St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine 1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn, NY 11740 April 2015 Volume 20, Issue 4 THE MESSAGE 58th Anniversary of The Founding of Our Church 38th Anniversary of The Consecration of Our Church


Inside This Issue

 Church Calendar

 Church & Ministry Info

 Upcoming Events

 Liturgical Schedule

 From Fr. Lou

 From the PC 1st Vice President

 Philoptochos

 Choir Notes

 Sunday School

 Little Angels

 Greek American Preschool

 Greek School

 Book Review


 Stewardship Information

 Pictures

 Flyers

 Advertisements

Volume 20 No. 4 April 2015

PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015 Contents President - Steve Margarites Featured Vice President - Steve Ramerini Calendar 2nd Vice President - Nick Andreadis Church Information From The Desk of Fr. Lou Treasurer - Dan Doscas From Our Parish Council 1st Vice President Assistant Treasurer - John Ioannou Choir Secretary - Effie Carlucci Sunday School Assistant Secretary - Dennis Lichas Philoptochos Parish Council Members 2015 Greek School PTO Elene Batanchiev-George Bennis-Katherine Dorsey Greek School Gigi Franklin-Christine Ilasi-Peter Karropoulos-Nick Kontos Greek American Pre-School Girl Scouts Dean Kostopoulos-Dean Koutsoubis-Peter Orfanakos Little Angels Jason Poulis-Georgia Psilakis-Steve Stavros-Jon Varlamos GOYA Our Ministry Leaders Stewardship Information Athletics – Chris Varthalamis Choir – Pauline Kitsopoulos Church Book Store – John Arettines Girl Scouts – Agape Bell SUNDAY SERVICES Good Neighbor Fund - Pam Praetorius, Maria Mastrogiacomo Orthros: 8:30 am GOYA Advisors – Bob Kouroupakis, Janina Nathan : 9:45 am GOYAL - Georgina Kostopoulos, Anna Koullias *** Greek School PTO – Cheryl Paraskevopoulos, Joanne Kefalas Greek School Principal – Maria Angel WEEKDAY LITURGIES Greek School Board – George Likourezos Orthros: 9:00am Greek American Preschool – Joanne Kefalas Divine Liturgy: 10:00am Bi-Annual Blood Drive - Angela Arettines *** HOPE – Melissa Levick, Agape Bell PARAKLESIS TO PANAYIA JOY – Tessie Pando Junior Choir - Kathy Demacopoulos, Erika Gavras Every Friday Evening - 6:00pm Little Angels – Alexandra Bennis, Effie Poulos, *** Christine Borzumato PARAKLESIS TO ST. PARASKEVI Philoptochos – Georgia Constantine First Friday of every month - 11:00am Care Ministry - Sophia DeMonte *** Life Ministry – Anastasia Geotes All services are listed on the Church Players – Chris Christopher Calendar on our website. Shrine/Church Beautification – Anastasia Geotes Pam and Gregg Praetorius, Ritsa Taktekos *** Sunday School – Argy Koumas If you wish to schedule a Memorial, IOCC - Nikki Larkin, Gloria Stavrakopoulos Artoclasia, or Fanouropita Service Email: [email protected] Please contact the Church office.

These services can be done any day of the week.

Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church,1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn, NY 11740 Tel.:631.261.7272 - Fax: 631.261.7295 - Email: [email protected] - Website: Reverend Father Elias (Lou) Nicholas - Email: [email protected]

APRIL 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Saturday of Lazarus Orthros 9am Girl Scouts 4pm Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Divine Liturgy 10am 9am

Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Folding of The Palms 6pm HOPE 6pm Lenten Meal 8pm Lenten Breakfast

5 Palm Sunday 6 7 8 9 10 11 Orthros - 8:30am Vesperal Liturgy of Royal Hours 9am Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 6am Divine Liturgy - 9:45am Holy Unction 3pm St. Basil 6am

Nymphios Service Nymphios Service Apokathelosis 3pm Vesperal Liturgy 7:30pm 7:30pm Holy Unction 7pm Nymphios Service 12 Gospels 7:30am of St. Basil 10am 7:30pm Service

7:30pm Resurrection Service 11pm

12 Easter Sunday 13 14 15 16 17 18 Orthros - 12am Little Angels 12:30pm Divine Liturgy - 1am Girl Scouts 4pm Paraklesis 6pm Greek School

9:30am Agape Vespers 11am Greek Regents 5:15pm JOY - 7pm Easter Egg Hunt 12pm Adult Greek Class 7:15pm

GOYA 7:30pm

19 Sunday of 20 21 22 23 St. George 24 25 Thomas Sts. Raphael, Nicholas Orthros - 9am Zoodohos Peghe Orthros - 8:30am Adult Basketball Greek Regents 5:15pm & Irene Divine Liturgy - 10am Paraklesis 6pm Orthros - 9am Divine Liturgy - 9:45am Orthros - 9am Divine Liturgy - 10am 8:00pm Adult Greek Class Divine Liturgy - 10am 7:15pm HOPE - 7pm

GOYA 7:30pm Girl Scouts 4pm Greek School Philoptochos Meeting 9:30am 7:30pm

26 Myrrh Bearing 27 28 29 30 St. James Women Little Angels 12:30pm Orthros - 9am Orthros - 8:30am Adult Basketball Girl Scouts 4pm Divine Liturgy - 10am Divine Liturgy - 9:45am 8:00pm Greek Regents 5:15pm Adult Greek Class 7:15pm

GOYA 7:30pm From The Desk of Fr. Lou The following article was a lecture form our Lenten these things help to prepare our hearts to be a welcome home and a fitting dwelling place for the Spirit of God. And this is why it is important to keep Lecture series, given on Wednesday evenings, which was our hearts pure, for it is through our hearts that we talk to God and within presented by Bill Courbanou. I pray it inspires you as much our hearts, that we hear His voice. as it inspired me. - Blessings, Fr. Lou During this Lenten period, we pay a lot of attention to what goes into our mouths, but it is equally important to watch what it is that we al- There is a story that I like to read every once in a while; and it’s low to enter into our hearts. about a saint who lived during the 1200’s and it describes the end of his In one of my Sunday school classes, I was talking with the kids about this, life. He is lying on his death bed and is surrounded by his disciples. And as and I drew a picture of a heart on the board and began shading in sections they are gathered around him, they are sad and crying. But he looks at them of the heart and described what they represented. There were sections for: and says: Jealousy, hatred, greed, power, envy, pride- and soon most of the heart was “Come now my dear brothers- do not lose courage- do not cry or filled with these things, and I explained that when this happens, there is grieve too much for death is nothing new in this world.” Then he confesses little room left in the heart for compassion, kindness, mercy or love. his Faith in God and tells them that they should love one another. He then And as I talked about this, one of my students, a young man says that he is departing to the house of eternity and he gives up his spirit. stopped me and said, wait.. who would ever want to fill their hearts with The thing that I find beautiful about this story is the peace with which this these bad things? And I said- that is an excellent question- who would want man died. He didn’t make a big deal out of death. He acted as if he were to do such as thing? telling his friends that he was going away on a trip to a far off city or vil- Then I said, I believe the answer is that no one would intentional- lage. How was it possible that while he was dying, knowing he was about ly want to do this, but it can happen if we are not careful. If we allow our- to leave this world and everything in it, he could be so serene and so calm? selves to be pulled and pushed by the things of this world, then the things I believe he was able to act this way during his death, because of this world can slowly creep into our hearts and overtake our souls. during his life, he had found the kingdom of heaven and had a sense of One of the ways this can happen is when we look around us and what was to come. compare ourselves to each other. What good can come from comparing And this is what I want to talk about tonight- the ability for us, while we ourselves to anyone else? If you compare the things that you have with the are still upon this earth, to find the kingdom of heaven and receive the things that others have and they have more or better things than you - can peace within our souls which it can bring. that not begin to grow jealousy or envy within your hearts? And if they In the Gospel of Matthew- Christ tells us to “Seek first the King- have less than you, or you have better things than they - can that not begin dom of God and all other things that we need will be taken care of.” He is to grow pride and swell your ego and make you think you are better than telling us that our first priority- the first thing we should try to do as we try they? There is nothing good that can come from comparing ourselves to and figure out how to live our lives, is to look for the kingdom of God, to others. And besides this, God will not judge us on how we compared to Seek it out. Why? Because it will be our guide for how we live our lives. others. Because once we find it, the way we look at life changes and the way we If you want to compare yourself with someone- you would do live our life changes. well to compare yourself with the person which God created you to be, for The kingdom of God brings with it, a great joy and a great peace that is what God will judge you on. Another thing to be careful about is within our hearts and an understanding of the true purpose and meaning of caring too much about what others say about us. Do not look for praise our life. - (pretty nice things to have). Christ compares the kingdom of from others and do not be troubled by their criticisms. Thomas Kempis, in heaven to a great treasure that is hidden in a field- He tells the parable of “The imitation of Christ” put it very well. the man who finds that treasure, and realizes it’s great value, so much so, “A person who is not affected by praise or blame enjoys serenity that he goes and sells everything else that he has- just so he can buy that of the heart. You do not grow in holiness because of the praise you receive property and have that treasure. In other words, it is worth more to him and you do not become evil because of the blame that others may pour than anything else in the world. upon you”. Finding the kingdom of heaven means having new sight. It means Be much more concerned with what God, who knows what is in your seeing with our hearts and not with our eyes. It is a new vision, one that hearts, thinks of you, and less concerned with what others, who do not enables us to see and care about the things which are truly important, and know what is in your heart, think of you. to ignore the things which are not. We find ourselves wanting only those And finally, give as much or even more attention to your spirit, as things which are necessary for our souls. And the many petty things that you do to your body. Each morning, we wake up and think about our looks. used to trouble us in this world, no longer trouble us. When we worry and We wash up, fix our hair, put on cloths, perhaps jewelry, makeup, so that fuss about the petty things that happen in this world, we are like a 2 year we are presentable to all whom we meet. old child who is playing with a toy that is suddenly taken away from him. Give some thought and attention to making your spirit look good He cries and is upset because to that child- the world revolves around him as well. Remember that when we meet others, while their first impression and that toy- he does not have the ability to understand that life is so much is about how we look, the lasting and more important impression is of how more than just that toy. we act. And this is what we need to learn as Christians, that life is so Each day as we get dressed, think also about putting on the spirit of love much more than what we can see in this world. It is so much more than the and mercy. In your day to day activities with all whom you meet, let them material things that make us temporarily happy. That the important things see through your actions and your words, the spirit of mercy and kindness in life are not what we have or our fame or celebrity, but rather the im- and love. St. Peter tells us that this type of beautify, which cannot be seen portant things in life are how we show our love for God and for each other. by the human eye, is of great value in the eyes of God. And so then, how do we begin and where do we look for the kingdom of During this Lenten period, we fast and pray and worship together as we heaven? prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. In truth, we should fast and In the Gospel of Luke, some of the Pharisees were asking Christ pray and worship every day as we seek the kingdom of God and prepare for this very question. They asked- When will the kingdom of God come? And our own resurrection. Christ tells them that kingdom of God is not something they are able to see If we try to keep our hearts pure and live each day with a spirit of coming with their eyes. And in fact, he tells them that the Kingdom of God compassion and kindness and love, we will be well on our way to finding has already arrived- and it is within them. the kingdom of God. And when the time comes for us to leave this world, The truth is that the kingdom of heaven is within all of us, but it we too may experience a peace and a calm within us, because we have will never be found if we do not look for it. Christ uses the word “Seek” for gotten a small glimpse into the new life which is waiting for us. a reason. In the same way He describes the kingdom as a treasure hidden in a field, the Kingdom is hidden within our hearts, waiting for us to dis- Amen cover it. In the same way that we can take a gift which someone has given us and put it away in a closet and never see it or use it for what it was in- tended, the same is true of the Gift that God has placed within our hearts. There are a number of things we can do to help us find the king- dom of God within us. And these include daily prayer, daily reading of the Gospels, worshiping in Church and receiving Holy Communion. All of From Our Parish Council 1st Vice President - Steve Ramerini In my last few letters in this space I used humor to make my $3,000. Today that same car starts at $30,000. Simple point. Today I need to make a very serious point about our math means that those school children today would be giv- community and the sustainability of religion in the USA ing $2.50, $5 and $10 each week and their parents would be and the world as well. Thus this conversation is going to be giving $10 to $100 per week. Now I am not all that naive about what it will take to sustain our religion and our to expect that school children would be putting in as much church. If our religion, or for that matter any religion, is to as $10 and their parents would be putting in as much as survive into the future, you have to believe that you are con- $100 in the collection tray today, but certainly they would nected to your religion and your community. You have to be putting in something more than $1. Something signifi- have a relationship with God and let him be active in your cantly more; because it costs much, much more to run a life. This is what we have been seeking to communicate church today than it did in 1964. over the last 6 to 9 months. Without this, religion as we have known it in our lifetime will cease to exist. Which brings me back to Stewardship. By now all of you should have received your Stewardship packet which con- Now we as a Parish Council, and with the full cooperation tains a very beautiful Pledge Card that has no amounts on it. of Fr. Lou, made a conscious decision not to ask for money In past years there were always suggested amounts and a as we were told last year very clearly that we were always statement as to how much was required per Steward to op- asking for money. You may have noticed that we have re- erate the church. That is gone as well. However you now moved all amounts from the Stewardship Pledge Cards this know that it costs more than $1,200 per Steward for us to year. In fact the only number which appears on the card is have a Church in Greenlawn. Now in stating all this, the year 2015. We have also moved the collection trays to $1,200 is an average. Some are able to give more while the back of the church and they are not being passed. Nei- others can only afford a more modest amount. One thing ther of these means that the church no longer needs money. which is common to all of us is that, clearly, we all know Quite the contrary, we still need money. And because of that we should be making our Stewardship Pledge every attrition, we now are a community of 472 Stewards, and an January for the current year. annual Operating Budget of approximately $570,000, we Several years back the Parish Council adopted a rule that need on average $1,208 per Steward, this year, to open the requires the members of the Parish Council to act as leaders doors and turn on the lights so that there will be Liturgy on of our community and make their Stewardship Pledge by Sundays and Holy Days and a to serve us whenever February 15th of each year. I am pleased to report that we we need. have once again achieved that goal as the members of the Parish Council have pledged, on average, almost $1,500 per I mentioned last year in this Message that I was born and member to Stewardship in 2015. As a community to date baptized Catholic and I attended Christ the King Elemen- we have received 231 pledges totaling $160,870, or approx- tary School in Springfield Gardens, Queens. As school imately $696 per Steward. Last year at this time we had children attending the elementary school we were required 280 Pledged Stewards for a total of $200,150 or approxi- to attend mass every Sunday with our class; 1st graders mately $715 per Steward. right on up to the 8th graders. Back in those days the church kept track of and published who gave what in their So for those who have yet to make their 2015 Stewardship envelopes. Us school kids would put $.25, $.50, even $1 in Pledge, and even those of you who have already pledged for the little envelope we gave in every Sunday. This was not 2015, I ask that you reflect back on where your life would optional; this was required. It was the church’s way of be today if it weren’t for the church and this special place teaching us that we had an obligation to support the church we call St. Paraskevi. Then look out into the future. Don’t if we wanted to attend Mass on Sundays close by to where look out 50 years. Look out 100 years. Will there still be a we lived. In essence, if we wanted a church we had to sup- St. Paraskevi? Will future generations be thankful for our port it. We had to own it. If we wanted to practice our reli- commitment and sacrifice to keep our religion and this gion, we had to own it. place? It is up to me and you, to all of us, to sustain our religion Now my classmates and I weren’t the only ones putting into the future. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? money in the tray. Our parents were also putting money in the tray in envelopes which were also tracked. Typically We are all caretakers of this special place we call St. Par- families were giving anywhere from $1 to $10 per week in askevi. The question I would like you to ask of you today those envelopes. And this is back in 1963/64. is, will you own this special place?

Back then, in the early 1960’s, a Chevy Impala cost about CHRISTOS ANESTI! My Dear Fellow Parishioners, Last month I referred you to a letter written almost On behalf of our Ladies Philoptochos, I wish to THANK 40 years ago. Today I am pleased to have my fellow Par- VIVIAN DIMITRIOU and DOROTHY PANTASON for ish Council and Executive Board Member John Ioannou th hosting the March 8 lecture/video presentation of the re- speak with you about Stewardship. I also ask that you re- construction of St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Ze- read the President’s Letter in this months’ Message. ro. We are grateful for the continued support of our Stewardship Program and for each of you who participate Our sincere THANK YOU, to JERRY DIMITRIOU for in the Stewardship Program. narrating this very interesting lecture. We THANK OUR ST. PARASKEVI FAMILY for attending. We all ab- Thankful for all of God’s Blessings, sorbed knowledge of the magnitude of this project from its Steve Ramerini beginning stage to the projection of its completion. Stewardship Committee Co-Chairperson * * * We THANK OUR PHILOPTOCHOS SISTERS who pre- By John Ioannou, Parish Council Assistant Treasurer pared delicious Lenten appetizers and baked goods for our guests to enjoy. We THANK EVERYONE for their gener- (As it appeared in the Church bulletin.) ous donations following the lecture. We hope you enjoyed the presentation. This week’s thought on Stewardship, in a word is,

“Perception”. How do we as Parishioners perceive our role Philoptochos hosted the HIHI Dinner on March 12th. We in supporting the life of our Church, Saint Paraskevi? wish to THANK DIANE BENNIS and DOROTHY ATHA- Do we have the perception that Saint Paraskevi is NAS for coordinating the meal. THANK YOU to ALL sustained by a benefactor, endowment, the Archdiocese, who donated, purchased items, prepared dishes, and served Greek or Federal governments, and doesn’t really need our the Homeless. financial offering?

Do we have the perception that Saint Paraskevi will The Philoptochos has always been a great supporter of the be taken care of by someone else? Do we have the percep- HIHI program at St. Paraskevi by annually funding the pur- tion that Saint Paraskevi will always be here for our chil- chase of weekly breakfast food items from December dren and grandchildren? The simple answers to these per- through March. ceptions is no. The reality is, there is no right of passage.

In other words, each of us individually and collec- The TSOUREKIA PASCHA SALE will be on Saturday of tively must share the spiritual and financial responsibility Lazarus and on Palm Sunday. Please preorder your Tsou- to ensure that our Church will be passed on to our Children rekia to guarantee them on your holiday table. Don’t forget and our Grandchildren. Today Saint Paraskevi has savings to ship Tsourekia to your loved ones. to cover less than three months of expenses. Imagine the

lives of our children without Saint Paraskevi as a nucleus, Our 2nd ANNUAL MEN WHO COOK will be Saturday, a community of faith and fellowship, then consider your May 2. We wish to invite back, the wonderful men who Stewardship to Saint Paraskevi. Consider how often you prepared delicious dishes for us last year and we also wish come to Church, consider how often you give of your time to encourage others the opportunity to show off their cook- and consider your monetary support. ing talents. The prolific secularization of our society persists.

We live in a society where God, specifically a Christian This will be a fun night for all of us to enjoy great fellow- God is not popular. We have all heard “our grandparents ship, delicious foods, and work off the calories with Greek generation brought to America our Parents gen- Dancing to the sounds of DJ Kyriacos Parpas. eration built the Church’s”. And now what is the challenge With love to my sisters and family in Christ, of our generation? Our generation will either be the gener- Georgia Constantine ation that preserved the faith, or the generation that let the faith slip away.

Epitelos!! embodies all of his life's work. He ocesan District will be participating in a quotes St. Paul in his foreword: "But be Church Music Institute at the Archdioc- Finally!! Spring has sprung, although filled with spirit, speaking to ourselves esan Holy Cathedral in Manhat- as of this writing it still doesn't look it in and and spiritual tan which will be conducted by the not- or feel it, there is still so much snow songs, singing and making melody in ed Orthodox Church musician, Dean around, and still more arriving! But - it your heart to the Lord:" He goes on to Limberakis. Mr. Limberakis is the sounds like it!! Everyone is comment- say that it is hoped his book...will help Choir Director of the Annunciation ing about how the birds' singing has in the perpetuation of our vast Byzan- Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Boston, changed and how definitely their music tine musical heritage...and will influ- Massachusetts, teaches music and Byz- is springlike! And, of course, it is Great ence young and old alike to join their antine chant through western notation Lent and with it the church hymns that church choirs and even induce many to at Hellenic College/Holy Cross where are so special to this time of year that seek careers as choir directors in our he is the Director of the HC/HC Cho- your choir is busy practicing. . The late rale. Archbishop Iakovos of blessed memory CONCERTS: Sunday, April 26th, Sweet as sweetest Grecian honey commended Jimmy's Hymnal as a 2015, 5PM at St. Paul's Cathedral, the will my song be when I sing, "welcome addition" and went on to Hellenic Voices of Long Island will O Beloved, in the season of the Spring commend him for his "tireless ef- present a concert in a tribute to Vasilis - Ruben Dario attract choir mem- Tsitanis, composer,singer, bouzouki bers...particularly the younger who are player. All proceeds will support "TO Sad News: The Orthodox Church the future well as for posteri- HAMOGELO TOU PAIDIOU" music world has lost another noted ty". Eonia i mmi mi! May his memory FOUNDATION. Donation:$25.00 A church musician. Demetrios C. Pappas, be eternal! wine and cheese reception will follow. composer/arranger, chanter, singer, Sunday, March 1st, the Sunday of Thursday, April 30th, 2015, at 7:30 choir director, and teacher fell asleep in Orthodoxy, we were happy to have PM, An Anniversary Musical Tribute the Lord on Sunday evening, March Kathy Demacopoulos and the Junior to the late Archbishop Iakovos will be 8th, 2015, after singing in the Holy Choir join us once again with their an- presented at Saint Peters Church, Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Hicks- gelic voices, especially singing "Eis Citigroup Center, NYC. It will be an ville, choir directed by his daughter, Ayios" so beautifully, as did Andrew evening of music and narration with Leah Pappas Monias, and enjoying a Warren singing "Enite" solo. Megan The Alexiad Chorale, directed by Eleni lovely day with his family. Affection- Schiede, a 9th grader in the Junior Traganas, and with Guest Choral En- ately known as Jimmy by those who Choir, and Andrew, a senior, both ap- sembles, sponsored by The Hellenic- met or knew him, he was most recently peared in their high school's production American Chamber of Commerce; no so proud that the DAD Federation of of "Beauty and the Beast". charge for admission. A reception will Greek Orthodox Church Musicians' SAVE THE DATE!! COME TO follow. For further information see the Annual Scholarship had been renamed THE "CABARET" Saturday, April flyers in the hallway. "The Demetrios C. Pappas Educational 18th, The DAD Federation will be In other choir news we would like to Scholarship" in his honor, and in recog- holding its' third biennial Cabaret extend our condolences and deepest nition of his many accomplishments, Evening to benefit the Federation's De- sympathies to choir members Georgia mentoring and kindnesses over the span metrios C. Pappas Educational Scholar- and Peter Stavros upon the passing of of many years. Probably the most fa- ship Fund, at the Hellenic Room of St. Peter's sister, Diamando. Eonia i mni miliar of his compositions to St. Par- Paul's Cathedral, Hempstead, NY. We mi! May her memory be eternal! askevi parishioners is Jimmy's hope see you for a wonderful evening Until we meet again, we would like "Doxology" which we sing at the be- of entertainment and talent from across to wish you a Kali Anastasi and a Kalo ginning of the Divine Liturgy every our Archdiocesan District, also offering Pascha! Stay well and see you on Sun- Sunday, and which is even played mezedakia, wine, dessert and dancing day!! many times before weddings. to the music of a DJ. See choir member "Psalo to Theo mou eos iparho" "I Fay Pavlidis for tickets and information sing to my God as long as I exist" is a for a wonderful evening benefitting a phrase that can be found at the begin- great cause. ning of Jimmy's "Greek Orthodox CMI Saturday, March 28th, choir Hymnal", which he lived and which members from throughout the Archdi-

The Greek Independence Day Celebration was a suc- The Greek American Preschool celebrated many birthdays cess! The students performed and danced beautifully. It and giortes! They attended several liturgies and were in- was nice to see the children in their traditional Greek cos- troduced the letter upsilon and sigma. tumes! Thank you to the Greek School Board and parents that helped decorate, set up and clean up. Your involve- All of our students were busy this month learning the ment is very much appreciated! meaning of Lent and Easter. The 3 year old English class The Graduation Dinner Dance is Saturday, June has been focusing on Dr. Seuss and dental health. The pre- 6th at 6:30pm. All graduates must arrive at 6:00pm with school will be opening a 4 year old English program for their graduation caps and gowns! This end of the year Fall 2015 and another Greek Kindergarten program on graduation dinner dance is open to all students and their Saturdays from 9:30am-11am under the instruction of Kyr- families as we celebrate the 6th graders! Ticket sales will ia Foteini Papadopoulos. Please contact me if you are in- begin later this month into May. You may purchase tickets terested. during Greek school hours and Sundays after Liturgy: Adults $25, GOYAns $15, Children $10. There are many new classes for the 2014/2015 academic Greek School PTO Elections will be held next year: month. Please contact Cheryl or Joanne if you are inter- ested in running for a position: President, Vice Presi- Ta Morakia - Mommy and Me ages 0-2 dent, Treasurer, or Secretary. Wednesdays 10-11:45 April Snack Duty Ta Kouklakia - ages 2/3 years old 4/18 – Eleni Tiliakos & Alexandra Bennis Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30-12:30 4/25 – Lynn Hatzigianakis & Maria Brabender Soccer Program - 2 - 4 years old As a reminder, there will be no Greek School on Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 April 4th and April 11th. Kali Anastasi! Ta Poulakia - 4 years old GREEK SCHOOL PTO EVENTS: Tuesdays 3:30-5:30 Coffee Hour – Sunday, April 26 Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-3:30 Graduation Dinner Dance - Saturday, June 6th 6:30 - Ta Psarakia - 5 year olds 10:30pm Thursdays 4:30-6:00 If you have not been receiving emails and would Ta Psarakia - 5 year olds like to be added to the Greek School PTO email list please Saturdays 9:30-11:0 contact: [email protected]. [email protected]. NEW ENGLISH CLASS- 3 year olds Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-12:30.

The teacher has her undergraduate degree in Nursery through 6 and her graduate degree in Reading. The stu- Christos Anesti, dents will also have 30 minutes of gym with a Certified After a long cold and stormy winter, Spring has Phys. Ed teacher. finally arrived! With the better weather the care ministry can frequent our visitations with greater ease. A small Please join our preschool. It truly is a wonderful program. Easter service was performed by Father Lou at the numer- Check us out on Facebook at The Greek American Pre- ous facilities. school at Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Church. You The residents always enjoy participating by recit- can see our program in action. ing the beautiful prayers and hymns.If you wish to volun- teer or know of someone in need of visits, please contact If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact either the church office or Sophia De Monte Joanne Karipidis Kefalas at: (631.987.7633). Thank you to everyone who goes and vis- Jojobeba@aol or 516-606-2060. its those who may be home bound or in a facility, your time and effort is a blessing! In Christ, Sophia De Monte The Girl Scouts of St. Paraskevi would like to thank eve- Thank you to all of the Greek School families who signed ryone for their support on Scout Sunday. up to march in the Greek Independence Day Parade. All Greek School students who go to the parade and wear tra- ditional Greek costumes or navy suits, skirts and white The girls are looking forward to spring and our spring blouses will be allowed to ride the float. The experience events! The troops will again host their annual Mother's will be a very rewarding one. Day Tea for their mothers as well as plan field trips as the Please join the children of our Greek weather warms! School on Saturday, March 28th at 11:00am in the Com- munity Center as we will be celebrating the Feast of the The Girl Scouts will once again be cleaning the church in Annunciation and Greek Independence. If your child preparation for Pascha. would like to wear a traditional costume, that would be great. If not, please have him/her wear navy bottoms We will be re-registering in June for next year. (pants or skirt) with a white top. The children have been working diligently on learning songs, dances, and poems to honor this special day in our Greek heritage. This is the opportunity to register with us if you would There will be no Greek School classes on April 4th like to join us in the fall! and April 11th due to Easter. Classes will resume on April 18th. Please contact Agapi Bell at [email protected] if you We are already beginning to plan for the next are interested. school year. Early registration for the 2015-’16 school year will begin on Saturday, June 6, 2015. In order to par- ticipate in early registration all tuition payments must be paid in full for the 2014-’15 school year. Please make every effort to pay any outstanding tuition payments as they are now late. The Graduation Dinner Dance to congratulate the 2015 Greek School Graduates will be on June 6th at GOYA has been busy participating in a lot of events such 6:30pm. Best wishes for a Kali Anastasi and a blessed as: making and donating teddy bears for Ronald McDon- Easter. ald House, feeding the homeless, showing our Greek pride by marching in the parade, and participating in the Cathe- George Likourezos, Esq. dral Cup. Greek School Board President

There are a lot of upcoming events for GOYA. Since East- er is approaching, the GOYANs will be hosting the Lenten breakfast on April 4th following church services. We need GOYANs to help set up, serve, and clean up. We will also Happy Spring and Happy Easter!!! be selling lambathes at this breakfast, and after church ser- vices on Sundays. Saturday, April 18th we have volleyball Xristos Anesti to all of our St. Paraskevi Families. playoffs in Port Jefferson and on Sunday, April 19, GOYA will be having a souvlaki sale after church. Our Little Angels can’t wait to get outside and play!

Little Angels has a new date and time!! We will meet eve- Now that the warmer weather is starting to come back, we ry other Tuesday in the upstairs youth room at 12:30. hope to have our attendance back up at our weekly meet- ings. We have arts and crafts, a visit from our priest, socializa- tion and play time for our little ones. If you have a child Happy Easter and Kali Anastasi between the ages of birth to preschool and are interested in signing your child up for this ministry, please contact one of our advisors; Alexandra Bennis [email protected] Christina Borzumato at [email protected].

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty volunteers who either prepare dinners or volunteer their and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me services on Thursday nights and Friday mornings, do so in...Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or several times during the winter season. Members of the thirsty and give You drink...And the King will answer and parish council, The Ladies Philoptochos Society, our say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did GOYA, many of our parishioners, scout troops and stu- it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to dents from Burr Intermediate School in Commack, headed Me." Mathew 25:35 ,37,40 by our fellow parishioner, Kathy Vasilopoulos Finkin, all The Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initiative pro- give generously so the men who are without the basic ne- gram, (HIHI) gives us the opportunity to do as asked cessities in life, this being shelter and food, can have them us; to help those who do not have a warm home to go, or during the coldest months of the year! food to consume, most especially during the cold months between December and March. THANK YOU TO ALL FOR DOING THAT WHICH With Fr Lou at the helm, the parishioners practice CHRIST ASKED US TO DO. what Jesus asked us to do, when we host the HIHI program in our church hall, during the winter months. Doing so, has May we have the ability to continue to do the will of our enabled men who do not have a warm home to which to go Lord for many years ahead, with the guidance of Fr. during the cold and some times brutal nights of winter, Lou. ( this winter being one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record), to have a safe haven from the cold temperatures Sincerely, and to receive warm meals. Here in our Hellenic Hall, the Anastasia G Geotes men have the opportunity to clean up with the toiletry kits with which they are provided every night they are here, eat a delicious meal prepared by our parishioners, sleep in a comfortable and well heated facility, eat a hearty breakfast Friday morning, and then leave with a lunch bag in hand. The Letter From Magda I have mentioned in each article I have submitted in the past for The Message, that we are able to have so many 'My dearest Johanna, beautiful community outreach programs such as the HIHI I pray you never have to read this letter while your father program, because of the generosity of our priest and the parishioners of this church. We are fortunate that we have and I are alive.' the financial ability to give to others. . Fr. Lou, our spiritual father, Demetra Doscas and Marion Moricca. who are the coordinators of the HIHI pro- So begins Magda's letter to her daugh- gram for our church, the Ladies Philoptochos of St Par- ter urging her to change identity, and askevi, The Greek Grill in Dix Hills, Mr George Vlachos Esq, the parishioners of St Paraskevi Greek Orthodox to run and hide. Unable to decipher Church, and St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church are re- her mother's warning letter after sur- sponsible for this very successful community outreach pro- viving an assault in Switzerland, a gram. Mr Mavromoustakos, owner of The Greek Grill, has wounded Johanna Wagner returns provided avgolemono soup and lentil soup every night our guests are here, since the beginning of the HIHI program, home to uncover the family mystery. the winter of 2004-2005. Mr George Vlachos has provided Johanna and Michael Warner, the doomed and surviving the lunch items many times throughout each winter season, children of the condemned families, find each other and for several years. Thank you to the many volunteers who unite against pursuing killers as they run and hide to unrav- either prepare or provide the necessary items for the meals, (dinners and lunches) given to the men, or are here for the el the deadly mystery various shifts to help serve, supervise, give out blankets, pillows etc, or prepare the breakfasts very early each Friday morning, with breakfast items the Ladies Philoptochos pro- vide throughout the 4 months of the program. Many of our 2015 STEWARDSHIP

Every year, during and Holy Week, the , Kouvouklion, and are adorned with magnificent and beautiful flowers. If you are interested in assisting with the preparation and beautifying of the Church for the Lenten season, whether it be by decorating the icons and/or making a donation towards the purchase of flowers, please contact the Church office. God bless the entire community of St. Paraskevi for the many decades of love and caring that has been offered during this very sacred time of the Church.

Wanted: Choir Members Positions Open: Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass (No Others Need Apply)

Physical Qualifications: M ust be able to car- ry light musical notes part way across the church. Must have sufficient vision to see the di- rector from twenty feet away.

Experience: No applications accepted from per- sons who have not sung, hummed or whistled in the tub or shower.

Wages: Satisfaction and joy in God’s service.

Fringe Benefits: Social Security - We promise you the security of social fellowship with other members of the choir.

Hours: Sunday mornings, with occasional op- portunities for overtime. (at above mentioned wages)

Vacation: Missed rehearsals and worship ser- vices are primarily a matter of conscience and the ability to return the glares and pointed re- marks of the director.

Retirement: No particular age, but it is gener- ally determined by prayer, printed notes getting too small, robe too heavy, notes too high, church too hot (or cold), or organist unable to play the notes you sing.

Rehearsals: Only when necessary.

Apply: By attending our next rehearsal, by contacting the director, or contacting Pauline Kitsopoulos at: [email protected].

Official Photographer of St. Paraskevi

Email: [email protected]



John C. Tsunis Maria Gasparis


Palm Sunday Orthros - 8:30am Divine Liturgy - 9:30am Nymphios Service - 7:30pm

Holy Monday Nymphios Service - 7:30pm

Holy Tuesday Nymphios Service - 7:30pm Bishop Sebastian will preside

Holy Wednesday First Unction Service - 3:00pm Second Unction Service - 7:00pm

Holy Thursday Divine Liturgy of St. Basil - 6:00am (This is the only Divine Liturgy)

Service of The 12 Gospels - 7:00pm

Holy Friday Royal Hours - 9:00am Apokathelosis - 3:00pm Epitaphios Service - 7:30pm

Holy Saturday Divine Liturgy of St. Basil - 6:00am Divine Liturgy of St. Basil - 9:00am Anastasi Service - 11:00pm

Easter Sunday Agape Vespers - 11:00am