.33 USD 1,437 T Rowe Price Group Inc 178 0.28 USD 360 Sabre Corp 8 0.01 USD 360 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 19 0.03 USD 405 Square Inc 28 0.04 USD 4,145 Visa Inc 765 1.19 USD 224 TransUnion 19 0.03 USD 2,999 Western Union Co 81 0.13 USD 90 United Rentals Inc 14 0.02 Electrical components & equipment USD 180 Verisk Analytics Inc 27 0.04 USD 184 Acuity Brands Inc 24 0.04 Computers USD 270 AMETEK Inc 27 0.04 USD 10,469 Apple Inc 2,798 4.37 USD 762 Emerson Electric Co 56 0.09 USD 1,122 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 72 0.11 Electricity USD 197 Dell Technologies Inc 10 0.01 USD 585 CenterPoint Energy Inc 14 0.02 USD 649 DXC Technology Co 24 0.04 USD 2,493 Consolidated Edison Inc 217 0.34 USD 64 EPAM Systems Inc 14 0.02 USD 717 Edison International 49 0.08 USD 180 Fortinet Inc 19 0.03 USD 2,429 Eversource Energy 201 0.31 USD 7,356 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 116 0.18 USD 7,297 Exelon Corp 324 0.51 USD 4,804 HP Inc 96 0.15 USD 3,596 NextEra Energy Inc 841 1.31 USD 3,178 International Business Machines Corp 427 0.67 USD 3,023 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 179 0.28 USD 315 NetApp Inc 19 0.03 USD 2,064 Sempra Energy 304 0.48


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) Healthcare products (cont) Electronics USD 62 Cooper Cos Inc 19 0.03 USD 2,334 Agilent Technologies Inc 188 0.29 USD 807 Danaher Corp 118 0.18 USD 360 Amphenol Corp 37 0.06 USD 1,293 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 73 0.11 USD 90 Arrow Electronics Inc 7 0.01 USD 765 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 187 0.29 USD 815 FLIR Systems Inc 44 0.07 USD 1,122 Henry Schein Inc 77 0.12 USD 360 Fortive Corp 26 0.04 USD 360 Hologic Inc 19 0.03 USD 996 Keysight Technologies Inc 107 0.17 USD 629 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 158 0.25 USD 173 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 124 0.19 USD 75 Insulet Corp 14 0.02 USD 136 PerkinElmer Inc 13 0.02 USD 146 Intuitive Surgical Inc 87 0.14 USD 1,841 Trimble Inc 75 0.12 USD 1,077 ResMed Inc 161 0.25 USD 379 Waters Corp 84 0.13 USD 431 Stryker Corp 88 0.14 Entertainment USD 61 Teleflex Inc 22 0.03 USD 180 Live Nation Entertainment Inc 12 0.02 USD 511 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 160 0.25 USD 300 Vail Resorts Inc 73 0.11 USD 129 Varian Medical Systems Inc 17 0.03 Environmental control USD 554 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 82 0.13 USD 270 Republic Services Inc 24 0.04 USD 270 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 39 0.06 USD 539 Waste Management Inc 61 0.09 Healthcare services Food USD 396 Anthem Inc 114 0.18 USD 1,302 Campbell Soup Co 61 0.09 USD 581 Centene Corp 35 0.06 USD 863 Conagra Brands Inc 25 0.04 USD 368 DaVita Inc 26 0.04 USD 3,681 General Mills Inc 196 0.31 USD 763 HCA Healthcare Inc 106 0.17 USD 186 Hershey Co 28 0.04 USD 274 Humana Inc 94 0.15 USD 1,481 Hormel Foods Corp 66 0.10 USD 403 IQVIA Holdings Inc 59 0.09 USD 501 Ingredion Inc 42 0.07 USD 314 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 54 0.08 USD 135 JM Smucker Co 14 0.02 USD 1,032 Quest Diagnostics Inc 110 0.17 USD 1,885 Kellogg Co 123 0.19 USD 1,949 UnitedHealth Group Inc 545 0.85 USD 2,110 Kraft Heinz Co 64 0.10 USD 90 Universal Health Services Inc 13 0.02 USD 3,440 Kroger Co 94 0.15 USD 63 WellCare Health Plans Inc 20 0.03 USD 506 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 42 0.07 Home builders USD 799 McCormick & Co Inc 135 0.21 USD 405 DR Horton Inc 22 0.04 USD 3,277 Mondelez International Inc 172 0.27 USD 360 Lennar Corp 21 0.03 USD 1,348 Sysco Corp 109 0.17 USD 5 NVR Inc 19 0.03 USD 360 Tyson Foods Inc 32 0.05 USD 315 PulteGroup Inc 13 0.02 Food Service Home furnishings USD 315 Aramark 14 0.02 USD 180 Leggett & Platt Inc 9 0.01 USD 135 Grubhub Inc 6 0.01 USD 90 Whirlpool Corp 13 0.02 Forest products & paper Hotels USD 450 International Paper Co 21 0.03 USD 359 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 38 0.06 Gas USD 450 Las Vegas Sands Corp 28 0.04 USD 135 Atmos Energy Corp 14 0.02 USD 360 Marriott International Inc 51 0.08 USD 225 UGI Corp 10 0.02 USD 603 MGM Resorts International 19 0.03 Hand & machine tools USD 135 Wynn Resorts Ltd 16 0.03 USD 58 Snap-on Inc 9 0.01 Household goods & home construction USD 180 Stanley Black & Decker Inc 29 0.05 USD 90 Avery Dennison Corp 12 0.02 Healthcare products USD 315 Church & Dwight Co Inc 22 0.03 USD 2,244 Abbott Laboratories 192 0.30 USD 748 Clorox Co 111 0.17 USD 104 ABIOMED Inc 20 0.03 USD 1,631 Kimberly-Clark Corp 222 0.35 USD 178 Align Technology Inc 49 0.08 Household products USD 585 Baxter International Inc 48 0.07 USD 1,122 Newell Brands Inc 22 0.03 USD 513 Becton Dickinson and Co 133 0.21 Insurance USD 1,706 Boston Scientific Corp 74 0.12 USD 942 Aflac Inc 52 0.08


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) Internet (cont) Insurance (cont) USD 848 Uber Technologies Inc 25 0.04 USD 18 Alleghany Corp 14 0.02 USD 135 VeriSign Inc 26 0.04 USD 1,167 Allstate Corp 130 0.20 USD 90 Wayfair Inc 8 0.01 USD 96 American Financial Group Inc 11 0.02 USD 180 Zillow Group Inc 7 0.01 USD 1,197 American International Group Inc 63 0.10 Iron & steel USD 225 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 21 0.03 USD 729 Nucor Corp 41 0.06 USD 90 Assurant Inc 12 0.02 USD 384 Steel Dynamics Inc 13 0.02 USD 942 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 23 0.04 Leisure time USD 1,725 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 380 0.59 USD 226 Harley-Davidson Inc 8 0.01 USD 180 Brown & Brown Inc 7 0.01 USD 90 Polaris Inc 9 0.02 USD 180 Cincinnati Financial Corp 19 0.03 Machinery - diversified USD 45 Erie Indemnity Co 8 0.01 USD 225 Cognex Corp 11 0.02 USD 360 Fidelity National Financial Inc 17 0.03 USD 1,122 Cummins Inc 205 0.32 USD 135 Globe Life Inc 14 0.02 USD 936 Deere & Co 157 0.24 USD 486 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 30 0.05 USD 180 Dover Corp 20 0.03 USD 672 Lincoln National Corp 40 0.06 USD 808 Flowserve Corp 39 0.06 USD 315 Loews Corp 16 0.03 USD 180 IDEX Corp 29 0.05 USD 20 Markel Corp 23 0.04 USD 90 Middleby Corp 11 0.02 USD 2,550 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 276 0.43 USD 179 Rockwell Automation Inc 35 0.05 USD 1,032 MetLife Inc 52 0.08 USD 160 Roper Technologies Inc 58 0.09 USD 717 Principal Financial Group Inc 39 0.06 USD 225 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp 18 0.03 USD 852 Progressive Corp 62 0.10 USD 1,368 Xylem Inc 106 0.17 USD 2,514 Prudential Financial Inc 235 0.37 Machinery, construction & mining USD 91 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 15 0.02 USD 1,682 Caterpillar Inc 244 0.38 USD 1,839 Travelers Cos Inc 251 0.39 Media USD 270 Unum Group 8 0.01 USD 270 Altice USA Inc 7 0.01 USD 930 Voya Financial Inc 54 0.08 USD 405 CBS Corp 16 0.03 USD 180 WR Berkley Corp 12 0.02 USD 209 Charter Communications Inc 98 0.15 Internet USD 9,413 Comcast Corp 416 0.65 USD 621 Alphabet Inc 810 1.26 USD 928 Discovery Inc 30 0.05 USD 885 Alphabet Inc Class 'C' 1,155 1.80 USD 478 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 15 0.02 USD 906 Inc 1,631 2.55 USD 270 DISH Network Corp 9 0.01 USD 86 Booking Holdings Inc 164 0.26 USD 287 FactSet Research Systems Inc 74 0.12 USD 180 CDW Corp 24 0.04 USD 405 Fox Corp 14 0.02 USD 1,538 eBay Inc 55 0.09 USD 225 Fox Corp Class 'B' 8 0.01 USD 179 Expedia Group Inc 18 0.03 USD 135 Liberty Broadband Corp 16 0.02 USD 90 F5 Networks Inc 13 0.02 USD 270 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Formula One 12 0.02 USD 5,341 Facebook Inc 1,077 1.68 USD 180 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 9 0.01 USD 225 GoDaddy Inc 15 0.02 USD 225 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C' 11 0.02 USD 90 IAC/InterActiveCorp 20 0.03 USD 360 News Corp 5 0.01 USD 101 Match Group Inc 7 0.01 USD 5,115 Sirius XM Holdings Inc 36 0.06 USD 125 MercadoLibre Inc 73 0.11 USD 405 Viacom Inc 10 0.02 USD 809 Netflix Inc 255 0.40 USD 4,181 Walt Disney Co 634 0.99 USD 1,966 NortonLifeLock Inc 49 0.08 Mining USD 311 Okta Inc 40 0.06 USD 3,536 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 136 0.21 USD 113 Palo Alto Networks Inc 26 0.04 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 90 RingCentral Inc 15 0.02 USD 3,052 3M Co 518 0.81 USD 183 Roku Inc 29 0.05 USD 180 AO Smith Corp 9 0.01 USD 809 Snap Inc 12 0.02 USD 23,129 General Electric Co 260 0.41 USD 135 TripAdvisor Inc 4 0.01 USD 775 Illinois Tool Works Inc 135 0.21 USD 943 Twitter Inc 29 0.05 USD 507 Parker-Hannifin Corp 101 0.16


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) Pipelines (cont) Office & business equipment USD 2,529 Kinder Morgan Inc 49 0.08 USD 828 Xerox Holdings Corp 32 0.05 USD 3,008 ONEOK Inc 214 0.33 USD 90 Zebra Technologies Corp 23 0.04 USD 270 Targa Resources Corp 10 0.02 Oil & gas USD 1,574 Williams Cos Inc 36 0.06 USD 450 Apache Corp 10 0.02 Real estate investment & services USD 495 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 8 0.01 USD 2,424 CBRE Group Inc 138 0.22 USD 3,618 Chevron Corp 424 0.66 USD 281 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 47 0.07 USD 225 Concho Resources Inc 16 0.02 Real estate investment trusts USD 4,126 ConocoPhillips 247 0.39 USD 629 AGNC Investment Corp 11 0.02 USD 296 Continental Resources Inc 9 0.01 USD 135 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 22 0.03 USD 180 Diamondback Energy Inc 14 0.02 USD 1,102 American Tower Corp 236 0.37 USD 717 EOG Resources Inc 51 0.08 USD 1,797 Annaly Capital Management Inc 17 0.03 USD 5,293 Exxon Mobil Corp 361 0.56 USD 180 AvalonBay Communities Inc 39 0.06 USD 1,616 Hess Corp 100 0.16 USD 767 Boston Properties Inc 106 0.17 USD 225 HollyFrontier Corp 12 0.02 USD 135 Camden Property Trust 15 0.02 USD 1,032 Marathon Oil Corp 12 0.02 USD 534 Crown Castle International Corp 71 0.11 USD 1,292 Marathon Petroleum Corp 78 0.12 USD 261 Digital Realty Trust Inc 32 0.05 USD 540 Noble Energy Inc 11 0.02 USD 405 Duke Realty Corp 14 0.02 USD 1,121 Occidental Petroleum Corp 43 0.07 USD 341 Equinix Inc 193 0.30 USD 1,427 Phillips 66 164 0.26 USD 182 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 13 0.02 USD 225 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 29 0.04 USD 492 Equity Residential 42 0.07 USD 879 Valero Energy Corp 84 0.13 USD 90 Essex Property Trust Inc 28 0.04 Oil & gas services USD 180 Extra Space Storage Inc 19 0.03 USD 4,739 Baker Hughes Co 106 0.17 USD 90 Federal Realty Investment Trust 12 0.02 USD 2,513 Halliburton Co 53 0.08 USD 3,686 Healthpeak Properties Inc 129 0.20 USD 2,827 National Oilwell Varco Inc 64 0.10 USD 3,367 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 59 0.09 Packaging & containers USD 627 Invitation Homes Inc 19 0.03 USD 1,526 Ball Corp 101 0.16 USD 2,153 Iron Mountain Inc 69 0.11 USD 180 Crown Holdings Inc 13 0.02 USD 528 Kimco Realty Corp 11 0.02 USD 135 Packaging Corp of America 15 0.02 USD 1,122 Liberty Property Trust 69 0.11 USD 180 Sealed Air Corp 7 0.01 USD 638 Medical Properties Trust Inc 13 0.02 USD 315 Westrock Co 13 0.02 USD 135 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 18 0.03 Pharmaceuticals USD 180 National Retail Properties Inc 10 0.02 USD 3,768 AbbVie Inc 330 0.52 USD 273 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 11 0.02 USD 224 AmerisourceBergen Corp 20 0.03 USD 2,649 Prologis Inc 243 0.38 USD 6,141 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 350 0.55 USD 206 Public Storage 43 0.07 USD 1,872 Cardinal Health Inc 103 0.16 USD 360 Realty Income Corp 28 0.04 USD 1,376 Cigna Corp 275 0.43 USD 1,087 Regency Centers Corp 71 0.11 USD 3,456 CVS Health Corp 260 0.41 USD 225 SBA Communications Corp 53 0.08 USD 198 DexCom Inc 45 0.07 USD 405 Simon Property Group Inc 61 0.09 USD 492 Elanco Animal Health Inc 14 0.02 USD 90 SL Green Realty Corp 8 0.01 USD 2,513 Eli Lilly & Co 295 0.46 USD 123 Sun Communities Inc 20 0.03 USD 6,257 Johnson & Johnson 860 1.34 USD 516 UDR Inc 25 0.04 USD 225 McKesson Corp 32 0.05 USD 629 Ventas Inc 37 0.06 USD 6,492 Merck & Co Inc 566 0.88 USD 1,212 Vereit Inc 12 0.02 USD 109 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 13 0.02 USD 577 VICI Properties Inc 14 0.02 USD 8,826 Pfizer Inc 340 0.53 USD 225 Vornado Realty Trust 15 0.02 USD 90 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 10 0.02 USD 801 Welltower Inc 68 0.11 USD 1,393 Zoetis Inc 168 0.26 USD 3,380 Weyerhaeuser Co 100 0.16 Pipelines USD 180 WP Carey Inc 15 0.02 USD 1,084 Cheniere Energy Inc 66 0.10


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Retail USD 349 Xilinx Inc 32 0.05 USD 90 Advance Auto Parts Inc 14 0.02 Software USD 32 AutoZone Inc 38 0.06 USD 1,032 Activision Blizzard Inc 57 0.09 USD 1,796 Best Buy Co Inc 145 0.23 USD 1,462 Adobe Inc 452 0.71 USD 90 Burlington Stores Inc 20 0.03 USD 225 Akamai Technologies Inc 20 0.03 USD 225 CarMax Inc 22 0.03 USD 111 ANSYS Inc 28 0.04 USD 44 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 36 0.06 USD 714 Autodesk Inc 129 0.20 USD 719 Costco Wholesale Corp 216 0.34 USD 187 Black Knight Inc 12 0.02 USD 381 Darden Restaurants Inc 45 0.07 USD 135 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 17 0.03 USD 315 Dollar General Corp 50 0.08 USD 814 Cadence Design Systems Inc 57 0.09 USD 270 Dollar Tree Inc 25 0.04 USD 135 CDK Global Inc 7 0.01 USD 45 Domino's Pizza Inc 13 0.02 USD 422 Cerner Corp 30 0.05 USD 1,662 Gap Inc 28 0.04 USD 637 Citrix Systems Inc 72 0.11 USD 180 Genuine Parts Co 19 0.03 USD 134 DocuSign Inc 9 0.01 USD 3,496 Home Depot Inc 771 1.20 USD 271 Dropbox Inc 5 0.01 USD 225 Kohl's Corp 11 0.02 USD 360 Electronic Arts Inc 36 0.06 USD 1,723 Lowe's Cos Inc 202 0.32 USD 762 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 105 0.16 USD 135 Lululemon Athletica Inc 30 0.05 USD 717 Fiserv Inc 83 0.13 USD 1,332 McDonald's Corp 259 0.40 USD 103 Guidewire Software Inc 13 0.02 USD 852 Nordstrom Inc 32 0.05 USD 868 Intuit Inc 225 0.35 USD 90 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 40 0.06 USD 96 Jack Henry & Associates Inc 15 0.02 USD 450 Ross Stores Inc 52 0.08 USD 19,627 Microsoft Corp 2,971 4.64 USD 2,542 Starbucks Corp 217 0.34 USD 45 MongoDB Inc 7 0.01 USD 1,391 Target Corp 174 0.27 USD 3,307 Oracle Corp 186 0.29 USD 807 Tiffany & Co 108 0.17 USD 405 Paychex Inc 35 0.06 USD 1,486 TJX Cos Inc 91 0.14 USD 62 Paycom Software Inc 17 0.03 USD 226 Tractor Supply Co 21 0.03 USD 377 PTC Inc 29 0.05 USD 82 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc 19 0.03 USD 3,199 Inc 521 0.81 USD 1,217 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 72 0.11 USD 342 ServiceNow Inc 97 0.15 USD 360 Yum! Brands Inc 36 0.06 USD 273 Splunk Inc 41 0.06 Savings & loans USD 270 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 16 0.03 USD 494 People's United Financial Inc 8 0.01 USD 180 Synopsys Inc 25 0.04 Semiconductors USD 135 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 16 0.03 USD 2,015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 79 0.12 USD 270 Twilio Inc 28 0.04 USD 558 Analog Devices Inc 63 0.10 USD 48 Tyler Technologies Inc 14 0.02 USD 3,231 Applied Materials Inc 187 0.29 USD 179 Veeva Systems Inc 27 0.04 USD 539 Broadcom Inc 170 0.27 USD 315 VMware Inc 49 0.08 USD 10,640 Intel Corp 618 0.97 USD 300 Workday Inc 54 0.08 USD 45 IPG Photonics Corp 6 0.01 Telecommunications USD 181 KLA Corp 30 0.05 USD 57 Arista Networks Inc 11 0.02 USD 292 Lam Research Corp 78 0.12 USD 14,118 AT&T Inc 528 0.82 USD 1,051 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 60 0.09 USD 2,668 CenturyLink Inc 39 0.06 USD 315 Microchip Technology Inc 30 0.05 USD 11,070 Cisco Systems Inc 501 0.78 USD 1,503 Micron Technology Inc 71 0.11 USD 1,971 Corning Inc 57 0.09 USD 1,683 NVIDIA Corp 365 0.57 USD 405 Juniper Networks Inc 10 0.02 USD 495 ON Semiconductor Corp 11 0.02 USD 682 Motorola Solutions Inc 114 0.18 USD 135 Qorvo Inc 14 0.02 USD 1,190 Sprint Corp 7 0.01 USD 1,990 QUALCOMM Inc 166 0.26 USD 405 T-Mobile US Inc 32 0.05 USD 277 Skyworks Solutions Inc 27 0.04 USD 8,992 Verizon Communications Inc 542 0.85 USD 213 Teradyne Inc 13 0.02 USD 270 Zayo Group Holdings Inc 9 0.01 USD 3,408 Texas Instruments Inc 410 0.64


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Fair %ofnet Value asset entity in which the Fund holds shares. Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current Equities (31 May 2019: 99.84%) (cont) gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets United States (31 May 2019: 94.87%) (cont) Textile Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 63,872 99.76 USD 203 Mohawk Industries Inc 28 0.04 Other assets 153 0.24 Toys Total current assets 64,025 100.00 USD 762 Hasbro Inc 78 0.12 Transportation USD 575 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 44 0.07 USD 2,570 CSX Corp 184 0.29 USD 1,257 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 94 0.15 USD 315 FedEx Corp 50 0.08 USD 90 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 10 0.01 USD 762 Kansas City Southern 116 0.18 USD 180 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc 7 0.01 USD 961 Norfolk Southern Corp 186 0.29 USD 90 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 17 0.03 USD 1,238 Union Pacific Corp 218 0.34 USD 1,841 United Parcel Service Inc 221 0.34 USD 135 XPO Logistics Inc 11 0.02 Water USD 225 American Water Works Co Inc 27 0.04 USD 270 Aqua America Inc 12 0.02 Total United States 60,668 94.77 Total equities 63,872 99.77 Rights (31 May 2019: Nil) United States (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 14 DISH Network Corp - 0.00 Total United States - 0.00 Total rights - 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 63,872 99.77

Cash† 61 0.10

Other net assets 86 0.13

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 64,019 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ~Investment in related party.



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.41%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.76%) Healthcare products (cont) USD 570 STERIS Plc 86 0.05 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) Insurance Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.47%) USD 794 Willis Towers Watson Plc 156 0.09 Agriculture Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 920 Bunge Ltd 49 0.03 USD 2,760 Eaton Corp Plc 255 0.15 Chemicals USD 1,493 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 196 0.12 USD 1,687 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 48 0.03 Pharmaceuticals Commercial services USD 2,071 Allergan Plc 383 0.23 USD 2,360 IHS Markit Ltd 171 0.10 USD 345 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 52 0.03 Diversified financial services USD 805 Perrigo Co Plc 41 0.03 USD 2,330 Invesco Ltd 41 0.02 Total Ireland 4,101 2.47 Insurance USD 2,509 Arch Capital Group Ltd 105 0.06 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.08%) USD 1,035 Athene Holding Ltd 47 0.03 Auto parts & equipment USD 230 Everest Re Group Ltd 63 0.04 USD 1,726 Aptiv Plc 162 0.10 USD 230 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 43 0.03 Total Jersey 162 0.10 Leisure time USD 1,477 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 79 0.05 Liberia (31 May 2019: 0.09%) Semiconductors Leisure time USD 3,824 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 101 0.06 USD 1,165 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 140 0.08 Total Bermuda 747 0.45 Total Liberia 140 0.08

British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.02%) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Apparel retailers Chemicals USD 920 Capri Holdings Ltd 34 0.02 USD 1,722 LyondellBasell Industries NV 159 0.10 Total British Virgin Islands 34 0.02 Pharmaceuticals USD 3,111 Mylan NV 59 0.03 Canada (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Total Netherlands 218 0.13 Environmental control USD 1,725 Waste Connections Inc 156 0.09 Panama (31 May 2019: 0.10%) Total Canada 156 0.09 Leisure time USD 2,566 Carnival Corp 116 0.07 Curacao (31 May 2019: 0.21%) Total Panama 116 0.07 Oil & gas services USD 9,027 Schlumberger Ltd 327 0.20 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.03%) Total Curacao 327 0.20 Electronics USD 2,950 Flex Ltd 35 0.02 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.41%) Total Singapore 35 0.02 Building materials and fixtures USD 5,222 Johnson Controls International Plc 224 0.14 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.46%) Chemicals Electronics USD 3,474 Linde Plc 716 0.43 USD 816 Garmin Ltd 80 0.05 Computers USD 2,185 TE Connectivity Ltd 202 0.12 USD 4,110 Accenture Plc 826 0.50 Insurance USD 1,572 Seagate Technology Plc 94 0.05 USD 2,877 Chubb Ltd 436 0.26 Electronics Total Switzerland 718 0.43 USD 575 Allegion Plc 69 0.04 Environmental control United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.37%) USD 1,035 Pentair Plc 46 0.03 Commercial services Healthcare products USD 2,043 Nielsen Holdings Plc 40 0.02 USD 8,587 Medtronic Plc 957 0.58


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.37%) (cont) Banks Electronics USD 56,628 Bank of America Corp 1,887 1.13 USD 1,035 Sensata Technologies Holding Plc 53 0.03 USD 5,588 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 274 0.16 Insurance USD 5,080 BB&T Corp 278 0.17 USD 1,499 Aon Plc 305 0.18 USD 14,596 Citigroup Inc 1,096 0.66 Media USD 2,912 Citizens Financial Group Inc 112 0.07 USD 879 Liberty Global Plc 20 0.01 USD 923 Comerica Inc 65 0.04 USD 2,596 Liberty Global Plc Class 'C' 56 0.04 USD 920 East West Bancorp Inc 42 0.02 Oil & gas services USD 4,734 Fifth Third Bancorp 143 0.09 USD 2,478 TechnipFMC Plc 47 0.03 USD 1,035 First Republic Bank 114 0.07 Total United Kingdom 521 0.31 USD 2,073 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 459 0.28 USD 6,910 Huntington Bancshares Inc 103 0.06 United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) USD 20,512 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2,703 1.63 Advertising USD 6,582 KeyCorp 127 0.08 USD 2,252 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 50 0.03 USD 808 M&T Bank Corp 133 0.08 USD 1,495 Omnicom Group Inc 119 0.07 USD 7,983 Morgan Stanley 395 0.24 Aerospace & defence USD 1,380 Northern Trust Corp 148 0.09 USD 2,610 Arconic Inc 81 0.05 USD 2,875 PNC Financial Services Group Inc~ 440 0.26 USD 236 HEICO Corp 31 0.02 USD 6,895 Regions Financial Corp 115 0.07 USD 463 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 46 0.03 USD 345 Signature Bank 42 0.02 USD 1,388 L3Harris Technologies Inc 279 0.17 USD 2,407 State Street Corp 181 0.11 USD 1,760 Raytheon Co 383 0.23 USD 2,824 SunTrust Banks Inc 200 0.12 USD 690 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 60 0.03 USD 345 SVB Financial Group 80 0.05 USD 218 Teledyne Technologies Inc 74 0.04 USD 9,624 US Bancorp 578 0.35 USD 312 TransDigm Group Inc 177 0.11 USD 27,036 Wells Fargo & Co 1,472 0.88 Agriculture USD 1,118 Zions Bancorp NA 56 0.03 USD 3,438 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 148 0.09 Beverages Airlines USD 1,824 Brown-Forman Corp 124 0.07 USD 690 American Airlines Group Inc 20 0.01 USD 26,031 Coca-Cola Co 1,390 0.84 USD 968 Delta Air Lines Inc 55 0.03 USD 1,037 Constellation Brands Inc 193 0.11 USD 920 Southwest Airlines Co 53 0.03 USD 1,246 Molson Coors Brewing Co 63 0.04 USD 460 United Airlines Holdings Inc 43 0.03 USD 2,744 Monster Beverage Corp 164 0.10 Apparel retailers USD 9,057 PepsiCo Inc 1,230 0.74 USD 2,891 Hanesbrands Inc 43 0.02 Biotechnology USD 8,020 NIKE Inc 750 0.45 USD 1,380 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 157 0.09 USD 460 PVH Corp 45 0.03 USD 851 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 100 0.06 USD 345 Ralph Lauren Corp 37 0.02 USD 3,839 Amgen Inc 901 0.54 USD 2,104 Tapestry Inc 57 0.03 USD 1,192 Biogen Inc 357 0.21 USD 1,460 Under Armour Inc 28 0.02 USD 1,150 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 93 0.06 USD 1,575 Under Armour Inc (non-voting) 27 0.02 USD 132 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 49 0.03 USD 2,185 VF Corp 193 0.12 USD 4,997 Corteva Inc 130 0.08 Auto manufacturers USD 926 Exact Sciences Corp 75 0.05 USD 25,095 Ford Motor Co 227 0.14 USD 8,134 Gilead Sciences Inc 547 0.33 USD 8,198 General Motors Co 295 0.18 USD 920 Illumina Inc 295 0.18 USD 2,255 PACCAR Inc 184 0.11 USD 1,150 Incyte Corp 108 0.07 USD 864 Tesla Inc 285 0.17 USD 809 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 52 0.03 Auto parts & equipment USD 502 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 185 0.11 USD 575 Autoliv Inc 47 0.03 USD 690 Seattle Genetics Inc 83 0.05 USD 1,251 BorgWarner Inc 53 0.03 USD 1,610 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 357 0.21 USD 344 Lear Corp 41 0.02 Building materials and fixtures USD 345 WABCO Holdings Inc 46 0.03 USD 920 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 58 0.03 USD 230 Lennox International Inc 59 0.03


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) Computers (cont) Building materials and fixtures (cont) USD 1,587 NetApp Inc 96 0.06 USD 350 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 94 0.06 USD 2,092 Western Digital Corp 105 0.06 USD 1,794 Masco Corp 84 0.05 Cosmetics & personal care USD 690 Owens Corning 46 0.03 USD 5,361 Colgate-Palmolive Co 364 0.22 USD 805 Vulcan Materials Co 114 0.07 USD 2,120 Coty Inc 24 0.02 Chemicals USD 1,380 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 270 0.16 USD 1,380 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 326 0.20 USD 16,111 Procter & Gamble Co 1,966 1.18 USD 690 Albemarle Corp 45 0.03 Distribution & wholesale USD 1,349 CF Industries Holdings Inc 62 0.04 USD 1,387 Copart Inc 123 0.07 USD 4,691 Dow Inc 250 0.15 USD 3,922 Fastenal Co 139 0.08 USD 4,793 DuPont de Nemours Inc 311 0.19 USD 995 HD Supply Holdings Inc 40 0.03 USD 1,613 Ecolab Inc 301 0.18 USD 1,805 LKQ Corp 64 0.04 USD 805 FMC Corp 79 0.05 USD 297 WW Grainger Inc 94 0.06 USD 575 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 81 0.05 Diversified financial services USD 2,828 Mosaic Co 54 0.03 USD 345 Alliance Data Systems Corp 37 0.02 USD 1,491 PPG Industries Inc 192 0.11 USD 2,651 Ally Financial Inc 84 0.05 USD 778 RPM International Inc 58 0.03 USD 4,600 American Express Co 553 0.33 USD 539 Sherwin-Williams Co 314 0.19 USD 807 Ameriprise Financial Inc 132 0.08 USD 230 Westlake Chemical Corp 16 0.01 USD 740 BlackRock Inc~ 366 0.22 Commercial services USD 3,959 Blackstone Group Inc 215 0.13 USD 51 AMERCO 18 0.01 USD 2,980 Capital One Financial Corp 298 0.18 USD 2,760 Automatic Data Processing Inc 471 0.28 USD 690 Cboe Global Markets Inc 82 0.05 USD 838 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 61 0.04 USD 7,530 Charles Schwab Corp 373 0.23 USD 575 Cintas Corp 148 0.09 USD 2,299 CME Group Inc 466 0.28 USD 230 CoStar Group Inc 141 0.08 USD 1,999 Discover Financial Services 170 0.10 USD 805 Equifax Inc 112 0.07 USD 1,541 E*TRADE Financial Corp 68 0.04 USD 569 FleetCor Technologies Inc 175 0.10 USD 805 Eaton Vance Corp 38 0.02 USD 575 Gartner Inc 92 0.05 USD 1,806 Franklin Resources Inc 50 0.03 USD 2,014 Global Payments Inc 365 0.22 USD 3,680 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 346 0.21 USD 460 ManpowerGroup Inc 43 0.03 USD 1,501 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 31 0.02 USD 230 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 93 0.06 USD 3,009 KKR & Co Inc 89 0.05 USD 1,039 Moody's Corp 235 0.14 USD 5,775 Mastercard Inc 1,688 1.02 USD 7,113 PayPal Holdings Inc 768 0.46 USD 690 Nasdaq Inc 72 0.04 USD 805 Robert Half International Inc 47 0.03 USD 805 Raymond James Financial Inc 72 0.04 USD 806 Rollins Inc 29 0.02 USD 805 SEI Investments Co 52 0.03 USD 1,610 S&P Global Inc 426 0.26 USD 3,895 Synchrony Financial 146 0.09 USD 1,920 Sabre Corp 43 0.03 USD 1,495 T Rowe Price Group Inc 185 0.11 USD 2,168 Square Inc 150 0.09 USD 1,696 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 88 0.05 USD 1,158 TransUnion 100 0.06 USD 11,127 Visa Inc 2,053 1.24 USD 458 United Rentals Inc 70 0.04 USD 2,789 Western Union Co 75 0.05 USD 1,035 Verisk Analytics Inc 153 0.09 Electrical components & equipment Computers USD 230 Acuity Brands Inc 30 0.02 USD 29,043 Apple Inc 7,762 4.67 USD 1,495 AMETEK Inc 148 0.09 USD 3,531 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 226 0.13 USD 3,865 Emerson Electric Co 286 0.17 USD 921 Dell Technologies Inc 45 0.03 Electricity USD 1,729 DXC Technology Co 65 0.04 USD 3,492 CenterPoint Energy Inc 86 0.05 USD 345 EPAM Systems Inc 73 0.04 USD 2,167 Consolidated Edison Inc 188 0.11 USD 920 Fortinet Inc 97 0.06 USD 2,293 Edison International 158 0.10 USD 8,469 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 134 0.08 USD 2,078 Eversource Energy 172 0.10 USD 9,470 HP Inc 190 0.11 USD 6,252 Exelon Corp 278 0.17 USD 5,637 International Business Machines Corp 758 0.46 USD 3,094 NextEra Energy Inc 723 0.44


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) Healthcare products (cont) Electricity (cont) USD 3,089 Baxter International Inc 253 0.15 USD 3,314 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 197 0.12 USD 1,725 Becton Dickinson and Co 446 0.27 USD 1,725 Sempra Energy 254 0.15 USD 8,882 Boston Scientific Corp 384 0.23 Electronics USD 339 Cooper Cos Inc 106 0.06 USD 1,936 Agilent Technologies Inc 157 0.09 USD 4,139 Danaher Corp 604 0.36 USD 1,955 Amphenol Corp 203 0.12 USD 1,595 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 90 0.06 USD 575 Arrow Electronics Inc 46 0.03 USD 1,370 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 335 0.20 USD 920 FLIR Systems Inc 49 0.03 USD 1,035 Henry Schein Inc 71 0.04 USD 1,956 Fortive Corp 141 0.09 USD 1,886 Hologic Inc 97 0.06 USD 1,150 Keysight Technologies Inc 123 0.07 USD 575 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 145 0.09 USD 180 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 130 0.08 USD 360 Insulet Corp 67 0.04 USD 692 PerkinElmer Inc 64 0.04 USD 737 Intuitive Surgical Inc 437 0.26 USD 1,845 Trimble Inc 75 0.05 USD 920 ResMed Inc 138 0.08 USD 460 Waters Corp 102 0.06 USD 2,176 Stryker Corp 446 0.27 Entertainment USD 296 Teleflex Inc 105 0.06 USD 920 Live Nation Entertainment Inc 64 0.04 USD 2,572 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 807 0.49 USD 230 Vail Resorts Inc 56 0.03 USD 575 Varian Medical Systems Inc 77 0.05 Environmental control USD 442 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 65 0.04 USD 1,495 Republic Services Inc 132 0.08 USD 1,265 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 184 0.11 USD 2,760 Waste Management Inc 312 0.19 Healthcare services Food USD 1,613 Anthem Inc 466 0.28 USD 912 Campbell Soup Co 43 0.03 USD 2,633 Centene Corp 159 0.10 USD 3,014 Conagra Brands Inc 87 0.05 USD 685 DaVita Inc 49 0.03 USD 3,917 General Mills Inc 209 0.13 USD 1,725 HCA Healthcare Inc 239 0.14 USD 920 Hershey Co 136 0.08 USD 894 Humana Inc 305 0.18 USD 2,073 Hormel Foods Corp 92 0.05 USD 1,035 IQVIA Holdings Inc 151 0.09 USD 460 Ingredion Inc 38 0.02 USD 578 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 100 0.06 USD 690 JM Smucker Co 73 0.04 USD 920 Quest Diagnostics Inc 98 0.06 USD 1,702 Kellogg Co 111 0.07 USD 6,071 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1,699 1.02 USD 4,240 Kraft Heinz Co 129 0.08 USD 575 Universal Health Services Inc 80 0.05 USD 5,323 Kroger Co 146 0.09 USD 344 WellCare Health Plans Inc 111 0.07 USD 920 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 77 0.05 Home builders USD 806 McCormick & Co Inc 137 0.08 USD 2,206 DR Horton Inc 122 0.07 USD 9,158 Mondelez International Inc 481 0.29 USD 1,944 Lennar Corp 116 0.07 USD 3,168 Sysco Corp 255 0.15 USD 25 NVR Inc 95 0.06 USD 1,840 Tyson Foods Inc 165 0.10 USD 1,590 PulteGroup Inc 63 0.04 Food Service Home furnishings USD 1,485 Aramark 65 0.04 USD 805 Leggett & Platt Inc 42 0.02 USD 575 Grubhub Inc 25 0.01 USD 344 Whirlpool Corp 49 0.03 Forest products & paper Hotels USD 2,376 International Paper Co 110 0.07 USD 1,689 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 177 0.11 Gas USD 2,286 Las Vegas Sands Corp 143 0.09 USD 690 Atmos Energy Corp 74 0.05 USD 1,840 Marriott International Inc 258 0.15 USD 1,307 UGI Corp 57 0.03 USD 3,218 MGM Resorts International 103 0.06 Hand & machine tools USD 575 Wynn Resorts Ltd 70 0.04 USD 345 Snap-on Inc 56 0.03 Household goods & home construction USD 920 Stanley Black & Decker Inc 145 0.09 USD 575 Avery Dennison Corp 75 0.05 Healthcare products USD 1,673 Church & Dwight Co Inc 118 0.07 USD 11,346 Abbott Laboratories 969 0.58 USD 805 Clorox Co 119 0.07 USD 235 ABIOMED Inc 46 0.03 USD 2,185 Kimberly-Clark Corp 298 0.18 USD 460 Align Technology Inc 128 0.08


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) Internet (cont) Household products USD 561 Roku Inc 90 0.05 USD 2,711 Newell Brands Inc 52 0.03 USD 4,914 Snap Inc 75 0.05 Insurance USD 690 TripAdvisor Inc 20 0.01 USD 4,781 Aflac Inc 262 0.16 USD 4,841 Twitter Inc 150 0.09 USD 91 Alleghany Corp 71 0.04 USD 1,349 Uber Technologies Inc 40 0.02 USD 2,185 Allstate Corp 243 0.15 USD 690 VeriSign Inc 132 0.08 USD 475 American Financial Group Inc 52 0.03 USD 346 Wayfair Inc 29 0.02 USD 5,586 American International Group Inc 294 0.18 USD 690 Zillow Group Inc 27 0.02 USD 1,150 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 107 0.06 Iron & steel USD 345 Assurant Inc 46 0.03 USD 1,900 Nucor Corp 107 0.06 USD 2,664 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 66 0.04 USD 1,743 Steel Dynamics Inc 59 0.04 USD 8,469 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1,866 1.12 Leisure time USD 500 Brown & Brown Inc 19 0.01 USD 1,035 Harley-Davidson Inc 37 0.02 USD 1,035 Cincinnati Financial Corp 111 0.07 USD 345 Polaris Inc 34 0.02 USD 121 Erie Indemnity Co 20 0.01 Machinery - diversified USD 1,924 Fidelity National Financial Inc 92 0.06 USD 1,272 Cognex Corp 64 0.04 USD 690 Globe Life Inc 71 0.04 USD 923 Cummins Inc 169 0.10 USD 2,399 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 148 0.09 USD 1,955 Deere & Co 329 0.20 USD 1,206 Lincoln National Corp 71 0.04 USD 919 Dover Corp 102 0.06 USD 1,849 Loews Corp 94 0.06 USD 805 Flowserve Corp 39 0.02 USD 92 Markel Corp 104 0.06 USD 460 IDEX Corp 75 0.05 USD 3,220 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 348 0.21 USD 345 Middleby Corp 40 0.02 USD 5,305 MetLife Inc 265 0.16 USD 692 Rockwell Automation Inc 135 0.08 USD 1,961 Principal Financial Group Inc 108 0.06 USD 683 Roper Technologies Inc 246 0.15 USD 3,680 Progressive Corp 269 0.16 USD 1,029 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp 81 0.05 USD 2,645 Prudential Financial Inc 248 0.15 USD 1,150 Xylem Inc 89 0.05 USD 343 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 57 0.03 Machinery, construction & mining USD 1,725 Travelers Cos Inc 236 0.14 USD 3,676 Caterpillar Inc 532 0.32 USD 1,628 Unum Group 50 0.03 Media USD 1,035 Voya Financial Inc 60 0.04 USD 923 Altice USA Inc 24 0.01 USD 921 WR Berkley Corp 63 0.04 USD 2,343 CBS Corp 95 0.06 Internet USD 997 Charter Communications Inc 469 0.28 USD 1,925 Alphabet Inc 2,510 1.51 USD 29,204 Comcast Corp 1,289 0.77 USD 2,011 Alphabet Inc Class 'C' 2,624 1.58 USD 1,035 Discovery Inc 34 0.02 USD 2,693 Inc 4,850 2.92 USD 2,261 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 69 0.04 USD 269 Booking Holdings Inc 512 0.31 USD 1,733 DISH Network Corp 59 0.04 USD 920 CDW Corp 124 0.08 USD 232 FactSet Research Systems Inc 60 0.04 USD 5,187 eBay Inc 184 0.11 USD 2,449 Fox Corp 88 0.05 USD 805 Expedia Group Inc 82 0.05 USD 1,290 Fox Corp Class 'B' 45 0.03 USD 345 F5 Networks Inc 50 0.03 USD 690 Liberty Broadband Corp 82 0.05 USD 15,492 Facebook Inc 3,124 1.88 USD 1,137 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Formula One 51 0.03 USD 1,035 GoDaddy Inc 69 0.04 USD 575 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 28 0.02 USD 460 IAC/InterActiveCorp 102 0.06 USD 1,025 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C' 50 0.03 USD 343 Match Group Inc 24 0.01 USD 3,099 News Corp 40 0.02 USD 282 MercadoLibre Inc 164 0.10 USD 9,943 Sirius XM Holdings Inc 69 0.04 USD 2,819 Netflix Inc 887 0.53 USD 2,150 Viacom Inc 52 0.03 USD 3,821 NortonLifeLock Inc 95 0.06 USD 11,597 Walt Disney Co 1,758 1.06 USD 684 Okta Inc 89 0.05 Mining USD 575 Palo Alto Networks Inc 131 0.08 USD 5,207 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 200 0.12 USD 887 Pinterest Inc 17 0.01 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 431 RingCentral Inc 74 0.04 USD 3,677 3M Co 624 0.37


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Miscellaneous manufacturers (cont) USD 35,479 Pfizer Inc 1,367 0.82 USD 920 AO Smith Corp 45 0.03 USD 464 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 52 0.03 USD 56,090 General Electric Co 632 0.38 USD 3,105 Zoetis Inc 374 0.22 USD 2,072 Illinois Tool Works Inc 361 0.22 Pipelines USD 805 Parker-Hannifin Corp 160 0.10 USD 1,468 Cheniere Energy Inc 89 0.05 Office & business equipment USD 13,145 Kinder Morgan Inc 258 0.15 USD 1,299 Xerox Holdings Corp 50 0.03 USD 2,710 ONEOK Inc 192 0.12 USD 345 Zebra Technologies Corp 87 0.05 USD 1,617 Targa Resources Corp 59 0.04 Oil & gas USD 8,098 Williams Cos Inc 184 0.11 USD 2,825 Apache Corp 63 0.04 Real estate investment & services USD 2,755 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 44 0.03 USD 2,171 CBRE Group Inc 124 0.08 USD 12,165 Chevron Corp 1,425 0.86 USD 345 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 57 0.03 USD 1,265 Concho Resources Inc 92 0.05 Real estate investment trusts USD 7,204 ConocoPhillips 432 0.26 USD 3,649 AGNC Investment Corp 63 0.04 USD 575 Continental Resources Inc 18 0.01 USD 690 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 112 0.07 USD 1,034 Diamondback Energy Inc 80 0.05 USD 2,865 American Tower Corp 613 0.37 USD 3,680 EOG Resources Inc 261 0.16 USD 10,049 Annaly Capital Management Inc 94 0.06 USD 27,244 Exxon Mobil Corp 1,856 1.11 USD 920 AvalonBay Communities Inc 197 0.12 USD 1,815 Hess Corp 113 0.07 USD 1,035 Boston Properties Inc 143 0.09 USD 1,035 HollyFrontier Corp 53 0.03 USD 575 Camden Property Trust 64 0.04 USD 5,253 Marathon Oil Corp 61 0.04 USD 2,645 Crown Castle International Corp 354 0.21 USD 4,199 Marathon Petroleum Corp 254 0.15 USD 1,265 Digital Realty Trust Inc 153 0.09 USD 2,935 Noble Energy Inc 61 0.04 USD 2,202 Duke Realty Corp 78 0.05 USD 5,826 Occidental Petroleum Corp 225 0.13 USD 538 Equinix Inc 305 0.18 USD 2,875 Phillips 66 330 0.20 USD 1,142 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 85 0.05 USD 1,036 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 132 0.08 USD 2,308 Equity Residential 196 0.12 USD 2,628 Valero Energy Corp 251 0.15 USD 451 Essex Property Trust Inc 141 0.08 Oil & gas services USD 805 Extra Space Storage Inc 85 0.05 USD 3,753 Baker Hughes Co 84 0.05 USD 460 Federal Realty Investment Trust 61 0.04 USD 6,006 Halliburton Co 126 0.08 USD 3,319 Healthpeak Properties Inc 116 0.07 USD 2,936 National Oilwell Varco Inc 66 0.04 USD 4,567 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 80 0.05 Packaging & containers USD 3,647 Invitation Homes Inc 111 0.07 USD 2,133 Ball Corp 141 0.08 USD 1,973 Iron Mountain Inc 63 0.04 USD 805 Crown Holdings Inc 61 0.04 USD 2,596 Kimco Realty Corp 56 0.03 USD 575 Packaging Corp of America 64 0.04 USD 920 Liberty Property Trust 57 0.03 USD 1,035 Sealed Air Corp 39 0.02 USD 3,061 Medical Properties Trust Inc 64 0.04 USD 1,848 Westrock Co 75 0.05 USD 690 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 94 0.06 Pharmaceuticals USD 1,035 National Retail Properties Inc 58 0.03 USD 9,399 AbbVie Inc 824 0.50 USD 1,310 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 55 0.03 USD 1,035 AmerisourceBergen Corp 91 0.05 USD 4,033 Prologis Inc 369 0.22 USD 15,084 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 859 0.52 USD 1,028 Public Storage 217 0.13 USD 1,849 Cardinal Health Inc 102 0.06 USD 2,122 Realty Income Corp 163 0.10 USD 2,415 Cigna Corp 483 0.29 USD 920 Regency Centers Corp 60 0.04 USD 8,245 CVS Health Corp 621 0.37 USD 690 SBA Communications Corp 163 0.10 USD 575 DexCom Inc 131 0.08 USD 1,955 Simon Property Group Inc 296 0.18 USD 2,563 Elanco Animal Health Inc 71 0.04 USD 575 SL Green Realty Corp 49 0.03 USD 5,603 Eli Lilly & Co 657 0.40 USD 571 Sun Communities Inc 94 0.06 USD 16,997 Johnson & Johnson 2,337 1.41 USD 1,920 UDR Inc 92 0.06 USD 1,163 McKesson Corp 168 0.10 USD 2,388 Ventas Inc 139 0.08 USD 16,415 Merck & Co Inc 1,431 0.86 USD 7,700 Vereit Inc 75 0.04 USD 523 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 61 0.04 USD 2,766 VICI Properties Inc 68 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) Semiconductors (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) USD 805 Qorvo Inc 84 0.05 USD 1,035 Vornado Realty Trust 67 0.04 USD 7,785 QUALCOMM Inc 650 0.39 USD 2,627 Welltower Inc 222 0.13 USD 1,150 Skyworks Solutions Inc 113 0.07 USD 4,740 Weyerhaeuser Co 140 0.08 USD 1,019 Teradyne Inc 64 0.04 USD 1,035 WP Carey Inc 86 0.05 USD 5,955 Texas Instruments Inc 716 0.43 Retail USD 1,610 Xilinx Inc 149 0.09 USD 460 Advance Auto Parts Inc 72 0.04 Software USD 165 AutoZone Inc 194 0.12 USD 5,002 Activision Blizzard Inc 274 0.17 USD 1,468 Best Buy Co Inc 118 0.07 USD 3,104 Adobe Inc 961 0.58 USD 459 Burlington Stores Inc 103 0.06 USD 1,035 Akamai Technologies Inc 90 0.05 USD 994 CarMax Inc 97 0.06 USD 538 ANSYS Inc 137 0.08 USD 164 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 134 0.08 USD 1,380 Autodesk Inc 250 0.15 USD 2,830 Costco Wholesale Corp 849 0.51 USD 897 Black Knight Inc 57 0.03 USD 805 Darden Restaurants Inc 95 0.06 USD 689 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 85 0.05 USD 1,628 Dollar General Corp 256 0.15 USD 1,928 Cadence Design Systems Inc 135 0.08 USD 1,495 Dollar Tree Inc 137 0.08 USD 805 CDK Global Inc 43 0.03 USD 230 Domino's Pizza Inc 68 0.04 USD 2,043 Cerner Corp 146 0.09 USD 1,803 Gap Inc 30 0.02 USD 805 Citrix Systems Inc 91 0.05 USD 920 Genuine Parts Co 96 0.06 USD 684 DocuSign Inc 49 0.03 USD 7,026 Home Depot Inc 1,549 0.93 USD 1,422 Dropbox Inc 26 0.02 USD 1,035 Kohl's Corp 49 0.03 USD 1,801 Electronic Arts Inc 182 0.11 USD 5,032 Lowe's Cos Inc 590 0.35 USD 3,906 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 540 0.33 USD 690 Lululemon Athletica Inc 156 0.09 USD 3,683 Fiserv Inc 428 0.26 USD 4,915 McDonald's Corp 956 0.57 USD 491 Guidewire Software Inc 60 0.04 USD 690 Nordstrom Inc 26 0.02 USD 1,711 Intuit Inc 443 0.27 USD 501 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 222 0.13 USD 460 Jack Henry & Associates Inc 70 0.04 USD 2,415 Ross Stores Inc 281 0.17 USD 46,574 Microsoft Corp 7,050 4.24 USD 7,785 Starbucks Corp 665 0.40 USD 226 MongoDB Inc 34 0.02 USD 3,220 Target Corp 403 0.24 USD 542 MSCI Inc 141 0.08 USD 690 Tiffany & Co 92 0.06 USD 15,081 Oracle Corp 847 0.51 USD 7,757 TJX Cos Inc 474 0.29 USD 2,070 Paychex Inc 178 0.11 USD 805 Tractor Supply Co 76 0.05 USD 341 Paycom Software Inc 94 0.06 USD 345 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc 81 0.05 USD 691 PTC Inc 53 0.03 USD 4,974 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 296 0.18 USD 5,300 Inc 863 0.52 USD 1,950 Yum! Brands Inc 196 0.12 USD 1,209 ServiceNow Inc 342 0.21 Savings & loans USD 920 Splunk Inc 137 0.08 USD 3,005 People's United Financial Inc 50 0.03 USD 1,477 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 89 0.05 Semiconductors USD 920 Synopsys Inc 130 0.08 USD 6,715 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 263 0.16 USD 690 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 84 0.05 USD 2,418 Analog Devices Inc 273 0.16 USD 694 Twilio Inc 72 0.04 USD 5,882 Applied Materials Inc 341 0.21 USD 231 Tyler Technologies Inc 67 0.04 USD 2,528 Broadcom Inc 799 0.48 USD 805 Veeva Systems Inc 120 0.07 USD 28,390 Intel Corp 1,648 0.99 USD 574 VMware Inc 89 0.05 USD 230 IPG Photonics Corp 33 0.02 USD 1,024 Workday Inc 183 0.11 USD 1,035 KLA Corp 170 0.10 Telecommunications USD 924 Lam Research Corp 246 0.15 USD 345 Arista Networks Inc 67 0.04 USD 1,821 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 103 0.06 USD 47,049 AT&T Inc 1,759 1.06 USD 1,495 Microchip Technology Inc 141 0.09 USD 6,275 CenturyLink Inc 91 0.05 USD 7,107 Micron Technology Inc 338 0.20 USD 27,538 Cisco Systems Inc 1,248 0.75 USD 3,677 NVIDIA Corp 797 0.48 USD 5,126 Corning Inc 149 0.09 USD 2,558 ON Semiconductor Corp 55 0.03 USD 2,622 Juniper Networks Inc 66 0.04


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Fair %ofnet Value asset entity in which the Fund holds shares. Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current Equities (31 May 2019: 99.76%) (cont) gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets United States (31 May 2019: 95.28%) (cont) Telecommunications (cont) Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 165,848 99.76 USD 1,035 Motorola Solutions Inc 173 0.10 Other assets 398 0.24 USD 6,514 Sprint Corp 38 0.02 Total current assets 166,246 100.00 USD 2,248 T-Mobile US Inc 176 0.11 USD 26,688 Verizon Communications Inc 1,608 0.97 USD 1,451 Zayo Group Holdings Inc 50 0.03 Textile USD 346 Mohawk Industries Inc 48 0.03 Toys USD 805 Hasbro Inc 82 0.05 Transportation USD 920 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 71 0.04 USD 4,912 CSX Corp 351 0.21 USD 1,197 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 90 0.06 USD 1,610 FedEx Corp 258 0.16 USD 575 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 66 0.04 USD 690 Kansas City Southern 105 0.06 USD 805 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc 30 0.02 USD 1,726 Norfolk Southern Corp 334 0.20 USD 345 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 66 0.04 USD 4,509 Union Pacific Corp 794 0.48 USD 4,488 United Parcel Service Inc 537 0.32 USD 606 XPO Logistics Inc 50 0.03 Water USD 1,150 American Water Works Co Inc 139 0.08 USD 1,296 Aqua America Inc 58 0.04 Total United States 158,573 95.39 Total equities 165,848 99.76 Rights (31 May 2019: Nil) United States (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 83 DISH Network Corp - 0.00 Total United States - 0.00 Total rights - 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 165,848 99.76

Cash† 244 0.15

Other net assets 148 0.09

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 166,240 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ~Investment in related party.



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 92.39%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.82%) Apparel retailers (cont) USD 382,490 NIKE Inc 35,759 2.18 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.82%) USD 22,889 PVH Corp 2,219 0.14 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.71%) USD 103,409 VF Corp 9,156 0.56 Agriculture Auto manufacturers USD 43,251 Bunge Ltd 2,309 0.14 USD 41,047 Tesla Inc 13,543 0.83 Chemicals Auto parts & equipment USD 64,145 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 1,826 0.11 USD 63,099 BorgWarner Inc 2,653 0.16 Commercial services Banks USD 116,423 IHS Markit Ltd 8,458 0.52 USD 259,216 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 12,694 0.78 Diversified financial services USD 45,635 Comerica Inc 3,213 0.20 USD 122,011 Invesco Ltd 2,143 0.13 USD 306,534 KeyCorp 5,944 0.36 Total Bermuda 14,736 0.90 USD 38,798 M&T Bank Corp 6,392 0.39 USD 62,374 Northern Trust Corp 6,689 0.41 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 136,042 PNC Financial Services Group Inc~ 20,843 1.27 Apparel retailers USD 16,866 Signature Bank 2,081 0.13 USD 46,314 Capri Holdings Ltd 1,720 0.11 USD 113,837 State Street Corp 8,549 0.52 Total British Virgin Islands 1,720 0.11 USD 15,747 SVB Financial Group 3,649 0.22 USD 54,069 Zions Bancorp NA 2,691 0.17 Ireland (31 May 2019: 5.16%) Beverages Building materials and fixtures USD 427,192 PepsiCo Inc 58,025 3.55 USD 243,118 Johnson Controls International Plc 10,413 0.64 Biotechnology Computers USD 183,231 Amgen Inc 43,008 2.63 USD 194,669 Accenture Plc 39,160 2.39 USD 56,356 Biogen Inc 16,896 1.03 Electronics USD 386,948 Gilead Sciences Inc 26,018 1.59 USD 28,530 Allegion Plc 3,424 0.21 USD 78,534 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 17,415 1.07 Healthcare products Building materials and fixtures USD 25,875 STERIS Plc 3,911 0.24 USD 42,739 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 2,704 0.16 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 33,241 Owens Corning 2,229 0.14 USD 73,811 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 9,677 0.59 Chemicals Pharmaceuticals USD 79,127 Ecolab Inc 14,771 0.90 USD 17,300 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 2,614 0.16 USD 30,992 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 4,377 0.27 Total Ireland 69,199 4.23 USD 112,004 Mosaic Co 2,134 0.13 USD 25,369 Sherwin-Williams Co 14,793 0.90 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 1.13%) Commercial services Electronics USD 18,283 ManpowerGroup Inc 1,694 0.10 USD 40,658 Garmin Ltd 3,972 0.24 USD 52,027 Moody's Corp 11,793 0.72 Insurance USD 35,920 Robert Half International Inc 2,090 0.13 USD 139,248 Chubb Ltd 21,093 1.29 Cosmetics & personal care Total Switzerland 25,065 1.53 USD 249,045 Colgate-Palmolive Co 16,890 1.03 USD 599,723 Procter & Gamble Co 73,202 4.48 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.43%) Distribution & wholesale Media USD 175,205 Fastenal Co 6,223 0.38 USD 45,648 Liberty Global Plc 1,029 0.06 USD 94,169 LKQ Corp 3,322 0.20 USD 127,063 Liberty Global Plc Class 'C' 2,732 0.17 USD 14,172 WW Grainger Inc 4,492 0.28 Oil & gas services Diversified financial services USD 129,598 TechnipFMC Plc 2,442 0.15 USD 119,287 Ally Financial Inc 3,798 0.23 Total United Kingdom 6,203 0.38 USD 215,471 American Express Co 25,882 1.58 USD 35,420 BlackRock Inc~ 17,530 1.07 United States (31 May 2019: 92.39%) USD 109,410 CME Group Inc 22,181 1.36 Apparel retailers USD 92,335 Franklin Resources Inc 2,538 0.16 USD 110,467 Hanesbrands Inc 1,665 0.10 USD 71,973 T Rowe Price Group Inc 8,893 0.54


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.82%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 92.39%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 92.39%) (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) Electronics USD 35,750 Rockwell Automation Inc 7,001 0.43 USD 94,553 Agilent Technologies Inc 7,637 0.46 USD 55,006 Xylem Inc 4,264 0.26 USD 7,519 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 5,409 0.33 Machinery, construction & mining USD 76,932 Trimble Inc 3,118 0.19 USD 171,891 Caterpillar Inc 24,878 1.52 USD 20,398 Waters Corp 4,530 0.28 Media Entertainment USD 11,689 FactSet Research Systems Inc 3,035 0.18 USD 12,284 Vail Resorts Inc 2,981 0.18 USD 491,109 Walt Disney Co 74,442 4.55 Food Mining USD 50,607 Campbell Soup Co 2,357 0.14 USD 250,508 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 9,620 0.59 USD 184,389 General Mills Inc 9,832 0.60 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 78,057 Kellogg Co 5,083 0.31 USD 98,835 Illinois Tool Works Inc 17,230 1.05 USD 37,597 McCormick & Co Inc 6,363 0.39 Oil & gas Healthcare products USD 137,046 Phillips 66 15,722 0.96 USD 23,183 Align Technology Inc 6,430 0.39 Oil & gas services USD 82,481 Becton Dickinson and Co 21,321 1.30 USD 117,908 National Oilwell Varco Inc 2,659 0.16 USD 15,120 Cooper Cos Inc 4,734 0.29 Packaging & containers USD 68,496 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 3,873 0.24 USD 96,368 Ball Corp 6,366 0.39 USD 63,542 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 15,564 0.95 Pharmaceuticals USD 45,299 Henry Schein Inc 3,121 0.19 USD 47,739 AmerisourceBergen Corp 4,197 0.26 USD 26,303 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 6,617 0.41 USD 91,091 Cardinal Health Inc 5,013 0.31 USD 43,897 ResMed Inc 6,567 0.40 USD 115,374 Cigna Corp 23,065 1.41 USD 27,822 Varian Medical Systems Inc 3,721 0.23 USD 145,911 Zoetis Inc 17,585 1.07 Healthcare services Pipelines USD 126,372 Centene Corp 7,642 0.47 USD 126,177 ONEOK Inc 8,965 0.55 USD 31,690 DaVita Inc 2,274 0.14 Real estate investment & services USD 83,346 HCA Healthcare Inc 11,557 0.71 USD 97,625 CBRE Group Inc 5,567 0.34 USD 51,135 IQVIA Holdings Inc 7,465 0.45 USD 15,742 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 2,618 0.16 USD 41,146 Quest Diagnostics Inc 4,384 0.27 Real estate investment trusts Hotels USD 135,256 American Tower Corp 28,949 1.77 USD 83,262 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 8,742 0.54 USD 25,915 Equinix Inc 14,690 0.90 USD 85,537 Marriott International Inc 12,006 0.73 USD 87,723 Iron Mountain Inc 2,817 0.17 Household goods & home construction USD 47,794 Liberty Property Trust 2,945 0.18 USD 25,724 Avery Dennison Corp 3,354 0.20 USD 192,833 Prologis Inc 17,654 1.08 USD 38,419 Clorox Co 5,695 0.35 Retail USD 105,166 Kimberly-Clark Corp 14,338 0.88 USD 73,432 Best Buy Co Inc 5,922 0.36 Household products USD 50,592 CarMax Inc 4,921 0.30 USD 122,898 Newell Brands Inc 2,362 0.14 USD 305,503 Home Depot Inc 67,366 4.12 Insurance USD 33,130 Nordstrom Inc 1,265 0.08 USD 100,580 Allstate Corp 11,200 0.68 USD 33,217 Tiffany & Co 4,444 0.27 USD 108,203 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 6,693 0.41 USD 36,439 Tractor Supply Co 3,441 0.21 USD 154,697 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 16,718 1.02 Savings & loans USD 85,183 Principal Financial Group Inc 4,694 0.29 USD 135,500 People's United Financial Inc 2,236 0.14 USD 122,826 Prudential Financial Inc 11,499 0.70 Semiconductors USD 79,557 Travelers Cos Inc 10,877 0.67 USD 176,768 NVIDIA Corp 38,313 2.34 Internet Software USD 13,669 MercadoLibre Inc 7,936 0.48 USD 148,320 Adobe Inc 45,909 2.81 Machinery - diversified USD 97,281 Cerner Corp 6,964 0.43 USD 45,799 Cummins Inc 8,375 0.51 USD 488,090 Microsoft Corp 73,887 4.51 USD 91,395 Deere & Co 15,359 0.94 USD 254,558 Inc 41,465 2.53 USD 40,078 Flowserve Corp 1,952 0.12 USD 25,026 VMware Inc 3,895 0.24 USD 23,174 IDEX Corp 3,771 0.23


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.82%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 92.39%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 92.39%) (cont) Transportation (cont) Textile USD 52,161 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 3,900 0.24 USD 18,739 Mohawk Industries Inc 2,612 0.16 USD 30,528 Kansas City Southern 4,653 0.29 Toys USD 80,480 Norfolk Southern Corp 15,573 0.95 USD 39,304 Hasbro Inc 3,997 0.24 USD 213,367 United Parcel Service Inc 25,546 1.56 Transportation Total United States 1,514,133 92.53 USD 41,363 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 3,179 0.19 Total equities 1,631,056 99.68 USD 231,679 CSX Corp 16,574 1.01

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.06)%) Forward currency contractsØ (31 May 2019: (0.06)%) EUR 20,241,953 USD 22,625,317 22,318,782 03/12/2019 (306) (0.02) EUR 630,865 USD 695,052 695,592 03/12/2019 - 0.00 USD 600,218 EUR 545,004 600,922 03/12/2019 (1) 0.00 USD 305,828 EUR 277,072 305,500 03/12/2019 - 0.00 Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts - 0.00 Total unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (307) (0.02) Net unrealised losses on forward currency contracts (307) (0.02)

Underlying Fair %ofnet %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Cash† 3,324 0.20 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 31 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December Other net liabilities (699) (0.04) 2019 4,656 217 0.01 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 217 0.01 Net asset value attributable to redeemable Total financial derivative instruments (90) (0.01) participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 1,636,312 100.00

† %ofnet Cash holdings of USD3,324,224 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD208 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. Fair Value asset ~Investment in related party. Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to the EUR Hedged (Dist) Class. Total value of investments 1,630,966 99.67 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) entity in which the Fund holds shares. UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 2,721,388 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar Liquidity Fund~ 2,721 0.17


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 1,631,056 99.48 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 217 0.01 Over-the-counter financial derivative instruments - 0.00 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 2,721 0.17 Other assets 5,558 0.34 Total current assets 1,639,552 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Australia (31 May 2019: 2.64%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 97.63%) Iron & steel AUD 669 BlueScope Steel Ltd 7 0.04 Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) AUD 676 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 4 0.03 Australia (31 May 2019: 2.64%) Mining Banks AUD 3,126 Alumina Ltd 5 0.03 AUD 598 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 10 0.06 AUD 163 Newcrest Mining Ltd 4 0.02 AUD 105 Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd 1 0.01 AUD 204 Rio Tinto Ltd 13 0.08 AUD 376 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 20 0.12 Miscellaneous manufacturers AUD 276 Macquarie Group Ltd 26 0.15 AUD 81 Orica Ltd 1 0.01 AUD 583 National Australia Bank Ltd 10 0.06 Oil & gas AUD 1,931 Westpac Banking Corp 32 0.19 AUD 52 Caltex Australia Ltd 1 0.00 Beverages AUD 376 Santos Ltd 2 0.01 AUD 648 Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd 5 0.03 AUD 1,197 Woodside Petroleum Ltd 28 0.17 AUD 153 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd 2 0.01 Pipelines Biotechnology AUD 1,507 APA Group 11 0.06 AUD 106 CSL Ltd 20 0.12 Real estate investment & services Building materials and fixtures AUD 25 REA Group Ltd 2 0.01 AUD 249 Boral Ltd 1 0.01 Real estate investment trusts Chemicals AUD 1,299 Dexus 11 0.06 AUD 348 Incitec Pivot Ltd 1 0.01 AUD 348 Goodman Group 3 0.02 Commercial services AUD 2,264 GPT Group 9 0.05 AUD 2,035 Brambles Ltd 17 0.10 AUD 4,677 Mirvac Group 11 0.07 AUD 3,411 Transurban Group 36 0.22 AUD 1,131 Scentre Group 3 0.02 AUD 411 Worley Ltd 4 0.02 AUD 3,076 Stockland 11 0.06 Diversified financial services AUD 694 Vicinity Centres 1 0.01 AUD 40 ASX Ltd 2 0.01 Retail Engineering & construction AUD 529 Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 1 0.01 AUD 723 Lendlease Group 9 0.06 AUD 241 Wesfarmers Ltd 7 0.04 AUD 1,411 Sydney Airport 9 0.05 Telecommunications Entertainment AUD 870 Telstra Corp Ltd 2 0.01 AUD 618 Aristocrat Leisure Ltd 14 0.08 Transportation AUD 408 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd 2 0.01 AUD 1,552 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 6 0.04 Food Total Australia 404 2.40 AUD 237 Coles Group Ltd 3 0.02 AUD 280 Woolworths Group Ltd 7 0.04 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Healthcare products Banks AUD 12 Cochlear Ltd 2 0.01 EUR 64 Erste Group Bank AG 2 0.01 Healthcare services EUR 31 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 1 0.01 AUD 133 Ramsay Health Care Ltd 7 0.04 Iron & steel AUD 93 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 2 0.01 EUR 202 voestalpine AG 5 0.03 Hotels Machinery - diversified AUD 78 Crown Resorts Ltd 1 0.01 EUR 42 ANDRITZ AG 2 0.01 Insurance Oil & gas AUD 507 AMP Ltd 1 0.00 EUR 189 OMV AG 11 0.07 AUD 117 Challenger Ltd 1 0.00 Total Austria 21 0.13 AUD 625 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 3 0.02 AUD 586 Medibank Pvt Ltd 1 0.01 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.38%) AUD 282 QBE Insurance Group Ltd 3 0.02 Banks AUD 267 Suncorp Group Ltd 2 0.01 EUR 319 KBC Group NV 23 0.14 Internet Beverages AUD 422 SEEK Ltd 7 0.04 EUR 203 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 16 0.09



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Canada (31 May 2019: 3.85%) (cont) Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.38%) (cont) Apparel retailers Chemicals CAD 222 Gildan Activewear Inc 7 0.04 EUR 28 Solvay SA 3 0.02 Auto parts & equipment EUR 217 Umicore SA 10 0.06 CAD 64 Magna International Inc 4 0.02 Food Banks EUR 21 Colruyt SA 1 0.01 CAD 799 Bank of Montreal 62 0.37 Insurance CAD 838 Bank of Nova Scotia 47 0.28 EUR 39 Ageas 2 0.01 CAD 567 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 49 0.29 Investment services CAD 71 National Bank of Canada 4 0.03 EUR 31 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 3 0.02 CAD 418 Royal Bank of Canada 34 0.20 Media CAD 1,377 Toronto-Dominion Bank 79 0.47 EUR 28 Telenet Group Holding NV 1 0.01 Chemicals Pharmaceuticals CAD 13 Methanex Corp 1 0.01 EUR 27 UCB SA 2 0.01 CAD 130 Nutrien Ltd 6 0.03 Telecommunications Computers EUR 52 Proximus SADP 2 0.01 CAD 52 CGI Inc 4 0.02 Total Belgium 63 0.38 Diversified financial services CAD 369 Brookfield Asset Management Inc 21 0.12 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.45%) CAD 18 Onex Corp 1 0.01 Agriculture Electricity USD 151 Bunge Ltd 8 0.05 CAD 27 Canadian Utilities Ltd 1 0.00 Chemicals CAD 70 Hydro One Ltd 1 0.01 USD 274 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 8 0.05 Engineering & construction Commercial services CAD 133 WSP Global Inc 9 0.05 USD 501 IHS Markit Ltd 36 0.21 Entertainment Diversified financial services CAD 127 Stars Group Inc 3 0.02 USD 423 Invesco Ltd 7 0.04 Environmental control Food USD 70 Waste Connections Inc 6 0.04 USD 100 Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd 1 0.01 Food Insurance CAD 103 Empire Co Ltd 3 0.02 USD 43 Arch Capital Group Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 99 George Weston Ltd 8 0.05 USD 36 Athene Holding Ltd 1 0.01 CAD 240 Loblaw Cos Ltd 13 0.08 USD 1 Everest Re Group Ltd - 0.00 CAD 310 Metro Inc 14 0.08 USD 9 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 49 Saputo Inc 1 0.00 Leisure time Forest products & paper USD 46 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 12 West Fraser Timber Co Ltd 1 0.01 Real estate investment & services Household goods & home construction HKD 500 Kerry Properties Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 200 Cronos Group Inc 1 0.01 Semiconductors Insurance USD 66 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 6 Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 3 0.02 Total Bermuda 71 0.42 CAD 64 Great-West Lifeco Inc 1 0.00 CAD 61 iA Financial Corp Inc 3 0.02 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) CAD 30 Intact Financial Corp 3 0.02 Apparel retailers CAD 421 Manulife Financial Corp 8 0.04 USD 46 Capri Holdings Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 76 Power Corp of Canada 2 0.01 Total British Virgin Islands 2 0.01 CAD 120 Power Financial Corp 3 0.02 CAD 762 Sun Life Financial Inc 35 0.21 Canada (31 May 2019: 3.85%) Internet Aerospace & defence CAD 19 Shopify Inc 6 0.04 CAD 157 Bombardier Inc - 0.00 Media CAD 340 CAE Inc 9 0.05 CAD 63 Quebecor Inc 2 0.01 CAD 99 Shaw Communications Inc 2 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.15%) (cont) Canada (31 May 2019: 3.85%) (cont) Food Media (cont) HKD 3,500 WH Group Ltd 4 0.02 CAD 42 Thomson Reuters Corp 3 0.02 Holding companies - diversified operations Mining HKD 500 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd 5 0.03 CAD 81 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 5 0.03 Hotels CAD 85 Cameco Corp 1 0.01 HKD 2,800 Sands China Ltd 13 0.08 CAD 292 First Quantum Minerals Ltd 3 0.02 Real estate investment & services CAD 235 Franco-Nevada Corp 23 0.14 HKD 500 CK Asset Holdings Ltd 3 0.02 CAD 265 Kinross Gold Corp 1 0.00 Total Cayman Islands 29 0.17 CAD 43 Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 2 0.01 CAD 844 Lundin Mining Corp 4 0.02 Curacao (31 May 2019: 0.07%) CAD 651 Teck Resources Ltd 10 0.06 Oil & gas services CAD 94 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 3 0.02 USD 294 Schlumberger Ltd 11 0.07 Oil & gas Total Curacao 11 0.07 CAD 891 Encana Corp 4 0.03 CAD 199 PrairieSky Royalty Ltd 2 0.01 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.45%) Packaging & containers Banks CAD 31 CCL Industries Inc 1 0.01 DKK 153 Danske Bank A/S 2 0.01 Pharmaceuticals Beverages CAD 150 Aurora Cannabis Inc - 0.00 DKK 22 Carlsberg A/S 3 0.02 CAD 67 Bausch Health Cos Inc 2 0.01 Biotechnology CAD 40 Canopy Growth Corp 1 0.01 DKK 13 Genmab A/S 3 0.02 Pipelines Chemicals CAD 312 AltaGas Ltd 5 0.03 DKK 157 Novozymes A/S 7 0.04 CAD 540 Enbridge Inc 20 0.12 Commercial services CAD 85 Inter Pipeline Ltd 1 0.01 DKK 49 ISS A/S 1 0.01 CAD 43 Keyera Corp 1 0.00 Electricity CAD 108 Pembina Pipeline Corp 4 0.02 DKK 237 Orsted A/S 22 0.13 CAD 195 TC Energy Corp 10 0.06 Energy - alternate sources Real estate investment trusts DKK 103 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 10 0.06 CAD 228 First Capital Realty Inc 4 0.03 Food CAD 31 RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.00 DKK 21 Chr Hansen Holding A/S 2 0.01 CAD 81 SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust 2 0.01 Healthcare products Retail DKK 25 Coloplast A/S 3 0.02 CAD 18 Dollarama Inc 1 0.00 DKK 45 Demant A/S 1 0.00 CAD 49 Restaurant Brands International Inc 3 0.02 Insurance Software DKK 25 Tryg A/S 1 0.01 CAD 109 BlackBerry Ltd 1 0.01 Marine transportation CAD 4 Constellation Software Inc 4 0.02 DKK 1 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 1 0.01 CAD 57 Open Text Corp 2 0.01 Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications DKK 1,309 Novo Nordisk A/S 74 0.44 CAD 31 BCE Inc 2 0.01 Retail CAD 453 Rogers Communications Inc 22 0.13 DKK 144 Pandora A/S 6 0.03 CAD 167 TELUS Corp 6 0.04 Transportation Transportation DKK 1 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 2 0.01 CAD 154 Canadian National Railway Co 14 0.08 DKK 39 DSV PANALPINA A/S 4 0.02 CAD 30 Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd 7 0.04 Total Denmark 142 0.84 Total Canada 631 3.75 Finland (31 May 2019: 0.47%) Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.15%) Auto parts & equipment Biotechnology EUR 52 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 1 0.01 USD 19 BeiGene Ltd (ADR) 4 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 3.81%) (cont) Finland (31 May 2019: 0.47%) (cont) Commercial services (cont) Banks EUR 51 Edenred 3 0.02 SEK 655 Nordea Bank Abp 5 0.03 Computers Electricity EUR 132 Atos SE 11 0.06 EUR 94 Fortum Oyj 2 0.01 EUR 33 Capgemini SE 4 0.02 Forest products & paper EUR 31 Ingenico Group SA 3 0.02 EUR 112 Stora Enso Oyj 2 0.01 EUR 75 Teleperformance 18 0.11 EUR 568 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 19 0.11 Cosmetics & personal care Insurance EUR 198 L'Oreal SA 57 0.34 EUR 94 Sampo Oyj 4 0.02 Diversified financial services Machinery - diversified EUR 12 Amundi SA 1 0.01 EUR 73 Kone Oyj 4 0.02 EUR 10 Eurazeo SE 1 0.00 EUR 178 Metso Oyj 7 0.04 Electrical components & equipment Oil & gas EUR 55 Legrand SA 4 0.02 EUR 535 Neste Oyj 18 0.11 EUR 651 Schneider Electric SE 63 0.38 Pharmaceuticals Electricity EUR 22 Orion Oyj 1 0.01 EUR 127 Electricite de France SA 1 0.01 Semiconductors EUR 382 Engie SA 6 0.03 EUR 567 Wartsila Oyj Abp 6 0.04 Engineering & construction Telecommunications EUR 6 Aeroports de Paris 1 0.01 EUR 31 Elisa Oyj 1 0.00 EUR 58 Bouygues SA 2 0.01 EUR 3,614 Nokia Oyj 13 0.08 EUR 16 Eiffage SA 2 0.01 Total Finland 83 0.49 EUR 108 Vinci SA 12 0.07 Food France (31 May 2019: 3.81%) EUR 763 Carrefour SA 13 0.08 Advertising EUR 70 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 3 0.02 EUR 96 JCDecaux SA 3 0.02 EUR 765 Danone SA 63 0.37 EUR 45 Publicis Groupe SA 2 0.01 Food Service Apparel retailers EUR 18 Sodexo SA 2 0.01 EUR 6 Hermes International 5 0.03 Healthcare products EUR 24 Kering SA 14 0.08 EUR 60 EssilorLuxottica SA 10 0.06 EUR 58 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 26 0.16 EUR 1 Sartorius Stedim Biotech - 0.00 Auto manufacturers Healthcare services EUR 123 Peugeot SA 3 0.02 EUR 9 BioMerieux 1 0.01 EUR 40 Renault SA 2 0.01 Home furnishings Auto parts & equipment EUR 10 SEB SA 2 0.01 EUR 36 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 4 0.02 Hotels EUR 304 Valeo SA 12 0.07 EUR 39 Accor SA 2 0.01 Banks Insurance EUR 235 BNP Paribas SA 13 0.08 EUR 2,416 AXA SA 66 0.39 EUR 244 Credit Agricole SA 4 0.02 EUR 219 CNP Assurances 4 0.03 EUR 1,207 Natixis SA 5 0.03 EUR 34 SCOR SE 2 0.01 EUR 163 Societe Generale SA 5 0.03 Investment services Beverages EUR 6 Wendel SA 1 0.01 EUR 60 Pernod Ricard SA 11 0.07 Media Building materials and fixtures EUR 330 Bollore SA 1 0.01 EUR 106 Cie de Saint-Gobain 4 0.02 EUR 220 Vivendi SA 6 0.03 Chemicals Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 100 Air Liquide SA 14 0.08 EUR 33 Alstom SA 1 0.01 EUR 15 Arkema SA 1 0.01 Oil & gas Commercial services EUR 780 TOTAL SA 41 0.24 EUR 118 Bureau Veritas SA 3 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 3.14%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 3.81%) (cont) Electricity Pharmaceuticals EUR 736 E.ON SE 8 0.05 EUR 7 Ipsen SA 1 0.01 EUR 42 Uniper SE 1 0.00 EUR 240 Sanofi 22 0.13 Electronics Real estate investment trusts EUR 7 Sartorius AG 2 0.01 EUR 9 Covivio 1 0.01 Food EUR 39 Gecina SA 7 0.04 EUR 231 METRO AG 4 0.02 EUR 18 ICADE 2 0.01 Healthcare products EUR 43 Klepierre SA 1 0.01 EUR 31 Siemens Healthineers AG 2 0.01 EUR 175 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 27 0.16 Healthcare services Software EUR 45 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 3 0.02 EUR 27 Dassault Systemes SE 4 0.02 EUR 90 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 5 0.03 EUR 16 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 1 0.01 Household goods & home construction EUR 16 Worldline SA 1 0.01 EUR 22 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 2 0.01 Telecommunications EUR 54 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 6 0.04 EUR 2,493 Orange SA 41 0.24 Insurance Transportation EUR 418 Allianz SE 100 0.59 EUR 555 Getlink SE 9 0.05 EUR 12 Hannover Rueck SE 2 0.01 Total France 655 3.90 EUR 37 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Muenchen 11 0.07 Germany (31 May 2019: 3.14%) Internet Aerospace & defence EUR 36 Delivery Hero SE 2 0.01 EUR 67 MTU Aero Engines AG 18 0.11 EUR 42 United Internet AG 1 0.01 Airlines Iron & steel EUR 49 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 1 0.01 EUR 93 thyssenkrupp AG 1 0.01 Apparel retailers Media EUR 84 adidas AG 26 0.15 EUR 24 Axel Springer SE 2 0.01 EUR 105 Puma SE 8 0.05 Miscellaneous manufacturers Auto manufacturers EUR 13 Knorr-Bremse AG 1 0.01 EUR 70 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 5 0.03 EUR 702 Siemens AG 91 0.54 EUR 12 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 1 0.01 Pharmaceuticals EUR 195 Daimler AG 11 0.06 EUR 165 Merck KGaA 19 0.11 Auto parts & equipment Real estate investment & services EUR 22 Continental AG 3 0.02 EUR 76 Deutsche Wohnen SE 3 0.02 Banks EUR 105 Vonovia SE 5 0.03 EUR 214 Commerzbank AG 1 0.00 Retail EUR 417 Deutsche Bank AG 3 0.02 EUR 37 Zalando SE 2 0.01 Building materials and fixtures Semiconductors EUR 31 HeidelbergCement AG 2 0.01 EUR 241 Infineon Technologies AG 5 0.03 Chemicals Software EUR 198 BASF SE 15 0.09 EUR 543 SAP SE 74 0.44 EUR 33 Brenntag AG 2 0.01 Telecommunications EUR 40 Covestro AG 2 0.01 EUR 10 1&1 Drillisch AG - 0.00 EUR 34 Evonik Industries AG 1 0.01 EUR 711 Deutsche Telekom AG 12 0.07 EUR 18 LANXESS AG 1 0.01 EUR 531 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 2 0.01 EUR 25 Symrise AG 2 0.01 Transportation Commercial services EUR 208 Deutsche Post AG 8 0.05 EUR 24 Wirecard AG 3 0.02 Total Germany 518 3.08 Cosmetics & personal care EUR 21 Beiersdorf AG 2 0.01 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.89%) Diversified financial services Banks EUR 238 Deutsche Boerse AG 37 0.22 HKD 800 Bank of East Asia Ltd 2 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.45%) (cont) Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.89%) (cont) Miscellaneous manufacturers Banks (cont) USD 93 Eaton Corp Plc 9 0.06 HKD 5,000 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 17 0.10 USD 301 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 39 0.23 HKD 1,000 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 20 0.12 Oil & gas Diversified financial services GBP 126 DCC Plc 11 0.07 HKD 700 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 22 0.13 Pharmaceuticals Gas USD 58 Allergan Plc 11 0.06 HKD 2,100 Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 4 0.02 USD 39 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 6 0.04 Holding companies - diversified operations USD 78 Perrigo Co Plc 4 0.02 HKD 500 Swire Pacific Ltd 5 0.03 Total Ireland 408 2.43 Insurance HKD 2,600 AIA Group Ltd 26 0.16 Isle of Man (31 May 2019: Nil) Real estate investment & services Entertainment HKD 3,000 New World Development Co Ltd 4 0.02 GBP 196 GVC Holdings Plc 2 0.01 HKD 500 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 7 0.04 Total Isle of Man 2 0.01 HKD 1,800 Swire Properties Ltd 6 0.04 Real estate investment trusts Israel (31 May 2019: 0.16%) HKD 500 Link REIT 5 0.03 Banks Telecommunications ILS 1,363 Bank Hapoalim BM 11 0.06 HKD 1,000 HKT Trust & HKT Ltd 1 0.01 ILS 318 Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 2 0.01 HKD 3,000 PCCW Ltd 2 0.01 ILS 400 Israel Discount Bank Ltd 2 0.01 Transportation ILS 30 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 1 0.01 HKD 2,000 MTR Corp Ltd 11 0.07 Chemicals Total Hong Kong 132 0.79 ILS 150 Israel Chemicals Ltd 1 0.01 Computers Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.45%) USD 25 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 3 0.02 Banks Internet EUR 172 AIB Group Plc 1 0.01 USD 52 Ltd 6 0.04 EUR 207 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 1 0.00 Pharmaceuticals Building materials and fixtures ILS 228 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 2 0.01 EUR 1,017 CRH Plc 39 0.23 Real estate investment & services AUD 94 James Hardie Industries Plc 2 0.01 ILS 25 Azrieli Group Ltd 2 0.01 USD 999 Johnson Controls International Plc 43 0.26 Telecommunications EUR 25 Kingspan Group Plc 1 0.01 ILS 13 Nice Ltd 2 0.01 Chemicals Total Israel 32 0.19 USD 117 Linde Plc 24 0.14 Computers Italy (31 May 2019: 0.45%) USD 776 Accenture Plc 156 0.93 Apparel retailers USD 57 Seagate Technology Plc 3 0.02 EUR 34 Moncler SpA 2 0.01 Electronics Banks USD 121 Allegion Plc 14 0.08 EUR 19,011 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 48 0.28 Entertainment EUR 132 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 2 0.01 EUR 16 Flutter Entertainment Plc 2 0.01 EUR 427 UniCredit SpA 6 0.04 Food Beverages EUR 33 Kerry Group Plc 4 0.02 EUR 154 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 1 0.01 Forest products & paper Electrical components & equipment EUR 48 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 2 0.01 EUR 90 Prysmian SpA 2 0.01 Healthcare products Electricity USD 268 Medtronic Plc 30 0.18 EUR 298 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 2 0.01 USD 18 STERIS Plc 3 0.02 Gas Insurance EUR 480 Snam SpA 2 0.01 USD 18 Willis Towers Watson Plc 3 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 6.95%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 0.45%) (cont) Beverages (cont) Insurance JPY 100 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 4 0.02 EUR 250 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 5 0.03 Building materials and fixtures Oil & gas JPY 100 Daikin Industries Ltd 14 0.08 EUR 541 Eni SpA 8 0.05 JPY 100 LIXIL Group Corp 2 0.01 Pharmaceuticals Chemicals EUR 22 Recordati SpA 1 0.01 JPY 100 Air Water Inc 2 0.01 Telecommunications JPY 1,600 Asahi Kasei Corp 18 0.11 EUR 3,061 Telecom Italia SpA 2 0.01 JPY 100 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 4 0.02 EUR 3,252 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 2 0.01 JPY 100 JSR Corp 2 0.01 Transportation JPY 300 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 7 0.04 EUR 111 Poste Italiane SpA 1 0.01 JPY 100 Kuraray Co Ltd 1 0.01 Total Italy 84 0.50 JPY 300 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp 2 0.01 JPY 100 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc 2 0.01 Japan (31 May 2019: 6.95%) JPY 200 Nitto Denko Corp 11 0.06 Advertising JPY 100 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 11 0.07 JPY 100 Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc 2 0.01 JPY 1,900 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 9 0.05 Aerospace & defence JPY 100 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp 2 0.01 JPY 300 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd 7 0.04 JPY 2,000 Toray Industries Inc 13 0.08 Auto manufacturers JPY 100 Tosoh Corp 1 0.01 JPY 100 Hino Motors Ltd 1 0.01 Commercial services JPY 1,200 Honda Motor Co Ltd 34 0.20 JPY 100 Benesse Holdings Inc 2 0.01 JPY 100 Isuzu Motors Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 100 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 3 0.02 JPY 100 Mazda Motor Corp 1 0.01 JPY 100 Persol Holdings Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 100 Mitsubishi Motors Corp - 0.00 JPY 300 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 11 0.07 JPY 900 Nissan Motor Co Ltd 6 0.03 JPY 100 Toppan Printing Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 100 Subaru Corp 3 0.02 Computers JPY 100 Suzuki Motor Corp 4 0.02 JPY 100 Fujitsu Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 500 Toyota Motor Corp 35 0.21 JPY 100 NEC Corp 4 0.03 Auto parts & equipment JPY 400 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 100 Bridgestone Corp 4 0.02 JPY 100 NTT Data Corp 1 0.01 JPY 100 Denso Corp 4 0.02 Cosmetics & personal care JPY 100 JTEKT Corp 1 0.01 JPY 100 Kao Corp 8 0.05 JPY 300 NGK Insulators Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 100 Shiseido Co Ltd 7 0.04 JPY 200 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 6 0.04 JPY 100 Unicharm Corp 3 0.02 JPY 100 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 2 0.01 Distribution & wholesale JPY 100 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 300 ITOCHU Corp 7 0.04 Banks JPY 300 Marubeni Corp 2 0.01 JPY 100 Chiba Bank Ltd - 0.00 JPY 300 Mitsubishi Corp 8 0.05 JPY 800 Concordia Financial Group Ltd 3 0.02 JPY 300 Mitsui & Co Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 100 Japan Post Bank Co Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 300 Sumitomo Corp 5 0.03 JPY 3,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 16 0.09 JPY 100 Toyota Tsusho Corp 3 0.02 JPY 10,600 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 16 0.09 Diversified financial services JPY 2,600 Resona Holdings Inc 11 0.07 JPY 100 Acom Co Ltd - 0.00 JPY 900 Seven Bank Ltd 3 0.02 JPY 100 Credit Saison Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 100 Shinsei Bank Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 300 Daiwa Securities Group Inc 1 0.01 JPY 100 Shizuoka Bank Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 100 Japan Exchange Group Inc 2 0.01 JPY 300 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 11 0.06 JPY 1,100 Mebuki Financial Group Inc 3 0.02 JPY 400 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 15 0.09 JPY 100 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co Ltd 1 0.01 Beverages JPY 700 Nomura Holdings Inc 4 0.02 JPY 100 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd 5 0.03 JPY 800 ORIX Corp 13 0.08 JPY 300 Kirin Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.04 JPY 100 SBI Holdings Inc 2 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 6.95%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 6.95%) (cont) Iron & steel Electrical components & equipment JPY 300 Hitachi Metals Ltd 4 0.02 JPY 100 Casio Computer Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 600 JFE Holdings Inc 8 0.05 Electronics JPY 300 Nippon Steel Corp 4 0.02 JPY 100 Hoya Corp 9 0.05 Leisure time JPY 100 Kyocera Corp 7 0.04 JPY 200 Yamaha Corp 11 0.07 JPY 100 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc 2 0.01 JPY 100 Yamaha Motor Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 200 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 11 0.07 Machinery - diversified JPY 200 Omron Corp 12 0.07 JPY 100 Daifuku Co Ltd 6 0.04 Engineering & construction JPY 100 Keyence Corp 34 0.20 JPY 100 JGC Holdings Corp 2 0.01 JPY 400 Kubota Corp 6 0.03 JPY 100 Kajima Corp 1 0.01 JPY 100 Nabtesco Corp 3 0.02 JPY 300 Obayashi Corp 3 0.02 JPY 100 Yaskawa Electric Corp 4 0.02 JPY 700 Shimizu Corp 7 0.04 Machinery, construction & mining Entertainment JPY 200 Hitachi Ltd 8 0.05 JPY 100 Sega Sammy Holdings Inc 1 0.01 JPY 700 Komatsu Ltd 16 0.09 Food JPY 400 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 6 0.04 JPY 900 Aeon Co Ltd 18 0.11 JPY 100 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 4 0.02 JPY 100 Ajinomoto Co Inc 2 0.01 Marine transportation JPY 100 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 300 Nippon Yusen KK 5 0.03 Forest products & paper Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 600 Oji Holdings Corp 3 0.02 JPY 100 MISUMI Group Inc 2 0.01 Gas JPY 100 NSK Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 400 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 8 0.05 Mining JPY 500 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 12 0.07 JPY 300 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 9 0.05 Hand & machine tools Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 100 Amada Holdings Co Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 100 Nikon Corp 1 0.01 Healthcare products JPY 100 Toshiba Corp 4 0.02 JPY 300 Olympus Corp 4 0.02 Office & business equipment JPY 100 Shimadzu Corp 3 0.02 JPY 200 Canon Inc 5 0.03 JPY 100 Sysmex Corp 7 0.04 JPY 100 FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 5 0.03 JPY 100 Terumo Corp 4 0.03 JPY 100 Konica Minolta Inc 1 0.01 Home builders JPY 100 Ricoh Co Ltd 1 0.00 JPY 700 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 21 0.13 JPY 100 Seiko Epson Corp 1 0.01 JPY 400 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 7 0.04 Oil & gas JPY 400 Sekisui House Ltd 9 0.05 JPY 1,300 Inpex Corp 13 0.08 Home furnishings JPY 4,000 JXTG Holdings Inc 18 0.10 JPY 2,800 Panasonic Corp 26 0.16 Pharmaceuticals JPY 100 Sharp Corp 2 0.01 JPY 1,400 Astellas Pharma Inc 24 0.14 JPY 700 Sony Corp 44 0.26 JPY 100 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 9 0.05 Insurance JPY 300 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 19 0.11 JPY 300 Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 5 0.03 JPY 300 Eisai Co Ltd 22 0.13 JPY 300 Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 3 0.02 JPY 100 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 2 0.01 JPY 600 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc 19 0.11 JPY 200 Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4 0.03 JPY 400 Sompo Holdings Inc 16 0.09 JPY 100 Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd 4 0.03 JPY 100 T&D Holdings Inc 1 0.01 JPY 100 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 100 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 5 0.03 JPY 300 Shionogi & Co Ltd 18 0.11 Internet JPY 200 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd 4 0.02 JPY 100 CyberAgent Inc 3 0.02 JPY 600 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 24 0.14 JPY 100 M3 Inc 3 0.01 Real estate investment & services JPY 300 Rakuten Inc 3 0.02 JPY 100 Aeon Mall Co Ltd 2 0.01 JPY 600 Z Holdings Corp 2 0.01 JPY 100 Hulic Co Ltd 1 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.37%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 6.95%) (cont) Distribution & wholesale Real estate investment & services (cont) GBP 295 Ferguson Plc 26 0.15 JPY 300 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 5 0.03 Mining JPY 200 Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd 5 0.03 GBP 2,395 Glencore Plc 8 0.05 JPY 100 Sumitomo Realty & Development Co Ltd 3 0.02 Total Jersey 80 0.48 JPY 100 Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp 1 0.00 Real estate investment trusts Liberia (31 May 2019: 0.03%) JPY 1 Nippon Building Fund Inc 8 0.05 Leisure time Retail USD 34 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 4 0.02 JPY 100 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd 1 0.00 Total Liberia 4 0.02 JPY 100 J Front Retailing Co Ltd 1 0.01 JPY 100 Marui Group Co Ltd 2 0.01 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.08%) JPY 200 Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 3 0.02 Healthcare services JPY 100 Yamada Denki Co Ltd 1 0.01 EUR 3 Eurofins Scientific SE 2 0.01 Semiconductors Iron & steel JPY 100 Advantest Corp 5 0.03 EUR 141 ArcelorMittal SA 2 0.01 JPY 100 Renesas Electronics Corp 1 0.01 Real estate investment & services JPY 100 SUMCO Corp 1 0.01 EUR 166 Aroundtown SA 1 0.01 JPY 100 Tokyo Electron Ltd 21 0.12 Telecommunications Software SEK 82 Millicom International Cellular SA 4 0.02 JPY 100 Nexon Co Ltd 1 0.01 EUR 77 SES SA 1 0.01 Telecommunications Total Luxembourg 10 0.06 JPY 1,600 KDDI Corp 46 0.27 JPY 200 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 10 0.06 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.33%) JPY 1,700 NTT DOCOMO Inc 47 0.28 Auto manufacturers JPY 300 Softbank Corp 4 0.03 EUR 25 Ferrari NV 4 0.02 JPY 400 SoftBank Group Corp 15 0.09 EUR 231 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 4 0.03 Textile Banks JPY 300 Teijin Ltd 6 0.04 EUR 90 ABN AMRO Bank NV 2 0.01 Transportation EUR 813 ING Groep NV 9 0.06 JPY 100 Central Japan Railway Co 20 0.12 Beverages JPY 400 East Japan Railway Co 37 0.22 EUR 24 Heineken Holding NV 2 0.01 JPY 300 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 13 0.08 EUR 54 Heineken NV 6 0.04 JPY 100 Keikyu Corp 2 0.01 Chemicals JPY 100 Keio Corp 6 0.03 EUR 286 Akzo Nobel NV 27 0.16 JPY 200 Kyushu Railway Co 7 0.04 EUR 120 Koninklijke DSM NV 15 0.09 JPY 100 Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd 3 0.02 USD 49 LyondellBasell Industries NV 5 0.03 JPY 100 Nippon Express Co Ltd 6 0.04 Commercial services JPY 400 Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd 10 0.06 EUR 1 Adyen NV 1 0.01 JPY 100 Seibu Holdings Inc 2 0.01 EUR 25 Randstad NV 1 0.00 JPY 600 Tokyu Corp 12 0.07 Cosmetics & personal care JPY 200 West Japan Railway Co 17 0.10 EUR 303 Unilever NV 18 0.11 JPY 100 Yamato Holdings Co Ltd 2 0.01 Diversified financial services Total Japan 1,363 8.11 USD 34 AerCap Holdings NV 2 0.01 Food Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.37%) EUR 252 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 6 0.04 Advertising Healthcare products GBP 1,612 WPP Plc 21 0.13 EUR 198 Koninklijke Philips NV 9 0.06 Auto parts & equipment EUR 48 QIAGEN NV 2 0.01 USD 208 Aptiv Plc 19 0.11 Insurance Commercial services EUR 374 Aegon NV 2 0.01 GBP 195 Experian Plc 6 0.04 EUR 66 NN Group NV 2 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Norway (31 May 2019: 0.46%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.33%) (cont) Telecommunications Internet NOK 940 Telenor ASA 17 0.10 EUR 98 Prosus NV 7 0.04 Total Norway 67 0.40 Investment services EUR 22 EXOR NV 2 0.01 Panama (31 May 2019: 0.03%) Machinery - diversified Leisure time EUR 1,138 CNH Industrial NV 12 0.07 USD 91 Carnival Corp 4 0.02 Media Total Panama 4 0.02 EUR 79 Wolters Kluwer NV 6 0.04 Pharmaceuticals Papua New Guinea (31 May 2019: 0.01%) USD 109 Mylan NV 2 0.01 Oil & gas Pipelines AUD 291 Oil Search Ltd 1 0.01 EUR 90 Koninklijke Vopak NV 5 0.03 Total Papua New Guinea 1 0.01 Semiconductors EUR 264 ASML Holding NV 72 0.43 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.07%) USD 58 NXP Semiconductors NV 7 0.04 Food EUR 175 STMicroelectronics NV 4 0.02 EUR 94 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 2 0.01 Telecommunications Oil & gas EUR 1,239 Koninklijke KPN NV 4 0.02 EUR 640 Galp Energia SGPS SA 10 0.06 Total Netherlands 238 1.42 Total Portugal 12 0.07

New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.08%) Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.50%) Building materials and fixtures Airlines NZD 1,071 Fletcher Building Ltd 3 0.02 SGD 100 Singapore Airlines Ltd 1 0.01 Electricity Banks NZD 268 Meridian Energy Ltd 1 0.01 SGD 1,800 DBS Group Holdings Ltd 33 0.20 Engineering & construction SGD 400 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd 3 0.02 NZD 1,234 Auckland International Airport Ltd 7 0.04 SGD 100 United Overseas Bank Ltd 2 0.01 Food Diversified financial services NZD 313 a2 Milk Co Ltd 3 0.02 SGD 100 Singapore Exchange Ltd 1 0.01 Healthcare products Electronics NZD 121 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd 2 0.01 USD 268 Flex Ltd 3 0.02 Telecommunications SGD 100 Venture Corp Ltd 1 0.00 NZD 598 Spark New Zealand Ltd 2 0.01 Engineering & construction Total New Zealand 18 0.11 SGD 1,800 Keppel Corp Ltd 9 0.05 SGD 400 SATS Ltd 1 0.00 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.46%) SGD 300 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd 1 0.01 Banks Entertainment NOK 205 DNB ASA 4 0.02 SGD 1,600 Genting Singapore Ltd 1 0.01 Chemicals Food NOK 37 Yara International ASA 1 0.01 SGD 1,300 Wilmar International Ltd 4 0.02 Food Hotels NOK 94 Mowi ASA 2 0.01 SGD 400 City Developments Ltd 3 0.02 NOK 1,041 Orkla ASA 10 0.06 Real estate investment & services Insurance SGD 3,300 CapitaLand Ltd 9 0.05 NOK 42 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 1 0.01 SGD 100 UOL Group Ltd 1 0.01 Media Real estate investment trusts NOK 99 Schibsted ASA 3 0.02 SGD 696 Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust 2 0.01 Mining SGD 1,000 CapitaLand Commercial Trust 1 0.00 NOK 1,571 Norsk Hydro ASA 6 0.03 SGD 600 CapitaLand Mall Trust 1 0.01 Oil & gas Semiconductors NOK 1,257 Equinor ASA 23 0.14 SGD 1,500 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd 1 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.08%) (cont) Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.50%) (cont) Commercial services Transportation SEK 90 Securitas AB 2 0.01 SGD 1,000 ComfortDelGro Corp Ltd 2 0.01 Cosmetics & personal care Total Singapore 80 0.48 SEK 774 Essity AB 24 0.14 Electronics Slovenia (31 May 2019: Nil) SEK 214 Assa Abloy AB 5 0.03 Telecommunications Engineering & construction SGD 1,600 Singapore Telecommunications 4 0.02 SEK 427 Skanska AB 9 0.06 Total Slovenia 4 0.02 Food SEK 103 ICA Gruppen AB 5 0.03 Spain (31 May 2019: 1.36%) Home furnishings Banks SEK 43 Electrolux AB 1 0.01 EUR 8,517 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 45 0.27 Investment services EUR 1,198 Banco de Sabadell SA 1 0.00 SEK 34 Industrivarden AB 1 0.00 EUR 3,456 Banco Santander SA 13 0.08 SEK 97 Investor AB 5 0.03 EUR 262 Bankia SA 1 0.01 SEK 51 Kinnevik AB 1 0.01 EUR 144 Bankinter SA 1 0.00 SEK 51 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) - 0.00 EUR 763 CaixaBank SA 2 0.01 SEK 16 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 1 0.01 Commercial services Machinery - diversified EUR 94 Amadeus IT Group SA 7 0.04 SEK 142 Atlas Copco AB 5 0.03 Electricity SEK 84 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 3 0.02 EUR 6,591 Iberdrola SA 65 0.39 SEK 49 Hexagon AB 3 0.02 EUR 364 Red Electrica Corp SA 7 0.04 SEK 178 Husqvarna AB 1 0.00 Energy - alternate sources Machinery, construction & mining EUR 96 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA 2 0.01 SEK 139 Epiroc AB 1 0.01 Engineering & construction SEK 165 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 2 0.01 EUR 55 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 2 0.01 SEK 598 Sandvik AB 11 0.06 EUR 13 Aena SME SA 3 0.02 Metal fabricate/ hardware EUR 55 Cellnex Telecom SA 2 0.01 SEK 81 SKF AB 2 0.01 EUR 1 Ferrovial SA - 0.00 Mining EUR 106 Ferrovial SA (voting) 3 0.02 SEK 283 Boliden AB 7 0.04 Gas Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 376 Naturgy Energy Group SA 10 0.06 SEK 61 Alfa Laval AB 2 0.01 Insurance Oil & gas EUR 229 Mapfre SA 1 0.01 SEK 39 Lundin Petroleum AB 1 0.01 Oil & gas Retail EUR 677 Repsol SA 11 0.06 SEK 633 Hennes & Mauritz AB 12 0.07 Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications EUR 64 Grifols SA 2 0.01 SEK 630 Tele2 AB 9 0.05 Retail SEK 654 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 6 0.04 EUR 1,132 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 35 0.21 SEK 3,240 Telia Co AB 14 0.08 Telecommunications Total Sweden 170 1.01 EUR 994 Telefonica SA 8 0.05 Total Spain 221 1.31 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.19%) Banks Sweden (31 May 2019: 1.08%) CHF 546 Credit Suisse Group AG 7 0.04 Auto manufacturers CHF 4,366 UBS Group AG 53 0.32 SEK 334 Volvo AB 5 0.03 Beverages Banks GBP 261 Coca-Cola HBC AG 9 0.05 SEK 2,080 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 18 0.11 Building materials and fixtures SEK 1,137 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 11 0.06 CHF 18 Geberit AG 10 0.06 SEK 189 Swedbank AB 3 0.02 CHF 103 LafargeHolcim Ltd 5 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 5.33%) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.19%) (cont) Aerospace & defence Building materials and fixtures (cont) GBP 993 Meggitt Plc 8 0.05 CHF 27 Sika AG 5 0.03 GBP 361 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc 4 0.02 Chemicals GBP 16,606 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (Preference)* - 0.00 CHF 42 Clariant AG 1 0.00 Airlines CHF 3 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 2 0.01 GBP 204 easyJet Plc 4 0.02 CHF 12 Givaudan SA 35 0.21 Apparel retailers CHF 96 Lonza Group AG 33 0.20 GBP 519 Burberry Group Plc 14 0.08 Commercial services Banks CHF 33 Adecco Group AG 2 0.01 GBP 3,647 Barclays Plc 8 0.05 CHF 1 SGS SA 3 0.02 GBP 4,265 HSBC Holdings Plc 32 0.19 Diversified financial services GBP 15,148 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 12 0.07 CHF 46 Julius Baer Group Ltd 2 0.01 GBP 1,026 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 3 0.02 CHF 6 Partners Group Holding AG 5 0.03 GBP 1,885 Standard Chartered Plc 17 0.10 Electronics Beverages USD 24 Garmin Ltd 3 0.02 USD 298 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 15 0.09 USD 271 TE Connectivity Ltd 25 0.15 GBP 2,387 Diageo Plc 98 0.58 Food Chemicals CHF 1 Barry Callebaut AG 2 0.01 GBP 163 Croda International Plc 11 0.06 CHF 937 Nestle SA 97 0.58 GBP 222 Johnson Matthey Plc 8 0.05 Hand & machine tools Commercial services CHF 9 Schindler Holding AG 2 0.01 GBP 102 Ashtead Group Plc 3 0.02 Healthcare products GBP 45 Intertek Group Plc 3 0.02 CHF 351 Alcon Inc 19 0.11 USD 448 Nielsen Holdings Plc 9 0.05 CHF 12 Sonova Holding AG 3 0.02 GBP 2,434 RELX Plc 59 0.35 CHF 3 Straumann Holding AG 3 0.02 GBP 601 Rentokil Initial Plc 3 0.02 Insurance Cosmetics & personal care CHF 10 Baloise Holding AG 2 0.01 GBP 237 Unilever Plc 14 0.08 USD 99 Chubb Ltd 15 0.09 Distribution & wholesale CHF 7 Swiss Life Holding AG 3 0.02 GBP 72 Bunzl Plc 2 0.01 CHF 388 Swiss Re AG 42 0.25 Diversified financial services CHF 133 Zurich Insurance Group AG 52 0.31 GBP 258 3i Group Plc 4 0.03 Machinery, construction & mining GBP 60 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 1 0.01 CHF 310 ABB Ltd 7 0.04 GBP 105 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 9 0.05 Pharmaceuticals GBP 159 Schroders Plc 7 0.04 CHF 155 Roche Holding AG 48 0.29 GBP 112 St James's Place Plc 2 0.01 CHF 52 Vifor Pharma AG 9 0.05 GBP 532 Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 2 0.01 Real estate investment & services Electricity CHF 19 Swiss Prime Site AG 2 0.01 GBP 1,210 SSE Plc 20 0.12 Retail Electronics CHF 6 Swatch Group AG 2 0.01 USD 69 Sensata Technologies Holding Plc 4 0.02 CHF 4 Swatch Group AG (REGD) - 0.00 Food Software GBP 76 Associated British Foods Plc 3 0.02 CHF 12 Temenos AG 2 0.01 GBP 2,249 J Sainsbury Plc 6 0.04 Telecommunications GBP 112 Ocado Group Plc 2 0.01 CHF 33 Swisscom AG 17 0.10 GBP 2,873 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 7 0.04 Transportation Food Service CHF 69 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 11 0.07 GBP 337 Compass Group Plc 8 0.05 Total Switzerland 538 3.20 Forest products & paper GBP 469 Mondi Plc 10 0.06 Gas GBP 1,213 Centrica Plc 1 0.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 5.33%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 5.33%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts Gas (cont) GBP 1,170 British Land Co Plc 9 0.05 GBP 3,468 National Grid Plc 40 0.24 GBP 157 Land Securities Group Plc 2 0.01 Healthcare products GBP 1,386 Segro Plc 16 0.10 GBP 186 Smith & Nephew Plc 4 0.02 Retail Healthcare services GBP 2,723 Kingfisher Plc 7 0.04 GBP 22 NMC Health Plc 1 0.01 GBP 2,186 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 6 0.04 Home builders GBP 30 Next Plc 3 0.02 GBP 747 Barratt Developments Plc 6 0.04 Software GBP 154 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 9 0.05 GBP 73 Micro Focus International Plc 1 0.01 GBP 67 Persimmon Plc 2 0.01 GBP 229 Sage Group Plc 2 0.01 GBP 699 Taylor Wimpey Plc 2 0.01 Telecommunications Hotels GBP 7,472 BT Group Plc 18 0.11 GBP 36 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 3 0.02 GBP 13,459 Vodafone Group Plc 27 0.16 GBP 72 Whitbread Plc 4 0.02 Water Household goods & home construction GBP 49 Severn Trent Plc 1 0.01 GBP 142 Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc 11 0.07 GBP 154 United Utilities Group Plc 2 0.01 Insurance Total United Kingdom 822 4.89 GBP 43 Admiral Group Plc 1 0.01 USD 51 Aon Plc 11 0.06 United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) GBP 819 Aviva Plc 4 0.02 Advertising GBP 292 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 1 0.01 USD 88 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 2 0.01 GBP 1,269 Legal & General Group Plc 5 0.03 USD 40 Omnicom Group Inc 3 0.02 GBP 552 Prudential Plc 10 0.06 Aerospace & defence GBP 328 RSA Insurance Group Plc 2 0.01 USD 93 Arconic Inc 3 0.02 Internet USD 16 HEICO Corp 1 0.01 GBP 204 Auto Trader Group Plc 1 0.01 USD 231 L3Harris Technologies Inc 46 0.27 Investment services USD 354 Raytheon Co 77 0.46 GBP 1,033 Melrose Industries Plc 3 0.02 USD 56 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 5 0.03 Leisure time USD 26 Teledyne Technologies Inc 9 0.05 GBP 36 Carnival Plc 2 0.01 USD 10 TransDigm Group Inc 6 0.03 Machinery - diversified Agriculture GBP 15 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc 2 0.01 USD 120 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 5 0.03 GBP 52 Weir Group Plc 1 0.01 Airlines Media USD 36 Delta Air Lines Inc 2 0.01 GBP 1,140 Informa Plc 12 0.07 Apparel retailers GBP 4,628 ITV Plc 9 0.05 USD 514 Hanesbrands Inc 8 0.05 USD 159 Liberty Global Plc 4 0.02 USD 421 NIKE Inc 39 0.23 USD 299 Liberty Global Plc Class 'C' 6 0.04 USD 81 PVH Corp 8 0.05 GBP 537 Pearson Plc 4 0.03 USD 13 Ralph Lauren Corp 2 0.01 Mining USD 61 Tapestry Inc 2 0.01 GBP 504 Antofagasta Plc 6 0.04 USD 60 Under Armour Inc 1 0.00 GBP 408 Rio Tinto Plc 22 0.13 USD 67 Under Armour Inc (non-voting) 1 0.01 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 319 VF Corp 28 0.17 GBP 139 Smiths Group Plc 3 0.02 Auto manufacturers Oil & gas USD 789 Ford Motor Co 7 0.04 GBP 5,876 BP Plc 36 0.21 USD 269 General Motors Co 10 0.06 Oil & gas services USD 75 PACCAR Inc 6 0.04 USD 549 TechnipFMC Plc 10 0.06 USD 67 Tesla Inc 22 0.13 Pharmaceuticals Auto parts & equipment GBP 564 AstraZeneca Plc 54 0.32 USD 24 Autoliv Inc 2 0.01 GBP 1,056 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 24 0.14 USD 85 BorgWarner Inc 3 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) Building materials and fixtures (cont) Auto parts & equipment (cont) USD 16 Lennox International Inc 4 0.02 USD 14 Lear Corp 2 0.01 USD 13 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 4 0.03 Banks USD 66 Masco Corp 3 0.02 USD 1,910 Bank of America Corp 64 0.38 USD 139 Owens Corning 9 0.05 USD 643 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 31 0.19 USD 28 Vulcan Materials Co 4 0.02 USD 163 BB&T Corp 9 0.05 Chemicals USD 490 Citigroup Inc 37 0.22 USD 46 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 11 0.06 USD 54 Citizens Financial Group Inc 2 0.01 USD 22 Albemarle Corp 1 0.01 USD 207 Comerica Inc 14 0.08 USD 48 CF Industries Holdings Inc 2 0.01 USD 34 East West Bancorp Inc 1 0.01 USD 177 Dow Inc 9 0.05 USD 196 Fifth Third Bancorp 6 0.04 USD 271 DuPont de Nemours Inc 18 0.11 USD 49 First Republic Bank 5 0.03 USD 324 Ecolab Inc 60 0.36 USD 81 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 18 0.11 USD 28 FMC Corp 3 0.02 USD 109 Huntington Bancshares Inc 2 0.01 USD 127 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 18 0.11 USD 682 JPMorgan Chase & Co 90 0.54 USD 468 Mosaic Co 9 0.05 USD 1,265 KeyCorp 24 0.14 USD 100 PPG Industries Inc 13 0.08 USD 18 M&T Bank Corp 3 0.02 USD 18 Sherwin-Williams Co 11 0.06 USD 561 Morgan Stanley 28 0.17 Commercial services USD 268 Northern Trust Corp 29 0.17 USD 127 Automatic Data Processing Inc 22 0.13 USD 351 PNC Financial Services Group Inc~ 54 0.32 USD 19 Cintas Corp 5 0.03 USD 109 Regions Financial Corp 2 0.01 USD 10 CoStar Group Inc 6 0.04 USD 13 Signature Bank 2 0.01 USD 18 FleetCor Technologies Inc 5 0.03 USD 470 State Street Corp 35 0.21 USD 19 Gartner Inc 3 0.02 USD 96 SunTrust Banks Inc 7 0.04 USD 49 Global Payments Inc 9 0.05 USD 61 SVB Financial Group 14 0.08 USD 13 ManpowerGroup Inc 1 0.01 USD 327 US Bancorp 20 0.12 USD 3 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 1 0.01 USD 246 Zions Bancorp NA 12 0.07 USD 106 Moody's Corp 24 0.14 Beverages USD 285 PayPal Holdings Inc 31 0.18 USD 82 Brown-Forman Corp 5 0.03 USD 148 Robert Half International Inc 9 0.05 USD 1,435 Coca-Cola Co 77 0.46 USD 120 S&P Global Inc 32 0.19 USD 43 Constellation Brands Inc 8 0.05 USD 67 Square Inc 5 0.03 USD 213 Molson Coors Brewing Co 11 0.07 USD 39 TransUnion 3 0.02 USD 64 Monster Beverage Corp 4 0.02 USD 13 United Rentals Inc 2 0.01 USD 1,048 PepsiCo Inc 142 0.84 USD 33 Verisk Analytics Inc 5 0.03 Biotechnology Computers USD 60 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 7 0.04 USD 1,719 Apple Inc 460 2.74 USD 40 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 4 0.03 USD 124 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 8 0.05 USD 367 Amgen Inc 86 0.51 USD 115 Dell Technologies Inc 6 0.03 USD 66 Biogen Inc 20 0.12 USD 58 DXC Technology Co 2 0.01 USD 55 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 4 0.02 USD 19 EPAM Systems Inc 4 0.02 USD 379 Corteva Inc 10 0.06 USD 30 Fortinet Inc 3 0.02 USD 25 Exact Sciences Corp 2 0.01 USD 1,724 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 27 0.16 USD 1,235 Gilead Sciences Inc 83 0.49 USD 868 HP Inc 18 0.11 USD 31 Illumina Inc 10 0.06 USD 664 International Business Machines Corp 89 0.53 USD 55 Incyte Corp 5 0.03 USD 52 NetApp Inc 3 0.02 USD 27 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 2 0.01 USD 63 Western Digital Corp 3 0.02 USD 21 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 8 0.05 Cosmetics & personal care USD 24 Seattle Genetics Inc 3 0.02 USD 832 Colgate-Palmolive Co 56 0.33 USD 157 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 35 0.21 USD 63 Coty Inc 1 0.01 Building materials and fixtures USD 46 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 9 0.05 USD 169 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 11 0.07 USD 1,150 Procter & Gamble Co 140 0.83



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) Electronics (cont) Distribution & wholesale USD 319 Trimble Inc 13 0.08 USD 43 Copart Inc 4 0.02 USD 88 Waters Corp 20 0.12 USD 181 Fastenal Co 6 0.04 Entertainment USD 73 HD Supply Holdings Inc 3 0.02 USD 31 Live Nation Entertainment Inc 2 0.01 USD 69 LKQ Corp 2 0.01 USD 50 Vail Resorts Inc 12 0.07 USD 52 WW Grainger Inc 17 0.10 Environmental control Diversified financial services USD 48 Republic Services Inc 4 0.02 USD 453 Ally Financial Inc 14 0.08 USD 91 Waste Management Inc 11 0.07 USD 786 American Express Co 94 0.56 Food USD 30 Ameriprise Financial Inc 5 0.03 USD 226 Campbell Soup Co 10 0.06 USD 148 BlackRock Inc~ 73 0.43 USD 103 Conagra Brands Inc 3 0.02 USD 100 Capital One Financial Corp 10 0.06 USD 744 General Mills Inc 40 0.24 USD 10 Cboe Global Markets Inc 1 0.01 USD 42 Hershey Co 6 0.04 USD 258 Charles Schwab Corp 13 0.08 USD 102 Hormel Foods Corp 5 0.03 USD 76 CME Group Inc 15 0.09 USD 13 Ingredion Inc 1 0.01 USD 72 Discover Financial Services 6 0.04 USD 24 JM Smucker Co 2 0.01 USD 19 E*TRADE Financial Corp 1 0.01 USD 304 Kellogg Co 20 0.12 USD 39 Eaton Vance Corp 2 0.01 USD 184 Kraft Heinz Co 6 0.03 USD 337 Franklin Resources Inc 9 0.05 USD 616 Kroger Co 17 0.10 USD 121 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 11 0.06 USD 16 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 1 0.01 USD 85 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 2 0.01 USD 154 McCormick & Co Inc 26 0.15 USD 100 KKR & Co Inc 3 0.02 USD 280 Mondelez International Inc 15 0.09 USD 268 Mastercard Inc 78 0.46 USD 82 Sysco Corp 7 0.04 USD 40 Nasdaq Inc 4 0.02 USD 79 Tyson Foods Inc 7 0.04 USD 7 Raymond James Financial Inc 1 0.01 Food Service USD 138 Synchrony Financial 5 0.03 USD 52 Aramark 2 0.01 USD 297 T Rowe Price Group Inc 37 0.22 USD 24 Grubhub Inc 1 0.01 USD 88 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 5 0.03 Forest products & paper USD 534 Visa Inc 99 0.59 USD 82 International Paper Co 4 0.02 USD 94 Western Union Co 3 0.02 Gas Electrical components & equipment USD 24 Atmos Energy Corp 2 0.01 USD 40 Acuity Brands Inc 5 0.03 USD 36 UGI Corp 2 0.01 USD 49 AMETEK Inc 5 0.03 Hand & machine tools USD 133 Emerson Electric Co 10 0.06 USD 12 Snap-on Inc 2 0.01 Electricity USD 43 Stanley Black & Decker Inc 7 0.04 USD 106 CenterPoint Energy Inc 3 0.02 Healthcare products USD 420 Consolidated Edison Inc 36 0.21 USD 352 Abbott Laboratories 30 0.18 USD 70 Edison International 5 0.03 USD 15 ABIOMED Inc 3 0.02 USD 399 Eversource Energy 33 0.20 USD 43 Align Technology Inc 12 0.07 USD 1,236 Exelon Corp 55 0.33 USD 87 Baxter International Inc 7 0.04 USD 600 NextEra Energy Inc 140 0.83 USD 57 Becton Dickinson and Co 15 0.09 USD 202 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 12 0.07 USD 294 Boston Scientific Corp 13 0.08 USD 349 Sempra Energy 51 0.30 USD 15 Cooper Cos Inc 5 0.03 Electronics USD 133 Danaher Corp 19 0.11 USD 382 Agilent Technologies Inc 31 0.18 USD 158 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 9 0.05 USD 63 Amphenol Corp 7 0.04 USD 175 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 43 0.26 USD 57 FLIR Systems Inc 3 0.02 USD 171 Henry Schein Inc 12 0.07 USD 64 Fortive Corp 5 0.03 USD 61 Hologic Inc 3 0.02 USD 238 Keysight Technologies Inc 25 0.15 USD 108 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 27 0.16 USD 34 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 24 0.14 USD 24 Intuitive Surgical Inc 14 0.08 USD 22 PerkinElmer Inc 2 0.01 USD 180 ResMed Inc 27 0.16



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) Insurance (cont) Healthcare products (cont) USD 19 Fidelity National Financial Inc 1 0.01 USD 63 Stryker Corp 13 0.08 USD 40 Globe Life Inc 4 0.02 USD 15 Teleflex Inc 5 0.03 USD 46 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 3 0.02 USD 79 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 25 0.15 USD 45 Lincoln National Corp 2 0.01 USD 19 Varian Medical Systems Inc 2 0.01 USD 84 Loews Corp 4 0.03 USD 93 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 14 0.08 USD 4 Markel Corp 4 0.02 USD 43 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 6 0.04 USD 418 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 45 0.27 Healthcare services USD 178 MetLife Inc 9 0.05 USD 54 Anthem Inc 16 0.10 USD 31 Principal Financial Group Inc 2 0.01 USD 87 Centene Corp 5 0.03 USD 124 Progressive Corp 9 0.05 USD 108 DaVita Inc 8 0.05 USD 424 Prudential Financial Inc 40 0.24 USD 155 HCA Healthcare Inc 21 0.13 USD 7 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 1 0.01 USD 28 Humana Inc 9 0.05 USD 225 Travelers Cos Inc 31 0.19 USD 60 IQVIA Holdings Inc 9 0.05 USD 33 Voya Financial Inc 2 0.01 USD 21 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 4 0.02 USD 46 WR Berkley Corp 3 0.02 USD 157 Quest Diagnostics Inc 17 0.10 Internet USD 256 UnitedHealth Group Inc 72 0.43 USD 94 Alphabet Inc 123 0.73 USD 18 Universal Health Services Inc 2 0.01 USD 162 Alphabet Inc Class 'C' 211 1.26 USD 16 WellCare Health Plans Inc 5 0.03 USD 133 Inc 239 1.42 Home builders USD 10 Booking Holdings Inc 19 0.11 USD 74 DR Horton Inc 4 0.03 USD 31 CDW Corp 4 0.02 USD 61 Lennar Corp 4 0.02 USD 195 eBay Inc 7 0.04 USD 1 NVR Inc 4 0.02 USD 37 Expedia Group Inc 4 0.03 USD 57 PulteGroup Inc 2 0.01 USD 12 F5 Networks Inc 2 0.01 Home furnishings USD 814 Facebook Inc 164 0.98 USD 40 Leggett & Platt Inc 2 0.01 USD 31 GoDaddy Inc 2 0.01 USD 25 Whirlpool Corp 4 0.03 USD 16 IAC/InterActiveCorp 4 0.03 Hotels USD 24 MercadoLibre Inc 14 0.08 USD 58 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 6 0.04 USD 92 Netflix Inc 29 0.17 USD 85 Las Vegas Sands Corp 5 0.03 USD 360 NortonLifeLock Inc 9 0.05 USD 61 Marriott International Inc 9 0.05 USD 75 Okta Inc 10 0.06 USD 166 MGM Resorts International 5 0.03 USD 19 Palo Alto Networks Inc 4 0.02 USD 21 Wynn Resorts Ltd 3 0.02 USD 22 Roku Inc 3 0.02 Household goods & home construction USD 145 Snap Inc 2 0.01 USD 18 Avery Dennison Corp 2 0.01 USD 36 TripAdvisor Inc 1 0.01 USD 52 Church & Dwight Co Inc 4 0.03 USD 186 Twitter Inc 6 0.04 USD 151 Clorox Co 22 0.13 USD 22 VeriSign Inc 4 0.02 USD 360 Kimberly-Clark Corp 49 0.29 USD 19 Wayfair Inc 2 0.01 Household products USD 34 Zillow Group Inc 1 0.01 USD 163 Newell Brands Inc 3 0.02 Iron & steel Insurance USD 166 Nucor Corp 9 0.06 USD 162 Aflac Inc 9 0.05 USD 48 Steel Dynamics Inc 2 0.01 USD 6 Alleghany Corp 5 0.03 Leisure time USD 73 Allstate Corp 8 0.05 USD 45 Harley-Davidson Inc 1 0.01 USD 189 American International Group Inc 10 0.06 USD 18 Polaris Inc 2 0.01 USD 21 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 2 0.01 Machinery - diversified USD 15 Assurant Inc 2 0.01 USD 49 Cognex Corp 3 0.02 USD 73 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 2 0.01 USD 184 Cummins Inc 34 0.20 USD 276 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 61 0.36 USD 162 Deere & Co 27 0.16 USD 16 Cincinnati Financial Corp 2 0.01 USD 31 Dover Corp 3 0.02 USD 7 Erie Indemnity Co 1 0.01 USD 166 Flowserve Corp 8 0.05



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) Oil & gas (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) USD 102 Noble Energy Inc 2 0.01 USD 16 IDEX Corp 3 0.02 USD 244 Occidental Petroleum Corp 9 0.05 USD 12 Middleby Corp 1 0.00 USD 219 Phillips 66 25 0.15 USD 25 Rockwell Automation Inc 5 0.03 USD 36 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 5 0.03 USD 22 Roper Technologies Inc 8 0.05 USD 110 Valero Energy Corp 11 0.07 USD 40 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp 3 0.02 Oil & gas services USD 229 Xylem Inc 18 0.10 USD 655 Baker Hughes Co 15 0.09 Machinery, construction & mining USD 186 Halliburton Co 4 0.02 USD 322 Caterpillar Inc 47 0.28 USD 490 National Oilwell Varco Inc 11 0.07 Media Packaging & containers USD 40 CBS Corp 2 0.01 USD 268 Ball Corp 18 0.11 USD 33 Charter Communications Inc 15 0.09 USD 28 Crown Holdings Inc 2 0.01 USD 930 Comcast Corp 41 0.24 USD 19 Packaging Corp of America 2 0.01 USD 55 Discovery Inc 2 0.01 USD 54 Westrock Co 2 0.01 USD 48 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 1 0.01 Pharmaceuticals USD 48 DISH Network Corp 2 0.01 USD 642 AbbVie Inc 56 0.33 USD 42 FactSet Research Systems Inc 11 0.07 USD 46 AmerisourceBergen Corp 4 0.02 USD 79 Fox Corp 3 0.02 USD 1,061 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 60 0.36 USD 73 Fox Corp Class 'B' 2 0.01 USD 345 Cardinal Health Inc 19 0.11 USD 22 Liberty Broadband Corp 3 0.02 USD 324 Cigna Corp 65 0.39 USD 42 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Formula One 2 0.01 USD 618 CVS Health Corp 47 0.28 USD 42 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 2 0.01 USD 13 DexCom Inc 3 0.02 USD 42 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C' 2 0.01 USD 63 Elanco Animal Health Inc 2 0.01 USD 130 News Corp 2 0.01 USD 444 Eli Lilly & Co 52 0.31 USD 337 Sirius XM Holdings Inc 2 0.01 USD 896 Johnson & Johnson 123 0.73 USD 84 Viacom Inc 2 0.01 USD 52 McKesson Corp 8 0.05 USD 512 Walt Disney Co 78 0.47 USD 1,095 Merck & Co Inc 95 0.56 Mining USD 1,161 Pfizer Inc 45 0.27 USD 478 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 18 0.11 USD 253 Zoetis Inc 30 0.18 Miscellaneous manufacturers Pipelines USD 725 3M Co 123 0.73 USD 51 Cheniere Energy Inc 3 0.02 USD 30 AO Smith Corp 1 0.01 USD 423 Kinder Morgan Inc 8 0.05 USD 4,152 General Electric Co 47 0.28 USD 514 ONEOK Inc 37 0.22 USD 138 Illinois Tool Works Inc 24 0.14 USD 48 Targa Resources Corp 2 0.01 USD 66 Parker-Hannifin Corp 13 0.08 USD 258 Williams Cos Inc 6 0.03 Office & business equipment Real estate investment & services USD 199 Xerox Holdings Corp 8 0.05 USD 412 CBRE Group Inc 23 0.14 USD 19 Zebra Technologies Corp 5 0.03 USD 40 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 7 0.04 Oil & gas Real estate investment trusts USD 81 Apache Corp 2 0.01 USD 112 AGNC Investment Corp 2 0.01 USD 91 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 1 0.01 USD 22 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 3 0.02 USD 836 Chevron Corp 98 0.58 USD 93 American Tower Corp 20 0.12 USD 42 Concho Resources Inc 3 0.02 USD 304 Annaly Capital Management Inc 3 0.02 USD 1,419 ConocoPhillips 85 0.51 USD 28 AvalonBay Communities Inc 6 0.03 USD 33 Diamondback Energy Inc 3 0.02 USD 97 Boston Properties Inc 13 0.08 USD 123 EOG Resources Inc 9 0.05 USD 19 Camden Property Trust 2 0.01 USD 987 Exxon Mobil Corp 67 0.40 USD 88 Crown Castle International Corp 12 0.07 USD 340 Hess Corp 21 0.12 USD 42 Digital Realty Trust Inc 5 0.03 USD 34 HollyFrontier Corp 2 0.01 USD 75 Duke Realty Corp 3 0.02 USD 177 Marathon Oil Corp 2 0.01 USD 59 Equinix Inc 33 0.20 USD 171 Marathon Petroleum Corp 10 0.06 USD 8 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 1 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) Retail (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) USD 218 Target Corp 27 0.16 USD 58 Equity Residential 5 0.03 USD 137 Tiffany & Co 18 0.11 USD 13 Essex Property Trust Inc 4 0.02 USD 234 TJX Cos Inc 14 0.08 USD 28 Extra Space Storage Inc 3 0.02 USD 25 Tractor Supply Co 2 0.01 USD 15 Federal Realty Investment Trust 2 0.01 USD 7 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc 2 0.01 USD 619 Healthpeak Properties Inc 22 0.13 USD 141 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 8 0.05 USD 159 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 3 0.02 USD 66 Yum! Brands Inc 7 0.04 USD 66 Invitation Homes Inc 2 0.01 Savings & loans USD 346 Iron Mountain Inc 11 0.06 USD 82 People's United Financial Inc 1 0.01 USD 189 Liberty Property Trust 12 0.07 Semiconductors USD 24 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 3 0.02 USD 264 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 10 0.06 USD 31 National Retail Properties Inc 2 0.01 USD 79 Analog Devices Inc 9 0.05 USD 541 Prologis Inc 49 0.29 USD 694 Applied Materials Inc 40 0.24 USD 33 Public Storage 7 0.04 USD 88 Broadcom Inc 28 0.17 USD 61 Realty Income Corp 5 0.03 USD 1,729 Intel Corp 100 0.59 USD 118 Regency Centers Corp 8 0.05 USD 34 KLA Corp 6 0.04 USD 24 SBA Communications Corp 6 0.04 USD 36 Lam Research Corp 10 0.06 USD 66 Simon Property Group Inc 10 0.06 USD 155 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 9 0.05 USD 18 SL Green Realty Corp 1 0.01 USD 49 Microchip Technology Inc 5 0.03 USD 18 Sun Communities Inc 3 0.02 USD 241 Micron Technology Inc 11 0.07 USD 57 UDR Inc 3 0.02 USD 353 NVIDIA Corp 76 0.45 USD 76 Ventas Inc 4 0.02 USD 85 ON Semiconductor Corp 2 0.01 USD 210 Vereit Inc 2 0.01 USD 25 Qorvo Inc 3 0.02 USD 97 VICI Properties Inc 2 0.01 USD 258 QUALCOMM Inc 21 0.12 USD 36 Vornado Realty Trust 2 0.01 USD 52 Skyworks Solutions Inc 5 0.03 USD 81 Welltower Inc 7 0.04 USD 714 Texas Instruments Inc 86 0.51 USD 721 Weyerhaeuser Co 21 0.12 USD 52 Xilinx Inc 5 0.03 USD 33 WP Carey Inc 3 0.02 Software Retail USD 189 Activision Blizzard Inc 10 0.06 USD 15 Advance Auto Parts Inc 2 0.01 USD 287 Adobe Inc 89 0.53 USD 6 AutoZone Inc 7 0.04 USD 34 Akamai Technologies Inc 3 0.02 USD 316 Best Buy Co Inc 26 0.16 USD 16 ANSYS Inc 4 0.02 USD 22 Burlington Stores Inc 5 0.03 USD 152 Autodesk Inc 28 0.17 USD 36 CarMax Inc 4 0.02 USD 24 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 3 0.02 USD 7 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 6 0.04 USD 148 Cadence Design Systems Inc 10 0.06 USD 85 Costco Wholesale Corp 26 0.16 USD 33 CDK Global Inc 2 0.01 USD 37 Darden Restaurants Inc 4 0.02 USD 85 Cerner Corp 6 0.04 USD 55 Dollar General Corp 9 0.05 USD 28 Citrix Systems Inc 3 0.02 USD 64 Dollar Tree Inc 6 0.04 USD 64 Electronic Arts Inc 7 0.04 USD 8 Domino's Pizza Inc 2 0.01 USD 126 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 17 0.10 USD 207 Gap Inc 3 0.02 USD 120 Fiserv Inc 14 0.08 USD 31 Genuine Parts Co 3 0.02 USD 174 Intuit Inc 45 0.27 USD 707 Home Depot Inc 156 0.93 USD 16 Jack Henry & Associates Inc 2 0.01 USD 64 Kohl's Corp 3 0.02 USD 3,650 Microsoft Corp 553 3.29 USD 256 Lowe's Cos Inc 30 0.18 USD 523 Oracle Corp 29 0.17 USD 21 Lululemon Athletica Inc 5 0.03 USD 69 Paychex Inc 6 0.03 USD 163 McDonald's Corp 32 0.19 USD 16 Paycom Software Inc 4 0.02 USD 102 Nordstrom Inc 4 0.02 USD 24 PTC Inc 2 0.01 USD 19 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 8 0.05 USD 750 Inc 122 0.73 USD 78 Ross Stores Inc 9 0.05 USD 61 ServiceNow Inc 17 0.10 USD 252 Starbucks Corp 22 0.13 USD 31 Splunk Inc 5 0.03



Fair %ofnet Underlying Fair %ofnet Value asset No. of exposure Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 97.63%) (cont) Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: Nil) United States (31 May 2019: 57.29%) (cont) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: Nil) Software (cont) USD 4 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December USD 48 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 3 0.02 2019 62 1 0.00 USD 31 Synopsys Inc 4 0.02 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 1 0.00 USD 24 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 3 0.02 Total financial derivative instruments 1 0.00 USD 61 Twilio Inc 6 0.04 USD 27 Veeva Systems Inc 4 0.02 USD 76 VMware Inc 12 0.07 Fair %ofnet USD 31 Workday Inc 6 0.04 Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Telecommunications USD 10 Arista Networks Inc 2 0.01 Total value of investments 16,731 99.52 USD 1,524 AT&T Inc 57 0.34 USD 202 CenturyLink Inc 3 0.02 Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 1,825 Cisco Systems Inc 83 0.49 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market USD 196 Corning Inc 6 0.04 Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 15 Juniper Networks Inc - 0.00 USD 130 Motorola Solutions Inc 22 0.13 USD 10,152 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar ~ USD 217 Sprint Corp 1 0.01 Liquidity Fund 10 0.06 USD 72 T-Mobile US Inc 5 0.03 Cash† 39 0.23 USD 862 Verizon Communications Inc 52 0.31 USD 49 Zayo Group Holdings Inc 2 0.01 Other net assets 31 0.19 Textile USD 15 Mohawk Industries Inc 2 0.01 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating Toys shareholders at the end of the financial period 16,811 100.00 USD 138 Hasbro Inc 14 0.08 † Transportation Cash holdings of USD37,247 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD1,799 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. USD 61 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 5 0.03 ~Investment in related party. * USD 519 CSX Corp 37 0.22 This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price. USD 220 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 17 0.10 USD 52 FedEx Corp 8 0.05 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the USD 36 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 4 0.02 USD 127 Kansas City Southern 19 0.11 entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 194 Norfolk Southern Corp 38 0.23 USD 25 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 5 0.03 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines USD 148 Union Pacific Corp 26 0.15 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent USD 318 United Parcel Service Inc 38 0.23 USD 27 XPO Logistics Inc 2 0.01 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. Water %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 37 American Water Works Co Inc 4 0.03 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets USD 45 Aqua America Inc 2 0.01 Total United States 9,810 58.35 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 16,730 99.50 Total equities 16,730 99.52 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 1 0.01 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 10 0.06 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Other assets 73 0.43 Total current assets 16,814 100.00 United States (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 2 DISH Network Corp - 0.00 Total United States - 0.00 Total rights - 0.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Australia (31 May 2019: 2.30%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.72%) Insurance (cont) AUD 8,222 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 44 0.03 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) AUD 10,218 Medibank Pvt Ltd 22 0.01 Australia (31 May 2019: 2.30%) AUD 4,839 QBE Insurance Group Ltd 41 0.03 Airlines AUD 4,495 Suncorp Group Ltd 41 0.03 AUD 2,342 Qantas Airways Ltd 12 0.01 Internet Banks AUD 1,270 SEEK Ltd 20 0.01 AUD 10,259 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 172 0.12 Iron & steel AUD 1,855 Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd 13 0.01 AUD 2,038 BlueScope Steel Ltd 20 0.01 AUD 6,442 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 352 0.24 AUD 5,646 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 37 0.03 AUD 1,143 Macquarie Group Ltd 107 0.08 Leisure time AUD 10,012 National Australia Bank Ltd 175 0.12 AUD 183 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 5 0.00 AUD 12,547 Westpac Banking Corp 208 0.14 Mining Beverages AUD 9,424 Alumina Ltd 15 0.01 AUD 1,989 Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd 15 0.01 AUD 2,696 Newcrest Mining Ltd 56 0.04 AUD 2,598 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd 33 0.02 AUD 1,310 Rio Tinto Ltd 86 0.06 Biotechnology Miscellaneous manufacturers AUD 1,601 CSL Ltd 307 0.21 AUD 1,405 Orica Ltd 23 0.02 Building materials and fixtures Oil & gas AUD 4,478 Boral Ltd 16 0.01 AUD 990 Caltex Australia Ltd 23 0.02 Chemicals AUD 6,391 Santos Ltd 35 0.02 AUD 6,392 Incitec Pivot Ltd 14 0.01 AUD 3,277 Woodside Petroleum Ltd 77 0.05 Commercial services Pipelines AUD 5,643 Brambles Ltd 48 0.03 AUD 4,290 APA Group 32 0.02 AUD 9,275 Transurban Group 96 0.07 Real estate investment & services AUD 1,252 Worley Ltd 13 0.01 AUD 291 REA Group Ltd 21 0.01 Computers Real estate investment trusts AUD 1,700 Computershare Ltd 20 0.01 AUD 3,648 Dexus 30 0.02 Diversified financial services AUD 6,937 Goodman Group 70 0.05 AUD 675 ASX Ltd 37 0.02 AUD 6,619 GPT Group 28 0.02 AUD 391 Magellan Financial Group Ltd 14 0.01 AUD 13,516 Mirvac Group 31 0.02 Electricity AUD 18,930 Scentre Group 50 0.03 AUD 7,409 AusNet Services 9 0.01 AUD 8,905 Stockland 30 0.02 Engineering & construction AUD 12,261 Vicinity Centres 22 0.02 AUD 2,140 Lendlease Group 28 0.02 Retail AUD 4,071 Sydney Airport 25 0.02 AUD 2,416 Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 7 0.00 Entertainment AUD 3,947 Wesfarmers Ltd 113 0.08 AUD 2,027 Aristocrat Leisure Ltd 46 0.03 Software AUD 7,075 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd 23 0.02 AUD 645 WiseTech Global Ltd 12 0.01 Food Telecommunications AUD 4,060 Coles Group Ltd 45 0.03 AUD 14,778 Telstra Corp Ltd 39 0.03 AUD 4,632 Woolworths Group Ltd 124 0.09 AUD 1,515 TPG Telecom Ltd 7 0.00 Healthcare products Transportation AUD 208 Cochlear Ltd 33 0.02 AUD 7,293 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 29 0.02 Healthcare services Total Australia 3,144 2.16 AUD 494 Ramsay Health Care Ltd 24 0.02 AUD 1,429 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 29 0.02 Austria (31 May 2019: 0.08%) Hotels Banks AUD 1,444 Crown Resorts Ltd 13 0.01 EUR 1,042 Erste Group Bank AG 38 0.02 Insurance EUR 522 Raiffeisen Bank International AG 12 0.01 AUD 11,167 AMP Ltd 15 0.01 Electricity AUD 2,161 Challenger Ltd 12 0.01 EUR 235 Verbund AG 12 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.35%) (cont) Austria (31 May 2019: 0.08%) (cont) Leisure time Iron & steel USD 885 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 48 0.03 EUR 413 voestalpine AG 11 0.01 Real estate investment & services Machinery - diversified USD 4,700 Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd 26 0.02 EUR 259 ANDRITZ AG 10 0.01 HKD 500 Kerry Properties Ltd 2 0.00 Oil & gas Semiconductors EUR 496 OMV AG 28 0.02 USD 2,253 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 59 0.04 Total Austria 111 0.08 Total Bermuda 489 0.34

Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.35%) British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: 0.01%) Banks Apparel retailers EUR 855 KBC Group NV 62 0.04 USD 523 Capri Holdings Ltd 19 0.01 Beverages Total British Virgin Islands 19 0.01 EUR 2,705 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 214 0.15 Chemicals Canada (31 May 2019: 3.36%) EUR 259 Solvay SA 30 0.02 Aerospace & defence EUR 753 Umicore SA 32 0.02 CAD 8,153 Bombardier Inc 12 0.01 Food CAD 1,030 CAE Inc 28 0.02 EUR 183 Colruyt SA 10 0.01 Airlines Insurance CAD 391 Air Canada 15 0.01 EUR 626 Ageas 38 0.03 Apparel retailers Investment services CAD 824 Gildan Activewear Inc 24 0.02 EUR 285 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 29 0.02 Auto parts & equipment Media CAD 1,085 Magna International Inc 60 0.04 EUR 265 Telenet Group Holding NV 12 0.01 Banks Pharmaceuticals CAD 2,348 Bank of Montreal 181 0.12 EUR 160 Galapagos NV 31 0.02 CAD 4,399 Bank of Nova Scotia 248 0.17 EUR 442 UCB SA 36 0.02 CAD 1,593 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 138 0.09 Telecommunications CAD 1,291 National Bank of Canada 69 0.05 EUR 545 Proximus SADP 17 0.01 CAD 5,247 Royal Bank of Canada 430 0.30 Total Belgium 511 0.35 CAD 6,816 Toronto-Dominion Bank 393 0.27 Chemicals Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.35%) CAD 234 Methanex Corp 9 0.01 Agriculture CAD 2,037 Nutrien Ltd 96 0.06 USD 596 Bunge Ltd 32 0.02 Computers Apparel retailers CAD 948 CGI Inc 79 0.05 HKD 1,500 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd 4 0.00 Diversified financial services Chemicals CAD 3,035 Brookfield Asset Management Inc 176 0.12 USD 889 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 25 0.02 CAD 1,030 CI Financial Corp 16 0.01 Commercial services CAD 317 IGM Financial Inc 9 0.01 USD 1,378 IHS Markit Ltd 100 0.07 CAD 342 Onex Corp 20 0.01 Diversified financial services Electricity USD 1,709 Invesco Ltd 30 0.02 CAD 1,872 Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp 26 0.02 Engineering & construction CAD 473 Canadian Utilities Ltd 14 0.01 HKD 4,000 NWS Holdings Ltd 5 0.01 CAD 569 Hydro One Ltd 11 0.01 Food Engineering & construction USD 2,200 Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd 13 0.01 CAD 395 WSP Global Inc 25 0.02 Insurance Entertainment USD 1,425 Arch Capital Group Ltd 60 0.04 CAD 683 Stars Group Inc 16 0.01 USD 545 Athene Holding Ltd 24 0.02 Environmental control USD 133 Everest Re Group Ltd 36 0.02 USD 1,002 Waste Connections Inc 91 0.06 USD 131 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 25 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Canada (31 May 2019: 3.36%) (cont) Canada (31 May 2019: 3.36%) (cont) Pipelines (cont) Food CAD 3,516 TC Energy Corp 178 0.12 CAD 666 Empire Co Ltd 18 0.01 Real estate investment trusts CAD 291 George Weston Ltd 24 0.01 CAD 281 Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 12 0.01 CAD 717 Loblaw Cos Ltd 39 0.03 CAD 657 First Capital Realty Inc 11 0.01 CAD 926 Metro Inc 40 0.03 CAD 538 H&R Real Estate Investment Trust 9 0.01 CAD 899 Saputo Inc 27 0.02 CAD 234 SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust 5 0.00 Forest products & paper Retail CAD 208 West Fraser Timber Co Ltd 9 0.01 CAD 209 Canadian Tire Corp Ltd 24 0.02 Household goods & home construction CAD 1,213 Dollarama Inc 45 0.03 CAD 350 Cronos Group Inc 2 0.00 CAD 898 Restaurant Brands International Inc 59 0.04 Insurance Software CAD 103 Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 47 0.03 CAD 1,971 BlackBerry Ltd 11 0.01 CAD 1,119 Great-West Lifeco Inc 28 0.02 CAD 73 Constellation Software Inc 78 0.05 CAD 420 iA Financial Corp Inc 22 0.02 CAD 1,018 Open Text Corp 44 0.03 CAD 535 Intact Financial Corp 55 0.04 Telecommunications CAD 7,230 Manulife Financial Corp 142 0.10 CAD 320 BCE Inc 15 0.01 CAD 1,363 Power Corp of Canada 33 0.02 CAD 1,239 Rogers Communications Inc 60 0.04 CAD 954 Power Financial Corp 23 0.02 CAD 494 TELUS Corp 19 0.01 CAD 2,371 Sun Life Financial Inc 108 0.07 Transportation Internet CAD 2,594 Canadian National Railway Co 235 0.16 CAD 368 Shopify Inc 123 0.08 CAD 544 Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd 129 0.09 Media Total Canada 4,781 3.29 CAD 644 Quebecor Inc 16 0.01 CAD 1,714 Shaw Communications Inc 35 0.02 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.28%) CAD 824 Thomson Reuters Corp 58 0.04 Beverages Mining HKD 4,800 Budweiser Brewing Co APAC Ltd 17 0.01 CAD 897 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 53 0.04 Biotechnology CAD 1,137 Cameco Corp 10 0.01 USD 134 BeiGene Ltd (ADR) 27 0.02 CAD 2,656 First Quantum Minerals Ltd 24 0.02 Food CAD 705 Franco-Nevada Corp 69 0.05 HKD 38,500 WH Group Ltd 40 0.03 CAD 4,840 Kinross Gold Corp 21 0.01 Holding companies - diversified operations CAD 701 Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 30 0.02 HKD 11,000 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd 100 0.07 CAD 2,534 Lundin Mining Corp 14 0.01 Hotels CAD 1,961 Teck Resources Ltd 31 0.02 USD 1,010 Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd (ADR) 22 0.02 CAD 1,697 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 47 0.03 HKD 10,000 Sands China Ltd 47 0.03 Oil & gas HKD 8,400 Wynn Macau Ltd 18 0.01 CAD 7,862 Encana Corp 31 0.02 Real estate investment & services CAD 325 Parkland Fuel Corp 12 0.01 HKD 12,500 CK Asset Holdings Ltd 83 0.06 CAD 799 PrairieSky Royalty Ltd 8 0.01 HKD 3,000 Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd 17 0.01 Packaging & containers Semiconductors CAD 576 CCL Industries Inc 25 0.02 HKD 500 ASM Pacific Technology Ltd 6 0.00 Pharmaceuticals Total Cayman Islands 377 0.26 CAD 1,348 Aurora Cannabis Inc 4 0.00 CAD 1,215 Bausch Health Cos Inc 34 0.02 Curacao (31 May 2019: 0.14%) CAD 396 Canopy Growth Corp 7 0.01 Oil & gas services Pipelines USD 4,928 Schlumberger Ltd 178 0.12 CAD 1,006 AltaGas Ltd 15 0.01 Total Curacao 178 0.12 CAD 7,307 Enbridge Inc 277 0.19 CAD 1,484 Inter Pipeline Ltd 25 0.02 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.64%) CAD 794 Keyera Corp 19 0.01 Banks CAD 1,608 Pembina Pipeline Corp 56 0.04 DKK 2,514 Danske Bank A/S 34 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Finland (31 May 2019: 0.43%) (cont) Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.64%) (cont) Semiconductors Beverages EUR 1,639 Wartsila Oyj Abp 17 0.01 DKK 364 Carlsberg A/S 52 0.04 Telecommunications Biotechnology EUR 494 Elisa Oyj 26 0.02 DKK 239 Genmab A/S 56 0.04 EUR 20,871 Nokia Oyj 74 0.05 DKK 235 H Lundbeck A/S 9 0.01 Total Finland 563 0.39 Chemicals DKK 754 Novozymes A/S 36 0.03 France (31 May 2019: 3.68%) Commercial services Advertising DKK 596 ISS A/S 14 0.01 EUR 347 JCDecaux SA 10 0.00 Electricity EUR 907 Publicis Groupe SA 40 0.03 DKK 647 Orsted A/S 60 0.04 Apparel retailers Energy - alternate sources EUR 105 Hermes International 79 0.05 DKK 677 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 64 0.04 EUR 285 Kering SA 172 0.12 Food EUR 988 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 443 0.31 DKK 386 Chr Hansen Holding A/S 29 0.02 Auto manufacturers Healthcare products EUR 2,173 Peugeot SA 53 0.04 DKK 416 Coloplast A/S 49 0.03 EUR 697 Renault SA 33 0.02 DKK 385 Demant A/S 12 0.01 Auto parts & equipment Insurance EUR 597 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 72 0.05 DKK 439 Tryg A/S 13 0.01 EUR 286 Faurecia SE 15 0.01 Marine transportation EUR 933 Valeo SA 37 0.03 DKK 25 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 32 0.02 Banks Pharmaceuticals EUR 3,979 BNP Paribas SA 224 0.15 DKK 6,342 Novo Nordisk A/S 357 0.25 EUR 4,206 Credit Agricole SA 57 0.04 Retail EUR 3,829 Natixis SA 16 0.01 DKK 389 Pandora A/S 16 0.01 EUR 2,801 Societe Generale SA 88 0.06 Transportation Beverages DKK 13 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 18 0.01 EUR 744 Pernod Ricard SA 137 0.10 DKK 786 DSV PANALPINA A/S 86 0.06 EUR 52 Remy Cointreau SA 6 0.00 Total Denmark 937 0.65 Building materials and fixtures EUR 1,764 Cie de Saint-Gobain 72 0.05 Finland (31 May 2019: 0.43%) Chemicals Auto parts & equipment EUR 1,680 Air Liquide SA 228 0.16 EUR 416 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 11 0.01 EUR 235 Arkema SA 24 0.01 Banks Commercial services SEK 10,644 Nordea Bank Abp 75 0.05 EUR 1,037 Bureau Veritas SA 27 0.02 Electricity EUR 853 Edenred 43 0.03 EUR 1,557 Fortum Oyj 37 0.03 Computers Forest products & paper EUR 337 Atos SE 29 0.02 EUR 2,009 Stora Enso Oyj 27 0.02 EUR 571 Capgemini SE 68 0.05 EUR 2,260 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 76 0.05 EUR 208 Ingenico Group SA 22 0.02 Insurance EUR 208 Teleperformance 49 0.03 EUR 1,553 Sampo Oyj 63 0.04 Cosmetics & personal care Machinery - diversified EUR 928 L'Oreal SA 265 0.18 EUR 1,170 Kone Oyj 73 0.05 Diversified financial services EUR 366 Metso Oyj 14 0.01 EUR 209 Amundi SA 16 0.01 Oil & gas EUR 159 Eurazeo SE 11 0.01 EUR 1,578 Neste Oyj 53 0.04 Electrical components & equipment Pharmaceuticals EUR 933 Legrand SA 74 0.05 EUR 387 Orion Oyj 17 0.01 EUR 1,942 Schneider Electric SE 187 0.13



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 3.68%) (cont) France (31 May 2019: 3.68%) (cont) Telecommunications Electricity EUR 717 Eutelsat Communications SA 12 0.01 EUR 2,284 Electricite de France SA 24 0.02 EUR 7,172 Orange SA 118 0.08 EUR 6,661 Engie SA 105 0.07 Transportation Engineering & construction EUR 1,811 Getlink SE 31 0.02 EUR 130 Aeroports de Paris 25 0.02 Water EUR 803 Bouygues SA 33 0.02 EUR 1,447 Suez 21 0.01 EUR 285 Eiffage SA 31 0.02 Total France 5,186 3.57 EUR 1,801 Vinci SA 197 0.14 Food Germany (31 May 2019: 2.86%) EUR 2,124 Carrefour SA 35 0.02 Aerospace & defence EUR 183 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 8 0.01 EUR 182 MTU Aero Engines AG 49 0.03 EUR 2,170 Danone SA 179 0.12 Airlines Food Service EUR 914 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 17 0.01 EUR 312 Sodexo SA 36 0.02 Apparel retailers Healthcare products EUR 655 adidas AG 204 0.14 EUR 1,013 EssilorLuxottica SA 158 0.11 EUR 300 Puma SE 23 0.02 EUR 103 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 16 0.01 Auto manufacturers Healthcare services EUR 1,238 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 100 0.07 EUR 131 BioMerieux 12 0.01 EUR 183 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Preference) 11 0.01 Home furnishings EUR 3,248 Daimler AG 184 0.12 EUR 52 SEB SA 8 0.01 Auto parts & equipment Hotels EUR 389 Continental AG 51 0.04 EUR 698 Accor SA 30 0.02 Banks Insurance EUR 3,668 Commerzbank AG 21 0.01 EUR 6,981 AXA SA 190 0.13 EUR 7,010 Deutsche Bank AG 51 0.04 EUR 705 CNP Assurances 14 0.01 Building materials and fixtures EUR 615 SCOR SE 26 0.02 EUR 519 HeidelbergCement AG 38 0.03 Internet Chemicals EUR 131 Iliad SA 17 0.01 EUR 3,389 BASF SE 255 0.18 Investment services EUR 544 Brenntag AG 29 0.02 EUR 76 Wendel SA 10 0.01 EUR 675 Covestro AG 32 0.02 Media EUR 599 Evonik Industries AG 17 0.01 EUR 3,580 Bollore SA 15 0.01 EUR 235 FUCHS PETROLUB SE 10 0.01 EUR 3,347 Vivendi SA 92 0.06 EUR 311 LANXESS AG 21 0.01 Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 441 Symrise AG 43 0.03 EUR 572 Alstom SA 25 0.02 Commercial services Oil & gas EUR 429 Wirecard AG 57 0.04 EUR 8,548 TOTAL SA 449 0.31 Cosmetics & personal care Pharmaceuticals EUR 363 Beiersdorf AG 42 0.03 EUR 156 Ipsen SA 18 0.01 Diversified financial services EUR 4,003 Sanofi 373 0.26 EUR 676 Deutsche Boerse AG 104 0.07 Real estate investment trusts Electricity EUR 183 Covivio 20 0.01 EUR 8,792 E.ON SE 92 0.06 EUR 158 Gecina SA 28 0.02 EUR 727 Uniper SE 23 0.02 EUR 80 ICADE 8 0.01 Electronics EUR 804 Klepierre SA 29 0.02 EUR 125 Sartorius AG 26 0.02 EUR 493 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 77 0.05 Engineering & construction Software EUR 131 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 11 0.01 EUR 467 Dassault Systemes SE 73 0.05 EUR 131 HOCHTIEF AG 16 0.01 EUR 389 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 24 0.02 Food EUR 340 Worldline SA 22 0.01 EUR 734 METRO AG 12 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.91%) (cont) Germany (31 May 2019: 2.86%) (cont) Banks (cont) Healthcare products HKD 13,000 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 44 0.03 EUR 126 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 16 0.01 HKD 2,600 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 53 0.04 EUR 519 Siemens Healthineers AG 25 0.02 Beverages Healthcare services HKD 938 Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd 3 0.00 EUR 753 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA 55 0.04 Diversified financial services EUR 1,457 Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 80 0.05 HKD 4,300 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 136 0.09 Household goods & home construction Gas EUR 364 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 35 0.02 HKD 32,700 Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 62 0.04 EUR 621 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 66 0.05 Hand & machine tools Insurance HKD 4,500 Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 34 0.02 EUR 1,517 Allianz SE 363 0.25 Holding companies - diversified operations EUR 209 Hannover Rueck SE 39 0.03 HKD 1,000 Swire Pacific Ltd 9 0.01 EUR 535 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Hotels Muenchen 154 0.10 HKD 8,000 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd 52 0.04 Internet HKD 4,000 SJM Holdings Ltd 4 0.00 EUR 360 Delivery Hero SE 19 0.01 Insurance EUR 448 United Internet AG 15 0.01 HKD 42,600 AIA Group Ltd 427 0.29 Iron & steel Real estate investment & services EUR 1,651 thyssenkrupp AG 21 0.01 HKD 4,000 Hang Lung Properties Ltd 8 0.01 Leisure time HKD 5,200 Henderson Land Development Co Ltd 25 0.02 GBP 1,680 TUI AG 23 0.02 HKD 26,000 New World Development Co Ltd 34 0.02 Machinery - diversified HKD 6,000 Sino Land Co Ltd 9 0.01 EUR 647 GEA Group AG 21 0.01 HKD 6,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 87 0.06 EUR 235 KION Group AG 15 0.01 HKD 5,000 Swire Properties Ltd 16 0.01 Media HKD 3,000 Wheelock & Co Ltd 19 0.01 EUR 157 Axel Springer SE 11 0.01 Real estate investment trusts Miscellaneous manufacturers HKD 7,500 Link REIT 77 0.05 EUR 190 Knorr-Bremse AG 19 0.01 Telecommunications EUR 2,799 Siemens AG 361 0.25 HKD 14,000 HKT Trust & HKT Ltd 20 0.02 Pharmaceuticals HKD 26,000 PCCW Ltd 16 0.01 EUR 467 Merck KGaA 55 0.04 Transportation Real estate investment & services HKD 5,500 MTR Corp Ltd 31 0.02 EUR 1,244 Deutsche Wohnen SE 48 0.03 Total Hong Kong 1,178 0.81 EUR 1,834 Vonovia SE 96 0.07 Retail Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.76%) EUR 390 Zalando SE 17 0.01 Banks Semiconductors EUR 3,236 AIB Group Plc 11 0.01 EUR 4,286 Infineon Technologies AG 92 0.06 EUR 3,658 Bank of Ireland Group Plc 18 0.01 Software Building materials and fixtures EUR 3,516 SAP SE 479 0.33 EUR 2,964 CRH Plc 113 0.08 Telecommunications AUD 1,632 James Hardie Industries Plc 32 0.02 EUR 57 1&1 Drillisch AG 2 0.00 USD 2,865 Johnson Controls International Plc 123 0.08 EUR 12,393 Deutsche Telekom AG 208 0.14 EUR 544 Kingspan Group Plc 29 0.02 EUR 3,094 Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 9 0.01 Chemicals Transportation USD 1,967 Linde Plc 406 0.28 EUR 3,484 Deutsche Post AG 130 0.09 Computers Total Germany 4,013 2.76 USD 2,275 Accenture Plc 458 0.31 USD 960 Seagate Technology Plc 57 0.04 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.91%) Electronics Banks USD 337 Allegion Plc 40 0.03 HKD 5,200 Bank of East Asia Ltd 12 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 0.53%) Ireland (31 May 2019: 1.76%) (cont) Apparel retailers Entertainment EUR 623 Moncler SpA 27 0.02 EUR 286 Flutter Entertainment Plc 33 0.02 Auto parts & equipment Environmental control EUR 1,623 Pirelli & C SpA 9 0.01 USD 599 Pentair Plc 27 0.02 Banks Food EUR 1,431 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 18 0.01 EUR 571 Kerry Group Plc 73 0.05 EUR 56,129 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 143 0.10 Forest products & paper EUR 2,260 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA 25 0.02 EUR 808 Smurfit Kappa Group Plc 29 0.02 EUR 7,100 UniCredit SpA 98 0.07 Healthcare products Beverages USD 4,747 Medtronic Plc 529 0.37 EUR 2,130 Davide Campari-Milano SpA 20 0.01 USD 306 STERIS Plc 46 0.03 Commercial services Insurance EUR 1,738 Atlantia SpA 39 0.03 USD 344 Willis Towers Watson Plc 68 0.05 Electrical components & equipment Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 858 Prysmian SpA 20 0.01 USD 1,535 Eaton Corp Plc 142 0.09 Electricity USD 859 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 113 0.08 EUR 5,042 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 32 0.02 Oil & gas Gas GBP 309 DCC Plc 26 0.02 EUR 8,050 Snam SpA 40 0.03 Pharmaceuticals Insurance USD 1,196 Allergan Plc 221 0.15 EUR 4,130 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 84 0.06 USD 208 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 31 0.02 Oil & gas USD 467 Perrigo Co Plc 24 0.02 EUR 9,602 Eni SpA 145 0.10 Total Ireland 2,649 1.82 Pharmaceuticals EUR 365 Recordati SpA 15 0.01 Isle of Man (31 May 2019: 0.01%) Telecommunications Entertainment EUR 41,666 Telecom Italia SpA 26 0.02 GBP 1,990 GVC Holdings Plc 22 0.02 EUR 23,408 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 15 0.01 Total Isle of Man 22 0.02 Transportation EUR 1,923 Poste Italiane SpA 22 0.01 Israel (31 May 2019: 0.20%) Total Italy 778 0.54 Banks ILS 3,849 Bank Hapoalim BM 31 0.02 Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) ILS 5,426 Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 40 0.03 Advertising ILS 2,646 Israel Discount Bank Ltd 12 0.01 JPY 900 Dentsu Inc 33 0.02 ILS 518 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 14 0.01 JPY 500 Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc 8 0.01 Chemicals Aerospace & defence ILS 2,687 Israel Chemicals Ltd 13 0.01 JPY 400 IHI Corp 9 0.00 Computers JPY 400 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd 9 0.01 USD 442 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 52 0.04 Airlines USD 134 CyberArk Software Ltd 16 0.01 JPY 200 ANA Holdings Inc 7 0.00 Internet JPY 400 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 12 0.01 USD 180 Ltd 22 0.01 Auto manufacturers Pharmaceuticals JPY 1,400 Hino Motors Ltd 14 0.01 ILS 3,780 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 39 0.03 JPY 5,600 Honda Motor Co Ltd 157 0.11 Real estate investment & services JPY 2,500 Isuzu Motors Ltd 29 0.02 ILS 156 Azrieli Group Ltd 12 0.01 JPY 2,600 Mazda Motor Corp 23 0.01 Telecommunications JPY 2,600 Mitsubishi Motors Corp 12 0.01 ILS 209 Nice Ltd 32 0.02 JPY 7,800 Nissan Motor Co Ltd 48 0.03 Total Israel 283 0.20 JPY 2,600 Subaru Corp 68 0.05 JPY 1,400 Suzuki Motor Corp 62 0.04 JPY 8,300 Toyota Motor Corp 579 0.40



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Chemicals (cont) Auto parts & equipment JPY 300 Nissan Chemical Corp 12 0.01 JPY 400 Aisin Seiki Co Ltd 15 0.01 JPY 400 Nitto Denko Corp 22 0.01 JPY 2,400 Bridgestone Corp 96 0.07 JPY 1,383 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 148 0.10 JPY 1,600 Denso Corp 72 0.05 JPY 300 Showa Denko KK 8 0.00 JPY 100 JTEKT Corp 1 0.00 JPY 5,200 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 23 0.02 JPY 200 Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd 10 0.01 JPY 600 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp 13 0.01 JPY 500 NGK Insulators Ltd 8 0.00 JPY 5,200 Toray Industries Inc 34 0.02 JPY 100 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 600 Tosoh Corp 9 0.01 JPY 500 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 14 0.01 Commercial services JPY 2,600 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 39 0.03 JPY 100 Benesse Holdings Inc 3 0.00 JPY 100 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd 1 0.00 JPY 600 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 16 0.01 JPY 500 Toyota Industries Corp 30 0.02 JPY 100 GMO Payment Gateway Inc 7 0.01 JPY 100 Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 100 Park24 Co Ltd 3 0.00 Banks JPY 400 Persol Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.01 JPY 100 AEON Financial Service Co Ltd 1 0.00 JPY 5,000 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 181 0.12 JPY 100 Aozora Bank Ltd 3 0.00 JPY 800 Secom Co Ltd 68 0.05 JPY 200 Bank of Kyoto Ltd 8 0.01 JPY 100 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 5 0.00 JPY 2,600 Chiba Bank Ltd 15 0.01 JPY 900 Toppan Printing Co Ltd 18 0.01 JPY 2,700 Concordia Financial Group Ltd 11 0.01 Computers JPY 300 Fukuoka Financial Group Inc 6 0.01 JPY 700 Fujitsu Ltd 64 0.04 JPY 2,100 Japan Post Bank Co Ltd 20 0.01 JPY 300 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp 8 0.01 JPY 45,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 238 0.16 JPY 900 NEC Corp 36 0.03 JPY 95,625 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 148 0.10 JPY 900 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 19 0.01 JPY 7,800 Resona Holdings Inc 33 0.02 JPY 2,600 NTT Data Corp 35 0.02 JPY 2,600 Seven Bank Ltd 8 0.01 JPY 300 Obic Co Ltd 40 0.03 JPY 100 Shinsei Bank Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 300 Otsuka Corp 12 0.01 JPY 2,300 Shizuoka Bank Ltd 17 0.01 Cosmetics & personal care JPY 5,121 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 186 0.13 JPY 2,194 Kao Corp 173 0.12 JPY 1,200 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 46 0.03 JPY 100 Kose Corp 16 0.01 Beverages JPY 500 Lion Corp 10 0.01 JPY 1,300 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd 62 0.04 JPY 300 Pigeon Corp 14 0.01 JPY 100 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc 2 0.00 JPY 100 Pola Orbis Holdings Inc 2 0.00 JPY 2,600 Kirin Holdings Co Ltd 58 0.04 JPY 1,600 Shiseido Co Ltd 115 0.08 JPY 300 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 13 0.01 JPY 2,100 Unicharm Corp 69 0.05 Building materials and fixtures Distribution & wholesale JPY 800 AGC Inc 29 0.02 JPY 5,200 ITOCHU Corp 113 0.08 JPY 900 Daikin Industries Ltd 130 0.09 JPY 5,200 Marubeni Corp 38 0.03 JPY 600 LIXIL Group Corp 10 0.01 JPY 5,200 Mitsubishi Corp 136 0.09 JPY 300 Taiheiyo Cement Corp 9 0.00 JPY 5,700 Mitsui & Co Ltd 101 0.07 JPY 300 TOTO Ltd 13 0.01 JPY 4,700 Sumitomo Corp 71 0.05 Chemicals JPY 900 Toyota Tsusho Corp 32 0.02 JPY 100 Air Water Inc 2 0.00 Diversified financial services JPY 4,900 Asahi Kasei Corp 55 0.04 JPY 100 Credit Saison Co Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 100 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 4 0.00 JPY 5,200 Daiwa Securities Group Inc 26 0.02 JPY 600 JSR Corp 11 0.01 JPY 2,500 Japan Exchange Group Inc 42 0.03 JPY 400 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 10 0.01 JPY 2,600 Mebuki Financial Group Inc 7 0.00 JPY 500 Kuraray Co Ltd 6 0.00 JPY 13,000 Nomura Holdings Inc 67 0.04 JPY 5,200 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp 38 0.03 JPY 5,154 ORIX Corp 84 0.06 JPY 100 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc 2 0.00 JPY 600 SBI Holdings Inc 12 0.01 JPY 400 Mitsui Chemicals Inc 10 0.01 JPY 200 Tokyo Century Corp 11 0.01 JPY 500 Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd 27 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Healthcare products Electrical components & equipment JPY 500 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 14 0.01 JPY 400 Brother Industries Ltd 8 0.00 JPY 4,800 Olympus Corp 71 0.05 JPY 700 Casio Computer Co Ltd 13 0.01 JPY 500 Shimadzu Corp 15 0.01 Electronics JPY 600 Sysmex Corp 42 0.03 JPY 500 Alps Alpine Co Ltd 11 0.01 JPY 2,500 Terumo Corp 88 0.06 JPY 100 Hirose Electric Co Ltd 12 0.01 Healthcare services JPY 300 Hitachi High-Technologies Corp 20 0.01 JPY 200 PeptiDream Inc 9 0.01 JPY 1,800 Hoya Corp 164 0.11 Home builders JPY 1,200 Kyocera Corp 82 0.06 JPY 2,300 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 70 0.05 JPY 2,100 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc 41 0.03 JPY 100 Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 2,300 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 133 0.09 JPY 2,100 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 37 0.02 JPY 800 Nidec Corp 118 0.08 JPY 2,600 Sekisui House Ltd 56 0.04 JPY 700 Omron Corp 41 0.03 Home furnishings JPY 400 TDK Corp 42 0.03 JPY 100 Hoshizaki Corp 9 0.01 JPY 500 Yokogawa Electric Corp 9 0.00 JPY 7,800 Panasonic Corp 73 0.05 Engineering & construction JPY 100 Sharp Corp 2 0.00 JPY 200 Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd 10 0.01 JPY 4,700 Sony Corp 296 0.20 JPY 600 JGC Holdings Corp 9 0.00 Insurance JPY 2,500 Kajima Corp 33 0.02 JPY 4,700 Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 76 0.05 JPY 2,600 Obayashi Corp 28 0.02 JPY 5,200 Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 49 0.03 JPY 2,600 Shimizu Corp 25 0.02 JPY 2,100 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc 68 0.05 JPY 800 Taisei Corp 31 0.02 JPY 1,800 Sompo Holdings Inc 71 0.05 Entertainment JPY 400 Sony Financial Holdings Inc 9 0.01 JPY 700 Oriental Land Co Ltd 97 0.07 JPY 2,600 T&D Holdings Inc 30 0.02 JPY 100 Sega Sammy Holdings Inc 1 0.00 JPY 2,374 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 129 0.09 JPY 300 Toho Co Ltd 12 0.01 Internet Environmental control JPY 300 CyberAgent Inc 10 0.01 JPY 100 Kurita Water Industries Ltd 3 0.00 JPY 500 Inc 12 0.01 Food JPY 100 LINE Corp 5 0.00 JPY 2,600 Aeon Co Ltd 53 0.04 JPY 2,100 M3 Inc 58 0.04 JPY 2,500 Ajinomoto Co Inc 42 0.03 JPY 500 MonotaRO Co Ltd 14 0.01 JPY 100 Calbee Inc 3 0.00 JPY 2,600 Rakuten Inc 22 0.02 JPY 600 Kikkoman Corp 30 0.02 JPY 300 Trend Micro Inc 16 0.01 JPY 300 MEIJI Holdings Co Ltd 20 0.01 JPY 10,400 Z Holdings Corp 36 0.02 JPY 200 NH Foods Ltd 8 0.00 JPY 400 ZOZO Inc 8 0.01 JPY 500 Nisshin Seifun Group Inc 9 0.01 Iron & steel JPY 100 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd 8 0.01 JPY 100 Hitachi Metals Ltd 1 0.00 JPY 200 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 9 0.01 JPY 2,500 JFE Holdings Inc 32 0.02 JPY 300 Yakult Honsha Co Ltd 18 0.01 JPY 2,600 Nippon Steel Corp 38 0.03 JPY 100 Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd 2 0.00 Leisure time Forest products & paper JPY 300 Shimano Inc 48 0.04 JPY 2,600 Oji Holdings Corp 15 0.01 JPY 600 Yamaha Corp 33 0.02 Gas JPY 700 Yamaha Motor Co Ltd 15 0.01 JPY 2,100 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 39 0.03 Machinery - diversified JPY 200 Toho Gas Co Ltd 8 0.01 JPY 500 Daifuku Co Ltd 29 0.02 JPY 2,100 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 51 0.03 JPY 700 FANUC Corp 134 0.09 Hand & machine tools JPY 700 Keyence Corp 239 0.16 JPY 2,100 Amada Holdings Co Ltd 23 0.02 JPY 3,400 Kubota Corp 52 0.04 JPY 100 Disco Corp 22 0.01 JPY 400 Nabtesco Corp 12 0.01 JPY 300 Fuji Electric Co Ltd 9 0.01 JPY 200 SMC Corp 91 0.06 JPY 900 Makita Corp 30 0.02 JPY 300 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd 9 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) JPY 5,215 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 212 0.15 JPY 500 THK Co Ltd 14 0.01 Real estate investment & services JPY 900 Yaskawa Electric Corp 33 0.02 JPY 100 Aeon Mall Co Ltd 2 0.00 Machinery, construction & mining JPY 300 Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd 37 0.03 JPY 100 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 1,700 Hulic Co Ltd 19 0.01 JPY 3,500 Hitachi Ltd 137 0.10 JPY 4,792 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 88 0.06 JPY 3,100 Komatsu Ltd 73 0.05 JPY 3,000 Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd 74 0.05 JPY 7,300 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 101 0.07 JPY 100 Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc 2 0.00 JPY 1,200 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 46 0.03 JPY 1,200 Sumitomo Realty & Development Co Ltd 42 0.03 Marine transportation JPY 2,500 Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp 17 0.01 JPY 100 Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd 2 0.00 Real estate investment trusts JPY 100 Nippon Yusen KK 2 0.00 JPY 5 Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp 14 0.01 Metal fabricate/ hardware JPY 4 Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp 18 0.01 JPY 700 MISUMI Group Inc 18 0.01 JPY 5 Japan Real Estate Investment Corp 34 0.02 JPY 2,100 NSK Ltd 20 0.02 JPY 6 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp 14 0.01 Mining JPY 5 Nippon Building Fund Inc 37 0.03 JPY 100 Mitsubishi Materials Corp 3 0.00 JPY 6 Nippon Prologis REIT Inc 16 0.01 JPY 900 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 27 0.02 JPY 21 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc 38 0.03 Miscellaneous manufacturers JPY 19 Orix JREIT Inc 42 0.03 JPY 800 Nikon Corp 11 0.01 JPY 7 United Urban Investment Corp 14 0.01 JPY 1,900 Toshiba Corp 68 0.04 Retail Office & business equipment JPY 200 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 122 0.08 JPY 3,700 Canon Inc 102 0.07 JPY 2,100 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd 19 0.01 JPY 1,785 FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 84 0.06 JPY 100 J Front Retailing Co Ltd 1 0.00 JPY 2,000 Konica Minolta Inc 13 0.01 JPY 400 Marui Group Co Ltd 10 0.01 JPY 2,600 Ricoh Co Ltd 27 0.02 JPY 100 McDonald's Holdings Co Japan Ltd 5 0.00 JPY 700 Seiko Epson Corp 11 0.00 JPY 300 Nitori Holdings Co Ltd 47 0.03 Oil & gas JPY 2,000 Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 32 0.02 JPY 2,700 Inpex Corp 26 0.02 JPY 1,200 Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd 27 0.02 JPY 10,500 JXTG Holdings Inc 47 0.03 JPY 100 Shimamura Co Ltd 8 0.01 Packaging & containers JPY 100 Sundrug Co Ltd 3 0.00 JPY 100 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 100 Tsuruha Holdings Inc 12 0.01 Pharmaceuticals JPY 500 USS Co Ltd 10 0.01 JPY 400 Alfresa Holdings Corp 8 0.01 JPY 200 Welcia Holdings Co Ltd 12 0.01 JPY 7,400 Astellas Pharma Inc 126 0.09 JPY 2,600 Yamada Denki Co Ltd 13 0.01 JPY 700 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 61 0.04 Semiconductors JPY 2,136 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 134 0.09 JPY 800 Advantest Corp 39 0.03 JPY 900 Eisai Co Ltd 67 0.05 JPY 600 Hamamatsu Photonics KK 24 0.02 JPY 100 Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc 5 0.00 JPY 2,600 Renesas Electronics Corp 17 0.01 JPY 100 Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 8 0.01 JPY 400 Rohm Co Ltd 34 0.02 JPY 600 Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd 13 0.01 JPY 800 SUMCO Corp 12 0.01 JPY 400 Medipal Holdings Corp 8 0.00 JPY 600 Tokyo Electron Ltd 124 0.08 JPY 700 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 13 0.01 Software JPY 200 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 18 0.01 JPY 200 Konami Holdings Corp 9 0.01 JPY 2,100 Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 47 0.03 JPY 2,500 Nexon Co Ltd 34 0.02 JPY 1,600 Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd 70 0.05 JPY 100 Oracle Corp Japan 9 0.01 JPY 2,100 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 39 0.03 JPY 400 Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd 20 0.01 JPY 800 Shionogi & Co Ltd 47 0.03 Telecommunications JPY 300 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd 6 0.00 JPY 100 Hikari Tsushin Inc 23 0.02 JPY 200 Suzuken Co Ltd 9 0.01 JPY 6,481 KDDI Corp 186 0.13 JPY 100 Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd 7 0.00 JPY 2,483 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 125 0.09



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.11%) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.58%) (cont) Healthcare services Telecommunications (cont) EUR 52 Eurofins Scientific SE 27 0.02 JPY 5,023 NTT DOCOMO Inc 138 0.09 Iron & steel JPY 5,600 Softbank Corp 76 0.05 EUR 2,319 ArcelorMittal SA 40 0.03 JPY 5,700 SoftBank Group Corp 222 0.15 Media Textile EUR 12 RTL Group SA - 0.00 JPY 400 Teijin Ltd 8 0.01 Metal fabricate/ hardware Toys EUR 1,690 Tenaris SA 18 0.01 JPY 700 Bandai Namco Holdings Inc 42 0.03 Real estate investment & services JPY 400 Nintendo Co Ltd 155 0.11 EUR 2,771 Aroundtown SA 24 0.02 Transportation Telecommunications JPY 500 Central Japan Railway Co 101 0.07 SEK 234 Millicom International Cellular SA 11 0.01 JPY 1,100 East Japan Railway Co 101 0.07 EUR 1,295 SES SA 17 0.01 JPY 800 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 34 0.02 Total Luxembourg 137 0.10 JPY 100 Kamigumi Co Ltd 2 0.00 JPY 300 Keihan Holdings Co Ltd 15 0.01 Mauritius (31 May 2019: 0.01%) JPY 600 Keikyu Corp 12 0.01 JPY 400 Keio Corp 26 0.02 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.56%) JPY 400 Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd 16 0.01 Auto manufacturers JPY 700 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 39 0.03 EUR 441 Ferrari NV 75 0.05 JPY 400 Kyushu Railway Co 14 0.01 EUR 3,859 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 57 0.04 JPY 400 Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd 13 0.01 Banks JPY 200 Nippon Express Co Ltd 13 0.01 EUR 1,614 ABN AMRO Bank NV 27 0.02 JPY 700 Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd 17 0.01 EUR 13,956 ING Groep NV 161 0.11 JPY 600 Seibu Holdings Inc 11 0.01 Beverages JPY 400 SG Holdings Co Ltd 10 0.01 EUR 415 Heineken Holding NV 40 0.03 JPY 800 Tobu Railway Co Ltd 29 0.02 EUR 912 Heineken NV 94 0.06 JPY 1,900 Tokyu Corp 37 0.02 Chemicals JPY 600 West Japan Railway Co 53 0.03 EUR 911 Akzo Nobel NV 87 0.06 JPY 700 Yamato Holdings Co Ltd 12 0.01 EUR 727 Koninklijke DSM NV 93 0.06 Total Japan 12,445 8.57 USD 1,033 LyondellBasell Industries NV 96 0.07 Commercial services Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.31%) EUR 31 Adyen NV 24 0.02 Advertising EUR 418 Randstad NV 24 0.01 GBP 4,480 WPP Plc 58 0.04 Cosmetics & personal care Auto parts & equipment EUR 5,220 Unilever NV 310 0.21 USD 935 Aptiv Plc 88 0.06 Diversified financial services Commercial services USD 441 AerCap Holdings NV 27 0.02 GBP 3,229 Experian Plc 107 0.08 Food Distribution & wholesale EUR 4,362 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 113 0.08 GBP 858 Ferguson Plc 74 0.05 Healthcare products Mining EUR 3,379 Koninklijke Philips NV 157 0.11 GBP 42,403 Glencore Plc 134 0.09 EUR 857 QIAGEN NV 37 0.03 Total Jersey 461 0.32 Insurance EUR 6,769 Aegon NV 30 0.02 Liberia (31 May 2019: 0.06%) EUR 1,115 NN Group NV 43 0.03 Leisure time Internet USD 617 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 74 0.05 EUR 1,554 Prosus NV 106 0.07 Total Liberia 74 0.05 Investment services EUR 391 EXOR NV 30 0.02 Machinery - diversified EUR 3,666 CNH Industrial NV 39 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Norway (31 May 2019: 0.24%) (cont) Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.56%) (cont) Telecommunications Media NOK 2,613 Telenor ASA 48 0.03 EUR 2,267 Altice Europe NV 14 0.01 Total Norway 309 0.21 EUR 1,016 Wolters Kluwer NV 73 0.05 Pharmaceuticals Panama (31 May 2019: 0.06%) USD 1,834 Mylan NV 34 0.02 Leisure time Pipelines USD 1,606 Carnival Corp 72 0.05 EUR 235 Koninklijke Vopak NV 13 0.01 Total Panama 72 0.05 Semiconductors EUR 1,509 ASML Holding NV 411 0.28 Papua New Guinea (31 May 2019: 0.02%) USD 1,056 NXP Semiconductors NV 122 0.08 Oil & gas EUR 2,643 STMicroelectronics NV 65 0.05 AUD 4,935 Oil Search Ltd 25 0.02 Telecommunications Total Papua New Guinea 25 0.02 EUR 12,654 Koninklijke KPN NV 39 0.03 Total Netherlands 2,441 1.68 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.03%) Food New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.09%) EUR 905 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 14 0.01 Building materials and fixtures Oil & gas NZD 3,231 Fletcher Building Ltd 11 0.01 EUR 1,782 Galp Energia SGPS SA 29 0.02 Electricity Total Portugal 43 0.03 NZD 4,822 Meridian Energy Ltd 14 0.01 Engineering & construction Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.48%) NZD 3,469 Auckland International Airport Ltd 20 0.01 Airlines Food SGD 2,600 Singapore Airlines Ltd 17 0.01 NZD 2,589 a2 Milk Co Ltd 26 0.02 Banks Healthcare products SGD 6,400 DBS Group Holdings Ltd 118 0.08 NZD 2,043 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd 29 0.02 SGD 10,974 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd 87 0.06 Healthcare services SGD 4,523 United Overseas Bank Ltd 85 0.06 NZD 1,479 Ryman Healthcare Ltd 14 0.01 Diversified financial services Telecommunications SGD 1,500 Singapore Exchange Ltd 10 0.01 NZD 6,748 Spark New Zealand Ltd 20 0.01 Electronics Total New Zealand 134 0.09 USD 2,200 Flex Ltd 26 0.02 SGD 1,600 Venture Corp Ltd 19 0.01 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.24%) Engineering & construction Banks SGD 5,200 Keppel Corp Ltd 26 0.02 NOK 3,308 DNB ASA 56 0.04 SGD 2,600 SATS Ltd 9 0.00 Chemicals SGD 9,900 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd 30 0.02 NOK 623 Yara International ASA 23 0.02 Entertainment Food SGD 20,900 Genting Singapore Ltd 14 0.01 NOK 1,454 Mowi ASA 36 0.02 Food NOK 2,905 Orkla ASA 28 0.02 SGD 5,300 Wilmar International Ltd 16 0.01 Insurance Hotels NOK 723 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 14 0.01 SGD 2,600 City Developments Ltd 20 0.01 Media Real estate investment & services NOK 361 Schibsted ASA 9 0.01 SGD 7,900 CapitaLand Ltd 21 0.01 Mining SGD 2,500 UOL Group Ltd 14 0.01 NOK 4,889 Norsk Hydro ASA 17 0.01 Real estate investment trusts Oil & gas SGD 9,164 Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust 20 0.01 NOK 390 Aker BP ASA 11 0.01 SGD 5,800 CapitaLand Commercial Trust 9 0.01 NOK 3,600 Equinor ASA 67 0.04 SGD 7,900 CapitaLand Mall Trust 15 0.01 SGD 7,800 Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust 10 0.01



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.86%) (cont) Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.48%) (cont) Banks Semiconductors SEK 5,786 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 50 0.03 SGD 10,200 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd 8 0.01 SEK 5,438 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 53 0.04 Transportation SEK 3,205 Swedbank AB 42 0.03 SGD 7,800 ComfortDelGro Corp Ltd 13 0.01 Commercial services Total Singapore 587 0.40 SEK 1,131 Securitas AB 19 0.01 Cosmetics & personal care Slovenia (31 May 2019: Nil) SEK 2,122 Essity AB 67 0.04 Telecommunications Electronics SGD 29,122 Singapore Telecommunications 72 0.05 SEK 3,508 Assa Abloy AB 83 0.06 Total Slovenia 72 0.05 Engineering & construction SEK 1,208 Skanska AB 27 0.02 Spain (31 May 2019: 1.08%) Food Banks SEK 285 ICA Gruppen AB 12 0.01 EUR 23,665 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 125 0.08 Home furnishings EUR 20,508 Banco de Sabadell SA 23 0.01 SEK 856 Electrolux AB 22 0.01 EUR 58,774 Banco Santander SA 229 0.16 Investment services EUR 4,743 Bankia SA 9 0.01 SEK 612 Industrivarden AB 14 0.01 EUR 2,485 Bankinter SA 17 0.01 SEK 1,803 Investor AB 95 0.07 EUR 12,795 CaixaBank SA 38 0.03 SEK 830 Kinnevik AB 19 0.01 Commercial services SEK 830 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) 5 0.00 EUR 1,649 Amadeus IT Group SA 131 0.09 SEK 261 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 11 0.01 Electricity Machinery - diversified EUR 21,667 Iberdrola SA 213 0.15 SEK 2,517 Atlas Copco AB 92 0.06 EUR 1,564 Red Electrica Corp SA 31 0.02 SEK 1,354 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 44 0.03 Energy - alternate sources SEK 901 Hexagon AB 51 0.04 EUR 864 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA 14 0.01 SEK 1,554 Husqvarna AB 12 0.01 Engineering & construction Machinery, construction & mining EUR 887 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 34 0.02 SEK 2,407 Epiroc AB 28 0.02 EUR 235 Aena SME SA 43 0.03 SEK 1,494 Epiroc AB Class 'B' 17 0.01 EUR 929 Cellnex Telecom SA 40 0.03 SEK 3,961 Sandvik AB 72 0.05 EUR 26 Ferrovial SA 1 0.00 Metal fabricate/ hardware EUR 1,645 Ferrovial SA (voting) 49 0.04 SEK 1,356 SKF AB 26 0.02 Gas Mining EUR 179 Enagas SA 4 0.01 SEK 962 Boliden AB 25 0.02 EUR 1,222 Naturgy Energy Group SA 32 0.02 Miscellaneous manufacturers Insurance SEK 1,039 Alfa Laval AB 26 0.02 EUR 4,143 Mapfre SA 12 0.01 Oil & gas Oil & gas SEK 651 Lundin Petroleum AB 20 0.01 EUR 5,594 Repsol SA 88 0.06 Retail Pharmaceuticals SEK 3,073 Hennes & Mauritz AB 59 0.04 EUR 1,040 Grifols SA 36 0.02 Telecommunications Retail SEK 2,299 Tele2 AB 34 0.02 EUR 3,923 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 122 0.08 SEK 11,448 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 103 0.07 Telecommunications SEK 9,766 Telia Co AB 42 0.03 EUR 17,428 Telefonica SA 134 0.09 Total Sweden 1,255 0.86 Total Spain 1,425 0.98 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.05%) Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.86%) Banks Auto manufacturers CHF 9,064 Credit Suisse Group AG 119 0.08 SEK 5,466 Volvo AB 85 0.06 CHF 13,860 UBS Group AG 168 0.12



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.05%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 3.05%) (cont) Telecommunications Beverages CHF 100 Swisscom AG 52 0.04 GBP 826 Coca-Cola HBC AG 28 0.02 Transportation Building materials and fixtures CHF 183 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 30 0.02 CHF 130 Geberit AG 70 0.05 Total Switzerland 4,335 2.98 CHF 1,950 LafargeHolcim Ltd 100 0.07 CHF 424 Sika AG 74 0.05 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.88%) Chemicals Aerospace & defence CHF 823 Clariant AG 17 0.01 GBP 2,918 Meggitt Plc 24 0.01 CHF 29 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 18 0.01 GBP 5,968 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc 55 0.04 * CHF 29 Givaudan SA 85 0.06 GBP 221,444 Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (Preference) - 0.00 CHF 270 Lonza Group AG 92 0.07 Airlines Commercial services GBP 691 easyJet Plc 12 0.01 CHF 424 Adecco Group AG 26 0.02 Apparel retailers CHF 23 SGS SA 60 0.04 GBP 1,473 Burberry Group Plc 40 0.03 Diversified financial services Banks CHF 887 Julius Baer Group Ltd 42 0.03 GBP 60,513 Barclays Plc 134 0.09 CHF 75 Partners Group Holding AG 63 0.04 GBP 71,778 HSBC Holdings Plc 535 0.37 Electronics GBP 256,800 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 203 0.14 USD 423 Garmin Ltd 41 0.03 GBP 17,173 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 50 0.04 USD 1,176 TE Connectivity Ltd 109 0.07 GBP 9,926 Standard Chartered Plc 90 0.06 Food Beverages CHF 4 Barry Callebaut AG 8 0.00 USD 754 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 38 0.02 CHF 8 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG 61 0.04 GBP 8,744 Diageo Plc 358 0.25 CHF 10,455 Nestle SA 1,087 0.75 Chemicals Hand & machine tools GBP 442 Croda International Plc 29 0.02 CHF 53 Schindler Holding AG 13 0.01 GBP 675 Johnson Matthey Plc 25 0.02 CHF 131 Schindler Holding AG (non-voting) 33 0.02 Commercial services Healthcare products GBP 1,716 Ashtead Group Plc 52 0.03 CHF 1,717 Alcon Inc 95 0.07 GBP 6,010 G4S Plc 16 0.01 CHF 188 Sonova Holding AG 43 0.03 GBP 547 Intertek Group Plc 39 0.03 CHF 47 Straumann Holding AG 45 0.03 USD 1,505 Nielsen Holdings Plc 30 0.02 Insurance GBP 7,028 RELX Plc 170 0.12 CHF 161 Baloise Holding AG 28 0.02 GBP 6,830 Rentokil Initial Plc 39 0.03 USD 1,640 Chubb Ltd 248 0.17 Cosmetics & personal care CHF 129 Swiss Life Holding AG 64 0.04 GBP 4,029 Unilever Plc 239 0.16 CHF 1,124 Swiss Re AG 122 0.08 Distribution & wholesale CHF 573 Zurich Insurance Group AG 225 0.16 GBP 1,184 Bunzl Plc 32 0.02 Investment services Diversified financial services CHF 131 Pargesa Holding SA 10 0.01 GBP 3,469 3i Group Plc 48 0.03 Machinery, construction & mining GBP 1,015 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 25 0.02 CHF 6,365 ABB Ltd 139 0.09 GBP 1,092 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 97 0.07 Pharmaceuticals GBP 442 Schroders Plc 19 0.01 CHF 2,589 Roche Holding AG 799 0.55 GBP 1,938 St James's Place Plc 27 0.02 CHF 157 Vifor Pharma AG 28 0.02 GBP 8,540 Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 35 0.02 Real estate investment & services Electricity CHF 293 Swiss Prime Site AG 31 0.02 GBP 4,273 SSE Plc 72 0.05 Retail Electronics CHF 105 Swatch Group AG 30 0.02 GBP 1,376 Halma Plc 37 0.03 Software USD 597 Sensata Technologies Holding Plc 31 0.02 CHF 213 Temenos AG 32 0.02 Food GBP 1,249 Associated British Foods Plc 42 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.88%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 4.88%) (cont) Mining Food (cont) GBP 1,498 Antofagasta Plc 17 0.01 GBP 6,729 J Sainsbury Plc 19 0.01 GBP 4,212 Rio Tinto Plc 229 0.16 GBP 1,419 Ocado Group Plc 24 0.02 Miscellaneous manufacturers GBP 8,344 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 21 0.01 GBP 1,467 Smiths Group Plc 32 0.02 Food Service Oil & gas GBP 6,057 Compass Group Plc 148 0.10 GBP 72,378 BP Plc 450 0.31 Forest products & paper Oil & gas services GBP 1,757 Mondi Plc 38 0.03 USD 1,548 TechnipFMC Plc 29 0.02 Gas Pharmaceuticals GBP 20,785 Centrica Plc 21 0.02 GBP 4,715 AstraZeneca Plc 455 0.31 GBP 12,920 National Grid Plc 149 0.10 GBP 17,598 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 399 0.28 Healthcare products Real estate investment trusts GBP 3,121 Smith & Nephew Plc 70 0.05 GBP 3,465 British Land Co Plc 26 0.02 Healthcare services GBP 2,696 Land Securities Group Plc 33 0.02 GBP 372 NMC Health Plc 12 0.01 GBP 3,680 Segro Plc 43 0.03 Home builders Retail GBP 3,692 Barratt Developments Plc 32 0.02 GBP 1,177 JD Sports Fashion Plc 12 0.01 GBP 442 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 26 0.02 GBP 7,952 Kingfisher Plc 22 0.01 GBP 1,101 Persimmon Plc 37 0.02 GBP 6,829 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 17 0.01 GBP 12,060 Taylor Wimpey Plc 27 0.02 GBP 494 Next Plc 43 0.03 Hotels Software GBP 598 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 39 0.02 GBP 1,279 Micro Focus International Plc 19 0.01 GBP 449 Whitbread Plc 26 0.02 GBP 3,912 Sage Group Plc 38 0.03 Household goods & home construction Telecommunications GBP 2,515 Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc 197 0.13 GBP 29,731 BT Group Plc 74 0.05 Insurance GBP 100,653 Vodafone Group Plc 199 0.14 GBP 717 Admiral Group Plc 20 0.01 Water USD 858 Aon Plc 175 0.12 GBP 834 Severn Trent Plc 24 0.02 GBP 14,239 Aviva Plc 74 0.05 GBP 2,491 United Utilities Group Plc 28 0.02 GBP 5,177 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 21 0.02 Total United Kingdom 6,597 4.54 GBP 21,188 Legal & General Group Plc 77 0.05 GBP 9,222 M&G Plc 28 0.02 United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) GBP 9,207 Prudential Plc 164 0.11 Advertising GBP 3,536 RSA Insurance Group Plc 25 0.02 USD 1,610 Interpublic Group of Cos Inc 36 0.03 Internet USD 770 Omnicom Group Inc 61 0.04 GBP 3,464 Auto Trader Group Plc 25 0.02 Aerospace & defence Investment services USD 1,374 Arconic Inc 42 0.03 GBP 17,393 Melrose Industries Plc 52 0.04 USD 151 HEICO Corp 20 0.01 Iron & steel USD 217 HEICO Corp (restricted voting) 22 0.01 GBP 606 Evraz Plc 3 0.00 USD 821 L3Harris Technologies Inc 165 0.11 Leisure time USD 1,040 Raytheon Co 226 0.16 GBP 628 Carnival Plc 26 0.02 USD 424 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 37 0.03 Machinery - diversified USD 111 Teledyne Technologies Inc 38 0.03 GBP 263 Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc 30 0.02 USD 181 TransDigm Group Inc 103 0.07 GBP 923 Weir Group Plc 17 0.01 Agriculture Media USD 1,966 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 84 0.06 GBP 4,460 Informa Plc 46 0.03 Airlines GBP 13,585 ITV Plc 25 0.02 USD 518 American Airlines Group Inc 15 0.01 USD 704 Liberty Global Plc 16 0.01 USD 536 Delta Air Lines Inc 31 0.02 USD 1,449 Liberty Global Plc Class 'C' 31 0.02 USD 599 Southwest Airlines Co 34 0.02 GBP 2,836 Pearson Plc 24 0.02 USD 235 United Airlines Holdings Inc 22 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) Beverages (cont) Apparel retailers USD 5,071 PepsiCo Inc 689 0.47 USD 1,506 Hanesbrands Inc 23 0.02 Biotechnology USD 4,552 NIKE Inc 426 0.29 USD 829 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 94 0.06 USD 294 PVH Corp 28 0.02 USD 346 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 40 0.03 USD 183 Ralph Lauren Corp 20 0.02 USD 2,197 Amgen Inc 515 0.35 USD 1,163 Tapestry Inc 31 0.02 USD 683 Biogen Inc 205 0.14 USD 769 Under Armour Inc 14 0.01 USD 742 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 60 0.04 USD 798 Under Armour Inc (non-voting) 14 0.01 USD 75 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 28 0.02 USD 1,197 VF Corp 106 0.07 USD 2,418 Corteva Inc 63 0.04 Auto manufacturers USD 468 Exact Sciences Corp 38 0.03 USD 14,383 Ford Motor Co 130 0.09 USD 4,643 Gilead Sciences Inc 312 0.21 USD 4,655 General Motors Co 168 0.11 USD 536 Illumina Inc 172 0.12 USD 1,273 PACCAR Inc 104 0.07 USD 615 Incyte Corp 58 0.04 USD 477 Tesla Inc 157 0.11 USD 467 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 30 0.02 Auto parts & equipment USD 301 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 111 0.08 USD 311 Autoliv Inc 25 0.02 USD 423 Seattle Genetics Inc 51 0.04 USD 857 BorgWarner Inc 36 0.02 USD 955 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 212 0.15 USD 234 Lear Corp 28 0.02 Building materials and fixtures USD 183 WABCO Holdings Inc 25 0.02 USD 599 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 38 0.03 Banks USD 130 Lennox International Inc 33 0.02 USD 31,728 Bank of America Corp 1,057 0.73 USD 209 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 56 0.04 USD 3,170 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 155 0.11 USD 1,010 Masco Corp 47 0.03 USD 2,805 BB&T Corp 154 0.10 USD 423 Owens Corning 28 0.02 USD 7,912 Citigroup Inc 594 0.41 USD 491 Vulcan Materials Co 70 0.05 USD 1,814 Citizens Financial Group Inc 70 0.05 Chemicals USD 501 Comerica Inc 35 0.02 USD 778 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 184 0.13 USD 599 East West Bancorp Inc 27 0.02 USD 423 Albemarle Corp 28 0.02 USD 2,855 Fifth Third Bancorp 86 0.06 USD 721 CF Industries Holdings Inc 33 0.02 USD 564 First Republic Bank 62 0.04 USD 2,818 Dow Inc 150 0.10 USD 1,115 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 247 0.17 USD 2,524 DuPont de Nemours Inc 164 0.11 USD 3,766 Huntington Bancshares Inc 56 0.04 USD 923 Ecolab Inc 172 0.12 USD 11,449 JPMorgan Chase & Co 1,509 1.04 USD 502 FMC Corp 49 0.03 USD 3,668 KeyCorp 71 0.05 USD 346 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 49 0.03 USD 450 M&T Bank Corp 74 0.05 USD 1,528 Mosaic Co 29 0.02 USD 4,268 Morgan Stanley 211 0.14 USD 861 PPG Industries Inc 111 0.08 USD 646 Northern Trust Corp 69 0.05 USD 360 RPM International Inc 27 0.02 USD 1,601 PNC Financial Services Group Inc~ 245 0.17 USD 306 Sherwin-Williams Co 178 0.12 USD 3,884 Regions Financial Corp 65 0.04 USD 131 Westlake Chemical Corp 9 0.01 USD 183 Signature Bank 23 0.01 Commercial services USD 1,339 State Street Corp 101 0.07 USD 25 AMERCO 9 0.01 USD 1,565 SunTrust Banks Inc 111 0.08 USD 1,590 Automatic Data Processing Inc 272 0.19 USD 183 SVB Financial Group 42 0.03 USD 519 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 38 0.03 USD 5,472 US Bancorp 329 0.23 USD 314 Cintas Corp 81 0.06 USD 15,013 Wells Fargo & Co 818 0.56 USD 130 CoStar Group Inc 80 0.05 USD 805 Zions Bancorp NA 40 0.03 USD 450 Equifax Inc 63 0.04 Beverages USD 302 FleetCor Technologies Inc 93 0.06 USD 1,071 Brown-Forman Corp 73 0.05 USD 346 Gartner Inc 55 0.04 USD 14,629 Coca-Cola Co 781 0.54 USD 1,089 Global Payments Inc 197 0.14 USD 603 Constellation Brands Inc 112 0.08 USD 234 ManpowerGroup Inc 22 0.01 USD 773 Molson Coors Brewing Co 39 0.03 USD 127 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 51 0.03 USD 1,438 Monster Beverage Corp 86 0.06 USD 605 Moody's Corp 137 0.09



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) Diversified financial services (cont) Commercial services (cont) USD 3,275 Mastercard Inc 957 0.66 USD 4,022 PayPal Holdings Inc 434 0.30 USD 449 Nasdaq Inc 47 0.03 USD 475 Robert Half International Inc 28 0.02 USD 501 Raymond James Financial Inc 45 0.03 USD 599 Rollins Inc 21 0.01 USD 502 SEI Investments Co 32 0.02 USD 908 S&P Global Inc 240 0.17 USD 2,278 Synchrony Financial 85 0.06 USD 1,068 Sabre Corp 24 0.02 USD 867 T Rowe Price Group Inc 107 0.07 USD 1,260 Square Inc 87 0.06 USD 957 TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 50 0.03 USD 631 TransUnion 54 0.04 USD 6,225 Visa Inc 1,149 0.79 USD 320 United Rentals Inc 49 0.03 USD 1,408 Western Union Co 38 0.03 USD 589 Verisk Analytics Inc 87 0.06 Electrical components & equipment Computers USD 131 Acuity Brands Inc 17 0.01 USD 16,247 Apple Inc 4,342 2.99 USD 831 AMETEK Inc 82 0.06 USD 2,102 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 135 0.09 USD 2,274 Emerson Electric Co 168 0.11 USD 638 Dell Technologies Inc 31 0.02 Electricity USD 953 DXC Technology Co 36 0.03 USD 2,008 CenterPoint Energy Inc 49 0.03 USD 215 EPAM Systems Inc 45 0.03 USD 1,132 Consolidated Edison Inc 99 0.07 USD 596 Fortinet Inc 63 0.04 USD 1,314 Edison International 91 0.06 USD 5,002 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 79 0.05 USD 1,164 Eversource Energy 96 0.07 USD 5,631 HP Inc 113 0.08 USD 3,454 Exelon Corp 153 0.10 USD 3,216 International Business Machines Corp 432 0.30 USD 1,720 NextEra Energy Inc 402 0.28 USD 827 NetApp Inc 50 0.03 USD 1,891 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 112 0.08 USD 1,027 Western Digital Corp 52 0.04 USD 962 Sempra Energy 142 0.10 Cosmetics & personal care Electronics USD 2,976 Colgate-Palmolive Co 202 0.14 USD 1,111 Agilent Technologies Inc 90 0.06 USD 1,005 Coty Inc 12 0.01 USD 1,138 Amphenol Corp 118 0.08 USD 813 Estee Lauder Cos Inc 159 0.11 USD 345 Arrow Electronics Inc 28 0.02 USD 9,024 Procter & Gamble Co 1,101 0.75 USD 380 FLIR Systems Inc 20 0.01 Distribution & wholesale USD 1,090 Fortive Corp 79 0.05 USD 674 Copart Inc 60 0.04 USD 653 Keysight Technologies Inc 70 0.05 USD 2,260 Fastenal Co 80 0.06 USD 81 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 58 0.04 USD 721 HD Supply Holdings Inc 29 0.02 USD 414 PerkinElmer Inc 38 0.03 USD 1,254 LKQ Corp 44 0.03 USD 1,010 Trimble Inc 41 0.03 USD 157 WW Grainger Inc 50 0.03 USD 268 Waters Corp 60 0.04 Diversified financial services Entertainment USD 107 Alliance Data Systems Corp 11 0.01 USD 599 Live Nation Entertainment Inc 42 0.03 USD 1,358 Ally Financial Inc 43 0.03 USD 131 Vail Resorts Inc 32 0.02 USD 2,582 American Express Co 310 0.21 Environmental control USD 495 Ameriprise Financial Inc 81 0.06 USD 827 Republic Services Inc 73 0.05 USD 412 BlackRock Inc~ 204 0.14 USD 1,541 Waste Management Inc 174 0.12 USD 2,242 Blackstone Group Inc 122 0.08 Food USD 1,714 Capital One Financial Corp 171 0.12 USD 396 Campbell Soup Co 18 0.01 USD 424 Cboe Global Markets Inc 50 0.03 USD 1,810 Conagra Brands Inc 52 0.04 USD 4,314 Charles Schwab Corp 214 0.15 USD 2,173 General Mills Inc 116 0.08 USD 1,323 CME Group Inc 268 0.19 USD 525 Hershey Co 78 0.05 USD 1,249 Discover Financial Services 106 0.07 USD 1,185 Hormel Foods Corp 53 0.04 USD 851 E*TRADE Financial Corp 38 0.03 USD 293 Ingredion Inc 24 0.02 USD 450 Eaton Vance Corp 21 0.02 USD 424 JM Smucker Co 45 0.03 USD 1,021 Franklin Resources Inc 28 0.02 USD 867 Kellogg Co 56 0.04 USD 2,049 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 193 0.13 USD 2,466 Kraft Heinz Co 75 0.05 USD 769 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 16 0.01 USD 2,742 Kroger Co 75 0.05 USD 2,017 KKR & Co Inc 60 0.04 USD 599 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 50 0.03



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) Home builders Food (cont) USD 1,228 DR Horton Inc 68 0.05 USD 431 McCormick & Co Inc 73 0.05 USD 1,163 Lennar Corp 69 0.05 USD 5,282 Mondelez International Inc 278 0.19 USD 9 NVR Inc 34 0.02 USD 1,729 Sysco Corp 139 0.10 USD 853 PulteGroup Inc 34 0.02 USD 1,062 Tyson Foods Inc 96 0.07 Home furnishings Food Service USD 501 Leggett & Platt Inc 26 0.02 USD 901 Aramark 39 0.03 USD 234 Whirlpool Corp 34 0.02 USD 346 Grubhub Inc 15 0.01 Hotels Forest products & paper USD 1,012 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 106 0.07 USD 1,263 International Paper Co 59 0.04 USD 1,358 Las Vegas Sands Corp 85 0.06 Gas USD 994 Marriott International Inc 140 0.10 USD 424 Atmos Energy Corp 45 0.03 USD 1,797 MGM Resorts International 57 0.04 USD 756 UGI Corp 33 0.02 USD 372 Wynn Resorts Ltd 45 0.03 Hand & machine tools Household goods & home construction USD 208 Snap-on Inc 33 0.03 USD 345 Avery Dennison Corp 45 0.03 USD 575 Stanley Black & Decker Inc 91 0.06 USD 902 Church & Dwight Co Inc 63 0.04 Healthcare products USD 474 Clorox Co 70 0.05 USD 6,343 Abbott Laboratories 542 0.37 USD 1,251 Kimberly-Clark Corp 171 0.12 USD 156 ABIOMED Inc 31 0.02 Household products USD 266 Align Technology Inc 74 0.05 USD 1,328 Newell Brands Inc 26 0.02 USD 1,707 Baxter International Inc 140 0.10 Insurance USD 962 Becton Dickinson and Co 249 0.17 USD 2,766 Aflac Inc 152 0.10 USD 5,008 Boston Scientific Corp 217 0.15 USD 52 Alleghany Corp 41 0.03 USD 177 Cooper Cos Inc 55 0.04 USD 1,197 Allstate Corp 133 0.09 USD 2,304 Danaher Corp 336 0.23 USD 116 American Financial Group Inc 13 0.01 USD 755 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 43 0.03 USD 3,175 American International Group Inc 167 0.11 USD 748 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 183 0.12 USD 625 Arthur J Gallagher & Co 58 0.04 USD 469 Henry Schein Inc 32 0.02 USD 182 Assurant Inc 24 0.02 USD 866 Hologic Inc 44 0.03 USD 986 AXA Equitable Holdings Inc 24 0.02 USD 302 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 76 0.05 USD 4,689 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1,033 0.71 USD 223 Insulet Corp 41 0.03 USD 521 Brown & Brown Inc 20 0.01 USD 411 Intuitive Surgical Inc 244 0.17 USD 561 Cincinnati Financial Corp 60 0.04 USD 475 ResMed Inc 71 0.05 USD 52 Erie Indemnity Co 9 0.01 USD 1,190 Stryker Corp 244 0.17 USD 903 Fidelity National Financial Inc 43 0.03 USD 157 Teleflex Inc 56 0.04 USD 423 Globe Life Inc 44 0.03 USD 1,465 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 460 0.32 USD 1,314 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 81 0.06 USD 346 Varian Medical Systems Inc 46 0.03 USD 742 Lincoln National Corp 44 0.03 USD 265 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 39 0.03 USD 934 Loews Corp 48 0.03 USD 767 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 111 0.08 USD 52 Markel Corp 59 0.04 Healthcare services USD 1,858 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 201 0.14 USD 929 Anthem Inc 268 0.18 USD 2,911 MetLife Inc 145 0.10 USD 1,470 Centene Corp 89 0.06 USD 1,001 Principal Financial Group Inc 55 0.04 USD 365 DaVita Inc 26 0.02 USD 2,137 Progressive Corp 156 0.11 USD 976 HCA Healthcare Inc 135 0.09 USD 1,293 Prudential Financial Inc 121 0.08 USD 495 Humana Inc 169 0.12 USD 201 Reinsurance Group of America Inc 33 0.02 USD 581 IQVIA Holdings Inc 85 0.06 USD 976 Travelers Cos Inc 133 0.09 USD 368 Laboratory Corp of America Holdings 63 0.04 USD 889 Unum Group 27 0.02 USD 502 Quest Diagnostics Inc 54 0.04 USD 441 Voya Financial Inc 26 0.02 USD 3,441 UnitedHealth Group Inc 963 0.66 USD 596 WR Berkley Corp 41 0.03 USD 301 Universal Health Services Inc 42 0.03 Internet USD 182 WellCare Health Plans Inc 59 0.04 USD 1,076 Alphabet Inc 1,403 0.97



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) Media (cont) Internet (cont) USD 604 Discovery Inc 20 0.01 USD 1,130 Alphabet Inc Class 'C' 1,475 1.02 USD 1,303 Discovery Inc Class 'C' 40 0.03 USD 1,507 Inc 2,714 1.87 USD 640 DISH Network Corp 22 0.01 USD 155 Booking Holdings Inc 295 0.20 USD 132 FactSet Research Systems Inc 34 0.02 USD 486 CDW Corp 66 0.05 USD 1,420 Fox Corp 51 0.03 USD 2,907 eBay Inc 103 0.07 USD 695 Fox Corp Class 'B' 24 0.02 USD 541 Expedia Group Inc 55 0.04 USD 398 Liberty Broadband Corp 48 0.03 USD 209 F5 Networks Inc 30 0.02 USD 831 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Formula One 37 0.03 USD 8,672 Facebook Inc 1,749 1.20 USD 319 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 16 0.01 USD 613 GoDaddy Inc 41 0.03 USD 484 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM Class 'C' 23 0.02 USD 268 IAC/InterActiveCorp 60 0.04 USD 1,085 News Corp 14 0.01 USD 202 Match Group Inc 14 0.01 USD 5,365 Sirius XM Holdings Inc 37 0.03 USD 155 MercadoLibre Inc 90 0.06 USD 1,013 Viacom Inc 24 0.02 USD 1,578 Netflix Inc 497 0.34 USD 6,513 Walt Disney Co 987 0.68 USD 2,184 NortonLifeLock Inc 54 0.04 Mining USD 383 Okta Inc 50 0.03 USD 3,082 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 118 0.08 USD 319 Palo Alto Networks Inc 72 0.05 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 263 RingCentral Inc 45 0.03 USD 1,987 3M Co 337 0.23 USD 303 Roku Inc 49 0.03 USD 599 AO Smith Corp 29 0.02 USD 2,577 Snap Inc 39 0.03 USD 31,707 General Electric Co 357 0.25 USD 398 TripAdvisor Inc 11 0.01 USD 1,188 Illinois Tool Works Inc 207 0.14 USD 2,558 Twitter Inc 79 0.05 USD 441 Parker-Hannifin Corp 88 0.06 USD 489 Uber Technologies Inc 14 0.01 Office & business equipment USD 365 VeriSign Inc 70 0.05 USD 750 Xerox Holdings Corp 29 0.02 USD 211 Wayfair Inc 18 0.01 USD 181 Zebra Technologies Corp 46 0.03 USD 449 Zillow Group Inc 18 0.01 Oil & gas Iron & steel USD 1,603 Apache Corp 36 0.02 USD 1,085 Nucor Corp 61 0.04 USD 1,375 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 22 0.02 USD 961 Steel Dynamics Inc 33 0.02 USD 6,839 Chevron Corp 801 0.55 Leisure time USD 582 Concho Resources Inc 42 0.03 USD 695 Harley-Davidson Inc 25 0.02 USD 4,143 ConocoPhillips 248 0.17 USD 208 Polaris Inc 21 0.01 USD 137 Continental Resources Inc 4 0.00 Machinery - diversified USD 554 Diamondback Energy Inc 43 0.03 USD 667 Cognex Corp 33 0.02 USD 2,072 EOG Resources Inc 147 0.10 USD 572 Cummins Inc 105 0.07 USD 15,315 Exxon Mobil Corp 1,043 0.72 USD 1,068 Deere & Co 179 0.12 USD 941 Hess Corp 58 0.04 USD 473 Dover Corp 53 0.04 USD 695 HollyFrontier Corp 36 0.03 USD 501 Flowserve Corp 24 0.02 USD 2,714 Marathon Oil Corp 32 0.02 USD 294 IDEX Corp 48 0.03 USD 2,447 Marathon Petroleum Corp 148 0.10 USD 183 Middleby Corp 21 0.01 USD 1,981 Noble Energy Inc 41 0.03 USD 409 Rockwell Automation Inc 80 0.06 USD 3,272 Occidental Petroleum Corp 126 0.09 USD 369 Roper Technologies Inc 133 0.09 USD 1,610 Phillips 66 185 0.13 USD 668 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp 53 0.04 USD 614 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 79 0.05 USD 600 Xylem Inc 47 0.03 USD 1,495 Valero Energy Corp 143 0.10 Machinery, construction & mining Oil & gas services USD 2,027 Caterpillar Inc 293 0.20 USD 2,291 Baker Hughes Co 51 0.04 Media USD 3,132 Halliburton Co 66 0.05 USD 604 Altice USA Inc 15 0.01 USD 1,603 National Oilwell Varco Inc 36 0.02 USD 1,176 CBS Corp 48 0.03 Packaging & containers USD 567 Charter Communications Inc 267 0.18 USD 1,164 Ball Corp 77 0.05 USD 16,300 Comcast Corp 720 0.50 USD 502 Crown Holdings Inc 38 0.02



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Packaging & containers (cont) USD 1,767 Kimco Realty Corp 38 0.03 USD 371 Packaging Corp of America 42 0.03 USD 638 Liberty Property Trust 39 0.03 USD 669 Sealed Air Corp 25 0.02 USD 1,256 Medical Properties Trust Inc 26 0.02 USD 1,036 Westrock Co 42 0.03 USD 424 Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc 58 0.04 Pharmaceuticals USD 643 National Retail Properties Inc 36 0.02 USD 5,338 AbbVie Inc 468 0.32 USD 597 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 25 0.02 USD 526 AmerisourceBergen Corp 46 0.03 USD 2,235 Prologis Inc 205 0.14 USD 8,465 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 482 0.33 USD 554 Public Storage 117 0.08 USD 1,067 Cardinal Health Inc 59 0.04 USD 1,115 Realty Income Corp 85 0.06 USD 1,351 Cigna Corp 270 0.19 USD 653 Regency Centers Corp 42 0.03 USD 4,722 CVS Health Corp 355 0.25 USD 393 SBA Communications Corp 93 0.06 USD 345 DexCom Inc 78 0.05 USD 1,113 Simon Property Group Inc 168 0.12 USD 877 Elanco Animal Health Inc 24 0.02 USD 345 SL Green Realty Corp 29 0.02 USD 3,141 Eli Lilly & Co 369 0.25 USD 429 Sun Communities Inc 71 0.05 USD 9,561 Johnson & Johnson 1,315 0.91 USD 1,094 UDR Inc 53 0.04 USD 677 McKesson Corp 98 0.07 USD 1,292 Ventas Inc 75 0.05 USD 9,324 Merck & Co Inc 813 0.56 USD 3,838 Vereit Inc 37 0.03 USD 296 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 35 0.02 USD 1,238 VICI Properties Inc 31 0.02 USD 20,016 Pfizer Inc 771 0.53 USD 545 Vornado Realty Trust 35 0.02 USD 268 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 30 0.02 USD 1,401 Welltower Inc 118 0.08 USD 1,769 Zoetis Inc 213 0.15 USD 2,727 Weyerhaeuser Co 80 0.05 Pipelines USD 571 WP Carey Inc 48 0.03 USD 913 Cheniere Energy Inc 55 0.04 Retail USD 7,326 Kinder Morgan Inc 144 0.10 USD 233 Advance Auto Parts Inc 36 0.03 USD 1,549 ONEOK Inc 110 0.07 USD 83 AutoZone Inc 98 0.07 USD 961 Targa Resources Corp 35 0.02 USD 949 Best Buy Co Inc 76 0.05 USD 4,246 Williams Cos Inc 97 0.07 USD 235 Burlington Stores Inc 53 0.04 Real estate investment & services USD 613 CarMax Inc 60 0.04 USD 1,084 CBRE Group Inc 62 0.04 USD 101 Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 82 0.06 USD 156 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 26 0.02 USD 1,570 Costco Wholesale Corp 471 0.32 Real estate investment trusts USD 475 Darden Restaurants Inc 56 0.04 USD 2,199 AGNC Investment Corp 38 0.03 USD 931 Dollar General Corp 146 0.10 USD 423 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 69 0.05 USD 849 Dollar Tree Inc 78 0.05 USD 1,581 American Tower Corp 338 0.23 USD 131 Domino's Pizza Inc 38 0.03 USD 4,037 Annaly Capital Management Inc 38 0.03 USD 960 Gap Inc 16 0.01 USD 476 AvalonBay Communities Inc 102 0.07 USD 525 Genuine Parts Co 55 0.04 USD 577 Boston Properties Inc 80 0.05 USD 3,944 Home Depot Inc 870 0.60 USD 346 Camden Property Trust 39 0.03 USD 695 Kohl's Corp 33 0.02 USD 1,501 Crown Castle International Corp 201 0.14 USD 2,771 Lowe's Cos Inc 325 0.22 USD 772 Digital Realty Trust Inc 93 0.06 USD 393 Lululemon Athletica Inc 89 0.06 USD 1,071 Duke Realty Corp 38 0.03 USD 2,781 McDonald's Corp 541 0.37 USD 310 Equinix Inc 176 0.12 USD 449 Nordstrom Inc 17 0.01 USD 640 Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 47 0.03 USD 290 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 128 0.09 USD 1,346 Equity Residential 115 0.08 USD 1,383 Ross Stores Inc 161 0.11 USD 234 Essex Property Trust Inc 73 0.05 USD 4,356 Starbucks Corp 372 0.26 USD 476 Extra Space Storage Inc 50 0.03 USD 1,850 Target Corp 231 0.16 USD 293 Federal Realty Investment Trust 39 0.03 USD 424 Tiffany & Co 57 0.04 USD 1,241 Healthpeak Properties Inc 43 0.03 USD 4,310 TJX Cos Inc 263 0.18 USD 2,468 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 43 0.03 USD 475 Tractor Supply Co 45 0.03 USD 1,760 Invitation Homes Inc 54 0.04 USD 208 Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc 49 0.03 USD 1,105 Iron Mountain Inc 36 0.02 USD 2,752 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 164 0.11



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 60.41%) (cont) Software (cont) Retail (cont) USD 3,010 Inc 490 0.34 USD 1,090 Yum! Brands Inc 110 0.08 USD 658 ServiceNow Inc 186 0.13 Savings & loans USD 551 Splunk Inc 82 0.06 USD 1,603 People's United Financial Inc 26 0.02 USD 885 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 53 0.04 Semiconductors USD 538 Synopsys Inc 76 0.05 USD 3,864 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 151 0.10 USD 424 Take-Two Interactive Software Inc 52 0.04 USD 1,286 Analog Devices Inc 145 0.10 USD 435 Twilio Inc 45 0.03 USD 3,475 Applied Materials Inc 201 0.14 USD 147 Tyler Technologies Inc 43 0.03 USD 1,423 Broadcom Inc 450 0.31 USD 451 Veeva Systems Inc 67 0.05 USD 15,776 Intel Corp 916 0.63 USD 318 VMware Inc 50 0.03 USD 157 IPG Photonics Corp 22 0.02 USD 552 Workday Inc 99 0.07 USD 581 KLA Corp 95 0.07 Telecommunications USD 507 Lam Research Corp 135 0.09 USD 184 Arista Networks Inc 36 0.03 USD 952 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 54 0.04 USD 26,415 AT&T Inc 987 0.68 USD 848 Microchip Technology Inc 80 0.06 USD 3,003 CenturyLink Inc 43 0.03 USD 4,093 Micron Technology Inc 195 0.13 USD 15,484 Cisco Systems Inc 702 0.48 USD 2,106 NVIDIA Corp 457 0.31 USD 2,955 Corning Inc 86 0.06 USD 1,767 ON Semiconductor Corp 38 0.03 USD 1,479 Juniper Networks Inc 37 0.03 USD 469 Qorvo Inc 49 0.03 USD 587 Motorola Solutions Inc 98 0.07 USD 4,398 QUALCOMM Inc 367 0.25 USD 3,330 Sprint Corp 20 0.01 USD 599 Skyworks Solutions Inc 59 0.04 USD 1,237 T-Mobile US Inc 97 0.07 USD 489 Teradyne Inc 31 0.02 USD 14,804 Verizon Communications Inc 892 0.61 USD 3,384 Texas Instruments Inc 407 0.28 USD 915 Zayo Group Holdings Inc 31 0.02 USD 934 Xilinx Inc 87 0.06 Textile Software USD 209 Mohawk Industries Inc 29 0.02 USD 2,761 Activision Blizzard Inc 151 0.10 Toys USD 1,758 Adobe Inc 544 0.37 USD 450 Hasbro Inc 46 0.03 USD 573 Akamai Technologies Inc 50 0.03 Transportation USD 290 ANSYS Inc 74 0.05 USD 448 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 34 0.02 USD 825 Autodesk Inc 149 0.10 USD 2,817 CSX Corp 201 0.14 USD 448 Black Knight Inc 28 0.02 USD 591 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 44 0.03 USD 449 Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 56 0.04 USD 930 FedEx Corp 149 0.10 USD 994 Cadence Design Systems Inc 70 0.05 USD 345 JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 40 0.03 USD 475 CDK Global Inc 25 0.02 USD 397 Kansas City Southern 60 0.04 USD 1,228 Cerner Corp 88 0.06 USD 502 Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc 19 0.01 USD 508 Citrix Systems Inc 57 0.04 USD 980 Norfolk Southern Corp 190 0.13 USD 367 DocuSign Inc 26 0.02 USD 209 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 40 0.03 USD 457 Dropbox Inc 9 0.01 USD 2,558 Union Pacific Corp 450 0.31 USD 1,070 Electronic Arts Inc 108 0.07 USD 2,512 United Parcel Service Inc 301 0.21 USD 2,229 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 308 0.21 USD 301 XPO Logistics Inc 25 0.02 USD 2,130 Fiserv Inc 248 0.17 Water USD 293 Guidewire Software Inc 36 0.03 USD 677 American Water Works Co Inc 82 0.06 USD 932 Intuit Inc 241 0.17 USD 784 Aqua America Inc 35 0.02 USD 293 Jack Henry & Associates Inc 45 0.03 Total United States 89,114 61.34 USD 26,138 Microsoft Corp 3,957 2.72 Total equities 144,745 99.64 USD 124 MongoDB Inc 18 0.01 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 301 MSCI Inc 78 0.05 USD 8,307 Oracle Corp 466 0.32 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%) USD 1,125 Paychex Inc 97 0.07 USD 178 Paycom Software Inc 49 0.03 USD 423 PTC Inc 32 0.02



Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 34 DISH Network Corp - 0.00 Total United States - 0.00 Total rights - 0.00

Underlying Fair %ofnet No. of exposure Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.00%) EUR 1 Euro Stoxx 50 Index Futures December 2019 39 2 0.00 USD 2 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 194 4 0.00 USD 1 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December 2019 155 2 0.00 Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 8 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments 8 0.00

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 144,753 99.64

Cash† 276 0.19

Other net assets 240 0.17

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 145,269 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD265,885 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD10,325 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ~Investment in related party. *This security was valued in consultation with the Investment Manager. This security was fair valued or suspended at financial period end and valued using the last traded price.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 144,745 99.62 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 8 0.00 Other assets 548 0.38 Total current assets 145,301 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Austria (31 May 2019: 0.07%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.74%) Electricity EUR 4,859 Verbund AG 253 0.04 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) Iron & steel Australia (31 May 2019: 3.31%) EUR 8,284 voestalpine AG 219 0.03 Banks Total Austria 472 0.07 AUD 23,059 Macquarie Group Ltd 2,153 0.30 AUD 248,863 Westpac Banking Corp 4,128 0.59 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.31%) Beverages Banks AUD 35,326 Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd 272 0.04 EUR 17,806 KBC Group NV 1,298 0.18 Biotechnology Chemicals AUD 32,319 CSL Ltd 6,197 0.88 EUR 5,045 Solvay SA 579 0.08 Building materials and fixtures EUR 14,405 Umicore SA 619 0.09 AUD 78,949 Boral Ltd 274 0.04 Total Belgium 2,496 0.35 Commercial services AUD 112,853 Brambles Ltd 958 0.14 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.45%) AUD 193,346 Transurban Group 2,008 0.29 Agriculture AUD 24,080 Worley Ltd 244 0.03 USD 10,159 Bunge Ltd 542 0.08 Computers Chemicals AUD 34,863 Computershare Ltd 418 0.06 USD 14,398 Axalta Coating Systems Ltd 410 0.06 Diversified financial services Commercial services AUD 13,807 ASX Ltd 763 0.11 USD 27,173 IHS Markit Ltd 1,974 0.28 Electricity Diversified financial services AUD 174,165 AusNet Services 205 0.03 USD 29,095 Invesco Ltd 511 0.07 Engineering & construction Total Bermuda 3,437 0.49 AUD 40,242 Lendlease Group 525 0.08 AUD 82,239 Sydney Airport 511 0.07 British Virgin Islands (31 May 2019: Nil) Food Apparel retailers AUD 80,869 Coles Group Ltd 889 0.13 USD 10,815 Capri Holdings Ltd 402 0.06 Insurance Total British Virgin Islands 402 0.06 AUD 164,829 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 880 0.12 Internet Canada (31 May 2019: 4.26%) AUD 22,291 SEEK Ltd 350 0.05 Apparel retailers Iron & steel CAD 14,886 Gildan Activewear Inc 437 0.06 AUD 37,065 BlueScope Steel Ltd 365 0.05 Auto parts & equipment Mining CAD 21,144 Magna International Inc 1,165 0.17 AUD 54,805 Newcrest Mining Ltd 1,140 0.16 Banks Miscellaneous manufacturers CAD 87,028 Bank of Nova Scotia 4,910 0.70 AUD 27,150 Orica Ltd 437 0.06 CAD 31,763 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2,761 0.39 Oil & gas CAD 23,932 National Bank of Canada 1,282 0.18 AUD 17,817 Caltex Australia Ltd 416 0.06 Computers Real estate investment trusts CAD 17,123 CGI Inc 1,419 0.20 AUD 80,234 Dexus 664 0.10 Electricity AUD 117,357 Goodman Group 1,176 0.17 CAD 37,063 Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp 520 0.08 AUD 138,953 GPT Group 578 0.08 CAD 23,410 Hydro One Ltd 441 0.06 AUD 280,607 Mirvac Group 640 0.09 Engineering & construction AUD 170,080 Stockland 581 0.08 CAD 7,851 WSP Global Inc 507 0.07 Transportation Food AUD 148,299 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 580 0.08 CAD 5,172 George Weston Ltd 421 0.06 Total Australia 27,352 3.89 CAD 18,159 Metro Inc 795 0.11 Forest products & paper CAD 3,790 West Fraser Timber Co Ltd 165 0.02


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Finland (31 May 2019: 0.44%) (cont) Canada (31 May 2019: 4.26%) (cont) Semiconductors Household goods & home construction EUR 34,815 Wartsila Oyj Abp 351 0.05 CAD 11,600 Cronos Group Inc 79 0.01 Total Finland 1,975 0.28 Insurance CAD 42,149 Sun Life Financial Inc 1,923 0.27 France (31 May 2019: 5.05%) Mining Advertising CAD 16,899 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 1,004 0.14 EUR 5,255 JCDecaux SA 151 0.02 CAD 47,251 Lundin Mining Corp 256 0.04 Auto parts & equipment CAD 36,813 Teck Resources Ltd 577 0.08 EUR 17,204 Valeo SA 678 0.10 CAD 31,781 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 873 0.13 Banks Pipelines EUR 75,177 Natixis SA 314 0.04 CAD 15,319 Keyera Corp 374 0.05 Computers Real estate investment trusts EUR 4,177 Teleperformance 990 0.14 CAD 10,940 First Capital Realty Inc 178 0.03 Cosmetics & personal care Retail EUR 18,018 L'Oreal SA 5,140 0.73 CAD 4,239 Canadian Tire Corp Ltd 494 0.07 Electrical components & equipment Software EUR 39,424 Schneider Electric SE 3,808 0.54 CAD 19,189 Open Text Corp 835 0.12 Food Telecommunications EUR 3,789 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 167 0.02 CAD 25,723 Rogers Communications Inc 1,247 0.18 EUR 44,032 Danone SA 3,627 0.52 Transportation Healthcare products CAD 51,205 Canadian National Railway Co 4,650 0.66 EUR 20,211 EssilorLuxottica SA 3,142 0.45 Total Canada 27,313 3.88 Insurance EUR 137,779 AXA SA 3,752 0.54 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 0.03%) EUR 11,596 CNP Assurances 229 0.03 Semiconductors Real estate investment trusts HKD 23,900 ASM Pacific Technology Ltd 312 0.04 EUR 3,328 Gecina SA 575 0.08 Total Cayman Islands 312 0.04 EUR 9,866 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 1,544 0.22 Telecommunications Denmark (31 May 2019: 1.47%) EUR 142,269 Orange SA 2,353 0.33 Chemicals Water DKK 15,776 Novozymes A/S 754 0.11 EUR 24,385 Suez 361 0.05 Energy - alternate sources Total France 26,831 3.81 DKK 13,475 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 1,283 0.18 Food Germany (31 May 2019: 5.00%) DKK 7,524 Chr Hansen Holding A/S 572 0.08 Apparel retailers Healthcare products EUR 12,862 adidas AG 4,010 0.57 DKK 8,467 Coloplast A/S 1,001 0.14 Cosmetics & personal care Pharmaceuticals EUR 7,189 Beiersdorf AG 839 0.12 DKK 126,170 Novo Nordisk A/S 7,098 1.01 Diversified financial services Retail EUR 13,548 Deutsche Boerse AG 2,080 0.30 DKK 6,713 Pandora A/S 271 0.04 Electronics Total Denmark 10,979 1.56 EUR 2,620 Sartorius AG 553 0.08 Food Finland (31 May 2019: 0.44%) EUR 12,395 METRO AG 200 0.03 Machinery - diversified Household goods & home construction EUR 7,746 Metso Oyj 297 0.04 EUR 7,411 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 718 0.10 Oil & gas EUR 12,705 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 1,343 0.19 EUR 30,173 Neste Oyj 1,021 0.15 Insurance Pharmaceuticals EUR 30,266 Allianz SE 7,253 1.03 EUR 7,037 Orion Oyj 306 0.04 EUR 10,290 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Muenchen 2,957 0.42


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Italy (31 May 2019: 0.74%) Germany (31 May 2019: 5.00%) (cont) Banks Miscellaneous manufacturers EUR 1,061,345 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 2,692 0.38 EUR 54,550 Siemens AG 7,044 1.00 Electricity Pharmaceuticals EUR 101,963 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 655 0.09 EUR 9,217 Merck KGaA 1,077 0.15 Gas Software EUR 146,294 Snam SpA 728 0.11 EUR 70,080 SAP SE 9,541 1.36 Total Italy 4,075 0.58 Transportation EUR 70,541 Deutsche Post AG 2,632 0.37 Japan (31 May 2019: 8.34%) Total Germany 40,247 5.72 Auto manufacturers JPY 116,200 Honda Motor Co Ltd 3,254 0.46 Hong Kong (31 May 2019: 0.95%) Auto parts & equipment Banks JPY 30,900 Denso Corp 1,379 0.20 HKD 263,500 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 896 0.13 JPY 17,400 NGK Insulators Ltd 287 0.04 HKD 54,600 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 1,113 0.16 Banks Diversified financial services JPY 23,600 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 902 0.13 HKD 83,400 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 2,634 0.37 Beverages Holding companies - diversified operations JPY 10,300 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 447 0.06 HKD 36,000 Swire Pacific Ltd 324 0.05 Building materials and fixtures Real estate investment & services JPY 17,800 Daikin Industries Ltd 2,559 0.36 HKD 75,400 Swire Properties Ltd 234 0.03 Chemicals Transportation JPY 90,000 Asahi Kasei Corp 1,010 0.14 HKD 109,500 MTR Corp Ltd 614 0.09 JPY 7,300 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 263 0.04 Total Hong Kong 5,815 0.83 JPY 13,100 Kansai Paint Co Ltd 330 0.05 JPY 91,200 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp 676 0.10 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.72%) JPY 11,300 Nitto Denko Corp 634 0.09 Building materials and fixtures JPY 106,200 Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 479 0.07 EUR 56,839 CRH Plc 2,177 0.31 JPY 98,800 Toray Industries Inc 653 0.09 USD 56,743 Johnson Controls International Plc 2,430 0.35 Commercial services Computers JPY 5,200 Benesse Holdings Inc 137 0.02 USD 45,432 Accenture Plc 9,139 1.30 JPY 17,400 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 465 0.06 Electronics JPY 5,200 Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd 270 0.04 USD 6,659 Allegion Plc 799 0.11 Computers Food JPY 13,900 Fujitsu Ltd 1,263 0.18 EUR 11,327 Kerry Group Plc 1,454 0.21 JPY 24,300 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 512 0.07 Healthcare products Cosmetics & personal care USD 6,040 STERIS Plc 913 0.13 JPY 34,500 Kao Corp 2,713 0.39 Miscellaneous manufacturers Electronics USD 17,227 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 2,258 0.32 JPY 40,900 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2,369 0.34 Oil & gas JPY 13,600 Omron Corp 799 0.11 GBP 7,193 DCC Plc 615 0.09 JPY 16,900 Yokogawa Electric Corp 309 0.04 Pharmaceuticals Engineering & construction USD 3,859 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 583 0.08 JPY 46,300 Obayashi Corp 490 0.07 Total Ireland 20,368 2.90 JPY 42,600 Shimizu Corp 408 0.06 Food Israel (31 May 2019: 0.09%) JPY 46,700 Aeon Co Ltd 952 0.14 Banks JPY 31,300 Ajinomoto Co Inc 521 0.07 ILS 80,952 Bank Hapoalim BM 654 0.09 JPY 10,400 Kikkoman Corp 522 0.07 Total Israel 654 0.09 JPY 4,400 Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd 330 0.05 JPY 6,900 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd 298 0.04 Gas JPY 5,500 Toho Gas Co Ltd 208 0.03


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.31%) (cont) Japan (31 May 2019: 8.34%) (cont) Distribution & wholesale Home builders GBP 16,122 Ferguson Plc 1,402 0.20 JPY 40,300 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 1,233 0.18 Total Jersey 2,567 0.37 JPY 26,000 Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd 452 0.06 JPY 44,400 Sekisui House Ltd 959 0.14 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.39%) Home furnishings Chemicals JPY 157,400 Panasonic Corp 1,483 0.21 EUR 16,242 Akzo Nobel NV 1,557 0.22 JPY 90,600 Sony Corp 5,712 0.81 EUR 12,937 Koninklijke DSM NV 1,659 0.24 Insurance Cosmetics & personal care JPY 23,900 Sompo Holdings Inc 942 0.13 EUR 104,644 Unilever NV 6,207 0.88 Internet Pipelines JPY 63,700 Rakuten Inc 552 0.08 EUR 4,754 Koninklijke Vopak NV 254 0.04 Iron & steel Semiconductors JPY 15,400 Hitachi Metals Ltd 216 0.03 EUR 30,352 ASML Holding NV 8,266 1.17 Leisure time Total Netherlands 17,943 2.55 JPY 10,300 Yamaha Corp 567 0.08 Machinery - diversified New Zealand (31 May 2019: 0.16%) JPY 6,800 Daifuku Co Ltd 396 0.06 Building materials and fixtures JPY 74,800 Kubota Corp 1,153 0.16 NZD 58,444 Fletcher Building Ltd 196 0.03 JPY 7,400 Nabtesco Corp 227 0.03 Electricity JPY 17,500 Yaskawa Electric Corp 642 0.09 NZD 48,647 Mercury NZ Ltd 150 0.02 Machinery, construction & mining NZD 108,001 Meridian Energy Ltd 327 0.05 JPY 65,900 Komatsu Ltd 1,545 0.22 Engineering & construction Marine transportation NZD 73,096 Auckland International Airport Ltd 424 0.06 JPY 10,900 Nippon Yusen KK 187 0.03 Healthcare services Miscellaneous manufacturers NZD 27,365 Ryman Healthcare Ltd 265 0.03 JPY 23,200 Nikon Corp 318 0.05 Total New Zealand 1,362 0.19 Pharmaceuticals JPY 134,700 Astellas Pharma Inc 2,297 0.33 Norway (31 May 2019: 0.58%) JPY 18,000 Eisai Co Ltd 1,333 0.19 Food Retail NOK 31,350 Mowi ASA 778 0.11 JPY 44,900 Yamada Denki Co Ltd 224 0.03 NOK 53,323 Orkla ASA 517 0.08 Semiconductors Telecommunications JPY 11,200 Tokyo Electron Ltd 2,311 0.33 NOK 51,440 Telenor ASA 939 0.13 Telecommunications Total Norway 2,234 0.32 JPY 126,000 KDDI Corp 3,612 0.51 Portugal (31 May 2019: 0.22%) JPY 95,200 NTT DOCOMO Inc 2,610 0.37 Food Textile EUR 17,088 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 273 0.04 JPY 13,500 Teijin Ltd 254 0.04 Total Portugal 273 0.04 Toys JPY 8,000 Nintendo Co Ltd 3,094 0.44 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.64%) Transportation Airlines JPY 16,700 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 717 0.10 SGD 36,900 Singapore Airlines Ltd 248 0.03 JPY 6,900 Keio Corp 442 0.06 Banks JPY 11,700 Kyushu Railway Co 398 0.06 SGD 127,900 DBS Group Holdings Ltd 2,362 0.34 JPY 5,600 Nippon Express Co Ltd 355 0.05 Diversified financial services JPY 35,700 Tokyu Corp 704 0.10 SGD 40,800 Singapore Exchange Ltd 264 0.04 Total Japan 60,374 8.58 Hotels SGD 34,600 City Developments Ltd 262 0.04 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.31%) Real estate investment & services Advertising SGD 184,700 CapitaLand Ltd 497 0.07 GBP 89,998 WPP Plc 1,165 0.17


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) Switzerland (31 May 2019: 4.07%) (cont) Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.64%) (cont) Telecommunications Real estate investment trusts CHF 1,847 Swisscom AG 957 0.14 SGD 211,752 Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust 461 0.06 Transportation Total Singapore 4,094 0.58 CHF 3,851 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 627 0.09 Total Switzerland 31,595 4.49 Spain (31 May 2019: 1.18%) Banks United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 3.54%) EUR 475,497 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 2,507 0.36 Airlines Electricity GBP 10,963 easyJet Plc 190 0.03 EUR 25,118 Red Electrica Corp SA 492 0.07 Apparel retailers Engineering & construction GBP 29,347 Burberry Group Plc 799 0.11 EUR 472 Ferrovial SA 14 0.00 Banks Gas GBP 194,413 Standard Chartered Plc 1,754 0.25 EUR 7,362 Enagas SA 183 0.03 Beverages Retail USD 16,497 Coca-Cola European Partners Plc 832 0.12 EUR 77,789 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 2,424 0.34 Chemicals Total Spain 5,620 0.80 GBP 9,248 Croda International Plc 596 0.09 GBP 14,054 Johnson Matthey Plc 522 0.07 Sweden (31 May 2019: 0.70%) Commercial services Banks GBP 11,510 Intertek Group Plc 821 0.11 SEK 116,074 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 996 0.14 GBP 138,623 RELX Plc 3,359 0.48 Cosmetics & personal care Diversified financial services SEK 43,253 Essity AB 1,360 0.19 GBP 22,446 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 1,995 0.28 Food GBP 9,622 Schroders Plc 411 0.06 SEK 6,749 ICA Gruppen AB 295 0.04 Food Home furnishings GBP 129,550 J Sainsbury Plc 359 0.05 SEK 16,092 Electrolux AB 414 0.06 GBP 172,854 Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc 443 0.06 Machinery - diversified Forest products & paper SEK 29,826 Husqvarna AB 233 0.03 GBP 34,632 Mondi Plc 751 0.11 Mining Home builders SEK 20,017 Boliden AB 516 0.08 GBP 72,635 Barratt Developments Plc 627 0.09 Telecommunications GBP 8,518 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 505 0.07 SEK 36,781 Tele2 AB 543 0.08 GBP 233,969 Taylor Wimpey Plc 527 0.08 SEK 182,863 Telia Co AB 792 0.11 Hotels Total Sweden 5,149 0.73 GBP 12,334 InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 799 0.11 GBP 9,536 Whitbread Plc 567 0.08 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 4.07%) Media Beverages GBP 270,704 ITV Plc 508 0.07 GBP 13,668 Coca-Cola HBC AG 456 0.07 USD 11,788 Liberty Global Plc 266 0.04 Chemicals USD 31,610 Liberty Global Plc Class 'C' 679 0.10 CHF 659 Givaudan SA 1,938 0.27 Oil & gas services CHF 5,310 Lonza Group AG 1,804 0.26 USD 30,919 TechnipFMC Plc 582 0.08 Electronics Real estate investment trusts USD 9,490 Garmin Ltd 927 0.13 GBP 77,979 Segro Plc 902 0.13 Healthcare products Retail CHF 29,623 Alcon Inc 1,636 0.23 GBP 150,551 Kingfisher Plc 409 0.06 Insurance GBP 129,296 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 325 0.04 USD 32,497 Chubb Ltd 4,923 0.70 Water CHF 21,013 Swiss Re AG 2,277 0.32 GBP 48,643 United Utilities Group Plc 537 0.08 Pharmaceuticals Total United Kingdom 20,065 2.85 CHF 50,096 Roche Holding AG 15,450 2.20 CHF 3,366 Vifor Pharma AG 600 0.08


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 53.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 53.72%) Diversified financial services (cont) Apparel retailers USD 22,067 Franklin Resources Inc 607 0.09 USD 24,058 Hanesbrands Inc 363 0.05 USD 16,798 T Rowe Price Group Inc 2,076 0.29 USD 89,264 NIKE Inc 8,345 1.19 Electronics USD 5,621 PVH Corp 545 0.08 USD 22,068 Agilent Technologies Inc 1,782 0.25 USD 24,134 VF Corp 2,137 0.30 USD 1,754 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 1,262 0.18 Auto manufacturers USD 17,959 Trimble Inc 728 0.11 USD 9,579 Tesla Inc 3,161 0.45 USD 4,760 Waters Corp 1,057 0.15 Auto parts & equipment Entertainment USD 15,121 BorgWarner Inc 636 0.09 USD 2,867 Vail Resorts Inc 696 0.10 Banks Food USD 60,500 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 2,963 0.42 USD 11,814 Campbell Soup Co 550 0.08 USD 10,240 Comerica Inc 721 0.10 USD 43,036 General Mills Inc 2,295 0.32 USD 71,546 KeyCorp 1,387 0.20 USD 18,220 Kellogg Co 1,187 0.17 USD 9,055 M&T Bank Corp 1,492 0.21 USD 8,775 McCormick & Co Inc 1,485 0.21 USD 14,558 Northern Trust Corp 1,561 0.22 Healthcare products USD 31,750 PNC Financial Services Group Inc~ 4,864 0.69 USD 5,411 Align Technology Inc 1,501 0.21 USD 4,000 Signature Bank 494 0.07 USD 19,249 Becton Dickinson and Co 4,976 0.71 USD 26,569 State Street Corp 1,995 0.29 USD 3,528 Cooper Cos Inc 1,104 0.16 USD 3,675 SVB Financial Group 852 0.12 USD 15,989 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 904 0.13 USD 13,338 Zions Bancorp NA 664 0.10 USD 14,829 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 3,632 0.52 Beverages USD 10,575 Henry Schein Inc 729 0.10 USD 99,699 PepsiCo Inc 13,542 1.92 USD 6,138 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 1,544 0.22 Biotechnology USD 10,245 ResMed Inc 1,533 0.22 USD 42,761 Amgen Inc 10,037 1.43 USD 6,495 Varian Medical Systems Inc 868 0.12 USD 13,152 Biogen Inc 3,943 0.56 Healthcare services USD 90,305 Gilead Sciences Inc 6,072 0.86 USD 29,494 Centene Corp 1,784 0.25 USD 18,329 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,065 0.58 USD 7,399 DaVita Inc 531 0.08 Building materials and fixtures USD 19,453 HCA Healthcare Inc 2,697 0.38 USD 9,528 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 603 0.09 USD 11,935 IQVIA Holdings Inc 1,742 0.25 USD 7,544 Owens Corning 506 0.07 USD 9,604 Quest Diagnostics Inc 1,023 0.15 Chemicals Hotels USD 18,466 Ecolab Inc 3,447 0.49 USD 19,434 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 2,041 0.29 USD 7,233 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 1,022 0.15 USD 19,963 Marriott International Inc 2,802 0.40 USD 26,150 Mosaic Co 498 0.07 Household goods & home construction USD 5,920 Sherwin-Williams Co 3,452 0.49 USD 6,003 Avery Dennison Corp 783 0.11 Commercial services USD 8,967 Clorox Co 1,329 0.19 USD 4,283 ManpowerGroup Inc 397 0.06 USD 24,544 Kimberly-Clark Corp 3,346 0.48 USD 12,143 Moody's Corp 2,752 0.39 Household products USD 8,385 Robert Half International Inc 488 0.07 USD 28,692 Newell Brands Inc 551 0.08 Cosmetics & personal care Insurance USD 58,121 Colgate-Palmolive Co 3,942 0.56 USD 23,474 Allstate Corp 2,614 0.37 USD 178,452 Procter & Gamble Co 21,782 3.10 USD 25,265 Hartford Financial Services Group Inc 1,563 0.22 Distribution & wholesale USD 36,104 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 3,902 0.56 USD 40,895 Fastenal Co 1,453 0.21 USD 19,882 Principal Financial Group Inc 1,095 0.16 USD 21,982 LKQ Corp 775 0.11 USD 28,666 Prudential Financial Inc 2,684 0.38 USD 3,307 WW Grainger Inc 1,048 0.15 USD 18,567 Travelers Cos Inc 2,538 0.36 Diversified financial services Internet USD 27,959 Ally Financial Inc 890 0.13 USD 3,190 MercadoLibre Inc 1,852 0.26 USD 50,288 American Express Co 6,041 0.86 Machinery - diversified USD 8,265 BlackRock Inc~ 4,090 0.58 USD 10,689 Cummins Inc 1,955 0.28 USD 25,534 CME Group Inc 5,176 0.73 USD 21,330 Deere & Co 3,584 0.51


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.74%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 53.72%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 53.72%) (cont) Software (cont) Machinery - diversified (cont) USD 59,409 Inc 9,677 1.38 USD 9,723 Flowserve Corp 474 0.07 USD 5,842 VMware Inc 909 0.13 USD 5,408 IDEX Corp 880 0.12 Textile USD 8,343 Rockwell Automation Inc 1,634 0.23 USD 4,453 Mohawk Industries Inc 621 0.09 USD 12,840 Xylem Inc 995 0.14 Toys Machinery, construction & mining USD 9,175 Hasbro Inc 933 0.13 USD 40,116 Caterpillar Inc 5,806 0.82 Transportation Media USD 9,655 CH Robinson Worldwide Inc 742 0.10 USD 2,727 FactSet Research Systems Inc 708 0.10 USD 54,068 CSX Corp 3,868 0.55 USD 128,449 Walt Disney Co 19,470 2.77 USD 12,175 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 910 0.13 Mining USD 7,125 Kansas City Southern 1,086 0.15 USD 58,468 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 2,245 0.32 USD 18,782 Norfolk Southern Corp 3,634 0.52 Miscellaneous manufacturers USD 49,795 United Parcel Service Inc 5,962 0.85 USD 23,067 Illinois Tool Works Inc 4,021 0.57 Total United States 376,324 53.49 Oil & gas Total equities 700,328 99.54 USD 31,984 Phillips 66 3,669 0.52 Rights (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Oil & gas services USD 27,525 National Oilwell Varco Inc 621 0.09 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.00%) Packaging & containers Underlying Fair %ofnet USD 22,493 Ball Corp 1,486 0.21 No. of exposure Value asset Pharmaceuticals Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value USD 11,143 AmerisourceBergen Corp 980 0.14 USD 21,261 Cardinal Health Inc 1,170 0.17 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 26,927 Cigna Corp 5,383 0.76 Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.01)%) USD 34,054 Zoetis Inc 4,104 0.58 USD 13 MSCI EAFE Index Futures December 2019 1,254 31 0.00 Pipelines USD 10 S&P 500 E Mini Index Futures December USD 29,450 ONEOK Inc 2,092 0.30 2019 1,517 55 0.01 Real estate investment & services Total unrealised gains on futures contracts 86 0.01 USD 22,786 CBRE Group Inc 1,299 0.18 Total financial derivative instruments 86 0.01 USD 3,674 Jones Lang LaSalle Inc 611 0.09 Real estate investment trusts Fair %ofnet USD 31,567 American Tower Corp 6,756 0.96 Value asset USD 6,049 Equinix Inc 3,429 0.49 Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD 20,479 Iron Mountain Inc 658 0.09 USD 11,157 Liberty Property Trust 688 0.10 Total value of investments 700,414 99.55 USD 45,004 Prologis Inc 4,120 0.58 Retail Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 17,139 Best Buy Co Inc 1,382 0.20 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market USD 11,809 CarMax Inc 1,149 0.16 Funds (31 May 2019: Nil) USD 78,091 Home Depot Inc 17,220 2.45 USD 120,119 Institutional Cash Series Plc – Institutional US Dollar USD 8,469 Nordstrom Inc 323 0.04 Liquidity Fund~ 120 0.02 USD 7,754 Tiffany & Co 1,038 0.15 USD 8,506 Tractor Supply Co 803 0.11 Savings & loans USD 31,636 People's United Financial Inc 522 0.07 Semiconductors USD 41,254 NVIDIA Corp 8,941 1.27 Software USD 34,614 Adobe Inc 10,714 1.52 USD 22,706 Cerner Corp 1,626 0.23 USD 210,282 Microsoft Corp 31,832 4.52


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019

Fair %ofnet Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Cash† 2,173 0.31

Other net assets 859 0.12

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 703,566 100.00

†Cash holdings of USD2,100,359 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. USD72,993 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ~Investment in related party.

Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 700,328 99.50 Exchange traded financial derivative instruments 86 0.01 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 120 0.02 Other assets 3,317 0.47 Total current assets 703,851 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.35%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.93%) Pharmaceuticals (cont) USD 3,379 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 511 1.15 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.93%) Total Ireland 1,181 2.67 Belgium (31 May 2019: 0.14%) Pharmaceuticals Israel (31 May 2019: 0.12%) USD 510 Galapagos NV (ADR) 100 0.23 Pharmaceuticals Total Belgium 100 0.23 USD 3,971 Foamix Pharmaceuticals Ltd 12 0.03 USD 1,193 UroGen Pharma Ltd 38 0.08 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 0.06%) Total Israel 50 0.11 Biotechnology USD 1,530 Axovant Gene Therapies Ltd^ 8 0.02 Jersey (31 May 2019: 0.73%) USD 1,042 Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd 11 0.02 Healthcare products Total Bermuda 19 0.04 USD 5,866 Novocure Ltd 541 1.22 Total Jersey 541 1.22 Canada (31 May 2019: 0.13%) Biotechnology Netherlands (31 May 2019: 2.02%) USD 3,024 Arbutus Biopharma Corp 5 0.01 Biotechnology USD 1,360 Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc 16 0.04 USD 1,286 Argenx SE (ADR) 191 0.43 Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals USD 5,677 Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc 45 0.10 USD 30,817 Mylan NV 579 1.31 Total Canada 66 0.15 USD 2,646 ProQR Therapeutics NV 22 0.05 USD 2,569 uniQure NV^ 143 0.32 Cayman Islands (31 May 2019: 1.52%) Total Netherlands 935 2.11 Biotechnology USD 2,405 BeiGene Ltd (ADR)^ 489 1.10 Singapore (31 May 2019: 0.11%) USD 2,504 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd (ADR)^ 60 0.14 Biotechnology USD 3,404 Theravance Biopharma Inc^ 74 0.17 USD 2,061 WaVe Life Sciences Ltd 68 0.15 USD 2,097 Zai Lab Ltd (ADR) 84 0.19 Total Singapore 68 0.15 Pharmaceuticals USD 2,299 China Biologic Products Holdings Inc 268 0.60 Spain (31 May 2019: 0.35%) Total Cayman Islands 975 2.20 Pharmaceuticals USD 7,594 Grifols SA (ADR) 174 0.39 Denmark (31 May 2019: 0.81%) Total Spain 174 0.39 Pharmaceuticals USD 2,746 Ascendis Pharma A/S (ADR) 316 0.72 Switzerland (31 May 2019: 0.33%) Total Denmark 316 0.72 Biotechnology USD 3,287 CRISPR Therapeutics AG 236 0.53 France (31 May 2019: 0.07%) Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology USD 3,866 AC Immune SA 31 0.07 USD 1,108 Cellectis SA (ADR) 15 0.03 Total Switzerland 267 0.60 Pharmaceuticals USD 1,523 DBV Technologies SA (ADR) 12 0.03 United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 1.66%) Total France 27 0.06 Biotechnology USD 4,201 Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc (ADR) 5 0.01 Ireland (31 May 2019: 2.35%) USD 19,570 Amarin Corp Plc (ADR) 416 0.94 Biotechnology USD 1,688 Autolus Therapeutics Plc (ADR) 26 0.06 USD 2,401 Prothena Corp Plc 31 0.07 Pharmaceuticals USD 2,512 Strongbridge Biopharma Plc 4 0.01 USD 1,766 GW Pharmaceuticals Plc (ADR) 180 0.41 Pharmaceuticals Total United Kingdom 627 1.42 USD 9,445 Alkermes Plc 199 0.45 USD 13,614 Endo International Plc 69 0.16 USD 11,208 Horizon Therapeutics Plc 367 0.83



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.93%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 89.53%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 89.53%) Biotechnology (cont) Biotechnology USD 8,795 Halozyme Therapeutics Inc 171 0.39 USD 8,614 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc 390 0.88 USD 2,643 Homology Medicines Inc 42 0.10 USD 3,176 Acceleron Pharma Inc 155 0.35 USD 8,489 Illumina Inc^ 2,723 6.15 USD 8,399 Achillion Pharmaceuticals Inc 52 0.12 USD 8,549 ImmunoGen Inc 31 0.07 USD 2,606 Acorda Therapeutics Inc 4 0.01 USD 11,540 Immunomedics Inc 217 0.49 USD 4,177 Aduro Biotech Inc 5 0.01 USD 12,889 Incyte Corp 1,214 2.74 USD 3,877 Adverum Biotechnologies Inc 42 0.10 USD 6,088 Innoviva Inc 82 0.19 USD 13,447 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,532 3.46 USD 5,265 Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc 13 0.03 USD 2,910 Allakos Inc 276 0.62 USD 5,363 Insmed Inc 124 0.28 USD 6,653 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 779 1.76 USD 1,966 Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc 213 0.48 USD 1,925 AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc 21 0.05 USD 9,817 Intrexon Corp 55 0.12 USD 15,938 Amgen Inc 3,741 8.45 USD 8,447 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 540 1.22 USD 15,306 Amicus Therapeutics Inc 160 0.36 USD 7,444 Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc 170 0.38 USD 1,505 AnaptysBio Inc 20 0.05 USD 3,750 Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc^ 66 0.15 USD 726 ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 45 0.10 USD 6,597 Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc 23 0.05 USD 3,828 Apellis Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 103 0.23 USD 1,142 Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc 129 0.29 USD 1,831 Aptinyx Inc 7 0.02 USD 2,798 MacroGenics Inc 27 0.06 USD 2,994 Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc 142 0.32 USD 2,429 Magenta Therapeutics Inc 32 0.07 USD 7,228 ArQule Inc 69 0.16 USD 4,770 Medicines Co^ 402 0.91 USD 5,729 Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc 418 0.94 USD 2,363 Mirati Therapeutics Inc 238 0.54 USD 3,327 Atara Biotherapeutics Inc 47 0.11 USD 4,441 Myriad Genetics Inc^ 114 0.26 USD 2,731 Audentes Therapeutics Inc 79 0.18 USD 10,539 Nektar Therapeutics^ 214 0.48 USD 1,980 Avrobio Inc 32 0.07 USD 1,509 Novavax Inc 7 0.02 USD 8,095 BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc 23 0.05 USD 3,023 Omeros Corp 45 0.10 USD 7,561 Biogen Inc 2,267 5.12 USD 9,349 Pacific Biosciences of California Inc 48 0.11 USD 10,743 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 867 1.96 USD 6,604 PDL BioPharma Inc 20 0.05 USD 3,323 Bluebird Bio Inc 269 0.61 USD 3,544 PTC Therapeutics Inc 166 0.38 USD 2,953 Blueprint Medicines Corp 242 0.55 USD 2,475 Puma Biotechnology Inc 23 0.05 USD 2,791 Cara Therapeutics Inc 73 0.17 USD 2,772 Radius Health Inc^ 62 0.14 USD 3,387 ChemoCentryx Inc 103 0.23 USD 5,728 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 2,114 4.78 USD 1,478 Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Inc 29 0.07 USD 2,212 REGENXBIO Inc^ 93 0.21 USD 4,174 Cymabay Therapeutics Inc 7 0.02 USD 1,996 Replimune Group Inc 28 0.06 USD 2,583 CytomX Therapeutics Inc 16 0.04 USD 1,918 resTORbio Inc 2 0.00 USD 2,947 Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc 139 0.31 USD 2,683 Retrophin Inc 37 0.08 USD 5,762 Denali Therapeutics Inc 103 0.23 USD 9,405 Rigel Pharmaceuticals Inc 21 0.05 USD 4,110 Dicerna Pharmaceuticals Inc 99 0.22 USD 3,026 Rocket Pharmaceuticals Inc 53 0.12 USD 2,977 Editas Medicine Inc 90 0.20 USD 4,790 Rubius Therapeutics Inc^ 37 0.08 USD 2,217 Eidos Therapeutics Inc 125 0.28 USD 3,083 Sage Therapeutics Inc^ 477 1.08 USD 1,335 Eiger BioPharmaceuticals Inc 18 0.04 USD 6,956 Sangamo Therapeutics Inc 75 0.17 USD 5,475 Epizyme Inc^ 90 0.20 USD 2,063 Savara Inc 3 0.01 USD 1,634 Esperion Therapeutics Inc 84 0.19 USD 10,195 Seattle Genetics Inc 1,227 2.77 USD 2,009 Evolus Inc 28 0.06 USD 2,672 Solid Biosciences Inc 11 0.03 USD 18,212 Exelixis Inc 303 0.68 USD 2,313 Spark Therapeutics Inc 257 0.58 USD 6,350 EyePoint Pharmaceuticals Inc 10 0.02 USD 1,500 Surface Oncology Inc 3 0.01 USD 4,450 Fate Therapeutics Inc 70 0.16 USD 1,393 Synlogic Inc 3 0.01 USD 5,225 FibroGen Inc 221 0.50 USD 1,437 Tocagen Inc 1 0.00 USD 1,865 Five Prime Therapeutics Inc 7 0.02 USD 3,610 Translate Bio Inc 36 0.08 USD 2,583 Forty Seven Inc 33 0.07 USD 3,468 Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc 138 0.31 USD 10,131 Geron Corp^ 14 0.03 USD 2,635 United Therapeutics Corp 243 0.55 USD 52,331 Gilead Sciences Inc 3,519 7.95 USD 2,798 UNITY Biotechnology Inc 22 0.05 USD 2,490 GlycoMimetics Inc 15 0.03 USD 2,912 Veracyte Inc 84 0.19



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.93%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 89.53%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 89.53%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals (cont) Biotechnology (cont) USD 2,699 MediciNova Inc 19 0.04 USD 4,015 Verastem Inc^ 6 0.01 USD 2,049 Neurosciences Inc 13 0.03 USD 14,848 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 3,293 7.44 USD 5,936 Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc 100 0.23 Chemicals USD 2,772 MyoKardia Inc^ 181 0.41 USD 6,286 Amyris Inc 25 0.06 USD 5,474 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc^ 638 1.44 Healthcare products USD 2,951 Ocular Therapeutix Inc 12 0.03 USD 2,271 Bio-Techne Corp 496 1.12 USD 2,565 Optinose Inc 24 0.05 USD 8,557 Cerus Corp^ 37 0.08 USD 2,502 Pacira BioSciences Inc^ 116 0.26 USD 2,708 Luminex Corp 57 0.13 USD 1,766 Paratek Pharmaceuticals Inc 5 0.01 USD 2,157 NanoString Technologies Inc 58 0.13 USD 4,663 Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc 133 0.30 USD 37,017 OPKO Health Inc^ 59 0.13 USD 3,927 PRA Health Sciences Inc 427 0.96 USD 1,678 Quanterix Corp 42 0.10 USD 5,344 Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc 28 0.06 Healthcare services USD 2,674 Proteostasis Therapeutics Inc 6 0.01 USD 2,158 Medpace Holdings Inc^ 165 0.37 USD 2,827 Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc 132 0.30 USD 955 Neuronetics Inc 4 0.01 USD 1,638 Reata Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 320 0.72 USD 6,221 Syneos Health Inc 342 0.77 USD 2,701 Revance Therapeutics Inc^ 48 0.11 Pharmaceuticals USD 2,570 Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Inc 58 0.13 USD 5,126 AcelRx Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 10 0.02 USD 4,436 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc^ 499 1.13 USD 2,157 Aclaris Therapeutics Inc 4 0.01 USD 4,304 Seres Therapeutics Inc 17 0.04 USD 1,430 Adamas Pharmaceuticals Inc 8 0.02 USD 5,010 SIGA Technologies Inc^ 25 0.06 USD 1,757 Aeglea BioTherapeutics Inc 15 0.03 USD 6,786 Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc 61 0.14 USD 2,765 Aerie Pharmaceuticals Inc 52 0.12 USD 3,154 Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc 74 0.17 USD 4,036 Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 157 0.35 USD 2,281 Syros Pharmaceuticals Inc 12 0.03 USD 3,767 Aimmune Therapeutics Inc 105 0.24 USD 16,303 TherapeuticsMD Inc^ 41 0.09 USD 5,593 Akcea Therapeutics Inc 109 0.25 USD 2,969 Tricida Inc 119 0.27 USD 6,804 Akebia Therapeutics Inc 43 0.10 USD 1,628 Unum Therapeutics Inc 1 0.00 USD 7,663 Akorn Inc 28 0.06 USD 3,202 Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc 54 0.12 USD 2,839 Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc 55 0.12 USD 2,233 Voyager Therapeutics Inc 30 0.07 USD 1,363 Aquestive Therapeutics Inc 11 0.03 USD 3,403 Xencor Inc^ 134 0.30 USD 2,723 Assertio Therapeutics Inc 2 0.00 USD 1,539 Xeris Pharmaceuticals Inc 14 0.03 USD 4,700 Athenex Inc 73 0.17 USD 2,001 Zafgen Inc 2 0.00 USD 3,349 Clovis Oncology Inc^ 50 0.11 USD 2,558 Zogenix Inc 122 0.28 USD 4,193 Coherus Biosciences Inc^ 75 0.17 Retail USD 2,012 Collegium Pharmaceutical Inc 44 0.10 USD 1,303 PetIQ Inc 30 0.07 USD 1,236 Concert Pharmaceuticals Inc 9 0.02 Total United States 38,894 87.87 USD 4,111 Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc 19 0.04 Total equities 44,240 99.94 USD 999 Corium International Inc - 0.00 USD 3,527 Cytokinetics Inc 34 0.08 ^ Fair %ofnet USD 3,426 Dermira Inc 28 0.06 Value asset USD 821 Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 48 0.11 USD'000 value USD 2,427 Eloxx Pharmaceuticals Inc 13 0.03 USD 1,183 Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc 75 0.17 Total value of investments 44,240 99.94 USD 2,291 Flexion Therapeutics Inc^ 41 0.09 † USD 2,256 G1 Therapeutics Inc 49 0.11 Cash 15 0.03 USD 3,608 Global Blood Therapeutics Inc 240 0.54 USD 2,938 Intellia Therapeutics Inc 51 0.12 Other net assets 10 0.03 USD 3,333 Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc 32 0.07 USD 9,410 Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc^ 113 0.26 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 44,265 100.00 USD 1,789 Kala Pharmaceuticals Inc 7 0.02 USD 2,763 Kura Oncology Inc 44 0.10 †Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. USD 9,986 MannKind Corp 12 0.03


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES NASDAQ US BIOTECHNOLOGY UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the entity in which the Fund holds shares. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 44,240 99.92 Other assets 37 0.08 Total current assets 44,277 100.00



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment SEK'000 value Ccy Holding Investment SEK'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Sweden (31 May 2019: 88.96%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.06%) Engineering & construction (cont) SEK 234,816 Skanska AB^ 49,687 1.48 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.06%) Entertainment Canada (31 May 2019: Nil) SEK 85,568 Betsson AB^ 3,769 0.11 Oil & gas SEK 74,070 Evolution Gaming Group AB^ 18,740 0.56 SEK 45,015 International Petroleum Corp^ 1,906 0.06 SEK 28,729 SkiStar AB 3,534 0.11 Total Canada 1,906 0.06 Food SEK 121,370 AAK AB^ 21,240 0.63 Finland (31 May 2019: 3.82%) SEK 74,671 Axfood AB 15,405 0.46 Banks SEK 125,674 Cloetta AB^ 3,848 0.12 SEK 1,015,868 Nordea Bank Abp 68,906 2.05 SEK 65,409 ICA Gruppen AB^ 27,341 0.81 Forest products & paper Forest products & paper ^ SEK 58,865 Stora Enso Oyj 7,588 0.23 SEK 103,623 BillerudKorsnas AB 11,300 0.34 Total Finland 76,494 2.28 SEK 71,561 Holmen AB 20,409 0.61 SEK 375,693 Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA 35,804 1.06 Luxembourg (31 May 2019: 0.77%) Healthcare products Telecommunications SEK 14,435 AddLife AB^ 3,984 0.12 SEK 21,117 Millicom International Cellular SA 9,046 0.27 SEK 127,525 Arjo AB 5,443 0.16 Total Luxembourg 9,046 0.27 SEK 41,262 Biotage AB 5,108 0.15 SEK 13,126 Cellavision AB 4,069 0.12 Malta (31 May 2019: 0.42%) SEK 229,286 Elekta AB^ 27,560 0.82 Entertainment SEK 138,322 Getinge AB^ 22,996 0.69 SEK 135,468 Kindred Group Plc 8,114 0.24 Healthcare services Total Malta 8,114 0.24 SEK 79,699 Attendo AB^ 3,811 0.11 SEK 22,589 Hansa Biopharma AB 2,853 0.09 Sweden (31 May 2019: 88.96%) Home furnishings Aerospace & defence SEK 172,218 Electrolux AB 42,383 1.26 SEK 60,640 Saab AB^ 19,187 0.57 Hotels Agriculture SEK 44,697 Scandic Hotels Group AB 3,929 0.12 SEK 118,171 Swedish Match AB 54,205 1.61 Investment services Auto manufacturers SEK 73,332 Industrivarden AB 16,573 0.49 SEK 152,976 Volvo AB^ 22,625 0.68 SEK 110,440 Industrivarden AB Class 'C' 24,529 0.73 SEK 1,094,640 Volvo AB Class 'B' 162,062 4.82 SEK 61,691 Investor AB 30,796 0.92 Banks SEK 293,066 Investor AB Class 'B' 148,350 4.42 SEK 1,027,948 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 84,415 2.51 SEK 148,804 Kinnevik AB 32,633 0.97 SEK 1,066,226 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 100,225 2.98 SEK 148,804 Kinnevik AB (non-voting) 8,660 0.26 SEK 654,105 Swedbank AB 81,567 2.43 SEK 52,643 L E Lundbergforetagen AB^ 19,983 0.59 Biotechnology Iron & steel SEK 118,334 Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB^ 18,916 0.56 SEK 165,316 SSAB AB 4,927 0.15 SEK 43,925 Vitrolife AB^ 8,227 0.25 SEK 444,595 SSAB AB Class 'B'^ 11,964 0.35 Building materials and fixtures Leisure time SEK 97,036 Investment AB Latour^ 13,876 0.41 SEK 194,445 Dometic Group AB^ 18,647 0.56 SEK 224,208 Nibe Industrier AB^ 32,824 0.98 Machinery - diversified Commercial services SEK 456,987 Atlas Copco AB 160,357 4.77 SEK 226,270 Securitas AB 35,932 1.07 SEK 256,579 Atlas Copco AB Class 'B' 79,437 2.36 Cosmetics & personal care SEK 193,912 Hexagon AB 104,984 3.13 SEK 451,379 Essity AB 135,865 4.04 SEK 270,829 Husqvarna AB 20,252 0.60 Electronics Machinery, construction & mining SEK 699,637 Assa Abloy AB 159,097 4.73 SEK 442,599 Epiroc AB 49,483 1.47 Engineering & construction SEK 250,853 Epiroc AB Class 'B'^ 27,004 0.80 SEK 38,532 JM AB^ 10,095 0.30 SEK 717,106 Sandvik AB 124,884 3.72 SEK 147,105 Peab AB^ 12,070 0.36



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment SEK'000 value Ccy Holding Investment SEK'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 99.06%) (cont) United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 1.90%) Sweden (31 May 2019: 88.96%) (cont) Pharmaceuticals Media SEK 86,727 AstraZeneca Plc^ 80,483 2.39 SEK 38,393 Modern Times Group MTG AB^ 3,862 0.12 Total United Kingdom 80,483 2.39 SEK 47,203 Nordic Entertainment Group AB 13,925 0.41 Metal fabricate/ hardware United States (31 May 2019: 1.06%) SEK 42,916 Granges AB^ 4,100 0.12 Auto parts & equipment SEK 265,450 SKF AB 48,551 1.45 SEK 37,304 Autoliv Inc 29,269 0.87 ^ Mining SEK 47,885 Veoneer Inc 7,422 0.22 SEK 183,698 Boliden AB 45,373 1.35 Total United States 36,691 1.09 Miscellaneous manufacturers Total equities 3,325,445 98.97 SEK 195,712 Alfa Laval AB 46,109 1.37 Underlying Fair %ofnet SEK 152,425 Hexpol AB^ 13,444 0.40 No. of exposure Value asset SEK 151,382 Trelleborg AB 23,911 0.71 Ccy contracts SEK’000 SEK’000 value Oil & gas SEK 125,131 Lundin Petroleum AB 36,939 1.10 Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: (0.05)%) Pharmaceuticals Futures contracts (31 May 2019: (0.05)%) SEK 10,772 BioGaia AB 4,201 0.12 SEK 195 OMXS 30 Index Futures December 2019 34,540 (800) (0.02) ^ SEK 25,418 Recipharm AB 3,536 0.11 Total unrealised losses on futures contracts (800) (0.02) Real estate investment & services Total financial derivative instruments (800) (0.02) SEK 162,596 Castellum AB 33,332 0.99 SEK 199,105 Fabege AB^ 29,806 0.89 SEK 69,575 Fastighets AB Balder 27,760 0.83 %ofnet SEK 25,121 Hembla AB 5,388 0.16 Fair Value asset SEK'000 value SEK 111,058 Hemfosa Fastigheter AB 12,972 0.39 SEK 83,276 Hufvudstaden AB 14,523 0.43 Total value of investments 3,324,645 98.95 SEK 416,627 Klovern AB 7,774 0.23 SEK 132,812 Kungsleden AB 12,172 0.36 Cash† 34,450 1.03 SEK 105,429 Nyfosa AB 7,623 0.23 SEK 40,621 Pandox AB 8,470 0.25 Other net assets 995 0.02 SEK 85,509 Sagax AB 10,860 0.32 SEK 122,260 Wallenstam AB 13,265 0.39 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating SEK 91,893 Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB 14,740 0.44 shareholders at the end of the financial period 3,360,090 100.00

Retail †Cash holdings of SEK30,984,466 are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. SEK 58,061 Bilia AB 5,580 0.17 SEK3,465,762 is held as security for futures contracts with HSBC Bank Plc. ^ SEK 547,358 Hennes & Mauritz AB 101,173 3.01 These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. Software SEK 142,410 NetEnt AB^ 3,717 0.11 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Telecommunications entity in which the Fund holds shares. SEK 11,140 Sectra AB 4,434 0.13 SEK 353,044 Tele2 AB 49,885 1.49 Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines SEK 2,169,067 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 187,191 5.57 SEK 1,928,695 Telia Co AB 79,944 2.38 issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent Total Sweden 3,042,424 90.55 position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. %oftotal Switzerland (31 May 2019: 2.13%) Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities SEK'000 assets Electronics ^ SEK 335,497 ABB Ltd 70,287 2.09 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 3,325,445 98.94 Total Switzerland 70,287 2.09 Other assets 35,726 1.06 Total current assets 3,361,171 100.00



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 0.99%) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.88%) Oil & gas ILS 28,034 Energean Oil & Gas Plc^ 334 1.46 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.88%) Total United Kingdom 334 1.46 Ireland (31 May 2019: 6.42%) Pharmaceuticals United States (31 May 2019: 7.98%) ILS 27,868 Perrigo Co Plc 1,414 6.20 Chemicals Total Ireland 1,414 6.20 ILS 5,419 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 762 3.34 Electricity Israel (31 May 2019: 84.49%) ILS 6,960 Ormat Technologies Inc 536 2.35 Aerospace & defence Healthcare products ILS 7,004 Elbit Systems Ltd 1,162 5.09 ILS 88,496 OPKO Health Inc 143 0.63 Banks Software ILS 197,152 Bank Hapoalim BM 1,593 6.98 ILS 7,103 LivePerson Inc 283 1.24 ILS 214,368 Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 1,557 6.83 Total United States 1,724 7.56 ILS 15,911 First International Bank Of Israel Ltd 488 2.14 Total equities 22,797 99.93 ILS 307,664 Israel Discount Bank Ltd^ 1,419 6.22 ILS 37,181 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 995 4.36 Building materials and fixtures Fair %ofnet Value asset ILS 42,248 Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd 261 1.14 USD'000 value Chemicals ILS 203,047 Israel Chemicals Ltd 954 4.18 Total value of investments 22,797 99.93 Engineering & construction ILS 63,811 Shikun & Binui Ltd^ 281 1.23 Cash† 11 0.05 Food ILS 50,358 Shufersal Ltd 329 1.44 Other net assets 6 0.02 ILS 13,771 Strauss Group Ltd 431 1.89 Hotels Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 22,814 100.00 ILS 1,336 Fattal Holdings 1998 Ltd 204 0.90 Insurance †Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^ ILS 33,998 Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd 288 1.26 These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ILS 40,617 Phoenix Holdings Ltd 254 1.12 Oil & gas Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the ILS 139,614 Delek Drilling LP 336 1.47 entity in which the Fund holds shares. ILS 1,425 Delek Group Ltd 202 0.89 %oftotal ILS 1,221 Israel Corp Ltd 249 1.09 Analysis of total current assets Fair value current ILS 508,368 Oil Refineries Ltd 249 1.09 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets ILS 2,690 Paz Oil Co Ltd 401 1.76 Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 22,797 99.88 Pharmaceuticals Other assets 28 0.12 ILS 212,751 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd^ 2,210 9.69 Total current assets 22,825 100.00 Real estate investment & services ILS 20,853 Airport City Ltd 396 1.74 ILS 36,496 Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd 546 2.39 ILS 44,539 Amot Investments Ltd 329 1.44 ILS 11,219 Azrieli Group Ltd 877 3.84 ILS 29,251 Gazit-Globe Ltd 317 1.39 ILS 5,349 Melisron Ltd 346 1.52 Semiconductors ILS 28,198 Tower Semiconductor Ltd 627 2.75 Telecommunications ILS 584,761 Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp Ltd 488 2.14 ILS 10,115 Nice Ltd 1,536 6.73 Total Israel 19,325 84.71



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Germany (31 May 2019: 10.79%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 96.78%) Auto manufacturers EUR 703 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 57 1.06 Equities (31 May 2019: 96.78%) Insurance Australia (31 May 2019: 6.74%) EUR 212 Allianz SE 51 0.95 Banks Miscellaneous manufacturers AUD 2,579 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 43 0.80 EUR 423 Siemens AG 54 1.00 AUD 896 Commonwealth Bank of Australia^ 49 0.91 Pharmaceuticals AUD 2,730 National Australia Bank Ltd 48 0.89 EUR 478 Merck KGaA^ 56 1.04 Biotechnology Telecommunications AUD 339 CSL Ltd 65 1.20 EUR 2,876 Deutsche Telekom AG 48 0.89 Building materials and fixtures Transportation AUD 13,920 Boral Ltd 49 0.91 EUR 1,599 Deutsche Post AG 60 1.11 Electricity Total Germany 377 6.99 AUD 37,310 AusNet Services 44 0.82 Food India (31 May 2019: Nil) AUD 2,235 Woolworths Group Ltd 60 1.11 Diversified financial services Hotels INR 1,865 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 47 0.87 AUD 18,513 Star Entertainment Grp Ltd 60 1.11 Total India 47 0.87 Mining AUD 7,017 Iluka Resources Ltd 45 0.83 Ireland (31 May 2019: 5.17%) AUD 2,408 Newcrest Mining Ltd 50 0.93 Chemicals AUD 703 Rio Tinto Ltd 46 0.85 USD 246 Linde Plc 51 0.94 Total Australia 559 10.36 Computers USD 272 Accenture Plc 55 1.02 Brazil (31 May 2019: 1.12%) Healthcare products USD 511 Medtronic Plc 57 1.06 Canada (31 May 2019: 6.82%) Miscellaneous manufacturers Banks USD 406 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 53 0.98 CAD 668 Bank of Montreal 52 0.96 Total Ireland 216 4.00 CAD 943 Bank of Nova Scotia 53 0.98 CAD 643 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 56 1.04 Italy (31 May 2019: 3.43%) CAD 637 Royal Bank of Canada 52 0.97 Banks CAD 871 Toronto-Dominion Bank 50 0.93 EUR 23,905 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 61 1.13 Media Electricity CAD 765 Thomson Reuters Corp 53 0.98 EUR 7,176 Enel SpA 54 1.00 Total Canada 316 5.86 Gas EUR 9,251 Snam SpA 46 0.86 France (31 May 2019: 5.46%) Telecommunications Apparel retailers EUR 94,920 Telecom Italia SpA^ 60 1.11 EUR 88 Kering SA 53 0.98 Total Italy 221 4.10 Auto parts & equipment EUR 403 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 49 0.91 Japan (31 May 2019: 6.33%) Banks Airlines EUR 1,079 BNP Paribas SA 61 1.13 JPY 1,500 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 47 0.87 EUR 2,076 Societe Generale SA 65 1.20 Computers Cosmetics & personal care JPY 700 Fujitsu Ltd 64 1.19 EUR 176 L'Oreal SA 50 0.93 Cosmetics & personal care Total France 278 5.15 JPY 700 Kao Corp 55 1.02 JPY 600 Shiseido Co Ltd^ 43 0.80 Germany (31 May 2019: 10.79%) Diversified financial services Apparel retailers JPY 15,800 Nomura Holdings Inc 81 1.50 EUR 164 adidas AG 51 0.94



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 96.78%) (cont) Taiwan (31 May 2019: 1.86%) Japan (31 May 2019: 6.33%) (cont) Diversified financial services Home furnishings TWD 72,360 First Financial Holding Co Ltd 54 1.00 JPY 1,000 Sony Corp 63 1.17 TWD 81,125 Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co Ltd 58 1.08 Pharmaceuticals Insurance JPY 3,600 Astellas Pharma Inc 61 1.13 TWD 38,307 Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd 52 0.96 Telecommunications Telecommunications JPY 2,200 NTT DOCOMO Inc 60 1.11 TWD 14,000 Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 52 0.96 Total Japan 474 8.79 TWD 20,000 Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 48 0.89 Total Taiwan 264 4.89 Netherlands (31 May 2019: 1.03%) Auto manufacturers Thailand (31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 3,716 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 55 1.02 Banks Total Netherlands 55 1.02 THB 8,200 Kasikornbank PCL 42 0.78 Total Thailand 42 0.78 Republic of South Korea (31 May 2019: 1.69%) Semiconductors United Kingdom (31 May 2019: 5.13%) KRW 1,339 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 57 1.06 Banks Total Republic of South Korea 57 1.06 GBP 26,345 Barclays Plc 58 1.07 GBP 5,628 Standard Chartered Plc 51 0.95 Singapore (31 May 2019: 1.07%) Beverages GBP 1,178 Diageo Plc 48 0.89 Slovenia (31 May 2019: Nil) Cosmetics & personal care Telecommunications GBP 802 Unilever Plc 48 0.89 SGD 20,700 Singapore Telecommunications 51 0.95 Oil & gas Total Slovenia 51 0.95 GBP 7,316 BP Plc^ 45 0.83 Pharmaceuticals South Africa (31 May 2019: 2.85%) GBP 623 AstraZeneca Plc 60 1.11 Banks GBP 2,535 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 58 1.08 ZAR 2,823 Nedbank Group Ltd 42 0.78 Telecommunications Total South Africa 42 0.78 GBP 30,875 Vodafone Group Plc 61 1.13 Total United Kingdom 429 7.95 Spain (31 May 2019: 2.36%) Banks United States (31 May 2019: 27.53%) EUR 11,161 Banco Santander SA 43 0.80 Banks Electricity USD 1,750 Bank of America Corp 58 1.07 EUR 1,874 Endesa SA 51 0.94 USD 1,158 Bank of New York Mellon Corp 57 1.06 EUR 2,245 Red Electrica Corp SA 44 0.82 USD 737 Citigroup Inc 55 1.02 Gas USD 906 State Street Corp 68 1.26 EUR 1,760 Naturgy Energy Group SA 46 0.85 Beverages Oil & gas USD 374 PepsiCo Inc 51 0.95 EUR 3,226 Repsol SA 51 0.95 Biotechnology Retail USD 215 Biogen Inc 65 1.20 EUR 1,792 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 56 1.04 Building materials and fixtures Total Spain 291 5.40 USD 1,014 Owens Corning 68 1.26 Computers Switzerland (31 May 2019: 7.40%) USD 2,484 HP Inc 50 0.93 Food Cosmetics & personal care CHF 478 Nestle SA 50 0.93 USD 697 Colgate-Palmolive Co 47 0.87 Pharmaceuticals Diversified financial services CHF 548 Novartis AG 50 0.92 USD 110 BlackRock Inc^/~ 55 1.02 CHF 180 Roche Holding AG 56 1.04 Electricity Total Switzerland 156 2.89 USD 558 American Electric Power Co Inc 51 0.95



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value USD'000 value

Equities (31 May 2019: 96.78%) (cont) Total value of investments 5,369 99.54 United States (31 May 2019: 27.53%) (cont) Electricity (cont) Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 1.90%) USD 2,636 PG&E Corp 20 0.37 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds Food (31 May 2019: 1.90%) USD 1,224 Campbell Soup Co 57 1.06 Cash† 13 0.24 USD 968 General Mills Inc 52 0.96 Healthcare products Other net assets 12 0.22 USD 600 Abbott Laboratories 51 0.95 USD 622 Baxter International Inc 51 0.94 Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating Internet shareholders at the end of the financial period 5,394 100.00

USD 2,506 NortonLifeLock Inc 62 1.15 †Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. Machinery, construction & mining ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent. ~ USD 385 Caterpillar Inc 56 1.04 Investment in related party. Mining USD 1,390 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 53 0.98 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Miscellaneous manufacturers entity in which the Fund holds shares. USD 292 3M Co 50 0.93 %oftotal Oil & gas Analysis of total current assets Fair value current USD 840 ConocoPhillips 50 0.93 gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets Pharmaceuticals Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 5,369 99.52 USD 1,048 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co^ 59 1.09 Other assets 26 0.48 USD 437 Eli Lilly & Co 51 0.95 Total current assets 5,395 100.00 USD 362 Johnson & Johnson 50 0.93 USD 593 Merck & Co Inc 52 0.96 Retail USD 2,782 Gap Inc 46 0.85 Software USD 376 Inc 61 1.13 Toys USD 471 Hasbro Inc^ 48 0.89 Total United States 1,494 27.70 Total equities 5,369 99.54

Underlying %ofnet No. of exposure Fair Value asset Ccy contracts USD’000 USD’000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: 0.12%) Futures contracts (31 May 2019: 0.12%)



Fair %ofnet Fair %ofnet Value asset Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 94.91%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 99.83%) Electronics USD 2,420 Avnet Inc 98 0.93 Equities (31 May 2019: 99.83%) USD 3,706 Gentex Corp 105 1.00 Bermuda (31 May 2019: 4.92%) USD 3,967 Jabil Inc 154 1.47 Insurance USD 1,534 Plexus Corp 117 1.11 USD 3,002 Assured Guaranty Ltd 149 1.42 USD 2,160 Sanmina Corp 69 0.66 USD 188 White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd 208 1.98 Food Retail USD 4,894 Kroger Co 134 1.28 USD 11,282 Signet Jewelers Ltd 207 1.97 Healthcare services Total Bermuda 564 5.37 USD 613 Amedisys Inc 100 0.95 USD 2,199 DaVita Inc 158 1.50 United States (31 May 2019: 94.91%) USD 842 Medpace Holdings Inc^ 64 0.61 Aerospace & defence Home builders USD 1,359 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 118 1.12 USD 1,623 Toll Brothers Inc 65 0.62 Airlines USD 4,838 TRI Pointe Group Inc 76 0.72 USD 2,961 Hawaiian Holdings Inc 90 0.86 Home furnishings USD 1,290 Southwest Airlines Co 74 0.70 USD 948 Whirlpool Corp 136 1.29 USD 1,218 United Airlines Holdings Inc 113 1.08 Hotels Apparel retailers USD 1,737 Hyatt Hotels Corp 141 1.34 USD 802 Deckers Outdoor Corp 135 1.28 USD 3,294 MGM Resorts International 105 1.00 Auto parts & equipment Insurance USD 4,991 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 80 0.76 USD 1,722 Loews Corp 88 0.84 USD 565 Lear Corp 68 0.65 USD 1,754 MetLife Inc 87 0.83 USD 1,134 Visteon Corp 106 1.01 USD 3,307 Voya Financial Inc 193 1.83 Banks Internet USD 5,739 CIT Group Inc 261 2.48 USD 34 Booking Holdings Inc 65 0.62 USD 1,482 Citigroup Inc 111 1.06 USD 2,694 eBay Inc 95 0.90 USD 1,416 Comerica Inc 100 0.95 Machinery - diversified USD 3,434 Fifth Third Bancorp 104 0.99 USD 818 Dover Corp 91 0.87 USD 568 M&T Bank Corp 93 0.89 USD 513 Rockwell Automation Inc 101 0.96 USD 2,034 PacWest Bancorp 76 0.72 Machinery, construction & mining USD 9,139 Regions Financial Corp 152 1.45 USD 6,333 Terex Corp 178 1.69 Building materials and fixtures Media USD 1,665 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 105 1.00 USD 256 Charter Communications Inc 120 1.14 Coal Miscellaneous manufacturers ^ USD 2,562 Arch Coal Inc 190 1.81 USD 2,110 Textron Inc 98 0.93 Commercial services Office & business equipment USD 1,057 ManpowerGroup Inc 98 0.93 USD 2,847 Xerox Holdings Corp 111 1.06 USD 1,982 Quanta Services Inc 82 0.78 Oil & gas Computers USD 21,155 CNX Resources Corp 146 1.39 USD 10,737 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 170 1.62 USD 1,488 Hess Corp^ 92 0.88 ^ USD 6,245 NetScout Systems Inc 157 1.49 USD 1,145 Murphy USA Inc 135 1.28 Diversified financial services USD 1,169 Phillips 66 134 1.28 USD 835 Affiliated Managers Group Inc 71 0.68 Pharmaceuticals USD 2,640 Ally Financial Inc 84 0.80 USD 1,499 Cardinal Health Inc 83 0.79 USD 524 Ameriprise Financial Inc 86 0.82 USD 611 McKesson Corp 88 0.84 USD 1,738 E*TRADE Financial Corp 77 0.73 Real estate investment & services USD 3,395 Franklin Resources Inc 93 0.89 USD 24,345 Realogy Holdings Corp^ 255 2.43 USD 6,735 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 141 1.34 Real estate investment trusts USD 2,447 Legg Mason Inc 96 0.91 USD 22,333 Colony Capital Inc 109 1.04 USD 4,691 Waddell & Reed Financial Inc 76 0.72 USD 3,381 Park Hotels & Resorts Inc^ 80 0.76 USD 7,059 Piedmont Office Realty Trust Inc 156 1.48


SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS (continued) iSHARES US EQUITY BUYBACK ACHIEVERS UCITS ETF (continued) As at 30 November 2019 Equities are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the Fair %ofnet Value asset entity in which the Fund holds shares. Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value %oftotal Analysis of total current assets Fair value current Equities (31 May 2019: 99.83%) (cont) gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets United States (31 May 2019: 94.91%) (cont) Real estate investment trusts (cont) Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 10,483 99.71 USD 5,534 Retail Properties of America Inc 79 0.75 Other assets 30 0.29 USD 2,151 SL Green Realty Corp 183 1.74 Total current assets 10,513 100.00 USD 1,671 Spirit Realty Capital Inc 88 0.84 Retail USD 759 Asbury Automotive Group Inc 84 0.80 USD 1,544 Best Buy Co Inc 125 1.19 USD 1,193 Children's Place Inc 86 0.82 USD 1,718 Dave & Buster's Entertainment Inc^ 69 0.66 USD 2,762 Dick's Sporting Goods Inc 127 1.21 USD 1,371 Dillard's Inc^ 98 0.93 USD 1,031 FirstCash Inc 83 0.79 USD 2,114 Foot Locker Inc 85 0.81 USD 592 Lithia Motors Inc^ 95 0.90 Semiconductors USD 1,490 Cirrus Logic Inc 107 1.02 USD 320 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 80 0.76 USD 3,112 QUALCOMM Inc 260 2.47 USD 1,979 Teradyne Inc^ 124 1.18 Software USD 850 Manhattan Associates Inc 71 0.68 USD 3,215 Oracle Corp 181 1.72 USD 2,123 Progress Software Corp 89 0.85 Telecommunications USD 2,437 Cisco Systems Inc 110 1.04 USD 3,684 Corning Inc 107 1.02 USD 4,267 Juniper Networks Inc 107 1.02 Textile USD 383 UniFirst Corp 79 0.75 Transportation USD 1,059 CSX Corp 76 0.72 USD 525 Union Pacific Corp 92 0.88 Total United States 9,919 94.39 Total equities 10,483 99.76

Fair %ofnet Value asset USD'000 value

Total value of investments 10,483 99.76

Cash† 15 0.14

Other net assets 10 0.10

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 10,508 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ^These securities are partially or fully transferred as securities lent.



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a United States (31 May 2019: 95.66%) (cont) Regulated Market (31 May 2019: 98.54%) USD 119,771 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.000% 08/01/2039 133 0.01 USD 420,796 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 08/01/2030 434 0.02 Mortgage backed securities (31 May 2019: 95.66%) USD 677,912 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 10/01/2030 698 0.04 United States (31 May 2019: 95.66%) USD 732,491 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 09/01/2030 755 0.04 USD 17,719,353 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 11/01/2046 18,145 1.02 USD 1,409,774 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 05/01/2031 1,453 0.08 USD 445,252 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 05/01/2031 458 0.03 USD 380,134 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 06/01/2031 385 0.02 USD 2,853,570 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 05/01/2046 2,988 0.17 USD 387,836 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 08/01/2031 393 0.02 USD 85,718 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 04/01/2043 88 0.00 USD 807,229 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 12/01/2031 832 0.05 USD 293,885 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 09/01/2046 319 0.02 USD 646,191 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 06/01/2032 654 0.04 USD 1,261,417 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 08/01/2047 1,308 0.07 USD 2,101,447 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 04/01/2032 2,126 0.12 USD 2,366,401 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 09/01/2047 2,454 0.14 USD 645,765 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 07/01/2032 665 0.04 USD 202,362 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 11/01/2047 210 0.01 USD 1,226,279 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 09/01/2032 1,241 0.07 USD 6,251,146 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.000% 08/01/2041 6,914 0.39 USD 667,204 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 02/01/2047 696 0.04 USD 1,525,510 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 05/01/2031 1,546 0.09 USD 36,146 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 06/01/2047 38 0.00 USD 923,435 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 03/01/2031 959 0.05 USD 472,471 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 06/01/2047 497 0.03 USD 591,524 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 04/01/2025 619 0.03 USD 3,463,290 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 08/01/2047 3,638 0.21 USD 96,640 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.000% 10/01/2041 107 0.01 USD 1,539,887 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 09/01/2047 1,616 0.09 USD 235,849 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 03/01/2032 243 0.01 USD 676,571 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 09/01/2047 713 0.04 USD 375,807 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 08/01/2029 386 0.02 USD 3,609,352 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 10/01/2047 3,792 0.21 USD 463,354 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 06/01/2046 474 0.03 USD 178,963 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 10/01/2046 183 0.01 USD 218,835 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 09/01/2046 228 0.01 USD 170,971 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 01/01/2047 175 0.01 USD 205,833 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 12/01/2046 205 0.01 USD 466,521 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 02/01/2048 484 0.03 USD 228,993 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 03/01/2032 236 0.01 USD 2,750,188 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 12/01/2046 2,816 0.16 USD 42,470 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 09/01/2031 44 0.00 USD 659,105 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 01/01/2048 696 0.04 USD 270,616 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 11/01/2031 278 0.02 USD 929,983 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.500% 08/01/2039 1,044 0.06 USD 810,977 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 12/01/2031 822 0.05 USD 1,266,078 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 01/01/2033 1,303 0.07 USD 369,037 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 02/01/2032 374 0.02 USD 23,153 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 07/01/2043 24 0.00 USD 281,898 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 12/01/2026 289 0.02 USD 262,785 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 12/01/2032 274 0.02 USD 663,069 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 12/01/2028 690 0.04 USD 41,412 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 12/01/2047 43 0.00 USD 232,113 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 05/01/2031 242 0.01 USD 457,025 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 05/01/2048 470 0.03 USD 34,359 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 07/01/2031 35 0.00 USD 2,849,593 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 01/01/2045 2,983 0.17 USD 1,391,898 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 09/01/2031 1,410 0.08 USD 19,246 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 08/01/2047 20 0.00 USD 156,444 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 07/01/2041 170 0.01 USD 185,264 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 08/01/2045 201 0.01 USD 2,721,492 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 10/01/2046 2,838 0.16 USD 36,547 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 07/01/2033 38 0.00 USD 41,168 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 02/01/2044 45 0.00 USD 96,904 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 02/01/2041 105 0.01 USD 3,119,692 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 04/01/2046 3,249 0.18 USD 3,604,366 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 09/01/2044 3,796 0.21 USD 3,484,727 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 08/01/2046 3,629 0.20 USD 1,839,454 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 11/01/2046 1,887 0.11 USD 245,132 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 10/01/2046 256 0.01 USD 45,265 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 05/01/2048 47 0.00 USD 886,083 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 01/01/2045 963 0.05 USD 1,200,163 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 06/01/2048 1,235 0.07 USD 155,757 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 05/01/2042 169 0.01 USD 179,363 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 01/01/2033 182 0.01 USD 91,247 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 08/01/2045 99 0.01 USD 297,725 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 06/01/2048 316 0.02 USD 140,966 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 08/01/2044 152 0.01 USD 34,797 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 07/01/2048 37 0.00 USD 767,487 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 12/01/2031 792 0.04 USD 148,920 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 02/01/2048 158 0.01 USD 3,901,428 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 08/01/2030 4,004 0.23 USD 59,518 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 06/01/2048 62 0.00 USD 1,698,474 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 07/01/2047 1,762 0.10 USD 12,148 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 10/01/2042 13 0.00 USD 3,665 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 10/01/2047 4 0.00 USD 61,425 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 02/01/2048 64 0.00 USD 4,116,747 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.000% 11/01/2039 4,555 0.26 USD 1,922,706 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 06/01/2049 1,997 0.11 USD 10,456,012 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 05/01/2046 10,707 0.60 USD 1,988,896 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 10/01/2044 2,082 0.12 USD 7,086,156 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 06/01/2047 7,350 0.41 USD 428,430 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 09/01/2045 453 0.03 USD 1,841,992 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 11/01/2032 1,863 0.10 USD 24,136 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 08/01/2042 26 0.00 USD 390,644 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 11/01/2032 402 0.02 USD 492,219 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 01/01/2047 513 0.03 USD 541,188 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 09/01/2037 569 0.03 USD 2,417,847 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 10/01/2048 2,609 0.15



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Mortgage backed securities (31 May 2019: 95.66%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.66%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 95.66%) (cont) USD 460,988 Freddie Mac Pool 4.500% 07/01/2048 485 0.03 USD 44,845 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 07/01/2046 48 0.00 USD 1,120,585 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 09/01/2048 1,165 0.07 USD 20,934 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 10/01/2046 22 0.00 USD 1,359,817 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 06/01/2049 1,395 0.08 USD 488,857 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 12/01/2046 510 0.03 USD 1,397,096 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 08/01/2034 1,433 0.08 USD 65,501 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 02/01/2047 69 0.00 USD 5,488,717 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 07/01/2049 5,701 0.32 USD 1,688,280 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 03/01/2048 1,751 0.10 USD 182,177 Freddie Mac Pool 5.000% 07/01/2049 195 0.01 USD 881,705 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 09/01/2035 925 0.05 USD 677,641 Freddie Mac Pool 5.000% 10/01/2049 725 0.04 USD 6,506,308 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 09/01/2043 6,955 0.39 USD 14,750,434 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 08/01/2049 15,351 0.86 USD 456,535 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 04/01/2033 462 0.03 USD 11,888,163 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 08/01/2034 12,198 0.69 USD 1,618,178 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 08/01/2033 1,677 0.09 USD 17,869,635 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 09/01/2049 18,398 1.04 USD 1,308,989 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 06/01/2031 1,348 0.08 USD 2,916,000 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 07/01/2034 3,025 0.17 USD 263,258 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 11/01/2046 263 0.01 USD 595,948 Freddie Mac Pool 2.500% 11/01/2034 601 0.03 USD 414,662 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 09/01/2046 413 0.02 USD 7,798,909 Freddie Mac Pool 2.500% 12/01/2034 7,868 0.44 USD 1,352,034 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 11/01/2031 1,370 0.08 USD 10,175,000 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 12/01/2034 10,436 0.59 USD 547,727 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 10/01/2033 568 0.03 USD 15,668,348 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 09/01/2049 16,101 0.91 USD 779,992 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 03/01/2034 811 0.05 USD 2,991,677 Freddie Mac Pool 2.500% 11/01/2049 2,962 0.17 USD 1,127,031 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 06/01/2038 1,167 0.07 USD 27,454,925 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 11/01/2049 27,847 1.57 USD 3,875,392 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 07/01/2038 4,014 0.23 USD 13,535,481 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 11/01/2049 13,896 0.78 USD 2,615,784 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 03/01/2043 2,751 0.16 USD 4,200,000 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 12/01/2049 4,363 0.25 USD 9,457,371 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 01/01/2033 9,567 0.54 USD 1,581,845 Freddie Mac Pool 5.000% 11/01/2049 1,692 0.10 USD 436,498 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 11/01/2033 466 0.03 USD 720,165 Freddie Mac Pool 2.500% 10/01/2049 713 0.04 USD 24,493,184 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 02/01/2049 25,491 1.44 USD 5,275,000 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 12/01/2049 5,353 0.30 USD 1,313,827 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.000% 11/01/2048 1,455 0.08 Total United States 428,842 24.16 USD 4,051,166 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 10/01/2046 4,303 0.24 Total mortgage backed securities 428,842 24.16 USD 896,614 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 08/01/2048 967 0.05 To be announced contractsΩ (31 May 2019: 2.88%) USD 4,405,419 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 02/01/2048 4,569 0.26 USD 2,014,278 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 04/01/2048 2,123 0.12 United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) USD 3,475,730 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 11/01/2048 3,706 0.21 USD 1,530,750 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.500% TBA 1,571 0.09 USD 612,353 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 09/01/2046 657 0.04 USD 7,317,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.500% TBA 7,687 0.43 USD 6,197,684 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 10/01/2046 6,370 0.36 USD 12,325,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.500% TBA 12,434 0.70 USD 2,568,480 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 10/01/2045 2,830 0.16 USD 849,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.500% TBA 840 0.05 USD 903,342 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 03/01/2048 959 0.05 USD 495,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.000% TBA 507 0.03 USD 1,370,064 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 08/01/2048 1,434 0.08 USD 2,040,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.000% TBA 2,069 0.12 USD 715,479 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 01/01/2034 742 0.04 USD 3,425,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.000% TBA 3,554 0.20 USD 1,125,133 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 06/01/2034 1,170 0.07 USD 4,909,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.500% TBA 5,087 0.29 USD 1,085,407 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 06/01/2045 1,114 0.06 USD 7,275,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.000% TBA 7,586 0.43 USD 512,956 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 06/01/2049 521 0.03 USD 675,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.500% TBA 697 0.04 USD 545,827 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 05/01/2049 554 0.03 USD 1,487,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.000% TBA 1,589 0.09 USD 1,138,731 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 05/01/2049 1,156 0.07 USD 5,375,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.500% TBA 5,793 0.33 USD 762,333 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 03/01/2046 803 0.05 USD 2,158,088 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 2,209 0.12 USD 6,643,535 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 04/01/2049 6,913 0.39 USD 190,936 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 195 0.01 USD 334,262 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 04/01/2049 353 0.02 USD 64,884 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 72 0.00 USD 10,739,467 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 03/01/2049 11,198 0.63 USD 216,757 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 228 0.01 USD 14,057,279 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 03/01/2049 14,658 0.83 USD 259,876 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 276 0.02 USD 353,792 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 07/01/2029 369 0.02 USD 86,475 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 91 0.01 USD 1,019,313 Freddie Mac Pool 4.500% 11/01/2048 1,074 0.06 USD 158,189 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 166 0.01 USD 2,543,703 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 09/01/2034 2,620 0.15 USD 152,516 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 160 0.01 USD 49,685 Freddie Mac Pool 2.500% 10/01/2049 49 0.00 USD 7,943,525 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 8,324 0.47 USD 405,087 Freddie Mac Pool 3.000% 07/01/2034 415 0.02 USD 3,928,947 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 3,979 0.22 USD 2,654,505 Freddie Mac Pool 2.500% 10/01/2034 2,678 0.15 USD 989,719 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,033 0.06 USD 6,439,222 Freddie Mac Pool 4.000% 11/01/2049 6,689 0.38 USD 196,647 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 204 0.01 USD 1,049,233 Freddie Mac Pool 3.500% 01/01/2045 1,098 0.06 USD 748,992 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 785 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

To be announced contractsΩ (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) USD 222,378 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 231 0.01 USD 384,405 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 394 0.02 USD 100,718 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 111 0.01 USD 2,743,763 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 2,820 0.16 USD 1,075,332 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,121 0.06 USD 488,409 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 488 0.03 USD 70,909 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 78 0.00 USD 1,468,684 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,503 0.08 USD 1,933,605 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,979 0.11 USD 328,306 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 332 0.02 USD 7,016,487 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 7,348 0.41 USD 2,771,531 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 2,836 0.16 USD 1,058,485 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,070 0.06 USD 936,316 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 948 0.05 USD 685,063 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 758 0.04 USD 323,678 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 328 0.02 USD 1,244,130 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 1,349 0.08 USD 227,069 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 246 0.01 USD 3,338,416 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 3,466 0.20 USD 283,450 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 308 0.02 USD 556,433 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 573 0.03 USD 36,808 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 38 0.00 USD 1,998,244 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 2,135 0.12 USD 54,533 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 57 0.00 USD 120,561 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 127 0.01 USD 124,321 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 128 0.01 USD 255,546 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 270 0.02 USD 97,629 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 99 0.01 USD 157,714 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 164 0.01 USD 580,403 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 588 0.03 USD 95,086 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 99 0.01 USD 1,348,460 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,385 0.08 USD 105,379 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 107 0.01 USD 2,733,795 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 2,769 0.16 USD 812,804 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 822 0.05 USD 262,237 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 280 0.02 USD 647,710 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 684 0.04 USD 2,512,887 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 2,582 0.15 USD 458,793 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 485 0.03 USD 586,650 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 614 0.03 USD 54,488 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 57 0.00 USD 278,792 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 285 0.02 USD 5,370,067 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 5,624 0.32 USD 246,598 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 257 0.01 USD 334,563 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 353 0.02 USD 620,167 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 661 0.04 USD 51,158 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 54 0.00 USD 149,998 Fannie Mae Pool 5.500% TBA 168 0.01 USD 199,419 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 211 0.01 USD 135,014 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 149 0.01 USD 283,342 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 300 0.02 USD 243,823 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 253 0.01 USD 812,350 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 847 0.05 USD 129,029 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 132 0.01 USD 78,204 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 83 0.00 USD 308,111 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 312 0.02 USD 38,508 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 40 0.00 USD 99,047 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 100 0.01 USD 19,671 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 20 0.00 USD 9,199,616 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 9,415 0.53 USD 34,144 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 36 0.00 USD 101,737 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 103 0.01 USD 1,652,876 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,737 0.10 USD 113,300 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 118 0.01 USD 50,735 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 54 0.00 USD 261,977 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 268 0.02 USD 34,715 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 37 0.00 USD 61,639 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 64 0.00 USD 65,694 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 67 0.00 USD 87,045 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 96 0.01 USD 210,277 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 217 0.01 USD 1,636,782 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,687 0.10 USD 126,440 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 134 0.01 USD 210,102 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 226 0.01 USD 79,037 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 82 0.00 USD 1,037,111 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,089 0.06 USD 54,264 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 56 0.00 USD 50,222 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 52 0.00 USD 36,994 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 38 0.00 USD 1,106,456 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,139 0.06 USD 1,196,609 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,269 0.07 USD 6,557,684 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 7,042 0.40 USD 278,624 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 293 0.02 USD 590,804 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 598 0.03 USD 1,573,493 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,592 0.09 USD 787,621 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 808 0.05 USD 2,926,447 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 3,067 0.17 USD 607,327 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 638 0.04 USD 5,905,579 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 6,201 0.35 USD 855,876 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 892 0.05 USD 95,695 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 101 0.01 USD 33,295 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 36 0.00 USD 156,458 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 163 0.01 USD 1,255,215 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,270 0.07 USD 976,757 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 990 0.06 USD 1,024,314 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,074 0.06 USD 340,497 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 350 0.02 USD 2,278,907 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 2,384 0.13 USD 307,364 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 325 0.02 USD 10,203,335 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 10,882 0.61 USD 2,019,657 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 2,116 0.12 USD 7,596,776 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 8,026 0.45 USD 663,853 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 674 0.04



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

To be announced contractsΩ (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) USD 995,830 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,058 0.06 USD 87,588 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 92 0.01 USD 1,095,871 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,154 0.07 USD 2,640,467 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 2,920 0.16 USD 1,868,426 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,922 0.11 USD 864,573 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 956 0.05 USD 21,616,836 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 22,240 1.25 USD 277,311 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 284 0.02 USD 1,056,734 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,070 0.06 USD 355,801 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 366 0.02 USD 1,168,531 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,165 0.07 USD 320,366 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 338 0.02 USD 1,757,391 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,799 0.10 USD 3,133,910 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 3,207 0.18 USD 1,985,409 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 2,032 0.11 USD 125,472 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 133 0.01 USD 635,159 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 650 0.04 USD 515,421 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 534 0.03 USD 3,868,095 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 4,070 0.23 USD 1,516,514 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,560 0.09 USD 5,769,552 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 5,936 0.33 USD 2,275,554 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 2,363 0.13 USD 874,491 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 963 0.05 USD 1,883,867 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,938 0.11 USD 1,097,204 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,156 0.07 USD 559,305 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 576 0.03 USD 6,325,756 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 6,620 0.37 USD 295,296 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 305 0.02 USD 801,079 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 824 0.05 USD 118,194 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 122 0.01 USD 681,317 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 690 0.04 USD 19,859 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 20 0.00 USD 662,739 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 671 0.04 USD 129,196 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 133 0.01 USD 615,274 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 636 0.04 USD 117,224 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 121 0.01 USD 6,760,062 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 7,008 0.39 USD 19,485 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 20 0.00 USD 186,714 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 192 0.01 USD 51,547 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 53 0.00 USD 2,605,799 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 2,829 0.16 USD 497,393 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 523 0.03 USD 3,733,193 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 3,961 0.22 USD 7,461,135 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 7,965 0.45 USD 964,413 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,009 0.06 USD 252,433 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 260 0.01 USD 5,287,760 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 5,440 0.31 USD 96,761 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 100 0.01 USD 930,159 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,003 0.06 USD 102,604 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 106 0.01 USD 2,655,261 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 2,878 0.16 USD 39,287 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 40 0.00 USD 1,335,590 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,353 0.08 USD 223,909 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 230 0.01 USD 4,520,558 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 4,673 0.26 USD 3,894,857 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 4,054 0.23 USD 6,226,742 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 6,554 0.37 USD 258,930 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 273 0.02 USD 7,689,603 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 8,208 0.46 USD 4,283,753 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 4,384 0.25 USD 270,100 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 299 0.02 USD 352,561 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 367 0.02 USD 2,165,531 Fannie Mae Pool 5.500% TBA 2,364 0.13 USD 50,071 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 54 0.00 USD 1,682,549 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,732 0.10 USD 194,660 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 209 0.01 USD 14,796,064 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 15,592 0.88 USD 689,864 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 741 0.04 USD 12,728,413 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 13,565 0.76 USD 527,926 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 543 0.03 USD 2,881,345 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 3,125 0.18 USD 67,303 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 72 0.00 USD 13,159,610 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 13,837 0.78 USD 13,065,130 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 13,975 0.79 USD 5,460,167 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 5,711 0.32 USD 175,311 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 186 0.01 USD 1,022,083 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 1,125 0.06 USD 760,294 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 800 0.05 USD 1,529,397 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,649 0.09 USD 407,725 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 430 0.02 USD 644,717 Fannie Mae Pool 5.500% TBA 702 0.04 USD 905,256 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 933 0.05 USD 1,090,649 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,169 0.07 USD 462,042 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 490 0.03 USD 2,305,344 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 2,414 0.14 USD 239,701 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 249 0.01 USD 25,250,732 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 25,971 1.46 USD 271,589 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 289 0.02 USD 464,937 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 484 0.03 USD 20,263,536 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 21,323 1.20 USD 919,499 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 980 0.06 USD 796,652 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 862 0.05 USD 3,341,568 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 3,561 0.20 USD 1,254,429 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 1,355 0.08 USD 10,983,987 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 11,306 0.64 USD 1,411,952 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 1,512 0.09 USD 219,390 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 226 0.01 USD 530,615 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 571 0.03 USD 4,009,745 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 4,113 0.23 USD 661,824 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 688 0.04 USD 2,214,534 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 2,314 0.13 USD 2,568,405 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 2,825 0.16 USD 544,162 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 602 0.03



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

To be announced contractsΩ (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) USD 751,494 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 771 0.04 USD 348,359 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 353 0.02 USD 7,879,229 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 8,082 0.46 USD 7,333,121 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 7,505 0.42 USD 3,261,278 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 3,452 0.19 USD 9,493,908 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 9,841 0.55 USD 12,177,000 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 12,351 0.70 USD 2,888,949 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 3,125 0.18 USD 2,492,000 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 2,528 0.14 USD 760,328 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 758 0.04 USD 23,201,588 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 23,660 1.33 USD 442,707 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 466 0.03 USD 3,592,417 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 3,730 0.21 USD 2,223,532 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 2,283 0.13 USD 956,000 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 1,021 0.06 USD 24,968 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 26 0.00 USD 5,012,945 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 5,212 0.29 USD 1,073,875 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,105 0.06 USD 5,777,041 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 5,926 0.33 USD 1,097,718 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 1,162 0.07 USD 1,923,521 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,996 0.11 USD 18,684,924 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 19,140 1.08 USD 12,898,455 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 13,541 0.76 USD 757,039 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 785 0.04 USD 8,475,000 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 8,393 0.47 USD 9,246,676 Fannie Mae Pool 6.000% TBA 10,655 0.60 USD 13,706,000 Ginnie Mae 3.000% TBA 14,086 0.79 USD 14,215,205 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 14,776 0.83 USD 6,175,000 Ginnie Mae 3.500% TBA 6,382 0.36 USD 1,546,939 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,561 0.09 USD 3,922,000 Ginnie Mae 4.500% TBA 4,098 0.23 USD 3,659,952 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 3,802 0.21 USD 2,425,000 Ginnie Mae 5.000% TBA 2,553 0.14 USD 2,532,000 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 2,630 0.15 USD 525,000 Ginnie Mae 2.500% TBA 529 0.03 USD 258,018 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 265 0.01 USD 250,000 Ginnie Mae 5.500% TBA 266 0.01 USD 654,853 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 681 0.04 USD 210,278 Ginnie Mae I Pool 5.000% TBA 234 0.01 USD 905,271 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 941 0.05 USD 240,700 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.500% TBA 256 0.01 USD 5,185,029 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 5,287 0.30 USD 45,634 Ginnie Mae I Pool 4.000% TBA 48 0.00 USD 2,732,214 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 2,926 0.16 USD 548,651 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.500% TBA 582 0.03 USD 80,865 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 85 0.00 USD 1,510,548 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.000% TBA 1,561 0.09 USD 6,343,475 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 6,692 0.38 USD 12,040,759 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 12,427 0.70 USD 1,680,971 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,757 0.10 USD 7,624,275 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 7,869 0.44 USD 13,624,659 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 13,987 0.79 USD 23,461 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 25 0.00 USD 117,151 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 118 0.01 USD 3,546,821 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 3,696 0.21 USD 1,864,321 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,917 0.11 USD 87,713 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 93 0.01 USD 10,923,381 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 11,641 0.66 USD 1,312,033 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,367 0.08 USD 7,698,043 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 8,090 0.46 USD 45,367 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 48 0.00 USD 3,967,689 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 4,205 0.24 USD 1,566,237 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,652 0.09 USD 1,631,328 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 1,678 0.09 USD 3,985,772 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 4,154 0.23 USD 24,190,793 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 25,521 1.44 USD 449,297 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 475 0.03 USD 6,995,015 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 7,179 0.40 USD 1,168,569 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,218 0.07 USD 13,991,044 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 14,345 0.81 USD 148,481 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 160 0.01 USD 648,504 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 666 0.04 USD 101,025 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 109 0.01 USD 205,234 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 219 0.01 USD 3,766,631 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 3,941 0.22 USD 1,258,529 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,304 0.07 USD 134,634 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 141 0.01 USD 2,703,352 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 2,775 0.16 USD 11,289,210 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 11,651 0.66 USD 2,300,907 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% TBA 2,421 0.14 USD 341,564 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 356 0.02 USD 1,544,237 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,558 0.09 USD 10,440,390 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 10,845 0.61 USD 619,057 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 625 0.04 USD 2,393,694 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 2,504 0.14 USD 436,745 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 441 0.02 USD 4,467,537 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 4,674 0.26 USD 840,646 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% TBA 862 0.05 USD 3,167,990 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 3,265 0.18 USD 1,291,281 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 1,279 0.07 USD 2,007,338 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 2,085 0.12 USD 30,849,485 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 31,670 1.78 USD 33,935 Ginnie Mae II Pool 2.500% TBA 34 0.00 USD 3,949,340 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% TBA 3,996 0.23 USD 87,709 Ginnie Mae II Pool 2.500% TBA 89 0.01 USD 1,200,000 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,261 0.07 USD 471,427 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 487 0.03 USD 3,186,588 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% TBA 3,493 0.20 USD 2,022,261 Ginnie Mae II Pool 2.500% TBA 2,045 0.12 USD 1,191,426 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% TBA 1,243 0.07 USD 1,824,127 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 1,913 0.11 USD 775,829 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% TBA 809 0.05 USD 593,191 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 618 0.03



%ofnet %ofnet Fair Value asset Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

To be announced contractsΩ (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) United States (31 May 2019: 2.88%) (cont) USD 7,222,741 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 7,578 0.43 USD 3,643,577 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 3,797 0.21 USD 4,324,225 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 4,539 0.26 USD 6,251,538 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 6,452 0.36 USD 285,181 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 296 0.02 USD 1,891,882 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,965 0.11 USD 1,327,712 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 1,392 0.08 USD 245,875 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 261 0.01 USD 3,777,831 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 3,986 0.22 USD 12,417,033 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 12,898 0.73 USD 1,862,844 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,968 0.11 USD 7,659,700 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 8,014 0.45 USD 1,011,472 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 1,091 0.06 USD 7,771,155 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 8,008 0.45 USD 1,161,205 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,214 0.07 USD 4,100,595 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 4,260 0.24 USD 11,658,080 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 12,226 0.69 USD 1,301,711 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 1,341 0.08 USD 2,536,233 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 2,676 0.15 USD 4,515,427 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 4,690 0.26 USD 6,967,202 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 7,252 0.41 USD 946,214 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 1,006 0.06 USD 6,304,442 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 6,677 0.38 USD 2,224,614 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 2,377 0.13 USD 5,990,931 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 6,355 0.36 USD 1,392,941 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 1,481 0.08 USD 927,896 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 988 0.06 USD 652,061 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 686 0.04 USD 1,665,688 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 1,794 0.10 USD 2,863,668 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 3,026 0.17 USD 1,161,196 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 1,198 0.07 USD 723,619 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 757 0.04 USD 4,129,660 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 4,346 0.24 USD 18,510 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 20 0.00 USD 1,269,674 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 1,350 0.08 USD 32,545 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 34 0.00 USD 1,258,421 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,327 0.07 USD 7,204,285 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 7,538 0.42 USD 2,063,073 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 2,143 0.12 USD 1,380,224 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 1,437 0.08 USD 5,034,598 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 5,218 0.29 USD 623,865 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 663 0.04 USD 2,095,800 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 2,181 0.12 USD 18,152,936 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 18,985 1.07 USD 5,031,152 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 5,288 0.30 USD 37,292 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 39 0.00 USD 601,861 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 635 0.04 USD 1,653,767 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,718 0.10 USD 4,931,300 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 5,200 0.29 USD 22,303 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 24 0.00 USD 2,576,568 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 2,708 0.15 USD 35,276 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 37 0.00 USD 5,678,308 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 5,991 0.34 USD 2,423,617 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 2,542 0.14 USD 8,483,418 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 8,828 0.50 USD 828,655 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 854 0.05 USD 3,112,657 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 3,272 0.18 USD 5,288,836 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 5,546 0.31 USD 8,174,711 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 8,593 0.48 USD 66,745 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 71 0.00 USD 23,076,701 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 24,013 1.35 USD 983,327 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,028 0.06 USD 243,025 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 250 0.01 USD 203,766 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 212 0.01 USD 2,945,743 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 3,065 0.17 USD 155,074 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% TBA 163 0.01 USD 26,056,188 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 27,004 1.52 USD 29,431 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 31 0.00 USD 13,178,856 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 13,673 0.77 USD 2,792,371 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 2,946 0.17 USD 9,384,265 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 9,915 0.56 USD 104,364 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 110 0.01 USD 40,541,379 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 42,024 2.37 USD 623,786 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 656 0.04 USD 58,600,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 60,238 3.39 USD 1,319,853 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% TBA 1,366 0.08 USD 1,700,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 1,762 0.10 USD 2,706,051 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% TBA 2,855 0.16 USD 26,200,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% TBA 27,263 1.54 USD 334,003 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% TBA 355 0.02 Total to be announced contracts 1,360,198 76.64

Unrealised %ofnet Amount Amount Underlying Maturity gain/(loss) asset Currency Purchased Currency Sold Exposure (USD) date USD'000 value

Financial derivative instruments (31 May 2019: Nil) Forward currency contractsØ(31 May 2019: Nil) EUR 10,000 USD 11,088 11,026 03/12/2019 - 0.00 Total unrealised gains on forward currency contracts - 0.00 Total financial derivative instruments - 0.00



%ofnet Fair Value asset Ccy Holding Investment USD'000 value

Total value of investments 1,789,040 100.80

Cash equivalents (31 May 2019: 6.31%) UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds (31 May 2019: 6.31%)

USD 165,479,484 Institutional Cash Series Plc – US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund~ 165,479 9.32

Cash† 149,110 8.40

Other net liabilities (328,804) (18.52)

Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the financial period 1,774,825 100.00

†Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. ΩNo maturity dates shown on TBA’s. When the TBA settles that pool/security will have a legal, final maturity. ØThe counterparty for forward currency contracts is State Street Bank and Trust Company. All forward currency contracts relate to the EUR Hedged (Acc) Class. ~Investment in related party.

Fixed income securities are primarily classified by country of issuer for government type fixed income securities.

TBA contracts are primarily classified by country of incorporation of the issuer of the pass-through agency.

Underlying exposure has been calculated according to the guidelines issued by the ESMA and represents the market value of an equivalent position in the assets underlying each financial derivative instrument. % of total Analysis of total current assets Fair value current gross of all liabilities USD'000 assets

Transferable securities admitted to an official stock exchange listing 23,930 1.09 Transferable securities traded on another regulated market 1,620,943 73.51 Other transferable securities of the type referred to in Regulation 68(1)(a), (b) and (c) 144,167 6.54 UCITS collective investment schemes - Money Market Funds 165,479 7.50 Other assets 250,415 11.36 Total current assets 2,204,934 100.00



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 5,500,000 Apple Inc 3.45% 05/06/2024 5,793 7,036,000 Bank of America Corp 2.369% 21/07/2021 7,031 4,900,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.875% 09/10/2024 5,219 4,300,000 Microsoft Corp 1.1% 08/08/2019 4,290 4,500,000 Bank of America Corp 4.2% 26/08/2024 4,845 3,000,000 Roper Technologies Inc 3% 15/12/2020 3,020 4,650,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2.9% 26/07/2024 4,777 2,890,000 Newell Brands Inc 3.85% 01/04/2023 2,968 4,550,000 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 5.125% 28/05/2024 4,751 2,500,000 Inc 1.9% 21/08/2020 2,494 4,550,000 Morgan Stanley 3.737% 24/04/2024 4,749 2,400,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.877% 15/07/2019 2,408 4,350,000 Credit Suisse AG 3.625% 09/09/2024 4,614 2,200,000 TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp 1.95% 03/04/2020 2,197 4,250,000 Morgan Stanley 3.7% 23/10/2024 4,529 2,075,000 Apple Inc 1.1% 02/08/2019 2,070 4,125,000 Morgan Stanley 3.875% 29/04/2024 4,365 2,035,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.15% 01/07/2023 2,044 4,045,000 Bank of America Corp 3.864% 23/07/2024 4,246 2,000,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.7% 15/07/2020 2,009 4,000,000 Capital One Financial Corp 3.3% 30/10/2024 4,170 2,000,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.55% 09/01/2020 2,005 4,075,000 Walt Disney Co 1.75% 30/08/2024 4,055 2,000,000 Citigroup Inc 2.5% 29/07/2019 2,000 4,000,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp 2.9% 15/08/2024 4,016 2,000,000 PepsiCo Inc 1.85% 30/04/2020 1,996 3,700,000 Fiserv Inc 2.75% 07/01/2024 3,742 1,683,000 Cigna Corp 3.05% 30/11/2022 1,724 3,500,000 HSBC Holdings Plc 3.95% 18/05/2024 3,670 1,500,000 Avolon Holdings Funding Ltd 3.95% 01/07/2024 1,540 3,500,000 BAT Capital Corp 3.222% 15/08/2024 3,576 1,500,000 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 3.05% 25/03/2022 1,524 3,250,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.797% 23/07/2024 3,405 1,475,000 Citigroup Inc 3.352% 24/04/2025 1,520 3,400,000 AbbVie Inc 2.6% 21/11/2024 3,403 1,500,000 Reynolds American Inc 3.25% 06/12/2020 1,511 3,025,000 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC 5.75% 15/05/2024 3,356 1,500,000 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 2.85% 15/04/2021 1,510 3,225,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.2% 25/01/2023 3,322 1,400,000 Westpac Banking Corp 2.65% 25/01/2021 1,407

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 7,600,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 4.625% 15/07/2024 7,787 6,575,000 Frontier Communications Corp 10.5% 15/09/2022 3,487 7,300,000 DISH DBS Corp 5.875% 15/11/2024 7,325 3,000,000 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC 7% 30/06/2024 3,457 6,250,000 DaVita Inc 5.125% 15/07/2024 6,300 3,000,000 Continental Resources Inc 5% 15/09/2022 3,025 5,775,000 Sprint Corp 7.125% 15/06/2024 6,256 1,785,000 Nabors Industries Inc 5% 15/09/2020 1,789 5,175,000 TransDigm Inc 6.5% 15/07/2024 5,341 3,000,000 Chesapeake Energy Corp 7% 01/10/2024 1,622 4,175,000 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC 7% 30/06/2024 4,811 1,425,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 8.125% 04/01/2022 1,506 4,450,000 Arconic Inc 5.125% 10/01/2024 4,810 1,326,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.625% 19/05/2022 1,387 4,545,000 Albertsons Cos Inc / Safeway Inc / New Albertsons LP / 2,250,000 Frontier Communications Corp 7.125% 15/01/2023 1,340 Albertsons LLC 6.625% 15/06/2024 4,727 1,250,000 Sprint Corp 7.875% 15/09/2023 1,338 3,950,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 8.125% 04/01/2022 4,285 1,275,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp 6.75% 15/06/2023 1,296 3,800,000 T-Mobile USA Inc 6.5% 15/01/2024 3,946 1,200,000 Sprint Corp 7.25% 15/09/2021 1,279 3,775,000 Xerox Corp 4.5% 15/05/2021 3,881 2,056,000 Unit Corp 6.625% 15/05/2021 1,195 3,650,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 6.25% 31/03/2023 3,590 1,475,000 Chesapeake Energy Corp 4.875% 15/04/2022 1,191 2,900,000 AECOM 5.875% 15/10/2024 3,145 1,150,000 Ally Financial Inc 4.125% 13/02/2022 1,187 3,000,000 Newell Brands Inc 3.85% 04/01/2023 3,083 1,200,000 CHS/Community Health Systems Inc 6.25% 31/03/2023 1,146 3,400,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 2.8% 1,119,000 Century Communities Inc 6.875% 15/05/2022 1,139 21/07/2023 2,940 2,250,000 Weatherford International Ltd 9.875% 15/02/2024 1,108 2,750,000 CSC Holdings LLC 5.25% 06/01/2024 2,879 1,000,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 7.5% 15/10/2020 1,060 2,550,000 Ally Financial Inc 5.125% 30/09/2024 2,821 2,065,000 Weatherford International Ltd 7.75% 15/06/2021 1,022 2,850,000 Washington Prime Group LP 6.45% 15/08/2024 2,773 975,000 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 5.25% 15/04/2023 1,018 2,500,000 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 5.25% 15/04/2023 2,671 2,600,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc 3.875% 15/03/2023 2,636

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES $ TREASURY BOND 20+YR UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 37,431,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2049 41,014 8,801,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/11/2043 11,291 33,735,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 15/08/2049 34,904 8,682,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/08/2048 9,815 13,540,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/11/2048 16,786 8,413,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/08/2044 9,554 13,312,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/02/2049 15,451 8,443,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/11/2045 9,443 12,819,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/08/2048 14,844 7,946,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/05/2048 9,291 12,075,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/05/2048 14,297 8,066,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2045 9,080 10,945,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/11/2043 14,097 8,362,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/08/2047 8,916 12,251,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/11/2044 13,992 6,983,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/11/2048 8,506 11,596,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/11/2045 13,412 7,402,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/02/2047 8,461 10,442,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/02/2044 13,217 7,471,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/11/2046 8,360 10,652,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/05/2044 12,982 5,892,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/11/2039 8,251 11,159,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2045 12,825 7,099,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/02/2049 8,077 10,968,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/02/2048 12,685 8,145,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 15/08/2046 8,061 10,719,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/08/2044 12,540 6,837,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2047 7,675 11,143,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2043 12,501 5,424,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 15/02/2040 7,545 10,653,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/02/2047 12,315 6,793,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2043 7,513 10,822,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/08/2045 12,176 6,526,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2049 7,281 10,458,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2047 12,077 5,035,800 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.5% 15/08/2039 7,241 10,594,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/11/2046 11,944 6,381,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/11/2047 6,926 10,722,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/11/2047 11,823 5,561,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/02/2044 6,916 9,185,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/08/2043 11,606 5,689,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/05/2044 6,810 10,968,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/02/2045 11,516 5,960,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2043 6,767 10,634,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/02/2046 11,161 5,930,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/11/2044 6,683 9,915,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/08/2047 10,905 5,847,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/02/2048 6,632 10,792,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 15/08/2046 10,779 6,414,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/02/2046 6,566 9,916,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/05/2046 10,411 5,773,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/08/2045 6,375 7,622,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2043 8,897 4,903,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/08/2043 6,088 7,724,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/11/2042 8,485 5,847,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/02/2045 6,024 5,923,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 15/02/2040 8,434 4,234,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2040 5,712 5,380,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.75% 15/02/2041 7,820 5,347,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/08/2042 5,702 4,908,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2040 6,775 4,353,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.25% 15/05/2039 5,635 5,023,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.875% 15/08/2040 6,524 5,287,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/05/2046 5,445 5,897,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/08/2042 6,464 4,105,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/11/2042 4,430 5,380,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2042 6,287 3,491,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/08/2041 4,354 4,133,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2041 5,740 2,853,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.75% 15/02/2041 4,082 3,988,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.25% 15/11/2040 5,439 2,669,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.875% 15/08/2040 3,411 4,209,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/08/2041 5,382 2,853,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2042 3,277 4,314,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2042 4,941 2,208,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2041 3,018 4,133,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/11/2041 4,829 2,129,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.25% 15/11/2040 2,857


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES $ TREASURY BOND 20+YR UCITS ETF (continued)

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 7,000,000 GE Capital International Funding Co Unlimited Co 500,000 Morgan Stanley 5.625% 23/09/2019 502 2.342% 15/11/2020 7,005 500,000 IBM Credit LLC 1.625% 06/09/2019 500 6,000,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2.55% 29/10/2020 6,033 500,000 Shell International Finance BV 1.375% 12/09/2019 500 4,700,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 2.7% 17/08/2020 4,729 450,000 Comcast Corp FRN 10/01/2021 452 4,600,000 UnitedHealth Group Inc 2.7% 15/07/2020 4,627 250,000 Life Technologies Corp 6% 01/03/2020 255 4,600,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.6% 22/07/2020 4,620 250,000 Morgan Stanley 5.5% 26/01/2020 254 4,450,000 Gilead Sciences Inc 2.55% 09/01/2020 4,473 250,000 General Electric Co 5.5% 01/08/2020 253 4,250,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 06/10/2022 4,258 250,000 Georgia Power Co 4.25% 12/01/2019 251 4,125,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 26/10/2020 4,133 250,000 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV FRN 4,100,000 CVS Health Corp 2.8% 20/07/2020 4,117 16/03/2022 251 4,000,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 6% 15/06/2020 4,111 250,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co FRN 23/01/2020 251 4,100,000 PNC Bank NA FRN 22/07/2022 4,107 250,000 UBS AG FRN 06/08/2020 251 4,000,000 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 3.6% 15/10/2020 4,051 250,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA FRN 26/04/2021 251 4,000,000 Occidental Petroleum Corp FRN 15/08/2022 4,026 250,000 Verizon Communications Inc FRN 22/05/2020 251 4,000,000 Morgan Stanley 2.8% 16/06/2020 4,017 250,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA FRN 22/10/2021 251 3,500,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP 7.5% 15/10/2020 3,671 250,000 Citigroup Inc FRN 01/10/2020 251 3,600,000 AT&T Inc 2.45% 30/06/2020 3,603 250,000 CVS Health Corp FRN 03/09/2020 251 3,575,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 17/03/2021 3,581 250,000 AT&T Inc FRN 15/01/2020 251 3,450,000 American Express Credit Corp 2.2% 03/03/2020 3,451 250,000 Westpac Banking Corp FRN 03/06/2020 251 3,300,000 Apple Inc FRN 02/09/2022 3,327 250,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 03/02/2020 250 3,250,000 Cigna Corp 3.2% 17/09/2020 3,284 250,000 BP Capital Markets Plc 2.521% 15/01/2020 250 250,000 Bank of America Corp 2.25% 21/04/2020 250 250,000 Shell International Finance BV 2.125% 05/11/2020 250 250,000 Apple Inc FRN 02/07/2020 250 250,000 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA 2.25% 14/01/2020 250 250,000 Altria Group Inc 2.625% 14/01/2020 250 250,000 Huntington National Bank 2.375% 03/10/2020 250 250,000 PNC Bank NA 2.4% 18/10/2019 250 250,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 2.35% 03/06/2020 250 250,000 Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI 2.45% 12/04/2019 250 250,000 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 2.15% 03/12/2020 250 250,000 Exxon Mobil Corp 1.912% 03/06/2020 250 250,000 Philip Morris International Inc 2% 21/02/2020 250 250,000 Apple Inc 1.55% 02/07/2020 249 200,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 23/04/2021 203 200,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 20/04/2021 201 200,000 Intel Corp FRN 05/11/2022 201 200,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 02/10/2021 200 200,000 International Business Machines Corp FRN 27/01/2020 200 200,000 Barclays Plc 2.75% 08/11/2019 200 200,000 Ford Motor Credit Co LLC 2.597% 04/11/2019 200


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES $ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued)

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES £ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment GBP’000 Quantity Investment GBP’000 21,550,000 Nationwide Building Society FRN 08/02/2022 21,558 7,150,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 18/07/2019 7,151 20,500,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 24/06/2022 20,505 7,000,000 Coventry Building Society 6% 16/10/2019 7,041 15,500,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN 5,375,000 Kommuninvest I Sverige AB 1.125% 06/09/2019 5,375 24/01/2022 15,595 5,000,000 Westpac Banking Corp 5% 21/10/2019 5,012 13,400,000 Dexia Credit Local SA 2% 17/06/2020 13,530 4,500,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.597% 03/12/2020 4,609 12,895,000 Network Rail Infrastructure Finance Plc 4.625% 4,500,000 Nationwide Building Society 5.625% 09/09/2019 4,505 21/07/2020 13,306 4,300,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 01/10/2021 4,299 10,700,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 13/09/2021 10,710 4,000,000 E.ON International Finance BV 6% 30/10/2019 4,016 10,600,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 14/01/2022 10,650 4,000,000 National Westminster Bank Plc FRN 15/05/2020 4,005 10,200,000 Gazprom PJSC Via Gaz Capital SA 5.338% 4,000,000 Volkswagen Financial Services NV 2.625% 22/07/2019 4,002 25/09/2020 10,581 4,000,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 24/06/2022 4,002 10,450,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 20/09/2021 10,456 3,300,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 08/07/2019 3,300 10,310,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 0.875% 26/06/2020 10,307 3,300,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 0.875% 10,000,000 European Bank for Reconstruction & Development FRN 06/08/2020 3,297 18/01/2022 10,012 3,000,000 Santander UK Plc 1.875% 17/02/2020 3,010 9,800,000 ABN AMRO Bank NV 1% 30/06/2020 9,807 3,000,000 European Investment Bank FRN 21/05/2021 3,009 9,750,000 Asian Development Bank FRN 02/01/2022 9,764 3,000,000 FCE Bank Plc 2.759% 13/11/2019 3,005 9,398,000 Arqiva Financing Plc 4.04% 30/06/2020 9,603 3,000,000 Nordea Bank Abp 2.125% 13/11/2019 3,004 9,500,000 Export Development Canada FRN 15/11/2021 9,507 3,000,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 13/04/2021 3,000 9,500,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN 28/10/2022 9,503 2,900,000 National Australia Bank Ltd FRN 17/07/2020 2,903 8,976,000 Glencore Canada Financial Corp 7.375% 27/05/2020 9,458 2,750,000 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 1.125% 23/12/2019 2,752 8,500,000 International Finance Corp FRN 18/01/2022 8,511 2,600,000 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 9.125% 18/10/2019 2,611 8,400,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank FRN 06/07/2021 8,406 2,250,000 Heathrow Funding Ltd 6% 20/03/2020 2,303 7,700,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 0.875% 2,000,000 IXIS Corporate & Investment Bank SA 5.875% 06/08/2020 7,688 24/02/2020 2,038 7,600,000 Export Development Canada FRN 13/10/2022 7,599 2,000,000 Bank of America Corp 5.5% 12/04/2019 2,015 6,000,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 13/04/2021 6,001 2,000,000 European Investment Bank 2.25% 03/07/2020 2,011 6,000,000 Caisse des Depots et Consignations 0.5% 06/12/2020 5,977 2,000,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd FRN 5,550,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 3% 20/11/2020 5,678 24/01/2022 2,011 5,500,000 Bank of Nova Scotia FRN 30/09/2021 5,518 2,000,000 Volkswagen Financial Services NV 1.75% 17/04/2020 2,007 5,400,000 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 0.375% 15/12/2020 5,379 2,000,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN 01/10/2022 2,006 5,200,000 Volkswagen Financial Services NV 2.75% 10/02/2020 5,275 2,000,000 FMS Wertmanagement 1.125% 13/12/2019 2,003 5,200,000 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce FRN 01/10/2022 5,218 2,000,000 BNG Bank NV 1.375% 12/09/2019 2,002 5,010,000 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 1.625% 06/05/2020 5,043 2,000,000 Santander UK Plc FRN 05/05/2020 2,002 4,700,000 Telefonica Emisiones SA 5.597% 03/12/2020 4,799 2,000,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 13/09/2021 2,001 4,500,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 06/08/2021 4,502 2,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada FRN 06/08/2021 2,000 4,410,000 BMW Finance NV 1.875% 29/06/2020 4,445 2,000,000 Yorkshire Water Finance Plc 6% 21/08/2019 2,000 2,000,000 Deutsche Bank AG 1.875% 28/02/2020 2,000 2,000,000 Export Development Canada FRN 15/11/2021 2,000 2,000,000 Daimler International Finance BV 1% 20/12/2019 2,000


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES £ ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued)

Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment GBP’000 2,000,000 State of North Rhine-Westphalia Germany FRN 29/10/2021 1,999 2,000,000 National Australia Bank Ltd 0.875% 26/06/2020 1,998 1,500,000 Glencore Canada Financial Corp 7.375% 27/05/2020 1,561 1,500,000 Bank of Montreal FRN 20/07/2020 1,501 1,500,000 Province of Ontario Canada FRN 11/10/2020 1,500

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES € GOVT BOND 20YR TARGET DURATION UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 2,597,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.75% 2,073,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 2.5% 25/04/2035 4,394 15/08/2046 3,384 1,608,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 5% 28/03/2035 2,780 1,946,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 3.25% 1,710,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 2.5% 25/05/2045 3,117 07/04/2044 2,738 1,860,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 2.5% 1,601,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 3.25% 07/04/2044 2,934 25/05/2045 2,611 1,608,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 5% 28/03/2035 2,770 1,140,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.5% 1,045,000 Netherlands Government Bond 2.75% 15/01/2047 1,715 25/04/2041 2,088 630,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.5% 1,242,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 25/04/2041 1,128 25/10/2038 2,078 685,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 3.75% 1,118,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 2.5% 22/06/2045 1,102 15/08/2046 1,824 484,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 3.15% 1,409,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.5% 20/06/2044 781 25/05/2050 1,695 405,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4% 1,364,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.25% 01/04/2037 690 25/05/2036 1,562 514,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.25% 666,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.75% 25/05/2036 580 07/04/2040 1,336 281,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.75% 735,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4% 07/04/2040 554 01/04/2037 1,266 327,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 25/10/2038 544 840,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 2% 322,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4.75% 25/05/2048 1,121 25/04/2035 542 1,027,000 Netherlands Government Bond 0.5% 15/01/2040 1,059 420,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 2% 25/05/2048 541 559,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.25% 245,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 25/04/2055 468 07/04/2039 1,035 270,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 4.25% 590,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 4.25% 28/03/2041 461 28/03/2041 1,035 255,000 Netherlands Government Bond 3.75% 15/01/2042 452 840,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.75% 239,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 4.25% 25/06/2039 1,030 07/04/2039 437 603,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 4.15% 208,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 25/04/2060 413 15/03/2037 1,009 377,000 Netherlands Government Bond 0.5% 15/01/2040 402 490,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 235,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 3.25% 25/04/2055 970 07/04/2042 400 555,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 3.75% 310,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.75% 22/06/2045 969 25/06/2039 378 458,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 214,000 Finland Government Bond 2.625% 07/04/2042 324 25/04/2060 945 239,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 1.25% 694,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 1.25% 15/08/2048 304 15/08/2048 935 172,000 Netherlands Government Bond 4% 15/01/2037 289 510,000 Netherlands Government Bond 3.75% 15/01/2042 922 170,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 4% 25/10/2038 278 540,000 Netherlands Government Bond 4% 15/01/2037 917


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES € GOVT BOND 20YR TARGET DURATION UCITS ETF (continued)

Purchases Cost Quantity Investment EUR’000 525,000 Netherlands Government Bond 2.75% 15/01/2047 888 470,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe 3.25% 07/04/2042 817 453,000 French Republic Government Bond OAT 1.75% 25/05/2066 585 299,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 2.1% 20/09/2117 505 304,000 Republic of Austria Government Bond 3.15% 20/06/2044 502 355,000 Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond 1.9% 22/06/2038 444 284,000 Finland Government Bond 2.625% 07/04/2042 439

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 19,200,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc FRN 09/09/2022 19,278 13,450,000 Allianz Finance II BV 4.75% 22/07/2019 13,468 15,900,000 UBS Group AG FRN 20/09/2022 16,004 10,225,000 Bank of America Corp FRN 26/07/2019 10,228 14,970,000 BNP Paribas SA FRN 22/09/2022 15,178 7,000,000 Citigroup Inc 7.375% 04/09/2019 7,005 15,000,000 HSBC Bank Plc FRN 06/07/2021 15,134 7,000,000 Daimler AG 0.5% 09/09/2019 7,002 14,100,000 Morgan Stanley 5.375% 08/10/2020 14,830 6,500,000 Lloyds Bank Plc FRN 10/09/2019 6,500 13,900,000 JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.875% 23/09/2020 14,463 6,000,000 Citigroup Inc 5% 02/08/2019 6,022 14,150,000 Credit Suisse AG 1.125% 15/09/2020 14,352 6,012,000 BG Energy Capital Plc 3.625% 16/07/2019 6,020 13,591,000 UBS AG 1.125% 30/06/2020 13,783 6,000,000 Coca-Cola Co FRN 09/09/2019 6,001 13,050,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 4.125% 6,000,000 Shell International Finance BV FRN 15/09/2019 6,001 20/07/2020 13,601 5,900,000 Vonovia Finance BV 3.125% 25/07/2019 5,909 13,400,000 Societe Generale SA FRN 09/06/2021 13,514 5,250,000 Nykredit Realkredit A/S FRN 10/09/2019 5,250 12,860,000 Bank of America Corp 2.5% 27/07/2020 13,215 5,100,000 Equinor ASA FRN 19/08/2019 5,102 11,917,000 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.625% 19/08/2020 12,264 5,100,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc FRN 24/07/2019 5,101 11,700,000 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.25% 27/08/2020 12,003 5,000,000 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 2% 11,770,000 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH 0.25% 10/05/2020 11,812 19/09/2019 5,022 11,100,000 HSBC Holdings Plc FRN 27/09/2022 11,169 5,000,000 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 0% 10,300,000 DNB Bank ASA FRN 25/07/2022 10,448 26/05/2020 5,009 9,778,000 Wells Fargo & Co 2.25% 09/03/2020 10,035 5,000,000 Pfizer Inc 0% 06/03/2020 5,005 9,620,000 Commerzbank AG 4% 16/09/2020 9,998 5,000,000 BMW Finance NV 1.625% 17/07/2019 5,003 9,746,000 BMW Finance NV 0.875% 17/11/2020 9,857 4,700,000 Nordea Bank Abp 4% 11/07/2019 4,704 9,750,000 Volkswagen Financial Services AG 0.25% 16/10/2020 9,784 4,700,000 Scania CV AB FRN 06/09/2019 4,700 4,633,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 5.375% 03/09/2019 4,651 4,600,000 Deutsche Lufthansa AG 1.125% 12/09/2019 4,601 4,350,000 China Overseas Land International Cayman Ltd 1.75% 15/07/2019 4,352 4,300,000 BMW Finance NV FRN 15/07/2019 4,301 4,000,000 Experian Finance Plc 4.75% 02/04/2020 4,099 4,000,000 Sanofi 4.125% 11/10/2019 4,049 4,000,000 Cie de Saint-Gobain 4.5% 30/09/2019 4,037 4,000,000 RCI Banque SA 0.625% 03/04/2020 4,019 4,000,000 BNP Paribas SA 2.5% 23/08/2019 4,015 4,000,000 Morgan Stanley FRN 21/05/2021 4,007 4,000,000 Verbund AG 4.75% 16/07/2019 4,005 4,000,000 Eastern Creation II Investment Holdings Ltd 1.5% 29/07/2019 3,999 3,500,000 National Express Group Plc FRN 15/05/2020 3,500 3,200,000 RCI Banque SA 0.375% 10/07/2019 3,201 3,000,000 Barclays Bank Plc 4.875% 13/08/2019 3,017 3,000,000 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 5.5% 06/08/2019 3,015 3,000,000 Credit Suisse AG 4.75% 05/08/2019 3,014 3,000,000 Sanofi 0% 21/03/2020 3,005


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES € ULTRASHORT BOND UCITS ETF (continued)

Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 3,000,000 Credit Suisse AG FRN 16/10/2019 3,002 3,000,000 UBS AG FRN 05/09/2019 3,001 3,000,000 McDonald’s Corp FRN 26/08/2019 3,001 2,935,000 Merck Financial Services GmbH 0.75% 02/09/2019 2,940 2,850,000 SpareBank 1 SMN FRN 09/11/2020 2,858 2,750,000 Amgen Inc 2.125% 13/09/2019 2,751 2,700,000 American Honda Finance Corp 1.875% 04/09/2019 2,701 2,700,000 Volvo Treasury AB FRN 06/09/2019 2,700

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES AGEING POPULATION UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 138,883 ArQule Inc 1,454 15,910 Celgene Corp 1,647 28,523 Array BioPharma Inc 1,318 140,378 Poste Italiane SpA 1,512 42,081 Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,105 10,789 Expedia Group Inc 1,464 73,442 Epizyme Inc 1,094 134,783 Societa Cattolica di Assicurazioni SC 1,219 287,659 Genworth Financial Inc 1,064 1,508,834 Raffles Medical Group Ltd 1,177 41,765 Apellis Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,017 68,313 Inversiones La Construccion SA 1,153 12,190 eHealth Inc 1,010 40,958 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,095 12,426 uniQure NV 1,002 116,595 UNIQA Insurance Group AG 1,081 168,368 ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc 998 556,871 Fortis Healthcare Ltd 1,033 49,975 Fate Therapeutics Inc 995 3,136 Cooper Cos Inc 1,026 45,308 Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc 986 12,158 Welltower Inc 1,023 62,940 Stemline Therapeutics Inc 985 36,316 Rathbone Brothers Plc 1,014 53,263 Vericel Corp 980 9,961 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 994 22,747 Turning Point Therapeutics Inc 979 15,277 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 979 33,248 STAAR Surgical Co 975 9,114 Tractor Supply Co 967 15,592 Novocure Ltd 961 176,749 Aviva Plc 936 26,988 Xencor Inc 961 61,720 Whanin Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 932 16,789 Hamilton Lane Inc 954 1,907 Swiss Life Holding AG 927 24,342 Winnebago Industries Inc 952 20,900 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 923 57,824 MacroGenics Inc 951 47,121 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd 917

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 353,911 Inphi Corp 18,351 236,400 Obic Co Ltd 26,603 2,988,141 Cloudera Inc 18,148 126,327 Tableau Software Inc 21,579 1,670,678 TomTom NV 17,856 1,792,211 TOTVS SA 20,675 121,241 MicroStrategy Inc 17,827 781,700 Nippon Ceramic Co Ltd 20,363 323,747 Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc 17,536 1,207,461 Milacron Holdings Corp 20,262 339,132 FARO Technologies Inc 17,481 3,789,190 Technology One Ltd 20,217 673,300 Thermon Group Holdings Inc 17,424 8,782,712 Elan Microelectronics Corp 19,984 75,288 Mesa Laboratories Inc 17,404 68,696 ServiceNow Inc 19,586 380,906 Ambarella Inc 17,377 364,273 DocuSign Inc 19,242 440,761 Altair Engineering Inc 17,333 171,706 Xilinx Inc 19,145 1,948,587 3D Systems Corp 17,216 618,782 Rudolph Technologies Inc 17,562 426,800 Sanyo Denki Co Ltd 17,185 1,093,100 MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc 17,555 3,676,100 Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co Ltd 17,159 353,788 AVEVA Group Plc 17,250 157,644 Alteryx Inc 17,141 649,276 Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd 16,522 691,289 Stratasys Ltd 17,079 55,763 Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co Ltd 15,240 364,795 Semtech Corp 16,967 7,502,300 Shanghai Baosight Software Co Ltd 14,817 1,207,461 Milacron Holdings Corp 16,949 578,189 Halma Plc 14,732 208,299 Albany International Corp 16,937 567,013 Valmet Oyj 14,323 1,117,210 Lattice Semiconductor Corp 16,756 174,842 Garmin Ltd 14,290 50,680,000 Meitu Inc 16,709 636,612 Cypress Semiconductor Corp 14,155 291,657 MTS Systems Corp 16,702 110,562 Aspen Technology Inc 13,676 1,056,340 Zuora Inc 16,643 14,510,000 Lite-On Semiconductor Corp 13,363 730,554 MaxLinear Inc 16,598 98,180 Nemetschek SE 13,299 226,082 Pegasystems Inc 16,576 91,933 Inc 13,132 474,598 Diodes Inc 16,547 263,389 Eo Technics Co Ltd 12,698 213,565 Elastic NV 16,432 74,086 Autodesk Inc 12,583 151,144 Proto Labs Inc 16,318 244,883 Teradyne Inc 11,537 138,909 John Bean Technologies Corp 16,249 155,330 QUALCOMM Inc 11,395 561,174 Kornit Digital Ltd 16,191 55,633 ANSYS Inc 11,315 73,553 Komax Holding AG 16,181 270,113 Open Text Corp 11,132 178,120 Kadant Inc 16,165 121,463 AMETEK Inc 10,715 6,594 Interroll Holding AG 16,095 1,071,868 UniTest Inc 10,638 478,381 Onto Innovation Inc 16,058 716,000 ASMedia Technology Inc 10,551 750,400 Optorun Co Ltd 16,030 254,300 Lasertec Corp 10,220 453,157 II-VI Inc 15,991 75,038 SAP SE 10,010 91,529 Kardex AG 15,967 60,092 Dassault Systemes SE 9,416 25,975 Inficon Holding AG 15,948 930,284 Sage Group Plc 9,230 12,800,000 Xiaomi Corp 15,929 331,800 Advantest Corp 9,209 634,352 Rudolph Technologies Inc 15,854 70,838 Splunk Inc 8,879 531,202 Domo Inc 15,750 16,638 Intuitive Surgical Inc 8,803 790,930 Yext Inc 15,570


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS UCITS ETF (continued)

Purchases Cost Quantity Investment USD’000 173,287 iRobot Corp 15,396 510,994 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 15,070

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES CHINA CNY BOND UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 106,400,000 China Government Bond 2.69% 07/03/2022 15,058 19,000,000 China Government Bond 3% 18/10/2020 2,709 85,200,000 China Government Bond 3.19% 11/04/2024 12,182 100,000 China Development Bank 4.04% 06/07/2028 15 55,000,000 China Government Bond 2.44% 02/21/2021 7,815 50,400,000 China Government Bond 2.74% 11/07/2021 7,115 48,400,000 China Government Bond 2.75% 01/09/2023 6,803 47,900,000 China Development Bank 3.8% 01/25/2036 6,690 38,500,000 Export-Import Bank of China 4.89% 03/26/2028 5,885 34,800,000 China Government Bond 4.05% 07/24/2047 5,175 29,600,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.75% 01/25/2029 4,179 28,300,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 4% 12/11/2025 4,074 28,400,000 China Government Bond 3.3% 12/07/2023 4,047 26,900,000 China Government Bond 4.08% 10/22/2048 4,023 27,200,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.33% 02/22/2026 3,755 25,800,000 China Government Bond 3.29% 10/18/2023 3,670 25,000,000 China Government Bond 3.17% 04/19/2023 3,576 25,400,000 China Government Bond 2.79% 11/17/2023 3,550 20,000,000 China Government Bond 2.53% 01/14/2021 2,846 20,800,000 China Government Bond 2.7% 03/11/2026 2,837 18,200,000 Agricultural Development Bank of China 4.65% 11/05/2028 2,767 20,300,000 China Development Bank 3.05% 08/25/2026 2,741 19,000,000 China Government Bond 3% 18/10/2020 2,669 15,000,000 China Government Bond 4% 06/24/2069 2,169 15,000,000 China Government Bond 3.13% 04/13/2022 2,137 13,900,000 China Government Bond 3.42% 12/04/2021 1,979 11,500,000 China Government Bond 3.51% 07/16/2025 1,694 11,500,000 China Development Bank 4.04% 10/04/2027 1,656 10,300,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.86% 05/20/2029 1,468

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES DIGITAL SECURITY UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 580,432 Infinera Corp 2,968 20,200 Nihon Unisys Ltd 697 519,000 Accton Technology Corp 2,875 16,697 Dialog Semiconductor Plc 637 80,900 Toshiba TEC Corp 2,644 1,515,000 My EG Services Bhd 533 127,047 NIC Inc 2,554 29,768 Securitas AB 532 42,117 Cirrus Logic Inc 2,412 11,974 Ciena Corp 521 344,568 Extreme Networks Inc 2,362 16,500 NET One Systems Co Ltd 483 80,115 NETGEAR Inc 2,352 19,586 Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd 478 53,948 ams AG 2,347 18,400 Nippon Ceramic Co Ltd 474 36,119 DocuSign Inc 2,337 3,357 International Business Machines Corp 467 158,400 Optex Group Co Ltd 2,330 6,200 Oracle Corp Japan 447 50,433 Dialog Semiconductor Plc 2,324 700 Keyence Corp 419 18,720 Proofpoint Inc 2,286 2,248 Samsung SDS Co Ltd 417 357,421 Sophos Group Plc 2,280 665,000 Alpha Networks Inc 406 88,907 Perspecta Inc 2,270 5,669 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 375 37,100 Horiba Ltd 2,257 84,496 Wipro Ltd 347 31,914 ManTech International Corp 2,223 13,300 Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp 346 111,174 SailPoint Technologies Holding Inc 2,212 174,178 Prosegur Cash SA 341 315,849 ADT Inc 2,189 4,556 LogMeIn Inc 324 3,370 Inficon Holding AG 2,187 2,880 Bechtle AG 316 3,700 Keyence Corp 2,179 12,142 Halma Plc 309 1,086,061 Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd 309 109,000 Arcadyan Technology Corp 309 5,084 Cisco Systems Inc 290 3,473 Fortinet Inc 264 1,243 CACI International Inc 253 2,800 Secom Co Ltd 247 12,926 NIIT Technologies Ltd 243 1,950 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 223 1,190 Accenture Plc 221 1,270 VMware Inc 220 20,317 Infosys Ltd 219 3,880 Oracle Corp 218 2,449 AMETEK Inc 215 2,900 Fujitsu Ltd 202 1,025 Red Hat Inc 192 4,436 Cirrus Logic Inc 183 2,129 Ingenico Group SA 182 3,500 TIS Inc 178 1,549 Analog Devices Inc 176


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES DIGITAL SECURITY UCITS ETF (continued)

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES DIGITALISATION UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 295,200 ZOZO Inc 5,643 575,518 Afterpay Touch Group Ltd 9,606 33,532 zooplus AG 4,630 47,995 Global Payments Inc 7,857 66,301 Carvana Co 4,577 12,029 MercadoLibre Inc 7,443 252,612 Carbon Black Inc 4,576 56,835 Worldpay Inc 7,289 84,838 DocuSign Inc 4,468 233,599 First Data Corp 6,891 111,144 Pagseguro Digital Ltd 4,448 699,306 Linx SA 6,683 55,776 Q2 Holdings Inc 4,441 38,660 Euronet Worldwide Inc 6,188 137,405 EVERTEC Inc 4,320 358,000 Infomart Corp 6,065 115,104 Cargurus Inc 4,306 490,500 Rakuten Inc 5,538 37,456 Proofpoint Inc 4,305 541,727 B2W Cia Digital 5,239 48,177 Everbridge Inc 4,297 2,401,659 PostNL NV 4,998 143,515 StoneCo Ltd 4,279 16,073 Fair Isaac Corp 4,994 93,468 Mimecast Ltd 4,248 252,502 NICE Holdings Co Ltd 4,853 48,200 Digital Arts Inc 4,238 94,038 Edenred 4,668 16,936 Arista Networks Inc 4,218 30,221 Wayfair Inc 4,360 154,860 Tenable Holdings Inc 4,186 18,992 IAC/InterActiveCorp 4,186 224,870 SolarWinds Corp 4,170 563,325 Auto Trader Group Plc 4,000 136,939 Evo Payments Inc 4,156 14,156 FleetCor Technologies Inc 3,946 144,136 Meta Financial Group Inc 4,148 34,446 PayPal Holdings Inc 3,896 140,281 Stitch Fix Inc 4,119 57,700 GMO Payment Gateway Inc 3,884 462,104 HUB24 Ltd 4,103 29,411 Total System Services Inc 3,772 57,774 GoDaddy Inc 4,069 132,900 SG Holdings Co Ltd 3,703 47,106 Qualys Inc 4,059 13,852 Mastercard Inc 3,681 124,787 ACI Worldwide Inc 4,050 150,600 SMS Co Ltd 3,631 171,034 Dropbox Inc 4,049 64,417 AfreecaTV Co Ltd 3,508 4,770,000 SUNeVision Holdings Ltd 4,040 43,529 Fortinet Inc 3,504 95,341 Trimble Inc 4,035 20,204 Visa Inc 3,501 261,936 Upwork Inc 4,030 323,393 Just Dial Ltd 3,356 24,709 MongoDB Inc 4,013 34,325 Fiserv Inc 3,281 332,451 Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings Inc 3,980 530,887 Gurunavi Inc 3,279 241,363 Nuance Communications Inc 3,976 130,218 Info Edge India Ltd 3,975 56,441 Match Group Inc 3,943 5,159 Adyen NV 3,913 74,582 Holdings Inc 3,904 204,257 Inc 3,890 162,020 Micro Focus International Plc 3,869 50,986 Zscaler Inc 3,857 90,318 Zillow Group Inc 3,838 245,380 QuinStreet Inc 3,763 128,244 Blucora Inc 3,732


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES DIGITALISATION UCITS ETF (continued)

Purchases Cost Quantity Investment USD’000 58,842 Etsy Inc 3,716 369,013 Quotient Technology Inc 3,707 1,912,405 Fingerprint Cards AB 3,698 1,125,190 Groupon Inc 3,692 42,295 New Relic Inc 3,689 188,496 Farfetch Ltd 3,664 82,345 Green Dot Corp 3,640 122,603 Echo Marketing Inc 3,627 191,772 Inc 3,618 76,467 Ebix Inc 3,505 265,289 Future Plc 3,485

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES EDGE MSCI EM VALUE FACTOR UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 605,000 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd 1,785 18,834 LUKOIL PJSC 1,689 92,486 Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd 723 277,670 iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF* 1,501 82,000 Asustek Computer Inc 624 374,080 Gazprom PJSC 1,376 3,227 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 606 32,100 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,359 13,262 Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd 551 1,501,000 China Construction Bank Corp 1,212 28,892 Sasol Ltd 550 19,457 SK Hynix Inc 1,109 291,226 Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd 532 83,900 Vale SA (ADR) 1,099 4,993 Hyundai Motor Co 520 115,000 China Mobile Ltd 1,002 6,722 YY Inc (ADR) 413 81,754 Tata Motors Ltd 931 47,500 China Mobile Ltd 385 183,000 Sunac China Holdings Ltd 862 135,176 Hindalco Industries Ltd 377 81,036 Suzano SA 846 770,000 Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 317 5,310 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 839 485,000 Compal Electronics Inc 298 2,050,000 Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 837 222,000 China Resources Power Holdings Co Ltd 286 3,844 SK Telecom Co Ltd 809 69,526 Gazprom PJSC 284 428,000 PTT Global Chemical PCL 800 63,000 Zhen Ding Technology Holding Ltd 282 3,970 POSCO 798 347,000 China Construction Bank Corp 280 85,742 Vedanta Ltd (ADR) 769 6,310 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 276 1,867,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 765 29,063 Exxaro Resources Ltd 268 88,743 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (ADR) 742 58,500 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd 265 23,890 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Preference) 730 18,675 Tiger Brands Ltd 264 35,270 Cia Brasileira de Distribuicao (ADR) 704 10,357 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 256 439,451 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS 703 3,553 SK Hynix Inc 250 19,653 Kia Motors Corp 702 20,848 Vale SA (ADR) 248 22,285 Hana Financial Group Inc 697 25,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 246 2,004,194 Shin Kong Financial Holding Co Ltd 632 1,310 POSCO 246 48,519 Telefonica Brasil SA (ADR) 622 41,117 Tata Steel Ltd 244 100,423 Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 602 434,000 CITIC Ltd 587 73,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 545 47,230 JBS SA (ADR) 530 132,500 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 515 648,000 Bank of Communications Co Ltd Class ’H’ 508 1,038,000 China Telecom Corp Ltd 500

* Investment in related party.

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 1,231 Deutsche Boerse AG 170 39,519 Iberdrola SA 366 1,522 NXP Semiconductors NV 161 1,302 MTU Aero Engines AG 324 3,314 Publicis Groupe SA 131 10,878 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 300 1,651 EXOR NV 115 20,873 Repsol SA 294 2,921 Alstom SA 114 4,496 Koninklijke Philips NV 193 8,782 Leonardo SpA 94 2,113 Arkema SA 187 927 Ingenico Group SA 91 10,264 STMicroelectronics NV 177 5,123 Suez 69 7,920 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 172 617 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 68 2,552 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 163 1,313 Cie de Saint-Gobain 49 5,169 NN Group NV 162 379 HOCHTIEF AG 42 7,013 Veolia Environnement SA 160 436 Heineken Holding NV 38 12,918 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 159 592 Eurazeo SE 37 2,360 Wolters Kluwer NV 157 950 Bouygues SA 36 2,511 Worldline SA 150 125 ASML Holding NV 31 969 Hannover Rueck SE 144 420 Telenet Group Holding NV 18 2,869 Ageas 141 697 Endesa SA 17 6,662 Peugeot SA 138 37 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 15 2,332 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 137 715 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 9 1,346 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 131 232 Moncler SpA 9 3,755 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 131 1,930 UCB SA 130 848 Sartorius Stedim Biotech 122 6,473 Red Electrica Corp SA 118 4,885 Endesa SA 117 2,675 Covestro AG 108 2,159 AerCap Holdings NV 106 2,385 Brenntag AG 106 1,225 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 105 2,218 Elisa Oyj 102 1,485 Atos SE 102 705 Gecina SA 100 2,827 Moncler SpA 99 2,590 SCOR SE 93 1,960 HUGO BOSS AG 91 3,213 Klepierre SA 90 691 Remy Cointreau SA 89 3,110 Uniper SE 89 1,285 Puma SE 87 2,565 Bouygues SA 86 1,865 Randstad NV 81


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES EDGE MSCI EMU MULTIFACTOR UCITS ETF (continued)

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 113,442 AstraZeneca Plc 10,048 484,464 Novartis AG 38,290 125,377 Novo Nordisk A/S 6,408 140,282 Roche Holding AG 33,915 14,593 Zurich Insurance Group AG 5,208 295,255 SAP SE 33,713 34,819 Air Liquide SA 4,261 887,812 Diageo Plc 33,536 41,705 Vinci SA 4,190 362,642 Nestle SA 32,904 14,709 adidas AG 4,098 82,680 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 29,703 16,344 ASML Holding NV 3,884 89,014 L’Oreal SA 21,852 39,220 Schneider Electric SE 3,471 157,926 Airbus SE 19,246 24,172 EssilorLuxottica SA 3,422 2,167,822 Iberdrola SA 19,012 145,132 Compass Group Plc 3,257 88,227 Allianz SE 18,196 468,178 Enel SpA 3,177 88,358 ASML Holding NV 15,477 24,304 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 1,938 231,564 Unilever NV (Depository Receipt) 12,477 130,167 Engie SA 1,862 234,861 Rio Tinto Plc 11,987 3,498 Geberit AG 1,724 1,980,543 Enel SpA 11,831 73,613 Assa Abloy AB 1,599 93,308 Safran SA 11,650 16,750 Nestle SA 1,554 22,550 Kering SA 11,031 18,474 Novartis AG 1,530 145,930 Sanofi 11,015 5,846 Roche Holding AG 1,399 129,289 Danone SA 9,423 68,481 Smith & Nephew Plc 1,389 449,549 BHP Group Plc 9,254 16,396 Ferguson Plc 1,329 336,545 Experian Plc 9,163 6,159 Genmab A/S 1,316 163,329 Unilever NV 8,756 17,305 Legrand SA 1,253 409,128 RELX Plc 8,669 11,144 SAP SE 1,250 87,127 Heineken NV 8,388 3,306 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 1,245 37,749 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in 8,751 Deutsche Boerse AG 1,197 Muenchen 8,319 49,336 Pernod Ricard SA 7,809 868,740 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 7,430

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 139,292 Koninklijke Philips NV 5,832 89,594 Novartis AG 7,368 144,508 Experian Plc 4,303 15,562 Swiss Life Holding AG 6,913 30,617 Deutsche Boerse AG 4,235 25,059 Roche Holding AG 6,322 20,328 Carlsberg A/S 2,678 23,690 MTU Aero Engines AG 5,665 62,663 Bouygues SA 2,360 100,511 Novo Nordisk A/S 4,758 197,818 Land Securities Group Plc 2,203 202,621 Fortum Oyj 4,278 20,351 NXP Semiconductors NV 2,155 183,876 Anglo American Plc 4,097 53,544 Alstom SA 2,096 165,724 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 3,536 21,329 Swiss Prime Site AG 2,075 3,001 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 3,469 141,911 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 1,930 168,472 BHP Group Plc 3,457 106,817 SKF AB 1,872 70,997 Rio Tinto Plc 3,421 16,998 Ingenico Group SA 1,665 80,570 Swedish Match AB 3,299 40,582 Publicis Groupe SA 1,606 168,458 Mondi Plc 3,234 592,601 Kingfisher Plc 1,465 48,231 Wolters Kluwer NV 3,136 67,938 Kinnevik AB 1,440 153,087 Smith & Nephew Plc 3,121 126,405 Leonardo SpA 1,352 82,019 Moncler SpA 3,088 11,303 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 1,238 217,421 Repsol SA 2,921 23,085 Rio Tinto Plc 1,148 31,555 Arkema SA 2,846 122,994 JD Sports Fashion Plc 1,135 41,503 Ferguson Plc 2,763 14,455 Porsche Automobil Holding SE 982 363,348 Aroundtown SA 2,732 35,113 Nokian Renkaat Oyj 921 415,893 British Land Co Plc 2,597 44,982 BHP Group Plc 910 25,062 Nestle SA 2,403 3,133 Roche Holding AG 836 38,294 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 2,344 30,289 Veolia Environnement SA 696 37,760 Worldline SA 2,244 11,056 Eurazeo SE 684 103,278 Peugeot SA 2,215 942 SGS SA 2,102 170,990 3i Group Plc 2,091 4,525 Swisscom AG 2,002 9,770 Sonova Holding AG 1,998 119,902 STMicroelectronics NV 1,974 82,969 Veolia Environnement SA 1,846

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 25,221 Airbus SE 3,422 34,907 TOTAL SA 1,670 41,085 TOTAL SA 1,967 89,742 SSE Plc 1,369 41,100 Diageo Plc 1,531 145,840 E.ON SE 1,328 17,453 AstraZeneca Plc 1,438 22,558 Novo Nordisk A/S 1,117 28,686 Novo Nordisk A/S 1,361 46,023 Infineon Technologies AG 905 5,123 Roche Holding AG 1,329 9,739 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 838 25,676 Rio Tinto Plc 1,270 2,584 Roche Holding AG 686 15,137 Orsted A/S 1,250 5,954 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 565 22,927 Unilever NV 1,221 22,882 AXA SA 556 20,757 Unilever Plc 1,124 17,971 Experian Plc 530 5,076 Allianz SE 1,087 1,736 ASML Holding NV 401 45,001 Fortum Oyj 963 10,898 Atlas Copco AB 355 4,476 ASML Holding NV 947 15,112 RELX Plc 327 52,383 Equinor ASA 897 3,640 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 319 1,902 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 727 132,199 BT Group Plc 281 2,336 L’Oreal SA 588 4,291 Wolters Kluwer NV 277 24,501 AXA SA 582 7,306 Diageo Plc 276 23,338 Endesa SA 564 520 Kering SA 273 1,690 Zurich Insurance Group AG 562 1,210 Allianz SE 253 12,763 Publicis Groupe SA 505 4,372 Unilever NV 239 29,277 Prudential Plc 503 5,282 Covestro AG 229 1,717 adidas AG 467 2,873 Ferguson Plc 225 20,615 RELX Plc 443 2,860 AstraZeneca Plc 222 171 Givaudan SA 442 457 Geberit AG 218

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 64,167 M&G Plc 163 2,660 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 217 16,063 JD Sports Fashion Plc 148 69 Givaudan SA 183 841 Galapagos NV 145 1,109 Ferrari NV 161 27,150 Altice Europe NV 144 27,377 Investec Plc 138 2,723 AVEVA Group Plc 143 3,211 RTL Group SA 136 3,588 Publicis Groupe SA 142 3,732 Imerys SA 135 7,841 Micro Focus International Plc 114 2,096 Societe BIC SA 131 22,319 Evraz Plc 111 19,025 130 1,652 Ubisoft Entertainment SA 105 30,087 John Wood Group Plc 127 44,956 Marks & Spencer Group Plc 102 3,109 Cellnex Telecom SA 119 54,490 Bankia SA 99 4,756 1&1 Drillisch AG 116 208,315 Telecom Italia SpA 98 2,740 HUGO BOSS AG 115 4,285 ISS A/S 98 16 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG (non-voting) 107 2,238 Millicom International Cellular SA 97 936 Flutter Entertainment Plc 93 9,607 Wartsila Oyj Abp 96 8,058 GVC Holdings Plc 82 17,178 Commerzbank AG 94 1,856 Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 81 4,233 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 94 1,943 Orion Oyj 78 1,230 Chr Hansen Holding A/S 89 3,500 STMicroelectronics NV 77 29,139 AIB Group Plc 87 4,846 easyJet Plc 74 24,512 Direct Line Insurance Group Plc 85 1,460 Koninklijke Vopak NV 72

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 1,053,403 British American Tobacco Plc 35,992 598,306 British American Tobacco Plc 19,603 269,948 Novartis AG 21,805 233,244 Novartis AG 18,437 253,591 Bayer AG 17,581 788,637 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 16,901 208,786 Sanofi 17,360 192,234 Sanofi 14,785 148,328 Siemens AG 16,523 140,881 Siemens AG 14,678 658,349 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 15,649 1,616,241 Iberdrola SA 14,356 2,812,063 Banco Santander SA 10,205 197,994 Bayer AG 10,929 96,017 NXP Semiconductors NV 10,024 207,777 TOTAL SA 9,850 186,376 BNP Paribas SA 9,279 321,088 Royal Dutch Shell Plc 8,853 189,382 TOTAL SA 9,264 162,765 Daimler AG 7,818 86,078 Vinci SA 8,645 91,060 Akzo Nobel NV 7,749 313,534 Royal Dutch Shell Plc 8,426 4,944,356 Vodafone Group Plc 7,742 163,045 Daimler AG 8,394 99,448 Schneider Electric SE 7,572 404,592 Imperial Brands Plc 8,393 81,949 Vinci SA 7,537 96,797 Schneider Electric SE 8,320 78,902 Swiss Re AG 7,433 4,512,081 Vodafone Group Plc 8,306 169,104 BNP Paribas SA 7,114 168,786 Rio Tinto Plc 8,240 1,762,010 Banco Santander SA 6,908 45,274 Volkswagen AG (Preference) 7,949 290,586 Imperial Brands Plc 6,733 4,023,463 Barclays Plc 7,838 3,772,400 Barclays Plc 6,499 282,855 RWE AG 7,583 42,420 Volkswagen AG (Preference) 6,241 1,092,954 Enel SpA 7,472 74,472 NXP Semiconductors NV 6,228 253,058 Royal Dutch Shell Plc Class ’B’ 6,771 219,212 Royal Dutch Shell Plc Class ’B’ 6,118 2,398,118 Tesco Plc 6,536 271,166 Mowi ASA 5,989 453,329 Engie SA 6,470 260,425 AXA SA 5,968 1,898,421 Nokia Oyj 6,255 897,278 BP Plc 5,410 168,439 Cie de Saint-Gobain 6,190 1,191,762 Nokia Oyj 5,292 211,416 Societe Generale SA 5,902 103,251 Rio Tinto Plc 5,255 8,633,578 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 5,870 151,048 Cie de Saint-Gobain 5,070 990,508 BP Plc 5,832 37,302 Carlsberg A/S 4,663 250,808 Peugeot SA 5,800 773,644 Enel SpA 4,600

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 152,907 Procter & Gamble Co 18,042 192,318 Walt Disney Co 27,677 128,063 Microsoft Corp 17,852 430,033 Cisco Systems Inc 20,425 65,088 Mastercard Inc 17,836 425,773 Comcast Corp 18,855 100,362 Visa Inc 17,784 65,417 Mastercard Inc 18,006 441,549 AT&T Inc 16,517 124,115 Microsoft Corp 17,326 100,559 Walt Disney Co 13,808 143,999 Procter & Gamble Co 17,228 50,596 NextEra Energy Inc 11,886 198,458 Merck & Co Inc 16,948 224,806 Cisco Systems Inc 11,649 92,462 Visa Inc 16,360 93,100 Medtronic Plc 10,366 140,160 PayPal Holdings Inc 14,843 222,610 Comcast Corp 9,824 168,657 Abbott Laboratories 14,258 30,223 Costco Wholesale Corp 9,105 45,205 Broadcom Inc 13,732 103,668 Merck & Co Inc 8,653 77,997 Honeywell International Inc 13,611 92,359 Starbucks Corp 8,046 135,701 QUALCOMM Inc 11,137 73,413 PayPal Holdings Inc 7,962 69,620 Inc 11,003 88,058 Abbott Laboratories 7,374 78,265 Eli Lilly & Co 8,959 33,990 American Tower Corp 7,225 97,042 Starbucks Corp 8,519 40,866 Honeywell International Inc 7,061 148,196 Mondelez International Inc 7,885 23,751 Broadcom Inc 6,944 51,008 Danaher Corp 7,161 46,285 Danaher Corp 6,444 32,591 American Tower Corp 7,039 21,325 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 6,236 25,517 ServiceNow Inc 6,837 97,322 Southern Co 6,059 19,178 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 5,588 36,518 Inc 5,667 29,068 Norfolk Southern Corp 5,543 40,639 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 5,590 45,909 Analog Devices Inc 5,225 71,066 QUALCOMM Inc 5,588 13,841 Roper Technologies Inc 4,956 47,451 Fiserv Inc 5,298

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 25,174 Duke Energy Corp 2,221 10,924 Anthem Inc 3,135 17,130 Walmart Inc 2,042 21,555 Chevron Corp 2,565 7,697 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 1,888 13,422 Norfolk Southern Corp 2,562 17,951 Baxter International Inc 1,472 37,698 Aflac Inc 2,047 54,398 HP Inc 1,092 1,255 AutoZone Inc 1,445 10,906 Tyson Foods Inc 978 16,131 Consolidated Edison Inc 1,397 8,284 Ross Stores Inc 955 26,967 Intel Corp 1,317 27,179 Twitter Inc 842 11,111 Phillips 66 1,172 1,913 Apple Inc 495 11,471 Xilinx Inc 1,092 129 NVR Inc 491 27,492 AT&T Inc 944 1,346 Teledyne Technologies Inc 460 3,905 IAC/InterActiveCorp 895 4,359 Qorvo Inc 454 2,672 Humana Inc 881 1,545 Everest Re Group Ltd 421 3,160 Intuit Inc 868 530 Alleghany Corp 419 2,854 Mastercard Inc 801 6,356 Vornado Realty Trust 409 3,057 Biogen Inc 731 2,729 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 404 12,410 NetApp Inc 706 6,288 Teradyne Inc 400 2,184 WellCare Health Plans Inc 674 19,282 Medical Properties Trust Inc 400 15,661 Micron Technology Inc 650 9,849 PulteGroup Inc 395 4,700 Microsoft Corp 642 5,189 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp 381 355 Inc 641 2,407 Whirlpool Corp 356 2,711 Zebra Technologies Corp 638 5,536 Black Knight Inc 348 3,808 IDEX Corp 617 3,830 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 344 13,507 Exelon Corp 613 823 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 306 6,094 Tractor Supply Co 600 6,064 Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM 290 7,266 Target Corp 599 843 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 279 33,284 AES Corp 594 2,875 Apple Inc 578 2,190 Public Storage 560 9,574 Verizon Communications Inc 553

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 147,403 Microsoft Corp 22,410 185,852 Apple Inc 41,114 181,596 Merck & Co Inc 15,862 243,821 Johnson & Johnson 33,761 259,216 Charles Schwab Corp 12,764 113,451 Mastercard Inc 30,958 90,525 PepsiCo Inc 12,181 137,625 Facebook Inc 26,740 237,773 Cisco Systems Inc 10,775 150,771 Visa Inc 26,666 37,434 Apple Inc 9,078 153,823 3M Co 26,469 60,193 Johnson & Johnson 8,008 168,790 PepsiCo Inc 22,583 41,005 Facebook Inc 7,818 158,090 Walt Disney Co 22,400 25,747 Mastercard Inc 7,066 294,086 Exxon Mobil Corp 21,940 3,425 Booking Holdings Inc 6,458 76,135 Costco Wholesale Corp 21,871 34,912 Visa Inc 6,203 246,331 NIKE Inc 21,425 36,414 3M Co 6,171 316,540 TJX Cos Inc 17,498 59,900 NIKE Inc 5,316 36,120 BlackRock Inc* 16,925 44,675 Eli Lilly & Co 5,142 89,426 NVIDIA Corp 16,874 36,683 Walt Disney Co 5,113 78,663 Amgen Inc 15,280 91,482 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 5,099 280,602 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 14,387 71,773 Exxon Mobil Corp 5,070 141,543 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 14,238 12,929 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 4,308 176,622 Progressive Corp 13,949 88,376 Altria Group Inc 4,210 119,892 Texas Instruments Inc 13,922 72,996 TJX Cos Inc 4,171 243,433 Oracle Corp 13,809 23,987 Illinois Tool Works Inc 4,028 7,334 Booking Holdings Inc 13,746 8,365 BlackRock Inc* 3,947 11,311 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 13,112 17,750 Amgen Inc 3,722 66,315 Accenture Plc 12,663 2,851 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 3,575 10,675 Alphabet Inc 12,372 34,595 Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc 3,539 79,539 Illinois Tool Works Inc 12,338 31,646 Atmos Energy Corp 3,414 224,803 Aflac Inc 12,311 2,671 Alphabet Inc 3,347 105,043 T Rowe Price Group Inc 11,585 12,984 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 3,283 109,147 Celgene Corp 11,040 27,273 Texas Instruments Inc 3,253 79,278 International Business Machines Corp 11,021 42,798 Progressive Corp 3,228 19,109 Intuitive Surgical Inc 10,617 10,721 Costco Wholesale Corp 3,143 95,748 Atmos Energy Corp 10,290 * Investment in related party. 211,336 Altria Group Inc 10,247 84,967 Eli Lilly & Co 9,621 86,849 Ross Stores Inc 9,176

* Investment in related party.

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES EDGE MSCI USA SIZE FACTOR UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 15,880 Mylan NV 294 3,474 Global Payments Inc 565 1,991 Roku Inc 293 651 TransDigm Group Inc 362 12,933 Apache Corp 275 4,148 Eversource Energy 341 12,601 Noble Energy Inc 270 1,423 SBA Communications Corp 338 2,708 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 260 1,316 Cintas Corp 338 4,315 Bemis Co Inc 251 9,778 First Data Corp 307 3,854 Black Knight Inc 242 7,637 Brighthouse Financial Inc 305 2,086 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 240 2,107 Inc 301 1,955 Guidewire Software Inc 240 3,175 WEC Energy Group Inc 299 11,526 Medical Properties Trust Inc 239 3,308 Affiliated Managers Group Inc 281 813 Tyler Technologies Inc 238 10,976 H&R Block Inc 271 6,405 DXC Technology Co 234 1,388 DexCom Inc 268 630 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 234 443 MercadoLibre Inc 266 10,494 Devon Energy Corp 234 5,728 CIT Group Inc 262 5,298 Aqua America Inc 233 1,069 L3 Technologies Inc 262 3,202 Concho Resources Inc 233 1,382 L3Harris Technologies Inc 261 1,352 RingCentral Inc 233 2,483 Seattle Genetics Inc 260 3,308 Match Group Inc 233 13,484 L Brands Inc 259 7,978 American Airlines Group Inc 232 11,919 Alkermes Plc 251 5,501 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 231 22,547 Qurate Retail Inc 225

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 2,206,726 AT&T Inc 83,299 349,659 Chevron Corp 41,237 1,306,399 Intel Corp 71,494 921,000 AT&T Inc 33,584 238,866 International Business Machines Corp 33,259 335,937 Intel Corp 16,921 624,343 Micron Technology Inc 29,362 139,587 Celgene Corp 14,902 898,553 Bank of America Corp 28,039 101,292 Valero Energy Corp 9,673 344,490 Citigroup Inc 24,964 159,141 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 8,966 615,537 Pfizer Inc 23,095 200,178 Micron Technology Inc 8,748 188,322 Chevron Corp 22,637 90,059 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 8,194 604,881 General Motors Co 22,618 55,112 International Business Machines Corp 7,662 353,987 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 20,302 62,609 Phillips 66 7,034 324,765 Marathon Petroleum Corp 19,999 183,202 Pfizer Inc 7,004 240,923 CVS Health Corp 16,186 174,599 General Motors Co 6,410 89,017 Allergan Plc 15,475 69,099 Tyson Foods Inc 6,018 876,500 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 15,003 206,494 Bank of America Corp 5,903 1,634,423 Ford Motor Co 14,795 34,475 Allergan Plc 5,900 217,301 Gilead Sciences Inc 14,178 49,668 Target Corp 5,650 273,291 Altria Group Inc 13,454 76,627 Citigroup Inc 5,192 576,641 Baker Hughes Co 13,044 42,568 Entergy Corp 4,932 79,936 FedEx Corp 12,755 275,723 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 4,728 112,130 Target Corp 12,306 303,141 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 4,594 732,965 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 11,607 147,412 Arconic Inc 4,505 243,120 Exelon Corp 11,196 362,985 Flex Ltd 4,236 50,841 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 10,971 15,918 Lam Research Corp 3,798 129,143 Tyson Foods Inc 10,898 71,840 Western Digital Corp 3,672 58,930 Cigna Corp 10,326

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 782,321 AT&T Inc 29,262 35,309 Inc 63,403 109,168 Home Depot Inc 24,101 210,130 Walt Disney Co 31,074 142,894 Medtronic Plc 15,909 160,107 Microsoft Corp 22,586 53,486 ASML Holding NV 14,523 467,982 Cisco Systems Inc 21,740 104,600 Microsoft Corp 14,222 470,964 Comcast Corp 20,567 141,608 AstraZeneca Plc 13,816 183,652 Novartis AG 16,720 6,859 Inc 12,817 151,655 PayPal Holdings Inc 16,038 51,248 NextEra Energy Inc 11,836 185,840 Abbott Laboratories 15,837 99,970 Procter & Gamble Co 11,646 48,498 Broadcom Inc 14,948 57,791 CSL Ltd 10,970 84,672 Honeywell International Inc 14,913 85,612 Nestle SA 9,023 45,993 Adobe Inc 13,914 27,884 Costco Wholesale Corp 8,208 78,554 Union Pacific Corp 13,783 26,444 Roche Holding AG 7,828 49,109 Mastercard Inc 13,682 16,456 Charter Communications Inc 7,690 122,042 Nestle SA 13,154 54,877 Fidelity National Information Services Inc 7,358 1,283,400 AIA Group Ltd 12,858 41,269 Visa Inc 7,223 77,213 Inc 12,292 26,817 Mastercard Inc 7,221 148,075 QUALCOMM Inc 12,201 18,194 Zurich Insurance Group AG 7,152 275,373 Diageo Plc 11,292 33,794 Stryker Corp 6,842 93,889 Texas Instruments Inc 11,256 11,687 Equinix Inc 6,483 56,709 Accenture Plc 11,253 118,661 NIKE Inc 10,870 90,914 Procter & Gamble Co 10,864 87,894 Eli Lilly & Co 10,201 53,796 Visa Inc 9,535 78,982 Lowe’s Cos Inc 9,067

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 102,065 Walmart Inc 12,166 37,257 Anthem Inc 10,530 277,139 BHP Group Ltd 7,128 40,580 Accenture Plc 8,028 91,706 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 5,469 66,080 Phillips 66 7,368 108,144 Koninklijke Philips NV 4,987 19,656 Humana Inc 6,458 149,100 NTT DOCOMO Inc 4,115 84,598 Progressive Corp 6,210 150,364 Woolworths Group Ltd 3,998 60,513 Valero Energy Corp 5,758 141,408 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 3,710 92,261 Intel Corp 4,872 63,350 Intel Corp 3,318 272,400 Astellas Pharma Inc 4,486 10,593 Apple Inc 2,751 194,800 ITOCHU Corp 4,253 104,479 Smith & Nephew Plc 2,334 151,371 Anglo American Plc 3,969 24,098 Ferguson Plc 2,150 36,672 Xilinx Inc 3,405 48,380 Arch Capital Group Ltd 2,036 210,349 Repsol SA 3,370 81,582 STMicroelectronics NV 2,025 3,593 Mettler-Toledo International Inc 2,603 7,468 Intuit Inc 2,007 11,270 IAC/InterActiveCorp 2,501 7,236 Anthem Inc 1,977 52,300 FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 2,439 35,615 Cardinal Health Inc 1,931 35,750 NetApp Inc 2,135 91,802 Newcrest Mining Ltd 1,913 21,148 Fortinet Inc 2,105 11,936 Kansas City Southern 1,845 17,886 Darden Restaurants Inc 2,092 56,635 Twitter Inc 1,754 7,800 Zebra Technologies Corp 1,861 32,037 Rio Tinto Plc 1,738 95,829 AES Corp 1,753

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 313,144 Merck & Co Inc 27,343 111,702 Honeywell International Inc 19,842 100,533 Airbus SE 15,026 62,190 Apple Inc 15,410 172,200 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 9,479 532,166 AXA SA 14,517 40,032 Visa Inc 7,203 94,036 Johnson & Johnson 12,673 29,667 Apple Inc 6,741 55,192 NVIDIA Corp 11,781 47,350 Johnson & Johnson 6,311 38,124 Roche Holding AG 11,387 43,933 Microsoft Corp 6,147 42,362 Facebook Inc 8,203 29,951 Facebook Inc 5,725 39,372 General Dynamics Corp 7,164 19,102 Roche Holding AG 5,456 683,784 E.ON SE 6,869 107,812 Cisco Systems Inc 5,127 397,879 SSE Plc 6,673 69,405 Exxon Mobil Corp 5,067 83,617 Exxon Mobil Corp 5,897 18,061 Mastercard Inc 5,048 92,687 Marathon Petroleum Corp 5,678 27,970 3M Co 4,757 96,274 Novo Nordisk A/S 5,204 18,427 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 4,659 155,412 Experian Plc 5,063 175,691 Fortum Oyj 4,142 36,041 Microsoft Corp 4,987 46,665 NIKE Inc 4,129 470,200 AIA Group Ltd 4,709 38,435 Cincinnati Financial Corp 4,124 70,657 Oracle Corp 3,966 380,800 AIA Group Ltd 3,936 26,688 Walt Disney Co 3,815 42,300 Hoya Corp 3,865 2,788 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 3,409 45,794 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 3,840 22,021 ResMed Inc 3,251

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 66,500 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp 1,220 9,944 Global Payments Inc 1,617 2,717 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 892 19,814 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 1,138 2,327 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 864 10,885 Franco-Nevada Corp 1,051 7,492 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 863 38,660 M3 Inc 1,042 4,667 Insulet Corp 860 45,501 Nomura Research Institute Ltd 993 4,489 Galapagos NV 855 11,158 London Stock Exchange Group Plc 991 145,245 Altice Europe NV 848 15,891 Bandai Namco Holdings Inc 977 112,451 Husky Energy Inc 842 1,624 TransDigm Group Inc 922 16,700 Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd 839 11,118 Eversource Energy 915 19,047 Aqua America Inc 838 3,589 Cintas Corp 915 19,200 Publicis Groupe SA 837 9,522 WEC Energy Group Inc 901 44,620 Mylan NV 835 298 Givaudan SA 873 9,500 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 834 3,550 SBA Communications Corp 839 122,300 Singapore Airlines Ltd 831 20,326 Brighthouse Financial Inc 823 20,114 Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 829 5,574 Inc 796 1,202,800 Genting Singapore Ltd 828 24,865 First Data Corp 780 8,516 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 825 4,790 Ferrari NV 769 59,843 Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp 823 26,176 Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd 758 22,925 Parkland Fuel Corp 817 16,473 CIT Group Inc 750 46,700 Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd 814 8,595 Affiliated Managers Group Inc 738

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 551,783 Intel Corp 29,879 614,146 AT&T Inc 23,022 744,893 AT&T Inc 27,670 2,940,180 Enel SpA 22,298 115,028 International Business Machines Corp 15,731 177,038 Celgene Corp 19,042 405,260 British American Tobacco Plc 15,037 234,011 Micron Technology Inc 10,661 201,300 Toyota Motor Corp 13,878 197,929 Intel Corp 10,139 301,673 Micron Technology Inc 13,648 121,700 Toyota Motor Corp 8,376 328,445 Pfizer Inc 12,486 37,814 Allergan Plc 6,769 236,365 Altria Group Inc 11,635 173,159 Pfizer Inc 6,413 143,288 Citigroup Inc 10,273 216,573 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV 5,599 126,932 CVS Health Corp 8,560 53,367 Valero Energy Corp 5,153 47,089 Allergan Plc 8,238 55,720 Sanofi 5,120 216,700 Hitachi Ltd 8,158 69,922 Citigroup Inc 4,957 88,497 Sanofi 8,074 35,330 International Business Machines Corp 4,744 510,696 Engie SA 8,049 46,250 Akzo Nobel NV 4,436 1,849,245 Banco Santander SA 7,482 2,342 Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc 4,286 279,900 Mitsubishi Corp 7,259 2,086,607 Vodafone Group Plc 4,214 108,302 Gilead Sciences Inc 7,090 353,902 Flex Ltd 4,159 1,357,600 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 7,036 47,258 Tyson Foods Inc 4,154 124,180 TOTAL SA 6,673 106,968 British American Tobacco Plc 3,732 89,653 Bayer AG 6,655 170,500 ITOCHU Corp 3,636

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 7,693 Visteon Corp 576 4,419 Cirrus Logic Inc 182 10,960 Ambarella Inc 558 3,099 Hexagon AB 168 17,085 Methode Electronics Inc 532 4,730 Spectris Plc 167 62,548 Schaeffler AG 521 6,655 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 160 27,400 Alps Alpine Co Ltd 517 675 Bosch Ltd 160 29,124 Vishay Intertechnology Inc 505 11,800 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 151 19,137 Cie Plastic Omnium SA 500 1,785 Garmin Ltd 149 5,705 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd 495 2,494 Daimler AG 140 561,000 Pan Jit International Inc 492 7,059 ON Semiconductor Corp 137 10,370 Standard Motor Products Inc 489 11,085 Sierra Wireless Inc 132 15,714 Stoneridge Inc 489 3,423 S&T Motiv Co Ltd 131 25,700 NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd 486 26,000 Renesas Electronics Corp 127 59,690 Martinrea International Inc 486 5,472 Cypress Semiconductor Corp 123 71,000 Futaba Industrial Co Ltd 485 5,100 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 121 27,100 Keihin Corp 483 7,000 TPR Co Ltd 118 11,718 Gentherm Inc 477 1,569 QUALCOMM Inc 117 16,451 CTS Corp 474 5,500 Exedy Corp 112 14,109 Valeo SA 473 18,500 Mitsuba Corp 111 1,755 Tesla Inc 471 4,991 SL Corp 99 28,782 Veoneer Inc 470 3,900 Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co Ltd 93 2,564 NVIDIA Corp 469 5,424 Volvo AB 86 7,976 Maxim Integrated Products Inc 461 8,231 Hanon Systems 85 39,785 Tenneco Inc 461 2,888 Gentex Corp 74 59,300 Daikyonishikawa Corp 458 580 Rheinmetall AG 70 98,900 Mitsubishi Motors Corp 452 343 Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd 68 9,592 Faurecia SE 451 332 Samsung SDI Co Ltd 66 6,012 Autoliv Inc 450 3,560 Delphi Technologies Plc 65 21,293 ABB India Ltd 449 1,000 Toyota Motor Corp 65 11,787 Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc 445 1,566 Hyundai Wia Corp 65 14,600 TS Tech Co Ltd 436 5,390 QUALCOMM Inc 421 48,700 Panasonic Corp 415 22,017 Infineon Technologies AG 415 4,771 Garmin Ltd 413 15,492 Gentex Corp 413 18,948 Adient Plc 413 19,600 Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd 411 2,007 Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd 409 7,816 Intel Corp 408 23,000 Tokai Rika Co Ltd 407 4,747 Aptiv Plc 406



Purchases Cost Quantity Investment USD’000 28,400 Toyota Boshoku Corp 405 10,162 S&T Motiv Co Ltd 403 7,793 Magna International Inc 400 15,953 Marvell Technology Group Ltd 399 4,336 Microchip Technology Inc 397 5,900 Toyota Motor Corp 397 11,300 Aisin Seiki Co Ltd 395 31,000 Tachi-S Co Ltd 395 17,118 Cypress Semiconductor Corp 395 40,605 Amara Raja Batteries Ltd 390 9,402 Hyundai Wia Corp 385 21,000 Piolax Inc 385 27,526 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 384 11,600 Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd 383 11,749 Iljin Materials Co Ltd 383 8,700 Denso Corp 383 7,922 Hella GmbH & Co KGaA 381

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 9,350,000 Vodafone Group Plc 3.1% 01/03/2079 10,869 7,700,000 UniCredit SpA 6.95% 31/10/2022 10,211 9,400,000 Vodafone Group Plc 7% 04/04/2079 10,728 8,000,000 EMC Corp 2.65% 01/06/2020 7,970 6,650,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 5.017% 26/06/2024 6,774 4,750,000 UniCredit SpA 5.75% 28/10/2025 5,611 5,050,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6.625% 13/09/2023 6,761 3,463,000 Ally Financial Inc 8% 01/11/2031 4,753 4,900,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.875% 02/01/2021 4,981 3,800,000 Deutsche Bank AG 5% 24/06/2020 4,465 4,025,000 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 4.596% * 4,832 4,319,000 Arconic Inc 6.15% 15/08/2020 4,440 4,725,000 Tupperware Brands Corp 4.75% 06/01/2021 4,777 3,550,000 Tesco Corporate Treasury Services Plc 2.5% 4,750,000 Deutsche Bank AG 4.5% 04/01/2025 4,579 01/07/2024 4,406 4,000,000 Deutsche Bank AG 2.75% 17/02/2025 4,567 3,650,000 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 5.15% 16/07/2020 4,255 3,900,000 Novomatic AG 1.625% 20/09/2023 4,376 3,650,000 NortonLifeLock Inc 4.2% 15/09/2020 3,693 4,650,000 Deutsche Bank AG 4.296% 24/05/2028 4,307 2,850,000 UniCredit SpA 6.125% 19/04/2021 3,491 4,650,000 Buckeye Partners LP 3.95% 12/01/2026 4,305 3,450,000 Embarq Corp 7.995% 06/01/2036 3,414 2,850,000 Dresdner Funding Trust I 8.151% 30/06/2031 3,828 2,600,000 NGPL PipeCo LLC 7.768% 15/12/2037 3,374 3,650,000 Arconic Inc 5.4% 15/04/2021 3,783 2,175,000 Tesco Plc 6.125% 24/02/2022 3,097 3,950,000 Senior Housing Properties Trust 4.75% 15/02/2028 3,778 3,075,000 Nabors Industries Inc 5% 15/09/2020 3,047 3,500,000 Buckeye Partners LP 4.15% 07/01/2023 3,524 2,675,000 RWE AG 2.75% 21/04/2075 3,038 3,200,000 Sprint Capital Corp 6.875% 15/11/2028 3,486 2,900,000 Liberty Mutual Group Inc 3.951% 15/10/2050 2,937 2,850,000 Sprint Capital Corp 8.75% 15/03/2032 3,485 1,750,000 Tesco Plc 5.125% 10/04/2047 2,867 1,560,000 Lloyds Bank Plc 13% * 3,432 2,225,000 Tesco Plc 6.15% 15/11/2037 2,580 3,325,000 Newell Brands Inc 5.5% 04/01/2046 3,430 2,400,000 NuStar Logistics LP 4.8% 01/09/2020 2,424 * Perpetual Bond. 2,050,000 Tesco Corporate Treasury Services Plc 2.125% 12/11/2020 2,334 2,250,000 Leidos Holdings Inc 4.45% 01/12/2020 2,281 2,100,000 CF Industries Inc 7.125% 01/05/2020 2,163 2,025,000 Yum! Brands Inc 3.875% 01/11/2020 2,042 4,300,000 Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc 4.875% 01/11/2043 1,946 1,700,000 Genworth Holdings Inc 7.7% 15/06/2020 1,709 1,700,000 Xerox Corp 2.75% 01/09/2020 1,697 1,655,000 Pitney Bowes Inc 3.875% 15/09/2020 1,669 1,550,000 Xerox Corp 3.5% 20/08/2020 1,557 1,250,000 Banco BPM SpA 6% 11/05/2020 1,441 1,250,000 Barclays Plc 2.625% 11/11/2025 1,407 2,900,000 Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc 5.7% 15/10/2039 1,407 1,450,000 Frontier North Inc 6.73% 15/02/2028 1,359

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 702,291 ArQule Inc 7,266 65,416 STERIS Plc 9,476 134,873 Array BioPharma Inc 6,235 91,707 Celgene Corp 9,421 210,426 Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc 5,772 179,582 Hologic Inc 8,812 368,326 Epizyme Inc 5,436 54,272 DexCom Inc 8,185 78,349 Medpace Holdings Inc 5,012 79,067 Medtronic Plc 7,855 227,918 Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc 4,946 95,922 CompuGroup Medical SE 7,315 848,329 ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc 4,917 264,267 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc 7,052 251,951 Fate Therapeutics Inc 4,911 251,619 Evotec SE 6,837 62,118 uniQure NV 4,887 43,302 IQVIA Holdings Inc 6,829 135,998 Xencor Inc 4,845 288,400 Divi’s Laboratories Ltd 6,466 77,410 Novocure Ltd 4,820 97,984 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 6,297 112,771 Turning Point Therapeutics Inc 4,810 273,237 Amicogen Inc 6,130 312,781 Stemline Therapeutics Inc 4,794 136,600 Asahi Intecc Co Ltd 6,045 35,925 Galapagos NV 4,773 30,575 Edwards Lifesciences Corp 5,991 85,501 Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,756 140,636 Boston Scientific Corp 5,856 6,495,000 China Resources Medical Holdings Co Ltd 4,745 27,716 Bio-Techne Corp 5,800 78,717 Quidel Corp 4,679 44,750 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 5,708 93,841 Syneos Health Inc 4,672 14,845 Illumina Inc 5,254 69,585 Nevro Corp 4,656 296,600 Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 5,252 175,602 Natera Inc 4,645 347,850 Whanin Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 5,250 46,071 Mirati Therapeutics Inc 4,634 104,300 PeptiDream Inc 5,234 383,381 R1 RCM Inc 4,625 15,480 Lonza Group AG 5,194 89,829 REGENXBIO Inc 4,625 80,346 Genomic Health Inc 5,178 144,732 HMS Holdings Corp 4,617 301,330 Nuance Communications Inc 4,943 288,702 MacroGenics Inc 4,604 66,051 MAXIMUS Inc 4,938 105,994 PTC Therapeutics Inc 4,603 68,756 Cerner Corp 4,937 232,693 Denali Therapeutics Inc 4,599 26,797 Genmab A/S 4,929 111,252 Zogenix Inc 4,596 45,926 PRA Health Sciences Inc 4,540 173,212 NanoString Technologies Inc 4,588 129,303 Nektar Therapeutics 4,504 100,480 Cambrex Corp 4,576 73,448 Nolato AB 4,374 16,513 Samsung Biologics Co Ltd 4,559 37,387 DiaSorin SpA 4,329 364,058 Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,547 1,106,077 Nordic Nanovector ASA 4,260 48,755 Blueprint Medicines Corp 4,546 31,599 Varian Medical Systems Inc 4,236 25,191 Sage Therapeutics Inc 4,503 57,174 Seattle Genetics Inc 4,168 71,748 Neogen Corp 4,486 105,070 QIAGEN NV 4,140 80,346 Genomic Health Inc 4,480 882,181 Yungjin Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4,108 53,646 CorVel Corp 4,469 257,408 Ion Beam Applications 4,079 39,494 Exact Sciences Corp 4,456 193,023 Exelixis Inc 4,054 222,855 Accelerate Diagnostics Inc 4,451 7,658 Intuitive Surgical Inc 4,029 165,164 Allogene Therapeutics Inc 4,446 284,579 Elekta AB 3,883 233,977 NextGen Healthcare Inc 4,446 5,233,000 Microport Scientific Corp 3,834


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES HEALTHCARE INNOVATION UCITS ETF (continued)

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 27,003 Penumbra Inc 4,439 12,155 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 3,748 89,061 Celltrion Healthcare Co Ltd 4,438 45,595 UCB SA 3,677 147,582 AtriCure Inc 4,408 158,439 Veracyte Inc 4,365 88,809 Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,360 1,147,538 Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,278 202,034 Idorsia Ltd 4,270 116,650 CareDx Inc 4,266 48,891 Guardant Health Inc 4,249 203,677 Luminex Corp 4,244 241,965 Tivity Health Inc 4,234 220,194 Axogen Inc 4,206 138,277 Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,191 293,956 Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc 4,154 199,744 Atara Biotherapeutics Inc 4,104 359,913 Fluidigm Corp 4,083 346,423 Alder Biopharmaceuticals Inc 4,056 659,853 Pacific Biosciences of California Inc 4,039 214,049 Alector Inc 3,872 61,906 AnaptysBio Inc 3,487

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI CHINA UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 11,071 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 1,887 4,300 Tencent Holdings Ltd 183 40,800 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,850 73,000 China Construction Bank Corp Class ’H’ 58 687,000 China Construction Bank Corp Class ’H’ 581 4,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class ’H’ 52 40,000 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class ’H’ 484 281 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 47 44,000 China Mobile Ltd 396 5,000 China Mobile Ltd 40 465,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 353 51,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 36 568,000 Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 239 224 Baidu Inc (ADR) 26 1,982 Baidu Inc (ADR) 234 63,000 Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 25 128,000 CNOOC Ltd 215 14,000 CNOOC Ltd 21 5,250 Inc (ADR) 153 559 Inc (ADR) 18 28,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class ’H’ 153 6,000 China Life Insurance Co Ltd (Hong Kong listed) 15 503 NetEase Inc (ADR) 133 51 NetEase Inc (ADR) 15 53,000 China Life Insurance Co Ltd (Hong Kong listed) 132 3,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class ’H’ 14 182,000 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp Class ’H’ 124 115 New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (ADR) 14 2,573 Yum China Holdings Inc 119 297 Yum China Holdings Inc 13 3,300 Group Ltd (ADR) 118 4,000 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 13 2,676 TAL Education Group (ADR) 101 20,000 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp Class ’H’ 11 28,000 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 101 307 Group Ltd (ADR) 10 1,020 New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (ADR) 95 226 TAL Education Group (ADR) 10 209,000 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 88 600 Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd 9

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI CHINA A UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 50,133 Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 7,591 97,700 Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 15,060 446,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 5,586 854,800 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 10,409 1,938,058 China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 5,142 1,622,100 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 8,195 853,400 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 4,318 306,200 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 5,532 603,100 Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd 3,749 1,633,300 Industrial Bank Co Ltd 4,341 281,400 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd 3,298 352,100 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd 3,906 3,549,799 China Railway Group Ltd 3,057 2,311,300 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd 3,830 162,500 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 2,895 1,346,400 China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 3,511 222,999 Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd 2,691 4,245,800 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 3,417 870,536 Industrial Bank Co Ltd 2,245 740,900 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 3,176 1,237,400 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co Ltd 2,092 767,300 China Vanke Co Ltd 3,079 189,655 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd 2,047 5,890,700 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 2,984 2,277,400 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 1,839 1,356,200 Ping An Bank Co Ltd 2,867 400,300 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 1,791 176,100 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co Ltd 2,637 26,198 Changchun High & New Technology Industry Group Inc 1,733 3,320,100 China State Construction Engineering Corp Ltd 2,573 415,600 China Vanke Co Ltd 1,638 491,800 China Pacific Insurance Group Co Ltd 2,521 3,092,900 Agricultural Bank of China Ltd 1,582 3,109,700 Bank of Communications Co Ltd 2,468 58,200 Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co Ltd 1,575 2,769,000 China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd 2,370 89,000 Will Semiconductor Ltd 1,510 763,400 CITIC Securities Co Ltd 2,365 284,100 Yunda Holding Co Ltd 1,500 409,400 Wens Foodstuffs Group Co Ltd 2,241

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EM ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 12,384 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 2,359 9,444 Axis Bank Ltd 99 228,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 2,282 8,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 80 44,200 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1,881 5,400 Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd 75 32,550 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 1,447 46,000 CIMB Group Holdings Bhd 58 20,565 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 658 1,903 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 54 50,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class ’H’ 596 502 LUKOIL PJSC 47 46,636 B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao 534 208 POSCO 41 47,560 Infosys Ltd 460 874 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 38 3,068 Naspers Ltd 458 2,777 Telefonica Brasil SA 35 104,038 Ambev SA 450 1,224 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 35 14,998 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 441 2,977 Tatneft PJSC 35 180,500 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 404 160,000 China Tower Corp Ltd 33 10,227 Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 385 41,000 China Construction Bank Corp 33 77,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class ’H’ 380 583,339 Banco Santander Chile 32 29,555 Standard Bank Group Ltd 348 13,000 Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 31 70,800 Public Bank Bhd 333 8,000 Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 29 402,000 China Construction Bank Corp 330 8,710 Wipro Ltd 29 21,800 Meituan Dianping 274 13,883 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV 27 183,600 PTT PCL 269 600 Tencent Holdings Ltd 26 8,941 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 265 5,000 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class ’H’ 24 887 Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA 24 61,484 Cemex SAB de CV 23 3,860 Arca Continental SAB de CV 21 8,000 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 20 4,000 Chailease Holding Co Ltd 18 1,400 Meituan Dianping 18 492 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Preference) 18 13,221 Netcare Ltd 17 19,640 Yes Bank Ltd 17

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EM IMI ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 54,893 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 9,917 59,098 Tatneft PJSC 688 184,500 Tencent Holdings Ltd 7,898 5,938 Prosus NV 459 807,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 7,548 36,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 345 157,133 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 6,684 7,536 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 319 3,200,000 China Construction Bank Corp 2,552 275,000 China Construction Bank Corp 217 14,382 Naspers Ltd 2,499 4,600 Tencent Holdings Ltd 195 183,000 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd Class ’H’ 2,163 18,000 President Chain Store Corp 178 93,582 Reliance Industries Ltd 1,837 64,000 Nan Ya Plastics Corp 150 53,998 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 1,655 38,000 Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd 143 198,000 China Mobile Ltd 1,650 17,000 Realtek Semiconductor Corp 127 2,164,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 1,540 749 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR) 124 155,700 Itau Unibanco Holding SA 1,379 35,863 Moneta Money Bank AS 122 351,810 Gazprom PJSC 1,336 14,000 Catcher Technology Co Ltd 115 18,100 SK Hynix Inc 1,240 160,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd Class ’H’ 112 114,502 Infosys Ltd 1,183 15,000 Asustek Computer Inc 110 13,026 LUKOIL PJSC 1,163 32,000 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 106 315,597 Sberbank of Russia PJSC 1,157 15,000 Novatek Microelectronics Corp 105 130,500 Banco Bradesco SA (Preference) 1,136 15,500 Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd 103 407,000 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd 1,104 19,000 Accton Technology Corp 103 2,570,000 Bank of China Ltd 1,053 602 Naspers Ltd 99

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 3,175,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 28,249 8,672,000 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 86,264 168,232 Naspers Ltd 24,796 41,222 Novatek PJSC (GDR) 8,262 5,419,700 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 12,103 2,087,000 Uni-President Enterprises Corp 4,947 76,988 NAVER Corp 9,913 337,600 Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd 4,677 30,678,800 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 9,048 8,958,300 Astra International Tbk PT 4,040 278,018 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 8,613 549,385 Banco Bradesco SA 3,934 823,081 Infosys Ltd 8,441 15,829 SK Holdings Co Ltd 3,536 979,714 Banco Bradesco SA 8,059 17,103,591 Enel Americas SA 3,272 27,188,400 Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 7,458 136,159 Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA 3,243 218,588 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 6,520 25,110 SK Innovation Co Ltd 3,183 1,508,914 First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC 6,302 887,313 BDO Unibank Inc 2,594 502,127 B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao 5,526 545,000 Chailease Holding Co Ltd 2,465 161,292 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 4,529 206,051 Woori Financial Group Inc 2,066 477,456 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV 4,369 293,367 Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd 2,010 108,643 Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 4,076 185,566 MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Plc 1,776 319,820 Standard Bank Group Ltd 3,815 97,298 Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV 1,651 98,217 KB Financial Group Inc 3,718 4,739,972 Shin Kong Financial Holding Co Ltd 1,575 759,400 Public Bank Bhd 3,685 20,541 S-Oil Corp 1,562 822,137 FirstRand Ltd 3,598 176,845 Empresas COPEC SA 1,406 916,000 Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd 3,351 350,209 KOC Holding AS 1,186

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 327 Prosus NV 21 220 Innogy SE 10 99 Vinci SA 10 2,402 Banco Santander SA 8 102 Legrand SA 7 74 SAP SE 8 148 Innogy SE 7 73 Siemens AG 8 52 Air Liquide SA 6 33 L’Oreal SA 8 426 Deutsche Telekom AG 6 97 Schneider Electric SE 8 138 Vonovia SE 6 88 Danone SA 7 77 Amundi SA 5 49 Gecina SA 7 524 Tenaris SA 5 216 Deutsche Post AG 7 28 Galapagos NV 5 224 Ferrovial SA (voting) 6 32 Ferrari NV 5 246 AXA SA 6 321 Engie SA 4 2,619 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6 145 Klepierre SA 4 255 Veolia Environnement SA 5 31 Dassault Systemes SE 4 27 ASML Holding NV 5 11 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 4 26 Allianz SE 5 567 Telefonica SA 4 34 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 5 30 Covivio 3 52 Solvay SA 5 73 Koninklijke Philips NV 3 47 Merck KGaA 4 41 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 3 233 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 4 270 Credit Agricole SA 3 21 Teleperformance 4 198 Suez 3 136 CRH Plc 4 89 Erste Group Bank AG 3 36 Koninklijke DSM NV 4 262 UniCredit SpA 3 58 BASF SE 4 91 Societe Generale SA 3 101 Bouygues SA 4 57 TOTAL SA 3 278 Galp Energia SGPS SA 4 27 Heineken NV 3 252 Orange SA 4 145 Naturgy Energy Group SA 4 73 TOTAL SA 3 94 Imerys SA 3 147 Peugeot SA 3 815 Natixis SA 3

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EMU ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 183,871 SAP SE 19,973 64,858 Veolia Environnement SA 1,400 448,848 TOTAL SA 19,970 23,686 Innogy SE 1,054 51,989 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 18,844 13,832 HUGO BOSS AG 589 210,212 Sanofi 16,401 16,530 Vivendi SA 414 79,417 Allianz SE 16,016 110,304 Banco Santander SA 413 79,797 ASML Holding NV 15,865 3,392 SAP SE 397 273,554 Unilever NV 14,821 936 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 368 143,649 Siemens AG 12,980 1,631 ASML Holding NV 366 142,313 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 12,116 8,188 RTL Group SA 347 47,322 L’Oreal SA 11,356 3,543 NXP Semiconductors NV 345 3,168,495 Banco Santander SA 11,170 3,169 Siemens AG 332 1,138,072 Iberdrola SA 10,531 6,707 TOTAL SA 317 171,787 BASF SE 10,199 5,055 Societe BIC SA 316 81,197 Air Liquide SA 10,049 1,470 Allianz SE 314 95,521 Vinci SA 9,274 1,383 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in 621,380 Deutsche Telekom AG 9,261 Muenchen 311 115,518 Danone SA 9,187 8,116 Imerys SA 296 33,724 adidas AG 8,881 6,878 Koninklijke Philips NV 289 211,759 BNP Paribas SA 8,761 3,739 Amadeus IT Group SA 270 361,985 AXA SA 7,905 10,480 1&1 Drillisch AG 255 103,050 Schneider Electric SE 7,734 3,243 Sanofi 253 170,800 Daimler AG 7,249 2,013 Air Liquide SA 248 172,730 Koninklijke Philips NV 7,210 5,088 BNP Paribas SA 229 52,939 EssilorLuxottica SA 6,924 908 L’Oreal SA 229 3,621 BASF SE 229

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EMU LARGE CAP UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 15,375 Prosus NV 1,084 6,690 Publicis Groupe SA 264 3,895 Ferrari NV 565 282,546 Telecom Italia SpA 132 3,412 TOTAL SA 160 200,933 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 89 1,054 SAP SE 120 558 NXP Semiconductors NV 53 32,685 Banco Santander SA 119 232 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in 303 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 107 Muenchen 51 1,388 Sanofi 106 2,000 Vivendi SA 50 455 Allianz SE 93 773 TOTAL SA 37 751 Airbus SE 91 781 Koninklijke Philips NV 33 843 Siemens AG 89 297 SAP SE 32 457 ASML Holding NV 83 390 Sanofi 31 330 L’Oreal SA 81 82 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 30 1,303 Unilever NV 70 129 ASML Holding NV 29 2,570 Societe Generale SA 68 128 Allianz SE 27 719 Vinci SA 67 215 Airbus SE 26 4,510 Infineon Technologies AG 67 101 L’Oreal SA 24 907 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 66 440 Unilever NV 24 7,557 Iberdrola SA 66 231 Siemens AG 22 1,052 BASF SE 65 230 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA 20 4,180 Deutsche Telekom AG 63 199 Vinci SA 19 1,318 BNP Paribas SA 57 281 Bayer AG 19 709 Schneider Electric SE 55 5,057 Banco Santander SA 19 278 BASF SE 18

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI EMU MID CAP UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 56,893 Publicis Groupe SA 2,251 36,439 Ferrari NV 5,269 11,405 Galapagos NV 1,972 19,697 HUGO BOSS AG 857 2,589,941 Telecom Italia SpA 1,212 13,074 Wolters Kluwer NV 845 177,454 Altice Europe NV 941 12,473 Legrand SA 837 1,711,986 Telecom Italia SpA (non-voting) 757 7,410 Kerry Group Plc 816 12,111 Alstom SA 461 7,433 Capgemini SE 806 14,966 RWE AG 398 25,027 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 671 45,725 Aroundtown SA 335 27,587 Peugeot SA 603 6,095 Worldline SA 334 32,103 STMicroelectronics NV 590 30,464 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA 310 23,722 RWE AG 581 3,613 Wolters Kluwer NV 234 25,226 Veolia Environnement SA 564 2,085 Kerry Group Plc 226 2,432 MTU Aero Engines AG 547 3,449 Legrand SA 219 15,646 Deutsche Wohnen SE 539 6,175 ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 218 2,730 Teleperformance 528 5,275 Zalando SE 215 6,041 Symrise AG 517 2,009 Capgemini SE 213 7,925 Societe BIC SA 500 986 Teleperformance 190 11,495 RTL Group SA 489 6,974 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 172 168,095 Koninklijke KPN NV 463 673 MTU Aero Engines AG 165 10,107 Edenred 459 7,694 Peugeot SA 157 48,995 CNH Industrial NV 458 12,847 NN Group NV 447 4,165 Sodexo SA 434 2,840 Hannover Rueck SE 433

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 10,698 Nestle SA 1,022 1,412 Nestle SA 130 2,545 Roche Holding AG 661 293 Roche Holding AG 74 88,361 BP Plc 511 12,157 BP Plc 73 9,607 TOTAL SA 449 2,002 Ferrovial SA (voting) 52 64,193 HSBC Holdings Plc 447 650 Sanofi 51 3,774 SAP SE 424 418 SAP SE 50 1,834 Allianz SE 388 947 TOTAL SA 47 4,930 AstraZeneca Plc 386 6,158 HSBC Holdings Plc 45 10,360 Diageo Plc 384 418 Siemens AG 45 4,523 Sanofi 370 596 AstraZeneca Plc 44 3,580 Siemens AG 358 116 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 44 18,221 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 347 633 BASF SE 42 7,240 Novo Nordisk A/S 344 8,200 Investec Plc 42 1,561 ASML Holding NV 338 1,052 Diageo Plc 40 914 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 337 323 Air Liquide SA 39 5,845 Rio Tinto Plc 280 685 Unilever Plc 37 1,113 L’Oreal SA 277 174 Allianz SE 37 28,245 Iberdrola SA 259 8,469 John Wood Group Plc 37 3,848 BASF SE 246 680 Rio Tinto Plc 36 3,203 Danone SA 245 2,001 Assicurazioni Generali SpA 36

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 30,935 Nestle SA 2,938 1,445 Nestle SA 137 7,113 Roche Holding AG 1,877 5,062 Veolia Environnement SA 109 206,261 HSBC Holdings Plc 1,436 29,876 M&G Plc 76 203,808 BP Plc 1,196 11,950 Investec Plc 60 9,945 SAP SE 1,176 1,340 Innogy SE 60 24,345 TOTAL SA 1,168 12,142 John Wood Group Plc 52 13,614 AstraZeneca Plc 1,112 1,132 HUGO BOSS AG 48 2,824 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 1,087 458 Societe BIC SA 29 50,687 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 987 263 NXP Semiconductors NV 28 4,309 ASML Holding NV 973 3,983 Fresnillo Plc 27 11,392 Sanofi 937 1,005 Vivendi SA 25 4,286 Allianz SE 922 245 Swiss Re AG 24 18,277 Novo Nordisk A/S 893 645 Imerys SA 23 24,110 Diageo Plc 891 538 RTL Group SA 23 7,750 Siemens AG 822 437 Whitbread Plc 22 14,180 Unilever NV 764 7,361 Glencore Plc 21 174,023 Banco Santander SA 653 3 Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG 20 2,560 L’Oreal SA 648 788 1&1 Drillisch AG 19 9,347 BASF SE 619 15 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 18 11,264 Unilever Plc 612 466 Diageo Plc 17 342 Koninklijke Vopak NV 17 1,925 Standard Chartered Plc 16 20,163 Lloyds Banking Group Plc 14 320 Covestro AG 14 348 Carnival Plc 13 1,078 Danske Bank A/S 13 239 Berkeley Group Holdings Plc 13 122 Flutter Entertainment Plc 13 22 EMS-Chemie Holding AG 13 858 Volvo AB 12 390 GEA Group AG 12 163 Puma SE 11 50 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Muenchen 11

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI FRANCE UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 8,388 TOTAL SA 406 18,851 TOTAL SA 897 884 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 335 2,194 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 850 3,717 Sanofi 291 8,892 Sanofi 721 1,905 Airbus SE 237 4,622 Airbus SE 602 804 L’Oreal SA 203 1,984 L’Oreal SA 507 1,339 Air Liquide SA 165 3,646 Air Liquide SA 440 2,027 Danone SA 154 8,839 BNP Paribas SA 419 1,654 Vinci SA 154 4,005 Vinci SA 398 3,494 BNP Paribas SA 150 15,490 AXA SA 374 1,819 Schneider Electric SE 142 4,916 Danone SA 374 6,001 AXA SA 141 2,611 Safran SA 364 1,058 Safran SA 139 4,323 Schneider Electric SE 357 235 Kering SA 120 2,222 EssilorLuxottica SA 295 966 EssilorLuxottica SA 115 595 Kering SA 293 661 Pernod Ricard SA 108 1,670 Pernod Ricard SA 274 3,996 Societe Generale SA 100 9,501 Vivendi SA 238 6,216 Orange SA 87 15,694 Orange SA 221 5,700 Engie SA 79 14,373 Engie SA 201 1,935 Alstom SA 75 6,047 Societe Generale SA 160 2,946 Vivendi SA 74 249 Hermes International 159 99 Hermes International 63 1,089 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 148 439 Dassault Systemes SE 61 1,347 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 146 535 Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA 58 2,103 Legrand SA 143 499 Capgemini SE 57 3,879 Cie de Saint-Gobain 139 434 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 57 1,034 Dassault Systemes SE 138 1,000 Worldline SA 56 1,252 Capgemini SE 132 835 Legrand SA 53 1,544 Cie de Saint-Gobain 52

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI INDIA UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 1,017,615 Reliance Industries Ltd 19,021 154,212 Reliance Industries Ltd 3,229 583,516 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 17,797 85,378 Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd 2,681 2,289,563 ICICI Bank Ltd 15,530 237,759 Infosys Ltd 2,384 1,240,585 Infosys Ltd 13,714 48,873 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 1,414 321,821 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 9,769 1,302,938 Yes Bank Ltd 1,158 798,362 Axis Bank Ltd 8,210 104,284 Axis Bank Ltd 1,077 231,732 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 6,229 34,853 Hindustan Unilever Ltd 990 1,227,393 ITC Ltd 4,595 193,365 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd 700 807,845 Bharti Airtel Ltd 4,110 181,655 ITC Ltd 632 169,738 Larsen & Toubro Ltd 3,538 99,410 Bharti Airtel Ltd 584 37,621 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 3,507 5,570 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 545 61,721 Bajaj Finance Ltd 3,263 8,797 Bajaj Finance Ltd 489 224,055 SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd 3,005 25,042 Larsen & Toubro Ltd 480 193,297 HCL Technologies Ltd 2,933 97,838 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd 464 635,846 State Bank of India 2,885 28,838 HCL Technologies Ltd 445 346,306 HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd 2,725 5,067,215 Vodafone Idea Ltd 434 37,387 UltraTech Cement Ltd 2,342 94,762 State Bank of India 425 102,572 Asian Paints Ltd 2,321 15,095 Asian Paints Ltd 360 263,210 Bandhan Bank Ltd 2,285 103,855 Wipro Ltd 355 266,107 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 2,200 39,987 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 305 29,172 Tech Mahindra Ltd 301 5,036 UltraTech Cement Ltd 290

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI JAPAN ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 6,800 Toyota Motor Corp 477 4,100 Toyota Motor Corp 256 4,300 Sony Corp 260 1,600 SoftBank Group Corp 130 7,200 KDDI Corp 203 25,400 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 124 5,100 SoftBank Group Corp 201 4,500 KDDI Corp 118 6,900 Honda Motor Co Ltd 193 200 Keyence Corp 114 300 Keyence Corp 189 2,100 Sony Corp 102 35,600 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 185 700 Oriental Land Co Ltd 92 6,800 NTT DOCOMO Inc 184 3,900 NTT DOCOMO Inc 91 4,900 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 183 3,100 Honda Motor Co Ltd 79 4,700 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 157 2,300 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 79 400 Nintendo Co Ltd 151 1,500 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 78 1,600 East Japan Railway Co 151 2,100 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 74 4,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 142 200 Nintendo Co Ltd 72 1,800 Kao Corp 140 1,900 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 71 87,600 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 135 4,800 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 63 2,400 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 128 300 Central Japan Railway Co 63 900 Daikin Industries Ltd 124 500 Daikin Industries Ltd 63 200 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 122 800 Kao Corp 62 600 Tokyo Electron Ltd 122 43,800 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 62 1,900 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 119 100 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 59

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI JAPAN ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 13,800 Toyota Motor Corp 939 3,400 Toyota Motor Corp 209 7,700 Sony Corp 453 3,400 SoftBank Group Corp 151 8,600 SoftBank Group Corp 395 300 Nintendo Co Ltd 110 72,600 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 369 1,900 Sony Corp 99 900 Keyence Corp 361 500 FANUC Corp 92 9,000 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 341 17,600 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 83 9,400 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 319 2,200 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 79 800 Nintendo Co Ltd 294 2,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 70 10,600 KDDI Corp 293 2,700 KDDI Corp 69 8,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 285 700 East Japan Railway Co 66 9,800 Honda Motor Co Ltd 268 700 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 64 400 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 247 100 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 61 1,300 FANUC Corp 242 2,300 Mitsubishi Corp 60 2,300 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd 236 100 Keyence Corp 60 5,900 Hitachi Ltd 223 1,800 Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 59 1,600 Daikin Industries Ltd 221 2,300 Honda Motor Co Ltd 58 3,600 Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 220 1,600 Hitachi Ltd 58 2,800 Kao Corp 217 700 Kao Corp 53 8,200 Mitsubishi Corp 213 400 Daikin Industries Ltd 51 4,000 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 212 1,000 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 50 139,200 Mizuho Financial Group Inc 210

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI JAPAN SRI EUR HEDGED UCITS ETF (ACC)

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment EUR’000 Quantity Investment EUR’000 97,400 Sony Corp 5,242 5,000 Sony Corp 236 135,100 KDDI Corp 3,354 600 Nintendo Co Ltd 201 124,800 Honda Motor Co Ltd 3,039 2,600 Kao Corp 178 8,700 Nintendo Co Ltd 2,976 5,822 Kaneka Corp 170 37,200 Kao Corp 2,601 7,000 KDDI Corp 165 101,400 NTT DOCOMO Inc 2,421 6,400 Honda Motor Co Ltd 139 19,100 Daikin Industries Ltd 2,348 1,000 Daikin Industries Ltd 111 12,200 Tokyo Electron Ltd 2,134 5,100 NTT DOCOMO Inc 110 44,000 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2,064 700 Tokyo Electron Ltd 98 144,000 Astellas Pharma Inc 2,025 7,400 Astellas Pharma Inc 91 70,300 Komatsu Ltd 1,482 2,300 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 88 33,100 Denso Corp 1,336 3,500 Komatsu Ltd 69 169,000 Panasonic Corp 1,324 8,600 Panasonic Corp 61 43,100 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 1,279 2,700 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 60 15,000 Fujitsu Ltd 1,128 900 Fujitsu Ltd 59 80,000 Kubota Corp 1,122 1,600 Denso Corp 58 19,300 Eisai Co Ltd 1,056 2,100 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 58 25,700 Sompo Holdings Inc 944 4,000 Kubota Corp 54 96,700 Asahi Kasei Corp 929 1,000 Eisai Co Ltd 50 50,300 Aeon Co Ltd 883 1,300 Sompo Holdings Inc 45 47,700 Sekisui House Ltd 872 4,800 Asahi Kasei Corp 42 25,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 828 2,600 Aeon Co Ltd 41 14,600 Omron Corp 751 2,700 Sekisui House Ltd 41 107,500 Toray Industries Inc 706 1,300 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 41 38,100 Tokyu Corp 654 5,800 Toray Industries Inc 37 29,500 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 654 1,900 Tokyu Corp 31 17,300 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 624 900 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc 30 18,400 Yaskawa Electric Corp 623 66,600 Rakuten Inc 582 12,300 Nitto Denko Corp 581

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI JAPAN SRI UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 254,700 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 9,369 28,700 Nintendo Co Ltd 11,160 156,700 Sony Corp 9,254 172,700 Sony Corp 10,779 155,200 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 8,538 110,100 Denso Corp 4,974 216,700 KDDI Corp 6,048 130,900 KDDI Corp 3,736 201,100 Honda Motor Co Ltd 5,437 92,700 Honda Motor Co Ltd 2,585 287,200 Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd 5,313 98,500 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 2,366 13,800 Nintendo Co Ltd 5,199 222,800 Rakuten Inc 1,939 54,400 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4,758 37,400 Kikkoman Corp 1,885 60,200 Kao Corp 4,659 97,000 Osaka Gas Co Ltd 1,806 164,400 NTT DOCOMO Inc 4,348 58,600 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 1,799 30,500 Daikin Industries Ltd 4,175 84,700 Nikon Corp 1,157 71,400 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 3,777 27,400 Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd 995 19,400 Tokyo Electron Ltd 3,756 34,000 Stanley Electric Co Ltd 933 234,800 Astellas Pharma Inc 3,719 56,900 Hitachi Metals Ltd 778 40,600 Sysmex Corp 2,958 7,300 Kao Corp 557 115,300 Komatsu Ltd 2,720 13,400 Kaneka Corp 435 277,700 Panasonic Corp 2,440 15,600 NTT DOCOMO Inc 372 41,700 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 2,436 7,300 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 337 53,200 Denso Corp 2,396 23,100 Astellas Pharma Inc 331 69,500 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 2,288 2,600 Daikin Industries Ltd 326 131,100 Kubota Corp 2,070 23,900 Fujitsu Ltd 1,984 31,000 Eisai Co Ltd 1,942 49,100 Taisei Corp 1,909 158,900 Asahi Kasei Corp 1,741 46,400 Tobu Railway Co Ltd 1,733 41,600 Sompo Holdings Inc 1,670 87,400 Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1,659 59,100 Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 1,628 81,000 Aeon Co Ltd 1,600 78,100 Sekisui House Ltd 1,592 41,700 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc 1,529

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI USA ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 19,213 Microsoft Corp 2,684 1,474 Celgene Corp 159 10,415 Apple Inc 2,422 421 Apple Inc 93 898 Inc 1,579 1,183 BB&T Corp 64 893 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 1,091 192 Netflix Inc 61 5,227 Facebook Inc 965 32 Inc 59 3,609 Home Depot Inc 834 430 Microsoft Corp 57 6,131 Johnson & Johnson 808 241 Amgen Inc 54 3,522 NextEra Energy Inc 807 248 Home Depot Inc 53 6,638 Procter & Gamble Co 805 761 Exxon Mobil Corp 53 626 Alphabet Inc 767 41 Alphabet Inc 47 5,312 PepsiCo Inc 730 38 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 46 4,088 Visa Inc 723 90 BlackRock Inc* 43 6,048 JPMorgan Chase & Co 710 291 IQVIA Holdings Inc 43 3,162 Accenture Plc 596 232 Union Pacific Corp 41 10,983 Coca-Cola Co 590 257 Mohawk Industries Inc 36 19,344 Bank of America Corp 569 391 Prologis Inc 35 2,024 Mastercard Inc 556 206 Autodesk Inc 35 10,537 Intel Corp 548 169 Raytheon Co 35 4,160 Walt Disney Co 546 360 Valero Energy Corp 35 6,438 Merck & Co Inc 544 1,096 Bank of America Corp 34

*Investment in related party.

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI USA ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 25,463 Apple Inc 6,345 2,407 Celgene Corp 261 40,143 Microsoft Corp 5,853 591 Apple Inc 145 2,324 Inc 4,138 417 Worldpay Inc 56 13,385 Facebook Inc 2,598 768 Anadarko Petroleum Corp 56 17,900 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2,246 1,436 Bank of America Corp 47 1,757 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 2,230 1,498 H&R Block Inc 37 1,683 Alphabet Inc 2,135 280 JPMorgan Chase & Co 36 14,645 Johnson & Johnson 1,975 24 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 31 9,581 Visa Inc 1,721 2,016 Macy’s Inc 31 13,905 Procter & Gamble Co 1,676 1,602 L Brands Inc 31 23,497 Exxon Mobil Corp 1,636 403 Citigroup Inc 30 49,960 Bank of America Corp 1,586 23 Alphabet Inc 30 7,316 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1,577 536 Wells Fargo & Co 29 40,616 AT&T Inc 1,507 2,984 Qurate Retail Inc 28 10,010 Walt Disney Co 1,432 618 CIT Group Inc 28 5,022 Mastercard Inc 1,407 489 Oracle Corp 27 5,243 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1,375 309 Affiliated Managers Group Inc 26 24,674 Intel Corp 1,373 1,705 Parsley Energy Inc 25 23,034 Verizon Communications Inc 1,365 614 Brighthouse Financial Inc 25 6,069 Home Depot Inc 1,350 618 Helmerich & Payne Inc 23

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 862,992 Microsoft Corp 119,369 1,384,367 Microsoft Corp 208,268 172,224 Home Depot Inc 38,396 195,971 McDonald’s Corp 38,155 272,666 Walt Disney Co 37,755 141,128 Linde Plc 28,865 298,822 Procter & Gamble Co 35,627 290,454 ConocoPhillips 17,413 256,521 PepsiCo Inc 34,647 307,326 Charles Schwab Corp 14,992 89,067 Adobe Inc 25,951 70,003 Sempra Energy 10,242 162,066 Inc 24,921 84,009 Consolidated Edison Inc 7,271 109,168 Amgen Inc 23,048 80,742 WEC Energy Group Inc 7,176 117,275 Accenture Plc 22,731 81,304 Eversource Energy 6,700 229,501 NIKE Inc 20,647 349,002 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 5,542 106,843 NVIDIA Corp 20,419 43,007 Pioneer Natural Resources Co 5,515 89,958 McDonald’s Corp 18,929 39,532 Boston Properties Inc 5,461 81,656 American Tower Corp 17,888 45,596 Procter & Gamble Co 5,208 128,528 American Express Co 15,424 23,175 Home Depot Inc 4,910 231,926 Gilead Sciences Inc 15,259 72,621 CMS Energy Corp 4,469 128,792 United Parcel Service Inc 15,089 69,848 Hess Corp 4,423 25,369 Sherwin-Williams Co 14,896 30,643 Walt Disney Co 4,225 65,966 CME Group Inc 13,728 160,707 Baker Hughes Co 3,634 101,950 Caterpillar Inc 13,637 128,740 CenterPoint Energy Inc 3,184 83,512 Chubb Ltd 12,808 23,913 PepsiCo Inc 3,157 49,813 Becton Dickinson and Co 12,593 64,790 Linde Plc 12,536 69,191 Cigna Corp 12,162 85,537 Marriott International Inc 11,983 80,491 PNC Financial Services Group Inc* 11,488 100,580 Allstate Corp 11,328

*Investment in related party.

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI WORLD ESG ENHANCED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 2,480 Microsoft Corp 324 1,204 Microsoft Corp 163 1,187 Apple Inc 226 663 Apple Inc 138 155 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 178 59 Inc 104 96 Inc 171 80 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 96 635 Home Depot Inc 135 80 Alphabet Inc 94 90 Alphabet Inc 106 200 Nintendo Co Ltd 77 546 Accenture Plc 103 307 Home Depot Inc 68 552 Facebook Inc 99 469 Procter & Gamble Co 57 702 PepsiCo Inc 93 267 Accenture Plc 52 807 Procter & Gamble Co 90 282 Facebook Inc 51 403 NextEra Energy Inc 85 587 Merck & Co Inc 51 645 Johnson & Johnson 85 361 PepsiCo Inc 49 504 3M Co 81 222 Amgen Inc 48 523 Inc 80 1,026 Intel Corp 47 639 Chevron Corp 74 688 Exxon Mobil Corp 47 200 Nintendo Co Ltd 73 210 NextEra Energy Inc 46 1,664 Diageo Plc 72 252 Visa Inc 45 369 Amgen Inc 72 408 Nestle SA 45 672 Nestle SA 71 333 Texas Instruments Inc 40 316 Allianz SE 70 137 Mastercard Inc 38

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI WORLD ESG SCREENED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 48,586 Microsoft Corp 6,678 24,170 Apple Inc 5,056 31,291 Apple Inc 6,565 36,554 Microsoft Corp 5,048 2,794 Inc 5,454 2,096 Inc 3,889 16,030 Facebook Inc 3,192 11,986 Facebook Inc 2,309 21,952 JPMorgan Chase & Co 2,533 16,828 JPMorgan Chase & Co 1,904 2,076 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 2,415 1,554 Alphabet Inc Class ’C’ 1,878 17,858 Johnson & Johnson 2,354 1,508 Alphabet Inc 1,826 2,006 Alphabet Inc 2,334 13,454 Johnson & Johnson 1,753 20,782 Nestle SA 2,182 16,255 Nestle SA 1,745 28,433 Exxon Mobil Corp 2,127 8,990 Visa Inc 1,611 11,815 Visa Inc 2,112 21,240 Exxon Mobil Corp 1,539 16,876 Procter & Gamble Co 1,961 12,676 Procter & Gamble Co 1,479 8,790 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1,834 47,712 Bank of America Corp 1,410 61,618 Bank of America Corp 1,819 6,615 Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1,335 12,180 Walt Disney Co 1,713 9,167 Walt Disney Co 1,300 6,127 Mastercard Inc 1,684 4,627 Mastercard Inc 1,268 49,354 AT&T Inc 1,678 37,071 AT&T Inc 1,265 6,421 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1,670 22,760 Cisco Systems Inc 1,259 29,725 Cisco Systems Inc 1,652 5,776 Home Depot Inc 1,230 7,534 Home Depot Inc 1,637 4,842 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1,207

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES MSCI WORLD SRI UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 135,504 Microsoft Corp 18,744 300,341 Microsoft Corp 44,863 89,264 NIKE Inc 8,331 168,231 TOTAL SA 8,886 69,337 Procter & Gamble Co 8,219 80,216 ConocoPhillips 4,779 50,211 Walt Disney Co 7,135 78,492 Unilever Plc 4,614 30,563 Home Depot Inc 6,667 16,555 S&P Global Inc 4,393 104,644 Unilever NV 6,135 15,552 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 3,613 19,549 Roche Holding AG 5,634 112,094 Suncor Energy Inc 3,507 26,927 Cigna Corp 5,396 45,246 Bank of Montreal 3,441 38,792 PepsiCo Inc 5,199 19,420 Sempra Energy 2,846 16,555 S&P Global Inc 4,260 239,506 National Grid Plc 2,777 248,863 Westpac Banking Corp 4,198 44,800 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc 2,447 27,177 Inc 4,182 10,605 Home Depot Inc 2,339 13,710 Adobe Inc 4,044 19,632 Procter & Gamble Co 2,331 18,197 Accenture Plc 3,541 3,700 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 2,267 27,359 SAP SE 3,508 22,365 WEC Energy Group Inc 1,996 5,920 Sherwin-Williams Co 3,476 22,768 Consolidated Edison Inc 1,981 16,373 Amgen Inc 3,355 14,397 Walt Disney Co 1,922 116,200 Honda Motor Co Ltd 3,312 13,300 Oriental Land Co Ltd 1,873 16,727 NVIDIA Corp 3,072 21,852 Eversource Energy 1,806 11,580 ASML Holding NV 2,790 102,998 Repsol SA 1,649

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 5,258 Illumina Inc 1,705 37,911 Celgene Corp 4,056 7,222 Amgen Inc 1,450 4,527 Amgen Inc 918 21,388 Gilead Sciences Inc 1,378 3,138 Biogen Inc 781 6,454 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,194 7,774 Gilead Sciences Inc 529 11,066 Celgene Corp 1,081 1,380 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 280 3,343 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,034 794 Illumina Inc 250 3,179 Biogen Inc 789 538 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 186 5,634 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 611 1,258 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 142 5,375 Incyte Corp 437 2,170 Genomic Health Inc 138 4,597 Seattle Genetics Inc 404 1,169 Incyte Corp 105 4,533 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 337 943 Seattle Genetics Inc 100 2,944 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 253 4,787 Alder Biopharmaceuticals Inc 89 12,952 Mylan NV 242 1,020 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 80 2,326 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 225 610 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 65 3,582 Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 221 3,047 Mylan NV 58 2,591 Novocure Ltd 209 513 Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 55 1,955 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 203 424 Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 51 1,316 Sage Therapeutics Inc 203 341 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 49 951 Bio-Techne Corp 195 550 Novocure Ltd 49 1,395 Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 186 1,723 Dova Pharmaceuticals Inc 48

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES OMX STOCKHOLM CAPPED UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment SEK’000 Quantity Investment SEK’000 95,822 Assa Abloy AB 18,890 694,769 Nordea Bank Abp 46,862 57,652 L E Lundbergforetagen AB 18,123 205,138 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 16,803 135,561 Tele2 AB 17,879 66,177 Assa Abloy AB 14,781 182,824 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 15,640 103,538 Volvo AB Class ’B’ 14,517 91,781 Volvo AB Class ’B’ 12,713 43,226 Atlas Copco AB 13,988 93,719 Swedbank AB 12,568 27,715 Investor AB Class ’B’ 13,439 51,718 Nordic Entertainment Group AB 11,738 42,698 Essity AB 12,549 38,999 Atlas Copco AB 11,340 65,066 Hennes & Mauritz AB 12,161 38,619 Essity AB 11,308 67,855 Sandvik AB 10,987 25,081 Investor AB Class ’B’ 11,295 49,103 Intrum AB 10,745 14,380 AstraZeneca Plc 11,002 25,107 Millicom International Cellular SA 10,477 90,794 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 8,254 56,027 ABB Ltd 10,414 17,825 Hexagon AB 8,201 100,910 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 9,518 50,865 Sandvik AB 7,816 97,294 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 8,872 87,167 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 7,556 18,351 Hexagon AB 8,806 115,635 Nyfosa AB 6,966 61,918 Swedbank AB 8,451 162,986 Telia Co AB 6,792 182,597 Telia Co AB 7,845 38,829 Hennes & Mauritz AB 6,738 8,206 AstraZeneca Plc 7,471 456,925 Klovern AB 6,568 36,008 Industrivarden AB 7,172 16,325 ICA Gruppen AB 6,421 24,291 Atlas Copco AB Class ’B’ 6,902 21,592 Atlas Copco AB Class ’B’ 5,615 27,226 Electrolux AB 6,260 63,723 Bilia AB 5,136 24,933 Boliden AB 5,909 27,749 Skanska AB 4,747 22,706 Kinnevik AB 5,752 72,100 Nordea Bank Abp 4,742 46,163 Bonava AB 5,228 11,149 Swedish Match AB 4,644 7,786 Autoliv Inc 5,180 23,812 ABB Ltd 4,452 29,994 Atrium Ljungberg AB 4,904 31,337 Elekta AB 3,997 11,199 Swedish Match AB 4,831 29,684 Getinge AB 3,962 54,107 Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA 4,692 36,556 Epiroc AB 3,604 33,466 Tele2 AB 4,671 23,874 Castellum AB 4,640 41,966 Epiroc AB 4,510 22,258 Skanska AB 4,495 25,171 SKF AB 4,249

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


SCHEDULE OF MATERIAL PURCHASES AND SALES (continued) For the financial period ended 30 November 2019 iSHARES TA-35 ISRAEL UCITS ETF

Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 166,010 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 1,356 7,780 Perrigo Co Plc 408 7,194 Perrigo Co Plc 352 51,656 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 345 69,001 Shikun & Binui Ltd 241 2,261 Nice Ltd 322 1,912 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 239 1,160,814 Isramco Negev 2 LP 232 11,562 Energean Oil & Gas Plc 152 2,435 Ormat Technologies Inc 163 809 Nice Ltd 121 1,195 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 156 13,485 Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 95 34,690 Israel Discount Bank Ltd 147 11,996 Bank Hapoalim BM 94 15,570 Bank Hapoalim BM 116 18,311 Israel Discount Bank Ltd 79 22,893 Israel Chemicals Ltd 109 432 Elbit Systems Ltd 69 2,801 LivePerson Inc 108 12,091 Israel Chemicals Ltd 58 4,189 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 100 2,319 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 57 569 Elbit Systems Ltd 93 669 Azrieli Group Ltd 50 1,266 Azrieli Group Ltd 91 557 Ormat Technologies Inc 38 11,793 Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 84 1,715 Tower Semiconductor Ltd 33 3,105 Tower Semiconductor Ltd 60 2,235 Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd 31 4,025 Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd 55 3,840 Amot Investments Ltd 27 1,515 Strauss Group Ltd 46 844 Strauss Group Ltd 26 1,718 First International Bank Of Israel Ltd 45 164 Paz Oil Co Ltd 24 304 Paz Oil Co Ltd 43 871 First International Bank Of Israel Ltd 23 63,099 Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp Ltd 43 2,250 Airport City Ltd 41 15,066 Delek Drilling LP 39 5,434 Shufersal Ltd 37 605 Melisron Ltd 35 2,825 Energean Oil & Gas Plc 34

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 16,000 Nomura Holdings Inc 63 354 Procter & Gamble Co 39 1,014 Owens Corning 60 6,939 NIB holdings Ltd 37 800 Fujitsu Ltd 60 268 Microsoft Corp 36 2,506 NortonLifeLock Inc 57 15 Barry Callebaut AG 30 376 Inc 56 741 Hormel Foods Corp 30 2,408 Newcrest Mining Ltd 56 791 Coca-Cola HBC AG 30 2,200 NTT DOCOMO Inc 55 2,211 Telefonica Brasil SA 29 18,767 Star Entertainment Grp Ltd 54 1,992 Orica Ltd 28 1,792 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 54 630 Koninklijke Philips NV 27 80,000 Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co Ltd 54 238 Texas Instruments Inc 27 634 AstraZeneca Plc 54 638 Sun Life Financial Inc 26 22,000 Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 53 1,600 Mitsui & Co Ltd 26 96,509 Telecom Italia SpA 53 188 International Business Machines Corp 26 2,775 National Australia Bank Ltd 52 1,400 Ajinomoto Co Inc 24 654 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 52 2,780 Vodacom Group Ltd 24 72,000 First Financial Holding Co Ltd 52 6,635 Woolworths Holdings Ltd 23 922 State Street Corp 52 786 Evonik Industries AG 23 38,000 Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd 51 475 Altria Group Inc 22 1,781 Bank of America Corp 51 15,000 Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd 22 3,282 Repsol SA 51 216 Henkel AG & Co KGaA (Preference) 21 558 American Electric Power Co Inc 50 118 Aeroports de Paris 21 610 Abbott Laboratories 50 371 Daimler AG 21 2,623 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 50 1,726 UBS Group AG 21 1,600 Japan Airlines Co Ltd 50 640 Hankook Tire & Technology Co Ltd 19 3,781 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 50 199 Tiffany & Co 19 26,805 Barclays Plc 49 2,358 Deutsche Bank AG 18 385 Caterpillar Inc 49 6,530 Kingfisher Plc 18 5,730 Standard Chartered Plc 49 381 Newmont Goldcorp Corp 15 110 BlackRock Inc 49 224 Thomson Reuters Corp 14 7,442 BP Plc 49 137 Nestle SA 14 11,362 Banco Santander SA 48 45 adidas AG 14 37,938 AusNet Services 48 153 Merck & Co Inc 13 716 Rio Tinto Ltd 47 99 Ingersoll-Rand Plc 13 1,760 Naturgy Energy Group SA 47 40 Roche Holding AG 11 7,017 Iluka Resources Ltd 45 56 Linde Plc 11 8,200 Kasikornbank PCL 45 200 Sony Corp 11 1,865 Piramal Enterprises Ltd 43 2,182 Snam SpA 11 2,636 PG&E Corp 43 1,469 Societe Generale SA 38 19,807 Vodafone Group Plc 37



The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 2,603 CIT Group Inc 125 2,934 Sotheby’s 168 6,940 Signet Jewelers Ltd 122 2,158 QUALCOMM Inc 153 1,256 Arch Coal Inc 109 1,062 Genesee & Wyoming Inc 113 1,380 QUALCOMM Inc 101 1,575 SunTrust Banks Inc 103 12,286 CNX Resources Corp 97 1,954 CIT Group Inc 97 15,450 Realogy Holdings Corp 96 92 White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd 94 3,122 Terex Corp 91 1,677 Teradyne Inc 85 972 SL Green Realty Corp 82 2,813 Jabil Inc 83 75 White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd 77 1,323 Voya Financial Inc 72 3,044 NetScout Systems Inc 75 490 Whirlpool Corp 69 1,223 Oracle Corp 69 1,877 Legg Mason Inc 69 1,256 Voya Financial Inc 69 899 Visteon Corp 66 396 Deckers Outdoor Corp 66 12,426 Colony Capital Inc 65 4,295 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 64 2,535 Gentex Corp 64 2,986 Piedmont Office Realty Trust Inc 62 2,513 Kroger Co 61 11,090 Colony Capital Inc 59 476 Lithia Motors Inc 61 2,605 Kroger Co 59 349 Deckers Outdoor Corp 59 1,045 Cisco Systems Inc 57 653 Arch Coal Inc 58 1,294 Assured Guaranty Ltd 56 657 Asbury Automotive Group Inc 58 382 Whirlpool Corp 54 1,092 Oracle Corp 58 1,705 Corning Inc 54 656 SL Green Realty Corp 58 1,760 Jabil Inc 54 3,879 Regions Financial Corp 57 604 Children’s Place Inc 53 735 Manhattan Associates Inc 55 1,231 Foot Locker Inc 51 2,546 Piedmont Office Realty Trust Inc 54 3,451 Regions Financial Corp 50 133 Charter Communications Inc 53 1,576 Franklin Resources Inc 50 1,446 Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc 52 661 Hyatt Hotels Corp 50 3,442 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co 50 2,621 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 49 1,104 Assured Guaranty Ltd 48 604 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 49 502 Phillips 66 46 1,778 Juniper Networks Inc 47 928 Cirrus Logic Inc 46 1,341 Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc 47 1,609 Terex Corp 46 493 Phillips 66 46 699 Medpace Holdings Inc 46 490 ManpowerGroup Inc 46 827 Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 45 1,688 Park Hotels & Resorts Inc 45 449 FirstCash Inc 44 962 Teradyne Inc 45 575 Hyatt Hotels Corp 43 1,416 Ally Financial Inc 43

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.



Purchases Cost Sales Proceeds Quantity Investment USD’000 Quantity Investment USD’000 58,600,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3% 20/11/2049 60,260 56,768,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/11/2048 57,507 56,768,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/11/2048 57,502 49,285,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/09/2033 50,428 49,285,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/09/2033 50,447 47,631,000 Ginnie Mae 3% 15/08/2048 48,985 47,631,000 Ginnie Mae 3% 15/08/2048 48,816 38,087,000 Ginnie Mae 3% 15/09/2048 38,956 40,541,379 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.5% 20/10/2049 42,046 36,572,417 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3% 20/01/2047 37,360 38,087,000 Ginnie Mae 3% 15/09/2048 38,985 29,780,501 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4% 01/01/2049 30,881 30,849,485 Fannie Mae Pool 3.5% 11/01/2049 31,751 27,550,000 Ginnie Mae 3.5% 15/11/2046 28,500 29,000,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.5% 20/08/2049 30,085 26,200,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.5% 15/11/2033 26,334 27,550,000 Ginnie Mae 3.5% 15/11/2046 28,514 25,662,000 Ginnie Mae 3% 15/10/2048 26,324 27,454,925 Freddie Mac Pool 3% 11/01/2049 27,845 25,725,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/08/2033 26,309 26,200,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4% 20/11/2049 27,457 25,225,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.5% 15/09/2033 25,466 26,200,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.5% 15/11/2033 26,420 24,110,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/10/2033 24,698 25,662,000 Ginnie Mae 3% 15/10/2048 26,253 23,261,500 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.5% 15/11/2048 23,858 25,725,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/08/2033 26,246 23,300,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.5% 15/10/2033 23,598 25,000,000 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4% 20/08/2049 26,148 21,150,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/08/2048 22,699 24,761,893 Fannie Mae Pool 4% 07/01/2049 26,132 22,344,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 12/12/2049 22,662 25,225,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.5% 15/09/2033 25,507 21,150,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/06/2049 22,586 24,110,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/10/2033 24,682 21,150,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/07/2049 22,545 24,384,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 12/12/2049 24,657 22,065,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/11/2033 22,507 23,261,500 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.5% 15/11/2048 23,849 21,492,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4% 15/11/2048 22,287 23,201,588 Fannie Mae Pool 3% 01/01/2048 23,693 19,584,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.5% 15/11/2048 20,576 23,300,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 2.5% 15/10/2033 23,554 18,944,464 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.5% 20/11/2047 19,599 21,150,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/08/2048 22,632 17,863,615 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3% 20/08/2049 18,394 21,150,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/07/2049 22,571 17,155,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.5% 15/08/2048 18,022 22,065,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/11/2033 22,548 17,020,000 Ginnie Mae 4% 15/09/2048 17,695 21,492,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4% 15/11/2048 22,278 16,309,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 4.5% 15/10/2048 17,170 16,400,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.5% 15/11/2033 16,954 16,368,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3% 15/10/2048 16,678 15,650,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 3.5% 15/09/2033 16,179 14,500,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/09/2048 15,654 14,500,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/11/2048 15,625 14,500,000 Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac 5.5% 15/10/2048 15,610

The CBI requires a Schedule of material changes in the composition of the portfolio during the financial period. These are defined as aggregate purchases of a security exceeding one per cent of the total value of purchases for the financial period and aggregate disposals greater than one per cent of the total value of sales. At a minimum the largest 20 purchases and 20 sales must be given or all purchases and sales if less than 20. A full listing of the portfolio changes for the financial period is available, upon request, at no cost from the Administrator.


CALENDAR YEAR PERFORMANCE The following table summarises the performance on a calendar year basis for each Fund registered for distribution in Switzerland.

The Fund performance figures are based on the NAV calculated in accordance with the prospectus for the calendar year under review with any dividends reinvested. Due to FRS 102 requirements which apply to the financial statements, there may be differences between the NAV per share as recorded in the financial statements and the NAV per share calculated in accordance with the prospectus.

The returns disclosed are the performance returns for the primary share class for each Fund, net of fees, which has been selected as a representative share class. The primary share class represents the class of share invested in by the majority of investors in the Fund and also takes into account other relevant factors such as the Fund’s base currency. Performance returns for any other share class can be made available on request.

2019 2018 2017 2016 Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Fund index Fund index Fund index Fund index Launch return return return return return return return return Fund name Date % % % % % % % %

iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF Oct-13 5.60 5.76 0.99 1.14 2.02 2.24 1.89 2.08 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF Oct-13 8.05 8.63 0.46 0.85 4.53 4.93 11.69 12.46 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF Jan-15 18.38 18.51 (2.14) (1.98) 8.80 8.99 1.23 1.41 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF Oct-13 2.91 2.96 2.06 2.13 1.42 1.50 1.17 1.35 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF Jan-15 18.55 18.62 4.72 4.79 (1.75) (1.69) 12.59 12.62 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF Oct-13 0.21 0.24 (0.52) (0.46) (0.01) 0.01 0.20 0.19 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF1 Sep-16 15.75 16.14 (12.87) (12.72) 21.56 21.75 (0.77) (0.80) iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF1 Sep-16 31.73 32.13 (18.27) (18.02) 46.78 46.95 3.42 3.21 iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF1 Jul-19 (0.71) (0.69) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF1 Sep-18 26.15 26.26 (12.56) (12.63) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF1 Sep-16 23.43 23.72 (4.42) (4.12) 27.80 27.91 (7.04) (6.96) iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF1 Mar-18 21.30 21.06 (13.63) (13.72) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF Jan-15 27.32 27.48 (9.85) (9.69) 10.90 11.07 2.67 3.14 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF Sep-15 22.13 22.25 (10.83) (10.66) 12.24 12.48 0.44 0.79 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF Jan-15 27.34 27.28 (6.59) (6.62) 10.13 10.15 (1.30) (1.16) iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF Jan-15 24.07 23.83 (13.16) (13.24) 13.69 13.72 1.94 2.10 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF Jan-15 19.02 18.61 (13.55) (13.72) 9.71 9.42 5.83 5.70 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF1 Oct-16 25.14 25.24 (1.96) (2.02) 37.16 37.24 0.12 0.10 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF Sep-15 23.16 23.24 (10.18) (10.15) 20.79 20.75 12.87 12.96 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF1 Oct-16 29.90 29.88 (6.15) (6.21) 21.82 21.74 4.31 4.29 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF1 Oct-16 25.96 25.99 (10.07) (10.21) 17.92 17.82 5.59 5.64



2019 2018 2017 2016 Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Fund index Fund index Fund index Fund index Launch return return return return return return return return Fund name Date % % % % % % % %

iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF1 Oct-16 22.83 22.45 (11.52) (11.72) 21.46 21.28 9.34 9.31 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF Oct-14 24.37 24.61 (2.97) (2.76) 31.91 32.09 4.05 4.19 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF Sep-15 18.97 19.27 (11.76) (11.48) 26.18 26.54 4.97 5.33 iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF Oct-14 26.26 26.37 (7.31) (7.20) 23.09 23.21 5.03 5.05 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF Oct-14 20.60 20.62 (14.07) (13.98) 23.99 23.90 8.25 8.67 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF Oct-14 15.38 15.22 (13.90) (13.93) 22.16 22.15 8.14 8.13 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF1 Feb-19 2.29 2.31 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF1 Jun-16 13.02 13.63 (5.12) (4.49) 12.94 13.73 4.06 4.48 iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF1 Sep-16 8.86 8.99 (2.29) (2.11) 35.03 35.43 (10.34) (10.30) iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF1 Jun-19 0.98 1.20 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI China A UCITS ETF Apr-15 25.14 25.79 (26.06) (28.54) 27.82 25.63 (17.88) (17.76) iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 Oct-19 0.41 0.41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF1 Oct-18 10.03 10.15 0.08 0.01 N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF1 Jul-16 8.96 9.44 (10.35) (10.02) 33.85 34.20 0.24 0.42 iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 Mar-19 13.93 13.40 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF1 Oct-18 24.00 23.42 (6.99) (7.01) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF Sep-13 27.08 23.77 (12.04) (12.14) 11.20 11.09 4.65 4.42 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF Sep-13 26.04 25.38 (14.98) (14.94) 18.99 18.98 3.80 4.02 iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 Mar-19 11.57 11.38 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF1 Oct-18 23.86 23.50 (5.88) (5.87) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF Sep-14 27.48 26.60 (7.72) (8.36) 13.88 13.09 8.90 8.02 iShares MSCI India UCITS ETF1 May-18 5.29 5.96 (0.75) 0.08 N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 Mar-19 14.29 14.49 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF1 Oct-18 18.22 18.49 (9.43) (9.31) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF1 Mar-17 20.25 20.65 (13.65) (13.41) 17.32 17.60 N/A N/A iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 Mar-19 9.43 9.29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF1 Oct-18 27.57 27.39 (9.03) (9.07) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF1 Jul-16 28.62 28.67 (1.95) (1.90) 23.38 23.40 6.58 6.58



2019 2018 2017 2016 Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Fund index Fund index Fund index Fund index Launch return return return return return return return return Fund name Date % % % % % % % %

iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF1 Mar-19 14.36 14.12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF1 Oct-18 24.31 24.34 (8.31) (8.31) N/A N/A N/A N/A iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF1 Oct-17 26.57 26.61 (2.18) (2.13) 2.73 2.76 N/A N/A iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF1 Oct-17 23.49 23.79 (9.20) (9.00) (4.34) (4.28) N/A N/A iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF1 Jan-16 24.49 24.41 (10.70) (10.40) 13.15 12.88 2.92 3.30 iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF Feb-15 25.06 25.37 (14.98) (14.67) 15.53 16.00 19.34 19.72 iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF1 May-16 5.78 6.06 0.58 0.99 2.20 2.47 (0.53) (0.51)

1 The Fund commenced trading during the calendar year. Returns are shown from launch date to the end of the calendar year.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product. All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of your investment and the income from it will vary and your initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed. The performance figures do not consider charges and fees that may be levied at the time of subscription or redemption of shares. Levels and bases of taxation may change from time to time.


In accordance with the requirements of the CBI, the Manager shall ensure that any transactions carried out between each Fund and the Manager or Depositary to a Fund, the delegates or sub-delegates of the Manager or Depositary (excluding any non-group company sub-custodians appointed by a Depositary) and any associated or group company of the Manager, Depositary, delegate or sub-delegate (“Connected Persons”) must be conducted at arm’s length and in the best interests of the shareholders.

The Directors are satisfied that there are arrangements in place, as evidenced by written procedures, to ensure that the obligations set out above are applied to all transactions with Connected Persons and that transactions with Connected Persons entered into during the financial period complied with this obligation.


SOFT COMMISSIONS There were no soft commission arrangements entered into by the Investment Manager on behalf of each Fund during the financial period ended 30 November 2019.


As at 30 November 2019 there were no cross umbrella investments held by any Fund within the Entity.


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Efficient Portfolio Management Techniques The Entity may, on behalf of each Fund and subject to the conditions and within the limits laid down by the CBI, employ techniques and instruments relating to transferable securities for efficient portfolio management purposes. Transactions for the purposes of efficient portfolio managementmay be undertaken with a view to achieving a reduction in risk, a reduction in costs or the generation of additional capital or income for the Fund with an appropriate level of risk, taking into account the risk profile of the relevant Fund and the general provisions of the Directive. These techniques and instruments may include investments in FDI such as interest rate and bond futures (which may be used to manage interest rate risk), index futures (which may be used to manage cash flows on a short term basis), options (which may be used to achieve cost efficiencies, for example where the acquisition of the option is more cost effective than purchasing of the underlying asset), swaps (which may be used to manage currency risk) and investments in money market instruments and/or money market collective investment schemes. New techniques and instruments may be developed which may be suitable for use by the Entity and the Entity (subject to the Central Bank’s requirements) may employ such techniques and instruments.

A Fund may enter into securities lending, repurchase and/or reverse repurchase agreements for the purposes of efficient portfolio management subject to the conditions and limits set out in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations and in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank.

The underlying exposure obtained through FDI and at the identity of the counterparties to these FDIs at the financial period end are disclosed on the relevant Fund’s schedule of investments.

Securities Lending All securities lending transactions entered into by each Fund are subject to a written legal agreement between each Fund and the securities lending agent, BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited, a related party to the Entity, and separately between the securities lending agent and the approved borrowing counterparty. Collateral received in exchange for securities lent is transferred under a title transfer arrangement and is delivered to and held in an account with a tri-party collateral manager in the name of the Depositary on behalf of each Fund. Collateral received is segregated from the assets belonging to each Fund’s Depositary or the securities lending agent.

The following table details the value of securities on loan as a proportion of each Fund’s total lendable assets and NAV, as at 30 November 2019. Totallendable assets represent the aggregate value of assets forming part of a Fund’s securities lending programme. This excludes any assets held by the Fund that are not considered lendable due to any market, regulatory, investment or other restriction.

Securities on loan %of lendable %of Fund Currency assets NAV iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD 0.74 0.70 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD 3.57 3.15 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD 0.83 0.77 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD 0.64 0.60 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP 2.65 2.44 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR 6.08 5.69 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR 5.53 5.16 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD 10.79 9.66 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD 19.01 16.36 iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD 25.04 20.86 iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD 22.20 20.01 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 4.63 2.93 iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR 5.90 5.55



Securities on loan %of lendable %of Fund Currency assets NAV iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR 3.13 2.91 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR 9.09 8.55 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR 4.74 4.48 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR 17.26 16.26 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR 7.54 7.13 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD 6.95 6.45 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD 4.73 4.48 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD 5.10 4.72 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD 10.51 9.95 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 5.06 4.75 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD 4.88 4.52 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD 8.83 8.35 iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD 7.87 7.44 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD 15.36 14.49 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD 9.39 8.85 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD 10.00 8.56 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD 6.05 5.59 iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD 26.60 24.53 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR 3.07 2.90 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR 14.86 14.06 iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR 9.34 8.87 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD 9.45 8.97 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK 12.61 11.51 iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD 5.32 4.98 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD 6.45 5.75 iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD 8.43 7.99 The total income earned from securities lending transactions is split between the relevant Fund and the Securities Lending Agent. Each Fund receives 62.5% while securities lending agent receives 37.5% of such income with all operational costs borne out of the securities lending agent’s share.

The following tables detail the value of securities on loan (individually identified in the relevant Fund’s Schedule of Investments), analysed by counterparty as at 30 November 2019.



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 6,740 6,976 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 5,397 5,792 Societe Generale SA 4,476 4,670 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 3,872 4,046 The Bank of Nova Scotia 2,697 2,974 Nomura International Plc 1,946 2,058 Total 25,128 26,516

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 Barclays Bank Plc 9,749 10,183 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 7,601 8,157 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 6,377 6,599 Goldman Sachs International 4,169 4,474 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 2,862 3,109 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 2,102 2,197 UBS AG 1,448 1,588 The Bank of Nova Scotia 526 580 BNP Paribas SA 210 223 Total 35,044 37,110

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 The Bank of Nova Scotia 5,382 5,961 Macquarie Bank Limited 2,164 2,292 Total 7,546 8,253

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 Societe Generale SA 2,378 2,480 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 2,269 2,348 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 603 630 Nomura International Plc 511 541 Total 5,761 5,999



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 GBP’000 HSBC Bank Plc 14,791 16,315 BNP Paribas SA 2,492 2,644 Barclays Bank Plc 1,705 1,780 RBC Europe Limited 1,605 1,717 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 1,247 1,304 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 1,200 1,288 Goldman Sachs International 903 969 Nomura International Plc 600 635 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 536 555 Total 25,079 27,207

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 2,815 2,915 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 1,563 1,678 Total 4,378 4,593

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 60,299 63,021 Goldman Sachs International 36,579 39,257 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 13,059 14,241 BNP Paribas SA 10,517 11,158 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 10,273 10,632 Barclays Bank Plc 8,991 9,390 Deutsche Bank AG 6,071 6,652 UBS AG 4,855 5,056 HSBC Bank Plc 4,804 5,298 Nomura International Plc 502 531 Societe Generale SA 200 209 Total 156,150 165,445



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 5,997 6,718 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 4,610 4,872 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 3,133 3,533 HSBC Bank Plc 3,111 3,426 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 2,516 2,827 The Bank of Nova Scotia 1,985 2,198 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 1,953 2,166 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 993 1,191 Macquarie Bank Limited 616 679 Societe Generale SA 576 644 Goldman Sachs International 218 230 Total 25,708 28,484

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 99,982 111,969 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 64,336 72,562 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 62,340 65,888 The Bank of Nova Scotia 53,378 59,090 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 26,981 29,930 HSBC Bank Plc 16,740 18,436 Societe Generale SA 15,704 17,574 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 11,593 13,027 Goldman Sachs International 7,150 7,541 Macquarie Bank Limited 4,778 5,271 Total 362,982 401,288



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 19,559 20,670 UBS AG 13,906 15,573 The Bank of Nova Scotia 4,800 5,314 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 2,883 3,199 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 2,858 3,181 Goldman Sachs International 2,601 2,743 Societe Generale SA 2,564 2,870 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 1,562 1,762 Macquarie Bank Limited 1,108 1,222 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 1,103 1,240 Total 52,944 57,774

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 42,077 44,470 UBS AG 12,339 13,818 The Bank of Nova Scotia 11,345 12,560 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 8,540 9,632 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 6,895 7,649 HSBC Bank Plc 6,250 6,883 Goldman Sachs International 6,209 6,549 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 5,590 6,282 Macquarie Bank Limited 1,126 1,242 Total 100,371 109,085

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 1,725 1,931 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 249 281 HSBC Bank Plc 20 22 Total 1,994 2,234



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 UBS AG 169 189 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 140 157 HSBC Bank Plc 39 43 The Bank of Nova Scotia 10 11 Total 358 400

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 HSBC Bank Plc 3,683 4,058 UBS AG 1,734 1,942 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 1,010 1,139 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 340 382 Macquarie Bank Limited 246 271 The Bank of Nova Scotia 27 29 Total 7,040 7,821

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 6,206 6,560 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 4,512 5,090 HSBC Bank Plc 4,268 4,700 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 2,932 3,253 UBS AG 1,021 1,143 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 570 640 Societe Generale SA 316 353 The Bank of Nova Scotia 24 27 Macquarie Bank Limited 77 Total 19,856 21,773



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 2,153 2,388 HSBC Bank Plc 1,000 1,102 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 869 976 The Bank of Nova Scotia 790 875 Macquarie Bank Limited 507 559 UBS AG 394 441 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 11 Total 5,714 6,342

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 2,057 2,281 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 1,053 1,183 HSBC Bank Plc 880 970 The Bank of Nova Scotia 703 778 UBS AG 530 594 Macquarie Bank Limited 212 234 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 132 145 Goldman Sachs International 120 127 Total 5,687 6,312

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 40,747 43,066 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 10,963 12,365 The Bank of Nova Scotia 7,414 8,208 HSBC Bank Plc 6,343 6,985 UBS AG 4,696 5,259 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 3,589 4,033 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 1,588 1,753 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 566 628 Macquarie Bank Limited 91 100 Total 75,997 82,397



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 The Bank of Nova Scotia 16,651 18,434 UBS AG 3,552 3,977 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 1,649 1,743 HSBC Bank Plc 380 419 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 317 380 Total 22,549 24,953

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 1,718 1,924 HSBC Bank Plc 1,452 1,599 The Bank of Nova Scotia 1,396 1,546 Total 4,566 5,069

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 The Bank of Nova Scotia 17,626 19,513 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 4,842 5,117 UBS AG 4,612 5,165 HSBC Bank Plc 3,673 4,045 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 818 981 Total 31,571 34,821

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 5,100 5,711 The Bank of Nova Scotia 1,317 1,458 HSBC Bank Plc 1,267 1,396 Total 7,684 8,565



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 29,720 33,284 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 21,275 22,486 HSBC Bank Plc 14,534 16,005 The Bank of Nova Scotia 3,029 3,353 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 306 367 Total 68,864 75,495

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 The Bank of Nova Scotia 29,617 32,787 UBS AG 9,122 10,216 HSBC Bank Plc 4,893 5,388 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 4,326 4,777 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 1,742 1,957 Macquarie Bank Limited 1,188 1,311 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 1,115 1,237 Total 52,003 57,673

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 19,734 22,099 HSBC Bank Plc 7,300 8,040 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 5,440 6,136 The Bank of Nova Scotia 4,168 4,614 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 2,492 2,752 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 2,482 2,753 Macquarie Bank Limited 1,076 1,187 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 633 711 Goldman Sachs International 272 287 Total 43,597 48,579



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 38,614 43,244 The Bank of Nova Scotia 32,454 35,928 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 26,958 29,904 HSBC Bank Plc 12,751 14,042 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 5,156 5,816 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 4,310 4,843 Societe Generale SA 2,198 2,460 Natixis S.A. 2,015 2,220 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 1,739 1,838 Macquarie Bank Limited 1,316 1,451 Total 127,511 141,746

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 38,741 43,385 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 17,716 19,981 HSBC Bank Plc 11,044 12,163 The Bank of Nova Scotia 10,278 11,378 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 10,087 11,189 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 8,503 9,554 Macquarie Bank Limited 3,210 3,542 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 2,048 2,176 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 1,077 1,189 Goldman Sachs International 256 270 Total 102,960 114,827



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 47,517 53,214 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 38,234 42,412 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 32,727 36,912 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 26,510 28,018 HSBC Bank Plc 20,238 22,288 The Bank of Nova Scotia 17,702 19,597 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 14,394 16,174 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 3,039 3,355 Macquarie Bank Limited 2,865 3,161 Total 203,226 225,131

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 2,883 3,228 Macquarie Bank Limited 493 544 The Bank of Nova Scotia 389 431 Total 3,765 4,203

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 15,228 16,414 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 8,096 8,462 Barclays Bank Plc 7,860 8,209 Goldman Sachs International 5,793 6,217 BNP Paribas SA 4,398 4,666 Nomura International Plc 4,038 4,271 RBC Europe Limited 3,122 3,341 HSBC Bank Plc 1,270 1,401 Total 49,805 52,981



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 52,683 55,682 UBS AG 29,584 33,131 The Bank of Nova Scotia 8,782 9,722 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 7,221 8,010 Merrill Lynch International 5,373 5,991 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 4,708 5,290 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 4,146 4,974 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 2,915 3,288 HSBC Bank Plc 1,926 2,121 Goldman Sachs International 188 198 Other 300 324 Total 117,826 128,731

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 Macquarie Bank Limited 954 1,054 The Bank of Nova Scotia 587 649 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 551 619 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 365 405 HSBC Bank Plc 293 322 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 283 313 UBS AG 103 115 Total 3,136 3,477

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 HSBC Bank Plc 6,643 7,315 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 6,383 7,081 UBS AG 6,183 6,924 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 4,313 4,846 Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 3,997 4,246 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 1,338 1,509 The Bank of Nova Scotia 996 1,103 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 680 751 Total 30,533 33,775



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 2,744 3,083 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 1,259 1,420 The Bank of Nova Scotia 382 423 HSBC Bank Plc 354 390 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 144 160 Total 4,883 5,476

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 2,710 3,035 The Bank of Nova Scotia 1,196 1,324 HSBC Bank Plc 65 72 Total 3,971 4,431

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK’000 SEK’000 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 179,344 198,943 Barclays Capital Securities Ltd 99,429 112,142 Goldman Sachs International 21,894 23,094 Citigroup Global Markets Ltd 21,774 24,467 Macquarie Bank Limited 16,267 17,945 Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch 15,498 16,380 Natixis S.A. 14,309 15,769 The Bank of Nova Scotia 6,528 7,227 UBS AG 4,660 5,218 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 4,111 4,539 HSBC Bank Plc 2,866 3,156 Total 386,680 428,880

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 1,136 1,273 Total 1,136 1,273



Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 J.P. Morgan Securities Plc 152 168 UBS AG 107 120 The Bank of Nova Scotia 51 57 Total 310 345

Amount Collateral Counterparty on loan received

iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 UBS AG 687 770 HSBC Bank Plc 78 86 The Bank of Nova Scotia 75 83 Total 840 939

All securities on loan have an open maturity tenor as they are recallable or terminable daily.


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Counterparties’ country of establishment The following table provided the country of establishment of each counterparty to securities lending transactions.

Counterparty name Country of establishment

Barclays Bank Plc United Kingdom Barclays Capital Securities Ltd United Kingdom BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC France BNP Paribas SA France Citigroup Global Markets Ltd United Kingdom Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch Ireland Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited United Kingdom Deutsche Bank AG Germany Goldman Sachs International United Kingdom HSBC Bank Plc United Kingdom J.P. Morgan Securities Plc United Kingdom Macquarie Bank Limited Australia Merrill Lynch International United Kingdom Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc United Kingdom Natixis S.A. France Nomura International Plc United Kingdom RBC Europe Limited United Kingdom Societe Generale SA France The Bank of Nova Scotia Canada UBS AG Switzerland


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor The following table provides an analysis by currency of the underlying non-cash collateral received by each Fund by way of title transfer collateral arrangement by the Funds, in respect of securities lending transactions, as at 30 November 2019.

Non-cash collateral Currency received iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 25 CAD 865 DKK 723 EUR 13,929 GBP 2,026 JPY 868 NOK 707 SEK 813 USD 6,560 Total 26,516

iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 5 CAD 77 DKK 735 EUR 22,782 GBP 1,378 JPY 1,258 NOK 995 SEK 1,142 USD 8,738 Total 37,110

iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 1 CAD 1,401 CHF 114 EUR 1,651 GBP 688 JPY 700 USD 3,698 Total 8,253


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions CAD 459 DKK 190 EUR 3,258 GBP 572 JPY 115 SEK 1 USD 1,404 Total 5,999

iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 39 CAD 3 CHF 214 DKK 84 EUR 14,684 GBP 2,326 JPY 1,770 NOK 161 SEK 181 USD 7,745 Total 27,207

iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions DKK 398 EUR 3,018 GBP 9 NOK 205 SEK 235 USD 728 Total 4,593


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 55 CAD 54 CHF 326 DKK 1,024 EUR 99,696 GBP 19,412 JPY 21,294 NOK 844 SEK 970 USD 21,770 Total 165,445

iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 464 CAD 295 CHF 586 DKK 115 EUR 6,432 GBP 2,199 JPY 3,732 NOK 10 SEK 63 USD 14,588 Total 28,484

iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 4,642 CAD 6,866 CHF 9,674 DKK 1,670 EUR 80,029 GBP 31,699 JPY 46,413 NOK 281 SEK 873 USD 219,141 Total 401,288


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 395 CAD 684 CHF 577 DKK 72 EUR 10,556 GBP 4,473 JPY 3,576 NOK 46 SEK 80 USD 37,315 Total 57,774

iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 848 CAD 1,528 CHF 1,664 DKK 279 EUR 23,424 GBP 9,429 JPY 12,324 SEK 100 USD 59,489 Total 109,085

iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 3 CHF 25 DKK 5 EUR 139 GBP 34 JPY 109 SEK 1 USD 1,918 Total 2,234


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 5 CAD 1 CHF 1 DKK 3 EUR 120 GBP 9 JPY 23 USD 238 Total 400

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 428 CAD 4 CHF 199 DKK 27 EUR 1,129 GBP 704 JPY 2,357 SEK 45 USD 2,928 Total 7,821

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 561 CAD 49 CHF 709 DKK 107 EUR 4,994 GBP 1,895 JPY 4,967 NOK 6 SEK 73 USD 8,412 Total 21,773


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 122 CAD 109 CHF 128 DKK 16 EUR 1,631 GBP 501 JPY 1,065 SEK 11 USD 2,759 Total 6,342

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 107 CAD 98 CHF 120 DKK 19 EUR 1,721 GBP 478 JPY 1,072 SEK 11 USD 2,686 Total 6,312

iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 840 CAD 1,015 CHF 1,578 DKK 293 EUR 17,862 GBP 7,075 JPY 11,317 SEK 121 USD 42,296 Total 82,397


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 122 CAD 1,991 CHF 348 EUR 3,223 GBP 4,256 JPY 716 SEK 4 USD 14,293 Total 24,953

iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 173 CAD 166 CHF 66 EUR 369 GBP 560 JPY 829 SEK 16 USD 2,890 Total 5,069

iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 508 CAD 2,128 CHF 489 EUR 4,484 GBP 5,391 JPY 2,754 SEK 41 USD 19,026 Total 34,821


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 152 CAD 156 CHF 60 EUR 387 GBP 512 JPY 755 SEK 14 USD 6,529 Total 8,565

iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 1,702 CAD 429 CHF 553 EUR 6,262 GBP 4,611 JPY 9,649 SEK 164 USD 52,125 Total 75,495

iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 701 CAD 3,526 CHF 768 DKK 31 EUR 8,094 GBP 7,942 JPY 6,406 SEK 84 USD 30,121 Total 57,673


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 884 CAD 519 CHF 919 DKK 125 EUR 6,027 GBP 3,046 JPY 8,272 SEK 118 USD 28,669 Total 48,579

iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 1,974 CAD 4,070 CHF 2,634 DKK 201 EUR 21,689 GBP 12,599 JPY 17,126 NOK 39 SEK 226 USD 81,188 Total 141,746

iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 1,403 CAD 1,314 CHF 2,623 DKK 523 EUR 23,057 GBP 7,343 JPY 16,025 SEK 194 USD 62,345 Total 114,827


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 2,614 CAD 2,492 CHF 5,713 DKK 942 EUR 48,329 GBP 16,089 JPY 35,268 SEK 363 USD 113,321 Total 225,131

iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 2 CAD 46 CHF 7 EUR 234 GBP 93 JPY 52 USD 3,769 Total 4,203

iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 17 CAD 6 CHF 98 DKK 417 EUR 34,263 GBP 3,407 JPY 3,482 NOK 1,728 SEK 1,979 USD 7,584 Total 52,981


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 325 CAD 1,355 CHF 1,175 DKK 145 EUR 23,477 GBP 9,338 JPY 8,934 SEK 32 USD 83,950 Total 128,731

iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 37 CAD 72 CHF 35 DKK 10 EUR 966 GBP 214 JPY 472 SEK 5 USD 1,666 Total 3,477

iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 783 CAD 166 CHF 587 DKK 105 EUR 9,017 GBP 2,308 JPY 6,748 SEK 84 USD 13,977 Total 33,775


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 48 CAD 48 CHF 145 DKK 75 EUR 2,910 GBP 311 JPY 658 SEK 8 USD 1,273 Total 5,476

iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions AUD 13 CAD 142 CHF 25 EUR 236 GBP 296 JPY 83 SEK 1 USD 3,635 Total 4,431

iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 1,021 CAD 2,224 CHF 17,077 DKK 2,468 EUR 129,757 GBP 32,897 JPY 91,340 SEK 409 USD 151,687 Total 428,880


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Non-cash collateral Currency received

iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD’000 Securities lending transactions EUR 16 JPY 9 USD 1,248 Total 1,273

iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD’000 CAD 7 CHF 7 EUR 51 GBP 23 JPY 36 USD 221 Total 345

iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD’000

Securities lending transactions AUD 9 CAD 9 CHF 4 EUR 28 GBP 30 JPY 50 SEK 1 USD 808 Total 939


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued) The following table provides an analysis of the type, quality and maturity tenor of non-cash collateral received and posted by each Fund by way of title transfer collateral arrangement in respect of securities lending transactions as at 30 November 2019.

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - 67 98 2,829 20,549 - 23,543 Equities Recognised equity index ------2,973 2,973 Total - - 67 98 2,829 20,549 2,973 26,516 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - 666 177 3,675 30,602 - 35,120 Equities Recognised equity index ------1,990 1,990 Total - - 666 177 3,675 30,602 1,990 37,110 iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - 6 1,684 - 1,690 Equities Recognised equity index ------6,563 6,563 Total - - - - 6 1,684 6,563 8,253 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Fixed Income Investment grade - - 14 26 964 4,995 - 5,999 Total - - 14 26 964 4,995 - 5,999 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 GBP’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - 153 206 623 9,910 - 10,892 Equities Recognised equity index ------14,462 14,462 ETFs Non-UCITS ------1,853 1,853 Total - - 153 206 623 9,910 16,315 27,207


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Fixed Income Investment grade - - 5 - 149 4,439 - 4,593 Total - - 5 - 149 4,439 - 4,593 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - 5,401 1,677 12,148 133,998 - 153,224 Equities Recognised equity index ------10,371 10,371 ETFs Non-UCITS ------1,850 1,850 Total - - 5,401 1,677 12,148 133,998 12,221 165,445 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 6 118 298 307 4,415 - 5,144 Equities Recognised equity index ------22,648 22,648 ETFs UCITS ------78 78 Non-UCITS ------614 614 Total - 6 118 298 307 4,415 23,340 28,484 iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 88 1,600 4,028 4,156 43,162 - 53,034 Equities Recognised equity index ------339,029 339,029 ETFs UCITS ------1,598 1,598 Non-UCITS ------7,627 7,627 Total - 88 1,600 4,028 4,156 43,162 348,254 401,288


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 23 502 1,264 1,304 10,675 - 13,768 Equities Recognised equity index ------42,762 42,762 ETFs UCITS ------39 39 Non-UCITS ------1,205 1,205 Total - 23 502 1,264 1,304 10,675 44,006 57,774 iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 44 1,080 2,718 2,805 26,607 - 33,254 Equities Recognised equity index ------74,059 74,059 ETFs UCITS ------212 212 Non-UCITS ------1,560 1,560 Total - 44 1,080 2,718 2,805 26,607 75,831 109,085 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 35 - 35 Equities Recognised equity index ------2,181 2,181 ETFs UCITS ------6 6 Non-UCITS ------12 12 Total - - - - - 35 2,199 2,234 iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 120 - 120 Equities Recognised equity index ------280 280 Total - - - - - 120 280 400


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 759 - 759 Equities Recognised equity index ------6,967 6,967 ETFs UCITS ------25 25 Non-UCITS ------70 70 Total - - - - - 759 7,062 7,821 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 6 159 401 414 3,289 - 4,269 Equities Recognised equity index ------16,723 16,723 ETFs UCITS ------112 112 Non-UCITS ------669 669 Total - 6 159 401 414 3,289 17,504 21,773 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 907 - 907 Equities Recognised equity index ------5,140 5,140 ETFs Non-UCITS ------295 295 Total - - - - - 907 5,435 6,342 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 1,165 - 1,165 Equities Recognised equity index ------4,866 4,866 ETFs Non-UCITS ------281 281 Total - - - - - 1,165 5,147 6,312


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 40 1,046 2,633 2,716 18,152 - 24,587 Equities Recognised equity index ------56,747 56,747 ETFs UCITS ------272 272 Non-UCITS ------791 791 Total - 40 1,046 2,633 2,716 18,152 57,810 82,397 iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 3 42 107 110 698 - 960 Equities Recognised equity index ------23,938 23,938 ETFs Non-UCITS ------55 55 Total - 3 42 107 110 698 23,993 24,953 iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 212 - 212 Equities Recognised equity index ------4,848 4,848 ETFs Non-UCITS ------9 9 Total - - - - - 212 4,857 5,069 iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 6 124 313 323 2,244 - 3,010 Equities Recognised equity index ------31,652 31,652 ETFs Non-UCITS ------159 159 Total - 6 124 313 323 2,244 31,811 34,821


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 1 - - - 253 - 254 Equities Recognised equity index ------8,303 8,303 ETFs Non-UCITS ------8 8 Total - 1 - - - 253 8,311 8,565 iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 29 546 1,375 1,418 9,814 - 13,182 Equities Recognised equity index ------62,104 62,104 ETFs Non-UCITS ------209 209 Total - 29 546 1,375 1,418 9,814 62,313 75,495 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 3 - - - 2,478 - 2,481 Equities Recognised equity index ------55,014 55,014 ETFs Non-UCITS ------178 178 Total - 3 - - - 2,478 55,192 57,673 iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 5 - - - 2,290 - 2,295 Equities Recognised equity index ------45,510 45,510 ETFs UCITS ------135 135 Non-UCITS ------639 639 Total - 5 - - - 2,290 46,284 48,579


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 12 45 112 116 7,388 - 7,673 Equities Recognised equity index ------129,925 129,925 ETFs UCITS ------128 128 Non-UCITS ------4,020 4,020 Total - 12 45 112 116 7,388 134,073 141,746 iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 11 - - 261 11,506 - 11,778 Equities Recognised equity index ------100,338 100,338 ETFs UCITS ------439 439 Non-UCITS ------2,272 2,272 Total - 11 - - 261 11,506 103,049 114,827 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 39 680 1,713 1,767 25,832 - 30,031 Equities Recognised equity index ------187,369 187,369 ETFs UCITS ------812 812 Non-UCITS ------6,919 6,919 Total - 39 680 1,713 1,767 25,832 195,100 225,131 iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 1 - - - 54 - 55 Equities Recognised equity index ------4,148 4,148 Total - 1 - - - 54 4,148 4,203


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - 989 593 3,278 44,536 - 49,396 Equities Recognised equity index ------3,032 3,032 ETFs Non-UCITS ------553 553 Total - - 989 593 3,278 44,536 3,585 52,981 iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 59 1,352 3,404 3,801 26,445 - 35,061 Equities Recognised equity index ------91,679 91,679 ETFs UCITS ------72 72 Non-UCITS ------1,919 1,919 Total - 59 1,352 3,404 3,801 26,445 93,670 128,731 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 510 - 510 Equities Recognised equity index ------2,916 2,916 ETFs Non-UCITS ------51 51 Total - - - - - 510 2,967 3,477 iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 2 - - 509 8,402 - 8,913 Equities Recognised equity index ------23,870 23,870 ETFs UCITS ------33 33 Non-UCITS ------959 959 Total - 2 - - 509 8,402 24,862 33,775


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 2,243 - 2,243 Equities Recognised equity index ------3,120 3,120 ETFs UCITS ------31 31 Non-UCITS ------82 82 Total - - - - - 2,243 3,233 5,476 iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 1 - - - 59 - 60 Equities Recognised equity index ------4,371 4,371 Total - 1 - - - 59 4,371 4,431 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 SEK’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - 16 398 1,001 1,033 51,867 - 54,315 Equities Recognised equity index ------343,082 343,082 ETFs UCITS ------2,466 2,466 Non-UCITS ------29,017 29,017 Total - 16 398 1,001 1,033 51,867 374,565 428,880 iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 22 - 22 Equities Recognised equity index ------1,251 1,251 Total - - - - - 22 1,251 1,273


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Collateral currency, type, quality and maturity tenor (continued)

Maturity Tenor 31-90 91-365 More than Collateral type and quality 1 day 2-7 days 8-30 days days days 365 days Open Total iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 8 - 8 Equities Recognised equity index ------317 317 ETFs Non-UCITS ------20 20 Total - - - - - 8 337 345 iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 USD’000 Collateral received - securities lending Fixed Income Investment grade - - - - - 23 - 23 Equities Recognised equity index ------916 916 Total - - - - - 23 916 939

No collateral had a maturity tenor of less than 2 days.

Investment grade securities are those issued by an Entity with a minimum investment grade credit rating from at least one globally recognised credit rating agency; Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s or Fitch.

A recognised equity index contains at least 20 equities where no single equity represents more than 20% of the total index and no five equities combined represent more than 60% of the total index.

The maturity tenor analysis for fixed income securities received or posted as collateral is based on the respective contractual maturity date, while for equity securities, ETFs and money market funds received or posted as collateral are presented as open transactions as they are not subject to a contractual maturity date.

All cash received or posted as collateral has an open maturity tenor as it’s not subject to a contractual maturity date.

Reuse of collateral received Non-cash collateral received by way of title transfer collateral arrangement in relation to securities lending cannot be sold, re-invested or pledged.

Safekeeping of collateral received The following table provides an analysis of the amounts of non-cash collateral received by each Fund in respect of securities lending transactions and held by the Funds’ Depositary (or through its delegates) or through a securities settlement system, as at 30 November 2019.


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Safekeeping of collateral received (continued)

Non-cash collateral received Custodian Securities lending iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Euroclear SA/NV 19,496 Total 19,496 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Euroclear SA/NV 28,271 Total 28,271 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Euroclear SA/NV 5,370 Total 5,370 iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 Euroclear SA/NV 8,619 Total 8,619 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 Euroclear SA/NV 4,593 Total 4,593 iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 Euroclear SA/NV 50,551 Total 50,551 iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Euroclear SA/NV 34,592 Total 34,592


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received The following table lists the ten largest issuers by value of non-cash collateral received by each Fund by way of title transfer collateral arrangement across securities lending transactions as at 30 November 2019.

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 Republic of Austria 3,256 French Republic 2,365 Republic Of Austria 5,011 United States Treasury 2,134 United States Treasury 3,939 Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau 1,792 French Republic 3,774 Kingdom of the Netherlands 1,704 Kingdom of the Netherlands 3,486 Kingdom of Belgium 1,568 Republic of Germany 3,389 United Kingdom 1,492 Republic of Finland 2,652 European Investment Bank 1,452 European Investment Bank 2,017 Republic of Finland 1,289 Kingdom of Belgium 1,720 Canada 865 Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau 1,507 State of Japan 1,233

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD’000 United Kingdom 419 French Republic 835 United States Treasury 413 United States Treasury 817 Republic of Germany 413 Republic Of Austria 774 State of Japan 413 Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau 566 Inc 358 United Kingdom 566 Royal Bank of Canada 347 European Investment Bank 461 Toronto-Dominion Bank 304 Canada 459 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 277 Kingdom of Denmark 190 Canadian National Railway Co 235 International Bank for Reconstruction & Development 187 American Electric Power Co Inc 234 Kingdom of Belgium 179

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF GBP’000 iShares € Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR’000 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 1,482 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1,482 Republic of Finland 720 French Republic 1,452 United States Treasury 557 SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust 1,440 French Republic 542 Assicurazioni Generali Spa 1,419 European Investment Bank 528 Republic of Germany 1,412 Kingdom of Belgium 430 Republic Of Austria 1,328 Kingdom of Denmark 398 SSE Plc 1,154 Kingdom of the Netherlands 319 Kingdom of the Netherlands 1,050 Kingdom of Sweden 235 Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau 993 Republic Of Austria 214 Republic of Norway 205


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received (continued)

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares € Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR’000 iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD’000 French Republic 23,470 United States Treasury 2,204 State of Japan 18,685 French Republic 748 United Kingdom 18,514 United Kingdom 662 Republic Of Austria 17,380 Kingdom of the Netherlands 628 Kingdom of the Netherlands 15,989 Republic of Germany 621 Kingdom of Belgium 13,982 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 444 Republic of Germany 12,645 Allergan Plc 352 Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau 9,341 Costco Wholesale Corp 327 United States Treasury 7,253 Merck&CoInc 306 Republic of Finland 3,817 Paypal Holdings Inc 295

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD’000 United States Treasury 26,144 United States Treasury 7,729 French Republic 6,667 French Republic 1,420 United Kingdom 6,665 United Kingdom 1,296 Allergan Plc 5,725 Allergan Plc 1,136 Costco Wholesale Corp 5,458 Republic of Germany 1,034 Merck & Co Inc 5,400 Paypal Holdings Inc 783 Paypal Holdings Inc 4,755 Kingdom of the Netherlands 764 Republic of Germany 4,697 Costco Wholesale Corp 755 Philip Morris International Inc 4,194 Merck&CoInc 713 Kingdom of the Netherlands 4,037 Qualcomm Inc 577

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 United States Treasury 17,357 Costco Wholesale Corp 92 United Kingdom 3,702 Merck & Co Inc 80 French Republic 3,581 Paypal Holdings Inc 70 Republic of Germany 2,986 Broadcom Inc 66 Kingdom of the Netherlands 2,282 Philip Morris International Inc 64 Allergan Plc 2,021 Verizon Communications Inc 62 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 1,302 Intel Corp 46 State of Japan 1,223 Nike Inc 45 Intuit Inc 1,080 HP Inc 45 Paypal Holdings Inc 971 Allergan Plc 43


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received (continued)

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 French Republic 30 United States Treasury 28 United Kingdom 454 Republic of Germany 28 Uber Technologies Inc 339 Kingdom of the Netherlands 28 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 278 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 14 Bridgestone Corp 223 Banco Santander SA 11 CSL Ltd 124 Costco Wholesale Corp 9 TOTAL SA 123 Merck & Co Inc 8 Asahi Group Holdings Ltd 96 Paypal Holdings Inc 7 Costco Wholesale Corp 93 Broadcom Inc 6 French Republic 91 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 86

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR’000 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 United States Treasury 2,334 United Kingdom 856 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 239 Uber Technologies Inc 393 United Kingdom 205 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 370 French Republic 179 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 326 United States Treasury 175 French Republic 293 Republic of Germany 174 Kingdom of the Netherlands 286 Kingdom of the Netherlands 172 Bridgestone Corp 259 Banco Santander SA 144 Allergan Plc 247 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 138 Republic of Germany 215 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 111 Uber Technologies Inc 92

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR’000 French Republic 241 United States Treasury 15,286 United States Treasury 235 United Kingdom 2,245 Republic of Germany 234 French Republic 1,864 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 228 Kingdom of the Netherlands 1,848 United Kingdom 209 Allergan Plc 1,709 Kingdom of the Netherlands 209 Republic of Germany 1,383 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 162 Intuit Inc 1,147 Banco Santander SA 155 Eli Lilly & Co 896 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 100 Arconic Inc 754 Alphabet Inc 81 Qualcomm Inc 697


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received (continued)

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 ETF USD’000 United Kingdom 179 Alphabet Inc 723 Uber Technologies Inc 134 Toronto-Dominion Bank 612 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 109 United States Treasury 596 Merck&CoInc 100 Inc 556 Costco Wholesale Corp 93 Allergan Plc 457 Bridgestone Corp 88 Royal Bank of Canada 457 Philip Morris International Inc 75 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 445 Paypal Holdings Inc 70 Merck & Co Inc 406 Allergan Plc 69 Cisco Systems Inc 370 Broadcom Inc 66 Procter & Gamble Co 344

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 United States Treasury 1,739 Costco Wholesale Corp 274 Alphabet Inc 765 Merck&CoInc 255 Toronto-Dominion Bank 647 Paypal Holdings Inc 207 United Kingdom 630 Philip Morris International Inc 199 Allergan Plc 616 Broadcom Inc 196 Inc 607 Verizon Communications Inc 187 Royal Bank of Canada 483 United Kingdom 157 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 471 Allergan Plc 153 Merck & Co Inc 469 Procter & Gamble Co 143 Cisco Systems Inc 405 Intel Corp 142

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 United States Treasury 7,657 United Kingdom 2,542 Alphabet Inc 1,313 Costco Wholesale Corp 1,595 Toronto-Dominion Bank 1,088 Allergan Plc 1,561 Inc 1,021 Paypal Holdings Inc 1,444 Merck&CoInc 852 Merck & Co Inc 1,419 Royal Bank of Canada 812 Uber Technologies Inc 1,338 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 791 Broadcom Inc 1,140 Allergan Plc 779 Philip Morris International Inc 1,124 Procter & Gamble Co 680 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 1,095 United Kingdom 656 Facebook Inc 656


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received (continued)

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 Costco Wholesale Corp 1,066 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 2,992 United Kingdom 1,046 United Kingdom 2,665 Merck & Co Inc 973 Merck & Co Inc 2,257 Paypal Holdings Inc 801 Costco Wholesale Corp 2,154 Philip Morris International Inc 769 Alphabet Inc 2,077 Broadcom Inc 757 Philip Morris International Inc 1,754 Verizon Communications Inc 723 Allergan Plc 1,634 Uber Technologies Inc 672 Paypal Holdings Inc 1,588 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 591 United States Treasury 1,558 Allergan Plc 573 Broadcom Inc 1,481

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD’000 French Republic 2,662 United States Treasury 12,446 United States Treasury 2,220 United Kingdom 4,883 Republic of Germany 2,147 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 4,246 Costco Wholesale Corp 2,106 French Republic 4,221 Kingdom of the Netherlands 2,080 Kingdom of the Netherlands 3,594 United Kingdom 2,002 Republic of Germany 3,316 Merck & Co Inc 1,941 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 2,989 Paypal Holdings Inc 1,573 Costco Wholesale Corp 2,645 Philip Morris International Inc 1,540 Banco Santander SA 2,480 Broadcom Inc 1,486 Allergan Plc 2,467

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS UCITS ETF USD’000 ETF USD’000 Costco Wholesale Corp 155 Republic Of Austria 6,208 Merck & Co Inc 139 Kingdom of the Netherlands 5,823 Paypal Holdings Inc 117 French Republic 5,658 Broadcom Inc 111 Republic of Germany 4,723 Philip Morris International Inc 110 Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau 4,179 Verizon Communications Inc 105 Kingdom of Belgium 3,847 Allergan Plc 80 Republic of Finland 3,784 Intel Corp 78 United Kingdom 3,081 Baidu Inc 77 State of Japan 2,682 HP Inc 77 United States Treasury 2,480


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received (continued)

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 United States Treasury 20,946 French Republic 112 French Republic 3,087 United States Treasury 111 Allergan Plc 2,785 Republic of Germany 110 Kingdom of the Netherlands 2,431 Kingdom of the Netherlands 109 United Kingdom 2,426 Comcast Corp 96 Republic of Germany 2,407 Anglogold Ashanti Ltd 93 Paypal Holdings Inc 1,789 Vipshop Holdings Ltd 93 Costco Wholesale Corp 1,608 Citrix Systems Inc 92 Merck & Co Inc 1,496 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 91 Qualcomm Inc 1,377 Baidu Inc 90

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR’000 iShares MSCI France UCITS ETF EUR’000 French Republic 1,715 Republic of Germany 550 United States Treasury 1,644 French Republic 550 Republic of Germany 1,633 United States Treasury 550 Kingdom of the Netherlands 1,624 Kingdom of the Netherlands 544 United Kingdom 1,464 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 306 State of Japan 830 Banco Santander SA 222 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 708 CaixaBank SA 91 Uber Technologies Inc 612 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 81 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 611 Nordea Bank Abp 66 Fast Retailing Co Ltd 605 United Kingdom 49

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares NASDAQ US Biotechnology UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares OMX Stockholm Capped UCITS ETF SEK’000 Costco Wholesale Corp 146 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 19,911 Merck & Co Inc 143 United States Treasury 14,072 Paypal Holdings Inc 110 United Kingdom 11,854 Philip Morris International Inc 110 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 9,751 Broadcom Inc 104 French Republic 8,997 Verizon Communications Inc 101 Republic of Germany 8,779 Allergan Plc 90 Banco Santander SA 8,016 Procter & Gamble Co 84 BP Plc 6,071 Intel Corp 78 Bayer AG 5,237 HP Inc 76 Kingdom of the Netherlands 4,751


EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND SECURITIES FINANCING TRANSACTIONS (continued) Concentration of collateral received (continued)

Issuer Value Issuer Value iShares TA-35 Israel UCITS ETF USD’000 iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF USD’000 Costco Wholesale Corp 61 Merck & Co Inc 53 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 17 Paypal Holdings Inc 46 Costco Wholesale Corp 6 Broadcom Inc 44 Alphabet Inc 6 Philip Morris International Inc 42 United Kingdom 6 Verizon Communications Inc 41 Merck&CoInc 6 Intel Corp 30 Banco Santander SA 5 Nike Inc 29 Philip Morris International Inc 5 HP Inc 29 BP Plc 5 Allergan Plc 29 Bayer AG 4 Paypal Holdings Inc 4

Issuer Value iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD’000 Costco Wholesale Corp 37 Merck & Co Inc 33 Paypal Holdings Inc 28 Broadcom Inc 26 Philip Morris International Inc 26 Verizon Communications Inc 25 Allergan Plc 19 Intel Corp 19 HP Inc 18 Nike Inc 18


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