Laos Talent Lab Sends Philippine Musical Comedy-Drama 'Golden'
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RECENT & NOTABLE PRESS [email protected] Post Offce Box 1163 +856 (0)20 5789 0001 Luang Prabang, Lao PDR Laos Talent Lab Sends Philippine Musical Comedy-Drama ‘Golden’ to Tribeca Financing Forum to pick up almost $15,000 in production funds. Azizuddin will receive $10,000 in pro- duction funds for Angkat, described as a flm that follows “three brothers with a fractious relationship” as they trav- el together to return the body of their dead father for burial in their remote village. The money comes from the Aurora Producing Award, backed by Singa- pore-based media investment frm Au- rora Media Holdings. Courtesy of Luang Prabang Film Festival Sondak will receive $1,500 for the pro- duction of the documentary The Lady Jaime Habac Jr. with TFI’s Michelle Hamada of the Hills while award sponsor Indo- Philippine director Jaime Habac Jr Lab organizers said the workshop fo- china Productions will also arrange for will head to the Tribeca Film Insti- cused on “the art of the pitch” while a review of the project from a Thai flm tute’s Network market with a project also featuring “collaborative pitch mentor. that follows the fortunes of aging training and feedback sessions with in- gay performers who are booted out dustry professionals.” There were six projects in various stag- of their home. es of development selected by LPFF, The program’s Indochina Productions’ and they came from four ASEAN coun- Filipino director Jaime Habac Jr will Rising Star Award was meanwhile giv- tries in Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philip- be taking the musical comedy-drama en to Thai producer Ladawan Sondak’s pines and Thailand. All those involved Golden for further development at documentary Lady of the Hills. will now be given preferential consid- next year’s edition of the Tribeca Film eration for any of TFI’s grants as TFI Institute’s Network market. Habac’s feature follows the fortunes of program alumni. a group of gay seniors who devise a The news comes at the end of the 2019 drag act after being kicked out of their Luang Prabang Film Festival (LPFF) Tal- home. ent Lab, which focused three days on grant writing and project pitching, and The director will now attend the TFI was led by the Tribeca Film Institute. Network market at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival (April 15-26, 2020), with Habac’s feature and Malaysian flm- TFI mentoring the flmmaker through maker Feisal Azizuddin’s dark com- to the completion of his project. edy Angkat took out the top awards at this year’s lab, which was hosted It’s been a big month for the team at the northern Laotian city’s Avani+ behind Golden, with producer Omar Luang Prabang resort. Sortijas having been on hand at Singa- pore’s Southeast Asian Film ‘Mekong 2030’ Anthology to Focus On Plight Of Mekong River the flms,” festival organizers said. The fve flms: Soul River, Kulikar Sotho (Cambo- dia): Soul River is a cautionary tale framed as a lighthearted road (or, rath- er, river) movie. Set in 2030 in a remote northeast region of Cambodia, it urges contemporary audiences to reconsider their attitudes toward environmental degradation and the impact of climate change on the Mekong basin. The Che Brother, Anysay Keola Courtesy of Luang Prabang Film Festival (Laos): Xe returns to the nearly desert- Filmmakers (from left) Sai Naw Kham, Kulikar Sotho and Anysay Keola. ed Mekong fshing village in which he A new Luang Prabang Film Festival sioning the condition of the river — was raised. There, he intervenes in a initiative has asked fve Southeast which carves its course through China, dispute between his siblings over the Asian directors to focus on the vital Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia ethics of exploiting their elderly moth- river’s future. and Vietnam — as well as the commu- er’s blood. The blood has become a nities that depend on it. valuable commodity to a Western cor- Five Southeast Asian directors will poration that has been developing a present their visions — and fears — for The river has come under increasing cure for a deadly plague outbreak. the future of the Mekong river, one of threat from pollution and from a series Asia’s most vital waterways, through of massive dams, according to the Me- The Forgotten Voices of the Me- the anthology Mekong 2030, which is kong River Commission (MRC). kong, Sai Naw Kham (Myanmar): This set to tour the world’s festival circuit flm tells a story of two women fghting next year. “We need to address these issues now to claim their lost spirits’ attachment in order to minimize further environ- to the Mekong River, while channeling “I heard about global warming and mental harm and protect remaining community resilience toward its pro- climate change and stuff like that, but wetlands and riverine habitats before tection. that was just hearing. Being on the they are gone, while leveraging the shoot myself, on the river, only then benefts of more secure and increased The Line, Anocha Suwichakornpong did I realize that it’s actually coming dry season fows and achieving a more (Thailand): As an artist prepares to toward us,” said Cambodian flmmaker optimal and sustainable development open a new exhibition focusing on ani- Kulikar Sotho, part of the project and of the Mekong basin,” said Dr. An Pich mism and river ecology, the boundaries previously a Special Jury Award winner Hatda, CEO of the MRC secretariat, between the artwork and the world it at Venice for Ruin (2013). at last month’s launch of his organiza- represents begin to merge into a site tion’s “State of the Basin” report. where different forms of knowledge Sotho has been joined on the project converge. by Anysay Keola (Laos), Sai Naw Kham The anthology has been supported by (Myanmar), Anocha Suwichakornpong The Asia Foundation, Oxfam, Heinrich The Unseen River, Pham Ngoc Lân (Thailand) and Pham Ngoc Lân (Viet- Böll Foundation and the MRC. (Vietnam): This flm tells a story about nam). a middle-aged woman traveling up- “LPFF plans to submit these as a col- stream to fnd a lover she hasn’t seen Initiated by Laos’ Luang Prabang Film lective program to festivals and con- in 30 years, told alongside a story of a Festival (LPFF), the “cross-border” col- ferences across the world, in order to young couple traveling downstream to laboration tasked the fve flmmakers raise awareness among international a strange temple in search of a cure for with looking to the year 2030 and envi- audiences for the issues addressed in chronic insomnia. ‘The Perilous Odyssey’ and ‘Siri’ Take Top Prizes at Tribeca Talent Lab in Laos LPFF Filipino feature ‘The Perilous Od- funding as part of the Aurora Pro- The third edition of the Talent Lab, yssey to Mount Gulsuk,’ will at- ducing Award sponsored by the Sin- which aimed to train Southeast Asian tend the TFI Network market at gapore-based media investment frm flmmakers on grant writing and pro- the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival, Aurora Media Holdings. ject pitching, was held on Dec. 7-9. while Malaysian drama ‘Siri’ will receive $10,000 in completion funds. Vietnamese director Nguyen Hien The 11 participating projects originate Anh’s QUAY has received the $1,500 from seven countries in the ASEAN The 2018 Luang Prabang Film Festi- Rising Star Award, newly created by region, including Singapore, Vietnam, val (LPFF) Talent Lab in Laos, hosted Bangkok-based Indochina Productions. Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the by the Tribeca Film Institute (TFI), has Philippines and Thailand. presented its top prizes to Filipino di- The Perilous Odyssey to Mount rector Jordan Dela Cruz’s The Perilous Gulsuk follows a teenage father-to- All participants in this year’s Talent Lab Odyssey to Mount Gulsuk and to Siri be’s journey traveling from the Phil- will receive preferential consideration from Malaysian producer Lim Ying Xian. ippines and the Middle East to reach for any future TFI grants. the mythical Mount Gulsuk to fnd The Perilous Odyssey has been a cure for his sick girlfriend who is picked to attend the TFI Network pregnant with their child. The Tribeca market at the 2019 Tribeca Film Film Institute will mentor Dela Cruz Festival, while Lim’s project was through the completion of his feature. awarded $10,000 in production | Home | Spotlight | Politics & Economy | Business | Markets | Tech & Science | Viewpoints | Life & Arts | Features | Regions | Life & Arts > Arts January 1, 2018 5:20 pm JST Laos Film Festival Nurtures Big Screen Dreams Luang Prabang has no cinema, but annual event is attracting growing global attention RON GLUCKMAN, Contributing writer A jury chose Induangchanty's script for his film second feature, which has also generated an editor at the Bangkok Post newspaper and Vietnamese rock scene of the 1990s, was like a "Raising a Beast" as the winnter in the talent interest from Japan, where her 2013 debut film, the writer of many films, the panel bemoaned mixture of "Back to the Future" and "Wayne's lab competition, awarding it a mentoring "Shift," was a surprise hit. the scarcity of funding and distribution World." package provided by the non-profit Tribeca opportunities. Thai cinemas favor Hollywood Film Institute in New York. The prize includes blockbusters over local productions, panel Movies were screened back-to-back, with six help to prepare this filmmaker to attend and members said. They discussed quota systems showing per day, and viewers registering their pitch his project during the next Tribeca Film to prioritize homegrown productions, a approval afterwards. The Audience Choice Festival in New York in April.