The 2021 New Hope Automobile Show Will Look a Bit Different

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The 2021 New Hope Automobile Show Will Look a Bit Different The 2021 New Hope Automobile Show will August 14 & 15, 2021 look a bit different. New Hope-Solebury High School SATURDAY SUNDAY Adifferent show each day. Domestic Cars Foreign Cars This year our show will be clearly divided into Domestic ca rs on Sen ior Ca rs* Senior Cars* Saturday and Foreign cars on Sunday. Here is how each day lays Cars thru 1919 Foreign Cars up thru model year out. including the NEW classes. Cars of the 20s - 30s 1995 not otherwise class ifi ed Cars of the 40s - 50s Alfa Romeo We're still dealing with the pandemic. So we will be following Cars of the 60s NEW: Aston-Martin (All years) all COV ID protocols estab li shed by the state of Pennsylvania and Cars of the 70s Aust in -Hea ley the Bucks County Boa rd of Hea lth in effect on our show dates, Cars of the 80s BMW Au gust 14 & 15. Cars of the 90s to 1995 French Connection: Facel Vega/ No judging for 2021. Because of the pandemic, ou r judges wi ll Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg/ Citroen/Peugeot/ Renault not be judging the show this year. Instead, show car owners Pi erce-Arrow/Packard De Lorean and spectators will se lect class winners by popular vote using Classic FIAT/ Lancia/Autobianchi a mobile app. First place awards on ly wi ll be given in each NEW: Chevrolet Camaro NEW: Ferrari (All years) class. Best- In -Show wi ll be awarded each day by the Auto Show Chevrolet Corvair NEW: Foreign Exotic Others (All Committee. Chevro let Corvette years) Now the new stuff. For the 2021 show, Saturday wi ll be ALL Dodge Viper (To 1995) Jaguar DOMESTIC, and Su nday will be ALL FOREIGN . For Saturday, Fire En gin es NEW: Lamborg hini (A ll years) we've added sepa rate classes for Camara , Replicars, and Ford Musta ng Lotus (Al l years) Rods*. For Sunday, we've separated some classes. Aston­ Ford Thunderbird NEW: Maserati (All years) Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini , Maserati, and Mclaren wi ll each High Performance Produ ctio n NEW: Mclaren (A ll years) ha ve their own class. Sunday wi ll also have a Foreign-Other Lincoln Continental Mercedes-Benz through 1995 that wi ll include marques not included in our Military Vehi cles MG various foreign classes (Toyota, Honda, Ma zda, Isuzu, Acura , Model A Fords Mi litary Vehicles Opel, Maybach, Audi, Saab, Volvo and more) . If you own a foreign Model T Fords Motorcyc les nam ep late that's been modified, en ter our new Tuners* class on Motorcycles Morgan Sunday. In addition, we' ll add a Display Only* class each day. Nash Porsche Profess iona l Specia lty Cars Racing Cars * More detail s on ou r website: Racing Cars Roi ls- Royce/ Bent Iey NEW: Replicars Triumph More auto events Road Rally: August 1 NEW: Rods (Hot/Rat/Street. NEW: Tun ers (See our website for I Restomod, Custom) more details) this summer: Summer C&C: August 8 Shelby TVR Studebaker Vo lkswagen Trucks (Light and medium duty) Datsun/Nissan Z-Cars to 1996 • The New Hope Automobile Show. Road . : . Rally. and Cars & Coffee are produced Woodies NEW: Di splay Only (Photo by the New Hope -So lebury Comm unity NEW: Disp lay On ly (Photo required) Assoc iation. Proceeds benefit loca l required) . ·, ·, •· ~ commu nity projects and charitab le organ izat ions. *Senior ca rs may display Satu rd ay and/or Sunday. Qua lifying Sen ior Cars have earned •NewHopeSolebury-CA•.org AACA. CCCA. LCOC, or RROC recognition for excel lence. .
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