PAT IN PERSON Haywards BOMBSHELL Mondjy, July 24, 1944 THI DETROIT TIMES C-15 Call It a Day Long's Contestants Varied Help STRINGING ALONG with Johnny Long over the pact hp|f iinlrwa mp |pt her it ml nnr issisn ciillp usual number of recruits from at the / ous temperaments, but said they South who ix doing ouch a fine job at the Michigan this the bobby socks brigade, but Johnny told us that epi- wHHBH have no plans for a legal separa- demic of wanting to make with a microphone reaches all '•Jr (week, and found that he d really met some characters dur- tion or divorce. classes. ' separated context. N.A. \ “We have been for ing this y.. f ¦ two months,” Miss Lupino said. One soeiet> gill in the Kast offered us quite,a sizable “One chap," Long said, “actually hitch-hiked all the "I am living In the family home sum of money to let her sing. I think. ma>he she did it on Woodworth to Cleveland to enter ggypWHIMK and Louis has taken an apart- way from the itstr of Washington a bet, hut you should see the bribes we \e been offered—: hoped we wouldn’t get f / mm ment. I the contest. I didn’t believe hia itory, hut we checked up even gas coupons. \. jMI any publicity but I suppose the Co. 'wr** story was bound to leak out.” i and sure enough, he’d alwaya wanted to sing with a popu- Long laughed when he recalled >omr of the aspirants, Wanda at Jarvis Hayward, who left a movie ca- lar band and this was his chance to show the folks hack "theie was an opera singer, who said that she thought stye marines, FERNDALE reer to join the won a In Spokane that he could do It. could do better in ‘something more commercial and there bronze award for bravery during was one old who sang song. “The one though was a little dead-pan blue* wonderful duck a Civil War landing operations at Tarawa. He best thin a • • expects to receive an honorable ainger who won the contest in New Orleans. He never Johnny puts new contestants on at each show at the his discharge in August because of ill moved a muscle and his expression was absolutely blank, Michigan when |»ovsil)le and then on Thursday will hold health. hut he knew how to moan those low down blues and he final auditions. The winner here will receive a bond and went Belva VN’hite in the piano “Before I Into the serv- stopped the show. a chance to compete in the national finals. Male ice Ida and I were having a pounding singer featured “Most them nervous, but some carry It to He opens next week at the Hotel New Yorker for nina little trouble, but I hoped we at Ted l.ipsitz Stage Show of are eould work it out,” he said. extremes. There was one girl who threatened to kill hcr- weeks and then is going West to make another picture. Tool “There Is no one In my life and Bar these days. I know there is no one in her’s. Designer It's Just one of those things.” AUSMUMacwre Tool Mill \ 1* -Jm ' Such Popularity TODAY MOVIE Film Time Clock EIGHT LEADI>TG m«*n make WAR BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OF THESE THEATERS 1 -3 Operator love to Bette Davis in the star’s " — flHh —w Vemor Mighwav at Cantral o ADAM* Oh'i*t Catrhrra 12 4* 3 38 4 Frantcna* PL Ml’ # JiOt Michigan, Car 22nd fR A UFR M -Tho tv fttrxf Rif)n,u irt—Hara*r an n ... *nNnL . ~ « > Nay m ; Holiday, picture, Skeffingion." wQilC—L »p»n ¦ a - « Tool Room A2B 9 IS p "Chriatmita new "Mr. (tp-n 4... <;•!» C.-.p-r in u • II r ll» IMinc- p m " I ip. T"ii*' in Phantom Lady." I’ - VI a.i li ,'I II ,rv "Th# Uninvited 11 03 a. m, 1 55, 4 45. 7 33. 10 25 at S»a "Falcon Out W««t." DU-k Powell In "Riding High," in " Claude Rains is the one of them "Souli II ,pt in Th* Big Bhot Fighting heabaat." with Jo|U» Wavne. - It* l*rW«» Till 6 i*. M Also Turn Neal, "Twia-Mkn Bubm*iin« Uu«*i' " " HROADWAV-4APITOI. * c.aall*ht ." Lun»a> (Slu *V Bench Hand « . m who becomes her —* —Woodward k-Mtl* TOd-4110 Lu "Tamgiro Cf eei J '• "Hour Betor* i p. K-liy "Chrutma* Holiday." Pla* t;.an- J "Daotihatlan Tokyo" IL tiincon. Jft." O-or In " Oartuw. the Damn I.' 4 74. h 11 44. j "Thouaond* Ch#«r “ 30 olMrii ,n l Jobnwdi In "Ghoit Cateh»c« 'Moon Ovac Lai Vagal." Ann U*>nnr. J’lu* Gay Cahallcre." 1 lloini ¦ in. 111. KtsHt.R 12 Foeagt PL 4 04. 7 Jft 11.12 p m Hour H--tor* *24« t jf«»**on lc jwo « C # —SiscS at St. loan LE mi* LAKEi AKFwnnn-tuuu RIVOLA—Cadtltac- 442 d Tool Dawn.*' 2 30, a 24. I 51 p m ayninaiADMIRAL open g4l Pa k K're Coni I' M < aiy uram. 4 11 I M. Pi 4jlu g "Tamglea." <:i ’ ess " < J ltd kc lam hcttion ' Rr.inn-oii. Man. 11 ‘ Toay# Maon A 1111I'M MADISOV "Thouaond* Chef” 10 j..tin Hui "Shin# On. Hanoi " fceyiian." «iaifl-t** # Lone Waliauc llpm HI Pill I' I‘aul •'Ai Thou*a'id« Chear 4U Ht*i». I. Broach Gn**' Cm 7 10, 850 p m , Cont-rvlll# Ohnot." th« Soundt." I'Sii Paul I k.- K 1 hm oik lu Addrv** with Via ->i.e Bufla Luka*. K T Addreat ' " Mam. Rteient. Unknown 4ri*coKid **ii- ' Hour Beta** Oaivn." Vr out.a I,*rr II 20 a in., 2 29 . 5 1 8 8 07. 10:56 p. m Smart Guy," UoUiy Loimju. M. U'Ai). "Friaa# Kid." in Cagney. M likil t.rant. DEVL LUKELWAL open '- .o Ha added attraction to Freddie Slack and his *» Gat sal" Wild Grinders " (iifkm. hi #r I’l'lamiO ' Madam# Cun*." Margaiei Htilla'an Ann Hoihem Friday. TELr.NKWS N-wa. ahurt außJecU, 9 i(Mt) Lamarr m Hoavoniy Body 9 ui. <.#c*c Calling. II I' •mu J»i Hi hand in the new show coming to the Downtown • haludoi Aangai." Disney Fratura i ait a m to 11 p rr i| UiUBDi—S42S Woodoard MA 9234 r4t, "Ootnjr My Way" —*' Clrllngamo —C*nttr Lin#. Mich. ROOSEYELT-‘ I >ITM» ARII-Es ALrIAHDnA « ylf Alr-CnUilltincied LIBERTYlivwni 1 Lathe and opr|l k -r " DFITFR | ti * Ham 230 6 3 I‘oul " "Maon o»*r La* V»g*. Turn »"«»*' • Ald Llttin Brrrnt 10, lomct Reh Hu.sry lU,‘i* ” "Thautandt Cheer." 7.24 and 10:10 rich 1 3.10 8 30 Unknown." "Frlaaa Kid." i «an-> Milland. "Th* U"i»»itad * Main Th* Out W**t p "Fighting hrabort." Falcen Shaper Hands m Alton Kd AT 2911 J il.ii Vk»>ne " J 2O a —S’tSold " F— Woadw'd TO 1-0123 AUFM PARK - r L'—• • RfKFfIAIt>U JL VHLL ftkkuv rann , 0 "oar |.„g y,, ( )pen .im*. ah Conn niv—Wilt Vor nor Highway Hubbard LINCOLN' " *'** * limit hi. I noivit Loll *( •• 11 l*u in Lott An*«l |*nu "Hea*»nly Body.” W Powell 7. 10 04 Maraarrt OM 8:38. B Hanoi I Angol," \|« .»•••! 11 It' -n. Jkip*- I>* t Heat Treat Louella Parsons "Lumkorjack." -itli WUlwm " My Favorite Bland ' li h II pe S 44 Onlv NOW' B»»>1 H>a "MtrgeD at Morgan i Croak ' " ItuTianl Uu lin'd' Fantaiy." Th# WhUtlrr." 1 Cxparinncad -,MOl Charlttoit TU Fl#*h and with Chat lea Hov*' u "'* - and RlVnaALOMA 2-24 H a f,r* "• •* o c*nn roseville— Inoxparidncad in (ijwood o li. H-U) Lamair. at WOO PARK- pIP[&oTW IMaLivarnot* Oa«nan HO LINCOLN « 1 r.I'll «*rr. sr*- "Mtattnly Body" Oimli **>a tmi Win I'i.soll, "Falcan open .N«i John t.orrteld In "o»*tln#tlon Tokyo." 9 Out Wat," Tom iiatai. Joao Barclay, 0:14. Cartoon Ran- K:*»• Aim Slmridoii. "Shlno On. Harvct Plu* "Slightly Ttrrlflc." .no MlCMia-M doipb Nr-riti. Grata Xlrlhmald m ' Gun* Moan." 'Ching*t Cal." Jnan WinvHiun BAKW —,J *° nr. Schaofor July '.l Jra- petite Loos gal. who made a for- if 7 Crand 8 Ivor. Ha." "Cry Havoc." Maidt.n Sulla ran. I. D. and | . —• *—*¦* ‘u.M ALTVIMin rouge— tune with o urn i* 4i. Bind Crnttiy. Dot ab-erne from "Gentlemen Prefer Mol*. "Baad ta llorooco.** UHWOOOU ffelte MacDonalds l.amonr. Bob DIIVEIN EAST SUlf^'r, ¦»* Will, Mn< ans Angeles twfM Can't Bation Lava." u. Hood-o. J. iobntioo. DRIVE-IN VEST SIDe-* Barker In "Jam Sa.tion " "Th* Falcon I. ka* K T 'Addraa* Unknowm.' Civic Ex- I'a.ney. XI legdriy. Jane* Gayoor In "A Star It Barn." Plug Out W**l." Tnm runway. Juan Ban l*> Kid." Jk*. Machine aminer lost a mighty enterpris- AHJILnVAPI a November and she has been :15. Car tuua. "Sllant Barrlarg” mil Ktchad as Woud'd-Circut CH I2JI • 2-Milo and Mevar* UN 4-4SBS a tn-" 0 a MADISON— Pk. RHYAI—nu, " ing news|Xiperman when 16-year- in "Claadia." jn L O. years. Udlcitfhtln iUUCV—Grand at ioy Boad « Tokyo." Lai Tun* in "Hour BtlOf* Dawn." | and her teacher of many contract. a delivery nhola Blvor in "Oaatlnatian "Moan Ovar ner Dick was \OMMmtiS& hoi hat 0 paui in Addrott New*. LI 2 0,w *'•'* r,M> n*Aa» Vagat." A. Uirnat. 1» Bruce. Cart. VMM Stock Movers < ROYALnut ML OAK lo prepare hoy good he's 4 9:1-1. Jairmo a«n-y, MAIN-ROYAL OAK~.mi n; .i'. Ann Sh.rt.un. EXenni* Grace Adele Newell and a one. But a Unknown." at 39. * i Alic*A 1 *>»*-¦K»\*. Htoom " mm TW "Frloca Kid.” at 47 and JO. lift CUK— IISIO r i***rMn LC Mis « Jack Oaki*. "Groat Amtrican Broaßcait Morgan In "Shlna On. Harvett Moon.” cute kid of a sudden he Urn JO LAJI MtV „ , for con- nnd all *>p«, p y| |,„w r , f 'Saul* at Saa." Gary iimpr Plu« "Croi* of Larraina," wt'h Gene Kelly. and Sweepers herself her debut. The ” —Cloy at Blrhaiond « R 0 a ArULLWAPfillO I.a dtri. C. Grant, i. ‘Oaatinatian *' Fart signd by rated part in "Janie TEIIIFIC i I*. If Riub-ll- Garfield. at Wiltl* RUPFRT— 7,3 Aubin, Near E. tract. Maestro Fausto ihkb Tokyo.' 'lain Saiaian.' A Miller, J. ltarkrr nAiCAIItMAlF^Tlf—woodward nwrLIII ,w ja*rtorm- He was so good that the studio ¦ e »a ¦,.>««• nuo faMOMHI Dinnorwar- to Tom i.onwoy in opan « 10 m 2 A. M wn I* ;o. Hide Kid*. Cle\a. calls for three • falton Out Woot." l'lu« "BMont eartnar." Hargar-Van Oyha IV »0«i « “Th# Fighting ' with Wain*. "Mr. Mugg* Stag* Out." Plu> Wild Bill Men for FACTHWH— k*abto*. John of and up his option and ,ln * LAJIUHn "Tho Unlnvltad." B*> It 11 MM Llliolt in ‘‘Martholt Rano." anees—two of "Romeo Ju- took the first u ARTADF -e*4 d* *1 Vornor Hi|hway open 110. Ilonled MlIland. I knvavL Cagne*. M Lindsay. ot Kirby and one as Marguerite in thing the boy did was to i op.® aii .Mini. B-tty "Friaca Kid." iaa. 03 4 J DIICCFI I —Ruttall Cafeteria liet.” send " "Addrggg ' m* Hutton ,n “Mtracl* of Morian't Crook Unknown," allk Paul Lukaa. MARTHA WASH'TON-' illx-n ~4.i. I tuldn-n K*eir Dav '"Faust,” to be sung in out 40J announcements to hm " All Hta- Holly-wocul 4 a»t In French. cus- . Town Llirott Mjliand. yM , • Bordar Guntuhtorl." Bill FACT CIHF—Gratiot at Grandy II R Hii.*#v. "Th* Uninvlttd CoUtred tomers he T * 2o#|MM IIMt»t *7 V LMJI JIML Pin* "Lumberjack." with William Boyd ¦ Double Deal." Al«o "Union Pacific." Work any that was no longer a / # * (80w1—4147 Gratiot IV 90lt op,. It. Coat. Bety H lttrjn. I don’t know of news in f Tf ARCADIAAnunvin " —*>l -‘ “ehigan. (jug « \ yWeirt****) [ 5 WNT lIHKm UTTIf IICRIT Ann M,„ in "Mirada at Margan'i Croak ha\ him -Macil delivery boy but a full fledged ta V / jLnA L Pally years that has so delighted me. yLy4—-Cka*t< "Maiklo Gat« Mor ktan." Knb-rt Ta-lor. In "Swing Favor Dune* i aruxAi. New*. MAXINE “J®*'*'".,Opi'n d 41. Ann Miller. I A"end Maun*#. Grear movie j Garvin. Wallet Pidgeon. "Madam* Curia." ai star. Brian Donl—). "Billy tho Kid." dolor Fidwnnn !*•» **akm n#ar t-Mii# Jr»< Maker, "Jam Station." "Dotatra- AH of us who love Jeanette d CUIWUUV dot." "Saluda* Amiga*" i Disney Feature i on t o • n "I gave the paper this jr-ed At:giro and Joan with Randolph Bmiit Claire Ti*'i*r. admire her know how hard she news." jjTOk-oo Italia tn "Tha Sky* tha Limit." I'lvi* W **4 "tr*'c,lot Ttivm* CCyillC—l.d. Rivor-Wooaih TE 2-9478 MAYFAIR— Payne has worked to prepare herself he wrote, ""but I am afraid that ' Ldward O Mohinw® In "T»m*lfo" Plua Whltgorlng F aotitrgi." Caitoon New*. open All Night » Alio* V*>v and John WESSsSPBg, H - UgrttK" II Ang*l.'' "Week End in Havana." Plu* Boy Rayvorlll In Conor Girl." Oakland TO 8-1780 Kef. II co hi "Lait .a an operatie caroer*and when because of the war, the Demo- Ffliry—*ooo Whittlor," wuh l*i> Rogeiy in "Jotoo Jama# at Bay." for Cod! W. Groonflnld Lwnw Open g IS. In l'lii»_2'Th# Klrhaid iTIkC—IU32 Pin* Kd.. BUI Elliott * Chicago nikAj " • *rd n she .step*- out on that rratlc convention and other |m. "Roaring Frtntigrg "Mr Muggi Stagi UFI —Otlwood Bird *1 Allen AT CHiFFI— c Ctt*. Ford-Mlddl* Bolt opm, Bon ti. S4AO jiimi - Female wllLam " in 64 , juine*. Ktan- 4, be disasters the story about me Tallulah Ranat,-a.l in "Litnkaat." I*lua Out "Mardi Crag." MuiteAl. N*»* open d:4' "Shin* On Harvaat U|WB Ea stage, November well all " choi Ton# in Lady." in “Tho Moon." Ann Hhendan. 7, id "Four "Phantom Plua Wm. "The CV-aar Lod*e trAsec —ioso wait Jofferton AT 7HO in jack. might Jill* a - Boyd. Andy tlyde "Lumbar rooting for her. he crowded out." L,B ** LLVnjL in K. 4 od Oomaon TO 4-J709 « Opm i on Conlnd Uaye«t Jaaa." MTM.wnAVALOM~ *,, * •“ th f - Open g jj. |», (jrw>r Hit or ibn Rea «•*, "Mr Bug Goat ta ¦la a ! rk Kroe. MERCURY“* 1 SHAFER.WAYNET,:-- 4 S her,d«,. 100 HAPPILY MARRIED ilarwm Walt-i Plda>-ui, "Madam* Cano." Town." .Noah B*eiy Jr.. 'W*#k-tnd Pan ' Open 4.44. Gr»cr G*r*mi. .-rn Mo.gan. "Shin* Hawnrott • Walter I'ldgenn "Madam* Curia." Plug D. On. Moon." Cliff? Dian-r “Saluda* Amlfa*" in T-r£niooior. J ***fMn Tu in —lU4 ' « Plu* "Craiy Moot#." Ulmu and Betty has hardly Harmonie Society LJVJumLF*mr* ( art Johnson Grable left I i ofDover* RFiyfiMT—*W2t Wwadward, Hlfhl'd ev opan d:45. Rua Ha>»orth. WOMEN BCLMUnI 8 « • Korchtval at &hnrtdtn baby since she came home. onm. a a il. to :t a m ••Cavaf Bid" ti-nlori T "h. 10-ho, JlliniWMnCIIFBinAM— her " I In Only. MICHIGAN- *"*;H'age; Johnny Le>nj artnoa. Betty Hutton a puJanon, Tt Kod-t< Oark Comm»nd "Sllant Partnar" at * os and " so glad to t»e hack in my ()irh. "Mirarl* of Morgan'* Crook In "I'm •?:££» IRENE*DUNNE etr*t*» as th* Pralri*," uitn Tim Hi t MuMah Blot era. -ren "Cantor- WANTED Offers Prize 1 I Cadillac Sauarg. Manraa Avanug villa "Alt and tho Forty Thlova*." '•he a I fIHPIILIA MilY~ Gho*t." Maraaier O linen. IE >ol.ll* Boko home in ,” said. "I i,-8j ALA.N MARSHAL IBIHI jahwdßk Mirh Jamm Cagnny. Biraido t Bl L *" *'- ck 0 jo-ikw ‘tun ’ U O J«rr-* Coring "Fritea Pliin Lukn*. •« c B (NEW)-“* FOR kiss the ground s jht- new M»r»ai-t Rrl-n. tn Kid." J'ant . „ . SHORES It FOR THE " MIDTOWN could best choral 'aii in *'Lo«t A-|*l Plua "Sli|htly Marly In "Addraii Unknown ' ill kd Rooney in A Yank ¦ i hruuann " Tokyo." fect to Harry here to Twrlflr," and IL»ui-' at flan Pin* John ( urrnll an I John GoitleliL "Ooitlnotion Plu* have and work to the Rrrol Ann- Jag. « "Boo* th* Ltgtti submitted Harmonie *040 Canaan TR 2-4471 P • id* Martin In “Hit Parade." ot Otton." aud WAR WORK •' t FARMIIM—i annun Harden be with Victoria Kli/abeth." a IN|H lik aa4 lift** rkl *F- •**«•». Air 001-d. w 15 WMt *tr*n Av*. *iLP l^ RFRKIFY—**OknwkLi for i Detroit DCUCRI HO IMO opw , v for CTAD—B227 Jo»**h Lampau In She getting read> »LTinLI (aiyComfort. —Marin, nr ff'Crand Bud jimn Naadcd love. " Symphony's Saturday oprti II 4 V Park Kra*. Coolad, "Daitmatlan Tokyo." with Grant. MORAN yp,.n 12 Divn Amocho, Gen* night con- ;aai[Ji»««>aaJß»lJ-2MJJjj“st- S-aAoo* ' Open *ll. Margaret 43. "Diamond uhieh g<><“ wag J W-vn*. X Hayward, 'Fl|htln» "Ama/ing Mr. Farrggt." 1..t«. K. Huron Sullatan. Tierney Wait.” Tone, Horseshoe in certs. M.,.an Ann Sos hern in "Cry Havoc." Pin. "Heavon Can K. Th* Unlnmt*d ' K»« I K MlH**l him ' Lady." before the camera* August 11 FFRMBAlF—Waadward. nr. »-M"a Rd. a "So'g Your Uncle." aUb BlUte Ituk.- Haines. Phantom Lata New*. work he for mixed RIRMIMAHAy* Anotbar Bond WIU iLnnvHLL opan 8«8 Mm r URAHft—^Grand Rivar-I4th TV 8-1008 WE WILL Marshall, is con- The can or BinnmunAn „ " v Bill who under !lßt Ih# O'Brtadl, Jam»« Traig in "Lott Angal MOTOR - CITY— mHg ;d " *Oh pi Anne tiwynne. Dartrl l*Oth Century-Fox and male chorus, a capella or accom- • Mtfl*r Ganf," ”Bom* Lihor- /'Swing Fgvar." M Mkiwai! Wayne. Hayward. "Fighting baa boot TRAIN tract io » Kav Ki«ar. B. hpi Kalian Lon*." 1«. Bruce in "Mean Over La* Vegat." Tom YOU panied There is •non." "Can't " Kay K. Hum*). who recently received his medi- no restriction of 0 FIHF ARK—^Waadward at Wataan * H Hale. "Falcon Out Watt "Tn# Uninvited." MlUaud. rmt KRIJ ' ‘ cal discharge from the army, gets subject matter. |j j||(Romance... ‘SV"*" ILOOMPIELD—- op#,, Al* Nidh' - STRATFORD 7l Kdw. G. RolHnion I.vnn Hart. "Tamil**." MYRTLE Johnny W-lwmuller, u for •am li'tnt *nt and lh:«». A our Wtureen S, "Fighting winning * "Maon Burma." Itntothy Lam Wavne. Haywatd. Soabooi." hn big opportunity playing *>j>- The pri/e composition Sailor'* Holiday.' t» 4* \-w« Cartoon. Ovar , o Bullhan. "Tartan’* N V. Advantura." * " "Tn* Kay liutaey. F|(UFR— In tht Fiihar Bldg V.UI Laugh Slum. Hare Como* Elmer Uninvited." Mllland. R. the pin-up girl. will l>e jiertormed at the society’s -f JHtorwn Parkvlow LE iUI a rIJ,,Ln Small posite RfiHTHC,V/W,M Chaar." 12 '* 1 04. woodword nr. Grand Clrcu* "Thauiandi M ‘l*-Van Ovko TW 1.3931 IIIFiLLUL ftJ fail op-n *P. M A!r Cool-el Car? nvniuwnNORTOWM-' , |, concert. " *. 11 IR. "Hour Bdera Waod- r- tßd Blvd Rill is married io Michele Mor- (.¦•nt. ' Oo*tinatlon Tokyo 7 'l2. 1 Dawn.” rnß , ~ Mwlrana Din rM4 1 C.arflold I \u. gin # *n. ftutidi on KaP Now. i •»ied hy Kefruerainiii: Battl* at Saipan' is noi go«>d H-anonly Body," H. Lamarr, W. Pow-11. nerware to Ijhiie*. I'g.k 2'ree, I Machine gan and only a looker Entries must reach the society, " lithei W.i Latent Marth of Tune • Gratiot at 7-Milt ' Heavenly Bndy." Out Watt Id New*. -* FI Pi 14«>o . "Falcon runilWV <2221 ion « *ut a nice guy. care of Heinrich Van Heusen. " 1 c,r Upon « «4. 1 atv Grant. a r|Mf— Ca*t J offer MU MIS S WAY CAPITOL Q 414.4',. Ingrid minWCAINORWF^T— Grtnd Bivar at Suuthßold G Operation " Jihn Garfiald. 'Oaatlnatian Tokyo" Hlun « Ijiu Cool: Kilo Karnes, Pram hoi Ton* direcior, Grand , Krre. IS. " musical 267 E. — •«< Chari— in "Gatlltht llnrii '• open .n Lady I'lu* Lost Kid* ON ROAI) TO FAME TONIQHT 1 tOiJO .H-r*man Bov- "Mnavanly Body." with l^man. Shoe M. "Hoatenly Body." * id, "Phantom Hide River, Sept. T g • Thr-o Mon In Whlto." Lion-I Rsrrymora. lu "Me. Mugg* Stag* Out." P hy 10. Dll at Vtrntr Highway "Soul* at Saa." *i vii,i. li 2* —YVwot 0 oar born OE IIM # runwjvnFfIDHCAIJ—IOI4I ~ •ad 7leading for Hollywood and the NATIONAL CALVIN K^lt HuMnß , nrt M,hr u ""‘ *' —“ 1 HEIDT f up-n 4P. M Cool-d. Kav TIMEi . Hrarkr-O "Mtracla at Margan'i OAKDALE-° * SQUARE---'-:-. ...•« In Croak." John Wayne, -*n LIM William Goetz studio as f ist as y, Afurtuiiimut a*mi*un I ani a. C Land]- Four Jill, In a lon* ' Dtinell in "Brigham Young." "Groat Gildariltavt." *ii,»in. Nan*._ Haywaul In Fighting Also Anne Scene i Ann ian. "Bhlno Harvoat Maan." "Tha Saabao*." Plu- carry Last Last BROADCAST Hh-n On. 1 ” Gwvuiie. 11. Mimr. Moon Ovar Heat Treating the train can lum is one [ M- THREE men IN WHITE'' i pnv nut PI.AI 1. To GO M» 4 Hoiton Amgrmg Mr. Farratt Lot V****.' ¥ 11 J * • »» Butwll TW l-ltil Grand Rivor 4*M « Johnson, six feet two. ttiwl rum Our ’/[L—i Iran ta mm iu»«n BmU LKPILVJfAMFft— PMI Bakai in ilia Mo«- H lari I* —Woodroe Wilton at Glandala « iQWCg—'2SIJ,v "fcn HO William FOR THE first time in a direc- V J | ~ M Y,r*. tit—r QAIfMAH " In “Taka It or Lnava It." g ( Open 4 1U I' M. Park Pree LiKilmt. liarwm, W Curio HU Yn*r«: Open 11. .viled Heavenly Young Johnson was here before, torial sequence pictures, altar Pldf-on. "Madamo I’lii* "Candlalight In Algana." Body," Powell, Hedv Lain*". Greer Gatsoo, Wallet I'id.eou ui "Madam* of 24 _ William pin* "Valudo* Affliao*.’* Dtui-y K-atur-. tune." Disney Feature, "saiudot Amiga*. taken rigid from Kthel Mermans up Woodward at Saldan Jam Sattlon," Alin Miller Head Bat* A 1.40 Mitchell Leisen wound the * AARBFM— * * M,rh CAMPAU—’ la*-* Camaau UMltvLn Tr nt n« Park Pie* gi ahow, "Something the Boys.” wr.nrMii 1 opan d 10. i 8,l Hi'l -*»t.'flll#tl at Ollvtr INCHIKFNTON—IUR for epic, "Frenchman’s Ufwn Walt»r Pidanon. in wi'b Gall OLIVER Gang'* typw* 4 ,J„. Cool Maigaiei J.>an Bnnn-tt "Man Hunt." "Woman Btndadt." Httork Altca Kay* in "Th* M-G-M contract. in in "Salllni Ja>. H AM H*rg." Meet) Jr. "Wggg.fnd i> Brten, James Craig in "Lait Angal," on an Creek,” on the last scene the Along," Kunaid TouDg "Oklahoma Kid." Flion. Bona" Noah lu Comptometer Lata * 1-- >:< p Hay Alilland, Hussey «'»*r at Trumkuil Pa** ' . toon ' *l.: "Uninvited." Kuih be script. " Ts I-71M * > * -7 1 W-«t Hllhway - But before ever faced a v-rnor it fiIMF-td. '"" * -H mlHo,, LMrilVbCAPITOL ULV/WL Krldia Brgi-knn and Baffy 1 00 11 Philadatghia a TUXEDOv w Tu ' do TO 8-2788 a (|p , n , ~ Alwara Cool. " ORIOLE- opem Operators camera a radio job sent him back Hu".-in In “Mlraalt Margan'i Crook Open * 4.". W'tvrir, Bu-an «15 P. it. "Madam* Uary Conp-r. U-«. Bast, "Soul* at S*a.” at John "Swing Favor.'' Kk? Ktwr M. MaiwrlL lU'waid "Th* Fighting Saab*#*." "Th* Curia." Wim Greer liaison. Waller i'ldgvuu. to New York and his success with "Kldlni WHt," with Cborl— Mtarmt. lUv "Saluda* Amiga*," Dun-) Maeterpteu*. w,rT, *B a* Junction Unlnvltad." Mllland. Ruth Hil'et. i him forget -1,1,1 F*nkoll. Movor* Kd. a fiRAMADA—gnsnAVk Switchboard the microphone made "" '' LAnLfARI TfiM "Oaitlhgtloh Tokyo" w^’h M , ,on •* MERCURY * un <>pH| t |rt Hpu, John PALMER UNITED w Don*. PARK- jf-ii movies. Now he's got the movie LC OAYf —4 caiy Grant and John Garflnl.l "Falcon open 4 m. Mat. Toilav. L-T^kCkmi "Catanova in ( rnsby In "Going My Way?" "Old Acduamlanto." A*TlSfsl£V'- "Htnry k£j&ii¥ yyynjyfiii]"pi a lunlnr. wpli Toni ‘ Ottllnatlan Tokyo." */> i bug €&Gi lAikwt Burloaquo." J<* >. Juno Hatur. Out Watt" < unwjty i Grant. "Sllant Aldrich* Operators again and he II play opposite Brows. rl Bete. ted Bhnrt- Littta B**r*t." jimmy Lydim. ,*f M. M h jl' Hlak0»»l fcWoiy^ ,J *S ' Waadward. Grand ScF>dr-frT ¦ l -»rha»«-t nr Ford 1410 fiRAMD— ""or,_ Kd. CC unKHM • • Sonja Heme in "It’s a Pleasure" fvannutARMFM g : r„i Rogar. In rd M,th Ch, TO 2~0888 i>p«n a no. c. —r Oar«on. co„, u PALMS STATE- UPTQWN~ a his to pic- "Ramaned a* tha Rang#." Al«r> Haitmra W^—lien* Dunne Alan open 13. Paik Pro*. Stenog- In introduction motion “MADAME CURIE” Waltnr Ptd»»»>n, "Madomo Curia.’* Plua 6*v*c " • ¦veiled Curia," '• Mti-hall. "Th* Whit* Cliff* 01 "Mardama Grerr Gaimcv "Taal, Mittor William B-ndi*. N-w« Nianwv.-k. J. M.-t'ra* in "Union Pacific" tures. GREEK GARBON i, WALTER PIOGEON "Take It Bit." «Oth Ja. k Halev Disney F eature I ai i<«m, "Saluda* Amiga*." — 1,024 w IrWargan M-g-in* Al l*. PiC|Uft-E Oiown at TW 2 0447 ARAMBF V,n raphers f LHJinV 4-Milo UttHnvL r-ppc Midnight C 0 D*h*-Har#*r PL 4*90 uprn ~ ,0 p M Itoy- , Till " PARK-2*2S VAN DfKE~ HOLLYWOOD CHATTER “SALUDOS AMIOOS’ id. Itay In ' Thg Unlnvltad • Ue-o , 10 1 .in' J hnn* "ten 11:43. Deanna Dviitan, Fantaiy." Ifllland " • Ha liara Ktanwy-k. "Flo*h and Walt Dlaney’a S-naational "Fighting Soahaag." W*i—til. l*r >n ' Turran’t Oanart Myttary K. Tone. "Hi* Butlar'g Bi*t*r Kay Wrav. "Mr. Mu**t Stag* Out." Un Sid- Kid*, wuh Jr>bn_V\»vn* 'E*it Nhojt., • • • Anita Loos will have a play on in • Nln# Live* Ar# Nat fneuth." K G'v. An Meet* Watt." F-nlur-ttr* Toehnkolor —*"»•*"n **r Halhraak a this fall, r* C Tit—Halting* at Bantgn CA 0140 GRANT PARKIDF-' Warren-Oirkertan LE *>,'oo LivcrnoM-McNlchot* Parkini 0 Broadway "Coax Me ’ (hi rARR)IVC VAlfSllf—^ op-n m.4*l A to A M M »• \| tp» 4I ~ » M. tn H Lamir. ' Haav- #||jrrj mled ' n Last hi iow with Tom Conway, (George B-tm Hu"‘n( Hits pACA(kB|JB McClollan PL S!!f LLnisn I>pan " VICTORY- role. And j op#n 10 4 , A M TISM V rAMHIU 1 JXZ*°LI. K»llj . ruth Jnd r ,Maty l»l>e« g 4 >. Coot. Bet'v Cafeteria nostalgic* Aymuf Tcutay F*nw»r In "Son of Fury" Htiwnrth. Gaoa ‘Cavnr Girl.' mlnr. H"'e' "Ooughhoyt Irg. r tori iu ' Miracle at Morgan'* Are Tmiui* very "Cherries Wlngc Africa" 1 mtigl* drama 1. wl’li ifeiilin In 111 Craak.*' UMMIM M mi ooei "Sunny," with Anno N'radl-. John Cairoll. Ovnr land" Renni liakn New. and Hhoit- I'l.s iMUlri," F>twaid ll.'hiii...o Ripe," which is what "Coax Me mil G. M,h ,fli w *nn WM " •’ * Work originally CEHTURY-' \.m * GREAT LAKES"' PICCADILIY-r,nM VIRGINIA Hamilton at Virginia Park Not” was called when biruvoil^ Pork?LFr 11 « Ihath Ilat'ia i • >t» K.'ver. Gaiwto in "Madam# Curia." I'lu* " 11 Swtln* wrote it some years ago. K Hu«n-v Bar Mllland. *'Tho Unlnvttod.” Gran' '• fevar Kav Kv*er Manlvn \lnvwe|| pin. Nianwvik In "Fla*h and Fantaty." pin. Anita "Saluda* Amigo* a lltwiav Kaaium. " Fighting S*ab—J Warn-. S Itarwaid. Heavenly Body." with Hedv Lam air Lilt*. 1 Ho. ton, "Amarinf Mr. Farratt Vilma Banky and Rod Lnrocque M,rMf th OO GREENWOOD—* PI ATA —ll*4l t Jottor »no LC 7817* M at Harvard Park Kiev a CHAHDUR“ /" ry * VOGUE- K played for iFp-n *l4*'Tr’Humphr Bandage” Open P. M. Ann Hheodan i'*:k ree. Diene Open y r it on tour and " K»l|y Women 1o»>k Bogart. m Sahara Plua ID In K' "King* Row -ii. Curia." i* H Hilliard. g * two years, hut it never hit New "Vou'r* a Lucky Follgw. Mr. Smith." G ulian "Wild Bill Htrkok Rid**.** Ui 11 e Calvtt. 7 "J. lu. Dlanev "Saluda* Amiga*.” Beauty M,rM< •' Cakawaad AR 4020 a MM,,n it has hern re-vamped Joftoragn at Caglm « nsfirLHHARPFR— ,07S!< Mo,k 11 7ll4 # e * and the Shuberts. Lints*CIRCLE l-Millar HA7FIIIMALL PARKI "i WARREN CE don # |. |, i^, S H M R*' Mlllnn PRISCILLA- p M M lllf " t tVofiMhy l.rui u- link ?•pan 4 li P XI «,.,jed "La*t " There is wt der has nfl||TTT4Wj iHtie • ooL Psal Lnkav K T s*r,m,. Addr*u Hii'h Hu«*ai. "Tha Unlnvltad I In Riding High A’mv Wnman I'.v k Free. O G*rs.. n . "Madam* no who a Angal." Margam o Jama* I h i Can* comedy than the ******* Unknown." "Jkmbgroo." with Hu'h T-try. Brian. #1 the Town." Clio- Trevrv (‘artnoK Ihenry heat me (Vow "Saluda* Amiga* better knack for "' HiqhgjF ¦ r|V|f Ootroit—K«lly Ft Whittier AR 1222 —Kareheval-Flthar Rd. « 0 04k »*"•• ° W«q#t *’ HIGHLAND ~i * Htanwyrk. BP* PUNCH A JUDY Greey WASHINGTOn-* ¦ -808-LO Op-n _ in Airplsn* ihi Barhato Cat-on , K*v Krani-I*. r Our t :90 iCtiiMeFi Jorl Mrt rwa "Union PmlKc," "Hao»ior 1 OTfHTHT'CTION and Wal'ee Pld.eon ta Lan ll*. ' Four Jill* In • Jea* " "Charll# Part* nun Ev«. 5.30 SAILINGS DAILY Holiday," with Dal- Liau, tlourar Byron. THF MOUI.RN THKATKRt Madam# Curia." Chan and th# Chin*** Cat." Kidney Tnlet Plsnf. 5 f, * —Farmington. Mi«h Phono 444 —*ro * w r • h * w#4 - * %"u "* 8*4 Waat Warran Av*. Pl«d»«»t Wffrkioq PiyiP 4 HOLLYWOODnvuittvv* ' RADIO CITY- WEST END-* Daily It Suaday-SchaduU Cary np n. ~1 k»th *-VJohn "TW New* y&r , Upon 0.70 Cool. triant, ' «vn-. Horan i'arti«» let* llav / " nn Giav*nn. Kaily. 'Thau*and»1 Ch»ar Ham aid 'Tha Fighting S«ab**« " worth. Gene m Conditions. rA John Oarfl-ld in Totyo O " Rirh Kelly "Caver Irara Vrrt*a PAWN "Oaatmatlon " Girl." ai*« l-a»r Maur itfart Dawn grits l aoel Ina »rd Dix, Gloria Htuart in "Th# Whl*tl*r (•ail Pa'iti'k in m 6 DAYS! Detroit 808-Lo n-lroll _"Maa*onl|r Body." -its Hei> lAMisrr Bandtf*.". *'*” ,M UAUB—«42I St a —( d *' Mg. 11:04) noon 1 ,»o Ml. SVftjiaooo» 40 onri. cla *MB Ml<>> Ll J-° " Chine p ; J *T 1244 Wyo """, ualiM wr,fc |HB0 ‘ r 10:00 VM. CLAWSOH~llm wn ho •lOR6I AIIOT7 Pr#»*ntt SO Ml, !() j, ( op«n I s m Cary 0 Mt *nd C,e»vn AiPry WESTOWN- 7111« 4 M #|y Ur4Btf " in open 81» 2OnP M. 4:00 P.M. fl . N " Rr*rt 4in " Tokyo tjegg Pari Applf A» 400 P.M. «OS P.M. 7SO Ml.’ John tlarflnld. "Oottmalitn Tokyo Plua John Gaificld in o#*tmatl#n ‘ South at th# Harder Tlemev Coni Greer Garvn "Madam* Cart* ” ... sney "THE LAUGH OF SOS PM. 8 30 P.M. 10:00 PM. Ftlron Out Wokt." «rh Tom 1 imi«*> Tan. Mlitar’" wrn /Thundarbirdi" Mn t l> Peaturo Cart ton Saluda* Amiga* " Pirioansi Dopt. It SO *' * * P| —* B;4» P.M. 11:00 P.M. AM. —‘Ml Hamilton, tt Conli.ld HOOVER so?0 W Warren A** CC SSM Mll iiTT* 2offor»#n Grind Blvd a rniKFIIM IIWTin—I RAMONA~ ('. WHITTIER A LIFETIME” LULIXWn iiprn « Opan IIS Cary Grant, Juhn floor* Open »t 1 Park Open 4 P, k • 7ft. Kttbarino IJ Pie# tooted • Fsr* • K e* 'Madam* Rain Of Cornall. H H*r«a. "Stig* Door Ckntoon." Garnald. 'o#*tlnatlan Tokyo Plu* "Ouda* Cart#.' 2 4 44 7 44. IftM I arv Grant la ' Oettlnatioo Tokyo." Aim Ar« Pr*tty Paa*)*." *i'n M "Boluda* Amiga*." 4 14 7u. 10 II Hound Trip Fran Detroit \ Plua "Bogart Fra* th* ADutiaaa." I "FAleon Out W#*t." wi'b Toni t || #, s Bh(# p,,,, • M Unitlam 4 Jrdvn ' (pell > 11 P« k Pi. knn 1 " It " ' Mt* - CHILD SOo H-nr-ld. "how. Vayagar "You Can't HHt Lamarr In Haavanly Body." "Tha Hmtiif "Th* Fighting k*ah**« P I'lan Denni* M "Shtna On Har- ADULTS SI.OO ’ |le*etl' vaat " Jill, Saturday Moonlight Ration Lava." with B»'t> Jon- Bhod— Falcon Out Wait" »"h Tnm I'nnwa Sllant Portntr* t.lnid W H*m« Moan 4 *ng * j*e* \| jiar* - • (I “ Co. Congnt TW 2-304) Av* F'd Btvd TN w ~OZr * JininjVßIFFFfßtAlft"OW laff#r»*«» RFr.FMT- ’n«4» 2-8484 ? CQHAHT , rnxni , , j B:4S P.M. 51.29 op-n *ls St-m mtnnn Ac lal Gena 4 frite* WYANDOTTE-HAJESTIC open * P VI Ithi* Pool ’ • 4 7 lit It .'• ' Addreo AT «» * tAdl— llr|i l.*.M»rr, Autrv tn "Raatln' Taotln' Rhythm P Kid." 21?. 44. •ml C F .VlrHugt "Cortatr." to William " Morn*. Waada at CIL»f " " HAHLila Lll-Walttr "Watrd Woman U"4"*w." Pwi 1 l.ub*« J 4i* n Pin ' Jarvta Puwrl 1. "Hoatronly Body "Th* Whl-tl*r Ixut 1 han»t f. Ank-t- Chant* Chan and th* China** Cat iMi Cay H. Y. Cat! in r 'Mr*l- SI Wert near Juwa DAYTOW w Vwnor-Military VI 2-92)2 Jay at Octtar TV 7-S2IO Feet luortlO" FERNDALE CfillßTF^Y—vvvnitji JAW— REX ».#• Irr Hoy ' • • WYANDOTTERIALTO , «.•»,* Opmi «41 4tn I. Rnl nwm 1 tla i-e* 41. imnoid. " r-wt '. " • " n «',I rV n ' rt*«h end F*et#«v P . Thousand* • Te • *> Chgrk Tamgtrn Pin* \t O tlva Dane# " Chaar m hi $ "Hat FFonoy Dirk F an n " n Sit.—All Scats 1.00 " *' *' h |V-n H« • rrUferni* jo* | last Mit. • lma*y Ft*F*tar«." ' Vaung Bill Mlrkah Girt Oanr* Tu-- I M»i I K •!». *rt O #>s>it *nd l 'ne K'lts J»h* M lA't ten * ' pi - * F ,w *' '* " ,lrt * LA 7}7* * 1117 Chan* Straat a irW Mt itodff I9tf-cl lw 0130 tv> '*|IUC— YOUR— float CA. ilili * CRYSTAL "I'*1 Cn** Firm tl New* 1 Open IJ h inn' S4* 1 Ru’i***n J one* I* knn XI lie. I»ss *I.OO " ' " IllfMs *2.00-51.50 1 FOOT of WOODWARD Ri»* Hgywnr'h O-n# Kal’y, ' Co*or Gift" Ann Smsarn m "Crv Hava* P i* Jimm' Mii'tnd. No It Hue* Th# Uninvited ' R* ter >n Jam Sestian "De«t'oP*r "I * ‘ Cry gavsa," M. Suua>ao. Joss BloedoU. I Udua. Maary Aldrich Get* Glamour." I ' Ltit A ng#i," M. O Bii«a. Jam** L . *.< kd *atd (J. NuDvaaon. Xikiluortia tbapaatk i.